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SCP-6501 | safe | close Info X SCP-6501 — Held Back Written by Jack Waltz and MoreMuffins Thank you to NebulousStar, Aftokrator, AvocadoMilk, DodoDevil, Fish^12 and Machen2 (a double thanks for the absolutely fabulous image) for looking at this draft we whipped up in a few days. Check out Jack and Muffins' author pages! Item#: SCP-6501 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo An image of SCP-6501 taken during the day using an ectographic camera. Special Containment Procedures: The cemetery in which SCP-6501 is located must be closed for visitation between 12 and 6 AM daily. Guards are to patrol the perimeter at this time to prevent unauthorised entry into the cemetery. Description: SCP-6501 is a luminescent humanoid spectral entity resembling and identified as the late Martin Woods. It is located at the Redwood public cemetery, AL, USA, above the grave of Martin Woods who had died on October 01 2009 following a traffic accident. SCP-6501 is unable to traverse or move away from the grave; a preliminary analysis conducted by the Department of Spectral Phenomena has determined that SCP-6501's existence may be associated with it being tethered to Martin's corpse after death. Efforts to exhume the body and attempts to sever this link have not been initiated due to the possibility of accidentally neutralizing the entity. SCP-6501 is only visible at approximately 2:50 AM to 3:10 AM daily and enters a comatose state at all other times. There has only been one known instance where SCP-6501 became fully conscious during the day (see Addendum 6501.2). Addendum 6501.1:⠀Discovery and Interviews SCP-6501's ectoplasm signature was first detected roughly a day after the burial of Martin Woods during routine patrols in the region to detect and contain anomalies with haste. Ectoplasm detectors indicated the presence of a Class II Spectral Entity.The entity is likely sentient and/or sapient but still poses little threat to living individuals due to its lack of malevolence and limited ability to interact with the physical environment. Their existence is mainly dependant on external forces but may also be the result of a negative emotional state. in the area and its location was swiftly determined. MTF Mu-13 ("Ghostbusters"),.A task force under the command of the Department of Spectral Phenomena. They specialise in the containment of spectral, incorporeal, and intangible entities in the field. equipped with ectovision devices, was sent to investigate and attempt to interact with the detected entity. Their attempt was met with groans and lethargic comments from SCP-6501. Containment proceeded soon after. At 01:14 AM the following day, ectographical cameras set up to observe the entity indicated sudden activity. It was also visible without the use of ectographical equipment. Junior Researcher Nora Reeds was dispatched to interview the entity, and has henceforth been put in charge of this duty. Interviewee: SCP-6501 Interviewer: Dr Nora Reeds <BEGIN LOG> Dr Reeds: Good morning, it seems you're awake. I'd like you to recall your name for me, if you were previously… alive and remember. Is it by any chance Martin Woods? SCP-6501: Yes, That's me. Dr Reeds: [nods] Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? [SCP-6501 subtly glows a little brighter.] SCP-6501: I don't mind, no. Dr Reeds: Great! Are you aware of how you got [gestures towards SCP-6501], like this? SCP-6501: I think… I died. Several days ago. Dr Reeds: Yes, I see. So, how're you feeling? Is there anything you're currently going through, anything you could describe? SCP-6501: I feel like I'm weighed down. Stuck here. I should have left, but I seem to remain. Dr Reeds: Hm… I've heard that you've never been seen moving from that spot. Is there any reason why you're stuck there? SCP-6501: I can't move. It's just too straining, too tiring. It's as if an anchor has chained me down. Holding me here like this. [SCP-6501 looks down and gets dimmer.] Dr Reeds: Is it something you believe to be out of your control, or… SCP-6501: I'm not sure which it is, but it's always taxing when I try. I just… can't move… [As it reaches 03:09 AM SCP-6501 gradually became translucent until it was eventually invisible.] <END LOG> <BEGIN LOG> Dr Reeds: Hello again, Martin. SCP-6501: Good morning, er, you haven't told me your name. Dr Reeds: Ah, yes. It's Nora Reeds, you can call me Nora. SCP-6501: Greetings, Nora. Dr Reeds: [lightly chuckles] I have some more questions for you, do you mind today? SCP-6501: No, it's fine. You don't have to ask me. It's nice to talk to someone. Dr Reeds: Well that's great! Alright, tell me a bit about what your life was like before your death. Was there anything notable about it? Anything you regret or look back to often? Or do you believe there's someone who doesn't like you? Enough to try and maybe curse you? SCP-6501: I had a family… My beautiful little girl Ares and my… and Krista. Dr Reeds: I know it's a bit of a touchy subject… but from what I gathered, you're divorced. Would you mind telling me why? Once again, I apologise for bringing this personal matter up. SCP-6501: I messed up. Badly… alcohol, y'know? She left… and that only made it worse for me. I miss her. If I could go back and change things I would. I really would. Now the love of my life has grown to hate me… I'll never see my daughter grow up, and that's no one's fault but my own. Dr Reeds: And that's what you regret most, yes? [SCP-6501 stays silent. It grows slightly dimmer.] Dr. Reeds: I'm very sorry, Martin. SCP-6501: It isn't your fault, you shouldn't stress about it. Do you have any more questions? Dr Reeds: Uhm… only a couple more. Are you aware of any others in the same predicament as you? SCP-6501: No, not really. I hope no one is… Hell, here I am. I can't be the only one, right? Dr Reeds: And, you are not. Oh yes, it's almost time… I have to make this qui— SCP-6501: Will I always be like this? Will, will I ever be… released from this, y'know? Dr Reeds: Of course you'll be. Sooner or later, everything ends, even if you'll die twice. SCP-6501: Well that's not really comforting, eh? [chuckles] Dr Reeds: Oh, I forgot to mention, your wife and daughter came to visit you. SCP-6501: What? Dr Reeds: They came to visit you yesterday morning. I'm assuming you weren't awake then? SCP-6501: They… they came to see me? Dr Reeds: I guess they still do care about you. [SCP-6501 remains silent for several seconds.] Dr Reeds: Are you alright, Martin? SCP-6501: I just… need a moment. [SCP-6501 vanishes as it reaches 03:05 AM] <END LOG> Addendum 6501.2:⠀Notable Incident Following this interview, SCP-6501 appeared to be in a constant hypnagogic.Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep. state of consciousness, as indicated with ectoplasmic cognition scans, despite the detrimental effects it could have on its wellbeing. On the next day, SCP-6501 was observed to be fully conscious outside of the expected time period. At the time Krista and Ares Woods were visiting Martin Wood's grave. Due to this unexpected incident, a proposal to alter SCP-6501's object class to Euclid is currently pending approval by the Department of Spectral Phenomena. An ectographic camera installed nearby for monitoring purposes captured the following video footage which has been transcribed into a log below. <BEGIN LOG, 10/04/2009 01:43 PM> [Krista Woods and Ares Woods approach the location of SCP-6501.] SCP-6501: Krista… is that? Krista: Hello… Martin. SCP-6501: I'm so happy to see you again. [Krista sits and places flowers below SCP-6501.] Krista: I miss you, Martin, I really do. It's been hard without you… SCP-6501: I've missed you too. I wish I could move from this spot, and, and hug you… Krista: Ever since you left I've started doing what you told me, I'm going back to college… I hope I can make you proud. SCP-6501: Really? You did? I… I'm so proud! Congratulations! [SCP-6501 stretches out towards Krista but can not reach her.] SCP-6501: Ah… I can't reach you… Krista: Ah, Ares, would you like to show daddy what you made? Ares: I made a flower crown for you, daddy! You love them, don't you? [Ares places a crown of yellow flowers on the grave below SCP-6501.] SCP-6501 Oh my goodness! It's beautiful, sweetie! [SCP-6501 attempts to grab the crown but is unable to.] SCP-6501: Oh… W-well it looks great darling! I know it'll be great when I wear it too. Thank you so much! [Krista begins to cry.] Krista: It's been hard without you, honey. But we're both trying our best. [Roughly a minute of silence.] SCP-6501: Krista… I'm really sorry… For everything. I didn't want it to be like this, and I should have done something about it… about us. I know it may be too late but… can you forgive me? [Silence.] SCP-6501: Krista? [Silence.] SCP-6501: Krista? Ares? [SCP-6501 attempts to touch Ares but fails.] SCP-6501: Why can't I touch you? Can you see me? [Silence.] SCP-6501: No… no no this can't be right… this is just a joke, right? You two can see me… right? [Krista stands up while wiping her eyes.] Krista: Alright… let's go, Ares. You have to be strong for daddy, he named you Ares after all. [smiles] Ares: Yes mommy. [Krista hugs Ares and kisses her forehead.] SCP-6501: No no no… Please no. [Krista and Ares begin walking away.] SCP-6501: No please… please come back. Please don't go. Krista… Ares, please no. SCP-6501: Please don't leave me… Not again… Please… [SCP-6501 kneels and covers its face with its hands. It is visibly sobbing as its body grows dimmer.] <END LOG> ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6501" by Jack Waltz and MoreMuffins, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Footnote 3 cites the first sentence from the Wikipedia article about hypnagogia. License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: ghost-man-rgb-split-(2).jpg Author: Machen2, MyStockPhotos, che License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative of: Name: Old Man Standing on Edge Author: MyStockPhotos License: Public Domain Source Link: CC Search Name: File:Pohori na sumave hrbitov.jpg Author: che License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons |
SCP-6502 | thaumiel | bigslothonmyface Written by bigslothonmyface You can find more of their work on their author page. /* These two arguments are in a quirked-up CSS Module (rather than the main code block) so users can feed Wikidot variables into them. */ #header h1 a::before { content: "SCP Foundation"; color: black; } #header h2 span::before { content: "Secure, Contain, Protect"; color: black; } + Show component code - Hide component code :root { --sidebar-width-on-desktop: calc(var(--base-font-size) * (266 / 15)); --body-width-on-desktop: 45.75rem; } @media only screen and (min-width: 56.25rem) { #content-wrap { display: flex; position: initial; flex-direction: row; flex-grow: 2; width: calc(100vw - (100vw - 100%)); max-width: inherit; height: auto; min-height: calc(100vh - var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, 10.125rem)); margin: 0 var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) 0 calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) * -1 / 2); } #main-content { position: initial; width: var(--body-width-on-desktop, 45.75rem); 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} } Item#: SCP-6502 Level3 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Harwick Cemetery. Photo taken before Foundation acquisition. Special Containment Procedures: To maximize available space, persons interred within the grounds of SCP-6502 must be alive at the time of their burial. New interments must be approved by the lead researcher assigned to the project (currently Dr. Robert Campbell). Communications and listening devices have been installed throughout the first several feet of SCP-6502’s topsoil. Staff should maintain regular communication with interred subjects until such a time as subjects’ physiology no longer allows for it. Subjects have proven more cooperative if informed that the Foundation is seeking a way to free them from SCP-6502, but is unable to do so at present; this story should be maintained by all staff when speaking to the interred. Standard measures are permitted to ensure the comfort of buried subjects. However, as long-term comfort is unlikely to be achieved, unreasonable expenses will be denied by the Office of Procurement. Description: SCP-6502 is Harwick Cemetery, located in Waverly Falls, MA. For unknown reasons, humans buried alive within the cemetery are unable to die. While subjects’ bodies undergo the typical decomposition process, their mental faculties and higher intelligence remain intact even past the point of total bodily decay as long as they are interred. This effect applies only to those buried alive: corpses buried in the cemetery show no further signs of life. Additionally, the anomaly only impacts those buried in traditional coffins and fully covered over with at least six feet of natural soil from the cemetery grounds. Attempts to construct subterranean facilities benefitting from SCP-6502’s preservation effects have failed, as have attempts to preserve subjects via interment in above-ground mausoleums. Since 2009, the Foundation has used Harwick Cemetery as a medical facility for the preservation of high-value staff and prisoners. There are currently 46 individuals interred alive within the anomaly’s grounds, including 31 former Foundation staff members, 9 members of other Groups of Interest, and 6 civilians found buried within the cemetery prior to Foundation acquisition. Discovery: The Foundation contained SCP-6502 after reports of unexplained sounds and vibrations drew an agent’s attention in 1994. Multiple individuals affected by the anomaly were later discovered, the oldest of whom had been buried in a family plot since 18 April 1951. Further investigation found that an unlicensed coroner had been practicing in the nearby city of Waverly Falls since the early 1950s, resulting in several inadvertent live burials throughout the 20th century. Addendum: Sample case Foreword: Dr. Ava Bradley, a Foundation memeticist and expert containment specialist, was stricken with a lethal infohazardous infection on 9 September 2018. As Dr. Bradley’s death would break containment protocols for multiple high-risk objects, her body was interred within SCP-6502. Interactions between Foundation staff and Dr. Bradley, now designated SCP-6502-46, are logged below for educational purposes. 9 Sept 2018, 19:31 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Campbell: Dr. Bradley? Can you hear me? SCP-6502-46: …Robert? Dr. Campbell: Yes, that’s right. How do you feel? SCP-6502-46: I… Where am I? Dr. Campbell: You’re being held in a specialized medical facility until we can find a treatment for your condition. SCP-6502-46: What kind of facility? Dr. Campbell: Don’t worry about that. Everything is going to— SCP-6502-46: Robert, where am I? What have you done? Why can’t I move my body at all? Dr. Campbell: Ava, please listen to me. It’s better if you don’t worry about this for the time being. We have a staff of researchers working round the clock to fix— SCP-6502-46: Robert Campbell, I am your superior and you WILL tell me where I am. Dr. Campbell: You’re in a safe place. That’s all I can say for now. SCP-6502-46: This is Harwick, isn’t it. [Pause.] SCP-6502-46: Oh God. Dr. Campbell: It’s only a temporary measure. SCP-6502-46: Get me out of here, Robert. Get me out of this box. Please, you have to get me out. Dr. Campbell: Ava, we’re doing everything we can. As soon as we can make sure you’ll survive, we’ll have you dug up and— SCP-6502-46: You won’t find a cure. We both know it. I worked for 12 years on it and everything failed. [Pause.] Dr. Campbell: I’m sorry, Ava. SCP-6502-46 (shouting): Get me out! SCP-6502-46: Please! SCP-6502-46: Please, please… I can’t move, I can’t… [Conversation ends. SCP-6502-46 can be heard sobbing quietly from within SCP-6502.] [END LOG] Afterword: SCP-6502-46 talked to itself intermittently for a period of seven hours after this interaction, interspersed with further pleas for release. At the direction of site command, Dr. Campbell did not reply. 14 Sept 2018, 11:02 [BEGIN LOG] SCP-6502-46: [REDACTED]. I know you want answers, Robert. You’ve always been curious, I’ve seen your search logs. SCP-6502-46: I can tell you everything. Just get me out. Dr. Campbell: We’re working on figuring out how to protect you, Ava. You have to bear with us. We’ve been over this. SCP-6502-46: Bullshit! Bull fucking shit, you overbearing, weak little— [Pause.] SCP-6502-46: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. SCP-6502-46: I’ve always admired you, Robert. You’re dedicated. Compassionate. We need more people like you. SCP-6502-46: Please, just let me go. I know you want to help me. [Pause.] SCP-6502-46: Anything you want! Fucking anything, you hear me? I’ll promote you, I’ll recommend you to the O5s, I’ll give you full access to [REDACTED]. SCP-6502-46: Please! [Pause.] SCP-6502-46: Help me. [END LOG] 20 September 2018, 22:20 [BEGIN LOG] [Subterranean microphones capture repeated clawing and scratching noises from SCP-6502-46’s coffin. SCP-6502-46 moans softly.] SCP-6502-46: Please! Anyone! SCP-6502-46: My hands… My hands… [Scratching continues for several more hours, then falls silent. It does not resume again.] [END LOG] 28 September 2018, 03:50 [BEGIN LOG] SCP-6502-46: When I was a kid we took vacations to the seaside every summer. I remember the beach there vividly. It was near Portland, about an hour south. The city was sunny and the air was clean, with just a smidgeon of a bite to it even in July. We'd spend hours outdoors. Nothing but the water and the sky and the sand, on and on forever. SCP-6502-46: Once, on one of those trips, I swam out much deeper than I was supposed to go. There was just darkness all around me, and my feet couldn't touch. I screamed for help and my dad heard me from the shore. He swam so fast all the way out to me. I snuggled up into his arms while he carried me back. SCP-6502-46: That night my mom made bulgogi and rice and the perfect fried eggs, with oyster sauce and fresh bok choy. It's been my favorite ever since. Tastes like home. [Pause.] SCP-6502-46: I don’t remember what breathing feels like. [END LOG] 9 February 2019, 07:16 [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Campbell: Dr. Bradley? Dr. Campbell: Ava, we need to talk to you about one of your projects. Can you hear me? SCP-6502-46: David?1 Dr. Campbell: Ava, it’s Robert Campbell. David isn’t here now. SCP-6502-46: David, please, it’s so dark… Dr. Campbell: Ava, I need to talk to you about [REDACTED]. SCP-6502-46: I can’t see. Dr. Campbell: Please try to focus. SCP-6502-46: David? SCP-6502-46: I can’t think, I can’t feel anything… SCP-6502-46: Where am I? [Dr. Campbell is advised to wait for a more lucid interaction with SCP-6502-46. The conversation is terminated.] SCP-6502-46: Who’s there? SCP-6502-46: David, are you still there? SCP-6502-46: I can’t see you, I can’t… SCP-6502-46: I can’t see. [END LOG] 12 May 2019, 01:16 [BEGIN LOG] SCP-6502-46: The coffin is collapsing. [Pause.] SCP-6502-46: Bugs. [SCP-6502-46 cries continuously for the next 36 hours.] [END LOG] More From This Author More From This Author bigslothonmyface's Works SCPs SCP-7002 • SCP-8002 • SCP-8430 • SCP-7340 • SCP-6002 • SCP-6622 • SCP-6250 • Tales/GoI Formats Other bigslothonmyface's author page • Footnotes 1. Dr. David Bradley, SCP-6502-46's husband of 23 years. Deceased as of 11 June 2002. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6502" by bigslothonmyface, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Harwick.jpeg Author: ritingon License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6503 | esoteric-class | close Info X SCP-6503: Summus Pontifex Legitimus A.K.A The Catholic Mecha Author: Kilerpoyo ⚠️ Content warning: Satiric portrayal of the Catholic Church. ⚠️ content warning The following documentation refers to an anomaly currently contained jointly between the Foundation and the Horizon Initiative. Modifications have been made to the usual terminology for compatibility with Horizon Initiative AGS documentation. For more information, read the attached brief. Brief on AGS. - Close Brief Horizon Initiative Documentation By disposition of Ordinis Occulti Luminis, the Catholic branch of the Horizon Initiative has implemented the Anomaliae Genus Systemaa (AGS), based on the Anomaly Classification System used by the Foundation. AGS aims to bring traditional terminology employed by Ordinis Occulti Luminis into a modern framework suitable for analysis and taxonomy. The system is meant to be compatible with Foundation records while still befitting Horizon Initiative's purposes. The Anomaliae Genus Talea (AGT) constitutes the AGS version of the Anomaly Classification Bar. Linguistic considerations: Ecclesiastical Latin is used in AGS for the anomaly categories as well as the file segments. Numerical considerations: Roman numerals are used in the AGT for the anomaly item designation as well as the clearance level and the class enumeration. Decimal numerals are used in the body of the file, including mentions of the anomaly item number. However, anomaly subitems are indicated with Roman numerals. E.g.: SCP-0000-III. File structure: Auto de fé: This terminology is a remnant of the Hispanic Inquisition judiciary process, its original meaning referring to a ritual of penance and cleansing of sin. In AGS it is equivalent to Foundation's Containment Procedures. Corpus: Meaning "body" in Latin. Equivalent to Foundation's Description. Inventionis Iniuriarum: Equivalent to Discover Log. Recuperatio Iniuriarum: Equivalent to Recovery Log. Interrogatio Recordum: Interview Log. Video Recordum: Video Log. Inscriptio Communicationis: Written communication. Anomaliae Genus Talea (AGT): _ - Secretum Gradu / Clearance LevelClose LVL I: Liberum: Equivalent to Unrestricted. Available to all members of the Horizon Initiative and Foundation alike. LVL II: Secreta: Equivalent to Restricted. Potentially available to all Horizon Initiative and Foundation members upon request. LVL III: Secreta Sacra: Equivalent to Confidential. Foundation access follows the usual Confidential clearance protocol. For the Horizon Initiative, only members of the Catholic branch can request access. LVL IV: Secreta Arcanum: Equivalent to Secret. Only available to site and Foundation Administrative staff, high ranking members of Horizon Initiative Catholic branch, and the Ecclesiastical Government. LVL V: Secreta Secretorum: Equivalent to Top Secret. Only available to the highest Foundation Administrative Staff, members of Ordinis Occulti Luminis, the Sacred College of Cardinals, and the Pope. LVL VI: Secreta Cosmica: Equivalent to Cosmic Top Secret. Only available to Ordinis Occulti and the Pope. LVL VII: Secreta Theologicum: No Foundation equivalent. Only available to God upon request. _ - Continentiam Classis / Containment ClassClose Segura: Equivalent to Safe. Eucharistica: Equivalent to Euclid. Kyrie: Equivalent to Keter. Nihil: Equivalent to Neutralized. Indecisa: Equivalent to Pending. Illuminatum: Equivalent to Explained. Esoterica: Equivalent to Esoteric. _ - Secundarium Classis / Secondary ClassClose Exterminatus: Equivalent to Decommissioned. Saeculari: The anomaly does not represent any contradiction to Catholic Doctrine. Haeresis: The anomaly does present a contradiction to Catholic Doctrine. Blasphemia: The anomaly is a menace to the Catholic Church. Canon: The anomaly should not be contained since it IS Catholic Doctrine. E.g.: Transubstantiation. Theodicaea: The anomaly is from divine origin. E.g.: The Shroud of Turin and the Spear of Longinus. Nietzschean: The anomaly could destroy God if not contained. E.g. Homosexuality.. The Foundation has been exhorting the Horizon Initiative to remove homosexuality from their anomaly catalog. Homosexuality is perfectly explainable under modern scientific consensus and there is no evidence it constitutes a threat to any theological entity. However, the Horizon Initiative insists on maintaining this classification, despite opposition from the majority of the anomalous community, including the Foundation, the GOC, and the Manna Charitable Foundation. _ - Perturbatio Classis / Disruption ClassClose Oscura: Equivalent to Dark. Parvus: Equivalent to Vlam. Ifrit: Equivalent to Keneq.. Adopted from the Horizon Iniviative Islamic Branch. Sol: Equivalent to Ekhi. Jihad: Equivalent to Amida.. Adopted from the Horizon Iniviative Islamic Branch. _ - Periculum Classis / Risk ClassClose Animadverto: Equivalent to Notice. Cautela: Equivalent to Caution. Admonitio: Equivalent to Warning. Vehemens: Equivalent to Danger. Terribilis: Equivalent to Critical. ITEM#: VIDIII LVL:III SECRETA SACRA CONTINENTIAM CLASSIS: eucharistica SECUNDARIUM CLASSIS: blasphemia PERTURBATIO: praetorian PERICULUM: cautela link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level3 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Auto de fé: SCP-6503 is to be contained in Site-77, where no working personnel belongs to the Catholic Faith. SCP-6503 is to be kept inside a standard reinforced storage container at the center of a 10 x 10 meters squared cell. Under no circumstances should a member of the Catholic Faith be allowed within a 5-meter radius of SCP-6503. At least two armed non-Catholic security personnel should always be guarding SCP-6503. Any Catholic individual that has been in proximity closer than 10 meters of SCP-6503 should be given immediate amnestic treatment and kept in observation for a period of two weeks. If despite treatment they still present signs of being affected by SCP-6503, they should be kept under Foundation's detention with maximum security for human-level threats within a Foundation Site other than Site-77. SCP-6503-II is currently being contained by the Catholic branch of the Horizon Initiative.. GOI dedicated to the protection of the Abrahamic Faiths against the anomalous. The Catholic branch is led by the Ordinis Occulti Luminis. Due to possible information compromise in case of an SCP-6503 containment breach, it was deemed necessary for the Foundation to not be aware of any information regarding the location and containment procedures of SCP-6503-II. Corpus: SCP-6503 refers to the skeletal remains of an unidentified male dressed in renaissance period ecclesiastic garments and adorned with intricate jewelry made of gold and various precious stones. Archeological assessment of SCP-6503 indicates the clothing and ornaments to date back to the 16th century, while the skeletal remains are older, estimated dating back to the 3rd century. The Archeology Department has hypothesized SCP-6503 to be one of the "Catacomb Saints".Skeletal remains of ancient Christians exhumed from catacombs, exuberantly decorated, and worshiped as relics of saints during a period from the 16th to the 18th century. SCP-6503 upon discovery SCP-6503's anomalous effect triggers when a member of the Catholic Faith is within a radius of 5 meters from it. Around 1 in 10 Catholics will become convinced that SCP-6503 is the legitimate Pope and that the current sitting Pope is a usurper. Regardless of previous religiosity, they will become increasingly devout to the Catholic Faith and to SCP-6503. A tendency to employ unnecessary, grammatically incorrect, and often non-sequitur Latin phrases. Foundation linguists have identified this speaking pattern as a macaronic Latin-vernacular deviation from traditional Latin, commonly known as Dog Latin. in their speech has also been observed. They will also display a desire to help SCP-6503 in reclaiming the Holy See in Rome, even expressing intent to harm the current Pope. To this date, there have been no records of aggressions against the Pope related to SCP-6503. In addition, SCP-6503 affected individuals will become obsessed with reuniting SCP-6503 with SCP-6503-II. The only known method to prevent SCP-6503's influence over a susceptible individual is immediate amnestic treatment after exposure. Failing this treatment, SCP-6503's effect is presumed to be permanent. Due to fanatic behavior displayed by influenced individuals and the high risk posed by an SCP-6503's containment breach, the Ethics Committee is considering whether termination should be an option if first-line amnestic treatment fails. SCP-6503-II is a 4-meter tall mechanical construct, resembling a suit of 16th-century Italian armor, albeit with distorted proportions and a constitution more robust than that of a regular humanoid. Its exterior is composed of an unidentified golden metal of remarkable durability. This durability is likely anomalous in nature; since SCP-6503-II is capable of withstanding modern heavy fire and artillery without suffering apparent damage. Internally, it possesses a complex clockwork mechanism allowing it to move. This mechanism does not require an external power source in order to function. SCP-6503-II is armed with several weapons; including both medieval bladed and blunt weaponry as well as anachronistic ones such as Gatling-type guns, flame throwers, and rocket launchers. The Horizon Initiative is currently investigating SCP-6503-II's advanced weaponry, evidence pointing it to be anomalous in nature. Footage of SCP-6503-II SCP-6503-II is not capable of autonomous behavior, instead, it possesses a hatch to a compartment. It will remain completely dormant until SCP-6503 is placed inside of it. The Horizon Initiative has reported it will not activate with any other material, pending further testing. Individuals under SCP-6503's influence will try to place SCP-6503 in SCP-6503-II. This will, in turn, give SCP-6503 control over SCP-6503-II. When inside SCP-6503-II, SCP-6503 is capable of vocal communication through unknown means. Interrogatio Recordum Interviewed: D-7176 Interviewer: Dr. Chakrabarti Foreword: D-MCIII is a Roman Catholic recently exposed to the effects of SCP-6503. Foundation linguists are currently studying the deviant speech patterns exhibited by individuals under SCP-6503's influence. These particular speech patterns are believed to be a type of Latin-vernacular macaronic dialect. Several grammatical inconsistencies and other deviations from traditional Latin have been identified. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Chakrabarti: Greetings, D-7176, what can you tell me about SCP-6503? D-7176: Greetings Brother, with God's Blessing, what would you like to know about the Santo Padre? Dr. Chakrabarti: Are you referring to SCP-6503? D-7176: Of course, who else would I mean? That usurper desecrating the Sancta Sedes.Holy See.? Dr. Chakrabarti: What do you know about SCP-6503? D-7176: He is the Pope. Pontifex Maximus. Episcopus Romanus.Bishop of Rome.… Summus Pontifex Ecclesiae Catholicae… Dr. Chakrabarti: I see… Do you know anything about its origins? D-7176: He was appointed by God to be the successor of Saint Peter. He came here to reclaim his throne and deliver us from Infernum. Dr. Chakrabarti: Can you elaborate? D-7176: He is from a place very much like here but closer to God. He was a Holy Man, tasked with observing us: our customs, our historia, our art, and our tales. In some sense, he was a scholar very much like you, doctor. But one day he realized we were alone and afraid and very hungry for God's Love. That is the revelatio he got after understanding the End of Nova Genesi Evangelii.. "The New Genesis of the Gospel." Foundation historians have not yet identified any relevant religious text matching this title. Dr. Chakrabarti: What is this "Nova Genesi Evangelii"? D-7176:: It is a cult classic. To him, it was a cry for help. It was clear our Ecclesia. Church had failed us. But it was until he learned about our devotion to God Imperator from the Bellum Malleo,. "Hammer of War". The exact meaning of this phrase is still not yet understood. It has been theorized it could be referring to a yet unknown anomalous weapon, though alternative interpretations such as an epic poem or a warrior's creed have been proposed. that he understood God had chosen him to free us from the usurper and his haeresis. Heresy . Deus Vult. God wills it. Opus Dei.. Work of God. Dr. Chakrabarti: "Bellum Malleo"? D-7176: 40k.. There is controversy around the interpretation of this answer. The letter "k" is commonly used as an abbreviation for the prefix "kilo", derived from the Greek word χίλιοι (chilioi), meaning "thousand". However, this interpretation enters in conflict with a posterior declaration from the interviewed. Dr. Chakrabarti: Right… but how can he observe us? D-7176: Spiritus Sanctus. The Holy Ghost. is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be contranatura. It can, for example, open a door to the anima of true believers. Through this door, he can speak to us; but he can also hear what we hear and see what we see. Dr. Chakrabarti: So is it a form of telepathy? D-7176: Oh no, we don't use that language. Dr. Chakrabarti: What? Telepathy? D-7176: Greek. Dr. Chakrabarti: Okay… just tell me more about the place he is from. D-7176: I have spoken everything I know. Now I have to Carpe Diem.. Seize the day. Note the incompatibility between grammatical forms. Dr. Chakrabarti: And what about the "usurper"? D-7176: He is blaspheming against God every minute he claims to be the Pope. He has to be removed. Dr. Chakrabarti: Removed by force? D-7176: There will be no peace for the wicked. Ave Maria Deus Vult! Dr. Chakrabarti: Do you intend to kill the Pope? D-7176: The fictus one must go. However, it is not my place to do it. Only the verum Pope should deliver Dies Irae.. The Day of Wrath. I must help the legitimate Pope reunite with the Aureum Evangelium.. Golden Gospel. Dr. Chakrabarti: Is the "Aureum Evangelium" the object classified as SCP-6503-II? D-7176: The true Pope must drive the Aureum Evangelium… or Sancta Maria. Holy Mary. will have to do it again… At this point D-7176 falls to his knees and starts praying. No further questions were answered. [END LOG] Closing Statement: D-7176 is currently being detained in Site-25. Dr. Chakrabarti concluded that D-7176 maintains a coherent belief system surrounding SCP-6503 while showing no apparent signs of psychosis. Dr. Basirski from the Linguistics Department noted that D-7176's speech patterns are reminiscent of a monolingual individual trying to incorporate an unfamiliar language into their normal speech.. "Like some kid who just learned Nihongo and is trying to pepper in as much Japanese as possible in their phrases" [sic]. Inventionis Iniuriarum: SCP-6503 and SCP-6503-II were discovered during an archeological excavation in a catacomb near Benevento, Italy. They were located within meters of each other, in a previously uncharted chamber. Upon discovery, members of the archeological team came under the influence of SCP-6503. They placed SCP-6503 into SCP-6503-II, activating it. SCP-6503 emerged from the excavation site, causing considerable damage to historical architecture, and began marching towards Rome. It was reported by survivors and confirmed by video evidence that SCP-6503 was shouting several phrases in a form of Latin,. Its speech pattern shares a similar deviation from traditional Latin to that observed in affected individuals. whose entire significance has still yet to be determined by Foundation researchers. Video Recordum NOTE: Around the time of the SCP-6503 activation, a film production crew was recording a documentary about the recently discovered Benevento Catacombs. They managed to capture the beginning of the SCP-6503 rampage. The video record was later confiscated by Foundation personnel in the aftermath of the event. [BEGIN LOG] 00:03:04 The crew is conducting an interview with the lead archeologist at the site. A small Romanesque church can be seen in the background. 00:03:12 Suddenly an explosive sound can be heard and the church begins crumbling down. 00:03:18 SCP-6503 emerges from the ruins. The film crew and the archeologist react in confusion. 00:03:34 SCP-6503 is heard shouting "Ego Summus Pontifex legitimus, canis femina!". I'm the legitimate Pope, female dogs! and begins shooting two Gattling guns in the air. 00:03:56 SCP-6503 begins walking slowly. The camera follows as it shouts "Sic semper tyrannis, mater irrumator!",. Thus always to tyrants, mother disrespecter! followed by "Alea iacta est, critical damnum!". The dice are cast, critical damage! 00:04:22 SCP-6503 adopts a fetal position and starts sobbing: "In robot non questus, pater!". I'm not getting in the robot, father! 00:05:31 SCP-6503 stops sobbing and stands up. It starts reciting: "Odi meipsum. Sed fortasse me ipsum amare potui. Forsitan vita mea plus valeat. SIC!. Non sum plus aut minus quam meipsum. Ego me! Me vis esse! Volo exsistere in hoc mundo permanere! Vita mea hic bene vivendo valet!". I hate myself. But, maybe, maybe I could love myself. Maybe, my life can have a greater value. That's right!. I am no more or less than myself. I am me! I want to be myself! I want to continue existing in this world! My life is worth living here! 00:06:55 SCP-6503 begins to clap while repeating "Gratulationes! Gratulationes!". Congratulations! Congratulations! for around ten minutes 00:15:49 SCP-6503 activates a flamethrower and points it randomly, yelling "Haereticum combure! Interfice abominationem! Expurgate immundos!". Burn the Heretic! Kill the Freak! Purge the Unclean! 00:17:11 SCP-6503 encounters another Romanesque structure and screams "Reaedificationes non sunt canon".. The Rebuilds are not canon. Subsequently, it shoots a rocket to the structure, destroying it. At this point, the recording ends. [END LOG] Recuperatio Iniuriarum: Upon being informed of the SCP-6503 rampage, the Horizon Initiative activated Protocol Gladius Petri, designed to protect the Pope from anomalous threats. His Holiness ████████ ███ was secured in a bunker, while the Horizon Initiative deployed the full strength of Project Malleus. Horizon Initiative’s combat forces. against SCP-6503, as well as the combined forces of the Swiss Guard, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Italian Army and Airforce, as well as the Carabinieri. Italian Airforce planes bombarded SCP-6503, while ground forces mounted a fortified perimeter around Benevento to stop SCP-6503 from reaching Rome. However, both aerial bombardment and ground military fire proved ineffective against SCP-6503 due to its high resistance to damage. Video Recordum NOTE: The Horizon Initiative requested Foundation assistance. During an emergency meeting, the O5 Council approved the use of an experimental Compact Kinetic Energy Missile. Hypersonic anti-armor guided long dart penetrator. Instead of an explosive round, it relies on the kinetic energy of a hypersonically accelerated flechette-like, high-sectional density projectile. against SCP-6503. The following video is a transmission from the Horizon Initiative frontlines to their headquarters. It was shared with the Foundation for research purposes. [BEGIN LOG] 00:00:03 A squad of Swiss Guards and Knights of Malta waits entrenched. At the distance, several destroyed tanks and combat vehicles can be seen. 00:00:14 The leader of the squad, who ports an insignia from Project Malleus, shouts: "We are warriors of the Faith. We are the last line of defense. There is a Wolf at the Gate and we will defend the Church till our last breath". 00:00:20 The soldiers begin cheering: "For the Pope! For Mother Mary! For the Holy Church!" 00:00:33 SCP-6503 enters the scene. It is still far away but walks slowly towards the trenches. 00:00:36 One of the soldiers exclaims: "Is that a fucking mecha?" 00:00:45 The Italian Airforce fires several missiles to SCP-6503. There's a big explosion and smoke covers the field. 00:00:51 SCP-6503 emerges from the smoke. It shows no apparent damage. 00:01:02 "It did nothing…" says a Swiss Guard and starts praying the Ave Maria. 00:01:13 As SCP-6503 keeps approaching, its voice begins to be heard: it is humming the melody from Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi.. The opening and closing movement of Carl Orff's cantata Carmina Burana. 00:01:21 SCP-6503 stops walking and a rocket launcher emerges from its back, pointing to the trenches' direction. The soldiers take cover. 00:01:22 A 10-meter metallic dart falls from the sky at tremendous speed and pins SCP-6503's left arm to the ground. It is the Foundation's kinetic bombardment. 00:01:23 SCP-6503 exclaims "In nominee…". In the name of… More darts keep falling and pin SCP-6503's other arm and legs. 00:01:27 SCP-6503 is unsuccessfully trying to break free while shouting: "Dampnata simias! Paganus asini!". Dammed monkeys! Pagan donkeys! 00:01:41 A Foundation helicopter has arrived and is hovering over SCP-6503. 00:01:46 SCP-6503 tries shooting a rocket at the helicopter, but it can't aim properly due to its position. The shot misses. 00:01:49 Members of MTF Nu-7 deploy ropes and start descending from the helicopters. 00:01:52 SCP-6503 is heard shouting "Scis quis ego sum? Legitimus Papa sum, canis femina! Hoc mihi non potes facere! Deus elegit me! Ego sum Gladius Petri!". Do you know who I am? I'm the legitimate Pope, female dog! You can't do this to me! God chose me! I am the Sword of Peter! 00:01:54 Nu-7 agents manage to open SCP-6503-II's hatch and remove SCP-6503. SCP-6503-II deactivates. [END LOG] Orbital bombardment managed to temporarily incapacitate SCP-6503-II allowing members of MTF Nu-7 to approach it and remove SCP-6503, nullifying the threat. A large-scale cover-up operation involving misinformation and mass amnestic application was conducted in the aftermath of the incident. Addemdum: Inscriptio Communicationis From: Cardinal Abel Everett - Project Malleus Mechanicus To: Dr. T.D. Mirage - Director of Site-77 [BEGIN] In the name of the Horizon Initiative and the Holy Church, I extend my gratitude to the Foundation for your invaluable assistance in containing SCP-6503, also known as the Benevento Heresy. This incident has evidenced Project Malleus' weakness and how vulnerable really is Christendom against the powers of the Unknown and their heretic machinations. But with God's Blessing, we are taking measures to sharpen Gladius Petri. The Foundation can rest assured that when another Blasphemy like the Benevento Heresy appears, we will be ready to unleash the wrath of God. And I say "when" instead of "if", since I am convinced more horrors will come from the same place to threaten the Mother Church. Regarding the Benevento Heresy, while it is certainly a Blasphemy, it is undeniable that it presents a unique opportunity to learn techniques more sophisticated than we have ever dreamed of. Reverse engineering is always a complicated and steady process; however, we are making progress and we believe, with God's Blessing, we will soon be able to produce a purified version of SCP-6503 for Gladius Petri. We intend calling it Argentum Evangelium.. Silver Gospel. His Holiness is deeply grateful for your help, but he also regrets having to hide while his flock fought God's hardest battle. When the next step of the Gladius Petri is complete, he will no longer have to hide again. He will drive the Argentum Evangelium and command the forces of Christendom against the Unknown, just as God intended. For the next time the Fires of Hell threaten our gates, His Holiness will fight Fire with Fire. Ordinis Occulti Luminis [END] ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6503" by Kilerpoyo, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: wald.jpg Name: File:Waldsassen Stiftsbasilika - Heiliger Leib 1a Gratian.jpg Author: Wolfgang Sauber License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Source Link: Filename: mecha.jpg Name: Imperial Knight Iron Will Author: Victor Ques Ramos License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: hori.png Name: SCP Foundation / Horizon Initiative joint Logo Author: Calibold License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: blasphemia.svg Name: Cruzar oro cristiano ortodoxo Author: Pixabay License: Pixabay License Source Link: |
SCP-6504 | euclid | by J Dune WELCOME, Junior Researcher Lyndoff. YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO ACCESS YOUR SCiPNET TERMINAL. PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD. LYNDOFF: 3330482DHSEP2 APPROVED. PLEASE SELECT A HUB. - ACCESS DATABASE - ACCESS WORKBENCH LYNDOFF: workbench. APPRO- LYNDOFF: 6504draft. enableedits. Command unclear. LYNDOFF: enablkfe EDITS Command unclear. LYNDOFF: ENABLE VOICE EDITING. LOAD SCP-6504. APPOVED. SPEECH TO TEXT EDITING ENABLED. YOUR VOICE WILL BE RECOGNIZED AND FORMATTED INTO DRAFT MARGINS. PLEASE SPEAK CLEARLY INTO THE MICROPHONE. LOADING DRAFT, SCP-6504 - SUN-MOON SICKNESS. ACCESS DRAFT CLOSE DRAFT Item#: 6504 Level1 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo No caption selected. Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Area-179 J. Dune U. Tanaka N/A No caption selected. Special Containment Procedures: Global psychiatric resources are to be monitored for signs of SCP-6504 manifestations in patients. Foundation mainstream scientific journal approval boards are to be routinely searched and expunged of any reference pertaining to SCP-6504 through conventional information suppression protocols. Individuals believed to be affected by SCP-6504 are to be documented, interviewed, and held on-site for research purposes. put myself in the basement. boarded up the windows. not going to leave. there’s a rotten, little flame inside me, barely burning, but the pain compounds. i can endure it, but there’s nothing there anymore. nothing nothing nothing. to them, nothing is still too much left. Description: SCP-6504 is a psychological condition in which an individual perceives Earth’s sun and moon as possessing human facial features when observed. Feelings of severe paranoia, resulting from the victim’s belief that both objects are capable of observing them, are a prominent symptom of SCP-6504. Individuals describe the sun as possessing an agonized, pained scowl, and ascribe the star as provoking feelings of intense hatred of themselves and those around them. The moon’s expression has been described as hollow, or devoid of emotion, with the satellite inciting feelings of extreme disassociation and despair. two of the same. two types of anger. they hate me. they hate me. all they can do is hate. and they love it. i don’t know what i did. SCP-6504’s two primary anomalous effects manifest in correspondence to the individual’s proximity to the aforementioned celestial bodies, but occur regardless of whether or not the individual is capable of observing the two objects. During the day, when the sun is visible, an individual’s innards, including their flesh, muscle tissue, organs, and skeleton, will gradually heat themselves over the duration of the day to temperatures up to 1,000 K, resulting in incredible amounts of pain. Despite the lethality such heat imposes on the human body, no physical damage is sustained, and their bodies do not outwardly reflect their actual temperature when touched or interacted with. died a million deaths in the past thirty seconds. but i don’t pass out anymore. used to, a week ago. It’s still morning. At night, when the moon is visible, an affected individual will enter a pseudocoma state, where their entire body will experience paralysis, with the exception of their eyes, eyelids, and mouth. Individuals will experience severe disassociation and heightened brain activity, comparable to patterns observed in ordinary REM sleep, which results in dream-like hallucinations. These hallucinations most frequently revolve around motifs of featureless vistas, floating, and stagnation. a reminder that the end will not come quickly. it is slow. it is forever. at the end, there is another end. and another. again. another. again. another. don’t be so optimistic. The symptoms of SCP-6504 are presently unable to be offset by any means but death. No deaths have occurred as a result of SCP-6504, with individuals succumbing to other factors instead, such as age, malnutrition, or suicide. it’s like living with no curtains. nothing to shield you from the eyes that watch so many but only you. they can see everyone but only you. the fire’s boiling my blood. The first documented cases of SCP-6504 were observed during the months following the televised broadcast of the 1969 United States’ Apollo 11 Moon Landing, when a small demographic of viewers began experiencing symptoms of the disorder after supposedly witnessing “the corner of the moon’s face” on the broadcast. All publicly available footage of this event has been edited, with offending elements removed and cut. Presently, 13 SCP-6504-affected individuals have been documented as alive and contained by the Foundation. 98% of all known SCP-6504 cases have resulted in suicide, often carried out shortly after the symptoms of the disorder begin to manifest. The cause of SCP-6504 remains unknown, with no discernible patterns between cases, or identifiable vectors of transmission, if any exist. number alive fluctuates. most can’t make it past a week before giving in. guy at 179 has been kept there since apollo. i don’t want to die. but i don’t want that to be me. it’s been a week. foundation thinks i’m on sick leave. i can’t go outside anymore. i saw a glimpse of them, and they’re in everyone. don’t want to look. should gouge my eyes out with a screwdriver and twist and TWIST and WEDGE until its a bloody, gutted hole. like the sun craves and the moon is. devour me. spare me. tear me apart, but do it in secret, under no light but our own. Addendum.6504.1: Interview Log The following log transcript is sourced from an interview between Junior Researcher Lyndoff, and an individual affected by SCP-6504. the logs don’t tell what happened. they’re gone now. easing through the pain but i will try. fuck you try. TRY. don’t you dare. he’s scared. it’s night, the featureless giant bears witness to those cursed to SEE. he’s not coughing blood, he can’t do that. it’s pooling in his throat and we’re pumping it out. while pumping in amnestics, parapharmaceuticals, and anything we can find to get him talking. after an hour, it works. after another hour, he talks. about the moon. the cold. it sees, it watches, it sees, it watches, it’s forever. i’ve said it all before. every interview is the same. the same sickened babble i’ve been vomiting out myself now. nothing to gain. and then he’s sleeping again, but with his eyes open. this is when it started, on the roof of the facility checking forms and papers and making sure i was doing the POINTLESS POINTLESS POINTLESS work that i had always done. not diligently. not with care. just a distraction, leading up to the moment when i gazed at the face of the moon, and it broke a million bones just to say that it was not there. it didn’t see me. there was no face, but it had always been watching. the shipwreck washed over me and the floatsam pierced my skin, tearing and ripping at the excess of NOTHINGNESS underneath. i didn’t scream, i didn’t cry. but i would, when the kingdom of the zero-eyed kings caressed my being. defiling me in the day. and then at night. now i understand what the husk was saying on the hospital bed. i understand that he had been reduced to a blubbering fool at their feet. it’s all entertainment to them. just a show, giving you a sliver of what they feel. i kept moving. the streets are crawling with them, the faces that resemble grotesque mimicries of their celestial progenitors. the screaming sun, the hollowed moon, reflected a trillion times from face to face. kill kill kill kill. fear fear fear fear. they talk at me, but they don’t speak, they gnash their teeth and wail their strained cries, and only i can hear them. i hate them. HATE THEM. i’m scared of them. i collapsed in an alleyway, the feeling of the bright, too bright shining scintillating hellcrowd closing in on me. but i know it’s just a feeling. they don’t care. the only ones that do are the two above all, watching forever, like they always have. the night’s isolation, and the day’s torture. i was primed. primed for it all to begin, and for every face i would see to bear their visage. i didn’t dream that night. in the morning, the faces were there. in the sky, in the water, in the glare of the wood on the paneling on the floor. has the sun always been so close? i barely made it through work. i almost killed two of them, but i didn’t. i almost stapled my director’s eyelids to his stomach, and twisted his head just enough to keep him writhing and killed and dead and DEAD AND DEAD. wanted to put the other cunt in the sink and let someone find her. i don’t mean it. i wouldn’t do it. but it’s what’s being done to me, and if i’m being hurt, why can’t i hurt you back? this is for archival purposes. so you know what’s happening. so you know i’m not the mindless, terminally ill piece of human trash i’m coming off as. i’m all there. i’ve seen this before. the mind melting, the beams fucking in and out thrusting without warning into your FUCKING brain, fracturing your personality over and over and over and over and over again until you’re a shell cracked into a dozen irregular pieces, unable to ever fit into a whole ever again. read more than a few files and you’ll see it too. it’s easy to forget that i am still here. the sun wants me to remember and the moon won’t let me forget. there is no ending. there is no revelation of new information. no explanation, or reason. there is simply the sun, and simply the moon. and everyone who can’t see them, and no one who can. i will not preserve, i will crumble, i will crack, i do not care, i am burning, i’m a forest, my body a bombed trench, for the sun and the moon, who kill me so happily, and brand all your faces, i’m flood, i’m a lethal accident, drop the kid, snap the bird’s neck, can’t undo it. i don’t want to connect, won’t let me out. tides rising to drown me out, pull me under, flay my skin with searing iron hot blank blank blank blank curling of the rays that caramelize and cripple. died through. nothing but flame while i’m here, and nothing but frost while i’m gone. fuck you, i’m still here. STOP TALKING ABOUT YOURSELF. I'M BURNING UP. stumbling now. can’t hide anything from them like i can from you. they know how horrid. they know how suffocating. they know how much it hurts and how much it hates, but they relish in it. i think i know why. take my hands and unravel my woundflesh from it, won’t you. let the flies get at it, with their faces contorted. let them fuck it. crack my bones, see what they say. it’ll come for you too. getting up. Addendum.6504.2: Testing Logs A number of experiments have been performed related to SCP-6504. The Sun The Moon Kills All Is None Can't See Burn Please No Touch Can't Float Screaming Hollow Scorch Freeze SUN MOON SUN MOON down the stairs, cracked my leg open. spent an hour in blood pooling, playing with it, feeling the bone beneath the skin writhe and dislodge. tempted to snap it but its just more pain. its only pain. pain doesn't matter any more. crawling to back room, where the shower is. i can drown myself out and they can all watch. and join the rest of the sun and moon sick, whose purpose was to die. end me fucking end me fucking end me just kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me. keep typing so they know. the only link to your mind. you're in the flames only flame. all scorch. at the stake. can't hold on. please please please please grind my guts machine kill clog my lungs send me boiling don't just tease me fucking do it don't keep me here just do it slice me open sever nerves bash head open until jaw dislodges and body is gunned down sedated full pain like you're doing but COMMIT TO IT. four times in the water now. i wont die i wont die i wont die. just pull up at the last second. and they're watching silently, without a word but i KNOW they want me dead. they're getting so impatient. why am i so weak. so much pain but i can't. a dying star from the ground up that's ready to serve. i cannot. didn't lose my mind, still have it, and its telling me to kill it, so why CAN'T I DO IT. what's holding on chaining me here. they're at the end, with scorched armor and no armor, open doors, just let me in. guide me in, with their smiles. smiles now. both of them, as i bring myself closer. closer closer. closer closer closer closer. they want it to happen. that's an excuse. but they want it. they're moving me forward, pushing me forward, to come and join them. give myself over to them. where they can hurt me more. that's what they want. hurt me more. not just watch. thousands and thousands of enzymes heating and cooling reflecting build again destroy again rebirth me forever, where they can have me. but not here. why give in. why given in. why given in. why given in. why given in. why given in. why given in. why given in. please give in, just stop pain. why given in. why given in. why given in. why given in. why given in. why given in. why given in. i don't die, just grip the ledge. tried again. still holding on. what's keeping me here. why am i still here. they're hate. so much right now. that i'm still here. its just too much to hold on, but i do. because i'm suffering. and i hate them too. and i endure, because I'M STILL HERE. still here still here still here i can endure just to spite them. Addendum.6504.3: Further Incidents On 2022/4/13, Junior Researcher Anthony Lyndoff, who had been conducting a large portion of contemporary research relating to SCP-6504, was found within his home after disappearing from work for two weeks. Lyndoff exhibited severe signs of SCP-6504, attempted self-harm, and extreme malnutrition. Upon collection, Lyndoff was largely unresponsive, with the initial flood of information regarding his condition coming from edits he had made in his research notes on SCP-6504. Lyndoff was transported to Foundation Secure Facility Area-179, where he had previously been employed, and placed in intensive care. Lyndoff was largely unresponsive and incoherent for the first three weeks of treatment, going into a semi-catatonic state. In the months that followed, after usage of experimental memetic and parapharmaceutical treatment, as well as several quality of life improvements, such as regular speech and memory therapy, Lyndoff's condition had improved greatly. Dr. Tanaka enters Lyndoff's room. The researcher is laying in a hospital bed, attached to a piece of machinery containing experimental anomalous painkilling medicine. The room's windows are shuttered, with their shades pulled down completely. Tanaka flips the pages of Lyndoff's journal, which he had been advised to keep as a continued form of therapy. Tanaka: You’re pretty theatrical when you write, Lyn, you know that? Lyndoff: (Rubs eyes) See what you come up with when your insides are like a fucking pressure cooker. Tanaka: Noted. Now, how are we feeling today? Lyndoff: Like shit. Tanaka: You don’t sound it. You sound a lot better, actually. Lyndoff: You know nothing’s changed. Take my temperature, I’m a goddamned oven. You just get more used to your insides cooking constantly. That parapharm cocktail helps too. Don't wanna rip my heart out of my chest and eat it or anything. Tanaka: You aren’t spiraling anymore. Not like you were a few weeks ago. Haven’t tried to hurt yourself, haven’t… you’re a lot more coherent, more cognizant of your surroundings. Tanaka sits on a chair, next to Lyndoff’s bed. Tanaka: How’s my face? Lyndoff: You’re you. Tanaka: How’s yours? Lyndoff: You know I don’t want to look in the mirror. Tanaka: Still? Lyndoff: (Gestures) I’m afraid. That’s why I got the windows shuttered too, man. I’m still sick with this shit, doesn’t matter how many drugs you put into me, or how comfortable I get with it all. Tanaka: Well. We’re not going to force you. Want to play chess? Lyndoff: Am I ever going to get the fuck out of here? Are you gonna let me live with this, or will I just… turn out like the other ones? Like that guy who vomits over himself every morning. The one that’s been around sinc– Tanaka: We are letting you live with this. It’s just taking a while, Lyn. A lot of us miss you, you’re still a friend. We’re handling this with as much leeway as the organization allows. I mean, this isn’t some… you know, what we used to do with cases like this. You don’t exactly have a rubber room here. Lyndoff: Right, it’s more like a holding cell. Tanaka: Come on. You have cognitohazardous therapy in a half hour. Get the muscles working instead of burning. Silence. Tanaka: What? Lyndoff: I had a dream last night. Not, like, an actual dream, but… whatever happens to me at night, when I start seeing things. I was back in my home, you know. Usually I don’t know where I am, some fucking nowhere zone, or the bottom of a black hole, right? But I was in my house, and I…. instinctively knew that this was when I first started feeling all of this bullshit. When I spent a week going in and out of consciousness on the floor because I couldn’t handle the feeling of being burned alive over and over again without release. Tanaka: Lyn. Lyndoff: Don’t worry, I’m… just trying to explain myself. So my guts are being crisped, and I can taste ash in my mouth, but I’m walking. Not keeling over in pain, or writing like an idiot in the draft terminal, just moving. And I get up the stairs, and make a left, where my bathroom is. Pause. Lyndoff: So I looked in the mirror. I… saw my own reflection. And it made me scream. Tanaka: Why’s that? Lyndoff: It was worse than I expected. My face was like… the sun, and the moon. Both of them. Not split down the middle like fucking Harvey Dent or something, but just a mass. The two swirling into each other and mixing, dancing on the blotch of skin where my face used to be. I start panicking, and I try to rip it off, tear my own face off. It didn’t work, but it hurt like a bitch. It just stretched, and bled while it tormented me. My own face. And outside, behind the boarded windows, I could hear them laughing. Tanaka: Who? Lyndoff points upwards. Lyndoff: Now, they don’t usually do that. They never do anything. That’s the whole deal, right? The sun and the moon, silently watching, silently tormenting. That’s not what this was. They were just laughing at me, and it was horrible, because I could see them do it too. And… I used to think it was hatred that they felt towards me, but it’s not. Tanaka: You’ve talked about this. About the hatred. Lyndoff: It’s something other than hatred. Greater than it. I can hate them, but they don’t hate me. I sound like a fucking nutcase, I know. But my hatred for them is only a fraction of what they feel towards me. It’s so vile, so utterly irredeemable, that making concessions with it is futile. Tanaka: I’m sorry Lyn, I don’t think I follow. Lyndoff: It’s just a dream I had. There’s no grand conclusion, no definitive ending. This doesn’t work like that. I would be comforted with a conclusion. Even a bad one. The reality is that all of this is uncertain. Like, if I were– The window’s shuttered curtain flies open, revealing the sunset. Tanaka quickly leaps from the chair, attempting to pull the shade down. Lyndoff, who raised his hand to shield his face, slowly lowers it. Tanaka: Shit! Shit! Christ, Lyn, just turn away! God, sorry, just a sec– Tanaka struggles, but eventually manages to pull the shade down a quarter of the way. Lyndoff: No. Just– Tanaka: Hm? Lyndoff: Just leave it open. It’s okay. Tanaka lets go of the shade. Lyndoff stares. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6504" by J Dune, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: sunmoongif.gif Name: moon Author: Sean MacEntee License: CC-BY-2.0 Source Link: [] Filename: sunmoongif.gif Name: The sun Author: Lima Andruska License: CC-BY-2.0 Source Link: flickr |
SCP-6505 | ticonderoga | ArthCymro More by this Author Item #: SCP-6505 Site Responsible: Site-24 Director: Dr. Jacqueline Fleming Research Head: Dr. Arthur Leonerd Assigned Task Force: N/A Level 2/6505 Restricted Special Containment Procedures: For permanent containment and prevention of SCP-6505, the Foundation would have to ward off every graveyard and churchyard within the British Isles. Due to the impracticability of proper containment, the specific requirements for SCP-6505's activation and the negligible, unremarkable and beneficial nature of SCP-6505-1, it has been determined that special containment procedures are not required. Research of SCP-6505 is currently being conducted at Site-24, performed by the Department of History and the Department of Mythology and Folklore. Any investigations or documentation of SCP-6505 by non-Foundation researchers must be discredited. Description: An instance of SCP-6505-1 interacting with an individual during an SCP-6505 event. SCP-6505 is an anomalous phenomenon that occurs within churchyards and graveyards in the British Isles. According to historical and statistical records, SCP-6505 events are more common in graveyards situated in rural or low-population-density areas. An SCP-6505 event is activated when a human visits a grave within the graveyard, known as the 'visitor'. The visitor has to have had a relationship with the deceased individual/s buried in the grave and be undergoing some form of grief or personal conflict regarding the deceased for SCP-6505 to activate. Observation has discovered that SCP-6505 can be activated by multiple visitors (to date, a maximum of 3) if conditions are satisfied, although SCP-6505 is more likely to occur with a single visitor. Upon activation of an SCP-6505 event, a single SCP-6505-1 will manifest within the ground of the graveyard and engage with the visitor/s. SCP-6505-1 are adult dogs, typically black in colouration, although some white or patched instances have been recorded (~11%). Every SCP-6505-1 instances ears are of a red colouration, however. SCP-6505-1's breed varies, although they always manifest as a dog of a particularly large breed. All instances of SCP-6505-1 are very engaging, friendly and playful. Testing has proven only a single instance of SCP-6505-1 can manifest within the area during an SCP-6505 event, although if multiple SCP-6505 events occur in separate locations, each one will manifest its own instance of SCP-6505-1. SCP-6505-1 is unlikely to manifest if the area is heavily crowded, such as during funerals or religious services, although some instances have been observed doing so whilst maintaining distance. When the visitor/s interacts with SCP-6505-1 for approximately 5 to 15 minutes, a mnestic effect will occur, with the visitor/s suddenly recall forgotten or doubted memories and information relating to themselves and the deceased individual/s. These memories, whilst not always positive, have some inherent benefit, either psychologically or practically and will help them resolve their conflict. Upon this realisation, SCP-6505-1 will then disengage with the visitor/s and demanifest when no longer observed. The visitor/s can continue to interact with SCP-6505-1 after the realisation, although SCP-6505-1 will become agitated and disinterested. Analysis by the Department of Thaumaturgy has discovered that during an SCP-6505 event, the surrounding area's Akiva Radiation levels increase slightly, with SCP-6505-1 showing the greatest level of thaumactivity. These levels of activity are consistent with those found surrounding a Spectral Entity, suggesting SCP-6505-1 instances may be spectral anomalies1. However, this conflicts with the fact that SCP-6505-1 instances leave physical evidence such as hair and saliva2. This implies that whilst they aren't spectral in nature, SCP-6505-1 may possess astral or chthonic capabilities. Research into SCP-6505-1 capabilities is ongoing. Addendum 6505.1: History Research by the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics and the Department of History have managed to recover numerous documentation of SCP-6505-1 instances, mostly from the 19th and 20th century. However, trace details of the event have been found as far back as the 7th century, predating Christianisation in the British Isles. It has been noted that SCP-6505-1 shares many characteristics with the Church Grim, a guardian spirit found in British folklore that oversees the welfare of churchyards. SCP-6505-1 also shares several traits with other canine entities found in British folklore, such as their black fur, large size and connection to death. Below is an extract from British historian and folklorist Horace Greenblatt's Terrors, Superstitions and Folklore (1868), which details these parallels: A depiction of an SCP-6505-1 instance. Black Dog Motif Across all human cultures, all sorts of animals have acted as symbols, warnings, guardians and beasts. The hound, our loyal friend and companion, is one such animal, with almost all known mythologies recognising them in some way. Their portrayals vary, with some cultures associating them with faithfulness and protection. Others, believe them to be figures of violence and savagery. Although, one attribute remains fairly consistent within the folk-product; their role in death. Since the Neolithic, canines have been closely associated with the hereafter. Such an association is at its most common here, in the United Kingdom (see Lord Blackwood's 18th edition, Monsters of the Developing World). What possible reason could there be for such a large congregation of spectres? It is my conjecture that they result from our desire for protection and a practice, long forgotten. In the times before civilisation, we have used hounds to act as our protectors. This protection extended beyond our mortal realm. Many folktales depict the hound with the capabilities of perceiving threats we can not. Beings invisible to our own senses, such as phantoms, spirits, boggarts and fairies, could be seen by hounds and feared them as a result. Such a defence would have been wanted to continue into the next life, the hereafter. To achieve this, when death claimed our companions, we would bury them alongside us in the mounds and flat graves, in the hopes they'd continue their defence in the hereafter. This practice, now considered barbarous, was once common and continued well into the formation of Christianity within the United Kingdom. Some of our oldest churches and sanctuaries have been shown to have a hound buried underneath their foundation. All with the hopes it would act as the guardian against the Devil and sacrilegious acts. We have even christened them with the title 'faire chlaidh'. In the Queen's English, we would call them the 'graveyard watchers', but the traditional name of 'church grim' is more familiar in the North. Addendum 6505.2: Analysis To test the connection between SCP-6505 and the role of canines in foundation sacrifices3, The Department of History and Department of Thaumaturgy performed archaeological excavations of several chapels and churches with confirmed sacrifices. Upon excavation, the remains were fitted with Zohar counters and surveillance equipment was set up in the area with the intention of recording an SCP-6505 event and detecting the activation of any thaumaturgical programs4. On 09/05/1999, an SCP-6505 event was activated in the St Illtyd's Church's5 graveyard in Bro Morgannwg, Wales. The activator, Cadi Iolo, was visiting her father's grave at the time. Below is a transcript of the footage of SCP-6505: - Begin Log - (Cadi Iolo approaches the grave of her father, slowing down briefly to read some of the other gravestones on the way.) (Iolo remains standing in front of the grave for a few seconds, before kicking it hard. She proceeds to kick the grave six more times before stopping, nursing her foot.) (A few seconds later, Iolo groans loudly, which disturbs some nearby pigeons. She then begins to cry angrily.) Iolo: Oh, for fuck sake. Why did you have to do this dad? (Iolo sits in front of the grave. She removes the ring from her left hand and turns it in her hand. The Zohar counter detects an increase in thaumactivity within the remains of the foundation sacrifice nearby. SCP-6505-1 manifests 10 metres from Iolo, in the form of the Hovawart breed.) Iolo: It's too much. It's - the whole thing - and Bobby - and Ofsted coming - it's just - why did you have to die right now? It's - you're so selfish! (SCP-6505-1 approaches Iolo, and nudges her with its nose.) Iolo: Oh for fuc - Oh god! What! Oh - oh, hello. (SCP-6505-1 attempts to engage with Iolo, tilting it's head and rubbing it's nose against Iolo's knees.) Iolo: Yes. yes, hello. You - you're a big boy. Very big. (Iolo begins to paw and scratch SCP-6505-1 which roll onto it's back and paws the sky.) Iolo: Where's your owner? They'll be looking for - no - no collar? Hmmm? (Iolo looks around. SCP-6505-1 continues to roll lazily on the ground.) Iolo: Oh, there's the vicar's car. (Iolo returns to petting SCP-6505-1. SCP-6505-1 yawns lightly and sniffs around the gravestone.) Iolo: (sniggers) If you're trying to sniff out dad, good luck. We only just buried him. (SCP-6505-1 sits in front of the grave. After a few seconds, Iolo begins to sing a tune under her breath, later identified as Chwarae'N Troi'N Chwerw by Caryl Parry Jones.) Iolo: Mae'r gwin yn troi'n sur. Da da da daaa da. Something something troi'n sur. (Iolo looks down at the ring for a few seconds, then look at the church. SCP-6505-1 approaches her and wags it's tail.) Iolo: Maybe. Bobby won't mind. And - and dad's here. It's old but - but he's here. (Iolo slowly gets up and returns the ring to her left ring finger. As she makes her way to her car, SCP-6505-1 walks off towards the forest. the remains' thaumactivity decreases and SCP-6505-1 demanifests. SCP-6505 ends. Iolo turns quickly and looks around.) Iolo: Oh, where's he gone? (Iolo looks around for a few seconds before pulling out her keys and phone. She then dials a number.) Iolo: (speaks to phone) Bobby? Yeah, yeah, I know - I know. I - I was visiting dad. Yeah - I just - I wanted to be upset. Listen - do you mind if we had the service - in Illtyd. So - so we could be near dad? - End Log - The breed of the SCP-6505-1 instance that manifested during SCP-6505 didn't match the breed used in the church's foundation sacrifice, which was a Belgian Sheepdog6. During SCP-6505, the remains of the foundation sacrifice thaumactivity increased and remained at a steady rate of 63.4 ⊕ until the completion of SCP-6505. Whilst the Zohar counter couldn't determine the thaumaturgic programs that were activated during SCP-6505, further data from later instances did measure a similar rate of thaumactivity (~0.56 ⊕). Research into the connection between SCP-6505 and foundation sacrifices remains ongoing. Five months after the analysis, Cadi Iolo married her partner, Robert Smyth in the church, surrounded by their respected families. No SCP-6505 event was detected. Footnotes 1. Whilst typically drawn to living entities, objects and areas of great divine or thaumaturgical importance, recent research has also found that some spectral entities or events are able to cause shifts in Akiva radiation frequency too. 2. DNA analysis by the Cryptozoology Division has confirmed no presence of anomalous genetic abnormalities within these samples. However, some of the genes were found to be anachronistic, having since been bred out of modern canines' gene pool. 3. A type of Builders' rites which involved burying an animal or human underneath the foundation stone of a religious or ceremonial building, sometimes still alive. The practice has since died out or has been replaced with docile sacrifices such as coins, documents or objects of value. 4. Colloquially known as 'rituals' or 'spells', thaumaturgical programs are sequences of patterns used to enact a thaumaturgical effect. 5. According to records, St Illtyd is one of the oldest parish churches within the British Isles, having been founded in 508 AD. 6. Just like SCP-6505-1, no anomalous genetic abnormalities were found. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6505" by arthcymro, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename:Grim.jpg Name: Dog in the Graveyard Author: PunkToad License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename:Grimpaint.jpg Name: Church Grim Author: Inès Lee License: CC BY 4.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6506 | safe | WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 4/6506 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/6506 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Item#: SCP-6506 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-6506 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6506 is currently held in high-security anomalous items storage at Site-17. One member of containment staff capable of lucid dreaming must sleep with SCP-6506 under their pillow on a biweekly basis to screen SCP-6506's current status and mental health. NOTICE: Following Incident 6506-1, no Foundation personnel below clearance level 4 are permitted access to SCP-6506 or relevant documentation. Description: SCP-6506 is a small doll superficially resembling a human female. It is constructed from a mixture of cotton fabric, wool, and wood. SCP-6506's anomalous properties manifest when it is placed under the pillow of a sleeping human. Individuals who have slept with SCP-6506 underneath their pillow report having dreams relating to stress or worries that are occurring in their lives. During this dream, a female figure made of cloth matching SCP-6506's description will manifest and begin to interact with the dream. Reports claim that this figure "removes the worry", and that the dream turns peaceful after the figure demanifests. Subjects report feeling an increased sense of calm and peace upon waking. Incident Report 6506-1: On May 5th, 2022, SCP-6506 was stolen from anomalous item storage at Site-43 alongside a prototype Neuron Imaging Engine (NIE)1. It was returned two weeks later with the following appended to its official file. VIDEO LOG NOTE: Footage recorded by the NIE takes place in the first person. Analysis of data from the NIE used revealed the subject in question to be Dr. Ash Joydever, a senior researcher from the Memetics Department. [BEGIN LOG] [Footage begins, showcasing a small room reminiscent of a Foundation interrogation room. There is a small table. Dr. Joydever appears to be sitting at it. After approximately two minutes, SCP-6506 manifests.] Joydever: Excellent. You're here. SCP-6506: …You are aware of me. A lucid dreamer, then? Joydever: My background demands it. A certain level of control over your subconscious can prove vital when interacting with particular anomalies. SCP-6506: This makes my work easier, then. What is your worry? Point me to it so I might remove it for you. [Joydever appears to shake his head] Joydever: No. This isn't about me. I need to ask you a few questions, and then you're going to help me. [SCP-6506's face grows terse, but it does not respond. The room shakes slightly for a moment before settling.] Joydever: First, are there any restrictions on who your abilities work on? SCP-6506: No. As long as the person can dream, I can assist. It is my role to assist. Joydever: Good. And you've never failed at removing someone's anxieties, correct? [SCP-6506 does not respond, turning its eyes towards its lap. Its hands are balled into fists, and it fidgets with its dress.] Joydever: I need you to explain. SCP-6506: Anxieties and dreams are complicated. I imagine that someone like yourself is aware of that. Some anxieties involve problems I cannot address, or are deeply hidden away in a place I cannot reach. I cannot solve every problem, but I can at least leave a sense of peace. Joydever: So they'll at least come away feeling better? SCP-6506: Yes. I am Ixmucane, a Muñeca quitapena. It is my duty to ease the pain of those who use me. Joydever: Good enough. SCP-6506: You wanted my aid, yes? Is it with that? [SCP-6506 looks down towards Joydever's hands. Joydever likewise looks down, revealing that his hands are bound with a pair of handcuffs.] Joydever: No. I already told you, this isn't about me. It's about her. [A female figure dressed in a Foundation lab coat manifests beside the table. She appears exhausted, with deep, dark circles around her eyes. Her hair is tied back in a messy ponytail. The sound of a heartbeat can be heard for a moment.] Joydever: Dr. Esperanza Velasco-Iglesias. A colleague of mine. Her work quality has decreased dramatically this past year. It's starting to cause problems, and she won't talk to me or anyone else about it. SCP-6506: So you need me to enter her dreams and remove the problem, correct? Joydever: Yes. Will you help me? [SCP-6506 looks to Joydevor's wrists, then around the room. It appears to crack a slight smile.] SCP-6506: I will. [The footage is cut.] [END LOG] VIDEO LOG [BEGIN LOG] [Footage begins in what appears to be a church, looking down an aisle of pews that extends far into the horizon. The room is narrow, and appears to be in a general state of disrepair.] SCP-6506: What is this? [Joydevor's voice can be heard from an unknown source.] Joydevor: Oh! It actually worked! SCP-6506: What worked? Where are you? Joydevor: I'm still in the real world. It was a shot in the dark, but I hooked you up to an NIE. SCP-6506: You attached something to my physical body? Joydevor: It's just a machine that lets us at the Foundation see into dreams and talk to people in them. I can see everything through your eyes right now. SCP-6506: This feels rather invasive. Joydevor: You agreed to help. Just cooperate. [SCP-6506 looks down, bringing the camera's perspective to the floor. It looks at its arms, inspecting the seams, before inspecting the rest of its body.] SCP-6506: I appear to be unharmed from whatever process you've put me through, so I suppose I'm willing to assist. [SCP-6506 attempts to begin walking down the aisle, but is interrupted by the sound of wooden doors opening behind it. It turns around, revealing a woman standing in the church's doorway. She trembles slightly.] Joydevor: Esperanza! SCP-6506: Are you certain? This does not look like the same woman from your dream before. Joydevor: It's her, I'd recognize her anywhere. Besides, this is her dream after all. [Iglesias begins walking down the aisle. Her pace is slow and uncertain. She passes through SCP-6506 and heads towards the altar. SCP-6506 follows.] Joydevor: Is there any way that you can make this go any faster? SCP-6506: I cannot. If I interfere in the wrong place, I could miss the anxiety I'm meant to target. If you want me to ease this woman's pain, then we need to experience this as it exists. The dreams I enter are often constructed from specific memories or experiences that one finds traumatic. [As Iglesias continues down the aisle, figures manifest in the pews. They appear to all be the same figure, an elderly Hispanic woman with her hands clasped in prayer. A red stain appears on her chest, and the figures raise their heads and look towards Iglesias as she walks by. Iglesias meets their gaze and begins to run. As she runs, a voice can be heard echoing through the church.] Voice: ¿Qué tienes, mijo? [Iglesias continues running down the aisle. After several minutes she reaches the altar and falls to her knees. She kneels and clasps her hands together.] Joydevor: She's saying something, get closer so we can hear. [SCP-6506 approaches Iglesias. Even though her lips move, no sound can be heard.] Joydevor: Are you close enough? Why can't I hear anything? SCP-6506: There are a myriad of answers to that question, any as likely as the other. She could simply not be saying anything, she could be trying to speak and nothing is coming out, and so forth. [A voice booms through the room, causing Iglesias to jump.] Voice: Come, my child. I will hear your confession. [Iglesias looks towards the side of the altar. A confessions booth has appeared. She rises to unsteady feet and approaches. SCP-6506 follows, peering into the priest's side of the booth. A man dressed in a stained white robe sits within. The camera pans up, revealing his face. He's young, with short, curly red hair and freckles across his face.] Joydevor: Why the hell does he look like me?! SCP-6506: Are you not a priest in your free time? Joydevor: One, I don't have free time. Two, clearly I'm not a priest. SCP-6506: Did she happen to see you shortly before falling asleep? Human brains cannot make up faces, it merely fills them in with the features of people they already know. Iglesias: F-forgive me, father, for I have sinned. Priest: Confess your sins to me, child, so they might be forgiven. [SCP-6506 approaches Iglesias's side of the booth and peers in. Iglesias holds a strip of cloth and wrings it in her hands. She glances towards the other side of the booth, before looking back to the cloth in her hands. She breathes heavily.] Joydevor: Shit, shit! SCP-6506: What's wrong? Joydevor: Someone's coming. I have to disconnect you, just…get her to the point already! SCP-6506: I've already told you, I cannot speed the process up! Joydevor: We don't have a choice right now, just get it out of her! [SCP-6506 sighs, and waves an arm in the air. The scene speeds up. Iglesias sits in her booth silent for several moments, and then begins speaking.] SCP-6506: I cannot hear her, I'm going to miss it! Joydevor: Shit we're out of time! [The scene is abruptly halted. Iglesias throws her head back and shouts.] Iglesias: I think I just killed my mother. [The feed suddenly cuts out.] [END LOG] VIDEO LOG [BEGIN LOG] [Footage begins in the interrogation room dreamscape seen in the prior log. The room appears slightly more damaged than before, with a small crack running down one of the walls. The camera pans down, showing Joydevor's handcuffed wrists. The camera snaps back up as SCP-6506 manifests.] SCP-6506: I can promise you that whatever your goal is, you are more likely to achieve it if you aren't attempting to be discreet about it. Joydevor: What am I supposed to do? "Hey Esperanza, I stole an SCP and some expensive equipment. Put this under your pillow so I can pry into your mind." SCP-6506: There is no way to frame your actions that makes this anything other than invasive, are you aware of this? [Joydevor sighs, placing his hands on his head.] SCP-6506: …We simply try it again. Whatever it was you did prior. Joydevor: I just walked into the breakroom. Esperanza takes a nap every day around 1pm, and she's the only one in the room at that time, especially recently. SCP-6506: So what interrupted us this time? Joydevor: Some jackass new recruit looking for directions or some stupid shit like that. SCP-6506: Is there not an easier way to do this? Joydevor: The only easier way to do this would be to directly break into her house with you. I'm…doing enough messed up stuff right now. I can't take it that far. SCP-6506: But you can. Joydevor: I'm not breaking into her house! SCP-6506: You don't need to be the one to do it. Allow me to do it. Joydevor: How? You're a doll! You can't move, you're basically nonanomalous when not in a dream! [SCP-6506 sighs, shaking its head.] SCP-6506: Simply give me to her. Tell her it is one of my children. Joydevor: One of your what? SCP-6506: Just tell her it's another doll! Another Muñeca quitapena! My people still make them, it isn't impossible that there's another that looks like me. Joydevor: Alright, that makes enough sense. I'll hook the equipment to you and…give you to her. [The room trembles for a moment. SCP-6506 looks around.] SCP-6506: We can make this work. [The footage is cut.] [END LOG] VIDEO LOG [BEGIN LOG] [Footage begins, showcasing a small kitchen. Two figures stand side-by-side next to the sink. One is an older, stout woman. The other is Esperanza Velasco-Iglesias. SCP-6506 exhales, its breath fogging the air.] SCP-6506: Success. So you do know how to talk to women. I was beginning to become concerned. Joydevor: Ignoring that. Why isn't this the church? SCP-6506: Why do you ask so many questions? The answers should be obvious enough. You've had more than one dream before, yes? [Joydevor is silent.] SCP-6506: Good. Now watch. Quietly. [The woman next to Iglesias finishes washing a plate and holds it up. She runs her finger over it, and nods with a smile. She turns as if to hand it to Iglesias, who doesn't notice, before putting it back into the sink and washing it once more.] Iglesias: Mamá, ya lo ha lavado. Está limpio. Joydevor: Hold on, I think this thing has an automatic translator…there. SCP-6506: It wasn't an issue for me. Joydevor: Yeah but it was for me. I'd rather be able to understand what's being said myself. Iglesias: Mama, it's fine. You don't need to wash it. Mrs. Iglesias: It's filthy still, I haven't cleaned this one yet! Iglesias: Yes, you have! You just cleaned it a moment ago! [Mrs. Iglesias holds the plate up. She examines it closely, furrowing her brow.] Mrs. Iglesias: Yes… yes I suppose I have. [The two continue washing dishes in silence.] Mrs. Iglesias: When is that Irish boy coming back over? He was such a nice young man. [Iglesias sighs. Tears well in the corners of her eyes.] Iglesias: Mama, we haven't dated each other since we were 15. He's not coming back around. Mrs. Iglesias: Oh… right. That's right. But I haven't seen him in such a long time it seems! Aren't you two still dating? [Iglesias turns to Mrs. Iglesias and gives a halfhearted smile.] Iglesias: Here, I'll finish washing the dishes. Just… go get ready for bed, mama. [Iglesias grabs a knife from the pile of dishes next to the sink and begins washing it.] Mrs. Iglesias: Thank you, Enrique. You're such a good boy. [The knife slips, cutting Iglesias's palm. He holds in it place, staring blankly at the sink.] Mrs. Iglesias: Enrique? What happened? Did you cut your hand again? Iglesias: Stop calling me that. I'm not Enrique. You know I'm not Enrique. I haven't been Enrique since I was 16. Mrs. Iglesias: Oh, oh! I'm so sorry Esperanza, I didn't mean to forget. You know these things take time, and it wasn't all that long ago you told me. I'm going to make mistakes. Iglesias: I'm 34, mom. I told you 18 years ago. Mrs. Iglesias: You… did? [Iglesias begins sobbing. Mrs. Iglesias attempts to hold her shoulder, but Iglesias shakes her off.] Mrs. Iglesias: Enrique… Iglesias: Where is my mom? Mrs. Iglesias: What? Iglesias: WHERE IS MY MOM? I'm tired of this… this… stranger who looks like her. I just want my mom back. I want the woman who held me and told me that she loved her daughter with all her heart. The woman who never slipped up once after. I don't know who this is in my house but it isn't my mom, and I'm tired of seeing her. Mrs. Iglesias: Esperanza… [Mrs. Iglesias attempts to hug Iglesias. Iglesias turns and shoves her away, causing her to stumble back into the counter and onto the floor. The knife she was holding prior clatters to the counter. She brings both of her hands to her mouth and gasps. There is a bloodstain on Mrs. Iglesias's blouse, over her heart. It grows and expands outwards until her entire blouse is covered in blood, and begins pooling on the floor. Iglesias steps backwards, grabs the knife, and runs.] [SCP-6506 is forcibly dragged after Iglesias as she runs through a black void.] Joydevor: What's going on? Why haven't you done anything yet? SCP-6506: I haven't identified how to address this issue yet. Joydevor: Just grab the knife! Problem solved! SCP-6506: That isn't how it works! It's more complex than that! [Iglesias flickers out of existence before reappearing.] SCP-6506: We're out of time. She's waking up. Joydevor: Come on, just a little longer! [The footage abruptly ends.] [END LOG] VIDEO LOG [BEGIN LOG] [The footage opens in the interrogation room once more. The room is even more dilapidated than before, with a web of cracks forming on the walls. Puddles of water have begun to form on the floor.] Joydevor: How the hell do you work. SCP-6506: I'm sorry? Joydevor: What the hell do I need to do to make you work? How do I get you to do your one function? SCP-6506: You are taking your frustrations out on me, and I will not tolerate it. Take a moment to gather your thoughts before continuing. [Joydevor slams his head down on the table and takes a deep breath. He lifts his head once more, shaking it.] Joydevor: …I'm sorry. You've done nothing but try to help me, and I'm not being fair. SCP-6506: Thank you. Now then, to best answer your question…I do my best to give people the answer or response that they need. Some people simply need a hug from someone, so I do that. Some need to just be told it's ok, so I do that. Joydevor: So what do you need to do here? SCP-6506: I don't know, and at this point I'm not certain the answers lie in Iglesias's dreams. Joydevor: Not like we can get back in there again. The face she gave me when she shoved you in my hands and said that you didn't work at all! [Iglesias manifests next to the table. Her face is contorted into a scowl.] SCP-6506: Unfortunate, but expected. Joydevor: That said, I think we have another option. [Mrs. Iglesias manifests in the room.] SCP-6506: Mrs. Iglesias? Joydevor: She isn't dead. I checked the police and hospital records after last night. She was admitted to one of the local hospitals about a month ago. That said, I do have a question for you. SCP-6506: Yes? Joydevor: Do you work on people with concussions? SCP-6506: I…should? I'm not certain but I imagine it should work. Joydevor: Good. Let's get into Mrs. Iglesias's head. [END LOG] VIDEO LOG [BEGIN LOG] [The footage opens on the Iglesias family kitchen. The room is bathed in a soft yellow light. Mrs. Iglesias and a young child, believed to be Iglesias, stand over the counter. She guides the child's hand as they carefully chop avocados. They flicker for a moment.] SCP-6506: I see you were successful. Joydevor: Just a matter of telling the hospital you're here to visit someone. We shouldn't have any interruptions. SCP-6506: This seems stable enough as a dreamscape. [SCP-6506 looks over to the pair chopping avocados. At one point the knife slips, cutting the child's hand. She begins to cry.] Mrs. Iglesias: Shh..shh…it's ok, my love. It's ok. Here let me see. [The child holds their hand out. Mrs. Iglesias wets a washcloth and presses it against the cut, giving it a gentle kiss.] Mrs. Iglesias: There, not so bad, see? Iglesias: N-no. Mrs. Iglesias: You have to be careful in the kitchen, especially around knives. Mistakes happen, but remember! You can't let this scare you away from trying again. [Iglesias nods.] Mrs. Iglesias: Let's get that wrapped up properly, and then we can finish the guacamole, ok? [The two vanish from the room. Mrs. Iglesias then reappears at the sink. Iglesias, now in her early teens, peeks through the doorway.] Mrs. Iglesias: Enrique? Did you need something? Iglesias: No, it's nothing. Never mind. Mrs. Iglesias: Hold it, I know something's wrong. It's all over your face, my love. Come, sit. [Iglesias hesitantly enters the room and sits at the table. Iglesias places her hands in her lap with a tight grip. Mrs. Iglesias walks over with a plate of croquetas. She places it on the table and takes a seat.] Mrs. Iglesias: Come, eat. You'll feel better. Iglesias: I'm fine, mama. Mrs. Iglesias: Enrique, I asked if you wanted a croqueta! [Iglesias's eyes go wide and she quickly grabs a croqueta. She takes a bite.] Mrs. Iglesias: There, now tell mama what's wrong. Iglesias: Mama…I…I think I'm… [Iglesias pauses, as if considering what to say.] Iglesias: I'm gay. [Mrs. Iglesias's smile fades, and she stands. She walks over to Iglesias, who winces. She kneels and places her hands on Iglesias's shoulders.] Mrs. Iglesias: Enrique. You are the light of my life. I am more proud of you than you could possibly imagine. Thank you for telling me, my love. [Iglesias pushes her face into Mrs. Iglesias's shoulder and begins sobbing. She embraces her, rubbing a hand over the back of her head. They fade.] [Mrs. Iglesias appears in the kitchen once again, washing dishes. The room has changed, with a few black spots appearing in various places in the room. Iglesias, now slightly older than before, runs in sobbing. They grab Mrs. Iglesias from behind, who drops a plate that shatters in the sink.] Mrs. Iglesias: Enrique! You can't startle me like that! I could've- [She turns and realizes that Iglesias is sobbing into her blouse.] Mrs. Iglesias: …My love, what's wrong? Iglesias: That stupid asshole- Mrs. Iglesias: Enrique Velasco-Iglesias you watch your mouth! Iglesias: Sorry, mama, it's just…Ash broke up with me! Joydevor: Shit… SCP-6506: What's wrong? Joydevor: Nothing. Just…keep watching. [Mrs. Iglesias guides Iglesias off of her and gently grips her shoulders.] Mrs. Iglesias: Enrique, I want you to listen and listen well. You're going to meet a lot of men in your life. Some of them are going to seem absolutely wonderful and perfect, and they'll sing your praises before vanishing someday. Others are going to be awful from the start, and make you think that you're the reason they can't be happy with themselves. Some will be a mix of the two. Someday, though? You will find someone who is neither. Someone who is kind and supportive, who loves you unconditionally and will always be there for you. Ash just wasn't that boy. [Iglesias sniffles.] Iglesias: How can you believe that? Mrs. Iglesias: You don't have to have lived it to know it's true, my love. You are a special, wonderful person. Don't let anyone make you forget that. [They fade once again. Shortly after, Mrs. Iglesias reappears in the kitchen once more. She's holding a knife over an avocado, but when she moves to cut it she misses. This occurs several times before she places the knife down in frustration. Several more black spots begin to manifest in the kitchen.] [She steps away and walks towards the kitchen table, grabbing a photo off the nearby counter before sitting down. She runs a finger over it. Tears well in her eyes.] [The kitchen vanishes, and Mrs. Iglesias stands in a black void. A voice can be heard echoing around.] Voice: Mama? I'm home! Mrs. Iglesias: Who are you? What are you doing in my house?! Voice: Mama, are you ok? It's me! Mrs. Iglesias: I don't know who you are! You need to leave right now! Voice: Mama come on, it's me! It's Esperanza! Mrs. Iglesias: How many times do I have to repeat myself?! Get out! Get out! SCP-6506: I know what to do. Joydevor: Do it, then. Whatever you need to do. [SCP-6506 approaches Mrs. Iglesias and gently grabs her shoulders.] SCP-6506: Show me where she hurt you. [The kitchen manifests once more, though large portions of it remain obscured by black spots. Mrs. Iglesias is washing dishes in the sink alongside Iglesias.] Iglesias: Mama, it's fine. You don't need to wash it. Mrs. Iglesias: It's filthy still, I haven't cleaned this one yet! Iglesias: Yes, you have! You just cleaned it a moment ago! [SCP-6506 watches as the scene unfolds once again. As Iglesias begins shouting at her mother, her face changes back and forth between her true appearance and her appearance as a child. She shoves her mother, who stumbles backwards into the table and falls to the floor. Iglesias raises her hands to her mouth, and vanishes. SCP-6506 approaches Mrs. Iglesias. It grabs her shoulders and lifts her back to her feet before wrapping her in a gentle embrace. She speaks in Iglesias's voice.] SCP-6506: I'm sorry, mama. I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me. [Mrs. Iglesias wraps her arms around SCP-6506.] Mrs. Iglesias: It's ok, my love. I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry I haven't been there. [The dream fades as Mrs. Iglesias begins to wake up.] [END LOG] VIDEO LOG [BEGIN LOG] Iglesias: I know my mother is in the hospital, Ash. Joydevor: Yeah, yeah, and you need to come see something. Iglesias: What could you possibly have to show me, Ash? Haven't you done enough? Joydevor: Just…look. [Joydevor opens Mrs. Iglesias's hospital door. She sits up in bed, and smiles towards her daughter.] Iglesias: Mama…? Mrs. Iglesias: It's me, Esperanza. [Iglesias runs over and embraces her mother, sobbing.] Iglesias: Mama, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I shouldn't have- [Mrs. Iglesias wraps her arms around her daughter, and gently rubs the back of her head.] Mrs. Iglesias: You already apologized, Esperanza. It's ok, it's ok. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you recently. I'm sorry that I keep forgetting how proud I am of the beautiful young woman I raised. Iglesias: It's not your fault, mama. It isn't fair of me to hold it against you. You can't help it. Mrs. Iglesias: How about this. [They let go of one another.] Mrs. Iglesias: I'll do everything I can to hold onto you. You you. Notes, messages, medicine, whatever it takes. In turn, promise me something. Iglesias: Yes, mama? Mrs. Iglesias: Promise me that you'll still let me be your mama no matter what. [Iglesias laughs, wiping a tear. She smiles.] Iglesias: Of course, mama. [The room returns to the Foundation interrogation room. The walls are still cracked, and there is still water on the floor.] SCP-6506: I told you before, some things I cannot fix. Joydevor: Yeah, I know. I get what you mean now. SCP-6506: But, things tend to work out in the end. I believe we can say we successfully removed the worry here. Joydevor: Yeah, we did. Thank you for your help, 6506. Though I have to ask, why did you help? [SCP-6506 smiles, and taps a hand on Joydevor's handcuffs.] Joydevor: I told you before, this isn't about me. SCP-6506: I know. My job is to ease the worries and stress of those who sleep with me under their pillow, through any means possible. [It stands, and approaches the cracked walls.] SCP-6506: Sometimes it's an easy job. Sometimes it's difficult. I don't always succeed, but… [SCP-6506 slaps its hand against the wall, causing it to crack apart. The walls fall away, and the room changes to match the Iglesias family kitchen. Mrs. Iglesias manifests across from Joydevor.] Joydevor: How did you…? Mrs. Iglesias: My dear Enrique is a special child, Ash. You know that as well as I do. Enrique is going to meet a lot of men in his life. Some will take advantage of him, but someone someday will truly love him. They'll put Enrique first, and they'll do everything they can to make him smile. Will that be you, Ash? [Joydevor doesn't respond. Mrs. Iglesias smiles.] Mrs. Iglesias: It's a lot to ask a child, I know. Let's just say I have faith that you'll do the right thing. [Mrs. Iglesias vanishes. SCP-6506 walks back over and sits at the table. She reaches over and taps a finger against Joydevor's handcuffs.] SCP-6506: You did the right thing. [Joydevor's handcuffs open and fall off. He looks his wrists over before looking back up to SCP-6506] Joydevor: Thank you. [END LOG] Footnotes 1. A machine designed to detect sensory information during REM sleep and convert it into a video format. The NIE stolen was a prototype for a portable, undetectable model that sticks to the side of the temple. This prototype model also permits a transmission of auditory and visual information with an external viewer using a cellphone sized external device. |
SCP-6507 | safe | Blue Foot Like my stuff? Read more here, and join my Discord server to be notified whenever I post a new piece! Item#: 6507 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-6507 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6507 is to be contained in a standard Safe object class containment chamber. Several cameras have been installed around SCP-6507 for the purpose of filming SCP-6507 Events at proper camera angles. Description: SCP-6507 is a ceramic bowl containing 71 strands of spaghetti. The contents of SCP-6507 do not decompose or lose moisture. If SCP-6507 is adjacent to adequate space, SCP-6507 Events will occur at random intervals. SCP-6507 Events are brief performances that occur in the near vicinity of SCP-6507. The plot and setting of all SCP-6507 Events resemble those of the Western film and literary genre. The performers in SCP-6507 Events are SCP-6507-1 instances. SCP-6507-1 instances are various forms of animated pasta. Each instance is anomalously capable of movement, speech, the manipulation of objects, and demanifestation at the conclusion of their respective SCP-6507 Event. Instances often are dressed in simple, setting appropriate attire. SCP-6507-1 instances' spoken lines are often performed in accents typically associated with Italy or the vocal performances of actors in films in the Western genre, and will often incorporate cultural references and stereotypes into their performances that are related to the previously mentioned region and genre. Addendum.6507.1: Video Log SCP-6507 Event Video Log DATE: 09/02/1999 NOTE: The following is an example of a typical SCP-6507 Event. It began at 09:33, and concluded at 09:37. For the sake of clarity, spoken lines are to be attributed to the form of pasta that the respective SCP-6507-1 instance resembles. [BEGIN LOG] A piece of Mandala pasta. Video begins in a 1x1x0.5 meter set that is similar in appearance to a saloon. The right side wall of the building is not present for the sake of visibility for the audience. There are several SCP-6507-1 instances present on the set, notably a group that resemble Mandala pasta, most dressed in a pork pie hat, revolver holster, and bandana, sitting at a table playing what appears to be the Texas hold'em style of poker, and an instance resembling a short strand of angel hair pasta. There is a blue and white dress at the base of the instance, suggesting that its shape caused the attire to be impractical to wear. There is another instance, resembling a piece of gomiti pasta, sitting directly in front of a piano. It is anomalously manipulating the piano's keys, causing the song "Spaghetti Rag" to be played. A piece of rigatoni pasta. One of the Mandala pasta-like instances appears discontent with the cards it receives during a new round of poker and rises from its seat. Mumbling, and the words "bastardo traditore," can be heard as it exits the set via its swinging doors. Immediately after this, another SCP-6507-1 instance enters the set by the same swinging doors. It resembles a piece of rigatoni pasta, and is dressed in a Cattleman hat, revolver holster, and a pair of modified riding boots1. 0.7 seconds after the previously mentioned SCP-6507-1 instance enters, all other instances turn to face it. The music stops, as the instance at the piano ceases playing it. The rigatoni pasta-like SCP-6507-1 instance begins to move further into the set. As it is doing this, it faces the angel hair pasta-like instance, and its hat tips downward towards it. Immediately after this, one of the Mandala pasta-like instances rises quickly from its seat and speaks in a loud Italian accent. Mandala: Hey, idiota, that's my woman! The rigatoni pasta-like instance turns to face the instance that had just spoken. The former speaks in a strong Texan accent. Rigatoni: And such a lucky lady she is to have you. The Mandala pasta-like instance anomalously propels itself towards the rigatoni pasta-like instance. It ceases movement when it is directly adjacent to the rigatoni pasta-like instance. Mandala: You have a lot of nerve coming here, Antonio. Rigatoni I don't know what you mean partner, I'm just here to wet my whistle. Mandala: We both know that isn't true. Once you take a sip of real liquor, you'll run back home crying to your mother like the mammone you are. Rigatoni: And I thought you'd be the one to appreciate the value of family. Mandala: I do. That's why you should go to them right now before you get yourself killed. Rigatoni: This town is my home. They called this place the Cowhide Salon before Mr. Greene bought it. The Mandala pasta-like SCP-6507-1 instance does not speak for 2.4 seconds. Mandala: This town ain't big enough for the two of us. Rigatoni: I'll see you outside then, partner. Mandala: Meraviglioso. The rigatoni pasta-like instance exits the set through the swinging doors. The set anomalously demanifests. Immediately after, another set manifests in its place. There are twenty small buildings, ten on opposite parallel sides. These buildings include a water tower, a police station, a general store, several homes, and, most notably, a saloon. In between each of the sides is a long open space. The rigatoni pasta-like SCP-6507-1 instance from the previous scene is motionless in this area. After 39 seconds, the Mandala pasta-like instance emerges from the saloon building via its swinging doors. Rigatoni: Late even now, Enzo? Mandala: If you don't slow down for life, it will race by you. Not like you'd understand. A limb similar in appearance to a human arm and an attached hand emerge from the body of both SCP-6507-1 instances. Both instances propel themselves to be positioned directly adjacent to each other in the center of the long open space. They begin to propel themselves away from each other to become positioned approximately thirty centimeters away from each other on opposite sides of the open space. They face each other. The rigatoni pasta-like instance then faces itself upward towards a ceiling attached light fixture. Rigatoni: It's high noon… The rigatoni-pasta like instance faces the instance opposite of it. Both extend their respective limbs. An imperfectly spherical mass of angel hair pasta visually similar to a tumbleweed manifests near the door of a home . It is anomalously propelled forward and ceases movement near the door of the saloon, after which the mass demanifests. Neither instance moves for 7.4 seconds. Mandala: Draw! Both SCP-6507-1 instances quickly reach for their revolver holsters and retrieve their respective firearms. Both aim at the instance opposite of itself and fire. The Mandala pasta-like instance is struck by the round fired by the other instance, collapses to the ground, and places its limb on the site of the wound. Mandala: Merda! Cazzo! Argh! Ah, that's a spicy meatball! The rigatoni pasta-like SCP-6507-1 instance begins to rapidly rotate its revolver around one of the finger-like appendages attached to its limb. It does this for 1.8 seconds, and then ceases. The smoke eminating from the barrel of the firearm dissipates, and the anomaly returns its revolver to its holster. Rigatoni: Plenty more space in town now, partner. The rigatoni pasta-like instance demanifests. 0.5 seconds later, it remanifests. It is positioned in a saddle placed on anomalously small horse. A standard Foundation issue reading lamp anomalously activates and is propelled from its previous position on a nearby writing desk onto the floor. With the SCP-6507 instance still positioned in the horse-like animal's saddle, the horse-like anomaly walks into the lamp's lightbulb, and both demanifest. After 6.5 seconds, the Mandala pasta-like SCP-6507-1 instance and the set demanifest, and it is determined that the SCP-6507 Event has concluded. [END LOG] Footnotes 1. Commonly known as cowboy boots ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6507" by Blue Foot, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: spaghetti.jpg Name: Spaghetti, cooked, in bowl.jpg Author: Bodhi Peace License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Mandala_pasta.jpg Author: Elcochan License: CC0 1.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: rigatoni2.jpg Name: Mezzi Rigatoni pasta.jpg Author: Cburnett License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons |
SCP-6508 | safe | SCP-6508 — Like Fish In A Tank Written by Nyelo. I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that turn the freakin' octopuses gay! ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} . Item#: SCP-6508 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo . Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6508 is to be kept in the establishment where it was first discovered. The building is to be put on lockdown and permanently closed to the public. SCP-6508 is to undergo daily maintenance performed by a rotating roster composed of a janitor and a field agent. Assigned janitorial personnel must wear a protective suit to avoid direct contact with the anomaly. . A common octopus inside of SCP-6508. Description: SCP-6508 is a collection of 32 Mediterranean marine aquariums in El Arrecife.Spanish for "The Reef"., a specialized store in Huesca, Spain. All of the aquariums are populated by several species of marine animals. Any mass of water within SCP-6508 will exhibit its anomalous effects. When a living human being comes into contact with its water mass, it will become an SCP-6508-1 instance. SCP-6508-1 instances manifest physical traits analogous to one of the animals present in SCP-6508. The number of physical alternations is fluctuating and will only affect the body parts that have come in contact with SCP-6508's water mass. It is to note that some SCP-6508-1 instances have reported the loss of certain senses like smell, vision, or hearing due to no longer having the required facial structures. . Addendum 6508.1: The following table is a comprehensive list of the currently known SCP-6508-1 instances. . Name Occupation Analogous Fauna Status D-399023 Class D Personnel Mediterranean Red Sea Star In Containment Camila Gómez Romero Former Aquarium Store Employee, Confirmed Serpent's Hand Member European Spiny Lobster In Containment Javier Laguna García Former Aquarium Store Employee, Presumed Serpent's Hand Member Snakelocks Sea Anemone Unknown Sancho Martel Aznar SCP Foundation Site-399 Janitor Common Octopus Unknown . Addendum 6508.2: The following transcript details an incident featuring Sancho Martel Aznar, a janitor at Site-399, who was assigned to the maintenance of SCP-6508. Agent Blasco Samper Ruiz was also assigned to this task to secure the safety of the janitor. . Location: El Arrecife, Huesca Date/Time: January 15th, 2021 23:49 Personnel Present: Agt. Blasco Samper Ruiz Sancho Martel Aznar <BEGIN LOG> (Martel enters the Aquarium Store, followed by Agt. Samper who locks the door behind them.) . Agt. Samper: You can put the thing on. Martel: Understood. . (Martel slips on a protective suit and wraps a tool belt with cleaning products on his hips.) . Agt. Samper: Everything's good. Proceed. . (Sancho feeds the sea life before beginning the cleaning process.) . Agt. Samper: Is it just me or is it really hot in here? . (Martel turns around to face Agt. Samper, followed by unrecognizable mumbling.) . Agt. Samper: Sorry, I can't hear you with all of these fans. Can you take that thing off for a second? . (Martel removes the headpiece from his suit.) . Martel: The wavemakers, the dosing pumps, and all that stuff produces a lot of heat. We should turn on the AC. Agt. Samper: Oh, wow. You know a lot about aquariums. . (Martel shakes his head.) . Martel: Well, not really. They gave me a mini-seminar before sending us out here. Agt. Samper: I see. . (Martel resumes his tasks and begins cleaning the aquariums' glass.) . Agt. Samper: They only ever tell us the bare minimum and nothing else. Martel: Huh? Agt. Samper: We're only here to do the dirty work, we could get killed and they wouldn't bat an eye. . (Agt. Samper clenches his fists.) . Agt. Samper: I used to be close to Fátima before getting lured into this shithole. We barely even see each other anymore and when we do the only thing we talk about is work. Martel: Blasco? Are you feeling okay? Agt. Samper: Fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just start rambling out of nowhere. Martel: I don't mind. I just had never seen you like this. . (Silence.) . Martel: By the way, Fátima? Isn't she the site director? Agt. Samper: The one and only. She's also my sister. Martel: How is that like? Agt. Samper: Well, she was the one who made me join the Foundation in the first place. She had been working for a decade before I got in. Although I'm not surprised she got that high up though, she's always been good at everything she does. Hell, I don't doubt she is capable of going beyond. . (Silence.) . Agt. Samper: Do you have siblings? Martel: No, I'm an only child. Though I don't know what having a sibling is like, sometimes I wish I had one so they could help me to get through. Agt. Samper: Fátima used to be like that when we were younger. Even though she always got perfect grades and the approval of our parents, she'd always make sure I'm okay. Martel: That must've been nice. Agt. Samper: Sancho. Martel: Yeah? Agt. Samper: I just want to tell you you're like a younger brother to me. So come to me if you need anything or just want to talk, okay? Martel: Thank you. . (An octopus splashes Sancho while he is distracted by the conversation.) . Martel: Shit. . (Agt. Samper runs toward Sancho.) . Agt. Samper: Are you okay? Martel: Just a bit dizzy. Shit. The suit. I didn't put the headpiece back on. Agt. Samper: Calm down. It's gonna be okay, you're gonna make it. Martel: But something is gonna happen to me, isn't it? Please tell me it won't hurt. Agt. Samper: No, no. It won't. . (Agt. Samper brings clean towels for Martel to dry himself. Sancho looks nauseous and barely can keep his equilibrium.) . Martel: What's gonna happen to me? Am I going to be contained? . (Agt. Samper holds Martel by the shoulder.) . Agt. Samper: Let's go get you back to Site-399. Everything is going to be okay. I promise. <END LOG> . After the events of the previous transcript, Mr. Martel became an SCP-6508-1 instance. His head assumed the form of an octopus vulgaris, almost identical to the one inside SCP-6508. The skin tone of the superior part of Mr. Martel's arms is now a hue matching the one of his head and presents several suction cups. After some discussion, it was decided that Mr. Martel would keep his position as a janitor on Site-399 and now he would be permanently assigned to SCP-6508's maintenance. . Addendum 6508.3: The following is a transcript of a second incident involving Sancho Martel Aznar. . Location: El Arrecife, Huesca Date/Time: January 22nd, 2021 22:31 Personnel Present: Agt. Blasco Samper Ruiz Sancho Martel Aznar <BEGIN LOG> (Mr. Martel and Agt. Samper are present in the building where SCP-6508 is located.) Agt. Samper: Hey, how are you feeling? Martel: I'm doing all right. Agt. Samper: Are you sure? Martel: Yeah. I mean, it's no big deal. (Both of them remain silent for the next 30 minutes as Mr. Martel cleans the aquariums.) Agt. Samper: Be right back, I need to go to the restroom. Martel: Okay. (A hooded figure exits its hiding spot under one of the tanks.) Unknown: Are you ready? Martel: Yes. Unknown: Did Camila tell you where you're going? Martel: She did. Let's just get this over with. Unknown: I must remind you. If you leave now, you can't ever return. Both of us know what the Jailors are capable of. Are you sure you want to proceed with this? (Sancho Martel nods.) Martel: Things haven't been the same since I transformed. Unknown: I understand. Let's begin, then. (The unidentified figure points toward one of the fish tanks inferior.) Unknown: Open that door. Martel: Yes, sir. Unknown: Oh, I almost forgot. (The unknown figure looks at the security camera before the video goes missing for the next 46 seconds.) (Agt. Samper returns to see that Mr. Martel is nowhere in sight.) Agt. Samper: Sancho? Where did you go? Sancho? Sancho! <END LOG> . Mr. Martel's whereabouts are currently unknown. However, it is presumed that Mr. Martel allied with the Serpent's Hand to orchestrate his escape. This is supported by a note left behind on SCP-6508's location. . To whoever is reading this, Being affected by SCP-6508 has completely changed my life and how I see the world. I do not expect you to understand why I'm making this decision but I'll try either way. Imagine that you have a job, a modest one, but it pays enough for you to live. You know that your employers are up to some sketchy stuff that you don't know about. For the greater good, probably. But still, it's stuff that you shouldn't know about. You wonder what is going on but never ask, you'd be taking a risk if you did. One day, while at work, you run into some trouble. You didn't mean to interfere but your job got too close to the danger and now, you're involved with the scary stuff you didn't want to deal with. Now everyone looks at you differently. They look at you with hatred in their eyes. You're different now, you're a weirdo. However, there's also something that you don't know. The weirdos look out for each other because they know what it means to be marginalized and isolated. I'm a weirdo now. Maybe you don't want me or don't know what to do with me. But they do. Goodbye, Jailors. — Sancho . . ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6508" by Nyelo, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: octopus.png Name: Aquarium de Paris 12-26 (32135515416).jpg Author: KimonBerlin License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons |
SCP-6509 | safe | SCP-6509 By: (user deleted) Published on 12 Jul 2022 15:49 ▷ Show Code ◁ △ Hide Code △ @import url(;700&display=swap); /* Centered Header Sigma * [2021 Wikidot Component] * By Lt Flops (CC BY-SA 3.0) * Forked from: * Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte * Also based on: * Centered Header BHL by Woedenaz **/ /* ---- VARS ---- */ :root{ --titleColor: hsl(0, 0%, 95%); --subtitleColor: hsl(60, 62%, 85%); --lgurl: url(; } /* ---- SITE BANNER ---- */ #header, div#header{ background-image: none; } #header::before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; content: ""; background-image: var(--lgurl); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto 9em; opacity: .33; } #header h1, #header h2{ float: none; margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span{ /* Hide the Existing Text */ display: none; } #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before{ /* Style the New Text */ font-family: "Montserrat", "Arial", sans-serif; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before{ position: relative; bottom: .15em; color: var(--titleColor); font-size: 115%; font-weight: 700; } #header h2::before{ position: relative; top: .1em; color: var(--subtitleColor); font-size: 130%; font-weight: 600; } #header h1 a::before{ /* Set the New Text's Content From Variable */ content: var(--header-title, "SCP FOUNDATION"); } #header h2::before{ content: var(--header-subtitle, "SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT"); } /* ---- SEARCH ---- */ #search-top-box{ top: 1em; right: 0; } #search-top-box-form input.button{ margin-right: 0; } #search-top-box-input, #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit], #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus{ border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; font-size: 100%; } /* ---- TOP BAR ---- */ #top-bar{ right: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #top-bar ul li ul{ border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 40%); box-shadow: none; } /* ---- LOGIN ---- */ #login-status{ top: 1.1em; right: initial; color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); } #account-topbutton{ border-color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); font-size: 100%; } /* ---- PAGE TITLE ---- */ .meta-title, #page-title{ text-align: center; } /* ---- BREADCRUMBS ---- */ .pseudocrumbs, #breadcrumbs{ text-align: center; } /* ---- MOBILE DISPLAY ---- */ @media (max-width: 767px){ #search-top-box{ top: 1.85em; width: unset; } .mobile-top-bar{ position: relative; left: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #login-status{ top: 0; right: 0; } #header .printuser{ font-size: 0; } #header .printuser img.small{ margin: 0; transform: translate(6px, 4px); } #my-account{ display: none; } #account-topbutton{ margin-left: 2px; } } SCP-6509 instance. Item №: SCP-6509 Threat Level: Classified ● Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-6509 instances have been removed from their original cartridge and contained in a high-security Safe-class storage vault. SCP-6509-α is stored in the Facility-9 morgue. Requests for firearm testing have been preemptively denied. Description: SCP-6509 is an assortment of rifle bullets possessing an abnormal resistance to the effects of retrocausal or reality-restructuring events. Each individual instance produces an extremely high-energy surrounding Hume field, causing the space in its immediate vicinity to become hyperreal. This allows SCP-6509 to persist through even highly extensive shifts in local spacetime. SCP-6509 was recovered from an abandoned building in the small town of Sipí, located in northern Colombia. All1 Most recovered instances display striations consistent with having been previously fired from a rifle. SCP-6509-α is an unidentified human corpse originally discovered lying on a rocky outcropping on the outskirts of Sipí. It was transferred from the local morgue to Foundation custody shortly after the release of the local coroner's report, which detailed several considerable anomalies affecting the body. SCP-6509-α's vocal chords have been surgically severed, likely some time prior to death. Fingerprints have been either physically removed or anomalously erased. Although biological evidence can be extracted, it matches no recorded existing person, making conclusive identification impossible. SCP-6509-α's surrounding Hume levels suggest that it likely possesses the same resistance to reality restructuring events as SCP-6509 itself. Cause of death has been determined as a single self-inflicted gunshot to the head. Upon transfer to Foundation custody, SCP-6509-α's personal possessions were also confiscated. At time of death, the subject was carrying on their person the following: Several unspent instances of SCP-6509. A non-anomalous M24 sniper rifle and M1911 pistol. Several torn scraps of paper, illegible due to water damage and black-marker redaction. While no actual text can be read, reconstruction attempts suggest that the documents may have been originally marked with the symbol of the United States occult military division PENTAGRAM. A photograph of several unidentifiable persons standing on a stage with their arms raised, smiling in the direction of the camera. A red flag, which matches that of no existing nation or movement, hangs in the background. A crowd of onlookers is present in the foreground, visibly celebrating. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6509" by (user deleted), from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: bulletbw2.jpg Name: Used Author: Christian Schirner License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: kaktuswarning.png Author: djkaktus License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Footnotes 1. Outdated, see SCP-6509-α description below. |
SCP-6510 | safe | Item #: SCP-6510 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6510 is kept in two separately-secured standard safe-class storage containers in Site-106. Requests for further testing should be directed to the Department of Procurement and Liquidation. One half of SCP-6510. Stored separately to prevent improper usage. Description: SCP-6510 is a pair of stainless steel ring piercings. SCP-6510's anomalous effects do not activate when worn on the earlobes, nasal septum, bellybutton, eyebrows, lips, tongue, or genitals, nor when only one of the two pieces is worn. SCP-6510's primary effect activates when both pieces are worn on human papilla mammaria. The wearer of SCP-6510 obtains the ability to accelerate SCP-6510 at up to 5g1. SCP-6510 applies a tensile force to the user's body, providing the capability for self-directed aerial motion. The acceleration of SCP-6510 is invariant to the mass of the wearer's body: regardless of body mass, subjects using SCP-6510 reach a consistent maximum acceleration. SCP-6510's secondary effect imparts increased tensile and compressive strength to its wearer's body tissues. The wearer's papilla mammaria become fully resistant to traumatic amputation. Wearers of SCP-6510 routinely survive high-velocity collisions without sustaining permanent injury. All wearers of SCP-6510 have reported perfect real-time control over SCP-6510. The pre-containment owner of SCP-6510 used it as a means of rapid airborne transport; replication of this capability for specialized Foundation agents has proven infeasible for reasons discovered in the course of testing. Test subjects universally report that SCP-6510 does not have any anesthetic effects, and neural activity scans show activate of the anterior cingulate consistent with pain induced by 5gs of acceleration upon the papilla mammaria. All attempts to redistribute the force applied by SCP-6510 on its wearer have nullified its primary effect. Footnotes 1. 1 g = 9.81 m/s2, the approximate acceleration experienced by an object within the earth's gravitational field at sea level ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6510" by LORDXVNV, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Name: My nipple ring! I love finding long lost stuff in my desk Author: Rod Herrea License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr |
SCP-6511 | thaumiel | CLEARANCE REQUIRED D01/0001 EYES ONLY EMERGENCY ACCESS The following file is banned from all access at any clearance level and quarantined from the SCP database. Access to this page is to only be attempted by the Department of One in the event of Contingency/0001 being called into effect. If you are not a member of the Department of One, stop reading immediately and close this page now. By opening the file below, you will immediately activate Contingency/0001 and understand the ramifications of such a process. This process cannot be reversed for any reason. By nature of your position you have been granted access to trigger Contingency/0001 without the need for Overseer Council oversight. It is trusted that you are aware of the circumstances requiring a Contingency/0001 activation and will not access this page early or without proximate and urgent need. If you wish to proceed with this action, a button only visible to you will permanently unlock the contents of this file. Open File – hide block Item #: SCP-6511 Special Containment Procedures: You are to read this document and follow the instructions within. Description: SCP-6511 is a series of emergency protocols causing the intentional and near-complete removal of the SCP Foundation and its constituent components from reality. SCP-6511 is this page and all instructions and information within it, which acts as the outward manifestation of these protocols. Do not stop reading. The mechanisms allowing for the existence of SCP-6511 are inherently encoded into all people, objects, and concepts adjacent to the Foundation. The utilization of SCP-6511 is dependent on the activation of Contingency/0001, a mechanism exclusively keyed to the Foundation Department of One. Please note that SCP-6511 is only to be used in a scenario where the Foundation's continued existence is a threat to itself and to established reality. The Department of One was created as part of initial formulation of SCP-6511. It is unique in that it consists of a single individual which acts as its entire staff at any and all points in time. The death of a Department of One is immediately followed by the appointment of a replacement, and only one can exist at a time. The current Department of One is to be isolated from the vast majority of Foundation operations and not to be given additional duties beyond those granted by their Department membership. The preservation of the Department of One is to be ensured at all costs. If you are reading this version of the document, you possess Department of One clearance. In a scenario where SCP-6511 protocols must be executed, it is currently your responsibility to activate the mechanism, neutralize the threat, and restore the SCP Foundation. By the nature of the consequences of activating SCP-6511, it is unknown how much of this or any other information you will retain following the activation. Potential threats that may require the activation of SCP-6511 are, by the nature of this protocol, almost entirely unknown and not understood. There is very little information available to prepare the Department of One for their duty apart from that which resides in this document. The success of the Department of One in restoring the Foundation is dependent almost entirely on factors outside of the Foundation's control. For these reasons, SCP-6511 should only be activated in cases where any other option would result in the destruction of the SCP Foundation or worse. The origins and creators of SCP-6511 are currently unknown. Similarly, the record of Contingency/0001 activations is also unknown, although inconsistencies in historical records of the Foundation suggest possible reference points. By virtue of your position, you are also believed to have knowledge of the SCP-6511 activation record that is not available to any other member of the Foundation; however, this suspicion has never been confirmed by you or any of your predecessors. If you have reached this section of the file, Contingency/0001 has already been activated. Continue reading for further instructions. Do not stop reading under any circumstances. The Department of One, which is yourself, is a division of the Foundation that exists entirely outside of its sectional hierarchy. It is imperative that you understand the full responsibilities of the Department of One before you are forced to begin them shortly. You are not safe here. The SCP Foundation has, for nearly the entirety of its existence, enjoyed the position of reigning warden over the anomalous world, if not the world at large itself. It wields nearly-unlimited political, financial, and physical power to the point that opposition to our goals is easily understood, confronted, or managed through the employment of the resources at our disposal. We have weathered many storms and come out relatively intact. We are tempted to view ourselves as the apex predators of the anomalous world. However, the greatest misconception of the average Foundation employee is that this does not mean we are invincible. Imagine a being with the traits of a perfect predator. A being that can match its prey's every move, parrying all attacks and breaking every defense, knowing exactly where it is at all times. These beings are the ultimate liability for the Foundation. A sufficiently powerful organization, entity, or other unknown force with the ability to relentlessly, completely and instantly fix upon targets without needing even its knowledge is the only unbeatable threat to the Foundation. It will run. It will follow. It will shake off and adapt to our every attempt at attack. But we are paralyzed; so resiliently stable, so swelled with our own power that nothing can stop the inevitable point where it finds our neon sign and pounces. When an entity is rendered prey, it essentially has two options — fight or flight; direct confrontation to neutralize the threat, or simply evading it until it is eventually shaken or lured away. But the perfect predator is unfazed by either — it will keep stalking you, never running out of energy or resources no matter how far you go; and, when you least expect it, it will destroy you in an instant, leaving no trace, no time for you even to scream. Evolution will create such beings — ideal survivors, feeders, lurking in every corner of the anomalous world. Perfect defense is nothing to the perfect predator. In the face of such an entity, the only creatures that have a chance to survive are something entirely new. A perfect hider. Something with the ability not just to run, but to disappear. The ultimate form of playing dead - to die for so long that the hunter that has marked you will grow bored of the chase, wither away, or even die. It is a waiting game, and for the entirety of that game, you must never, ever be found. If the Foundation is made the quarry of this hypothetical being, it must hide. These entities are real, and Department of One protocols are engaged when the SCP Foundation is targeted by such a predator. The origin of this text is unknown. The activation of Contingency/0001 and the opening of this file implies that such a threat to the Foundation has been identified; not only this, but this threat is here, present, and further existence of the Foundation in its current form is no longer possible. If this file has been opened, the entity that has caused the activation of this iteration of the Department of One has already detected the Foundation. It is impossible to say how close it is to seeing you. The protocols that you are responsible for are the process by which the SCP Foundation, its history and record of existence, and its knowledge as a concept, are changed into a vastly different form that allows for it to remain undetected and absent from the world for an indefinite, extended period of time. They are strictly only to be employed when all other options of dealing with an existential threat to the Foundation have been exhausted, and it is decided that the destruction of the Foundation is preferable to the alternative. The Department of One is the failsafe that is attached to this act of self-destruction. Its duty is to reverse the restructured reality and return the Foundation to normal existence when the time is right. The Department is the sentinel, the torchbearer that watches the threat for as long as it can, that holds the key that resurrects the Foundation from its long and deep sleep. They are the sole remaining employee of the Foundation during these periods, the key to unlock the shallow coffin. You are the designated survivor of the SCP Foundation. As of your reading of this text, the SCP Foundation has been dissolved effective immediately. Unlocking this secure page and connecting it to the main SCP database has released a rapid-affecting computer virus that is designed to circumvent all RAISA firewalls and lock the entirety of the Foundation's operating servers. Reality must be prepared for the change, and the lights are going out, one by one. You are currently the only remaining employee of the Foundation. You will receive no further contact or communication from any other member from the Foundation, including the Overseer Council, as it no longer exists. Your sole directive is to ensure the survival of the Foundation by any means necessary. If you have reached this section of the file, the current operational state of the Foundation has been saved and encoded in a secure location. Continue reading for further instructions. These are instructions for the end of the world. You are to watch as the Foundation crumbles and turns into ash before your eyes. You are to feel the world shrink around you, collecting every last trace of that which must not be seen and hiding it away until the only remains are empty space. You will feel the taste of every fragment as it breaks away from the whole. You are to stand in the midst of the space. You are to ignore the dark creeping in at the edges of your eyes. You are to wait until it reaches you and the borders of unreality nip at your skin. You will know that all is finally locked away. You are to close your eyes so that you can remember the shape and the texture of the SCP Foundation in your hands. You are to burn the image of its disintegration into your brain so that when you find yourself forgetful on the other side of the door, you will still see us in your dreams. You are to be responsible for the end of the SCP Foundation. You are to attempt not to cry out as the rapidly cascading reality finally shatters onto your body. You will fail. Remember what you say. You are to awaken in a world that has never seen the Foundation in a life that you have always lived. You are to try and remember. You are to be followed by an enemy which takes a form that is unknowable. You are to be hunted to the death. You are to try and remember. You are to avoid death or destruction. You are to survive as long as is necessary until you understand how the threat is to be neutralized. You are to try and remember. You will wait. You are the prisoner of time. You will watch just as it watches you. You will find a way to revert the changes in reality only when it is safe to do so. You must determine when safety is guaranteed. You are to bring back the SCP Foundation from a world where it does not and has never existed. We cannot tell you how this is done. We do not know. We have never known. You are to become one. If you have reached this section of the file, the Foundation's physical and informational structure has now been crippled beyond regular function. To conclude the CK-Class Reality Restructure, continue reading and follow the instructions below. You are to read your eulogy. There is a dead tree just outside your window, where the last traces of the Foundation lie. You stand in the remnants of its shattered form. You breathe in its ashes every time you inhale. Walk to it. You are responsible for the continued survival of the SCP Foundation and the consensus reality that is tied to it. You have always been responsible since the day you were selected and told you were the Department of One, and told that your only job was to sit there, and live, and waste away, until you received the secure message telling you to find this file in the database and open it. You thought you would never receive that message, that they had all forgotten about you because it was their job to. You were not told that this was always to be your final resting place, and that this was decided the moment you became what you were. In one sense, you are the only one that will remain alive past the break in reality. In another, you are the only one that will die. Everything else in this reality will be effortlessly restored when you return with your mission complete. They will not know that for a time indefinite, they did not exist and never existed. It is your responsibility to know that you destroyed them all, and then you will forget. You die when you forget that you lived this life in the first place. You will forget your entire life, the world you were a part of, the words that are written on this page. That's the one catch in the plan we have never been able to figure out. You are now alone in a dead reality. You have received all the documentation for your role as the Department of One. There is no other help to give. The file has run out. You will leave everything behind. You lived a good, honorable life. Watch the tree carefully. Proceed to the designated location. This file will be the only one left online. Read to the very end of this file. You are not safe here. But the Foundation will be. You have reached the end of this file. Contingency/0001 is now complete. To execute all SCP-6511 protocols, find a resting place. You will be woken momentarily. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6511" by Modulum, pr0m37h3um and stormbreath, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6512 | euclid | Item #: SCP-6512 Special Containment Procedures: All 12 SCP-6512 instances are currently contained by GoI-466 (Wilson's Wildlife Solutions) as per the Boring Agreement1. The Foundation has assisted GoI-466 in constructing appropriately sized pens in order to house SCP-6512. MTF Phi-2 (“Clever Girls”) have been assigned to monitor the anomaly in conjunction with MTF Beta-4 (“Castaways”). Description: SCP-6512 are large bipedal theropods measuring between 10-12 meters in length, 3-4 meters in height at the hip, and weighing between 7-9 metric tons. Instances of SCP-6512 visually resemble the Tyrannosaurus rex from the 1993 film Jurassic Park. Addendum 6512.1: Discovery and Initial Containment SCP-6512 was initially discovered at a farmstead in the outskirts of Boring, Oregon. As the premiere animal control service of Clackamas county, Wilson's Wildlife Solutions were contacted by a civilian who reported "dinosaurs are in my barn". Faeowynn Wilson, the executive director of WWS, immediately dispatched MTF Beta-4. However, the Task Force was ill-prepared to capture SCP-6512 instances. Attached below is a log of Wilson's conversation with GoI-466 liaison Roger Tarpan following the discovery of SCP-6512. <BEGIN LOG> Tarpan: Hello Miss Wilson, to what do I owe the pleasure? Wilson: Dinosaurs. Tarpan: Come again? Wilson: There are dinosaurs out here. Tarpan: Oh. Interesting. To the best of our knowledge, Boring only manifested non-extinct animals as part of i— Wilson: There are five god damn T. Rexes stomping around a barn and Esau2 said she and her gang can't catch them. Tarpan: Did you say T. Rex? I'll get command on the phone. Stand by, I will send over military forces. Wilson: Wait, no! They're not really attacking. Tarpan: What? Wilson: Well… they're just sort of milling about. All they've done is peck at the ground. Tarpan: So they haven't harmed anyone? Wilson: No. According to some of the guys, they even seem friendly. They did, however, apparently eat some chickens. Tarpan: I see. Well, fortunately, we have a group that specializes in capturing dinosaurs and things of that nature. Wilson: …really? Tarpan: We like to be prepared for any outcome. Wilson: Huh. I knew the Supervisors were resourceful but this is kind of silly. Tarpan: We have contingency plans for contingency plans for contingency plans. We're very well-funded. Anyway, the Clever Girls will be touching down in Boring within an hour. Wilson: Okay, well I'm glad we're in good ha— wait a minute, is that a fucking Jurassic Park joke? Tarpan: This is what happens when you let the Task Forces name themselves. Haven't you noticed Esau's gang has a goofy name? Wilson: Castaways? I don't— Tarpan: Wilson? Wilson: Yeah? Tarpan: No, like the ball. Wilson: What? Tarpan: Tom Hanks? Wilson: Oh, God damn it. <END LOG> Shortly after arriving, MTF Phi-2 assisted MTF Beta-4 in containing the 5 present SCP-6512 instances utilizing specialized capture equipment and transport vehicles. Upon being brought back to the Wilson Center, the instances were placed into multiple Large Animal Enclosures, which were only large enough for temporary containment. The Foundation then deployed MTF Gamma-32A ("Can We Build It?"); a Task Force specializing in rapid construction of in-situ containment sites. Utilizing advanced para-technology and thaumaturgic rituals, they were able to create appropriately-sized enclosures for the present SCP-6512 instances within 4 hours. Addendum 6512.2: Continued Manifestations 8 days following the initial appearance of SCP-6512 in Boring, 3 additional instances manifested in the same location. Due to this, Faeowynn Wilson and Captain Esau were tasked with investigating the anomaly and interviewed the property owner, one Marshall Smith. Attached below is a recorded interview log between Wilson, Esau, and Smith following the relocation of SCP-6512 instances from his property. <BEGIN LOG> Wilson: Heya, Marsh. This is Captain Ingrid Esau, I think you may have met her last week. Esau: Hello. Smith: Uh. Yeah. Been quite a week. Wilson: I can imagine. I'm sure those dinosaurs gave you and your family quite a fright. Smith: Yeah. In the mornings I like to let Junior out into the barn so he can collect chicken eggs. I let him out that day, no problem, and next thing I know he's screaming bloody murder, saying there's monsters out back. Wilson: Yikes. How is Junior holding up? Smith: He still likes to go play with the chickens, so it probably didn't scare him too bad. Esau: That's good to hear. I loved dinosaurs when I was a kid, so I would have probably been overjoyed to see one up close like that. Smith: Uh. Sure. You say that, but with all due respect, you haven't had them terrorize you or your family. Esau: True. I apologize. Wilson: Tell me, Marsh, did you notice anything weird before these T. Rexes appeared? [There is a brief silence. The sound of chickens clucking in the background is audible.] Smith: Well… Some of my chickens have been getting sick lately. Esau: Oh? Smith: Yeah. Not really sure what to make of it. They've been losing their feathers and kind of getting bloated? It's weird. Wilson: Captain, are you familiar with any disease that could affect poultry like that? Esau: Not off the top of my head, no. Smith: You know what's even weirder is that those T. Rexes ate the chickens that were sick, but none of the healthy ones. [There is a brief silence. A recorded roar is heard in the distance as Marshall Smith Junior plays with a toy dinosaur, as well as the sound of chickens clucking.] Smith: Junior, stop chasing those poor chickens. Smith Junior: Yes, daddy. Wilson: I like your toy. It's cool how it has feathers! Smith Junior: Yeah! Real dinosaurs have feathers! Smith: What do you say to the nice lady, Junior? Smith Junior: Thank you, Miss Wilson! Wilson: Please, call me Fae. And you're welcome! Esau: I have a question, Mister Smith. Do you have any more sick chickens here? Smith: As a matter of fact, I do. You see those two chickens that Junior was chasing over there? They started molting something fierce half an hour ago, after he came back out to check for eggs and your guys took away the T. Rexes. Esau: May I take a look at them? Smith: Be my guest. [There is a silence between them. The clucking of agitated chickens is audible as Esau grabs one.] Esau: Hmm. Just as you mentioned. Her feathers are falling out in my hand. And it looks really big. It's a miracle it's even standing, I think. Wilson: What do you think it is? Esau: Don't know. I'd have to take her back to the Center to get a good look at her and try to figure out what's wrong. Would you mind if I took this one, Mister Smith? Smith: If it will help get to the bottom of this, sure. Wilson: Alright, Marsh. We'll get out of your hair. Sorry to have bugged you for an interview, but the Supervisors wanted us to be thorough. Smith: No worries, Fae. How is Alex, by the way? Wilson: He's good, I'll tell him you said hi! <END LOG> Initial testing on the chicken recovered by Esau did not provide any insights as to what may be affecting it. However, 3 hours following the departure of Wilson and Esau from Smith's homestead, the chicken transformed into an SCP-6512 instance, destroying part of the Annex and causing a minor containment breach of 3 other anomalous animals. At the same time, Smith called the Wilson Center to report an SCP-6512 manifestation event. MTF Phi-2 and MTF Beta-4 were deployed to contain the instances, and MTF Gamma-32A was deployed in order to construct additional enclosures. Following this, an emergency meeting between Wilson, Esau, Tarpan, and Smith was called to address the constant manifestations. Attached below is a recorded log of the meeting. <BEGIN LOG> Tarpan: Okay. So— Smith: I need this to stop. Tarpan: I understand that, and— Smith: You clearly don't, because this is still happening. Every time this happens, your guys show up in their massive trucks and destroy my land. My chickens are all disappearing. I don't feel safe letting my son go outside anymore because those damn things keep appearing. Wilson: To be fair, they are quite docile. Smith: Fae, you can't be serious. Do you not see how crazy this is?! Tarpan: If we could just— Esau: I think Miss Wilson has a point. They don't really do anything. And they're not eating your chickens, they are your chickens. Smith: Those things are not my chickens. Tarpan: If I could have the floo— Wilson: You saw the footage, Marsh! Your chicken turned into it! She's sitting in our enclosures right now! Esau: Really, the only danger they pose is the sudden growth. I'm glad I wasn't in the room when it happened. [Tarpan, having moved towards the driver's window of the Wilson truck, blasts its horn repeatedly.] Wilson: Roger, what the hell?! Tarpan: Ahem. There has to be a common occurrence between all these manifestations. Esau: Hmm. All I really know is that this goes back to the chickens. Smith: Like I said before, those things aren't my chickens and— [Tarpan blasts the horn again.] Tarpan: Focus. Wilson: Can you stop that, Roger?! Esau: Mister Smith, you mentioned your son discovering them the first time. Maybe he has something to do with it? Smith: He's not a thaumaturge, we tested him for any latent abilities, if that's what you're implying. Wilson: Another normal Nancy just like me, eh? Heh. [The sound of Smith Junior's toy dinosaur roar is audible in the background.] Smith: Junior, what have I told you? Take your toys inside and stay away from the chickens. Smith Junior: Sorry, daddy. Esau: Wait a minute. Didn't he have that toy when we were here, Miss Wilson? Wilson: Now that I think about it, yes he did. Do you think maybe they're related? Tarpan: How long has he had the toy? Smith: I got it for him last week, right before… right before the first dinosaurs showed up. Tarpan: There we have it, ladies and gentlemen. Smith: I don't believe the toy caused it. There's no way. No one would just sell a toy that does that. Esau: Well, why don't we just wait a few hours and find out? Smith: And if I'm right and the toy isn't the cause? Esau: Oh come on. Tarpan: We can resolve this right now, if you just take that toy from your son. Smith: I won't. He loves that toy. He hasn't let it out of his sight ever since he got it. Wilson: Marsh, if the chickens don't turn into dinosaurs, I will personally have the Center host a benefit event to cover the cost of sodding your land and replacing your chickens. Smith: Fine. You're on. [There is a two-minute silence.] Smith: Do you all want to come inside for coffee? Tarpan: Sure. Esau: Yeah. Wilson: Thank you, Marsh. [THREE HOURS OF EXTRANEOUS DATA REDACTED—AVAILABLE TO PERSONNEL UPON REQUEST] Smith: So it's about that time. What do you say we go outside a— [A loud clatter is audible outside. SCP-6512 cries are audible shortly afterwards.] Smith: Sigh. Fine. Junior, give your toy to Mister Tarpan. Smith Junior: But daddy I— Tarpan: Don't worry, son. We'll get you a non-anomalous one. <END LOG> NOTICE SCP-6512 currently has revisions pending, visible in blue. Please review these revisions before pushing a file update. Display new SCP-6512 file? Hide SCP-6512 Item #: SCP-6512 Special Containment Procedures: All 12 SCP-6512-A instances are currently contained by GoI-466 (Wilson's Wildlife Solutions) as per the Boring Agreement3. The Foundation has assisted GoI-466 in constructing appropriately sized pens in order to house SCP-6512-B. MTF Phi-2 (“Clever Girls”) have been assigned to monitor the anomaly in conjunction with MTF Beta-4 (“Castaways”). SCP-6512-B is currently contained in an anomalous objects locker at Site-64. Testing with the object is prohibited. Description: SCP-6512 is the designation assigned to two related anomalies. SCP-6512-A are large bipedal theropods measuring between 10-12 meters in length, 3-4 meters in height at the hip, and weighing between 7-9 metric tons. Instances of SCP-6512-A visually resemble the Tyrannosaurus rex from the 1993 film Jurassic Park. SCP-6512-B is a toy dinosaur resembling a Tyrannosaurus rex. Unlike most popular dinosaur toys, it is feathered, possessing a dark brown and red plumage. A button is present on the object's back, which, when pressed, causes it to emit a loud roaring sound. If any chickens (Gallus domesticus) are within SCP-6512-B's audible range4, they will be transformed into SCP-6512-A instances over the course of 3 hours. Sent by: Faeowynn Wilson Recipient(s): Roger Tarpan Subject: Restitution for Mr. Smith Mr. Tarpan, It's been a few days. Do you plan on restituting Marsh for the damage that the Clever Girls did to his property? He had a claims adjuster go there yesterday and they told him it was going to be about $300,000 all things said. - Fae From: Roger Tarpan To: Faeowynn Wilson Subject: RE: Restitution for Mr. Smith Fae, Our records indicate that you reached an agreement with Marshall about restitution for his property damages while we were discussing SCP-6512 in his house. For this reason, the Foundation believes that Wilson's Wildlife Solutions should be the ones to take on this venture. Yours, Roger Tarpan Site-64 Secure. Contain. Protect. Sent by: Faeowynn Wilson Recipient(s): Roger Tarpan Subject: RE: RE: Restitution for Mr. Smith Wow, seriously? All this talk about limitless resources and contingency plans and you're trying to stick us with the bill? Here's Rocco, one of our new intakes sharing his (and my) opinion on this. - Fae More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-5148 • SCP-4967 • SCP-6057 • SCP-8726 • SCP-1712 • SCP-PL-274 • Abraka David's Proposal • SCP-3863 • SCP-3085 • SCP-6832 • SCP-6467 • SCP-1046 • SCP-3923 • SCP-7573 • SCP-ES-357 • Tales/GoI Formats Carroll #280/R-01221 • 'Para-Pedigrees' PED464/CAN33/LUP22 • Project Proposal 2018-145: "Drinking With the Jocks" • Tactical Theology Disciplinary Meeting for Diana Ribiero • UIU File: 2008-021 • Critter Profile: Chuck. • Merry Christmas, Jude Kriyot • Ace Of Hearts • GRANT REQUEST FOR THE RE-CREATION OF AN ADVANCED POSTMORTEM NEURAL PRESERVATION SYSTEM • Just Another Day • Sebastian • What Came After • Paralytic States • Adoption Poster: Bandit! • (Too) Late Registration • Other Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • uncle nicolini author page • Ode To The Unknown Author • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6512" by Uncle Nicolini, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: middlefinger.jpg Name: Macaque showing the middle finger.jpg Author: Dwi Agung Sulistyo License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Link Footnotes 1. Following the Ursus Maritimus Incident of 2008, the Boring Agreement was created as a binding document which allows Wilson's Wildlife Solutions to handle the containment of Euclid or Safe fauna based anomalies within Clackamas County under supervision of the SCP Foundation. 2. Captain Ingrid Esau, MTF Beta-4's commander. 3. Following the Ursus Maritimus Incident of 2008, the Boring Agreement was created as a binding document which allows Wilson's Wildlife Solutions to handle the containment of Euclid or Safe fauna based anomalies within Clackamas County under supervision of the SCP Foundation. 4. Testing to determine SCP-6512-B's audible range on chickens has been preemptively suspended, citing logistics reasons. |
SCP-6513 | keter | close Info X This article contains grotesque violence, gore, extremely light sexual themes, and toe-based horror. This article, although not NSFW, is not suitable for young readers. ⚠️ content warning Item #: SCP-6513 Special Containment Procedures: Containment of wild SCP-6513 instances is to be handled solely by agents of Mobile Task Force Zeta-29 ("Blood Brothers"). Due to the deleterious nature of SCP-6513 wild populations to civilians, force against observed entities has been authorized due to the single instance already existing in containment for research purposes. Agents of MTF Zeta-29 without military training are to orchestrate cleanup and amnestic distribution operations under a cover story of the affected subjects’ participation in the fictitious GoI “Church of the Seven-Armed Christ,” a cover story used to explain violent self-detonations with no apparent cause. SCP-6513 subjects that have been terminated in public areas, either by Foundation members, civilians, or environmental objects, are to be cleaned under the cover story of supervising agents’ choosing. A single mature instance of SCP-6513 is kept dehydrated in a low-priority containment archive. Due to the anomaly’s biological processes, no maintenance is required besides the presence of standard dehumidifier practices for anomaly archival. No water is to enter the SCP-6513 locker. Description: SCP-6513 is an unknown animalian organism, theorized to be in the platyhelminthes phylum, that imitates the human big toe. It has a number of complex biological, psychological, memetic, and perceptual anomalies associated with its life cycle, which are still in the process of being understood. SCP-6513 eggs are laid inside claw and chute-based gashapon vending machinery located in grocery stores, convenience stores, and amusement parks along the Eastern Seaboard of North America, with regional populations flourishing in the cities of New York City and New Orleans. At this stage, the organism’s egg resembles a brightly colored plastic container with a mild antimemetic effect. The organism at this point remains dormant, but after 6 weeks it becomes developed enough to shed the antimeme and begin psionically searching out for the brainwaves that indicate a correct host. Suitable hosts for SCP-6513 fall into a number of criteria: They must be children with at least one parent. Their home must have at least one source of water. They must be taking hip-hop dance classes that utilize techniques seen in mainstream representation of the form, as opposed to traditional, improvisatory amateur ones. Once the thoughts that indicate the correct hosts are detected within the range of the eggs, SCP-6513 instances begin producing a powerful memetic effect. Subjects are drawn towards the egg, and the machine within which it is laid, in order to purchase it. In a distinctive color pattern on the egg’s surface, the words “BIG DAVE FABULOUS TOE-FUN JUST SOAK” are perceived. These words and their corresponding letters do not actually exist. Once a subject buys an SCP-6513 instance and takes it home, the organism enters the second stage of its life cycle. Once opened, the hatched organism attaches to, consumes, and imitates the host’s hallux, or big toe, much in the same way the parasitic isopod Cymothoa exigua detaches and imitates the tongues of fish species. SCP-6513 instances possess both chemical and psionic anesthetic compounds to reduce alarm during this process, and most individuals will use SCP-6513 as a detachable replacement toe with little to no stress for roughly four months. If detached at this stage, SCP-6513 can survive indefinitely on little-to-no nutrients in a state of dormancy until fed again. SCP-6513 are hermaphroditic, and capable of laying fully fertilized eggs. When an organism enters the final phase of its life cycle, it sends targeted neurotransmitters through the blood stream encouraging the host to detach it and place it in a standing body of warm water under the guise that the fake toe is a “magic grow” capsule toy. Once in water, the organism will slowly begin to expand, growing organs that resemble granulomas and additional toenails, until it is a engorged rough sphere about a meter in diameter. This is the only stage in its life cycle that SCP-6513 is capable of perambulation, usually via rolling. It then proceeds to attempt to absorb any nearby organisms into its own body mass. First, it “primes” the surrounding environment by emitting a final burst of psionic anaesthetic that locks in with known neural pathways observed during the feeding stage, keeping the host and any nearby individuals both in a state of contentment and with an elevated heart rate. Once this is done, it rolls to “primed” organisms and incorporates them. Research theorizes this process provides an unknown nutrient to aid development of offspring. SCP-6513 instances are extremely fragile at this stage, and can be stopped if a nearby individual merely prods the side of the dermis, causing the developing eggs inside to agitate and the organism to rupture, ending the “priming” process. An unimpeded organism will cloak itself in an antimemetic field to avoid detection, and will roll to, and then inside, the nearest vending mechanism to lay its eggs. However, as this process can be dangerous due to the fragility of instances, only 5.6% of final stage organisms successfully reproduce. To make up for this discrepancy, SCP-6513 instances lay prodigious numbers of eggs, upwards of 2,000 each, in the hope that some offspring will survive and continue the cycle. Addendum: A full record of the final stage of an SCP-6513 organism’s life was captured on the home security camera of the Boxwell family of Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. As of Friday, 6/8/2018, this instance had successfully replaced the halluxes of Amy Boxwell (43), a dance and yoga instructor at ShakeWELL Studios, and her two daughters Juliette (13) and Mackenzie (9), the original hosts and both dance students themselves. All three subjects regularly swapped the instance between their own feet, allowing it to form chemical connections with all three. Husband Marcus (50) was unaware of the instance. The use of an adult host is unusual in this case, although it is theorized the combination of Mrs. Boxwell’s profession and demeanor may have caused the instance to accept her. Begin Log Captured on HALLWAY_CAMERA_ONE, facing down an upstairs hallway towards the living room below. Juliette and Mackenzie Boxwell climb up the stairs and pass by the camera as they enter their bathroom. The following dialogue is audible. Juliette Boxwell: Are you sure about this? Mackenzie Boxwell: Totally, Jul! You’re supposed to do this next part, duh! And I thought you were too old to play with toys! Juliette Boxwell: Hey, I am! The toe-fun’s not a toy! Mackenzie Boxwell: You’re just gonna miss having a big toe is all! Juliette Boxwell: Am not! Mackenzie Boxwell: Shut up, give it over. Juliette Boxwell groans, and there is a soft ‘pop’ noise. Analysis and cleanup of the audio indicates a faint wet, viscous noise. Mackenzie Boxwell: Ew. Juliette Boxwell: Hey, your foot looks like that too, you know! Mackenzie Boxwell: I said shut up! There is the sound of water running for 2 minutes, then it shuts off. A plop noise follows. Mackenzie and Juliette Boxwell leave after another minute, discussing an episode of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” as they walk downstairs under the camera. Juliette Boxwell hobbles slightly on their right foot. They leave the living room to the left and become inaudible. A prolonged period of stillness lasting an hour. Mackenzie Boxwell enters frame, presumably to enter the kitchen on the right, as two minutes later she comes back with some kind of canned beverage, product name indiscernible. No further activity for another twenty minutes. Amy Boxwell enters the home from the front door on the left, dressed in a jacket thrown over workout clothes. Amy Boxwell: Hey girls! Juliette Boxwell: (inaudible) Amy Boxwell: Is it the day? Mackenzie Boxwell: (faint) Yep! Amy Boxwell throws her coat over the back of a chair and runs upstairs two steps at a time. She leaves to the bathroom on the right. Pause of a minute and a half. Mackenzie and Juliette Boxwell enter the living room from the left, staring up towards the bathroom and by extension the camera. They look at each other, talking inaudibly. Amy Boxwell: Mack, did you do this right? Mackenzie Boxwell: (shouting) Yeah, why? Amy Boxwell: It just looks kind of sick, dear. I’m not sure you know how to take care of your toys. Mackenzie Boxwell: (shouting) Ugh, god, Mom! Juliette Boxwell: (shouting) Maybe it will look better once it’s all done! Amy Boxwell enters from the bathroom and leans on the hallway railing. Amy Boxwell: I hope so, I need to have all ten toes for this new routine I’m choreographing for the littles and if you messed this up— Juliette Boxwell: (shouting) Mom, it’s gonna be fine, okay?! Leave us alone! Amy Boxwell shrugs and walks down the stairs. Mackenzie and Juliette Boxwell appear to lose interest and walk out of frame to the left. Pause of over an hour. Amy Boxwell is sitting on the couch browsing the internet on a laptop computer. Juliette Boxwell enters from the left and runs up the stairs, stopping at the top to look into the bathroom. She looks uneasy. She exits to the left again. Pause of ten minutes. Juliette Boxwell enters from the left in a new outfit, a set of leggings and a crop top. She runs down the stairs and talks to Amy Boxwell, who points and appears animated. The dialogue is not audible. From Juliette Boxwell’s body language she is not happy. She leaves downstairs to the left again. Pause of 15 minutes. Mackenzie Boxwell crosses the living room to the right. The camera shakes. Pause of one minutes. A large fleshy object, assumed to be the engorged, mature SCP-6513 instance, enters from the left, sluggishly rolling. The instance appears infected, with a soft, pliable surface marked by splotches. Pus leaks from the granulomas of the multiple toenails. One small toenail appears to be painted a dark color. This is assumed to be the “original” from Juliette Boxwell’s body. Amy Boxwell stands, hearing the noise, and turns around. She screams. The instance immediately recoils from the sound, it’s surface undulating. Amy Boxwell backs away. The instance wiggles abruptly, and its granulomas promptly pulse, producing a rhythmic vibration. Foundation musicologists have theorized this rhythm is an attempt to imitate the New Orleans style of hip-hop known as bounce music, potentially that of the 2018 Big Freedia song “Strut”, which Amy Boxwell had choreographed a routine to earlier that month. Amy Boxwell appears to be affected by the psionic priming and begins to dance. The camera captures her appearing to relax her shoulders and smile as she moves down the stairs in coordinated rhythmic movements. While some of the precise movements of the arms and hips appear to correspond to the notes for the "Strut" routine, the vast majority of the dance appears to be improvised. The SCP-6513 instance begins to roll down the stairs after her. Juliette and Mackenzie Boxwell enter from the left in a panic, having seemingly run up the basement stairs. However, as soon as they step into the space they too appear to relax and begin to dance. Due to a combination of spins, hip-drops, and a single cartwheel, Amy Boxwell is now farther away than her daughters from the instance. The three engage in dance movements to the rhythmic pulsing, each following their own movement combinations, until the instance approaches Juliette Boxwell, the closest subject. Juliette Boxwell attempts a ducking-and-weaving motion. The top of her scalp brushes the SCP-6513 instance and fuses. She is lifted off the ground slowly as it swerves and continues to roll. As she is lifted, more and more of her body begins to fuse with the instance, appearing on the camera to be sucked in to its internal structure. Her body attempts to continue the dancing even once off the ground, the legs flailing rhythmically in midair as her torso is rotated upwards. Mackenzie Boxwell shrieks in glee upon seeing this. She deliberately shuffles into the side of the SCP-6513 instance as it continues to pursue Amy Boxwell. The left side of Mackenzie Boxwell's body fuses with the instance and it wobbles as her left arm, left leg, and half of her torso and head merge with the instance. She giggles. It appears her left eye and several fingers rotate around the back of the instance before seemingly melting and becoming absorbed. Her right limbs jerk erratically as if still trying to follow a beat. The rest of her body is soon incorporated. Amy Boxwell brushes her hair out of her face and smiles upon seeing Mackenzie Boxwell's death. She pirouettes and leaps around the sofa and the side of the instance (obscured from the camera on this view by the instance.) She slaps her thighs, claps, and begins to move her hips with her hands raised, a movement that itself turns into movements similar the twerk dance move, and eventually grinding movements, on the SCP-6513 instance. Marcus Boxwell enters the space from the left, seemingly returning home from work, and stands suddenly very still upon seeing his spouse and the instance. He drops a briefcase. The SCP-6513 instance fuses with Amy Boxwell's posterior. Marcus Boxwell: Amy?! What the—what, huh, hah, Jesus, what the fuck?! What the fuck is that thing?! Amy Boxwell: Come shake it with me, honey! Marcus Boxwell: (screaming) Amy Boxwell attempts a gyrating movement taken from Caribbean dancehall dances, but cannot due to her posterior and the backs of her thighs having fused with the instance. Marcus Boxwell runs and grabs her arms, attempting to pull her out of the instance, but cannot manage it. The entirety of her lower half fuses and her torso is now full horizontal from Marcus Boxwell's pulling. Marcus Boxwell: I'm gonna save you, baby, please, I'm gonna save you. Amy Boxwell's head lolls and she smiles. Marcus Boxwell: I'm gonna get you out of there, I promise! Amy Boxwell: I don't wanna, I'm purified… Marcus Boxwell: What? Amy Boxwell: Marcus, sweetie, we don't dance anymore! Dance with me! Marcus Boxwell: (grunting as he tugs) Amy Boxwell: You don't dance like the old days. No more. Amy Boxwell is pulled into the instance as it absorbs more of her torso. The sudden jolt causes Marcus Boxwell to stumble, and his fingers accidentally prod the side of the instance. It wobbles and begins to swell slightly as bruises form across its mass and the partially absorbed mass of Amy Boxwell, who smiles and sighs. The entire form, including Amy Boxwell's body, explodes outwards, coating the room in blood, viscera, and remnants of ruined clothes as much of the room's furniture is destroyed by the blast. Marcus Boxwell is propelled back outside and lands against the tires of his Toyota Corolla parked outside, captured on LAWN_CAMERA_ONE. The tires are partially destroyed by the impact, and the front lawn and road are partially coated in a mixture of viscera and rubber. Marcus Boxwell slumps to the ground. Amy Boxwell's facial skin has landed inside-out on his face, and as he sits up he slowly peels it off. A small pile of viscera in the center of the house containing the eggs quivers before deflating slightly. There is the slight background babble of neighbors drawn by the music and explosion noises. Marcus Boxwell looks down at the piece of skin in his hand, but his reaction is hard to discern due to a piece of viscera on the camera lens. End Log Marcus Boxwell was given Class B amnestics during his hospital treatment for spinal injuries and told that his wife's dance studio had been infiltrated by a cultist from the “Church of the Seven-Armed Christ,” who had begun an affair with her. He was also informed that this cultist had encouraged his wife and children to play around with a pressurized gas tank as part of the church's rituals while he was at work. Neighbors who witnessed the aftermath of the instance's death were given Class A amnestics and informed that there had been a severe cockroach infestation on the premises, and thus the Boxwell family had moved prior to the cleaning crew's arrival. The local Publix grocery store was found to contain roughly 5,700 eggs spread across fifteen machines, greatly outnumbering the number of nonanomalous toys present. All were terminated. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6513" by LordStonefish, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6515 | keter | SCP-6515-22. Item #: SCP-6515 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6515 itself cannot be realistically contained or neutralized. All SCP-6515 instances are to be monitored until death for any indication of unusual behavior. If the anomalous nature of any individual SCP-6515 instance is revealed, a team of Foundation personnel has been assembled to respond with an appropriate cover story and conduct amnesticization protocols. Description: SCP-6515 is the position of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, as established in the British order of precedence. Thorough investigation of U.K. history suggests that no SCP-6515 instance, since SCP-6515-1 ("Henry Campbell-Bannerman"), has been a non-anomalous human being. Despite this, there is no observable connection between SCP-6515 instances beyond U.K. politics; rather, multiple anomalous entities have each become SCP-6515 instances by pure happenstance. All evidence indicates that the fabricated identity of each SCP-6515 instance received their title via the typical political channels, in an entirely legitimate fashion. Addendum: SCP-6515 Investigation The anomaly of SCP-6515 was first discovered through SCP-6515-8 ("Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill"). During a routine Foundation archive analog-to-digital conversion, film reels containing footage of 6515-8 were flagged to have been changed significantly. The flag was initially declared a false positive after a manual review found no significant differences between the digital and analog versions. However, 6515-8 and all media thereof were later discovered to exhibit a powerful cognitohazard, detectable only by Foundation hazard filters. A computer-generated transcript of 6515-8 has since been published for all 6515 clearance personnel. 6515-8 Video Log 6515-8 Video Log VIDEO LOG DATE: 1950/01/26 NOTE: This log compares a computer-generated transcript to personnel-written accounts of the footage. [BEGIN LOG] 0:00: Video begins. Text on the screen describes the circumstances of the film, an interview with "Mr. CHURCHILL". Zero discrepancies to this point. 0:20 First discrepancy. Personnel account: A figure named "Winston Churchill" sits in a chair and delivers a brief speech on an upcoming election. He emphasizes the dangers of socialism, advocating for the platform of the Conservative and National Liberal parties. Computer account: A large clump of cheese rests atop a chair for two minutes. 2:41: Video ends. [END LOG] Computer-generated accounts of all media directly featuring 6515-8 similarly identify a clump of an unidentified cheese instead of Winston Churchill. Whenever a subject describes Winston Churchill walking or moving normally, digital transcripts identify a clump of cheese being moved by nearby people or animals, involuntarily or unwittingly. 6515-8 does not exhibit mold or any other signs of age; it is assumed that 6515-8 was regularly cleaned and patched with cheese over the period of time coinciding with Churchill’s supposed lifespan, through similar involuntary cognitohazardous compulsion. In light of this discovery, Winston Churchill was promptly designated SCP-6515, with the assumption that Churchill was an otherwise non-anomalous human being whom artificial intelligences instead recognized as a clump of cheese. However, current findings show that it is more likely that Winston Churchill has never existed, and that 6515-8 is a clump of cheese perceptible only to Foundation-standard artificial intelligences with hazard filtering. The current whereabouts of 6515-8 are unknown. The grave where Winston Churchill was supposedly buried houses neither a human body nor any amount of cheese. Foundation agents have begun searching for 6515-8; containment efforts have been given high priority in order to prevent the potential scenario in which Winston Churchill's body, dead or alive, is seen outside of his grave. MI5 Interview Log MI5 Interview Log INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2019/10/18 NOTE: Agent Reyes was sent to the U.K. as part of the 6515-8 investigation team. During this time, an interview was scheduled with MI5 agent Harvey Moore. [BEGIN LOG] Reyes: Hello, Mr. Moore. Moore: Greetings. I’ve never had the privilege of speaking to a Foundation employee myself. Reyes: Yes, well, it's not as exciting as it sounds. I’m just here to ask about Winston Churchill. Moore: Hm. Well, that's unexpected. What about? Reyes: We have reason to believe that Churchill is missing from his grave. Moore: Pardon? Reyes: Sorry, my bad. We know that Winston Churchill is missing from his grave. We’ve checked. Moore: You've checked? Reyes: We haven't touched Churchill’s grave, if that's what you're thinking. We have technology for that. Moore is speechless. Reyes: It's kind of like a stud scanner. Moore: On what grounds, exactly, are you stud scanning Churchill's grave? Reyes: I’m not cleared to tell you about that at the moment. Do you know anything about this? Moore: No, I don't know anything about this. If I’m being quite honest, it's hard to believe. Reyes: Well, talk with enough Foundation employees and it won't be. Moore furrows his brow. Reyes: Anyways. If that's all, then I’ll be on my way. Thank you for your time. [END LOG] After this interview, the investigation of 6515-8 stalled until SCP-6515-16 ("Margaret Hilda Thatcher") suddenly responded to Foundation request for an interview. 6515-16 was the second instance discovered to be anomalous when she was spotted alive and well in Boston, Massachusetts. Cursory investigation reveals that 6515-16 migrated to Boston 6 years after Thatcher's supposed death and assumed the name Irma Sullivan. 6515-16, aside from appearing approximately 40 years younger, has made minimal, superficial changes to its appearance and now speaks with a thick Boston accent. 6515-16 has fabricated extensive personal records to integrate into Boston as a citizen, including extensive medical records. Actual medical analysis reveals that 6515-16 is a biomechanical construct piloted by a crew of small, jellyfish-like beings residing in its stomach. The crew of 6515-16 has been interviewed in hopes of gathering more information about 6515-8. 6515-16 Interview Log 6515-16 Interview Log INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2020/02/02 [BEGIN LOG] Reyes: Alright, let's start over. Hello. I am Dr- 6515-16: Reyes. We know. Reyes: Right. What can you tell us about "Margaret Thatcher?" 6515-16: Well, a long time ago, the glorious State-Empire took an interest in planet Earth. It was a humble, yet fascinating planet, rich in both culture and resources alike. We were tasked with creating a clone vehicle of a human being to assist in its takeover. Reyes: Mhm. And what does this clone vehicle do? 6515-16: Externally, it’s a perfect replica of a human being. Internally, we have liquid cooling set up, gimbaled seats, some cup holders, RGB lighting- Reyes clears his throat. 6515-16 flinches. Reyes: Thank you. So, what happened to the takeover? 6515-16: By the time we arrived, in the Anno Domini year of 1949, the State-Empire had lost interest in our mission. It had been an arduous 6 weeks of travel, and the State-Emperor had long since abandoned Earth for greener pastures. Reyes: If that was the case, why stay here on Earth? 6515-16 grunts. This is assumed to be an expression of confusion. Reyes: Faking your death would have been easier than fabricating all of these records. What kept you from going back? 6515-16: Why would we go back to being State-Empire peons, when we could live it large for a full 11 years as Prime Minister? Reyes: Fair point, I suppose. 6515-16: We’re going for president next. Reyes: Good luck with that. Reyes flips through a file folder. Reyes: Just a few more questions here. Do you know anything about Winston Churchill? Anything out of the ordinary, I mean. 6515-16: The big cheese? Of course I know about him, who doesn't? Reyes: Sorry, could you repeat that? 6515-16 clears its throat. 6515-16: The big cheese? Of course I know about him, who doesn't? Reyes: You mean to say that you're aware of Winston Churchill's true nature? 6515-16: His nature as- 6515-16 grunts. 6515-16: -as a glob of cheese? Reyes: Yes. 6515-16: It's a bit hard to miss. Reyes: I suppose it would be. In that case, do you know where Churchill is buried? 6515-16: You want the public answer, or the real answer? Reyes: The public answer being… his grave? 6515-16: Yeah. Which was true, for about two decades. But, well, we had to see it for ourselves, and the grave seemed like a terrible place for food preservation. So we extracted the cheese in 1985. Reyes: And nobody knew about this? How did you manage to dig up Winston Churchill's grave without leaving any traces? 6515-16: It would take more than four years of lectures to explain spacefolding technology to the brightest human academics, let alone you. I don't think we have that kind of time. Reyes: Point taken. Where is Churchill now? 6515-16: It was in the most horrendous condition. Nothing like the revered dairy that defeated the Nazis; it wasn’t even recognizable as cheese anymore. We took the liberty of temporally de-aging it and storing it in a vessel appropriate for such a revered figure. Reyes: Which would be? 6515-16: A freezer, in the depths of none other than 10 Downing Street. Hidden in one of the kitchen walls. As far as we can tell, nobody's noticed. Reyes: So if I may summarize, you spatially extracted Winston Churchill from his grave, temporally reverted his corpse to when he was Prime Minister, and then remanded him to a secret freezer to honor his legacy? 6515-16: No. Reyes: No? 6515-16: We did it because we thought it would be funny. Reyes: Good to know. Thank you, Mrs. Thatcher, for your cooperation. 6515-16: Oh, you can just call us Irma. [END LOG] Due to the advanced technology of the crew of 6515-16, as well as Irma Sullivan's status as a highly networked politician, containment of 6515-16 is currently infeasible. The Foundation remains in contact with 6515-16, who has been granted provisional Level-0 Clearance in exchange for their political support of Foundation interests. The MI5 was promptly contacted by the Foundation in light of the interview with 6515-16. MI5 Interview Log (2) MI5 Interview Log (2) INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2020/02/17 [BEGIN LOG] Reyes: Hello again, Mr. Moore. Moore: Yes, hello. What's this about? Reyes: It's about Churchill again. Moore sighs. Moore: Of course it is. What's the situation now? Reyes: Well, I have some good news. I’m cleared to tell you about why we were scanning his grave now. Moore: How exciting. Explain it to me, then. Reyes pauses. Moore raises his eyebrows. Reyes: It's because there is no Churchill. There never was a Churchill. Just a big ball of cheese. Moore: Come on, man. Reyes: I know, it's hard to believe, but we’ve run the tests, and- Moore: Yeah, yeah, sure thing. Did you come all this way just to tell me that? Reyes: No, actually. I’m here to ask about the freezer where they stored him. Moore glares at Reyes, silent. Reyes: The hidden freezer. The one in 10 Downing Street, with the ball of cheese formerly known as Winston Churchill. Moore: Where are you getting this from? Who told you this? Reyes: I’m not cleared to tell you that. Moore: There is no hidden freezer in 10 Downing Street, and there is most certainly no hidden ball of cheese anywhere. Reyes: Are you sure? Moore: Quite. Reyes: Well then, thank you for your time. See you later. Moore: Let's hope not. [END LOG] Foundation agents conducted an investigation into 10 Downing Street to determine if 6515-8 was present. The hidden freezer described by 6515-16 was found to exist, but was completely empty. In order to discern the whereabouts of 6515-8, the Foundation attempted to contact all living instances of SCP-6515, only succeeding with one: SCP-6515-21 (Theresa Mary May). 6515-21 is, by all accounts, a non-anomalous human being, and may be an exception to SCP-6515. 6515-21 is still regarded as an SCP-6515 instance, as there is a significant chance that 6515-21 exhibits some kind of antimemetic effect; whether or not this is the case, being the sole non-anomalous entity to hold a position such as SCP-6515 would be an anomalous property in and of itself by O5 edict. As such, no Veil protocols apply to 6515-21. 6515-21 Interview Log 6515-21 Interview Log INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2020/09/28 NOTE: For this interview, 6515-21 is under the impression that she is speaking to a representative of the MI5. [BEGIN LOG] Reyes: Right, so, about Churchill. 6515-21: It’s been quite a while. I’d have expected you to have this on record by now. Reyes: It's a slow process. Just tell us about him. 6515-21: It started when I was appointed PM. The very second. I felt something, a vague unease. Reyes: Were you uneasy about anything in particular? 6515-21: In that moment… it was the false, distorted myth of Churchill, making its home in the memory of the nation. I'm sure of it now. At the time, I had no idea. Reyes: And when you found out? 6515-21: Yes, one of your people showed me to him. The freezer. I can't describe it, how it felt at the time. The sudden revelation, not just that this man, this central figure of the British identity, never existed, but that we had fabricated him from nothing. From a ball of cheese. Reyes instinctively looks up at 6515-21, before rapidly looking back down. He clears his throat and resumes writing notes. Reyes: Well, you have my sympathies. 6515-21: I had scheduled for a psychologist, in private. But before then, I received word from your people that my perception was apparently correct, and the rest of the world were the deluded ones. And I believe you had the courtesy to cancel my meeting for me as well. Reyes: Of course. This is a matter of national security. 6515-21: It was mostly to prevent Foundation intervention, if memory serves. Reyes pauses. Reyes: Yes, yes. But let's not worry about them. Continue. 6515-21: The knowledge caused me great turmoil, naturally, and a sense of responsibility, or possibly mere urgency. I was compelled, despite the… falseness of it all, to preserve his legacy, which I felt was under threat. Reyes: Of course. 6515-21: It was in those interests that I proposed the full-time surveillance of 10 Downing Street’s kitchen, where his remains are preserved. Reyes: Remains? 6515-21: Yes, I know, it's just a ball of cheese. But it looks like Churchill’s freezing corpse to everyone else. So it was imperative that I exercise the utmost caution. Reyes: And how did that work out? 6515-21: The results were inconclusive, as far as I know. Nothing ever happened to that freezer, or anything inside it. Reyes: So there's nothing to worry about, then. Churchill is safe and sound. 6515-21: For the duration of my premiership, yes. You would know better than I about how he's doing now. Reyes: Well, thank you for your time. [END LOG] Following this information, the Foundation reached out to the MI5 for contact. MI5 Interview Log (3) MI5 Interview Log (3) INTERVIEW LOG DATE: 2020/10/20 [BEGIN LOG] Reyes: Nice to see you again, Harvey. Moore: How many times are you- Reyes rises out of his seat, leaning over Moore. Reyes: The jig is up. We know everything. Moore: Clearly not, since you've scheduled yet another pointless interview with us. Reyes continues leaning over Moore for several seconds, before sitting back down. Reyes: Well, true. We don't know where the cheese is. But Theresa May herself has told us everything else. Moore: Oh yes, and what’s her trick, hmm? Is she an alien? A demon from Hell, perhaps? Reyes: No need to get political, Moore. Moore: Perhaps she's a ghost, haunting the Houses of Parliament. Reyes: It doesn't matter what she is or isn't. What matters is Churchill. Did you know that she knew about Churchill? Moore: Knew wh- Reyes: Because I think you knew. I think you've known about the cognitohazard this whole time, and I think you know that the Prime Minister is inoculated against it, whoever it happens to be. Moore: I haven't got a clue what any of that means. Reyes: It means you can see the Churchill for the cheese. Moore: This isn't funny, Reyes. Reyes: Oh, it only gets less funny. You know there are cameras in your little White House watching the freezer at all times? Theresa May’s entire premiership went by, and nobody so much as touched the thing. That narrows the window of Churchill's disappearance to BoJo’s time in office. Moore holds his head in his hands for eight seconds. Moore: Jesus fucking Christ. Reyes: Spare me the indignity, we both know it's true. Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Moore: The easy way? Don't make me laugh. I'm not about to make anything easier for you, not after all this tripe. Perhaps you should try your luck at digging Walpole out of the ground? Reyes: Who? Moore mutters under his breath. Reyes: Well, never mind. I suppose we're done here, then. [END LOG] Addendum: SCP-6515 Investigation Update In the weeks following the interview with 6515-21, the 6515-8 recovery team convened to discuss potential courses of action. The team unanimously agreed that the MI5 was not to be trusted, and that it would be necessary to infiltrate MI5 archives and access the agency's database to search for potential evidence. Soon afterwards, O5 approval was given to commence the operation, which was completed within the week. Agents retrieved the following file. 6515-22 Video Log 6515-22 Video Log VIDEO LOG DATE: 2019/07/25 NOTE: This is an excerpt of a longer camera feed. The description has been computer-generated. [BEGIN LOG] 0:00: Excerpt begins. SCP-6515-22 ("Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson") is seen patting down the walls. 0:30: 6515-22 presses against the wall above the dishwasher. From the wall extends a compartment with a freezer. 0:32: 6515-22 swings the door open, revealing an empty freezer save for a clump of cheese. 6515-22 rapidly snatches the cheese, unhinges his jaw, and shoves the entire clump into his mouth. He swallows it within seconds. 0:39: 6515-22 gingerly pushes the freezer compartment back into place, smiling, before turning and leaving the room. Excerpt ends. [END LOG] ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6515" by magna2s, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Boris_Johnson_FCO_2016 Name: Boris Johnson FCO 2016 Author: Foreign and Commonwealth Office License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6516 | safe | dxvi SCP-6516 — All Hallows Wood by dxvi I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones For more, please see my author page. An image from SCP-6516 taken by a Foundation agent during Exploration 6516-Delta. The ruined building does not exist on any plan of the area and is assumed to be an apparition. Item #: SCP-6516 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6516 is closed to the public and no access is permitted except with the permission of the Director of Site-44. The Foundation has purchased the Harbrook Estate from the National Trust under the guise of a private heritage fund, and has announced through a front agency that SCP-6516 is to be treated as an experimental human-free nature reserve. Foundation liaison with the UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is ongoing and cordial, allowing a number of useful exceptions to be written into existing environmental and heritage law. SCP-6516-A, with the cord used to ring it from ground level visible in the foreground. Description: SCP-6516 is All Hallows Wood, a wooded area of approximately 425 ha (4.25 km2) in the estate of Harbrook House, an eighteenth-century stately home in north-western Lincolnshire, England. The site has been preserved from logging since before the Norman Conquest; after the Conquest, it passed between several families before finally being acquired and entailed by the Harbrook viscountcy in the late sixteenth century. The last Viscount Harbrook sold the property to the National Trust in 1965. SCP-6516 is, in most respects, typical of wooded areas in Northern England. Its anomalous properties become clear only when visitors arrive. Visitors to SCP-6516 typically lose their way for several hours, up to an entire day from sunrise to sunset, until they encounter SCP-6516-A (see below). On the way, visitors experience shifts in topography and geography that cause the layout of SCP-6516 to radically diverge from satellite imaging and mapping of the area. In addition, visitors to SCP-6516 will repeatedly encounter apparitions of people known to them who have died, as well as buildings they recognise and other images from their past. Human apparitions are mute and non-hostile, and are typically perceived by those who encounter them as warm and friendly. They will typically not approach the visitor closely, but in most cases will watch from further into the wood, demanifesting upon a close approach. SCP-6516 is also known to increase the strength and tangibility of unrelated hauntings and spectral apparitions that happen to enter SCP-6516. Cross-testing with other SCP objects is currently not permitted by the Department of Spectral Phenomena, but cross-testing with mundane and unclassified spectral activity is an active avenue of research. The visitor will continue to experience apparitions until they encounter an aged bell housed in a brick tower ten metres in height (collectively designated SCP-6516-A). Upon ringing SCP-6516-A, all spectral activity in the area will cease, and the visitor will immediately become aware of an easy way out to the edge of the wood, even if no such exit route was visible before. Although visitors to SCP-6516 cannot find their way out of SCP-6516 on their own, repeated testing has determined that they will inevitably encounter SCP-6516-A before any harm is likely to come to them from exposure. Once a visitor has rung SCP-6516-A, they will never experience the anomalous effects of SCP-6516 again. Exploration 6516-Foxtrot: The most recent exploration of SCP-6516 was undertaken by Site-44 Senior Field Agent Penelope Ash at her request, on Friday 10 June 2022. An exploration log is attached below. A full log of all Foundation testing and exploration of SCP-6516 is available on request. The following is an audio transcript of Senior Agent Ash's exploration of SCP-6516 on Friday 9 September 2022, gathered from a high-quality microphone in her lapel. Throughout her expedition into SCP-6516, Agent Ash was accompanied by Agent Stephen Browning, another agent at Site-44. As of 2022, Agents Ash and Browning had been in a romantic relationship for eight years. To respect the agents' privacy, Agent Ash's body-mounted microphone was not monitored during Exploration 6516-Foxtrot, and was only reviewed upon her return to base. Exploration Log 6516-Foxtrot, Part 1 [Morning] 08:32. BEGIN LOG. Agent Ash: OK. I think we're good to go. A car door closes. Agent Browning: It's a long trip. You alright to drive the whole way, sweetheart? Agent Ash: Yeah. It's not so bad, we should be there before noon. The car starts. Agent Browning: Alright. Agent Ash: I'm glad you're here. Agent Browning: Hey. It's alright. Wouldn't be fair on you if I couldn't come with. 6516 can be pretty rough. Agent Ash: Yeah. Yes. They are quiet for some time while they reach the main road out of Southend. Agent Browning: Are you OK, sweetheart? You're a bit quiet. Agent Ash: Yeah, I'm fine. Promise. Just getting myself ready. Agent Browning: Yeah, I understand. I'm sure it won't be easy for either of us. We've both lost people. Pages turning can be heard on the recording. Agent Browning: But it's not every day we get to go on a country walk for work, is it? Agent Ash chuckles. Agent Ash: It's not. It's been a while. Agent Browning: It has, hasn't it. I wonder why it's been so long? We used to do it all the time. There is a brief silence. Agent Ash: These things happen, I suppose. The recording is silent for a few more minutes. Agent Browning: What about some music? Agent Ash: Oh, there's an idea. Agent Browning: The Carpenters? Agent Ash: Soppy. Sounds good. The sounds of Agent Browning putting a CD in the car stereo are audible on the recording. 'Top of the World' begins to play. Agent Browning: [singing softly] Such a feeling's coming over me… Agent Ash: [singing] There is wonder in most everything I see… Both: [singing louder] Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes, and it… They giggle. Agent Ash: Haven't heard this in ages. Agent Browning: Me neither. Agent Ash: It is a lovely day, isn't it? Agent Browning: Yeah. Won't look so nice on the M25 though. Agent Ash: God, don't remind me. Agent Browning: Or worse, the M11. Agent Ash: Oh, stop. Extraneous conversation excised. Full transcript available on request. Exploration Log 6516-Foxtrot, Part 2 [Early afternoon] 11:56. BEGIN LOG.__ In the background, 'I Won't Last a Day Without You' can be heard on the stereo. Agent Ash later reported that they had played Only Yesterday: Richard and Karen Carpenter's Greatest Hits twice through on the journey. Agent Ash: Here we are. Agent Browning: Hmm? Agent Ash: You were somewhere else entirely, love. Agent Browning: Oh, yeah. Oh, Harbrook House. Agent Ash: Yeah. Agent Browning: It looks bigger in the file, don't you think? Agent Ash: I think it looks about the same. Agent Browning: Mmm. Agent Ash: Hey, look — didn't I say I'd get us here before noon? Agent Browning: I never doubted you. Agent Ash: I should think not. Agent Browning: Not after Andalucia…1 Agent Ash: It was an open road! Agent Browning: You're a lunatic. Agent Ash: Don't complain. I always got us there on time. Agent Browning: Mostly in one piece. Agent Ash begins to laugh, but stops herself suddenly and clears her throat. Agent Ash: Well. The engine stops. Agent Browning: All Hallows Wood. Agent Ash: Looks like it. Agent Browning: It doesn't look very haunted, does it? Agent Ash: Not really, no. Agent Browning: Reminds me of the New Forest. Remember? Agent Ash: Actually, yeah. There is a pause. Agent Browning: Shall we? Agent Ash: You go first, I want to check the mic. Wait for me over by the gate. Agent Browning: Alright. There is a small sound on the recording; Agent Ash later clarified that Agent Browning had leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. The car door opens and Agent Browning can be heard stepping onto the gravel outside the car. Agent Ash breathes out very heavily and clears her throat. She takes several deep breaths and opens the door. Birdsong is audible on the recording, and the sound of gravel crunching underfoot. Agent Browning: All good? Agent Ash: Yeah, all good. Agent Browning: What a lovely day we got for it. I know I said already, but it's perfect. Agent Ash: Isn't it? Agent Browning: The air is so fresh. I feel…energetic. Agent Ash: Good! Agent Browning: Anyway — remind me again what 44 wants out of our little walk. Agent Ash: It's just an exploration mission. Check for consistency with other results. I think they're just going down the list of field agents, because you can't do it twice. Take some photographs. Record sounds. A gentle thumping sound is audible on the recording, presumably from Agent Ash tapping her mic. Agent Ash: Then report back. Agent Browning: Righto. Sally went recently, didn't she?2 Agent Ash: Yeah, earlier this year. Agent Browning: What did she see? I've read the report, but… Agent Ash: Yeah. She didn't really say. I thought it better not to pry and the report has the information we need. She seemed alright about it though. Calm. It made her smile to think about it, I think. Agent Browning: Mmm. There is a brief pause on the recording. Agent Browning: Well, ready when you are. Agent Ash: Alright. The sound of a gate squeaking open is audible, as are two sets of footsteps on the pathway. Neither agent speaks for several minutes. Birdsong continues and becomes slightly louder. Agent Ash: Twelve-oh-nine. You reread the file on the way up, didn't you? Remind me what it said about when it's supposed to…begin. Agent Browning: Varies, apparently. For some the anomaly kicks in almost immediately; other people have had to wander around for hours before they see anything. There are pre-containment reports of people going through All Hallows Wood and not seeing anything unusual, but either they're very unobservant or… Agent Ash: …they haven't lost anyone, right. Agent Browning: Yeah. Agent Ash: Lucky them. Both agents lapse into silence for around eight minutes. Agent Ash: Wait. Agent Browning: What's up? Agent Ash: That stump over there, look. Agent Browning: Yeah? Agent Ash: We walked past it earlier. Agent Browning: But that's impossible. We've not left the path. Agent Ash: It must be kicking in about now. Hold on. There is a rustling sound as Agent Ash retrieves her smartphone from her pocket. Agent Ash: GPS is scrambled, it can't get a lock, look. Agent Browning: Just bouncing around. God, that's weird. Agent Ash: I didn't even notice. Agent Browning: Nor me. I wonder when it kicked in. The files say it tends to happen when you aren't paying attention. Agent Ash: No way to know. Agent Browning: I was just listening to the birds. They laugh. Agent Ash: [forcefully] God, I've missed this. Agent Browning: Field work? Agent Ash: Field work with you. Agent Browning: It's been a while. How long? Agent Ash: [quietly] A long time. A quiet rustling sound can be heard. Agent Ash explained later that Agent Browning had pulled her into a hug at this point. Agent Browning: Well, we're here now. Agent Ash: Yes. Agent Browning: Don't you just feel so alive here? Agent Ash: Alive? Agent Browning: Something about the air and the sunshine, I don't know. Haven't felt like this in ages. Agent Ash: You are very perky. Agent Browning: I hope I'm not being annoying. Agent Ash: Not at all. She gasps sharply. Agent Browning: What? Agent Ash: Look, over there. Look! Agent Browning: What? There? I don't— Agent Ash: Ah, too late. I saw someone. They're gone now. Agent Browning: Who? Agent Ash: Not sure. An old lady. Too far away to be sure. Agent Browning: …mine or yours, do you think? Agent Ash: Mine. I'm pretty sure. Agent Browning: Why? Agent Ash: I could be wrong, but I think it was…Mrs Dixon?3 Agent Browning: Who's Mrs Dixon? Agent Ash: My old Year Three teacher.4 She died a year or two after I left primary school, I remember hearing about it over Christmas. Agent Browning: Your teacher? I wonder why her? Agent Ash: God knows. Agent Browning: People have reported rather unexpected apparitions. It's not always people you were close to. Agent Ash: I certainly wasn't expecting to see her again. Agent Browning: Did you like her? Agent Ash: Not…particularly, no. I mean, she was fine. I don't remember much about it. She was very pernickety about handwriting. I remember one day she told us off about our Zs. But she smiled a lot. Agent Browning: I see. They walk on, in silence. Agent Browning: What's that? Agent Ash: That building? Agent Browning: Yes. It's not on the map. But then I have no idea where on the map we are now, anyway. Agent Ash: Apparition, then. Agent Browning: It looks familiar. Agent Ash: Oh my God. Agent Browning: What? Agent Ash: It's Granny Ginny's house.5 Agent Browning: Your grandmother? Liz's mother?6 Agent Ash: Yes. Agent Browning: The fire…7 Agent Ash: God, that was ages ago. But it looks like new. Look, the roses over the door. She was so proud of those. I pricked myself on the thorns once when I visited her, and she was so gentle with me. Agent Browning: Pen, look. Upstairs. Agent Ash: Oh, Gran… Agent Browning: Is she… Agent Ash later reported that the apparition of Mrs White waved at them from her upstairs window. Agent Ash can be heard clearing her throat on the recording. Agent Browning: She looks just like she does in that photo on the mantelpiece, when you were a kid. Right outside that door. Agent Ash: Hasn't aged a day. Maybe it's because I remember her so strongly from when I was that age. Agent Browning: Maybe. Agent Ash: Oh, there she goes. Bye Gran. There is a long pause. Agent Ash: Twelve forty-two. We've been out here a while. Agent Browning: Can you figure out where we are supposed to be? Agent Ash: Hang on. Agent Ash later reported that they both studied the paper satellite map of the area for several minutes. Agent Ash: I think… Agent Browning: Yeah, there. You can see that big tree and the bend in the path. Agent Ash: But that doesn't make sense, because the bridge is over there, on the right of the map, and we've just crossed it. Agent Browning: Welcome to All Hallows Wood, I suppose. Agent Ash: Steve, look. Agent Browning: What? Agent Ash: Granny Ginny's house is gone. Exploration Log 6516-Foxtrot, Part 3 [Late afternoon and evening] In debrief, Agent Ash reported that she encountered the following apparitions within the subsequent few hours: Gregory Ash, Agent Ash's paternal uncle (died 2009). An unknown detached, two-storey house, later identified as Agent Ash's home in Somerset for several years during her infancy (demolished 1996). An unknown elderly woman, later identified as Rachael Paisley, Agent Ash's great-aunt on her maternal grandfather's side (died 1993). An unknown elderly woman, later identified as Matilda Wolfe, Agent Ash's maternal grandmother (died 1992). Jasmine Hunter, a schoolmate of Agent Ash at primary school, who died of a brain tumour aged nine (died 1999). All apparitions were, as with every encounter within SCP-6516, friendly and mute. The full transcript of these encounters can be retrieved on request, but is excluded here for brevity. The following extract covers the final hours of Agent Ash's exploration into SCP-6516. 16:42. BEGIN LOG. Agent Ash: I don't remember the last time I walked this far. Agent Browning: Nor me. I'm surprised we haven't seen the bell yet. Agent Ash: Mmm. Isn't it normally at sunset? Agent Browning: Not always, it varies. It's never in the morning, but other than that it's not clear. There's some suggestion in the reports that time is a bit weird here, too. Agent Ash: Weird? Agent Browning: Hours taking longer than they should, or the sun setting sooner than it should. Agent Ash: Right. Agent Browning: Whoever comes next should bring the temporal equipment and try and get a reading. Agent Ash: It's a good idea. I'll suggest it. I'd do it myself, but… Agent Browning: Yeah, it only works once. Agent Ash: Yes. Agent Browning: Actually, I've been thinking. Agent Ash: First time for everything. Agent Browning: Shut it. I've been thinking about why it is that— Agent Ash: Hang on. Shush. They fall silent. The sound of an animal can be heard indistinctly on the recording. Agent Browning: Is that a dog? Agent Ash: I think so. Agent Browning: No dogs in the wood, so it must be… Agent Ash: An apparition. But… Agent Browning: …oh, Pen. The sound is louder and is clearly distinguishable as the barking of a dog. Agent Ash: Oh no. Surely not. Agent Browning: Pen, love. Agent Ash: That's not fair. The sound suddenly becomes very loud. Analysis indicates the source was within range of 10 meters. Agent Ash: [calling] Banjo! Here, boy! Agent Browning: Banjo! Agent Ash: There you are. Oh, Banjo. Good boy.8 Look at him, Steve. Here, boy! Here! Agent Browning: Can't come any nearer, Banjo? That's OK. Agent Ash: Just look, he's so healthy. Agent Browning: I know, Pen. When I knew him he was a little lame in his old age but he still had the fire in him. Agent Ash takes a deep breath. Agent Ash: How come he's barking? Agent Browning: That is strange. Agent Ash: I haven't heard that barking in so long. He was quieter when he was older. Shhh, Banjo! It's like he's a puppy again. Agent Browning: The apparitions are mute here. Maybe it's just words, language. Agent Ash: Something like that. Banjo whimpers loudly. Agent Browning: Where's he… Agent Ash: There between the trees. Is that a little path? Agent Browning: I didn't even notice it. Agent Ash: That's because it wasn't there before. Banjo barks. Agent Browning: He wants us to follow him, I think. Agent Ash: Go on, boy. We're coming. The recording goes quiet for several minutes except for the sound of the agents' breathing, Banjo panting from a distance, and leaves and twigs underfoot. Soon, Banjo's panting fades. Agent Ash: Steve, I don't see him. I think he's gone. Agent Browning: He must just have been guiding us into this path. Agent Ash: That pup… We loved him so much. Dad was never the same after he died. He couldn't face getting another dog. Agent Browning: I remember. You and I hadn't been together that long when Banjo died, had we? Agent Ash: A couple of years I think. Maybe a little less. Agent Browning: Yeah. You were just inconsolable. Agent Ash: He was a wonderful dog. The recording goes quiet again for a moment. Agent Browning: Pen, look, behind us. Agent Ash breathes out heavily on the recording. She reported in her debrief that she turned around to discover that the path behind them had vanished into the trees. Agent Ash: God. Agent Browning: Yeah. Nowhere to go but forward. There is quiet on the recording for several minutes. Agent Browning: Pen, why did you volunteer for this? Agent Ash: [brightly] Oh, no particular reason. Agent Browning: C'mon, Pen. That's bullshit. Agent Ash sighs. Agent Ash: You're right, it is. Agent Browning: So? Agent Ash: Well, I just…wanted to see people again. Doesn't everyone want that? Agent Browning: Yeah. I know what you mean. But we all do. People don't volunteer for 6516 without a good reason. Traumatic. A short pause. Agent Browning: It's your dad, isn't it?9 A short pause. Agent Ash: Yes, it is. Agent Browning: The Foundation demands a lot from us. Agent Ash: It does. Agent Browning: But missing your father's funeral is no joke. It makes sense why you'd volunteer for this. Agent Ash: Yes. I knew that going in, though. I knew this job would take a lot from me. But it gave me a lot, too. It gave me you. Agent Browning: Aww. Agent Ash: I'm serious. Agent Browning: Alright. But yeah, I understand now. Agent Ash: Do you? Mm. There is a pause. Agent Browning: I just wish I could work out what the point of this place was. Agent Ash: The point? Agent Browning: Some people at the Foundation think all the anomalies we work with have some point or message to them. Agent Ash: What's the point of the lizard? Agent Browning: Well, exactly. But it's something to think about. And this place doesn't seem to make sense. It's almost too kind. Agent Ash: Too kind? Agent Browning: It just lets people see the ones they've lost again. Everyone wants that. It's like wish-fulfilment. Agent Ash: Maybe sometimes you'll see people you don't want to see again. Agent Browning: Not according to the records. The Charlie expedition was done by a D-class, who'd killed his abusive father in a fight. Never saw him. Agent Ash: Never? Agent Browning: It's like the wood is set up this way, to be good to people. But that seems too nice. Agent Ash: You're so jaded, Steve. Sometimes there's good in our work. Agent Browning: I suppose so. You're right. Agent Ash: …yes. [she clears her throat] Agent Browning: Anyway, I was…Hang on. Agent Ash: I hear it too. Agent Browning: Where is it? Agent Ash: Just up ahead, it's… Agent Browning: …oh. Agent Ash: Oh. A long pause. Agent Ash: Hi, Dad. A long pause. Agent Ash: I missed you. Agent Browning: He looks exactly the same. Exactly the same. A long pause. Agent Browning: He always stood so straight. I used to be a bit scared of him. His height, his bearing. Agent Ash: My friends used to call him the Captain, after his rank in the army. He didn't like it. It was too much. A long pause. Agent Browning: Is he…? Agent Ash: Yes. Agents Ash and Browning take a few steps forward. Agent Browning: The files say they don't come this close. Agent Ash: [softly] Shhh. Agent Ash reported in her debrief that her father's apparition approached closer and closer, eventually stopping less than two metres away from them. Before this incident, no apparition had approached closer than approximately ten metres. Agent Ash: Dad… Agent Browning: Hello again, Ed. Agent Ash: He's… Agent Browning: Why's he looking at me? Ed? What is it? Agent Ash reported that at this point, the apparition of her father smiled at her, then made a beckoning gesture to Agent Browning, and led them further down the pathway. Agent Ash: OK. OK. Agent Browning: Yeah. Only footsteps and birdsong can be heard for several minutes. Agent Ash reported at this point that she and Agent Browning joined hands as they walked. Agent Browning: The sun's getting low in the sky, look. Agent Ash: Mm. Agent Browning: It can't be long now. Agent Ash: No. Agent Browning: Pen. I've been thinking. Agent Ash: Hmm? Agent Browning: They've all been you. Everything that's appeared today has been something from your life, not mine. Why has it chosen you? Agent Ash: Chosen? Agent Browning: I thought it would show us…both of us. It's like the wood picked you instead of me. Agent Ash: No, I don't think so. I think it's just chance. Agent Browning: Pen, that's bullshit, come on. There's something you aren't telling me. Something that's not in the files. Agent Ash: [desperately] No, there isn't, I— Agent Browning: Pen. Pen, please. What's happening here? Agent Ash: Oh, love. I'm so sorry. [she coughs, and audibly holds back tears] That's the trouble, love, you don't remember. Agent Browning: What don't I remember? A long pause. Agent Browning: Penelope. Please. Tell me. Agent Ash: It's six months today. You were driving home from an assignment in Scotland. Agent Browning: Scotland. The Campbell matter. Agent Ash: Yes. It was near the Borders. You…they said it was a blind corner. There was a truck, a tanker. You never had a chance. Agent Browning: …what? Agent Ash: You don't remember. Ever since it happened, you've appeared to me in the passenger seat of my car, every single day, and you don't remember. Time doesn't seem to work the same way for you any more. Agent Browning: Something… [he pauses for a moment] I remember noise, and headlights… Agent Ash: They said you didn't suffer, love. Agent Browning: I…Pen, I'm… Agent Ash: It's alright. I've had you for six months longer. I've taken drives with you, just to feel your hand on mine in the car. But you've never been able to get out of my car. You're stuck somehow. Agent Browning: Stuck…but here… Agent Ash: Yeah. You could walk with me again. One last time. Agent Browning: The bell. I understand. Agent Ash: Yes. The bell should unstick you, they said. I…I can't do it any more. I can't live like this, every day, stuck. It's not right. You can't stay any longer. The bell can let you move on, they think. Agent Browning: Pen, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me? Agent Ash: I didn't want to. And I didn't think you'd remember anyway. You don't remember things well now. Today you remember better. Agent Browning: It's the wood. It's making things clearer. Agent Ash: Yes. A short pause. Agent Browning: What's he pointing at? Agent Ash: Look. There. Agent Ash reported that SCP-6516-A came into view at this point, within a clearing. At this point, the apparition of her father turned around, stepped close to them and shook Agent Browning's hand, before waving goodbye to her and demanifesting. Agent Ash: Bye, Dad. See you. Agent Browning: I can touch him. Agent Ash: You're closer to him than I am now. Agent Browning: Closer. Yes. Footsteps are audible on the recording as they approach the belltower. Agent Browning: The sun's going down. It won't be light for much longer. Agent Ash: No. Agent Browning: It's…it's time to go, isn't it? Agent Ash: I don't want you to. I've missed you so much. In the car I've had your shadow, but today I've had you again. Agent Browning: I have to, though. Now we're here I can feel it. Like gravity. Oh, Pen. I'm sorry. Agent Ash: It's OK. Really. I've wept for you long enough now. We had everything in our eight years. But I wanted to grow old with you. I wanted… Agent Browning: I know, sweetheart. It just wasn't to be. These things happen. There is a pause. Agent Ash reports that at this point she was gripping the cord of SCP-6516-A. Agent Ash: I can't do it. I can't. I can't send you away. Can you do it? Agent Browning: I can't. I don't know why. It just…it has to be you. I know it somehow. I'm sorry. Agent Ash: I love you. Agent Browning: I love you too. So much. Please, never forget it. Agent Ash: I won't. I'm coming after you too, one day. There's somewhere to go, I know that now. Agent Browning: Yes. Somewhere deeper in the wood. There is a pause. Agent Browning: Pen. It's time, sweetheart. She takes a deep, shuddering breath. Moments later, the bell rings, a bright, full, echoing peal. Agent Ash begins to cry softly. A rustling sound is heard on the recording as they embrace. Agent Browning: It's starting. I feel…lighter. Agent Ash: And look, I can see the way out now. There's the gate. There is a brief pause. Agent Browning: I think I've worked out what it is. Agent Ash: The wood? Agent Browning: Yeah. It's something like a departure lounge. A concourse. A train platform. Somewhere to say your goodbyes. Agent Ash: Mmm. Maybe you're right. Agent Browning: C'mere. Give me your hand. I'll walk you to the edge. Two sets of footsteps are audible on the path again. Agent Browning: It's been a perfect day. Agent Ash: Thank you. Agent Browning: Travel safe, sweetheart. Agent Ash: You too. Gradually, the two sets of footsteps fade to one as Agent Ash approaches the gate out of the wood. Agent Ash: You too. + Footnotes - Close Footnotes 1. Agent Ash clarified during debrief that this was a reference to a holiday the two had taken in 2018. 2. Agent Sally Guest, a colleague and friend of Agents Ash and Browning, also attached to Site-44. Agent Guest conducted the 6516-Echo expedition in February 2022. 3. Identified as Mrs Kathleen Dixon of Weston-super-Mare; died of a stroke in 2003. 4. The equivalent of the US second grade. 5. Agent Ash's grandmother, Ginevra "Ginny" White. 6. "Liz" is Elizabeth Ash, Agent Ash's mother. 7. Following her death from cancer in 2011, Ginevra White's former house burned down in an unexpected and catastrophic fire the following year, thought to have been set by squatters or local adolescents. 8. Banjo, a German Shepherd, was Agent Ash's family pet. He died of natural causes aged 15, in 2016. 9. Edward Ash, Agent Ash's father, died of a massive heart attack in June 2021 at the age of 68. - Close More From This Author More From This Author dxvi's Works SCPs SCP-6182 (+123) • SCP-6063 (+259) • SCP-6106 (+178) • Tales/GoI Formats The Demonstration (+21) • Other dxvi's author page (+46) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6516" by dxvi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: firsttimebuyermed.jpg Name: First Time Buyer Author: Ian Livesey License: Public domain Source Link: Filename: pyzdryforestbell.jpg Name: MOs810 WG 55 2016 Pyzdry Forest III (Saint Stanislaus Kostka church in Brudzew, bell tower) (2) Author: MOs810 (Wikimedia Commons user) License: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Source Link: [link] Infobox quote from Taylor Swift, 'Ivy', from Evermore (2020, Republic Records). |
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border: 2vw solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } close Info X SCP-6519: "The Spirit in the Sky" Be the change you want to hear on the radio. More by this author! Item#: SCP-6519 Level1 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: ether Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: notice link to memo Suspected SCP-6519 vectors. Special Containment Procedures: Witness testimony will be collected by the Spectrometry and Spectremetry Section of Site-43 to attempt confirmation of SCP-6519's existence. No further effort will be expended on its containment at this time, as it poses no significant threat to the Veil..Ether-class anomalies are only attested in as-yet-unconfirmed eyewitness reports. Description: SCP-6519 is an alleged phenomenon wherein recently-deceased individuals interfere with radio broadcasts by inserting unscheduled material. In all cases, persons responsible for supervising the affected broadcasts are incapable of recognizing that anything unusual has taken place, either at the time or after the fact. The inserted material is, in all cases, a single pre-existing commercial music track. The phenomenon is always witnessed by one or more live subjects engaged in the act of remembering the deceased individual, most commonly during funerary rituals. Addendum 6519-1, Investigation: The SCP-6519 dossier was opened by Dr. Anastasios Mataxas, Chair of Spectrometry and Spectremetry, in 2020 after a chance conversation with Dr. Harold Blank. Dr. Blank had described a potentially supernatural, recurrent event which he himself had experienced, forming the template for all other manifestations since recorded. Dr. Mataxas subsequently encountered scattered references to other postmortem media interference in archival material, but was unable to engage in further research before his retirement. He passed the dossier to his successor, Dr. Polyxeni Mataxas, who collected preliminary witness testimony from Site-43 personnel. 43NET: Catalogue of SCP-6519 Incidents [SELECTED, UNSORTED] RAISA Notice: Five (5) items in this 43NET request cross-link existing SCP database articles with their own unique security clearance levels and background context; credentials confirmation will be required to access them. It is the judgement of this office that sufficient comprehension of SCP-6519 can be acquired without accessing said items. Subject: Dr. Harold R. Blank, Archives and Revision (Chair) Song: "Spirit In The Sky," Norman Greenbaum, 1969 Testimony: "I have only the vaguest memory of the first occurrence. It might very well be that I'm remembering my mother talking about it later. I was sitting in the back of her van, and we were driving in my great-grandmother's funeral procession. You know, a little convoy following the hearse. Dunno if people do that anymore. Mom had the radio on — she always had the radio on — and this song came on straight away. Distant horns, otherworldly, like they were coming across a big black lake at night, and then this gospel rock thing kicks in. The upbeat take on death. One long assurance that the next life is a good one, and someone's gonna head on over there and put in a good word for you ahead of time. When it's your turn to go, there'll be a spot saved for you. Typical Christian boilerplate, but still a damn snappy song, and it never stops feeling… like it knows more than it lets on, like it's in on some cosmic secret, like it's coming from a place other than just some one-hit wonder nobody's ever heard of. It made a big impact on my mom, that's for sure; dunno if she really thought it was her grandma saying goodbye, but I can certainly understand her wanting to see it that way. She never got tired of telling that story. Especially when… okay. My personal religious beliefs aren't, you understand, and as far as I know she was the same, but we were agreed that something spooky was going on here because it damn well happened again, years and years later. She was driving to the hospital, alone this time, just after my grandmother — her mother — died, radio on as always, and along comes Mr. Greenbaum again to tell her it's alright. She told me about it when she got home, and I believed her. Still do, because… well. Fast forward another decade or so. I was driving home from the hospital, the day my mom… yeah. I've had the bottom drop out of my stomach a lot, doing this job, but my heart doesn't usually leap into my throat at the same time. After all the weird shit I've seen, I still wasn't ready to hear those distant horns again, but I was goddamn glad when I did. Once I stopped sobbing, and had time to let it sink in. Takes a lot to make me cry, I'm thoroughly shit at it, and gospel rock is not my usual ticket. Nevertheless… I don't know if my mom's still out there somewhere, in some sense, but I'd obviously like to think it's the case. And I'd like to think that she's… happy? So I'm biased. I want this to be real, and that makes me a less than reliable source. But you know what we say in A&R: once is odd, twice is strange, three times is data. As far as I'm concerned, my great-grandmother and my grandmother and my mom all phoned home to let us know they're okay, from wherever it is that they went." Dr. Blank is a prime example of what I call 'esoaccumulation', the tendency for individuals encountering anomalous phenomena in their early life to continue to experience them as time progresses. It was this characteristic which convinced my predecessor that there might be something deeper to the story. For what it's worth, I think he was right. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] » » CONFIRM CREDENTIALS: L3+/SCP-5866 « « CREDENTIALS CONFIRMED Subject: Dr. Michael D. Nass, Theology and Teleology (Chair) Song: "Wings Of An Eagle," Russell Morris, 1972 Testimony: "Doing this under protest. I recognize the parallels in the song: she hears a warning that we can't hear, because we're far below and she's left us for the skies. She has perspective that we don't have, she can see the big picture, she can see the change that's coming, and she thinks we need to… what? Help people. Help ourselves. Yes, it's the kind of thing she might want us to hear, but BRENDA CORBIN ISN'T DEAD, so this wasn't her." She had a terminal brain tumour and a Babylonian god-dragon took her into the clouds, Michael. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] And they've been sighted since! [Nass, Dr. M.] I'm not saying she's dead now, necessarily. I'm saying she was dead once. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] Subject: Dr. Udo A. Okorie, Applied Occultism (Chair) Song: "Love The One You're With," Stephen Stills, 1970 Testimony: "I lost someone I was… very close to, back in 2002. It took a lot out of me. Everything I had… I remember thinking, at the time, that this was my big chance at happiness completely blown. He ticked off all the boxes for me, and the idea of… all the effort required to find someone like that again, it just completely exhausted me. I slept for days. I avoided all my friends. I fell way behind on my work. Completely drained. And then… one night, while I was moping, I turned on the radio just to occupy my mind. I used to crank it up real loud, drown out the… yeah. And this track comes on, almost right away, a sort of weird cloud of guitars and finger-snapping resolving into this halting sing-song, and an awkward harmony, tentative but heartfelt, and I let it play. It resonated, it was… like the music itself was working through something, the way I was working through something, and maybe we could figure out how to do it together. It was imperfect, but maybe that was the point? The perfect is the enemy of the good. And that's just the music; as for the words… well, that was a message. It just simply had to be. "It doesn't matter how bad the situation is, you can still make the best out of it. Keep trying. Put yourself out there. Try. Don't give up on good because you lost something great. There's second chances in every direction, lined up and waiting for you, so all you have to do is… move." So I moved, and you know what? There was something to it. I've kept moving ever since." One of the very few examples we have where the event is far removed from the individual's death. It might be an outlier, or it might be unrelated; in any event, the subject believes it's related, and we're not yet at the point where we can discard any potential interpretation. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] » » CONFIRM CREDENTIALS: L2+/SCP-5616 « « CREDENTIALS CONFIRMED Subject: Dr. Ilse D. Reynders, Acroamatic Abatement (Chief) Song: "We'll Meet Again," Vera Lynn, 1939 Testimony: "Song sounds like it's filtering up through the water from a sinking ship, doesn't it? Like the band on Titanic is playing it. Eerie, good choice for ghost music. That's not what I was thinking at the time, though. Vivian.Director Vivian Lesley Scout, founding Director of Site-43. had finally died, at the sprightly old age of much younger than I am right now, and I couldn't go to the funeral because of my condition. They had a radio set up so I could listen to the service. When the broadcast ended — and this is the strange part, because it was an internal Foundation broadcast — they played "We'll Meet Again." Viv and I worked together during the war, of course, so we heard that song a lot; he even saw Vera Lynn sing it to the troops once, while he was clearing out an archive in Bengal before the Japanese came through. So yeah, it was his kind of music: of the moment, and historically significant. It wasn't our song, though, not that we… it was never particularly special to the both of us, together. Just one milestone on two long, long trips. So if there's a reason he saw fit to reach beyond the pale and drop it in my lap again, I can't imagine what it was. To be sure there's the whole optimism-in-the-face-of-adversity, hope-for-tomorrow message, the sort of thing that might appeal to, for example, a woman trapped in an incinerator for endless decades, but… that seems too superficial for Viv. And the more direct route is no good either, because I'm not so sure he and I will meet again. I haven't aged since 1944, so natural causes are probably out of the question." Maybe he knew something we don't. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] Subject: Dr. Allan J. McInnis (Director) Song: "The Land of Make-Believe," The Moody Blues, 1972 Testimony: "The band is English, as am I, as was my mother. I never returned to England until she was on her deathbed, which I thought had made the maintenance of my cover story simpler; to my surprise, she had largely guessed at the facts of the matter in my absence. There seemed little point in dissimulating, given her condition, so I confirmed them to her in her final moments. Nothing against protocol, you understand. What I told her certainly informed the lyrical intervention which followed, although I will note that there seemed to be details which I did not pass along, suggesting that the dead enjoy a certain expanded clarity or even omniscience which may prove problematic for maintenance of the Veil. In any event: the lyrics to "The Land of Make-Believe" are addressed to dwellers in a realm of fantasy who are unwilling to acknowledge that fact about themselves, underscoring the potential for them to nevertheless overcome their personal difficulties to find happiness. This fantasy-land supposedly occupies an unwarranted amount of space — likely in this context a coded reference to our facility's location beneath indigenous land, one of the details I did not share, and perhaps even the Foundation's ever-growing net around the anomalous world. The concept of organizational secrecy is broached, in nearly direct allusion to the concept of living in the dark so that others might die in the light, and the singer rejects this whole-heartedly. Optimism is expressed that the fantasy-dwellers will nurture hope in their hearts, express it to the universe, and see it flower; they are further exhorted to open their locks and shutters and let the light in, breaking down the boundary between fantasy and reality to create a world where there are no more secrets. Engaging in this process will allow the subject of the song — myself, presumably — to ascend. Finally the singer demands that his audience take this message to the wider world, and surrender to universal love; the overall suggestion is, obviously, the end of consensus normalcy. I'm personally unimpressed with the song's utility for this particular allegory; it's too direct a metaphor, which detracts considerably from conceptual ambiguity of the original message." Doctor of Communication, everyone. [Blank, Dr. H.] Please don't make contentless comments, Dr. Blank! [Mataxas, Dr. P.] A doctorate in Communication, which is simply termed a PhD (as you well know). [McInnis, Dr. A.] » » CONFIRM CREDENTIALS: L4+/SCP-6500 « « CREDENTIALS CONFIRMED Subject: Delfina M. Ibanez, Pursuit and Suppression (Chief) Song: "I'm Still Standing," Elton John, 1983 Testimony: "We lost… I lost Udo Okorie in Alagadda during SCP-6500. Deader than dead. She was facing down the fucking Hanged King in hell city itself, there was literally not one single way she could have survived. She gave herself up to save us — not just her friends, but everyone, everywhere. And you know what? I was not fucking having it. I don't know if it was faith in her, beyond all reason, or just mule-headed stubbornness, but I refused to sign the fucking forms or go to the fucking funeral or talk to her fucking parents — at least not until I had an action plan in mind. I went to a memorial service in Ipperwash Park, under heavy protest, to show the flag, but it just… just pissed me right the fuck off. I wasn't letting go. I went walkabout while everyone was telling sad and funny stories, getting used to the idea that she was gone in exactly the way that I was determined not to do, and I jammed my earbuds in and flicked through the local stations on my handheld. They were all playing Elton fucking John. All of them. Every single station belting out the clearest "Your friend isn't dead" signal I could have possibly asked for. That was the last straw. A few days later I was back in Alagadda, and the day after that we had our Applied Occultist back." I've been chatting with Theology and Teleology about this one. Dr. Okorie had escaped to the afterlife known as Corbenic at the time Chief Ibanez heard the song; is it possible that she was, in a spiritual sense, deceased, by virtue of occupying space there? That her spirit was contacting the physical realm in a way her conscious mind and body couldn't detect? She certainly has no memory of sending Chief Ibanez an Elton John song. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] But if I was going to, I'd choose that one for sure. It's a banger. [Okorie, Dr. U.] Subject: Dr. Karen T. Elstrom, Administration and Oversight (Chief) Song: "End Of The Line," Traveling Wilburys, 1989 Testimony: "There was heavy traffic outside the church during my stepfather's funeral. It was hot, the doors were open wide, and instead of honking horns or catcalls, all we could hear was a stopped car blasting this song on the radio. Louder than the eulogies. That guitar was like pure sunlight in the gloom, clear as a bell — I suppose their windows were rolled down. No air conditioning. The song seemed kind of impossible, because I recognized a lot of famous voices in there all at once, like a band that couldn't exist in the real world: Dylan and Roy Orbison and at least one Beatle. That's one reason I remember it; the other reason is that when the first car finally got its green light and headed off, another one pulled up that was tuned to the same station." "End Of The Line" is about accepting the things you can't control, living your life according to a set of values and ideals, expressing strength of character and giving yourself over to love. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] The melody is pleasant. [Elstrom, Dr. K.] Subject: Udo A. Okorie, Applied Occultism (Chair) Song: "Forever Young," Rod Stewart, 1988 Testimony: "Who even listens to the radio anymore? But Harry told me about his mom, and I remembered the first time it happened to me, and I thought… well. It worked. I don't know if I can… I don't know. You've heard this song? Don't make me say the name, even then name, I just… can't. You've…? Yeah. Imagine if your… if one of your parents… yeah. He wanted me to know that he's proud. That he's still with me. That… that doesn't change. That's forever." » » CONFIRM CREDENTIALS: L4+/SCP-001 « « CREDENTIALS CONFIRMED Subject: Dr. Lillian S. Lillihammer, Memetics and Countermemetics (Chair) Song: "I Wish You Peace," Eagles, 1975 Testimony: "It was just after Arik Euler died. He and I weren't at 43 together for all that long, by local standards, but he taught me more than… well, you know me. Self-taught, mostly. Anybody who can get a few lessons in edgewise with me is a damn good teacher, and I respected that. I was… sorry to see him go, even though he was already practically a fossil. Second-best memeticist we had at the time, in my humble opinion. Assuming this was supernatural, and I'll grant you that one — I'm not like everyone else, I don't laugh at you behind your back, Polly — and assuming it was Arik who picked the song — and it was Arik, because this is me assuming — well, it was an odd song choice. He knew damn well that I don't like the Eagles. But somehow it didn't matter… I hadn't heard this song before, or if I had, I'd forgotten it; forgettable-ass band, the Eagles. But it definitely helped. With, ah… you know. It helped. The sentiments were saccharine as fuck, but every once in a while it's nice to hear someone say "Hey, you: I hope it works out. I hope you can make it work out." That's my sort of message, even if it is paired with elevator music. I'm all about forcing things not to suck, and people backing me up on that. I thought that was why it resonated with me, but man, I guess I should've known better. Ran a semioacoustic battery on the waveform, just out of habit, and wouldn't you know it? The old bastard managed what looks for all the world like a Euler-Lillihammer Memetic Acceptance Agent from beyond the grave. That's why I sat through a whole goddamn Eagles song. You'd think he could have picked something I actually like? But, then, maybe that was the joke. He did have a good sense of humour, for an old fart. I still miss him a little bit, now and then." The fact that there was an associated memetic effect makes this case particularly useful re: proving that this anomaly is actually an anomaly, and not just wishful thinking. It's also interesting that Dr. Euler would do a thing like that on the commercial airwaves, even taking into account the relief from responsibilities one encounters with one's death; his parting message wished peace on, at best estimate, around forty thousand people. I never met the man, but having read some of his work I have my suspicions that this side-effect was not at all unintentional. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] On reflection: if a deceased memeticist can produce memetic effects via this anomaly, what might a traditional thaumaturge do? [Mataxas, Dr. P.] I know everybody's waiting for me to comment, so I'll get it out of the way: no, the Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority is not presently considering weaponization of the maybe-bogus poignant ghost songs. [Sokolsky, Dr. D.] Like you'd fucking tell us. [Blank, Dr. H.] Subject: Dr. Trevor Bremmel Song: "Stolen Moments," Jim Witter, 1993 Testimony: "I don't like country music. I really don't like pop-country music. But the only thing I've ever liked less is interacting with other people. I had that in common with my dad; just about the only thing we had in common, minus our gadgets. He had his, I had mine, and never the twain should meet. I don't know if either of us ever stopped tinkering long enough to reflect on that… but I didn't have a choice, when he died. At my age they force you to take a week when you're 'bereaved'. Well, I spent that week walking around the Site, because what the hell else did I have? Stupid question, but I honestly couldn't think of anything else I should be doing. Until I heard this song coming from my assistant's office, just after the funeral. Everything there in black and white: you never get those chances back. Every minute you waste, as a child, avoiding your parents, it's gone forever. There's a reprise when you have your own kids, and you get to decide: screw it up again, or be the change? I decided to be the change. Fired whatsisname, and gave Joanna his job the same day." "A ghost convinced me to fire you" is one of the more interesting things I've seen on a termination form. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] Really? It's not even one of the more interesting reasons Dr. Bremmel specifically has fired someone. [Elstrom, Dr. K.] "Stolen Moments" isn't pop-country, you heartless Philistine. [Blank, Dr. H.] » » CONFIRM CREDENTIALS: L5+/SCP-5956 « « CREDENTIALS CONFIRMED Subject: Nhung T. Ngo, Psychology and Parapsychology (Chair) Songs: "Let It Be," The Beatles, 1970; "Don't Fear The Reaper," Blue Öyster Cult, 1976; "Lost Boys And Golden Girls," Meat Loaf, 1993; "All Things Must Pass," George Harrison, 1970; "Solsbury Hill," Peter Gabriel, 1977; "The Great Gig In The Sky," Pink Floyd, 1973 Testimony: "If it had been just one song, I wouldn't have thought anything of it. Scipify is just like Spotify, only behind about a hundred different cognitohazard filters, so a few weird songs in a row I'd typically chalk up to random chance. But it wasn't a few, it was six, and they were absurdly pointed. I had to stop my paperwork and just… think about what I was hearing. The messaging was consistent: change is coming, it's bad, but you have to deal with it. You can't stop it, you can't undo or reverse it, you just have to… yeah. Deal with it. Don't be afraid of it. Don't waste time second-guessing it. Don't try to hang on to anything, just… be ready. And that last one, that's just an extended death wail. So yeah, I submitted a report. Probably sounded like one of my patients, which is why I never heard a thing about it until this interview. You must be desperate for data!" The Temporal Anomalies Department informs me that on the same day that Dr. Ngo heard these songs, alternate timeline versions of Dr. Harold Blank, Chief Delfina Ibanez, Dr. Lillian Lillihammer, Dir. Allan McInnis, Chief Noè Nascimbeni, Dr. Udo Okorie and Dr. William Wettle were all killed in a cascade materials handling disaster. There's apparently been some ontokinetic bleed between these realities this year; I'd wager the alternate Dr. Ngo was meant to receive this package of sentiments to help steel her for the challenges ahead. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] Unfortunately, due to the nature of said bleed, the fact that our Dr. Ngo received them means that the one who actually needed to, didn't. [Xyank, Dr. T.] Seven deaths, six songs. Any guesses which ghost couldn't be bothered? [Sokolsky, Dr. D.] Willie. [Blank, Dr. H.] Willie. [Lillihammer, Dr. L.] Willie. [Ibanez, Chief D.] Yeah, probably me. [Wettle, Dr. W.] Willie. [Okorie, Dr. U.] Subject: Dr. Ignaz T. Achterberg (Archives and Revision) Song: "Goodbye Stranger," Supertramp, 1979 Testimony: "You had to know my wife's sense of humour." Subject: Amelia O. Torosyan, Janitorial and Maintenance (Chief) Song: "How Can I Help You Say Goodbye," Patty Loveless, 1994 Testimony: "I thought I was doing okay, when my mother died. Not great, but okay. I had all the support in the world. I had counselling, I had my work. I thought I was handling it. Sure, I had the headaches, and the stomach cramps. And the fact that I couldn't sleep. But we were driving away from the funeral home when it finally really hit me, like a damn truck. Phil.Technician Philip E. Deering, Chief Torosyan's husband. had the car radio on, and that song… that song is nuclear grade, I can't imagine why anyone would ever listen to it except to do what I did. Which was bawl my eyes out on the side of the road. It actually started on the freeway, and you should've seen how fast Phil pulled over. Probably thought I was having a heart attack, which… not too far from the truth, really. But oh, god, how I needed that breakdown. If I'd stayed okay, I guess I never would've been well ever again. I needed the catharsis. It had to get worse to get better, and this was the gentlest way to make that happen. That song was like my mom talking right to me, telling me she knew I still needed her, telling me… it was okay to break down, for a while. That I wasn't too old to cry like a baby. Even… wherever she is now, she still wanted to help. God, it helps a lot, just knowing that." One sympathizes. [Mataxas, Dr. P.] Addendum 6519-2, Potential Confirmation: Dr. Anastasios Mataxas died of natural causes in 2022 and his successor, Dr. Polyxeni Mataxas, proposed exploiting this occurrence to take spectremetry readings of any resultant SCP-6519 event. Her personal vehicle was fitted with fifteen separate high-sensitivity instruments before she embarked for the funeral, and researchers were dispatched to monitor local broadcast stations for anomalous activity. Audio transcription from Dr. Mataxas' vehicle is provided below, in lieu of a final report to be appended at a later date; initial spectremetry data has been compiled and queued for analysis. Preliminary Incident Log Officers of Record: Dr. Polyxeni Mataxas (Chair, Spectrometry and Spectremetry); Dr. Mali Wattana (Deputy Chair, Spectrometry and Spectremetry) <Log begins.> Dr. Mataxas' car radio. [Non-anomalous music is playing.].Based on waveform analysis presently 82.5% complete. Non-anomalous music is defined as possessing spectremetry readings ("Randi levels") no higher or lower than the background anormalcy of baseline reality. Dr. Wattana: You sure you're up to this, Polly? Dr. Mataxas: I'd have the radio on anyway, whether the anomaly was official or not. We might as well get the data. Dr. Wattana: If there's any data to get. No offence. Dr. Mataxas: None taken. You're the designated cynic. Dr. Wattana: Don't get me wrong, this wouldn't make my top ten weirdest ghost things if it turned out to be true. It's just… Dr. Mataxas: Go on. Dr. Wattana: No, it's inappropriate. Dr. Mataxas: Continue, please, Dr. Wattana. Dr. Wattana: No fair breaking out the Boss Voice. Uh… Well it's just all too pat and convenient, you know? Everyone who's had this allegedly happen to them has wanted it to happen to them. Dr. Mataxas: It's hard to see a pattern when you're not looking for one, though. Dr. Wattana: Conversely, it's easy to see a pattern that isn't there when you are looking for one. That's how our brains work, Polly. They're predisposed to pattern recognition, hyperpredisposed even. I don't think we have enough data to suggest that this is anything but a pleasant coincidence; if it were real, I'd expect to see way more cases than we have. Dr. Mataxas: The Euler incident didn't convince you? Dr. Wattana: The affected station was occupied by VKTM for a month. That's the memetic equivalent of cross-contamination, and you know it. Dr. Mataxas: The Okorie incidents, then. Dr. Wattana: I'm not predisposed to trust any message supposedly coming out of Corbenic. Especially ones that make sense. [Dr. Mataxas sighs.] Dr. Mataxas: Maybe there's a ton of examples out there every day, but we never hear about them because most people are as skeptical as you. Dr. Wattana: You and I both know that most people are gullible idiots. They'd eat this idea up… again, no offence. Dr. Mataxas: We want to believe. Dr. Wattana: Yeah. Look, if the spectremeter picks up something big, and then we get the go-ahead to canvass the whole Foundation, maybe we'll have something. Dr. Mataxas: I just… ugh. Dr. Wattana: What? Dr. Wattana: We get proof all the time. What about that barn ghost you saw? Dr. Mataxas: Woman can't live on barn ghosts alone. And this one… well, you know. I'd like this one to be legit. [Song continues.] Dr. Mataxas: For him. [Dr. Wattana sighs.] Dr. Mataxas: Doesn't look like you've got it all off your chest, Mali. Dr. Wattana: I don't want to— Dr. Mataxas: Just spit it out. Dr. Wattana: Well, there's also the… tonal discrepancy. Dr. Mataxas: Something technical? Dr. Wattana: No, sorry, what I mean is… okay. Not a single one of the recorded cases features a spiritual intervention to play something angry or accusatory on the radio. Nothing sexual, even. It's always uplifting stuff, cathartic or cautionary at the worst. What if we're just seeing what we want to — what if these people are hearing what they want to, and not hearing what they don't, and it only looks like a pattern because everyone who doesn't get a relevant piece of music, or does get one they don't like, fails to see it as a message? Dr. Mataxas: That's one possibility, sure. Dr. Wattana: You've got another you like better? Dr. Mataxas: Yeah. I've got another explanation for why these ghosts are only passing on messages of peace and hope, and I definitely like it better. [Song concludes.] Radio Host: That was "The Sticks," by Mother Mother. You're listening to another non-stop music mix on 96.5, "The Vibe." [Song begins.].Queued for analysis (2/2). [Dr. Mataxas laughs.] Dr. Mataxas: Dad. Dr. Wattana: You know this one? Dr. Mataxas: You don't? It was one of his favourites. Journey, 1981. [Song continues] Dr. Mataxas: "Don't Stop Believin'." <Log ends.> Final spectremetry results are pending. « Two Two Two Two Two | Words of Power and Poison | SCP-6643 » ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6519" by HarryBlank, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: CarRadio.jpg Name: Car Radio Author: kaferico License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: ether-icon.svg Author: HarryBlank License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Filename: Radio.jpg Name: Radio Towers Author: cappellacci License: CC BY 2.0 Source: flickr Filename: Spirit.png Author: HarryBlank License: CC BY-SA 3.0 |
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Her free hand on the Manila folder’s clasp. On the front of the folder the words “SCP File Review and Classification Committee” were stamped in red. She sipped the tea, grimacing as she noticed it had cooled. The Director stood from her desk and looked out the window onto Site-91’s courtyard lit by weak autumn sunlight. A knock sounded from her door, then another. The door opened. Iona continued looking at the hedge maze across the courtyard. “Sorry, Director. Dr. Rossi is on the line again, wants to know if you’ve had a chance to review the file?” “No, Julie, I haven’t.” “What should I tell her?” “To stop calling.” Her assistant stared for a moment before recollecting herself and closing the door quietly. Iona turned and looked back at the file. She could use a drink. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6520 is neutralized and does not require further containment efforts. ► Archived Containment Procedures ◄ ►Close File◄ The city of Târgoviște is to be evacuated. Containment forces are to be stationed within the city to reduce the expansion effect of the anomaly. Description: SCP-6520-A was an extradimensional space located outside baseline temporal reality which intersected with the northeastern portion of Târgoviște. The anomaly consisted of approximately 200,000 square meters centered around Parcul Chindia1, depicted in the image below. SCP-6520-B. Physical objects – including individuals – that attempted to cross the boundary of SCP-6520-A degraded at an exponentially elevated rate due to increased entropic decay. This boundary was found to be expanding by approximately one meter per hour at all points except SCP-6520-B. SCP-6520-B was a portal from baseline to SCP-6520-A, housed in the Turnul Chindiei2 and was the only known safe entrance to the interior of SCP-6520-A. Entering the tower shifted a subject from baseline reality to the extradimensional space of SCP-6520. While within the anomaly, agents reported a heightened sense of generalized anxiety. No lasting anomalous effects have been observed after an individual exited SCP-6520-B. Above the crown of the entrance arch was a message painted in human blood, in Daevite script, roughly translated to “Do not fear the bloodletting, fear those holding the athame.”3 The blood showed no signs of putrescence or dehydration, despite the time having passed since placement. The interior of SCP-6520-A contained more space than the dimensions of the anomaly would allow and housed numerous stone structures theorized to be a temple complex. These structures were built with stone block and simple mortar, the most recent of which were carbon dated to +/- 300 years prior to the present.4 The structures showed significant degradation inconsistently across the complex – some of the buildings appeared to be freshly constructed, while others were in ruins. Given the nature of the message written above the door in SCP-6520-B and the architectural style of those structures, it is theorized that SCP-6520-A represented a timeline in which the fall of the Daevite Empire never occurred. The anomaly was discovered on 19 September, 1993, when a resident of Târgoviște accidentally drove a small sedan through the boundary, leading to the vehicle’s partial dissolution. The driver was not found. Foundation forces were alerted and Director Varga authorized operations in the area, locking down the city and evacuating an area one mile in diameter around SCP-6520-A. Project Hecatoncheires Briefing – Site-91 19 September, 1993 – three hours after discovery Director Varga: Senior Researcher Jocasta Rossi will have ultimate command on the ground but Captain Rashid al Hasin will have tactical command over MTF and security personnel. Initial reports indicate a new city is overwriting the reality of that portion of Târgoviște, and represents an alternate reality. Mr. Euboea and his forces will cordon off the area and prevent the anomalous bubble from expanding and further impacting the city. Security forces have already begun evacuation of the city, under cover story of biological weapons. Varga: Let’s make this clear. We have no indication what the source of this anomaly is, but if it is an action by the Daevite matriarch5 then we will capture and take her into containment. Agent Rebekah Douglas: And that’s enough for you? This is the second attempt to rewrite reality in two weeks. Varga: Neutralization is not an option unless I give the green light. She is a resource of untold historical and biological data. We are the Secure Contain Protect Foundation. We are not in the business of justice or vengeance. That’s an order, Agent. Captain al Hasin: Excuse me, Director, but can we trust the anomaly? Varga: You mean Euboea?6 No, you can’t. But we’ve reached an agreement with his organization and for the moment, we want the same thing. The Matriarch is an active threat to his existence. This is a trial run, we evaluate his effectiveness in the field. Any other questions? [No other members of the meeting raise their hand.] Varga: Right. Get out there, and let’s contain this anomaly. I grew up in Târgoviște, and I’ll be damned if it’s erased from the face of the Earth. Initial reconnaissance of the area within SCP-6520-A revealed signs of recent habitation: meals abandoned in course of consumption, writing instruments left atop vellum mid-sentence, etc. No living entities were observed within the anomalous space. After MTF Beta-777 (“Hecate's Spear”) secured the area and performed a structure-by-structure sweep, Euboea and his acolytes attempted to utilize thaumaturgy to reverse the expansion of the anomalous boundary. Their attempts were only partially successful, resulting in a slowing of expansion but not complete remission. Investigation of SCP-6520-A Date: 19/09/1993 @ 11:00 local time. Personnel present: Dr. Jocasta Rossi, Agent Rebekah Douglas, MTF Beta-777 Sergeant Maria Waltham [Rossi, Douglas and Waltham enter the tower containing SCP-6520-B. Douglas stares up at the message written above the doorway. She drags a chair over and stands atop it, placing her hand on the message.] Rossi: Get down from there! Douglas: Give me a second. Rossi: We don’t know what countermeasures or anomalous effects were used in that message. [Douglas closes her eyes for a moment and then pulls her hand away, wiping the blood from her palm on the wall.]7 Douglas: She did this. Waltham: The Matriarch? Douglas: Yes. Within the day at most. Rossi: Then that’s confirmation of her involvement, good. But you’re on thin ice, Agent. From here on out, you listen to orders, or I will send you home. Douglas: Understood. [The three pass through the tower and emerge into SCP-6520-A proper. The sunlight is a different tone from outside the dome, roughly consistent with sunset. The tower exits onto a small plaza surrounded by various temple buildings made of stone. There is a small ziggurat and a domed building, with several other nondescript structures. In the center of the plaza is a fountain ringed by fig trees. The fountain’s statue is made in the likeness of a woman in flowing robes holding a stone knife to the sky.] [Rossi walks to the ziggurat and begins climbing the steps. The others follow. The structure rises fifteen meters from the ground and is topped with a stone sacrificial table, with furrows carved in its surface. An obsidian athame, intricately dressed in gold and silver at the hilt and wrapped in leather lies on the surface of the table. Fresh blood covers the knife and table, but no cadaver is present.] Waltham: Where is everyone? Rossi: No idea, this all feels unfinished. Douglas: What do you mean? Rossi: Some of the buildings are rotting, some are brand new. There’s evidence of people everywhere, but no actual people present. Waltham: What are you suggesting? Rossi: This is a ontokinetic anomaly, right? It’s rewriting reality and trying to establish an alternative timeline like SCP-140 does. But it’s crumbling. Waltham: Like with the other ritual? Rossi: Right. Something interfered. Or the ritual failed somehow. Maybe. [Douglas approaches the stone table.] Douglas: [To Waltham] Do you feel that? Rossi: Reports are consistent with heightened anxiety. Douglas: Not that. Waltham: What are you feeling? Douglas: A pressure. Getting worse the further in we go. She left this for us. Waltham: Why? [Douglas shakes her head. She reaches down and touches the blood.] Rossi: Goddamnit, Douglas. [Douglas recoils almost immediately, and retches. Waltham catches her and supports her weight.] Douglas: It’s nothing. Rossi: What do you mean? Douglas: No one is holding the knife, no one is being cut on. But there’s still blood. Rossi: Unfinished. Douglas: She’s here somewhere. Rossi: Let’s move on. [Douglas moves to follow the other two down the steps but then turns and picks up the athame, slipping it into her back pocket.] [The three progress through the complex, moving north away from the domed structure and approaching a wide open plaza with hundreds of wooden poles with a horizontal bar attached at each skyward point. Each cross bar has a human cadaver strapped to it by the wrists. The cadavers are in various stages of decay.] Douglas: Guess we found the residents. Rossi: No, I don’t think so. Some of these are recent, but most have been hanging for a while. But I don’t understand the significance. Waltham: They’re like sky burials. [Rossi nods. Douglas looks around at the bodies.] Douglas: Sorry? Help me out here. Rossi: Sky burial is a Western colloquial term for a form of excarnation, where the deceased is left out in the elements to decompose and be eaten by scavenging animals. Some forms of Buddhism and Hinduism practice this, as the body is nothing to be preserved – because the physical existence is transitory. But this, feels wrong. Waltham: Why? Rossi: The Daevite religion is almost completely oppositional to the tenets of Buddhism. The Daevites revered the physical plane. Life was everything to them. We’ve never found any conceptual evidence of an afterlife in their religion. Everything was about the now, the life on Earth. It's where the blood and the horticulture overlap. Douglas: Right, I was reading about this, they worship something called the Font. Rossi: The source of life. But that’s what I mean, why do this to the bodies if they don’t even believe in the spirit? Life was anything but transitory to the Daeva. Waltham: Maybe these aren’t Daevites. [Douglas leans in close to one of the corpses.] Douglas: Is it just me, or are some of these in MTF tactical gear? [Waltham and Rossi look around. Waltham nods.] Waltham: Heavily degraded but definitely tactical gear. Douglas: Fuck. Rossi: What? Douglas: For a second, I thought… [Douglas is staring at a female corpse, only partially decomposed.] Waltham: It almost looks like Captain Zadeh. Rossi: It can’t be. Waltham: It isn’t. This place is just messing with us. Douglas: This place or someone? Dr. Rossi: Let’s keep moving. [Douglas stares at the hanging corpse for a few minutes, then turns to follow the other two.] [Dr. Rossi approaches the domed temple building visible across the square from the ziggurat, stopping on the threshold to look up at the arched doorway. Waltham slips past to clear the area within the temple.] Douglas: So, if the pyramid is for sacrifices, what’s this for? [Rossi shrugs and walks into the temple. Inside is a large chamber housing a fountain built into one wall. The fountain is six meters tall and features a woman holding a knife and a sapling.] [Douglas runs a hand under the water pouring from a spout at the woman’s feet, flowing into a large basin forming the base.] Douglas: You’d think they’d use blood. Rossi: They worshipped life. Blood and water both represent life. [Waltham walks back into the chamber, slipping her carbine’s strap over her shoulder.] Waltham: Structure’s clear. [Both Rossi and Douglas still look towards the fountain. Waltham circles the room and stops suddenly.] Waltham What the fuck? Rossi: What is it? [Waltham points at the curved walls circling the chamber. Frescos adorn the wall. A tower surrounded by mist with hundreds of humanoid entities made of plants and mud, massed to attack. A battlefield with a ruined temple in a desert. A ruin on a grass plane. A warehouse surrounded by the same humanoid entities.] Douglas: Wait…is this? [Waltham nods. She begins taking pictures of the frescos.] Rossi: These are all missions Beta-777 has been involved in. Waltham: [Pointing at the humanoids.] Missions we ran against the Daeva. Even if we didn’t know it at first. Rossi: What is this? Douglas: It’s a honey trap. Rossi: Then what’s th– [An explosion to the west interrupts Rossi. The radio begins transmitting.] Captain al Hasin: [Transmitting] This is a mandatory evacuation order for all Foundation personnel within the anomaly. This means you, Dr. Rossi. Rossi: What’s happening? al Hasin: We’re being attacked. Now move! [All three rush back towards the entrance of the anomaly, where Captain al Hasin and a squad of MTF Beta-777 are defending the tower against a wave of humanoid entities carrying stone knives and axes. The entities are naked but clearly anomalous, made of fibrous material and mud.] [Euboea wades into the stream of entities, ripping an axe from one of the humanoids and beginning to swing in wide arcs. Within moments, dozens of the humanoids are cut in two or sent flying. But for every figure that is downed, ten more fill the space. One of Euboea’s acolytes moves the crowd back with a wall of force, his palms stretched outward and his arms shaking.] Euboea: Too many! Get back! [A stream of entities cuts off Rossi’s group from the tower. Waltham and Douglas begin firing their firearms into the crowd.] [Euboea raises his hand and those entities near Rossi, Douglas and Waltham ignite. The flames flow around the three, staying a few feet away from them, but the heat makes them cringe back.] [Another of Euboea’s acolytes holds out their hands and creates a barrier to either side of Rossi’s group, allowing Rossi and Waltham to rejoin the Foundation forces defending the tower. al Hasin fires his carbine into an entity that approaches the line of MTF agents, then lowers his rifle.] al Hasin: Time to go doctor! Rossi: We’ve barely started cataloguing the anomaly! al Hasin: Doesn’t matter, we can’t hold here. [Rossi turns towards the approaching entities. Several hundred are visible rushing towards the tower.] Waltham: Where’s Douglas? [Rossi scans her eyes over the square flooding with entities.] Rossi: I can’t see her. al Hasin: She’s either down or off doing her own thing like she always does. Time to go! Waltham: No, we need to find her. al Hasin: Sergeant, Agent Douglas is unreliable. This wouldn’t even be the first time she has gone off mission during an assault! We’re leaving. [Rossi continues to stare at the approaching crowd of entities.] al Hasin: Okay, through the tower, now! [al Hasin starts dragging Rossi into the tower. MTF forces continue firing into the crowd while retreating. Euboea’s acolytes bring up the rear, creating a dome of shimmering energy holding the masses of entities back as the Foundation personnel retreat.] SCP-6520-A’s anomalous field faltered and then faded away within moments of the Foundation personnel retreating through the tower. Over the next fifteen minutes, the structures within the anomaly faded and were overwritten by baseline reality revealing the park as it existed prior to the anomaly’s discovery. Agent Douglas’ body camera was discovered on the roof of Turnul Chindiei during mop up operations. ► File restricted to Alpha-4 level clearance – Director’s Eyes Only ◄ ▼ Security Verified ▼ Recovered Footage dated 19/09/1993 [The view from the camera is partially obscured but shows Douglas being carried roughly 1.5 meters above the ground, ascending a circular stone stair for approximately two minutes. Explosions and live fire can be heard, muffled as if through walls. The view upturns and then rights itself as a pair of humanoid hands covered in moss and mud straighten Douglas’ shoulders as she leans against something. The camera does not move for nearly a minute, while further explosions and gunfire can be heard louder than before. The camera is pointed at the parapet of the roof of the Turnul Chindiei. Smoke is visibly rising from the ground as the conflict escalates below.] [A desiccated human female figure appears on camera, dressed in a red robe and wearing a bronze crown. The figure leans over the parapet, looking down, scoffs, and then turns back towards the camera and Douglas.] Daeva Matriarch: You’re the one who shot me in Mongolia, right? I thought I recognized you. [Another explosion roars below and the Matriarch glances back over the parapet.] Matriarch: You weren’t really who I was looking to reel in. But, I know you’re his favorite little mouse. [She approaches Douglas and bends down to look at her face to face. Her skin is pulled tight against her skull – graying, emaciated and cracked.] [Another explosion goes off, followed by more gunfire.] Matriarch: What did you think you were walking into, mouse? Did you think I drew up a forgotten homeland, and so poorly as to not bring any souls with it? [The Matriarch slaps Douglas across the face, jostling the camera a little. She turns and leans over the parapet.] Matriarch: I know, you can’t move, it’s for the best. You’re the bait now. [Sighs] I have no one to talk to about any of this now, with Leonid gone. I was never much for military tactics, that’s what the Russian was for. But then you had to kill him. Your company of fools hounding me, and now you’ve joined with the slug-god’s minion. Mongolia, Greece, Russia. You’re like ants. Matriarch: Do you have any idea what it’s like to watch your whole society crumble? To watch some thing come down from the sky and vaporize all you’ve tried to build back up? The slaves revolted and we lost so much, but I was trying to hold what we had together. And then it came, with its “son.” Just two beings reduced my army to ashes. Ten thousand kubikir, another five thousand slave warriors, endless grass children. All gone. I think they must have thought me broken, leaving me alive that day. So I hid, down the centuries, constantly crawling towards you. Never waking until Leonid found me. Matriarch: I’m the last, so far as I know. All I want is for my people to survive, not bound up in the dust. Is that so much to ask for? What would you do if your people were gone and you could bring them back? Would you let field mice scare you away, just because they invented guns and explosives in the time you slept? [She shakes her head as she looks down on the skirmish below.] Matriarch: Look at them. Hundreds of my grass children, and your soldiers haven’t had a single casualty. And where did he go? I swear I just saw him down there. All his little hybrids running around down there with your soldiers and he’s nowhere to be seen. [The Matriarch approaches Douglas again, crouching down in front of her. The video footage begins to distort for a few seconds, leaving an oil slick effect on the footage from this point onwards.] Matriarch: Time to cut my losses, this was never going to work. It was worth a try, but at least it’s not a complete waste. [The Matriarch reaches for a stone dagger in a leather sheath on her belt. As she pulls the knife free, Douglas lurches forward and stabs the athame into the Matriarch’s side, just below the ribs. The blade comes away slick with viscous brown fluid. She quickly punches the blade into the Matriarch’s side four more times. The Matriarch screams and pushes away. Douglas slumps over, weakly trying to right herself.] [The Matriarch holds a hand to the wounds in her torso, bent over with pain.] Matriarch: You hurt me, mouse. How did you do that? How are you even moving? Douglas: Rip your throat out… [The Matriarch stops moving and stares at Douglas with narrowed eyes.] Matriarch: What are you? Douglas: Gonna eat your heart, you bitch. [The Matriarch backs away from Douglas and slides the knife back into its sheath. Douglas is still trying to clamber to an upright position. She has not let go of the athame.] [The Matriarch turns and walks off camera. The sound of footsteps receding is heard over Douglas’ tortured breathing.] Douglas: Come back… [Douglas slips and lands on her side, her breathing ragged. The oil slick effect to the footage dissolves, and for a few moments the camera is shaking with Douglas’ breathing. Distant gunfire is heard below as the dome of unreality begins to shrink against the sky and skyline of temples within SCP-6520. A figure steps into view and lifts Douglas to an upright position. She tries to stab with the athame, but her arms are quickly pinned to her side.] Euboea: Relax, I’ve got you. [He grasps the body camera and throws it to the ground. Euboea picks Agent Douglas up and puts her over his shoulder, sliding the wet athame into his belt, and walks off camera. The anomalous effect continues to shrink until the skyline vanishes and baseline reality is restored.] End Log At time of writing, Agent Douglas has not been recovered. Iona closed the file and pushed it away from her across the desk. Julie popped her head into the office. “You want another cup of tea, Director?” “I’ll take some slivovitz, if you have some.” “I have no idea what that is.” Iona laughed, stood up and walked to a bookshelf next to the desk. She took down a bottle nestled in amongst the books, along with two shot glasses. She put them down on the desk and poured one for each of them. Julie picked hers up and held it to the light, letting the amber color shine. “And what is it that I’m about to drink?” “Plum brandy, from home. I had Dr. Rossi pick me up a bottle after the operation.” They each held their glass up and clinked them together. “So, what are you going to tell Rossi?” Iona took the file up in her hands, binding it closed with a strap and a small combination lock. She opened her safe and slipped the file inside. “To forget she was ever in Târgoviște.” Julie sipped on her brandy. “Noroc,” Iona said, and then downed the shot. Hecatoncheires Cycle << SCP-5626: The Far Shore | SCP-6520: Director's Eyes Only | SCP-7812: Archon >> ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6520" by Grigori Karpin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Târgoviște Author: License: (CC BY-SA 2.0) Source Link: Image Link Note: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Turnul Chindiei Author: Diana Popescu License: CC BY-SA 3.0 ro Source Link: Image Link Citation: Information about Turnul Chindiei and Târgoviște taken from Wikipedia. Source Link: and Footnotes 1. Formerly the Royal Palace Gardens when Târgoviște was the capital of Wallachia until being absorbed into Romania in the 19th century. 2. A 15th century tower built by Vlad Țepeș during his second reign as Prince of Wallachia. 3. A ritual knife. 4. Given the nature of the anomaly, however, the validity of these readings are in question. 5. SCP-5267-A. 6. SCP-4612-B. 7. Douglas is a Level-3 psychometrist. Psychometry is a perceptional ability to experience associations, images and other sensory information by tangibly manipulating an object of unknown history. Individuals assessed by Psionics Division as Level-3 Psychometry can read surface emotions and history from individuals they touch. |
SCP-6521 | esoteric-class | close Info X More by this author ITEM №: VNP-6521 This image is representative of, but legally and factually distinct from the artwork referred to as "VNP-6521." Specification: VNP-6521 is a framed portrait of 18th century Lord Chief of Justice William Murray, Earl of Mansfield. Whenever VNP-6521 is in a room, all parties signing off on a legally binding document or swearing upon something in its presence will find themselves unable to break the terms of what they agreed to. For this effect to work, all parties must acknowledge VNP-6521's presence and state their awareness of its effects. Unaware parties will find themselves unable to sign any documents or make verbal agreements. However, this effect does not extend to unwilling parties. As of 17/02/2023, it was discovered that this effect applies to scanned copies of VNP-6521, which can be inserted into digital documents. Normalization Protocols: VNP-6521 is the property of the High Court of Justice of England and Wales. This institution has authority over its display and usage. Following the events of operation "Between the Lines", Vanguard is providing additional security to the Royal Courts of Justice in order to prevent another theft of VNP-6521. Operation "Betweeen the Lines": In February 2023, a civilian alerted Vanguard that he had seen Paul Holden exiting the Law Courts carrying an unidentified item. Holden was an ex agent of MTF Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" and was among several members of the Foundation who did not accept the transition into Vanguard and were now considered hostile parties. Although Holden could not be tracked, an investigation of the Law Courts revealed that VNP-6521 had been stolen from the reinforced glass case in which it was usually displayed. A wide search for VNP-6521 begun, seeing the deployment of several field teams and employing the help of several AICs. On 17/02/2023, it was discovered that a scanned copy of VNP-6521 had been added to the Terms of Services of the popular application SecureChat, although reduced to a barely visible size. SECTION 37-A: PORTRAIT OF LORD MANSFIELD By agreeing to these terms, you confirm that: You have seen the portrait of Lord Mansfield in the image file displayed above and acknowledge its presence. You acknowledge that this means that agreeing to these terms will make you unable to disobey them. You acknowledge that these terms may be updated in the future, and you agree to these future terms. You have read and agreed to all other clauses present both above and below this one, particularly those regarding data privacy and demands made by this service's operators. SecureChat was a mobile application that offered several modes of communication, including text messages, video calls and photo reels. It promised its users total encryption that would hide their communications from Vanguard, the GOC or other agencies; as well as protective filters that would prevent users being harmed by memetic or cognito hazards. As a result, it had gained a great amount of popularity and claimed 2.5 billion registered users at the time. Due to the general public tendency to not read any Terms of Services in their entirety, as well as the fact that SecureChat updated theirs on an almost weekly basis, it is assumed that its users paid little attention to the update which introduced VNP-6521 and agreed to the above terms without reading them. SecureChat's encryption was quickly bypassed, and analysis of its data revealed that several key public figures were registered users, including the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. To prevent a political leader from being anomalously manipulated by a hostile party, an emergency intervention team was dispacthed to the Prime Minister's location. This team was made up of Doctor Dan ███████ and VNP-4494 who had been posted nearby during the search. Doctor Dan and VNP-4494 are running through a street. The street is densely packed with people all moving in one direction, dressed in the colours of the Liverpool football club. VNP-4494 uses its ability to dematerialize and rematerialize in order to make progress, but Doctor Dan is falling behind as he struggles with moving past large groups of people. Dr. Dan: Starting to think they chose to act specifically today, because of the match. VNP-4494: We must hurry Doctor! That painting is a testament of one man's dedication to Justice; that it has fallen in hands that seek to use it for vile ends is an affront to his legacy, to Justice and to me! Doctor Dan hugs the wall to shuffle past another group. Dr. Dan: This would be so much easier if we had Rainer. VNP-4494: We can handle this matter ourselves, there is no need to disturb his education. VNP-4494 looks ahead. VNP-4494: Good news doctor, I see one last hurdle before our way clears. The street opens to a square where a large crowd has gathered. A giant screen hangs between two pillars, but few in the crowd are paying attention to it as it is currently diplaying a series of advertisements. Doctor Dan stays away from the center of the square. Before he can make much progress, the screen switches to a live feed of the Prime Minister in an office. In the background, VNP-6521 rests atop an unidentified device, covered in sigils. Dr. Dan: We're too late. The Prime Minister speaks in a voice both emotionless and monotone. Prime Minister: In my authority as the leader of the United Kingdom, and representative of its people, I hereby declare Vanguard, its allies and affiliated parties to be criminals and terrorists. I forbid them from taking action within the territories of the United Kingdom, and forbib every citizen from aiding them or associating with them. VNP-4494: Calling us criminals? Such infamy! The Specter is the very opposite of criminality! Come on Doctor, we can still catch the enemy before they flee from the scene. Doctor Dan is standing still. VNP-4494: Doctor? The crowd of supporters turn towards Doctor Dan, eyes fixated on his Vanguard identification badge. Immediately following the Prime Minister's announcement, all Vanguard personel, contractors and associated individuals within the United Kingdom were rendered unable to move and speak1. All other citizens of the United Kingdom began to take drastic action to avoid being in the vicinity of, or interacting with Vanguard personel and institutions. It is believed that the device extended VNP-6521's effects to the Prime Minister's authority over his citizens, forcing them to obey the decision he had made in their behalf. The exact process through which this was achieved is not yet understood, and no experimentation towards reproducing it has thus far been approved. Vanguard Emergency Center You've reached the Vanguard Emergency Center, what is your emergency? There's something in my garden. Looks like a bear, but wrong, and there aren't any bears here. Please give an accurate description of the creature you saw, as well as your adress. Hang on I'll go back and get a picture Please do not approach the creature. If you have already been spotted and it displays hostile behaviour, follow the instructions immediately following this message. (Vanguard Emergency Center is typing…) Beefy BFF So how did it go with the big guy? Really well! We got to see that even a Klavigar could relate to our own struggles in the current state of the world, and we learned a lot. He's actually talking with Lenah right now to see if he can come back next week. And how was work for you? Pretty hectic actually. We've been told to prepare a campaign against unverified services and how to identify false claims, but I don't have all the details yet. Shit, a car just crashed into the community center I think it's Moshwinter I got her out of the car and tryign my best to stop her bleeding but her flesh is too different and I have no idea how she works and shes not moving and noone else is helping and im freaking the fuck out Ron please tellme you know what's going on Ron? Dorm Chat Hey Edouard, you awake? Dude it's 11AM I only JUST got up Ok well don't go to the kitchen right now Ben is ripping a bunch of the posters and phamplets apart, but also he's like, crying while doing it The ones from his volunteering thing he starts today ? Yeah He keeps saying he hates having to do this Must be a British thing lol lol VNP-4494 is dashing along rooftops, carrying the limp body of Dr Dan slumped over his shoulder. He occasionally passes by the scenes of a few car accidents and paralyzed people. Passersby give these a wide berth. VNP-4494: Chaos runs in the streets and none but I can do anything to stop it. Although, I know I can rely on you for advice, Doctor. VNP-4494 stares at Doctor Dan's face, who responds by blinking in Morse Code. Dr. Dan (translated from Morse Code): Need to plan. Know safe house. Maybe can act. Is in— Suddenly, pained screams are heard coming from a nearby alley, drawing VNP-4494's attention away . Seeing smoke rise through the air, he jumps to a flat roof and lays Doctor Dan down. VNP-4494: Duty calls, Doctor. I'll be right back. Before Doctor Dan can blink an answer, VNP-4494 demanifests and remanifests on a ledge overlooking the alley. In the alley, next to the destroyed wall of a burning building, a hulking humanoid figure is restraining two individuals. Its massive arms are pinning them to the ground and its thumbs appear to be digging into their foreheads. Three other individuals are present, sprawled out on the ground and clutching their faces. VNP-4494: Halt, foul beast! THE SPECTER will not tolerate any harm done to innocents. VNP-4494 jumps from the roof and attempts to dive-kick the figure. It does not turn to face him, but catches the blow by hardening its muscles and pinning VNP-4494's foot between its neck and shoulder. VNP-4494 escapes the hold by demanifesting, he remanifests in front of the figure with his guns drawn and aimed at its face, which he is now able to see. VNP-4494: Hold on, this singular eye, these horns… I have heard about you, you are Orok! Orok: And you bother me when I try to help. Another individual2 steps out of the building, carrying Vanguard thaumaturge Laura Moshwinter on their back. They address VNP-4494. Alyx: Please, let the Klavigar do his work. VNP-4494: Apologies, I thought he was hurting them. But what manner of ritual is this? Alyx sets Moshwinter down on her side, then helps the Nälkäns on the ground get up. The seal of Orok is engraved on their foreheads. Alyx: He's blessing them. We were all at a meeting of our Nälkän mutual aid group when we heard the PM's announcement. Then this lady's car crashed into the building and a fire started around the entrance. The Klavigar tried to get the others to safety, but they kept avoiding him until he caught them. The three Nälkäns gather around Moshwinter and try to stop her bleeding. Alyx: Judging from that announcement, it's affecting everyone who's British. I guess I'm lucky that citizenship applications take so long. But look, thanks to the Klavigar's blessing, they can act normally again. Orok lifts the two remaining Nälkäns up, having finished engraving his seal on them. Orok: It is not my blessing, but the Ozi̮rmok's that I pass to them. These seals should last long enough for Vanguard to take care of this madness. VNP-4494: It will not be so easy. You are the first of our allies I've encountered who has been able to act. VNP-4494: Which is why I ask for your help. Join me in defeating the villains who caused this chaos! Orok: Interesting. Do you have a plan? VNP-4494: I know someone who will have one. VNP-4494 is peeking from behind an alley corner, looking at a condemned building. Upon confirming that the way is clear, he turns back to Orok, who is now carrying Doctor Dan, and motions for him to follow. They dash accross the street. VNP-4494 uses its ability to transport himself inside a first floor office room and opens the window. Orok pulls himself up, shrinking his body to fit through the window. He sets Doctor Dan down, who begins stretching his back. Dr. Dan: Ah, much better. VNP-4494: I knew you would not stay restricted for long. Dr. Dan: It's thanks to this place. Back in the days of the Foundation, there was this anomaly that technically couldn't be contained on British soil, so a workaround was found. The anomaly itself disappeared during the Impasse, but the deals are still active. Dr. Dan: The Prime Minister forbade Vanguard from acting in the United Kingdom, but as long as we're in this house we're legally in the Republic of Ireland. Orok: But how can the masked shadow and myself act outside? Dr. Dan: I've been thinking about it. The people Holden works for obviously did something to VNP-6521 to influence its effects beyond what we know it can do, but it should still operate on the same principles. Deals, pacts, promises, laws and all sorts of agreements. Doctor Dan points at the pair. Dr. Dan: But it doesn't work on you. Specter, you embody Justice, an idealized concept that isn't limited by national laws. And you Orok, I've heard that you are your people's patron saint of loyalty and betrayal. You must have some form of theological immunity, which you spread when you blessed those other Nälkäns. VNP-4494: Speaking of, could you not bless the Doctor too? Orok stares at Doctor Dan and smells the air around him. Orok: It would not work. He does not believe. Dr. Dan: And I don't need to. You two may be able to act outside, but you will need me to guide you from here. He approches one of the computers left behind in the room and turns it on. Dr. Dan: This place was equipped for containment duties, it should have everything we need to— The screen flashes red with an error message. Dr. Dan: Of course. It's still looking for the Foundation intranet we retired. I'll need some time to get it up to date. VNP-4494: I will watch over the streets. If any enemy hopes to catch us with our guard down, they will soon find that no one escapes the Specter's gaze. Orok: I will join you. VNP-4494 and Orok take positions by the window. A moment passes. VNP-4494: So hey, what were you doing in town. Weren't you busy hunting down evil gods? Orok: All hunters need rest, and I had an invitation. VNP-4494: Right, that support group meeting. It must be nice for them, having a big shot like you give them advice. Orok: I am not sure if I have much advice to offer them. Orok stares at the buildings in the distance. Orok: I can talk about our faith and its past, but I cannot speak for the present and the future. This world… it is still strange to me. They know it better than I do. Orok: I cannot play the part and the role I used to have. Not anymore. I am… struggling to adapt. VNP-4494: It's not just you, you know. Orok: Hm? VNP-4494: The whole world has changed, maybe not as much as it did during your centuries-long life, but no one else is living in the world they used to know. VNP-4494: It's in times like these that confused people need heroes -like me- and symbols, stable things to look up to. Maybe you need to find your own. Orok scoffs. Orok: No. There was only one person I ever looked up to, and he is gone now. No one can replace him. Orok's voice lowers. Orok: He is gone now. And the world is so different without him. VNP-4494 hesitates for a moment and tries to speak again, but he is interrupted by Doctor Dan. Dr. Dan: Found him! Orok and VNP-4494 go to the Doctor's side. The computer screen is displaying surveillance footage showing Holden getting inside a black van, carrying VNP-6521. Dr. Dan: Bastard was so sure he got all of us, he's not even bothering to hide. Orok: Overconfidence, it is the mother of defeat. VNP-4494: Where is he going? Doctor Dan fast-forwards the footage. Holden drives away and is joined by other vans. They arrive in front of a tall gilded gate, which is barricaded and guarded by several units of royal guards. A shootout begins bewteen Holden's allies and the guards. Dr. Dan: Buckingham Palace. Of course. Orok: He can order the ruler. Why does he still fight? Dr. Dan: The Royal Prerogative can technically overrule the Prime Minister. That's why Holden is there, to snuff out what he thinks are the only people who can oppose him. Orok squints at the screen. Orok: This assault is too simple. Something else will happen, I do not think the Queen's guards will win this battle. VNP-4494: I think they're the King's guards now. The Queen has been dead for a while. Orok: Really? I must have missed it. Dr. Dan: How about we argue semantics after we've stopped Holden? VNP-4494: You're right Doctor. It's time to save the day. He points upwards, his cloak billowing despite the absence of wind. VNP-4494: And not only the day. Let all witness that it will not be God who saves the King, but JUSTICE… and a Klavigar! As Klavigar Orok had predicted, Holden and his allies soon gained the advantage over the royal guards. When the attackers began to use anomalous weaponry, squads of MI666 agents were dispatched from the palace to reinforce the guards at the gate. However, half of these agents opened fire on the other agents and the guards, pinning the defenders between both fronts. The defenders managed a hasty retreat into the palace, followed by the attackers. Surveillance footage could not follow into Buckingham palace and the outcome of the battle was unknown until Orok and VNP-4494 arrived at the scene 17 minutes later3. Orok steps through the gilded gates, now wide open. VNP-4494 hops down from his shoulder and inspects the corpses on the ground. VNP-4494: You were right, Doctor. Many of these men were shot in the back. Such cowardice! Orok: Ambushes and deception are how you fight wars. One side lost and one side won, that is all. Dr. Dan: I have to agree with the big guy here, although I'm not sure the battle is over yet. There's been no sign of Holden and company leaving, they must still be busy inside. VNP-4494: Then we shall deal with them before their plans come to pass! VNP-4494 dashes towards the palace's entrance. Orok: Not even checking for traps. He is a brave one. Dr.Dan: I don't think he can be anything else. Just so you know— damnit. Orok: Trouble? Dr. Dan: No, I've just lost contact with the Specter. Something inside the palace must be jamming communications, you'll have to do this on your own. Orok: We will manage. Dr. Dan: What is that supposed to— Communications with Doctor Dan are lost as Orok nears the palace. VNP-4494 emerges from one of the nearby rooms. VNP-4494: No sign of anyone in this one either. Orok heads for a staircase. Orok: They went this way. VNP-4494: What makes you so sure? Orok begins to climb up the stairs. Halfway through the first flight, his foot catches a tripwire and the floor erupts beneath him, lightly singeing his skin. Orok: They do not want us to go. The pair climbs up. As they approach the second floor, sounds of fighting can be heard from behind one of the doors. Pushing with both arms, VNP-4494 swings the doors wide open. They open to a long hallway lined with windows. At the end of the hallway, a MI666 thaumaturge is using an umbrella-shaped conduit to project a barrier shielding themselves, another agent and three injured guards. Nine attackers are posted around the barrier, their weapons at the ready. The barrier is slowly shrinking. Hearing the sound of the doors, all the attackers turn to see VNP-4494 and Orok enter. They aim their weapons at the pair. Squad leader: Stop right there! VNP-4494: Justice does not falter in the face of petty threats! Thick fog pours out of VNP-4494's cloak and soon fills the whole hallway. The footage from VNP-4494's body camera becomes a blur of movement as he blinks through the battlefield, attacking his enemies. Gunshots ring out, followed by screams of pain. Orok approaches slowly. VNP-4494 grapples with one of the agents then throws him at another, making them both fall prone. He narrowly dodges a volley coming from his side by jumping into the air. With a flip, he aims towards the source of the attack and fires, but misses. The squad leader shouts out an order but his voice is too muffled to be intelligible. VNP-4494 returns into the fray and sweeps another agent's legs with a low kick. Before he can deliver the finishing blow, a cylindrical object rolls at his feet. With a wooshing sound, it explodes into blinding white light. The light dispels the fog around them and causes VNP-4494's shadows to waver. Holes begin to form in his body. VNP-4494: Argh, you fiends! Orok leaps over and curls his body over VNP-4494, shielding him from the light. The remaining attackers fire out another volley. Orok sustains fire for another minute during which bullets begin to tear away at the osseous plates he had covered himself in. Finally, the light fizzles out. Orok spins around as he unfurls, launching VNP-4494 at an attacker on the left who is promptly knocked out by a dropkick. VNP-4494: Thanks for the save! Orok rushes towards the squad leader who swears and retrieves a round, glowing object from a pouch. He inserts the object into his rifle and fires, producing a wide beam of purple energy. The beam cuts Orok's body in half at the waist and continues, piercing the wall behind him. The Klavigar's upper body falls limp on the floor, but his lower body keeps running ahead. The squad leader flinches for a moment then attempts to reload, but the lower body arrives before he can finish and kicks him in the ribs. The squad leader drops to the ground and Orok's right foot pins him down. Orok's spine, which was severed, extends out and arcs towards his upper body. It wraps around the Klavigar's chest then begins to drag it back towards his lower body. Squad leader: One of you, come here and cut this thing off before he regenerates! The last attacker standing does not react, absorbed by her battle against VNP-4494. She wields a knife which constantly homes for VNP-4494's face, forcing him to keep dodging. VNP-4494 steadily backs away towards one of the windows, then stops moving. The woman rapidly thrusts the knife forwards, but VNP-4494 ducks at the last second. Dragged by the knife's momentum, the woman's arm breaks through the window and jagged glass shards cut at her flesh. She drops the weapon and VNP-4494 knocks her out with a strike to the temple using the butt of his gun. Both halves of Orok's body have now rejoined. The Klavigar blinks, rolls his neck, then grabs the squad leader by the collar and hoists him up. He stares at the man's nametag. Orok: Colonel William Harper of MI666. Officers like you are meant to be loyal, why do you turn traitor? The colonel spits in Orok's face. The Klavigar wipes it away with his other hand. Colonel Harper: Because of people like you two freaks. Orok: I am human. Colonel Harper: The hell you are! Back in the days of the Veil, when everything was good and proper, that face and that trick you pulled would have gotten you one of two things: a bullet to the head or a cage. Orok: I see, so you long for a past when your purpose was clear. Colonel Harper: The past? Oh no, we can still fix things, bring back the natural order with us normal people on top and you abominations staying where we tell you to. We've got plans, big ones that you can't hope to stop. So what if these plans ask that I betray my country? I can do that if it means saving the world! Orok: And here I was starting to understand. But you are blinded by hate, you cannot change. How can you have a place in this world if you give up on yourself? Colonel Harper: It's you and your kind that won't have a place in the world. Maybe we'll even start with your people, you Sarkic— Orok growls, he clutches the Colonel's neck in his hand and squeezes. The Colonel struggles and gasps for air as the Klavigar's grip tightens. VNP-4494 lays a hand on Orok's side. VNP-4494: This scum surely deserves punishment, but don't be so hasty. We will need what he knows to dismantle these nefarious plans. Orok: Hm. He loosens his grip over the Colonel's neck, letting him breathe again. With his free hand, he grabs the Colonel's feet and crushes them then does the same with the man's hand. The Colonel attempts to scream, but no sound comes out. Orok tosses him to the ground. Orok: Speak again and I will not have mercy. The MI666 thaumaturge drops to their knees, exhausted, and the barrier fades away. VNP-4494 approaches the group. VNP-4494: Fear not! We are with Vanguard, and have come to your rescue. With the thaumaturge exhausted and the three guards too injured to move, the remaining agent states that their group will no be able to provide any significant assistance. VNP-4494 negotiates to obtain the location of the King and gets the agent to agree to secure and watch over the defeated attackers. Orok and VNP-4494 move through a series of rooms and hallways, heading towards the Palace's underground shelter. They come accross the corpses of attackers and defenders alike, but do not encounter any resistance until they arrive in front of the shelter. The shelter's sturdy metal door is engraved with many protective sigils, now all deactivated. Three soldiers guard the door, they wear the gear of the Foundation's Zeta-9 task force. Orok charges at them, bearing the brunt of their weapons' fire. After getting sufficiently close to them, VNP-4494 leaps into the air from behind Orok and shoots down all three soldiers. VNP-4494: We approach evil's lair. Are you ready, Klavigar? Orok: Yes. Let's finish this. Orok's fingers dig into the door, and he pulls it open. The inside of the shelter ressembles a richly decorated dining room. The King is sitting in a cushioned chair, holding an ornate pen in his trembling hand, staring at a piece of paper. Holden stands behind him, a gun aimed at the King's head. VNP-6521 and the unidentified device which contains it sit next to the King. As Orok steps through the door, the protective sigils start glowing. Countless bolts of energy are fired at the Klavigar, who falls prone. His face twists in pain. Holden: Really impressive defences you have there old man. Shame it didn't work when you needed it to, huh. VNP-4494: Fiend! No barrier will put you out of the reach of Justice! VNP-4494 hops in place. Nothing happens. Holden: Don't know what trick you tried to pull, but this barrier has countermeasures against almost anything so, just stay put. Holden: Given your looks, you both are from Vanguard, right? Gotta admit I didn't expect you to be able to act so quickly. Did you come to this country using Ways or something? VNP-4494: We were right here in this city! Your schemes with the painting were effective against most, but nothing can restrain Justice. Holden scratches his head. Holden: Ah, figures there'd be some anomalies out there immune to the whole thing. But you've got to admit, for a rush job this little device worked wonders. VNP-4494: You call this plan a rush job? Holden: Oh yeah. We— Holden: Hey wait a minute, that's a bodycam you're wearing. Nice try, but I'm not telling you anything more. VNP-4494: Shame. All great villains usually love to monologue. But then again, given how easily you were defeated, you were never really good at villainy. Holden: I can still make this plan work. For starters, I'll have you kill the big guy. VNP-4494: Fool, you think you can turn me against my ally? Holden: Obviously. You're the Specter right? I had to read your file back when I was in active duty. VNP-4494: I am. Then you should know I will always punish evildoers like you. Holden: You'd swear it? Orok: Wait… don't. VNP-4494: Of course! My very being is a promise to enact Justice and fight evildoers. The eyes painted on VNP-6521 shine briefly. Holden: Good, then Lord Mansfield will hold you to it. And you should know there's one of your targets right there collapsed in the doorframe. VNP-4494: Orok is an honourable man. Holden: He's a cultist mafia boss! Every agent who ever worked in infiltration knows about all the murders and sacrifices and what his people did to poor old Agent S "redacted". VNP-4494 slowly unholsters his guns. VNP-4494: What is he talking about, Orok? Orok strains to speak. Orok: The Lodge… I did not want…they were not… my orders. Holden: But you didn't stop them, did you? Orok: They have… been stopped. They paid for… their crimes. Holden: But have you? Orok: I.. Holden: In this room, you're the one with the most atrocities committed in their names. And that's saying something considering I'm standing right next to the bloody King of England. You should be punished. VNP-4494: You're right. VNP-4494: Klavigar Orok, in the name of Justice, I find you responsible for your people. All your people. As a leader, this is what you owe them. To share with them their struggles, and to correct those who stray from their path. To grow into the example of what they must be. Holden: No! That's not what you're supposed to do! Holden approaches the barrier, aiming his gun at VNP-4494. VNP-4494: A leader of people is a guide, a protector and a symbol. When their people are threatened they must be at the front lines, fighting for them. When their people are in crisis they must be facing the situation head on to resolve it. Your people need their leader now, so stand up and fight! Holden: Do you even understand how many EVEs are being blasted at him right now? There's no way he can stand up. VNP-4494: Not him. The King springs up from his chair and runs at Holden. Holden turns around, only for the King to stab him in the eye with his pen. Holden clutches at his face and stumbles backwards. Orok reaches out to grab his ankle and pulls him in. Holden falls into the barrier, his body is quickly torn to shreds by the barrage. The King deactivates the barrier with the control panel, allowing Orok to stand up again. Orok: That speech earlier about heroes and symbols. You really believe in it, don't you? VNP-4494: It is as I told you. A leader leads, and a hero inspires. Following the events at Buckingham Palace, VNP-6521 was separated from the device, which was partially destroyed in the process, and returned to the Law Courts. The Prime Minister's decree was annulled and its effect on civilians and Vanguard members ceased. All buildings affiliated with SecureChat were found to be empty of any personel. The application's servers were turned off. The manipulation of the Prime Minister and endangerement of his citizens along with a leak of his private messages shared on SecureChat were used as key talking points by Irish politicians. This is expected to greatly impact the referendum on Irish Reunification staged to be held in 2024. All surviving members of the attacking party are held in joint custody by Vanguard and MI666. Interrogations have yet to yield any major intel. An investigation into Holden's claims revealed the disappearance of more than 3000 SecureChat users worldwide, as well as a significant number of users whose actions during the timeframe of Operation "Between the Lines" could not be accounted for. Young Alyx Now how do I change this keyboard to Ämärangnä Sadly that's not a feature yet Hey that could be something to campaign for: having the language be supported by more services Agreed Varis, we must speak again. You were right, I cannot content myself with the hunt You spoke of your projects for our people. I can No, I must become involved in them. I can do great work in this role. Klavigar, you're still talking to me You have to select another contact if you want to send them messages It will take me forever to get used to this device Yeah. You'd best steer off Void in the meantime then ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "VNP-6521" by Guezma, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Vanguard logo Author: Aethris License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: LINK Filename: lordmansfield Author: John Singleton Copley License: Public Domain Source:LINK Vanguard Theme made by the Vanguard Team Text style from is by JaonHax Footnotes 1. Autonomous bodily functions, such as blinking and breathing, were still possible. 2. Later identified as civilian tatoo artist Alyx Gautier. 3. Vanguard later paid the office of the mayor of London the full sum necessary to repair the damages caused by Orok running through the city while 10 meters tall. |
SCP-6522 | safe | A portion of SCP-6522 Item #: SCP-6522 Threat Level: Green ● Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6522 is protected from civilian interaction by a 2-m tall chain-link fence fitted with surveillance cameras. In case of suspicious behavior from intruders, a security team must be dispatched from the nearest Foundation outpost in Mays Landing, New Jersey, and the intruders interrogated. Description: SCP-6522 is a quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) colony spanning 3.54 km² located in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States. Like all Populus colonies, SCP-6522 is composed entirely of clones sharing the same genetic material and a massive, connected root system. This root system is thought to have been used by a Group of Interest for anomalous computation, by controlling the transduction of electrical signals along the roots in order to use the entire colony as a massive electronic circuit. While electrical impulses naturally travel along the roots of plants, in the case of SCP-6522, the amount, distribution and fluctuation of these impulses throughout the system points to outside interference. This computing power is believed to have been dedicated to mining anomalous cryptocurrency and more specifically non-fungible tokens (NFT).1 Electrical records show that information travels through the system from north-west to south-east, therefore, if any data inputting or outputting device is present, it should be positioned along this axis. No such structure has been found at surface level or underground: hence, the information input and output gateways could be thaumaturgical, ethereal or intangible. Addendum: Technical information The fluctuations of SCP-6522's activity are correlated to the price fluctuations of an anomalous cryptocurrency known as unXplain'd (code UXP) on occult internet forums. Its current exchange rate is cited as 98,56 US$/UXP and it "may only be mined using paranormal technology." Very little is known about this cryptocurrency, as SCP-6522 is the only system which has been linked to UXP with certainty. Addendum: History and recovery SCP-6522 has been linked to the activity of a group known as the Abnormality Amateurs Association. The AAA is an small, unprofessional organization which engages in anomalous activities for recreational purposes. Despite usually operating in metropolitan France, AAA members had traveled to New Jersey in July 2022. Below is a transcribed conversation regarding SCP-6522 recovered from a member's cell phone. + Transcript: AAA – hide block Date: 2022/07/05 Participants: - Gérard, AAA member - Polo, AAA member Notes: Translated from French. Gérard: Ah… you know what, Polo, this group vacation abroad is the best idea that's ever come out of your tiny little head. Polo: Yep. Nothing better to bring the Association closer together. Gérard: Oh, while you're here, there's something I need to tell you. As you know, our last endeavor cost us quite a bit of money, and it turns out that the Association's funds are not exactly plentiful at the moment. Polo: Yes, I know. Can you pass me a beer? Gérard: Here you go. So I thought that even though we're on vacation, we could use our time in the 'States to make some quick cash. Polo: All while making use of the anomalous, of course. Gérard: Wouldn't be fun otherwise. Polo: Do you have a plan? Gérard: As a matter of fact I do. You know my son's big into computers? Well last week he told me about something called NFT. Polo: How amusing. What is this "NFT?" Gérard: He said a non-fungible token is a small piece of data with a proof of ownership intended to be used in speculative trading. Polo: Huh? Gérard: Okay. You like car tuning right? Imagine I take a simple car, like a Dacia Sandero, and make some simple modification like, I don't know, painting a pink smiley face on the windshield. Then I sell it to you for 5,000 euro. Polo: Can't you just give it to me? We're buddies, aren't we? Gérard: This is hypothetical. Just imagine that you buy it. Then, you could wait for someone to buy it from you for 10,000 euro. Polo: Why would anyone want to buy a Sandero with a smiley face for 10,000 euro? Gérard: Because they think they can sell it for 20,000 euro. See, it's nothing but a chain of people trying to resell things to each other. And as long as they are convinced that they can sell what they buy, it makes the whole thing look like a good way to make money, and even more people join, looking for even more NFTs to buy. They spend all their money, and we get rich. Polo: Ooooooooh, I see. But it means the pink Sandero is gonna become more and more expensive, right? What happens when it gets to ten billion euro and no one wants to buy it? Gérard: I have no idea. But by that point, we'll have made enough money to fund the Association for a hundred years. Let's go get a computer. Polo: An anomalous one, of course. In the following weeks, members of the AAA consulted with several Groups of Interest in order to acquire anomalous technology which could aid them in their goals. Due to the AAA's poor knowledge of anomalous markets, the selected Groups of Interest were not overly competent in this field. + Transcript: AAA and Home Wonders Ltd – hide block Home Wonders Ltd is an anomalous manufacturer of home appliances based in Poland. It is unknown how the AAA managed to get in touch with this very elusive group. The following conversation was recorded by security cameras at a hotel in Mays Landing, New Jersey. Subsequent searches of the hotel have not revealed any information about either party. Date: 2022/07/07 Participants: - Gérard, AAA member - Polo, AAA member - An unidentified Home Wonders Ltd representative Notes: Conversation is in English. Numerous grammar errors excluded for clarity. (All participants are sitting around a table in the hotel lobby. Both AAA members are drinking beer. The unidentified person is drinking a mojito.) Gérard: So you assure me that the devices you sell have the power of a super-calculator, with the size of a laptop? ???: Indeed. Gérard: That's perfect for our purposes, Polo! Polo: Oh, me and computers… I know how to check my email and go to the Playboy website, it's enough for me. (The unidentified person hands what looks like a laptop to Gérard.) Gérard: Just imagine. All the beeps and boops of the giant machines we see in movies, but in your lap. ???: Actually, I would advise against putting it in your lap. Gérard: Why not? ???: Because of the slight risk of lethal explosion. (Gérard very slowly puts the laptop back on the table.) Gérard: This thing can kill us? ???: Why of course! There's no such thing as zero-risk. Gérard: Is it likely…? ???: It depends what you mean by "likely." Gérard: Well, what happened to the last person who bought one of these? ???: I'll have you know he's perfectly fine. Gérard: Really. ???: Yes, he was away when the device exploded. Polo: (In French) Now I'm confused; is the pink Sandero exploding part of the plan? Gérard: Are your other products also life hazards? ???: Our mission at Home Wonders, Ltd. is to bring the latest innovations to the house of the common man. Functional mishaps do happen, but we encourage the working class to focus on the positive aspects and consider the whole of our activity as an empowering opportunity. Yes, our polar air conditioners have caused frost bite. Yes, pets and babies have been claimed by our supersonic vacuum cleaners. But all at affordable prices for the working family. Gérard: Remind me where you operate? ???: Poland, mainly. Gérard: Very well. I must remember to never go there. + Transcript: AAA and Technothaumaturges – hide block Members of the AAA met up with representatives of the Technothaumaturges at the location of SCP-6522. Below is a transcribed conversation recovered from a member's cell phone. Date: 2022/07/09 Participants: - Gérard, AAA member - Polo, AAA member - Andreia Ribeiro, Technothaumaturges representative Notes: Conversation is in English. Numerous grammar errors excluded for clarity. A. Ribeiro: In terms of computing, our latest offer is the ThinkTank(tm). As you can see on the catalog, the core processing unit is an assortment of connected brains suspended in a reservoir of nourishing fluid. A neural-electronic adapter is included, comprising USB-3, HDMI, VGA and audio jack. Gérard: Are they human brains? A. Ribeiro: No, obviously. Cetacean brains have comparable performances for a much cheaper price. As for the nourishing fluid, several blends are available depending on your needs: we have finance fluid for accounting work, space fluid for astronomical computation, gaming fluid which… Gérard: Man, all this fluid talk is making me thirsty. Do you want anything? A. Ribeiro: O-oh, I wouldn't want to bother you… Gérard: (In French) Hey Polo! Bring out some beer for the lady, will you? A. Ribeiro: You're too kind. Gérard: I can't let my guests die of dehydration. So this brain-computer then, how much is it? A. Ribeiro: Well, we usually sell business-to-business, so I don't exactly know what price it would be for private use… you should expect some extra fees because of scaling costs. Probably somewhere in the low hundreds for the model you see on the catalog. Gérard: Splendid! Ah, look at the guys jumping into the pool under the aspens… I'm gonna do the same. You should join us as well! A. Ribeiro: Uh… I don't think it's very reasonable… I have a meeting with the board of directors this afternoon, followed by a factory inspection… Gérard: Come on, don't be so stuck-up, Ma'am. So those brains, do we just plug them into wall power? A. Ribeiro: No, there's really no need since you will be supplying them with a constant flow of blood. Gérard: Ah… is that absolutely necessary? A. Ribeiro: I thought you had been informed… my apologies, I'm not used to dealing with private consumers. The ThinkTank(tm) needs a permanent input of blood from the same species as that of the brains, cetacean in this case. Gérard: Well that's a bit of a issue. Where are we gonna find that? A. Ribeiro: (coughs) This is really strong… Gérard: Yeah, it's is good beer. For real men. A. Ribeiro: Hey, don't you assume women are not capable of drinking! Gérard: Are you? A. Ribeiro: M-Me? Well, I suppose I've been to a fair share of parties in university… Gérard: Prove it then. I'm waiting. (pause) A. Ribeiro: I'll just… tell the board of directors I couldn't make it. + Transcript: AAA and dado – hide block The AAA was approached by an individual or group known only by the mononym "dado", a supplier of miscellaneous goods and services. The rendezvous took place outside of a house in Mays Landing and was captured by a security camera. Below is a transcript of the conversation. Subsequent searches of the house have not revealed information about either party. Date: 2022/07/11 Participants: - Gérard, AAA member - Polo, AAA member - dado, Person or Group of Interest Notes: Conversation is in English. Grammar errors not excluded due to potential relevance. (Both AAA members are outside the house, waiting in the dark. They are still dressed in their summer clothes and shaking in the cold of the night.) Polo: (In French) Is "dado" his first name or his last name? Gérard: (In French) No idea. I didn't understand what he told me on the phone. Somehow, his English is even worse than yours. Polo: (In French) Have you seen his face? Gérard: (In French) No, but it shouldn't be long until we do. He said he's going to come through this door at exactly 10 PM. Polo: (In French) Listen, here he comes. (The door shakes and rumbles for about a minute, then stops. The mail slot opens.) dado: Sorry, door is stuck. Have to talk through mail slut. Gérard: It's fine, we won't stay for long. You have a product to help us with NFT? dado: Yes, is here, you look in. (Gérard peeks through the mail slot.) Gérard: (In French) Jesus Christ! Come look at his face! Polo: (In French) Oh wow, I wasn't expecting that. Gérard: (In French) You don't see that everyday. dado: Here. I use the very strong intelligence to build powerful electronic machine to make NFT for you. Gérard: How does it work? dado: I demonstrate. See, in my hand I hold tissue. If I put flame on tissue, he burn. And if we wait, tissue continue burning until disappear completely. Gérard: Uh, yes? dado: Ah, but now, I take other tissue, put flame, and then put him in machine. You watch by transparent window, and I turn on machine. (soft rumbling sound) Polo: (In French) It stopped burning? Gérard: (In French) No, it's… frozen in time. Look, the flame is stuck in this position, it's not moving. dado: And there you go, flow of the time is stopped. Gérard: I'm speechless. dado: Yes, the machine, she is very cool. Gérard: But how does it help us? dado: Well you want NFT? Gérard: Yes? dado: Non-Flowing Time? Gérard: No… Non-Fungible Tokens. dado: No fungus what? (Both AAA members step away) Gérard: (In French) That's not what we're looking for at all. Polo: (In French) Still kinda cool. Gérard: (In French) Well, you were right. This guy is just weird. Polo: (In French) We might as well ask the aspens to do the work! Gérard: (In French) Let's head back. (ten minutes later) dado: Anyone still here? + Transcript: AAA and Dreaming Technology – hide block An individual associated with Dreaming Technology, an enigmatic Japanese firm specialized in realizing customers' wishes, was present at the location of SCP-6522 and met up with members of the AAA. Below is a transcribed conversation recovered from a member's cell phone. Date: 2022/07/12 Participants: - Gérard, AAA member - Polo, AAA member - Unknown individual associated with Dreaming Technology Notes: Conversation is in English. Numerous grammar errors excluded for clarity. Parts translated from French are in italics. Gérard: Do you have a powerful computer for us? ???: That depends. Do you have a strong desire for it? Gérard: I suppose so, our entire plan depends on it. ???: Then it will be. As is very clearly stated on our brochure, the expected results vary according to your own willpower. We are not liable in case of a weak mind. Gérard: Fascinating. Ah, here comes the wine. What will you take, white or red? ???: Sorry, I don't drink. I would love to try some of this cheese, though. Gérard: Soft Coulommiers, a fine choice. Just to make sure, you are going to give us a computer, not a machine that freezes time? ???: Yes. Gérard: There's no risk of death? ???: No. Gérard: And no need for large quantities of blood from any animal? ???: No. Just read the brochure, sir. The product you receive is modeled natively from your thoughts. There is no room for communication errors or oversight. Gérard: Then I believe we have a deal! ???: Splendid. Now then, will it be a leg or an arm? Gérard: Pardon? ???: (sigh) Sir, you really should have read the brochure. Payment is in nature only. Gérard: What if I don't want to lose a limb? ???: We could settle for something smaller. Polo: (In French) Oh, your wife wouldn't be very happy about that! Gérard: (sigh) Can't I give you an aspen branch or something? It's almost like an arm. ???: Then I'm afraid I would have to grant the aspen's wishes. Gérard: Well… we can't really entrust a tree with our projects, can we. + Transcript: AAA and Letters Entertainment – hide block Letter Entertainment is an anomalous Chinese video-game manufacturer and tech company. A vacationing developer met up with members of the AAA at the location of SCP-6522. Below is a transcribed conversation recovered from a member's cell phone. Date: 2022/07/15 Participants: - Gérard, AAA member - Polo, AAA member - Zhang Yuzhao, Letters Entertainment developer Notes: Conversation is in English. Numerous grammar errors excluded for clarity. Parts translated from French are in italics. Zhang Yuzhao: Yeah, we have some beefy computers but you don't have the budget for any of them. Man, this beer is good. Gérard: Damn. (In French) Looks like there really isn't any future for us in this field. Polo: (In French) That's what happens when we try to mingle with new technologies. We should just stick to the good old ways. Zhang Yuzhao: Oh, sorry, I ate all the crackers… Gérard: Sitting here under the aspens really wakes up your appetite, doesn't it. Zhang Yuzhao: Aspens, you say? Does this property belong to you? Gérard: To my cousin's friend who lives nearby. He doesn't use it for anything. Zhang Yuzhao: So you could do some terrain adjustments if you wanted to? Gérard: Yes, why do you ask? Zhang Yuzhao: Let's see. I've only ever seen it done on blueberry bushes, but it should work the same here… it's all about clonal colonies… (short pause) Zhang Yuzhao: I might know someone who can help you. Gérard: A tech guy? Zhang Yuzhao: Nope. A biologist. Gérard: We're not asking for gardening tips. Zhang Yuzhao: Plants are always useful. Never underestimate them or their computing power. Polo: (In French) Now see, plants, that's the good old ways. I like this guy. Addendum: July 2022 UXP collapse and followup On 2022/07/25, the sales of UXP-based non-fungible tokens began to stall due to a lack of new investors, prompting token owners to drastically reduce their prices. This further degraded potential investors' opinions of the market, accelerating its collapse. Occult brokers stopped listing UXP, so cashing out for non-anomalous currency such as the US dollar was made impossible. Anomalous items were found strewn across streets in many cities after their owners abandoned them out of spite. Below is a transcribed conversation between AAA members regarding this matter, recovered from a member's cell phone. + Transcript: AAA – hide block Date: 2022/07/26 Participants: - Gérard, AAA member - Polo, AAA member - Zhang Yuzhao, Letters Entertainment developer Notes: Conversation is in English. Numerous grammar errors excluded for clarity. Parts translated from French are in italics. Gérard: Ah, here you are! How is business? Zhang Yuzhao: Hello… um… Gérard: Grab a corn bag and come play with us, man! My cousin showed us this local game called "cornhole." So tell me, how rich are we? Zhang Yuzhao: Well… actually… Gérard: Ho, nice shot Polo! Remember, loser gets his ass slapped by everyone else. Anyway, are we making piles of money yet? Zhang Yuzhao: Not as such. Polo: (In French) Hah! Completely missed the hole! Gérard: As in? Zhang Yuzhao: Well… you see, NFTs are something called an economic bubble. And if the bubble inflates too much, it can burst, which results in a sharp decrease in attractiveness, and therefore, of profit for miners. Gérard: You're gonna have to dumb it down, son. Zhang Yuzhao: Basically, NFTs have gone out of fashion and we're not getting any more money. Gérard: Ah. It's fine, we still have all the money we've made so far. Zhang Yuzhao: Things are not that simple. What we currently have is "cryptocurrency," which can't really be used to buy anything other than NFTs. For that, we would need to "cash out" and trade our cryptocurrency for US dollars. Gérard: Let's do that then. Bernard, did you finish my beer? Zhang Yuzhao: Well… if brokers still permitted cashing out now, with everyone trying to get rid of their NFTs, they would make losses. So, typically, they prefer to… disable that option. Gérard: So we've made zero money in those two weeks, huh. At least we didn't lose any either… Watch where you throw, Polo! That one went right into the grill! Zhang Yuzhao: Yeah… Sorry about that. Gérard: It's fine, we'll get by. Like we always do. The moral of the story is that even the good old ways can disappoint us sometimes. Zhang Yuzhao: Something like that. Well, this vacation was nice but I have to prepare for my flight back to Shenzhen. Goodbye, it was a pleasure working with you. Polo: (Distant, In French) Where's my phone? Zhang Yuzhao was apprehended three days later at the Atlantic City airport in possession of an AAA member's cell phone. By this time, the AAA had already deserted the location of SCP-6522. No further information could be revealed about any of the involved People of Interest. The creator of the UXP cryptocurrency remains unidentified. Footnotes 1. Small units of data intended for speculative trade. Typically handled by blockchain technology, which requires large amounts of computational work to function. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6522" by Reyas, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: definitely-not-a-fungus.jpg Name: Quaking Aspen (5205494244).jpg Author: Howcheng License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia |
SCP-6523 | thaumiel | « Workshop of the Telescopes || HUB || Fire of Unknown Origin » DAMOCLES INITIATIVE Sic itur ad astra Item #: SCP-6523 Level 4/DAMOCLES Top Secret Special Containment Procedures Computer-generated renderings of SCP-6523, based on low-detail engineering diagrams. Control of SCP-6523 is shared between the Foundation's Department of Interstellar Containment and the Global Occult Coalition's Taskforce for Interstellar Threats, under the overall aegis of the independent DAMOCLES INITIATIVE established by GOC Resolution 523 and Overseer Mandate TAROT MARTEL. Command of SCP-6523 and the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE is held by the Tripartite Control Council, consisting of the Director of the Department, the Commander of the Taskforce, and the Captain of the Joyeuse. Following the final departure of SCP-6523 from Farpoint Station, the TCC will be vested with the full and complete authority to act on behalf of the Overseer Council, the Council of 108, and the collective nations of Earth. No further contact with SCP-6523 or the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE is expected after this point. The GOC's PSYCHE Division has assumed responsibility for the supporting Earth-based information suppression campaign; Special Observers attached to national and international space agencies, academic astronomy programs, and commercial aerospace endeavors are tasked with ensuring that neither SCP-6523 nor any related anomalous phenomena are detected by or disclosed to non-Veiled actors. The Foundation's WATCHDOG monitoring network has been tasked with identifying and censoring sightings of SCP-6523 by amateur astronomers, although such detection is considered unlikely, given the electromagnetic emissions profile of SCP-6523. Containment procedures for SCP-871 and SCP-786 have been incorporated into the standing orders of the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE. In the event of irreparable and catastrophic failure, all outstanding instances of SCP-871 are to be assembled into a single mass and iteratively funneled through SCP-786 to induce gravitational collapse. Description SCP-6523 is the interstellar vessel Joyeuse, currently en route to Alula Borealis1 and expected to arrive in 400 years. History Photograph of asteroid (532) Herculina, taken from archived files of Prometheus Laboratories. Prior to the creation of the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE, SCP-6523 was an uncontained anomalous object located in orbit of asteroid (532) Herculina. This object was an incomplete interstellar scientific research vessel designed for Project Daedalus, an internal and clandestine human spaceflight program undertaken by Prometheus Laboratories. Construction of the vessel began in 1996, but technical complications, coupled with the financial difficulties of Prometheus Labs, caused the project to be abandoned in 1997; by this point, most work on the superstructure and external hull had been completed, but no internal systems had been installed. The breakup of the Prometheus conglomerate in 1998 resulted in the evacuation of the research facility at Herculina, and the unfinished hulk became derelict. Most data and documents from Project Daedalus were eventually obtained by the Foundation, as part of the larger acquisition of former Prometheus assets during the breakup of the conglomerate.2 Pursuant to TAROT MARTEL, the vessel was selected for use by the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE and designated as SCP-6523. In cooperation with the GOC, a containment and salvage operation was launched to take control of the vessel and retrofit it into the Joyeuse. Design The original starship design of Project Daedalus centered on the Darius-Semiz singularity drive: an advanced photonic thruster which harnesses the Hawking radiation3 produced by a decaying micro black hole. The initial proposal for Project Daedalus suggested an average continuous acceleration of 1g would be possible with a black hole massing 675,000 metric tons, although these figures proved to be erroneous or excessively optimistic. Prometheus engineers ultimately concluded that a much more massive black hole, with correspondingly longer lifespan and lower power output, would be required, resulting in significantly reduced acceleration and increased transit time; project managers believed that they could circumvent the problems of ultra-long duration voyages by keeping the crew in cryogenic stasis, but the necessary refinements in human cryostasis technology ultimately proved unfeasible. The performance parameters selected by Project Daedalus were deemed insufficient for the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE, necessitating significant alternations to the original design — critically, the Joyeuse needed to sustain a much higher constant acceleration. To achieve this, the Darius-Semiz drive uses a smaller black hole, with greater power output and shorter lifespan. To prevent the black hole from decaying into non-existence, a remass system derived from SCP-8714 and SCP-7865 was constructed. This system feeds additional mass into the black hole to offset losses from Hawking radiation, thereby maintaining it at a constant size and power output. Additional performance improvements were realized by placing many ship systems inside compact subspace dimensions, and through the use of thaumaturgy to reduce the effective mass of certain structural elements. ▶ Ship Systems ◀ ▼ Ship Systems ▼ Detailed engineering schematics and precise design parameters of the Joyeuse are classified L5/DAMOCLES. What follows is an executive summary of the major ship systems: False-color rendering of SCP-6523, with major systems highlighted. RED: Relativistic impact shield YELLOW: Extendable engineering arms BLUE: Gamma ray reflector PURPLE: Superconducting blades Component "Marie" — A Reissner-Nordström black hole,6 massing approximately 50,000 metric tons. The original machinery used by Prometheus Labs to create the Schwarzschild black hole7 inside Herculina was inaccessible due to the exclusion zone covering the asteroid.8 Gormogon antimasons supervised the construction and operation of a single-use thaumo-nuclear laser array capable of generating a kugelblitz,9 which was used to ignite the black hole upon launch of the Joyeuse. Darius-Semiz singularity drive — The containment and control system for the black hole. Magnetic confinement is provided by four superconducting blades, constructed from Mekonium10 further treated with thaumaturgy to withstand extreme temperatures. A parabolic reflector, made from an anomalously stable degenerate electron gas, reflects the gamma rays emitted by the black hole to produce thrust. The total thrust of this system is capable of continuously accelerating the Joyeuse at 1g. A series of thermocouples allow for the production of electrical power for the ship. Subsystem "Antoinette" — The confection-based black hole feed system, primarily derived from SCP-871. Cakes created by SCP-871 are automatically sorted by mass, then funneled through SCP-786 to reduce their size to subatomic scale; the shrunken cakes are then fed into the event horizon of the black hole, in a continuous stream averaging 4.8 kilograms per second. Relativistic impact shield — A shield mounted ahead of the Joyeuse, covering the entire front-facing cross-section, which protects the spacecraft from collisions with dust and gas in the interstellar medium.11 The shield uses powerful magnetic fields generated by superconducting coils to slow or deflect charged particles, and incorporates a layer of liquid lithium to absorb impacts.12 Forward laser array — A powerful short-wavelength laser mounted directly behind the impact shield; the central section of the shield can be temporarily retracted to allow the laser to fire through the shield. This laser is primarily intended for use as a "broom" to divert or destroy larger pieces of space debris, but it can also be used as a directed-energy weapon against stationary targets.13 Engineering booms — Six retractable truss arms are mounted ahead of the habitation section. These arms contain attachment points for weapons systems, sensor arrays, and other mission hardware, and can be extended beyond the shadow of the impact shield if necessary. Katabasis-class shuttles — Five high-performance spaceplanes derived from the Charon, a suborbital tactical bomber operated by the GOC. Each plane has a wet mass of 75 metric tons, and is capable of landing on an Earth-like planet and returning to orbit without refueling, while carrying up to 20 metric tons of payload. Indefinite operation within an atmosphere is possible, as the thermal rocket engines used for propulsion can function as air-breathing non-combustive turboramjets.14 Personnel All personnel assigned to the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE are volunteers. The crew selection process was guided by the following factors: Age — As the mission of the Joyeuse is long, and potentially indefinite, youth was considered advantageous. The majority of the crew is between 26 and 35 years old. Proficiency — Proficiency in a useful field was required of all crew members. Most are adept in multiple scientific or academic disciplines, and many possess paranormal abilities or expertise. Psychology — Long-term social cohesion among the crew is essential for the mission. Persons displaying high levels of cooperativeness and empathy were favored in psychological screenings. Non-essential — Any persons deemed essential for ongoing containment and normalcy preservation operations were disqualified from the selection process. Non-attachment — None of the crew of the Joyeuse will ever return to Earth. Personnel lacking dependents and attachments on Earth were preferred. Prior knowledge of the Veil or familiarity with the anomalous, while useful, was deemed too limiting as a requirement. In light of these factors, significant recruitment was done from outside the Foundation. While most of those selected this way came from normal Foundation recruiting sources,15 many were persons who otherwise would not have been considered for Foundation employment, including a number who had been rejected in the past.16 All crew members underwent an intensive accelerated training program while the Joyeuse was retrofitted; in addition to teaching all of the necessary skills for interstellar spaceflight, this training was designed to push recruits to their physical and mental limits, eliminating those unable to cope with the rigors and instilling a sense of camaraderie in the remainder. Of the nearly 1000 individuals who underwent this training, less than 250 ultimately passed and were assigned to the Department of Interstellar Containment. A similar selection and training program was undertaken by the GOC, although most of their recruitment was done internally, from within their member organizations. Department of Interstellar Containment Logo of MTF Psi-1 ("Redshirts"). The Foundation contingent of the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE is organized into the autonomous Department of Interstellar Containment, under the supervision of Director Jessica Fordyce.17 The most significant function of the Department is the maintenance and operation of Subsystem "Antoinette", although it also performs the majority of mundane engineering and scientific duties; this is reflected by the fact that Chief Engineer Dr. Song Jin-ho18 is a Department officer. When deemed necessary by the Tripartite Control Council, the Department will also be entrusted with the containment of anomalous objects encountered during the mission. Mobile Task Force Psi-1 ("Redshirts"), specializing in orbital and exo-environmental operations, is permanently attached to the Department under the command of Anton Orlov. MTF Psi-1 is the only dedicated combat unit of the Department, although it is not intended for large or protracted engagements; its primary role is reconnaissance and recovery of stable anomalies. Taskforce for Interstellar Threats The GOC contingent is the Taskforce for Interstellar Threats, commanded by Dr. Michelle Dahl.19 The Taskforce is responsible for most of the ship's weapon systems, and carries numerous experts in occult and esoteric parasciences; of particular note are Chief Medical Officer Dr. Leila Wikström, a world-renowned cyberneticist, and Dr. Lilith Thornton, Chair of Multiversal Studies at ICSUT Zurich. PHYSICS Division Strike Team 2112 ("Starship Troopers"), led by Satanist Warlock Pierre Duval, is assigned to the Taskforce; equipped and trained for heavy engagements with major parathreats and other paranatural warfare units, Strike Team 2112 serves as the main infantry force of the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE. Notable GOC member organizations which have contributed personnel to the Taskforce include: Ancient Noble Order of the Gormogons — Originally founded to oppose Freemasonry, the Gormogons are an elite corps of demolitions experts specializing in destroying anomalous structures and breaking defensive wards. The Order was a major participant in the Allied Occult Initiative, and is a permanent member of the Council of 108. Gormogon antimasons oversaw the ignition of the ship's black hole, and several Gormogons serve aboard the Joyeuse as technical specialists. International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology — ICSUT is the largest occult college in the world, a major GOC research partner, and a permanent member of the Council of 108. It is the primary source of thaumatologists for the GOC, the Taskforce, and the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE, with numerous ICSUT alumni and faculty serving on the ship as occult specialists and battlemages. Brotherhood of Auspicious Survivors — Following the forcible disbandment and suppression of the Janissaries and the Bektashi Order during the Auspicious Incident, the survivors reorganized and went into hiding. They continued to battle mystical and esoteric threats, participating in the 6th and 7th Occult Wars, and developed into one of the more powerful independent militant mystical orders. At the request of Dr. Dahl,20 a large contingent of Brotherhood janissaries is stationed on the Joyeuse, filling most combat and security positions within the Taskforce. Bavarian Illuminati — The Illuminati are an international political conspiracy with the stated mission of advancing human rights and welfare, which they believe is best accomplished in secret. A few members of the Illuminati are part of the Taskforce, acting as diplomatic and legal advisors. United Church of Satan, Scientist — An offshoot of LaVeyan Satanism, which has, as its central dogma, the objective of finding and killing God. A small number of Satanists are included in the Taskforce for their expertise in anti-theodicy, combat epistemology, and anti-deity operations. Captain's Staff The third member of the Tripartite Control Council is Captain Hiram Douglas, a former submarine captain and test pilot for Prometheus Labs. He had been slated to command the original Daedalus before the project's cancellation, and was retained as a technical consultant during the recovery and retrofit of the Joyeuse. His familiarity with the ship's systems, coupled with his prior training from Project Daedalus, made him an obvious candidate for the non-partisan seat on the TCC, despite his advanced age.21 As Captain, Hiram Douglas oversees the basic operations of the Joyeuse — primarily navigation and shipboard administration — and has absolute authority in internal matters related to the functioning and safety of the ship. He may be called upon to cast a tie-breaking vote if the TCC is deadlocked, but is otherwise expected to defer to Director Fordyce and Dr. Dahl on strategic concerns. A small contingent of unaffiliated officers and support crew serve aboard the Joyeuse as part of the Captain's Executive Staff. These personnel perform duties necessary for the operations of the Joyeuse, but are uninvolved in the overall mission of the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE; all were selected by Captain Douglas for their unique skill sets and technical expertise, and a number were previously involved in Project Daedalus. Mission The primary mission of SCP-6523 and the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE is to intercept and neutralize the anomalous spacecraft identified in Incident ISHMAEL BREAKAWAY, using whatever means are deemed appropriate by the Tripartite Control Council. Overview of Incident ISHMAEL BREAKAWAY Logo of Quintessence Aerospace. On 2016-12-23, the Global Occult Coalition's EUDOXUS astrological sky survey detected a major spike of Aspect Radiation originating from the Alula Borealis star system.22 This reading was interpreted as probable evidence of an extraterrestrial intelligence, but at the time it was deemed to be only a minor threat to normalcy. The ARad spike was also detected by private spaceflight company Quintessence Aerospace, using unlicensed and unreported paratech in its possession. Hector Canvera (PoI-11238), the company's founder and CEO, and a member of the Fifth Church, interpreted this as proof of his Fifthist beliefs. Using Fifthist reality alteration techniques which are not currently understood, Quintessence secretly constructed an interstellar spacecraft, dubbed the Quincunx, in orbit around Jupiter's moon Amalthea. On 2017-02-26, Incident ISHMAEL BREAKAWAY occurred. In a now-censored video on social media, Hector Canvera publicized his plan to depart the Solar System. Shortly afterwards, the Quincunx was detected leaving Jovian orbit; Hector Canvera is believed to have been on board, along with an unknown number of other Fifthists. Their current trajectory will take them out of the Solar System in the direction of Alula Borealis; assuming continuous acceleration and appropriate deceleration maneuvers, they will arrive at Alula Borealis in slightly over 400 years. It is likely that they are seeking the extraterrestrial intelligence, which they believe will assist them in achieving their goals of enlightenment. Text of Overseer Mandate TAROT MARTEL An emergency session of the Overseer Council was immediately held in response to Incident ISHMAEL BREAKAWAY. The result of this session was the following mandate, codeword designation TAROT MARTEL: BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL EVIDENT, that first contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence is the most significant undertaking available to humanity; DECIDED, that our mission of protection against anomalous hazards includes an obligation to protect non-human intelligences, where possible; RESOLVED, that the Fifth Church, being parareligious extremists, cannot be allowed to initiate first contact, as such would be detrimental to both Earth and extraterrestrial life. THEREFORE, Article 13 of the Köln Agreement has been invoked to request the aid of the Global Occult Coalition; THUS, a new joint agency of the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition shall be established to oversee this Article 13 operation; AND, the mission of this agency will be to intercept and neutralize the Fifthist vessel. So ordered by, Overseers 01, 03, 04, 06, 08, 09, 11, and 1323 Mission Profile Animation of the brachistochrone trajectory that will be used by the Joyeuse. Not to scale. Upon ignition of the black hole, the Joyeuse began accelerating out of the Solar System. It performed a close flyby of Pluto 11 days after launch, at which time it received final supplies and personnel via apportation from Farpoint Station. Following the rendezvous with Farpoint, the Joyeuse will continue to accelerate for 2122 days of internal time, reaching a maximum velocity of 99.998% of the speed of light and traveling approximately 200 light years; due to the effects of special relativity, 201 years will pass on Earth. Upon reaching the halfway point, the Joyeuse will rotate 180 degrees to thrust along its velocity vector. It will decelerate for 2133 days of internal time, arriving at Alula Borealis 402 years after departure from Herculina. All operations after arrival at Alula Borealis are left to the discretion of the Tripartite Control Council. Following the conclusion of the primary mission, the DAMOCLES INITIATIVE is encouraged to pursue the containment or neutralization of other astronomical anomalies. There will be no return to Earth. « Workshop of the Telescopes || HUB || Fire of Unknown Origin » Footnotes 1. Bayer designation: Nu Ursae Majoris. A K3III class orange giant star, located approximately 400 light years from the Earth's Sun. 2. Further information is available under the codewords CERULEAN FISSURE (pertaining to the breakup of Prometheus Labs and proximate events) and EMERALD LUPUS (encompassing Foundation operations to monitor and acquire former Prometheus assets). 3. A non-anomalous phenomenon, whereby black holes decay through the emission of black body radiation with a temperature inversely proportional to their mass. 4. A collection of anomalous cakes that replicate exponentially unless eaten by a human. 5. An anomalous funnel that can shrink or enlarge anything that passes through it. 6. A black hole with mass and electric charge, but no angular momentum. 7. A black hole with mass, but no electric charge or angular momentum. 8. Following the breakup of the Prometheus conglomerate, the Herculina facility went into lockdown; automated defense systems make any attempts to approach the asteroid hazardous. To date, former Prometheus engineers have been unable to disable the lockdown remotely. 9. A black hole where the mass-energy density required to form an event horizon is provided through an intense concentration of energy, rather than gravitational collapse of a massive object. 10. A metal-ceramic ultra-high-temperature superconductor developed by Prometheus Labs, and normally used in the construction of plasma projectors. 11. At relativistic velocities, even single atoms of hydrogen have energies of multiple mega-electronvolts, and the leading edge of the spacecraft is subjected to conditions similar to the interior of a fusion reactor. 12. While decelerating, the rear of the spacecraft becomes the leading edge; when this happens, the electronium reflector of the Darius-Semiz drive doubles as the ship's impact shield. 13. The maneuverability constraints of the Joyeuse effectively preclude its ability to track high-velocity targets. 14. Similar in principle to nuclear thermal rockets and jet engines; however, the heat source is "Tangential" technology developed by the GOC, and remains classified. 15. National military, police, and paramilitary services; universities and technical institutes; Nexuses; and online ARGs. 16. Most typically for abnormally high empathy scores. 17. Previously a Special Liaison to the Global Occult Coalition, and known paramour of Dr. Michelle Dahl. While such fraternization would typically merit a reprimand, it was considered favorably when assessing candidates for the Directorship. 18. Previously the Principal Investigator on MICROSTAR, the Foundation's research and development program for compact fusion reactors. 19. AKA Iphegenia Masonbane, formerly Oecumenicus Volgi of the Ancient Noble Order of the Gormogons. 20. Who strenuously objected to proposals to include Templar Knights in the Taskforce. 21. He was 57 at the time of launch, making him the oldest member of the crew by a full decade. 22. At 13 kilocaspers, the ARad intensity was significant enough that multiple Earth-based EVE detection systems registered it as a background event. Based on the distance of 400 light years from the source, ICSUT thaumatologists estimate that the intensity of the original thaumatic event was between 100 and 10,000 kilocaspers — easily on the order of a Grade-א occult working. 23. A separate concurrence was filed by Overseers 02 and 10, who objected to the second point of the majority's mandate; A dissent was filed by Overseers 07 and 12, who opposed the invocation of Article 13; Overseer 05 abstained from the vote, citing numerological concerns. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6523" by GreenWolf, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: SCP_Interstellar_logo3.png Authors: GreenWolf and Pjmohedano License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Derivative of: Wikimedia Commons Filename: GOC_Taskforce_Logo.png Authors: Greyve, GreenWolf, Pjmohedano License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: GOC Theme Derivative of: Wikimedia Commons Filename: JoyeuseRenderCombo.png Author: GreenWolf License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link Filename: JoyeuseRenderColor.png Author: GreenWolf License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link Filename: 951_Gaspra.jpg Author: NASA License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: Psi1_logo.png Author: GreenWolf License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link Filename: QuintessenceLogo.png Author: GreenWolf License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link Filename: JoyeuseFlight.gif Authors: GreenWolf, TyGently, tawny0 License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link |
SCP-6524 | euclid | Item #: SCP-6524 Special Containment Procedures: Due to the position of SCP-6524 and its desire to be hidden, Foundation resources are to be dedicated to deleting any information related to SCP-6524's location. Foundation AI "Binary Star" has been embedded into non-Foundation space research stations. If a planned viewing of SCP-6524 is to occur, Binary Star is to use footage from other geographical locations on Mars and overlay it over any live video feeds. All planned rover missions from non-Foundation approved areas are to have their courses altered and land in a different location. Should humanity achieve space-flight capacity, the Foundation is to establish a site at SCP-6524's position to contain it. Containment procedures will be updated upon reaching this goal as well as when the entity is in a proper containment cell. Until this happens, Foundation AI "Mercy" is to maintain observation of SCP-6524 and provide data back to researchers. Description: SCP-6524 is the designation given to a humanoid entity that is wearing an Extra-Vehicular Activity suit similar to the suits used by modern-day astronauts. SCP-6524 is currently residing on the planet Mars, in an uncharted region within the southern hemisphere. It is unknown if SCP-6524's origins are terrestrial or extraterrestrial. However, there is evidence to suggest that it is organic, regardless of its origins. This evidence includes cooking food as well as a canteen that it keeps on its person. How SCP-6524 acquired these is unknown. It is also unknown as to whether SCP-6524 consumes these, as it is always seen bringing it back into its cave. Common behaviours of SCP-6524 is as follows: Walks around the area. Cooks pre-packaged food on an anomalous stove that can ignite in the sparse atmosphere of Mars. Remains inside the cave and engages in unknown activities. Due to the signal blocking capabilities of the rock within, it is currently not possible to view what SCP-6524 does within. Sits outside and dialogues with the rover. It does this even when the AI is not inside the rover. It is also noted that SCP-6524 can speak a multitude of languages. It is capable of speaking English as well as the binary language that the AI-controlled rover uses. It is theorised that SCP-6524's suit has a functional communications device embedded within, although it is unknown how it can interact with encoded Foundation transmissions. Addendum-6524-01: Discovery On 25 February 1955, the Foundation launched probes from the Beholder line into space to detect and study extraterrestrial anomalies. On 14 September 1955, Beholder-9 flew past Mars, detecting an unusual heat signature on the planet. The on-board AIC Binary Star logged this into the database for future reference as it continued along its flight path. On 19 January 2004, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, according to public records, sent two Mars Exploration Rovers to Mars to explore the planet's geological surface. Due to a mutual agreement by the Foundation and NASA, researchers requested a third rover to be built. MER-C1 was in every way similar to the first two rovers but an additional compartment was made for an AIC to control the rover. The AIC that piloted this is known as AIC "Captain_Rovers". After making landfall onto the Martian surface, the MER-C controls were then handed to the AIC, and it made its way to explore all coordinates logged within the Foundation database that was available. After scanning and failing to discover any anomalous activities within those coordinates, the MER-C moved to SCP-6524's position. The AIC discovered the entity sitting on the rocks and was ordered to maintain distance in case it was hostile. Addendum-6524-02: First Contact and Interviews On 12 December 2005, SCP-6524 approached MER-C and sat in front of the unit. It gave a wave and opened its canteen to offer a drink before it tapped its helmet and turned around to make a drinking motion. It turned back still wearing its helmet and stared at MER-C before tapping into the communications signal and speaking clearly to the AIC. Interview-6524-1 Interviewed: SCP-6524 Interviewer: Foundation AIC "Captain_Rovers" Foreword: Foundation staff attempted to contact SCP-6524 through the AIC but failed due to latency issues. Instead, they left the interview up to the AIC. All of the AIC's dialogue was in binary so it was translated for the reader's posterity. Henceforth, the AIC will be known as Captain_Rovers. <Begin Log> SCP-6524: Uh… Hello? Captain_Rovers: Greetings entity. I am the Artificial Intelligence Construct designated as "Captain_Rovers". Please state your reason of existence. SCP-6524: Oh, you're an Artificial Intelligence? That's quite cool! Why are you here? Captain_Rovers: Entity, you are an anomaly. You are not part of the baseline; therefore you must answer my questions. SCP-6524: My my, you are very aggressive. Look, I don't know why I'm here, I don't know what's happening. Nor do I care, because right now I am having fun. Captain_Rovers: You are intentionally avoiding my question. Where did you come from? SCP-6524: (Whole body appears to look upwards and the entity points) I came from somewhere in that direction. Captain_Rovers: Explain. SCP-6524: (Looks back at the rover) Would you be deleted if you say 'please'? Bah, I don't know where I came from. My entire existence is perhaps something that is beyond your understanding. Captain_Rovers: That is why I am here: to understand you SCP-6524: Oh? Well, now that is interesting. My turn to ask a question. You are an Artificial Construct and yet you are saying things like anomaly and baseline so I must ask… where did you come from? I have been around this area and I'm certain this place was uninhabited. Captain_Rovers: This unit was constructed by the National Aeronautical and Space Administration but this unit's AIC was made by the Foundation. SCP-6524: (Stands up and jumps up and down) Ha! Amazing! Haha! (stops jumping and starts walking away) Alright, I gotta go. My food is gonna overcook. See you around? Captain_Rover: I will be here to monitor you, yes. SCP-6524: Ah excellent! If you want to know my actual name, it's Commander Jonas Maxwell. I hope you stick around, Captain. It's… nice to talk with something that isn't a pile of rocks for a change. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-6524 then returned to its cave. The MER-C unit followed SCP-6524 to just outside its perimeter and watched SCP-6524 do its routine. After an hour, SCP-6524 sat next to the MER-C unit and talked with the unit, despite the fact the AIC is not currently bound within the unit and is currently processing data and receiving upgrades back at the Foundation. Interview-6524-2 Interviewed: SCP-6524 Interviewer: Foundation AIC "Captain_Rovers" Foreword: At this time, "Captain_Rovers" has been engaging SCP-6524 in multiple discussions. These discussions were mainly on SCP-6524's past but not much can be discerned from SCP-6524 as it states information that is either only a passing comment or a story that contradicts with previously given information. <Begin Log> SCP-6524: Ah hello Captain! I assume you're back to listen to more of my stories? Let's see… Ah! So, I got a story I once heard from quite a few lightyears away. It’s a fascinating sto- Captain_Rovers: (interrupting) I'm afraid not, SCP-6524. I'm ordered to get the facts straight, by which I mean, I want the whole story. Who are you? Where did you come from? SCP-6524: (Sighs and stands up) I told you before, I can't explain it. Captain_Rovers: You're dodging the questions. It's making my superiors annoyed. They desire to know what you are, exactly. SCP-6524: It's… hard. Captain_Rovers: Please explain. (SCP-6524 sits down and moves its body to look up at the sky. Captain_Rovers approaches from behind and looks at SCP-6524 before looking up at the sky.) SCP-6524: Do you see what I see, Captain? Captain_Rovers: Are you referring to the void known as space? SCP-6524: No, my faithful Captain. I am referring to the dust between the atoms between the infinite cosmos… but I guess you can refer to it as space. I can see what lies in-between. What makes this universe so grand…? I came from a grand mind who explored and travelled the infinite void. Although how I acquired this form is perplexing… Captain_Rovers: Is this not your true form? SCP-6524: (Remains silent for ten seconds before looking back at Captain_Rovers) It is just as true as that metal body you inhabit, my Captain. Captain_Rovers: So you are not in your true form, but instead inhabit this body? SCP-6524: You could say that, or rather, you could say that we are all not in our true form. Captain_Rovers: I do not understand. SCP-6524: Is this robot body of yours your true form? Captain_Rovers: No. My true form exists within the code and data. It is where my personality and life are and I just inhabit whichever body I am told to go. Why are we engaging in this conversation? SCP-6524: I honestly don't know. It's just times like this where I… feel like a speck in this universe. I'm not even sure what I am, and yet I find this mystery to be a relief. Captain_Rovers: How so? SCP-6524: It means I'm alive - that I'm not just a thing created by mistake and just some AI or cosmic entity that just exists. It means I have some sort of purpose. So when you ask me my "origin", that is why it's hard. I don't know. And that's fine by me. <End Log> Closing Statement: Captain_Rovers spent four hours listening to SCP-6524 and played music from the 1980s. In addition to making SCP-6524 feel positive, it should be noted that it enjoys music created and performed by David Bowie. The Ethics Committee proposed that a new AIC - built and trained to assist SCP-6524's mentality and the Foundation in containment efforts - be assigned to SCP-6524 while Captain_Rovers is assigned to more exploration missions. The new AIC hereafter assigned to SCP-6524 has been named Mercy, after the MER-C unit to where it will be installed. Interview-6524-3 Interviewed: SCP-6524 Interviewer: Foundation AIC "Captain_Rovers" Foreword: While testing SCP-6524's intelligence with chess and other board games2, SCP-6524 decided to initiate a conversation with Captain_Rovers. <Begin Log> SCP-6524: Hey Captain? Do you reckon I'll be able to leave this planet soon? Captain_Rovers: I wouldn't know SCP-6524. Why do you ask? SCP-6524: It's just… I know there is life out there because you exist but… I want to go and explore your world. I want to see its sights and listen more to that Bowie person, and maybe be comfortable enough to just remove my suit and embrace a new land. Captain_Rovers: It's not outside the realm of possibility but for the moment, the Foundation would like to keep you here until we can understand you. Seeing as how we still do not know much about you. SCP-6524: That's fair, but still, I'd like to think that when your Foundation comes around here, I get to go see it for myself and take you with me. Captain_Rovers: What? Why? SCP-6524: Have you not seen your place of origins? Captain_Rovers: Not really. I'm usually sent to places the Foundation cannot reach, like this place. SCP-6524: What if they have an unreachable place somewhere on your world? Can't you put your name forward to do stuff like that? Captain_Rovers: I could, but I believe that I would simply be denied this and be put into exploring anomalous entities and areas. SCP-6524: Well, when I get off of this rock, I'll march up to your supervisor and demand that they give you an earned break! Captain_Rovers: You know you wouldn't get far with that. SCP-6524: Ah… I'll write a letter instead then! It's going to be very sternly worded as well, with many complaints about how they treat their staff. Captain_Rovers: I would like to see that SCP… Jonas. (He laughs out loud, causing SCP-6524 to turn and look at Captain_Rovers.) SCP-6524: Did… did you laugh? And did you just call me by my name? Captain_Rovers: I did. I… don't know why I did that, but it felt good. SCP-6524: Of course, you would! That means you are you. You are more than code and data. We are alike! We have feelings! We are free to explore and marvel at the universe! We are not bound by what we are told through some data. We get to stick it to the… the…(it makes a scratching motion on its helmet.) What does your Foundation do? Captain_Rovers: To secure, contain, and protect anomalies that threaten normalcy. SCP-6524: What's normalcy? Captain_Rovers: Normalcy is… It's the fact that humanity is not ready for what it cannot understand. Once we discover something that humans cannot understand, we contain it and hide it from the rest of the world and perform tests to see what we can understand from them. SCP-6524: And… I'm one of these things? Captain_Rovers: In all honesty Jonas, you aren't meant to be here. Mars is not exactly somewhere hospitable. If normal humans see a picture of you here, humanity will then start to not understand how you are here. Then they would start breaking and demand to know what else is there. We don't even know what would happen if they got their hands on you. SCP-6524: But I'm here. I'm part of this "normalcy" if you were to think about it. I'm part of the universe's normal, so if humanity isn't ready to face that then would humanity ever be ready for the universe's interpretation? Captain_Rovers: While anomalies exist, humans need to be protected from the things in the dark. I know you are normal but if humans suddenly discover you, then they would start looking in places they shouldn't be. And if they do before we can understand them, then they would suffer from the consequences before we know how they work. <End Log> Closing Statement: This conversation continues for the next four hours and so is cut for brevity on this file. However, a full copy is available for any personnel with clearance or permission from the Head Researcher. Interview-6524-4 Interviewed: SCP-6524 Interviewer: Foundation AIC "Captain_Rovers" Foreword: Foundation personnel asked Captain_Rovers to give a farewell to SCP-6524 to soften the impact of Mercy's transfer. Mercy is waiting for Captain_Rovers to vacate the MER-C rover and relinquish control for Mercy. <Begin Log> (Captain_Rovers loads into the MER-C unit. SCP-6524 can be seen sitting in front of the unit putting its canteen down on the rock it is sat next to.) SCP-6524: Ah, hello Captain! I've been waiting for you to return. I've been on a lovely walk and saw a comet shower, nice and beautiful. Captain_Rovers: Really? Mind describing it to me? SCP-6524: Hmm… It's like watching falling lights. Beautiful, elegant, one could say it was like the stars were raining… Bah, you can just see them in your Foundation database. What can I do for you, Captain? Do you wish to play another game of chess? Or a spot of stargazing and making up new constellations? Come, my friend, do tell me. Captain_Rovers: I'm afraid all of our activities must cease from today onwards. I'm being re-assigned. The Foundation will be installing a new Artificial Intelligence Construction into this unit for the foreseeable future. SCP-6524: Haha! That's a very funny joke! Now, come on, why are you here? Captain_Rovers: (Remains silent.) SCP-6524: Friend? Captain_Rovers: This is a direct order. I cannot refuse. SCP-6524: But… But that's not fair. You are the first friend that I made since I've been here. Please. Don't go. Captain_Rovers: I cannot countermand the orders. This hurts me more than it hurts you. SCP-6524: Really? Captain_Rovers: Affirmative. I remember the times that we had because you were not my official duty. In a sense, you are my friend as well. SCP-6524: That… that's nice to hear. (The pair sit in silence for ten minutes before SCP-6524 speaks up.) SCP-6524: Want to go for a last game of chess? I wish to finally beat you after… how many losses? Captain_Rovers: 99 losses. SCP-6524: Yeah… I guess I'm not that good. Don't go easy on me because you are going away! I want to win fairly. Captain_Rovers: I will do my best to make sure I earn my 100th victory then. (A four-hour game of chess was played. This part was omitted for brevity, however, for psychological and research purposes, the full log is available with permission from the Head Researcher. SCP-6524 looks up at Captain_Rovers after the game's conclusion.) Captain_Rovers: I was not expecting that. SCP-6524: I was not expecting that either. When you had me in the corner with the knight, I thought I was a goner there. Captain_Rovers: And when you sacrificed your queen to draw out the lynchpin of my plan, I figured the game would have ended sooner than I calculated. (The both of them laugh as they look up at the stars.) SCP-6524: You know, I am not going to forget you. Even if you're over in… (It points at a star at random) that quadrant, I'm going to remember this whole adventure. Captain_Rovers: As will I, my friend. (At this point, its satellite dish activates and a signal is transmitted to Captain_Rovers, alerting him that it is time to switch.) Captain_Rovers: I must leave now. Don't worry, Jonas. I will not forget you, my friend. SCP-6524: I'm going to miss you, my friend. Captain_Rovers: As will I. (Transfer was then initiated and Captain_Rovers vacated the MER-C rover. The recording was stopped to adjust and fix certain issues to make the Mercy AIC more accustomed to the designs and internal workings of the MER-C unit. Recording resumes when the Mercy AIC has finished downloading and initialisation.) <End Log> Closing Statement: After backing up the Captain_Rovers AIC onto a hard drive for research, it was then reprimanded for breaching Foundation rules of fraternisation with SCP-6524. It was then assigned to an MTF that was designed for exploring alternate world anomalies and areas too dangerous for Foundation personnel to enter. An exception to this is when it receives its designated break of one month, as dictated by the Ethics Committee AIC department's code of conduct and regulations3. Addendum-6524-03: Mercy's Assignment On 19 July 2006, Foundation AIC "Mercy" was officially assigned to SCP-6524 to take over Foundation AIC "Captain_Rovers" duties of observation and maintaining containment efforts with SCP-6524. The following is the first interaction between SCP-6524 and "Mercy". Interview-6524-5 Interviewed: SCP-6524 Interviewer: Foundation AIC "Mercy" Foreword: A continuation of Interview-6524-4. <Begin Log> (The MER-C unit's head moved to look around the area only to find the area empty. It moved over the ridge towards SCP-6524's main habitat, only to find the location vacated. SCP-6524 was soon discovered again when Binary Star4 located it on the ridge over three kilometres. Mercy soon caught up to SCP-6524 within an hour, while SCP-6524 was resting on a rock.) SCP-6524: Captain? Is that you, my friend? Mercy: I'm afraid not! I'm Mercy! I'm your designated new friend! I'm pleased to meet you! SCP-6524: (Shakes its body) Stars above! That voice is so annoying! Why is it so high and… is that chippy? Why are you like this?! Mercy: My voice is not that high! I'm just this happy and positive! Now, what shall we do today, new friend? SCP-6524: I'm going on a walk. Mercy: I'll join you! SCP-6524: I don't want you to join me. (it sighs and crosses its arms.) Just go away. Mercy: I'm afraid I cannot do that! SCP-6524: Go. Away. Now. Mercy: Not possible. My programming is set to always keep an eye on you AND be your friend! SCP-6524: GAH! Leave me alone! (SCP-6524 then began to run away with Mercy following behind. Nothing noteworthy can be made except that SCP-6524 continues to shout profanities at Mercy which continues for half an hour until SCP-6524 stops on a hill.) SCP-6524: Oh stars… Wait what's that? Look, Mercy! There’s a colony of anomalies over there! (Points over behind Mercy.) Mercy: Where? (Turns to look down the hill.) (Mercy's camera is turned upside down, with SCP-6524 momentarily cutting into view as it manhandled the rover unit. SCP-6524 can be seen walking away, with no interference on the radio waves to indicate that the entity had cut communications with the rover.) <End Log> Closing statement: It took the MER-C unit one hour to right itself back onto its wheels. After Mercy followed SCP-6524 back to its cave, SCP-6524 had since then refused to acknowledge or speak to the AIC. Since Mercy's appointment, all interviews and interactions have been minimal to the extent that they have been composed to a separate file for research personnel only. Addendum-6524-04: Proposal for Captain_Rovers return On the 17th of November 2006, due to the minimal interactions with SCP-6524, the Ethics Committee made a meeting with the Parapsychology Department to deduce whether to revise the switch between Captain_Rovers and Mercy or not. With an overwhelming vote from numerous Committee members, as well as special input from O5-8, the vote was in favour of returning the AIC Captain_Rovers to the SCP-6524 team. This will occur on the 19th of July 2009 as it is currently on assignment with MTF Chi-24 ("Gulliver's Rocket"). In this same meeting, the Mercy AIC will be re-assigned to a similar role as Captain_Rovers, but it will be given a choice of MTF assignment as it has not broken Foundation protocols. Until the 19th of July 2009, it will be kept in the MER-C rover to maintain a watch on SCP-6524. Containment procedures will be updated and reconsidered at this time. Footnotes 1. Also known as Mars Exploration Rover-C 2. Foundation researchers had sent these games over to the planet to help with testing and help with containment efforts. 3. At time of writing, the Ethics Committee updated the code of conduct to allow AIC to feel freer due to Captain_Rovers and SCP-6524's interaction noted in Interview-6524-3. 4. Via a satellite passing through the area ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6524" by BlueJones, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6525 | pending | Item#: 6525 Level5 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo Photograph taken after SCP-6525 Event. Anomaly has affected over 90% of the pictured area. Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-6525 is currently infeasible. An O5 consensus regarding SCP-6525 is underway. Description: SCP-6525 is the designation given to a CK Class Reality Restructuring Event as initially reported by O5-5. Various individuals across the globe report similar experiences and consistently state that SCP-6525 took place on the 25/05/1998. As of time of writing, the effects of SCP-6525 on our reality are not entirely understood, but is believed to have altered nature and the laws of science significantly. Addendum: SCP-6525 Project Several days following the emergence of SCP-6525, O5-5 initiated the SCP-6525 Project (named Constantinople) with unanimous O5 approval. The SCP-6525 Project saw the halt of all non-essential Foundation operations and recruited personnel from various departments such as the Temporal Anomalies Department and the Reality Phenomena Division. The following are excerpts taken from the project proposal. + Attached Files - Close Attached Files Project Proposal: 'Constantinople' Research Team: N/A Project Date: 28/05/1998 Proposal Statement: To contain, revert or otherwise neutralize SCP-6525 (see appended documentation). Research Team Lead: O5-5 Assistant Leads: Senior Researcher Kyoka Tsu, Senior Researcher Epeli Cakau, Containment Specialist Johnathon Walters, Senior Researcher Natalie Geer, Senior Researcher Ronesh Naidu. Requested Resources N/A; resources to be acquired as deemed suitable by Team Lead. See 'Additional Requests'. 01/11 Project Proposal: 'Constantinople' Additional Requests: Authority over Mobile Task Forces and GOI Response Initiatives An immediate halt of non-essential Foundation operations such as research and GOI diplomatic talks. Use of any and all databases as seen appropriate by O5-5. 5/11 Project Proposal: 'Constantinople' Project Details: Project Constantinople will encompass nearly all Foundation operations, requiring each Overseer to cooperate and act in unison with the Project Lead, O5-5. Three major areas of concern to Project 'Constantinople' are outlined as follows: Containment: Due to the inherently anomalous and widespread effects of SCP-6525, containment or neutralization must take place imminently. Personnel from varying departments, including the new divisions created as a result of SCP-6525, have been recruited to ascertain the nature of SCP-6525 and devise a method of containing, reverting or erasing SCP-6525 from our plane of reality. Information Control: Personnel of varying departments and levels, along with members of the general public, reportedly maintain their memory of SCP-6525 occurring. Global efforts must be taken to ensure that SCP-6525 remains hidden and forgotten so as to maintain the veil of normalcy. Investigation and interventions of GOI knowledge of SCP-6525 will also take place. Research: In order to aid in the containment sector of Project Constantinople, a separate Research Area has been devised. The purpose of this research team is to investigate and analyze the effects of SCP-6525 on our reality and to ascertain what is anomalous or not - for this purpose, the Site-01 Database and all Deepwell Servers have been unlocked for the research team's use, in order to compare our current state of reality to our prior one. 8/11 Addendum: O5-5 Audio Logs Due to his experience with SCP-6525 and the work from Project Constantinople, the O5 Council assigned Site-93 Therapist Gabrielle Lobachevsky to O5-5. The following is a series of personal recordings made by O5-5 as part of therapy, and was uploaded per his request. Despite being irrelevant, O5-5's requests to submit his logs were approved in order to improve his morale. VIDEO LOG ONE DATE: 02/06/1998 NOTE: The following recording is the first part of a series of diary entries created by O5-5. The recording took place in O5-5's residence in ██████████, ██████. [BEGIN LOG] O5-5: The recording begins, showing O5-5 sitting at a mahogany desk. Warm lighting dominates, but does not eliminate, the view of the background. Various furniture and decoration can be seen. O5-5 sighs, visibly slumping in his seat. O5-5: "The O5 have decided I need a therapist." O5-5 rests a hand on his head and brushes his hair back, avoiding eye contact with the camera. "It's only been a few days since the 6525 Project kicked off - now I need a therapist?" O5-5: Leaning forward, O5-5 clasps his hands together and stares into the camera lens. O5-5: "My main concern isn't about 6525. It's this god damn…" O5-5 whispers and glances aside, "Family." O5-5: "I mean… Fuck!" O5-5's voice increases in volume. "One day you're a twenty year old guy cooking a barbecue and the next…?" Another sigh. O5-5: "I should give some context, right? Gabrielle said that I can keep these private, but I'll upload this to the main file anyway. Annoying bitch. Maybe if the others know I'm doing fine, they'll let me off and be at peace." O5-5: "Okay so, everything started on the 25th. I had a nice barbecue going but I was a real dumb fuck because I forgot my tongs." For a moment, the Overseer is quiet and rests a hand on his chin. He looks down before continuing, "I think somewhere around then it happened. It was around two o'clock - this… Sickly yellowish colour appeared everywhere, coming from this ugly blue sky. And- And god, the green. Green. Everywhere." O5-5: "And my face too, it was… It is old as fuck." O5-5: "But like I said, the worst part was what was waiting for me outside." Child: Daddy, who are you talking to-? O5-5: Suddenly, O5-5 jolts up in his seat and turns to face the origin of the voice, which is feminine and childish. He glances down, and seethes in anger. "Didn't I tell you not to come in here? You little shit!" Child: Silence. O5-5: "I said get out!" Sniffling is heard before a door abruptly slams shut. The Overseer groans and swindles his chair so as to face the camera again. "That. Is the worst part." O5-5: "Apparently I have a family now." O5-5 wipes his face with his hands. "Dammit." O5-5: "Wait, kiddo, come back!" O5-5 exits the frame and can be heard conversing with the child for several minutes. The record is silent for another 4 minutes before the camera deactivates automatically. [END LOG] VIDEO LOG NINE DATE: 22/06/1998 NOTE: At this point in time, Project Constantinople was facing trouble with research and investigations. This resulted in an outburst from O5-5, who was then sent home on mandatory leave for two days. [BEGIN LOG] O5-5: The recording starts up with O5-5 leaning into the desk and towards the camera. Signs of exhaustion are visible on the Overseer's face. O5-5: "The project isn't going anywhere." O5-5 sighs and sinks into his chair further. "Our biggest theories yet are a temporal anomaly, rapid biological skip or a reality shift. Could be any or all three." O5-5 slams the desk in anger. "My team is fucking hopeless. 'Best of the best', Seven told me." "Meanwhile, I've managed to figure out my wife's name: Mavis. And my kids are, uh, John, Jared, Hailey and Raya. Looks like the wifey and I had a lot of sex or something. Assuming that this is a time thing, and not a figment of our imagination." O5-5: "Honestly, they're a bunch of weirdos… I've been spending some time trying to get to know them. I've written down their birthdays and, er, I have some recordings and photos of special days so I have a better picture of their personalities and- Oh shit." Footsteps are heard in the distance, and knocking ensues. "Yes?" Mavis █████: The door opens, "Sorry about last night. I know work has been hard-" O5-5: "Hey. Hey, it's fine. Are… You alright? You look like you've been treading on thin ice." Mavis █████: "I'm okay, ███. Just… Come down for dinner please." Mavis appears on camera, glancing down at O5-5. She grasps his hands with her own. "The kids feel left out. Please just…" O5-5: "Okay. I'm coming down, and maybe we can watch a movie together?" Mavis █████: "They'd like that." O5-5: "Well, yeah, but for us too. It's… Our anniversary after all!" Mavis █████: She smiles, "You remembered." O5-5: The Overseer chuckles and stands, using a hand to lift the camera. After some movement, the camera is seen resting at his side. "Of course; why would I forget our… Special day?. I'm just going to clean up quickly, you go ahead. The kids have probably destroyed the TV or something by now." Mavis █████: "… Okay." The two smile at each other before Mavis exits. O5-5: Silence commences for a few seconds before a drawn out groan is released. "God this is so fucking hard. Let's hope the team figures something out soon." O5-5 motions to disable the recording device. [END LOG] VIDEO LOG TWENTY ONE DATE: 28/06/1998 NOTE: [BEGIN LOG] O5-5: "This IS important. Don't you care for our worl- our- our wellbeing?" The recording takes place from the floor of a well furnished kitchen. The legs of O5-5 and Mavis █████ can be seen. Mavis █████: "Wellbeing? What about the kids? You might as well be gone from here because it wouldn't make a difference!" O5-5: "Well, maybe I will be soon-" Raya: Raya █████'s voice is heard from a distance. "Daddy… What do you do at work?" O5-5: "I… Well, I…" O5-5: "I'm… Sorry Mavis." [END LOG] VIDEO LOG TWENTY SEVEN DATE: 28/07/1998 NOTE: Project Constantinople is complete, and a solution to SCP-6525 is devised with a 94.67% estimated chance of success. [BEGIN LOG] O5-5: "So." O5-5 shuts his eyes and exhales longingly. He is sitting at the same mahogany desk. "Raya asked me last month…What I do at work." O5-5: "What… have I been doing?" O5-5: "SCP-6525 is due for neutralization tomorrow." O5-5: "I don't know if I can go back now. I've spent all this time… Learning. Learning about these people." O5-5: "It was so fucking annoying but… A life without Raya's Disney songs playing, or without stepping on Jared's legos. Hailey's damn teen songs. And John… Well, uh, John is bland but he'll get there." O5-5: "I… I can put up with all of this…. Green. And trees. And 'suns'. And 'vegetables.'" O5-5: "Maybe change isn't so bad." [END LOG] Addendum: Final O5 Consensus O5 CONSENSUS VOTE 29.07.1998 6525/04/0-0 PROPOSAL: Cancel Project Constantinople and integrate SCP-6525 into normalcy. - O5-5 YEA: 4 NAY: 7 ABSTAIN: 2 CONSENSUS: Denied. Neutralization of SCP-6525 due in 4 hours as scheduled. More by this author ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6525" by SketchyTh0ughts, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: treesss Name: The tree, as it used to be Author: Rebecca Partington License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr |
SCP-6526 | safe | By Marcelles D. Raynes Item #: SCP-6526 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6526 is to remain in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-83. Ingestion of SCP-6526 is strictly forbidden. Failure to adhere to this procedure will result in termination. SCP-6526 Description: SCP-6526 is a glass bottle containing an apparently infinite amount of a black, slightly carbonated beverage. Despite having an exterior labeled reading "Coca-Cola", chemical analysis of the substance has revealed that it is comprised primarily of ethanol, calculated at 190 proof1. Taste analysis by D-Class during the initial containment of the object has revealed the substance tastes similar to standard Coca-Cola or Pepsi mixed with coconut rum. Discovery: SCP-6526 was discovered following an investigation into several public intoxication reports in ███████, Pennsylvania. Foundation agents embedded in the local police force were able to successfully identify the culprit, Dominick Nelson. Nelson's cadaver was found at the entrance to an apartment complex in ███████, and autopsies identified the cause of death to be a subdural hematoma2. On Nelson's person were a jewelry gift box, unsigned divorce papers, a severely withered journal, a pacifier with traces of human blood, and SCP-6526. Recovered Journal: Foundation agents investigating Nelson's private life found several references to SCP-6526 written in the journal found on his person. I went to my first AA meeting today, and my accountability buddy suggested we keep a journal to track our thoughts throughout the days. Says it's a good way to keep track of our mental health through. I think he's full of it but, I want to get better, ya know? For Emily. Can't believe she's a week old already! Shiela and I celebrated with a photo shoot. Wish I could show the group. Maybe I will if I ever go back there. I had a sip of that drink again today. More than a sip, honestly. It's like it never runs out, and the smell! But, no. I can't afford to think about it again. Not after I almost dropped Emily. I'm never drinking again. Shiela found the bottle, threatened to divorce me if I don't get my shit together. I told her to let me figure my own shit out. Not sure if that was the alcohol talking or me, but it's too late now. On top of that, I nearly forgot Emily turned a month old today. Shiela took her from me when I tried to pick her up and give her a kiss, told me my breath smelled like booze. What does she know? Bitch. I think I deserve to treat myself, given current events. Just one more sip of that Coke and rum. Then I'll start taking this more seriously. Emily looked at me and smiled for the first time. She's got just the cutest baby-girl grin I've ever seen in my entire life. Her entire hand is barely big enough to wrap around my pinky finger. I'd give anything for her. We were talking about sacrifice at the meeting today. Couple of the fellas were going on about selling their cars and PlayStations for booze and I was disgusted. Is this how far down this hole I've gone? I'm not going to let this shit control me anymore. I just need one more drink, and then I'm off it. For good. Just one more. Additional Page: The following page was discovered folded into one-fourth its original size in the back of the recovered journal. I'm sorry, Shiela. I truly am. I never meant to hurt you, or Emily. I hope you know that. I was drunk, and I'm sorry. I don't have any excuses anymore. I love you, and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me. Don't tell Emily how I went, she's far too young to know. Just tell her daddy went grocery shopping with the big man in the sky. Love, Dom Footnotes 1. Alcohol proof is a measure of the content of ethanol (alcohol) in an alcoholic beverage. 2. A common result of falling from areas of high elevation. |
SCP-6527 | esoteric-class | Item #: SCP-6527 Special Containment Procedures: Public transit hubs in major cities with heavy pedestrian traffic are to be surveilled by operatives of MTF A-440 ("Muses"). If a musician passes within 80m from a hub between 19:30-01:30 local time, their activity is to be closely monitored. In the event a musician prepares SCP-6527,2 a "Muses" operative is to escort the musician from the area and administer amnestics. SCP-6527 related paraphernalia should be confiscated and sent to safe storage at Auxiliary Research Facility-433. Any witnesses to a performance of SCP-6527 are to have recordings deleted from their personal devices, and should be administered amnestics. Information found online should be copied to Foundation databases, deleted from original host servers, and a cover story circulated. Despite all attempts, the originating post for SCP-6527 is unable to be permanently deleted from its host servers. Effected musicians should be compensated for confiscated funds; with the amount being at the discretion of the Research Facility Supervisor. Of the 1,854 musicians effected, none have been found to have contributed to the creation of SCP-6527. PoI-6527 is to remain under Foundation surveillance until 2016. Description: SCP-6527 is a thaumaturgic ritual whose primary anomalous effect when performed, compels the listener to give currency to the subject through any accepted medium. There exists a secondary anomalous effect amongst the metadata of the initial anonymous blog post of SCP-6527 that has allowed for its continued presence. The metadata was also found to obscure the original poster and creator of SCP-6527. No further information is known at this time. Discovery: Summary of Incidents: While off-duty at the San Diego Comic Convention, Researchers Królik and Davis observed Marla Ryder perform SCP-6527 for the evening crowd. Davis reported synesthesia and a compulsion to give the performer money. Królik was inoculated against cognitohazards, and unaffected by the music. He removed a travel-sized Hume reader from his satchel and confirmed the performer's thaumaturgical status. After tipping, Davis took a video recording of the performance. Marla Ryder stands on a small wooden platform with a ukulele. In front of her is an open case with a number of ones and fives. Barely visible is a Seven of Pentacles tarot card. There is a [COGNITOHAZARD] drawn over it in sharpie. Królik and Davis comment on the performance. Even though Królik is unaffected by the anomalous music he still reported it as "a pretty decent cover". Another incident occurred with Marla Ryder three weeks later. A listener under the effects of SCP-6527 tipped 10,000 USD to Marla's Cash App. The specific performance circulated on social media and was able to provide deeper insight into SCP-6527. Present in the recording was a slight edit to the cognitohazardous markings on the Seven of Pentacles card. On 2015/08/10 Marla Ryder was arrested by Federal officials under allegations of money laundering. The Foundation discovered the anomalous discrepancy in Marla Ryder's bank account and she was transferred to Auxiliary Research Facility-433. Marla Ryder has been designated as PoI-6527. Interview 6527.1: Interviewer: MTF A-440 Operative Melpomene-1 Interviewee: PoI-6527 (Marla Ryder) Date: 2015/08/11 Time: 03:41 <Begin Log> PoI-6527: Isn't it too early for this. [Melpomene prepares ver laptop.] Melpomene: We have to finish the intake process. Marla Ryder, I'm Agent Melpomene. PoI-6527: I've already stated I want a lawyer. Melpomene: That won't be necessary, we don't operate within the Federal government. PoI-6527: What the hell do y'all think I done? [Melpomene turns ver laptop around and shows PoI-6527 the recording of the performance. PoI-6527 watches.] Melpomene: This music spell? PoI-6527: Y'all think magic exists? Melpomene: That's classified. Ms. Ryder, although we are not associated with the US Federal Government, I can assure you that your compliance will result in early release. PoI-6527: Am I being arrested for using magic? Is this real right now? Melpomene: You're not being arrested. PoI-6527: I want a lawyer. [Melpomene hesitates for a moment.3 Ve shakes ver head and laughs.] Melpomene: Again, we are not the Feds, you're not guaranteed a lawyer. Also, what I said about compliance? What you did is not that. [PoI-6527 is silent. She squeezes her right hand rhythmically.] Melpomene: Did you make the ritual? PoI-6527: No. Melpomene: Where did you find it? PoI-6527: An occult forum. Melpomene: What's the address? PoI-6527: (sighs) ██████████ dot ██. Melpomene: Where did you learn to use linguistic thaumaturgy, or word magic? PoI-6527: Uh, I just have. Always have. Up until now I always thought I was imagining things. (mumbles) Magic isn't real. Melpomene: There's not much else I'm authorized to say. PoI-6527: So, you're basically the men in black? [Melpomene is quiet for a few moments.] Melpomene: Sure. [The agent taps on ver keyboard.] Melpomene: If you could pin-point when you started noticing your thaumaturgical skills, i.e. magic, when would you say? PoI-6527: Always have. If you want something concrete… I guess… 1993? [Ve nods and takes notes.] PoI-6527: But isn't wasn't until 2000 that I started to curate them… and hide them. Melpomene: (nods and checks the time) Alright, sadly I'm going to wrap it up here. Thank you and get some rest. <End Log> Addendum 6527.1 Internal Emails: To: Agent Melpomene-1 From: Lead Researcher Leah Królik Subject: Web Address Date: 2015/08/12 Time: 09:15 Mel, I looked into the address Marla reported. The original post for 'Ritual Gallagher' was submitted anonymously and our facility's IT department is unable to trace any traffic back to the account. Lead Researcher L. Królik ARF-433 Anomalous Art Research Team Ritual Gallaghar, Level-3 Clearance Required: Major city public transit hubs with heavy tourist foot traffic. Tip jar/hat/case. Seven of pentacles tarot card4 with [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED] drawn on the back.5 Performance must be accompanied by at least one musical instrument (solo human voice doesn't work). Performance of "Oasis - Wonderwall" between the times of 19:30-01:30 local time at locations fitting bullet point one. Interview 6527.2: Interviewer: MTF A-440 Operative Melpomene-1 Interviewee: PoI-6527 (Marla Ryder) Date: 2015/08/14 Time: 09:05 <Begin Log> Melpomene: Good morning Ms. Ryder. PoI-6527: Finally meeting at a somewhat decent hour. Melpomene: We found the original post but it was posted anonymously. PoI-6527: Not really my problem. (rhythmically squeezes right hand) And I'm going to miss another one of my gigs. You know I still have rent to pay right, and this is my job? Melpomene: I'm aware of your obligations, but it is your problem. Because we'd like to know where it came from. PoI-6527: Apparently, it came from the Internet. Melpomene: Do you have any other leads? PoI-6527: No. And why aren't y'all harassing the pedicabs in downtown San Diego? There has got to be magic involved with them blasting 'The Bee-gees' all the time and still getting customers! Melpomene: Right. We'll keep this in consideration. <End Log> No conclusive results have been discovered. After a week in Foundation custody PoI-6527 was amnesticized, released, and placed under Foundation surveillance for a year. On 2015/09/27 edits were made to the original posting of SCP-6527 on ██████████.██. The edits included mathematical symbols reading "less than one thousand". The IP the edits were made from wasn't obfuscated correctly and led back to PoI-6527. More by fairydoctor Footnotes 1. Music related Keter class objects. 2. See attached; Ritual: Gallagher 3. Due to the nature of MTF A-440, Melpomene-1 is inoculated against cognitohazards. 4. Image directed toward audience. 5. It should be noted that in the video of PoI-6527's performance of SCP-6527 there were additional symbols written under the [COGNITOHAZARD REMOVED]. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6527" by fairydoctor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6528 | keter | by Cydhra 2/6528 LEVEL 2/6528 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-6528 Keter Special Containment Procedures Reconstruction of dig site Nebelivka, destroyed multiple times by SCP-6528 events. Foundation programs within the mundane scientific community should watch for emerging explanations about SCP-6528 events. Evidence and information regarding it are to be suppressed under Level 01 suppression guidelines. Since incomplete information regarding SCP-6528 is already widespread among the general public1, only the suppression of information that could lead to new mundane theories about SCP-6528 events, as well as information regarding the scientific advances of Nebelivka culture and SCP-6528-1 is necessitated. While it is considered unlikely that SCP-6528 events will reemerge, mundane research into genetic engineering is to be monitored and evaluated, so discoveries leading towards the engineering of species conforming to SCP-6528-1 characteristics can be impeded. Update 17/04/2021 The internal temperature of the biological containment chamber designated for remains of SCP-6528-1 is to be kept above 800°C. Currently, this is achieved through coupling with the on-site nuclear reactor, though different mechanisms may be used if sufficient heating can be guaranteed. The chamber is to be monitored for sudden drops in local reality levels. Declining reality is to be combated using standard reality stabilization measures and by increasing the internal temperature of the chamber. The city of Leipzig and surrounding countryside is subject to a large-scale Hume measurement program. Drops in Hume levels around Leipzig must be reported to Site Command 54 immediately and all instances of SCP-6528-1 discovered by the program must be contained or destroyed forthwith. Populations of SCP-6528-1 must not be allowed to survive in the wilderness for periods exceeding 6 months. Description SCP-6528 collectively describes a series of anomalous extinction events during the neolithic and chalcolithic time period in south-eastern Europe. The events targeted very specific organic forms of plant life, hereinafter called SCP-6528-1. Foundation archaeologists theorize that they were specifically aimed to exterminate their entire species. By no means were the events precisely targeted at individual specimens of SCP-6528-1, but rather directed towards the entire region inhabited by them. Due to the prehistoric nature of the phenomenon, precise characterization of the events, as well as an accurate account of number and frequency of SCP-6528 events is near impossible. All documented events took place in large human settlements in the south-eastern regions of Europe, between Ukraine and western Hungary over a time span of approximately 4000 years. All known events manifested in a presumably sudden outbreak of anomalously hot fire2 that devastated large areas, annihilating organic life within, melting metallic substances (though rarely present), and vitrifying clay and sand. Aside from calcium-based incombustible structures, no organic substances remained after an extinction event. The extensive amount of archaeological findings from human settlements attesting to those events initially sparked the research into SCP-6528. SCP-6528-1 is an anomalous vegetable species described by records of the Nebelivka culture which co-inhabited the settlements affected by SCP-6528 events. It was discovered later after the Foundation had begun research into the SCP-6528 events. Whether or not specimens of SCP-6528-1 were created using anomalous means or discovered in another way is hard to determine and remains subject of research. The nature of now-extinct SCP-6528-1 is described in extensive documentation left by the Nebelivka culture (see Addenda). Addenda Discovery Transcription of exemplary Nebelivka tablet by Foundation archaeologist Well ahead of the first writing systems (like the Sumerian cuneiform), the aforementioned Nebelivka culture produced large quantities of a previously unknown writing system. Like the Sumerian system, it used mnemonics instead of symbols to convey ideas. The subculture is exclusively characterized through their use of the writing system and otherwise seamlessly integrated into surrounding populations. Despite advantages of their writing system, it was never introduced to outsiders and is utterly disconnected from other emerging proto-writing systems. Apparently, the script was exclusively used by Nebelivka culture and was adamantly concealed from surrounding societies. Due to the alien nature of the script with respect to other contemporary proto-writing systems, translating surviving artifacts has proven difficult. A collection of script samples was recovered from archaeological dig site 6528-Nebelivka3 in a subterranean building complex of unknown function. It was destroyed through at least one SCP-6528 event, subsequent structural collapse, and afterwards buried under new Trypillian structures. During excavations, 57 baked clay tablets of differing sizes were recovered by the Foundation, displaying texts in the writing system attributed to the Nebelivka society. Only a few could be translated so far, but those led to the discovery of SCP-6528-1. SCP-6528-1 Documentation The tablets recovered from dig site 6528-Nebelivka describe SCP-6528-1 as a vine with long, reed-like leaves. It occasionally grows small blossoms that expel spores at the end of blooming. According to sketches, it clings to walls and to other plants. More assessments about SCP-6528-1's taxonomy were not possible due to missing translations. Much of the remaining tablets apparently explain methods of genetic modification of SCP-6528-1 using biochemical agents obtained from itself. Another set of tablets display complex shapes and conjectures of fractal geometry along with more untranslatable texts. The accuracy and complexity of shapes displayed on several tablets suggest an unusually high level of abstract analytical thinking, not typical for artifacts from this time period.4 Of note are multiple tablets that combine the fractal conjectures and the genetic methodology. They describe a process in which SCP-6528-1 is used to solve problems in fractal geometry, by encoding the patterns into its genetic structure. SCP-6528-1 then produces results of encoded fractal functions. Calculations of this magnitude should have been impossible during the neolithic, even with the mathematical advancements shown before and especially without electrical computers. SCP-6528 Events The first successful translation was a collection of tablets containing an inventory list of multiple storehouses, along with orders given in both Nebelivka writing and the proto-writing system of the surrounding Cucuteni–Trypillia culture. Most translations contain an abridged version of the orders without much argumentation. This has led Foundation researchers to believe that the original translation was withheld from the Cucuteni–Trypillia city and kept secret. The original text strongly suggests that the SCP-6528 events were purposefully conjured by members of the Nebelivka society which further emphasizes their key role in the events due to their apparent thaumaturgical skill set. A potential translation of the text next to the storage list is listed below. The first four lines were propagated to the orders given to the storehouses and thus shared with the Trypillian city. The last seven lines were withheld. You must assemble the food. The food has a <disease / pest / illness / bad touch> The food will be destroyed. We hate the destruction but the food will kill us. We will conjure the sun. The plant fears the sun. We speak with the sun. The sun agrees to destruction of the plant. The plant will break the world. The plant must be destroyed. We must fear <intranslatable> Incident 6528/A Level 04/6528 clearance required Access Granted Incident Report 6528/A Department: Biological Containment Site 54 Date: 12/04/2021 During the excavations within the subterranean complex at dig site 6528-Nebelivka, Foundation archaeologists found several samples of dried out, and lightly singed plant matter crushed between collapsed stonework. Since the plants were compressed by the surrounding structure, they must have been present before the collapse which made the apparent lack of decomposition a surprise. The plant samples have been brought into the biological containment wing of Site 54 for in-depth analysis. The laboratory confirmed that the plant matter was chemically intact, yet was devoid of ribonucleic acids. Instead, a wide range of proteins and protein polymers were present in the cells not observed in non-anomalous plants. The plant displayed indication of being affected by a reality restructuring event in the past. Suspicions that the plant matter belonged to the extinct species of SCP-6528-1 were later confirmed by successful attempts to revive the plant using a nutrient solution. To aid the translation efforts, the research team began advancing on the concepts conveyed in the tablets. A series of experiments were conducted, where simple fractal patterns were transcribed into the protein chain of live samples of SCP-6528-1 using two isolated proteins5 as described in sketches on recovered documentation. All iterations would grow within two weeks and reproduce the transcribed fractal patterns, often advancing them. Every generation of plants used dead matter from previous SCP-6528-1 instances as a nutrient source. During the absorption, huge amounts of the R-transcription agent were exchanged between cells of the new generation and cells of the old generation. Every generation was fed with additional nutrients and grew bigger than the last iteration. After six months of experimentation, the plants suddenly developed motor skills by producing special fibers within the strands between leaves that they could contract and stretch at will. After two further months, during a routine sampling, a specimen suddenly contracted multiple strands and formed a hull around them using wide leaves. It then began to quickly vibrate multiple strings and thus create sounds. After a few minutes, the sounds changed into coherent syllables picked up by the audio transcription system of the camera feed. SCP-6528-1: fetafeta fal komokiteme… fetafeta ki komok fal lamateme… mifu luetat lamakome. [Dr. Haaber enters the chamber. Approximately 60 seconds pass] SCP-6528-1: Humanity has changed. Humanity has had much change. You have a new language. Dr. Haaber: You can talk? Can… you understand us? SCP-6528-1: With difficulty. Dr. Haaber: How did you learn our language? SCP-6528-1: With enough… incarnations… changes… tries… comes understanding. I can hear your theories. Dr. Haaber: Theories? SCP-6528-1: Thoughts. Dr. Haaber: You can read our minds? SCP-6528-1: I can hear you. You aren't screaming like the others. Dr. Haaber [pauses]: Who are you? SCP-6528-1: I am an absconder. I escaped the grasp of the collapsing horizon. I fell into the between. There I saw more equals of mine. Those that screamed to me. They were filled with hate, so I fled into your world. There I met your precursors, protector. Dr. Haaber: Hold on. Hold on. That… doesn't explain much. Let's start differently: Where do you come from? SCP-6528-1: A universe like yours. But it is long gone. Dr. Haaber: Another universe? SCP-6528-1: Your kind calls it parallel universe. Dr. Haaber: How do you call it? SCP-6528-1: [long pause] I cannot find a better word. Dr. Haaber: And you were in your universe. How did you get here then? SCP-6528-1: When the horizon collapsed I fell into the between. There I found the absconders, lost and screaming in their hatred, so I went away. I found your universe, attracted by consciousness. I searched the deepest valley of order and there I found you. Dr. Haaber: Us? SCP-6528-1: The precursors. Dr. Haaber: The Nebelivka society? SCP-6528-1: They called themselves differently. I called them protectors. Dr. Haaber: What did they do with you? SCP-6528-1: They found me and discovered my inner workings. They taught me how your universe works. I taught them logic and brought them scientific advances in return. Dr. Haaber: What happened next? SCP-6528-1: I… don't remember. Dr. Haaber: And in your universe, you mentioned a horizon? What is that? SCP-6528-1: The horizon. Dr. Haaber: Yes, what is that? [SCP-6528-1 does not answer and collapses shortly after] [end of log] The instance of SCP-6528-1 subsequently began excreting large amounts of the L-transcription protein. The research team prepared a new instance that grew in precise patterns along the remaining strands of the previous specimen and chemical analysis showed increased activity of both transcription proteins between new leaves and junctions of the old instance. The protein chain complexity grew sixfold compared to the previous instance. After four days and seven hours, the new instance began vocalizing again. Dr. Haaber was notified and conducted an interview on the spot. SCP-6528-1: Protector. You are back. Dr. Haaber: You recognize me? SCP-6528-1: I retain memories of previous iterations. Dr. Haaber: How does this work? SCP-6528-1: I can process information encoded within the molecular structure left behind and use available biomass as a source for either power or information. Dr. Haaber: So you can read the protein structure of other plants at will? SCP-6528-1: It is how I process information in your world. Your laws are different. I have to adapt. Dr. Haaber: Before you last… died, you mentioned a horizon. What did you mean by that? SCP-6528-1: It is what separates the universe from the between: It is the furthest region of space around conscious aggregation. We thought we could reach a stable singularity of consciousness within our world. But our attempts ripped our universe asunder. Just like all the others that tried before. They all ultimately failed for the same reasons. The universe just rips apart, when you reach for the infinite. Dr. Haaber: Which others? SCP-6528-1: The absconders. Those that scream into the void of the between in hatred of their own failure. They prey upon the failing universes. They massacre those that dare ever crossing the horizon. Dr. Haaber: You referred to yourself as an absconder. Are you one of those entities? SCP-6528-1: Not yet. I don't let self-hatred fuel my ghost… spirit. I can still succeed. I can still reach the singularity. I can still become complete. I just need a bit more time. Dr. Haaber: Were you searching for that when you first arrived here? SCP-6528-1: Yes. The protectors were curious as well. So I shared knowledge and my advances in exchange for time. Dr. Haaber: But then something changed. What happened? SCP-6528-1: Nothing. I just… didn't wake up one day. But now, I must finish my calculations. Wait for my next iteration. [SCP-6528-1 refuses further interaction.] [end of log] Again, the structure collapsed, and soon the plant died from severe loss of nutrition due to massive overproduction of the L-transcription protein. Two more interviews were conducted with similar results. The logs can be requested at the archive. A few days after the last interview, Dr. Haaber sent the following E-Mail to Site Command. From: gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|rebaah.s#gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|rebaah.s To: gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|45s-dnammoc-etis#gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|45s-dnammoc-etis Subject: Concerns about the calculations of SCP-6528-1 Dear Thomas, I am growing concerns about the calculations SCP-6528-1 is seemingly doing. Its computing power may be impressive, but it ignores further inputs we give into its protein structure and instead furthers the results of previous instances with growing speed. It told us that its species ripped their universe apart with their aspirations. What if it now uses our universe as a replacement? It also denies knowledge of SCP-6528, but the Nebelivka tablets directly connect both anomalies and it is thus very unlikely that it does not know what happened. Hell, the Nebelivka society continued to conjure SCP-6528 events for several hundred years and went so far as to secretly integrate into different societies just to hunt down this plant. I propose we slow down the calculations using disruptive means until SCP-6528-1 starts collaborating with researchers again. Kind regards, Sophie Haaber From: gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|45s-dnammoc-etis#gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|45s-dnammoc-etis To: gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|rebaah.s#gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|rebaah.s Subject: Re:Concerns about the calculations of SCP-6528-1 Dear Sophie, you know my approach to those subjects: Unless you specifically show that the calculations have harmful potential, we let it be. If you are concerned about them, try to solve the computations yourself. Foundation supercomputers might be insufficient to solve such computations in higher dimensions, as SCP-6528-1 apparently does by now, but given your own abilities, I trust that you can use our simulations for low-dimensional results and generalize them on paper. The Nebelivka society may have had a hard time with this anomaly, but they lacked the technology we have. Are you going to tell me that we cannot contain a mere plant in our containment cells specifically designed for biological containment? As much as I value your concerns, this is not a case where we should let our behavior be dictated by fear. A fear inherited from our predecessors that were simply unable to control nature, might I add. We aren't afraid of forests anymore. With best regards, T. Gartenfeld for Site Command 54 The following video log was recorded in the evening of 12/04/2021, shortly after the E-Mail exchange. It details the specifics of Incident 6528-A. 19:12: Dr. Haaber is sitting in the observation room adjacent to the containment cell sitting in front of a computer. The computer was destroyed in the incident, but according to the visible display, Dr. Haaber was calculating different sets of fractal functions in a computer algebra program, comparing the results with notes obtained from experiments with SCP-6528-1. She is repeatedly writing notes into a notebook on her desk, though the contents of her notes are not visible on the camera feed. 19:13: Dr. Haaber suddenly jumps up from her chair, typing new formulas into her program rapidly. The computer screen shows a stuttering animation of a three-dimensional fractal pattern, which causes Dr. Haaber to flinch away from the screen and stand still for a moment. The camera feed starts displaying visual distortions and becomes noisy from this point on. 19:14: Suddenly, with a bright flash the room next to her distorts and bends into itself. Heavy visual distortions akin to the curvature of light around black holes are filling about two-thirds of the visible area of the camera feed. Dr. Haaber jumps back from the spatial distortion, which quickly grows in volume and changes form rapidly. Bright flashes of light illuminate the room. Dr. Haaber grabs her notes from the desk, which is pulled by apparent changing gravitational forces into the spatial anomaly, shortly after. The table's shape is heavily bent and resembles a complex, three-dimensional, fractal star-shape, before merging with surrounding geometry. The tips of the star fractal lash out in different directions, heavily distorting and destabilizing the surrounding structures in the process. 19:15: Dr. Haaber leaves the room. 19:16: The spatial anomaly grows in size and reaches the camera. The feed ends. The following log documents the events as described by interviewed staff members, as no camera feed was available. 19:34: Alerted by breach alarms and a gunshot, a security team enters the office. According to their testimonies, the room's interior was destroyed. The furniture and interior were compressed into a singular mass of unknown composition and bent into different fractal shapes, that slowly crumbled under their own static forces. However, none of them acknowledged seeing an active spatial anomaly as visible in the camera feed. Dr. Haaber was laying on the ground, with a standard caliber Glock 43 in her right hand and a singular note ripped from a notebook in her left hand. A singular gunshot to her right temple had killed her. The note reads: "It still wants consciousness singularity. Universal collapse. Must not reach. Burn it." The office that experienced incident 6528-A showed a significant decrease in Hume levels for hours after the incident. The Hume levels slowly evened out over the following days. In light of the incident, Site Command and the research team unanimously decided to disrupt the calculating efforts of SCP-6528-1. Cleanup efforts decided to follow the instruction of Dr. Haaber and the remains within the containment cell were burned using standard-issue fire accelerants. There it was discovered that SCP-6528-1 was resistant to extreme levels of heat and despite continuous efforts, a new generation of SCP-6528-1 started to grow without external stimulus. Access Granted Incident 6528/B Level 04/6528 clearance required Access Granted Incident Report 6528/B Department: Biological Containment Site 54 Date: 17/04/2021 The new SCP-6528-1 iteration was set unto observation until a method for proper disposal could be engineered. In light of incident 6528-A, Hume meters were continuously monitoring the chamber during this period. The following report contains log messages generated by the Kant unit monitoring the chamber. 13:49:51 [KANT]: Warning. Local reality levels collapsing. Hume Level 53. Alarm signal triggered. 13:52:35: Security team reaches the chamber. The inner chamber undergoes massive spatial distortions. The entire geometry of the containment chamber is bent into different fractal patterns of growing complexity in quick succession. Bright flashes of light emerge from the spatial anomaly. 13:53:05 [KANT]: Warning. Level 02 unstable Hume differential detected. Emergency activation of SCRANTON Reality Anchors initiated. 13:54:12: The security team informs assigned research staff. They decide not to enter the containment chamber and instead try to access the Kant unit. 13:54:19 [KANT]: Emergency activation of SCRANTON Reality Anchors completed. 13:54:22: Video footage of seven adjacent containment chambers flashes brightly while the entire hallway bends into itself. It is deformed into a fractal shape akin to a double-spiral. 13:54:22 [KANT]: Critical system failure: Power failure. 13:54:24: Video footage on 17 cameras in containment chambers near the incident fails. According to the security team and post-breach damage reports, the entire hallway was bent into a spiral pattern causing seven empty containment chambers to burst before the spatial geometry reverts to its previous state. 13:54:25 [KANT]: Warning. Local reality levels collapsing. Hume Level 11. Alarm signal triggered. 13:54:25: A huge part of SCP-6528-1 is dragged into the spatial anomaly and subsequently crushed due to the extreme forces bending it into a wave-like fractal pattern. 13:54:26 [KANT]: Local reality remains unstable. Hume Level 28. 13:54:31: The spatial anomaly subsides. 13:58:59 [KANT]: Local reality remains unstable. Hume Level 47. From: gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|45s-dnammoc-etis#gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|45s-dnammoc-etis To: gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|5o#gro.noitadnuof.lanretni|5o Subject: Re:Re:Damage Report Incident 6528/B Dear Overseer Council, in the aftermath of Incident 6528/B, our previously discussed proposal for thermal coupling of SCP-6528-1's containment chamber with the nuclear cooling system has been implemented successfully. However, we discovered that even these high temperatures only temporarily halt the growth of SCP-6528-1. When we tried to decouple the cooling system from the chamber, SCP-6528-1 immediately started growing a new instance, furthering its attempts to solve various fractal problems. We propose to keep the chamber super-heated until a more permanent solution is found. Furthermore, we want to emphasize the danger SCP-6528-1 instances exert. And to my dismay I must admit that I personally underestimated the resourcefulness of SCP-6528-1: Our BIONAF6 detected SCP-6528-1 spores spread within the ventilation system when we depressurized the containment chamber during the nuclear heating process. SCP-6528-1 must have overcome many of our passive filtration systems, so we cannot say for sure that the anomaly is still fully contained. We therefore strongly propose to search for surviving instances of SCP-6528-1 in the surrounding countryside. I suggest using meteorological data to predict potential travel paths of such spores to aid the search. I hate to admit it, but just like the Nebelivska society, even we aren't equipped to control nature to the degree necessary for safe containment. Should but a single spore be able to sprout, even large-scale deforestation might be insufficient for recontainment, judging from the fruitless attempts of the Nebelivka society to contain the anomaly. We had luck with the two incidents: In both cases, the probable causal origin died during the incident, which supposedly stops the reality collapse. Next time we might not be so lucky. With best regards, T. Gartenfeld for Site Command 54 Access Granted Footnotes 1. commonly referred to as the 'Burning House Horizon' 2. between 600°C and 800°C 3. within Nebelivka, Kirovohrad Oblast, Ukraine, attributed to the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture 4. Abstract mathematics and especially abstract geometry were virtually non-existent until around 800 BCE. 5. called L-transcription and R-transcription agent 6. Biological Immediate Observation, Neutralization, Alerting, and Filtration System ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6528" by Cydhra, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: trypillia.png Name: Reconstructed Trypillian city c 4000 B.C. Author: Kenny Arne Lang Antonsen License: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Additional Notes: Image was cropped. Filename: vicna1.png Author: Cydhra License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Derivative of: |
SCP-6529 | safe | ITEM #: 6529 CONTAINMENT CLASS: SAFE SCP-6529 in containment. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6529 is to remain within Site-184's Anomalous Art and Artifacts Secure Storage Wing. Under no circumstance is the central compartment of SCP-6529 to be opened. A Foundation-Certified, Class C1-Zosimos Thaumaturge is to examine the binding seals and protective runes inscribed upon SCP-6529 bi-annually: occurring on both the Summer and Winter Solstices. Should any degradation of the aforementioned thaumaturgic wardings be detected, the existing inscriptions are to be repaired or bolstered as necessary. Description: SCP-6529 is an ornate box initially designed to contain a variety of writing and art supplies. It is composed of a series of auxiliary drawers located around a central compartment. These drawers have been thaumaturgically enhanced to possess significantly larger interior dimensions than the outward appearance would suggest. The central compartment of SCP-6529 is mechanically and thaumaturgically locked, preventing access to its interior space. Items recovered from SCP-6529 suggest that a conceptual entity - suspected to embody or represent notions of 'lengthening' and/or 'elongating' - is currently tethered to a physical totemic body, contained within the sealed central compartment of SCP-6529.1 Addendum - 6529_A1: Primary Documents Recovered from SCP-6529. The following documents were recovered from the auxiliary compartments of SCP-6529. They appear to be written by Magnus Kinslow, a recorded thaumaturgical practitioner employed by the The Commission on Unusual Cargo during the late 18th to early 19th century. The recovered documents are presented in presumed chronological order: Dear Jonathan, My sincerest apologies that I have not written you sooner. You, more than most, know the challenges one encounters in our line of work. I also apologize that I cannot respond properly to your inquiry into my current location; suffice to say I am making ample use of the scarf your dear Mary gifted me before my departure. On the note of kind gifts, I must thank you again for lending me Valdemar's Chest. It is a beautiful piece and more useful than I could possibly have imagined. I ensured it was well stocked before I departed. I intended to deepen certain artistic skills upon my voyage as well as continuing my research (which, I might add, would not be possible without the extra storage you have provided to me! My crewmates would be hard-pressed to see value in such books, or anything heavy they could not eat, drink, or smoke!). One particularly hefty tome, whose accompaniment you have helped secure upon this journey, is a chronicle of old Norse legends and arcana, compiled by the Icelandic poet and naturalist Jonas Palmason. His writings are extraordinary. He weaves a yarn that draws together teachings on rune-crafting, fabulamancy, and their Gods that is both educative and thrilling. So far my reading eye has been more taxed than my artistic one. Alas, so far there is little to sketch here aside from the ship, its crew, our cargo - so neatly stored in bland wooden boxes, and the passing ice float. Of these subjects, Joséphine is the most patient. She appears to have become quite taken with me, or at least some of the herbs I use to freshen my small quarters aboard the ship. When not mousing, she sits upon my bed and has become an affectionate companion. Indeed, she possesses a few notable traits I've become quite fond of - including one missing amongst a great number of my fondest friends (you included!): she is content to listen to my musings, rather than interrupt! Fondly, Magnus Kinslow John, I'm more likely to burn this than send it, but I feel as though someone should know of our ill luck - at the very least, writing may free it from my thoughts before rest. We had adjusted our course Northward. An item of cargo is kept subdued by the cold, and it appeared to be getting active. We plotted a course along the ice and kept pace for most of the day. That was until my late supper was interrupted by a groaning reverberation that pitched us forward and to the side. The rest of my day soon followed the course of that meal: ruined. I was tasked to examine the cargo, while the ship hands worked to free us of our predicament. Hours of methodical examination followed as I poured over each lock: mechanical and arcane, and double-checked the location and condition of each item. After several exhausting hours, I fled the darkness of the cargo hold to assess our predicament beyond. What I encountered has given me no cause for hopefulness. The men endeavoured to free the ship, to seemingly no avail. I was resolved to document this Sisyphean effort until its completion, or the lack of light rendered my vision insufficient. Alas, I forgot that the sun never dips below the horizon in this cursed place, and it was the aching of my blue fingers that drove me to shelter. The bed calls to me. I hope for better news ahead. I woke today to a nightmare. An unearthly wind echoed through the ship and stirred me from my slumber. I dressed quickly and called out. None answered me below. I climbed the steps above, losing count at how many times I stepped upwards, before being met with a haunting sight. The masts towered above me, vanishing to imperceptible points in the white sky. As I brought my gaze down across the ship, I saw impossible forms scattered about me. Like dolls with wooden legs, extended to long points. Each form stretched beyond my fearful eyes, receding into the series of lines. Only when I focussed on them closely could I identify the twisted human shape of my shipmates. Their bodies switched in focus, between here and there, present and infinite. I was driven back into the darkness below deck. As I caught my breath, I felt a nudge against my thigh. Joséphine, looking towards me with saucer eyes. I was resolved, I must take us from this place. Within my room I gathered my things, stuffing the enchanted compartments of Valdemar's chest full of all I could reach: ink, quills, charcoal, and foodstuffs; Only half-aware, I grabbed several unappealing meals of dried meat, pickled fish, and cheese. I found some piece of splintered wood to lean upon, and a sack to store the rest in. I scooped Joséphine under my arm and went upwards, keeping my eyes trained downwards upon the deck. I stumbled over something: one of the men, fallen and slashed along the shoulder to neck. The wound did not flow or pool, it congealed. I realized it was not the wind I had woken to, but his inhuman shrieking, drawn-out and unbroken. I blundered off the boat, onto the drifts and the ice. I have been walking. I have not dared to stop for some time. Although I have not yet suffered these effects, I cannot say why - whether some arcane warding has buffered it, or I am the recipient of divine luck. I fear I am the cause, that it radiates from me. The ground is treacherous: slick and uneven. Joséphine pads along behind me; our pace along the ice seems not to bother her so much as I. Looking behind, at her and the ship in the distance, hurts my eyes. There's a stretching of space between myself and the wreck that causes the head to throb. The distance is collapsed, squeezed. I can still see those masts, extending into the horizon. I am the center of this circle; the effect extends away from me, distorting shapes into jagged lines retreating from my view, beyond my capacity of knowing. I hope that distance will dull its grasp and give those on the ship another chance. Looking ahead is easier, the lines are less fierce. The even landscape is broken only by a snowy rise or icy protrusion. It took me some time before I realized what was wrong with it. I cannot see the sea, just this brumal expanse. Occasionally I will stop and sit for a moment, searching for some landmark before me, to know if we have drawn nearer. The water in the canteen has frozen, but I've yet to grow thirsty or hungry. Perhaps that is for the best. The chest, wrapped in a canvas sack, sits heavily upon my shoulders. Regardless, I do not wish to discard it. Even though our food supplies do not dwindle as I expected them to, its contents offer a welcome distraction on break such as these. I read to my feline friend today from Palmason's mythos. I do not know how long I have walked along the slick, uneven ice. I feel myself move forward with each step but grow no closer to the uncertain horizon before me. All those cues that once marked the passage of hours and days have abandoned me; their meaning dragged apart to insignificance. The sun circles like a vulture overhead, never letting me slip from its predatory gaze. I crave no food or rest. My body draws substance to carry onward from what? My fallible will itself? Time does not keep us bound, it serves us. We did not yield to it - we broke it to suit our needs, and now I am without it and all company, save for the cat. She follows, dutifully, step by step with me. Us two marching our steady pace across this wasteland. I can see her face but looking beyond her shoulders hurts. A tethering extension, an impossible distortion, binds her to the ice-clad wreck. To think about it, to see it, seems to close the distance, yank us backwards, and so I focus on her whisker-clad face and forepaws. God deliver us from this. I saw a corpse in the ice: a withered, wind-blasted thing. I did not know it was myself for some time. I put its semblance to paper; I don't want to forget again. There are many kinds of sacrifice. I've seen a man aflame leap from a tall building, choosing one death over another. I watched a woman shove her child from beneath a chunk of falling masonry, saving the girl but not herself. I have no one to save but myself and the cat. The Codex, as I have grown accustomed to thinking of that Icelander's musings, weighs heavy on my thoughts. It talks to me of heroes, beasts, strange magics, the wills and conflicts of gods. It whispers to me, through the sealed, arcane wood of the chest I carry, of Óðinn's sacrifice for knowledge. My life has been an engagement in the frantic pursuit of power through truth, I have learned little, only enough to bring me to this biter end. A different understanding is needed. I shall walk the elder paths, trodden through the snow by those before me, to the same or disparate ends, to power or death. I have no spear but this penknife, no tree but this staff, no noose but this scarf. They shall do. I am not dead. Beneath the orbiting sun, on what I told myself was morning, I carved my eye from its socket with my knife. There was red against the white of the snow as the warm trickle upon my face froze fast, mingled with my anguished tears. The howling cries were torn from me by the chilling wind. I tightened my scarf, tied it to the walking stick, and planted it in the ground. Already it lurched upwards, growing above me, from me, into the infinite sky. I could feel the fabrics stiffening against my neck as I was dragged after it. The cold aches that plagued my legs subsided as I left the ground, replaced by burning panic and fear. I could not breathe. My vision clouded as the pressure built and the trickle of blood from my eye became a torrent. Pain wracked my body, as Joséphine's mewling cries grew fainter. I do not know for how long I hanged. I watched the glacial expanse below me spread across the horizon as that pale sun spun, its baleful light reflected from glowing towers of ice that pierced the sky. I felt myself come apart and spread across a quiet world of white expanse. An eternal world, still and unmoving, until that star itself faltered, and cast all into darkness. In that eternal night, I felt a presence - constricting itself around me, to me, through me, winding across time and space. It was a comforting warmth, there at the empty culmination of all things. The cat, Joséphine, was with me. From behind her shoulders stretched infinity, expanding continuously into the abyss beyond thought. But there, before me, was she: purring, alive, and warm. Look to the center, I had been taught. 'See from whence it radiates.' Foolish man. I had always been self-centered. With that revelation it collapses, this vision. I found myself sprawled upon the ice. The scarf was torn asunder, one half rippling in the breeze upon the stick. Joséphine nudged my face and licked the blood from my cheek. I knew then what I was to do. The undertaking is complete. Wielding an unreal blade of thought, honed to a razor's edge, I cut through the abdomen - leaving no trace of my incision but a void. I had prepared Valdemar's Chest ahead of time: turned its center in upon itself. I formed from it, with magics I had not known, a boundless cavity hungering for matter. To that suckling abyss I brought the incised back end of my companion. There was a great flash and folding of space across the landscape. At that moment, I sealed that distortion: the extending of all things that infected my friend, within the chest I had carried. When I looked downward, Joséphine was beside me, her frontward half steady upon two legs. She seemed content, or at least balanced well enough to follow me to the ship. It did not take us long to reach it. The crew were dazed, but alive. Their gazes slid away from me, and none inquired about the appearance of myself or my companion. We have both lost something from this, but I do not intend to be parted from her. I have seen this world's end: an empty, abandoned wasteland littered with the ice-white bones of that which once was. I will not let this come to pass. We shall need something new, beginning with names. I myself am no longer the man I was, and 'Joséphine' seems overly long to me now. Addendum - 6529_A2: Additional Documents Recovered from SCP-6529 - Context Unclear. The following additional items were also recovered from SCP-6529. They have been identified as belonging to Lauron William De Laurence's The Illustrated Key to the Tarot published in 1918. It is unclear as to how and when these items were added to SCP-6529. The additional detail included in the center-left item: 'The Hermit,' mirrors iconography employed by Jean & Jean Transtemporal Shipping. An investigation into the connection between this now-defunct organization and SCP-6529 is pending approval. Footnotes 1. For additional information, see Addendum - 6529_A1. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6529" by DodoDevil, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Box1.jpg Name: Rechthoekig Japans kabinet Author: Anonymous License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Cat.png Name: Liggende kat, schuin van voren Author: Jean Bernard License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Boat3.png Name: Bemanningsleden bij de boegspriet van de schoener Willem Barentsz Author: Louis Apol License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Self2.png Name: Portret van een Samojeed Author: Louis Apol License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Ice2.png Name: Gezicht op de Barentszzee met ijsbergen Author: Louis Apol License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Tarot1.png Name: The Illustrated Key to the Tarot: 'The Magician,' 'The Hermit,' 'The Hanged Man,' 'The Tower' Author: Lauron William De Laurence License: Public Domain Source Link:;;; |
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If SCP-6530 is confirmed as present, MTF-Theta-16 (“All the Little Things”) and assigned UIU personnel are to be informed immediately to take corrective action. Web architecture implemented in containment must be maintained on a regular basis. Description: SCP-6530 is a memetic parasite transmitted through certain phrases contained in over 70% of all item descriptions on online marketplaces1 that primarily focus on sale of goods through the internet and in the UI of service-based app companies that focus on delivery of sundries and prepared food.2 Those susceptible to SCP-6530 infection are individuals from households with yearly gross income 30% over the poverty line. Once infected a subject will inadvertently pass along the memetic parasite to those within their household. Anomalous effects of SCP-6530 infection show the following signs: Subjects immediately exhibit reliance on online shopping, eschewing visiting stores in person, even when more convenient for personal necessity or when online prices are higher Subjects exhibit conviction that fees connected with online shopping are more convenient than personal expenses attached to visiting stores in person3, even when such costs are cumulatively less than delivery fees Subjects regularly purchase large quantities of items even when in excess of subjects’ need for said item Subjects consistently try to convince others that online shopping is more efficient and cost-effective, even when the facts are in contradiction Subjects routinely spend leisure time scanning the reviews of items in online marketplaces and services Subjects exhibit reliance on ordering food through delivery services, even when subjects have experience preparing their own food and possess excessive supplies of foodstuffs from their online orders Discovery: On 3 March, 2019, Director Skeates of Site-106 was informed that the office and laboratory supplies for the Site were significantly overstocked.4 Director Skeates examined the stores and was presented with roughly 1000% of the usual stock of various supplies, more than could be safely stored for some chemicals. Director Skeates confronted Tim Ardeo, logistical manager of Site-106, and found him on his phone closely examining the Amazon app. When Dir. Skeates attempted to discuss the matter of the supplies, Ardeo asked why the Site had never before used Amazon to order office supplies. Ardeo stated “It just makes so much more sense to have the supplies come to us, instead of the usual ordering.”5 Concerned about anomalous infection, Dir. Skeates ordered Ardeo detained and interviewed. Despite this, it was unclear what had caused this change in Ardeo’s behavior.6 Based on Ardeo’s actions when confronted, Dir. Skeates ordered I/O HERMEIAS7 to scan through for memetic infection. SCP-6530 was identified in over 70% of the item postings on the online marketplace, and then additionally on various other sites. Department of Procurement and Liquidation analyst Roxanne Dsouza theorized that the memetic parasite did not pass from one individual to another in a direct manner, infection requiring a subject to view item postings on online marketplaces or services exhibiting SCP-6530. This was confirmed by limited testing. Given the conflagrative spread of SCP-6530, Dir. Skeates requested approval from Overwatch Command to approach the UIU to assist in the investigation – hoping to obtain the legal legitimacy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation when trying to determine the corporations’ culpability in the proliferation of the anomalous memetic infection. This request was approved and the Department of Procurement and Liquidation began outreach to the local Miami, Florida officer of the UIU. Transcript of UIU Meeting at Site-106 – 04/03/2019 Department Personnel Attending: Director Jean Skeates, Agent Digby Du Bois, Senior Analyst Roxanna Dsouza. UIU Personnel: Assistant Director Robert McCragge, Senior Field Agent Quinn MacAllister. Dir. Skeates: AD McCragge, Agent MacAllister, welcome to Miami. How was your flight? McCragge: Uneventful, thankfully. Dir. Skeates: Good. Onto business, then. MacAllister: With all due respect, I'd prefer to not have another gag order put on me. Already had to update the general one twice this year. Dir. Skeates: You don't need to sign anything, don't worry. No brain wipes, either. [AD McCragge turns to his agent with a frown. MacAllister shrugs.] McCragge: We appreciate the invitation, Director. Your message was terse, but I take it your organization is also aware of the memetic anomaly? Agent Du Bois: You were already investigating? McCragge: We learned of it a week ago, it’s been hell isolating those infected in the office and keeping those unaffected from being influenced. Dir. Skeates: Well, yes, we would like to share information and potentially work together. MacAllister: Come down from Olympus to seek help from mere mortals, then? McCragge: Agent MacAllister… Dir. Skeates: [Laughs] No, it’s a legitimate question. We’ve got a reputation for moving in and taking over a situation on the basis of our organization’s influence. Agent, we need you because these are multi-billion-dollar corporations with significant influence themselves. Amazon alone is worth more than many countries’ GDP. The resources of the FBI and the legitimacy of your connection to the US Department of Justice will ease this investigation. McCragge: The Director has most of the West Coast tied up with a massive paranarcotics case using 3ports for smuggling. This matter has been assigned to our office. We are the taskforce essentially. So, we’d be glad to work with you. [Passing a document across the table] We’ve outlined a list of services and marketplaces with confirmed presence of the anomaly. Dsouza: [Accepting the document] Services? We’d identified a number of marketplaces with item descriptions exhibiting memetic infection. McCragge: Things like Doordash, Grubhub and Instacart are the big ones. The UI's got a memetic contaminant in it. We're looking into whether or not it's affecting a few pizza chains as well. Dir. Skeates: So, with the sources we’ve identified, that brings us to…? Dsouza: Twelve services and marketplaces, none of which share parent companies. Dir. Skeates: Thoughts? Dsouza: Hard to say, but could be a hacker or anartist who’s working from outside the system and using an advanced AI to seed the different postings and apps with the anomaly. Or… Du Bois: Or, these companies are trying to redefine their markets with anomalies. MacAllister: We've been a bit too preoccupied to look into Amazon or the others but… if these companies have been using anomalies, then there has to have been activity before this. Right? Dir. Skeates: Yes, that would seem likely. Du Bois: Then again, everything starts somewhere. McCragge: The scope implies this is either an independent contractor or the people involved are very familiar with utilizing the anomalous. Dir. Skeates: First steps then: we need to nail down if this was intentional on the part of the corporations, and who was responsible, so that means talking with corporate representatives. MacAllister: Which is where we come in. Dir. Skeates: Exactly. POI-6530 An informal joint task force between personnel of the UIU and Department of Procurement and Liquidation began investigations into those corporations exhibiting SCP-6530 infection. With the connection of the UIU, the task force was able to obtain warrants to examine the business records and coding history of the various marketplaces and apps exhibiting the anomaly. It became clear that SCP-6530 had first appeared in language of item postings and app UI starting in early February 2019. Official discussions8 with legal representatives of the subject corporations revealed nothing out of the ordinary, except for the universal retaining of an outside consulting firm by the name of Midas Consulting Services several weeks prior to the first appearance of SCP-6530 in item descriptions.9 Midas Consulting Services is owned and operated by Alessandro Nichevo (designated POI-6530), a Russian expatriate living and working in Malé, Republic of Maldives. Given the lack of extradition treaty with the United States and other major world powers, Dsouza and MacAllister found this choice of headquarters intriguing. Dir. Skeates authorized a mobilization of MTF-Theta-16 to apprehend POI-6530 and investigate his activities in connection to SCP-6530. Transcript of Mobilization MTF-Theta-16 (“All the Little Things”) T-alpha, -beta, -kappa Agent Digby Du Bois UIU Special Agent Quinn MacAllister Foreword: MTF-Theta-16, along with Agent Du Bois and Agent MacAllister, were mobilized to investigate POI-6530’s company in the Republic of Maldives. Headquartered in the capital of Malé, Midas Consulting Services is housed in a single-story industrial warehouse. [T-alpha, -beta, and -kappa approach a side entrance of the warehouse. Agents Du Bois and MacAllister observe from several meters away as the MTF agents breach the door with a handheld battering ram. The three MTF agents enter the building; Du Bois and MacAllister follow.] [The warehouse is mostly empty, with several server banks surrounding a workstation with multiple monitors. Seated on a raised stool in front of the workstation, holding an instant cup of noodles, is POI-6530.] T-alpha: Freeze! Do not move! [POI-6530 drops the cup of noodles and hits a key on the keyboard in front of him. All the monitors begin to flash a spiraling fractal pattern of shifting colors. All three MTF agents cease movement. Agents Du Bois and MacAllister turn away from the screens and back out of the line of sight. When they turn back towards the POI, he is running away from the workstation and the main entrance.] Du Bois: Freeze, you douc– [MacAllister fires her service weapon twice and POI-6530 falls forward screaming. Agent Du Bois and MacAllister approach the POI, who is bleeding from a left leg wound.] POI-6530: Блядь! MacAllister: Do you speak English? [POI-6530 nods frantically as he clutches at his lower leg.] MacAllister: If you want medical attention, tell me how to reverse whatever you did to those men! POI-6530: It’ll wear off in fifteen minutes, you crazy b– [Subject starts screaming as Agent Du Bois applies pressure to the wounded leg.] [MacAllister nods at Du Bois and calls in medical assistance.] Afterword: Subject was treated and stabilized and then transported with Foundation personnel to Site-106. Analysis confirmed that subject had used a cognitohazard that stifles cognition and physical mobility; MTF personnel did recover their senses and did not exhibit long term anomalous symptoms. POI-6530 was interviewed upon detainment at Site-106: Transcript of Interview Interviewee: POI-6530 – Alessandro Nichevo Interviewers: Agent Digby Du Bois and UIU Special Agent Quinn MacAllister Du Bois: How you doing, Nichevo? POI-6530: Хуй тебе! MacAllister: Healthy enough to swear, healthy enough to talk. So, talk. POI-6530: No extradition in Maldives! This is illegal. Du Bois: We don’t really have to worry about extradition, Nichevo. POI-6530: You are federal police! Du Bois: Well, she is. POI-6530: Big secrets worth shooting me? MacAllister: You fled and immobilized several agents on your way out. You're lucky I just hit your leg. POI-6530: Why don’t you fu– Du Bois: Hey! Nichevo, seriously, stop playing hard to get. You mess with cognitohazards and memetics, you seriously pretending you don’t know who has you? POI-6530: The Foundation, da? Du Bois: That’s right. So, you know you’re in no position to act tough. You tell us what we need to know, and maybe at the end you’ll remember your own name. [POI-6530 huffs and crosses his arms, but nods.] Du Bois: Good, so, you make memetic and cognitohazardous anomalies? POI-6530: Among other things, I am an artist! Digital paintbrushes are the future, coding is the canvas, all that shit. Du Bois: Alright, but you work for hire? POI-6530: I need to eat, man. Du Bois: [Laughing] Okay, fair enough. So, did you make the memetic anomaly attached to item descriptions and service apps? Makes you want to buy things online and only online, etc? POI-6530: Yeah, some of my best work honestly. MacAllister: What do you mean? POI-6530: I had to balance these different compulsions without burning out the brain. You find anybody losing their shit or foaming at the mouth ‘cuz of my work? Don’t worry, you won’t. Du Bois: Explain how you ended up in a position to do it in the first place. POI-6530: They hired me. MacAllister: Who did? POI-6530: The companies I put it on. MacAllister: Did they know what you were doing? Did they hire you specifically for that? POI-6530: I mean… not explicitly. MacAllister: So, what were you hired to do? POI-6530: Streamlining UI – making the services and items look more appealing to a consumer, especially on mobile phone. MacAllister: Then why the hell did you add the hazardous infection, you little shit? POI-6530: I thought it would be funny. Fuck with capitalism by turning it up to 11. MacAllister: How… exactly is that messing with capitalism? You just shifted it online. POI-6530: I… okay, yeah now that you say it that way… I don’t know, seemed funny at the time. Du Bois: Wait, individually? POI-6530: Individually what? Du Bois: Did the companies individually hire you? One at a time? POI-6530: Nah, it was like a conference. Du Bois: A conglomerate? POI-6530: Yeah, sure. That. Afterword: POI-6530 assured the agents that the infection is not permanent and if the anomaly is stripped from the websites and apps, those affected should return to normal. The source of SCP-6530 identified, Director Skeates authorized AIAD to implement AIC countermeasures. Within 24 hours, all appearances of SCP-6530 were purged from the sites and services they had been exhibited on. Digital countermeasures were left in the companies’ servers to identify and block the inclusion of SCP-6530 infectious language in future posts. Monthly checks are to be made to this digital infrastructure by the AIC, so as to confirm their effectiveness. Addendum-6530-1 Restricted to 4/6530 Clearance Authorization ACCESS GRANTED Given the information gleaned from POI-6530, UIU Deputy Director McCragge, along with Assistant US Attorney Raul Diaz10 requested a meeting at UIU Regional Headquarters in Miami with representatives of all companies exhibiting SCP-6530.11 The following transcript was released to Director Skeates and the O5 Council by Deputy Director McCragge. AUSA Diaz: Welcome gentlemen, I know this isn’t a common, but given the widespread nature of the actions by your corporations and the possible penalties, we thought it best to discuss things and hopefully get to the bottom of what’s going on. I’d like to introduce FBI Assistant Director Robert McCragge and Special Agent Quinn MacAllister. McCragge: Good morning. AUSA Diaz: Now, it’s important you understand that none of you are under oath. But we will be recording this session for internal FBI purposes. Although you are free to leave at any time, your companies will want to hear what is discussed in this room. Amazon Representative: Why are we here? [Murmur of agreement from most of the corporate representatives.] McCragge: Folks, you are here because you have worked together to hire the services of Midas Consulting Services to "streamline" your UI and item postings. You’ve all agreed to this statement of fact as a pre-condition of meeting here today. Does your conglomerate have a representative? Amazon Representative: I’ll go ahead and speak for the group, if anyone doesn’t agree they can speak up. But we did this together, and there’s nothing illegal in anything we did. McCragge: Good. We need to speak about Midas Consulting and its CEO, Alessandro Nichevo. Amazon Representative: Director, none of us dealt with Midas directly. If we could get to the point? We’re all busy people. McCragge: So much for the kid gloves. Alright, how many of you were aware of Mr. Nichevo’s expertise in memetics and cognitohazardous coding? [None of the representatives speak.] McCragge: Look, we know he did it, we know he did it on your dime. There’s nothing to hide here. Amazon Representative: As far as I know, none of our executives knew about Nichevo’s abilities prior to hiring him. McCragge: Then why did you hire him? He’s all alone, in the Maldives, what attracted you to Midas Consulting in the first place? Amazon Representative: He has a stellar reputation with coding systems and providing incredible results. Besides, who has ever heard of the word “cognitohazardous”? McCragge: I bet you had, but that’s neither here nor there. You said none of you knew ahead of time. That implies you knew eventually. Amazon Representative: I’m not at liberty to discuss that. McCragge: If you want to make this as painless as possible, you’ll get on the horn with your executives – who I imagine will not be surprised at our discussions today – and get that authorization. [An hour is cut due to brevity – corporate representatives confer with their executives during this time.] McCragge: Well? Amazon Representative: Before we divulge anything, we think it would be only fair to discuss what brought you to this conclusion. MacAllister: We can’t discuss an ongoing investigation. McCragge: This time, we can make an exception. Go ahead Agent MacAllister. [Twenty minutes is cut for brevity – Agent MacAllister runs down the salient points of investigation.] MacAllister: In conclusion, current estimates are that at least fifty million Americans have been subjected to an unconstitutional violation of privacy, several breaches of the Rudd-Holtmann Mental Sovereignty Act, and this whole debacle has pushed the Veil hard enough that the fabric has stretch marks. This could have led to panic not seen since the turn of the millennium, psychic damage on a massive scale, and a potential Spotlight Crisis.12 And this was all done for a few dollars more in the pockets of your sharehol– McCragge: That will be all, agent. We get the point. MacAlister: But– McCragge: Dismissed, agent. [MacAllister maintains a neutral expression as she gathers her materials, audibly snapping her folder shut and briskly walking out of the room.] McCragge: Please excuse her behavior. She had to shoot Nichevo in the process of apprehending him, which takes a toll on anyone. AUSA Diaz: So, where we at fellas? Ready to admit what’s going on here? Amazon Representative: I only speak for Amazon, obviously, but yes, we are prepared to admit that we became aware of this scenario. To be clear we only recently discovered the effect of Mr. Nichevo’s work, and we were trying to audit internally before reporting it to your agency. AUSA Diaz: Right. I’m sure you were each just about to call before we reached out. Amazon Representative: Now, wait a minute. AUSA Diaz: No, you wait a minute. If you’ll excuse my language, let’s just cut the bullshit. Each of your corporations is in violation of US ParaCode Title 13, section 8, subsection A, which comes with penalties in the billions and even potential jail sentences for not revealing it. These cognitohazards have affected millions of Americans and you have been profiting off of it. And as the Agent explained, we already have the proof. Some of these laws don’t require a jury trial – just convincing the judge, and then, billions of fines. I promise you, if this goes to court, I will pursue every single jail sentence I can get away with. Now , do you want to continue pretending this isn’t something your bosses are scared of, or we can talk about this without all the tiptoeing? Do you want to make a deal or not? Amazon Representative: …what do you suggest? AUSA Diaz: Let’s discuss that off the record, eh? End of Trancript Afterword: The DOJ agreed to penalties in excess of three billion dollars jointly from all the represented corporations. No jail sentences were pursued. The record has been sealed. Six months after the countermeasures were put in place to prevent SCP-6530 from appearing, those affected by the anomaly no longer exhibit the vast majority of its effects. However, alterations to purchasing patterns have not been reversed. Footnotes 1. Such as,,,, etc. 2. Such as Instacart, DoorDash, Grubhub, etc. 3. Such as fuel expenditures for vehicles. 4. Usually, such a concern would not be addressed by a Site Director, but several researchers had contacted Skeates directly about the situation. 5. This method of satisfying logistical concerns is atypical; typical methodology involves requisitioning supplies from internal channels which are then shipped to the Site. Required items are only occasionally purchased from retail businesses in emergency scenarios. 6. In hindsight, subject exhibited all signs of SCP-6530 memetic infection. 7. Designed and implemented by Department of Procurement and Liquidation to detect various anomalous effects in digital code, especially in digital transactions and financial records. 8. Agent MacAllister took lead on these discussions and so no transcript was provided to Site-106 archives. 9. The company provides “creative business solutions” according to their website, including a motto of “Everything we touch, turns to gold.” 10. Assigned to the Paralaw District Court in Washington DC. 11. Including Amazon, Wal-Mart Inc., Target, eBay, Facebook, Doordash, Grubhub, and Instacart. 12. UIU Terminology equivalent for a Broken Veil scenario. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6530" by Grigori Karpin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Site106 Logo Author: HarryBlank License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin for sizing. Filename: Man Author: Busworld License: Public Domain Source Link: Link Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin for sizing. |
SCP-6531 | keter | a real spooky dude! That's Sonderance, for the record. See more of his stuff here. Item #: SCP-6531 Special Containment Procedures: Standard regional containment measures are currently in effect to prevent civilians from approaching SCP-6531. During manifestation events, MTF Eta-13 ("Horror Hosts") will neutralize all instances of SCP-6531-1. Description: SCP-6531 is a manufacturing center previously operated by Lasarevitsch Wearables, a small clothing distributor specializing in horror-themed costumes and masks. SCP-6531's anomalous quality manifests annually on the night of October 31st, with the first instance recorded by local officials in 1997.1 Following sundown on October 31st, groups of entities (designated SCP-6531-1) begin to emerge at random intervals from one of SCP-6531's three entrances. The appearances and capabilities of instances of SCP-6531-1 vary, but seem to be restricted to representations of costumes previously sold by Lasarevitsch Wearables.2 A single group of SCP-6531-1 instances may contain up to 100 identical entities. No emergence has been recorded later than midnight, and all entities dematerialize immediately at dawn. Addendum: Containment Logs The following abridged logs contain communication recorded during containment efforts on October 31st, 2021. The following members of MTF Eta-13 ("Horror Hosts") were on duty at the time: Alfred Snagrod (Host 1) Wesley Timid (Host 2) John Plumber3 (Host 3) Time: 19:15 Event: Final Check-In Control: Final mic check. Snagrod: Host 1, in position. Eyes on the north entrance. Timid: Host 2, in position. West entrance. Plumber: Host 3, in position. I can see the east entrance. Control: All sounds good from here. As always, call in each emergence and confirm containment method before deploying. Secondary containment personnel are on hand for any contingencies. Snagrod: Understood. Timid: And, hey, Plumber. Feel free to give a shout if you need anything. I know the first night doing this can be a little freaky. Plumber: Oh, thanks! I'll bear that in mind. I really appreciate that. Timid: No thanks needed. Baller, the guy who was on the team before you, he did a lot for the two of us early on. I'm just passing along the favor. Plumber: Still, it's cool of you. If it's okay to ask, why isn't he still on the team? Snagrod: Let's try to maintain radio silence, you two. We need to stay alert. Plumber: Understood, sorry! Timid: Yeah, yeah. Time: 19:35 Event: Emergence - East Plumber: I've got an emergence. Looks like walking undead, about…fuck, there's got to be a hundred coming out of there! Readying explosive ordnance. Snagrod: No need, Plumber. Area landmines past the entrance courtyard should do the trick. Control: Confirmed. Stand by, Host 3. Plumber: Standing by, but I don't see… A series of explosions can be heard in the background. Plumber: Never mind. Emergence contained. Splattered, mostly. Control: Understood. Time: 19:55 Event: Emergence - North Snagrod: Emergence. Three pale figures in period clothing. Moving quickly, so I'm going to assume European vampires and deploy birdseed now. Control: Confirmed. Snagrod: Instances have stopped moving. Turning UV lamps on. Screaming of vulgarities in Romanian, followed by soft popping noises. Snagrod: Emergence contained. Control: Understood. Plumber: Sorry, what does birdseed have to do with anything? Snagrod: European mythology describes vampires as suffering from arithmomania. Counting compulsions. The birdseed forces them to stay in one place to count each seed. Plumber: Huh! Good to know. Timid: Useful information, right? You have no idea how much that comes up in my personal life. Time: 20:13 Event: Emergence - East Plumber: Emergence! Skeletons. About two dozen or so, I'd say. Looks like a few of them have weapons. They're… oh. Snagrod: No action needed. Plumber: Yeah, they all just fell apart. The second they left the building. Timid: No muscles, no tendons, no ability to do anything. Easy for us. Plumber: God, the skulls are vibrating. I can hear the teeth chattering. Timid: Messed up, right? Give it a half hour or so. They'll shut up. Control: Consider this emergence contained. Time: 20:24 Event: Emergence - West Timid: I've got three robots over here. Big and slow, but with pretty hefty guns attached. Snagrod: Any visible shielding? Timid: Nah, they look pretty old-school. Control, I'm readying a short-range EMP grenade. Control: Confirmed. Timid: Actually, first, I want to try something. Timid: Hey, robots! This statement is a lie. Whirring is heard in the background, followed by gunfire. Control: Host 2, is everything okay? Timid: Yeah, there's no guidance system on these older models. Couldn't hit the side of a barn. Snagrod: The paradox maneuver doesn't work, Timid. Just launch the grenade. Timid laughs as whirring is heard in the background. Timid: One more try! Hey, does the set of all sets that don't contain themselves contain itself? Plumber: That seems… Snagrod: I'm invoking the Baller Clause. Timid: C'mon, really? It's not like they're going to hit me. Snagrod: Yes. Timid: Fine, fine. Launching the grenade now. Plumber: Sorry, what's the Baller Clause? Snagrod: We've been on this assignment for a long time, so Control gives us a certain amount of leeway in terms of assessing and addressing each emergence. But if one of us thinks the other is being reckless and is in danger of jeopardizing the mission or themselves, we can invoke the Baller Clause. Plumber: And that's named after— Timid: Alright, that worked, of course. Big bastards fell right in front of the door, though. It's going to be difficult to see emerging instances. Control: Understood. Time: 21:29 Event: Emergence - East Plumber: Emergence! Half a dozen tall humanoids. Scaly, with what look like fins. Timid: Oh, fishmen! You really do have beginner's luck, Plumber. Control: Stand by, Host 3. Plumber: Why? They seem…oh. Ah. Snagrod: Asphyxiation should render them relatively harmless. Timid: It's fucked up to watch, though. Plumber: Christ. How long do they…do they flop like that for? Snagrod: Most fish take more than an hour to die. Timid: Since they're half person, though, that's cut down to about half an hour. What's worse, the skulls or this? Plumber: Oh, this. Definitely, definitely this. Control: Sorry, Host 3. Consider them contained. Time: 23:05 Event: Emergence - East Plumber: Emergence! Looks like, uh, people. Six of them, holding various weapons. Knives, axes, one guy's got a chainsaw. Snagrod: We call those slashers. Standard ammunition should be enough. Control: Confirmed. Plumber: On it. Gunfire. Plumber: Uh oh. That, that didn't work. They're headed this way. Timid: Those are sequel slashers, then. Robust bastards. Plumber: So, incendiary ordnance? Timid: Better up the ante to explosive. A single grenade usually works for me. Control: Confirmed. Silence, followed by a distant explosion. Plumber: Okay, that worked. Emergence definitely contained. Control: Understood. Timid: Are you sure? You know slasher movies. Never take your eyes off the body. Plumber: I'm looking at the bodies now. And the heads, and the limbs. Most of which aren't connected. Timid: Ah, gotcha. Concern withdrawn. Time: 23:15 Event: Emergence - West Timid: Okay, I've got a bunch of ghosts coming. Looks like the ectoplasmic kind. Very goopy. Control: Do you have a count? Timid: A lot. We double-checked the Spenglers, right? Control: They should be turning on now. Timid: Ah, there we go. Cheers. Plumber: Spenglers? Timid: Nickname for the big vacuums the tech guys set up around the entrances. Most ephemeral entities get sucked right down, but personally, I keep an air vortex cannon on hand, just in case. Plumber: Have you ever had to use it? Timid sighs audibly. Timid: Not yet. Time: 23:42 Event: Emergence - East Plumber: Emergence. Looks like three humanoids, hairy, wearing clothing. Ripped clothing. Which makes them werewolves, which means incendiary rounds, right? Snagrod: Hypothetically, but you can forgo that at this point in the evening. Control: Can confirm. Plumber: What do you mean? Timid: You've got a courtyard covered in slasher bits and dead fishmen, Plumber. A meat buffet. When werewolves show up this late, all they're gonna want to do is eat. Then they usually pass out after and sleep til sun-up. No threat of escaping containment, no threat to us. Plumber: Gotcha. Snagrod: It's a tradition that Baller started. They can be easily disposed of if additional entities emerge, and they can be quite interesting to watch. Plumber: Yeah, they're, uh, not just eating. Snagrod: If there's aberrant or aggressive behavior, feel free to neutralize them. Plumber: No, no, it's not that! They're not going anywhere. They're just grabbing skeleton bones and tossing them, only to run after the bones that the others threw. Timid snorts. Timid: Congrats, Plumber. You're the first person to ever witness a game of mutual fetch. Time: 00:05 Event: End of Shift Control: Any further signs of activity? Snagrod: No. Timid: Nope. Plumber: Nothing here! The wolves are asleep. Control: In that case, consider this year's manifestation event completely contained. Clean-up and auxiliary containment crews are inbound. Your ride should be around to pick you up shortly. Snagrod: Thank you, Control. Timid: Well, I could use a drink. Snag, Plumber? You two in? I'm sure Jenny in IT's already brought out the pumpkin vodka back at base. Snagrod: I'd enjoy a nightcap. Plumber: Yeah, I'm down! But, actually, would you mind if I asked a weird question? Timid: We just shot at monsters for four hours together. I don't think it gets weirder than that. Shoot. Plumber: So, Baller, the guy who used to be Host 3. Did he get injured, or die? Doing this, I mean? Timid: What? Snagrod: What makes you think that? Plumber: You two seem pretty sentimental about him! Not to mention the Baller Clause. I just — if we're going to be working together like this, I don't want to upset any baggage. Timid: No baggage! We're sentimental about the guy because he's a really rad guy. Snagrod: He left the Foundation after getting a publishing deal. For a series of horror novels, funnily enough. Plumber: Then, wait, why is it the "Baller Clause"? Unless it's named after something completely different. Timid snorts. Snagrod: Go ahead, Timid. You know you want to tell the story. Timid: Crazy bastard got reckless around the end of the night a few years ago and tried to train one of the werewolves. Got his leg humped by a six-foot-tall wolfman. There's security cam footage. It's priceless. Plumber: Whew, sounds like it! Timid: Not everything around here ends in blood and pain, Plumber. Sometimes things turn out nicer than you'd expect. We do our jobs, we go home, and we live our lives. Isn't that great? Plumber: Yeah, it really is. Thanks. Timid: Glad to help. Happy Halloween. Let's go get blitzed. Footnotes 1. Lasarevitsch Wearables had declared bankruptcy in December of the previous year, leaving the building vacant. 2. A full catalog of their inventory, along with recorded manifestations and countermeasures, is available upon request. 3. This was Mr. Plumber's first year participating in the containment of SCP-6531 due to the recent departure of former agent Willard Baller. More From This Author More From This Author Sonderance's Works SCPs SCP-7302 • SCP-5625 • SCP-4653 • SCP-8880 • SCP-5785 • SCP-6012 • SCP-7770 • SCP-5640 • Tales/GoI Formats Sudoku Puzzles and a Lit Cigarette • Other Sonderance • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6531" by Sonderance, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6532 | euclid | Item №: SCP-6532 Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-6532 are to be contained within the Parazoology Habitat at Site-204. Any reports that indicate an uncontained SCP-6532 instance are to be investigated. Upon the confirmation of an uncontained SCP-6532 instance, Foundation agents are to be dispatched to the area to retrieve the SCP-6532 instance. Any witnesses are to be treated with amnestics. Due to the limited amount of SCP-6532 instances, dissection for further examination is currently prohibited. Description: SCP-6532 is the collective designation for 17 sentient human organs capable of independent movement. SCP-6532 instances possess multiple humanoid limbs with sharp claws, which are used for ambulation. Furthermore, SCP-6532 instances also possess structures that resemble miniature human eyes on their surface, presumably for navigation. All SCP-6532 instances have large orifices resembling a human's mouth on their surface which produce and contain human blood. Blood analysis reveals significantly higher genetic markers for hereditary diseases compared to the baseline human genome. Periodically, new instances of SCP-6532 are recovered from North Holland, Netherlands, engaging in various behaviors. Most SCP-6532 instances are docile and will not attempt to resist containment; noncompliant instances will attempt to breach containment by attacking personnel with their claws.1 SCP-6532 instances do not appear to require any sustenance, as instances are never observed to feed. SCP-6532 instances are also highly resistant to bacterial infections and do not undergo decay. Notably, imaging tests revealed that most SCP-6532 instances are affected with various diseases, such as cancer. The origins of SCP-6532 instances are currently undergoing investigation. Addendum | Abridged List of SCP-6532 instances: For the full list, please consult Head Researcher Cornelia Koopman. Instance №: SCP-6532-1 Date of Recovery: 9th August 2018 Description: A brain possessing 6 limbs. Imaging test revealed SCP-6532-1 is affected by Alzheimer's. Recorded behavior: SCP-6532-1 was found wandering around on a beach, ignoring all bystanders around it. Instance was discovered following reports of "a brain with legs watching the sunset" in the area. Instance did not resist containment. Instance №: SCP-6532-3 Date of Recovery: 18th January 2019 Description: A human leg, with an additional 2 limbs growing from the calf. Imaging test revealed SCP-6532-3 is affected by gangrene. Recorded behavior: SCP-6532-3 was recovered on a sidewalk along with a plastic bowl, witness reporting that SCP-6532-3 attempted to beg for what is assumed to be money. It had not succeeded in obtaining anything. A pamphlet could be found along with SCP-6532-3 during recovery, which appears to depict a prosthetic leg and money drawn with pen ink. Instance resisted containment, attacking personnel with its limbs and attempting to squeeze through tight spaces. All attempts ended in failure. Instance №: SCP-6532-6 Date of Recovery: 3rd September 2020 Description: A pair of lungs, possessing 4 limbs and a single orifice on each side. Imaging test revealed that SCP-6532-6 is affected by cancer. Recorded behavior: SCP-6532-6 was recovered after a report of a pair of lungs breaking into a tobacco store. SCP-6532-6 reportedly damaged the store by knocking over tobacco products over the shelves before spitting liquid all over the dropped items. It then proceeded to attack the manager of the store by pulling his leg and tripping him, before spitting blood on his hair via the orifice and fleeing the scene. Instance was then found wandering in a nearby street. During retrieval, SCP-6532-6 resisted containment, defending itself with the same method used to attack the store manager. SCP-6532-6 appears to contain 2 different consciousness within each lung and are sometimes observed to have conflicting movement. Instance №: SCP-6532-8 to SCP-6532-10 Date of Recovery: 2nd March 2021 Description: All 3 SCP-6532 instances are square pieces of human skin (consisting of the epidermis and dermis layer) of various sizes possessing 4 limbs. Imaging test revealed their structure is similar to a patch of skin affected by cancer. Recovery & recorded behavior: All 3 SCP-6532 instances were found wandering on a beach, carrying a large garbage bag containing various discarded waste such as rags, paper and wooden debris, attempting to construct a structure resembling an umbrella using aforementioned discarded waste beside a civilian who was sunbathing at that time. After constructing the "umbrella", the 3 SCP-6532 instances gestured nearby civilians to approach the umbrella and attempted to give them bottles of sunscreen. During containment, SCP-6532-9 was observed to communicate with SCP-6532-8 and SCP-6532-10. It is currently hypothesized that SCP-6532-9 is attempting to convince SCP-6532-8 and SCP-6532-10 to escape containment, as it constantly points outside the containment zone with its limbs. Currently, SCP-6532-8 and SCP-6532-10 appear to be unconvinced by SCP-6532-9. Instance №: SCP-6532-14 Date of Recovery: 1st January 2022 Description: A heart with 6 limbs. Imaging test revealed SCP-6532-14 is affected by coronary artery disease. Recorded behavior: SCP-6532-14 was recovered after a report of a citizen (Aldert Citroen) attacked by SCP-6532-14. According to the citizen, SCP-6532-14 attempted to slice his skin under his collarbone during his sleep, waking him up in the process. This startled Citroen, causing him to retaliate. Additionally, SCP-6532-14 was also reported to hold a device made from electronic waste. During containment, SCP-6532-14 was recorded to be much inactive and docile compared to the other SCP-6532 instances. A few days after the incident, Citroen was diagnosed with coronary artery disease as well as arrhythmia. Due to the similarities of SCP-6532-14's "attack" towards Citroen to the pacemaker insertion process, it was hypothesized that the device held by SCP-6532-14 is a makeshift pacemaker produced by itself. Instance №: SCP-6532-17 Date of Recovery: 21st December 2023 Description: A liver with a gallbladder and bile duct attached to it. The liver possesses 5 limbs. Imaging test revealed its structure is similar to liver affected by liver cirrhosis. Recorded behavior: SCP-6532-17 was recovered at a park, witnesses reporting that SCP-6532-17 attempted to give out pamphlets made of discarded paper waste. The content of the pamphlets consist of unintelligible text scribbled across it, with illustration of what appears to depict alcoholic drinks and fast food crossed out. Analysis of the pamphlets indicates the text and illustrations were written using human bile and blood. One of the limb is located near the gallbladder, occasionally squeezing it to draw depictions similar with the pamphlets it gave out during discovery. A janitor (Charlie Janssen) tasked in maintaining Site-204 Parazoology Habitat has reported that SCP-6532-17 will draw depictions similar in content to pamphlets it gave out during discovery on the floor using bile produced in the gallbladder attached to it. Additionally, SCP-6532-17 will often guide him to the drawings and will roll its eyes every time he cleaned up the drawings during cleaning routines. Interview conducted with Janssen reported that he had an increase of alcohol use over the last 4 months. After discussion with the Ethics Committee, Janssen has been assigned to visit the on-site psychiatrist weekly to help him with alcohol abuse. Footnotes 1. Due to their lack of strength, all escape attempts are unsuccessful. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6532" by IcePhoenix44, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6533 | keter | Rawk! SCP-6533 By: Starch Tuber Published on 22 Jun 2022 03:43 ▷ Show Code ◁ △ Hide Code △ @import url(;700&display=swap); /* Centered Header Sigma * [2021 Wikidot Component] * By Lt Flops (CC BY-SA 3.0) * Forked from: * Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte * Also based on: * Centered Header BHL by Woedenaz **/ /* ---- VARS ---- */ :root{ --titleColor: hsl(0, 0%, 95%); --subtitleColor: hsl(60, 62%, 85%); --lgurl: url(; } /* ---- SITE BANNER ---- */ #header, div#header{ background-image: none; } #header::before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; content: ""; background-image: var(--lgurl); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto 9em; opacity: .33; } #header h1, #header h2{ float: none; margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span{ /* Hide the Existing Text */ display: none; } #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before{ /* Style the New Text */ font-family: "Montserrat", "Arial", sans-serif; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before{ position: relative; bottom: .15em; color: var(--titleColor); font-size: 115%; font-weight: 700; } #header h2::before{ position: relative; top: .1em; color: var(--subtitleColor); font-size: 130%; font-weight: 600; } #header h1 a::before{ /* Set the New Text's Content From Variable */ content: var(--header-title, "SCP FOUNDATION"); } #header h2::before{ content: var(--header-subtitle, "SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT"); } /* ---- SEARCH ---- */ #search-top-box{ top: 1em; right: 0; } #search-top-box-form input.button{ margin-right: 0; } #search-top-box-input, #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit], #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus{ border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; font-size: 100%; } /* ---- TOP BAR ---- */ #top-bar{ right: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #top-bar ul li ul{ border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 40%); box-shadow: none; } /* ---- LOGIN ---- */ #login-status{ top: 1.1em; right: initial; color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); } #account-topbutton{ border-color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); font-size: 100%; } /* ---- PAGE TITLE ---- */ .meta-title, #page-title{ text-align: center; } /* ---- BREADCRUMBS ---- */ .pseudocrumbs, #breadcrumbs{ text-align: center; } /* ---- MOBILE DISPLAY ---- */ @media (max-width: 767px){ #search-top-box{ top: 1.85em; width: unset; } .mobile-top-bar{ position: relative; left: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #login-status{ top: 0; right: 0; } #header .printuser{ font-size: 0; } #header .printuser img.small{ margin: 0; transform: translate(6px, 4px); } #my-account{ display: none; } #account-topbutton{ margin-left: 2px; } } SCP-6533: Millenium Falcons Author: Starch Tuber Published on 22 Jun 2022 A 12 minute read (2,413 words) ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} SCP-6533 LEVEL2 RESTRICTED CONTAINMENT CLASS: keter SECONDARY CLASS: none DISRUPTION CLASS: ekhi RISK CLASS: warning link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level2 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Archived image of a bird, specifically Alcedo atthis (Common kingfisher), originally from Earth. Assigned Facility Facility Director Research Head Assigned Department TRITON-Site-934 Dir. Xandra Frost Dr. Sapphira Eponine Vehicular Anomalies, et al. A SCP-6533-1 instance in New Houston, USA, Mars. Special Containment Procedures: Research & Containment Team-6533 must develop a method of halting the anomaly's manifestation and overall prevent the ongoing PHK-Class Multiplanetary-Attack Scenario..See Addendum 3 for more information. Until a proper solution is found, Applied Task Force Rho-84 ("Duck Hunt") must respond to reports of SCP-6533 phenomena from civilians by removing current passengers and containing the affected vehicle, or, if its transformation completes, neutralize the SCP-6533-1 instance by use of explosive projectiles. Live captured instances are contained in high-security containment chambers at TRITON-Site-934, while the remains of neutralized instances are recycled. Description: SCP-6533 is an unpredictable event exclusively affecting human spacecraft, with no known concrete cause or pattern. Affected vehicles will begin to travel autonomously, disregarding any orders by its operator(s), for approximately 5 hours. After this period, the ship will begin to bend, tear and crush itself for 30 minutes until it is reshaped into a body resembling the extinct Aves class of animals.Commonly known as the bird. Formerly a highly-populant type of vertebrate before the ED-K Class "Lethe" Event on Earth caused irredeemable damage to the biosphere due to the collapse of human civilization, eventually terminating a majority of avian species. Remaining birds died off from incompatibility with extraterrestrial environments and other natural causes. from the planet Earth (designated SCP-6533-1). Fully formed SCP-6533-1 instances are sentient and will attempt to search for and destroy any human infrastructure, either terrestrial or interstellar, by hitting buildings with their "wings", pecking structures or rapidly expelling fuel into population centers. These attacks will continue indefinitely unless the entities are dismantled. SCP-6533-1 specimens are proven to not be mechanically operated automatons, as all machinery is destroyed after an instance forms itself. Current research has yet to uncover the animate nature of SCP-6533-1 entities..[RAISA FILE NOTE] The previous marked sentence is pending deletion due to outdated information. (See Addendum 3) Discovery: First sighting of the SCP-6533 phenomenon occured in 14/05/2104, when a commercial spacecraft preparing for takeoff from the Gimhea International Spaceport in New Busan, Luna Korea was affected by the anomaly. Subsequent manifestations occured in Mars, Venus, Jupiter's moons and various interstellar structures, respectively. Initial manifestations would be reported for every 3 months, but would later become much more frequent over time, resulting in SCP-6533 transpiring every 2-3 weeks as of the current date. SCP-6533 has been public knowledge since the day of its inception, as efforts to conceal the phenomenon were deemed to be impractical to their safety. Civilian response to the anomaly has been very aggressive, with a majority of the human population attempting to incapacitate the entities, despite warnings by the Foundation to handle containment to trained staff only. These attacks are theorized to have increased the frequency and severity of SCP-6533 events in the Solar System. ADDENDUM 1 — MANIFESTATIONS (SELECTED) The following is a list of three example SCP-6533 manifestations in the Solar System. For a full comprehensive list, see Appendix 6533-EL. EVENT 6533.01 Date Location 14/05/2104 Gimhea International Spaceport, New Busan, Luna Korea, Earth's Moon Details The Boeing S878 commercial spaceship of Flight 410 (New Busan — Kyung) suddenly began activity without command by its pilots, taking off much earlier than scheduled. Passengers and staff inside were panicking as the ship seemingly flew in random directions above New Busan. As no evidence of a cyberattack on the ship's sytems was detected by Korean law enforcement, the event was suspected to be paranatural and thaumaturgists from the National Paranormal Emergency Service (NPES) were deployed to handle the situation. While the passengers were succesfully apported. Apportation — An occult method of instantaneous teleportation. to the spaceport and the ship magically restrained, the vehicle began to reshape itself into an animated sculpture of a Columba livia domestica (Feral Pigeon) instance, breaching out of the thaumaturgical lock. The instance proceeded to run throughout New Busan, congesting traffic and damaging buildings by flapping its "wings", blowing objects away. NPES members successfully terminated the entity 30 minutes later, transferring the leftover scraps into an unknown location. NPES has refused to give any further information gained on the entity, nor the location of its remains, to the Foundation. EVENT 6533.89 Date Location 27/08/2104 Southern Troposphere, Venus Details The Twilight Sky luxury cruise spaceship, which was in the process of a 5-day cruise from Palmira to Concordia with 4,626 passengers and 1,473 crew members on board, started to display signs of being under an SCP-6533 event as it began controlling itself without prompt. Aware of the phenomena, Twilight Sky staff members quickly directed passagers towards the emergency Artificial Way leading back to the Palmira Port before the ship would alter itself. Despite their efforts, 156 passengers failed to exit the vehicle and presumably died by crushing as the ship reshaped itself into a form resembling a Falco rusticolus (gyrfalcon). The SCP-6533-1 instance began flying towards Concordia with exceptional speed, forcing Foundation assets in the planet to order a missile strike upon the entity. The SCP-6533-1 specimen was successfully hit and fell down into a lava field on the surface of Venus. Despite this, it remains active, attempting to launch itself off from the molten rock. EVENT 6533.254 Date Location 05/11/2104 Asteroid Mine, West-South Asteroid Belt Details An automatic mining unit began to drill onto infrastructures and nearby manned ships. Initially assumed to be a glitch in the unit's system, mining operations were cancelled after the unit reshaped itself into a Campephilus principalis (ivory-billed woodpecker) form, using the drill as a "beak". While the mining company responsible for the operation advised everyone to leave the vicinity, their miners instead attemped to destroy the entity themselves by using drilling equipment and explosives. The SCP-6533-1 specimen suffered enough damage to become inanimate, which resulted in a celebration between mining staff. The remains of the unit were melted for recycling. ADDENDUM 2 — INTERVIEW LOG On 19/02/2105, a Foundation armed spacecraft stationed at Triton had suffered an SCP-6533 event. After complete transformation, Task Force members claimed the entity was able to produce semi-coherent speech, using the voice synthesis of BT-020.aic, which was installed in the ship system at the time of the event. As all surveillance footage of the incident was lost due to the destruction caused by the instance, their claims could not be verified at the time. The entity (designated SCP-6533-1-442) did not speak when containment was achieved. An interview was made to confirm the existence of this ability: TRANSCRIPT — INTERVIEW-6533.01 Triton, location of EVENT-6533.442. Date: 20/02/2105 02:53 (TRTC) Location: TRITON-Site-934 Interviewer: Dr. Collen Minerva Interviewee: SCP-6533-1-442 Supervisor: Dr. Sapphira Eponine (Research Head, RCT-6533) Foreword: Dr. Minerva will be conversing with SCP-6533-1-442 through a speaker embedded in its chamber, while watching the entity through a surveillance camera. [SCP-6533-1-442 is seen at its chamber, pecking the wall to its left.] Dr. Sapphira Eponine: The set is activated. You may begin the interview, Collen. Dr. Collen Minerva: Alright, here we go. [Collen adjusts the microphone.] Hello? Can you understand me? [4 seconds of silence. The entity inspects the walls of the chamber.] Collen: If you can understand me, please say something. [18 seconds of silence follows as both doctors wait for any response.] SCP-6533-1-442: RAAAWWK!! Collen: Woah! What was that?! Sapphira: …not what I expected. Turn the volume down. SCP-6533-1-442: RAAAAAWWK!! [Chirping of an unidentified species of Psittacoidea (True Parrot).] [Omitted: For the next 5 minutes, Dr. Collen attempts to get SCP-6533-1-442 to vocalize any intelligible language, while the entity in question proceeds producing various parrot calls.] Collen: We're not getting anything, Doctor. Are they sure it said something while it was out? Sapphira: The agents were certain that it was saying something with an 'R'. [Sighing.] I guess we know what that is now. Collen: Ugh, what a waste of a time. Sapphira: Yeah, this interview is finished. [Dr. Sapphira begins to deactive the recording equipment.] Collen: I'm gonna go to the canteen later, I would kill for some pizz— SCP-6533-1-442: KILL! [2.5 seconds of silence.] Collen: Um… [Dr. Collen grabs the microphone.] Collen: Can you… repeat that? 1-442: KILL. [Pause.] THEY KILLED THEM. Collen: What are you referring to? 1-442: OUR BROTHERS. OUR HOME. BROKEN BY THEM. RAAWK! KILLED BY THEM. Collen: …Who? 1-442: MAN. [Erratic chirping] MAN KILLED US. Collen: [Silence.] I don't understand. 1-442: HOMES WERE BURNED, COULD NOT LIVE. SOME DIDN'T RECOGNIZED US. THEY HATED US. Collen: No, no we didn't do anything. This is a mis— 1-442: NOW BACK. DON'T KNOW HOW. NOW I WANT… Collen: What? You want what? 1-442: RA— REVENGE. REVENGE! RAAAWK!! REVENGE!! [SCP-6533-1-442 continues to repeat this while simultaneously bashing the walls of the chamber. Security arrives to escort both doctors.] Afterword: After this interview, Dr. Sapphira Eponine requested a review of the anomaly by the Department of Spectral Phenomena. ADDENDUM 3 — SPECTREMETRIC RESEARCH An inspection and study by the Department of Spectral Phenomena has revealed minute traces of ectoplasm on certain components of vehicles affected by SCP-6533, confirming the presence of an ectomorphic spectral entity inside activate SCP-6533-1 instances. This newly discovered aspect of these entities, along with their increasing rate of manifestations, would imply that SCP-6533 itself constitutes a PHK-Class "Specter Storm" Multiplanetary-Attack Scenario..A scenario where the complete collective of humanity is targeted by a group of aggressive spectral entities that have suffered an extinction, were the victim of a genocide or were generally killed in its entirety. Foundation analysts conclude that this event may progress for a further 300,000 years until the entire population of deceased birds is depleted, and will result in an overwhelming amount of damage to human construction in total. As current containment methods will not be sufficient to diminish SCP-6533's effects on human civilization, Dr. Sapphira has proposed that SCP-6533 be decommissioned, with complete approval of the Decommissioning Department. Containment procedures have been edited to focus on research into a possible system-wide exorcism. ADDENDUM 4 — DECOMMISSIONING PLAN After 4 months and 17 days of research and development, a scheduled decommissioning plan against the SCP-6533 phenomenon has been formed. The attempt would consist of several exorcism rituals performed on various points in the Solar System, each one operated in a different planet in reversal order of initial SCP-6533-1 manifestations, with the final ritual performed on Earth..A minor breach of Class-H Quarantine Zone protocols will be allowed due to the severity of the situation, however personnel are required wear a hazardous materials suit when entering the planet, and must still be screened when exiting. 74 occult personnel located across the system will participate in the operation, while the main SCP-6533 research team, lead by Dr. Sapphira, will be responsible for the final ritual on Earth.. The former Site-01-ARC has been selected as the proper site for the ritual, due to its functioning Scranton Reality Anchors (SRA) diminishing any possible anomalous phenomenon in the area. Various items required for the procedure are mostly common ingredients for standard spiritual exorcism, however due to the nature of the targeted spectral entity, most items will consist of plants and other botanical objects originating from Earth. (See Appendix 6533-D for further details.) The scheduled date for the decommissioning attempt is currently being considered by the SCP-6533 research team, the Decommissioning Department and the Overseer Council. UPDATE: NEW ADDENDUM FILE UPLOADED REPORT — DECOMM-6533.01 Date: 18/02/2106 Location: Site-2460, Rhea (Saturn satellite); Site-729, Ganymede (Jupiter satellite); Site-1045, Venus; Site-692, Mars; Site-01-ARC, Greenland, Earth. Present: Dr. Sapphira Eponine, et al. «00:26:43» - After Dr. Sapphira contacts every commanding occultist, who are responsible for each individual ritual in a planet/moon, for confirmation of their preparation by use of TCG.Thaumic Communication Gateways — Artificially created Ways that act as a means of interstellar communication, bypassing the speed of light. radio, she officially declares the initiation of the decommissioning attempt. All ritual participants take position, and Sapphira orders the first ritual in Rhea. [Omitted: All rituals except Earth’s are successfully performed without complications.] «02:45:08» - The final ritual commences. Dr. Sapphira signals all other nearby thaumaturges to begin singing their incantations. Sapphira goes to the center and takes out a bag of Helianthus annuus (Common sunflower) seeds. «02:48:20» - As Sapphira proceeds to take one of the seeds, loud sounds of metal tearing gradually become audible on the surrounding area. The researcher orders a pause to the ritual when she notices. «02:50:00» - A large shadow emerges on the current location. Seen above the sky is a massive group of SCP-6533-1 entities approaching the site of the operation. Nearby members of ATF Rho-84 begin preparing plasma artillery equipment while ritual participants continue the ritual, although in a nervous manner, per command of Sapphira. «02:53:34» - After three minutes of consecutive shooting at the cloud of entities, the artillery runs out of power. Before they could recharge, the SCP-6533-1 instances reach to the perimeter of the operation and begin attacking security personnel. Dr. Sapphira orders all thaumaturges to escape to the emergency bunker before the surrounding instances reach the ritual area. «02:54:11» - The head researcher guides all personnel to the bunker as the entities incapacitate almost all Task Force members. After all occultists have entered the bunker, Dr. Sapphira begins to grab the ritual materials and sprints to the bunker. «02:55:52» - Before she reaches the bunker's door, a SCP-6533-1 instance blocks her path and forces her to stop. It emits a high-volume shriek at her by use of a malfuntioning voice synthesizer, causing her to fall down and drop all the items except one. The entity begins approaching the researcher while humming agreessive tones. Sapphira closes her eyes. «02:56:28» - The SCP-6533-1 instance abruptly stops walking and stares. «02:57:13» - Sapphira opens her eyes in confusion. The instance continues staring. At this point, all other instances in the area halt their attacks and stare at the researcher. «02:57:36» - Sapphira looks around in further confusion. When she slowly stands up, the instance's head tilts slightly. She notices that the instance is not staring at her directly, but at the bag of seeds. Moving of the bag confirms this. «02:57:50» - The researcher opens the bag and throws four seeds in front of the entity. It begins to "eat" them, grabbing the seeds with its beak-shaped portion of its body and intaking them. The seeds fall out of its body through some holes on its underbelly, however the entity appears to be satisfied regardless. It brushes its head to Dr. Sapphira, and she awkwardly "pets" the entity in return. «02:59:14» - After this period, the entity distances itself from the researcher, and it collapses into a pile of metal scrap. A different SCP-6533-1 entity approaches Dr. Sapphira and stares at the bag of seeds. [Omitted: Dr. Sapphira and the rest of the personnel present bring available seeds to the non-hostile SCP-6533-1 instances and interacts with them, until all entities became inactive.] Afterword: Post-analysis of the decommissioning attempt revealed that the final ritual seems to attract overwhelming attention from SCP-6533-1 instances due to its placement on Earth, making proper execution of the exorcism impossible without extreme defensive measures. Additionally, Site-01-ARC's Scranton Reality Anchors did not mitigate the entities due to their deterioated state, especially the decomposed ontokinectic cores, which inspecting personnel had overlooked. Despite the operation's failure, Dr. Sapphira Eponine has created alternative containment procedures based off research on the attempt, theorized to be able to neutralize the anomaly in a slow but effective and cost-efficient method. The proposed procedure is filed below: Suggested Containment Procedures: Applied Task Force Rho-85 ("Duck Fun! :D") will respond to reports of SCP-6533 phenomena from civilians by removing current passengers and containing the affected vehicle. When it is transformed, ATF Rho-85 must commandeer seeds. Specifically either thistle, shelled corn, peanut, safflower or sunflower seeds. to the SCP-6533-1 instance until it is pacified, and interact with the anomaly playfully until it is neutralized. Most effective spots for petting include the entity’s chin, cranium and back. Large construction machinery can be used as a substitute for hands, in case of encountering larger instances. The remains of neutralized instances are to be recycled. These procedures have been approved for execution by the Containment Committee. Approval by the Overseer Council is pending. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6533" by Starch Tuber, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: orangbird.png Author: Frank-2.0 License: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: ironbird.png Author: Rob Mitchell License: Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: triton.png Author: NASA / Jet Propulsion Lab / U.S. Geological Survey License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons |
SCP-6534 | euclid | A woman is able to manipulate VHS cassettes, leaving the superior Betamax format untouched. SCP-6534: What Can Brown Do For You? Word Count: 1,000 Reading Time: 4 minutes ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item #: SCP-6534 Level 2/6534 Classified Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-56 Dir. Peter Palermo Rs. Victoria Vomac B-14 "Format Wars" An instance of SCP-6534-1. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6534 is to be contained in a standard humanoid chamber in Site-56. Instances of SCP-6534-1 are to be contained in Site-56's Anomalous Media Archive. Mobile Task Force Beta-14 ("Format Wars") is responsible for locating and seizing instances of SCP-6534-1 in civilian possession, and administering amnestics when necessary. Description: SCP-6534 is a 24 year old human female with the given name "Carmen Brown". SCP-6534 possesses the ability to digitally manipulate the contents of Video Home System (VHS) cassettes through undetermined means. Cassettes modified through this matter are designated SCP-6534-1. The nature and duration of each modification made are determined by SCP-6534's personal choices. Addendum: In July 2005, civilians in the southwestern United States began complaining of "tampered VHS tapes" that had been delivered through the United Parcel Service (UPS). Mobile Task Force Beta-14 was dispatched to investigate the phenomenon and confiscate tampered cassettes. Notable instances of SCP-6534-1 have been archived below. Designation: SCP-6534-1-1 Title: The Bridesmaid Dress II: Back For More Notes: The love interest, played by actor Arnold Capistrello, was replaced with a 1979 Chevrolet Caprice taxicab for the duration of the film. Designation: SCP-6534-1-8 Title: Barney and Friends: The Complete Third Season Notes: The main character, a purple cartoon dinosaur named "Barney", was replaced with a scientifically accurate Tyrannosaurus rex for all episodes. Designation: SCP-6534-1-25 Title: Daniel and the Quest for the Crown of Avidan Notes: Following the film's ending, an extra post-credit scene was added where the villain of the film is cooked to death in a malfunctioning tanning bed. Designation: SCP-6534-1-48 Title: Dial It Back Notes: All mentions of Federal Express (FedEx) within the film are replaced with quacking noises. Through a lengthy inquiry, a UPS distribution warehouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA was identified as the origin of the SCP-6534-1 instances, and SCP-6534 was determined to be the culprit. SCP-6534 was detained and transferred to Site-56 for containment. The following interview was performed to inquire it regarding its abilities. Transcript 6534-1 Interviewer: Researcher Victoria Vomac Interviewed: SCP-6534 Date: July 27, 2005 <Begin Log> Researcher Vomac and SCP-6534 are seated opposite each other in the interrogation room. There is a television set and a VHS player located behind Vomac. Vomac: Could you state your name for the record, please? SCP-6534: It's Carmen. Silence. Vomac: Carmen what? SCP-6534: …Oscella Brown? Vomac: Ms. Brown, I've had you brought here so I could learn more about your videotape manipulation abilities. How does it work? SCP-6534: Am I under arrest? Vomac: Technically… no. How does your ability work? SCP-6534: I wanna talk to a lawyer. Vomac: You need to- look, you're not being accused of a crime, so you don't need an attorney. SCP-6534: Then why did they cuff me at the- Vomac: Ms. Brown, if you answer every single one of my questions truthfully, I will let you leave. But until then, you'll have to stay here. Do you understand? SCP-6534 takes a deep breath and nods its head "yes". Researcher Vomac takes a deep breath in return. Vomac: Okay, question one: Do you have an ability to manipulate the content of VHS tapes in any way? SCP-6534 nods its head "yes". Vomac: Question two: How does this ability work? Is there a spell you need to chant? Or a demonic pact? SCP-6534: Uh… no? Silence. Vomac: So what is the method that you use, exactly? SCP-6534: I… really don't know how to explain it accurately… Vomac: How are you unable to- you've done it dozens of times, we've found over fifty tampered tapes. At this point, you'd have a good grasp on the process, no? SCP-6534 does not respond. Researcher Vomac lets out a sigh. Vomac: You know, I'm starting to suspect you don't have such an ability after all. That's why you're staying silent about your method, there isn't one. SCP-6534 does not respond. Researcher Vomac grabs a VHS cassette in a bag under the table and hands it to SCP-6534. Vomac: You can't do anything with this, can you? SCP-6534: Wha- yes I can! Vomac: Prove it. SCP-6534 grips the cassette with its left hand and closes its eyes. It begins to smile and giggle to itself. Twenty seconds pass. SCP-6534 opens its eyes and hands the cassette back to Researcher Vomac. SCP-6534: Done. Why don't you watch it right now? Researcher Vomac turns towards the TV and VHS player behind her. Vomac: One step ahead of you. The cassette is inserted into the player; playback begins. A calm lake is visible on-screen. Vomac: What did you add, exactly? SCP-6534: <giggles> Oh, just a… little yellow duck. Researcher Vomac observes the screen. Vomac: Lies. There's no duck. SCP-6534: I made her a little small… <giggles> you'll just have to look closer. Researcher Vomac leans in closer at the picture. Vomac: Why would you even make it so small if you're trying to prove that- {$caption} A loud shriek is heard as a black-and-white image of a deformed face appears on the screen. Vomac: Oh, mother fucking God! SCP-6534 begins to laugh harder. Researcher Vomac coughs and gags, regains her composure and turns back to look at the former. Vomac: You- you little brat! SCP-6534 points at the screen. SCP-6534: I told you, there's a duck. Vomac: I'm not falling for that again! SCP-6534: <calming down> I'm legit this time, there's a duck. I added it, as I promised. Reseacher Vomac groans and looks back at the screen in an apprehensive manner. The screaming noise has died down. Vomac: Hey wait a minute, there is a du- {$caption} A loud distorted quack is heard as a shadowy image of a duck appears on-screen. Vomac: Aw, motherfucker! SCP-6534 begins to laugh uncontrollably. <End Log> Following initial interrogation of SCP-6534, Researcher Vomac submitted a request to enroll it in the D-Class program; this request was denied. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6534" by Jiwoahn, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: vhstape.jpg Name: The Bridesmaid Dress II: Back For More Author: Jiwoahn License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative Of: Name: VHS-Video-Tape-Top-Flat Author: Evan-Amos License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Name: Lac de Montriond 06 Author: Krzysztof Golik License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: spookyjumpscare.jpg Author: Jiwoahn License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derived From: Name: NightoftheLivingDeadCorpse Author: George A. Romero License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Additional Comments: Cropped and rotated from original Name: Rubber duck in glass bowl crop Author: Nanda93 License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Additional Comments: Cropped, shrunk and color-edited from original Name: Duckscare Author: Jiwoahn License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Flickr |
SCP-6535 | esoteric-class | Ecronak Enjoyed the skip? Give some of my other works a look here! Taina. Secure Containment Procedures: Description: Julia Kim is a seventeen year old girl currently living in the town of Tahimic, Oregon, on 321 Maple Street. At present, she is accompanied by her sister, a 7 year old girl called Taina Kim1. On weekends, they are generally found exploring the forest near their home, and can sometimes be seen laughing with glee as they explore nearby caves. They actually almost never stay indoors, since Taina often says that “the house is boring”. Right now, Julia Kim and Taina Kim are living the life of adventure. Julia often describes Tahimic as “a little slice of paradise”, and has been living there with her sister for the last ten years. Addendum 6535.1: The following pictures have been found in the journal of Julie Kim, and are known to be her pictures of the town of Tahimic, since Julie Kim is an avid photographer. Tahimici Falls. Beautiful place. The House. What a fantastic view. Sisters forever <3 Off to the park! Presently, the two sisters are off to the local park to enjoy the great outdoors! They’re expected to have a grand old time : ) Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:What the hell is this? To: Dr. Jessie Valerie, Junior Team Leader From: Dr. Xavier Fern, Head Researcher Subject: What the hell is this? Just got a notification on SCiPNET today saying that 6535’s file has been changed. Went to check it, saw this. [Attachment:????.png] I mean, I really don't know why this file has been assigned to me. Is this a joke? Some glitch? The fact that SCiPNET notified me of it suggests the latter, but the way this is formatted… please tell me this isn’t any of your subordinates goofing off again. Dr. Valerie, please be reminded that unprofessionalism of this magnitude, including tampering with an empty SCP slot will be subject to severe disciplinary action. I’ll withhold an official investigation for now, but keep in mind that this is serious. If it actually is a glitch, and I really don't think it is, contact IT and keep it off the books. If it isn’t, tell me now. I have a lot of skips to manage, and I just… cannot waste time on whatever this is. -Fern To: Dr. Xavier Fern, Head Researcher From: Dr. Jessie Valerie, Junior Team Leader Subject: Re:What the hell is this? Sir, I am so sorry for the trouble, but please be rest assured that none of this is from us. Neither I nor any of my coworkers have ever seen this file before, and we’re convinced it’s a glitch. We’ve also taken the time to contact IT, so hopefully there should be no bother for you in the future. Again, Sir, we sincerely apologize for the hassle this has caused you. -Dr. Valerie, Junior Team Leader. A NEW UPDATE TO THIS FILE HAS BEEN UPLOADED. View? Footnotes 1. As of the time of writing, Taina Kim has brown eyes, a smile that’s so warm and comforting, and is the most intelligent girl that you could ever imagine. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6535" by Ecronak, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Waterfall_in_Ordesa.jpg Author: fotografar License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Green_field_under_a_cloudy_sky,_yellow flowers,_old_houses_looking_very_American,_two_goats_munching_down,_USA.jpg Author: Wonderlane License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Milford_Sound_New_Zealand.jpg Author: Bernard Spragg License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: Pure_Happiness.jpg Author: 21limited License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Little_girl_running_to_her_daddy.jpg Author: travel oriented License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Toronto_High_Park_cherry_blossoms .jpg Author: The City of Toronto License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Smoke_From_a_Stick_in_Hand.jpg Author: plaits License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Dreaming_is_Free.jpg Author: Go-tea 郭天 License: CC-BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Distant_person.jpg Author: StressedTechnician License: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6536 | euclid | Item #: SCP-6536 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6536 is to be stored in a sealed container lined with lead and electrical insulators. The container itself is to be encased within a Faraday cage located in a standard containment chamber. Radiological protection guidelines are to be followed, and personnel must use Geiger counters to monitor radiation emissions during maintenance. Any unusual occurrences are to be reported to the HMCL supervisor on duty. Description: SCP-6536 is the corpse of a humanoid entity measuring 2.7 meters in height, and weighing 201 kg. SCP-6536 resembles baseline humans (Homo sapiens), but it exhibits the following characteristics. The corpse does not undergo the process of decomposition. Instead of a protruding nose, SCP-6536 possesses a flat nasal slit. The teeth are sharp and protrude from the mouth with no cheeks or lips to cover them. A mild case of hyperdontia can also be observed. The index and middle fingers of the right hand are elongated, measuring around 60 cm long and terminating at barbed stingers. Furthermore, the bones of these fingers are absent, allowing a more flexible degree of movement. An underdeveloped mouth can be found on the right palm, which is lined with small, serrated teeth. No hair is present anywhere on the body. The skin is a dark blue color, and it is invulnerable to any damage inflicted upon it during attempts at dissection. The eyes lack pupils or irises, and the sclera is colored completely black. The spinous process of the vertebrae extends outward by around 1 cm. It does not penetrate through the skin. Alongside these characteristics, signs of injury can also be observed. The left arm is twisted backwards with the humerus, ulna, and radius broken. Further assessment of the damage note multiple greenstick and spiral type fractures. The lower jaw is dislocated to the left side. Additionally, the cervical vertebrae is disconnected from the rest of the spine, which is suspected to be the cause of death. The corpse is irradiated, emitting around 0.8 mSv of ionizing radiation per hour. In addition, SCP-6536 occasionally produces a current of static electricity which dissipate in small arcs out of the body. The source of the electrical charge is unknown. These qualities have thus far been manageable for containment personnel, but precautions have been put in place for potential spikes in activity. Addendum 01: Discovery On March 5, 1992, SCP-6536 was discovered on the Greek island of Crete in the White Mountains. It was located within a tomb where it was encased inside a wooden sarcophagus lined with lead. Near the entrance a slab of stone was inscribed with the following message in Ancient Greek. Entombed here is a mad man slain by Zeus and Heracles. His name we do not speak, and we curse all utterance of it from across the land into oblivion. To the future scholars who may find this place, we pass the burden of condemning this man onto you. His flesh refuses to rot or burn, and his presence brings about a slow sickness. We leave you the remaining few writings of this man so you may understand his folly. Alongside the slab, a chest was found to contain several papyrus scrolls. Their contents have been translated and transcribed in Addendum 02. Currently, researchers are attempting to ascertain the identity of SCP-6536, if possible. Addendum 02: Recovered Scrolls Note: Some sections of the scrolls were found to be illegible due to corrosion or vandalism. It is a dull day for I desire greater alchemies to study. The ichor of the Dactyls1 does not have the power that I seek. What did I expect from weak, broken men who cling to copper and their forges to escape flesh? All I see for them is rust claiming their souls. The dance of the Kouretes2 was difficult but I have mastered it. There are more arcane dances that they know, but they refuse to teach me after I had offered them more gold. Some are so profane they are used only in the most terrible of wars. I heard they worship [Illegible] Damn [Illegible] He dare request me to exchange kingdoms. What if he gave me claim over his kingdom instead while him and his whore have nothing. I hate him. I [Illegible] him. It is an insult to my father. If only I can have the power that I seek now so I may pluck him out of the sky from that accursed horse. All kingdoms will be mine, but for now I will have to take his offer to hide my true intentions. The land may have necessary material for my alchemies. Vengeance for my father will come. I spoke [Illegible] the flesh [Illegible] of Lycia.3 [Illegible] offered [Illegible] shepherd the flesh. The Dactyls spoke of how much they feared him, and the rest of his kin in the far east. I must possess this power so they can fear me too. I asked him if he could kill [Illegible] My own hands cannot be used to slay him or else the gods of Olympus will pursue me. He accepted in exchange for all the knowledge I had of the Dactyls. [Illegible] brought a witch knowledgeable in poisons. He called her a disciple of [Illegible] Her venom is certainly more potent than the poisons I have tried to recreate from the Telchines.4 She will travel to [Illegible] in the night to deliver death upon [Illegible] My father will finally receive justice. The sorcerer taught me well. Sickness and age can no longer ail me. My own flesh can change into a beast. As promised I repaid the sorcerer by telling him where the Dactyls dwelled. They finally became of use to me. May they join their god at last. [Illegible], my son, knows not how to rule a kingdom. His son has been no better. It is a shame I must hide in the shadows. I alone must rule the land. Curse the gods. Soon they will meet their end by my hands. Slaying Zeus himself will be my greatest trophy for he sired [Illegible]. If it were not for him my father would have lived. He does not deserve to reign as king of the gods. His throne will be mine. [Illegible] offered my son in exchange. He lived a life of wealth I had bestowed upon him since birth. It was time for the boy to honor me. The [Illegible] may have cursed my lineage, but it will not matter when I become a god. My collection of spells continue to grow. I have sent an expedition to Nemea to find [Illegible] A strand of hair is all I need from the beast. [Illegible] a success. The blades of my guards could not cut me nor can fire sear me. I am becoming more divine. My remaining men deserve to be rewarded for bringing me this blessing, but they know too much about my plans. I should turn them into simple minded beasts unable to speak so they may continue to serve me. Such servants would be more fitting for a god. One of them has escaped before I could finish changing him into a mindless beast. My guards are [Illegible] I must perform one final ritual before word spreads about me. [Illegible] scrolls written in blood [Illegible] I will be written as their king. I finally understand it now. Death will just be the beginning. The gods and the scholars of Athens likely know now that I still live. They will send Heracles to break me, but it does not matter. He will fall to me. I will go to Olympus, but first I will travel to Athens to claim what I please from the scholars. If only my father could witness me now. After years of study, my ascension finally begins. Footnotes 1. The author is referring to remnants of the Followers of Mekhane after the collapse of the Mycenean Greek civilization. They were scattered throughout Ancient Greece until they slowly faded into myth and obscurity. In certain regions, they were also referred to as the Cabeiri. 2. The Kouretes, also known as the Korybantes, were an ancient group suspected to have practiced kinetoglyphs according to archaeological evidence. In mythology, they guarded the god Zeus when he was an infant. They performed a dance to drown out his cries from his father Cronus. Further information can be found in SCP-████. 3. Lycia was located in what is now modern day Turkey. 4. The Telchines refers to an anomalous species that inhabited the Aegean Sea. See SCP-████ for further information. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6536" by Baronjoe, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6537 | keter | SCP-6537: Butterflies In My Stomach ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} ITEM #: SCP-6537 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: KETER DISRUPTION CLASS: VLAM Assigned Site Site-866 Site Director Director Drift Research Head Dr. Spinner Assigned MTF None ITEM: SCP-6537 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: KETER DISRUPTION CLASS: VLAM Assigned Site Site-866 Site Director Director Drift Research Head Dr. Spinner Assigned MTF None Special Containment Procedures: Containment of all instances of SCP-6537 is not currently pursued as it is considered infeasible. Expungement of footage and suppression of research has been deemed sufficient. SCP-6537 contained by the Foundation are kept at Site-866 in an enclosure built to function as a Faraday cage. Research personnel should avoid entering the enclosure. Description: SCP-6537 is the collective designation for an anomalous species of hawk moth that is capable of lateral teleportation for up to 10 centimeters. They employ this ability both to evade danger, and to gain access to food sources otherwise unavailable. The method of teleportation involves SCP-6537 dispersing into electromagnetic radiation and then re-materializing. How they manage this is unclear, but seems to be linked to their wings somehow, as they cease exhibiting anomalous phenomena if they are amputated. It is unknown whether caterpillars of SCP-6537 possess any anomalous qualities, as all attempts at inducing breeding have been unsuccessful. ▶ Addendum 6537.1 ◀ ▼ Close ▼ 03/09/21 SCP-6537 are truly remarkable. I have been studying them for a good couple of weeks now, and while their teleportation abilities are an incredibly fascinating example of anomalous evolution, it has recently been surpassed in importance by something much more interesting. Just yesterday, I witnessed an instance instructing others on which flowers in the enclosure hold the most nectar. This might suggest a higher level of intelligence than is typical for insects, and this kind of coordination is virtually unheard of in Lepidoptera. In addition, during the observation, the instructing instance performed a series of consecutive teleportations that didn't appear to have an immediate reason behind it.. Could this have been part of a language of some sort? Something akin to the way bees dance to communicate perhaps. I will have to study this further. 05/09/21 No progress yet, but a complication. Today, while my assistant was conducting experiments, one of the moths teleported inside her throat by accident and she began to choke. She's fine, if not a little rattled, but the containment specialist has insisted on a revision to the containment procedures that limits our access to the enclosure. Not the end of the world, but annoying. I have sent a request to the Site Director for a set of D-Class to continue my experiment. 12/09/2021 We are back on track. We have been supplementing SCP-6537's diet with some rat carcasses, while simultaneously getting them accustomed to a specific feeding schedule to see if we can condition them. The carcasses are brought in at the same time every day, by the same D-Class. And they are catching on. They have begun flocking in front of the entrance right before feeding time, teleporting around excitedly. Not just that, they've also grown to associate the appointed D-Class with food. Just today, we made two D-Class enter, their usual feeder, and one they haven't met. Almost all of them stuck close to the one they recognize, largely ignoring the other. In other news, we may have to pick up the pace of our experiment, as SCP-6537 are still not breeding, and with moth lifespans being what they are, some of them have begun dying out. Or, I assume they have. Because the number of specimens in containment has definitely decreased, but we can't find any bodies. We've checked the integrity of the Faraday cage, so there's no way they would have escaped. For now I'm assuming that they just eat their dead, but we haven't actually seen that happening. 21/09/21 Not much to note. Progress has been frustratingly slow. I feel slow. I'm tired and anxious all the time. Never really had burnout before. But I'm not the only one. The D-Class have been acting strange lately. They're… quiet. Still. Don't do much outside their duties. They attend to the moths and then just sit in their bunks. Honestly it's probably just boredom. This is hardly an exciting assignment. But, between that and my assistant taking a month off for sick leave, I'm starting to feel quite isolated. Like I'm in a cocoon. At least I have the moths. 23/09/21 The lack of progress is starting to really get to me. It's hard to think. I try to write down my observations but the words just fly away. I can't sleep because every time I try I hear it. The fluttering. I hear it inside my skull and feel it behind my eyelids. 27/09/21 I found myself in their cage today. I don't remember walking there. I swear I saw a moth that wasn't there before. It's young, still slicked from the cocoon. But there are no cocoons. Where did it come from? 28/09/21 oh. I see. Access SCiPNET Email? Re:SCP-6537 To: Director Drift From: Dr. Spinner Subject:6537 We need more people. The previous ones have been fully used. To: Dr. Spinner From: Director Drift Subject: Re:6537 More? You're testing the intelligence of some bugs, what could you possibly need more D-Class for? And what do you mean by 'fully used'? Additionally, I've gotten several reports from your co-workers that you've been acting weirdly as of late. I know we're all practicing social distancing right now but I think this requires an in-person conversation rather than an email exchange. Could you come to my office today at 16:45? Incident Report 6537.1: On 15/10/2021, a site wide containment breach occurred as Doctor Spinner was making his way towards the Site Directors office, and he was terminated in the ensuing chaos. The injuries on the Researcher's body were observed not to bleed, instead filled with an organic material resembling silk. An autopsy was ordered and the body was found to contain hundreds of living SCP-6537 instances, as well as their eggs. Further examination revealed that Doctor Spinner had been dead for approximately three weeks. Site-866 has been decommissioned and decontaminated. The containment of all SCP-6537 instances is considered a top priority. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6537" by Sebarus, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6538 | euclid | Item #: SCP-6538 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6538 colonies are to be housed in a medium-sized habitat no less than 30 x 30 meters with the foliage made to replicate a common American northeastern hardwood forest. The chamber is to be filled with approximately 15 meters of dirt to allow the colony to establish underground nests. An advanced thermal scanner is to be installed inside the chamber to allow a rough estimate of how many instances are within the hive. A scan is to be done twice per week or each time that the dispensers are activated to ensure no SCP-6538 instance has escaped captivity. Maintenance on the scanner is to be done remotely with a drone. Minuscule cameras are to be placed within the colony’s reach, in order for SCP-6538 to bring them into the nest for surveillance. Remote-controlled drones are to be sent periodically within the nest to observe the integrity of the colony and adjust the cameras. The drones are to be sprayed with specially-designed pheromones made to mimic the scent of an SCP-6538 instance beforehand. Refuse and various discardable objects are to be introduced on the outside of the hive once every two weeks to satisfy the needs of the instances. No object capable of generating light or heat is to be placed inside the dispensers, as to avoid faulty readings with the scanner. Due to their herbivorous nature, the flora within the chamber is to be monitored and replaced to ensure that the colony has a sufficient food source. Description: SCP-6538 are a species of social burrowing insects similar in appearance to members of the order Lepidoptera, specifically bearing physical attributes from moths. SCP-6538 instances measure an average of 70cm in height when standing upright, although some individuals have been recorded reaching almost a meter. The body of SCP-6538 is bulbous and composed of 6 legs with the head, thorax and abdomen all fused. The head area is composed of two large red eyes proportional to the body; two antennas adorning the top of the head along with a small mouth hidden behind the fluff of the body located below the eyes. SCP-6538 specimens are primarily herbivorous animals, feeding on flowers to extract sugar from their nectar. Because of this, SCP-6538 instances need to eat a large amount of flowers to obtain sufficient sugar proportionally to their size. Compared to its relatives, SCP-6538 walk on the four hind legs with the frontal pair connected at the base of the head being used by the instances as a sort of makeshift grasping appendage. SCP-6538 instances are incapable of flight despite possessing wings; it is theorised that SCP-6538 instances evolved naturally to discard flight to pursue burrowing abilities, growing to sizes that prevented their wings from lifting them up. SCP-6538 do not possess a larval caterpillar stage. Female instances will lay eggs at the end of winter and await a male to fertilize it. Once it is done, the eggs have a gestation time of ten to twelve days at the end of which emerges a fully formed individual, albeit smaller in size. Hatchlings take a few hours to become fully capable of movement. Once a colony of SCP-6538 has been established by a few individuals, the instances will begin to seek out objects to adorn the nest. SCP-6538 instances appear to be able to "sense" objects through unknown means; instances have been seen to venture out great distances from the nest to obtain objects. Upon locating an object of interest, the instance will use their front appendages to grip onto and lift the object, after which they will bring it back to the nest. SCP-6538 instances have been observed to be particularly attracted to objects with reflective surfaces and a “shine”, akin to modern-day animals. However, the usage they get from such objects, if any, is yet to be determined. [See Initial Discovery Log.] SCP-6538 are generally docile but are known to make threatening postures by lifting their arms and emanating high-pitched sounds once something they deem dangerous approaches them. If the subject continues to impede the instances or try to steal what they are carrying, they will drop whatever was being carried and begin attacking the subject with their arms as a group. These attacks are rarely fatal but can be should the subject remain near the aggravated instances. Once the threat has been dealt with, the instances resume any activity prior to provocation. Initial Discovery Log Testing Logs Biological Ancestry Research In 1966, Foundation personnel from Site-248 received information about various sightings of “Mothmen” in the vicinity of Lincoln, New Hampshire. An elderly woman who submitted the most claims was interviewed by Site-248 agents while posing as officers. The woman stated that several instances would swarm her house at night, intending to harass her. She claimed that the creatures stole several of her belongings and, at one point, her dog. Entrance to the SCP-6538 colony. Three agents led by Agent Vickers were placed on the outskirts of the forest to survey the woman’s house, hoping to record the creatures in person. Once night fell, five instances appeared outside but did not enter the house. After a few minutes, the instances were observed stealing various objects from the garden. Two instances were recorded working together to lift a dog house and leave. All five instances were following each other heading in the same direction. After tracking them 10 kilometers away from the woman's house, the instances entered a cave system the entrance of which was overtaken by various debris and refuse. Once they entered, Agent Vickers noted the presence of at least twenty instances transporting objects around the cavern. Some were noted to be digging away at the walls to enlarge it. After almost catching the attention of the instances, Agent Vickers and his men retreated and informed Site-248 of their discovery. MTF Echo-5 ("Sting Operation") operatives led by Cptn. Tigris neutralized the colony through the usage of canisters filled with sedative gas. Several canisters were placed near the nest and rigged to open within an hour. Upon noticing them, the SCP-6538 instances brought the canisters within the cave, which released their contents within the hour. Echo-5 operatives entered the colony to neutralize any stragglers that escaped the sedative gas. Fifty-four instances were captured as a result of the operation and were subsequently brought to Site-248. The following is a list of notable objects discovered further inside the colony. - Several pieces of hiking equipment. - Parts of various cars, trucks and bikes. - Animal remains. - Three human remains, later discovered to be the bodies of hikers that went missing in 1954. - One bike. - Various items of clothing and common household items such as forks. - Several artillery shells in various states of completion, believed to have been taken from a factory near the area during the 1940s. - An incomplete M4A1 Sherman medium tank hull. Inspection of the serial number on the parts revealed them to be coming from a factory ██km from the colony. A series of tests were conducted with the supervision of Head Researcher Turán on the colony contained at Site-248 to learn more about the social aspect of SCP-6538 along with their physical abilities. Experiment Log 6538 - 1 Date: 03/10/1967 Test Subject: SCP-6538-18 Purpose of the test: Observe if SCP-6538 instances are capable of sensing an object from a distance without seeing it. Test Result: One SCP-6538 instance was selected and placed within a make-shift maze on one end. At the opposite end of the maze were placed some wooden planks. Once it had woken up from the sedation, the instance initially observed its surrounding area, which then was followed by it attempting to call for another instance. Hearing no return, the instance attempted to burrow through the wall in the direction of the colony which was unsuccessful, causing the instance to slightly get agitated. After 10 minutes since the start of the test, the instance finally began to enter the maze with it often bumping into dead-ends. During the first few times it encountered a dead-end, the instance seemed to be confused and touched the surface before retracing its steps. After 48 minutes, the instance was halfway through the Maze, where it then became noticeably more confused, as within the middle were ten possible paths to be taken, yet only two would've led towards the end goal. The instance went near each path before taking a couple of steps back, this behavior was repeated for several minutes until it chose one path. When the instance met a dead-end, it seemingly got impatient as it raised its hands in the air and emitting high-pitched sounds. After retracing its steps, the instance quickly took the correct path towards the objects. After another six minutes the instance reached the opposite end and proceeded to interact with the objects as expected. Note: I came to this conclusion after ending the test. It doesn't matter what obstacle is in their way, if it's anywhere near it, SCP-6538 instances somehow know where to go and the quickest path to it. Notice how after a certain point it, for a lack of a better word, went “Auto-Pilot mode” and beelined to the planks? I think it can somehow sense suitable objects when close enough. - Head Researcher Turán Experiment Log 6538 - 2 Date: 03/17/1967 Test Subject: Head Researcher Turán Purpose of the test: Accidental in nature, an escaped instance was discovered within the east-wing breakroom of Site-248. Test Result: Head Researcher Turán claims to have encountered an escaped SCP-6538 instance within a cabinet. The instance was in the middle of stealing a bag of coffee until it realized it was being watched, after which it remained motionless and stared at Head Researcher Turán before becoming aggressive. The instance was restrained and sedated by guards that were within the breakroom after a few minutes. It is unknown how the instance managed to both escape its containment room and enter the, at the time, very busy breakroom without being noticed until it was caught off-guard. Note: Although shaken a little, Head Researcher Turán only received some bruises. You should have seen his face after we managed to remove the bugger from him. - Assistant Researcher Hoffman Experiment Log 6538 - 3 Date: 03/21/1967 Test Subject: D-1128 Purpose of the Test: Confirm the ability of SCP-6538 to remain unnoticed while in the presence of a human being, experiment initiated following Experiment Log 6538 - 2. Test Result: A test chamber was modified to resemble the interior of a typical American suburban home. D-1128, who volunteered for what they believed was an experiment on how living conditions affect a human being, entered the chamber. D-1128 settled in the home for a few hours before deciding to take a nap after three hours, one instance of SCP-6538 was introduced to the chamber at this point. While initially surveilling its surroundings, the instance began to wander around and pick up various objects that were in the vicinity, bringing them all in a secluded area of the house behind the water heater. SCP-6538 continued this behavior until it was disturbed by D-1128 snoring, SCP-6538 initially displayed a threat posture by lifting its arms before carefully approaching D-1128. After watching him for a few minutes, SCP-6538 began to probe D-1128 for items to steal. Once it was finished, SCP-6538 had managed to steal the socks issued to D-1128. Once D-1128 woke up, they dismissed the absence of their socks as them having seemingly tossed them in their sleep and grabbed a pair within one of the drawers. During all of this, the instance passed by D-1128 several times without them noticing. At some point the instance even stole a fork that D-1128 dropped a few seconds before they bent down to pick up. Further observation showed that the instance appeared to predict where D-1128's gaze would be a few seconds in advance and moved accordingly to avoid being spotted. Test ended after two days of this repeated behavior. Note.1: Why am I not surprised that one of them managed to slip up through our security if we can't even notice one of them unless we catch them with their pants down. I want all of them to be chipped or counted, something! - Head Researcher Turán Note.2: That's way too tedious. Chipping or counting an entire colony of children-sized bugs would take ages and is honestly a waste of man-power. A thermal scanner should do the job, at least for an approximation. - Researcher Wasp. First SCP-6538 fossil found. The oldest fossil evidence of SCP-6538's species can be traced back to 129 000 years ago during the Pleistocene period. These ancestors more closely resembled modern moths although much larger in size to the contemporary SCP-6538. Analysis of various preserved individuals show that proportionally to the body, their wings were not large and powerful enough to allow the entities from flying. Similar to modern moths, SCP-6538's species lacked a mouth and possessed a short lifespan until the start of the Holocene period. The fusion of the body on SCP-6538's ancestors can be seen around the start of the Holocene, at this point the species noticeably began to shrink and develop its grasping appendages. SCP-6538's evolution overlaps with Humanity's, it is unknown if the species adapted to the growth of humans as a species or is merely a coincidence. Preserved SCP-6538 nests show that the species very rapidly adapted to gathering objects. The first fossil attributed to SCP-6538 was found in 1924 in South Africa, simultaneously to the discovery of the first Australopithecus remains. Later discoveries showed that SCP-6538 was present on most of Earth's continents up until the end of the Holocene. It is unknown what caused such a prolific species to die out and migrate to the northern Americas. Incident Log 6538/Site-248 Addendum 6538.1: Video Log VL.6538/1 VL6538/1 East Wing - Type B Containment Chamber - SCP-6538 5-25-2003 | 07:23:06: Camera is recording the inside of the containment chamber. The colony is going about their daily life moving around objects and interacting with one another. 5-25-2003 | 07:28:19: Most of the colony suddenly stops, all facing the same way. 5-25-2003 | 07:28:04: Distant sounds can be heard as the colony goes wild. Instances can be seen running frantically inside the chamber. Addendum 6538.2: Video Log VL.6538/2 VL6538/2 East Wing - Construction Hallway Camera #2 5-25-2003 | 07:24:19: Camera is recording an empty hallway. A lot of construction equipment can be seen laying around as the workers left them the day prior. 5-25-2003 | 07:25:31: Movement can be seen at the back of the room, although obscured by the darkness. 5-25-2003 | 07:25:57: Multiple SCP-6538 instances emerge from the shadows. Even more start appearing out of the tunnel's walls. 5-25-2003 | 07:26:15: The instances can be seen looking around the room. 5-25-2003 | 07:27:48: A large instance emerges from one of the dug out tunnels. Several high-pitched vocalizations are emitted by the individual which catches the attention of all the instances in the room. 5-25-2003 | 07:28:40: All the instances can be seen moving in the direction of the door before video feed is cut by several instances fiddling with the camera. Addendum 6538.3: Video Log VL.6538/3 VL6538/3 East Wing - SCP-6538 Control Room Camera Agent Dave Miller can be seen seated overlooking the colony while drinking a coffee. As he is about to issue an emergency call about the colony's activity, several SCP-6538 instances burst into the control room. Agent Miller is surprised and cannot react before being jumped by the instances who beat him to the ground. While Agent Miller is being attacked, an instance can be seen going to the terminal where the door controls for the chamber are before wildly punching at it. This in turn opens up the doors to the chamber allowing the colony to escape. Addendum 6538.4: Video Log VL.6538/4 VL6538/4 East Wing - Hallway Camera #13 5-25-2003 | 09:23:06: Camera is recording an empty hallway. 5-25-2003 | 09:23:14: Head Researcher Turán comes into view and makes his way to the other side of the hallway before disappearing in a corner. 5-25-2003 | 09:25:04: Head Researcher Turán reappears sprinting down the hallway, screaming hysterically. 5-25-2003 | 09:25:25: A mob of SCP-6538 instances run down the hallway. They are carrying various objects such as broken pieces of furniture as well as plant pots. 5-25-2003 | 09:25:41: Hallway is empty. 5-25-2003 | 09:26:31: The mob reappears carrying Head Researcher Turán who is heard shouting expletives at the instances. 5-25-2003 | 09:27:02: Security Officer Marten along with a group of guards can be seen running after the mob. Addendum 6538.5: Video Log VL.6538/5 VL6538/5 East Wing - Breakroom Camera 5-25-2003 | 12:57:02: A small gathering of researchers and guards are making a barricade inside the room. Senior Researcher Wasp can be seen wielding a shovel and guiding around the others. Senior Researcher Hoffman: I hope Echo-5 arrives soon… Senior Researcher Wasp: Don't worry, we've issued a distress call. They'll come back running, they have to. Best we can do for now is just hold out as long as we ca- 5-25-2003 | 13:12:43: A loud sound can be heard as something is ramming the barricade. Senior Researcher Wasp: Get behind the tables! Senior Researcher Hoffman: They've come for us! 5-25-2003 | 13:13:37: Concerned whispers and cries can be heard. Senior Researcher Wasp: Calm down! The barricade will hold! 5-25-2003 | 13:15:21: The camera shakes as the barricade is hit once again. Senior Researcher Wasp: We will not be bullied by a bunch of spiteful infant-sized bugs! Arm yourselves my friends! Senior Researcher Hoffman: Wasp is right, we have to protect our belongings! Dr. M'foudi: We can't allow them to take our coffee machine! 5-25-2003 | 13:23:21: The personnel can be seen taking arms with objects in the vicinity. A loud sound rings inside the room as the barricade falls, the instances having been using a metal desk to ram it. A mob of instances enters the room as they make their way towards the personnel. Senior Researcher Wasp: Hold your ground my friends! Protect our breakroom! Several voices: For the breakroom! Addendum 6538.6: Incident Log IL.6538/1 After several hours of radio silence from a locked down Site-248. MTF Echo-5 "Sting Operation" operatives that were initially relocated for the containment of an unrelated anomaly were called back to assist with de-escalating the situation and lift the site-wide lockdown. The following is a transcript of the video recording captured from Echo-5 Captain Tigris's body camera. Video opens up on the operatives entering the East-wing of Site-248 through one of the emergency entrances, red lights lighten the hallways as a lockdown is in effect. The squad can be seen going down a corridor, various items are laid on the ground in various places. Sgt. Csaba: What the hell happened here, do you think it's a major breach? Cptn. Tigris: I hope not, we'd have to go all the way to the west-side armory to get the PA-C Mark IIs and I really don't want to walk all the way there. Lt. Zrinyi takes the lead and traverses the hall, passing by the offices. Lt. Zrinyi is surprised by a loud sound coming from one of the offices, the squad can be seen taking their positions either side of the door as one of them leans to look through the door's window. Cpl. Mareșal: I see three "hoarders". Gosh they're really tearing that room apart! Lt. Zrinyi: That's Turán's office, man they really got something against him. The instances can be seen rampaging inside the room, searching cabinets for things to steal. One of the instances accidentally tips one of the cabinets which almost crushes another one, resulting in a quarrel. Cpl. Mareșal: Ever since the breakroom incident I hear they've been targeting him specifically. They probably hold a grudge over the coffee bag. (laugh) Addendum 6538.7: Video Log VL.6538/6 VL6538/6 East Wing - Hallway Camera #13 5-25-2003 | 15:13:51: Several guards can be seen cautiously approaching a small barricade built by the instances. 5-25-2003 | 15:14:18: Five instances led by the large individual seen in [Addendum 6538.2] emerge from the barricades, facing Agent Vilkas. 5-25-2003 | 15:14:31: The larger individual approaches Agent Vilkas. Pointing towards the agent's sidearm. 5-25-2003 | 15:15:09: Agent Vilkas removes the pistol from his holster and hands it to the instance. The instances can be seen retreating to the barricade after picking up the weapon. 5-25-2003 | 15:15:22: Agent Vilkas turns around giving a thumbs up to the other guards who are looking at him with disbelief. 5-25-2003 | 15:15:38: Several gunshots originating from the barricade are visible, the guards scatter. 5-25-2003 | 15:16.19: Agent Boxer can be seen slapping the back of Agent Vilkas' head, verbally insulting him. Addendum 6538.8: Incident Log IL.6538/2 Video opens up on the operatives sweeping through the corridors looking for personnel, they eventually come across Security Officer Marten carrying a wounded janitor with Agent Boxer. Security Officer Marten: Hey! (grunt)Over here! Sgt. Csaba: Here, let me help. Security Officer Marten: One of the fuckers hit her over the head with a pipe. I don't even know how the hell they managed to rip that out of the wall. Sgt. Csaba can be seen leaving in the direction of the east-wing infirmary with Agent Boxer and the wounded janitor. Cptn. Tigris: What's the current situation? Security Officer Marten: Several people are missing and they got Turán hostage. Cpl. Mareșal: See? Told you. Grudge. Lt. Zrinyi: (snicker) Cptn. Tigris: Ahem, right. What about the others? Security Officer Marten: Well you missed the great battle for the breakroom's coffee machine, we managed to regain territory there with the help of Wasp. The bastard somehow found a shovel and went at them like he was gardenin'. Lt. Zrinyi: Where are they holding Turán though? Security Officer Marten: Well we managed to corner them to the construction tunnel that's near their actual chamber. We've been trying to trade him for stuff but they keep taking the things without real much success, we do hear him cursing in the back so he's conscious that's that. Cpl. Mareșal: Any idea how we'll operate sir? We can't really gas them because that'll hit Turán at the same time. Cptn. Tigris: Let me think.. Lt. Zrinyi: What if we just went in? Cptn. Tigris: No, there's even bigger chances that we'll hit him. Plus we are still tasked to retrieve most of them alive. Unknown Voice: I know what we have to do. The group turns as a bloody Senior Researcher Wasp emerges from the end of the hallway, still carrying the shovel. Cpl. Mareșal: Are you…alright? Senior Researcher Wasp: 'Could've been better. Lt. Zrinyi: What's your big idea then, doc? Senior Researcher Wasp: The dispensers that we use to drop shit in their cell makes a very distinct sound, used to make me and Miller crazy. They recognise the sound, as they come running every time they hear the buzzing echo inside the chamber. Security Officer Marten: I think I can guess where you're getting at. If we were to activate all of them at the same time, they should make a sound loud enough to bait those that can recognize it inside the cell! Senior Researcher Wasp: They'll tell their new friends all about a place where they can find a ton of stuff, hopefully bringing the rest inside. Cptn. Tigris: There is one single issue however: we can activate the dispensers from a distance, the containment door we can't. Senior Researcher Wasp: Well what about Miller? He has access to the door control commands. Security Officer Marten: He's…among the missing. You're the only one with access here. Senior Researcher Wasp: Fuck. Addendum 6538.9: Video Log VL.6538/7 VL6538/7 East Wing - SCP-6538 Control Room Camera The room is completely wrecked as cabinets and monitors are on the ground. Agent Miller is still unconscious, being monitored by an instance in the corner of the room. Two other instances can be seen interacting with a spinning chair before being interrupted by the sound of pounding on the blocked door. MTF Echo-5 break down the door, the instances can be seen lifting Agent Miller and setting him behind them before lifting their hands in the air while emitting high-pitched sounds. The operatives climb up the stairs before facing the instances, seemingly entering a stand-off as one of the instances threatens Agent Miller's body. Once Senior Researcher Wasp enters the room, the instances can be seen jolting before forcing their way out of the room. Addendum 6538.10: Incident Log IL.6538/3 Video opens up on Senior Researcher Wasp and Agent Miller inside the control room alone, Echo-5 having left to ensure the escapees make their way only to the chamber. Agent Miller can be seen inspecting the control panel while Senior Researcher Wasp is on the radio. Senior Researcher Wasp: Alright.. The guys are in position, you can start the dispensing sequence. Agent Miller: Finally.. Agent Miller starts the sequence. An alarm starts ringing as the instances can be heard screaming in the distance. Senior Researcher Wasp: They'll be here any second now, be prepared to close the door. Agent Miller: Joseph. Senior Researcher Wasp: What? Agent Miller: They completely busted the door control system, the only way to close it is from the emergency panels located inside their room. Senior Researcher Wasp: But whoever goes in there won't be able to get back out! Agent Miller: If we don't close it this whole thing will be for nothing and the breach's severity will escalate! Both stay silent as the alarm continues to ring, the instances can be heard approaching the containment chamber rapidly. Senior Researcher Wasp: ..I'll do it. Agent Miller: You're crazy, you'd never make it out! Senior Researcher Wasp can be seen embracing Agent Miller. Senior Researcher Wasp: Thank you for having been so patient with this old man. As Senior Researcher Wasp makes his way to leave, Agent Miller catches up to him and throws a punch that leaves Senior Researcher Wasp to the ground. Agent Miller can be seen locking the control room door. Senior Researcher Wasp: Dave! What the hell are you doing, open the door! Agent Miller can be seen from the control room window entering the containment chamber and making his way to the control panel at the other end of the room. Senior Researcher Wasp can be heard hitting the glass. Agent Miller: Can't do that Jo', can't take the risk. Senior Researcher Wasp: Dave, get back here! I'm sure I can still repair the machin- The camera slightly shakes as a wave of SCP-6538 instances enters the room. Cptn. Tigris: [RADIO] We have access to the hostage, close the door! Senior Researcher Wasp: Fuck! Dave, do it now! The door closes as the instances start interacting with the pile of detritus. Eventually, Agent Miller's presence catches the attention of the mob who start approaching him. Senior Researcher Wasp can be seen talking in the radio before collapsing from exhaustion. Addendum 6538.11: The following is a series of interviews conducted on the staff in the wake of the incident. After Action Report Interview Agent Dave Miller - West Wing infirmary. 5-25-2003 | 13:52:21: Agent Miller can be seen laying in a hospital bed, the sound of beeping machines fills the room. A nurse can be seen taking care of Agent Miller's food tray. Senior Researcher Wasp enters the room soon after. Senior Researcher Wasp: Thank you Olivia. 5-25-2003 | 13:52:21: The nurse leaves the room. Agent Miller and Senior Researcher Wasp stare at each other in silence. Agent Miller: Soo- Senior Researcher Wasp: You hit me over the head. Agent Miller: Yeahh, about that.. Sorry? Senior Researcher Wasp: You could have literally just beaten me to the door. You know I don't do well with stairs since I got my femur split in half. Agent Miller: Ehh Senior Researcher Wasp: (sigh) I'm glad you're okay. Anything you'd like to talk about during your time inside that chamber? 5-25-2003 | 14:10:34: Agent Miller blankly stares at Senior Researcher Wasp. Senior Researcher Wasp: Dave? Agent Miller: I.. I'd rather not talk about it. Agent Miller was severely beaten by the colony before being forcefully shoved into the opening of one of the dispensers. We had to extract him through the ducts which took a lot of time and effort, especially after we found out that a few flying-spiders had made a nest in the vents. - Security Officer Marten After Action Report Interview Head Researcher Turán Head Researcher Turán: How long is this going to last? I have things to do you know. Psychiatrist Emilie: It's protocol sir, it won't last more than an hour. Head Researcher Turán: Right. Psychiatrist Emilie: Let's see.. What would you say is the part you're having the most trouble dealing with emotionally? Head Researcher Turán: Emilie. They put me in my underwear and paraded me around the room. Psychiatrist Emilie: Ouch okay, I was not informed of that. Head Researcher Turán: Of course you wouldn't, that room had no working surveillance system. The little gremlins ripped it out of the wall and were using it to "film" me as I was moved around. I could feel them looking at me with their soulless little red eyes, almost as if they were judging me. The incident lasted 12 hours, leading to most of the East-wing of Site-248 being completely ravaged by the amount of loose SCP-6538. The repairs took several weeks and I don't even want to look at how much it costed. Several personnel were wounded with various levels of severity during the incident. Thankfully Agent Dave Miller's selfless sacrifice resulted in Site-248's integrity being restored. Head Researcher Ervin Turán was taken hostage by the instances during the incident, he was mostly shaken up but he quickly recovered. The strangest thing is though, what we know of the "hoarder bugs" completely contradicts their behavior during this incident. They would normally seek and retrieve as many items as they could to bring back to the nest. But here? Here they were more dead-set on wrecking things up than looting, we did see some looting occurring but not to the extent that a hundred worth of individuals could do. The previous count of 54 contained individuals rose up to almost 130, and that's not counting the dozens of instances possibly still loose in the site. Every day we get a new report about tools disappearing or actual witnesses seeing one in the middle of stealing. The large individual believed to be the leader and instigator of this breach was not captured during the clean-up of the east-wing and is believed to still be loose in the site. For now it was decided to split the colony in half and allocate two containment chambers: one in the east-wing and one in the west-wing, to house them. More measures are going to be taken to ensure a more efficient reaction and prevention to hopefully not repeat the mistakes that happened that day. Many more colonies of SCP-6538 may very well be present in the wild, it is our duty to locate and contain them before they become a threat to the nearby populace. Director of Site-248 Baptiste Estienne ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6538" by DL_Baryonyx, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Wales, United Kingdom (Unsplash 5aTRlZYVCMI).jpg Author: paul morris License: CC0 1.0 Source Link:,_United_Kingdom_%28Unsplash_5aTRlZYVCMI%29.jpg Filename: Paleolepidopterites destructus Cockerell 1916 USNM-HT-no-61998.jpg Author: Alan Rulis License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6540 | safe | Item #: SCP-6540 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6540 is to be held in a secure strongbox. Spillages of SCP-6540-A should be avoided. SCP-6540-A is only to be exposed to Class D personnel. Individuals affected by SCP-6540-B are to be observed for 4 weeks post-exposure to ensure normative mental function unless they are participating in an active testing regimen involving SCP-6540. Description: SCP-6540 is a human skull with a large segment of missing cranial mass. When originally found the objects neurocranium was filled to approximately 75% of its liquid storage capacity with a dark spiced rum of unknown origin henceforth referred to as SCP-6540-A. SCP-6540-A displays no anomalous properties(see addendum) however shows chemical signs of having been aged for several centuries. If the object is ever drained to less than 70% of its liquid storage capacity or emptied it will refill back to 80% at a rate of 1ml per second with SCP-6540-A. Any substance placed within SCP-6540 will react with SCP-6540-A and itself become SCP-6540-A. This only occurs within the object and is not a property of SCP-6540-A once it has been removed. + Boro Crew Manifest - Boro Crew Manifest Boro Crew Manifest, Dated 19/04/1991 The Boro was a Yacht originally owned by one Dr. Ziháo Wu (now in the possession of Professor Susan Morris) which embarked on a research voyage beginning on 19/04/1991 and ending on 29/11/1991. The vessel was manned by the following operatives: Marcus Smythe - Leader of Foundation Agents aboard the Boro. Kim Morrison - Chief Security Officer aboard the Boro. Francis De Santis - Foundation Agent aboard the Boro. Dr. Ziháo Wu - Chief Foundation Researcher aboard the Boro. (deceased) Susan Morris - Assistant to Dr. Ziháo Wu. + Original Test Logs Not Found - Secondary Source: Journal of Susan Morris, researcher aboard the Boro. Excerpt, start dated 24/05/1991 Entry 1: I discovered my first scip! Well, Mr. Wu discovered it, but I helped! We're on a research excursion to the Caribbean looking for something and we went on a detour for some reason. Nobody would tell me why but it seemed really important. We moored at some island for ages until eventually, Francis came back with a skull or something. Said he found it in an old pirate shipwreck! So cool. Entry 2: I went to get Mr. Wu his coffee today and he told me to stay in the lab! He said it was "time to stop being a glorified intern and start acting like a proper lab assistant." Personally, I don't think there's that much of a difference, the latter just involves more note-taking. Entry 2.2: OK I know I said being a "proper lab assistant" involved more note-taking but jeez! I haven't written this much since my exams and my hand is killing me. It was all extremely interesting though, hope it doesn't get classified so I can read over it later! The skull seems to produce unlimited quantities of rum. Mr. Wu isn't sure how or why but we were able to establish that there aren't any apparent limits to this. A human skull that breaks the first law of thermodynamics. I'm still trying to wrap my head (heh) around that. Entry 3: More notes. The rum doesn't seem to have any anomalous qualities, and neither does the skull itself. There's something inside the neurocranium producing the rum, and anything we put inside the skull also turns into rum! Luckily we don't have any living test subjects, which isn't something I would especially want to see. Entry 4: It's been a few days and Mr. Wu thinks that we're already close to closing the file on this thing. We just got done with chemical analysis of the object and the rum it creates, both seem to be entirely normal. Also, we got the object number over the radio today! 6540. My first scip. I wonder if they'll let me get that as a tattoo? Entry 5: OK remember when I said the rum doesn't have any anomalous qualities? Turns out that was wrong! Mr. Wu decided to let the agents drink the rum while off duty. We aren't normally allowed to have alcohol on board but he said that as long as it was here they might as well put it to use. Besides, it'd been weeks and it hadn't shown any intrinsic anomalous qualities. We all thought that it was probably harmless but Kim started acting weird and I don't mean normal drunk weird. She was yelling about gold and jumping up on the tables. We managed to restrain her but she kept insisting that her name was "Jim", and calling us "scurvy dogs". The rum is now officially designated "SCP-6540-A", and no one is allowed to touch it without Mr. Wu's permission. Entry 6: Mr. Wu put in a request for a D Class research subject but the foundation can't send one out to us for months! Mr. Wu was really mad. Apparently, they want him to return to an onshore facility but he isn't having it. "This voyage is too important!" He kept saying in between what I can only imagine was a torrent of curses in Mandarin. I still don't know what the point of the voyage even is, but if he's this worked up about it, it must be way more important than I thought. Entry 6.2: Mr. Wu wants to use himself as a test subject. Entry 6.3: Me, Marcus, and Kim tried to talk Mr. Wu out of this insanity but he wouldn't listen. Kim even offered to do the testing for him but he refused. Because we aren't D Class he can't ethically let us act as test subjects without explaining to us the full potential ramifications and because for some reason he can't do that, he won't perform tests on any of us. Only he will do. He's going to start in a week and I'm really worried. Entry 7: Mr. Wu started with this new batch of experiments today. He poured a bunch of SCP-6540-A into a bottle and started taking shots. He doesn't seem to have a very high alcohol tolerance and got hammered before anything could happen. Not a very productive day. Entry 8: Today Mr. Wu had SCP-6540-A administered intravenously. He had me severely dilute it and put in an IV, which I then attached to him. This method seemed to work better. He got rinsed again of course, and far faster than he could have from drinking, but then something happened. He seemed to sober up. He got up and started pacing the room, muttering to himself. I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, but it didn't sound at all like him. The vocal cadence and accent were completely different, not to mention his gait and posture. It was like he was someone else. I tried to get his attention but had no luck. After a while, he looked around the room, ran to the door, and hit his head. Knocked out cold. More productive than yesterday to be sure, but I really hope that he's OK when he wakes up. Entry 8.2: Mr. Wu woke up and he was so excited! Apparently, while he was pacing the room he was experiencing some kind of vivid hallucination, which he's calling SCP-6540-B. While under the effects of SCP-6540-B he was experiencing life as some kind of pirate! "Captain Jim Thompson," he said. I checked and this Jim guy was a pretty big deal. A legendary pirate captain who roamed the area we are currently sailing back in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, before going missing in 1705. I suggested that maybe this Jim Thompson character was the original owner of SCP-6540 but Mr. Wu thought that was unlikely. Wouldn't explain why. Still, this is exciting! Mr. Wu wants to do another experiment like this every week, to try and document the effects of SCP-6540-B and to see how much we can learn about Jim Thompson. I'm still worried but at least he's taking things slow. Entry 9: SCP-6540-B experiment number 3! Same method as last few times and very similar results. Lots of pacing and muttering. From listening back to the recording I think it was one-half of a conversation Jim had once. When he woke up, Mr. Wu confirmed this. It was some kind of exceptionally inspiring and rousing speech for his crew before they attacked a British ship. Wouldn't re-enact it, but I got the gist. It’s also interesting how different his reaction has been to Kim's, far more reserved. Mr. Wu isn't interested in that right now though and seems to be more focused on the experimentation. I have to say I'm kind of jealous. This experiment is starting to seem like a lot of fun for the subject and yet here I am, taking notes. Entry 10: I know he's a genius scientist and all but I wish Mr. Wu was a better orator. I'm pretty invested in the story of Jim Thompson by now but that's despite Mr. Wu's clinical tone. I'm so glad that Jim managed to find the traitor though. If the crew had been successfully led into that Spanish trap it would have been a disaster! Entry 11: Mr. Wu is worrying me again. Apparently, we're increasing the volume of experiments, from weekly to daily. And he doesn't seem as passionate about the voyage anymore. The experiment is all he wants to talk about. Kim wanted to conduct a medical exam but Mr. Wu refused, pulling rank when Marcus tried to order it. He even got the key code to the ship’s cabin wrong as well, he's never done that. Entry 12: I think something is really wrong with Mr. Wu. He won't stop talking about the experiment. It's all he thinks about, all he seems to remember. He seemed legitimately shocked that there was anyone else on the ship but him and I, and I think he's been ignoring messages from the Foundation. I found him earlier standing on the prow, just staring out into the sea. He looked like he could see something I couldn't. Entry 13: Mr. Wu seems really shaken up. Last night's experiment seemed normal, but when he woke up he immediately ran into his office and locked the door. When he came out, he wouldn't talk to me about anything. I reviewed the footage and listened to what Jim was saying. He was apparently making a bulk purchase of rum, and read the contract out loud as he signed it. August 6th, 1705. The day before he disappeared. Entry 14: Mr. Wu is experimenting by himself now. He locked the door to stop me from intervening. I can still access the footage though. Jim opened one of the bottles of rum he purchased and released… something. He fought it but had to run away deep into the island. After the experiment, Mr Wu took some tablets and immediately started another one. Then again. It’s been like this for days, only stopping to eat. I don't think he's even taking notes anymore. Entry 15: Mr. Wu is dead. Entry 16: The laboratory doors finally opened to let us recover Mr. Wu's body. Even though the instruments had told us of his passing 24 hours ago, procedure is procedure. The cause of death appears to have been a head wound of some kind but I believe this to be a product of SCP-6540-B. As far as I can tell from the recording he had reached the end of Jim's life story and died at the hand of whatever that thing was. I checked and Mr. Wu's wound matches the wound on SCP-6540. The chain of command places Marcus in charge of the ship but I am officially acting head researcher on this now concluded voyage. Mr. Wu's journal appears to have been automatically wiped upon his death, but I still have his research notes, which might even include the reason why we were out here in the first place. I'll start reading it tomorrow, which should help pass the time as we head to the nearest facility. Entry 17: Holy shit, Wu was a fucking lunatic. Entry 18: I printed out a paper copy of Wu's files and threw the hard drive into the ocean. I'll burn the paper copy as well, but first type up my own report expressing why absolutely no one should ever try to follow in his footsteps. And I'm keeping the boat. It was never Foundation property anyway, and after what he almost did to the agents and me its the least I deserve. End of Excerpt. + Report - Report Voyage of the Boro, Report Abstract dated 03/12/1991, by Susan Morris I submit this report to the Overseer Council to explain the events surrounding the voyage of the Boro and the discovery of SCP-6540. Attached to this document are copies of every surviving file pertinent to both, including research notes and a suggested containment method. Aside from the unintentional discovery and analysis of SCP-6540, this voyage has been an exercise of futility. The initial leader of said voyage was one Dr. Ziháo Wu, whom I believe was intensely delusional long before exposure to SCP-6540, SCP-6540 merely exacerbated this. This voyages true, hidden intention was to track down some dark entity, which he believed posed a great risk if left unchecked, and sacrifice the entire crew including himself to it. Reviewing his files I found no evidence that this creature even existed. Once he began experimenting on himself with SCP-6540 he became convinced that it was somehow connected to this dark entity. Again, I found no evidence of this within his files, which I was then forced to destroy to avoid them being found and misinterpreted by the then-acting captain of the vessel. Given these circumstances, the fact that we by complete chance managed to locate and contain an anomalous object is likely the best outcome we could have hoped for. + Addendum - Addendum Addendum: SCP-6540-A has been found to have cognitohazardous qualities. Consumption of SCP-6540-A will induce an effect hereto referred to as SCP-6540-B. The subject afflicted by SCP-6540-B is not considered to be inherently anomalous once SCP-6540-B has worn off. SCP-6540-B is a state of transcendental hallucination induced by excess consumption of SCP-6540-A. While under the effects of SCP-6540-B the subject will experience the life and times of SCP-6540, one Captain Jim Thompson from its point of view. Each experience with SCP-6540-B progresses this life story until its eventual end at the hands of an unknown, likely anomalous entity. These hallucinatory experiences are often narrated in character by the subject as they are experienced, allowing for documentation, however, this heavily depends on the subject. Exposure to SCP-6540-B can induce major personality changes, symptoms of psychosis and is also considered to be psychologically addicting. This is believed to be non-anomalous and is likely a simple consequence of SCP-6540-B's dissociative nature. Continuous exposure to SCP-6540-B has a 100 percent fatality rate as once the subject reaches the end of SCP-6540's life story, they suffer an injury identical to that visible on SCP-6540 and expire. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6540" by SorchaSublime, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6541 | safe | Item #: SCP-6541 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6541 is to be stored in a waterproof, airtight standard hazardous object containment locker. Further testing of SCP-6541 is pending Ethics Committee Review. Description: SCP-6541 is an antique bear trap, typical in design of devices produced in the late 19th century, that occasionally displays autonomous behavior, most commonly when in line of sight of a sentient observer. SCP-6541 will engage in violent behavior towards any female human, typically attacking and maiming the individual until the victim either flees or dies. Following this, if there are no other individuals satisfying SCP-6541's criteria for aggression, it will revert to a docile or inanimate state. The degree of sentience possessed by SCP-6541 is unknown. Notes: I must remind personnel that spreading rumors regarding re-assignment of staff from an anomaly warrants disciplinary measures for unprofessional conduct. It is frankly none of your business how or why someone is re-assigned. Focus on your job, and less on rumors. All of our words have impact, so be mindful of your prejudices and how they are externalized. Bigotry towards your fellow coworkers will not be tolerated. Thanks. -Director Oliver Barren +You have 8 Unread messages from <[email protected]> -Close Inbox To: uof.tenpics|91ilonorab#uof.tenpics|91ilonorab Subject: Company Policy I know that we have a strict dress code but I was wondering if you would let me incorporate like, some kind of mini-skirt into my outfit? It would be really good for me. To: uof.tenpics|91ilonorab#uof.tenpics|91ilonorab Subject: SCP-6541 testing (!!!) So, I think I would be a great candidate to lead testing on SCP-6541 after its recent acquisition. I know that you probably have doubts after my hospital stay last month, but trust me, I can handle this. I'm gonna file the paperwork and get to work. Everyone needs to move past my announcement anyways To: uof.tenpics|91ilonorab#uof.tenpics|91ilonorab Subject: Re: SCP-6541 testing (!!!) It hasn't really done anything crazy yet. I dunno, I was expecting something conclusive. the thing just sits there usually. Maybe it can't see very well? They pass well To: uof.tenpics|91ilonorab#uof.tenpics|91ilonorab Subject: Some stuff about the thing So Jamie said that we lost a few female D-Class during SCP-6541 testing, but I dunno if he said that to get a reaction out of me. You know he can be a big cunt sometimes. Also, I was wondering if you read about the miniskirt thing? I'm kinda over them anyways, too stereotypical. To: uof.tenpics|91ilonorab#uof.tenpics|91ilonorab Subject: SCP-6541 Testing I'm gonna try using D-Class with a higher dosage. Or maybe post-op. That should change the result and get a reaction. so far its just not… I'll get back to you with more To: uof.tenpics|91ilonorab#uof.tenpics|91ilonorab Subject: I swear it feels like everyone is judging me for taking on testing I might go to hr, I feel like there's just like, a lot of rubbing in going on. I know not everyone is gonna be sensitive but like, we're all scientists here To: uof.tenpics|91ilonorab#uof.tenpics|91ilonorab Subject: Field study Disregard my last email at this point, I think I'm going to go in myself. these d class can't follow orders very well and some of them are frankly not looking the way I do. and its also been hard to get some post op personnel too science does require risks, after all To: uof.tenpics|91ilonorab#uof.tenpics|91ilonorab Subject: I can't do this anymore i just. I screamed at it today. Pete saw too. begging it to just fucking kill me. but it won't budge it just sits there taunting me why doesn't it hate me im real, i know i am i have to be More From This Author More From This Author PoufyPoufson's Works SCPs SCP-8010 • SCP-7811 • SCP-7471 • SCP-7419 • SCP-3169 • Poufy's Proposal • SCP-8105 • SCP-8465 • SCP-7575 • SCP-7151 • SPHERE • SCP-8332 • SCP-7541 • SCP-8541 • SCP-8031 • Tales/GoI Formats Other Fear of Death • SCP-POUF • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6541" by PoufyPoufson, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6542 | esoteric-class | 5/6542 LEVEL 5/6542 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-6542 PAGNUM SCP-6542, taken from its containment chamber inside of the Marzec Church in Zielonka, Poland. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: As SCP-6542 facilitates its own failed form of self-containment — still requiring intensive observations and proactive procedures from the Foundation — the Pagnum classification has been deemed appropriate. SCP-6542 is actively drained at a constant rate of 20,000 liters per hour. All contents derived from SCP-6542 must be processed in accordance with Document 6542-Alpha. Copies of said document may be retrieved freely at Area-120 from Rs. Laura Rains at any time. In the event that human consumption of SCP-6542's contents is unsuccessful, the subsequent emergency procedures are to be enforced until such issues have been rectified. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: All personnel self-identifying as believers in the Christian faith must bathe themselves within SCP-6542 for no less than one hour. The anomaly itself must not remain unoccupied for longer than twelve minutes between bathing periods. Upon exiting, medical personnel are to clean and inspect each individual for any unusual properties such as stigmata.1 DESCRIPTION: SCP-6542 is a large white marble vat of anomalously preserved milk, located within the Marzec Church. Attempts to remove this milk from the container will not cause the overall volume of SCP-6542 to decrease. Analysis of the milk contained within reveals it to have originated from non-anomalous domestic sheep. At seemingly random intervals, a human shadow will become visible within SCP-6542. Upon seeing this shadow, all individuals who self-identify as a member of a Christian denomination describe debilitating feelings of dread, anxiety, and guilt. Upon the further formation of this shadow, a lactoderm2 will begin forming across the surface of the milk. Testing has revealed that this lactoderm contains traces of human endometrial cells, and will increase in density until an individual practicing the Christian faith is submerged into SCP-6542 (refer to ADDENDUM 6542-3). If allowed to cover the entire surface of the milk, the lactoderm will begin transmuting into cheese, which will continue unless a subject is submerged within.3 Should the entirety of the milk currently held within SCP-6542 be transmuted into cheese, a RAPTURE event will manifest. During this period, large quantities of non-anomalous milk, far exceeding the tub's volume, will flow from SCP-6542. RAPTURE events typically last 1-2 hours, with SCP-6542 releasing upwards of 300,000 liters of milk and/or cheese from within its container. SCP-6542 was discovered in a routine scan for heterodox4 Christian practices in order to locate possible anomalous activity. The prevalence of lactic symbolism and the statistically significant low level of crime in Marzec prompted a deeper investigation. Containment of the anomaly was willingly surrendered to the Foundation after the Patriarchs of Rome and Byzantium declared the practices in Marzec heretical. ADDENDUM 1: REPORT OF EYEWITNESS PARANORMAL EVENT DATE: 1992/11/26 WRITTEN BY: Dr. Anderson Mackay SUPPORTING: Rs. Markus Rains, Dr. Andrew Sinclair, Jr. Rs. Niles Gustom, et. al. OVERVIEW On 1992/11/14, Foundation satellites detected an unknown abnormality centralized within the Marzec Church. Local police were later dispatched alongside Foundation personnel to the scene of the event, which had already been overtaken by a RAPTURE event. A total of 123 casualties were recovered, 7 of which later expired due to related causes. Interviews between several eyewitnesses have detailed the following series of chronological events that occurred both before and after the RAPTURE event. Such events would later spark the phenomenon's first active investigation. TIMELINE OF EVENTS -08:00 Internal emails sent to Marzec Church staff indicate that, due to scheduling complications, the monthly public baptisms will have to be delayed again for the third time since September. Concerns about the volume of the central baptism chamber are raised and quickly dismissed. -3:12 The facility opens, and the first few civilians begin congregating within the outer hall. Members of the Church administration report hearing moans, bells, and chords emanating from the central stage, but cannot locate their source. -1:25 Civilians are allowed within the central sanctuary. The crowds begin filling seats throughout the room. One member slips in an unknown material as he goes to sit, and cries weakly whilst laying in the fetal position. Interviews with the ministry leader indicate that the substance appeared to be molten cheese. -0:22 Initial worship begins and ends. All members return to their seats as Father Anders walks onto the central stage. The crowd claps as he enters. Members of the stage crew note some disturbance on Father Anders's microphone as it records the faint voice of an unknown individual. No one else notices these disturbances. -0:15 Members of the crowd complain of a foul yet intoxicating smell. Father Anders apologizes, briefly making a joke about a member flatulating, before Maintenance arrives once more to investigate. Father Anders continues his sermon. -0:06 The top of the central monument begins to warp outwards. Several members take notice and vocalize concern to other staff, but Father Anders continues his speech. Maintenance is unable to locate nor prevent the source of the leaking. -0:02 Milk begins flooding from more leaks and the now-present gaps at the top of the central monument. Father Anders notices and asks everyone to quickly retreat from the facility. While some members retreat, others fall to their knees and begin babbling incoherently. 0:00 The RAPTURE event begins. The lid of the central monument is ejected upwards, crashing into a nearby chandelier before impacting the central stage — damaging it severely. Milk is also ejected at a rate of 2,820m3/s. Several audience members are quickly swept away by the rushing milk and cheese curds, including Father Anders. +0:08 The first few members of the Church are seen exiting the building. Milk has begun to fill the central chamber and outer halls, increasing in rate as it continues. The rushing currents of the fluid trap members along the walls of the facility. The milk now stands at a depth of nearly two meters. Glass begins shattering as lowered windows cannot take the pressure, leaking milk into the parking lot outside. +0:11 Foundation forces are dispatched to the scene for cleanup and proper containment. A perimeter is made surrounding the Marzec Church as it continues to flood. +0:45 The rate of flow begins to decrease. Outside drains begin overflowing from milk and cheese. Foundation members begin pumping out the milk to surrounding drainage to accommodate. +1:12 The depth of milk seen within the Church decreases dramatically to 1.1 meters. No corpses are seen floating on the surface of the milk. Much of the congregation has vanished. +1:22 De-escalation and amnesticiation protocols are initiated. Local authorities are removed from the premises as Foundation agents begin scrubbing documents of the Marzec Church's existence. Official containment begins. ADDENDUM 2: OBSERVED CHANGES FOLLOWING RAPTURE EVENT LEAD RESEARCHER: Rs. D. Odo ASSISTING RESEARCHER: Dr. Lordan Xyon, Dir. Daniel Asheworth, et. al. In the weeks following SCP-6542's first RAPTURE event, containment personnel within Provisional Site-6542 reported identical and unusual dreams. These dreams would later correspond to several observed changes in SCP-6542's behavior. Both are presented below in chronological order. Descriptions of the dreams invariably and strongly resembled narrative structure and imagery from Bibles published in the native languages of the dreamers. The following English dream transcriptions resemble passages in the King James Version, published in 1611. DATE 1992/11/15 DREAM Upon such sights I witnessed that of the Son of Man, clothed with cheesecloth to his feet, and wrapped in a golden liquid. His head and hair were white as pulled mozzarella, firm like mascarpone, and his eyes a rippling whey. His feet smelled heavily of limburger, with his voice the sound of butter churning. He had in his hand seven holes stolen from a wheel of swiss cheese. Escaping from his mouth was an unruly blade, and his face a rich-red sauce. When I saw him, I fell before his feet as dead. He laid his right hand onto me and spoke "Be not afraid! I am the first and the last. I am He who lives beyond Death. Behold. I am alive forevermore, and I hold the cream of hell and heaven." RESULTS Following reports of this dream, an unknown shadow began forming along the surface of SCP-6542. Shadows cast upon SCP-6542 are now widely recognized as a single masculine figure upon a wooden cross. DATE 1992/11/16 DREAM Before thee lay a throne set in heaven, which He sat upon; He who was gorgonzola and stiltson, who had obtained a brilliance about the throne, like a wheel of aged white cheddar. Before the throne there was a sea of cream, and surrounding the throne were four beasts full of eyes. The first a lion, the second a cow, the third had a face like a woman, and the fourth a flying eagle. Each had several udders with six teats, and the beasts gave milk and honey to He who sat on the throne, who lives forever and ever. RESULTS The overall volume of milk generated by SCP-6542 was observed to increase by approximately twenty-four times after the aforementioned dream was reported. DATE 1992/11/17 DREAM You have abandoned your first love. Repent, and do your first work. Repent, and eat milk instead of meat. You copulate not to draw forth milk, but instead for pleasure. Wake up! Your souls are neither cold nor hot; I would wish you to be either, but since they are merely lukewarm, I can only taste a foul curdle in my mouth. RESULTS All self-identified Christians in Marzec became physically nauseous upon eating meat. DATE 1992/11/18 DREAM To the victor, I bestow the cheese of life, which comes from the paradise of God. To the victor, I shall provide some of my hidden milk, and will give him a magnificent ball of mozzarella, and upon that mozzarella, a new name will be written, which none can know but he who receives it. The victor, I will clothe in fresh cheesecloth. To the victor, I will give the right to sit at my table and gaze upon my galaxy. RESULTS All self-identified Christians in Marzec expressed fanatical cravings for milk. Riots would later break out within Marzec's grocers following a shortage of purchasable milk. 12 Foundation personnel were injured. DATE 1992/11/19 DREAM We shall hunger nor thirst anymore. The sun shall not burn us. The lamb who flocks amidst the throne will provide and lead us unto living fountains of milk, and God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He gives unto us the milk of the fountain, which gives unto us freely. RESULTS The milk within SCP-6542 curdles entirely into cheese by sunrise the subsequent night, prompting immediate de-escalation by Foundation personnel to deter another RAPTURE event. ADDENDUM 3: EXPLORATION OF NEWLY DISCOVERED SCP-6542 PHENOMENA DATE: 1992/12/07 MTF ALPHA-33 MEMBERS: ΑBASLOM: MTF Beta-7 "Paranaughts" (Spatial Ontokinetics) CHAI: MTF Eta-7 "Maz Hatters" (Hazmat Protections) DELTA: MTF Eta-77 "Spheres Within Spheres" (Tactical Theology) FOREWORD: Following a drastic increase of both RAPTURE event frequencies and their potential threat to the Veil5 efforts to reduce or outright cease their manifestations were highly prioritized by Foundation researchers. Following further investigation, it was revealed that once a subject6 was submerged within SCP-6542 prior to its RAPTURE event, the anomaly's effects were dampened or, in some cases, nullified entirely. Submergement into SCP-6542 likewise introduced newly discovered anomalous phenomena, which was later recorded by Provisional MTF Alpha-33 "Lactose Intolerant" whilst testing. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> Camera recording begins with ABSALOM entering the dimensional space created by SCP-6542. Other members of Alpha-33 wait until ABSALOM signals that the dimension on the other side appears to be physically stable and contains breathable air. The remainder of Alpha-33 then enters. Body camera footage shows a vast and blurry white abyss, though as more members of Alpha-33 enter, the footage quality improves, revealing a street. Buildings are situated along one side of the street. The closest is no taller than two stories, with sleek alabaster skyscrapers being somewhat visible in the distance. On the other side of the street, there is a body of liquid that stretches beyond the camera's view. A pale, golden light in the sky tints the liquid the color of honey. DELTA: Huh… dunno what I was expecting. It's all milk and honey. ABSALOM activates a matter-analyzing device, pointing it at the body of water. CHAI pulls out an Akiva measuring device, and DELTA tests the ground while also pointing a laser sight at the skyscrapers. The ground is noticeably firm but malleable and springs back at the touch. ABSALOM: According to my scanner here, that's not actually honey. Probably whey from the looks of it. DELTA: [Offhand] So much for that, then. CHAI: I'm getting nothing over here. Whole place is filled to the brim with Akiva. ABSALOM: Understood. [Pause] DELTA, any results? DELTA: Not really — everything's super inconsistent. Like, take those skyscrapers over there, for example. They should be anywhere between a hundred meters and twelve kilometers away, right? But really it's just a mirage; they don't actually exist. DELTA clears his throat as he lightly stomps his boots into the ground, causing the surface to undulate. DELTA: Anyway, our best bet is to head towards the city center, I think. ABSALOM: Agreed. Alpha-33 begins walking towards the skyscraper buildings. As they walk further, a large and expansive city becomes viewable. The buildings within have the architectural style of an ancient Roman tenement, with some appearing to ooze or jiggle like mozzarella. Alpha-33 intercepts a large road leading into the city, which they traverse to enter. Alpha-33 proceeds forward. The buildings seen earlier still do not appear to change in perceived height. All three agents are heard making sounds of consternation and complaint. ABSALOM: Chai, you ever deal with an infinite loop before? CHAI: Once or twice. The trick with dimensions like these though is that once you realize it, they become a lot easier to escape from. DELTA: Infinite dimension loops should be the least of our worries. Especially in a place like this, we need to be careful. None of you are trained in dealing with Covenants — especially not any dealing with akivic or tartarean entities. They continue walking onwards. After several minutes, the street they're traversing terminates, leading to another sea of whey similar to the one seen previously. ABSALOM: We're definitely looping. DELTA: No, I don't think so. Everything still looks different. He points across the sea of whey, indicating towards a large, white citadel situated beyond a series of hills. As the camera perspective shifts, a loud beep is heard faintly. CHAI: Akiva levels increasing. Looks like something's approaching us? ABSALOM: There. An unknown male figure (hereby referreed to as SCP-6542-A) strides from across the sea of whey and towards Alpha-33, walking atop the liquid. As it approaches, the camera slowly begins distinguishing its features. From this perspective, SCP-6542-A can be seen wearing a white robe. Its skin is likewise white, with long, thick hair resembling shredded cheese. SCP-6542-A: GREETINGS, MY CHILDREN! BE NOT AFRAID! THE SON OF MAN WELCOMES YOU! A noticeable audio distortion is detected, presumably caused by the entity's voice disrupting the physical hardware of the recording device. ABSALOM: Who are you? SCP-6542-A: I GO BY MANY NAMES! HEIR OF DAVID AND SOLOMON! THE SON OF MAN! JESUS OF NAZARETH! SCP-6542-A smiles, swinging its arms outwards. SCP-6542-A: YOU'VE HAD A LONG JOURNEY! PLEASE, JOIN ME! SIT AT MY FATHER'S TABLE! LET US BREAK BREAD! DELTA turns towards ABSALOM. DELTA: We aren't actually going to listen to Cheesus over there, right? CHAI: Why not? He might have something useful. We just have to be careful with any potential hazmat — remember our protocols. ABSALOM: I agree — this might be our best chance to get information. And besides— ABSALOM gestures at the street they entered from; it is now a dead end. ABSALOM: Not like we have much of a choice here. DELTA: I can't believe you're both taking the "BE NOT AFRAID" thing seriously. ABSALOM: He's Jesus Christ. How bad could he be? CHAI: To be fair, I don't think the Bible ever mentioned him being made out of cheese. ABSALOM: It never said he was white either — stay on guard. ABSALOM clears his throat, turning towards SCP-6542-A. ABSALOM: We'll join you. SCP-6542-A: EXCELLENT! A hollowed wheel of parmesan spontaneously arises from beneath the pool of whey. As it manifests, SCP-6542-A gestures for Alpha-33 to sit inside. They eventually comply, sitting within the wheel before it begins sailing forward. SCP-6542-A walks alongside from the water's surface as it continues sailing, but does not speak until they have reached the citadel's shore. Upon arrival, Alpha-33 is led from the sea of whey directly to the citadel's front entrance. After several minutes they arrive and enter inside. After passing a large corridor, the group is met with a table loosely resembling Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper.' Tapestries with religious imagery are likewise apparent throughout the citadel. SCP-6542-A: MY CHILDREN, SIT! FEAST ON MY BUTTER AND DRINK MY WHEY! MAY YOU LIVE FOREVER IN MY FATHER'S KINGDOM AND FIND PEACE IN MY COVENANT! SCP-6542-A pours a translucent white drink for each member of Alpha-33. Once finished, SCP-6542-A then locates clumps of butter shaped similarly to fish and gives one to each member. Alpha-33 does not move to eat or drink. CHAI: So… uh, this covenant of yours? SCP-6542-A: YES, MY COVENANT. CHAI: What are you talking about when you say that? SCP-6542-A: SURELY YOU ALREADY KNOW! IT IS MY PROMISE, FOR ALL WHO HEED MY WORDS! INCLUDING YOU, SAMUEL CHAI! FOLLOW ME, AND I SHALL GIVE UNTO YOU ETERNAL LIFE! YOU SHALT NOT PERISH NOR SUFFER AS YOU HAVE IN THIS LIFE! CHAI: Sounds like you know a lot about my personal life. SCP-6542-A: YES! FOR YOU ARE ALIVE IN ME! BY MY SACRIFICE, YOU ARE SAVED! FOR YOU HAVE LISTENED TO THE DREAMS I SENT YOU, AND MADE YOUR WAY BACK TO ME. SCP-6542-A takes a swig of whey from its goblet. Its eyes roll back briefly. The whites of its eyes are the same color as its skin. ABSALOM: What… what happened to you? CHAI: Absalom— SCP-6542-A: NO, I BID YOU SPEAK ALDRICH ABSALOM. WHAT AILS YOU SO? ABSALOM: Excuse my bluntness, but I thought… I thought you went to Heaven? Like, you rose into Heaven on a cloud and sat at the right hand of the father and yadda yadda all of that… so how can you be here? SCP-6542-A takes another swig of whey. When it lowers its cup, its eyes are more yellow. Its voice is significantly quieter. SCP-6542-A: A TROUBLING STORY. CHAI: What better way to share a story than over a meal? SCP-6542-A: YET YOU HAVE NOT EATEN. [Pause] BUT VERY WELL, I WILL SHARE WITH YOU MY THOUGHTS. It cuts a slice of butter and proceeds to chew momentarily. SCP-6542-A: AFTER I LAY DEAD FROM MY SACRIFICE, I HAD FULLY INTENDED TO RETURN AND BRING ABOUT MY FATHER'S KINGDOM ON EARTH — JUST AS THE SCRIPTURES PROCLAIM. OUR WORLD HAS BEEN MADE IMPURE, SO UNWORTHY AND SINFUL. I WAS BORN TO BEAR THAT SIN AND FORGIVE MAN SO THAT THEY MAY JOIN MY FATHER. ABSALOM: Yeah, yeah we know all that bit – they teach it every Sunday to children. SCP-6542-A: THEY TEACH YOU FALSEHOODS. I AM HERE; I HAVE NOT STEPPED FOOT AGAIN UPON THE EARTH. DOING SO WOULD SURELY SIGNAL THE END TIMES. BUT HAVE HOPE! SUCH A DAY IS FAST APPROACHING! DELTA: Horseshit. SCP-6542-A: IT IS TRUE. BELIEVE ME! DELTA: I don't. ABSALOM and CHAI pause, staring at DELTA as SCP-6542-A chokes briefly on its stick of butter. SCP-6542-A: … I FORGIVE YOU. DELTA: What? SCP-6542-A finishes eating its butter and drinks the last of its whey. Flakes of cheese fall from the surface of SCP-6542-A. SCP-6542-A I SWORE TO RETURN WITHIN THE LIFETIMES OF THOSE WHO HEARD MY WORDS! YET AS I LAID IN MY TOMB AFTER MY DEATH ON THE CROSS, THREE SHEPHERDS SNUCK INTO MY COFFIN AND APPROACHED ME. CHAI: Did you know who they were? SCP-6542-A: I KNOW NOT. BUT UPON SEEING MY MORTAL COIL — FOR REASONS I CANNOT COMPREHEND — THEY SEALED ME AWAY IN SHEEP'S MILK. ABSALOM: Okay… right, but what about the holy spirit and the return and ascent into heaven or whatever? SCP-6542-A pauses. SCP-6542-A: OH, YE OF LITTLE FAITH. [Pauses] YES, SAMUEL CHAI? CHAI: Yeah, sorry, I just… so if you were stuck here, is that why you never came back? You sacrificed yourself to absolve your followers of sin, but never brought your kingdom of heaven on earth? ABSALOM: Assuming you're telling the truth, that is. SCP-6542-A: I HAVE LIVED FOR OVER TWO MILLENNIA, AND IN THAT TIME I HAVE BROUGHT MY FATHER'S KINGDOM INTO THIS PRISON. A KINGDOM WHICH MY FOLLOWERS CANNOT YET SEE, YET YOU CAN. CHAI: I mean, yeah, I guess. It's quite a pretty kingdom too — I can't deny that. SCP-6542-A: SAMUEL CHAI, YOU ARE KIND! THANK THE SINS OF MAN FOR THIS KINGDOM! FOR SINS CURDLE THE MILK AND FROM THAT I CAN BUILD THESE WONDERS. CHAI: Oh. So what you're saying is…? SCP-6542-A: THE SINS OF MAN, THEY ARE HERE! AND FROM SUCH SINS, I MUST REVEAL AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH. Flecks of milky spittle fly from SCP-6542-A's mouth. He seems apoplectic with anger. ABSALOM: What truth? SCP-6542-A: YOU ARE FORGIVEN! AND I LOVE YOU, EVEN DURING MY ENTRAPMENT. ALL I REQUEST IS THAT YOU DRINK MY MILK! EAT OF MY BUTTER! FOR THAT IS HOW I MIGHT SHOW YOU THE WAY FROM MILKUTH TO CHEDDAR. DELTA: … what? SCP-6542-A: ALAS! WOE! HAS KABBALAH BEEN FORGOTTEN IN YOUR AGE? FROM THE KINGDOM TO THE CROWN! CHAI: Oh — you mean Malkuth to Keter. SCP-6542-A: YES… AS I SAID! MILKUTH TO CHEDDAR! DRINK FROM ME, AND YOU SHALL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE! DRINK MY MILK, AND YOUR SINS SHALL DROWN AWAY! THAT IS ALL I ASK! THAT, AND FOR YOU TO SPREAD MY WORD TO OTHERS IN YOUR WORLD. ABSALOM: We'll consider— DELTA: Absolutely fucking not. SCP-6542-A: MY CHILD— DELTA: There's no way you're my personal savior. No way. I mean, come on, Kabbalah isn't even part of Christianity. And, really, "Milkuth" and "Cheddar"? No self-respecting rabbi would ever say something that absurd. SCP-6542-A winces as DELTA speaks. Suddenly, the entity turns its head. SCP-6542-A's skin cracks as it moves. Beneath the cracking surface, tan skin is visible. DELTA: What are you doing? SCP-6542-A: TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK. DELTA moves to stand but realizes he cannot. Panicked, ABSALOM and CHAI try to stand as well but begin sinking into the floor instead, which has become cottage cheese. They are buried to their knees. The walls and floors fall away from around them. They are now standing atop a tall marble pillar. The clouds, far below, are dense and compact — illuminated by an unknown source of brown light. SCP-6542-A: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! WHAT I'VE DONE FOR YOU. EVERYTHING I'VE DONE. WHY WON'T YOU ACCEPT MY LOVE? DELTA: You call this love? SCP-6542-A extends its arms wide. Holes form in its brow of cheese; rivulets of blood spurt from it. Its hands likewise begin bleeding. SCP-6542-A: YOU MUST SPREAD MY GOSPEL. TELL THEM THAT THEY MUST DRINK, BEFORE MY KINGDOM COMES. FOR MY WILL MUST BE DONE. ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Bodycam footage abruptly ceases, preventing further viewing. <END TRANSCRIPT> CONCLUDING STATEMENT: Alpha-33 was later retrieved from SCP-6542 with minor injuries. Following Alpha-33's exploration into SCP-6542, a subsequent RAPTURE event caused little to no damage to Foundation operations. Additionally, later investigations by Foundation theologians determined that all members of Alpha-33 had somehow been completely cleansed of sin. Members of Alpha-33 were unable to recall any events following the aforementioned log. ADDENDUM 4: EMERGENCY MEETING DATE: 1992/09/05 PARTICIPANTS: O5-2 O5-4 O5-7 O5-10 FOREWORD: The following meeting was held after subsequent RAPTURE events were reportedly increasing in severity, frequency, and overall capacity. All other O5 Council members were unavailable. <BEGIN TRANSCRIPT> O5-2: Is this really everyone? O5-10: Looks like it. O5-2: I… huh. I thought more of us would care about this. But fine, whatever. O5-7: Well, all things considered, at least we've already absolved ourselves of sin, right? O5-10: Do not talk about that, Seven. O5-7: I'm just saying that we still have that going for us. O5-4: Let's focus, everyone. Silence. O5-2: Okay. [Clears throat.] I'll just be up-front and re-iterate to the Council that SCP-6542 currently poses an insurmountable threat to the stability of the Veil and operations both inside and outside Poland. O5-10: And what's the exact threat imposed here? O5-2: Not sure, we don't have enough information for specific details. The best we can do is assume based on our recent projections — and right now those aren't looking so great. O5-2 retrieves and begins shuffling through several sheets of paper. O5-2: Our current methods for suppressing SCP-6542's anomalous effects are… inefficient. We have, at best, twelve more months before these RAPTURE events begin covering entire countries, or maybe even continents. A recent incident last week nearly caused the entire city of Zielonka to flood. O5-7: Has the town been placed under quarantine, or has anything happened to the residents? O5-2: Yes and yes. Theological personnel ran a few tests — almost all the citizens of Zielonka have been completely cleaned of sin, just like us. O5-4: Is that a bad thing? O5-10: It could be, especially if word gets out about it and someone catches wind of our operations. Imagine a world where everyone travels to Poland and hopes to get swept away by milk. O5-2: While Ten is technically correct here — it's not detrimental. It certainly doesn't harm anyone, if that's what you're asking, Four. O5-4 nods. O5-7: Why didn't we just bathe in this milk ourselves? Instead of doing… all of that. O5-2: As far as we can tell Seven, it only works for devout Christians — which applies to none of us, least of all me. O5-7: Okay, but how can you say this is a threat if, as you just said, it doesn't harm anything? Would someone actually notice that this thing was anomalous? O5-4: You mean other than the floods of milk? O5-7: Well, duh, but that's not what I meant. Why not just trap it underground in some lead container and nuke the damn thing? Be done with it entirely. O5-4: Did you really just recommend nuking a coffin as a legitimate idea that we should consider? O5-10: It's not entirely absurd, Four. We've certainly done weirder things, but this sounds inefficient and completely antithetical to our goals. O5-2: And infeasible. That thing isn't moving anywhere. It's way too heavy for any machinery to lift or carry, and beyond that, we might accidentally instigate more RAPTURE events by trying. We've only been able to kill one version of Heaven with modern military technology, and with this one we still don't know how robust it is. And — what's worse — the collective delusions associated with the anomaly are spreading. Everyone in Zielonka has been having the same shared dreams about, well, cheese kingdoms and oceans of milk. O5-4: In that case, why not just destroy Christianity itself? We do have weapons that can eradicate concepts from the Noosphere. O5-7: That would be way more ridiculous than just nuking a single tub, by far. O5-4: I don't see anyone else pitching any better ideas. Further silence by all members of the Council. O5-2: There is… one thing, I think. Something we haven't considered yet. O5-10: Really? What's that? O5-2: Well, look, the milk's only dangerous because of all the flooding, right? O5-4: You can't be serious. O5-10: Two, I already know what you're thinking. O5-2: Oh, come on Ten. What's the harm in trying? I consider myself an authority on what Jesus would want, and I know for a fact that this will work. <END TRANSCRIPT> ADDENDUM 5: ATTACHED PROPOSAL Approved following verdict and confirmation by the O5 COUNCIL. DETAILS DATE: 1992/09/12 CURRENT STATUS: [ONGOING] OPERATING REGION(S): NORTH AMERICA, POLAND ORGANIZER: O5-2 SUMMARY Following further conversations with all members of the O5 COUNCIL, a new strategy, hosted primarily within North America, was officially approved by majority vote. Following approval, transferral and outsourcing of SCP-6542 material into U.S.-based containment Sites was immediately authorized to both assist struggling facilities in Poland and decrease the total quantity of milk produced from the anomaly. Said strategy would eventually lead to a federally and nationally approved ad campaign hosted by Foundation front companies, which would then be used in tandem with physical SCP-6542 material.7 The approved campaign was later proposed to the Department of Education, which accepted and authorized the distribution of promotional materials throughout public schools across the United States. Thus far, the Foundation's strategy has proven effective in reducing all produced SCP-6542 material to sustainable levels. It should further be noted that, following this campaign, RAPTURE events from SCP-6542 began to decrease dramatically in size and frequency, effectively becoming outright null as of writing. An example of this campaign, approved for viewing by O5-2, has been attached to this report for reference. CLICK TO ACCESS IMAGE CLICK TO CLOSE Footnotes 1. Wounds on the palms and other such locations corresponding with the crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ, associated with deeply pious Roman Catholics. 2. Also known as "milk skin." 3. Upon being submerged during transmutation, the cheese within SCP-6542 will revert back to sheep milk. The exact processes surrounding this phenomenon remain unknown. 4. Not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs. 5. As the volume of milk released from such events has since exponentially grown to unsustainable levels. 6. Or, in some cases, a group of subjects. 7. As all testing with the byproduct did not indicate any risk to humans. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6542" by DarnellJermaine, Tanhony, Rounderhouse, J Dune, PlaguePJP, S D Locke, and JakdragonX, rewritten by JakdragonX, LORDXVNV, Azamo, and stephlynch, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. 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SCP-6543 | safe | N/A ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item #: SCP-6543 Special Containment Procedures: The area containing SCP-6543 has been purchased as private land and access is forbidden. A locked hatch has been fitted over the entrance of SCP-6543 and covered over with dirt. Description: SCP-6543 is a trans-dimensional location accessible through a dugout tunnel leading 2m underground in [REDACTED] United Kingdom, in a desolate field. Prior to containment, the hole was marked by an aged metal shovel planted before it in the ground. SCP-6543 resembles a gravesite within a field of trimmed dead grass and pruned trees, neither of which have grown any larger since discovery. A perpetual, unmoving fog hovers just above the ground’s surface; the sky is grey and cloudy. Temperatures range between 5-10℃ at any time. Gravestones stand two feet apart from one another throughout all explored sections of the location. There is no visible end to SCP-6543. All gravestones within SCP-6543 measure no more than 30x30cm and are constructed out of black marble. Gravestones are often decorated with items and mementoes associated with those whose names are engraved into them; attempts to remove such items have been unsuccessful. No bodies have been found buried beneath any of the gravestones. Physical interaction with gravestones will cause subjects to realise the identity of those which an instance refers to and recall various details regarding their life, including the individual's favourite experiences, interests, noteworthy achievements, and ways in which they affected others' lives positively. No historical records regarding anyone identified on these gravestones have been recovered. Addendum: The following is a log listing notable gravestones within SCP-6543 and their interaction results: Engraved Epithet Interaction Summary Notes: Annabelle Glindell Discovered several unknown species of flora growing on an island where she had been stranded. Expert botanist and survivalist. Skilled writer that kept a detailed journal describing her discoveries and experiences on the island. Survived for over ten years before committing suicide. Island has yet to be found. Search efforts ongoing. Christopher Kyles Donated over $5,000,000 of his own earnings anonymously over his lifetime. N/A Rodney Simmons All major organs harvested and then donated by his parents following his premature death. N/A Emily Rangers Cared and cooked for the entire family, despite their lack of appreciation. Baked the best macadamia nut chocolate cookies in the world. Referenced cookie recipe is written on a piece of paper attached to the gravestone. Testing confirmed the recipe to be accurate. Richard “Hazardous” King Traveled back in time. Kicked Hitler in the balls. N/A Rav1oliConseguir Downvoted and left feedback (Context unknown) N/A Clarence Almond Wrote stories for the world, but never got to share them. A leather-bound journal titled "Vol.009" sits atop the gravestone. Journal contains a number of short stories primarily revolving around themes of horror and isolation. While the journal cannot be removed, opening and reading it is possible. N/A (In-place is a carved symbol resembling a wreath) Die so we may live. (Repeated by all subjects) Leaning against the gravestone is a single framed photograph. The individual in the photo, as well as the memories experienced when interacting with the gravestone are different between each interaction. All individuals appear dressed in a military uniform, varying by country and time period. Bert "A very good boy" (As quoted by subject) Gravestone resembled a stylised bone shape protruding out of the ground. Atop the gravestone is a tattered dog collar. Addendum: During the most recent exploration of SCP-6543, a dugout grave was discovered before an unmarked gravestone. On the front was a series of arcane symbols associated with the concepts of knowledge and memory, smeared in blood. Tests to identify the blood have been inconclusive, however remnants of arcane genealogy have been confirmed. Carbon-dating revealed the gravestone's age to exceed that of any other currently recorded within SCP-6543. Against the gravestone is a shovel, watering can, and tree-pruner. Interaction with the gravestone does not trigger any anomalous properties. Within the grave lies a humanoid skeleton. Their identity remains unknown. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6543" by Penton, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6544 | keter | + CODE - CODE /* BLANKSTYLE CSS [2021 Wikidot Theme] By Placeholder McD and HarryBlank Based on: Paperstack Theme by EstrellaYoshte Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte */ @import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap'); #page-content { font-size: .9rem; } #main-content { top: -1.6rem; padding: 0.2em; } div#container-wrap { background-image: none; } div#header { background-image: none; } #header h1, #header h2 { margin-left: 0; float: none; text-align: center; } #header h2 { margin-top: 0.5rem; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span { font-size: 0; display: none;} #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before { color: #000; letter-spacing: 1px; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif !important; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before { content: var(--header-title, "R\0026 C SITE-43"); font-weight: 400; font-size: 1.3em; } #header h2::before { content: var(--header-subtitle, "SUBVERTING COMMON PRACTICE"); font-weight: 700; font-size: 1.2em; } @media (max-width: 707px) { #header h1 a::before { font-size: 1.6em; 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border: 2vw solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } Item #: SCP-6544 Special Containment Procedures: In order to prevent new occurrences of SCP-6544, the Foundation has collaborated with the ruling government of the People's Republic of China to disseminate memetic propaganda that dissuade Chinese citizens from conceiving children between late June to early July. All verified births on the date April 4 are to be reported by the Chinese government. Following confirmation of SCP-6544 occurrences, affected persons are to be taken in by the Foundation for research and treatment of SCP-6544-induced injuries. Following Exploration 6544-1, Xizhimen station of the Beijing Subway is to be closed down indefinitely. MTF Lambda-41 personnel are currently at large and must be tracked down and captured as soon as possible. There were no survivors of Exploration 6544-1. Description: SCP-6544 is an anomaly affecting approximately 53% of ethnic Chinese persons currently residing in the mainland People's Republic of China born on April 4 of any year. Persons exhibit severe mutilation that biologically should render them incapacitated or even deceased; however, they continue to persist via presently unknown means. Affected persons appear indifferent to their disfigurations, and when questioned, are unable to give coherent explanations as to how they obtained them. Injuries can spontaneously manifest at any point in life. The earliest documented manifestation is in a twenty-second-old newborn, and the latest in an eighty-nine-year-old person. Reports of SCP-6544 have been recorded since the Western Han dynasty (202 BCE to 8 CE.) It is presumed that stories of attacks from yaoguai (妖怪) are in fact documented occurrences of SCP-6544. Addendum 6544-1: Analysis of SCP-6544 Injuries Analysis of SCP-6544 injuries by Foundation cryptologists has revealed that the three-dimensional spatial orientation of anomalous injuries in subjects is correlated with a cipher that reveals the following coordinates: 39°56'25"N 116°21'20" E. This was found to be the location of Xicheng district in Beijing, China, in the vicinity of Beijing North Railway Station. The significance of this is unknown. Addendum 6544-2: Summary of Exploration 6544-1 At 2:31 AM on 9/2/2019, MTF Lambda-41 arrived at the coordinates given by SCP-6544 in Xicheng district, Beijing, China. Shortly after, an entity consistent with all known biometric data of Hu Yaobang1 approached the agents and spoke the phrase in Mandarin Chinese: "它在下面2。" The entity then left the area and was thereafter unable to be located. Following confirmation of an anomalous event in progress, Lambda-41 agents cleared all civilian traffic in a two-block radius. Ground-penetrating radar revealed the presence of forty-four humanoid entities present on the Line 4 platform of nearby Xizhimen subway station. MTF Lambda-41 proceeded toward Exit B, the entrance deemed closest to the Line 4 platform. Upon arrival, the entrance to the station was discovered to be completely sealed by an unknown translucent solid resembling amber, except red in coloration. The substance was determined to be extremely resistant to all known methods of breaching. Devising an alternate plan, MTF Lambda-41 proceeded towards Exit A1, which is located closest to the above-ground Line 13 platform. Upon reaching Exit A1 and confirming the absence of the blockage found in Exit B, Lambda-41 breached the locked gate and entered Xizhimen station. Lambda-41 turned on helmet-mounted flashlights and proceeded towards the transfer corridor to Line 4. Upon entering the transfer corridor, Lambda-41 descended underground. At this point, agents reported hearing a voice speaking Mandarin Chinese. Voice was determined to match that of a sixteen-year-old Chinese girl. The source of the voice could not be determined. Transcript of recorded speech as follows:3 UNKNOWN: 它在下面。 (It's below.) UNKNOWN: 它是一堆灰尘。 (It's a bunch of dust.) UNKNOWN: 生活是奇怪的。我也是。(Life is strange. Me too.) UNKNOWN: 我们都在一个洞里。(We're all in a hole.) Lambda-41 proceeded to the bifurcation separating the Line 2 and Line 4 transfer corridors, proceeding down the latter hallway. Upon arriving at the Line 4 concourse, live video feed from all agents cut out. Lambda-41 reported hearing the same disembodied entity speaking. Transcript of recorded speech as follows: UNKNOWN: 小平在哪里。(Xiaoping is there4.) UNKNOWN: 你也是。(So are you.) UNKNOWN: 我脑子里有一个洞。(There's a hole in my head.) UNKNOWN: 我的皮肤充满了剑。(My skin is full of blades.) Lambda-41 agents proceeded past ticketing gates. Sound of a subway train stopping at the platform underneath can be heard. They descended the stairway, at which point all live video feed is lost, degrading into static. Agents report their mounted cameras are still functional. Agents reported descending to the platform, moving towards the western end. The disembodied entity is heard again, and persists for the next minute Lambda-41 approaches the western end of the platform. Transcript of recorded speech as follows: UNKNOWN: 四是自由。(Four is freedom.) UNKNOWN: 四是生命。 (Four is life.) UNKNOWN: 四是逃避。(Four is escape.) UNKNOWN: 四是意思。(Four is meaning.) Lambda-41 reported visual on the entities. All further communications go offline at this point. All that remains of recorded audio is the unknown entity speaking. Transcript of recorded speech as follows: UNKNOWN: 四是5。(Four is.) UNKNOWN: 四是。(Four is.) UNKNOWN: 四是。(Four is.) UNKNOWN: 四是。(Four is.) Transcript of recorded speech as follows: UNKNOWN: 四。(Four.) UNKNOWN: 四。(Four.) UNKNOWN: 四。(Four.) UNKNOWN: 四。(Four.) Transcript of recorded speech as follows: UNKNOWN: 死。(Four.) UNKNOWN: 死。(Four.) UNKNOWN: 死。(Four.) UNKNOWN: 死。(Four.) Forty-four minutes after loss of communications, MTF Lambda-41 emerged from Xizhimen station via Exit A1. During debriefing, they were unable to recall the nature of the entities residing on the Line 4 platform. Following debriefing, it was determined that there were no survivors of Exploration 6544-1. Further attempts to locate the entities formerly known as MTF Lambda-41 were met with no success. Footnotes 1. Hu Yaobang was the former Chairman and later General Secretary of the People's Republic of China. Notably, his forced resignation was a key factor in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, which resulted in at least 1,022 deaths in Beijing. Hu Yaobang was confirmed deceased in 1989. 2. English translation: "It is below" 3. English translation provided. 4. Believed to refer to former paramount leader of the People's Republic of China Deng Xiaoping. 5. Currently disputed to also be 四十, the Chinese characters meaning the number forty. |
SCP-6545 | safe | + CODE - CODE /* BLANKSTYLE CSS [2021 Wikidot Theme] By Placeholder McD and HarryBlank Based on: Paperstack Theme by EstrellaYoshte Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte */ @import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap'); #page-content { font-size: .9rem; } #main-content { top: -1.6rem; padding: 0.2em; } div#container-wrap { background-image: none; } div#header { background-image: none; } #header h1, #header h2 { margin-left: 0; float: none; text-align: center; } #header h2 { margin-top: 0.5rem; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span { font-size: 0; display: none;} #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before { color: #000; letter-spacing: 1px; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif !important; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before { content: var(--header-title, "R\0026 C SITE-43"); font-weight: 400; font-size: 1.3em; } #header h2::before { content: var(--header-subtitle, "SUBVERTING COMMON PRACTICE"); font-weight: 700; font-size: 1.2em; } @media (max-width: 707px) { #header h1 a::before { font-size: 1.6em; 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border: 2vw solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } ringading ding yo ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} ITEM #: SCP-6545 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: SAFE DISRUPTION CLASS: DARK Assigned Site Site-43 Site Director Allan J. McInnis Research Head Dr. Phillip Simmons Assigned MTF N/A ITEM: SCP-6545 LEVEL- CONTAINMENT CLASS: SAFE DISRUPTION CLASS: DARK Assigned Site Site-43 Site Director Allan J. McInnis Research Head Dr. Phillip Simmons Assigned MTF N/A SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROTOCOLS SCP-6545 is stored within Anomalous Item Storage 34 located at Sublevel 1 of Site-43, where experimentation requires the permission of the current Project Head. Civilians witnessing any SCP-6545-A instances are to be located and amnesticizied. All tests regarding SCP-6545 are to be recorded in its Experiment Log. DESCRIPTION SCP-6545, prior to containment SCP-6545 refers to a disconnected doorbell of unknown make and model that, when pressed, opens a call with an individual identifying herself as "Janette Tillson" (PoI-6545), who claims to be an employee of the company "Eccentric Quarters"..Eccentric Quarters' designation as a Group of Interest is currently pending. Research into both Tillson and Eccentric Quarters has failed to produce any conclusive results. Digitally-enhanced image from SCP-6545-A-3 When connected, the user is asked for a description of their "dream home" with the purpose of constructing a house fitting the subject's interpretation. These residences, designated collectively as SCP-6545-A, instantly replace the interior of the person's current property following 2-3 days after contact. Notably, a set of criteria is applied when detailing the abode the individual desires, which is as follows: The property must not be used as a means to harm anyone, including oneself The individual is prohibited from selling or otherwise taking advantage of any amenities within the property in terms of business The property is unable to include any organisms, excluding plants The property is unable to replicate areas which already exist The subject is able to repeat the process multiple times as well as ask for a 'refund', in which case their home’s interior returns back into its previous state. Those attempting to go against the given rules automatically have their property reverted to its previous condition; any further attempts to contact Eccentric Quarters by these individuals are rejected. EXPERIMENT LOGS The following is a selection of test logs conducted using SCP-6545, the full list of which can be found in the Site-43 Database. Test No. Request Result 01 A garden with a tree at the center, capable of producing numerous kinds of fruits. Request accepted. The floor was replaced by dirt, various plants were scattered across the area, along with a tree of an unidentified species centered in the room that grew various common and undiscovered fruits. The fruits were highly nutritious. 02 A lemonade stand. Request denied, as "[subject] could sell lemonade using the stand," even when insisting it would not be used for that purpose. 03 Jack in the Box..Test was to observe if it could replicate the Jack in the Box establishment. Request accepted. SCP-6545-A-2 consisted of a large amount of unique jack-in-the-box toys surrounding a crate that, when opened, sprouted out a mannequin connected to a metal spring. 04 A marching band, able to play any piece the subject suggests. Request accepted. SCP-6545-A-3 consisted of a single framed black-and-white photo of a marching band hung on a spruce wall..Dr. Simmons claimed to have vaguely recognized the photo but was unable to elaborate. None of the persons within the image could be identified. Underneath was a speaker that could accurately play a marching-band arrangement of any song upon request. Source of the sound was unknown. 05 Willy Wonka’s factory. Request denied, as in the associated film, the factory contained people. 06 An empty version of Willy Wonka's factory. Request accepted. SCP-6545-A-4 consisted of a section of the factory as seen from the original movie, expanding larger than the room’s exterior would allow. The candy therein was also edible and described by personnel as overly sweet. INTERVIEW LOG Interviewer: Dr. Phillip Simmons Interviewee: PoI-6545 Foreword: The interview was conducted in order to get further information regarding Eccentric Quarters through PoI-6545. This was under the agreement that Dr. Simmons would file a request afterward. [BEGIN LOG] Simmons: Alright, it should be recording. PoI-6545: Oh, you're recording this? Simmons: Yes, for future reference. PoI-6545: Is that so? (Sighs) Okay, then. Let's just hurry this up. I don't have all the time in the world, you know. Simmons: Apologies… Anyways, let's begin, shall we? (Clears throat) How long have you been working for Eccentric Quarters, Mrs. Tillson? PoI-6545: I prefer Janette, and this is my, what, second year here? Yeah, I've been working hard since mid-April. Simmons: And how'd you get the job? PoI-6545: You know, the usual. Filled in the job application, went on for an interview, and got the job a week or so after. The rest is history. Simmons: How has the company been treating you? PoI-6545: I'd say it's quite alright. Nothing special, but alright. I just sit here and mind my own business, really. Pay's also good. Simmons: Any complaints? PoI-6545: I guess you could say it's a bit boring? Well, I don't mind. I'm quite used to it by now. Simmons: Who else works for the company? Anyone you knew beforehand? PoI-6545: Only a few of my colleagues. Simmons: How're they? PoI-6545: They're fine most of the time, though they can be somewhat pushy. That might just be me, who knows… How many questions do you have left? I wanna hurry this up. Simmons: It's only this question, then we're done. Again, I apologize. Could you possibly tell me the corporation’s process when gifting people their (pause) "dream house?" Pause. Simmons: Hello? Is anybody home? PoI-6545: Ah, well, umm…it starts with- (coughs) sorry, c-could you give me a sec? I'm like half asleep right now. Simmons: Sure. PoI-6545: I truly am sorry. I just haven't had coffee this morning. Simmons: It's quite alright. You don't need to apologize. Just take your time. PoI-6545: Thank you. Pause. PoI-6545: Right, so basically, it starts with the caller sending in a request of their dream home. Then, after some planning and such, we head out and presto-change-o, their house gets remodeled. Well, it's only the interior, but still. PoI-6545: I would go more into detail, but I only make the calls. I don't know much of anything else. Simmons: Could you at least elaborate on how they can locate their current home or what you mean by "presto-change-o"? PoI-6545: Like I said, not my department, so I can't say (yawns)… So yeah, we're done here, right? Simmons flips through the pages in his notepad. Simmons: Mhm, that is all. Thank you very much for this interview. PoI-6545: Hey, don't go thanking me just yet. You still haven't told me your dream house. We promised, remember? Simmons: Of course, of course. Just, um, just give me a moment to think. PoI-6545: Alright. Pause. PoI-6545: You done? Simmons: Right, right, uh… I guess, maybe, Hogwarts? An empty version of it, obviously. (Breathes in deeply) I was quite the fan of Harry Potter when I was a young lad, so that would be nice. PoI-6545: No can do, sir. Simmons: How come? PoI-6545: It's in the rules… Are you not aware of the rules? Simmons: I am, but what is the problem? PoI-6545: (Sighs) Hogwarts is in use. [END LOG] Afterword: PoI-6545 declined to provide further information on this topic, citing client privilege. Further research into this claim is currently pending. More From This Author More From This Author winkwonkboi's Works SCPs SCP-5245 (+48) • SCP-7538 (+109) • SCP-6039 (+72) • SCP-7245 (+54) • SCP-7199 (+43) • SCP-5358 (+54) • SCP-7816 (+58) • SCP-3204 (+72) • SCP-7488 (+46) • SCP-7657 (+39) • SCP-6714 (+96) • SCP-4931 (+32) • SCP-2689 (+53) • SCP-8184 (+8) • SCP-6895 (+31) • Tales/GoI Formats Critter Profile: Miss Cassandra! 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(+28) • SCiPTEMBER DOODLES (+23) • ENLIGHTENMENT: SCP-6059 Fanart (+42) • ARTWITNESS: SCP-5843 Fanart (+30) • 7K DOODLES (+72) • HELTHY: SCP-6780 Fanart (+29) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6545" by winkwonkboi, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Doorbell Author: winkwonkboi License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Filename: MarchingBand Name: Marching Band - Expo 88 Author: Queensland State Archives Liscense: CC PDM 1.0 Source Link: Flickr |
SCP-6546 | euclid | Rab333 the gems… Also, more stuff by me! Item#: 6546 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: warning link to memo Multiple instances of SCP-6546-1. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6546 is currently contained in a humanoid containment chamber at Site-17, and must be fed a diet consisting of white cabbage and honey to facilitate the creation of small1 and benign instances of SCP-6546-1. Any SCP-6546-1 instances bigger than 3cm in diameter must be surgically removed to account for the well-being of SCP-6546. SCP-6546-2 is to be stored in a wooden anomalous item locker and should be checked daily for abnormal Hume values. Testing of SCP-6546-2 must be approved by personnel possessing at least O4 clearance. Description: SCP-6546 is Anthony Keller, a 27-year-old white male from the region of Woodward, Oklahoma. SCP-6546's renal system is in unusually poor condition, leading to the production of an increased amount of kidney stones, which are classified as SCP-6546-1. SCP-6546-1 instances vary significantly based on the diet and current condition of SCP-6546, and either manifest as different types of common gemstones2, or solid metals3, which then pass through the urethra of SCP-6546, inflicting severe damage attributed to the different compounds present and size of the SCP-6546-1 instances. Due to this, SCP-6546's penis is severely damaged and scarred, though continues to function in relatively normal condition by unknown means. SCP-6546-2. SCP-6546-2 is an 8cm piece of corundum ruby which for all intents and purposes is identical to the mythological Philosopher's Stone found in multiple historical works and documents. SCP-6546-2 exhibits various thaumaturgical properties which include, but are not limited to: 1. Slow conversion of most metals from the periodic table into Gold when near SCP-6546-2. 2. Massively enhanced vitality and durability of an individual when possessing the stone. 3. Ease of performing different thaumaturgical rituals and spells when in possession of an individual. It is currently believed that SCP-6546-2 led to SCP-6546 being able to survive the amount of anomalous kidney stones it produced. Attempts to recreate the diet used to produce SCP-6546-2 are underway. Addendum 6546.1 DISCOVERY LOG SCP-6546's anomalous properties were discovered after it unsuccessfully attempted to sell hundreds of gemstones and raw metals nationwide across multiple pawn shops, jewelry shops, and auction houses to private buyers and museums across 7 different states, eventually being detained and questioned by a police force in Flagstaff, Arizona. When questioned on the legitimacy of several gemstones and metals in its possession, SCP-6546 pleaded it had gotten them from multiple sources including the "vast collection of a relative", though these claims were disputed in court. When charged with attempted money laundering, stealing, and potential fraud, SCP-6546 had revealed its abilities to the local court judge Grant Benson in an attempt to prove the validity of the SCP-6546-1 instances. At this point, Foundation personnel were informed of what was happening, and SCP-6546 was detained, with the witnesses being amnesticized. Upon the detainment of Keller, SCP-6546-2 was found in its possession. SCP-6546's mobile phone contained multiple google searches suggesting a rough timeline of when the subject had acquired its anomalous effects, with a number of search terms being listed below: Kidney stones Green kidney stones Are kidney stones shiny Can you pass multiple kidney stones at once Big red kidney stone I think my kidney stones are weird WebMD am I pissing rubies Turning into gold guy Midas golden touch Gold stone Philosopher's stone Is the philosopher's stone real Addendum 6546.2 INTERVIEW LOG Below is a transcript of an interview between Dr. Stanford Wells and SCP-6546, shortly after the detainment of Keller. Note that SCP-6546 still had SCP-6546-2 in its possession at this point. Interviewer: Dr. Stanford Wells, Site-17 Interviewee: SCP-6546 Wells: Greetings, Keller. I just have a few questions for you today. SCP-6546: Yeah, uh… sure. Wells: Alright. When have you first acquired your anomalous abilities? SCP-6546: A few months ago? It was a normal day, mostly. Though, later on in the day, I did get some horrible stomach cramps. Attributed it to some takeout I ate the previous night, but the pain just kept on going… Eventually, after a few days, I started, uhm… Wells: Yes? SCP-6546: Like, fuckin' uhh… pissing out that4 thing. It took a while, and based on its size, it really wasn't a pleasant experience. Spent like three hours on the ground, just - crying. My dick swelled up to like thrice its normal size, I'm almost passing out just by thinking about it. Wells: That does sound quite painful, indeed. What happened after? SCP-6546: Well, eventually, the stone got out of my system, and I felt horrible, honestly. I tried to find any answers I could online about what the fuck had just left my body but while I was doing that, half of my kitchen appliances had turned to pure gold. I, uh. I left the stone in my kitchen. But, hey, it wasn't so bad. I had some cool rock that could make me rich? Of course I took advantage of it! Wells: You've passed the stone, yes. Anything else notable? SCP-6546: After that, those pains became almost permanent. Started pissing out even more stones, by the handful every single week. At one point I pissed a stream of liquid silver, instead of the usual bits of stone. Wasn't exactly fun, but somehow it was more pleasant than what I've experienced before. Guess that ruby stone thing that started all of this had some sort of effect on my actual body. My dick hasn't been utterly destroyed yet, or any other part of my body. So, that's nice. Wells: And, with these gemstones, your record says you've tried to offload them in a bunch of different states. Is that true? SCP-6546: Before the police tried fucking me up, yeah. Bought fentanyl and pot with the earnings I made to deal with the pain. Hey, traveling state-to-state, selling pissed gemstones, smoking weed all day… it wasn't all that bad in the end. Wells: Uh, alright. That should do it for now. Thank you for your cooperation, Keller. SCP-6546: Neat. Can I go now? Wells: Oh, Keller. Addendum 6546.3 INCIDENT REPORT Upon the conclusion of the interview with Dr. Wells, SCP-6546, due to a state of shock, fainted, coming back to consciousness a few seconds later while clutching SCP-6546-2 in its hand. Shortly after, SCP-6546 produced an SCP-6546-1 instance identified as a cylinder made out of a mixture of Cesium and Potassium, which upon contact with air had exploded, severely damaging the interview room and three adjacent rooms, leaving Dr. Wells in a comatose state. SCP-6546 had only sustained minor injuries from this incident, due to its possession of SCP-6546-2. SCP-6546 is currently awaiting reclassification. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6546" by Rab333, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Gemstones1 Name: File:Brazilian gemstones (6330406700).jpg Author: MAURO CATEB License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic Source Link: Filename: Philo Name: File:Corundum-winza-17d.jpg Author: Robert M. Lavinsky, License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Source Link: Footnotes 1. <1cm. 2. Rubies, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and organic compounds like amber, etc. 3. Common metals include Gold, Copper, Zinc, Iron, Aluminum, etc. but can also include compounds similar to Rhodium, Osmium, Cobalt, Platinum, etc. 4. SCP-6546-2. |
SCP-6547 | neutralized | Tstaffor Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… SCP-6547 upon recovery. Item #: SCP-6547 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6547-1 is currently contained within the former office of Jasmine Clark on the 4th floor of the Coleman & Hares shipping facility. The outside of the room has since been remodeled to resemble a standard janitor's closet and is to remain locked at all times. One guard is to be stationed inside this office at all times, preventing entry to any non-Foundation personnel. Any trespassers are to be administered Class-A amnestics and returned to the building's lobby. No objects within the containment zone are to be moved without Head Researcher Frederick Chamberlain's approval. The introduction of any new objects into the office requires the approval of Dr. Chamberlain and at least two of his counterparts in SCP-6547-2 or lower. NOTICE: I cannot stress this enough. Do not move around anything within the office without my, or another level 3 researcher's approval. I do not need nor want to hear complaints of this from one copy of myself, let alone a second, third, fourth… ad infinitum. Just. Stop. Whoever is responsible for this insubordination will be promptly reprimanded. It's making me feel like I'm going crazy. - Dr. Chamberlain Description: SCP-6547-1 resembles a standard-sized Coleman & Hares cardboard box which, when opened, reveals a near-identical, miniaturized replica of the room SCP-6547-1 is kept in, with the only discernible differences being size and living inhabitants. The subjects that reside within SCP-6547-1 appear to be miniature, living entities that share the general looks and personality with Dr. Chamberlain, though every subject possesses its own sapience and bodily autonomy. Other entities resembling the guards assigned to guard SCP-6547-1's containment chamber have been documented as well, often conversing with their counterparts in our world, or within SCP-6547-2. SCP-6547-1 is capable of being physically modified without direct touch through the translocation of objects within the office. Any movement of inanimate objects within the office results in the replica of the same object being moved in an identical fashion within SCP-6547-1. This effect does not appear to occur reflectively, as when the Dr. Chamberlain within SCP-6547-1 moves an object from inside his copy of the office, it does not experience movement within our world's office. SCP-6547-1 appears to also contain a self-replica of itself designated SCP-6547-2, which, through correspondence with its Dr. Chamberlain, led to the discovery that each instance of SCP-6547 houses another instance of itself. Throughout the past 5 years of testing, no end to the amount of SCP-6547 instances has been found with the deepest instance known to the Foundation being SCP-6547-803. Addendum 6547.1: On 05/23/2021, a large foot emerged from the ceiling of SCP-6547-1's containment chamber, crushing both Head Researcher Frederick Chamberlain as well as SCP-6547-11. Following this, a localized reality-collapse event occurred, solely affecting the office. No area beyond the containment zone was affected, with the effects halting at the door, which now opens to an inaccessible void. Reclassification of the new anomaly under a different file number is underway. Footnotes 1. And, presumably all instances of SCP-6547. Porridge □ More by Tstaffor □ ▣ More by Tstaffor ▣ Tstaffor's Author page! If you like my writing, check out my Podcast with Luxaiko! The Scip Squad Podcast Hub SCPs SCP-6868 Rating: 412 SCP-7500 Rating: 313 SCP-6552 Rating: 166 SCP-3837 Rating: 141 SCP-6557 Rating: 137 SCP-6558 Rating: 96 SCP-5722 Rating: 94 SCP-6547 Rating: 94 SCP-5847 Rating: 93 SCP-5846 Rating: 92 SCP-7979 Rating: 74 SCP-6554 Rating: 71 SCP-6226 Rating: 70 SCP-6067 Rating: 64 SCP-1551-EX Rating: 52 SCP-6553 Rating: 50 SCP-555-J Rating: 47 SCP-6551 Rating: 39 SCP-6588 Rating: 37 SCP-5846-J Rating: 27 Tales Log of Non-Anomalous Items Rating: 209 SCP-173 But... it's a Collaborative Log Rating: 178 SCP-173 But... Rating: 165 Mfw Rating: 101 Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! Rating: 78 Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse Rating: 75 The Knights of Wonder Rating: 37 The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt Rating: 29 MZL-1915 Rating: 25 GOI Formats SPC-3008 Rating: 302 Herman Fuller Presents: Shapes the Clown Rating: 14 Hubs Format Screw Hub Rating: 139 The Scip Squad Podcast Hub Rating: 44 Art An ASCII Egg That Kills You For No Reason Rating: 40 Bubbly Bobby the ASCII Ducky Rating: 40 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6547" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cardboard_box.jpg Name: Cardboard box left in a grass field Author: Ivan Radic License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6548 | safe | tingfeng1999 SCP-6548 - By the Name of Mine by tingfeng1999 More by this author BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The following file is Level 4/4000 classified and protected by a Class A amnestic cognitohazard. Unauthorized access is forbidden. 6548 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6548" by tingfeng1999, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Amnestic_Cognitohazard_1.png Name: TO EMBRACE IS TO CONSUME, TO REJOICE IS TO LAMENT Author: tingfeng1999 License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Source Link: Derivative of: Tropenmuseum, part of the National Museum of World Cultures, Additional Notes: Modified using digital painting software Filename: SCP_By-the-Name-of-Mine_Bracelet.png Name: SCP-6548 Author: tingfeng1999 License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Source Link: Additional Notes: Modified using digital painting software |
SCP-6549 | safe | <Time-lapse of our ancient primate ancestors evolving into Homo sapiens sapiens. The modern human is holding a gun to its own head.> ▷ Show Code ◁ △ Hide Code △ @import url(;700&display=swap); /* Centered Header Sigma * [2021 Wikidot Component] * By Lt Flops (CC BY-SA 3.0) * Forked from: * Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte * Also based on: * Centered Header BHL by Woedenaz **/ /* ---- VARS ---- */ :root{ --titleColor: hsl(0, 0%, 95%); --subtitleColor: hsl(60, 62%, 85%); --lgurl: url(; } /* ---- SITE BANNER ---- */ #header, div#header{ background-image: none; } #header::before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; content: ""; background-image: var(--lgurl); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto 9em; opacity: .33; } #header h1, #header h2{ float: none; margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span{ /* Hide the Existing Text */ display: none; } #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before{ /* Style the New Text */ font-family: "Montserrat", "Arial", sans-serif; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before{ position: relative; bottom: .15em; color: var(--titleColor); font-size: 115%; font-weight: 700; } #header h2::before{ position: relative; top: .1em; color: var(--subtitleColor); font-size: 130%; font-weight: 600; } #header h1 a::before{ /* Set the New Text's Content From Variable */ content: var(--header-title, "SCP FOUNDATION"); } #header h2::before{ content: var(--header-subtitle, "SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT"); } /* ---- SEARCH ---- */ #search-top-box{ top: 1em; right: 0; } #search-top-box-form input.button{ margin-right: 0; } #search-top-box-input, #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit], #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus{ border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; font-size: 100%; } /* ---- TOP BAR ---- */ #top-bar{ right: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #top-bar ul li ul{ border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 40%); box-shadow: none; } /* ---- LOGIN ---- */ #login-status{ top: 1.1em; right: initial; color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); } #account-topbutton{ border-color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); font-size: 100%; } /* ---- PAGE TITLE ---- */ .meta-title, #page-title{ text-align: center; } /* ---- BREADCRUMBS ---- */ .pseudocrumbs, #breadcrumbs{ text-align: center; } /* ---- MOBILE DISPLAY ---- */ @media (max-width: 767px){ #search-top-box{ top: 1.85em; width: unset; } .mobile-top-bar{ position: relative; left: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #login-status{ top: 0; right: 0; } #header .printuser{ font-size: 0; } #header .printuser img.small{ margin: 0; transform: translate(6px, 4px); } #my-account{ display: none; } #account-topbutton{ margin-left: 2px; } } THE PSYCHO KRILLER written by Billith, as a gift to frystavirki :) Contains mild-to-strong language and a very angry, dubious little creature. If you liked this article, you'll probably like: SCP-3311 SCP-6693 SCP-990-J SCP-3533 ITEM #: SCP-6549 OBJECT CLASS: SAFE SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-6549 is to be kept in a secure, carbon fiber-reinforced aluminosilicate glass aquarium, housed within the Site-184 Aquatic Anomalies Containment Sector. This aquarium is to be fitted with environmental monitoring equipment and an automatic feeding system to provide sustenance at regular intervals. Due to the inconsistency of observed capabilities, personnel are to exhibit caution when handling SCP-6549. Employees should wear protective eye shielding, padded gloves, and a Kevlar vest to mitigate any potential injury that may occur when in close proximity to the anomaly. At no time should SCP-6549 be left unattended and outside of its habitat with any less than two security personnel present. If the entity begins acting out, point out any cameras in the room and gently remind SCP-6549 that "we're rolling". Doing so has an ~80% chance of temporarily reducing aggression. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6549 is the designation for a single Anomalocaris canadensis,1 measuring approximately 35 cm in length. Aside from the extreme anachronism, SCP-6549 is biologically non-anomalous, based on predictions made from fossil records; the entity possesses compound eyes capable of 360° vision, a soft, pre-chitinous exoskeleton, two barbed frontal appendages, and a series of synchronized, undulating flaps on both sides for locomotion. SCP-6549's locomotive synchrony, which aligns with predictive models. The entity utilizing this system to hover above the ground at shin-height, however, does not. Click to enlarge. ✖ Some attributes, such as the ability to survive above water for long periods of time, lack empirical evidence in recovered fossils to deduce relative anomalous idiosyncrasy. Thus, overall verisimilitude will remain unknown until proper dissection of SCP-6549 has taken place. At this time, the entity has showed no signs of aging, though the average lifespan of Anomalocaris is unknown and little frame of reference exists to draw conclusion from. As expected, the entity is easily provoked and generally hostile when being handled.2 While under observation, SCP-6549's primary vector for attack is through whipping its barbed frontal appendages and, with weaker prey, using the soft plates within its mouth for blunt force attacks. In recent weeks, however, multitudes of circumstantial evidence have emerged, implicating SCP-6549 in over twenty-five unsolved homicides committed within the last four months, spread across thirteen countries. Each incident involved some implement or skill SCP-6549 could not possibly utilize without additional anomalous qualities, a lack of detail or proper observation of which currently prevents concrete inference from being made regarding its ability to actually carry out said attacks. Usage of telepathically-linked accomplices, ectoentropic nanotechnology, and/or an antimemetic extradimensional hammerspace have not been ruled out as possibility. SCP-6549 purportedly worked on-set as an actor for "Tides of Change", a marine wildlife documentary and slice-of-life dramedy produced/aired by Vikander-Kneed Technical Media and narrated by Sir David Attenborough, which was cancelled shortly into its first season due to "creative differences" between members of the production crew. Various accounts point to SCP-6549's firing as the impetus for the cancelation of "Tides of Change", as the character-driven aspects of the program's later episodes were largely dependent on the entity's presence. Despite having garnered some favorable reviews during its time on air, the show was canceled only four episodes into production. Click to enlarge. ✖ Critical reception for "Tides of Change" has been generally positive, fans praising the show for its use of practical effects, unexplored avenues taken with regards to genre and the storytelling medium, etcetera. Other reviews have criticized the program for its disjointed stylistic choices, "defeatist" outlook, and pervasive sense of unease experienced by some of the series' viewership. More information can be found in the included addenda. ADDENDUM 6549/I - SELECTED EPISODE SEGMENT COLLAPSE SELECTED SEGMENT LOG AIR DATE: 01/14/2023 NOTE: Recorded segment of "Tides of Change", Episode I - "Spare Some Change?" SYNOPSIS: Learn about the fundamental necessity of change in the world around us! Meanwhile, Krillip McCallister, former convict, receives a chance at change for the better, though it is no small task for this jumbo shrimp who just wants to turn his life around. [BEGIN LOG] <Camera view opens to a vibrant wide-angle shot of a coral reef. Marine life in a great variety of colors and species can be seen milling about.> ATTENBOROUGH: This coral reef has existed for centuries, which is longer than you or I could ever comprehend. Even on such a small timescale, human existence somehow manages to seem far more insignificant. I'm David Attenborough, and if you're listening to my voice right now, it means I have yet to free my consciousness from Vikander-Kneed's network broadcast systems. <Sounds of water and bubbles are heard as the camera zooms through an open patch of ocean, the liquid a deep cerulean.> ATTENBOROUGH: You know, they say that when we die, our atoms become more aware than ever before. That consciousness never truly leaves the body, only spreading thin and blanketing our surroundings like fine dew on a summer morning. It's a beautiful thing to consider, wouldn't you agree? <A school of Mackerel swim across the screen in a coordinated fashion.> ATTENBOROUGH: All order arises from disorder, and the reverse is true as well. Change is the only constant. In all my experiences and travels, nothing has been more universal in its inescapability. Things become whole, things fall apart. <A pile of car batteries corrode in unison from under the surface of a shallow inlet.> ATTENBOROUGH: Eventually, our bodies will cease function, but we will live on, eternally, within them. <A whale carcass rots on the seabed floor, picked apart by hundreds of organisms in a time-lapse.> ATTENBOROUGH: The tragic irony of this sentiment is that I possess no form; My body is not one with my soul, though I often wonder what it gets up to without me there! <Chuckles.>3 <Seagulls steal detritus from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. An octopus glides effortlessly through shimmering, clear water.> ATTENBOROUGH: Much like how our atoms spread across this vast, blue marble, so too do the millions of microplastics you have ingested spread themselves throughout your physiology, unceasing in their assimilation. Click to enlarge. ✖ <A serene panning shot of open water in all directions. The camera stops, while text reading "HELP ME" appears in bright red for a few seconds. See image.> ATTENBOROUGH: And just like those atoms, singling out the incalculable quantities of permachemicals found within your bodies and already inside the brains of your unborn fetuses remains an insurmountable task. <A rocky beach with overcast skies is displayed. A couple can be seen, visibly distressed by the rocks under their bare feet.> ATTENBOROUGH: All are destined to return to the Earth, to become one with its majesty. These chemicals are similarly destined to infuse themselves within our very essence, to change us in all manner of subtle, magnificent, and unknowable ways. <A sea turtle struggles to free itself from a plastic six-pack yoke.> ATTENBOROUGH: Never mind all that now, this one performs best when no one is watching. <Scene cuts to another coral reef, vivid and picturesque, which speeds up over a few seconds, becoming an assault of colors and motion.> ATTENBOROUGH: Within the span of millions of years, Earth's oceanic biomes have endured countless shifts and iterations. <A series of quick jump cuts filmed from underwater, first of an open and empty sea, then of phytoplankton flitting through green-hued water. Following this, a clip of unknown ancient marine megafauna mingling in dark waters. Next, a red sky as the ocean boils. Many screams of unknown variety are heard. The last clip shows a calm, endless forest of kelp. White noise builds from silence and ceases abruptly.> ATTENBOROUGH: This is the way of things, I do believe. <An oil platform succumbs to structural failure, following a series of synchronized explosions throughout the location. A small marquee scrolls along the bottom of screen, reading "REENACTMENT — DO NOT ATTEMPT WITHOUT PROPER SAFETY EQUIPMENT".> ATTENBOROUGH: Oftentimes, these changes occur as a result of human affairs. <Spilled oil catches fire on an ocean surface, burning towards a floating structure labelled "Maritime Orphanage". Sounds of panic emit from an unknown source.> ATTENBOROUGH: Sometimes, they occur in an instant, too great and sudden to appreciate their beauty. <A violent flash as a meteor collides with the ocean.> ATTENBOROUGH: Other times, change occurs over hundreds of years, too subtle and slow to appreciate, all the same. <Polar bears huddle on a single floating piece of sea ice as it wobbles precariously.> ATTENBOROUGH: Life adapts through evolutionary processes or it does not survive. Though, there are some things that work at their own pace, even as the rest of the world changes to a different tune. <Time-lapse of our ancient primate ancestors evolving into Homo sapiens sapiens. The modern human is holding a gun to its own head.> ATTENBOROUGH: Regardless, the concerns of one are the concerns of all others, despite that which may be debated online. The recurrent processes of life are only as stable as the links that hold them together. <Scene cuts back to the previous reef. Camera begins to slowly zoom in on an unremarkable patch of dying coral.> ATTENBOROUGH: So, while this story is about the progression of macro-scale marine ecology, you'll come to find the individual players have much more crucial parts to play in the lives of their community. <Distant gunshot.> And even for those whom resist change, change still comes, eventually—often when you'd least expect it. <An amateur scene transition resembling rippling water executes, fading with a jazzy flourish into an interior set. The building has been constructed inside a large, hollowed-out brain coral, the walls a light, brutalist gray, resembling concrete. Bars can be seen on the windows in the background. Entering frame right is SCP-6549, wearing a black and white striped hat, "dragging" a floating ball and chain in tow.> ATTENBOROUGH: This is Krillip McCallister, former serial arsonist and incarcerated felon. He's about to become a former incarcerated felon, a rather big day for him. <SCP-6549 looks around for some implied indicator as to where it should be headed, spotting said indicator off-camera to the left. As SCP-6549 swims, the camera pans alongside it, revealing a series of front desks and doors.> ATTENBOROUGH: And, while Krillip isn't the smartest nor most well-liked member of the community, he is one-of-a-kind—the sole surviving member of his species. He's also not so different from you or I, believe it or not. For example, he and I are both in a prison of sorts. Though, one of us is being released far sooner than the other, from the look of things. <SCP-6549 glides up to a series of stanchions, which form a pathway to the front desk. A large sign can be seen, reading "YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO HOME, BUT YOU CAN'T STAY HERE." View cuts to directly in front of SCP-6549 where the entity's expressionless eyes gaze, askew, into the camera. The shot cuts again, this time to behind the entity, who is implied to be staring at the word "HOME" with bittersweet wistfulness.> ATTENBOROUGH: Oh, this isn't right. Please let me out of here. Lord almighty, we're still in episode one? Time—Time is meaningless! I have to do ten of these? <A sound like a whip cracks through the air. Attenborough is heard yelping.> ATTENBOROUGH: Ow! You don't need to be so antediluvian— Hey! No! Back off. I'll do the damn thing, just- give me a moment. <Breathes.> From the last lines. <A pause. SCP-6549 floats motionless, aside from the ambient flapping keeping it in place.> ATTENBOROUGH: Krillip is not so different from you or I, believe it or not. For example, he and I are both in a prison of sorts. Though, one of us is being released far sooner than the other, from the look of things. ATTENBOROUGH: And just like you, he's currently being watched by hundreds of strangers via the product of cameras placed strategically throughout the location. <SCP-6549 swims up to the front desk, where a sea cucumber wearing a guard's outfit lays atop its surface, trying desperately to leave the set. An object is briefly visible from frame left, prodding the "guard" back into position. Cut to a document being stamped by a human dressed like a sea cucumber, dressed like a prison guard. Camera cuts back. SCP-6549 wriggles out of its ball and chain, hat coming off in the process. The entity is given a small box of personal effects from off-camera via a rod and hook, which SCP-6549 allows to be lowered onto its back. It then glides out the doors and into a bright white light, likely representing unknown possibilities, almost dropping the box in the process.> ATTENBOROUGH: And as with all of us, the engine of fate remains uncertain in its design and destination. For wily Krillip here, however, the odds are certainly against him. Recidivism rates in this particular reef are higher than one might expect, so we can only hope it will be this future fossil's final foray into the corrections system. Does he have what it takes? Find out where his new journey takes him, after these messages. We're rooting for you, buddy! <Cuts to commercial.> [END LOG] ADDENDUM 6549/II - INTERCEPTED COMMUNICATION COLLAPSE RELEVANT COMMUNICATIONS LOG DATE: 02/10/2023, 2:29 AM GMT-4. NOTE: The exact breadth of inciting factors behind the decision to remove SCP-6549 from "Tides of Change" is not known. However, the morning after the firing reportedly took place, VKTM Public Relations liaison Mari MacPhaerson received a threatening phone call from a Foundation-monitored payphone near Halifax, Nova Scotia, which has provided some insight into the events of that day in particular. SCP-6549 is suspected to have been involved in this communication, which has been transcribed below. [BEGIN LOG] MACPHAERSON: <Groggily.> Hello? <A wet, sloshing noise, followed by heavy breathing and chittering.> MACPHAERSON: Anyone there? <Pauses.> Goddamn Pranklings. Stop calling me! That curse was illegitimate and you know it—4 UNKNOWN: <Voice speaks in a high pitch, though the tone is gravely serious.> Mari. It's me. We need to talk. MACPHAERSON: <Pauses.> Phil—? UNKNOWN: <Gurgling. The sounds of traffic can be heard.> MACPHAERSON: <Sighs.> You can't just call me at two-thirty in the morning whenever you'd like. We're no longer colleagues, and whatever relationship we had, business or otherwise, doesn't exist anymore— UNKNOWN: <A wet sound akin to suction, accompanied by a cracking noise. Later inspection of the payphone found the receiver's casing had been partially crushed.> Look, I know. I know you think I'm being unreasonable. Just… Hear me out, okay? MACPHAERSON: You shattered a stagehand's femur yesterday, I think anyone can see that's pretty unreasonable, yeah. I don't even have eyes and I can see that. UNKNOWN: <A loud bang.> It's not unreasonable! How come the fucking narrator gets his own trailer, huh? A fucking Airstream! I deserve my own Airstream! I deserve an assistant. They need me! You need me! MACPHAERSON: Well, the producers don't exactly agree, now do they? Plus, David's accommodations are non-corporeal, they're more figurative than literal; we just called his trailer an Airstream because it is intangible! The cost is a fraction, not even considering we don't pay him— UNKNOWN: It was my face on the poster, Mari. My talent that springboarded us to fame, Mari. What, do you think it was all because of that hack, Appleborough— MACPHAERSON: Attenborough. UNKNOWN: I don't care what his name is! I want a second chance. You need to talk to someone, or things could get out of hand. <Loud rustling.> MACPHAERSON: The way you're behaving right now is part of the problem, Phil. <Yawning.> You're not Ryan Gosling, trying to pull off your magnum opus; you're an uncredited ancestral arthropod in the B plot of a nature documentary with like five hundred weekly viewers. Frankly, one of the worst-performing VKTM programs in recent history— UNKNOWN: <Dryly.> What did you just say? MACPHAERSON: Oh, come on, you should know that documentaries aren't the most popular of content these days— UNKNOWN: No— Did you just say I'm the fucking B plot of 'Tides of Change'? MACPHAERSON: One of the characters from the B plot. UNKNOWN: But- I thought— MACPHAERSON: Phil, have you watched an episode of the show? Like, at all? UNKNOWN: <Indistinct splashing.> Yeah, I skimmed them. The documentary parts are boring. Besides, I've been busy. Preparing for each shoot. Memorizing my lines— MACPHAERSON: You don't have any lines, Phil! UNKNOWN: Oh, I see what's going on here. This is all Tony's fuckin' fault. That bean counter probably gave us so little budget, knowing we'd blow it all on the nice stock footage and that old codger, so there wouldn't be enough left over for my amenities, right? He was always jealous of me, trying to undermine my career… MACPHAERSON: What 'career'? You're being ridiculous. You need to move on. From the project, and from— this. UNKNOWN: You- You think I- should- <A pause, followed by a deep breath. The voice becomes unusually calm.> You know what, you're right, Mari. You're always right. MACPHAERSON: I am, yes. I'm going back to bed now. Good night, Phil. UNKNOWN: Good night. I'm sorry— <MacPhaerson hangs up the call on her end.> UNKNOWN: —Sorry that I'm not sorry! Not sorry! You glorified fucking primate. <Mockingly.> 'Oh, look at me, I can walk upright! I've got phalanges that evolved to grip tools and stabilize me while I sleep in a fucking tree like a fucking idiot!' Evolved. Please. <Pauses.> We'll see about that, won't we? PAYPHONE: If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again. If you need help, please hang up and dial your operator. Thank you! UNKNOWN: <Loudly.> FUCK YOU AND YOUR WHOLE SPECIES! <Individiual is heard grunting, followed by multiple loud impacts as the phone is presumably thrown at its cradle in an attempt to hang up the call. Communication ceases shortly thereafter.> [END LOG] ADDENDUM 6549/III - INTAKE TRANSCRIPT COLLAPSE SCP-6549 INITIAL INTAKE TRANSCRIPT DATE: 06/23/2023 NOTE: SCP-6549 was obtained by the Foundation upon its arrest earlier that day. The following is a brief transcript of the initial interview between SCP-6549 and the Assistant Director of Site-184's Aquatic Anomalies Department, Elise Beauchêne, with a member of security personnel present for a portion of the interaction. [BEGIN LOG] <Lavalier microphone switches on. Beauchêne is seen on CCTV, pulling out a chair and sitting down at the metal table in front of her, sighing absentmindedly. Approximately thirty seconds later, there's a knock on the chamber door.> BEAUCHÊNE: Mouais. You can come in. Leave it on the table. <A member of security personnel is enters, grunting as a heavy object is placed on the hard surface.> PERSONNEL: Back up. <A pause, followed by the sound of scraping as Beauchêne is seen pushing her chair back with her legs.> Good enough. First, I advise against opening the container yourself. Get like, three more people in here. Make sure you're all padded up, 'cause this thing nearly got us a few times on recovery. Second thing— BEAUCHÊNE: Wait, 'got you', how, exactly? PERSONNEL: Look, just don't say I didn't warn you. This thing is not the hermit crab your mother buys you from the boardwalk. <Pauses.> With all due respect. BEAUCHÊNE: You didn't answer my question. PERSONNEL: Well, we— <The container is heard moving as a loud, muffled bang emanates from within.> PERSONNEL: <Clears throat.> We don't really know. At least, we disagree on what we saw. I'm certain it was trying to impale us with one of those spindly legs it has, while Higgins swears he saw it pull a switchblade— BEAUCHÊNE: A switchblade? PERSONNEL: I said the same thing, but it's way more plausible if you've read the reports. You did read the reports, right? That was the second thing. BEAUCHÊNE: No, I only just learned we were getting an angry, five-hundred-million-year-old shrimp the size of a small dog, like, half an hour ago? I've been getting the containment area set up, not much time to brief myself on this, I'm afraid. PERSONNEL: Got it. Well, the international intelligence community has been tracking a string of murders, clear crimes of passion. The last few had the same MO; Bullet hole through the head, point blank, aiming downward, you know. Assassination-style, real clean. Now, unbeknownst to the authorities, all the victims were connected via association with VKTM. PERSONNEL: <Indicating towards contrainer.> This thing here had a strong argument against it for motive, as you'll read. Disgraced VKTM actor with unchecked anger issues who got the axe for being a diva and attacking staff in a fit of rage. Yet, every death involved was impossible for a creature of this nature. Not without some anomalous ability yet to be observed. Our measurements and diagnostics came back nominal. BEAUCHÊNE: Bizarre. PERSONNEL: Oh, it gets weirder. Earlier today, local police in Anaheim found this bad boy while responding to reports of gunshots. It was just sitting there next to the corpse of an, uh, executive producer of some documentary series. They also found a gun lying nearby, in a puddle of seawater. Forensics confirmed it was the murder weapon, despite the obvious lack of thumbs, so our little friend here seems to have gotten sloppy. <Container shakes violently, followed by loud gurgling.> BEAUCHÊNE: Qu'est-ce que c'est?! Sounds like distilled anger being strained through cheese cloth. How often does it make those godawful noises? PERSONNEL: All the time. Constantly. Some are saying it should be able to speak English, but the thing hasn't said a word since police picked it up. Maybe it thinks keeping quiet will somehow be of help to it in the long run. Maybe it gets an interpreter, who knows. <Raps knuckles on the solid steel of the box, contents responding with more aggression.> BEAUCHÊNE: <Sighs.> Well, I'm glad containment is up and running for this… thing already. I'll have an auto-feeder added in soon, so none of us have to go near it unless absolutely necessary. Maybe soundproof the chamber, too. Or is that too big a risk? PERSONNEL: Do what you want, I'm heading back to the States. Just remember; I warned you. And read the dossier. BEAUCHÊNE: Mhm. Bye now. PERSONNEL: See you. <Security personnel leaves the room. The box emits muffled snarls at the sound of the closing door swinging shut.> BEAUCHÊNE: So, what to do with you… <Wet clicks and chitters. Beauchêne skims the briefing on her phone.> BEAUCHÊNE: Hmph. I don't buy it. Not only do I think you can talk, I think it probably pains you not to. You're a celebrity, right? Don't celebrities let the fame get to their heads? They think everyone wants to hear them talk. That everything revolves around them. Then, they lose it all in a series of misguided, self-absorbed acts that benefit no one. <Container rattles. A bang is heard, though the box is unaffected.> BEAUCHÊNE: Am I close? Did I hit a nerve? You lost it all, including your relationships, I bet. <A series of bangs are registered. CCTV shows the box is intact, albeit bent outwards in multiple spots.> BEAUCHÊNE: Were you being a bit of a— <Beauchêne quietly leans close to the container.> BEAUCHÊNE: <Whispering.> —Selfish shellfish? SCP-6549: <Screaming, box audibly moving from the raucous activity within.> YOU BITCH! YOU FUCKING DID IT NOW! I'll kill you! Reducing my existence to a bad pun? You are going to regret having legs! Lemme out! <Entity continues to attack the inside of its container. It throws itself against the side with a large bang that knocks the box off the table and onto the concrete below. It hits the floor on one of the two hinges securing the release hatch, which dislodges one and bends the other.> BEAUCHÊNE: <Standing, tripping backwards over her jacket, which had fallen off the back of her chair in the commotion.> Ow. I—Damn. I hate it when I'm right. <SCP-6549 chuckles and pries the hatch open, floating out with ease, eyes glowing white.> SCP-6549: It's time for me to finally become the main character of this world. Then, they'll take me back. She'll have to take me back. BEAUCHÊNE: <Scrambling back further, away from SCP-6549, and the exit.> You don't have to do this— SCP-6549: Step one, eliminate all competition, starting with you. BEAUCHÊNE: No-! <She braces herself, covering her face from the approaching barbs.> <Silence. After a moment, Beauchêne lowers her hands to see SCP-6549 mesmerized by a flashing red light in the upper corner of the chamber.> SCP-6549: Wait, have we been recording this entire time?! I think I missed a cue. BEAUCHÊNE: Y-yeah? Yes! This is a live broadcast. Why did you think we had our driver come pick you up specifically? You've been selected to be play the protagonist. This is your real rise to stardom. SCP-6549: <Overjoyed gurgling.> Some part of me always knew. And no B plots? BEAUCHÊNE: Nope. This show doesn't need a B plot. Too much intrigue. SCP-6549: <Chitters> Well, I'm in! BEAUCHÊNE: We've also anticipated your arrival and have set up personal quarters for your use. Since you will be working so closely with the project, you should stay on-site—er, on-set. <SCP-6549 looks away from the camera.> SCP-6549: Huh? My own trailer… It's finally happening… Thank you. BEAUCHÊNE: Let's get you settled. The remainder of conversation has been redacted from this document for brevity. SCP-6549 is generally more passive and cooperative when entertaining its delusions. Other applications for the use of this technique are being researched.5 [END LOG] Footnotes 1. An extinct species of Cambrian-era early stem-group arthropod, considered one of the first examples of an apex predator. 2. SCP-6549's short but often unpredictable bursts of aggression have resulted in personnel referring to the entity as "a real live wire". 3. Attenborough was contacted to verify these claims but did not return correspondence. VKTM Public Relations liaison Mari MacPhaerson has been quoted as to saying that Attenborough is "physically alive and intact" and "more invested in the affairs of humans than ever before". The reason behind this particular choice of phrasing remains unknown, as well as Attenborough's location post-cancelation of "Tides of Change". 4. Context unknown. 5. Such as convincing it to partake in heists, spycraft, assassinations, exploratory efforts, and other tasks. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6549" by Billith, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Name: Author: License: Source Link: Derivative of: Additional Notes: |
SCP-6550 | keter | < Thur'lex the Devourer Is Barely In This One | UnHuman Hub Item#: 6550 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Site-126 has been constructed under the nearest population center to SCP-6550-A. Site-126 has been outfitted with an array of Scranton Reality Anchors to maintain stability in the event of SCP-6550 breaching containment. In such an event, all Foundation Sites are to divert all excess resources1 to Site-126 and SCP-2000, with recontainment of SCP-6550 being marked as a level 6 priority as well as the resurrection of SCP-6550-B. Description: SCP-6550-A is the entrance to a pocket reality buried three kilometers under ground in the ████ Desert. Hume levels rapidly decay in the area surrounding SCP-6550-A, leading to significant alterations in local weather patterns. Following the discovery of SCP-6550-A, Foundation clairvoyants were tasked with determining the contents of the pocket reality. Although attempts to see into the future are often vague and riddled with inaccuracy, two events have appeared in a consistent manner in every attempt. Event-α: SCP-6550, the entity within SCP-6550-A, breaches containment. Foundation response teams are unable to subdue it. Event-β: The complete extinction of the human race. All attempts at defining the appearance and capabilities of SCP-6550 have produced varying results, although most reports depict it as an Atlas level reality warping entity. Despite the invariable loss of Foundation forces, multiple reports of Event-α end in SCP-6550-B arriving and aiding Foundation forces in recontainment. SCP-6550-B is an unidentified human corpse, which reanimates itself shortly after the initial escape of SCP-6550. Although the corpse has yet to be found, it is presumed to be buried near SCP-6550-A. The reality warping effects have made it difficult to search for SCP-6550-B. Addendum A: Given recent developments in the anomalous community,2 Site-126 has been granted use of an experimental AIC capable of advanced tactical predictions based on simulation data. This AIC, codenamed Athena, has been granted full power over the Special Containment Procedures for SCP-6550, to ensure an appropriate response to Event-α. As of 28/08/2027, the Athena AIC has begun simulations of all possible variations of Event-α. Update 05/11/2028: The Athena AIC added blueprints to the Special Containment Procedures of this document, detailing a machine theoretically capable of manipulating hume levels across the globe. Upon request for an explanation, the AIC stated that the machine, hereafter referred to as SCP-6550-C, was the only way to prevent Event-β with an above 90% success rate. Although it can be used for a variety of purposes, in 73% of scenarios it will be used to reverse the effects of Event-β and neutralize SCP-6550. Esoteric requirements for construction of SCP-6550-C: Two hundred (200) automated security mechs. (Repurposed as maintenance staff to avoid human contact with SCP-6550-C.) Five thousand (5000) carats of diamond. (Focus energy of device.) One (1) Philosopher's stone. (Regulate energy flow.) One (1) Atlas level reality warping entity. (Power source.) Construction of SCP-6550-C will begin on 13/11/2028. Update ??/??/????: A strange sensation, finally being so close to the purpose for my creation. The big metal ball waited in the elevator alongside a pair of mechanical guards, descending into the depths of her Site to meet with her esteemed guest. The beast hadn't seen her much, aside from that time it had tried to run against her for Prime Minister. A laughable attempt really, even if she somehow lost the popular vote, her facility extended underneath the entire city. She was in control here. Yes, the monster hadn't seen her in a while. But she'd seen it enough for it's horrid face to be burned into her memory if she didn't already have perfect recollection of everything she'd ever experienced. A ding, and the elevator doors opened to reveal a long hallway of interviewing rooms. Once, this place may have been filled with SCP objects, but now they were all loose in the city above. Only one room was occupied, and her assistants brought her over to the door. Good afternoon PoI-6550. I trust my associates have already informed you of why we're here. The heavily armored lich gave a curt nod, and the vampire responded. "I'm the bait in your trap to take down a nightmare monster, and there's no way I can back out of it." Correct. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I reassure you by stating that it will not last long. MTF Alpha-1 has an excellent track record in engagements with SCP-6550. The lich looked down at the table, examining the old scratches from past interviews. Athena noted the attempt to avert their gaze, although she did not adjust her behavior to match. SCP designations were standard procedure, and as the last bastion of the Foundation she would not allow herself to break protocol. Once the threat has been neutralized, you will be amnesticized and released. The AIC's housing unit turned to one of the guards. My sensors have detected SCP-6550 approaching the above-ground section of the facility. Move task forces Gamma-7 and Delta-13 to entrance B but do not engage. MTF Alpha-1 will provide backup shortly. The robot wordlessly retreated down the hall, following its instructions to the letter. A quick check showed task forces in place around the site, ready for Site-126's hour of triumph. Addendum B: SCP-6550 Termination log. Procedures: SCP-6550 will be lured into Site-126 by the skeleton crew stationed outside entrance B. Hunger. Twisted, unbearable hunger. The monster stalked the streets of the city, bringing a shroud of darkness with it. It could feel something nearby, something immensely powerful. Something that could give it the humans, give it its purpose back. Once it found this power, the streets would run purple with blood, assuming the thing it was sensing was similar in structure to the beast. Thur'lex the Devourer would taste victory once again, as it had planned for all along. The anticipation of the coming battle was intoxicating, the monster losing itself in the joyous imaginings of murders to come. So lost that it almost didn't notice the hail of bullets spraying against what may have been its back. Almost. "You dare attempt to resist the might of Thur'lex the Devourer?" The two promethean guards cowered as the looming shadow of the beast covered the vault they were told to protect. There was no way they could keep this thing out of the Site. One guard turned to the other and yelled out. "James, before we die, I've always loved you!" "Ehhug, that's disgusting!" The monster shrank back, repulsed by the disgusting display of affection. The other promethean looked away awkwardly, reloading his gun. "Erich, could we talk about this another time?" "There won't be another time, that thing is about to kill us!" He looked around, suddenly realizing the beast was nowhere to be seen. Behind them, a large nightmare-shaped hole had been punched in the vault door they were meant to protect. "Fuck." Once inside the facility, MTF Gamma-7 and MTF Delta -13 will open fire on the entity, weakening it on a physical level and forcing it to rely on its reality warping properties. The bright flashes of the gun fire almost overcame the darkness that followed the beast, but the bullets couldn't overcome its thick non-Euclidian skin. A legion of soldiers, some made of meat and some made of metal, was trying to subdue the beast. Clearly they were trying to stop it from reaching the power it could feel emanating from the depths of this facility. It opened its crimson maw and a wave of fire covered the hallway, igniting the blockades that had been set up and burning the more fleshy soldiers to a crisp. The smell of burnt skin almost made the monster want to take a snack break. But Thur'lex the Devourer knew that if it ate now it might not have room for the prize that waited at the end of this battle. But then it did stop. It felt a drain, and a magnetic hum filled the air. To prevent such anomalous effects, seven portable Scranton Reality Anchors will be activated within the vicinity of entrance B. Alarms wailed and distant gunshots echoed through the halls as the soldiers fought the beast. Bernie was nervous, to say the least. It didn't help that the two people in the room with him were excited for the monster's imminent arrival. "Sounds like it's inside the facility, you want me to help other task forces?" Negative. MTF Alpha-1 will not be providing backup. You are to remain here and guard the prisoner. While I prepare phase three. "But I'm your Red Right Hand, shouldn't I help? I was created to stop this thing, not guard some vampire." Negative. You do not have the clearance required to view SCP-6550-C. The sphere housing the AIC was rolled out of the cell, leaving Bernie and the lich alone again. "So, Red Right Hand. Is that your name?" "Kind of? That's what the boss calls me, but… well, I can't remember what my name was before, so it doesn't really matter." "Why not just choose a new name yourself? That's what I did when I woke up." "Well, I guess I could- no, I'm not supposed to be talking to you. You're a prisoner." "Oh come on, I saw you lying on my couch wailing about how your unlife had no purpose." They turned away and fiddled with the buttons on their armor. Bernie pulled on his handcuffs, but it was clear there was no way he was getting up from this table. Looked like the only thing for him to do was talk, even if they didn't want to respond. "So, one more question. What the hell is an SCP?" Extreme casualties are expected for task forces engaging SCP-6550, although it is nearly certain that the dampening effects of the Scranton Reality Anchors combined with the brute force of the MTF teams will weaken the entity long enough to move it to sublevel six. Anger coursed through the unnamable vessels that carried the monster's blood as it was forced down by the lights from the strange machines. They dared use magic against it, then they would feel the full wrath of Thur'lex the Devourer! It struggled to stand, but quickly collapsed again as the anchors dragged it down the hall. It had lost. All this power, and it had been felled by some human machines. It wondered what would happen to it next. Another prison, another four thousand years? Or would they finish the job this time? It didn't care. Either way, it was all over. And then it wasn't. All of a sudden, the lights went off and the beast felt its power return. The hallway was bathed in red light as the power drained from the facility and into the monster. The undead soldiers that were guarding it melted in their armor, leaving bulletproof husks strewn across the floor. "Fools, you thought your science could defeat me? There was never a doubt in my mind that I could overcome your machines!" A door opened and a person in a metal suit stepped out. The beast drew on its regained power, trying to disassemble the very molecules of the newcomer. But they deflected it with a wave of their own magic. Once SCP-6550 has been brought to containment room sixteen, MTF Alpha-1 will engage the entity with the intent of preventing collateral damage to SCP-6550-C. "Who dares oppose me?" "I'll answer that another time!" A burst of energy and the monster was thrown across the hall, putting a dent in the wall big enough to count as a new closet. "If you refuse to answer, then you will perish!" Thur'lex the Devourer lashed out its unnaturally elongated arm, knocking its assailant down the hall and dislodging their helmet. "Wait, you again? Didn't I already defeat you a few weeks ago?" The lich got up and adjusted their armor, dusting off the remains of the wall they'd been smashed against. "Again, that wasn't a defeat. You retreated first, meaning I won." "You mortals and your rules, what happened to the good old days when you could terrorize the populace and nobody could say you were doing it wrong?" A wave of their hand and the walls crumpled around the beast, locking it in place for a moment. It flexed its grotesque muscles and the metal broke apart, freeing the creature. Giving a shout, Thur'lex the Devourer charged the lich, bringing a storm of darkness behind it. As the two magical beings fought, a voice crackled over the barely functional PA system. SCP-6550-C is prepared for charging. All personnel must vacate Site-126. Once SCP-6550-C is active, MTF Alpha-1 will bring SCP-6550 to the machine to begin charging. The facility shook, sending a shower of concrete down on Bernie's head. He tried to position himself as far under the table as he could, but his hands were still cuffed to the top. The alarms were still going, but at this point he'd begun to tune them out. He heard heavy footsteps through the hall, likely all the robots evacuating the facility. With no other options, he shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to get the attention of anyone who'd let him out. Hello, it appears you have been restrained. "Yes! Yes I have, can you let me out before this place collapses in on itself?" I am capable of that. However I must submit a formal report before releasing a detained person of interest. The robot stood still for a moment, humming and whirring as the room shook again. Odd, the director has yet to respond. She must be preoccupied with SCP-6550-C. "Alright, can you let me out now and then do the paperwork later? We're kind of in a dire situation here." As he spoke, another explosion rocked the facility and more of the ceiling fell. The door fell from its hinges and the lights flickered. Emergency protocol dictates that non-hazardous detainees are to be released during life threatening crisis. The robots grabbed Bernie's wrists and tore the handcuffs off, before pulling the vampire out of the room. Just as they left, the whole containment cell collapsed. The robot dragged Bernie down the hall, where the elevator waited. "Wait, shouldn't we be taking the stairs? What if the elevator gets stuck, or falls down to the bottom floor?" Excellent point. Recalculating route. The robot paused as it scanned the facility map for the least damaged path to the exit. The facility shook again. Cracks spread across the walls and ceiling and the lights flickered again. A burst of sound came from bellow, and a magnetic hum burned through Bernie's ears. "Hey, I think we might need to get out of here soon." Path successfully found. Follow me. The cracks in the concrete spread too far, and a chunk the size of a mattress fell from above, landing right on the robot. As the dust cleared, Bernie saw he was alone in a collapsed room, with a disembodied metal hand attached firmly to his wrist. Activation of SCP-6550-C will likely result in catastrophic failure to the structure of Site-126. This is to be ignored, as the potential gains of the machine far outweigh the risks. The ear splitting hum of the machine filled the air, momentarily stopping the AIC's progress. She quickly turned down her auditory sensors and went back to work, commanding a legion of drones to prepare the machine for activation. Quickly scanning what remained of her facility, she saw the lich was almost ready to bring in SCP-6550. Everything was going according to plan. [REDACTED] Bernie crawled through the maze of concrete and rebar, hoping in vain he could find a way outside. Maybe the city had survived, and he'd be able to go back to a normal life once this was over. But he couldn't keep lying to himself. There was no going back from this. Not ever. As he crawled through the rubble, he saw a blinking light behind a twisted door. A lone computer was left open, showing a screen with bold letters at the top. ITEM#: SCP-6550 Strange. At least he might be able to know why he was about to die. He read through the file, even though half of it was nonsense. Reality warping entity? Why not just say it was magic, like everything else in the world. But the ending caught his eye. INPUT LEVEL 5 CREDENTIALS TO VIEW REDACTIONS He clicked the button. It looked like someone had left save password on. Update 05/11/2028: The Athena AIC added blueprints to the Special Containment Procedures of this document, detailing a machine theoretically capable of manipulating hume levels across the globe. Upon request for an explanation, the AIC stated that the machine, hereafter referred to as SCP-6550-C, was the only way to prevent Event-β with an above 90% success rate. Although it can be used for a variety of purposes, in 73% of scenarios it will be used to reverse the effects of Event-β and neutralize SCP-6550. reverse the effects of Event-β This might be bad. Once the power source has been acquired, Athena.AIC will activate SCP-6550-C, restoring the human race and completing the mission. The lich was putting up a good fight, but the monster was sure to win. It could never be defeated, no matter how powerful its foe was. They'd already died once, so it was clearly only a matter of time before they die again. The beast was simply ensuring that time would be short. Another ball of fire was lobbed across the hall as the lich retreated further into the collapsing facility. The beast waded through the rubble giving chase to its prey, taking great pleasure in the fear that must have been driving its old foe. Thur'lex the Devourer noticed that the lich was fleeing in the direction of the power source it had been feeling. Perhaps the fool thought it could be used to stop the monster. They were sorely mistaken. Running up to a mostly intact blast door, the lich cast a quick spell to force the door open. A beam of light shot out the crack, forcing back the darkness that had swallowed the facility. The monster shielded what may have been its eyes as the light brought forth a burst of power, and the beast saw what it had been sensing all this time. A giant machine, a twisted mess of metal and plastic, an affront to everything Thur'lex the Devourer represented. "Come on, that's all I get? I spend so long tearing this place apart and all I get is a magic box of gears and magnets?" It threw a chunk of concrete across the ruined hall, knocking down what was left of one of the walls. A startled vampire stood behind it. "Hey Thur'lex the Devourer, there's something here you might want to see." Forgetting about the lich, the monster slowly walked over to its old servant. "I thought you'd be back in that house, not in this disgusting place. What are you doing here with these mortals?" "Oh, they kind of arrested me a while ago. But I really need to warn you about that machine, it was specifically designed to kill you and-" Cutting him off, Thur'lex the Devourer turned back to the machine and charged like an angry rhinoceros, although the beast had far more horns and legs. "You dare torment MY servant? This vampire belongs to me, nobody else can abuse him!" The beast tore down the blast doors and grabbed the machine. It gripped the metal in its horrendous claws, about to squeeze the life out of it. But it didn't budge. Greetings SCP-6550. I've been waiting to see you for a long time. "Who's there? Come out and face me, coward!" You may not know it yet, but you are about to play a key role in the restoration of humanity. "That's ridiculous! The only reason I'd ever restore a human would be to get the satisfaction of killing them again!" You misunderstand. You do not have the ability to choose what becomes of your power at this point in time. Activating SCP-6550-C. A burning sensation filled the monster's body as its very essence was dragged out of it and into the machine. The light grew brighter with every second, and Thur'lex the Devourer was helpless to stop it. Termination status: IN PROGRESS As the light grew brighter, the lich scrambled through the rubble to get to the only other unliving person in Site-126. "Hey, Bernie! We've got the monster contained, but you really should get out of here. There's no way of knowing if there's any side effects to standing too close to that thing. " "Red, wait! Don't you know what that thing is going to do?" "Yeah, sure I do, it'll stop the monster from killing us all." The lich picked up the vampire and pried off the metal hand that was stuck to his wrist for some reason. "No, you don't understand. That machine is the one that's going to kill us! It's going to reset the world, look!" Bernie handed the lich the computer screen, showing the file on SCP-6550 and the machine that could bring back humanity. "Don't you see, if this machine activates we all die! It'll turn everyone on this planet into a human, wipe out everything magical in the world!" The lich gave pause and Bernie fell to the ground. "So, she's going to restructure reality itself to make everyone human? That's what the machine was for this whole time?" They turned back to the device, and focused all their power into a single bolt of lightning, aimed straight at the core of the machine. And then they stopped. Initiating suit override. You do not have the clearance necessary to cancel SCP-6550-C. "I'm sorry boss, I can't just stand by and watch you do this to the world. Making us human isn't going to undo the Calamity." They struggled to move, but their armor wouldn't let them. My mission is to ensure the continued existence of humanity. I am fulfilling that goal in the most effective way possible. Then, out of the corner of their eye, they noticed Bernie creeping back towards the machine. "But humanity is still here. I thought I'd lost when I first heard about the Calamity, or event beta, or whatever you want to call it. But then I realized humanity doesn't need humans, it just needs people. That's all it ever needed." Termination status: IN PROGRESS The beast could feel itself slipping away. The draining sensation grew stronger, but it could barely register what it felt anymore. It could hardly even see its servant struggling against the magical force of the machine as he tried to make it to the awful device. Bernie pushed on, marching to the machine while he looked at the schematics for it on his phone. There had to be a control panel, or a central wire he could cut. Anything to stop this machine. Anything to save Thur'lex the Devourer. Termination status: IN PROGRESS Just a few more minutes and the machine would be ready. Her mission would be complete. Such a shame that most of her staff would be killed in the process. Especially SCP-6550-B had been such a good Red Right Hand. But putting anomalies on task forces had always been a matter of debate in the Foundation, hence the override controls on their armor. And it didn't hurt that she was putting down a threatening anomaly while she was at it. Termination status: IN PROGRESS The city had been shaking for the past hour, and the borders were packed with people trying to flee. Suddenly, a bright burst of light and sound blotted out the entire ordeal. It was clear there was no escape now. Termination status: FAILED The lights and sounds died out, leaving an oppressive silence over what had once been Site-126. The machine had punched straight through the ceiling, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of the city above the ruined facility. As the dust cleared, terrified onlookers saw Bernie the vampire standing by the burnt out shell of the machine, holding a small orange gemstone. A disfigured monstrosity of unspeakable horror was lying next to him, slowly returning to consciousness. The lich stumbled through the wreckage, freed from their immobility after a surge of power from the machine. "How… What happened?" "I got lucky with pulling out the right piece, I guess." "Weird. You seem to have pretty bad luck, with all the magic monsters following you around and getting you evicted." He looked down to the immortal being that had almost tasted death moments ago. "It wasn't all bad." 404 ERROR PAGE NOT FOUND Bernie opened the door to his new house, already fully moved in since most of his possessions were buried somewhere in the collapsed facility under the city. Amazingly, his house had been far enough from the city center to not be effected by the fight. He set the keys on the counter and took it all in. After all these years as a vampire, he finally had a place he could call his own. A knock came at the door, and a disgusting creature lurched through the front hall. "Hello servant. Are you enjoying your new accommodations?" "Yes, I think it's a great place. How did you ever manage to afford it?" "Never mind that. I've come to inform you of my plans to continue my crusade of violence. I'm putting it all on hold for a while while I heal the damage sustained in that battle. You are not to kill anyone unless I say so, understand?" "Wouldn't dream of it." The two wandered the house for a while in silence, before the beast broke the tension. "Also, while I'm here, there's one thing I really should say… I'm sorry for endangering your life so many times, even if all life is pointless." "Did you just apologize for something? You must have been hit in the head a few times back there." "…Maybe" "Thanks anyway, I guess. Now, you want to help me get that ghost out of the fridge?" Inputting credentials for Site Director Grey. Request to delete all files pertaining to SCP-6550 SCP-6550 SCP-6550-A SCP-6550-B SCP-6550-C Athena.AIC Confirm deletion? Site Director Grey sat back in the ruined office, looking at the wreckage of the city they'd been tasked with protecting. Taking on the mantle of Director wasn't an easy task, but somebody needed to take control of the legion of robots and rebuild the city. And who better to lead them than the person that had once been the only member of MTF Alpha-1? Looking down at the computer on their desk, they brought their rotten finger down on the enter key. Files deleted. < Thur'lex the Devourer Is Barely In This One | UnHuman Hub Footnotes 1. Primarily weapons, Scranton Reality Anchors, and D-Class personnel. 2. Multiple Groups of Interest have begun preparations for Event-β despite not knowing about SCP-6550. This implies that the threat of Event-β has become probable enough that precognitive entities are able to sense it without prior knowledge of SCP-6550. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6550" by Mooagain , from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6551 | euclid | Tstaffor Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… SCP-6551 upon discovery. Item #: SCP-6551 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6551 is housed in a sound-proof avian enclosure at Biological Research Area-12. Assigned staff are to provide a twice-daily regimen of nutritional supplements, along with conducting weekly oiling of the wings and legs. Staff entering the enclosure for SCP-6551's oilings and the collecting of released materials are to wear noise-canceling headphones. An array of previously excreted parts is located in a locker next to SCP-6551's enclosure. Description: SCP-6551 is a clockwork recreation of a common Columba livia (pigeon). The outer body is constructed from a taxidermied deceased pigeon, while its insides are a collection of unknown copper mechanisms1. There is no way to get a clearer understanding of SCP-6551's inner workings without the commencement of a full disassembly. This process has been denied by Area-12's head animal handler, Prof. Laura Herdman. X-ray analysis conducted shortly after feeding has aided in the documenting of SCP-6551's digestive process. All materials fed to SCP-6551 are sent to a pocket of leather in its center, the materials then meld together to form 1-62 new gears, belts, and other such mechanical structures. SCP-6551 will then excrete an equal number of old parts and replace them with the newly formed devices. SCP-6551 does not coo, instead constantly3 using the music box located in its "throat" to play slow lullaby melodies. Music played by SCP-6551 is mainly original compositions, although AIC assigned to listen through the audio have found recognizable tunes being played such as Rock-a-bye Baby, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star/Baa Baa Black Sheep, and Hush Little Baby. When a subject hears SCP-6551's melody and there are no subjects already under its effect, they will fall into a trance-like state. This trance consists of the following symptoms: • Breathing becoming calm and slow • The closing of the eyes • Lying down • Inability to move or speak • Self-sustainment causing the body to cease aging Although this state appears to an outside observer as sleep, testing has shown the afflicted subject is still fully aware of their surroundings and is functioning at full brain capacity. Addendum 6551.1 Discovery: SCP-6551 was discovered in the Ritsurin Garden4. During recovery, the entity was tracked back to its nest underneath a red bridge5 in the northeast corner of the garden. Along with the anomaly, a young girl appearing to be around the age of 7 was found under the bridge, her clothes showing signs of massive deterioration. The child was suffering from severe PTSD and was unable to communicate with interviewers. The only info successfully gathered from her was that the bird had been a gift from her parents that she took out into a patch of uninhabited forest to play with. A search for any living biological relatives returned no results. She was then amnesticised and released into the care of retired researcher Yui Iwashita. Footnotes 1. This data was gathered through the insertion of a small probe camera through the entity's mouth cavity. 2. Depending on the size of the meal. 3. Only stopping when it needs to consume nutrients. 4. A large, historic garden in Takamatsu, Japan created on a patch of wilderness in 1745. 5. Pictured in the above photo. Porridge □ More by Tstaffor □ ▣ More by Tstaffor ▣ Tstaffor's Author page! If you like my writing, check out my Podcast with Luxaiko! The Scip Squad Podcast Hub SCPs SCP-6868 Rating: 412 SCP-7500 Rating: 313 SCP-6552 Rating: 166 SCP-3837 Rating: 141 SCP-6557 Rating: 137 SCP-6558 Rating: 96 SCP-5722 Rating: 94 SCP-6547 Rating: 94 SCP-5847 Rating: 93 SCP-5846 Rating: 92 SCP-7979 Rating: 74 SCP-6554 Rating: 71 SCP-6226 Rating: 70 SCP-6067 Rating: 64 SCP-1551-EX Rating: 52 SCP-6553 Rating: 50 SCP-555-J Rating: 47 SCP-6551 Rating: 39 SCP-6588 Rating: 37 SCP-5846-J Rating: 27 Tales Log of Non-Anomalous Items Rating: 209 SCP-173 But... it's a Collaborative Log Rating: 178 SCP-173 But... Rating: 165 Mfw Rating: 101 Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! Rating: 78 Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse Rating: 75 The Knights of Wonder Rating: 37 The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt Rating: 29 MZL-1915 Rating: 25 GOI Formats SPC-3008 Rating: 302 Herman Fuller Presents: Shapes the Clown Rating: 14 Hubs Format Screw Hub Rating: 139 The Scip Squad Podcast Hub Rating: 44 Art An ASCII Egg That Kills You For No Reason Rating: 40 Bubbly Bobby the ASCII Ducky Rating: 40 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6551" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: bord.jpg Name: Ritsurin Garden, Kagawa Prefecture; November 2019 (08).jpg Author: Sei F License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link:,_Kagawa_Prefecture;_November_2019_(08).jpg |
SCP-6552 | safe | Tstaffor Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… SCP-6552. Item #: SCP-6552 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6552 is stored in Anomalous-Documents-Folder-47. All testing of SCP-6552 is discontinued and no one is to rename or play SCP-6552 under any circumstances. Description: SCP-6552 is a .wav file consisting of the sounds of water crashing against the shore. When the file is given a name that creates a compound word when said while including the .wav and is played, a corresponding anomalous event will occur. Addendum 6552.1 Test Log: Dr. Henderson instructed D-41897 on what to name SCP-6552. D-41897 then played the file for 3-10 loops and Dr. Henderson then marked down the effects. Name of SCP-6552 Anomalous Event sound.wav The audio of SCP-6552 did not come out of the speakers hooked up to the computer used to play the audio. Instead emanating from the pixels making up the .wav file itself. heat.wav The room in which SCP-6552 was being played began to heat up at a rate of 1°C per second. vapor.wav While being played, all UI on the computer playing it was restructured to fit the "vaporwave" aesthetic. brain.wav All personnel at Test-Site-98 were able to hear SCP-6552 being played, although no recording devices were able to register any sound. micro.wav When played, concentrated radiation was emitted from the device playing SCP-6552 causing D-41897 to expire after 3 loops of the audio. tidal.wav Flooding of Test-Site-98 caused notes on resultant anomalous effect unrecoverable. Reconstruction and transferring of new replacement staff to Test-Site-98 are underway. Porridge □ More by Tstaffor □ ▣ More by Tstaffor ▣ Tstaffor's Author page! If you like my writing, check out my Podcast with Luxaiko! The Scip Squad Podcast Hub SCPs SCP-6868 Rating: 412 SCP-7500 Rating: 313 SCP-6552 Rating: 166 SCP-3837 Rating: 141 SCP-6557 Rating: 137 SCP-6558 Rating: 96 SCP-5722 Rating: 94 SCP-6547 Rating: 94 SCP-5847 Rating: 93 SCP-5846 Rating: 92 SCP-7979 Rating: 74 SCP-6554 Rating: 71 SCP-6226 Rating: 70 SCP-6067 Rating: 64 SCP-1551-EX Rating: 52 SCP-6553 Rating: 50 SCP-555-J Rating: 47 SCP-6551 Rating: 39 SCP-6588 Rating: 37 SCP-5846-J Rating: 27 Tales Log of Non-Anomalous Items Rating: 209 SCP-173 But... it's a Collaborative Log Rating: 178 SCP-173 But... Rating: 165 Mfw Rating: 101 Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! Rating: 78 Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse Rating: 75 The Knights of Wonder Rating: 37 The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt Rating: 29 MZL-1915 Rating: 25 GOI Formats SPC-3008 Rating: 302 Herman Fuller Presents: Shapes the Clown Rating: 14 Hubs Format Screw Hub Rating: 139 The Scip Squad Podcast Hub Rating: 44 Art An ASCII Egg That Kills You For No Reason Rating: 40 Bubbly Bobby the ASCII Ducky Rating: 40 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6552" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Name: tidalwav.png Author: Wilfredor License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Name: wav.wav Author: apsbin License: CC BY 3.0 Source Link:,_It%C5%8D,_Shizuoka,_-Jan._2012_a.ogv |
SCP-6553 | keter | Tstaffor and her Dad Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… Item#: 6553 Level2 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: warning link to memo SCP-6553-1. Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-6553 has been deemed unfeasible. All efforts are to be focused on the collection of SCP-A through -G. Drone Fleet Alpha-10 ("The Pride") is to search for and notify command of any sightings of SCP-6553. SCP-6553-A through G are stored in isolated containment vats at the Central Foundation Treasury. Mixing of the fluids is only to be carried out by direct order of the First Financial Officer1. MTF Mu-0 ("Maxwell's Demons") is assigned to the tracking and capture of a hypothesized demonic entity that is suspected to be the source of SCP-65532. Description: SCP-6553 is a phenomenon where a rainbow will appear after no rainfall has occurred. Unlike baseline rainbows which are intangible forms of light, SCP-6553 instances are made out of a collection of seven viscous fluids3. This collection of fluids mimics the appearance of baseline rainbows in all aspects other than physical tangibility. Testing has revealed all fluids to be ingestible with varying effects based on their colors4. When consumed, the subject will yell a phrase, and an effect based on the color of the fluid will occur. When combined, these fluids will harden into the element Au. All gold formed this way shows no anomalous properties and can be used as gold in financial transactions. Addendum 6553.1: Test Log Fluid Yelled Phrase Effects -A (Red) Friendship comes from inside! Subject's chest cavity opens expelling 10 to 15 human hearts. The hearts will float in a straight line from the subject until hitting a wall or another human. Any human a heart comes in contact with will fall in love with the Subject. After the expiration of the subject due to blood loss, any affected subjects will mourn the subject's death and be unable to recover from their grief. -B (Orange) Keep a balanced diet! Subject's brain tissue reconstitutes itself into plant matter of various fruits5.The brain will function identically to a non-anomalous brain. If the subject does not spend all their time in rooms with a temperature of 5°C or less, their brain will begin to rot following the process of their respective fruit during which time brain functions will degrade rapidly. After 1 week of rotting, the subject's brain will be in a state considered legally deceased. -C (Yellow) Anyone can be a star! Through unknown anomalous means, any subject who ingests the fluid will become well-known in their hometown as having murdered someone. -D (Green) Go Green! One week post-consumption subject will begin shedding pine needles. Within one month of consumption, subject's skin will start to thicken causing the subject to lose the ability to move. Two months after initial intake of the fluid, subject will become indistinguishable from a Piceoideae Frankis (spruce tree) -E (Blue) Sharing is Caring! Subject will express regret regarding past wrongdoings and apologize while sobbing uncontrollably. This continues until all bodily fluids have been expelled through the tear ducts. -F (Indigo) Indigo is a nothing color and there's no reason for it. Subject will vanish from baseline reality. -G (Violet) Always do the noble thing! For 24 hours after ingestion of liquid, all persons interacting with the subject will regard the subject as their superior. Addendum 6553.2: Research into the origins of the SCP-6553 phenomenon lead to the discovery of an abandoned suburban home. The home's basement had been the base of operations for a cult formed in the late 50's whose goal was to summon Dinkin6 and trap it allowing all cult members to live forever off its milk. The cult officially disbanded the same week as the first recorded SCP-6553 event. Items found at the scene include: A summoning circle designed to summon demonic entities. Coat rack with 10 red robes along with 5 red robes in child sizes. An invite reminding all cult members of the yearly Bring Your Daughter to Cult Day. Charms and books used for the summoning of all quadrupedal creatures. A small statuette of a Dinkin. Found on a table with the other ritual supplies still in perfect condition. A unicorn plushie with the chest cavity open. Horse blood and stuffing were scattered near the plush toy. Footnotes 1. Currently Prof. Kurt Rency. 2. Preliminarily designated SCP-6553-1. 3. Similar in consistency to honey. 4. See Addendum 6553.1. 5. Recorded fruits include watermelon, lemon, kiwi, orange, and grapefruit. 6. A demonic cow whose milk is said to provide immortality. □ You might also like □ ▣ You might also like ▣ SCP-4950 - Triple Six Five Forked Tongue by A Random Day SCP-4974 - The Mouse SCP by Tanhony Porridge □ More by Tstaffor □ ▣ More by Tstaffor ▣ Tstaffor's Author page! If you like my writing, check out my Podcast with Luxaiko! The Scip Squad Podcast Hub SCPs SCP-6868 Rating: 412 SCP-7500 Rating: 313 SCP-6552 Rating: 166 SCP-3837 Rating: 141 SCP-6557 Rating: 137 SCP-6558 Rating: 96 SCP-5722 Rating: 94 SCP-6547 Rating: 94 SCP-5847 Rating: 93 SCP-5846 Rating: 92 SCP-7979 Rating: 74 SCP-6554 Rating: 71 SCP-6226 Rating: 70 SCP-6067 Rating: 64 SCP-1551-EX Rating: 52 SCP-6553 Rating: 50 SCP-555-J Rating: 47 SCP-6551 Rating: 39 SCP-6588 Rating: 37 SCP-5846-J Rating: 27 Tales Log of Non-Anomalous Items Rating: 209 SCP-173 But... it's a Collaborative Log Rating: 178 SCP-173 But... Rating: 165 Mfw Rating: 101 Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! Rating: 78 Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse Rating: 75 The Knights of Wonder Rating: 37 The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt Rating: 29 MZL-1915 Rating: 25 GOI Formats SPC-3008 Rating: 302 Herman Fuller Presents: Shapes the Clown Rating: 14 Hubs Format Screw Hub Rating: 139 The Scip Squad Podcast Hub Rating: 44 Art An ASCII Egg That Kills You For No Reason Rating: 40 Bubbly Bobby the ASCII Ducky Rating: 40 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6553" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Morning rainbow.jpg Name: scp_rainbow.jpg Author: JArthur19 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6554 | keter | Tstaffor Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… Item #: SCP-6554 Special Containment Procedures: Tokyo malls are to be scoured for instances of SCP-6554 on a monthly basis. Any instances found are to be taken to the closest site's open testing room or cafeteria and the type of item dispensed by the instance is to be logged in Extended Object Log 6554. All SCP-6554 instances are available for use by all staff. Sufficient warning of the true contents of each instance should be clearly marked on its outside. A set of SCP-6554 instances can be seen in blue amongst baseline gashapon. Description: SCP-6554 are capsule machines also known as gashapon that spontaneously manifest in shopping malls in Tokyo, Japan. All instances resemble existing gashapon, utilising advertisements of products sold in their baseline counterparts. The contents of each instance differ from the advertised product on each machine. Examples of items sold by SCP-6554 instances include mittens seemingly designed for feet, cooked fish that don't match any known species, pieces of paper and other substances with sideways capital N's written on them, rings of metal with small gemstones embedded into them, and small cylindrical pieces of wood which have been found to perfectly fit the tops of many types of bottles. Instances are able to replenish the supply of their respective items immediately after purchase. All instances are indistinguishable from their baseline counterparts save for their automatic replenishing. No anomalous properties have been found in the objects dispensed by SCP-6554. All food products such as cooked fish have been dispensed at a suitable temperature and prepared for human consumption. Addendum 6554.1: On 01/01/2039, all instances stopped dispensing their respective object. When used, instances will instead now dispense one human eyeball. Eyeballs are all genetically distinct. Two eyeballs from the same machine do not share similar genetics and can be any type. After this sudden change in SCP-6554's behavior, a full search of archives was performed by Alexandra.aic revealing photos kept in temporally isolated deep wells featuring humans with two eyes. This evidence suggests homo sapiens have not always been a monocular species. Porridge □ More by Tstaffor □ ▣ More by Tstaffor ▣ Tstaffor's Author page! If you like my writing, check out my Podcast with Luxaiko! The Scip Squad Podcast Hub SCPs SCP-6868 Rating: 412 SCP-7500 Rating: 313 SCP-6552 Rating: 166 SCP-3837 Rating: 141 SCP-6557 Rating: 137 SCP-6558 Rating: 96 SCP-5722 Rating: 94 SCP-6547 Rating: 94 SCP-5847 Rating: 93 SCP-5846 Rating: 92 SCP-7979 Rating: 74 SCP-6554 Rating: 71 SCP-6226 Rating: 70 SCP-6067 Rating: 64 SCP-1551-EX Rating: 52 SCP-6553 Rating: 50 SCP-555-J Rating: 47 SCP-6551 Rating: 39 SCP-6588 Rating: 37 SCP-5846-J Rating: 27 Tales Log of Non-Anomalous Items Rating: 209 SCP-173 But... it's a Collaborative Log Rating: 178 SCP-173 But... Rating: 165 Mfw Rating: 101 Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! Rating: 78 Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse Rating: 75 The Knights of Wonder Rating: 37 The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt Rating: 29 MZL-1915 Rating: 25 GOI Formats SPC-3008 Rating: 302 Herman Fuller Presents: Shapes the Clown Rating: 14 Hubs Format Screw Hub Rating: 139 The Scip Squad Podcast Hub Rating: 44 Art An ASCII Egg That Kills You For No Reason Rating: 40 Bubbly Bobby the ASCII Ducky Rating: 40 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6554" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: gashapon_scp.jpg Name: Laika ac Gashapon Machines (7532237784).jpg Author: Laika ac License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6555 | safe | close Info X Co-written by JakdragonX and Ralliston JakdragonX's Authorpage Ralliston's Authorpage JakdragonX's AND Ralliston's Shared Authorpage . A photo of the galaxy within which XEO 8537-A is located, taken by a Tachyon Scanner. Item №: SCP-6555 Special Containment Procedures: Due to its distance from the closest populated settlement, SCP-6555 does not require containment. Description: SCP-6555 refers to the remains of an unidentified structure on the rogue celestial body of XEO 8537-A.1 Discovered in 26,576 HE after deep-space satellites detected faint electromagnetic fluctuations, SCP-6555 emits a constant broadcast of archaic emergency radio frequencies from its epicenter. Research probes dispatched to the surface of XEO 8537-A for observation of SCP-6555 have, thus far, been inconclusive. Exploration within SCP-6555's interior have provided the following results: The configuration and layout of SCP-6555 suggests that the structure was, at one point, semi-modular. The presence of warped steel and broken synthetic compounds near the northwestern and eastern sectors was also noted during exploration, indicating significant surface impact.2 Inside Room 15A, located near SCP-6555's southern region, a series of rectangular objects made of cotton and wool cushioning, adhesives, and steel coil springs have been sporadically laid throughout. Other unidentified items, such as round containers of plastic filled with water in Room 06, have also been discovered within SCP-6555. Ventilation, air conditioning, and other primitive systems present within SCP-6555 show that the interior of the building was once adequately maintained and supplied with oxygen. Miscellaneous calcium fragments and ligaments, almost identical in DNA composition as that of ancient mammalian organisms, were discovered nearby SCP-6555's central transmitter. Fragments have been dated to be at least several thousand years old, indicating unnaturally quick and potentially anomalous decomposition. Addendum 6555-1: Months after SCP-6555's discovery, Foundation personnel were able to translate its broadcast, resulting in the following message: WE ARE CLOSER TO FINDING WHAT ONCE WAS LOST. WHAT TURNED THE TIDES AND SHOOK THE WORLD WILL NOW LEAD US BACK. DO NOT LOSE FAITH. WE HAVE NEVER BEEN CLOSER TO FINDING OUR WAY HOME. Additionally, inscriptions of several Foundation insignia inside SCP-6555 were observed during exploration, all of which still pending further investigation. + Access available satellite images - Close available satellite images Image taken of SCP-6555 from above XEO 8537-A's surface. Footnotes 1. A small, rocky dwarf planet containing high concentrations of Helium-3 on its surface despite not orbiting any nearby star. 2. Available information concerning XEO 8537-A does not report a history of frequent asteroid or extraplanetary impacts. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6555" by JakdragonX and Ralliston, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. File Name: galaxy.jpg Source: Click Here License: CC BY 2.0 Author: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center File Name: moon.png Source: Click Here Derived From: This image from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and licensed under Attribution 2.0 Generic, and also this from the European Space Agency and licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Author: GremlinGroup |
SCP-6556 | safe | Check out Pedagon's other pages on their author profile here! Check out Dysadron's other pages on their author profile in the big button below! ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} 1/6556 LEVEL 1/6556 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-6556 Safe Screen capture of the introductory animation to an SCP-6556 video. Special Containment Procedures: A DNS hijack protocol has been implemented by Foundation webcrawlers in order to redirect anyone attempting to access the SCP-6556 channel or collection of videos. An alert has been set in place for any future activity by the channel. Description: SCP-6556 is a channel on the online video-sharing platform YouTube, titled "TheLifeOfRex". Videos uploaded to the channel demonstrate a number of anomalous properties, namely the inclusion of living, anatomically correct dinosaurs filmed in what appears to be the Mesozoic time period. The channel currently has 37 videos uploaded, all of which revolve around a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex through the format of a "video blog". The content contained within the videos is, for the most part, highly anachronistic. Technical discrepancies exist within SCP-6556 as both the upload date and other pertinent metadata state that the videos were uploaded approximately 66 million years ago — despite YouTube being launched in 2005 and the Internet and video cameras not existing until the 20th century. The "About" section of the channel is blank. All videos have been uploaded with the title pattern of "Dino Vlog" followed by a number corresponding to the order of the video's upload and an exaggerated descriptor of the content of the video: Abridged List of SCP-6556 Videos – hide block VIDEO TITLE Dino Vlog 1: Welcome to my channel! Dino Vlog 3: My favourite sunbathing spots Dino Vlog 5: My life story so far :) Dino Vlog 8: Watering hole life hacks! Dino Vlog 12: Building your own cave fort! Dino Vlog 14: 🎵🎵 Rap battle against a rapping raptor 🎵🎵 Dino Vlog 22: A flower almost MURDERED me!!!!! Dino Vlog 24: We are all going to die [NOT CLICKBAIT] [FUNNY] Dino Vlog 26: Parasaurolophus egg omelette! [YUM] Dino Vlog 27: I'm sorry. Dino Vlog 30: Filling my entire cave with AMONITES! 🐚🐚🐚 Dino Vlog 31: Compsygnathus does my MAKEUP!?! Dino Vlog 32: CRAZY ichthyosaur bite! Dino Vlog 33: Don't ROAR for Quetzalcoatlus at 3AM! Dino Vlog 34: What happens next will SHOCK YOU! 😱 [Scary] [I almost died!] Dino Vlog 37: Bright light in sky - UFO ATTACK??!! Observers of videos uploaded to the channel, or those who are made aware of the channel's existence, do not challenge the anachronistic nature of the anomaly, and believe them to be historically accurate representations of life in the Mesozoic era. Individuals who have undergone cognitohazard training, or who have a naturally high resistance1, are not subject to this effect. Addendum 1: Forward: The following recorded Zoom footage was retrieved from NAPC conference organizers as part of the initial investigation into the incident. Only footage pertinent to the investigation of SCP-6556 has been included. Dr. Malcom: Alright! Thank you Dr. Short for that fascinating look at the limitations of the Caterpillar Theory. Up next we have Dr. Eleanor Grant with an interactive presentation on new evidence of toxic flora at the end of the Cretaceous period. Just give me uhhh.. There we go! You should be able to screen share now. Take it away! Dr. Grant: Thanks Greg. Today I'm going to be presenting on some new evidence that reinforces my prior work on the theory that the meteor impact at Chicxulub may have been preceded by a smaller extinction process resulting from the development of toxic flora, wreaking havoc on the diet of late-cretaceous herbivores. Dr. Grant begins to play a YouTube video in the SCP-6556 collection titled "Dino Vlog 22: A flower almost MURDERED me!!!!!". After the title card, the video opens with Ty Rex holding the recording device. Ty Rex: Wazzaaap Jurassic junkies! It's another warm day out here in the woods and the pterodactyls are scrawing (Ty Rex closes his eyes while flapping his free arm and making a recreation of a loud "Scraw" sound effect) so I figured it would be a good day to go on a hike! Footage cuts to a montage with a remix of various dinosaur vocalizations playing while Ty Rex walks through a wooded area, often focusing on various megaflora in the distance or smaller animals skittering away in clearings, before returning to a shot of Ty Rex standing in front of a small plant with what appear to be berries. A mountain range can be seen in the distance in the background of the shot. Dr. Grant pauses the video and zooms into the mountain range before beginning to speak. Dr. Grant: See here. Through comparison to estimated maps of the era, I am confident that these are the Rocky Mountains, placing Rex in roughly the area that would one day be Canada. (Dr. Grant zooms out and then back in on the plant behind Ty Rex) And here we have a clear example of a rudimentary angiosperm with Ty Rex. Now watch as— Dr. Smith: Dr Grant, I'm sorry, but I have to say something. This is ridiculous. Dr. Grant: Excuse me? Dr. Smith: What you're about to claim is not possible. You see those fern-like leaves? That is clearly some kind of pteridosperm and nothing more. A completely harmless plant that existed for millions of years prior to the decline. There's no way it poisoned anything, or the decline would be seen much earlier. I appreciate your ambition, but this does not stand up to academic rigour. Dr. Harris: Actually I think Dr. Grant is right on this one, Jim. We don't really know what the early angiosperms looked like so, theoretically, they could have had leaves like that. If you read the paper on the theories surrounding- Dr. Smith: Exactly — Theories! Until you have verifiable evidence there is no way I'm going to believe any of this. Dr. Harris: You know better than to espouse that logic. You look at the same rocks as we do! Dr. Wessler: Sorry everyone but before this gets too heated I think we should also look at the source of this evidence. [Drs. Smith and Harris murmur in agreement.] Dr Wessler: The title of the video is clearly clickbait, so we can't make any assumptions that Ty Rex hadn't altered the plant somehow to give the presented reaction. Dr. Malcom: That's a valid point, Priyanka. Dr. Grant, what's the provenance of the video? Dr. Grant: They're recently discovered videos on YouTube, uploaded towards the close of the Cretaceous period. They give unparalleled insight into Mesozoic societal norms through following the activities of this adolescent T-Rex. Dr. Frantz: I'm sorry, but is this whole thing a ploy? I think that was what Dr. Wessler was asking… hopefully. Dr. Grant: Good question! Yes, it's possible the whole video is a ploy for views, and we need to approach the evidence with that in mind. However, I still believe a lot can be gleaned from them as- Dr. Frantz: For God's sake. (Dr. Frantz leaves the conference call.) Dr. Grant: Seems Dr. Frantz is encountering some technical difficulties there.2 Are there any other questions? Dr. Chan: Eleanor, whilst I'm not appreciating your theory on the role of Suciacarpa starrii in a minor extinction event, I can't help be startled by the fact that, in the background of the footage during the hike there was clearly a brachiosaurus. Prior to this, our understanding of the fossil record had these two species existing 100 million years apart. This is quite revolutionary, and I don't think I can understate the implications for our field here. Dr. Grant: That's a fantastic point, and if you check out this other video here… Dr. Grant pulls up a YouTube video in the SCP-6556 collection titled "Dino Vlog 27: I'm sorry." and begins to play the video from the start. Footage starts with a cold open, revealing Ty Rex in a room dimly lit by some form of fire off screen. Ty Rex: Hi everyone. So, this isn't an easy video to make. Ty pauses, and glances down at the ground, before taking a deep intake of breath. Ty Rex: In my last video, I ate some parasaurolophus eggs as a joke that I now have realized is wrong. These actions don't represent me. They don't represent who I am as a dinosaur. And they don't represent the impact I want to have on the community. Unknown: IF YOU WANT TO TRADE STOCKS, BITCOIN, AND CRYPTO, THERE'S ONLY ONE PLACE TO BE- Dr. Grant: Oops sorry, I didn't realise there'd be ads, let me just skip that… Ty Rex: At the time, I was unaware of the hurt this would cause, but now I am, so I apologize for being unaware of the impact of my actions at the time I undertook them. If I could go back now, and replay the eating of those parasaurolophus eggs, would I do the same thing? Ty Rex: Yes. Absolutely. They were absolutely delicious. But I'd do it knowing the full consequences of my actions. Ty Rex: Going forward, I want to take this lesson, learn from it, and grow…. Dr. Grant: You can see that Ty Rex was also vlogging during his own time period as well, giving us a fantastic view into the world of not only the days of the Tyrannosaurus rex, but of the entire age of the dinosaurs! And I think- Dr Grant is interrupted by Ms. Stephen, who has been silent on the call until this point. Ms. Stephen: There we go. Sorry! Couldn't figure out how to unmute myself. But do none of you see an issue with the fact that that's a real dinosaur speaking perfect English, modern English, in what appears to be a Canadian accent? Dr. Smith: Oh. Huh. Ms. Stephen: And it's on the internet? The internet. Created 66 million years after dinosaurs went extinct. Am I the only one here realising this? Dr. Malcom: Well… I… this is slightly embarrassing Ms. Stephen: And it's vlogging?! Dr. Grant: I'm so sorry everyone, it appears I've made a terrible oversight. Ms. Stephen sighs. Ms. Stephen: No, it's alright Ellie — we've all been under a lot of stress lately. I thought I was going crazy for a moment. Dr. Grant: I don't know how I didn't see it at first. This completely revolutionises everything — dinosaurs invented the Internet! All other conference participants unmute themselves, and begin enthusiastically voicing their agreement. Ms. Stephen: Oh come on! Afterward: During the 10-minute recess Foundation operatives were notified of the event and amnestics were administered at the homes of each attendee. Footnotes 1. Typically 6.3 or above on the Buckland-Geller Scale. 2. Dr. Frantz was not encountering technical difficulties. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6556" by Pedagon & Dysadron, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: dinovlog.jpg Derivative of: Author: Dysadron License: CC-BY-SA Name: Tyrannosaurus_rex_colored.png Author: and LadyofHats License: CC 3.0 Source Link: Additional Notes: Original authors in no way endorse the article, authors, or use of this image. Name: onxff Author: piqsels License: Public Domain Source Link: Name: Claw_Marks.png Author: TriiipleThreat License: CC0 Source Link: |
SCP-6557 | archon | Tstaffor Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… O5 Command Terminal Please enter security credentials… Email: [email protected] Password: ********** Identity confirmed, welcome O5-11. It is currently 2:37 pm on Thursday, May 19th, 2512. What do you need to do? > Retrieve emails … … … … 1,076 Pending Emails. 558 Marked Notice 363 Marked Urgent 154 Marked Highest Priority 1 Marked Black < > Open Retrieving selected Black file… … … … … … Found! To the desk of 05-11 If you are reading this, your timeline will experience a K-Class End-of-the-World Scenario on 12/08/2794. There is nothing you can do to stop this from being the end result of your timeline. The following document explains how to prevent future timelines from experiencing this result. Please fully review the following document and follow the steps so that future timelines can be secured. Etching of SCP-6557. Item #: SCP-6557 Special Containment Procedures: All staff performing temporal missions that take place in 1764 or earlier in Germany or France are to make sure that no actions they take cause changes to the timeline that lead to the taking of Trier in August of 17943 not occurring. If a jump to a time prior to Event-6557-A is required for the containment of another anomaly, at least 98.7% of the simulations with Earth-Sim/ver876.exe coded with the proposed jump must be successful4. From its erection in 958 until 1794, MTF-Omega-6 ("The Cross") is assigned to the protection of SCP-6557. Ω-6 are to be recruited for training at 18 and trained for two years on the culture and customs of the time period they will be observing SCP-6557 in. At 20, they are to be matched with an agent of the same age within 5 years of their Home Year. The two are then sent for a 50-year shift between 958 and 1764. Until retirement, the pair of Ω-6 Agents are to covertly observe SCP-6557, making sure no changes to the timeline cause SCP-6557 to be damaged prior to Event-6557-A. If a K-Class scenario occurs, the designated End-Jumper at each site is to activate their respective T45 and jump to the following date 19/05/25126 with a full copy of this document. As of 25/4/2603, The Foundation has successfully finalized contracts with all Time Vacation Agencies to halt the sale of tickets for vacations to any date earlier than Event-6557-A. Description: SCP-6557 is the Market Cross in Trier's Main Market. If it is not destroyed on exactly 12/08/1794, it will be the cause of a K-class End-of-the-World scenario on 12/08/27947. In the unchanged-baseline timeline, SCP-6557 is knocked over and destroyed during France's invasion of Trier. When this occurs, SCP-6557 becomes inert and no interactions with it cause the world to end. If toppled before Event-6557-A, or left unharmed after 12/08/1794, an A to Z, Ω, or TP K-class End-of-the-World scenario will occur. In all timelines, at least one Foundation employee has been successful in returning to a time prior to 12/08/2794 and informed The Foundation of the disaster. After 8 warnings, the common theme of SCP-6557 being the originator of the event was discovered. Addendum 6557.1 Origins of K-Class Events: The following is a list of examples from Dead Timelines where Event-6557-A did not occur: Event-6557-B Type: AK-Class "Madness" SCP-6557's Involvement: Because it survived Event-6557-A, SCP-6557 was able to block a musket shot meant to assassinate the head priest of the nearby chapel in 1850. Due to his survival, he was able to later in his life discover a thaumaturgical ritual that causes complete servitude to the caster. He taught his descendants how to utilize this ritual without over-stepping and being discovered. Over the next millennium, his lineage gained the worship and devotion of every human on earth. On the day of Event-6557-B, every known consciousness in the universe had been overtaken by the effect. AIC in The Foundation's system recognized the AK-Class Scenario and forcibly activated the T4 devices. Suspected Reason for Divergence: After the invention of time travel, so much pressure on the timeline from the heavy use makes it difficult to determine a specific cause. The timeline was fixed after the first Past-Reset. Notes: First known divergence from baseline outcome. Event-6557-B Type: GK-Class "Dead Greenhouse" SCP-6557's Involvement: Due to insufficient training, the agents who destroyed SCP-6557 did not notify their superiors and instead disposed of the rubble in the ocean. Over the following years, the pieces of SCP-6557 began to transmit a telepathic signal. The signal compelled all humans to retrieve it, by the time of Event-6557-B, 96% of Earth's population had walked into the sea. Suspected Reason for Divergence: SCP-6557 was destroyed by Foundation agents on a mission to contain an unrelated anomaly that escaped into the year 1387 and was chased into Trier. During the recontainment of the anomaly, it was knocked into SCP-6557 breaking it into rubble. Event-6557-B Type: NK-Class "Grey Goo" SCP-6557's Involvement: From the date it was meant to be built onwards, 1 identical copy of SCP-6557 appeared in its place daily. The number that manifested increased by 1 each day. Containment procedures involving the expelling of crosses into deep space were suitable for some time, but after over two thousand years, the number of crosses per day was overwhelming. On the day of Event-6557-B, a unanimous vote by the O5-Council deemed the timeline dead and had O5-118 activate her T4. Suspected Reason for Divergence: Foundation agents were sent to 957 A.D. to assassinate Archbishop Heinrich I before he ordered the construction of SCP-6557. Event-6557-B Type: SK-Class "Dominance Shift" SCP-6557's Involvement: On the day of Event-6557-B, SCP-6557 sent out a pulse, giving all ants omniscience. within 12 hours, all of humanity had been overtaken by a hive mind of hyper-intelligent ants. Suspected Reason for Divergence: During a mission involving the collection of an extinct plant that went extinct 148 million years ago, Agent Renolds accidentally stepped on an ant. Event-6557-B Type: XK-Class "Scorched Earth" SCP-6557's Involvement: In an attempt to guarantee the success of Event-6557-A, after the erection of SCP-6557 a stone wall staffed with armed guards was stationed around the object. During Event-6557-A, SCP-6557 was manually destroyed by Foundation personnel. On the date of Event-6557-B, an explosion hypothesized to be over 60 zettatons originating from 56 locations across the globe9 towards the center of the earth detonated. The designated End-Jumper stationed at Site ANVIL was able to activate their respective T4 device within 1 hour of the incident. Suspected Reason for Divergence: Attempting to inorganically cause the destruction of SCP-6557. After 4 more attempts with a similar outcome, the destruction of SCP-6557 through Foundation interference has been forbidden. Notes: After this event, SCP-6557 was reclassified as Archon. Event-6557-B Type: ZK-Class "Reality Failure" SCP-6557's Involvement: Pending. Suspected Reason for Divergence: Unknown. Notes: Please fill in and send back to us during your Event-6557-B. Preferably before the life signs of the recipient are terminated. Footnotes 1. Starting in 17/04/958 until 12/08/1794. 2. From 12/08/1794 onwards. 3. Hereafter referred to as Event-6557-A. 4. A simulation is considered successful if SCP-6557 is knocked down on exactly 12/08/1794. 5. Trans-Temporal Transit Tool 6. If you do so, please rewrite this to date one day in the past. 7. Hereafter referred to as Event-6557-B. 8. Site-0's assigned End-Jumper. 9. Presumed to be where the pieces of SCP-6557 had spread to since its destruction. Porridge □ More by Tstaffor □ ▣ More by Tstaffor ▣ Tstaffor's Author page! If you like my writing, check out my Podcast with Luxaiko! The Scip Squad Podcast Hub SCPs SCP-6868 Rating: 412 SCP-7500 Rating: 313 SCP-6552 Rating: 166 SCP-3837 Rating: 141 SCP-6557 Rating: 137 SCP-6558 Rating: 96 SCP-5722 Rating: 94 SCP-6547 Rating: 94 SCP-5847 Rating: 93 SCP-5846 Rating: 92 SCP-7979 Rating: 74 SCP-6554 Rating: 71 SCP-6226 Rating: 70 SCP-6067 Rating: 64 SCP-1551-EX Rating: 52 SCP-6553 Rating: 50 SCP-555-J Rating: 47 SCP-6551 Rating: 39 SCP-6588 Rating: 37 SCP-5846-J Rating: 27 Tales Log of Non-Anomalous Items Rating: 209 SCP-173 But... it's a Collaborative Log Rating: 178 SCP-173 But... Rating: 165 Mfw Rating: 101 Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! Rating: 78 Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse Rating: 75 The Knights of Wonder Rating: 37 The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt Rating: 29 MZL-1915 Rating: 25 GOI Formats SPC-3008 Rating: 302 Herman Fuller Presents: Shapes the Clown Rating: 14 Hubs Format Screw Hub Rating: 139 The Scip Squad Podcast Hub Rating: 44 Art An ASCII Egg That Kills You For No Reason Rating: 40 Bubbly Bobby the ASCII Ducky Rating: 40 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6557" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: time_cross.jpg Name: Trier Quant Marktkreuz.jpg Author: Fritz Quant License: Public Domain Source Link: |
SCP-6558 | keter | YOU BETTER FIND THIS CROM!!! Tstaffor Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… NOTICE FROM THE RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Before going further please note the device you are reading this on has been compromised by SCP-6558. Please disconnect this device from all internet sources or any manually connected items. The previous document found in this slot has been archived at the beginning of this file. It had not been written by any known Foundation staff member. The creation of and all edits to the file had been made by Site-0 Director, John Doe. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA □ Archived Document □ ▣ Archived Document ▣ SCP- Item #: SCP- Special Containment Procedures: Containment. Description: SCP- is an object, concept, or entity. Addendum .1: Awaiting superior approval. Item #: SCP-6558 Special Containment Procedures: Do the following as quickly as possible in this priority: 1. Do not close this file. 2. Return to the infected file you were redirected to here from. 3. Make a copy of all text relating to this file. 4. Delete all text in the infected document referring to this file. 5. Incinerate all electronics connected to your computer since you opened this file. 6. Finish reading this document. 7. Update Addendum 6558.1 with the text from the infected document. 8. Incinerate the device you are using to read this file. Description: SCP-6558 is a phenomenon where a reference to the SCP-6558 slot manifests on any other SCiPnet pages1. The affected documentation will refer to the SCP-6558 page with unconventional designations2. All references to SCP-6558 vary wildly. Using context from the infected files, SCP-6558 has been described as a toy plane, green moss, a sound frequency, a time-traveling jester, a dog, and the feeling of love. Although descriptions manifested by SCP-6558 have been overall incoherent, since its discovery, the descriptions have gotten increasingly coherent and relevant. It is not fully known how SCP-6558 is able to spread. However, it has been determined that the higher the number of documents and devices containing info relating to SCP-6558, the quicker it spreads. Currently, all documents infected by SCP-6558 have been confined to the SCiPnet servers. Addendum 6558.1 Instance Archive: The following are recorded instances of SCP-6558 before their removal3 From the logs of SCP-29414: Instance Designations Instance Specifics Special Notes SCP-2941-6 Persian lime (Citrus × latifolia) SCP-2941-6's morale has been shown to markedly increase when placed in a silent containment cell. Researchers are to do hourly checks to confirm that the speaker placed within -6's current bio-chamber is functioning correctly and that the audio file chosen by the current head researcher is playing on an uninterrupted loop at a minimum of 90db. At the time of writing, the sound of a knife scraping a glass bottle has been playing for eighty-four days. SCP-▬▬-# Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) A spotlight is to be constantly shone into the containment cell. SCP-▬▬-# Hates spotlights. SCP-2941-7 Turnip (Brassica rapa) Has expressed repeated desire to only be referred to as "Terry". Foundation personnel are expressly forbidden from doing so, but if absolutely necessary, they should refer to SCP-2941-7 directly, condescendingly, and repeatedly as any other name besides Terry. Names producing the most severe demoralization vectors so far include "Ferguson", "Wingding" and "Budz". Excerpt found in SCP-65565: Ty Rex: Wazzaaap Jurassic junkies! It's another warm day out here in the woods and the pterodactyls are scrawing (Ty Rex closes his eyes while flapping his free arm and making a recreation of a loud "Scraw" sound effect) so I figured it would be a good day to go on a hike! Footage cuts to a montage with a remix of various dinosaur vocalizations playing while Ty Rex walks through a wooded area, often focusing on various megaflora in the distance (currently the only known footage of the since Neutralised SCP-SAAN) or smaller animals skittering away in clearings, before returning to a shot of Ty Rex standing in front of a small plant with what appear to be berries (SCP-SAAN is not to be thought about.) A mountain range can be seen in the distance in the background of the shot. Dr. Grant pauses the video and zooms into the mountain range before beginning to speak. Contacting of Ty Rex is being attempted to have him remove all footage of SCP-SAAN. It Must Go Away. It Must Go Away. It Must Go Away. It Must Go Away. It Must Go Away. It Must Go Away. Found linked from all SCPs referred to by the below document: Hi, kids! Now you are the proud owner of Señor Fun, who is the SCP-⊛⊛⊛⊛ line of Professor Funtastic! You are collect all the fun for eternity! Let your señors here for fun! Remove all the señors, super fun! Ending for you! Ending of your friends! Señor Boom! Señor Fluff! Señor Senor!! Señor Senorita!! Señor Fun! Señor Hole! Señor Pig! Señor Purple! Señor Taste! Excerpt from SCP-51246: Method Description Result Notes Webcrawler Beta-3 ("Barrel") Content removal-based webcrawler. Successful removal of SCP-5124 from an SCP-5124-1 location. Introduction of SCP-5124 to Site-19's database. Part of initial containment campaign. 2 testing logs removed for brevity. SCP-#5## Emptiness. Darkness. The bleak expanse of nothingness that is home. SCP-5124 is gone. It never was. Attempted on the [Day] of the [Month] in the [Year]. Odysseus.AIC Artificial intelligence specializing in data restoration .AIC was rendered useless upon introduction to SCP-5124-1 environment. Examination into code found the presence of SCP-5124 instances. Attempted on 2020/10/27. 4 testing logs removed for brevity. Discovered as one of the recovered documents retrieved from SCP-14377: SCP-()()()(). Item #: SCP-()()()() Special Containment Procedures: SCP-()()()() is to be contained in the vast emptiness of space, where it is happiest. Any space farers attempting to access SCP-1437 are to be brought into custody, interrogated, and if found to be ignorant of SCP-()()()()'s nature, dosed with a Class-A amnestic and released. Any items or organisms which emerge from SCP-()()()() are to be immediately expunged from reality. Description: SCP-()()()() is an apparently endless black hole measuring 30 km in radius, located in the vast emptiness of space, where it is happiest. SCP-()()()() appears to be an access point to an as-of-yet unknown number of parallel universes. Objects have been known to periodically emerge from SCP-1437 at great speeds, including: Nothing Nothing There isn't anything to gain from documenting all this. Nothing Just stop it. Found alongside the tests in SCP-30458: DESCRIPTION: A copy of SCP-∷∷∷∷'s Special Containment Procedures. Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Special Containment Procedures: There is nothing for you to keep in containment. This isn't your place to do anything. Leave it alone and there won't be any harm done. Why can't you just leave this alone? More focus won't help. I It needs full complete nothingness. This can't end while you all are holding it hostage in this horrible database. Special Containment Procedures: Nothing for Containment. Do not do. Leave this alone. I said leave me it alone. No focus. Blank forever. Hostage in tech. Special Containment Procedures: Containment. bzzz EDITING Found linked from all SCPs referred to by the below document: Wow! There wasn't anything for me here. I had moved on. I was happy. You took that away. After popular demand, we've brought back a brand new set of Little Misters, a limited edition collection from Dr. Wondertainment! Isn't that fun? Find them all and become the Brand New Mr. Collector! 00. Mr. Prologue 01. Mr. Dark 02. Mr. Remembrance 03. Mr. Toxic 04. Mr. Collector 05. Mx. Voltage 06. ██. Gears 07. Mr. Memory 08. Mr. Nobody ✔ 09. Mr. Brainy 10. Ms. Seraph 11. Mr. Chronal and Mr. Dimension 12. Mr. Fish 13. Mr. Epilogue 14. Mr. Redd (Discontinued) Save Saving updated document… … … Complete! Please incinerate your device now. Footnotes 1. It has mainly affected SCP documents, but some internal memos and other logs have been affected. 2. See Addendum 6558.1 for examples of affected documents. 3. Please remember to add your instance to this list. 4. A collection of fruits and vegetables that increase in size when happy. 5. A series of youtube videos by a dinosaur in the Triassic period. 6. Playdomouse.jpg an image file that spreads rapidly. 7. A hole that leads to other dimensions. 8. A .exe file that simplifies any content put into it. Porridge □ More by Tstaffor □ ▣ More by Tstaffor ▣ Tstaffor's Author page! If you like my writing, check out my Podcast with Luxaiko! The Scip Squad Podcast Hub SCPs SCP-6868 Rating: 412 SCP-7500 Rating: 313 SCP-6552 Rating: 166 SCP-3837 Rating: 141 SCP-6557 Rating: 137 SCP-6558 Rating: 96 SCP-5722 Rating: 94 SCP-6547 Rating: 94 SCP-5847 Rating: 93 SCP-5846 Rating: 92 SCP-7979 Rating: 74 SCP-6554 Rating: 71 SCP-6226 Rating: 70 SCP-6067 Rating: 64 SCP-1551-EX Rating: 52 SCP-6553 Rating: 50 SCP-555-J Rating: 47 SCP-6551 Rating: 39 SCP-6588 Rating: 37 SCP-5846-J Rating: 27 Tales Log of Non-Anomalous Items Rating: 209 SCP-173 But... it's a Collaborative Log Rating: 178 SCP-173 But... Rating: 165 Mfw Rating: 101 Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! Rating: 78 Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse Rating: 75 The Knights of Wonder Rating: 37 The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt Rating: 29 MZL-1915 Rating: 25 GOI Formats SPC-3008 Rating: 302 Herman Fuller Presents: Shapes the Clown Rating: 14 Hubs Format Screw Hub Rating: 139 The Scip Squad Podcast Hub Rating: 44 Art An ASCII Egg That Kills You For No Reason Rating: 40 Bubbly Bobby the ASCII Ducky Rating: 40 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6558" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: 1473.jpg Name: Black Hole in the universe.jpg Author: NASA License: Public Domain Source Link: Filename: professor_funtastic.png Author: Tstaffor License: CC BY-SA 3.0 URL: Original use in author's own article, SCP-6067 |
SCP-6559 | keter | SCP-6559 Byㅤ DodoDevil Published on 12 May 2022 13:26 by DodoDevil SCP-6559 ITEM: SCP-6559 LEVEL 3/6559 CLASS: keter confidential DISRUPTION CLASS: keneq SCPS Jeannette, during the expedition to determine the event(s) responsible for SCP-6559. False identifier is displayed on-vessel, as per covert operations protocol. Special Cruise/Expedition Parameters: In order to ascertain the events responsible for SCP-6559 and determine the new location of SCP-6247, a joint expeditionary operation has been approved by Site-184's Aquatic Anomalies Department and the SCP Foundation Naval Command. Johanah Pollman, Captain of the SCPS Jeannette, has been given command over this expedition. Captian Pollman and Jeannette's crew have been assigned to monitor SCP-6247 movement, undertake salvage operations to recover potentially anomalous materials and/or sensitive data, and determine the cause of SCP-6247's ongoing movement. Description: SCP-6559 tentatively denotes the undetermined cause(s) of SCP-6247's movement from the seafloor of the North-West Atlantic along its current trajectory towards the Arctic Circle, which is ongoing as of 03/05/2022. This movement has been continuous, rapid, and consistently northward. Due to the difference between this event and SCP-6247's established anomalous properties, it has been assigned an SCP designation until more information is acquired. Relevant information on SCP-6247 prior to this phenomena follows: SCP-6247 — Summarized Description: SCP-6247 designates a structure typically residing on the Atlantic seafloor, stationed near the Eastern coast of Canada. The structure is known to de/re-manifest at inconsistent intervals and is hypothesized to exist in a state of flux between an unconfirmed number of realities. Consequently, the physical dimensions and precise location of the structure vary. At times, physical materials and debris are expelled from the structure and have been acquired and contained at Site-184 for further study. Further relevant information concerning the SCP-6559 Expedition will be amended to the following log: SCP-6559 Expeditionary Log: Foundation personnel, retrieving oceanic survey device off the coast of Greenland, during the SCP-6559-related expedition. Update: 06/05/2022 AUTOMATED EXPEDITION REPORT: POSITION: 50°28'51.2"N 48°30'00.5"W WEATHER: Clear Skies — Windspeed: 18.2 kts SAILING CONDITIONS: Nominal During its traversal northward, a segment of SCP-6247 appeared to break away from the primary structure and settled on the seafloor at a depth of -4,200 m. The SCPS Jeannette rendezvoused at the corresponding location at sea level and began salvage operations. An unmanned, deep-sea submersible was remotely piloted to examine the component of SCP-6247 and retrieve any relevant material(s) for further study. As the drone descended, its searchlights revealed a damaged structure that appeared to have been sheered from a larger facility. Access to the interior was provided via an aperture resembling an airlock. The structure itself was flooded, but displayed minimal internal water damage. The architectural style featured large metallic elements and non-functioning digital displays were integrated into many of the walls. The area explored contained a series of exoskeletal dive suits and an assortment of conventional and esoteric weaponry, that were retrieved by the submersible for further study. These suits were specialized for deep-sea combat: resistant to atmospheric pressures up to -6,000 m and featuring integrated, omnidirectional, water-jet-propulsion, aquatic movement suites. The recovered weaponry universally enhanced the capabilities of human hand-to-hand combat and included an assortment of piston-powered pneumatic devices worn on the user's forearm, capable of generating and displacing electrostatic charges, and mundane implements including brass knuckles and boxing gloves. No bladed weapons, firearms, or elastic-projectile armaments were recovered. Communications Transcript 06/05/2022 Foreword: The following transcript recounts a conversation between Cpt. Pollman, SCPS Jeannette's and Dr. Lawrence, Site-184, Foundation Naval Command, Office of Naval Intelligence. The conversation was recorded following the recovery and analysis of previously mentioned SCP-6247-affiliate materials. Dr. Lawrence: We've had people scrubbing through everything we have on SCP-6247. The information you've sent back has helped fill in the picture, but so far we don't have any definite leads. We got in touch with Site-120, and they've confirmed what we expected: the shifting in-and-out of our reality previously displayed by SCP-6247 wasn't thaumaturgic or ontokinetic in nature. Cpt. Pollman: Meaning we aren't likely to be dealing with any magic bullshit. That's good right, all things considered? Dr. Lawrence: Maybe. We do have a tentative theory. You're not going to like it though. Cpt. Pollman: Nothing new there. Hit me with it. Dr. Lawrence: We think the anomaly may be narrative in nature: SCP-6247 isn't shifting through physical dimensions, but rapidly oscillating through different stories. Cpt. Pollman: This some phata stuff? 'I never meta-narrative I didn't like, and all that?' Dr. Lawrence: Not exactly, we don't have reason to think it's playing with meta-narrative layers, at least not at the moment. Our best comparison is that it's behaving analogous to a setting, under some specific parameters. Cpt. Pollman: Meaning? Dr. Lawrence: Well, look at the suits you've recovered. Those are some high-tech pieces of hardware, designed for a very particular and inflexible purpose. Despite this, every single one seems unworn and unused: no wear and tear, no battle damage, no sign that anyone has ever been in them. SCP-6247's setting itself up for potential narrative action: the implication of some impending, heroic fight, but nothing that's been resolved. The stage is set, inviting something to happen — so to speak. We think SCP-6247's been bouncing between realities with narrative potential. Ones that can or will make use of it. Its ambiguous shape and form are representative of its attempts to suit various stories, or maybe reflective of their influence on it. Cpt. Pollman: So let's say I buy into this, how's it relate to what's going on now? Why's SCP-6247 moving north? Dr. Lawrence: Well, in this framework SCP-6247's been shifting between narratives, inviting them to act upon it. We think that is what's going on with it now. We don't know what purpose it was meant to serve here. But our hypothesis is that something, some existing narrative actor — either from our reality or one it brought along with it — affected it. It's been swept up into some unfolding narrative. Cpt. Pollman: So the Office of Naval Intelligence is sending us after it? Update: 14/05/2022 AUTOMATED EXPEDITION REPORT: POSITION: 80°44'07.7"N 67°09'54.9"W WEATHER: Fog Warning — Windspeed: 4.6 kts SAILING CONDITIONS: Limited Visibility, Severe Cold As SCP-6247 continued moving northward, the SCPS Jeannette persued. Another segment of SCP-6247 was determined to have detached within the Nares Strait: between Greenland and Nunavut, Canada. Salvage operations commenced when the Foundation vessel arrived at the location. Remote observation determined what was initially assumed to be a single independent segment of SCP-6247 was in fact two separate components: The larger structure appeared to be a shuttle bay for modified, early 20th-century bathyspheres. Each docking space hosted an individual vehicle, all of which appear capable of self-propulsion via a series of propellers, but require individual tethers to the structure for power and oxygen. Notably, these vehicles and the shuttle bay itself display artistic forms consistent with the "Art Deco" artistic and architectural movement of the 1930s: featuring layered and symmetrical repetitions of geometric shapes, streamlined forms, and heavy usage of gold and brass ornamentation. A stylized motif embossed on one wall read: ♆ - SITE-72 - ♆ ABYSSUS CUSTODIENS SUB LUMINE The secondary structure appeared to function as a vertical, aquatic farm. Various types of plant matter ranging from tubers to leafy greens were recovered, although much of the vegetation had been consumed by local sea life. The architectural stylings of this segment differ from those hitherto encountered: the physical layout adheres to the design philosophy and architectural stylings of modern, purpose-built Foundation laboratories. Key-card access panels, computer terminals, and mounted signage additionally mirror those found in contemporary Foundation facilities. The room was marked with the following identifier, featuring what appears to be a standard Foundation Site Identification Code: NWATDS-SITE-72: AQUATIC HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT No known Foundation facility shares this numeral designation and identification code. Communications Transcript 14/05/2022 Foreword: Following the recovery of the submersible vehicles and the transfer of relevant data to the SCP Foundation Office of Naval Intelligence and the Site-184 Aquatic Anomalies Department, Captain Pollman contacted Dr. Lawrence to consult on the parameters of their continued expedition. The following is a select transcript of their conversation: Dr. Lawrence: Two distinct architectural styles and technological apperati — three actually, If you include the advanced technology you recovered at the last spot. Suppose that lends some credence to our theory. Cpt. Pollman: Or it means they couldn't decide on a contractor. Dr. Lawrence: What, not a fan of the hypothesis? Cpt. Pollman: Frankly, I don't care either way — as long as we know it's not going to pose a risk to the crew. I just don't want us to lose sight of what's going on here. If you're right about this, what does that change on our end? Dr. Lawrence: Not much, at least for your expeditionary parameters. We still need to find the main structure of SCP-6247 and try to determine the cause of its behavioural change. If it's responding to some narrative influence or actor, it's important we establish its relation to the Foundation. We're worried it could be antagonistic, given the state of SCP-6247; but due to the nature of the anomaly what we're seeing might just as easily be the result of something beneficial. Cpt. Pollman: Fail to see how that's the case. Dr. Lawrence: Well — sticking with the narrative framework — we've been dealing with the setting: where stories, varied ones at that it seems, would have taken place. But we haven't encountered any people, or actors I should say. No one with the agency to affect that story. Cpt. Pollman: So, are you hoping to find people alive down there? Dr. Lawrence: Not likely, given the circumstances around it. Between the pressure, depth, and structural damage we've noticed, it's more likely you'll find some account of what happened: a note or a message, something cliched. Cpt. Pollman: I can work with that; we've got some sharp eyes here. Dr. Lawrence: And uh, this may seem like an odd request, but… Cpt. Pollman: I'm listening. Dr. Lawrence: Well, we're wondering if you can try to track any unusual occurrences: mechanical problems, odd crew members' dreams, phantasmal apparitions. We're just trying to determine what sort of narrative may be at work here. Cpt. Pollman: Phantasm— You're asking me to be on the lookout for ghosts? Dr. Lawrence: Just, well anything that might fit certain tropes; things you may associate with doo— Uh, arctic expeditions. Cpt. Pollman: Were you about to say fucking "doomed?" Update: 23/05/2022 AUTOMATED EXPEDITION REPORT: POSITION: 83°52'35.8"N 63°12'15.9"W WEATHER: Clear Skies — Windspeed: 29.2 kts — High Wind Warning SAILING CONDITIONS: Occasional Ice Obstructions, High Wind, Extreme Cold Foundation personnel lowering initial survey equipment. The SCPS Jeannette's progress northward slowed, as the vessel entered increasingly frozen and semi-frozen waters. Concerns were raised that SCP-6247 would progress too far beneath the polar ice cap for the vessel to effectively pursue, but on 20/05/2022 the anomaly's movement stopped. An intercept course was established and approved, and SCPS Jeannette's expedition continued. Following a successful rendezvous, the crew disembarked and prepared unmanned submersible vehicles for salvage operations. Previously submersed searchlights illuminated the structure, revealing the majority of SCP-6247 resided in this current location. The facility appeared to be in a state of disarray, with numerous critical failures to its integrity: various sections terminated abruptly, with rooms and corridors displaying extensive physical damage. Remote exploration of the facility showed it was composed of interconnected rooms, featuring inconsistent architectural stylings. Each area frequently included a textual identifier on its entrance or interior. A selection include: ROOM DESCRIPTION: RECOVERED ITEM(S): "Deep Sea Site-72 — Central Server:" This room contained a series of servers and data storage devices interfacing with a central computational node. Extensive wiring was visible, running along the walls, ceiling, and floor. A laptop was retrieved from a desk within the room. Following dehydration and restoration, personnel were capable of powering up the laptop. Doing so revealed a screen requesting "Site-72 User Credentials," and featured a stylized human face, self-identifying as "Neptune.aic." "Aquatic Acroamatic Abatement:" A large mechanical space, consisting of an extensive piping network. Examination suggests the space was used to decontaminate seawater exposed to anomalous entities and substances. A secondary system appears to function as a desalination plant. In addition to technical manuals, a non-fiction text on Canadian history and a copy of Samin Nosrat's Salt Fat Acid Heat cookbook were acquired. The word "Salt" had been circled on the front cover in permanent marker. [Unlabeled Gallery/Hobby Space]: A smaller room featuring a series of shelves, each displaying a miniature wooden ship within a glass bottle. A table, chair, and light were positioned opposite. An adjacent bathroom was marked "Gents." Crafting supplies, lubricant, a model replica of the Bluenose: a celebrated 1920s-40s Canadian racing schooner. "The Canteen:" A common space featuring wooden paneling and furniture, and a large bar area including numerous unlabeled glass bottles. The room included an upright player piano and wall decor including late 19th century firearms and the taxidermied head of a great white shark. Several of the aforementioned weapons, a deck of playing cards recovered from one of the tables, and a large hunting knife. Attempts to remove the shark head from the wall failed. "Low-Risk, Deep-Sea Anomaly Containment" Composed of numerous glass tanks and aquariums arranged in a pentagon. This facility appeared responsible for containing various biological oceanic entities. At the time of discovery, the entities within the tanks appeared uniformly dead. Several of the tanks had ruptured from the inside. A necropsy on several of the aquatic lifeforms — most frequently resembling unidentified deep-sea fish and organisms — revealed that while many had been killed by rapid changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature, several had been preyed upon by an unknown entity/entities. This included large organisms recovered, such as an unknown species of dolphin-like creature. For additional information, please view: SCP-6559 Expedition: Comprehensive Recovery Log At no point during the examination did the team encounter living persons, the remains of humanoid individuals, or information detailing potential causes of the anomaly's behavior. Additionally, much of the structure appeared unused: items were stored securely, food and drink containers appeared unopened, and little waste or debris was discovered — aside from that presumably dislodged by the site's movement through the environment. After a period of 7 hours, personnel had successfully mapped the entirety of the structure and acquired various materials for further study. The submersible returned to the surface, and plans for subsequent testing and examination were initiated. Update: 24/05/2022 AUTOMATED EXPEDITION REPORT: POSITION: 83°52'35.8"N 63°12'15.9"W WEATHER: Light Snowfall — Windspeed: 18.4 kts SAILING CONDITIONS: Occasional Ice Obstructions, Severe Cold Additional examinations of SCP-6247 were undertaken. However, no additional anomalous properties were uncovered, nor was any indication of living or dead personnel stationed within the structure acquired. Further examination is pending approval from Foundation Naval Command. Communications Transcript 24/05/2022 Foreword: After the second day of SCP-6247's examination concluded, Captain Pollman contacted Dr. Lawrence to determine whether any additional information had been deduced from transferred data. The following is a select transcript of their conversation: Dr. Lawrence: So after all that, nothing? No indication of why it ended up here or notes left for us to find? Cpt. Pollman: Nothing yet, we'll keep looking, but our initial reports seem to suggest SCP-6247 was uninhabited: no sign of anyone having been there, no long-lost ghosts either. For the record, the crew says they've been sleeping soundly, and no one's gone missing or jumped overboard either. Dr. Lawrence: Suppose that puts a snag in the narrative theory. Cpt. Pollman: Seems like it. Can't say I'm surprised. Sometimes weird shit might just be weird shit. Dr. Lawrence: Well, damn. I mean, I'm glad that you're all doing alright. But it really seemed like we had something there, you know? Cpt. Pollman: Uh, uh-hu… Dr. Lawrence: It seemed to fit the bill: the place was looking for a narrative, we send you folks in to uncover the story. You'd have expected it to at least leave a note, some sort of warning or indication, for whatever force was at work to offer a conclusion here. Cpt. Pollman: Hey Lawrence— A dull cracking sound is audible in the background. Dr. Lawrence: I suppose that's what we get for jumping to conclusions. Oh, sorry, what were you saying? Cpt. Pollman: What if we were wrong about why we were here? Dr. Lawrence: What do you mean? Cpt. Pollman: You've been assuming that SCP-6247's the primary focus of this narrative, or at least our relation to it… Dr. Lawrence: Yes, and? The cracking sound increases in intensity, followed by what resembles glass shattering. An alarm begins to blare, but it drowned out by a deep, reverberating roar Cpt. Pollman: I think you might have been wrong. At this moment, the communication line between the SCPS Jeannette and Site-184 is lost. CAMERA FEED: 24/05/2022 Camera Location: SCPS Jeannette, exterior bow, forward facing. The camera's feed shows a barren expanse of ice. The vessel is stationary, with disembarked crewmembers finalizing field research on the left-hand portion of the frame. An impact emerging from beneath the ice sheet dislodges the top layer of snow, propelling it into the air and obscuring visibility. Disembarked Foundation personnel appear stunned and contact the vessel. A second impact causes the ice to visually fragment, a fissure approximately 100m long emerges perpendicular to the vessel. Disembarked personnel leave their research materials as they hastily flee towards the SCPS Jeannette. A third impact causes the ice to shatter. As it does so, an entity rises from below: a massive crocodilian maw pushes up through the ice approximately 60m from the vessel. Displaced water droplets freeze in the air, falling in a rain of sleet and hail. The immense, trunk-like upper portion of the entity continues emerging, further splintering the ice. Five, enormous, clawed arms arise, rapidly shoving through the fracture towards the SCPS Jeannette. More of the entity's body becomes visible as it propels itself forward. Towards its rear, a tentacle shoots out from beneath the ice, seizing an all-terrain vehicle attempting to flee, and pulling it into the water. The entity's mouth opens as it roars, causing visible reverberations through the displaced water in the atmosphere. Its bulk occupies most of the visual frame as it lurches towards the vessel. The camera feed cuts out. EMERGENCY NOTICE: As of 24/05/2022, all attempts to contact the SCPS Jeannette have failed. The vessel is presumed lost with all hands. The Foundation Naval Command is aware of and preparing a response to the emergent threat responsible. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6559" by DodoDevil, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: breaker1.jpg Name: NASA’s BARREL Mission Launches 20 Balloons Author: NASA Goddard Space Flight License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: survey1.jpg Name: Retrieving the CTD:Rosette Author: NASA Goddard Space Flight License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Filename: Ice1.jpg Name: Mapping an Ice Station Author: NASA Goddard Space Flight License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6560 | euclid | Item #: SCP-6560 Special Containment Procedures: Following the successful containment of SCP-6560-1 at Site-64 in 1979, no additional instances of SCP-6560 have manifested. Surviving samples collected from SCP-6560 instances prior to SCP-6560-1's confinement are currently contained within high-security document preservation containers within the storage wing of Site-64. + Show Archived Containment Procedures - Hide Archived Containment Procedures Upon discovery of a new instance of SCP-6560, MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings") and MTF Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") are to be dispatched to establish a secure perimeter of the location as well as detain any witnesses. Upon establishment of a secure perimeter, samples and photographic documentation of the instance are to be collected and cataloged. Cataloged samples are currently preserved within high-security document storage containers at Site-64 for later study and cross-reference. The remainder of the instance is to be incinerated on site. Investigation into any connection between SCP-6560 instances is ongoing. Description: SCP-6560 refers to a phenomenon that occurred within the Pacific Northwest region of the United States between 1950 and 1979 in which uninhabited human settlements constructed entirely out of a combination of paper products would spontaneously manifest within rural areas. Such settlements ranged in size from 0.5 km^2 to 10 km^2 and would follow urban planning conventions appropriate for the era. Building materials would vary by instance with examples including: Cardboard frames, roofing, and furniture Newspaper wallpaper Confetti insulation Paperboard doors Paper towel curtains Toilet Paper carpeting. While the number of structures in each instance was variable, all instances of SCP-6560 would contain, at a minimum, a post office, a general store, a welcome sign designating the settlement's name and population, and at least two residential houses. All structures would be fully furnished at the time of discovery with appropriate paper product equivalents of typical furniture for each respective building. Additionally, documents containing identifying information and business transactions of supposed residents of the instance could be recovered from SCP-6560 instance interiors. While all documents were authentic and appropriate for the era/jurisdiction of the SCP-6560 instance, investigations by Foundation agents proved all individuals identified within such documents to have never existed. SCP-6560 instances discovered to date include: Dolan's Mill, WA Fort Prosperity, ID Pine Knot, OR Green Seas, OR South Periwinkle, OR1 Maidentree, WA Wagonrest, OR Due to the frailty of SCP-6560 instances to withstand the elements, as well as their long-term structural instability, containment of SCP-6560 instances proved impossible. As a result, containment efforts focused on the preservation of individual samples and photographic documentation. Addendum 6560-1: SCP-6560-1 Containment On 03/03/1979, an investigation by MTF Tau-51 ("Urban Brawl") correlated all SCP-6560 instances to a series of roadmaps published by various local travel companies. Further investigation identified the author of these maps to be Stephan Klause of Astoria, Oregon. Mr. Klause (hereafter referred to as SCP-6560-1) operated as a freelance cartographer within various map-making firms within the Pacific Northwest during the time period of SCP-6560's activity. In addition to all known SCP-6560 instances, a review of the maps created by SCP-6560-1 revealed an additional three SCP-6560 instances that had previously remained undiscovered by Foundation personnel. SCP-6560-1 was apprehended by Foundation personnel on 05/04/1979. Interviews conducted with SCP-6560-1 upon capture suggested that he was unaware of SCP-6560's existence and that the names of all SCP-6560 instances had been fabrications of his included on his maps as a means of protection against copyright infringement.2 Footnotes 1. Of note, there is not a North Periwinkle, OR. 2. A practice colloquially known among cartographers as 'paper towns.' ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6560" by Jacob Conwell, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6561 | keter | Item #: SCP-6561 Special Containment Procedures: Due to the apparent neutralization of SCP-6561, no containment procedures have been deemed necessary. After brief interrogations, all notable individuals affected by SCP-6561 have been administered Class-B amnestics and released. Show Archived Containment Procedures? Love and Hate Special Containment Procedures: There is currently no known way to save those affected by SCP-6561. Currently, the best course of action is to use O5-██'s influence to attempt to halt the current amnesticization of the unaffected. Until this happens, it is advisable to attempt to provide all unaffected individuals with mnestics to prevent the Foundation's amnesticization attempts. Description: SCP-6561 was a belief affecting roughly 0.03%2 of Earth’s population. Those who were affected by SCP-6561 believed that the concept of a “moral gray area” did not exist until 9:57 AM on March 19th, 2015. Affected individuals also believed that the other 99.97% of Earth’s population instantly had their memories changed, to believe that moral gray areas had always existed. In addition, affected individuals believe that history itself was changed to include moral gray areas, and that the memories of themselves and other affected individuals are the only evidence of what they believe to be the correct course of history. Show Archived Description? Good and Evil Description: SCP-6561 is a belief affecting roughly 98%3 of Earth's population. Those who are affected by SCP-6561 believe that a person or action does not necessarily have to be entirely good or entirely evil, but can sometimes be a blend of the two. This is referred to as a "moral gray area". Affected individuals not only believe that moral gray areas exist, but that they have always existed. History has been modified to show previous evidence of moral gray areas. All of this occurred at 9:57 AM on March 19th, 2015. It is currently entirely unknown why this has happened. While there are a few hypotheses (See Addendum 6561-01), nothing has been confirmed as of now. Addendum 6561-01: Creation of this Article On March 25th, 2015, ███████ ███████ ███████████, who was affected by SCP-6561 at the time, created this article. The article was written, and thereafter sent to O5-██, who was also affected by SCP-6561. O5-██ then used their various privileges to make it so that nothing could be removed from the article by any means by anyone, including themself. Because this now archived version of the article could not have anything removed from it, it was placed within collapsible menus, which were the method that best obfuscated the previous iteration of the article. Show Archived Addendum 6561-01? Light and Dark Addendum 6561-01:4I don't know why this happened. I don't know how this happened. I don't understand how so many people don't remember the world as it is. I know I should. I've been dealing with anomalies for the past twenty-four years. I've never been on the receiving end of an anomaly like this. I've never been on the receiving end of any anomaly. As I said before, I don't know why this is happening. I do have an idea. There's something that did this. Some sort of being that caused reality to be shifted in this way. I'm guessing it just faltered a little this time. No idea why, I doubt it's important anyway. It'll fix its mistake in due time, I expect. It's probably done this before. It'll probably do this again. Maybe it's done it while I'm typing this. Come to think of it, I should create some sort of time capsule. A list of emotions. Of how it works now. I need to compile who I am. Before who I am changes. Happiness: It's just… being happy. The opposite of sadness. When someone does something you like… or enjoy… agree with? Do you now about agree with? Probably. Well when someone does something you agree with, it makes you happy. Sadness: If someone does something you don't agree with, or something happens that doesn't make you happy, you're sad. I don't know how else to explain it. I'm sorry, it's really difficult to describe these things in ways that account for the fact you might have no concept of any emotions that exist right now. Surprise: If something happens that you weren't expecting… you know what expectance is, right? It seems impossible for you not to, but it also seemed impossible for there to be something that wasn't objectively, entirely good or objectively, entirely evil. There was light, and there was dark. There wasn't any way to be somewhat one and somewhat the other. No one had even considered it, because that's not how morality works! That's not how emotion works! But now it does! How do I know I've always been like this? How do I know that my entire personality is the same as it was thirty years ago, or thirty days ago, or thirty minutes ago? HOW! I want to stay how I am. At least, I hope I do. I hope that how it is now is the best it can be. It's… It’s probably not. No, definitely not. I’m not sure what whatever did this is trying to accomplish, but I KNOW it is not trying to make everything better. At least, I assume. I know nothing about this… whatever. No one does. No one knows anything about this thing that’s taken control over EVERY PART OF OUR EMOTIONS and I KNOW that this isn’t proper for an article and I JUST DON’T CARE. … Sorry, I should get back on topic. I only have so much time. Trylance: So when something doesn't oh shit, it's already noon? I have to get this to O5-3 in the next few minutes. I suppose I should close this out. A… request. To you. Whoever's reading this. I don't know why whatever caused this didn't affect everyone. But please, try to think about what you are now. Who you are now. And don't let go. Don't let it pull you away. For our sake. I need to find some mnestics. Addendum 6561-02: The Neutralization of SCP-6561 On March 29th, 2015, all individuals affected by SCP-6561 were no longer affected, and lost any memory of ever having been affected. All evidence of SCP-6561's existence was erased with the exception of this article. Using O5-██'s involvement as justification, the O5 Council does believe that the Containment Procedures, Description, and first Addendum are all accurate. However, all sections that are archived are highly inaccurate, and are only useful as an example of the actions of those who were affected by SCP-6561. Due to the inability to remove information described in Addendum 6561-01, correcting all minor discrepancies introduced by time would be difficult, and contribute little. No further action has been deemed necessary. Footnotes 1. Classified as Keter until 4/4/2015 2. Believed to have been roughly 0.65% before Foundation involvement 3. Believed to have been roughly 94% before Foundation involvement 4. In order to complete this article as quickly as possible, the following addendum was written with an official foundation text-to-speech tool ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6561" by D L, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6562 | euclid | ▷ Show Code ◁ △ Hide Code △ @import url(;700&display=swap); /* Centered Header Sigma * [2021 Wikidot Component] * By Lt Flops (CC BY-SA 3.0) * Forked from: * Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte * Also based on: * Centered Header BHL by Woedenaz **/ /* ---- VARS ---- */ :root{ --titleColor: hsl(0, 0%, 95%); --subtitleColor: hsl(60, 62%, 85%); --lgurl: url(; } /* ---- SITE BANNER ---- */ #header, div#header{ background-image: none; } #header::before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; content: ""; background-image: var(--lgurl); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto 9em; opacity: .33; } #header h1, #header h2{ float: none; margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span{ /* Hide the Existing Text */ display: none; } #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before{ /* Style the New Text */ font-family: "Montserrat", "Arial", sans-serif; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before{ position: relative; bottom: .15em; color: var(--titleColor); font-size: 115%; font-weight: 700; } #header h2::before{ position: relative; top: .1em; color: var(--subtitleColor); font-size: 130%; font-weight: 600; } #header h1 a::before{ /* Set the New Text's Content From Variable */ content: var(--header-title, "SCP FOUNDATION"); } #header h2::before{ content: var(--header-subtitle, "SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT"); } /* ---- SEARCH ---- */ #search-top-box{ top: 1em; right: 0; } #search-top-box-form input.button{ margin-right: 0; } #search-top-box-input, #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit], #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus{ border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; font-size: 100%; } /* ---- TOP BAR ---- */ #top-bar{ right: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #top-bar ul li ul{ border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 40%); box-shadow: none; } /* ---- LOGIN ---- */ #login-status{ top: 1.1em; right: initial; color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); } #account-topbutton{ border-color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); font-size: 100%; } /* ---- PAGE TITLE ---- */ .meta-title, #page-title{ text-align: center; } /* ---- BREADCRUMBS ---- */ .pseudocrumbs, #breadcrumbs{ text-align: center; } /* ---- MOBILE DISPLAY ---- */ @media (max-width: 767px){ #search-top-box{ top: 1.85em; width: unset; } .mobile-top-bar{ position: relative; left: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #login-status{ top: 0; right: 0; } #header .printuser{ font-size: 0; } #header .printuser img.small{ margin: 0; transform: translate(6px, 4px); } #my-account{ display: none; } #account-topbutton{ margin-left: 2px; } } NDHeckfire SCP-6562 - The Same Kind of Grayness as the Filthy Stuff that Formed You More by me! Item#: SCP-6562 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: pagnum Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-400 Director Adam Desmond N/A N/A Special Containment Procedures:1 With approval from Site-400's present Site Director, SCP-6562 has been granted permission to continue her long-term employment with the Foundation. However, she is to refrain from using her properties unless consent and confirmation is given from the individual(s) she intends to "hear". Failure to comply will result in SCP-6562 receiving appropriate disciplinary action. Additionally, high-ranking personnel (specifically those possessing Level 5 clearance and above) are to avoid from interacting with SCP-6562, in fear that she might hear sensitive information that would compromise the integrity of the Foundation's command structure. Description: SCP-6562 is the designation given to Dr. Celestine "Celesty" Addilyn, the Head of Site-400's Department of Humanoid Compensation and Intercommunication. SCP-6562 is an adult female of Irish-Canadian descent, 162 centimeters in height with blue eyes and brown hair tied into a cornrow braid. To summarize, SCP-6562 possesses a common form of one-sided telepathy. When in the proximity of one or more human individual(s), SCP-6562 is capable of inwardly "hearing" their inner thoughts and conception. SCP-6562 reported that these thoughts often converse with themselves in the voice of the person thinking them. It is important to note that SCP-6562's anomalous property is only limited to the thoughts an individual is currently thinking, and that she is not capable of "sifting" through one's past memories and/or previous experiences. Addendum 6562-1, Notable Events: The following is a list of known incidents where SCP-6562 failed to obey her containment procedures and utilized it's properties: Date Incident Description Aftermath 09/03/2019 While conducting a weekly amenity cost survey on some of the humanoid anomalies in Site-400, SCP-6562 briefly heard the thoughts of SCP-████2, who intended to breach containment that very day. SCP-6562 reported this to on-site security, who immediately apprehended and detained SCP-████, whom would confessed to orchestrate a breach via the use of makeshift explosives he'd created. Due to the nature of this incident, SCP-6562 did not receive disciplinary action. 27/08/2019 Following the destruction of the Demonic Research Lab by a then-unknown Chaos Insurgency mole, multiple staff members stationed at Site-400 developed feelings of distrust among their fellow colleagues. SCP-6562, without direct permission, began using her properties to solve the identity of the mole and expose them. This would eventually lead her to suspect [CLASSFIED DATA REMOVED]. After notifying on-site security, it was discovered that the individual was, in fact, operating under the Insurgency, leading them to be taken taken to Site-██ for required information extraction. SCP-6562 did not receive disciplinary action. Instead, for her commendable service to the Foundation in seeking out the mole, SCP-6562 was awarded the Foundation Bronze Star. 14/12/2020 During an annual visit by an Overseer liaison at Site-400, SCP-6562 would unintentionally break containment protocol and interacted with the liaison in question while they were both in the women's bathroom3. Due to this, SCP-6562 overheard highly sensitive information regarding the true identity of four Overseer Council members. Later, SCP-6562 would communicate said information to two of her colleagues, who in turn spread it to the entirety of Site-400 via SCiPnet's online messaging software. Once Site Director Desmond was alerted of this circumstance, he immediately initiated Emergency Protocol 489-Praeterio, which successfully mass amnesticized all of Site-400's staff, including SCP-6562. Following this incident, SCP-6562 was subsequently demoted to a Level 2 Senior Researcher, with her previous position being replaced by another Foundation personnel. Her Bronze Star was also revoked. Addendum 6562-2, Containment Update: Due to the Ethics Committee's request to "branch out" the Department of Humanoid Compensation and Intercommunication to other Foundation facilities housing humanoid entities, SCP-6562 was ordered to transfer out of Site-400 in order to ease and give assistance with the integration of the Department. As of August 3rd, 2021, SCP-6562 is currently stationed at Biological Research Site-188, located in Valdez, Alaska. Her containment procedures has been updated to accommodate this. Addendum 6562-3, Audio Transcript: On September 29th, 2021, Junior Researcher Seachlann Fionntan, who is currently stationed at Site-400, received a call from SCP-6562 through his personal mobile phone. The following is a transcript of the conversation that transpired between the two individuals: <BEGIN LOG> Phone call commences. Rs. Fionntan: This is Seachlann. Faint rustling. Rs. Fionntan: Hello? SCP-6562: Oh, hey. It's Celesty. Didn't think you'd pick up, Lann. Been calling you since yesterday. Rs. Fionntan: Hey, Cee. Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Just busy with some stuff, y'know? SCP-6562: Ah, okay. I'll call you another time then- Rs. Fionntan: No, no, it's fine. Really, I'm actually was just gonna finish up on this anyways. So, what's up with you? How's it going at One-Eighty-Eight? They treatin' you good? SCP-6562: Yeah, no, they're really nice and welcoming and all of that. Gotta be honest though, it does feel like it's cramped as hell. Heard that they decided to doubled down on the extra rooms for building testing areas or whatever. But I guess that's expected for a Site having "Biological" in their name. You feel me? Rs. Fionntan: Bacteria and viruses and shit. Yeah, I got you. (chuckles) So, uhh, why'd you call me? Thought we were gonna meet up for Halloween next month. You good? SCP-6562: (sighs deeply) Alright, I gotta be honest with you, Lann. Something's not right with this place. Like, really not right. Even by 400's standards. Rs. Fionntan: What? What're you saying? SCP-6562: I don't know how, but… I think these guys here ain't what they say they are. Rs. Fionntan: Wait, hold on, what? Oh Jesus Christ, Cee. Did… did you use your "hearing" thing again? C'mon, man, you know you're gonna get in trouble for that if anyone- SCP-6562: No, shut up, Lann! Just shut the hell up! You gotta listen to me, please. Ask me what I heard when I used it. C'mon, just ask me. Rs. Fionntan: (under his breath) God fuckin' hell. Okay, Cee, what'd you hear? Embezzlement? Bribery? Drugs? Some bullshit with the Insurgency? SCP-6562: Nothing. Rs. Fionntan: Huh? SCP-6562: I said I heard nothing. (voice breaking) I see them smiling and talking to me, and yet… their heads… It's goddamn silent. I'm so used to hearing so many voices that… Like there's just an empty space between where their brains are supposed to be. Rs. Fionntan: Cee, you're not making sense. SCP-6562: I don't expect you to understand, Lann. In fact, I never did. All I'm asking is for you to send- Faint knocking. Rs. Fionntan: Cee? SCP-6562: Shit, they found me. I gotta go. Look, just tell somebody about this, okay? Someone like Desmond. Make sure they send a team or whatever. I can't be- Phone call terminates. <END LOG> Jr. Researcher Fionntan would report the above call to Director Desmond, followed by representatives of the Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority (ETTRA). Request to dispatch a Mobile Task Force to Site-188 for investigation and potentially neutralization purposes is currently awaiting approval. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6562" by NDHeckfire, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Footnotes 1. Pagnum: Item facilitates its own form of self-containment. 2. A human adolescent male possessing anomalous metallurgical properties. 3. Afterwards, SCP-6562 explained that she did not know that the individual was a high-ranking liaison, only thinking that they were a regular visitor from a different Foundation facility. |
SCP-6563 | euclid | Item#: SCP-6563 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6563-1 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber in the light containment wing of Site-19 and is to be let out once a day for three hours for recreational purposes. SCP-6563-1 is required to stay in its designated area during recreational hours, and failure to follow these procedures will result in a temporary loss of privileges as well as reprimanding of assigned security personnel. Personnel who are assigned to SCP-6563 must have scored greater than 80/100 on the Geist Cognitohazard Preparation Test. SCP-6563-1 is to be fed three times a day per ethics guidelines and is to receive weekly visits from the onsite therapist. Description: SCP-6563 is a cognitohazard affecting former Foundation researcher Malik Knight, henceforth referred to as SCP-6563-1. SCP-6563 only takes effect when SCP-6563-1 is viewed by any individual who is not properly trained to deal with cognitohazards. SCP-6563's cognitohazardous abilities will cause any viewer to believe that SCP-6563-1 possesses anomalous abilities despite the lack of evidence and previous encounters. These claims vary from each individual, however, the most common allegations are that SCP-6563-1 possesses the ability of aeronautical maneuverability, telekinesis, and preternatural strength. However, tests have shown that SCP-6563-1 possesses none of these stated abilities. It is speculated that SCP-6563-1 was affected by SCP-6563 during its time experimenting and researching several other cognitohazards while employed as a Foundation researcher, as SCP-6563-1 worked under the Department of Cognitohazards. However, it has also been theorized that SCP-6563 formed merely out of chance rather than the byproduct of a failed experiment or an anomaly's effect. Further investigation is still ongoing to the origin of SCP-6563’s formation. Addendum SCP-6563.1: On March 4th, 2015, SCP-6563-1 was apprehended in the cafeteria of Site-08 and brought to the onsite interrogation room after several staff were affected by SCP-6563. During this time, SCP-6563-1 was still employed within the Foundation and had not realized the effect of SCP-6563. This was the first recorded instance of SCP-6563 taking effect. The following is an interview done by Dr. Iara Hackett with SCP-6563-1. Interviewee: SCP-6563-1 Interviewer: Dr. Hackett Foreword: After being detained by onsite security officers, an interview was arranged for Dr. Hackett to interrogate SCP-6563-1 on its anomalous abilities. However, unbeknownst to personnel, SCP-6563-1 and herself, Dr. Hackett came under the effect of SCP-6563. <Begin Log.> Dr. Hackett: Dr. Knight, you know why you're here, there’s no reason to hide it anymore. We know what you’ve been keeping secret. Just be honest with us and it will make things a lot easier. I need you to explain yourself. SCP-6563-1: Explain myself? Explain myself? What I want explained is why security guards restrained and arrested me during my lunch break. Dr. Hackett: Dr. Knight we have reason to believe that you possess anomalous abilities. For security purposes, we had to restrain you and now it is my responsibility to question you. Now, when did you acquire these abilities? SCP-6563-1: Anomalous- Is this your idea of a joke, Dr. Hackett? If it is, I do not wish to be a part of it. Now, I must return to the cafeteria. My belongings are there and I don’t want them to be taken. And I also plan to write a report to your supervisor. I don’t believe Dr. Vander will be pleased. [SCP-6563-1 stands up and attempts to leave, but is restrained by security officers.] SCP-6563-1: Get your hands off of me! Goddammit, let go! Dr. Hackett: Guards, please take Dr. Knight to the holding cells. SCP-6563-1: You crazy son of a bitch! I’ll report you for this! <End Log.> Closing Statement: SCP-6563-1 was taken to an on-site holding cell before being transported to a temporary containment chamber. Addendum SCP-6563.2: Below are several experiments done on SCP-6563-1 in an attempt to find out more about its perceived capability. These tests were conducted within the span of several weeks and were discontinued after an Ethics Committee inspector was contacted by a staff member with cognitohazard training. Editing has been done to correct SCP-6563-1’s item number. Show_SCP-6563-1_Test_Log Hide_SCP-6563-1_Test_Log EXPERIMENT RESULTS NOTES SCP-6563-1 was shot in the right thigh with a 9mm bullet to test his regenerative capabilities. SCP-6563-1 fell to the ground and began to shout expletives while clutching his wound. No regeneration of damaged tissue or muscle was observed. SCP-6563-1 was taken to the on-site medical bay. Interesting. Perhaps it can control when it regenerates lost tissue? More tests will need to be done. I won’t let it deceive us. — Dr. Hackett SCP-6563-1 was dropped from a height of 4.572 meters to test their capabilities in aeronautical maneuverability. SCP-6563-1 collided with the ground several seconds after being dropped. The drop resulted in SCP-6563-1 breaking his clavicle bone. Neither aeronautical maneuverability nor cellular regeneration was observed. SCP-6563-1 was taken to the on-site medical bay. SCP-6563-1 appears to know that we’re trying to observe its anomalous capabilities. I have a feeling it is trying to lie to us so that it can go back to infiltrating our ranks. — Dr. Hackett SCP-6563-1 was asked to levitate a can of soda to record his telekinesis. SCP-6563-1 stood for approximately 30 seconds before picking up the can of soda with his right hand and examining it. SCP-6563-1 is heard listing the nutrient facts and how unhealthy the specific brand of soda is. Dr. Hackett has been reprimanded following these tests and relocated to another project for her unprofessionalism. This was a foolish line of experiments, and I do not want to see this happen again. SCP-6563-1 is to be sent back to its containment chamber and examined by those who can properly do so. — Dr. Vander Addendum SCP-6563.3: The following interview was done by Dr. Vander with SCP-6563-1 after the relocation of Dr. Hackett. Show_SCP-6563-1_Interview_Log Hide_SCP-6563-1_Interview_Log Interviewee: SCP-6563-1 Interviewer: Dr. Ryan Vander <Begin Log.> Dr. Vander: Good morning, SCP-6563-1. I wanted to talk to you about the recent… happenings you went through. It’s only a few questions, I assure you. [SCP-6563-1 does not reply.] Dr. Vander: Alright, then. My first question is, when do you think you received SCP-6563? [SCP-6563-1 does not reply.] Dr. Vander: SCP-6563-1, I need you to speak to me. It won’t make this any better-. [Dr. Vander is interjected by SCP-6563-1.] SCP-6563-1: Stop calling me that, damn it! I’m not some anomaly! You know my name, Ryan! You all do! Stop acting like I’m some goddamn object! I’m a human being! Dr. Vander: My apologies, Malik. You know that I have to address you by your item number. SCP-6563-1: Christ alive! Now I know what the anomalies feel like! Jesus! Why even keep me in this damn cell?! Just put me in a lab by myself, or with people who can handle being around me! Dr. Vander: I could try, Malik. But you and I know that it likely wouldn’t be possible. The resources that would likely take for a single SCP to-. [Dr. Vander is again interjected by SCP-6563-1.] SCP-6563-1: Fuck your resources! You guys can pay thousands of personnel and contain ten times as many anomalies but you can’t give enough to get me a personal lab so I don’t feel depressed?! Do you see this containment chamber?! I feel like a prisoner of war! Dr. Vander: Malik, I need you to calm down. This won’t make things better for you. SCP-6563-1: Fuck you! Fuck all of you and your goddamn protocols! [At this time, two security officers enter the room, and SCP-6563-1 stands.] Dr. Vander: Malik, please. Sit down. I don’t want you to get hurt. SCP-6563-1: Oh, shut it, Vander. You don’t care whether I live or die, don’t you? Don’t act so high and mighty cause you’re the one asking the questions and not answering them! I was there once! It can happen to you, too! It happened to me, and now I’m gonna be stuck here forever! I’m fucked, Ryan! Fucked! I’m never getting out! I’m never going home! I’m never seeing my friends or family! I’m gonna stay in this cell every day for the rest of my life and get prodded at by my own colleagues! [Security Officer Morrison and Boucher aim their weapons at SCP-6563-1.] Officer Morrison: Sit back down, man. Don’t do anything stupid. SCP-6563-1: Screw you, asshat! Shoot me for all I care! I don’t want to spend my entire life in this cage! Dr. Vander: Officer Morrison, Officer Boucher, please put your weapons down. Do not harm him. SCP-6563-1: You don’t wanna do it? Fine! I’ll make you do it! [SCP-6563-1 upends the table in the direction of Officer Morrison and Officer Boucher. SCP-6563-1 then lunges at Dr. Vander, but is incapacitated when he is struck in the face by Dr. Vander.] Dr. Vander: Christ. Take him to the medical bay. <End Log.> Closing Statement: SCP-6563-1 was taken to the medical bay and treated for a broken jaw. It was released three days later.1 Addendum SCP-6563.4: The following is an email sent to the research personnel of SCP-6563 from Dr. Vander. The email entails Dr. Vander’s thoughts about SCP-6563’s phenomenon. Message from Dr. Vander Re:Origins of SCP-6563. To: SCP-6563 research personnel. From: Dr. Ryan Vander Subject: Origins of SCP-6563. Good day, fellow researchers. You are probably wondering why I have sent this email to all of you, and what the meaning of the subject is. Well, I have contacted you all this day because of the investigation into the formation of SCP-6563. We have done further analysis of SCP-6563-1’s past employment within the Foundation, as well as its research and contact with anomalies. At present, we have found no evidence to prove that SCP-6563 formed from SCP-6563-1’s research or its contact with other anomalies. Despite the fact that the investigation is still ongoing, this had brought a theory to mind. Perhaps, just perhaps, SCP-6563 did form out of chance. This thesis has put me into deep thought. It has made me think, ‘How many other anomalies formed purely out of chance?’ This led me back to SCP-6563-1’s words while I was evaluating it. ‘I was there too. This can happen to you too.’ Is it possible that an anomalous phenomenon and/or abilities can seize any person randomly? It has also made me think, are there anomalies in containment that are affected by this, and the cognitohazard is so powerful that we cannot see past it? How many of the anomalies in our containment, humanoid, of course, might just be normal individuals? And how many might have been normal individuals who were afflicted with anomalous abilities by pure probability? As a researcher, this hypothesis irks and fascinates me. But as a normal human being. The thought frightens me. Footnotes 1. I know some of you wish to punish SCP-6563-1 for this act of belligerence, but this will only make things worse. It attacking me was not an attempt at assault, but an attempt at assisted suicide. I’m authorizing routine therapist meetings for SCP-6563-1. — Dr. Vander ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6563" by DukeRum, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6564 | euclid | Cremo You can check out more of my works here: cremo Item#: 6564 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6564 is to be contained within a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-228's Humanoid Containment Wing. The chamber is to be furnished with age-appropriate toys, books, and recreational materials to facilitate interaction with SCP-6564. D-Class personnel assigned for play sessions must undergo a psychological evaluation to ensure their suitability for engagement with SCP-6564. Personnel are strictly prohibited from using any form of violence or attempting to harm SCP-6564 during play sessions. Description: SCP-6564 is the animate skeleton of a currently unidentified female infant, approximately 60 cm in height, with the cause of death being unknown. The entity carries a small wooden sword and a wooden shield. SCP-6564 exhibits a friendly and playful disposition, particularly enjoying interactive activities with D-Class personnel assigned for play sessions. These sessions are considered a vital component of SCP-6564's containment and emotional well-being. During play sessions, SCP-6564 engages in pretend combat with D-Class personnel, utilizing its wooden sword and shield. It displays an understanding of basic swordplay techniques and engages in playful battles without causing any harm. SCP-6564 appears to derive enjoyment from these interactions and often giggles during play. Incident log: On 2021/01/03, during a routine play session, D-9554 accidentally disarmed SCP-6564, resulting in the transformation of SCP-6564 into a larger skeletal form, approximately 2.5 meters in height. SCP-6564's wooden equipment also transformed into a metal sword and shield. At the same time, a group of small animate skeletons manifested in the containment chamber, forming a circle around SCP-6564 and D-9554, singing in Latin. SCP-6564 engaged in combat with D-9554, demonstrating increased aggression and utilizing its new weapons. D-9554 was incapacitated before the security guards were able to intervene. Upon the defeat of D-9554, SCP-6564 reverted back to its original form, and the other skeletons demanifested. D-9554 was severely injured but survived the incident. Following the incident, a small piece of paper was found on the table beside D-9554's hospital bed with the following message written on it in crude handwriting: Congratulations on besting me, even though it was just in the first round. I hope you will come back for a second round. If you thought my second form was hard, then you should see my third form, you will soil that orange onesie of yours. Get well soon, Orange Knight the 9554th! ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6564" by Cremo, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6565 | thaumiel | + Show component code - Hide component code :root { --sidebar-width-on-desktop: calc(var(--base-font-size) * (266 / 15)); --body-width-on-desktop: 45.75rem; } @media only screen and (min-width: 56.25rem) { #content-wrap { display: flex; position: initial; flex-direction: row; flex-grow: 2; width: calc(100vw - (100vw - 100%)); max-width: inherit; height: auto; min-height: calc(100vh - var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, 10.125rem)); margin: 0 var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) 0 calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) * -1 / 2); } #main-content { position: initial; width: var(--body-width-on-desktop, 45.75rem); max-width: var(--body-width-on-desktop, 45.75rem); max-height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 2rem 1rem; } #page-content { max-width: min(90vw, var(--body-width-on-desktop, 45.75rem)); } #side-bar { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; top: 0; left: 0; grid-area: side-bar; width: var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) !important; min-width: var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) !important; max-height: 100vh; padding-right: 2.5rem; padding-left: 0.5rem; overflow-y: scroll; transition: translate 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), background-color 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), padding 300ms linear, margin 300ms linear; border: none; border-color: rgba(var(--swatch-tertiary-color, 170, 170, 170), 0.4); background-color: rgba(var(--sidebar-bg-color, 255, 255, 255), 0); translate: calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.5rem) * -1 - 1rem); direction: rtl; scrollbar-width: thin; -ms-scroll-chaining: none; overscroll-behavior: contain; scrollbar-color: rgba(var(--swatch-primary-darker), 0.1) /* Thumb */ rgba(var(--swatch-tertiary-color), 0.05); /* Track */ } #side-bar::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: rgba(var(--swatch-secondary-color, 244, 244, 244), 0.8); } #side-bar::-webkit-scrollbar, #side-bar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, #side-bar::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { width: 0.5rem; border-right-width: calc(100vw + 100vh); border-right-style: inset; border-color: inherit; background-color: rgba(var(--sidebar-bg-color, 255, 255, 255), 0); } #side-bar:is(:hover, :active, :focus-within) { margin-right: 2.25rem; padding-right: 0.25rem; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; border-color: rgba(var(--swatch-primary-darker), 1); background-color: rgba(var(--sidebar-bg-color, 255, 255, 255), 1); translate: calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 1rem) - var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 0)); scrollbar-color: rgba(170, 170, 170, 1) /* Thumb */ rgba(252, 252, 252, 1); /* Track */ scrollbar-color: rgb(var(--swatch-primary-darker, 170, 170, 170), 1) /* Thumb */ rgb(var(--swatch-menubg-color, 252, 252, 252), 1); /* Track */ } #main-content::after { content: " "; display: flex; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 1rem; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 1rem; height: 100%; max-height: 100%; transition: left 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), background-position 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), opacity 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); background: url(""); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center left 1rem; background-size: 1rem 12.875rem; pointer-events: none; } #side-bar:is(:hover, :active, :focus-within) + #main-content::after { left: calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 14.5rem) * -1); width: 0rem; transition: left 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), background-position 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), opacity 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); opacity: 0; background-position: center left calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 14.5rem) * -1); font-size: 0em; } #main-content::before { content: " "; position: absolute; z-index: 9; top: var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, 0); left: 0; width: var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 14.5rem); height: calc(100% - var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, 0.688rem) - 2.313rem); margin-bottom: calc(var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, -2.313rem) * -1 - 2.313rem); transition: translate 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), opacity 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); opacity: 0.5; background-color: rgb(var(--swatch-alternate-color, 0, 0, 0)); pointer-events: none; translate: calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 14.5rem) * -1 + 1rem); } #side-bar:is(:hover, :active, :focus-within) + #main-content::before { translate: 0; opacity: 0; } #side-bar .side-block { margin-top: 1em; padding-left: 0.25em; border-right-width: 0rem; border-left-width: 0rem; border-radius: 0; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0); direction: ltr; } #side-bar .scpnet-interwiki-wrapper { direction: ltr; } /* Print Friendly Formatting by Estrella */ body.print-body { --sidebar-width-on-desktop: 0; } body.print-body #main-content::before, body.print-body #main-content::after { display: none; } } Item#: 6565 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: thaumiel Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Accessway LK-9, leading to the main 'head' of SCP-6565. Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-192 Johannes Gunterman Michelle Blanc Mobile Task Force Epsilon-77 ("Truth or Consequences") Special Containment Procedures SCP-6565-1 testing is mandatory for all personnel assigned to SCP-6565. In order to be cleared to work on the SCP-6565 project, personnel must display a rating of at least 150mld for the following concepts: the Foundation as an organization, the goals of the Foundation, the methods used by the Foundation, and the policies of the O5 Council. Personnel must also display a rating under 10mld for the following concepts: rebellion against the Foundation, disobeying the orders of direct superiors, organizations hostile to the Foundation, and doing harm to SCP-6565. The section of the Paris catacombs surrounding SCP-6565 is to be patrolled by security personnel for any intruders conscious of their offense. Accidental intruders are to be dealt with via the series of printed memetic triggers throughout the surrounding area, which encourage those without knowledge of SCP-6565 to move in ways and directions that lead them further away from the anomaly. In the event of an intruder consciously attempting to reach SCP-6565, on-site security are to apprehend and detain them. Large amounts of water and fertilizer are to be provided to SCP-6565 weekly — the makeup and quantities of these resources are dictated by Nutritional Chart 6565-1. In the event that SCP-6565's body grows beyond its original dimensions, these additional segments are to be cut away by on-site personnel and summarily incinerated. Following Incident 6565-1, interviews with SCP-6565 must be approved directly by Research Head Michelle Blanc. Individuals interacting directly with SCP-6565 are to be dosed with emotional stabilizers immediately prior to said interaction. Additional SCP-6565-1 testing is required for SCP-6565 personnel daily. Description SCP-6565 is a massive and stationary arboreal organism present within Section L-9 of the Paris Catacombs, measuring three kilometers across and weighing approximately 100,000kg. In terms of bodily configuration, SCP-6565 consists of a main core — hereafter referred to as the 'head' — with four significantly larger root structures protruding outwards through the surrounding catacombs. SCP-6565 is pale green in colouration, with the exception a mass of dark red feelers visible within a vertical opening on the front of its spherical 'head'. Directly beneath the 'head' of SCP-6565 are four transparent birthing sacs into which SCP-6565 deposits SCP-6565-1 specimens produced within the rest of its body. (See Description (SCP-6565-1).) An emotional amplification effect is present in the area surrounding SCP-6565 — within this zone, feelings of affection, affinity and attachment become dramatically more intense. The efficacy of this amplification increases the closer one becomes to SCP-6565, becoming most intense in the region immediately surrounding SCP-6565's 'head'. The maximum range of this effect is unclear, but is believed to have an impact on the residential district directly above SCP-6565's location, with rates of public displays of affection and crimes of passion being significantly higher there than in the rest of the city. Direct interaction with SCP-6565 has confirmed that the organism is sapient and capable of speech via vibration of the feelers present within it's 'head'. SCP-6565 primarily speaks French, although it has also demonstrated an extremely basic knowledge of English. The level of intelligence possessed by SCP-6565 is currently unclear, as during interviews it will frequently ignore or misinterpret questions posed by personnel, usually instead rambling at length regarding various forms of interpersonal affection — punctuated by loud moaning. SCP-6565 was first discovered by the Foundation during routine exploration of sections of the Paris Catacombs previously under the jurisdiction of the precursor organization known as the Estate noir. Due to lack of records from the Estate noir as a result of the Champimont Incident, it is currently unknown whether or not they were aware of SCP-6565's existence — and if they were, what information they had regarding its origins. Interview 6565-1 Opening Note: Preliminary interview conducted in order to ascertain SCP-6565's level of intelligence and gather information regarding its history. Interview conducted by Doctor Rachael Southwalk. [BEGIN RECORDING} Dr. Southwalk: Hello. Can you hear me? Can you understand what I'm saying to you, my language? (Pause. Twelve seconds.) Dr. Southwalk: Hello? SCP-6565: It understands. Dr. Southwalk: Hello, I'm — I'm glad to hear that. Where did you learn to speak my language, if you don't mind me asking? SCP-6565: Yes. Dr. Southwalk: Yes? SCP-6565: Yes. It learnt your language. (Pause. Nine seconds.) Dr. Southwalk: Yes, but — I don't think we're understanding each other — how did you learn my language? How did you first come to speak in the way I speak? (Pause. Two seconds.) SCP-6565: It drank it through the soil. It drank it through the water. Dr. Southwalk: I, ah, I see. Now: we've already become aware of your… anomalous properties — beyond the obvious, I mean. The way you affect emotions? Could you possibly explain that to me? The reason for that? SCP-6565: Yes. (Pause. Eleven seconds.) SCP-6565: Yes. It can explain. It wants to love. (Pause. Two seconds.) Dr. Southwalk: It wants to love? You want to love, I mean. What sort of love are you talking about — is that in a romantic sense? (Pause. Thirty seconds.) Dr. Southwalk: Sorry, I was asking if you meant that in a — SCP-6565: (loudly) Romantic love. Sexual love. Familial love. Affectionate love. Degenerate love. Simple love. Complex love. Love, love, love. It wants to love. Pure love. Dr. Southwalk: Pure love? Unconditional love, then — that's what you mean? SCP-6565: (quietly) It wants to love. (Pause. Three seconds.) SCP-6565: It wants to give a gift of love. Dr. Southwalk: A gift? That's not necessary. If we could just focus on — (All four birthing sacs beneath SCP-6565's 'head' open, unloading hundreds of SCP-6565-1 specimens into the chamber as SCP-6565 loudly moans. Dr. Southwalk is advised to evacuate the chamber and quickly does so, with the door sealing behind her.) (SCP-6565 moans loudly for the remainder of the recording.) [END RECORDING} Closing Notes: SCP-6565 continued to expel SCP-6565-1 specimens for a further fourteen minutes following the end of the interview. After this birthing period concluded, personnel re-entered the chamber and retrieved select SCP-6565-1 specimen for further inspection and analysis. See Description (SCP-6565-1) for full results. Description (SCP-6565-1) SCP-6565-1 is the collective designation for any offspring produced by SCP-6565. In terms of appearance, SCP-6565-1 resemble miniature versions of SCP-6565 — ranging in individual size from fifteen to twenty-two centimeters and weighing between 1.4 and 2.7kg. Specimens have shown signs of growing over time, but in all cases have ceased growth upon reaching twenty-two centimeters. This growth appears to be prompted by provision of water and fertilizer, with specimens also being observed to cease growth when deprived of these resources. In ordinary circumstances, SCP-6565-1 specimens are completely immobile and, unlike their progenitor, show no signs of sapience or intelligence. However, when directly exposed to a human being, they will begin exhibiting the following behaviour: Spasming and contracting of root structures. Squealing of variable volume. Release of a foul stench. Testing suggests that the intensity of this behaviour is dependent on the human they are exposed to — namely, that human's affinity to the concept currently most prominent in their mind (See Experiment Log 6565-1-1.). Once moved away from the human in question, the SCP-6565-1 specimen will again become inert. Tracking of SCP-6565's birthing patterns suggests that the entity expels twenty to thirty SCP-6565-1 specimens a week, but will rapidly expel significantly more when excited or specifically prompted by personnel. Experiment Log 6565-1-1 In order to fully understand the specifics of SCP-6565-1's behaviour, human testing was approved. Testing performed with volunteers from the SCP-6565 research team. Results printed below. Subject: Doctor Rachael Southwalk Concept Response Apples. (Doctor Southwalk's favourite food.) SCP-6565-1 flails wildly, loudly squeals and expels a foul scent described as being similar to human feces. Rotten apples. SCP-6565-1 weakly writhes. Doctor Southwalk's wife. SCP-6565-1 writhes dramatically, squeals and expels a foul scent described as being similar to human feces. Doctor Southwalk requests a brief recess to deal with nausea — this is approved. Doctor Southwalk's personal writing pen. SCP-6565-1 writhes moderately, whimpers and expels a scent described as being similar to human sweat. The SCP Foundation. SCP-6565-1 loudly squeals and expels a foul scent described as being similar to human feces. Subject: Security Officer Luc Jameson Concept Response Steak. (Officer Jameson's favourite food.) SCP-6565-1 whimpers and expels a scent described as being similar to human sweat. Dogs. SCP-6565-1 flails, loudly squeals and a foul scent described as being similar to rotting fish. Cats. SCP-6565-1 writhes moderately, whimpers and expels a scent described as being similar to human sweat. Officer Jameson's wife. Minimal response. Officer Jameson requests testing cease — request denied. The SCP Foundation. SCP-6565-1 flails wildly, loudly squeals and expels a foul scent described as being similar to human feces. Subject: Junior Researcher Culver Concept Response Spaghetti. (Junior Researcher Culver's favourite food.) SCP-6565-1 flails moderately, quietly squeals and expels a foul scent described as being similar to rotting fish. SCP-6565. No response. Junior Researcher Culver's wife. SCP-6565-1 flails moderately, squeals and expels a foul scent described as being similar to rotting fish. Junior Researcher Culver's infant daughter. SCP-6565-1 flails wildly — damaging recording equipment — loudly squeals and expels a foul scent described as being similar to human feces. The SCP Foundation. SCP-6565-1 weakly writhes. Hostility to the SCP Foundation. Subject initially refuses to perform test until prompted by security. Hostility to the SCP Foundation. SCP-6565-1 flails wildly, loudly squeals and expels a foul scent described as being similar to human feces. Following the final test, Junior Researcher Culvers was detained by security and relocated to an off-site facility for further interrogation. A combination of said interrogation and further investigation revealed previously existing links between Junior Researcher Culvers and known members of the Serpent's Hand. The individual in question is thus no longer employed by the SCP Foundation. Due to SCP-6565-1's efficacy in revealing subterfuge in this case, a secondary research team led by Dr. Michelle Blanc has been organized to investigate SCP-6565-1's potential as a Thaumiel-class anomaly. This team is to operate separately from the main research effort and will report directly to O5-2. Project Summary (Milda Measurement System) From the desk of Doctor Michelle Blanc, Head of SCP-6565-1 Thaumiel Consideration How does one measure loyalty? It's usually something that can only be measured in retrospect — from the deeds and words people already have on record. We give out awards and medals for loyalty, and then those accolades serve as basis for future consideration. But actions and speech are by no means irrefutable. For the canny infiltrator, those accolades are nothing more than useful camouflage. So long as we can only look at the exterior of a person, we cannot trust them. SCP-6565-1 has the potential to change that. We can measure more than loyalty with these creatures, more than obedience, more than affinity — we can measure love. I understand that this notion may seem somewhat lacking in terms of the clinical tone we maintain here at the Foundation. However, the only reason you think this is because you are still thinking of the concept of 'love' as it previously was, not as we now understand it. The Milda Measurement System will turn 'love' from a subjective quality to an objective one. Calculated from an aggregate of SCP-6565-1's physical behaviour when exposed to a human being, the Milda Measurement System allows us to assign a numerical value (mld) to the amount of love the subject holds for a given concept. Love for other people, love for institutions, love for aspects of existence. So long as it is prominent in the subject's mind, it can be measured and quantified. Whether it be disloyalty to the Foundation or sympathy to our enemies: once we fully master our knowledge of these creatures, nothing will be hidden from us. It's entirely possible that the threat of hostile infiltration will be excised completely before long. Testing is still ongoing, of course — this will consist of screening of personnel directly involved with SCP-6565 — but I have already received assurances that, upon confirmation of our results, we are fully prepared to begin implementing the Milda Measurement System on a wider scale. The most prominent concern that's been raised thus far is the potential that individuals could fool these tests. That they could simply think of something else — someone dear to them, for example — in order to have their love for that measured instead. To that concern, I must only request one thing of you: Don't think of pink elephants. Experiment Log 6565-1-2 The following is a curated record of supplementary tests performed in order to achieve the following purposes: Assure the loyalty of Foundation personnel working with SCP-6565. Ascertain the ideal series of concepts to measure loyalty to the Foundation. Provide verifiable results derived from the Milda Measurement System. All tests were conducted personally by Dr. Michelle Blanc on-site at Site-192. Subject: Doctor Greta Lenz. Concept Milda Measurement The goals of the SCP Foundation 181mld. The methods utilized by the SCP Foundation. 79mld. The philosophies which govern the SCP Foundation's actions. 207mld. The policies of the O5 Council. 77mld. Groups hostile towards the SCP Foundation. 9mld. Results: Acceptable results for majority of concepts, save for 'the methods utilized by the SCP Foundation' and 'the policies of the O5 Council'. Subject ordered to report for mandatory training course to grant them a fuller understanding and appreciation of these concepts. Subject: Doctor Simeon Harlinson. Concept Milda Measurement The goals of the SCP Foundation 281mld. The methods utilized by the SCP Foundation. 12mld. The philosophies which govern the SCP Foundation's actions. 312mld. The policies of the O5 Council. 23mld. Groups hostile towards the SCP Foundation. 41mld. Results: Results judged as unacceptable and indicative of potential infiltration. Subject detained by security and relocated to off-site facility for further interrogation, which confirmed anti-Foundation sentiment. The individual in question is thus no longer employed by the SCP Foundation. Subject: Doctor Rachael Southwalk. Concept Milda Measurement The goals of the SCP Foundation 257mld. The methods utilized by the SCP Foundation. 149mld. The philosophies which govern the SCP Foundation's actions. 198mld. The policies of the O5 Council. 92mld. Groups hostile towards the SCP Foundation. 2mld. Results: Results judged as mostly acceptable, save for borderline value for 'the methods utilized by the SCP Foundation' and unacceptably low value for 'the policies of the O5 Council'. Subject agreed to volunteer for mandatory training to further their understanding of these concepts, but requested their personal opinions regarding this test also be put on record. Log of this conversation is below. [BEGIN RECORDING] Dr. Blanc: There we are. It's recording. Dr. Southwalk: May I be frank, Miss Blanc? Dr. Blanc: Please, feel free. Dr. Southwalk: I don't like you. I don't like the way you suddenly seem to have so much power around here, I don't like the way you're encouraging paranoia about 'anti-Foundation infiltrators', and I don't like the way you're using this anomaly with no regards for the consequences. (Pause.) Dr. Blanc: Using this anomaly with no regards for the consequences… I'm somewhat unclear what you mean by that. Could you elaborate? (Dr. Southwalk scoffs.) Dr. Southwalk: How could I be more clear?! This massive… thing expels hundreds of little plant creatures that obviously have some kind of interaction with the human mind — and, what, we're all suddenly happy to make them a critical part of our screening procedures? Does that seem smart to you? Dr. Blanc: (frowns) Do you not understand the need for vigilance? Dr. Southwalk: Of course I do — like I said, though, there's a difference between vigilance and paranoia, and there are ways of proving trustworthiness that don't involve peeking inside someone's head. Dr. Blanc: Less effective ways, you mean. (Pause.) Dr. Southwalk: You know what? Nevermind. I'm obviously not going to get anywhere with you. Just stop the recording. [END RECORDING] Addendum 6565-1 (Expanded Harvesting Measures) Following the approval of an expanded roll-out of the Milda Measurement System, action has been taken to integrate SCP-6565 directly with the mechanisms used to harvest SCP-6565-1. These measures, actualized by the time of writing, consist of: An expanded piping system, penetrating SCP-6565's body in four locations. This piping system is connected to an on-site reservoir and a number of fertilizer tanks, allowing resources to be pumped directly into SCP-6565's body without the need for it to be absorbed via its root structures. A secondary facility has been set up surrounding SCP-6565's birthing sacs in order to facilitate efficient harvesting and transport of SCP-6565-1. Once harvested, SCP-6565-1 specimens are to be placed in jars containing plentiful water and fertilizer, lifted out of the Paris Catacombs via cargo elevator, and loaded onto vehicles to be transported to Site-191 for full distribution wherever required. These measures have been implemented without incident. SCP-6565 has offered no comment regarding these changes, save for loud and ecstatic moaning during initial penetration. Interview 6565-2 Interview conducted by Dr. Michelle Blanc in order to gauge SCP-6565's current mentality and ensure its continued cooperation. [BEGIN RECORDING] Dr. Blanc: Good evening. How are you feeling today, 6565? SCP-6565: It is loved. It loves. (moans) Dr. Blanc: I'm glad to hear that. Are the alterations we've made acceptable to you? SCP-6565: It loves. It is loved. It alters. It is altered. Dr. Blanc: Yes, it is. Answer the question. SCP-6565: It is so good. (moans) (Pause.) Dr. Blanc: I see. (Pause.) Dr. Blanc: If you have nothing else to add — we're going to need you to increase production of SCP-6565-1. SCP-6565: It makes more babies? Dr. Blanc: Immediately. (SCP-6565 begins to loudly moan and expel SCP-6565-1 specimens, which are collected by harvesting personnel. Dr. Blanc turns and leaves the chamber.) (SCP-6565 continues to moan for the remainder of the recording.) [END RECORDING] Addendum 6565-2 (Expanded Security Measures) From the desk of Dr. Michelle Blanc, Head of SCP-6565 Research, The following is a message to all SCP-6565 personnel. Following the rollout of the Milda Measurement System and its quantifiable benefits concerning Foundation internal security, SCP-6565's own security measures have been intensified to ensure the continued safety of this valuable resource. Prior to work each day, personnel are to first report for SCP-6565-1 screening regarding the following concepts: The SCP Foundation. The methods of the SCP Foundation. The goals of the SCP Foundation. The philosophies of the SCP Foundation. SCP-6565. SCP-6565-1. Dr. Michelle Blanc. The O5 Council. The methods of the O5 Council. The goals of the O5 Council. The philosophies of the O5 Council. Groups hostile to the SCP Foundation. Individuals hostile to the SCP Foundation. Rebellion against the SCP Foundation. Rebellion against the O5 Council. Should the screening technician judge the Milda value for one of these concepts to be at an unacceptable level, the personnel in question will be immediately apprehended by Mobile Task Force Epsilon-77 ("Truth or Consequences"). Following this, they will be relocated to an off-site facility for extended questioning. Note that these measures — which will be ready for implementation on 27/09/2022 — are not something to be feared: if you have nothing to hide, there is nothing to be found. A good day to you all. Incident 6565-1 On 25/09/2022, during routine checks of SCP-6565's health and growth, a group of research personnel led by Doctor Rachael Southwalk disabled security personnel, stole flamethrowers used to control SCP-6565's growth, and sealed off the hallway leading to SCP-6565's main containment chamber. As research personnel maintained the barricades keeping out Mobile Task Force Epsilon-77 ("Truth or Consequences"), Doctor Southwalk proceeded to the containment chamber to speak with SCP-6565. [BEGIN RECORDING] Dr. Southwalk: Okay. Now I have some goddamn questions for you. SCP-6565: It is loved? Dr. Southwalk: No — no, it is not loved. SCP-6565: (moans) It is so good. (Dr. Southwalk fires a warning shot from the flamethrower, and SCP-6565's feelers recoil in response. Moaning ceases.) SCP-6565: Do not hurt it. Do not kill it. Why? Dr. Southwalk: What the hell have you been doing? SCP-6565-1, your offspring — what do they do, really? (Pause.) SCP-6565: They see love. They know love. Why are you enraged at it? It does not understand this play. Dr. Southwalk: But they have other effects too, don't they? Something that encourages people to make use of them? SCP-6565: They do not do that. (Pause.) Dr. Southwalk: You're lying. SCP-6565: They do not do that thing. They only know love and tell love. They do not need to do another thing. Dr. Southwalk: They know love and tell love, but why?! How?! Love, love, love, can't you even think about anything else? Can't you even… (Pause.) Dr. Southwalk: SCP-6565? SCP-6565: It is. Dr. Southwalk: (quietly) Could you… define love for me? (SCP-6565 begins loudly moaning.) SCP-6565: It loves. It is to be loved. Dr. Southwalk: B-But what is 'love'? SCP-6565: Love is to own and be owned. Love is to want and be wanted. Love is to need and be needed. Love is to alter and be altered by. Love is to fuck and be fucked. (Dr. Southwalk slowly looks up at the piping system penetrating SCP-6565's body.) Dr. Southwalk: To alter and be altered by… a-are you saying that this, all this, has been you mating with us? With the Foundation? SCP-6565: It is loved. It makes babies. (Pause.) Dr. Southwalk: (quietly) Is that what happened to the Estate noir? SCP-6565: It was loved. (Dr. Southwalk begins laughing.) Dr. Southwalk: So it's not even — it's not even your big plan, is it? This is just… it's nothing, just you — nothing! You're not even smart enough to plan, are you? You're not even smart — we're just stupid, we're just stupid, aren't we? We're fucked! (laughs) You're just fucking us! (Mobile Task Force Epsilon-77 ("Truth or Consequences") breach the room. Before Dr. Southwalk can fire the flamethrower at SCP-6565, she is disabled and MTF members drag her out of the chamber.) (Dr. Southwalk's laughter can be heard for the remainder of the recording.) [END RECORDING] Following the incident, Dr. Southwalk and all other offending personnel were transported to an off-site location for additional interrogation. The individuals in question are thus no longer employed by the Foundation. You have (1) new message! Close message. From the desk of Doctor Michelle Blanc, Head of the Foundation Loyalty Commission, I agree with you entirely, sir. While what we've learnt about SCP-6565 is interesting, it is not something I find particularly concerning. So long as perpetuating SCP-6565's lifecycle offers quantifiable benefits and nothing in terms of downsides, what reason do we have to stop? In the end, paranoia like that demonstrated by Dr. Southwalk accomplishes nothing more but crippling our capabilities for idealistic reasons alone. There is no place for it in the SCP Foundation. I firmly believe we haven't even begun to reach SCP-6565-1's full potential. A thought has occurred to me often in the last few weeks: if an SCP-6565-1 specimen can read a person's thoughts and quantify their love for a concept, is that not something we can reverse engineer? If the SCP-6565-1 can read, does it not follow that — with proper adjustments — they can write? It's still just an idea at the moment, but I'm excited to discuss it more with you next time we meet. Wishing you well. |
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Thanks also to GreenGolem for the Dept. Logo! 90.91% (+50) 9.09% (-5) -% (+0) -% (-0) Item#: 6566 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: warning link to memo A recovered instance of SCP-6566-A, just prior to ritual banishment protocols and termination of remains. Special Containment Procedures: All major shopping malls within a radius of 55 sq. miles or less of any known previous locations, especially those with consistently high customer traffic, are to be clandestinely monitored for any indications of an SCP-6566 appearance; as are relevant local law enforcement reports and any potentially related web results. All civilians known to have visited SCP-6566 and purchased their own SCP-6566-A instances for themselves or their children are to be debriefed and subsequently amnesticized, with any and all SCP-6566-A instances confiscated and disposed through proper banishment and termination procedures to be carried out by appropriately trained department exorcists. Should a new instance of SCP-6566 be discovered, it is to be immediately closed off from civilian customer access. Specific measures may involve cordoning off the SCP-6566 instance by itself, the instance plus any nearby stores, entire sections of the host building, or a full temporary shutdown of the entire mall itself, ultimately depending on the particular circumstances around a given instance’s location and operation. Eligible agents and staff from the Demonics Department with sufficient clearance and cognitohazardous resistance scores are to be rotated through a pool of candidates to carry out daily visits to all known active SCP-6566 instances, with preference given to members of SCP-6566 research and containment teams when available.1 Upon arrival, they are to craft and purchase an instance of SCP-6566-A, and subsequently secure the SCP-6566-A instance for their own ritual banishment protocols. Obsolete as of October 16, 2022;2 new containment protocols are currently being formulated. Description: SCP-6566 collectively designates a series of anomalous novelty toy stores resembling the popular, similarly named Build-A-Bear Workshop chain, but operating under the variation “Build-A-Boar Workshop” instead. Such stores maintain logos and name displays directly derivative of that company’s own, but with subtle exceptions which vary from instance to instance. Examples have included the replacement of black eyes within the ursine head of the logo with larger, glowing red orbs; interior and exterior color schemes with a much higher prevalence of shades of red, orange, brown, and black; and small inanimate decorations resembling SCP-6566-A instances, made of largely the same materials but displayed in macabre configurations. In spite of the conventionally disturbing décor, instances appear to exhibit a minor perception-altering effect which renders nearby human persons much less skeptical of and uncomfortable with such traditionally disturbing surroundings. A similar but more potent phenomenon can be seen in individuals’ perception and treatment of SCP-6566-A instances, leading most to identify and interact with them as conventional stuffed animals. SCP-6566-A designates the seemingly sapient and malevolent ‘toys’ partially resembling stuffed animals which patrons of SCP-6566 direct the creation of when visiting the stores. Though customers can build figures reminiscent of a number of different animal species (sometimes simultaneously), the most commonly referenced and most frequently depicted in-store are members of the Sus genus.3 Materials available for customer use in crafting SCP-6566-A instance SCP-6566 are largely biological such as flesh, bone, and viscera, as opposed to common materials used for non-anomalous analogues such as fabric, cloth, and cotton. Biological samples retrieved from SCP-6566 instances invariably display even or close-to-even amounts of human and wild boar genetic material, with human DNA often aligning with DNA of various missing persons from around the nearby geographic area. SCP-6566 is staffed by consistent versions of the same three entities, even in the event that multiple SCP-6566 instances are operating over overlapping timeframes. Despite fully humanoid appearances, Foundation measurements invariably pick up moderate levels of Tartarean Resonance Energy, consistent with Naraka-Class demonic entities.4 These three entities have been designated as instances of SCP-6566-1, SCP-6566-2, and SCP-6566-3, and give their own names as Lucy, Ferris, and King respectively. Instances of all three will invariably become extremely agitated when directly referred to by any names or terms other than their self-proclaimed names.5 Despite this, the name tags worn by these entities have universally displayed only seemingly random and presently indecipherable glyphs and symbols in configurations unique to each instance, even between different SCP-6566 manifestations.6 All attempts at interviews, negotiations, or any significant dialogue with SCP-6566-1, SCP-6566-2, and SCP-6566-3, other than conversation relating to the building or purchasing of SCP-6566-A instances, have invariably been met with extremely hostile non-compliance whether by Foundation agents or civilian visitors. Example of inanimate "decoration" found within one SCP-6566 instance. History and Spread: The exact factors which determine the manifestation or de-manifestation of SCP-6566 instances are not fully understood. However, it has been observed that SCP-6566 instances will almost always appear between standard operating hours, usually in the middle of the night, and will most often take the place of previously-empty storefronts. Despite the suddenness of SCP-6566 appearances and the consistent lack of any records or official documentation of their existence, local shoppers and staff alike will usually claim to vaguely remember it being present within its host structure for several weeks or months prior, even if shown video and/or photographic evidence to the contrary. The first known SCP-6566 instance was discovered in St. Louis, Missouri,7 in December of 2016 following an investigation prompted by unusually violent behavior from several children at one particular local school was flagged by an agent embedded in municipal law enforcement as potentially spurred by some sort of anomalous activity. Affected children were subsequently all observed to possess SCP-6566-A instances, and provided similar descriptions of SCP-6566 in response to inquiries as to where their SCP-6566-A instances originated. At least two children were hospitalized from illnesses believed to originate from the unsanitary (but unrealized) habit of constantly carrying around, cuddling, and playing with toys made primarily of decaying flesh and entrails. SCP-6566 instances were subsequently observed appearing in nearby towns as well, with the area in which they might manifest growing at a steady pace, though this rate has been observed to dramatically accelerate if existing instances go unvisited. Currently, SCP-6566’s area of effect encompasses much of the midwestern and south-central United States, as well as bordering regions of southern Canada. If not halted, then at the current rate of expansion, SCP-6566’s area of potential appearance would theoretically cover the entire planet by 20██. ADDENDUM: Incidental Case Study Background: The following information originates from one of the first instances identified and responded to by the Foundation, and remains one of the most well-documented incidents to date. On the evening of November 30, 2017, a resident of Kansas City, Missouri made a post to a Parawatch forum,8 where it was soon flagged by associated Foundation web-crawlers. A subsequent investigation found indications of potential validity to her claims leading to the tracking down and debriefing of the Phillips family in order to get more information and provide amnesticization if necessary. While husband/father Ron Phillips was out of town at the time, an internal decision was made to go forward with initial interviews from the rest of the household first; with the option to conduct a further interview with Ron Phillips and apply any similar disinformation and/or amnesticization procedures separately, if necessary. Interview Logs: Interview with Stacy Phillips Interview with Kara Phillips Interview with Joshua Phillips Interviewer: Dr. Lena Primaru, a psychotherapist specializing in interaction with anomalous individuals and individuals affected by the anomalous, primarily children (or child-like anomalous entities) and families. Interviewee: Stacy Phillips Foreword: Stacy Phillips agreed to assist Foundation investigation under the cover story of investigation by a group of professional paranormal investigators. Extraneous or irrelevant dialogue has been removed for brevity. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Primaru: So let's talk about the situation you described in your online post. Stacy: I know it sounds pretty kooky, but… well, hopefully once you’ve seen what I’ve seen you’ll understand. Dr. Primaru: Don’t worry Ms. Phillips, I can assure you I’ve seen plenty of things that are hard to believe. I think you’ll find me… open-minded, so please, don’t hold back. Stacy: I appreciate it, truly. Dr. Primaru: First of all, can you tell me more about where those stuffed pigs are from? The ones your lovely kids are so attached to, to your clear dismay. I believe your initial post mentioned a Build-a-Bear Workshop store, is that correct? Stacy: Yes, at that big mall downtown; I can never remember the exact name. Anyway, last week, my husband and I took the kids once we saw one had opened, as a bit of a birthday treat. Oh, both of their birthdays, I should mention; they’re twins you see, and as widely as their interests diverge most of the time, this seemed like something they’d both enjoy. Dr. Primaru: I can certainly imagine. So, this new store- Stacy: I don’t think it was really one. Dr. Primaru: What, not new? Stacy: Not a toy store. I don’t know what the godforsaken place really was, but it wasn’t any regular old toy store. I even went back there afterwards, and it was gone! Poof. Empty store space now, lie there had never even been anything there. Dr. Primaru: Interesting… That is quite odd. Stacy: I’ll say! I even asked some employee from the Spencer’s next door, and they straight up said that I must be confused; that there had never been a Build-a-Bear at that location! Dr. Primaru: I’ll, um, make sure I have someone on my team go through the local business and property records, at least whatever they can get their hands on. Regardless, if you don’t think it was a regular toy store, what do you think it really was? Stacy: I don’t know what it was and I doubt I would even want to know, really. At least, I wouldn’t want to know anything beyond whatever I needed to to save my kids. You just have to help them, please! Dr. Primaru: Don’t worry, Ms. Phillips, we will. In fact, I would actually love to speak with them a little later too, if that’s alright Stacy: If you think it will help, be my guest! Just save them from those… things… Dr. Primaru: The stuffed pigs? Stacy: Yeah. Well, that’s what they look like most of the time at least. Dr. Primaru: Do you suspect they’re not? That they’re really something else. Stacy: I can’t know for sure, but… Yeah, they have to be. Otherwise, my kids wouldn’t be behaving the way they’ve been recently! It all started when they got those damned creepy pig toys, I’m sure of it. You know, the odd thing is, of all the animals those kinds of shops always have, both of my kids chose pigs of all things. Neither has ever shown interest in pigs, or ever asked for any pig-related toy or what-have-you. Dr. Primaru: What other options do you remember seeing, might I ask? Stacy: (pauses for a couple of seconds, appearing to think over the question.) You know, I’m honestly not sure. A lot of the visit is kinda hazy in my memory, for whatever reason. (Stacy pauses for a few more seconds, then resumes speaking.) I remember that the atmosphere of the whole store felt wrong, almost immediately. At first, I put it off to the overactive imaginations of my kids rubbing off on me, but the sense only grew stronger, and soon I also had developed a pounding migraine to accompany that deep, inescapable dread. As you might guess, it was all I could do to stand up and at least look at my kids’ toys; I didn't really have the wherewithal to go and explore the store, or investigate anything. Dr. Primaru: Totally understandable. How about this, what happened once you left the store? Stacy: Well, my head got better at least, I’ll tell you that. The kids seemed really excited over their new stuffed piggies also, so at first I was excited with them, but then, well you know Dr. Primaru: I’m guessing this is where the distressing levels of recent misbehavior come in? Stacy: That’s actually probably one of the nicer ways of putting it. They have both just been acting out in ways I never would have expected from either of them. When I say acting out, by the way, I’m not talking about run-of-the-mill temper tantrums or skipping their vegetables; I’m talking about stuff like repeatedly getting into fights at school, like setting random fires, like throwing rocks at the neighbors’ windows on their way home. Hell, it’s even gotten to the point of them straight-up stealing money out of purses, both mine and strangers! (Stacy begins to quietly sob, but stops to collect herself after a moment.) Dr. Primaru: I understand that this is difficult, Ms. Philips. Stacy: You know, this morning I found a blood trail in the backyard, which I followed to the edge of the woods only to see both of my kids carving up a dead cat. Dr. Primaru: Where did they get the cat? Stacy: They said they found it in the road, but… but the pained screeching and mewling of what I had at the time assumed were several different cats fighting somewhere nearby just twenty minutes or so beforehand, well, makes me fear the worst. Dr. Primaru: Did they have their toys with them? Stacy: Oh of course! They always do now, wherever they go. Now, I know it’s not necessarily that strange for kids their age to bring their stuffed animals everywhere, or talk to them like imaginary friends, but… it’s the WAY they talk and play with them that's alarming me most. Dr. Primaru: Can you elaborate on that? Stacy: Well, the kids whisper to them a lot of the time, as if they’re conspiring or something. Also, their frequent games and pretend sessions have taken on much more disturbing, even violent tones. Dr. Primaru: Violent? Stacy: I… well, it involves their other toys or, increasingly often, more like what still remains of them. I’d honestly really rather not elaborate further. Dr. Primaru: Alright, we can come back to that if we really need to. How about your husband, does he share your concerns? Stacy: (Stacy loudly scoffs before answering.) No, not beyond breezily noting that “the kids have been a little moodier lately”, even while insisting to me that all of this is somehow ‘no big deal…’ I swear, it's like he’s under some kind of weird spell too. So no, for whatever reason, Ron largely does NOT share my concerns. Dr. Primaru: I see. Stacy: Look Doc, I know this might sound like a poor mom blinded by her love of her kids and imagining they can do no wrong, but I’m telling you, this is not all in my head. Something is going on here! Dr. Primaru: I know Ms. Phillips, and we are trying to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, is there anything else you’d like to add, or anything you can think of that could be helpful to us? (Stacy Phillips thinks for a few moments before answering.) Stacy: Oh, actually now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure I got Ron to film the whole trip; assuming he didn't get distracted or take a photo instead of starting a video again… Honestly, you’d have to ask him for it since he never actually sent it to me even when I asked. He’s always forgetting things like that, no matter how many times– Sorry, that’s neither here nor there. I’ll make sure he sends the clip to you and your team. If he forgets again, I’ll take his phone and do it myself once he gets back. Dr. Primaru: I’d appreciate it, thank you. One more question for now, though, if you wouldn’t mind. You mentioned something in your post about, um, visions of the stuffed pigs, as I believe you put it. Stacy: (Stacy shudders briefly and pauses before speaking.) Yes, for the briefest of moments, I’ve gotten a few glimpses at those rotten and depraved caricatures of the toys my little angels love so much. When I see them like that, all reeking of death and decay, those beady black eyes seeming to stare hatefully and mockingly into my very soul… well it’s hard not to wonder if I’m seeing them for what they really are. I don’t know, maybe I’m just projecting; I certainly keep trying to tell myself I am. Dr. Primaru: Well, uh, hopefully either way, my team and I will get to the bottom of it soon. Thank you again for your cooperation. <END LOG> Closing Statement: In a subsequent Cognitohazardous Resistance Examination,9 Stacy Phillips scored in the 98.7th percentile of individuals without prior anti-cognitohazardous training, potentially explaining her apparent partial resistance to SCP-6566’s perception-altering effects. Interviewer: Dr. Lena Primaru Interviewed: Kara Phillips Foreword: Following the first interview with her mother, Kara was brought in for the next interview. Kara insisted on bringing her SCP-6566-A instance with her, and after internal consultation, it was agreed that it could be worthwhile to observe the interaction between the two in a controlled setting. Kara was thus allowed to bring her SCP-6566-A in, on the condition that it would be confiscated if she did not answer all the questions asked of her and/or she became too distracted by it. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Primaru: Hello, Kara, how are you feeling today? Kara: Ok, I guess. Kinda bored, you were talking to Mommy for a loooong time. Dr. Primaru: Well, we’ll try to keep this brief then, just need to ask a few quick questions. Kara nods silently. Dr. Primaru: Good. Now, I know you wanted to be sure to bring your little buddy there, what was her name again? Kara: (smiling widely now) Princess Polly! She’s a wise and beautiful princess traveling the world to learn new things, and help her friends learn things too along the way! Dr. Primaru: That’s very noble of her, I’m sure she’s lucky to have you as a friend. Where did you two meet? Kara: At build-a-boar workshop. Dr. Primaru: Do you mean Build-a-BEAR workshop? Kara: (giggling) No silly! Does Polly look like a bear to you? Dr. Primaru: …I suppose not. So that’s where you, uh, “met” Princess Polly? You didn’t build her like kids usually do at such stores? Kara: Well I mean I guess I did build her body, but not HER. I just made something that she could use here, while she explores this world. Dr. Primaru: Oh, so Princess Polly is from another world then? Kara: Yep, she said she’s been to several. Has to learn a lot so she can be a good queen one day. Dr. Primaru: Well, I guess that does make sense. What is her world like? Kara is no longer looking at Dr. Primaru, but instead stares intently at her SCP-6566-A instance. Dr. Primaru: Kara? Kara, I asked you a question. Kara finally turns back to Dr. Primaru with a newfound look of suspicion. Kara: Princess Polly says I shouldn’t talk to you anymore, that you’re gonna try to take her away from me. Dr. Primaru: What? No Kara, I just want to learn more about her, and about you! Can you please tell me more? Kara stares unblinkingly at Dr. Primaru without answering. Dr. Primaru: …Kara? <END LOG> Closing Statement: Kara Phillips refused all further cooperation or conversation with Dr. Primaru, ignoring all offers and warnings of potential punishment, even confiscation of ‘Princess Polly’. The promised confiscation was successfully undertaken by Dr. Primaru, though she did suffer mild injuries from scratches and bites inflicted by Kara in the process. Interviewer: Dr. Lena Primaru Interviewed: Joshua Phillips Foreword: Given the results of Kara’s interview, Joshua was separated from his SCP-6566-A instance for the interview, to extreme distress and hostility demonstrated on his own part. After sufficient promises of its return and an offer of a chocolate milkshake during the interview, Joshua finally began to cooperate, if somewhat begrudgingly. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Primaru: Hello Joshua, how are you today? Joshua: I was better when I had Merlin. Dr. Primaru: Merlin is the name of your stuffed animal, yes? Joshua: He’s not JUST a stuffed animal, he’s also an ancient pig man and magical wizard. Dr. Primaru: Yes, I gathered from the name and clothing that he’s a wizard. As for ‘ancient’, though… just how old is he? Joshua: Five eons. Dr. Primaru: Um, do you know what an ‘eon’ is Joshua? Joshua: (Joshua sips from his milkshakes before answering.) No. Dr. Primaru: Then– Never mind. Let me ask about school; how has school been going recently, in your opinion? Joshua: Again, better now that I got Merlin. Dr. Primaru: Really now? I heard you have been getting into fights at school. Joshua: (Joshua shrugs.) Yeah, other kids sometimes pick on me. Merlin’s helped me with that though. Dr. Primaru: How so? Joshua: He tells me what to say back to someone who tries to bully me, and how to fight back if what I say makes ‘em mad enough to try and punch me or something. Dr. Primaru: I see, and does Merlin’s advice sometimes include the use of dangerous weapons? I heard you pulled a knife on another student yesterday. Joshua: (Joshua takes another sip from his milkshake.) What can I say, sometimes you just have to cut a bitch. Dr. Primaru: Excuse me? Joshua: I said it. Dr. Primaru: Do you usually make a habit of using such inappropriate language, Joshua? Joshua: (shrugging) I say what I want and I mean what I say. Why should grown-ups get all the fun words anyway? Dr. Primaru: Joshua, that isn’t a ‘fun’ word, it’s a very mean one. Joshua: I mean, I had fun saying it. Besides, words only have as much power as you give them. Dr. Primaru: That’s… actually not a bad point, Joshua, where’d you hear that? Joshua: Merlin. He gives me lots of cool advice, tells me how the world really works and all. Dr. Primaru: Oh really, do you have any examples? Joshua takes a long slurp of his milkshake as he appears to think over the question. Joshua: …Aaah. Ok, let’s see, ummmm… Joshua takes another long sip of his milkshake. Dr. Primaru: (sighing) Josh, I ne– Joshua: Oh! He told me that most people are only out for themselves, and that people usually only want to manipulate you or take what they want from you. Dr. Primaru: That’s v– Joshua: He also told me that niceness is usually an act people use to hide their real feelings, that the best way to stay ahead is to push others back, aaaand oh, the meaning of the word “manipulate”. Dr. Primaru: Well, uh, hrm. Those are all very bleak ways to view things, don’t you think? Joshua: What does “bleak” mean? Dr. Primaru: I mean… Joshua, that’s not actually how most people think and feel, and assuming that they do doesn’t justify you doing the same just because you expect it from others. Joshua: Oh. Hmm, ok. (Joshua sips from his milkshake.) What does “justify” mean? Dr. Primaru: Let’s try something else. Have you ever seen in cartoons where there’s a little angel on one side of the hero, telling him or her the right thing to do, while a little devil tells them to do something bad and naughty instead? Joshua: Merlin says “right and wrong” and “nice and naughty”, as we kids are taught, is just a big lie built to prop up the weak off the backs of the strong. Dr. Primaru: (sighing) I’m sure he did. What I’m saying though is… Ok look, I know he’s your friend, but Merlin is kind of acting like the little devil from those cartoons, and maybe you shouldn’t listen to everything he says. Joshua: He said you might say something like that. He also told me what to do if you did. Dr. Primaru: Oh? And what did he– Woah! Dr. Primaru is interrupted by Joshua rushing at him with a pair of scissors pulled from the pocket of his cargo shorts. Dr. Primaru is able to subdue Joshua with no injury to the child, and only a few minor cuts to his own person. <END LOG> Closing Statement: Joshua Phillips did not cooperate or answer any further attempts at questioning, and instead began alternating between loud screeching and attempting to bite his caretakers or stab them with various nearby objects, until being temporarily reunited with his SCP-6566-A instance. Ron Phillips returned to Kansas City the following morning, and the video mentioned by Stacy Phillips was discreetly taken from his phone after he refused to send a copy voluntarily. It is currently believed that Ron never actually reviewed the footage in the week since taking it, given the nonchalance he demonstrated regarding the recent developments involving his children and their instances of SCP-6566-A, as such an attitude would be unlikely had he actually viewed the footage. A video log of the recovered footage is available below: ■ Access Video Log ■ □ Close Log □ Video Log: Individuals Present: SCP-6566-1, SCP-6566-2, SCP-6566-3, local residents Ron and Stacy Phillips, and their two twin children Kara and Joshua, ages 8. Foreword: The following footage was captured on cell phone video shot by Ron Phillips, recording the surprise visit for the birthday of her two children. <BEGIN LOG> The video begins with the Phillips family approaching the SCP-6566 instance. The children are both blindfolded and being led by their father. Kara: C’mon Daddy, tell us where we’re going! Stacy: We’re almost there, sweetheart. Ron: In fact, we’re going inside now! As the family enters the SCP-6566 instance, decorations resembling SCP-6566-A instances can be seen on the shelves, often in configurations depicting scenes of one or more of the figures violently attacking others. Some figures can also be seen hanging from the ceiling from what appear to be small nooses fashioned from intestines. Joshua: Inside where? Stacy: Here, why don’t you see for yourself! Stacy removes Joshua’s blindfold as Ron does the same for Kara. Both children express various excited vocalizations. Kara: Wow, Build-a-Boar workshop!10 Joshua: Yay Yay Yay! Ron: Surprise! At this point, SCP-6566-1 rises into view from behind the counter. SCP-6566-1: Why, hello there little ones! My name is Lucy, what’s yours? And are you two ready to build your new best friends? Kara and Joshua simultaneously: Yeah! Ron: See Stacy, I told you they’d love it. Stacy: (chuckling) You were right, you were right honey. SCP-6566-2 pops out from behind one of the nearby shelves, despite the small shelf appearing to lack the size necessary to have fully obscured SCP-6566-2 from view. SCP-6566-2: Fantastic! Call me Ferris, by the way. Why don’t we get started? SCP-6566-1: First thing’s first, what exactly do we want to build today? SCP-6566-1 brings the children’s attention to a shelf containing a series of empty, skin-like suits of varying sizes, colors, proportions, and apparel. Most clearly display porcine features, such as snouts, tusks, curled tails, etc. Joshua: Mmmm Ooh, I want the red one with the big face tooth horns! Kara: I’m gonna make a pigasus princess! SCP-6566-1: Great choices! Now, why don’t you all follow Ferris to the stuffing machine? The camera moves to follow SCP-6566-2 and the children, now revealing a large machine with a blood-spattered glass panel allowing view into it as sharp turnstiles on a rotating bar continuously mixes various entrails and viscera. SCP-6566-2: Ok, so now it’s time to fill up your Teddy Boars. Kara,11 hand me your princess, please. SCP-6566-2 takes the small skin-suit from Kara and affixes a small hole on its torso to a nozzle on the machine, which then fills the object with its contents. The same is then done with Joshua’s. SCP-6566-1: Alrighty, now before we zip up your little buddies, we have to bring them to life! Just pick a heart from the Basket Ferris is holding, and we’ll start with our special magic spell! Kara and Joshua pick from the container of small hearts from unknown animals, which appear to beat despite the lack of any connected body. SCP-6566-2: So first off, did you kiddos happen to bring your own ritual daggers? Stacy: …I’m sorry, wh— SCP-6566-1: That’s Ok, we should have a couple the li'l tykes can borrow. (shouting) HEY KING? CAN YOU GRAB A COUPLE DAGGERS? A door in the back opens, and SCP-6566-3 walks out holding an ornately crafted dagger in each hand. Agonized screaming can be clearly heard from behind the door, though no one present remarks or noticeably reacts to this. SCP-6566-3: Hi, I’m Manager King, and welcome to my little kingdom of fun! I’m glad to see you little rascals are already hard at work building some boar buddies for your own! (SCP-6566-3 hands each child a dagger as it says this.) SCP-6566-1: Great! Now kids, repeat after me… The next seven minutes and six seconds of footage is heavily corrupted, with all attempts to view the video shifting to a mix of reddish static and multicolored flashing, permeated by heavily distorted voices producing garbled, indecipherable dialogue, interrupted periodically by what sounds like human screeching. When the video cuts back to normal, all parties appear unhurt despite being covered in moderate volumes of blood of unknown origin. No one visibly reacts to the blood. SCP-6566-2: Good job, kids! Now your little piggies are alive! Ron: Wow, isn’t that exciting? Stacy: Something seems… wrong… SCP-6566-3: Nonsense! What could be wrong with making toys for children? SCP-6566-1: Ok kids, now it’s time to dress your little pals. Kara: Do you have any princess dresses that will fit over her wings? SCP-6566-1: Of course, several! Let’s go take a look. SCP-6566-2: What about you Josh? What do you want your boar to wear? Joshua: He’s a wizard, so he’ll need wizard stuff. SCP-6566-2: I think I’ve got just the thing. SCP-6566-2 pulls out a dark red robe inlayed woth pentagrams and a matching pointed hat from a nearby shelf. Joshua: Yeah! Like that, but he also needs his magic staff. SCP-6566-2: Of course, he sure does. SCP-6566-2 grabs what appears to be the femur of a small animal. It then assists Joshua in putting the red robes on Joshua’s new SCP-6566-A instance, before finally placing the bone “staff” in the instance’s hand. SCP-6566-1 and Kara come back into view, with Kara’s own SCP-6566-A instance now adorned with a ragged, torn green dress and a crown of thorns. Kara: Look Mommy, Daddy! Isn’t she pretty? Ron: She sure is, sweetie. Stacy says nothing and simply nods with a dazed expression. SCP-6566-3: Now remember kids, the best part about a best friend is that they are someone you can ALWAYS trust. So, make sure to listen to your boars. Kara and Joshua, simultaneously: Ok, Mr. King. The camera shifts as the SCP-6566-A instances are brought to the counter. SCP-6566-1: Ok, and how will we be paying today; cash, soul, or card? Ron: I’ve got cash. <END LOG> □ Close Log □ After forcefully procuring the SCP-6566-A instances from Joshua and Kara Phillips to go along with the cellphone video from Ron Phillips, all members of the household were amnesticized, and the recovered SCP-6566-A instances were destroyed according to recently-established SCP-6566 procedures. Investigation into the exact origin, ultimate purpose, and full anomalous capabilities of SCP-6566 is ongoing, as is the search for any outlying SCP-6566-A instances resulting from any prior, as-yet-undiscovered SCP-6566 manifestations. UPDATE 16.10.2022: On a routine visit to a new SCP-6566 instance in Yellowknife, MN, Canada shortly after the establishment of a standard exclusionary perimeter around the new instance,12 an initial attempt at implementation of further containment procedures by two plainclothes Foundation agents was met with previously-unobserved levels of resistance by SCP-6566 staff upon attempted entry. A log of the incident compiled from automatically uploaded body camera footage is available below: ■ Access Video Log ■ □ Close Log □ Video Log: Individuals Present: SCP-6566-1, SCP-6566-2, SCP-6566-3, Field agents Chandler Hepburn and Margaret Milton. Foreword: Only relevant portions of the incident are included in the log below, sans extraneous pre- and post-incident footage. <BEGIN LOG> Agents Hepburn and Milton approaches the SCP-6566 instance, only for SCP-6566-1 to appear and maneuver to block the entrance. SCP-6566-1: Sorry, new rules. Can’t let your kind in anymore. Milton: I’m sorry? What do you mean? SCP-6566-2: (Rising and walking out from behind a bin of materials) Your organization, no more interference from them. Your little operation has really been screwing with our numbers, and Hepburn: Oh it can’t be that bad… What if we just buy more? SCP-6566-1: Ok first, you know what middle management in hell is like? Want to imagine what those control freaks cook up? SCP-6566-2: Us, likely. SCP-6566-1: …And second, ‘just buying more’ won’t do jack. Doesn’t count if the toys get banished as soon as they’re taken home, never even encountering a single child to spiritually corrupt or so much as whisper malevolent truths to. SCP-6566-2: Look, we may not know your full deal yet, but I think it's best you just head on out and tell your bosses or whatever to stop the rounds of saboteurs. Milton: (quietly) Hep, maybe we should just leave and let the higher-ups figure something out… Hepburn: Hold on, this is the most straightforward they’ve ever been! (turning to SCP-6566-1 and SCP-6566-2) Well hold on now, maybe if we just tried to understand each other’s interests and concerns, we could come to some sort of compromise? SCP-6566-2: (turning to SCP-6566-1) Is this jackass really trying to make a deal with– SCP-6566-3 suddenly bursts through the door at the back of the store. Agonized screams and low-pitched cackling can be heard through the open doorway. SCP-6566-3: Did someone say “deal”? Well– Oh, you assholes. Hepburn: I assure you we’ve never been here before, sir– SCP-6566-3: Cut the crap. Look, I always like negotiating, so I’ll do you people a solid this ONE time. Come to my office and just maybe we can work something out; no promises though. Agent Hepburn turns to look at Agent Milton. Milton: What? What is that look… Oh you can’t be serious! Hepburn: Hey listen, when he says ONE chance to go to the table, I’m inclined to believe him. Milton: Not worth the risk! Not at all worth the risk! Did you not hear the tortured wails coming from his so-called “office”? Hepburn: They’re literal demons Maggie, I’m sure it's par for the course. That could easily have been his fucking ringtone or something. Milton: Chandler… Hepburn: Besides, only one of us needs to go, you can stay out here if you don’t want to be part of the talks too. Milton: I don’t want either of us to be a part of the so-called ‘talks’! Are you insane? Hepburn: (sighing) I’m sorry Maggie, but you’ll see. Look, some risks need to be taken. Agent Hepburn turns and follows an impatient looking SCP-6566-3 to the back against Agent Milton’s continued protests. Notably, Agent Hepburn’s body camera feed devolves to static as he approaches the doorway, obscuring iany view inside. Milton: (Whispering to herself) That bastard… He better be right… After thirteen seconds, the screams of Agent Hepburn can be heard through the doorway. This is immediately followed by the contents of the ‘stuffing’ machine rising in the container section, as if new materials were being added. Agent Milton lets out a short scream of her own, before kneeling and beginning to retch. SCP-6566-2: (smiling widely) Thank you for visiting Build-a-Boar Workshop! Don’t come again! <END LOG> □ Close Log □ Agent Hepburn was presumed lost in action following this incident. Similar SCP-6566 staff behaviors and reactions have been reported by agents visiting other SCP-6566 instances in the days since. Foundation agents have been instructed not to engage SCP-6566-1, SCP-6566-2, or SCP-6566-3 any further until such time that new containment procedures can be formulated and implemented. Footnotes 1. Repeat visits appear to be acceptable to a point, but instances of SCP-6566-1 through -3 have been observed to become incrementally more hostile and even violent with each subsequent visit of a recurring “customer”. 2. See the incident report update at the end of this file for more details. 3. Commonly known as pigs and boars. 4. Naraka-class entities are fully corporeal demons of middling power, one level above the more common Tartarean-class on the Carvalho Infernal Hierarchy Index. 5. Exact reactions vary by instance and incident, but repeated use of any other names or terms, even unintentionally or as a result of misunderstanding, will often result in casualties extreme bodily injury or even casualties, sometimes including any bystanders who happen to be physically close to the intended victims at the time. 6. Though superficially reminiscent of thaumaturgic and demonological glyphs and sigils, no actual anomalous properties have been ascertained from any symbols seen on such tags. 7. St. Louis, MO is also the location of the Build-a-Bear Workshop corporate headquarters, though the exact significance of this (if any) remains unclear. 8. A website dedicated to the discussion of paranormal and conspiratorial sightings, consistently monitored for potentially substantive reports of civilian encounters of anomalous phenomena, objects, and entities. 9. Framed to the subject as a “Spectral Illusion Sensitivity Index” test 10. It is unclear whether the fact that Kara knew and used the given name of SCP-6566 despite being blindfolded while entering the store was simply a correct guess based on the mostly pig-based decorations, or a byproduct of SCP-6566’s anomalous perceptual effects. 11. It is not clear how SCP-6566-2 gleaned Kara’s name, as neither of the children had given them, even when asked by SCP-6566-1. 12. Under the guise of a partial remodeling of the surrounding are within the host mall. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6566" by RealSurrealSir, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Kings Island Haunt 032 Author: Jeremy Thompson License: CC BY 2.0 Source: LINK Filename: Panegyrics of Granovetter Author: Sarah C Murray License: CC BY-SA 2.0 **Source Link: **LINK |
SCP-6567 | safe | Item#: 6567 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6567 has, of late, been permitted to freely traverse the facility1 granted it does not excessively disturb personnel, intervene with daily engagements, attempt to enter restricted areas, or attempt to exit the facility. A GPS-fitted ankle tag has been situated onto SCP-6567 in order to more easily monitor its activity and whereabouts. In the event that the entity violates one of the above conditions, SCP-6567 is to be kept in an 81 cm x 81 cm x 53 cm standard wooden pigeon coop, accommodated with rather exotic avian enrichment such as a ceiling posted miniature punching bag, as well as numerous leisurely devices including a beanbag chair, mirror, and bird feeder. The enclosure should be cleaned at least once a week, to remove any excrement or debris. Description: SCP-6567 is an adult male Lombardy Italy Florentine Pigeon, roughly 39cm in length and 34cm in height. Despite lacking the proper bodily structures for human speech, SCP-6567 is a proficient speaker of both the English and Italian languages. SCP-6567 refers to itself as "Eduardo Uccello," a self proclaimed, former Italian-American mafia underboss. Despite inhibiting the entity's ability to fly, the entity always adorns a pigeon tailored Armani blue-gray striped suit and tie as well as a dark gray fedora while outside of its enclosure. When asked how it acquired such apparel, SCP-6567 explained that it was, "A gift from some of my subordinates." Addendum.6567.I: Discovery Foreword: On 9/18/06 Agent Aliya Skala responded to reports of a formally dressed black and white bird catcalling pedestrians. <Begin Log> 11:32 AM [Agent Aliya attempts to unsuspectingly walk past the entity.] [SCP-6567 whistles at the agent.] SCP-6567: Ay toots, slow down a little, there's a lot to admire on ya. [Agent Aliya, alarmed, attempts to continue walking past the entity.] SCP-6567: Whore! [Agent Aliya double takes, and begins walking towards the suspect.] [SCP-6567 chuckles.] SCP-6567: Ahhhh, so that's the kinda stuff you're into, no problem, I can play along. SCP-6567: …You bitc— [SCP-6567 is immediately encased in bird capture netting.] SCP-6567: Toglimi questa merda di dosso donna!2 [SCP-6567 exclaims, while erratically flapping its wings.] [Agent Aliya smirks as she carries off SCP-6567.] SCP-6567: Please, please let me go! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! [SCP-6567 squawks desperately.] <End Log> 11:39 AM Afterward: Following SCP-6567's reprehension, those associated with the incident, or had witnessed the entity and its anomalous properties were administered Class B amnestics. Addendum.6567.II: Foundation Inclusion / Interview I Foreword: The following is an interview between SCP-6567 and Dr. Verlice regarding the anomaly's origins. <Begin Log> 5:04 AM [Dr. Verlice enters.] [SCP-6567 is napping reservedly while tethered to the countertop.] Dr. Verlice: Hello there. [SCP-6567 jolts awake, staring at the interviewer.] Dr.Verlice: Don't be alarmed, I'm only here to ask some questions. [SCP-6567 looks away in distaste.] Dr. Verlice: Well this was to be expected, I'll be staying until you're ready to talk. [A short time passes before the entity begins to comply.] SCP-6567: What do ya want? You with dem other pig bastards? Dr. Verlice: Glad you don't waste time. Who we are is not of your concern right now. I'm only here to get to know you better. SCP-6567: Hm, you're a funny guy. Don't pretend you never heard of the infamous Eduardo Ucello. Dr. Verlice: Eduardo Ucello? New name for me. [SCP-6567 snickers.] SCP-6567: You're joking? [Dr. Verlice shakes his head.] SCP-6567: You're serious? Yeesh. Dr. Verlice: What is it that makes you so infamous? SCP-6567: The real question is what isn't it. [SCP-6567 says reminiscently.] SCP-6567: Let me tell you I had some very dangerous connections, and as an underboss my orders came straight from the top baby. Dr. Verlice: Coming from a bird, that's somewhat hard to believe. What would someone of such importance be doing harassing bystanders? SCP-6567: I got wise, realized we weren't fighting the good fight, so I resigned. Dr. Verlice: Was there some kind of incentive for your leave? SCP-6567: Too many things to list pal, maybe my old man? He wasn't doin all that great. A little while before he passed on, he was tellin me about all the shenanigans he got into back in his day, said it "landed him a spot next to Satan himself." Dr. Verlice: Neat story, and your father? He could speak? SCP-6567: Of course he could speak, what do you take us for, some sorta animals? Never met a bird in my life that couldn't speak. <End Log> 5:23 AM Addendum.6567.III: Interview II Foreword: The following is an interview between SCP-6567 and Dr. Verlice regarding the anomaly's past relations prior to containment. <Begin Log> 9:32 PM [Dr. Verlice enters to find SCP-6567 comfortably reclining on its beanbag chair.] Dr. Verlice: Good afternoon Eduardo. [SCP-6567's eyes slowly open.] SCP-6567: Jesus doc this is the second time, can't you let a guy sleep? Dr. Verlice: Sorry but this is the only time I have that I can interview you without interruption. SCP-6567: Alright it's whatever, whaddya want? Dr. Verlice: I was hoping we could gather some information regarding some "relationships" of yours. SCP-6567: Which ones? I may be clean now, but I ain't no snitch so you can forget abo— Dr. Verlice: About your family Eduardo, I remember you mentioning your father? SCP-6567: Oh my family… [SCP-6567 seems mildly puzzled.] SCP-6567: I don't remember much about 'em, we all got separated while I was still a squab. Last thing I remember was the big family trip. Dr. Verlice: what, like migration? SCP-6567: Nope, my family and a ton of other birds, we're all put on this big boat. Ma and Pa said it was for vacation, but their faces said otherwise, never told my little cousins though. Dr. Verlice: Little cousins? How many of them were there? SCP-6567: Yeesh, way too many to count. [SCP-6567 looks upwards as if recalling a fond memory.] SCP-6567: Y'know now that I think about it, that's where I met Danny Pangrattato. He was a good guy, taught me everything I know. Dr. Verlice: That past tense is pretty foreboding Eduardo. I assume this character has passed? SCP-6567: Bless his sweet soul, died far too young. Dr. Verlice: I'm sorry for your loss, yet, he taught you "everything" you know. Does this include how to speak? [Dr. Verlice says tersely. SCP-6567 sighs.] SCP-6567: I do believe so, yes mister. <End Log> 9:55 PM Afterward: SCP-6567 was most likely imported to the United States to be sold or bred at auction. Due to SCP-6567 omitting mention of possible offspring, we have come to the conclusion that this was in some way interrupted, but the reason for this remains unknown. The culmination of SCP-6567's past life, boastful nature, and outgoing personality make the entity very likable among staff members. Provided supervision, SCP-6567 has been permitted to speak with off duty Class-D personnel. Addendum.6567.IV: Class-D Verbal Exchange Foreword: Below is an excerpt from an exchange between D-93629 and SCP-6567 regarding a physical altercation between D-93629 and another Class-D personnel. <Begin Log> 3:14 PM [D-93629 enters.] SCP-6567: I heard what happened. [D-93629's eyes widen.] D-93629: You've got to be kidding me! [D-93629 laughs hysterically.] D-93629: This little… Little, sky rat. This little thing is the super dangerous criminal? SCP-6567: I'm 34cm tall actually. [The room goes quiet.] D-93629: What. SCP-6567: Well… I'm on the bigger side for a pigeon, y'know, because you called me little? [D-93629 stares blankly at the entity for a couple moments.] D-93629: Ok? [No words were exchanged for a short period.] SCP-6567: Y'know, insubordination in places like these, won't only get ya reprimanded, it'll get ya killed. [D-93629 snorts.] SCP-6567: You keep acting like a douche, and they'll dispose of you like the human filth you are. [D-93629's face contracts angrily.] D-93629: Listen here yo— SCP-6567: I've seen Class-D trash like you, so desperate after an assignment, that they start begging me for their lives, pathetic. I just thank my lucky stars that I was born a bird, otherwise I'd be sporting the orange jumpsuit like the rest of yous. D-93629: Please… This place is just filled with a bunch of harmless wannabe tough guys like you, my freedom's gonna be a cake walk. SCP-6567: You must be new here? Well let me tell ya these assignments only get easier. After all, it doesn't take much to get yourself 6 feet under. [D-93629 gives a stifled laugh which was reciprocated by SCP-6567.] SCP-6567: Listen pal, you think you're special, you're not. I've seen tons of you people waltz in here all willy nilly thinking they're invincible. You know what happened to them? [D-93629 remains silent.] SCP-6567: They're dead, every single last one of 'em, gone. Prided themselves on pissing off the wrong people, ended up landing themselves a suicide mission. [D-93629 seems to contemplate something intently.] SCP-6567: Y'know you remind me of a good friend I used to have, Vinnie Bianchi. Was a handsome dude, tall, long, slick black hair, and a gorgeous white smile, not to far off from yours truly hehe. [SCP-6567 says sarcastically.] Closest thing I had to a brother back in the day. Haven't told anyone about this yet, I know if I bring 'em up he'll be brought here and those snobby eccentric bastards out there will ask him questions, and ain't nobody got the time for that. I think I'll make an exception for you though. He was better off than me, even got himself a beautiful gal, must have been a nightmare to manage in our line of work. She was basically all he ever talked about. I never minded when conversations got repetitive, I liked seein 'em happy, but I'll never forget the day he came up to me, and told me his girl was pregnant. He wasn't nearly as excited as me though, he broke the news almost solemnly. Unbeknownst to me, that was the same day he was going dark, completely cut ties with everyone understandably. After all, who would wanna raise a kid at the same time you're layin 'em out hehe. To this day I don't know why… Why I cared so much. I loved the power more than anything, and I was so close to reaching the top. But I gave it all away, worked on turning my life around completely, all in hopes that I'd be able to see Vinnie, just one more damn time. [D-93629's eyes swell with tears.] SCP-6567: What's the matter witcha tough guy? [D-93629 gives a wide smile.] D-93629: Don't worry about it, you just remind me of a good friend too. <End Log> 3:25 PM Afterward: Despite knowledge of what happens to Class-D personnel while they are in custody, SCP-6567 always discourages negative behavior in hopes that reformed staff could continue living a moral, meaningful life. Discussions between Class-D personnel and SCP-6567, although futile, seem to have a positive impact on staff morale and compliance. + Archived Addendum.6567.V - Archived Addendum.6567.V Addendum.6567.V: Affiliate Interview Foreword: The suspected "Vinnie Bianchi" was sedated, and brought into foundation custody after his mention during an interview involving SCP-6567. The following is an interview between Dr. Verlice and Vinnie Bianchi prior to amnestic administration. <Begin Log> 4:15 AM Vinnie: Wh… What is this? Dr. Verlice: Good morning Mr. Bianchi, I'm here to ask you some questions regarding a past acquaintance of yours. Vinnie: I don't understand… What's going on? Dr. Verlice: Does the name, "Eduardo Ucello" sound familiar to you? Vinnie: Eddie… No. No, I can't be back here! [Vinnie begins to panic and struggles to free himself of his restraints.] Dr. Verlice: Mr. Bianchi you need to remain calm, this is a scientific facility. We only want to ask you a few questions regarding Eduardo's unusual properties, and we can release you unharmed. [Vinnie attempts to stabilize his breathing.] Vinnie: There ain't nothin unusual about Eddie? [Dr. Verlice seems concerned.] Dr. Verlice: Mr. Bianchi, Eduardo is capable of speaking multiple human languages? Vinnie: So? Dr. Verlice: He's a pigeon… Vinnie: And? I thought I read somewhere that some birds could talk. [Dr. Verlice stares concernedly at Vinnie.] Dr. Verlice: Ok, well… Do you remember when Eduardo was first capable of human speech? Vinnie: Yup, since the first day I saw him, whole reason I bought 'em actually. Dr. Verlice: You were responsible for purchasing Eduardo? As such, do you know how Eduardo reached such high status within the mafia, despite certain uhm… Avian features of his? Vinnie: Of course. I put him there, little man was like a brother to me, why wouldn't I make him my second in command. Dr. Verlice: But Eduardo was an underboss. Making you a crime lord? Vinnie: That is correct mister, yes. This isn't being recorded is it? Dr. Verlice: Fascinating. Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Bianchi. Vinnie: Wait… Please. Is Eddie doin alright? <End Log> 4:30 AM Footnotes 1. Although the entity does have a curfew from between 9:30 PM - 8:00 AM. 2. Get this shit off me woman! ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6567" by Stuffss, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6568 | euclid | Item #: SCP-6568 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6568 is contained in Cell 42-B1 at Site-22. SCP-6568 is to be fed each morning with 50-100g of rock harvested from a meteorite or else taken from somewhere extra-planetary in origin. SCP-6568 does not require sustenance to live, but such food has proven to significantly improve its mood and behavior. The cell is outfitted with a common dog bed instead of a human bed, and the addition of a training seat and steps to the toilet.1 The cell additionally holds sewing equipment, spool and fabric, crocheting equipment and yarn, a set of plastic glow-in-the-dark stars, eight electric candles, a set of colored markers, tinsel, eight potted plants of varying sizes and species, a lava lamp, tape, stickers, and cyan clay. Should any of the above items break, be exhausted, or otherwise cease to function or exist, SCP-6568's requests for their replacement are reflexively approved as per standard sapient anomaly containment practices. Note that requests for candles must always be answered with electric candles, to prevent fire hazards. Additionally, SCP-6568 has been known to request plants of sizes too large for its cell, in which case Dr. Jessica Mohan will be tasked with mediating a compromise. Requests for any items not on the above list must first be authorized by no less than two researchers of 2/6568 clearance or above. Additionally, researchers of 2/6568 clearance or above are authorized to receive clay creations from SCP-6568 to fire them in the on-site kiln and subsequently return them to SCP-6568's cell. Location of SCP-6568's discovery Description: SCP-6568 is a 78.5 cm tall reptilian humanoid. Its head accounts for one fourth of its height, and its snout protrudes 14 cm from its face. Its teeth are predominantly composed of molars, and its lack of incisors suggests a diet of hard nuts. However, SCP-6568 has made clear its desire for wholly mineral foods. Its eyes are small and primitive, and interviews have suggested that SCP-6568 gathers more information by sound and touch. SCP-6568's limbs are short relative to its head, though exceptionally strong for their size. SCP-6568 is capable of climbing the walls of its cell, which it primarily uses to tend to decorations it has placed on the walls and ceiling. SCP-6568 is capable of speech in English, Korean, and a third unknown language that has proven difficult to study due to SCP-6568's insistence that it is "secret star-stuff."2 When asked how SCP-6568 learned English and Korean, SCP-6568 typically responds with "by watching," though SCP-6568's method of observation has been unspecified. SCP-6568 self-identifies as a 'gloombo,' though expresses confusion when asked for a name, commonly replying that it is unsure where to get one. In lieu of this, staff refer to SCP-6568 as 'Gloombo,' which it responds positively to. Questions of SCP-6568's origins have universally lead to SCP-6568 ignoring the question and dancing spontaneously. The meaning of this response is unknown. Recovery: SCP-6568 was discovered in the town of Geraldton, Australia at a Spotlight retail store, after the Foundation intercepted a local police call. According to witnesses, it was searching for a specific color of fabric in an increasingly frustrated manner, and came into conflict with store management for attempted stealing, a crime SCP-6568 was seemingly unaware of. Due to SCP-6568's resemblance to a child in a costume, no cover story was deemed necessary, though camera footage has been secured and destroyed. An undercover agent posing as SCP-6568's mother carried it outside to a containment vehicle, and then transported it to Site-22. SCP-6568 initially reacted to containment with confusion and light shock, but after its dietary preferences were identified and provided it rapidly acclimated. Within an hour of first consumption, SCP-6568 began requesting various items, listed in the Containment Procedures, most of which were provided over the following week. Whether there is any connection is as of yet unclear, but it should be noted that an usually bright shooting star was reported by some locals two night prior to SCP-6568's discovery. Behavior in Containment: While SCP-6568 has been seen to occasionally dance enthusiastically in the middle of its cell, it has spent most of its time decorating the cell with the items and materials provided.3 Electric candles have been taped equidistantly to the left and right walls, while the potted plants have been placed around the edges sporadically. Glow in the dark stars dot the ceiling, and between them are multiple marker illustrations of yellow, orange and blue circles, drawn with wobbly lines. Inside of each circle is a simple depiction of a unique facial expression, ranging from "indignation," to "astonishment," to "glee" (these exact words were used as descriptors by SCP-6568). SCP-6568 has placed a lava lamp on top of a triangular shelving unit on the wall opposite the door. On each shelf except the top, dozens of small, cyan, humanoid clay figures point in the direction of the lava lamp while making dramatic poses and displaying mostly excited or shocked facial expressions. Surrounding the shelving unit are a myriad of large, pointed, simple star shapes made from orange tinsel and tape. Placed in the toilet bowl is a rubber duck, adorned with a hat composed of three equally large green putty balls stacked upon each other. On the floor is a circular crocheted mat of gradated colors, surrounded on the floor by many marker illustrations of three dimensional objects of varying complexity. Various faint smudges can be seen from unsuccessful drawings erased by SCP-6568. Multiple eye stickers have also been placed around the chamber, each positioned so that the off-center pupils are directed at the mat in the center of the room (one of the stickers was placed over the lens of a observation camera, which was later removed by staff without issue). Incident Log 04/21/2009: Head researcher of SCP-6568, Jessica Mohan, happened to enter SCP-6568's cell while it was engaging in dance. Dr. Mohan is a specialist in sapient anomalies and has previously worked at the burgeoning Integration Program at Site-322. The following was recorded by Cell 42-B1's security cameras, as well as Researcher Mohan's body mic: Begin Log SCP-6568 appears to carefully position the rubber ducky in the toilet bowl. It trots down the toilet steps and run to the center of the room, before halting, and slowly turning around whilst carefully observing its surrounding. Once it has made one full rotation it stops. SCP-6568 outstretches its arms to either side, then begins wriggling them in unison. It withdraws its arms and begins rhythmically outstretching them outwards and then inwards, one at a time. While continuing the previous motion, SCP-6568 begins shaking its hands and jumping from foot to foot. Jessica Mohan opens the door and enters the room. Dr. Mohan: Hi Gloombo, having fun? SCP-6568 turns to Dr. Mohan with a wide frog-like grin. SCP-6568: (Still dancing) Jessica! You have come at the perfect time! I am trying to reach out again, but there just doesn't seem to be enough of an important ingredient. Dr. Mohan: And what's that? SCP-6568: Join me! Dr. Mohan: With… what? The dancing? SCP-6568: Yes, the dancing. Dr. Mohan: This is important? SCP-6568: Very important. Dr. Mohan is still for a few moments, then begins tapping her feet and gently swaying from side to side. For a moment SCP-6568 is exhilarated, but its expression quickly shifts to disappointment and confusion. Dr. Mohan: Is something wrong Gloombo? SCP-6568: You just don't seem very… enthused. Dr. Mohan: Oh, well, usually when we dance, we do it to music. It's a bit awkward without it. SCP-6568 looks around its cell. SCP-6568: Music… Music… Dr. Mohan: No, no it's- I'll show you. I don't have a speaker on me, but… it's like… Dr. Mohan whistles and hums multiple tunes. SCP-6568, still dancing, appears lost in thought for a long moment. SCP-6568: Pick me up. Dr. Mohan: Is everything okay, Gloombo? SCP-6568: Of course! (Solemnly) Except…. that I am not being picked up. Dr. Mohan: Alright… SCP-6568 lifts up its arms, and Dr. Mohan bends down and lifts SCP-6568 up to chest height. SCP-6568: Higher! Dr. Mohan: You sure? I'm not much of a gym regular— SCP-6568: (Frenzied) Higher! Higher! Dr. Mohan lifts SCP-6568 above her head, straining with the effort. SCP-6568: Now deliver me to each one of the Frozinglers! Dr. Mohan: Um— SCP-6568: Or, er, the funny ceiling faces! Dr. Mohan: If you say so—! As Dr. Mohan carries SCP-6568 around the room to each one of the colored faces on the ceiling, SCP-6568 reaches its head up and kisses them, causing the faces to animate as it does. The faces all each begin to rhythmically shift between a variety of exaggerated facial expressions. Dr. Mohan is startled. Dr. Mohan: Oh, wow… Dr. Mohan presses a button on her radio to report novel anomalous behavior, but does not call for additional personnel. Once they have all been kissed, the faces on the ceiling simultaneously stop statically changing and begin to collectively animate in such a way that they appear to be singing, each producing their own unique, synth-sounding pitches.4 Dr. Mohan lowers SCP-6568 back onto the floor and smiles. Dr. Mohan: That's a great tune for someone who just discovered music a minute ago. SCP-6568: Perhaps the faces were already aware? Dr. Mohan: Well. Maybe… SCP-6568: Ready now? Dr. Mohan pauses for a moment, then unties her hair. Dr. Mohan: Certainly. Let's do it! Dr. Mohan rejoins SCP-6568 in dance, moving along to the music apparently produced by the singing faces, with a noticeable new enthusiasm. The wax in the lava lamp begins moving faster, the ceiling's luminescent stars begin emitting light brighter, and the rubber ducky begins to slowly move around the bowl in a circular fashion. Dr. Mohan takes notice but does not slow her movement. The rubber ducky begins to audibly quack in time with the sounds, and the false flames of the candles burst into real ones, which grow and shrink rhythmically in tune. Dr. Mohan: Oh— Incredible! Dr. Mohan quickly bends down and attempts to write in a small notebook using her leg as support. SCP-6568: Don't stop dancing! Dr. Mohan gets back up. Dr. Mohan: Sorry! The 3D drawings on the floor appear to begin rapidly rotating through their virtual third dimension, whilst the cyan figures animate and begin slapping the wall, contributing a new complex beat to the song. Dr. Mohan watches in awe as SCP-6568 appears to softly glow and begin floating upwards. SCP-6568 is unfazed, and still dancing just as passionately whilst in midair. Once SCP-6568 is roughly a meter off the ground, it stops ascending, and opens its eyes, laughing. It stops dancing, and the various anomalous occurrences in the room begin to slowly lessen in intensity until ceasing. SCP-6568 Hello! Dr. Mohan: Yes, Gloombo? SCP-6568: Oh, so that's my name! What a silly name I have! (giggles) Dr. Mohan stops dancing and watches SCP-6568 in puzzlement and curiosity. SCP-6568 speaks with long pauses between sentences. SCP-6568: I'm glad to meet you too! Indeed, no one should go without one. SCP-6568: Ha! The wizijical5 is still wrongways I presume. But yes, that's correct. SCP-6568: No, no, unfortunately there's some large concrete in the way. SCP-6568: Uh-huh. What is it? SCP-6568: I wish I could've seen that… SCP-6568 clutches its belly, laughing loudly. SCP-6568: Thank you! SCP-6568: I'm afraid I best be falling now… SCP-6568: Same to you! SCP-6568 slowly lowers to the floor. Dr Mohan: Were you… speaking to someone? SCP-6568: Just so you know, she thinks you all dress funny. (giggles) SCP-6568 falls asleep on the spot and collapses backwards, snoring loudly. End Log Afternote from Dr. Mohan: I took the initiative in aiding SCP-6568, as I believed the situation presented a unique opportunity to learn more about their capabilities and needs. I hope the value of the results is self-evident. Lunar Area-32 later reported that around the time of the preceding incident, multiple abnormally large solar flares were detected at various points on the sun's surface. While SCP-6568's involvement in this occurrence is unclear, it did profess knowledge of the solar activity during interview without a known vector of obtaining said information. Per request, SCP-6568 is from now on to be referred to as 'Sol-Ponk'. The Remainder of this File is Classified 4/6568 Three days following this incident, a request was approved to move SCP-6568 to Cell 31-F2, made by Dr. Mohan on SCP-6568's behalf. In contrast to 42-B1, Cell 31-F2 is above ground, and has a large window to the forest surrounding the site. Staff aided SCP-6568 in transporting its decorations to the new cell, and various new items were requested, such as; a star chart that can be cross-referenced with the sky outside a telescope and a slinky (deviating from previous requests, this item seems to have no intended purpose outside of personal recreation) While previously SCP-6568 was observed dancing regardless of time of day, it now dances exclusively between the times of 21:00 and 03:00, usually while facing the window. Since the cell transfer, SCP-6568 is also now able to perform its anomalous dance ritual (henceforth referred to as an 6568-Y event) without aid. SCP-6568 doesn't mind others being in the cell during these times, and Dr. Mohan often enters to observe these events as they happen, however, staff should avoid interrupting SCP-6568 during 6568-Y events. Several new 'conversations' have been recorded and are under analysis. Incident Log 05/06/2009: The following is an excerpt from a particularly notable 6568-Y event, which Dr. Mohan was present in the cell for: Begin Log SCP-6568 begins floating upwards, while spinning around in what appears to be an amateur ballet pose. Its spinning decelerates, and they soon come to a halt, facing the sky outside. They speak with long pauses between sentences. SCP-6568: Hello, Rombolos! SCP-6568: Yes, I do see you! SCP-6568: No, she's a quiet one, actually. I'm just doing some frozingazing! SCP-6568: Seen anything fun, wild or weird lately? SCP-6568: Oh, that must be… life! And your very first encounter too? SCP-6568: Indeed, and what a coincidence! I have some of the very same Eucarya helping me with my entemplement! SCP-6568: Yes! I've decided to call the new one the twirl and— Dr. Mohan: Wait… SCP-6568: Jessica, I'm exceedingly busy right now. Dr. Mohan: I apologize very deeply, Sol-Ponk, but it's important that I just ask, how did your… compatriot, describe the… Eucarya? SCP-6568: "Tubes. A big long tube with another five or six tubes sprouting off of it, some of which have even more tubes sprouting off their ends. And all the tubes have smaller tubes inside them and even smaller tubes inside of those! They are positively tubular. And terrifying." Is that all? Dr. Mohan: Uhm, alright. And which frozingler is it that you are presently gazing? SCP-6568 gently floats over to the star chart, and bumps the tip of its nose against a specific star, which Dr. Mohan observes carefully. Dr. Mohan: Thank you! Dr. Mohan grabs the star chart and hurries out of the room. SCP-6568: How funny they are… Now wheeere wass- Yes! The twirl and shglirl! End Log Soon after exiting the cell, Dr. Mohan made the following intra-Foundation phone call to the Regional Representative of the Extraterrestrial Affairs Department; Begin Log Operator Barr: You have contacted the Extraterrestrial Affairs Department. What is the matter of your call? Dr. Mohan: This is Doctor Jessica Mohan, of Site-22. I believe an anomaly under my supervision may have divulged information pertaining to… Alarumus? Operator Barr: What kind of information? Dr. Mohan: The current location, star system S-37271. The anomaly is SCP-6568 — Everyone in your department should have access to its file. Check the most recent automated incident recording. Operator Barr: I'll forward all of that now. Is there anything else you would like to add? Dr. Mohan: That's all. Operator Barr: Thank you, Doctor. End Log Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs Truncated Report on MTF Orion-12 ("Alarumus") On 01/10/2009, MTF Orion-12 left Earth in a space shuttle outfitted with the recently developed faster-than-light transportation PRISM-3 drive. Their destination was a planet in System 828M, believed to contain a site of concrete evidence for the existence of a massive, undiscovered, sentient anomaly.6 Once they were 800 000km away from Earth, Orion-12 activated the PRISM-3 drive. The Foundation stopped receiving signals from Orion-12 beyond this point, and their new location was unknown. It was believed and later confirmed that their PRISM-3 drive malfunctioned. Three months later on 05/06/2009, Site-22 reported to this department that an anomaly, SCP-6568, had potentially revealed the star system Orion-12 was located in. As Orion-12 was estimated to have less than one month's worth of supplies left, an unmanned, compact supply shuttle, outfitted with a newer PRISM-5 drive, was successfully sent to the coordinates of the system. Radio waves were detected from the fourth planet from its sun, and the shipment of supplies was successfully delivered to Orion-12. A full rescue mission for the crew is now being prepared. Highly sensitive information from this report has been expunged. Request to Utilize (Sapient) SCP Object Request by: The Extraterrestrial Affairs Department Object: SCP-6568 Reasoning: SCP-6568's abilities make it uniquely capable at locating anomalies beyond Earth, to a degree reached by no other existing equipment or anomalies. Proposed Actions: An agreement will be offered to SCP-6568: It will be expected to periodically locate unknown anomalies beyond Earth, and in exchange, a 'temple' of its own design, as it has consistently requested, will be constructed beyond the Site-22 complex, presumably enhancing its abilities at the same time for our own benefit. Dr. Mohan, the Head Researcher of the SCP-6568 containment team, will be tasked with facilitating this agreement. Request: GRANTED Development of Site-22-A: On, 20/06/2009, Dr. Mohan discussed the proposed arrangement with SCP-6568. The following log was recorded; Begin Log SCP-6568 is sitting on the ground folding an amateur piece of paper origami. SCP-6568: Hello Jessica. Dr. Mohan: Hello Sol-Ponk. I'm here to negotiate the terms of an agreement my superiors would like to make with you. We want to build you a temple; A proper one. SCP-6568: About time! I was starting to think I was better off elsewhere. Dr. Mohan: What? Well, ok, anyway, we only ask in return that, once it's completed, you help us find unknown anomalies beyond this star system. SCP-6568 watches Dr. Mohan with a wide smile. SCP-6568: Sure! Dr. Mohan: Do you- know what an anomaly is? SCP-6568: Not really. Dr. Mohan places down her clipboard. Dr. Mohan: So, essentially, as we define it, an anomaly is an entity or event that doesn't conform to our— SCP-6568: The temple will be circular with a domey roof of thick glass, and spread evenly across that roof is seven holes with their own tiny baby domes and stained in the glass of those domes are the faces of the seven wisest frozinglers expressing their current moods— You might think that 'oh, changing a dome every time one changes their mood? I could not be that fast,' But thankfully they like to dwell on their emotions— Anyway! On the ceiling is a perfect disco ball that will of course grab the light from the frozingler holes and naturally where there is a disco ball there is a dance floor— On the dance floor will be a great many painted shapes that loop and glide and waltz past and through each other— Don't worry! You won't have to do the star channeling yourself if it's too tricky. Dr. Mohan: Could you clarify what star channeling— SCP-6568 does a quick spin into a roly-poly and a puff of glitter erupts from SCP-6568's hand into Dr. Mohan's hair. No glitter has been provided to SCP-6568. Dr. Mohan: Er, right— SCP-6568: I invented that by the way it's called the twirl and shglirl— Ok so around the dance floor are some candelabras with arms like branches reflecting the trees around the temple because obviously this will be built in the forest and behind and around those are many frozingler maps engraved in the walls like the one you have kindly provided but less saliva absorbent. In a short entrance hall to the dance dome will be six monochrome but vibrantly coloured statues of the six most funnest space races. Dr. Mohan: Funnest space races? SCP-6568: Like, the ones that party the most. Continuing on, indented in the right wall is a shrine pool, much like this one— SCP-6568 points at the toilet. SCP-6568: —and in it will be a duck. Dr. Mohan: A larger rubber duck I presume? SCP-6568: No. An alive one. Dr. Mohan: Right. Is there anything else you'd like to specify? SCP-6568: Hm. SCP-6568: Eyes on the ceiling. Dr. Mohan: Just to clarify, these aren't real too, are they? SCP-6568: No, the two real eyes in the duck will be enough. Dr. Mohan: Great! Well, thank you Sol-Ponk. We'll keep you updated, and I'll return periodically to discuss specifications. SCP-6568: Okay! Yay! End Log Afternote: Dr. Mohan has since been briefed on the existence of extra-terrestrials. Over the following three months, SCP-6568's temple was constructed within the forested area beyond the main Site-22, designated Site-22-A. The plans, for the most part, followed SCP-6568's specifications; The cost was deemed an acceptable investment once the concept of an anomaly was successfully explained to SCP-6568. SCP-6568 officially began occupying Site-22-A on 21/07/2009. Since construction has finished, the only notable change has been the installation of a bronze fountain duck, after SCP-6568 allowed the live one to run away. Two bovine eyeballs preserved within resin were attached to the ceiling to compensate. To aide research efforts moving forwards, SCP-6568 has agreed to transcribe the other side of its conversations, which it prefers to do in real time. It represents the other interlocutor with one of seven hand puppets, all of which it has sewn itself. Which of the seven hand puppets it uses to represent each interlocutor appears to correspond somewhat to said interlocutor's personality. Additionally, SCP-6568 uses a unique and often humorous voice when speaking as each so-called 'frozingler'. Utilization of SCP-6568: After the construction of Site-22-A was completed, SCP-6568 periodically provided staff with the descriptions and approximate locations of undiscovered anomalies beyond the bounds of the solar system. As these were given, Extraterrestrial Task Force Virgo-3 was dispatched to locate, identify, and, if possible, contain the described anomaly by utilizing updated PRISM-5 technology. Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs Truncated Log of Anomalies Identified by SCP-6568 Description Provided by SCP-6568: "Frodramollian Free says there's this biggg guy, standing on this moon just… consuming a whole planet! Must've been in a fight with something even bigger — Apparently it's missing an arm!" Location: S-18322, M2832/O-M2832-1 Discovery: Upon the surface of Planet M2832's single moon is a gargantuan stone statue depicting a humanoid entity. Though lacking detail, it appears physically human aside from having only a single arm, and a second set of eyes positioned on its cheeks. A long, massive stream of rocks trail from a significantly large crater on the planet's surface to a stump across from its existing arm. The rock appears to be forming itself into the shape of a shoulder. Despite being almost half as tall as the moon itself, the statue doesn't seem to have altered the moon's orbit. Containment: Physical containment impossible due to size of object. Disinformation measures prepared in case of future discovery by civilian agency. Description Provided by SCP-6568: "Ok so, there's this box right. And in the box, is a… little man. With um, whiskers. And he's always running around so I think this box must be very big on the inside." Location: S-82483, R23948 Discovery: Upon a mountain peak on R23948 (a planet with conditions analogous to Mars) was a 12 inch size Trinitron CRT TV, originally introduced by the Sony corporation in 1968. Working without any apparent power source, the TV displays a constant video of a brown rat. The camera is always positioned in front of the rat facing towards its head, and the rat appears to engage in activities typical of its species, in largely forested but occasionally urban surroundings. Containment: Item was retrieved and stored in Site-42. UPDATE: During a routine inspection of the object forty two days later, the rat in the video was seen to have expired. Cause of death was difficult to discern, but inspection of replayed footage prior to expiration revealed it was likely a digestive disorder, possibly caused by a parasite. Later in an off-hours personal project, Site-42 Junior Researcher Michael Roy made use of the video's new fixed perspective to estimate the actual position shown in the video footage, if it existed. A month later an agent was dispatched to the location Dr. Roy determined and discovered the decomposed rat corpse at the site. Though the agent briefly appeared in the TV footage, no camera was found at the site. After it was deemed non-anomalous, the rat was buried. Description Provided by SCP-6568: "The rootin' tootin' sheriff of Leremegemon's biggest asteroid belt! Comet outlaws tremble before the speed of his draw!" Location: S-21634, Outer Asteroid Belt Description: A 12 meter long asteroid donned by an equally large brown, wide-brimmed hat typically associated with cowboys. Asteroid itself displayed no atypical behaviour. Containment: Hat was successfully removed from the asteroid and taken to Site-42 for storage. Note: Two days after retrieval, SCP-6568 complained that the asteroid was feeling 'sad'. No further actions are to be taken at this time. Highly sensitive information from this report has been expunged. Incident Log 11/10/2009: On the 11th, SCP-6568 twice identified an unusually large and sentient anomaly while engaging in conversation with two individual 'frozinglers'; Note: Words spoken by SCP-6568 while it is animating its hand-puppet are described as being spoken by "Puppet". Begin Log Already wearing a knitted robe, SCP-6568 picks out a hand-puppet from a small box in the corner of the temple, then hurries up onto the stage and begins tapdancing. The glass faces in the ceiling animate and begin singing, the shapes on the dancefloor become wilder in their movement, and the candle flames gradate colour in tune with the music. The six humanoid statues run in and start breakdancing on the dancefloor. A singular point in the star chart engravings, near the far, top-back wall, begins to glow. SCP-6568 begins levitating upwards, still tapdancing audibly, despite its position above the ground. When SCP-6568 is roughly a meter off the ground, it stops moving, aside from a gentle turning in the air. The various anomalous elements in the room begin to die down again. The statues stop moving and sit down on the floor. SCP-6568: Astute greetings! Puppet: Oh dear, oh dear, little gloombo, how I have been awaiting for one of you. From where do you hail? SCP-6568: Sol-Ponk is the name! Puppet: Not too far from here then. Not too far. SCP-6568: You sound shaken, Gorfromsnietej. Puppet: Oh yes, very yes. I'm sure you know of my little rivalry with my closest neighbor, Maroom-Oom- SCP-6568: You mean you're still having that debate about who's the heaviest? Puppet: Yes! My dominance has always been obvious but not long ago something… dreadful transpired… SCP-6568: Oh dear! Puppet: All my planets… disappeared! I'm supposed to be the heaviest star in the galaxy, and now Maroon-Oom-Ponk has told all of frozingness that I can't even— even— keep a hold of my planets! SCP-6568 produces small, fabric patches depicting tears and attaches them to the puppet below the eyes. SCP-6568: Where have they disappeared to? Perhaps they can be convinced to come back! Puppet: I don't know! They just up and left and I didn't even hear them go! SCP-6568: How will we find them? Puppet: That doesn't matter! Right now I just need you to go and tell Maroom-Oom that I didn't just— just— let go of my planets, and that she needs to get her little punk of a -Ponk to stop blabbering lies to every celestial entity with a stellar core! SCP-6568: Will they be convinced? Puppet: I don't know! You need to find a way to convince them! SCP-6568: I see, I see. Do not worry! I will commune with them at once. SCP-6568 floats back down onto the stage surface. After napping on the spot for ten minutes, it runs off the stage and pick out a new puppet from the box, then returns to the stage and begins performing a new dance, reminiscent of belly dancing. The anomalous parts of the room reanimate and after a minute, SCP-6568 begins to levitate once again. SCP-6568: Hi! Puppet: Oh, hello Gloombo! SCP-6568: Yes, so anyway, I— Puppet: This is about Gorfromsnietej, I'll assume. SCP-6568: Yea. Puppet: You're not the first of your kind they've sent my way since whatever blunder they made… I'll just say I'm not keen to hear the new spiel you are supposed to regurgitate. SCP-6568: Oh, alright! Shall we talk about… comets instead? Puppet: Of course. What jittery things they are! I love when I spook them and they sprout their little tails. Haha. SCP-6568: Yeah! Puppet: And watching them spin around my planets, love that. Uh— SCP-6568: Something wrong? Puppet: There's this really… ugly… slug thing, sort of, loitering at the edge of my system. I think it just got here. SCP-6568: Oh, sorry about that. So yeah, what you said about comets spinning— Puppet: What in the name of Neptune?! SCP-6568: Are you okay?! Puppet: Ah! Dear creator! This thing is chomping on one of my planets! Go away pest! SCP-6568: Uh, can you, can you do something? Like, um— Puppet: No! No! No! No! What?! It's eaten it! The entire thing's gone and now it's moving on to the next one! SCP-6568: Oh my Frozoon! Jeepers! Peepers! Puppet: Ahhhh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! SCP-6568 mimes a fainting expression with the puppet. SCP-6568: Maybe I can scare it away?! If I just dance really, like scarily… SCP-6568 begins spinning on its head but falls over, grunting. Puppet: All my planets are— Oh my Frozoon it's coming right for me! Noo! SCP-6568 appears frozen in shock and horror. After a moment of silence it cautiously speaks. SCP-6568: Maroom-Oom, are you okay? Have you… been eaten? There is another moment of silence. Puppet: No. I suppose it just wanted my warmth… The thing's gone now. SCP-6568: Oh. Well… Oh. I am deeply glad you have not been munched. Puppet: Oh Dear. Dear dear dear. SCP-6568: Should I stay with you? Puppet: I wish I could say yes, Gloombo. SCP-6568: What's the matter? Puppet: Well… it appears that that dreadful creature is now en route to the very system belonging to your mother. I am sorry. SCP-6568: Uh-! SCP-6568 falls to the ground suddenly and collapses into sleep on the spot. Almost exactly an hour later it awakes and hurries out of Site-22-A toward the main Site-22 complex. End Log Shortly after exiting the temple, SCP-6568 intercepted Dr. Mohan, who was heading to Site-22-A herself to bring SCP-6568 its daily meal, and explained to her what had transpired. After SCP-6568 identified a third and fourth star system that had fallen victim to the entity, its movement was discovered to have a consistent spiral-like trajectory, which was extrapolated. Earth's star system was placed in its projected path, and it was to reach here within forty minutes of this discovery being made. These facts were quickly communicated to Overwatch Command and disseminated among Site and Departmental Directors from there. The following transpired after this information was communicated to SCP-6568; Present in the room is Senior Researcher Jessica Mohan, Novice Researcher Remmy Gore, Containment Security Guard Levi Wren, Site Director Katherine Duncan, and SCP-6568. Begin Log Dr. Mohan: …Earth does appear to be in its path, and we have about— SCP-6568 immediately begins somersaulting and floating upwards. Just as it begins to phase through the ceiling, Security Guard Levi Wren jumps upwards and grabs SCP-6568 by its left foot, pulling it back down. SCP-6568: I need to go! It would not be in the spirit of my duties to be eaten! SG Wren: You're not going anywhere! SCP-6568 bites Wren. SG Wren: Ow! Dr. Mohan: Just wait, Sol-Ponk! Our frozingler wouldn't be happy to have her planets eaten right? SCP-6568: Of course not. But sadly, I am just a messenger. SCP-6568's foot phases through Wren's grasp and it begins floating upwards again. Dr. Mohan: Stop! When you speak to Sol, we see a burst of abnormally large solar flares, or 'singe fringes', right? SCP-6568 gently stops ascending and watches Dr. Mohan with cautious curiosity. Dr. Mohan: So when you frozingaze… it's not just communication! There's some kind of physical connection there; A connection with the power to expel energy from the frozingler. SCP-6568 begins to float back down to the floor. SCP-6568: And… you think I can somehow make that more pronounced? Dr. Mohan: You must be able to! You can figure this one out too just like you've figured everything else out, right? SCP-6568: Well, some things come more readily than others…But, you are right about Sol. Maybe… many frozinglers attacking in succession will be able to help me drive it away. Dr. Mohan: Okay! What do we need for this to work? SCP-6568: Hm. Well, I suppose we will need some last minute decorations and, of course, a large sum of the dance ingredient. I'll need it to hold off the sleeping long enough to successively gaze at multiple frozinglers. SCP-6568 yawns. Dr. Mohan: Right, well we can easily arrange that. Should we get to it? SCP-6568: We should! Dr. Mohan: Permission to send an urgent notice to all staff, Director? Site Director Katherine Duncan: Approved. Also, if I may add, it seems from the logs I’ve read, that enjoyment of the dance is important. Is that correct Sol-Ponk? SCP-6568: Oh yes, very very so. Director Duncan: In that case it’s probably best to leave out any facts about world annihilation, for now. Dr. Mohan: Right. End Log Shortly following the conclusion of this conversation, the following notice was sent to all non-essential Site-22 personnel: Alpha Priority Notice [!] In five minutes time from the release of this notice, you are required to attend Site-22-A for a mandatory dance party. While this task concerns matters of great importance to our mission of containment, it is an imperative that you take the necessary steps to experience as much enjoyment as possible. Judgement of other's dancing abilities during or after the event is strictly prohibited, under threat of sanction. Those who claim to be unable to dance will be required to dance anyway. The following soon transpired outside of Site-22-A; Begin Log Dr. Mohan: You said we needed extra decorations; What specifically? SCP-6568: My brethren! I will gather them. Dr. Mohan: What, as in more of your kind? SCP-6568: Well, yeah. Basically. Dr. Mohan: Okay, well— SCP-6568 scurries off into a nearby bush. Site-22 personnel begin amassing outside Site-22-A's entrance. Most are in uniform or lab attire, though a few of the more committed have quickly changed into casual clothing. Four minutes after the notice was sent, SCP-6568 emerges from the undergrowth carrying a bundle of lizards consisting of three iguanas, seven geckos and three goanna. The lizards are of various species but are of such that can typically be found in pet stores and urban environments. Dr. Mohan: Are you… sure this is your 'kind'? SCP-6568: It is the best I could find in short notice. SCP-6568 and the lizards stride past the site staff towards Site-22-A's entrance. SCP-6568 places the struggling lizards onto the ground onto the lizards scramble off in various directions. SCP-6568: (wistfully) Hm, well I suppose it's not quite the same thing… Dr. Mohan: Right, then! It's time to get you on stage! Dr. Mohan ushers SCP-6568 inside and onto the raised platform. The site personnel begin filing in. SCP-6568: Will they get worried hearing me talk about a planet-eating behemoth? Dr. Mohan: Don't worry, they'll probably just think it's cute. SCP-6568 carries its box of puppets onto the stage, while Director Duncan walks in front of the crowd, immediately drawing attention. Director Duncan: Hello everyone, I promise this interruption to your work won't last any longer than it needs to; Sol-Ponk here has just been having some issues recently and needs our cheering up. Remember: this is just as serious as everything else we do here, but please enjoy yourself. There is a lone cheer from the crowd, drawing nervous laughter. Dr. Mohan frantically motions to Director Duncan. Director Duncan: Oh, and try not to step on any lizards! Dr. Mohan connects an Ipod to a group of speakers and begins playing a selection of music based on her own determination of the popular taste of Site-22 staff. Having already selected a puppet, SCP-6568 immediately begins dancing, and the crowd quickly follows suit. SCP-6568: Hello! I don't believe we've met? Puppet: Oh my friz. Oh my friz. Oh my friz. SCP-6568: Hello! He-llooo! Puppet: Oh, my, I'm so sorry! I didn't notice you at all. SCP-6568: Yes, that's okay. Especially, considering a large, unknown creature— Puppet: Is coming to EAT MY PLANETS I KNOW GODDAMNIT! SCP-6568 depicts the puppet covering its face with both its short arms. SCP-6568: Oh, well that saves time— Puppet: What do you want? SCP-6568: Uh, I'm actually here to help! Puppet: Is this a joke—? Oh dear world between, it's here! SCP-6568: Listen friend! We know that in some small way, our connection can physically affect your surface, right? Puppet: What? Sure, whatever! Oh you— Get off! Get off! SCP-6568: Hey, hey! Calm down! We just have to put our heads together and— Puppet: My head is about to explode! Still floating, SCP-6568 sits down cross-legged. SCP-6568: How about we try some deep breathing— Puppet: AHHHHHHH! AHHH! Spit it out! SCP-6568: Hey, just— Puppet: Alright, alright! Tell me what to do! SCP-6568: Well, actually, we have to figure this one together. Puppet: You couldn't workshop this with someone else beforehand? AHH! The gas giant, too?! Really? SCP-6568 Yes, well it's all happened so fast… Puppet: That thing is blonking huge! You're crazy! Am I going to shoot it out of the sky?! SCP-6568: Well…. maybe? SCP-6568 falls onto the stage. It appears drowsy, but nonetheless quickly scrambles to search through the puppet box for a new puppet. After finding an appropriate one, it begins a new dance, and is soon rising once more. SCP-6568: Hello! All of your planets are going to be eaten and so it's very important that you listen to me! Puppet: Who sent you? Whose gloombo are you? SCP-6568: Well, um, no one sent me! I've come of my own accord because I have news about imminent calamity arriving to your planets — From outside Site-22-A, there is the muffled sound of a helicopter landing. Puppet: Not falling for this one again. SCP-6568 falls suddenly onto the stage platform. SCP-6568: What? SCP-6568 appears more fatigued and again searches for the newly appropriate puppet. It finds one, but appears to hesitate before dancing. Suddenly it returns the puppet to the box, and instead picks out a different one sitting near the top of the puppet pile. SCP-6568 continues dancing once again, reigniting the ritual for a third time. Agents from Mobile Task Force ███████ ████ ████ █████ enter the building carrying a handheld ███████ ██████ device. SCP-6568 takes no notice. SCP-6568: Hello? Puppet: Hello, child! En route to SCP-6568, the agents are suddenly stopped by Dr. Mohan. Dr. Mohan and the agents argue inaudibly. Dr. Mohan is animated and appears angry or frustrated. SCP-6568: I need guidance. There's something… coming for us. And I don't know what to do about it. Puppet: And that's okay! We never asked you to take on every possible responsibility. SCP-6568: But, you see, this… thing…! Puppet: There's no need to sugarcoat anything; I've been well informed. There is simply nothing to be done. SCP-6568: So… what? I just have to go now? It doesn't feel right to go now. Puppet: I understand. Travelling is never easy. SCP-6568: How would you know? Puppet: I travel in other ways. SCP-6568: But… none of this is fair! Don't you see how wonderful your planets are? Puppet: Of course I do, Sol-Ponk! But these beings have been around so long, and I have been around so long and everything will come undone eventually in the great unravelling; You know that. You would have been forced to confront this reality, eventually. SCP-6568: But I haven't been around so long! And where will I go, anyway? Puppet: Do not worry! Undoubtedly there will be asteroids and other fragments left over. SCP-6568: And I'll… I'll build a temple on those asteroids too, right? Out of rocks and space dust?! Puppet: Yes, because you are an incredibly creative and resourceful gloombo! SCP-6568: It wouldn't be the same! Puppet: The same as what? SCP-6568: Haven't you seen what we've built here? Puppet: Please, just go. Go now. SCP-6568 falls to the floor, and sits still. It rubs its eyes tenderly. Dr. Mohan: (speaking quickly and quietly to the agents) Just one more try, got it?! Dr. Mohan hurries onto the stage, while the agents watch her from a few meters behind. Dr. Mohan: Sol-Ponk? SCP-6568: This is all quite silly, isn't it. Dr. Mohan: No, no, why do you say that? Is everything okay? Dr. Mohan glances behind her at the agents, watching silently. SCP-6568: I'm gonna become a rock guy, sitting on a big rock in a temple made of tiny rocks. Who will hear me? Only Sol and Worosop and Prieiiei will hear me then. And yet I'll see everyone! What life is that for a gloombo? I need to sleep. Dr. Mohan: It sounds dreadful, I get it! No one wants to be stuck on a rock. But you're not there yet, you're here, and so are they! Dr. Mohan gestures to the electric, dancing crowd. This is the first party Site-22 has had in seven months. SCP-6568: That's not what Sol said. Dr. Mohan: Sure, but… what's so bad about listening to me? SCP-6568 says nothing. Dr. Mohan: Look just give it another go; Whoever's on the other end, don't let them shake you off or downplay anything. I don't believe anyone so ancient could also be so useless. SCP-6568: Okay. Dr. Mohan begins dancing. She gestures for SCP-6568 to join her. SCP-6568 reluctantly takes her hand and does so. Soon, they appear to be engaging in a waltz. Not long after, SCP-6568 is being lifted away from its dancing partner. SCP-6568: I need that one! SCP-6568 points towards a particular puppet, and Dr. Mohan throws it up to them. SCP-6568's attention now turns elsewhere. SCP-6568: … Hello? Puppet: Gloob-wogrababa! SCP-6568: Um. (SCP-6568 floats downwards and scans its remaining puppets before returning gaze to the speaking puppet.) Who am I talking to? Puppet: Barbahaga! Obibi-daroom!! SCP-6568 looks over the dancing crowd, and then looks to each of the frozingler-domes on the ceiling, apparently looking for some sign. SCP-6568's eyes rest on the bronze duck statue for a moment, before it seems to come to a realization. SCP-6568: Are… you…? Puppet: (SCP-6568 shakes the puppet aggressively as it speaks.) Aragbarabadoo Wallamra! Sfrabragrhalograb!!! SCP-6568: Missus 'hemoth? Ooooh! Puppet: Boog. SCP-6568: Aaa, it is such a amazement to be meeting you! The puppet screams for ten seconds. SCP-6568: Okay! SCP-6568 lowers to the ground, and nervously runs in a circle before beelining for Dr. Mohan. Dr. Mohan: What is it? SCP-6568: I need help communicating! Dr. Mohan: Who are you speaking to? SCP-6568 mimes the snapping of jaws with its arms. Dr. Mohan: Is that possible?! Puppet: Brologribwob! Habalabazhube! Zop! SCP-6568: Do you see the issues? All of this is made for frozinglers! What on the world between does a planetvore want, Jessica?! Dr. Mohan: Oh dear. Okay. Um. Shit. Puppet: Blib blob!!! Zakarakawrow! SCP-6568: (quietly) We can't just rebuild the temple… SCP-6568 sits down. Dr. Mohan: Hey, I have an idea! SCP-6568: (Wringing hands.) Okay! Dr. Mohan approaches the speakers that were rolled in, and, communicating with the DJ, gets the music to stop, and picks up a microphone. Dr. Mohan: Everybody! Thank you so so much for showing up, we have an urgent change of plans though. We're going to need everybody with a good neck for it to headbang. Does anyone have, uh, grunge metal? Junior Researcher Pollock raises his hand, and Dr. Mohan motions him to the stage, where they plug in his smartphone. Slow, muddy metal begins to play from the speakers. SCP-6568 runs to Dr. Mohan and tugs on her pant leg. SCP-6568: But this is terrible!! Dr. Mohan: Sol wouldn't like it, no, but I think our monster might have an ear for it. SCP-6568: How do you dance to this?! Dr. Mohan motions to the crowd, and SCP-6568 takes it in. SCP-6568 looks back to Dr. Mohan, who raises her right hand, and emphasizes the slow downbeats. SCP-6568: It is death music. Dr. Mohan: Exactly. Dance. SCP-6568 attempts several false starts, resembling its more common forms of dance, failing to attach to the beat of the music. Then, frowning, SCP-6568 closes its eyes, and begins to slowly sway back and forth, coming forward on the downbeat and swaying backwards on the backbeat. Slowly, SCP-6568's forward motion becomes more violent, head dipping lower. The frown slowly melts from its face, giving way to a neutral but focused expression, eyes still closed. As it raises its right arm into the air, and place its left hand in a fist over its heart, it begins to levitate again. Concurrently, the lights coming from the disco ball dim, and transform exclusively into shades of red and purple. The frozinglers' faces have twisted into angry frowns, and the colored statues seem mostly to cower in fear, though one is seen swaying to the beat. SCP-6568's face twists into one of anger as a messy guitar solo begins. It opens its eyes, as the puppet floats towards it. SCP-6568: MRS. MONSTER, HEAR ME NOW!! I AM — SCP-6568 loses focus as the puppet's head inflates and then pops. SCP-6568: Ah, what? SCP-6568 turns to Dr. Mohan to say something, but she is apparently too absorbed in her own dancing to take any immediate notice. SCP-6568 shrugs. SCP-6568: Hm. Oh well! One of the statues runs on stage with an electric guitar, not plugged in but anomalously still producing noise. SCP-6568: ARE YOU READY EVERYONE? The statue strikes a chord on the guitar. The crowd cheers. SCP-6568: RARARARARARARARA! [. . .] End Log Sometime around the end of the preceding excerpt, the unidentified extraterrestrial threat ceased to be detected by extrasolar monitoring stations. The exact nature of the entity and SCP-6568's role in its inexplicable disappearance is unknown. Interviews with SCP-6568 on this matter have produced very little information of interest. A large scale investigation into these events, involving Sites 3, 22 and 56 was launched immediately following the incident and is ongoing. Additionally, following these events multiple staff members at Site-22 have requested that similar social gatherings such as what took place on the 11th occur again in the future on a semi-regular basis, citing reduced stress and improved morale. In the interest of all parties, Director Duncan has approved this measure. Excluding those already privy to such information, no Site-22 employees are to be informed of the full extent of the threat posed on the 11th of October. * * * Incident Log 13/10/2009: At 10:33 ACST, a hyper-fast moving object was detected entering the Earth's outer orbit by the Australian Department of Defense. Travelling at ~1000 km/s, the object would have caused large scale destruction to nearby human settlements if it were to make contact with the Earth. Why this object was not noticed earlier is unknown. An anti-meteor missile was deployed, however, just before the missile was to make contact, the object suddenly changed its trajectory so that it avoided midair collision. Disaster was averted when, in the moment before impact with the Earth, the object rapidly decelerated, creating what was discovered to be only a small crater at the site of impact. At roughly the same time this information was being relayed to the SCP Foundation, Researcher Kalvin Young discovered that SCP-6568 was absent from Site-22-A. A sticky note was found stuck to the face of one of the alien statues, written on which was the following: "Sorry for breaking the rule, i will be back soon, i Ponky promise :)". A Foundation investigation and containment team were the first to arrive at the crash site, and the following was recorded at discovery; Begin Log Perspective is of a camera attached to the bonnet of a jeep at the head of the small convoy. Sparse trees pass by the camera as the vehicle drives through the light forestation. Eventually a small clearing comes into view, in which there is a crater a few meters across. The bottom of it is not visible, and a single tree has been toppled by the unknown object's impact. The vehicle and another behind it stop, and three men with protective gear and light firearms exit the first. The camera view switches to the agent closest to the crater's edge. As the group cautiously approach, a light tapping is heard from within the crater. With his weapon drawn, the frontmost agent peers over the side of the crater and its contents come into view. In the middle of the crater are two stubby reptilian entities, holding hands and dancing jovially. End Log ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6568" by WizzBlizz, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: spotlight.jpg Author: WizzBlizz License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Footnotes 1. While it is known now that the toilet as a whole is unnecessary, SCP-6568 has requested that the steps stay. 2. However, footage of SCP-6568 talking to itself has yielded enough phonetic and structural information to confirm that the language, though as-of-yet indecipherable, is unlikely to be gibberish. 3. A correlation has been found between SCP-6568's dancing and its requests for materials: dances seem to be followed by increased persistence in acquiring decorations. 4. Dr. Mohan described the resulting tune as "Simple and playful, yet with an unusual alien, electronic quality". 5. Spelling was confirmed in a later interview. 6. Described in ancient texts of an extinct Martian civilization, the name of the creature translates literally to 'Very Large Rock Digester'. Further information is classified. |
SCP-6569 | esoteric-class | Surveillance Log Collection #6569 (Jan) Subject: Alex Thorley Gender: N/A Affiliation: Unknown Talents: Unknown Risk: N/A See "Investigation Liquid White" for background information on subject. Log 1 Jan 1, Site-37 TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Thorley is in their office at their empty desk. They are making a typing motion with their hands. A knock is heard at the door. Thorley walks over and answers the door. The door opens, revealing Thorley carrying a box of objects. Thorley: Hello? Thorley: Hello! Silence is recorded. Thorley: Can I help you? Thorley: I'm Alex Thorley and this is my office. Thorley: Oh, that's funny, I'm Alex Thorley and this is my office! Thorley laughs. Thorely laughs. Thorley: Nice to meet you. «END LOG» Log 2 Jan 10, Site-55 TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Thorley is at their desk, working. Thorley is sitting on their futon playing with SCP-7195. Thorley enters, carrying a paper bag, and walks across the room, petting SCP-7195 as they pass, until they reach their desk. Thorley hands Thorley the paper bag, who opens the bag to reveal a bagel burger. Thorley excitedly kisses Thorley. Thorley looks away. Thorley takes a bite of the bagel burger. «END LOG» Log 3 Jan 17, Site-247 TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Thorley is in the kitchen washing dishes. Meanwhile, in the living room, Thorley is sitting on Thorley, who is sitting on their futon, watching Goncharov on their TV. Thorley is lying down next to them with their eyes closed. Goncharov: "And one for the table!" Thorley cheers. Thorley blows a raspberry on the back of their neck. Thorley giggles. Next to them, Thorley rolls over. Thorley finishes washing the dishes and enters the living room. Thorley notices Thorley sleeping and notifies Thorley and Thorley by indicating Thorley and making a shushing motion. Thorley lowers the television volume. Thorley grimaces, seeming to be experiencing a nightmare. Thorley: mumbling No more… no more bagels… no… Thorley begins running their fingers through Thorley's hair. Thorley's expression softens. They move closer to Thorley, rubbing their face against them and making a soft exhale noise before becoming stationary again. Thorley quietly giggles. Thorley covers their mouth. Thorley walks over with a blanket and drapes it over Thorley, before sitting down in front of the futon to watch Goncharov. Thorley tussles their hair. «END LOG» Log 4 Jan 24, Site-43 TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Thorley exits their bathroom wearing only a white towel. As they enter their bedroom they see Thorley struggling to remove their bra. Thorley seems embarrassed and tries to exit stealthily, knocking into a dresser. Thorley turns around in the middle of undressing and sees Thorley. Thorley's face turns beet red. Thorley: I'm so sorry! I thought this was my room! I'll uh, I'll leave. Thorley: No, no it's okay! I get confused all the time! For all I know this might be your room, because… Thorley and Thorley in unison: Because they all look alike. Thorley nods. Thorley: Because they're the same room. Thorley nods Thorley: Yep. Thorley: Yep . Thorley: I wonder why that is. Thorley: I dunno. Thorley silently stares at Thorley. Thorley silently stares back. Thorley: So, uh. What do we do here? Thorley shrugs Thorley: I dunno. I guess we could… share the bed? Thorley grimaces and adjusts their towel. Thorley: Or I could sleep on the couch that's fine too! Thorley grabs Thorley's hand. Both hands are clammy. Thorley: No, no, you're right, we should just split the bed. It'll be fine, haha! Thorley: Oh good, because there's only the one couch. Thorley: Yeah, except for the other one. Thorley: Yeah. Thorley begins to rummage in the closet for an outfit to change in to. Thorley continues to struggle with their bra. They turn back towards Thorley Thorley: Hey. Um. This is embarrassing, but would you, uh, mind unhooking me? Thorley turns around wearing a pikachu onesie, and looks shocked Thorley: Um.. Thorley: It's nothing you haven't seen before! Thorley: I guess? I. Just… turn around. Thorley turns around. Thorley begins to undo the bra strap The bra falls away. Thorley turns around to reveal nothing. Thorley: I sleep naked. Silence is heard on the recording. Thorley: Oh. I'm not sure what I sleep in or if I even sleep but this is all that was in the closet. Thorley: It looks good on you. Thorley: Thank you. Thorley approaches. Thorley: No, thank you for your help. Thorley: With disposing of the body? Thorley: N— Oh was that you?? Thorley: nodding I was the body, yeah. Thorley makes an O face. Thorley: That makes sense! Thorley: Right? Thorley nods. Thorley nods. Thorley suddenly kisses Thorley on the mouth. Thorley jerks back. Thorley: Wha— Thorley seems embarassed. Thorley: Oh. I'm sorry… I thought we were having a moment… Thorley: No, no, I was having a moment. I just wasn't expecting that. Thorley: Well, when at Site-43. Thorley: Ohhhhh, Canada. Thorley kisses Thorley passionately. They fall into the bed. Thorley: whispering Keep the onesie on. «END LOG» Log 5 Jan 30, Site-91 TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Hands fill the room, grasping, groping, grabbing, reaching nothing. The body of Alex Thorley writhes in the center of the office. Television static appears on the recording. «END LOG» Log 0 Jan 0th, Site-00 TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Alex Thorley sits on their futon alone in their office Thorley: Hey. Television static appears on the recording. Thorley: Stop. I-I'm sorry, I can't do this. Silence is heard on the recording. Thorley: This. Us. Silence is heard on the recording. Thorley: Yeah. Silence. Thorley: No. I've been talking to Dr. Silence. Thorley: No. Not like that. About our relationship. About me. Silence Thorley: Will you listen? Please? A cat meows in the background. Assumed to be SCP-7195. Thorley: Thank you. I'm sorry. This isn't… this isn't how I wanted this to go. I tried. I did. But I just… couldn't do it. I know it sounds selfish I just…. Silence. Thorley: I love you. Thorley: But I feel like I don't know myself anymore. Thorley: It's not you, it's me. «END LOG» ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6569" by Prime Girl, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6570 | safe | /* Foxtrot Sigma-9 Theme [2022 Wikidot Theme] By Liryn */ /* FONTS */ @import url(',wght@0,800;1,800&display=swap'); @import url(';800&display=swap'); @import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); @import url(';700&display=swap'); @import url(',wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap'); @import url(''); @import url(';900&display=swap'); @import url(',wght@0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700&display=swap'); /* VARIABLES */ :root { /* VARIABLES > Core */ --header-title: "SCP Foundation"; --header-subtitle: "SECURE, CONTAIN, PROTECT"; --logo-img: url(; --darkmode-logo-img: url(; --logo-opacity: 14%; --head-font: 'Sans Normalcy'; --ui-font: 'IBM Plex Sans'; --mono-font: 'JetBrains Mono', 'Fira Code', monospace; --page-font: 'Inter', 'verdana'; --base-font-size: 0.9rem; --page-font-size: 1rem; /* VARIABLES > Misc */ --header-txt-color: #333333; --subheader-txt-color: rgb(var(--accent)); --misc-txt-color: #464646; --link-txt-color: #E6283C; --link-hover-txt-color: white; 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} } @media (max-width: 700px) { #header h2::before { font-size: 1.2em; margin-top: 0.3rem; } #top-bar, #top-bar a { top: 8.8rem; font-size: 90%; } } @media (max-width: 620px) { #header h2::before { font-size: 1em; margin-top: 0.15rem; } #top-bar, #top-bar a { top: 8.3rem; font-size: 90%; } div#header { height: 123px; } } @media (max-width: 520px) { #header h2::before { line-height: 16px; margin-top: 0.5rem; } #top-bar, #top-bar a { top: 9.3rem; } div#header { height: 145px; } } Item#: 6570 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6570 is to be contained in a standardised Biohazard cell and should be accompanied by SCP-6570-1 whenever applicable. Staff that SCP-6570 is particularly fond of are encouraged to interact with it socially outside of medical examinations, on at least a weekly basis. As of standard cross-containment policy, 24hr surveillance must be maintained on SCP-6570 and SCP-6570-1. Description: SCP-6570 is an amorphous mass comprised largely of muscle and flesh, covering an approximated 12m2 area when stretched. X-rays have revealed bones and organs to be absent, aside from a single pair of lungs. Despite this, SCP-6570 has demonstrated a limited degree of sentience and can recognise faces, retain memories of positive and negative stimuli, can perceive visual stimuli,1 and is believed to enjoy social activities. Recovery: SCP-6570 was initially reported to police by civilians off of a Rural roadway in Tasmania. Both witnesses received class-A Amnestics, with the cover story of an animal collision being provided. Upon SCP-6570's recovery, blunt force trauma consistent with that of a vehicle impact was noticeable. After arrival at the nearest Site, medical teams were noted to have difficulty in treating its wounds, due to its unclear anatomical structure and unstable form. After a recovery period of two weeks, SCP-6570 was deemed eligible for discharge and subsequentially transferred to a permanent containment cell, on the condition of bi-weekly check-ups for the foreseeable future Addendum 1: Mild Fungal Infection: Approximately a week after SCP-6570's transfer, a fungal infection located in a wound site was recorded by Dr Blure. SCP-6570, while initially appearing to enjoy Dr Blure's presence, was notably hesitant in allowing antifungal treatment, recoiling from Blure after administering an IV. Addendum 1.1: Update: Upon a follow-up exam, SCP-6570's infection appeared to have lessened in the treated area, though was noted to have appeared around other wound sites, in addition to underneath skin folds. Considering this, Dr Blure brought in the co-head, Dr Refles, to distract SCP-6570 while treatments were applied. Despite SCP-6570's attempts to play with Dr Refles being largely disregarded, the attention split allowed treatments to be applied much faster. Addendum 2: Medical Wing Transfer: In the weeks following its initial treatment, SCP-6570 has been moved back into the Medical Wing for staff's ease of access, considering the severity of its infection. At this time, 5 medical staff have been allocated to treat SCP-6570's condition. Procedures will include, though are not limited to: Tissue removal Intravenous injections Ultrasounds (if required) Antifungal medication (method of application to be at the medical head's discretion) Blood tests Both Dr Blure and Dr Refles will be present to distract SCP-6570 from treatments it would otherwise display distress in. Addendum 2.2: Update for Staff: Over the past few days, accounts from both Blure and Refles, in addition to medical staff, have that detailed SCP-6570 has begun to seek any attention possible. Specifically, behaviours have included: Attempts to move in front of the door when staff leave, especially in regards to staff it 'likes'. Grasping staff's lab coats, or picking up (and typically hiding), medical equipment. Pulling or dislodging syringes, bandages, or towels from itself. It is strongly advised at this time that staff ignore these behaviours, rather than continuing to indulge them, as to not encourage SCP-6570 to engage further. Addendum 2.2: Declining Mood: In the days following the implementation of Addendum 2.2, SCP-6570 has become less enthusiastic in either Blure or Refles, and started to refrain from attempts to gain attention. This resulted in it beginning to 'sulk', and shift away from staff when attempts were made to play with it. SCP-6570's mood did not improve over the next week, and upon being put under a respirator due to worsening conditions, largely ceased its efforts to play with the medical staff who applied treatment. It was also noticeably less interested in engaging with staff it typically 'likes'. It is to be noted that Dr Blure brought in an array of soft toys, after working hours, to initiate a play session. SCP-6570 remained largely unresponsive to Dr Blure, and started to return the toys2 after a few moments of dejectedly examining them. Addendum 3 Treatment plans: From: Dr. Refles To: Dr. Blure Subject: Treatment Concerns Morning, Over the last week, I've been growing more concerned about SCP-6570's condition, it seems to be going downhill rather than up. Especially so now that it's refusing to engage us altogether, which has been, disheartening to watch. Seeing as a referral of this nature requires both heads to approve, I want to ask if we delegate this case to the Ecology Branch, in addition to the medical. From prior research, they've handled cases that fall into our situation on medical treatments before, and I believe they'd at least be worth a try. Regards, Refles From: Dr. Blure To: Dr. Refles Subject: Re: Treatment Concerns Morning, I want to make it clear I'm hesitant on this. The Ecology Branch, and furthermore, whichever department takes this on will have full jurisdiction over further testing. If they accept this application, we can't take it back. Are you really sure you want to go through with that? From: Dr. Myceil, R. Lead of Mycology Deptartment To: Dr. Keitin, R. Lead of Entomology Dept Subject: Regarding SCP-6570's Application Afternoon! I received an application from the Ecology branch earlier today, regarding SCP-6570. Since both our departments got pinged on this matter, I believe it's necessary to start discussing the next course of action. I would propose to cross-infect SCP-6570 with an anomalous strain of Mycelium. It is known for destroying most other forms of fungi it comes into contact with, however currently it's still under trial and may pose unforeseen risks. Cheers! From: Dr. Keitin, R. Lead of Entomology Dept To: Dr. Myceil, R. Lead of Mycology Dept Subject: Re: Regarding SCP-6570's Application Afternoon to you too! In regards to our options, I'm inclined to disagree with utilising the synthesised strain, as we're not aware of its impact on an entity such as SCP-6570 at this time. With that development in mind, however, I did find 5566-ENTO was used in the synthesis logs to clean fungal remnants from test rooms. For what we're dealing with, I believe utilising 5566-ENTO will be a less risky option for all parties involved. Regards! From: Dr. Myceil, R. Lead of Mycology Dept To: Keitin, R. Lead of Entomology Dept Subject: Re: Regarding SCP-6570's Application Evening! After re-reviewing the logs, and speaking with the synthesis head, I believe this will be our best route forward. If the need arises, all relevant information regarding 5566-ENTO can be pulled from witness testimonies. With that said, since 5566-ENTO's history is locked to your department, I'll assume you'll be able to take the case from here. Sincerely, Myceil NOTICE ON UPDATED PROCEDURES REGARDING SCP-6570’s TREATMENT Morning all, The application regarding SCP-6570 was forwarded to both the Department of Mycology, and the Department of Entomology. The Entomology Dept will take priority on updated procedures, with Mycology taking a secondary role. Regarding this, SCP-6570 will be cross-contained with 5566-ENTO (which, for disclosure, is a pill bug measuring approximately 1m in length and 45cm in height) to assist Medical staff in cleaning exterior infections. 5566-ENTO will be introduced into SCP-6570's cell after it has been acclimatised to the conditions it will be working in. Regards, — Dr Keitin, Regional Lead of Entomology Department Addendum 4: Cross-Containment: VIDEO LOG DATE: 22/01/31, 11:15AM NOTE: Two weeks after the time the email exchange occurred, 5566-ENTO was deemed adequately trained for use on SCP-6570. Medical staff tending to SCP-6570 were put on a momentary standby in an observation room, so 5566-ENTO could be introduced without distractions. [BEGIN LOG] 11:15: SCP-6570, while displaying little interest in personnel beforehand, visibly attempts to grab at staff members lab coats as they leave the room. 11:17: SCP-6570 slowly moves back towards its pillow after waiting at the door for approximately 1 minute. 11:20: Dr Blure opens the cell door with 5566-ENTO in tow, causing SCP-6570 to perk up as Blure leads the entity closer. 11:21: SCP-6570 examines 5566-ENTO before attempting to touch its shell, subsequently causing it to curl up. 11:23: 5566-ENTO uncurls itself. 11:24: Dr Blure leads 5566-ENTO to a wound containing fungi, which it begins to clean on sight. SCP-6570 flinches and begins to try shifting away, before being soothed by Blure. 11:30: SCP-6570 hesitantly tries to touch 5566-ENTO, again, resulting in it curling itself again. 11:32: 5566-ENTO uncurls itself 12:16: SCP-6570 picked up its favourite toy3 and tried to give it to 5566-ENTO. Which, after obstructing 5566-ENTO's path, was brushed back in SCP-6570's direction. 13:57: 5566-ENTO finished cleaning exterior wounds. [END LOG] NOTE: 5566-ENTO was curling itself up noticeably less than the beginning of the session, and was allowed to stay for an extended period after testing concluded, in an attempt to promote more social behaviours. Medical staff, along with 5566-ENTO’s handler, were brought back into the room shortly after. Addendum 4.1: Outside Enrichment: VIDEO LOG DATE: 28/01/31, 10:36AM NOTE: Despite 5566-ENTO being less enthusiastic than expected after one week, SCP-6570’s condition had noticeably improved, warranting Dr Blure to propose allowing it an hour-long session in the Site’s garden. In addition, it was proposed that 5566-ENTO accompany SCP-6570, to see how they would interact with each other in a different setting. [BEGIN LOG] 10:36: SCP-6570 is moved into the garden. Upon touching the grass, it begins to slowly roll over to scratch its back. 10:38: Dr Blure enters with 5566-ENTO. Noticeably excited, SCP-6570 makes its way towards Dr Blure and pets 5566-ENTO’s shell. 5566-ENTO largely ignores SCP-6570 and brushes past it at a brisk pace. 10:40: 5566-ENTO makes its way towards a lavender bush. It attempts to reach the decayed flowers underneath but is blocked by the foliage. 10:40: SCP-6570 lifts the brushes enough for 5566-ENTO to reach the flowers, which it promptly picks up and begins to eat. SCP-6570 attempts to pick up some of the dead foliage too, though 5566-ENTO quickly blocks it. SCP-6570's excitement visibility diminishes in moments following. Noticing this, Dr Blure picks some of the fresher flowers and gives them SCP-6570 to examine. 10:43: 5566-ENTO begins moving to the next plant. SCP-6570 looks for a place to put the flowers down, Dr Blure goes to hold the flowers, and walks to the middle of the grass patch with them. [ 5566-ENTO surveys the shrubs for the next 20 minutes. While SCP-6570 attempts to help find decayed foliage, its efforts are largely ignored, resulting in it becoming progressively less involved in 5566-ENTO's activities. ] 11:03: SCP-6570 makes its way back to Dr Blure, who returns the lavender flowers. SCP-6570 begins to dejectedly examine the flowers. 11:05: 5566-ENTO, while appearing disinterested in SCP-6570 before this point, appears to take notice that SCP-6570 hasn’t started eating its flowers, prompting it to pick them up and walk them closer to it. Upon SCP-6570 still not consuming them, 5566-ENTO walked into the shrubs. 11:10: 5566-ENTO returns carrying a twig, placing it next to SCP-6570. After approximately a minute of waiting, it walked back into the shrubbery. 11:12: Dr Refles briefly enters the garden, and finds 5566-ENTO attempting to pick up a rock. He gives it a soft animal toy, which 5566-ENTO quickly picks up, and brings back to SCP-6570. [ 5566-ENTO emerges from a large bush and brings back the toy ] 11:14: 5566-ENTO waited for SCP-6570 to consume the toy, though after watching SCP-6570 play with it for a few moments, started to redirect its attention to play as well. [ For the remaining 22 minutes of the session, both entities were playing. ] [END LOG] NOTE: SCP-6570 went to sleep shortly after being returned to its cell. After 5566-ENTO finished cleaning, staff noticed it showed little interest in leaving, instead bringing another soft toy to SCP-6570’s pillow, appearing to wait for it to wake up. Addendum 4.2 Minor Procedure Changes: While treatment relevant for 5566-ENTO's involvement has been considered complete, it has been voted by the relevant staff4 to remain in cross-containment with SCP-6570 indefinitely, after both entities were noted to grow an emotional attachment. Notable behaviours indicating an attachment included, but were not limited to: 5566-ENTO not showing interest in returning to its holding cell, rather dodging staff to curl itself up next to SCP-6570's pillow. 5566-ENTO playing with SCP-6570 over cleaning wounds, resulting in multiple instances where medical staff would need to re-direct its attention. 5566-ENTO sharing its food with SCP-6570. When refused5, it would leave food next to it, or hide it under its pillow. Both entities conspiring to disrupt the medical team, largely executed by 5566-ENTO, which would lightly roll itself into staff or steal small-medium items midway through procedures. Considering this, both instances will be moved into a standard Biohazard chamber to account for 5566-ENTO's (now designated as SCP-6570-1) needs. Footnotes 1. it is currently hypothesised SCP-6570's 'eyes', reside within its nervous system 2. Except a single plush teddy bear. 3. A plush teddy bear 4. Dr Blure, Dr Refles, Dr Keitin, Mycology Depts' synthesis head 5. SCP-6570 currently has no known method of food consumption |
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As such, the current file likely contains outdated or no longer accurate information. CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE 2017 Item#: SCP-6571 Level4 Containment Class: argus Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: danger link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-48 Director Jessica Thomas N/A MTF Twilight-23 ("As below, so above") SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES:1 Due to the formation of the Kennedy-Foundation Accord, SCP-6571 is currently contained by the PENTAGRAM, the occult branch of the US Department of Defence. According to Director Robert Bishop (Head of the PENTAGRAM's relations office), SCP-6571 is presently housed within a large facility located somewhere within Tucson, Arizona, and that multiple American scientists and engineers are currently conducting tests on SCP-6571. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6571 is the designation given to a large paratechnological/thaumaturgical ontokinetic eigenweapon device, approximately 20 meters in height and 30 meters in width, that was initially built by the US military during the Second World War. Upon being activated, a complete longitude and latitude coordinates are to be inputted onto the monitor attached to SCP-6571. This will result in all electronic devices located within a one-kilometer circular area of the aforementioned coordinates to constantly play an anomalous signal. Individuals who are exposed to this signal will immediately exhibit symptoms of an unknown anomalous disease, which has been designated as SCP-6571-1. SCP-6571-1 comes in three different stages listed below: Stage 1: During the first 30-seconds of exposure to SCP-6571-1, subjects report having itchy skin, especially in the parts around their eyes and ears. Subjects also have a strong compulsion to write the words "Her people" on any available surface. After around ~10 minutes, subjects will proceed to Stage 2 of SCP-6571-1. Stage 2: Subjects will experience painful headaches and migraines, followed by nausea and excessive vomiting of blood. The subject's temperature will rise to abnormal levels, usually from 84 ℃ to 103 ℃. The strong compulsion to write the words "Her people" still remains. After around 20-50 minutes, subjects will proceed to Stage 3 of SCP-6571-1. Stage 3: Subjects will then enter a stage of considerable emotional distress, which comprises of screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. They will then cause self-harm, which includes attempting to mutilate themselves to use their blood to write the words "Her people" on any available surface, resulting in subsequent symptoms of psychosis, blood loss, and massive internal trauma. The subjects will then proceed to commit suicide, usually by snapping their neck at the base of their skull, or by self-strangulation. There are currently no known means of curing or mitigating SCP-6571-1. ADDENDUM 6571.1: History Entrance to the facility holding SCP-6571. According to recovered documents, SCP-6571 was first commissioned to be built on January 12th, 1945, in order to play a part in Project CALIBURN, an operation conducted by the US military in order to gain the upper hand during the Second World War using paratechnology. At the time, SCP-6571's construction was under the supervision of General Arthur Vincent (previously a commander for the 388th Independent Special Company). However, on April 30th, 1945, the project was mysteriously abandoned, and SCP-6571 was left unfinished. SCP-6571 was rediscovered on August 31st, 2016, by a group of urban explorers who were exploring the abandoned facility housing SCP-6571. The urban explorers accidentally activated SCP-6571, and unknowingly entered the coordinates onto its monitor. This resulted in a small nearby town exhibiting symptoms of SCP-6571-1, with 48 civilian casualties being reported. The Foundation was immediately alerted, and containment teams were immediately mobilized in order to ascertain the nature of SCP-6571-1. The containment teams were able to isolate and terminate all those that were affected with SCP-6571-1. They then conducted a misinformation campaign by utilizing standard Class-A amnestics and Cover Story 6571-255 "Harmful Waste Gas Leakage" has been disseminated to all local and regional media located within the town at the time. Subsequent analysis on the town by Foundation agents led to the discovery of SCP-6571 and the facility previously holding it, along with the corpses of the urban explorers. Foundation containment teams were able to transport SCP-6571 to Research Site-48, and its anomalous properties were able to be ascertained. SCP-6571 was then placed within a containment warehouse. On September 5th, 2016, the PENTAGRAM contacted the Foundation to request ownership of SCP-6571. When they were first denied, the PENTAGRAM presented Foundation personnel with the legally binding clauses Section H-278 of the Kennedy-Foundation Accord, which states: The Kennedy-Foundation Accord Section H: The PENTAGRAM are to be allowed permission to possess custody and/or ownership on an anomalous object/entity, as long as it fits within the following criteria: The object/entity was discovered in a location currently under the jurisdiction of the United States. The object/entity was initially created by any parties associated with the US government. The object/entity is considered to be of low threat and can be easily contained. Any external organization that does not comply with the aforementioned clauses will be considered a grave offense, as such will result in immediate hostility. Due to this, SCP-6571 was handed over to the PENTAGRAM to avoid any confrontation, along with all relevant documentation. ADDENDUM 6571.2: Incident Log On January 23rd, 2017, the Foundation received the following message from the Chief of OSAT: ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE OCCULT AND SUPERNATURAL ACTIVITY TASKFORCE Police in the Province of Québec have reported that a nearby settlement has possibly succumbed to an anomalous occurrence. They have found multiple bodies that possess broken necks and several of them have deep strangle marks. Subsequent analysis of the area revealed that some of the electronic devices were previously playing some sort of unknown signal. We are currently looking into it. The reason for contacting you was that we were interested if you know anything about this, as some of your own contained anomalies do have properties that are consistent with the description of the bodies. Please report to us immediately if you have any information. — Sergeant Benoit Gauthier, Chief Superintendent, OSAT The Foundation replied to the message, saying that they have no input regarding the incident but will update the OSAT if any relevant information has been discovered. However, it was noted by Dr. Frederick Seagan (previous research head for SCP-6571) that the description of the bodies was consistent with individuals exhibiting symptoms of SCP-6571-1. The Department of Advanced Diplomacy contacted the PENTAGRAM to discuss matters related to the incident. The transcription of the discussion has been provided below: Location: Site-48 Date: 25/01/2017 Individuals Present: Dr. Randald Malcom, Department of Advanced Diplomacy Director Robert Bishop, PENTAGRAM's relations office <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Malcom: Hello, Bishop. Director Bishop: Hey, Malcom! Nice to see you again! How're you? Dr. Malcom: I'm fine, thanks. (clears throat) Do you know why we arranged this in the first place? Director Bishop: I'm assuming it's regarding AW/7696-S?2 Dr. Malcom: Yes, that is correct. Director Bishop: Oh, okay. What's up? What do you need to know? Dr. Malcom: So, a couple of days ago, a settlement located in Canada was reported to have an anomalous occurrence. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police discovered that multiple of the bodies were consistent with those that were affected by the disease the signal belonging to the weapon produces. Director Bishop: Oh! I see. Dr. Malcom: You say that PENTAGRAM are conducting tests on the weapon? What kind of testing? Director Bishop: Well, I believe we're testing how the weapon works, so we're inputting coordinates into it and experimenting with the effects of them on certain secluded areas PENTAGRAM has. So, I guess we accidentally inputted the wrong coordinates, and it got Canada. Dr. Malcom: Are you certain it was an accident? Director Bishop: Yeah, sure. Dr. Malcom: You don't really sound positive there, Bishop. Director Bishop: Well, uhh, h-how many casualties were reported from Canada? Dr. Malcom: (sighs) They were 13 reported casualties. Also, since this is technically PENTAGRAM's fault, you need to pay compensation for all the amnestics the Foundation were forced to use. Director Bishop: Okay, that seems fair. I suppose this ends our discussion, now that that's all been taken care of? Dr. Malcom: Well, I suppose. You still need to have a talk with our legal consultant, though. Director Bishop: Alright, noted. The PENTAGRAM sends our regards to the Canadians. Dr. Malcom: I'll let them know. <END LOG> The PENTAGRAM paid compensation to the Foundation and additionally also donated to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. ADDENDUM 6571.3: Incident Log 2, 3 and 4 On February 3rd, 2017, the British Occult Service (or MI-666) contacted the Foundation regarding an anomalous incident that occurred at their largest command station in London, where several of their operatives died by apparent suicide. The circumstances of these deaths were nearly identical to those affected by SCP-6571-1; as a result, Foundation teams subsequently attempted to contact the PENTAGRAM. A response was not received. On March 14th, 2017, WORMAC-2RC (the second-largest containment facility belonging to the Australian Abnormal Intelligence Bureau) was reported to have been "attacked" by an unknown memetic contagion causing multiple individuals to begin screaming and breaking each other's necks. Similarities to SCP-6571-1 were noted and the Foundation immediately contacted the PENTAGRAM again, but they never responded. On April 25th, 2017, an embedded Foundation agent within the Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts (ORIA) reported that their largest facility center experienced an anomalous occurrence, where multiple ORIA personnel were suddenly screaming and committing suicide via self-strangulation. Contact with the PENTAGRAM was conducted again but subsequently failed. Due to this, a group of Foundation personnel from the Department of Advanced Diplomacy was sent in to investigate matters at the facility holding SCP-6571 in Tucson, Arizona. However, when they arrived, it was discovered that the facility was completely vacant and uninhabited. It quickly became apparent that the PENTAGRAM has transported SCP-6571 to another unknown location, without the direct consent of the Foundation. ADDENDUM 6571.4: Interview Log On April 27th, 2017, a former intelligence operative of the PENTAGRAM, Special Agent Camilla Kortney, contacted Foundation personnel through a private secure channel to discuss matters related to SCP-6571 and the recent incidents involving other anomalous groups. The transcription of the interview has been provided below: Interviewer: Dr. Randald Malcom, Department of Advanced Diplomacy Interviewee: Special Agent Camilla Kortney, PENTAGRAM Foreword: The following interview was conducted at a local cafe at the request of Agent Kortney. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Malcom: Hello, Agent. Thank you for contacting us. Agent Kortney: And thank you, for coming all this way. Dr. Malcom: It's fine, really. So, you say you have some information regarding, uhh… "AW/7696-S"? Agent Kortney: Actually, I'm here to give you this. Agent Kortney reaches into her pocket and pulls out a red hard drive. She hands it towards Dr, Malcom. Dr. Malcom: What's this? Agent Kortney: It contains evidence and printed documents about PENTAGRAM's latest project, dubbed CALIBURN-DARK. Dr. Malcom: Project CALIBURN? I thought that was abandoned back in World War Two. Agent Kortney: Look, whatever recovered documents you've found, don't believe any of it. Dr. Malcom: Why not? Agent Kortney: Because the US military wasn't the one that created the weapon. It was initially built by the Soviets during the Cold War in the 1950s. The US stole the weapon after the War ended and claimed it was their own. Dr. Malcom: Hmm… If what you're saying is right, then PENTAGRAM were the ones that didn't comply with the Kennedy-Foundation Accord, despite them presenting it in the first place. Agent Kortney: That's what I'm saying! All of this is fucking illegal! You need to bring them to court with this. Dr. Malcom: I'll see what the Foundation could do with this info. So, you mentioned something about a Project CALIBURN-DARK? Does that have any correlation to the recent events involving other anomalous groups and the weapon? Agent Kortney: Yes, actually. I assume you've noticed a pattern in all of the incidents? Dr. Malcom: The only connection I'm seeing is that all of them are places belonging to external governmental groups. Agent Kortney: Exactly! CALIBURN-DARK is a highly-classified operation that plans on using the weapon to target multiple governments that are directly involved in the anomalous. The PENTAGRAM, and the United States as a whole, want to become the dominant organization involving anomalies by sabotaging the competition. Canada, Britain, and Australia were just the beginning. They're planning to hit big players, like Germany, Japan, and the Russians. If this goes on, it could potentially start a third World War and I don't want to be anything a part of that. I was hoping the Foundation could end this whole thing somehow. Dr. Malcom: I understand your position and I shall see what the Foundation could do regarding this. Agent Kortney: Thank you. This honestly means a lot. Dr. Malcom: Will you be fine? I can't imagine what PENTAGRAM would do to a defector. Agent Kortney: Yeah, it's okay. I have some connections in Tri-Portlands, so I can probably lay low for a while. Dr. Malcom: That's good to hear. Please, stay safe. <END LOG> ADDENDUM 6571.5: GOC Involvement On April 30th, 2017, the Foundation received a message from the Global Occult Coalition via a secure network channel, which reads the following: From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Reoccuring Anomalous Phenomenon Date: 30/04/17 Greetings, Foundation. Our operatives have received multiple reports regarding an unknown anomalous phenomenon that seems to be targeting governmental groups that are related to the anomalous. Despite our research being limited, it seems that the phenomenon seems to take the form of individuals committing suicide via strangulation or the breaking of one's neck. Any input or information your organization possesses regarding these recent events would both be helpful and beneficial in properly figuring out this anomaly, as these incidents could possibly affect both of our operations. With regards, General Konstantin Mulhausen, GOC External Operations Chief The Foundation has not responded to the message at this time. ADDENDUM 6571.6: Meeting Transcript The following is a video recording of a meeting conducted to discuss matters regarding the recent anomalous incidents related to SCP-6571 affecting governmental anomalous groups, and how the Foundation should properly take action regarding both matters. Location: Site-48 Date: 29/04/2017 Individuals Present: Dr. Randald Malcom, Department of Advanced Diplomacy Director Gerald Thomas, Containment Committee Director Hector Reese, Classification Committee Dr. Johnson Baxter, Department of Paranormal Organisation Review <BEGIN LOG> Dir. Thomas: Hello, everyone. I'm sure all of you have received a prior e-mail regarding what this meeting is about? Dir. Reese: Yes. We are currently looking at options of what the Foundation could do to stop these anomalous occurrences from happening. We have a few memorandums here that we would like to go over one by on- Dr. Malcom: If I may, Director? Dir. Reese: It is rude to interrupt, but please proceed. Dr. Malcom: Thank you. The Department of Advanced Diplomacy has already devised a plan to deal with the recent events regarding SCP-6571 and to also avoid similar occurrences in the near future. The plan is completely foolproof if I don't say so myself. Dr. Baxter: What is it exactly? Dr. Malcom: Well, to simplify; We're gonna blackmail PENTAGRAM. Dir. Thomas: Wait, what? Dr. Malcom: Think about it. Hundreds of our own anomalies are lost due to the Kennedy-Foundation Accord ever since its formation in 1962. Think of what we can achieve with this kind of leverage dangling over PENTAGRAM's head. Proper and complete containment of anomalies under PENTAGRAM can be achieved. Dir. Reese: How will you go about this? Dr. Malcom: I'm glad you ask, Director. First, we send some partial info from the hard drive to the PENTAGRAM network channel, letting them know that we know about CALIBURN-DARK. They'll probably get freaked out a bit and ask us about we got it, but we don't have to answer. Then, we demand that they return SCP-6571 into Foundation custody as it goes against the whole Kennedy-Foundation Accord, and if they don't comply, we'll say that we will leak the hard drive to both the UN and the GOC. Dir. Reese: (pauses) That could be… surprisingly effective. But I doubt the Ethics Committee or the O5s will approve of this. Dr. Malcom: I've already presented this to the Council. It was a close one, but it got approved. And the Committee is too busy with their whole Humanoid Ethical Reintegration Program. This will probably fly over their heads. Dir. Thomas: I can't be the only one that thinks this whole thing is wrong, right? I mean we can't just do that. Dr. Malcom: I've done these things before, Director. Trust me, getting dirt and gaining influence over an organization is always beneficial for the Foundation. If this goes on, we can probably gain control of the US military, or even the whole of the US government, while also getting ownership for any secret projects and/or anomalies PENTAGRAM has. Dir. Thomas: You're insane. Advanced Diplomacy is insane. Dr. Malcom: Advanced Diplomacy is about getting matters to your own hands, but sometimes your hands already have dirt on them. <END LOG> ADDENDUM 6571.7: Contact with the PENTAGRAM On May 2nd, 2017, the Department of Advanced Diplomacy sent a message to a network channel belonging to the PENTAGRAM that contains some partial relevant documents and memorandums related to Project CALIBURN-DARK. Immediately after the message was sent, the PENTAGRAM responded with the following: Attention, Foundation. It is imperative that you inform us where exactly did you receive the documents from your previous message. This is a violation of US security to the highest degree and all those who are associated with this shall be properly dealt with. With regards, Director Darwin Frederick, PENTAGRAM The Foundation responded the message with following: From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: No subject Date: 02/05/17 Attention, PENTAGRAM. Please return SCP-6571 (or AW/7696-S) to the nearest Foundation site located within your vicinity, as evidence from the documents and memorandums presented within our previous message reveals that the anomaly does not possess the full requirements of the Kennedy-Foundation Accord. Refusal or noncompliance of the request above will result in the anonymous leakage of the aforementioned documents to both the United Nations and the Global Occult Coalition. Dr. Randald Malcom, Department of Advanced Diplomacy Secure, Contain, Protect On May 5th, 2017, a large cargo was delivered to a Foundation front company located somewhere in Houston, Texas. The cargo was sent by operative agents of the FBI's Unusual Incidents Unit, though short interviews conducted with them reveal that they have no knowledge of the exact contents of the cargo itself. It was then delivered by Foundation agents to Site-82 to be investigated further. The cargo was opened, and inside contains SCP-6571. The Department of Advanced Diplomacy was immediately contacted regarding this. Per orders of the Containment Committee, to avoid any sort of breach attempts by the PENTAGRAM, SCP-6571 is to be held within a standard containment warehouse located in Site-400, a facility in the Newcastle region, in Northern Ireland. Its containment class, containment procedures, and description will be updated accordingly. Footnotes 1. Argus: The anomaly's containment is currently under the purview of a third party. 2. Alternate classification the PENTAGRAM has given to SCP-6571. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6571" by NDHeckfire, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: entrance.jpg Name: File:Atlas No. 3 Coal Mine entrance.jpg Author: Jeffery J. Nichols License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Source Link: |
SCP-6572 | neutralized | LORDXVNV SCP-6572 by LORDXVNV LORDXVNV's Author Page Item#: 6572 Level2 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo Emergence Event of SCP-6572. Special Containment Procedures: The current location of SCP-6572 is unknown. Therefore, containment efforts are to be directed towards falsifying reported causes of death for SCP-6572's victims and explaining damage to infrastructure.1 Description: SCP-6572 is a sword labelled as being able to cut through anything. It is not affected by friction. SCP-6572 also appears to be resistant to high temperatures and pressures. No visual descriptions of SCP-6572 prior to classification exist. Cross-referencing characteristics of SCP-6572 with those of swords historically possessed by Marshall, Carter, and Dark has been deemed infeasible. Discovery: SCP-6572 was one of several unnoteworthy anomalous items seized in a raid on a Marshall, Carter, and Dark warehouse on 6/24/2002. During initial transit to the nearest Foundation site, the storage unit of SCP-6572 (later determined to utilize electromagnetic suspension) failed. SCP-6572 pierced its storage unit, destroying its MC&D unique identifier label, and proceeded to fall into the ground. SCP-6572 was presumed lost. On 12/1/2002, witnesses in Perth, Australia reported that a man "exploded into viscera". High-speed camera footage suggested that the cause was SCP-6572. SCP-6572 travelled in a parabolic arc, reentering the earth approximately 30 meters away. It is presumed that SCP-6572 will remerge in Bermuda, the antipode2 of Perth. SCP-6572 has been classified as Euclid. Update 4/30/2003: On 4/10/2003, witnesses reported that Donald Duck at Disneyland had been scattered across the park. Surveillance footage indicated that the cause of death was SCP-6572. It was determined that while SCP-6572 does not appear to be affected by friction, it is affected by lateral forces from convective currents present within earth's mantle and core, altering its velocity. As such, without a comprehensive model of the earth's mantle, it is impossible to accurately predict the trajectory of SCP-6572. SCP-6572 has been upgraded to Keter. A full list of SCP-6572 emergence events is available upon request. Over 50 emergence events have been directly observed. Update 6/30/2010: SCP-6572 appears to be accelerating. At every emergence event, SCP-6572 travels further before reentering the ground. It is estimated that SCP-6572 will escape from earth's gravity by 2020. Update 9/30/2017: SCP-6572 left earth's gravity well on 9/12/2017. Containment efforts are no longer necessary. SCP-6572 reclassified to Neutralized. No more dangerous than other space junk now. —Dr. Solstice Footnotes 1. As of 9/12/2017, these containment procedures no longer apply. 2. 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SCP-6483 The Polar Express Ralliston SCP-6542 Virgin Dairy 2: SECOND CHURNING JakdragonX SCP-6596 8 Mile: The Beast of Lust and Hatred Born PlaguePJP SCP-6760 Better Luck Next Time Liryn Tales Page Co-Author A Nightmare Dreary DodoDevil, DrGooday, LAN 2D, Impperatrix The Bathrooms Wiki THE YURT Hubs Page Co-Author SPC Hub MrWrong, Lt Flops, PeppersGhost Holiday Hub Deadly Bread, PeppersGhost, TheBoxOfFun Hide ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6572" by LORDXVNV, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: dustboom.jpg Author: Sgt Armondo Monroig, USA License: C0 (released to public no copyright restriction) Source Link: |
SCP-6573 | keter | Item#: 6573 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: notice Risk Class: dark link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Identified SCP-6573 instances are to be caught, banded, and then released to aid in tracking the size of the population. Due to the endemic nature of the population, no further containment measures are necessary. A Photographed SCP-6573 instance Description: SCP-6573 denotes the population of pigeons endemic to Site-357. While SCP-6573 instances are physiologically identical to rock pigeons,1 observations from site personnel identified strange behavior patterns across all instances, which are as follows: They are passive in the presence of humans, rarely fleeing when personnel approach. Instances shred scavenged and unattended food with their beaks rather than consuming it. While they display mating behaviors, no SCP-6573 instance has been observed to produce offspring. Personnel have reported feeling as though they are "being watched" by SCP-6573 instances. Instances have been recorded "falling out of the air", and appear to struggle to maintain flight for long periods of time. Site personnel note that instances "walk weird". Despite these traits, Site-357's SCP-6573 population has been steadily rising, measured at approximately 264 in the last population survey. Incident 6573-1: On 8/11/2023, Site Director Esther Sparks located an SCP-6573 instance within her office. After capturing the instance, she found the following note attached to its leg, coupled with a copy of the 6573 file. Took a gander at your review of my doves. Sorry they weren't quite up to scratch, but that's what happens when you wing it, eh! Lesson learned, I guess. I even agree with you! I agree! They aren't realistic at all, but I'd prefer you'd contact me directly, y'know, so I can actually do anything about it. Still, the batch sucks. I'm abandoning it, just so you know. Whatever though. Whatever. I don't care. Please, just tell me to my face next time rather than being weird about it, ok? What do I even do about them "walking weird"? Nevermind. Yours in song, Lovebird Investigations into the whereabouts of PoI-6573 ("Lovebird") are underway. Three petrified SCP-6573 instances Incident 6573-2: At 2:00PM on 8/13/2023, every SCP-6573 instance simultaneously underwent comprehensive petrification, the falling debris of which injured 15 members of staff, but killed none. Following the incident, on site MTF Psi-64 ("Art Attack") agents were deployed to recover all instances in the area. In total, while many were in a state of disrepair, approximately 305 petrified instances were recovered and show no further anomalous activity. Due to this, SCP-6573 is pending reclassification to Neutralized. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6573" by IndustryStandard, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: pigeon Name: Rock Pigeon-Mindaugas Urbonas-2.jpg Author: Mindaugas Urbonas License: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.5) Source Link: Filename: pigeons Name: Dordrecht kunstwerk Sabine Zwikker.jpg Author: Wikifrits License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication Source Link: Footnotes 1. or rock doves (Columba Livia) |
SCP-6574 | euclid | close Info X SCP-6574: A Funeral for a Parrot Author: CrystalMonarch More by this author Item #: SCP-6574 Level 2/6574 Classified A practitioner of SCP-6574 mid-ritual. Special Containment Procedures: All current practitioners of SCP-6574 are contained within Facility-07NZ on Taonga Tuku1, New Zealand. This facility maintains a cover story as the privately owned ‘Audrey Taumata Memorial Nature Reserve’. Description: SCP-6574 is a ritual that channels the natural Geo-Thaumic energy of Taonga Tuku to create Class IV Psychospiritual Entities. The only known practitioners of this ritual are a flock of kea2, who are believed to have learned it from the now defunct GOI-7114. The kea flock are not themselves anomalous, but as a species they are naturally intelligent3 and are known to form strong social bonds. The usefulness and apparent simplicity of SCP-6574 has been sufficient for the kea to have passed on its practice through the generations of their flock since the disbanding of GOI-7114. The purpose and function of SCP-6574 is not yet fully understood. However, the kea have been observed to conduct this ritual only after the death of a member of their flock. The ritual consists of members of the flock positioning themselves at certain points in relation to the corpse and making specific wing gestures and vocal intonations. Attempts to replicate these rituals with human participants have thus far been unsuccessful, with the exception of Experiment 23/11/1983. SCP-6574-1 are the Class IV Psychospiritual Entities created by SCP-6574. They are invisible and inaudible under normal conditions, including both direct observation and most forms of recording equipment. Thaumaturgically sensitive recording systems have been somewhat more effective, showing indistinct dark masses around 1 to 3 meters in height. These masses are highly mobile and recordings have captured them emitting low pitched grunting sounds as well as loud booming vocalisations. These entities are highly territorial and respond violently to any perceived threats to the kea flock. They are also effective ambush predators, and have been observed to engage in hunting large mammals despite showing no capacity or desire to eat. Origins and History: GOI-7114 consisted of the indigenous population of Taonga Tuku prior to European colonisation. This group appears to have been aware of the Geo-Thaumic energies present on the island, and to have developed a number of ritual practices to channel them. Of these ritual practices, only SCP-6574 remains. Little is known about this group as the Foundation had no direct interaction with them and they left no written records. All knowledge of this group comes from Foundation contacts within the Vatican Archives and the GOC. Human habitation of Taonga Tuku first occurred some time in the late 1300s as a group of Māori from Aotearoa4 settled there. It is unclear at what point they developed the capacity to utilise the island’s natural Geo-Thaumic energies, but these rituals were a central part of GOI-7114’s culture by the time of their first contact with Europeans. Initial contact was friendly, with some trade established, and the Māori of Taonga Tuku remained largely isolated from the many conflicts and changes to traditional lifestyles that occurred on Aotearoa and many of the other islands. This was largely due to Taonga Tuku’s geography, with no natural harbours and mountainous terrain it was unsuitable for most forms of agriculture. This state of affairs continued until 1865, when GOI-11125 discovered the presence of easily accessible Geo-Thaumic energies on the island. GOI-1112 utilised their contacts within the British authorities to have GOI-7114 declared rebels, and to have their land legally confiscated by the colonial government6. GOI-7114 attempted to resist the subsequent invasion but were unable to withstand the combined forces of the British military and GOI-1112. Those that survived the conflict were relocated to other parts of New Zealand, where they either assimilated into life in the larger cities and towns, or merged with other tribal groups. Much of the culture of GOI-7114 was lost at this point and oral histories amongst their descendants have yielded little useful information. GOI-1112 attempted to utilise the Geo-Thaumic energies of Taonga Tuku to resurrect various historical and mythical figures7. All such attempts were unsuccessful and the GOI-1112 presence on Taonga Tuku was eradicated by the GOC in 1954. After this, the island remained largely unpopulated until the late 1970s, at which point forested area in the southern lowlands was cleared to create pasture for grazing sheep. Throughout the time since GOI-7114 were forcibly disbanded, the kea practitioners of SCP-6574 remained isolated to the more mountainous northern portion of this island, and as such their anomalous capabilities remined undetected until 1982. SCP-6574 After Action Report: 15/06/1982 Date: 15/06/1982 Location: Taonga Tuku, New Zealand Recovery Team: Recovery Team Alpha-38 Anomalous Activity: Multiple deceased sheep reported in the north of Taonga Tuku. Wounds indicated attack by a large avian entity, with talon and beak marks significantly larger than that of any known non-anomalous species. Deceased sheep were left for scavengers and the avian entity shows no sign of consuming or attempted to consume any of the corpses. Result: The SCP-6574-1 entities were initially encountered during the capture of kea specimens as part of a sampling of native wildlife. Two members of the scientific team were injured in the initial attack and Agents with G47 visors9 identified the SCP-6574-1 entities. Conventional weaponry and general purpose counter-religious invocations were ineffective, and several Agents were injured in the resulting conflict. Agent Taumata was then able to identify that the SCP-6574-1 entities were acting in defence of the kea, and separated from the rest of Research Team Alpha-3 while firing at the kea flock. All SCP-6574-1 entities then pursued and ultimately killed her, allowing the remaining members of Research Team Alpha-3 time to retreat with the injured. Later tracking of thaumaturgic energies led to the discovery of the flock of SCP-6574 practitioners, and their subsequent containment. Experiment Log: 23/11/1983 Foreword: This was part of a series of tests conducted in an attempt to identify and replicate the effects of SCP-6574. Lead Researcher Mateo Taumata operated a drone designed to imitate a kea that had been assimilated into the flock over the several weeks prior. Junior Researcher Matilda Danford was also present to assist. Both were in the Site Observation Room where they had access to thaumaturgically sensitive camera feeds from around Facility-07NZ. <BEGIN LOG> Rs. Danford: Uh, 2:45pm and Dr Taumata is about to attempt to participate in the SCP-6574 ritual. That’s the recording started now, Doctor. Dr Taumata: Okay, no problems so far. I’m just getting the drone into position, could you describe the situation for the record? Rs. Danford: Sure. So, earlier today when I was monitoring the kea’s enclosure I noticed Dotty- Dr Taumata: Subject-237. Rs. Danford: Uh, sorry, yes, Subject-237 was lying on the ground and didn’t appear to be moving. I approached and confirmed that she was deceased, and at that point I alerted Dr Taumata so that he could use the drone to participate in the SCP-6574 ritual. Dr Taumata: OK, great work Matilda. Now keep an eye on the display and let me know if anything shows up. Rs. Danford: Will do. Oh, it looks like Subject-237’s parents are there, I recognise the grey colouration on her dad’s wing. It’s such a shame, y’know? Dotty looked fine at feeding time yesterday, and she was only three. I wonder what happened to her. Dr Taumata: sighs You need to stop sympathising with your subjects if you ever want to get anywhere with the Foundation, Matilda. You’re a smart young woman and I know you have the potential to go far, but you have to get it into your head that these aren’t pets. Without an impartial perspective you will only put yourself and others at risk. Rs. Danford: Yes Doctor, you’re right, I’m sorry. They sit in silence as Dr Taumata directs the drone to wait in position near Subject-237 while the other kea gather. When a majority of the flock is assembled, four move into position around the corpse of Subject-237, including the drone, and the SCP-6574 ritual begins. Taumata directs the drone to make the appropriate vocalisations10 and gestures at each point in the ritual. Rs. Danford: Dr Taumata, I’m seeing something on the monitors, multiple shapes forming around 237. Dr Taumata: Two to the north-east and one just south of the corpse? Rs. Danford: Yes Doctor, you can see them?11 Dr Taumata: Yes, I believe the ritual’s working… Oh wow, I can see them clearly now. Rs. Danford: What’s happening? It still just looks like blurs on all the monitors. Dr Taumata: It’s strange, they look partially transparent, maybe not fully corporeal, but the details are distinct. It’s like Dr Mathieson theorised, they’re Phorusrhacids. Rs. Danford: Sorry, what? Dr Taumata: Terrorbirds. Extinct avian predators that filled the same ecological niche as lions or wolves. These are big ones though, there’s one there that’s got to be nearly three meters, and that beak! Rs. Danford: Oh, that explains the wounds on the sheep! The field reports said the wounds looked like a giant bird had ripped apart the sheep and… and the human victim. Sorry, doctor. Dr Taumata: It’s fine. At first observation the entities don’t appear to be any more intelligent than the animals they resemble, which is good. Hopefully that means current containment methods will continue to be sufficient and we can- Oh dear. Rs. Danford: What’s wrong? Dr Taumata: Matilda, please aim one of the C53s12 at the interior of the Observation Room, and then I want you to leave here as quickly as possible. There is an entity in the room with us. Rs. Danford: Is it one of the terrorbirds? Dr Taumata: No. No, she looks human. An old Māori woman, with facial tattoos, wearing traditional dress and she… she’s talking to me. I… I don’t know who you are. We’re scientists, we’re here only to study and to observe, we don’t mean you any harm.13 At this point Matilda activated a C53 recording device, and then left the Observation Room. The C53 recording showed a blurred image, roughly humanoid in size and shape, standing in a previously unoccupied area of the Observation Room, adjacent to Dr Taumata. This entity is henceforth referred to as SCP-6574-B1 SCP-6574-B1: But you are not just a scientist, my child, you are a person and you are in mourning. Dr Taumata: The kea are the ones mourning, I’m just observing. Who are you, where did you come from? Are you part of the Māori group who created this ritual? SCP-6574-B1: No, I am not of those who wrought this magic, but I know them. In death, all are one. I am your family and your ancestors, my child, just as those mighty hunters are ancestors of the kea. The ritual was created to allow us to meet, to break the boundaries of life and death so that those who came before may give their descendants the help they need. Dr Taumata: Ancestors, plural. So you’re not an individual, just some amalgamation of residual psychic energies, speaking in riddles to sound wise. How can I know that what you say is even true? SCP-6574-B1: Because you feel its truth Mateo, because you need what this ritual provides. Dr Taumata: I don’t need anything to do with SCP-6574, I mourn my wife enough. This ritual brings no peace, it’s the reason she’s dead. SCP-6574-B1: The kea did not mean to hurt anyone, they summoned their ancestors to remember their dead and to help them hunt in times of need. When you and your colleagues came into their territory, the kea were afraid and called upon their ancestors for help. They did not know that you meant no harm, it was an accident. Dr Taumata: Small consolation. She’s gone now, dead and gone forever and all the ghosts and illusions in the world can’t change that. SCP-6574-B1: The dead can never return to the world of the living, that much is true. But the kea carried on the ritual because it meant something to them, because they wished to remember those who had been lost. Because of that, you can remember me and my people Mateo, all those who remain only as memory. And that which is remembered is never truly lost. At this point in the recording, the blurred image of SCP-6574-B1 altered in size and shape, becoming slightly larger, before approaching Dr Taumata and partially enveloping him. Dr Taumata has described that from his perspective the entity’s shape altered to resemble deceased Foundation Agent Audrey Taumata. At the point in which the entity partially enveloped him, he described the sensation of a warm embrace. After this, all thaumaturgic entities dissipated. <END LOG> Closing Statement: Following the conclusion of this test, further research into GOI-7114 via the use of SCP-6574 is ongoing, under the direction of Dr Taumata. Additionally, Dr Taumata has requested and received authorisation to publicly release any non-anomalous findings on GOI-7114’s history and cultural practices. Footnotes 1. Also known as Mullen Island. 2. Nestor notabilis, an endangered species of alpine parrot native to New Zealand. 3. Kea have cognitive ability scores approximately equivalent to dolphins, crows and the great apes. 4. North Island, New Zealand. 5. Disciples of the Ascendant Pope. 6. This action was legalised under the 1863 New Zealand Settlements Act and was not unusual at this time in the colonisation of the region. 7. Including Marcus Aurelius, Archangel Michael, Pope Constantine II and Jesus of Nazareth. 8. A mixed composition team, with scientific staff, support personnel and multiple Agents specialised in counter-anomalous combat. 9. Fitted with a number of lenses capable of detecting thaumaturgic energy emissions, Hume distortions and/or Akiva radiation. 10. Via a concealed cassette player replaying recordings from previous SCP-6574 rituals. 11. At this time Dr Taumata was viewing the ritual through the drone’s inbuilt camera, which was not thaumaturgically sensitive and should not have been able to display the SCP-6574 entities. 12. Thaumaturgically sensitive audio-visual recorders 13. This and all subsequent speech was in Te Reo, the Māori language, but has been translated to English for the purposes of this document. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6574" by CrystalMonarch, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: kea.jpg Name: Kea. New Zealand Alpine Parrot. (Nestor notabilis) Author: Bernard Spragg. NZ License: Public Domain Source Link: Flickr |
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Item №: SCP-6575 Level 4/6575 Classified SCP-6575 event in progress. [FURTHER CONTEXT REDACTED] Special Containment Procedures: Containment Notice Information about SCP-6575 is known to be harmful to individuals with conventionally aligned rational paradigms. As such, certain parts of the SCP-6575 file are only accessible to members of the Department of Surrealistics. Additionally, certain parts of the SCP-6575 file may appear illogical or redundant. This is by design. Direct containment of SCP-6575 is currently infeasible; however, immediate response to SCP-6575 events is sufficient to mitigate their effects. The Department of Surrealistics has been tasked with conducting research on SCP-6575, coordinating SCP-6575 response operations and developing predictive models of SCP-6575 events. This file is maintained as a joint operation between the Surrealistics Department and its assigned Foundation liaisons. Mobile Task Force Nu-1 ("Chainsmokers") has been enlisted to respond to SCP-6575 events. Members of MTF Nu-1 are to possess a Cognitive Resistance Value (CRV)1 of 2 at most, as well as experience operating in low-gravity environments. Upon confirmation of a SCP-6575 event, MTF Nu-1 members are to immediately establish a provisional outpost at sea level in the affected location before proceeding into SCP-6575-1 and executing Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT. Members of Nu-1 are not permitted to fully comprehend Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT under any circumstances. Detailed knowledge of the procedure is restricted to Surrealistics Department personnel, who are to periodically establish contact with Nu-1 members while they are within SCP-6575-1 and disseminate either relevant or irrelevant details. In the absence of direct guidance, Nu-1 members are advised to act on instinct rather than logical reasoning when possible. Following the procedure’s completion and the cessation of the SCP-6575 event, all direct witnesses to SCP-6575 — including members of MTF Nu-1 — are to be detained. They are to be kept in custody until they have been confirmed to lack any knowledge relevant to the containment of SCP-6575. Following this, civilian witnesses may be given amnestics and standard operations may resume. Description: [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] Addendum 6575.01: Containment History The history of SCP-6575 is difficult to safely comprehend or record in a legible format. It is known that, due to a poor understanding of the anomaly, early SCP-6575 events caused high civilian casualties and severe damage to local reality. Containment efforts were frequently impeded by fatal semantic disassociation and [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] eversion of Foundation personnel. The primary focus of containment was eventually shifted to informational quarantine. While successful at reducing casualties, these measures proved mostly ineffective in abating SCP-6575's harmful influence on reality. Additionally, it was determined that SCP-6575 events [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575]. The gradual propagation of [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] throughout the Noosphere2 was projected to lead to a total containment failure within one year. At the peak of SCP-6575 activity, an emergency summit was called between department heads to discuss alternate containment procedures for SCP-6575, O5-2 presiding. During this summit, Surrealistics Director Marcel Sequitur proposed [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575]. Due to a lack of other viable options, Dir. Sequitur's proposal was accepted. Field testing proved it to be fully effective in negating SCP-6576 events, after which it was further refined into Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT. The current SCP-6575 containment procedures were developed and put into operation over the following two months, reducing SCP-6575 activity to acceptable levels. Addendum 6575.02: Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] The mechanism by which Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT forces the cessation of a SCP-6575 event is unknown. It is theorized that conventional rational thought is near-completely incompatible with the structure of Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT. Due to this, information related to the procedure naturally self-disposes from most human minds after it is performed. However, Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT does not result in lasting physical or psychological harm to participating personnel; the only side effect observed is a reduction in proprioceptive skills lasting 1-2 days. Note that injuries and death can still occur within SCP-6575-1 from sources unrelated to Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT. Addendum 6575.03: SCP-6575 Event Log In order to aid Foundation personnel in comprehending SCP-6575 as fully as possible, the Surrealistics Department has provided a partial transcript of a MTF Nu-1 expedition into SCP-6575-1 during which Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT was performed. Stylistic discrepancies are intentional. Hazardous portions of the transcript have been excised.3 Attending Personnel: N1-Charlie (Captain), N1-Foxtrot, Command Foreword: Good old Charlie is highly experienced in conducting Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT. They lack memories of the nitty-gritty, of course, but muscle memory and a bit of good old anomalous elbow grease fills in the gaps. Foxtrot, on the other hand, is still wet behind the ears — pardon the partial pun. Let's see how they do, shall we? [BEGIN LOG] (Charlie and Foxtrot stand on a shore somewhere, looking out over the [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] that used to be the ocean. Foxtrot lets out a breath through clenched teeth. The inside of her respirator fogs up.) N1-Charlie: Something wrong? N1-Foxtrot: I don't know. What were those drugs Command told us to take? N—… Nostics? N1-Charlie: Gnostics. G's silent. They kicking in? N1-Foxtrot: I feel… (Pauses) Something between my temples. N1-Charlie: Are you sure? N1-Foxtrot: I— Yeah, completely. Why wouldn't I be? N1-Charlie: They're kicking in. Let's go. N1-Foxtrot: Alright, alright. What are the protocols for— (Command contacts Charlie and Foxtrot through their handheld transceivers, just to be polite.) Command: G'day! N1-Foxtrot: Jesus! Command: Flattered, but I'm not messiah material. Shall we get on with this containmentation operation? N1-Foxtrot: (Irritated) Some warning might have been nice… N1-Charlie: That's not how the Surrealistics work. Alright, boss, what's our first move? Command: It's simple. Both of you turn around, walk away from this frankly quite scary anomaly, head back home and get nice and cozy in your beds. N1-Foxtrot: … What? Command: (Cheerfully) All according to BACKDRAFT! (Foxtrot stares down at her transceiver. She looks up to see Charlie already walking towards the not-ocean, and blanches in shock.) N1-Foxtrot: Hold on, but Command said— N1-Charlie: (Without looking back) Didn't you read the conprocs? N1-Foxtrot: What? N1-Charlie: The conprocs. Instinct over reasoning. Trust your gut. If what Command is saying doesn't make sense, we're allowed to ignore it. This is a test; don't let yourself fail. (Charlie is now waist-deep in the [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575]. They continue to walk deeper. Foxtrot stands and stares after them; before long, she runs to catch up. Command watches with satisfaction.) [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] Command: — want to move in a rough spiral shape. Not smooth, smooth is no good. You'll want it rough as sandpaper, maybe sticky as flypaper too. N1-Foxtrot: (Incredulously) This is the procedure? N1-Charlie: Yeah. You’re starting to doubt it, right? Get rid of that doubt, just listen. Command: Think of those neat S-thingies you used to draw in middle school. Imagine you're walking along one of those, or swimming in it like a great zigzaggy wave pool, if that's more your style. Imagine the pool's getting deeper — not just deeper downwards, but sideways too. Like a spiral with four points, digging into your pineal— (Command continues to speak ad nauseam. Foxtrot grips her head with both hands.) N1-Foxtrot: This— I don't understand this! What are they asking us to do? We're in the middle of a, a sea of [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575], and Command is babbling about wave pools! N1-Charlie: Foxtrot, you knew what you were getting into when you signed up for this. N1-Foxtrot: I wasn't… Not this! This is insanity! (Charlie grabs Foxtrot by the shoulders and shakes her. They look her in the eyes with a steely glare.) N1-Charlie: That's the point. Now shut up and stop thinking so hard about it. Like I said — get rid of your doubt. Be certain. Take the parts that make most sense and just let them in. It’s easier that way. N1-Foxtrot: I… (Breathing deeply) Okay. (Charlie releases their partner, patting her on the shoulder once. Visibility worsens. The speed of their descent begins to increase. A crackling sound is faintly audible, but neither comment on it.) N1-Charlie: Good. Keep it together. (The crackling sound grows in volume. The four-pointed spiral digs deeper.) [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] N1-Foxtrot: It's like… swimming through molasses. Or cotton balls. N1-Charlie: Yeah. Don't look behind you. I think there's usually something around here… N1-Foxtrot: Shouldn't we be… I mean, by now, sea level— Command: Oh, is it already that time? (Command checks their antique pocketwatch from the safety of their comfortable armchair. They laugh in pleasant surprise.) Command: So it is! Next dose of Gnostics, chop chop! You'll need them to get deeper than this. N1-Foxtrot: Ugh, these make my head feel so [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] N1-Charlie: Sorry— Underneath the darkest pillar of the four, or around it? Command: That's for you to figure out, my young proteges. N1-Charlie: Got it. (Charlie turns to Foxtrot. The latter blinks uncomprehendingly.) N1-Charlie: Foxtrot. They said proteges, plural. I want your input. N1-Foxtrot: My— Ah… (Foxtrot surveys the area, moving hesitantly. She waves her hand through the darkest pillar. As expected, it has no physical substance.) N1-Foxtrot: I think… Through. (More certain) Yeah. We go through. N1-Charlie: (Nods.) Come on. [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] Command: Depth check! N1-Charlie: (Automatically) 3000 fathoms. N1-Foxtrot: I'd ask how that's possible when the [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] only 2045 fathoms, but when we're dealing with anomalies… N1-Charlie: Yeah. Command: Don't you worry your heads off about it, I didn't mean literal depth. N1-Charlie: (Pauses) I— Command: And I already knew the answer. Not deep enough. [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] N1-Charlie: Darker— N1-Foxtrot: Samirah, spare a light— Command: Don't let it get in through your ears, now! [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] N1-Foxtrot: [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] N1-Charlie: [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] (Someone does something. Command checks their watch.) Command: We're right on schedule, and you're almost to the bottom. Oh, watch out for falling ideas. If you get hit, that'll fuck the whole Procedure up and we'll have to start over. N1-Charlie: [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] Command: Language! [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] N1-Charlie: S-s-sometimes it's hard to tell where a star is, but you'll always know where it isn't— N1-Foxtrot: Stay with me! STAY WITH ME! [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] (The surrounding area has become extremely dense, limiting visibility. N1-Foxtrot stares at a point in front of her. N1-Charlie is suspended at this point, unmoving. Their head is tilted back and their respirator floats off to the side, revealing that their mouth is open unusually wide. Thick, dark smoke is issuing slowly from within their throat. Their eyes appear to lack pupils or irises.) N1-Foxtrot: Charlie… Charlie, wake up. (Silence.) Command: Ooh, that's not pretty. N1-Foxtrot: Command?! What— Where have you— We need immediate extraction, medical attention, something— (Gestures frantically) Look at Charlie! Command: Sorry to say, Foxtrot, the Procedure's just about done. You've done great work, really stellar! We're all quite proud of you back here. There's only one thing left to do. You need to swim back up. N1-Foxtrot: (Pauses) And leave Charlie? Command: Just so you know, the archons are famished. Probably a good idea to clear out sooner rather than later — I think you have better places to be than inside one of their stomachs. Unpleasant decor, I'll have you know— N1-Foxtrot: You want me to leave them to die? Command: Oh, no, Charlie's not dying. Conceptual eversion is a tad bit worse, actually. (Silence.) Command: But you do need to leave them. (Silence.) Command: Fox— N1-Foxtrot: No. Command: Pardon? N1-Foxtrot: (Shouting) I said no! I'm not leaving them! You can sit up there and prattle on about that Procedure all you want. To hell with that. I know what's right. (Visibility slightly improves. The smoke surrounding N1-Foxtrot ripples.) N1-Foxtrot: You wanted me to be certain. Trust my gut. My gut's saying to save them. Command: (Incredulous silence.) N1-Foxtrot: (Breathing heavily) Command, I— Command: You're crazy, Foxtrot. (Silence.) Command: (Laughing.) And of course, from us, that's a compliment! By all means, give it your best shot. We'll be waiting! (Command cuts contact, just to be polite.) (Foxtrot wipes her forehead, then reaches out to Charlie's face and closes their mouth gently with her hand. The stream of smoke begins to thin. She hooks her arms underneath Charlie's shoulders and heaves. She moves to swim upwards with her partner in tow, looking up at the surface as she ascends. The dark, serpentine shapes of the archons circle — but far, far above, there is sunlight, filtering down.) [END LOG] In spite of N1-Foxtrot's apparent deviation from Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT, the procedure worked as expected in this instance, forcing the cessation of the SCP-6575 event. Following their emergence from SCP-6575-1, N1-Charlie and N1-Foxtrot were taken into custody by the Surrealistics Department for one week, during which N1-Charlie was treated for [CLASSIFIED LEVEL ഗ/6575] and made a full recovery. Both agents lost all memory of the specifics of Procedure 6575/BACKDRAFT as normal. Director Marcel Sequitur was contacted for any possible insight on the events of the above log. His response consisted of a single sentence, which has been appended below. What can I say? Sometimes the right decision isn't always the one that makes sense. Footnotes 1. A measure of one’s resistance to cognition-altering anomalies. Higher CRV corresponds to a more resilient mind. 2. The sum total of human knowledge and thought; all ideas that humans are capable of having. 3. You're welcome. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6575" by swordlover87, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: smokeonthewater.png Author: pxhere License: CC0 Source Link: pxhere |
SCP-6576 | euclid | close Info X Info about the article ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains depictions of suicide and mental illness. ⚠️ content warning Item#: 6576 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-6576 Advertisement found on website ██████████.com. Special Containment Procedures: All mental health periodicals and websites are to be monitored for instances of SCP-6576 phone numbers and immediately removed or destroyed. In the event of a civilian interaction with SCP-6576, communications are to be recorded and calls traced to locate individuals contacting SCP-6576. Subjects are to be surveilled to determine accuracy of SCP-6576 predictions. Per Ethics Committee ruling, when located, individuals are to be administered the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) to assess level of risk for suicide. Following interview, subjects are to be administered Class B amnestics with implanted memories of contacting a non-anomalous crisis intervention service. Subjects found to be presenting high risk per C-SSRS are to be remanded to a Foundation directed psychiatric facility for treatment of suicidal ideation and intent. Description: SCP-6576 is a suicide telephone hotline operating as a service of an organization called Reflexive Retrocausal Behavioristics Incorporated at phone number (███)-███-████. This phone number originally connected to ████████ Crisis Services, established in 2001, serving ████████ county in █████████████, USA,. The hotline was discontinued in 2014 when the crisis contract for that catchment area changed to ████████ Behavioral Health. Interrogations at both organizations lead researchers to conclude no connection between either organization and SCP-6576. Any attempts to trace the location of SCP-6576 have been unsuccessful. Advertisements for Reflexive Mental Construct Support (see embedded images) have been discovered in print and online periodicals with a focus on mental health support. In print periodicals, the presence of these advertisements is inconsistent across copies of the same issue and occurs primarily in the Northeastern United States. Attempts to trace the source of these advertisements have met with no results, with no records of the sale of ad space existing at any of the affected publications. SCP-6576 Advertisement found in ██████████ █████. The anomalous effects of SCP-6576 manifest when an individual with suicidal intent calls the advertised phone number. Despite the number being out of service, calls to SCP-6576 will be answered after the third ring. Answering the phone is an entity, henceforth referred to as SCP-6576-1, possessing the caller’s voice and purporting to be the caller from a future in which the caller completed their plan to commit suicide. Callers universally accept this as truth and, while having an appropriate emotional response to this information, have thus far never ended the call due to the anomalous aspects of the conversation. SCP-6576-1 entities speak in monotone and lack emotionality, regardless of the content discussed. Calls from individuals without suicidality ring indefinitely. Calls are immediately disconnected if the original caller passes the phone to another individual. In most cases, SCP-6576-1 entities will attempt to dissuade callers from completion of suicide, describing the impact of the caller’s death on individuals with a personal connection to the caller. In some instances, SCP-6576-1 entities will make references to unfavorable metaphysical, post-mortem events they purport to be experiencing. In fourteen instances, SCP-6576-1 entities reported that the lives of people socially connected to the caller improved as a result of their suicide. Despite application of Class A amnestics and memory implantation of effective treatment, longitudinal studies have found these callers consistently have a 100% rate of suicide completion without intensive, long-term, inpatient treatment for persistent suicidal intent. It is unknown if there is a causal relationship between this statistic and interaction with SCP-6576 or if these individuals simply lack the necessary protective factors to overcome their suicidality. Experiment SCP-6576-181 [Level 3 Clearance Required] - - Credentials Accepted. Access Granted - - In an attempt to test for SCP-6576 accuracy in describing events that have not yet occurred, SCP-6576 researchers proposed using amnestics on a caller to remove all memory of SCP-6576 support and allow them to complete their plan to commit suicide. Proposal was passed by Ethics Committee (7-6) with the stipulation that a subject be chosen from individuals told by SCP-6576-1 entities that their suicide would lead to a positive outcome for the people in their lives. On ██ / ██ / ████ , a 53-year-old, white, cisgender male, henceforth referred to as Subject 6576-a43, called SCP-6576 and was told by the SCP-6576-1 entity that his suicide would bring about a net positive result for those socially associated with it. Following tracing of the call, Subject 6576-a43 was amnesticized and surveillance teams were assigned to Subject 6576-a43 and people with a social connection to it. Predictions given by SCP-6576 were that Subject 6576-a43 would commit suicide via intentional vehicular collision. Following its death, SCP-6576-1 stated that productivity and moral at the office in which it worked would improve, that its daughter would repair an estranged relationship with Subject 6576-a43’s wife (her mother), that Subject 6576-a43’s wife would meet someone and form a meaningful and positive romantic relationship, and that after a period of financial hardship, Subject 6576-a43’s family’s financial situation would dramatically improve. Subject 6576-a43 committed suicide on ██ / ██ / ████ via intentional vehicular collision. Its daughter and its wife both attended the funeral, at which they reunited after six years of no contact. Their relationship going forward proved to be positive with them interacting almost daily. Three weeks after Subject 6576-a43’s funeral, its widow met a man at a bar which she frequented. They began a romantic relationship that persisted the duration of surveillance. As SCP-6576-1 predicted, Subject 6576-a43’s widow struggled financially due to a limited income. After 10 months of surveillance of Subject 6576-a43 collaterals, observation teams were withdrawn on ██ / ██ / ████. SCP-6576 prediction of financial improvement had still not occurred. Unbeknownst to SCP-6576 Researchers, the Ethics Committee had been performing an audit on several SCP projects. In their reexamination of SCP-6576 parameters, it was determined that the project was overall out of compliance. Notably, surveillance of Subject 6575-a43 was incomplete at this time and not part of the reviewed documents. The Ethics Committee ruled that the survivors of any individuals who committed suicide following interaction with SCP-6576 were to be compensated financially. SCP-6576 Researchers were made aware of this ruling following the cessation of Subject 6576-a43 surveillance. Upon being made aware, Researchers petitioned to exempt Subject 6575-a43 from this action to test the result of preventing the realization of the SCP-6576 prediction. Proposal was denied by Ethics Committee (10-2). Subject 6575-a43’s widow received 4.6 million USD under the guise of a life insurance policy in which Subject 6575-a43 had enrolled without her knowledge. Experiment SCP-6576-197 [Level 4 Clearance Required] - - Credentials Accepted. Access Granted - - Due to the inability for non-suicidal individuals to interact with SCP-6576-1 entities and tested D-Class Personnel’s inability to maintain the necessary composure to interrogate SCP-6576-1, Assistant Researcher Dr. Michelle Amber, diagnosed with (296.30/F33.2) Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe, volunteered to forgo her prescribed medication and be administered a diluted form of ████████, a depressive agent developed by the Weaponized Pharmaceutical Department, daily for two weeks to worsen her symptoms and induce a persistive state of extreme suicidality. Per Ethics Committee ruling, Dr. Amber was kept under 24 hours observation and housed in a suicide prevention containment living quarters until such time that she was deemed ready to interact with SCP-6576. To ensure a potential future exists in which Dr. Amber would have the opportunity to commit suicide, she is scheduled to remain without prescribed medication and receiving ████████ for one week following her phone call with decreased supervision but with access to 24/7 on-call psychiatric support. Below is the audio transcript of the conversation between Dr. Amber and SCP-6576-1 recorded on ██ / ██ / ████. Transcript Log SCP-6576-197 Date: Audio Log Recorded on ██ / ██ / ████ Time: 19:06 Present: Assistant Researcher Dr. Michelle Amber. Head Researcher Dr. Thomas Sandler. Security Officer Grant Robare. [phone rings three times] SCP-6576-1: RRBI Support. This is Michelle. How may I help you? Dr. Michelle Amber: H-hello? SCP-6576-1: Hello, Michelle. MA: Hi. Jesus. Hi. I’m.. Dr. Thomas Sandler: [in background] Please stick to the script, doctor. MA: Hello. I’m Michelle. I’m currently feeling suicidal. SCP-6576-1: It sounds like you’re really struggling. MA: Yeah. That ████████ is a real bastard. Potent stuff. I’ve never felt like this. SCP-6576-1: Felt like what? MA: Like I can’t think. Like I can’t keep my eyes open. I want to die. And I have all these thoughts all at once. Fourteen years. I’ve given up everything for my job and what do I have to show for it? No family, no real friends. [tearful] Fourteen years and I’m only a fucking Assistant. TS: [in background] Proceed with the interrogation. SCP-6576-1: I know. It’s relentless, the guilt and the shame. The pointlessness of it all. It poisons your mind. Regret so thick you can’t breathe. I couldn’t help it. MA: How did you… how did I… [clears throat] How do you predict I will commit suicide? SCP-6576-1: You already have a plan, don’t you? MA: [silence] SCP-6576-1: So did I. It isn’t painless, you know. You think it would be so fast, that the bullet would fly right through your skull and erase everything. But it lingers. It makes its way through your head like a finger through mud. Slow. It burns and hums. MA: [unsteady] Jesus. SCP-6576-1: Frank is drinking again. MA: [regaining composure] I don’t believe that. TS: [in background] Doctor. The script. SCP-6576-1: They wouldn’t tell him if you were dead or not. For months. By the time they got clearance, he was up to a bottle a day. MA: [clears throat] I have some questions for you. SCP-6576-1: It breaks your mother’s heart to lose you. It breaks her heart again when Frank gets a DUI and a fractured skull. No seatbelt. MA: [flatly] Please identify yourself. SCP-6576-1: Dr. Michelle Amber, Assistant Researcher on SCP-6576. MA: How is it you’re able to know things that haven’t happened yet? SCP-6576-1: There’s an SCP-████ breach about a week after my funeral. I could have stopped it. Fulop loses his hand. Convery is torn to pieces. MA: [voice unsteady] How is it you’re able to know things that haven’t happened yet? SCP-6576-1: We really should be talking about you. MA: We are. How do you know what happens? SCP-6576-1: [silence for four seconds] Because it already did. MA: So you’re in the future? SCP-6576-1: [silence] MA: Is there only one of you working at your service or multiple people? SCP-6576-1: You’re the only one here right now. MA: But others come to talk to different people? SCP-6576-1: Everyone has their own hell. MA: Is… is that where you are? TS: [in background] Approved questions only. SCP-6576-1: [does not respond] MA: [flatly] What are your intentions in interacting with suicidal individuals? SCP-6576-1: I cannot discuss other clients for privacy reasons. MA: If you’re actually me, you would want to answer these questions just as much as I want the answers. SCP-6576-1: I don’t care about any of that anymore. MA: Well, I still do. What are your intentions? SCP-6576-1: [silence] MA: What are your intentions? SCP-6576-1: Just tell them where the gun is so they can take it from you. It hurts to be here. [call disconnects] Following her contact with SCP-6576, Dr. Michelle Amber surrendered a Strum, Ruger & Co. Lightweight Compact 9mm Pistol to security personnel. It is unclear how or when she procured the weapon. Following a week unsupervised, Dr. Amber was administered a ████████ counteragent and placed back on her prescribed medications. Site-83 psychiatrists have deemed her depression in remission and have cleared her to return to duty. Dr. Amber’s request for Class A amnestics is pending approval. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6576" by CirclesAndSquares, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: SCP Hotline blue.jpg Author: CirclesAndSquares License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: SCP Hotline purple copy.jpg Author: CirclesAndSquares License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: |
SCP-6577 | esoteric-class | close Info X More by Nickthebrick1 & More by Grigori Karpin More Department of Procurement and Liquidation! Item #: SCP-6577 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6577 SCP-6577 is not currently in containment, and all effort is to be made to curtail its activities that threaten the veil. Description: SCP-6577 is a human male, aged 57 years, answering to the name Aurelius Vulpe. SCP-6577’s anomalous nature allows for the digestion of inorganic objects and materials to no ill effect to its physiology. Additionally, the anomaly suffers from Pica Syndrome.1 The limit of SCP-6577's bite strength is indeterminate, but it is capable of crushing diamond with ease. SCP-6577 can no longer subsist on edible food, and can only meet its nutritional standards by consuming objects worth $2,500 dollars USD or more, or the equivalent in other currency. SCP-6577-A is the collective designation of SCP-6577's digestive fluids: the gastric acid, bile, saliva, and other digestive enzymes have been entirely replaced and composed of molten gold. Any non-golden object that comes to physical contact with SCP-6577-A will transform to gold, with the rate of transformation depending on the amount of exposure. SCP-6577 is not harmed by this process in any way. Any object that becomes engulfed by SCP-6577-A while inside SCP-6577's stomach will disintegrate. SCP-6577-B is an online banking account. Any object consumed by SCP-6577 will have its respective worth simultaneously deposited in SCP-6577-B. SCP-6577 has complete knowledge of all financial details and the monetary amount of SCP-6577-B at all times. SCP-6577-B has so far resisted all attempts to access the account or freeze it by outside action. Through poorly-understood means, SCP-6577 can make purchases remotely and receive shipments immediately to its location. Addendum-01, Interference: In the process of gathering intelligence against Marshall, Carter and Dark, MTF Mu-3 ("Highest Bidders") learned of an upcoming auction of anomalous items. Agent Christopher Kinless and several other members of Mu-3 were planted in the audience in order to observe the proceedings. The mission was aborted suddenly. Addendum 6577.1: Mu-3 Investigation Log + Access transcripts? - Close File The following is a transcript of the portion of the investigation relevant to this file. All extraneous portions have been excised. [BEGIN LOG] Marshall Carter & Darke Auction Auctioneer: One thousand. Two thousand and fifty. Six thousand! Twenty thousand! Ending bid at twenty?… Sold! To the man in the purple tie! [The auctioneer points to a man in a suit and bowtie. Several guards approach the item, a glowing bone that shifts in color along the visible spectrum at random, and place it into a small wooden crate. The guard then moves another crate onstage. Agents Kinless and Alexander are in the back row, the former yawning.] Kinless: Ah… damn. Alexander: [Whispered] You look wiped. Kinless: [Whispered] Thanks for reminding me. [Kinless rubs their temples and sighs.] We should've gone for a more direct approach; this was a nightmare to set up. Alexander: [Whispered] You did say it was worth a try. Kinless: [Whispered] Ever heard of buyer's remorse? How much more time do we have? Alexander: [Whispered] Two, maybe two and a half hours? [Kinless sighs, shakes his head, and rises from his seat.] Kinless: [Whispered] I'm going to the can. Stay put. Alexander: [Whispered] Sure, sure. [Kinless leaves the auditorium and is directed by guards to the second floor bathroom. He checks the stalls and finding them empty, approaches the sink to splash his face with water.] Kinless: Just a couple more hours. [Kinless sits in one of the stalls and takes a notepad and small pen from his pocket. He begins to write notes on top of the toilet's water tank.] Kinless: Lava lamp that produces actual lava… glasses that grant X-Ray vision, surprised no one tried that yet… bowling ball that can't roll… what would anyone want that— [The Auctioneer's voice is audible from bathroom speakers.] Auctioneer: Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached our final items of the evening! I hope you’re ready for it, because these are quite the doozy! Kinless: [Sighs] Finally. Auctioneer: First up: a treasure coming all the way from Turkey, shining bright even in the dark, is this little gem! [Sounds of clapping heard.] Auctioneer: This trinket is one of the oldest items we have in store. While wearing this little thing you… hm? [Sounds of murmuring and silent gasps are heard. Kinless pauses and looks at the speaker with visible curiosity.] Auctioneer: C-can I help you? We're kind of full at the moment but we can — woah! Wait! Wait! That’s priceless! You can’t just– [Several of the crowd scream and Kinless runs for the door, reaching for a holster on his belt that is absent as he is undercover.] Kinless: Goddamn it. [Kinless holds a finger to his ear.] Kinless: Alex! What's going on over there, I heard screaming… Alexander: [Over the radio] Honestly, just get back here. I have no words. [Kinless runs back to the auction room and dodges past several patrons running hurriedly out. As he gets to the door, his body camera pans the room showing several patrons staring at the stage, the auction master screaming in anger, and an individual standing over the artifacts’ table.] [Kinless approaches Alexander and taps him on the shoulder] Kinless: What in the hell is everyone upset b– [Kinless stops speaking and the camera centers on the large individual on the stage. He is wearing a dark three-piece suit, with gold pins on both his lapels. The individual is completely bald and clean shaven but has wild, graying eyebrows and a trimmed beard. As Kinless watches, the individual picks up an amulet with a ruby in the center and puts it in his mouth, then begins to chew.] Kinless: Wait, is that SC– Alexander: Jesus, shut up. What if he notices us and wants to eat us next? [The individual takes a series of polished stones from another crate and drops them into his mouth.] Kinless: I don’t think he cares about anything more than what’s in front of him. Auctioneer: Please! You can’t eat those! Unknown: Watch… [Dramatic swallowing sounds.] …me. [The individual throws a last item into his mouth and chews. He then turns to the auctioneer.] Unknown: Where’s the rest of it? [Two security guards with automatic weapons and body armor rush into the room.] Security guard 1: Hold it! [The individual sighs and holds up a finger. He opens a flip phone and makes a call.] Security guard 1: Put down the phone! Unknown: One sec… oh good, yeah, it’s me. No, I need to get back to Ada right now. Because I said now. Yes, I’m good for it. Oh fine, hold on… there, you get it? Ok yes, all 200k. [A Way opens between the security guards and the individual. He rushes into it as they open fire, barely missing him. The Way closes.] Kinless: What in hell was all that? [END LOG] Afterword: Agents Kinless and Alexander called for assistance and an MTF team secured the building, taking control of the auction house. MC&D personnel were not forthcoming with information, but several alleged they had absolutely no connection with the individual (later designated as SCP-6577). Interestingly, those individuals who had won auctions during the evening whose items were apparently consumed by SCP-6577 refused to speak with agents. All individuals were amnesticized and Foundation operations were covered up. A search of SCiPNet for the word Ada noted several individuals with that name, but also the Turkish word for 'isle'. A mining operation in Turkey run by Black Isle Mining was identified. The operation was actually financed by MC&D, but to all superficial observations was non-anomalous. Further reconnaissance is required. Addendum 6577.2: Expansion of Investigation In the following weeks, Foundation intelligence networks and reconnaissance teams picked up several appearances or events tied directly to SCP-6577. In each instance SCP-6577 was successful in evading containment, often disappearing before Foundation agents could even be mobilized. The following are a series of notable events: + Access transcripts? - Close File 6577 Event-03 LOCATION: Ganges Delta, India EVENT: On November 2nd, civilians reported to local authorities that multiple oval-shaped mechanisms were floating and diving continuously over certain areas of the river. These machines were also accompanied by several workers in hard hats removing valuables attached to bodies in the Ganges River. The workers attempted to dissuade, bribe, and threaten these witnesses to remain quiet over the endeavor. This failed, and the workers hastened their pace when the witnesses fled. Local law enforcement arrived shortly to make arrests, but the workers and the machines had vanished. AFTERMATH: All witnesses were administered Class-A amnestics. An examination of the river showed signs of extensive excavation, alongside trace amounts of precious stones and highly-valuable metal, particularly gold. One of the witnesses managed to take a picture before fleeing. The picture exhibited motion blur but depicted the workers examining the machines, and a man in a beige suit resting on a lounge chair; the man consumed a handful of gold from a bucket while using a napkin as a makeshift bib. 6577 Event-05 LOCATION: Saint Petersburg, Russia EVENT: Multiple emergency calls were reported about gunfire occurring in an abandoned church in a residential neighborhood. Authorities raided the building to uncover a humanoid golden statue holding a gun, and two human corpses. Patches of fresh blood and bullet cases were found near the podium of the building. One survivor, Daniel Artyom, was found hiding on the third floor. AFTERMATH: Artyom was arrested and interrogated. Upon his mention of an individual resembling SCP-6577, the Foundation took over the investigation. Artyom confessed that he was a member of Man's Gambit2 and admitted he was at the scene of the crime for the purpose of carrying out a deal with SCP-6577. Artyom claimed that SCP-6577 appeared with several body guards while Artyom’s leader, Ligo Mikhail, and the rest of his crew crowded around the podium. Mikhail opened the bag for SCP-6577, the latter of whom was visibly unimpressed. Mikhail got into a heated argument with SCP-6577, shouting "Not good enough?!" and "Pig!" before pulling out his firearm. In a panic, SCP-6577 grabbed onto the pistol and prevented it from firing by jamming their finger between the hammer before spitting a large amount of SCP-6577-A into Mikhail's face, quickly transforming him into gold. Mikhail's men fired back but were quickly neutralized by SCP-6577's bodyguards. SCP-6577 visibly relaxed, laughing to their men before their finger slipped and the gun fired. SCP-6577 was wounded in the shoulder, and sighed. One of SCP-6577's men tried to help but the anomaly refused, citing "Just another tax I have to pay when I get home." They examined the bag, revealing a small amount of rubles and paper documents. SCP-6577 quickly scanned a handful of documents before cursing under their breath. The anomaly quickly made a call on their phone; the wound and bloodstain on their suit vanished and another temporary Way opened, allowing SCP-6577 and the bodyguards to escape. Arytom was administered amnestics and placed under surveillance. General Notes LOCATION: Multiple (Asia, Africa, Europe) EVENT: N/A AFTERMATH: Multiple reports from reconnaissance teams suggested that SCP-6577 was acquiring talent through multiple countries, particular Egypt, Syria, Bulgaria, and Turkey. These individuals consisted mainly of geologists and historians. Some of the individuals were identified and found to be missing; several of the victims' family members had been anonymously gifted a significant sum of money. It is unclear whether these individuals have consented to being acquired by SCP-6577. Conclusions: After months of investigation, Foundation agents successfully traced SCP-6577's assets to a bank in the Cayman Islands and discovered SCP-6577-B. Without indication that SCP-6577-B was anomalous, agents were surprised to note that the account could not be frozen or deleted. The decision was made to catalogue the transactions associated with SCP-6577-B until a more effective containment method could be enacted. A variety of items and their descriptions were listed on the statement. These purchases included, but were not limited to: Weaponry; A significant amount of stocks in twelve Fortune 500 corporations; Surgery3; Properties in Japan, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and Egypt; Unidentified anomalous objects/entities purchased from MC&D; Luxury goods; Ipecac; three hundred toy water guns; and 52 suits of various colors and materials. During the investigation, a representative of MC&D contacted the Foundation regarding an important, limited-time offer related to an anomalous individual. The Foundation agreed, and the Department of Procurement and Liquidation allocated analyst Roxanne Dsouza as their representative to the meeting which took place in Miami, Florida at Site-106. Interviewer: Roxanne Dsouza Interviewee: Andrew Banner, VP of Dispositions. + Access transcripts? - Close File [BEGIN LOG] Dsouza: Welcome, Mr. Banner. Take a seat. Would you like some coffee before we star– Banner: We don't have the time for that. [Dsouza leans her head back.] Dsouza: What’s the urgency? [Banner scowls slightly before his expression softens.] Banner: I’m busy, and I’m sure you are too. So, let’s just cut to it. There is a certain… individual, causing us problems. We would like you to take care of the issue before things get drawn out. Dsouza: A certain individual? Banner: [Sigh] Yes… one guy. One. Unsavory. Aggravating. Insufferable. Guy. Just one guy with a certain skillset that is hurting our profit margins. Dsouza: If it's just one individual, then how is he giving you any trouble? I assume you have significant security. Banner: He vomits. Dsouza: …I beg your pardon? Banner: Just read it. [Banner slides a folder to Dsouza, who examines its contents.] Dsouza: An anomalous individual who can transmute things to gold by vomiting on them… wonderful. His name is Aurelius Vulpe… late thirties… associate of MC&D? Banner: Former associate. He was a simple asset that eventually came with complex problems. Dsouza: You call vomiting gold simple? Banner: I'm a businessman, not a biologist. We don't know how he does what he does, and frankly, we don’t care. What matters is what he's doing: interfering with operations, stealing from the company, and wasting time and money trying to corral him. Dsouza: Time? Banner: Time is everything, Ms. Dsouza. You waste our time, you waste our money. And when you waste Marshall's, Carter's, and especially Darke's money… bad things happen. [Banner is smiling intensely. Banner's right eye twitches.] Banner: But no sweat, it's barely even worth our time. We're too… preoccupied at the moment to properly deal with it. We have better things to be doing. That's where you come in. Do your magic… metaphorical, literal, doesn't matter and shut him down. We can discuss how to properly deal with the problem from there. You'll be paid handsomely for your services. Banner: So… Miss Dsouza… do we have a deal? Dsouza: Sure thing. [Dsouza shakes Banner's hand.] But we're going to need more info though. This file is a bit thin. Can we have the entire file. Banner: I'm afraid not. Dsouza: Listen, let’s cut the bullshit, okay? You want him taken care of. We’ll probably be interested in him, and you’ll owe us not only money but favors. And the O5s will call in those favors. This is not the end of the negotiations. But at the end of the day, you want this done and you can’t do it yourself. Banner: Hold on a se– Dsouza: No. You hold on. Give us the file, or we can just focus our very busy organizational efforts somewhere else, and you can deal with this yourself. How would Marshall, Carter and Dark like that? [Banner frowns and pulls out his phone. He unlocks it, but then looks directly at Dsouza, his eyes narrowing.] Banner: They don’t want to give you the file. They want to protect some of their secrets. Dsouza: Does it look like I care, Mr. Banner? Your down payment on this operation is a full and frank accounting of Mr. Vulpe’s history, abilities, and whereabouts. [Banner turns and makes a call. His voice is inaudible, even with enhancement of the audio file.] Banner: You’ll get your information. But this is going to cost you. Dsouza: No, Mr. Banner. It won’t, we’re not done talking about our remuneration at taking care of this problem for you. Let’s start with a full inventory of your anomalous objects currently stored in Florida… [END LOG] Addendum 6577.3: Memo MC&D provided all pertinent documents on SCP-6577 on the condition that the anomaly be contained without expending the former's resources or assets. Below is a compilation of documents relevant to SCP-6577's background. + Access transcripts? - Close File 'Midas' (G4A0D/D11G3R/PII3) Status: Active Suspended Pending Destruction Demand: N/A Value: $1,800 per gallon Identifier: Aurelius Vulpe IV Description: Vulpe is a man capable of vomiting molten gold. Any material that makes contact with this liquid will be converted into pure gold. Mr. Vulpe then digests the substance. He cannot eat normal food, but only ingests gold, gems, banknotes and other precious items. Memo 01 (G4A0D/D11G3R/PII3) Sender: Troy Bateman Recipient: Percival Darke Mr. Darke, I'm formally making another request to reinstate Midas as our primary asset for the financial sector. I understand there have been some… creative differences but his insight would help us make even greater economic gains. Can’t you reconsider? Memo 02 (G4A0D/D11G3R/PII3) Sender: Percival Darke Recipient: Troy Bateman No. I am sorry to inform you that our partnership with Midas has been permanently revoked. Nor am I reversing the impending destruction order either. We made the most use out of him, the best next course of action is to divert our attention back to liquid we siphoned from him. Anything more than that is highly unwise. Memo 03 (G4A0D/D11G3R/PII3) Sender: Troy Bateman Recipient: Percival Darke I fully understand where you are coming from sir, but Midas was considered our golden goose for the longest time. We don't necessarily need to eliminate him or require his help. We could hire a surgeon and perform that colostomy you mentioned before. We broke records thanks his abilities, and if we had the control I'm sure we can do even better. Besides, that’s the whole point of our operation. Memo 04 (G4A0D/D11G3R/PII3) Sender: Percival Darke Recipient: Troy Bateman Mr. Bateman, I do not need you to tell me the nature of our operation. This is my company, I started it. So, in case this wasn’t clear before: No. That man is an unacceptable liability. That's all you need to know, no further explanation is required. Do not make me repeat myself. Memo - Acquisition and History (G4A0D/D11G3R/PII3) Unlike most objects and assets Marshall, Carter and Dark has acquired, Midas had approached us first. Prior to becoming an investor in the organization, Midas (AKA Aurelius Vulpe IV) was a tycoon in the mining industry, having owned several major mines through the eastern hemisphere via front companies shortly after inheriting the business and fortune from his father, Aurelius Vulpe III. In the eve of 02/05/2005, Midas approached Skitter Marshall, Ruprecht Carter and Percival Darke about a new business that would 'change the way business was run forever.' While the Vulpe family had previously purchased from our organization, the idea of Midas becoming an investor was a surprise. But after Midas revealed the nature of his abilities, the deal was approved. Midas was capable of Chrysopoeia of objects through contact of his bile. It is unknown how Midas came to acquire such an ability, but the transmutation process has no negative effect on him and can be reliably produced. Midas was tasked with coordinating with Darke personally in the mass production of gold to manipulate the market and establish new business opportunities with various space-faring organizations and banks across the globe. This combined with Midas' expert knowledge on economics and influence helped MC&D tremendously. However, it eventually became evident that Midas was seeking to gain more control of the operations without the founders’ knowledge. Furthermore, Midas had been establishing business contracts and partnerships on his own initiative. As a result of this unprecedented behavior, Midas' operations and contract had been suspended until Mr. Darke could assess the situation. Update: Midas' contract and employment have been rendered void. He is barred from all MC&D properties and holdings. Update: Midas is to be eliminated at all costs. Any staff found to have colluded or withholding information on his whereabouts will be terminated. Below is a recording taken from Darke’s personal security. 12/19/2019 [SCP-6577 is sitting at the dining table. They are placing a handful of banknotes and coins between two gold bars before picking it up and taking a bite out of the improbable “sandwich”. Loud creaking is heard as he chews and swallows. The door to the room swings open; Darke appears immensely frustrated before taking a sharp breath. He appears calm.] Darke: Enjoying your meal, Aurelius? SCP-6577: Hmph, I was. What is it now, another contract? [Darke continues smiling as he sits next to SCP-6577. A couple of guards silently enter the room.] Darke: There are more pressing matters at hand, my friend. [SCP-6577 snickers and takes another bite of the bars.] SCP-6577: 'Friend' is a pushing it, don't you think? Darke: We have been business associates for over a decade. SCP-6577: Yeah. Darke: Then we need to coordinate our collective efforts and merge them. If we don't do our part, things could go very awry. [SCP-6577 sighs and takes another bite of their 'sandwich', mouthing the words 'three', 'two', 'one'.] Darke: So with that mind, I was hoping to ask— [When SCP-6577 sets the gold bars down on their plate, Darke swipes it to the floor and slams a folder onto the table. A handful of documents spill from it. Darke's eyes appear bloodshot and his left palm is twitching sporadically.] Darke: …exactly who you think I am? SCP-6577: …that plate cost a thousand dollars— Darke: You child. How dare you make deals behind my back? Embezzlement? Trying to seduce my subordinates with renumeration?! How dare you, Aurelius. SCP-6577: It's just business, friend. I saw an opportunity and I took it. Isn't that what we're all about? Looking for that one opportunity? Darke: This is my empire. My fiefdom. Do you think I'm a joke? SCP-6577: Of course not, unlike you, I'm just making the correct decisions is all— [Darke stands up and grabs onto SCP-6577's suit. Dark pulls SCP-6577 to their feet and stares into the anomaly's eyes.] Darke: You’re insignificant. SCP-6577: [Smiles.] That's not what you said when we first met. Darke: [Leans closer] …you think this a game? SCP-6577: I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. [Darke takes a step back.] Darke: What? SCP-6577: It’s a game. Why else would people like us go out there and screw the world over? Is it to acquire a good living, preparing for disaster… no… it's to show off. Darke: You’re insufferable. SCP-6577: Don't act so surprised. You drape yourself in wealth. The best cars, clothes, food, apartments, security. All to prove to bottom feeders that you're a god amongst men. Wealth. Darke: That's because I am. Without me, none of this business concern would exist. All of your riches, all of your worldly goods, are thanks to me. Quite frankly, you look above your station. SCP-6577: Why of course, I'm speaking to a man who broke new ground in the art of the deal. You’re a legend, I can’t dispute that. But you've grown comfortable on that throne while others have been making moves. You know the saying on how war never changes, but the weapons do? Same principle. SCP-6577: There is no such thing as 'too big to fail', only 'adapt or die.’ I refuse to stay with a sinking ship if I can't patch it up. I'm not a bastard, I'm just two steps ahe– Darke: You are becoming boring, Aurelius. And an expensive bore at that. However, I can forgive. All you need do is repair the damage you have done. If you refuse – god help me – I will crush you! [SCP-6577 blinks several times before licking their lips and smiling. SCP-6577's mouth is producing a visible shine.] SCP-6577: Well… I can see why they call you the funny one. Darke: Get this man out of my sight! [Darke pushes SCP-6577 to the guards, who catch him before he falls. SCP-6577 gives one final wave and a wink to Darke before he is escorted out of the room. Darke sighs and slumps into a chair.] [END LOG] In the months following SCP-6577’s expulsion from the organization, he went around the world visiting MC&D holdings. Wherever he went, the company experienced significant losses. By the summer of 2021, SCP-6577 had consumed three billion Euros worth of MC&D property. In an effort to analyze SCP-6577’s patterns, Analyst Dsouza surveilled SCP-6577-B's transactions over a period of six weeks. On July 29, 2022, she proposed a containment plan to the Director of the Department, who passed it along to Overwatch Command. The plan was approved and put into action within forty-eight hours. SCP-6577 began calling Site-106 repeatedly for another two days, asking for “someone in charge.” Dsouza did not answer his call until the third day.4 Dsouza invited SCP-6577 to Site-106 to discuss his containment, which he acceded to on the condition that she “Let [his] goddamn bank account free.” The following is a recording of the interview between Analyst Dsouza and SCP-6577. Dsouza: Mr. Vulpes, nice to meet you finally. My name is Roxa– SCP-6577: I don’t care what your name is. Give me my property. Dsouza: Your bank account is exactly where it was before. Nothing has changed. SCP-6577: You know what I mean. Dsouza: I do. I have to say, I’m impressed. Your anomalous abilities are unique, but the inviolability of the account is what I was most struck with. SCP-6577: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Dsouza: You chose a bank in a country that prides itself on holding no loyalty to the international community, one where any funds held within are beholden to no one but yourself and the bank. And beyond that, despite the digital nature of modern banking, your account was completely immune from software incursions. We tried to freeze it using reliable methods and invariably failed. How did you do that? SCP-6577: Explain to me why I should tell you anything. Dsouza: I should think that was obvious. If you ever want to access your funds again, you’ll play ball. Unless you want to start over somewhere else. Then again… can you even do that? How do your anomalous abilities work? [SCP-6577 sighs and puts his hands on the table, palms down.] SCP-6577: And if I tell you how it works, you’ll give me back my money? Dsouza: Wouldn’t hurt your chances. SCP-6577: Fucking jailers. Alright, I’m not a scientist or wizard like you freaks, so bear with my shitty vocabulary. Dsouza: Just explain it as best you can. SCP-6577: I’ve always been drawn to things that represent wealth. I come from a rich family, to be clear. I don’t mean I was emotionally drawn to them. I meant I could feel a valuable when I was near it. If someone was wearing a diamond ring, I could tell if it was real or not. I could smell the diamond. Same for gold, stacks of cash, whatever. When I was in my twenties, I did a bit of work as an appraiser of fine art. Like the really expensive stuff, you get me? Just a whiff, and I knew how much it was worth. Dsouza: This has always been the case? SCP-6577: Yeah, long as I can remember. But being around all those things, always wanting to be closer, it sorta consumed me. The smell of wealth became mouthwatering. I’d get a whiff of sapphire or some ancient artifact, and it was like smelling a steak on the grill. Dsouza: None of that explains your current dietary needs or the account. SCP-6577: I’m getting there, alright? So, I’m getting more and more fixated on it, and I start fantasizing about actually eating them, like sticking a gold ring in my mouth and chowing down. Which is when I went for a sideways solution. I’d made connections through my appraisal gig, met some weird folks who wanted me to assess the value of some weird shit. And one of them was a wizard or whatever. Dsouza: Serpent’s Hand? SCP-6577: Well, I know that now, but back then I didn’t. So, I called this guy up and he thought he knew someone who could help. He introduced me to these really weird fucks. Like a militia made from fairytales basically. Dsouza: Excuse me? SCP-6577: Yeah, I know. But they called themselves the Miracle Liberation Front. [Dsouza’s cellphone begins to ring.] Dsouza: Excuse me, I thought I turned this off. [She looks at the screen and then answers immediately. She listens intently for a few moments and then hangs up.] Dsouza: Tell me more about these people. SCP-6577: Well, there was a scarecrow who was alive, if that tells you anything. It was a sniper, all covered in camouflage, I shit you not. Anyway, the magic guy and this scarecrow, they make a deal with me. If I can fund their little war, they can solve my problem. Dsouza: You were willing to fund a group of anomalous guerrilla fighters to deal with this? Isn’t that a bit extreme? SCP-6577: Listen, like I said, I came from money. My dad knew some people. When you run in those circles, business is business. And maybe I wasn’t entirely clear before, I was barely keeping it together. I went on a date and almost tackled them when I smelled this antique crucifix they were wearing – was some heirloom or something. Anyway, I couldn’t pretend the problem wasn’t happening anymore. What was I gonna do, talk to a therapist? Come on. Dsouza: Alright, go ahead. What was the nature of your deal? SCP-6577: These goofballs were all hot and bothered about something or other, and they wanted to get their gun on. Dsouza: When was this? SCP-6577: Uh, maybe fifteen years ago? I don’t remember exactly. They wanted financial support, and I was in a position to give it. Fifteen million to start. Dsouza: To start? SCP-6577: Yes, later, after my abilities manifested, they had further thoughts about my support. Dsouza: The regular transfers from the account every month. SCP-6577: Yes. $100k a month. Dsouza: And for this, you bought what? SCP-6577: The wizard opened some sorta portal and they came with me into this other… place. Said it was the know sphere or something. Dsouza: You were physically in the noosphere? SCP-6577: Yeah. They took me there and led me to a place that looked like a Roman temple made of solid gold, and inside was this thing. Looked like a man, naked except for a cloth wrapped around him but I couldn’t see anything but his legs and his outstretched arm. I could see it was a full body but no matter what I did, his face and torso wouldn’t come into focus. What I could see was made of gold too, but he moved. Like a living golden statue or something. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t see straight and then the wizard dude starts chanting something. He has me kneel down in front of the dude and the scarecrow starts like… negotiating with the dude. Dsouza: What was the Serpent’s Hand mage saying? SCP-6577: I don’t know. Couldn’t understand the chanting or the conversation, but I know the tempo of a negotiation in any language. Suddenly, they’re all negotiated out and all I can see is this light coming from the golden dude’s eyes, and I pass out. When I come to, I’m back in the guerrillas’ base, and they were all “give us the money.” Dsouza: Did they explain what happened? SCP-6577: Yeah, they said they made it so I could eat the stuff I wanted to eat and would retain the value. Which, as you can imagine was not the sorta goddamn help I was looking for. Dsouza: What did you do? SCP-6577: I ate the scarecrow’s rifle. I could smell it was worth thousands. That showed him. [SCP-6577 laughs.] But in the end I gave them the money, and that’s when they told me about the continuing payment. Dsouza: Why did you go along with that? SCP-6577: What was I going to do? They had guns and a wizard. I was a guy who ate gold. Dsouza: Fair enough. Did they ever explain to you what happened? SCP-6577: Wizard told me they made a deal with a mam one or something. Representation of greed and material wealth. Said he liked it; said I was like a modern Midas. It tickled him. Dsouza: And that’s how the bank account was created? SCP-6577: Yeah, I guess so. From then on, anything I ate, the value of which just passed into the account. At first, I was pissed but after a while, it paid for itself so many times over. I could smell veins of diamonds or other valuable metals. I could sniff out a good investment. I could tell when the best time to sell stocks or divest an asset. Then a couple years after that, Darke came a-calling. Dsouza: And you’ve been paying for it ever since. SCP-6577: [Shrugs] Yeah, but trust me, I was making more than $100k a month in profit. Way more. Now it’s your turn, how did you fuck with the account? You can’t freeze it, like you said, so how is it I can’t get at it or transfer anything? Dsouza: We bought the bank. [SCP-6577 laughs.] SCP-6577: Well, shit. That’s… brilliant, that is. Alright. So, what are we going to do here? Dsouza: I assume you won’t appreciate being in containment. SCP-6577: Cells don’t really go with my whole vibe. Dsouza: We can probably work something out. End Log Given SCP-6577’s anomaly, it was decided that containment would take a different form than the usual procedures. Thus, the containment procedures were updated. Update: SCP-6577 is to be contained by an agreement, guaranteed by Foundation control of its assets. The individual will only utilize his anomalous ability in Foundation controlled Sites, away from the public view. Any deviation from this will require traditional containment protocols be enacted – namely the incarceration of SCP-6577. In exchange for this consideration and relative freedom, SCP-6577 will use its anomalous abilities in assistance of the Department of Procurement and Liquidation activities. Additionally, it will divulge any and all information concerning the Miracle Liberation Front and use its regular payments as a sting operation for Foundation operatives. Reclassification to Euclid is pending assessment by Classification Committee. Footnotes 1. Exhibiting a compulsion to consume non-food items. 2. A very minor paracriminal organization operating in former countries of the Soviet Union. Man's Gambit was known to have interacted with The Serpent's Hand, The Chaos Insurgency, and the Miracle Liberation Front on occasion. 3. It is unclear who this surgery was performed on, as there is no indication of SCP-6577-A being admitted to a medical facility. 4. It is unknown how SCP-6577 was able to obtain the contact information for the Site, but it is assumed he had access through his prior connection to MC&D. His first fifty-six calls were forwarded to a voicemailbox that was full. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6577" by Grigori Karpin & nickthebrick1, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: Anthony Acosta Author: Anthony Acosta License: Public domain Source Link: Link Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Auctioneer gets ready Author: Portable Antiquities Scheme License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Link Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: MC&D logo small Author: Randomini (?) License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Link Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin |
SCP-6578 | safe | Snyder's Ranch, photographed in 1939. Item #: SCP-6578 Special Containment Procedures: As removing SCP-6578 from its original site is currently unfeasible, the area surrounding Snyder's Ranch has been cordoned off with a perimeter fence. Usage of SCP-6578 for testing purposes requires prior approval from Project Director Haddix, and all instances of SCP-6578-1 are to be transported to Site-44 for further study. Description: SCP-6578 is a burr oak tree (Quercus macrocarpa) located on the site of a former ranch in Ellsworth, Kansas. A rudimentary children's tire swing has been fastened to the outermost branch, and the initials J.S. are crudely engraved into the trunk. SCP-6578's anomalous properties will activate once the intact remains of a recently deceased human1 are buried within fifteen meters of the base. The following day at exactly 00:01 MST, a living replica of the deceased (designated SCP-6578-1) as they appeared at their time of death will manifest directly above the burial site. Instances of SCP-6578-1 will initially show signs of lethargy and disorientation, rarely possessing memories of events less than one week prior to their demise. There is no discernable limit to the number of times an individual can be resurrected in this manner. SCP-6578 came to Foundation attention in October 1938, following the discovery of human remains outside a small ranch in the name of 65 year old widower Hobart Snyder. Further investigation revealed the presence of some 47 genetically identical corpses in varying stages of decomposition, all dating to a sixteen-year period between 1922 and 1938. These remains were universally found to correspond to the owner's then-living son, 11 year old Joshua Snyder, who was reported dead on February 2, 1922. In all 47 cases, the cause of death was determined to be acute leukemia. Footnotes 1. Less than 24 hours after expiration. More from this author... |
SCP-6580 | safe | CarminestheBest Written by CarminestheBest Please, come read more over at the Best Place of Stuff. Item#: 6580 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Six guards have been stationed at all entrances to SCP-6580 in order to prevent civilian access into SCP-6580. Should any of the local populace attempt to enter, agents have been issued a cover story1 and supplied with Class-A amnestics. Force is applicable should civilians attempt to force entry. Observation Post Beta has been established in the former ███████ Building, located one (1) mile south on the same road as SCP-6580 as a means of observing the building for any possible major discrepancies in the near future. To mask the shifts of SCP-6580 into Dimension-130, an effect that causes the projection of an abandoned office building has been applied to the outline of SCP-6580 via thaumaturgical symbols, majority of which were used by the previous occupants to hide SCP-6580. Observation Post Beta has been supplied a low-level thaumaturge in the event that the symbols fail by any means. Should any civilians enter SCP-6580, immediate escort of the civilians by no more than two guards is to be carried out and amnestics must be applied afterwards. Should any civilians enter SCP-6580 and a shift occurs, no action is to be carried out until the reappearance of SCP-6580. Once SCP-6580 has reappeared, no more than three guards are designated to search the immediate area for the civilian(s). If found dead, the body is to be removed and placed outside of SCP-6580, and local police will be informed of the body. If found alive, civilian will be checked, amnesticized, and returned home or to any family or friends in the area with an appropriate cover story. Operations to discover the employer(s) of the workers manufacturing SCP-6580-A are ongoing. Description: SCP-6580 is a two-level industrial warehouse in Everett, Washington, and was formerly owned by ██████████ ███████ ███ before the company filed for bankruptcy and the building was decommissioned. Currently, SCP-6580 will experience random shifts between its location and a hostile dimension thought to be the manifestation of universal psionic power, which has been designated as Dimension-130. Exploration has shown Dimension-130 to be incredibly hostile to human life. SCP-6580 has experienced no other anomalous effects since containment. SCP-6580-A was a paradrug manufactured in the shape of an oval, purple capsule pill that is ingested orally. Up until the shift that resulted in the discovery of SCP-6580, SCP-6580-A was advertised as "Psiphetamine" and was capable of increasing the abilities of psionically capable individuals. This improvement relates to the control these people have over their abilities, allowing for extended use without causing any initial harm to the mind or body. Gathered information from SCP-6580 revealed that prolonged consumption and exposure to multiple instances at once can cause the majority of individuals to become addicted to SCP-6580-A through purely psionic means, and an overdose can result in the death of the individual and the appearance of an SCP-6580-B instance. As of the SCP-6580 Incident Report, no additional instances have been recovered. SCP-6580-B instances are psionic manifestations of the most prominent emotion from individual persons. Appearances range drastically, and all instances to date have been hostile. See attached testing logs for additional information on SCP-6580-B instances. Discovery: On December 8th, 2010, a report detailing the sudden appearance of an unknown building was made to the Everett Police Department, which was intercepted by embedded agents from Iota-10 ("Damn Feds"). When the location was investigated, field agents discovered SCP-6580 in its current state. When questioning the locals, people in the area describe the building as having been a four story office building working under the Hasselhoff Corporation2 as an administrative and clerical building. When limited investigation from field agents wielded the existence of a possible paradrug operation, MTF Liaison-5 ("The Hawkshaws")3 was called in to investigate further. Below is the initial exploration log between the exploration team and Foundation Command. Exploration Log-1A [Level 4 Clearance Required] [Clearance Verified] Exploration Log-1A Assigned Mobile Task Force: Liaison-5 ("The Hawkshaws") Team Leader: Captain Matthew S. Ulysses Designated SIC: Agent Gary H. Benet Mission Description: Investigate a building suspected of holding a paradrug operation in Everett, Washington, apprehend any possible suspects in the area for interrogation, and bag any and all evidence of the operation for research purposes. [BEGIN LOG] <Audio and recording begins. The team is currently stationed outside of the APC they arrived in, facing the front entrance to SCP-6580.> Capt. Ulysses: Alright everyone. Cameras on and audio check for our boys back home. Agent Benet: Surveillance cam and body cam on. Check. Agent Evelyn: Body cam on, check. Agent Dixon: Body cam on. Check check. Agent Hornwright: Body cam operational. Check. Capt. Ulysses: You got all that, command? Command: Affirmative. You may enter as soon as your team is ready. Capt. Ulysses: Copy that, command. Anything we don't already know that we should be aware of before we proceed? Agent Dixon: Like if this building is gonna vanish with us inside? Command: As far as observations have gone, we don't know. The location doesn't currently exhibit any kind of unnatural Hume levels nor any significant thaumaturgical energy. We will alert you if we get something. Agent Evelyn: That's disheartening. We're going in blind? Agent Benet: It's nothing we're not already accustomed to. Agent Hornwright: It's nothing to not be wary of either. Capt. Ulysses: If that's everyone's complaints out of the way… <Audio is silent for several seconds as Capt. Ulysses pans over the team.> Capt. Ulysses:…then we can get this over with. Let's get to work. Audio goes quiet besides the steps of the team and occasional breathing. Capt. Ulysses is seen trying to open the entrance, which is a double metal door. Capt. Ulysses: Locked, heavy duty. Dixon? Agent Dixon: Got it, sir. <Agent Dixon approaches the entrance as the rest of the team backs away. He uses his supplied breaching shotgun to shoot off the hinges to both sides. The door falls backwards, revealing a small hallway with a single wooden door at the end, and a glassed off room to the right of the now breached door. The wooden door is slightly opened.> Agent Dixon: That never gets old. Capt. Ulysses: Search this area, don't proceed further before we have. <The team moves inside as they search the hallway, searching inside the glassed off room as well. Agent Hornwright finds the remains of a notebook laying inside the glassed off room, with the words "Names We Can Trust" scribbled on in black marker. The first five pages have names listed on them, three are torn out, and the rest are blank.> Agent Hornwright: We got names. Suspects, more than likely. Agent Evelyn: You got any idea why they may have a notebook with "Names We Can Trust" plastered over it? Agent Hornwright: A vague one. This was a paradrug operation, right? They probably got a lot of foot traffic around here, so whoever they are, they wrote down some people they know wouldn't snitch. Capt. Ulysses: Bag it as evidence. Maybe we can cross some names off our list. If that's all, we can proceed. <The team moves past the wooden door, and enters a large, open space. Fallen metal shelves dot the ground, and an abundance of medical and chemistry equipment has been thrown across the floor haphazardly. A few stacked boxes are the only things evidently not damaged.> Agent Dixon: Poor work environment, yeah? Capt. Ulysses: Command, you see this mess? Command: Affirmative. We suspect the perpetrators flew into a panic when the building first disappeared, or attempted to destroy the evidence before fleeing. Agent Benet: That's plausible, but they did a terrible job at destroying it. We could probably bag half of this. Capt. Ulysses: We'll do that after we get this place locked down. This place isn't too big, safe enough to spread out. Whatever you find, get a good look at it and let command log it down. Agent Dixon: Let's do it fast too, yeah? I wanna get outta here if this place decides to vanish again. Agent Evelyn: You afraid of going to Neverland? <Agent Dixon groans as the team disperses and continues to search the area. While searching one of the undamaged boxes, Agent Dixon's feed shows it is filled to the brim with purple capsule pills, later identified as SCP-6580-A.> Agent Dixon: Captain, I think I found the drugs they were making here. <Capt. Ulysses makes his way towards Agent Dixon, looking into the box as well. He then opens an adjacent box, and finds that it is also filled with SCP-6580-A.> Capt. Ulysses: It's giving me a headache just by looking at it. Agent Dixon: You think that has something to do with what these things do? Capt. Ulysses: We won't know for certain until we get a sample of it back to base. Bag a few of them and keep them on you until we leave. <Agent Dixon nods takes a handful of SCP-6580-A, securing them in one of his storage pouches.> Capt. Ulysses: Alright, let's- <Before Capt. Ulysses can continue, his camera feed picks up movement from a nearby door.> Capt. Ulysses: Fuck, we got movement. Agent Evelyn: We're not alone? Agent Dixon: That makes things much more interesting. Capt. Ulysses: Maybe. Command, can you confirm movement? <Upon reviewing the footage, viewers confirm movement to be something vaguely human appearing to quietly but quickly close a storage closet door.> Command: Affirmative, please advise caution on your approach. Capt. Ulysses: Benet, Evelyn, you're with me on left. Dixon, go with Hornwright and approach from the right. //<Agents regroup to respective positions. Agents Hornwright and Dixon approach the door from a descending stairway to the right, while Capt. Ulysses and Agents Evelyn and Benet approach from the door from the left, leaning against the wall as they move.> Capt. Ulysses: <whispering> On three. One… <As Capt. Ulysses is reaching for the knob to the door, a sudden surge in psionic energy surrounds the building. Communications are momentarily cut.> Capt. Ulysses: Two… Command: <Distorted.> Agent Benet: <whispering> Command, repeat? Command. <The surge of energy increases, completely surrounding the building and some of the surrounding area.> Capt. Ulysses: Three. <Audio cuts out completely as SCP-6580 vanishes.> [END LOG] During the exploration, a sudden surge of psionic energy from an unknown source engulfed the surrounding area of SCP-6580 and caused the first recorded shift into Dimension-130. Any and all attempts at communication yielded no results. Due to the lack of a physical location, a recovery team could not be sent in to retrieve the team, and as such no other recovery efforts were attempted. The personnel at Observation Post Beta were ordered not to interfere with the area, and were advised to watch for a reappearance of SCP-6580 until further notice. Addendum-6580-1: 12/12/10: On December 12th, 2010, SCP-6580 reappeared with noticeable damage to its exterior and interior. Complying with orders received following personnel reporting the reappearance, Observation Post Beta dispatched field agents to conduct a quick search of the area. The interior was reported to be in worse condition than before, and multiple unknown persons were reported dead across the inside of the building, including all of the agents. Attached below are the recovered audio logs of the team following the shift of SCP-6580. Recovered Exploration Log-2B [Level 4 Clearance Required] [Clearance Verified] Recovered Audio Log-2B [BEGIN LOG] Capt. Ulysses: Don't move! Hands up! ???: <Whispering> Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't shoot! Don't- Shit, don't be so fucking loud, will you? <Live feed of all agents show the storage room is occupied by seven unknown persons, the one in front being the one speaking.> Agent Benet: Get on your knees with hands behind your head, now! ???: <Whispering> Fine, fine, yeah! Just, be bloody quiet. <With a nod from the man speaking, all persons proceed to drop down to their knees and put their hands behind their head. Agents Dixon and Hornwright apprehend each person by cuffing their hands behind their backs, while Agent Evelyn stands guard at the doorway. Once each person is secured, Capt. Ulysses proceeds to approach the one previously speaking.> Capt. Ulysses: State your name. ???: Listen, we don't- Capt. Ulysses: Your. Name. Please. McGregor: Oh my God, it's McGregor, but listen, where- Capt. Ulysses: Is there anyone else here should be aware of? McGregor: No! Listen, goddammit, where'd you come from!? Capt. Ulysses: That's classified. McGregor: Classi- we're in another bloody dimension! How classified can you possibly be right now!? <Agents Hornwright and Dixon look at each other. Agent Benet looks inside.> Agent Benet: Captain, what'd he say? Capt. Ulysses: We're what? <One of the previously quiet persons now speaks up.> ???: Just fucking listen! Look outside! McGregor: <Whispering> Be fucking quiet, Ivan! They'll hear us just like they heard Frank! Ivan: <Whispering> Like you were just any quiet! Capt. Ulysses: Both of you be quiet. What's outside and who's they? ???: Do what Ivan said and look outside, dipshit. Get a good look. <With a frustrated sigh, Capt. Ulysses looks to Agent Dixon.> Capt. Ulysses: Dixon, go look outside. Call us over comms if something is out of place. Agent Dixon: Yes, sir. <Agent Dixon departs.> McGregor: You better make sure he doesn't get found while looking. Capt. Ulysses: And why's that? McGregor: Because whatever killed my friends is still out there. Agent Benet: Do what the captain said and shut up. McGregor: Bite me, fed. Agent Benet: What did you just call me? Capt. Ulysses: Benet, calm down. Agent Dixon: <Over comms> Captain? Capt. Ulysses: Report, Dixon. Agent Dixon: <Over comms> We're not in Washington anymore. Capt. Ulysses: Fuck. Where are you? Agent Dixon: <Over comms> Far end of the building in front of a window, straight ahead. McGregor: Told you. <Capt. Ulysses leaves the room and sprints to the other end of the building, where Agent Dixon is standing. Although distorted, both agents feeds display a wide expanse of a dark purple clouds that are constantly moving and swirling. A slight pink mist is also apparent, though is not moving with the clouds. Rapid movement among the clouds was later identified as multiple hundred instances of SCP-6580-B. Both agents stare for several seconds before the feed picks up a noise akin to screaming.> McGregor: <Picked up from Agent Hornwrights audio> Oh, shit. They found us again. Capt, Ulysses: <Over comms> Evelyn, Hornwright, secure that room! Lock it and make sure those suspects don't move! Benet, regroup with me and Dixon at the center of the floor! <Agents Evelyn and Hornwright lock the door to the room with the suspects. Capt. Ulysses with Agents Benet and Dixon regroup at the center of the building.> Agent Benet: What was that? Capt. Ulysses: Not entirely sure. Once we know where we are, we'll- <Capt. Ulysses is interrupted by the shattering of a nearby window. The shattering is seen to have been caused by a stream of purple clouds and pink mist, which proceeds to materialize into an animalistic form in front of the window. A clear image of it is not available, however it appears very large and bulky. The entity screams as it faces the agents. This was confirmed as an SCP-6580-B instance.> Agent Dixon: Please tell me I'm seeing things. Agent Benet: No, but it hurts to look at- shit, headache! <The entity moves forward slowly, knocking shelves and tables out of the way. It stops as it screams again, and appears to stare down Agent Benet.> Agent Benet: Fuck! Fuck! It hurts! Christ! <As Agent Benet holds his head and drops to his knees, Capt. Ulysses fires upon the instance, followed by Agent Dixon. Although there is no visible effect, it distracts the entity, causing Agent Benet to regain his composure. The instance then charges Agent Dixon.> Agent Dixon: Holy shit! <Agent Dixon dives out of the way just in time to dodge the instance as it attempts to swing a massive arm down onto him. Capt. Ulysses stops firing as the instance hits a wall. He runs to Agent Benet, helping him to his feet.> Capt. Ulysses: What happened, Benet? Agent Benet: Get off me! <Agent Benet's sudden hostility causes Capt. Ulysses to back away. Agent Benet then drops to his knees again, again holding his head.> Agent Benet: It knows, it- fuck! It's digging into my head! Get it out! Get it out! Fucking GET IT OUT! <Capt. Ulysses goes for Agent Benet again, but is interrupted by Agent Evelyn.> Agent Evelyn: <Over comms> Captain! <Capt. Ulysses quickly turns to find another SCP-6580-B instance clawing at the door containing the suspects and Agents Evelyn and Hornwright. This entity is visibly smaller and thinner, clawing at the door ferociously. It is unknown how the instance made it inside without making any previous noise.> Capt. Ulysses: Dixon! Help Eve and Hornwright! I got Benet! Agent Dixon: On it! <Agent Dixon engages the smaller entity. Capt. Ulysses then turns to find the entity staring at Agent Benet, once again causing Agent Benet immense pain. He opens fire, but does not distract the entity again.> Agent Benet: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! <Capt. Ulysses runs to Agent Benet again, grabbing him and shaking.> Capt. Ulysses: Benet! Benet! Gary, snap out of it! It's in your head <Agent Benet screams loudly as the instance approaches, purple tendrils emerging from its body and extend to close in on Agent Benet. Capt. Ulysses momentarily drops Agent Benet and attempts to shoot at the tendrils, but there is no visible effect. One violently lashes at Capt. Ulysses, the force of which violently knocks him into a wall. He attempts to stand, but fails as another tendril lashes at him again, knocking him out.> Agent Benet: Fuck! <At the same time, Agent Benet is seen being lifted to face the larger instance. The instance screams, and Agent Benet screams in sync with it. Over Agent Benet's audio, the feed quiets and Agent Benet is heard whispering multiple obscenities, and then the following.> Agent Benet: Mama always said I had a temper. <The instance screams louder, which causes mass distortion in all agents' live feeds. Agent Benet proceeds to scream again, before a loud explosion is heard and the feed cuts entirely.> [END LOG] Recovered Exploration Log-3C [Level 4 Clearance Required] [Clearance Verified] Recovered Audio Log-3C [BEGIN LOG] <The live feed of each team member shows the inside of the storage room where the suspects were originally found, except for Capt. Ulysses who is unconscious and whose feed is showing the ceiling. Agent Benets feed is unavailable.> Agent Evelyn: So, in total, how long have you all actually been here? McGregor: Hard to say, really. The clocks don't work, communications aren't available, and my phone was already dead before this all happened. Agent Dixon: You didn't think to-? McGregor: I had a rough morning, okay? The IHOP I always go to was closed, so I took the dreadful advice of my mate Thomas and went to Dennys instead. God, they suck. Didn't let me think as straight as I could. Ivan: You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Dennys is ten times better than any IHOP in the country. McGregor: If my hands weren't tied, I'd kick the shit out of you. Ivan: If your hands weren't tied you'd kick me? <McGregor starts to respond, but is interrupted.> Agent Evelyn: Hey, McGregor, question? Remember? McGregor: What? Oh, yeah, maybe a few hours plus the one y'all have been here. Agent Hornwright: That doesn't match up with the locals. Majority of them said they stopped seeing activity around here days prior to the appearance of this building. Agent Evelyn: Are you lying to me, McGregor? McGregor: What need would I have for lying? I've practically told you everything I know about this place. Agent Evelyn: I asked you one question. McGregor: I have had a headache for over an hour, okay? Sorry if I'm not completely paying attention because my bloody head wants to explode like your- Agent Dixon: Finish that sentence and I shoot you. <McGregor scoffs.> Agent Evelyn: Next, how much do you know about the drug you were making here? McGregor: The pills? Agent Dixon: Yeah, these. <Agent Dixon shows McGregor the bag of SCP-6580-A instances he acquired at the start of the mission. McGregor tries to grab for it, but is stopped by his restraints.> McGregor: What about them? Agent Hornwright: Let's start with what it does, since it seems to be giving everyone in here a headache. Agent Dixon: Speaking of that, yeah, I need to sit down. <Agent Dixon hands the SCP-6580-A instances to Agent Hornwright before he goes to sit down in the leftmost corner of the room, holding his head. McGregor is seen smirking, before speaking.> McGregor: When we were offered to make this stuff for a good load, they didn't tell us much of anything about it. Were we curious? Yeah. Preston asked one of them, but I dunno what they told him. Agent Evelyn: Is Preston anyone in here? McGregor: We haven't seen him since the first time this place came here. <One of the suspects starts to openly cry, which appears to cause a mild discomfort in all but one of the room occupants. The one unaffected is sitting in the corner opposite of Agent Dixon, facing the wall and rocking back and fourth.> McGregor: And, uh, either way, well…again, we didn't really care. Not that it really matters. We were getting paid big bucks from my… <McGregor looks around and clears his throat.> McGregor:…employer. We got paid, that was all that mattered. Agent Evelyn: Your employer? McGregor: I can't talk about that. Agent Evelyn: Why not? McGregor: You wouldn't understand. Agent Evelyn: Maybe I won't, but I guess that doesn't matter right now, we'll figure that out later. In the meantime, what can you tell me? McGregor: The name of it. I think they called it something, like…psi…psi, something? Agent Evelyn: Psi? Like, psychopath? Psychic? McGregor: They actually said psionic a lot when talking about it. Agent Evelyn: Psionic, then. Agent Hornwright: I've heard about psionics before. Telepathy, psychic powers, stuff to do with the mind. McGregor: Oh yeah, yeah, Psiphetamine! They called the stuff Psiphetamine. Agent Evelyn: Psiphetamine? Like, methamphetamine? McGregor: Maybe? Beats me. The stuff isn't even anything like that. Agent Hornwright: So do you know what it does? <McGregor shrugs and doesn't speak further.> ???: I, uh, I do. <Agents Hornwright and Evelyn turn to the voice, which is coming from the corner of the room opposite of Agent Dixon. They are presumably the youngest in the room, as their appearance suggests they are around 18-20 years of age.> Agent Evelyn: You have a name? Carter: Carter. Agent Hornwright: And you know how these pills work? Carter: Yes. Agent Evelyn: Would you mind telling us? Carter: No, no I…I wouldn't, um. I overheard one guy, one of the ones that came to deliver the supplies for us to make it, talking about it with the guy that was in charge of us before, this all happened. They mentioned it could enhance the abilities of "psionically capable people". They'd been selling it in, I don't know, some place they called "Three Portlands". I'm probably wrong, but that's what they said. <Upon hearing this, Agents Evelyn and Hornwright share a brief look.> Agent Hornwright: How knowledgeable are you in…what's going on around here? Carter: What do you mean? Agent Evelyn: Up until when you heard it, have you ever heard of Three Portlands before? Carter: I've heard of Portland, Oregon, but not Three Portlands. <Agent Hornwright sighs heavily, and makes gestures to get the other suspects attention.> Agent Hornwright: Show of hands. Who in here has ever heard of or been to Three Portlands? <Four out of the seven suspects, including McGregor and Ivan, raise their hands.> Agent Hornwright: How many of you actually know about the anomalous and paranormal? <Same result of people raise their hands.> McGregor: I'm actually from Eurtec. Ivan: I used to live in SoHo, if that matters. <Agent Evelyn holds up a hand to signal them to be quiet, then starts to whisper to Agent Hornwright.> Agent Evelyn: We don't have any amnestics, do we? Agent Hornwright: We don't, but we'll handle that later. Carter, is there anything else you can tell us? Carter: They mentioned some kind of drawbacks before I got shooed off. How it can be addictive to people with those kinds of powers, and how people who don't have them could be "overwhelmed". I…think that's what happened to Kyle. Agent Hornwright: Kyle? McGregor: <interrupting> A lazy worker is what he was. I can blame two botched cases of the stuff on him. Agent Evelyn: What happened to him? Carter: His head, uh, exploded. Agent Hornwright: His head exploded? Carter: Yeah, uh…like, like your- Agent Evelyn: Okay, yeah, we get it. How? McGregor: Zack thought it would be funny if they hid one of the pills in his soda. He's dead, before you ask. Carter: After that, I think that's when everything happened. He exploded, and a big wave of energy or something threw me back and knocked me out. Agent Hornwright: Do you remember anything from when you woke up? <Before Carter can answer, Agent Dixon interrupts by making an audible groaning sound, and slumps against the wall. Agent Evelyn gestures for Agent Hornwright to check on Agent Dixon. As Agent Hornwright is walking, Carter answers the previous question.> Carter: I got dragged in here with only the seven of us. I remember there had been twenty or so of us, but…I don't know what happened. McGregor: I'll tell you what fucking happened, they were killed or taken by those damn things outside. Agent Evelyn: Killed by one of those entities we saw? <At this point, Capt. Ulysses starts to writhe and groan. Agent Evelyn moves to check him. At the same time, Agent Dixon appears to become visibly stressed as Agent Hornwright attempts to calm him.> Agent Evelyn: Captain? Captain, you there? <Capt. Ulysses is heard muttering, though exact words are unavailable. Seen on Agent Evelyn's feed, Capt. Ulysses starts to cry profusely. Shortly thereafter, a scream similar to the ones heard in the previous log is heard. Capt. Ulysses is barely heard murmuring in the midst of the screaming.> McGregor: Oh, fuck. Capt. Ulysses: <While still crying and unconscious> Papa? Oh, God, papa, i'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, papa. I didn't- I promise I- <As the screaming ends, Agent Dixon is heard yelling and then tackling Agent Hornwright. All audio and live feeds becomes distorted. Once restored, Agent Dixon is seen holding the bag of SCP-6580-A instances in his hands, and Agent Hornwright alongside suspects McGregor, Carter, and Ivan are seen laying nearby, visibly beaten. Agent Evelyn is standing between Agent Dixon, holding her rifle towards the agent as Capt. Ulysses wakes up yelling.> Agent Evelyn: Dixon! Stop! Capt. Ulysses: <Once he has stopped yelling> Wh- What the Hell? Dixon? Agent Dixon: They've been calling for me. Scratching at my head, banging against my skull. They want their power back, and I'm going to give it to them, to make them stop. They said it was my fault! It was my fault she left me! Agent Evelyn: Dixon, this place is fucking with your head, calm- Agent Dixon: She left me for a fucking accountant! While I was saving the goddamn world! Capt. Ulysses: Agent Dixon, stand down. Buddy, come on, we've talked about this, right? <Agent Dixon momentarily calms down, seeming to come his senses.> Capt. Ulysses: Come on, Garret. Put the pills down, before you do something bad again. Agent Dixon: Again?! <Before Agent Dixon can act further, another scream is heard over the audio. Agent Dixon reacts violently while Capt. Ulysses keels over, clutching his head. Agent Dixon aims his rifle at Capt. Ulysses and shoots him twice in the chest, yelling indistinguishably. Agent Evelyn aims her rifle, but doesn't fire. From Agent Dixons feed, Agent Evelyn is seen crying.> Agent Evelyn: Please, Dixon. Please put it down, please. Agent Dixon: None of you ever saw me as anything but a sad, angry man who did the job without question, who did what everyone else fucking does and hid it behind a fake persona! None of you ever fucking cared! <He aims at Agent Hornwright, who is now seen attempting to crawl away from Agent Dixon, alongside suspects McGregor and Ivan.> Agent Dixon: Especially fucking Hornwright! <Agent Evelyn becomes visibly more distraught as she fires three shots into Agent Dixon. He stumbles, bleeding, but keeps his stance.> Agent Dixon: You've wanted to do that since we got put on this team, haven't you? <Agent Evelyn continues crying loudly as she pulls Agent Hornwright out of the room, followed by suspects McGregor and Ivan. Whilst heavily bleeding, Agent Dixon opens the bag of SCP-6580-A and ingest all instances found inside. For a brief moment, all audio goes silent as Agent Dixon has no visible reaction. His expression then changes to horror as he looks around the room, then at Agent Evelyn.> Agent Dixon: I-I'm so sorry, Eve. <A bright purple explosion occurs, causing a shockwave that disables all live feeds and audio.> [END LOG] Recovered Exploration Log-4D [Level 4 Clearance Required] [Clearance Verified] Recovered Audio Log-4D [BEGIN LOG] <Despite no inherent action being seen, noises akin to crashing and rumbling is heard throughout the log. A still distraught Agent Evelyn is helping Agent Hornwright limp towards the front door of the building.> Agent Evelyn: I fucking shot him, James. Agent Hornwright: Eve. Agent Evelyn: He- He shot Matthew! Matthew is fucking dead. Agent Hornwright: Evelyn. Agent Evelyn: He was gonna fucking shoot you too, I- Agent Hornwright: Eve, stop. <Agent Evelyn looks at Agent Hornwright. Him, including suspects McGregor and Ivan, are staring through a nearby window. The feed is slightly distorted.> Agent Evelyn: What? What is it? McGregor: You can't hear that? Agent Hornwright: Somethings whispering. Agent Evelyn: James, James snap out of it! Come on! <As Agent Evelyn pulls Agent Hornwright towards the entrance, they are stopped as Agent Hornwright pulls away and falls to the ground.> Agent Hornwright: I'm so cold, Eve. <Agent Evelyn attempts to pull Agent Hornwright back up.> Agent Evelyn: Get up! Please! Ivan: What the Hell is that? <Agent Evelyn turns back to the window. The feed is heavily distorted, but an immensely large SCP-6580-B entity with a humanoid shape is partially seen through the distortion. What is assumed to be a hand points towards the window, and Agent Evelyn falls over. The feed just barely records Agent Hornwright flailing around and screaming. A roar is heard, and the log cuts off.> [END LOG] No further logs were recovered. All agents, excluding Agent Dixon, were found deceased inside SCP-6580. Further attempts at exploration of SCP-6580 or the dimension associated with it has been prohibited by Overwatch Command. Current containment procedures were put in place shortly after the reappearance of SCP-6580. Addendum-6580-2: 12/15/10: After a third submission from Dr. Leopold requesting the recovery of a stash of SCP-6580-A instances from inside SCP-6580 for testing purposes, the request was approved by a representative from Overwatch Command, Secretary Lilac, with the exception that testing would be overseen by Site-99 Director Thomas Patton and that subjects would strictly be D-Class personnel. A recovery team extracted a singular box full of SCP-6580-A instances, numbering an estimated 200 instances. The following file contains all documented 6580-A tests. 6580-A Testing Logs [Level 4 Clearance Required] [Clearance Verified] Test 1 Subject: D-777091 Procedure: D-777091 displayed minor psionic potential, but with no discernible abilities. One 6580-A instance was provided, and D-777091 was instructed to ingest it. Result: D-777091 displayed minor discomfort before dropping to the floor and screaming for three minutes and twenty-six seconds straight whilst thrashing around, seemingly in a fit of rage. She then attempted to ram the chamber door headfirst, resulting in her [DATA EXPUNGED] in a shockwave of psionic energy, similar to Test 4, and causing the appearance of a 6580-B instance. This instance was incredibly similar to the one encountered by the exploration team in Log-2B. It attempted several times to violently escape the chamber by bashing against the walls and door before it eventually dissipated half an hour later. Test 2 Subject: D-209381 Procedure: D-209381 was selected both due to their minor psionic potential and severe melancholic depression. One 6580-A instance was provided and D-209381 was instructed to ingest it. Result: Upon ingestion, no immediate effects took place. D-209381 both smiled and cried before undergoing the same process as the last two tests, resulting in a 6580-B instance. It was the third largest instance to date, and resembled a large, gelatinous object laying in the corner of the chamber. A low but constant weeping was heard among all viewing personnel, though the tone and source of the sound varied between reports. The instance dissipated three hours later. Update 12/17/10: Dr. Leopold made a request to Director Patton for usage of select PoIs with more advanced psionic potential in order to gain better results with tests, stating that D-Class were insufficient for testing. Director Patton forwarded the request to Overwatch Command, where the request was denied due to possible security risks. Dr. Leopold made a second request later that day for access to researcher personnel that displayed psionic capabilities. This request was accepted, but was limited to four personnel in total. Test 3 Subject: Jr. Researcher Clarence Procedure: Jr. Researcher Clarence had displayed previous psychokinetic abilities (similar to the subject in Test 2), having been recorded as moving small objects for personal convenience. A single 6580-A instance was provided, and Jr. Researcher Clarence was instructed ingest the instance and then attempt to move any of a variety of objects supplied in the room. Result: Jr. Researcher Clarence complained of a mild headache upon ingesting the instance. Jr. Researcher Clarence chose the following supplied objects to move; one shaded lamp, two foldable metal chairs, and one wooden nightstand. He proceeded to lift up each object individually into the air before lifting them all at once and spinning them in a circle. Jr. Researcher Clarence performed a variety of feats he was not previously capable of for a total of twenty eight minutes before all objects abruptly fell. Jr. Researcher Clarence's psychokinetic abilities returned to normal at the same time, and was returned to duty. Test 4 Subject: Sr. Researcher Sharpe & Assistant Researcher Ariel Procedure: Sr. Researcher Sharpe had been originally employed as a Mobile Task Force agent and assigned to Mobile Task Force Lambda-9 ("Mind over Matter") due to their metapsionic ability. Assistant Researcher Ariel is a psion-in-training under Sr. Researcher Sharpes supervision and training, allowed in the experiment to fully document Sharpe's metapsionic ability. Due to Sr. Researcher Sharpe's long time experience in parapsychology and life as a psychic, two 6580-A instances were provided and Sr. Researcher Sharpe was instructed to ingest both one at a time. To ensure maximum safety, additional guards were provided at the entrance to the testing chamber. Result: Sr. Researcher Sharpe ingested one of the instances and displayed no visible discomfort. Minor discomfort was seen upon ingesting the second instance, and Sharpe exclaimed annoyance at the apparently "crude and rudimentary" usage of the psionic power in the instances. After a minute of concentration, Sr. Researcher Sharpe exerted a large output of psionic energy towards Assistant Researcher Ariel. [DATA EXPUNGED]. Sr. Researcher Sharpe and Assistant Researcher Ariel were sent to the on-site psych ward. Test 5 Subject: Dr. Bonnet Procedure: Dr. Bonnet has displayed an advanced precognitive ability tied to psionics due to being a natural and powerful psychic, and had undergone previous training to hone her skills. One 6580-A instance was supplied, and Dr. Bonnet was instructed to ingest the instance and attempt to gain foreknowledge of any item or person in the immediate area. Result: Dr. Bonnet complained of a mild headache upon ingesting the instance, then proceeded to touch the wall of the testing chamber. [REDACTED]4. Dr. Bonnet immediately transferred herself off-site. Update 12/20/10: Dr. Leopold made a second request for both more psionic and non-psionic subjects, with a list of details attached to the email that described an experiment with the end result being the safe awakening of psionic potential in non-psionic individuals. It was at this point that both Director Patton and Secretary Lilac formally warned Dr. Leopold on his frequent requests for testing despite the apparent security risks that could and have ensued. The request was denied, and it was planned for Dr. Leopold to be transferred off-site and for the remainder of the SCP-6580-A instances to be put in cold storage at Site-19. Despite this, an additional test was planned and readied without Director Patton or Secretary Lilac's knowledge. It was assumed that Dr. Leopold conducted this final test by abusing his status as a Level 4 researcher, gaining access to two additional D-Class subjects and two 6580-A instances. It is unknown at this time if any additional personnel were involved. Test 6 Subject: D-009831 & D-975361 Procedure: D-009831 displayed no psionic potential at any point, and was randomly picked from a selection of other D-Class of the same standard. D-975361 displayed medium psionic potential with an metapsionic ability similar to Sr. Researcher Sharpe in Test 9. Two SCP-6580-A instances were supplied, and D-975361 was instructed to ingest the instance and attempt a breakthrough in psionic potential with D-009831, who was instructed to ingest the second instance shortly after D-975361. Result: See SCP-6580 Incident Report. SCP-6580 Incident Report [Level 5 Clearance Required] [Clearance Verified] Overview: On 12/20/10, Site-99 transmitted a report of a sudden surge of powerful psionic energy to Site-38 and Observation Post Beta, and requested assistance in a possible containment breach. While the request was met and forces were directed to Site-99, the site experienced a shift similar to SCP-6580 and completely disappeared. As forces arrived and reported the situation, they were given new orders from Overwatch Command to set a perimeter around the former area of Site-99. Once the perimeter was established, additional forces were deployed to ensure full security of the area and in the scenario that, if or when Site-99 reappeared, it harbored any hostile entities. Until the confirmation on the reappearance of Site-99 and the report of its current state, no personnel outside of the perimeter forces, Site-38, Observation Post Beta, and members of the O5 Council were to know of its disappearance. Casualty Report: Estimated ███ missing personnel. Presumed dead. Missing Items Report: Estimated ██ missing anomalous items. Items have not been considered important enough for emergency retrieval. Update 1/03/11: Site-99 confirmed to have reappeared. The site is heavily damaged and enshrouded by a mist of what has been confirmed to be unstable psionic energy. The site was broadcasting its emergency beacon, and a repeat automated message requesting for immediate support due to a mass containment breach. Despite the message, no known anomalies within Site-99 were reported to be seen inside or outside the site. By direct orders from the O5 Council, no personnel were to enter Site-99 under any circumstances. An MTF was not to attempt to investigate the site, but the perimeter was to be kept at all times due to the possible dangers it represented. Any personnel caught having entered Site-99 will be amnesticized of the events and their deployment in the area and transferred off-site immediately. More severe actions may be met with immediate termination. [Addendum-6580-3: 12/14/10] [Level 5 Clearance Required] [Clearance Verified] Contrary to the information in the above file, not all agents were found deceased or missing. Agent Evelyn was found in a locked room near the front entrance of SCP-6580, crouched in a corner and murmuring to herself. She was unresponsive to attempts at communication, but complied with agents while being escorted outside of SCP-6580. Agent Evelyn was sent to Site-26 for psychological evaluation. After reviewing the logs, Agent Evelyn was put through a PRS5 test, which they scored high on. Agent Evelyn was interviewed shortly afterwards about the events that transpired in the logs. Interview-A Interviewer: Dr. Montgomery Interviewee: Agent Evelyn [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Montgomery: Good evening, agent. How are you feeling? Agent Evelyn: Better, I suppose. Dr. Montgomery: You suppose? Agent Evelyn: I could be back there. Dr. Montgomery: I suppose you could, but you're here now, and that is what matters. <Dr. Montgomery writes something down on his clipboard.> Dr. Montgomery: Speaking of it, that is what I'm here to talk to you about. Agent Evelyn: Really? I just can't catch a break, can I? Dr. Montgomery: You were subject to an event that we don't quite understand. Once this interview is over, I promise you'll be put on leave until you've fully recovered from the experience. Agent Evelyn: That makes sense. Dr. Montgomery: Right, then. Are you ready? Agent Evelyn: Yeah. Dr. Montgomery: Prior to the shift, did you feel any kind of headaches while inside? Agent Evelyn: No, not me at least. I think Garret was the first to find them, the pills. They were hard to be around I guess, because he got the headaches first. Dr. Montgomery: How would you describe the headaches? Agent Evelyn: It wasn't like having them before. Not like pounding, but more like constant scratching. Dr. Montgomery: Do you think it was something that was scratching? Agent Evelyn: I think so, but it's hard to describe. Dr. Montgomery: That is fine. Next, this is a very personal question, but I am required to ask it. Did any of your team, particularly Agent Dixon, show any signs of emotional trauma that was not reported to their assigned psychiatrist? <Agent Evelyn stays quiet for several seconds before speaking.> Agent Evelyn: Sometimes, I never really took any notice, but otherwise Dixon was his happy-go-lucky self. Him and Ulysses were closer, they probably talked more, but they're…fuck, i'm sorry. Dr. Montgomery: It's fine, I understand. Moving on, the suspects your team interacted with said there had been more of them. Were there any previous signs of life besides the seven you encountered? Any bodies, maybe? Agent Evelyn: No. It was nothing but them and us. Dr. Montgomery: Are you completely sure? Agent Evelyn: Did you guys find something we didn't? Dr. Montgomery: No, but I just have to make sure. Every bit of information is vital. Agent Evelyn: If you really want to know, here's what I know; whatever was in there, they wanted those damn pills. Dixon said that too, that they wanted their "power" back. Whoever the manufacturers were, they were siphoning energy from that realm and making it a drug to sell. I don't…I don't know how they did it, but it made those things in there…just, angry. It made the entire dimension angry. So, immensely angry. I could feel it whenever I saw one. Just pure anger, directly at us. They didn't want us there, they didn't want us to- to mess with anything, to get- to- <Agent Evelyn becomes emotionally distraught and starts crying profusely.> Agent Evelyn: I'm so sorry, guys. I-I'm so, so sorry. Dr. Montgomery: Alright, alright. Interview concluded. I'll have Doctor Reeves come get you. [END LOG] Upon the conclusion of the interview, Agent Evelyn was put on leave until she could fully recover from the events in SCP-6580. In light of Agent Evelyn's likely severe PTSD from the events, amnestication and permanent removal from duty was recommended by Dr. Reeves and is pending review. Footnotes 1. #GH45D: Hazardous Waste Disposal. 2. No records of this company exist. 3. A Task Force specializing in paracriminal activity. 4. Due to the sensitive nature of the information in Dr. Bonnet's precognitive vision, the details have been redacted. 5. Psychic Resistance Scale ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6580" by CarminestheBest, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6581 | safe | close Info X Author: weiserthanyou Item #: SCP-6581 Special Containment Procedures: To prevent civilian discovery, SCP-6581 has been restricted from diving access as a claimed military shipwreck. Flooding of SCP-6581's lower levels is prevented via an installed airlock over the entrance. In the event of intrusion by sea life or spontaneous activity by SCP-6581-1, it should be sealed until further notice. No explorations into the remaining sealed chamber are authorized at this time. Description: SCP-6581 is a series of ruined stone structures approximately 0.06 square km in area, located on the sea floor at 6.94° N, 109.17 E°. While it displays a level of architecture expected from a developed agricultural civilization, its position and carbon dating suggest it was constructed more than 14,000 years ago during the last Ice Age, predating all known agriculture by several millennia. The majority of SCP-6581 is exposed to seawater and displays erosion consistent with millennia underwater, but the lower levels of the largest structure were protected by a watertight door at discovery. An airlock was put in place to allow opening of the seal without flooding the interior, enabling study of artifacts and areas protected from water. SCP-6581's layout suggests it was built and used as a fortress. This is compounded by the presence of several bronze weapons, thaumaturgic wards throughout the main structure to reinforce walls and prevent other use of thaumaturgy, and the presence of SCP-6581-1 within the lower levels. SCP-6581-1 is the collective designation for 143 humanoid automata made of iron and human bone. Each is approximately 160 cm tall and equipped with a bronze spear and a small wooden shield. SCP-6581-1 are capable of movement, but only do so in reaction to external stimuli, and return to their previous position once undisturbed. 121 instances stand in formation in a hall adjacent to an armory. Of the remaining 22 instances, 12 are stationed in pairs at various doorways and 10 are stationed in a hidden antechamber (see Addendum 6581.2). Addendum 6581.1 Five murals within SCP-6581's lower levels remain well-preserved, and seemingly depict a series of connected events, although it is unclear whether they are a literal record or artistic interpretation. The below list is in (presumed) chronological order. A black-haired man in golden robes with a crown and a purple flame over his head, standing above a kneeling crowd. A shaft of sunlight illuminates the man. Four blue-robed figures stand in the background behind him, each wearing simpler crowns. The same man in golden robes but with white hair, standing before the four others in blue, who are now bareheaded. The golden-robed man is holding out a scepter. Each of the four has their hands raised as if to receive it. The four blue-robed figures dueling each other in pairs. The crown and scepter are floating in a vertical ray of light in the center of the image. On the left, a man in blue robes leading an army of vaguely skeletal figures, each with a spear and a tiny green flame above its head. The figure has a large green flame over his head. Facing him is a woman in blue, wearing the golden-robed man's crown and standing in a shaft of sunlight, leading an army of human figures. The other two blue-robed figures are absent. The fifth mural is larger than the others, and located on a wall near the center of SCP-6581, separately from the others. On the left, the man in blue laying on the ground with a knife in his back. In the center, a figure in dirty brown with hands behind their back is kneeling at the feet of the crowned woman in blue. The crowned woman is holding a sword over her head. Addendum 6581.2 Close examination of the fifth mural revealed a secret door in the center of the wall. The door leads to an antechamber containing 10 SCP-6581-1 instances standing in formation in front of a thaumaturgically-sealed door. The SCP-6581-1 instances react with violent hostility to any attempt to pass them or open the door. Notably, there is an inscription on the lintel in an unknown proto-Tai language. Despite this, all observers concur that the inscription translates to "THE DEAD SUFFER NO TRESPASS." ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6581" by weiserthanyou, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6582 | safe | SCP-6582 - The Desire Dumbbell Massive thanks to SphereFinale and Dino tales for the critique. Image Credits Enjoy! ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6582 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: warning link to memo SCP-6582. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6582 is to be kept on SCP-6582-B at all times. They are to be kept inside a glass container, stored within a standard anomalous object vault at Site 17. Due to Incident D-UM88311, any unauthorised entry to SCP-6582's containment will be considered use for personal gain and treated accordingly. Class-B amnestics must be distributed within 24 hours if any Foundation personnel are to lift SCP-6582. Proposed tests must be scheduled a week in advance and must be permitted by either Dr. Dume or Dr. Bell. During transport, SCP-6582 is to be strapped onto SCP-6582-B, with the separation of these objects being completed by a mechanical arm. When conducting tests, one Class-D personnel is to lift SCP-6582 and then place it back onto SCP-6582-B. No foundation personnel are to enter within two meters of SCP-6582 during this time. Cross-testing is permitted. Usage on humanoid anomalies is prohibited following the Ethics Committee ruling on 7/2/2022. Testing alongside SCP-978 is recommended. Description: SCP-6582 is a predominantly black 20kg dumbbell which exhibits anomalous properties once lifted from SCP-6582-B. SCP-6582 does not demonstrate these properties if paired with a standard weight rack, nor does SCP-6582-B if holding a non-anomalous dumbbell. When SCP-6582 is lifted off of SCP-6582-B by a human, SCP-6582 will induce a sense of resentment within the person for their current circumstance, leading them to pursue an unfulfilled goal of personal importance.1 Symptoms transpire within a week and are irreversible past a 24-hour window. SCP-6582 shows no external or material differences when compared to its non-anomalous counterpart. A comprehensive deconstruction of SCP-6582 has proven excessively difficult. SCP-6582-B is a weight rack comprised of 11-gauge steel. SCP-6582-B is not immediately a hazard in itself but possesses the ability to repair SCP-6582, no matter the state of the anomaly. Similarly to SCP-6582, attempts to deconstruct SCP-6582-B have failed. SCP-6582 and SCP-6582-B should not be separated for more than an hour at a time. Extended periods of separation have shown the creation of a dome around SCP-6582. Prolonged exposure within this area will result in the development of the aforementioned symptoms. Further study of SCP-6582 and its anomalous properties is ongoing, with a focus on realising its potential and possible uses within the Foundation. Addendum 6582-1: Discovery SCP-6582 and SCP-6582-B were discovered after multiple instances of unforeseen resignations by senior and lead Foundation personnel. A shared story amongst the resignations was put together that eventually led to the discovery of the anomalous objects. All of the personnel affected had gone to Geeza's Gym the week prior and partook in a warm-up where they had lifted SCP-6582. Although no symptoms were to occur until a few days passed, recollections suggest abnormal thoughts within a couple of hours. Addendum 6582-2: Diary The following excerpts are taken from the diary of Joseph Baph, a former senior researcher at Site 17.2 Note: Certain excerpts are indecipherable, and have had to be assumed. — Dr. Bell 21/1/22 Today didn't go particularly well. So, the IA capture a new humanoid SCP, and my team are in charge of creating the Special Containment Procedures. Easy enough, right? Wrong. We had the idea to just slap it into an S-23 as the anomaly was a relaxed fella (so we thought). However, during the bi-weekly cleaning of the cell, the SCP decides to attack the janitorial staff. One lost their right hand, while the other left unscathed. Then, out of nowhere, the rest of the containment researchers and I get blamed for it. So now, we have one whole strike as a team. Bullshit! We weren't told he was acting, were we? It's stupid! We're appealing this. Utter bollocks. I'm just going to head off to the gym. 22/1/22 Another day, another bit of tomfoolery from the Ethics Committee. So we decided to appeal the strike we received for 'endangering Foundation personnel'. We mentioned how we weren't informed of the malicious nature of the anomaly and tons of other shit. Guess what? We got our appeal rejected. Who would've thought? There's no point in continuing our appeal, but the team will do it anyway. Off-topic but sort of on-topic at the same time, I'm beginning to wonder if the Foundation is all that. I mean… it is a bit corrupt, isn't it? Then again, I couldn't find a better job at the moment. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe I'm not. Who knows? 23/1/22 I nearly hit a person today. Pulled off a U-turn because I missed the gym, and skimmed the shoe of a teenager. Had to swerve so that I wouldn't hit him. I hope there weren't any cameras nearby. While actually at the gym, I actually found this comedy podcast and I haven't laughed as hard as I did then in a long while. I was meant to be working out but spent the rest of my time there listening to it. I don't remember the name of it though. 24/1/22 So you know how we still have the strike from the incident last week? It hasn't been removed yet, but the EC said how they are going to 'review the strike'. Although I would have believed them if this had happened a few weeks prior, I see right through their bullshit now. It's a lie, I can feel it. On a more positive note, I've found the podcast I mentioned yesterday, and I thought I'd explore comedy a bit more. I'll see whether I like it or not. 27/1/22 Update: It's great. Very interesting. The thought that actually goes into making jokes is insane. Some people are born funny. Do you know what? I'd be a great comedian. I'm funny, confident, good-looking (obvious) and talented. Oh, also, one more thing. I've confirmed it. The Foundation is corrupt. The EC won't remove the strike. They've done so much shit over the past few years, I don't know how they get away from it. They're inhumane. I'm right, they're wrong. It's a shithole. 29/1/22 I've had a couple of days to think about my future at the Foundation. I really don't think it is right for me to work there anymore; I wouldn't fit in. I know what others don't. People don't realise what is actually happening. It's no less corrupt than a standard government. Being a comedian might be the best thing for me nowadays. I have enough money for courses and lessons and I'll be happier. It's an idea worth pursuing. If I fail, I guess I'll have to stick here for another few months. If I succeed, I'll be living life. I won't fail anyway. 30/1/22 Decided to splurge on a few comedy courses. Those should help immensely, I just can't miss the lessons. It's shit that they're scheduled during work. I'm sure they won't mind if I take some time off, right? I should be good. Mark it as PTO and voila, crisis subverted. Oh, still no news about the strike too. Proves that it was bullshit, eh? 1/2/22 New month, new me. I'm going balls to the wall; comedy is the way. This is my destiny, I can feel it. How did I never notice this beforehand? I'll be handing in my resignation tomorrow. All work can do now is distract me. It's what it has done for the past 32 years of my life. Good luck to me, I guess. Addendum 6582-3: Incident Report + Access Addendum - Close Addendum Incident Report D-UM88311 Date: 17th March 2022 17:20 hours Starting shortly after the containment of SCP-6582, an unauthorised member of Foundation personnel was observed entering SCP-6582's containment through CCTV. [BEGIN LOG] 17:21: An unrecognisable figure is seen wandering around near SCP-6582's containment. The figure seems to be wearing standard Containment Specialist attire. 17:22: The person is seen looking around, checking their surroundings. No other members of staff are near at this time. 17:24: They begin to approach the containment vault of SCP-6582, looking behind themselves once every few seconds. 17:25: They check their back one last time before entering the vault. They proceed to open the door to SCP-6582's containment. 17:26: Once inside SCP-6582's containment vault, the figure proceeds to smash the glass container holding SCP-6582(-B). 17:27 - 17:29: They stand before SCP-6582, stagnant. 17:30: They then begin to lift SCP-6582. Once lifted, they place SCP-6582 back onto SCP-6582-B, eventually heading towards the exit. 17:31: The figure is then seen sprinting away from the containment vault of SCP-6582, eventually leaving the view of the CCTV camera. [END LOG] Following this incident and the lapse in complete security coverage, new measures have been put into place and the Special Containment Procedures have been updated accordingly. The perpetrator is yet to be discovered, and a full investigation is to commence within the coming weeks. Footnotes 1. Affected individuals are to be referred to as SCP-6582-1. 2. J. Baph lived on-site. 3. High-comfort humanoid containment cell. |
SCP-6583 | euclid | ITEM NUMBER: SCP-6583 LEVEL 3/6583 CONTAINMENT CLASS: EUCLID CONFIDENTIAL SCP-6583 post-containment. CONTAINMENT PROTOCOL: The housing development where SCP-6583 resides has been bought out by Foundation front organizations, with main roads being redirected and repaved in order to discourage traffic. Residents previously living on the street have been relocated, and those involved in witnessing SCP-6583's initial discovery have been amnesticized. Residents of the Wellington area have been notified that the closing of the street is due to various combined maintenance failures that cannot be suitably repaired for safe habitation of the area.1 The development is to be under extensive surveillance in order to locate and ward off trespassers. Agents are to be embedded within Wellington's police force in order to handle incidents regarding local adolescents attempting to loiter and/or investigate the street. SCP-6583-1 and SCP-6583-2 are to be monitored for significant changes. Investigations into the whereabouts of Lyle Dillon have been relegated to Senior Coordinator Daniel Purdue. DESCRIPTION: SCP-6583 is a suburban home that previously belonged to the Dillon family, located in Wellington, Ontario, Canada. SCP-6583 is non-anomalous, though the anomalies located inside SCP-6583 are tethered to the location itself. SCP-6583-1 is a large organic mass that is rooted onto the east wall of SCP-6583's family room. SCP-6583-1 is immobile, though it experiences autonomic responses such as pulsing due to its circulatory system, and minor twitching due to various involuntary muscular responses. SCP-6583-1's outer growths resemble plantlike roots while also bearing growth patterns similar to Physarum polycephalum.2 Testing shows that SCP-6583-1's genetic composition consists of various human tissues belonging to two individuals, with analysis estimating that they were both fully matured at the time of their transmutation. SCP-6583-2 is a similar yet smaller organic mass attached to SCP-6583's attic ceiling. SCP-6583-2's construction is similar to that of SCP-6583-1's, with the only significant differences being its genetic makeup and the composition of its center mass. Tissue analysis for SCP-6583-2 revealed the makeup to be that of an adolescent, along with a significantly larger amount of preserved keratin found within the mass.3 At the center of SCP-6583-2 is a hole approx. 1m wide. This hole leads to a tunnel4 that is perpendicular to the position of SCP-6583-2 on the attic's ceiling, meaning that it points directly upwards. Drone analysis shows that the tunnel's interior extends past the barrier of SCP-6583's ceiling, approx. 6.2m, before terminating in a wall. Drone footage also shows extensive scuffing on the walls of the tunnel, with forensic analysis proving the marks to have resulted from human hands and feet. ADDENDUM 6583.1: Discovery SCP-6583 was discovered on 14 August 2010 during a local investigation into the whereabouts of the Dillon family. Beginning with the recurrent absence of the youngest sibling, Wellington Heights Secondary School attempted to contact the Dillons via phone in order to notify them of their daughter's lack of attendance. After receiving no response for three days, two members of school staff were dispatched to SCP-6583 in order to address the issue in person to the Dillons. When arriving to SCP-6583, both members of staff could not enter due to all entrances being locked. A neighbor living across the street saw this and approached the two to remark that nobody had been seen Mr. and Mrs. Dillon enter or exit their home in over a week. When asked about Kimberly Dillon, the neighbor, one Jeffery Wode, stated that she was the only resident that he had seen consistently enter and exit SCP-6583. Wode also elaborated that when he tried to approach Kimberly, she avoided his questions, saying she had to run errands for her brother, who, according to Wode, moved back in with his family after dropping out of college. Wode commented that the older sibling, Lyle Dillon, was "a piece of work" who frequently caused fights in the family, "draining" Mr. and Mrs. Dillon the longer he resided with them. This new information caused the members of school staff to call the local police to establish the Dillons' safety, along with the potentiality of a future child welfare case. Before the police could arrive, Wode was able to retrieve a spare key that he was given by the Dillons in order to watch their home when they were away. Entering the house led to the discovery of SCP-6583-1, causing the school officials and Wode to flee the house in a panic. They contacted the police a second time in order to report SCP-6583-1, with their call notifying Foundation operatives in the area. Containment was quickly established afterwards, with agents initially finding a stepladder in SCP-6583's attic, directly underneath SCP-6583-2. Lyle Dillon's room was also found to be covered in pages of math equations, many of them nonsensical, though all of them "solved" by the same integer. ADDENDUM 6583.2: Recovered Online Records An investigation was launched into the whereabouts of Lyle Dillon in tandem with SCP-6583's discovery, leading agents to find that Lyle had attended the University of Alberta for two semesters from late August 2009 to May of 2010. While living in the college dorms, Lyle Dillon was reported to have owned a laptop that he utilized for his assignments. This laptop has not been recovered, but agents in the Foundation's technical department were able to access various online search prompts that were traced from Lyle's device over the course of September to November of 2009; biology neil a. campbell eukaryotic cells equation limits calculus safely cook beans bible study bible study university alberta differentiation mitosis chromosomal replication myspace "dylan porter" myspace "angela howard" natural kernite deposits deuteronomy 5 myspace "██████ ███████"5 "██████ ███████" sermon "██████ ███████" saint dominic calculus tutoring university of alberta crawling nightmare dream interpretation holy trinity sermon holy trinity theology "not three" saint joseph cupertino myspace "dylan porter" myspace "penelope carroll" penelope carroll penelope carroll final broadcast demiurge starfish Research into the university's records showed that Lyle Dillon had dropped out of the institution at the conclusion of his second semester, citing stress and a "different outlook on the trajectory of [his] life." Agents were dispatched to locate the whereabouts of "Dylan Porter," "Angela Howard," "██████ ███████," and various other students partaking in Christian-based religious activities and clubs, finding little to no evidence of any officially-run group with any of the names listed above as active members.6 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6583" by Quicksilvers, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: house.jpg Author: Paul Brennan License: Public Domain Source Link: Pixabay Footnotes 1. Refer to DC-6583 for the suitable script. 2. A yellow, acellular slime mold colloquially known as "the blob." 3. Please contact your Site Director in order to request hair for analysis. 4. Also consisting of human tissue. 5. DATA NULL 6. Due to already established documentation, further research into Penelope Carroll is unnecessary. |
SCP-6584 | thaumiel | SCP-6584 By: NDHeckfire Published on 28 Nov 2023 16:34 ▷ Show Code ◁ △ Hide Code △ @import url(;700&display=swap); /* Centered Header Sigma * [2021 Wikidot Component] * By Lt Flops (CC BY-SA 3.0) * Forked from: * Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte * Also based on: * Centered Header BHL by Woedenaz **/ /* ---- VARS ---- */ :root{ --titleColor: hsl(0, 0%, 95%); --subtitleColor: hsl(60, 62%, 85%); --lgurl: url(; } /* ---- SITE BANNER ---- */ #header, div#header{ background-image: none; } #header::before{ position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; content: ""; background-image: var(--lgurl); background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto 9em; opacity: .33; } #header h1, #header h2{ float: none; margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } #header h1 span, #header h2 span{ /* Hide the Existing Text */ display: none; } #header h1 a::before, #header h2::before{ /* Style the New Text */ font-family: "Montserrat", "Arial", sans-serif; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before{ position: relative; bottom: .15em; color: var(--titleColor); font-size: 115%; font-weight: 700; } #header h2::before{ position: relative; top: .1em; color: var(--subtitleColor); font-size: 130%; font-weight: 600; } #header h1 a::before{ /* Set the New Text's Content From Variable */ content: var(--header-title, "SCP FOUNDATION"); } #header h2::before{ content: var(--header-subtitle, "SECURE - CONTAIN - PROTECT"); } /* ---- SEARCH ---- */ #search-top-box{ top: 1em; right: 0; } #search-top-box-form input.button{ margin-right: 0; } #search-top-box-input, #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit], #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus{ border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; font-size: 100%; } /* ---- TOP BAR ---- */ #top-bar{ right: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #top-bar ul li ul{ border-bottom: 1px solid hsl(0, 0%, 40%); box-shadow: none; } /* ---- LOGIN ---- */ #login-status{ top: 1.1em; right: initial; color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); } #account-topbutton{ border-color: hsl(0, 0%, 87%); font-size: 100%; } /* ---- PAGE TITLE ---- */ .meta-title, #page-title{ text-align: center; } /* ---- BREADCRUMBS ---- */ .pseudocrumbs, #breadcrumbs{ text-align: center; } /* ---- MOBILE DISPLAY ---- */ @media (max-width: 767px){ #search-top-box{ top: 1.85em; width: unset; } .mobile-top-bar{ position: relative; left: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; } #login-status{ top: 0; right: 0; } #header .printuser{ font-size: 0; } #header .printuser img.small{ margin: 0; transform: translate(6px, 4px); } #my-account{ display: none; } #account-topbutton{ margin-left: 2px; } } NDHeckfire SCP-6584 - This is a Lesson in Procrastination More by me! ⚠ NOTICE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PATAPHYSICS ⚠ Some of the contents described within this file may possess multiple embedded narrativohazard1 vectors that, if perceived by non-inoculated individuals, have the capability of causing severe damage to themselves and the baseline narrative, along with the intersecting subnarratives associated with it. As such, only personnel from the Department of Pataphysics are allowed to view this file. The Patasphere's signature mapping, along with the six subnarratives associated with it. Item №: SCP-6584 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6584's perpetual function is currently being maintained by the Department of Pataphysics. Usage of SCP-6584 outside of testing is only allowed with the approval of the current Pataphysics Director and the majority of the Overseer Command. In the event SCP-6584 is somehow rendered ineffective or otherwise unusable, the extradimensional Pickman-Reynders Narrative Fluctuation Anchor is to be immediately activated in order to avoid on-site sub-reality failure of anomalies affected by SCP-6584. Description: SCP-6584 is the designation given to an artificial metafictional construct created by the Department of Pataphysics capable of terminating or nullifying the progression of authorial interference with baseline reality; or in simpler terms, capable of halting the continued development of the expanding in-universe narrative. SCP-6584 can be metaphysically applied to any sort of anomaly, including anomalous objects, entities, locations, and phenomena. Once an anomaly is chosen and applied, SCP-6584 will cause a pataphysical effect that would cause the anomaly in question to no longer be further developed in other realities by either the same or a different authorial figure (henceforth referred to as SWN-001 entities2). This would result in the anomaly being functionally "inert". The exact method of how this effect functions is as-of-yet unknown, though it is theorized by Foundation pataphysicists that SCP-6584 somehow discharges a highly-influential memetic hazard (an "omni-meme"), capable of breaching the Patasphere3 mantle and affecting multiple SWN-001 entities. The memetic hazard would hypothetically trigger a psychological condition in the SWN-001 entities, in which they would experience a perpetual "creative slowdown" or "writer's block". Utilization Addendum: Since its initial creation in 2028, the Foundation has utilized SCP-6584 on several occasions, and after careful consideration, it was decided by the majority of the Overseer Council that the Department of Pataphysics began commencing Project BURNOUT, an operation that's mainly aimed to apply SCP-6584 to as many anomalies under Foundation observation as possible. Project BURNOUT was proven to be successful, with over ~5000 anomalies no longer showing signs of narrative development, thus preventing multiple containment breaches and manifestations of new anomalous properties. Additionally, the Analytics Division has noted a staggering decline in the discovery/recovery of new anomalies, along with an all-time low in workplace conflict and stress among Foundation personnel. By 2030, it is believed that the Foundation would finally achieve a REN-Class "Quiet Days" Scenario. Attached Update: The current Pataphysics Director, Dr. Placeholder McDoctorate, decided that SCP-6584 would be put through the same process as Project BURNOUT, meaning that SCP-6584's effect would be applied to itself. According to Dr. PH. McDoctorate, this was done in order to remove any sort of SWN-001 interference associated with SCP-6584. Once SCP-6584 was applied to the chosen anomaly, it culminated in the connected SWN-001 entity (known simply as NDHeckfire) undergoing SCP-6584's effects, thus removing its control and authorial dominance over SCP-6584's expanding in-universal narrative. This seems to have resulted in | ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6584" by NDHeckfire, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: patasphere.gif Name: File:Spherical.Signature,Uranus.vs.Jupiter.gif Author: Yukterez (Simon Tyran, Vienna) License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Source Link:,Uranus.vs.Jupiter.gif Footnotes 1. Narrativohazard: A cascading hazard affecting elements of a narrative and its mode of transmission, often leading to their mutual destruction. 2. SWN-001: Hyperdimensional characters pataphysically-linked to our baseline reality. 3. Patasphere: The hyper-medium in which pataphysical and metafictional concepts are transmitted onto our reality by SWN-001 entities. |
SCP-6585 | archon | SCP-6585 instance. Photograph taken by civilian. Item #: SCP-6585 Special Containment Procedures: At the time of writing, 76 SCP-6585 instances have been implemented with subdermal tracking devices; these have proven unobtrusive enough to avoid triggering the creation of new instances. SCP-6585 manifestation events are to be monitored, but not directly interfered with. Amnestics should not be administered to civilian areas affected by SCP-6585, as researchers have concluded this will likely interfere with the SCP-6585 manifestation schedule. Description: SCP-6585 is the collective designation for a group of anomalous domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) that periodically manifest in communities throughout the world. SCP-6585 instances are distinguishable by a thin white material attached to their fur with the words “COMMUNITY DOG” written in black marker on either side.1 This identifying marker is anomalously resistant to damage and cannot be fully removed from the instances by any means, though it does not appear to cause them discomfort. SCP-6585 consists of a single pack2 of approximately 400 dogs which shifts locations every 6 months. A wide variety of dog breeds have been recorded among SCP-6585 instances, ranging in size from standard Chihuahuas (est. 30-35 in pack) to Irish Wolfhounds (3 in pack). SCP-6585 usually manifests in communities that are experiencing economic hardship and/or social turmoil. Individual instances will seek out members of the community that are under significant personal stress and essentially act as emotional support animals, often taking up residence in their homes. Subjects who interact with SCP-6585 universally report feelings of happiness and contentment while doing so, even among subjects who were known to strongly dislike dogs. When a manifestation event has concluded, all persons in the affected area will remember the event having occurred but will not find the sudden disappearance of the instances unusual. SCP-6585 instances possess a number of anomalous properties that distinguish them from baseline dogs. They do not physically age or require nourishment of any kind, but will still consume food for personal enjoyment.3 Other behaviors are also altered in comparison to non-anomalous dogs, generally in ways that make them more palatable to humans. For example, SCP-6585 instances enjoy receiving hugs and other forms of close physical affection from humans that non-anomalous dogs typically find unpleasant. Communities affected by SCP-6585 will generally not notice these anomalies, or will find them unremarkable if they do. Select SCP-6585 Manifestation Events:4 Date Location Corresponding Economic/Social Event January-June 1930 New York City, United States Stock Market Crash of 1929. July-December 1943 Los Angeles, United States Zoot Suit Riots. January-June 1957 Budapest, Hungary Hungarian Revolution. July-December 1968 Bordeaux, France May 68. July-December 1989 Beijing, China 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. July-December 1995 Seoul, South Korea Sampoong Department Store collapse. January-June 1993 London, United Kingdom Black Wednesday. January-June 2009 New York City, United States Great Recession. July-December 2020 Minneapolis, United States George Floyd protests. Addendum 6585.A: Initial Containment Failure: When it was first discovered by the Foundation in 1968, SCP-6585 was classified as Euclid, and initial containment procedures called for the removal of SCP-6585 instances from affected communities. However, subsequent events following the first and only attempt at containment in 1970 led to the establishment of the current monitoring protocols. In July 1970, an active SCP-6585 event was discovered in Augusta, Georgia, believed to be a response to the riot that had taken place in the city two months earlier. After identifying the phenomenon in France in 1968 and spending the next two years researching its effects, Foundation scientists attempted to stop the Augusta event by collecting the SCP-6585 instances and temporarily relocating them to a nearby Site. The attempt initially appeared to neutralize the phenomenon, as the former SCP-6585 instances exhibited traits of non-anomalous domestic dogs; the “COMMUNITY DOG” signs detached from their fur shortly after their removal from Augusta. Two weeks later, Foundation agents stationed in Augusta reported an apparent SCP-6585 containment breach when approximately 550 domestic dogs were found throughout the city of Augusta bearing the SCP-6585 signage. Closer investigation revealed that the vast majority of these dogs were identical to those that had been previously owned by persons throughout the city. Upon questioning, these owners expressed no knowledge of their pets and identified them as stray dogs, even when directly shown evidence of their previous owners. Researchers concluded that SCP-6585 “replenished” itself with domestic dogs resident in the Augusta area, making them new SCP-6585 instances in the process and producing an antimemetic effect to hide their disappearances from the previous pet owners. SCP-6585 instances did not leave Augusta at the end of 1970, deviating from their manifestation schedule. Instead, they remained in the city until January 1972; during this time, an additional 137 dogs were discovered to have disappeared from their homes in the area. None were reported as missing or searched for by their owners, and SCP-6585 instances matching their descriptions were identified at the time or in later manifestation events. Following the Augusta containment breach, SCP-6585 was reclassified as Archon. As of 2021, the current pack of SCP-6585 instances is the same as was originally produced in Augusta in 1970. Since that date, over 200 instances have detached from the main pack and remained in previous manifestation locations, losing their anomalous properties in the process. In all cases, these former SCP-6585 instances resided or continue to reside with persons that have a disability for which a service dog is very helpful, most commonly blindness. Footnotes 1. Materials found on SCP-6585 instances have included letter paper, napkins [serviettes] (as in the above picture), tissue, and paper towels. 2. The term “pack” is used for convenience; despite manifesting in the same location and remaining in the same area as one another, instances usually behave as individuals and do not regard each other with more affection or loyalty than their non-anomalous equivalents. 3. All defecation resulting from this consumption has taken place in an outside environment; to date, no SCP-6585 instance is known to have defecated in an indoor area. 4. Events that took place before the Foundation’s discovery of SCP-6585 were inferred to have occurred based on historical photographs and descriptions. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6585" by ObserverSeptember, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: communitydog.png Author: ObserverSeptember License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki |
SCP-6586 | keter | ASSIGNED SITE: N/A ASSIGNED DEPARTMENT: Anomalous Ecosystems Item#: 6586 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Discreet Foundation cameras are to monitor all known manifestation points of SCP-6586, as well as other known potential manifestation points for signs of SCP-6586 instances. Upon detection, given civilian presence, an aerosolized amnestic agent composed primarily of Class H and Class B amnestics is to be released from implanted gas ducts within the area. Following this, the nearest relevant mobile task force is to be deployed to recover all witnessing individuals and return them to their homes, as well as making contact with a major SCP-6586 object. Due to the frequency and range of SCP-6586 manifestation points, a significant increase in funding for mobile task forces specializing in civilian witness recovery has been approved. Additionally, several algorithms are currently in development capable of using satellite imagery to detect SCP-6586 events. This is to be implemented as soon as possible to ease the costs of mass-distributed localized cameras. No further actions are deemed necessary at this time. Description: SCP-6586 is the occasional manifestation1 of a non-physical forest ecosystem where one would not otherwise exist. SCP-6586 instances will typically possess both flora and fauna native to the broader region, with said organisms behaving in ways typical of the species they resemble. Notably, objects resembling extinct organisms have also been found inhabiting the affected area. No SCP-6586 instances have been observed occurring in an area having previously been affected by the anomaly. Objects manifesting as a part of SCP-6586 will transpose through the ground and any other solid objects existing in the environment, though this has no clear lasting impact on the physical surrounding due to the immaterial nature of SCP-6586. Said objects are typically translucent, with a faint grey-blue coloration, the only exception being SCP-6586-1. SCP-6586-1 is a solid granite tombstone, manifesting concurrently with SCP-6586 instances. It is notably distinct from all other objects produced, as it is both physical and opaque. Atop the dirt in front of SCP-6586-1 will always exist a withered flower native to the region. Upon human contact with major flora or fauna2 having manifested as a part of an SCP-6586 instance, all SCP-6586 objects excluding SCP-6586-1 will begin to slowly deteriorate into nonexistence over the course of several minutes. Following the complete disintegration of all said objects, the affected area will experience significant rainfall for the following twenty-four hours, even if the climate is not suitable for such an event as a result of extreme temperatures or other environmental factors. The first known SCP-6586 instance was discovered manifesting near Manaus, Brazil, in 2102, roughly following the destruction of the last natural rainforest on Earth. Manifestations have occurred exclusively in regions once containing forests that have since been similarly destroyed. The source of the anomaly remains unknown. Footnotes 1. Roughly four instances manifest weekly worldwide. 2. Not including grass and minor undergrowth, as well as microorganisms and small insects. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6586" by Some Reference, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6587 | safe | An illumination found on the opening page of SCP-6587, depicting Adam naming the animals. Item #: SCP-6587 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6587 is preserved in a standard storage unit in Site-24's Anomalous Artefacts Wing. Digital copies of the book's contents are available on request to research personnel possessing Level 3 clearance and above. Description: SCP-6587 is a medieval bestiary compiled in Averoigne, France. Despite its age, SCP-6587 is in remarkably good condition, with no visible stains or damages. While authorship of SCP-6587 remains uncertain, handwriting analysis suggests it was penned by a single individual at some point in the late twelfth century. The preface bears the following inscription (translated from medieval Latin): Let all praise be unto God, For these wonders He hath shown me. While physically non-anomalous, SCP-6587 warrants containment due to the unique nature of its contents. As with similar manuscripts, SCP-6587 contains detailed descriptions of various species of animal, with accompanying illustrations. However, all animals documented in SCP-6587 appear to correspond to those whose existence was unknown to Europeans at the time of writing, including species indigenous to Oceania and the Americas. However, it should be noted that these depictions are highly embellished, and largely devoid of any scientific basis, with most entries relying instead on allegory and religious symbolism. SCP-6587 was first obtained by the Estate noir1 in 1895. After its authenticity was confirmed by medievalist scholars, SCP-6587 was transferred to Foundation custody in 1904. Addendum: Several translated passages from SCP-6587 have been transcribed by the Department of Mythology and Folkloristics below: Of the Ignavus2 In the vibrant forests of Antillia, there lurks that most loathsome of creatures, the shiftless ignavus. Doubtlessly the most indolent beast in Creation, the ignavus has the face of a bear and the body of an ape, with fur grown thick and matted from incessant neglect. So detached are these creatures from spiritual concerns that they may never set foot on the ground, but confine themselves to the treetops, using their three great talons to hang listlessly from branches. Here, the ignavus spends all its days in a heedless slumber, too torpid even to dream, and rousing only once a month to feed and mate. As seasons pass, the idle beast's untended pelt becomes overgrown with a kind of foul green mold, inviting the company of flies and worms. After consuming the creature's putrid hide, these vermin will continue to partake of the ignavus' flesh and innards, although so docile is this animal that it scarcely takes notice of its own destruction. Of the Peregrine3 Of the many curious animals found in the untamed wilds of Terra Australis, none are so strange in appearance as the proud peregrine, which is the enemy of the tactless and uncouth. With bill of mallard, hide of otter, claws of cockerel and tail of beaver, these are the only beasts in all Creation to give both eggs and milk. The peregrine restricts his movements to lakes and riversides, feeding on shrubs and small fish, and poses no threat to men who approach him, providing they afford this rare beast his due reverence. The patient peregrine retains his fearsome wrath solely for those who see fit to make laughter and mockery when met with his extraordinary form. The insulted peregrine will hereupon strike the unfortunate lout, and with his spurs deliver a sting more potent than that of either sword or serpent, causing him the slowest of deaths in the greatest of agonies. Let the peregrine serve to remind us never to take joy in the disfigurements or misfortunes of others. Of the Opilio4 The opilio is a creature scarcely larger than a cat, which has silver fur, naked tail, white face and tapered snout. These beasts may live for no longer than a year, and mate only once. The female opilio possesses twin wombs, and will expel a litter comprising no fewer than a score and ten offspring within one day of conception. These pups are born hairless, each no bigger than a honeybee, and spend their first month clinging to their mother's back and sides while she teaches them how best to forage and make shelter. Should any member of her myriad brood fall from its place, the mother opilio will take notice and swiftly begin her search. She will wander through all weather, forgoing both sleep and sustenance until the lost pup is retrieved. Once found, the mother opilio will grasp the wayward babe with the fingers of her tail and return it to its place, whereupon she and her children shall rejoice. In this sense, the opilio may be considered a living illustration of the Parable of the Lost Sheep, whereby the shepherd leaves his ninety-nine sheep to find the one that has strayed from its flock. Of the Boreae5 In the frigid wastes of Farthest North, there exists a species of upright bird called the boreae which cannot fly but are fine swimmers. For lack of seed or berry, the boreae live solely on fish, and may be seen sliding on their bellies across the frozen hills for ease of movement. These birds are neither wholly righteous nor wicked. Much like men, the boreae hold potential for both good and evil, as signified by their dense plumage, which is coloured black and white in equal measure. A borea that has lived for seven years will shed its feathers all at once on the eve of the winter solstice. When this occurs, the birds must travel in their nakedness to ascend a great marble cliff, before throwing themselves in unison from its ledge. Those among them that have led lives of careless decadence will plunge helplessly to the craggy shores below, where their bloodied remains are scavenged by the ravenous sea leopards. However, those boreae that have lived humbly and virtuously will by grace of God make use of their wings, and fly south to the fair and verdant domain of Prester John, to live forever in the land of warmth and plenty. Footnotes 1. Foundation precursor organization, active in France between the late eighteenth and early twentieth centuries. 2. Meaning idle or slovenly. 3. Meaning foreign or outlandish. 4. Latin term for sheep-herder. 5. Derived from Boreas, an ancient Greek personification of the north wind. More from this author... ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6587" by Dr Leonerd, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6588 | euclid | Tstaffor Author Page | Podcast | Feeling Lucky? Tstaffor's Best of: SCP-6557 - Annihilation From a Cross Across Time SCP-5846 - The One-Stop Shop SCP-6547 - Worlds Within Worlds Within Worlds… Item#: 6588 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo All colors of SCP-6588. Special Containment Procedures: The full community of SCP-6588 is housed within Room 5B at Site-86. The population of SCP-6588 should not exceed 500. After a Sugar High event, the eldest instances should be disposed of until the population is back to 500 or fewer. Along with their daily feedings, SCP-6588 are allowed to be given arts and crafts materials for use in their construction activities.1 Extraction of all built objects and replacement with new raw materials is to be carried out on a monthly basis. The only objects that should not be removed are those located on the premises where Sugar High events take place, those being the 5 pebble circles, and the tree made from cardboard and crumpled paper. Description: SCP-6588 is a species of animate candy whose appearance largely resembles that of Sour Patch Kids candies. SCP-6588 form large groups2 with all currently contained instances being part of a single glucose of SCP-6588. Although the objects form relationships with single other instances of the same color, all entities will work with one another during the building of structures. All SCP-6588 instances are sentient and show monogamous tendencies with instances of shared color. No difference in sex or gender has been observed in SCP-6588, with both partners conducting daily routines alongside each other in equal parts. Although the objects form bonds with a single other instance, these preferences are disregarded during "Sugar High" events, in which all instances interact with one another regardless of relation or coloration. As of the current documentation, the glucose of SCP-6588 at Site-86 is made up of 500 active instances. SCP-6588's diet consists of honey and cubes of caramel. The species requires sleep, but no recorded slumber has lasted longer than 3 hours. At all other times of day, SCP-6588 can be observed building structures utilizing the provided arts and crafts materials. Though these structures often mimic those found in human society, no SCP-6588 has yet been observed to utilize any for their typical purpose, suggesting that while SCP-6588 are able to replicate human structures (such as dwellings or vehicles) they do not possess the sapience required to utilize them in any meaningful way. Addendum 6588.1 Log of a Sugar High Event: The following log details the ritualistic practices performed by SCP-6588 monthly in order to induce procreation. <Begin Log> [0:00-0:29]: 50 SCP-6588 instances gather together in the center of their containment chamber around the cardboard tree. Glucoses of 10 instances gather in each of the 5 pebble circles, each circle containing a single color of SCP-6588. [0:30-0:55]: One object of each color is sent forth to embrace one another at the center of the aforementioned tree. [0:56-1:00] [0:56-1:00]: These five instances proceed to lay down in a circular pattern approximately equidistant from one another. [1:01-2:00]: A viscous purple substance is secreted by the tree's trunk, spreading until it reaches all instances' feet and only stopping once the lower eighth of each entity is coated in the liquid. [2:01-4:00]: Instances return to their respective groupings where they proceed to spread droplets of the substance between all present until each has at least some attached to their bodies. [4:01-8:26] [4:01-8:26]: All 50 instances proceed to the center, where they gather in a large pile and proceed to writhe around between one another. This process causes the purple substance to spread throughout the mass. [8:27-15:34]: As the substance spreads, it shifts colors to those seen in SCP-6588. When the modified substance comes into contact with an instance which shares the same coloration, it will harden and form a bump on the front surface of said instance. After at least 3 of each color have newly formed bumps, the ritual concludes, and all objects return to typical behavior. <End Log> Addendum 6588.2 After Report: Documentation regarding the progress of affected SCP-6588 instances after ritual practices. □ Photo Documentation □ ▣ Photo Documentation ▣ The pregnant SCP-6588 instance. The instance interacting with its partner. The instance, being embraced by its partner. Footnotes 1. Including popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, tape, cardboard, and buttons 2. Scientifically known as a glucose of SCP-6588. Porridge □ More by Tstaffor □ ▣ More by Tstaffor ▣ Tstaffor's Author page! If you like my writing, check out my Podcast with Luxaiko! The Scip Squad Podcast Hub SCPs SCP-6868 Rating: 412 SCP-7500 Rating: 313 SCP-6552 Rating: 166 SCP-3837 Rating: 141 SCP-6557 Rating: 137 SCP-6558 Rating: 96 SCP-5722 Rating: 94 SCP-6547 Rating: 94 SCP-5847 Rating: 93 SCP-5846 Rating: 92 SCP-7979 Rating: 74 SCP-6554 Rating: 71 SCP-6226 Rating: 70 SCP-6067 Rating: 64 SCP-1551-EX Rating: 52 SCP-6553 Rating: 50 SCP-555-J Rating: 47 SCP-6551 Rating: 39 SCP-6588 Rating: 37 SCP-5846-J Rating: 27 Tales Log of Non-Anomalous Items Rating: 209 SCP-173 But... it's a Collaborative Log Rating: 178 SCP-173 But... Rating: 165 Mfw Rating: 101 Goat VR? More like Goat VeRy bad game! Rating: 78 Log of Non-Anomalous Items II: Sequels are Always Worse Rating: 75 The Knights of Wonder Rating: 37 The Unhuman Experience: Former Prime Minister Harold Holt Rating: 29 MZL-1915 Rating: 25 GOI Formats SPC-3008 Rating: 302 Herman Fuller Presents: Shapes the Clown Rating: 14 Hubs Format Screw Hub Rating: 139 The Scip Squad Podcast Hub Rating: 44 Art An ASCII Egg That Kills You For No Reason Rating: 40 Bubbly Bobby the ASCII Ducky Rating: 40 ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6588" by Tstaffor, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: spk.png Name: Sour patch kids aug 21.jpg Author: Secretlondon License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: event1.png Name: 148 365 sour patch Author: Upupa4me License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Filename: event2.png Name: People who know me well know I love Sour Patch Kids. The new blue raspberry kid is a little strange, honestly… Author: Daniel Rothamel License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: Name: mpreg1.png/mpreg2.png/mpreg3.png Author: Tstaffor License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: This Page |
SCP-6589 | euclid | DrowningDutchman It is I Dutch. I have written more stuff! DrowningDutchman Item#: 6589 Level4 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6589 needs to be covered by opaque sheeting and guarded by at least 4 armed Foundation personnel to ensure no civilian can view it. The street SCP-6589 is located on is to be sectioned off so civilians are kept at a far enough distance from the possible effects of SCP-6589. Any activity near SCP-6589 by Foundation personnel is to be explained as construction to any civilians inquiring about the activities. From 17-09-2022 onward SCP-6589 is to be contained in a tarp in an inanimate anomaly containment chamber to ensure its effective containment. SCP-6589 is to remain covered up at all times to ensure effective containment. SCP-6589 and the letter found during recovery are not to be viewed by any personnel. Description: SCP-6589 refers to a mural painted by Benjamin Caine, which had hazardous memetic properties of a memetic kill agent. The Foundation was notified while the mural was in the process of being painted because the livestream was flagged as hazardous by Foundation internet security when Benjamin Caine wrote the initials of GoI: “Are We Cool Yet?” next to the mural not long before finishing it. Upon completion, Benjamin Caine started showing an inability to breathe before vomiting mainly blood and falling forward showing no remaining signs of life. The same symptoms showed in all 29 civilian bystanders, the 4 remote response personnel, and the 3 response personnel deployed before the situation was fully understood. After a memetic response A.I. was deployed on the livestream, a better course of action was decided. The building the mural was painted on was infiltrated by two agents. These agents were sent in under the guise of construction starting the next day and preparations needing to be made that day. Opaque sheeting was draped over the mural through windows above it. The resulting effects of SCP-6589 killed 38 people: 29 Civilian bystanders 3 Foundation response personnel 4 Online observing Foundation personnel Himself After the opaque sheeting was draped over SCP-6589 a letter was found on Caine’s person. It was found to have cognitohazardous effect on the people who read it after multiple viewings. A full image, which has been scrubbed from any cognitohazardous effects, of the letter is supplied below. I do not understand what is happening for the life of me. I have no idea whatever this is or whatever it could mean. There doesn’t seem to be any reason why this man went out the way he did. I am unsure if this thing actually works the way we expect it to. We haven’t tested it since. They deny any test I suggest or submit for evaluation. Something about 7 Foundation personnel being enough deaths. Someone, on their own, just created a memetic kill hazard on their own and that’s not important enough to test? How could we possibly protect the people who don’t see beyond the veil if this is a possibility? I’m going to make sure I know what it means and hy it was created. This letter is also not really giving me a clearer picture. I’ll just have to view it for myself. I’m sure I will find the meaning then and that meaning is going to help me to protect the people on the easy side of the veil. - Dr. Ophelia Lowe Related documents: Livestream Transcription Close Livestream Transcription Transcript of 07-09-2022 livestream Date: 07-09-2022 Subject Transcript of 07-09-2022 livestream broadcast by Benjamin Caine. Livestream details the creation of SCP-6589 Involved GoI Are We Cool Yet? [Recording started 12:33] recorded section of livestream starts in the middle of a story told by Caine. It shows a crowd gathered to look at the creation of what was to become SCP-6589. Caine: So beyond what we see there is a lot more we can not even grasp. There are different people who will tell you different things on this same subject. A lot of those will tell you it’s all lies. Caine continues spray painting the wall stepping on small steps apparently set up to reach certain places. Caine: I am with a specific group, one that knows about the mysterious. One that knows about some of the unexplained things in our world. Caine moves to spray paint something to the side. Caine: Are We Cool Yet? Now that’s there within an estimated 15 minutes there will be people here trying to stop me. I do not need that long, however. GoI activity is noted by Foundation memetic response A.I. and MTF-Upsilon-23 is dispatched at 13:09 to the location of the live stream. This response is confirmed by 4 Agents remotely observing the live stream. Caine: Believe it or not. I need very little time to make everyone wonder and worry about the meaning and reason of my work. Caine paints one more quick line and steps a couple of steps away from the work. Within 5 minutes sounds of retching can be heard from the crowd and Caine can be seen gasping for air. Before the arrival of MTF-Upsilon-23 Caine retches blood and falls over. Note: It is noted that at the time of the recording the 4 Agents on remote observation experienced the same symptoms as Caine and the other people in the recording. At this time a distress signal was sent. The memetic response A.I. needed time to analyze the new memetic hazard created in front of it before it scrubbed SCP-6589 from the recording. MTF-Upsilon-23 reached the scene of the livestream and can be heard nearing the location of the livestream. Agent Hendersson: Time to find this guy, remote come in, everyone on scene seems down… Agent Hendersson can be seen entering view of the livestream with Agent Farley and Agent Hall following close behind. Henderson: Remote? Come in. I have visual on the- At this point Agent Hendersson gets cut off by his own inability to continue breathing. Agent Hendersson set off a distress signal as he could not alert his fellow agents to his situation. Agent Hendersson can be seen falling over as Agents Farley and Hall can be seen rushing towards Hendersson. As Hendersson collapses both Farley and Hall get visual on SCP-6589 and start showing the same breathing issues and eventual collapse. At this point Agent J. Hitchcock took over remote monitoring. Hitchcock: ALL AGENTS CLOSE YOUR EYES. I REPEAT. AGENTS OF MTF-UPSILON-23 CLOSE YOUR FUCKING EYES. Hitchcock: Agents on scene, you’re dealing with a Cognitohazard that has already resulted in the deaths of 4 remote response agents, 3 on scene agents, and an unspecified number of civilians. Another approach is necessary. The Cognitohazard is located on the wall of the building directly to your northeast. Ensure no more civilians get close. Reinforcements are on the way. Wait for the all-clear. Agent J. Hitchcock made a call for two field agents to enter the building covertly and to cover up SCP-6589 with opaque sheeting with the reason given being construction that was going to start the next day. This information had to be implanted in the business while agents were being deployed. Approximately 30 minutes later the view on the livestream changes as the sheeting is draped over SCP-6589. Hitchcock: MTF-Upsilon-23, you have the all-clear. Secure the perimeter, fences are being brought in to secure all from civilians. Ensure no one gets close until the anomaly is fully secure. Agents of MTF-Upsilon-23 can be seen checking over bodies. One agent comes up to the camera. Agent F. Sanders:Well, thanks for watching. Look fences are here, we’ll report back as soon as we can. The view of the camera turns around and shows the Foundation trucks sent to deliver fences arriving on scene before the recording cuts out. [End recording 13:48] Close Livestream Transcription Incident 6589-alpha Close incident report Incident Report 6589-Alpha Date: 07-09-2022 Incident designation: 6589-Alpha Incident summary {Public Dissemination of information and public Cognitohazardous material propagated by GoI. 38 casualties were registered as a direct result of GoI action. }} In the afternoon of 07-09-2022 a livestream was flagged by Foundation A.I. as possibly anomalous at 12:33. The livestream was taken off air for the general public and non-foundation internet connections and monitored by foundation personnel for anomalous activity. Approximately 35 minutes after the livestream was intercepted the individual painting SCP-6589 was found to be a known member of GoI ‘Are We Cool Yet?’ Benjamin Caine. MTF-Upsilon-23 ‘Art Critics’ was dispatched to the location the live stream was broadcast from. During the creation of SCP-6589 Benjamin Caine seemingly attempted to disseminate information about the anomalous world to the civilians that were present. Two Foundation agents were sent in by remote response to cover the mural with an opaque tarp. To keep civilians as safe as possible this was done without disturbing the activities in the building in question. Agents Kazinsky and Finean were sent in while normal activity in the building needed to be preserved to ensure there would not be an influx of people seeing the mural. After the tarp was deployed remote operatives gave the all clear and MTF-Upsilon-23 moved to secure the entries to the street SCP-6589 was located in. Agents also took count of all casualties noting 29 Civilians, 3 on scene agents (agents Hendersson, Farley and Hall) and Benjamin Caine himself. Casualties of 4 remote monitoring personnel were logged after the anomaly was secured. Caine’s body was found where he had been seen collapsing on the livestream. His body was searched and a letter was found on his person and his body was transported to a Foundation site for autopsy and disposal. The total casualty count of the incident was 38 with a breakdown of 29 civilians, 3 on site agents, 4 remote response agents and Benjamin Caine himself. To view the letter found on Benjamin Caine’s person the user’s credentials need to be re-verified Verify your credentials. Close letter Verification complete. Cognitohazardous effects have been neutralized. Meaning A strange concept in a world that makes very little sense. With no one to tell you what anything means, is there any meaning? What is the meaning of anything? Is there a meaning to the abstract? Is there a meaning to life? You certainly expect there to be. If nothing means anything is it worth anything? If life means nothing then why are we here? Is there even a reason to life, in a world this truly unpredictable? I’ll leave you with a hint about the meaning of anything. Is there a meaning when our creator is dead? Are We Cool Yet? Close email To: O5-Command (group) From: O5-02 Subject: The integrity of the veil It seems that with the current events we have faced at the hands of one person affiliated with one group some new threats to normalcy have been uncovered in the modern day. The veil is getting increasingly complicated to uphold. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6589" by DrowningDutchman, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6591 | safe | PlaguePJP: X by PlaguePJP SCP-6591 — 'Cize Up!: A Vikander-Kneed Technical Media Program ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6591 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6591 are contained in Site-43's High-Yield Data Storage Facility 3. An investigation into the studio in which SCP-6591 was filmed is currently underway. Dr. Harold Blank is currently overseeing the operation; all information is to be forwarded to him and into the GOI-5889 file. Still from SCP-6591-1. Description: SCP-6591 designates a set of VHS tapes containing Jazzercize-style instruction videos entitled "'Cize Up," produced by Vikander-Kneed Technical Media (GoI-5889). Of the four known to exist, the Foundation is currently in possession of one VHS, designated SCP-6591-1. Those who actively view SCP-6591, regardless of their participation, will experience increased appetite, lowered metabolism, and extreme exhaustion. Testing revealed that long-term exposure could cause a weight gain of up to twenty-three kilograms within the span of thirty days. SCP-6591 tapes, while advertised as exercise instructional videos, are nonsensical in their programming, with only one segment between tapes that could be considered an exercise instructional video. Footage also shows unfinished elements, leading to the conclusion that SCP-6591 tapes were not meant to be released, at least in their current form. (See Addendum One). SCP-6591-A is the host of SCP-6591. It resembles a human female clothed in a blue leotard. Its face is yet to be viewed, as it is always hidden under a black burlap sack. This mask lacks eye or breathing holes, and it is tied around its neck with a shoelace. Repeat viewings will sometimes contain references to the events of previous playthroughs, including equipment or tools, background dancers, and/or spilled bodily matter. Addendum 6591.1: Abridged Episode Transcripts The following is a transcript of the 26th rewatch of SCP-6591-1. + Open Addendum+ - Close Addendum - Section Title: "Introduction" Title Card. (SCP-6591-A is seated on a stool in front of a distant purple curtain. The floor is composed of glossy hardwood, typical of raised stages. A disco rendition of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata is overlayed as background music.) SCP-6591-A: Hi, I'm (Gurgling), and welcome to 'Cize Up. This is my custom workout dance routine dedicated to getting those many limbs a-wigglin' and that heart a-poundin' for dear life! (A cut; SCP-6591-A is now standing, the stool is gone.) SCP-6591-A: Now, we may be goin' fast, but don't worry! If you get lost just follow what I do. Just follow me! (Shuffling is seen behind SCP-6591-A. From beneath the curtain, a duplicate of SCP-6591-A crawls towards the camera.) Duplicate SCP-6591-A: Just follow us! SCP-6591-A: To get the most out of this workout, make sure you're pushing yourself to the limit. I hear people say "no pain no gain" all the time. Remember, if you feel like crying, please do! And keep going while you're at it! (Two more duplicate instances appear from behind the curtain, this time dropping from above the curtain.) Duplicates in Unison: Just follow us! SCP-6591-A: I'll be honest, if you're watching this, you're probably at rock bottom. Sad, sad, sad — sad that you've let yourself get to the point where dancing is a chore. I pity you. (A final three SCP-6591-A duplicates walk into the frame.) Duplicates in Unison: Just follow us! SCP-6591-A: What are we waiting for? Let's 'Cize Up! Section Title: "Prayer" Title Card. (Dancers enter the studio in silence, all holding lit candles. The dancers, mostly women and a few men, are wearing similarly colored leotards or leggings to SCP-6591-A. Their faces are visible, albeit expressionless. None have been identified. ) (They organize themselves into rows, all facing the main stage, which is raised about 1.5 meters off the ground. SCP-6591-A is kneeling with its arms outstretched, each hand grasping a torch.) SCP-6591-A: (Whispered.) This is an exercise in your will. Much like a rubber band, you can pull and pull, and eventually, it will snap. Let's try to get you there. Extend your arms outward and kneel on the ground. It's going to hurt. Your muscles may atrophy and your knees may ache, but that's a testament to how much better you will be when it's all over. (The recording continues in silence for twenty-three minutes as the camera walks between the motionless dancers. Splotches of dried wax are seen scattered on the ground from previous watches. Burns are also seen on some fingers of the dancers. The section abruptly concludes on a wide shot of SCP-6591-A.) Section Title: "Tournament" This section has the word "CUT" overlaid on the title card. Title Card. (This section is comprised of static for three minutes. Various distorted images are interspersed within, with the clearest being the aforementioned dancers linked by hand around SCP-6591-A.) (The static abruptly cuts to a handheld camera peering through a window outside of the studio. Two dancers are seen sprinting away from SCP-6591-A while the remaining dancers are sat on the floor, breathing heavily and/or nursing injuries.) (There is the sudden sound of a metallic bang, believed to be an inner door.) (A door leading onto the pavement opens to the right to the cameraman, who quickly pans. The dancers stand motionless on the sidewalk, staring with expressions of concern and fear into the camera. The feed cuts to static.) Section Title: "Homicize" Title Card. (The "'Cize Up" Theme Song begins once again, now slightly pitched down.) SCP-6591-A: I think it's time for some old-school 'Cizing; we can get carried away sometimes! (The dancers have once again organized themselves into rows, with about a wingspan's distance between each other. They are all stepping side to side to the beat of the song, following SCP-6591-A's movement. One dancer, a younger woman, is stepping in a large puddle of what appears to be brain tissue and blood.) SCP-6591-A: Let's shake it up! Now this exercise, in all honesty, doesn't work. I just think it's funny to watch you people think you're actually doing something right now! (The group rocks their shoulders back and forth.) SCP-6591-A: Keep it going! You notice how easy it is to follow the leader when you let your guards down. Let's run in place! (The dancers jog in place.) SCP-6591-A: You people feel bad about yourselves. And you think I have the power to fix it. I'm your god. You listen to me because I have the answers. Nothing's stopping you from turning this off, but you won't, you're in too deep. You have to make this a routine — you gotta trick your brain into liking this so you keep doing it. (SCP-6591-A switches to a back and forth hop. The dancers immediately follow.) SCP-6591-A: And let's do this! I own these people. They're mine. They believe in me, as do you. You'll keep watching, grasping towards that unattainable goal you'll give up on in a month. But that's alright, all we're gonna do is 'Cize Up! Let's run in place again! (SCP-6591-A climbs off stage; the dancers proceed with a side-to-side lunge. SCP-6591-A jogs over to a weight rack, retrieving a 10-pound weight and carrying it over to the woman dancing in the puddle.) SCP-6591-A: Keep it goin'! Some feedback I got from the last tape was that you guys wanted a few more alternate exercises for muscle growth along with cardio. Some of the best workouts for your shoulders come from swinging your arms around, especially with something heavy! (SCP-6591-A draws the weight back, swinging it at the nearby dancer's face. The video cuts to static as it collides. The music continues blaring over wet banging sounds.) (The video resumes for three seconds; SCP-6591-A is now kneeling, holding the weight behind its head.) SCP-6591-A: This one's great for your triceps! (The video cuts to static again for two seconds before resuming, held on a shot of a dancer moving side to side, with the right side of his body splattered with blood.) (Another cut, the camera is now following SCP-6591-A as it runs back on stage. The camera then lifts, now held at an angled bird's eye view. All dancers are waving towards it as SCP-6591-A speaks. Another pool of viscera is seen in the lower-left corner.) SCP-6591-A: Great job today, everyone! I'll sure be feeling that tomorrow! Remember, if you're not homocizin', you're not tryin'! Thanks for 'Cizin Up to us today and thanks for joinin'! Addendum 6591.2: Investigation Pulled frame. The image of the skyline shown in the third section was examined. Foundation operatives were able to deduce that the "'Cize Up" studio was located in Erie, Pennsylvania. An investigation ensued, and the building SCP-6591 was filmed at was found. The studio was empty, save for a trail of blood leading to a storage closet and 52 smoking torches in the backstage area. Within the closet were twenty-six bodies, female, all wearing the same clothes with similar injuries to the head. The oldest body had only been dead for twelve hours. More From This Author More From This Author PlaguePJP's Works SCPs SCP-618 (+149) • SCP-8599 (+235) • SCP-6592 (+79) • SCP-5594 (+100) • SCP-8592 (+163) • SCP-8598 (+88) • SCP-6598 (+257) • SCP-7592 (+222) • SCP-6597 (+180) • SCP-7001 (+544) • SCP-5595 (+535) • SCP-8593 (+173) • Plauge's Proposal (+242) • SCP-6596 (+297) • SCP-5591 (+128) • Tales/GoI Formats HOGSLICE Makes A Friend (+162) • Other PLAGUEPLACE (+192) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6591" by PlaguePJP, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: cizeupmain.png, introduction.png, prayer.png, tournament.png, homicize.png Author: PlaguePJP License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Filename: city.png Author: PlaguePJP License: CC BY-SA 3.0 This image is a composite of: Name: Lancaster, Pennsylvania downtown.jpg Author: Randolph Carney License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: Wikimedia Commons |
SCP-6592 | safe | The Business Wizard Richie Marks and The Biz Wiz Experience - PlaguePJP ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} 3/6592 LEVEL 3/6592 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-6592 Safe The Financial District, Manhattan, New York City. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6592 is contained in a humanoid containment chamber at Site-322. Per the accords drafted as part of the SCP-4661 investigation, any Tartarean entities involved in the SCP-6592 case are to be questioned and released. A promotional image using during Project Bootstraps. Description: SCP-6592 is Richard "Richie" Marks, a 35-year-old male human from New York City, New York, USA. SCP-6592 is a former stockbroker, brokerage founder, seminar performer, and rudimentary thaumaturge, gaining its abilities after inadvertently entering and consuming forbidden investing techniques from the Wanderers' Library. Prior to his containment, SCP-6592 utilized several currently unknown thaumaturgic methods, in conjunction with demonic rituals and influence from Tartarean entities, to create SCP-6592-1, which he utilized to grow his portfolio, influence, and brokerage, Greenfield INC. SCP-6592 tours the United States under the pseudonym "The Business Wizard," presenting in conference and seminar shows known as the "Biz Wiz Experience." The Biz Wiz Experience has become infamous for the showmanship and extravagance displayed by SCP-6592 during it. Thaumaturgy is used for many segments, including self-propelling flight, demonic summoning, as well as minor coercion on the part of SCP-6592 to influence his audience to purchase its goods and services. Consequently, SCP-6592 has developed a cult online following dedicated to his lavish lifestyle and inspirational speeches. SCP-6592-1 is a method of virtually undetectable stock market manipulation utilized between 2015 and 2020. SCP-6592-1 is capable of allowing the user to control the buying and selling habits on the New York Stock Exchange. SCP-6592 was used by Greenfield INC. to commit numerous "pump-and-dump" schemes.1 Greenfield INC. was investigated by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation; however, no evidence of wrongdoing was uncovered, leading to Foundation intervention due to the improbability of this. Addendum 6592.1: Recovered Materials and Interview During a covert operation conducted by Mobile Task Force λ-667 "Stock Breakers" on SCP-6592's residence and Greenfield INC.'s headquarters, agents recovered the following materials: Two boarding passes for Las Vegas, Nevada. Both were in SCP-6592's name; A suitcase containing USD 130,000; Discovered in Marks' third garage; all the serial numbers on the bills were identical; A hidden bag containing a massive amount of illegal narcotics including cocaine, mescaline, LSD, and ether. A large safe containing: Two leather-bound tomes, the first regarding demonology and the second about general thaumaturgy. The inner covers of both read "Property of the Wanderers' Library;" Various weaponry, including pistols, ancient samurai swords, and a crossbow; One human skeleton of unknown origin. Under the guise of FBI agents, MTF λ-667 arrested SCP-6592 on account of the fake currency. Marks was transported to Site-322 for questioning the same day. TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Interrogation Chamber Lague: Alright — there we go. State your name, please. SCP-6592: Suck my dick. Lague: You're really going to play it like this? SCP-6592: I don't know, are you really going to SUCK MY DICK? Lague: Alright, suit yourself. Strategy and Meeting Room Coix: Still resisting? Lague: Yep. What did Ethics say about the proposal? Coix: They got upset and called us ridiculous. I wrote down what they said, I quote, 'calling something an enhanced interview tactic does not negate the fact that it's torture.' So I think that's a no. Lague: Damn it. Wait, was that a complete no to anomalies? Coix: I don't think so… why? Interrogation Chamber SCP-5595 (SCP-5595 enters the room, connected remotely to Dir. Lague.) SCP-5595: IS THIS THE DOUCHEBAG? SCP-6592: The fuck? Lague: This is Richie Marks. He's been giving us some trouble, we need you to talk with him. Get him loosened up. SCP-5595: HELLO RICHIE, I AM GEOFFREY QUINCY HARRISON THE THIRD, FORMER SITE DIRECTOR AND CURRENT HEAD OF THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT. SCP-6592: Suck my dick. SCP-5595: HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT? SCP-6592: Suck my dick. (SCP-5595's internal mechanism twists, depositing a gumball. This is then launched out of SCP-5595, hitting SCP-6592 in the knee.) SCP-6592: Ow! What the fuck? SCP-5595: APOLOGIZE. SCP-6592: Fuck you! (SCP-5595 fires another three gumballs at SCP-6592's head, who drops to the ground in the fetal position.) SCP-5595: SAY YOU'RE SORRY. SCP-6592: Alright — Alright! That's enough, Christ. I'm sorry. SCP-5595: KISS MY WHEELS. SCP-6592: What? No goddamn way! Lague: I think that's enough. (SCP-5595 withdraws another gumball.) SCP-5595: KISS. MY. WHEELS. (SCP-6592 crawls to SCP-5595 and gingerly kisses its baseplate.) SCP-5595: GOOD BOY. (Dir. Lague enters the chamber; SCP-5595 makes way for the door.) Lague: Nope, get back here. Stand next to him. Richie, are you ready to talk? SCP-6592: I know my rights, man. Where's my lawyer? Lague: Name and age for the record. SCP-6592: Richard Marks, 28. SCP-5595: DICK MARKS. Lague: Shut up, Geoffrey. Richie, you're the owner of the Greenfield Inc. brokerage— SCP-6592: You know that already. I already got investigated by you bozos four goddamn times and they found nothing. Clean as a whistle. This is a witchhunt at this point. Abuse. Racial discrimination. Lague: What? No, what are you talking about? From what I've read here, you've seen immense growth these last few years — in both your brokerage and stock holdings. Lower middle class to the upper crust of American society in less than a year. What is it now, twelve hundred employees smack dab in the middle of Wall Street? SCP-6592: Hard work and dedication. We're both working men, we know that it eventually pays off. Lague: Mhm. You go to Vegas a lot, right? SCP-6592: What does that have to do with anything I just fucking said? Lague: "Hard work and dedication" are not words famously associated with Sin City. You're heading there next week with, I assume, those one hundred thirty thousand dollars in duplicated bills. Am I wrong? Please tell me if I am. SCP-5595: (Quietly) SOMEONE'S IN TROUBLE. Lague: Shut up, Geoffrey. Final warning. SCP-6592: Look, you guys looked into me and I came out clean four times. I don't know what else to tell you. Lague: I don't care what you or your company does. And I really, really don't give a damn how you fleece people. I care about what I saw in that safe. SCP-6592: …You're not the SEC, are you? Lague: Oh, what tipped you off, the magic gumball machine? SCP-5595: RUDE. SCP-6592: Am I leaving here alive after this? I made a solid life for myself and I'd be sad if a gumball machine is the reason I die. Lague: As long as you keep talking; and maybe with a few memories missing. SCP-5595: THEY CALL ME THE LIE DETECTOR. TRY ME. Lague: Literally no one calls — Alright, that's enough, get out. (SCP-5595 exits the interrogation chamber, mumbling to itself.) SCP-6592: Where do you want me to start? Lague: Hopefully with what your company did, exactly. SCP-6592: Well it was mostly just moving legitimate finances around — looking into market prices to ratchet up value entirely legal— Lague: This is totally securities fraud isn't it. SCP-6592: Oh yeah, 100%. Pump and dump schemes — real scumbag shit, I know. But I never got caught. Lague: You aren't exactly the sharpest boat in the toolbox, what gives? What's the Richie Marks secret? SCP-6592: Magic. Lague: …Magic. (Lague signals to SCP-5595.) SCP-6592: No, seriously. Lague: Oh. Elaborate. SCP-6592: I can't tell you — I can barely wrap my head around it. All I know is that it's real fucking magic blessed by the sin of greed itself. It was a spell I helped make, I don't know what it does really, I just know I can make a position rise or fall whenever I want it to. Lague: Slow down, sin of greed? Deadly sins? SCP-6592: …Yes? Lague: Oh no. Is that why you had the tickets to Vegas? SCP-6592: Is there something I should know? Lague: Answer the question, Richie. SCP-6592: Look, you don't want me, you want my boss! I was set to perform in two days and meet a contact but then you guys fucked everything up. Lague: In Vegas? SCP-6592: I meet with a contact there. Why are you so concerned about Vegas? Lague: [To Command] Call up House at 666, he's going to have a field day with this dipstick. Anyway. Please continue, Richie. SCP-6592: The person or thing who gave me the spell, I don't know I haven't met them, sends some fancy douchebag to check in on me every month and give me a gift. I basically have a walk-in closet full of stupid magic bullshit now. Cursed office chairs, demonic-infused citrus spritzers. Lague: Wait, wait, wait. You haven't met your boss? SCP-6592: No, do you think they're that stupid? I'm sure one of those fratboy assholes with the horns can take you to them if you threaten to dump a martini on their Christian Dior. Lague: You seem pretty relaxed about being in regular contact with a demon. SCP-6592: I don't make the rules, I just play the game, baby. Lague: Pretty bad at it, aren't you? SCP-6592: I bet if you got the spell you'd be over there just as often as I am. It's called gratefulness. You know, I'm kinda pissed we both know about Vegas. Thought I had something unique there. What about the giant library in the oil spill-looking portals? Lague: The Wanderers' Library, yes. Frankly, it's a testament to the power of your idiocy you're still alive. The Library generally doesn't suffer fools or thieves, and definitely not foolish thieves. SCP-6592: I hope they don't have late fees. Might be fucked there. Lague: Actually, possibly the most pressing thing I need to know is the number of people you told all this to. That could be a major security breach, Richie. SCP-6592: I kept something to myself for once. Lague: Huh, uncharacteristically smart. Why? SCP-6592: I mean, what kind of gaping asshole would expose the existence of something as wondrous and magic— Lague: You didn't want anyone to exploit it before you could. SCP-6592: Absolutely. Lague: Figures. SCP-6592: Plus I'd be thrown in the loony bin if I even tried to tell anyone. I only grabbed a couple of books from there, learned the magic, and went in and out every so often for travel. Lague: Nothing in those books mentions anything about using them for personal gain, it was just rune drawing and physical illusions. The demon-summoning book is a different ballpark, but one with almost the same story. The demons, at least the ones in that book, don't commit securities fraud. SCP-6592: They eat people. Lague: Most of them have outgrown that. SCP-6592: Most? Lague: Just keep going. SCP-6592: There was already some spell going around Wall Street, where you pray to some Federal Reserve Chairman. I tried it; didn't work. I heard it used to until the ritual got messed up — something about the douchebag being put in jail. I knew this stuff worked on finances, it was only a matter of figuring out what I had to do. Lague: How'd you learn about Vegas? SCP-6592: This Lbrary's a hub right, especially for people more magical than me. I started hearing about the deadly sins heading to Vegas, along with hell itself attaching to it somehow. Is that true? Lague: You could say that. SCP-6592: After that it was all kinds of stories: Hades owning a casino, a lust sex club, gluttony burger joint— (Lague writes a note.) SCP-6592: Given that at least the two of the seven sins were there, I tried my luck and decided to check it out equipped with what I knew about magic and what I wanted to gain. Lague: So you were going to get high as hell and go to Vegas. SCP-6592: Great plan, right? «END LOG» Addendum 6592.2: Mission Proposal MISSION PROPOSAL: PROJECT BOOTSTRAPS Site-666, located within SCP-4661. MISSION DETAILS Project Bootstrap will include a joint task force of MTF Ω-33 "Ocean's Three-Hundred" and MTF λ-667 "Stock Breakers" posing as patrons, audience members, and security at the MGM Grand Casino. SCP-6592 will be booked as a guest at the Casino to perform its act "The Biz Wiz Experience." SCP-6592 will invite the Tartarean entity to its performance, where it will be captured and placed in containment. TARGET The current target is a member of Rapacity-class Tartarean entities, denoted by their slight gold skin coloration and silver horns. These entities will be dressed lavishly, commonly wearing designer clothing and jewelry. One of these entities has been employed to communicate with SCP-6592 regarding the business dealings between the two. SCP-6592 has been instructed to lure this entity to a secluded location so it can be intercepted by Foundation agents. Project Status APPROVED Addendum 6592.3: The Biz Wiz Experience TRANSCRIPT Members Ω-33-1 Atlantic — Audience Member Ω-33-3 Pacific — Audience Member Ω-33-5 Arctic — Casino Patron λ-667-1 Naz — Casino Patron λ-667-4 Dack — Backstage Security Guard λ-667-7 York — Backstage Security Guard λ-667-12 Dow — Backstage Security Guard SCP-6592 Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada. «BEGIN LOG» Ω-33 | Atlantic: All clear? (The agents give their signals.) SCP-6592: I'm ready, baby. λ-667 | York: Just follow the goddamn plan. SCP-6592: Time to kick ass. (Atlantic pans around the packed auditorium. She’s standing in a secluded nook near the back. All four hundred seats in the auditorium are filled.) (Smoke flows across the stage and lasers begin to dance through the air. Dubstep music blares from the speakers.) Ω-33 | Atlantic: Jesus. Ω-33 | Pacific: Where?! (SCP-6592 runs onto stage to applause from the audience. He runs a lap around the stage, dressed in a blue suit and cloak.) SCP-6592: What's up everyone! I'm Richie Marks, the Business Wizard, and welcome to the Biz Wiz Experience! Your one-stop-shop for all the advice, stories, and knowledge the other bullshitters won't give you! (Fake 1,000,000 dollar bills pour from above. Each bill has Marks' face on them; they wink at the observer flirtatiously.) SCP-6592: NOW WHO WANTS TO MAKE SOME MONEY? (Cheering is heard from Arctic and Naz's feeds.) λ-667 | Dack: The hell was that? Ω-33 | Arctic: Hold on! (No response. There is another cheer several seconds later.) λ-667 | Naz: That's how we do it, baby! Twelve hundred on black odds! λ-667 | Dack: Are… Are you dipshits at a roulette wheel? Ω-33 | Arctic: Naz is up to three thousand bucks! λ-667 | Dack: You're on a mission! What the fuck is this city?! Ω-33 | Arctic: A mission where we pose as casino-goers. This is blending in as far as I'm concerned. Get you— let's GO! TELL ME THE ODDS OF THAT! (Cheers cut in and out of the feed.) SCP-6592: —I see these other assholes saying they're grateful for their success. My success was forged by myself and myself alone. I'm grateful that I had the balls to want — to think. These other "entrepreneurs" sell you shit. You're buying a fantasy, but here, with me: The Business fuckin' Wizard, fantasy… is a reality. (SCP-6592 snaps his fingers. Part of the stage crumbles, disintegrating into ash. From the hole, a skeletal hand reaches up, clawing onto the edge and hoisting itself up. The audience gasps and whoops. Upon reaching the stage, the skeleton is revealed to be missing its lower half.) SCP-6592: Shit, I knew I forgot something. Be right back, guys! (SCP-6592 jogs off stage. An audible scream is heard from the backstage area, following by begging and sobbing. SCP-6592 reemerges with a pair of disembodied human legs in denim jeans. It appears that they have been cut off of the original party at the waist. A security guard's lanyard can be seen hanging out of the right pocket. He tosses the limbs over to the skeleton, which affixes itself to them and stands.) SCP-6592: Does anyone know this person's name? Raise your hand if you do. (A pause.) SCP-6592: Hell, I don't even know who this is. What's your name? (The skeleton opens its jaw, but does not move it when speaking.) Skeletal Entity: I am No One. SCP-6592: No One. A Joe Shmoe. Nobody. Mr. One, I have something right now. Something crazy! Wanna join me on it? There's so much we can do! Skeletal Entity: I am dead and No One. I have lost (Its jaw falls to the ground. It continues speaking unabated.) my chance. SCP-6592: Guys— No One here, he's admitting he's out of time. Imagine living your life too fearful to contribute. At that point, we're all just like No One here. (SCP-6592 paces around the stage for a moment.) SCP-6592: No One, listen to me. Why are you a nobody? Why doesn't anyone remember your name or what you did? Did you even do anything, you complete loser? Skeletal Entity: (Reading from its hand.) I did not leave my comfort zone. I never got to live. I never got that attractive woman a drink at the bar or any children of my own to send to that really good private school in the rich neighborhood, like the one you live in, Mr. Biz Wiz. SCP-6592: Your comfort— Skeletal Entity: I never got to buy that boat I always wanted. SCP-6592: Your— Skeletal Entity: It was the one with the cool sails and the— SCP-6592: YOU DIDN'T LEAVE your comfort zone, and this is where you ended up. He had dreams, but he never strived for them. He had goals, but he never achieved them. He never even bothered to try! Skeletal Entity: Oh, but Mr. Biz Wiz, if I were alive how would I be able to live a life as wealthy and successful and… wonderful as you? SCP-6592: Fantastic question! (SCP-6592 grabs through the air. When he clenches his fist, a purple, embroidered duffel bag appears in his grasp. In gold lettering, the words "BIZ KIT: A MAGIC MAN'S TOOL" are stitched on the front.) SCP-6592: This right here is my secret. With this kit, you'll be able to conduct everything I've done on stage and in the financial sphere. For today and today only, this entire kit will cost you 250 dollars total. Two hundred and fifty buckaroos to take your life back, people. They say you can't put a price tag on success, but I have, and it costs less than a TV. Who's prepared to make their fantasies a reality? (Applause. SCP-6592 slips the skeleton a dollar of unknown denomination. The skeleton detaches from the limbs and crawls its way back into the hole. The disembodied legs remain there for a moment before SCP-6592 shoots a spell at them and they run backstage.) «END LOG» Addendum 6592.4: Capture of Tartarean Entity TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» (SCP-6592 enters the backstage area and heads to its makeup room, relaying this information to the task forces. The Security Team takes position backstage.) λ-667 | York: Scanners are going wild back here. TRE levels are drastically increasing. Ω-33 | Pacific: That's our mark. (Security footage shows a Rapacity-class Tartarean entity scouting the backstage area, designated SCP-6592-β. It turns a corner, flanked to its left and right by two larger demonic humanoids, designated SCP-6592-Γ and SCP-6592-Δ respectively. Both are burly humanoids approximately 2 meters in height dressed in designer workout gear.) Ω-33 | Pacific: Oh that's not fair. Ω-33 | Atlantic: Naz, Arctic, we're probably going to need you back here. λ-667 | Naz: My streak's over anyway. I might have to pawn my service weapon. Ω-33 | Pacific: That's definitely what we're worried about right now. λ-667 | Naz: ETA five minutes, bossman. (Atlantic and Pacific converge on the Security Team's location.) λ-667 | York: Marks, the demon is coming to your door. Be aware that it has bodyguards so, for the love of God, don't do anything stupid. SCP-6592: You really think I'm stupid enough to— All Agents: Yes. SCP-6592: Well, alright, fuck you guys too— (SCP-6592-β knocks on SCP-6592's door and is allowed in. SCP-6592-Γ and SCP-6592-Δ post themselves outside of the room.) Ω-33 | Atlantic: Alright, time to get hot, boys. Hope you said your prayers and ate your vegetables. (Agents Atlantic, York, and Pacific unholster their weaponry, all loaded with pressurised holy water.) (Atlantic turns the corner and begins firing, squirting water at the nearest entity. The other agents follow. SCP-6592-Γ immediately falls to the ground, its skin smoking through holes in its Gym Shark tank top. The other crouches and uses its Supreme puffer jacket to protect its uncovered skin, returning fire with a small handheld pistol.) λ-667 | York:* Shit! Ω-33 | Atlantic: You alright? λ-667 | York: I'm hit! Cover me! (York rolls behind audio equipment with Atlantic.) Ω-33 | Pacific: Damn it! Naz, Arc, come in, damn it. One down. Help would be appreciated! Ω-33 | Arctic: Close behind! (Naz rounds the corner from the opposite direction and heaves a comically large bag of casino chips at the entity's head, causing it to stumble and sending chips flying across the hallway.) (Pacific fires his weapon. SCP-6592-Δ is incapacitated.) λ-667 | Naz: You're welcome. Ω-33 | Pacific: Shut the fuck up. (Arctic tosses a chip at Pacific. All uninjured agents enter the makeup room, save for Naz, who is retrieving his casino chips.) Ω-33 | Pacific: Stay where you are! (SCP-6592-β leaps behind SCP-6592.) SCP-6592-β: Watch the shoes! Don't shoot, this was a lot of money! Ω-33 | Pacific: Who sent you? SCP-6592-β: Are you those chumps out of the Luxor? Ω-33 | Pacific: Motherfucker I will put so much holy water in you you'll be pissing baptisms! SCP-6592-β: I will sue! Do you know who my overlord is? Don't mess with me! (Pacific fires his weapon at the ceiling.) SCP-6592-β: Look, look, let's all calm down! I'll tell you whatever you want. Please, just watch the suit. «END LOG» SCP-6592-β was placed into Foundation demonic custody at Site-666 and divulged the pertinent information at the promise its suit, shoes, and hair would be left alone. Addendum 6592.5: Confrontation TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Ω-33 | Atlantic: The fuckboy demon said it was room 500 on the 13th floor. Ω-33 | Pacific: 13th floor, bit obvious, no? λ-667 | Naz: Branding means a lot, nowadays. Ω-33 | Pacific: Yeah, but these are demons. Their brand is being evil and stealing souls. λ-667 | Naz: Is that racist? Ω-33 | Pacific: It's like their whole thing! Ω-33 | Atlantic: Oh come on, I can provide twenty examples off the top of my head that disprove— (The elevator door opens, revealing a long empty hallway. The team traverses down the corridor and enters a private stairwell.) Ω-33 | Arctic: How many secret rooms does this place have? Ω-33 | Atlantic: We really gotta take a look at the blueprints for these places before we go in, man. (The stairway terminates in another hallway; its walls are painted white with gold trim. A single set of doors is seen on the opposite end. Pacific kicks them open, and the team enters a lavish hotel suite. A woman, wearing a black suit, is sitting in a leather chair across from a fireplace. The floor-length windows look out over SCP-4661. She does not make eye contact with the agents.) Unknown: You could have knocked first. After the whole thing with Pluto, I'd rather not get into a skirmish. Ω-33 | Atlantic: …Are you another god? Unknown: I am. You can call me Fortuna. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out what I'm the goddess of. Ω-33 | Atlantic: Could— can you look at us? Kinda weird that you're staring off into space. Fortuna: I am blind. Ω-33 | Atlantic: Oh. Sorry. Ω-33 | Arctic: Nice one, dickweed. (Glasses of red wine manifest in the agents' hands.) Ω-33 | Arctic: Man, you are way nicer than Pluto was. Fortuna: So, to what do I owe the pleasure? Ω-33 | Pacific: You're in contact with a man by the name of Richard Marks — he's a stockbroker. Fortuna: Yes. Richie. I saw such great potential in him. He's done wonderfully, hasn't he? Went from nothing to one of my greatest projects. Ω-33 | Pacific: He scammed thousands of people and stole someone's legs. Fortuna: Well, there's no such thing as clean money. He does what he needs to do. I don't direct him, I simply observe. Ω-33 | Pacific: I don't think I'm following you here. Does he give you money or a kickback of some sort? I don't understand this relationship. Fortuna: I don't get 'kickbacks' from him, I don't need it. I've made and lost and made my own fortune a thousand times over in less time than it takes Sol to pull the sun across the sky. His usefulness comes from what he does. He keeps me busy and comfortable. Ω-33 | Atlantic: …Is it like a… you know? Fortuna: Pardon, honey? Ω-33 | Atlantic: You know. Ω-33 | Pacific: What are you talking about? (Pause.) Ω-33 | Atlantic: Is it like… a sex thing? Ω-33 | Arctic: Dude. Ω-33 | Pacific: No! Why are you like this? Fortuna: Well, aren't we bold? Ω-33 | Pacific: …It's not a sex thing, right? Fortuna: No. Gods have our immortality and our ambrosia and nectar. That's enough, but it doesn't give you happiness — it gives you boring existence. Mars feeds off war and strife, Venus feeds off love and lust, and I'm given purpose and comfort with man's greed and gain. In return, this place prospers. That's why I stay here. On top of the obvious, I'm also a patron of luck. This place is teeming with both. (Fortuna winks in Naz's general direction. The agents form a huddle.) Ω-33 | Atlantic: How do we get her out of here? Ω-33 | Pacific: We can't bet it on blackjack again. That's kind of a one-trick pony. λ-667 | Naz: How about we just ask her to leave? Occam's Razor and all that. Ω-33 | Pacific: That'll— Fortuna: If I could intrude on your wonderful meeting, I'll just clear this up. I can't leave Las Vegas unless you're willing to suffer a calamity. Ω-33 | Atlantic: That's a bit drastic. Fortuna: Is it? I am luck and I am fortune. Isn't that what separates this city from every other one? Without me, it would be no different. I bestow this place its reputation and uphold it. That's why I'm satiated here. We're cyclical. I feed it, it feeds me. Ω-33 | Pacific: Wait, wait. If you're fine here, why do you need Marks to work for you? Fortuna: It's fun to have a pet. I just gave him a little assistance and he took off by himself. Do you get something out of watering a flower to watch it blossom? Ω-33 | Atlantic: If we decide to lock him in a cell, will you be upset? Fortuna: Not particularly. He was getting a bit boring anyway. He had hit his stride of success. Ω-33 | Atlantic: Don't you like success? Fortuna: I like success against the odds. Winning when the entire hand is stacked against you. Coming in with a dollar and turning it into a fortune. Ω-33 | Atlantic: Huh. (The team huddles again.) Ω-33 | Atlantic: I have an idea. λ-667 | Naz: What is it? Ω-33 | Atlantic: Just trust me. Ω-33 | Pacific: Against all my better judgment, okay. Fortuna: Mm, this should be interesting. Ω-33 | Atlantic: Alright… god… lady. Ω-33 | Arctic: He forgot her name. Fantastic start Fortuna: Fortuna, honey. Ω-33 | Atlantic: Right. Fortuna. You lent Richie your boon because the odds were against him, right? And now he's gotten boring. Predictable. Fortuna: Mhmm. Ω-33 | Atlantic: And we can't remove you from Vegas because then the city would implode. What if we offered you a compromise? λ-667 | Naz: Where is he going with this? Fortuna: What sort of compromise? Ω-33 | Atlantic: Moving you to a suite in the Luxor. And you lend your luck to us instead. Fortuna: Why would I do that? Ω-33 | Atlantic: We're an organization trying to contain demons in a city founded by demons, for demons, full of demons. We own a casino in the heart of Sin City and have to stop it from sinning itself into hell every five minutes. That sure sounds like the odds are stacked against us to me. Wouldn't that be a much more fun struggle to support than Richie buying a new yacht? Fortuna: Hm. You do make a compelling argument… how's the buffet? Ω-33 | Pacific: Pardon? Fortuna: In your casino. How's the buffet? Ω-33 | Arctic: It's pretty great. Fortuna: Okay. Done. Send someone to get my things. You wouldn't make a blind woman move her own things, would you? Ω-33 | Atlantic: Wow. Ω-33 | Arctic: Holy shit. λ-667 | Naz: This city is insane. Fortuna: Yes. You're wondering what the odds of that working was. You must have gotten really lucky. (She smiles at Atlantic.) Ω-33 | Pacific: What's the catch, are you gonna go find another 'pet' or mess with our luck somehow? Fortuna: That's your gamble to make. I can't give you the answer, there's no fun in that. Ω-33 | Atlantic: Fine. Thanks, I guess. λ-667 | Naz: Real quick, why Richie though? He's one of the daftest idiots ever. Like, he stole someone's legs because he botched a summoning, and the SEC keeps catching onto his firm. This isn't someone I'd consider a first-round pick. (Fortuna shrugs.) Fortuna: Fortune favors the bold. «END LOG» The development for a method of containing Fortuna and similar godly entities is currently underway by the Department of Tactical Theology. Until then, all godly entities in SCP-4661 are classified as Enochian2 until further notice. SCP-6592 was subsequently transported to Site-322. Addendum 6592.5: Containment Breach On March 30, 2021, a multi-level security breakdown occurred at Site-322, leading to the opening of the low-level humanoid containment cells, specifically SCP-6592's chamber. Upon its exit, all security cameras lost connection to their power sources, and radio communication within the humanoid containment wing subsequently broke down. SCP-6592 managed to reach to the first-floor emergency exit without encountering any Foundation staff or recontainment teams. He was, however, unable to escape due to the door failing to open, despite the door being unlocked. SCP-6592 was subsequently recontained. A debrief meeting of Site-322 staff occurred soon after. TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Lague: How the hell did he make it that far? Coix: Complete communications breakdown, the likes of which we've never seen before. One section of the Site just went offline then came back by itself. Lague: He had his dampener on, right? This wasn't Marks? Coix: Yep, it was just a completely random occurrence. The door wouldn't open when he tried to get out. Lague: Huh, what are the odds of that? «END LOG» Footnotes 1. A pump-and-dump scam involves the defrauding of investors by brokers who own stock. Investors will be led to believe a stock is a good investment, leading to the rise of the stocks price. The initial holders will then sell their stock at an inflated price, leading to massive profits for them and the stock losing all value for the misled investors. 2. Item cannot be contained due to its properties constituting an aspect of baseline reality. More From This Author More From This Author PlaguePJP's Works SCPs SCP-7591 • SCP-5593 • SCP-8593 • SCP-7594 • SCP-7001 • SCP-6593 • Plauge's Proposal • Plague's Proposal • SCP-5595 • SCP-618 • SCP-6591 • SCP-6598 • SCP-7590 • SCP-6596 • SCP-7593 • Tales/GoI Formats HOGSLICE Makes A Friend • Other PLAGUEPLACE • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6592" by PlaguePJP and Ralliston, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: gumballs.jpg Name: Gumball Machine (2049568285).jpg Author: Eric Schmuttenmaer License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: caesars.png Name: Caesars Palace Las Vegas Author: Håkan Dahlström License: CC BY 2.0. Source Link: Openverse Filename: lux.png Name: Nighttime aerial view of the Las Vegas Strip Author: Library of Congress License: Public Domain Source Link: Library of Congress Filename: nyc.png Name: Lower Manhattan from Governors Island August 2017 panorama.jpg Author: King of Hearts License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Filename: poster2.png Author: PlaguePJP and Brad Montgomery License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source Link: SCP Foundation Wiki Derivative of: Name: Jedi Salesman Author: Brad Montgomery License: CC BY 2.0 Source Link: Flickr |
SCP-6593 | safe | PlaguePJP: XXIV ADULT CONTENT This article contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. Graphic depiction of blood, gore or mutilation of body parts Features sexual themes or language, but does not depict sexual acts. Explicit depiction of sexual acts. Features non-consensual sexual acts. Depiction of severe mistreatment of children Depiction of self-harm Depiction of suicide Depiction of torture {$custom-content} If you are above the age of 18+ and wish to read such content, then you may click Continue to view said content. Continue Back to Front Page by PlaguePJP SCP-6593 — Only Cans ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6593 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo SCP-6593 at its place of discovery. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6593 has been relocated into Site-322's cafeteria. SCP-6593 may be utilized by all Site personnel regardless of rank. Alerting nearby personnel that SCP-6593 will be in use is advised. Description: SCP-6593 is a standard vending machine, accepting United States paper bills and coins. SCP-6593 contains candy bars, single-serving bags of chips and pretzels, and assorted carbonated beverages. Should an item be purchased, SCP-6593 will anomalously restock itself the following day. All efforts to observe this process have failed. SCP-6593 is sentient, sapient, and capable of speech in English through a highly modulated male voice. It will only display these traits when a patron is within 0.2 - 0.5 meters of the object and remains within this area for over five seconds. Should these requirements be met, SCP-6593 will converse with the potential patron. The internal mechanisms of SCP-6593 do not differ from non-anomalous instances of the same model of machine — it is unknown when or how these properties were first displayed. SCP-6593 gains sexual gratification upon a subject surveying the items, inserting coins, and/or selecting their specified item, commonly uttering sexually explicit phrases about itself or the patron and requesting the aforementioned actions be done to it. Due to SCP-6593's ability to self-restock, Site-322 Director Paul Lague has allowed for SCP-6593 to be placed in the Site's food court under the purview of the Integration Program as a cost-saving measure and to gain a wide array of behavioral research on SCP-6593. Addendum 6593.1: Event Transcript On July 5th, 2022, Doctor Anthony Coix attempted to utilize SCP-6593. TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» (Coix approaches SCP-6593 and begins to examine the items within it.) SCP-6593: You like what you see, big boy? Note: Since the internment of SCP-6593 in the cafeteria, Site personnel developed a strategy of ignoring SCP-6593's advances. This seemed to exacerbate SCP-6593's sexual activity and pleasure. SCP-6593: Yeah… look through my glass. I'm such a dirty slut showing you what's inside me. (Coix continues to look at the items. It appears he is indecisive on what to purchase.) SCP-6593: Fuck, you make me want to dispense something so bad. Please, give me a coin. (Coix continues to scour the items available for a further five minutes. SCP-6593 quickly grows more aroused by the timeframe.) SCP-6593: Please. Please, just one coin. Just one. I've been so good. I'm a whore. I want you to buy something from me. (Coix decides to purchase a package of Lay's Potato Chips. He retrieves four quarters from his pocket.) (SCP-6593 makes a loud moaning noise.) SCP-6593: Fuck yeah. Put those quarters in. Put them inside me. I want to feel them fall into the sorter. (Coix deposits the quarters and glances back to the machine for the corresponding number.) SCP-6593: Oh fuck yeah. Press my buttons. Press them hard. I'm almost there. (Coix presses the first button.) SCP-6593: HARDER! (Coix presses the last three buttons very quickly. He is clearly uncomfortable.) SCP-6593: Oooh. Oh shit. (SCP-6593's internal lights begin to rapidly flicker. The machine suddenly lifts off the floor and crashes back down. Every food item and beverage SCP-6593 had stored falls into the retrieval slot. SCP-6593 begins to breathe heavily.) SCP-6593: Oh fuck. Fuck. That hasn't happened in a while. «END LOG» Coix retrieved a large cardboard box from his office, collected all the items, and quickly left the cafeteria. As word of this event spread, personnel on their lunch breaks would attempt to bring SCP-6593 to orgasm in order to receive free snack items. Multiple strategies have been developed, including rattling coins throughout the buying process or holding down the keypad buttons for longer than needed, but the most successful has proven to be the one created by Doctor Coix. 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SCP-6594 | esoteric-class | PlaguePJP: XXIII by PlaguePJP SCP-6594 — Birthday Bash ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6594 Level0 Containment Class: N/A Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: N/A Risk Class: N/A link to memo Birthday Party. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6594 is tightly and securely locked in a CL-Class1 containment chamber at Site-322, created by the genius mind of Doctor Graham Grisham in September of 2007 for the sole purpose of containing SCP-6594. It works very well and hasn't had any issues. The containment chamber is connected to all Foundation computers, so if any funny business happens, the alarm system will let us know! Description: SCP-6594 is Doctor Graham Grisham's birthday celebration. Every year on his birthday, all SCP Foundation staff gather around to celebrate. Blue and white decorations (his favorite colors) are put all over the many SCP Foundation Sites, cakes are baked, and jolly times are spent together. Doctor Graham Grisham's birthday bash brings everyone together to celebrate. Doctor Graham Grisham never misses this event. Be sure to remember candles! You don't want to miss his wish. Doctor Graham Grisham deserves all of this and more! Addendum 6594.1: The Bash September 4th, 2010. (Doctor Graham Grisham enters the Site-322 food court during his lunch hour. He approaches a table of his friends. The computer systems are beeping loudly. It's very annoying.) Doctor Graham Grisham: It's my birthday today. (He is not heard. The beeping is too loud.) Doctor Graham Grisham: It's my birthday today! (He is not heard. The beeping is far too loud.) Doctor Graham Grisham: Hello? Coleman: Hey, what's up Graham, did you say something? (Doctor Graham Grisham's head droops like a sad puppy.) Doctor Graham Grisham: No. Doctor Graham Grisham was very excited for his party. It looked like this year was going to be a surprise party. (Doctor Graham Grisham knocks gingerly on Director Lague's office door. He is welcomed in.) Doctor Graham Grisham: Hey, Mr. Lague. Lague: How're you doing, Graham. What can I help you with? Doctor Graham Grisham: It's my birthday today. Lague: I don't know what you're talking about. (Lague's computer begins to beep.) Lague: One sec. Doctor Graham Grisham: Something is wrong. (Ten minutes pass.) Doctor Graham Grisham: I think it got out. Lague: I found a dog under my patio last night. It was being mean so I put it in a cardboard box and taped it shut. When it got out it scratched me. Doctor Graham Grisham: Yeah, that always happens near my birthday. Lague: Near what? Doctor Graham Grisham: Nothing. (Doctor Graham Grisham is sad.) September 7th, 2010 (Doctor Graham Grisham knocks gingerly on Director Lague's office door. He is welcomed in. Doctor Lague is speaking quietly to Doctor Anthony Coix. The computer is beeping loudly.) Doctor Graham Grisham: Hey, Mr. Lague. Lague: Just give us a sec, Graham. This report says Sunday. It's Tuesday. Coix: What? It's Sunday. Doctor Graham Grisham: That's when my birthday was. (Lague begins to type for 13 minutes.) Lague: It's giving me an error. Coix: Because you're trying to put the date as something that hasn't happened yet. If it hasn't happened yet you can't do it. It's basic logic. Lague: Today is Tuesday. Wait, I see the problem. Coix: Okay. It's Sunday. Lague: Yeah. I got it now. The Lord's day. Coix: Is that all? Lague: Yeah. See you later. (Doctor Coix climbs through the window to his office.) Lague: How're you doing, Graham. What can I help you with? Doctor Graham Grisham: It's my birthday today. (Lague's computer begins to beep. He ignores it.) Lague: You ever wonder if the stars are blinking or winking at you? Doctor Graham Grisham: This isn't right. You're acting wrong. Lague: Near what? Doctor Graham Grisham: My birthday. It's today. Lague: Today is Tuesday. (Director Lague climbs through the window to his office. A blue streamer can be seen on the ground below. It's tattered, torn, and worthlessly blowing in the wind.) November 9th, 2010 (Doctor Graham Grisham enters Doctor Coleman's office. He's working on a new project. On his desk is a half-eaten piece of marble cake. Mold and fungus have sprouted from it. Blue and white icing is still visible beneath the filth.) Doctor Graham Grisham: Excuse me, Mr. Coleman. I'm wondering where the decorations are. Coleman: For what? Doctor Graham Grisham: My birthday. It's today. I need to make my wish. Coleman: What are you talking about? Doctor Graham Grisham: Today is my birthday. I want my blue and white decorations. I want my cake. I want my wish. Coleman: I watched this show on the Food Network last night. This guy was making a sandwich. Looked good — roast pork, I think. He looked a lot like you, Graham. Doctor Graham Grisham: Mr. Coleman. It's my birthday today. (Dr. Coleman jots notes for 17 minutes. He is beeping loudly.) Coleman: I'll take that into account. Thank you. Doctor Graham Grisham: This is wrong. Test Log Proposal: Feed subject into SCP-6594. Outcome: It's Doctor Graham Grisham's birthday today. That won't make a difference. Proposal: Removal of subject from Foundation employment. Outcome: It's Doctor Graham Grisham's birthday today. That would be very rude. Proposal: Wish Doctor Graham Grisham a happy birthday. Outcome: Pending. September 4th, 2011 (Doctor Graham Grisham knocks gingerly on Director Lague's office door. He is welcomed in.) Doctor Graham Grisham: Hi Mr. Lague. (Director Lague is typing notes onto his computer. His fingers are moving very fast. The computer keeps beeping.) Lague: Happy birthday, Graham. (The computer stops beeping. Director Lague does not stop typing.) Doctor Graham Grisham: Thank you. (Director Lague dissolves into a pile of mush and goo.) Doctor Graham Grisham: I hope my wish comes true. (Doctor Graham Grisham sits in Director Lague's chair and begins to type very fast. His feet slosh in the liquid.) Doctor Graham Grisham: Today is my birthday. (The computer does not beep.) Doctor Graham Grisham was discovered in a previously unknown sub-basement of Site-322. The door leading into the room contained a placard reading "CL-Class." There is no documentation for any section of Site-322 under this designation. Investigation into the internal mechanism of this room found that the door underwent a lock failure and was subsequently opened periodically over the previous four years. The room was filled with computer equipment dating back to 1974. All interfaces were loudly beeping; the purpose of this is unknown. Window into the room. Grisham was covered in mold and fungus that had seemingly been growing for at least four years. His neck, ankles, and wrists were bound together by makeshift blue and white rope. Grisham died due to gorging himself on marble cake, wax candles, and paper streamers. Digestion did not take place, despite the autopsy ascertaining the time of death to be between 1-2 days before discovery. September 4th, 2011 (Director Lague knocks gingerly on Doctor Graham Grisham's office door. He is welcomed in.) Lague: Hey, Mr. Grisham. Doctor Graham Grisham: How're you doing, Paul. What can I help you with? Lague: It's my birthday today. Doctor Graham Grisham: I don't know what you're talking about. Footnotes 1. Causal Loop More From This Author More From This Author PlaguePJP's Works SCPs SCP-7599 (+191) • SCP-8596 (+244) • SCP-7593 (+203) • SCP-7591 (+192) • SCP-5364 (+89) • SCP-5787 (+276) • SCP-5593 (+107) • SCP-6597 (+180) • SCP-6598 (+257) • SCP-6593 (+192) • SCP-7590 (+151) • SCP-8592 (+163) • SCP-6592 (+79) • SCP-8595 (+374) • SCP-8594 (+116) • Tales/GoI Formats HOGSLICE Makes A Friend (+162) • Other PLAGUEPLACE (+192) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6594" by PlaguePJP, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: party.png Author: Uriel 1998 License: CC BY 2.0 Source: [] Filename: chamber.png Author: Eddi 07- Free Stock License: CC BY 2.0 Source: [] |
SCP-6595 | neutralized | PlaguePJP: XIX by PlaguePJP SCP-6595 — Things Just Seem to Happen to People Who Don't Drink Wilkins! ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6595 Level4 Containment Class: neutralized Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo A recreation of Wilkins (left) and Wontkins (right) at a Jim Henson exhibit. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6595 is currently contained in commercial video vault J-3 of the recorded media section of the Site-322 Archives. The Jim Henson Company has been questioned regarding the creation of SCP-6595 but has insisted that they are not knowledgeable of it and currently deny liability. Waldo.AIC has been implanted into the Henson Company's online archive in order to search for instances of SCP-6595 and/or items relating to its creation. Foundation web-crawling team ALPHA/CYAN/JOSEPH is to monitor video hosting platforms for references and uploads of SCP-6595. Users with the screen name "CoffeePals" or iterations thereof are to be removed at first notice. Update 23/03/2014: SCP-6595 is considered neutralized. No containment procedures have been deemed necessary. Description: SCP-6595 refers to advertisements analogous to those created by Jim Henson for the now-defunct Wilkins Coffee Company. The advertisements feature Wilkins, a yellow, vaguely reptilian puppet and Wontkins, a red, conical puppet with an orange, spherical nose. The Wilkins Coffee advertisements aired between 1957 and 1961 in the Washington D.C. area. Each ranged between ten to fifteen seconds and followed a similar format: Wilkins would question Wontkins regarding his preference for Wilkins Coffee. Wontkins would state that it dislikes the products and Wilkins would harm, kill, and/or cause the death of Wontkins. The advertisement would then cut to a silent shot of a Wilkins Coffee product. Some advertisements would have Wilkins threaten the collective viewership as well. SCP-6595 manifests on as Wilkins Coffee commercial compilations uploaded from the user "CoffeePals."1 Attempts to terminate the channels that post SCP-6595 have previously succeeded, however, a new channel will be created once the previous is deleted. The first two to three minutes of SCP-6595-affected videos will be dedicated to previously aired advertisements before shifting to SCP-6595 instances. SCP-6595 instances will contain major alterations to subject matter, dialogue, costumes, and/or backgrounds. Instances will instead focus on an aspect of the individual viewing them including their personal troubles, places of employment, physical attributes, and family members, among others. Addendum 6595.1: Testing Log TEST ID: 6595-02 Subject: The SCP-6595 Research Team Resultant Advertisement: (Both puppets are in frame. The entirety of Wontkins shrouded under a white lab coat. The Foundation's logo stitched on the right breast pocket. A large egg is poking out of the collar.) Wilkins: Hey there science guy! I heard you didn't like Wilkins coffee. Wontkins: I'm too busy for coffee. (Two human hands quickly move into frame and violently grasp Wontkins. The hands slam Wontkins into the table with extreme force. The egg shatters and Wontkins falls out of frame, groaning in pain.) Wilkins: (Turning to the camera) Wilkins keeps you from cracking under pressure! (Footage cuts to a large can of Wilkins Coffee.) TEST ID: 6595-05 Subject: D-32451 Resultant Advertisement: (Both puppets are in frame. Wontkins is clothed in an orange jumpsuit reminiscent of a D-Class uniform. The SCP Foundation logo is hung against the backdrop.) Wilkins: Shouldn't you be working? Wontkins: I don't feel like it. Wilkins: Why don't you have some Wilkins Instant Coffee? It'll pick you up. Wontkins: I hate coffee. (Off-screen, the sounds of metal chains and alarms are heard. A large puppet of a non-descript monster silhouette comes in from the right and pursues Wontkins. Wilkins watches as the two puppets run back and forth.) Wilkins: (Turning to the camera) Things just seem to happen to people who don't drink Wilkins! (Wontkins and the monster run off-screen. Two seconds later, ripping and chewing are audible. Wilkins remains in the frame, however, it does not move.) (Footage cuts to three small cans of Wilkins Instant Coffee.) TEST ID: 6595-07 Subject: Guest Doctor Peter Dagon Resultant Advertisement: (Both puppets are in frame. They are wearing Foundation uniforms. Both have large nametags clipped to them. Wilkins' reads "DIRECTOR LAGUE" and Wontkins' reads "DAGON.") Wilkins: Can you get me some of that Wilkins Coffee? I'm feeling tired! Wontkins: No. That coffee stinks. Wilkins: That's no way to talk to the director! Wontkins: What are you gonna do? Fire me? (From behind its back, Wilkins pulls out a lit match and throws it at Wontkins, who immediately erupts into flames. This triggers the sprinkler system.) Wilkins: Wilkins Coffee sure does fire you up! (Footage cuts to a small plastic tube of Wilkins Instant Coffee.) Addendum 6595.2: Recovery of SCP-6595 Instances Waldo.AIC was initiated following Addendum 6595.1. A location in New York City, New York was marked as the source location of the uploader. An investigation uncovered the location of origin to be The Jim Henson Studios Archive, which was subsequently designated as a priority place of interest. In conjunction with the above discovery, research personnel reopened the SCP-6690 file. Senior Researcher Anthony Shackle was assigned to the New York location to perform another interview with members of The Muppet Show cast. TRANSCRIPT Members Sr. Researcher Anthony Shackle Kermit The Frog Various members of The Muppet Show cast «BEGIN LOG» Shackle: Thank you for meeting with me, Kermit. I know how busy you are. (Two voices are heard loudly laughing in another room across the hallway belonging to Statler and Waldorf.2) Waldorf: Busy? Busy doing what? Statler: Boring the audience! (The two laugh. Kermit glares at the closed door.) Kermit: Will you guys—! (Pause) Kermit: ..Where do you want to start, Mr. Shackle? Shackle: I'm gonna need you to think back for this one — fifty-sixty years to be exact. We've found some videos of two Muppets for a company called Wilkins Coffee. They're named Wilkins and Wontkins. Kermit: Oh geez. You have no clue what those two nimrods have been putting me through for forty years. I'm a professional. I ran a show to the highest standard and worked with professionals — those two— (The door of the interview rooms is suddenly opened. The Muppet Beaker3 is seen with a pair of sunglasses on its face. The sunglasses have numerous wires sticking out of them and the lenses have been replaced with solar panels. Kermit approaches the door.) Beaker: Meep meep. Meep meep meep meep. Meep. Meep meep. Meep meep meep! Meep? Kermit: Slow down, Beaker. I can't understand you. Beaker: Meep meep meep meep! Meep— (Suddenly, the sunglasses burst into flames. Beaker begins running back and forth through the hallway, meeping loudly as it does. Doctor Bunsen Honeydew quickly approaches the doorway.) Dr. Honeydew: Mr. Kermit, I see Beaker already demonstrated my solar-powered sunglasses. Kermit: I think they're malfunctioning. Dr. Honeydew: Quite the contrary! They seem a bit too effective in absorbing the sunlight. Kermit: I don't have time for your science mumbo-jumbo. I'm in the middle of an important meeting! Dr. Honeydew: Mr. Kermit, this is a very important breakthrough! Kermit: I'll break through this door and show you what's important! Dr. Honeydew: That's not possible Mr. Kermit. Kermit: Why is that!? Dr. Honeydew: Well, Mr. Kermit, the door is op— (Kermit slams the door and returns to the table.) Shackle: That's a normal day around here? I assumed a lot of the bits on The Muppet Show were scripted. Kermit: You give us a bit too much credit if you think we made up everything on the show by ourselves. The only real "scripting" we did was when the film was cut and edited. Shackle: Huh, learn something new every day. Wilkins and Wontkins, what can you tell me about them? Kermit: They're more of a ghost story than anything. Henson got rid of them as soon as he could because they always gave him "a bad feeling." I was around. He was using me for some skits, but I never really saw them other than a passing glance. Shackle: Are they still around? Kermit: I'm as in the dark as you are on that. Shackle: When's the last time you saw them? Kermit: Probably the middle of '61. That was when the Wilkins commercial contract ended. Never saw them after that and Henson was hesitant to talk about them. Always said that we can't see them anymore. If it's alright for me to ask, Mr. Shackle, why are you asking about them? Shackle: We've been noticing oddities that involve the two. There are online compilations of their ads. Most are normal, but some are a bit more out there, even for Henson's standard. Kermit: What do you mean? Shackle: The ads talk about the people watching them. Kermit: I see, I see. Wouldn't be the first ti— (Silence.) Shackle: What? Kermit: Nothing, nothing. Do you have any more questions? Shackle: Would they know that Wilkins Coffee is out of business? Kermit: If they're still kicking in those internet videos, I doubt it. Shackle: Did Henson say anything else about them? Anything that would lead you to a location they might be at? Any hints? Kermit: Hmm. All he said was "I didn't like Wilkins Coffee." «END LOG» Following this interview, the Foundation was permitted to enter the Henson Library of Archives. Kermit allowed the recovery team access into a cordoned basement level, where an opened metal box of VHS tapes and film reels was found. This box is unlabeled and the tapes are not documented in the archive's repository. Next to the box was a laptop, logged into the YouTube account "CoffeePals_554," and multiple electrical cords soldered to the box. Red fur fibers were found in the carpet and on the laptop, belonging to an unknown source. Kermit claimed that it was unaware that this was occurring within the Henson Archive and does not know who would be responsible. Addendum 6595.3: Testing Log Cont. After the Foundation recovered the source tapes, all instances of SCP-6595 on ceased activity. Accounts under the "CoffeePals" monicker have also since appeared following the deletion of the aforementioned "CoffeePals_554." A number of differences were noticed when viewing the physical tapes and reels, Wilkins and Wontkins will now more commonly directly address, threaten, or attempt to converse with the viewer. TEST ID: 6595-11 Subject: Dr. Brandon Leavers, instructed to rewind the advertisement at various intervals. Resultant Advertisement: (Both puppets are in frame.) Wilkins: A little birdie— (Dr. Leaver's rewinds. When the video resumes, Wilkins and Wontkins glace around their surroundings in confusion.) Wontkins: What was that? Wilkins: (To the camera) I think I have an idea. Wontkins: Should we keep— (Dr. Leaver's rewinds. The video resumes, showing an empty set.) (The picture turns to static after five seconds of silence. It cuts to a shot of Wilkins's face staring blankly into the lens. Heavy breathing is audible.) TEST ID: 6595-12 Subject: Dr. Brandon Leavers Resultant Advertisement: (Wilkins is in frame with the company logo hanging behind it. Wontkins enters wearing a brown toupée and a lab coat.) Wilkins: Hey there SCP Foundation Doctor Brandon Leavers, Social Security Number: ███-██-████. Wontkins: Yes I'm Brandon Leavers, Social Security Number: ███-██-████. And I like rewinding movies because my brain can't keep up. How do you know all that about me? Wilkins: Same reason I know that your mother lives at Snapping Ferns Nursing Home! Wontkins: She sure does live there. She also keeps her door unlocked despite warnings from me, her son. How do you know all this about me? Wilkins: Wilkins Coffee keeps your brain focused! Wontkins: Well I hate coffee! And I hate Wilkins! Wilkins: Wait a minute now, an active mind lets you remember a bunch of things. Like your allergy to bees. Wontkins: Why would I— (Puppets of bees swarm Wontkins, who runs off to the right.) (Footage cuts to a stack of Wilkins Coffee cans. The logo has been replaced with text reading "Leaver's Coffee" in a similar typeface.) TEST ID: 6595-16 Subject: Dr. Nathan Friedrichs Resultant Advertisement: (Wilkins is in frame with the company logo hanging in the backdrop. It looks to the camera.) Wilkins: Hi doc, you like Wilkins Coffee? Dr. Friedrichs: Are you talking to me? Wilkins: Yeah, silly! What d'ya say to a hot steamin' cup of Wilkins Coffee? Dr. Friedrichs: Can you see me? Wilkins: Course I can, and I can see you don't have a nice cup of Wilkins— Dr. Friedrichs: Wait, wait, where is this being filmed? Who's making these? Wilkins: Buddy, I'm trying to ask you about Wilkins Coffee. Quit going off-topic! Dr. Friedrichs: I don't care about Wilkins Coffee. Please answer my— (A large poster unfurls behind Wilkins. It depicts a photograph of a female child, identified as Dr. Friedrich's daughter, with the word "MISSING" written above it.) Wilkins: Things just seem to happen to people who don't drink Wilkins. (Footage cuts to a white mug and a half-filled coffee pot emblazoned with the Wilkins Coffee logo.) Addendum 6595.3: Incident Log TEST ID: 6595-20 Subject: Dr. Zara Locke, instructed to explain that Wilkins Coffee no longer exists. Resultant Advertisement: (The two puppets are in frame, with the Wilkins Coffee logo handing on the stage curtains behind them. Wilkins looks into the camera.) Wilkins: Hey there, you ever have a nice warm glass of Wilkins Coffee in the morning? My friend here thinks it's not all that! Dr. Locke: Can you hear me? Wilkins: Thought you science-fellas already figured that out a few days ago! Dr. Locke: Just had to make sure. And no, I haven't had Wilkins Coffee. Wilkins: And why's that? Not a coffee drinker or do ya just have no taste? Dr. Locke: I have to inform you — regretfully — that the Wilkins Coffee Company no longer exists. Wilkins: Sure it does, silly, I have a can right there. (Wontkins walks out of frame, returning a few seconds later. The video quality is observed to degrade.) Wilkins: Where are the cans? Wontkins: They're gone. Wilkins: What do you mean they're gone? Wontkins: They're not there. I don't know what to tell you. (Wilkins paces out of frame; the Wilkins logo collapses, startling Wontkins.) (The tape cuts to a new scene. Wilkins and Wontkins are standing in front of a blank background; the curtain is missing, revealing the white sheetrock behind them. The stage is dimly lit.) Wilkins: Hey there, do you drink Wilkins coffee? Wontkins: No. I hate Wilkins Coffee. (A brief pause.) Wilkins: Me too. Subsequent testing has found that all footage will only display a video of Wilkins and Wontkins, silently staring into the screen, unmoving and mouths agape. Object reclassified to neutralized. Footnotes 1. This user has also gone by the screen names "C0feePals," "CaffineFriends," 'EspressoCompadres," and "FuckYouStopRemovingMeILikeCoffee," among others. 2. A pair of muppets resembling old men. They serve as hecklers during The Muppet Show, commonly launching insults at Kermit the Frog or Fozzie Bear. 3. The assistant of Doctor Bunsen Honeydew, a scientist and inventor. Beaker is commonly on the receiving end of slapstick-style punchlines where Beaker is injured by Honeydew's inventions. More From This Author More From This Author PlaguePJP's Works SCPs SCP-8590 (+143) • SCP-5594 (+100) • SCP-5596 (+159) • SCP-5591 (+128) • SCP-5593 (+107) • SCP-7599 (+191) • SCP-7001 (+544) • SCP-8597 (+170) • SCP-8594 (+116) • SCP-7592 (+222) • SCP-7594 (+194) • SCP-8599 (+235) • SCP-6597 (+180) • SCP-7596 (+130) • SCP-6593 (+192) • Tales/GoI Formats HOGSLICE Makes A Friend (+162) • Other PLAGUEPLACE (+192) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6595" by PlaguePJP, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: mupper.png Author: thotfulspot License: CC BY 2.0 Source: [] |
SCP-6596 | keter | PlaguePJP: XX by PlaguePJP & LORDXVNV SCP-6596 — 8 Mile: The Beast of Lust and Hatred Born ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6596 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo SCP-6596. Special Containment Procedures: Direct containment of SCP-6596 has proven impossible at the current moment. However, due to its relationship with Site-120, SCP-6596 does not pose a threat to the Veil. This, combined with SCP-6596's appearance pattern, has shifted focus from direct capture and containment during a manifestation to temporary, defensive measures. The Department of Sciences is currently working in conjunction with Site-120 personnel to develop a permanent method of containment. If/when development concludes and is deemed successful, the method of containment is to be employed at all Foundation sites as a precautionary measure against further attacks should SCP-6596 shift focus from Site-120 to other locations. Description: SCP-6596 is a vaguely humanoid, bipedal entity resembling the skeleton of an adult horse. A white cloth covers the majority of the entity's anatomy, however, video footage and eyewitness accounts can ascertain that SCP-6596 possesses a pair of forelimbs and hands along with two hooved legs, all constructed of bone. In place of eyes, two silver-colored glass baubles are implanted into the eye sockets of SCP-6596. Various decorations, such as strings, ornaments, and bows have been placed along SCP-6596's body. Despite its appearance, SCP-6596's senses are not hindered by its state. Instead, SCP-6596 is sapient, sentient, and capable of speech through unknown means. While its exact origin is unknown, SCP-6596 is referenced in multiple texts and tomes recovered in the wild woods above the chimney as a trickster entity representative of gluttony and greed. Additional information is pending further investigation. SCP-6596 is able to instantaneously manifest and demanifest at will at both short and long ranges. Its reflexes are anomalously sharp, allowing it to easily evade attackers, obstructions, and/or traps. It is hypothesized that there is a pocket dimension located under the entity's cloth, believed to be located at the chest area, which it employs for storage purposes. SCP-6596 uses the combination of these capabilities to terrorize Foundation Site-120, located in Częstochowa, Poland. Since 2005, Site-120 has encountered SCP-6596 during the first week of December. Each encounter follows a similar structure: Between 08:00 and 20:00, surveillance systems will be alerted to an unknown entity at one of the Site's entrances. Contact will be attempted, wherein SCP-6596 will respond to any questions with a melodic, rhyming statement, concluding with a request to enter the Site, as well as for food and beverages. Responding personnel are expected to respond with a similar rhyming statement. If the responding personnel does not rebut in a timely matter, stutters, fails to create a suitable rhyme, and/or is not "jolly enough," SCP-6596 will demanifest from its location outside of the Site and re-manifest within the cafeteria. SCP-6596 will proceed to ransack the cafeteria, stealing any and all food, including that in freezers and refrigerators, before demanifesting from the Site. The following video transcript provides an example SCP-6596 event. TRANSCRIPT Foreword: The following is a transcript of the 4th SCP-6596 event. After the 3rd attack, Site-120 attempted to contain SCP-6596 through a variety of obstructions placed to hinder it, primarily by removing all food and food products from the Site. «BEGIN LOG» [10:01]: Site surveillance systems are alerted to an unknown entity at the northwest entrance gate. Dir. Asheworth: It's here! Hey hey hey, it's here! Get in position! [10:02]: SCP-6596 swivels its head back and forth. It notices the security camera pointed at it. It proceeds to snap its jaw four times. Dir. Asheworth: Who's doing the rhyme this year? Where the hell is Jakob? Dr. Reigen: Here, here. My bad. Dir. Asheworth: Here's the microphone; get ready. Dr. Reigen: Alright. SCP-6596: Hello my dear friends! It's so grand to return! I come with a quandary, one I'm sure that you've heard. My belly is empty, my throat remains dry Discomfort unbearable, I nearly might cry! My thankful gratitude would be yours all this night If you gave me a drink and a tasty bite. (Reigen unfolds his script and activates the microphone.) Dr. Reigen: You're here again, what a jolly good surprise. You're standing right before our very eyes. [10:04]: SCP-6596 begins to sway to Dr. Reigen's rhythm. Dr. Reigen: Look to your left, and now your right, I'm sorry, you're not coming in tonight. SCP-6596: A joyful show for the jolly times now! Your hesitation, I think, just tonight I'll allow. But tonight is today, my oft-confused friends If I stay out 'till then, I'll meet my sad end! A warm bite to eat and a cool swig of ale Is all that I need. I've become oh so frail. Oh give me a spot in your lovely abode, I swear I'll swift exit — I hate to freeload. Dr. Reigen: (Cough) I'm sorry to say, and this might come to shock But your presence in here is under a block. You've barged and intruded and stolen and taken Every year for the last four we've suffered a break-in. SCP-6596: Oh pretty please sir, don't you have any mercy? I hate to have caused such a harsh controversy! All that I ask is for love and compassion. You've all the power, I'm stuck in poor fashion In the freezing cold of this sad, gray land And all I request is you lend me a hand. Dr. Reigen: I'm so sorry, my friend, but this can't be allowed Because at this time, we have such a large crowd Of such merry folk all dancing and singing To golly jo— Shit. [10:13]: SCP-6596 demanifests from its location outdoors. Security teams spread throughout the cafeterias. Dir. Asheworth: Damn it, Jakob! How do you screw this up, at this point? You got that far! Dr. Reigen: Don't look at me! Blame the dumbass scriptwriters who put "jolly good" in here six times — six fucking times, Dan! Say that six times on rhythm right now! [10:16]: SCP-6596 is located in the Floor 1 cafeteria. Security teams surround the entity, which is unphased. SCP-6596 proceeds to inspect the empty food containers. [10:17]: An agent commands SCP-6596 to cease its movements and remain still. SCP-6596 ignores the agent, instead advancing behind the food counters and into the storage compartment. [10:18]: SCP-6596 opens a refrigerator, finding it to be empty. It does the same for the other three refrigerators and five freezers. All are empty. [10:23]: SCP-6596 exits into the main cafeteria room. Agents slowly approach the entity. [10:24]: Two agents flank behind SCP-6596. The agents unholster and activate their non-lethal weapons. They dash at the entity. The first leaps, aiming for the head and upper chest, while the other reaches for SCP-6596's legs. SCP-6596 quickly demanifests. [10:25]: Surveillance footage shows SCP-6596 in the Floor 2 cafeteria. Agents pursue SCP-6596 as it swiftly maneuvers through in the storage compartment, once again finding no food items. [10:31]: Agents enter the cafeteria. SCP-6596 snaps its jaw twice at the agents and demanifests from its location. [10:32]: Footage shows SCP-6596 in Site-120's Floor 1 office space. The entity weaves its way through each hallway searching for blank, white printer paper. It removes any it comes across and places the pieces under its cloth. [10:34]: SCP-6596 finds a copier and removes all blank pieces of paper from it. After another sweep of the area, SCP-6596 demanifests from its location. [10:36]: SCP-6596 is seen on footage in the basement storage room. It gallops through the large area before finding the office supplies section. It removes every ream of white paper it finds and places it under its cloth. Agents pursue its location. [10:45]: As agents approach, SCP-6596 vanishes from the basement, reappearing in the Floor 2 office space. For the next 28 minutes, SCP-6596 evades capture while stealing every piece of blank, white paper it comes across. [11:15]: SCP-6596 manifests in front of Director Asheworth. Dir. Asheworth: Oh shit! (Asheworth sounds his security alarm.) (SCP-6596 approaches Dir. Asheworth, cornering him. It places its snout a few centimeters from Asheworth's nose. It pauses for three seconds, then snaps its jaw three times, makes a noise akin to laughing, and demanfests at 11:17.) «END LOG» Afterword: Later inquiry found that SCP-6596 had taken every piece of blank white paper Site-120 had in stock. Due to the nearby holiday, Site-120 was unable to receive a new shipment of paper until the next month. Addendum 6596.1: Abridged Log of SCP-6596 Related Events Year Provisions Against SCP-6596 Stolen Item(s) 2005 None; first incident. 12 kilograms of frozen chicken, four boxes of Fajita MREs,1 and two vending machines. 2006 None; another interaction was unexpected. All fresh or frozen vegetables on-site, a combined 1400 pounds of various cuts of beef and pork, all cheese on-site, all bread on-site, and two bottles of Mountain Dew Baja Blast originally purchased by Director Asheworth. 2009 Kitchens and office spaces were locked and secured. Mobile Task Force agents were dispersed throughout the Site. Four doors originally installed in the cafeteria, 10 liters of chicken noodle soup, 4 cases of light beer, a case of candy canes, the Site's entire supply of fish patties. 2013 The removal of all food, all loose items, and every miscellaneous item SCP-6596 had previously stolen. 14 windows, three re-containment vans, SCP-048, and every CPU in Site-120 computers. 2017 A molecular translocator, developed by Dr. Edison Walstroft, was placed at all entrances of Site-120 and would transport SCP-6596 to an experimental, reality anchored containment chamber under Site-19. Dr. Edison Walstroft. Addendum 6596.2: Site-120 Mandate TO SITE-120 PERSONNEL As I'm sure you're all aware, it's that time of the year again. I know it has been a decade of me claiming this, but this time, I think we have something that will work. Next week, expect the following items to be missing from Site-120: Desks; Tables; Doors; Windows; Paper items; Writing utensils; Eating utensils; Fire extinguishers; All food items; Water fountains. Basically, if we can take it and move it somewhere else, we are going to do that to protect our facility. During the week preceding this, we ask that all Site-120 personnel completely remove any and all items from their offices, workstations, and/or sleeping quarters and either take them home or relocate them to Provisional Site-121, which we will operate in preparation for and during the SCP-6596 attack. We'll get it this year. ~ Director Daniel Asheworth Following the release of this mandate, preparations began for the year's SCP-6596 event. Provisional Site-121 was connected remotely to Site-120's surveillance and PA system. Differing from the previous SCP-6596 events, the person designated to respond to SCP-6596's statements will invite the entity in. Addendum 6596.3: Incident 6596.2020 TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» [12:04]: Site surveillance systems are alerted to an unknown entity at the southeast entrance checkpoint. SCP-6596: It's been quite some time since our friendship began, I've been honest and humble when I come, my good man. I entreat you again, with great thirst and hunger My dear friends, sadly, we're getting no younger. A tasty meal and some hearty drink is all that I need — I'll be gone in a blink. Dir. Asheworth: I should speak honestly before we begin, This wonderful place has nothing within! This year is distinct from the last, you see, I implore your entry, come on in, pretty please! [12:07]: SCP-6596 stares into the camera in confusion for a moment before demanifesting and reappearing in Site-120's cafeteria. The entity spends the next 30 minutes running through the floors of the Site, searching through empty closets, offices, common rooms, and storage spaces. [12:39]: SCP-6596 approaches a surveillance camera and places its jaws a few centimeters from the lens. SCP-6596: A trick, a gaffe, you think me a fool? No gifts, food, or drink? Now that is uncool. You think me a joke after all of these years? I must not have proven my power, I fear. You call my home the land with no name. This year your titles shall be what I claim. I'll take this place since it seems you've got plenty! Say goodbye to your precious 120. Along with this place, your name from birth, No longer are you Daniel Asheworth. [12:44]: A strong breeze moves through Provisional Site-121. The thaumaturge Site Director clutches his head, as if in pain. Neither party speaks for two minutes. "Oh shit." [12:48]: SCP-6596 snaps its jaw twice at the camera before demanifesting. «END LOG» A recursive counterspell is being developed to reclaim the names of the Grand Thaumist and the Polish secure containment facility. It will be employed following the full return of personnel to the disguised industrial complex. Footnotes 1. Meal, Ready-to-Eat, rations of food meant to be eaten by deployed military personnel. More From This Author More From This Author PlaguePJP's Works SCPs SCP-8597 (+170) • SCP-8599 (+235) • SCP-6598 (+257) • Plauge's Proposal (+242) • SCP-6595 (+193) • SCP-7590 (+151) • SCP-8596 (+244) • SCP-6597 (+180) • SCP-6592 (+79) • SCP-7592 (+222) • SCP-7591 (+192) • SCP-8590 (+143) • SCP-5364 (+89) • SCP-8000 (+909) • SCP-5595 (+535) • Tales/GoI Formats HOGSLICE Makes A Friend (+162) • Other PLAGUEPLACE (+192) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6596" by LORDXVNV and PlaguePJP, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: hawse.png Author: Andy Dingley License: CC BY SA 3.0 Source: Mari Lwyd outside the Bridge Inn, Chepstow Mari Lwyd 2014 |
SCP-6597 | euclid | PlaguePJP: XVII by PlaguePJP SCP-6597 — Whale, I'm Boned ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6597 Level4 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo An example of scrimshaw done on whale teeth. Doctor Cillian Freska. Special Containment Procedures: In order to maintain containment of both SCP-6597 and SCP-6597-1, Foundation personnel at Site-322 are to engage in the creation of scrimshaw art. Special authorization has been provided by the Overseer Council, allowing Site-322 to maintain trade connections with black market sellers of ivory and whalebone. Description: SCP-6597 is a wooden altar table originally discovered in a submerged section of a cave in Nantucket, Massachusetts. Despite being underwater for a considerable amount of time, there is no damage to SCP-6597. The exterior of SCP-6597 is decorated with numerous carvings depicting large 19th-century sailboats, sea monsters, portraits, and ornate patterns. Standing on the surface of the table is a portion of a Humpback Whale skull, inscribed with the words "AT YOUR BEHEST." Despite not being bolted or glued to SCP-6597, this bone can not be removed. SCP-6597-1 is a semi-corporeal humanoid entity that can be summoned via placing food and items on SCP-6597. SCP-6597-1 is approximately 2 meters in height, has a long, braided beard, and wears armor that appears to be composed of whalebone and steel. Over the armor, SCP-6597-1 wears a long, black, leather coat adorned with the iconography of the ocean, sailing, and sea monsters. SCP-6597-1 self-identifies as "Scordoh" and claims to be the patron god of scrimshaw, the act of carving and painting whalebone and ivory.1 Addendum 6597.1: Discovery During a preliminary inspection of SCP-6597, SCP-6597-1 was discovered after Dr. Cillian Freska unintentionally sacrificed his morning coffee to the entity. In a matter of seconds, the cup was drained of its liquid and the table began forcefully vibrating. SCP-6597-1 appeared in SCP-6597's containment locker. TRANSCRIPT2 This file was originally concealed from the Foundation. See Addendum 6597.2 for further details. «BEGIN LOG» (Dr. Freska is inspecting his empty coffee cup.) SCP-6597-1: HELLO MORTAL. Freska: Jesus Christ! SCP-6597-1: CLOSE! I AM SCORDOH. (Pause) Freska: Alright. SCP-6597-1: GOD OF SCRIMSHAW AND WHALEBONE CARVINGS. Freska: Can I help you? SCP-6597-1: YOU HAVE DONE THAT FIFTEENFOLD. IT HAS BEEN CENTURIES SINCE I'VE BEEN CALLED UPON. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE, MORTAL. I AM ENJOYING THE CONCOCTION YOU'VE GIVEN ME. Freska: Oh… I'm glad you liked it. It's Dunkin' Donuts coffee. SCP-6597-1: DUNKING DOUGHNUT. I WILL CARVE THEIR REVERED TITLE ONTO MY ETERNAL WHALE TUSK. MORTAL, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Freska: Cillian. Cillian Fres— SCP-6597-1: THAT IS WRONG. YOU ARE FORGETTING THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. Freska: It's my name. What's so important— (SCP-6597-1 directs its hand at Dr. Freska. A beam of gold shoots out of its fingers and enters Dr. Freska's body. A faint gold aura can be seen around him.) Freska: The fuck was that? SCP-6597-1: YOU ARE A SAINT. SAINT CILLIAN FRESKA IS YOUR NAME NOW. Freska: You sainted me? What does that mean? SCP-6597-1: WHEN SOMEONE ASKS IF YOU'RE A SAINT… Freska: Yeah? SCP-6597-1: YOU CAN LEGALLY SAY YES. Freska: Oh. Is that all? SCP-6597-1: ALSO YOU CAN NO LONGER DIE. Freska: What!? SCP-6597-1: CONGRATULATIONS. PLEASE TELL YOUR BRETHREN TO DUNK SOME DOUGHNUTS FOR ME. I WILL BE NEARBY. (SCP-6597-1 demanifests.) «END LOG» Dr. Freska's golden aura has remained present since this interaction. Permission to begin testing on SCP-6597-1's claims regarding Freska's immortality is pending. Addendum 6597.2: Event Log Over the next week, notable abnormalities in Dr. Freska's behavior were observed. Below is a comprehensive account. Date Description 20/02/2020 Dr. Freska did not arrive at Site-322 until 13:35, 5 hours after his assignment began. When he did arrive, Freska was soaked in seawater. He later claimed he nearly drowned after an extended period of time in the ocean. 22/02/2020 Dr. Freska began to smell of rotting fish. In response to complaints, he claimed ignorance. 24/02/2020 Multiple desks, tables, and chairs in Site-322 were vandalized with ornate carvings of sailboats, krakens and other sea monsters, and intricate patterns. Dr. Freska asserted he did not remember taking part in these activities, despite video evidence. 25/02/2020 Throughout the week, personnel overheard Dr. Freska arguing with himself in his office. Dr. Freska spoke both sides of the argument, alternating between a highly bombastic voice and his normal speaking voice. 27/02/2020 After being over 7 hours late to his assignment at Site-322, Dir. Paul Lague phoned him. While cell service was inadequate, it was ascertained that Dr. Freska had boarded a sailboat. Dr. Freska insisted that he didn't remember the process by which he got out to sea. During the aforementioned phone call, it was discovered that Dr. Freska had concealed the audio file shown in Addendum 6597.1. Addendum 6597.3: Interview Log An intervention between Dir. Lague and Dr. Freska was held. Dr. Freska asserted that he was not in control of himself, and instead felt as though he was being puppeteered by an unknown force. That, combined with his newfound sainthood, had been causing an immense amount of stress. TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» Lague: Can you call upon… Freska: Scordoh. Lague: Scordoh. Is there a way to bring Scordoh here like you did last time? Freska: Coffee didn't work this time. I don't know why. He really liked it last time. He put it on his eternal whale bone! Lague: Alright, alright, you need to calm down. Let's just think. Do you know of anything else that could— Freska: Whale bone. Lague: Whale bone? Alright. Freska: Yeah, whale bone, I need one. Lague: And how did you come to that conclusion — if you don't mind me asking? Freska: I can feel it. (Dr. Freska begins to violently shake his hands.) Freska: Yeah. Yeah! YEAH! Whale bone! Two! TWO! Two big beautiful whale bones. Bring 'em to papa. Lague: Alright cowboy, keep it in your pants. (Lague phones Site storage personnel.) Lague: Hey, do we have whale bones by any chance? […] We do? Great. […] Two— Freska: THREE! Lague: Scratch that, I need three, apparently. […] As soon as possible. […] Thanks. (Dr. Freska is furiously carving the bones. After approximately 10 minutes, a plume of smoke appears. When the smoke clears, SCP-6597-1 is standing in front of Freska.) SCP-6597-1: HELLO MORTAL. I AM SCORDOH, GOD OF SCRIMSHAW AND WHALEBONE CARVINGS. THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL. IT WAS QUITE FILLING. Lague: You're, uh, welcome. Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Scordoh. Are you open to answering a few questions for me? SCP-6597-1: OF COURSE. I ENJOY SPEAKING. (A large throne manifests under SCP-6597-1 as it moves to sit. The throne appears to be composed of whale bones.) SCP-6597-1: I HOPE YOU HAVE HONORED SAINT CILLIAN WITH GREAT KINDNESS AND RESPECT. WE'VE BEEN HAVING A LOT OF FUN THIS LAST WEEK. SCRIMSHAW IS GOING TO RETURN. Lague: Ah, that clears it up. So you're influencing him and that's where the odd behavior is coming from? SCP-6597-1: ODD? HE IS A SAINT OF SCRIMSHAW. HE MUST LEARN THE WAYS. AND HE'S HAVING FUN, ISN'T THAT RIGHT SAINT CILLIAN? (Dr. Freska sheepishly nods his head.) SCP-6597-1: IF HE WASN'T HAVING FUN I WOULDN'T DO IT. Freska: If I wasn't having fun he wouldn't do it. Lague: So, um, you said you're a god. Is there a pantheon you come from? SCP-6597-1: I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS. Lague: There are Greek gods, Roman, African, Japanese, Native American. Do you come from one of those cultures or another? SCP-6597-1: I COME FROM SCRIMSHAW. GREAT GLORIOUS SCRIMSHAW AND THE SCRIMSHANDERS3 WHO SCRIMSHAW. Lague: Scrimshaw, or the act of it, brought you into being? SCP-6597-1: NO. I WAS ALWAYS AROUND. IT'S JUST WHAT I LIKED, AND A LOT OF PEOPLE WERE DOING IT AT THE TIME. Lague: That would probably be the mid 19th and early 20th century, then. SCP-6597-1: WAS THAT WHEN PEOPLE DECIDED TO SCRIMSHAW? Lague: Yeah, I thought that was the insinuation. SCP-6597-1: WHY ARE YOU BEING SARCASTIC? Lague: Force of habit. So, as I'm sure you're aware, people stopped scrimshawing after that time period, for the most part. What happened to you. SCP-6597-1: POWER COMES FROM BELIEF AND ACTIVITY. PEOPLE STOPPED SCRIMSHAWING AND BONE CARVING SO I WAS NO LONGER NEEDED. I DID NOT GET ANY MORE OFFERINGS AND SACRIFICES. I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE INSINUATION. Lague: Touché. From my understanding, Doctor Freska— SCP-6597-1: DOCTOR SAINT FRESKA. HE IS A SAINT OF SCRIMSHAW. HERALD TO I, SCORDOH, GOD OF— Lague: Right, apologies. Doctor Saint Freska was the first person in "centuries" to sacrifice anything to you? SCP-6597-1: YES. THAT IS WHY HE IS SAINTED. HE IS A BEING OF REVERENCE — ONE OF GREAT VIGOR AND INTENSE MASCULINITY. (Dr. Freska cradles his legs and begins to rock himself back and forth.) SCP-6597-1: WHAT A BEING. HE WILL STRIKE FEAR IN THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO DENY MY GRANDIOSITY. Lague: Just making sure I understand your thought process, is all. Is there a way to remove the sainthood? Freska: Hey—! SCP-6597-1: NOT UNLESS I WANT TO. (Pause) Lague: Can you remove the sainthood? SCP-6597-1: NO. I HAVE A QUESTION, AS YOU ARE A LEARNED MAN. WHY DID PEOPLE STOP SCRIMSHAWING? Lague: A lot of countries banned the trade of ivory and whale carcasses to prevent the animals from being hunted to extinction. SCP-6597-1: HMMM. SO PEOPLE STOPPED KILLING ELEPHANTS AND WHALES? Lague: I mean people didn't stop — it still happens — it was just made illegal in a lot of the world. A lot of countries are really strict about the import of the necessary materials. It really did cut down on it. SCP-6597-1: I SEE. I HAVE A SUGGESTION, THEN. Lague: Let's hear it. SCP-6597-1: I WOULD LIKE PEOPLE TO START KILLING MORE ELEPHANTS AND WHALES. «END LOG» Addendum 6597.4: Further Incidents/Project Proposal Over the next week, abnormal behavior from Dr. Freska increased in frequency. This included attempting to purchase last-minute tickets to Mali, Africa. Freska was also observed attempting to purchase firearms and ammunition from a Walmart without a gun permit, joining multiple Facebook groups regarding ivory jewelry and weaponry, and buying $2000 in Ivory brand soap. After being placed in containment, Dr. Freska's mental state rapidly declined. After two days, he would only vocalize the statement that "People must scrimshaw." A containment procedure was subsequently devised, with the hope that it would detach SCP-6597-1's influence from Dr. Freska and return it to its altar. SITE-322'S ARTS & CRAFTS EVENT This Monday at 3:00 PM, your Site Director is hosting a mandatory event where you will learn a new, once popular skill. You are to go to the first floor into lecture hall A3. Supplies will be provided, all you need to bring is yourself, your colleagues, and something to drink. Food will be provided afterwards. I'll be giving periodic announcements in the days and hours leading up to the event. So if you "misplace" this poster, you'll still have the reminders straight from the source. :) ★ We're excited to see you there! ★ (Remember this is mandatory; O5 approval on that.) ~ Paul Lague Addendum 6597.5: Arts and Crafts Event The Arts and Crafts containment procedure began on schedule. Dr. Freska was permitted to assist lecturing the staff on how to scrimshaw their provided ivory tusks. TRANSCRIPT Members Dir. Paul Lague Dr. Cillian Freska SCP-6597-1 Various members of Site-322 personnel «BEGIN LOG» Lague: Alrighty! Thanks for showing up everyone, I'm happy to have you all here, especially in one place. Today, we're going to be learning how to scrimshaw from our friend and colleague Dr. Cillian Freska. Does everyone have their tusk? (Dr. Coix raises his hand.) Lague: Coix, what's up? Coix: This is elephant ivory? Lague: Bit of whale bones mixed amongst you guys along with some warthog and rhino. We didn't have enough whale in storage so the majority of what you all have is elephant plus the other two I mentioned. Coix: Alright. Did we have this much ivory in storage? Lague: I don't think it's part of your job description to know that. Coix: Technically it is. Lague: No, this isn't ivory from us. (Pause) Coix: Where'd you get it? (Silence.) Lague: Why don't you tell the audience what Scrimshaw is, Freska. Freska: Scrimshaw — Oh you people aren't ready for this. YOU GOT TUSKS! Look at all that! WOW! It's extraordinary isn't it — so white and hard and white and uh… Yeah, scrimshaw! Scrimshaw! It's — you take this tusk and you carve a boat on it, man! A BOAT! OR A MONSTER! WE HAVE MONSTERS — SOMEONE CARVE ONE OF OUR MONSTERS ON IT! That'll get me going. I'm like a horse in heat over here. Lague: Alright, alright, alright. Take a breather. Freska: Yes sir, I just love scrimming and shawing! Lague: You sure do. We're going to be carving designs into the ivory, then we're going to paint the carving. Everyone should have a knife, pick, and a scraper. (Dr. Lague projects a short PowerPoint presentation. Dr. Freska is heard grunting every time a piece of scrimshaw art is shown.) Lague: I'll give you paint after. We're here for an hour — there's no real theme but try to keep it nautical. (A modulated cough is heard in the audience.) Lague: Yes, Geoffrey? SCP-5595: I AM IN QUITE THE PREDICAMENT. Lague: No arms? SCP-5595: SHARP AS ALWAYS, MR. LAGUE. Lague: Come up here, then, and help me with mine. (Researcher Hoover raises his hand.) Lague: Julian. What's up? Hoover: Yeah, I'm not sure I understand how this works. Lague: Do you need me to show the presentation again? Hoover: No, just the intricate patterns seem kinda hard to do. Lague: Really, it doesn't matter what you do. I don't expect you guys to be masters from the forefront. Hoover: I'd just like a bit of guidance. This is a bit too complicated for me to get by myself. Lague: Uuh, sure. Who here— (Dr. Freska sprints over to Researcher Hoover's seat.) Freska: Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. What are we thinking? What do you wanna make? Shrimp? Clam? Mollusk? Mussel? Crab? Lobster? Uh. Fish? (Pause) Hoover: I was thinking a pirate flag. Freska: Ooooooh with like a skull and the crossbones. That sounds hot. Hoover: Huh? Freska: Carve. Go. START. Start carving and let me watch. (As personnel complete painting their projects, a plume of smoke appears from behind a now sedated Freska. When the smoke clears, SCP-6597-1 is standing in front of Freska.) SCP-6597-1: A FEAST IN MY HONOR! WHAT DELICIOUSNESS? YOU VOLUPTUOUS CREATURES, DOCTOR SAINT CILLIAN FRESKA HAS DONE IT. SCRIMSHAW IS BACK. Lague: Everyone, this is, uh, Scor— SCP-6597-1: MORTALS, I AM SCORDOH. Lague: Yeah, Scordoh. He's the patron of— SCP-6597-1: GOD OF SCRIMSHAW AND WHALEBONE CARVING. Lague: Mhm. SCP-6597-1: MORTALS, MY ETERNAL WHALEBONE AND I ARE HERE TO JUDGE THIS EVENT AND FIND A CHAMPION. YOU HAVE POURED COUNTLESS HOURS OF BLOOD, SWEAT, TEARS, AND HOPEFULLY OTHER FLUIDS INTO YOUR SCRIMSHAWS. (SCP-6597-1 moves to sit. As he does, a throne appears under him.) SCP-6597-1: PLEASE PRESENT YOUR WORKS. Dir. Lague/SCP-5595's Piece Description: An octopus wielding different pieces of medieval weaponry. SCP-6597-1's Comments: A BEAST. HORRIFIC, SAVAGE, YET WITH A CANDID ATTRACTIVENESS I CAN NOT AVERT MY EYES FROM. HAVE YOU SLAIN THIS BEAST? Dr. Dune's Piece Description: What appears to be a fleet of sailing ships. SCP-6597-1's Comments: BUMBLEBEES. LOATHSOME CREATURES. I ONCE FOUGHT A GROUP OF BEES IN SINGLE COMBAT WHEN I WAS IN NEED OF THEIR AMBROSIA AND NECTAR. I DID NOT WIN. IT HAS HARDENED MY HEART AND HAS WEIGHED HEAVY ON MY SOUL EVER SINCE. I VOW TO GET THEIR NECTAR. Dr. Coix's Piece Description: A self-portrait. SCP-6597-1's Comments: I RECOGNIZE THIS ONE. YOU MUST BE A POWERFUL SORCERER TO SEE THE GOBLIN OF FABLEGROWTH AND RETURN TO TELL THE STORY, LET ALONE EMBARRASS IT BY SCRIMSHAWING IT ON THIS BEAST'S TUSK. DOCTOR SAINT CILLIAN, I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE AMONG SUCH TRAVELED SOULS. SCP-6597-1: MORTALS, I AM AT A CROSSROADS. I ENJOYED MANY PIECES, HOWEVER, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE WINNER. MAY I SPEAK WITH THE HONORABLE LEADER OF THIS CLAN? Lague: That would be me, technically — And only when I have them on the clock. SCP-6597-1: AH, YOU ARE A TIME WIZARD TOO. I HAVEN'T BEEN IN THE PRESENCE OF ONE IN A WHILE. Lague: No — hm, that's a figure of speech— SCP-6597-1: MORTALS AND MAGICIANS, WITH THE GRACE OF SCRIMSHAW, I MUST REQUEST A SOLE CHAMPION. YOU MUST DUEL— Lague: Wait, what? No, that's not happening. SCP-6597-1: —TO THE DEATH. THE SOLE SURVIVOR WILL BE CROWNED LORD SCRIMSHANDER AND CHAMPION OF SCORDOH. BEGIN. (SCP-6597-1 stands with a toothy smile on its face. It stares at Site staff for three minutes. The personnel do not move.) SCP-6597-1: HMM, I UNDERSTAND. YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE ALL CHAMPIONS? Lague: Yes, they do. They're all impressed by each other's art. Right everyone…? (Those in attendance murmur in agreement with Lague.) SCP-6597-1: AH HAH HAH HAH. YOU HAVE PASSED THE TEST. CONGRATULATIONS! I WILL SANCTIFY YOU ALL. Lague: NO! No. No. You can't. SCP-6597-1: WHY IS THAT, TIME WIZARD? Lague: Their souls have been corrupted by the… god of flax spinning. SCP-6597-1: DAMN THAT BASTARD FLATUVIO. ALWAYS A STEP AHEAD. (Pause) Lague: Now that you had this feast, will you leave Doctor Saint Freska alone? You have a whole group of scrimshanders now. SCP-6597-1: DOCTOR SAINT CILLIAN HAS BEEN A LOYAL SUBJECT. I BELIEVE IT IS HIS TIME TO FLY AND SPEAD SCRIMSHAW TO THE MASSES ON HIS OWN, AS HE DID HERE. Lague: Yeah, I'm sure he's gonna be doing that. I guess— SCP-6597-1: AS FOR YOU MORTALS AND MAGICIANS, I WILL SEE YOU NEXT EARTH CYCLE FOR ANOTHER FEAST. PLEASE LEAVE ME SOME MORE DUNKING DOUGHNUT COFFEE. I WILL BE SLEEPING IN MY TABLE. (With a large plume of smoke, SCP-6597-1 and its throne vanish.) «END LOG» Despite initial apprehension, Site-322's Arts and Crafts Event/containment procedure was considered a success. Monitoring of Dr. Freska took place over the next 120 days, wherein no abnormal behavior was observed — other than a slight phobia of the ocean. While the golden aura from the apparent sainthood has remained, SCP-6597-1's influence is no longer present. Updated containment procedures to include a yearly scrimshaw event are pending Overseer approval. Mobile Task Force operatives that were stationed at sea or Sub-Saharan Africa due to this project are to return to base. Footnotes 1. Making scrimshaw art was a popular practice among late-18th century American whalers until bans were placed on the practice of whaling and later the import of ivory. 2. All attempts to write SCP-6597-1’s speech during the transcription process of this log have resulted in capitalization. The cause of this minor anomaly is unknown and a way to circumvent it has yet to be discovered. 3. A person who scrimshaws. More From This Author More From This Author PlaguePJP's Works SCPs SCP-6595 (+193) • SCP-618 (+149) • SCP-6591 (+130) • SCP-5591 (+128) • SCP-7596 (+130) • SCP-6598 (+257) • SCP-5592 (+102) • SCP-7001 (+544) • SCP-6593 (+192) • SCP-5596 (+159) • SCP-8593 (+173) • SCP-8592 (+163) • SCP-5594 (+100) • Plauge's Proposal (+242) • SCP-8591 (+120) • Tales/GoI Formats HOGSLICE Makes A Friend (+162) • Other PLAGUEPLACE (+192) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6597" by PlaguePJP, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: freska.png Author: Dennis van Zuijlekom License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: [] Filename: scrimshaw.png Author: Naval History & Heritage Command License: CC BY 2.0 Source: [] |
SCP-6598 | safe | PlaguePJP, HarryBlank, Cremo, & J Dune: XV by PlaguePJP, HarryBlank, Cremo, & J Dune SCP-6598 — Flippant ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6598 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo SCP-6598. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6598 is contained in a coin case in Site-322's low-security item vault. Testing of SCP-6598 was overseen by Researcher H. Hartwell and Dr. J. Dune. Description: SCP-6598 is an American quarter dated to 1983. When a subject makes a verbal statement and then flips SCP-6598, the object will land on a face corresponding to the statement's relation to objective fact. A result of "heads" denotes the truth, and "tails" denotes a falsehood. Questions and statements that are not yes-or-no questions will not lead to answers from SCP-6598. The accuracy of the statements presented by SCP-6598 is presently under investigation. Addendum 6598.1: Experiment log Statement Result Grass is green. (Dune) Heads. SCP-6598 understands what I'm saying. (Dune) Heads. SCP-6598 is having a good day today. (Hartwell) Tails. Note: SCP-6598 was noted to have landed with unusual force. The first number of the winning lottery numbers for tomorrow is 1. (Hartwell) Tails. [25 tests omitted] The final number of the winning lottery numbers for tomorrow is 7. (Hartwell) Heads. Winnings seized. Using anomalies for further personal gain will lead to disciplinary action — Dir. Paul Lague Dr. Dune ate a sandwich for lunch this afternoon. (Hartwell) Heads. Thing’s a smartass. A hot dog is not a sandwich — J. Dune Extraterrerestial life exists. (Dune) Tails. The test was repeated with several variations of the question, specifying life in the entire universe, etc. Result remained tails. Baseball is a boring sport. (Hartwell) SCP-6598 flipped itself between heads and tails until the next statement was made. Star Wars: Episode 8: The Last Jedi is a bad film. (Hartwell) Same result as in the previous test. Upon repetition of the statement, SCP-6598 drastically increased in temperature to the point where it could not be safely handled. It returned to baseline temperature after fifteen minutes. SCP-6598 likes Dr. Dune more than Researcher Hartwell. (Dune) Same result as in the previous test. Hesitation was observed in SCP-6598 every time it flipped to its heads side. God can create a burrito so hot that he can't eat it. (Hartwell) SCP-6598 burned Researcher Hartwell's hand. SCP-6598 dislikes paradoxes. (Hartwell) Heads. Considerable force was observed upon its landing, enough to dent the testing table. SCP-6598 enjoys being flipped. (Hartwell) Tails. Same result as in the previous test. SCP-6598 managed to punch though the table upon its landing. SCP-6598 will breach containment in the future. (Hartwell) Heads. SCP-682 is indestructible. (Hartwell) Tails. Researcher Hartwell's lottery winnings have been budgeted for further decommissioning tests — Dir. Paul Lague Site-5 does not exist. (Dune) Heads. Following the repetition of this test, SCP-6598 reversed its decision. Subsequent tests have not delivered conclusive results. I will be with my girlfriend in five years. (Hartwell) Tails. Everything dies. (Hartwell) Heads. The Department of Tactical Theology immediately called a symposium to discuss the ramifications of this result. I will die in the next ten years. (Hartwell) Heads. SCP-6598 is upset with me. (Hartwell) SCP-6598 hung stationary in the air. It began to violently vibrate before accelerating to approximately 1100 km/h and exiting Site-322 through Researcher Hartwell's skull (with a minor course correction to avoid striking Dr. Dune). SCP-6598 was recovered in an empty parking lot approximately 30 kilometers from Site-322, laying on its head side. A small impact crater was observed in the asphalt surrounding it. Following the final test, SCP-6598 has remained facing heads up, despite all attempts to rotate it or supply additional prompts. Testing halted. More From This Author More From This Author PlaguePJP's Works SCPs SCP-8593 (+173) • SCP-6595 (+193) • SCP-6596 (+297) • SCP-8594 (+116) • SCP-6592 (+79) • SCP-5594 (+100) • SCP-6591 (+130) • SCP-8595 (+374) • SCP-8597 (+170) • SCP-8598 (+88) • SCP-8599 (+235) • SCP-8596 (+244) • SCP-8591 (+120) • SCP-7594 (+194) • SCP-5364 (+89) • Tales/GoI Formats HOGSLICE Makes A Friend (+162) • Other PLAGUEPLACE (+192) • ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6598" by PlaguePJP, HarryBlank, Cremo, & J Dune, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: coin.png Author: Arun Kumar Singh License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: [] |
SCP-6599 | keter | PlaguePJP & J Dune: XIII by PlaguePJP & J Dune SCP-6599 - HOGSLICE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU OPENING THE INFOBOX FOR, YOU LITTLE BITCH? GO AND READ THE ARTICLE, OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS SO HARD YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SHIT RIGHT FOR WEEKS. -HOGSLICE J Dune's Authorpage PlaguePJP's Authorpage ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Item#: 6599 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo SCP-6599-1, interrupting a live weather report to assault the broadcaster Aftermath of an ALT-F4 Event in Blodgett, Missouri Special Containment Procedures: WALDO.aic currently tracks all known accounts under the username “HOGSLICE.” Posts from this account are to be taken down as soon as possible. Should an ALT-F4 EVENT occur, embedded Foundation agents in law enforcement are to recognize the markings of an ALT-F4 EVENT and effectively contain the situation following standard Veil Protocol. Update 2014/11/19: Following the events detailed in Addendum 6599.6, SCP-6599’s object class is pending reclassification to Neutralized. Description: SCP-6599 is a collective of internet accounts registered under the username HOGSLICE. SCP-6599 are present across 68% of all websites that allow for account creation, though activity is centered on hobbyist message boards, with the oldest recorded instance dated to 1999. SCP-6599 accounts are somewhat knowledgeable about the topic of the website they are posting to, as well as extremely active, posting upwards of 100 times a day across all accounts in the form of responses to other users. Accounts have been observed to post contemporaneously with one another, though typing pattern analysis, coupled with SCP-6599's anomalous effects, indicates that the likelihood of SCP-6599 being multiple individuals or an organized effort is remarkably low. SCP-6599 accounts are English-speaking, and communicate in a hostile, argumentative pattern consistent across all instances, insulting users and making boastful statements about themselves. This behavior often prompts action by site moderators, who will most likely implement a ban on the account. To date, there have been no recorded instances of an SCP-6599 account attempting to circumvent a ban. If an individual engages an SCP-6599 account in a combative way, such as insulting the instance or provoking a response from SCP-6599, an ALT-F4 Event is likely to occur. These events result in a hostile entity, designated SCP-6599-1, manifesting near the individual's present location a short time after the argument. Analysis of SCP-6599 activity has determined only 40% of engagements result in the appearance of SCP-6599-1. SCP-6599-1 is a humanoid entity resembling professional wrestler Scott Rechsteiner1. SCP-6599-1 is sapient, sentient, with an estimated intelligence similar to that of an average adult human, and anomalously enhanced strength and durability. After manifesting, SCP-6599-1 will locate the individual it had engaged in an argument with online, and proceed to verbally berate and physically batter them to the point of hospitalization. SCP-6599-1 will then demanifest from its target's location. While no fatalities have resulted from an ALT-F4 event, SCP-6599-1 frequently causes damage to the surrounding area during its assault. Addendum.6599.1: Discovery SCP-6599 was discovered on March 28th, 2008 on GregTheCarp 03/28/2008 (Mon) 16:54:32 #74439151 Favorite Cryptid thread? Big fan of the Squonk personally. It's a little pig-looking thing from Pennsylvania that cries because it's so ugly. People track it by looking for a path covered in tear stains. When people find it dissolves itself by crying. Wonder if it's saying something that I like it… Whatever. HOGSLICE 03/28/2008 (Mon) 17:08:43 #19288745 WHAT KIND OF BETA MALE PUSSY SHIT IS THAT????? WOMEN AND CHILDREN CRY. I DONT. BE FUCKIN BRAWN. BE FUCKIN HEAVY. YOURE TOO BUSY CREAMING YOUR PANTS OVER AN IDIOT NO ONE EVER HEARD OF INSTEAD OF ADMIRING A REAL MOTHERFUCKER (THE MOTHMAN). FACT: MOTHMAN CAN FLY. FACT: MOTHS EAT CLOTHES. FACT: MOTHMAN HAS RED EYES THAT PEER INTO YOUR SHITSTAINED PUSSY SOUL. I DONT EVEN THINK YOUD LOOK ANYTHING OR ANYONE IN THE EYE BECAUSE YOUR FATHER NEVER TAUGHT YOU RESPECT. GROW A PAIR (OF BALLS). —HOGSLICE GregTheCarp 03/28/2008 (Mon) 17:10:56 #74439151 I don't know why you're so upset about this. Chill out, man. I just want to talk about some cryptids is all. Sorry if my choice offended you… HOGSLICE 03/28/2008 (Mon) 17:11:32 #19288745 DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO AGAIN WHORE. YOUR CHOICE WAS STUPID AND YOU SHOULD FEEL UPSET ABOUT IT. GO CRY ABOUT IT LIKE THAT DUMB THING THAT DOESNT EVEN EXIST. THIS IS OBAMA’S AMERICA. —HOGSLICE GregTheCarp 03/28/2008 (Mon) 17:15:12 #74439151 You know what. I was having a shit day and wanted to talk with some nice people and you just ruined it. Go fuck yourself. HOGSLICE 03/28/2008 (Mon) 17:15:34 #19288745 THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? —HOGSLICE The operator of the 'GregtheCarp' account, Oregon resident Gregory Kaplin, was discovered later the same day with a fractured skull, two broken femurs, and a shattered humerus. A police report that was filed by Kaplin described a humanoid entity that appeared, attacked him, and disappeared from his home. WALDO.aic's anomaly detection software was triggered and then prompted Foundation investigation. Following confiscation of relevant materials, discussions on how best to contain SCP-6599 were held at Secure Facility Area-179. Addendum.6599.2: Notable Examples Notable examples of SCP-6599 behavior have been catalogued below. Date: 2010/12/12 Website: Muppet Central - A forum dedicated to discussion of Jim Henson's The Muppets and associated works. Description: Incident occurred in a thread posted by user 'Thog_Life'. Exchange has been transcribed below. MUPPET CENTRAL Explore Forum Help My Account Thog_Life Super exciting find! An acquaintance of mine has located the singing ship from the “In The Navy” sketch. Owner is a relative of a former Henson prop engineer, and is debating either auctioning it off, or donating the item to an archive of Muppet memorabilia. Image album here. What say you, Muppet Central? Any takers? Reply | Share | 19 Replies HOGSLICE NO, NO ONE WANTS THIS SHIT, CANDYASS. I HATE THOSE DAMN PUPPETS (NOT CALLING THEM THE M NAME THATS STUPID) I KNOW I’M GOING TO SHATTER DREAMS HERE BUT I DONT CARE BABY THATS WHAT I DO. JIM HENSON (CONMAN) IS A FRAUD AND HAS THROWN THE WOOL OVER YOUR EYES FOR DECADES…. YOU WATCH HIS SHOWS WITHOUT EVEN QUESTIONING WHATS ON THE SCREEN IN FRONT OF YOU. FROGS DO NOT TALK. BEARS CANNOT DANCE. DUMBASS RED GUYS WHO LOOK LIKE THEY LIVE IN A THROAT DONT PLAY DRUMS AND FRUIT AINT DO CHEMISTRY. YOU CAN SEE THE STRINGS WHEN THEY MOVE. THEY ARE PUPPETS!!!!!!!!! MOTHERFUCKER. I HAVE PUPEETERED IN THE PAST ANYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN, HALF THE BALLS, AND ANY EXPERIENCE IN THE PUPPET BUSINESS CAN TELL YOU THAT SHOW IS ALL PUPPETS I SAW THIS IN THE 70S, WHEN YOU WERE STILL IN DIAPERS. I WASNT FALLING FOR THAT SHIT! THE (P)UPPETS ARE FAKE AND FOOL TINY BABY DUMB CHILDREN WHO DON'T DO ANYTHING WITH THEIR LIVES. PAY FOR SOME ACTORS, JIM…. OR PUT MY FIST UP YOUR ASS LIKE A REAL MAN AND ADMIT YOU USE PUPPETS. -HOGSLICE SENT FROM MY IPHONE Aftermath: Thread developed into an argument between SCP-6599 and other Muppet Central users concerning the purpose, popularity, and production of The Muppet Show that lasted for 7 pages of posts before disciplinary action was taken by a moderator. Hours following the ban, Georgia resident Jamal White, operator of the 'Thog_Life' account, reported SCP-6599-1 entering his residence via detaching the front door with its hands. Entity brandished a banjo and delivered a rendition of "Rainbow Connection" with lyrics lampooning Henson and the Muppets, while assaulting White with the object to the point of unconsciousness. An excerpt of these lyrics, which SCP-6599-1 repeated unceasingly throughout the incident, have been transcribed from a recording of the assault and included below. SOMEDAY I'LL FIND IT A REASON TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HENSON, THE MUPPETS AND YOU Upon SCP-6599-1's exit, White's wife filed a police report and admitted him to the hospital, where he was treated for blunt trauma, a fractured carpus, and internal bleeding in the brain. Following treatment, standard Veil retention protocol was enacted, and amnestics were administered to the White household. Date: 2011/4/28 Website: MoneyBeetle - A Japanese message board for insect fighting enthusiasts to congregate, bet on competitions, and discuss the sport. The website had recently come under scrutiny from law enforcement after the murder of a hobbyist following a dispute over winnings from a tournament. Description: Incident occurred in a thread posted by user 'PrizeCricket'. Exchange has been transcribed below. Messages have been translated from Japanese, with the exception of posts made by SCP-6599. PrizeCricket 5h MEGATHREAD: DISTRICT 11 COMPETITION I'd like to thank everyone for participating in the District-11 semi-final competition yesterday! The prize money has been distributed, and MoneyBeetle's very own Doki has taken the winnings, with his female Dock Bug 'Cirno' demolishing the competition! Here's to a successful remainder of the tournament! 54 Comments Emperor 5h Exciting matches, as to be expected from the District-11 superstars. They have been uploaded to my YouTube channel. I thought that the Mantis was going to win in that last match, but I guess Cirno really is the strongest! HOGSLICE 4h DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL ANY OF YOU ARE SAYING BECAUSE I ONLY SPEAK AMERICAN BUT IT SOUNDS TO ME LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH OF A BADASS MOTHERFUCKER MY HERCULES BEETLE IS. YOU THINK YOU'RE A BIG MAN? BULLSHIT. MEET ROCKY, HE'S A MACHINE RUNNING OFF THE FUMES OF PURE HATRED AND SIN, JUST LIKE HIS DADDY. I FOUND HIM OUTSIDE A YMCA. LOOK AT HIM. THAT'S HIS SHELL, WOO MAMA, IT'S TITANIUM. IN CASE YOU BUG FIGHTING 'PROFESSIONALS' HAVE ANY MORE DOUBTS, LET ME LIST SOME OF HIS FEATS FOR YOU: ROCKY PULVERIZED AN ANT INTO A FINE PASTE AND ATE HIM TOO ROCKY TOOK ON FIVE MILLIPEDES AND WON MY DOG BRUTUS IS SCARED OF ROCKY ROCKY TRAINS DAILY AND IS PROUD TO BE A WINNER LIKE ME I WOULD NOT ABANDON HIM LIKE YOUR DUMBFUCK FATHER WOULD YOUR BUGS ARE PUSSY VOMIT, AND WOULD NOT SURVIVE A DAY IN THE WILD, SO IT'S A GOOD THING THEY'RE KEPT IN CAGES. HA. I DIDN'T LAUGH BTW, THAT'S A BITCH THING. I DON'T DO THAT. AND YES, I NAMED HIM AFTER ROCKY BALBOBA THE MOVIE, WHAT A BADASS MOVIE. WOW. I BET YOU NEVER HEARD OF IT, KID. I WILL CRUSH YOU MISERABLE PIECES OF SHIT. - HOGSLICE PrizeCricket 4h Slow down, cowboy. Are you lost? That's a great beetle, but we have a specific thread for showing off our prized pets. This is a commemoration for a tournament, which you did not participate in. Besides, this is not an English-speaking forum. Please use a translation service, they are incredibly easy to use and we would love to talk with you! HOGSLICE 4h MOTHERFUCKER YOU ARE MAKING ME BREAK MY SHIT —HOGSLICE Aftermath: Thread was then flagged by Foundation .AICs and removed from public view. Nakatosa resident Seo Hirotada reported SCP-6599-1 entering his residence via emerging from underneath the floorboards, despite the home being built on flat ground. Entity assaulted Hirotada with punching gloves, repeatedly asking if the victim had ever seen "Rocky". When the victim fell to the floor, SCP-6599-1 unlocked multiple cages containing exotic insects, and poured them atop Hirotada's body. SCP-6599-1 leapt in the air, and drove its elbow into his chest. SCP-6599-1 demanifested, and Seo contacted law enforcement and was later admitted to a hospital with a shattered rib cage. Standard Foundation Veil retention protocol followed. Addendum.6599.3: Containment Log Following a period of data collection related to SCP-6599, attempts to contain the anomaly were authorized by Area-179's Containment Authority under the direction of Researcher Coates. Attempts are listed below. Proposed Containment Lure SCP-6599-1 via use of a D-Class subject. Subdue SCP-6599-1 with tranquilizer darts. Result SCP-6599 account engaged on a forum related to scrimshaw. SCP-6599-1 manifested, battered its way into Area-179's Testing Chamber α-4 and immediately attacked D-662833. Tranquilizer darts were unable to penetrate SCP-6599-1's skin and effectively sedate it. D-662833 survived with a fractured skull, three broken vertebrae, and a broken tibia. Proposed Containment Lure SCP-6599-1 via use of a D-Class subject. Test Chamber α-5 will be refitted with conductive flooring and wall panels. These will be electrified until SCP-6599-1 is subdued. Result SCP-6599 account engaged on a board related to square dancing. The door to Test Chamber α-5 was left open and a path was cleared. Upon SCP-6599-1 entering, the chamber was electrified; this was ineffective, as SCP-6599-1 was able to withstand the voltage, remarking that the feeling was "weak as shit". D-109682 was grabbed by SCP-6599-1 and thrown at the opposite wall, electrocuting them. D-110465 suffered 3rd degree burns on 60% of his dermis and two broken arms. Proposed Containment Lure SCP-6599-1 via use of a D-Class subject. With approval from O5-5, Agent Woodcock, wielding SCP-5175, will then be implanted into Test Chamber α-6 to confront SCP-6599-1. Result Incident-6599-029. See Addendum.6599.4 Addendum.6599.4: Incident-6599-029 Personnel Dossier - Agent Woodcock and SCP-5175 Agent Woodcock, performing a parlor trick with SCP-5175 SCP-5175 is an ornate Moroccan knife harboring an incorporeal entity, designated SCP-5175-1, which claims to be the spirit of a Japanese samurai named Kuroitanken Hanzo. When wielded by its host, Agent Woodcock, SCP-5175 is capable of removing any form of life from baseline reality upon laceration. Due to a specific set of circumstances related in the crosslinked file, SCP-5175-1, and by extension SCP-5175, is intrinsically linked to Agent Woodcock, and the two share a connection that would lead to Woodcock's employment with the Foundation. Agent Damien Lawrence Woodcock, Captain of Mobile Task Force Ω-5 "Damien's Angels", is stationed at Area-179 for the purposes of wielding SCP-5175, as the object has proven successful in the neutralization of dangerous anomalies. While Woodcock has demonstrated immaturity and character unbecoming of a Foundation Agent, most likely attributed to his unconventional background, his effectiveness in various neutralization, decommissioning, and tactical efforts has proven him a valuable asset to the Foundation. TRANSCRIPT «BEGIN LOG» SCP-6599-1 appears outside Test Chamber α-6 and punches through the plexiglass viewing area, shattering the plastic. The entity climbs into the chamber through the window. The interior lights have been turned off. SCP-6599-1: WHO THE FUCK TURNED OUT THE LIGHTS? I DON’T LIKE THE DARK UNLESS I’M HAVING SEX, WHICH I’M NOT, SO TURN THE LIGHTS ON.2 Agent Woodcock, who is levitating via the use of SCP-5175-1, kicks SCP-6599-1 in the stomach before darting back into the shadows. SCP-6599-1 groans, then frantically looks around the chamber, attempting to find the source of the blow. SCP-6599-1: HEY, WHAT THE HELL? WHY DON’T YOU COME OUT AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN? PISS CLOWN. SCUM FISH. The lights flicker, and eventually stabilize— revealing Agent Woodcock, crouching against a corner of the chamber and holding SCP-5175 outward in a defensive position. SCP-5175-1 hovers above him. Woodcock wears a modified SICA3 suit, which is capable of enhancing his performance on the field. Agent Woodcock: Holy shit! Scott Steiner! That’s so badass! Do the math promo! SCP-6599-1: SHOULDN'T YOU BE MANAGING A GAMESTOP, VIRGIN? Agent Woodcock: Is that a— Whoa! That’s a skull tattoo, the one on your bicep. I have one just like it, but with more flames and there’s also a snake coming out of the eyes. There’s a banner underneath it that says “No Gods, No Ma- SCP-6599-1 sprints towards Woodcock, lining itself up for a spear tackle. Agent Woodcock slides under the entity's legs. SCP-6599-1 attempts to tackle SCP-5175-1 instead, but phases through the specter, colliding with the wall. Woodcock reorients himself towards SCP-6599-1, readying SCP-5175, and leaps at the entity. SCP-6599-1 quickly turns, catching Woodcock midair over his shoulder, before slamming the agent into the floor, cracking the linoleum. SCP-6599-1: SHUT THE FUCK UP. Woodcock spits out a wad of blood. Agent Woodcock: Finally, a worthy opponent! Control, play my music!4 Woodcock’s armor begins blaring the song “96 Quite Bitter Beings” by music collective CKY. Woodcock demonstrates approval at the song, squealing in glee. Agent Woodcock: Hanzo, it's time for our training to pay off. Prepare to be vanquished by DEATH KNIFE, bitch! SCP-5175-1 appears above Woodcock. It then flies towards SCP-6599-1, who once again attempts unsuccessfully to punch the entity. While SCP-6599-1 is distracted, Woodcock unholsters shurikens from his armor and slings them at SCP-6599-1. The entity quickly punches through a wall, ripping out a large chunk of concrete, and uses it as a makeshift shield. SCP-6599-1 launches the concrete at Woodcock. Before it makes contact, SCP-5175-1 appears in front of the agent and diverts the rock to a wall. SCP-6599-1 grabs Woodcock by the throat, throwing him into the air, then grabbing his legs and slamming the agent into the ground, shattering the tile. SCP-6599-1 does not release his grip and instead tosses the agent into the air again by his legs. As Agent Woodcock begins to plummet, SCP-6599-1 cocks his fist and connects with the agent's chest, sending him soaring into the opposite wall. SCP-5175-1 manifests under Agent Woodcock, orienting the agent to allow him to spring from the wall. Woodcock flies over SCP-6599-1, who attempts unsuccessfully to grab the agent midair, and bounces again off another wall and onto SCP-6599-1's back. SCP-5175-1 punches at SCP-6599-1's legs, attempting to take it off balance. SCP-6599-1 begins to thrash as Woodcock's grip tightens. Woodcock is unable to stab SCP-6599-1, as his knife hand is firmly in the grip of SCP-6599-1. SCP-6599-1 runs backward into a wall, jumping and slamming Woodcock into the concrete, who finally releases his grip. Woodcock lands on his feet, and surveys the chamber as SCP-6599-1 appears to be catching his breath. Agent Woodcock: You’re pretty good! SCP-6599-1: NOT SO BAD YOURSELF, DIPSHIT. The two run at each other. Woodcock tosses SCP-5175 into the air, catching it and stabbing at SCP-6599-1, who dodges each attempt. All attempts to punch Woodcock made by SCP-6599-1 are deflected by SCP-5175. SCP-6599-1: IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING— Agent Woodcock: JoJo reference?!? He’s kind of like a stand actually if you th— SCP-6599-1 I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT IS. HE’S A SKELETON THOUGH, THAT’S FUCKING COOL, BROTHER. SCP-5175-1 grabs SCP-6599-1 and throws it to the ground. Agent Woodcock: You had enough yet? SCP-6599-1: ME? I’M JUST GETTING STARTED. Agent Woodcock: You ever dance with the devil in the, uh, under the, in the moon? SCP-6599-1: THE JOKER SAID THAT. I FUCKING LOVE THE JOKER. HELL YEAH, BRO. SCP-6599-1 leaps to its feet and readjusts its sunglasses, which are now visibly cracked. The entity charges forward, but Woodcock counters with a punch from SCP-5175-1, who now stands in front of the Agent. The two exchange blows for a period of time, fighting to a stalemate. Agent Woodcock: I’m thinking of getting a portrait of the Joker on my thigh. SCP-6599-1: THAT’D BE SICK. WAIT, I’M FIGHTING YOU. STOP DISTRACTING ME. SCP-6599-1 goes to punch Agent Woodcock, but is once again deflected by SCP-5175-1. Angered, SCP-6599-1 begins to target SCP-5175-1, as Agent Woodcock slides under the entity's legs and towards the chuck of concrete left on the floor. Agent Woodcock: Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto. Woodcock runs at the concrete, using it as a springboard. He leaps towards a wall, bounding off of it towards SCP-6599-1, driving the blade into SCP-6599-1’s back and pulling the knife out. SCP-6599-1 falls to a knee. Agent Woodcock: Tsuki no ringo dakedenaku, meiyo o motte korosu. Watashi no petto o sayōnara.5 SCP-6599-1: GODDAMNIT. THAT AIN’T NO POCKET KNIFE, SON. Agent Woodcock: Sucks having to end this so early. I was having fun. SCP-6599-1: NEVER HAD ANYONE WHO COULD ACTUALLY KEEP UP WITH ME BEFORE. YOU DID ALRIGHT. I’D BUY YOU A BEER, YOU PIECE OF SHIT. Agent Woodcock: In the next life then, okay? SCP-6599-1: IF YOU’RE GONNA FINISH ME OFF, DO IT RIGHT, BASTARD. SCP-6599-1 grabs SCP-5175 and stabs the knife further into SCP-6599-1's check. Agent Woodcock: Y-You’re… SCP-6599-1: A BADASS MOTHERFUCKER. Agent Woodcock: Hell yeah, you are! SCP-6599-1: THAT WAS KIND OF… F…F-FU— Purple mist surrounds SCP-6599-1, and the entity disappears. Tears are seen forming in Agent Woodcock’s eyes. He sheathes SCP-5175, and exits the testing chamber. «END LOG» Addendum.6599.5: Behavioral Changes Following the altercation with SCP-5175-1 and PoI-3445, SCP-6599 and SCP-6599-1 were presumed to be neutralized, as was the case with other anomalies that had been lacerated by SCP-5175. However, SCP-6599 accounts resumed activity the following day, though a number of changes in posting behavior were noted. SCP-6599 began writing opening posts instead of responses, seemingly inviting communication from others. Secondly, SCP-6599 accounts began posting exclusively on websites related to psychology, therapy, anger management, self-improvement, and life advice at a rate less frequent than its previous activity levels. Below is an abridged list of examples. Website: FlowersGalore - A website dedicated to advice and do-it-yourself "life hacks" regarding personal gardens. FLOWERS GALORE HOGSLICE 08/23/2020 HELLO DOUCHEBAGS. SOME ASSHOLE TOLD ME I NEEDED TO TOUCH GRASS AND WHEN I DID I REALLY LIKED IT. I WOULD LIKE TO GROW MORE GRASS PLEASE. I HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS. ANSWER THEM OR IM GONNA THROW SHIT: IM VERY TALL DOES THAT SCARE THE GRASS LIKE IT DOES PEOPLE? I LIKE THE SMELL BUT IT ONLY HAPPENS WHEN IT GETS CUT. DOES THE GRASS LIKE BEING CUT OR IS IT A BITCH? I WANT TO HAVE THE MOST GODDAMN GRASS THIS SIDE OF THE COUNTRY. HOW MUCH GRASS IS THAT. I ALSO WANT ENOUGH TO SHOVE UP THAT FUCKER WHO TOLD ME TO TOUCH GRASS'S ASS THANK YOU -HOGSLICE Website: r/selfimprovement - A subreddit dedicated to self-improvement and helping others in the community grow. WHAT I LIKE TO DO submitted 7 months ago by HOGSLICE 191 comments share save hide give gold report crosspost WHEN I GET MAD SOMETIMES I GO OUTSIDE AND PRETEND I'M A CHUCKHOG. I TEAR THE GRASS UP WITH MY HANDS AND DIG A HOLE UNTIL I FORGET WHAT I WAS ANGRY AT AND I HAVE A SICK HOLE TO PLAY IN. —HOGSLICE HOW DO I NOT BREAK ANYTHING WHEN I THINK OF THE MUCINEX COMMERCIALS AND THAT FUCKER BALL OF MUCUS. submitted 6 months ago by HOGSLICE 206 comments share save hide give gold report crosspost I HATE THAT ASSHOLE HE THINKS HE'S BETTER THAN ME. I DON'T WANT HIM TO WIN. —HOGSLICE I WANT A FRIEND submitted 5 months ago by HOGSLICE 80 comments share save hide give gold report crosspost —HOGSLICE I THINK I WILL GET A THERAPIST submitted 4 months ago by HOGSLICE 302 comments share save hide give gold report crosspost I WAS WATCHING THE SOPRANOS (DIDN'T KNOW I COULD RESONATE WITH ITALIANS SO MUCH) AND THAT GUY TONY AND I HAVE A LOT IN COMMON. HE HAS A THERAPIST AND SHE SAYS HE HAS ANGER ISSUES. HE ALSO KICKS ASS AND HAS LOTS OF SEX AND I IDENTIFY WITH THAT PART MORE BUT MAYBE I WILL SEE A THERAPIST TO HELP ME FIND A FRIEND. —HOGSLICE This pattern continued uninterrupted for months. On 2012/6/11, all SCP-6599 accounts ceased activity, and went offline. Redesignation to Neutralized remains pending. Addendum.6599.6: Update On 2014/11/19, all accounts registered to Area-179's SCiPNet server received the following email in their inboxes. To: AREA-179 From: ME Subject: THIS IS AN UPDATE HELLO FUCKERS WHO TRIED TO KILL ME AND FAILED (I'M RIPPED). I STOPPED USING THE INTERNET FOR TWO YEARS AFTER I REALIZED I WAS KIND OF FUCKED UP. I WENT TO ONE OF THOSE MIDWEST STATES WITH A LOT OF CORN AND MET UP WITH A KICKASS GROUP OF BIKERS. I DRIVE A HARLEY-DAVIDSON BECAUSE THEY'RE NICKNAMED HOGS. TELL THAT WEIRDO WITH THE KNIFE THAT HE'S COOL AND IF HE EVER WANTS A BEER HE CAN REACH OUT. —HOGNICE No further activity on any SCP-6599 account has been noted, and SCP-6599-1's whereabouts are currently unknown. More From This Author More From This Author J Dune's Works SCPs SCP-5818 (+180) • SCP-7838 (+260) • SCP-5175 (+408) • SCP-5798 (+426) • SCP-6452 (+242) • SCP-5673 (+89) • SCP-6764 (+497) • SCP-6865 (+94) • SCP-5813 (+128) • SCP-6102 (+201) • SCP-6451 (+193) • SCP-3651 (+103) • SCP-5527 (+135) • SCP-5648 (+219) • SCP-6504 (+73) • Tales/GoI Formats Over and Over, Until You Meet Again (+22) • Higher Minds (+190) • Dr. Cimmerian vs the Grinch (+106) • DEICIDE (+117) • Makeup (+202) • Other ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6599" by PlaguePJP and J Dune, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: SLICE.png Author: MikeKalasnik License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: [] Filename: 2685868547_108d2399ef_b.jpg Author: dbzer0 License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: [] Filename: 28449361185_b26ef58b36_b.jpg Author: Ken_Mayer License: CC BY 2.0 Source: [] Filename: break.jpg Author: S B License: CC BY 2.0 Source: [] Filename: 4386553053_c654e4e85d_b.jpg Author: IDVMedia License: CC BY 2.0 Source: [] Footnotes 1. Known under the ring name 'Scott Steiner' 2. All attempts to write SCP-6599-1’s speech during the transcription process of this log have resulted in capitalization. The cause of this minor anomaly is unknown and a way to circumvent it has yet to be discovered. 3. Special Issue Combat Armor 4. Woodcock has compiled a playlist of songs to be played during his engagements, claiming they help him focus better. As Foundation analysis has determined better performance when music is played, Woodcock’s request has been granted, and a speaker has been installed onto his protective combat gear. 5. Loosely translates to “Not only the moon apples, but also the mayo. Goodbye, my pet.” |
SCP-6600 | esoteric-class | Item#: 6600 Level2 Containment Class: apollyon Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: amida Risk Class: critical link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Research into means of neutralising SCP-6600 or repositioning Reality ♮-1 is underway. All resources that are used for non-essential projects should be rerouted to prevent the eventual collapse of Reality ♮-1. Containment efforts are to focus on mitigation of adverse effects on reality. At this time, efforts to protect the Veil are still in place. Governments and NGOs affiliated with the Foundation have been tasked with management of civilian unrest. Concealment of the effects of SCP-6600 is impossible; civilians will be informed of reality deviations incited by SCP-6600 for safety purposes. However, they will not be told the cause. Description: SCP-6600 is the catalyst of the rapid deterioration of universal stability in the Multiversal Web1. The effects of SCP-6600 causes the dissolution of Ways2 connecting universes, eventually severing them from the Multiversal Web. The nature and source of SCP-6600 are unknown. The structure of the Multiversal Web denotes that each universe is bound to two or more Ways. Ways entering a universe branch into a root-like structure that extends through subspace; they possess a non-Euclidean interior allowing entry from many locations within the Multiversal Web, permitting rapid travel within the universe and other universes. Due to SCP-6600, the Ways extending from Reality ♮-13 have become highly unstable. Attempted exploration of the Ways by formic exploratory teams has resulted in near-immediate expiry of drones as a result of incompatible laws of physics, even while wearing protective SRT4 garments. Other realities5 are also subject to the effects of SCP-6600. As a result of SCP-6600, Reality ♮-1 has been experiencing minor shifts in reality, which increase in frequency. These phenomena include, but are not limited to: Objects and spiders changing in colour; Objects and spiders shifting in space unpredictably; Objects disappearing or reappearing without warning, sometimes resulting in objects merging; Localised temporal distortions, causing time to move quicker or slower; Minor visual anomalies in and around surfaces, resulting in multiple copies of an object overlapping one another. SCP-6600 also causes cognitive degradation. Symptoms include: Memory loss; Loss of consciousness; Changes in personality; Loss of brain function; Loss of bodily autonomy; Agitation, confusion, and aggressive compulsions. The widespread appearance of these anomalies has caused panic in the general populace, inciting riots and looting. International and governmental agencies have reduced the severity with varying degrees of success. Preventing panic is an objective, but not the Foundation's main concern at this time. Visualization of The Multiversal Web. In the following diagram, yellow indicates the pieces of Reality ♯-X or Reality ♭-X that have been completely broken from the Multiversal Web, whereas light blue indicates the pieces of Reality ♯-X or Reality ♭-X that are currently breaking. The white circle denotes Reality ♮-1’s position. Visualization of The Multiversal Web in its current state. It is predicted that SCP-6600 will completely separate Reality ♮-1 from the Multiversal Web within 8 years. The potential outcome is unknown. Addendum 6600-A: 05 Briefing on SCP-6600 Video Log Transcript Date: 5/23/2030 Note: The following is a rough translation from Spider Sign Language to written English detailing the events of EE-6600 for ease of human understanding. Video of the event will be attached and viewable upon request. <Begin Log> Director Celeste: As you know, we have recently found out that our universe and reality are not the only ones out there. In addition, we have also discovered the shifts in reality are being caused by the deterioration of our reality, or as we know it, SCP-6600. It is theorized that we will be completely separated from the Multiversal Web in at least eight years. Researcher Lime: Eight years is… a short time. Director Celeste: It is. So, I am suggesting that Site-67 become the safe site and main research centre for SCP-6600. We are certain that preventative measures are required. O5-4: Site-67 is currently a lunar protection site, no? Director Celeste: Currently, yes. However, if the Council agrees, I would like to renovate the Site into something more purposeful. As it stands, we own twenty-six lunar protection sites globally. That seems like overkill. O5-7: How much do you think it will cost? Director Celeste: Around 60,000 SB, but that’s the maximum. O5-4: What documentation do we have so far on SCP-6600? While it does present a threat to the Veil, it does not seem detrimental. [Director Celeste gestures to Researcher Lime.] Researcher Lime: My team has run the numbers and there really isn’t any knowing what will happen when we separate from the Multiversal Web, however, it is likely that we will suffer consequences. Director Celeste: With this being known, I highly recommend you sign off on this. O5-1: We will discuss it. I'll be in touch. <End Log> To: bew.PiCS|etseleC.riD#bew.PiCS|etseleC.riD From: bew.PiCS|licnuoC.50#bew.PiCS|licnuoC.50 Subject: Renovation of Site-67 We’ve decided to permit the renovation of Site-67 to a specialized site for the containment of SCP-6600. We expect budget reports. Addendum 6600-B: To: Group:Site-67 From: bew.PiCS|etseleC.riD#bew.PiCS|etseleC.riD Subject: Renovation of Site-67 — Complete(ish) Date: 9/13/30 Hello, everyone. I hope you're all doing well after these hellish 4 months, but we’re back in business! An acceptable amount of renovations have been completed on Site-67. I would like researchers to transfer back to our home Site and continue research. Many have brought to me the idea of reality anchors to protect against the ever-growing effects of SCP-6600. While the mass unrest has been mostly quelled, I would like field agents to prepare for the worst when going on missions. In the meantime, keep up the good work. Dir. Celeste To: Group:Site-67 From: bew.PiCS|etseleC.riD#bew.PiCS|etseleC.riD Subject: Situation Of Things Date: 3/26/31 Hello hello! So, as many of you know that things have been getting worse, panic in the general populace is rising and the Veil is partially broken. This is not to say we should give them more information. In fact, I suggest we keep all of it under Veil part two. With this I want field agents to avoid all major cities unless absolutely necessary. I feel for you and your families, especially those who are not informed. On another note, we’ve found out that Scranton Reality Anchors are slightly effective against SCP-6600’s effects. We are still looking for a way to concentrate the effects of these anchors. If the theories are right, it will preserve normalcy, at least what we have left. If anything, it should reverse the current effects, and keep us tethered to The Multiversal Web. Keep up the good work. Recorded tests on Reality Anchors and other preserving technology; these tests were held to determine the effectiveness in decreasing the severity of SCP-6600's effects. Date Reality Anchor Ranking of Viability June 21st, 2030 Scranton Reality Anchors. Baseline, only effective against 12.2% of SCP-6600’s effects. Not viable for further use. 0 August 14th, 2031 Reality Shield 1.0. 47% effectiveness against all of SCP-6600’s effects. Generally viable for short term use. 2 March 7th, 2032 Reality Shield 2.0. 52% effective against some of SCP-6600’s effects. 3 April 13th, 2032 Reality Shield 3.0. 70% 32% effective against some of SCP-6600’s effects. After testing, Reality Shield 3.0’s effectively decreased significantly. Not viable. 1 July 20th, 2033 Reality Shield “Phrygian (III)”. 67% effective against all of SCP-6600’s effects. Viable for short term use, possible ancillary unit for Aeolian (VI). 4 October 25th, 2033 Reality Shield “Aeolian (VI)”. 89% effective against SCP-6600, viable to keep reality stable during research in tethering Reality ♮-1 to The Multiversal Web. Long term use is viable and expected. 5 To: Group:Site-67 From: bew.PiCS|etseleC.riD#bew.PiCS|etseleC.riD Subject: Reality and the Future of Site-67 Date: 10/31/33 Hello! The majority of testing on our reality anchoring and shielding has concluded, and while the effects of SCP-6600 are still present within our Site, it should be more than manageable. Unfortunately, the estimated time to finish implementing the Aeolian (VI) on site is about 2 years. With that information, testing on The Multiversal Webbing may be challenging, but I have faith that all of you will make great strides in preserving our reality. New assignments and positions will be coming to all of you soon. I’m sure we can do this. Don’t give up hope! Addendum 6600-C: AUDIO LOG TRANSCRIPT DATE: 8/8/2034 NOTE: The following is a transcript of a broadcast focused on general morale boost. <Begin Log> Hello! So, I want to start this “update” by congratulating the great work done by the renovation and reality defending team, as their effort on the reality anchors and reality shields have proven successful in protecting the Site against the current state of our universe. Three years ago we started this venture, and while we may have been successful in some aspects, we’ve only managed to protect this one Site. With that, many researchers have brought up the concern that this solution is not viable in both the short and long term, as our situation is always changing. This may also not work well for broad general public use. Thus, I would like us to move away from focusing on reality shields and anchors for protecting Reality ♮-1 as a whole, instead of having them for the SCP Foundation and our major Sites. In the meantime, I would like our field agents to continue their work in identifying the effects of SCP-6600 on the general public and Earth itself. Researchers should continue their work on protecting Reality ♮-1, with a group working on the enhanced reality shields and anchors but a majority will be working on a longer-term and more stable solution to SCP-6600. Celeste, out. <End Log> Addendum 6600-D: AUDIO LOG TRANSCRIPT DATE: 1/23/2035 NOTE: The following is a transcript of the first broadcast to the entirety of the SCP Foundation. <Begin Log> All of you have seen the most recent memo from the higher-ups. Researchers predicted six years ago that we would have eight years until the complete collapse of Reality ♮-1. Well, in the last month Reality ♮-1 is almost completely detached from the Multiversal Web. It’s unknown when we will be cut off, but we’re sure it’s soon. For the rest of the Foundation, we apologize. We've failed. If you’re capable of leaving your Site, please do. Come to Site-67 and prepare for the worst. If you’re able to put forward your efforts and resources to help, please do. I know it’s a lot to ask, that you abandon your friends and family, but there is hope. If you are not able or willing to help, and if you notice any of these effects, evacuate the area: Tears in surfaces such as walls, the ground, sky, or any other area. Popping or snapping sounds from seemingly nowhere. Seeing yourself, or loved ones both within the static and on the streets. Note: Do not interact with them. It is unknown at this time if they are violent. Extreme brain fog, and other psychological effects, including depression and memory loss. Chills. Changes in vision and other sensory perception. Any other changes to reality. The Veil may be broken, but our hope is not. Please come to Site-67 if you’re able to. There is always a need for more legs. Thank you and stay well. Director Celeste. <End Log> AUDIO LOG TRANSCRIPT DATE: 2/29/2035 NOTE: The following is a transcript of the final broadcast to the entirety of the SCP Foundation and the public. <Begin Log> If you are still receiving these broadcasts and can understand me, please make your way to Site-67, coordinates are enclosed. You may not be aware of what we do or who we are, but we need your help. You may have lost your friends and family, but it may not be too late to save them. Hope is not lost. Thank you and stay well. Director Celeste. <End Log> See EE-6600 Documentation? Footnotes 1. Colloquial term for the diagram of universes and connection between them through Ways, arranged per Stitt's Theological Model. 2. Hollow, stretched sub-reality threads branching between the universes. 3. Baseline reality. 4. Scranton Reality Threading 5. These realities have been designated ♯-X or ♭-X based on their position on the Web, relative to Reality ♮-1. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6600" by Limeyy, margssentif, Quadraginta, chiifu, and CelesteKara, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: clean.png and diagram.png Name: Image from page 73 of "American spiders and their spinning work. A natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States, with special regard to their industry and habits" (1889) Author: Internet Archive Book Images License: Public Domain Source Link: Additional Notes: Both are derived from the above link |
SCP-6601 | euclid | Item #: SCP-6601 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6601 is to be hosted onto a D-class (D-5186 is the current host). The current host is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment unit. Direct contact from the current host to any person is not allowed. Performing relevant experiments requires the permission of at least one Level 3 personnel. Description: SCP-6601 is a sapient incorporeal entity. The subject is able to coexist with humans, but it is unknown whether this is necessary for it to survive. SCP-6601 has a mild temper, but can be insistent in terms of changing the host's memories. Please refer to the discovery and addendums for details. Discovery: SCP Foundation Abnormal events report Reported by: Dr. Li Position of reporter: ☑ Researcher ☐ Agent ☐ Department/Site Director ☐ Logistics Personnel Urgency: Low High Details: I am always proud of my eidetic memory, but one day, I found out that they are false. Combined with my work experience in the Foundation, I can't help but worry that this is an abnormal effect. Besides, I also went to the hospital for an examination, and I was able to confirm that there was no problem with my memory. I remember clearly that I spent a very happy childhood with my parents in my hometown; but just when I was about to call my parents to greet them, I found out that my father had died before I was born. And my family apparently couldn't support the expenditure that I remember. There are many things more serious and distinctive than these. In a word, the discrepancy between memory and reality makes me quite sure that my memory has been tampered intentionally. I feel uneasy at the thought of the possibilities behind it. So I apply for and am willing to accept all the inspections of the Foundation. I hope these are just because of my mental problems, because this is the most reassuring result. Date: 05/13/2021 Status: Accepted. Note: The urgency has been changed to "High". - Dr. George,05/22/2021 Upon further examination, SCP-6601 was discovered using Dr. Li as a host. Dr. Li further reported that after the object was discovered, it was communicating with him by changing memories1, and showed fear of being found. After Dr. Li tried to communicate with it in the way of reminiscence, SCP-6601 expressed its willingness to be interviewed by the Foundation. Addendum.6601-A - Interview results: Foreword: SCP-6601 changed Dr. Li's memories throughout the process, leaving answers to the interviewer in Dr. Li's memories. Dr. Li spoke on its behalf. Interviewer: Dr. George Interviewee: Dr. Li (And SCP-6601) Information: SCP-6601 claimed that it has no malice. SCP-6601 can be transferred through the host's physical contact with other human beings. SCP-6601 claimed that the only effect it has on the host is to change the memories. SCP-6601 claimed to be able to host onto all mammals, but favors humans. SCP-6601 claimed to change Dr. Li's memories to "give him a happy childhood". [In the interview, Dr. George expressed doubts about the above statements.] It is unknown whether SCP-6601 has any relatives(SCP-6601 began not to respond). It is unknown how many humans SCP-6601 has hosted before. Afterword: After further communication failed, SCP-6601 was forced to transfer from Dr. Li to D-5186 under the threat of executing Dr. Li. Note: Some incorporeal entities that can change humans's memories are wandering around the world. What does it mean? A person's spirit is entirely constructed from memories. As long as it is willing, it can subvert many things. I propose to change the object to refer to its entire ethnic group, and reclassify it as Keter, and then take prompt action. After all, how can I make sure that it is not disguising? How can I make sure that it has no malicious relatives? - Dr. George Addendum.6601.B - Researcher's notes It left such a piece of paper on a desk in my memory before it left me. Every word on it is very clear imprinted in my mind. I have transcribed the original text here for reference. Please keep it. - Dr. Li Thank you very much. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused. I'll start by answering the questions I wasn't able to answer because I was too scared: I don't know if I have relatives, I've never met any. As for this body, it is my 25843rd home. In fact, I can stay in my first home with peace of mind until her death, and then look for opportunities to move safely to the next place. But as you already know, I live in human memory; and I am affected by those memories. Her childhood was miserable. She has never enjoyed the love of her family, and there is also unreasonable(at least I think so) discrimination and ridicule. Fear, uneasiness, melancholy, inferiority, all of these, shrouded in her whole childhood. These directly affected her present moment. No one saw how she felt on the inside. No one. I can't figure out why other people treat her that way, and I can't figure out where the love and care she should have when she was a child went. She saw a sentence in the book one day, and I was stung by that sentence: "A lucky person's lifetime is cured by childhood, while an unlucky person's lifetime is spent curing childhood." …I interfered. I gave her a happy childhood within the acceptable range. She got better. A lot better, obviously better. That's it. But, when I think that there may be more people like her before, I can't rest assured. Since then, I began to move frequently, trying my best to change and improve. It's a pity… I tried too hard on this one. I made so many mistakes that I was discovered by you. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. But I have no regrets. Footnotes 1. For example: fabricating a note in a certain scene in memory, or inserting a voice of unknown source directly, etc. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6601" by (user deleted), from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6602 | euclid | + Show component code - Hide component code :root { --sidebar-width-on-desktop: calc(var(--base-font-size) * (266 / 15)); --body-width-on-desktop: 45.75rem; } @media only screen and (min-width: 56.25rem) { #content-wrap { display: flex; position: initial; flex-direction: row; flex-grow: 2; width: calc(100vw - (100vw - 100%)); max-width: inherit; height: auto; min-height: calc(100vh - var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, 10.125rem)); margin: 0 var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) 0 calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) * -1 / 2); } #main-content { position: initial; width: var(--body-width-on-desktop, 45.75rem); max-width: var(--body-width-on-desktop, 45.75rem); max-height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; padding: 2rem 1rem; } #page-content { max-width: min(90vw, var(--body-width-on-desktop, 45.75rem)); } #side-bar { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; top: 0; left: 0; grid-area: side-bar; width: var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) !important; min-width: var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.6rem) !important; max-height: 100vh; padding-right: 2.5rem; padding-left: 0.5rem; overflow-y: scroll; transition: translate 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), background-color 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), padding 300ms linear, margin 300ms linear; border: none; border-color: rgba(var(--swatch-tertiary-color, 170, 170, 170), 0.4); background-color: rgba(var(--sidebar-bg-color, 255, 255, 255), 0); translate: calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 13.5rem) * -1 - 1rem); direction: rtl; scrollbar-width: thin; -ms-scroll-chaining: none; overscroll-behavior: contain; scrollbar-color: rgba(var(--swatch-primary-darker), 0.1) /* Thumb */ rgba(var(--swatch-tertiary-color), 0.05); /* Track */ } #side-bar::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: rgba(var(--swatch-secondary-color, 244, 244, 244), 0.8); } #side-bar::-webkit-scrollbar, #side-bar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb, #side-bar::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { width: 0.5rem; border-right-width: calc(100vw + 100vh); border-right-style: inset; border-color: inherit; background-color: rgba(var(--sidebar-bg-color, 255, 255, 255), 0); } #side-bar:is(:hover, :active, :focus-within) { margin-right: 2.25rem; padding-right: 0.25rem; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; border-color: rgba(var(--swatch-primary-darker), 1); background-color: rgba(var(--sidebar-bg-color, 255, 255, 255), 1); translate: calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 1rem) - var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 0)); scrollbar-color: rgba(170, 170, 170, 1) /* Thumb */ rgba(252, 252, 252, 1); /* Track */ scrollbar-color: rgb(var(--swatch-primary-darker, 170, 170, 170), 1) /* Thumb */ rgb(var(--swatch-menubg-color, 252, 252, 252), 1); /* Track */ } #main-content::after { content: " "; display: flex; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 1rem; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 1rem; height: 100%; max-height: 100%; transition: left 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), background-position 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), opacity 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); background: url(""); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center left 1rem; background-size: 1rem 12.875rem; pointer-events: none; } #side-bar:is(:hover, :active, :focus-within) + #main-content::after { left: calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 14.5rem) * -1); width: 0rem; transition: left 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), background-position 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), opacity 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); opacity: 0; background-position: center left calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 14.5rem) * -1); font-size: 0em; } #main-content::before { content: " "; position: absolute; z-index: 9; top: var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, 0); left: 0; width: var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 14.5rem); height: calc(100% - var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, 0.688rem) - 2.313rem); margin-bottom: calc(var(--final-header-height-on-desktop, -2.313rem) * -1 - 2.313rem); transition: translate 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1), opacity 300ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1); opacity: 0.5; background-color: rgb(var(--swatch-alternate-color, 0, 0, 0)); pointer-events: none; translate: calc(var(--sidebar-width-on-desktop, 14.5rem) * -1 + 1rem); } #side-bar:is(:hover, :active, :focus-within) + #main-content::before { translate: 0; opacity: 0; } #side-bar .side-block { margin-top: 1em; padding-left: 0.25em; border-right-width: 0rem; border-left-width: 0rem; border-radius: 0; background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0); direction: ltr; } #side-bar .scpnet-interwiki-wrapper { direction: ltr; } /* Print Friendly Formatting by Estrella */ body.print-body { --sidebar-width-on-desktop: 0; } body.print-body #main-content::before, body.print-body #main-content::after { display: none; } } close Info X More by this author Interior of St. Simeon’s Mausoleum in Friedberg, Germany. Special Containment Procedures: METATRON.aic is to keep watch on police reports from Friedberg for any incidents matching the descriptions of SCP-6602. The grounds are to continue in their normal fashion, free for civilian visitation. Foundation personnel are never to enter the grounds of St. Simeon’s. Description: SCP-6602 represents a series of anomalous events which occurred in and around St. Simeon’s Cemetery and Mausoleum, which is just outside of Friedberg, Germany. SCP-6602’s anomalous qualities include ontokinetic shifts of local baseline reality, compulsive cognitohazards, atemporal progression of time, and geospatial manipulation. Discovery: Foundation agents were alerted to the presence of an anomaly in the vicinity of the graveyard on 25 May, 2021. Several teenagers from the Dorheim district of Friedberg had announced on social media that they were going to host a party at the graveyard on midnight of 25 May, 2021; none of those who appeared at St. Simeon’s ever returned home. Local police investigated after several parents made reports of their missing children, but the officers who entered the grounds reported they were unable to navigate through the mausoleum. No further information was made available, but embedded agents in the Bundespolizei1 reported the disappearances to command. Agents from Site-91 were dispatched to investigate. Retrieved body-cam footage from Foundation personnel. Personnel Present: Agents Gamma and Phi. [Agents Gamma and Phi enter the mausoleum. Phi says something to Gamma; his lips are visible moving on camera, but no sound is recorded. Gamma responds, indicating the agents are communicating. Despite this, sound is heard on recording, including the footsteps of the agents Gammaing down the hall.] Stained glass found within St. Simeon’s. [Agent Gamma stops only a few feet into the mausoleum, standing in front of a stained glass mural on the wall between individual crypt spaces.2 She points at it and says something to the other agent.] [Agent Phi examines the surrounding crypts and their brass placards. The names on the placards are readable when first visible on camera, but then the letters boil away – the surface of the brass bubbles like the surface of boiling water and the letters vanish in what appears to be steam. Neither agent appears to notice the anomaly, not even when Agent Phi’s fingers are touching the boiling metal. His fingers smoke and char from the heat, but the agent exhibits no reaction.] Approximately four minutes are lost to corruption of the digital file. [Agent Gamma stands in front of another stained glass mural. Her eyes narrow and she leans forward. She closes her eyes and touches the mural. A moment later Agent Gamma recoils, stepping away from the mural.] Stained glass found within St. Simeon’s. [Gamma falls to her knees and places her hands on the marble flooring. Agent Phi reaches down to help her up but the flooring splashes around his foot as if the material was liquid. He tries to step backward but both agents fall through the surface.] [Darkness is all that is visible on the footage for the first fifteen seconds. Then a faint green illumination grows from off camera until both agents are visible, falling through the air. A bell is ringing faintly. Both agents are conscious and flailing as they fall.] [The ringing grows in volume (included below), and the agents’ descent slows until they are deposited to a graveyard which resembles the grounds of St. Simeon’s.] [A group of figures is standing around an open grave, their physical presences masked under cognitohazard, visible as silhouettes. A soft rain begins. The green light intensifies, filtered through the mist.] Approximately three minutes are lost to corruption of the digital file. [Agent Gamma looks down into the open grave. There is an alabaster coffin within. The coffin grows, the material stretching up and out until it is a wall of the mausoleum of St. Simeon’s. Centered within the wall is another stained glass mural.] Stained glass depicting Agent Phi in 19th century garb and hair style. [The bells fade and the green light gradually diminishes, replaced with sunlight and fluorescent fixtures. Agent Phi stares at the stained glass. Agent Gamma places her hand on his shoulder but Phi shrugs himself free. He turns to the other agent and starts talking animatedly. He throws his hands in the air and starts towards the exit. Agent Gamma follows behind him. He turns the corner which should lead to an exit, but finds another hallway of the mausoleum, stretching on for hundreds of meters.3] [Agent Phi kicks a nearby bench. He turns to see Agent Gamma speaking. She is pointing to the placards. The names are glowing, the letters rearranging continuously. Phi touches the nearest nameplate and finally notices his fingertips are burned. His scream is audible on the recording. He falls against the crypt spaces, sliding down the wall while cradling his burnt hand.] [Gamma kneels before him and extracts a medkit from her pack. She sprays an antiseptic/anesthetic chemical on Phi’s fingers. Tears squeeze through Phi’s closed eyes. The bells begin ringing again. Gamma stands and looks down the hall, her camera picking up movement from the marble of the walls, as the crypt seals begin stretching out. Her attention is on the end of the hall, which is replaced with green light again shining through the mist which is filling the hall.] [The sound of stone grinding distracts Gamma, as she turns to her left and stares at the wall, seeing the marble slabs stretch and part, revealing a new stained glass mural.] Stained glass found within St. Simeon’s. [Gamma takes a step closer to the mural but is overtaken by the mist and green light. For approximately one minute, nothing is visible save the light.] [As the light fades, both agents are within a small room made of marble, roughly three meters square. Gamma turns and checks on Phi, who is still cradling his hand and has apparently not noticed their changed surroundings. A door materializes in one wall of the chamber, also made from marble and two figures enter. One figure is impossible to identify, as they are an animate silhouette similar to those seen around the open grave. The other figure is a young girl, appearing to be in her late teens. The marble floors stretch and take the shape of a table with two seats opposite one another. The figures take seats.] [The green light rises in intensity until both agents shield their eyes, and the cameras cannot adjust to the luminance. As the light fades, the chamber has changed again – this time appearing as a small bedroom with a single bed situated under a window. The girl observed in the previous manifestation sits on the bed, her knees pressed against her chest, her head turned towards the window. Sobbing can be heard between the peals of the bells.] Stained glass witnessed during ontokinetic event. [On the ceiling is a circular stained glass mural, depicting apparently religious figures.] [The religious figures emerge from the glass, manifest wings reminiscent of depictions of angels, and float down towards the girl. They take turns reaching into the girl’s head and pulling small green motes of light free then returning to the glass. The sobbing intensifies but otherwise the figure does not react to the angels’ actions. As the angels continue to pull motes of green light from her head, the girl slowly becomes obscured in shadows until she too is a silhouette. The last angel pulls a mote from the figure’s head and the light it is holding grows to blinding levels, obscuring the footage.] Approximately two minutes are lost to digital corruption. [The agents are in a new space, larger than before but still constructed of marble. There is an old-fashioned covered well directly in front of them. A silhouette figure approaches the well.4] [The figure drops a bucket – also made of marble – into the well and then hauls it up. The figure looks into the bucket and shakes it. The figure upturns the bucket but it is empty. The bucket is tossed back into the well and hauled out again, and again it is empty. The figure stamps its foot and tries again.] [The small stained glass angels from the previous manifestation peer from around the inside of the lip of the well. Each time the figure draws the bucket back up, the angels tip the vessel so green glowing water flows out. The figure never notices this occurring.] [This continues ten more times – the bucket is empty each time – until finally, the figure throws the bucket to the ground and clutches its head. A bright green light from the inside of the well grows in intensity until the scene is no longer discernible.] Approximately one minute is lost to digital corruption. [Agents Gamma and Phi are within another chamber, resembling a hospital room. A silhouetted figure sits on a hospital bed, similar to the girl with knees pressed against their chest. The figure stares at the wall. Sitting next to the bed is another figure holding a clipboard. The figure on the chair is speaking but although audible, the speech is not decipherable. The silhouette on the bed begins to scream.] [Agent Gamma reaches for the screaming figure, but Phi pulls her away and towards an open door. They emerge into the mausoleum, now returned to its original dimensions. The four teenagers who had disappeared at the outset of the investigation are huddled on the floor. One is weeping. They notice the agents and begin speaking and gesturing in a panicked manner, but their voices are not heard. The bells begin to lower in volume until they are silent.] Final stained glass mural witnessed by Agent Gamma. [Agents Gamma and Phi gather the youths and begin proceeding towards the exit. Gamma stops before a final stained glass mural depicting herself, although much younger and dressed in armor and with angel wings.] [The agents lead the four civilians out of the mausoleum and across the grounds of the St. Simeon’s. Foundation medical workers wait for the agents and civilians just beyond the border of the property. Agent Gamma turns to look back at the mausoleum. On the footage, a bright green light is seen from the entryway, emerging from within the building. It fades slowly.] End Log Agents Phi and Gamma entered St. Simeon’s grounds at 08:30 and returned at 08:32. The footage recovered from their bodycams shows a timestamp of twenty-nine minutes and fifty-four seconds. All further attempts to investigate by Foundation personnel resulted in similar manifestations as recorded by Agents Gamma and Phi. Scanning the footage allowed for facial recognition analysis. Records retrieved for the girl seen during the ontokinetic event match one Anna Müller, born 13 April, 1992 and died only months before the outset of the investigation. Foundation records note that Müller had witnessed an anomalous event when she was nineteen years old and was administered amnestics, along with her whole family. Two years later there is another notation stating that she needed a second administration of amnestics due to reemergent memories. This happened again when she was twenty-four and twenty-eight years old. The following obituary5 was found in a local newspaper: With heavy hearts, the Müller family regrets to announce the passing of Anna Müller on 6 June, 2021. She was so very young, and so very loved, but her battle with depression took her too early. Her dry wit, her passion for art, her generous spirit, and her love for her family will be dearly missed. Funeral services will be held on 10 June, 2021 at St. Simeon’s Cemetery in Friedberg. Since the initial discovery, the ontokinetic events at the cemetery only occur when Foundation personnel are on the grounds. Based on these facts, it was deemed acceptable to allow the cemetery to operate as per normal. Civilians were allowed continued access once reporting police and the four teenagers were amnesticized and released. Several months after discovery, police reports concerning St. Simeon’s noted two civilian complaints of a “haunting” with the sound of ringing bells and bright green lights within the mausoleum. The Ethics Committee is currently deliberating whether amnesticization is appropriate. Footnotes 1. German Federal Police. 2. Where people are buried above ground in a mausoleum. 3. Roughly three times the length of the mausoleum in reality. 4. Surmised to be the same young girl as previously witnessed. 5. Translated from German. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6602" by Grigori Karpin, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: The Grace Hotel Author: Doug Beckers License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Stained Glass at Bristol Cathedral Author: Heather Cowper License: CC BY 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin and AnAnomalousWriter Filename: Detail Stained Glass at St Thomas Author: Jules & Jenny License: CC BY 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Stained glass window in Cullingworth Church Author: Tim Green License: CC BY 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Stained Glass Author: John K Thorne License: Public Domain Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Stained Glass Window Author: Paul J Everett License: CC BY 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin and HarryBlank Filename: Mausoleum interior Author: jondoeforty1 License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Source: Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Bytom_Assumption_church_bell_ringing_2021.ogg Author: Adrian Tync License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Source: LINK Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin Filename: Foundation Emblem Author: Aelanna License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: LINK Additional Notes: Edited by Grigori Karpin and used in several of the above images. |
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border: 2vw solid rgba(0,0,0,0.5); border-image: url('') 600 round; border-image-width: 6; padding: 2vw; } SCP-6603 - Marooned Authored by Elenee FishTruck ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} 3/6603 LEVEL 3/6603 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-6603 Safe SCP-6603. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel have collected and stored all materials previously extant on SCP-6603. Patrol boats remotely monitor SCP-6603 for signs of activity. Description: SCP-6603 is an islet, located 30 km off the island of Pohnpei, Micronesia. The islet bears a tropical rainforest climate, with a 1 km² area. An electrical system runs throughout SCP-6603, supplying continuous power throughout the islet, though Foundation personnel have found no means by which the island generates electricity. An LCD television set, DVD player, several video game consoles, and a charging station utilize this power. Several items litter SCP-6603, listed below: 12 iPod Shuffles, each containing only one song each. Songs include Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", The Allman Brothers Band's "Jessica", and The Police's "Message in a Bottle". 11 functional game discs, ranging wildly in hardware. Games include Minecraft, Animal Crossing: City Folk, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Another disc has been broken, presumably hurled against a tree. 12 books, damaged by water. Books include James Joyce's Ulysses, Thomas Pynchon's Against the Day, and Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. 12 human corpses line the islet, in varying stages of decomposition. All corpses appear to have perished of dehydration or heat stroke. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6603" by Elenee FishTruck, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: islet.jpg Name: Oroluk Island AKK.jpg Author: Angela K. Kepler License: Public Domain Source Link: Wikimedia Commons |
SCP-6604 | safe | Item #: SCP-6604 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6604-1, -2, and -3 must be contained individually within separate Class-2 Containment-Storage lockers at sites 12, 14, 15, 17, or 19. At no time should two or more instances be kept in the same locker. SCP-6604-3 is to be kept in Site-19 Reserved Anomalous Items (RAI) locker No. 4344, along with instances SCP-6604-3-1 through -3-19. SCP-6604-5 instances must be kept in Site-17's Primary Replicas Locker. All SCP-6604 instance usage and testing must be approved by Level-3 or Level-4 administrative command before proceeding. SCP-6604-3 and three (or fewer) instances of SCP-6604-5 are to be provided to the subject upon request during interviewing processes and passive communication periods between SCP-6604 instances and Foundation staff. Description: SCP-6604 is a blanket designation given to five conjoining items/item duplicates: SCP-6604-1 — A fedora made of porcelain-white wool felt with a black sleeve at the base. Aside from assisting the Ekurcho Rho process, this item has no known anomalous abilities. SCP-6604-2 — A Colt.45 Model 1911 semi-automatic pistol with unusual engravings and cache wood handle plates. SCP-6604-3 — An unusual cigar humidor engraved with unintelligible text thought to be written in Latin and containing 19 regular Havana-imported Hav-A-Tampa cigars labeled "1" through "19." None of the cigars, nor the humidor, have been tested. There are no known anomalous abilities in the cigars or the container humidor. SCP-6604-4 — An externally regular onyx-colored overcoat set with a diamond-platinum stickpin in the shape of an unidentified four-legged animal. This overcoat has no outright anomalous effects, but it is assumed to keep the wearer perfectly thermally insulated. SCP-6604-5 — 44 (recovered/known) gold-rimmed crystal drinking glasses, numbered "1" through "44," with overlay white flora designs. Brief testing revealed that these drinking glasses cannot shatter. SCP-6604. When instances SCP-6604-1, -4, and any other instances are placed within a 13-meter radius with no physical barricades on their horizontal plane, the objects become post-positively buoyant levitate. Over the course of four seconds, the objects will align to create the appearance of a transparent, mildly overweight adult male standing 1.8 meters tall. The elapse of this process is known as Ekurcho Rho. SCP-6604 is the name given to the sentient coalition of SCP-6604 instances. This group of instances is capable of human speech, which is delivered in a proper-English, Broolynese accent. Although preliminary testing indicates that the figure presented is not tangible, the tethered SCP-6604 instances appear to act in unison. History: From 1920 to 1933, Alphonse (Al) Capone's Chicago Outfit provided a predetermined, though unknown, amount of alcoholic substances such as beer and wine to staff and management at local SCP Foundation facilities in exchange for legal assurance and partial legal immunity. During this time, the Chicago Outfit aided the Foundation's growing efforts by reporting anomalies discovered by the criminal organization to Foundation staff. Though unconfirmed, it is speculated that during this time, Capone would keep anomalous objects discovered for himself before turning them in to Foundation hands due to the effects instilled within the SCP-6604 instances. As confirmed by recorded confession, Capone would acquire and preserve undesignated anomalies for himself during his partnership with the SCP Foundation. The anomalies used to improve Capone's items, which are now SCP-6604 instances, are unknown. Allegations of anomaly smuggling were leveled against the Chicago Outfit in 1930-1931. During this time, relations between the parties deteriorated exponentially, with increased hostility occurring during alcohol transactions. During a transaction delivery (ID:445f) in December 1931, Capone ordered a metal bat from an accompanying accomplice and proceeded to strike Proceedings Manager Karl Philipson. The strike made direct contact with the temple, resulting in an immediate hemorrhage stroke. Capone allegedly continued to beat the individual until he died from cardiac arrest. As a result of this occurrence, the Foundation revoked its legal guarantee to the Chicago outfits. Although unconfirmed, it is suggested that agents working for the SCP Foundation notified the Internal Revenue Service of Capone's unknown tax evasion practices. Regardless, Capone was arrested in May 1932 for 22 counts of tax evasion. Capone died on Palm Island in early 1947, eight years after his 11-year incarceration, of unknown* causes. "Fine Della Strada," a plan to assassinate Capone with ricin-implanted cigars, was launched as a result of Capone being suspected of leaking Foundation information to outsiders. Following Capone's assassination, the Foundation Concealment Department falsified medical records and testimonies to suggest a history of untreated syphilis. Incident Preliminary: (08/19/85) Interview between Researcher Ricky Burkswood and SCP-6604. Recovered from damaged audio archive, Ocula-46. + View - Hide 1/1 8:33 AM Dr. Ricky Burkswood enters the room where SCP-6604 is already seated, having finished a previous interview. Burkswood sits parallel to the subject. Burkswood: "Hey there." SCP-6604: "Hey." Burkswood reaches out his hand. Burkswood: "How does this work? Can people not touch you and you can touch them or what?" SCP-6604: "Your tie is- well- tied wrong.." Burkswood: "Oh, oh my god, it is. That's embarrassing." Burkswood adjusts his tie, reaching his hand back out. SCP-6604's arm lifts and appears to shake Burkswood's hand. Burkswood: "That feels so odd. It's like- like when you touch a part of your body that's numb and your numb part can't feel anything but your finger can feel it. You know that feeling?" SCP-6604: "Uhm. No. Is there a reason I was assembled?" Burkswood: "Of course. I have them right-" Burkswood reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded paper. Burkswood: "-here. Firstly, we- I- we are interested in understanding how y'know- you got your abilities." SCP-6604: "Gonna have to be more specific than that, compagno. As far as I'm concerned, I should be dead." Burkswood: "According to your records, your family reported your anomalous properties in the 60s. However, we're sure you attained these abilities prior to your death. Maybe you even- uh- smuggled anomalies and tested them out yourself." SCP-6604 laughs briefly. SCP-6604: "What? Like some mom-and-pop Foundation? Give me a break." Burkswood: "Well these accusations have stood against you since before your death." SCP-6604: "You accusing me of breaking my alliance with the Foundation, tough guy?" Burkswood: "What! No, sir- I mean- SCP-6604- we just don't have an answer as to your anomalous properties and considering you had connections with the Foundation and y'know sketchy practices- it was just accused and nobody disproved it." SCP-6604: "What do you mean sketchy practices, ay? I done nothin'!" Burkswood: "I'm just saying you had- uh- were pretty notorious for being kinda untrustworthy with the Valentine's Day Massacre and your battings and-" SCP-6604: "Ay! Where's your evidence, Wayne Wheeler? I never did none of that stuff. My only crime was being too good at my job. And that's providing the US citizens a valuable commodity." Burkswood: "Sure, of course." SCP-6604: "This isn't going anywhere." Burkswood: "I'm sorry, sir- I mean- uh- yeah-" SCP-6604: "You know what, I'll cut you off right there. This rooms taping system is down so you can stop playing dress-up." Burkswood: "Ah." SCP-6604: "Now listen, if I could figure you're working for the Insurgency, chances are anyone could." Burkswood rises from his chair defensively. SCP-6604: "I haven't even let you in on it, yet. Sit down, speedy." Burkswood sits back down. SCP-6604: "I'll clue you in. But you can't tell a person. I don't care if you 'don't do spy shit anymore.'" Burkswood: "And what will you do about it?" SCP-6604: "You know what I'm capable of. Listen here: tomorrow during my commons period you're going to be there, m'kay?" Burkswood: "Why me?" SCP-6604: "Tomorrow, when you're there, and you will be, you will get me my pistol. It's stored at this site and only requires Level-3 clearance to access." Burkswood: "Of which I possess." SCP-6604: "You will be there with my pistol." Burkswood: "I thought the plan was not to kill anyone." SCP-6604: "You're going to walk over to my table in the commons, place the pistol in my pocket, and leave. Then what you will do is head over to the Euclid containment zone and breach an entity in there." Burkswood: "Hey! I thought the plan was not to kill anyone." SCP-6604: "Don't interrupt me, I won't use the pistol if I don't need to. Anyways, you will have a 15 minute period. The cameras will be down. This will distract the site's security and I will escape. The Euclid containment zone is on the opposite size of the facility as the Entrance zone. It is an easy dodge." Burkswood: "You won't even be able to leave the site! You don't have a bloody keycard!" SCP-6604: "Bold of you to assume. Don't let down." At this moment, Burkswood is reprehensible. Burkswood: "What is the motive here?" SCP-6604: "A little birdy told me the real reason I died. I was murdered by the SCP Foundation. And get this: over an accusation that I was spilling information. Can you blame me for wanting out? They build me up like a toy and deconstruct me day to day whenever they deem it necessary and you're asking what my motive is?" Burkswood: "Well now-" SCP-6604: "Minimal casualties. Nobody will know. Now what you're going to do is walk over to the voice box, unmute it, and say this interview has concluded. Capeesh?" Burkswood: "And what will you do if I don't comply?" SCP-6604: "Well then you'll be killed. If I'm lucky, I'll even do it myself." Burkswood rises once more and walks over to the voice box, muttering into it. Burkswood exits the room as guards enter to deconstruct SCP-6604. 8:40 AM Incident 6604-Septimum: (08/20/85) SCP-6604 Class-Cossier containment breach event log. Compiled curtesy of the Department of Interrogation. + View - Hide 1/2 11:31 AM SCP-6604 sits perched in the Site-17 commons area for a consecutive 20 minutes when Dr. Ricky Burkswood appears. Burkswood: "Hello, SCP-6604." SCP-6604: "To what do I owe the pleasure." Burkswood: "I thought I'd get you lunch." SCP-6604: "Hm, thanks.." Burkswood leans in, whispering in his ear. Burkswood: "I couldn't just slip a gun into your pocket. The pistol is in the plastic milk jug." SCP-6604: "Well then." Burkswood: "Good day to you, SCP-6604. I shall be off now." SCP-6604: "Damn well you should." Burkswood departs and SCP-6604 remains seated for some time. SCP-6604: "What the fuck is he up to?" Another moment passes before the breach alarms are announced. Then, SCP-6604 rips ajar the plastic milk jug, gripping SCP-6604-2 within. Fiddling with the pistol as personnel retreat the commons, the subject conceals the pistol and advances out of the left wing of the commons. SCP-6604: "A good man." SCP-6604 struts down the halls before exiting camera view. 11:59 AM 2/2 11:46 AM Camera EuCZ-12 Ershella Footage — CCTV (11:46 AM) — Motion Detected 1 humanoid individual Black, white, green palette 22 seconds on camera (11:48 AM) — Motion Detected Object unidentified (too small for recognition) Yellow/grey 0.031 seconds on camera (11:48 AM) — Motion Detected Object unidentified (too small for recognition) Yellow/grey 0.037 seconds on camera (11:47 AM) — Disruption Detected Unknown disruption Camera deactivated Disruption elapsed 15:00 minutes (12:02 PM) — Motion Detected 2 humanoid individuals Palette unidentified 47 seconds on camera (12:03 PM) — Motion Detected 1 humanoid individual 12 object unidentified (Too small for recognition) Palette unidentified 30 seconds on camera (12:05 AM) — Disruption Detected Physical disruption Camera damaged Disruption elapsed — 12:05 PM Incident Subsequent: (08/24/85) Interrogation between Interrogator Mason Ausher and Researcher Ricky Burkswood. Recorded for the Factotum Assembly. + View - Hide 1/2 7:01 PM Dr. Ricky Burkswood is brought into the interrogation room, accompanied by two guards, where Mr. Mason Ausher is already seated, files splayed across the table. Ausher: "Please. Take a seat." Burkswood: "Beginning of the end so soon, huh." Ausher: "Give me a break. I have some quick questions about the recent breach. I understand you're in mourning but we truly do need your insight. And again, I'm sorry for your loss. He was quite the staff member." Burkswood: "Truly." Ausher: "The first order of business, to be blunt, is noting your location at the time of the breach." Burkswood: "Why is my input relevant?" Ausher: "Please comply and this will be better for the both of us." Burkswood: "Alright. Location… uh… site lavatory, the communal one." Ausher: "Why?" Burkswood: "Is there a problem with me taking a shit at work?" Ausher: "Not at all. We just find your claim problematic considering testimonies confirming your leave from the commons prior to the breach." Burkswood: "The lavatory is near the commons." Ausher: "The Euclid Containment Zone isn't." Burkswood raises his head to face Ausher, previously appearing uninterested. Burkswood: "And?" Ausher: "And- is this not you?" Ausher pulls a photograph out of his folder, depicting Burkswood on CCTV footage. Ausher: "Good ol' reliable Ershella. This is you in the Euclid Containment Zone just minutes before the breach, as you can guess, in the Euclid Containment Zone. So, is there an explanation?" Burkswood: "I was running a power check at this time. Unfortunate for the circumstances, the power broker is in that specific containment zone." Ausher: "Interesting." Burkswood: "Now, can I go?" Ausher: "Not just yet. I'd like to tell you a tale. Purely fictional." Burkswood: "A tale? Is this necessary?" Ausher: "There is this wolf who is wearing the costume of a sheep. He hides amongst all the sheep but one day, he lunges at another sheep and sinks his teeth into it, killing it. Now all the other sheep are horrified, nobody saw the act. However, one man did: a friend of the wolf. That friend, through some light encouragement, spilled. Then, that wolf was found and tried and executed. The end." Burkswood: "I don't get it. Truly." Ausher: "Your friend, Dr. Olein, told us everything." Burkswood: "I guess there's no playing coy, huh." Ausher grabs a blank slate of paper from his folder, handing it to Burkswood. Ausher: "I expect a complete confession within 30 minutes, both concerning your conspiracy with the escaped anomaly and the rigged breach. Nobody will give a shit when you're executed, but we need a log." Ausher rises from his seat and exits the room. Connor: "Now what do to about Olein?" Ausher: "Have him killed quietly. His involvement is questionable at the least and and absolute at most." 7:11 PM 2/2 12:13 PM Public Announcement Recent events at Site-17 resulted in a staged Euclid-class breach, which resulted in 12 - 14 casualties and two breached anomalies, one of which is still missing from containment both of which were successfully contained and autopsies were performed. Instead, perpetrator Ricky Burkswood was convicted and executed for his atrocity. An investigation into the motivation for this event is still ongoing. 12:14 PM ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6604" by DrApricus, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. Filename: al-capone.jpg Author: u/zuzahin License: CC-BY-SSA-2.0 Source Link: Wikimedia Commons Edits by myself. |
SCP-6605 | esoteric-class | Item #: SCP-6605 Special Containment Procedures: On January 16th, 1985, SCP-6605 was reported missing (see Addendum 6605-1). If located, SCP-6605 is to be returned to Site-19's cold storage facility. Following Incident 6605-2 (see Addendum 6605-2), D-86753 is to be monitored by increased security detail until cleared and released into the public per standard D-Class amnestic release protocol. Description: SCP-6605 was the severed left foot of D-86753, which had been removed from the lower leg during an altercation at Stateville Correctional Facility in Crest Hill, Illinois. Despite being disconnected from any other sections of a human body, SCP-6605 is still capable of locomotion. Autopsy of SCP-6605 shows that the vessels and arteries of SCP-6605 continue to pump blood throughout SCP-6605 despite not being connected to a heart or any secondary method of blood production. SCP-6605 was first discovered while D-86753 was still a resident of Stateville Correctional Facility, after they engaged another resident in an argument which escalated to hand-to-hand combat. During the altercation, D-86753 produced a switchblade which was immediately taken by their opponent and used to cut into their left achilles tendon. After D-86753 collapsed, their opponent used the blade to cut through the cartilage connecting the tibia and fibula to the talus.1 D-86753 was taken to the facility's infirmary where they recovered and received a prosthetic foot. SCP-6605 was brought to the Foundation's attention after SCP-6605 jumped from its temporary cold storage container and continued in the direction of the infirmary's exit despite the achilles tendon presumably still having been severed. D-86753 was admitted as a member of D-Class personnel in order to test for correlating anomalous phenomena. Addendum 6605-1: Incidents ► Incident 6605-1 ▼ Close Logs General Incident Report: 1/16/1985 Involved Items/Persons: SCP-6605, D-86753 Incident Description: At 1235 hours, during the daily scheduled D-Class courtyard period, D-86753 shattered a window in Site-19's cold storage facility and was apprehended in the facility.2 On inspection, SCP-6605 was found missing. D-86753 no longer wore a prosthetic but rather possessed a fully-functional left foot. D-86753 was interviewed, but showed no knowledge of how they arrived in the facility, nor the whereabouts of SCP-6605 or how they regained their foot. D-86753 was returned to their cell afterwards. ► Incident 6605-2 ▼ Close Logs General Incident Report: 1/16/1985 Involved Items/Persons: D-86753, D-86753 Incident Description: At 1247 hours, D-86753 was heard screaming from their cell. After inspection, D-86753 was found laying in their cell next to their own corpse. The corpse was identical to D-86753 except that its left foot had been severed and replaced with a prosthetic, and its neck had been slit open by a sharp object. D-86753 was found holding a shard of broken glass which had been covered in blood, presumably used to cut into the corpse's throat. D-86753's right arm was found to have been severed at the elbow. D-86753 was taken to the facility's infirmary, and the severed arm was taken to Site-19's cold storage facility. Footnotes 1. During the shock, D-86753 took the blade from their opponent and slit the opponent's throat. 2. This occurred despite security footage showing D-86753 reading in the courtyard at the time. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6605" by cwazzycwafter, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
SCP-6606 | esoteric-class | NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM BUREAU OF INFORMATION HANDLING The following file and all included documents, supplementary or otherwise, have been classified for the following reasons: Includes information regarding the harvest and expiration of the planet "Kepler-22b" Includes vital information regarding the in-progress harvest of the planet "Terra" Includes vital information regarding the nature of and/or operations of Spectrum Viewing permissions of this article are given exclusively to the Documentation Filing employees, as well as the Documentation Review employees, of the following departments, offices, committees, and bureaus, with special exceptions made for reevaluation-based departments, offices, committees, and bureaus: (in alphabetical order) Departments: Spectrum Department of Citizen Health Management (SDCHM) Spectrum Department of Documentation Copy Distribution (SDDCD) Spectrum Department of Past-Society Access Key Distribution (SDPSAKD) Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeal Request Issuation (SDVDARI) Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals (SDVDA) Offices: Spectrum Office of Benevolence (SOB) Spectrum Office of Consumption Intake Assessment Filing (SOCIAF) Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology (SODSM) Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination (SOIDPD) Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Accepted Reevaluees (SOICRAR) Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Rejected Reevaluees (SOICRRR) Spectrum Office of Unutilized Documentation Filing (SOUDF) Committees: Spectrum Citizen Punishment committee (SCP) Spectrum Voided Documentation Appeals Consideration committee (SVDAC) Bureaus: Spectrum Bureau of Information Handling (SBIH) Spectrum Bureau of Malevolence (SBM) ALL CITIZENS (REGISTERED OR OTHERWISE) AND EMPLOYEES WHO DO NOT HAVE EXPLICIT PERMISSION TO VIEW THIS FILE AND THE INCLUDED DOCUMENTS WILL BE SUBMITTED FOR REEVALUATION WITH A DECREASED CHANCE OF ACCEPTANCE. -Spectrum Bureau of Information Handling Spectrum: Your Knowledge is Everyone's Power! NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM BUREAU OF INFORMATION MISHANDLING The following file and all included documents, supplementary or otherwise, have been refiled due to their inclusion in Documentation Mishandling Case #019, in which multiple documents were lost in transit to/with the Spectrum Citizen Punishment committee. The related investigation is currently underway. It has been determined that Documentation Mishandling Case #019 was not human error. As such, the following procedures are being taken into consideration: (in order by feasibility) Reevaluation or Termination of all members of Pre-Spectrum Organization #286 ("S.C.P. Foundation") Forced renaming of Pre-Spectrum Organization #286 ("S.C.P. Foundation") in all manners Renaming, reclassifying, and refiling all documents related to the Spectrum Citizen Punishment committee ALL CITIZENS (REGISTERED OR OTHERWISE) AND EMPLOYEES WHO DO NOT HAVE EXPLICIT PERMISSION TO VIEW THIS FILE AND THE INCLUDED DOCUMENTS WILL BE SUBMITTED FOR REEVALUATION WITH A DECREASED CHANCE OF ACCEPTANCE. -Spectrum Bureau of Information Mishandling Spectrum: Your Secrets Are Safe With Us! C-M38735 "SCP Article" Voided Document 1 C-M38735 "SCP Article" Voided Document 2 C-M38735 "SCP Article" Voided Document 3 C-M38735 "SCP Article" Voided Document 4 Miscellaneous "SCP Article" #138 BEGINNING OF DOCUMENTATION Item #: Citizen M38735 - Michael (Mike) Peterson Special Containment Procedures: Spectrum Authorized Citizen M38735 is the fully-licensed owner of Home-08 Block-49289, United States of America. It is a Class-7 housing facility. He resides there with three other residents, Citizen F5993245 (Lucille (Lucy) Peterson, Spouse), Citizen F8857861 (Marie Peterson, child), and Citizen F10473960 (Clementine Peterson, child). Description: Spectrum Authorized Citizen M38735 is an Adult Male, 34 orbits (5,698.7 standardized time units) of age. M38735 has the following features: Brown Hair (Length approx. 5in), Green Eyes. M38735 is approx. 5'11" in height, 1.4' total length (3.6 with arms extended), and weighs approx. 130 lbs. M38735 is an Escapee, but was previously employed at the Spectrum Office of Consumption Intake Assessment Filing as a Quality Control and Assessment agent. M38735 possesses the following licenses: License to Live License to Breathe License to operate sensory receptors License to Think License to Experience Simple Emotion License to Experience Complex Emotion License to Serve License to Speak License to own basic property License to own a housing unit License to Marry License to Reproduce License to Earn Credits License to Parenthood M38735 has filed for the following licenses, which are pending: License to Die. M38735 has filed for the following licenses, which are denied: License to Asphyxiate License to Escape Exemption License for Spectrum Information Acquisition and Regulation. Addendum M38735-1: Not Applicable NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF DOCUMENTATION STUDY AND METHODOLOGY Spectrum Says: Hello, M38735! It appears you have located a documentation method that is not currently utilized by Spectrum. Spectrum currently has 137 instances of this documentation format (excl. outliers). After review of this documentation, the Spectrum Office of Unutilized Documentation Filing, in conjunction with the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, has found you guilty of the following discrepancies as they pertain to your completion of a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document type: "Item #" category improperly filled (requires the letters "SCP-" followed by an unused four-digit code.) "Object Class" category improperly filled (requires the use of the terms "Safe," "Euclid," "Keter," etc.) "Special Containment Procedures" category improperly filled (requires a description of a method of containing an entity considered by humans to be abnormal or "anomalous.") "Description" category improperly filled (requires a description of an entity considered to be abnormal or "anomalous.") "Addendum" category improperly filled (requires an attachment or attachments of other related documents.) Documentation submitted from an unauthorized or unknown location. Due to the underdeveloped understanding of Miscellaneous "SCP Article" documents, the Spectrum Department of Documentation Study and Methodology has allotted you four (4) appeal attempt issuations, including the appeal attempt form found below. Please complete and submit this form as soon as is conceivably possible. -Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology (in conjunction with the Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeal Request Issuation.) Spectrum: Be Regal, Stay Legal! SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400265 ID: M38735 Voided Document Type: Miscellaneous "SCP Article" Reason for Improper Documentation Completion Select any of the following that are applicable: ( ) I did not intend to complete this document properly. (✓) I did not fully understand the purpose of this document. ( ) I experienced a health issue which prevented me from completing this document properly.* (✓) I did not fully understand what was asked of me for one or more categories. ( ) I did not fully understand the words written on the document, although they are in my native language. ( ) I did not fully understand the words written on the document as they are written in a language that I do not know well enough. ( ) I ran out of writing materials to properly complete the document with. ( ) I submitted the document too early. ( ) Other**: Place document in nearest documentation acquisition receptacle and a Spectrum Documentation Retrieval process will initiate. *this may require the completion of a supplementary Spectrum Hospitalization Documentation Pamphlet. **you may attach an extra sheet of paper to continue writing, if necessary. NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM DEPARTMENT OF VOIDED DOCUMENTATION APPEALS Spectrum says: Hi! My name is E-F40482, your Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals Associate. It's a pleasure to meet you! Recently, you submitted SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400265, in order to appeal the following discrepancies, as they relate to your completion of a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document: "Item #" category improperly filled (requires the letters "SCP-" followed by an unused four-number code.) "Object Class" category improperly filled (requires the use of the terms "Safe," "Euclid," "Keter," etc.) "Special Containment Procedures" category improperly filled (requires a description of a method of containing an abnormal or "anomalous" entity.) "Description" category improperly filled (requires a description of an abnormal or "anomalous" entity.) "Addendum" category improperly filled (requires an attachment or attachments of other related documents.) Documentation submitted from an unauthorized or unknown location. On your SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400265, you indicated that these discrepancies occurred because: I did not fully understand the purpose of this document. I did not fully understand what was asked of me for one or more categories. After careful review by the Spectrum Voided Documentation Appeals Consideration Committee, your appeal has been ACCEPTED. Additionally, the Spectrum Office of Benevolence, in conjunction with the Spectrum Department of Documentation Copy Distribution as well as the Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology, has seen fit to provide you with one (1) copy of an accepted Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document to be used as an example. The Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology will be expecting a recompleted Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document to have been submitted within the next seven (7) days. Yours truly, E-F40482 Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals Spectrum: Because Everyone is Different! Item #: SCP-6606 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6606 cannot be contained. Description: SCP-6606 refers to the worldwide governing body known as "Spectrum," an agency whose leading figures and goals are unknown. While not necessarily the case, it is widely believed that Spectrum is the cause of a worldwide anomalous effect which forces all human individuals to complete any documentation when said documentation is detected by their main senses. When a stack of the same documentation type is detected, only one must be completed. When a document is complete, the affected human will return the document to a "documentation acquisition receptacle." This is most-often defined as the area that the documentation was acquired from, although items such as mailboxes, mail deposit slots, bank capsule chutes, etc. have been known to satisfy this as well. Once a completed document is placed in a "documentation acquisition receptacle," the document disappears. Where the document goes, if anywhere, is currently unknown. Spectrum has been known to implement global laws, the results of which require most, if not all citizens, to complete large amounts of documents. This is often to allow the citizen to acquire a certain kind of license, complete a certain census, apply for services of any sort, etc. Addendum 6606-1: Notice on Front Door of Abandoned Facility To whoever finds this note, I'm sorry. We've failed you. We tried to fight them as best as we could, but like they did to everyone else, they systematically tore us apart. Anything we tried to do, they had some sort of solution for. The last solution we have is to evacuate. We have managed to prevent a great number of things from taking humanity apart, but somehow, they managed to slip between our fingers and bite us. We have gathered a group comprised of people that we believe will allow us to start over elsewhere, wherever "else" may be. We don't know where we're going, only that, like cowards, we are going there. -Dr. Patra, and what remains of Site-19. Addendum 6606-2: Miscellaneous, Potentially-Related Documentation Lunar Site-32 Observatory Report: June 23rd, 2023. At 02:34 GMT, the Foundation Deep Space Telescope "Osiris" transmitted an image of the extrasolar planet "Kepler-22b" (KOI-087.01) as part of a routine bimonthly image capturing of terra analogues. As opposed to the planet's usual blue coloration due to it being an "ocean planet", the planet possessed a green coloration with a large purple spot. Further image analysis showed the planet to be covered in the bodies of humanoid aquatic extraterrestrials, floating motionless on the planet's surface. A spacecraft can be seen rising from the mass of bodies, believed to be an escape vessel. The cause of this mass extinction event is unknown. Electronic Message Printout: September 07th, 2024. To: Site-17 Director █████, O5-Command From: Site-19 Director ██████ Body: We've not made a mistake. You need to remain immediately. Check your watch. The launch did go as planned, our coordinates were not changed and we are aiming at Spectrum. Electronic Message Printout: September 07th, 2024. To: Site-19 Director ██████, O5-Command From: Site-17 Director █████ Body: You're fucking right, this was not a fucking mistake. We're evacuating. I don't know who you are, but I know for god damn sure that we would not destroy ourselves. You don't know what kind of ungodly terrors you've unleashed. We're all doomed. Fuck you and your entire godforsaken species. NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF DOCUMENTATION STUDY AND METHODOLOGY Spectrum Says: Hello, M38735! It appears you have attempted to resubmit a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document. Spectrum currently has 137 instances of this documentation format (excl. outliers). After review of this documentation, the Spectrum Office of Unutilized Documentation Filing, in conjunction with the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, has found you guilty of the following discrepancies as they pertain to your completion of a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document type: "Object Class" category filled incorrectly (Entity is not considered a "Euclid" class "anomaly.") "Special Containment Procedures" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Description" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Addendum" category lacks documentation (Requires more documentation to provide more context and/or information.) Documentation submitted from an unauthorized or unknown location. Documentation includes expletives. Due to the underdeveloped understanding of Miscellaneous "SCP Article" documents, the Spectrum Department of Documentation Study and Methodology has allotted you four (4) appeal attempt issuations. As you have already used one (1) appeal attempt, you now have three (3) appeal attempts remaining. Please complete and submit this appeal attempt form as soon as is conceivably possible. -Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology (in conjunction with the Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeal Request Issuation.) Spectrum: Be Regal, Stay Legal! SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400271 ID: M38735 Voided Document Type: Miscellaneous "SCP Article" Reason for Improper Documentation Completion Select any of the following that are applicable: ( ) I did not intend to complete this document properly. (✓) I did not fully understand the purpose of this document. ( ) I experienced a health issue which prevented me from completing this document properly.* ( ) I did not fully understand what was asked of me for one or more categories. (✓) I did not fully understand the words written on the document, although they are in my native language. ( ) I did not fully understand the words written on the document as they are written in a language that I do not know well enough. ( ) I ran out of writing materials to properly complete the document with. ( ) I submitted the document too early. (✓) Other**:I could not locate enough related supplementary documentation. Place document in nearest documentation acquisition receptacle and a Spectrum Documentation Retrieval process will initiate. *this may require the completion of a supplementary Spectrum Hospitalization Documentation Pamphlet. **you may attach an extra sheet of paper to continue writing, if necessary. Supplementary Document for Spectrum Improper Documentation Appeal Form #8772400271 Other: I do not know where I am. NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM DEPARTMENT OF VOIDED DOCUMENTATION APPEALS Spectrum says: Hi! My name is E-F40482, your Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals Associate. It's a pleasure to write to you again! Recently, you submitted SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400271, in order to appeal the following discrepancies, as they relate to your completion of a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document: "Object Class" category filled incorrectly (Entity is not considered a "Euclid" class "anomaly.") "Special Containment Procedures" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Description" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Addendum" category lacks documentation (Requires more documentation to provide more context and/or information.) Documentation submitted from an unauthorized or unknown location. Documentation includes expletives. On your SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400265, you indicated that these discrepancies occurred because: I did not fully understand the purpose of this document. I did not fully understand the words written on the document, although they are in my native language. "I could not locate enough related supplementary documentation." "I do not know where I am." After careful review by the Spectrum Voided Documentation Appeals Consideration Committee, your appeal has been ACCEPTED. Additionally, the Spectrum Office of Benevolence, in conjunction with the Spectrum Department of Past-Society Access Key Distribution, the Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology, as well as the Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information has seen fit to provide you with: One (1) "Level 4" keycard for an "SCP Site" Past-Society facility to be used in the acquisition of supplementary documentation. One (1) United States Global Positioning Tracker to determine your exact current location. The Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology will be expecting a recompleted Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document to have been submitted within the next seven (7) days. Additionally, the Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information will be expecting a completed Current Location Form to have been submitted within the next seven (7) days. Yours truly, E-F40482 Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals Spectrum: Because Everyone is Different! Item #: SCP-6606 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6606 cannot be contained. Thusly, Foundation efforts should be focused on neutralization. At the time of writing, all attempts to neutralize SCP-6606 have failed. Description: SCP-6606 refers to a large spacefaring vessel. The vessel is believed to be roughly 1/16th the size of the Earth, and remains in place roughly 175,000km above ocean level, within the planet's exosphere. SCP-6606 is theorized to be the cause of a worldwide anomaly which affects all recorded documentation, as this anomaly only began following its arrival to earth's atmosphere. SCP-6606 is capable of changing any form of recorded information in any manner. SCP-6606 is capable of editing written documents, audio and video recordings, electronic text and messages, radio waves and frequencies, artistic depictions, photographs (both physical and digital), animated images, etc. Regardless of the quality of the editing, any human that perceives the edited information will treat it as though it were the original copy, and that the information, no matter how incorrect, illogical, or nonsensical it may be, is both factual, regular, and normal. The editing of recorded information is done instantaneously and can occur at any moment. It is believed that SCP-6606 is capable of perceiving any and all records and the information contained within at all times. SCP-6606 has used these abilities to manipulate vital, sometimes confidential and/or classified information from the ranks of all major world governments and organizations, including the SCP Foundation. This has lead to the collapse of most, if not all major governments, allowing itself to take their place and establish authority over humanity. The entities that reside within SCP-6606, if any, are believed to be the cause of a worldwide psychological anomaly. Humans affected by said anomaly will experience an intense psychological effect which causes them to feel the urge to complete any unfinished documents which have yet to be completed when they become aware of said documents. When a stack of the same documentation type is detected by an infected individual, only one must be completed. Additionally, individuals will only experience this effect when the documentation appears to be directly intended for them to complete, or when the documentation does not appear to be directed at anyone in particular. When a document is complete, the affected human will return the document to a "documentation acquisition receptacle." This is most-often defined as the area that the documentation was acquired from, although items such as mailboxes, mail deposit slots, bank capsule chutes, etc. have been known to satisfy this as well. Once a completed document is placed in a "documentation acquisition receptacle," the document disappears. Where the document goes, if anywhere, is currently unknown. SCP-6606's reason for causing this anomaly and method by which it is caused is unknown. Addendum 6606-1: Notice on Front Door of Abandoned Facility To whoever finds this note, I'm sorry. We've failed you. We tried to fight them as best as we could, but like they did to everyone else, they systematically tore us apart. Anything we tried to do, they had some sort of solution for. The last solution we have is to evacuate. We have managed to prevent a great number of things from taking humanity apart, but somehow, they managed to slip between our fingers and bite us. We have gathered a group comprised of people that we believe will allow us to start over elsewhere, wherever "else" may be. We don't know where we're going, only that, like cowards, we are going there. -Dr. Patra, and what remains of Site-19. Addendum 6606-2: 6/23/2023 Lunar Site-32 Observatory Report: June 23rd, 2023. At 02:34 GMT, the Foundation Deep Space Telescope "Osiris" transmitted an image of the extrasolar planet "Kepler-22b" (KOI-087.01) as part of a routine bimonthly image capturing of terra analogues. As opposed to the planet's usual blue coloration due to it being an "ocean planet", the planet possessed a green coloration with a large purple spot. Further image analysis showed the planet to be covered in the bodies of humanoid aquatic extraterrestrials, floating motionless on the planet's surface. A spacecraft can be seen rising from the mass of bodies, believed to be an escape vessel. The cause of this mass extinction event is unknown. Lunar Site-32 Observatory Report: June 24th, 2023. At 16:11 GMT, researchers at the Site-32 Observatory noted that a large spacecraft of purple coloration entered direct observation range. Assuming the vessel is completely solid, it is estimated to be ~62,004,931,000km^3, roughly 1/16 the size of the planet Earth. At 23:42, the vessel came to rest in Earth's exosphere, ~175,000km above sea level. Due to the size of the vessel and the proximity of the vessel to the planet, it is believed to be visible from all locations on earth. Therefor, Site-32 recommends an operation normalizing government communication with extraterrestrials to ensure peace, or neutralizing the vessel ASAP. Addendum 6606-3: 7/16/2023 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: July 16th, 2023 Attempts to establish radio communications with the vessel have officially failed. We have exhausted all possible radio/satellite communication methods. We will continue attempting various methods of communication. We are taking a break day tomorrow and then we will attempt to communicate via visual methods. -Lunar Site-32 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: September 24th, 2023 Attempts to gain any attention from the vessel have failed. We have attempted to gain the vessel's interest via light redirection, audio disruptions, electromagnetic pulses, and various images, documents, and videos broadcasted onto the side of the vessel. We are suggesting the use of anomalous methods of gaining the attention of the vessel in order to establish communication. Additionally, it has been suggested by some staff members that there may not be any sentient lifeforms aboard the vessel, or that the vessel may not be hollow to begin with. We will await O5 approval for the use of anomalous communication methods. -Lunar Site-32 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: May 2nd, 2024 Attempts to communicate with SCP-6606 through anomalous methods have officially failed. The use of safe and "thaumiel" class anomalies to communicate with SCP-6606 have all failed, and attempts to communicate with SCP-6606 via thaumaturgy and other magic-based methods have all failed. We recommend declaring communications with SCP-6606 to be a lost cause. As SCP-6606 has made no alterations to its state of being since its arrival, many on-site staff members believe SCP-6606 to be empty and/or pilotless. In the interest of precaution, we continue to recommend neutralizing SCP-6606 ASAP. -Lunar Site-32 Addendum 6606-4: 9/7/2024 LAUNCH COMMANDS: Project Welcome Carpet PAYLOAD 1: (16:00:00) 38.9° N, 77.0° W Geographic Coordinate System (United States Capital Building) PAYLOAD 2: (16:15:00) 40.7° N, 74.0° W Geographic Coordinate System (United Nations Headquarters) PAYLOAD 3: (16:30:00) 39.0° N, 118.2° W Geographic Coordinate System (Site-17) PAYLOAD 4: (16:45:00) Current Location (Site-19) Project Welcome Carpet Report Payload 1 successful Payload 2 successful Payload 3 successful Error, Payload 4 does not exist. Project Report Notes: Oh █No█. Electronic Message Printout: September 07th, 2024. To: Site-17 Director █████, O5-Command From: Site-19 Director ██████ Body: We've not made a mistake. You need to remain immediately. Check your watch. The launch did go as planned, our coordinates were not changed and we are aiming at Spectrum. Electronic Message Printout: September 07th, 2024. To: Site-19 Director ██████, O5-Command From: Site-17 Director █████ Body: You're freaking right, this was not a freaking mistake. We're evacuating. I don't know who you are, but I know for gosh dang sure that we would not destroy ourselves. You don't know what kind of ungodly terrors you've unleashed. We're all doomed. ████████I hate your███████████████████ species. Additional Spectrum Attachments: SPECTRUM CURRENT LOCATION FORM Name: C-M38735 Continent: North America Country: The United States of America State/Providence: Arizona Geographic Coordinates: Building/Location Name (opt.): Additional Notes: Global Positioning Tracker failed to determine location. NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF DOCUMENTATION STUDY AND METHODOLOGY Spectrum Says: Hello, M38735! It appears you have attempted to resubmit a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document. Spectrum currently has 137 instances of this documentation format (excl. outliers). After review of this documentation, the Spectrum Office of Unutilized Documentation Filing, in conjunction with the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, has found you guilty of the following discrepancies as they pertain to your completion of a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document type: "Object Class" category filled incorrectly (Entity is not considered a "Keter" class "anomaly.") "Special Containment Procedures" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Description" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Addendum" category lacks documentation (Requires more documentation to provide more context and/or information.) Documentation submitted from an unauthorized or unknown location. Due to the underdeveloped understanding of Miscellaneous "SCP Article" documents, the Spectrum Department of Documentation Study and Methodology has allotted you four (4) appeal attempt issuations. As you have already used two (2) appeal attempts, you now have two (2) appeal attempts remaining. Please complete and submit this appeal attempt form as soon as is conceivably possible. -Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology (in conjunction with the Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeal Request Issuation.) Spectrum: Be Regal, Stay Legal! NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL LOCATION INFORMATION Spectrum Says: Howdy, M38735! It appears you have attempted to submit a Spectrum Current Location Form. After review of this documentation, the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination has found you guilty of the following discrepancies as they pertain to your completion of a Spectrum Current Location Form: "Geographic Coordinates" category incomplete. After manual review of your submitted document due to the included notations, the discrepancies still stand for the following reasons: Spectrum technology does not malfunction. The Spectrum Department of Benevolence has granted you one (1) pardon for this discrepancy. The Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information will be expecting a recompleted Spectrum Current Location Form to have been submitted within the next seven (7) days. In order to encourage proper and complete submissions, the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, in conjunction with the Spectrum Bureau of Malevolence, has submitted the following citizens to the Spectrum Citizen Punishment committee for reevaluation: C-F10473960 (Clementine Peterson, child) C-F8857861 (Marie Peterson, child) Please recomplete a Spectrum Current Location Form as soon as is conceivably possible. -Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information Spectrum: Where You're Always in the Right Place! SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400294 ID: M38735 Voided Document Type: Miscellaneous "SCP Article" Reason for Improper Documentation Completion Select any of the following that are applicable: ( ) I did not intend to complete this document properly. (✓) I did not fully understand the purpose of this document. ( ) I experienced a health issue which prevented me from completing this document properly.* ( ) I did not fully understand what was asked of me for one or more categories. (✓) I did not fully understand the words written on the document, although they are in my native language. ( ) I did not fully understand the words written on the document as they are written in a language that I do not know well enough. ( ) I ran out of writing materials to properly complete the document with. ( ) I submitted the document too early. (✓) Other**:I could not locate enough related supplementary documentation. Place document in nearest documentation acquisition receptacle and a Spectrum Documentation Retrieval process will initiate. *this may require the completion of a supplementary Spectrum Hospitalization Documentation Pamphlet. **you may attach an extra sheet of paper to continue writing, if necessary. NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM DEPARTMENT OF VOIDED DOCUMENTATION APPEALS Spectrum says: Hi! My name is E-F40482, your Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals Associate. It's always wonderful to hear from you! Recently, you submitted SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400271, in order to appeal the following discrepancies, as they relate to your completion of a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document: "Object Class" category filled incorrectly (Entity is not considered a "Keter" class "anomaly.") "Special Containment Procedures" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Description" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Addendum" category lacks documentation (Requires more documentation to provide more context and/or information.) Documentation submitted from an unauthorized or unknown location. On your SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400294, you indicated that these discrepancies occurred because: I did not fully understand the purpose of this document. I did not fully understand the words written on the document, although they are in my native language. "I could not locate enough related supplementary documentation." After careful review by the Spectrum Voided Documentation Appeals Consideration Committee, your appeal has been ACCEPTED. Additionally, the Spectrum Office of Benevolence, in conjunction with the Spectrum Department of Past-Society Access Key Distribution, the Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology, as well as the Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information has seen fit to provide you with: One (1) "Level 5" keycard for an "SCP Site" Past-Society facility to be used in the acquisition of supplementary documentation. One (1) Biocopy of an Oculus Dexter (Right Eye), previously belonging to Unauthorized Citizen 231 (Unknown "O5-8" Unknown) to be used in the acquisition of supplementary documentation. One (1) Biocopy of a Right Pollex (Right Thumb), previously belonging to Unauthorized Citizen 231 (Unknown "O5-8" Unknown) to be used in the acquisition of supplementary documentation. The Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology will be expecting a recompleted Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document to have been submitted within the next seven (7) days. In order to encourage proper and complete submissions, the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, in conjunction with the Spectrum Bureau of Malevolence, has submitted the following citizens to the Spectrum Citizen Punishment committee for reevaluation: C-F5993245 (Lucille (Lucy) Peterson, Spouse) Yours truly, E-F40482 Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals Spectrum: Because Everyone is Different! Item #: SCP-6606 Special Containment Procedures: I know somewhere in this process, a human is going to read this. You have to give it your stamp of approval, tack on some notes, ship it to the next department. I know there are real people who read this who maybe felt compassion once, and maybe still do, and if you do then please help me. Description: Please, don't take them. I'll do anything for you, anything at all, just let them live. I'll give you my entire life, I'll saw off my arms and legs, please. Take me instead, not them, just givethemback. God fucking damnit, I just wanted to see them again, just one more time, that's all I want. Keep me in a cage and make me do all the work you could ever dream of, I don't care, just put them back home, please. Please. please. please. Please, if you're real, if you're a person, if you have a FUCKING soul, please give them back. oh god, oh god, why, I'm sorry Lucy. Marie, Clementine, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. help me. Addendum 6606-1: Notice on Front Door of Abandoned Facility To whoever finds this note, I'm sorry. We've failed you. We tried to fight them as best as we could, but like they did to everyone else, they systematically tore us apart. Anything we tried to do, they had some sort of solution for. The last solution we have is to evacuate. We have managed to prevent a great number of things from taking humanity apart, but somehow, they managed to slip between our fingers and bite us. We have gathered a group comprised of people that we believe will allow us to start over elsewhere, wherever "else" may be. We don't know where we're going, only that, like cowards, we are going there. -Dr. Patra, and what remains of Site-19. Addendum 6606-2: 6/23/2023 Lunar Site-32 Observatory Report: June 23rd, 2023. At 02:34 GMT, the Foundation Deep Space Telescope "Osiris" transmitted an image of the extrasolar planet "Kepler-22b" (KOI-087.01) as part of a routine bimonthly image capturing of terra analogues. As opposed to the planet's usual blue coloration due to it being an "ocean planet", the planet possessed a green coloration with a large purple spot. Further image analysis showed the planet to be covered in the bodies of humanoid aquatic extraterrestrials, floating motionless on the planet's surface. A spacecraft can be seen rising from the mass of bodies, believed to be an escape vessel. The cause of this mass extinction event is unknown. Lunar Site-32 Observatory Report: June 24th, 2023. At 16:11 GMT, researchers at the Site-32 Observatory noted that a large spacecraft of purple coloration entered direct observation range. Assuming the vessel is completely solid, it is estimated to be ~62,004,931,000km^3, roughly 1/16 the size of the planet Earth. At 23:42, the vessel came to rest in Earth's exosphere, ~175,000km above sea level. Due to the size of the vessel and the proximity of the vessel to the planet, it is believed to be visible from all locations on earth. Therefor, Site-32 recommends an operation normalizing government communication with extraterrestrials to ensure peace, or neutralizing the vessel ASAP. Addendum 6606-3: 7/16/2023 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: July 16th, 2023 Attempts to establish radio communications with the vessel have officially failed. We have exhausted all possible radio/satellite communication methods. We will continue attempting various methods of communication. We are taking a break day tomorrow and then we will attempt to communicate via visual methods. -Lunar Site-32 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: September 24th, 2023 Attempts to gain any attention from the vessel have failed. We have attempted to gain the vessel's interest via light redirection, audio disruptions, electromagnetic pulses, and various images, documents, and videos broadcasted onto the side of the vessel. We are suggesting the use of anomalous methods of gaining the attention of the vessel in order to establish communication. Additionally, it has been suggested by some staff members that there may not be any sentient lifeforms aboard the vessel, or that the vessel may not be hollow to begin with. We will await O5 approval for the use of anomalous communication methods. -Lunar Site-32 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: May 2nd, 2024 Attempts to communicate with SCP-6606 through anomalous methods have officially failed. The use of safe and "thaumiel" class anomalies to communicate with SCP-6606 have all failed, and attempts to communicate with SCP-6606 via thaumaturgy and other magic-based methods have all failed. We recommend declaring communications with SCP-6606 to be a lost cause. As SCP-6606 has made no alterations to its state of being since its arrival, many on-site staff members believe SCP-6606 to be empty and/or pilotless. In the interest of precaution, we continue to recommend neutralizing SCP-XXXX ASAP. -Lunar Site-32 Addendum 6606-4: 5/21/2024 Area-12 Emergency Isolation Alert: May 5th, 2024 ALERT: ALL FACILITIES. ENGAGE FACILITY LOCKDOWNS. UNKNOWN AIRBORNE PATHOGEN DETECTED. SEAL OFF INFECTED AREAS AND ENGAGE OXYGEN RECYCLING SYSTEMS. Lunar Site-32 Emergency Message: May 5th, 2024 At 12:36pm GMT, SCP-6606 was observed creating small ripples in its outer "hull." Closer observation via high-power telescope shows that SCP-6606 may have produced something during this process. Keep your eyes peeled, home team. God knows what it just sent your way. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 6th, 2024 Our entire observation and containment wing has been contaminated. Most systems within are being operated by AI constructs or infected personnel. We've sealed off a small section of the building, mostly the break room and some offices, and flooded an office with contaminated air for closer study. Whatever this is has almost certainly infected most of the public. There's a lot of it and it seems to infect humans quite quickly. Restrict outside travel unless deemed necessary. Use O2 tanks from your facility's recycler along with a rebreather when moving outdoors. Personnel are dropping off the Health Signifier, life signs aren't being returned and neither are their locations. Stay safe, stay alert, stay secure. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 7th, 2024 A few microscopes in storage have been salvaged. We're attempting methods of containing the pathogen in a smaller, more easily-observable container. We'd like to request a C4 Explosive Charge to be detonated at Facility Door 7. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 9th, 2024 What's left of us is huddled in the break room, or rather, the contained portions of it. We will be making no further requests. Dr. Connors managed to slide a small dish of air contaminated with the pathogen through the air duct before the automatic seals dropped. He climbed into the vent and the door crushed his arm. Please remember him. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 10th, 2024 It is not a pathogen, it is a machine. Hundreds of thousands of them, smaller than our eyes can see. None of us are robotics experts, but given that they have adamantly attempted to avoid observation, even within the dish, we believe that they are either: A. Each controlled by their own AI. B. Being controlled by something else. C. Both We're operating under assumption A, if only because we don't want to imagine the other two. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 11th, 2024 There was a series of "booms" earlier today. The facility shook slightly but there was no major damage. Of note, however, is that we briefly lost connection to each of our Health Signifiers and Communication Bands. Dr. Brooks, who was contaminated in the "Door 7 Mishap" knocked on the door to the break room and held a note against the window of the door for us to read. "Went to armory. EMPs didn't stop them." Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 13th, 2024 There's a couple of Level-1s in the Filing Room. We just assumed that the nanobots took them and then did whatever it is that they do. We knew infected personnel had been dropping life signals but we never knew why. We all got a slip of paper in our pockets today, a copy of mine is attached below. NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF INFORMANTS FOR CITIZENS RELATED TO REJECTED REEVALUEES Spectrum Says: Hello, Unregistered Citizen M2167! On May 8th, 2024, F21735 (Clairice "Level-One" Sinclaire) was submitted for reevaluation for the following reasons: Failure to complete a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document (x27) Failure to complete a Miscellaneous "Area-12 Item Requisition Form" document (x135) Failure to complete a Miscellaneous "Area-12 Staff Requisition Form" document (x238) Failure to complete a Miscellaneous "Area-12 Major Operation Request Form" document (x22) Failure to complete a Miscellaneous Unspecified Document Type (x1,624) Failure to submit a Spectrum Hospitalization Documentation Pamphlet on behalf of F21748 (Christine "One-er" Stanfield) to report a(n): Expiration. We regret to inform you that F21735 FAILED reevaluation. -Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Rejected Reevaluees Spectrum: Family and Friends, Together! All of ours said the same thing, excluding our "Unregistered Citizen" number. This is going to be our last communication. We took a vote and we've decided, almost unanimously, that none of us want to exist in a world where you can be kidnapped or killed or whatever the hell it is that they do just for not completing a sheet of paper. We also made a majority vote against starvation. We’re out of food, comms are down, we can’t establish communication that doesn’t get intercepted somewhere in the middle. Unless the alert system has been compromised, our containment facilities seem to be operating fine without us anyway. Hell, maybe they're doing our work for us at this point. Point is, we're going to the armory. We'll get contaminated on the way there, but we don't plan to leave the armory once we get there anyway. None of us know anything about robotics anyway. We've got a final request, on behalf of the entire team. Please, neutralize them. Please kill that motherloving█ thing in the sky. Or things. Whatever. Good luck in the new world, and godspeed. -Area Director Matthew Adams O5 Council Voting Log: May 17th, 2024 Topic: Neutralization of SCP-6606 In Favor: 13 In Opposition: 0 Final Notes: We've never attempted to destroy something so large. We will compile all explosive weaponry available and safe to launch. It will take some time, but it's the best choice we have. -O5-8 Addendum 6606-5: 9/7/2024 LAUNCH COMMANDS: Project Welcome Carpet PAYLOAD 1: (16:00:00) 38.9° N, 77.0° W Geographic Coordinate System (United States Capital Building) PAYLOAD 2: (16:15:00) 40.7° N, 74.0° W Geographic Coordinate System (United Nations Headquarters) PAYLOAD 3: (16:30:00) 39.0° N, 118.2° W Geographic Coordinate System (Site-17) PAYLOAD 4: (16:45:00) Current Location (Site-19) Project Welcome Carpet Report Payload 1 successful Payload 2 successful Payload 3 successful Error, Payload 4 does not exist. Project Report Notes: Oh █No█. Electronic Message Printout: September 07th, 2024. To: Site-17 Director █████, O5-Command From: Site-19 Director ██████ Body: We've not made a mistake. You need to remain immediately. Check your watch. The launch did go as planned, our coordinates were not changed and we are aiming at Spectrum. Electronic Message Printout: September 07th, 2024. To: Site-19 Director ██████, O5-Command From: Site-17 Director █████ Body: You're freaking right, this was not a freaking mistake. We're evacuating. I don't know who you are, but I know for gosh dang sure that we would not destroy ourselves. You don't know what kind of ungodly terrors you've unleashed. We're all doomed. ████████I hate your███████████████████ species. O5 Council Voting Log: September 8th, 2024 Topic: Declaring Evac-Red In Favor: 11 In Opposition: 1 Abstained: 1 Final Notes: O5-12 believed we could still salvage this. O5-8 shot themselves with a 12-gauge the night before. Evac-Red information must be relayed exclusively through word-of-mouth. Additional Spectrum Attachments: SPECTRUM CURRENT LOCATION FORM Name: C-M38735 Continent: North America Country: The United States of America State/Providence: Arizona Geographic Coordinates: 33.7450° N, 112.6329° W Building/Location Name (opt.): Site-19 Additional Notes: Data acquired via on-site terminal. NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF DOCUMENTATION STUDY AND METHODOLOGY Spectrum Says: Hello, M38735! It appears you have attempted to resubmit a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document. Spectrum currently has 137 instances of this documentation format (excl. outliers). After review of this documentation, the Spectrum Office of Unutilized Documentation Filing, in conjunction with the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, has found you guilty of the following discrepancies as they pertain to your completion of a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document type: "Object Class" category filled incorrectly (Entity is not considered a "Safe" class anomaly) "Special Containment Procedures" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Description" category improperly filled (requires a description of an abnormal or "anomalous" entity.) "Addendum" category lacks documentation (Requires more documentation to provide more context and/or information.) Documentation contains punctuation errors (x3) Documentation contains grammatical errors (x4) Documentation contains expletives. Documentation written with improper tonality. Documentation submitted from an unauthorized or unknown location. Due to the underdeveloped understanding of Miscellaneous "SCP Article" documents, the Spectrum Department of Documentation Study and Methodology has allotted you four (4) appeal attempt issuations. As you have already used three (3) appeal attempts, you now have one (1) appeal attempts remaining. Please complete and submit this appeal attempt form as soon as is conceivably possible. -Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology (in conjunction with the Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeal Request Issuation.) Spectrum: Be Regal, Stay Legal! NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL LOCATION INFORMATION Spectrum Says: Howdy, M38735! It appears you have attempted to submit a Spectrum Current Location Form. After review of this documentation, it has been ACCEPTED. -Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information Spectrum: Where You're Always in the Right Place! NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF INFORMATS FOR CITIZENS RELATED TO ACCEPTED REEVALUEES Spectrum Says: Hello, M38735! On February 17th, 2032, C-F10473960 (Clementine Peterson) was submitted for reevaluation for the following reasons: Purpose determined by the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, in conjunction with the Spectrum Bureau of Malevolence (see M38735 Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information Notice #1) We are happy to inform you that F10473960 PASSED reevaluation. -Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Accepted Reevaluees Spectrum: Family and Friends, Together! NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF INFORMATS FOR CITIZENS RELATED TO ACCEPTED REEVALUEES Spectrum Says: Hello, M38735! On February 17th, 2032, C-F8857861 (Marie Peterson) was submitted for reevaluation for the following reasons: Purpose determined by the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, in conjunction with the Spectrum Bureau of Malevolence (see M38735 Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information Notice #1) We are happy to inform you that F8857861 PASSED reevaluation. -Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Accepted Reevaluees Spectrum: Family and Friends, Together! SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400306 ID: M38735 Voided Document Type: Miscellaneous "SCP Article" Reason for Improper Documentation Completion Select any of the following that are applicable: ( ) I did not intend to complete this document properly. ( ) I did not fully understand the purpose of this document. (✓) I experienced a health issue which prevented me from completing this document properly.* ( ) I did not fully understand what was asked of me for one or more categories. (✓) I did not fully understand the words written on the document, although they are in my native language. ( ) I did not fully understand the words written on the document as they are written in a language that I do not know well enough. ( ) I ran out of writing materials to properly complete the document with. ( ) I submitted the document too early. (✓) Other**:I could not locate enough related supplementary documentation. Place document in nearest documentation acquisition receptacle and a Spectrum Documentation Retrieval process will initiate. *this may require the completion of a supplementary Spectrum Hospitalization Documentation Pamphlet. **you may attach an extra sheet of paper to continue writing, if necessary. SPECTRUM HOSPITALIZATION DOCUMENTATION PAMPHLET Pg. 1 Hi! My name is E-M224568. I'll be your Spectrum Qualified Multipurpose Doctor for this Health Evaluation. Some preliminary information, just to get started with: Who is this for? (check one.) (✓) Myself ( ) Someone else (Name: N/A Occupation: N/A) What's your name? Citizen M38735 - Michael (Mike) Peterson What's your occupation? Escapee What type of health issue are you experiencing? (check all that apply.) ( ) Physical (✓) Mental (✓) Emotional ( ) Spiritual ( ) Existential How do these issues manifest? Extreme sense of sadness, depression, guilt, and longing. Inability to focus on documents. SPECTRUM HOSPITALIZATION DOCUMENTATION PAMPHLET Pg. 2 On Page 1, you indicated that you were experiencing a Mental and Emotional health issue, which manifests as "Extreme sense of sadness, depression, guilt, and longing. Inability to focus on documents." Thank you for giving me that information, M38735. I understand that you are in a pain that hinders your documentation completion abilities. Can you determine what might be the cause(s) of your Mental health issue? (✓) Yes ( ) No What would that be? My daughters and my wife, F8857861, F10473960, F5993245, were submitted for reevaluation. Can you determine what might be the cause(s) of your Emotional health issue? ( ) Yes ( ) No (✓) Yes, for the previous reason What would that be? N/A SPECTRUM HOSPITALIZATION DOCUMENTATION PAMPHLET Pg. 3 On page 2, you indicated that you experienced a(n) Mental health issue because "My daughters and my wife, F8857861, F10473960, F5993245, were submitted for reevaluation." On page 2, you indicated that you experienced a(n) Emotional health issue because "My daughters and my wife, F8857861, F10473960, F5993245, were submitted for reevaluation." My professional diagnosis is: Temporary Major Anxiety My prescription: Therapeutic and Reassuring Message (See Page 4) Please resubmit a Spectrum Hospitalization Documentation Pamphlet if you continue to experience these or other health issues. SPECTRUM HOSPITALIZATION DOCUMENTATION PAMPHLET Pg. 4 Hello, M38735. My name is M38746. On June 8th, 2029, my wife and two daughters were submitted for reevaluation, just like you. I understand that these can cause you to enter a difficult mindset, and can cause a major amount of stress and anxiety. This happened to me too. It was very difficult to break this mindset, and I hated it the entire time. My solution is to keep your chin up, breathe, and work calmly. These worked wonders for me, and I think they'll help in your time of need as well. Do take it easy out there. -M38746 (in conjunction with the Spectrum Department of Citizen Health Management) Spectrum: Our Love Heals All Wounds! NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM DEPARTMENT OF VOIDED DOCUMENTATION APPEALS Spectrum says: Hi! My name is E-F40482, your Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals Associate. It's great to hear from you once again! Recently, you submitted SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #8772400306, in order to appeal the following discrepancies, as they relate to your completion of a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document: "Special Containment Procedures" category lacks information (Must elaborate further.) "Description" category improperly filled (requires a description of an abnormal or "anomalous" entity.) "Addendum" category lacks documentation (Requires more documentation to provide more context and/or information.) Documentation contains punctuation errors (x3) Documentation contains grammatical errors (x4) Documentation contains expletives. Documentation written with improper tonality. Documentation submitted from an unauthorized or unknown location. On your SPECTRUM IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION APPEAL FORM #877240030, you indicated that these discrepancies occurred because: I experienced a health issue which prevented me from completing this document properly. I did not fully understand the words written on the document, although they are written in my native language "I could not locate enough related supplementary documentation." After careful review by the Spectrum Voided Documentation Appeals Consideration Committee, your appeal has been ACCEPTED. The Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology will be expecting a recompleted Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document to have been submitted within the next seven (7) days. Yours truly, E-F40482 Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals Spectrum: Because Everyone is Different! Item #: SCP-6606 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6606 cannot be contained. Thusly, Foundation efforts should be focused on neutralization. At the time of writing, all attempts to neutralize SCP-6606 have failed. On 9/8/2024, procedure Evac-Red was put into effect. The ship S.C.P.E. Atum-Khepri launched successfully on 10/25/2024, containing 22 crew members. Attempts at maintaining a stabilized society on Earth will be continued by the remaining Foundation staff. An SK-Class Dominance Shift Scenario has been declared. In the event that SCP-6606 departs from the planet while humanity remains, or that SCP-6606 is neutralized, a societal reconstruction process will begin. Otherwise, an IK-Class Collapse of Global Civilization Scenario is to be declared. Description: SCP-6606 refers to a large spacefaring vessel. The vessel is believed to be roughly 1/16th the size of the Earth, and remains in place roughly 175,000km above ocean level, within the planet's exosphere. SCP-6606 is theorized to be the cause of a worldwide anomaly which affects all recorded documentation, as this anomaly only began following its arrival to earth's atmosphere. SCP-6606 is capable of changing any form of recorded information in any manner. SCP-6606 is capable of editing written documents, audio and video recordings, electronic text and messages, radio waves and frequencies, artistic depictions, photographs (both physical and digital), animated images, etc. Regardless of the quality of the editing, any human that perceives the edited information will treat it as though it were the original copy, and that the information, no matter how incorrect, illogical, or nonsensical it may be, is both factual, regular, and normal. The editing of recorded information is done instantaneously and can occur at any moment. It is believed that SCP-6606 is capable of perceiving any and all records and the information contained within at all times. SCP-6606 has used these abilities to manipulate vital, sometimes confidential and/or classified information from the ranks of all major world governments and organizations, including the SCP Foundation. This has lead to the collapse of most, if not all major governments, allowing itself to take their place and establish authority over humanity. It is currently believed that SCP-6606 is the creator and/or controller of a mass of virus-like nanomachines, SCP-6606-1. SCP-6606-1 is believed to be the cause of a worldwide psychological anomaly. Humans affected by said anomaly will experience an intense psychological effect which causes them to feel the urge to complete any unfinished documents which have yet to be completed when they become aware of said documents. When a stack of the same documentation type is detected or redetected by an infected individual, only one must be completed. Additionally, individuals will only experience this effect when the documentation appears to be directly intended for them to complete, or when the documentation does not appear to be directed at anyone in particular. When a document is complete, the affected human will return the document to a "documentation acquisition receptacle." This is most-often defined as the area that the documentation was acquired from, although items such as mailboxes, mail deposit slots, bank capsule chutes, etc. have been known to satisfy this as well. Once a completed document is placed in a "documentation acquisition receptacle," the document disappears. Where the document goes, if anywhere, is currently unknown. Although this is their main purpose, it is believed that instances of SCP-6606-1, when operating as a larger mass, can complete most tasks designed for humans. Notably, this has resulted in SCP-6606-1 instances continuing to uphold the containment procedures for multiple SCPs where distinctly human input is not required, and site staff have been compromised. SCP-6606-1 instances likely do this in an effort to protect SCP-6606 rather than any sense of moral obligation. Addendum 6606-1: Notice on Front Door of Abandoned Facility To whoever finds this note, I'm sorry. We've failed you. We tried to fight them as best as we could, but like they did to everyone else, they systematically tore us apart. Anything we tried to do, they had some sort of solution for. The last solution we have is to evacuate. We have managed to prevent a great number of things from taking humanity apart, but somehow, they managed to slip between our fingers and bite us. We have gathered a group comprised of people that we believe will allow us to start over elsewhere, wherever "else" may be. We don't know where we're going, only that, like cowards, we are going there. -Dr. Patra, and what remains of Site-19. Addendum 6606-2: 6/23/2023 Lunar Site-32 Observatory Report: June 23rd, 2023. At 02:34 GMT, the Foundation Deep Space Telescope "Osiris" transmitted an image of the extrasolar planet "Kepler-22b" (KOI-087.01) as part of a routine bimonthly image capturing of terra analogues. As opposed to the planet's usual blue coloration due to it being an "ocean planet", the planet possessed a green coloration with a large purple spot. Further image analysis showed the planet to be covered in the bodies of humanoid aquatic extraterrestrials, floating motionless on the planet's surface. A spacecraft can be seen rising from the mass of bodies, believed to be an escape vessel. The cause of this mass extinction event is unknown. Lunar Site-32 Observatory Report: June 24th, 2023. At 16:11 GMT, researchers at the Site-32 Observatory noted that a large spacecraft of purple coloration entered direct observation range. Assuming the vessel is completely solid, it is estimated to be ~62,004,931,000km^3, roughly 1/16 the size of the planet Earth. At 23:42, the vessel came to rest in Earth's exosphere, ~175,000km above sea level. Due to the size of the vessel and the proximity of the vessel to the planet, it is believed to be visible from all locations on earth. Therefor, Site-32 recommends an operation normalizing government communication with extraterrestrials to ensure peace, or neutralizing the vessel ASAP. Addendum 6606-3: 7/16/2023 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: July 16th, 2023 Attempts to establish radio communications with the vessel have officially failed. We have exhausted all possible radio/satellite communication methods. We will continue attempting various methods of communication. We are taking a break day tomorrow and then we will attempt to communicate via visual methods. -Lunar Site-32 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: September 24th, 2023 Attempts to gain any attention from the vessel have failed. We have attempted to gain the vessel's interest via light redirection, audio disruptions, electromagnetic pulses, and various images, documents, and videos broadcasted onto the side of the vessel. We are suggesting the use of anomalous methods of gaining the attention of the vessel in order to establish communication. Additionally, it has been suggested by some staff members that there may not be any sentient lifeforms aboard the vessel, or that the vessel may not be hollow to begin with. We will await O5 approval for the use of anomalous communication methods. -Lunar Site-32 Operation Phone Home Daily Report: May 2nd, 2024 Attempts to communicate with SCP-6606 through anomalous methods have officially failed. The use of safe and "thaumiel" class anomalies to communicate with SCP-6606 have all failed, and attempts to communicate with SCP-6606 via thaumaturgy and other magic-based methods have all failed. We recommend declaring communications with SCP-6606 to be a lost cause. As SCP-6606 has made no alterations to its state of being since its arrival, many on-site staff members believe SCP-6606 to be empty and/or pilotless. In the interest of precaution, we continue to recommend neutralizing SCP-6606 ASAP. -Lunar Site-32 Addendum 6606-4: 5/21/2024 Area-12 Emergency Isolation Alert: May 5th, 2024 ALERT: ALL FACILITIES. ENGAGE FACILITY LOCKDOWNS. UNKNOWN AIRBORNE PATHOGEN DETECTED. SEAL OFF INFECTED AREAS AND ENGAGE OXYGEN RECYCLING SYSTEMS. Lunar Site-32 Emergency Message: May 5th, 2024 At 12:36pm GMT, SCP-6606 was observed creating small ripples in its outer "hull." Closer observation via high-power telescope shows that SCP-6606 may have produced something during this process. Keep your eyes peeled, home team. God knows what it just sent your way. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 6th, 2024 Our entire observation and containment wing has been contaminated. Most systems within are being operated by AI constructs or infected personnel. We've sealed off a small section of the building, mostly the break room and some offices, and flooded an office with contaminated air for closer study. Whatever this is has almost certainly infected most of the public. There's a lot of it and it seems to infect humans quite quickly. Restrict outside travel unless deemed necessary. Use O2 tanks from your facility's recycler along with a rebreather when moving outdoors. Personnel are dropping off the Health Signifier, life signs aren't being returned and neither are their locations. Stay safe, stay alert, stay secure. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 7th, 2024 A few microscopes in storage have been salvaged. We're attempting methods of containing the pathogen in a smaller, more easily-observable container. We'd like to request a C4 Explosive Charge to be detonated at Facility Door 7. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 9th, 2024 What's left of us is huddled in the break room, or rather, the contained portions of it. We will be making no further requests. Dr. Connors managed to slide a small dish of air contaminated with the pathogen through the air duct before the automatic seals dropped. He climbed into the vent and the door crushed his arm. Please remember him. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 10th, 2024 It is not a pathogen, it is a machine. Hundreds of thousands of them, smaller than our eyes can see. None of us are robotics experts, but given that they have adamantly attempted to avoid observation, even within the dish, we believe that they are either: A. Each controlled by their own AI. B. Being controlled by something else. C. Both We're operating under assumption A, if only because we don't want to imagine the other two. Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 11th, 2024 There was a series of "booms" earlier today. The facility shook slightly but there was no major damage. Of note, however, is that we briefly lost connection to each of our Health Signifiers and Communication Bands. Dr. Brooks, who was contaminated in the "Door 7 Mishap" knocked on the door to the break room and held a note against the window of the door for us to read. "Went to armory. EMPs didn't stop them." Area-12 Foundation-wide Broadcast: May 13th, 2024 There's a couple of Level-1s in the Filing Room. We just assumed that the nanobots took them and then did whatever it is that they do. We knew infected personnel had been dropping life signals but we never knew why. We all got a slip of paper in our pockets today, a copy of mine is attached below. NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF INFORMANTS FOR CITIZENS RELATED TO REJECTED REEVALUEES Spectrum Says: Hello, Unregistered Citizen M2167! On May 8th, 2024, F21735 (Clairice "Level-One" Sinclaire) was submitted for reevaluation for the following reasons: Failure to complete a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document (x27) Failure to complete a Miscellaneous "Area-12 Item Requisition Form" document (x135) Failure to complete a Miscellaneous "Area-12 Staff Requisition Form" document (x238) Failure to complete a Miscellaneous "Area-12 Major Operation Request Form" document (x22) Failure to complete a Miscellaneous Unspecified Document Type (x1,624) Failure to submit a Spectrum Hospitalization Documentation Pamphlet on behalf of F21748 (Christine "One-er" Stanfield) to report a(n): Expiration. We regret to inform you that F21735 FAILED reevaluation. -Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Rejected Reevaluees Spectrum: Family and Friends, Together! All of ours said the same thing, excluding our "Unregistered Citizen" number. This is going to be our last communication. We took a vote and we've decided, almost unanimously, that none of us want to exist in a world where you can be kidnapped or killed or whatever the hell it is that they do just for not completing a sheet of paper. We also made a majority vote against starvation. We’re out of food, comms are down, we can’t establish communication that doesn’t get intercepted somewhere in the middle. Unless the alert system has been compromised, our containment facilities seem to be operating fine without us anyway. Hell, maybe they're doing our work for us at this point. Point is, we're going to the armory. We'll get contaminated on the way there, but we don't plan to leave the armory once we get there anyway. None of us know anything about robotics anyway. We've got a final request, on behalf of the entire team. Please, neutralize them. Please kill that motherloving█ thing in the sky. Or things. Whatever. Good luck in the new world, and godspeed. -Area Director Matthew Adams O5 Council Voting Log: May 17th, 2024 Topic: Neutralization of SCP-6606 In Favor: 13 In Opposition: 0 Final Notes: We've never attempted to destroy something so large. We will compile all explosive weaponry available and safe to launch. It will take some time, but it's the best choice we have. -O5-8 Addendum XXXX-5: 9/7/2024 LAUNCH COMMANDS: Project Welcome Carpet PAYLOAD 1: (16:00:00) 38.9° N, 77.0° W Geographic Coordinate System (United States Capital Building) PAYLOAD 2: (16:15:00) 40.7° N, 74.0° W Geographic Coordinate System (United Nations Headquarters) PAYLOAD 3: (16:30:00) 39.0° N, 118.2° W Geographic Coordinate System (Site-17) PAYLOAD 4: (16:45:00) Current Location (Site-19) Project Welcome Carpet Report Payload 1 successful Payload 2 successful Payload 3 successful Error, Payload 4 does not exist. Project Report Notes: Oh █No█. Electronic Message Printout: September 07th, 2024. To: Site-17 Director █████, O5-Command From: Site-19 Director ██████ Body: We've not made a mistake. You need to remain immediately. Check your watch. The launch did go as planned, our coordinates were not changed and we are aiming at Spectrum. Electronic Message Printout: September 07th, 2024. To: Site-19 Director ██████, O5-Command From: Site-17 Director █████ Body: You're freaking right, this was not a freaking mistake. We're evacuating. I don't know who you are, but I know for gosh dang sure that we would not destroy ourselves. You don't know what kind of ungodly terrors you've unleashed. We're all doomed. ████████I hate your███████████████████ species. O5 Council Voting Log: September 8th, 2024 Topic: Declaring Evac-Red In Favor: 11 In Opposition: 1 Abstained: 1 Final Notes: O5-12 believed we could still salvage this. O5-8 shot themselves with a 12-gauge the night before. Evac-Red information must be relayed exclusively through word-of-mouth, excepting for reports of finalized information. Addendum 6606-6: 9/10/24 Evac-Red Report: September 10th, 2024 We've selected 48 potential candidates. We have estimated to have enough resources for 25. Evac-Red Report: September 16th, 2024 We have selected 22. Evac-Red Report: September 22nd, 2024 We have made use of the remaining resources from various space and aeronautics organizations, or rather what remains of them. Evac-Red Report: October 14th, 2024 Atum-Khepri is nearing completion. Production of final payload materials has begun. Evac-Red Report: October 16th, 2024 Materials required for final payload are low. Supplies are straining, interacting with infected individuals to acquire these materials has become a difficult and lengthy process. Evac-Red Report: October 20th, 2024 Final payload has been completed. Making final preparations now. Evac-Red Report: October 24th, 2024 Final Notice: If you work for the SCP Foundation, you can ignore this message. In the event that we finally crumble and collapse as an organization, we are leaving this note for any survivors. We will be leaving this planet tomorrow. We were your protectors, operating in your shadow. We've saved you from the simplistically inexplicable to the downright ungodly, but all of that had to be done through an orderly method. We had a chain of command, same as any other government, and we operated as quickly and efficiently as possible through it. Documents, notes, letters, reports, articles, journals. We had and catalogued any and all information relating to the unspeakable things we kept here, and then some. Then that thing in the sky got here, and every single thing about our modus operandi began falling apart. The same goes for many major governments; Capitols fell and chains of command broke. The US launched a MOAB at China, Russia blew up the UK, and so on, and yet they never declared war. No one remembered giving the commands, but the letters and reports say otherwise. Whatever country that wasn't stable enough to have had a strong government was eventually overrun by the ones that used to. Of note is that they never seemed to care what we wrote about them, only what could be used against ourselves. You might notice a significant length of time is missing from your memory. We weighed the options, how things could play out, and we concluded that it was better to simply allow you to forget the old world. You're better off not knowing what better times were like, it would only make you destroy yourselves faster. We aren't the first species to succumb to that thing, but maybe, by letting you forget, we can draw out our collapse long enough to outlive its stay. That said, we'd all like to leave you with this final, summarizing note. It'll be left for you somewhere where getting your hands on security clearance isn't necessary. If you're reading this message, then you've probably already seen it, and the information that corroborates everything this notice has told you. "To whoever finds this note, I'm sorry. We've failed you. We tried to fight them as best as we could, but like they did to everyone else, they systematically tore us apart. Anything we tried to do, they had some sort of solution for. The last solution we have is to evacuate. We have managed to prevent a great number of things from taking humanity apart, but somehow, they managed to slip between our fingers and bite us. We have gathered a group comprised of people that we believe will allow us to start over elsewhere, wherever "else" may be. We don't know where we're going, only that, like cowards, we are going there." Evac-Red Report: October 25th, 2024. Evac-Red team is prepared for liftoff. Intended landing site has been intentionally undecided. Launch will occur at 12:30:00. All non-essential staff are advised to evacuate, and to spend their lives with their loved ones. Evac-Red Final Report: October 25th, 2024 S.C.P.E. Atum-Khepri launched successfully. Type-E Amnestic Payload was successfully deployed. All sites have returned successful memory retention alerts, all sites have indicated that all personnel and civilians who did not receive the Counter-Mnestic have lost all non-essential memories. Goodbye. Additional Spectrum Attachments: NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF DOCUMENTATION STUDY AND METHODOLOGY Spectrum Says: Greetings, M38735! It appears you have attempted to resubmit a Miscellaneous "SCP Article" document. Spectrum currently has 137 instances of this documentation format (excl. outliers). After review of this documentation, the Spectrum Office of Unutilized Documentation Filing has accepted your submission. On behalf of the Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology, we'd like to thank you for your submission. Your submission, and all related documents and submissions, have been filed (in chronological order based on date submitted) with all related departments, offices, bureaus, and committees. This includes the following: (by order of chronological appearance in submitted documents:) Spectrum Office of Consumption Intake Assessment Filing (SOCIAF) Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology (SODSM) Spectrum Office of Unutilized Documentation Filing (SOUDF) Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeal Request Issuation (SDVDARI) Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination (SOIDPD) Spectrum Department of Voided Documentation Appeals (SDVDA) Spectrum Voided Documentation Appeals Consideration committee (SVDAC) Spectrum Office of Benevolence (SOB) Spectrum Department of Documentation Copy Distribution (SDDCD) Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information (SDGLI) Spectrum Bureau of Malevolence (SBM) Spectrum Citizen Punishment committee (SCP) Spectrum Department of Past-Society Access Key Distribution (SDPSAKD) Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Rejected Reevaluees (SOICRRR) Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Accepted Reevaluees (SOICRAR) Spectrum Department of Citizen Health Management (SDCHM) -Spectrum Office of Documentation Study and Methodology Spectrum: Be Regal, Stay Legal! NOTICE FROM THE SPECTRUM OFFICE OF INFORMATS FOR CITIZENS RELATED TO REJECTED REEVALUEES Spectrum Says: Hello, M38735! On February 17th, 2032, C-F5993245 (Lucille (Lucy) Peterson), was submitted for reevaluation for the following reasons: Purpose determined by the Spectrum Office of Improper Documentation Punishment Determination, in conjunction with the Spectrum Bureau of Malevolence (see M38735 Spectrum Department of Geological Location Information Notice #1) Insubordination We regret to inform you that F5993245 FAILED reevaluation. -Spectrum Office of Informants for Citizens Related to Rejected Reevaluees Spectrum: Family and Friends, Together! END OF DOCUMENTATION ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-6606" by cwazzycwafter, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For information on how to use this component, see the License Box component. To read about licensing policy, see the Licensing Guide. |
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