Upload dataset.py
Browse files- dataset.py +185 -94
@@ -1,131 +1,222 @@
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import os
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import datasets
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Bu dataset mp3 formatdagi audio fayllar va tsv metadata fayllardan iborat.
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_HOMEPAGE = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/Elyordev/
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"test": {
27 |
"tsv": "test/test.tsv",
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"tar": "test/test.tar",
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super(MyMiniDatasetSTTConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs)
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def _info(self):
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52 |
"id": datasets.Value("string"),
53 |
"path": datasets.Value("string"),
54 |
"sentence": datasets.Value("string"),
55 |
"duration": datasets.Value("float"),
56 |
"age": datasets.Value("string"),
57 |
"gender": datasets.Value("string"),
58 |
"accents": datasets.Value("string"),
59 |
"locale": datasets.Value("string"),
60 |
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def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
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Har bir
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reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter="\t")
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# coding=utf-8
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# Copyright 2023
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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# Ushbu fayl Common Voice uslubidagi dataset loading script bo'lib,
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# audio/uz/<split>/<split>.tar va transcript/uz/<split>/<split>.tsv
9 |
# fayllarni yuklab, audio+transkriptsiyani birlashtiradi.
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import os
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import csv
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import json
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import datasets
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from datasets.utils.py_utils import size_str
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# ------------------ 1. Metadata va sozlamalar ------------------
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_CITATION = """\
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title = {Your STT dataset title},
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author = {You or your org},
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year = {2023},
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url = {https://huggingface.co/datasets/Elyordev/new_dataset_stt_audio}
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Bu dataset mp3 formatdagi audio fayllar va tsv metadata fayllardan iborat.
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Papka tuzilishi Common Voice uslubiga o'xshash:
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audio/uz/[train|validation|test]/*.tar va transcript/uz/[train|validation|test]/*.tsv
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_HOMEPAGE = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/Elyordev/new_dataset_stt_audio"
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_LICENSE = "Apache License 2.0"
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# Bitta til: "uz" (xohlasangiz ko'paytirishingiz mumkin)
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40 |
"uz": {
41 |
"language_name": "Uzbek",
42 |
"num_clips": None, # Agar xohlasangiz, taxminiy klip sonini kiriting
43 |
"num_speakers": None,
44 |
"validated_hr": None,
45 |
"total_hr": None,
46 |
"size_bytes": None,
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# Bizda har bir splitda 1 dona tar shard bor deb faraz qilamiz
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52 |
"uz": {
53 |
"train": 1,
54 |
"validation": 1,
55 |
"test": 1,
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# Asosiy URL: repodagi fayllarni resolve qilish uchun
60 |
_BASE_URL = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/Elyordev/new_dataset_stt_audio/resolve/main/"
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# Audio fayl yo'li: audio/uz/<split>/<split>.tar
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_AUDIO_URL = _BASE_URL + "audio/{lang}/{split}/{split}.tar"
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# Transcript fayl yo'li: transcript/uz/<split>/<split>.tsv
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_TRANSCRIPT_URL = _BASE_URL + "transcript/{lang}/{split}/{split}.tsv"
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# ------------------ 2. Config klassi ------------------
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class NewDatasetSTTAudioConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig):
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"""Bitta config (masalan, 'uz') - xohlasangiz ko'proq tillarni ham qo'shishingiz mumkin."""
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def __init__(self, language, **kwargs):
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74 |
self.language = language
75 |
self.num_clips = LANGUAGES[language]["num_clips"]
76 |
self.num_speakers = LANGUAGES[language]["num_speakers"]
77 |
self.validated_hr = LANGUAGES[language]["validated_hr"]
78 |
self.total_hr = LANGUAGES[language]["total_hr"]
79 |
self.size_bytes = LANGUAGES[language]["size_bytes"]
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self.size_human = size_str(self.size_bytes) if self.size_bytes else None
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# ------------------ 3. Asosiy dataset builder ------------------
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class NewDatasetSTTAudio(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
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# Masalan, faqat "uz" config
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description="Uzbek STT dataset with Common Voice-like structure",
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def _info(self):
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lang = self.config.language
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# O'zingiz xohlagancha izoh tuzishingiz mumkin
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description = (
100 |
f"Common Voice uslubidagi dataset: til = {lang}. "
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103 |
features = datasets.Features(
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105 |
"id": datasets.Value("string"),
106 |
"path": datasets.Value("string"),
107 |
"audio": datasets.features.Audio(sampling_rate=16000), # agar 16kHz bo'lsa
108 |
"sentence": datasets.Value("string"),
109 |
"age": datasets.Value("string"),
110 |
"gender": datasets.Value("string"),
111 |
"accents": datasets.Value("string"),
112 |
"locale": datasets.Value("string"),
113 |
"duration": datasets.Value("float"), # agar tsv da float bo'lsa
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return datasets.DatasetInfo(
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def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
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Common Voice misolida bo'lgani kabi:
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train, validation, test splitlari uchun tar va tsv fayllarni yuklaymiz.
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lang = self.config.language
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n_shards = N_SHARDS[lang] # {'train':1, 'validation':1, 'test':1}
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split_generators = []
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# Bizda splits = ["train", "validation", "test"]
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for split in ["train", "validation", "test"]:
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# Audio (tar) URL lar ro'yxati (har bir splitda bitta shard)
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audio_urls = [
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_AUDIO_URL.format(lang=lang, split=split, shard_idx=i)
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for i in range(n_shards[split])
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# .tar fayllarni yuklab olamiz
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audio_paths = dl_manager.download(audio_urls)
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# .tar fayllarni streaming yoki to'liq extract qilamiz
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# Common Voice 'iter_archive' orqali stream qiladi, lekin biz local_extracted qilsak ham bo'ladi
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local_extracted_archive_paths = []
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if not dl_manager.is_streaming:
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local_extracted_archive_paths = dl_manager.extract(audio_paths)
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# Transcript (tsv) URL
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transcript_url = _TRANSCRIPT_URL.format(lang=lang, split=split)
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transcript_path = dl_manager.download_and_extract(transcript_url)
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name=getattr(datasets.Split, split.upper()),
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"archives": [
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dl_manager.iter_archive(path) for path in audio_paths
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162 |
"local_extracted_archive_paths": local_extracted_archive_paths,
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"meta_path": transcript_path,
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return split_generators
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def _generate_examples(self, archives, local_extracted_archive_paths, meta_path):
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Har bir split uchun:
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1) transcript .tsv faylni o'qish
174 |
2) audio tar ichidagi fayllarni "archives" orqali iteratsiya qilish
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3) tsv'dagi 'path' bilan audio fayl nomini bog'lash
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4) natijada (key, example) qaytarish
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# Tsv fayl (meta_path) ni o'qib, metadata lug'atini tuzamiz
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# formati: { "filename.mp3": { ... ustunlar ... } }
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metadata = {}
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with open(meta_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
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reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter="\t")
183 |
for row in reader:
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# Ehtiyot chorasi: agar path .mp3 bilan tugamasa, qo'shamiz
185 |
if not row["path"].endswith(".mp3"):
186 |
row["path"] += ".mp3"
187 |
metadata[row["path"]] = row
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189 |
# Endi tar fayllarni o'qish
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# Common Voice misolida bir splitda bir nechta shard bo'lishi mumkin, shuning uchun ro'yxat
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for shard_idx, archive in enumerate(archives):
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# archive = dl_manager.iter_archive(path) => (path_in_tar, fileobj) generator
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for path_in_tar, fileobj in archive:
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# Masalan, path_in_tar = "common_voice_uz_12345.mp3"
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_, filename = os.path.split(path_in_tar)
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if filename in metadata:
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# Metadata qatorini olish
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row = metadata[filename]
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# local_extracted_archive_paths[shard_idx] => .tar fayl extract qilingan joy
200 |
# Agar to'liq extract bo'lmagan bo'lsa, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri bytes bilan ham ishlasa bo'ladi
201 |
# Common Voice rasmiy misolida 'result["audio"] = {"path": path, "bytes": file.read()}' qilingan
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example = dict(row)
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# "id" ustuni bo'lmasa, idx sifatida path_in_tar dan foydalansa bo'ladi
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if "id" not in example:
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example["id"] = filename
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208 |
# Audio: tar fayl ichidan o'qilgan bytes
209 |
# Datasets "Audio" featuri "bytes" ni o'z-o'zidan tan olmaydi,
210 |
# lekin "path" + "bytes" berish uslubi Common Voice scriptida ishlatilgan
211 |
# Keyingi bosqichda decode qilinadi
212 |
example["audio"] = {
213 |
"path": path_in_tar,
214 |
"bytes": fileobj.read(),
215 |
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217 |
# Qo'shimcha ustunlarni ham row dan olamiz:
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# sentence, age, gender, accents, locale, duration, ...
219 |
# Agar bo'lmasa, bo'sh qiymat kiritiladi
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# Biz "metadata"dan oldin dict(row) deb oldik, demak "example"da hamma ustun bor.
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yield path_in_tar, example