stringlengths 20
ꦗꦩ꧀ꦧꦸ is etymologically related to जम्बू. |
témbok raseksa cina is a synonym of great wall of china. |
selat bosporus is a synonym of bosphorus. |
wesi has context of metallurgy. |
segara marmara is a synonym of sea of marmara. |
est is a synonym of wétan. |
wonga wonga is related to cleavage. |
loro has context of cardinal. |
library is a synonym of pabukon. |
sétan is a synonym of devil. |
sibling is a synonym of ari. |
ꦥꦶꦫꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ is a synonym of ꦲꦭꦠ꧀. |
madagaskar is a synonym of madagascar. |
buncis is etymologically derived from boontjes. |
wasir is a synonym of hemorrhoid. |
saré has context of honorific. |
walikutha is a synonym of mayor. |
kanton ticino is a synonym of ticino. |
mexico is a synonym of mèksiko. |
kemuning is a synonym of murraya paniculata. |
syi ah is a synonym of shia islam. |
kotbah ing bukit is a synonym of sermon on mount. |
ꦩꦁꦱꦶ is related to ink. |
hessen is a synonym of hesse. |
saré has context of high. |
triangle is a synonym of segi telu. |
bawang bombay is a synonym of onion. |
watu is related to stone. |
kabudayan lembah kali indhus is a synonym of indus valley civilization. |
ꦏꦮꦸꦁ is related to cigarette. |
ibnu haitam is a synonym of alhazen. |
semut is a synonym of ant. |
mambu is related to smell. |
neptune is a synonym of neptunus. |
ising is related to defecate. |
ayan is a synonym of epilepsy. |
show is a synonym of meruhi. |
ontran ontran is a synonym of riot. |
cecek is a synonym of hemidactylus. |
trigu is related to wheat flour. |
kuwalon is related to step. |
amandhel is a synonym of tonsil. |
irak is a synonym of iraq. |
cockroach is a synonym of coro. |
nyepédhah is a synonym of cycling. |
eutanasia is a synonym of euthanasia. |
swim is a synonym of langi. |
donat is a synonym of doughnut. |
gunung is etymologically related to ꦒꦸꦤꦸꦁ. |
pasa jroning agama islam is a synonym of sawm. |
badhak india is a synonym of indian rhinoceros. |
muspra is related to for nothing. |
niki has context of polite. |
limalas is derived from lima. |
kelinci is a synonym of rabbit. |
gelis is related to quick. |
monumen nasional is a synonym of national monument. |
basse saxe is a synonym of niedersachsen. |
mummy is a synonym of mumi. |
jam sukat is a synonym of stopwatch. |
tetanduran wiji tunggal is a synonym of monocotyledon. |
katinona is a synonym of cathinone. |
ꦩꦭꦲꦺꦏꦠ꧀ is related to angel. |
babiroussa is a synonym of babirusa. |
kaen has context of cirebon. |
kamboja is a synonym of cambodia. |
kuro is a synonym of threadfin. |
masakan vietnam is a synonym of vietnamese cuisine. |
kuen is related to that. |
tinju is a synonym of boxing. |
kincir angin is a synonym of windmill. |
chemistry is a synonym of ꦏꦶꦩꦶꦲ. |
hubungan internasional is a synonym of international relations. |
gunung krakatau is a synonym of krakatoa. |
ékosistem is a synonym of ecosystem. |
warsa enggal is a synonym of new year. |
kandhung kemih is a synonym of urinary bladder. |
mai is a synonym of mei. |
ati is related to foie. |
muara is a synonym of estuary. |
saint vincent lan grenadines is a synonym of saint vincent and grenadines. |
oksigèn is a synonym of oxygen. |
ꦥꦸꦤꦶꦏ is related to that. |
sistem wilangan binèr is a synonym of binary number. |
tèh is a synonym of tea. |
psikolinguistik is a synonym of psycholinguistics. |
astana buckingham is a synonym of buckingham palace. |
kohlenstoff is a synonym of karbon. |
ꦲꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦶꦠ꧀ is related to finch. |
napoleon iii saking prancis is a synonym of napoleon iii. |
driji sikil is a synonym of toe. |
ꦢꦸꦫꦸꦔꦤ꧀ is a synonym of ꦏꦺꦢꦫꦸꦱ꧀. |
siklus sel is a synonym of cell cycle. |
jam is etymologically derived from याम. |
tenger is related to sign. |
dados is related to finished. |
rolas is related to twelve. |
mahkamah internasional is a synonym of international court of justice. |
são tomé lan príncipe is a synonym of são tomé and príncipe. |
samouraï is a synonym of samurai. |
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