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## ConceptNet Data for the Nepali Language
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**Dataset Description:**
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This dataset contains data extracted from ConceptNet using the dedicated module for fetching knowledge from the graph, available on [GitHub](https://github.com/d-gurgurov/Conceptnet-Embeddings).
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**Data Structure:**
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The data is converted from triplets into natural text using a pre-defined relationship mapping and split into training and validation sets. It was used for training language adapters for the project aimed at [injecting external commonsense knowledge into multilingual Large Language Models](https://github.com/d-gurgurov/Injecting-Commonsense-Knowledge-into-LLMs).
The diff for this file is too large to render.
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@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
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श्रीमद्भागवत् पुराण is a synonym of bhagavata purana.
3 |
गन विथ द विण्ड is a synonym of gone with wind.
4 |
🚨 is a symbol of कार.
5 |
छोरा is related to fils.
6 |
वस्तु बकुल्ला is a synonym of cattle egret.
7 |
मनाउनु is related to célébrer.
8 |
जानकारी is related to information.
9 |
भाषण is related to discours.
10 |
पानी चाहा is a synonym of common snipe.
11 |
जलकुखुरा is a synonym of watercock.
12 |
माफ is related to pardon.
13 |
काँचो is related to cru.
14 |
🎨 is a symbol of चित्र.
15 |
🛌 is a symbol of होटेल.
16 |
नमस्कार has context of respectful.
17 |
tea is a synonym of चिया.
18 |
🥞 is a symbol of खाना.
19 |
युनेस्को is a synonym of unesco.
20 |
🍷 is a symbol of वाइन.
21 |
वास्तविकता is a synonym of reality.
22 |
हृदय is related to मुटु.
23 |
थाहा is related to savoir.
24 |
आँखा is a synonym of चक्षु.
25 |
लेख is related to article.
26 |
प्याकेट is related to paquet.
27 |
एन्टोन चेखब is a synonym of anton chekhov.
28 |
📃 is a symbol of पृष्ठ.
29 |
होला is related to perhaps.
30 |
जर्सी is a synonym of jersey.
31 |
स्टेफेन हार्पर is a synonym of stephen harper.
32 |
सिरानी is a synonym of pillow.
33 |
बोस्राको पुरानो सहर is a synonym of bosra.
34 |
🅱 is a symbol of रगत.
35 |
प्लुटोनियम is a synonym of plutonium.
36 |
क्रोएशिया is a synonym of croatia.
37 |
हिन्दी is a synonym of hindi.
38 |
खोला is related to ruisseau.
39 |
गते is related to date.
40 |
🏡 is a symbol of निर्माण.
41 |
सल्ला is a synonym of pine.
42 |
🖼 is a symbol of चित्र.
43 |
रसायनशास्त्र is a synonym of chemistry.
44 |
बाहुन is etymologically derived from ब्राह्मण.
45 |
😽 is a symbol of आँखा.
46 |
हस्त कला is related to artisanat.
47 |
😎 is a symbol of राम्रो.
48 |
कुर्कुच्चा is a synonym of ankle.
49 |
रहना is etymologically related to रहनु.
50 |
हिउँ is a synonym of snow.
51 |
जंगली बाख्रा is a synonym of wild goat.
52 |
red panda is a synonym of हाब्रे.
53 |
पारिस्थितिक प्रणाली is a synonym of ecosystem.
54 |
एकीकृत is related to uni.
55 |
world is a synonym of संसार.
56 |
विद्युत प्रबाह बोर्ड is a synonym of printed circuit board.
57 |
ओमान is a synonym of oman.
58 |
जल चुइयाँ is a synonym of water pipit.
59 |
😈 is a symbol of अनुहार.
60 |
flower is a synonym of फूल.
61 |
अफिम is a synonym of opium.
62 |
gujarati is a synonym of गुजराती.
63 |
दिन is a synonym of day.
64 |
🀄 is a symbol of खेल.
65 |
five is a synonym of पाँच.
66 |
राजनीति विज्ञान is a synonym of political science.
67 |
🍏 is a symbol of हरियो.
68 |
साइकल is related to bike.
69 |
ह्यालोथेन is a synonym of halothane.
70 |
उडणे is etymologically related to उड्नु.
71 |
कुटुली कोसा is a synonym of vicia sativa.
72 |
बन्द is related to closed.
73 |
पलमेरा is a synonym of palmyra.
74 |
ताला is a synonym of lock.
75 |
white translations is a synonym of सेतो.
76 |
त्यो is related to it.
77 |
थेरवाद is a synonym of theravada.
78 |
not is a synonym of छैन.
79 |
थुक्नु is related to spit.
80 |
विषाणु is a synonym of virus.
81 |
खुकुलो is related to desserré.
82 |
🎠 is a symbol of घोडा.
83 |
संस्कृति is a synonym of culture.
84 |
क्लियोपेट्रा सातौं is a synonym of cleopatra.
85 |
थियो is related to was.
86 |
कुचो is related to balais.
87 |
अघि is related to facing.
88 |
हिउँ नृत्य is a synonym of ice dancing.
89 |
अक्टोपस is a synonym of octopus.
90 |
चक्कु is etymologically related to چاقو.
91 |
🆕 is a symbol of नयाँ.
92 |
कृषि is a synonym of agriculture.
93 |
बिसौनी is related to stop.
94 |
नाइटो is related to navel.
95 |
पस्नु is related to entrer.
96 |
खुवाउनु is related to drink.
97 |
👍 is a symbol of हात.
98 |
फ्रेड is a synonym of fred.
99 |
कम्मर is a synonym of waist.
100 |
waterfall is a synonym of झरना.
101 |
स्वास्थ्य is related to santé.
102 |
पचमुखे is a synonym of xanthosoma.
103 |
भुइँचालो is derived from भुइँ.
104 |
अल्छी is related to lazy.
105 |
इको is related to nymphe.
106 |
निधार is related to front.
107 |
बिस्वास is related to confiance.
108 |
नेल्सन मन्डेला is a synonym of nelson mandela.
109 |
एक्काईस is etymologically related to એકવીસ.
110 |
💯 is a symbol of सय.
111 |
गा��्रो is related to difficult.
112 |
श्रीमान is related to mari.
113 |
eleven is a synonym of एघार.
114 |
अर्को is related to autre.
115 |
🤘 is a symbol of औंला.
116 |
ट्रान्सफर्मर is a synonym of transformer.
117 |
अरस्तू is a synonym of aristotle.
118 |
😦 is a symbol of मुख.
119 |
अस्पताल is related to hospital.
120 |
माक्सवेल समीकरण is a synonym of maxwell's equations.
121 |
साँचो is related to vrai.
122 |
घुम्नु is related to se promener.
123 |
कामी is etymologically derived from कर्म.
124 |
kiss is a synonym of म्वाइँ.
125 |
😠 is a symbol of अनुहार.
126 |
पञ्चतन्त्र is a synonym of panchatantra.
127 |
pig is a synonym of सुँगुर.
128 |
अदूर दृष्टि is a synonym of myopia.
129 |
periodic table is a synonym of आवर्त सारणी.
130 |
भिजेको is related to mouillé.
131 |
धनुष्टंकार is a synonym of tetanus.
132 |
ब्रेमेन is a synonym of bremen.
133 |
पढ्नु is related to étudier.
134 |
🍀 is a symbol of पात.
135 |
🍹 is a symbol of बार.
136 |
belgium is a synonym of बेल्जियम.
137 |
टिप्नु is related to cueillir.
138 |
हवाई is a synonym of hawaii.
139 |
🌂 is a symbol of वर्षा.
140 |
अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय दूरसंचार संघ is a synonym of international telecommunication union.
141 |
बिभिन्न is related to varied.
142 |
मेला is related to rassemblement.
143 |
उचाइ is related to elevation.
144 |
माउन्ट ताई is a synonym of mount tai.
145 |
कसरी is related to how.
146 |
बेल्चाठुँडे हाँस is a synonym of northern shoveler.
147 |
दुखाई is a synonym of pain.
148 |
जम्मा is related to sum.
149 |
नगर is related to town.
150 |
अस्ट्रिच is a synonym of ostrich.
151 |
breast is a synonym of स्तन.
152 |
लैङ्गिक is related to sexual.
153 |
सुझाव is related to proposal.
154 |
स्तनपान is a synonym of breastfeeding.
155 |
मिलार्ड फिलमोर is a synonym of millard fillmore.
156 |
गम्भीर is related to grave.
157 |
moscow is a synonym of मस्को.
158 |
👩 is a symbol of महिला.
159 |
🚚 is a symbol of गाडी.
160 |
मिक्सोडेमा is a synonym of myxedema.
161 |
टोपी is a synonym of hat.
162 |
🖨 is a symbol of कम्प्युटर.
163 |
मलाई is a form of म.
164 |
भारत is related to inde.
165 |
katmanduo is etymologically related to काठमाडौं.
166 |
états unis d’ amérique is a synonym of संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका.
167 |
हप्ता is related to week.
168 |
उड्नु is related to up.
169 |
🌎 is a symbol of विश्व.
170 |
तुर्कमेनिस्तान is a synonym of turkmenistan.
171 |
family is a synonym of परिबार.
172 |
🗝 is a symbol of साँचो.
173 |
खराब is related to wicked.
174 |
ચાલવું is etymologically related to चल्नु.
175 |
धमिलो is related to trouble.
176 |
जेरुसेलम is a synonym of jerusalem.
177 |
कलम is etymologically related to καλαμοσ.
178 |
🦑 is a symbol of खाना.
179 |
couche d’ ozone is a synonym of ओजोन तह.
180 |
हाँस्नु is related to smile.
181 |
सुखी is related to heureux.
182 |
🥪 is a symbol of पाउरोटी.
183 |
अलफ्रेड रसेल वालेस is a synonym of alfred russel wallace.
184 |
स्वर्णनयन हाँस is a synonym of common goldeneye.
185 |
एघार is related to eleven.
186 |
bulgarien is a synonym of बुल्गेरिया.
187 |
नराम्रो सपना is related to cauchemar.
188 |
छारे रोग is a synonym of epilepsy.
189 |
🙆 is a symbol of ठीक.
190 |
नर्थ डेकोटा is a synonym of north dakota.
191 |
horloge is a synonym of घडी.
192 |
खजुर is a synonym of arecaceae.
193 |
🔻 is a symbol of रातो.
194 |
sociology is a synonym of समाजशास्त्र.
195 |
chhetri is etymologically related to क्षेत्री.
196 |
pocket is a synonym of खल्ती.
197 |
सखर is related to brown sugar.
198 |
देवता is related to dieu.
199 |
आँखीभुईं is a synonym of eyebrow.
200 |
🐠 is a symbol of माछा.
201 |
devanagari is a synonym of देवनागरी लिपि.
202 |
🔕 is a symbol of शान्त.
203 |
😩 is a symbol of अनुहार.
204 |
काँध is etymologically derived from स्कन्ध.
205 |
भैंसी is related to bufflonne.
206 |
छोरो is related to boy.
207 |
ईन्दिरा गान्धी is a synonym of indira gandhi.
208 |
पकाउनु is related to cuire.
209 |
घर is a synonym of house.
210 |
🛩 is a symbol of गाडी.
211 |
बाख्रा is related to goat.
212 |
आठ is related to eight.
213 |
फेद is related to pied.
214 |
उनुन्क्वाडियम is a synonym of flerovium.
215 |
asie du sud is a synonym of दक्षिण एशिया.
216 |
तताउनु is related to chauffer.
217 |
germany is a synonym of जर्मनी.
218 |
पहिलो is related to premier.
219 |
👦 is a symbol of केटा.
220 |
भाडा is related to hire.
221 |
जाँच्नु is related to inspect.
222 |
ताप्के is related to casserole.
223 |
🧤 is a symbol of पन्जा.
224 |
होश is related to conscience.
225 |
दुख्नु is related to ache.
226 |
बाह्रसिंगा is a synonym of barasingha.
227 |
खुसी is related to happy.
228 |
आर्कटिक महासागर is a synonym of arctic ocean.
229 |
🍄 is a symbol of च्याउ.
230 |
ब्रह्माण्ड is related to universe.
231 |
अधिकार is a synonym of rights.
232 |
🙋 is a symbol of खुशी.
233 |
रोमियो र जुलिएट is a synonym of romeo and juliet.
234 |
अक्सिकोडन is a synonym of oxycodone.
235 |
जुलाई is a synonym of july.
236 |
काठे भालु is a synonym of sloth bear.
237 |
रङ्ग is a synonym of color.
238 |
👨🚀 is a symbol of रकेट.
239 |
गोबर is related to bouse.
240 |
कोलोरेक्टर क्यान्सर is a synonym of colorectal cancer.
241 |
नरफक टापू is a synonym of norfolk island.
242 |
brother is a synonym of दाजु.
243 |
क्षतिपूर्ति is a synonym of damages.
244 |
हस्टन is a synonym of houston.
245 |
दुखी is related to unhappy.
246 |
बी बोइङ is a synonym of b boying.
247 |
काष्ठकुट is a synonym of fulvous breasted woodpecker.
248 |
🚔 is a symbol of कार.
249 |
देवि is a synonym of goddess.
250 |
बस is related to bus.
251 |
उमेर is related to age.
252 |
निर्दरण गर्नु is related to déterminer.
253 |
one translations is a synonym of एक.
254 |
दाजु is related to elder brother.
255 |
ट्वेल्फ्थ नाइट is a synonym of twelfth night.
256 |
😝 is a symbol of आँखा.
257 |
भाग्नु is related to échapper.
258 |
शिकवणे is etymologically related to सिकाउनु.
259 |
रूप is related to syndrome.
260 |
जूनागढ is a synonym of junagadh.
261 |
light is a synonym of प्रकाश.
262 |
निस्कनु is related to sortir.
263 |
कमी हुनु is related to manquer.
264 |
सुन is related to gold.
265 |
खानु is related to drink.
266 |
लुक्नु is related to se cacher.
267 |
काफल is related to bayberry.
268 |
म्यारी सेली is a synonym of mary shelley.
269 |
🌹 is a symbol of गुलाफ.
270 |
उजाड is related to désolé.
271 |
बकाइनो is a synonym of melia azedarach.
272 |
😆 is a symbol of मुख.
273 |
जाँच्नु is related to try out.
274 |
जाति is related to race.
275 |
चरी बाघ is a synonym of leopard cat.
276 |
किनार is related to rive.
277 |
सकना is etymologically related to सक्नु.
278 |
साचो is related to key.
279 |
मिठो is related to bon.
280 |
पाखुरा is a synonym of arm.
281 |
मस्तिष्क is a synonym of brain.
282 |
💱 is a symbol of बैंक.
283 |
पुरुष प्रजनन प्रणाली is a synonym of male reproductive system.
284 |
🍯 is a symbol of मिठो.
285 |
द हलो is a synonym of hollow.
286 |
फिर is etymologically related to फेरि.
287 |
शुभ is related to auspicious.
288 |
पिसाको लेनिङ टावर is a synonym of leaning tower of pisa.
289 |
सितार is a synonym of sitar.
290 |
📗 is a symbol of पुस्तक.
291 |
समलिङ्गी is a synonym of gay.
292 |
सहायता is related to assistance.
293 |
उच्च शिक्षा is a synonym of higher education.
294 |
किलिमन्जारो हिमाल is a synonym of mount kilimanjaro.
295 |
टि सर्ट is a synonym of t shirt.
296 |
जसमा is a form of जो.
297 |
सहश्राब्दि is a synonym of millennium.
298 |
दोकान is related to shop.
299 |
रंग अन्धता is a synonym of color blindness.
300 |
सिएनएन is a synonym of cnn.
301 |
कागती is a synonym of lemon.
302 |
औंला is a synonym of digit.
303 |
अटिज्म is a synonym of autism.
304 |
पाकिस्तान is a synonym of pakistan.
305 |
ब्रुनेई is a synonym of brunei.
306 |
कंजूस is related to avare.
307 |
लाग्नु is related to begin.
308 |
जीवनी is a synonym of biography.
309 |
चप्पल is related to sandale.
310 |
बंद करना is etymologically related to बन्द गर्नु.
311 |
लाहुरे फूल is a synonym of dahlia.
312 |
माउस is a synonym of mouse.
313 |
☁ is a symbol of मौसम.
314 |
वर्णमाला is related to alphabet.
315 |
belarus is a synonym of बेलारुस.
316 |
चेतना is a synonym of consciousness.
317 |
सुचना गर्नु is related to annoncer.
318 |
बाहुन is related to brahmin.
319 |
डुहरे घरमुसो is a synonym of house mouse.
320 |
मेथी is a synonym of fenugreek.
321 |
टेकना is etymologically related to टेक्नु.
322 |
निस्काउनु is related to sortir.
323 |
फिलिपिन्स is a synonym of philippines.
324 |
जरिङ्गो is a synonym of phytolacca.
325 |
सि is a synonym of c.
326 |
roti is a synonym of रोटी.
327 |
💯 is a symbol of अंक.
328 |
मूल्य अभिबृद्धि कर is a synonym of value added tax.
329 |
🌘 is a symbol of चन्द्रमा.
330 |
kheer is a synonym of खिर.
331 |
culture is a synonym of संस्कृति.
332 |
पहाड is a synonym of mountain.
333 |
तथा has context of literary.
334 |
म तिमि सित प्रेम् गर्छ्हु is related to je t’ aime.
335 |
nepal is etymologically derived from नेपाल.
336 |
टाँस्नु is related to coller.
337 |
mirror is a synonym of ऐना.
338 |
छोटो is related to mean.
339 |
चोक is related to courtyard.
340 |
🎒 is a symbol of झोला.
341 |
ओन्टारिओ ताल is a synonym of lake ontario.
342 |
पुग्नु is related to ended.
343 |
राइबोसोम is a synonym of ribosome.
344 |
सुगन्धवाल is a synonym of valerian.
345 |
दर्शन is a synonym of philosophy.
346 |
मेरो विचारमा is related to à mon avis.
347 |
राशि चक्र is a synonym of zodiac.
348 |
😟 is a symbol of चिन्तित.
349 |
सवारी साधन is a synonym of vehicle.
350 |
💓 is a symbol of मुटु.
351 |
रोजा पार्क्स is a synonym of rosa parks.
352 |
कापी is related to cahier.
353 |
बिभिन्न is related to différent.
354 |
शून्य is related to empty.
355 |
happy birthday is a synonym of जन्मदिनको शुभकामना.
356 |
बकरी ईद is a synonym of eid al adha.
357 |
कपुर is a synonym of camphor.
358 |
अङ्गूर is related to raisin.
359 |
पद is related to position.
360 |
हाडफोर is a synonym of bearded vulture.
361 |
🌊 is a symbol of समुद्र.
362 |
भुभुजेला is a synonym of vuvuzela.
363 |
बच्चा is related to newborn.
364 |
महाराज हंस is a synonym of whooper swan.
365 |
मन्दिर is a synonym of temple.
366 |
जिल्ला is etymologically derived from ज़िला.
367 |
money is a synonym of मुद्रा.
368 |
😹 is a symbol of बिरालो.
369 |
ह्युरन ताल is a synonym of lake huron.
370 |
जुठो is related to impur.
371 |
कालोगर्दने काठफोर is a synonym of grey headed woodpecker.
372 |
कार्यकर्ता is related to agent.
373 |
सान मारिनो is a synonym of san marino.
374 |
🚐 is a symbol of गाडी.
375 |
⛵ is a symbol of समुद्र.
376 |
मुख बिगार्नु is related to grimacer.
377 |
पक्रनु is related to arrêter.
378 |
थप्पडी मार्नु is related to applaudir.
379 |
चाणक्य is a synonym of chanakya.
380 |
🦏 is a symbol of गैंडा.
381 |
हंस तारामंडल is a synonym of cygnus.
382 |
समस्या is related to problem.
383 |
छुरा is related to rasoir.
384 |
मकालु हिमाल is a synonym of makalu.
385 |
अति उच्च आवृति is a synonym of very high frequency.
386 |
मस्तिष्क is related to cerveau.
387 |
mother is a synonym of आमा.
388 |
रामतोरियाँ is a synonym of okra.
389 |
खैरो धानमुसा is a synonym of brown rat.
390 |
samsara is a synonym of संसार.
391 |
राँडो is a synonym of widow.
392 |
बाकस is related to boite.
393 |
सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन is a synonym of sarvepalli radhakrishnan.
394 |
फर्गी is a synonym of fergie.
395 |
penis is a synonym of लिङ्ग.
396 |
छेउमा is a synonym of छेउछाउमा.
397 |
❔ is a symbol of प्रश्न.
398 |
हिमालय is a synonym of himalayas.
399 |
🦇 is a symbol of चमेरो.
400 |
🤩 is a symbol of आँखा.
401 |
नमस्कार is related to goodbye.
402 |
मन is a synonym of mind.
403 |
गोमन is a synonym of naja.
404 |
प्रचुरता is related to abondance.
405 |
साहसी is related to courageux.
406 |
पुग्नु is related to settle.
407 |
बस is a synonym of bus.
408 |
👢 is a symbol of जुत्ता.
409 |
बैजनी रङ्ग is related to mauve.
410 |
पढ़ना is etymologically related to पढ्नु.
411 |
🥋 is a symbol of जुडो.
412 |
🛒 is a symbol of किनमेल.
413 |
उत्तरी ध्रुव is a synonym of north pole.
414 |
भाइ is related to younger brother.
415 |
बुर्सा is a synonym of bursa.
416 |
én is a synonym of म.
417 |
निकोला सार्कोजी is a synonym of nicolas sarkozy.
418 |
विवेक is related to conscience.
419 |
जिउनु is related to survive.
420 |
😝 is a symbol of जिब्रो.
421 |
समाजवादी is related to socialiste.
422 |
पाले is related to garde.
423 |
जनमेजय is a synonym of janamejaya.
424 |
🥝 is a symbol of फल.
425 |
सम्पति शुद्धिकरण is a synonym of money laundering.
426 |
अह्राउनु is related to do.
427 |
प्रवालपाद is a synonym of black winged stilt.
428 |
पेट is a synonym of abdomen.
429 |
खरीमट्टी is derived from खरी.
430 |
संगति is a form of सङ्गति.
431 |
🥜 is a symbol of तरकारी.
432 |
👷 is a symbol of निर्माण.
433 |
सहारा मरुभूमि is a synonym of sahara.
434 |
पार्टी is related to party.
435 |
कफी is related to café.
436 |
हजुर is related to sir.
437 |
brazil is a synonym of ब्राजिल.
438 |
थर is related to clan.
439 |
ताजमहल is a synonym of taj mahal.
440 |
पुग्नु is related to reach.
441 |
चुम्बन is a synonym of kiss.
442 |
जेम्स वाट is a synonym of james watt.
443 |
डराउनु is related to afraid.
444 |
अस्मियम is a synonym of osmium.
445 |
काँक्रो is related to concombre.
446 |
पुष्प is related to fleur.
447 |
छुटाउनु is related to manquer.
448 |
होला is a form of हुनु.
449 |
🌴 is a symbol of खजुर.
450 |
💌 is a symbol of मुटु.
451 |
रिठ्ठो is a synonym of sapindus.
452 |
बुढो is related to old.
453 |
आर्सेनिक is a synonym of arsenic.
454 |
devanagari is a synonym of देवनागरी.
455 |
तर पनि is related to malgré tout.
456 |
bangladesh is a synonym of बंगलादेश.
457 |
चिकित्सक is a synonym of physician.
458 |
⚔ is a symbol of तरवार.
459 |
🌦 is a symbol of घाम.
460 |
शिक्षक is related to tutor.
461 |
द क्लक्स is a synonym of clocks.
462 |
बकुल्ला is related to héron.
463 |
युरोप is a synonym of europe.
464 |
क्षेत्री is related to kshatriya.
465 |
education is a synonym of शिक्षा.
466 |
चरेस is a synonym of hashish.
467 |
चम्कनु is related to clignoter.
468 |
खत्री is etymologically related to क्षत्रिय.
469 |
अमिलो is related to acide.
470 |
हामी has context of inclusive and exclusive.
471 |
hello is a synonym of नमस्कार.
472 |
रात is related to night.
473 |
and is a synonym of र.
474 |
चिन्ता गराउनु is related to inquiéter.
475 |
खेल्नु is related to jouer.
476 |
आशीर्वाद is related to bénédiction.
477 |
यी is related to these.
478 |
गहुँ is related to blé.
479 |
जङ्गल is related to jungle.
480 |
परिवार is related to famille.
481 |
पुरानो is related to ancien.
482 |
मिनिसोटा is a synonym of minnesota.
483 |
झाडू is etymologically related to झाडु.
484 |
ग्रिनाडा is a synonym of grenada.
485 |
🌒 is a symbol of चन्द्रमा.
486 |
house is a synonym of घर.
487 |
🌶 is a symbol of कालो.
488 |
👠 is a symbol of जुत्ता.
489 |
अ is related to un.
490 |
लाख is related to hundred thousand.
491 |
कव्वाली is a synonym of qawwali.
492 |
क्षयरोग is a synonym of tuberculosis.
493 |
माउन्टेन ड्यु is a synonym of mountain dew.
494 |
जिम्मी कार्टर is a synonym of jimmy carter.
495 |
कान is a synonym of ear.
496 |
मध्यम तरंग is a synonym of medium wave.
497 |
कम्प्युटर is a synonym of computer.
498 |
पानीपत is a synonym of panipat.
499 |
सेलिन डियोन is a synonym of celine dion.
500 |
eau is a synonym of पानी.
501 |
निकेल is a synonym of nickel.
502 |
उक्लनु is related to monter.
503 |
बानी is related to habitude.
504 |
घाँस is a synonym of grass.
505 |
fire translations is a synonym of आगो.
506 |
अहिले is etymologically related to यहाँ.
507 |
फिडेल कास्ट्रो is a synonym of fidel castro.
508 |
हिमाली धर्के लोखर्के is a synonym of himalayan striped squirrel.
509 |
🎓 is a symbol of टोपी.
510 |
घाम is related to sun.
511 |
जिन्दगी is related to vie.
512 |
🛏 is a symbol of होटेल.
513 |
कराउनु is related to crier.
514 |
युट्युब is a synonym of youtube.
515 |
💕 is a symbol of मुटु.
516 |
सङ्गति is related to union.
517 |
इस्लाम धर्म is a synonym of islam.
518 |
नैनु is related to pupil.
519 |
एन्टिबायोटिक is a synonym of antibiotics.
520 |
ઊઠવું is etymologically related to उठ्नु.
521 |
yes is a synonym of जी.
522 |
रुवाउनु is related to faire.
523 |
🧑🎤 is a symbol of तारा.
524 |
बिच भलिवल is a synonym of beach volleyball.
525 |
इङ्गल्याण्ड is a synonym of england.
526 |
लजालु is related to timide.
527 |
ग्रेट स्यान्डी मरुभूमि is a synonym of great sandy desert.
528 |
प्रोस्टेट is a synonym of prostate.
529 |
मेरोइ is a synonym of meroë.
530 |
रोडियम is a synonym of rhodium.
531 |
खस is etymologically derived from खश.
532 |
🌫 is a symbol of बादल.
533 |
पिँध्नु is related to moudre.
534 |
प्रणय दिवस is a synonym of valentine's day.
535 |
चालीस is related to forty.
536 |
उनी is related to she.
537 |
जैतुन is a synonym of olive.
538 |
परिचय is related to acquaintance.
539 |
निलो is related to blue.
540 |
मिलना is etymologically related to मिल्नु.
541 |
रुख is related to tree.
542 |
आकाश is a synonym of sky.
543 |
मानसिक रोग is a synonym of mental disorder.
544 |
आँखा is a synonym of नेत्र.
545 |
पहिरो is related to avalanche.
546 |
🍉 is a symbol of खरबुजा.
547 |
ich is a synonym of म.
548 |
जुलियस सिजर is a synonym of julius caesar.
549 |
गन्नु is related to consider.
550 |
बदमाश is related to méchant.
551 |
holi is a synonym of होली.
552 |
फ्रान्सिस ड्रेक is a synonym of francis drake.
553 |
💷 is a symbol of मुद्रा.
554 |
खाना is related to खानु.
555 |
पिपीलिका is related to ant.
556 |
कार्बोहाइड्रेट is a synonym of carbohydrate.
557 |
broom is a synonym of झाडु.
558 |
🚥 is a symbol of प्रकाश.
559 |
cloud is a synonym of बादल.
560 |
राम्रो is related to nice.
561 |
सानो ओत is a synonym of oriental small clawed otter.
562 |
बादल is related to cloud.
563 |
साइकल is etymologically derived from κυκλοσ.
564 |
📅 is a symbol of मिति.
565 |
🔘 is a symbol of रेडियो.
566 |
रोबर्ट बोइल is a synonym of robert boyle.
567 |
गणितज्ञ is a synonym of mathematician.
568 |
उत्सर्जन is a synonym of excretion.
569 |
खराब is related to mauvais.
570 |
🥚 is a symbol of अण्डा.
571 |
मर्नु is related to die.
572 |
कण्ठे सुगा is a synonym of rose ringed parakeet.
573 |
💲 is a symbol of डलर.
574 |
लात्भिया is a synonym of latvia.
575 |
खर्च गर्नु is related to dépenser.
576 |
विद्युतवाहक बल is a synonym of electromotive force.
577 |
ल्याउनु is related to amener.
578 |
बीरगंज is derived from बीर.
579 |
कमीज is a form of कमिज.
580 |
खराब is related to bad.
581 |
syrien is a synonym of सीरिया.
582 |
इबे is a synonym of ebay.
583 |
वर्ग is a synonym of square.
584 |
प्याज is a synonym of onion.
585 |
چھوٹا is etymologically related to छोटो.
586 |
केर्रादो is a synonym of cerrado.
587 |
फिजी is a synonym of fiji.
588 |
एन्डिज is a synonym of andes.
589 |
कुमथोप्ले मणितुण्डक is a synonym of red breasted merganser.
590 |
ichtyologie is a synonym of इक्थ्योलोजी.
591 |
ओसामा बिन लादेन is a synonym of osama bin laden.
592 |
नाडि is a synonym of forearm.
593 |
🌇 is a symbol of मौसम.
594 |
कागते फूल is a synonym of bougainvillea glabra.
595 |
लैंगिक विभेदता is a synonym of sexism.
596 |
गुणकेशरी is a synonym of narcissus.
597 |
भाँच्नु is related to briser.
598 |
उफ्रनु is related to skip.
599 |
छोकडाको बोट is a synonym of date palm.
600 |
🖋 is a symbol of कलम.
601 |
अविच्छिन्न विद्युत आपुर्ती is a synonym of uninterruptible power supply.
602 |
diabetes mellitus is a synonym of मधुमेह.
603 |
religion is a synonym of धर्म.
604 |
भुइँचालो is derived from भुइँ.
605 |
सङ्गीत is related to music.
606 |
रीति रिवाज is related to coutumes.
607 |
अर्ति is related to avis.
608 |
स्टिभ बाल्मर is a synonym of steve ballmer.
609 |
livre is a synonym of किताप.
610 |
लक्ष्मण सारस is a synonym of common crane.
611 |
🖤 is a symbol of कालो.
612 |
april is a synonym of अप्रिल.
613 |
विभिन्नता is related to différence.
614 |
मूल is related to necessary.
615 |
अङ्ग्रेजी भाषा is a synonym of english language.
616 |
⛈ is a symbol of मौसम.
617 |
अनुसन्धान is a synonym of research.
618 |
आकाशगङ्गा is a synonym of milky way.
619 |
क्रोमोसोम is a synonym of chromosome.
620 |
बाकस is related to luggage.
621 |
भनेर is etymologically related to भन्नु.
622 |
गू is related to shit.
623 |
सौन्दर्यशास्त्र is a synonym of aesthetics.
624 |
सुप is a synonym of fennel.
625 |
🚣 is a symbol of गाडी.
626 |
पुग्नु is related to suffice.
627 |
गिजाको विशाल पिरामिड is a synonym of great pyramid of giza.
628 |
टिकट is related to ticket.
629 |
berlin is a synonym of बर्लिन.
630 |
केटा is a synonym of boy.
631 |
यसै is related to just.
632 |
स्त्री प्रजनन प्रणाली is a synonym of female reproductive system.
633 |
बार्सिलोना is a synonym of barcelona.
634 |
चक is related to chalk.
635 |
🎩 is a symbol of टोपी.
636 |
एक्काईस is etymologically related to इक्कीस.
637 |
नागरिकता is a synonym of citizenship.
638 |
क्षत्रिय is related to kshatriya.
639 |
विपरीत फलन is a synonym of inverse function.
640 |
est is a synonym of पूर्व.
641 |
चिहान is related to cimetière.
642 |
असम्भव is related to impossible.
643 |
key is a synonym of साचो.
644 |
लाओत्से is a synonym of laozi.
645 |
टाढा is related to far.
646 |
🕹 is a symbol of खेल.
647 |
दाराज is related to buffet.
648 |
जीवावशेष is a synonym of fossil.
649 |
ब्राड पिट is a synonym of brad pitt.
650 |
डेविड क्यामरुन is a synonym of david cameron.
651 |
🚦 is a symbol of प्रकाश.
652 |
china is a synonym of चीन.
653 |
स्थानीय is related to local.
654 |
ग्यास is a synonym of gas.
655 |
बियर is related to beer.
656 |
लुइजियाना is a synonym of louisiana.
657 |
new zealand is a synonym of न्युजिल्यान्ड.
658 |
भान्टा is a synonym of eggplant.
659 |
एकसिंगे गैंडा is a synonym of indian rhinoceros.
660 |
पाई दिवस is a synonym of pi day.
661 |
उपाय is related to method.
662 |
बिकास is related to expansion.
663 |
सुझाव is related to suggestion.
664 |
क्षत्रिय is related to क्षत्राणी.
665 |
आवश्यक is related to necessary.
666 |
corpse is a synonym of लाश.
667 |
साईकल is a synonym of bicycle.
668 |
डच is etymologically derived from dutch.
669 |
लानु is related to emporter.
670 |
टर्की is a synonym of turkey.
671 |
श्रीनगर is a synonym of srinagar.
672 |
रेडसिफ्ट is a synonym of redshift.
673 |
womb is a synonym of पाठेघर.
674 |
कुहिनु is related to pourrir.
675 |
इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स is a synonym of electronics.
676 |
मिटर is related to mètre.
677 |
🍎 is a symbol of फलफूल.
678 |
स्पाइडर म्यान is a synonym of spider man.
679 |
करोड is related to ten million.
680 |
république tchèque is a synonym of चेक रिपब्लिक.
681 |
काठ is related to bois.
682 |
गन्ध is a synonym of odor.
683 |
बुझ्नु is related to find out.
684 |
पौने is related to fourth.
685 |
प्राय is related to mostly.
686 |
मासिक धर्म is a synonym of menstrual cycle.
687 |
lightning is a synonym of चट्याङ.
688 |
सुधारना is etymologically related to सुधार्नु.
689 |
कालाहारी मरुभूमि is a synonym of kalahari desert.
690 |
संयुक्त राष्ट्र आर्थिक एवं सामाजिक परिषद is a synonym of united nations economic and social council.
691 |
प्रविधि is a synonym of technology.
692 |
🤪 is a symbol of सानो.
693 |
कोरिया is a synonym of korea.
694 |
चल्नु is related to work.
695 |
तीते करेला is a synonym of momordica charantia.
696 |
मिश्रित मार्सल आर्ट्स is a synonym of mixed martial arts.
697 |
स्थिति is related to état.
698 |
😍 is a symbol of आँखा.
699 |
portugal is a synonym of पोर्चुगल.
700 |
माछा is related to fish.
701 |
🤱 is a symbol of स्तनपान.
702 |
आधुनिक is related to moderne.
703 |
घरपालुवा पानीहाँस is a synonym of domestic goose.
704 |
घर भँगेरा is a synonym of house sparrow.
705 |
साधारण is related to courant.
706 |
daughter is a synonym of छोरी.
707 |
ओशिनिया is a synonym of oceania.
708 |
ढाक्नु is related to spread.
709 |
पाठ is related to instruction.
710 |
तिमी has context of mid intimacy level.
711 |
⏱ is a symbol of घडी.
712 |
फिलाडेल्फिया is a synonym of philadelphia.
713 |
नाक is a synonym of nose.
714 |
पानामा नहर is a synonym of panama canal.
715 |
गिब्राल्टार is a synonym of gibraltar.
716 |
विज्ञान is a synonym of science.
717 |
पाली भाषा is a synonym of pali.
718 |
पौने is related to three.
719 |
भाषाविज्ञान is a synonym of linguistics.
720 |
👂 is a symbol of कान.
721 |
जिबुटी is a synonym of djibouti.
722 |
गजनी is a synonym of ghazni.
723 |
सुक्नु is related to sécher.
724 |
नाम व्याकरण is a synonym of noun.
725 |
पहिला is a form of पहिलो.
726 |
अधिकार is related to possession.
727 |
🐘 is a symbol of हात्ती.
728 |
खत्री is etymologically related to क्षत्र.
729 |
मोटरसाइकल is related to motorcycle.
730 |
सोधपुछ is related to inquiry.
731 |
दिनु is related to give.
732 |
👩🚒 is a symbol of दमकल.
733 |
खोक्रो is related to creux.
734 |
झगङा गर्नु is related to se battre.
735 |
भाँच्नु is related to break.
736 |
कागत is related to sheet.
737 |
स्याल is a synonym of jackal.
738 |
⛪ is a symbol of गिर्जाघर.
739 |
ट्याङ्गो is a synonym of tango.
740 |
🕜 is a symbol of एक.
741 |
कुद्नु is related to courir.
742 |
रमाइलो is related to interesting.
743 |
मोन्ट ब्लाङ्क is a synonym of mont blanc.
744 |
अनुमान गर्नु is related to deviner.
745 |
🍧 is a symbol of मिठो.
746 |
archimède is a synonym of आर्किमिडिज.
747 |
काजी is etymologically derived from काज.
748 |
🖕 is a symbol of हात.
749 |
विमान परिचारिका is a synonym of flight attendant.
750 |
आत्मा is a synonym of soul.
751 |
दुब्लो is related to maigre.