stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
public static StringBuilder leftShift(StringBuilder self, Object value) {
return self;
} | [
"Overloads the left shift operator to provide syntactic sugar for appending to a StringBuilder.\n\n@param self a StringBuilder\n@param value an Object\n@return the original StringBuilder\n@since 1.8.2"
] | [
"If the Artifact does not exist, it will add it to the database. Nothing if it already exit.\n\n@param fromClient DbArtifact",
"Release all memory addresses taken by this allocator.\nBe careful in using this method, since all of the memory addresses become invalid.",
"Change contrast of the image\n\n@param contrast default is 0, pos values increase contrast, neg. values decrease contrast",
"Returns the perma link for the current page based on the URI and detail content id stored in the CmsObject passed as a parameter.<p<\n\n@param cms the CMS context to use to generate the permalink\n\n@return the permalink",
"Used to NOT the argument clause specified.",
"Read file content to string.\n\n@param filePath\nthe file path\n@return the string\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Answer a List of InCriteria based on values, each InCriteria\ncontains only inLimit values\n@param attribute\n@param values\n@param negative\n@param inLimit the maximum number of values for IN (-1 for no limit)\n@return List of InCriteria",
"Gets an overrideID for a class name, method name\n\n@param className name of class\n@param methodName name of method\n@return override ID of method",
"Roll the years forward or backward.\n\n@param startDate - The start date\n@param years - Negative to rollbackwards."
] |
public static vpath[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
vpath obj = new vpath();
vpath[] response = (vpath[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the vpath resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Delete a license from the repository\n\n@param licName The name of the license to remove",
"Collection of JRVariable\n\n@param variables\n@return",
"Get the SuggestionsInterface.\n\n@return The SuggestionsInterface",
"Marshal the assertion as a JSON object.\n\n@param assertion the assertion to marshal",
"Run a task periodically and indefinitely.\n\n@param task\nTask to run.\n@param delay\nThe first execution will happen in {@code delay} seconds.\n@param period\nSubsequent executions will happen every {@code period} seconds\nafter the first.\n@return An interface that lets you query the status; cancel; or\nreschedule the event.",
"Sets a header per-request\n\n@param key Header key\n@param value Header value\n@return The request itself",
"Use this API to fetch responderpolicy resource of given name .",
"Used to map from a var data key to a field type. Note this\nis designed for diagnostic use only, and uses an inefficient search.\n\n@param key var data key\n@return field type",
"Hide multiple channels. All other channels will be shown.\n@param channels The channels to hide"
] |
public ViewPort then(Functions.Func1<ViewPortChange> then, ViewPortFallback fallback) {
assert then != null : "'then' callback cannot be null";
this.then = then;
this.fallback = fallback;
return load();
} | [
"Load the view port execution.\n\n@param then callback when the view port is detected.\n@param fallback fallback when no view port detected or failure to detect the given\n{@link Boundary} (using {@link #propagateFallback(boolean)})"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch dnsview resources of given names .",
"Read an optional string value form a JSON Object.\n@param json the JSON object to read from.\n@param key the key for the string value in the provided JSON object.\n@param defaultValue the default value, to be returned if the string can not be read from the JSON object.\n@return the string or the default value if reading the string fails.",
"Delete a record.\n\n@param referenceId the reference ID.",
"Write flow id to message.\n\n@param message the message\n@param flowId the flow id",
"Post-configure retreival of server engine.",
"Extracts out a matrix from source given a sub matrix with arbitrary rows and columns specified in\ntwo array lists\n\n@param src Source matrix. Not modified.\n@param rows array of row indexes\n@param rowsSize maximum element in row array\n@param cols array of column indexes\n@param colsSize maximum element in column array\n@param dst output matrix. Must be correct shape.",
"Process the standard working hours for a given day.\n\n@param mpxjCalendar MPXJ Calendar instance\n@param uniqueID unique ID sequence generation\n@param day Day instance\n@param typeList Planner list of days",
"Gets the list of failed invocations that has been collected by this collector.\n\n@return The failed invocations.",
"Extracts the last revision id from the JSON response returned\nby the API after an edit\n\n@param response\nthe response as returned by Mediawiki\n@return\nthe new revision id of the edited entity\n@throws JsonMappingException"
] |
public static final Date parseFinishDateTime(String value)
Date result = parseDateTime(value);
if (result != null)
result = DateHelper.addDays(result, -1);
return result;
} | [
"Convert the Phoenix representation of a finish date time into a Date instance.\n\n@param value Phoenix date time\n@return Date instance"
] | [
"Quick and dirty XML text escape.\n\n@param sb working string buffer\n@param text input text\n@return escaped text",
"Saves the favorites.\n\n@param favorites the list of favorites to save\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong",
"Return the profileId for a path\n\n@param path_id ID of path\n@return ID of profile\n@throws Exception exception",
"Set the role info for this user. If set, this will be used to set the user's authorizations.\n\n@param roles the roles\n@since 1.10.0",
"Retrieves the project start date. If an explicit start date has not been\nset, this method calculates the start date by looking for\nthe earliest task start date.\n\n@return project start date",
"Evaluates the animation with the given index at the specified time.\n@param animIndex 0-based index of {@link GVRAnimator} to start\n@param timeInSec time to evaluate the animation at\n@see GVRAvatar#stop()\n@see #start(String)",
"Shutdown the server\n\n@throws Exception exception",
"Remove a partition from the node provided\n\n@param node The node from which we're removing the partition\n@param donatedPartition The partitions to remove\n@return The new node without the partition",
"Use this API to fetch all the dnsaaaarec resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public Collection<FieldNode> removeAndGetCandidatesWithoutInitialisingMethod() {
final List<FieldNode> result = new ArrayList<FieldNode>();
for (final Map.Entry<FieldNode, Initialisers> entry : candidatesAndInitialisers.entrySet()) {
final Initialisers setters = entry.getValue();
final List<MethodNode> initialisingMethods = setters.getMethods();
if (initialisingMethods.isEmpty()) {
for (final FieldNode unassociatedVariable : result) {
return result;
} | [
"Removes all candidates from this collection which are not\nassociated with an initialising method.\n\n@return a {@code Collection} containing the removed\nunassociated candidates. This list is empty if none\nwere removed, i. e. the result is never {@code null}."
] | [
"Append a Handler to a portion of the handler tree\n@param parent The parent to add the child to\n@param child The Handler to add.",
"Remove all non replica clock entries from the list of versioned values\nprovided\n\n@param vals list of versioned values to prune replicas from\n@param keyReplicas list of current replicas for the given key\n@param didPrune flag to mark if we did actually prune something\n@return pruned list",
"Emit an enum event with parameters and force all listener to be called synchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(Enum, Object...)",
"Returns a new color that has the hue adjusted by the specified\namount.",
"a small static helper to set the image from the imageHolder nullSave to the imageView\n\n@param imageHolder\n@param imageView\n@param tag used to identify imageViews and define different placeholders\n@return true if an image was set",
"Writes all data that was collected about classes to a json file.",
"Use this API to fetch wisite_binding resource of given name .",
"Initialize elements of the panel displayed for the deactivated widget.",
"Very basic implementation of an inner join between two result sets.\n\n@param leftRows left result set\n@param leftColumn left foreign key column\n@param rightTable right table name\n@param rightRows right result set\n@param rightColumn right primary key column\n@return joined result set"
] |
public void onNavigationServiceCTAClick() {
Intent intentService = HensonNavigator.gotoModule1Service(this)
} | [
"Launch Navigation Service residing in the navigation module"
] | [
"Indicates if the type is a simple Web Bean\n\n@param clazz The type to inspect\n@return True if simple Web Bean, false otherwise",
"Determines if a point is inside a box.",
"Emit an event object with parameters.\n\nThis will invoke all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the event object\nclass given the listeners has the matching argument list.\n\nIf there is no parameter passed in, i.e. `args.length == 0`, then it will\nalso invoke all the {@link ActEventListener} bound to the event class.\n\nFor example, suppose we have the following Event defined:\n\n```java\npublic class UserActivityEvent extends ActEvent<User> {\npublic UserActivityEvent(User user) {super(user);}\n}\n```\n\nAnd we have the following event handler defined:\n\n```java\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void logUserLogin(UserActivityEvent event, long timestamp) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(UserActivityEvent, Object... args) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void foo(UserActivityEvent event) {...}\n```\n\nThe following code will invoke `logUserLogin` and `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts` methods:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(new UserActivityEvent(user), System.currentTimeMills());\n```\n\nThe `foo(UserActivityEvent)` will not invoked because:\n\n* The parameter list `(UserActivityEvent, long)` does not match the declared\nargument list `(UserActivityEvent)`. Here the `String` in the parameter\nlist is taken out because it is used to indicate the event, instead of being\npassing through to the event handler method.\n* The method `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(UserActivityEvent, Object ...)` will\nbe invoked because it declares a varargs typed arguments, meaning it matches\nany parameters passed in.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see SimpleEventListener",
"Retrieve the value of a UDF.\n\n@param udf UDF value holder\n@return UDF value",
"Call the appropriate handler for handling the httprequest. 404 if path is not found. 405 if path is found but\nhttpMethod does not match what's configured.\n\n@param request instance of {@code HttpRequest}\n@param responder instance of {@code HttpResponder} to handle the request.",
"Converts a tab delimited string into an object with given fields\nRequires the object has setXxx functions for the specified fields\n\n@param objClass Class of object to be created\n@param str string to convert\n@param delimiterRegex delimiter regular expression\n@param fieldNames fieldnames\n@param <T> type to return\n@return Object created from string",
"Set dates where the event should not take place, even if they are part of the series.\n@param dates dates to set.",
"Gets the info for a running build\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param buildId the unique identifier of the build",
"Checks whether the property of the given name is allowed for the model element.\n\n@param defClass The class of the model element\n@param propertyName The name of the property\n@return <code>true</code> if the property is allowed for this type of model elements"
] |
public static base_responses delete(nitro_service client, dnstxtrec resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
dnstxtrec deleteresources[] = new dnstxtrec[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
deleteresources[i] = new dnstxtrec();
deleteresources[i].domain = resources[i].domain;
deleteresources[i].String = resources[i].String;
deleteresources[i].recordid = resources[i].recordid;
result = delete_bulk_request(client, deleteresources);
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to delete dnstxtrec resources."
] | [
"A property tied to the map, updated when the idle state event is fired.\n\n@return",
"Get the literal value for an expression.\n\n@param expression expression\n@return literal value",
"Creates a resource key for given enumeration value. By convention,\nresource bundle for enumerations has the name of enumeration class\nand value identifier is the same as enumeration value name.\n@param value the enumeration value\n@return the resource key",
"return a generic Statement for the given ClassDescriptor",
"Parse a string representation of a Boolean value.\nXER files sometimes have \"N\" and \"Y\" to indicate boolean\n\n@param value string representation\n@return Boolean value",
"Get the server redirects belonging to a server group\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@param serverGroupId ID of server group\n@return Collection of ServerRedirect for a server group",
"Given a date represented by a Date instance, set the time\ncomponent of the date based on the hours and minutes of the\ntime supplied by the Date instance.\n\n@param date Date instance representing the date\n@param canonicalTime Date instance representing the time of day\n@return new Date instance with the required time set",
"Execute the transactional flow - catch all exceptions\n\n@param input Initial data input\n@return Try that represents either success (with result) or failure (with errors)",
"This method retrieves the data at the given offset and returns\nit as a String, assuming the underlying data is composed of\nsingle byte characters.\n\n@param offset offset of required data\n@return string containing required data"
] |
public static base_response add(nitro_service client, nslimitselector resource) throws Exception {
nslimitselector addresource = new nslimitselector();
addresource.selectorname = resource.selectorname;
addresource.rule = resource.rule;
return addresource.add_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to add nslimitselector."
] | [
"Called when the layout is applied to the data\n@param container WidgetContainer to access the org.gearvrf.org.gearvrf.widgetlib in the layout\n@param viewPortSize View port for data set",
"Refresh the layout element.",
"Parse the given file to obtains a Properties object.\n\n@param file\n@return a properties object containing all the properties present in the file.\n@throws InvalidDeclarationFileException",
"Sets the occurence.\n\n@param min the min\n@param max the max\n@throws ParseException the parse exception",
"Parses a String email address to an IMAP address string.",
"marks the message as read",
"Creates the string mappings.\n\n@param mtasTokenIdFactory\nthe mtas token id factory\n@param level\nthe level\n@param stringValue\nthe string value\n@param offsetStart\nthe offset start\n@param offsetEnd\nthe offset end\n@param position\nthe position\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Queries taking longer than this limit to execute are logged.\n@param queryExecuteTimeLimit the limit to set in milliseconds.\n@param timeUnit",
"Creates a file logger in the current thread. The file is in XML format, suitable for interpretation by Eclipse's Drools Audit View\nor other tools. Note that while events are written as they happen, the file will not be flushed until it is closed or the underlying\nfile buffer is filled. If you need real time logging then use a Console Logger or a Threaded File Logger.\n\n@param session\n@param fileName - .log is appended to this.\n@return"
] |
public void deploy(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
final List<? extends HasMetadata> entities = deploy("application", inputStream);
if (this.applicationName == null) {
Optional<String> deployment = entities.stream()
.filter(hm -> hm instanceof Deployment)
.map(hm -> (Deployment) hm)
.map(rc -> rc.getMetadata().getName()).findFirst();
deployment.ifPresent(name -> this.applicationName = name);
} | [
"Deploys application reading resources from specified InputStream\n\n@param inputStream where resources are read\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Reads a quoted string value from the request.",
"Creates a converter function that converts value using a constructor that accepts a single String argument.\n\n@return A converter function or {@code null} if the given type doesn't have a public constructor that accepts\na single String argument.",
"Converts a time represented as an integer to a Date instance.\n\n@param time integer time\n@return Date instance",
"Use this API to fetch all the appfwsignatures resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Gets the UTF-8 sequence length of the code point.\n\n@throws InvalidCodePointException if code point is not within a valid range",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of appfwpolicylabel_stats resource of given name .",
"Convert a name into initials.\n\n@param name source name\n@return initials",
"Sets the bottom padding character for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingBottomChar new padding character, ignored if null\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Add a module.\n\n@param moduleName the module name\n@param slot the module slot\n@param newHash the new hash of the added content\n@return the builder"
] |
protected void unregisterDriver(){
String jdbcURL = this.config.getJdbcUrl();
if ((jdbcURL != null) && this.config.isDeregisterDriverOnClose()){
logger.info("Unregistering JDBC driver for : "+jdbcURL);
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.info("Unregistering driver failed.", e);
} | [
"Drops a driver from the DriverManager's list."
] | [
"Access all currencies known.\n\n@param providers the (optional) specification of providers to consider.\n@return the list of known currencies, never null.",
"Converts the provided javascript object to JSON string.\n\n<p>If the object is a Map instance, it is stringified as key-value pairs, if it is a list, it is stringified as\na list, otherwise the object is merely converted to string using the {@code toString()} method.\n\n@param object the object to stringify.\n\n@return the object as a JSON string",
"Check if there is an attribute which tells us which concrete class is to be instantiated.",
"Will spawn a thread for each type in rootEntities, they will all re-join\non endAllSignal when finished.\n\n@param backend\n\n@throws InterruptedException\nif interrupted while waiting for endAllSignal.",
"Gets all rows.\n\n@return the list of all rows",
"Read a text stream into a single string.\n\n@param inputStream\nStream containing text. Will be closed on exit.\n@return The contents, or null on error.",
"Parse the XML for a collection as returned by getTree call.\n\n@param collectionElement\n@return",
"Performs a HTTP GET request.\n\n@return Class type of object T (i.e. {@link Response}",
"Converts an image to a RGBA direct color model using a workaround via buffered image directly calling the\nColorConvert operation fails for unknown reasons ?!\n\n@param img image to convert\n@return converted image"
] |
int query(int downloadId) {
synchronized (mCurrentRequests) {
for (DownloadRequest request : mCurrentRequests) {
if (request.getDownloadId() == downloadId) {
return request.getDownloadState();
return DownloadManager.STATUS_NOT_FOUND;
} | [
"Returns the current download state for a download request.\n\n@param downloadId\n@return"
] | [
"Sets the top padding character for all cells in the row.\n@param paddingTopChar new padding character, ignored if null\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Parses a raw WBS value from the database and breaks it into\ncomponent parts ready for formatting.\n\n@param value raw WBS value",
"Substitute the variables in the given expression with the\nvalues from the resolver\n\n@param pResolver\n@param pExpression",
"Loads all localizations not already loaded.\n@throws CmsException thrown if locking a file fails.\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException thrown if reading a file fails.\n@throws IOException thrown if reading a file fails.",
"Merge the two maps.\n\n<p>\nThe replied map is a view on the given map. It means that any change\nin the original map is reflected to the result of this operation.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nIf a key exists in the left and right operands, the value in the right operand is preferred.\n</p>\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param left the left map.\n@param right the right map.\n@return a map with the merged contents from the two maps.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException - when a right operand key exists in the left operand.\n@since 2.15",
"Perform the work of processing the various OperationContext.Stage queues, and then the DONE stage.",
"Adds all items from the iterable to the Collection.\n\n@param self the collection\n@param items the items to add\n@return true if the collection changed",
"The service name to be removed. Can be overridden for unusual service naming patterns\n@param name The name of the resource being removed\n@return The service name to remove. May return {@code null} if only removal based on {@code unavailableCapabilities}\npassed to the constructor are to be performed",
"Adds all options from the passed container to this container.\n\n@param container a container with options to add"
] |
public Snackbar actionLabel(CharSequence actionButtonLabel) {
mActionLabel = actionButtonLabel;
if (snackbarAction != null) {
return this;
} | [
"Sets the action label to be displayed, if any. Note that if this is not set, the action\nbutton will not be displayed\n\n@param actionButtonLabel\n@return"
] | [
"Method used as dynamical parameter converter",
"Removes CRs but returns LFs",
"Given a DocumentVersionInfo, returns a BSON document representing the next version. This means\nand incremented version count for a non-empty version, or a fresh version document for an\nempty version.\n@return a BsonDocument representing a synchronization version",
"Takes the file, reads it in, and prints out the likelihood of each possible\nlabel at each point.\n\n@param filename\nThe path to the specified file",
"Attach a metadata cache file to a particular player media slot, so the cache will be used instead of querying\nthe player for metadata. This supports operation with metadata during shows where DJs are using all four player\nnumbers and heavily cross-linking between them.\n\nIf the media is ejected from that player slot, the cache will be detached.\n\n@param slot the media slot to which a meta data cache is to be attached\n@param file the metadata cache to be attached\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem reading the cache file\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid player number or slot is supplied\n@throws IllegalStateException if the metadata finder is not running",
"Adds a JSON string representing to the DB.\n\n@param obj the JSON to record\n@return the number of rows in the table, or DB_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR/DB_UPDATE_ERROR",
"Should this request URI be compressed?\n\n@param requestUri request URI\n@return true when should be compressed",
"Returns data tree structured as Transloadit expects it.\n\n@param data\n@return {@link Map}\n@throws LocalOperationException",
"Convert one project file format to another.\n\n@param inputFile input file\n@param outputFile output file\n@throws Exception"
] |
public static Builder builder(Revapi revapi) {
List<String> knownExtensionIds = new ArrayList<>();
addExtensionIds(revapi.getPipelineConfiguration().getApiAnalyzerTypes(), knownExtensionIds);
addExtensionIds(revapi.getPipelineConfiguration().getTransformTypes(), knownExtensionIds);
addExtensionIds(revapi.getPipelineConfiguration().getFilterTypes(), knownExtensionIds);
addExtensionIds(revapi.getPipelineConfiguration().getReporterTypes(), knownExtensionIds);
return new Builder(knownExtensionIds);
} | [
"Returns a new analysis context builder that extracts the information about the available extensions from\nthe provided Revapi instance.\n\n<p>The extensions have to be known so that both old and new style of configuration can be usefully worked with.\n\n@param revapi the revapi instance to read the available extensions from\n@return a new analysis context builder"
] | [
"Adds a port that serves the HTTP requests. If unspecified, cleartext HTTP on port 36462 is used.\n\n@param localAddress the TCP/IP load address to bind\n@param protocol {@link SessionProtocol#HTTP} or {@link SessionProtocol#HTTPS}",
"Return the value from the field in the object that is defined by this FieldType. If the field is a foreign object\nthen the ID of the field is returned instead.",
"As part of checking whether a metadata cache can be auto-mounted for a particular media slot, this method\nlooks up the track at the specified offset within the player's track list, and returns its rekordbox ID.\n\n@param slot the slot being considered for auto-attaching a metadata cache\n@param client the connection to the database server on the player holding that slot\n@param offset an index into the list of all tracks present in the slot\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem communicating with the player",
"Returns true if required properties for FluoAdmin are set",
"Handle unbind service event.\n@param service Service instance\n@param props Service reference properties",
"Recursively builds the VFS entry bean for the quick filtering function in the folder tab.<p<\n\n@param resource the resource\n@param childMap map from parent to child resources\n@param filterMatches the resources matching the filter\n@param parentPaths root paths of resources which are not leaves\n@param isRoot true if this the root node\n\n@return the VFS entry bean for the client\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong",
"Sets the name of the attribute group with which this attribute is associated.\n\n@param attributeGroup the attribute group name. Cannot be an empty string but can be {@code null}\nif the attribute is not associated with a group.\n@return a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition",
"Is alternative.\n\n@param annotated the annotated\n@param mergedStereotypes merged stereotypes\n@return true if alternative, false otherwise",
"Initialises JMX stuff.\n@param doRegister if true, perform registration, if false unregister"
] |
private void highlightSlice(PieModel _Slice) {
int color = _Slice.getColor();
Math.min((int) (mHighlightStrength * (float) Color.red(color)), 0xff),
Math.min((int) (mHighlightStrength * (float) Color.green(color)), 0xff),
Math.min((int) (mHighlightStrength * (float) Color.blue(color)), 0xff)
} | [
"Calculate the highlight color. Saturate at 0xff to make sure that high values\ndon't result in aliasing.\n\n@param _Slice The Slice which will be highlighted."
] | [
"Use this API to add snmpmanager resources.",
"Register a new DropPasteWorkerInterface.\n@param worker The new worker",
"Looks up a variable given its name. If none is found then return null.",
"Resolve the disposal method for the given producer method. Any resolved\nbeans will be marked as such for the purpose of validating that all\ndisposal methods are used. For internal use.\n\n@param types the types\n@param qualifiers The binding types to match\n@param declaringBean declaring bean\n@return The set of matching disposal methods",
"Extract data for a single predecessor.\n\n@param task parent task\n@param row Synchro predecessor data",
"Add some of the release build properties to a map.",
"Returns the corresponding mac section, or null if this address section does not correspond to a mac section.\nIf this address section has a prefix length it is ignored.\n\n@param extended\n@return",
"Sets the node meta data but allows overwriting values.\n\n@param key - the meta data key\n@param value - the meta data value\n@return the old node meta data value for this key\n@throws GroovyBugError if key is null",
"Add a '>' clause so the column must be greater-than the value."
] |
public static <E> String serialize(E object, ParameterizedType<E> parameterizedType) throws IOException {
return mapperFor(parameterizedType).serialize(object);
} | [
"Serialize a parameterized object to a JSON String.\n\n@param object The object to serialize.\n@param parameterizedType The ParameterizedType describing the object. Ex: LoganSquare.serialize(object, new ParameterizedType<MyModel<OtherModel>>() { });"
] | [
"Create a HashSet with the given initial values.\n\n@param values The values\n@param <T> The type.",
"Returns server group by ID\n\n@param id ID of server group\n@return ServerGroup\n@throws Exception exception",
"Adds folders to perform the search in.\n@param folders Folders to search in.",
"Given the current and final cluster dumps it into the output directory\n\n@param currentCluster Initial cluster metadata\n@param finalCluster Final cluster metadata\n@param outputDirName Output directory where to dump this file\n@throws IOException",
"Joins the individual WBS elements to make the formated value.\n\n@param length number of elements to join\n@return formatted WBS value",
"Check if a module can be promoted in the Grapes server\n\n@param name\n@param version\n@return a boolean which is true only if the module can be promoted\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException",
"Returns a short class name for an object.\nThis is the class name stripped of any package name.\n\n@return The name of the class minus a package name, for example\n<code>ArrayList</code>",
"compares two java files",
"Return the list of module dependencies\n\n@param moduleName\n@param moduleVersion\n@param fullRecursive\n@param corporate\n@param thirdParty\n@return List<Dependency>\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException"
] |
public static Method getBridgeMethodTarget(Method someMethod) {
TraitBridge annotation = someMethod.getAnnotation(TraitBridge.class);
if (annotation==null) {
return null;
Class aClass = annotation.traitClass();
String desc = annotation.desc();
for (Method method : aClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
String methodDescriptor = BytecodeHelper.getMethodDescriptor(method.getReturnType(), method.getParameterTypes());
if (desc.equals(methodDescriptor)) {
return method;
return null;
} | [
"Reflection API to find the method corresponding to the default implementation of a trait, given a bridge method.\n@param someMethod a method node\n@return null if it is not a method implemented in a trait. If it is, returns the method from the trait class."
] | [
"Detect and apply waves, now or when the widget is attached.\n\n@param widget target widget to ensure is attached first",
"Returns the first product found in the vector of calibration products\nwhich matches the given symbol, where symbol is the String set in\nthe calibrationSpecs.\n\n@param symbol A given symbol string.\n@return The product associated with that symbol.",
"Returns a TypeConverter for a given class.\n\n@param cls The class for which the TypeConverter should be fetched.",
"Post the specified photo to a blog. Note that the Photo.title and Photo.description are used for the blog entry title and body respectively.\n\n@param photo\nThe photo metadata\n@param blogId\nThe blog ID\n@param blogPassword\nThe blog password\n@throws FlickrException",
"Get the names of all current registered providers.\n\n@return the names of all current registered providers, never null.",
"Remove the sequence for given sequence name.\n\n@param sequenceName Name of the sequence to remove.",
"Gets the URL of the first service that have been created during the current session.\n\n@return URL of the first service.",
"Read a Synchro time from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return Date instance",
"Write the work weeks associated with this calendar.\n\n@param xmlCalendar XML calendar instance\n@param mpxjCalendar MPXJ calendar instance"
] |
public String calculateCacheKey(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability){
StringBuilder tmp = calculateCacheKeyInternal(sql, resultSetType,
tmp.append(", H:");
return tmp.toString();
} | [
"Simply appends the given parameters and returns it to obtain a cache key\n@param sql\n@param resultSetConcurrency\n@param resultSetHoldability\n@param resultSetType\n@return cache key to use"
] | [
"Determine if a CharSequence can be parsed as an Integer.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return true if the CharSequence can be parsed\n@see #isInteger(String)\n@since 1.8.2",
"Inserts a child task prior to a given sibling task.\n\n@param child new child task\n@param previousSibling sibling task",
"Converts this IPv6 address segment into smaller segments,\ncopying them into the given array starting at the given index.\n\nIf a segment does not fit into the array because the segment index in the array is out of bounds of the array,\nthen it is not copied.\n\n@param segs\n@param index",
"Get the property name from the expression.\n\n@param expression expression\n@return property name",
"Calculate start dates for a daily recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates",
"Append the Parameter\nAdd the place holder ? or the SubQuery\n@param value the value of the criteria",
"Convert a field value to something suitable to be stored in the database.",
"Called when is removed the parent of the scene object.\n\n@param parent Old parent of this scene object.",
"Generates a download id for the request and adds the download request to the download request queue for the dispatchers pool to act on immediately.\n\n@param request\n@return downloadId"
] |
public ConnectionInfo getConnection(String name) {
final URI uri = uriWithPath("./connections/" + encodePathSegment(name));
return this.rt.getForObject(uri, ConnectionInfo.class);
} | [
"Retrieves state and metrics information for individual client connection.\n\n@param name connection name\n@return connection information"
] | [
"Disable certificate verification.\n\n@throws KeyManagementException\nthe key management exception\n@throws NoSuchAlgorithmException\nthe no such algorithm exception",
"Tests if this partition has hit a threshold and signal to the pool watch thread to create new connections\n@param connectionPartition to test for.",
"Return the coding scheme to IOB1 coding, regardless of what was used\ninternally. This is useful for scoring against CoNLL test output.\n\n@param tokens List of tokens in some NER encoding",
"read messages beginning from offset\n\n@param offset next message offset\n@param length the max package size\n@return a MessageSet object with length data or empty\n@see MessageSet#Empty\n@throws IOException any exception",
"Label accessor provided for JSON serialization only.",
"Add the given headers to the given HTTP request.\n@param httpRequest the request to add the headers to\n@param headers the headers to add",
"Add the elements that all values objects require from the provided values object.\n\n@param sourceValues the values object containing the required elements",
"Try to get the line number associated with the given member.\n\nThe reflection API does not expose such an info and so we need to analyse the bytecode. Unfortunately, it seems there is no way to get this kind of\ninformation for fields. Moreover, the <code>LineNumberTable</code> attribute is just optional, i.e. the compiler is not required to store this\ninformation at all. See also <a href=\"http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.1\">Java Virtual Machine Specification</a>\n\nImplementation note: it wouldn't be appropriate to add a bytecode scanning dependency just for this functionality, therefore Apache BCEL included in\nOracle JDK 1.5+ and OpenJDK 1.6+ is used. Other JVMs should not crash as we only use it if it's on the classpath and by means of reflection calls.\n\n@param member\n@param resourceLoader\n@return the line number or 0 if it's not possible to find it",
"Make a list value containing the specified values."
] |
boolean advance() {
if (header.frameCount <= 0) {
return false;
if(framePointer == getFrameCount() - 1) {
if(header.loopCount != LOOP_FOREVER && loopIndex > header.loopCount) {
return false;
framePointer = (framePointer + 1) % header.frameCount;
return true;
} | [
"Move the animation frame counter forward.\n\n@return boolean specifying if animation should continue or if loopCount has been fulfilled."
] | [
"Ask the specified player for the waveform preview in the specified slot with the specified rekordbox ID,\nusing cached media instead if it is available, and possibly giving up if we are in passive mode.\n\n@param trackReference uniquely identifies the desired waveform preview\n@param failIfPassive will prevent the request from taking place if we are in passive mode, so that automatic\nwaveform updates will use available caches only\n\n@return the waveform preview found, if any",
"Read calendar data.",
"Notifies that a header item is changed.\n\n@param position the position.",
"Support the subscript operator for CharSequence.\n\n@param text a CharSequence\n@param index the index of the Character to get\n@return the Character at the given index\n@since 1.0",
"Calculate start dates for a monthly recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates",
"Creates a copy of a matrix but swaps the rows as specified by the order array.\n\n@param order Specifies which row in the dest corresponds to a row in the src. Not modified.\n@param src The original matrix. Not modified.\n@param dst A Matrix that is a row swapped copy of src. Modified.",
"Switches from a sparse to dense matrix",
"Returns the compact records for all teams to which user is assigned.\n\n@param user An identifier for the user. Can be one of an email address,\nthe globally unique identifier for the user, or the keyword `me`\nto indicate the current user making the request.\n@return Request object",
"This method calculates the total amount of working time in a single\nday, which intersects with the supplied time range.\n\n@param hours collection of working hours in a day\n@param startDate time range start\n@param endDate time range end\n@return length of time in milliseconds"
] |
public int tally() {
long currentTimeMillis = clock.currentTimeMillis();
// calculates time for which we remove any errors before
final long removeTimesBeforeMillis = currentTimeMillis - windowMillis;
synchronized (queue) {
// drain out any expired timestamps but don't drain past empty
while (!queue.isEmpty() && queue.peek() < removeTimesBeforeMillis) {
return queue.size();
} | [
"Returns a count of in-window events.\n\n@return the the count of in-window events."
] | [
"Returns all the deployment runtime names associated with an overlay accross all server groups.\n\n@param context the current OperationContext.\n@param overlay the name of the overlay.\n@return all the deployment runtime names associated with an overlay accross all server groups.",
"Return true if c has a @hidden tag associated with it",
"Use this API to fetch transformpolicylabel resource of given name .",
"Replaces current Collection mapped to key with the specified Collection.\nUse carefully!",
"crates a StencilSet object and add it to the current diagram\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Set RGB input range.\n\n@param inRGB Range.",
"Return true if the connection being released is the one that has been saved.",
"Use this API to unset the properties of systemcollectionparam resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Samples without replacement from a collection.\n\n@param c\nThe collection to be sampled from\n@param n\nThe number of samples to take\n@return a new collection with the sample"
] |
private void writeStringField(String fieldName, Object value) throws IOException
String val = value.toString();
if (!val.isEmpty())
m_writer.writeNameValuePair(fieldName, val);
} | [
"Write a string field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value"
] | [
"Setter for the file format.\n@param fileFormat File format the configuration file is in.",
"Helper function to return the minimum size of the index space to be passed to the reduction given the input and\noutput tensors",
"Shutdown task scheduler.",
"Log a message with a throwable at the provided level.",
"Attempts to revert the working copy. In case of failure it just logs the error.",
"Get the JSON string representation of the selector configured for this index.\n\n@return selector JSON as string",
"Add an element assigned with its score\n@param member the member to add\n@param score the score to assign\n@return <code>true</code> if the set has been changed",
"Write the classifications of the Sequence classifier out to a writer in a\nformat determined by the DocumentReaderAndWriter used.\n\n@param doc Documents to write out\n@param printWriter Writer to use for output\n@throws IOException If an IO problem",
"add a FK column pointing to This Class"
] |
private void appendBetweenCriteria(TableAlias alias, PathInfo pathInfo, BetweenCriteria c, StringBuffer buf)
appendColName(alias, pathInfo, c.isTranslateAttribute(), buf);
appendParameter(c.getValue(), buf);
buf.append(" AND ");
appendParameter(c.getValue2(), buf);
} | [
"Answer the SQL-Clause for a BetweenCriteria\n\n@param alias\n@param pathInfo\n@param c BetweenCriteria\n@param buf"
] | [
"Retrieves the column title for the given locale.\n\n@param locale required locale for the default column title\n@return column title",
"Roll back to the previous configuration.\n\n@throws GeomajasException\nindicates an unlikely problem with the rollback (see cause)",
"Use this API to disable snmpalarm resources of given names.",
"Infer the type of and create a new output variable using the results from the right side of the equation.\nIf the type is already known just return that.",
"Set possible tile URLs.\n\n@param tileUrls tile URLs",
"when divisionPrefixLen is null, isAutoSubnets has no effect",
"changes the color of the image - more red and less blue\n\n@return new pixel array",
"Print duration in thousandths of minutes.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@return duration in thousandths of minutes",
"Inserts a String array value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing\nvalue for the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a String array object, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls"
] |
protected String classOf(List<IN> lineInfos, int pos) {
Datum<String, String> d = makeDatum(lineInfos, pos, featureFactory);
return classifier.classOf(d);
} | [
"Returns the most likely class for the word at the given position."
] | [
"read CustomInfo list from table.\n\n@param eventId the event id\n@return the map",
"This method returns the actual raw class associated with the specified\ntype.",
"Add the key and return it's index code. If the key already is present, the previous\nindex code is returned and no insertion is done.\n\n@param key key to add\n@return index of the key",
"Updates the properties of a tag. Only the fields provided in the `data`\nblock will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged.\n\nWhen using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish\nto change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since\nyou last retrieved the task.\n\nReturns the complete updated tag record.\n\n@param tag The tag to update.\n@return Request object",
"Determines whether this table has a foreignkey of the given name.\n\n@param name The name of the foreignkey\n@return <code>true</code> if there is a foreignkey of that name",
"Process a compilation unit already parsed and build.",
"Add a dependency to the module.\n\n@param dependency Dependency",
"Use this API to fetch lbmonitor_binding resource of given name .",
"converts Map of data to json string\n\n@param data map data to converted to json\n@return {@link String}"
] |
private void createResults(List<ISuite> suites,
File outputDirectory,
boolean onlyShowFailures) throws Exception
int index = 1;
for (ISuite suite : suites)
int index2 = 1;
for (ISuiteResult result : suite.getResults().values())
boolean failuresExist = result.getTestContext().getFailedTests().size() > 0
|| result.getTestContext().getFailedConfigurations().size() > 0;
if (!onlyShowFailures || failuresExist)
VelocityContext context = createContext();
context.put(RESULT_KEY, result);
context.put(FAILED_CONFIG_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getFailedConfigurations()));
context.put(SKIPPED_CONFIG_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getSkippedConfigurations()));
context.put(FAILED_TESTS_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getFailedTests()));
context.put(SKIPPED_TESTS_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getSkippedTests()));
context.put(PASSED_TESTS_KEY, sortByTestClass(result.getTestContext().getPassedTests()));
String fileName = String.format("suite%d_test%d_%s", index, index2, RESULTS_FILE);
generateFile(new File(outputDirectory, fileName),
} | [
"Generate a results file for each test in each suite.\n@param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s)."
] | [
"Specify the string and the int identifying which word shaper to\nuse and this returns the result of using that wordshaper on the String.\n\n@param inStr String to calculate word shape of\n@param wordShaper Constant for which shaping formula to use\n@param knownLCWords A Collection of known lowercase words, which some shapers use\nto decide the class of capitalized words.\n<i>Note: while this code works with any Collection, you should\nprovide a Set for decent performance.</i> If this parameter is\nnull or empty, then this option is not used (capitalized words\nare treated the same, regardless of whether the lowercased\nversion of the String has been seen).\n@return The wordshape String",
"Use this API to update gslbservice.",
"The transform method for this DataTransformer\n@param cr a reference to DataPipe from which to read the current map",
"Read pattern information from the provided JSON object.\n@param patternJson the JSON object containing the pattern information.",
"URL-Decodes a given string using UTF-8. No UnsupportedEncodingException to handle as it is dealt with in this\nmethod.",
"Optimized version of the Wagner & Fischer algorithm that only\nkeeps a single column in the matrix in memory at a time. It\nimplements the simple cutoff, but otherwise computes the entire\nmatrix. It is roughly twice as fast as the original function.",
"Returns the WDTK datatype IRI for the property datatype as represented by\nthe given JSON datatype string.\n\n@param jsonDatatype\nthe JSON datatype string; case-sensitive\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif the given datatype string is not known",
"Separate from other findNonProgressingOp variant to allow unit testing without needing a mock OperationContext",
"Create and serialize a WorkerStatus for a pause event.\n\n@return the JSON representation of a new WorkerStatus\n@throws IOException if there was an error serializing the WorkerStatus"
] |
void setDayOfMonth(String day) {
final int i = CmsSerialDateUtil.toIntWithDefault(day, -1);
if (m_model.getDayOfMonth() != i) {
removeExceptionsOnChange(new Command() {
public void execute() {
} | [
"Sets the day of the month.\n@param day the day to set."
] | [
"Gets an entry point for the given deployment. If one does not exist it will be created. If the request controller is disabled\nthis will return null.\n\nEntry points are reference counted. If this method is called n times then {@link #removeControlPoint(ControlPoint)}\nmust also be called n times to clean up the entry points.\n\n@param deploymentName The top level deployment name\n@param entryPointName The entry point name\n@return The entry point, or null if the request controller is disabled",
"Moves the given row down.\n\n@param row the row to move",
"Use this API to fetch systemuser resource of given name .",
"Returns an array of normalized strings for this host name instance.\n\nIf this represents an IP address, the address segments are separated into the returned array.\nIf this represents a host name string, the domain name segments are separated into the returned array,\nwith the top-level domain name (right-most segment) as the last array element.\n\nThe individual segment strings are normalized in the same way as {@link #toNormalizedString()}\n\nPorts, service name strings, prefix lengths, and masks are all omitted from the returned array.\n\n@return",
"Check, if the current user has permissions on the document's resource.\n@param cms the context\n@param doc the solr document (from the search result)\n@param filter the resource filter to use for checking permissions\n@return <code>true</code> iff the resource mirrored by the search result can be read by the current user.",
"Generate the next permutation and return a list containing\nthe elements in the appropriate order.\n@see #nextPermutationAsList(java.util.List)\n@see #nextPermutationAsArray()\n@return The next permutation as a list.",
"Create a new service activator for the domain server communication services.\n\n@param endpointConfig the endpoint configuration\n@param managementURI the management connection URI\n@param serverName the server name\n@param serverProcessName the server process name\n@param authKey the authentication key\n@param managementSubsystemEndpoint whether to use the mgmt subsystem endpoint or not\n@return the service activator",
"Used by the slave host when creating the host info dmr sent across to the DC during the registration process\n\n@param ignoreUnaffectedServerGroups whether the slave host is set up to ignore config for server groups it does not have servers for\n@param hostModel the resource containing the host model\n@param model the dmr sent across to theDC\n@return the modified dmr",
"Discard the changes."
] |
public Response deleteTemplate(String id)
throws RequestException, LocalOperationException {
Request request = new Request(this);
return new Response(request.delete("/templates/" + id, new HashMap<String, Object>()));
} | [
"Deletes a template.\n\n@param id id of the template to delete.\n@return {@link Response}\n\n@throws RequestException if request to transloadit server fails.\n@throws LocalOperationException if something goes wrong while running non-http operations."
] | [
"Create an index of base font numbers and their associated base\nfont instances.\n@param data property data",
"Returns the parent of this path or null if this path is the root path.\n\n@return the parent of this path or null if this path is the root path.",
"Determines whether the given type is an array type.\n\n@param type the given type\n@return true if the given type is a subclass of java.lang.Class or implements GenericArrayType",
"The normalized string returned by this method is consistent with java.net.Inet6address.\nIPs are not compressed nor mixed in this representation.",
"Handle http worker response.\n\n@param respOnSingleReq\nthe my response\n@throws Exception\nthe exception",
"Returns the object pointed by the result-type parameter \"parameters\"\n@param _invocation\n@return",
"Removes all of the markers from the map.",
"Convert an operation for deployment overlays to be executed on local servers.\nSince this might be called in the case of redeployment of affected deployments, we need to take into account\nthe composite op resulting from such a transformation\n@see AffectedDeploymentOverlay#redeployLinksAndTransformOperationForDomain\n@param operation\n@param host\n@return",
"Function to perform forward pooling"
] |
public int getChunkForKey(byte[] key) throws IllegalStateException {
if(numChunks == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The ChunkedFileSet is closed.");
switch(storageFormat) {
case READONLY_V0: {
return ReadOnlyUtils.chunk(ByteUtils.md5(key), numChunks);
case READONLY_V1: {
if(nodePartitionIds == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("nodePartitionIds is null.");
List<Integer> routingPartitionList = routingStrategy.getPartitionList(key);
if(routingPartitionList.size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The key does not belong on this node.");
return chunkIdToChunkStart.get(routingPartitionList.get(0))
+ ReadOnlyUtils.chunk(ByteUtils.md5(key),
case READONLY_V2: {
List<Integer> routingPartitionList = routingStrategy.getPartitionList(key);
Pair<Integer, Integer> bucket = null;
for(int replicaType = 0; replicaType < routingPartitionList.size(); replicaType++) {
if(nodePartitionIds == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("nodePartitionIds is null.");
if(nodePartitionIds.contains(routingPartitionList.get(replicaType))) {
if(bucket == null) {
bucket = Pair.create(routingPartitionList.get(0), replicaType);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Found more than one replica for a given partition on the current node!");
if(bucket == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The key does not belong on this node.");
Integer chunkStart = chunkIdToChunkStart.get(bucket);
if (chunkStart == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("chunkStart is null.");
return chunkStart + ReadOnlyUtils.chunk(ByteUtils.md5(key), chunkIdToNumChunks.get(bucket));
default: {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported storageFormat: " + storageFormat);
} | [
"Given a particular key, first converts its to the storage format and then\ndetermines which chunk it belongs to\n\n@param key Byte array of keys\n@return Chunk id\n@throws IllegalStateException if unable to find the chunk id for the given key"
] | [
"Requests the waveform detail for a specific track ID, given a connection to a player that has already been\nset up.\n\n@param rekordboxId the track whose waveform detail is desired\n@param slot identifies the media slot we are querying\n@param client the dbserver client that is communicating with the appropriate player\n\n@return the retrieved waveform detail, or {@code null} if none was available\n@throws IOException if there is a communication problem",
"This method attempts to locate a suitable directory by checking a number of different configuration sources.\n\n1 - serverConfigUserDirPropertyName - This value is used to check it a matching system property has been set. 2 -\nsuppliedConfigDir - If a path was specified on the command line it is expected to be passed in as this parameter. 3 -\nserverConfigDirPropertyName - This is a second system property to check.\n\nAnd finally if none of these match defaultBaseDir specifies the configuration being searched and is appended to the JBoss\nHome value discovered when the utility started.",
"Gets the data by id.\n\n@param id the id\n@return the data by id\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Extracts baseline cost from the MPP file for a specific baseline.\nReturns null if no baseline cost is present, otherwise returns\na list of timephased work items.\n\n@param calendar baseline calendar\n@param normaliser normaliser associated with this data\n@param data timephased baseline work data block\n@param raw flag indicating if this data is to be treated as raw\n@return timephased work",
"This method generates a list of lists. Each list represents the data\nfor an embedded object, and contains set set of RTFEmbeddedObject instances\nthat make up the embedded object. This method will return null\nif there are no embedded objects in the RTF document.\n\n@param text RTF document\n@return list of lists of RTFEmbeddedObject instances",
"Check whether the given id is included in the list of includes and not excluded.\n\n@param id id to check\n@param includes list of include regular expressions\n@param excludes list of exclude regular expressions\n@return true when id included and not excluded",
"Use this API to delete sslfipskey resources of given names.",
"Creates a new ongoing Legal Hold Policy.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param name the name of Legal Hold Policy.\n@param description the description of Legal Hold Policy.\n@return information about the Legal Hold Policy created.",
"Sets the size of a UIObject"
] |
public static double[] singularValues( DMatrixRMaj A ) {
SingularValueDecomposition_F64<DMatrixRMaj> svd = DecompositionFactory_DDRM.svd(A.numRows,A.numCols,false,true,true);
if( svd.inputModified() ) {
A = A.copy();
if( !svd.decompose(A)) {
throw new RuntimeException("SVD Failed!");
double sv[] = svd.getSingularValues();
// change the ordering to ascending
for (int i = 0; i < sv.length/2; i++) {
double tmp = sv[i];
sv[i] = sv[sv.length-i-1];
sv[sv.length-i-1] = tmp;
return sv;
} | [
"Returns an array of all the singular values in A sorted in ascending order\n\n@param A Matrix. Not modified.\n@return singular values"
] | [
"key function to execute a parallel task.\n\n@param task the parallel task\n@return the batch response from manager",
"Convert raw data into Java types.\n\n@param type data type\n@param data raw data\n@return list of Java object",
"Prepare our statement for the subclasses.\n\n@param limit\nLimit for queries. Can be null if none.",
"Parses a code block with no parentheses and no commas. After it is done there should be a single token left,\nwhich is returned.",
"Set the String of request body data to be sent to the server.\n\n@param input String of request body data to be sent to the server\n@return an {@link HttpConnection} for method chaining",
"Returns the organization of a given module\n\n@return Organization",
"Check that each group is satisfied by one and only one field.\n\n@param currentPath the json path to the element being checked",
"Adds OPT_Z | OPT_ZONE option to OptionParser, with one argument.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional",
"Returns a flag represented as a String, indicating if\nthe supplied day is a working day.\n\n@param mpxjCalendar MPXJ ProjectCalendar instance\n@param day Day instance\n@return boolean flag as a string"
] |
protected Object getProxyFromResultSet() throws PersistenceBrokerException
// 1. get Identity of current row:
Identity oid = getIdentityFromResultSet();
// 2. return a Proxy instance:
return getBroker().createProxy(getItemProxyClass(), oid);
} | [
"Reads primary key information from current RS row and generates a\n\ncorresponding Identity, and returns a proxy from the Identity.\n\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException\nif there was an error creating the proxy class"
] | [
"Separate from other findNonProgressingOp variant to allow unit testing without needing a mock OperationContext",
"Create an error image.\n\n@param area The size of the image",
"Updates the indices in the index buffer from a Java CharBuffer.\nAll of the entries of the input buffer are copied into\nthe storage for the index buffer. The new indices must be the\nsame size as the old indices - the index buffer size cannot be changed.\n@param data CharBuffer containing the new values\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if char array is wrong size",
"Called when a ParentViewHolder has triggered an expansion for it's parent\n\n@param flatParentPosition the position of the parent that is calling to be expanded",
"Retrieve a boolean field.\n\n@param type field type\n@return field data",
"Create an object of the given type using a constructor that matches the\nsupplied arguments and invoke the setters with the supplied variables.\n\n@param <T> the object type\n@param clazz\nthe type to create\n@param args\nthe arguments to the constructor\n@param vars\nthe named arguments for setters\n@return a new object of the given type, initialized with the given\narguments\n@throws NoSuchConstructorException\nif there is not a constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws AmbiguousConstructorException\nif there is more than one constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws ReflectiveOperationException\nif any of the reflective operations throw an exception",
"Calculates the bounds of the non-transparent parts of the given image.\n@param p the image\n@return the bounds of the non-transparent area",
"Add a '=' clause so the column must be equal to the value.",
"Check, if all values used for calculating the series for a specific pattern are valid.\n@return <code>null</code> if the pattern is valid, a suitable error message otherwise."
] |
public void promoteModule(final String moduleId) {
final DbModule module = getModule(moduleId);
for (final String gavc : DataUtils.getAllArtifacts(module)) {
final DbArtifact artifact = repositoryHandler.getArtifact(gavc);
} | [
"Perform the module promotion\n\n@param moduleId String"
] | [
"Sets the invalid values for the TextBox\n@param invalidValues\n@param isCaseSensitive\n@param invalidValueErrorMessage",
"Use this API to delete dnsview of given name.",
"Run a task once, after a delay.\n\n@param task\nTask to run.\n@param delay\nUnit is seconds.\n@return An interface that lets you query the status; cancel; or\nreschedule the event.",
"Gets Widget bounds depth\n@return depth",
"Sets the HTTP poller processor to handle Async API.\nWill auto enable the pollable mode with this call\n\n@param httpPollerProcessor\nthe http poller processor\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Filters a list of rows from the named table. If a column name and a value\nare supplied, then use this to filter the rows. If no column name is\nsupplied, then return all rows.\n\n@param tableName table name\n@param columnName filter column name\n@param id filter column value\n@return filtered list of rows",
"Checks the orderby attribute.\n\n@param collDef The collection descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the value for orderby is invalid (unknown field or ordering)",
"Entry point with no system exit",
"Get a subset of the attributes of the provided class. An attribute is each public field in the class\nor super class.\n\n@param classToInspect the class to inspect\n@param filter a predicate that returns true when a attribute should be kept in resulting\ncollection."
] |
private static Object checkComponentType(Object array, Class<?> expectedComponentType) {
Class<?> actualComponentType = array.getClass().getComponentType();
if (!expectedComponentType.isAssignableFrom(actualComponentType)) {
throw new ArrayStoreException(
String.format("The expected component type %s is not assignable from the actual type %s",
expectedComponentType.getCanonicalName(), actualComponentType.getCanonicalName()));
return array;
} | [
"Checks the component type of the given array against the expected component type.\n\n@param array\nthe array to be checked. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param expectedComponentType\nthe expected component type of the array. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return the unchanged array.\n@throws ArrayStoreException\nif the expected runtime {@code componentType} does not match the actual runtime component type."
] | [
"Checks if there's exactly one option that exists among all opts.\n\n@param options OptionSet to checked\n@param opts List of options to be checked\n@throws VoldemortException",
"Concats two arrays.\n\n@param first the first array\n@param second the second array\n@param <T> the type of the element in the array\n@return a new array created adding the element in the second array after the first one",
"Sets that there are some pending writes that occurred at a time for an associated\nlocally emitted change event. This variant maintains the last version set.\n\n@param atTime the time at which the write occurred.\n@param changeEvent the description of the write/change.",
"Use this API to fetch dnstxtrec resource of given name .",
"1-D Forward Discrete Cosine Transform.\n\n@param data Data.",
"Gets a list of registered docker images from the images cache, if it has been\nregistered to the cache for a specific build-info ID and if a docker manifest has been captured for it\nby the build-info proxy.\n@param buildInfoId\n@return",
"Private recursive helper function to actually do the type-safe checking\nof assignability.",
"Plots the rotated trajectory, spline and support points.",
"Notifies that multiple content items are removed.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count."
] |
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "WeakerAccess"})
public UTMDetail getUTMDetails() {
UTMDetail ud = new UTMDetail();
return ud;
} | [
"Returns a UTMDetail object which consists of UTM parameters like source, medium & campaign\n@return The {@link UTMDetail} object"
] | [
"Get public photos from the user's contacts.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.Extras\n@param userId\nThe user ID\n@param count\nThe number of photos to return\n@param justFriends\nTrue to include friends\n@param singlePhoto\nTrue to get a single photo\n@param includeSelf\nTrue to include self\n@return A collection of Photo objects\n@throws FlickrException",
"Creates a new immutable set that consists of given elements.\n\n@param elements the given elements\n@return a new immutable set that consists of given elements",
"Read the metadata from a hadoop SequenceFile\n\n@param fs The filesystem to read from\n@param path The file to read from\n@return The metadata from this file",
"Sets the replace var map to single target single var.\n\n@param variable\nthe variable\n@param replaceList\n: the list of strings that will replace the variable\n@param uniformTargetHost\nthe uniform target host\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Instantiates an instance of input Java shader class,\nwhich must be derived from GVRShader or GVRShaderTemplate.\n@param id Java class which implements shaders of this type.\n@param ctx GVRContext shader belongs to\n@return GVRShader subclass which implements this shader type",
"Determines the number bytes required to store a variable length\n\n@param i length of Bytes\n@return number of bytes needed",
"This method processes a single deferred relationship list.\n\n@param dr deferred relationship list data\n@throws MPXJException",
"This produces a string with no compressed segments and all segments of full length,\nwhich is 4 characters for IPv6 segments and 3 characters for IPv4 segments.",
"Turn map into string\n\n@param propMap Map to be converted\n@return"
] |
static VaultConfig readVaultElement_3_0(XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, Namespace expectedNs) throws XMLStreamException {
final VaultConfig config = new VaultConfig();
final int count = reader.getAttributeCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final String value = reader.getAttributeValue(i);
String name = reader.getAttributeLocalName(i);
if (name.equals(CODE)){
config.code = value;
} else if (name.equals(MODULE)){
config.module = value;
} else {
unexpectedVaultAttribute(reader.getAttributeLocalName(i), reader);
if (config.code == null && config.module != null){
throw new XMLStreamException("Attribute 'module' was specified without an attribute"
+ " 'code' for element '" + VAULT + "' at " + reader.getLocation());
readVaultOptions(reader, config);
return config;
} | [
"In the 3.0 xsd the vault configuration and its options are part of the vault xsd.\n\n@param reader the reader at the vault element\n@param expectedNs the namespace\n@return the vault configuration"
] | [
"Retrieve any resource field aliases defined in the MPP file.\n\n@param map index to field map\n@param data resource field name alias data",
"Create users for the given array of addresses. The passwords will be set to the email addresses.\n\n@param greenMail Greenmail instance to create users for\n@param addresses Addresses",
"Use this API to create sslfipskey.",
"Reverses a sequence of elements.\n@param array Array containing the sequence\n@param first Beginning of the range\n@param last One past the end of the range\n@exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the range\nis invalid.",
"This is a convenience method to add a default derived\ncalendar to the project.\n\n@return new ProjectCalendar instance",
"Sets the origin and direction of the pick ray.\n\n@param ox X coordinate of origin.\n@param oy Y coordinate of origin.\n@param oz Z coordinate of origin.\n@param dx X coordinate of ray direction.\n@param dy Y coordinate of ray direction.\n@param dz Z coordinate of ray direction.\n\nThe coordinate system of the ray depends on the whether the\npicker is attached to a scene object or not. When attached\nto a scene object, the ray is in the coordinate system of\nthat object where (0, 0, 0) is the center of the scene object\nand (0, 0, 1) is it's positive Z axis. If not attached to an\nobject, the ray is in the coordinate system of the scene's\nmain camera with (0, 0, 0) at the viewer and (0, 0, -1)\nwhere the viewer is looking.\n@see #doPick()\n@see #getPickRay()\n@see #getWorldPickRay(Vector3f, Vector3f)",
"Performs an implicit double step using the values contained in the lower right hand side\nof the submatrix for the estimated eigenvector values.\n@param x1\n@param x2",
"Determine the current state the server is in.\n\n@return the server status",
"Search for the second entry in the second database. Use this method for databases configured with no duplicates.\n\n@param second second key (value for first).\n@return null if no entry found, otherwise the value."
] |
private void readExceptionDay(ProjectCalendar calendar, Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay day)
Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay.TimePeriod timePeriod = day.getTimePeriod();
Date fromDate = timePeriod.getFromDate();
Date toDate = timePeriod.getToDate();
Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay.WorkingTimes times = day.getWorkingTimes();
ProjectCalendarException exception = calendar.addCalendarException(fromDate, toDate);
if (times != null)
List<Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay.WorkingTimes.WorkingTime> time = times.getWorkingTime();
for (Project.Calendars.Calendar.WeekDays.WeekDay.WorkingTimes.WorkingTime period : time)
Date startTime = period.getFromTime();
Date endTime = period.getToTime();
if (startTime != null && endTime != null)
if (startTime.getTime() >= endTime.getTime())
endTime = DateHelper.addDays(endTime, 1);
exception.addRange(new DateRange(startTime, endTime));
} | [
"This method extracts data for an exception day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param day Day data"
] | [
"Computes the mean or average of all the elements.\n\n@return mean",
"Determines if entry is accepted. For normal usage, this means confirming that the key is\nneeded. For orphan usage, this simply means confirming the key belongs to the node.\n\n@param key\n@return true iff entry is accepted.",
"Parse JSON parameters from this request.\n\n@param jsonRequest The request in the JSON format.\n@return CmsSpellcheckingRequest object that contains parsed parameters or null, if JSON input is not well\ndefined.",
"Logs the time taken by this rule and adds this to the total time taken for this phase",
"Cancel all currently active operations.\n\n@return a list of cancelled operations",
"Execute a request through Odo processing\n\n@param httpMethodProxyRequest\n@param httpServletRequest\n@param httpServletResponse\n@param history",
"Start component timer for current instance\n@param type - of component",
"Count the number of working hours in a day, based in the\ninteger representation of the working hours.\n\n@param hours working hours\n@return number of hours",
"Shuts down a managed domain container. The servers are first stopped, then the host controller is shutdown.\n\n@param client the client used to communicate with the server\n@param timeout the graceful shutdown timeout, a value of {@code -1} will wait indefinitely and a value of\n{@code 0} will not attempt a graceful shutdown\n\n@throws IOException if an error occurs communicating with the server\n@throws OperationExecutionException if the operation used to shutdown the managed domain failed"
] |
public void invalidate(final int dataIndex) {
synchronized (mMeasuredChildren) {
Log.d(Log.SUBSYSTEM.LAYOUT, TAG, "invalidate [%d]", dataIndex);
} | [
"Invalidate the item in layout\n@param dataIndex data index"
] | [
"Formats an IPTC string for this reference using information obtained from\nSubject Reference System.\n\n@param srs\nreference subject reference system\n@return IPTC formatted reference",
"Record operation for sync ops time\n\n@param dest Destination of the socket to connect to. Will actually record\nif null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child\nwith this param null.\n@param opTimeUs The number of us for the op to finish",
"Removes statement ids from a collection of statement groups.\n@param statementIds\n@param claims\n@return",
"Returns all the retention policies.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable with all the retention policies.",
"Gets Widget layout dimension\n@param axis The {@linkplain Layout.Axis axis} to obtain layout size for\n@return dimension",
"Use this API to fetch tmtrafficaction resource of given name .",
"Appends the String representation of the given operand to this CharSequence.\n\n@param left a CharSequence\n@param value any Object\n@return the original toString() of the CharSequence with the object appended\n@since 1.8.2",
"Returns the real value object.",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of scpolicy_stats resource of given name ."
] |
private String formatPriority(Priority value)
String result = null;
if (value != null)
String[] priorityTypes = LocaleData.getStringArray(m_locale, LocaleData.PRIORITY_TYPES);
int priority = value.getValue();
if (priority < Priority.LOWEST)
priority = Priority.LOWEST;
if (priority > Priority.DO_NOT_LEVEL)
priority = Priority.DO_NOT_LEVEL;
priority /= 100;
result = priorityTypes[priority - 1];
return (result);
} | [
"This method is called to format a priority.\n\n@param value priority instance\n@return formatted priority value"
] | [
"Get a random pod that provides the specified service in the specified namespace.\n\n@param client\nThe client instance to use.\n@param name\nThe name of the service.\n@param namespace\nThe namespace of the service.\n\n@return The pod or null if no pod matches.",
"Retrieve the field location for a specific field.\n\n@param type field type\n@return field location",
"Read an optional string value form a JSON value.\n@param val the JSON value that should represent the string.\n@return the string from the JSON or null if reading the string fails.",
"Extracts the service name from a Server.\n@param server\n@return",
"Log table contents.\n\n@param label label text\n@param klass reader class name\n@param map table data",
"Writes triples which conect properties with there corresponding rdf\nproperties for statements, simple statements, qualifiers, reference\nattributes and values.\n\n@param document\n@throws RDFHandlerException",
"Delete a license from the repository\n\n@param licName The name of the license to remove",
"Process each regex group matched substring of the given string. If the closure\nparameter takes one argument, an array with all match groups is passed to it.\nIf the closure takes as many arguments as there are match groups, then each\nparameter will be one match group.\n\n@param self the source string\n@param regex a Regex string\n@param closure a closure with one parameter or as much parameters as groups\n@return the source string\n@since 1.6.0",
"Use this API to update clusternodegroup resources."
] |
private void initFieldFactories() {
if (m_model.hasMasterMode()) {
TranslateTableFieldFactory masterFieldFactory = new CmsMessageBundleEditorTypes.TranslateTableFieldFactory(
m_fieldFactories.put(CmsMessageBundleEditorTypes.EditMode.MASTER, masterFieldFactory);
TranslateTableFieldFactory defaultFieldFactory = new CmsMessageBundleEditorTypes.TranslateTableFieldFactory(
m_fieldFactories.put(CmsMessageBundleEditorTypes.EditMode.DEFAULT, defaultFieldFactory);
} | [
"Initialize the field factories for the messages table."
] | [
"This is a very ugly workaround to get the method arguments from the JUnit 5 context via reflection.",
"Copy a patch element\n\n@param entry the patch entry\n@param patchId the patch id for the element\n@param modifications the element modifications\n@return the new patch element",
"Return a string that ensures that no line is longer then 512 characters\nand lines are broken according to manifest specification.\n\n@param input The buffer containing the content that should be made safe\n@param newline The string to use to create newlines (usually \"\\n\" or\n\"\\r\\n\")\n@return The string with no longer lines then 512, ready to be read again\nby {@link MergeableManifest2}.",
"Get the bounding box for a certain tile.\n\n@param code\nThe unique tile code. Determines what tile we're talking about.\n@param maxExtent\nThe maximum extent of the grid to which this tile belongs.\n@param scale\nThe current client side scale.\n@return Returns the bounding box for the tile, expressed in the layer's coordinate system.",
"If this address section is equivalent to the mask for a CIDR prefix block, it returns that prefix length.\nOtherwise, it returns null.\nA CIDR network mask is an address with all 1s in the network section and then all 0s in the host section.\nA CIDR host mask is an address with all 0s in the network section and then all 1s in the host section.\nThe prefix length is the length of the network section.\n\nAlso, keep in mind that the prefix length returned by this method is not equivalent to the prefix length used to construct this object.\nThe prefix length used to construct indicates the network and host section of this address.\nThe prefix length returned here indicates the whether the value of this address can be used as a mask for the network and host\nsection of any other address. Therefore the two values can be different values, or one can be null while the other is not.\n\nThis method applies only to the lower value of the range if this section represents multiple values.\n\n@param network whether to check for a network mask or a host mask\n@return the prefix length corresponding to this mask, or null if there is no such prefix length",
"Modify the tranform's current rotation in quaternion terms, around a\npivot other than the origin.\n\n@param w\n'W' component of the quaternion.\n@param x\n'X' component of the quaternion.\n@param y\n'Y' component of the quaternion.\n@param z\n'Z' component of the quaternion.\n@param pivotX\n'X' component of the pivot's location.\n@param pivotY\n'Y' component of the pivot's location.\n@param pivotZ\n'Z' component of the pivot's location.",
"This method computes the eigen vector with the largest eigen value by using the\ndirect power method. This technique is the easiest to implement, but the slowest to converge.\nWorks only if all the eigenvalues are real.\n\n@param A The matrix. Not modified.\n@return If it converged or not.",
"Term prefix.\n\n@param term\nthe term\n@return the string",
"Intercepts calls for setting a key and value for a JSON object\n\n@param name the key name\n@param args the value associated with the key"
] |
public void setPatternScheme(final boolean isByWeekDay, final boolean fireChange) {
if (isByWeekDay ^ (null != m_model.getWeekDay())) {
removeExceptionsOnChange(new Command() {
public void execute() {
if (isByWeekDay) {
} else {
if (fireChange) {
} | [
"Set the pattern scheme to either \"by weekday\" or \"by day of month\".\n@param isByWeekDay flag, indicating if the pattern \"by weekday\" should be set.\n@param fireChange flag, indicating if a value change event should be fired."
] | [
"Gets the Correlation distance between two points.\n\n@param p A point in space.\n@param q A point in space.\n@return The Correlation distance between x and y.",
"Utility function to zip the content of an entire folder, but not the folder itself.\n@param folder\n@param fileName optional\n@return success or not",
"Returns the index of a key in the set.\n\n@param key The key to search for.\n@return Returns the index of the key if it exists, else a negative integer.",
"Use this API to fetch all the rnatparam resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Gets or creates id of the entity type.\n\n@param entityType entity type name.\n@param allowCreate if set to true and if there is no entity type like entityType,\ncreate the new id for the entityType.\n@return entity type id.",
"Processes the template if the property value of the current object on the specified level equals the given value.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"level\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The level for the current object\"\nvalues=\"class,field,reference,collection\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The name of the property\"\[email protected] name=\"value\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The value to check for\"\[email protected] name=\"default\" optional=\"true\" description=\"A default value to use if the property\nis not defined\"",
"Create the index file that sets up the frameset.\n@param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s).",
"With the QR algorithm it is possible for the found singular values to be negative. This\nmakes them all positive by multiplying it by a diagonal matrix that has",
"Returns a handle to the pool. Useful to obtain a handle to the\nstatistics for example.\n@return pool"
] |
public HandlerRegistration addSearchFinishHandler(final SearchFinishEvent.SearchFinishHandler handler) {
return addHandler(handler, SearchFinishEvent.TYPE);
} | [
"This handler will be triggered when search is finish"
] | [
"Destroys dependent instance\n\n@param instance\n@return true if the instance was destroyed, false otherwise",
"Write to a context. Uses NullWritable for key so that only value of output string is ultimately written\n\n@param cr the DataPipe to write to",
"those could be incorporated with above, but that would blurry everything.",
"Generates the path to an output file for a given source URL. Creates\nall necessary parent directories for the destination file.\n@param src the source\n@return the path to the output file",
"I pulled this out of internal store so that when doing multiple table\ninheritance, i can recurse this function.\n\n@param obj\n@param cld\n@param oid BRJ: what is it good for ???\n@param insert\n@param ignoreReferences",
"Open the connection to the server.\n\n@param url the url to connect to\n@return returns the input stream for the connection\n@throws IOException cannot get result",
"Gets the path used for the results of XSLT Transforms.",
"Throws an IllegalArgumentException when the given value is not true.\n@param value the value to assert if true\n@param message the message to display if the value is false\n@return the value",
"Sets the left padding character for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingLeftChar new padding character, ignored if null\n@return this to allow chaining"
] |
private void deliverMasterYieldResponse(int fromPlayer, boolean yielded) {
for (final MasterHandoffListener listener : getMasterHandoffListeners()) {
try {
listener.yieldResponse(fromPlayer, yielded);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.warn("Problem delivering master yield response to listener", t);
} | [
"Send a master handoff yield response to all registered listeners.\n\n@param fromPlayer the device number that is responding to our request that it yield the tempo master role to us\n@param yielded will be {@code true} if we should now be the tempo master"
] | [
"Determine whether the given property matches this element.\nA property matches this element when property name and this key are equal,\nvalues are equal or this element value is a wildcard.\n@param property the property to check\n@return {@code true} if the property matches",
"Upgrades a read transaction to a write transaction, executes the work then downgrades to a read transaction\nagain.\n\n@since 2.4\n@noreference",
"Create a container in the platform\n\n@param container\nThe name of the container",
"Do not call directly.\n@deprecated",
"Convenience method which allows all projects in the database to\nbe read in a single operation.\n\n@return list of ProjectFile instances\n@throws MPXJException",
"Applies the mask to this address section and then compares values with the given address section\n\n@param mask\n@param other\n@return",
"If the layer transformer has not been prepared yet, do it.\n\n@param transformer the transformer",
"Make a composite filter from the given sub-filters using AND to combine filters.",
"Calls a function script associated with this component.\nThe function is called even if the component\nis not enabled and not attached to a scene object.\n@param funcName name of script function to call.\n@param args function parameters as an array of objects.\n@return true if function was called, false if no such function\n@see org.gearvrf.script.GVRScriptFile#invokeFunction(String, Object[]) invokeFunction"
] |
private String decodeStr(String str) {
try {
return MimeUtility.decodeText(str);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return str;
} | [
"Returns the decoded string, in case it contains non us-ascii characters.\nReturns the same string if it doesn't or the passed value in case\nof an UnsupportedEncodingException.\n\n@param str string to be decoded\n@return the decoded string, in case it contains non us-ascii characters;\nor the same string if it doesn't or the passed value in case\nof an UnsupportedEncodingException."
] | [
"Returns a matrix full of ones",
"Find the style filter that must be applied to this feature.\n\n@param feature\nfeature to find the style for\n@param styles\nstyle filters to select from\n@return a style filter",
"Handles a key change.\n\n@param event the key change event.\n@param allLanguages <code>true</code> for changing the key for all languages, <code>false</code> if the key should be changed only for the current language.\n@return result, indicating if the key change was successful.",
"Create the grid feature type.\n\n@param mapContext the map context containing the information about the map the grid will be\nadded to.\n@param geomClass the geometry type",
"Executes a query using the given parameters. The query results will be added to the\nExecutionResults using the given identifier.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier to be used for the results when added to the ExecutionResults\n@param name\nThe name of the query to execute\n@param arguments\nThe arguments to be used for the query parameters\n@return",
"Begin a \"track;\" that is, begin logging at one level deeper.\nChannels other than the FORCE channel are ignored.\n@param args The title of the track to begin, with an optional FORCE flag.",
"Assigns this retention policy to a metadata template, optionally with certain field values.\n@param templateID the ID of the metadata template to apply to.\n@param fieldFilters optional field value filters.\n@return info about the created assignment.",
"Checks if the name of the file follows the version-n format\n\n@param versionDir The directory\n@return Returns true if the name is correct, else false",
"Returns whether the given host matches this one. For hosts to match, they must represent the same addresses or have the same host names.\nHosts are not resolved when matching. Also, hosts must have the same port and service. They must have the same masks if they are host names.\nEven if two hosts are invalid, they match if they have the same invalid string.\n\n@param host\n@return"
] |
private void createStringMappings(MtasTokenIdFactory mtasTokenIdFactory,
Level level, String stringValue, int offsetStart, int offsetEnd,
int position) throws IOException {
// System.out.println("createStringMappings string ");
String[] stringValues = MtasPennTreebankReader.createStrings(stringValue,
if (stringValues.length > 0 && !stringValues[0].trim().isEmpty()) {
MtasToken token = new MtasTokenString(mtasTokenIdFactory.createTokenId(),
"t", filterString(stringValues[0].trim()), position);
token.setOffset(offsetStart, offsetEnd);
if (stringValues.length > 1 && !stringValues[1].trim().isEmpty()) {
MtasToken token = new MtasTokenString(mtasTokenIdFactory.createTokenId(),
"lemma", filterString(stringValues[1].trim()), position);
token.setOffset(offsetStart, offsetEnd);
} | [
"Creates the string mappings.\n\n@param mtasTokenIdFactory\nthe mtas token id factory\n@param level\nthe level\n@param stringValue\nthe string value\n@param offsetStart\nthe offset start\n@param offsetEnd\nthe offset end\n@param position\nthe position\n@throws IOException\nSignals that an I/O exception has occurred."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch a systemglobal_authenticationldappolicy_binding resources.",
"Replies to this comment with another message.\n@param message the message for the reply.\n@return info about the newly created reply comment.",
"Read JaCoCo report determining the format to be used.\n@param executionDataVisitor visitor to store execution data.\n@param sessionInfoStore visitor to store info session.\n@return true if binary format is the latest one.\n@throws IOException in case of error or binary format not supported.",
"Add the given entries of the input map into the output map.\n\n<p>\nIf a key in the inputMap already exists in the outputMap, its value is\nreplaced in the outputMap by the value from the inputMap.\n</p>\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param outputMap the map to update.\n@param inputMap the entries to add.\n@since 2.15",
"This can be called to adjust the size of the dialog glass. It\nis implemented using JSNI to bypass the \"private\" keyword on\nthe glassResizer.",
"Sets a string that will be prepended to the JAR file's data.\n\n@param value the prefix, or {@code null} for none.\n@return {@code this}",
"Facade method facilitating the creation of subshell.\nSubshell is created and run inside Command method and shares the same IO and naming strtategy.\n\nRun the obtained Shell with commandLoop().\n\n@param pathElement sub-prompt\n@param parent Shell to be subshell'd\n@param appName The app name string\n@param mainHandler Command handler\n@return subshell",
"Load a configuration in from a text file.\n\n@return A config if any of the fields were set otherwise null on EOF.",
"Gets the i-th half-edge associated with the face.\n\n@param i\nthe half-edge index, in the range 0-2.\n@return the half-edge"
] |
public Automaton getAutomatonById(String id) throws IOException {
if (idToVersion.containsKey(id)) {
List<BytesRef> bytesArray = new ArrayList<>();
Set<String> data = get(id);
if (data != null) {
Term term;
for (String item : data) {
term = new Term("dummy", item);
return Automata.makeStringUnion(bytesArray);
return null;
} | [
"Gets the automaton by id.\n\n@param id the id\n@return the automaton by id\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred."
] | [
"Put features in a tile. This will assure all features are only added in one tile. When a feature's unique tile\nis different from this one a link is added in the tile.\n\n@param tile\ntile to put features in\n@param maxTileExtent\nthe maximum tile extent\n@throws GeomajasException oops",
"Set the minimum date limit.",
"Check the given JWT\n\n@param jwtString the JSON Web Token\n@return the parsed and verified token or null if token is invalid\n@throws ParseException if the token cannot be parsed",
"This is private because the execute is the only method that should be called here.",
"Record a Screen View event\n@param screenName String, the name of the screen",
"Reports that a node is faulted.\n\n@param faulted the node faulted\n@param throwable the reason for fault",
"Adds a word to the end of the token list\n@param word word which is to be added\n@return The new Token created around symbol",
"Check if this request is part of the specified request. This is the case if both requests have equal properties\nand the specified request is asking for the same or more paint operations than this one.\n\n@param request another request\n@return true if the current request is contained in the specified request\n@since 1.10.0",
"Count the total number of queued resource requests for all queues. The\nresult is \"approximate\" in the face of concurrency since individual\nqueues can change size during the aggregate count.\n\n@return The (approximate) aggregate count of queued resource requests."
] |
private void readUnread(CommitData cd, Consumer<Entry<Key, Value>> locksSeen) {
// TODO make async
// TODO need to keep track of ranges read (not ranges passed in, but actual data read... user
// may not iterate over entire range
Map<Bytes, Set<Column>> columnsToRead = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<Bytes, Set<Column>> entry : cd.getRejected().entrySet()) {
Set<Column> rowColsRead = columnsRead.get(entry.getKey());
if (rowColsRead == null) {
columnsToRead.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
HashSet<Column> colsToRead = new HashSet<>(entry.getValue());
if (!colsToRead.isEmpty()) {
columnsToRead.put(entry.getKey(), colsToRead);
for (Entry<Bytes, Set<Column>> entry : columnsToRead.entrySet()) {
getImpl(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), locksSeen);
} | [
"This function helps handle the following case\n\n<OL>\n<LI>TX1 locls r1 col1\n<LI>TX1 fails before unlocking\n<LI>TX2 attempts to write r1:col1 w/o reading it\n</OL>\n\n<p>\nIn this case TX2 would not roll back TX1, because it never read the column. This function\nattempts to handle this case if TX2 fails. Only doing this in case of failures is cheaper than\ntrying to always read unread columns.\n\n@param cd Commit data"
] | [
"Creates the given connection pool with the given configuration. Extracted here to make unit mocking easier.\n@param config configuration object.\n@return BoneCP connection pool handle.",
"Sets the resource to which this calendar is linked. Note that this\nmethod updates the calendar's name to be the same as the resource name.\nIf the resource does not yet have a name, then the calendar is given\na default name.\n\n@param resource resource instance",
"performs a primary key lookup operation against RDBMS and materializes\nan object from the resulting row. Only skalar attributes are filled from\nthe row, references are not resolved.\n@param oid contains the primary key info.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing mapping information.\n@return the materialized object, null if no matching row was found or if\nany error occured.",
"Logs the current user out.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Gets the name for the getter for this property\n\n@return The name of the property. The name is \"get\"+ the capitalized propertyName\nor, in the case of boolean values, \"is\" + the capitalized propertyName",
"Return the bean type, untangling the proxy if needed\n\n@param name\nthe bean name\n@return The Class of the bean",
"Reads a single resource from a ConceptDraw PROJECT file.\n\n@param resource ConceptDraw PROJECT resource",
"Converts a List to a Map using the elements of the nameMapping array as the keys of the Map.\n\n@param destinationMap\nthe destination Map (which is cleared before it's populated)\n@param nameMapping\nthe keys of the Map (corresponding with the elements in the sourceList). Cannot contain duplicates.\n@param sourceList\nthe List to convert\n@param <T>\nthe type of the values in the map\n@throws NullPointerException\nif destinationMap, nameMapping or sourceList are null\n@throws SuperCsvException\nif nameMapping and sourceList are not the same size",
"Use this API to add ipset."
] |
public static DMatrixRMaj[] span(int dimen, int numVectors , Random rand ) {
if( dimen < numVectors )
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of vectors must be less than or equal to the dimension");
DMatrixRMaj u[] = new DMatrixRMaj[numVectors];
u[0] = RandomMatrices_DDRM.rectangle(dimen,1,-1,1,rand);
for( int i = 1; i < numVectors; i++ ) {
// System.out.println(" i = "+i);
DMatrixRMaj a = new DMatrixRMaj(dimen,1);
DMatrixRMaj r=null;
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
// System.out.println("j = "+j);
if( j == 0 )
r = RandomMatrices_DDRM.rectangle(dimen,1,-1,1,rand);
// find a vector that is normal to vector j
// u[i] = (1/2)*(r + Q[j]*r)
// UtilEjml.print(a);
DMatrixRMaj t = a;
a = r;
r = t;
// normalize it so it doesn't get too small
double val = NormOps_DDRM.normF(r);
if( val == 0 || Double.isNaN(val) || Double.isInfinite(val))
throw new RuntimeException("Failed sanity check");
u[i] = r;
return u;
} | [
"is there a faster algorithm out there? This one is a bit sluggish"
] | [
"Fill the attributes in the processor.\n\n@param processors The processors\n@param initialAttributes The attributes\n@see RequireAttributes\n@see ProvideAttributes",
"Processes the template for all collection definitions of the current class definition.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Use this API to update snmpoption.",
"Wraps a StatisticsMatrix around 'm'. Does NOT create a copy of 'm' but saves a reference\nto it.",
"For creating expression columns\n@return",
"Append the given item to the end of the list\n@param segment segment to append",
"Checks if the given project exists or not.\n\n@param name project name\n@return true/false\n@throws IllegalArgumentException",
"Deletes the specified shovel from specified virtual host.\n\n@param vhost virtual host from where to delete the shovel\n@param shovelname Shovel to be deleted.",
"Starts the loading process and creates a timer that sets of the callback after a given tiime if it hasn't already been triggered.\n\n@param timeout number of milliseconds after which the callback should be called if it hasn't already been"
] |
public double compute( DMatrix1Row mat ) {
if( width != mat.numCols || width != mat.numRows ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected matrix dimension");
// make sure everything is in the proper state before it starts
// System.arraycopy(mat.data,0,minorMatrix[0],0,mat.data.length);
int level = 0;
while( true ) {
int levelWidth = width-level;
int levelIndex = levelIndexes[level];
if( levelIndex == levelWidth ) {
if( level == 0 ) {
return levelResults[0];
int prevLevelIndex = levelIndexes[level-1]++;
double val = mat.get((level-1)*width+levelRemoved[level-1]);
if( prevLevelIndex % 2 == 0 ) {
levelResults[level-1] += val * levelResults[level];
} else {
levelResults[level-1] -= val * levelResults[level];
levelResults[level] = 0;
levelIndexes[level] = 0;
} else {
int excluded = openRemove( levelIndex );
levelRemoved[level] = excluded;
if( levelWidth == minWidth ) {
double subresult = mat.get(level*width+levelRemoved[level]);
subresult *= UnrolledDeterminantFromMinor_DDRM.det(tempMat);
if( levelIndex % 2 == 0 ) {
levelResults[level] += subresult;
} else {
levelResults[level] -= subresult;
// put it back into the list
} else {
} | [
"Computes the determinant for the specified matrix. It must be square and have\nthe same width and height as what was specified in the constructor.\n\n@param mat The matrix whose determinant is to be computed.\n@return The determinant."
] | [
"Decide whether failure should trigger a rollback.\n\n@param cause\nthe cause of the failure, or {@code null} if failure is not\nthe result of catching a throwable\n@return the result action",
"Set the serial pattern type.\n@param patternType the pattern type to set.",
"Returns a new List containing the given objects.",
"Register the entity as batch loadable, if enabled\n\nCopied from {@link org.hibernate.type.ManyToOneType#scheduleBatchLoadIfNeeded}",
"This essentially ensures that we only store a single Vertex for each unique \"Set\" of tags.",
"This method returns the installed identity with the requested name and version.\nIf the product name is null, the default identity will be returned.\n\nIf the product name was recognized and the requested version was not null,\nthe version comparison will take place. If the version of the currently installed product\ndoesn't match the requested one, the exception will be thrown.\nIf the requested version is null, the currently installed identity with the requested name\nwill be returned.\n\nIf the product name was not recognized among the registered ones, a new installed identity\nwith the requested name will be created and returned. (This is because the patching system\nis not aware of how many and what the patching streams there are expected).\n\n@param productName\n@param productVersion\n@return\n@throws PatchingException",
"Returns an iterator that iterates over all elements greater or equal to key in ascending order\n\n@param key key\n@return iterator",
"Returns all information related to a single texture.\n\n@param type the texture type\n@param index the index in the texture stack\n@return the texture information",
"Generate query part for the facet, without filters.\n@param query The query, where the facet part should be added"
] |
public List<ConfigIssue> init(Service.Context context) {
this.context = context;
return init();
} | [
"Initializes the service.\n\nStores the <code>Service.Context</code> in instance variables and calls the {@link #init()} method.\n\n@param context Service context.\n@return The list of configuration issues found during initialization, an empty list if none."
] | [
"Converts Observable of page to Observable of Inner.\n@param <InnerT> type of inner.\n@param innerPage Page to be converted.\n@return Observable for list of inner.",
"Parses the date or returns null if it fails to do so.",
"Merge the two maps.\n\n<p>\nThe replied map is a view on the given map. It means that any change\nin the original map is reflected to the result of this operation.\n</p>\n\n<p>\nIf a key exists in the left and right operands, the value in the right operand is preferred.\n</p>\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param left the left map.\n@param right the right map.\n@return a map with the merged contents from the two maps.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException - when a right operand key exists in the left operand.\n@since 2.15",
"Returns the default shared instance of the CleverTap SDK.\n\n@param context The Android context\n@return The {@link CleverTapAPI} object",
"Gets the node list from string line seperate or space seperate.\n\n@param listStr\nthe list str\n@param removeDuplicate\nthe remove duplicate\n@return the node list from string line seperate or space seperate",
"Non-supported in JadeAgentIntrospector",
"Hide multiple channels. All other channels will be unaffected.\n@param channels The channels to hide",
"Creates Accumulo connector given FluoConfiguration"
] |
public static rnatip_stats get(nitro_service service, String Rnatip) throws Exception{
rnatip_stats obj = new rnatip_stats();
rnatip_stats response = (rnatip_stats) obj.stat_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch statistics of rnatip_stats resource of given name ."
] | [
"removes all data for an annotation class. This should be called after an\nannotation has been modified through the SPI",
"Log block data.\n\n@param blockIndex current block index\n@param startIndex start index\n@param blockLength length",
"Main method of VPRendererAdapter. This method has the responsibility of update the\nRendererBuilder values and create or recycle a new Renderer. Once the renderer has been\nobtained the RendereBuilder will call the render method in the renderer and will return the\nRenderer root view to the ViewPager.\n\nIf RendererBuilder returns a null Renderer this method will throw a\nNullRendererBuiltException.\n\n@param parent The containing View in which the page will be shown.\n@param position to render.\n@return view rendered.",
"Scans given directory for files passing given filter, adds the results into given list.",
"Returns the type discriminator value for given Frames model class, extracted from the @TypeValue annotation.",
"Loads a classifier from the file specified. If the file's name ends in .gz,\nuses a GZIPInputStream, else uses a regular FileInputStream. This method\ncloses the File when done.\n\n@param file\nLoads a classifier from this file.\n@param props\nProperties in this object will be used to overwrite those\nspecified in the serialized classifier\n\n@throws IOException\nIf there are problems accessing the input stream\n@throws ClassCastException\nIf there are problems interpreting the serialized data\n@throws ClassNotFoundException\nIf there are problems interpreting the serialized data",
"Add a single header key-value pair. If one with the name already exists,\nboth stay in the header map.\n\n@param name the name of the header.\n@param value the value of the header.\n@return the interceptor instance itself.",
"Notifies that a footer item is changed.\n\n@param position the position.",
"Walk project references recursively, adding thrift files to the provided list."
] |
public static base_responses add(nitro_service client, snmpmanager resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
snmpmanager addresources[] = new snmpmanager[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
addresources[i] = new snmpmanager();
addresources[i].ipaddress = resources[i].ipaddress;
addresources[i].netmask = resources[i].netmask;
addresources[i].domainresolveretry = resources[i].domainresolveretry;
result = add_bulk_request(client, addresources);
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to add snmpmanager resources."
] | [
"Searches the variables layers, top to bottom, for given name, and returns if found; null otherwise.\n\nIf maxDepth is set to {@link Variables#SEARCH_ALL_LAYERS}, then search all layers.",
"Manage the artifact add to the Module AbstractGraph\n\n@param graph\n@param depth",
"Return a copy of the result as a String.\n\n<p>The default version of this method copies the result into a temporary byte array and then\ntries to decode it using the configured encoding.\n\n@return string version of the result.\n@throws IOException if the data cannot be produced or could not be decoded to a String.",
"Add all elements in the iterator to the collection.\n\n@param target\n@param iterator\n@return true if the target was modified, false otherwise",
"Changes the message of this comment.\n@param newMessage the new message for this comment.\n@return updated info about this comment.",
"Compares two avro strings which contains multiple store configs\n\n@param configAvro1\n@param configAvro2\n@return true if two config avro strings have same content",
"Helper method for formatting connection establishment messages.\n\n@param connectionName\nThe name of the connection\n@param host\nThe remote host\n@param connectionReason\nThe reason for establishing the connection\n@return A formatted message in the format:\n\"[<connectionName>] remote host[<host>] <connectionReason>\"\n<br/>\ne.g. [con1] remote host[] connection to ECMG.",
"Initializes the components.\n\n@param components the components",
"Get the QNames of the port components to be declared\nin the namespaces\n\n@return collection of QNames"
] |
public static authenticationradiuspolicy_authenticationvserver_binding[] get(nitro_service service, String name) throws Exception{
authenticationradiuspolicy_authenticationvserver_binding obj = new authenticationradiuspolicy_authenticationvserver_binding();
authenticationradiuspolicy_authenticationvserver_binding response[] = (authenticationradiuspolicy_authenticationvserver_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch authenticationradiuspolicy_authenticationvserver_binding resources of given name ."
] | [
"Ensures that the specified fields are present in the given class.\n\n@param classDef The class to copy the fields into\n@param fields The fields to copy\n@throws ConstraintException If there is a conflict between the new fields and fields in the class",
"Run a task periodically and indefinitely.\n\n@param task\nTask to run.\n@param delay\nThe first execution will happen in {@code delay} seconds.\n@param period\nSubsequent executions will happen every {@code period} seconds\nafter the first.\n@return An interface that lets you query the status; cancel; or\nreschedule the event.",
"Validates given external observer method.\n\n@param observerMethod the given observer method\n@param beanManager\n@param originalObserverMethod observer method replaced by given observer method (this parameter is optional)",
"Get the title and read the Title property according the provided locale.\n@return The map from locales to the locale specific titles.",
"Given a string which is either the name of a predefined tab configuration or a configuration string, returns\nthe corresponding tab configuration.\n\n@param configStr a configuration string or predefined configuration name\n\n@return the gallery tab configuration",
"Returns the duration of the measured tasks in ms",
"copied and altered from TransactionHelper",
"Gets the sub-entries of the navigation entry.\n\n@return the sub-entries",
"Returns the zip entry for a file in the archive.\n@param filename the file name\n@return the zip entry for the file with the provided name\n@throws ZipException thrown if the file is not in the zip archive"
] |
public String getEditorParameter(CmsObject cms, String editor, String param) {
String path = OpenCms.getSystemInfo().getConfigFilePath(cms, "editors/" + editor + ".properties");
CmsVfsMemoryObjectCache cache = CmsVfsMemoryObjectCache.getVfsMemoryObjectCache();
CmsParameterConfiguration config = (CmsParameterConfiguration)cache.getCachedObject(cms, path);
if (config == null) {
try {
CmsFile file = cms.readFile(path);
try (ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(file.getContents())) {
config = new CmsParameterConfiguration(input); // Uses ISO-8859-1, should be OK for config parameters
cache.putCachedObject(cms, path, config);
} catch (CmsVfsResourceNotFoundException e) {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
return null;
return config.getString(param, null);
} | [
"Gets the value of a global editor configuration parameter.\n\n@param cms the CMS context\n@param editor the editor name\n@param param the name of the parameter\n\n@return the editor parameter value"
] | [
"Populate the container from outline code data.\n\n@param field field type\n@param items pairs of values and descriptions",
"Read an optional Date value form a JSON value.\n@param val the JSON value that should represent the Date as long value in a string.\n@return the Date from the JSON or null if reading the date fails.",
"Retrieves the table structure for an Asta PP file. Subclasses determine the exact contents of the structure\nfor a specific version of the Asta PP file.\n\n@return PP file table structure",
"Set the permission for who may view the geo data associated with a photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'write' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nThe id of the photo to set permissions for.\n@param perms\nPermissions, who can see the geo data of this photo\n@throws FlickrException",
"Creates an operation to read a resource.\n\n@param address the address to create the read for\n@param recursive whether to search recursively or not\n\n@return the operation",
"Use this API to fetch gslbsite resources of given names .",
"Normalizes the name so it can be used as Maven artifactId or groupId.",
"Lookup a PortComponentMetaData by wsdl-port local part\n\n@param name - the wsdl-port local part\n@return PortComponentMetaData if found, null otherwise",
"This method is called by the ++ operator for the class CharSequence.\nIt increments the last character in the given CharSequence. If the last\ncharacter in the CharSequence is Character.MAX_VALUE a Character.MIN_VALUE\nwill be appended. The empty CharSequence is incremented to a string\nconsisting of the character Character.MIN_VALUE.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return a value obtained by incrementing the toString() of the CharSequence\n@since 1.8.2"
] |
private static String clearPath(String path) {
try {
ExpressionBaseState state = new ExpressionBaseState("EXPR", true, false);
if (Util.isWindows()) {
// to not require escaping FS name separator
} else {
// Remove escaping characters
path = ArgumentWithValue.resolveValue(path, state);
} catch (CommandFormatException ex) {
// XXX OK, continue translation
// Remove quote to retrieve candidates.
if (path.startsWith("\"")) {
path = path.substring(1);
// Could be an escaped " character. We don't take into account this corner case.
// concider it the end of the quoted part.
if (path.endsWith("\"")) {
path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
return path;
} | [
"Unescape and unquote the path. Ready for translation."
] | [
"Figure out, based on how much time has elapsed since we received an update, and the playback position,\nspeed, and direction at the time of that update, where the player will be now.\n\n@param update the most recent update received from a player\n@param currentTimestamp the nanosecond timestamp representing when we want to interpolate the track's position\n\n@return the playback position we believe that player has reached now",
"Returns a query filter for the given document _id and version. The version is allowed to be\nnull. The query will match only if there is either no version on the document in the database\nin question if we have no reference of the version or if the version matches the database's\nversion.\n\n@param documentId the _id of the document.\n@param version the expected version of the document, if any.\n@return a query filter for the given document _id and version for a remote operation.",
"Returns the configured page sizes, or the default page size if no core is configured.\n@return The configured page sizes, or the default page size if no core is configured.",
"Checks whether the compilation has been canceled and reports the given work increment to the compiler progress.",
"Downloads a part of this file's contents, starting at rangeStart and stopping at rangeEnd, while reporting the\nprogress to a ProgressListener.\n\n@param output the stream to where the file will be written.\n@param rangeStart the byte offset at which to start the download.\n@param rangeEnd the byte offset at which to stop the download.\n@param listener a listener for monitoring the download's progress.",
"This method extracts data for a single predecessor from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param currTask Current task object\n@param link Predecessor data",
"Enables or disabled shadow casting for a direct light.\nEnabling shadows attaches a GVRShadowMap component to the\nGVRSceneObject which owns the light and provides the\ncomponent with an orthographic camera for shadow casting.\n@param enableFlag true to enable shadow casting, false to disable",
"Find the fields in which the Activity ID and Activity Type are stored.",
"Runs a Story with the given steps factory, applying the given meta\nfilter, and staring from given state.\n\n@param configuration the Configuration used to run story\n@param stepsFactory the InjectableStepsFactory used to created the\ncandidate steps methods\n@param story the Story to run\n@param filter the Filter to apply to the story Meta\n@param beforeStories the State before running any of the stories, if not\n<code>null</code>\n\n@throws Throwable if failures occurred and FailureStrategy dictates it to\nbe re-thrown."
] |
public static base_responses clear(nitro_service client, bridgetable resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
bridgetable clearresources[] = new bridgetable[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
clearresources[i] = new bridgetable();
clearresources[i].vlan = resources[i].vlan;
clearresources[i].ifnum = resources[i].ifnum;
result = perform_operation_bulk_request(client, clearresources,"clear");
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to clear bridgetable resources."
] | [
"Transform the given object into an array of bytes\n\n@param object The object to be serialized\n@return The bytes created from serializing the object",
"Returns a presentable version of the given PTB-tokenized text.\nPTB tokenization splits up punctuation and does various other things\nthat makes simply joining the tokens with spaces look bad. So join\nthe tokens with space and run it through this method to produce nice\nlooking text. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well.\n\n@param ptbText A String in PTB3-escaped form\n@return An approximation to the original String",
"Returns angle in degrees between two points\n\n@param ax x of the point 1\n@param ay y of the point 1\n@param bx x of the point 2\n@param by y of the point 2\n@return angle in degrees between two points",
"Set new point coordinates somewhere on screen and apply new direction\n\n@param position the point position to apply new values to",
"Use this API to fetch all the vpnsessionaction resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Extract the DatabaseTableConfig for a particular class by looking for class and field annotations. This is used\nby internal classes to configure a class.",
"Calculate the finish variance.\n\n@return finish variance",
"Override for customizing XmlMapper and ObjectMapper",
"Retrieve a finish date time in the form required by Phoenix.\n\n@param value Date instance\n@return formatted date time"
] |
public static final char getChar(Locale locale, String key)
ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(LocaleData.class.getName(), locale);
return (bundle.getString(key).charAt(0));
} | [
"Convenience method for retrieving a char resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value"
] | [
"Lookup an object instance from JNDI context.\n\n@param jndiName JNDI lookup name\n@return Matching object or <em>null</em> if none found.",
"Copied from AbstractEntityPersister",
"Start component timer for current instance\n@param type - of component",
"Writes the object to the specified document, optionally creating a child\nelement. The object in this case should be a point.\n\n@param o the object (of type Point).\n@param document the document to write to.\n@param asChild create child element if true.\n@throws RenderException",
"Verifies that the given query can be properly scattered.\n\n@param query the query to verify\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the query is invalid.",
"Given a partition ID, determine which replica of this partition is hosted by the\ncurrent node, if any.\n\nNote: This is an implementation detail of the READONLY_V2 naming scheme, and should\nnot be used outside of that scope.\n\n@param partitionId for which we want to know the replica type\n@return the requested partition's replica type (which ranges from 0 to replication\nfactor -1) if the partition is hosted on the current node, or -1 if the\nrequested partition is not hosted on this node.",
"Add a \"post-run\" dependent task item for this task item.\n\n@param dependent the \"post-run\" dependent task item.\n@return key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve result of root\ntask in the given dependent task group",
"Returns all tags that designate this tag. E.g., for \"tesla-model3\", this would return \"car\", \"vehicle\", \"vendor-tesla\" etc.",
"Obtain the ID associated with a profile name\n\n@param profileName profile name\n@return ID of profile"
] |
public static<T> Vendor<T> vendor(Func0<T> f) {
return j.vendor(f);
} | [
"Create a Vendor from a Func0"
] | [
"Adds the correct load instruction based on the type descriptor\n\n@param code the bytecode to add the instruction to\n@param type the type of the variable\n@param variable the variable number",
"Verify that the given channels are all valid.\n\n@param channels\nthe given channels",
"Retrieves the monthly or yearly relative day of the week.\n\n@return day of the week",
"Returns the DBCP DataSource for the specified connection descriptor,\nafter creating a new DataSource if needed.\n@param jcd the descriptor for which to return a DataSource\n@return a DataSource, after creating a new pool if needed.\nGuaranteed to never be null.\n@throws LookupException if pool is not in cache and cannot be created",
"Add a bundle.\n\n@param moduleName the module name\n@param slot the module slot\n@param newHash the new hash of the added content\n@return the builder",
"Acquire the shared lock allowing the acquisition to be interrupted.\n@param permit - the permit Integer for this operation. May not be {@code null}.\n@throws InterruptedException - if the acquiring thread is interrupted.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permit} is null.",
"Create and add model controller handler to an existing management channel handler.\n\n@param handler the channel handler\n@return the created client",
"Calculate delta with another vector\n@param v another vector\n@return delta vector",
"Throw IllegalArgumentException if the value is null.\n\n@param name the parameter name.\n@param value the value that should not be null.\n@param <T> the value type.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if value is null."
] |
private void addDateRange(ProjectCalendarHours hours, Date start, Date end)
if (start != null && end != null)
Calendar cal = DateHelper.popCalendar(end);
// If the time ends on midnight, the date should be the next day. Otherwise problems occur.
if (cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 0 && cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 0 && cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 0 && cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == 0)
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
end = cal.getTime();
hours.addRange(new DateRange(start, end));
} | [
"Get a date range that correctly handles the case where the end time\nis midnight. In this instance the end time should be the start of the\nnext day.\n\n@param hours calendar hours\n@param start start date\n@param end end date"
] | [
"Log warning for the resource at the provided address and single attribute, using the provided detail\nmessage.\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param message custom error message to append\n@param attribute attribute we are warning about",
"Get the original-image using the specified URL suffix.\n\n@deprecated\n@see PhotosInterface#getImage(Photo, int)\n@param suffix\nThe URL suffix, including the .extension\n@return The BufferedImage object\n@throws IOException\n@throws FlickrException",
"Helper method to remove invalid children that don't have a corresponding CmsSitemapClientEntry.",
"Classify the contents of a file.\n\n@param filename\nContains the sentence(s) to be classified.\n@return {@link List} of classified List of IN.",
"Returns an Organization\n\n@param organizationId String\n@return DbOrganization",
"Removes the specified object in index from the array.\n\n@param index The index to remove.",
"Resolve the subsystem versions.\n\n@param extensions the extensions to install\n@return the subsystem versions",
"Adds main report query.\n\n@param text\n@param language use constants from {@link DJConstants}\n@return",
"Applies the matrices computed from the scene object's\nlinked to the skeleton bones to the current pose.\n@see #applyPose(GVRPose, int)\n@see #setPose(GVRPose)"
] |
public static void mergeHints(InputStream is, Map<String,List<Long>> hints) throws IOException {
final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(is, Charsets.UTF_8));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#"))
final int equals = line.indexOf('=');
if (equals <= 0) {
throw new IOException("No '=' character on a non-comment line?: " + line);
} else {
String key = line.substring(0, equals);
List<Long> values = hints.get(key);
if (values == null) {
hints.put(key, values = new ArrayList<>());
for (String v : line.substring(equals + 1).split("[\\,]")) {
if (!v.isEmpty()) values.add(Long.parseLong(v));
} | [
"Read hints from a file and merge with the given hints map."
] | [
"Get the collection of public contacts for the specified user ID.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@param userId\nThe user ID\n@return The Collection of Contact objects\n@throws FlickrException",
"Returns all migrations starting from and excluding the given version. Usually you want to provide the version of\nthe database here to get all migrations that need to be executed. In case there is no script with a newer\nversion than the one given, an empty list is returned.\n\n@param version the version that is currently in the database\n@return all versions since the given version or an empty list if no newer script is available. Never null.\nDoes not include the given version.",
"Instruct a query to use a specific index.\n@param designDocument Design document to use.\n@param indexName Index name to use.\n@return {@code QueryBuilder} object for method chaining.",
"read all objects of this iterator. objects will be placed in cache",
"Computes the cross product of v1 and v2 and places the result in this\nvector.\n\n@param v1\nleft-hand vector\n@param v2\nright-hand vector",
"Add several jvm metrics.",
"Reads the configuration of a range facet.\n@param pathPrefix The XML Path that leads to the range facet configuration, or <code>null</code> if the XML was not correctly structured.\n@return The read configuration, or <code>null</code> if the XML was not correctly structured.",
"Links the two field names into a single left.right field name.\nIf the left field is empty, right is returned\n\n@param left one field name\n@param right the other field name\n\n@return left.right or right if left is an empty string",
"Creates the HikariCP configuration based on the configuration of a pool defined in opencms.properties.\n\n@param config the configuration object with the properties\n@param key the pool name (without the opencms prefix)\n\n@return the HikariCP configuration for the pool"
] |
public byte[] getThumbnail(ThumbnailFileType fileType, int minWidth, int minHeight, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
builder.appendParam("min_width", minWidth);
builder.appendParam("min_height", minHeight);
builder.appendParam("max_width", maxWidth);
builder.appendParam("max_height", maxHeight);
URLTemplate template;
if (fileType == ThumbnailFileType.PNG) {
} else if (fileType == ThumbnailFileType.JPG) {
} else {
throw new BoxAPIException("Unsupported thumbnail file type");
URL url = template.buildWithQuery(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), builder.toString(), this.getID());
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
BoxAPIResponse response = request.send();
ByteArrayOutputStream thumbOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
InputStream body = response.getBody();
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
try {
int n = body.read(buffer);
while (n != -1) {
thumbOut.write(buffer, 0, n);
n = body.read(buffer);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BoxAPIException("Error reading thumbnail bytes from response body", e);
} finally {
return thumbOut.toByteArray();
} | [
"Retrieves a thumbnail, or smaller image representation, of this file. Sizes of 32x32, 64x64, 128x128,\nand 256x256 can be returned in the .png format and sizes of 32x32, 94x94, 160x160, and 320x320 can be returned\nin the .jpg format.\n\n@param fileType either PNG of JPG\n@param minWidth minimum width\n@param minHeight minimum height\n@param maxWidth maximum width\n@param maxHeight maximum height\n@return the byte array of the thumbnail image"
] | [
"All address strings are comparable. If two address strings are invalid, their strings are compared.\nOtherwise, address strings are compared according to which type or version of string, and then within each type or version\nthey are compared using the comparison rules for addresses.\n\n@param other\n@return",
"Create an `AppDescriptor` with appName and entry class specified.\n\nIf `appName` is `null` or blank, it will try the following\napproach to get app name:\n\n1. check the {@link Version#getArtifactId() artifact id} and use it unless\n2. if artifact id is null or empty, then infer app name using {@link AppNameInferer}\n\n@param appName\nthe app name\n@param entryClass\nthe entry class\n@return\nan `AppDescriptor` instance",
"Creates a XopBean. The image on the disk is included as a byte array,\na DataHandler and java.awt.Image\n@return the bean\n@throws Exception",
"Retrieves from all the Jenkins agents all the docker images, which have been registered for a specific build-info ID\nOnly images for which manifests have been captured are returned.\n\n@param buildInfoId\n@return\n@throws IOException\n@throws InterruptedException",
"Internal utility to dump relationship lists in a structured format\nthat can easily be compared with the tabular data in MS Project.\n\n@param relations relation list",
"Create an image of the proper size to hold a new waveform preview image and draw it.",
"Loads the SPI backing bean.\n\n@return the instance of MonetaryFormatsSingletonSpi to be used by this singleton.",
"Returns all the elements in the sorted set with a score in the given range.\nIn contrary to the default ordering of sorted sets, for this command the elements are considered to be ordered\nfrom high to low scores.\nThe elements having the same score are returned in reverse lexicographical order.\n@param scoreRange\n@return elements in the specified score range",
"Returns with an iterable of URIs that points to all elements that are\nreferenced by the argument or vice-versa.\n\n@return an iterable of URIs that are referenced by the argument or the\nother way around."
] |
public <T> T get(Class<T> type) {
return get(type.getName(), type);
} | [
"Access an attribute, hereby using the class name as key.\n\n@param type the type, not {@code null}\n@return the type attribute value, or {@code null}."
] | [
"Set the TimeSensor's cycleInterval property\nCurrently, this does not change the duration of the animation.\n@param newCycleInterval",
"Use this API to fetch aaagroup_authorizationpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Creates a real agent in the platform\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name that the agent is gonna have in the platform\n@param path\nThe path of the description (xml) of the agent",
"Get the URI for the given statement.\n\n@param statement\nthe statement for which to create a URI\n@return the URI",
"Mark a given element as checked to prevent duplicate work. A elements is only added when it\nis not already in the set of checked elements.\n\n@param element the element that is checked\n@return true if !contains(element.uniqueString)",
"With the Batik SVG library it is only possible to create new SVG graphics, but you can not modify an\nexisting graphic. So, we are loading the SVG file as plain XML and doing the modifications by hand.",
"Records the list of backedup files into a text file\n\n@param filesInEnv\n@param backupDir",
"Retrieves information for a collaboration whitelist for a given whitelist ID.\n\n@return information about this {@link BoxCollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget}.",
"Use this API to fetch authenticationnegotiatepolicy_binding resource of given name ."
] |
public synchronized Message menuRequestTyped(Message.KnownType requestType, Message.MenuIdentifier targetMenu,
CdjStatus.TrackSourceSlot slot, CdjStatus.TrackType trackType, Field... arguments)
throws IOException {
if (!menuLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("renderMenuItems() cannot be called without first successfully calling tryLockingForMenuOperation()");
Field[] combinedArguments = new Field[arguments.length + 1];
combinedArguments[0] = buildRMST(targetMenu, slot, trackType);
System.arraycopy(arguments, 0, combinedArguments, 1, arguments.length);
final Message response = simpleRequest(requestType, Message.KnownType.MENU_AVAILABLE, combinedArguments);
final NumberField reportedRequestType = (NumberField)response.arguments.get(0);
if (reportedRequestType.getValue() != requestType.protocolValue) {
throw new IOException("Menu request did not return result for same type as request; sent type: " +
requestType.protocolValue + ", received type: " + reportedRequestType.getValue() +
", response: " + response);
return response;
} | [
"Send a request for a menu that we will retrieve items from in subsequent requests, when the request must reflect\nthe actual type of track being asked about.\n\n@param requestType identifies what kind of menu request to send\n@param targetMenu the destination for the response to this query\n@param slot the media library of interest for this query\n@param trackType the type of track for which metadata is being requested, since this affects the request format\n@param arguments the additional arguments needed, if any, to complete the request\n\n@return the {@link Message.KnownType#MENU_AVAILABLE} response reporting how many items are available in the menu\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem communicating, or if the requested menu is not available\n@throws IllegalStateException if {@link #tryLockingForMenuOperations(long, TimeUnit)} was not called successfully\nbefore attempting this call"
] | [
"Extracts a duration from a JAXBElement instance.\n\n@param duration duration expressed in hours\n@return duration instance",
"Prints dependencies recovered from the methods of a class. A\ndependency is inferred only if another relation between the two\nclasses is not already in the graph.\n@param classes",
"Tells you if the expression is a null safe dereference.\n@param expression\nexpression\n@return\ntrue if is null safe dereference.",
"The Baseline Finish field shows the planned completion date for a task\nat the time you saved a baseline. Information in this field becomes\navailable when you set a baseline for a task.\n\n@return Date",
"Add the list with given bundles to the \"Require-Bundle\" main attribute.\n\n@param requiredBundles The list of all bundles to add.",
"Acquire a permit for a particular node id so as to allow rebalancing\n\n@param nodeId The id of the node for which we are acquiring a permit\n@return Returns true if permit acquired, false if the permit is already\nheld by someone",
"Finishes the current box - empties the text line buffer and creates a DOM element from it.",
"The normalized string returned by this method is consistent with java.net.Inet6address.\nIPs are not compressed nor mixed in this representation.",
"Get a string property, or, if no such property is defined, return\nthe given default value\n\n@param props the properties\n@param name the key in the properties\n@param defaultValue the default value if the key not exists\n@return value in the props or defaultValue while name not exist"
] |
private void stereotype(Options opt, Doc c, Align align) {
for (Tag tag : c.tags("stereotype")) {
String t[] = tokenize(tag.text());
if (t.length != 1) {
System.err.println("@stereotype expects one field: " + tag.text());
tableLine(align, guilWrap(opt, t[0]));
} | [
"Return as a string the stereotypes associated with c\nterminated by the escape character term"
] | [
"Create a forward curve from given times and discount factors.\n\nThe forward curve will have times.length-1 fixing times from times[0] to times[times.length-2]\n<code>\nforward[timeIndex] = (givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex]/givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex+1]-1.0) / (times[timeIndex+1] - times[timeIndex]);\n</code>\nNote: If time[0] > 0, then the discount factor 1.0 will inserted at time 0.0\n\n@param name The name of this curve.\n@param times A vector of given time points.\n@param givenDiscountFactors A vector of given discount factors (corresponding to the given time points).\n@param paymentOffset The maturity of the underlying index modeled by this curve.\n@return A new ForwardCurve object.",
"Function to perform backward softmax",
"This is a convenience method which reads the first project\nfrom the named MPD file using the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver.\n\n@param accessDatabaseFileName access database file name\n@return ProjectFile instance\n@throws MPXJException",
"Obtains a local date in Symmetry010 calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Symmetry010 era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Symmetry010 local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code IsoEra}",
"Processes a runtime procedure argument tag.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"\[email protected] name=\"attributes\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Attributes of the procedure as name-value pairs 'name=value',\nseparated by commas\"\[email protected] name=\"documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the procedure\"\[email protected] name=\"field-ref\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Identifies the field that provides the value\nif a runtime argument; if not set, then null is used\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The identifier of the argument tag\"\[email protected] name=\"return\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether this is a return value (if a runtime argument)\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"value\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The value if a constant argument\"",
"Show books.\n\n@param booksList the books list",
"Gets a list of registered docker images from the images cache, if it has been\nregistered to the cache for a specific build-info ID and if a docker manifest has been captured for it\nby the build-info proxy.\nAdditionally, the methods also removes the returned images from the cache.\n@param buildInfoId\n@return",
"Send message to all connections labeled with tag specified\nwith self connection excluded\n\n@param message the message to be sent\n@param tag the string that tag the connections to be sent\n@return this context",
"Restores a trashed file to a new location with a new name.\n@param fileID the ID of the trashed file.\n@param newName an optional new name to give the file. This can be null to use the file's original name.\n@param newParentID an optional new parent ID for the file. This can be null to use the file's original\nparent.\n@return info about the restored file."
] |
public synchronized void resumeDeployment(final String deployment) {
for (ControlPoint ep : entryPoints.values()) {
if (ep.getDeployment().equals(deployment)) {
} | [
"resumed a given deployment\n\n@param deployment The deployment to resume"
] | [
"Use this API to add nsip6 resources.",
"Returns the Class object of the class specified in the OJB.properties\nfile for the \"PersistentFieldClass\" property.\n\n@return Class The Class object of the \"PersistentFieldClass\" class\nspecified in the OJB.properties file.",
"Refactor the method into public CXF utility and reuse it from CXF instead copy&paste",
"Returns a new List containing the given objects.",
"Set the month.\n@param monthStr the month to set.",
"Initial setup of the service worker registration.",
"Gets the date time str standard.\n\n@param d\nthe d\n@return the date time str standard",
"Create a ModelNode representing the JVM the instance is running on.\n\n@return a ModelNode representing the JVM the instance is running on.\n@throws OperationFailedException",
"Create a discount curve from forwards given by a LIBORMonteCarloModel. If the model uses multiple curves, return its discount curve.\n\n@param forwardCurveName name of the forward curve.\n@param model Monte Carlo model providing the forwards.\n@param startTime time at which the curve starts, i.e. zero time for the curve\n@return a discount curve from forwards given by a LIBORMonteCarloModel.\n@throws CalculationException Thrown if the model failed to provide the forward rates."
] |
protected void postConnection(ConnectionHandle handle, long statsObtainTime){
handle.renewConnection(); // mark it as being logically "open"
// Give an application a chance to do something with it.
if (handle.getConnectionHook() != null){
if (this.pool.closeConnectionWatch){ // a debugging tool
if (this.pool.statisticsEnabled){
} | [
"After obtaining a connection, perform additional tasks.\n@param handle\n@param statsObtainTime"
] | [
"Display mode for output streams.",
"Add a shutdown listener, which gets called when all requests completed on shutdown.\n\n@param listener the shutdown listener",
"Triggers collapse of the parent.",
"Maps a single prefix, uri pair as namespace.\n\n@param prefix the prefix to use\n@param namespaceURI the URI to use\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if prefix or namespaceURI is null",
"Read a long int from a byte array.\n\n@param data byte array\n@param offset start offset\n@return long value",
"Returns the meta-data for the inverse side of the association represented by the given property on the given\npersister in case it represents the main side of a bi-directional one-to-many or many-to-many association.\n\n@param mainSidePersister persister of the entity hosting the property of interest\n@param propertyIndex index of the property of interest\n@return the meta-data of the inverse side of the specified association or {@code null} if no such meta-data\nexists",
"Selects the single element of the collection for which the provided OQL query\npredicate is true.\n@param\tpredicate\tAn OQL boolean query predicate.\n@return The element that evaluates to true for the predicate. If no element\nevaluates to true, null is returned.\n@exception\torg.odmg.QueryInvalidException\tThe query predicate is invalid.",
"Wait until a scan of the table completes without seeing notifications AND without the Oracle\nissuing any timestamps during the scan.",
"Use this API to fetch all the responderpolicy resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public static <T> ServiceBuilder<T> addServerExecutorDependency(ServiceBuilder<T> builder, Injector<ExecutorService> injector) {
return builder.addDependency(ServerService.MANAGEMENT_EXECUTOR, ExecutorService.class, injector);
} | [
"Creates dependency on management executor.\n\n@param builder the builder\n@param injector the injector\n@param <T> the parameter type\n@return service builder instance\n@deprecated Use {@link #requireServerExecutor(ServiceBuilder)} instead. This method will be removed in the future."
] | [
"Adds a module to the modules that should be exported.\nIf called at least once, the explicitly added modules will be exported\ninstead of the default modules.\n\n@param moduleName the name of the module to export.",
"Send a fader start command to all registered listeners.\n\n@param playersToStart contains the device numbers of all players that should start playing\n@param playersToStop contains the device numbers of all players that should stop playing",
"add a converted object to the pool\n\n@param converter\nthe converter that made the conversion\n@param sourceObject\nthe source object that has been converted\n@param destinationType\nthe destination type\n@param convertedObject\nthe converted object",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslpolicylabel resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Performs case-sensitive depth-first search for a child object and then\nremoves it if found.\n\n@param name name of scene object to be removed.\n\n@return true if child was found (and removed), else false",
"Return given duration in a human-friendly format. For example, \"4\nminutes\" or \"1 second\". Returns only largest meaningful unit of time,\nfrom seconds up to hours.\n\nThe longest duration it supports is hours.\n\nThis method assumes that there are 60 minutes in an hour,\n60 seconds in a minute and 1000 milliseconds in a second.\nAll currently supplied chronologies use this definition.",
"Notifies that a footer item is changed.\n\n@param position the position.",
"Calculate power of a complex number.\n\n@param z1 Complex Number.\n@param n Power.\n@return Returns a new complex number containing the power of a specified number.",
"Creates a clone using java serialization\n\n@param from Object to be cloned\n@param <T> type of the cloned object\n@return Clone of the object"
] |
private void addCalendars(MpxjTreeNode parentNode, ProjectFile file)
for (ProjectCalendar calendar : file.getCalendars())
addCalendar(parentNode, calendar);
} | [
"Add calendars to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param file calendar container"
] | [
"Throws one RendererException if the viewType, layoutInflater or parent are null.",
"Finds the file at the provided path within the archive.\n\nEg, getChildFile(ArchiveModel, \"/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF\") will return a {@link FileModel} if a file named\n/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF exists within the archive\n\n@return Returns the located {@link FileModel} or null if no file with this path could be located",
"Gets the favorite entries corresponding to the currently displayed favorite widgets.\n\n@return the list of favorite entries",
"Returns the key of the entity targeted by the represented association, retrieved from the given tuple.\n\n@param tuple the tuple from which to retrieve the referenced entity key\n@return the key of the entity targeted by the represented association",
"Transforms each character from this reader by passing it to the given\nclosure. The Closure should return each transformed character, which\nwill be passed to the Writer. The reader and writer will be both be\nclosed before this method returns.\n\n@param self a Reader object\n@param writer a Writer to receive the transformed characters\n@param closure a closure that performs the required transformation\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 1.5.0",
"Use this API to fetch all the dnsaaaarec resources that are configured on netscaler.\nThis uses dnsaaaarec_args which is a way to provide additional arguments while fetching the resources.",
"Use this API to unset the properties of nsconfig resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Split a module Id to get the module name\n@param moduleId\n@return String",
"Linear interpolation of ARGB values.\n@param t the interpolation parameter\n@param rgb1 the lower interpolation range\n@param rgb2 the upper interpolation range\n@return the interpolated value"
] |
private boolean replaceValues(Locale locale) {
try {
SortedProperties localization = getLocalization(locale);
if (hasDescriptor()) {
for (Object itemId : m_container.getItemIds()) {
Item item = m_container.getItem(itemId);
String key = item.getItemProperty(TableProperty.KEY).getValue().toString();
Object value = localization.get(key);
item.getItemProperty(TableProperty.TRANSLATION).setValue(null == value ? "" : value);
} else {
Set<Object> keyset = m_keyset.getKeySet();
for (Object key : keyset) {
Object itemId = m_container.addItem();
Item item = m_container.getItem(itemId);
Object value = localization.get(key);
item.getItemProperty(TableProperty.TRANSLATION).setValue(null == value ? "" : value);
if (m_container.getItemIds().isEmpty()) {
return true;
} catch (IOException | CmsException e) {
// The problem should typically be a problem with locking or reading the file containing the translation.
// This should be reported in the editor, if false is returned here.
return false;
} | [
"Replaces the translations in an existing container with the translations for the provided locale.\n@param locale the locale for which translations should be loaded.\n@return <code>true</code> if replacing succeeded, <code>false</code> otherwise."
] | [
"Gets the gradient at the current point, computed on the given batch of examples.\n@param batch A set of indices indicating the examples over which the gradient should be computed.\n@param gradient The output gradient, a vector of partial derivatives.",
"Sets a new config and clears the previous cache",
"Gets the task from in progress map.\n\n@param jobId\nthe job id\n@return the task from in progress map",
"Use this API to Reboot reboot.",
"Factory method that returns an Identity object created from a serializated representation.\n\n@param anArray The serialized representation\n@return The identity\n@see {@link #serialize}.\n@deprecated",
"Parse rate.\n\n@param value rate value\n@return Rate instance",
"Use this API to fetch vrid6 resource of given name .",
"Returns an text table containing the matrix of Strings passed in.\nThe first dimension of the matrix should represent the rows, and the\nsecond dimension the columns.",
"Writes the message to the specified channel, for example when creating metadata cache files.\n\n@param channel the channel to which it should be written\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem writing to the channel"
] |
private static void listResourceNotes(ProjectFile file)
for (Resource resource : file.getResources())
String notes = resource.getNotes();
if (notes.length() != 0)
System.out.println("Notes for " + resource.getName() + ": " + notes);
} | [
"This method lists any notes attached to resources.\n\n@param file MPX file"
] | [
"Analyses the content of the general section of an ini configuration file\nand fills out the class arguments with this data.\n\n@param section\n{@link Section} with name \"general\"",
"Adds position noise to the trajectories\n@param t\n@param sd\n@return trajectory with position noise",
"Checks the foreignkeys of all collections in the model.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the value for foreignkey is invalid",
"Check real offset.\n\n@return the boolean",
"alias of setColorUnpressed",
"Obtain newline-delimited headers from response\n\n@param response HttpServletResponse to scan\n@return newline-delimited headers",
"Normalizes the name so it can be used as Maven artifactId or groupId.",
"Sort by time bucket, then backup count, and by compression state.",
"Release a connection by placing the connection back in the pool.\n@param connectionHandle Connection being released.\n@throws SQLException"
] |
protected Boolean checkBoolean(Object val, Boolean def) {
return (val == null) ? def : (Boolean) val;
} | [
"Checks a returned Javascript value where we expect a boolean but could\nget null.\n\n@param val The value from Javascript to be checked.\n@param def The default return value, which can be null.\n@return The actual value, or if null, returns false."
] | [
"Gets the default configuration for Freemarker within Windup.",
"Get info for a given topic\n\n@param topicId\nUnique identifier of a topic for a given group {@link Topic}.\n@return A group topic\n@throws FlickrException\n@see <a href=\"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.groups.discuss.topics.getInfo.html\">API Documentation</a>",
"Obtains a local date in Pax calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Pax era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Pax local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code PaxEra}",
"Gets the default configuration for Freemarker within Windup.",
"get the setter method corresponding to given property",
"Creates a date from the equivalent long value. This conversion\ntakes account of the time zone.\n\n@param date date expressed as a long integer\n@return new Date instance",
"Determine the enum value corresponding to the track source slot found in the packet.\n\n@return the proper value",
"Unregister all MBeans"
] |
private TimeUnit getFormat(int format)
TimeUnit result;
if (format == 0xFFFF)
result = TimeUnit.HOURS;
result = MPPUtility.getWorkTimeUnits(format);
return result;
} | [
"Converts an integer into a time format.\n\n@param format integer format value\n@return TimeUnit instance"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch autoscalepolicy_binding resource of given name .",
"Ask the specified player for the specified waveform preview from the specified media slot, first checking if we\nhave a cached copy.\n\n@param dataReference uniquely identifies the desired waveform preview\n\n@return the preview, if it was found, or {@code null}\n\n@throws IllegalStateException if the WaveformFinder is not running",
"Sets the set of language filters based on the given string.\n\n@param filters\ncomma-separates list of language codes, or \"-\" to filter all\nlanguages",
"Print an extended attribute date value.\n\n@param value date value\n@return string representation",
"Curries a procedure that takes three arguments.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed first argument of {@code procedure}.\n@return a procedure that takes two arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Sends out the SQL as defined in the config upon first init of the connection.\n@param connection\n@param initSQL\n@throws SQLException",
"Use this API to unset the properties of snmpmanager resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Generate a VideoCollection with random data obtained form VIDEO_INFO map. You don't need o\ncreate your own AdapteeCollections. Review ListAdapteeCollection if needed.\n\n@param videoCount size of the collection.\n@return VideoCollection generated.",
"Used to NOT the argument clause specified."
] |
public static Object readObject(File file) throws IOException,
ClassNotFoundException {
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(file);
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(fileIn));
try {
return in.readObject();
} finally {
} | [
"To read an object in a quick & dirty way. Prepare to handle failures when object serialization changes!"
] | [
"Return the basis functions for the regression suitable for this product.\n\n@param fixingDate The condition time.\n@param model The model\n@return The basis functions for the regression suitable for this product.\n@throws net.finmath.exception.CalculationException Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the <code>cause()</code> method.",
"Use this API to fetch filterpolicy_csvserver_binding resources of given name .",
"Parse rate.\n\n@param value rate value\n@return Rate instance",
"Generate heroku-like random names\n\n@return String",
"Moves to the next step.",
"Adds a child to this node and sets this node as its parent node.\n\n@param node The node to add.",
"Iterates over the elements of an iterable collection of items and returns\nthe index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.\n\n@param self the iteration object over which to iterate\n@param closure the filter to perform a match on the collection\n@return a list of numbers corresponding to the index values of all matched objects\n@since 1.5.2",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslservice resources that are configured on netscaler.\nThis uses sslservice_args which is a way to provide additional arguments while fetching the resources.",
"Reads a single record from the table.\n\n@param buffer record data\n@param table parent table"
] |
public LuaPreparedScript endPreparedScriptReturn(LuaValue value, LuaScriptConfig config) {
add(new LuaAstReturnStatement(argument(value)));
return endPreparedScript(config);
} | [
"End building the prepared script, adding a return value statement\n@param value the value to return\n@param config the configuration for the script to build\n@return the new {@link LuaPreparedScript} instance"
] | [
"Creates a region from a name and a label.\n\n@param name the uniquely identifiable name of the region\n@param label the label of the region\n@return the newly created region",
"Gets the name of the vertex attribute containing the texture\ncoordinates for the named texture.\n\n@param texName name of texture\n@return name of texture coordinate vertex attribute",
"Adds an index to the table for the given index descriptor.\n\n@param indexDescDef The index descriptor\n@param tableDef The table",
"Redirect standard streams so that the output can be passed to listeners.",
"adds a TTL index to the given collection. The TTL must be a positive integer.\n\n@param collection the collection to use for the TTL index\n@param field the field to use for the TTL index\n@param ttl the TTL to set on the given field\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the TTL is less or equal 0",
"The main conversion method.\n@param image A BufferedImage containing the image that needs to be converted\n@param favicon When ico is true it will convert ico file into 16 x 16 size\n@return A string containing the ASCII version of the original image.",
"Creates a new form session to edit the file with the given name using the given form configuration.\n\n@param configPath the site path of the form configuration\n@param fileName the name (not path) of the XML content to edit\n@return the id of the newly created form session\n\n@throws CmsUgcException if something goes wrong",
"Convert weekly recurrence days into a bit field.\n\n@param task recurring task\n@return bit field as a string",
"We have received an update that invalidates the waveform preview for a player, so clear it and alert\nany listeners if this represents a change. This does not affect the hot cues; they will stick around until the\nplayer loads a new track that overwrites one or more of them.\n\n@param update the update which means we have no waveform preview for the associated player"
] |
public static AppDescriptor of(String appName, String packageName) {
String[] packages = packageName.split(S.COMMON_SEP);
return of(appName, packageName, Version.ofPackage(packages[0]));
} | [
"Create an `AppDescriptor` with appName and package name specified\n\nIf `appName` is `null` or blank, it will try the following\napproach to get app name:\n\n1. check the {@link Version#getArtifactId() artifact id} and use it unless\n2. if artifact id is null or empty, then infer app name using {@link AppNameInferer}\n\n@param appName\nthe app name\n@param packageName\nthe package name of the app\n@return\nan `AppDescriptor` instance"
] | [
"Return a list of segments where each segment is either the content of a line in the given text or a line-break\naccording to the configured delimiter. Existing line-breaks in the text will be replaced by this's\ninstances delimiter.\n\n@param text\nthe to-be-splitted text. May be <code>null</code>.\n@return a list of segments. Is never <code>null</code>.",
"Use this API to fetch all the autoscaleprofile resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Get a writer implementation to push data into Canvas while being able to control the behavior of blank values.\nIf the serializeNulls parameter is set to true, this writer will serialize null fields in the JSON being\nsent to Canvas. This is required if you want to explicitly blank out a value that is currently set to something.\n@param type Interface type you wish to get an implementation for\n@param oauthToken An OAuth token to use for authentication when making API calls\n@param serializeNulls Whether or not to include null fields in the serialized JSON. Defaults to false if null\n@param <T> A writer implementation\n@return An instantiated instance of the requested writer type",
"Set a Java classname path to ignore when printing stack traces\n@param classToIgnoreInTraces The class name (with packages, etc) to ignore.\n@return this",
"Adds to this set all of the elements in the specified map of members and their score.\n@param scoredMember the members to add together with their scores\n@return the number of members actually added",
"Return a new File object based on the baseDir and the segments.\n\nThis method does not perform any operation on the file system.",
"Handle content length.\n\n@param event\nthe event",
"Set the buttons span text.",
"Extracts a numeric id from a string, which can be either a Wikidata\nentity URI or a short entity or property id.\n\n@param idString\n@param isUri\n@return numeric id, or 0 if there was an error"
] |
public static String format(String format) {
if (format == null) {
} else {
if (format.contains("M")) {
format = format.replace("M", "m");
if (format.contains("Y")) {
format = format.replace("Y", "y");
if (format.contains("D")) {
format = format.replace("D", "d");
return format;
} | [
"Will auto format the given string to provide support for pickadate.js formats."
] | [
"Return true only if the MethodCallExpression represents a method call for the specified method name\n@param methodCall - the AST MethodCallExpression\n@param methodNamePattern - the expected name of the method being called\n@param numArguments - The number of expected arguments\n@return true only if the method call name matches",
"Returns the \"short rate\" from timeIndex to timeIndex+1.\n\n@param timeIndex The time index (corresponding to {@link getTime()).\n@return The \"short rate\" from timeIndex to timeIndex+1.\n@throws CalculationException Thrown if simulation failed.",
"Parse rate.\n\n@param value rate value\n@return Rate instance",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all appfwprofile_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Add BoxMetaDataFilter to the JsonArray boxMetadataFilterRequestArray.\n@param @param bmf accepts a filter that has templateKey, scope, and filters populated.\n@return JsonArray that is formated Json request",
"Polls from the location header and updates the polling state with the\npolling response for a PUT operation.\n\n@param pollingState the polling state for the current operation.\n@param <T> the return type of the caller.",
"Delivers the correct JSON Object for the Stencilset\n\n@param stencilSet\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"cleanup tx and prepare for reuse",
"Install the installation manager service.\n\n@param serviceTarget\n@return the service controller for the installed installation manager"
] |
GcsRestCreationToken handlePutResponse(final GcsRestCreationToken token,
final boolean isFinalChunk,
final int length,
final HTTPRequestInfo reqInfo,
HTTPResponse resp) throws Error, IOException {
switch (resp.getResponseCode()) {
case 200:
if (!isFinalChunk) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected response code 200 on non-final chunk. Request: \n"
+ URLFetchUtils.describeRequestAndResponse(reqInfo, resp));
} else {
return null;
case 308:
if (isFinalChunk) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected response code 308 on final chunk: "
+ URLFetchUtils.describeRequestAndResponse(reqInfo, resp));
} else {
return new GcsRestCreationToken(token.filename, token.uploadId, token.offset + length);
throw HttpErrorHandler.error(resp.getResponseCode(),
URLFetchUtils.describeRequestAndResponse(reqInfo, resp));
} | [
"Given a HTTPResponce, process it, throwing an error if needed and return a Token for the next\nrequest."
] | [
"Pretty-print the object.",
"Get FieldDescriptor from Reference",
"Add a dependency task item for this model.\n\n@param dependency the dependency task item.\n@return key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve result the task item",
"Check if the the nodeId is present in the cluster managed by the metadata store\nor throw an exception.\n\n@param nodeId The nodeId to check existence of",
"Constructs a triangule Face from vertices v0, v1, and v2.\n\n@param v0\nfirst vertex\n@param v1\nsecond vertex\n@param v2\nthird vertex",
"Lists the buildpacks installed on an app\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.",
"Produces a string identifying this half-edge by the point index values of\nits tail and head vertices.\n\n@return identifying string",
"Prepare the baseURL to make a request.\n\n@param matrixId matrixId\n@param row row\n@param col cold\n@param layerParam layerParam",
"Retrieves the earliest start date for all assigned tasks.\n\n@return start date"
] |
public TransformersSubRegistration getServerRegistration(final ModelVersionRange range) {
final PathAddress address = PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS.append(HOST, SERVER);
return new TransformersSubRegistrationImpl(range, domain, address);
} | [
"Get the sub registry for the servers.\n\n@param range the version range\n@return the sub registry"
] | [
"Register the ChangeHandler to become notified if the user changes the slider.\nThe Handler is called when the user releases the mouse only at the end of the slide\noperation.",
"Get a collection of recent photos.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.Extras\n@param extras\nSet of extra-fields\n@param perPage\nThe number of photos per page\n@param page\nThe page offset\n@return A collection of Photo objects\n@throws FlickrException",
"Calculate start dates for a daily recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates",
"Get the sub registry for the domain.\n\n@param range the version range\n@return the sub registry",
"Read data for an individual task from the tables in a PEP file.\n\n@param parent parent task\n@param id task ID\n@return task instance",
"Scan the segments to find the largest height value present.\n\n@return the largest waveform height anywhere in the preview.",
"Emit a string event with parameters and force all listeners to be called asynchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(String, Object...)",
"We have received an update that invalidates the beat grid for a player, so clear it and alert\nany listeners if this represents a change. This does not affect the hot cues; they will stick around until the\nplayer loads a new track that overwrites one or more of them.\n\n@param update the update which means we have no beat grid for the associated player",
"running in App Engine"
] |
public List<? super OpenShiftResource> processTemplateResources() {
List<? extends OpenShiftResource> resources;
final List<? super OpenShiftResource> processedResources = new ArrayList<>();
templates = OpenShiftResourceFactory.getTemplates(getType());
boolean sync_instantiation = OpenShiftResourceFactory.syncInstantiation(getType());
/* Instantiate templates */
for (Template template : templates) {
resources = processTemplate(template);
if (resources != null) {
if (sync_instantiation) {
/* synchronous template instantiation */
} else {
/* asynchronous template instantiation */
try {
delay(openShiftAdapter, resources);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(asynchronousDelayErrorMessage(), t);
return processedResources;
} | [
"Instantiates the templates specified by @Template within @Templates"
] | [
"Flushes all changes to disk.",
"judge a->b is ordered clockwise\n\n@param center\n@param a\n@param b\n@return",
"Use this API to unset the properties of nsdiameter resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Reconnect the context if the RedirectException is valid.",
"Execute the physical query and initialize the various entities and collections\n\n@param session the session\n@param qp the query parameters\n@param ogmLoadingContext the loading context\n@param returnProxies when {@code true}, get an existing proxy for each collection element (if there is one)\n@return the result of the query",
"Returns an identity matrix",
"Returns the orthogonal U matrix.\n\n@param U If not null then the results will be stored here. Otherwise a new matrix will be created.\n@return The extracted Q matrix.",
"Sets the target translator for all cells in the row.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param targetTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Set an enterprise number value.\n\n@param index number index (1-40)\n@param value number value"
] |
private Set<HttpMethod> getHttpMethods(Method method) {
Set<HttpMethod> httpMethods = new HashSet<>();
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(GET.class)) {
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(PUT.class)) {
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(POST.class)) {
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(DELETE.class)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(httpMethods);
} | [
"Fetches the HttpMethod from annotations and returns String representation of HttpMethod.\nReturn emptyString if not present.\n\n@param method Method handling the http request.\n@return String representation of HttpMethod from annotations or emptyString as a default."
] | [
"Return the set of synchronized document _ids in a namespace\nthat have been paused due to an irrecoverable error.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to get paused document _ids for.\n@return the set of paused document _ids in a namespace",
"Remove a license from an artifact\n\n@param gavc String The artifact GAVC\n@param licenseId String The license id to be removed.",
"Edit which photos are in the photoset.\n\n@param photosetId\nThe photoset ID\n@param primaryPhotoId\nThe primary photo Id\n@param photoIds\nThe photo IDs for the photos in the set\n@throws FlickrException",
"compute Cosh using Taylor Series.\n\n@param x An angle, in radians.\n@param nTerms Number of terms.\n@return Result.",
"List app dynos for an app\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.",
"Start the drag operation of a scene object with a rigid body.\n\n@param sceneObject Scene object with a rigid body attached to it.\n@param hitX rel position in x-axis.\n@param hitY rel position in y-axis.\n@param hitZ rel position in z-axis.\n@return true if success, otherwise returns false.",
"Parses an item id\n\n@param id\nthe identifier of the entity, such as \"Q42\"\n@param siteIri\nthe siteIRI that this value refers to\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif the id is invalid",
"Use this API to change sslcertkey.",
"removes an Object from the cache.\n\n@param oid the Identity of the object to be removed."
] |
public void cross(Vector3d v1, Vector3d v2) {
double tmpx = v1.y * v2.z - v1.z * v2.y;
double tmpy = v1.z * v2.x - v1.x * v2.z;
double tmpz = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x;
x = tmpx;
y = tmpy;
z = tmpz;
} | [
"Computes the cross product of v1 and v2 and places the result in this\nvector.\n\n@param v1\nleft-hand vector\n@param v2\nright-hand vector"
] | [
"This private method allows the caller to determine if a given date is a\nworking day. This method takes account of calendar exceptions. It assumes\nthat the caller has already calculated the day of the week on which\nthe given day falls.\n\n@param date Date to be tested\n@param day Day of the week for the date under test\n@return boolean flag",
"Main entry point when called to process constraint data.\n\n@param projectDir project directory\n@param file parent project file\n@param inputStreamFactory factory to create input stream",
"Counts additional occurrences of a property as the main property of\nstatements.\n\n@param usageStatistics\nstatistics object where count is stored\n@param property\nthe property to count\n@param count\nthe number of times to count the property",
"Process the settings when we are going to consume them.",
"Inserts a single document locally and being to synchronize it based on its _id. Inserting\na document with the same _id twice will result in a duplicate key exception.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to put the document in.\n@param document the document to insert.",
"Returns angle in degrees between two points\n\n@param ax x of the point 1\n@param ay y of the point 1\n@param bx x of the point 2\n@param by y of the point 2\n@return angle in degrees between two points",
"Returns a list of objects for each line in the spreadsheet, of the specified type.\n\n<p>\nIf the class is a view model then the objects will be properly instantiated (that is, using\n{@link DomainObjectContainer#newViewModelInstance(Class, String)}, with the correct\nview model memento); otherwise the objects will be simple transient objects (that is, using\n{@link DomainObjectContainer#newTransientInstance(Class)}).\n</p>",
"Set the value of the underlying component. Note that this will\nnot work for ListEditor components. Also, note that for a JComboBox,\nThe value object must have the same identity as an object in the drop-down.\n\n@param propName The DMR property name to set.\n@param value The value.",
"This method retrieves a String of the specified type,\nbelonging to the item with the specified unique ID.\n\n@param id unique ID of entity to which this data belongs\n@param type data type identifier\n@return string containing required data"
] |
public PlacesList<Place> find(String query) throws FlickrException {
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
PlacesList<Place> placesList = new PlacesList<Place>();
parameters.put("method", METHOD_FIND);
parameters.put("query", query);
Response response = transportAPI.get(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
if (response.isError()) {
throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
Element placesElement = response.getPayload();
NodeList placesNodes = placesElement.getElementsByTagName("place");
placesList.setPerPage("" + placesNodes.getLength());
placesList.setTotal("" + placesNodes.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < placesNodes.getLength(); i++) {
Element placeElement = (Element) placesNodes.item(i);
return placesList;
} | [
"Return a list of place IDs for a query string.\n\nThe flickr.places.find method is not a geocoder. It will round \"up\" to the nearest place type to which place IDs apply. For example, if you pass it a\nstreet level address it will return the city that contains the address rather than the street, or building, itself.\n\n<p>\nThis method does not require authentication.\n</p>\n\n@param query\n@return PlacesList\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"When set to true, all items in layout will be considered having the size of the largest child. If false, all items are\nmeasured normally. Disabled by default.\n@param enable true to measure children using the size of the largest child, false - otherwise.",
"Convenience routine to move to the next iterator if needed.\n@return true if the iterator is changed, false if no changes.",
"Helper xml end tag writer\n\n@param value the output stream to use in writing",
"Adds a data set with date-time value to IIM file.\n\n@param ds\ndata set id (see constants in IIM class)\n@param date\ndate to set. Null values are silently ignored.\n@throws SerializationException\nif value can't be serialized by data set's serializer\n@throws InvalidDataSetException\nif data set isn't defined",
"Prepare a parallel HTTP PUT Task.\n\n@param url\nthe UrlPostfix: e.g. in http://localhost:8080/index.html.,the url is \"/index.html\"\n@return the parallel task builder",
"If the `invokerClass` specified is singleton, or without field or all fields are\nstateless, then return an instance of the invoker class. Otherwise, return null\n@param invokerClass the invoker class\n@param app the app\n@return an instance of the invokerClass or `null` if invoker class is stateful class",
"Close and remove expired streams. Package protected to allow unit tests to invoke it.",
"Reads entries from transforms.xml.\n\n@param file the XML file\n@return the transform entries read from the file\n\n@throws Exception if something goes wrong",
"Set a range of the colormap, interpolating between two colors.\n@param firstIndex the position of the first color\n@param lastIndex the position of the second color\n@param color1 the first color\n@param color2 the second color"
] |
private CostRateTableEntry getCostRateTableEntry(Date date)
CostRateTableEntry result;
CostRateTable table = getCostRateTable();
if (table == null)
Resource resource = getResource();
result = new CostRateTableEntry(resource.getStandardRate(), TimeUnit.HOURS, resource.getOvertimeRate(), TimeUnit.HOURS, resource.getCostPerUse(), null);
if (table.size() == 1)
result = table.get(0);
result = table.getEntryByDate(date);
return result;
} | [
"Retrieves the cost rate table entry active on a given date.\n\n@param date target date\n@return cost rate table entry"
] | [
"Get the log if exists or return null\n\n@param topic topic name\n@param partition partition index\n@return a log for the topic or null if not exist",
"Return a list of place IDs for a query string.\n\nThe flickr.places.find method is not a geocoder. It will round \"up\" to the nearest place type to which place IDs apply. For example, if you pass it a\nstreet level address it will return the city that contains the address rather than the street, or building, itself.\n\n<p>\nThis method does not require authentication.\n</p>\n\n@param query\n@return PlacesList\n@throws FlickrException",
"Use this API to save cachecontentgroup.",
"do the parsing on an JSONObject, assumes that the json is hierarchical\nordered, so all shapes are reachable over child relations\n@param json hierarchical JSON object\n@return Model with all shapes defined in JSON\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Use this API to fetch nsrpcnode resources of given names .",
"Add an object into cache by key. The key will be used in conjunction with session id if\nthere is a session instance\n\n@param key\nthe key to index the object within the cache\n@param obj\nthe object to be cached",
"Save the values to the bundle descriptor.\n@throws CmsException thrown if saving fails.",
"Use this API to delete appfwjsoncontenttype resources of given names.",
"Core implementation of matchPath. It is isolated so that it can be called\nfrom TokenizedPattern."
] |
public static AccrueType getInstance(String type, Locale locale)
AccrueType result = null;
String[] typeNames = LocaleData.getStringArray(locale, LocaleData.ACCRUE_TYPES);
for (int loop = 0; loop < typeNames.length; loop++)
if (typeNames[loop].equalsIgnoreCase(type) == true)
result = AccrueType.getInstance(loop + 1);
if (result == null)
result = AccrueType.PRORATED;
return (result);
} | [
"This method takes the textual version of an accrue type name\nand populates the class instance appropriately. Note that unrecognised\nvalues are treated as \"Prorated\".\n\n@param type text version of the accrue type\n@param locale target locale\n@return AccrueType class instance"
] | [
"Process the set of activities from the Phoenix file.\n\n@param phoenixProject project data",
"Execute the transactional flow - catch all exceptions\n\n@param input Initial data input\n@return Try that represents either success (with result) or failure (with errors)",
"Adds a new Site matcher object to the map of server names.\n\n@param matcher the SiteMatcher of the server\n@param site the site to add",
"Internal method for recursivly searching for a class descriptor that avoids\nclass loading when we already have a class object.\n\n@param clazz The class whose descriptor we need to find\n@return ClassDescriptor for <code>clazz</code> or <code>null</code>\nif no ClassDescriptor could be located.",
"Execute push docker image on agent\n\n@param launcher\n@param log\n@param imageTag\n@param username\n@param password\n@param host @return\n@throws IOException\n@throws InterruptedException",
"Tests whether the ClassNode implements the specified method name\n\n@param classNode The ClassNode\n@param methodName The method name\n@param argTypes\n@return True if it implements the method",
"Reads the cost rate tables from the file.\n\n@param resource parent resource\n@param rates XML cot rate tables",
"Control whether the Virtual CDJ sends status packets to the other players. Most uses of Beat Link will not\nrequire this level of activity. However, if you want to be able to take over the tempo master role, and control\nthe tempo and beat alignment of other players, you will need to turn on this feature, which also requires that\nyou are using one of the standard player numbers, 1-4.\n\n@param send if {@code true} we will send status packets, and can participate in (and control) tempo and beat sync\n\n@throws IllegalStateException if the virtual CDJ is not running, or if it is not using a device number in the\nrange 1 through 4\n@throws IOException if there is a problem starting the {@link BeatFinder}",
"Creates a sorted list that contains the items of the given iterable. The resulting list is sorted according to\nthe order induced by the specified comparator.\n\n@param iterable\nthe items to be sorted. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param comparator\nthe comparator to be used. May be <code>null</code> to indicate that the natural ordering of the\nelements should be used.\n@return a sorted list as a shallow copy of the given iterable.\n@see Collections#sort(List, Comparator)\n@see #sort(Iterable)\n@see #sortBy(Iterable, org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1)\n@see ListExtensions#sortInplace(List, Comparator)\n@since 2.7"
] |
synchronized void stop(Integer timeout) {
final InternalState required = this.requiredState;
if(required != InternalState.STOPPED) {
this.requiredState = InternalState.STOPPED;
// Only send the stop operation if the server is started
if (internalState == InternalState.SERVER_STARTED) {
internalSetState(new ServerStopTask(timeout), internalState, InternalState.PROCESS_STOPPING);
} else {
} | [
"Stop a managed server."
] | [
"Sets the upper limits for the \"moving\" body translation relative to joint point.\n\n@param limitX the X upper lower translation limit\n@param limitY the Y upper lower translation limit\n@param limitZ the Z upper lower translation limit",
"Calls the specified Stitch function, and decodes the response into an instance of the specified\ntype. The response will be decoded using the codec registry given.\n\n@param name the name of the Stitch function to call.\n@param args the arguments to pass to the Stitch function.\n@param requestTimeout the number of milliseconds the client should wait for a response from the\nserver before failing with an error.\n@param resultClass the class that the Stitch response should be decoded as.\n@param <T> the type into which the Stitch response will be decoded.\n@param codecRegistry the codec registry that will be used to encode/decode the function call.\n@return the decoded value.",
"Finds the parent group of the given one and returns it\n\n@param group Group for which the parent is needed\n@return The parent group of the given one. If the given one is the first one, it returns the same group",
"Use this API to add snmpuser.",
"Checks if provided class package is on the exclude list\n\n@param classPackageName\nname of class package\n@return false if class package is on the {@link #excludePackages} list",
"Gets a list of registered docker images from the images cache, if it has been\nregistered to the cache for a specific build-info ID and if a docker manifest has been captured for it\nby the build-info proxy.\n@param buildInfoId\n@return",
"Read an individual remark type from a Gantt Designer file.\n\n@param remark remark type",
"Set the order in which sets are returned for the user.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'write' permission.\n\n@param photosetIds\nAn array of Ids\n@throws FlickrException",
"This method takes a calendar of MPXJ library type, then returns a String of the\ngeneral working days USACE format. For example, the regular 5-day work week is\nNYYYYYN\n\nIf you get Fridays off work, then the String becomes NYYYYNN\n\n@param input ProjectCalendar instance\n@return work days string"
] |
private void processChildTasks(Task parentTask) throws SQLException
List<Row> rows = getRows("select * from zscheduleitem where zparentactivity_=? and z_ent=? order by zorderinparentactivity", parentTask.getUniqueID(), m_entityMap.get("Activity"));
for (Row row : rows)
Task task = parentTask.addTask();
populateTask(row, task);
} | [
"Read all child tasks for a given parent.\n\n@param parentTask parent task"
] | [
"Will start the HiveServer.\n\n@param testConfig Specific test case properties. Will be merged with the HiveConf of the context\n@param hiveVars HiveVars to pass on to the HiveServer for this session",
"Parses a String comprised of 0 or more comma-delimited key=value pairs.\n\n@param s the string to parse\n@return the Map of parsed key value pairs",
"Does the slice contain only 7-bit ASCII characters.",
"It should be called when the picker is hidden",
"Copies the non-zero structure of orig into \"this\"\n@param orig Matrix who's structure is to be copied",
"Returns the Set of entities recognized by this Classifier.\n\n@return The Set of entities recognized by this Classifier.",
"Generate a currency format.\n\n@param position currency symbol position\n@return currency format",
"Writes the content of an input stream to an output stream\n\n@throws IOException",
"Sets the appropriate headers to response of this request.\n\n@param response The HttpServletResponse response object."
] |
private static URI createSvg(
final Dimension targetSize,
final RasterReference rasterReference, final Double rotation,
final Color backgroundColor, final File workingDir)
throws IOException {
// load SVG graphic
final SVGElement svgRoot = parseSvg(rasterReference.inputStream);
// create a new SVG graphic in which the existing graphic is embedded (scaled and rotated)
DOMImplementation impl = SVGDOMImplementation.getDOMImplementation();
Document newDocument = impl.createDocument(SVG_NS, "svg", null);
SVGElement newSvgRoot = (SVGElement) newDocument.getDocumentElement();
newSvgRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "width", Integer.toString(targetSize.width));
newSvgRoot.setAttributeNS(null, "height", Integer.toString(targetSize.height));
setSvgBackground(backgroundColor, targetSize, newDocument, newSvgRoot);
embedSvgGraphic(svgRoot, newSvgRoot, newDocument, targetSize, rotation);
File path = writeSvgToFile(newDocument, workingDir);
return path.toURI();
} | [
"With the Batik SVG library it is only possible to create new SVG graphics, but you can not modify an\nexisting graphic. So, we are loading the SVG file as plain XML and doing the modifications by hand."
] | [
"Determines if a mouse event is inside a box.",
"Recursively add indirect subclasses to a class record.\n\n@param directSuperClass\nthe superclass to add (together with its own superclasses)\n@param subClassRecord\nthe subclass to add to",
"Returns a string representation of the receiver, containing\nthe String representation of each key-value pair, sorted ascending by value.",
"Delete an artifact in the Grapes server\n\n@param gavc\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"Signals that the processor to finish and waits until it finishes.",
"converts a java.net.URI to a decoded string",
"Infer app name from scan package\n\n@param packageName\nthe package name\n@return\napp name inferred from the package name",
"Use this API to fetch lbvserver_rewritepolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Unregister all servlets registered by this exporter."
] |
public static base_response update(nitro_service client, autoscaleaction resource) throws Exception {
autoscaleaction updateresource = new autoscaleaction();
updateresource.name = resource.name;
updateresource.profilename = resource.profilename;
updateresource.parameters = resource.parameters;
updateresource.vmdestroygraceperiod = resource.vmdestroygraceperiod;
updateresource.quiettime = resource.quiettime;
updateresource.vserver = resource.vserver;
return updateresource.update_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to update autoscaleaction."
] | [
"Join to internal threads and wait millis time per thread or until all\nthreads are finished if millis is 0.\n\n@param millis the time to wait in milliseconds for the threads to join; a timeout of 0 means to wait forever.\n@throws InterruptedException if any thread has interrupted the current thread.\nThe interrupted status of the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.",
"Old REST client uses old REST service",
"Find the channel in the animation that animates the named bone.\n@param boneName name of bone to animate.",
"Builds the Join for columns if they are not found among the existingColumns.\n@param columns the list of columns represented by Criteria.Field to ensure\n@param existingColumns the list of column names (String) that are already appended",
"Returns an array of all the singular values",
"returns a new segment masked by the given mask\n\nThis method applies the mask first to every address in the range, and it does not preserve any existing prefix.\nThe given prefix will be applied to the range of addresses after the mask.\nIf the combination of the two does not result in a contiguous range, then {@link IncompatibleAddressException} is thrown.",
"Get a prefix for the log message to help identify which request is which and which responses\nbelong to which requests.",
"Prints the plan to a file.\n\n@param outputDirName\n@param plan",
"Returns the \"msgCount\" belief\n\n@return int - the count"
] |
public static boolean isDouble(CharSequence self) {
try {
return true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return false;
} | [
"Determine if a CharSequence can be parsed as a Double.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return true if the CharSequence can be parsed\n@see #isDouble(String)\n@since 1.8.2"
] | [
"Updates the R matrix to take in account the removed row.",
"Determines if a mouse event is inside a box.",
"Get the authorization uri, where the user logs in.\n\n@param redirectUri\nUri the user is redirected to, after successful authorization.\nThis must be the same as specified at the Eve Online developer\npage.\n@param scopes\nScopes of the Eve Online SSO.\n@param state\nThis should be some secret to prevent XRSF, please read:\nhttp://www.thread-safe.com/2014/05/the-correct-use-of-state-\nparameter-in.html\n@return",
"Creates a new file.\n\n@param inputStream the stream instance that contains the data.\n@param fileName the name of the file to be created.\n@param fileSize the size of the file that will be uploaded.\n@return the created file instance.\n@throws InterruptedException when a thread execution is interrupted.\n@throws IOException when reading a stream throws exception.",
"Return the position of an element inside an array\n\n@param array the array where it looks for an element\n@param element the element to find in the array\n@param <T> the type of elements in the array\n@return the position of the element if it's found in the array, -1 otherwise",
"Sets the alias. Empty String is regarded as null.\n@param alias The alias to set",
"Returns true if the request should continue.\n\n@return",
"Set some initial values.",
"Output the SQL type for the default value for the type."
] |
public void add(ResourceCollection rc) {
if (rc instanceof FileSet) {
FileSet fs = (FileSet) rc;
} | [
"Adds a resource collection with execution hints."
] | [
"replaces the old with the new item. The new item will not be added when the old one is not\nfound.\n\n@param oldObject will be removed\n@param newObject is added only when hte old item is removed",
"Initializes the information on an available master mode.\n@throws CmsException thrown if the write permission check on the bundle descriptor fails.",
"Return the content from an URL in byte array\n\n@param stringUrl URL to get\n@return byte array\n@throws IOException I/O error happened",
"Return all valid tenors for a given moneyness and maturity.\nUses the payment times of the fix schedule to determine fractions.\n\n@param moneyness The moneyness as actual offset from par swap rate for which to get the maturities.\n@param maturity The maturities as year fraction from the reference date.\n@return The tenors as year fraction from reference date.",
"Set brightness to eg. darken the resulting image for use as background\n\n@param brightness default is 0, pos values increase brightness, neg. values decrease brightness\n.-100 is black, positive goes up to 1000+",
"On host controller reload, remove a not running server registered in the process controller declared as stopping.",
"Method used to read the sub project details from a byte array.\n\n@param data byte array\n@param uniqueIDOffset offset of unique ID\n@param filePathOffset offset of file path\n@param fileNameOffset offset of file name\n@param subprojectIndex index of the subproject, used to calculate unique id offset\n@return new SubProject instance",
"Iterates through the range of prefixes in this range instance using the given prefix length.\n\n@param prefixLength\n@return",
"returns the abstract method from a SAM type, if it is a SAM type.\n@param c the SAM class\n@return null if nothing was found, the method otherwise"
] |
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> List<T> sortInplace(List<T> list) {
return list;
} | [
"Sorts the specified list itself into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.\n\n@param list\nthe list to be sorted. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return the sorted list itself.\n@see Collections#sort(List)"
] | [
"Calls the httpHandler method.",
"Updates the indices in the index buffer from a Java CharBuffer.\nAll of the entries of the input buffer are copied into\nthe storage for the index buffer. The new indices must be the\nsame size as the old indices - the index buffer size cannot be changed.\n@param data CharBuffer containing the new values\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if char array is wrong size",
"Gets an entry point for the given deployment. If one does not exist it will be created. If the request controller is disabled\nthis will return null.\n\nEntry points are reference counted. If this method is called n times then {@link #removeControlPoint(ControlPoint)}\nmust also be called n times to clean up the entry points.\n\n@param deploymentName The top level deployment name\n@param entryPointName The entry point name\n@return The entry point, or null if the request controller is disabled",
"Returns the context menu for the table item.\n@param itemId the table item.\n@return the context menu for the given item.",
"Uses current variable assignments and info in an NWiseActionTag to expand on an n wise combinatorial set\n\n@param action an NWiseAction Action\n@param possibleStateList a current list of possible states produced so far from expanding a model state\n@return every input possible state expanded on an n wise combinatorial set defined by that input possible state",
"returns true if the primary key fields are valid for delete, else false.\nPK fields are valid if each of them contains a valid non-null value\n@param cld the ClassDescriptor\n@param obj the object\n@return boolean",
"Returns this bar code's pattern, converted into a set of corresponding codewords.\nUseful for bar codes that encode their content as a pattern.\n\n@param size the number of digits in each codeword\n@return this bar code's pattern, converted into a set of corresponding codewords",
"Set the diffuse light intensity.\n\nThis designates the color of the diffuse reflection.\nIt is multiplied by the material diffuse color to derive\nthe hue of the diffuse reflection for that material.\nThe built-in phong shader {@link GVRPhongShader} uses a {@code vec4} uniform named\n{@code diffuse_intensity} to control the intensity of diffuse light reflected.\n\n@param r red component (0 to 1)\n@param g green component (0 to 1)\n@param b blue component (0 to 1)\n@param a alpha component (0 to 1)",
"Parse priority.\n\n\n@param priority priority value\n@return Priority instance"
] |
private static BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment.Info createAssignment(BoxAPIConnection api, String policyID,
JsonObject assignTo, JsonArray filter) {
URL url = ASSIGNMENTS_URL_TEMPLATE.build(api.getBaseURL());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(api, url, "POST");
JsonObject requestJSON = new JsonObject()
.add("policy_id", policyID)
.add("assign_to", assignTo);
if (filter != null) {
requestJSON.add("filter_fields", filter);
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment createdAssignment
= new BoxRetentionPolicyAssignment(api, responseJSON.get("id").asString());
return createdAssignment.new Info(responseJSON);
} | [
"Assigns retention policy with givenID to folder or enterprise.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the created assignment.\n@param policyID id of the assigned retention policy.\n@param assignTo object representing folder or enterprise to assign policy to.\n@return info about created assignment."
] | [
"Apply all attributes on the given context.\n\n@param context the context to be applied, not null.\n@param overwriteDuplicates flag, if existing entries should be overwritten.\n@return this Builder, for chaining",
"Reads a combined date and time value.\n\n@param data byte array of data\n@param offset location of data as offset into the array\n@return time value",
"Gets the argument names of a method call. If the arguments are not VariableExpressions then a null\nwill be returned.\n@param methodCall\nthe method call to search\n@return\na list of strings, never null, but some elements may be null",
"Reinitializes the shader texture used to fill in\nthe Circle upon drawing.",
"Registers an event handler in the repository shared between Javascript\nand Java.\n\n@param h Event handler to be registered.\n@return Callback key that Javascript will use to find this handler.",
"Get the replication partitions list for the given partition.\n\n@param index Partition id for which we are generating the preference list\n@return The List of partitionId where this partition is replicated.",
"Try to obtain the value that is cached for the given key in the given resource.\nIf no value is cached, the provider is used to compute it and store it afterwards.\n@param resource the resource. If it is <code>null</code>, the provider will be used to compute the value.\n@param key the cache key. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param provider the strategy to compute the value if necessary. May not be <code>null</code>.",
"Executes the API action \"wbsetaliases\" for the given parameters.\n\n@param id\nthe id of the entity to be edited; if used, the site and title\nparameters must be null\n@param site\nwhen selecting an entity by title, the site key for the title,\ne.g., \"enwiki\"; if used, title must also be given but id must\nbe null\n@param title\nstring used to select an entity by title; if used, site must\nalso be given but id must be null\n@param newEntity\nused for creating a new entity of a given type; the value\nindicates the intended entity type; possible values include\n\"item\" and \"property\"; if used, the parameters id, site, and\ntitle must be null\n@param language\nthe language code for the label\n@param add\nthe values of the aliases to add. They will be merged with the\nexisting aliases. This parameter cannot be used in conjunction\nwith \"set\".\n@param remove\nthe values of the aliases to remove. Other aliases will be retained.\nThis parameter cannot be used in conjunction with \"set\".\n@param set\nthe values of the aliases to set. This will erase any existing\naliases in this language and replace them by the given list.\n@param bot\nif true, edits will be flagged as \"bot edits\" provided that\nthe logged in user is in the bot group; for regular users, the\nflag will just be ignored\n@param baserevid\nthe revision of the data that the edit refers to or 0 if this\nshould not be submitted; when used, the site will ensure that\nno edit has happened since this revision to detect edit\nconflicts; it is recommended to use this whenever in all\noperations where the outcome depends on the state of the\nonline data\n@param summary\nsummary for the edit; will be prepended by an automatically\ngenerated comment; the length limit of the autocomment\ntogether with the summary is 260 characters: everything above\nthat limit will be cut off\n@return the JSON response from the API\n@throws IOException\nif there was an IO problem. such as missing network\nconnection\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException",
"Reads a UUID from a JSON object.\n\nReturns null if the JSON value for the given key is not present or not a valid UUID\n\n@param obj the JSON object\n@param key the JSON key\n\n@return the UUID"
] |
public static base_responses renumber(nitro_service client, nspbr6 resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
nspbr6 renumberresources[] = new nspbr6[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
renumberresources[i] = new nspbr6();
result = perform_operation_bulk_request(client, renumberresources,"renumber");
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to renumber nspbr6 resources."
] | [
"Post the specified photo to a blog.\n\n@param photo\nThe photo metadata\n@param blogId\nThe blog ID\n@throws FlickrException",
"Replaces an existing metadata value.\n@param path the path that designates the key. Must be prefixed with a \"/\".\n@param value the value.\n@return this metadata object.",
"Substitute the variables in the given expression with the\nvalues from the resolver\n\n@param pResolver\n@param pExpression",
"Creates a new undeploy description.\n\n@param deploymentDescription the deployment description to copy\n\n@return the description",
"Adds the HIBC prefix and check digit to the specified data, returning the resultant data string.\n\n@see <a href=\"https://sourceforge.net/p/zint/code/ci/master/tree/backend/library.c\">Corresponding Zint code</a>",
"Generates a module regarding the parameters.\n\n@param name String\n@param version String\n@return Module",
"Creates an immutable copy that we can cache.",
"if you have a default, it's automatically optional",
"Read a project from a ConceptDraw PROJECT file.\n\n@param project ConceptDraw PROJECT project"
] |
public void sendJsonToUrl(Object data, String url) {
sendToUrl(JSON.toJSONString(data), url);
} | [
"Send JSON representation of given data object to all connections\nconnected to given URL\n\n@param data the data object\n@param url the url"
] | [
"Use this API to update vlan.",
"If directory doesn't exists try to create it.\n\n@param directory given directory to check\n@throws ReportGenerationException if can't create specified directory",
"Remove any overrides for an endpoint\n\n@param pathValue path (endpoint) value\n@param requestType path request type. \"GET\", \"POST\", etc\n@return true if success, false otherwise",
"Starts the named animation.\n@see GVRAvatar#stop(String)\n@see GVRAnimationEngine#start(GVRAnimation)",
"Start the socket server and waiting for finished\n\n@throws InterruptedException thread interrupted",
"Export data base contents to a directory using supplied connection.\n\n@param connection database connection\n@param directory target directory\n@throws Exception",
"Returns the total count of partitions across all stores.\n\n@return returns the total count of partitions across all stores.",
"Support the range subscript operator for GString\n\n@param text a GString\n@param range a Range\n@return the String of characters corresponding to the provided range\n@since 2.3.7",
"Configures the configuration selector."
] |
public int readFrom(ByteBuffer src, long destOffset) {
if (src.remaining() + destOffset >= size())
throw new BufferOverflowException();
int readLen = src.remaining();
ByteBuffer b = toDirectByteBuffer(destOffset, readLen);
return readLen;
} | [
"Reads the given source byte buffer into this buffer at the given offset\n@param src source byte buffer\n@param destOffset offset in this buffer to read to\n@return the number of bytes read"
] | [
"Retrieve the correct index for the supplied Table instance.\n\n@param table Table instance\n@return index",
"Builds sql clause to load data into a database.\n\n@param config Load configuration.\n@param prefix Prefix for temporary resources.\n@return the load DDL",
"A final cluster ought to be a super set of current cluster. I.e.,\nexisting node IDs ought to map to same server, but partition layout can\nhave changed and there may exist new nodes.\n\n@param currentCluster\n@param finalCluster",
"Closes the transactor node by removing its node in Zookeeper",
"Returns the Field for a given parent class and a dot-separated path of\nfield names.\n\n@param clazz\nParent class.\n@param path\nPath to the desired field.",
"This creates a new audit log file with default permissions.\n\n@param file File to create",
"Log modified request\n\n@param httpMethodProxyRequest\n@param httpServletResponse\n@param history",
"Ask the specified player for a Track menu.\n\n@param slotReference the player and slot for which the menu is desired\n@param sortOrder the order in which responses should be sorted, 0 for default, see Section 6.11.1 of the\n<a href=\"https://github.com/Deep-Symmetry/dysentery/blob/master/doc/Analysis.pdf\">Packet Analysis\ndocument</a> for details\n\n@return the entries in the track menu\n\n@throws Exception if there is a problem obtaining the menu",
"Returns all methods for a specific group\n\n@param groupId group ID to remove methods from\n@param filters array of method types to filter by, null means no filter\n@return Collection of methods found\n@throws Exception exception"
] |
private void processProperties() {
state = true;
try {
importerServiceFilter = getFilter(importerServiceFilterProperty);
} catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) {
LOG.debug("The value of the Property " + FILTER_IMPORTERSERVICE_PROPERTY + " is invalid,"
+ " the recuperation of the Filter has failed. The instance gonna stop.", invalidFilterException);
state = false;
try {
importDeclarationFilter = getFilter(importDeclarationFilterProperty);
} catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) {
LOG.debug("The value of the Property " + FILTER_IMPORTDECLARATION_PROPERTY + " is invalid,"
+ " the recuperation of the Filter has failed. The instance gonna stop.", invalidFilterException);
state = false;
} | [
"Get the filters ImporterServiceFilter and ImportDeclarationFilter from the properties, stop the instance if one of.\nthem is invalid."
] | [
"capture screenshot of an eye",
"Set the position of the given Matcher to the given index.\n\n@param matcher a Matcher\n@param idx the index number\n@since 1.0",
"Produces or returns the existing proxy class. The operation is thread-safe.\n\n@return always the class of the proxy",
"Builds a new instance for the class represented by the given class descriptor.\n\n@param cld The class descriptor\n@return The instance",
"Returns the comma separated list of available scopes\n\n@return String",
"Returns all the retention policies.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable with all the retention policies.",
"Calculate start dates for a yearly absolute recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param dates array of start dates",
"Returns information about all clients for a profile\n\n@param model\n@param profileIdentifier\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Adds not Null criteria,\ncustomer_id is not Null\nThe attribute will NOT be translated into column name\n\n@param column The column name to be used without translation"
] |
MongoCollection<BsonDocument> getUndoCollection(final MongoNamespace namespace) {
return localClient
.getDatabase(String.format("sync_undo_%s", namespace.getDatabaseName()))
.getCollection(namespace.getCollectionName(), BsonDocument.class)
} | [
"Returns the undo collection representing the given namespace for recording documents that\nmay need to be reverted after a system failure.\n\n@param namespace the namespace referring to the undo collection.\n@return the undo collection representing the given namespace for recording documents that\nmay need to be reverted after a system failure."
] | [
"Applies the mask to this address and then compares values with the given address\n\n@param mask\n@param other\n@return",
"Perform a one-off scan during boot to establish deployment tasks to execute during boot",
"Implement this to do your drawing.\n\n@param canvas the canvas on which the background will be drawn",
"Add working days and working time to a calendar.\n\n@param mpxjCalendar MPXJ calendar\n@param gpCalendar GanttProject calendar",
"Returns the primary port of the server.\n\n@return the primary {@link ServerPort} if the server is started. {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.",
"Use this API to fetch sslocspresponder resource of given name .",
"This method reads a two byte integer from the input stream.\n\n@param is the input stream\n@return integer value\n@throws IOException on file read error or EOF",
"Sets the fieldConversion.\n@param fieldConversionClassName The fieldConversion to set",
"Initialize the service with a context\n@param context the servlet context to initialize the profile."
] |
public BoxGroupMembership.Info addMembership(BoxUser user, Role role) {
BoxAPIConnection api = this.getAPI();
JsonObject requestJSON = new JsonObject();
requestJSON.add("user", new JsonObject().add("id", user.getID()));
requestJSON.add("group", new JsonObject().add("id", this.getID()));
if (role != null) {
requestJSON.add("role", role.toJSONString());
URL url = ADD_MEMBERSHIP_URL_TEMPLATE.build(api.getBaseURL());
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(api, url, "POST");
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
BoxGroupMembership membership = new BoxGroupMembership(api, responseJSON.get("id").asString());
return membership.new Info(responseJSON);
} | [
"Adds a member to this group with the specified role.\n@param user the member to be added to this group.\n@param role the role of the user in this group. Can be null to assign the default role.\n@return info about the new group membership."
] | [
"Formats a double value.\n\n@param number numeric value\n@return Double instance",
"In case we cannot delete a directory create a marker to recheck whether we can garbage collect some not\nreferenced directories and files.\n\n@param file the directory",
"Invalidate layout setup.",
"Extracts the rank of a matrix using a preexisting decomposition.\n\n@see #singularThreshold(SingularValueDecomposition_F64)\n\n@param svd A precomputed decomposition. Not modified.\n@param threshold Tolerance used to determine of a singular value is singular.\n@return The rank of the decomposed matrix.",
"Checks the given model.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param checkLevel The amount of checks to perform\n@exception ConstraintException If a constraint has been violated",
"Apply the remote read domain model result.\n\n@param result the domain model result\n@return whether it was applied successfully or not",
"Send the started notification",
"Join the Collection of Strings using the specified delimter and optionally quoting each\n\n@param s\nThe String collection\n@param delimiter\nthe delimiter String\n@param doQuote\nwhether or not to quote the Strings\n@return The joined String",
"Collapses all parents in a range of indices in the list of parents.\n\n@param startParentPosition The index at which to to start collapsing parents\n@param parentCount The number of parents to collapse"
] |
public static base_responses update(nitro_service client, appfwlearningsettings resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
appfwlearningsettings updateresources[] = new appfwlearningsettings[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
updateresources[i] = new appfwlearningsettings();
updateresources[i].profilename = resources[i].profilename;
updateresources[i].starturlminthreshold = resources[i].starturlminthreshold;
updateresources[i].starturlpercentthreshold = resources[i].starturlpercentthreshold;
updateresources[i].cookieconsistencyminthreshold = resources[i].cookieconsistencyminthreshold;
updateresources[i].cookieconsistencypercentthreshold = resources[i].cookieconsistencypercentthreshold;
updateresources[i].csrftagminthreshold = resources[i].csrftagminthreshold;
updateresources[i].csrftagpercentthreshold = resources[i].csrftagpercentthreshold;
updateresources[i].fieldconsistencyminthreshold = resources[i].fieldconsistencyminthreshold;
updateresources[i].fieldconsistencypercentthreshold = resources[i].fieldconsistencypercentthreshold;
updateresources[i].crosssitescriptingminthreshold = resources[i].crosssitescriptingminthreshold;
updateresources[i].crosssitescriptingpercentthreshold = resources[i].crosssitescriptingpercentthreshold;
updateresources[i].sqlinjectionminthreshold = resources[i].sqlinjectionminthreshold;
updateresources[i].sqlinjectionpercentthreshold = resources[i].sqlinjectionpercentthreshold;
updateresources[i].fieldformatminthreshold = resources[i].fieldformatminthreshold;
updateresources[i].fieldformatpercentthreshold = resources[i].fieldformatpercentthreshold;
updateresources[i].xmlwsiminthreshold = resources[i].xmlwsiminthreshold;
updateresources[i].xmlwsipercentthreshold = resources[i].xmlwsipercentthreshold;
updateresources[i].xmlattachmentminthreshold = resources[i].xmlattachmentminthreshold;
updateresources[i].xmlattachmentpercentthreshold = resources[i].xmlattachmentpercentthreshold;
result = update_bulk_request(client, updateresources);
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to update appfwlearningsettings resources."
] | [
"Return a string that ensures that no line is longer then 512 characters\nand lines are broken according to manifest specification.\n\n@param input The buffer containing the content that should be made safe\n@param newline The string to use to create newlines (usually \"\\n\" or\n\"\\r\\n\")\n@return The string with no longer lines then 512, ready to be read again\nby {@link MergeableManifest2}.",
"Return true if the connection being released is the one that has been saved.",
"Creates a Resque backtrace from a Throwable's stack trace. Includes\ncauses.\n\n@param t\nthe Exception to use\n@return a list of strings that represent how the exception's stacktrace\nappears.",
"This method extracts byte arrays from the embedded object data\nand converts them into RTFEmbeddedObject instances, which\nit then adds to the supplied list.\n\n@param offset offset into the RTF document\n@param text RTF document\n@param objects destination for RTFEmbeddedObject instances\n@return new offset into the RTF document",
"Linear interpolation of ARGB values.\n@param t the interpolation parameter\n@param rgb1 the lower interpolation range\n@param rgb2 the upper interpolation range\n@return the interpolated value",
"Throws one RendererException if the content parent or layoutInflater are null.",
"Purges the JSP repository.<p<\n\n@param afterPurgeAction the action to execute after purging",
"Use this API to fetch sslcertkey_crldistribution_binding resources of given name .",
"Uses the iterator to run through the dao and retain only the items that are in the passed in collection. This\nwill remove the items from the associated database table as well.\n\n@return Returns true of the collection was changed at all otherwise false."
] |
private ColorItem buildColorItem(Message menuItem) {
final int colorId = (int) ((NumberField) menuItem.arguments.get(1)).getValue();
final String label = ((StringField) menuItem.arguments.get(3)).getValue();
return buildColorItem(colorId, label);
} | [
"Creates a color item that represents a color field found for a track based on a dbserver message.\n\n@param menuItem the rendered menu item containing the color metadata field\n\n@return the color metadata field"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch all the filterhtmlinjectionparameter resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"This function returns the first external IP address encountered\n\n@return IP address or null\n@throws Exception",
"Scans the given file looking for a complete zip file format end of central directory record.\n\n@param file the file\n\n@return true if a complete end of central directory record could be found\n\n@throws IOException",
"Changes to a new sub-view and stores a report to be displayed by that subview.<p<\n\n@param newState the new state\n@param thread the report thread which should be displayed in the sub view\n@param label the label to display for the report",
"First reduce the Criteria to the normal disjunctive form, then\ncalculate the necessary tree of joined tables for each item, then group\nitems with the same tree of joined tables.",
"Add precedence -10 because we need that ContainerRegistry is available in the Arquillian scope.",
"Internal method used to retrieve a byte array from one\nor more embedded data blocks. Consecutive data blocks may\nneed to be concatenated by this method in order to retrieve\nthe complete set of data.\n\n@param blocks list of data blocks\n@param length expected length of the data\n@return byte array",
"Gets the uuid from response.\n\n@param myResponse\nthe my response\n@return the uuid from response",
"Use this API to update snmpalarm."
] |
public double Function1D(double x) {
return Math.exp(x * x / (-2 * sqrSigma)) / (Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * sigma);
} | [
"1-D Gaussian function.\n\n@param x value.\n@return Function's value at point x."
] | [
"get the ArrayTypeSignature corresponding to given generic array type\n\n@param genericArrayType\n@return",
"Normalizes the matrix such that the Frobenius norm is equal to one.\n\n@param A The matrix that is to be normalized.",
"This method recursively descends the directory structure, dumping\ndetails of any files it finds to the output file.\n\n@param pw Output PrintWriter\n@param dir DirectoryEntry to dump\n@param prefix prefix used to identify path to this object\n@param showData flag indicating if data is dumped, or just structure\n@param hex set to true if hex output is required\n@param indent indent used if displaying structure only\n@throws Exception Thrown on file read errors",
"Sets the delegate of the service, that gets notified of the\nstatus of message delivery.\n\nNote: This option has no effect when using non-blocking\nconnections.",
"Static method to convert a binary operator into a string.\n\n@param oper is the binary comparison operator to be converted",
"Resolve a path from the rootPath checking that it doesn't go out of the rootPath.\n@param rootPath the starting point for resolution.\n@param path the path we want to resolve.\n@return the resolved path.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the resolved path is out of the rootPath or if the resolution failed.",
"Only call async",
"Notifies that a footer item is inserted.\n\n@param position the position of the content item.",
"The users element defines users within the domain model, it is a simple authentication for some out of the box users."
] |
public static Connection connectSync(final ProtocolConnectionConfiguration configuration) throws IOException {
long timeoutMillis = configuration.getConnectionTimeout();
CallbackHandler handler = configuration.getCallbackHandler();
final CallbackHandler actualHandler;
ProtocolTimeoutHandler timeoutHandler = configuration.getTimeoutHandler();
// Note: If a client supplies a ProtocolTimeoutHandler it is taking on full responsibility for timeout management.
if (timeoutHandler == null) {
GeneralTimeoutHandler defaultTimeoutHandler = new GeneralTimeoutHandler();
// No point wrapping our AnonymousCallbackHandler.
actualHandler = handler != null ? new WrapperCallbackHandler(defaultTimeoutHandler, handler) : null;
timeoutHandler = defaultTimeoutHandler;
} else {
actualHandler = handler;
final IoFuture<Connection> future = connect(actualHandler, configuration);
IoFuture.Status status = timeoutHandler.await(future, timeoutMillis);
if (status == IoFuture.Status.DONE) {
return future.get();
if (status == IoFuture.Status.FAILED) {
throw ProtocolLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failedToConnect(configuration.getUri(), future.getException());
throw ProtocolLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.couldNotConnect(configuration.getUri());
} | [
"Connect sync.\n\n@param configuration the protocol configuration\n@return the connection\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Write a calendar.\n\n@param record calendar instance\n@throws IOException",
"performs an UPDATE operation against RDBMS.\n@param obj The Object to be updated in the underlying table.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing mapping information.",
"Replies to this comment with another message.\n@param message the message for the reply.\n@return info about the newly created reply comment.",
"Retrieves state and metrics information for individual client connection.\n\n@param name connection name\n@return connection information",
"defines the KEY in the parent report parameters map where to get the subreport parameters map.\n@param path where to get the parameter map for the subrerpot.\n@return",
"Pretty prints a task list of rebalancing tasks.\n\n@param infos list of rebalancing tasks (RebalancePartitionsInfo)\n@return pretty-printed string",
"Extract data for a single calendar.\n\n@param row calendar data",
"Set all unknown fields\n@param unknownFields the new unknown fields",
"This internal method is used to convert from a Date instance to an\ninteger representing the number of minutes past midnight.\n\n@param date date instance\n@return minutes past midnight as an integer"
] |
private static Converter<List<String>, Object> createStringConstructorConverter(Class<?> resultClass) {
try {
final Constructor<?> constructor = resultClass.getConstructor(String.class);
return new BasicConverter(defaultValue(resultClass)) {
protected Object convert(String value) throws Exception {
return constructor.newInstance(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
} | [
"Creates a converter function that converts value using a constructor that accepts a single String argument.\n\n@return A converter function or {@code null} if the given type doesn't have a public constructor that accepts\na single String argument."
] | [
"Retrieves an existing resource assignment if one is present,\nto prevent duplicate resource assignments being added.\n\n@param resource resource to test for\n@return existing resource assignment",
"Creates a file\n\n@param folder File\n@param fileName String\n@throws IOException",
"Inits the ws client.\n\n@param context the context\n@throws Exception the exception",
"Load a configuration in from a text file.\n\n@return A config if any of the fields were set otherwise null on EOF.",
"Created a fresh CancelIndicator",
"public because it's used by other packages that use Duke",
"Returns the directory of the file.\n\n@param filePath Path of the file.\n@return The directory string or {@code null} if\nthere is no parent directory.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if path is bad",
"Initializes unspecified sign properties using available defaults\nand global settings.",
"Helper to return the first item in the iterator or null.\n\n@return T the first item or null."
] |
Subsets and Splits