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+ 0,These actions have been taken into consideration in agenda planning and in the work of the Culture Evolution Programme.,1
+ 1,"In 2017 we recorded our highest-ever engagement score, moving closer to a coveted two star accreditation.",1
+ 2,"A n n u a l R ep o rt 2 0 0 9 This Annual Report is printed on Cocoon Offset, which contains 100% de-inked pulp from post-consumer recycled waste.",0
+ 3,"Aldermore Group Plc, and its principal operating subsidiaries, Aldermore Bank Plc and MotoNovo Finance, take a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking.",1
+ 4,The Code encourages and promotes best practice between organisations and their suppliers.,0
+ 5,"Overnight we moved the vast majority of our people to a remote working model, and we did it without impacting on our ability to deliver for our customers.",1
+ 6,"Corporate Governance 44 203557 04/03/2006 09:56 Page 44 45 Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee Members: Mr. Dermot Gleeson, Chairman; Mr. Michael Buckley (until June); Mr. Padraic M. Fallon (from June); Mr. Don Godson; Mr. John B McGuckian; Mr. Eugene Sheehy (from July); and Mr. Michael J Sullivan.",0
+ 7,"At the end of 2018, we had 1.38m active digital customers, representing a 10% increase year-on-year.",0
+ 8,"Additionally, we have plans in place to identify and respond to a cyber risk event on a timely basis, ensuring that there is a practical approach to actions and escalation to help minimise any potential impact.",1
+ 9,"As at 31 December 2013, the Group carried out an evaluation, under the supervision of and with the participation of the Group’s management, including the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Group’s disclosure controls and procedures.",1
+ 10,"John McCarroll For and on behalf of Deloitte Ireland LLP Chartered Accountants and Statutory Audit Firm Deloitte & Touche House, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 Dublin 5 March 2020 Notes: An audit does not provide assurance on the maintenance and integrity of the website, including controls used to achieve this, and in particular on whether any changes may have occurred to the financial statements since first published.",0
+ 11,"Our audit procedures relating to these matters were designed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and not to express an opinion on individual accounts or disclosures.",0
+ 12,"We review whether the statement on pages 50 to 53 reflects the Company’s compliance with the seven provisions of the Combined Code specified for our review by the Listing Rules, and we report if it does not.",0
+ 13,"We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error.",1
+ 14,"The Board has established a Sustainable Business Advisory Committee, comprising Non-Executive Directors and Leadership Team Members, to support the execution of the Group’s sustainable business strategy, which includes the development and safeguarding of the Group’s ‘social license to operate’ such that the Group plays its part in helping its customers prosper as an integral component of the Group’s business and operations.",1
+ 15,The Board also endorsed additional governance steps to bolster management’s ability to support at-risk customers and to ensure credit was provided in a timely manner to sustainable customers.,1
+ 16,"Based upon and as of the date of the Group’s evaluation, the Group Chief Executive and the Group Finance Director concluded that the disclosure controls and procedures are effective in all material respects to ensure that information required to be disclosed in the reports the Group files and submits under the US Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarised and reported as and when required.",0
+ 17,"General Liability Coverage for contractor-related businesses, energy development and production risks and environmental liability risks.",0
+ 18,"We focus on ensuring that employees are inspired, sourcing talented people and developing them to realise their potential.",1
+ 19,The Committee has also reviewed the disclosure set out on pages 277 and 328 of this report.,1
+ 20,We care and speak up for our customers.,0
+ 21,The main features of the policy include: �� clear statements of the commitment to mitigate adverse environmental and social impacts and uphold high standards of business integrity and good corporate governance; �� an exclusion list of businesses and activities in which investment is precluded; �� a referral list of businesses and activities which may be particularly sensitive and may require additional scrutiny; and �� a set of minimum ESG standards that will be implemented during the term of investment.,0
+ 22,"Our Energy, Climate Action and Infrastructure portfolio performed well against the backdrop of COVID-19 uncertainty.",0
+ 23,It is also the means by which we measure the likely impact our decisions may have upon the environment.,0
+ 24,"It also defines the scope of entities obliged to register above-threshold (in excess of € 15,000) and suspicious transactions and their specific duties with regard to gathering and disclosing information.",0
+ 25,Corporate Governance The Directors’ Corporate Governance Statement appears on pages 39 to 42.,0
+ 26,"Reporting of any forthcoming changes to regulation or law is routinely made to the relevant committees for awareness, impact and action.",1
+ 27,We believe that Novare is the only biotechnology company that is dedicated to treating catastrophic disease by using RHAMM-based cellular responses to aid the body’s natural regenerative processes .,0
+ 28,Mr Ball joined the Board in October 2011 and has been a member of the Board Risk Committee since November 2011 and a member of the Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee since February 2013.,0
+ 29,Greenhouse gas emissions The Group’s greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions for 2015 were 721 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) equating to 0.85 tCO2e per employee.,0
+ 30,"For example, we made driving other cars optional.",1
+ 31,Oystercatcher’s Amsterdam terminal is implementing a major programme of facilities upgrades to accelerate compliance with higher standards being applied to the oil products storage sector in the Netherlands.,1
+ 32,"We have audited Wesbanco, Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2020, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework) (the COSO criteria).",1
+ 33,"However, with the number of changes imminent, the Committee spent a significant amount of time in 2018 developing a longer-term Board succession plan, which had regard for current Directors’ tenure and the required skill set, experience and diversity profile of the Board as a collective now and into the future.",1
+ 34,The Group is committed to maintaining sustainable and ethically responsible corporate and social practices in every aspect of its business.,0
+ 35,"They provide a binding framework that determines the nature and proper handling of contributions and specify that sports, private individuals, religious institutions and political parties are not eligible for support (the only exception is the Political Action Committee of its ISE subsidiary).",0
+ 36,"In addition to the internal steps detailed on page 34, in 2019, the Board supported the set-up of the Irish Banking Culture Board (IBCB).",1
+ 37,"However, many corporate clients continue to request physical product and we have been able to accommodate this with a phased easing of restrictions on fulfilment from May 2020 (all the time adhering to Government guidelines and ensuring the safety of colleagues).",1
+ 38,A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.,0
+ 39,"As a result, AIB supported over 600 local charities in 2020.",1
+ 40,He joined Albion Ventures LLP (then Close Ventures Limited) in 2001 since when he has focused on leisure and healthcare investing.,0
+ 41,"In accordance with provision 31 of the UK Corporate Governance Code, the Directors have assessed the prospects of the Group over a longer period than the 12 months required by the going concern provision.",1
+ 42,The Remuneration Committee reserves the right to further modify the operation of the AIP to comply with developments in regulatory requirements and market practice subject to the overall cap.,0
+ 43,"Lower oil and gas prices have reduced shale gas activity in the region, which somewhat negatively impacted local and regional economic conditions, affecting both commercial and retail customers, resulting in lower deposits and credit deterioration in the loan portfolio.",0
+ 44,The guidance on the reporting of Scope 2 GHG emissions under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol was updated in 2015 and we are now required to report two different values to reflect the ‘location-based’ and ‘market-based’ emissions resulting from purchased electricity.,1
+ 45,"In addition, the Group has insurance policies that cover a number of risk events which fall under the regulatory compliance umbrella.",0
+ 46,The Act also imposes new duties on the directors of an institution and sets out matters to which directors must have regard in the performance of their functions.,0
+ 47,"The role of the Board, the Audit Committee, and the Board Risk Committee (“BRC”) is set out in the section on Corporate Governance.",0
+ 48,Under that law the directors are required to prepare fi nancial statements for the Group in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) as adopted by the European Union and Article 4 of the IAS Regulation and have chosen to prepare the Parent Company Financial Statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (‘UK GAAP’).,0
+ 49,"We refreshed our three-year strategy to address, with greater urgency, the trends that COVID-19 is accelerating – digitalisation, sustainability and alternative ways of working.",1
+ 50,"Regulatory Compliance also actively participated in both internal working groups, providing challenge to business segments on customer solutions, and external engagements such as Banking and Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) working groups in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.",1
+ 51,"The Water Brands Group owns and manages the Harrogate Spring Water and Thirsty Planet brands, supplying more than 65 million bottles a year to customers.",0
+ 52,"Those responsibilities are discharged through its meetings and receipt of reports from Management, the Auditors, the Group Internal Auditor, the Chief Risk Officer, and the Group General Manager, Regulatory Compliance.",0
+ 53,Our status as a global financial institution and the nature of our client base may enhance the risk that we are targeted by such cyber-threats.,0
+ 54,Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose.,1
+ 55,"The Board recognises the need to take account of appropriate input from AIB’s control functions in its decision making, and to ensure that remuneration policies and practices are consistent with and promote effective risk management, and that they do not encourage excessive risk taking but support the maintenance of a sound capital base and the required liquidity levels.",0
+ 56,We had two key objectives after the discovery of the fraud at Allfirst.,0
+ 57,"Through the Covid-19 pandemic, we have supported our customers by participating in the CBILS scheme and were one of the first to market with this product.",1
+ 58,"Finance & regulation Our lending teams in the UK and Ireland provide finance to support the transition to a low-carbon economy and to respond to the most pressing of social issues, such as the current housing crisis in Ireland.",1
+ 59,"Kieran Crowley BA, FCA - Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Chairman Consultant.",0
+ 60,"The site has been designed to provide an open and landscaped space with water features, integrated pedestrian and cycle routes surrounding each building.",1
+ 61,"At the onset of the pandemic in March, while our immediate and primary focus was on supporting our customers and our people, we also began work on refreshing our strategic plan.",1
+ 62,The Group undertakes a regular program of stress testing across all of the material risks to meet internal and regulatory requirements.,1
+ 63,"We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the Financial Statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error.",1
+ 64,"Regulatory Compliance report to the Chief Risk Officer and independently to the Board, through the Board Risk Committee, on the effectiveness of the processes established to ensure compliance with laws and regulations within its scope.",0
+ 65,"We are proud to be Wales’ only FTSE 100 headquartered company and employ over 7,000 people in South Wales.",0
+ 66,This target was exceeded in January 2018 and the Policy now aims to seek a minimum of 30% female representation on the Board by the end of 2020.,1
+ 67,Failure to comply with legal or regulatory requirements and/or changes.,0
+ 68,"Construction is subcontracted to Ebara, a Japanese environmental technology developer and provider, using proven technology.",0
+ 69,We have started a journey to reduce the small number of residual customer-facing paper processes and during the year implemented online payslips and paperless direct debits.,1
+ 70,"We are independent of the company in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the UK, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard as applied to listed public interest entities, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.",0
+ 71,"It was a highlight because everyone at Admiral (in particular, the finance and communications departments) pitched in and worked together to ensure that the process of going public was a smooth one.",1
+ 72,The Group has a Disciplinary Policy which clearly lays out the consequences of inappropriate behaviours.,0
+ 73,"The Committee received an update on the application of that policy, including the number of former employees of the external auditor currently employed in senior management positions in the Group, and assisted the Committee in assessing the Auditor’s independence and objectivity in respect of the audit.",0
+ 74,"It also includes the risk that the business, financial condition and prospects of the Group are materially adversely affected as a result of inadvertent or intentional behaviours or actions taken or not taken by employees that are contrary to the overall strategy, culture and values of the Group.",0
+ 75,"Protecting customers As part of protecting our customers’ data, we invest heavily in tools and services to counteract the increasing threat of cybercrime.",1
+ 76,"After strong increases in previous years, the renewable energy sector saw modest increases overall.",0
+ 77,"Due to vacancies, our distribution assets registered material landlord energy consumption for the first time.",0
+ 78,"The role of the Sustainable Business Advisory Committee (“SBAC”) is set out on page 20 Sustainability, governance and risk.",0
+ 79,"Thames Water Kemble Water Structure Limited £835 million Term Loan Facility Thames Water is the UK's largest water and wastewater services company, supplying 2,600 million litres of tap water to 8.5 million customers across London and the Thames Valley and treating 2,800 million litres of sewerage for an area covering 13.6 million customers.",0
+ 80,This means we will reduce our own emissions while also actively removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.,1
+ 81,"A. A successful company is led by an effective and entrepreneurial board, whose role is to promote the long term sustainable success of the company, generating value for shareholders and contributing to wider society.",0
+ 82,"The survey includes measures on our cultural ambitions of Accountability, Collaboration, Trust, Diversity and Inclusion and Safe to Speak.",0
+ 83,Our CSR steering committee coordinates our charitable activities and the actions we take to reduce our impact on the environment.,1
+ 84,We believe that a business cannot deliver sustainable long-term returns without considering its wider impact on society.,0
+ 85,"Diversity and inclusion are high on our agenda, and in 2017 we made good progress, leading to AIB becoming the first Irish company to be awarded the Investors in Diversity Ireland Standard.",1
+ 86,"The Group’s UK regulated entities are responsible to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) for ensuring compliance with the Group’s UK regulatory obligations and that dealings with the FCA and PRA are handled in a constructive, co-operative and transparent manner.",0
+ 87,The Group has adopted a code of business ethics that applies to all employees.,1
+ 88,"AIB, in common with other banks and financial institutions, has implemented the Combined Code: Principles of Good Governance and Code of Best Practice.",1
+ 89,"Louis has worked for a number of financial services firms over the past 20 years, holding various senior risk, compliance and conduct roles across the insurance, wealth management and banking sector.",0
+ 90,Financial inclusion is about providing banking services to the broadest possible range of customers.,0
+ 91,Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose.,1
+ 92,"AIB has a Code of Business Ethics for all staff, which is based on the AIB corporate values of honesty, integrity and fairness.",0
+ 93,"As regards investing to support economic progress and social issues, we funded multiple projects which will deliver new housing units as well as sponsoring community investment through our AIB Together Programme.",1
+ 94,AIB received a global award for ‘Excellence in Implementation’ of the SHIELD system in October 2017.,0
+ 95,This report should be read in conjunction with the ‘Governance in Action’ section at the start of this Annual Financial Report and the Board Committee Reports which follow.,0
+ 96,AIB is certified to ISO 14001 for environmental management.,0
+ 97,The assessment also gave special praise to the overall AIB Group Corporate Social Responsibility policies.,0
+ 98,"Movers, Shakers and Legacy Makers At Admiral, we pride ourselves on celebrating the differences among our people.",0
+ 99,"The system of internal controls is designed to ensure that there is thorough and regular evaluation of the nature and extent of risks and that the Group is able to react accordingly, rather than to eliminate risk.",0
+ 100,"Basis of accounting The consolidated financial statements of AJ Bell plc have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU), IFRIC interpretations and those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.",1
+ 101,"The Company Secretary provides updates to the Board on regulatory and corporate governance issues, new legislation, and Directors’ duties and obligations.",0
+ 102,The Committee considered the detailed audit plan in respect of the annual and interim financial statements and the Auditor’s findings and the conclusions and recommendations arising from the half yearly review and annual audit.,0
+ 103,"PROCESS The Committee undertakes an annual review to assess the independence and objectivity of the external auditor and the effectiveness of the audit process, taking into consideration relevant professional and regulatory requirements, the progress achieved against the agreed audit plan, and the competence with which the auditor handled the key accounting and audit judgments.",1
+ 104,Annual Financial Report 2016 3.8 Regulatory compliance risk and conduct risk* (continued) compliance risks and associated mitigants.,0
+ 105,There is also an agreed procedure for directors to take independent professional advice at the Company’s expense.,0
+ 106,Those working in the office continue to following Public Health England’s social distancing and other guidelines.,0
+ 107,"In addition, as part of Small Business Saturday, a UK-wide campaign dedicated to small businesses, we encouraged our SME customers to tell us their Small Business Story and then published the winning entry.",1
+ 108,"Further details on the overall governance and organisational framework through which the Group manages and seeks to manage and mitigate risk, are provided in ‘Risk management – 2. Framework’.",0
+ 109,We set high standards for these and for ourselves.,0
+ 110,"The Amended Agreement included a new, lower fee of 1% per annum for any future investments in primary PPP and individual renewable energy projects.",0
+ 111,Our purpose is to help our customers achieve their financial ambition and we do that by earning their trust over time by our actions.,1
+ 112,"Whether taking part in a sponsored walk, sleeping out to raise money for homeless causes, collecting donations for a local food bank, or volunteering within our community, we are proud of the efforts our staff make, to give something back to their local communities.",1
+ 113,"If we fail to comply with legal standards, we could incur liability to our clients or lose clients, which could affect our earnings negatively.",0
+ 114,Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose.,1
+ 115,Printed by Pureprint Group using environmental print technology and vegetable-based inks throughout.,0
+ 116,"Where we are having the biggest impact Climate change and the transition to a low carbon economy (SDGs 7, 12 and 13) Through its investment portfolio the Company supports the transition towards a low carbon economy.",1
+ 117,"There have been no disclosures in accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule 5 made to the Company during the year ended 31 March 2012, and to the date of this report.",0
+ 118,"WASTE In 2018, we sent 0 tonnes of waste to landfill, recycling 206 tonnes (a combination of 122 tonnes of paper, and 84 tonnes of other recyclables) with a further 244 tonnes incinerated ethically.",1
+ 119,FSC – Forest Stewardship Council This ensures that there is an audited chain of custody from the tree in the well-managed forest through to the fi nished document in the printing factory.,0
+ 120,"Ian O’Doherty, Tim Clancy and the Group’s internal and external auditors attend meetings of the audit committee by invitation.",0
+ 121,The Nominations and Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for overseeing the Group's management of reputational risk.,0
+ 122,The restructuring process is one of structured engagement to assess the long term levels of sustainable and unsustainable debt.,0
+ 123,We have been reflecting on the messages conveyed by the survey and are committed to continuing to focus on making AIB an even better place to work over the years ahead.,1
+ 124,Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose.,1
+ 125,"Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.",0
+ 126,The Directors therefore consider that these departures from the specific provisions of Schedule 4 of the Companies Act relating to the form and content of accounts for companies other than investment companies and these departures from UK accounting standards are necessary to give a true and fair view.,0
+ 127,"Following these Board changes, the majority of Board members excluding the Chairman will be independent Non Executive Directors and meet the requirements of the 2018 Code.",0
+ 128,"The responsibilities of the Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) Committee are to recommend Group CSR policies and objectives, review and direct CSR activities across the Group, monitor CSR best practice developments, and review and approve corporate-giving budgets and substantial philanthropic donations.",1
+ 129,"For further information, see our website corporate-responsibility Financial review, risk and sustainability 3i Infrastructure plc Annual report and accounts 201852 Benefits for communities Investing in infrastructure assets has economic and social sustainability benefits for communities in our target markets.",0
+ 130,We make a meaningful contribution to the sustainability of the societies where we operate.,0
+ 131,Responsiveness Challenging response targets are set for all of our communication channels to ensure we respond to our customers promptly.,0
+ 132,The past year is one in which AIB made consistent progress in achieving the bank’s business objectives.,1
+ 133,If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.,0
+ 134,"Automated customer transactions 95% Branch refresh Our branch network completed a four-year Branch Refresh Programme, delivering a more relaxed environment to do business.",1
+ 135,"To achieve these aims, it is imperative that we ensure compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.",0
+ 136,"As we do this, we are conscious of the evolving environmental, social and governance (ESG) regulatory agenda and the need to comply with new requirements when they come on stream.",0
+ 137,Guidance (‘Internal Control: Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code’) has been issued by the Irish Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange to assist Directors in complying with the Code’s requirements in respect of internal control.,0
+ 138,"The Board has adopted a formal schedule of matters specifically reserved to it including corporate strategy, approval of budgets and financial results, policies in relation to risk management, health and safety and environmental matters, new Board appointments, proposals for dividend payments, and the approval of major transactions.",1
+ 139,"A clear and sustainable business model We have been able to build a reliable, expert, dynamic and straightforward, business model.",0
+ 140,We are continuously evolving our approach as a responsible investor by undertaking initiatives to improve our consideration of sustainability risks and opportunities within our investment and portfolio management processes.,1
+ 141,"The success of the farm may be affected by many factors outside the control of the borrower, including adverse weather conditions that prevent the planting of a crop or limit crop yields (such as hail, drought and floods), loss of livestock due to disease or other factors, declines in market prices for agricultural products (both domestically and internationally) and the impact of government regulations (including changes in price supports, subsidies and environmental regulations).",0
+ 142,"We have clearly established an industry-leading pipeline of cutting-edge technologies from the US research community, which we believe will result in the sustainable generation of disruptive businesses for years to come .",1
+ 143,"Title III of the USA Patriot Act (officially, the ‘International Money Laundering Abatement and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act of 2001’) is the anti-money laundering portion of the USA Patriot Act and amends the Bank Secrecy Act (the “BSA”).Title III provides for a sweeping overhaul of the US anti-money laundering regime.",0
+ 144,We want our portfolio companies to be run responsibly and to have a positive impact on the environment and on the communities in which they operate.,0
+ 145,Governance Management report Financial statements NotesResponsibilityShares Eurex Clearing AG has awarded a grant to some customers.,0
+ 146,"In addition, the prevalence of cyber-attacks and other efforts to breach or disrupt our systems has led, and will continue to lead, to costs to Wesbanco with respect to prevention and mitigation of these risks, as well as costs reimbursing customers for losses suffered as a result of these actions.",0
+ 147,"The Regulatory Compliance function supports and validates this approach by operating a risk framework model that is used in collaboration with business units to identify, assess and manage key compliance risks at business unit level.",1
+ 148,There have been no major operational incidents during the year and water resource levels are normal for this point in the year despite a dry winter.,0
+ 149,"We believe the work we do to ensure that comprehensive and high quality policies are implemented by our portfolio companies is a step towards the objectives of SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.",1
+ 150,Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards.,1
+ 151,"During the evaluation, many directors commented favourably on the performance of the Board as a whole, describing it as positively diverse and benefiting from a good mix of skills.",0
+ 152,"At the same time and true to our objectives outlined above, we are also evaluating other opportunities in various agricultural sectors [within Australia].",1
+ 153,This requirement was at the forefront of the Audit Committee’s planning process for the 2015 Annual Report and Accounts to ensure that it could provide assurance to the Board about making this statement.,0
+ 154,We also hosted our fourth annual Sustainability Conference as part of Ireland’s Climate Finance Week 2020.,1
+ 155,In 2015 we sought to further this aim by increasing both our PR and sponsorship activities.,1
+ 156,The Group is committed to growing the business while ensuring a safe environment for employees as well as minimising the overall impact on the environment.,0
+ 157,"On December 19, 2019, the FDIC assigned a rating of “Outstanding” for the Bank’s community development performance for the period of October 2016 through July 2019.",0
+ 158,"We have also assessed the design and implementation and tested the operating effectiveness of the internal review controls performed by management, which are designed to identify any errors in the inputs or mechanical workings of the calculations.",1
+ 159,The primary role of the Regulatory Compliance function is to provide direction and advice to enable management to discharge its responsibility for managing the Group’s compliance risks.,0
+ 160,"In line with this strategy, the company is seeing increasing customer interest in integrated solutions – involving technologies such as solar, batteries, EV charging, transformers, meters – which help customers achieve their energy transition objectives and also mitigate grid capacity constraints affecting their sites.",1
+ 161,"To ensure that we are being as inclusive as we can, we have several working groups and forums across the business focusing on identifying and rectifying any forms of stigma or bias, to encourage our staff to feel confident and comfortable in who they are, and to ensure that they are treated fairly whatever their background.",1
+ 162,"As well as delivering a good return for its shareholders in that time, Anglian Water provides excellent service to its customers, ranking very highly in OFWAT’s customer service metrics, and has taken great strides in reducing leakage to record low levels and in improving its environmental and health and safety performance.",1
+ 163,These matters are the responsibility of the Directors but no control procedures can provide absolute assurance in this area.,0
+ 164,"This is an improvement from the 41% scored on the 2011 submission and means that AIB qualified for the first time as a 'Carbon Leader', exceeding the requisite score of 75%.",0
+ 165,The company will take proper steps to ensure compliance by the directors and applicable employees of the group with the terms of the share dealing code and the relevant provisions of the AIM Rules (including Rule 21).,1
+ 166,The Committee look forward to receiving updates from Management regarding the heightened control environment which we anticipate will be put in place.,0
+ 167,We also believe it is important that our staff build a sense of ownership and share in the success of the business.,0
+ 168,"This plan includes investing in a combined heat and power plant, procuring 100% green electricity wherever feasible and engaging a single supplier of gas and electricity.",1
+ 169,We contribute both as a Company and as individuals through a variety of schemes including a matching scheme whereby the Company matches funds raised for charity in the workplace.,1
+ 170,"AIB participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, which allowed AIB benchmark its environmental performance and ascertain areas for development and improvement.",1
+ 171,"We will continue to develop our employer brand in the coming year, ensuring that AJ Bell has a significant presence in the jobs market.",1
+ 172,"A site visit was arranged for the students and further initiatives are being considered with the school including further visits, work experience, workshops and contributions for school projects.",1
+ 173,"He was a trustee and director of Dyslexia Institute Limited (trading as Dyslexia Action) between 2007 and 2011 and has been appointed Chairman of Bowel Cancer UK from 2013. Chairman since 29 January 2007, resident in the UK.",0
+ 174,The Responsible Investment policy provides the framework for the implementation and operational control of climaterelated issues.,0
+ 175,The Company’s policy is to have a Board with a diverse range of skills and professional backgrounds.,0
+ 176,"Many of our employees are involved in charity work both through and independent of the business, but we support wherever and however we can.",1
+ 177,"The Board believes that it has the right balance of independence, skills, experience and knowledge for the effective governance of the Company.",0
+ 178,We assessed the relevant automated controls within business processes and the reliability of relevant reports used as part of manual controls.,1
+ 179,"Our 2020 statement, published in July, sets out the steps we took during 2019 to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking (“Modern Slavery”) in our business and supply chains.",1
+ 180,"Since acquisition in January 2012, Elenia has invested approximately €500 million, with a particular emphasis on improving weather proofing: the rate of underground cabling reached 38% as at 31 December 2016.",1
+ 181,A8 Governance NEW 1 AFR 2018 Purp:Layout 1 28/02/2019 20:30 Page 179 Our professional development and training programme The following graphic aims to provide an overview of the development and training undertaken by the Board.,0
+ 182,"Risks The most signifi cant corporate responsibility risks arising from the Company’s investment activity are likely to relate to environmental, ethical, governance and social issues.",0
+ 183,"The ongoing commitment of investment to maintain and further develop a modern, resilient and flexible IT infrastructure in order to deliver the most digitally-enabled offering within the Irish banking market.",1
+ 184,"In common with all audits under ISAs (UK), we are also required to perform specific procedures to respond to the risk of management override.",0
+ 185,This annual process will inform fuller ESG disclosure by 2021 and create a regular audit function to ensure continual improvement.,1
+ 186,"In November of 2011, the board of directors of Wisconsin Community Bank entered into an informal agreement with the FDIC and its state banking commissioner, agreeing to correct certain consumer compliance violations.",1
+ 187,Governance The Board is committed to developing the corporate governance structures of the Group to ensure they meet best practice.,1
+ 188,"Executive Directors, as employees of AIB, are also subject to the organisation’s Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interests Policy for employees.",0
+ 189,"Emissions reported in 2020 were generated in 2019. externally, and ESG considerations are integrated in Corporate and Institutional Business Banking (CIB) credit applications.",0
+ 190,Application of the Principles of the Code The Board attaches importance to matters set out in the Code and applies its principles.,0
+ 191,"Strategy Alpha Schools’ management team is focused on ensuring delivery of first-class service levels to the schools and maintaining an excellent relationship with the Highland Council, and on the timely completion of the remaining minor construction works.",0
+ 192,"AIB has made significant progress in delivering a more simplified, streamlined and strengthened business aligned to our five strategic pillars – Customer First, Simple & Efficient, Risk & Capital, Talent & Culture and Sustainable Communities.",1
+ 193,"Our talent management strategy ensures we nurture our staff and give them the correct training, development and support to ensure they can progress with the business.",1
+ 194,"Deferred awards are also subject to a performance underpin which is linked to the underlying performance of the Group, risk management, conduct and compliance over the three-year deferral period.",0
+ 195,"The Group’s ‘Speak Up’ Policy and process also provides those working for the Group with a protected channel for raising concerns, which is at the heart of fostering an open and transparent working culture.",0
+ 196,"We reduced mortgage rates across AIB and EBS, backed vital social housing development and supported our business customers through the uncertainty of both Brexit and COVID-19.",1
+ 197,"It also focuses on strategy, performance over the previous five years and interaction with customers and the wider community and also comments on the membership of the Board, and other issues.",0
+ 198,"The principal Committees of the Board – Audit, Remuneration, and Nominations – all comply fully with the requirements of the Combined Code.",0
+ 199,"As AJ Bell has grown, Andy’s focus has gravitated to developing strategy, managing the business and crucially, ensuring that AJ Bell’s primary purpose, vision and culture are engrained in the business.",1
+ 200,The Audit Committee comprises four Non-Executive Directors whom the Board has determined have the collective skills and relevant financial experience to enable the Committee to discharge its responsibilities.,0
+ 201,Carbon taxes are an important driver of UK power prices and there are two main schemes: the UK ETS (a levy on large users which replaced the EU ETS following the end of the Brexit transition) and the UK Carbon Price Support (a tax on coal and gas generators).,0
+ 202,"The Board Diversity Policy and monitoring of performance relative to targets set out therein is a matter for the Committee, which discusses progress against agreed targets.",0
+ 203,"The CFPB issued new integrated disclosures rules (“TRID”), which became effective October 3, 2015 and have combined the prior good faith estimate and truth in lending disclosure form into a new form, the loan estimate.",1
+ 204,Corporate governance at Deutsche Börse Group Women in management positions Deutsche Börse AG set itself the goal of nominating at least one female member for the Executive Board by 2015.,1
+ 205,Each of the Board Committees and the Sustainable Business Advisory Committee considered the Board Evaluation report insofar as it related to that particular committee and adopted any actions considered necessary.,1
+ 206,"In 2012, AIB sought to implement a performance contract for energy reduction across its Head Office estate through a partnership with an Energy Service Company (ESCo).",1
+ 207,However we are mindful of the new provisions in the 2018 Corporate Governance Code (‘2018 Code’) that we will be required to report against next year.,0
+ 208,"We have also made a significant commitment to being carbon neutral by 2030, using a net-zero approach, and set out an ambition for 70% of new lending to be green in that timeframe too.",1
+ 209,"From 2015, trading in natural gas products will be pooled at Powernext, and power trading at EEX.",0
+ 210,"A cco u n ts a n d o th e r in fo rm a tio n 1173i Infrastructure plc Annual report and accounts 2021 11.1 Identifying and assessing potential risks related to irregularities continued As a result of these procedures, we considered the opportunities and incentives that may exist within the organisation for fraud and identified the greatest potential for fraud in the valuation of the investment portfolio.",0
+ 211,We continue to invest in our compliance function.,1
+ 212,Directors’ conflicts of interests The Directors have a statutory duty to avoid conflicts of interest with the Company.,0
+ 213,"At our development in Bedford, our contractor, Winvic, scored exceptionally in respect of the community.",0
+ 214,All Directors are required to update their skills and maintain their familiarity with the Company and its business continually.,0
+ 215,"The objective of the Board Diversity Policy is to achieve the most appropriate blend and balance of diversity possible over time, with focus remaining at all times on identifying the most suitable candidates to oversee the significant financial service activities and related requirements of AIB.",1
+ 216,The European Commission and ESMA have to specify the requirements in technical standards; these will apply from November 2017 onwards.,0
+ 217,"Secondly, it is important because we are long-term investors and you have to operate with sustainability in mind if you want a company to be successful over the long-term.",0
+ 218,The Board has established an audit committee and a remuneration committee and formally delegated duties and responsibilities as described as follows.,1
+ 219,"This is leading to a renewed focus on environmental, social and governance (‘ESG’) factors, and the responsibility of companies to their stakeholders and communities.",0
+ 220,"He is currently responsible for a number of investments including renewable energy projects, care homes, health clinics, fibre broadband and wedding venues.",0
+ 221,"The policy is not just concerned with “doing no harm” or ethical business practices, but impinges on issues of wider trust and corporate reputation, which are critically important in the new global climate of public mistrust of the fi nancial sector.",0
+ 222,"Funding projects through our Community Chest Programme We also signed a pledge with Cardiff Commitment to help young people from various social backgrounds progress in education, employment and training.",1
+ 223,"We published both a detailed and summary report, which are available for download on",1
+ 224,We ensure that we have a talent development pipeline with skills and knowledge to maintain the long-term success of our business.,0
+ 225,"We are committed to reflecting diversity in its broadest sense, while ensuring that we maintain the necessary skills and experience required to oversee the significant financial service activities and related requirements of the Group.",0
+ 226,This helps us monitor whether our core values and culture have permeated through the organisation successfully.,0
+ 227,"This report is made solely to the company’s members, as a body, in accordance with section 193 of the Companies Act 1990 and in respect of the separate opinion in relation to International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) as issued by the International Accounting Standard Board (“IASB”), on terms that have been agreed.",0
+ 228,"Out of course salary increases were managed within tight budgetary parameters, the increases being primarily restricted to retaining key staff and skills or to instances where staff stepped up to expanded roles in light of restructuring or staff departures under the voluntary severance programme.",0
+ 229,I am extremely honoured to be Chief Executive Officer of a bank that is dedicated to playing a practical role in supporting the economy and our citizens to whom we owe so much.,0
+ 230,Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose.,1
+ 231,"The Board requested a review of controls in place within supplier due diligence processes to prevent slavery and human trafficking, which was progressed by management.",1
+ 232,A limited assurance engagement is substantially less in scope than a reasonable assurance engagement.,0
+ 233,We advocate an Agile Working Policy which aims to provide a modern and supportive work environment.,1
+ 234,"Sir John has extensive experience in the financial and infrastructure sectors and as an adviser to both the the former Department of Trade and Industry and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on energy and environmental policy.",0
+ 235,This assessment considers all significant aspects of internal control arising during the year.,0
+ 236,AIB was awarded Outstanding Achievement in Sustainability by Chambers Ireland/Business in the Community as well as the Excellence in the Environment award at the Annual Sustainable Impact Awards 2020.,0
+ 237,Large corporations or banks are seeking to divest non-core assets as they restructure their balance sheets and policy drivers continue to underpin activity in the renewables and social infrastructure space.,1
+ 238,"Dutch waste volumes were in line with pre-Covid forecasts, and energy prices largely recovered to pre-Covid levels by the end of 2020.",0
+ 239,"Our other stakeholders Other stakeholders represent the local communities in which we operate as well as the wider environment, our suppliers and our regulators.",0
+ 240,Operational risks such as cyber risk and IT security are reviewed at Board level as well as at management level committees.,0
+ 241,"Progressively rebuilding trust with our customers, restoring the bank to better financial health and playing a robust role in the recovery of the Irish economy were critical priorities for the bank and we made solid progress across all these areas throughout 2013.",1
+ 242,The money raised by purchases and donations made by AIB staff on the day made a tangible difference to these causes.,1
+ 243,The Board is also ultimately responsible for maintaining sound risk management and internal control systems.,0
+ 244,We look forward to supporting them through to the completion of their apprenticeships in 2019.,1
+ 245,"Throughout 2018, over 250 business owners completed the first AIB Women in Enterprise programme, assisting them in scaling and growing their businesses.",1
+ 246,"In 2018, this charity was Independent Age, a national charity which provides free information and advice for older people and their families on care and support, money and benefits, and health and mobility.",1
+ 247,"The legal and regulatory landscape in which the Group operates is constantly evolving, and the burden of compliance with laws and regulations is increasing.",0
+ 248,"Testing and assurance – an objective examination of evidence for the purpose of providing an independent assessment of governance, risk management and control processes for the Group in relation to all risk types.",0
+ 249,Both the Group consolidated financial statements and the Company financial statements have been prepared and approved by the Directors in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and as adopted by the European Union (“EU”).,1
+ 250,"We rank fourth in the country for emissions reporting, and have experienced significant monetary savings through the adoption of our energy saving programme.",1
+ 251,February 2019 also saw the launch of training sessions for managers to raise awareness of gender identity.,1
+ 252,Deep understanding of climate change from a corporate governance perspective.,0
+ 253,This ensures that the objectivity and independence of the Auditors is safeguarded.,0
+ 254,Allied Minds supports the rights of all people as set out in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ensures that all transactions the Group enters into uphold these principles.,0
+ 255,"On the basis of the above, and the Committee’s determination of the Auditor’s effectiveness, independence and objectivity, the Committee recommends that Deloitte should be reappointed as Auditor at the Annual General Meeting on 6 May 2021.",0
+ 256,Our Commitment to Employees: We pledge to invest in our people and in the resources needed to grow this company for years to come.,1
+ 257,"This includes the puma and eight species of armadillo as well as restoring and preserving the rainforest habitat, re-introducing species and carrying out local education programmes.",1
+ 258,This increases to a 25% female representation following the AGM.,0
+ 259,We ensure that “Green” products are appropriately designed.,0
+ 260,Regulatory Compliance & Business Ethics (‘RC & BE’) has responsibility for co-ordinating the compliance functions across all Divisions and for the development of Group policy on ethical matters.,0
+ 261,Maintaining a profitable and financially sustainable business 10.,0
+ 262,"Notwithstanding Dr Somers’ designation as non-independent under the UK Code arising from his appointment by the Irish State as shareholder, the Board is satisfied that Dr Somers exercises independence of thought and action in fulfilling his duties as a Non-Executive Director.",0
+ 263,"The Group engages with stakeholders through various means such as face-to-face meetings including scheduled meetings and out of course meetings on specific topics, research, media engagement, the Group’s in-house experts liaising directly with associated business, public or charitable groups and participation in expert fora and events.",1
+ 264,Each of our economic infrastructure companies has developed a sustainability strategy appropriate for its business.,1
+ 265,"Its carbon emissions are negligible, and limited to Board members’ travel to and from Jersey to attend Board meetings.",0
+ 266,"Further details can be found in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (""ESG"") section on pages 15 and 16.",0
+ 267,"Since then, Elaine has enjoyed a very successful senior HR leadership career culminating in her appointment as Group Human Resources Director for Legal and General plc in 2006.",0
+ 268,The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Parent Company’s transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and Parent Company and enable them to ensure that its financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006.,0
+ 269,"In the second half of the year, we raised €1bn from our first green bond issuance, the first Irish bank to do so, and we launched a €300m Social Housing Fund to deliver 2,000 sustainable A-rated homes.",1
+ 270,We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).,1
+ 271,We expect this to be a focus in the short term and the results of the initial review will help us understand how different climate-related scenarios will impact each portfolio company’s strategy and help prioritise our areas of focus.,1
+ 272,The Act also imposes new duties on the directors of an institution and sets out matters to which directors must have regard in the performance of their functions.,0
+ 273,It is also the means by which we measure the likely impact our decisions may have upon the environment.,0
+ 274,Enhanced Board focus on culture continues as part of the 2019 Board work programme.,1
+ 275,"Emil Gigov, BA (Hons), FCA, is a Partner at Albion Capital and leads Albion’s investments in social care and education.",0
+ 276,We have also focused on recruitment and training as a key element of building a sustainable platform for the future.,1
+ 277,"From the very beginning, we have rooted ourselves within the neighborhoods we serve, and we have remained committed to our role as a vital, contributing community member.",0
+ 278,"It provided an opportunity to positively test the Group’s corporate governance structures and the reactions of individuals and key areas across the Group, and created a greater level of awareness of the Recovery Plan and the speed and quality of response expected across the Group.",1
+ 279,Agriculture and farming . . . . . .,0
+ 280,"With this in mind, the Board was keen to understand the thoughts and views of our employees on how we ensure our unique AJ Bell culture and strong staff engagement is maintained as we move to new ways of working.",0
+ 281,"Environment As an investment company with no employees, governed by a non-executive Board of Directors, 3i Infrastructure has no material direct impact on the environment.",0
+ 282,"We perceive that key material issues for our environment generally relates to; the direction of travel and progress relating to environmental concerns, awareness of topical issues and the sharing of best practice, reducing carbon emissions and the Group’s overall environmental footprint, and the creation of a sustainable business for the future.",0
+ 283,"We have two other brands, Gladiator Commercial, which operates as an intermediary in the commercial vehicle market, and, which operates as an internet ‘shopper’ for car insurance.",0
+ 284,A final recommendation is made to the Board by the Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee.,0
+ 285,"The 2010 Act introduced, inter alia, an obligation on designated persons to (i) apply customer due diligence procedures to their customers; (ii) identify and take risk based and adequate measures to verify beneficial ownership; and (iii) identify and apply enhanced customer due diligence requirements to non-resident politically exposed persons.",0
+ 286,Work is continuing to fully embed the Code.,1
+ 287,"We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error.",1
+ 288,"In order to establish itself as a role model in the market, Deutsche Börse Group continually develops its sustainability commitment and reporting.",1
+ 289,We want employee insights to continue to play a part in facilitating the Admiral Group Board discussions and decision-making processes.,0
+ 290,"He initially practiced as a radiologist, before spending 3 years at Bain & Company.",0
+ 291,"As individuals and organisations, we must aim to reverse our negative effects on the planet, the land, the sea, the air.",0
+ 292,Statement of Compliance The Directors consider that the Company has complied throughout the year ended 31 March 2002 with all the relevant provisions set out in Section 1 of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance issued by the Financial Services Authority.,0
+ 293,"Staff from People Services and Communications at the Wales Air Ambulance airbase in Llanelli, finding out how we can help them promote their fundraising.",1
+ 294,"The role of the Executive Risk Committee is to foster risk governance within the Group, to ensure that risks within the Group are appropriately managed and controlled, and to evaluate the Group's risk appetite against the Group’s strategy.",0
+ 295,"A7 Governance AFR 2016 pages 173-212:Layout 1 10/03/2017 19:57 Page 171 172 Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c.",0
+ 296,It was acknowledged that a long-term programme was needed to enhance the Group’s reputation and culture and ’prove by doing’ to rebuild trust with our customers and wider society.,1
+ 297,"With our relentless customer focus, our leading digital technology and our commitment to sustainability, we remain well placed to continue to support our customers, adapting to their changing needs, while delivering long-term sustainable success for our business.",1
+ 298,"Since 2015 we have participated in Earth Hour, extinguishing all non-essential lighting for 1 hour across all of our sites.",1
+ 299,The Board does not believe that ownership of these shares impacts the independence of the NonExecutive Directors .,0
+ 300,"The Board Audit Committee reviews various aspects of internal control, including the design and operating effectiveness of the financial reporting framework, the Group’s statutory accounts and other published financial statements and information.",1
+ 301,"We maintain this compliant culture to preserve our financial security, as well as our regulatory and reputational standing in the market.",0
+ 302,"Monitoring can be undertaken by either dedicated compliance monitoring teams, front-line quality assurance functions at the direction of the compliance function, or in the case of the Capital Markets division by the business unit compliance officers.",0
+ 303,"This was supported by the AIB ‘First Steps to Getting a Mortgage’ guide, together with local and national advertising through print, digital and broadcast media.",1
+ 304,An enhanced Credit Professionalism programme was introduced which builds on existing skills and introduces a focus on financial literacy and the professional requirements of AIB and the financial services industry.,1
+ 305,"In keeping with our guiding principles, we will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our HR practices so that we do not disadvantage anyone.",1
+ 306,"We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error.",1
+ 307,"These guidelines include the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears, the Irish Banking Federation/Money Advice & Budgeting Service protocol and the IBF Statement of Intent.",0
+ 308,It is always wonderful to see the Admiral culture so deeply ingrained in offices across the globe.,0
+ 309,It is not something we just say but something we truly believe.,0
+ 310,"AIB branches and EBS offices operated safely, and we put measures in place for our vulnerable customers.",1
+ 311,"These businesses provide over 3.6 million cubic metres of oil, petroleum and other oil-related and chemicals storage facilities and associated services to a broad range of clients, including private and state oil companies, refi ners, petrochemical companies and traders.",0
+ 312,"As a large employer with a significant reach into the markets and the communities we serve, our business has the potential to make a significant impact on our stakeholders.",0
+ 313,"COMMUNICATION Accessible, clear, and formatted to meet the requirements of each individual: our approach to communication reflects our broader commitments to our customers, ensuring they know exactly what to expect should they ever need to make a claim.",0
+ 314,"In 2018 we began to phase out single-use plastic cutlery in our UK canteens, replacing them with recyclable models.",1
+ 315,AIB GB and First Trust also undertook numerous staff fundraising initiatives throughout 2013 and the GB Staff Care Committee made its annual charity donation.,1
+ 316,"Accounting records The measures taken by the Directors to secure compliance with the Company's obligation to keep adequate accounting records include the use of appropriate systems and procedures, incorporating those set out within ‘Internal controls’ in the ‘Governance and oversight’ on pages 212 and 213, and the employment of competent persons.",0
+ 317,The Committee held five scheduled meetings during the year with a further three meetings dedicated to the Internal Model process.,1
+ 318,"There is a procedure in place to enable the Directors to take independent professional advice, at the Company’s expense.",0
+ 319,Civil and criminal sanctions apply for contraventions of the UKDPA.,0
+ 320,EEX – the European marketplace for energy and related products The energy market is a particular area where Deutsche Börse is making progress in rounding off its product range and acquiring new customer groups.,1
+ 321,"On 6 December, we held our first Purpose Day – a day of celebrating our customers.",1
+ 322,Oct 2017 Published our first Sustainability Report We hosted a conversation between Irish and international experts along with our customers and colleagues on how business can be truly sustainable.,1
+ 323,"The material risks primarily impacted by key non-financial matters include operational risk, credit risk, people and culture risk, regulatory compliance risk and conduct risk.",0
+ 324,The Group’s processes for assessing customers and agreeing sustainable forbearance solutions have significantly improved over the last 2 years with the development of a suite of advanced forbearance products.,1
+ 325,"During a number of those meetings, the Non-Executive Directors met in the absence of the Executive Directors, in accordance with good governance standards.",0
+ 326,"Contestants must come up with creative ideas for an energy awareness campaign to change behaviour and improve energy efficiency in their homes, schools and communities.",1
+ 327,"We supported customers at a local level through the provision of seminars attended by over 4,000 SME customers and a 90-day coaching programme for c.3,000 micro-enterprises.",1
+ 328,We are growing and upskilling our sales force and creating a trainee development plan to build the next generation of talent.,1
+ 329,"Employees are assured that if they raise a concern in good faith, AIB will not tolerate any victimisation or unfair treatment of the employee as a result.",0
+ 330,We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB.,1
+ 331,How the scope of our audit responded to the key audit matter We obtained an understanding of relevant controls over the EIR calculation.,0
+ 332,"In addition, Deutsche Börse AG submitted a declaration of conformity with the German Sustainability Code (GSC) for 2014.",0
+ 333,"Throughout 2020, WesBanco supported its customers, communities, and employees through the implementation of a number of programs, initiatives, and safety protocols.",1
+ 334,The code of business ethics sets out for employees the general principles that govern how AIB Group conducts its affairs.,0
+ 335,"Northern Trust’s maximum exposure to loss as a result of its involvement with community development projects is limited to the carrying amounts of its investments, including any undrawn commitments.",0
+ 336,"We chose to conduct the exercise to the standards of GRI, with the ultimate aim in mind of producing a first sustainability report.",1
+ 337,"Compliance Statement This Remuneration Report has been prepared according to the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 (the Act), Regulation 11 and Schedule 8 of the Large and Medium-Sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 and other relevant requirements of the FCA Listing Rules.",1
+ 338,Directors’ conflicts of interests The Directors have a statutory duty to avoid conflicts of interest with the Company.,0
+ 339,In May 2020 the Valley Road facility reopened with social distancing procedures in place.,1
+ 340,"We spent three years working up the development to design and agree a scheme that would meet the requirements of occupiers, local residents and planners.",1
+ 341,"Previously, she was Risk Management Director of the Insurance and Investments division of Lloyds TSB and, before that, Head of Compliance and Audit at Scottish Widows.",0
+ 342,We have also chosen to report emissions per FTE as our intensity measure as we believe this is the best indicator for the Group.,1
+ 343,Directors’ retirement and re-election is subject to the Articles of Association and the AIC Code on Corporate Governance.,0
+ 344,Services 2014 Governance Management report Financial statements NotesResponsibilityShares Eurex segment The performance of the Eurex derivatives segment largely depends on the trading activities of institutional investors and proprietary trading by professional market participants.,0
+ 345,"The Committee meets regularly without the Executive Directors being present and is independently advised by PwC, a signatory of the Remuneration Consultants’ Code of Conduct and which has no connection with the Group other than in the provision of advice on executive and employee remuneration matters and taxation advice.",0
+ 346,"The Group actively engages with all relevant industry and government stakeholders highlighting, as appropriate, the intended and unintended consequences of any proposed regulatory or legislative changes including its impacts on customers, the Group and the industry as a whole.",0
+ 347,"This commitment to have a wider positive impact has continued to be an important part of the business in 2019, and we have taken several steps forward – for example, with the formalisation of our Employee Consultation Group to create a platform for employees to engage with management and Board, the creation of a Climate Change project working group to consider the impact of Climate Change, a formalised Responsible Investment policy, and continued efforts to engage with the Community and provide a platform for employees to give back.",1
+ 348,One of my early priorities as Chief Executive Officer has been to work with our Board on the development of a multiyear culture enhancement programme.,1
+ 349,"The following attend the Committee’s meetings, by invitation: the Auditors; the Group Finance Director; the Group Chief Risk Officer; the Group General Manager, Regulatory Compliance; and the Group Internal Auditor.",0
+ 350,"Our customers understand that we are practical people, offering an effective and highly functional service, with no unnecessary complications or additions.",0
+ 351,We recommend doing so in conjunction with this Annual Financial Report as it provides further detail and examples of the progress we made in our sustainability strategy last year.,1
+ 352,"The Board monitors announcements and developments by the UK government on matters of strategic interest – for example the banning of sales of diesel and petrol cars, and the rising trend of electric vehicle technology is on the Board agenda for ongoing discussion.",1
+ 353,"During the year, as part of our initial TCFD considerations, we started to assess the impact of climate change on our assets, both in terms of the risk of transitioning to a low carbon economy and also the physical risks resulting from climate change.",1
+ 354,They also comply with those parts of the Companies Act 2014 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS and with the European Union (Credit Institutions: Financial Statements) Regulations 2015.,0
+ 355,"This work will be undertaken for us by KPMG, and also follows a recommendation from Deloitte, who assured our 2017 Sustainability Report.",1
+ 356,"AIB and education – building on existing relationships We already have a long-standing relationship with Junior Achievement Ireland (JAI), which helps children of all ages understand the benefits of staying in education.",1
+ 357,Responsibility starts when we first consider investing in a company.,0
+ 358,"Regulatory compliance risk is defined as the risk of regulatory sanctions, material financial loss or loss to reputation which the Group may suffer as a result of failure to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, standards and codes of conduct applicable to its activities.",0
+ 359,"The Directors’ report includes a fair view of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face Disclosure of information to auditors The Directors who held offi ce at the date of approval of this Directors’ report confi rm that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company’s auditor is unaware; and each Director has taken all the steps that he ought to have taken as a Director to make himself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company’s auditor is aware of that information.",0
+ 360,"The gas prices correlated strongly with miles driven and subsequently claims frequency while advertising again remained concentrated in the few largest insurers, again topping $6 billion.",0
+ 361,"As part of our vision for sustainable growth and our focus on profitability, we continuously work to better measure, record and reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions.",1
+ 362,The review took the form of an internal evaluation and was principally conducted by way of a questionnaire that was issued to all Committee members.,0
+ 363,The Group seeks to ensure that it has a diversity of relationships to ensure that no one university or US government laboratory has inordinate influence on our prospects.,0
+ 364,"The introduction of the new operating model provided a timely opportunity to review our executive governance structures and ensure alignment with the following areas of focus: (i) becoming a single, purpose-led organisation, (ii) ensuring high standards and customer values are at the heart of decision-making, (iii) driving our values and strategy, and ensuring these are aligned with our culture, and (iv) empowering managers in order to allow our most senior leaders to focus on strategy, culture, people and performance matters.",1
+ 365,"In view of the increase in regulatory requirements, we have increased the resource in our Risk and Compliance teams and established an Investment Committee to oversee certain activities of the investment business.",1
+ 366,We received updates from Management regarding the Group’s whistleblowing or “Speak Up” governance arrangements in place.,0
+ 367,How the scope of our We have evaluated the design and tested operating effectiveness of the Group’s controls over the audit responded to identification and measurement of the provision and the disclosure of exposures.,1
+ 368,We actively support diversity within our organisation and as such we recognise that our people may need flexibility in their work patterns at certain times in their career when balancing priorities between their personal and work life.,1
+ 369,"We are committed to conducting our business and operations as energyefficiently as possible, reducing our carbon footprint and striving to achieve continuous improvement in energy performance.",1
+ 370,"WIB serves customers through a relationship driven model with a sector specialist focus comprising corporate banking, real estate finance, energy, climate action and infrastructure.",0
+ 371,Sustainability and risk Managing the sustainability of our organisation involves identifying and managing all risks that relate to both day-to-day and future operations.,0
+ 372,The Group Conduct Committee together with Segment Conduct Committees (operating to standard terms of reference) actively drive the conduct agendas and manage conduct risk within their businesses.,1
+ 373,"Investment rationale Exposure to social infrastructure through PPP projects provides the Company’s portfolio with lower risk, index-linked cash flows.",0
+ 374,"Our charity and community programme focuses on serving the communities near our offi ce locations in Cardiff, Swansea and Newport and since 2007 our overseas locations.",1
+ 375,"Two things did seem to bind the country together this year, however; lower gasoline prices and continued large advertising.",0
+ 376,Today we are in the top half of companies and the results confirm the real progress we are making on our people agenda despite the challenges and change we have faced.,1
+ 377,"This can only be done by implementing a strict customer-first ethos in all aspects of our business, by putting ourselves in our customers’ shoes.",1
+ 378,We aim to reduce our environmental footprint and encourage responsible behaviour.,1
+ 379,"The Directors confirm that, with the assistance of reports from the Audit Committee and Management, they have reviewed the effectiveness of the Group’s system of internal control for the year ended 31 December 2002.",1
+ 380,"In 2018, we delivered leading biometric capabilities in facial recognition on the mobile channel, as well as voice recognition across A new era in banking The introduction of the Payment Services Directive II (PSD2) in Europe and Open Banking in the UK in early 2018 allows customers to grant third party companies access to their financial data.",1
+ 381,"The Group’s Code of Conduct, incorporating the risk culture principles, places great emphasis on the integrity of employees and accountability for both actions taken and inaction.",0
+ 382,"Steps will continue to be taken to embed the system of internal control and risk management into the operations and culture of the Company and its key suppliers, and to deal with areas of improvement which comes to management’s and the Board’s attention.",1
+ 383,Non-property lending fell 4% with strong new lending to the energy sector offset by lower syndicated lending.,0
+ 384,"As individuals and organisations, we must aim to reverse our negative effects on the planet, the land, the sea, the air.",0
+ 385,"The AIB ‘Add more green’ e-statement initiative continued to be popular with over 268,000 customers opting for online rather than paper statements.",1
+ 386,"Key Audit Matters Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit for the financial statements of the current financial year and include the most significant assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) we identified, including those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy; the allocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team.",0
+ 387,"Energy ............................................................ 992 923 670 733 407 Manufacturing ................................................ 3,801 3,212 2,835 2,585 2,270 Construction and property .............................. 33,290 29,973 22,605 14,863 10,059 Distribution ....................................................",0
+ 388,The Policy sets out the approach to Board diversity for Boards within the Admiral Group and supports the principle of boardroom diversity and inclusion and the promotion of diverse board composition.,1
+ 389,"At AIB, we believe our employees work best when they are afforded flexibility and can work in a way that suits them.",0
+ 390,"This business sorts and treats waste for recycling, alongside composting and anaerobic digestion facilities, and produces sustainable electricity for 350,000 households by converting waste to energy.",1
+ 391,How we all live up to our values determines what behaviours are acceptable in AIB and this means aligning remunerations and reward models around these values.,0
+ 392,"Under the GHG guidelines, scope 1 and 2 emissions are key mandatory areas to report, illustrating the environmental impact of the Group for activities where we have direct control, i.e. operation of our business premises.",0
+ 393,"Directors’ independence All the Directors, with the exception of Ian Lobley, who was appointed as the 3i Group nominee to the Board with effect from 6 May 2014, are considered by the Board to be independent for the purposes of the Code.",0
+ 394,"In addition, the Group has insurance policies that cover a number of risk events which fall under the regulatory compliance umbrella.",0
+ 395,"At the same time we keep working on our role of strategic data partner for insurers that work with us, with our annual insurance price index and our Big Data team providing new tools.",1
+ 396,The agriculture sub-sector (10% of the portfolio) continued to perform well in 2015.,0
+ 397,"In addition, the Group maintains a number of employee codes of conduct regarding appropriate ethical standards in the workplace.",0
+ 398,"The Dodd-Frank Act also called for regulators to issue new rules relating to incentivebased compensation arrangements deemed excessive, and proxy access by shareholders.",0
+ 399,"A company’s internal control over � nancial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly re� ect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of � nancial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material e� ect on the � nancial statements.",0
+ 400,"The environment Details of our approach to responsible business and its aims and activities can be found on the Company’s website, where a full version of the annual Responsible Business report can be downloaded.",0
+ 401,Over the last number of years at AIB we have been working to build a more sustainable business.,1
+ 402,"Just days later, COVID-19 restrictions were in place across our locations and employee wellbeing came to the fore.",1
+ 403,"The environment Take a cautious and responsible approach to the environment; promote compliance with environmental law, improvement in management standards and the sustainable management of natural resources; and help combat climate change by supporting the development of products and services that are environmentally beneficial.",1
+ 404,"These values drive and influence activities of all employees, guiding the Group’s dealings with customers, each other and all stakeholders.",0
+ 405,"We believe our purpose – to create more joy in the world – will continue to fuel our ongoing growth and success, as it provides us all with a guidepost to decision making throughout our organisation, it sets expectations on how we treat each other – all those we serve and work alongside – and why we do what we do as an organisation.",0
+ 406,"In establishing the overall approach to the Group audit, we determined the type of work that needed to be performed by us, as the Group engagement team, or by auditors within Deloitte network firms operating under our instruction (“component auditors”).",0
+ 407,"The training covered a variety of topics, which included password complexity, tailgating, risks of USB devices, data classification, suspicious emails, and phishing.",0
+ 408,"In March 2018, we launched AIB Together, a bankwide community programme focusing on core themes of Youth & Education and Entrepreneurship.",1
+ 409,"This was awarded in recognition of AIB’s Staff Wellbeing Programme, which has the key objective of providing a health and fitness at work programme that supports early intervention, supporting the fact that prevention is better than cure.",1
+ 410,"Executive Directors, as employees of the Group, are also subject to the Group’s Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interests Policy for employees.",0
+ 411,"As a listed company, it has a duty to consistently monitor its own sustainability management and raise its profile through holistic corporate reporting in order to establish itself as an exemplary player in the market.",0
+ 412,"Last year, we volunteered and provided funds to over 200 community organizations.",1
+ 413,Basis of audit opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board.,1
+ 414,The Company continues to comply with HMRC rules in order to maintain its status under Venture Capital Trust legislation as highlighted on page 16.,1
+ 415,Environmental risk is mitigated by requiring assessments performed by qualified inspectors whenever the current or previous uses of the property or any adjacent properties are likely to have resulted in contamination of the property financed.,0
+ 416,"When we read the annual report, if we conclude that there is a material misstatement therein, we are required to communicate the matter to those charged with governance.",0
+ 417,"Succession planning and diversity remain key areas of focus for the Board and the Nomination and Governance Committee as we seek to ensure that the composition and balance of the Board is reviewed and refreshed where necessary; that continuity is maintained, and that Directors with the appropriate skills and experience and from a diverse range of backgrounds join the Board to bring fresh perspective and challenge to the Group’s strategy in the markets in which it operates.",0
+ 418,We also report to the Audit Committee on disclosure matters that we identified when assessing the overall presentation of the financial statements.,0
+ 419,"The main focus area for the Board and the Investment Manager is the development and integration of the data, tools and capabilities needed to support disclosure, risk identification and monitoring for ESG- related risks, including climate-related risks across the whole portfolio.",0
+ 420,"Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group and Company’s internal control.",0
+ 421,"In addition, the selection of Ms Yip enables the Nomination Committee to pursue the Supervisory Board’s goal of increasing the proportion of female Supervisory Board members.",1
+ 422,"Based on the assurance obtained, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board a resolution to re-appoint BDO LLP as Auditor at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.",0
+ 423,"To offset our 2019 carbon footprint, we have chosen to support a project in India which provides renewable energy through the installation and maintenance of wind turbines.",1
+ 424,"Through a series of informal visits known as ‘Out and Abouts’ as detailed in this Corporate Governance report, branch visits and various staff events, the Board took the opportunity to increase face-to-face meetings with employees throughout 2019.",1
+ 425,"NonExecutive Directors are appointed so as to maintain an appropriate balance and to ensure a sufficiently wide and relevant mix of backgrounds, skills and experience to provide strong and effective leadership and control for the Group.",0
+ 426,Further information on the role of the audit committee is set out above.,0
+ 427,"The Audit Plan contains the comprehensive programme of individual audits that provide an independent assessment of key governance, risk management and control processes.",0
+ 428,Our Appraisal Reports comply with the reporting requirements set forth under the generally accepted appraisal standards and principles.,0
+ 429,In so far as each of the Directors is aware: there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditors are unaware; and the Directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the auditors are aware of that information.,0
+ 430,Our facilities team are exploring ways in which a third party can verify our emissions in 2020.,1
+ 431,"Performance Management In line with the Group’s Talent and Culture strategic priority, the Board continued to focus on building a strong culture which aligned with the Group’s brand values.",1
+ 432,"As at 31 March 2016, the India Fund was invested in a portfolio of six assets in the power and transportation sectors.",0
+ 433,"We gained an understanding and tested relevant General IT Controls for systems we considered relevant to the financial reporting process, including access management, programme development and change management.",0
+ 434,"Meeting investor expectations on Responsible Business As shareholder expectations on corporate governance and sustainability increase, we undertook our first Responsible Business survey of investors in the previous year.",1
+ 435,"The Code sets out how employees are expected to behave in terms of the business, customer and employee.",0
+ 436,"At Schwab, we believe that we earn client loyalty through our actions each and every day.",0
+ 437,This year we reviewed our responsible investment policy with regard to our ESG positioning.,1
+ 438,We identify closely with these communities and are delighted to sponsor the Welsh Rugby Union strip for the next three years.,1
+ 439,"We have considered quantitative and qualitative factors such as understanding the entity and its environment, history of mistatetements, complexity of the company and the reliability of control environment.",0
+ 440,"Subsequently, (1) ‘The Combined Code: Principles of Good Governance and Code of Best Practice’, adopted in 1998 by the Irish Stock Exchange and the UK Listing Authority. 51 Directors must submit themselves for re-appointment at intervals of not more than three years; however, Directors who have served more than nine years are subject to annual re-election by shareholders.",0
+ 441,Already we are successful at exporting our award-winning culture.,0
+ 442,Our purpose is to help our customers create and build sustainable businesses in their communities.,1
+ 443,"However, a small part of its business has been impacted by the marketwide drop in fuel oil storage rates.",0
+ 444,"This addresses the need for an improved work/life balance which the Company believes is important to help alleviate the high-stress work environment, and also responds to staff requests for support with physical exercise and certain outdoor pursuits.",1
+ 445,We also assessed Management review controls and governance controls including attendance and observation of Board Risk Committee and Credit Committee meetings.,1
+ 446,In 2007 we also signed up to the Lloyd’s Climate Wise principles.,1
+ 447,Remuneration committee effectiveness The Remuneration Committee undertook a review of its own effectiveness during 2019/20 as part of the wider Board and Committee evaluation exercise.,1
+ 448,"Supporting art in the community AIB has an extensive art lending programme, with artworks constantly on loan to public institutions.",1
+ 449,The level of reporting is expected to build over time as the range of factors to consider increases and as our compliance with the UN PRI guidelines becomes apparent.,0
+ 450,"We also report to you if, in our opinion, the directors' report is not consistent with the financial statements, if the company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding directors' remuneration and transactions with the group is not disclosed.",0
+ 451,She will be leading the Board’s sustainability agenda.,0
+ 452,Reviewed and recommended to the Board the Policy on Employment of Former Employees of the External Auditor.,0
+ 453,Climate risk and its impacts are being assessed in the Group’s 2020 Material Risk Assessment process.,0
+ 454,"Customer bills will fall by an average of 8.8% in real terms next year, the largest decrease of all water and sewerage companies.",0
+ 455,The report on controls is also evaluated by the internal auditors.,0
+ 456,"We asked our stakeholders: “In your opinion, what actions can be undertaken within the bank to continue to rebuild trust through responsible banking practices and operations?” We compared the choices of our people with responses from our external stakeholders and made the 14 material topics of greatest significance to both groups our priority focus.",1
+ 457,Two preservation projects managed by the World Land Trust in South America were supported by the ‘Add more green’ fund.,1
+ 458,"In line with the relevant EU regulatory requirements, and strong corporate governance practices, the next tendering process for a new Group Auditor will be no later than 2023.",0
+ 459,"In 2007, we sent volunteers to a school to help students understand the process of getting paid.",1
+ 460,Anti-facilitation of tax evasion policy The Company has a zero tolerance approach with regards to the facilitation of criminal tax evasion and has a robust risk assessment procedure in place to ensure compliance.,1
+ 461,"Risk monitoring and reporting Regulatory Compliance undertakes risk-based monitoring of compliance with relevant policies, procedures and regulatory obligations.",1
+ 462,The Audit Committee has reviewed the level of non-audit services fees and is satisfied that it has not affected the independence of the Auditor.,0
+ 463,These schemes have promoted wider employee involvement in the Group.,1
+ 464,"We continued to grow our employee wellbeing offering this year with the launch of our Employee Assistance Programme, which gives our people access to independent confidential advice and support should they need it.",1
+ 465,Mine Safety Disclosures Executive Officers Part II Item 5.,0
+ 466,"We then formatted our Sustainability Report around the 11 chosen macroeconomic issues, illustrating how we are addressing each in our business and operations.",1
+ 467,This is once again due to our people.,0
+ 468,"Various initiatives across the Group promote diversity and inclusion, such as our headline sponsorship of Pride Cymru over the summer.",1
+ 469,Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects.,0
+ 470,"In addition, the Board, Group Audit Committee and the Executive Committee receive summary information on significant operational incidents on a regular basis.",0
+ 471,All GHG emissions figures are in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO 2 e) and include all six GHGs covered by the Kyoto Protocol.,0
+ 472,"We published both a detailed and summary report, which are available for download on",1
+ 473,"For example, the business is looking at more responsible sourcing solutions, including fully renewable electricity, in order to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.",1
+ 474,"This provides our Customer Services staff with the opportunity to demonstrate that they have the right skills, knowledge and behaviours to progress their career with us.",0
+ 475,"Within this overall NPS score, we track, on an ongoing basis, specific customer engagement journeys.",0
+ 476,"Investor appetite remains strong, particularly in areas such as renewables and digital infrastructure.",0
+ 477,"Since 2005, all the Directors retire from office at the AGM and offer Governance & oversight - 3.",0
+ 478,"As part of our assessment of the IT environment, we considered privileged user access management controls to be critical in ensuring that only appropriately authorised changes are made to relevant IT systems.",0
+ 479,This is an ambitious commitment which places the Group at the forefront of Irish banks leading the way in supporting the transition to a low carbon economy in Ireland.,1
+ 480,The existing guidance and disclosure requirements for separate financial statements are unchanged.,0
+ 481,"We held our second annual Diversity & Inclusion Week in March, during which all AIB employees were encouraged to Pledge for Inclusion.",1
+ 482,"It now has a membership of over 3,900, although its value has fallen slightly since last year, in line with a general softening of values in the health and fitness market.",0
+ 483,"We aim to maximise the local benefits from our activities and work hard to develop relationships with local authorities, schools, charities, residents and businesses.",1
+ 484,We continue to make every effort to ensure that all of our people are aware of our strategy and understand the Group’s performance objectives as this drives our success.,1
+ 485,Our success is built on delivering a first-class service through the skills and passion of staff who bring our values to life across the business.,0
+ 486,"To publish our first Sustainability Report, clearly articulating our approach, highlighting both what we already do well, and where we have more to do.",1
+ 487,"Environment As an investment company with no employees, governed by a non-executive Board of Directors, 3i Infrastructure has no direct material impact on the environment.",0
+ 488,Consideration of corporate responsibility issues is embedded as a mandatory part of this process.,0
+ 489,AIB Ireland also includes the costs for the workout unit for loan restructuring as sustainable customer solutions are worked through.,0
+ 490,We believe that a responsible approach to investment will add value to our portfolio and that the effective assessment of ESG risks and opportunities has a positive effect on the value of our investee companies.,0
+ 491,"Doug Bannister Non-executive Director Doug has over 25 years of experience in the transportation sector, having led businesses trading around the world for P&O Nedlloyd and Maersk Line.",0
+ 492,"In addition we report to you if, in our opinion, the Company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding Directors’ remuneration and other transactions is not disclosed.",0
+ 493,Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose.,1
+ 494,The Committee is chaired by the Group CRO (the Group CEO is the co-chair) and includes all members of the Group Executive Committee as well as the Group Internal Auditor and the Group Head of Regulatory Compliance and Business Ethics.,0
+ 495,"In June 2019 we created a Workplace Support Team to provide support for those with physical disabilities, neurodiversity and short-term mental health problems.",1
+ 496,"We review whether the Corporate Governance statement on pages 58 to 63 reflects the Company’s compliance with the nine provisions of the 2003 Combined Code specified for our review by the Listing Rules, and we report if it does not.",0
+ 497,The efficacy of related policy and practices and the embedding of Company values is overseen by the Board.,0
+ 498,"The Committee conducted its annual effectiveness review in July 2020, which confirmed the Committee is operating effectively.",1
+ 499,Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audits.,0