diff --git "a/data/corpus/singer_pract_ethics.txt" "b/data/corpus/singer_pract_ethics.txt" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/data/corpus/singer_pract_ethics.txt" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13838 +0,0 @@ -PREFACE -Practical ethics covers a wide area. We can find ethical ramifications -in most of our choices, if we look hard enough. This -book does not attempt to cover this whole area. The problems -it deals with have been selected on two grounds: their relevance, -and the extent to which philosophical reasoning can contribute -to a discussion of them. -I regard an ethical issue as relevant if it is one that any thinking -person must face. Some of the issues discussed in this book -confront us daily: what are our personal responsibilities towards -the poor? Are we justified in treating animals as nothing more -than machines- producing flesh for us to eat? Should we be -using paper that is not recycled? And why should we bother -about acting in accordance with moral principles anyway? -Other problems, like abortion and euthanasia, fortunately are -not everyday decisions for most of us; but they are issues that -can arise at some time in our lives. They are also issues of current -concern about which any active participant in our society's decision- -making process needs to reflect. -The extent to which an issue can usefully be discussed philosophically -depends on the kind of issue it is. Some issues are -controversial largely because there are facts in dispute. For example, -whether the release of new organisms created by the -use of recombinant DNA ought to be permitted seems to hang -largely on whether the organisms pose a serious risk to the -environment. Although philosophers may lack the expertise to -tackle this question, they may still be able to say something -useful about whether it is acceptable to run a given risk of -vii -Preface -environmental damage. In other cases, however, the facts are -clear and accepted by both sides; it is conflicting ethical views -that give rise to disagreement over what to do. Then the kind -of reasoning and analysis that philosophers practise really can -make a difference. The issues discussed in this book are ones -in which ethical, rather than factual, disagreement determines -the positions people take. The potential contribution of philosophers -to discussions of these issues is therefore considerable. -This book has played a central role in events that must give -pause to anyone who thinks that freedom of thought and -expression can be taken for granted in liberal democracies today. -Since its first publication in 1979, it has been widely read and -used in many courses at universities and colleges. It has been -tr-anslated into German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Swedish. -The response has generally been positive. There are, of -course, many who disagree with the arguments presented in -the book, but the disagreement has almost always been at the -level of reasoned debate. The only exception has been the reaction -in German-speaking countries. In Germany, Austria, and -Switzerland opposition to the views contained in this book -reached such a peak that conferences or lectures at which I was -invited to speak have been cancelled, and courses at German -universitiej in which the book was to be used have been subjected -to such repeated disruption that they could not continue. -For readers interested in further details of this sorry story a fuller -account is reprinted as an appendix. -Naturally, the German opposition to this book has made me -reflect on whether the views I have expressed really are, as at -least some Germans appear to believe, so erroneous or so dangerous -that they must not be uttered. Although much of the -German opposition is simply misinformed about what I am -saying, there is an underlying truth to the claim that the book -breaks a taboo - or perhaps more than one taboo. In Germany -since the defeat of Hitler it has not been possible openly to -viii -Preface -discuss the question of euthanasia, nor the issue of whether a -human life may be so full of misery as not to be wortl. living. -More fundamental still, and not limited to Germany, is the taboo -on comparing the value of human and nonhuman lives. In the -commotion that followed the cancellation of a conference in -Germany at which I had been invited to speak, the German -sponsoring organisation, to disassociate itself from my views, -passed a series of motions, one of which read: 'The uniqueness -of human life forbids any comparison - or more specifically, -equation - of human existence with other living beings, with -their forms of life or interests.' Comparing, and in some cases -equating, the lives of humans and animals is exactly what this -book is about; in fact it could be said that if there is any single -aspect of this book that distinguishes it from other approaches -to such issues as human equality, abortion, euthanasia, and the -environment, it is the fact that these topics are approached with -a conscious disavowal of any assumption that all members of -our own species have, merely because they are members of our -species, any distinctive worth or inherent value that puts them -above members of other species. The belief in human superiority -is a very fundamental one, and it underlies our thinking in many -sensitive areas. To challenge it is no trivial matter, and that such -a challenge should provoke a strong reaction ought not to suprise -us. Nevertheless, once we have understood that the -breaching of this taboo on comparing humans and animals is -partly responsible for the protests, it becomes clear that there is -no going back. For reasons that are developed in subsequent -chapters, to prohibit any cross-species comparisons would be -philosophically indefensible. It would also make it impossible -to overcome the wrongs we are now doing to nonhuman animals, -and would reinforce attitudes that have done immense -irreparable damage to the environment of this planet that we -share with members of other species. -So I have not backed away from the views that have caused -so much controversy in German-speaking lands. If these views -ix -Preface -have their dangers, the dangers of attempting to continue to -maintain the present crumbling taboos are greater still. Needless -to say, many will disagree with what I have to say. Objections -and counter-arguments are welcome. Since the days of Plato, -philosophy has advanced dialectically as philosophers have offered -reasons for disagreeing with the views of other philosophers. -Disagreement is good, because it is the way to a more -defensible position; the suggestion that the views I have advanced -should not even be discussed is, however, a totally different -matter, and one that I am quite content to leave to readers, -after they have read and reflected upon the chapters that follow. -Though I have not changed my views on the issues that have -aroused the most fanatical opposition, this revised edition contains -many other changes. I have added two new chapters on -important ethical questions that were not covered in the previous -edition: Chapter 9 on the refugee question and chapter -lOon the environment. Chapter 2 has a new section on equality -and disability. The sections of Chapter 6 on embryo experimentation -and fetal tissue use are also new. Every chapter has -been reworked, factual material has been updated, and where -my position has been misunderstood by my critics, I have tried -to make it clearer. -As far as my underlying ethical views are concerned, some -of my friends and colleagues will no doubt be distressed to find -that countless hours spent discussing these matters with me -have served only to reinforce my conviction that the consequentialist -approach to ethics taken in the first edition is fundamentally -sound. There have been two significant changes to -the form of consequentialism espoused. The first is that I make -use of the distinction drawn by R. M. Hare, in his book Moral -Thinking, between two distinct levels of moral reasoning - the -everyday intuitive level and the more reflective, critical level. -The second is that I have dropped the suggestion - which I -advanced rather tentatively in the fifth chapter ofthe first edition -- that one might try to combine both the 'total' and 'prior -x -Preface -existence' versions of utilitarianism, applying the former to sentient -beings who are not self-conscious and the latter to those -who are. I now think that preference utilitarianism draws a -sufficiently sharp distinction between these two categories of -being to enable us to apply one version of utilitarianism to all -sentient beings. Nevertheless, I am still not entirely satisfied with -my treatment of this whole question of how we should deal -with ethical choices that involve bringing a being or beings into -existence. As Chapters 4-7 make clear, the way in which we -answer this perplexing question has implications for the issues -of abortion, the treatment of severely disabled newborn infants, -and for the killing of animals. The period between editions of -this book has seen the publication of by far the most intricate -and far-sighted analysis to date of this problem: Derek Parfii's -Reasons and Persons. Unfortunately, Parfit himself remains baffled -by the questions he has raised, and his conclusion is that -the search for 'Theory X' - a satisfactory way of answering the -question - must continue. So perhaps it is hardly to be expected -that a satisfactory solution can emerge in this, both slimmer -and more wide-ranging, volume. -In writing this book I have made extensive use of my own -previously published articles and books. Thus Chapter 3 is based -on Animal Liberation (New York ReviewlRandom House, 2d -edition, 1990), although it takes into account objections made -since the book first appeared in 1975. The sections of Chapter -6 on such topics as in vitro fertilisation, the argument from -potential, embryo experimentation, and the use of fetal tissue, -all draw on work I wrote jointly with Karen Dawson, which -was published as 'IVF and the Argument From Potential' in -Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 17 (1988), and in Peter Singer, -Helga Kuhse, and others, Embryo Experimentation (Cambridge -UniversiW Press, 1990). In this revised edition, Chapter 7 includes -points reached together with Helga Kuhse in working -on our much fuller treatment of the issue of euthanasia for -xi -Preface -severely disabled infants, Should the Baby Live? (Oxford University -Press, 1985). Chapter 8 restates arguments from 'Famine, -Affluence and Morality', Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 1 -(1972) and from 'Reconsidering the Famine Relief Argument' -in Peter Brown and Henry Shue (eds.) Food Policy: The Responsibility -of the United States in the Life and Death Choices (New York, -The Free Press, 1977). Chapter 9 again draws on a co-authored -piece, this time written with my wife, Renata Singer, and first -published as 'The Ethics of Refugee Policy' in M. Gibney (ed.), -Open Borders? Closed Societies? (Greenwood Press, New York, -1988). Chapter lOis based on 'Environmental Values', a chapter -that I contributed to Ian Marsh (ed.), The Environmental Challenge -(Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1991). Parts of Chapter -11 draw on my first book, Democracy and Disobedience (Oxford, -Clarendon Press, 1973). -H. J. McCloskey, Derek Parfit, and Robert Young provided -useful comments on a draft version of the first edition of this -book. Robert Young's ideas also entered into my thinking at an -earlier stage, when we jointly taught a course on these topics -at La Trobe University. The chapter on euthanasia, in particular, -owes much to his ideas, though he may not agree with everything -in it. Going back further still, my interest in ethics was -stimulated by H. J. McCloskey, whom I was fortunate to have -as a teacher during my undergraduate years; while the mark -left by R. M. Hare, who taught me at Oxford, is apparent in the -ethical foundations underlying the positions taken in this book. -Jeremy Mynott, of Cambridge University Press, encouraged me -to write the book and helped to shape and improve it as it went -along. -For assistance with the revised edition, I must thank those -with whom I have worked jointly on material that has been -included in this book: Karen Dawson, Helga Kuhse, and Renata -Singer. Helga Kuhse, in particular, has been a close colleague -for the past ten years, and during that period I have learned -much by discussing most of the topics in this book with her. -xii -Preface -She also read and commented on several chapters of this revised -edition. Paola Cavalieri gave me detailed comments and criticism -on the entire draft, and I thank her for suggesting several -improvements. There are, of course, many others who have -challenged what I wrote in the first edition and forced me to -think about these issues again, but to thank them all is impossible, -and to thank a few would be unjust. This time it was -Terence Moore, at Cambridge University Press, whose enthusiasm -for the book provided the stimulus for me to carry out -the revisions. -To give an uncluttered text, the notes, references, and suggested -further reading are grouped together at the end of the -book. -xiii -1 -ABOUT ETHICS -THIS book is about practical ethics, that is, the application -of ethics or morality - I shall use the words interchangeably -- to practical issues like the treatment of ethnic minorities, -equality for women, the use of animals for food and research, -the preservation of the natural environment, abortion, euthanasia, -and the obligation of the wealthy to help the poor. No -doubt the reader will want to get on to these issues without -delay; but there are some preliminaries that must be dealt with -at the start. In order to have a useful discussion within ethics, -it is necessary to say a little about ethics, so that we have a clear -understanding of what we are doing when we discuss ethical -questions. This first chapter therefore sets the stage for the remainder -of the book. In order to prevent it from growing into -an entire volume itself, I have kept it brief. If at times it is -dogmatic, that is because I cannot take the space properly to -consider all the different conceptions of ethics that might be -opposed to the one I shall defend; but this chapter will at least -serve to reveal the assumptions on which the remainder of the -book is based. -WHAT ETHICS IS NOT -Some people think that morality is now out of date. They regard -morality as a system of nasty puritanical prohibitions, mainly -designed to stop people having fun. Traditional moralists claim -to be the defenders of morality in general, but they are really -defending a particular moral code. They have been allowed to -1 -Pradical Ethics -preempt the field to such an extent that when a newspaper -headline reads BISHOP ATIACKS DECLINING MORAL STANDARDS, -we expect to read yet again about promiscuity, homosexuality, -pornography, and so on, and not about the puny -amounts we give as overseas aid to poorer nations, or our reckless -indifference to the natural environment of our planet. -So the first thing to say about ethics is that it is not a set of -prohibitions particularly concerned with sex. Even in the era of -AIDS, sex raises no unique moral issues at all. Decisions about -sex may involve considerations of honesty, concern for others, -prudence, and so on, but there is nothing special about sex in -this respect, for the same could be said of decisions about driving -a car. (In fact, the moral issues raised by driving a car, both -from an environmental and from a safety point of view, are -much more serious than those raised by sex.) Accordingly, this -book contains no discussion of sexual morality. There are more -important ethical issues to be considered. -Second, ethics is not an ideal system that is noble in theory -but no good in practice. The reverse of this is closer to the truth: -an ethical judgment that is no good in practice must suffer from -a theoretical defect as well, for the whole point of ethical judgments -is to guide practice. -Some people think that ethics is inapplicable to the real world -because they regard it as a system of short and simple rules like -'Do not lie', 'Do not steal', and 'Do not kill'. It is not surprising -that those who hold this view of ethics should also believe that -ethics is not suited to life's complexities. In unusual situations, -simple rules conflict; and even when they do not, following a -rule can lead to disaster. It may normally be wrong to lie, but -if you were living in Nazi Germany and the Gestapo came to -your door looking for Jews, it would surely be right to deny -the existence of the Jewish family hiding in your attic. -Like the failure of a restrictive sexual morality, the failure of -an ethic of simple rules must not be taken as a failure of ethics -as a whole. It is only a failure of one view of ethics, and not -2 -About Ethics -even an irremediable failure of that view. The deontologists - -those who think that ethics is a system of rules - can rescue -their position by finding more complicated and more specific -rules that do not conflict with each other, or by ranking the -rules in some hierarchical structure to resolve conflicts between -them. Moreover, there is a long-standing approach to ethics -that is quite untouched by the complexities that make simple -rules difficult to apply. This is the consequentialist view. Consequentialists -start not with moral rules but with goals. They -assess actions by the extent to which they further these goals. -The best-known, though not the only, consequentialist theory -is utilitarianism. The classical utilitarian regards an action as -right if it produces as much or more of an increase in the happiness -of all affected by it than any alternative action, and wrong -if it does not. -The consequences of an action vary according to the circumstances -in which it is performed. Hence a utilitarian can never -properly be accused of a lack of realism, or of a rigid adherence -to ideals in defiance of practical experience. The utilitarian will -judge lying bad in some circumstances and good in others, depending -on its consequences. -Third, ethics is not something intelligible only in the context -of religion. I shall treat ethics as entirely independent of religion. -Some theists say that ethics cannot do without religion because -the very meaning of 'good' is nothing other than 'what -God approves'. Plato refuted a similar claim more than two -thousand years ago by arguing that if the gods approve of some -actions it must be because those actions are good, in which case -it cannot be the gods' approval that makes them good. The -alternative view makes divine approval entirely arbitrary: if the -gods had happened to approve of torture and disapprove of -helping our neighbours, torture would have been good and -helping our neighbours bad. Some modem theists have attempted -to extricate themselves from this type of dilemma by -maintaining that God is good and so could not possibly approve -3 -\ -Pradical Ethics -of torture; but these theists are caught in a trap of their own -making, for what can they possibly mean by the assertion that -God is good? That God is approved of by God? -Traditionally, the more important link between religion and -ethics was that religion was thought to provide a reason for -doing what is right, the reason being that those who are virtuous -will be rewarded by an eternity of bliss while the rest roast in -hell. Not all religious thinkers have accepted this argument: -Immanuel Kant, a most pious Christian, scorned anything that -smacked of a self-interested motive for obeying the moral law. -We must obey it, he said, for its own sake. Nor do we have to -be Kantians to dispense with the motivation offered by traditional -religion. There is a long line of thought that finds the -source of ethics in the attitudes of benevolence and sympathy -for others that most people have. This is, however, a complex -topic, and since it is the subject of the final chapter of this book -I shall not pursue it here. It is enough to say that our everyday -observation of our fellow human beings clearly shows that ethical -behaviour does not require belief in heaven and hell. -The fourth, and last, claim about ethics that I shall deny in -this opening chapter is that ethics is relative or subjective. At -least, I shall deny these claims in some of the senses in which -they are often made. This point requires a more extended discussion -than the other three. -Let us take first the oft -asserted idea that ethics is relative to -the society one happens to live in. This is true in one sense and -false in another. It is true that, as we have already seen in -discussing consequentialism, actions that are right in one situation -because of their good consequences may be wrong in -another situation because of their bad consequences. Thus casual -sexual intercourse may be wrong when it leads to the existence -of children who cannot be adequately cared for, and not -wrong when, because of the existence of effective contraception, -it does not lead to reproduction at all. But this is only a superficial -form of relativism. While it suggests that the applicability -4 -About Ethics -of a specific principle like 'Casual sex is wrong' may be relative -to time and place, it says nothing against such a principle being -objectively valid in specific circumstances, or against the universal -applicability of a more general principle like 'Do what -increases happiness and reduces suffering: -The more fundamental form of relativism became popular in -the nineteenth century when data on the morai-beliefs and -practices of far-flung societies began pouring in. To the strict -reign of Victorian prudery the knowledge that there were places -where sexual relations between unmarried people were regarded -as perfectly wholesome brought the seeds of a revolution -in sexual attitudes. It is not surprising that to some the new -knowledge suggested, not merely that the moral code of nineteenth- -century Europe was not objectively valid, but that no -moral judgment can do more than reflect the customs of the -society in which it is made. -Marxists adapted this form of relativism to their own theories. -The ruling ideas of each period, they said, are the ideas of its -ruling class, and so the morality of a society is relative to its -dominant economic class, and thus indirectly relative to its economic -basis. So they triumphantly refuted the claims of feudal -and bourgeois morality to objective, universal validity. But this -raises a problem: if all morality is relative, what is so special -about communism? Why side with the proletariat rather than -the bourgeoisie? -Engels dealt with this problem in the only way possible, by -abandoning relativism in favour of the more limited claim that -the morality of a society divided into classes will always be -relative to the ruling class, although the morality of a society -without class antagonisms could be a 'really human' morality. -This is no longer relativism at all. Nevertheless, Marxism, in a -confused sort of way, still provides the impetus for a lot of woolly -relativist ideas. -The problem that led Engels to abandon relativism defeats -ordinary ethical relativism as well. Anyone who has thought -5 -Practical Ethics -through a difficult ethical decision knows that being told what -our society thinks we ought to do does not settle the quandary. -We have to reach our own decision. The beliefs and customs -we were brought up with may exercise great influence on us, -but once we start to reflect upon them we can decide whether -to act in accordance with them, or to go against them. -The opposite view - that ethics is always relative to a particular -society - has most implausible consequences. If our society -disapproves of slavery, while another society approves of it, we -have no basis to choose between these conflicting views. Indeed, -on a relativist analysis there is really no conflict - when I say -slavery is wrong I am really only saying that my society disapproves -of slavery, and when the slaveowners from the other -society say that slavery is right, they are only saying that their -society approves of it. Why argue? Obviously we could both be -speaking the truth. -Worse still, the relativist cannot satisfactorily account for the -nonconformist. If 'slavery is wrong' means 'my society disapproves -of slavery', then someone who lives in a society that -does not disapprove of slavery is, in claiming that slavery is -wrong, making a simple factual error. An opinion poll could -demonstrate the error of an ethical judgment. Would-be reformers -are therefore in a parlous situation: when they set out -to change the ethical views of their fellow-citizens they are -necessarily mistaken; it is only when they succeed in winning -most of the society over to their own views that those views -become right. -These difficulties are enough to sink ethical relativism; ethical -subjectivism at least avoids making nonsense of the valiant efforts -of would-be moral reformers, for it makes ethical judgments -depend on the approval or disapproval of the person -making the judgment, rather than that person's society. There -are other difficulties, though, that at least some forms of ethical -subjectivism cannot overcome. -If those who say that ethics is subjective mean by this that -6 -About Ethics -when I say that cruelty to animals is wrong I am really only -saying that I disapprove of cruelty to animals, they are faced -with an aggravated form of one of the difficulties of relativism: -the inability to account for ethical disagreement. What was true -for the relativist of disagreement between people from different -societies is for the subjectivist true of disagreement between any -two people. I say cruelty to animals is wrong: someone else -says it is not wrong. If this means that I disapprove of cruelty -to animals and someone else does not, both statements may be -true and so there is nothing to argue about. -Other theories often described as 'subjectivist' are not open -to this objection. Suppose someone maintains that ethical judgmeJ:? -ts are neither true nor false because they do not describe -anything - neither objective moral facts, nor one's own subjective -states of mind. This theory might hold that, as C. 1. -Stevenson suggested, ethical judgments express attitudes, rather -than describe them, and we disagree about ethics because we -try, by expressing our own attitude, to bring our listeners to a -similar attitude. Or it might be, as R. M. Hare has urged, that -ethical judgments are prescriptions and therefore more closely -related to commands than to statements of fact. On this view -we disagree because we care about what people do. Those features -of ethical argument that imply the existence of objective -moral standards can be explained away by maintaining that this -is some kind of error - perhaps the legacy of the belief that -ethics is a God-given system of law, or perhaps just another -example of our tendency to objectify our personal wants and -preferences. J. 1. Mackie has defended this view. -Provided they are carefully distinguished from the crude form -of subjectivism that sees ethical judgments as descriptions of the -speaker's attitudes, these are plausible accounts of ethics. In -their denial of a realm of ethical facts that is part of the real -world, existing quite independently of us, they are no doubt -correct; but does it follow from this that ethical judgments are -immune from criticism, that there is no role for reason or ar- -7 -Practical Ethics -gument in ethics, and that, from the standpoint of reason, any -ethical judgment is as good as any other? I do not think it does, -and none of the three philosophers referred to in the previous -paragraph denies reason and argument a role in ethics, though -they disagree as to the significance of this role. -This issue of the role that reason can play in ethics is the -crucial point raised by the claim that ethics is subjective. The -non-existence of a mysterious realm of objective ethical facts -does not imply the non-existence of ethical reasoning. It may -even help, since if we could arrive at ethical judgments only by -intuiting these strange ethical facts, ethical argument would be -more difficult still. So what has to be shown to put practical -ethics on a sound basis is that ethical reasoning is possible. Here -the temptation is to say simply that the proof of the pudding -lies in the eating, and the proof that reasoning is possible in -ethics is to be found in the remaining chapters of this book; but -this is not entirely satisfactory. From a theoretical point of view -it is unsatisfactory because we might find ourselves reasoning -about ethics without really understanding how this can happen; -and from a practical point of view it is unsatisfactory because -our reasoning is more likely to go astray if we lack a grasp of -its foundations. I shall therefore attempt to say something about -how we can reason in ethics. -WHAT ETHICS IS: ONE VIEW -What follows is a sketch of a view of ethics that allows reason -an important role in ethical decisions. It is not the only possible -view of ethics, but it is a plausible view. Once again, however, -I shall have to pass over qualifications and objections worth a -chapter to themselves. To those who think these undiscussed -objections defeat the position I am advancing, I can only say, -again, that this whole chapter may be treated as no more than -a statement of the assumptions on which this book is based. In -8 -About Ethics -that way it will at least assist in giving a clear view of what I -take ethics to be. -What is it to make a moral judgment, or to argue about an -ethical issue, or to live according to ethical standards? How do -moral judgments differ from other practical judgments? Why -do we regard a woman's decision to have an abortion as raising -an ethical issue, but not her decision to change her job? What -is the difference between a person who lives by ethical standards -and one who doesn't? -An these questions are reJated, so we only need to consider -one of them; but to do this we need to say something about -the nature of ethics. Suppose that we have studied the lives of -a number of different people, and we know a lot about what -they do, what they believe, and so on. Can we then decide -which of them are living by ethical standards and which are -not? -We might think that the way to proceed here is to find out -who be~teves it wrong to lie, cheat, steal, and so on and does -not do any of these things, and who has no such beliefs, and -shows no such restraint in their actions. Then those in the first -group would be living according to ethical standards and those -in the second group would not be. But this procedure mistakenly -assimilates two distinctions: the first is the distinction between -living according to (what we judge to be) the right ethical standards -and living according to (what we judge to be) mistaken -ethical standards; the second is the distinction between living -according to some ethical standards, and living according to no -ethical standards at all. Those who lie and cheat, but do not -believe what they are doing to be wrong, may be living according -to ethical standards. They may believe, for any of a -number of possible reasons, that it is right to lie, cheat, steal, -and so on. They are not living according to conventional ethical -standards, but they may be living according to some other ethical -standards. -This first attempt to distinguish the ethical from the non- -9 -Practical Ethics -ethical was mistaken, but we can learn from our mistakes. We -found that we must concede that those who hold unconventional -ethical beliefs are still living according to ethical standards, -if they believe, for any reason, that it is right to do as they are doing. -The italicised condition gives us a clue to the answer we are -seeking. The notion of living according to ethical standards is -tied up with the notion of defending the way one is living, of -giving a reason for it, of justifying it. Thus people may do all -kinds of things we regard as wrong, yet still be living according -to ethical standards, if they are prepared to defend and justify -what they do. We may find the justification inadequate, and -may hold that the actions are wrong, but the attempt at justification, -whether successful or not, is sufficient to bring the -person's conduct within the domain of the ethical as opposed -to the non-ethical. When, on the other hand, people cannot -put forward any justification for what they do, we may reject -their claim to be living according to ethical standards, even if -what they do is in accordance with conventional moral principles. -We can go further. If we are to accept that a person is living -according to ethical standards, the justification must be of a -certain kind. For instance, a justification in terms of self -interest -alone will not do. When Macbeth, contemplating the murder -of Duncan, admits that only 'vaulting ambition' drives him to -do it, he is admitting that the act cannot be justified ethically. -'So that I can be king in his place' is not a weak attempt at an -ethical justification for assassination; it is not the sort ofreason -that counts as an ethical justification at all. Self-interested acts -must be shown to be compatible with more broadly based ethical -principles if they are to be ethically defen~ible, for the notion -of ethics carries with it the idea of something bigger than the -individual. If I am to defend my conduct on ethical grounds, I -cannot point only to the benefits it brings me. I must address -myself to a larger audience. -From ancient times, philosophers and moralists have exlO -/ -About Ethics -pressed the idea that ethical conduct is acceptable from a point -of view that is somehow universal. The 'Golden Rule' attributed -to Moses, to be found in the book of Leviticus and subsequently -repeated by Jesus, tells us to go beyond our own personal interests -and 'love thy neighbour as thyself' - in other words, give -the same weight to the interests of others as one gives to one's -own interests. The same idea of putting oneself in the position -of another is involved in the other Christian formulation of the -commandment, that we do to others as we would have them -do to us. The Stoics held that ethics derives from a universal -natural law. Kant developed this idea into his famous formula: -'Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same -time will that it should become a universal law.' Kant's theory -has itself been modified and developed by R. M. Hare, who sees -universalisability as a logical feature of moral judgments. The -eighteenth -century British philosophers Hutcheson, Hume, and -Adam Smith appealed to an imaginary 'impartial spectator' as -the test of a moral judgment, and this theory has its modem -version in the Ideal Observer theory. Utilitarians, from Jeremy -Bentham to J. J. C. Smart, take it as axiomatic that in deciding -moral issues 'each counts for one and none for more than one'; -while John Rawls, a leading contemporary critic of utilitarianism, -incorporates essentially the same axiom into his own theory -by deriving basic ethical principles from an imaginary choice in -which those choosing do not know whether they will be the -ones who gain or lose by the principles they select. Even Continental -European philosophers like the existentialist Jean -Paul -Sartre and the critical theorist Jiirgen Habermas, who differ in -many ways from their English-speaking colleagues - and from -each other - agree that ethics is in some sense universal. -One could argue endlessly about the merits of each of these -characterisations of the ethical; but what they have in common -is more important than their differences. They agree that an -ethica~rinciple cannot be justified in relation to any partial or -sectional group. Ethics takes a universal point of view. This does -II -Practical Ethics -not mean that a particular ethical judgment must be universally -applicable. Circumstances alter causes, as we have seen. What -it does mean is that in making ethical judgments we go beyond -our own likes and dislikes. From an ethical point of view, the -fact that it is I who benefit from, say, a more equal distribution -of income and you who lose by it, is irrelevant. Ethics requires -us to go beyond T and 'you' to the universal law, the universalisable -judgment, the standpoint of the impartial spectator -or ideal observer, or whatever we choose to call it. -Can we use this universal aspect of ethics to derive an ethical -theory that will give us guidance about right and wrong? Philosophers -from the Stoics to Hare and Rawls have attempted -this. No attempt has met with general acceptance. The problem -is that if we describe the universal aspect of ethics in bare, formal -terms, a wide range of ethical theories, including quite irreconcilable -ones, are compatible with this notion of universality; -if, on the other hand, we build up our description of the universal -aspect of ethics so that it leads us ineluctably to one -particular ethical theory, we shall be accused of smuggling our -own ethical beliefs into our definition of the ethical - and this -definition was supposed to be broad enough, and neutral -enough, to encompass all serious candidates for the status of -'ethical theory'. Since so many others have failed to overcome -this obstacle to deducing an ethical theory from the universal -aspect of ethics, it would be foolhardy to attempt to do so in a -brief introduction to a work with a quite different aim. Nevertheless -I shall propose something only a little less ambitious. -The universal aspect of ethics, I suggest, does provide a persuasive, -although not conclusive, reason for taking a broadly -utilitarian position. -My reason for suggesting this is as follows. In accepting that -ethical judgments must be made from a universal point of view, -I am accepting that my own interests cannot, simply because -they are my interests, count more than the interests of anyone -else. Thus my very natural concern that my own interests be -12 .r -About Ethics -Iboked after must, when I think ethically, be extended to the -interests of others. Now, imagine that I am trying to decide -between two possible courses of action - perhaps whether to -eat all the fruits I have collected myself, or to share them with -others. Imagine, too, that I am deciding in a complete ethical -vacuum, that I know nothing of any ethical considerations - I -am, we might say, in a pre-ethical stage ofthinking. How would -I make up my mind? One thing that would be still relevant -would be how the possible courses of action will affect my -interests. Indeed, if we define 'interests' broadly enough, so that -we count anything people desire as in their interests (unless it -is incompatible with another desire or desires), then it would -seem that at this pre-ethical stage, only one's own interests can -be relevant to the decision. -Suppose I then begin to think ethically, to the extent of recognising -that my own interests cannot count for more, simply -because they are my own, than the interests of others. In place -of my own interests, I now have to take into account the interests -of all those affected by my decision. This requires me to -weigh up all these interests and adopt the course of action most -likely to maximise the interests of those affected. Thus at least -at some level in my moral reasoning I must choose the course -of action that has the best consequences, on balance, for all -affected. (I say 'at some level in my moral reasoning' because, -as we shall see later, there are utilitarian reasons for believing -that we ought not to try to calculate these consequences for -every ethical decision we make in our daily lives, but only in -very unusual circumstances, or perhaps when we are reflecting -on our choice of general principles to guide us in future. In -other words, in the specific example given, at first glance one -might think it obvious that sharing the fruit that I have gathered -has better consequences for all affected than not sharing them. -This may in t~ end also be the best general principle for us all -to adopt, but before we can have grounds for believing this to -be the case, we must also consider whether the effect of a general -13 -Practical Ethics -practice of sharing gathered fruits will benefit all those affected, -by bringing about a more equal distribution, or whether it will -reduce the amount of food gathered, because some will cease -to gather anything if they know that they will get sufficient from -their share of what others gather.) -The way of thinking I have outlined is a form of utilitarianism. -It differs from classical utilitarianism in that 'best consequences' -is understood as meaning what, on balance, furthers the interests -of those affected, rather than merely what increases pleasure -and reduces pain. (It has, however, been suggested that classical -utilitarians like Bentham and John Stuart Mill used 'pleasure' -and 'pain' in a broad sense that allowed them to include achieving -what one desired as a 'pleasure' and the reverse as a 'pain'. -If this interpretation is correct, the difference between classical -utilitarianism and utilitarianism based on interests disappears.) -What does this show? It does not show that utilitarianism -can be deduced from the universal aspect of ethics. There are -other ethical ideals - like individual rights, the sanctity of life, -justice, purity, and so on - that are universal in the required -sense, and are, at least in some versions, incompatible with -utilitarianism. It does show that we very swiftly arrive at an -initially utilitarian position once we apply the universal aspect -of ethics to simple, pre-ethical decision making. This, I believe, -places the onus of proof on those who seek to go beyond utilitarianism. -The utilitarian position is a minimal one, a first base -that we reach by universalising self-interested decision making. -We cannot, if we are to think ethically, refuse to take this step. -If we are to be persuaded that we should go beyond utilitarianism -and accept non-utilitarian moral rules or ideals, we need -to be provided with good reasons for taking this further step. -Until such reasons are produced, we have some grounds for -remaining utilitarians. -This tentative argument for utilitarianism corresponds to the -way in which I shall discuss practical issues in this book. I am -inclined to hold a utilitarian position, and to some extent the -14 -About Ethics -book may be taken as an attempt to indicate how a consistent -utilitarianism would deal with a number of controversial problems. -But I shall not take utilitarianism as the only ethical position -worth considering. I shall try to show the bearing of other -views, of theories of rights, of justice, of the sanctity of life, and -so on, on the problems discussed. In this way readers will be -able to come to their own conclusions about the relative merits -of utilitarian and non-utilitarian approaches, and about the -whole issue of the role of reason and argument in ethics. -} -15 -2 -EQUALITY AND ITS -IMPLICATIONS -THE BASIS OF EQUALITY -THE present century has seen dramatic changes in moral -attitudes. Most ofthese changes are still controversial. Abortion, -almost everywhere prohibited thirty years ago, is now legal -in many countries (though it is still opposed by substantial and -respected sections of the population). The same is true of -changes in attitudes to sex outside marriage, homosexuality, -pornography, euthanasia, and suicide. Great as the changes -have been, no new consensus has been reached. The issues -remain controversial and it is possible to defend either side -without jeopardising one's intellectual or social standing. -Equality seems to be different. The change in attitudes to -inequality - especially racial inequality - has been no less sudden -and dramatic than the change in attitudes to sex, but it has -been more complete. Racist assumptions shared by most Europeans -at the tum of the century are now totally unacceptable, -at least in public life. A poet could not now write of 'lesser -breeds without the law', and retain - indeed enhance - his -reputation, as Rudyard Kipling did in 1897. This does not mean -that there are no longer any racists, but only that they must -disguise their racism if their views and policies are to have any -chance of general acceptance. Even South Africa has abandoned -apartheid. The principle that all humans are equal is now part -of the prevailing political and ethical orthodoxy. But what, exactly, -does it mean and why do we accept it? -Once we go beyond the agreement that blatant forms of racial -16 r -Equality and Its Implications -discrimination are wrong, once we question the basis of the -principle that all humans are equal and seek to apply this principle -to particular cases, the consensus starts to weaken. One -sign of this was the furor that occurred during the 1970s over -the claims made by Arthur Jensen, professor of educational -psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and H. J. -Eysenck, professor of psychology at the University of London, -about genetically based variations in intelligence between different -races. Many of the most forceful opponents of Jensen -and Eysenck assume that these claims, if sound, would justify -racial discrimination. Are they right? Similar questions can -be asked about research into differences between males and -females. -Another issue requiring us to think about the principle of -equality is 'affirmative action'. Some philosophers and lawyers -have argued that the principle of equality requires that when -allocating jobs or university places we should favour members -of disadvantaged minorities. Others have contended that the -same principle of equality rules out any discrimination on racial -grounds, whether for or against the worst-off members of society. -We can only answer these questions if we are clear about -what it is we intend to say, and can justifiably say, when we -assert that all humans are equal - hence the need for an inquiry -into the ethical foundations of the principle of equality. -When we say that all humans are equal, irrespective of race -or sex, what exactly are we claiming? Racists, sexists, and other -opponents of equality have often pointed out that, by whatever -test we choose, it simply is not true that all humans are equal. -Some are tall, some are short; some are good at mathematics, -others are poor at it; some can run 100 metres in ten seconds, -some take fifteen> or twenty; some would never intentionally -hurt another being, others would kill a stranger for $100 if they -could get away with it; some have emotional lives that touch -the heights of ecstasy and the depths of despair, while others -17 -Pradical Ethics -live on a more even plane, relatively untouched by what goes -on around them. And so we could go on. The plain fact is that -humans differ, and the differences apply to so many characteristics -that the search for a factual basis on which to erect the -principle of equality seems hopeless. -John Rawls has suggested, in his influential book A Theory of -Justice, that equality can be founded on the natural characteristics -of human beings, provided we select what he calls a 'range -property'. Suppose we draw a circle on a piece of paper. Then -all points within the circle - this is the 'range' - have the property -of being within the circle, and they have this property -equally, Some points may be closer to the centre and others -nearer the edge, but all are, equally, points inside the circle. -Similarly, Rawls suggests, the property of 'moral personality' is -a property that virtually all humans possess, and all humans -who possess this property possess it equally. By 'moral personality' -Rawls does not mean 'morally good personality'; he is -using 'moral' in contrast to 'amoral'. A moral person, Rawls -says, must have a sense of justice. More broadly, one might say -that to be a moral person is to be the kind of person to whom -one can make moral appeals, with some prospect that the appeal -will be heeded. -Rawls maintains that moral personality is the basis of human -equality, a view that derives from his 'contract' approach to -justice. The contract tradition sees ethics as a kind of mutually -beneficial agreement - roughly, 'Don't hit me and I won't hit -you.' Hence only those capable of appreciating that they are not -being hit, and of restraining their own hitting accordingly, are -within the sphere of ethics. -There are problems with using moral personality as the basis -of equality. One objection is that having a moral personality is -a matter of degree. Some people are highly sensitive to issues -of justice and ethics generally; others, for a variety of reasons, -have only a limited awareness of such principles. The suggestion -that being a moral person is the minimum necessary for coming -18 -Equality and Its Implications -within the scope of the principle of equality still leaves it open -just where this minimal line is to be drawn. Nor is it intuitively -obvious why, if moral personality is so important, we should -not have grades of moral status, with rights and duties corresponding -to the degree of refinement of one's sense of justice. -Still more serious is the objection that it is not true that all -humans are moral persons, even in the most minimal sense. -Infants and small children, along with some intellectually disabled -humans, lack the required sense of justice. Shall we then -say that all humans are equal, except for very young or intellectually -disabled ones? This is certainly not what we ordinarily -understand by the principle of equality. If this revised principle -implies that we may disregard the interests of very young or -intellectually disabled humans in ways that would be wrong if -they were older or more intelligent, we would need far stronger -arguments to induce us to accept it. (Rawls deals with infants -and children by including potential moral persons along with -actual ones within the scope of the principle of equality. But -this is an ad hoc device, confessedly designed to square his -theory with our ordinary moral intuitions, rather than something -for which independent arguments can be produced. Moreover -although Rawls admits that those with irreparable -intellectual disabilities 'may present a difficulty' he offers no -suggestions towards the solution of this difficulty.) -So the possession of 'moral personality' does not provide a -satisfactory basis for the principle that all humans are equal. I -doubt that any natural characteristic, whether a 'range property' -or not, can fulfil this function, for I doubt that there is any -morally significant property that all humans possess equally. -There is another possible line of defence for the belief that -there is a factual basis for a .principle of equality that prohibits -racism and sexism. We can admit that humans differ as individuals, -and yet insist that there are no morally significant differences -between the races and sexes. Knowing that someone -is of African or European descent, female or male, does not --' 19 -Pradical Ethics -enable us to draw conclusions about her or his intelligence, -sense of justice, depth of feelings, or anything else that would -entitle us to treat her or him as less than equal. The racist claim -that people of European descent are superior to those of other -races in these capacities is in this sense false. The differences -between individuals in these respects are not captured by racial -boundaries. The same is true of the sexist stereotype that sees -women as emotionally deeper and more caring, but also less -rational, less aggressive, and less enterprising than men. Obviously -this is not true of women as a whole. Some women are -emotionally shallower, less caring, and more rational, more -aggressive and, more enterprising than some men. -The fact that humans differ as individuals, not as races or -sexes, is important, and we shall return to it when we come to -discuss the implications of the claims made by Jensen, Eysenck, -and others; yet it provides neither a satisfactory prinCiple of -equality nor an adequate defence against a more sophisticated -opponent of equality than the blatant racist or sexist. Suppose -that someone proposes that people should be given intelligence -tests and then classified into higher or lower status categories -on the basis of the results. Perhaps those who scored above 125 -would be a slave-owning class; those scoring between 100 and -125 would be free citizens but lack the right to own slaves; -while those scoring below 100 would be made the slaves of -those who had scored above 125. A hierarchical society of this -sort seems as abhorrent as one based on race or sex; but if we -base our support for equality on the factual claim that differences -between individuals cut across racial and sexual boundaries, we -have no grounds for opposing this kind of inegalitarianism. For -this hierarchical society would be based on real differences between -people. -We can reject this 'hierarchy of intelligence' and similar fantastic -schemes only if we are clear that the claim to equality -does not rest on the possession of intelligence, moral personality, -rationality, or similar matters offact. There is no logically com- -20 -Equality and Its Implications -pelling reason for assuming that a difference in ability between -two people justifies any difference in the amount of consideration -we give to their interests. Equality is a basic ethical principle, -not an assertion of fact. We can see this if we return to -our earlier discussion of the universal aspect of ethical judgments. -We saw in the previous chapter that when I make an ethical -judgment I must go beyond a personal or sectional point of view -and take into account the interests of all those affected. This -means that we weigh up interests, considered simply as interests -and not as my interests, or the interests of Australians, or of -people of European descent. This provides us with a basic principle -of equality: the principle of equal consideration of interests. -The essence of the principle of equal consideration of interests -is that we give equal weight in our moral deliberations to the -like interests of all those affected by our actions. This means -that if only X and Y would be affected by a possible act, and if -X stands to lose more than Y stands to gain, it is better not to -do the act. We cannot, if we accept the principle of equal consideration -of interests, say that doing the act is better, despite -the facts described, because we are more concerned about Y -than we are about X. What the principle really amounts to is -this: an interest is an interest, whoever's interest it may be. -We can make this more concrete by considering a particular -interest, say the interest we have in the relief of pain. Then the -principle says that the ultimate moral reason for relieving pain -is simply the undesirability of pain as such, and not the undesirability -of X's pain, which might be different from the undesirability -of V's pain. Of course, X's pain might be more -undesirable than V's pain because it is more painful, and then -the principle of equal consideration would give greater weight -to the relief of X's pain. Again, even wftere the pains are equal, -other factors might be relevant, especially if others are affected. -If there has been an earthquake we might give priority to the -relief of a dpctor's pain so she can treat other victims. But the -21 -Practical Ethics -doctor's pain itself counts only once, and with no added weighting. -The principle of equal consideration of interests acts like a -pair of scales, weighing interests impartially. True scales favour -the side where the interest is stronger or where several interests -combine to outweigh a smaller number of similar interests; but -they take n~ account of whose interests they are weighing. -From this point of view race is irrelevant to the consideration -of interests; for all that counts are the interests themselves. To -give less consideration to a specified amount of pain because -that pain was experienced by a member of a particular race -would be to make an arbitrary distinction. Why pick on race? -Why not on whether a person was born in a leap year? Or -whether there is more than one vowel in her surname? All -these characteristics are equally irrelevant to the undesirability -of pain from the universal point of view. Hence the principle -of equal consideration of interests shows straightforwardly why -the most blatant forms of racism, like that of the Nazis, are -wrong. For the Nazis were concerned only for the welfare of -members of the 'Aryan' race, and the sufferings of Jews, Gypsies, -and Slavs were of no concern to them. -The principle of equal consideration of interests is sometimes -thought to be a purely formal principle, lacking in substance -and too weak to exclude any inegalitarian practice. We have -already seen, however, that it does exclude racism and sexism, -at least in their most blatant forms. If we look at the impact of -the principle on the imaginary hierarchical society based on -intelligence tests we can see that it is strong enough to provide -a basis for rejecting this more sophisticated form of inegalitarianism, -too. -The principle of equal consideration of interests prohibits -making our readiness to consider the interests of others depend -on their abilities or other characteristics, apart from the characteristic -of having interests. It is true that we cannot know -where equal consideration of interests will lead us until we -know what interests people have, and this may vary according -22 -Equality and Its Implications -to their abilities or other characteristics. Consideration of the -interests of mathematically gifted children may lead us to teach -them advanced mathematics at an early age, which for different -children might be entirely pointless or positively harmful. But -the basic element, the taking into account of the person's interests, -whatever they may be, must apply to everyone, irrespective -of race, sex, or scores on an intelligence test. Enslaving -those who score below a certain line on an intelligence test -would not - barring extraordinary and implausible beliefs'about -human nature - be compatible with equal consideration. Intelligence -has nothing to do with many important interests that -humans have, like the interest in avoiding pain, in developing -one's abilities, in satisfying basic needs for food and shelter, in -enjoying friendly and loving relations with others, and in being -free to pursue one's projects without unnecessary interference -from others. Slavery prevents the slaves from satisfying these -interests as they would want to; and the benefits it confers on -the slave-owners are hardly comparable in importance to the -harm it does to the slaves. -So the principle of equal consideration of interests is strong -enough to rule out an intelligence-based slave society as well -as cruder forms of racism and sexism. It also rules out discrimination -on the grounds of disability, whether intellectual or -physical, in so far as the disability is not relevant to the interests -under consideration (as, for example, severe intellectual disability -might be if we are considering a person's interest in voting -in an election). The principle of equal consideration of interests -therefore may be a defensible form of the principle that all -humans are equal, a form that we can use in discussing more -controversial issues about equality. Before we go on to these -- .. topics, however, it will be useful to say a little more about the -nature of the principle. -Equal consideration of interests is a minimal prinCiple of -equality in the sense that it does not dictate equal treatment. -Take a relatively straightforward example of an interest, the -23 -Practical Ethics -interest in having physical pain relieved. Imagine that after an -earthquake I come across two victims, one with a crushed leg, -in agony, and one with a gashed thigh, in slight pain. I have -only two shots of morphine left. Equal treatment would suggest -that I give one to each injured person, but one shot would not -do much to relieve the pain of the person with the crushed leg. -She would still be in much more pain than the other victim, -and even after I have given her one shot. giving her the second -shot would bring greater relief than giving a shot to the person -in slight pain. Hence equal consideration of interests in this -situation leads to what some may consider an inegalitarian result: -two shots of morphine for one person, and none for the -other. -There is a still more controversial inegalitarian implication of -the principle of equal consideration of interests. In the case -above, although equal consideration of interests leads to unequal -treatment, this unequal treatment is an attempt to produce -a more egalitarian result. By giving the double dose to the more -seriously injured person, we bring about a situation in which -there is less difference in the degree of suffering felt by the two -victims than there would be if we gave one dose to each. Instead -of ending up with one person in considerable pain and one in -no pain, we end up with two people in slight pain. This is in -line with the principle of declining marginal utility, a principle -well-known to economists, which states that for a given individuaL -a set amount of something is more useful when people -have little of it than when they have a lot. If I am struggling to -survive on 200 grams of rice a day, and you provide me with -an extra fifty grams per day, you have improved my position -significantly; but if I already have a kilo of rice per day, I won't -care much about the extra fifty grams. When marginal utility -is taken into account the principle of equal consideration of -interests inclines us towards an equal distribution of income, -and to that extent the egalitarian will endorse its conclusions. -What is likely to trouble the egalitarian about the principle of -24 -Equality and Its Implications -equal consideration of interests is that there are circumstances -in which the principle of declining marginal utility does not -hold or is overridden by countervailing factors. -We can vary the example of the earthquake victims to illustrate -this point. Let us say, again, that there are two victims, -one more severely injured than the other, but this time we shall -say that the more severely injured victim, A, has lost a leg and -is in danger of losing a toe from her remaining leg; while the -less severely injured victim, B, has an injury to her leg, but the -limb can be saved. We have medical supplies for only one person. -If we use them on the more severely injured victim the -most we can do is save her toe, whereas if we use them on the -less severely injured victim we can save her leg. In other words, -we assume that the situation is as follows: without medical -treatment, A loses a leg and a toe, while B loses only a leg; if -we give the treatment to A, A loses a leg and B loses a leg; if we -give the treatment to B, A loses a leg and a toe, while Bioses -nothing. -Assuming that it is worse to lose a leg than it is to lose a toe -(even when that toe is on one's sole remaining foot) the principle -of declining marginal utility does not suffice to give us the -right answer in this situation. We will do more to further the -interests, impartially considered, of those affected by our actions -if we use our limited resources on the less seriously injured -victim than on the more seriously injured one. Therefore this -is what the principle of equal consideration of interests leads us -to do. Thus equal consideration of interests can, in special cases, -widen rather than narrow the gap between two peQple at different -levels of welfare. It is for this reason that the principle is -a minimal principle of equality, rather than a thoroughgoing -egalitarian principle. A more thoroughgoing form of egalitarianism -would, however, be difficult to justify, both in general -terms and in its application to special cases of the kind just -described. -Minimal as it is, the principle of equal consideration of in- -25 -Practical Ethics -terests can seem too demanding in some cases. Can any of us -really give equal consideration to the welfare of our family and -the welfare of strangers? This question will be dealt with in -Chapter 9, when we consider our obligations to assist those in -need in poorer parts of the world. I shall try to show then that -it does not force us to abandon the principle, although the -principle may force us to abandon some other views we hold. -Meanwhile we shall see how the principle assists us in discussing -some of the controversial issues raised by demands for equality. -EQUALITY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY -In 1969 Arthur Jensen published a long article in the Harvard -Educational Review entitled 'How Much Can We Boost IQ and -Scholastic Achievement?' One short section of the article discussed -the probable causes of the undisputed fact that - on -average - African Americans do not score as well as most other -Americans in standard IQ tests. Jensen summarised the upshot -of this section as follows: -All we are left with are various lines of evidence, no one of which -is definitive alone, but which, viewed altogether, make it a not -unreasonable hypothesis that genetic factors are strongly implicated -in the average negro-white intelligence difference. The -preponderance of evidence is, in my opinion, less consistent with -a strictly environmental hypothesis than with a genetic hypothesis, -which, of course, does not exclude the influence of environment -or its interaction with genetic factors. -This heavily qualified statement comes in the midst of a detailed -review of a complex scientific subject, published in a scholarly -journal. It would hardly have been surprising if it passed unnoticed -by anyone but scientists working in the area of psychology -or genetics. Instead it was widely reported in the -popular press as an attempt to defend racism on scientific -grounds. Jensen was accused of spreading racist propaganda -and likened to Hitler. His lectures were shouted down and stu- -26 -Equality and Its Implications -dents demanded that he be dismissed from his university post. -H. J. Eysenck, a British professor of psychology who supported -Jensen's theories received similar treatment, in Britain and Australia -as well as in the United States. Interestingly, Eysenck's -argument did not suggest that those of European descent have -the highest average intelligence among Americans; instead, he -noted some evidence that Americans of Japanese and Chinese -descent do better on tests of abstract reasoning (despite coming -from backgrounds lower on the socioeconomic scale) than -Americans of European descent. -The opposition to genetic explanations of alleged racial differences -in intelligence is only one manifestation of a more -general opposition to genetic explanations in other socially sensitive -areas. It closely parallels, for instance, initial feminist hostility -to the idea that there are biological factors behind male -dominance. (The second wave of the feminist movement seems -to be more willing to entertain the idea that biological differences -between the sexes are influential in, for example, greater -male aggression and stronger female caring behaviour.) The -opposition to genetic explanations also has obvious links with -the intensity of feeling aroused by sociobiological approaches -to the study of human behaviour. The worry here is that if -human social behaviour is seen as deriving from that of other -social mammals, we shall come to think of hierarchy, male -dominance, and inequality as part of our evolved nature, and -as unchangeable. More recently, the commencement of the international -scientific project that is designed to map the human -genome - that is, to provide a detailed scientific description of -the genetic code typical of human beings - has attracted prot~~ts -because of apprehension over what such a map might reveal -about genetic differences between humans, and the use to which -such information might be put. -It would be inappropriate for me to attempt to assess the -scientific merits of biological explanations of human behaviour -in general, or of racial or sexual differences in particular. My -27 -Practical Ethics -concern is rather with the implications of these theories for the -ideal of equality. For this purpose it is not necessary for us to -establish whether the theories are right. All we have to ask is: -suppose that one ethnic group does tum out to have a higher -average IQ than another, and that part of this difference has a -genetic basis. Would this mean that racism is defensible, and -we have to reject the principle of equality? A similar question -can be asked about the impact of theories of biological differences -between the sexes. In neither case does the question assume -that the theories are sound. It would be most unfortunate -if our scepticism about such things led us to neglect these questions -and then unexpected evidence turned up confirming the -theories, with the result that a confused and unprepared public -took the theories to have implications for the ideal of equality -that they do not have. -I shall begin by considering the implications of the view that -there is a difference in the average IQ of two different ethnic -groups, and that genetic factors are responsible for at least a -part of this difference. I shall then consider the impact of alleged -differences in temperament and ability between the sexes. -Racial Differences and Racial Equality -Let us suppose, just for the sake of exploring the consequences, -that evidence accumulates supporting the hypothesis that there -are differences in intelligence between the different ethnic -groups of human beings. (We should not assume that this would -mean that Europeans come out on top. As we have already -. seen, there is some evidence to the contrary.) What significance -would this have for our views about racial equality? -First a word of caution. When people talk of differences in -intelligence between ethnic groups, they are usually referring -to differences in scores on standard IQ tests. Now 'IQ' stands -for 'intelligence quotient' but this does not mean that an IQ test -really measures what we mean by 'intelligence' in ordinary -28 -Equality and Its Implications -contexts. Obviously there is some correlation between the two: -if schoolchildren regarded by their teachers as highly intelligent -did not generally score better on IQ tests than schoolchildren -regarded as below normal intelligence, the tests would have to -be changed - as indeed they were changed in the past. But this -does not show how close the correlation is, and since our ordinary -concept of intelligence is vague, there is no way of telling. -Some psychologists have attempted to overcome this difficulty -by simply defining 'intelligence' as 'what intelligence tests measure', -but this merely introduces a new concept of 'intelligence', -which is easier to measure than our ordinary notion but may -be quite different in meaning. Since 'intelligence' is a word in -everyday use, to use the same word in a different sense is a sure -path to confusion. What we should talk about, then, is differences -in IQ, rather than differences in intelligence, since this is -all that the available evidence could support. -The distinction between intelligence and scores on IQ tests -has led some to conclude that IQ is of no importance; this is -the opposite, but equally erroneous, extreme to the view that -IQ is identical with intelligence. IQ is important in our society. -One's IQ is a factor in one's prospects of improving one's occupational -status, income, or social class. If there are genetic -factors in racial differences in IQ, there will be genetic factors -in racial differences in occupational status, income, and social -class. So if we are interested in equality, we cannot ignore IQ. -When people of different racial origin are given IQ tests, there -tend to be differences in the average scores they get. The existence -of such differences is not seriously disputed, even by those -who most vigorously opposed the views put forward by Jensen -and Eysenck. What is hotly disputed is whether the differeI\ces I -are primarily to be explained by heredity or by enviro~ent _ -in other words, whether they reflect innate differences between -different groups of human beings, or whether they are due to -the different social and educational situations in which these -groups find themselves. Almost everyone accepts that environ- -29 -Practical Ethics -mental factors do playa role in IQ differences between groups; -the debate is over whether they can explain all or virtually all -of the differences. -Let us suppose that the genetic hypothesis turns out to be -correct (making this supposition, as I have said, not because we -believe it is correct but in order to explore its implications); -what would be the implications of genetically based differences -in IQ between different races? I believe that the implications of -this supposition are less drastic than they are often supposed to -be and give no comfort to genuine racists. I have three reasons -for this view. -First, the genetic hypothesis does not imply that we should -reduce our efforts to overcome other causes of inequality between -people, for example, in the quality of housing and schooling -available to less well-off people. Admittedly, if the genetic -hypothesis is correct, these efforts will not bring about a situation -in which different racial groups have equal IQs. But this -is no reason for accepting a situation in which any people are -hindered by their environment from doing as well as they can. -Perhaps we should put special efforts into helping those who -start from a position of disadvantage, so that we end with a -more egalitarian result. -Second, the fact that the average IQ of one racial group is a -few points higher than that of another does not allow anyone -to say that all members of the higher IQ group have higher IQs -than all members of the lower IQ group - this is clearly false -for any racial group - or that any particular individual in the -higher IQ group has a higher IQ than a particular individual in -the lower IQ group - this will often be false. The point is that -these figures are averages and say nothing about individuals. -There will be a substantial overlap in IQ scores between the two -groups. So whatever the cause of the difference in average IQs, -it will provide no justification for racial segregation in education -or any other field. It remains true that members of different -30 -Equality and Its Implications -racial groups must be treated as individuals, irrespective of their -race. -The third reason why the genetic hypothesis gives no support -for racism is the most fundamental of the three. It is simply -that, as we saw earlier, the principle of equality is not based on -any actual equality that all people share. I have argued that the -only defensible basis for the principle of equality is equal consideration -of interests, and I have also suggested that the most -important human interests - such as the interest in avoiding -pain, in developing one's abilities, in satisfying basic needs for -food and shelter, in enjoying warm personal relationships, in -being free to pursue one's projects without interference, and -many others - are not affected by differences in intelligence. -We can be even more confident that they are not affected by -differences in IQ. Thomas Jefferson, who drafted the ringing -assertion of equality with which the American Declaration of -Independence begins, knew this. In reply to an author who had -endeavoured to refute the then common view that Africans lack -intelligence, he wrote: -Be assured that no person living wishes more sincerely than I -do, to see a complete refutation of the doubts I have myself -entertained and expressed on the grade of understanding allotted -to them by nature, and to find that they are on a par with -ourselves ... but whatever be their degree of talent, it is no measure -of their rights. Because Sir Isaac Newton was superior to -others in understanding, he was not therefore lord of the property -or person of others. -Jefferson was right. Equal status does not depend on intelligence. -Racists who maintain the contrary are in peril of being -forced to kneel before the next genius they encounter. -These three reasons suffice to show that claims that for genetic -reasons one racial group is not as good as another at IQ tests -do not provide grounds for denying the moral principle that all -humans are equal. The third reason, however, has further ram- -31 -Practical Ethics -ifications that we shall follow up after discussing differences -between the sexes. -Sexual Differences and Sexual Equality -The debates over psychological differences between females and -males are not about IQ in general. On general IQ tests there are -no consistent differences in the average scores of females and -males. But IQ tests measure a range of different abilities, and -when we break the results down according to the type of ability -measured, we do find significant differences between the sexes. -There is some evidence suggesting that females have greater -verbal ability than males. This involves being better able to -understand complex pieces of writing and being more creative -with words. Males, on the other hand, appear to have greater -mathematical ability, and also do better on tests involving what -is known as 'visual-spatial' ability. An example of a task requiring -visual-spatial ability is one in which the subject is asked -to find a shape, say a square, which is embedded or hidden in -a more complex design. -We shall discuss the significance of these relatively minor -differences in intellectual abilities shortly. The sexes also differ -markedly in one major non-intellectual characteristic: aggression. -Studies conducted on children in several different cultures -have borne out what parents have long suspected: boys are -more likely to play roughly, attack each other and fight back -when attacked, than girls. Males are readier to hurt others than -females; a tendency reflected in the fact that almost all violent -criminals are male. It has been suggested that aggression is -associated with competitiveness and the drive to dominate others -and get to the top of whatever pyramid one is a part of. In -contrast, females are readier to adopt a role that involves caring -for others. -These are the major psychological differences that have repeatedly -been observed in many studies of females and males. -32 -Equality and Its Implications -What is the origin of these differences? Once again the rival -explanations are environmental versus biological, nurture versus -nature. Although this question of origin is important in some -special contexts, it was given too much weight by the first wave -of feminists who assumed that the case for women's liberation -rested on acceptance of the environmental side of the controversy. -What is true of racial discrimination holds here, too: -discrimination can be shown to be wrong whatever the origin -of the known psychological differences. But first let us look -briefly at the rival explanations. -Anyone who has had anything to do with children will know -that in all sorts of ways children learn that the sexes have different -roles. Boys get trucks or guns for their birthday presents; -girls get dolls or brush and comb sets. Girls are put into dresses -and told how nice they look; boys are dressed in jeans and -praised for their strength and daring. Children's books almost -invariably used to portray fathers going out to work while mothers -clean the house and cook the dinner; some still do, although -in many countries feminist criticisms of this type of literature -have had some impact. -Social conditioning exists, certainly, but does it explain the -differences between the sexes? It is, at best, an incomplete explanation. -We still need to know why our society - and not just -ours, but practically every human society - should shape children -in this way. One popular answer is that in earlier, simpler -societies, the sexes had different roles because women had to -breast-feed their children during the long period before weaning. -This meant that the women stayed closer to home while -the men went out to hunt. As a result females evolved a more -social and emotional character, while males became tougher -and more aggressive. Because physical strength and aggression -were the ultimate forms of power in these simple societies, males -became dominant. The sex roles that exist today are, on this -view, an inheritance from these simpler circumstances, an inheritance -that became obsolete once technology made it possible -33 -Practical Ethics -for the weakest person to operate a crane that lifts fifty tons, or -fire a missile that kills millions. Nor do women have to be tied -to home and children in the way they used to be, since a woman -can now combine motherhood and a career. -The alternative view is that while social conditiOning plays -some role in determining psychological differences between the -sexes, biological factors are also at work. The evidence for this -view is particularly strong in respect of aggression. In The Psychology -of Sex Differences, Eleanor Emmons Maccoby and Carol -Nagy Jacklin give four grounds for their belief that the greater -aggression of males has a biological component: -Males are more aggressive than females in all human societies -in which the difference has been studied. -2 Similar differences are found in humans and in apes and other -closely related animals. -3 The differences are found in very young children, at an age -when there is no evidence of any social conditioning in this -direction (indeed Maccoby and Jacklin found some evidence -that boys are more severely punished for showing aggression -than girls). -4 Aggression has been shown to vary according to the level of -sex hormones, and females become more aggressive if they -receive male hormones. -The evidence for a biological basis of the differences in visualspatial -ability is a little more complicated, but it consists largely -of genetic studies that suggest that this ability is influenced by -a recessive sex-linked gene. As a result, it is estimated, approximately -50 per cent of males have a genetic advantage in situations -demanding visual-spatial ability, but only 25 per cent -of females have this advantage. -Evidence for and against a biological factor in the superior -verbal ability of females and the superior mathematical ability -of males is, at present, too weak to suggest a conclusion one -way or the other. -Adopting the strategy we used before in discussing race and -IQ, I shall not go further into the evidence for and against these -34 -/ -Equality and Its Implications -biological explanations of differences between males and females. -Instead I shall ask what the implications of the biological -hypotheses would be. -The differences in the intellectual strengths and weaknesses -of the sexes cannot explain more than a minute proportion of -the difference in positions that males and females hold in our -society. It might explain why, for example, there should be more -males than females in professions like architecture and engineering, -professions that may require visual-spatial ability; but -even in these professions, the magnitude of the differences in -numbers cannot be explained by the genetic theory of visualspatial -ability. This theory suggests that half as many females -are as genetically advantaged in this area as males, which would -account for the lower average scores offemales in tests of visualspatial -ability, but cannot account for the fact that in most countries -there are not merely twice as many males as females in -architecture and engineering, but at least ten times as many. -Moreover, if superior visual-spatial ability explains the male -dominance of architecture and engineering, why isn't there a -corresponding female advantage in professions requiring high -verbal ability? It is true that there are more women journalists -than engineers, and probably more women have achieved lasting -fame as novelists than in any other area of life; yet female -journalists and television commentators continue to be outnumbered -by males, outside specifically 'women's subjects' such -as cookery and child care. So even if one accepts biological -explanations for the patterning of these abilities, one can still -argue that women do not have the same opportunities as men -to make the most of the abilities they have. -What of differences in aggression? One's first reaction might -be that feminists should be delighted with the evidence on this -point - what better way could there be of showing the superiority -of females than by demonstrating their greater reluctance -to hurt others? But the fact that most violent criminals are male -may be only one side of greater male aggression. The other side -35 -Practical Ethics -could be greater male competitiveness, ambition, and drive to -achieve power. This would have different, and for feminists less -welcome, implications. Some years ago an American sociologist, -Steven Goldberg, built a provocatively entitled book, The Inevitability -of Patriarchy, around the thesis that the biological basis -of greater male aggression will always make it impossible to -bring about a society in which women have as much political -power as men. From this claim it is easy to move to the view -that women should accept their inferior position in society and -not strive to compete with males, or to bring up their daughters -to compete with males in these respects; instead women should -return to their traditional sphere of looking after the home and -children. This is just the kind of argument that has aroused the -hostility of some feminists to biological explanations of male -dominance. -As in the case of race and IQ, the moral conclusions alleged -to follow from the biological theories do not really follow from -them at all. Similar arguments apply. -First, whatever the origin of psychological differences between -the sexes, social conditioning can emphasise or soften -these differences. As Maccoby and Jacklin stress, the biological -bias towards, say, male visual-spatial superiority is really a -greater natural readiness to learn these skills. Where women -are brought up to be independent, their visual-spatial ability is -much higher than when they are kept at home and dependent -on males. This is no doubt true of other differences as well. -Hence feminists may well be right to attack the way in which -we encourage girls and boys to develop in distinct directions, -even if this encouragement is not itself responsible for creating -psychological differences between the sexes, but only reinforces -innate predispositions. -Second, whatever the origin of psychological differences between -the sexes, they exist only when averages are taken, and -some females are more aggressive and have better visual-spatial -ability than some males. We have seen that the genetic hypo- -36 -Equality and Its Implications -thesis offered in explanation of male visual-spatial superiority -itself suggests that a quarter of all females will have greater -natural visual-spatial ability than half of all males. Our own -observations should convince us that there are females who are -also more aggressive than some males. So, biological explanations -or not, we are never in a position to say: 'You're a woman, -so you can't become an engineer', or 'Because you are female, -you will not have the drive and ambition needed to succeed in -politiCS: Nor should we assume that no male can possibly have -sufficient gentleness and warmth to stay at home with the children -while their mother goes out to work. We must assess -people as individuals, not merely lump them into 'female' and -'male' if we are to find out what they are really like; and we -must keep the roles occupied by females and males flexible if -people are to be able to do what they are best suited for. -The third reason is, like the previous two, parallel to the -reasons I have given for believing that a biological explanation -of racial differences in IQ would not justify racism. The most -important human interests are no more affected by differences -in aggression than they are by differences in intelligence. Less -aggressive people have the same interest in avoiding pain, -developing their abilities, having adequate food and shelter, -enjoying good personal relationships, and so on, as more aggressive -people. There is no reason why more aggressive people -ought to be rewarded for their aggression with higher salaries -and the ability to provide better for these interests. -Since aggression, unlike intelligence, is not generally regarded -as a desirable trait, the male chauvinist is hardly likely to deny -that greater aggression in itself provides no ethical justification -of male supremacy. He may, however, offer it as an explanation, -rather than a justification, of the fact that males hold most of -the leading positions in politics, business, the universities and -other areas in which people of both sexes compete for power -and status. He may then go on to suggest that this shows that -the present situation is merely the result of competition between -37 -Practical Ethics -males and females under conditions of equal opportunity. -Hence, it is not, he may say, unfair. This suggestion raises the -further ramifications of biological differences between people -that, as I said at the close of our discussion of the race and IQ -issue, need to be followed up in more depth. -FROM EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY TO EQUALITY -OF CONSIDERATION -In most Western societies large differences in income and social -status are commonly thought to be all right, as long as they -were brought into being under conditions of equal opportunity. -The idea is that there is no injustice in Jill earning $200,000 -and Jack earning $20,000, as long as Jack had his chance to -be where Jill is today. Suppose that the difference in income is -due to the fact that Jill is a doctor whereas Jack is a farm worker. -This would be acceptable if Jack had the same opportunity as -Jill to be a doctor, and this is taken to mean that Jack was not -kept out of medical school because of his race, or religion, or -a disability that was irrelevant to his ability to be a doctor, or -something similar - in effect, if Jack's school results had been -as good as Jill's, he would have been able to study medicine, -become a doctor, and earn $200,000 a year. Life, on this view, -is a kind of race in which it is fitting that the winners should -get the prizes, as long as all get an equal start. The equal start -represents equality of opportunity and this, some say, is as far -as equality should go. -To say that Jack and Jill had equal opportunities to become -a doctor, because Jack would have got into medical school if -his results had been as good as Jill's, is to take a superficial view -of equal opportunity that will not stand up to further probing. -We need to ask why Jack's results were not as good as Jill's. -Perhaps his education up to that point had been inferior - bigger -classes, less qualified teachers, inadequate resources, and so on. -If so, he was not competing on equal terms with Jill after all. -38 -Equality and Its Implications -Genuine equality of opportunity requires us to ensure that -schools give the same advantages to everyone. -Making schools equal would be difficult enough, but it is the -easiest of the tasks that await a thoroughgoing proponent of -equal opportunity. Even if schools are the same, some children -will be favoured by the kind of home they come from. A quiet -room to study, plenty of books, and parents who encourage -their child to do well at school could explain why Jill succeeds -where Jack, forced to share a room with two younger brothers -and put up with his father.'s complaints that he is wasting his -time with books instead of getting out and earning his keep, -does not. But how does one equalise a home? Or parents? -Unless we are prepared to abandon the traditional family setting -and bring up our children in communal nurseries, we can't. -This might be enough to show the inadequacy of equal opportunity -as an ideal of equality, but the ultimate objection - -the one that connects with our previous discussion of equality -- is still to come. Even if we did rear our children communally, -as on a kibbutz in Israel, they would inherit different abilities -and character traits, including different levels of aggression and -different IQs. Eliminating differences in the child's environment -would not affect differences in genetic endowment. True, it -might reduce the disparity between, say, IQ scores, since it is -likely that, at present, social differences accentuate genetic differences; -but the genetic differences would remain and on most -estimates they are a major component of the existing differences -in IQ. (Remember that we are now talking of individuals. We -do not know if race affects IQ, but there is little doubt that -differences in IQ between individuals of the same race are, in -part, genetically determined.) -So equality of opportunity is not an attractive ideal. It rewards -the lucky, who inherit those abilities that allow them to pursue -interesting and lucrative careers. It penalises the unlucky, whose -genes make it very hard for them to achieve similar success. -We can now fit our earlier discussion of race and sex differ- -39 -Practical Ethics -ences into a broader picture. Whatever the facts about the social -or genetic basis of racial differences in IQ, removing social disadvantages -will not suffice to bring about an equal or a just -distribution of income - not an equal distribution, because those -who inherit the abilities associated with high IQ will continue -to earn more than those who do not; and not a just distribution -because distribution according to the abilities one inherits is -based on an arbitrary form of selection that has nothing to do -with what people deserve or need. The same is true of visualspatial -ability and aggression, if these do lead to higher incomes -or status. If, as I have argued, the basis of equality is equal -consideration of interests, and the most important human interests -have little or nothing to do with these factors, there is -something questionable about a society in which income and -social status correlate to a significant degree with them. -When we pay people high salaries for programming computers -and low salaries for cleaning offices, we are, in effect, -paying people for having a high IQ, and this means that we are -paying people for something determined in part before they are -born and almost wholly determined before they reach an age -at which they are responsible for their actions. From the point -of view of justice and utility there is something wrong here. -Both would be better served by a society that adopted the famous -Marxist slogan: 'From each according to his ability, to -each according to his needs.' If this could be achieved, the -differences between the races and sexes would lose their social -significance. Only then would we have a society truly based on -the principle of equal consideration of interests. -Is it realistic to aim at a society that rewards people according -to their needs rather than their IQ, aggression, or other inherited -abilities? Don't we have to pay people more to be doctors or -lawyers or university professors, to do the intellectually demanding -work that is essential for our well-being? -There are difficulties in paying people according to their needs -rather than their inherited abilities. If one country attempts to -40 -Equality and Its Implications -introduce such a scheme while others do not, the result is likely -to be some kind of 'brain drain'. We have already seen this, on -a small scale, in the number of scientists and doctors who have -left Britain to work in the United States - not because Britain -does pay people according to need rather than inherited abilities, -but because these sections of the community, though relatively -well-paid by British standards, were much better paid in the -United States. If anyone country were to make a serious attempt -to equalise the salaries of doctors and manual workers, there -can be no doubt that the number of doctors emigrating would -greatly increase. This is part of the problem of 'socialism in one -country'. Marx expected the socialist revolution to be a worldwide -one. When the Russian Marxists found that their revolution -had not sparked off the anticipated world revolution, -they had to adapt Marxist ideas to this new situation. They did -so by harshly restricting freedom, including the freedom to emigrate. -Without these restrictions, during the communist period -in the Soviet Union and other communist states, and despite -the considerable pay differentials that still did exist in those -nations when under communist rule, and that continue to exist -in the remaining communist countries, there would have been -a crippling outflow of skilled people to the capitalist nations, -which rewarded skill more highly.l But if 'socialism in one -country' requires making the country an armed camp, with -border guards keeping watch on the citizens within as well as -the enemy without, socialism may not be worth the price. -To allow these difficulties to lead us to the conclusion that -we can do nothing to improve the distribution of income that -now exists in capitalist countries would, however, be too pessimistic. -There is, in the more affluent Western nations, a good -According to one observer, salary differentials in China are quite steep, in -some areas steeper than in Western nations. For instance, a full professor -gets almost seven times as much as a junior lecturer, whereas in Britain, -Australia, or the United States, the ratio is more like three to one. See Simon -Leys, Chinese Shadows (New York, 1977). -41 -Practical Ethics -deal of scope for reducing pay differentials before the point is -reached at which significant numbers of people begin to think -of emigrating. This is, of course, especially true of those countries, -like the United States, where pay differentials are presently -very great. It is here that pressure for a more equitable distribution -can best be applied. -What of the problems of redistribution within a single nation? -There is a popular belief that if we did not pay people a lot of -money to be doctors or university professors, they would not -undertake the studies required to achieve these positions. I do -not know what evidence there is in support of this assumption, -but it seems to me highly dubious. My own salary is considerably -higher than the salaries ofthe people employed by the university -to mow the lawns and keep the grounds clean, but if our salaries -were identical I would still not want to swap positions with -them - although their jobs are a lot more pleasant than some -lowly paid work. Nor do I believe that my doctor would jump -at a chance to change places with his receptionist if their salaries -did not differ. It is true that my doctor and I have had to study -for several years to get where we are, but I at least look back -on my student years as one of the most enjoyable periods of -my life. -Although I do not think it is because of the money that people -choose to become doctors rather than receptionists, there is one -qualification to be made to the suggestion that payment should -be based on need rather than ability. It must be admitted that -the prospect of earning more money sometimes leads people to -make greater efforts to use the abilities they have, and these -greater efforts can benefit patients, customers, students, or the -public as a whole. It might therefore be worth trying to reward -effort, which would mean paying people more if they worked -near the upper limits of their abilities, whatever those abilities -might be. This, however, is quite different from paying people -for the level of ability they happen to have, which is something -they cannot themselves control. As Jeffrey Gray, a British pro- -42 --. -Equality and Its Implications -fessor of psychology, has written, the evidence for genetic control -of IQ suggests that to pay people differently for 'upper-class' -and 'lower-class' jobs is 'a wasteful use of resources in the guise -of "incentives" that either tempt people to do what is beyond -their powers or reward them more for what they would do -anyway'. -We have, up to now, been thinking of people such as university -professors, who (at least in some countries) are paid by -the government, and doctors, whose incomes are determined -either by government bodies, where there is some kind of national -health service, or by the government protection given to -professional associations like a medical association, which enables -the profession to exclude those who might seek to advertise -their services at a lower cost. These incomes are therefore -already subject to government control and could be altered -without drastically changing the powers of government. The -private business sector of the economy is a different matter. -Business people who are quick to seize an opportunity will, -under any private enterprise system, make more money than -their rivals or, if they are employed by a large corporation, may -be promoted faster. Taxation can help to redistribute some of -this income, but there are limits to how effective a steeply progressive -tax system can be - there almost seems to be a law to -the effect that the higher the rate of tax, the greater the amount -of tax avoidance. -So do we have to abolish private enterprise if we are to eliminate -undeserved wealth? That suggestion raises issues too large -to be discussed here; but it can be said that private enterprise -has a habit of reasserting itself under the most inhospitable -conditions. As the Russians and East Europeans soon found, -communist societies still had their black markets, and if you -wanted your plumbing fixed swiftly it was advisable to pay a -bit extra on the side. Only a radical change in human nature - -a decline in acquisitive and self-centred desires - could overcome -the tendency for people to find a way around any system -43 -Practical Ethics -that suppresses private enterprise. Since no such change in human -nature is in sight, we shall probably continue to pay most -to those with inherited abilities, rather than those who have -the greatest needs. To hope for something entirely different is -unrealistic. To work for wider recognition of the principle of -payment according to needs and effort rather than inherited -ability is both realistic and, I believe, right. -AFFIRMATIVE ACTION -The preceding section suggested that moving to a more egalitarian -society in which differences of income are reduced is -ethically desirable but likely to prove difficult. Short of bringing -about general equality, we might at least attempt to ensure that -where there are important differences in income, status, and -power, women and racial minorities should not be on the worse -end in numbers disproportionate to their numbers in the community -as a whole. Inequalities among members of the same -ethnic group may be no more justifiable than those between -ethnic groups, or between males and females, but when these -inequalities coincide with an obvious difference between people -like the differences between African Americans and Americans -of European descent, or between males and females, they do -more to produce a divided society with a sense of superiority -on the one side and a sense of inferiority on the other. Racial -and sexual inequality may therefore have a more divisive effect -than other forms of inequality. It may also do more to create a -feeling of hopelessness among the inferior group, since their sex -or their race is not the product of their own actions and there -is nothing they can do to change it. -How are racial and sexual equality to be achieved within an -inegalitarian society? We have seen that equality of opportunity -is practically unrealisable, and if it could be realised might allow -innate differences in aggression or IQ unfairly to determine -44 -Equality and Its Implications -membership of the upper strata. One way of overcoming these -obstacles is to go beyond equality of opportunity and give preferential -treatment to members of disadvantaged groups. This is -affirmative action (sometimes also called 'reverse discrimination'). -It may be the best hope of reducing long-standing inequalities; -yet it appears to offend against the principle of -equality itself. Hence it is controversial. -Affirmative action is most often used in education and employment. -Education is a particularly important area, since it -has an important influence on one's prospects of earning a high -income, holding a satisfying job, and achieving power and status -in the community. Moreover in the United States education has -been at the centre of the dispute over affirmative action because -of Supreme Court cases over university admission procedures -favouring disadvantaged groups. These cases have arisen because -males of European descent were denied admission to -courses although their academic records and admission test -scores were better than those of some African American students -admitted. The universities did not deny this; they sought to -justify it by explaining that they operated admission schemes -intended to help disadvantaged students. -The leading case, as far as United States law is concerned, is -Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. Alan Bakke applied -for admission to the medical school of the University of California -at Davis. In an attempt to increase the number of members -of minority groups who attended medical school, the university -reserved 16 out of every 100 places for students belonging to a -disadvantaged minority. Since these students would not have -won sQ,JIlany places in open competition, fewer students of -European descent were admitted than there would have been -without this reservation. Some of these students denied places -would certainly have been offered them if, scoring as they did -on the admission tests, they had been members of a disadvantaged -minority. Bakke was among these rejected European -45 -Practical Ethics -American students and on being rejected he sued the university. -Let us take this case as a standard case of affirmative action. Is -it defensible? -I shall start by putting aside one argument sometimes used -to justify discrimination in favour of members of disadvantaged -groups. It is sometimes said that if, say, 20 per cent of the -population is a racial minority, and yet only 2 per cent of doctors -are from this minority, this is sufficient evidence that, somewhere -along the line, our community discriminates on the basis -of race. (Similar arguments have been mounted in support of -claims of sexual discrimination.) Our discussion of the geneticsversus- -environment debate indicates why this argument is inconclusive. -It may be the case that members of the underrepresented -group are, on average, less gifted for the kind of -study one must do to become a doctor. I am not saying that -this is true, or even probable, but it cannot be ruled out at this -stage. So a disproportionately small number of doctors from a -particular ethnic minority is not in itself proof of discrimination -against members of that minority. (Just as the disproportionately -large number of African American athletes in the U.S. -Olympic athletic team is not in itself proof of discrimination -against European Americans.) There might, of course, be other -evidence suggesting that the small number of doctors from the -minority group really is the result of discrimination; but this -would need to be shown. In the absence of positive evidence -of discrimination, it is not possible to justify affirmative action -on the grounds that it merely redresses the balance of discrimination -existing in the community. -Another way of defending a decision to accept a minority -student in preference to a student from the majority group who -scored higher in admission tests would be to argue that standard -tests do not give an accurate indication of ability when one -student has been severely disadvantaged. This is in line with -the point made in the last section about the impossibility of -achieving equal opportunity. Education and home background -46 -Equality and Its Implications -presumably influence test scores. A student with a background -of deprivation who scores 55 per cent in an admission test may -have better prospects of graduating in minimum time than a -more privileged student who scores 70 per cent. Adjusting test -scores on this basis would not mean admitting disadvantaged -minority students in preference to better-qualified students. It -would reflect a decision that the disadvantaged students really -were better qualified than the others. This is not racial discrimination. -The University of California could not attempt this defence, -for its medical school at Davis had simply reserved 16 per cent -of places for minority students. The quota did not vary according -to the ability displayed by minority applicants. This may be in -the interests of ultimate equality, but it is undeniably racial -discrimination. -In this chapter we have seen that the only defensible basis -for the claim that all humans are equal is the principle of equal -consideration of interests. That principle outlaws forms of racial -and sexual discrimination which give less weight to the interests -of those discriminated against. Could Bakke claim that in rejecting -his application the medical school gave less weight to -his interests than to those of African American students? -We have only to ask this question to appreciate that university -admission is not normally a result of consideration of the interests -of each applicant. It depends rather on matching the -applicants against standards that the university draws up with -certain policies in mind. Take the most straightforward case: -admission rigidly governed by scores on an intelligence test. -Suppose those rejected by this procedure complained that their -interests had been given less consideration than the interests of -applicants of higher intelligence. The university would reply that -its procedure did not take the applicants' interests into account -at all, and so could hardly give less consideration to the interests -of one applicant than it gave to others. We could then ask the -university why it used intelligence as the criterion of admission. -47 -Practical Ethics -It might say, first, that to pass the examinations required for -graduation takes a high level of intelligence. There is no point -in admitting students unable to pass, for they will not be able -to graduate. They will waste their own time and the university's -resources. Secondly, the university may say, the higher the intelligence -of our graduates, the more useful they are likely to -be to the community. The more intelligent our doctors, the -better they will be at preventing and curing disease. Hence the -more intelligent the students a medical school selects, the better -value the community gets for its outlay on medical education. -This particular admission procedure is of course one-sided; a -good doctor must have other qualities in addition to a high -degree of intelligence. It is only an example, however, and that -objection is not relevant to the point I am using the example -to make. This point is that no one objects to intelligence as a -criterion for selection in the way that they object to race as a -criterion; yet those of higher intelligence admitted under an -intelligence-based scheme have no more of an intrinsic right to -admission than those admitted by reverse discrimination. Higher -intelligence, I have argued before, carries with it no right or -justifiable claim to more of the good things our society offers. -If a university admits students of higher intelligence it does so -not in consideration of their greater interest in being admitted, -nor in recognition of their right to be admitted, but because it -favours goals that it believes will be advanced by this admission -procedure. So if this same university should adopt new goals -and use affirmative action to promote them, applicants who -would have been admitted under the old procedure cannot -claim that the new procedure violates their right to be admitted, -or treats them with less respect than others. They had no special -claim to be admitted in the first place; they were the fortunate -beneficiaries of the old university policy. Now that this policy -has changed others benefit, not they. If this seems unfair, it is -only because we had become accustomed to the old policy. -So affirmative action cannot justifiably be condemned on the -48 -Equality and Its Implications -grounds that it violates the rights of university applicants, or -treats them with less than equal consideration. There is no inherent -right to admission, and equal consideration of the interests -of applicants is not involved in normal admission tests. -If affirmative action is open to objection it must be because the -goals it seeks to advance are bad, or because it will not really -promote these goals. -The principle of equality might be a ground for condemning -the goals of a racially discriminatory admissions procedure. -When universities discriminate against already disadvantaged -minorities we suspect that the discrimination really does result -from less concern for the interests of the minority. Why else did -universities in the American South excluded African Americans -until segregation was held to be unconstitutional? Here, in contrast -to the affirmative action situation, those rejected could -justifiably claim that their interests were not being weighed -equally with the interests of European Americans who were -admitted. Other explanations may have been offered, but they -were surely specious. -Opponents of affirmative action have not objected to the goals -of social equality and greater minority representation in the -professions. They would be hard put to do so. Equal consideration -of interests supports moves towards equality because of -the principle of diminishing marginal utility, because it relieves -the feeling of hopeless inferiority that can exist when members -of one race or sex are always worse off than members of another -race or the other sex, and because severe inequality between -races means a divided community with consequent racial -tension. -Within the overall goal of social equality, greater minority -representation in professions like law and medicine is desirable -for several reasons. Members of minority groups are more likely -to work among their own people than those who come from -the mainstream ethnic groups, and this may help to overcome -the scarcity of doctors and lawyers in poor neighbourhoods -49 -Practical Ethics -where most members of disadvantaged minorities live. They -may also have a better understanding of the problems disadvantaged -people face than any outsider would have. Minority -and female doctors and lawyers can serve as role models to -other members of minority groups, and to women, breaking -down the unconscious mental barriers against aspiring to such -positions. Finally, the existence of a diverse student group will -help members of the dominant ethnic group to learn more about -the attitudes of African Americans and women, and thus become -better able, as doctors and lawyers, to serve the whole -community. -Opponents of affirmative action are on stronger ground when -they claim that affirmative action will not promote equality. As -Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr., said, in the Bakke case, 'Preferential -programs may only reinforce common stereotypes holding that -certain groups are unable to achieve success without special -protection: To achieve real equality, it might be said, members -of minority groups and women must win their places on their -merits. As long as they get into law school more easily than -others, law graduates from disadvantaged minority groups - -including those who would have got in under open competition -- will be regarded as inferior. -There is also a long-term objection to affirmative action as a -means to equality. In the present social climate we may be -confident that race will be taken into account only to benefit -disadvantaged minorities; but will this climate last? Should old --fashioned racism return, won't our approval of racial quotas -now make it easier to tum them against minority groups? Can -we really expect the introduction of racial distinctions to advance -the goal of the elimination of racial distinctions? -These practical objections raise difficult factual issues. Though -they were referred to in the Bakke case, they have not been -central in the American legal battles over affirmative action. -Judges are properly reluctant to decide cases on factual grounds -on which they have no special expertise. Alan Bakke won his -50 -Equality and Its Implications -case chiefly on the grounds that the u.s. Civil Rights Act of -1964 provides that no person shall, on the grounds of colour, -race, or national origin, be excluded from any activity receiving -federal financial assistance. A bare majority of the judges held -that this excluded all discrimination, benign or not. They added, -however, that there would be no objection to a university including -race as one among a number of factors, like athletic or -artistic ability, work experience, demonstrated compassion, a -history of overcoming disadvantage, or leadership potential. The -court thus effectively allowed universities to choose their student -body in accord with their own goals, as long as they did -not use quotas. -That may be the law in the United States, but in other countries -- and in general, when we look at the issue with an eye -to ethics, rather than the law - the distinction between quotas -and other ways of giving preference to disadvantaged groups -may be less significant. The important point is that affirmative -action, whether by quotas or some other method, is not contrary -to any sound principle of equality and does not violate any -rights of those excluded by it. Properly applied, it is in keeping -with equal consideration of interests, in its aspirations at least. -The only real doubt is whether it will work. In the absence of -more promising alternatives it seems worth a try. -A CONCLUDING NOTE: EQUALITY AND DISABILITY -In this chapter we have been concerned with the interplay of -the moral principle of equality and the differences, real or alleged, -between groups of people. Perhaps the clearest way of -seeing the irrelevance of IQ, or specific abilities, to the moral -principle of equality, is to consider the situation of people with -disabilities, whether physical or intellectual. When we consider -how such people are to be treated, there is no argument about -whether they are as able as people without disabilities. By definition, -they are lacking at least some ability that normal people -51 -Practical Ethics -have. These disabilities will sometimes mean that they should -be treated differently from others. When we are looking for firefighters, -we can justifiably exclude someone who is confined to -a wheelchair; and if we are seeking a proof-reader, a blind -person need not apply. But the fact that a specific disability may -rule a person out of consideration for a particular position does -not mean that that person's interests should be given less consideration -than those of anyone else. Nor does it justify discrimination -against disabled people in any situation in which the -particular disability a person has is not relevant to the employment -or service offered. -For centuries, disabled people have been subjected to prejudice, -in some cases no less severe than those under which -racial minorities have suffered. Intellectually disabled people -were locked up, out of sight of the public, in appalling conditions. -Some were virtual slaves, exploited for cheap labour in -households or factories. Under a so-called "euthanasia program" -the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of intellectually -disabled people who were quite capable of wanting to continue -living and enjoying their lives. Even today, some businesses will -not hire a person in a wheelchair for a job that she could do as -well as anyone else. Others seeking a salesperson will not hire -someone whose appearance is abnormal. for fear that sales will -fall. (Similar arguments were used against employing members -of racial minorities; we can best overcome such prejudices by -becoming used to people who are different from us.) -We are now just starting to think about the injustice that has -been done to disabled people, and to consider them as a disadvantaged -group. That we have been slow in doing so may -well be due to the confusion between factual equality and moral -equality discussed earlier in this chapter. Because disabled people -are different, in some respects, we have not seen it as discriminatory -to treat them differently. We have overlooked the -fact that, as in the examples given above, the disabled person's -disability has been irrelevant to the different - and disadvan- -52 -Equality and Its Implications -tageous - treatment. There is therefore a need to ensure that -legislation that prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, ethnicity -or gender also prohibits discrimination on the grounds of -disability, unless the disability can be shown to be relevant to -the employment or service offered. -Nor is that all. Many of the arguments for affirmative action -in the case of those disadvantaged by race or gender apply even -more strongly to disabled people. Mere equality of opportunity -will not be enough in situations in which a disability makes it -impossible to become an equal member of the community. Giving -disabled people equal opportunity to attend university is -not much use if the library is accessible only by a flight of stairs -that they cannot use. Many disabled children are capable of -benefitting from normal schooling, but are prevented from taking -part because additional resources are required to cope with -their special needs. Since such needs are often very central to -the lives of disabled people, the principle of equal consideration -of interests will give them much greater weight than more minor -needs of others. For this reason, it will generally be justifiable -to spend more on behalf of disabled people than we spend on -behalf of others. Just how much more is, of course, a difficult -question. Where resources are scarce, there must be some limit. -By giving equal consideration to the interests of those with -disabilities, and empathetically imagining ourselves in their situation, -we can, in principle, reach the right answer; but it will -not be easy to determine what exactly, in each particular situation, -that answer should be. -Some will claim to find a contradiction between this recognition -of disabled people as a group that has been subjected to -unjustifiable discrimination, and arguments that appear later in -this book defending abortion and infanticide in the case of a -fetus or an infant with a severe disability. For these later arguments -presuppose that life is better without a disability than -with one; and is this not itself a form of prejudice, held by -people without disabilities, and parallel to the prejudice that it -53 -Practical Ethics -is better to be a member of the European race, or a man, than -to be of African descent, or a woman? -The error in this argument is not difficult to detect. It is one -thing to argue that people with disabilities who want to live -their lives to the full should be given every possible assistance -in doing so. It is another, and quite different thing, to argue -that if we are in a position to choose, for our next child, whether -that child shall begin life with or without a disability, it is mere -prejudice or bias that leads us to choose to have a child without -a disability. If disabled people who must use wheelchairs to get -around were suddenly offered a miracle drug that would, with -no side effects, give them full use of their legs, how many of -them would refuse to take it on the grounds that life with a -disability is in no way inferior to life without a disability? In -seeking medical assistance to overcome and eliminate disabilfry, -when it is available,Ā· disabled people themselves show that the -preference for a life without disability is no mere prejudice. -Some disabled people might say that they make this choice only -because society puts so many obstacles in the way of disabled -people. They claim that it is social conditions that disable them, -not their physical or intellectual condition. This assertions twists -the more limited truth, that social conditions make the lives of -the disabled much more difficult than they need be, into a -sweeping falsehood. To be able to walk, to see, to hear, to be -relatively free from pain and discomfort, to communicate effectively -- all these are, under virtually any social conditions, -genuine benefits. To say this is not to deny that people lacking -these abilities may triumph over their disabilities and have lives -of astonishing richness and diversity. Nevertheless, we show no -prejudice against disabled people if we prefer, whether for ourselves -or for our children, not to be faced with hurdles so great -that to surmount them is in itself a triumph. -54 -3 -EQUALITY FOR ANIMALS? -RACISM AND SPECIESISM -I N Chapter 2, I gave reasons for believing that the fundamental -principle of equality, on which the equality of all human -beings rests, is the principle of equal consideration of interests. -Only a basic moral principle of this kind can allow us to defend -a form of equality that embraces all human beings, with all the -differences that exist between them. I shall now contend that -while this principle does provide an adequate basis for human -equality, it provides a basis that cannot be limited to humans. -In other words I shall suggest that, having accepted the principle -of equality as a sound moral basis for relations with others of -our own species, we are also committed to accepting it as a -sound moral basis for relations with those outside our own -species - the non-human animals. -This suggestion may at first seem bizarre. We are used to -regarding discrimination against members of racial minorities, -or against women, as among the most important moral and -political issues facing the world today. These are serious matters, -worthy of the time and energy of any concerned person. But -animals? Isn't the welfare of animals in a different category -altogether, a matter for people who are dotty about dogs and -cats? How can anyone waste their time on equality for animals -when so many humans are denied real equality? -This attitude reflects a popular prejudice against taking the -interests of animals seriously - a prejudice no better founded -than the prejudice of white slaveowners against taking the in- -55 -Practical Ethics -terests of their African slaves seriously. It is easy for us to criticise -the prejudices of our grandfathers, from which our fathers freed -themselves. It is more difficult to distance ourselves from our -own views, so that we can dispassionately search for prejudices -among the beliefs and values we hold. What is needed now is -a willingness to follow the arguments where they lead, without -a prior assumption that the issue is not worth our attention. -The argument for extending the principle of equality beyond -our own species is simple, so simple that it amounts to no more -than a clear understanding of the nature ofthe principle of equal -consideration of interests. We have seen that this principle implies -that our concern for others ought not to depend on what -they are like, or what abilities they possess (although precisely -what this concern requires us to do may vary according to the -characteristics of those affected by what we do). It is on this -basis that we are able to say that the fact that some people are -not members of our race does not entitle us to exploit them, -and similarly the fact that some people are less intelligent than -others does not mean that their interests may be disregarded. -But the principle also implies that the fact that beings are not -members of our species does not entitle us to exploit them, and -similarly the fact that other animals are less intelligent than we -are does not mean that their interests may be disregarded. -We saw in Chapter 2 that many philosophers have advocated -equal consideration of interests, in some form or other, as a -basic moral principle. Only a few have recognised that the principle -has applications beyond our own species, one of the few -being Jeremy Bentham, the founding father of modem utilitarianism. -In a forward-looking passage, written at a time when -African slaves in the British dominions were still being treated -much as we now treat nonhuman animals, Bentham wrote: -The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may -acquire those rights which never could have been withholden -from them but by the hand oftyranny. The French have already -discovered that the blackness of the skin is no reason why a -56 -Equality for Animals? -human being should be abandoned without redress to the caprice -of a tormentor. It may one day come to be recognised that the -number of the legs, the villosity of the skin, or the termination -of the os sacrum, are reasons equally insufficient for abandoning -a sensitive being to the same fate. What else is it that should -trace the insuperable line? Is it the faculty of reason, or perhaps -the faculty of discourse? But a fullgrown horse or dog is beyond -comparison a more rational, as well as a more conversable animal, -than an infant of a day, or a week, or even a month, old. -But suppose they were otherwise, what would it avail? The -question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but, Can -they suffer? -In this passage Bentham points to the capacity for suffering as -the vital characteristic that entitles a being to equal consideration. -The capacity for suffering - or more strictly, for suffering -and/or enjoyment or happiness - is not just another characteristic -like the capacity for language, or for higher mathematics. -Bentham is not saying that those who try to mark 'the insuperable -line' that determines whether the interests of a being -should be considered happen to have selected the wrong characteristic. -The capacity for suffering and enjoying things is a -prerequisite for having interests at all, a condition that must be -satisfied before we can speak of interests in any meaningful -way. It would be nonsense to say that it was not in the interests -of a stone to be kicked along the road by a schoolboy. A stone -does not have interests because it cannot suffer. Nothing that -we can do to it could possibly make any difference to its welfare. -A mouse, on the other hand, does have an interest in not being -tormented, because mice will suffer if they are treated in this -way. -If a being suffers, there can be no moral justification for refusing -to take that suffering into consideration. No matter what -the nature of the being, the principle of equality requires that -the suffering be counted equally with the like suffering - in so -far as rough comparisons can be made - of any other being. If -a being is not capable of suffering, or of experiencing enjoyment -57 -Practical Ethics -or happiness, there is nothing to be taken into account. This is -why the limit of sentience (using the term as a convenient, if -not strictly accurate, shorthand for the capacity to suffer or -experience enjoyment or happiness) is the only defensible -boundary of concern for the interests of others. To mark this -boundary by some characteristic like intelligence or rationality -would be to mark it in an arbitrary way. Why not choose some -other characteristic, like skin colour? -Racists violate the principle of equality by giving greater -weight to the interests of members of their own race when there -is a clash between their interests and the interests of those of -another race. Racists of European descent typically have not -accepted that pain matters as much when it is felt by Africans, -for example, as when it is felt by Europeans. Similarly those I -would call 'speciesists' give greater weight to the interests of -members of their own species when there is a clash between -their interests and the interests of those of other species. Human -speciesists do not accept that pain is as bad when it is felt by -pigs or mice as when it is felt by humans. -That, then, is really the whole of the argument for extending -the principle of equality to nonhuman animals; but there may -be some doubts about what this equality amounts to in practice. -In particular, the last sentence of the previous paragraph may -prompt some people to reply: 'Surely pain felt by a mouse just -is not as bad as pain felt by a human. Humans have much -greater awareness of what is happening to them, and this makes -their suffering worse. You can't equate the suffering of, say, a -person dying slowly from cancer, and a laboratory mouse undergoing -the same fate.' -I fully accept that in the case described the human cancer -victim normally suffers more than the nonhuman cancer victim. -This in no way undermines the extension of equal consideration -of interests to nonhumans. It means, rather, that we must take -care when we compare the interests of different species. In some -situations a member of one species will suffer more than a -58 -Equality for Animals? -member of another species. In this case we should still apply -the principle of equal consideration of interests but the result -of so doing is, of course, to give priority to relieving the greater -suffering. A simpler case may help to make this clear. -If I give a horse a hard slap across its rump with my open -hand, the horse may start, but it presumably feels little pain. Its -skin is thick enough to protect it against a mere slap. If I slap -a baby in the same way, however, the baby will cry and presumably -does feel pain, for the baby's skin is more sensitive. So -it is worse to slap a baby than a horse, if both slaps are administered -with equal force. But there must be some kind of blow -- I don't know exactly what it would be, but perhaps a blow -with a heavy stick - that would cause the horse as much pain -as we cause a baby by a simple slap. That is what I mean by -'the same amount of pain' and if we consider it wrong to inflict -that much pain on a baby for no good reason then we must, -unless we are speciesists, consider it equally wrong to inflict the -same amount of pain on a horse for no good reason. -There are other differences between humans and animals that -cause other complications. Normal adult human beings have -mental capacities that will, in certain circumstances, lead them -to suffer more than animals would in the same circumstances. -If, for instance, we decided to perform extremely painful or -lethal scientific experiments on normal adult humans, kidnapped -at random from public parks for this purpose, adults -who entered parks would become fearful that they would be -kidnapped. The resultant terror would be a form of suffering -additional to the pain of the experiment. The same experiments -performed on nonhuman animals would cause less suffering -since the animals would not have the anticipatory dread of being -kidnapped and experimented upon. This does not mean, of -course, that it would be right to perform the experiment on -animals, but only that there is a reason, and one that is not -speciesist, for preferring to use animals rather than normal adult -humans, if the experiment is to be done at all. Note, however, -59 -Practical Ethics -that this same argument gives us a reason for preferring to use -human infants - orphans perhaps - or severely intellectually -disabled humans for experiments, rather than adults, since infants -and severely intellectually disabled humans would also -have no idea of what was going to happen to them. As far as -this argument is concerned, nonhuman animals and infants and -severely intellectually disabled humans are in the same category; -and if we use this argument to justify experiments on -nonhuman animals we have to ask ourselves whether we are -also prepared to allow experiments on human infants and severely -intellectually disabled adults. If we make a distinction -between animals and these humans, how can we do it, other -than on the basis of a morally indefensible preference for members -of our own species? -There are many areas in which the superior mental powers -of normal adult humans make a difference: anticipation, more -detailed memory, greater knowledge of what is happening, and -so on. These differences explain why a human dying from cancer -is likely to suffer more than a mouse. It is the mental anguish -that makes the human's position so much harder to bear. Yet -these differences do not all point to greater suffering on the part -of the normal human being. Sometimes animals may suffer -more because of their more limited understanding. If, for instance, -we are taking prisoners in wartime we can explain to -them that while they must submit to capture, search, and confinement -they will not otherwise be harmed and will be set free -at the conclusion of hostilities. Ifwe capture wild animals, however, -we cannot explain that we are not threatening their lives. -A wild animal cannot distinguish an attempt to overpower and -confine from an attempt to kill; the one causes as much terror -as the other. -It may be objected that comparisons of the sufferings of different -species are impossible to make, and that for this reason -when the interests of animals and humans clash, the principle -of equality gives no guidance. It is true that comparisons of -60 -Equality for Animals? -suffering between members of different species cannot be made -precisely. Nor, for that matter, can comparisons of suffering -between different human beings be made precisely. Precision is -not essential. As we shall see shortly, even if we were to prevent -the infliction of suffering on animals only when the interests of -humans will not be affected to anything like the extent that -animals are affected, we would be forced to make radical -changes in our treatment of animals that would involve our -diet, the farming methods we use, experimental procedures in -many fields of science, our approach to wildlife and to hunting, -trapping and the wearing of furs, and areas of entertainment -like circuses, rodeos, and zoos. As a result, the total quantity of -suffering caused would be greatly reduced; so greatly that it is -hard to imagine any other change of moral attitude that would -cause so great a reduction in the total sum of suffering in the -universe. -So far I have said a lot about the infliction of suffering on -animals, but nothing about killing them. This omission has been -deliberate. The application of the principle of equality to the -infliction of suffering is, in theory at least, fairly straightforward. -Pain and suffering are bad and should be prevented or minimised, -irrespective of the race, sex, or species of the being that -suffers. How bad a pain is depends on how intense it is and -how long it lasts, but pains of the same intensity and duration -are equally bad, whether felt by humans or animals. When we -come to consider the value of life, we cannot say quite so confidently -that a life is a life, and equally valuable, whether it is -a human life or an animal life. It would not be speciesist to hold -that the life of a self-aware being, capable of abstract thought, -of planning for the future, of complex acts of communication, -and so on, is more valuable than the life of a being without -these capacities. (I am not saying whether this view is justifiable -or not; only that it cannot simply be rejected as speciesist, because -it is not on the basis of species itself that one life is held -61 -Practical Ethics -to be more valuable than another.) The value of life is a notoriously -difficult ethical question, and we can only arrive at a -reasoned conclusion about the comparative value of human and -animal life after we have discussed the value of life in general. -This is a topic for a separate chapter. Meanwhile there are important -conclusions to be derived from the extension beyond -our own species of the principle of equal consideration of interests, -irrespective of our conclusions about the value of life. -SPECIESISM IN PRACTICE -Animals as Food -For most people in modem, urbanised societies, the principal -form of contact with nonhuman animals is at meal times. The -use of animals for food is probably the oldest and the most -widespread form of animal use. There is also a sense in which -it is the most basic form of animal use, the foundation stone on -which rests the belief that animals exist for our pleasure and -convenience. -If animals count in their own right, our use of animals for -food becomes questionable - especially when animal flesh is a -luxury rather than a necessity. Eskimos living in an environment -where they must kill animals for food or starve might be justified -in claiming that their interest in surviving overrides that of the -animals they kill. Most of us cannot defend our diet in this way. -Citizens of industrialised societies can easily obtain an adequate -diet without the use of animal flesh. The overwhelming weight -of medical evidence indicates that animal flesh is not necessary -for good health or longevity. Nor is animal production in industrialised -societies an efficient way of producing food, since -most of the animals consumed have been fattened on grains -and other foods that we could have eaten directly. When we -feed these grains to animals, only about 10 per cent of the -nutritional value remains as meat for human consumption. So, -62 -Equality for Animals? -with the exception of animals raised entirely on grazing land -unsuitable for crops, animals are eaten neither for health, nor -to increase our food supply. Their flesh is a luxury, consumed -because people like its taste. -In considering the ethics of the use of animal flesh for human -food in industrialised societies, we are considering a situation -in which a relatively minor human interest must be balanced -against the lives and welfare of the animals involved. The principle -of equal consideration of interests does not allow major -interests to be sacrificed for minor interests. -The case against using animals for food is at its strongest when -animals are made to lead miserable lives so that their flesh can -be made available to humans at the lowest possible cost. Modem -forms of intensive farming apply science and technology to the -attitude that animals are objects for us to use. In order to have -meat on the table at a price that people can afford, our society -tolerates methods of meat production that confine sentient animals -in cramped, unsuitable conditions for the entire duration -of their lives. Animals are treated like machines that convert -fodder into flesh, and any innovation that results in a higher -'conversion ratio' is liable to be adopted. As one authority on -the subject has said, 'Cruelty is acknowledged only when profitability -ceases: To avoid speciesism we must stop these practices. -Our custom is all the support that factory farmers need. -The decision to cease giving them that SUppOIt may be difficult, -but it is less difficult than it would have been for a white Southerner -to go against the traditions of his society and free his slaves; -if we do not change our dietary habits, how can we censure -those slaveholders who would not change their own way of -living? -These arguments apply to animals who have been reared in -factory farms - which means that we should not eat chicken, -pork, or veal, unless we know that the meat we are eating was -not produced by factory farm methods. The same is true of beef -that has come from cattle kept in crowded feedlots (as most -63 -Practical Ethics -beef does in the United States). Eggs will come from hens kept -in small wire cages, too small even to allow them to stretch -their wings, unless the eggs are specifically sold as 'free range' -(or unless one lives in a relatively enlightened country like -Switzerland, which has prohibited the cage system of keeping -hens). -These arguments do not take us all the way to a vegetarian -diet, since some animals, for instance sheep, and in some countries -cattle, still graze freely outdoors. This could change. The -American pattern of fattening cattle in crowded feedlots is -spreading to other countries. Meanwhile, the lives offree-ranging -animals are undoubtedly better than those of animals reared -in factory farms. It is still doubtful if using them for food is -compatible with equal consideration of interests. One problem -is, of course, that using them as food involves killing them - -but this is an issue to which, as I have said, we shall return -when we have discussed the value of life in the next chapter. -Apart from taking their lives there are also many other things -done to animals in order to bring them cheaply to our dinner -table. Castration, the separation of mother and young, the -breaking up of herds, branding, transporting, and finally the -moments of slaughter - all of these are likely to involve suffering -and do not take the animals' interests into account. Perhaps -animals could be reared on a small scale without suffering in -these ways, but it does not seem economical or practical to do -so on the scale required for feeding our large urban populations. -In any case, the important question is not whether animal flesh -could be produced without suffering, but whether the flesh we -are considering buying was produced without suffering. Unless -we can be confident that it was, the principle of equal consideration -of interests implies that it was wrong to sacrifice important -interests of the animal in order to satisfy less important -interests of our own; consequently we should boycott the end -result of this process. -For those of us living in cities where it is difficult to know -64 -Equality for Animals? -how the animals we might eat have lived and died, this conclusion -brings us close to a vegetarian way of life. I shall consider -some objections to it in the final section of this chapter. -Experimenting on Animals -Perhaps the area in which speciesism can most clearly be observed -is the use of animals in experiments. Here the issue stands -out starkly, because experimenters often seek to justify experimenting -on animals by claiming that the experiments lead us -to discoveries about humans; if this is so, the experimenter must -agree that human and nonhuman animals are similar in crucial -respects. For instance, if forcing a rat to choose between starving -to death and crossing an electrified grid to obtain food tells us -anything about the reactions of humans to stress, we must assume -that the rat feels stress in this kind of situation. -People sometimes think that all animal experiments serve -vital medical purposes, and can be justified on the grounds that -they relieve more suffering than they cause. This comfortable -belief is mistaken. Drug companies test new shampoos and cosmetics -they are intending to market by dripping concentrated -solutions of them into the eyes of rabbits, in a test known as -the Draize test. (Pressure from the animal liberation movement -has led several cosmetic companies to abandon this practice. -An alternative test, not using animaL has now been found. -Nevertheless, many companies, including some of the largest, -still continue to perform the Draize test.) Food additives, including -artificial colourings and preservatives, are tested by what -is known as the LD50 - a test designed to find the 'lethal dose', -or level of consumption that will make 50 per cent of a sample -of animals die. In the process nearly all of the animals are made -very sick before some finally die and others pull through. These -tests are not necessary to prevent human suffering: even if there -were no alternative to the use of animals to test the safety of -the products, we already have enough shampoos and food col- -65 -'I -I -I -Practical Ethics -ourings. There is no need to develop new ones that might be -dangerous. -In many countries, the armed forces perform atrocious experiments -on animals that rarely come to light. To give just one -example: at the u.s. Armed Forces Radiobiology Institute, in -Bethesda, Maryland, rhesus monkeys have been trained to run -inside a large wheel. If they slow down too much, the wheel -slows down, too, and the monkeys get an electric shock. Once -the monkeys are trained to run for long periods, they are given -lethal doses of radiation. Then, while sick and vomiting, they -are forced to continue to run until they drop. This is supposed -to provide information on the capacities of soldiers to continue -to fight after a nuclear attack. -Nor can all university experiments be defended on the -grounds that they relieve more suffering than they inflict. Three -experimenters at Princeton University kept 256 young rats without -food or water until they died. They concluded that young -rats under conditions of fatal thirst and starvation are much -more active than normal adult rats given food and water. In a -well-known series of experiments that went on for more than -fifteen years, H. F. Harlow of the Primate Research Center, Madison, -Wisconsin, reared monkeys under conditions of maternal -deprivation and total isolation. He found that in this way he -could reduce the monkeys to a state in which, when placed -among normal monkeys, they sat huddled in a comer in a -condition of persistent depression and fear. Harlow also produced -monkey mothers so neurotic that they smashed their -infant's face into the floor and rubbed it back and forth. Although -Harlow himself is no longer alive, some of his former -students at other U.S. universities continue to perform variations -on his experiments. -In these cases, and many others like them, the benefits to -humans are either nonexistent or uncertain, while the losses to -members of other species are certain and real. Hence the ex- -66 -Equality for Animals? -periments indicate a failure to give equal consideration to the -interests of all beings, irrespective of species. -In the past, argument about animal experimentation has often -missed this point because it has been put in absolutist terms: -would the opponent of experimentation be prepared to let thousands -die from a terrible disease that could be cured by experimenting -on one animal? This is a purely hypothetical question, -since experiments do not have such dramatic results, but as long -as its hypothetical nature is clear, I think the question should -be answered affirmatively - in other words, if one, or even a -dozen animals had to suffer experiments in order to save thousands, -I would think it right and in accordance with equal -consideration of interests that they should do so. This, at any -rate, is the answer a utilitarian must give. Those who believe -in absolute rights might hold that it is always wrong to sacrifice -one being, whether human or animal. for the benefit of another. -In that case the experiment should not be carried out. whatever -the consequences. -To the hypothetical question about saving thousands of people -through a single experiment on an animal. opponents of -speciesism can reply with a hypothetical question of their own: -would experimenters be prepared to perform their experiments -on orphaned humans with severe and irreversible brain damage -if that were the only way to save thousands? (I say 'orphaned' -in order to avoid the complication of the feelings of the human -parents.) If experimenters are not prepared to use orphaned -humans with severe and irreversible brain damage, their readiness -to use nonhuman animals seems to discriminate on the -basis of species alone, since apes, monkeys, dogs, cats, and even -mice and rats are more intelligent, more aware of what is happening -to them, more sensitive to pain, and so on, than many -severely braindamaged humans barely surviving in hospital -wards and other institutions. There seems to be no morally -relevant characteristic that such humans have that nonhuman -67 -II -II -Ii: -,I -II -Pradical Ethics -animals lack. Experimenters, then, show bias in favour of their -own species whenever they carry out experiments on nonhuman -animals for purposes that they would not think justified -them in using human beings at an equal or lower level of sentience, -awareness, sensitivity, and so on. If this bias were eliminated, -the number of experiments performed on animals would -be greatly reduced. -Other Forms of Speciesism -I have concentrated on the use of animals as food and in research, -since these are examples of large-scale, systematic speciesism. -They are not, of course, the only areas in which the -principle of equal consideration of interests, extended beyond -the human species, has practical implications. There are many -other areas that raise similar issues, including the fur trade, -hunting in all its different forms, circuses, rodeos, zoos, and the -pet business. Since the philosophical questions raised by these -issues are not very different from those raised by the use of -animals as food and in research, I shall leave it to the reader to -apply the appropriate ethical principles to them. -SOME OBJECTIONS -I first put forward the views outlined in this chapter in 1973. -At that time there was no animal liberation .or animal rights -movement. Since then a movement has sprung up, and some -of the worst abuses of animals, like the Draize and LD50 tests, -are now less widespread, even though they have not been eliminated. -The fur trade has come under attack, and as a result fur -sales have declined dramatically in countries like Britain, the -Netherlands, Australia, and the United States. Some countries -are also starting to phase out the most confining forms of factory -farming. As already mentioned, Switzerland has prohibited the -cage system of keeping laying hens. Britain has outlawed the -68 -Equality for Animals? -raising of calves in individual stalls, and is phasing out individual -stalls for pigs. Sweden, as in other areas of social reform, is in -the lead here, too: in 1988 the Swedish Parliament passed a -law that will, over a ten-year period, lead to the elimination of -all systems of factory farming that confine animals for long -periods and prevent them carrying out their natural behaviour. -Despite this increasing acceptance of many aspects of the case -for animal liberation, and the slow but tangible progress made -on behalf of animals, a variety of objections have emerged, some -straightforward and predictable, some more subtle and unexpected. -In this final section of the chapter I shall attempt to -answer the most important of these objections. I shall begin -with the more straightforward ones. -How Do We Know That Animals Can Feel Pain? -We can never directly experience the pain of another being, -whether that being is human or not. When I see my daughter -fall and scrape her knee, I know that she feels pain because of -the way she behaves - she cries, she tells me her knee hurts, -she rubs the sore spot, and so on. I know that I myself behave -in a somewhat similar - if more inhibited - way when I feel -pain, and so I accept that my daughter feels something like what -I feel when I scrape my knee. -The basis of my belief that animals can feel pain is similar to -the basis of my belief that my daughter can feel pain. Animals -in pain behave in much the same way as humans do, and their -behaviour is sufficient justification for the belief that they feel -pain. It is true that, with the exception of those apes who have -been taught to communicate by sign language, they cannot -actually say that they are feeling pain - but then when my -daughter was very young she could not talk, either. She found -other ways to make her inner states apparent, thereby demonstrating -that we can be sure that a being is feeling pain even -if the being cannot use language. -69 -Practical Ethics -To back up our inference from animal behaviour, we can -point to the fact that the nervous systems of all vertebrates, and -especially of birds and mammals, are fundamentally similar. -Those parts of the human nervous system that are concerned -with feeling pain are relatively old, in evolutionary terms. Unlike -the cerebral cortex, which developed fully only after our ancestors -diverged from other mammals, the basic nervous system -evolved in more distant ancestors common to ourselves and the -other 'higher' animals. This anatomical parallel makes it likely -that the capacity of animals to feel is similar to our own. -It is significant that none of the grounds we have for believing -that animals feel pain hold for plants. We cannot observe behaviour -suggesting pain - sensational claims to the contrary -have not been substantiated - and plants do not have a centrally -organised nervous system like ours. -Animals Eat Each Other, So Why Shouldn't We -Eat Them? -This might be called the Benjamin Franklin Objection. Franklin -recounts in his Autobiography that he was for a time a vegetarian -but his abstinence from animal flesh came to an end when he -was watching some friends prepare to fry a fish they had just -caught. When the fish was cut open, it was found to have a -smaller fish in its stomach. 'Well', Franklin said to himself, 'if -you eat one another, I don't see why we may not eat you' and -he proceeded to do so. -Franklin was at least honest. In telling this story, he confesses -that he convinced himself of the validity of the objection only -after the fish was already in the frying pan and smelling 'admirably -well'; and he remarks that one of the advantages of -being a 'reasonable creature' is that one can find a reason for -whatever one wants to do. The replies that can be made to this -objection are so obvious that Franklin's acceptance of it does -testify more to his love of fried fish than to his powers of reason. -70 -Equality for Animals? -For a start, most animals who kill for food would not be able -to survive if they did not, whereas we have no need to eat -animal flesh. Next, it is odd that humans, who normally think -of the behaviour of animals as 'beastly' should, when it suits -them, use an argument that implies that we ought to look to -animals for moral guidance. The most decisive point, however, -is that nonhuman animals are not capable of considering the -alternatives open to them or of reflecting on the ethics of their -diet. Hence it is impossible to hold the animals responsible for -what they do, or to judge that because of their killing they -'deserve' to be treated in a similar way. Those who read these -lines, on the other hand, must consider the justifiability of their -dietary habits. You cannot evade responsibility by imitating -beings who are incapable of making this choice. -Sometimes people point to the fact that animals eat each other -in order to make a slightly different point. This fact suggests, -they think, not that animals deserve to be eaten, but rather that -there is a natural law according to which the stronger prey upon -the weaker, a kind of Darwinian 'survival of the fittest' in which -by eating animals we are merely playing our part. -This interpretation of the objection makes two basic mistakes, -one a mistake of fact and the other an error of reasoning. The -factual mistake lies in the assumption that our own consumption -of animals is part of the natural evolutionary process. This -might be true of a few primitive cultures that still hunt for food, -but it has nothing to do with the mass production of domestic -animals in factory farms. -Suppose that we did hunt for our food, though, and this was -part of some natural evolutionary process. There would still be -an error of reasoning in the assumption that because this process -is natural it is right. It is, no doubt, 'natural' for women to -produce an infant every year or two from puberty to menopause, -but this does not mean that it is wrong to interfere with this -process. We need to know the natural laws that affect us in -order to estimate the consequences of what we do; but we do -71 -Practical Ethics -not have to assume that the natural way of doing something is -incapable of improvement. -Differences between Humans and Animals -That there is a huge gulf between humans and animals was -unquestioned for most of the course of Western civilisation. The -basis of this assumption has been undermined by Darwin's discovery -of our animal origins and the associated decline in the -credibility of the story of our Divine Creation, made in the image -of God with an immortal soul. Some have found it difficult to -accept that the differences between us and the other animals -are differences of degree rather than kind. They have searched -for ways of drawing a line between humans and animals. To -date these boundaries have been shortlived. For instance, it used -to be said that only humans used tools. Then it was observed -that the Galapagos woodpecker used a cactus thorn to dig insects -out of crevices in trees. Next it was suggested that even if other -animals used tools, humans are the only toolmaking animals. -But Jane Goodall found that chimpanzees in the jungles of -Tanzania chewed up leaves to make a sponge for sopping up -water, and trimmed the leaves off branches to make tools for -catching insects. The use of language was another boundary -line - but now chimpanzees, gorillas, and an orangutan have -learnt Ameslan, the sign language of the deaf, and there is some -evidence suggesting that whales and dolphins may have a complex -language of their own. -If these attempts to draw the line between humans and animals -had fitted the facts of the situation, they would still not -carry any moral weight. As Bentham pointed out, the fact that -a being does not use language or make tools is hardly a reason -for ignoring its suffering. Some philosophers have claimed that -there is a more profound difference. They have claimed that -animals cannot think or reason, and that accordingly they have -72 -Equality for Animals? -no conception of themselves, no self-consciousness. They live -from instant to instant, and do not see themselves as distinct -entities with a past and a future. Nor do they have autonomy, -the ability to choose how to live one's life. It has been suggested -that autonomous, self-conscious beings are in some way much -more valuable, more morally significant, than beings who live -from moment to moment, without the capacity to see themselves -as distinct beings with a past and a future. Accordingly, -on this view, the interests of autonomous, self-conscious beings -ought normally to take priority over the interests of other beings. -I shall not now consider whether some nonhuman animals -are self-conscious and autonomous. The reason for this omission -is that I do not believe that, in the present context, much depends -on this question. We are now considering only the application -of the principle of equal consideration of interests. In -the next chapter, when we discuss questions about the value -of life, we shall see that there are reasons for holding that selfconsciousness -is crucial in debates about whether a being has -a right to life; and we shall then investigate the evidence for -self-consciousness in nonhuman animals. Meanwhile the more -important issue is: does the fact that a being is self-conscious -entitle that being to some kind of priority of consideration? -The claim that self-conscious beings are entitled to prior consideration -is compatible with the principle of equal consideration -of interests if it amounts to no more than the claim that -something that happens to self-conscious beings can be contrary -to their interests while similar events would not be contrary to -the interests of beings who were not self-conscious. This might -be because the self-conscious creature has greater awareness of -what is happening, can fit the event into the overall framework -of a longer time period, has different desires, and so on. But -this is a point I granted at the start of this chapter, and provided -that it is not carried to ludicrous extremes - like insisting that -if I am self-conscious and a veal calf is not, depriving me of veal -73 -Practical Ethics -causes more suffering than depriving the calf of his freedom to -walk, stretch and eat grass - it is not denied by the criticisms I -made of animal experimentation and factory farming. -It would be a different matter if it were claimed that, even -when a self-conscious being did not suffer more than a being -that was merely sentient, the suffering of the self-conscious -being is more important because these are more valuable types -of being. This introduces nonutilitarian claims of value - claims -that do not derive simply from taking a universal standpoint in -the manner described in the final section of Chapter 1. Since -the argument for utilitarianism developed in that section was -admittedly tentative, I cannot use that argument to rule out all -nonutilitarian values. Nevertheless we are entitled to ask why -self-conscious beings should be considered more valuable and -in particular why the alleged greater value of a self-conscious -being should result in preferring the lesser interests of a selfconscious -being to the greater interests of a merely sentient -being, even where the self-consciousness of the former being is -not itself at stake. This last point is an important one, for we -are not now considering cases in which the lives of self-conscious -beings are at risk but cases in which self-conscious beings -will go on living, their faculties intact, whatever we decide. In -these cases, if the existence of self-consciousness does not affect -the nature of the interests under comparison, it is not clear why -we should drag self-consciousness into the discussion at all, any -more than we should drag species, race or sex into similar discussions. -Interests are interests, and ought to be given equal -consideration whether they are the interests of human or nonhuman -animals, self-conscious or non-self-conscious animals. -There is another possible reply to the claim that selfconsciousness, -or autonomy, or some similar characteristic, can -serve to distinguish human from nonhuman animals: recall that -there are intellectually disabled humans who have less claim to -be regarded as self-conscious or autonomous than many nonhuman -animals. If we use these characteristics to place a gulf -74 -1 -Equality for Animals? -between humans and other animals, we place these less able -humans on the other side of the gulf; and if the gulf is taken -to mark a difference in moral status, then these humans would -have the moral status of animals rather than humans. -This reply is forceful, because most of us find horrifying the -idea of using intellectually disabled humans in painful experiments, -or fattening them for gourmet dinners. But some philosophers -have argued that these consequences would not really -follow from the use of a characteristic like self-consciousness or -autonomy to distinguish humans from other animals. I shall -consider three of these attempts. -The first suggestion is that severely intellectually disabled humans -who do not possess the capacities that mark the normal -human off from other animals should nevertheless be treated -as if they did possess these capacities, since they belong to a -species, members of which normally do possess them. The suggestion -is, in other words, that we treat individuals not in accordance -with their actual qualities, but in accordance with the -qualities normal for their species. -It is interesting that this suggestion should be made in defence -of treating members of our species better than members of another -species, when it would be firmly rejected if it were used -to justify treating members of our race or sex better than members -of another race or sex. In the previous chapter, when discussing -the impact of possible differences in IQ between -members of different ethnic groups, I made the obvious point -that whatever the difference between the average scores for different -groups, some members of the group with the lower average -score will do better than some members of groups with -the higher average score, and so we ought to treat people as -individuals and not according to the average score for their -ethnic group, whatever the explanation of that average might -be. If we accept this we cannot consistently accept the suggestion -that when dealing with severely intellectually disabled humans -we should grant them the status or rights normal for their spe- -75 -Practical Ethics -cies. For what is the significance of the fact that this time the -line is to be drawn around the species rather than around the -race or sex? We cannot insist that beings be treated as individuals -in the one case, and as members of a group in the other. -Membership of a species is no more relevant in these circumstances -than membership of a race or sex. -A second suggestion is that although severely intellectually -disabled humans may not possess higher capacities than other -animals, they are nonetheless human beings, and as such we -have special relations with them that we do not have with other -animals. As one reviewer of Animal Liberation put it: 'Partiality -for our own species, and within it for much smaller groupings -is, like the universe, something we had better accept . . . The -danger in an attempt to eliminate partial affections is that it -may remove the source of all affections.' -This argument ties morality too closely to our affections. Of -course some people may have a closer relationship with the -most profoundly intellectually disabled human than they do -with any nonhuman animal, and it would be absurd to tell -them that they should not feel this way. They simply do, and -as such there is nothing good or bad about it. The question is -whether our moral obligations to a being should be made to -depend on our feelings in this manner. NotOriously, some human -beings have a closer relationship with their cat than with -their neighbours. Would those who tie morality to affections -accept that these people are justified in saving their cats from -a fire before they save their neighbours? And even those who -are prepared to answer this question affirmatively would, I trust, -not want to go along with racists who could argue that if people -have more natural relationships with, and greater affection towards, -others of their own race, it is all right for them to give -preference to the interests of other members of their own race. -Ethics does not demand that we eliminate personal relationships -and partial affections, but it does demand that when we act we -76 -Equality for Animals? -assess the moral claims of those affected by our actions with -some degree of independence from our feelings for them. -The third suggestion invokes the widely used 'slippery slope' -argument. The idea of this argument is that once we take one -step in a certain direction we shall find ourselves on a slippery -slope and shall slither further than we wished to go. In the -present context the argument is used to suggest that we need -a clear line to divide those beings we can experiment upon, -or fatten for dinner, from those we cannot. Species membership -makes a nice sharp dividing line, whereas levels of selfconsciousness, -autonomy, or sentience do not. Once we allow -that an intellectually disabled human being has no higher moral -status than an animal, the argument goes, we have begun our -descent down a slope, the next level of which is denying rights -to social misfits, and the bottom of which is a totalitarian gov- -, ernment disposing of any groups it does not like by classifying -them as subhuman. -The slippery slope argument may serve as a valuable warning -in some contexts, but it cannot bear too much weight. If we -believe that, as I have argued in this chapter, the special status -we now give to humans allows us to ignore the interests of -billions of sentient creatures, we should not be deterred from -trying to rectify this situation by the mere possibility that the -principles on which we base this attempt will be misused by -evil rulers for their own ends. And it is no more than a possibility. -The change I have suggested might make no difference -to our treatment of humans, or it might even improve it. -In the end, no ethical line that is arbitrarily drawn can be -secure. It is better to find a line that can be defended openly -and honestly. When discussing euthanasia in Chapter 7 we shall -see that a line drawn in the wrong place can have unfortunate -results even for those placed on the higher, or human side of -the line. -It is also important to remember that the aim of my argument -77 -Practical Ethics -is to elevate the status of animals rather than to lower the status -of any humans. I do not wish to suggest that intellectually -disabled humans should be force-fed with food colourings until -half of them die - although this would certainly give us a more -accurate indication of whether the substance was safe for humans -than testing it on rabbits or dogs does. I would like our -conviction that it would be wrong to treat intellectually disabled -humans in this way to be transferred to nonhuman animals at -similar levels of self-consciousness and with similar capacities -for suffering. It is excessively pessimistic to refrain from trying -to alter our attitudes on the grounds that we might start treating -intellectually disabled humans with the same lack of concern -we now have for animals, rather than give animals the greater -concern that we now have for intellectually disabled humans. -Ethics and Reciprocity -In the earliest surviving major work of moral philosophy in the -Western tradition, Plato's RepUblic, there is to be found the following -view of ethics: -They say that to do injustice is, by nature, good; to suffer injustice, -evil; but that there is more evil in the latter than good in the -former. And so when men have both done and suffered injustice -and have had experience of both, any who are not able to avoid -the one and obtain the other, think that they had better agree -among themselves to have neither; hence they begin to establish -laws and mutual covenants; and that which is ordained by law -is termed by them lawful and just. This, it is claimed, is the origin -and nature of justice - it is a mean or compromise, between the -best of all, which is to do injustice and not be punished, and the -worst of all, which is to suffer injustice without the power of -retaliation. -This was not Plato's own view; he put it into the mouth of -Glaucon in order to allow Socrates, the hero of his dialogue, to -refute it. It is a view that has never gained general acceptance, -but has not died away either. Echoes of it can be found in the -78 -Equality for Animals? -ethical theories of contemporary philosophers like John Rawls -and David Gauthier; and it has been used, by these philosophers -and others, to justify the exclusion of animals from the sphere -of ethics, or at least from its core. For if the basis of ethics is -that I refrain from doing nasty things to others as long as they -don't do nasty things to me, I have no reason against doing -nasty things to those who are incapable of appreciating my -restraint and controlling their conduct towards me accordingly. -Animals, by and large, are in this category. When I am surfing -far out from shore and a shark attacks, my concern for animals -will not help; I am as likely to be eaten as the next surfer, -though he may spend every Sunday afternoon taking potshots -at sharks from a boat. Since animals cannot reciprocate, they -are, on this view, outside the limits of the ethical contract. -In assessing this conception of ethics we should distinguish -between explanations of the origin of ethical judgments, and -justifications of these judgments. The explanation of the origin -of ethics in terms of a tacit contract between people for their -mutual benefit has a certain plausibility (though in view of the -quasi-ethical social rules that have been observed in the societies -of other mammals, it is obviously a historical fantasy). But we -could accept this account, as a historical explanation, without -thereby committing ourselves to any views about the rightness -or wrongness of the ethical system that has resulted. No matter -how self-interested the origins of ethics may be, it is possible -that once we have started thinking ethically we are led beyond -these mundane premises. For we are capable of reasoning, and -reason is not subordinate to self-interest. When we are reasoning -about ethics, we are using concepts that, as we saw in the -first chapter of this book, take us beyond our own personal -interest, or even the interest of some sectional group. According -to the contract view of ethics, this universalising process should -stop at the boundaries of our community; but once the process -has begun we may come to see that it would not be consistent -with our other convictions to halt at that point. Just as the first -79 -Practical Ethics -mathematicians, who may have started counting in order to -keep track of the number of people in their tribe, had no idea -that they were taking the first steps along a path that would -lead to the infinitesimal calculus, so the origin of ethics tells us -nothing about where it will end. -When we turn to the question of justification, we can see that -contractual accounts of ethics have many problems. Clearly, -such accounts exclude from the ethical sphere a lot more than -nonhuman animals. Since severely intellectually disabled humans -are equally incapable of reciprocating, they must also be -excluded. The same goes for infants and very young children; -but the problems of the contractual view are not limited to these -special cases. The ultimate reason for entering into the ethical -contract is, on this view, self-interest. Unless some additional -universal element is brought in, one group of people has no -reason to deal ethically with another if it is not in their interest -to do so. If we take this seriously we shall have to revise our -ethical judgments drastically. For instance, the white slave traders -who transported African slaves to America had no selfinterested -reason for treating Mricans any better than they did. -The Africans had no way of retaliating. If they had only been -contractualists, the slave traders could have rebutted the abolitionists -by explaining to them that ethics stops at the boundaries -of the community, and since Africans are not part of their -community they have no duties to them. -Nor is it only past practices that would be affected by taking -the contractual model seriously. Though people often speak of -the world today as a single community, there is no doubt that -the power of people in, say, Chad, to reciprocate either good -or evil that is done to them by, say, citizens ofthe United States -is limited. Hence it does not seem that the contract view provides -for any obligations on the part of wealthy nations to poorer -nations. -Most striking of all is the impact of the contract model on -80 -Equality for Animals? -our attitude to future generations. 'Why should I do anything -for posterity? What has posterity ever done for me?' would be -the view we ought to take if only those who can reciprocate -are within the bounds of ethics. There is no way in which those -who will be alive in the year 2100 can do anything to make -our lives better or worse. Hence if obligations only exist where -there can be reciprocity, we need have no worries about problems -like the disposal of nuclear waste. True, some nuclear -wastes will still be deadly for a quarter of a million years; but -as long as we put it in containers that will keep it away from -us for 100 years, we have done all that ethics demands of us. -These examples should suffice to show that. whatever its -origin, the ethics we have now does go beyond a tacit understanding -between beings capable of reciprocity. The prospect of -returning to such a basis wilt I trust, not be appealing. Since -no account of the origin of morality compels us to base our -morality on reciprocity, and since no other arguments in favour -of this conclusion have been offered, we should reject this view -of ethics. -At this point in the discussion some contract theorists appeal -to a looser view of the contract idea, urging that we include -within the moral community all those who have or will have -the capacity to take part in a reciprocal agreement, irrespective -of whether they are in fact able to reciprocate, and irrespective, -too, of when they will have this capacity. Plainly, this view is -no longer based on reciprocity at alL for (unless we care greatly -about having our grave kept tidy or our memory preserved for -ever) later generations plainly cannot enter into reciprocal relationships -with us, even though they will one day have the -capacity to reciprocate. If contract theorists abandon reciprocity -in this manner, however, what is left of the contract account? -Why adopt it at all? And why limit morality to those who have -the capacity to enter into agreements with us, if in fact there is -no possibility of them ever doing so? Rather than cling to the -81 -Pradical Ethics -husk of a contract view that has lost its kernel. it would be -better to abandon it altogether, and consider, on the basis of -universalisabiIity, which beings ought to be included within -morality. -82 -4 -WHAT'S WRONG WITH KILLING? -AN oversimplified summary of the first three chapters of -this book might read like this: the first chapter sets up a -conception of ethics from which, in the second chapter, the -principle of equal consideration of interests is derived; this principle -is then used to illuminate problems about the equality -of humans and, in the third chapter, applied to non-human -animals. -Thus the principle of equal consideration of interests has been -behind much of our discussion so far; but as I suggested in the -previous chapter, the application of this principle when lives -are at stake is less clear than when we are concerned with -interests like avoiding pain and experiencing pleasure. In this -chapter we shall look at some views about the value of life, and -the wrongness oftaking life, in order to prepare the ground for -the following chapters in which we shall tum to the practical -issues of killing animals, abortion, euthanasia, and environmental -ethics. -HUMAN LIFE -People often say that life is sacred. They almost never mean -what they say. They do not mean, as their words seem to imply, -that life itself is sacred. If they did, killing a pig or pulling up a -cabbage would be as abhorrent to them as the murder of a t f I -human being. When people say that life is sacred, it is !!uman I I:::,'" i'l r; ""-, -Jife they have in mind. But why should huma,!! life have special :/ -value? r I ;( i,." 11"",-- F/,' (111 (fe. ? .ā€¢ ,,] -jj )$:'" i'V 83 -~ - (~:/" ,{ -La; ,j).je I~ H,c' "\C'''''1'>1\.Ā«11 ) .11\Jl'\,. , , -,)j .. A_ir~. -Practical Ethics -In discussing the doctrine of the sanctity of human life I shall -not take the term 'sanctity' in a specifically religious sense. The -doctrine may well have a religious origin, as I shall suggest later -in this chapter. but it is now part of a broadly secular ethic, and -it is as part of this secular ethic that it is most influential today. -Nor shall I take the doctrine as maintaining that it is always -wrong to take human life, for this would imply absolute pacifism, -and there are many supporters of the sanctity of human -life who concede that we may kill in self-defence. We may take -the doctrine of the sanctity of human life to be no more than -a way of saying that human life has some special value, a value -quite distinct from the value of the lives of other living things. -The view that human life has unique value is deeply rooted -in our society and is enshrined in our law. To see how far it -can be taken, I recommend a remarkable book: The Long Dying -a/Baby Andrew, by Robert and Peggy Stinson. In December 1976 -Peggy Stinson, a Pennsylvania schoolteacher, was twenty-four -weeks pregnant when she went into premature labor. The baby, -whom Robert and Peggy named Andrew, was marginally viable. -Despite a firm statement from both parents that they wanted -'no heroics', the doctors in charge of their child used all the -technology of modem medicine to keep him alive for nearly six -months. Andrew had periodic fits. Towards the end of that -period, it was clear that if he survived at all, he would be seriously -and permanently impaired. Andrew was also suffering -considerably: at one point his doctor told the Stinsons that it -must 'hurt like hell' every time Andrew drew a breath. Andrew's -treatment cost $104,000, at 1977 cost levels - today it could -easily be three times that, for intensive care for extremely premature -babies costs at least $1,500 per day. -Andrew Stinson was kept alive, against the wishes of his -parents, at a substantial financial cost, notwithstanding evident -suffering, and despite the fact that, after a certain point it was -clear that he would never be able to live an independent life, -or to think and talk in the way that most humans do. Whether -84 , -What's Wrong with Killing? -such treatment of an infant human being is or is not the right -thing to do - and I come back to this question in Chapter 7 - -it makes a striking contrast with the casual way in which we -take the lives of stray dogs, experimental monkeys, and beef -cattle. What justifies the difference? -In every society known to us there has been some prohibition -on the taking of life. Presumably no society can survive if it -allows its members to kill one another without restriction. Precisely -who is protected, however, is a matter on which societies -have differed. In many tribal societies the only serious offence -is to kill an innocent member of the tribe itself - members of -other tribes may be killed with impunity. In more sophisticated -nation-states protection has generally extended to all within the -nation's territorial boundaries, although there have been cases -- like slave-owning states - in which a minority was excluded. -Nowadays most agree, in theory if not in practice, that, apart -from special cases like self-defence, war, possibly capital punishment, -and one or two other doubtful areas, it is wrong to -kill human beings irrespective of their race, religion, class, or -nationality. The moral inadequacy of narrower principles, limiting -the respect for life to a tribe, race, or nation, is taken for -granted; but the argument of the preceding chapter must raise -doubts about whether the boundary of our species marks a more -defensible limit to the protected circle. -At this point we should pause to ask what we mean by terms -, like 'human life' or 'human being'. These terms figure prominently -in debates about, for example, abortion. 'Is the fetus a -human being?' is often taken as the crucial question in the -abortion debate; but unless we think carefully about these terms -such questions cannot be answered. -It is possible to give 'human being' a precise meaning. We -can use it as equivalent to 'member of the species Homo sapiens'. -Whether a being is a member of a given species is something .i/,Ā«Y>!~!CH~ -that can be determined scientifically, by an examination of the 'J. -nature of the chromosomes in the cells of living organisms. In -85 -Practical Ethics -this sense there is no doubt that from the first moments of its -existence an embryo conceived from human sperm and eggs is -a human being; and the same is true of the most profoundly -and irreparably intellectually disabled human being, even of an -infant who is born anencephalic - literally, without a brain. -There is another use of the term 'human', one proposed by -Joseph Fletcher, a Protestant theologian and a prolific writer on -ethical issues. Fletcher has compiled a list of what he calls 'indicators -of humanhood' that includes the following: selfawareness, -self-control, a sense ofthe future, a sense ofthe past, -the capadty to relate to others, concern for others, communication, -and curiosity. This is the sense of the term that we have -in mind when we praise someone by saying that she is 'a real -human being' or shows 'truly human qualities'. In saying this -we are not, of course, referring to the person's membership in -the spedes Homo sapiens which as a matter of biological fact -is rarely in doubt; we are implying that human beings characteristically -possess certain qualities, and this person possesses -them to a high degree. -These two senses of 'human being' overlap but do not coindde. -The embryo, the later fetus, the profoundly intellectually -disabled child, even the newborn infant - all are indisputably -members of the spedes Homo sapiens, but none are self-aware, -have a sense of the future, or the capadty to relate to others. -Hence the choice between the two senses can make an important -difference to how we answer questions like 'Is the fetus a -human being?' -When choosing which words to use in a situation like this -we should choose terms that will enable us to express our meaning -clearly, and that do not prejudge the answer to substantive -questions. To stipulate that we shall use 'human' in, say, the -first of the two senses just described, and that therefore the fetus -is a human being and abortion is immoral would not do. Nor -would it be any better to choose the second sense and argue -86 -What's Wrong with Killing? -on this basis that abortion is acceptable. The morality of abortion -is a substantive issue, the answer to which cannot depend on -a stipulation about how we shall use words. In order to avoid -begging any questions, and to make my meaning clear, I shall -for the moment put aside the tricky term 'human' and substitute -two different terms, corresponding to the two different senses -of 'human'. For the first sense, the biological sense, I shall simply -use the cumbersome but predse expression 'member of the -spedes Homo sapiens' while for the second sense I shall use the -term 'person'. -This use of 'person' is itself, unfortunately, liable to mislead, -since 'person' is often used as if it meant the same as 'human -being'. Yet the terms are not equivalent; there could be a person -who is not a member of our spedes. There could also be members -of our spedes who are not persons. The word 'person' has -its origin in the Latin term for a mask worn by an actor in -classical drama. By putting on masks the actors Signified that -they were acting a role. Subsequently 'person' came to mean -one who plays a role in life, one who is an agent. According to -the Oxford Dictionary, one of the current meanings of the term -is 'a self-consdous or rational being'. This sense has impeccable -philosophical precedents. John Locke defines a person as 'A -thinking intelligent being that has reason and reflection and can -consider itself as itself, the same thinking thing, in different times -and places: -This definition makes 'person' close to what Fletcher meant -by 'human', except that it selects two crudal characteristics - -rationality and self-consdousness - as the core of the concept. -Quite possibly Fletcher would agree that these two are central, -and the others more or less follow from them. In any case, I -propose to use 'person', in the sense of a rational and selfconsdous -being, to capture those elements of the popular sense -of 'human being' that are not covered by 'member of the spedes -Homo sapiens'. -87 -Practical Ethics -The Value of the Life of Members of the Species -Homo Sapiens -With the clarification gained by our terminological interlude, -and the argument of the preceding chapter to draw upon, this -section can be very brief. The wrongness of inflicting pain on a -being cannot depend on the being's species: nor can the wrongness -of killing it. The biological facts upon which the boundary -of our species is drawn do not have moral significance. To give -preference to the life of a being simply because that being is a -member of our species would put us in the same position as -racists who give preference to those who are members of their -race. -To those who have read the preceding chapters of this book, -this conclusion may seem obvious, for we have worked towards -it gradually; but it differs strikingly from the prevailing attitude -in our society, which as we have seen treats as sacred the lives -of all members of our species. How is it that our society should -have come to accept a view that bears up so poorly under critical -scrutiny? A short historical digression may help to explain. -If we go back to the origins of Western civilisation, to Greek -or Roman times, we find that membership of Homo sapiens -was not sufficient to guarantee that one's life would be protected. -There was no respect for the lives of slaves or other -'barbarians'; and even among the Greeks and Romans themselves, -infants had no automatic right to life. Greeks and Romans -killed deformed or weak infants by exposing them to the elements -on a hilltop. Plato and Aristotle thought that the state -should enforce the killing of deformed infants. The celebrated -legislative codes said to have been drawn up by Lycurgus and -Solon contained similar provisions. In this period it was thought -better to end a life that had begun inauspiciously than to attempt -to prolong that life, with all the problems it might bring. -Our present attitudes date from the coming of Christianity. -There was a specific theological motivation for the Christian -88 -tĀ· -What's Wrong with Killing? -insistence on the importance of species membership: the belief -that all born of human parents are immortal and destined for -an eternity of bliss or for everlasting torment. With this belief, -the killing of Homo sapiens took on a fearful significance, since -it consigned a being to his or her eternal fate. A second Christian -doctrine that led to the same conclusion was the belief that since -we are created by God we are his property, and to kill a human -being is to usurp God's right to decide when we shall live and -when we shall die. As Thomas Aquinas put it, taking a 'human -life is a sin against God in the same way that killing a slave -would be a sin against the master to whom the slave belonged. -Non-human animals, on the other hand, were believed to have -been placed by God under man's dominion, as recorded in the -Bible (Genesis 1:29 and 9:1-3). Hence humans could kill nonhuman -animals as they pleased, as long as the animals were -not the property of another. -During the centuries of Christian domination of European -thought the ethical attitudes based on these doctrines became -part of the unquestioned moral orthodoxy of European civilisation. -Today the doctrines are no longer generally accepted, -but the ethical attitudes to which they gave rise fit in with the -deep-seated Western belief in the uniqueness and special privileges -of our species, and have survived. Now that we are reassessing -our speciesist view of nature, however, it is also time to -reassess our belief in the sanctity of the lives of members of our -species. -The Value of a Person's Life -We have broken down the doctrine of the sanctity of human -life into two separate claims, one that there is special value in -the life of a member of our species, and the other that there is -special value in the life of a person. We have seen that the -former claim cannot be defended. What of the latter? Is there -89 -Practical Ethics -special value in the life of a rational and self-conscious being, -as distinct from a being that is merely sentient? -One line of argument for answering this question affirmatively -runs as follows. A self-conscious being is aware of itself as a -distinct entity, with a past and a future. (This, remember, was -Locke's criterion for being a person.) A being aware of itself in -this way will be capable of having desires about its own future. -For example, a professor of philosophy may hope to write a -book demonstrating the objective nature of ethics; a student -may look forward to graduating; a child may want to go for a -ride in an aeroplane. To take the lives of any of these people, -without their consent, is to thwart their desires for the future. -Killing a snail or a day-old infant does not thwart any desires -of this kind, because snails and newborn infants are incapable -of having such desires. -It may be said that when a person is killed we are not left -with a thwarted desire in the same sense in which I have a -thwarted desire when I am hiking through dry country and, -pausing to ease my thirst, discover a hole in my waterbottle. In -this case I have a desire that I cannot fulfil. and I feel frustration -and discomfort because of the continuing and unsatisfied desire -for water. When I am killed the desires I have for the future do -not continue after my death, and I do not suffer from their nonfulfilment. -But does this mean that preventing the fulfilment of -these desires does not matter? -Classical utilitarianism, as expounded by the founding father -of utilitarianism, Jeremy Bentham, and refined by later philosophers -like John Stuart Mill and Henry Sidgwick, judges actions -by their tendency to maximise pleasure or happiness and minimise -pain or unhappiness. Terms like 'pleasure' and 'happiness' -lack precision, but it is clear that they refer to something that -is experienced, or felt - in other words, to states of consciousness. -According to classical utilitarianism, therefore, there is no -direct significance in the fact that desires for the future go un- -90 -What's Wrong with Killing? -fulfilled when people die. If you die instantaneously, whether -you have any desires for the future makes no difference to the -amount of pleasure or pain you experience. Thus for the classical -utilitarian the status of 'person' is not directly relevant to the -wrongness of killin,S. -Indirectly, however, being a person may be important for the -classical utilitarian. Its importance arises in the following manner. -If I am a person, I have a conception of myself. I know -that I have a future. I also know that my future existence could -be cut short. If I think that this is likely to happen at any moment, -my present existence will be fraught with anxiety, and -will presumably be less enjoyable than if I do not think it is -likely to happen for some time. If I learn that people like myself -are very rarely killed, I will worry less. Hence the classical utilitarian -can defend a prohibition on killing persons on the indirect -ground that it will increase the happiness of people who would -otherwise worry that they might be killed. I call this an indirect -ground because it does not refer to any direct wrong done to -the person killed, but rather to a consequence of it for other -people. There is, of course, something odd about objecting to -murder, not because of the wrong done to the victim, but because -of the effect that the murder will have on others. One -has to be a tough-minded classical utilitarian to be untroubled -by this oddness. (Remember, though, that we are now only -considering what is especially wrong about killing a person. The -classical utilitarian can still regard killing as wrong because it -eliminates the happiness that the victim would have experienced, -had she lived. This objection to murder will apply to any -being likely to have a happy future, irrespective of whether the -being is a person.) For present purposes, however, the main -point is that this indirect ground does provide a reason for taking -the killing of a person, under certain conditions, more seriously -than the killing of a non-personal being. If a being is incapable -of conceiving of itself as existing over time, we need not take -91 -Practical Ethics -into account the possibility of it worrying about the prospect of -its future existence being cut short. It can't worry about this, -for it has no conception of its own future. -I said that the indirect classical utilitarian reason for taking -the killing of a person more seriously than the killing of a nonperson -holds 'under certain conditions'. The most obvious of -these conditions is that the killing of the person may become -known to other persons, who derive from this knowledge a -more gloomy estimate of their own chances of living to a ripe -old age, or simply become fearful of being murdered. It is of -course possible that a person could be killed in complete secrecy, -so that no one else knew a murder had been committed. Then -this indirect reason against killing would not apply. -To this last point, however, a qualification must be made. In -the circumstances described in the last paragraph, the indirect -classical utilitarian reason against killing would not apply in so -far as we judge this individual case. There is something to be said, -however, against applying utilitarianism only or primarily at the -level of each individual case. It may be that in the long run, we -will achieve better results - greater overall happiness - if we -urge people not to judge each individual action by the standard -of utility, but instead to think along the lines of some broad -principles that will cover all or virtually all of the situations that -they are likely to encounter. -Several reasons have been offered in support of this approach. -R.M. Hare has suggested a useful distinction between two levels -of moral reasoning: the intuitive and the critical. To consider, -in theory, the possible circumstances in which one might maximise -utility by secretly killing someone who wants to go on -living is to reason at the critical level. As philosophers, or just -as reflective, self-critical people, it can be interesting and helpful -to our understanding of ethical theory to think about such unusual -hypothetical cases. Everyday moral thinking, however, -must be more intuitive. In real life we usually cannot foresee -all the complexities of our choices. It is simply not practical to -92 -What's Wrong with Killing? -try to calculate the consequences, in advance, of every choice -we make. Even if we were to limit ourselves to the more significant -choices, there would be a danger that in many cases -we would be calculating in less than ideal circumstances. We -could be hurried, or flustered. We might be feeling angry, or -hurt, or competitive. Our thoughts could be coloured by greed, -or se~ual de~re, or thoughts of vengeance. Our own interests, -or the interests of those we love, might be at stake. Or we might -just not be very good at thinking about such complicated issues -as the likely consequences of a significant choice. For all these -reasons, Hare suggests, it will be better if, for our everyday -ethical life, we adopt some broad ethical principles and do not -deviate from them. These principles should include those that -experience has shown, over the centuries, to be generally conducive -to producing the best consequences: and in Hare's view -that would include many of the standard moral principles, for -example, telling the truth, keeping promises, not harming others, -and so on. Respecting the lives of people who want to go -on living would presumably be among these principles. Even -though, at the critical level, we can conceive of circumstances -in which better consequences would flow from acting against -one or more of these principles, people will do better on the -whole if they stick to the principles than if they do not. -On this view, soundly chosen intuitive moral principles -should be like a good tennis coach's instructions to a player. -The instructions are given with an eye to what will payoff most -of the time; they are a guide to playing "percentage tennis". -Occasionally an individual player might go for a freak shot, and -pull off a winner that has everyone applauding; but if the coach -is any good at all, deviations from the instructions laid down -will, more often than not, lose. So it is better to put the thought -of going for those fr~ shots out of one's mind. Similarly, if -we are guided by a set of well-chosen intuitive principles, we -may do better if we do not attempt to calculate the consequences -of each significant moral choice we must make, but instead -93 -Practical Ethics -consider what principles apply to it, and act accordingly. Perhaps -very occasionally we will find ourselves in circumstances in -which it is absolutely plain that departing from the principles -will produce a much better result than we will obtain by sticking -to them, and then we may be justified in making the departure. -But for most of us, most of the time, such circumstances will -not arise and can be excluded from our thinking. Therefore even -though at the critical level the classical utilitarian must concede -the possibility of cases in which it would be better not to respect -a person's desire to continue living, because the person could -be killed in complete secrecy, and a great deal of unalleviated -misery could thereby be prevented, this kind of thinking has -no place at the intuitive level that should guide our everyday -actions. So, at least. a classical utilitarian can argue. -That is, I think, the gist of what the classical utilitarian would -say about the distinction between killing a person and killing -some other type of being. There is, however, another version -of utilitarianism that gives greater weight to the distinction. This -other version of utilitarianism judges actions, not by their tendency -to maximise pleasure or minimise pain, but by the extent -to which they accord with the preferences of any beings affected -by the action or its consequences. This version of utilitarianism -is known as 'preference utilitarianism'. It is preference utilitarianism, -rather than classical utilitarianism, that we reach by -universalising our own interests in the manner described in the -opening chapter of this book - if, that is, we make the plausible -move of taking a person's interests to be what. on balance and -after reflection on all the relevant facts, a person prefers. -According to preference utilitarianism, an action contrary to -the preference of any being is, unless this preference is outweighed -by contrary preferences, wrong. Killing a person who -prefers to continue living is therefore wrong, other things being -equal. That the victims are not around after the act to lament -the fact that their preferences have been disregarded is irrelevant. -The wrong is done when the preference is thwarted. -94 -What's Wrong with Killing? -For preference utilitarians, taking the life of a person will -normally be worse than taking the life of some other being, -since persons are highly future-oriented in their preferences. To -kill a person is therefore, normally, to violate not just one, but -a wide range of the most central and significant preferences a -being can have. Very often, it will make nonsense of everything -that the victim has been trying to do in the past days, months, -or even years ... In contrast, beings who cannot see themselves -as entities with a future cannot have any preferences about their -own future existence. This is not to deny that such beings might -struggle against a situation in which their lives are in danger, -as a fish struggles to get free of the barbed hook in its mouth; -but this indicates no more than a preference for the cessation -of a state of affairs that is perceived as painful or frightening. -Struggle against danger and pain does not suggest that fish -are capable of preferring their own future existence to nonexistence. -The behaviour of a fish on a hook suggests a reason -for not killing fish by that method, but does not in itself suggest -a preference utilitarian reason against killing fish by a method -that brings about death instantly, without first causing pain or -distress. (Again, remember that we are here considering what -is especially wrong about killing a person; I am not saying that -there are never any preference utilitarian reasons against killing -conscious beings who are not persons.) -Does a Person Have a Right to Life? -Although preference utilitarianism does provide a direct reason -for not killing a person, some may find the reason - even when -coupled with the important indirect reasons that any form of -utilitarianism will take into account - not sufficiently stringent. -Even for preference utilitarianism, the wrong done to the person -killed is merely one factor to be taken into account, and the -preference of the victim could sometimes be outweighed by the -preferences of others. Some say that the prohibition on killing -95 -Practical Ethics -people is more absolute than this kind of utilitarian calculation -implies. Our lives, we feel, are things to which we have a right, -and rights are not to be traded off against the preferences or -pleasures of others. -I am not convinced that the notion of a moral right is a helpful -or meaningful one, except when it is used as a shorthand way -of referring to more fundamental moral considerations. Nevertheless, -since the idea that we have a 'right to life' is a popular -one, it is worth asking whether there are grounds for attributing -rights to life to persons, as distinct from other living beings. -Michael Tooley, a contemporary American philosopher, has -argued that the only beings who have a right to life are those -who can conceive of themselves as distinct entities existing over -time - in other words, persons, as we have used the term. His -argument is based on the claim that there is a conceptual connection -between the desires a being is capable of having and -the rights that the being can be said to have. As Tooley puts it: -The basic intuition is that a right is something that can be violated -and that, in genera!, to violate an individual's right to something -is to frustrate the corresponding desire. Suppose, for example, -that you own a car. Then I am under a prima facie obligation -not to take it from you. However, the obligation is not unconditional: -it depends in part upon the existence of a corresponding -desire in you. If you do not care whether I take your car, then -I generally do not violate your right by doing so. -Tooley admits that it is difficult to formulate the connections -between rights and desires precisely, because there are problem -cases like people who are asleep or temporarily unconscious. -He does not want to say that such people have no rights because -they have, at that moment, no desires. Nevertheless, Tooley -holds, the possession of a right must in some way be linked -with the capacity to have the relevant desires, if not with having -the actual desires themselves. -The next step is to apply this view about rights to the case of -the right to life. To put the matter as simply as possible - more -96 -What's Wrong with Killing? -simply than Tooley himself does and no doubt too simply - if -the right to life is the right to continue existing as a distinct -entity, then the desire relevant to possessing a right to life is the -desire to continue existing as a distinct entity. But only a being -who is capable of conceiving herself as a distinct entity existing -over time - that is, only a person - could have this desire. -Therefore only a person could have a right to life. -This is how Tooley first formulated his position, in a striking -article entitled "Abortion and Infanticide", first published in -1972. The problem of how precisely to formulate the connections -between rights and desires, however, led Tooley to alter -his position in a subsequent book with the same title, Abortion -and Infantidde. He there argues that an individual cannot at a -given time - say, now - have a right to continued existence -unless the individual is of a kind such that it can now be in its -interests that it continue to exist. One might think that this -makes a dramatic difference to the outcome of Tooley's position, -for while a newborn infant would not seem to be capable of -conceiving itself as a distinct entity existing over time, we commonly -think that it can be in the interests of an infant to be -saved from death, even if the death would have been entirely -without pain or suffering. We certainly do this in retrospect: I -might say, ifI know that I nearly died in infancy, that the person -who snatched my pram from the path of the speeding train is -my greatest benefactor, for without her swift thinking I would -never have had the happy and fulfilling life that I am now living. -Tooley argues, however, that the retrospective attribution of an -interest in living to the infant is a mistake. I am not the infant -from whom I developed. The infant could not look forward to -developing into the kind of being I am, or even into any intermediate -being, between the being I now am and the infant. I -cannot even recall being the infant; there are no mental links -between us. Continued existence cannot be in the interests of -a being who never has had the concept of a continuing self - -that is, never has been able to conceive of itself as existing over -97 -Practical Ethics -time. If the train had instantly killed the infant, the death would -not have been contrary to the interests of the infant, because -the infant would never have had the concept of existing over -time. It is true that I would then not be alive, but I can say that -it is in my interests to be alive only because I do have the concept -of a continuing self. I can with equal truth say that it is in my -interests that my parents met, because if they had never met, -they could not have created the embryo from which I developed, -and so I would not be alive. This does not mean that the creation -of this embryo was in the interests of any potential being who -was lurking around, waiting to be brought into existence. There -was no such being, and had I not been brought into existence, -there would not have been anyone who missed out on the life -I have enjo'yed living. Similarly, we make a mistake if we now -construct an interest in future life in the infant, who in the first -days following birth can have no concept of continued existence, -and with whom I have no mental links. -Hence in his book Tooley reaches, though by a more circuitous -route, a conclusion that is practically equivalent to the -conclusion he reached in his article. To have a right to life, one -must have, or at least at one time have had, the concept of -having a continued existence. Note that this formulation avoids -any problems in dealing with sleeping or unconscious people; -it is enough that they have had, at one time, the concept of -continued existence for us to be able to say that continued life -may be in their interests. This makes sense: my desire to continue -living - or to complete the book I am writing, or to travel -around the world next year - does not cease whenever I am -not consciously thinking about these things. We often desire -things without the desire being at the forefront of our minds. -The fact that we have the desire is apparent if we are reminded -of it, or suddenly confronted with a situation in which we must -choose between two courses of action, one of which makes the -fulfilment of the desire less likely. In a similar way, when we -go to sleep our desires for the future have not ceased to exist. -98 -What's Wrong with Killing? -They will still be there, when we wake. As the desires are still -part of us, so, too, our interest in continued life remains part -of us while we are asleep or unconscious. -People and Respect for Autonomy -To this point our discussion of the wrongness of killing people -has focused on their capacity to envisage their future and have -desires related to it. Another implication of being a person may -also be relevant to the wrongness of killing. There is a strand -of ethical thought, associated with Kant but including many -modem writers who are not Kantians, according to which respect -for autonomy is a basic moral principle. By 'autonomy' -is meant the capacity to choose, to make and act on one's own -decisions. Rational and self-conscious beings presumably have -this ability, whereas beings who cannot consider the alternatives -open to them are not capable of choosing in the required sense -and hence cannot be autonomous. In particular, only a being -who can grasp the difference between dying and continuing to -live can autonomously choose to live. Hence killing a person -who does not choose to die fails to respect that person's autonomy; -and as the choice of living or dying is about the most -fundamental choice anyone can make, the choice on which all -other choices depend, killing a person who does not choose to -die is the gravest possible violation of that person's autonomy. -Not everyone agrees that respect for autonomy is a basic moral -principle, or a valid moral principle at all. Utilitarians do not -respect autonomy for its own sake, although they might give -great weight to a person's desire to go on living, either in a -preference utilitarian way, or as evidence that the person's life -was on the whole a happy one. But if we are preference utilitarians -we must allow that a desire to go on living can be -outweighed by other desires, and if we are classical utilitarians -we must recognise that people may be utterly mistaken in their -expectations of happiness. So a utilitarian, in objecting to the -99 -Practical Ethics -killing of a person, cannot place the same stress on autonomy -as those who take respect for autonomy as an independent -moral principle. The classical utilitarian might have to accept -that in some cases it would be right to kill a person who does -not choose to die on the grounds that the person will otherwise -lead a miserable life. This is true, however, only on the critical -level of moral reasoning. As we saw earlier, utilitarians may -encourage people to adopt, in their daily lives, principles that -will in almost all cases lead to better consequences when followed -than any alternative action. The principle of respect for -autonomy would be a prime example of such a principle. We -shall discuss actual cases that raise this issue shortly, in the -discussion of euthanasia in Chapter 7. \ -It may be helpful here to draw together our conclusions about -the value of a person's life. We have seen that there are four -possible reasons for holding that a person's life has some distinctive -value over and above the life of a merely sentient being: -the classical utilitarian concern with the effects of the killing on -others; the preference utilitarian concern with the frustration -of the victim's desires and plans for the future; the argument -that the capacity to conceive of oneself as existing over time is -a necessary condition of a right to life; and respect for autonomy. -Although at the level of critical reasoning a classical utilitarian -would accept only the first, indirect, reason, and a preference -utilitarian only the first two reasons, at the intuitive level utilitarians -of both kinds would probably advocate respect for autonomy -too. The distinction between critical and intuitive levels -thus leads to a greater degree of convergence, at the level of -everyday moral decision making, between utilitarians and those -who hold other moral views than we would find if we took -into account only the critical level of reasoning. In any case, -none of the four reasons for giving special protection to the lives -of persons can be rejected out of hand. We shall therefore bear -all four in mind when we tum to practical issues involving -killing. -100 -What's Wrong with Killing? -Before we do tum to practical questions about killing, however, -we have still to consider claims about the value of life that -are based neither on membership of our species, nor on being -a person. -CONSCIOUS LIFE -There are many beings who are sentient and capable of experiencing -pleasure and pain, but are not rational and selfconscious -and so not persons. I shall refer to these beings as -conscious being. Many non-human animals almost certainly -fall into this category; so must newborn infants and some -intellectually disabled humans. Exactly which of these lack -self-consciousness is something we shall consider in the next -chapters. If Tooley is right, those beings who do lack selfconsciousness -cannot be said to have a right to life, in the full -sense of 'right'. Still, for other reasons, it might be wrong to kill -them. In the present section we shall ask if the life of a being -who is conscious but not self-conscious has value, and if so, -how the value of such a life compares with the value of a -person's life. -Should We Value Conscious Life? -The most obvious reason for valuing the life of a being capable -of experiencing pleasure or pain is the pleasure it can experience. -If we value our own pleasures - like the pleasures of -eating, of sex, of running at full speed and of swimming on a -hot day - then the universal aspect of ethical judgments requires -us to extend our positive evaluation of our own experience of -these pleasures to the similar experiences of all who can experience -them. But death is the end of all pleasurable experiences. -Thus the fact that beings will experience pleasure in the -future is a reason for saying that it would be wrong to kill them. -Of course, a similar argument about pain points in the opposite -101 -Practical Ethics -direction, and it is only when we believe that the pleasure that -beings are likely to experience outweighs the pain they are likely -to suffer, that this argument counts against killing. So what this -amounts to is that ~e should not cut short a measap! .. ~. -This seems simple enough: we value pleasure, killing those -who lead pleasant lives eliminates the pleasure they would -otherwise experience, therefore such killing is wrong. But stating -the argument in this way conceals something that, once -noticed, makes the issue anything but simple. There are two -ways of reducing the amount of pleasure in the world: one is -to eliminate pleasures from the lives of those leading pleasant -lives; the other is to eliminate those leading pleasant lives. Th~ -former leaves behind beings who experience less pleasure than -they otherwise would have. The latter does not. This means -that we cannot move automatically from a preference for a -pleasant life rather than an unpleasant one, to a preference for -a pleasant life rather than no life at all. For, it might be objected, -being killed does not make us worse off; it makes us cease to -exist. Once we have ceased to exist, we shall not miss the pleasure -we would have experienced. -Perhaps this seems sophistical - an instance of the ability of -academic philosophers to find distinctions where there are no -significant differences. If that is what you think, consider the -opposite case: a case not of reducing pleasure, but of increasing -it. There are two ways of increasing the amount of pleasure in -the world: one is to increase the pleasure of those who now -exist; the other is to increase the number of those who will lead -pleasant lives. If killing those leading pleasant lives is bad because -of the loss of pleasure, then it would seem to be good to -increase the number of those leading pleasant lives. We could -do this by having more children, provided we could reasonably -expect their lives to be pleasant, or by rearing large numbers of -animals under conditions that would ensure that their lives -would be pleasant. But would it really be good to create more -pleasure by creating more pleased beings? -102 -What's Wrong with Killing? -There seem to be two possible approaches to these perplexing -issues. The first approach is simply to accept that it is good to -increase the amount of pleasure in the world by increasing the -number of pleasant lives, and bad to reduce the amount of -pleasure in the world by reducing the number of pleasant lives. -This approach has the advantage of being straightforward and -clearly consistent, but it requires us to hold that if we could -increase the number of beings leading pleasant lives without -making others worse off, it would be good to do so. To see -whether you are troubled by this conclusion, it may be helpful -to consider a specific case. Imagine that a couple are trying to -decide whether to have children. Suppose that as far as their -own happiness is concerned, the advantages and disadvantages -balance out. Children will interfere with their careers at a crucial -stage of their professional lives, and they will have to give up -their favourite recreation, cross-country skiing, for a few years -at least. At the same time, they know that, like most parents, -they will get joy and fulfilment from having children and watching -them develop. Suppose that if others will be affected, the -good and bad effects will cancel each other out. Finally, suppose -that since the couple could provide their children with a good -start in life, and the children would be citizens of a developed -nation with a high living standard, it is probable that their -children will lead pleasant lives. Should the couple count the -likely future pleasure of their children as a significant reason -for having children? I doubt that many couples would, but if -we accept this first approach, they should. -I shall call this approach the 'total' view since on this view -we aim to increase the total amount of pleasure (and reduce -the total amount of pain) and are indifferent whether this is -done by increasing the pleasure of existing beings, or increasing -the number of beings who exist. -The second approach is to count only beings who already -exist, prior to the decision we are taking, or at least will exist -independently of that decision. We can call this the 'prior ex- -103 -Practical Ethics -istence' view. It denies that there is value in increasing pleasure -by creating additional beings. The prior existence view is more -in harmony with the intuitive judgment most people have (I -think) that couples are under no moral obligation to have children -when the children are likely to lead pleasant lives and no -one else is adversely affected. But how do we square the prior -existence view with our intuitions about the reverse case, when -a couple are considering having a child who, perhaps because -it will inherit a genetic defect. would lead a thoroughly miserable -life and die before its second birthday? We would think -it wrong for a couple knowingly to conceive such a child; but -if the pleasure a possible child will experience is not a reason -for bringing it into the world, why is the pain a possible child / -will experience a reason against bringing it into the world? The -prior existence view must either hold that there is nothing -wrong with bringing a miserable being into the world, or explain -the asymmetry between cases of possible children who are likely -to have pleasant lives, and possible children who are likely to -have miserable lives. Denying that it is bad knowingly to bring -a miserable child into the world is hardly likely to appeal to -those who adopted the prior existence view in the first place -because it seemed more in harmony with their intuitive judgments -than the total view; but a convincing explanation of the -asymmetry is not easy to find. Perhaps the best one can say - -and it is not very good - is that there is nothing directly wrong -in conceiving a child who will be miserable, but once such a -child exists, since its life can contain nothing but misery, we -should reduce the amount of pain in the world by an act of -euthanasia. But euthanasia is a more harrowing process for the -parents and others involved than non-conception. Hence we -have an indirect reason for not conceiving a child bound to have -a miserable existence. -So is it wrong to cut short a pleasant life? We can hold that -it is, on either the total view or the prior existence view, but -our answers commit us to different things in each case. We can -104 -" -What's Wrong with Killing? -only take the prior existence approach if we accept that it is not -wrong to bring a miserable being into existence - or else offer -an explanation for why this should be wrong, and yet it not be -wrong to fail to bring into existence a being whose life will be -pleasant. Alternatively we can take the total approach, but then -we must accept that it is also good to create more beings whose -lives will be pleasant - and this has some odd practical implications. -Some of these implications we have already seen. Others -will become evident in the next chapter. -Comparing the Value of Different Lives -If we can give an affirmative - albeit somewhat shaky - anSWer -to the question whether the life of a being who is conscious but -not self-conscious has some value, can we also compare the -value of different lives, at different levels of consciousness or -self-consciousness? We are not, of course, going to attempt to -assign numerical values to the lives of different beings, or even -to produce an ordered list. The best that we could hope for is -some idea of the principles that, when supplemented with the -appropriate detailed information about the lives of different -beings, might serve as the basis for such a list. But the most -fundamental issue is whether we can accept the idea of ordering -the value of different lives at all. -Some say that it is anthropocentric, even speciesist, to order -the value of different lives in a hierarchical manner. If we do -so we shall, inevitably, be placing ourselves at the top and other -beings closer to us in proportion to the resemblance between -them and ourselves. Instead we should recognise that from the -points of view of the different beings themselves, each life is of -equal value. Those who take this view recognise, of course, that -a person's life may include the study of philosophy while a -mouse's life cannot; but they say that the pleasures of a mouse's -life are all that the mouse has, and so can be presumed to mean -as much to the mouse as the pleasures of a person's life mean -105 -Practical Ethics -to the person. We cannot say that the one is more or less valuable -than the other. -Is it speciesist to judge that the life of a normal adult member -of our species is more valuable than the life of a normal adult -mouse? It would be possible to defend such a judgment only if -we can find some neutral ground, some impartial standpoint -from which we can make the comparison. -The difficulty of finding neutral ground is a very real practical -difficulty, but I am not convinced that it presents an insoluble -theoretical problem. I would frame the question we need to ask -in the following manner. Imagine that I have the peculiar property -of being able to tum myself into an animal. so that like -Puck in A Midsummer-Night's Dream, 'Sometimes a horse I'll be, / -sometimes a hound: And suppose that when I am a horse, I -really am a horse, with all and only the mental experiences of -a horse, and when I am a human being I have all and only the -mental experiences of a human being. Now let us make the -additional supposition that I can enter a third state in which I -remember exactly what it was like to be a horse and exactly -what it was like to be a human being. What would this third -state be like? In some respects - the degree of self-awareness -and rationality involved, for instance - it might be more like a -human existence than an equine one, but it would not be a -human existence in every respect. In this third state, then, I -could compare horse-existence with human-existence. Suppose -that I were offered the opportunity of another life, and given -the choice of life as a horse or as a human being, the lives in -question being in each case about as good as horse or human -lives can reasonably be expected to be on this planet. I would -then be deciding, in effect, between the value of the life of a -horse (to the horse) and the value of the life of a human (to -the human). -Undoubtedly this scenario requires us to suppose a lot of -things that could never happen, and some things that strain our -imagination. The coherence of an existence in which one is -106 -what's Wrong with Killing? -neither a horse nor a human, but remembers what it was like -to be both, might be questioned. Nevertheless I think I can make -some sense of the idea of choosing from this position; and I am -fairly confident that from this position, some forms of life would -be seen as preferable to others. -If it is true that we can make sense of the choice between -existence as a mouse and existence as a human, then - whichever -way the choice would go - we can make sense of the idea -that the life of one kind of animal possesses greater value than -the life of another; and if this is so, then the claim that the life -of every being has equal value is on very weak ground. We -cannot defend this claim by saying that every being's life is allimportant -for it, since we have now accepted a comparison that -takes a more objective - or at least intersubjective - stance and -thus goes beyond the value of the life of a being considered -solely from the point of view of that being. -So it would not necessarily be speciesist to rank the value of -different lives in some hierarchical ordering. How we should go -about doing this is another question, and I have nothing better -to offer than the imaginative reconstruction of what it would -be like to be a different kind of being. Some comparisons may -be too difficult. We may have to say that we have not the -slightest idea whether it would be better to be a fish or a snake; -but then, we do not very often find ourselves forced to choose -between killing a fish or a snake. Other comparisons might not -be so difficult. In general it does seem that the more highly -developed the conscious life of the being, the greater the degree -of self-awareness and rationality and the broader the range of -possible experiences, the more one would prefer that kind of -life, if one were choosing between it and a being at a lower -level of awareness. Can utilitarians defend such a preference? -In a famous passage John Stuart Mill attempted to do so: -Few human creatures would consent to be changed into any of -the lower animals, for a promise of the fullest allowance of a -beast's pleasures; no intelligent human being would consent to -107 -Practical Ethics -be a fool. no instructed person would be an ignoramus, no person -of feeling and conscience would be selfish and base, even though -they should be persuaded that the fool. the dunce, or the rascal -is better satisfied with his lot than they are with theirs ... It is -better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better -to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool. -or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know -their own side ofthe question. The other party to the comparison -knows both sides. -As many critics have pointed out, this argument is weak. Does -Socrates really know what it is like to be a fool? Can he truly -experience the joys of idle pleasure in simple things, untroubled -by the desire to understand and improve the world? We may -doubt it. But another significant aspect of this passage is less/ -often noticed. Mill's argument for preferring the life of a human -being to that of an animal (with which most modem readers -would be quite comfortable) is exactly paralleled by his argument -for preferring the life of an intelligent human being to that -offool. Given the context and the way in which the term "fool" -was commonly used in his day, it seems likely that by this he -means what we would now refer to as a person with an intellectual -disability. With this further conclusion some modem -readers will be distinctly uncomfortable; but as Mill's argument -suggests, it is not easy to embrace the preference for the life of -a human over that of a non-human, without at the same time -endorsing a preference for the life of a normal human being -over that of another human at a similar intellectual level to that -of the non-human in the first comparison. -Mill's argument is difficult to reconcile with classical utilitarianism, -because it just does not seem true that the more intelligent -being necessarily has a greater capacity for happiness; and -even if we were to accept that the capacity is greater, the fact -that, as Mill acknowledges, this capacity is less often filled (the -fool is satisfied, Socrates is not) would have to be taken into -consideration. Would a preference utilitarian have a better prospect -of defending the judgments Mill makes? That would de- -108 -I -I -I -I ' -What's Wrong with Killing? -pend on how we compare different preferences, held with -differing degrees of awareness and self-consciousness. It does -not seem impossible that we should find ways of ranking such -different preferences, but at this stage the question remains -open. -This chapter has focussed on the killing of conscious beings. -Whether there is anything wrong about taking non-conscious -life - the lives of trees or plants, for instance - will be taken up -in Chapter 10, on environmental ethics. -109 -5 -TAKING LIFE: ANIMALS -I N Chapter 4 we examined some general principles about the -value of life. In this and the following two chapters we shall -draw from that discussion some conclusions about three cases -of killing that have been the subject of heated debate: abortion, -euthanasia, and killing animals. Of these three, the question of / -killing animals has probably aroused the least controversy; -nevertheless, for reasons that will become clear later, it is impossible -to defend a position on abortion and euthanasia without -taking some view about the killing of non-human animals. -So we shall look at that question first. -CAN A NON-HUMAN ANIMAL BE A PERSON? -We have seen that there are reasons for holding that the killing -of a person is more seriously wrong than the killing of a being -who is not a person. This is true whether we accept preference -utilitarianism, Tooley's argument about the right to life, or the -principle of respect for autonomy. Even a classical utilitarian -would say that there may be indirect reasons why it is worse -to kill a person. So in discussing the wrongness of killing nonhuman -animals it is important to ask if any of them are persons. -It sounds odd to call an animal a person. This oddness may -be no more than a symptom of our habit of keeping our own -species sharply separated from others. In any case, we can avoid -the linguistic oddness by rephrasing the question in accordance -with our definition of 'person'. What we are really asking -is whether any non-human animals are rational and self- -IlO -Taking Life: Animals -conscious beings, aware of themselves as distinct entities with -a past and a future. -Are animals self-conscious? There is now solid evidence that -some are. Perhaps the most dramatic evidence comes from apes -who can communicate with us using a human language. The -ancient dream of teaching our language to another species was -realised when two American scientists, Allen and Beatrice Gardner, -guessed that the failure of previous attempts to teach chimpanzees -to talk was due to the chimpanzees' lacking, not the -intelligence required for using language, but the vocal equipment -needed to reproduce the sounds of human language. The -Gardners therefore decided to treat a young chimpanzee as if -she were a human baby without vocal chords. They communicated -with her, and with each other when in her presence, -by using American Sign Language, a language widely used by -deaf people. -The technique was a striking success. The chimpanzee, whom -they called 'Washoe', learned to understand about 350 different -signs, and to use about 150 of them correctly. She put signs -together to form simple sentences. As for self-consciousness, -Washoe does not hesitate, when shown her own image in a -mirror and asked 'Who is that?' to reply: 'Me, Washoe: Later -Washoe moved to Ellensburg, Washington, where she lived -with other chimpanzees under the care of Roger and Deborah -Fouts. Here she adopted an infant chimpanzee and soon began -not only signing to him, but even deliberately teaching him -signs, for example, by moulding his hands into the sign for 'food' -in an appropriate context. -Gorillas appear to be as good as chimpanzees at learning sign -language. Almost twenty years ago Francine Patterson began -signing and also speaking English with Koko, a lowland gorilla. -Koko now has a working vocabulary of over 500 signs, and she -has used about 1000 signs correctly on one or more occasions. -She understands an even larger number of spoken English -words. Her companion MichaeL who began to be exposed to -III -Pradical Ethics -signs at a later age, has used about 400 signs. In front of a -mirror, Koko will make faces, or examine her teeth. When -asked: 'What's a smart gorilla?' Koko responded: 'Me: When -someone remarked of Koko, in her presence, 'She's a goofball!' -Koko (perhaps not understanding the term) signed: 'No, gorilla: -An orangutan, Chantek, has been taught sign language by -Lyn Miles. When shown a photograph of a gorilla pointing to -her nose, Chantek was able to imitate the gorilla by pointing -to his own nose. This implies that he has an image of his own -body and can transfer that image from the two-dimensional -plane of the visual image to perform the necessary bodily action. -Apes also use signs to refer to past or future events, thus -showing a sense of time. Koko, for example, when asked, si,i -days after the event, what had happened on her birthday, signed -'sleep eat'. Even more impressive is the evidence of temporal -sense shown by the regular festivities held by the Fouts for the -chimpanzees at Ellensburg. Each year, after Thanksgiving, -Roger and Deborah Fouts set up a Christmas tree, covered with -edible ornaments. The chimpanzees use the sign combination -'candy tree' to refer to the Christmas tree. In 1989, when snow -began to fall just after Thanksgiving but the tree had not yet -appeared, a chimpanzee named Tatu asked 'Candy tree?' The -Fouts interpret this as showing not only that Tatu remembered -the tree, but also that she knew that this was the season for it. -Later Tatu also remembered that the birthday of one of the -chimpanzees, Dar, followed closely on that of Deborah Fouts. -The chimpanzees got ice cream for their birthdays; and after -the festivities for Deborah's birthday were over, Tatu asked: 'Dar -ice cream?' -Suppose that on the basis of such evidence we accept that -the signing apes are self-conscious. Are they exceptional among -all the non-human animals in this respect, precisely because -they can use language? Or is it merely that language enables -these animals to demonstrate to us a characteristic that they, -and other animals, possessed all along? -112 -Taking Life: Animals -Some philosophers have argued that thinking requires language: -one cannot think without formulating one's thoughts in -words. The Oxford philosopher Stuart Hampshire, for example, -has written: -The difference here between a human being and an animal lies -in the possibility of the human being expressing his intention -and putting into words his intention to do so-and-so, for his own -benefit or for the benefit of others. The difference is not merely -that an animal in fact has no means of communicating, or of -recording for itself, its intention, with the effect that no one can -ever know what the intention was. It is a stronger difference, -which is more correctly expressed as the senselessness of attributing -intentions to an animal which has not the means to reflect -upon, and to announce to itself or to others, its own future -behaviour ... It would be senseless to attribute to an animal a -memory that distinguished the order of events in the past, and -it would be senseless to attribute to it an expectation of an order -of events in the future. It does not have the concepts of order, -or any concepts at all. -Obviously Hampshire was wrong to distinguish so crudely between -humans and animals; for as we have just seen, the signing -apes have clearly shown that they do have 'an expectation of -an order of events in the future: But Hampshire wrote before -apes had learned to use sign language, so this lapse may be -excusable. The same cannot be said for the much later defence -of the same view by another English philosopher, Michael -Leahy, in a book entitled Against Liberation. Like Hampshire, -Leahy argues that animals, lacking language, cannot have intentions, -or act 'for a reason: -Suppose that such arguments were to be re-phrased so that -they referred to animals who have not learned to use a language, -rather than all animals. Would they then be correct? If so, no -being without language can be a person. This applies, presumably, -to young humans as well as to non-signing animals. It -might be argued that many species of animals do use language, -just not our language. Certainly most social animals have some -113 -Practical Ethics -means of communicating with each other, whether it be the -melodious songs of the humpback whales, the buzzes and whistles -of dolphins, the howls and barks of dogs, the songs of birds, -and even the dance performed by honey bees returning to the -hive, from which other bees learn the distance and direction of -the food source from which the bee has come. But whether any -of these amount to language, in the required sense, is doubtful; -and since it would take us too far from our topic to pursue that -issue, I shall assume that they do not, and consider what can -be learned from the non-linguistic behaviour of animals. -Is the line of argument that denies intentional behaviour to -animals sound when it is limited to animals without language? -I do not believe that it is. Hampshire's and Leahy's arguments -are typical of those of many philosophers who have written -along similar lines, in that they are attempts to do philosophy -from the armchair, on a topic that demands investigation in the -real world. There is nothing altogether inconceivable about a -being possessing the capacity for conceptual thought without -having a language and there are instances of animal behaviour -that are extraordinarily difficult, if not downright impossible, -to explain except under the assumption that the animals are -thinking conceptually. In one experiment, for example, German -researchers presented a chimpanzee named Julia with two series -of five closed and transparent containers. At the end of one -series was a box with a banana; the box at the end of the other -series was empty. The box containing the banana could only -be opened with a distinctively shaped key; this was apparent -from looking at the box. This key could be seen inside another -locked box; and to open that box, Julia needed another distinctive -key, which had to be taken out of a third box which -could only be opened with its own key, which was inside a -fourth locked box. Finally, in front of Julia, were two initial -boxes, open and each containing a distinctive key. Julia was -able to choose the correct initial key, by which she could open -the next box in the series that led, eventually, to the box with -114 -Taking Life: Animals -the banana. To do this, she must have been able to reason -backwards from her desire to open the box with the banana to -her need to have the key that would open it, to her need for -the key that would open that box, and so on. Since Julia had -not been taught any form of language, her behaviour proves -that beings without language can think in quite complex ways. -Nor is it only in laboratory experiments that the behaviour -of animals points to the conclusion that they possess both memory -of the past and expectations about the future, and that they -are self-aware, that they form intentions and act on them. Frans -de Waal and his colleagues have for several years watched chimpanzees -living in semi-natural conditions in two acres of forest -at Amsterdam Zoo. They have often observed co-operating activity -that requires planning. For example, the chimpanzees like -to climb the trees and break off branches, so that they can eat -the leaves. To prevent the rapid destruction of the small forest, -the zookeepers have placed electric fencing around the trunk -of the trees. The chimpanzees overcome this by breaking large -branches from dead trees (which have no fences around them) -and dragging them to the base of a live tree. One chimpanzee -then holds the dead branch while another climbs up it, over -the fence and into the tree. The chimpanzee who gets into the -tree in this way shares the leaves thus obtained with the one -holding the branch. -De Waal has also observed deliberately deceptive behaviour -that clearly shows both self-consciousness and an awareness of -the consciousness of another. Chimpanzees live in groups in -which one male will be dominant and will attack other males -Who mate with receptive females. Despite this, a good deal of -sexual activity goes on when the dominant male is not watching. -Male chimpanzees often seek to interest females in sexual activity -by sitting with their legs apart, displaying their erect penis. -(Human males who expose themselves in a similar way are -continuing a form of chimpanzee behaviour that has become -SOcially inappropriate.) On one occasion a junior male was en- -115 -Practical Ethics -tieing a female in this manner when the dominant male walked -over. The junior male covered his erection with his hands so -that the dominant male could not see it. -Jane Goodall has described an incident showing forward -planning by Figan, a young wild chimpanzee in the Gombe -region of Tanzania. In order to bring the animals closer to her -observation post, Goodall had hidden some bananas in a tree: -One day, sometime after the group had been fed, Figan spotted -a banana that had been overlooked - but Goliath [an adult male -ranking above Figan in the group's hierarchy] was resting directly -underneath it. After no more than a quick glance from the fruit -to Goliath, Figan moved away and sat on the other side of the -tent so that he could no longer see the fruit. Fifteen minutes -later, when Goliath got up and left, Figan without a moment's -hesitation went over and collected the banana. Quite obviously -he had sized up the whole situation: if he had climbed for the -fruit earlier, Goliath would almost certainly have snatched it -away. If he had remained close to the banana, he would probably -have looked at it from time to time. Chimps are very quick to -notice and interpret the eye movements of their fellows, and -Goliath would possibly, therefore, have seen the fruit himself. -And so Figan had not only refrained from instantly gratifying his -desire but had also gone away so that he could not 'give the -game away' by looking at the banana. -Goodall's description of this episode does, of course, attribute -to Figan a complex set of intentions, including the intention to -avoid 'giving the game away' and the intention to obtain the -banana after Goliath's departure. It also attributes to Figan an -'expectation of an order of events in the future', namely the -expectatiGll that Goliath would move away, that the banana -would still be there, and that he, Figan, would then go and get -it. Yet there seems nothing at all 'senseless' about these attributions, -despite the fact that Figan cannot put his intentions or -expectations into words. If an animal can devise a careful plan -for obtaining a banana, not now but at some future time, and -can take precautions against his own propensity to give away -116 -I -I I, -~ -,i -! -Taking Life: Animals -the object of the plan, that animal must be aware of himself as -a distinct entity, existing over time. -KILLING NONĀ· HUMAN PERSONS -Some non-human animals are persons, as we have defined the -term. To judge the significance of this we must set it in the -context of our earlier discussion, in whieh I argued that the only -defensible version of the doctrine of the sanctity of human life -was what we might call the 'doctrine ofthe sanctity of personal -life'. I suggested that if human life does have special value or a -special claim to be protected, it has it in so far as most, human -beings are persons. But if some non-human animals are persons, -too, the lives of those animals must have the same special value -or claim to protection. Whether we base these special moral -features of the lives of human persons on preferential utilitarianism, -on a right to life deriving from their capacity to see -themselves as continuing selves, or on respect for autonomy, -these arguments must apply to non-human persons as well. -Only the indirect utilitarian reason for not killing persons - the -fear that such acts are likely to arouse in other persons - applies -less readily to non-human persons since non-humans are less -likely than humans to learn about killings that take place at a -distance from them. But then, this reason does not apply to all -killings of human persons either, since it is possible to kill in -such a way that no one learns that a person has been killed. -Hence we should reject the doctrine that places the lives of -members of our species above the lives of members of other -species. Some members of other species are persons: some members -of our own species are not. No objective assessment can -support the view that it is always worse to kill members of our -species who are not persons than members of other species who -are. On the contrary, as we have seen there are strong arguments -for thinking that to take the lives of persons is, in itself, more -serious than taking the lives of non-persons. So it seems that -117 -Practical Ethics -killing, say, a chimpanzee is worse than the killing of a human -being who, because of a congenital intellectual disability, is not -and never can be a person. -At present the killing of a chimpanzee is not regarded as a -serious matter. Large numbers of chimpanzees are used in scientific -research, and many of them die in the course of this -research. For many years, because chimpanzees were difficult -to breed in captivity, the corporations that supplied these animals -captured them in African jungles. The standard method -was to shoot a female with an infant by her side. The infant -was then captured and shipped to Europe and the United States. -Jane Goodall has estimated that for every infant who reached -/ his or her destination alive, six chimpanzees died. Although -chimpanzees have been placed on the threatened list, and this -trade has now been banned, illegal killing and trading of chimpanzees, -and of gorillas and orangutans, still continues. -The great apes - chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans - may -be the clearest cases of non-human persons, but there are almost -certainly others. Systematic observation of whales and dolphins -has, for obvious reasons, lagged far behind that of apes, and it -is quite possible that these large-brained mammals will tum out -to be rational and self-conscious. Despite an official moratorium, -the whaling industry slaughters thousands of whales annually -in the name of 'research', and the whaling nations are seeking -to overturn the International Whaling Commission's moratorium -so that they can return to full-scale commercial whaling. -Closer to home, many of those who live with dogs and cats are -convinced that these animals are self-conscious and have a sense -of the future. They begin to expect their companion human -being to come home at a certain time. In her book Emma and -I, Sheila Hocken relates how her guide-dog spontaneously began -to take her, every Friday, to the places where she did her -weekend shopping, without needing to be told the day. People -who feed feral cats on a weekly basis have found that they, too, -will tum up on the right day of the week. Such observations -118 -Taking Life: Animals -may be 'unscientific', but to those who know dogs and cats well -they are plausible and in the absence of better studies they -should be taken seriously. According to official United States -Department of Agriculture figures, approximately 140,000 dogs -and 42,000 cats die in laboratories in the United States each -year, and smaller but still sizeable numbers are used in every -'developed' nation. And if dogs and cats qualify as persons, the -mammals we use for food cannot be far behind. We think of -dogs as being more like people than pigs; but pigs are highly -intelligent animals and if we kept pigs as pets and reared dogs -for food, we would probably reverse our order of preference. -Are we turning persons into bacon? -Admittedly, all this is speculative. It is notoriously difficult to -establish when another being is self-conscious. But if it is wrong -to kill a person when we can avoid doing so, and there is real -doubt about whether a being we are thinking of killing is a -person, we should give that being the benefit of the doubt. The -rule here is the same as that among deer hunters: if you see -something moving in the bushes and are not sure if it is a deer -or a hunter, don't shoot! (We may think the hunters shouldn't -shoot in either case, but the rule is a sound one within the -ethical framework hunters use.) On these grounds, a great deal -of the killing of non-human animals must be condemned. -KILLING OTHER ANIMALS -Arguments against killing based on the capacity to see oneself -as an individual existing over time apply to some non-human -animals, but there are others who, though presumably conscious, -cannot plausibly be said to be persons. Of those animals -that humans regularly kill in large numbers, fish appear to be -the clearest case of animals who are conscious but not persons. -The rightness or wrongness of killing these animals seems to -rest on utilitarian considerations, for they are not autonomous -119 -Practical Ethics -and - at least if Tooley's analysis of rights is correct - do not -qualify for a right to life. -Before we discuss the utilitarian approach to killing itself, we -should remind ourselves that a wide variety of indirect reasons -will figure in the utilitarian's calculations. Many modes of killing -used on animals do not inflict an instantaneous death, so there -is pain in the process of dying. There is also the effect of the -death of one animal on his or her mate or other members of -the animal's social group. There are many species of birds in -which the bond between male and female lasts for a lifetime. -The death of one member of this pair presumably causes distress, -and a sense of loss and sorrow for the survivor. The mother- -/ child relationship in mammals can be a source of intense suffering -if either is killed or taken away. (Dairy farmers routinely -remove calves from their mothers at an early age, so that the -milk will be available for humans; anyone who has lived on a -dairy farm will know that, for days after the calves have gone, -the cows keep calling for them.) In some species the death of -one animal may be felt by a larger group - as the behaviour of -wolves and elephants suggests. All these factors would lead the -utilitarian to oppose a lot of killing of animals, whether or not -the animals are persons. These factors would not, however, be -reasons for opposing killing non-persons in itself, apart from -the pain and suffering it may cause. -The utilitarian verdict on killing that is painless and causes -no loss to others is more complicated, because it depends on -how we choose between the two versions of utilitarianism outlined -in the previous chapter. If we take what I called the 'prior -existence' view, we shall hold that it is wrong to kill any being -whose life is likely to contain, or can be brought to contain, -more pleasure than pain. This view implies that it is normally -wrong to kill animals for food, since usually we could bring it -about that these animals had a few pleasant months or even -years before they died - and the pleasure we get from eating -them would not outweigh this. -120 -Taking Life: Animals -The other version of utilitarianism - the 'total' view - can -lead to a different outcome that has been used to justify meateating. -The nineteenth-century British political philosopher Leslie -Stephen once wrote: -'Of all the arguments for Vegetarianism none is so weak as -the argument from humanity. The pig has a stronger interest -than anyone in the demand for bacon. If all the world were -Jewish, there would be no pigs at all: -Stephen views animals as if they were replaceable, and with -this those who accept the total view must agree. The total version -of utilitarianism regards sentient beings as valuable only -in so far as they make possible the existence of intrinsically -valuable experiences like pleasure. It is as if sentient beings are -receptacles of something valuable and it does not matter if a -receptacle gets broken, so long as there is another receptacle to -which the contents can be transferred without any getting spilt. -(This metaphor should not be taken too seriously, however; -unlike precious liquids, experiences like pleasure cannot exist -independently from a conscious being, and so even on the total -view, sentient beings cannot properly be thought of merely as -receptacles.) Stephen's argument is that although meat-eaters -are responsible for the death of the animal they eat and for the -loss of pleasure experienced by that animaL they are also responsible -for the creation of more animals, since if no one ate -meat there would be no more animals bred for fattening. The -loss meat-eaters inflict on one animal is thus balanced, on the -total view, by the benefit they confer on the next. We may call -this 'the replaceability argument'. -The first point to note about the replaceability argument is -that even if it is valid when the animals in question have a -pleasant life it would not justify eating the flesh of animals reared -in modem factory farms, where the animals are so crowded -together and restricted in their movements that their lives seem -to be more of a burden than a benefit to them. -A second point is that if it is good to create happy life, then -121 -Practical Ethics -presumably it is good for there to be as many happy beings on -our planet as it can possibly hold. Defenders of meat -eating had -better hope that they can find a reason why it is better for there -to be happy people rather than just the maximum possible number -of happy beings, because otherwise the argument might -imply that we should eliminate almost all human beings in order -to make way for much larger numbers of smaller happy animals. -If, however, the defenders of meat-eating do come up with a -reason for preferring the creation of happy people to, say, happy -mice, then their argument will not support meat-eating at all. -For with the possible exception of arid areas suitable only for -pasture, the surface of our globe can support more people if we -grow plant foods than if we raise animals. . -These two points greatly weaken the replaceability argument -as a defence of meat-eating, but they do not go to the heart of -the matter. Are some sentient beings really replaceable? The -response to the first edition of this book suggests that the replaceability -argument is probably the most controversial, and -widely criticised, argument in this book. Unfortunately none of -the critics have offered satisfactory alternative solutions to the -underlying problems to which replaceability offers one - if not -very congenial- answer. -Henry Salt, a nineteenth-century English vegetarian and author -of a book called Animals' Rights thought that the argument -rested on a simple philosophical error: -The fallacy lies in the confusion of thought that attempts to -compare existence with non-existence. A person who is already -in existence may feel that he would rather have lived than not, -but he must first have the terra firma of existence to argue from: -the moment he begins to argue as if from the abyss of the nonexistent, -he talks nonsense, by predicating good or evil, happiness -or unhappiness, of that of which we can predicate nothing. -When I wrote the first edition of Animal Liberation I accepted -Salt's view. I thought that it was absurd to talk as if one conferred -a favour on a being by bringing it into existence, since -122 -Taking Life: Animals -at the time one confers this favour, there is no being at all. But -now I am less confident. After all, as we saw in Chapter 4, we -do seem to do something bad if we knowingly bring a miserable -being into existence, and if this is so, it is difficult to explain -why we do not do something good when we knowingly bring -a happy being into existence. -Derek Parfit has described another hypothetical situation that -amounts to an even stronger case for the replaceability view. -He asks us to imagine that two women are each planning to -have a child. The first woman is already three months pregnant -when her doctor gives her both bad and good news. The bad -news is that the fetus she is carrying has a defect that will -significantly diminish the future child's quality oflife - although -not so adversely as to make the child's life utterly miserable, or -not worth living at all. The good news is that this defect is easily -treatable. All the woman has to do is take a pill that will have -no side-effects, and the future child will not have the defect. In -) -this situation, Parfit plausibly suggests, we would all agree that -the woman should take the pill, and that she does wrong if she -refuses to take it. -The second woman sees her doctor before she is pregnant, -when she is about to stop using contraception, and also receives -bad and good news. The bad news is that she has a medical -condition that has the effect that if she conceives a child within -the next three months, that child will have a significant defect -- with exactly the same impact on the child's quality of life as -the defect described in the previous paragraph. This defect is -not treatable, but the good news is that the woman's condition -is a temporary one, and if she waits three months before becoming -pregnant, her child will not have the defect. Here too, -Parfit suggests, we would all agree that the woman should wait -before becoming pregnant, and that she does wrong if she does -not wait. -Suppose that the first woman does not take the pill, and the -second woman does not wait before becoming pregnant, and -123 -Practical Ethics -that as a result each has a child with a significant disability. It -would seem that they have each done something wrong. Are -their wrong-doings of equal magnitude? If we assume that it -would have been no greater hardship for the second woman to -wait three months before becoming pregnant than it would have -been for the first woman to take the pill, it would seem that -the answer is yes, what each has done is equally wrong. But -now consider what this answer implies. The first woman has -harmed her child. That child can say to her mother: 'You should -have taken the pill. If you had done so, I would not now have -this disability, and my life would be significantly better: But if -the child of the second woman tries to make the same claim, -her mother has a devastating response. She can say: 'If I had / -waited three months before becoming pregnant you would -never have existed. I would have produced another child, from -a different egg and different sperm. Your life, even with your -disability, is definitely above the point at which life is so miserable -that it ceases to be worth living. You never had a chance -of existing without the disability. So I have not harmed you at -all: This reply seems a complete defence to the charge of having -harmed the child now in existence. If, despite this, we persist -in our belief that it was wrong of the woman not to postpone -her pregnancy, where does the wrongness lie? It cannot lie in -bringing into existence the child to whom she gave birth, for -that child has an adequate quality of life. Could it lie in not -bringing a possible being into existence - to be precise, in not -bringing into existence the child she would have had if she had -waited three months? This is one possible answer, but it commits -us to the total view, and implies that, other things being -equal, it is good to bring into existence children without disabilities. -A third possibility is that the wrong-doing lies, not in -harming an identifiable child, nor simply in omitting to bring -a possible child into existence, but in bringing into existence a -child with a less satisfactory quality of life than another child -whom one could have brought into existence. In other words, -124 -I -: ! -I -" ~t :.'~ .. ' .ā€¢... -'~~r-' tf -Taking Life: Animals -we have failed to bring about the best possible outcome. This -last seems the most plausible answer, but it too suggests that at -least possible people are replaceable. The question then becomes -this: At what stage in the process that passes from possible -people to actual people does replaceability cease to apply? What -characteristic makes the difference? -If we think of living creatures - human or non-human - as -self-conscious individuals, leading their own lives and wanting -to go on living, the replace ability argument holds little appeal. -It is possible that when Salt so emphatically rejected the idea -of replaceability, he was thinking of such beings, for he concludes -the essay quoted above by claiming that Lucretius long -ago refuted Stephen's 'vulgar sophism' in the following passage -of De Rerum Natura: -What loss were ours, if we had known not birth? -Let living men to longer life aspire, -While fond affection binds their hearts to earth: -But who never hath tasted life's desire, -Unborn, impersonal, can feel no dearth. -This passage supports the claim that there is a difference between -killing living beings who 'to longer life aspire' and failing to -create a being who, unborn and impersonal, can feel no loss of -life. But what of beings who, though alive, cannot aspire to -longer life, because they lack the conception of themselves as -living beings with a future? These being are, in a sense, 'impersonal'. -Perhaps, therefore, in killing them, one does them -no personal wrong, although one does reduce the quantity of -happiness in the universe. But this wrong, if it is wrong, can -be counter-balanced by bringing into existence similar beings -who will lead equally happy lives. So perhaps the capacity to -see oneself as existing over time, and thus to aspire to longer -life (as well as to have other non-momentary, future-directed -interests) is the characteristic that marks out those beings who -cannot be considered replaceable. -Although we shall return to this topic in the next two chap- -125 -Practical Ethics -ters, we can note here that this conclusion is in harmony with -Tooley's views about what it takes to have a right to life. For a -preference utilitarian, concerned with the satisfaction of preferences -rather than experiences of suffering or happiness, there -is a similar fit with the distinction already drawn between killing -those who are rational and self-conscious beings, and those who -are not. Rational, self-conscious beings are individuals, leading -lives of their own and cannot in any sense be regarded merely -as receptacles for containing a certain quantity of happiness. -They have, in the words of the American philosopher James -Rachels, a life that is biographical, and not merely biological. -In contrast, beings who are conscious, but not self-conscious, -more nearly approximate the picture of receptacles for experi- / -ences of pleasure and pain, because their preferences will be of -a more immediate sort. They will not have desires that project -their images of their own existence into the future. Their conscious -states are not internally linked over time. We can presume -that if fish become unconscious, then before the loss of consciousness -they would have no expectations or desires for anything -that might happen subsequently, and if they regain -consciousness, they have no awareness of having previously -existed. Therefore if the fish were killed while unconscious and -replaced by a similar number of other fish who could be created -only because the first group of fish were killed, there would, -from the perspective of fishy awareness, be no difference between -that and the same fish losing and regaining consciousness. -For a non-self-conscious being death is the cessation of experiences, -in much the same way that birth is the beginning of -experiences. Death cannot be contrary to an interest in continued -life, any more than birth could be in accordance with an -interest in commencing life. To this extent, with non-selfconscious -life, birth and death cancel each other out; whereas -with self-conscious beings the fact that once self-conscious one -126 -Taking Life: Animals -may desire to continue living means that death inflicts a loss -for which the birth of another is insufficient compensation. -The test of universalisability supports this view. If I imagine -myself in tum as a self-conscious being and a conscious but not -self-conscious being, it is only in the former case that I could -have forward-looking desires that extend beyond periods of -sleep or temporary unconsciousness, for example a desire to -complete my studies, a desire to have children, or simply a desire -to go on living, in addition to desires for immediate satisfaction -or pleasure, or to get out of painful or distressing situations. -Hence it is only in the former case that my death involves a -greater loss than just a temporary loss of consciousness, and is -not adequately compensated for by the creation of a being with -similar prospects of pleasurable experiences. -In reviewing the first edition of this book H. L. A. Hart, formerly -professor of jurisprudence at the University of Oxford, -suggested' that for a utilitarian, self-conscious beings must be -replaceable in just the same way as non-self-conscious beings -are. Whether one is a preference utilitarian or a classical utilitarian -will, in Hart's view, make no difference here, because -preference Utilitarianism is after all a form of maximizing utilitarianism: -it requires that the overall satisfaction of different persons' -preferences be maximized just as Classical Utilitarianianism -requires overall experienced happiness to be maximized ... If -preferences, even the desire to live, may be outweighed by the -preferences of others, why cannot they be outweighed by new -preferences created to take their place? -It is of course true that preference utilitarianism is a form of -maximising utilitarianism in the sense that it directs us to maximise -the satisfaction of preferences, but Hart is on weaker -ground when he suggests that this must mean that existing -preferences can be outweighed by new preferences created to -take their place. For while the satisfaction of an existing preference -is a good thing, the package deal that involves creating -127 -Pradical Ethics -and then satisfying a preference need not be thought of as equivalent -to it. Again, universalisability supports this way of conceiving -preference utilitarianism. If I put myself in the place of -another with an unsatisfied preference, and ask myself if I want -that preference satisfied, the answer is (tautologically) yes. If, -however, I ask myself whether I wish to have a new preference -created that can then be satisfied, I will be quite uncertain. If I -think of a case in which the satisfaction of the preference will -be highly pleasurable, I may say yes. (We are glad that we are -hungry if delicious food is on the table before us, and strong -sexual desires are fine when we are able to satisfy them.) But -if I think of the creation of a preference that is more like a -privation, I will say no. (We don't cause ourselves headaches / -simply in order to be able to take aspirin and thus satisfy our -desire to be free of the pain.) This suggests that the creation and -satisfaction of a preference is in itself neither good nor bad: our -response to the idea of the creation and satisfaction of a preference -varies according to whether the experience as a whole -will be desirable or undesirable, in terms of other, long-standing -preferences we may have, for example for pleasure rather than -pain. -Exactly how preference utilitarianism ought to evaluate the -creation and satisfaction of a preference, as distinct from the -satisfaction of an existing preference, is a difficult issue. In my -initial response to Hart's criticism, I suggested that we think of -the creation of an unsatisfied preference as putting a debit in a -kind of moral ledger that is merely cancelled out by the satisfaction -of the preference. (Some will see in this model confirmation -of Marx's scornful remark that Bentham's utilitarianism -is a philosophy suitable for a nation of shopkeepers!) The 'moral -ledger' model has the advantage of explaining the puzzling -asymmetry mentioned in the previous chapter, in connection -with the difference between the total and the prior existence -interpretations of utilitarianism. We consider it wrong to bring -into existence a child who, because of a genetic defect, will lead -128 -I -I -f -I -Taking Life: Animals -a thoroughly miserable existence for a year or two and then -die; yet we do not consider it good or obligatory to bring into -existence a child who, in all probability, will lead a happy life. -The 'debit' view of preferences just outlined would explain why -this should be so: to bring into existence a child, most of whose -preferences we will be unable to satisfy, is to create a debit that -we cannot cancel. This is wrong. To create a child whose preferences -will be able to be satisfied, is to create a debit that can -be cancelled. This is, in itself, I thought, ethically neutral. The -model can also explain why, in Parfit's example, what the two -women do is equally wrong - for both quite unnecessarily bring -into existence a child who is likely to have a larger negative -balance in the ledger than a child they could have brought into -existence. -Unfortunately, this same view carries a less desirable implication: -it makes it wrong, other things being equal, to bring -into existence a child- who will on the whole be very happy, -and will be able to satisfy nearly all of her preferences, but will -still have some preferences unsatisfied. For if the creation of -each preference is a debit that is cancelled only when the desire -is satisfied, even the best life will, taken in itself, leave a small -debit in the ledger. Since everyone has some unsatisfied desires, -the conclusion to be drawn is that it would have been better if -none of us had been born. Thus the moral ledger model of -creating and satisfying a preference will not do. It might be -saved by attaching to it a stipulation that sets a given level of -preference satisfaction, below complete satisfaction, as a minimum -for overcoming the negative entry opened by the creation -of a being with unsatisfied preferences. This might be the level -at which we consider a life ceases to be worth living, from the -perspective of the person leading that life. Such a solution seems -a little ad hoc, but it may be possible to incorporate it into a -plausible version of preference utilitarianism. -Another possibility is to take our model from Shakespeare, -Who speaks of 'life's uncertain voyage', and see the lives of self- -129 -Practical Ethics -conscious beings as arduous and uncertain journeys, at different -stages, in which various amounts of hope and desire, as well -as time and effort have been invested in order to reach particular -goals or destinations. Suppose that I am thinking of travelling -to Nepal, where I plan to trek to Thyangboche Monastery, at -the base of Mt. Everest. I have always loved high mountains, -and I know that I would enjoy being in the Himalayas for the -first time. If during these early days of musing on the possibility -of such a trip an insuperable obstacle arises - perhaps the Nepalese -government bans tourism on the grounds that it is an -environmental hazard - I will be a little put out, naturally, but -my disappointment will be nothing compared with what it -would have been if I had already arranged to take the necessary / -time off work, perhaps bought a non-refundable plane ticket to -Kathmandu, or even trekked a long distance towards my destination, -before being barred from reaching my goal. Similarly, -one can regard a decision not to bring an infant into the world -as akin to preventing a journey from getting underway, but this -is not in itself seriously wrong, for the voyager has made no -plans and set no goals. Gradually, as goals are set, even if tentatively, -and a lot is done in order to increase the probability -of the goals being reached, the wrongness of bringing the journey -to a premature end increases. Towards the end of life, when -most things that might have been achieved have either been -done, or are now unlikely to be accomplished, the loss of life -may again be less of tragedy than it would have been at an -earlier stage of life. -The great virtue of this 'journey' model of a life is that it can -explain why beings who can conceive of their own future existence -and have embarked on their life journey are not replaceable, -while at the same it can account for why it is wrong -to bring a miserable being into existence. To do so is to send a -being out on a journey that is doomed to disappointment and -frustration. The model also offers a natural explanation of why -Parfit's two women both do wrong, and to an equal degree: -130 -! ,) -Taking Life: Animals -they both quite unnecessarily send out voyagers with fewer -prospects of making a successful journey than other voyagers -whom they might have placed at the starting line. The women's -children can be thought of as replaceable before the journey -begins, but this does not require us to hold that there is an -obligation to bring more children into existence, let alone to -regard people as replaceable once life's journey has properly -begun. -Both the modified moral ledger model and the journey model -are metaphors, and should not be taken too literally. At best -they suggest ways of thinking about when beings might be -considered replaceable, and when they might not be so considered. -As I indicated in the Preface, this is an area in which fully -satisfactory answers are still to be found. -Before we leave the topic of killing non-self-conscious beings, -I should emphasise that to take the view that non-self-conscious -beings are replaceable is not to say that their interests do not -count. I hope that the third chapter of this book makes it clear -that their interests do count. As long as sentIent beings are -conscious, they have an interest in experiencing as much pleasure -and as little pain as possible. Sentience suffices to place a -being within the sphere of equal consideration of interests; but -it does not mean that the being has a personal interest in continuing -to live. -CONCLUSIONS -If the arguments in this chapter are correct, there is no single -answer to the question: 'Is it normally wrong to take the life of -an animal?' The term 'animal' - even in the restricted sense of -'non-human animal' - covers too diverse a range of lives for -one principle to apply to all of them. -Some non-human animals appear to be rational and selfconscious, -conceiving themselves as distinct beings with a past -and a future. When this is so, or to the best of our knowledge -131 -Practical Ethics -may be so, the case against killing is strong, as strong as the -case against killing permanently intellectually disabled human -beings at a similar mental level. (I have in mind here the direct -reasons against killing; the effects on relatives of the intellectually -disabled human will sometimes - but not always - constitute -additional indirect reasons against killing the human. For -further discussion of this issue, see Chapter 7.) -In the present state of our knowledge, this strong case against -killing can be invoked most categorically against the slaughter -of chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans. On the basis of what -we now know about these near-relatives of ours, we should -immediately extend to them the same full protection against -being killed that we extend now to all human beings. A case -can also be made, though with varying degrees of confidence, -on behalf of whales, dolphins, monkeys, dogs, cats, pigs, seals, -bears, cattle, sheep and so on, perhaps even to the point at -which it may include all mammals - much depends on how -far we are prepared to go in extending the benefit of the doubt, -where a doubt exists. Even if we stopped at the species I have -named, however - excluding the remainder of the mammals - -our discussion has raised a very large question mark over the -justifiability of a great deal of killing of animals carried out by -humans, even when this killing takes place painlessly and without -causing suffering to other members of the animal community. -(Most of this killing, of course, does not take place -under such ideal conditions.) -When we come to animals who, as far as we can tell, are not -rational and self-conscious beings, the case against killing is -weaker. When we are not dealing with beings aware of themselves -as distinct entities, the wrongness of painless killing derives -from the loss of pleasure it involves. Where the life taken -would not, on balance, have been pleasant, no direct wrong is -done. Even when the animal killed would have lived pleasantly, -it is at least arguable that no wrong is done if the animal killed -will, as a result of the killing, be replaced by another animal -132 -Taking Life: Animals -living an equally pleasant life. Taking this view involves holding -that a wrong done to an existing being can be made up for by -a benefit conferred on an as yet non-existent being. Thus it is -possible to regard non-self-conscious animals as interchangeable -with each other in a way that self-conscious beings are not. -This means that in some circumstances - when animals lead -pleasant lives, are killed painlessly, their deaths do not cause -suffering to other animals, and the killing of one animal makes -possible its replacement by another who would not otherwise -have lived - the killing of non-self -conscious animals may -not be wrong. -/ Is it possible, along these lines, to justify raising chickens for -their meat, not in factory farm conditions but roaming freely -around a farmyard? Let us make the questionable assumption -that chickens are not self-conscious. Assume also that the birds -can be killed painlessly, and the survivors do not appear to be -affected by the death of one of their numbers. Assume, finally, -that for economic reasons we could not rear the birds if we did -not eat them. Then the replaceability argument appears to justify -killing the birds, because depriving them of the pleasures of -their existence can be offset against the pleasures of chickens -who do not yet exist, and will exist only if existing chickens are -killed. -As a piece of critical moral reasoning, this argument may be -sound. Even at that level, it is important to realise how limited -it is in its application. It cannot justify factory farming, where -animals do not have pleasant lives. Nor does it normally justify -the killing of wild animals. A duck shot by a hunter (making -the shaky assumption that ducks are not self-conscious, and the -almost certainly false assumption that the shooter can be relied -upon to kill the duck instantly) has probably had a pleasant -life, but the shooting of a duck does not lead to its replacement -by another. Unless the duck population is at the maximum that -can be sustained by the available food supply, the killing of a -duck ends a pleasant life without starting another, and is for -133 -Practical Ethics -that reason wrong on straightforward utilitarian grounds. So -although there are situations in which it is not wrong to kill -animals, these situations are special ones, and do not cover very -many of the billions of premature deaths humans inflict, year -after year, on animals. -In any case, at the level of practical moral principles, it would -be better to reject altogether the killing of animals for food, -unless one must do so to survive. Killing animals for food makes -us think of them as objects that we can use as we please. Their -lives then count for little when weighed against our mere wants. -As long as we continue to use animals in this way, to change -our attitudes to animals in the way that they should be changed -will be an impossible task. How can we encourage people to -respect animals, and have equal concern for their interests, if -they continue to eat them for their mere enjoyment? To foster -the right attitudes of consideration for animals, including nonself- -conscious ones, it may be best to make it a simple principle -to avoid killing them for food. -134 -I -I -! -6 -TAKING LIFE: THE EMBRYO -AND THE FETUS -THE PROBLEM -FEW ethicaUssues are as bitterly fought over today as abortion, -and, while the pendulum has swung back and forth, -neither side has had much success in altering the opinions of -its opponents. Until 1967, abortion was illegal in almost all the -Western democracies except Sweden and Denmark. Then Britain -changed its law to allow abortion on broad social grounds, -and in the 1973 case of Roe v Wade, the United States Supreme -Court held that women have a constitutional right to an abortion -in the first six months of pregnancy. Western European -nations, including Roman Catholic countries like Italy, Spain -and France, allliberalised their abortion laws. Only the Republic -of Ireland held out against the trend. -Opponents of abortion did not give up. In the United States, -conservative Presidents have changed the composition of the -Supreme Court, which in tum has nibbled around the margins -of the Roe v Wade decision, allowing states to restrict, in various -ways, access to abortion. Outside the United States, the issue -of abortion re-surfaced in Eastern Europe after the collapse of -communism. The communist states had allowed abortion, but -as nationalist and religiOUS forces gathered strength, there were -strong moves in countries like Poland for the re-introduction -of restrictive laws. Since West Germany had more restrictive -laws than East Germany, the need to introduce a single law for -a united Germany also caused an intense debate. -In 1978 the birth of Louise Brown raised a new issue about -135 -Practical Ethics -the status of early human life. For Louise Brown was the first -human to have been born from an embryo that had been fertilised -outside a human body. The success of Robert Edwards -and Patrick Steptoe in demonstrating the possibility of in vitro -fertilization, or IVF, was based on several years of experimentation -on early human embryos - none of which had survived. -IVF is now a routine procedure for certain types of infertility, -and has given rise to thousands of healthy babies. To reach this -point, however, many more embryos had to be destroyed in -experiments, and further improvement of IVF techniques will -require continued experimentation. Perhaps more significant -still, for the long-term, are the possibilities for other forms of -experimentation opened up by the existence of a viable embryo -outside the human body. Embryos can now be frozen and stored -for many years before being thawed and implanted in a woman. -Normal children develop from these embryos, but the technique -means that there are large numbers of embryos now preserved -in special freezers around the world. (At the time of writing -there were about 11,000 frozen embryos in Australia alone.) -Because the IVF procedure often produces more embryos than -can safely be transferred to the uterus of the woman from whom -the egg came, many of these frozen embryos will never be -wanted, and presumably will either be destroyed, be donated -for research, or given to other infertile couples. -Other new technologies loom just a little way ahead. Embryos -can be screened for genetic abnormalities, and then discarded -if such abnormalities are found. Edwards has predicted that it -will become scientifically feasible to grow embryos in vitro to -the point at which, about 17 days after fertilisation, they develop -blood stem cells, which could be used to treat various nowlethal -blood diseases. Others, speculating about the further future' -have asked if one day we will have banks of embryos or -fetuses to provide organs for those who need them. -Abortion and destructive embryo experimentation pose dif- -136 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -ficult ethical issues because the development ofthe human being -is a gradual process. If we take the fertilised egg immediately -after conception, it is hard to get upset about its death. The -fertilised egg is a single cell. After several days, it is still only a -tiny cluster of cells without a single anatomical feature of the -being it will later become. The cells that will eventually become -the embryo proper are at this stage indistinguishable from the -cells that will become the placenta and amniotic sac. Up to about -14 days after fertilisation, we cannot even tell if the embryo is -going to be one or two individuals, because splitting can take -place, leading to the formation of identical twins. At 14 days, -the first anatomical feature, the so-called primitive streak, appears -in the position in which the backbone will later develop. -At this point the embryo could not possibly be conscious or feel -pain. At the other extreme is the adult human being. To kill a -human adult is murder, and, except in some special circumstances -like those to be discussed in the next chapter, is unhesitatingly -and universally condemned. Yet there is no obvious -sharp line that divides the fertilised egg from the adult. Hence -the problem. -Most of this chapter will be concerned with the problem of -abortion, but the discussion of the status of the fetus will have -obvious implications for two related issues: embryo experimentation, -and the use of fetal tissue for medical purposes. I -begin the discussion of abortion stating the position of those -opposed to abortion, which I shall refer to as the conservative -position. I shall then examine some of the standard liberal responses, -and show why they are inadequate. Finally I shall use -our earlier discussion of the value of life to approach the issue -from a broader perspective. In contrast to the common opinion -that the moral question about abortion is a dilemma with no -solution, I shall show that, at least within the bounds of nonreligious -ethics, there is a clear-cut answer and those who take -a different view are simply mistaken. -137 -Practical Ethics -THE CONSERVATIVE POSITION -The central argument against abortion, put as a formal argument, -would go something like this: -First premise: It is wrong to kill an innocent human being. -Second premise: A human fetus is an innocent human being. -Conclusion: Therefore it is wrong to kill a human fetus. -The usual liberal response is to deny the second premise of -this argument. So it is on whether the fetus is a human being -that the issue is joined, and the dispute about abortion is often -taken to be a dispute about when a human life begins. -On this issue the conservative position is difficult to shake. -The conservative points to the continuum between the fertilised -egg and child, and challenges the liberal to point to any stage -in this gradual process that marks a morally significant dividing -line. Unless there is such a line, the conservative says, we -must either upgrade the status of the earliest embryo to that -of the child, or downgrade the status of the child to that of -the embryo; but no one wants to allow children to be dispatched -on the request of their parents, and so the only tenable -position is to grant the fetus the protection we now grant the -child. -Is it true that there is no morally significant dividing line -between fertilised egg and child? Those commonly suggested -are: birth, viability, quickening, and the onset of consciousness. -Let us consider these in tum. -Birth -Birth is the most visible possible dividing line, and the one that -would suit liberals best. It coincides to some extent with our -sympathies - we are less disturbed at the destruction of a fetus -we have never seen than at the death of a being we can all see, -hear and cuddle. But is this enough to make birth the line that -138 -I I I -I -I -I -I -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -decides whether a being mayor may not be killed? The conservative -can plausibly reply that the fetuslbaby is the same -entity, whether inside or outside the womb, with the same -human features (whether we can see them or not) and the same -degree of awareness and capacity for feeling pain. A prematurely -born infant may well be less developed in these respects than a -fetus nearing the end of its normal term. It seems peculiar to -hold that we may not kill the premature infant, but may kill -the more developed fetus. The location of a being - inside or -outside the womb - should not make that much difference to -the wrongness of killing it. -Viability -If birth does not mark a crucial moral distinction, should we -push the line back to the time at which the fetus could survive -outside the womb? This overcomes one objection to taking birth -as the decisive point, for it treats the viable fetus on a par with -the infant, born prematurely, at the same stage of development. -Viability is where the United States Supreme Court drew the -line in Roe v. Wade. The Court held that the state has a legitimate -interest in protecting potential life, and this interest becomes -'compelling' at viability 'because the fetus then presumably has -the capability of meaningful life outside the mother's womb'. -Therefore statutes prohibiting abortion after viability would not, -the Court said, be unconstitutional. But the judges who wrote -the majority decision gave no indication why the mere capacity -to exist outside the womb should make such a difference to the -state's interest in protecting potential life. After all, if we talk, -as the Court does, of potential human life, then the nonviable -fetus is as much a potential adult human as the viable fetus. (I -shall return to this issue of potentiality shortly; but it is a different -issue from the conservative argument we are now discussing, -which claims that the fetus is a human being, and not -just a potential human being.) -139 -Practical Ethics -There is another important objection to making viability the -cut-off point. The point at which the fetus can survive outside -the mother's body varies according to the state of medical -technology. Thirty years ago it was generally accepted that a -baby born more than two months premature could not survive. -Now a six-month fetus - three months premature - can often -be pulled through, thanks to sophisticated medical techniques, -and fetuses born after as little as five and a half months of -gestation have survived. This threatens to undermine the Supreme -Court's neat division of pregnancy into trimesters, with -the boundary of viability lying between the second and third -trimesters. -In the light of these medical developments, do we say that a -six-month-old fetus should not be aborted now, but could have -been aborted without wrongdoing thirty years ago? The same -comparison can also be made, not between the present and the -past, but between different places. A six-month-old fetus might -have a fair chance of survival if born in a city where the latest -medical techniques are used, but no chance at all if born in a -remote village in Chad or New Guinea. Suppose that for some -reason a woman, six months pregnant, was to fly from New -York to a New Guinea village and that, once she had arrived -in the village, there was no way she could return quickly to a -city with modem medical facilities. Are we to say that it would -have been wrong for her to have an abortion before she left -New York, but now that she is in the village she may go ahead? -The trip does not change the nature of the fetus, so why should -it remove its claim to life? -The liberal might reply that the fact that the fetus is totally -dependent on the mother for its survival means that it has no -right to life independent of her wishes. In other cases, however, -we do not hold that total dependence on another person means -that that person may decide whether one lives or dies. A newborn -baby is totally dependent on its mother, if it happens to -140 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -be born in an isolated area in which there is no other lactating -woman, nor the means for bottle feeding. An elderly woman -may be totally dependent on her son looking after her, and a -hiker who breaks her leg five days' walk from the nearest road -may die if her companion does not bring help. We do not think -that in these situations the mother may take the life ~fher baby, -the son of his aged mother, or the hiker of her injured companion. -So it is not plausible to suggest that the dependence of -the nonviable fetus on its mother gives her the right to kill it; -and if dependence does not justify making viability the dividing -line, it is hard to see what does. -Quickening -If neither birth nor viability marks a morally significant distinction, -there is less still to be said for a third candidate, -quickening. Quickening is the time when the mother first feels -the fetus move, and in traditional Catholic theology, this was -thought to be the moment at which the fetus gained its soul. -If we accepted that view, we might think quickening important, -since the soul is, on the Christian view, what marks -humans off from animals. But the idea that the soul enters -the fetus at quickening is an outmoded piece of superstition, -discarded now even by Catholic theologians. Putting aside -these religious doctrines makes quickening insignificant. It is -no more than the time when the fetus is first felt to move of -its own accord; the fetus is alive before this moment, and -ultrasound studies have shown that fetuses do in fact start -moving as early as six weeks after fertilization, long before -they can be felt to move. In any case, the capacity for physical -motion - or the lack of it - has nothing to do with the -seriousness of one's claim for continued life. We do not see -the lack of such a capacity as negating the claims of paralysed -people to go on living. -141 -Practical Ethics -Consciousness -Movement might be thought to be indirectly of moral significance, -in so far as it is an indication of some form of awareness -- and as we have already seen, consciousness, and the capaCity -to feel pleasure or pain, are of real moral significance. Despite -this, neither side in the abortion debate has made much mention -of the development of consciousness in the fetus. Those -opposed to abortion may show films about the 'silent scream' -of the fetus when aborted, but the intention behind such films -is merely to stir the emotions of the uncommitted. Opponents -of abortion really want to uphold the right to life of the human -being from conception, irrespective of whether it is conscious -or not. For those in favour of abortion, to appeal to the absence -of a capacity for consciousness has seemed a risky strategy. -On the basis of the studies showing that movement takes place -as early as six weeks after fertilization, coupled with other -studies that have found some brain activity as early as the -seventh week, it has been suggested that the fetus could be -capable of feeling pain at this early stage of pregnancy. That -possibility has made liberals very wary of appealing to the -onset of consciousness as a point at which the fetus has a -right to life. We shall return to the issue of consciousness in -the fetus later in this chapter, because it is relevant to the -issue of embryo and fetal experimentation. We will also then -consider an earlier marker that could be relevant to embryo -experimentation, but not to the abortion debate. As far as -abortion is concerned, the discussion up to now has shown -that the liberal search for a morally crucial dividing line between -the newborn baby and the fetus has failed to yield any -event or stage of development that can bear the weight of -separating those with a right to life from those who lack such, -a right, in a way that clearly shows fetuses to be in the latter -category at the stage of development when most abortions -take place. The conservative is on solid ground in insisting -142 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -that the development from the embryo to the infant is a gradual -process. -SOME LIBERAL ARGUMENTS -Some liberals do not challenge the conservative claim that the -fetus is an innocent human being, but argue that abortion is -nonetheless permissible. I shall consider three arguments for -this view. -The Consequences of Restrictive Laws -The first argument is that laws prohibiting abortion do not stop -abortions, but merely drive them underground. Women who -want to have abortions are often desperate. They will go to -backyard abortionists or try folk remedies. Abortion performed -by a qualified medical practitioner is as safe as any medical -operation, but attempts to procure abortions by unqualified people -often result in serious medical complications and sometimes -death. Thus the effect of prohibiting abortion is not so much to -reduce the number of abortions performed as to increase the -difficulties and dangers for women with unwanted pregnancies. -This argument has been influential in gaining support for -more liberal abortion laws. It was accepted by the Canadian -Royal Commission on the Status of Women, which concluded -that: 'A law that has more bad effects than good ones is a bad -law ... As long as it exists in its present form thousands of -women will break it.' -The main point to note about this argument is that it is an -argument against laws prohibiting abortion, and not an argument -against the view that abortion is wrong. This is an important -distinction, often overlooked in the abortion debate. -The present argument well illustrates the distinction, because -one could quite consistently accept it and advocate that the law -should allow abortion on request, while at the same time de- -143 -Practical Ethics -ciding oneself - if one were pregnant - or counselling another -who was pregnant, that it would be wrong to have an abortion. -It is a mistake to assume that the law should always enforce -morality. It may be that, as alleged in the case of abortion, -attempts to enforce right conduct lead to consequences no one -wants, and no decrease in wrong-doing; or it may be that, as -is proposed by the next argument we shall consider, there is an -area of private ethics with which the law ought not to interfere. -So this first argument is an argument about abortion law, not -about the ethics of abortion. Even within those limits, however, -it is open to challenge, for it fails to meet the conservative claim -that abortion is the deliberate killing of an innocent human -being, and in the same ethical category as murder. Those who -take this view of abortion will not rest content with the assertion -that restrictive abortion laws do no more than drive women to -backyard abortionists. They will insist that this situation can be -changed, and the law properly enforced. They may also suggest -measures to make pregnancy easier to accept for those women -who become pregnant against their wishes. This is a perfectly -reasonable response, given the initial ethical judgment against -abortion, and for this reason the first argument does not succeed -in avoiding the ethical issue. -Not the Law's Business? -The second argument is again an argument about abortion laws -rather than the ethics of abortion. It uses the view that, as the -report of a British government committee inquiring into laws -about homosexuality and prostitution put it: 'There must remain -a realm of private morality and immorality that is, in brief -and crude terms, not the law's business: This view is widely -accepted among liberal thinkers, and can be traced back to John -Stuart Mill's On Liberty. The'one very simple principle' of this -work is, in Mill's words: -144 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised -over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is -to prevent harm to others ... He cannot rightfully be compelled -to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because -it will make him happier, because in the opinions of others, to -do so would be wise or even right. -Mill's view is often and properly quoted in support of the repeal -of laws that create 'victimless crimes' - like laws prohibiting -homosexual relations between consenting adults, the use of -marijuana and other drugs, prostitution, gambling and so on. -Abortion is often included in this list, for example by the criminologist -Edwin Schur in his book Crimes Without Victims. Those -who consider abortion a victimless crime say that, while everyone -is entitled to hold and act on his or her own view about -the morality of abortion, no section of the community should -try to force others to adhere to its own particular view. In a -pluralist society, we should tolerate others with different moral -views and leave the decision to have an abortion up to the -woman concerned. -The fallacy involved in numbering abortion among the victimless -crimes should be obvious. The dispute about abortion -is, largely, a dispute about whether or not abortion does have -a 'victim'. Opponents of abortion maintain that the victim of -abortion is the fetus. Those not opposed to abortion may deny -that the fetus counts as a victim in any serious way. They might, -for instance, say that a being cannot be a victim unless it has -interests that are violated, and the fetus has no interests. But -however this dispute may go, one cannot simply ignore it on -the grounds that people should not attempt to force others to -follow their own moral views. My view that what Hitler did to -the Jews is wrong is a moral view, and ifthere were any prospect -of a revival of Nazism I would certainly do my best to force -others not to act contrary to this view. Mill's principle is defensible -only if it is restricted, as Mill restricted it, to acts that do -not harm others. To use the principle as a means of avoiding -145 -Practical Ethics -the difficulties of resolving the ethical dispute over abortion is -to take it for granted that abortion does not harm an 'other' - -which is precisely the point that needs to be proven before we -can legitimately apply the principle to the case of abortion. -A Feminist Argument -The last of the three arguments that seek to justify abortion -without denying that the fetus is an innocent human being is -that a woman has a right to choose what happens to her own -body. This argument became prominent with the rise of the -women's liberation movement and has been elaborated by -American philosophers sympathetic to feminism. An influential -argument has been presented by Judith Jarvis Thomson by -means of an ingenious analogy. Imagine, she says, that you -wake up one morning and find yourself in a hospital bed, somehow -connected to an unconscious man in an adjacent bed. You -are told that this man is a famous violinist with kidney disease. -The only way he can survive is for his circulatory system to be -plugged into the system of someone else with the same blood -type, and you are the only person whose blood is suitable. So -a society of music lovers kidnapped you, had the connecting -operation performed, and there you are. Since you are now in -a reputable hospital you could, if you choose, order a doctor to -disconnect you from the violinist; but the violinist will then -certainly die. On the other hand, if you remain connected for -only (only?) nine months, the violinist will have recovered and -you can be unplugged without endangering him. -Thomson believes that if you found yourself in this unexpected -predicament you would not be morally required to allow -the violinist to use your kidneys for nine months. It might be -generous or kind of you to do so, but to say this is, Thomson -claims, quite different from saying that you would be doing -wrong if you did not do it. -146 -f -I -\ -t -I -f -I -I. -I -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -Note that Thomson's conclusion does not depend on denying -that the violinist is an innocent human being, with the same -right to life as any other innocent human being. On the contrary, -Thomson affirms that the violinist does have a right to life - -but to have a right to life does not, she says, entail a right to -the use of another's body, even if without that use one will die. -The parallel with pregnancy, especially pregnancy due to rape -should be obvious. A woman pregnant through rape finds herself, -through no choice of her own, linked to a fetus in much -the same way as the person is linked to the violinist. True, a -pregnant woman does not normally have to spend nine months -in bed, but opponents of abortion would not regard this as a -sufficient justification for abortion. Giving up a newborn baby -for adoption might be more difficult, psychologically, than parting -from the violinist at the end of his illness; but this in itself -does not seem a sufficient reason for killing the fetus. Accepting -for the sake of the argument that the fetus does count as a fullyfledged -human being, having an abortion when the fetus is not -viable has the same moral significance as unplugging oneself -from the violinist. So if we agree with Thomson that it would -not be wrong to unplug oneself from the violinist, we must also -accept that, whatever the status of the fetus, abortion is not -wrong - at least not when the pregnancy results from rape. -Thomson's argument can probably be extended beyond cases -of rape. Suppose that you found yourself connected to the violinist, -not because you were kidnapped by music lovers, but -because you had intended to enter the hospital to visit a sick -friend, and when you got into the elevator, you carelessly -pressed the wrong button, and ended up in a section of the -hospital normally visited only by those who have volunteered -to be connected to patients who would not otherwise survive. -A team of doctors, waiting for the next volunteer, assumed you -were it, jabbed you with an anaesthetic, and connected you. If -Thomson's argument was sound in the kidnap case it is -probably sound here too, since nine months unwillingly sup- -147 -Practical Ethics -porting another is a high price to pay for ignorance or carelessness. -In this way the argument might apply beyond rape -cases to the much larger number of women who become pregnant -through ignorance, carelessness, or contraceptive failure. -But is the argument sound? The short answer is this: It is -sound if the particular theory of rights that lies behind it is -sound; and it is unsound if that theory of rights is unsound. -The theory of rights in question can be illustrated by another -of Thomson's fanciful examples: suppose I am desperately ill -and the only thing that can save my life is the touch of my -favourite film star's cool hand on my fevered brow. Well, Thomson -says, even though I have a right to life, this does not mean -that I have a right to force the film star to come to me, or that -he is under any. moral obligation to fly over and save me - -although it would be frightfully nice of him to do so. Thus -Thomson does not accept that we are always obliged to take -the best course of action, all things considered, or to do what -has the best consequences. She accepts, instead, a system of -rights and obligations that allows us to justify our actions independently -of their consequences. -I shall say more about this conception of rights in Chapter 8. -At this stage it is enough to notice that a utilitarian would reject -this theory of rights, and would reject Thomson's judgment in -the case of the violinist. The utilitarian would hold that, however -outraged I may be at having been kidnapped, if the consequences -of disconnecting myself from the violinist are, on balance, -and taking into account the interests of everyone affected, -worse than the consequences of remaining connected, I ought -to remain connected. This does not necessarily mean that utilitarians -would regard a woman who disconnected herself as -wicked or deserving of blame. They might recognize that she -has been placed in an extraordinarily difficult situation, one in -which to do what is right involves a considerable sacrifice. They -might even grant that most people in this situation would follow -148 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -self-interest rather than do the right thing. Nevertheless, they -would hold that to disconnect oneself is wrong. -In rejecting Thomson's theory of rights, and with it her judgment -in the case of the violinist, the utilitarian would also be -rejecting her argument for abortion. Thomson claimed that her -argument justified abortion even if we allowed the life of the -fetus to count as heavily as the life of a normal person. The -utilitarian would say that it would be wrong to refuse to sustain -a person's life for nine months, if that was the only way the -person could survive. Therefore if the life of the fetus ~s. gi~en -the same weight as the life of a normal person, the utIhtanan -would say that it would be wrong to refuse to carry the fetus -until it can survive outside the womb. -This concludes our discussion of the usual liberal replies to -the conservative argument against abortion. We have seen that -liberals have failed to establish a morally significant dividing -line between the newborn baby and the fetus, and their arguments -- with the possible exception of Thomson's argument if -her theory of rights can be defended - also fail to justify abortion -in ways that do not challenge the conservative claim that the -fetus is an innocent human being. Nevertheless, it would be -premature for conservatives to assume that their case against -abortion is sound. It is now time to bring into this debate some -more general conclusions about the value of life. -THE VALUE OF FETAL LIFE -Let us go back to the beginning. The central argument against -abortion from which we started was: -First premise: It is wrong to kill an innocent human bein~. -Second premise: A human fetus is an innocent human bemg. -Conclusion: Therefore it is wrong to kill a human fetus. -The first set of replies we considered accepted the first premise -of this argument but objected to the second. The second set of -149 -Practical Ethics -replies rejected neither premise, but objected to drawing the -conclusion from these premises (or objected to the further conclusion -that abortion should be prohibited by law). None of the -replies questioned the first premise of the argument. Given the -widespread acceptance of the doctrine of the sanctity of human -life, this is not surprising; but the discussion of this doctrine in -the preceding chapters shows that this premise is less secure -than many people think. -The weakness of the first premise of the conservative argument -is that it relies on our acceptance of the special status of -human life. We have seen that 'human' is a term that straddles -two distinct notions: being a member of the species Homo sapiens, -and being a person. Once the term is dissected in this way, -the weakness of the conservative's first premise becomes apparent. -If 'human' is taken as equivalent to 'person', the second -premise of the argument, which asserts that the fetus is a human -being, is clearly false; for one cannot plausibly argue that a fetus -is either rational or self-conscious. If, on the other hand, 'human' -is taken to mean no more than 'member of the species -Homo sapiens', then the conservative defence of the life of the -fetus is based on a characteristic lacking moral significance and -so the first premise is false. The point should by now be familiar: -whether a being is or is not a member of our species is, in itself -no more relevant to the wrongness of killing it than whether it -is or is not a member of our race. The belief that mere membership -of our species, irrespective of other characteristics, -makes a great difference to the wrongness of killing a being is -a legacy of religious doctrines that even those opposed to abortion -hesitate to bring into the debate. -Recognising this simple point transforms the abortion issue. -We can now look at the fetus for what it is - the actual characteristics -it possesses - and can value its life on the same scale -as the lives of beings with similar characteristics who are not -members of our species. It now becomes apparent that the 'Pro -Life' or 'Right to Life' movement is misnamed. Far from having -150 -I I. -~ IĀ· I -! -\ -I -t I -t I -I I I -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -concern for all life, or a scale of concern impartially based on -the nature of the life in question, those who protest against -abortion but dine regularly on the bodies of chickens, pigs and -calves, show only a biased concern for the lives of members of -our own species. For on any fair comparison of morally relevant -characteristics, like rationality, self-consciousness, awareness, -autonomy, pleasure and pain, and so on, the calf, the pig and -the much derided chicken come out well ahead of the fetus at -any stage of pregnancy - while if we make the comparison with -a fetus of less than three months, a fish would show more signs -of consciousness. -My suggestion, then, is that we accord the life of a fetus no -greater value than the life of a nonhuman animal at a similar -level of rationality, self-consciousness, awareness, capacity to -feel, etc. Since no fetus is a person, no fetus has the same claim -to life as a person. We have yet to consider at what point the -fetus is likely to become capable of feeling pain. For now it will -be enough to say that until that capacity exists, an abortion -terminates an existence that is of no "intrinsic" value at all. -Mterwards, when the fetus may be conscious, though not selfconscious, -abortion should not be taken lightly (if a woman -ever does take abortion lightly). But a woman's serious interests -would normally override the rudimentary interests even of a -conscious fetus. Indeed, even an abortion late in pregnancy for -the most trivial reasons is hard to condemn unless we also -condemn the slaughter of far more developed forms of life for -the taste of their flesh. -The comparison between the fetus and other animals leads -us to one more point. Where the balance of conflicting interests -does make it necessary to kill a sentient creature, it is important -that the killing be done as painlessly as possible. In the case of -nonhuman animals the importance of humane killing is widely -accepted; oddly, in the case of abortion little attention is paid -to it. This is not because abortion is known to kill the fetus -SWiftly and humanely. Late abortions - which are the very ones -151 -Pradical Ethics -in which the fetus may be able to suffer - are sometimes performed -by injecting a salt solution into the amniotic sac that -surrounds the fetus. It has been claimed that the effect of this -is to cause the fetus to have convulsions and die between one -and three hours later. Afterwards the dead fetus is expelled from -the womb. If there are grounds for thinking that a method of -abortion causes the fetus to suffer, that method should be -avoided. -THE FETUS AS POTENTIAL LIFE -One likely objection to the argument I have offered in the preceding -section is that it takes into account only the actual characteristics -of the fetus, and not its potential characteristics. On -the basis of its actual characteristics, some opponents of abortion -will admit, the fetus compares unfavourably with many nonhuman -animals; it is when we consider its potential to become -a mature human being that membership of the species Homo -sapiens becomes important, and the fetus far surpasses any -chicken, pig or calf. -Up to this point I have not raised the question of the potential -of the fetus because I thought it best to concentrate on the central -argument against abortion; but it is true that a different argument, -based on the potential of the fetus, can be mounted. Now -is the time to look at this other argument. We can state it as -follows: -First premise: It is wrong to kill a potential human being. -Second premise: A human fetus is a potential human being. -Conclusion: Therefore it is wrong to kill a human fetus. -The second premise of this argument is stronger than the -second premise of the preceding argument. Whereas it is problematic -whether a fetus actually is a human being - it depends -on what we mean by the term - it cannot be denied that the -152 -I -I I I -I I I -f -I I I I I I I -f -I -\ -I -! -t -f -I -I -i -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -fetus is a potential human being. This is true whether by 'human -being' we mean 'member of the species Homo sapiens' or a -rational and self-conscious being, a person. The strong second -premise of the new argument is, however, purchased at the cost -of a weaker first premise, for the wrongness of killing a potential -human being - even a potential person - is more open to challenge -than the wrongness of killing an actual human being. -It is of course true that the potential rationality, selfconsciousness -and so on of a fetal Homo sapiens surpasses that -of a cow or pig; but it does not follow that the fetus has a -stronger claim to life. There is no rule that says that a potential -X has the same value as an X, or has all the rights of an X. -There are many examples that show just the contrary. To pull -out a sprouting acorn is not the same as cutting down a venerable -oak. To drop a live chicken into a pot of boiling water -would be much worse than doing the same to an egg. Prince -Charles is a potential King of England, but he does not now -have the rights of a king. -In the absence of any general inference from 'A is a potential -X' to 'A has the rights of an X', we should not accept that a -potential person should have the rights of a person, unless we -can be given some specific reason why this should hold in this -particular case. But what could that reason be? This question -becomes especially pertinent if we recall the grounds on which, -in the previous chapter, it was suggested that the life of a person -merits greater protection than the life of a being who is not a -person. These reasons - from the indirect classical utilitarian -concern with not arousing in others the fear that they may be -the next killed, the weight given by the preference utilitarian -to a person's desires, Tooley's link between a right to life and -the capacity to see oneself as a continuing mental subject, and -the principle of respect for autonomy - are all based on the fact -that persons see themselves as distinct entities with a past and -future. They do not apply to those who are not now and never -153 -Practical Ethics -have been capable of seeing themselves in this way. If these are -the grounds for not killing persons, the mere potential for becoming -a person does not count against killing. -It might be said that this reply misunderstands the relevance -of the potential of the human fetus, and that this potential is -important, not because it creates in the fetus a right or claim to -life, but because anyone who kills a human fetus deprives the -world of a future rational and self-conscious being. If rational -and self-conscious beings are intrinsically valuable, to kill a -human fetus is to deprive the world of something intrinsically -valuable, and so wrong. The chief problem with this as an argument -against abortion - apart from the difficulty of establishing -that rational and self-conscious beings are of intrinsic -value - is that it does not stand up as a reason for objecting to -all abortions, or even to abortions carried out merely because -the pregnancy is inconveniently timed. Moreover the argument -leads us to condemn practices other than abortion that most -anti-abortionists accept. -The claim that rational and self-conscious beings are intrinsically -valuable is not a reason for objecting to all abortions -because not all abortions deprive the world of a rational and -self-conscious being. Suppose a woman has been planning to -join a mountain-climbing expedition in June, and in January -she learns that she is two months pregnant. She has no children -at present, and firmly intends to have a child within a year or -two. The pregnancy is unwanted only because it is inconveniently -timed. Opponents of abortion would presumably think -an abortion in these circumstances particularly outrageous, for -neither the life nor the health of the mother is at stake - only -the enjoyment she gets from climbing mountains. Yet if abortion -is wrong only because it deprives the world of a future person, -this abortion is not wrong; it does no more than delay the entry -of a person into the world. -On the other hand this argument against abortion does lead -us to condemn practices that reduce the future human popu- -154 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -lation: contraception, whether by 'artificial' means or by 'natural' -means such as abstinence on days when the woman is -likely to be fertile; and also celibacy. This argument has, in fact, -all the difficulties of the 'total' form of utilitarianism, discussed -in the previous two chapters, and it does not provide any reason -for thinking abortion worse than any other means of population -control. If the world is already overpopulated, the argument -provides no reason at all against abortion. -Is there any other significance in the fact that the fetus is a -potential person? If there is I have no idea what it could be. In -writings against abortion we often find reference to the fact that -each human fetus is unique. Paul Ramsey, a former Professor -of Religion at Princeton University, has said that modem genetics, -by teaching us that the first fusion of sperm and ovum -creates a 'never-to-be-repeated' informational speck, seems to -lead us to the conclusion that' all destruction of fetal life should -be classified as murder'. But why should this fact lead us to this -conclusion? A canine fetus is also, no doubt, genetically unique. -Does this mean that it is as wrong to abort a dog as a human? -When identical twins are conceived, the genetic information is -repeated. Would Ramsey therefore think it permissible to abort -one of a pair of identical twins? The children that my wife and -I would produce if we did not use contraceptives would be -genetically unique. Does the fact that it is still indeterminate -precisely what genetically unique character those children -would have make the use of contraceptives less evil than abortion? -Why should it? And if it does could the looming prospect -of successful cloning - a technique in which the cells of one -individual are used to reproduce a fetus that is a genetic carbon -copy of the original - diminish the seriousness of abortion? -Suppose the woman who wants to go mountain climbing were -able to have her abortion, take a cell from the aborted fetus and -then reimplant that cell in her womb so that an exact genetic -replica of the aborted fetus would develop - the only difference -being that the pregnancy would now come to term six months -155 -Practical Ethics -later, and thus she could still join the expedition. Would that -make the abortion acceptable? I doubt that many opponents of -abortion would think so. -THE STATUS OF THE EMBRYO IN THE LABORATORY -It is now time to tum to the debate about experimenting on -early human embryos, kept alive in a special fluid, outside the -human body. This is a relatively new debate, because the possibility -of keeping an embryo alive outside the body is new; but -in many respects it goes over the same ground as the abortion -debate. Although one central argument for abortion - the claim -that a woman has the right to control her own body - is not -directly applicable in the newer context, the argument against -embryo experimentation relies on one of the two claims we -have already examined: either that the embryo is entitled to -protection because it is a human being, or that the embryo is -entitled to protection because it is a potential human being. -One might therefore think that the case against embryo experimentation -is stronger than the case for abortion. For one -argument in favour of abortion does not apply, while the major -arguments against abortion do. In fact, however, the two arguments -against abortion do not apply as straightforwardly as -one might imagine to the embryo in the laboratory. -First, is the embryo already a human being? We have already -seen that claims for a right to life should not be based on species -membership, so the fact that the embryo is of the species Homo -sapiens does not show that the embryo is a human being in any -morally relevant sense. And if the fetus is not a person, it is -even more apparent that the embryo cannot be one. But there -is a further interesting point to be made against the claim that -the early embryo is a human being: human beings are individuals, -and the early embryo is not even an individual. At any -time up to about 14 days after fertilisation - and that is longer -than human embryos have so far been kept alive outside the -156 -\ -I -I -! -I -i -I -~ . -I I I -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -body - the embryo can split into two or more genetically identical -embryos. This happens naturally and leads to the formation -of identical twins. When we have an embryo prior to this point, -we cannot be sure if what we are looking at is the precursor of -one or two individuals. -This poses a problem for those who stress the continuity of -our existence from conception to adulthood. Suppose we have -an embryo in a dish on a laboratory bench. If we think of this -embryo as the first stage of an individual human being, we might -call it Mary. But now suppose the embryo divides into two -identical embryos. Is one of them still Mary, and the other Jane? -If so, which one is Mary? There is nothing to distinguish the -two, no way of saying that the one we call Jane split off from -the one we call Mary, rather than vice versa. So should we say -that Mary is no longer with us, and instead we have Jane and -Helen? But what happened to Mary? Did she die? Should we -grieve for her? There is something absurd about these speculations. -The absurdity stems from thinking of the embryo as an -individual at a time at which it is only a cluster of cells. So, -until the possibility of twinning is past, it is even more difficult -to maintain that the embryo is a human being, in any morally -significant sense, than it is to maintain that the fetus is a human -being in a morally significant sense. This provides some basis -for the laws and guidelines in Britain and various other countries -that allow experimentation on the embryo up to 14 days after -fertilisation. But for reasons already given, and others that we -are about to discuss, this is still an unnecessarily restrictive limit. -What of the argument from potential? Can the familiar claims -about the potential of the embryo in the uterus be applied to -the embryo in a dish in the laboratory? Before Robert Edwards -began the research that led to the IVF procedure, no-one had -observed a viable human embryo prior to the stage at which it -implants in the wall of the uterus. In the normal process of -reproduction inside the body, the embryo, or 'pre-embryo' as -it is now sometimes called, remains unattached for the first -157 -Practical Ethics -seven to fourteen days. As long as such embryos existed only -inside the woman's body, there was no way of observing them -during that period. The very existence of the embryo could not -be established until after implantation. Under these circumstances, -once the existence of an embryo was known, that embryo -had a good chance of becoming a person, unless its -development was deliberately interrupted. The probability of -such an embryo becoming a person was therefore very much -greater than the probability of an egg in a fertile woman uniting -with sperm from that woman's partner and leading to a child. -There was also, in those pre-IVF days, a further important -distinction between the embryo and the egg and sperm. -Whereas the embryo inside the female body has some definite -chance (we shall consider later how great a chance) of developing -into a child unless a deliberate human act interrupts its -growth, the egg and sperm can only develop into a child if there -is a deliberate human act. So in the one case, all that is needed -for the embryo to have a prospect of realising its potential is for -those involved to refrain from stopping it; in the other case, they -have to carry out a positive act. The development of the embryo -inside the female body can therefore be seen as a mere unfolding -of a potential that is inherent in it. (Admittedly, this is an oversimplification, -for it takes no account of the positive acts involved -in childbirth; but it is close enough.) The development -of the separated egg and sperm is more difficult to regard in this -way, because no further development will take place unless the -couple have sexual intercourse or use artificial insemination. -Now consider what has happened as a result of the success -ofIVF. The procedure involves removing one or more eggs from -a woman's ovary, placing them in the appropriate fluid in a -glass dish, and then adding sperm to the dish. In the more -proficient laboratories, this leads to fertilisation in about 80% -of the eggs thus treated. The embryo can then be kept in the -dish for two to three days, while it grows and divides into two, -four, and then eight cells. At about this stage the embryo is -158 -I -I I -I -I -I -I -I I i -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -usually transferred to a woman's uterus. Although the transfer -itself is a simple procedure, it is after the transfer that things are -most likely to go wrong: for reasons that are not fully understood, -with even the most successful IVF teams, the probability -of a given embryo that has been transferred to the uterus actually -implanting there, and leading to a continuing pregnancy, is -always less than 20%, and generally no more than 10%. In -summary, then, before the advent of IVF, in every instance in -which we knew of the existence of a normal human embryo, -it would have been true to say of that embryo that, unless it -was deliberately interfered with, it would most likely develop -into a person. The process ofIVF, however, leads to the creation -of embryos that cannot develop into a person unless there is -some deliberate human act (the transfer to the uterus) and that -even then, in the best of circumstances, will most likely not -develop into a person. -The upshot of all this is that IVF has reduced the difference -between what can be said about the embryo, and what can be -said about the egg and sperm, when still separate, but considered -as a pair. Before IVF, any normal human embryo known to us -had a far greater chance of becoming a child than any egg plus -sperm prior to fertilisation taking place. But with IVF, there is -a much more modest difference in the probability of a child -resulting from a 2-cell embryo in a glass dish, and the probability -of a child resulting from an egg and some sperm in a glass dish. -To be specific, if we assume that the laboratory's fertilisation -rate is 80% and its rate of pregnancy per embryo transferred is -10%, then the probability of a child resulting from a given -embryo is 10%, and the probability of a child resulting from an -egg that has been placed in a fluid to which sperm has been -added is 8%. So if the embryo is a potential person, why are -not the egg-and--sperm, considered jointly, also a potential person? -Yet no member of the pro-life movement wants to rescue -eggs and sperm in order to save the lives of the people that they -have the potential to become. -159 -Practical Ethics -Consider the following, not too improbable scenario. In the -IVF laboratory, a woman's egg has been obtained. It sits in one -dish on the bench. The sperm from her partner sits in an adjacent -dish, ready to be mixed into the solution containing the egg. -Then some bad news arrives: the woman is bleeding from the -uterus, and will not be in a suitable condition to receive an -embryo for at least a month. There is therefore no point in going -ahead with the procedure. A laboratory assistant is told to dispose -of the egg and sperm. She does so by tipping them down -the sink. So far, so good; but a few hours later, when the -assistant returns to prepare the laboratory for the next procedure, -she notices that the sink is blocked. The egg and its fluid -are still there, in the bottom of the sink. She is about to clear -the blockage, when she realizes that the sperm has been tipped -into the sink too. Quite possibly, the egg has been fertilised! -Now what is she to do? Those who draw a sharp distinction -between the egg-and-sperm and the embryo must hold that, -while the assistant was quite entitled to pour the egg and sperm -down the sink, it would be wrong to clear the blockage now. -This is difficult to accept. Potentiality seems not to be such an -all-or-nothing concept; the difference between the egg-andsperm -and the embryo is one of degree, related to the probability -of development into a person. -Traditional defenders of the right to life of the embryo have -been reluctant to introduce degrees of potential into the debate, -because once the notion is accepted, it seems undeniable that -the early embryo is less of a potential person than the later -embryo or the fetus. This could easily be understood as leading -to the conclusion that the prohibition against destroying the -early embryo is less stringent than the prohibition against destroying -the later embryo or fetus. Nevertheless, some defenders -of the argument from potential have invoked probability. -Among these has been the Roman Catholic theologian John -Noonan: -160 -Taking Lzfe: The Embryo and the Fetus -As life itself is a matter of probabilities, as most moral reasoning -is an estimate of probabilities, so it seems in accord with the -structure of reality and the nature of moral thought to found a -moral judgment on the change in probabilities at conception ... -Would the argument be different if only one out of ten children -conceived came to term? Of course this argument would be -different. This argument is an appeal to probabilities that actually -exist, not to any and all states of affairs which may be imagined -... If a spermatozoon is destroyed, one destroys a being which -had a chance of far less than 1 in 200 million of developing into -a reasoning being, possessed of the genetic code, a heart and -other organs, and capable of pain. If a fetus is destroyed, one -destroys a being already possessed of the genetic code, organs -and sensitivity to pain, and one which had an 80 per cent chance -of developing further into a baby outside the womb who, in -time, would reason. -The article from which this quotation is taken has been influential -in the abortion debate, and has often been quoted and -reprinted by those opposed to abortion, but the development -of our understanding of the reproductive process has made -Noonan's position untenable. The initial difficulty is that Noonan's -figures for embryo survival even in the uterus are no longer -regarded as accurate. At the time Noonan wrote, the estimate -of pregnancy loss was based on clinical recognition of pregnancies -at six to eight weeks after fertilisation. At this stage, the -chance of lOSing the pregnancy through spontaneous abortion -is about 15%. Recent technical advances allowing earlier recognition -of pregnancy, however, provide startlingly different -figures. If pregnancy is diagnosed before implantation (within -14 days of fertilisation) the probability of a birth resulting is 25 -to 30%. Post-implantation this increases initially to 46 to 60%, -and it is not until six weeks gestation that the chance of birth -occurring increases to 85 to 90%. -Noonan claimed that his argument is 'an appeal to probabilities -that actually exist, not to any and all states of affairs which -may be imagined'. But once we substitute the real probabilities -161 -Practical Ethics -of embryos, at various stages of their existence, becoming persons, -Noonan's argument no longer supports the moment of -fertilisation as the time at which the embryo gains a significantly -different moral status. Indeed, if we were to require an 80% -probability of further development into a baby - the figure -Noonan himself mentions - we would have to wait until nearly -six weeks after fertilisation before the embryo would have the -significance Noonan wants to claim for it. -At one point in his argument Noonan refers to the number -of sperm involved in a male ejaculation, and says that there is -only one chance in 200,000,000 of a sperm becoming part of -a living being. This focus on the sperm rather than the egg is a -curious instance of male bias, but even if we let that pass, new -technology provides still one more difficulty for the argument. -There now exists a means of overcoming male infertility caused -by a low sperm count. The egg is removed as in the normal in -vitro procedure; but instead of adding a drop of seminal fluid -to the dish with the egg, a single sperm is picked up with a fine -needle and micro-injected under the outer layer of the egg. So -if we compare the probability of the embryo becoming a person -with the probability of the egg, together with the single sperm -that has been picked up by the needle and is about to be microinjected -into the egg, becoming a person, we will be unable to -find any sharp distinction between the two. Does that mean -that it would be wrong to stop the procedure, once the sperm -has been picked up? Noonan's argument from probabilities -would seem to commit him either to this implausible claim, or -to accepting that we may destroy human embryos. This procedure -also undermines Ramsey's claim about the importance -of the unique genetic blueprint - that' "never-to-be-repeated" -informational speck' having been determined in the case of the -embryo but not in the case of the egg and sperm. For that too -is here determined before fertilisation. -In this section I have tried to show how the special circum- -162 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -stances of the embryo in the laboratory affect the application -of the arguments discussed elsewhere in this chapter about the -status of the embryo or fetus. I have not attempted to cover all -aspects of in vitro fertilisation and embryo experimentation. To -do that it would be necessary to investigate several other issues, -including the appropriateness of allocating scarce medical resources -to this area at a time when the world has a serious -problem of overpopulation, and the speculation that the new -techniques will be misused to produce children 'made-to order', -either at the behest of parents or, worse still, of some mad -dictator. To cover these important but disparate matters would -take us too far from the main themes of this book. Brief mention -must, however, be made of one other aspect of embryo experimentation: -the role of the couple from whose gametes the -embryo has developed. -Feminists have played a valuable role in pointing out how -vulnerable a couple may be to pressure from the medical team -to donate an embryo for research purposes. They may be desperate -for a child. The IVF team represent their last hope of -achieving this goal. They know that there are many other couples -seeking treatment. All this means that they are likely to be -prepared to go to great lengths in order to please the medical -team. When they are asked to donate eggs or embryos, can they -really make a free choice? Only, I think, if it is quite clear that -their answer will not affect their IVF treatment in any way. -Wherever experimentation on embryos is carried out, there is -a need to develop safeguards and forms of oversight to ensure -that this is always the case. -MAKING USE OF THE FETUS -The prospects of using human fetuses for medical purposes has -created a further controversial issue related to abortion. Research -carried out specifically on fetuses has led to the hope of -163 -Practical Ethics -finding cures for many serious illnesses by the transplantation -of tissue or cells from the fetus. Compared with adult tissue, -fetal tissue appears to grow better after transplantation, and to -be less likely to be rejected by the patient. The example that -has received the most publicity to date is Parkinson's disease, -but the use of fetal tissue has also been suggested in the treatment -of Alzheimer's Disease, Huntington's Disease, and diabetes; -and fetal transplants have been used to save the life of -another fetus, in a case in which a 30 week old fetus, in utero, -suffering from a fatal immune system disorder was given fetal -cells from aborted fetuses. -Do fetuses have rights or interests that may be violated or -harmed by using them for these purposes? I have already argued -that the fetus has no right to, nor strictly speaking even an -interest in, life. But we have seen that, in the case of animals, -to say that a being has no right to life does not mean that the -being has no rights or interests at all. If the fetus is capable of -feeling pain, then, like animals, the fetus has an interest in not -suffering pain, and that interest should be given equal consideration -with the similar interests of any other being. It is easy -to imagine that keeping a fetus alive after an abortion in order -to preserve the tissue of the fetus in the best possible condition -could cause pain and suffering to a fetus capable of feeling pain. -So we must now return to a more detailed investigation of a -topic touched upon earlier in this chapter: When does the fetus -become conscious? -Fortunately it is now possible to give a reasonably definite -answer to this question. The part of the brain associated with -sensations of pain, and more generally with consciousness, is -the cerebral cortex. Until 18 weeks of gestation, the cerebral -cortex is not sufficiently developed for synaptic connections to -take place within it - in other words, the signals that give rise -to pain in an adult are not being received. Between 18 and 25 -weeks, the brain of the fetus reaches a stage at which there is -some nerve transmission in those parts associated with con- -164 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -sciousness. Even then, however, the fetus appears to be in a -persistent state of sleep, and therefore may not be able to perceive -pain. The fetus begins to 'wake up' at a gestational age of -around 30 weeks. This is, of course, well beyond the stage of -viability, and a 'fetus' that was alive and outside the womb at -this stage would be a premature baby, and not a fetus at all. -In order to give the fetus the benefit of the doubt, it would -be reasonable to take the earliest possible time at which the -fetus might be able to feel anything as the boundary after which -the fetus should be protected. Thus we should disregard the -uncertain evidence about wakefulness, and take as a more definite -line, the time at which the brain is physically capable of -receiving signals necessary for awareness. This suggests a -boundary at 18 weeks of gestation. Prior to that time, there is -no good basis for believing that the fetus needs protection from -harmful research, because the fetus cannot be harmed. After -that time, the fetus does need protection from harm, on the -same basis as sentient, but not self-conscious, nonhuman animals -need it. -There is, however, one qualification that must be added to -this statement. While the fetus prior to 18 weeks may, strictly -speaking, be unable to be harmed, if the fetus is allowed to -develop into a child, the future child could be very seriously -harmed by an experiment that caused the child to be born in -a disabled state. Therefore research that allows the fetus to survive -beyond 18 weeks does not come under the permissive rule -suggested in the previous paragraph. -In discussions of the use of fetal tissue there is often mention -of the risk of 'complicity' in the immoral act of abortion. Those -wishing to defend the use of fetal tissue therefore go to great -lengths in order to show that the use of fetal tissue can be kept -entirely separate from the decision to carry out the abortion, -and so does not serve to 'legitimise' abortions. For the same -reason, many countries now have, or are developing, laws or -guidelines for the use of fetal tissue from induced abortions, -165 -Practical Ethics -and many of these laws or guidelines are drawn up on the basis -of the assumption, implicit or explicit, that it is important to -separate the decision for the abortion from the use of the fetal -tissue, lest the use of fetal tissue serve to increase the incidence -of abortions. There may be, for example, a requirement that the -donation has to be an entirely anonymous one. This prevents -a woman having an abortion in order to donate tissue that might -save the life of a relative, perhaps one of her existing children. -It is possible that the motivation for such requirements is to -protect the woman from pressure to have an abortion. Whether -that is a valid ground for requiring anonymity is something I -shall consider shortly. Here I wish only to point out that if it is -the premise that abortion is immoral that supplies the motive -for seeking to prevent any 'complicity' between the use of the -fetal tissue and the carrying out of the abortion, or to ensure -that fetal tissue use does not contribute to a higher incidence -of abortions, then the arguments presented in this chapter count -against that view. At least when carried out before 18 weeks, -abortion is in itself morally neutral. Even later abortions, when -some pain may be involved, could be justified if the outcome -were to prevent much greater suffering by saving the life of a -child suffering from an immune system disorder, or to cure -Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease in an older person. If the -requirement that we separate the act of abortion from the donation -of fetal tissue cannot be soundly based on the need to -protect the fetus, can it be founded instead on a need to protect -the parents, in particular the woman? Different aspects of this -separation need to be considered. If the doctor counselling the -pregnant woman about her abortion and the doctor seeking -fetal tissue for a dying patient are one and the same, the conflict -of interest is clear, and there seems a real risk that the doctor -will not be able to give disinterested advice to the pregnant -woman. So this separation is an important aspect of protecting -the position of the pregnant woman. -What, though, of the view that the pregnant woman must -166 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -be separated from the recipient by a veil of anonymity? This, -of course, prevents her having an abortion in order to provide -tissue to someone she knows. Is this restriction justified by consideration -of her own interests? On the one hand, without this -protection it is easy to imagine scenarios in which a pregnant -woman would find herself under great pressure to abort a pregnancy -in order to save the life of a dying relative; or a woman -who is not pregnant might feel that she has to become pregnant -and then terminate the pregnancy to provide the needed fetal -tissue. Feminists may well feel that in a society in which men -are dominant, the prospects for further intensifying the oppression -of women in this way is reason enough to exclude the -designation of tissue for a particular known person. -Yet the argument for the opposite conclusion is also strong. -It is neither unusual nor unreasonable for a parent to make -great sacrifices for a child. We allow both men and women to -work long hours doing meaningless factory labor in order to -save enough money to ensure that their children receive a good -education. This suggests that sacrifice for the sake of a relative -or loved one is not in itself wrong or something we need to -prohibit. In many countries, we also allow women to have -abortions for reasons that are far less important than the saving -of a life. This indicates that we do not regard an abortion as -something so bad (from the point of view of the fetus, or of the -woman) that it should be prohibited, or even restricted to situations -in which it is necessary to save a life. If we accept the -assumptions that underly both these attitudes, we can scarcely -criticise a woman who decides to have an abortion in order to -provide fetal tissue that could save the life of her child. Not -every woman may want to do this, but those who do may well -be making a perfectly reasonable, autonomous decision. It is -highly paternalistic for the law to step in and say that a doctor -must not give effect to such decisions. From this perspective it -is odd that some feminists, whom one might expect to find -upholding the right of women to autonomy, should be among -167 -Pradical Ethics -those who think that women need special laws to protect them -against the effects of their own freely chosen actions. -There is considerable force in both of these opposed arguments, -but we should favour autonomy unless there is clear -evidence that the results of doing so are very bad indeed. I know -of no evidence to that effect. I suspect, in fact. that much (though -certainly not all) of the motivation for prohibiting designated -donations of tissue derives from a desire to avoid causing more -abortions, and in particular, to avoid women becoming pregnant -in order to make fetal tissue available. But for the reasons -already given, I see nothing inherently wrong with more abortions, -or with pregnancies being undertaken in order to provide -fetal tissue, as long as the women involved are freely choosing -to do this, and the additional abortions really do make some -contribution to saving the lives of others. If the chief objection -is that the women's actions might be coerced rather than freely -chosen, the solution would be not to prohibit all choices for -abortion to provide fetal tissue, but rather to set up procedures -to ensure that those who do this have chosen freely, in the light -of all the available relevant information. -At this point commerce is bound to rear its head. Someone -will ask: What if women become pregnant and terminate their -pregnancies not in order to save the lives of those they care -about, but because they will be paid for the fetal tissue? Do not -arguments from autonomy suggest that this, too, should be up -to the woman to decide? Is it really worse to become pregnant -and terminate the pregnancy in order to receive, say, $10,000 -than to spend six months doing repetitious labour in a noisy, -polluted, hazardous factory for the same amount of money? -Despite my willingness to facilitate fetal tissue use, I am much -more reluctant to embrace the free market. This is not because -I think that women would be unable to protect themselves from -the exploitation of the market; it really does not seem to me a -worse form of exploitation than those that we accept in more -common forms of employment. Rather, I dislike the idea of a -168 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -free market in fetal tissue because, as R.M. Titmuss argued many -years ago in the case of blood supplies for medical purposes, -when we choose between a social policy based on altruism and -one based on commerce, we are choosing between two different -types of society. It may well be better, for a variety of reasons, -that there are some things that money cannot buy; some circumstances -in which we must rely on the altruism of those we -love, or even of strangers in our society. I support efforts to -resist the creeping commercialisation of every aspect of our lives, -and so I would resist the commercialisation of fetal tissue. -ABORTION AND INFANTICIDE -There remains one major objection to the argument I have -advanced in favour of abortion. We have already seen that the -strength of the conservative position lies in the difficulty liberals -have in pointing to a morally significant line of demarcation -between an embryo and a newborn baby. The standard liberal -position needs to be able to point to some such line, because -liberals usually hold that it is permissible to kill an embryo or -fetus but not a baby. I have argued that the life of a fetus (and -even more plainly, of an embryo) is of no greater value than -the life of a nonhuman animal at a similar level of rationality, -self-consciousness, awareness, capacity to feel. etc., and that -since no fetus is a person no fetus has the same claim to life as -a person. Now it must be admitted that these arguments apply -to the newborn baby as much as to the fetus. A week-old baby -is not a rational and self-conscious being, and there are many -nonhuman animals whose rationality, self-consciousness, -awareness, capacity to feel. and so on, exceed that of a human -baby a week or a month old. If the fetus does not have the same -claim to life as a person, it appears that the newborn baby does -not either, and the life of a newborn baby is of less value to it -than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee is to the nonhuman -animal. Thus while my position on the status of fetal life may -169 -Pradical Ethics -be acceptable to many, the implications of this position for the -status of newborn life are at odds with the virtually unchallenged -assumption that the life of a newborn baby is as sacrosanct -as that of an adult. Indeed, some people seem to think that the -life of a baby is more precious than that of an adult. Lurid tales -of German soldiers bayoneting Belgian babies figured prominently -in the wave of anti-German propaganda that accompanied -Britain's entry into the First World War. and it seemed -to be tacitly assumed that this was a greater atrocity than the -murder of adults would be. -I do not regard the conflict between the position I have taken -and widely accepted views about the sanctity of infant life as a -ground for abandoning my position. These widely accepted -views need to be challenged. It is true that infants appeal to us -because they are small and helpless, and there are no doubt -very good evolutionary reasons why we should instinctively -feel protective towards them. It is also true that infants cannot -be combatants and killing infants in wartime is the clearest -possible case of killing civilians, which is prohibited by international -convention. In general. since infants are harmless and -morally incapable of committing a crime, those who kill them -lack the excuses often offered for the killing of adults. None of -this shows, however, that the killing of an infant is as bad as -the killing of an (innocent) adult. -In thinking about this matter we should put aside feelings -based on the small. helpless, and - sometimes - cute appearance -of human infants. To think that the lives of infants are of special -value because infants are small and cute is on a par with thinking -that a baby seal. with its soft white fur coat and large round -eyes deserves greater protection than a gorilla, who lacks these -attributes. Nor can the helplessness or the innocence of the -infant Homo sapiens be a ground for preferring it to the equally -helpless and innocent fetal Homo sapiens, or. for that matter. -to laboratory rats who are 'innocent' in exactly the same sense -170 -I -I I -( -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -as the human infant, and, in view of the experimenters' power -over them, almost as helpless. -If we can put aside these emotionally moving but strictly -irrelevant aspects of the killing of a baby we can see that the -grounds for not killing persons do not apply to newborn infants. -The indirect, classical utilitarian reason does not apply, because -no one capable of understanding what is happening when a -newborn baby is killed could feel threatened by a policy that -gave less protection to the newborn than to adults. In this respect -Bentham was right to describe infanticide as 'of a nature not to -give the slightest inquietude to the most timid imagination'. -Once we are old enough to comprehend the policy, we are too -old to be threatened by it. -Similarly, the preference utilitarian reason for respecting the -life of a person cannot apply to a newborn baby. Newborn babies -cannot see themselves as beings who might or might not have -a future, and so cannot have a desire to continue living. For the -same reason, if a right to life must be based on the capacity to -want to go on living, or on the ability to see oneself as a continuing -mental subject, a newborn baby cannot have a right to -life. Finally, a newborn baby is not an autonomous being, capable -of making choices, and so to kill a newborn baby cannot -violate the principle of respect for autonomy. In all this the -newborn baby is on the same footing as the fetus, and hence -fewer reasons exist against killing both babies and fetuses than -exist against killing those who are capable of seeing themselves -as distinct entities, existing over time. -It would, of course, be difficult to say at what age children -begin to see themselves as distinct entities existing over time. -Even when we talk with two and three year old children it -is usually very difficult to elicit any ccherent conception of -death, or of the possibility that someone - let alone the child -herself - might cease to exist. No doubt children vary greatly -in the age at which they begin to understand these matters, -171 -Pradical Ethics -as they do in most things. But a difficulty in drawing the line -is not a reason for drawing it in a place that is obviously -wrong, any more than the notorious difficulty in saying how -much hair a man has to have lost before we can call him -'bald' is a reason for saying that someone whose pate is as -smooth as a billiard ball is not bald. Of course, where rights -are at risk, we should err on the side of safety. There is some -plausibility in the view that, for legal purposes, since birth -provides the only sharp, clear and easily understood line, the -law of homicide should continue to apply immediately after -birth. Since this is an argument at the level of public policy -and the law, it is quite compatible with the view that. on -purely ethical grounds, the killing of a newborn infant is not -comparable with the killing of an older child or adult. Alternatively, -recalling Hare's distinction between the critical and -intuitive levels of moral reasoning, one could hold that the -ethical judgment we have reached applies only at the level of -critical morality; for everyday decision-making, we should act -as if an infant has a right to life from the moment of birth. -In the next chapter, however, we shall consider another possibility: -that there should be at least some circumstances in -which a full legal right to life comes into force not at birth, -but only a short time after birth - perhaps a month. This -would provide the ample safety margin mentioned above. -If these conclusions seem too shocking to take seriously, it -may be worth remembering that our present absolute protection -of the lives of infants is a distinctively Christian attitude -rather than a universal ethical value. Infanticide has been -practised in societies ranging geographically from Tahiti to -Greenland and varying in culture from the nomadic Australian -aborigines to the sophisticated urban communities of ancient -Greece or mandarin China. In some of these societies infanticide -was not merely permitted but. in certain circumstances, -deemed morally obligatory. Not to kill a deformed or sickly -infant was often regarded as wrong, and infanticide was prob- -172 -Taking Life: The Embryo and the Fetus -ably the first, and in several societies the only, form of population -control. -We might think that we are just more 'civilised' than these -'primitive' peoples. But it is not easy to feel confident that we -are more civilised than the best Greek and Roman moralists. It -was not just the Spartans who exposed their infants on hillsides: -both Plato and Aristotle recommended the killing of deformed -infants. Romans like Seneca, whose compassionate moral sense -strikes the modem reader (or me, anyway) as superior to that -of the early and mediaeval Christian writers, also thought infanticide -the natural and humane solution to the problem posed -by sick and deformed babies. The change in Western attitudes -to infanticide since Roman times is, like the doctrine of the -sanctity of human life of which it is a part, a product of Christianity. -Perhaps it is now possible to think about these issues -without assuming the Christian moral framework that has, for -so long, prevented any fundamental reassessment. -None of this is meant to suggest that someone who goes -around randomly killing babies is morally on a par with a -woman who has an abortion. We should certainly put very -strict conditions on permissible infanticide; but these restrictions -might owe more to the effects of infanticide on others than to -the intrinsic wrongness of killing an infant. Obviously, in most -cases, to kill an infant is to inflict a terrible loss on those who -love and cherish the child. My comparison of abortion and -infanticide was prompted by the objection that the position I -have taken on abortion also justifies infanticide. I have admitted -this charge - without regarding the admission as fatal to my -position - to the extent that the intrinsic wrongness of killing -the late fetus and the intrinsic wrongness of killing the newborn -infant are not markedly different. In cases of abortion, however, -we assume that the people most affected - the parents-to-be, -or at least the mother-to-be - want to have the abortion. Thus -infanticide can only be equated with abortion when those closest -to the child do not want it to live. As an infant can be adopted -173 -Practical Ethics -by others in a way that a pre-viable fetus cannot be, such cases -will be rare. (Some of them are discussed in the following chapter.) -Killing an infant whose parents do not want it dead is, of -course, an utterly different matter. -174 -7 -TAKING LIFE: HUMANS -I N dealing with an objection to the view of abortion presented -in Chapter 6, we have already looked beyond abortion to -infanticide. In so doing we will have confirmed the suspicion -of supporters of the sanctity of human life that once abortion -is accepted, euthanasia lurks around the next comer - and for -them, euthanasia is an unequivocal evil. It has, they point out, -been rejected by doctors since the fifth century B.C., when physicians -first took the Oath of Hippocrates and swore 'to give no -deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel'. -Moreover, they argue, the Nazi extermination programme -is a recent and terrible example of what can happen once we -give the state the power to kill innocent human beings. -I do not deny that if one accepts abortion on the grounds -provided in Chapter 6, the case for killing other human beings, -in certain circumstances, is strong. As I shall try to show in this -chapter, however, this is not something to be regarded with -horror, and the use of the Nazi analogy is utterly misleading. -On the contrary, once we abandon those doctrines about the -sanctity of human life that - as we saw in Chapter 4 - collapse -as soon as they are questioned, it is the refusal to accept killing -that, in some cases, is horrific. -'Euthanasia' means, according to the dictionary, 'a gentle and -easy death', but it is now used to refer to the killing of those -who are incurably ill and in great pain or distress, for the sake -of those killed, and in order to spare them further suffering or -distress. This is the main topic of this chapter. I shall also consider, -however, some cases in which, though killing is not con- -175 -Pradical Ethics -trary to the wishes of the human who is killed, it is also not -carried out specifically for the sake of that being. As we shall -see, some cases involving newborn infants fall into this category. -Such cases may not be 'euthanasia' within the strict meaning -of the term, but they can usefully be included within the same -general discussion, as long as we are clear about the relevant -differences. -Within the usual definition of euthanasia there are three different -types, each of which raises distinctive ethical issues. It -will help our discussion if we begin by setting out this threefold -distinction and then assess the justifiability of each type. -TYPES OF EUTHANASIA -Voluntary Euthanasia -Most of the groups currently campaigning for changes in the -law to allow euthanasia are campaigning for voluntary euthanasia -- that is, euthanasia carried out at the request of the person -killed. -Sometimes voluntary euthanasia is scarcely distinguishable -from assisted suicide. In Jean's Way, Derek Humphry has told -how his wife Jean, when dying of cancer, asked him to provide -her with the means to end her life swiftly and without pain. -They had seen the situation coming and discussed it beforehand. -Derek obtained some tablets and gave them to Jean, who took -them and died soon afterwards. -Dr Jack Kevorkian, a Michigan pathologist, went one step -further when he built a 'suicide machine' to help terminally ill -people commit suicide. His machine consisted of a metal pole -with three different bottles attached to a tube of the kind used -to provide an intravenous drip. The doctor inserts the tube in -the patient's vein, but at this stage only a harmless saline solution -can pass through it. The patient may then flip a switch, -which will allow a coma-inducing drug to come through the -176 -Taking Life: Humans -tube; this is automatically followed by a lethal drug contained -in the third bottle. Dr Kevorkian announced that he was prepared -to make the machine available to any terminally ill patient -who wished to use it. (Assisting suicide is not against the law -in Michigan.) In June 1990, Janet Adkins, who was suffering -from Alzheimer's disease, but still competent to make the decision -to end her life, contacted Dr Kevorkian and told him of -her wish to die, rather than go through the slow and progressive -deterioration that the disease involves. Dr Kevorkian was in -attendance while she made use of his machine, and then reported -Janet Adkins's death to the police. He was subsequently -charged with murder, but the judge refused to allow the charge -to proceed to trial, on the grounds that Janet Adkins had caused -her own death. The following year Dr Kevorkian made his -device available to two other people, who used it in order to -end their lives. 1 -In other cases, people wanting to die may be unable to kill -themselves. In 1973 George Zygmaniak was injured in a motorcycle -accident near his home in New Jersey. He was taken -to hospital, where he was found to be totally paralysed from -the neck down. He was also in considerable pain. He told his -doctor and his brother, Lester, that he did not want to live in -this condition. He begged them both to kill him. Lester questioned -the doctor and hospital staff about George's prospects of -recovery: he was told that they were nil. He then smuggled a -gun into the hospital, and said to his brother: 'I am here to end -your pain, George. Is it all right with you?' George, who was -now unable to speak because of an operation to assist his breathing' -nodded affirmatively. Lester shot him through the temple. -The Zygmaniak case appears to be a clear instance of voluntary -euthanasia, although without some of the procedural -Dr Kevorkian was again charged with murder, and with providing a prohibited -substance, in connection with the latter two cases, but was once more -discharged. -177 -Practical Ethics -safeguards that advocates of the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia -propose. For instance, medical opinions about the patient's -prospects of recovery were obtained only in an informal -manner. Nor was there a careful attempt to establish, before -independent witnesses, that George's desire for death was of a -fixed and rational kind, based on the best available information -about his situation. The killing was not carried out by a doctor. -An injection would have been less distressing to others than -shooting. But these choices were not open to Lester Zygmaniak, -for the law in New Jersey, as in most other places, regards mercy -killing as murder, and if he had made his plans known, he -would not have been able to carry them out. -Euthanasia can be voluntary even if a person is not able, as -Jean Humphry, Janet Adkins, and George Zygmaniak were able, -to indicate the wish to die right up to the moment the tablets -are swallowed, the switch thrown, or the trigger pulled. A person -may, while in good health, make a written request for -euthanasia if, through accident or illness, she should come to -be incapable of making or expressing a decision to die, in pain, -or without the use of her mental faculties, and there is no -reasonable hope of recovery. In killing a person who has made -such a request, who has re-affirmed it from time to time, and -who is now in one of the states described, one could truly claim -to be acting with her consent. -There is now one country in which doctors can openly help -their patients to die in a peaceful and dignified way. In the -Netherlands, a series of court cases during the 1980s upheld a -doctor's right to assist a patient to die, even if that assistance -amounted to giving the patient a lethal injection. Doctors in the -Netherlands who comply with certain guidelines (which will -be described later in this chapter) can now quite openly carry -out euthanasia and can report this on the death certificate without -fear of prosecution. It has been estimated that about 2,300 -deaths each year result from euthanasia carried out in this way. -178 -Taking Life: Humans -Involuntary Euthanasia -I shall regard euthanasia as involuntary when the person killed -is capable of consenting to her own death, but does not do so, -either because she is not asked, or because she is asked and -chooses to go on living. Admittedly this definition lumps two -different cases under one heading. There is a significant difference -between killing someone who chooses to go on living and -killing someone who has not consented to being killed, but if -asked, would have consented. In practice, though, it is hard to -imagine cases in which a person is capable of consenting and -would have consented if asked, but was not asked. For why -not ask? Only in the most bizarre situations could one conceive -of a reason for not obtaining the consent of a person both able -and willing to consent. -Killing someone who has not consented to being killed can -properly be regarded as euthanasia only when the motive for -killing is the desire to prevent unbearable suffering on the part -of the person killed. It is, of course, odd that anyone acting from -this motive should disregard the wishes of the person for whose -sake the action is done. Genuine cases of involuntary euthanasia -appear to be very rare. -Non-voluntary Euthanasia -These two definitions leave room for a third kind of euthanasia. -If a human being is not capable of understanding the choice -between life and death, euthanasia would be neither voluntary -nor involuntary, but non-voluntary. Those unable to give consent -would include incurably ill or severely disabled infants, and -people who through accident, illness, or old age have permanently -lost the capacity to understand the issue involved, without -having previously requested or rejected euthanasia in these -circumstances. -179 -Practical Ethics -Several cases of non-voluntary euthanasia have reached the -courts and the popular press. Here is one example. Louis Repouille -had a son who was described as 'incurably imbecile', -had been bed-ridden since infancy and blind for five years. -According to Repouille: 'He was just like dead all the time .... He -couldn't walk, he couldn't talk, he couldn't do anything: In -the end Repouille killed his son with chloroform. -In 1988 a case arose that well illustrates the way in which -modem medical technology forces us to make life and death -decisions. Samuel Linares, an infant, swallowed a small object -that stuck in his windpipe, causing a loss of oxygen to the brain. -He was admitted to a Chicago hospital in a coma and placed -on a respirator. Eight months later he was still comatose, still -on the respirator, and the hospital was planning to move Samuel -to a long-term care unit. Shortly before the move, Samuel's -parents visited him in the hospital. His mother left the room, -while his father produced a pistol and told the nurse to keep -away. He then disconnected Samuel from the respirator, and -cradled the baby in his arms until he died. When he was sure -Samuel was dead, he gave up his pistol and surrendered to -police. He was charged with murder, but the grand jury refused -to issue a homicide indictment, and he subsequently received -a suspended sentence on a minor charge arising from the use -of the pistol. -Obviously, such cases raise different issues from those raised -by voluntary euthanasia. There is no desire to die on the part -of the infant. It may also be questioned whether, in such cases, -the death is carried out for the sake of the infant, or for the sake -of the family as a whole. If Louis Repouille's son was 'just like -dead all the time', then he may have been so profoundly braindamaged -that he was not capable of suffering at all. That is also -likely to have been true of the comatose Samuel Linares. In that -case, while caring for him would have been a great and no -doubt futile burden for the family, and in the Linares case, a -drain on the state's limited medical resources as well, the infants -180 -Taking Life: Humans -were not suffering, and death could not be said to be in, or -contrary to, their interests. It is therefore not euthanasia, strictly -speaking, as I have defined the term. It might nevertheless be -a justifiable ending of a human life. -Since cases of infanticide and non-voluntary euthanasia are -the kind of case most nearly akin to our previous discussions -of the status of animals and the human fetus, We shall consider -them first. -JUSTIFYING INFANTICIDE AND -NON-VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA -I As we have seen, euthanasia is non-voluntary when the subject -has never had the capacity to choose to live or die. This is -the situation of the severely disabled infant or the older human -being who has been profoundly intellectually disabled -since birth. Euthanasia or other forms of killing are also nonvoluntary -when the subject is not now but once was capable -of making the crucial choice, and did not then express any -preference relevant to her present condition. -The case of someone who has never been capable of choosing -to live or die is a little more straightforward than that of a person -who had, but has now lost, the capacity to make such a decision. -We shall, once again, separate the two cases and take the more -straightforward one first. For simplicity, I shall concentrate on -infants, although everything I say about them would apply to -older children or adults whose mental age is and has always -been that of an infant. -Life and Death Decisions for Disabled Infants -If we were to approach the issue of life or death for a seriously -disabled human infant without any prior discussion of the ethics -181 -Practical Ethics -of killing in generaL we might be unable to resolve the conflict -between the widely accepted obligation to protect the sanctity -of human life, and the goal of reducing suffering. Some say that -such decisions are 'subjective', or that life and death questions -must be left to God and Nature. Our previous discussions have, -however, prepared the ground, and the principles established -and applied in the preceding three chapters make the issue much -less baffling than most take it to be. -In Chapter 4 we saw that the fact that a being is a human -being, in the sense of a member of the species Homo sapiens, -is not relevant to the wrongness of killing it; it is, rather, characteristics -like rationality, autonomy, and self-consciousness -that make a difference. Infants lack these characteristics. Killing -them, therefore, cannot be equated with killing normal human -beings, or any other self-conscious beings. This conclusion is -not limited to infants who, because of irreversible intellectual -disabilities, will never be rationaL self-conscious beings. We saw -in our discussion of abortion that the potential of a fetus to -become a rationaL self-conscious being cannot count against -killing it at a stage when it lacks these characteristics -:- not, that -is, unless we are also prepared to count the value of rational -self-conscious life as a reason against contraception and celibacy. -No infant - disabled or not - has as strong a claim to life -as beings capable of seeing themselves as distinct entities, existing -over time. -The difference between killing disabled and normal infants -lies not in any supposed right to life that the latter has and the -former lacks, but in other considerations about killing. Most -obviously there is the difference that often exists in the attitudes -of the parents. The birth of a child is usually a happy event for -the parents. They have, nowadays, often planned for the child. -The mother has carried it for nine months. From birth, a natural -affection begins to bind the parents to it. So one important -reason why it is normally a terrible thing to kill an infant is the -effect the killing will have on its parents. -182 -Taking Life: Humans -It is different when the infant is born with a serious disability. -Birth abnormalities vary, of course. Some are trivial and have -little effect on the child or its parents; but others turn the normally -joyful event of birth into a threat to the happiness of the -parents, and any other children they may have. -Parents may, with good reason, regret that a disabled child -was ever born. In that event the effect that the death of the -child will have on its parents can be a reason for, rather than -against killing it. Some parents want even the most gravely -disabled infant to live as long as possible, and this desire would -then be a reason against killing the infant. But what if this is -not the case? In the discussion that follows I shall assume that -the parents do not want the disabled child to live. I shall also -assume that the disability is so serious that - again in contrast -to the situation of an unwanted but normal child today - there -are no other couples keen to adopt the infant. This is a realistic -assumption even in a society in which there is a long waitinglist -of couples wishing to adopt normal babies. It is true that -from time to time cases of infants who are severely disabled and -are being allowed to die have reached the courts in a glare of -publicity, and this has led to couples offering to adopt the child. -Unfortunately such offers are the product of the highly publicised -dramatic life-and-death situation, and do not extend to -the less publicised but far more common situations in which -parents feel themselves unable to look after a severely disabled -child, and the child then languishes in an institution. -Infants are sentient beings who are neither rational nor selfconscious. -So if we turn to consider the infants in themselves, -independently of the attitudes of their parents, since their species -is not relevant to their moral status, the principles that govern -the wrongness of killing non-human animals who are sentient -but not rational or self-conscious must apply here too. As we -saw, the most plausible arguments for attributing a right to life -to a being apply only if there is some awareness of oneself as -a being existing over time, or as a continuing mental self. Nor -183 -Practical Ethics -can respect for autonomy apply where there is no capacity for -autonomy. The remaining principles identified in Chapter 4 are -utilitarian. Hence the quality of life that the infant can be expected -to have is important. -One relatively common birth disability is a faulty development -of the spine known as spina bifida. Its prevalence varies in -different countries, but it can affect as many as one in five -hundred live births. In the more severe cases, the child will be -permanently paralysed from the waist down and lack c?ntrol -of bowels or bladder. Often excess fluid accumulates III the -brain, a condition known as hydrocephalus, which can result -in intellectual disabilities. Though some forms of treatment exist, -if the child is badly affected at birth, the paralysis, incontinence, -and intellectual disability cannot be overcome. -Some doctors closely connected with children suffering from -severe spina bifida believe that the lives of the worst affected -children are so miserable that it is wrong to resort to surgery -to keep them alive. Published descriptions of the lives of these -children support the judgment that these worst affected children -will have lives filled with pain and discomfort. They ne,ed repeated -major surgery to prevent curvature of the spine, due to -the paralysis, and to correct other abnormalities. Some children -with spina bifida have had forty major operations before they -reach their teenage years. -When the life of an infant will be so miserable as not to be -worth living, from the internal perspective of the being who -will lead that life, both the 'prior existence' and the 'total' version -of utilitarianism entail that, if there are no 'extrinsic' reasons -for keeping the infant alive - like the feelings M the parents -- it is better that the child should be helped to die without -further suffering. A more difficult problem arises - and the convergence -between the two views ends - when we consider -disabilities that make the child's life prospects significantly less -promising than those of a normal child, but not so bleak as to -make the child's life not worth living. Haemophilia is probably -184 -Taking Life: Humans -in this category. The haemophiliac lacks the element in normal -blood that makes it clot and thus risks prolonged bleeding, -especially internal bleeding, from the slightest injury. If allowed -to continue, this bleeding leads to permanent crippling and -eventually death. The bleeding is very painful and although -improved treatments have eliminated the need for constant -blood transfusions, haemophiliacs still have to spend a lot of -time in hospital. They are unable to play most sports and live -constantly on the edge of crisis. Nevertheless, haemophiliacs do -not appear to spend their time wondering whether to end it -all; most find life definitely worth living, despite the difficulties -they face. -Given these facts, suppose that a newborn baby is diagnosed -as a haemophiliac. The parents, daunted by the prospect of -bringing up a child with this condition, are not anxious for him -to live. Could euthanasia be defended here? Our first reaction -may well be a firm 'no', for the infant can be expected to have -a life that is worth living, even if not quite as good as that of a -normal baby. The 'prior existence' version of utilitarianism supports -this judgment. The infant exists. His life can be expected -to contain a positive balance of happiness over misery. To kill -him would deprive him of this positive balance of happiness. -Therefore it would be wrong. -On the 'total' version of utilitarianism, however, we cannot -reach a decision on the basis of this information alone. The total -view makes it necessary to ask whether the death of the haemophiliac -infant would lead to the creation of another being -who would not otherwise have existed. In other words, if the -haemophiliac child is killed, will his parents have another child -whom they would not have if the haemophiliac child lives? If -they would, is the second child likely to have a better life than -the one killed? -Often it will be possible to answer both these questions affirmatively. -A woman may plan to have two children. If one -dies while she is of child-bearing age, she may conceive another -185 -Practical Ethics -in its place. Suppose a woman planning to have two children -has one normal child, and then gives birth to a haemophiliac -child. The burden of caring for that child may make it impossible -for her to cope with a third child; but if the disabled child were -to die, she would have another. It is also plausible to suppose -that the prospects of a happy life are better for a normal child -than for a haemophiliac. -When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of -another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total -amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is -killed. The loss of happy life for the first infant is outweighed -by the gain of a happier life for the second. Therefore, if killing -the haemophiliac infant has no adverse effect on others, it -would, according to the total view, be right to kill him. -The total view treats infants as replaceable, in much the same -way as it treats non-self-conscious animals (as we saw in Chapter -5). Many will think that the replaceability argument cannot -be applied to human infants. The direct killing of even the most -hopelessly disabled infant is still officially regarded as murder; -how then could the killing of infants with far less serious problems, -like haemophilia, be accepted? Yet on further reflection, -the implications of the replaceability argument do not seem -quite so bizarre. For there are disabled members of our species -whom we now deal with exactly as the argument suggests we -should. These cases closely resemble the ones we have been -discussing. There is only one difference, and that is a difference -of timing - the timing of the discovery of the problem, and the -consequent killing of the disabled being. -Prenatal diagnosis is now a routine procedure for pregnant -women. There are various medical techniques for obtaining -information about the fetus during the early months of pregnancy. -At one stage in the development of these procedures, it -was possible to discover the sex of the fetus, but not whether -the fetus would suffer from haemophilia. Haemophilia is a sexlinked -genetic defect, from which only males suffer; females can -186 -Taking Life: Humans -carry the gene and pass it on to their male offspring without -themselves being affected. So a woman who knew that she -carried the gene for haemophilia could, at that stage, avoid -giving birth to a haemophiliac child only by finding out the sex -of the fetus, and aborting all males fetuses. Statistically, only -half of these male children of women who carried the defective -gene would have suffered from haemophilia, but there was then -no way to find out to which half a particular fetus belonged. -Therefore twice as many fetuses were being killed as necessary, -in order to avoid the birth of children with haemophilia. This -practice was widespread in many countries, and yet did not -cause any great outcry. Now that we have techniques for -identifying haemophilia before birth, we can be more selective, -but the principle is the same: women are offered, and usually -accept, abortions in order to avoid giving birth to children with -haemophilia. -The same can be said about some other conditions that can -be detected before birth. Down's syndrome, formerly known as -mongolism, is one of these. Children with this condition have -intellectual disabilities and most will never be able to live independently, -but their lives, like those of small children, can be -joyful. The risk of having a Down's syndrome child increases -sharply with the age of the mother, and for this reason prenatal -diagnosis is routinely offered to pregnant women over 35. -Again, undergoing the procedure implies that if the test for -Down's syndrome is positive, the woman will consider aborting -the fetus and, if she still wishes to have another child, will start -another pregnancy, which has a good chance of being normal. -Prenatal diagnosis, followed by abortion in selected cases, is -common practice in countries with liberal abortion laws and -advanced medical techniques. I think this is as it should be. As -the arguments of Chapter 6 indicate, I believe that abortion can -be justified. Note, however, that neither haemophilia nor -Down's syndrome is so crippling as to make life not worth living, -from the inner perspective of the person with the condition. To -187 -Practical Ethics -abort a fetus with one of these disabilities, intending to have -another child who will not be disabled, is to treat fetuses as -interchangeable or replaceable. If the mother has previously -decided to have a certain number of children, say two, then -what she is doing, in effect, is rejecting one potential child in -favour of another. She could, in defence of her actions, say: the -loss of life of the aborted fetus is outweighed by the gain of a -better life for the normal child who will be conceived only if -the disabled one dies. -When death occurs before birth, replaceability does not conflict -with generally accepted moral convictions. That a fetus is -known to be disabled is widely accepted as a ground for abortion. -Yet in discussing abortion, we saw that birth does not -mark a morally significant dividing line. I cannot see how one -could defend the view that fetuses may be 'replaced' before -birth, but newborn infants may not be. Nor is there any other -point, such as viability, that does a better job of dividing the -fetus from the infant. Self-consciousness, which could provide -a basis for holding that it is wrong to kill one being and replace -it with another, is not to be found in either the fetus or the -newborn infant. Neither the fetus nor the newborn infant is an -individual capable of regarding itself as a distinct entity with a -life of its own to lead, and it is only for newborn infants, or for -still earlier stages of human life, that replaceability should be -considered to be an ethically acceptable option. -It may still be objected that to replace either a fetus or a -newborn infant is wrqng because it suggests to disabled people -living today that their lives are less worth living than the lives -of people who are not disabled. Yet it is surely flying in the face -of reality to deny that, on average, this is so. That is the only -way to make sense of actions that we all take for granted. Recall -thalidomide: this drug, when taken by pregnant women, caused -many children to be born without arms or legs. Once the cause -of the abnormal births was discovered, the drug was taken off -the market, and the company responsible had to pay compen- -188 -Taking Life: Humans -sation. If we really believed that there is no reason to think of -the life of a disabled person as likely to be any worse than that -of a normal person, we would not have regarded this as a -tragedy. No compensation would have been sought, or awarded -by the courts. The children would merely have been 'different'. -We could even have left the drug on the market, so that women -who found it a useful sleeping pill during pregnancy could continue -to take it. If this sounds grotesque, that is only because -we are all in no doubt at all that it is better to be born with -limbs than without them. To believe this involves no disrespect -at all for those who are lacking limbs; it simply recognises the -reality of the difficulties they face. -In any case, the position taken here does not imply that it -would be better that no people born with severe disabilities -should survive; it implies only that the parents of such infants -should be able to make this decision. Nor does this imply lack -ofrespect or equal consideration for people with disabilities who -are now living their own lives in accordance with their own -wishes. As we saw at the end of Chapter 2, the principle of -equal consideration of interests rejects any discounting of the -interests of people on grounds of disability. -Even those who reject abortion and the idea that the fetus is -replaceable are likely to regard possible people as replaceable. -Recall the second woman in Partit's case of the two women, -described in Chapter 5. She was told by her doctor that if she -went ahead with her plan to become pregnant immediately, -her child would have a disability (it could have been haemophilia); -but if she waited three months her child would not have -the disability. If we think she would do wrong not to wait, it -can only be because we are comparing the two possible lives -and judging one to have better prospects than the other. Of -course, at this stage no life has begun; but the question is, when -does a life, in the morally significant sense, really begin? In -Chapters 4 and 5 we saw several reasons for saying that life -only begins in the morally significant sense when there is aware- -189 -Pradical Ethics -ness of one's existence over time. The metaphor of life as a -journey also provides a reason for holding that in infancy, life's -voyage has scarcely begun. -Regarding newborn infants as replaceable, as we now regard -fetuses, would have considerable advantages over prenatal diagnosis -followed by abortion. Prenatal diagnosis still cannot -detect all major disabilities. Some disabilities, in fact. are not -present before birth; they may be the result of extremely premature -birth, or of something going wrong in the birth process -itself. At present parents can choose to keep or destroy their -disabled offspring only if the disability happens to be detected -during pregnancy. There is no logical basis for restricting parents' -choice to these particular disabilities. If disabled newborn -infants were not regarded as having a right to life until, say, a -week or a month after birth it would allow parents, in consultation -with their doctors, to choose on the basis of far greater -knowledge of the infant's condition than is possible before birth. -All these remarks have been concerned with the wrongness -of ending the life of the infant, considered in itself rather than -for its effects on others. When we take effects on others into -account, the picture may alter. Obviously, to go through the -whole of pregnancy and labour, only to give birth to a child -who one decides should not live, would be a difficult, perhaps -heartbreaking, experience. For this reason many women would -prefer prenatal diagnosis and abortion rather than live birth with -the possibility of infanticide; but ifthe latter is not morally worse -than the former, this would seem to be a choice that the woman -herself should be allowed to make. -Another factor to take into account is the possibility of adoption. -When there are more couples wishing to adopt than normal -children available for adoption, a childless couple may be -prepared to adopt a haemophiliac. This would relieve the -mother of the burden of bringing up a haemophiliac child, and -enable her to have another child, if she wished. Then the replaceability -argument could not justify infanticide, for bringing -190 -Taking Life: Humans -the other child into existence would not be dependent on the -death ofthe haemophiliac. The death ofthe haemophiliac would -then be a straightforward loss of a life of positive quality, not -outweighed by the creation of another being with a better life. -So the issue of ending life for disabled newborn infants is not -without complications, which we do not have the space to -discuss adequately. Nevertheless the main point is clear: killing -a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. -Very often it is not wrong at all. -Other Non-voluntary Life and Death Decisions -In the preceding section we discussed justifiable killing for -beings who have never been capable of choosing to live or die. -Ending a life without consent may also be considered in the -case of those who were once persons capable of choosing to -live or die, but now, through accident or old age, have permanently -lost this capacity, and did not, prior to losing it, express -any views about whether they wished to go on living in such -circumstances. These cases are not rare. Many hospitals care for -motor accident victims whose brains have been damaged beyond -all possible recovery. They may survive, in a coma, or -perhaps barely conscious, for several years. In 1991, the Lancet -reported that Rita Greene, a nurse, had been a patient at D.C. -General Hospital in Washington for thirty-nine years without -knowing it. Now aged sixty-three, she had been in a vegetative -state since undergoing open heart surgery in 1952. The report -stated that at any given time, between 5,000 and 10,000 Americans -are surviving in a vegetative state. In other developed -countries, where life-prolonging technology is not used so aggressively, -there are far fewer long-term patients in this -condition. -In most respects, these human beings do not differ importantly -from disabled infants. They are not self-conscious, rational, -or autonomous, and so considerations of a right to life -191 -Practical Ethics -or of respecting autonomy do not apply. If they have no experiences -at all, and can never have any again, their lives have -no intrinsic value. Their life's journey has come to an end. They -are biologically alive, but not biographically. (If this verdict -seems harsh, ask yourself whether there is anything to choose -between the following options: (a) instant death or (b) instant -coma, followed by death, without recovery, in ten years' time. -I can see no advantage in survival in a comatose state, if death -without recovery is certain.) The lives of those who are not in -a coma and are conscious but not self-conscious have value if -such beings experience more pleasure than pain, or have preferences -that can be satisfied; but it is difficult to see the point -of keeping such human beings alive if their life is, on the whole, -miserable. -There is one important respect in which these cases differ -from disabled infants. In discussing infanticide in the final section -of Chapter 6, I cited Bentham's comment that infanticide -need not 'give the slightest inquietude to the most timid imagination'. -This is because those old enough to be aware of the -killing of disabled infants are necessarily outside the scope of -the policy. This cannot be said of euthanasia applied to those -who once were rational and self-conscious. So a possible objection -to this form of euthanasia would be that it will lead to -insecurity and fear among those who are not now, but might -come to be, within its scope. For instance, elderly people, knowing -that non-voluntary euthanasia is sometimes applied to senile -elderly patients, bedridden, suffering, and lacking the capacity -to accept or reject death, might fear that every injection or tablet -will be lethal. This fear might be quite irrational, but it would -be difficult to convince people of this, particularly if old age -really had affected their memory or powers of reasoning. -This objection might be met by a procedure allowing those -who do not wish to be subjected to non-voluntary euthanasia -under any circumstances to register their refusal. Perhaps this -192 -Taking Life: Humans -would suffice; but perhaps it would not provide enough reassurance. -If not, non-voluntary euthanasia would be justifiable -only for those never capable of choosing to live or die. -JUSTIFYING VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA -Under existing laws in most countries, people suffering uruelievable -pain or distress from an incurable illness who beg their -doctors to end their lives are asking their doctors to risk a murder -charge. Although juries are extremely reluctant to convict in -cases of this kind the law is clear that neither the request, nor -the degree of suffering, nor the incurable condition of the person -killed, is a defence to a charge of murder. Advocates of voluntary -euthanasia propose that this law be changed so that a doctor -could legally act on a patient's desire to die without further -suffering. Doctors have been able to do this quite openly in the -Netherlands, as a result of a series of court decisions during the -1980s, as long as they comply with certain conditions. In Germany, -doctors may provide a patient with the means to end her -life, but they may not administer the substance to her. -The case for voluntary euthanasia has some common ground -with the case for non-voluntary euthanasia, in that death is a -benefit for the one killed. The two kinds of euthanasia differ, -however, in that voluntary euthanasia involves the killing of a -person, a rational and self-conscious being and not a merely -conscious being. (To be strictly accurate it must be said that this -is not always so, because although only rational and self-conscious -beings can consent to their own deaths, they may not be -rational and self-conscious at the time euthanasia is contemplated -- the doctor may, for instance, be acting on a prior written -request for euthanasia if, through accident or illness, one's rational -faculties should be irretrievably lost. For simplicity we -shall, henceforth, disregard this complication.) -We have seen that it is possible to justify ending the life of a -193 -Practical Ethics -human being who lacks the capacity to consent. We must now -ask in what way the ethical issues are different when the being -is capable of consenting, and does in fact consent. -Let us return to the general principles about killing proposed -in Chapter 4. I argued there that killing a self-conscious being -is a more serious matter than killing a merely conscious being. -I gave four distinct grounds on which this could be argued: -The classical utilitarian claim that since self-conscious beings -are capable of fearing their own death, killing them has worse -effects on others. -2 The preference utilitarian calculation that counts the thwarting -of the victim's desire to go on living as an important reason -against killing. -3 A theory of rights according to which to have a right one must -have the ability to desire that to which one has a right, so that -to have a right to life one must be able to desire one's own -continued existence. -4 Respect for the autonomous decisions of rational agents. -Now suppose we have a situation in which a person suffering -from a painful and incurable disease wishes to die. If the individual -were not a person - not rational or self-conscious - -euthanasia would, as I have said, be justifiable. Do any of the -four grounds for holding that it is normally worse to kill a person -provide reasons against killing when the individual is a person -who wants to die? -The classical utilitarian objection does not apply to killing that -takes place only with the genuine consent of the person killed. -That people are killed under these conditions would have no -tendency to spread fear or insecurity, since we have no cause -to be fearful of being killed with our own genuine consent. If -we do not wish to be killed, we simply do not consent. In fact, -the argument from fear points in favour of voluntary euthanasia, -for if voluntary euthanasia is not permitted we may, with good -cause, be fearful that our deaths will be unnecessarily drawn -out and distressing. In the Netherlands, a nationwide study -commissioned by the government found that 'Many patients -194 -Taking Life: Humans -want an assurance that their doctor will assist them to die should -suffering become unbearable: Often, having received this assurance, -no persistent request for euthanasia eventuated. The -availability of euthanasia brought comfort without euthanasia -having to be provided. -Preference utilitarianism also points in favour of, not against, -voluntary euthanasia. Just as preference utilitarianism must -count a desire to go on living as a reason against killing, so it -must count a desire to die as a reason for killing. -Next, according to the theory of rights we have considered, -it is an essential feature of a right that one can waive one's -rights if one so chooses. I may have a right to privacy; but I -can, if I wish, film every detail of my daily life and invite the -neighbours to my home movies. Neighbours sufficiently intrigued -to accept my invitation could do so without violating -my right to privacy, since the right has on this occasion been -waived. Similarly, to say that I have a right to life is not to say -that it would be wrong for my doctor to end my life, if she does -so at my request. In making this request I waive my right to -life. -Lastly, the principle of respect for autonomy tells us to allow -rational agents to live their own lives according to their own -autonomous decisions, free from coercion or interference; but -if rational agents should autonomously choose to die, then respect -for autonomy will lead us to assist them to do as they -choose. -So, although there are reasons for thinking that killing a selfconscious -being is normally worse than killing any other kind -of being, in the special case of voluntary euthanasia most of -these reasons count for euthanasia rather than against. Surprising -as this result might at first seem, it really does no more -than reflect the fact that what is special about self-conscious -beings is that they can know that they exist over time and will, -unless they die, continue to exist. Normally this continued existence -is fervently desired; when the foreseeable continued ex- -195 -Practical Ethics -istence is dreaded rather than desired however, the desire to die -may take the place of the normal desire to live, reversing the -reasons against killing based on the desire to live. Thus the case -for voluntary euthanasia is arguably much stronger than the -case for non-voluntary euthanasia. -Some opponents of the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia -might concede that all this follows, if we have a genuinely free -and rational decision to die: but, they add, we can never be -sure that a request to be killed is the result of a free and rational -decision. Will not the sick and elderly be pressured by their -relatives to end their lives quickly? Will it not be possible to -commit outright murder by pretending that a person has requested -euthanasia? And even if there is no pressure of falsification, -can anyone who is ill, suffering pain, and very probably -in a drugged and confused state of mind, make a rational decision -about whether to live or die? -These questions raise technical difficulties for the legalisation -of voluntary euthanasia, rather than objections to the underlying -ethical principles; but they are serious difficulties nonetheless. -The guidelines developed by the courts in the Netherlands -have sought to meet them by proposing that euthanasia -is acceptable only if -ā€¢ It is carried out by a physician. -ā€¢ The patient has explicitly requested euthanasia in a manner -that leaves no doubt of the patient's desire to die. -ā€¢ The patient's decision is well-informed, free, and durable. -ā€¢ The patient has an irreversible condition causing protracted -physical or mental suffering that the patients finds unbearable. -ā€¢ There is no reasonable alternative (reasonable from the patient's -point of view) to alleviate the patient's suffering. -ā€¢ The doctor has consulted another independent professional -who agrees with his or her judgment. -Euthanasia in these circumstances is strongly supported by the -Royal Dutch Medical Association, and by the general public in -the Netherlands. The guidelines make murder in the guise of -196 -Taking Life: Humans -euthanasia rather far-fetched, and there is no evidence of an -increase in the murder rate in the Netherlands. -It is often said, in debates about euthanasia, that doctors can -be mistaken. In rare instances patients diagnosed by two competent -doctors as suffering from an incurable condition have -survived and enjoyed years of good health. Possibly the legalisation -of voluntary euthanasia would, over the years, mean -the deaths of a few people who would otherwise have recovered -from their immediate illness and lived for some extra years. This -is not, however, the knockdown argument against euthanasia -that some imagine it to be. Against a very small number of -unnecessary deaths that might occur if euthanasia is legalised -we must place the very large amount of pain and distress that -will be suffered if euthanasia is not legalised, by patients who -really are terminally ill. Longer life is not such a supreme good -that it outweighs all other considerations. (If it were, there -would be many more effective ways of saving life - such as a -ban on smoking, or a reduction of speed limits to 40 kilometres -per hour - than prohibiting voluntary euthanasia.) The possibility -that two doctors may make a mistake means that the -person who opts for euthanasia is deciding on the balance of -probabilities and giving up a very slight chance of survival in -order to avoid suffering that will almost certainly end in death. -This may be a perfectly rational choice. Probability is the guide -of life, and of death, too. Against this, some will reply that -improved care for the terminally ill has eliminated pain and -made voluntary euthanasia unnecessary. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, -whose On Death and Dying is perhaps the best-known book on -care for the dying, has claimed that none of her patients request -euthanasia. Given personal attention and the right medication, -she says, people come to accept their deaths and die peacefully -without pain. -Kubler-Ross may be right. It may be possible, now, to eliminate -pain. In almost all cases, it may even be possible to do it -in a way that leaves patients in possession of their rational -197 -Practical Ethics -faculties and free from vomiting, nausea, or other distressing -side-effects. Unfortunately only a minority of dying patients now -receive this kind of care. Nor is physical pain the only problem. -There can also be other distressing conditions, like bones so -fragile they fracture at sudden movements, uncontrollable nausea -and vomiting, slow starvation due to a cancerous growth, -inability to control one's bowels or bladder, difficulty in breathing, -and so on. -Dr Timothy Quill, a doctor from Rochester, New York, has -described how he prescribed barbiturate sleeping pills for 'Diane', -a patient with a severe form of leukaemia, knowing that -she wanted the tablets in order to be able to end her life. Dr -Quill had known Diane for many years, and admired her courage -in dealing with previous serious illnesses. In an article in -the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr Quill wrote: -It was extraordinarily important to Diane to maintain control of -herself and her own dignity during the time remaining to her. -When this was no longer possible, she clearly wanted to die. As -a former director of a hospice program, I know how to use pain -medicines to keep patients comfortable and lessen suffering. I -explained the philosophy of comfort care, which I strongly believe -in. Although Diane understood and appreciated this, she -had known of people lingering in what was called relative comfort, -and she wanted no part of it. When the time came, she -wanted to take her life in the least painful way possible. Knowing -of her desire for independence and her decision to stay in control, -I thought this request made perfect sense .... In our discussion -it became clear that preoccupation with her fear of a lingering -death would interfere with Diane's getting the most out of the -time she had left until she found a safe way to ensure her death. -Not all dying patients who wish to die are fortunate enough -to have a doctor like Timothy Quill. Betty Rollin has described, -in her moving book Last Wish, how her mother developed ovarian -cancer that spread to other parts of her body. One morning -her mother said to her: -198 -Taking Life: Humans -I've had a wonderful life, but now it's over, or it should be. I'm -not afraid to die, but I am afraid of this illness, what it's doing -to me .... There's never any relief from it now. Nothing but -nausea and this pain .... There won't be any more chemotherapy. -There's no treatment anymore. So what happens to me -now? I know what happens. I'll die slowly .... I don't want -that. ... Who does it benefit if I die slowly? If it benefits my -children I'd be willing. But it's not going to do you any -good .... There's no point in a slow death, none. I've never liked -doing things with no point. I've got to end this. -Betty Rollin found it very difficult to help her mother to carry -out her desire: 'Physician after physician turned down our pleas -for help (How many pills? What kind?).' After her book about -her mother'S death was published, she received hundreds of -letters, many from people, or close relatives of people, who had -tried to die, failed, and suffered even more. Many of these people -were denied help from doctors, because although suicide is legal -in most jurisdictions, assisted suicide is not. -Perhaps one day it will be possible to treat all terminally ill -and incurable patients in such a way that no one requests euthanasia -and the subject becomes a non-issue; but this is now -just a utopian ideal, and no reason at all to deny euthanasia to -those who must live and die in far less comfortable conditions. -It is, in any case, highly paternalistic to tell dying patients that -they are now so well looked after that they need not be offered -the option of euthanasia. It would be more in keeping with -respect for individual freedom and autonomy to legalise euthanasia -and let patients decide whether their situation is -bearable. -Do these arguments for voluntary euthanasia perhaps give -too much weight to individual freedom and autonomy? After -all, we do not allow people free choices on matters like, for -instance, the taking of heroin. This is a restriction of freedom -but, in the view of many, one that can be justified on paternalistic -grounds. If preventing people from becoming heroin -199 -Pradical Ethics -addicts is justifiable paternalism, why isn't preventing people -from having themselves killed? -The question is a reasonable one, because respect for individual -freedom can be carried too far. John Stuart Mill thought -that the state should never interfere with the individual except -to prevent harm to others. The individual's own good, Mill -thought, is not a proper reason for state intervention. But Mill -may have had too high an opinion of the rationality of a human -being. It may occasionally be right to prevent people from making -choices that are obviously not rationally based and that we -can be sure they will later regret. The prohibition of voluntary -euthanasia cannot be justified on paternalistic grounds, however, -for voluntary euthanasia is an act for which good reasons -exist. Voluntary euthanasia occurs only when, to the best of -medical knowledge, a person is suffering from an incurable and -painful or extremely distressing condition. In these circumstances -one cannot say that to choose to die quickly is obviously -irrational. The strength of the case for voluntary euthanasia lies -in this combination of respect for the preferences, or autonomy, -of those who decide for euthanasia; and the clear rational basis -of the decision itself. -NOT JUSTIFYING INVOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA -Involuntary euthanasia resembles voluntary euthanasia in that -it involves the killing of those capable of consenting to their -own death. It differs in that they do not consent. This difference -is crucial, as the argument of the preceding section shows. All -the four reasons against killing self-conscious beings apply when -the person killed does not choose to die. -Would it ever be possible to justify involuntary euthanasia -on paternalistic grounds, to save someone extreme agony? It -might be possible to imagine a case in which the agony was so -great, and so certain, that the weight of utilitarian considerations -favouring euthanasia override all four reasons against killing -200 -Taking Life: Humans -self-conscious beings. Yet to make this decision one would have -to be confident that one can judge when a person's life is so -bad as to be not worth living, better than that person can judge -herself. It is not clear that we are ever justified in having much -confidence in our judgments about whether the life of another -person is, to that person, worth living. That the other person -wishes to go on living is good evidence that her life is worth -living. What better evidence could there be? -The only kind of case in which the paternalistic argument -is at all plausible is one in which the person to be killed -does not realise what agony she will suffer in future, and if -she is not killed now she will have to live through to the -very end. On these grounds one might kill a person who has -- though she does not yet realise it - fallen into the hands -of homicidal sadists who will torture her to death. These cases -are, fortunately, more commonly encountered in fiction than -reality. -If in real life we are unlikely ever to encounter a case of -justifiable involuntary euthanasia, then it may be best to dismiss -from our minds the fanciful cases in which one might imagine -defending it, and treat the rule against involuntary euthanasia -as, for all practical purposes, absolute. Here Hare's distinction -between critical and intuitive levels of moral reasoning (see -Chapter 4), is again relevant. The case described in the preceding -paragraph is one in which, if we were reasoning at the critical -level, we might consider involuntary euthanasia justifiable; but -at the intuitive level, the level of moral reasoning we apply in -our daily lives, we can simply say that euthanasia is only justifiable -if those killed either -lack the ability to consent to death, because they lack the -capacity to understand the choice between their own continued -existence or non-existence; or -2 have the capacity to choose between their own continued life -or death and to make an informed, voluntary, and settled -decision to die. -201 -Practical Ethics -ACTIVE AND PASSIVE EUTHANASIA -The conclusions we have reached in this chapter will shock a -large number of readers, for they violate one of the most fundamental -tenets of Western ethics - the wrongness of killing -innocent human beings. I have already made one attempt to -show that my conclusions are, at least in the area of disabled -infants, a less radical departure from existing practice than one -might suppose. I pointed out that many societies allow a pregnant -woman to kill a fetus at a late stage of pregnancy if there -is a significant risk of it being disabled; and since the line between -a developed fetus and a newborn infant is not a crucial -moral divide, it is difficult to see why it is worse to kill a newborn -infant known to be disabled. In this section I shall argue that -there is another area of accepted medical practice that is not -intrinsically different from the practices that the arguments of -this chapter would allow. -I have already referred to the birth defect known as spina -bifida, in which the infant is born with an opening in the back, -exposing the spinal cord. Until 1957, most of these infants died -young, but in that year doctors began using a new kind of valve, -to drain off the excess fluid that otherwise accumulates in the -head with this condition. In some hospitals it then became -standard practice to make vigorous efforts to save every spina -bifida infant. The result was that few such infants died - but of -those who survived, many were severely disabled, with gross -paralysis, multiple deformities.- of the legs and spine, and no -control of bowel or bladder. Intellectual disabilities were also -common. In short, the existence of these children caused great -difficulty for their families and was often a misery for the children -themselves. -After studying the results of this policy of active treatment a -British doctor, John Lorber, proposed that instead of treating -all cases of spina bifida, only those who have the defect in a -mild form should be selected for treatment. (He proposed that -202 -, -I , -I -I -I -Taking Life: Humans -the final decision should be up to the parents, but parents nearly -always accept the recommendations of the doctors.) This principle -of selective treatment has now been widely accepted in -many countries and in Britain has been recognised as legitimate -by the Department of Health and Social Security. The result is -that fewer spina bifida children survive beyond infancy, but -those who do survive are, by and large, the ones whose physical -and mental disabilities are relatively minor. -The policy of selection, then, appears to be a desirable one: -but what happens to those disabled infants not selected for -treatment? Lorber does not disguise the fact that in these cases -the hope is that the infant will die soon and without suffering. -It is to achieve this objective that surgical operations and other -forms of active treatment are not undertaken, although pain -and discomfort are as far as possible relieved. If the infant happens -to get an infection, the kind of infection that in a normal -infant would be swiftly cleared up with antibiotics, no antibiotics -are given. Since the survival of the infant is not desired, no steps -are taken to prevent a condition, easily curable by ordinary -medical techniques, proving fatal. -All this is, as I have said, accepted medical practice. In articles -in medical journals, doctors have described cases in which they -have allowed infants to die. These cases are not limited to spina -bifida, but include, for instance, babies born with Down's syndrome -and other complications. In 1982, the 'Baby Doe' case -brought this practice to the attention of the American public. -'Baby Doe' was the legal pseudonym of a baby born in Bloomington, -Indiana, with Down's syndrome and some additional -problems. The most serious of these was that the passage from -the mouth to the stomach - the oesophagus - was not properly -formed. This meant that Baby Doe could not receive nourishment -by mouth. The problem could have been repaired by surgery -- but in this case the parents, after discussing the situation -with their obstetrician, refused permission for surgery. Without -surgery, Baby Doe would soon die. Baby Doe's father later said -203 -Practical Ethics -that as a schoolteacher he had worked closely with Down's -syndrome children, and that he and his wife had decided that -it was in the best interests of Baby Doe, and of their family as -a whole (they had two other children), to refuse consent for -the operation. The hospital authorities, uncertain of their legal -position, took the matter to court. Both the local county court -and the Indiana State Supreme Court upheld the parents' right -to refuse consent to surgery. The case attracted national media -attention, and an attempt was made to take it to the U.S. Supreme -Court, but before this could happen, Baby Doe died. -One result ofthe Baby Doe case was that the U.S. government, -headed at the time by President Ronald Reagan, who had come -to power with the backing of the right-wing religious 'Moral -Majority', issued a regulation directing that all infants are to be -given necessary life-saving treatment, irrespective of disability. -But the new regulations were strongly resisted by the American -Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. -In court hearings on the regulations, even Dr C. Everett Koop, -Reagan's surgeon-general and the driving force behind the attempt -to ensure that all infants should be treated, had to admit -that there were some cases in which he would not provide lifesustaining -treatment. Dr Koop mentioned three conditions in -which, he said, life-sustaining treatment was not appropriate: -anencephalic infants (infants born without a brain); infants who -had, usually as a result of extreme prematurity, suffered such -severe bleeding in the brain that they would never be able to -breathe without a respirator and would never be able even to -recognise another person; and infants lacking a major part of -their digestive tract, who could only be kept alive by means of -a drip providing nourishment directly into the bloodstream. -The regulations were eventually accepted only in a watereddown -form, allowing some flexibility to doctors. Even so, a -subsequent survey of American paediatricians specialising in the -care of newborn infants showed that 76 percent thought that -the regulations were not necessary, 66 percent considered the -204 -Taking Life: Humans -regulations interfered with parents' right to determine what -course of action was in the best interests of their children, and -60 percent believed that the regulations did not allow adequate -consideration of infants' suffering. -In a series of British cases, the courts have accepted the view -that the quality of a child's life is a relevant consideration in -deciding whether life-sustaining treatment should be provided. -In a case called In re B, concerning a baby like Baby Doe, with -Down's syndrome and an intestinal obstruction, the court said -that surgery should be carried out, because the infant's life -would not be 'demonstrably awful'. In another case, Re C, where -the baby had a poorly formed brain combined with severe physical -handicaps, the court authorised the paediatric team to refrain -from giving life-prolonging treatment. This was also the -course taken in the case of Re Baby J: this infant was born -extremely prematurely, and was blind and deaf and would probably -never have been able to speak. -Thus, though many would disagree with Baby Doe's parents -about allowing a Down's syndrome infant to die (because people -with Down's syndrome can live enjoyable lives and be warm -and loving individuals), virtually everyone recognises that in -more severe conditions, allowing an infant to die is the only -humane and ethically acceptable course to take. The question -is: if it is right to allow infants to die, why is it wrong to kill -them? -This question has not escaped the notice of the doctors involved. -Frequently they answer it by a pious reference to the -nineteenth-century poet, Arthur Clough, who wrote: -Thou shalt not kill; but need'st not strive -Officiously to keep alive. -Unfortunately for those who appeal to Clough's immortal -lines as an authoritative ethical pronouncement, they come -from a biting satire - 'The Latest Decalogue' - the intent of -205 -Practical Ethics -which is to mock the attitudes described. The opening lines, for -example, are: -Thou shalt have one god only; who -Would be at the expense of two. -No graven images may be -Worshipped except the currency. -So Clough cannot be numbered on the side of those who -think it wrong to kill, but right not to try too hard to keep alive. -Is there, nonetheless, something to be said for this idea? The -view that there is something to be said for it is often termed -'the acts and omissions doctrine'. It holds that there is an important -moral distinction between performing an act that has -certain consequences - say, the death of a disabled child - and -omitting to do something that has the same consequences. If -this doctrine is correct, the doctor who gives the child a lethal -injection does wrong; the doctor who omits to give the child -antibiotics, knowing full well that without antibiotics the child -will die, does not. -What grounds are there for accepting the acts and omissions -doctrine? Few champion the doctrine for its own sake, as an -important ethical first principle. It is, rather, an implication of -one view of ethics, of a view that holds that as long as we do -not violate specified moral rules that place determinate moral -obligations upon us, we do all that morality demands of us. -These rules are of the kind made familiar by the Ten Commandments -and similar moral codes: Do not kill, Do not lie, -Do not steal, and so on. Characteristically they are formulated -in the negative, so that to obey them it is necessary only to -abstain from the actions they prohibit. Hence obedience can be -demanded of every member of the community. -An ethic consisting of specific duties, prescribed by moral rules -that everyone can be expected to obey, must make a sharp moral -distinction between acts and omissions. Take, for example, the -rule: 'Do not kill.' If this rule is interpreted, as it has been in -206 -Taking Life: Humans -the Western tradition, as prohibiting only the taking of innocent -human life, it is not too difficult to avoid overt acts in violation -of it. Few of us are murderers. It is not so easy to avoid letting -innocent humans die. Many people die because of insufficient -food, or poor medical facilities. If we could assist some of them, -but do not do so, we are letting them die. Taking the rule against -killing to apply to omissions would make living in accordance -with it a mark of saintliness or moral heroism, rather than a -minimum required of every morally decent person. -An ethic that judges acts according to whether they do or do -not violate specific moral rules must, therefore, place moral -weight on the distinction between acts and omissions. An ethic -that judges acts by their consequences will not do so, for the -consequences of an act and an omission will often be, in all -significant respects, indistinguishable. For instance, omitting to -give antibiotics to a child with pneumonia may have consequences -no less fatal than giving the child a lethal injection. -Which approach is right? I have argued for a consequentialist -approach to ethics. The acts/omissions issue poses the choice -between these two basic approaches in an unusually clear and -direct way. What we need to do is imagine two parallel situations -differing only in that in one a person performs an act -resulting in the death of another human being, while in the -other she omits to do something, with the same result. Here is -a description of a relatively common situation, taken from an -essay by Sir Gustav Nossal, an eminent Australian medical -researcher: -An old lady of 83 has been admitted [to a nursing home for the -aged) because her increasing degree of mental confusion has -made it impossible for her to stay in her own home, and there -is no one willing and able to look after h~r. Over three years, -her condition deteriorates. She loses the ability to speak, requires -to be fed, and becomes incontinent. Finally, she cannot sit in an -armchair any longer, and is confined permanently to bed. One -day, she contracts pneumonia. -207 -Pradical Ethics -In a patient who was enjoying a reasonable quality of life, pneumonia -would be routinely treated with antibiotics. Should this -patient be given antibiotics? Nossal continues: -The relatives are contacted, and the matron of the nursing home -tells them that she and the doctor she uses most frequently have -worked out a loose arrangement for cases of this type. With -advanced senile dementia, they treat the first three infections -with antibiotics, and after that, mindful of the adage that 'pneumonia -is the old person's friend', they let nature take its course. -The matron emphasises that if the relatives desire, all infections -can be vigorously treated. The relatives agree with the rule of -thumb. The patient dies of a urinary tract infection six months -later. -This patient died when she did as a result of a deliberate omission. -Many people would think that this omission was welljustified. -They might question whether it would not have been -better to omit treatment even for the initial occurrence of pneumonia. -There is, after all, no moral magic about the number -three. Would it also have been justifiable, at the time of the -omission, to give an injection that would bring about the patient's -death in a peaceful way? -Comparing these two possible ways of bringing about a patient's -death at a particular time, is it reasonable to hold that -the doctor who gives the injection is a murderer who deserves -to go to jail, while the doctor who decides not to administer -antibiotics is practising good and compassionate medicine? That -may be what courts of law would say, but surely it is an untenable -distinction. In both cases, the outcome is the death of -the patient. In both cases, the doctor knows that this will be -the result, and decides what she will do on the basis of this -knowledge, because she judges this result to be better than the -alternative. In both cases the doctor must take responsibility for -her decision - it would not be correct for the doctor who decided -not to provide antibiotics to say that she was not responsible -for the patient's death because she did nothing. Doing nothing -208 -r -I -I -Taking Life: Humans -in this situation is itself a deliberate choice and one cannot -escape responsibility for its consequences. -One might say, of course, that the doctor who withholds -antibiotics does not kill the patient, she merely allows the patient -to die; but one must then answer the further question why -killing is wrong, and letting die is not. The answer that most -advocates of the distinction give is simply that there is a moral -rule against killing innocent human beings and none against -allowing them to die. This answer treats a conventionally accepted -moral rule as if it were beyond questioning; it does not -go on to ask whether we should have a moral rule against killing -(but not against allowing to die). But we have already seen that -the conventionally accepted principle of the sanctity of human -life is untenable. The moral rules that prohibit killing, but accept -'letting die' cannot be taken for granted either. -Reflecting on these cases leads us to the conclusion that there -is no intrinsic moral difference between killing and allowing to -die. That is, there is no difference which depends solely on the -distinction between an act and an omission. (This does not mean -that all cases of allowing to die are morally equivalent to killing. -Other factors - extrinsic factors - will sometimes be relevant. -This will be discussed further in Chapter 8.) Allowing to die - -sometimes called 'passive euthanasia' - is already accepted as -a humane and proper course of action in certain cases. If there -is no intrinsic moral difference between killing and allowing to -die, active euthanasia should also be accepted as humane and -proper in certain circumstances. -Others have suggested that the difference between withholding -treatment necessary to prolong life, and giving a lethal injection, -lies in the intention with which the two are done. Those -who take this view resort to the 'doctrine of double effect', a -doctrine widely held among Roman Catholic moral theologians -and moral philosophers, to argue that one action (for example, -refraining from life-sustaining treatment) may have two effects -(in this case, not causing additional suffering to the patient, and -209 -Practical Ethics -shortening the patient's life). They then argue that as long as -the directly intended effect is the beneficial one that does not -violate an absolute moral rule, the action is permissible. Though -we foresee that our action (or omission) will result in the death -of the patient, this is merely an unwanted side-effect. But the -distinction between directly intended effect and side-effect is a -contrived one. We cannot avoid responsibility simply by directing -our intention to one effect rather than another. If we -foresee both effects, we must take responsibility for the foreseen -effects of what we do. We often want to do something, but -cannot do it because of its other, unwanted consequences. For -example, a chemical company might want to get rid of toxic -waste in the most economical manner, by dumping it in the -nearest river. Would we allow the executives of the company -to say that all they directly intended was to improve the efficiency -of the factory, thus promoting employment and keeping -down the cost of living? Would we regard the pollution as -excusable because it is merely an unwanted side-effect of furthering -these worthy objectives? -Obviously the defenders of the doctrine of double effect would -not accept such an excuse. In rejecting it, however, they would -have to rely upon a judgment that the cost - the polluted river -- is disproportionate to the gains. Here a consequentialist judgment -lurks behind the doctrine of double effect. The same is -true when the doctrine is used in medical care. Normally, saving -life takes precedence over relieving pain. If in the case of a -particular patient it does not, this can only be because we have -judged that the patient's prospects for a future life of acceptable -quality are so poor that in this case relieving suffering can take -precedence. This is, in other words, not a decision based on -acceptance of the sanctity of human life, but a decision based -on a disguised quality of life judgment. -Equally unsatisfactory is the common appeal to a distinction -between 'ordinary' and 'extraordinary' means of treatment, -coupled with the belief that it is not obligatory to provide ex- -210 -Taking Life: Humans -traordinary means. Together with my colleague, Helga Kuhse, -I carried out a survey of paediatricians and obstetricians in Australia -and found that they had remarkable ideas about what -constituted 'ordinary' and what 'extraordinary' means. Some -even thought that the use of antibiotics - the cheapest, simplest, -and most common medical procedure - could be extraordinary. -The reason for this range of views is easy to find. When one -looks at the justifications given by moral theologians and philosophers -for the distinction, it turns out that what is 'ordinary' -in one situation can become 'extraordinary' in another. For -example, in the famous case of Karen Ann Quinlan, the young -New Jersey woman who was in a coma for ten years before -she died, a Roman Catholic bishop testified that the use of a -respirator was 'extraordinary' and hence optional because Quinlan -had no hope of recovery from the coma. Obviously, if doctors -had thought that Quinlan was likely to recover, the use of the -respirator would not have been optional, and would have been -declared 'ordinary'. Again, it is the quality of life of the patient -(and where resources are limited and could be used more effectively -to save lives elsewhere, the cost of the treatment) that -is determining whether a given form of treatment is ordinary -or extraordinary, and therefore is to be provided or not. Those -who appeal to this distinction are cloaking their consequentialist -views in the robe of an absolutist ethic; but the robe is worn -out, and the disguise is now transparent. -So it is not possible to appeal to either the doctrine of double -effect or the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary -means in order to show that allowing a patient to die is morally -different from actively helping a patient to die. Indeed, because -of extrinsic differences - especially differences in the time it -takes for death to occur - active euthanasia may be the only -humane and morally proper course. Passive euthanasia can be -a slow process. In an article in the British Medical Journal, John -Lorber has charted the fate of twenty-five infants born with -spina bifida on whom it had been decided, in view of the poor -211 -Practical Ethics -prospects for a worthwhile life, not to operate. It will be recalled -that Lorber freely grants that the object of not treating infants -is that they should die soon and painlessly. Yet of the twentyfive -untreated infants, fourteen were still alive after one month, -and seven after three months. In Lorber's sample, all the infants -died within nine months, but this cannot be guaranteed, or at -least, cannot be guaranteed without stepping over the fine line -between active and passive euthanasia. (Lorber's opponents -have claimed that the untreated infants under his care all die -because they are given sedatives and fed only on demand. Sleepy -babies do not have healthy appetites.) An Australian clinic following -Lorber's approach to spina bifida found that of seventynine -untreated infants, five survived for more than two years. -For both the infants, and their families, this must be a longdrawn -out ordeal. It is also (although in a society with a reasonable -level of affluence this should not be the primary consideration) -a considerable burden on the hospital staff and the -community's medical resources. -Consider, to take another example, infants born with Down's -syndrome and a blockage in the digestive system which, if not -removed, will make it impossible for the baby to eat. Like 'Baby -Doe', these infants may be allowed to die. Yet the blockage can -be removed and has nothing to do with the degree of intellectual -disability the child will have. Moreover, the death resulting from -the failure to operate in these circumstances is, though sure, -neither swift nor painless. The infant dies from dehydration or -hunger. Baby Doe took about five days to die, and in other -recorded instances of this practice, it has taken up to two weeks -for death to come. -It is interesting, in this context, to think again of our earlier -argument that membership of the species Homo sapiens does -not entitle a being to better treatment than a being at a similar -mental level who is a member of a different species. We could -also have said - except that it seemed too obvious to need saying -- that membership of the species Homo sapiens is not a reason -212 -I, -I -I -Taking Life: Humans -for giving a being worse treatment than a member of a different -species. Yet in respect of euthanasia, this needs to be said. We -do not doubt that it is right to shoot badly injured or sick animals -if they are in pain and their chances of recovery are negligible. -To 'allow nature to take its course', withholding treatment but -refusing to kill, would obviously be wrong. It is only our misplaced -respect for the doctrine of the sanctity of human life that -prevents us from seeing that what it is obviously wrong to do -to a horse, it is equally wrong to do to a disabled infant. -To summarise: passive ways of ending life result in a drawnout -death. They introduce irrelevant factors (a blockage in the -intestine, or an easily curable infection) into the selection of -those who shall die. If we are able to admit that our objective -is a swift and painless death we should not leave it up to chance -to determine whether this objective is achieved. Having chosen -death we should ensure that it comes in the best possible way. -THE SLIPPERY SLOPE: FROM EUTHANASIA -TO GENO~IDE? -Before we leave this topic we must consider an objection that -looms so large in the anti-euthanasia literature that it merits a -section to itself. It is, for instance, the reason why John Lorber -rejects active euthanasia. Lorber has written: -I wholly disagree with euthanasia. Though it is fully logical, and -in expert and conscientious hands it could be the most humane -way of dealing with such a situation, legalizing euthanasia would -be a most dangerous weapon in the hands of the State or ignorant -or unscrupulous individuals. One does not have to go far back -in history to know what crimes can be committed if euthanasia -were legalized. -Would euthanasia be the first step down a slippery slope? In -the absence of prominent moral footholds to check our descent, -would we slide all the way down into the abyss of state terror -and mass murder? The experience of Nazism, to which Lorber -213 -Practical Ethics -no doubt is referring, has often been used as an illustration of -what could follow acceptance of euthanasia. Here is a more -specific example, from an article by another doctor, Leo -Alexander: -Whatever proportions [Nazi) crimes finally assumed, it became -evident to all who investigated them that they had started from -small beginnings. The beginnings at first were merely a subtle -shift in emphasis in the basic attitude of the physicians. It started -with the acceptance of the attitude, basic in the euthanasia movement, -that there is such a thing as life not worthy to be lived. -This attitude in its early stages concerned itself merely with the -severely and chronically sick. Gradually the sphere of those to -be included in the category was enlarged to encompass the socially -unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, the racially unwanted -and finally all non-Germans. But it is important to realize -that the infinitely small wedged-in lever from which this entire -trend of mind received its impetus was the attitude toward the -nonrehabilitable sick. -Alexander singles out the Nazis' so-called euthanasia program -as the root of all the horrendous crimes the Nazis later committed, -because that program implied 'that there is such a thing -as life not worthy to be lived'. Lorber could hardly agree with -Alexander on this, since his recommended procedure of not -treating selected infants is based on exactly this judgment. Although -people sometimes talk as if we should never judge a -human life to be not worth living, there are times when such -a judgment is obviously correct. A life of physical suffering, -unredeemed by any form of pleasure or by a minimal level of -self-consciousness, is not worth living. Surveys undertaken by -health care economists in which people are asked how much -they value being alive in certain states of health, regularly find -that people give some states a negative value - that is, they -indicate that they would prefer to be dead than to survive in -that condition. Apparently, the life of the elderly woman described -by Sir Gustav Nossal was, in the opinion of the matron -of the nursing home, the doctor, and the relatives, not worth -214 -Taking Life: Humans -living. If we can set criteria for deciding who is to be allowed -to die and who is to be given treatment, then why should it be -wrong to set criteria, perhaps the same criteria, for deciding -who should be killed? -So it is not the attitude that some lives are not worth living -that marks out the Nazis from normal people who do not commit -mass murder. What then is it? Is it that they went beyond -passive euthanasia, and practised active euthanasia? Many, -like Lorber, worry about the power that a program of active -euthanasia could place in the hands of an unscrupulous government. -This worry is not negligible, but should not be -exaggerated. Unscrupulous governments already have within -their power more plausible means of getting rid of their opponents -than euthanasia administered by doctors on medical -grounds. 'Suicides' can be arranged. 'Accidents' can occur. If -necessary, assassins can be hired. Our best defence against such -possibilities is to do everything possible to keep our government -democratic, open, and in the hands of people who would not -seriously wish to kill their opponents. Once the wish is serious -enough, governments will find a way, whether euthanasia is -legal or not. -In fact the Nazis did not have a euthanasia program, in the -proper sense of the word. Their so-called euthanasia program -was not motivated by concern for the suffering of those killed. -If it had been, why would the Nazis have kept their operations -secret, deceived relatives about the cause of death ofthose killed, -and exempted from the program certain privileged classes, such -as veterans of the armed services, or relatives of the euthanasia -staff? Nazi 'euthanasia' was never voluntary, and often was -involuntary rather than non-voluntary. 'Doing away with useless -mouths' - a phrase used by those in charge - gives a better -idea ofthe objectives of the program than 'mercy-killing'. Both -racial origin and ability to work were among the factors considered -in the selection of patients to be killed. It was the Nazi -belief in the importance of maintaining a pure Aryan Yolk - a -215 -Practical Ethics -somewhat mystical entity that was thought of as more important -than mere individuals lives - that made both the so-called euthanasia -program and later the entire holocaust possible. Proposals -for the legalisation of euthanasia, in contrast, are based -on respect for autonomy and the goal of avoiding pointless -suffering. -This essential difference in the aims of Nazi 'euthanasia' and -modem proposals may be granted, but the slippery slope argument -could still be defended as a way of suggesting that the -present strict rule against the direct killing of innocent human -beings serves a useful purpose. However arbitrary and unjustifiable -the distinctions between human and non-human, fetus -and infant, killing and allowing to die may be, the rule against -direct killing of innocent humans at least marks a workable line. -The distinction between an infant whose life may be worth -living, and one whose life definitely is not, is much more difficult -to draw. Perhaps people who see that certain kinds of human -beings are killed in certain circumstances may go on to conclude -that it is not wrong to kill others not very different from the -first kind. So will the boundary of acceptable killing be pushed -gradually back? In the absence of any logical stopping place, -will the outcome be the loss of all respect for human life? -If our laws were altered so that anyone could carry out an -act of euthanasia, the absence of a clear line between those who -might justifiably be killed and those who might not would pose -a real danger; but that is not what advocates of euthanasia -propose. If acts of euthanasia could only be carried out by a -member of the medical profession, with the concurrence of a -second doctor, it is not likely that the propensity to kill would -spread unchecked throughout the community. Doctors already -have a good deal of power over life and death, through their -ability to withhold treatment. There has been no suggestion that -doctors who begin by allowing severely disabled infants to die -from pneumonia will move on to withhold antibiotics from -racial minorities or political extremists. In fact legalising eu- -216 -Taking Life: Humans -thanasia might well act as a check on the power of doctors since -it would bring into the open and under the scrutiny of another -doctor what some doctors now do on their own initiative and -in secret. -There is, anyway, little historical evidence to suggest that a -permissive attitude towards the killing of one category of human -beings leads to a breakdown of restrictions against killing other -humans. Ancient Greeks regularly killed or exposed infants, but -appear to have been at least as scrupulous about taking the lives -of their fellow-citizens as medieval Christians or modem Americans. -In traditional Eskimo societies it was the custom for a -man to kill his elderly parents, but the murder of a normal -healthy adult was almost unheard of. I mention these practices -not to suggest that they should be imitated, but only to indicate -that lines can be drawn at places different from where we now -draw them. If these societies could separate human beings into -different categories without transferring their attitudes from one -group to another, we with our more sophisticated legal systems -and greater medical knowledge should be able to do the same. -All of this is not to deny that departing from the traditional -sanctity-of-life ethic carries with it a very small but nevertheless -finite risk of unwanted consequences. Against this risk we must -balance the tangible harm to which the traditional ethic gives -rise - harm to those whose misery is needlessly prolonged. We -must also ask if the widespread acceptance of abortion and -passive euthanasia has not already revealed flaws in the traditional -ethic that make it a weak defence against those who -lack respect for individual lives. A sounder, if less clear-cut, -ethic may in the long run provide a firmer ground for resisting -unjustifiable killing. -217 -8 -RICH AND POOR -SOME FACTS ABOUT POVERTY -I N the discussion of euthanasia in Chapter 7, we questioned -the distinction between killing and allowing to die, concluding -that it is of no intrinsic ethical significance. This conclusion -has implications that go far beyond euthanasia. -Consider these facts: by the most cautious estimates, 400 -million people lack the calories, protein, vitamins and minerals -needed to sustain their bodies and minds in a healthy state. -Millions are constantly hungry; others suffer from deficiency -diseases and from infections they would be able to resist on a -better diet. Children are the worst affected. According to one -study, 14 million children under five die every year from the -combined effects of malnutrition and infection. In some districts -half the children born can be expected to die before their fifth -birthday. -Nor is lack of food the only hardship of the poor. To give a -broader picture, Robert McNamara, when president of the -World Bank, suggested the term 'absolute poverty'. The poverty -we are familiar with in industrialised nations is relative poverty -- meaning that some citizens are poor, relative to the wealth -enjoyed by their neighbours. People living in relative poverty -in Australia might be quite comfortably off by comparison with -pensioners in Britain, and British pensioners are not poor in -comparison with the poverty that exists in Mali or Ethiopia. -Absolute poverty, on the other hand, is poverty by any standard. -In McNamara's words: -218 -I -I , -Rich and Poor -Poverty at the absolute level ... is life at the very margin of existence. -The absolute poor are severely deprived human beings -struggling to survive in a set of squalid and degraded circumstances -almost beyond the power of our sophisticated imaginations -and privileged circumstances to conceive. -Compared to those fortunate enough to live in developed countries, -individuals in the poorest nations have: -An infant mortality rate eight times higher -A life expectancy one-third lower -An adult literacy rate 60 per cent less -A nutritional level, for one out of every two in the population, -below acceptable standards; -And for millions of infants, less protein than is sufficient to permit -optimum development of the brain. -McNamara has summed up absolute poverty as 'a condition of -life so characterised by malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, squalid -surroundings, high infant mortality and low life expectancy as -to be beneath any reasonable definition of human decency'. -Absolute poverty is, as McNamara has said, responsible for -the loss of countless lives, especially among infants and young -children. When absolute poverty does not cause death, it still -causes misery of a kind not often seen in the affluent nations. -Malnutrition in young children stunts both physical and mental -development. According to the United Nations Development -Programme, 180 million children under the age of five suffer -from serious malnutrition. Millions of people on poor diets suffer -from deficiency diseases, like goitre, or blindness caused by -a lack of vitamin A. The food value of what the poor eat is -further reduced by parasites such as hookworm and ringworm, -which are endemic in conditions of poor sanitation and health -education. -Death and disease apart, absolute poverty remains a miserable -condition of life, with inadequate food, shelter, clothing, sanitation, -health services and education. The Worldwatch Institute -219 -Practical Ethics -estimates that as many as 1.2 billion people - or 23 per cent of -the world's population - live in absolute poverty. For the purposes -of this estimate, absolute poverty is defined as "the lack -of sufficient income in cash or kind to meet the most basic -biological needs for food, clothing, and shelter." Absolute poverty -is probably the principal cause of human misery today. -SOME FACTS ABOUT WEALTH -This is the background situation, the situation that prevails -on our planet all the time. It does not make headlines. People -died from malnutrition and related diseases yesterday, and -more will die tomorrow. The occasional droughts, cyclones, -earthquakes, and floods that take the lives of tens of thousands -in one place and at one time are more newsworthy. They add -greatly to the total amount of human suffering; but it is wrong -to assume that when there are no major calamities reported, -all is well. -The problem is not that the world cannot produce enough to -feed and shelter its people. People in the poor countries consume, -on average, 180 kilos of grain a year, while North Americans -average around 900 kilos. The difference is caused by the -fact that in the rich countries we feed most of our grain to -animals, converting it into meat, milk, and eggs. Because this -is a highly inefficient process, people in rich countries are responsible -for the consumption of far more food than those in -poor countries who eat few animal products. If we stopped -feeding animals on grains and soybeans, the amount of food -saved would - if distributed to those who need it - be more -than enough to end hunger throughout the world. -These facts about animal food do not mean that we can easily -solve the world food problem by cutting down on animal products, -but they show that the problem is essentially one of distribution -rather than production. The world does produce -enough food. Moreover, the poorer nations themselves could -220 -Rich and Poor -produce far more if they made more use of improved agricultural -techniques. -So why are people hungry? Poor people cannot afford to buy -grain grown by farmers in the richer nations. Poor farmers cannot -afford to buy improved seeds, or fertilisers, or the machinery -needed for drilling wells and pumping water. Only by transferring -some of the wealth of the rich nations to the poor can -the situation be changed. -That this wealth exists is clear. Against the picture of absolute -poverty that McNamara has painted, one might pose a picture -of 'absolute affluence'. Those who are absolutely affluent are -not necessarily affluent by comparison with their neighbours, -but they are affluent by any reasonable definition of human -needs. This means that they have more income than they need -to provide themselves adequately with all the basic necessities -of life. After buying (either directly or through their taxes) food, -shelter, clothing, basic health services, and education, the absolutely -affluent are still able to spend money on luxuries. The -absolutely affluent choose their food for the pleasures of the -palate, not to stop hunger; they buy new clothes to look good, -not to keep warm; they move house to be in a better neighbourhood -or have a playroom for the children, not to keep out -the rain; and after all this there is still money to spend on stereo -systems, video-cameras, and overseas holidays. -At this stage I am making no ethical judgments about absolute -affluence, merely pointing out that it exists. Its defining characteristic -is a significant amount of income above the level necessary -to provide for the basic human needs of oneself and one's -dependents. By this standard, the majority of citizens of Western -Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the -oil-rich Middle Eastern states are all absolutely affluent. To -quote McNamara once more: -'The average citizen of a developed country enjoys wealth beyond -the wildest dreams of the one billion people in countries with -221 -Practical Ethics -per capita incomes under $200: These, therefore, are the countries -- and individuals - who have wealth that they could, without -threatening their own basic welfare, transfer to the absolutely -poor. -At present, very little is being transferred. Only Sweden, the -Netherlands, Norway, and some of the oil-exporting Arab states -have reached the modest target, set by the United Nations, of -0.7 per cent of gross national product (GNP). Britain gives 0.31 -per cent of its GNP in official development assistance and a -small additional amount in unofficial aid from voluntary organisations. -The total comes to about Ā£2 per month per person, -and compares with 5.5 per cent of GNP spent on alcohol. and -3 per cent on tobacco. Other, even wealthier nations, give little -more: Germany gives 0.41 per cent and Japan 0.32 per cent. -The United States gives a mere 0.15 per cent of its GNP. -THE MORAL EQUIVALENT OF MURDER? -If these are the facts, we cannot avoid concluding that by not -giving more than we do, people in rich countries are allowing -those in poor countries to suffer from absolute poverty, with -consequent malnutrition, ill health, and death. This is not a -conclusion that applies only to governments. It applies to each -absolutely affluent individual. for each of us has the opportunity -to do something about the situation; for instance, to give our -time or money to voluntary organisations like Oxfam, Care, -War on Want, Freedom from Hunger, Community Aid Abroad, -and so on. If, then, allowing someone to die is not intrinsically -different from killing someone, it would seem that we are all -murderers. -Is this verdict too harsh? Many will reject it as self-evidently -absurd. They would sooner take it as showing that allowing to -die cannot be equivalent to killing than as showing that living -in an affluent style without contributing to an overseas aid -agency is ethically equivalent to going over to Ethiopia and -222 -I, -Rich and Poor -shooting a few peasants. And no doubt. put as bluntly as that. -the verdict is too harsh. -There are several significant differences between spending -money on luxuries instead of using it to save lives, and deliberately -shooting people. -First, the motivation will normally be different. Those who -deliberately shoot others go out of their way to kill; they presumably -want their victims dead, from malice, sadism, or some -equally unpleasant motive. A person who buys a new stereo -system presumably wants to enhance her enjoyment of music -- not in itself a terrible thing. At worst, spending money on -luxuries instead of giving it away indicates selfishness and.indifference -to the sufferings of others, characteristics that may -be undesirable but are not comparable with actual malice or -similar motives. -Second, it is not difficult for most of us to act in accordance -with a rule against killing people: it is, on the other hand, very -difficult to obey a rule that commands us to save all the lives -we can. To live a comfortable, or even luxurious life it is not -necessary to kill anyone; but it is necessary to allow some to -die whom we might have saved, for the money that we need -to live comfortably could have been given away. Thus the duty -to avoid killing is much easier to discharge completely than the -duty to save. Saving every life we could would mean cutting -our standard of living down to the bare essentials needed to -keep us alive. l To discharge this duty completely would require -a degree of moral heroism utterly different from that required -by mere avoidance of killing. -Strictly, we would need to cut down to the minimum level compatible with -earning the income which, after providing for our needs, left us most to give -away. Thus if my present position earns me, say, $40,000 a year, but requires -me to spend $5,000 a year on dressing respectably and maintaining a car, I -cannot save more people by giving away the car and clothes if that will mean -taking a job that, although it does not involve me in these expenses, earns -me only $20,000. -223 -Practical Ethics -A third difference is the greater certainty of the outcome of -shooting when compared with not giving aid. If I point a loaded -gun at someone at close range and pull the trigger, it is virtually -certain that the person will be killed; whereas the money that -I could give might be spent on a project that turns out to be -unsuccessful and helps no one. -Fourth, when people are shot there are identifiable individuals -who have been harmed. We can point to them and to their -grieving families. When I buy my stereo system, I cannot know -who my money would have saved if I had given it away. In a -time of famine I may see dead bodies and grieving families on -television reports, and I might not doubt that my money would -have saved some of them; even then it is impossible to point -to a body and say that had I not bought the stereo, that person -would have survived. -Fifth, it might be said that the plight of the hungry is not my -doing, and so I cannot be held responsible for it. The starving -would have been starving if I had never existed. If I kill, however, -I am responsible for my victims' deaths, for those people -would not have died if I had not killed them. -These differences need not shake our previous conclusion that -there is no intrinsic difference between killing and allowing to -die. They are extrinsic differences, that is, differences normally -but not necessarily associated with the distinction between killing -and allowing to die. We can imagine cases in which someone -allows another to die for malicious or sadistic reasons; we can -imagine a world in which there are so few people needing -assistance, and they are so easy to assist, that our duty not to -allow people to die is as easily discharged as our duty not to -kill; we can imagine situations in which the outcome of not -helping is as sure as shooting; we can imagine cases in which -we can identify the person we allow to die. We can even imagine -a case of allowing to die in which, if I had not existed, the -person would not have died - for instance, a case in which if -I had not been in a position to help (though I don't help) -224 -Rich and Poor -someone else would have been in my position and would have -helped. -Our previous discussion of euthanasia illustrates the extrinsic -nature of these differences, for they do not provide a basis for -distinguishing active from passive euthanasia. If a doctor decides, -in consultation with the parents, not to operate on - and -thus to allow to die - a Down's syndrome infant with an intestinal -blockage, her motivation will be similar to that of a -doctor who gives a lethal injection rather than allow the infant -to die. No extraordinary sacrifice or moral heroism will be required -in either case. Not operating will just as certainly end in -death as administering the injection. Allowing to die does have -an identifiable victim. Finally, it may well be that the doctor is -personally responsible for the death of the infant she decides -not to operate upon, since she may know that if she had not -taken this case, other doctors in the hospital would have -operated. -Nevertheless, euthanasia is a special case, and very different -from allowing people to starve to death. (The major difference -being that when euthanasia is justifiable, death is a good thing.) -The extrinsic differences that normally mark off killing and allowing -to die do explain why we normally regard killing as much -worse than allowing to die. -To explain our conventional ethical attitudes is not to justify -them. Do the five differences not only explain, but also justify, -our attitudes? Let us consider them one by one: -1. Take the lack of an identifiable victim first. Suppose that -I am a travelling salesperson, selling tinned food, and I learn -that a batch of tins contains a contaminant, the known effect -of which, when consumed, is to double the risk that the consumer -will die from stomach cancer. Suppose I continue to sell -the tins. My decision may have no identifiable victims. Some -of those who eat the food will die from cancer. The proportion -of consumers dying in this way will be twice that of the community -at large, but who among the consumers died because -225 -Practical Ethics -they ate what I sold, and who would have contracted the disease -anyway? It is impossible to tell; but surely this impossibility -makes my decision no less reprehensible than it would have -been had the contaminant had more readily detectable, though -equally fatal, effects. -2. The lack of certainty that by giving money I could save a -life does reduce the wrongness of not giving, by comparison -with deliberate killing; but it is insufficient to show that not -giving is acceptable conduct. The motorist who speeds through -pedestrian crossings, heedless of anyone who might be on them, -is not a murderer. She may never actually hit a pedestrian; yet -what she does is very wrong indeed. -3. The notion of responsibility for acts rather than omissions -is more puzzling. On the one hand, we feel ourselves to be -under a greater obligation to help those whose misfortunes we -have caused. (It is for this reason that advocates of overseas aid -often argue that Western nations have created the poverty of -third world nations, through forms of economic exploitation -that go back to the colonial system.) On the other hand, any -consequentialist would insist that we are responsible for all the -consequences of our actions, and if a consequence of my spending -money on a luxury item is that someone dies, I am responsible -for that death. It is true that the person would have -died even if I had never existed, but what is the relevance of -that? The fact is that I do exist, and the consequentialist will -say that our responsibilities derive from the world as it is, not -as it might have been. -One way of making sense of the non-consequentialist view -of responsibility is by basing it on a theory of rights of the kind -proposed by John Locke or, more recently, Robert Nozick. If -everyone l:J.as a right to life, and this right is a right against others -who might threaten my life, but not a right to assistance from -others when my life is in danger, then we can understand the -feeling that we are responsible for acting to kill but not for -226 -Rich and Poor -omitting to save. The former violates the rights of others, the -latter does not. -Should we accept such a theory of rights? If we build up our -theory of rights by imagining, as Locke and Nozick do, individuals -living independently from each other in a 'state of nature', -it may seem natural to adopt a conception of rights in which -as long as each leaves the other alone, no rights are violated. I -might, on this view, quite properly have maintained my independent -existence if I had wished to do so. So if I do not make -you any worse off than you would have been if I had had -nothing at all to do with you, how can I have violated your -rights? But why start from such an unhistorical, abstract and -ultimately inexplicable idea as an independent individual? Our -ancestors were - like other primates - social beings long before -they were human beings, and could not have developed the -abilities and capacities of human beings if they had not been -social beings first. In any case, we are not, now, isolated individuals. -So why should we assume that rights must be restricted -to rights against interference? We might, instead, adopt the view -that taking rights to life seriously is incompatible with standing -by and watching people die when one could easily save them. -4. What of the difference in motivation? That a person does -not positively wish for the death of another lessens the severity -of the blame she deserves; but not by as much as our present -attitudes to giving aid suggest. The behaviour of the speeding -motorist is again comparable, for such motorists usually have -no desire at all to kill anyone. They merely enjoy speeding and -are indifferent to the consequences. Despite their lack of malice, -those who kill with cars deserve not only blame but also severe -punishment. -5. Finally, the fact that to avoid killing people is normally not -difficult, whereas to save all one possibly could save is heroic, -must make an important difference to our attitude to failure to -do what the respective principles demand. Not to kill is a min- -227 -Practical Ethics -imum standard of acceptable conduct we can require of everyone; -to save all one possibly could is not something that can -realistically be required, especially not in societies accustomed -to giving as little as ours do. Given the generally accepted standards, -people who give, say, $1,000 a year to an overseas aid -organisation are more aptly praised for above average generosity -than blamed for giving less than they might. The appropriateness -of praise and blame is, however, a separate issue from the rightness -or wrongness of actions. The former evaluates the agent: -the latter evaluates the action. Perhaps many people who give -$1,000 really ought to give at least $5,000, but to blame them -for not giving more could be counterproductive. It might make -them feel that what is required is too demanding, and if one is -going to be blamed anyway, one might as well not give anything -at all. -(That an ethic that put saving all one possibly can on the -same footing as not killing would be an ethic for saints or heroes -should not lead us to assume that the alternative must be an -ethic that makes it obligatory not to kill, but puts us under no -obligation to save anyone. There are positions in between these -extremes, as we shall soon see.) -Here is a summary of the five differences that normally exist -between killing and allowing to die, in the context of absolute -poverty and overseas aid. The lack of an identifiable victim is -of no moral significance, though it may play an important role -in explaining our attitudes. The idea that we are directly responsible -for those we kill, but not for those we do not help, -depends on a questionable notion of responsibility and may -need to be based on a controversial theory of rights. Differences -in certainty and motivation are ethically significant, and show -that not aiding the poor is not to be condemned as murdering -them; it could, however, be on a par with killing someone as -a result of reckless driving, which is serious enough. Finally the -difficulty of completely discharging the duty of saving all one -possibly can makes it inappropriate to blame those who fall -228 -Rich and Poor -short of this target as we blame those who kill; but this does -not show that the act itself is less serious. Nor does it indicate -anything about those who, far from saving all they possibly can, -make no effort to save anyone. -These conclusions suggest a new approach. Instead of attempting -to deal with the contrast between affluence and poverty -by comparing not saving with deliberate killing, let us -consider afresh whether we have an obligation to assist those -whose lives are in danger, and if so, how this obligation applies -to the present world situation. -THE OBLIGATION TO ASSIST -The Argument for an Obligation to Assist -The path from the library at my university to the humanities -lecture theatre passes a shallow ornamental pond. Suppose that -on my way to give a lecture I notice that a small child has fallen -in and is in danger of drowning. Would anyone deny that I -ought to wade in and pull the child out? This will mean getting -my clothes muddy and either cancelling my lecture or delaying -it until I can find something dry to change into; but compared -with the avoidable death of a child this is insignificant. -A plausible principle that would support the judgment that I -ought to pull the child out is this: if it is in our power to prevent -something very bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing -anything of comparable moral significance, we ought to do it. -This principle seems uncontroversial. It will obviously win the -assent of consequentialists; but non-consequentialists should -accept it too, because the injunction to prevent what is bad -applies only when nothing comparably significant is at stake. -Thus the principle cannot lead to the kinds of actions of which -non-consequentialists strongly disapprove - serious violations -of individual rights, injustice, broken promises, and so on. If -non-consequentialists regard any of these as comparable in -229 -Practical Ethics -moral significance to the bad thing that is to be prevented, they -will automatically regard the principle as not applying in those -cases in which the bad thing can only be prevented by violating -rights, doing injustice, breaking promises, or whatever else is -at stake. Most non-consequentialists hold that we ought to prevent -what is bad and promote what is good. Their dispute with -consequentialists lies in their insistence that this is not the sole -ultimate ethical principle: that it is an ethical principle is not -denied by any plausible ethical theory. -Nevertheless the uncontroversial appearance of the principle -that we ought to prevent what is bad when we can do so without -sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance is deceptive. -If it were taken seriously and acted upon, our lives and -our world would be fundamentally changed. For the principle -applies, not just to rare situations in which one can save a child -from a pond, but to the everyday situation in which we can -assist those living in absolute poverty. In saying this I assume -that absolute poverty, with its hunger and malnutrition, lack of -shelter, illiteracy, disease, high infant mortality, and low life -expectancy, is a bad thing. And I assume that it is within the -power of the affluent to reduce absolute poverty, without sacrificing -anything of comparable moral significance. If these two -assumptions and the principle we have been discussing are correct, -we have an obligation to help those in absolute poverty -that is no less strong than our obligation to rescue a drowning -child from a pond. Not to help would be wrong, whether or -not it is intrinsically equivalent to killing. Helping is not, as -conventionally thought, a charitable act that it is praiseworthy -to do, but not wrong to omit; it is something that everyone -ought to do. -This is the argument for an obligation to assist. Set out more -formally, it would look like this. -First premise: If we can prevent something bad without sacrificing -anything of comparable significance, we ought to do it. -230 -Rich and Poor -Second premise: Absolute poverty is bad. -Third premise: There is some absolute poverty we can prevent -without sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance. -Conclusion: We ought to prevent some absolute poverty. -The first premise is the substantive moral premise on which -the argument rests, and I have tried to show that it can be -accepted by people who hold a variety of ethical positions. -The second premise is unlikely to be challenged. Absolute -poverty is, as McNamara put it, 'beneath any reasonable definition -of human decency' and it would be hard to find a plausible -ethical view that did not regard it as a bad thing. -The third premise is more controversial, even though it is -cautiously framed. It claims only that some absolute poverty -can be prevented without the sacrifice of anything of comparable -moral significance. It thus avoids the objection that any aid I -can give is just 'drops in the ocean' for the point is not whether -my personal contribution will make any noticeable impression -on world poverty as a whole (of course it won't) but whether -it will prevent some poverty. This is all the argument needs to -sustain its conclusion, since the second premise says that any -absolute poverty is bad, and not merely the total amount of -absolute poverty. If without sacrificing anything of comparable -moral significance we can provide just one family with the -means to raise itself out of absolute poverty, the third premise -is vindicated. -I have left the notion of moral significance unexamined in -order to show that the argument does not depend on any specific -values or ethical principles. I think the third premise is true for -most people living in industrialised nations, on any defensible -view of what is morally significant. Our affluence means that -we have income we can dispose of without giving up the basic -necessities of life, and we can use this income to reduce absolute -poverty. Just how much we will think ourselves obliged to give -up will depend on what we consider to be of comparable moral -231 -Practical Ethics -significance to the poverty we could prevent: stylish clothes, -expensive dinners, a sophisticated stereo system, overseas holidays, -a (second?) car, a larger house, private schools for our -children, and so on. For a utilitarian, none of these is likely to -be of comparable significance to the reduction of absolute poverty; -and those who are not utilitarians surely must, if they -subscribe to the principle of universalisability, accept that at -least some of these things are of far less moral significance than -the absolute poverty that could be prevented by the money they -cost. So the third premise seems to be true on any plausible -ethical view - although the precise amount of absolute poverty -that can be prevented before anything of moral significance is -sacrificed will vary according to the ethical view one accepts. -Objections to the Argument -Taking care of our own. Anyone who has worked to increase -overseas aid will have come across the argument that we should -look after those near us, our families, and then the poor in our -own country, before we think about poverty in distant places. -No doubt we do instinctively prefer to help those who are -close to us. Few could stand by and watch a child drown; many -can ignore a famine in Mrica. But the question is not what we -usually do, but what we ought to do, and it is difficult to see -any sound moral justification for the view that distance, or -community membership, makes a crucial difference to our -obligations. -Consider, for instance, racial affinities. Should people of European -origin help poor Europeans before helping poor Africans? -Most of us would reject such a suggestion out of hand, -and our discussion of the principle of equal consideration of -interests in Chapter 2 has shown why we should reject it: people's -need for food has nothing to do with their race, and if -Mricans need food more than Europeans, it would be a violation -232 -Rich and Poor -of the principle of equal consideration to give preference to -Europeans. -The same point applies to citizenship or nationhood .. Every -affluent nation has some relatively poor citizens, but absolute -poverty is limited largely to the poor nations. Those living on -the streets of Calcutta, or in the drought-prone Sahel region of -Mrica, are experiencing poverty unknown in the West. Under -these circumstances it would be wrong to decide that only those -fortunate enough to be citizens of our own community will -share our abundance. -We feel obligations of kinship more strongly than those of -citizenship. Which parents could give away their last bowl of -rice if their own children were starving? To do so would seem -unnatural, contrary to our nature as biologically evolved beings -- although whether it would be wrong is another question -altogether. In any case, we are not faced with that situation, -but with one in which our own children are well-fed, wellclothed, -well-educated, and would now like new bikes, a stereo -set, or their own car. In these circumstances any special obligations -we might have to our children have been fulfilled, and -the needs of strangers make a stronger claim upon us. -The element of truth in the view that we should first take -care of our own, lies in the advantage of a recognised system -of responsibilities. When families and local communities look -after their own poorer members, ties of affection and personal -relationships achieve ends that would otherwise require a large, -impersonal bureaucracy. Hence it would be absurd to propose -that from now on we all regard ourselves as equally responsible -for the welfare of everyone in the world; but the argument for -an obligation to assist does not propose that. It applies only -when some are in absolute poverty, and others can help without -sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance. To allow -one's own kin to sink into absolute poverty would be to sacrifice -something of comparable significance; and before that point had -been reached, the breakdown of the system of family and com- -233 -Practical Ethics -munity responsibility would be a factor to weigh the balance -in favour of a small degree of preference for family and community. -This small degree of preference is, however, decisively -outweighed by existing discrepancies in wealth and property. -Property rights. Do people have a right to private property, a -right that contradicts the view that they are under an obligation -to give some of their wealth away to those in absolute poverty? -According to some theories of rights (for instance, Robert Nozick's), -provided one has acquired one's property without the -use of unjust means like force and fraud, one may be entitled -to enormous wealth while others starve. This individualistic -conception of rights is in contrast to other views, like the early -Christian doctrine to be found in the works of Thomas Aquinas, -which holds that since property exists for the satisfaction of -human needs, 'whatever a man has in superabundance is owed, -of natural right, to the poor for their sustenance'. A socialist -would also, of course, see wealth as belonging to the community -rather than the individual, while utilitarians, whether socialist -or not, would be prepared to override property rights to prevent -great evils. -Does the argument for an obligation to assist others therefore -presuppose one of these other theories of property rights, and -not an individualistic theory like Nozick's? Not necessarily. A -theory of property rights can insist on our right to retain wealth -without pronouncing on whether the rich ought to give to the -poor. Nozick, for example, rejects the use of compulsory means -like taxation to redistribute income, but suggests that we can -achieve the ends we deem morally desirable by voluntary -means. So Nozick would reject the claim that rich people have -an 'obligation' to give to the poor, in so far as this implies that -the poor have a right to our aid, but might accept that giving -is something we ought to do and failing to give, though within -one's rights, is wrong - for there is more to an ethical life than -respecting the rights of others. -234 -Rich and Poor -The argument for an obligation to assist can survive, with -only minor modifications, even if we accept an individualistic -theory of property rights. In any cci.e, however, I do not think -we should accept such a theory. It leaves too much to chance -to be an acceptable ethical view. For instance, those whose -forefathers happened to inhabit some sandy wastes around the -Persian Gulf are now fabulously wealthy, because oil lay under -those sands; while those whose forefathers settled on better land -south of the Sahara live in absolute poverty, because of drought -and bad harvests. Can this distribution be acceptable from an -impartial point of view? If we imagine ourselves about to begin -life as a citizen of either Bahrein or Chad - but we do not know -which - would we accept the principle that citizens of Bahrein -are under no obligation to assist people living in Chad? -Population and the ethics of triage. Perhaps the most serious objection -to the argument that we have an obligation to assist is -that since the major cause of absolute poverty is overpopulation, -helping those now in poverty will only ensure that yet more -people are born to live in poverty in the future. -In its most extreme form, this objection is taken to show that -we should adopt a policy of 'triage'. The term comes from medical -policies adopted in wartime. With too few doctors to cope -with all the casualties, the wounded were divided into three -categories: those wl).O would probably survive without medical -assistance, those who might survive if they received assistance, -but otherwise probably would not, and those who even with -medical assistance probably would not survive. Only those in -the middle category were given medical assistance. The idea, of -course, was to use limited medical resources as effectively as -possible. For those in the first category, medical treatment was -not strictly necessary; for those in the third category, it was -likely to be useless. It has been suggested that we should apply -the same policies to countries, according to their prospects of -becoming self-sustaining. We would not aid countries that even -235 -Practical Ethics -without our help will soon be able to feed their populations. -We would not aid countries th~t, even with our help, will not -be able to limit their population to a level they can feed. We -would aid those countries where our help might make the difference -between success and failure in bringing food and population -into balance. -Advocates of this theory are understandably reluctant to give -a complete list of the countries they would place into the 'hopeless' -category; Bangladesh has been cited as an example, and -so have some of the countries of the Sahel region of Africa. -Adopting the policy of triage would, then, mean cutting off -assistance to these countries and allowing famine, disease, and -natural disasters to reduce the population of those countries to -the level at which they can provide adequately for all. -In support of this view Garrett Hardin has offered a metaphor: -we in the rich nations are like the occupants of a crowded -lifeboat adrift in a sea full of drowning people. If we try to save -the drowning by bringing them aboard, our boat will be overloaded -and we shall all drown. Since it is better that some -survive than none, we should leave the others to drown. In the -world today, according to Hardin, 'lifeboat ethics' apply. The -rich should leave the poor to starve, for otherwise the poor will -drag the rich down with them. -Against this view, some writers have argued that overpopulation -is a myth. The world produces ample food to feed its -population, and could, according to some estimates, feed ten -times as many. People are hungry not because there are too -many but because of inequitable land distribution, the manipulation -of third world economies by the developed nations, -wastage of food in the West, and so on. -Putting aside the controversial issue of the extent to which -food production might one day be increased, it is true, as we -have already seen, that the world now produces enough to feed -its inhabitants - the amount lost by being fed to animals itself -being enough to meet existing grain shortages. Nevertheless -236 -Rich and Poor -population growth calillot be ignored. Bangladesh could, with -land reform and using better techniques, feed its present population -of 115 million; but by the year 2000, according to United -Nations Population Division estiniates, its population will be -150 million. The enormous effort that will have to go into feeding -an extra 35 million people, all added to the population -within a decade, means that Bangladesh must develop at full -speed ~o stay where it is. Other low-income countries are in -similar situations. By the end of the century, Ethiopia's population -is expected to rise from 49 to 66 million; Somalia's from -7 to 9 million, India's from 853 to 1041 million, Zaire's from -35 to 49 million.2 -What will happen if the world population continues to grow? -It cannot do so indefinitely. It will be checked by a decline in -birth rates or a rise in death rates. Those who advocate triage -are proposing that we allow the population growth of some -countries to be checked by a rise in death rates - that is, by -increased malnutrition, and related diseases; by widespread famines; -by increased infant mortality; and by epidemics of infectious -diseases. -The consequences of triage on this scale are so horrible that -we are inclined to reject it without further argument. How could -we sit by our television sets, watching millions starve while we -do nothing? Would not that be the end of all notions of human -equality and re,spect for human life? (Those who attack the -proposals for legalising euthanasia discussed in Chapter 7, saying -that these proposals will weaken respect for human life, -would surely do better to object to the idea that we should -reduce or end our overseas aid programs, for that proposal, if -2 Ominously, in the twelve years that have passed between editions of this -book, the signs are that the situation is becoming even worse than was then -predicted. In 1979 Bangladesh had a population of 80 million and it was -predicted that by 2000 its population would reach 146 million; Ethiopia's -was only 29 million, and was predicted to reach 54 million; and India's was -620 million and predicted to reach 958 million. -237 -Practical Ethics -implemented, would be responsible for a far greater loss of -human life.) Don't people have a right to our assistance, irrespective -of the consequences? -Anyone whose initial reaction to triage was not one of repugnance -would be an unpleasant sort of person. Yet initial -reactions based on strong feelings are not always reliable guides. -Advocates of triage are rightly concerned with the long-term -consequences of our actions. They say that helping the poor -and starving now merely ensures more poor and starving in the -future. When our capacity to help is finally unable to cope - as -one day it must be - the suffering will be greater than it would -be if we stopped helping now. If this is correct, there is nothing -we can do to prevent absolute starvation and poverty, in the -long run, and so we have no obligation to assist. Nor does it -seem reasonable to hold that under these circumstances people -have a right to our assistance. If we do accept such a right, -irrespective of the consequences, we are saying that, in Hardin's -metaphor, we should continue to haul the drowning into our -lifeboat until the boat sinks and we all drown. -If triage is to be rejected it must be tackled on its own ground, -within the framework of consequentialist ethics. Here it is vulnerable. -Any consequentialist ethics must take probability of -outcome into account. A course of action that will certainly -produce some benefit is to be preferred to an alternative course -that may lead to a slightly larger benefit, but is equally likely -to result in no benefit at all. Only if the greater magnitude of -the uncertain benefit outweighs its uncertainty should we -choose it. Better one certain unit of benefit than a 10 per cent -chance of five units; but better a 50 per cent chance of three -units than a single certain unit. The same principle applies when -we are trying to avoid evils. -The policy of triage involves a certain, very great evil: population -control by famine and disease. Tens of millions would -die slowly. Hundreds of millions would continue to live in absolute -poverty, at the very margin of existence. Against this -238 -Rich and Poor -prospect, advocates of the policy place a possible evil that is -greater still: the same process offamine and disease, taking place -in, say, fifty years' time, when tpe world's popUlation may be -three times its present level, and the number who will die from -famine, or struggle on in absolute poverty, will be that much -greater. The question is: how probable is this forecast that continued -assistance now will lead to greater disasters in the future? -Forecasts of population growth are notoriously fallible, and -theories about the factors that affect it remain speculative. One -theory, at least as plausible as any other, is that countries pass -through a 'demographic transition' as their standard of living -rises. When people are very poor and have no access to modem -medicine their fertility is high, but population is kept in check -by high death rates. The introduction of sanitation, modem -medical techniques, and other improvements reduces the death -rate, but initially has little effect on the birth rate. Then population -grows rapidly. Some poor countries, especially in subSaharan -Africa, are now in this phase. If standards of living -continue to rise, however, couples begin to realise that to have -the same number of children surviving to maturity as in the -past, they do not need to give birth to as many children as their -parents did. The need for children to provide economic support -in old age diminishes. Improved education and the emancipation -and employment of women also reduce the birth-rate, and -so population growth begins to level off. Most rich nations have -reached this stage, and their populations are growing only very -slowly, if at all. -If this theory is right, there is an alternative to the disasters -accepted as inevitable by supporters of triage. We can assist poor -countries to raise the living standards of the poorest members -of their population. We can encourage the governments of these -countries to enact land reform measures, improve education, -and liberate women from a purely child-bearing role. We can -also help other countries to make contraception and sterilisation -widely available. There is a fair chance that these measures will -239 -Practical Ethics -hasten the onset of the demographic transition and bring population -growth down to a manageable level. According to -United Nations estimates, in 1965 the average woman in the -third world gave birth to six children, and only 8 per cent were -using some form of contraception; by 1991 the average number -of children had dropped to just below four, and more than half -the women in the third world were taking contraceptive measures. -Notable successes in encouraging the use of contraception -had occurred in Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, -and Bangladesh. This achievement reflected a relatively low -expenditure in developing countries - considering the size and -significance of the problem - of $3 billion annually, with only -20 per cent of this sum coming from developed nations. So -expenditure in this area seems likely to be highly cost-effective. -Success cannot be guaranteed; but the evidence suggests that -we can reduce population growth by improving economic security -and education, and making contraceptives more widely -available. This prospect makes triage ethically unacceptable. We -cannot allow millions to die from starvation and disease when -there is a reasonable probability that population can be brought -under control without such horrors. -Population growth is therefore not a reason against giving -overseas aid, although it should make us think about the kind -of aid to give. Instead of food handouts, it may be better to give -aid that leads to a slowing of population growth. This may mean -agricultural assistance for the rural poor, or assistance with education, -or the provision of contraceptive services. Whatever -kind of aid proves most effective in specific circumstances, the -obligation to assist is not reduced. -One awkward question remains. What should we do about -a poor and already overpopulated country that, for religious or -nationalistic reasons, restricts the use of contraceptives and refuses -to slow its population growth? Should we nevertheless -offer development assistance? Or should we make our offer -conditional on effective steps being taken to reduce the birth- -240 -Rich and Poor -rate? To the latter course, some would object that putting conditions -on aid is an attempt to impose our own ideas on -independent sovereign nations. So it is - but is this imposition -unjustifiable? If the argument for an\Jbligation to assist is sound, -we have an obligation to reduce absolute poverty; but we have -no obligation to make sacrifices that, to the best of our knowledge, -have no prospect of reducing poverty in the long run. -Hence we have no obligation to assist countries whose governments -have policies that will make our aid ineffective. This could -be very harsh on poor citizens of these countries - for they may -have no say in the government's policies - but we will help -more people in the long run by using our resources where they -are most effective. (The same principles may apply, incidentally, -to countries that refuse to take other steps that could make -assistance effective - like refusing to reform systems of land -holding that impose intolerable burdens on poor tenant -farmers.) -Leaving it to the government. We often hear that overseas aid -should be a government responsibility, not left to privately run -charities. Giving privately, it is said, allows the government to -escape its responsibilities. -Since increasing government aid is the surest way of making -a significant increase to the total amount of aid given, I would -agree that the governments of affluent nations should give much -more genuine, no-string~-attached, aid than they give now. Less -than one-sixth of one per cent of GNP is a scandalously small -amount for a nation as wealthy as the United States to give. -Even the official UN target of 0.7 per cent seems much less than -affluent nations can and should give - though it is a target few -have reached. But is this a reason against each of us giving what -we can privately, through voluntary agencies? To believe that -it is seems to assume that the more people there are who give -through voluntary agencies, the less likely it is that the government -will do its part. Is this plausible? The opposite view - that -241 -Practical Ethics -if no one gives voluntarily the government will assume that its -citizens are not in favour of overseas aid, and will cut its programme -accordingly - is more reasonable. In any case, unless -there is a definite probability that by refusing to give we would -be helping to bring about an increase in government assistance, -refusing to give privately is wrong for the same reason that triage -is wrong: it is a refusal to prevent a definite evil for the sake of -a very uncertain gain. The onus of showing how a refusal to -give privately will make the government give more is on those -who refuse to give. -This is not to say that giving privately is enough. Certainly -we should campaign for entirely new standards for both public -and private overseas aid. We should also work for fairer trading -arrangements between rich and poor countries, and less domination -of the economies of poor countries by multinational -corporations more concerned about producing profits for shareholders -back home than food for the local poor. Perhaps it is -more important to be politically active in the interests of the -poor than to give to them oneself - but why not do both? -Unfortunately, many use the view that overseas aid is the government's -responsibility as a reason against giving, but not as -a reason for being politically active. -Too high a standard? The final objection to the argument for an -obligation to assist is that it sets a standard so high that none -but a saint could attain it. This objection comes in at least three -versions. The first maintains that, human nature being what it -is, we cannot achieve so high a standard, and since it is absurd -to say that we ought to do what we cannot do, we must reject -the claim that we ought to give so much. The second version -asserts that even if we could achieve so high a standard, to do -so would be undesirable. The third version of the objection is -that to set so high a standard is undesirable because it will be -perceived as too difficult to reach, and will discourage many -from even attempting to do so. -242 -Rich and Poor -Those who put forward the first version of the objection are -often influenced by the fact that we have evolved from a natural -process in which those with a high degree of concern for their -own interests, or the interests of their offspring and kin, can be -expected to leave more descendants in futJre generations, and -eventually to completely replace any who are entirely altruistic. -Thus the biologist Garrett Hardin has argued, in support of his -'lifeboat ethics', that altruism can only exist 'on a small scale, -over the short term, and within small, intimate groups'; while -Richard Dawkins has written, in his provocative book The Selfish -Gene: 'Much as we might wish to believe otherwise, universal -love and the welfare of the species as a whole are concepts -which simply do not make evolutionary sense: I have already -noted, in discussing the objection that we should first take care -of our own, the very strong tendency for partiality in human -beings. We naturally have a stronger desire to further our own -interests, and those of our close kin, than we have to further -the interests of strangers. What this means is that we would be -foolish to expect widespread conformity to a standard that demands -impartial concern, and for that reason it would scarcely -be appropriate or feasible to condemn all those who fail to reach -such a standard. Yet to act impartially, though it might be very -difficult, is not impossible; The commonly quoted assertion that -'ought' implies 'can' is a reason for rejecting such moral judgments -as 'You ought to have saved all the people from the -sinking ship', when in fact if you had taken one more person -into the lifeboat, it would have sunk and you would not have -saved any. In that situation, it is absurd to say that you ought -to have done what you could not possibly do. When we have -money to spend on luxuries and others are starving, however, -it is clear that we can all give much more than we do give, and -we can therefore all come closer to the impartial standard proposed -in this chapter. Nor is there, as we approach closer to this -standard, any barrier beyond which we cannot go. For that -reason there is no basis for saying that the impartial standard -243 -Practical Ethics -is mistaken because 'ought' implies 'can' and we cannot be -impartial. -The second version of the objection has been put by several -philosophers during the past decade, among them Susan Wolf -in a forceful article entitled 'Moral Saints'. Wolf argues that if -we all took the kind of moral stance defended in this chapter, -we would have to do without a great deal that makes life interesting: -opera, gourmet cooking, elegant clothes, and professional -sport, for a start. The kind of life we come to see as -ethically required of us would be a single-minded pursuit of the -overall good, lacking that broad diversity of interests and activities -that, on a less demanding view, can be part of our ideal of -a good life for a human being. To this, however, one can respond -that while the rich and varied life that Wolf upholds as an ideal -may be the most desirable form of life for a human being in a -world of plenty, it is wrong to assume that it remains a good -life in a world in which buying luxuries for oneself means accepting -the continued avoidable suffering of others. A doctor -faced with hundreds of injured victims of a train crash can -scarcely think it defensible to treat fifty of them and then go to -the opera, on the grounds that going to the opera is part of a -well-rounded human life. The life-or-death needs of others must -take priority. Perhaps we are like the doctor in that we live in -a time when we all have an opportunity to help to mitigate a -disaster. -Associated with this second version of the objection is the -claim that an impartial ethic of the kind advocated here makes -it impossible to have serious personal relationships based on -love and friendship; these relationships are, of their nature, -partial. We put the interests of our loved ones, our family, and -our friends ahead of those of strangers; if we did not do so, -would these relationships survive? I have already indicated, in -the response I gave when considering the objection that we -should first take care of our own, that there is a place, within -an impartially grounded moral framework, for recognising some -244 -Rich and Poor -degree of partiality for kin, and the same can be said for other -close personal relationships. Clearly, for most people, personal -relationships are among the necessities of a flourishing life, and -to give them up would be to sacrifice something of great moral -significance. Hence no such sacrifice is required by the principle -for which I am here arguing. -The third version of the objection asks: might it not be counterproductive -to demand that people give up so much? Might -not people say: 'As I can't do what is morally required anyway, -I won't bother to give at all: If, however, we were to set a more -realistic standard, people might make a genuine effort to reach -it. Thus setting a lower standard might actually result in more -aid being given. -It is important to get the status of this third version of the -objection clear. Its accuracy as a prediction of human behaviour -is quite compatible with the argument that we are obliged to -give to the point at which by giving more we sacrifice something -of comparable moral significance. What would follow from the -objection is that public advocacy of this standard of giving is -undesirable. It would mean that in order to do the maximum -to reduce absolute poverty, we should advocate a standard -lower than the amount we think people really ought to give. -Of course we ourselves - those of us who accept the original -argument, with its hig1;ler standard - would know that we ought -to do more than we publicly propose people ought to do, and -we might actually give more than we urge others to give. There -is no inconsistency here, since in both our private and our public -behaviour we are trying to do what will most reduce absolute -poverty. -For a consequentialist, this apparent conflict between public -and private morality is always a possibility, and not in itself an -indication that the underlying principle is wrong. The consequences -of a principle are one thing, the consequences of publicly -advocating it another. A variant of this idea is already -acknowledged by the distinction between the intuitive and crit- -245 -Practical Ethics -icallevels of morality, of which I have made use in previous -chapters. If we think of principles that are suitable for the intuitive -level of morality as those that should be generally advocated, -these are the principles that, when advocated, will give -rise to the best consequences. Where overseas aid is concerned, -those will be the principles that le-ad to largest amount being -given by the affluent to the poor. -Is it true that the standard set by our argument is so high as -to be counterproductive? There is not much evidence to go by, -but discussions of the argument, with students and others have -led me to think it might be. Yet, the conventionally accepted -standard - a few coins in a collection tin when one is waved -under your nose - is obviously far too low. What level should -we advocate? Any figure will be arbitrary, but there may be -something to be said for a round percentage of one's income -like, say, 10 per cent - more than a token donation, yet not so -high as to be beyond all but saints. (This figure has the additional -advantage of being reminiscent of the ancient tithe, or tenth, -that was traditionally given to the church, whose responsibilities -included care of the poor in one's local community. Perhaps -the idea can be revived and applied to the global community.) -Some families, of course, will find 10 per cent a considerable -strain on their finances. Others may be able to give more without -difficulty. No figure should be advocated as a rigid minimum -or maximum; but it seems safe to advocate that those earning -average or above average incomes in affluent societies, unless -they have an unusually large number of dependents or other -special needs, oUght to give a tenth of their income to reducing -absolute poverty. By any reasonable ethical standards this is the -minimum we ought to do, and we do wrong if we do less. -246 -9 -INSIDERS AND OUTSIDERS -THE SHELTER -I T is February 2002, and the world is taking stock of the -damage done by the nuclear war in the Middle East towards -the close of the previous year. The global level of radioactivity -now and for about eight years to come is so high that only those -living in fallout shelters can be confident of surviving in reasonable -health. For the rest, who must breathe unfiltered air -and consume food and water with high levels of radiation, the -prospects are grim. Probably 10 per cent will die of radiation -sickness within the next two months; another 30 per cent are -expected to develop fatal forms of cancer within five years; and -even the remainder will have rates of cancer ten times higher -than normal, while the risk that their children will be malformed -is fifty times greater than before the war. -The fortunate ones, of course, are those who were far-sighted -enough to buy a share in tl;le fallout shelters built by real-estate -speculators as international tensions rose in the late 1990s. Most -of these shelters were designed as underground villages, each -with enough accommodation and supplies to provide for the -needs of 10,000 people for twenty years. The villages are selfgoverning, -with democratic constitutions that were agreed to -in advance. They also have sophisticated security systems that -enable them to admit to the shelter whoever they decide to -admit, and keep out all others. -The news that it will not be necessary to stay in the shelters -for much more than eight years has naturally been greeted with -247 -Practical Ethics -joy by the members of an underground community called Fairhaven. -But it has also led to the first serious friction among -them. For above the shaft that leads down to Fairhaven, there -are thousands of people who are not investors in a shelter. These -people can be seen, and heard, through television cameras installed -at the entrance. They are pleading to be admitted. They -know that ifthey can get into a shelter quickly, they will escape -most of the consequences of exposure to radiation. At first, -before it was known how long it would be until it was safe to -return to the outside, these pleas had virtually no support from -within the shelter. Now, however, the case for admitting at least -some of them has become much stronger. Since the supplies -need last only eight years, they will stretch to more than double -the number of people at present in the shelters. Accommodation -presents only slightly greater problems: Fairhaven was designed -to function as a luxury retreat when not needed for a real emergency, -and it is equipped with tennis courts, swimming pools, -and a large gymnasium. If everyone were to consent to keep fit -by doing aerobics in their own living rooms, it would be possible -to provide primitive but adequate sleeping space for all those -whom the supplies can stretch to feed. -So those outside are now not lacking advocates on the inside. -The most extreme, labelled 'bleeding hearts' by their opponents, -propose that the shelter should admit an additional 10,000 people -- as many as it can reasonably expect to feed and house -until it is safe to return to the outside. This will mean giving up -all luxury in food and facilities; but the bleeding hearts point -out that the fate for those who remain on the outside will be -far worse. -The bleeding hearts are opposed by some who urge that -these outsiders generally are an inferior kind of person, for they -were either not sufficiently far-sighted, or else not sufficiently -wealthy, to invest in a shelter; hence, it is said, they will cause -social problems in the shelter, placing an additional strain on -health, welfare, and educational services and contributing to an -248 -Insiders and Outsiders -increase in crime and juvenile delinquency. The opposition to -admitting outsiders is also supported by a small group who say -that it would be an injustice to those who have paid for their -share of the shelter if others who have not paid benefit by it. -These opponents of admitting others are articulate, but few; -their numbers are bolstered considerably, however, by many -who say only that they really enjoy tennis and swimming and -don't want to give it up. -Between the bleeding hearts and those who oppose admitting -any outsiders, stands a middle group: those who think that, as -an exceptional act of benevolence and charity, some outsiders -should be admitted, but not so many as to make a significant -difference to the quality of life within the shelter. They propose -converting a quarter of the tennis courts to sleeping accommodation, -and giving up a small public open space that has -attracted little use anyway. By these means, an extra 500 people -could be accommodated, which the self-styled 'moderates' think -would be a sensible figure, sufficient to show that Fairhaven is -not insensitive to the plight of those less fortunate than its own -members. -A referendum is held. There are three proposals: to admit -10,000 outsiders; to admit 500 outsiders; and to admit no outsiders. -For which would you vote? -THE REAL WORLD -Like the issue of overseas aid, the situation of refugees today -raises an ethical question about the boundaries of our moral -community - not, as in earlier chapters, on grounds of species, -stage of development, or intellectual capacities, but on nationality. -The great majority of the approximately 15 million refugees -in the world today are receiving refuge, at least temporarily, -in the poorer and less developed countries of the world. More -than 12 million refugees are in the less developed countries of -Africa, Asia and Latin America. The effect on a poor country of -249 -Practical Ethics -receiving a sudden influx of millions of refugees can be gauged -from the experience of Pakistan during the 1980s, when it was -home to 2.8 million Afghan refugees - mainly living in the -North West Frontier province. Although Pakistan did get some -outside assistance to feed its refugees, the effects of bearing the -burden of this refugee population for seven years was easily -seen around refugee villages. Whole hillsides were denuded of -trees as a result of the collection of wood for fuel for the refugees. -According to Article 14 of the 1948 United Nations Declaration -of Human Rights, 'Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy -in other countries asylum from persecution.' The United -Nations High Commission for Refugees was established in 1950 -and the commissioner entrusted with the protection of any -person who is outside the country of his nationality because of a -well founded fear of persecution by reason of his race, religion, -nationality or political opinion, and is unwilling or unable to -avail himself of the protection of his own government'. This definition -was originally designed to meet the dislocation caused -by the Second World War in Europe. It is a narrow one, demanding -that claims to refugee status be investigated case by case. It -has failed to cover the large-scale movements of people in times -of war, famine, or civil disturbance that have occurred since. -Less than generous responses to refugees are usually justified -by blaming the victim. It has become common to distinguish -'genuine refugees' from 'economic refugees' and to claim that -the latter should receive no assistance. This distinction is dubious, -for most refugees leave their countries at great risk and -peril to their lives - crossing seas in leaky boats under attack -from pirates, or making long journeys over armed borders, to -arrive penniless in refugee camps. To distinguish between someone -fleeing from political persecution and someone who flees -from a land made uninhabitable by prolonged drought is difficult -to justify when they are in equal need of a refuge. The -UN definition, which would not classify the latter as a refugee, -defines away the problem. -250 -Insiders and Outsiders -What are the possible durable solutions for refugees in the -world today? The main option~ are: voluntary repatriation, local -integration in the country they first flee to, and reiettlement. -Probably the best and most humane solution for refugees -would be to return home. Unfortunately for the majority, voluntary -repatriation is not possible because the conditions that -caused them to flee have not changed sufficiently. Local settlement, -where refugees can remain and rebuild their lives in -neighbouring countries, is too often impossible because of the -inability of poor, economically struggling - and politically unstable -- countries to absorb a new population when their indigenous -people face a daily struggle for survival. This option -works best where ethnic and tribal links cross national frontiers. -The difficulty of achieving either voluntary repatriation or -local settlement leaves resettlement in a more remote country -as the only remaining option. With the number of refugees -needing resettlement reaching dimensions never before experienced, -the main response of the industrialised countries has -been to institute deterrent policies and close their doors as tight -as they can. Admittedly, resettlement can never solve the problems -that make refugees leave their homes. Nor is it, of itself, -a solution to the world refugee problem. Only about 2 per cent -of the world's refugees are permanently resettled. Nevertheless, -the resettlement option is a significant one. It provides markedly -better lives for a considerable number of individuals, even if not -for a large proportion of the total number of refugees. -Resettlement also affects the policies of those countries to -which refugees first flee. If such countries have no hope that -refugees will be resettled, they know that their burden will grow -with every refugee who enters their country. And countries of -first refuge are among those least able to support additional -people. When the resettlement option tightens, the countries to -which refugees first go adopt policies to try to discourage -potential refugees from leaving their country. This policy will -include turning people back at the border, making the camps -251 -Practical Ethics -as unattractive as possible, and screening the refugees as they -cross the border. -Resettlement is the only s.olution for those who cannot return -to their own countries in the foreseeable future and are only -welcome temporarily in the country to which they have fled; -in other words for those who have nowhere to go. There are -millions who would choose this option if there were countries -who would take them. For these refugees, resettlement may -mean the difference between life and death. It certainly is their -only hope for a decent existence. -THE EX GRATIA APPROACH -A widely held attitude is that we are under no moral or legal -obligation to accept any refugees at all; and if we do accept -some, it is an indication of our generous and humanitarian -character. Though popular, this view is not self-evidently morally -sound. Indeed, it appears to conflict with other attitudes -that are, if we can judge from what people say, at least as widely -held, including the belief in the equality of all human beings, -and the rejection of principles that discriminate on the basis of -race or national origin. -All developed nations safeguard the welfare of their residents -in many ways - protecting their legal rights, educating their -children, and providing sodal security payments and access to -medical care, either universally or for those who fall. below a -defined level of poverty. Refugees receive none of these benefits -unless they are accepted into the country. Since the overwhelming -majority of them are not accepted, the overwhelming majority -will not receive these benefits. But is this distinction in -the way in which we treat residents and nomesidents ethically -defensible? -Very few moral philosophers have given any attention to the -issue of refugees, even though it is clearly one of the major -moral issues of our time and raises significant moral questions -252 -Insiders and Outsiders -about who is a member of our moral community. Take, for -example, John Rawls, the Harvard philosopher whose book, A -Theory of Justice, has been the most widely discussed artount of -justice since its publication in 1971. This 500-page volume deals -exclusively with justice within a society, thus ignoring all the -hard questions about the principles that ought to govern how -wealthy societies respond to the claims of poorer nations, or of -outsiders in need. -One of the few philosophers who has addressed this issue is -another American, Michael Walzer. His Spheres of Justice opens -with a chapter entitled 'The Distribution of Membership' in -which he asks how we constitute the community within which -distribution takes place. In the course of this chapter Walzer -seeks to justify something close to the present situation with -regard to refugee policy. The first question Walzer addresses is: -do countries have the right to close their borders to potential -immigrants? His answer is that they do, because without such -closure, or at least the power to close borders if desired, distinct -communities cannot exist. -Given that the decision to close borders can rightfully be -made, Walzer then goes on to consider how it should be exercised. -He compares the political community with a club, and -with a family. Clubs are examples of the ex gratia approach: -'Individuals may be able to give good reason why they should -be selected, but no one on the outside has a right to be inside: -But Walzer considers the analogy imperfect, because states are -also a bit like families. They are morally bound to open the -doors of their country - not to anyone who wants to come in, -perhaps, but to a particular group of outsiders, recognised as -national or ethnic 'relatives: In this way Walzer uses the analogy -of a family to justify the principle of family reunion as a -basis for immigration policy. -As far as refugees are concerned, however, this is not much -help. Does a political community have the right to exclude -destitute, persecuted, and stateless men and women simply be- -253 -Practical Ethics -cause they are foreigners? In Walzer's view the community is -bound by a prindple of mutual aid and he rightly notes that -this prindple may have wider effects when applied to a community -than when applied to an individual, because so many -benevolent actions are open to a community that will only -marginally affect its members. To take a stranger into one's -family is something that we might consider goes beyond the -requirement of mutual aid; but to take a stranger, or even many -strangers, into the community is far less burdensome. -In Walzer's view, a nation with vast unoccupied lands - he -takes Australia as his example, though by assumption rather -than by any examination of Australia's water and soil resources -- may indeed have an obligation in mutual aid to take in people -from densely populated, famine-stricken lands of Southeast -Asia. The choice for the Australian community would then be -to give up whatever homogeneity their sodety possessed, or to -retreat to a small portion of the land they occupied, yielding -the remainder to those who needed it. -Although not accepting any general obligation on affluent -nations to admit refugees, Walzer does uphold the popular prindple -of asylum. In accordance with this prindple, any refugee -who manages to reach the shores of another country can claim -asylum and cannot be deported back to a country in which he -may be persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, or -political opinion. It is interesting that this prindple is so widely -supported, while the obligation to accept refugees is not. The -distinction drawn may reflect some of the prindples discussed -in previous chapters of this book. The prindple of proximity -clearly plays a role - the person seeking asylum is just physically -closer to us than those in other countries. Perhaps our stronger -support for asylum rests in part on the distinction between an -act (deporting a refugee who has arrived here) and an omission -(not offering a place to a refugee in a distant camp). It could -also be an instance of the difference between doing something -to an identifiable individual, and doing something that we know -254 -Insiders and OutsidersĀ· -will have the same effect on someone, but we will never be -able to tell on whom it has this effect. A further factor is probably -the relatively small number of people who are actually able to -arrive in order to seek asylum, in contrast to the much larger -number of refugees of whose existence we are aware, although -they are far from us. This is the 'drops in the ocean' argument -that was discussed in connection with overseas aid. We can, -perhaps, cope with all the asylum seekers, but no matter how -many refugees we admit, the problem will still be there. As in -the case of the parallel argument against giving overseas aid, -this overlooks the fact that in admitting refugees, we enable -spedfic individuals to live decent lives and thus are doing something -that is worthwhile, no matter how many other refugees -remain whom we are unable to help. -Moderately liberal governments, prepared to heed at least -some humanitarian sentiments, act much as Walzer suggests -they should. They hold that communities have a right to dedde -whom they will admit; the claims of family reunion come first, -and those of outsiders from the national ethnic group - should -the state have an ethnic identity - next. The admission of those -in need is an ex gratia act. The right of asylum is usually respected, -as long as the numbers are relatively small. Refugees, -unless they can appeal to some spedal sense of political affinity, -have no real claim to be accepted, and have to throw themselves -on the charity of the receiving country. All of this is in general -agreement with immigration policy in the Western democrades. -As far as refugees are concerned, the ex gratia approach is the -current orthodoxy. -THE FALLACY OF THE CURRENT APPROACH -The current orthodoxy rests on vague and usually unargued -assumptions about the community's right to determine its membership. -A consequentialist would hold, instead, that immigration -policy should be based squarely on the interests of all those -255 -Practical Ethics -affected. Where the interests of different parties conflict, we -should be giving equal consideration to all interests, which -would mean that more pressing or more fundamental interests -take precedence over less fundamental interests. The first step -in applying the principle of equal consideration of interests is -to identify those whose interests are affected. The first and most -obvious group is the refugees themselves. Their most pressing -and fundamental interests are clearly at stake. Life in a refugee -camp offers little prospect of anything more than a bare subsistence, -and sometimes hardly even that. Here is one observer's -impression of a camp on the Thai-Cambodian border in 1986. -At the time the camp was home for 144,000 people: -The visit of a foreigner causes a ripple of excitement. People -gather round and ask eamestly about the progress of their case -for resettlement, or share their great despair at continual rejection -by the selection bodies for the various countries which will accept -refugees .... People wept as they spoke, most had an air of quiet -desperation .... On rice distribution day, thousands of girls and -women mill in the distribution area, receiving the weekly rations -for their family. From the bamboo observation tower the ground -below was just a swirling sea of black hair and bags of rice hoisted -onto heads for the walk home. A proud, largely farming people, -forced to become dependent on UN rations of water, tinned fish -and broken rice, just to survive. -Most of these people could hope for no significant change in -their lives for many years to come. Yet I, along with the others -from outside, could get into a car and drive out of the camp, -return to Taphraya or Aran, drink iced water, eat rice or noodles -at the roadside restaurant at the comer, and observe life passing -by. Those simplest parts of life were invested with a freedom I'd -never valued so highly. -At the same time, refugees accepted into another country have -a good chance of establishing themselves and leading a life as -satisfactory and fulfilling as most of us. Sometimes the interests -of the refugees in being accepted are as basic as the interest in -life itself. In other cases the situation may not be one of life or -256 -Insiders and Outsiders -death, but it will still profoundly affect the whole course of a -person's life. -The next most directly affected group is the residents of the -recipient nation. How much they will be affected will vary according -to how many refugees are taken, how well they will fit -into the community, the current state of the national economy, -and so on. Some residents will be more affected than others: -some will find themselves competing with the refugees for jobs, -and others will not; some will find themselves in a neighborhood -with a high population of refugees, and others will not; -and this list could be continued indefinitely, too. -We should not assume that residents of the recipient nation -will be affected for the worse: the economy may receive a boost -from a substantial intake of refugees, and many residents may -find business opportunities in providing for their needs. Others -may enjoy the more cosmopolitan atmosphere created by new -arrivals from other countries: the exotic food shops and restaurants -that spring up, and in the long run, the benefits of different -ideas and ways of living. One could argue that in many ways -refugees make the best immigrants. They have nowhere else to -go and must commit themselves totally to their new country, -unlike immigrants who can go home when or if they please. -The fact that they have survived and escaped from hardship -suggests stamina, initiative, and resources that would be of great -benefit to any receiving country. Certainly some refugee groups, -for instance the Indo-Chinese, have displayed great entrepreneurial -vigour when resettled in countries like Australia or the -United States. -There are also some other possible and more diffuse consequences -that we at least need to think about. For example, it -has been argued that to take large numbers of refugees from -poor countries into affluent ones will simply encourage the flow -of refugees in the future. If poor and over-populated countries -can get rid of their surplus people to other countries, they will -have a reduced incentive to do something about the root causes -257 -Practical Ethics -of the poverty of their people, and to slow population growth. -The end result could be just as much suffering as if we had -never taken the refugees in the first place. -Consequences also arise from not taking significant numbers -of refugees. Economic stability and world peace depend on international -co-operation based on some measure of respect and -trust; but the resource-rich and not over-populated countries -of the world cannot expect to win the respect or trust of the -poorest and most crowded countries if they leave them to cope -with most of the refugee problem as best they can. -So we have a complex mix of interests - some definite, some -highly speculative - to be considered. Equal interests are to be -given equal weight, but which way does the balance lie? Consider -a reasonably affluent nation that is not desperately overcrowded, -like Australia (I take Australia merely as an example -of a country with which I am familiar; one could, with minor -modifications, substitute other affluent nations.) In the early -1990s Australia is admitting about 12,000 refugees a year, at a -time when there are several million refugees in refugee camps -around the world, many of whom have no hope of returning -to their previous country and are seeking resettlement in a country -like Australia. Now let us imagine that Australia decides to -accept twice as many refugees each year as it has in fact been -doing. What can we say are the definite consequences of such -a decision, and what are the possible consequences? -The first definite consequence would be that each year 12,000 -more refugees would have been out of the refugee camps and -settled in Australia, where they could expect, after a few years -of struggle, to share in the material comforts, civil rights, and -political security of that country. So 12,000 people would have -been very much better off. -The second definite consequence would have been that each -year Australia would have had 12,000 more immigrants, and -that these additional immigrants would not have been selected -258 -Insiders and Outsiders -on the basis of possessing skills needed in the Australian economy. -They would therefore place an additional demand on welfare -services. Some long-term residents of Australia may be -disconcerted by the changes that take place in their neighborhood, -as significant numbers of people from a very different -culture move in. More refugees would make some impact on -initial post-arrival services such as the provision of English language -classes, housing in the first few months, job placement, -and retraining. But the differences would be minor - after all, -a decade earlier, Australia had accepted approximately 22,000 -refugees a year. There were no marked adverse effects from this -larger intake. -At this point, if we are considering the definite consequences -of a doubled refugee intake, in terms of having a significant -impact on the interests of others, we come to a halt. We may -wonder if the increased numbers will lead to a revival of racist -feeling in the community. We could debate the impact on the -Australian environment. We might guess that a larger intake of -refugees will encourage others, in the country from which the -refugees came, to become refugees themselves in order to better -their economic condition. Or we could refer hopefully to the -contribution towards international goodwill that may flow from -a country like Australia easing the burden ofless well-off nations -in supporting refugees. But all of these consequences are highly -speculative. -Consider the environmental impact of an extra 12,000 refugees. -Certainly, more people will put some additional pressure -on the environment. This means that the increased number of -refugees accepted will be just one item in a long list of factors -that includes the natural rate of reproduction; the government's -desire to increase exports by encouraging an industry based on -converting virgin forests to wood-chips; the subdivision of rural -land in scenic areas for holiday houses; the spurt in popularity -of vehicles suitable for off-road use; the development of ski -259 -Practical Ethics -resorts in sensitive alpine areas; the use of no-deposit bottles -and other containers that increase litter - the list could be prolonged -indefinitely. -If as a community we allow these other factors to have their -impact on the environment, while appealing to the need to -protect our environment as a reason for restricting our intake -of refugees to its present leveL we are implicitly giving less -weight to the interests of refugees in coming to Australia than -we give to the interests of Australian residents in having holiday -houses, roaring around the countryside in four-wheeldrive -vehicles, going skiing, and throwing away their drink -containers without bothering to return them for recycling. Such -a weighting is surely morally outrageous, so flagrant a violation -of the principle of equal consideration of interests that I -trust it has only to be exposed in order to be seen as indefensible. -The other arguments are even more problematical. No one -can really say whether doubling Australia's intake of refugees -would have any effect at all on the numbers who might consider -fleeing their own homes; nor is it possible to predict the consequences -in terms of international relations. As with the similar -argument linking overseas aid with increased population, in a -situation in which the definite consequences of the proposed -additional intake of refugees are positive, it would be wrong to -decide against the larger intake on such speculative grounds, -especially since the speculative factors point in different directions. -So there is a strong case for Australia to double its refugee -intake. But there was nothing in the argument that relied on -the specific level of refugees now being taken by Australia. If -this argument goes through, it would also seem to follow that -Australia should be taking not an extra 12,000 refugees, but an -extra 24,000 refugees a year. Now the argument seems to be -going too far, for it can then be reapplied to this new level: -should Australia be taking 48,000 refugees? We can double and -260 -Insiders and Outsiders -redouble the intakes of all the major nations of the developed -world, and the refugee camps around the world will still not -be empty. Indeed, the number of refugees who would seek -resettlement in the developed countries is not fixed, and probably -there is some truth in the claim that if all those now in -refugee camps were to be accepted, more refugees would arrive -to take their places. Since the interests of the refugees in resettlement -in a more prosperous country will always be greater -than the conflicting interests of the residents of those countries -it would seem that the principle of equal consideration of in~ -terests points to a world in which all countries continue to accept -refugees until they are reduced to the same standard of poverty -and overcrowding as the third world countries from which the -refugees are seeking to flee. -Is this a reason for rejecting the original argument? Does it -mean that if we follow the original argument through it leads -to consequences that we cannot possibly accept; and therefore -there must be a flaw in the argument that has led us to such -an absurd conclusion? This does not follow. The argument -we put forward for doubling Australia'S refugee intake does -not really imply that the doubled intake should then be redoubled, -and redoubled again, ad infinitum. At some point in -this process - perhaps when the refugee intake is four times -what it now is, or perhaps when it is sixty-four times its -present level - the adverse consequences that are now only -speculative possibilities would become probabilities or virtual -certainties. -There would come a point at which, for instance, the resident -community had eliminated all luxuries that imperilled the environment, -and yet the basic needs of the expanding population -were putting such pressure on fragile ecological systems that a -further expansion would do irreparable harm. Or there might -come a point at which tolerance in a multicultural society was -breaking down because of resentment among the resident community, -whose members believed that their children were un- -261 -Pradical Ethics -able to get jobs because of competition from the hard-working -new arrivals; and this loss of tolerance might reach the point -at which it was a serious danger to the peace and security of -all previously accepted refugees and other imI:p.igrants from different -cultures. When any such point had been reached, the -balance of interests would have swung against a further increase -in the intake of refugees. -The present refugee intake might increase quite dramatically -before any consequences like those mentioned above were -reached; and some may take this as a consequence sufficiently -unacceptable to support the rejection of our line of argument. -Certainly anyone starting from the assumption that the status -quo must be roughly right will be likely to take that view. -But the status quo is the outcome of a system of national -selfishness and political expediency, and not the result of a -considered attempt to work out the moral obligations of the -developed nations in a world with 15 million refugees. -It would not be difficult for the nations of the developed world -to move closer towards fulfilling their moral obligations to refugees. -There is no objective evidence to show that doubling -their refugee intake would cause them any harm whatsoever. -Much present evidence, as well as past experience, points the -other way, suggesting that they and their present population -would probably benefit. -But, the leaders will cry, what is moral is not what is -politically acceptable! This is a spurious excuse for inaction. -In many policy areas, presidents and prime ministers are quite -happy to try to convince the electorate of what is right - of -the need to tighten belts in order to balance budgets, or to -desist from drinking and driving. They could just as easily -gradually increase their refugee intakes, monitoring the effects -of the increase through careful research. In this way they -would fulfill their moral and geopolitical obligations and still -benefit their own communities. -262 -Insiders and Outsiders -SHELTERS AND REFUGES -How would you have voted, in the referendum conducted in -Fairhaven in 1998? I think most people would have been prepared -to sacrifice not just a quarter, but all of the tennis courts -to the greater need of those outside. But if you would have -voted with the 'bleeding hearts' in that situation, it is difficult -to see how you can disagree with the conclusion that affluent -nations should be taking far, far more refugees than they are -taking today. For the situation of refugees is scarcely better than -that of the outsiders in peril from nuclear radiation; and the -luxuries that we would have to sacrifice are surely no greater. -263 -10 -THE ENVIRONMENT -A river tumbles through forested ravines and rocky gorges towards -the sea. The state hydro-electricity commission sees the -falling water as untapped energy. Building a dam across one of -the gorges would provide three years of employment for a thousand -people, and longer-term employment for twenty or thirty. -The dam would store enough water to ensure that the state could -economically meet its energy needs for the next decade. This -would encourage the establishment of energy-intensive industry -thus further contributing to employment and economic growth. -The rough terrain of the river valley makes it accessible only to -the reasonably fit, but it is nevertheless a favoured spot for bushwalking. -The river itself attracts the more daring whitewater -rafters. Deep in the sheltered valleys are stands of rare Huon -Pine, many of the trees being over a thousand years old. The -valleys and gorges are home to many birds and animals, including -an endangered species of marsupial mouse that has seldom -been found outside the valley. There may be other rare plants -and animals as well, but no one knows, for scientists are yet to -investigate the region fully. -S ~ 0 U L.D the dam be built? This is one example of a situation -m WhICh we must choose between very different sets of -values. The description is loosely based on a proposed dam on -the Franklin River, in the southwest of Australia's island state, -Tasmania - an account of the outcome can be found in Chapter -II, but I have deliberately altered some details, and the above -description should be treated as a hypothetical case. Many other -examples would have posed the choice between values equally -well: logging virgin forests, building a paper mill that will release -pollutants into coastal waters, or opening a new mine on the -264 -The Environment -edge of a national park. A different set of examples would raise -related, but slightly different, issues: the use of products that -contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, or to the greenhouse -effect; building more nuclear power stations; and so on. -In this chapter I explore the values that underlie debates about -these decisions, and the example I have presented can serve as -a point of reference to these debates. I shall focus particularly -on the values at issue in controversies about the preservation -of wilderness because here the fundamentally different values -ofthe two parties are most apparent. When we are talking about -flooding a river valley, the choice before us is starkly clear. -In general we can say that those who favour building the -dam are valuing employment and a higher per capita income -for the state above the preservation of wilderness, of plants and -animals (both common ones and members of an endangered -species), and of opportunities for outdoor recreational activities. -Before we begin to scrutinise the values of those who would -have the dam build'and those who would not, however, let us -briefly investigate the origins of modern attitudes towards the -natural world. -THE WESTERN TRADITION -Western attitudes to nature grew out of a blend of those of the -Hebrew people, as represented in the early books of the Bible, -and the philosophy of the ancient Greeks, particularly that of -Aristotle. In contrast to some other ancient traditions, for example, -those of India, both the Hebrew and the Greek traditions -made human beings the centre of the moral universe - indeed -not merely the centre, but very often, the entirety of the morally -significant features of this world. -The biblical story of creation, in Genesis, makes clear the -Hebrew view of the special place of human beings in the divine -plan: -265 -Practical Ethics -And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: -and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and -over the fowl of the air, and over the earth, and over every -creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. -So God created man in his own image, in the image of God -created he him; male and female created he them. -And God blessed them, and God said upon them, Be fruitful, -and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have -dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, -and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. -Today Christians debate the meaning of this grant of 'dominion'; -and those concerned about the environment claim that -it should be regarded not as a license to do as we will with other -living things, but rather as a directive to look after them, on -God's behalf, and be answerable to God for the way in which -we treat them. There is, however, little justification in the text -itself for such an interpretation; and given the example God set -when he drowned almost every animal on earth in order to -punish human beings for their wickedness, it is no wonder that -people should think the flooding of a single river valley is nothing -worth worrying about. After the flood there is a repetition -of the grant of dominion in more ominous language: 'And the -fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of -the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth -upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your -hands are they delivered: -The implication is clear: to act in a way that causes fear and -dread to everything that moves on the earth is not improper; -it is, in fact, in accordance with a God-given decree. -The most influential early Christian thinkers had no doubts -about how man's dominion was to be understood. 'Doth God -care for oxen?' asked Paul, in the course of a discussion of an -Old Testament command to rest one's ox on the sabbath, but -it was only a rhetorical question - he took it for granted that -the answer must be negative, and the command was to be -explained in terms of some benefit to humans. Augustine shared -266 -The Environment -this line of thought; referring to stories in the New Testament -in which Jesus destroyed a fig tree and caused a herd of pigs -to drown, Augustine explained these puzzling incidents as intended -to teach us that 'to refrain from the killing of animals -and the destroying of plants is the height of superstition'. -When Christianity prevailed in the Roman Empire, it also -absorbed elements of the ancient Greek attitude to the natural -world. The Greek influence was entrenched in Christian philosophy -by the greatest of the medieval scholastics, Thomas -Aquinas, whose life work was the melding of Christian theology -with the thought of Aristotle. Aristotle regarded nature as a -hierarchy in which those with less reasoning ability exist for -the sake of those with more: -Plants exist for the sake of animals, and brute beasts for the sake -of man - domestic animals for his use and food, wild ones (or -at any rate most of them) for food and other accessories of life, -such as clothing and various tools. -Since nature makes nothing purposeless or in vain, it is undeniably -true that she has made all animals for the sake of man. -In his own major work, the Summa Theologica, Aquinas followed -this passage from Aristotle almost word for word, adding -that the position accords with God's command, as given in -Genesis. In his classification of sins, Aquinas has room only for -sins against God, ourselves, or our neighbours. There is no possibility -of sinning against non-human animals, or against the -natural world. -This was the thinking of mainstream Christianity for at least -its first eighteen centuries. There we!e gentler spirits, certainly, -like Basil, John Chrysostom, and Francis of Assisi, but for most -of Christian history they have had no significant impact on the -dominant tradition. It is therefore worth emphasising the major -features of this dominant Western tradition, because these features -can serve as a point of comparison when we discuss different -views of the natural environment. -According to the dominant Western tradition, the natural -267 -Practical Ethics -world exists for the benefit of human beings. God gave human -beings dominion over the natural world, and God does not care -how we treat it. Human beings are the only morally important -members of this world. Nature itself is of no intrinsic value, and -the destruction of plants and animals cannot be sinful. unless -by this destruction we harm human beings. -Harsh as this tradition is, it does not rule out concern for the -preservation of nature, as long as that concern can be related -to human well-being. Often, of course, it can be. One could, -entirely within the limits of the dominant Western tradition, -oppose nuclear power on the grounds that nuclear fuel. whether -in bombs or power stations, is so hazardous to human life that -the uranium is better left in the ground. Similarly, many arguments -against pollution, the use of gases harmful to the ozone -layer, the burning of fossil fuels, and the destruction of forests, -could be couched in terms of the harm to human health and -welfare from the pollutants, or the changes to the climate that -will occur as a result of the use of fossil fuels and the loss of -forest. The greenhouse effect - to take just one danger to our -environment - threatens to bring about a rise in sea level that -will inundate low-lying coastal areas. This includes the fertile -and densely populated Nile delta in Egypt. and the Bengal delta -region, which covers 80 per cent of Bangladesh and is already -subject to violent seasonal storms that cause disastrous floods. -The homes and livelihood of 46 million people are at risk in -these two deltas alone. A rise in sea level could also wipe out -entire island nations such as the Maldives, none of which is -more than a metre or two above sea level. So it is obvious that -even within a human-centred moral framework, the preservation -of our environment is a value of the greatest possible -importance. -From the standpoint of a form of civilisation based on growing -crops and grazing animals, wilderness may seem to be a wasteland, -a useless area that needs clearing in order to render it -productive and valuable. There was a time when villages sur- -268 -The Environment -rounded by farmland seemed like oases of cultivation amongst -the deserts of forest or rough mountain slopes. Now, however, -a different metaphor is more appropriate: the remnants of true -wilderness left to us are like islands amidst a sea of human -activity that threatens to engulf them. This gives wilderness a -scarcity value that provides the basis for a strong argument for -preservation, even within the terms of a human-centred ethic. -That argument becomes much stronger still when we take a -long-term view. To this immensely important aspect of environmental -values we shall now tum. -FUTURE GENERATIONS -A virgin forest is the product of all the millions of years that -have passed since the beginning of our planet. If it is cut down, -another forest may grow up, but the continuity has been broken. -The disruption in the natural life cycles of the plants and animals -means that the forest will never again be as it would have been, -had it not been cut. The gains made from cutting the forest - -employment. profits for business, export earnings, and cheaper -cardboard and paper for packaging - are short-term benefits. -Even if the forest is not cut. but drowned to build a dam to -create electricity, it is likely that the benefits will last for only a -generation or two: after that new technology will render such -methods of generating power obsolete. Once the forest is cut or -drowned, however, the link with the past has gone for ever. -That is a cost that will be borne by every generation that succeeds -us on this planet. It is for that reason that environmentalists are -right to speak of wilderness as a 'world heritage'. It is something -that we have inherited from our ancestors, and that we must -preserve for our descendants, if they are to have it at all. -In contrast to many more stable, tradition-oriented human -societies, our modem political and cultural ethos has great difficulty -in recognising long-term values. Politicians are notorious -for not looking beyond the next election; but even if they do, -269 -Pradical Ethics -they will find their economic advisers telling them that anything -to be gained in the future should be discounted to such a degree -as to make it easy to disregard the long-term future altogether. -Economists have been taught to apply a discount rate to all -future goods. In other words, a million dollars in twenty years -is not worth a million dollars today, even when we allow for -inflation. Economists will discount the value of the million dollars -by a certain percentage, usually corresponding to the real -long-term interest rates. This makes economic sense, because if -I had a thousand dollars today I could invest it so that it would -be worth more, in real terms, in twenty years. But the use of a -discount rate means that values gained one hundred years hence -rank very low, in comparison with values gained today; and -values gained one thousand years in the future scarcely count -at all. This is not because of any uncertainty about whether -there will be human beings or other sentient creatures inhabiting -this planet at that time, but merely because of the cumulative -effect of the rate of return on money invested now. From the -standpoint of the priceless and timeless values of wilderness, -however, applying a discount rate gives us the wrong answer. -There are some things that, once lost, no amount of money can -regain. Thus to justify the destruction of an ancient forest on -the grounds that it will earn us substantial export income is -unsound, even if we could invest that income and increase its -value from year to year; for no matter how much we increased -its value, it could never buy back the link with the past represented -by the forest. -This argument does not show that there can be no justification -for cutting any virgin forests, but it does mean that any such -justification must take full account of the value of the forests to -the generations to come in the more remote future, as well as -in the more immediate future. This value will obviously be -related to the particular scenic or biological significance of the -forest; but as the proportion of true wilderness on the earth -dwindles, every part of it becomes significant) because the op- -270 -The Environment -portunities for experiencing wilderness become scarce, and the -likelihood of a reasonable selection of the major forms of wilderness -being preserved is reduced. -Can we be sure that future generations will appreciate wilderness? -Perhaps they will be happier sitting in air-conditioned -shopping malls, playing computer games more sophisticated -than any we can imagine? That is possible. But there are -several reasons why we should not give this possibility too -much weight. First, the trend has been in the opposite direction: -the appreciation of wilderness has never been higher -than it is today, especially among those nations that have -overcome the problems of poverty and hunger and have relatively -little wilderness left. Wilderness is valued as something -of immense beauty, as a reservoir of scientific knowledge still -to be gained, for the recreational opportunities that it provides, -and because many people just like to know that something -natural is still there, relatively untouched by modem civilisation. -If, as we all hope, future generations are able to provide -for the basic needs of most people, we can expect that for -centuries to come, they, too, will value wilderness for the -same reasons that we value it. -Arguments for preservation based on the beauty of wilderness -are sometimes treated as if they were of little weight because -they are 'merely aesthetic'. That is a mistake. We go to great -lengths to preserve the artistic treasures of earlier human civilisations. -It is difficult to imagine any economic gain that we -would be prepared to accept as adequate compensation for, for -instance, the destruction of the paintings in the Louvre. How -should we compare the aesthetic value of wilderness with that -of the paintings in the Louvre? Here, perhaps, judgment does -become inescapably subjective; so I shall report my own experiences. -I have looked at the paintings in the Louvre, and in -many of the other great galleries of Europe and the United -States. I think I have a reasonable sense of appreciation of the -271 -Practical Ethics -fine arts; yet I have not had, in any museum, experiences that -have filled my aesthetic senses in the way that they are filled -when I walk in a natural setting and pause to survey the view -from a rocky peak overlooking a forested valley, or sit by a -stream tumbling over moss-covered boulders set amongst tall -tree-ferns, growing in the shade of the forest canopy. I do not -think I am alone in this; for many people, wilderness is the -source of the greatest feelings of aesthetic appreciation, rising -to an almost spiritual intensity. -It may nevertheless be true that this appreciation of nature -will not be shared by people living a century or two hence. But -if wilderness can be the source of such deep joy and satisfaction, -that would be a great loss. To some extent, whether future -generations value wilderness is up to us; it is, at least, a decision -we can influence. By our preservation of areas of wilderness, -we provide an opportunity for generations to come, and by the -books and films we produce, we create a culture that can be -handed on to our children and their children. If we feel that a -walk in the forest, with senses attuned to the appreciation of -such an experience, is a more deeply rewarding way to spend -a day than playing computer games, or if we feel that to carry -one's food and shelter in a backpack for a week while hiking -through an unspoiled natural environment will do more to develop -character than watching television for an equivalent period, -then we ought to encourage future generations to have a -feeling for nature; if they end up preferring computer games, -we shall have failed. -Finally, if we preserve intact the amount of wilderness that -exists now, future generations will at least have the choice of -getting up from their computer games and going to see a world -that has not been created by human beings. If we destroy the -wilderness, that choice is gone forever. Just as we rightly spend -large sums to preserve cities like Venice, even though future -generations conceivably may not be interested in such architectural -treasures, so we should preserve wilderness even -272 -I -I -I: -The Environment -though it is possible that future generations will care little for -it. Thus we will not wrong future generations, as we have been -wronged by members of past generations whose thoughtless -actions have deprived us of the possibility of seeing such animals -as the dodo, Steller's sea cow, or the thylacine, the Tasmanian -marsupial 'tiger'. We must take care not to inflict equally irreparable -losses on the generations to follow us. -Here, too, the effort to mitigate the greenhouse effect deserves -the highest priority. For if by 'wilderness' we mean that part of -our planet that is unaffected by human activity, perhaps it is -already too late: there may be no wilderness left anywhere on -our planet. Bill McKibben has argued that by depleting the -ozone layer and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the -atmosphere, we have already brought about the change encapsulated -in the title of his book - The End of Nature: 'By changing -the weather, we make every spot on earth man-made and artificial. -We have deprived nature of its independence, and that -is fatal to its meaning. Nature's independence is its meaning; -without it there is nothing but us.' -This is a profoundly disturbing thought. Yet McKibben does -not develop it in order to suggest that we may as well give up -our efforts to reverse the trend. It is true that in one sense of -the term, 'nature' is finished. We have passed a watershed in -the history of our planet. As McKibben says, 'we live in a postnatural -world'. Nothing can undo that; the climate of our planet -is under our influence. We still have, however, much that we -value in nature, and it may still b,e possible to save what is left. -Thus a human-centred ethic can be the basis of powerful -arguments for what we may call 'environmental values'. Such -an ethic does not imply that economic growth is more important -than the preservation of wilderness; on the contrary, it is quite -compatible with a human-centred ethic to see economic growth -based on the exploitation of irreplaceable resources as something -that brings gains to the present generation, and possibly -the next generation or two, but at a price that will be paid by -273 -Practical Ethics -every generation to come. But in the light of our discussion of -speciesism in Chapter 3, it should also be clear that it is wrong -to limit ourselves to a human-centred ethic. We now need to -consider more fundamental challenges to this traditional Western -appro~.s;h to environmental issues. -IS THERE VALUE BEYOND SENTIENT BEINGS? -Although some debates about significant environmental issues -can be conducted by appealing only to the long-term interests -of our own species, in any serious exploration of environmental -values a central issue will be the question of intrinsic value. We -have already seen that it is arbitrary to hold that only human -beings are of intrinsic value. If we find value in human conscious -experiences, we cannot deny that there is value in at least some -experiences of non-human beings. How far does intrinsic value -extend? To all, but only, sentient beings? Or beyond the boundary -of sentience? -To explore this question a few remarks on the notion of'intrinsic -value' will be helpful. Something is of intrinsic value if -it is good or desirable in itself; the contrast is with 'instrumental -value', that is, value as a means to some other end or purpose. -Our own happiness, for example, is of intrinsic value, at least -to most of us, in that we desire it for its own sake. Money, on -the other hand, is only of instrumental value to us. We want it -because of the things we can buy with it, but if we were marooned -on a desert island, we would not want it. (Whereas -happiness would be just as important to us on a desert island -as anywhere else.) -Now consider again for a moment the issue of damming the -river described at the beginning of this chapter. If the decision -were to be made on the basis of human interests alone, we -would balance the economic benefits of the dam for the citizens -of the state against the loss for bushwalkers, scientists, and -others, now and in the future, who value the preservation of -274 -The Environment -the river in its natural state. We have already seen that because -this calculation includes an indefinite number of future generations, -the loss of the wild river is a much greater cost than -we might at first imagine. Even so, once we broaden the basis -of our decision beyond the interests of human beings, we have -much more to set against the economic benefits of building the -dam. Into the calculations must now go the interests of all the -non-human animals who live in the area that will be flooded. -A few may be able to move to a neighboring area that is suitable, -but wilderness is not full of vacant niches awaiting an occupant; -if there is territory that can sustain a native animaL it is most -likely already occupied. Thus most of the animals living in the -flooded area will die: either they will be drowned, or they will -starve. Neither drowning nor starvation are easy ways to die, -and the suffering involved in these deaths should, as we have -seen, be given no less weight than we would give to an equivalent -amount of suffering experienced by human beings. This -will significantly increase the weight of considerations against -building the dam. -What of the fact that the animals will die, apart from the -suffering that will occur in the course of dying? As we have -seen, one can, without being guilty of arbitrary discrimination -on the basis of species, regard the death of a non-human animal -who is not a person as less significant than the death of a person, -since humans are capable of foresight and forward planning in -ways that non-human animals are not. This difference between -causing death to a person and to a being who is not a person -does not mean that the death of an animal who is not a person -should be treated as being of no account. On the contrary, -utilitarians will take into account the loss that death inflicts on -the animals - the loss of all their future existence, and the -experiences that their future lives would have contained. When -a proposed dam would flood a valley and kill thousands, perhaps -millions, of sentient creatures, these deaths should be given -great importance in any assessment of the costs and benefits of -275 -Practical Ethics -building the dam. For those utilitarians who accept the total -view discussed in Chapter 4, moreover, if the dam destroys the -habitat in which the animals lived, then it is relevant that this -loss is a continuing one. If the dam is not built, animals will -presumably continue to live in the valley for thousands of years, -experiencing their own distinctive pleasures and pains. One -might question whether life for animals in a natural environment -yields a surplus of pleasure over pain, or of satisfaction -over frustration of preferences. At this point the idea of calculating -benefits becomes almost absurd; but that does not mean -that the loss of future animal lives should be dismissed from -our decision making. -That, however, may not be all. Should we also give weight, -not only to the suffering and death of individual animals, but -to the fact that an entire species may disappear? What of the -loss of trees that have stood for thousands of years? How much -- if any - weight should we give to the preservation of the -animals, the species, the trees and the valley's ecosystem, independently -of the interests of human beings - whether economic, -recreational, or scientific - in their preservation? -Here we have a fundamental moral disagreement: a disagreement -about what kinds of beings ought to be considered in -our moral deliberations. Let us look at what has been said on -behalf of extending ethics beyond sentient beings. -REvERENCE FOR LIFE -The ethical position developed in this book is an extension of -the ethic of the dominant Western tradition. This extended -ethic draws the boundary of moral consideration around all -sentient creatures, but leaves other living things outside that -boundary. The drowning of the ancient forests, the possible -loss of an entire species, the destruction of several complex -ecosystems, the blockage of the wild river itself, and the loss -of those rocky gorges are factors to be taken into account only -276 -The Environment -in so far as they adversely affect sentient creatures. Is a more -radical break with the traditional position possible? Can some -or all of these aspects of the flooding of the valley be shown -to have intrinsic value, so that they must be taken into account -independently of their effects on human beings or non-human -animals? -To extend an ethic in a plausible way beyond sentient beings -is a difficult task. An ethic based on the interests of sentient -creatures is on familiar ground. Sentient creatures have wants -and desires. The question: 'What is it like to be a possum -drowning?' at least makes sense, even if it is impossible for -us to give a more precise answer than 'It must be horrible'. -In reaching moral decisions affecting sentient creatures, we -can attempt to add up the effects of different actions on all -the sentient creatures affected by the alternative actions open -to us. This provides us with at least some rough guide to what -might be the right thing to do. But there is nothing that corresponds -to what it is like to be a tree dying because its roots -have been flooded. Once we abandon the interests of sentient -creatures as our source of value, where do we find value? -What is good or bad for nonsentient creatures, and why does -it matter? -It might be thought that as long as we limit ourselves to living -things, the answer is not too difficult to find. We know what -is good or bad for the plants in our garden: water, sunlight, and -compost are good; extremes of heat or cold are bad. The same -applies to plants in any forest or wilderness, so why not regard -their flourishing as good in itself, independently of its usefulness -to sentient creatures? -One problem here is that without conscious interests to guide -us, we have no way of assessing the relative weights to be given -to the flourishing of different forms of life. Is a two-thousandyear- -old Huon pine more worthy of preservation than a tussock -of grass? Most people will say that it is, but such a judgment -seems to have more to do with our feelings of awe for the age, -277 -Practical Ethics -size, and beauty of the tree, or with the length of time it would -take to replace it, than with our perception of some intrinsic -value in the flourishing of an old tree that is not possessed by -a young grass tussock. -If we cease talking in terms of sentience, the boundary -between living and inanimate natural objects becomes more -difficult to defend. Would it really be worse to cut down an -old tree than to destroy a beautiful stalactite that has taken -even longer to grow? On what grounds could such a judgment -be made? Probably the best known defence of an ethic that -extends to all living things is that of Albert Schweitzer. The -phrase he used, 'reverence for life', is often quoted; the arguments -he offered in support of such a position are less wellknown. -Here is one of the few passages in which he defended -his ethic: -True philosophy must commence with the most immediate and -comprehensive facts of consciousness. And this may be formulated -as follows: 'I am life which wills to live, and 1 exist in the -midst of life which wills to live: ... Just as in my own will-tolive -there is a yearning for more life, and for that mysterious -exaltation of the will which is called pleasure, and terror in face -of annihilation and that injury to the will-to-live which is called -pain; so the same obtains in all the will-to-live around me, -equally whether it can express itself to my comprehension or -whether it remains unvoiced. -Ethics thus consists in this, that I experience the necessity of -practising the same reverence for life toward all will-to-live, as -toward my own. Therein I have already the needed fundamental -principle of morality. It is good to maintain and cherish life; it -is evil to destroy and to check life. A man is really ethical only -when he obeys the constraint laid on him to help all life which -he is able to succour, and when he goes out of his way to avoid -injuring anything living. He does not ask how far this or that -life deserves sympathy as valuable in itself. nor how far it is -capable of feeling. To him life as such is sacred. He shatters no -ice crystal that sparkles in the sun, tears no leaf from its tree, -breaks off no flower, and is careful not to crush any insect as he -278 -The Environment -walks. If he works by lamplight on a summer evening he prefers -to keep the window shut and to breathe stifling air, rather than -to see insect after insect fall on his table with singed and sinking -wings. -A similar view has been defended recently by the contemporary -American philosopher Paul Taylor. In his book Respect for -Nature, Taylor argues that every living thing is 'pursuing its -own good in its own unique way.' Once we see this, we can -see all living things 'as we see ourselves' and therefore 'we -are ready to place the same value on their existence as we -do on our own'. -It is not clear how we should interpret Schweitzer's position. -The reference to the ice crystal is especially puzzling, for an ice -crystal is not alive at all. Putting this aside, however, the problem -with the defences offered by both Schweitzer and Taylor for -their ethical views is that they use language metaphorically and -then argue as if what they had said was literally true. We may -often talk about plants 'seeking' water or light so that they can -survive, and this way of thinking about plants makes it easier -to accept talk of their 'will to live', or of them 'pursuing' their -own good. But once we stop to reflect on the fact that plants -are not conscious and cannot engage in any intentional behaviour, -it is clear that all this language is metaphorical; one might -just as well say that a river is pursuing its own good and striving -to reach the sea, or Jhat the' good' of a guided missile is to blow -itself up along with its target. It is misleading of Schweitzer to -attempt to sway us towards an ethic of reverence for all life -by referring to 'yearning', 'exaltation', 'pleasure', and 'terror'. -Plants experience none of these. -Moreover, in the case of plants, rivers, and guided missiles, -it is possible to give a purely physical explanation of what is -happening; and in the absence of consciousness, there is no -good reason why we should have greater respect for the physical -processes that govern the growth and decay of living things than -we have for those that govern non-living things. This being so, -279 -Practical Ethics -it is at least not obvious why we should have greater reverence -for a tree than for a stalactite, or for a Single-celled organism -than for a mountain. -DEEP ECOLOGY -More than forty years ago the American ecologist AIdo Leopold -wrote that there was a need for a 'new ethic', an 'ethic dealing -with man's relation to land and to the animals and plants which -grow upon it'. His proposed 'land ethic' would enlarge 'the -boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, -and animals, or collectively, the land'. The rise of ecological -concern in the early 1970s led to a revival of interest in this -attitude. The Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess wrote a brief -but influential article distinguishing between 'shallow' and -'deep' strands in the ecological movement. Shallow ecological -thinking was limited to the traditional moral framework; those -who thought in this way were anxious to avoid pollution to -our water supply so that we could have safe water to drink, -and they sought to preserve wilderness so that people could -continue to enjoy walking through it. Deep ecologists, on the -other hand, wanted to preserve the integrity of the biosphere -for its own sake, irrespective of the possible benefits to humans -that might flow from so doing. Subsequently several other writers -have attempted to develop some form of 'deep' environmental -theory. -Where the reverence for life ethic emphasises individual living -organisms, proposals for deep ecology ethics tend to take something -larger as the object of value: species, ecological systems, -even the biosphere as a whole. Leopold summed up the basis -of his new land ethic thus: 'A thing is right when it tends to -preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. -It is wrong when it tends otherwise: In a paper published -in 1984, Arne Naess and George Sessions, an American -philosopher involved in the deep ecology movement, set out -280 -The Environment -several principles for a deep ecological ethic, beginning with the -following: -The well-being and flourishing of human and non-human Life -on Earth have value in themselves (synonyms: intrinsic value, -inherent value). These values are independent of the usefulness -of the non-human world for human purposes. -2 Richness and diversity oflife forms contribute to the realisation -of these values and are also values in themselves. -3 Humans have no right to reduce this richness and diversity -except to satisfy vital needs. -Although these principles refer only to life, in the same paper -Naess and Sessions say that deep ecology uses the term 'biosphere' -in a more comprehensive way, to refer also to nonliving -things such as rivers (watersheds), landscapes, and -ecosystems. Two Australians working at the deep end of environmental -ethics, Richard Sylvan and Val Plumwood, also -extend their ethic beyond living things, including in it an obligation -'not to jeopardise the well-being of natural objects or -systems without good reason'. -In the previous section I quoted Paul Taylor's remark to the -effect that we should be ready not merely to respect every living -thing, but to place the same value on the life of every living -thing as we place on our own. This is a common theme among -deep ecologists, often extended beyond living things. In Deep -Ecology Bill Devall and George Sessions defend a form of 'biocentric -egalitarianism': -The intuition of biocentric equality is that all things in the biosphere -have an equal right to live and blossom and to reach their -own individual forms of unfolding and self-realisation within the -larger Self-realisation. This basic intuition is that all organisms -and entities in the ecosphere, as parts of the interrelated whole, -are equal in intrinsic worth. -If, as this quotation appears to suggest. this biocentric equality -rests on a 'basic intuition', it is up against some strong intuitions -that point in the opposite direction - for example, the intuition -281 -Practical Ethics -that the rights to 'live and blossom' of normal adult humans -ought to be preferred over those of yeasts, and the rights of -gorillas over those of grasses. If, however, the point is that -humans, gorillas, yeasts, and grasses are all parts of an interrelated -whole, then it can still be asked how this establishes that -they are equal in intrinsic worth. Is it because every living thing -plays its role in an ecosystem on which all depend for their -survival? But, firstly, even if this showed that there is intrinsic -worth in micro-organisms and plants as a whole, it says nothing -at all about the value of individual micro-organisms or plants, -since no individual is necessary for the survival of the ecosystem -as a whole. Secondly, the fact that all organisms are part of an -interrelated whole does not suggest that they are all of intrinsic -worth, let alone of equal intrinsic worth. They may be of worth -only because they are needed for the existence of the whole, -and the whole may be of worth only because it supports the -existence of conscious beings. -The ethics of deep ecology thus fail to yield persuasive answers -to questions about the value of the lives of individual living -beings. Perhaps, though, this is the wrong kind of question to -ask. As the science of ecology looks at systems rather than -individual organisms, so ecological ethics might be more plausible -if applied at a higher level, perhaps at the level of species -and ecosystems. Behind many attempts to derive values from -ecological ethics at this level lies some form of holism - some -sense that the species or ecosystem is not just a collection of -individuals, but really an entity in its own right. This holism is -made explicit in Lawrence Johnson's A Morally Deep World. -Johnson is quite prepared to talk about the interests of a species, -in a sense that is distinct from the sum of the interests of each -member of the species, and to argue that the interests of a -species, or an ecosystem, ought to be taken into account, alongside -individual interests, in our moral deliberations. In The Ecological -Self, Freya Mathews contends that any 'self-realising -system' has intrinsic value in that it seeks to maintain or preserve -282 -The Environment -itself. While living organisms are paradigm examples of selfrealising -systems, Mathews, like Johnson, includes species and -ecosystems as holistic entities or selves with their own form of -realisation. She even includes the entire global ecosystem, following -James Lovelock in referring to it by the name of the -Greek goddess of the earth, Gaia. On this basis she defends her -own form of biocentric egalitarianism. -There is, of course, a real philosophical question about -whether a species or an ecosystem can be considered as the sort -of individual that can have interests, or a 'self' to be realised; -and even if it can, the deep ecology ethic will face problems -similar to those we identified in considering the idea of reverence -for life. For it is necessary, not merely that trees, species, -and ecosystems can properly be said to have interests, but that -they have morally significant interests. If they are to be regarded -as 'selves' it will need to be shown that the survival or realisation -of that kind of self has moral value, independently of the value -it has because of its importance in sustaining conscious life. -We saw in discussing the ethic of reverence for life that one -way of establishing that an interest is morally significant is to -ask what it is like for the entity affected to have that interest -unsatisfied. The same question can be asked about selfrealisation: -what is it like for the self to remain unrealised? Such -questions yield intelligible answers when asked of sentient -beings, but not when asked of trees, species, or ecosystems. The -fact that, as James Lovelock points out in Gaia: A New Look at -Life on Earth, the biosphere can respond to events in ways that -resemble a self-maintaining system, does not in itself show that -the biosphere consciously desires to maintain itself. Calling the -global ecosystem by the name of a Greek goddess seems a nice -idea, but it may not be the best way of helping us to think -clearly about its nature. Similarly, on a smaller scale, there is -nothing that corresponds to what it feels like to be an ecosystem -flooded by a dam, because there is no such feeling. In this respect -trees, ecosystems, and species are more like rocks than they are -283 -Practical Ethics -like sentient beings; so the divide between sentient and nonsentient -creatures is to that extent a firmer basis for a morally -important boundary than the divide between living and nonliving -things, or between holistic entities and any other entities -that we might not regard as holistic. (Whatever these other -entities could be: even a single atom is, when seen from the -appropriate level, a complex system that 'seeks' to maintain -itself.) -This rejection of the ethical basis for a deep ecology ethic does -not mean that the case for the preservation of wilderness is not -strong. All it means is that one kind of argument - the argument -from the intrinsic value of the plants, species, or ecosystems - -is, at best, problematic. Unless it can be placed on a different, -and firmer footing, we should confine ourselves to arguments -based on the interests of sentient creatures, present and future, -human and non-human. These arguments are quite sufficient -to show that, at least in a society where no one needs to destroy -wilderness in order to obtain food for survival or materials for -shelter from the elements, the value of preserving the remaining -significant areas of wilderness greatly exceeds the economic -values gained by its destruction. -DEVELOPING AN ENVIRONMENTAL ETHIC -In the long run, the set of ethical virtues praised and the set of -ethical prohibitions adopted by the ethic of specific societies will -always reflect the conditions under which they must live and -work in order to survive. That statement is close to being a -tautology, because if a society's ethic did not take into account -whatever was needed for survival, the society would cease to -exist. Many of the ethical standards that we accept today can -be explained in these terms. Some are universal and can be -expected to be beneficial to the community in virtually any -conditions in which humans live. Obviously a society in which -members of the community are permitted to kill each other with -284 -The Environment -impunity would not last long. Conversely, the parental virtues -of caring for children, and other virtues like honesty, or loyalty -to the group, would foster a stable and lasting community. Other -prohibitions may reflect specific conditions: the practice among -the Eskimo of killing elderly parents no longer able to fend for -themselves, is often cited as a necessary response to life in a -very harsh climate. No doubt the slow pace of changing climatic -conditions, or of migration to different regions, allowed time -for systems of ethics to make the necessary adjustment. -Now we face a new threat to our survival. The proliferation -of human beings, coupled with the by-products of economic -growth, is just as capable as the old threats of wiping out our -society - and every other society as well. No ethic has yet developed -to cope with this threat. Some ethical principles that -we do have are exactly the opposite of what we need. The -problem is that, as we have already seen, ethical principles -change slowly and the time we have left to develop a new -environmental ethic is short. Such an ethic would regard every -action that is harmful to the environment as ethically dubious, -and those that are unnecessarily harmful as plainly wrong. That -is the serious point behind my remark in the first chapter that -the moral issues raised by driving a car are more serious than -those raised by sexnal behaviour. An environmental ethic would -find virtue in saving and recycling resources, and vice in extravagance -and unnecessary consumption. To take just one example: -from the perspective of an environmental ethic, our -choice of recreation is not ethically neutral. At present we see -the choice between motor car racing or cycling, between water -skiing or windsurfing, as merely a matter of taste. Yet there is -an essential difference: motor car racing and water skiing require -the consumption of fossil fuels and the discharge of carbon -dioxide into the atmosphere. Cycling and windsurfing do not. -Once we take the need to preserve our environment seriously, -motor racing and water skiing will no more be an acceptable -form of entertainment than bear-baiting is today. -285 -Practical Ethics -The broad outlines of a truly environmental ethic are easy to -discern. At its most fundamental level, such an ethic fosters -consideration for the interests of all sentient creatures, including -subsequent generations stretching into the far future. It is accompanied -by an aesthetic of appreciation for wild places and -unspoiled nature. At a more detailed level, applicable to the -lives of dwellers in cities and towns, it discourages large families. -(Here it forms a sharp contrast to some existing ethical beliefs -that are relics of an age in which the earth was far more lightly -populated; it also offers a counterweight to the implication of -the 'total' version of utilitarianism discussed in Chapter 4.) An -environmental ethic rejects the ideals of a materialist society in -which success is gauged by the number of consumer goods one -can accumulate. Instead it judges success in terms of the development -of one's abilities and the achievement of real fulfilment -and satisfaction. It promotes frugality, in so far as that is -necessary for minimising pollution and ensuring that everything -that can be re-used is re-used. Carelessly to throw out material -that can be recycled is a form of vandalism or the theft of our -common property in the resources of the world. Thus the various -'green consumer' guides and books about things we can -do to save our planet - recycling what we use and buying the -most environmentally friendly products available - are part of -the new ethic that is required. Even they may prove to be only -an interim solution, a stepping-stone to an ethic in which the -very idea of consuming unnecessary products is questioned. -Wind-surfing may be better than water-skiing, but if we keep -on buying new boards in order to be up to date with the latest -trends in board and sail designs, the difference is only marginal. -We must re-assess our notion of extravagance. In a world -under pressure, this concept is not confined to chauffeured limousines -and Dom Perignon champagne. Timber that has come -from a rainforest is extravagant, because the long-term value -of the rainforest is far greater than the uses to which the timber -is put. Disposable paper products are extravagant, because an- -286 -The Environment -cient hardwood forests are being converted into wood-chips -and sold to paper manufacturers. 'Going for a drive in the country' -is an extravagant use of fossil fuels that contributes to the -greenhouse effect. During the Second World War, when petrol -was scarce, posters asked: 'Is your journey really necessary?' -The appeal to national solidarity against a visible and immediate -danger was highly effective. The danger to our environment is -less immediate and much harder to see, but the need to cut out -unnecessary journeys and other forms of unnecessary consumption -is just as great. -As far as food is concerned, the great extravagance is not -caviar or truffles, but beef, pork, and poultry. Some 38 per cent -of the world's grain crop is now fed to animals, as well as large -quantities of soybeans. There are three times as many domestic -animals on this planet as there are human beings. The combined -weight of the world's 1.28 billion cattle alone exceeds that of -the human population. While we look darkly at the number of -babies being born in poorer parts of the world, we ignore the -over-population of farm animals, to which we ourselves contribute. -The prodigious waste of grain that is fed to intensively -farmed animals has already been mentioned in Chapters 3 and -8. That, howe~er, is only part of the damage done by the animals -we deliberately breed. The energy-intensive factory farming -methods of the industrialised nations are responsible for the -consumption of huge amounts of fossil fuels. Chemical fertilisers, -used to grow the feed crops for cattle in feedlots and pigs -and chickens kept indoors in sheds, produce nitrous oxide, another -greenhouse gas. Then there is the loss of forests. Everywhere, -forest dwellers, both human and non-human, are being -pushed out. Since 1960, 25 per cent of the forests of Central -America have been cleared for cattle. Once cleared, the poor -soils will support grazing for a few years; then the graziers must -move on. Scrub takes over the abandoned pasture, but the forest -does not return. When the forests are cleared so that cattle can -graze, billions of tons of carbon dioxide are released into the -287 -Pradical Ethics -atmosphere. Finally, the world's cattle are thought to produce -about 20 per cent of the methane released into the atmosphere, -and methane traps twenty-five times as much heat from the -sun as carbon dioxide. Factory farm manure also produces -methane because, unlike manured dropped naturally in the -fields, it does not decompose in the presence of oxygen. All of -this amounts to a compelling reason, additional to that developed -in Chapter 3, for a largely plant-based diet. -The emphasis on frugality and a simple life does not mean -that an environmental ethic frowns upon pleasure, but that the -pleasures it values do not come from conspicuous consumption. -They come, instead, from warm personal and sexual relationships, -from being close to children and friends, from conversation, -from sports and recreations that are in harmony with -our environment instead of being harmful to it; from food that -is not based on the exploitation of sentient creatures and does -not cost the earth; from creative activity and work of all kinds; -and (with due care so as not to ruin precisely what is valued) -from appreciating the unspoiled places in the world in which -we live. -288 -II -ENDS AND MEANS -WE have examined a number of ethical issues. We have -seen that many accepted practices are open to serious -objections. What ought we to do about it? This, too, is an ethical -issue. Here are four actual cases to consider. -Oskar Schindler was a German industrialist. During the war -he ran a factory near Cracow, in Poland. At a time when Polish -Jews were being sent to death camps, he assembled a labour -force of Jewish inmates from concentration camps and the -ghetto, considerably larger than his factory needed, and used -several illegal strategems, including bribing members of the SS -and other offi~ials, to protect them. He spent his own money -to buy food on the black market to supplement the inadequate -official rations he obtained for his workers. By these methods -he was able to save the lives of about 1,200 people. -In 1984 Dr Thomas Gennarelli directed a Head Injury -Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. -Members of an underground organisation called the Animal -Liberation Front knew that Gennarelli inflicted head injuries -on monkeys there and had been told that the monkeys underwent -the experiments without being properly anaesthetised. -They also knew that Gennarelli and his collaborators videotaped -their experiments, to provide a record of what happened -during and after the injuries they inflicted. They tried to obtain -further information through official channels but were unsuccessful. -In May 1984, they broke into the laboratory at -289 -Practical Ethics -night and found thirty-four videotapes. They then systematically -destroyed laboratory equipment before leaving with the -tapes. The tapes clearly showed conscious monkeys struggling -as they were being strapped to an operating table where head -injuries were inflicted; they also showed experimenters mocking -and laughing at frightened animals about to be used in -experiments. When an edited version of the tapes was released -to the public, it produced widespread revulsion. Nevertheless, -it took a further year of protests, culminating in a sitin -at the headquarters of the government organisation that -was funding Gennarelli's experiments, before the u.s. Secretary -of Health and Human Services ordered the experiments -stopped. -In 1986 Joan Andrews entered an abortion clinic in Pensacola, -Florida, and damaged a suction abortion apparatus. She refused -to be represented in court, on the grounds that 'the true -defendants, the pre-born children, received none, and were -killed without due process'. Andrews was a supporter of Operation -Rescue, an American organisation that takes its name, -and its authority to act, from the biblical injunction to 'rescue -those who are drawn toward death and hold back those stumbling -to the slaughter'. Operation Rescue uses civil disobedience -to shut down abortion clinics, thus, in its view, 'sparing -the lives of unborn babies whom the Rescuers are morally -pledged to defend'. Participants block the doors of the clinics -to prevent physicians and pregnant women seeking abortion -from entering. They attempt to dissuade pregnant women from -approaching the clinic by 'sidewalk counselling' on the nature -of abortion. Gary Leber, an Operation Rescue director, has -said that, between 1987 and 1989 alone, as a direct result of -such 'rescue missions', at least 421 women changed their -minds about having abortions, and the children of these -women, who would have been killed, are alive today. -290 -Ends and Means -In 1976 Bob Brown, then a young medical practitioner, rafted -down the Franklin river, in Tasmania's southwest. The wild -beauty of the river and the peace of the undisturbed forests -around it impressed him deeply. Then, around a bend on the -lower reaches of the river, he came across workers for the -Hydro-Electric Commission, studying the feasibility of building -a dam across the river. Brown gave up his medical practice -and founded the Tasmanian Wilderness Society, with the object -of protecting the state's remaining wilderness areas. Despite -vigorous campaigning, the Hydro-Electric Commission recommended -the building of the dam, and after some vacillation the -state government, with support both from the business community -and the labour unions, decided to go ahead. The Tasmanian -Wilderness Society organized a non-violent blockade -of the road being built to the dam site. In 1982, Brown, along -with many others, was arrested and jailed for four days for -trespassing on land controlled by the Hydro-Electric Commission. -But the blockade became a focus of national attention, -and although the Australian federal government was not direcdy -responsible for the dam, it became an issue in the federal -election that was then due. The Australian Labor Party, in opposition -before the election, pledged to explore constitutional -means of preventing the dam from going ahead. The election -saw the Labor party elected to office, and legislation passed to -stop the dam. Though challenged by the Tasmanian government, -the legislation was upheld by a narrow majority of the -High Court of Australia on the grounds that the Tasmanian -southwest was a World Heritage area, and the federal government -had constitutional powers to uphold the international -treaty creating the World Heritage Commission. Today the -Franklin still runs free. -Do we have an overriding obligation to obey the law? Oskar -Schindler, the members of the Animal Liberation Front who -291 -Practical Ethics -took Gennarelli's videotapes, Joan Andrews of Operation Rescue, -and Bob Brown and those who joined him in front of the -bulldozers in Tasmania's southwest were all breaking the law. -Were they all acting wrongly? -The question cannot be dealt with by invoking the simplistic -formula: 'the end never justifies the means'. For all but the -strictest adherent of an ethic of rules, the end sometimes does -justify the means. Most people think that lying is wrong, other -things being equal, yet think it right to lie in order to avoid -causing unnecessary offence or embarrassment - for instance, -when a well-meaning relative gives you a hideous vase for your -birthday, and then asks if you really like it. If this relatively -trivial end can justify lying, it is even more obvious that some -important end - preventing a murder, or saving animals from -great suffering - can justify lying. Thus the principle that the -end cannot justify the means is easily breached. The difficult -issue is not whether the end can ever justify the means, but -which means are justified by which ends. -INDIVIDUAL CONSCIENCE AND THE LAW -There are many people who are opposed to damming wild -rivers, to the exploitation of animals, or to abortion, but who -do not break the law in order to stop these activities. No doubt -some members of the more conventional conservation, animal -liberation, and anti-abortion organizations do not commit illegal -acts because they do not wish to be fined or imprisoned; but -others would be prepared to take the consequences of illegal -acts. They refrain only because they respect and obey the moral -authority of the law. -Who is right in this ethical disagreement? Are we under any -moral obligation to obey the law, if the law protects and sanctions -things we hold utterly wrong? A clear-cut answer to this -question was given by the nineteenth-century American radical, -292 -Ends and Means -Henry Thoreau. In his essay entitled 'Civil Disobedience' - perhaps -the first use of this now-familiar phrase - he wrote: -Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign -his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, -then? I think we should be men first and subjects afterwards. It -is not desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for -the right. The only obligation which I have a right to assume, is -to do at any time what I think right. -The American philosopher Robert Paul Wolff has written in -similar vein: -The defining mark of the state is authority, the right to rule. The -primary obligation of man is autonomy, the refusal to be ruled, -It would seem, then, that there can be no resolution of the conflict -between the autonomy of the individual and the putative authority -of the state. Insofar as a man fulfills his obligation to -make himself the author of his decisions, he will resist the state's -claim to have authority over him. -Thoreau and Wolff resolve the conflict between individual and -society in favour of the individual. We should do as our conscience -dIctates, as we autonomously decide we ought to do: -not as the law directs. Anything else would be a denial of our -capacity for ethical choice. -Thus stated, the issue looks straightforward and the ThoreauWolff -answer obviously right. So Oskar Schindler, the Animal -Liberation Front, Joan Andrews, and Bob Brown were fully -justified in doing what they saw to be right, rather than what -the state laid down as lawful. But is it that simple? There is a -sense in which it is undeniable that, as Thoreau says, we ought -to do what we think right; or, as Wolff puts it, make ourselves -the authors of our decisions. Faced with a choice between doing -what we think right and what we think wrong, of course we -ought to do what we think right. But this, though true, is not -much help. What we need to know is not whether we should -do what we decide to be right, but how we should decide what -is right. -293 -Practical Ethics -Think about the difference of opinion between members of -groups like the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and more lawabiding -members of an organization like Britain's Royal Society -for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA): ALF members -think inflicting pain on animals is, unless justified by extraordinary -circumstances, wrong, and if the best way to stop -it is by breaking the law then they think that breaking the law -is right. RSPCA members - let us assume - also think that -inflicting pain on animals is normally wrong, but they think -breaking the law is wrong, too, and they think that the wrongness -of breaking the law cannot be justified by the goal of stopping -the unjustifiable infliction of pain on animals. Now suppose -there are people opposed to inflicting pain on animals who are -uncertain whether they should join the militant lawbreakers or -the more orthodox animal welfare group. How does telling these -people to do what they think right, or to be the author of their -own decisions, resolve their uncertainty? The uncertainty is an -uncertainty about what is the right thing to do, not about -whether to do what one has decided to be right. -This point can be obscured by talk of 'following one's conscience' -irrespective of what the law commands. Some who talk -of 'following conscience' mean no more than doing what, on -reflection, one thinks right - and this may, as in the case of our -imagined RSPCA members, depend on what the law commands. -Others mean by 'conscience' not something dependent -on critical reflective judgment, but a kind of internal voice that -tells us that something is wrong and may continue to tell us -this despite our careful reflective decision, based on all the relevant -ethical considerations, that the action is not wrong. In -this sense of 'conscience' an unmarried woman brought up as -a strict Roman Catholic to believe that sex outside marriage is -always wrong may abandon her religion and come to hold that -there is no sound basis for restricting sex to marriage - yet -continue to feel guilty when she has sex. She may refer to these -294 -Ends and Means -guilt feelings as her 'conscience' but if that is her conscience, -should she follow it? -To say that we should follow our conscience is unobjectionable -- and unhelpful - when 'following conscience' means -doing what, on reflection, one thinks right. When 'following -conscience' means doing as one's 'internal voice' prompts one -to do, however, to follow one's conscience is to abdicate one's -responsibility as a rational agent, to fail to take all the relevant -factors into account and act on one's best judgment of the rights -and wrongs of the situation. The 'internal voice' is more likely -to be a product of one's upbringing and education than a source -of genuine ethical insight. -Presumably neither Thoreau nor Wolff wish to suggest that -we should always follow our conscience in the 'internal voice' -sense. They must mean, if their views are to be at all plausible, -that we should follow our judgment about what we ought to -do. In this case the most that can be said for their recommendations -is that they remind us that decisions about obeying the -law are'ethical decisions that the law itself cannot settle for us. -We should not assume, without reflection, that if the law prohibits, -say, stealing videotapes from laboratories, it is always -wrong to do so - any more than we should assume that if the -law prohibits hiding Jews from the Nazis, it is wrong to do so. -Law and ethics are distinct. At the same time, this does not -mean that the law carries no moral weight. It does not mean -that any action that would have been right if it had been legal -must be right although it is in fact illegal. That an action is illegal -may be of ethicaL as well as legaL significance. Whether it really -is ethically significant is a separate question. -LA W AND ORDER -If we think that a practice is seriously wrong, and if we have -the courage and ability to disrupt this practice by breaking the -295 -Practical Ethics -law, how could the illegality of this action provide an ethical -reason against it? To answer a question as specific as this, we -should first ask a more general one: why have laws at all? -Human beings are social in nature, but not so social that we -do not need to protect ourselves against the risk of being assaulted -or killed by our fellow humans. We might try to do this -by forming vigilante organizations to prevent assaults and punish -those who commit them; but the results would be haphazard -and liable to grow into gang warfare. Thus it is desirable to -have, as John Locke said long ago, 'an established, settled, -known law', interpreted by an authoritative judge and backed -with sufficient power to carry out the judge's decisions. -If people voluntarily refrained from assaulting others, or acting -in other ways inimical to a harmonious and happy social existence, -we might manage without judges and sanctions. We -would still need law-like conventions about such matters as -which side of the road one drives on. Even an anarchist utopia -would have some settled principles of cooperation. So we would -have something rather like law. In reality, not everyone is going -to voluntarily refrain from behaviour, like assaults, that others -cannot tolerate. Nor is it only the danger of individual acts like -assaults that make law necessary. In any society there will be disputes: -about how much water farmers may take from the river to -irrigate their crops, about the ownership of land, or the custody -of a child, about the control of pollution, and the level of taxation. -Some settled decision-procedure is necessary for resolving -such disputes economically and speedily, or else the parties to the -dispute are likely to resort to force. Almost any established decision- -procedure is better than a resort to force, for when force is -used people get hurt. Moreover, most decision-procedures produce -results at least as beneficial and just as a resort to force. -So laws and a settled decision-procedure to generate them -are a good thing. This gives rise to one important reason for -obeying the law. By obeying the law, I can contribute to the -296 -Ends and Means -respect in which the established decision-procedure and the -laws are held. By disobeying I set an example to others that -may lead them to disobey too. The effect may multiply and -contribute to a decline in law and order. In an extreme case it -may lead to civil war. -A second reason for obedience follows immediately from this -first. If law is to be effective - outside the anarchist's utopia - -there must be some machinery for detecting and penalizing lawbreakers. -This machinery will cost something to maintain and -operate, and the cost will have to be met by the community. If -I break the law the community will be put to the expense of -enforcement. -These two reasons for obeying the law are neither universally -applicable nor conclusive. They are not, for instance, applicable -to breaches of the law that remain secret. If, late at night when -the streets are deserted, I cross the road against the red light, -there is no one to be led into disobedience by my example, and -no one to enforce the law against so crossing. But this is not -the kind of illegality we are interested in. -Where they are applicable, these two reasons for obedience -are not conclusive, because there are times when the reasons -against obeying a particular law are more important than the -risks of encouraging others to disobey or the costs to the community -of enforcing the law. They are genuine reasons for obeying, -and in the absence of reasons for disobeying, are sufficient -to resolve the issue in favour of obedience; but where there are -conflicting reasons, we must assess each case on its merits in -order to see if the reasons for disobeying outweigh these reasons -for obedience. If, for instance, illegal acts were the only way of -preventing many painful experiments on animals, of saving significant -areas of wilderness, or of prodding governments into -increasing overseas aid, the importance of the ends would justify -running some risk of contributing to a general decline in obedience -to law. -297 -Practical Ethics -DEMOCRACY -At this point some will say: the difference between Oskar Schindler's -heroic deeds and the indefensible illegal actions of the -Animal Liberation Front, Operation Rescue, and the opponents -of the Franklin dam is that in Nazi Germany there were no legal -channels that Schindler could use to bring about change. In a -democracy there are legal means of ending abuses. The existence -of legal procedures for changing the law makes the use of illegal -means unjustifiable. -It is true that in democratic societies there are legal procedures -that can be used by those seeking reforms; but this in itself does -not show that the use of illegal means is wrong. Legal channels -may exist, but the prospects of using them to bring about change -in the foreseeable future may be very poor. While one makes -slow and painful progress - or perhaps no progress at all - -through these legal channels, the indefensible wrongs one is -trying to stop will be continuing. Prior to the successful struggle -to save the Franklin River, an earlier political campaign had -been fought against another dam proposed by the Tasmanian -Hydro-Electric Commission. This dam was opposed because it -would flood a pristine alpine lake, Lake Peddar, situated in a -national park. This campaign employed more orthodox political -tactics. It failed, and Lake Peddar disappeared under the waters -of the dam. Dr Thomas Gennarelli's laboratory had carried out -experiments for several years before the Animal Liberation Front -raided it. Without the evidence ofthe stolen videotapes, it would -probably still be functioning today. Similarly, Operation Rescue -was founded after fourteen years of more conventional political -action had failed to reverse the permissive legal situation regarding -abortion that has existed in the United States since the -Supreme Court declared restrictive abortion laws unconstitutional -in 1973. During that period, according to Operation Rescue's -Gary Leber, 'twenty-five million Americans have been -"legally" killed'. From this perspective it is easy to see why the -298 -Ends and Means -existence of legal channels for change does not solve the moral -dilemma. An extremely remote possibility of legal change is not -a strong reason against using means more likely to succeed. The -most that can follow from the mere existence oflegitimate channels -is that, since we cannot know whether they will prove -successful until we have tried them, their existence is a reason -for postponing illegal acts until legal means have been tried and -have failed. -Here the upholder of democratic laws can try another tack: -if legal means fail to bring about reform, it shows that the -proposed reform does not have the approval of the majority of -the electorate; and to attempt to implement the reform by illegal -means against the wishes of the majority would be a violation -of the central principle of democracy, majority rule. -The militant can challenge this argument on two grounds, -one factual and the other philosophical. The factual claim in -the democrat's argument is that a reform that cannot be implemented -by legal means lacks the approval of the majority of -the electorate. Perhaps this would hold in a direct democracy, -in which the whole electorate voted on each issue; but it is -certainly not always true of modem representative democracies. -There is no way of ensuring that on any given issue a majority -of representatives will take the same view as a majority of their -constituents. One can be reasonably confident that a majority -of those Americans who saw, on television, excerpts from Gennarelli's -videotapes would not have supported the experiments. -But that is not how decisions are made in a democracy. In -choosing between representatives - or in choosing between political -parties - voters elect to take one 'package deal' in preference -to other package deals on offer. It will often happen that -in order to vote for policies they favour, voters must go along -with other policies they are not keen on. It will also happen -that policies voters favour are not offered by any major party. -In the case of abortion in the United States, the crucial decision -was not made by a majority of voters, but by the Supreme Court. -299 -Practical Ethics -It cannot be overturned by a simple majority of the electors, but -only by the Court itself, or by the complicated procedure of a -constitutional amendment, which can be thwarted by a minority -of the electorate. -What if a majority did approve of the wrong that the militants -wish to stop? Would it then be wrong to use illegal means? -Here we have the philosophical claim underlying the democratic -argument for obedience, the claim that we ought to accept the -majority decision. -The case for majority rule should not be overstated. No sensible -democrat would claim that the majority is always right. If -49 per cent of the population can be wrong, so can 51 per cent. -Whether the majority supports the views of the Animal Liberation -Front or of Operation Rescue does not settle the question -whether these views are morally sound. Perhaps the fact that -these groups are in a minority - if they are - means that they -should reconsider their means. With a majority behind them, -they could claim to be acting with democratic principles on their -side, using illegal means to overcome flaws in the democratic -machinery. Without that majority, all the weight of democratic -tradition is against them and it is they who appear as coercers, -trying to force the majority into accepting something against its -will. But how much moral weight should we give to democratic -principles? -Thoreau, as we might expect, was not impressed by majority -decision making. 'All voting: he wrote, 'is a sort of gaming, -like checkers or backgammon, with a slight moral tinge to it, a -playing with right and wrong, with moral questions: In a sense -Thoreau was right. If we reject, as we must, the doctrine that -the majority is always right, to submit moral issues to the vote -is to gamble that what we believe to be right will come out of -the ballot with more votes behind it than what we believe to -be wrong; and that is a gamble we will often lose. -Nevertheless we should not be too contemptuous about voting, -or gambling either. Cowboys who agree to play poker to -300 -Ends and Means -decide matters of honour do better than cowboys who continue -to settle such matters in the traditional Western manner. A -society that decides its controversial issues by ballots does better -than one that uses bullets. To some extent this is a point we -have already encountered, under the heading 'law and order'. -It applies to any society with an established, peaceful method -of resolving disputes; but in a democracy there is a subtle difference -that gives added weight to the outcome of the decisionprocedure. -A method of settling disputes in which no one has -greater ultimate power than anyone else is a method that can -be recommended to all as a fair compromise between competing -claims to power. Any other method must give greater power to -some than to others and thereby invites opposition from those -who have less. That, at least, is true in the egalitarian age in -which we live. In a feudal society in which people accept as -natural and proper their status as lord or vassal there is no -challenge to the feudal lord and no compromise would be -needed. (I am thinking of an ideal feudal system, as I am thinking -of an ideal democracy.) Those times, however, seem to be -gone forever. The breakdown of traditional authority created a -need for political compromise. Among possible compromises, -giving one vote to each person is uniquely acceptable to all. As -such, in the absence of any agreed procedure for deciding on -some other distribution of power, it offers, in principle, the -firmest possible basis for a peaceful method of settling disputes. -To reject majority rule, therefore, is to reject the best possible -basis for the peaceful ordering of society in an egalitarian age. -Where else should one tum? To a meritocratic franchise, with -extra votes for the more intelligent or better educated, as John -Stuart Mill once proposed? But could we agree on who merits -extra votes? To a benevolent despot? Many would accept that -- if they could choose the despot. In practice the likely outcome -of abandoning majority rule is none of these: it is the rule of -those who command the greatest force. -So the principle of majority rule does carry substantial moral -301 -Pradical Ethics -weight. Disobedience is easier to justify in a dictatorship like -Nazi Germany than in a democracy like those of North America, -Europe, India, Japan, or Australia today. In a democracy we -should be reluctant to take any action that amounts to an attempt -to coerce the majority, for such attempts imply the rejection -of majority rule and there is no acceptable alternative -to that. There may, of course, be cases where the majority decision -is so appalling that coercion is justified, whatever the risk. -The obligation to obey a genuine majority decision is not absolute. -We show our respect for the principle not by blind obedience -to the majority, but by regarding ourselves as justified -in disobeying only in extreme circumstances. -DISOBEDIENCE, CIVIL OR OTHERWISE -If we draw together our conclusions on the use of illegal means -to achieve laudable ends, we shall find that: (1) there are reasons -why we should normally accept the verdict of an established -peaceful method of settling disputes; (2) these reasons are particularly -strong when the decision-procedure is democratic and -the verdict represents a genuine majority view; but (3) there -are still situations in which the use of illegal means can be -justified. -We have seen that there are two distinct ways in which one -might try to justify the use of illegal means in a society that is -democratic (even if imperfectly so, as, to varying degrees, existing -democracies are). The first is on the grounds that the -decision one is objecting to is not a genuine expression of majority -opinion. The second is that although the decision is a -genuine expression of the majority view, this view is so seriously -wrong that action against the majority is justified. -It is disobedience on the first ground that best merits the name -'civil disobedience'. Here the use of illegal means can be regarded -as an extension of the use of legal means to secure a -302 -Ends and Means -genuinely democratic decision. The extension may be necessary -because the normal channels for securing reform are not working -properly. On some issues parliamentary representatives are -overly influenced by skilled and well-paid special interests. On -others the public is unaware of what is happening. Perhaps the -abuse requires administrative, rather than legislative change, -and the bureaucrats of the civil service have refused to be inconvenienced. -Perhaps the legitimate interests of a minority are -being ignored by prejudiced officials. In all these cases, the nowstandard -forms of civil disobedience - passive resistance, -marches, or sit-ins - are appropriate. The blockade of the HydroElectric -Commission's road into the site ofthe proposed Franklin -river dam was a classic case of civil disobedience in this sense. -In these situations disobeying the law is not an attempt to -coerce the majority. Instead disobedience attempts to inform the -majority; or to persuade parliamentarians that large numbers -of electors feel very strongly about the issue; or to draw national -attention to an issue previously left to bureaucrats; or to appeal -for reconsideration of a decision too hastily made. Civil disobedience -is an appropriate means to these ends when legal -means have failed, because, although it is illegal. it does not -threaten the majority or attempt to coerce them (though it will -usually impose some extra costs on them, for example for law -enforcement). By not resisting the force ofthe law, by remaining -non-violent and by accepting the legal penalty for their actions, -civil disobedients make manifest both the sincerity of their protest -and their respect for the rule of law and the fundamental -principles of democracy. -So conceived, civil disobedience is not difficult to justify. The -justification does not have to be strong enough to override the -obligation to obey a democratic decision, since disobedience is -an attempt to restore, rather than frustrate, the process of democratic -decision making. Disobedience of this kind could be -justified by, for instance, the aim of making the public aware -303 -Practical Ethics -of the loss of irreplaceable wilderness caused by the construction -of a dam, or of how animals are treated in the laboratories and -factory farms that few people ever see. -The use of illegal means to prevent action undeniably in accordance -with the majority view is harder - but not impossible -- to justify. We may think it unlikely that a Nazi-style policy -of genocide could ever be approved by a majority vote, but if -that were to happen it would be carrying respect for majority -rule to absurd lengths to regard oneself as bound to accept the -majority decision. To oppose evils of that magnitude, we are -justified in using virtually any means likely to be effective. -Genocide is an extreme case. To grant that it justifies the use -of illegal means even against a majority concedes very little in -terms of practical political action. Yet admitting even one exception -to the obligation to abide by democratic decisions raises -further questions: where is the line to be drawn between evils -like genocide, where the obligation is clearly overridden, and -less serious issues, where it is not? And who is to decide on -which side of this imaginary line a particular issue falls? Gary -Leber, of Operation Rescue, has written that in the United States -alone, since 1973, 'We've already destroyed four times the number -of people that Hitler did: Ronnie Lee, one of the British -founders of the Animal Liberation Front, has also used the Nazi -metaphor for what we do to animals, saying: 'Although we are -only one species among many on earth, we've set up a Reich -totally dominating the other animals, even enslaving them: It -is not surprising then, that these activists consider their disobedience -well justified. But do they have the right to take this -decision themselves? If not, who is to decide when an issue is -so serious that, even in a democracy, the obligation to obey the -law is overridden? -The only answer this question can have is: we must decide -for ourselves on which side of the line particular cases fall. There -is no other way of deciding, since the society's method of settling -304 -Ends and Means -issues has already made its decision. The majority cannot be -judge in its own case. If we think the majority decision wrong, -we must make up our own minds about how gravely it is wrong. -This does not mean that any decision we make on such an -issue is subjective or arbitrary. In this book, I have offered arguments -about a number of moral issues. If we apply these -arguments to the four cases with which this chapter began, they -lead to specific conclusions. The racist Nazi policy of murdering -Jews was obviously an atrocity, and Oskar Schindler was entirely -right to do what he could to save some Jews from falling -victim to it. (Given the personal risks he ran, he was also morally -heroic to do so.) On the basis of the arguments put forward in -Chapter 3 of this book, the experiments that Gennarelli conducted -on monkeys were wrong, because they treated sentient -creatures as mere things to be used as research tools. To stop -such experiments is a desirable goal, and if breaking in to Gennarelli's -laboratory and stealing his videotapes was the only way -to achieve it, that seems to me justifiable. Similarly, for reasons -explored in Chapter 10, to drown the Franklin valley in order -to generate a relatively small amount of electricity could only -have been based on values that were unjustifiable both for taking -a short-term perspective, and for being overly humancentred. -Civil disobedience was an appropriate means of testifying -to the importance of the values that had been overlooked -by those who favoured the dam. -At the same time, the arguments that lie behind Operation -Rescue's activities were found to be flawed when they were -examined in Chapter 6. The human fetus is not entitled to the -same sort of protection as older human beings, and so those -who think of abortion as morally equivalent to murder are -wrong. On this basis, Operation Rescue's campaign of civil disobedience -against abortion is not justifiable. But it is important -to realise that the mistake lies in Operation Rescue's moral -reasoning about abortion, not in their moral reasoning about -305 -Practical Ethics -civil disobedience. If abortion really were morally equivalent to -murder, we all ought to be out there blocking the doors to the -abortion clinics. -This makes life difficult, of course. It is not likely that members -of Operation Rescue will be convinced by the arguments in this -book. Their reliance on biblical quotations does not augur well -for their openness to moral reasoning on non-religious grounds. -So there is no easy way of convincing them that their civil -disobedience is unjustified. We may regret this, but there is -nothing to be done about it. There is no simple moral rule that -will enable us to declare when disobedience is justifiable and -when it is not, without going into the rights and wrongs of the -target of the disobedience. -When we are convinced that we are trying to stop something -that really is a serious moral wrong, we still have other moral -questions to ask ourselves. We must balance the magnitude of -the evil we are trying to stop against the possibility that our -actions will lead to a drastic decline in respect for law and for -democracy. We must also take into account the likelihood that -our actions will fail in their objective and provoke a reaction -that will reduce the chances of success by other means. (As, for -instance, terrorist attacks on an oppressive regime provide the -government with an ideal excuse to lock up its more moderate -political opponents, or violent attacks on experimenters enable -the research establishment to brand all critics of animal experimentation -as terrorists.) -One result of a consequentialist approach to this issue that -may at first seem odd is that the more deeply ingrained the habit -of obedience to democratic rule, the more easily disobedience -can be defended. There is no paradox here, however, merely -another instance of the homely truth that while young plants -need to be cosseted, well-established specimens can take -rougher treatment. Thus on a given issue disobedience might -be justifiable in Britain or the United States but not in Cambodia -306 -Ends and Means -or Russia during the period when these countries seek to establish -democratic systems of government. -These issues cannot be settled in general terms. Every case -differs. When the evils to be stopped are neither utterly horrendous -(like genocide) nor relatively harmless (like the design -for a new national flag), reasonable people will differ on the -justifiability of attempting to thwart the implementation of a -considered decision democratically reached. Where illegal -means are used with this aim, an important step has been taken, -for disobedience then ceases to be 'civil disobedience', if by that -term is meant disobedience that is justified by an appeal to -principles that the community itself accepts as the proper way -of running its affairs. It may still be best for such obedience to -be civil in the other sense of the term, which makes a contrast -with the use of violence or the tactics of terrorism. -VIOLENCE -As we have seen, civil disobedience intended as a means of -attracting publicity or persuading the majority to reconsider is -much easier to justify than disobedience intended to coerce the -majority. Violence is obviously harder still to defend. Some go -so far as to say that the use of violence as a means, particularly -violence against people, is never justified, no matter how good -the end. -Opposition to the use of violence can be on the basis of an -absolute rule, or an assessment of its consequences. Pacifists -have usually regarded the use of violence as absolutely wrong, -irrespective of its consequences. This, like other 'no matter what' -prohibitions, assumes the validity of the distinction between -acts and omissions. Without this distinction, pacifists who refuse -to use violence when it is the only means of preventing greater -violence would be responsible for the greater violence they fail -to prevent. -307 -Practical Ethics -Suppose we have an opportunity to assassinate a tyrant who -is systematically murdering his opponents and anyone else he -dislikes. We know that if the tyrant dies he will be replaced by -a popular opposition leader, now in exile, who will restore the -rule of law. If we say that violence is always wrong, and refuse -to carry out the assassination, mustn't we bear some responsibility -for the tyrant's future murders? -If the objections made to the acts and omissions distinction -in Chapter 7 were sound, those who do not use violence to -prevent greater violence have to take responsibility for the violence -they could have prevented, Thus the rejection of the acts -and omissions distinction makes a crucial difference to the discussion -of violence, for it opens the door to a plausible argument -in defence of violence. -Marxists have often used this argument to rebut attacks on -their doctrine of the need for violent revolution. In his classic -indictment of the social effects of nineteenth -century capitalism, -The Condition of the Working Class in England, Engels wrote: -If one individual inflicts a bodily injury upon another which -leads to the death of the person attacked we call it manslaughter; -on the other hand, if the attacker knows beforehand that the -blow will be fatal we call it murder. Murder has also been committed -if society places hundreds of workers in such a position -that they inevitably come to premature and unnatural ends. Their -death is as violent as if they had been stabbed or shot .... Murder -has been committed if thousands of workers have been deprived -ofthe necessities oflife or if they have been forced into a situation -in which it is impossible for them to survive .... Murder has been -committed if society knows perfectly well that thousands of -workers cannot avoid being sacrificed so long as these conditions -are allowed to continue. Murder of this sort is just as culpable -as the murder committed by an individual. At first sight it does -not appear to be murder at all because responsibility for the death -ofthe victim cannot be pinned on any individual assailant. Everyone -is responsible and yet no one is responsible, because it appears -as if the victim has died from natural causes. If a worker -dies no one places the responsibility for his death on society, -308 -Ends and Means -though some would realize that society has failed to take steps -to prevent the victim from dying. But it is murder all the same. -One might object to Engels's use of the term 'murder'. The -objection would resemble the arguments discussed in Chapter -8, when we considered whether our failure to aid the starving -makes us murderers. We saw that there is no intrinsic significance -in the distinction between acts and omissions; but from -the point 'of view of motivation and the appropriateness of -blame, most cases of failing to prevent death are not equivalent -to murder. The same would apply to the cases Engels describes. -Engels tries to pin the blame on 'society', but 'society' is not a -person or a moral agent, and cannot be held responsible in the -wayan individual can. -Still, this is nit-picking. Whether or not 'murder' is the right -term, whether or not we are prepared to describe as 'violent' -the deaths of malnourished workers in unhealthy and unsafe -factories, Engels's fundamental point stands. These deaths are -a wrong of the same order of magnitude as the deaths of -hundreds of people in a terrorist bombing would be. It would -be one-sided to say that violent revolution is always absolutely -wrong, without taking account of the evils that the revolutionaries -are trying to stop. If violent means had been the only way -of changing the conditions Engels describes, those who opposed -the use of violent means would have been responsible for the -continuation of those conditions. -Some of the practices we have been discussing in this book -are violent, either directly or by omission. In the case of nonhuman -animals, our treatment is often violent by any description. -Those who regard the human fetus as a moral subject will -obviously consider abortion to be a violent act against it. In the -case of humans at or after birth, what are we to say of an -avoidable situation in which some countries have infant mortality -rates eight times higher than others, and a person born -in one country can expect to live twenty years more than someone -born in another country? Is this violence? Again, it doesn't -309 -Practical Ethics -really matter whether we call it violence or not. In its effects it -is as terrible as violence. -Absolutist condemnations of violence stand or fall with the -distinction between acts and omissions. Therefore they fall. -There are, however, strong consequentialist objections to the -use of violence. We have been premising our discussion on the -assumption that violence might be the only means of changing -things for the better. Absolutists have no interest in challenging -this assumption because they reject violence whether the assumption -is true or false. Consequentialists must ask whether -violence ever is the only means to an important end, or, if not -the only means, the swiftest means. They must also ask about -the long-term effects of pursuing change by violent means. -Could one defend, on consequentialist grounds, a condemnation -of violence that is in practice, if not in principle, as allencompassing -as that of the absolute pacifist? One might attempt -to do so by emphasising the hardening effect that the use -of violence has, how committing one murder, no matter how -'necessary' or 'justified' it may seem, lessens the resistance to -committing further murders. Is it likely that people who have -become inured to acting violently will be able to create a better -society? This is a question on which the historical record is -relevant. The course taken by the Russian Revolution must -shake the belief that a burning desire for social justice provides -immunity to the corrupting effects of violence. There are, admittedly, -other examples that may be read the other way; but -it would take a considerable number of examples to outweigh -the legacy of Lenin and Stalin. -The consequentialist pacifist can use another argument - the -argument I urged against the suggestion that we should allow -starvation to reduce the populations of the poorest nations to -the level at which they could feed themselves. Like this policy, -violence involves certain harm, said to be justified by the prospects -of future benefits. But the future benefits can never be -certain, and even in the few cases where violence does bring -310 -Ends and Means -about desirable ends, we can rarely be sure that the ends could -not have been achieved equally soon by non-violent means. -What, for instance, has been achieved by the thousands of -deaths and injuries caused by more than twenty years of the -Irish Republican Army bombings in Northern Ireland? Only -counter-terrorism by extremist Protestant groups. Or think of -the wasted death and suffering caused by the Baader-Meinhoff -gang in Germany, or the Red Brigade in Italy. What did the -Palestinian Liberation Organization gain from terrorism, other -than a less compromising, more ruthless Israel than the one -against which they began their struggle? One may sympathize -with the ends some of these groups are fighting for, but the -means they are using hold no promise of gaining their ends. -Using these means therefore indicates callous disregard of the -interests of their victims. These consequentialist arguments add -up to a strong case against the use of violence as a means, -particularly when the violence is indiscriminately directed -against ordinary members of the public, as terrorist violence -often is. In practical terms, that kind of violence would seem -never justified. -There are other kinds of violence that cannot be ruled out so -convincingly. There is, for instance, the assassination of a murderous -tyrant. Here, provided the murderous policies are an -expression of the tyrant's personality rather than part of the -institutions he commands, the violence is strictly limited, the -aim is the end of much greater violence, success from a single -violent act may be highly probable, and there may be no other -way of ending the tyrant's rule. It would be implausible for a -consequentialist to maintain that committing violence in these -circumstances would have a corrupting effect, or that more, -rather than less, violence would result from the assassination. -Violence may be limited in a different way. The cases we have -been considering have involved violence against people. These -are the standard cases that come to mind when we discuss -violence, but there are other kinds of violence. Animal Liber- -311 -Practical Ethics -ation Front members have damaged laboratories, cages, and -equipment used to confine, hurt, or kill animals, but they avoid -violent acts against any animaL human or non-human. (Other -organizations claiming to be acting on behalf of animals have, -however, injured at least two people by explosive devices. These -actions have been condemned by every well-known animal -liberation organization, including the Animal Liberation Front.) -Earth First!, a radical American environmentalist organization, -advocates 'monkeywrenching' or 'ecotage' - secret acts designed -to stop or slow down processes that are harmful to the -environment. Dave Foreman and Bill Haywood of Earth First! -have co-edited Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching, a -book that describes techniques for disabling computers, wrecking -machinery, and blocking sewerage systems. In their view: -Monkeywrenching is a non-violent resistance to the destruction -of natural diversity and wildemess. It is not aimed toward harming -human beings or other forms of life. ft is aimed at inanimate -machines and tools .... Monkeywrenchers are very conscious of -the gravity of what they do. They are deliberate about taking -such a serious step .... They remember that they are engaged in -the most moral of all actions: protecting life, defending the Earth. -A more controversial technique is 'spiking' trees in forests that -are to be logged. Putting metal spikes in a few trees in a forest -makes it dangerous to saw timber from the forest, because the -workers at the sawmill can never know when the saw might -hit a spike, breaking the saw and sending sharp pieces of metal -flying around the working area. Ecological activists who support -spiking say that they warn the tiniber companies that trees in -a certain area have been spiked, and if they go ahead and log -the forests, any injuries that occur are the responsibility of the -timber company managers who made that decision. But it is -the workers who will be hurt, not the managers. Can the activists -really shed their responsibility in this way? More orthodox -environmental activists reject such tactics. -Damage to property is not as serious a matter as injuring or -312 -Ends and Means -killing; hence it may be justified on grounds that would not -justify anything that caused harm to sentient beings. This does -not mean that violence to property is of no significance. Property -means a great deal to some people, and one would need to -have strong reasons to justify destroying it. But such reasons -may exist. The justification might not be anything so epochmaking -as transforming society. As in the case of the raid on -Gennarelli's laboratory, it might be the specific and short-term -goal of saving a number of animals from a painful experiment, -performed on animals only because of society's speciesist bias. -Again, whether such an action would really be justifiable from -a consequentialist point of view would depend on the details -of the actual situation. Someone lacking expertise could easily -be mistaken about the value of an experiment or the degree of -suffering it involved. And will not the result of damaging equipment -and liberating one lot of animals simply be that more -equipment is bought and more animals are bred? What is to be -done with the liberated animals? Will illegal acts mean that the -government will resist moves to reform the law relating to animal -experiments, arguing that it must not appear to be yielding -to violence? All these questions would need to be answered -satisfactorily before one could come to a decision in favour of, -say, damaging a laboratory. A related set of questions must also -be answered before one can justify damaging a bulldozer that -is being used to clear an old-growth forest. -Violence is not easy to justify, even if it is violence against -property rather than against sentient beings, or violence against -a dictator rather than indiscriminate violence against the general -public. Nevertheless, the differences between kinds of violence -are important, because only by observing them can we condemn -one kind of violence - the terrorist kind - in virtually absolute -terms. The differences are blurred by sweeping condemnations -of everything that falls under the general heading 'violence'. -313 -12 -WHY ACT MORALLY? -PREVIOUS chapters of this book have discussed what we -ought, morally, to do about several practical issues and what -means we are justified in adopting to achieve our ethical goals. -The nature of our conclusions about these issues - the demands -they make upon us - raises a further, more fundamental question: -why should we act morally? -Take our conclusions about the use of animals for food, or -the aid the rich should give the poor. Some readers may accept -these conclusions, become vegetarians, and do what they can -to reduce absolute poverty. Others may disagree with our conclusions, -maintaining that there is nothing wrong with eating -animals and that they are under no moral obligation to do -anything about reducing absolute poverty. There is also, however, -likely to be a third group, consisting of readers who find -no fault with the ethical arguments of these chapters, yet do -not change their diets or their contributions to overseas aid. Of -this third group, some will just be weak-willed, but others may -want an answer to a further practical question. If the conclusions -of ethics require so much of us, they may ask, should we bother -about ethics at all? -UNDERSTANDING THE QUESTION -'Why should I act morally?' is a different type of question from -those that we have been discussing up to now. Questions like -'Why should I treat people of different ethnic groups equally?' -or 'Why is abortion justifiable?' seek ethical reasons for acting -314 -Why Act Morally? -in a certain way. These are questions within ethics. They presuppose -the ethical point of view. 'Why should I act morally?' -is on another level. It is not a question within ethics, but a -question about ethics. -'Why should I act morally?' is therefore a question aboutsomething -normally presupposed. Such questions are perplexing. -Some philosophers have found this particular question so -perplexing that they have rejected it as logically improper, as -an attempt to ask something that cannot properly be asked. -One ground for this rejection is the claim that our ethical -principles are, by definition, the principles we take as overridingly -important. This means that whatever principles are -overriding for a particular person are necessarily that person's -ethical principles, and a person who accepts as an ethical principle -that she ought to give her wealth to help the poor must, -by definition, have actually decided to give away her wealth. -On this definition of ethics once a person has made an ethical -decision no further practical question can arise. Hence it is impossible -to make sense of the question: 'Why should I act -morally?' -It might be thought a good reason for accepting the definition -of ethics as overriding that it allows us to dismiss as meaningless -an otherwise troublesome question. Adopting this definition -cannot solve real problems, however, for it leads to correspondingly -greater difficulties in establishing any ethical conclusion. -Take, for example, the conclusion that the rich ought to aid the -poor. We were able to argue for this in Chapter 8 only because -we assumed that, as suggested in the first two chapters of this -book, the universalisability of ethical judgments requires us to -go beyond thinking only about our own interests, and leads us -to take a point of view from which we must give equal consideration -to the interests of all affected by our actions. We cannot -hold that ethical judgments must be universalisable and at the -same time define a person's ethical principles as whatever principles -that person takes as overridingly important - for what if -315 -Practical Ethics -I take as overridingly important some non-universalisable principle -like 'I ought to do whatever benefits me'? If we define -ethical principles as whatever principles one takes as overriding, -then anything whatever may count as an ethical principle, for -one may take any principle whatever as overridingly important. -Thus what we gain by being able to dismiss the question:'Why -should I act morally?' we lose by being unable to use the universalisability -of ethical judgments - or any other feature of -ethics - to argue for particular conclusions about what is morally -right. Taking ethics as in some sense necessarily involving a -universal point of view seems to me a more natural and less -confusing way of discussing these issues. -Other philosophers have rejected 'Why should I act morally?' -for a different reason. They think it must be rejected for the -same reason that we must reject another question, 'Why should -I be rational?' which like 'Why should I act morally?' also -questions something - in this case rationality - normally presupposed. -'Why should I be rational?' really is logically improper -because in answering it we would be giving reasons for -being rational. Thus we would presuppose rationality in our -attempt to justify rationality. The resulting justification of rationality -would be circular - which shows, not that rationality -lacks a necessary justification, but that it needs no justification, -because it cannot intelligibly be questioned unless it is already -presupposed. -Is 'Why should I act morally?' like 'Why should I be rational?' -in that it presupposes the very point of view it questions? It -would be, if we interpreted the 'should' as a moral 'should'. -Then the question would ask for moral reasons for being moral. -This would be absurd. Once we have decided that an action is -morally obligatory, there is no further moral question to ask. It -is redundant to ask why I should, morally, do the action that I -morally should do. -There is, however, no need to interpret the question as a -request for an ethical justification of ethics. 'Should' need not -316 -Why Act Morally? -mean 'should, morally'. It could simply be a way of asking for -reasons for action, without any specification about the kind of -reasons wanted. We sometimes want to ask a general practical -question, from no particular point of view. Faced with a difficult -choice, we ask a close friend for advice. Morally, he says, we -ought to do A, but B would be more in our interests, while -etiquette demands C and only D would display a real sense of -style. This answer may not satisfy us. We want advice on which -of these standpoints to adopt. If it is possible to ask such a -question we must ask it from a position of neutrality between -all these points of view, not of commitment to anyone of them. -'Why should I act morally?' is this sort of question. If it is -not possible to ask practical questions without presupposing a -point of view, we are unable to say anything intelligible about -the most ultimate practical choices. Whether to act according -to considerations of ethics, self-interest, etiquette, or aesthetics -would be a choice 'beyond reason' - in a sense, an arbitrary -choice. Before we resign ourselves to this conclusion we should -at least attempt to interpret the question so that the mere asking -of it does not commit us to any particular point of view. -We can now formulate the question more precisely. It is a -question about the ethical point of view, asked from a position -outside it. But what is 'the ethical point of view'? I have suggested -that a distinguishing feature of ethics is that ethical judgments -are universalisable. Ethics requires us to go beyond our -own personal point of view to a standpoint like that of the -impartial spectator who takes a universal point of view. -Given this conception of ethics, 'Why should I act morally?' -is a question that may properly be asked by anyone wondering -whether to act only on grounds that would be acceptable from -this universal point of view. It is, after all, possible to act - and -some people do act - without thinking of anything except one's -own interests. The question asks for reasons for going beyond -this personal basis of action and acting only on judgments one -is prepared to prescribe universally. -317 -Practical Ethics -REASON AND ETHICS -There is an ancient line of philosophical thought that attempts -to demonstrate that to act rationally is to act ethically. The -argument is today associated with Kant and is mainly found in -the writings of modern Kantians, though it goes back as least -as far as the Stoics. The form in which the argument is presented -varies, but the common structure is as follows: -Some requirement of universalisability or impartiality is essential -to ethics. -2 Reason is universally or objectively valid. If, for example, itfollows -from the premises 'All humans are mortal' and 'Socrates -is human' that Socrates is mortal, then this inference -must follow universally. It cannot be valid for me and invalid -for you. This is a general point about reason, whether theoretical -or practical. -Therefore: -3 Only a judgment that satisfies the requirement described in -( 1) as a necessary condition of an ethical judgment will be an -objectively rational judgment in accordance with (2). For I -cannot expect any other rational agents to accept as valid for -them a judgment that I would not accept if I were in their -place; and iftwo rational agents could not accept each other's -judgments, they could not be rational judgments, for the reason -given in (2). To say that I would accept the judgment I -make, even if I were in someone else's position and they in -mine is, however, simply to say that my judgment is one I -can prescribe from a universal point of view. Ethics and reason -both require us to rise above our own particular point of view -and take a perspective from which our own personal identity -- the role we happen to occupy - is unimportant. Thus reason -requires us to act on universalisable judgments and, to that -extent, to act ethically. -Is this argument valid? I have already indicated that I accept -the first point, that ethics involves universalisability. The second -318 -Why Act Morally? -point also seems undeniable. Reason must be universal. Does -the conclusion therefore follow? Here is the flaw in the argument. -The conclusion appears to follow directly from the premises; -but this move involves a slide from the limited sense in -which it is true that a rational judgment must be universally -valid, to a stronger sense of 'universally valid' that is equivalent -to universalisability. The difference between these two senses -can be seen by considering a non-universalisable imperative, -like the purely egoistic: 'Let everyone do what is in my interests: -This differs from the imperative of universalisable egoism - 'Let -everyone do what is in her or his own interests' - because it -contains an ineliminable reference to a particular person. It -therefore cannot be an ethical imperative. Does it also lack the -universality required if it is to be a rational basis for action? -Surely not. Every rational agent could accept that the purely -egoistic activity of other rational agents is rationally justifiable. -Pure egoism could be rationally adopted by everyone. -Let us look at this more closely. It must be conceded that -there is a sense in which one purely egoistic rational agent - -call him Jack - could not accept the practical judgments of -another purely egoistic rational agent - call her Jill. Assuming -Jill's interests differ from Jack's, Jill may be acting rationally in -urging Jack to do A, while Jack is also acting rationally in -deciding against doing A. -This disagreement is, however, compatible with all rational -agents accepting pure egoism. Though they accept pure egoism, -it points them in different directions because they start from -different places. When Jack adopts pure egoism, it leads him to -further his interests and when Jill adopts pure egoism it leads -her to further her interests. Hence the disagreement over what -to do. On the other hand - and this is the sense in which pure -egoism could be accepted as valid by all rational agents - if we -were to ask Jill (off the record and promising not to tell Jack) -what she thinks it would be rational for Jack to do, she would, -319 -Practical Ethics -if truthful, have to reply that it would be rational for Jack to -do what is in his own interests, rather than what is in her -interests. -So when purely egoistic rational agents oppose each other's -acts, it does not indicate disagreement over the rationality of -pure egoism. Pure egoism, though not a universalisable principle, -could be accepted as a rational basis of action by all rational -agents. The sense in which rational judgments must be -universally acceptable is weaker than the sense in which ethical -judgements must be. That an action will benefit me rather than -anyone else could be a valid reason for doing it, though it could -not be an ethical reason for doing it. -A consequence of this conclusion is that rational agents may -rationally try to prevent each other from doing what they admit -the other is rationally justified in doing. There is, unfortunately, -nothing paradoxical about this. Two salespeople competing for -an important sale will accept each other's conduct as rational, -though each aims to thwart the other. The same holds of two -soldiers meeting in battle, or two footballers vying for the ball. -Accordingly, this attempted demonstration of a link between -reason and ethics fails. There may be other ways of forging this -link, but it is difficult to see any that hold greater promise of -success. The chief obstacle to be overcome is the nature of practical -reason. Long ago David Hume argued that reason in action -applies only to means, not to ends. The ends must be given by -our wants and desires. Hume unflinchingly drew out the implications -of this view: -'Tis not contrary to reason to prefer the destruction of the whole -world to the scratching of my finger. 'Tis not contrary to reason -for me to choose my total ruin, to prevent the least uneasiness -of an Indian or person wholly unknown to me. 'Tis as little -contrary to reason to prefer even my own acknowledged lesser -good to my greater, and have a more ardent affection for the -former than the latter. -320 -Why Ad Morally? -Extreme as it is, Hume's view of practical reason has stood up -to criticism remarkably well. His central claim - that in practical -reasoning we start from something wanted - is difficult to refute; -yet it must be refuted if any argument is to succeed in showing -that it is rational for all of us to act ethically irrespective of what -we want. -Nor is the refutation of Hume all that is needed for a demonstration -of the rational necessity of acting ethically. In The -Possibility of Altruism, Thomas Nagel has argued forcefully that -not to take one's own future desires into account in one's practical -deliberations - irrespective of whether one now happens -to desire the satisfaction of those future desires - would indicate -a failure to see oneself as a person existing over time, the present -being merely one time among others in one's life. So it is my -conception of myself as a person that makes it rational for me -to consider my long-term interests. This holds true even ifI have -'a more ardent affection' for something that I acknowledge is -not really, all things considered, in my own interest. -Whether Nagel's argument succeeds in vindicating the rationality -of prudence is one question: whether a similar argument -can also be used in favour of a form of altruism based on -taking the desires of others into account is another question -altogether. Nagel attempts this analogous argument. The role -occupied by 'seeing the present as merely one time among others' -is, in the argument for altruism, taken by 'seeing oneself as -merely one person among others'. But whereas it would be -extremely difficult for most of us to cease conceiving of ourselves -as existing over time, with the present merely one time among -others that we will live through, the way we see ourselves as -a person among others is quite different. Henry Sidgwick's observation -on this point seems to me exactly right: -It would be contrary to Common Sense to deny that the distinction -between anyone individual and any other is real and -fundamental, and that consequently T am concerned with the -321 -Practical Ethics -quality of my existence as an individual in a sense, fundamentally -important, in which I am not concerned with the quality of the -existence of other individuals: and this being so, I do not see -how it can be proved that this distinction is not to be taken as -fundamental in determining the ultimate end of rational action -for an individual. -So it is not only Hume's view of practical reason that stands in -the way of attempts to show that to act rationally is to act -ethically; we might succeed in overthrowing that barrier, only -to find our way blocked by the commonsense distinction between -self and others. Taken together, these are formidable -obstacles and I know of no way of overcoming them. -ETHICS AND SELF-INTEREST -If practical reasoning begins with something wanted, to show -that it is rational to act morally would involve showing that in -acting morally we achieve something we want. If, agreeing with -Sidgwick rather than Hume, we hold that it is rational to act -in our long-term interests irrespective of what we happen to -want at the present moment, we could show that it is rational -to act morally by showing that it is in our long-term interests -to do so. There have been many attempts to argue along these -lines, ever since Plato, in The Republic, portrayed Socrates as -arguing that to be virtuous is to have the different elements of -one's personality ordered in a harmonious manner. and this is -necessary for happiness. We shall look at these arguments -shortly; but first it is necessary to assess an objection to this -whole approach to 'Why should I act morally?' -People often say that to defend morality by appealing to selfinterest -is to misunderstand what ethics is all about. F. H. Bradley -stated this eloquently: -What answer can we give when the question Why should I be -Moral?, in the sense of What will it advantage Me?, is put to -us? Here we shall do well, I think, to avoid all praises of the -322 -Why Act Morally? -pleasantness of virtue. We may believe that it transcends all -possible delights of vice, but it would be well to remember that -we desert a moral point of view, that we degrade and prostitute -virtue, when to those who do not love her for herself we bring -ourselves to recommend her for the sake of her pleasures. -In other words, we can never get people to act morally by -providing reasons of self-interest. because if they accept what -we say and act on the reasons given, they will only be acting -self-interestedly, not morally. -One reply to this objection would be that the substance of -the action, what is actually done, is more important than the -motive. People might give money to famine relief because their -friends will think better of them, or they might give the same -amount because they think it their duty. Those saved from starvation -by the gift will benefit to the same extent either way. -This is true but crude. It can be made more sophisticated if -it is combined with an appropriate account of the nature and -\ function of ethics. Ethics, though not consciously created, is a -product of social life that has the function of promoting values -common to the members of the society. Ethical judgments do -this by praising and encouraging actions in accordance with -these values. Ethical judgments are concerned with motives -because this is a good indication of the tendency of an action -to promote good or evil, but also because it is here that praise -and blame may be effective in altering the tendency of a person's -actions. Conscientiousness (that is, acting for the sake of doing -what is right) is a particularly useful motive, from the community's -point of view. People who are conscientious will, if -they accept the values of their society (and if most people did -not accept these values they would not be the values of the -society) always tend to promote what the society values. They -may have no generous or sympathetic inclinations, but if they -think it their duty to give famine relief. they will do so. Moreover, -those motivated by the desire to do what is right can be -relied upon to act as they think right in all circumstances, -323 -Practical Ethics -whereas those who act from some other motive, like selfinterest, -will only do what they think right when they believe -it will also be in their interest. Conscientiousness is thus a kind -of multipurpose gap-filler that can be used to motivate people -towards whatever is valued, even if the natural virtues normally -associated with action in accordance with those values (generosity, -sympathy, honesty, tolerance, humility, and so on) are -lacking. (This needs some qualification: a conscientious mother -may provide as well for her children as a mother who loves -them, but she cannot love them because it is the right thing to -do. Sometimes conscientiousness is a poor substitute for the real -thing.) -On this view of ethics it is still results, not motives, that really -matter. Conscientiousness is of value because of its consequences. -Yet, unlike, say, benevolence, conscientiousness can -be praised and encouraged only for its own sake. To praise a -conscientious act for its consequences would be to praise not -conscientiousn~ss, but something else altogether. If we appeal -to sympathy or self-interest as a reason for doing one's duty, -then we are not encouraging people to do their duty for its own -sake. If conscientiousness is to be encouraged, it must be thought -of as good for its own sake. -It is different in the case of an act done from a motive that -people act upon irrespective of praise and encouragement. The -use of ethical language is then inappropriate. We do not normally -say that people ought to do, or that it is their duty to do, -whatever gives them the greatest pleasure, for most people are -sufficiently motivated to do this anyway. So, whereas we praise -good acts done for the sake of doing what is right, we withhold -our praise when we believe the act was done from some motive -like self-interest. -This emphasis on motives and on the moral worth of doing -right for its own sake is now embedded in our notion of ethics. -To the extent that it is so embedded, we will feel that to provide -324 -Why Act Morally? -considerations of self-interest for doing what is right is to empty -the action of its moral worth. -My suggestion is that our notion of ethics has become misleading -to the extent that moral worth is attributed only to action -done because it is right, without any ulterior motive. It is understandable, -and from the point of view of society perhaps -even desirable, that this attitude should prevail; nevertheless, -those who accept this view of ethics, and are led by it to do -what is right because it is right, without asking for any further -reason, are falling victim to a kind of confidence trick - though -not, of course, a consciously perpetrated one. -That this view of ethics is unjustifiable has already been indicated -by the failure of the argument discussed earlier in this -chapter for a rational justification of ethics. In the history of -Western philosophy, no one has urged more strongly than Kant -that our ordinary moral consciousness finds moral worth only -when duty is done for duty'S sake. Yet Kant himself saw that -without a rational justification this common conception of ethics -would be 'a mere phantom of the brain'. And this is indeed the -case. If we reject - as in general terms we have done - the -Kantian justification of the rationality of ethics, but try to retain -the Kantian conception of ethics, ethics is left hanging without -support. It becomes a closed system, a system that cannot be -questioned because its first premise - that only action done -because it is right has any moral worth - rules out the only -remaining possible justification for accepting this very premise. -Morality is, on this view, no more rational an end than any -other allegedly self-justifying practice, like etiquette or the kind -of religious faith that comes only to those who first set aside all -sceptical doubts. -Taken as a view of ethics as a whole, we should abandon this -Kantian notion of ethics. This does not mean, however, that -we should never do what we see to be right simply because we -see it to be right, without further reasons. Here we need to -325 -Practical Ethics -appeal to the distinction Hare has made between intuitive and -critical thinking. When I stand back from my day-to-day ethical -decisions and ask why I should act ethically, I should seek -reasons in the broadest sense, and not allow Kantian preconceptions -to deter me from considering self-interested reasons -for living an ethical life. If my search is successful it will provide -me with reasons for taking up the ethical point of view as a -settled policy, a way of living. I would not then ask, in my dayto- -day ethical decision making, whether each particular right -action is in my interests. Instead I do it because I see myself as -an ethical person. In everyday situations, I will simply assume -that doing what is right is in my interests, and once I have -decided what is right, I will go ahead and do it, without thinking -about further reasons for doing what is right. To deliberate over -the ultimate reasons for doing what is right in each case would -impossibly complicate my life; it would also be inadvisable because -in particular situations I might be too greatly influenced -by strong but temporary desires and inclinations and so make -decisions I would later regret. -That, at least, is how a justification of ethics in terms of selfinterest -might work, without defeating its own aim. We can -now ask if such a justification exists. There is a daunting list of -those who, following Plato's lead, have offered one: Aristotle, -Aquinas, Spinoza, Butler, Hegel, even - for all his strictures -against prostituting virtue - Bradley. Like Plato, these philosophers -made broad claims about human nature and the conditions -under which human beings can be happy. Some were -also able to fall back on a belief that virtue will be rewarded -and wicketlness punished in a life after our bodily death. Philosophers -cannot use this argument if they want to carry conviction -nowadays; nor can they adopt sweeping psychological -theories on the basis of their own general experience of their -fellows, as philosophers used to do when psychology was a -branch of philosophy. -It might be said that since philosophers are not empirical -326 -Why Act Morally? -scientists, discussion of the connection between acting ethically -and living a fulfilled and happy life should be left to psychologists, -sociologists, and other appropriate experts. The question -is not, however, dealt with by any other single discipline and -its relevance to practical ethics is reason enough for our looking -into it. -What facts about human nature could show that ethics and -self- interest coincide? One theory is that we all have benevolent -or sympathetic inclinations that make us concerned about the -welfare of others. Another relies on a natural conscience that -gives rise to guilt feelings when we do what we know to be -wrong. But how strong are these benevolent desires or feelings -of guilt? Is it possible to suppress them? If so, isn't it possible -that in a world in which humans and other animals are suffering -in great numbers, suppressing one's conscience and sympathy -for others is the surest way to happiness? -To meet this objection those who would link ethics and happiness -must assert that we cannot be happy if these elements -of our nature are suppressed. Benevolence and sympathy, they -might argue, are tied up with the capacity to take part in friendly -or loving relations with others, and there can be no real happiness -without such relationships. For the same reason it is -necessary to take at least some ethical standards seriously, and -to be open and honest in living by them - for a life of deception -and dishonesty is a furtive life, in which the possibility of discovery -always clouds the horizon. Genuine acceptance of ethica~ -standards is likely to mean that we feel some gUilt - or at least -that we are less pleased with ourselves than we otherwise would -be - when we do not live up to them. -These claims about the connection between our character and -our prospects of happiness are no more than hypotheses. Attempts -to confirm them by detailed research are sparse and -inadequate. A. H. Maslow, an American psychologist, asserted -that human beings have a need for self-actualisation that involves -growing towards courage, kindness, knowledge, love, -327 -Practical Ethics -honesty, and unselfishness. When we fulfil this need, we feel -serene, joyful, filled with zest, sometimes euphoric, and generally -happy. When we act contrary to our need for selfactualisation, -we experience anxiety, despair, boredom, shame, -emptiness and are generally unable to enjoy ourselves. It would -be nice if Maslow should tum out to be right; unfortunately, -the data Maslow produced in support of his theory consisted of -limited studies of selected people and cannot be considered -anything more than suggestive. -Human nature is so diverse that one may doubt if any generalisation -about the kind of character that leads to happiness -could hold for all human beings. What, for instance, of those -we call 'psychopaths'? Psychiatrists use this term as a label for -a person who is asocial, impulsive, egocentric, unemotional, -lacking in feelings of remorse, shame, or guilt, and apparently -unable to form deep and enduring personal relationships. Psychopaths -are certainly abnormal, but whether it is proper to say -that they are mentally ill is another matter. At least on the -surface, they do not suffer from their condition, and it is not -obvious that it is in their interest to be 'cured'. Hervey Cleckley, -the author of a classic study of psychopathy entitled The Mask -of Sanity, notes that since his book was first published he has -received countless letters from people desperate for help - but -they are from the parents, spouses, and other relatives of psychopaths, -almost never from the psychopaths themselves. This -is not surprising, for while psychopaths are asocial and indifferent -to the welfare of others, they seem to enjoy life. Psychopaths -often appear to be charming, intelligent people, with no -delusions or other signs of irrational thinking. When interviewed -they say things like: 'A lot has happened to me, a lot -more will happen. But I enjoy living and I am always looking -forward to each day. I like laughing and I've done a lot. I am -essentially a clown at heart - but a happy one. I always take -the bad with the good.' There is no effective therapy for psychopathy, -which may be explained by the fact that psychopaths -328 -Why Act Morally? -see nothing wrong with their behaviour and often find it extremely -rewarding, at least in the short term. Of course their -impulsive nature and lack of a sense of shame or guilt means -that some psychopaths end up in prison, though it is hard to -tell how many do not, since those who avoid prison are also -more likely to avoid contact with psychiatrists. Studies have -shown that a surprisingly large number of psychopaths are able -to avoid prison despite grossly antisocial behaviour, probably -because of their well-known ability to convince others that they -are truly repentant, that it will never happen again, that they -deserve another chance, and so forth. -The existence of psychopathic people counts against the contention -that benevolence, sympathy, and feelings of guilt are -present in everyone. It also appears to count against attempts -to link happiness with the possession of these inclinations. But -let us pause before we accept this latter conclusion. Must we -accept psychopaths' own evaluations of their happiness? They -are, after all, notoriously persuasive liars. Moreover, even if they -are telling the truth as they see it, are they qualified to say that -they are really happy, when they seem unable to experience -the emotional states that play such a large part in the happiness -and fulfilment of more normal people? Admittedly, a psychopath -could use the same argument against us: how can we say -that we are truly happy when we have not experienced the -excitement and freedom that comes from complete irresponsibility? -Since we cannot enter into the subjective states of psychopathic -people, nor they into ours, the dispute is not easy to -resolve. -Cleckley suggests that the psychopaths' behaviour can be explained -as a response to the meaninglessness of their lives. It is -characteristic of psychopaths to work for a while at a job and -then just when their ability and charm have taken them to the -crest of success, commit some petty and easily detectable crime. -A similar pattern occurs in their personal relationships. (There -is support to be found here for Thomas Nagel's account of im- -329 -Practical Ethics -prudence as rational only if one fails to see oneself as a person -existing over time, with the present merely one among other -times one will live through. Certainly psychopathic people live -largely in the present and lack any coherent life plan.) -Cleckley explains this erratic and to us inadequately motivated -behaviour by likening the psychopath's life to that of -children forced to sit through a performance of King Lear. Children -are restless and misbehave under these conditions because -they cannot enjoy the playas adults do. They act to relieve -boredom. Similarly, Cleckley says, psychopaths are bored because -their emotional poverty means that they cannot take interest -in, or gain satisfaction from, what for others are the most -important things in life: love, family, success in business or -professional life, and the like. These things simply do not matter -to them. Their unpredictable and antisocial behaviour is an -attempt to relieve what would otherwise be a tedious existence. -These claims are speculative and Cleckley admits that they may -not be possible to establish scientifically. They do suggest, however, -an aspect of the psychopath's life that undermines the -otherwise attractive nature of the psychopath's free-wheeling -life. Most reflective people, at some time or other, want their -life to have some kind of meaning. Few of us could deliberately -choose a way of life that we regarded as utterly meaningless. -For this reason most of us would not choose to live a psychopathic -life, however enjoyable it might be. -Yet there is something paradoxical about criticising the psychopath's -life for its meaninglessness. Don't we have to accept, -in the absence of religious belief, that life really is meaningless, -not just for the psychopath but for all of us? And if this is so, -why should we not choose - if it were in our power to choose -our personality - the life of a psychopath? But is it true that, -religion aside, life is meaningless? Now our pursuit of reasons -for acting morally has led us to what is often regarded as the -ultimate philosophical question. -330 -Why Act Morally? -HAS LIFE A MEANING? -In what sense does rejection of belief in a god imply rejection -of the view that life has any meaning? If this world had been -created by some divine being with a particular goal in mind, it -could be said to have a meaning, at least for that divine being. -If we could know what the divine being's purpose in creating -us was, we could then know what the meaning of our life was -for our creator. If we accepted our creator's purpose (though -why we should do that would need to be explained) we could -claim to know the meaning of life. -When we reject belief in a god we must give up the idea that -life on this planet has some preordained meaning. Life as a whole -has no meaning. Life began, as the best available theories tell -us, in a chance combination of molecules; it then evolved -through random mutations and natural selection. All this just -happened; it did not happen for any overall purpose. Now that -it has resulted in the existence of beings who prefer some states -of affairs to others, however, it may be possible for particular -lives to be meaningful. In this sense atheists can find meaning -in life. -Let us return to the comparison between the life of a psychopath -and that of a more normal person. Why should the -psychopath's life not be meaningful? We have seen that psychopaths -are egocentric to an extreme: neither other people, -nor worldly success, nor anything else really matters to them. -But why is their own enjoyment of life not sufficient to give -meaning to their lives? -Most of us would not be able to find happiness by deliberately -setting out to enjoy ourselves without caring about anyone or -anything else. The pleasures we obtained in that way would -seem empty and would soon pall. We seek a meaning for our -lives beyond our own pleasures and find fulfilment and happiness -in doing what we see to be meaningful. If our life has -331 -Practical Ethics -no meaning other than our own happiness, we are likely to find -that when we have obtained what we think we need to be -happy, happiness itself still eludes us. -That those who aim at happiness for happiness's sake often -fail to find it, while others find happiness in pursuing altogether -different goals, has been called 'the paradox of hedonism'. It is -not, of course, a logical paradox but a claim about the way in -which we come to be happy. Like other generalisations on this -subject, it lacks empirical confirmation. Yet it matches our everyday -observations and is consistent with our nature as evolved, -purposive beings. Human beings survive and reproduce themselves -through purposive action. We obtain happiness and fulfilment -by working towards and achieving our goals. In -evolutionary terms we could say that happiness functions as an -internal reward for our achievements. Subjectively, we regard -achieving the goal (or progressing towards it) as a reason for -happiness. Our own happiness, therefore, is a by-product of -aiming at something else, and not to be obtained by setting our -sights on happiness alone. -The psychopath's life can now be seen to be meaningless in -a way that a normal life is not. It is meaningless because it looks -inward to the pleasures of the present moment and not outward -to anything more long-term or far-reaching. More normal lives -have meaning because they are lived to some larger purpose. -All this is speculative. You may accept or reject it to the extent -that it agrees with your own observation and introspection. My -next - and final - suggestion is more speculative still. It is that -to find an enduring meaning in our lives it is not enough to go -beyond psychopaths who have no long-term commitments or -life plans; we must also go beyond more prudent egoists who -have long term plans concerned only with their own interests. -The prudent egoists may find meaning in their lives for a time, -for they have the purpose of furthering their own interests; but -what, in the end, does that amount to? When everything in -our interests has been achieved, do we just sit back and be -332 -Why Act Morally? -happy? Could we be happy in this way? Or would we decide -that we had still not quite reached our target, that there was -something else we needed before we could sit back and enjoy -it all? Most materially successful egoists take the latter route, -thus escaping the necessity of admitting that they cannot find -happiness in permanent holidaying. People who slaved to establish -small businesses, telling themselves they would do it -only until they had made enough to live comfortably, keep -working long after they have passed their original target. Their -material 'needs' expand just fast enough to keep ahead of their -income. -The 1980s, the' decade of greed', provided plenty of examples -of the insatiable nature of the desire for wealth. In 1985 Dennis -Levine was a highly successful Wall Street banker with the -fastest-growing and most talked-about Wall Street firm, Drexel -Burnham Lambert. But Levine was not satisfied: -When I was earning $20,000 a year, I thought, I can make -$100,000. When I was eaming $100,000 a year, I thought, I can -make $200,000. When I was making $1 million, I thought, I can -make $3 million. There was always somebody one rung higher -on the ladder, and I could never stop wondering: Is he really -twice as good as I am. -Levine decided to take matters into his own hands and arranged -with friends at other Wall Street firms to exchange confidential -information that would allow them to profit by buying shares -in companies that were about to become takeover targets. By -this method Levine made an additional $11 million, on top of -what he earned in salary and bonuses. He also ended up bringing -about his own ruin, and spending time in prison. That, however, -is not the relevant point here. No doubt some who use inside -information to make millions of dollars do not get caught. What -is less certain, however, is that they really find satisfaction and -fulfilment in having more money. -Now we begin to see where ethics comes into the problem -of living a meaningful life. If we are looking for a purpose -333 -Practical Ethics -broader than our own interests, something that will allow us -to see our lives as possessing significance beyond the narrow -confines of our own conscious states, one obvious solution is -to take up the ethical point of view. The ethical point of view -does, as we have seen, require us to go beyond a personal point -of view to the standpoint of an impartial spectator. Thus looking -at things ethically is a way of transcending our inward-looking -concerns and identifying ourselves with the most objective point -of view possible - with, as Sidgwick put it, 'the point of view -of the universe'. -The point of view of the universe is a lofty standpoint. In the -rarefied air that surrounds it we may get carried away into -talking, as Kant does, of the moral point of view, 'inevitably' -humbling all who compare their own limited nature with it. I -do not want to suggest anything as sweeping as this. Earlier in -this chapter, in rejecting Thomas Nagel's argument for the rationality -of altruism, I said that there is nothing irrational about -being concerned with the quality of one's own existence in a -way that one is not concerned with the quality of existence of -other individuals. Without going back on this, I am now suggesting -that rationality, in the broad sense that includes selfawareness -and reflection on the nature and point of our own -existence, may push us towards concerns broader than the quality -of our own existence; but the process is not a necessary one -and those who do not take part in it - or, who in taking part, -do not follow it all the way to the ethical point of view - are -neither irrational nor in error. Psychopaths, for all I know, may -simply be unable to obtain as much happiness through caring -about others as they obtain by antisocial acts. Other people find -collecting stamps an entirely adequate way of giving purpose -to their lives. There is nothing irrational about that; but others -again grow out of stamp collecting as they become more aware -of their situation in the world and more reflective about their -purposes. To this third group the ethical point of view offers a -meaning and purpose in life that one does not grow out of. -334 -Why Act Morally? -(At least, one cannot grow out of the ethical point of view -until all ethical tasks have been accomplished. If that utopia -were ever achieved, our purposive nature might well leave us -dissatisfied, much as egoists might be dissatisfied when they -have everything they need to be happy. There is nothing paradoxical -about this, for we should not expect evolution to have -equipped us, in advance, with the ability to enjoy a situation -that has never previously occurred. Nor is this going to be a -practical problem in the near future.) -'Why act morally?' cannot be given an answer that will provide -everyone with overwhelming reasons for acting morally. -Ethically indefensible behaviour is not always irrational. We -will probably always need the sanctions of the law and social -pressure to provide additional reasons against serious violations -of ethical standards. At the same time, those reflective enough -to ask the question we have been discussing in this chapter are -also those most likely to appreciate the reasons that can be -offered for taking the ethical point of view. -335 -APPENDIX: ON BEING SILENCED -IN GERMANY -Some scenes from academic life in Germany and Austria today: -For the 1989/1990 winter semester, Dr. Hartmut Kliemt. a professor -of philosophy at the University of Duisburg, a small town -in the north of Germany, offered a course in which my book -Practical Ethics was the principal text assigned to the class. First -published in English in 1979, this book has been widely used -in philosophy courses in North America, the United Kingdom, -and Australia and has been translated into German, Italian, -Spanish, and Swedish. I Until Kliemt announced his course, it -had never evoked anything more than lively discussion. Kliemt's -course, however, was subjected to organized and repeated disruption -by protesters objecting to the use of the book on the -grounds that in one of its ten chapters it advocates active euthanasia -for severely disabled newborn infants. When after several -weeks the disruptions showed no sign of abating, Kliemt -was compelled to abandon the course. -The European society for the Philosophy of Medicine and -Health Care is a learned society that does just what one would -expect an organization with that name to do: it promotes the -study of the philosophy of medicine and health care. In 1990 -it planned its fourth annual conference, to be held in Bochum, -Reprinted with Permission from the New York Review of Books, August 15. 1991. -1 Cambridge University Press. 1979; German translation. Praktische Ethik -(Stuttgart: Reclam. 1984); Spanish translation. Etica Practica (Barcelona: Ariel. -1984); Italian translation, Etica Pratica (Naples: Liguori. 1989); Swedish -translation, Praktisk Ethik (Stockholm: Thales. 1990). -337 -Appendix -Germany, in June. The intended theme of the conference was -'Consensus Formation and Moral Judgment in Health Care'. -During the days leading up to the conference, literature was -distributed in Bochum and elsewhere in Germany by the 'AntiEuthanasia -Forum', stating that 'under the cover of tolerance -and the cry of democracy and liberalism, extermination strategies -will be discussed. On these grounds we will attempt to -prevent the Bochum Congress taking place: On June 5, scholars -who were about to attend the conference received a letter from -the secretary of the society notifying them that it was being -moved to Maastricht, in the Netherlands, because the German -organizers (two professors from the Center for Medical Ethics -at the Ruhr University in Bochum) had been confronted with -'anti-bioethics agitation, threats and intimidation', and could -not guarantee the safety of the participants. -In October 1990, Dr. Helga Kuhse, senior research fellow at -the Centre for Human Bioethics at Monash University in Australia -and author of The Sanctity-ofLife Doctrine in Medicine: A -Critique,2 was invited to give a lecture at the Institute for Anatomy -of the University of Vienna. A group calling itself the -'Forum of Groups for the Crippled and Disabled' announced -that it would protest against the lecture, stating that 'academic -freedom has ethical limits, and we expect the medical faculty -to declare that human life is inviolable'. The lecture was then -canceled by the faculty of medicine. The dean of the faculty, -referring to Dr. Kuhse, told the press, 'We didn't know at all -who that was:3 -The Institute for Philosophy at the University of Hamburg -decided, with the agreement of faculty members and a student -representative, to appoint a professor in the field of applied -ethics. The list of candidates was narrowed down to six. At this -point in selecting a professor in Germany, the standard proce- -2 Oxford University Press/Clarendon Press, 1987. -3 Der Standard (Vienna), October 10, 1990. -338 -Appendix -dure is to invite each of the candidates to give a lecture. The -lectures were announced but did not take place. Students and -protesters from outside the university objected to the advertising -of a chair in applied ethics on the grounds that this field raised -questions about whether some human lives were worth living. -The protesters blocked the entrances to the lecture theaters and -blew whistles to drown out any attempts by the speakers to -lecture. The university canceled the lectures. A few weeks later, -a new list of candidates was announced. Two philosophers active -in the field of applied ethics were no longer in consideration; -they were replaced by philosophers who have done relatively -little work in applied ethics; one, for example, is best known -for his work in aesthetics. One of those dropped from the short -list was Dr. Anton Leist, author of a book that offers ethical -arguments in defense ofthe right to abortion,4 and also a coeditor -of Analyse & Kritik; one of the few German journals publishing -philosophy in the mode practiced in English-speaking -countries. Ironically, a recent special issue of the journal was -devoted to Practical Ethics and the issue of academic freedom in -Germany. 5 -In February 1991 around-table discussion was to be held in -Frankfurt, organized jointly by the adult education sections of -both the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches. The theme -was 'Aid in Dying: and among the participants was Norbert -Hoerster, a highly respected German professor of jurisprudence, -who has written in support of the principle of euthanasia. As -the meeting was about to get underway, a group of people -challenged the organizers, accusing them of giving a platform -to a 'fascist' and an 'advocate of modem mass extermination'. -They distributed leaflets headed 'No Discussion about Life and -Death'. The meeting had to be abandoned. -4 Eine Frage des Lebens: Ethik der Abtreibung and Kunstlichen Befruchtung (Frankfurt: -Campus, 1990). -5 Analyse & Kritik, December 12, 1990. -339 -Appendix -The International Wittgenstein Symposium, held annually at -Kirchberg, in Austria, has established itself as one of the principal -philosophical conferences on the continent of Europe. The -fifteenth International Wittgenstein Conference was to have -been held in August 1991, on the theme' Applied Ethics'. Arrangements -for the program were made by philosophers from -the Institute for Philosophy at the University of Salzburg. Among -those invited to speak were Professor Georg Meggle, of the -University of Saarbriicken, Professor R. M. Hare, former White's -Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Oxford, and -now a professor of philosophy at the University of Florida, -Gainesville, and myself. When the names of those invited became -known, threats were made to the president of the Austrian -Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Dr. Adolf Hubner, that the symposium -would be disrupted unless the invitations to Professor -Meggle and me were withdrawn. In other public discussions -with opponents of the program, the boycott threat was extended -to include several other invited professors: Hare, Kliemt, Hoerster, -and Professor Dietrich Birnbacher of the department of -philosophy at the Gesamthochschule in Essen.6 -Dr. Hubner is not a philosopher; he is a retired agricultural -veterinarian, so he read Practical Ethics only after the protest -arose. On reading it, however, he formed the opinion that-as -he wrote in an Austrian newspaper-the protests were 'entirely -justified,.7 In a long letter to the board of directors of the Austrian -Ludwig Wittgenstein Society he wrote that 'as a result of the -invitations to philosophers who hold the view that ethics can -be grounded and carried out in the manner of an objective -critical science, an existential crisis has arisen for the Austrian -6 During the period when opposition to the Wittgenstein Symposium was being -stirred up, these philosophers were all described, in terms calculated to arouse -a hostile response, in a special 'euthanasia issue' of the Austrian journal -erziehung heute (education today) (Innsbruck, 1991), p. 37. -7 Adolf Hubner, 'Euthanasie diskussion im Geiste Ludwig Wittgenstein?' Der -Standard (Vienna), May 21, 1991. -340 -Appendix -Wittgenstein Symposium and the Wittgenstein Society'. 8 The -reference to the 'objective critical science' is striking, since Hare, -in particular, has devoted much of his life to insisting on the -differences between ethical judgments and statements to which -notions of objective truth or falsity are standardly applied. -According to some reports, opposition groups threatened to -stage a display on 'Kirchberg under the Nazis' if the invitations -were not withdrawn. This threat proved so potent that innkeepers -in Kirchberg were said to have stated that they would -refuse to serve philosophers during the symposium.9 To its considerable -credit, the organizing committee resisted Dr. Hubner's -proposal to withdraw the invitations from those philosophers -against whom the protests were directed. Instead, it recommended -that the entire symposium be canceled, since Dr. Hubner's -public intervention in the debate had made it unlikely that -it could be held without disruption. This recommendation was -accepted by the committee ofthe Austrian Wittgenstein Society, -against the will of Dr. Hubner himself. There will be no Wittgenstein -Symposium in 1991. -For those who believe that there is a strong consensus throughout -Western Europe supporting freedom of thought and discussion -in general. and academic freedom in particular, these -scenes come as a shock. How they have come about, however, -is not so difficult to explain. The story has its beginnings in -events in which I was directly involved. It stems from an invitation -I received to speak, in June 1989, at a European Symposium -on 'Bioengineering, Ethics, and Mental Disability', -organized jointly by Lebenshilfe, the major German organization -for parents of intellectually disabled infants, and the Bishop -8 'Die krisenhafte Situation der Osterreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, -ausgelost durch die Einladungspraxis zum Thema "Angewandte -Ethik" , (unpublished typescript). -9 Martin Sturzinger, 'Ein Totungshelfer mit faschistischem Gedankengut?' Die -Weltwoche (Zurich), May 23, 1991, p. 83. -341 -Appendix -Bekkers Institute, a Dutch organization in the same field. The -symposium was to be held in Marburg, a German university -town, under the auspices of the International League of Societies -for Persons with Mental Handicap, and the International Association -for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. The program -looked impressive; after an opening speec,h from the -German minister of family affairs, the conference was to be -addressed by leading geneticists, bioethicists, theologians, and -health-care lawyers from the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, -England, France, and, of course, Germany. I accepted -the invitation; and since I was going to be in Germany anyway, -I also accepted an invitation from Professor Christoph Anst6tz, -professor of special education at the University of Dortmund, -to give a lecture a few days later on the subject 'Do severely -disabled newborn infants have a right to life?' -My intention in these lectures was to defend a view for which -I have argued in several previously published works: that the -parents of severely disabled newborn infants should be able to -decide, together with their physician, whether their infant -should live or die. If the parents and their medical adviser are -in agreement that the infant's life will be so miserable or so -devoid of minimal satisfactions that it would be inhumane or -futile to prolong life, then they should be allowed to ensure that -death comes about speedily and without suffering. Such a decision -might reasonably be reached, if, for instance, an infant -was born with anencephaly (the term means 'no brain' and -infants with this condition have no prospect of ever gaining -consciousness); or with a major chromosomal disorder such as -trisomy 18, in which there are abnormalities of the nervous -system, internal organs, and external features, and death always -occurs within a few months, or at most two years; or in very -severe forms of spina bifida where an exposed spinal cord leads -to paralysis from the waist down, incontinence of bladder and -bowel, a build-up of fluid on the brain, and, often, mental -342 -Appendix -retardation. (Were these conditions to be detected in prenatal -examinations, many mothers would choose to have abortions -and their decisions would be widely seen as understandable.) -Parents may not always be able to make an unbiased decision -concerning the future of their infant, and their decisions may -not be defensible. In some cases - Down's syndrome perhaps -- the outlook for the child might be for a life without suffering, -but the child would need much more care and attention, over -a longer period, than a normal child would require. Some couples, -feeling that they were not in a position to provide the care -required, or that it would be harmful for their already existing -family for them to try to do so, might oppose sustaining the -infant's life. There may, however, be other couples willing to -give the child an adequate home; or the community may be in -a position to take over the responsibility of providing medical -care and for ensuring that the child has reasonably good conditions -for living a satisfying life and developing his or her potential. -In these circumstances, given that the child will not be -living a life of unredeemed misery, and the parents will not be -coerced into rearing that child, they can no longer insist upon -having the major role in life or death decisions for their child. 10 -This position is, of course, at odds with the conventional -doctrine of the sanctity of human life; but there are well-known -difficulties in defending that doctrine in secular terms, without -its traditional religious underpinnings. (Why, for example, if -not because human beings are made in the image of God, should -the boundary of sacrosanct life match the boundary of our species?) -Among philosophers and bioethicists, the view that I was -to defend is by no means extraordinary; if it has not quite -10 There is a brief account of my reasons for holding this position in Practical -Ethics, Chapter 7; and a much more detailed one in Helga Kuhse and Peter -Singer, Should the Baby Live? (Oxford University Press, 1985). See also Peter -Singer and Helga Kuhse, 'The Future of Baby Doe', The New York Review -(March l, 1984), pp. l7-22. -343 -Appendix -reached the level of orthodoxy, it, or at least something akin to -it, is widely held, and by some of the most respected scholars -in the fields of both bioethics and applied ethics. II -Just a day or two before I was due to leave for Germany, my -invitation to speak at the Marburg conference was abruptly -withdrawn. The reason given was that, by agreeing to lecture -at the University of Dortmund, I had allowed opponents of my -views to argue that Lebenshilfe was providing the means for -me to promote my views on euthanasia in Germany. The letter -withdrawing the invitation drew a distinction between my discussing -these views 'behind closed doors with critical scientists -who want to convince you that your attitude infringes human -rights' and my promoting my position 'in public'. A postscript -added that several organizations of handicapped persons were -planning protest demonstrations in Marburg and Dortmund -against me, and against Lebenshilfe for having invited me. (Although -organizations for the disabled were prominent among -the protesters, these groups were strongly supported and encouraged -by various coalitions against genetic engineering and -reproductive technology, and also by organizations on the left -that had, apparently, nothing to do with the issue of euthanasia. -The 'Anti-Atom Bureau', for instance, joined the protests, presumably -neither knowing nor caring about my opposition to -uranium mining and nuclear power.) -The protests soon found their way into the popular press. Der -Spiegel, which has a position in Germany not unlike that of Time -11 Here is a selection; many more could be added: H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr., -The Foundations of Bioethics (Oxford University Press, 1986); R. G. Frey, -Rights, Killing and SUffering (Blackwell, 1983); Jonathan Glover, Causing -Deaths and Saving Lives (Penguin, 1977); John Harris, The Value of Life -(London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1985); James Rachels, The End of Life -(Oxford University Press, 1986); and Created from Animals (Oxford University -Press, 1991); Michael Tooley, Abortion and Infantidde (Oxford University -Press, 1983); and the book by Helga Kuhse to which I have already referred, -The SanctityĀ·ofLife Doctrine in Medidne: A Critique. -344 -Appendix -and Newsweek in the United States, published a vehement attack -on me written by Franz Christoph, the leader of the self-styled -'Cripples Movement', a militant organization of disabled people. -12 The article was illustrated with photographs of the transportation -of 'euthanasia victims' in the Third Reich, and of -Hitler's 'Euthanasia Order'. The article gave readers no idea at -all of the ethical basis on which I advocated euthanasia, and it -quoted spokespeople for groups of the disabled who appeared -to believe that I questioned their right to life. I sent a brief reply -in which I pointed out that I was advocating euthanasia not for -anyone like themselves, but for severely disabled newborn infants, -and that it was crucial to my defense of euthanasia that -these infants would never have been capable of grasping that -they are living beings with a past and a future. Hence my views -cannot be a threat to anyone who is capable of wanting to go -on living, or even of understanding that his or her life might -be threatened. After a long delay, I received a letter from Der -Spiegel telling me that, for reasons of space, they had been unable -to publish my reply. Shortly afterward, however, Der Spiegel -found space for a further highly critical account of my position -on euthanasia, together with an interview, spread over four -pages, with one of my leading opponents - and again, the same -photograph of the Nazi transport vehicles. 13 -If Lebenshilfe had thought that they could pacify their critics -by withdrawing my invitation to speak at Marburg, they had -underestimated the storm that had broken loose. The protesters -continued their opposition to what they were now calling the -'Euthanasia Congress'. Shortly before the symposium was due -to open, Lebenshilfe and the Bishop Bekkers Institute canceled -the entire event. Soon after the Faculty of Special Education at -12 Franz Christoph, '(K)ein Diskurs iiber "lebensunwertes Leben" " Der SpieĀ· -gel, No. 23/1989 (June 5, 1989). -13 'Bizarre Verquickung' and 'Wenn Mitleid tOdlich wird', Der Spiegel, No. 341 -1989 (August 21, 1989), pp. 171-6. -345 -Appendix -the University of Dortmund decided not to proceed with my -scheduled lecture there. -This was not quite the end of my experiences in Germany that -summer. Dr. Georg Meggle, professor of philosophy at the University -of Saarbriicken, invited me to lecture at his university -in order to show that it was possible to discuss the ethics of -euthanasia rationally in Germany. I hoped to use this opportunity -to say that, while I understood and strongly supported -every effort to prevent the resurgence of Nazi ideas, my own -views about euthanasia had nothing whatsoever to do with -what the Nazis did. In contrast to the Nazi ideology that the -state should decide who was worthy of life, my view was designed -to reduce the power of the state and allow parents to -make crucial life and death decisions, both for themselves and, -in consultation with their doctors, for their newborn infants. -Those who argued that it is always wrong to decide that a -human life is not worth living would, to be consistent, have to -say that we should use all the techniques of modern medical -care in order to extend to the greatest possible extent the life -of every infant, no matter how hopeless the infant's prospects -might be and no matter how painful his or her existence. This -was surely too cruel for any humane person to support. -Making this obvious point proved more difficult than I had -expected. When I rose to speak in Saarbriicken I was greeted -by a chorus of whistles and shouts from a minority of the audience -determined to prevent me from speaking. Professor Meggle -offered the protesters the opportunity to state why they -thought I should not speak. This showed how completely they -had misunderstood my position. Many obviously believed that -I was politically on the far right. Another suggested that I lacked -the experience with Nazism that Germans had had; he and -others in the audience were taken aback when I told them that -I was the child of Austrian-Jewish refugees, and that three of -my grandparents had died in Nazi concentration camps. Some -346 -Appendix -seemed to think that I was opposed to all measures that would -advance the position of the disabled in society, whereas in fact, -while I hold that some lives are so severely blighted from the -beginning that they are better not continued, I also believe that -once a life has been allowed to develop, then in every case -everything should be done to make that life as satisfying and -rich as possible. This should include the best possible education, -adjusted to the needs of the child, to bring out to the maximum -the particular abilities of the disabled person. -Another chance comment revealed a still deeper ignorance -about my position. One protester quoted from a passage in -which I compare the capacities of intellectually disabled humans -and nonhuman animals. The way in which he left the quotation -hanging, as if it were in itself enough to condemn me, made -me realize that he thought that I was urging that we should -treat disabled humans in the way we now treat nonhuman -animals. He had no idea that my views about how we should -treat animals are utterly different from those conventionally -accepted in Western society. When I replied that, for me, to -compare a human being to a nonhuman animal was not to say -that the human being should be treated with less consideration, -but that the animal should be treated with more, this person -asked why I did not use my talents to write about the morality -of our treatment of animals, rather than about euthanasia. Naturally -I replied that I had done that, and that it was, indeed, -precisely for my views about the suffering of animals raised on -commercial farms, and used in medical and psychological research, -and the need for animal liberation that I was best known -in English-speaking countries; but I could see that a large part -of the audience simply did not believe that I could be known -anywhere as anything other than an advocate of euthanasia. 14 -14 My Animal Liberation (Random House, 1975; second revised edition, New -York ReviewlRandom House, 1990) had been published in Germany under -the title Befreiung der Tiere (Munich: F. Hinhammer, 1982) but it is not -widely known. Nevenheless, Practical Ethics contains two chapters sum- -347 -Appendix -Allowing these misconceptions to be stated did, at least, provide -an opportunity for reply. Someone else came to the platform -and said that he agreed that it was not necessary to use -intensive care medicine to prolong every life, but allowing an -infant to die was different from taking active steps to end the -infant's life. That led to further discussion, and so in the end -we had a long and not entirely fruitless debate. Some of that -audience, at least, went away better informed than they had -been when they arrived. 15 -The events of the summer of 1989 have had continuing repercussions -on German intellectual life. On the positive side, those -who had sought to stifle the controversy over euthanasia soon -found that, as so often happens, the attempt to suppress ideas -only ensures that the ideas gain a wider audience. Germany's -leading liberal weekly newspaper, Die Zeit, published two articles -that gave a fair account of the arguments for euthanasia, -and also discussed the taboo that had prevented open discussion -of the topic in Germany. For this courageous piece of journalism, -Die Zeit also became the target of protests, with Franz Christoph, -the leader of the 'Cripples Movement', chaining his wheelchair -to the door of the newspaper's editorial offices. The editors of -Die Zeit then invited Christoph to take part in a tape-recorded -discussion with the editors of the newspaper and one or two -others about whether the paper was right to discuss the topic -of euthanasia. Christoph accepted, and the transcript was published -in a further extensive article. Predictably, as in Saarbriicken, -what began as a conversation about whether or not -marising my views on animals, so the response did indicate that most of -the protesters had not read the book on which they based their opposition -to my invitation to speak. -15 For this reason one of the protesters, reporting on the events in a student -publication, made it clear that to enter into the discussion with me was a -tactical error. See Holger Dorff, 'Singer in Saarbriicken: Unirevue (Wintersemester, -1989/90), p. 47. -348 -Appendix -euthanasia should be discussed very soon turned into a debate -on euthanasia itself. -From this point the euthanasia debate was picked up by both -German and Austrian television. The outcome was that instead -of a few hundred people hearing my views at lectures in Marburg -and Dortmund, several million read about them or listened -to them on television. The Deutsche Arzteblatt - the major German -medical journal - published an article by Helga Kuhse -entitled 'Why the discussion of euthanasia is unavoidable in -Germany too', which led to an extensive debate in subsequent -issues. 16 In philosophical circles the discussion of applied ethics -in general, and euthanasia in particular, is much livelier now -than it was before 1989 - as is indicated by the special issue of -Analyse & Kritik to which I have already referred. In journals of -special education, as well, ethical issues are now being discussed -far more frequently than they were two years ago. -The protest also revived the flagging sales of the German -edition of Practical Ethics. The book sold more copies in the year -after June 1989 than it had in all the five years it had previously -been available in Germany. Now everyone involved in the debate -in Germany seems to be rushing to publish a book on -euthanasia. With the exception of two books by Anstotz and -Leist, which contain genuine ethical arguments, those published -so far are of some interest for those wishing to study the thinking -of Germans opposed to free speech, but not for any other -reason. 17 For the most part each of the books appears to have -been written to a formula that goes something like this: -16 Helga Kuhse, 'Warum Fragen der Euthanasie auch in Deutschland unvermeidlich -sind'. Deutsche iirz(eblatt, No. 16 (April 19, 1990), pp. 1243-9; -readers' letters, and a response by Kuhse, are to be found in No. 37 (September -13, 1990), pp.2696-704 and No. 38 (September 20, 1990), -pp.2792-6. -17 The list of books published between January 1990 and June 1991 devoted -to this theme includes: C. Anstotz, Ethik und Behinderung (Berlin: Edition -Marhold, 1990); T. Bastian, editor, Denken, Schreiben, Toten (Stuttgart: HirzeL -1990); T. Bruns, U. Panselin, and U. Sierck, TOdliche Ethik (Hamburg: -349 -Appendix -Quote a few passages from Practical Ethics selected so as to -distort the book's meaning. -2 Express horror that anyone can say such things. -3 Make a sneering jibe at the idea that this could pass for -philosophy. -4 Draw a parallel between what has been quoted and what the -Nazis thought or did. -But it is also essential to observe one negative aspect of the -formula: -5 Avoid discussing any of the following dangerous questions: -Is human life to be preserved to the maximum extent possible? -If not, in cases in which the patient cannot and never has -been able to express a preference, how are decisions to discontinue -treatment to be made, without an evaluation of the -patient's quality of life? What is the moral significance of the -distinction between bringing about a patient's death by withdrawing -treatment necessary to prolong life and bringing it -about by active intervention? Why is advocacy of euthanasia -for severely disabled infants so much worse than advocacy of -abortion on request that the same people can oppose the right -even to discuss the former, while themselves advocating the -latter? -The irony about the recent pUblications, of course, is that -even those who are highly critical of my own position do, by -publishing their books and articles, foster a climate of debate -about the topic. Even Franz Christoph, despite chaining his -wheelchair to the offices of Die Zeit because they published -reports of my views on euthanasia, has now published his -own book on the topic. At the outset he protests vigorously -Verlag Libertare Assoziation, 1990); Franz Christoph, Todlicher Zeitgeist (Cologne: -Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1990); E. Klee, Durch Zyankali Erlost (Frankfurt: -Fischer, 1990); A. Leist, editor, Urn Leben und Tod (Frankfurt: -Suhrkamp, 1990); and o. Tolmein, Geschiitzles Leben (Hamburg: Konkret -Literatur Verlag, 1990). They will soon be joined by what is likely to be the -best book on the current German debate: R. Hegselmann and R. Merkel, -editors, Zur Debatte uber Euthanasie (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, expected September -1991). -350 -Appendix -that his book is not a contribution to the debate about euthanasia, -but a book against this debate; it is self-evident, -though, that one cannot publish a book on whether or not -to have a debate on euthanasia without stimulating thought -among one's readers and reviewers about the issue of euthanasia -itself. 18 -The negative aspects ofthese events are, unfortunately, probably -more weighty. Most threatening of all are the incidents described -at the beginning of this essay, and the atmosphere of -repression and intimidation that they have evoked. Anyone who -offers a course based on Practical Ethics in Germany now risks -the same protests and personal attacks that Professor Kliemt -faced in Duisburg. One Berlin philosopher told me recently that -it is not possible to offer a course in applied ethics in that city -- whether or not it makes reference to my book - because such -a course would be bound to be disrupted. -A sinister aspect of this atmosphere is a kind of self-censorship -among German publishers. It has proven extraordinarily difficult -to find a publisher to undertake a German edition of Should -the Baby Live? the updated and more comprehensive account of -my views (and those of my co-author Helga Kuhse) on the -treatment of severely disabled newborn infants. In view of the -current controversy, there seems no doubt that a German edition -of the book would have good commercial prospects. Yet one -after another, German publishers have declined to publish it, -18 See, for instance, the way in which Rudi Tarneden, a reviewer from an -association for the disabled, and very sympathetic to Christoph's position, -is drawn in the course of his review to raise such questions as: 'Aren't there -in fact extreme situations of human suffering, limits to what is bearable? -Am I really guilty of contempt for humanity ['Menschenverachtung: a term -often used in Germany to describe what I am supposed to be guilty ofPSI -if I try to take this into account?' Rudi Tarneden, 'Wo alles richtig ist, -kann es auch keine Schuld mehr geben' (a review of Franz Christoph, -Todlicher Zeitgeist and Christoph Anstotz, Ethik und Behinderung), Zeitschrift -fur Heilpiidagogik Vol. 42, No.4 (1991), p. 246. -351 -Appendix -even after it had been recommended by editors whose advice -they normally accept without hesitation. -For those interested in studying or teaching bioethics or applied -ethics in Germany, the consequences are much more serious -still. Because he had invited me to lecture at the University -of Dortmund, Professor Christoph Anstotz became the target of -a hostile campaign aimed at having him dismissed from his -teaching duties. Petitions were circulated and letters written to -the minister of science and research for the state of NordrheinWestfalen, -in which Dortmund is situated. These letters were -signed by both teachers and students in special education. Although -Professor Anstotz has a tenured position from which it -would scarcely be possible for him to be dismissed, the government -took the complaints seriously enough to ask him to explain -why he had invited me, and what implications he drew from -my ethical position for his work in special education. -Throughout this campaign, the rector of the University of -Dortmund and his office remained silent. The highest officers -of the university took no action to indicate their concern that -threats of protest had forced an academic lecture to be canceled; -nor did they come to the defense of one of their professors when -he was under attack for inviting a colleague to give a lecture -on the campus ofthe university. That was typical ofthe reaction -of German professors. There was no strong reaction among them -on behalf of academic freedom. With a handful of exceptions, -Anstotz's colleagues in special education either joined the campaign -against him, or remained silent. A number of philosophers -signed declarations of support for the principle of free debate, -and one of these was published in the Berlin newspaper taz. 19 -At Professor Meggle's instigation, 180 members ofthe German -Philosophical Association signed a similar declaration, but the -association has since failed to publish the list of the signers, -despite giving an undertaking to do so. -19 taz (Berlin), January 10. 1990. -352 -Appendix -All this does not augur well for the future of rational discussion -of controversial new ethical issues in Germany and Austria. -Outside the German-speaking nations, study and discussion of -bioethics is expanding rapidly, in response to the recognition -of the need for ethical consideration of the many new issues -raised by developments in medicine and the biological sciences. -Other fields of applied ethics, such as the status of animals, -questions of global justice and resource distribution, environmental -ethics and business ethics, are also getting much attention. -In Germany and Austria, however, it now takes real -courage to do work in applied ethics, and even more courage -to publish something that is likely to come under the hostile -scrutiny of those who want to stop debate. Academics who do -not have a permanent university position must fear not merely -personal attack, but also the diminished opportunity to pursue -an academic career. The events in Hamburg cast a cloud over -the prospects of university posts opening up in these fields. If -there are no posts to be obtained, graduate students will avoid -working on questions of applied ethics, for there is no sense in -studying matters that offer no prospect of employment. There -is even a danger that in order to avoid controversy, analytic -philosophy as a whole will suffer a setback. At the present time, -a large number of new university positions are being created in -the universities of the former German Democratic Republic. -Philosophers interested in analytic philosophy are concerned -that these positions may all go to philosophers working on less -sensitive subjects, for example, to those who concentrate on -historical studies, or to followers of Habermas who have generally -kept quiet about these sensitive ethical issues and about -the obstacles to debating them in Germany today. -Germans of course are still struggling to deal with their past, -and the German past is one which comes close to defying rational -understanding. There is, however, a peculiar tone of fanaticism -about some sections of the German debate over -353 -Appendix -euthanasia that goes beyond normal opposition to Nazism, and -instead begins to seem like the very mentality that made Nazism -possible. To see this attitude at work, let us look not at euthanasia, -but at an issue that is, for the Germans, closely related -to it and just as firmly taboo: the issue of eugenics. Because the -Nazis practiced eugenics, anything in any way related to genetic -engineering in Germany is now smeared with Nazi associations. -This attack embraces the rejection of prenatal diagnosis, when -followed by selective abortion of fetuses with Down's syndrome, -spina bifida, or other defects, and even leads to criticism of -genetic counseling designed to avoid the conception of children -with genetic defects. It has also led to the German parliament -unanimously passing a law that prohibits all non-therapeutic -experimentation on the human embryo. The British parliament, -by contrast, recently passed by substantial majorities in both -chambers a law that allows nontherapeutic embryo experimentation -up to fourteen days after fertilization. -To understand how bizarre this situation is, readers in -English-speaking countries must remind themselves that this -opposition comes not, as it would in our countries, from rightwing -conservative and religious groups, but from the left. Since -women's organizations are prominent among the opposition to -anything that smacks of eugenics, and also are in the forefront -of the movement to defend the right to abortion, the issue of -prenatal diagnosis gives rise to an obvious problem in German -feminist circles. The accepted solution seems to be that a woman -should have the right to an abortion, but not to an abortion -based on accurate information about the future life-prospects -of the fetus she is carrying. 20 -20 Gennan feminists who read Franz Christoph's recent book (see note 17, -above) may reconsider their support for his position; for he leaves no doubt -that he is opposed to granting women a right to decide about abortion. For -Christoph, 'Abortion decisions are always decisions about whether a life is -worthy of being lived; the child does not fit into the woman's present life- -354 -Appendix -The rationale for this view is, at least, consistent with the -rationale for opposition to euthanasia: it is the idea that no one -should ever judge one life to be less worth living than another. -To accept prenatal diagnosis and selective abortion, or even to -select genetic counseling aimed at avoiding the conception of -infants with extreme genetic abnormalities, is seen as judging -that some lives are less worth living than others. To this the -more militant groups of disabled people take offense; it suggests, -they maintain, that they should not have been allowed to come -into existence, and thus denies their right to life. -This is, of course, a fallacy. It is one thing to hold that we -may justifiably take steps to ensure that 'the children we bring -into the world do not face appalling obstacles to living a minimally -decent life, and a quite different thing to deny to a living -person who wants to go on living the right to do just that. If -the suggestion, on the other hand, is that whenever we seek to -avoid having severely disabled children, we are improperly -judging one kind of life to be worse than another, we can reply -that such judgments are both necessary and proper. To argue -otherwise would seem to suggest that if we break a leg, we -should not get it mended, because in doing so we judge the -plans. Or: the social situation is unsatisfactory. Or: the woman holds that -she is only able to bear a healthy child. Whether one likes it or not: with -the last example, the woman who wants an abortion confinns an objectively -negative social value judgment against the handicapped' (p. 13), There is -more along these lines, all in a style well-suited for quotation in the pamphlets -of the antiĀ· abortion movement. -This is, at least, more honest than the evasive maneuvering of Oliver -Tolmein, who states in the foreword to his Geschiitztes Leben that to discuss -the significance of the feminist concept of self-detennination in the context -of prenatal diagnosis and abortion would take him 'by far' beyond the -bounds of his theme (p. 9). Odd, since the crux of his vitriolic attack on all -who advocate euthanasia (an attack that includes, on the very first page of -the book, a statement that it is necessary to disrupt seminars on the issue) -is that those who advocate euthanasia are committed to valuing some human -lives as not worth living, -355 -Appendix -lives of those with crippled legs to be less worth living than our -own.21 For people to believe such a fallacious argument is bad -enough; what is really frightening, however, is that people believe -in it with such fanaticism that they are prepared to use -force to suppress any attempt to discuss it. -If this is the case with attempts to discuss practices like genetic -counseling and prenatal diagnosis, which are today very widely -accepted in most developed countries, it is easy to imagine that -the shadow of Nazism prevents any rational discussion of anything -that relates to euthanasia. It avails little to point out that -what the Nazis called 'euthanasia' had nothing to do with compassion -or concern for those who were killed, but was simply -the murder of people considered unworthy of living from the -racist viewpoint of the German Valko Such distinctions are altogether -too subtle for those who are convinced that they alone -know what will prevent a revival of Nazi-like barbarism. -Can anything be done? In May this year, in Zurich, I had one -of the most unpleasant experiences yet in this unhappy story; -but it gave, at the same time, a glimmer of hope that there may -be a remedy. -I was invited by the Zoological Institute of the University of -Zurich to give a lecture on 'Animal Rights'. On the following -day, the philosophy department had organized a colloquium -for twenty-five invited philosophers, theologians, special educationalists, -zoologists, and other academics to discuss the implications -for both humans and animals of an ethic that would -reject the view that the boundary of our species marks a moral -boundary of great intrinsic significance, and holds that nonhuman -animals have no rights. -The lecture on animal rights did not take place. Before it -began, a group of disabled people in wheelchairs, who had been -21 R. M. Hare makes a similar point in a letter published in Die Zeit. August -11, 1989. -356 -Appendix -admitted to the flat area at the front of the lecture theater, staged -a brief protest in which they said that, while it was all the same -to them whether or not I lectured on the topic of animal rights, -they objected to the fact that the University of Zurich had invited -such a notorious advocate of euthanasia to discuss ethical issues -that also concerned the disabled. At the end of this protest, -when I rose to speak, a section of the audience - perhaps a -quarter or a third - began to chant: "Singer raus! Singer raus!" -As I heard this chanted, in German, by people so lacking in -respect for the tradition of reasoned debate that they were unwilling -even to allow me to make a response to what had just -been said about me, I had an overwhelming feeling that this -was what it must have been like to attempt to reason against -the rising tide of Nazism in the declining days of the Weimar -Republic. The difference was that the chant would have been, -not 'Singer raus', but 'Juden raus'. An overhead projector was -still functioning, and I began to write on it, to point out this -parallel that I was feeling so strongly. At that point one of the -protesters came up behind me and tore my glasses from my -face, throwing them on the floor and breaking them. -My host wisely decided to abandon the lecture; there was -nothing else that could be done. But from this distressing affair -came one good sign; it was clear that the disabled people who -had made the initial protest were distressed with what had -happened afterward. Several said that they had not intended -that the lecture should be disrupted; they had, in fact, prepared -questions to ask during the discussion period that would have -followed the lecture. Even while the chanting was going on, -some attempted to begin a discussion with me; at which point -some of the able-bodied demonstrators (presumably well aware -of the way in which in Saarbriicken a discussion had broken -through the initial hostility toward me) urgently remonstrated -with them not to talk to me. The disabled, however, clearly had -no power to do anything about the chanting. -As already noted, my views in no way threaten anyone who -357 -Appendix -is, or ever has been, even minimally aware of the fact that he -or she has a possible future life that could be threatened. But -there are some who have a political interest in preventing this -elementary fact from becoming known. These people are now -playing on the anxieties of the disabled in order to use them as -a political front for different purposes. In Zurich, for instance, -prominent among the nondisabled people chanting 'Singer raus' -were the Autonomen, or 'Autonomists', a group that affects an -anarchist, style but disdains any interest in anarchist theory. For -these nondisabled political groups, preventing Singer from -speaking, no matter what the topic, has become an end in itself, -a way of rallying the faithful and striking at the entire system -in which rational debate takes place. Disabled people have nothing -to gain, and much to lose, by allowing themselves to be -used by such nihilistic groups. If they can be brought to see that -their interests are better served by an open discussion with those -whose views they oppose, it may be possible to begin a process -in which both bioethicists and the disabled address the proper -concerns of the other side, and move to a dialogue that is constructive -rather than destructive. -Such a dialogue would be only a beginning. To heal the damage -done to bioethics and applied ethics in Germany will take much -longer. There is a real danger that the atmosphere of intimidation -and intolerance which has spread from the issue of euthanasia -to all of bioethics, and with the events in Hamburg, to -applied ethics in general, will continue to broaden. It is essential -that the minority that is actively opposing the free discussion -of academic ideas be isolated. Here too, what happened in Zurich -may serve as an example for other German-speaking countries -to follow. In sharp contrast to the silence of the rector of -the University of Dortmund, or the fatuous claim that "We -didn't know at all who that was" of the dean of medicine at -the University of Vienna, Professor H. H. Schmid, rector of the -University of Zurich, issued a statement expressing the univer- -358 -Appendix -sity's 'outrage over this grave violation of academic freedom of -speech,.22 The professors of the Zoological Institute and the dean -of the Faculty of Science have also unequivocally condemned -the disruption, and the major German-language newspapers in -Zurich gave objective coverage to the events and to my views.23 -Meanwhile Germans and Austrians, both in academic life and -in the press, have shown themselves sadly lacking in the commitment -exemplified by the celebrated utterance attributed to -Voltaire: 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the -death your right to say it'. No one has, as yet, been asked to -risk death in order to defend my right to discuss euthanasia in -Germany, but it is important that many more should be prepared -to risk a little hostility from the minority that is trying to silence -a debate on central ethical questions. -22 'Zur Sprengung einer Vortragsveranstaltung an der Universitat', Unipresse -Dienst, Universitat Zurich, May 31, 1991. -23 See, for example, 'Mit Trillerpfeifen gegen einen Philosophen', and 'Diese -Probleme kann and soil man besprechen', both in Tages-Anzeiger, May 29, -1991; 'Niedergeschrien', Neue Zurcher Zeitung, May 27, 1991; and (despite -the pejorative headline) 'Ein Totungshelfer mit faschistischem Gedankengut?' -Die Weltwoche, May 23, 1991. -359 -Preface -NOTES, REFERENCES, AND -FURTHER READING -The quotation on comparing humans and animals is from Ethische -Grundaussagen (Ethical foundational statements) by the Board of the -Federal Association Lebenshilfe fiir geistig Behinderte e.V., published -in the journal of the association, Geistige Behinderung, vol. 29 no. 4 -(1990): 256. -Chapter 1: About ethics -The issues discussed in the first section - relativism, subjectivism, and -the alleged dependence of ethics on religion - are dealt with in several -textbooks. R. B. Brandt's Ethical Theory (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1959) -is more thorough than most. See also the articles on these topics by -David Wong, James Rachels, and Jonathan Berg, respectively, in P. -Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics (Oxford, 1991). Plato's argument -against defining 'good' as 'what the gods approve' is in his Euthyphro. -Engels's discussion of the Marxist view of morality, and his reference -to a 'really human morality' is in his Herr Eugen Diihring's Revolution -in Science, chap. 9. For a discussion of Marx's critique of morality, see -Allen Wood, 'Marx against Morality' in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion -to Ethics. C. L. Stevenson's emotivist theory is most fully expounded -in his Ethics and Language (New Haven, 1944). R. M. Hare's basic -position is to be found in The Language of Morals (Oxford, 1952); Freedom -and Reason (Oxford, 1963), and Moral Thinking (Oxford, 1981). -For a summary statement, see Hare's essay 'Universal Prescriptivism' -in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics. J. L. Mackie's Ethics: Inventing -Right and Wrong (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1977) defends a version -of subjectivism. -The more important formulations of the universalisability principle -referred to in the second section are in I. Kant, Groundwork of the -360 -Notes and References -Metaphysic of Morals, Section II (various translations and editions); R. -M. ,Hare, Freedom and Reason and Moral Thinking; R. Firth, 'Ethical -Absolutism and the Ideal Observer', Philosophy and Phenomenological -Research, vol. 12 (1951-2); J. J. C. Smart and B. Williams, Utilitarianism, -For and Against (Cambridge, 1973); John Rawls, A Theory of Justice -(Oxford, 1972); J. P. Sartre, 'Existentialism Is a Humanism', in W. -Kaufmann (ed.), Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre, 2d ed. (New -York, 1975); and Jiirgen Habermas, Legitimation Crisis (trans. T. -McCarthy, London 1976), pt. Ill, chaps. 2-4. -The tentative argument for a utilitarianism based on interests or -preferences owes most to Hare, although it does not go as far as the -argument to be found in Moral Thinking. -Chapter 2: Equality and its implications -Rawls's argument that equality can be based on the natural characteristics -of human beings is to be found in sec. 77 of A Theory of Justice. -The principal arguments in favour of a link between IQ and race -can be found in A. R. Jensen, Genetics and Education (London, 1972) -and Educability and Group Differences (London, 1973); and in H. J. -Eysenck's Race, Intelligence and Education (London, 1971). A variety of -objections are collected in K. Richardson and D. Spears (eds.), Race, -Culture and Intelligence (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1972). See also -N. J. Block and G. Dworkin, The IQ Controversy (New York, 1976). -Thomas Jefferson's comment on the irrelevance of intelligence to the -issue of rights was made in a letter to Henri Gregoire, 25 February -1809. -The debate over the nature and origin of psychological differences -between the sexes is soberly and comprehensively surveyed in E. Maccoby -and C. Jacklin, The Psychology of Sex Differences (Stanford, 1974). -Corinne Hutt, in Males and Females (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, -1972), states the case for a biological basis for sex differences. Steven -Goldberg's The Inevitability of Patriarchy (New York, 1973) is a polemic -against feminist views like those in Kate Millett's Sexual Politics (New -York, 1971) or Juliet Mitchell's Women's Estate (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, -1971). A different view is presented in A. H. Eagly, Sex Differences -in Social Behavior: A Social Role Interpretation (Hillsdale, N.J., 1987). For -recent confirmation of the existence of sex differences, see Eleanor E. -Maccoby, 'Gender and Relationships: A Developmental Account', -American Psychologist, 1990, pp. 513-20; and for a popular report, -361 -Notes and References -Christine Gorman 'Sizing Up the Sexes', Time, 20 January 1992, -pp.30-7. -For a typical defence of equality of opportunity as the only justifiable -form of equality, see Daniel Bell, 'A "Just" Equality', Dialogue (Washington, -D.C.), vol. 8, no. 2 (1975). The quotation on pp. 38-9 is from -Jeffrey Gray, 'Why Should Society Reward Intelligence?' The Times -(London), 8 September 1972. For an acute statement of the dilemmas -raised by equal opportunity, see J. Fishkin, Justice, Equal Opportunity -and the Family (New Haven, 1983). -The leading case on reverse discrimination in the United States, -Regents of the University of California v Allan Bakke, was decided by the -U.S. Supreme Court on 5 July 1978. M. Cohen, T. Nagel, and T. Scanlon -have brought together some relevant essays on this topic in their anthology, -Equality and Preferential Treatment (Princeton, 1976). See also -Bernard Boxill, 'Equality, Discrimination and Preferential Treatment', -in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics and the same author's Blacks -and Social Justice (Totowa, N.J., 1983). -Chapter 3: Equality for animals -My views on animals first appeared in The New York Review of Books, -S April 1973, under the title 'Animal Liberation'. This article was a -review of R. and S. Godlovitch and J. Harris (eds.), Animals, Men and -Morals (London,_ 1972). A more complete statement was published as -Animal Liberation, 2d ed. (New York, 1990). Richard Ryder charts the -history of changing attitudes towards speciesism in Animal Revolution -(Oxford, 1989). -Among other works arguing for a drastic revision in our present -attitudes to animals are Stephen Clark, The Moral Status of Animals -(Oxford, 1977); and Tom Regan The Case for Animal Rights (Berkeley, -1983). Animal Rights and Human Obligations, 2d ed., edited by T. Regan -and P. Singer (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1989) is a collection of essays, -old and new, both for and against attributing rights to animals or duties -to humans in respect of animals. P. Singer (ed.), In Defence of Animals -(Oxford, 1985), collects essays by both activists and theorists involved -with the animal liberation movement. Steve Sapontzis, Morals, Reason -and Animals (Philadelphia, 1987), is a detailed and sympathetic philosophical -analysis of arguments about animal liberation, while R. G. -Frey, Rights, Killing and Suffering (Oxford, 1983), and Michael Leahy, -Against Liberation (London, 1991), offer philosophical critiques of the -animal liberation position. Mary Midgley, Animals and Why They Matter -362 -Notes and References -(Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1983), is a readable and often penetrating -account of these issues. James Rachels, Created from Animals (Oxford, -1990), draws the moral implications of the Darwinian revolution -in our thinking about our place among the animals. Finally, Lori -Gruen's 'Animals' in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics, explores -the predominant recent approaches to the issue. -Bentham's defence of animals, quoted in the section 'Racism and -Speciesism' is from his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, -chap. 18, sec. I, n. -A more detailed description of modem farming conditions can be -found in Animal Liberation, chap. 3; and in James Mason and Peter -Singer, Animal Factories, 2d ed. (New York, 1990). Similarly, Animal -Liberation, chap. 2, contains a fuller discussion of the use of animals -in research than is possible in this book, but see also Richard Ryder, -Victims of Science, 2d ed. (Fontwell, Sussex, 1983). Publication details -of the experiment on rhesus monkeys carried out at the U.S. Armed -Forces Radiobiology Institute are: Carol Frantz, 'Effects of Mixed Neutron- -gamma Total-body Irradiation on Physical Activity Performance -of Rhesus Monkeys', Radiation Research, vol. lOl (1985): 434-41. The -experiments at Princeton University on starving rats, and those by H. -F. Harlow on isolating monkeys, referred to in the sub-section 'Experimenting -on Animals', were originally published in Journal of Comparative -and Physiological Psychology, vol. 78 (1972): 202, Proceedings of -the National Academy of Science, vol. 54 (1965): 90, and Engineering and -Science, vol. 33, no. 6 (April 1970) : 8. On the continuation of Harlow's -work, see Animal Liberation, 2d ed., pp. 34-5. -Among the objections, the claim that animals are incapable of feeling -pain has standardly been associated with Descartes. But Descartes' view -is less clear (and less consistent) than most have assumed. See John -Cottingham, 'A Brute to the Brutes?: Descartes' Treatment of Animals', -Philosophy, vol. 53 (1978): 551. In The Unheeded Cry (Oxford, 1989), -Bernard Rollin describes and criticises more recent ideologies that have -denied the reality of animal pain. -The source for the anecdote about Benjamin Franklin is his Autobiography -(New York, 1950), p. 41. The same objection has been more -seriously considered by John Benson in 'Duty and the Beast', Philosophy, -vol. 53 (1978): 545-7. -Jane Goodall's observations of chimpanzees are engagingly recounted -in In the Shadow of Man (Boston, 1971) and Through a Window -(London, 1990); her own more scholarly account is The Chimpanzees -of Gombe (Cambridge, Mass., 1986). For more information on the ca- -363 -Notes and References -pacities of the great apes, see Paola Cavalieri and Peter Singer (eds.), -Toward a New Equality: The Great Ape Project (forthcoming). The 'argument -from marginal cases' was thus christened by Jan Narveson, -'Animal Rights', Canadian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 7 (1977). Of the -objections to this argument discussed in the sub-section 'Differences -between Humans and Animals', the first was made by Stanley Benn, -'Egalitarianism and Equal Consideration of Interests', in J. Pennock -and J. Chapman (eds.), Nomos IX: Equality (New York, 1967), pp. 62ff.; -the second by John Benson, 'Duty and the Beast', Philosophy, vol. 53 -(the quotation from 'one reviewer of Animal Liberation' is from p. 536 -of this article) and related points are made by Bonnie Steinbock, 'Speciesism -and the Idea of Equality', Philosophy, vol. 53 (1978): 255-6, -and at greater length by Leslie Pickering Francis and Richard Norman, -'Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others', Philosophy, vol. 53 -(1978): 518-27. The third objection can be found in Philip Devine, -'The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism', Philosophy, vol. 53 (19): 496-8. -The quotation from Plato's Republic in the section 'Ethics and Reciprocity' -is from Book 2, pp. 358-9. Later statements of a similar view -include John Rawls, A Theory of Justice; J. L. Mackie, Ethics chap. 5; -and David Gauthier, Morals by Agreement (Oxford, 1986). They exclude -animals from the centre of morality, although they soften the impact -of this exclusion in various ways (see, for example, A Theory of Justice, -p. 512, and Ethics, pp. 193-5). Narveson also considers the reciprocity -notion of ethics in 'Animal Rights'. My discussion of the looser version -of the reciprocity view draws on Edward Johnson, Species and Morality, -Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University, 1976, University Microfilms International. -Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1981, p. 145. -Chapter 4: What's wrong with killing? -Andrew Stinson's treatment is described by Robert and Peggy Stinson -in The Long Dying of Baby Andrew (Boston, 1983). -Joseph Fletcher'S article 'Indicators of Humanhood: A Tentative Profile -of Man' appeared in The Hastings Center Report, vol. 2, no. 5 (1972). -John Locke's definition of 'person' is taken from his Essay Concerning -Human Understanding, bk. 1. chap. 9, par. 29. Aristotle's views on -infanticide are in his Politics, bk. 7, p. 1335b; Plato's are in the Republic, -bk. 5, p.460. Support for the claim that our present attitudes to infanticide -are largely the effect of the influence of Christianity on our -thought can be found in the historical material on infanticide cited in -the notes on chap. 6, below. (See especially the article by W. L. Langer, -364 -Notes and References -pp. 353-5.) For Aquinas's statement that killing a human being offends -against God as killing a slave offends against the master of the slave, -see Summa Theologica, 2, ii, Question 64, article 5. -Hare propounds and defends his two-level view of moral reasoning -in Moral Thinking (Oxford, 1981). -Michael Tooley's 'Abortion and Infanticide' was first published in -Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 2 (1972) The passage quoted here is -from a revised version in J. Feinberg (ed.), The Problem of Abortion -(Belmont. 1973), p. 60. His book Abortion and Infanticide was published -in Oxford in 1983. -For further discussion of respect for autonomy as an objection to -killing, see Jonathan Glover, Causing Death and Saving Lives (Harmondsworth, -Middlesex, 1977), chap. 5. and H. J. McCloskey, 'The -Right to Life', Mind, vol. 84 (1975). -My discussion of the 'total' and 'prior existence' versions of utilitarianism -owes much to Derek Parfit. I originally tried to defend the -prior existence view in 'A Utilitarian Population Principle', in M. Bayles -(ed.), Ethics and Population (Cambridge, Mass., 1976), but Parfit's reply, -'On Doing the Best for Our Children', in the same volume, persuaded -me to change my mind. Parfit's Reasons and Persons (Oxford, 1984) is -required reading for anyone wishing to pursue this topic in depth. See -also his short account of some of the issues in 'Overpopulation and -the Quality of Life', in P. Singer (ed.), Applied Ethics (Oxford, 1986). -Parfit uses the term 'person-affecting' where I use 'prior existence'. The -reason for the change is that the view has no special reference to -persons, as distinct from other sentient creatures. -The distinction between the two versions of utilitarianism appears -to have been first noticed by Henry Sidgwick, The Methods of Ethics -(London, 1907), pp. 414-16. Later discussions include, in addition to -those cited above, J. Narveson, 'Moral Problems of Population', The -Monist, vol. 57 (1973); T. G. Roupas, The Value of Life', Philosophy -and Public Affairs, vol. 7 (1978); and R.1. Sikora, 'Is It Wrong to Prevent -the Existence of Future Generations', in B. Barry and R. Sikora (eds.), -Obligations to Future Generations (Philadelphia, 1978). -Mill's famous passage comparing Socrates and the fool appeared in -his Utilitarianism (London, 1960; first published 1863), pp. 8-9. -Chapter 5: Taking life: animals -The break-through in talking to other species was first announced in -R. and B. Gardner, 'Teaching Sign Language to a Chimpanzee', Science, -365 -Notes and References -vol. 165 (1969): 664-72. Since then the literature has multiplied rapidly. -The information on language use in chimpanzees, gorillas and an -orangutan in the section 'Can a Non-human Animal Be a Person?' is -drawn from the articles by Roger and Deborah Fouts, Francine Patterson -and Wendy Gordon, and H. Lyn Miles, in Paola Cavalieri and -Peter Singer (eds.), Toward a New Equality: The Great Ape Project (forthcoming). -Erik Eckholm, 'Language Acquisition in Nonhuman Primates', -in T. Regan and P. Singer (eds.), Animal Rights and Human -Obligations, 2d ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1989), provides a brief popular -account. -The quotation in the same section from Stuart Hampshire is to be -found in his Thought and Action (London, 1959), pp. 98-9. Others -who have held related views are Anthony Kenny, in Will, Freedom and -Power (Oxford, 1975); Donald Davidson, 'Thought and Talk', in S. -Guttenplan (ed.), Mind and Language (Oxford, 1975); and Michael -Leahy, Against Liberation (London, 1991). -Julia's problem-solving abilities were demonstrated by J. Dohl and -B. Rensch; their work is described in Jane Goodall, The Chimpanzees -ofGombe, p. 31. Frans de Waal reports his observations of chimpanzees -in Chimpanzee Politics (New York, 1983). Goodall's account of Figan's -thoughtful manner of obtaining his banana is taken from p. 107 of In -the Shadow of Man. Robert Mitchell assesses the evidence for selfconsciousness -in apes in 'Humans, Nonhumans and Personhood', in -Paola Cavalieri and Peter Singer (eds.), Toward a New Equality: The -Great Ape Project. The anecdotal evidence of a sense of time in a guide -dog comes from Sheila Hocken, Emma and I (London, 1978), p. 63; -and the story of the feral cats is from the chapter on intelligence in -Muriel Beadle, The Cat: History, Biology and Behaviour (London, 1977). -lowe these last two references to Mary Midgley, Animals and Why They -Matter (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1983), p. 58. -Goodall's estimate of the number of chimpanzees who die for every -one to reach our shores alive is on p. 257 of In the Shadow of Man. See -also Geza Teleki's account of the chimpanzee trade in Paola Cavalieri -and Peter Singer (eds.), Toward a New Equality: The Great Ape Project. -Leslie Stephen's claim that eating bacon is kind to pigs comes from -his Social Rights and Duties (London, 1896) and is quoted by Henry Salt -in 'The Logic of the Larder', which appeared in Salt's The Humanities -of Diet (Manchester, 1914) and has been reprinted in the first edition -of T. Regan and P. Singer (eds.), Animal Rights and Human Obligations -(Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1976). Salt's reply is in the same article. My -own earlier discussion of this issue is in Chapter 6 of the first edition -366 -Notes and References -of Animal Liberation (New York, 1975). For the example of the two -women, see Derek Parfir, 'Rights, Interests and Possible People', in S. -Gorovitz et al. (eds.), Moral Problems in Medicine (Englewood Cliffs, -N.J., 1976); a variation expressed in terms of a choice between two -different medical programs can be found in Parfir s Reasons and Persons -(Oxford, 1984), p. 367. James Rachels's distinction between a biological -and a biographical life comes from his The End of Life (Oxford, -1987). Hart's discussion of this topic in his review of the first edition -of this book was entitled 'Death and Utility' and appeared in The New -York Review of Books, 15 May 1980. My initial response appeared as a -letter in the same publication, 14 August 1980. I develop the metaphor -of life as a journey in 'Life's Uncertain Voyage', in P. Pettit, R. Sylvan, -and J. Norman (eds.), Metaphysics and Morality: Essays in Honour of J. -J. C. Smart (Oxford, 1987). -Chapter 6: Taking life: The embryo and fetus -The most important sections of the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court -in Roe v. Wade are reprinted in J.Feinberg (ed.), The Problem of Abortion. -Robert Edwards's speculations about taking stem cells from embryos -at around seventeen days after fertilisation are from his essay 'The case -for studying human embryos and their constituent tissues in vitro', in -R. G. Edwards and J. M. Purdy (eds.), Human Conception in Vitro (London, -1982). The government committee referred to in the sub-section -'Not the Law's Business?' - the Wolfenden Committee - issued the -Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, Command -Paper 247 (London, 1957). The quotation is from p. 24. J. S. Mill's -'very simple principle' is stated in the introductory chapter of On Liberty, -3d ed. (London, 1864). Edwin Schur's Crimes without Victims was published -in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., in 1965. Judith Jarvis Thomson's 'A -Defense of Abortion' appeared in Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. I -(1971) and has been reprinted in P. Singer (ed.), Applied Ethics. -Paul Ramsey uses the genetic uniqueness ofthe fetus as an argument -against abortion in 'The Morality of Abortion', in D. H. Labby (ed.), -Life or Death: Ethics and Options (London, 1968) and reprinted in J. -Rachels (ed.), Moral Problems, 2d ed. (New York, 1975), p. 40. -On scientific, ethical and legal aspects of embryo experimentation, -see P. Singer, H. Kuhse, S. Buckle, K. Dawson, and P. Kasimba (eds.), -Embryo Experimentation (Cambridge, England, 1990). lowe my speculations -about the identity of the splitting embryo to Helga Kuhse, with -whom I co-authored 'Individuals, Humans and Persons: The Issue of -367 -Notes and References -Moral Status', in that volume. We were both indebted to a remarkable -book by a Roman Catholic theologian that challenges the view that -conception marks the beginning of the human individual: Norman -Ford, When Did I Begin? (Cambridge, 1988). The argument about potentiality -in the context of IVF was first published in P. Singer and K. -Dawson, :IVF T~chnology and the Argument from Potential', Philosophy -and Publzc AffaIrs, vol. 17 (1988) and is reprinted in Embryo Experimentation. -Stephen Buckle takes a different approach in 'Arguing from -Potential', Bioethics, vol. 2 (1988) and reprinted in Embryo Experimentation. -The quotation from John Noonan in the section 'The Status of -the Embryo in the Laboratory' is from his 'An Almost Absolute Value -in History', in John Noonan (ed.), The Morality of Abortion (Cambridge, -Mass., 1970) pp. 56-7. On the feminist argument about IVF, see Beth -Gaze and Karen Dawson, 'Who Is the Subject of Research?' and Mary -Anne Warren, 'Is IVF Research a Threat to Women's Autonomy?' both -in Embryo Experimentation. -On the use of fetuses in research and potential clinical uses, see -Karen Dawson 'Overview of Fetal Tissue Transplantation', in Lynn -Gillam (ed.), The Fetus as Tissue Donor: Use or Abuse (Clayton, Victoria, -1990). My account of the development of fetal sentience draws on -research carried out by Susan Taiwa at the Centre for Human Bioethics, -Monash University, and published as 'When Is the Capacity for Sentience -Acquired during Human Fetal Development?' Journal of Maternal- -Fetal Medicine, vol. 1 (1992). An earlier expert opinion came from -the British government advisory group on fetal research, chaired by -Sir John Peel, published as The Use of Fetuses and Fetal Materials for -Research (London, 1972). See also Clifford Grobstein, Science and the -Unborn (New York 1988). -Bentham's reassuring comment on infanticide, quoted in the section -:Abortion and Infanticide' is from his Theory of Legislation, p. 264, and -IS quoted by E. Westermarck, The Origin and Development of Moral Ideas -(London, 1924), vol. 1, p. 413n. In the final part of Abortion and Infanticide -Michael Tooley discusses the available evidence on the development -in the infant of the sense of being a continuing self. -For historical material on the prevalence of infanticide see Maria -Piers, Infanticide (New York, 1978); and W. L. Langer, 'Infanticide: A -Historical Survey', History of Childhood Quarterly, vol. 1 (1974). An -older, but still valuable survey is in Edward Westennarck, The Origin -and Development of Moral Ideas, vol. 1, pp. 394-413. An interesting study -of the use of infanticide as a form of family planning is Nakahara: -Family Farming and Population in a Japanese Village, 1717-1830, by -368 -Notes and References -Thomas C. Smith (Palo Alto, Calif., 1977). References for Plato and -Aristotle were given in the notes to Chapter 4. For Seneca, see De Ira, -1, 15, cited by Westermarck, The Origin and Development of Moral Ideas, -vol. 1, p. 419. Marvin Kohl (ed.), Infanticide and the Value of Life (Buffalo, -N.Y., 1978) is a collection of essays on infanticide. A powerful -argument on public policy grounds for birth as the place to draw the -line, can be found (by readers of German) in Norbert Hoerster, -'Kindstotung und das Lebensrecht von Personen', Analyse & Kritik, vol. -12 (1990): 226-44. -Further articles on abortion are collected in J. Feinberg (ed.), The -Problem of Abortion, and in Robert Perkins (ed.), Abortion, Pro and Con -(Cambridge, Mass., 1974). Articles with some affinity with the position -I have taken include R. M. Hare, 'Abortion and the Golden Rule', -Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 4 (1975); and Mary Anne Warren, -'The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion', The Monist, vol. 57 (1973). -Don Marquis restates the conservative position in 'Why Abortion Is -Immoral', Journal of Philosophy, vol. 86 (1989); but see also Alistair -Norcross, 'Killing, Abortion and Contraception: A Reply to Marquis', -Journal of Philosophy, vol. 87 (1990). A useful summary of the abortion -issue is Mary Anne Warren's' Abortion' in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion -to Ethics. -Chapter 7: Taking life: Humans -Derek Humphry's account of his wife's death, Jean's Way, was published -in London in 1978. On the death of Janet Adkins, see New York -Times, 14 December 1990; for Jack Kevorkian's own account, see J. -Kevorkian, Prescription: Medicide (Buffalo, N.Y., 1991). For details of -the Zygmaniak case, see Paige Mitchell, Act of Love (New York, 1976), -or the New York Times,!, 3, and 6 November 1973. Louis Repouille's -killing of his son was reported in the New York Times, 13 October 1939, -and is cited by Yale Kamisar, 'Some Non-religious Views against Proposed -Mercy Killing Legislation', Minnesota Law Review, vol. 42 (1958): -1,021. Details of the Linares case are from the New York Times, 27 April -1989 and the Hastings Center Report, July/August 1989. -Robert Reid, My Children, My Children, is a fine introduction to the -nature of some birth defects, including spina bifida and haemophilia. -For evidence of high rates of divorce and severe marital difficulties -among parents of spina bifida children, see p. 127. See also Helga Kuhse -and Peter Singer, Should the Baby Live? (Oxford, 1985), for more de- -369 -Notes and References -tailed infonnation and references regarding the entire topic of life and -death decisions for infants. -The numbers of patients in a persistent vegetative state and the -duration of these states is reported in 'USA: Right to Live, or Right to -Die?' Lancet, vol. 337 (12 January 1991). -On euthanasia in the Netherlands, see J. K. Gevers, 'Legal Developments -Concerning Active Euthanasia on Request in the Netherlands, -Bioethics, vol. 1 (1987). The annual number of cases is given in 'Dutch -Doctors Call for Legal Euthanasia', New Scientist, 12 October 1991, -p. 17. Paul J. van der Maas et aI., 'Euthanasia and Other Medical -Decisions Concerning the End of Life', Lancet, vol. 338 (14 September -1991): 669-74, at 673, gives a figure of 1900 deaths due to euthanasia -each year, but this is limited to reports from doctors in general practice. -The quotation in the section 'Justifying Voluntary Euthanasia' about -patients' desire for reassurance comes from this article, p. 673. The case -of Diane is cited from Timothy E. Quill, 'Death and Dignity: A Case -of Individualized Decision Making', New England Journal of Medicine, -vol. 324, no. 10 (7 March 1991): 691-4, while Betty Rollins describes -the death of her mother in Betty Rollins, Last Wish (Penguin, 1987). -The passage quoted is from pp. 149-50. See also Betty Rollins's -foreword to Derek Humphry, Final Exit: The Pradicalities of SelfDeliverance -and Assisted Suicide (Eugene, Oreg., 1991), pp. 12-13. -Yale Kamisar argues against voluntary as well as nonvoluntary euthanasia -in the article cited above; he is answered by Robert Young, -'Voluntary and Nonvoluntary Euthanasia', The Monist, vol. 59 (1976). -The view of the Roman Catholic church was presented in Declaration -on Euthanasia published by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine -of the Faith, Vatican City, 1980. Other useful discussions are Jonathan -Glover, Causing Death and Saving Lives, chaps. 14 and 15; D. Humphry -and A. Wickett, The Right to Die: Understanding Euthanasia (New York, -1986); and H. Kuhse, 'Euthanasia', in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion to -Ethics. -The distinction between active and passive euthanasia is succinctly -criticized by James Rachels, 'Active and Passive Euthanasia', New England -Journal of Medicine, vol. 292 (1975): pp. 78-80, reprinted in P. -Singer (ed.), Applied Ethics. See also Rachels's The End of Life; Kuhse -and Singer, Should the Baby Live?, chap. 4; and for the most thorough -and rigorous philosophical discussion, Helga Kuhse, The Sandity-ofLife -Doctrine in Medicine - A Critique (Oxford, 1987), chap. 2. An account -of the Baby Doe case is given in Chapter 1 of the same book. The -survey of American paediatricians was published as Loretta M. Ko- -370 -Notes and References -pelman, Thomas G. Irons, and Arthur E. Kopelman, 'Neonatologists -Judge the "Baby Doe" Regulations', New England Journal of Medicine, -vol. 318, no. 11 (17 March 1988): 677-83. The British legal cases -concerning such decisions are described in Derek Morgan, 'Letting -Babies Die Legally', Institute of Medical Ethics Bulletin (May 1989), -pp. 13-18; and in 'Withholding of Life-saving Treatment', Lancet, vol. -336 (1991): 1121. A representative example of the pious misinterpretation -of Arthur Clough's lines occurs in G. K. and E. D. Smith, 'Selection -for Treatment in Spina Bifida Cystica', British Medical Journal, -27 October 1973, at p. 197. The entire poem is included in Helen -Gardner (ed.), The New Oxford Book of English Verse (Oxford, 1978). -Sir Gustav Nossal's essay cited in the section 'Active and Passive -Euthanasia' is 'The Right to Die: Do We Need New Legislation?' in -Parliament of Victoria, Social Development Committee, First Report on -Inquiry into Options for Dying with Dignity, p. 104. On the doctrine of -double effect and the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary -means of treatment, see Helga Kuhse, 'Euthanasia', in P. Singer (ed.), -A Companion to Ethics; and for a fuller account, H. Kuhse, The Sanctityof -Life Doctrine in Medicine - A Critique, chaps. 3-4. -The survey of Australian pediatricians and obstetricians referred to -in the section 'Active and Passive Euthanasia' was published as P. -Singer, H. Kuhse, and C. Singer, 'The Treatment of Newborn Infants -with Major Handicaps', Medical Journal of Australia, 17 September 1983. -The testimony of the Roman Catholic bishop, Lawrence Casey, in the -Quinlan case is cited in the judgment, 'In the Matter of Karen Quinlan, -An Alleged Incompetent', reprinted in B. Steinbock (ed.), Killing and -Letting Die (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1980). John Lorber describes his -practice of passive euthanasia for selected cases of spina bifida in 'Early -Results of Selective Treatment of Spina Bifida Cystica', British Medical -Journal, 27 October 1973, pp. 201-4. The statistics for survival of untreated -spina bifida infants come from the articles by Lorber and G. K. -and E. D. Smith, cited above. Different doctors report different figures. -For further discussion of the treatment of infants with spina bifida, see -Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer, Should the Baby Live?, chap. 3. -Lorber's objection to active euthanasia quoted at the start of the -section 'The Slippery Slope' is from p. 204 of his British Medical Journal -article cited above. The argument that Nazi crimes developed out of -the euthanasia programme is quoted from Leo Alexander, 'Medical -Science under Dictatorship', New England Journal of Medicine, vo1.241 -(14 July 1949): 39-47. Gitta Sereny, Into That Darkness: From Mercy -Killing to Mass Murder (London, 1974) makes a similar claim in tracing -371 -Notes and References -the career of Franz Stangl from the euthanasia centres to the death -camp at Treblinka; but in so doing she reveals how different the Nazi -'euthanasia' programme was from what is now advocated (see especially -pp. 51-5). For an example of a survey showing that people -regularly evaluate some health states as worse than death, see G. W. -Torrance, 'Utility Approach to Measuring Health-Related Quality of -Life', Journal of Chronic Diseases, vol. 40 (1987): 6. -On euthanasia among the Eskimo (and the rarity of homicide outside -such special circumstances), see E. Westermarck, The Origin and -Development of Moral Ideas, vol. 1, pp. 329-34, 387, n.l, and 392, nn. -1-3. -Chapter 8: Rich and poor -The summary of world poverty was compiled from a number of sources, -including Alan B. Durning, 'Ending Poverty' in the Worldwatch Institute -report edited by Lester Brown et aI., State of the World 1990 -(Washington D.C., 1990); the United Nations Development Programme's -Human Development Report 1991; and the report of the World -Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future -(Oxford, 1987). The first quotation from Robert McNamara in the -section 'Some Facts about Poverty' is from the Summary Proceedings of -the 1976 Annual Meeting of the World BankiIFCIIDA, p. 14; the following -quotation is from the World Bank's World Development Report, -1978 (New York 1978), p. iii. -For the wastage involved in feeding crops to animals instead of -directly to humans, see Francis Moore Lappe, Diet for a Small Planet -(New York, 1971; 10th anniversary ed., 1982); A. Durning and H. -Brough, Taking Stock, Worldwatch Paper 103 (Washington, D.C. 1991); -and J. Rifkin, Beyond Beef (New York, 1991), chap. 23. -On the difference - or lack of it - between killing and allowing to -die, see (in addition to the previous references to active and passive -euthanasia) Jonathan Glover, Causing Death and Saving Lives, chap. 7; -Richard Trammel, 'Saving Life and Taking Life', Journal of Philosophy, -vol. 72 (1975); John Harris, 'The Marxist Conception of Violence', -Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 3 (1974); John Harris, Violence and -Responsibility (London, 1980); and S. Kagan, The Limits of Morality -(Oxford, 1989). -John Locke's view of rights is developed in his Second Treatise on Civil -Government, and Robert Nozick's in Anarchy, State and Utopia (New -372 -Notes and References -York, 1974). Thomas Aquinas's quite different view is quoted from -Summa Theologica, 2, ii, Question 66, article 7. -Garrett Hardin proposed his 'lifeboat ethic' in 'Living on a Lifeboat', -Bioscience, October 1974, another version of which has been reprinted -in W. Aiken and H. La Follette (eds.), World Hunger and Moral Obligation -(Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1977). Hardin elaborates on the argument in -The Limits of Altruism (Bloomington, Indiana, 1977). An earlier argument -against aid was voiced by W. and P. Paddock in their mistitled -Famine 19751 (Boston 1967) but pride of place in the history of this -view must go to Thomas Malthus for An Essay on the Principle of Population -(London, 1798). -Opposition to the view that the world is over-populated comes from -Susan George, How the Other Half Dies, rev. ed. (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, -1977), chap. 2. See also T. Hayter The Creation of World Poverty -(London, 1981). The estimates of population in various countries by the -year 2000 are taken from the Human Development Report, 1991. For evidence -that more equal distribution of income, better education, and better -health facilities can reduce population growth, see John W. Ratcliffe, -'Poverty, Politics and Fertility: The Anomaly of Kerala', Hastings Center -Report, vol. 7 (1977); for a more general discussion of the idea of demographic -transition, see William Rich, Smaller Families through Social and -Economic Progress, Overseas Development Council Monograph no. 7 -(1973); and Julian Simon, The Effects of Income on Fertility, Carolina Population -Center Monograph (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1974). On ethical issues -relating to population control, see Robert Young, 'Population Policies, -Coercion and Morality', in D. Mannison, R. Routley, and M. McRobbie -(eds.), Environmental Philosophy (Canberra, 1979). -The objection that a position such as mine poses too high a standard -is put by Susan Wolf, 'Moral Saints', Journal of Philosophy, vol. 79 -(1982): 419-39. See also the 'Symposium on Impartiality and Ethical -Theory', Ethics, vol. 10 1 (July 1991): 4. For a forceful defence of impartialist -ethics see S. Kagan, The Limits of Morality (Oxford, 1989). -For a summary of the issues, see Nigel Dower, 'World Poverty', in -P. Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics. A fuller account by the same -author is World Poverty: Challenge and Response (York, 1983). For a -rights approach, see H. Shue, Basic Rights: Subsistence, Affluence and U.S. -Policy (Princeton, 1980); and for a Kantian approach, Onora O'Neill, -Faces of Hunger (London, 1986). A useful general collection is W. Aiken -and H. La Follette (eds.), World Hunger and MoralObligation (Englewood -Cliffs, N.J., 1977). On the efficacy of overseas aid, see R. Riddell, Foreign -Aid Reconsidered (Baltimore, 1987). -373 -Notes and References -Chapter 9: Insiders and outsiders -Figures on refugee numbers are taken from New Internationalist, September -1991, pp. 18-19. The United Nations High Commission for -Refugees also publishes estimates of refugee numbers, in terms of its -own narrow definition of a refugee, and of numbers resettled. -Michael Walzer's views are presented in his Spheres of Justice (New -York, 1983), pp. 9-22. -The account of the visit to the refugee camp in the section 'The -Fallacy of the Current Approach' comes from Rossi van der Borch, -'Impressions of a Refugee Camp', quoted in Asia Bureau Australia Newsletter, -no. 85 (October-December 1986). -Michael Gibney (ed.), Open Borders? Closed Societies? (New York -1988), is a valuable collection of essays on ethical and political aspects -of the refugee issue. -Chapter 10: The environment -On the proposal to dam the Franklin River in southwest Tasmania, -see James McQueen, The Franklin: Not Just a River (Ringwood, Victoria, -1983). -The first quotation in 'The Western Tradition' is from Genesis 1 :24- -8 and the second from Genesis 9: 1-3. For attempts to soften the message -of these passages, see, for instance, Robin Attfield, The Ethics of -Environmental Concern (Oxford, 1983); and Andrew Linzey Christianity -and the Rights of Animals (London 1987). The quotation from Paul -comes from Corinthians 9:9-10, and that from Augustine is from his -The Catholic and Manichean Ways of Life, trans. D. A. Gallagher and I. -J. Gallagher (Boston, 1966), p. 102. For the cursing of the fig tree, see -Mark 11:12-22, and for the drowning of the pigs, Mark 5:1-13. The -passage from Aristotle is to be found in Politics (London, 1916), p. 16; -for the views of Aquinas, see Summa Theologica, 1, ii, Question 64, -article 1; 1, ii, Question 72, article 4. -For details on the alternative Christian thinkers, see Keith Thomas, -Man and the Natural World (London, 1983), pp. 152-3; and Attfield, -The Ethics of Environmental Concern. -For further information on the effects of global warming, see Lester -Brown and others, State of the World 1990, Worldwatch Institute (Washington, -D.C., 1990). The information on the effects of rising sea levels -comes from Jodi 1. Jacobson's 'Holding Back the Sea' in that volume; -she in tum draws on John D. Milliman and others, 'Environmental -374 -Notes and References -and Economic Implications of Rising Sea Level and Subsiding Deltas: -The Nile and Bengal Examples', Ambio, vol. 18 (1989): 6; and United -Nations Environment Program, Criteria for Assessing Vulnerability to SeaLevel -Rise: A Global Inventory to High Risk Areas (Delft, Netherlands, -1989). The quotations from Bill McKibben's The End of Nature (New -York, 1989) are from pp. 58 and 60 of that book. -Albert Schweitzer's most complete statement of his ethical stance is -Civilisation and Ethics (Part 2 of The Philosophy of Civilisation), 2d ed., -trans. C. T. Campion (London, 1929). The quotation is from pp. 246- -7. The quotations from Paul Taylor's Respectfor Nature (Princeton, 1986) -are from pp. 45 and 128. For a critique of Taylor, see Gerald Paske: -'The Life Principle: A (Metaethical) Rejection', Journal of Applied Philosophy, -vol. 6 (1989). -A. Leopold's proposal for a 'land ethic' can be found in his A Sand -County Almanac, with Essays on Conservation from Round River (New York, -1970; first published 1949,1953); the passages quoted are from pp. 238 -and 262. The classic text for the distinction between shallow and deep -ecology is very brief: A. Naess, 'The Shallow and the Deep, LongRange -Ecology Movement', Inquiry, vol. 16 (1973): 95-100. For later -works on deep ecology, see, for example, A. Naess and G. Sessions, -'Basic Principles of Deep Ecology', Ecophilosophy, vol. 6 (1984) (I first -read the quoted passage in D. Bennet and R. Sylvan, 'Australian Perspectives -on Environmental Ethics: A UNESCO Project' [unpublished, -1989]); W. Devall and G. Sessions, Deep Ecology: Living As If Nature -Mattered (Salt Lake City, 1985) (The passage quoted is from p. 67); 1. -Johnson, A Morally Deep World (Cambrldge, 1990), F. Mathews, The -Ecological Self (London, 1991); V. Plumwood, 'Ecofeminism: An Overview -and Discussion of Positions and Arguments: Critical Review', -Australasian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 64 (1986): suppl.; and R. Sylvan, -'Three Essays upon Deeper Environmental Ethics', Discussion Papers in -Environmental Philosophy, vol. 13 (1986) (published by the Australian -National University, Canberra). James Lovelock, Gaia: A New Look at -Life on Earth, was published in Oxford in 1979. Christopher Stone's -Earth and Other Ethics (New York, 1987) is a tentative exploration of -ways in which nonsentient beings might be included in an ethical -framework. -The original Green Consumer Guide was by John Elkington and Julia -Hailes (London 1988). Adaptations have since been published in several -other countries, as have many similar guides. On the extravagance -of animal production, see the references given in Chapter 8, above. -Rifkin's Beyond Beef and Durning and Brough's Taking Stock both also -375 -Notes and References -contain information on the clearing of the rainforest and other environmental -impacts of the animals we raise for food. -Roderick Nash, The Rights of Nature (Madison, Wis., 1989) is a useful, -but not always reliable, historical account of the development of environmental -ethics. Some collections of essays on this topic are R. Elliot -and A. Gare (eds.), Environmental Philosophy: A Collection of Readings -(S1. Lucia, Queensland, 1983); T. Regan, Earthbound: New Introductory -Essays in Environmental Ethics (New York, 1984); and D. VandeVeer -and C. Pierce (eds.), People, Penguins and Plastic Trees: Basic Issues in -Environmental Ethics (Belmont, Calif., 1986). Robert Elliot summarizes -the issues in 'Environmental Ethics', in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion -to Ethics. -Chapter II: Ends and means -The story of Oskar Schindler is brilliantly told by Thomas Kenneally -in Schindler's Ark (London, 1982). The case of Joan Andrews and -the work of Operation Rescue is described by Bernard Nathanson, -'Operation Rescue: Domestic Terrorism or Legitimate Civil Rights -Protest?' Hastings Center Report, NovemberlDecember 1989, pp. 28- -32. The biblical passage quoted is from Proverbs 24: 11. The claim -by Gary Leber about the number of children saved is in his essay -'We Must Rescue Them', Hastings Center Report, NovemberlDecember -1989, pp.26-7. On Gennarelli's experiments and the events surrounding -them, see Lori Gruen and Peter Singer, Animal Liberation: -A Graphic Guide (London, 1987). On the Animal Liberation Front, -see also Philip Windeatt, 'They Clearly Now See the Link: Militant -Voices', in P. Singer (ed.), In Defence of Animals (Oxford, 1985). The -blockade of the Franklin River is vividly described by a participant -in James McQueen, The Franklin: Not Just a River (Ringwood, Victoria, -1983); on the unsuccessful earlier campaign to save Lake Peddar, -see Kevin Kiernan, 'I Saw My Temple Ransacked', in Cassandra -Pybus and Richard Flanagan (eds.), The Rest of the World Is Watching -(Sydney, 1990). -Henry Thoreau's 'Civil Disobedience' has been reprinted in several -places, among them H. A. Bedau (ed.), Civil Disobedience: Theory and -Practice (New York, 1969); the passage quoted is on p. 28 of this collection. -The immediately following quotation is from p. 18 of R. P. -Wolff's In Defense of Anarchism (New York, 1970). On the nature of -conscience, see A. Campbell Garnett, 'Conscience and Conscientiousness', -in J. Feinberg (ed.), Moral Concepts (Oxford, 1969). -376 -Notes and References -John Locke argued for the importance of settled law in his Second -Treatise on Civil Government, especially sections 124-6. -On the sorry history of attempts to reform the law on animal experimentation, -see Richard Ryder, Victims of Science. -Mill's proposal for multiple votes for the better educated occurs in -Chapter 8 of his Representative Government. The quotation from Engels's -Condition of the Working Class in England, trans. and ed. Henderson and -Chaloner (Oxford, 1958), p. 108, lowe to John Harris, 'The Marxist -Conception of Violence', Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 3 (1974), -which argues persuasively for regarding passive violence as a genuine -form of violence. See also Harris's book, Violence and Responsibility (London, -1980); and Ted Honderich, Three Essays on Political Violence (Oxford, -1976). The quotation from Dave Foreman and Bill Haywood, -Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching (Tucson, Ariz., 1987), -appears on pp. 14 and 17. -The issues dealt with in the first three sections of this chapter are -more fully treated in my Democracy and Disobedience (Oxford, 1973). -Probably the best collection of essays in this area is still J. G. Murphy -(ed.), Civil Disobedience and Violence (Belmont, 1971), although the -anthology edited by H. A. Bedau, referred to above, is valuable for its -emphasis on the writings ofthose who practice civil disobedience rather -than theorise about it from afar. -Chapter 12: Why act morally? -For attempts to reject the title question of this chapter as an improper -question, see S. Toulmin, The Place of Reason in Ethics (Cambridge, -1961), p. 162; J. Hospers, Human Conduct (London, 1963), p. 194; and -M. G. Singer, Generalization in Ethics (London, 1963), pp. 319-27. D. -H. Monro defines ethical judgments as overriding in Empiricism and -Ethics (Cambridge, 1967); see, for instance, p. 127. R. M. Hare's prescriptivist -view of ethics implies that a commitment to act is involved -in accepting a moral jUdgment, but since only universalisable judgments -count as moral judgments, this view does not have the consequence -that whatever judgment we take to be overriding is necessarily -our moral judgment. Hare's view therefore allows us to give sense to -our question. On this general issue of the definition of moral terms -and the consequences of different definitions, see my 'The Triviality of -the Debate over "Is-Ought" and the Definition of "Moral"', American -Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 10 (1973). -The argument discussed in the second section is a distillation of such -377 -Notes and References -sources as Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, bk. 4, par. 4; I. Kant. Groundwork -of the Metaphysic of Morals; H. J. Paton, The Categorical Imperative -(London, 1963), pp.245-6; J. Hospers, Human Conduct (London, -1963), pp. 584-93; and D. Gauthier, Practical Reasoning (Oxford, 1963), -p.118. -G. Carlson, 'Ethical Egoism Reconsidered', American Philosophical -Quarterly, vol. 10 (1973), argues that egoism is irrational because the -individual egoist cannot defend it publicly without inconsistency; but -it is not clear why this should be a test ofrationality, since the egoist -can still defend it to himself. -Hume defends his view of practical reason in A Treatise of Human -Nature, bk. 1, pt. iii, sec. 3. T. Nagel's objections to it are in The Possibility -of Altruism (Oxford, 1970). For a more recent statement of Nagel's -position, see his The View from Nowhere (New York, 1986). Sidgwick's -observation on the rationality of egoism is on p. 498 of The Methods of -Ethics, 7th ed. (London, 1907). -Bradley's insistence on loving virtue for its own sake comes from -his Ethical Studies (Oxford, 1876; repr. 1962), pp. 61-3. The same -position can be found in Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, -chap. 1, and in D. Z. Phillips, 'Does It Pay to Be Good?' Proceedings of -the Aristotelian Society, vol. 64 (1964-5). Bradley and Kant are expounding -what they take to be 'the common moral consciousness' -rather than their own views. Kant himself adheres to the view of the -common moral consciousness, but later in Ethical Studies Bradley supports -a view of morality in which the subjective satisfaction involved -in the moral life plays a prominent role. -My account of why we believe that only actions done for the sake -of morality have moral worth is similar to Hume's view in his Enquiry -Concerning the Principles of Morals. See also P. H. Nowell-Smith, Ethics, -pt. 3. -Maslow presents some sketchy data in support of his theory of personality -in 'Psychological Data and Value Theory', in A. H. Maslow -(ed.), New Knowledge in Human Values (New York, 1959); see also A. -H. Maslow, Motivation and Personality (New York, 1954). Charles -Hampden-Turner, Radical Man (New York, 1971) contains a hotchpotch -of surveys and research linking certain humanistic values with -an outlook on life that is subjectively rewarding; but the data are often -only tangentially relevant to the conclusions drawn from them. -On psychopaths, see H. Cleckley, The Mask of Sanity, 5th ed. (St. -Louis, 1976). The remark about requests for help coming from relatives, -not the psychopaths themselves, is on p. viii. The quotation from a -378 -Notes and References -happy psychopath is from W. and J. McCord, Psychopathy and Delinquency -(New York, 1956), p. 6. On the ability of psychopaths to avoid -prison, see R. D. Hare, Psychopathy (New York, 1970), pp. 111-12. -The 'paradox of hedonism' is discussed by F. H. Bradley in the third -essay of his Ethical Studies; for a psychotherapist's account. see V. -Frankl. The Will to Meaning (London, 1971), pp. 33-4. -On the relation between self-interest and ethics, see the concluding -chapter of Sidgwick's Methods of Ethics; and for a useful anthology, D. -Gauthier (ed.), Morality and Rational Self-Interest (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., -1970). On the more general issue of the nature of practical reasoning, -see J. Raz (ed.), Practical Reasoning (Oxford, 1978). -The quotation from Dennis Levine is from his Inside Out (New York, -1991), p. 391.