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Running with the Moon The moon’s lustrous glow seeped in through the heavy foliage. She could feel the power bubbling up inside her, slowly leaching into her bones. Every month she felt the call, slowly tingling through her body. She didn’t try to fight it, no, she only needed to delay it a moment longer, then it could come on and she would welcome it. She just needed to reach the glade. Her space. She was almost there. The glade was silent. The clearing amidst the trees allowed the moon to shine down full upon her. She could feel her senses sharpen under its majestic silvery rays. She threw down her cloak and stripped, leaving every inch of herself bare to the moon goddess that called to her. The cool night air wafting over her body, each hair standing on end. And the blessing came, as it always did. Slowly at first, a ripple here, a tingle there. Her eyes closed as she savored the dance of the wind upon her skin for the last time. She could feel the warmth in her belly now. The slow downy fur that slipped from her pores, that rich undercoat that kept her warm and snuggly. She felt delicious. Her ears pricked, and she could sense the changes move faster. Dropping to her knees she felt her hands clench and curl, shifting and becoming in tune with the ground she stood upon. Her hips cracked and popped, as her legs followed suit. Slowly she felt herself reach out, her nose rising towards the moon’s glow: reaching, stretching, pulling. She would smile if she could still, but opted for a loping grin showing all her new teeth. New scents crossed her nose. She licked it, savoring the musky odor of the others as they came. She let loose a baying howl, feeling her tail snake forth from her spine, signaling that the time to hunt was upon her once more.
Udders Café Consent for Modification and Release of Liability As a condition of my employment, I hereby knowingly and willingly consent to the modification of my body to conform to the employment standards of Udders Café. I acknowledge this may include the development of bovine features, including but not necessarily limited to, the growth of an udder, cow ears, horns, and cow tail. I acknowledge that I may experience mild to moderate breast growth, tenderness or sensitivity of the transformed areas, and increased libido. I acknowledge that this condition is permanent, and that I will be induced into a state of permanent lactation for milk production. I hereby acknowledge that milk produced from the effects of this transformation are considered property of Udders Café, Inc. It is my responsibility to ensure that product loss is minimal during my personal time, and that if I am unable to fulfill daily quota of milk I may be terminated for cause. As a condition of my continued employment, I agree that if in the course of my employment, my employer determines additional body modifications are necessary to complete my job duties, I will willingly consent to additional transformations. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Udders Café, Inc. against any and all claims, suits, or actions of any kind arising from my transformation for liability, damages, compensation or otherwise brought by me or anyone on my behalf, including attorney’s fees and any related costs, if litigation arises pursuant to any claims made by me or anyone else acting on my behalf. If Udders Café, Inc., incurs any types of expense related to such actions, I agree to reimburse. Signature of New Employee Date ______________________________________ ______/______/20____
Shopping is a Pain “Damn it, Liz, why can’t I find pants that fit!” “Maybe because you’ve got a horse’s ass?” “Very funny. Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you need to joke about it!” “Who’s joking? Jill, you’ve got a giant horse butt, complete with a tail! Why are you surprised that most jeans aren’t going to fit your zip-code sized butt?” “There has to be something! I need pants damn it!” “Well, what about leggings?” “No way! They show off too much. Gives me a camel toe and makes my crotch boobs look really obvious.” “You could wear a long sweater over it, that’d look cute on you!” “I suppose, but I really want some nice jeans.” “Well, how about these?” “Those say they’re made for maternity.” “Yeah, I know you’re not preggers, but damn girl you’ve got some serious hips, and those crotch titties of yours need some space too, so how about you give them a try?” “Oh, okay, but damn it, no jokes about me getting knocked up. It’s hard enough to survive heat without thinking about popping out a foal.” “Alright, alright, now go try them on.” *** *** *** “How do they fit?” “Well, they fit okay, I guess. Not exactly flattering.” “Come on, show them a bit.” “Fine, let me do a turn. There’s not much room in here to do a proper turn.” “That’s because your butt is so wide.” “I wish you’d stop reminding me. I didn’t ask for a horse’s ass, you know.” “Alright, alright, I’ll stop. They look good, so, are you’re going to get them?” “Fuck, yes, I am! Check this out! They’ve got pockets! Real, motherfucking, pockets! Quick, grab me another couple pairs!” “You’d think you’d be more interested in the fact that your tail works with them, but alright, pockets it is. Not that I can blame you. I can’t remember the last time I found a decent set of jeans with actual pockets.”
Sluggish in the Morning “This is not funny, turn me back.” “No way! This is great!” “I swear Michael, when I get back to normal, I am going to make you pay.” “That gives me even less incentive to turn you back, you know.” “Ugh. There is no way I’m going out like this.” “Who said anything about going out?” “You’re not having sex with me either.” “You sure? I mean you kind of built for it right now.” “Having forty boobs does not make me built for sex.” “I disagree.” “You would. You always were a boob man.” “And very fine boobs they are.” “How am I even suppose to move like this? Ugh, what is that? Slime?” “Mucus, I think.” “That doesn’t make it any better. It’s getting all over my tits. Eww.” “I guess it’s so you can move easier.” “There is no way I’m dragging these nipples across the carpet. Do you know how much that will hurt?” “I think that’s why the mucus is there, to help you move. Just a little natural slip and slide” “Quit trying to be funny. This stuff will stain our carpet. We’d have to replace the whole damned house if I go dragging around.” “Well, I suppose we could stay in bed all day.” “You wish. Now change me back.” “Nah. I’m enjoying this. God you’ve got some great tits, Evie.” “Give me that wand!” “Why? You don’t even have any hands to hold it with. Hey! No biting!” “Mmmph.” “Wait, hold on! Give that back!” “Grrr.” “Ah! Quit that! You’re going to… oh shit.” “Let’s see how you like spending the day as a boob slug.” “Um, Evie, if we’re both boob slugs how are we going to change back?” “This was your idea. Figure it out. And quit trying to rub your boobs on me.” “Hey, it feels good.” “Damn it, Michael!” “Come on, relax, we can at least enjoy it for a little while, right?” “Damn it, you’re even hornier as a chick. Ugh, get your slimy tits off me. Do you ever think about anything other than sex?” “Does football count?” “No.”
Fish Again? “Really, dear, fish again?” “Urrr” “Yes, I know it’s all you eat now days, but do I have to eat it every night now, too?” “Urr, Urrrrr, Urrrr.” “I know, at least you cooked mine. I do appreciate that.” “Urrrrrrrr.” “I know. “Urrr, uurrrr, uuurrrr?” “Sorry, I’m just frustrated. When we got married, I was expecting, well, something different.” “Urrrr?” “No, I’m not mad at you for volunteering, the puffins needed to be saved. I get it. I just don’t think I was prepared for this.” “Urr. Urrrrrrr. Urr?” “No, it’s not you. I just, well, I just wasn’t expecting your dedication to require you to become… so different.” “Urr, urrr, urrrrrr, urr?” “Yes, I think the beak is cute, and I understand the importance of all the eggs you’ve contributed. Look, I’m sorry to bring it up. I know how important this is to you. But I thought we’d be fostering baby puffins from the colony or something, or just donating money. I was not expecting to have you lay eggs and hatch puffins.” “Urrr. Urrr.” “I’m sorry, alright, I really shouldn’t have brought it up. You didn’t know that signing on meant becoming a puffin woman.” “Urrrr.” “And, yes, I know it’s frustrating you’ve lost your voice. I’m just glad I still understand you.” “Urrr. Urrrr?” “Yes, I love you too, that hasn’t changed. I’ll always love you, beak and all.” “Urrr! Urrrr, uuurrr?” “Yes, I still find you sexy. But, can I please have something other than fish tomorrow?” “Urr.” “Fine, I’ll do the cooking tomorrow. Don’t get mad though when I decide to have chicken.” “Uurrr!” “Shit, sorry! It’s a joke! I promise, no chicken!” “Urrr, Urrr… UUURRRR!” “Huh? Oh crap, is it time again? What is this? The seventh egg this month? Shit, you might make top producer this quarter.” “Urrrrrr!” “Hold on, I’ll get the towels. Just let it come, I’ll be right back.” “Urrr.” “There’s my good puffin girl, one more for the species.” “Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.” “Oh, feeling frisky now?” “Urrr, urr.” “As soon as I get the egg in the incubator, I will. I promise.”
Little Gene Pill “Are you sure you want to take that?” “Yeah, why not?” “Because last time you tripped out you ended up with nine tails and a muzzle.” “So? It was fun.” “Yeah, for you. I was up all night listening to you whine while you were in heat, and had to spend the next day cleaning up all the fur.” “Sorry. You really should let loose and try one, at least once.” “No thanks. I’d rather not risk spending the rest of my life as some random hybrid creature hell bent on humping everything from the lamp post to the postman’s leg.” “I’m not that bad, am I?” “See the stain in the carpet from the last time?” “Yeah, we’re not getting our deposit back, are we?” “Not likely. Can you at least be a little more careful? One of these day’s you’re going to end up stuck in some bizarre form forever. Hell, half the time I’m not even sure if you know what pill you’re taking.” “Relax, they’re just a gene pills, they’ll wear off. Besides, I got one of those assorted packs so I could be surprised.” “Uh-huh. Sure. I’m just saying that sometimes those shady supplier pills don’t wear off.” “Look, we all know the friend of a friend who is now a dog. I get it, there’s a oh my god rare chance that the pill is permanent. Would you quit nagging me about it?” “I’m just worried about you.” “You’re my friend, not my mom.” “You’re right, fine, take what you want.” “I will.” *** *** *** “Um, hi, Liz.” “You’d better have a good reason for calling me after that mess you made when you turned into, well, whatever the fuck you call a big titty snake woman with six arms and ten-foot wings.” “No idea, honestly. Look, sorry to call but I’ve got a problem.” “What now?” “I’m in jail.” “How the hell did you end up in jail?” “Uh, I kind of went a little, um, au natural in a public park and was arrested for indecent exposure.” “Damn it, Angie, I told you to behave when you took that shit. So, I should come bail your ass out?” “Well, that’d be nice, but there’s another problem.” “Oh, fuck, what now?” “Um, the pill hasn’t worn off.” “Shit. I warned you!”
Switch “Honey, where are the tampons?” “In the basket, behind the sink.” “Thank you!” “Are you alright?” “I’ll be fine, just need the tampon.” “Are you sure?” “Yes, dear.” “Okay then.” “Really, honey, I wish you’d warn me sometimes.” “About what?” “Being on your period.” “It’s your period now.” “Look, I don’t mind that the curse switches our genitals randomly, I mean it can be fun, but the least you can do is warn me when your auntie flow is visiting. It’s kind of a bitch to run for new pants in the middle of meetings. I’m lucky it didn’t hit until I was on my way home today.” “That’s why I told you to wear a pad, silly.” “I can’t wear a pad at work, someone might notice. Besides, if I don’t have your equipment down there, I don’t exactly need it, now do I? Anyway, it also chafes my balls to wear one when I’m not sporting your cunt.” “My balls now, dear.” “Uh-huh. Funny, they were mine until about half an hour ago.” “Hey, they are mine now, that’s all that matters. Want to see?” “No, and you aren’t getting any while I’ve got a tampon stuffed up my twat.” “Who said anything about that. There are other things.” “It’s always about the blow jobs with you, isn’t it?” “Of course! It’s so fun to see you down there sucking me off. It feels great too. Besides, if you had them right now, wouldn’t you want to blow job right now too?” “Touché.” “So, is that a yes I hear?” “Nope.” “Damn it. I’m already hard as a rock. Some days I don’t know how you stand it.” “Ha, I can see that. You know you can always just jerk off.” “That’s not as much fun.” “Yeah, I know that, but hey, fair play. I’m not in the mood, and I’ve got the pussy, so no sex.” “Spoil sport, it’s not like I can’t make that thing purr, you know.” “Not right now you don’t. I’m the one cramping here.” “Orgasms can help with that, you know.” “Maybe, but I am really not in the mood. Now where’d you put the Midol and the heating pad? I feel like someone kicked me.” “Under the sink, same as always.” “Thank you.” “Stupid curse, I get a rock-hard cock and I don’t even get to use it.”
Another New Recruit “You really did it!” “Yeah! I got the job!” “And it’s really? Not a prop?” “Hundred percent mine!” “Wow! Can I… Can I touch it?” “Sure, just be gentle, it’s really sensitive.” “Oh yeah it’s so soft, and smooth. I expected something, well, different. It’s warm too.” “Mmmhmm. Yeah.” “Don’t get weird on me.” “Sorry, it’s just really sensitive.” “Do your parents know?” “Yeah, they threw a fit, tried to ground me until I pointed out that it was staying whether or not I kept the job.” “Ooh, I bet. Your parents are pretty conservative, I’m amazed they didn’t lock you in the basement.” “Well, they were the ones that told me to get a job.” “Touche, I bet they’re regretting that now!” “Oh, I’m sure, but do you want to know a secret?” “Ooh, yes! I love secrets. What is it?” “I really love it. I mean it feels so good.” “I can believe it. I mean you just moaned when I barely touched it.” “Oh my god, you should get hired on too. I’m sure we could use another person. You wouldn’t believe how good this thing feels.” “Yeah, but the ears, the tail? I mean it’s a lot to take in.” “I know, I was a bit surprised it was real, but damn girl, look at this thing. It’s so sexy. It’s like, I don’t know, playing with my tits, but better.” “So, it just like fills with milk every day?” “Yeah, but it dehydrates you so you’ve got to drink a lot of water.” “What’s being milked like?” “Ever had a guy suck on your nipples during sex?” “Yeah, I guess. Feels pretty good.” “Well, this is better. It’s like a way better version of that.” “So, you think I really should?” “I do. It’s amoozing.” “Did you just moo?” “Yeah, it happens. You get used to it.” “What does your boyfriend think of all this?” “If he has complaints, he’s keeping them on the down low. I’ve been fucking his brains out every night after work. I’m telling you; it makes you so horny getting milked every day.” “Pun intended, oh miss horns?” “Sure, why not. Come on, I swear you’ll never regret it.” “I’d better not. Come on, let’s go find your manager.” “Awesome! Moo’ll love working at Udders!”
Going to the V-E-T “I can’t believe you’re making me do this, it’s so embarrassing.” “Relax, it won’t be that bad.” “For you! You’re not the one who is going to have to be treated like an animal.” “I don’t know what you’re getting all upset over, it’s just a wellness check-up.” “I want to go to a real doctor.” “He is a real doctor.” “I mean a human doctor.” “He is a human.” “Grr. I mean a doctor for humans.” “That would be fine if you were still human.” “I am still human, at least somewhat, I think. Besides, this was your idea.” “You were just as into it as I was. Besides, I didn’t know it was going to be permanent. Anyway, you seem to enjoy it.” “Just because I enjoy having a tail doesn’t mean I want to be treated like a mutt.” “But It is a cute tail.” “Don’t you try to sweet talk yourself out of this, mister.” “I’m not, I just think you’re still sexy, paws and all.” “I’m not a dog. I can still walk on two legs. Well, most of the time.” “So does an ostrich, but you don’t see them at the human doctor, either.” “Quit mocking me.” “Alright. But you must admit that you aren’t human now. Humans don’t, for example, have floppy ears on the tops of their heads or tails wagging from their butts.” “Whatever, you seem to like them just fine. I just don’t want him to treat me like I’m stupid.” “I won’t let him. Anything else?” “Ground rules, he is not taking my temperature up my butthole; and I get a say in what he can do and my care.” “I’m sure with the recent changes he’s got several clients like you by now. Relax, everything will be fine.” “Says you, you’re not the one in heat with eight throbbing nipples and a willingness to bend over and take it from anything that looks at you sideways.” “No, but I must admit I do enjoy that about you. This morning was quite fun.” “Wuff! Damn it! I hate when I do that.” “Alright, we’re here, ready to go walkies?!” “Ruff! Damn it! Yes, but I’m your wife, so don’t talk to me like I’m just some… pet! Now get that leash on me, I know the law.” “Yes, dear. But it’s so fun to watch your ears perk up when I say walkies.” “Grr, damn it. You are so going to fuck me senseless later after all this.” “I can live with that.”
Womb with a View “You sure it’s not too weird for you?” “Well, maybe a little.” “I can get it removed if it bothers you that much.” “No, it’s kind of neat in a way, just really weird to be able to see that.” “Should I keep it covered? I mean, if you don’t want to see it.” “It’s your body.” “I know, but you matter too. I don’t want you uncomfortable while I’m incubating.” “I think I’m more weirded out that you’re electing to have yourself stuffed full of alien eggs.” “Really? You agreed to the paperwork too.” “Yeah, I know, but it still feels weird, and it’s not like I’m the one with the transparent implant in my stomach, nor am I going to be the one swelling with eggs. It’s just that I always figured we’d have kids the normal way.” “We still can someday. They said they can change me back.” “I know, it’s just, well, odd. I never expected you to become a mother to… what’d you call them?” “Lephidians.” “Right.” “Besides, if we want our own kids we need money, and you know how expensive it is to have them. I’m getting ten thousand credits an egg for this. A few healthy clutches and we’ll be rich.” “I know, it’s just strange and it’s going to take some time getting used to seeing a giant growing clutch of eggs in your belly. And I really mean seeing them.” “I promise it won’t be that bad. You can see it now in there, just nice healthy pink tissue, see.” “I’d rather not, it still looks strange.” “I suppose it really is. I mean I can’t even see the inside of my own equipment without a mirror. I guess seeing the real inner workings is just bizarre. But the Lephidians were willing to pay for the visual.” “You’d think with all the advanced technology we could just use a sonogram or something to check on the eggs.” “Can’t, damages their hearing development.” “Oh.” “Don’t worry, it’s just for a couple months for the first clutch.” “Yeah.” “Oops, that’s the doorbell, I guess they’re here to impregnate me.” “Please don’t put it that way. I’m having a hard enough time thinking about this without considering the idea of an alien cock fucking you.” “Honey, how do you think the eggs are getting in there?” “Um.” “Lephidians have ovipositors.” “Oh…” “Honey?” “I think I’ll wait in the other room.”
The Transmuter His fingers twitched around the rim of his hat, and I could see the shake in his knees as he stood there. I suppose I should have felt more kindly disposed toward the man, but he was interrupting my work. I yawned, and vaguely listened to him. “Yer’ lor’ship, I truly hope you hear our pleas. We’re just poor folk.” The voice quavered. I held up a hand, stopping the continued sob story. He promptly shut his mouth. A wise move to be sure. I lowered my gaze, bending forward from my seat to look more closely at the man. I could smell his farm honed stink from where I sat. His rough clothes and poor manners. He was a fool to come here. “You do not have a choice. The land is mine. Pay the tax.” Maybe my voice is as harsh as people claim, maybe it’s the air of mystery that I carry, or maybe it’s just the sheer terror at what might happen, but the man just nodded. I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed the news like it was a stone. I leaned back in my chair. The man still standing, waiting for me to dismiss him. I started to raise my hand to shoo him away, but then thought better of it. “Johan, was it?” I asked. “Yes, lord.” His voice quaked. He must have known the risk of coming. “You have taken away precious time from my work. There is a price to pay for that.” He swallowed hard, looking around the room, but there were no others to come to his defense. My stone warriors would rise to my defense, but were immutable otherwise, and my assistant’s tail lashed gleefully at the prospect of the impending punishment. My fingers twitched as I felt my magic gathering. The rise of power as my incantation began. I was never one for flashy magics, there were no bolts of power, or pyrotechnics. I found them superfluous. But I would make sure his village was reminded of their duty to me. The magic began to swell, and ripple outwards. I could feel it beginning to concentrate on him as I beckoned it to my will. The ripples in his aura began to warp as my will bent the forces to do my bidding. I ignored the first scream. He twitched as his face grew outward, his nose becoming more pronounced moment by moment as his jaw thrust forward. White fur crept over his face, and wooly white curls pressed from his skull, leaving his blonde hair cascading down to the floor. The magic ran its course quickly, popping out wide flat ears, and small curled horns that swept back over them. “Baa!” I waved my hand leisurely, satisfied with the results. “You may go. And if you ever cross me again, I’ll finish the job.” The sheep-man needed no more incentive. His hat still clutched in his hands, he turned and bolted through the doors of the antechamber with a bleating cry. *** *** *** Shaking my head slightly, I muttered. “Why must they always interrupt me?” “Master?” My assistant’s sultry voice echoed in the stone room. “Nothing,” She bobbed her head in acquiescence and started to withdraw, and I reconsidered. “Wait.” “Yes, master?” She pulled herself upright, her naked body on full display, no doubt the cause of much of my previous visitor’s discomfort. I had to admit she was one of my finest works. Slim and graceful still, like all elven kind she now sported a mixture of animal features. I pondered again if I wanted to change more. The delicate hooves from a unicorn sparkled where her feet once were, rising up slender shapely calves and hips. I’d given her a cow’s udder on a lark, but decided I rather enjoyed it, it made the bedroom romps interesting. I’d rounded her hips a bit more, giving a nice curve to her lithe body. A horse’s tail swished gently behind her. I pondered her breasts again. They were many times larger than her tiny elven ones, the nipples now permanently erect and hard in the cold air. Ram’s horns curled around the side of her head. Nice handles for when I wanted, though I’d left her ears alone save to make them even more pronounced. “Turn around.” “Your will, master.” Her tail swished. “Bend over.” She was as obedient as ever. She slowly bent herself at the hips, spreading her legs slightly. She’d lifted her tail to expose her sex. I pondered it a moment. I was looking for a little more fun. She, like many elven lasses had those very small nether lips, smooth, barely more than a slit. But I hungered for something more. I’d debated the heavy meaty lips I had found on many a human farm girl. Perhaps that would be a nice change here. I gathered my magic and sent it spiraling into her intimate parts. Pulling, stretching. The skin bulged, her delicate clit surging to split the line of her cleft. I doubled, then tripled the flesh, letting it surge between her thighs before I began to pull at those delicate intimate lips that nestled between. Soon they too split the seam making a wavey line of velvet as they cascaded from clit to arse. I watched her reaction. She reveled in the change, like all the others. Ironically it was she who had come to me about this. She was no slave or servant, but a woman who desperately loved to feel the magic change her body. “Mmmm. Oh, thank you, master.” She bit her lip and her stoic servant demeanor slipped a moment as she squeezed her thighs around the new thickness of her lips. There was a faint but auditable squelch as her juices ran. “Does master wish to use his servant now?” How could I say no? I took her by the hand, those long claws delicate as any other part of her, and led her away from the reception chamber to a more suitable space. She never disappointed. Her body, warped and bent by my magics, was a thing of pure sensuality as she climbed atop the bedding, bent forward to receive me with that luscious new pair of lips, tail raised high. She moaned softly in anticipation as I slid my fingers between the damp folds to inspect my own handiwork. Velvety soft, stretchy, they were thick and inviting, already engorged with her own heat. I slid my finger around her clit, now exposed from it’s delicate hood eliciting more sounds of contentment as she buried her head into the covers and wiggled her ass at me, begging me to take the plunge. I took a moment to reach below and tug on a teat and felt the slight dribble of warm milk on my fingers. She was really ready this morning. Not bothering to waste more time I dropped my own pants with little fanfare, and let my aroused member out to her satisfaction. Driving my cock into her I felt her body spasm and clench down as I began thrusting back and forth. Her pussy griped me like a hand, the silken skin pulling each time I slid back for another thrust. I wish I could say it took longer, but she was built to achieve and it was mere minutes before her body and mine shook with mutual satisfaction as she screamed into the pillows. Sated myself I rolled off her as she climbed atop me, slowly using those long nails to make tiny scratches across my chest before beginning to work on my balls and cock once more. I loved the sensation and was soon hard again. She only smiled as she adjusted herself and buried me once more in her steaming sex. I took a few moments to play with her udder, watching the milk drip from the teats, and then with her breasts. I watched as her back arched with each rise and fall of her hips, her mouth open with faint noises of pleasure at each motion. I lasted longer this time, probably not as long as she could go, but I could see her thighs trembling from her own orgasms, and I had felt it every time she’d borne down on my shaft. But twice seemed enough for her for now. Instead, she just sat atop me as I slowly slid out of her, her chest rising and falling with each heavy breath making her breasts bounce and jiggle. “Oh, I needed that.” She purred. Her voice was never anything but sexy, but that was not my doing. She was blessed with that voice sheerly by dint of her race. “Maybe again in the lab later?” “Of course. Are you still happy with the choice you made to come be my apprentice? You’re not spending very much time on your studies.” “I am very happy with my choice, and I will learn the magic… eventually.” She poked my nose with one long nail gently. “I have centuries, you know.” I felt her rise off me, and felt the hot mess of our combined juices splatter across my leg. We both desperately needed to clean up. Thankfully a perk of my magic was that I’d created an indoor heated waterfall in a small antechamber to my room. It served as a lovely bath, and we both enjoyed the benefits. Not that I made it all about being clean. I took more than a few moments to fondle her breasts and play with her tail. I also took extra special care to make sure she got properly clean, including a few inspections that made her shiver again. Finally, satisfied for the time I waved my hand to float two towels over. She gratefully took one and started to dry her self off. As she was drying her hocks she gave me a wonderful view of her newest anatomical changes. She merely smiled and gave me a look, “What are you thinking of?” “I was just thinking, maybe a set of wings.” “Ooh, I’d like that… master.” She cooed as she slipped back into her role as my servant and apprentice.
Endangered Species Mita peered into the viewing globe making notes on a clipboard. Her lab partner T'Rhere was jotting down notes from a few dusty old tomes. Mita was, in her mind, a rather plain looking human; she could walk into a crowd and basically disappear. Average height, a plain face, dirty brown hair, a small bust. If she wore glasses, she knew she would be the stereotypical mage-geek type. T'Rhere was much the same, for her species at least. A rather watered down Renakana, she had very few feline features, just the ears on her head, and the fluffy tail that trailed behind her, the fur on both a dull brown with slightly darker stripes. Hair the same color as her fur, lacking the stripes, but having her bangs the darker color of her stripes. Otherwise she looks much like Mita, if you took away the ears and tail, they could pass for sisters. T'Rhere had the bigger breasts of the two. Mita knew her best friend was on some sort of hormone therapy for something or other. Mita supposed it was too painful to talk about, because T'Rhere had never mentioned it. But the oft-appearing wet spots on the front of T'Rhere's shirts showed that she was lactating. The Renakana wasn't pregnant, if anything she'd lost weight, growing leaner in the past few months. Whatever it was it was helping T'Rhere tremendously, as Mita notice the catgirl was smiling more often, even if she did vanish throughout the day repeatedly, presumably to milk herself and change shirts. In an enclosure on one side of the room, which led out to an environmental exhibit at the Sheridan Zoo, were their four test subjects, Jeka and Rykur, the tigers, and Doka and Takur, the lions. The females were given four letter names, the males five. Well... the original males and females, since they were all the same gender now due to Mita and T'Rhere's project. To help combat the declining natural populations of the great cats, the two had asked for funding from the notoriously stingy Sheridan Mage's College for their experiments. So far everything was according to schedule and right on track. All four of the big cats were now hermaphrodites, and judging from the tests Mita just finished, were viable as both males and females. Now all they had to do was wait for them to mate. They kept the two species together to help with costs, their little two girl project couldn't afford separate housing at the zoo, and several rich donators were willing to pay well for any hybrid kittens that came about from cross-breeding. Due to that, Mita and T'Rhere had to deviate from their original plan. They had to bring in a druid to domesticate the great beasts; the four had been magically domesticated, down to the genetic level. Mita didn't really like that, although T'Rhere was grateful for the change. The four were far less dangerous to be around, and quite affectionate. They also had acquired the housecat ability to hear a food container being opened in a thousand foot radius. The two had worked out a number of additionals to help the wild populations to grow. The four had a more efficient metabolism; they had to eat less and less often which would mean that they wouldn't have to hunt as much. They also produced more milk, and had more cubs per litter; at least they ought to. The cubs would be born smaller, but would grow a little faster to compensate. Rather then two or three, the four ought to have litters of closer to six. T'Rhere tapped her partner on the shoulder and nodded to the window. Mita smiled, Rykur and Takur were mating. They should be able to test for pregnancy in a few days. Over in the corner Mita could see Doka offer hirself to Jeka. Mita jumped into the air in celebration. "We did it!" she says with a smile. T'Rhere nodded, brushing the wrinkles out of her lab coat and skirt, straightening the collar. "Well, in a few days we're going to have to go in front of a bunch of stuck old men with long gray beards and tell him their kitties are fucking." jokes Mita. Mita chuckled over the image. T'Rhere strikes her most dignified pose, puffing her chest out. "'Ladies and gentlemen of the council, I would like to report that our projects are lustily engaged in the act of mating.' That's where Garbolduk will stand up and say 'Wot the 'ell are th' sayin?'" Garbolduk was a Kobold, not particularly bright at that, but he knew magic and could teach magic without killing the students, so he was a part of the college. Behind his students referred to him as 'Garbage Truck.' Mita cleared her throat, and said in her best Kobold accent. "Th' kitties 'r fuckin'!" she repeats, throwing her arms around T'Rhere and hugging her close. Mita feels a warm wetness on her shirt, and T'Rhere pulls away, bright red in the face. "I'm sorry, Mita! Here, let me clean that up!" T'Rhere grabbed a few paper towels and began pressing them against Mita's chest. Mita slapped her hands. "Stop that!" she said with a giggle, taking the towels. "I can do it myself! Yeesh! If you were a man, T'Rhere I'd accuse you of copping a feel." Mita pushed the paper towels back at T'Rhere. "I think you need these more then I do!" T'Rhere began dabbing herself, her milk having leaked just about all the way down her front. "I've been waiting for the right time to tell you about this, Mita, and I will. But first let's celebrate! That bottle of non-alcoholic wine we have the break room is about to turn to vinegar by now, I'm sure!" T'Rhere said, her tail swishing happily behind her, taking Mita by the hand and rushing off to the break room. The bottle was still there, more then likely because it's pretty much funny tasting grape juice. T'Rhere popped it open and takes a long drink for the bottle. Mita rolls her eyes. "Oh great, now it's got kitty-girl germs all over it. Now what am I going to drink out of?" T'Rhere thought for a moment. "I'll be right back!" T'Rhere said, running down the hall to their lab, the bottle in hand. She returned a few moments later, the bottle gone, the wine having been poured out into a pair of big beakers. Mita sighed. "T'Rhere, how many times have I told you not to drink out of those?" T'Rhere stuck out her tongue. "I washed them though, real good in boiling hot water! Are you afraid of a little kitty spooge in your belly? C'mon! I'll race you!" T'Rhere shoved the beaker into Mita's hands. "T'Rhere, I can't drink all of..." T'Rhere raises the beaker to her lips and began to chug. "FINE!" Mita growled playfully, and downs the whole thing in a few big gulps, placing the beaker down on the table next to her, before T'Rhere is even half done. Mita leaned down and takes a deep breath. Her eyes notice a small puddle at T'Rhere's feet. T'Rhere licked her lips and looks at Mita hungrily. "Me." she said with a smile. "You? What do you mean y... MMMMRRRGH!" before Mita can finish the sentence T'Rhere threw herself at the human girl, pushing her up against the wall, the Renakana's lips pressed against hers, the rough feline tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. Mita was stunned into inaction for a few moments, but her shock was broken when T'Rhere slid a hand under Mita's shirt and began rubbing one of her breasts. Mita shoved the Renakana away. "T'Rhere! What's gotten into you?!" T'Rhere licked her lips, the taste of Mita on them. "I want to make love to you, Mita, right now." T'Rhere lunged at the human again. Mita yelped and steps behind a table, putting it between the sex-crazed catgirl. "T'Rhere, I can't!" Mita explained, the hungry look in T'Rhere's eyes intensifying. "Why not?" the Renakana asked, pleadingly. "'Cause! I'm a girl, and so are you!" Mita's eyes widened, feeling a fur covered sack, housing two testicles, a furry sheath, and a thick, hard, huge, throbbing cat-cock. T'Rhere's cock felt just like one of the cat's, but much bigger, Mita familiar with the feel due to the need to collect sperm samples from the animals. T'Rhere ran hir tongue over Mita's neck and shoulder, unbuttoning hir lab coat and shirt, pulling Mita's other hand up against hir chest. The human gasped, feeling two rows of six tiny breasts on T'Rhere's belly, nipples dripping with milk. T'Rhere lowered hir head between Mita's legs, ducking under her skirt, hir tongue tracing Mita's womanhood through the fabric of hir panties. T'Rhere seized them in hir fangs, tearing them off. Shi pulled Mita's shirt open, buttons flying everywhere, and tore open the human's brassiere, cupping the small breasts within. The Renakana pressed her mouth against Mita's again, finding no resistance. Mita wrapped her arms around T'Rhere's neck, pulling the cat-herm in tightly, thrusting her tongue between her friend's lips. T'Rhere took a hand off the human's chest, using it to maneuver hir cock to Mita's wet cunt. Shi teased the human, running the head of hir length over the human's clit and labia, before sliding it in slightly, lowering hir head to lick at Mita's exposed nipples. Mita regained her senses, pushing the Renakana away. "NO!" she shouted. "I don't want to do this!" T'Rhere's eyes filled with tears and shi dropped to the ground. "I'm sorry, Mita. I... I just can't control myself since... since..." shi sobbed. Mita sat down next to hir, putting her arm around the cat-herm's shoulders. "You took the change elixir, didn't you?" T'Rhere just nodded in reply. "When? How?" T'Rhere sniffled. "You remember how you kept telling me not to make cocoa in the lab beakers?" Mita nodded. "Yes." "You remember how much Sample 3 looked like milk?" "Yes." "You remember how I lied when I said I knocked Sample 3 down the drain six months ago?" Mita sighed. Sample 3 had been the first batch of the formula that they finally used on the cats to initiate their herminfication and bodily changes. It had set them back three months when T'Rhere had accidentally knocked it over. "Well, I was making cocoa one night, and I forgot which shelf I put the milk on, and you know how the tape won't stick to the damn beakers in the fridge?" "Oh T'Rhere! How much did you drink?" The Renakana gulped. "All of it." "Oh gods, T'Rhere! That was enough for all four cats!" T'Rhere pulled hir length out from under hir skirt, about a foot and a half long, looking very large despite hir six foot frame. Shi circled a hand around hir member, barely able to have hir fingers meet, and begins stroking. "Oh, T'Rhere, don't do that! We have to think about how to fix you." Mita scolded. T'Rhere mewled as Mita pulls hir hand away. "I can't help it, Mita! I'm in heat." Mita shook her head. "Renakana don't go into heat!" T'Rhere began jerking hirself off again. "The formula was designed to add that aspect to a male, remember?" With a sudden move T'Rhere shoved Mita down on the floor, jumping on top of her. "I go into the bathroom and play with myself so much, Mita. I milk myself, I finger myself, gods, I even suck myself. It feels soooo good. I don't want to be fixed. I love what our formula has done to me, and I love you, Mita. I need you. I need to put my cock in you. Touching myself doesn't help any more. All I can think about is you, you and your cute little breasts, your tight butt, and driving my rod into your sopping wet pussy." T'Rhere began to cry. "If I can't have you, Mita, I don't know what I'll do!" the cat-herm sobbed, rubbing hir length against Mita's tightly pressed thighs. Mita tried to shove the Renakana off, but only succeeded in allowing T'Rhere to pin both of her wrists above her head with a too-strong hand, another effect of the formula, more efficient, hence stronger, muscle function. The heat stricken herm slipped hir other hand down between Mita's legs, spreading them apart. Shi placed hir aching length slowly inside of the human. Mita tried to scream, but T'Rhere's hand clamped over her mouth before she could do so. "Mmmm, Mita, this feels so good, better then I ever imagined. I'm so glad you can take me. You must be using that big plastic horse thing I got you as a joke." T'Rhere purr-chuckled, licking Mita's face. T'Rhere pulled out slowly, the spines on hir cock tickling Mita's tunnel. "Oh gods, Mita, this feels incredible. I've been holding back all day for this." T'Rhere licked the tears from the human's face. "Don't cry, Mita, I know it hurts a little bit at first, but you'll get used to the spines in a few days." T'Rhere purred, trying to comfort hir chosen mate. "Murrrr, just think, here you were, worried about dirty beakers, and about to get a bellyful of kitty-cum anyway. Mmyyyyeeeeeer! Won't that feel soooo nice, Mita? Being full of nice, warm, kitty-cum?" T'Rhere's breaths became panting gasps, thrusting faster and faster into the human beneath hir. T'Rhere pulled her hands off Mita, pushing hirself up so shi can drive hir cock as deep into Mita as shi can, filling her with jet after jet of hir seed. T'Rhere rocked back onto hir knees, trying to catch hir breath, hir cock softening inside Mita. "Oh thank, you, Mita, thank you the felt soooo.... ARGH!" Mita swung at T'Rhere, her fist connecting with the side of the Renakana's face, knocking hir on back, hir remaining length sliding out of Mita with an audible pop. "BITCH!" Mita yelled, getting to her feet. T'Rhere looked up at the human, rubbing her face where a bruise is already forming. "M-M-M-Mita....?" T'Rhere stuttered, not understanding. Mita kicked hir in the gut slammed her head against the ground. "You fucking RAPED me, you cat-freak slut! I thought you were my friend! Goodbye!" The human turned and stamped off down the hall. The Renakana's pained wails audible, followed by her pained footsteps, trying to follow. Mita ducked into the lab, hiding underneath one of the workstations farthest away from the door. "Mita, please! I'm sooooooorrrryyyy!" T'Rhere howled. The Renakana stumbled into the lab, looking around for the human. Shi checked under a few workstations, then collapsed with a sob against the refrigerator. Mita coulc hear hir mumbling something to hirself, followed by some digging through a drawer and the sound of a pencil on paper. She peered over the counter to see T'Rhere pulling something out of the fridge; something that shi'd been working on as a side project to help get additional funds for their primary goal. The Renakana held it in hir hand for a moment then looks down at the piece of paper shi wrote on, then at the once more hardening length of hir big, black cat-cock. With a snuffle and a sob shi downed the green fluid, colored that way so it wouldn't be mistaken for something else. Shi looked down at the floor, and then writes something else at the bottom of the note. T'Rhere began to strip off hir remaining clothes, throwing them in the trash. Shi walked to the door and looks around the lab sadly, as if seeing it for the last time. The Renakana closed the door and walked away. Mita slowly emerged from under the table, watching the door anxiously. She walked to the counter by he fridge and looks down at the note. "To Mita," it read. "I'm sorry for the horrible thing I did to you. I realize that I'm a danger to you for as long as we'd ever be in contact. I cannot stand the thought of you being hurt by my actions. I love you, Mita. I wanted you to be my life-mate. But I know now that it was a stupid fantasy. You're a human, and I'm not even a Renakana anymore, just some oversexed cat-beast that happens to walk around on two legs. I can't live with the knowledge that I've caused you such deep physical and emotional pain. I know you hate me now, and I understand. I've taken the whole of the side project that I was working on, the amount of it, combined with the numerous spells that have gone into it's creation leave me optimistic that by the time you come across this note, the Renakana you knew as T'Rhere will be gone, and a bestial, unthinking creature fitting to the feelings that have built up inside me these last few months will be all the remains. The amount of liquid I've taken will hopefully take away any vestiges of sentience and intelligence in me. I've switched the door to the enclosure to code only, as with the physiology I'll soon have, will be unable to press the digits with my paws. I hope that you will soon be able to forget about me and get on with your life. The money in my savings (under a loose board in my closet) and not having to pay my salary ought to be able to allow you to purchase replacements for the animals you lose from this. Goodbye, Mita. I'm so sorry." T'Rhere's signature was hastily scrawled at the bottom. "PS: You leaked a trail across the floor. I put the lab door on ten-minute time lock, more time then I need to carry out my punishment for doing the awful thing I did. I love you, Mita." Mita darted to the door, the time lock put in place there so that equipment couldn't be easily stolen from offices at night, or crucial experiments interrupted by a janitor barging in. As written, it was locked and engaged, the tiny runes engraved in the door knob glowing softly and shifting to count the time down. She ran to the window, where the thick plastiglass window separated the lab from the enclosure. She could see Rykur and Takur, the two originally males, easily recognized by their much larger size, rubbing against a crying, seated T'Rhere. Shi was crying, and rubbing hir shaft. Rykur dropped down, raising hir hindquarters in the air. T'Rhere smiled, and petted hir, standing up and slowly sliding hir length into the animal's cunt. The human's jaw dropped at the sight of T'Rhere mating with the big cat. Rykur lowered hirself entirely to the ground, making it much easier for T'Rhere to thrust into hir. The Renakana leaned forward as much as possible. Mita's eyes widened, seeing T'Rhere positioning hirself to allow the lion access to hir womanhood. Takur accepted the invitation, the lion's shaft penetrating T'Rhere easily. Takur was big enough, just barely, for hir paws to reach the ground, and not have hir weight on top of T'Rhere. The Renakana's tears had stopped. Hir eyes closed, hir mouth spreading into a smile. Shi looked like shi was enjoying hirself. Takur stepped forward, seizing Rykur by the scruff of the neck, sandwiching T'Rhere between the two huge, furry bodies. Mita couldn't turn her eyes away from the coupling, finding it disgusting, but she had no clue what T'Rhere's writings meant. T'Rhere's body began to glow a with a white light after about thirty seconds, the light intensifying as the mating goes on. The glow quickly spread to the loins of the two cats, after about a minute all the bodies of all three are completely encompassed by the light, which was growing brighter. Mita was forced to turn her eyes away. Through the window she heard Rykur roar as shi came, as well as T'Rhere's "MEEEYOOOOOR!" of pleasure, the unmistakable lion's roar soon followed. The glow began to fade. Mita could see the slight shadow in the light of the trio piled atop one another, and then the shadow began to change shape, growing thinner, and longer. Mita's eyes widened in horror. She rushed to the sink where the beaker T'Rhere drank from lay. It had no label. She opened the fridge and finds a long strip of tape having fallen off, the thick black marker on the white tape reading "Chimera Union Project." Mita shuddered. T'Rhere, Rykur, and Takur were fusing into a single body. With a soft click Mita heard the door's time lock snap off. She was there in an instant, opening the door and rushing into the hallway. It took three tries before she managed to push the buttons for the numeric code to open the door, but she managed. Mita stepped in cautiously, only to find a huge, tawny furred creature hunched in the corner, crying. "T'Rhere? Are you still you?" Mita asked. The gargantuan creature, even seated shi was almost as tall as Mita, waved a paw-hand in a shooing motion. "Go 'way, Mita." it rumbled, its voice deep. "It didn't work. I'm still here, and I'm even more dangerous. Run away and lock the door behind you." T'Rhere sobbed again, a quiet, low sound. The human walked over and knelt down in front of the beast, looking over T'Rhere's new body. Shi was covered from head to toe in fur, a dark brown in color, with darker stripes, the fur turning to white on her belly, thighs, and neck. A huge tail, longer then Mita was tall, lay limp on the ground. T'Rhere had hir knees pulled up to hir chest, massive digigrade legs ending in titanic paws. T'Rhere had hir feet claws out. Mita took T'Rhere by the hand, a hand which balled up would be larger then her head. She strokes the soft fur on the back gently. She felt the smooth leathery palm and comparatively tiny pads on the first joint of each finger. They were big, and very, very paw-like, but still functional hands. T'Rhere moved to cover hir face with hir paws and turned toward the corner. "Come back tomorrow, Mita. I ought to have the mind of an animal by then, I still have two more tries, if I make up another sample of the stuff." Mita stroked T'Rhere gently behind the ears, running her fingers through the black mane covering the Renakana's neck, shoulders, and upper back. "Don't do that, please." Mita said softly. "C'mon, let me see what you've done to yourself, kitty-girl." But the most startling change was the ligress' belly, protruding roundly, out of contrast with the heavily muscled form around it. T'Rhere sighed. "Great, I'm fat." Mita shook her head. "No, T'Rhere, I think you're pregnant." T'Rhere blue eyes, the only unchanged thing Mita could see on the massive cat-herm's body widened in surprise. T'Rhere closed hir eyes for a second, her lips moving silently. "Yes, the interaction of the two formulae would have made any conceived cubs quickly mature to a more advanced state." T'Rhere ran a hand over hir belly in wonder. "It would explain why I don't feel in heat anymore." T'Rhere rubbed hir chin, thinking. "Well at least we know that everything we made works. So we can... ooooh!" T'Rhere moaned as Mita rubbed up against hir shaft. "M-Mita! What are you doing?" T'Rhere asked, the little human dropping her shirt and lab coat on the floor, squeezing her breasts and licking them. "I dunno, kitty-lover, but it feels good." T'Rhere's eyes widened. "Oh Mita, forgive me. Gods, I... I... I was out of my mind with lust, I didn't know what I was doing!" Mita yelped as a long tail grew quickly from the base of her spine. Bright orange fur, accompanied by white stripes quickly sprouting along the length, the tip ending in a brilliant white tuft. Mita fixed T'Rhere with a lustful glare. "You gave me Sample 4, didn't you?" she grumbled, her ears growing triangular, larger, and higher on her head, sprouting fur as well. "Y-y-yes." T'Rhere stuttered. Mita licked her muzzle with a new feline tongue, running it over feline fangs. "How much did you give me, you silly cat?" the changing Human asked, playfully squeezing the mammoth cat-herm's balls. " A-A-All of it." T'Rhere said sheepishly, looking at the ground. Mita's legs transformed with audible pops and cracks. She looked down at them with amusement, flexing the muscles that slid her claws in and out. "Oh good." she purred, beginning to stroke her now black, and swelling clitty. "G-g-good?!" T'Rhere sputtered. Mita caressed one of her new breasts, tiny and nothing more then a slight raise centered around a nipple. Shi wrapped hir hand around hir still growing length and began stroking. "Murrrr, you were right, T'Rhere, this does feel good." the changing girl purred, stepping forward and snuggling into the Renakana's ample cleavage. "Good 'cause I'm going to be big enough to fill you up." said Mita, punctuating hir word with a suck on one of T'Rhere's nipples. "Mmmm, nice 'n sweet." shi purred, licking stray milk from hir lips. "So you're not mad at me anymore?" T'Rhere asked with big, pleading eyes. "Murrrr, of course not. I understand how you felt." She stepped back from T'Rhere, stroking a shaft three quarters the size of the huge kitten's. "Having this thing aching for hours and hours, I'd be ready to jump anybody who walked down the hall too." The tigress knelt, sliding hir length into the Renakana. "So you're not mad that I m-m-made you like me?" Mita just laughed, running a paw through hir golden fur. "You probably ought to ask that question when I'm NOT feeling open to make love with anything that's a mammal and moving." Mita shook hir head and smiles. "Myrrrrr, but right now? I don't really mind. It feels nice. And besides, murrrrr, now we're a matching pair." Mita stretched strong feline muscles. "So if you still want to be life-mates, it'll work now." the tigress said, arching hir back as shi thrusts into T'Rhere once more. "Y-y-you mean it?" T'Rhere said, hir eyes brightening. "Sure, I'm more of a Renakana now then you were when you asked, so why not?" Mita tickled T'Rhere nose with hir tail. "Besides, I think I'm going to be swelling with cubs after not too long." T'Rhere blinked. "How, murrrr, can you tell?" Mita kissed T'Rhere's paw. "I've got some minor druidic skills if you recall, I can feel the life growing inside me." "H-h-how did it happen? I mean you weren't..." "I was. I started to change the moment I drank that stuff, and you mated me and filled me with your wonderful, myrrr, kitty-cum, and you know darn well how the feline reproductive system that crap gave me works. Drop an egg or two after mating." Mita's body tensed, her mouth opening to give nothing more then a soft gasp as hir new cock spasmed. Shi pulled from T'Rhere trying to catch some of hir seed in hir mouth, eventually succeeding, but managed to coat hir face and most of hir chest with the hot, white goo in the process. The tigress lay back purring contentedly, stroking hir manhood, milking it for every drop of cum, making an even bigger mess of hir chestfur. T'Rhere grabbed the little tiger by the tail and pulled hir close, impaling hir on hir own shaft. The huge liger rubbed all six of Mita's smaller breasts with one big paw as shi thrust into Mita, the other paw with two fingers buried inside hir own snatch. The tigress just lay back, almost burying hirself in the liger's ample cleavage. The tigress slid back, a breast on either side of hir head, hir arms between the shoulder and elbow unseen, sandwiched between two mammoth mammaries each. Mita reached up, milking the massive Renakana. Both too absorbed in the feelings of their new feline bodies to speak, both just let their instinct takes over. Mita opened hir eyes, feeling something warm, wet, and rough being rubbed against hir member. Shi looked down to find Jeka, the female tiger, cleaning the stray seed from hir shaft. The non-anthro tiger turned and offering hirself to Mita. Thoughts flashed through Mita's mind. Jeka was an animal, while shi was a human, it's wasn't right. Then Jeka backed up, taking Mita inside hir. Mita purrs, it sure felt right. Having both hir maleness and femaleness mated at the same time quickly drove Mita to the point of animal passion, shi was desperate to cum. Shi growled hir frustration, rubbing hir body against the tigress' sexy striped fur. Mita heard a low growl rising in T'Rhere's throat that soon built to a full roar as shi came, cock and cunt both erupting with hot cat-cum. The feeling of being filled once again drove Mita over the edge, hir own cock squirt jets of hir semen into Jeka. Mita purred and snuggled into Jeka's soft backfur. T'Rhere patted Mita on the back. "I'm going to get something to eat." shi rumbled. "I'm starving." Mita flinched as a sharp pain accompanied the big liger pulling out. Shi lay there purring for a while, before feeling a cold nose and a wet lick on hir femsex, it was the lioness, Doka, apparently feeling left out. Mita lifted hir tail, allowing the herm lion access to hir. Just then a fact shi learned when studying the species of hir non-anthro mates pops into hir mind. Tigers and lions were capable of mating nearly one hundred times a day. Mita gasped as shi felt the lioness enter hir. It was going to be a fun couple of hours, but shi was definitely going to be sore in the morning.
The bedroom door was locked, completing the soundproof seal that would keep the neighbors from complaining too much about what was going on inside their bedroom. The couple had learned their lessons from the last few times they’d gone overboard and had the police called on them for “disrupting the peace”, whatever that meant, and seeing as they weren’t going to stop engaging in their favourite roleplay, some investment in soundproof foam was required. With their sanctum thus prepared, Andy climbed onto the bed that Rebecca was waiting for him on, his legs on either side of her, his hands on his hips; that night, he had decided not to look down, preferring instead to move forward just enough that his cock and balls hung close to his partner’s face, giving her something to go off from when it came time to turn on the praise, for that was the whole point of the exercise: Andy got to experience what it was like to be treated like a breeder god, Rebecca got to live out her fantasies of being a pliable, obedient submissive to a deity of incalculable power, and then the two of them could fuck hard enough not to be able to walk properly before collapsing from exhaustion and waking up feeling sore the day after, just like every other time. They didn’t even bother wearing clothes around the house anymore, what with Rebecca insisting that they take their roleplay to a new level and incorporate it into every aspect of their domestic life, leaving the “harder” stuff for the bedroom. Hence why the door was locked. Once in place, all Andy had to do was stand proud and display his junk for his mate to play with, counting the minutes until her hands began to explore other parts of him; the fox made sure to keep his body in tip-top shape just for Rebecca, knowing as he did how much she adored tracing her fingers across his well-defined, toned musculature, rock-solid pecs and cheese-grating abs. It took a lot of time out of his day to keep that physique, but it was all worth it in the end; not just for how much his partner swooned at the mere sight of him, but also the fact that nothing he wore fit him anymore, and any shirt he managed to put on would be so skintight that pretty much everyone he met had to either stare at him or comment on how much of a hunk he was. Months, years of dedication had gone into chiselling that perfect body, and now he was reaping the benefits from it on a daily basis; he couldn’t be happier. As usual, things started off pretty tame, with Rebecca moaning like a needy slut as she pressed her face against his shaft and cupped both of his nuts with her hands, rubbing herself against it as she barely managed to put two words together, let alone form coherent sentences. Long gone were the days where she would shower him in verbal praise, proclaiming him to be a god amongst men, a titan of perfection unsurpassed by any other; Andy would be lying if he said he didn’t miss it in some degree, but this new version of his mate was quite a bit more enjoyable in its own way, if he had to be honest. No words, no time wasted, just getting down to what mattered without a moment’s hesitation, shoving her face against his base and basking in the strong, musky scent as her ability to think coherent thoughts was slowly chipped away and replaced with blind obedience and a delectably malleable, submissive mindstate. He liked to carefully move his hand behind her head just so he could push her even closer, at times flattening the side of her head against his package in order for her to hear his heartbeat through it; the sight of Rebecca literally drooling as her eyes grew glazed and unfocused did more for him than any word of adoration could, and he lived for those moments, lived for the realization that this woman, who had once been as feisty in the bedroom as him, was now more than happy to lie there and obey any command he might give her, even if she liked to pretend it was all roleplay once the locked door was open again. But Andy knew better; it hadn’t been him who suggested they take the “roleplay” to the rest of their daily routine after all, nor had it been him who made it a habit of splaying all over his body and begging to be fucked like an animal. That was all Rebecca, and as much as she liked to claim otherwise, it was clear that her submissiveness had transcended the realm of fantasy and become a fundamental part of her. Just as he liked it. That night felt different, however. The hunky fox didn’t quite know why or how, but it wasn’t like any other of their bedroom roleplay sessions; he had already felt surprisingly good that day, far more than usual, to the point where it was beginning to genuinely concern him. Had someone spiked his drink with something? He didn’t usually feel like he could walk up to a car and lift it up, nor did he normally want to do it just to prove he could; yet, for some reason, that day had been filled with those sorts of thoughts, with him wanting to show off to everyone who could see him that he was, indeed, a burgeoning fox god who could take all comers and come out the other end without even breaking a sweat. This extended to the bedroom as well, with his ministrations being significantly rougher than usual; Rebecca wasn’t being harmed, but she never quite had her head stuffed against those balls that hard before, nor had she had the opportunity to hear them churning so loudly, nor had she felt her mate’s cock throbbing so powerfully. To be frank, it was the vixen who felt it coming before the fox did, given that the latter was too busy biting his tongue to keep himself from moaning like a desperate, horny slut himself. The first change came when Rebecca allowed herself the luxury of licking that massive rod, turgid and hardened to the point where, if she were stupid enough to take it into her mouth, it could probably bulge out a significant chunk of her throat. Instead, the vixen ran her tongue from the very base up to the top, marvelling at the sounds it was making; its leathery skin creaked and groaned like plastic being stretched, and indeed Rebecca couldn’t help but notice that it took her a little bit more time to reach the tip than it usually did, almost as if her licking the damned thing had made it grow longer. The two balls she held in her hands were heavier as well, weighing down just enough that she could tell the difference; whatever was happening to Andy’s body, he was finally becoming as virile as she liked to imagine him being, so she wasn’t going to say anything to complain, lest it… well, stop. That’d be terrible. The rest of Andy wasn’t too far behind, though not as exaggerated as his male assets had been, seeing as his physique was already as close to perfect as a mortal man could be; still, there were a few blemishes that could be fixed, minor imperfections that stood in the way of him becoming a perfect ten, not to mention a little more padding along the biceps just to make sure his muscles were the real center of attention, not that throbbing cock of his. With a single breath, Andy’s torso expanded to make room for even more muscle mass, his arms growing thicker and more powerful, along with his legs gaining enough weight to make the bed groan underneath the strain of it; very little of it was fat, giving him an Adonis-like appearance that only made Rebecca’s ability to resist his allure fail even harder than before. The vixen wanted to say something, but no matter how hard she tried, nothing came out but incoherent babbling and pseudo-words that sounded suspiciously like her murmuring “big…” over and over again; as far as Andy was concerned, this was exactly what he was looking for in his mate, and the fox was so engrossed in the sudden display of adulation that he failed to notice how his body was changing right in front of his eyes. The sense of power didn’t go away though, and neither did the sounds coming from his bed; as much as Andy might be blind to the fact that he was now growing outwards at a steady pace, he couldn’t ignore the thing he was standing on complaining so loudly about the extra weight. He briefly considered hopping off and just rutting his mate against the ground when he heard something crack, and a split-second later the mattress was in a short freefall towards the floor; his balance destroyed, Andy fell forwards onto it, forcing his lover onto her back and flattening his cock and balls against her face. All the air was knocked out of his lungs on landing, but somehow that didn’t leave him gasping for breath; if anything, when he inhaled afterwards he felt better than ever, like he could spring back to his feet in record time and have enough energy to skullfuck his partner several times over before beginning to feel tired, a partner that was, by that point, still squirming around underneath him, taking the opportunity provided by his fall to indiscriminately lick and nibble at his most sensitive parts while moaning so loudly that it didn’t even sound muffled at all. Only after getting back on his feet did Andy come to understand that something was definitely off about his body, mostly because he hit the top of his head against the ceiling before straightening his back out. It took him a second to process, during which he wondered if the mattress had fallen upwards somehow, after which he let out a quick yelp, took a tumbling step backwards, then crash-landed on his wardrobe a moment later, turning it into a pile of wooden splinters and seriously weakening the structural stability of the wall behind it. Cracks radiated from the impact zone, and though the fox should, by all accounts, have been injured by the fall, there wasn’t even a single scratch on his skin. In fact, after scrambling to a standing position, he found that he couldn’t even stand up straight at all despite being on the floor, his neck forced to bend due to him being so tall. He looked down at himself, trying to come up with an explanation, only to find… nothing. Nothing but his own colossal, room-dominating body and Rebecca staring at him from below, openly drooling and looking like she was about to faint from overstimulation. He himself could barely comprehend what was going on, but ultimately decided to roll with it and carry on with the roleplay; after all, now that he was the sort of colossus that he loved to portray himself as, it was only fair! “Well, it would appear that your gracious god has decided to bless you with his presence,” he declared, Rebecca swooning in response, “but such a boon does not come without a cost; merciful though I may be, to show myself to such a loyal subject still requires a price…” Said price was the usual: move forward and allow the vixen to wrap her hands around his cock and do with it as she pleased, usually slobbering all over it while her hands alternated between pumping its length and squeezing the nuts next to it. The biggest difference was literally in size; while it used to be that his shaft and orbs were big enough that Rebecca could grab whole handfuls of it, now it was… somewhere beyond it. Not only was it much larger in absolute terms, what with Andy now being taller than his room, but it was bigger than it used to be proportionately; while beforehand it might’ve reached his belly button if he pressed it against himself, now it rose slightly beyond it, not to mention the extra thickness as well, with the two pendulous orbs beneath it each being about the size of a ripe watermelon each. It made for a sensitive package, and one that reacted almost instantly to even the slightest of touches with so many electric signals that the fox giant’s pleasure centers were in danger of becoming overloaded, but… but he didn’t want it to stop. If anything, he wanted more of it, and felt as if this sudden transformation was naught but the start of something greater; if he’d gotten that far already, who was going to stop him from becoming even bigger? Thus, he took a step forward, his cock looming over his tinier mate. He silently pointed at it, then at the vixen, signalling for her to get up and get to work on it; Rebecca didn’t need to be told twice, dutifully balancing on her shaky legs and practically collapsing forwards onto that rod of turgid cockmeat, her eyes rolling upwards into her skull when the powerfully masculine scent hit her. Almost immediately afterwards, Andy felt his body growing tight all over, like air had been pumped into him and his skin had been stretched to the breaking point; he could hear his muscles creaking and popping as more mass was deposited into them, every ounce of unnecessary fat burned away from him as his shoulders widened, his legs thickened, and his overall frame rose ever higher towards the heavens. Now he had to press the top half of his back against the ceiling rather than just his head, and feared that any movement might cause the whole thing to collapse; that said, on the other hand, he was now holding up the floor above him with nothing but raw muscle power, and he found that to be so unbearably arousing that his body reacted by giving him yet another size boost, resulting in a very horny-sounding Andy smashing his hands against the wall in front of him and very literally piercing through to the other side, collapsing large chunks of it in a cloud of plaster that covered most of their kitchen. The whole room was rumbling by that point, courtesy of the fox’s body becoming unsustainably large, and it wouldn’t take long before chunks of the ceiling began to fall down, the radial cracks spreading wider and wider until they could no longer hold back; with a loud, horrifying grinding noise, the upper floor came crashing down around them, screaming erupting from the distance as their upstairs neighbor narrowly avoided falling in as well. Thankfully, Andy’s body had become large enough that he prevented most of it from falling on top of Rebecca’s head; the vixen was still safe and sound beneath his care, and now he had more room to stand up straight and get his back in order… only to immediately bump his head against the ceiling two floors above. Things were going a lot faster than he thought they would, but that didn’t stop him in the slightest; if anything, suddenly being turned into a literal giant only further incentivized him to play along with whatever was happening, even with Rebecca becoming increasingly unable to service him properly. There was only so much the vixen could do, given that she wasn’t also growing alongside him, but bless her heart, she still tried; jumping up, she held onto her lover’s shaft and struggled to bring her feet up as well, hanging off of it for dear life as Andy’s body continued to groan loudly enough that he could barely hear his own thoughts, let alone the panicked screaming that erupted all around him. It wasn’t just his upstairs neighbor anymore, but most of the building, given that he had just knocked out a substantial amount of its inner frame and the whole thing was on the verge of collapsing at the slightest disturbance; a throng of terrified tenants flooded the streets outside, trampling over one another to get as far away from the future disaster area as possible, all while the fox god responsible for it continued to crumble the building itself from within, finding it to be ever more cramped with each passing moment. With his overall shape more or less settled for the time being, it was apparently time for him to just grow outwards in every direction, becoming taller, wider, stronger, too big for his prior home, too big for every home around it even; two floors were cleared, then three, both of his arms scraping against opposite sides of the apartment block, and yet he didn’t feel any of it. Andy would’ve expected cuts, scratches or bruises, especially with the amount of glass that he was tearing through, but it was almost as if all the damage and debris just bounced off of him harmlessly, leaving his physical avatar as perfect and unblemished as it should be. Even when large blocks of concrete fell on his head, he barely felt them; the tiny things broke in half on impact, shattered into pieces when falling onto his shoulders and were then ground into dust after being trapped between one of his arms and some other solid surface. From the outside, all that anyone could see was a growing cloud of dust, puffs of it firing off from windows that only showed something big, orange-brown and curiously fluffy growing upwards inside the hollow interior of what had been their house just moments ago. From within, they could hear Andy’s roars, the fox unable to control himself or his need to vocalize, the arousal being too strong to hold within himself; he had to let the world know what he felt, not only for its own sake, but to assert himself as their new, undisputed ruler, because it wasn’t about size anymore. Part of the roleplay between himself and Rebecca had been about power, after all. The power to do whatever he so desired, the exultation of his grandiose station as the master of all that existed, a titan of awesome power that could crush planets in his grip, but chose not to as part of the whole “merciful god” act. And while that had been harmless fun and all, it had never gone past it… but now that he was truly becoming a colossus, even if it was just some elaborate, collective mass hallucination, who was going to stop him from doing exactly what he said he would do? Who was going to stand in his way and tell him he couldn’t become the ruler of all that was? Assuming that he just kept growing, then there was literally nothing anyone could do at all, and soon he would be traversing the space between entire cities with a single step, displaying himself to everyone that lived and letting them know, in no uncertain terms, who the new boss was. The vixen, meanwhile, was still holding onto his shaft for dear life, but apparently decided for a brand new approach: rather than fighting against gravity all the time, she had wrapped both arms and legs around as much of his girth as she could, then shifted around so that her back was against his front; this way, Rebecca was constantly being smushed against her very own fox god, squished between his rock-solid abs and even harder shaft, a perfect place to be once the latter grew so much she couldn’t even reach the other side of it even while extending her arms as far as they went. “Bigger…” he told himself, growling all the while, “Not enough… bigger!” It was a command, one for his body to obey if it knew what was best for it. Not enough for him to simply become larger, Andy had to make sure the whole world knew about it! “Bigger!” the fox god shouted, “Bring the house down!” It was all a matter of time. The building was crumbling around him, the load-bearing walls were a thing of the past, and all that was needed was for him to get done with one, final push to utterly destroy whatever was left of the structure. The crowd outside wouldn’t have to worry about falling debris; when Andy was done, outstretching his arms, arching his back forward and letting loose a growl-turned-roar of such deafening intensity that it shattered glass in a mile-wide radius, there wouldn’t be any debris to fall on anyone, the only thing left of the once-large apartment block being floating specks of dust and the occasional bit of plaster that miraculously escaped the final burst. The fox giant emerged from within his “cocoon”, head thrown back and staring at the heavens; as he waited there, breathing in deeply and waiting for his heart to slow down, Andy contemplated what he was looking at. The deep, blue sky, stretching up and out towards an infinite universe that no one had yet claimed. He could still feel himself becoming bigger, more powerful; his muscles were still bulking up, his physique further refining itself as it went from merely athletic and muscular to that of a true bodybuilder, not only being capable of snapping steel beams between two fingers but looking like he could do so as well. His package was something extraordinary as well, given that it just kept up creeping up his torso and becoming heavier down below at the same time, until he was left with a pair of palm-filling orbs (for his own palms, at least) and a cock big enough that poor Rebecca could barely measure up to its length. Not that the vixen was complaining about it; being stuck between a shaft of that size and a fox of Andy’s stature was the closest she’d ever gotten to a true dream come true. And maybe it was her continued worship, or the fact that the tiny ones all around him were starting to come around to the idea of having a giant such as him to throw their praise at, but Andy was feeling the raw, burning pleasure of being adored as a living avatar of perfection; so much so that the first thing he did after getting his bearings back was turn towards the crowd… and proceed to show off. He didn’t have to do much, just a couple of steps towards them and a simple pose to frame that massive, throbbing cock of his against a body that just kept getting wider and thicker in all the right ways. He felt like he could lift an entire city up on one arm and come out of it complaining about how easy it was… and judging by how things were going, he probably would be doing that before the day was out! So why not take advantage of this and make sure everyone around him knew exactly who they were dealing with by making himself look even taller than he already was? A feat, to be sure, given that he was already higher up than his old apartment building, and still kept on packing more and more size regardless of what he did; either standing still or deliberately flexing, his body continued to expand and engorge, becoming more like the image of his perfect self with every second that passed. “Your god beckons,” he proclaimed, allowing his voice to travel over the rooftops and boom into the distance, shattering glass in the closest buildings, “and you will answer.” To say that Andy was undergoing a slight bit of a power trip would be a massive understatement; his head was little more than demands for greater size and more power, shouted at himself on a loop. It made it hard to focus, really, unless he was externalizing it in some way. “This world belongs to me now,” he kept going, no longer thinking on whether he sounded imposing or was just trying too hard, “and you will obey every command you receive.” The crowd gathered at his feet, not knowing how to react to what was happening in front of them, went through a rather complicated turnaround in terms of emotions, from terrified fright, to inexplicable interest, to tacit acceptance and then finally full-on adoration. Just like with Rebecca, all the other little ones came to understand that Andy was their new god, their new divine ruler who would usher in a brand new golden age or… something of the sort; they were free to come up with their own interpretation of how the events would pan out, the fox god wasn’t about to get bogged down in theological questions. As long as his worshippers deferred to him as their deity, then he couldn’t care less about what they thought of him… and if that held true, then why was he even wasting time looking at them? He had a whole city to lord over, and then a whole word, and there he was showing off a single building’s worth of tiny little insignificant specks and whoever else happened to be nearby. Grinning madly to himself, he readjusted his shaft to keep his precious vixen close to him, turned around, and then walked down the street towards the downtown area. At first, his head just barely poked up from the tops of the buildings around him, barely enough for him to get a good look at the city’s skyline while moving towards the centermost part of it. With each step he took, however, that deficiency was “corrected”, with his body growing upwards inch after inch, the divine avatar of perfection that was his physical form becoming ever stronger, until he had to start pushing those buildings away from him just to have enough room to walk through. Soon, he wouldn’t merely be peeking out from over the rooftops, but towering over them, looming over the entirety of the urban jungle, all while wrecking any and all structures that happened to be in the way. He no longer cared if anyone was inside those things, nor did he have the time to consider if anyone might have an issue with him becoming the god he was always meant to be. As far as Andy cared, this was his ascension, and if anyone had a problem with that, they could take it up with him in order to be ignored and stepped on… something that had become the norm for quite a few people underneath him, seeing as his paws were now big enough to effectively flatten anything they might step on, leaving him with an enormous amount of tiny ones clinging to his soft pads and slowly losing their minds to the comfort of it. Once more, he didn’t particularly care; just as long as they kept worshipping him, they could do it in any way they saw fit. Besides, none of them were Rebecca. The vixen had consistently been the most fervent of admirers in the short time since the fox god had embraced his new divinity, and despite the fact that she was now woefully undersized compared to him, she hadn’t given up trying to service him with as much excitement and gusto as she had up until then. Even when her body became naught but a fraction of the size of Andy’s shaft, Rebecca kept on rubbing herself all over it, using every muscle in her body to indulge in the quasi-obscene excess of it all; even from up above, her partner could hear her lustful moans, her begging for more, her voice cracking as the yips and yelps turned into nonsense words that barely resembled language. Safe between the veiny pillar of cockmeat and a set of abs so sturdy that her back hurt from being grinded against them, all the vixen could do was surrender herself to pleasure of it all, unable to think properly, unable to bring her mind to bear and do anything more than flail around and hope that would do… something. It was unclear what it was she expected to accomplish, but Andy had to appreciate the attempt, even if it wasn’t all that much compared to everything else he was feeling; no matter how hard Rebecca tried, nothing could ever compare to the feeling of absolute power and dominance that came with having a body like this. Whenever he flexed, he heard his biceps groan loudly as more mass was added onto them. Whenever he tensed up he could feel all of his body bulging out, making him look more and more like a career bodybuilder with a knack for self-sculpting. And whenever he brought his hands to his cock, it grew just the smallest bit more compared to his body, until he sported a rod of such colossal dimensions that he could probably use a skyscraper for a condom and it would feel too tight on him. But even that wasn’t enough. He could tower over a whole city, casting a shadow that kept it permanently in the dark, and that still wouldn’t be enough, not because it wouldn’t feel great, but precisely because it wasn’t what he deserved. He could see it now, even if it had been hidden before: he hadn’t just become a god, he had always been one. Why else would Rebecca have fallen so easily under his sway, insisting that they take their “roleplay” to their daily lives? Why else would that “roleplay” have even come to be, if not as a manifestation of a power that had always been there, lying in wait? And, perhaps most importantly, why else would that power have manifested itself, turning him into a colossus of immense proportions that turned everyone who saw him from a panicked, screaming mess into an obedient worshipper, ready to fall down on their knees and spend eternity lavishing praise upon him? It only made sense that this was exactly what he was always supposed to be, and reality was just now asserting itself, making right what had always been wrong. “Mrrf…” the giant growled, even that tiny sound being enough to cause a small quake around them, “Keep out… out of my w-way…” It was getting harder to resist it. Soon, he would be exploding with size and taking everything with him. One hand on top of a roof, another holding onto his own chest, he fought against the need to roar like a beast. “I can f-feel it… g-gods, I can feel it burning… I c-can feel it… bright… so tight...” It was inside of him. His growth had halted for the last few minutes, but it hadn’t stopped, much less slowed down; rather, it had merely been keeping itself from manifesting, just so it could give Andy the sort of treat that he, as that world’s new god, truly deserved. He wouldn’t just be slowly going up by inches at a time, no; as soon as that dam broke, and it was going to break extremely soon, the city would most likely cease to exist altogether, flattened by a single paw as he ascended towards the heavens where he belonged. And from there, who knew where else he could go? The world was his oyster, his playground, his to do with whatever he pleased… and there with him, every step of the way, would be his loving Rebecca, his perfect vixen, his divine consort. So what if she wasn’t as big as him? Nothing was as big as he was… or would be, at least. What mattered was that her love, her devotion had helped him become what he was always meant to be, and for that, he would be eternally grateful. He breathed out, emptying his mind. He was ready. Today was the day of his ascension.
In the banquette hall of castle Greivanhal, Occult slammed his drink down. "I got it! The ring again!" Both Lizabeth and Arcane looked at him but only Arcane spoke up. "What are you talking about? No one said anything and you blurt out about a ring?" "Remember Len, and Lin? Crazy lady I made happy by giving her an attribute theft ring. YOU called it a failure." Arcane tapped her fingers on the table annoyed. "She destroyed an entire city block." Occult just shrugged. "You never said damage control was part of the conditions in the first place. Anyway, was thinking of a kid I was going to help. Trying to think of a convoluted plan that would seem evil at first but then turn out good for everyone- but then it hit me! The flavor of this meat is delicious, and after it hit me, I got an idea. Why not just give him another attribute stealing ring? What better way to redeem my last attempt than to do the exact same thing while expecting a different result?" "I won't even let you leave the castle with that damned thing." Liz stood up from her seat and picked up her black horn staff. "I will go instead. I wrapped up all the business I had on the go so far anyway." Occult huffed, crossing his arms. "Whatever. But you have to use a ring, then we'll see how easy it is to manage." Liz nodded. "Then show me the spell to make one" Lizabeth never turned down the chance to learn a new magic, but even besides that she had to be very careful with Occult. The seal on the land beyond dreams that cut Greivanhal off from the rest of reality was sizzling out and needed to be renewed immediately. If Occult left the castle now there is a chance too much of his essence could get back into the real world for the seal to be refreshed. Liz's target now is a young man named Bernard, who was having a hell of a time understanding women. Bernard had neatly combed back mid length pale brown hair and olive eyes- a tall and leanly muscled young man. He stared closely at his bathroom mirror, seeing a tiny pin-pick of light coming from the middle. He touched it cautiously and the mirror rippled violently like the surface of water. When it calmed he was looking at Liz's hooded face instead of his own. He jumped back with a shout of surprise and Lizabeth quickly started to pass through the mirror to hush him. "It is OK, I know- weird person coming through my mirror..." "Are you that magical entity thing the news has been reporting about lately? That like...grants wishes?" "Uuuuhm...yes? I wouldn't say he grants wishes exactly, and there is more than one. But for the sake of simplicity, yes I am." "OK...well...can I wish for-" "I sensed you have problems with girls? I mean you are not ugly by any stretch of the imagination so...what is your trouble with them?" By now Liz was fully out of the mirror and standing in front of Bernard. "W-well...I uh, it is several things. My family is pretty well off you see, and I have high functioning asperger so I have a harder time understanding people sometimes. But to make use of my focussed attention they sent me to a real high end school. I just graduated this spring was an all-boys academy. So even though I am 24..." "But...don't girls get offended easily? And things that are considered manly disgust them but...other things are attractive? Like a man with an expensive car is attractive, but talk about the car is lost on them...I guess that is about money and status?" Bernard thought long and hard on that before speaking again. "What about physically though? Even underwear they have to take measurements and stuff, and watch out for back pain...all men have to do is pick boxers or briefs, grab it off the shelf and there done." Lizabeth smiled, telling him to wait a moment. She flipped her staff upside down and leaned it against the sink, using the now upward point to stab the palm of her right hand. In her human form the wound looked painful but since this was not her real form it was insignificant to her. Her dark blood divided itself into two parts, the dark base hardened into a ring of blood iron, while the plasma divided and hardened into a clear oval crystal on the front of her blood-forged ring. Like the one Occult forged a while back, this ring allowed the wearer to syphon traits from...anything. The target didn't need to even be alive, you could steal the stiffness out of the ground you stand on. The target didn't even need to be a tangible thing, you could steal time, space, or even memories and ideas. She misjudged his size, but he managed to fit the ring on his thumb. She told him to remove his shirt as she tapped a finger on the empty mirror behind her. It rippled and shifted to display a woman sleeping mostly on a couch. She wore a construction worker's attire and half her limbs were draped off the couch. She passed out after coming home from work, her back killing her from her very large bosom. Lizabeth selected her for that exact reason- she was going to sleep a bit more soundly because she told Bernard to borrow her bust. With a magical glint from the ring's gem the process began. Bernard went to cover his nipples when they felt odd but stopped himself realising how silly that would be when the only company he had was an otherworldly being that had assuredly seen far more than he had to hide. Male and female nipples were not too different, especially since his in particular were devoid of hair already, but the female version had much fewer pain receptors. As he touched them it almost felt like they were going numb but only partially- the pleasure receptors were all still alive and well, allowing him to manipulate them much more aggressively without hurting himself. This gave them the illusion of being more flexible when it had actually remained unchanged. The bumps on his areola smoothed out and the whole area puffed up a bit. The coloration lightened to match his pale brown hair, and the nipples themselves popped far out, much larger. At first he blushed a little thinking his manipulations erected them but that was only half true- the growth would have forced them erect regardless. Unseen below the woman's clothing her nipples became erect and then regressed into a dormant state as it was transferred to Bernard. Her breasts seemed to firm up, before shrinking a bit and then slowly flattening down to her chest. Bernard's flesh grew soft and malible around the areola before puffing up. They rounded as more fat squeezed in, and he gently moved his chest side to side to feel them gently tug on him. As they fattened up the bottoms started to fold over to his chest causing them to take on a more tear-shape. It was not all forward though- breast tissue continued even to under the arms so they rounded out to the sides as well. By the time they stopped the weight was apparent but not uncomfortable at all, in fact he enjoyed it as he jostled them around and felt the springy ripples in the fat spheres. The woman in the reflection now no longer fit her top with a flat chest. Bernard grabbed them both in his hands and his fingers sunk into the flesh pillows. "Holy shit! I know there supposed to be soft So springy too, like the softest rubber." Liz smiled and gave a firm tap to the top slope of her own breast and made it spring up. "You can make em jump if you press in up here. They are inherently very, very soft. Springy...well...depends on the woman, and how she treats them. Boobs are a responsibility, you have to wear a bra so you don't stretch out the tendon that holds them up when you bounce around. Wearing too tight of a bra can increase the chances of getting breast cancer though. And wearing a bra too often will cause the muscle tissue to atrophy, which causes them to lose their form. Then the whole issue of back pains..." Bernard cupped his breasts to feel their weight in his palms. "So wear a bra too much they they become too soft and lose their shape, too little and they droop? They aren't super heavy though. I mean these are big tits and the weight is...comfy." "You've only had them for like two minutes. Their weight is decidedly forward, on the upper part of the body- this tilts off the entire center of balance permanently. Even if it's just a tiny bit of weight, your body has to counter it at all times. You can't get rid of it- with a bra you can shift it but it will always be there. If you held a tiny weight in your hand it would be easy to lift but if you could never put that weight down again, it would wear on you. Plus, you are already pretty fit, so your lower back muscles can probably handle those easy. I once encountered a woman who seemed to have an absolute understanding of breasts. They are beautiful on many levels, fun, and pleasurable. But, also a pun intended." Bernard fondled his new assets for some time, before asking about a woman's other unique place. The answer was simple but he sheepishly covered the bulge in his groin, saying he couldn't bring himself to part with his own bits, even temporarily. Lizabeth sighed, trying to convince him it was fine but decided to take a different option. She didn't want to have Occult step in if there was too much of a debate. She tapped the mirror once again changing the reflection to a woman hastily discarding clothing in a dark room. The solution was for Bernard to swap spaces with her, causing her to mentally occupy his body, and him to take her body. Not the ideal situation but good enough. The hardest part would be grabbing the ring off Bernard's finger after the swap, so the woman didn't get power over it using his body. Bernard didn't even notice it happened at first because it took less time than it did to blink. He looked around quickly at first, bumping a leg against the plush bedding causing him to tumble down on it. The lights were off which didn't help, but since he now had the woman's eyes instead of his, they were already adjusted to the dark. He had little interest in his location but still took in the surroundings so he felt a little less lost. His new body was almost entirely nude except for underwear and a single sock she was in the process of removing. He brought up the leg to pull the sock off, and marveled at the shape of the leg. The smooth but also well defined calves. The shaven skin shimmered in what little light remained in the room and was so smooth to the touch, and so taught! Bernard was tracing his delicate narrow female fingers up the smooth contours of the legs when he jumped back a bit from a radiant pleasure that found its way back into his chest! Lizabeth's form coalesced from the darkness and flicked the blood ring over to Bernard again. "Hmm, that is an interesting effect. When you switched bodies the traits you already took followed you, they did not remain on your old body- the ring recognises your soul as the true self. You had no boobs before, but this body has C cups to start with...which means those E cups you took are going to be added on top of those Cs." Bernard's breathing became shallow and quick at the feelings. It was much more pleasure in the change since they were true breasts before the alteration even hit. "C is three cup sizes cup!?" Liz let out a quick laugh unintentionally before explaining. "Yea that's...not even remotely how bras work. Cup size is determined based on projection from the chest, basically. The accompanying number is the distance around the entire chest in inches, which is the strap. Simple enough? Well here is a curve ball- double letters are larger than singles. DD is basically the same as E, and DDD for the few locations that actually acknowledge it as a valid size, is bigger than E...quite a lot bigger. And just in case you are able to wrap your head around that still- we don't know what country this woman is in...bra sizes are wildly different in different locations. A Japanese G cup is our D. Let's just call these 'real big'. That is pretty universal." Bernard couldn't help but let out a few moans as the breasts swelled up fatter, but remained as taught as their smaller forms. His own moans only made it even more arousing since he had the woman's voice instead of his own due to their vocal cords switching as well. As he squirmed from the sensation half sunk in the plush cool bedding, his jiggly mountains wobbled back and forth on his chest. By the time they stopped growing they were the size of mid sized medicine balls! Their weight pinned him down into the soft sheets of the bed, and while he had the strength even in the woman's body to still get up, it was far too comfy for his willpower. They were big enough to rest weight of their sides on his arms, like they were trying to pin them down, and he remained still under them for some time, enjoying that kinky little fantasy. After a time of just being still and catching his breath, watching the huge breasts rise and fall with each- Bernard told Liz to ready a small mirror to grab other traits. The ring had unlimited ability, so even if this had been enough for Bernard, why would he stop? Might as well truly flex the rings capabilities and see how perfect a result it could achieve. He found an arrogant 'cam-whore' wringing money out of awe struck virgins, and watched as her lips deflated, thinning to the point of being odd looking even if they were male lips. If she had not had a generous coat of lipstick on her audience would have seen their color pale away as well. Bernard's however were already nice lips, and now turned a permanent flushed red and swelled up into a territory reserved only for porn stars. Checking to see Liz wasn't looking, he even sucked on one of his delicate female fingers to see those lips wrapping around something long and stiff. He brought a beanstalk of a girl to the height of her peers, pausing their teasing. He reigned in the extreme curve of a pear-shaped woman, and took the huge round bubble butt of a stripper for a flat ass that wasn't winning her any tips that night. He even summoned several reflections of breasts up close to be able to sculpt a perfect nipple. Not even finding a woman with the hair he had in mind, he ended up taking the bounce, shimmer, and length from no less than a dozen women to add to his form. The already shapely legs became almost abnormally long, making him very tall as he stepped and twirled for his own amusement in a full body closet mirror. The thighs fattened up but remained encased in the taught skin and musculature that was already there, making them firm and bouncy in spite of their rotund size. Bernard bent over as the butt cheeks grew, and ended up buckling completely at the sensation, braced against the edge of the bed. Impossibly big and round, but also so very smooth and firm. You could bounce a coin off those ass cheeks! The inner curvature of the thick thighs and round ass created a perfect diamond shaped window to the lower curve of his pussy, but Bernard didn't want to alter that...yet. He sunk his chin into the blankets still on the edge of the bed with his ass in the mirror as the tingling feeling swept over his scalp. His hair became a glossy vibrant red-brown and spin itself into huge ringlets as it grew. It kept growing though, making larger and larger spirals till the weight alone made curling impossible and it turned to violent and wild waves, pooling across the bed all around him. When it stopped growing it was like a huge voluminous five and a half foot blanket of vibrant youthful hair. Bernard's thoughts were swimming as he giggled and moaned softly. "So...tight and smooth...soft and bouncy! It feels so good to...just to EXIST like this!" Liz shrugged. "Yea, well, keep in mind those women you borrowed from didn't have the option to pick and choose what they got. Maybe some are born with it, but-" "Maybe its Maybelline." Lizabeth paused a moment before smacking him on the head. "This is the cream of the crop, to get a body like this is damned near impossible, through genetics or effort. Why don't you take that pleasure mound for a spin?" Bernard blushed. "I don't know how to...well y'know." Lizabeth chuckled and opened the woman's undergarment drawer to reveal a realistic rubber dildo. "Start with basic penetration and experiment from there. We are here to learn, right? I am sure you can master 'in and out' easy enough." Bernard felt weird touching the toy, he was completely straight, but he also wanted to feel these lady bits. From the lower side corner of the bed he could both sit on the bed and face the closet mirror. He spread the exquisite legs he has sculpted with the ring and gently poked at the plush nether lips. The pubic hairs were all neatly trimmed and shaven back into a triangle above, which was good for centering the feeling of the pussy alone. It felt moist enough so he went to go in but encountered a few problems. Straight away, the moisture that was there isn't automatically distributed evently, so it wouldn't go completely in easily in one go no matter what. Secondly, he would have missed anyway- he centered the toy, and the passage isn't centered, at all. Plump soft rubbery labia aside, the urethra was centered on the upper portion and he definitely did not want to try and push anything into that, ever. The flesh between is soft enough that he technically could have just pushed forward and the toy would have sloped down to find the proper place but that isn't exactly the best approach. The actual passage was much farther down than he expected. It contracted with pulses of pleasure not unlike the stiffening throbs of a penis, but because of the muscle ribbing the tunnel, it grabbed and pulled inward anything inside like it was...hungry. He used his other hand to manipulate the clit but paused immediately, flinching at the sensation. It was much too sensitive to be touched directly! It was like trying to masturbate a dick that was already pumped raw. Rubbing it through its little hoodie of skin however felt very good, but still a bit too intense. Like getting into cold water to escape heat, as nice as it may be, getting in isn't easy because of the steep contrast. He found the best rythem using his right hand to move the toy in and out while letting the palm of the hand pat the clit on the way in. Those feelings coupled with that of his huge breasts jostling around wildly from his arm movements set him off after not too long, and he felt his first female orgasm! The muscles of his lower body spasmed and went numb with tingling waves of pleasure spreading out from the love box. He lay out on the bed, the strength from his arm and lower body drained away as he panted heavily in the afterglow. "And women can...have multiple orgasms?!" Liz smiled and nodded, hovering toward him. "Yup. Men generally have a half hour refractory period before they can go again, but that isn't always the case. If they keep it up, they can just start again and take a half hour to get to the next orgasm. Also they may be able to shoot twice if they are really backed up, half of it is made on the fly, but your body does make and store half a load ahead of time. As for women, they don't shoot nothing, so there is no cool down. They stop when they want to stop...but as your probably feeling now, it takes a lot out of you." "Women cum though don't they? I mean not cum but...juices." "Just lube concentrated and squirt out by the pressure of the clenches during orgasm." "But I've seen videos of women who like, really explode." "Ah...y-yes...well that isn't lube...or cum..." He tilted his head in curiosity. "What is it then?" "You probably don't want to know...anyway, why don't you try for a second orgasm? Might as well get the full experience while you can." Liz lightly kicked the side of the bed causing a long wood panel to drop off and reveal various items stored under the bed, most notably another sex toy...though its size made it seem like more of a sex WEAPON. it was a dildo of sorts but it must have been eleven or more inches tall. It had a tapered end but was obscenely thick, being as big and round as a large jar of pickles at the base. The balls were huge half spheres at the front with a long nub in the middle slope of the scrotum that must be a sort of 'reward' waiting to bump the clit of anyone who could actually get that far down. This thing was like a traffic cone in dick form! Liz laughed at the look on Bernard's borrowed face, saying it was given to the woman as an obscene prank gift, and has never been used. The woman humoured the idea many times and even got off to the thought of it, but never attempted it, as it would absolutely break her in half. That was before Bernard widened her hips however- the hip bones were wide enough to allow it through now. Lizabeth brought up the reflection of a cow's rump, stating that bulls are tremendously clumsy with their advances, so cows naturally have very flexible vaginal lining. If Bernard stole some size and flexibility from a cow who isn't using hers at the moment, he could handle this behemoth of a toy. The changes were mostly unseen other than his pubic mound and labia plumping up more. It felt like a strange contrary mix of being both empty and tight at once. The usable space expanded and with it the hunger of the large pussy. He teased the tip of the monstrous toy in but once it was that far, he started to take it an inch or so at a time, rocking back and forth and pressing gently down. It felt good to be stretched. It was so huge even with no clue where the g spot was, it was impossible to miss because everything was being touched and stretched all at once. Even as it became a tighter and tighter fit he still pressed down farther, aroused by the challenge as much as the pleasure. Taking pleasure in the obscenity of taking such a thing into this body. Seeing the plump hungry lips be parted farther, and the stiff pulsing clit crammed against the smooth rubber shaft while natural lube trailed the sides like the blood of a fruit being juiced. So caught up in the sight and feel of stretched flesh he was caught off guard when he felt the nub at the bottom brush the clit! With a breathless erotic gasp he pressed down as hard as he could on the last remnant and the nub shoved back on the clit triggering another powerful orgasm. Bernard was too exhausted to pull himself off the toy, and instead fell over onto his back and let it find its own way out. Lizabeth crossed her arms and nodded with a smile. "Satisfied? I think you get the jist of a woman's body now eh?" Bernard grinned while still catching his breath. "Yea...thank you so much for all this. Cool, pleasurable as hell and educational! The only down side is all the confused women waiting for their bodies to revert." Liz shrugged. "I will use the ring to take their memories before I unmake it, so they won't know anything even happened. Completely harmless." Bernard looked at the too big ring hanging from the woman's thumb. "Before we send everything back to normal though, I really have to know what it is like for you. I mean, you are not even human." Elizabeth's eyes went wide. "W-wait, don't-!" But it was too late, he used the ring to 'get inside her head'. The two of them fused body and mind into one! The new being writhed in confusion, trying to remember its shape. A huge tail of armored scales and fan like feathers lashed out knocking furniture aside before being regressed. In several short lived pulses scales and talons on its limbs stretched out and collapsed back in like its form were made of shifting clay. A man's mind in a magically sculpted woman's body, and a several thousand year old extra dimensional dragon in the false form of a woman. Four distinct looks all trying to sort themselves out. The portion of mentality that used to be Bernard at once knew his terrible mistake and was both enraged, sympathetic and sad at himself for it. The ring can undo anything it does...except they don't know what part is what. Where does Bernard end and Lizabeth begin? Flesh is one thing but how do you draw a line on something intangible like thought or feeling?! Everything Bernard knew, Lizabeth now knew, and vise versa. Their mind was a mess of conflict. One half realising what the other always knew, and because their feelings smashed together as well, it was accusing and apologizing to itself at the same time. Trapped like this either way, it became Elizabeth's true form, moving about so both parts of its conflicted mind knew this form. Quadrupt, as big as a truck, and both strong and graceful. The body scaled on top and feathered below in bright orange and powder orange color respectfully. Both question and understanding blinked into existence in its mind as it puzzled over how this could possibly be fixed, while at the same time answering all of its own questions. A panic and a calmness came to it. On one hand, it had a solution to the seemingly unfixable problem...on the other hand the initial chaos in its mind caused time to overtake it. What seemed like painfully confusing minutes was actually hours, and a great deal of time was spent doing seemingly nothing on the outside. Occult knew this would happen. He set this up to trap and dispose of Lizabeth! The seal on Greivanhal was dissolving and she was not there to help the Duke and his new team of cultists renew it! It was too late now. By the time of realisation the moment had already come and gone, she could do nothing but hope they succeeded without her. With ring clinging tightly to the huge digit, it stole away the confused memories of the people forced to contribute to their little experiment. One by one traits returned and confusion left, till all had been restored except Lizabeth and Bernard. Physically they were already divided, once the woman was given back to her own body Lizabeth became her proper self and Bernard's body became unoccupied entirely. It lay on the floor in the bathroom where he left it, but his mental essence was still confusingly comingled with Liz. Occult likely expected he had seen the last of her, as there would be no way for their minds to properly divide. With a bitter smile it grabbed the black horn staff Lizabeth left here and the two minds were wracked with pain and sorrow, but reacted very differently. Immediately it was clear which belonged to who and Lizabeth returned to her human guise, sent Bernard back to his body, and pocketed the blood ring. Bernard sat there confused for several minutes before getting up and looking at her rather bashfully. "I am so sorry. I had no idea...but I guess you already know that now. That...that staff...what is it? Why is it so...painful?" Liz gripped it tightly, and with pride. "I am a somewhat incomplete being. One of my first acts when I happened across my greater magical powers was to purge all imperfections from myself. All negativity, all sadness, anger, and ill memories. I didn't realise I was incomplete without them, so while I could discard them, I have always kept them by my side." She held up the horn. "That is why it was turned black and shattered off. Anyone else who touches the staff is crippled with agony, but only I can see the value in it. These sorrows do not hurt me, not anymore. It was lucky. Because this part of me isn't attached to my body, I was able to use it to define myself and divide." "You better hurry then and stop that Occult! Sorry I held you back." "It wasn't your fault, you just didn't know. Besides..." She turned and tapped the mirror but nothing happened. "The only reason my portal wouldn't work is...the location no longer exists...the others failed. The seal is no more. back. This may very well be the end..." City streets started to warp, time and space dilated and the space between buildings seemed to breath as Greivanhal returned to reality after so many thousands of years. A faceless magician in a porcelain mask walked calmly from the base of its huge front steps, whistling in amusement. "People, people, about to fall- who is the most adorable of all? Aha ha ha ha."
“I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am that you accepted my invitation!” It was a beautiful day, just warm enough to shed all but a single layer of clothing and still have it be perfectly comfortable. The two of them had decided to set down their blanket underneath a tree in full bloom, offering not only the perfect amount of shade, but a fantastic view of the rest of the park. It was filled to bursting, almost as much as they themselves were; one of the things the couple mutually agreed upon before meeting was the less-than-wholesome decision to forgo any kind of… “relief” before setting out the park. As a result, each had an easy time spotting the other; hard to miss the one other herm with a chest large enough to rip the shirt they were wearing. Hell, even if it was, all they had to do was follow the sloshing… or the staring eyes of the crowd. It was, therefore, no surprise that a good chunk of the park’s visitors were unashamedly looking at the happy couple enjoying their picnic, something both Quil and Anebelle were all too happy to either ignore, or quietly enjoy. The two had met via an intermediary, a friend who thought they’d be “perfect for one another” and exchanged their online profiles so they could get in contact with one another. What followed were the best three months in both of their lives, as not only had they found the closest thing to a mirror match in terms of interests and hobbies, but the two could exchange all manner of stories that almost no one else could; herms like them were so rare that you could probably count the number of them in any given city on one hand and still have fingers to spare, and considering how dangerously unstable their sizes tended to be, seeing two of them out on a date filled onlookers with equal parts fear and titillation. It wasn’t every day they got to see the end result of two hypers going at it, much less two hypers of their caliber. But the pair wasn’t interested in anything of the sort… not immediately, at least. Having decided to go out for a picnic, they did actually want to have ​a picnic,​ and anything else would just have to wait for later; both the dragon and the Renamon were content to just let things go with the flow, and thus, despite having so many people eager to see them fuck one another like horny rabbits, they were happy to just put their culinary skills to good use: Quil brought homemade jams, Anabelle homemade bread. The urge to make a “rises like dough” joke was almost irresistible, but the durg somehow managed to keep his trap shut, even when their date had to fumble around with their ample chest when the basket got stuck on one of their engorged nipples. It was hard to ignore the state they were in; after all, they had made the conscious decision to allow their bodies to “back up” with excess production, despite knowing how dangerous it was to do so. Standard rules and regulations for hyper herms, being as blessed as they were, was to relieve themselves at least thrice a day in order to avoid overfilling and spillage, with some workplaces demanding even more milking sessions to minimize the risk; despite the hassle this created, it was found to be preferable to the alternative, as even the smallest of their kind could very easily double in size over the course of a single work shift, with the largest among them getting close to immobility after just a couple of short hours. Both Quil and Anabelle had been gifted with assets that were ​very much​ on the higher end of the hyper spectrum, and both of them could commiserate over how much trouble it was having to keep a regular day job, when it entailed having to take a break at least every hour so they could spend some quality time with the milking machine, very often in the nearest bathroom. It was downright embarrassing at times, outright humiliating in the worst of days, but they’d both heard horror stories of hypers who decided they didn’t want to go through with it and ended up having to be carted away on a moving truck to somewhere with industrial-grade equipment. Of course, what was a cautionary tale for most people was an enticing prospect for the two lovebirds. What finally convinced them to throw caution to the wind was the Renamon recalling a news article they’d read, whereby a hyper herm like them had gone on a “milking strike” in order to protest some new workplace regulation their state legislature had passed; the lynx took up a space in front of their office building and attracted quite the crowd over the course of the three days they were there, but not exactly for the reasons they had expected. The feline was extremely well-endowed already, which came with a hefty production rate to back it up, and without regular draining, they ended up with a set of tits, balls and a cock so massive that their company had to hire a specialized company just to clean off the facade of their building after their employee finally let loose. By the end of it, 99% of their body mass was focused on those three areas, and a follow-up report revealed that they had needed a seven-hour milking session just to be mobile again, at which point it was discovered they had actually ​grown​ from the experience, the physicians describing it as their limits having been “stretched out” from all the backed-up fluids. Needless to say, both Quil and Anabelle found that to be far too enticing a prospect to simply let go, and therefore agreed not to drain themselves for a full twenty-four hours before meeting, just so they could appreciate the obscenity of it. And, for all that it was worth, the couple did manage to keep themselves somewhat under control. It was true that their bosoms were large enough to cover their torsos and their cumtanks were so engorged that they couldn’t even walk straight, not to mention needing to squish them above their legs when they sat down; and it ​was​ true that they were so full and stuffed that just looking from side to side created incredibly loud sloshing and led to them developing an increasingly stronger blush. And yes, it was absolutely the case that they quickly ended up forgoing their jam sandwiches and just pouring their own milk out into large glasses, right before moving to just drinking from the tap… but at least they kept it in their oversized pants. “The pleasure’s all mine, Quil,” the Renamon replied, pulling her tattered top back down in order to cover themselves, only succeeding in creating even more holes in the fabric, “after seeing that pic last week, how could I say no~?” The poor dragon was left a mumbling, stuttering mess every time the Renamon pulled out that soft, teasing voice. They’d had a few… “sessions”... during their online chats where they’d plug their microphone on and all-but force Quil to listen as they mercilessly teased them for hours on end, forbidding them from achieving climax just so they could then poke them about how massive they’d become. Sometimes their computer cameras would be involved, if only so the dragon could be made to whine and moan about how all of their screen was taken up by a pair of Rena-tits that were loud enough through the speakers to drown out even the durg’s own hyperproductive cumtanks. It was quite funny, in a way; despite the both of them being incredibly bountiful in both spots, they each found that they were more favoured in one area compared to another, Quil’s balls being fuller than their tits, while the opposite stood true for Anabelle. They often joked about how it made them “destined” for one another, in a ying-yang sort of sense, but the longer their relationship went on, the more it blossomed into something truly beautiful and heartfelt, until the teasing sessions over an internet connection turned into furtive discussions on their future plans, whispered and hushed as if they were being overheard, in truth kept quiet only because the two of them were too awkward to openly discuss taking things seriously. It took a lot of work before they could even agree on the ​idea​ of meeting in person, as by that point even the more sexual Renamon had grown so fond of their special other that they were left more timid than aroused at the prospect of sinking their hands into some of Quil’s pudge; to say nothing of the dragon themselves, for whom the mere concept of seeing Anabelle in the (expansive) flesh bordered on the ludicrous, them being absolutely convinced that the mere sight of the Renamon would be enough to make them faint. And it nearly was; Anabelle had to catch them when it looked like they were going to fall down after blabbering a few words, though at least it served to break the ice once the Renamon unashamedly stuffed their face into the dragon’s tits and motorboated them with characteristic gusto, right before calling him something that made their, and every other passerby’s cheeks run bright red, and would be best not put down to writing. It was a meeting fit for a couple of lewd deviants like them, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. As soon as they got over the initial bout of awkwardness, their conversation flowed just as easily as it did when they were separated by two computer monitors, and the subject matter of the day naturally turned away from their bodies and into whatever amusing anecdote they could think of. It was nice, being able to just enjoy themselves like that, even if they both knew that it wasn’t going to last for long; it just made what they had planned that much better with all of that perfectly innocent foreplay. It was a stroke of luck that the Renamon worked for a pharmaceutical company that just happened to cater to hypers around the globe. As they put it, it was simply the logical progression of their life story; having had their hyper genes kick in when they were finishing high school, it seemed like a perfectly good opportunity to pursue a career that would help them with their newfound “problem”, and ending up where they did was just the capstone on a series of fortunate events. Over their years there, they had garnered a stellar reputation as a diligent worker, a responsible bureaucrat and, above all, a genius chemist to boot; very few thing were better-liked than someone who could file their own paperwork, and to have that allied with a mind as sharp as theirs meant that the Renamon had more or less free rein over their laboratory. This gave them ample time to work not just on company-mandated projects, but on a few side-experiments of her own. As they had confided to Quil, despite their already-massive size, the Rena had always wanted to be ​bigger​. And not just bigger, but fuller, more productive, just ​more​ in general. Though the dragon was initially flabbergasted at the notion, hearing Anabelle speak (at length) about the joys of blossoming from a flatty to the stunning beauty they were, not to mention her plans for the future when it came to developing growth drugs based on their discoveries and making a fortune out of them with their own enterprise… well, the durg didn’t really need a lot of convincing afterwards. It was like listening to a true visionary, and one that, unlike most demagogues, actually ​could​ put their plans into motion with their own two hands. Thus leading to the real reason why the two had chosen to finally meet in person: The several bottles of growth mutagen Anabelle had packed away with their lunch. It was difficult to sneak them out of the facility, given the constant random checks and the simple fact that, even as one of their most dedicated workers, the Renamon being a hyper of their size automatically put them on a large number of lists, but they managed. Anabelle insisted it was best not to dwell on the “how”, but rather on the “why”: the chemicals contained in those samples were a potent, dangerous cocktail of their own creation, the culmination of months of hard work backed by years of study and research. The mutagen was their crowning jewel, the masterpiece that would let them break free of their contractual obligations and strike out for a life of fame and fortune after finally discovering the Holy Grail of modern chemistry: the nigh-mythical formula that could turn anyone into a hyper. It was completely untested, of course; no one the Renamon knew was in any proper state to suddenly develop an acute case of the bigness without suddenly casting a lot of suspicion back onto the chemist, but the calculations all lined up. Assuming Anabelle hadn’t fudged up carrying a few numbers here or there, a single bottle would be sufficient to bring even the smallest of flatties up to the couple’s size, if not even bigger; it was a complete mystery what it would do to someone who was already as big as they were, but it wasn’t that hard to come up with a few solid hypotheses. If nothing else, the Renamon knew they were safe to drink; no toxicity or chance of death, just a very high chance of bliss. “So… when should we?” Quil mumbled, voice trembling from the barely-contained excitement, “E-everyone’s looking already…” It was quite true; the short time the two had spent having their picnic had been enough for their already-sizeable assets to grow to even larger proportions. Hours had passed, after all, in between sandwiches and talks of the latest random thing they found on the internet, and the afternoon heat had given way to a chilly breeze when the sun began to go down. It was genuinely impressive how fast time flew, yet another piece of evidence that they were made for one another. The end result, however, was free for everyone to see: the Renamon’s bust had swollen to the point where it spilled onto the ground even if they remained on their knees, completely covering their legs, while the dragon’s nuts mimicked their size by effectively making it impossible for Quil to move without forcefully dragging them from place to place. Going home, for either of them, was now impossible without calling a taxi or a van, but they didn’t care much; it just meant they were ready for phase two of their plan. Though its exact effects were unknown, Anabelle had posited that the chemical mix might react positively to certain aspects of hyper physiology; more specifically, it should have an increased effect depending on how much “fluid build-up”, as she called it, was present at time of consumption. This had been a good half of the reason why they opted to forgo their morning milking routine; convinced as they were that the mutagen would bless them with so much more size that their current state would look positively tiny by comparison, they didn’t mind ripping their clothes apart and exposing themselves for the whole world to see. Even Quil, who normally winced and whined at the mere thought of people looking at their bulge, seemed perfectly fine with the crowd gathering around them staring at their immense pillar of cockmeat, already taller than the durg was and spilling so much pre that no inch of their immense sack was left dry. The underside bulged out with each pump of the slick fluid, having to temporarily engorge just to be able to deal with the load, while both cum factories had gotten to the point where they were visibly swelling, an inch every other second signalling that they had very little time before the decision was removed from their hands. Anabelle too was facing their own fluid problem, what with her bust having been filled to the brim and a few gallons more; each of their engorged teats were constantly dripping with their sweet cream, creating a large trickle that flowed down onto the ground and attracted a group of sweet tooths who went to work licking it wherever they could. Neither of the two cared to tell them not to; they’d be having a much better treat in just a few moments, after all. Gone would be the days where Quil’s breasts failed to keep up with their balls and Anabelle faced the exact opposite issues. Gone would be the days where they could simply ​walk​ from place to place. With a smile on their faces and the promise of heavenly bliss in their minds, the dragon and the Renamon each picked up a bottle, uncapped it, and drank it down. As per their agreed-upon plan, they continued to do this until the basket was completely empty, meaning a total of three full bottles for each of them, and half a bottle shared between the two, ending in a passionate kiss after Anabelle was done licking their lips of every last drop. The effects would take a bit to kick in, and even though the Renamon was reasonably certain arousal wouldn’t be a meaningful activation or magnification factor, they couldn’t be ​completely​ certain; and besides, why give up a perfect opportunity to sink their hands into a pair of tits as soft as Quil’s, so full and yet so pliable, so malleable and yielding. Nothing like the Rena’s own, which had stretched out so much that just pressing down a bit would turn painful; with the dragon, Anabelle could literally sink their entire hand into the plush, inviting breastflesh and see it vanish underneath milky folds of fat. It was… difficult to describe how great it felt. The first signs that the mutagen was going to work exactly how they both wanted it to became apparent mere moments after finishing the last bottle. With a loud grumble and rumbling churn, they both felt an immense feeling of pressure build up inside of them, albeit in entirely different places. Quil’s hands flew to their breasts, Anabelle’s to their cock and balls, and all that was needed was a quick exchange of flustered looks for the couple to understand what was happening to them. Soon enough, their bodies began to “even out”, as it were, the mutagen working to build up mass and productivity in just the right spot for the both of them never to have to worry about being asymmetrical ever again; from that day forward, both their top and bottom halves would be working on the same level of overdrive! Anabelle was left moaning and squirming once they saw their bust begin to lift from the ground, putting enormous pressure onto the burgeoning orbs underneath; despite this, and despite how their cock was already poking at their chin and begging to be taken into their mouth, they kept their composure… for about five seconds. That’s how long it took for them to admire their precum-slicked rod, marvelling at how it rose from between their enormous cleavage and constantly twitched in front of their very eyes. It was too delicious to simply pass up, especially for someone whose tits had always been the main attraction, and after allowing their tongue to loll out from their mouth for a moment or two, the Renamon’s mouth flew wide open, and Anabelle’s shaft vanished into it. The member was still growing, making for quite a challenge when it started to bulge out the Rena’s throat and began requiring a lot of back arching just to keep it contained, but as soon as Anabelle began tasting their own pre, mixed in with the occasional spurt of cum from the miniature climaxes their body was prone to, it was absurd to think anything else could be done. Their mind was set: Quil would just have to make do, because their own mouth was going to be occupied for the rest of the day, ready to take whatever their inflated cumtanks could dish out. Quil, meanwhile, was experiencing the other end of the hyper pleasure spectrum; already used to a shaft of that size, it was a wonder for the dragon to see their own breasts swell to the same proportions as Anabelle’s, leaking milk all over and putting so much weight on the durg’s back that they just couldn’t resist. Allowing their body to learn forward, Quil used their new assets as pillows, letting their body weight press down on them and giving them the perfect opportunity to start bucking their hips, thrusting their gigantic cock through the increasingly-slick cleavage. At no point did Quil ever imagine they’d be titfucking themselves while immobilized by a set of breasts that were each bigger than the beanbags in their living room, but now that they had the chance, they were going to take it and run as far away with it as they could. This didn’t go unnoticed with the dozens, potentially hundreds of people still at the park, especially given the amount of spillage the two were producing. Though Anabelle’s shaft was safely inside their mouth, bulging out their stomach and threatening to kickstart a vicious cycle, the Renamon’s tits were free to leak gallons of their milk all over the ground; similarly, both of Quil’s breasts were in full flow, pouring even harder as they were stimulated by the cock grinding between them, itself constantly spurting jets of the dragon’s seed, covering the passers-by in it. A few of the bolder ones took a few tentative steps forward, trying to gauge the couple’s reaction, see if they would allow it… and when no resistance was put up, the brave few grew braver still, progressing from just drinking the flow from midair like a water fountain, to pressing their lips against the two hyper herms’ swollen teats, drinking straight from the tap. Of course, given how powerful the production and output were, even the most foolish among those onlookers could only take it for so long before they had to give up, their bellies horrendously swollen from how much milk they’d consumed. Though they would make way for more to take their place, they would not have to wait for much longer before the thirst struck again; the mutagen had done a number on Quil and Anabelle’s body chemistry, being far more powerful than first imagined, and the Renamon got to watch as their calculations were proved correct, the many drinkers starting to blossom into fully-fledged hypers themselves! Those who drank their milk grew in every direction, some spontaneously developing into herms themselves, all of them succumbing to the transformation and turning into mewling messes, their two hands insufficient to explore their new bodies. Before long, they too would turn into “dispensers” for the chemical cocktail, even their second-hand version being enough to pad out whoever drank from them. The most potent effects, however, still came exclusively from Quil and Anabelle, both of whom were simply too lost in their collective pleasure to experience anything other than complete and utter mindless bliss. The dragon’s cock, thanks to all of the stimulation of their titfuck, had grown ​gigantic,​ enough that some of their supplicants were hanging from underneath it and struggled to wrap their arms around it; it was allowed to get that big thanks to the efforts of the very breasts it was being thrust into, which had swollen so much that Quil’s feet no longer touched the ground. The durg was stuck atop two small mounds of milk, mindlessly bucking their hips into it. But even those gigantic tits paled in comparison to the size of their balls, which had ballooned outwards to become so large that moving would forever be outside of the dragon’s abilities. It seemed like their shaft, itself already an enormous pillar of vein-covered, throbbing meat, had only reached such a size in order to properly satisfy the growing demands of the cumtanks it was servicing; every thrust made it grow half a foot in length, about half that in width, every spurt of cum bloated out its underside just so it could output even more. And yet, even that wasn’t enough to deal with the absurd quantities of seed being produced inside of Quil’s hyperproductive cum factories, which just seemed to bloat regardless of how much the durg emptied them. Every heartbeat caused them to expand in all directions, wobbling and jiggling, almost like they had two invisible hoses pumping them up fuller every time. But the Renamon… their partner, their sweet partner, was a perfect example of what Anabelle’s genius could do. For Quil’s body, the mutagen was in its natural habitat. But in the Renamon themselves? ​They​ were the embodiment of what the mutagen could do if given purpose.​ Because the Renamon had effectively been drinking their own tainted cum to the point where their stomach was half as big as their balls, and their body had taken ​quite well​ to such an abuse of biology. To say their breasts had “grown” would be the understatement of the century; Quil was stuck on top of their own milktanks and yet both their size put together wouldn’t even match a single one of Anabelle’s tits, both of which were pouring with so much milk that no one around the Rena even dared to get close to them, lest they be taken in the tide. The Renamon was still sitting down, the grooves on the ground where their burgeoning tits forced them backwards making up a perfect timeline of how their ass packed on more mass as well, growing wider with each foot. And yet, despite all of it, their breasts were still not able to touch the ground, as they’d been forced several feet up by a pair of balls that made Quil’s look miniscule by comparison, each carrying enough cum to flood the park two or three times over, each pumping merely a fraction of their contents into the Rena’s gullet with each gulp they took. Anabelle’s cock was creaking as it tried to keep up with the demands for size, until it had simply grown too large for the Renamon to keep drinking from it; with a loud, wet slurp, it popped from the Rena’s mouth and showered their face in white, the poor thing desperately trying to angle it so they could keep gulping down their seed. But their hands were busy with something else, something that had been buried by the four colossal mounds of fluid-stuffed flesh. Between their legs, hidden underneath the gigantic cock and balls, their needy, puffy mound had begun to take on extra size as well, its flesh bulging outwards and taking away whatever little room was left underneath all of that heft the Renamon had developed. The pressure on top of it, having to deal with so much weight at every single moment, had nearly driven Anabelle crazy with need, to the point where they were happy to ignore the thickening shaft slapping against their face just so they could stuff their hands into their needy slit; the pussy itself had swollen enough that the Rena could fit both of their hands inside, even if just barely, their mouth stuck open as they moaned whorishly at the stimulation. Each poke of their fingers elicited an extra foot in every direction, every squish and shlick leading to them growing even fuller. Their body was turning into a milk- and cum-blimp, pressurized to a dangerous degree and stuck on the edge of bursting… until it was no longer on the edge. With one last scream of mindless pleasure, the floodgates were opened, and the Renamon’s body ​covered​ the park around them with a deluge of their fluids, their tits and cock erupting with so much production that they were visibly swelling even harder just from the strain of having to deal with the output. With all three hoses pointed directly upwards, that clear sunset sky turned pearly white when a sticky, heavy rain began to fall on everyone present, the little ones opening their mouths and turning their heads up to the heavens just so they could partake in some of the bounty. Uncountable gallons were fired upwards just to land into the waiting crowd, all of them growing immensely as the tainted fluids coursed through their system. Anabelle was gulping down eagerly as well; so tired that they couldn’t even manage to sit down properly, the only reason they weren’t flat against the ground was their tits keeping the Renamon’s torso locked in place, if slightly bent backwards. Their head craned back, their mouth open and drooling, mouthfuls of the “rain” made their way into Anabelle’s waiting stomach, where the mutagen just kept on making her bigger whether they liked it or not. A vicious cycle. One that lasted for a good hour before finally stopping. Towards the end, even the chemicals couldn’t keep the reaction going forever, and the sheer amount being produced by the Renamon began to die down, their body slowly shrinking as it was emptied out. Quil, meanwhile, had been experiencing a smaller-scale version of the same rapturous orgasm their date had, only adding to the flood covering the picnic park in a thick coating of dull white. The dragon couldn’t have hoped to grow as much as Anabelle did, not having consumed their own cum, but they’d reached a respectable size nonetheless; enough that, after everything was done and over with and they found themselves to be completely drained, they were at least three times bigger than they were before heading out to meet the Renamon, dragging around a pair of balls that reached the ground and two tits large enough to completely obscure their torso and reach all the way to cover their six-foot cock. But Anabelle… considering how ​enormous​ they’d grown at their peak, it was no surprise that, after the rain stopped and Quil got to appreciate the end result, the Renamon was utterly unrecognizable. Mostly because they were permanently buried underneath a chest that was bigger than they were, a shaft that seemed to graze the ten-foot mark even while flaccid, and a pair of cum factories that throbbed and pulsated visibly, each as large as the tits above them were. The Rena was panting, gasping for breath, calling out to Quil as they flailed underneath their new weights, before finally collapsing onto the ground and being buried by their own assets. It took them about ten minutes before they got Anabelle back into a sitting position, at which point their swollen pussy mound became more apparent than ever when the Rena hefted their titanic tits up just so they could reach it. Quil smiled before giving her a smooch on the forehead, nuzzling against their neck fluff and succeeding in dragging a single sentence out of their date before they succumbed to self-pleasuring themselves again: “Do this again tomorrow, hun~?”
(M TF Dinosaur mega-hybrid) The conservation and preservation organisation known as AWE had suddenly found itself on red alert. Their head researcher, the slothful and eccentric researcher Dr. Magnus has been using their research of neo cells to transform people into prehistoric beasts, to undo the unfair extinction. They had not always gone the most... legal route in aquiring volunteers, and even their most legal route is still arguably not legal- even with a person's permission doing human expirements goes against humane laws. Most people knew what they were doing, but few knew the creatures had all formerly been human. AWE's founder the extremely rich Rex Aldinn threw his money around to make sure governments and police forces kept their mouths shut and let them work, so no one was able to investigate them fully. But one day Rex woke up to find the police already knew. And now knowing what AWE was actually doing, money was no longer good enough. No ammount of money would keep them quiet about kidnapping people and turning them into ancient beasts- some of which ran wild outside of AWE for a time leading to property damage and several eaten people! Rex's money was to keep people away from finding out, and to keep his employees well paid enough that no one would ever rat on them. When he looked at the news reports of police gathering outside AWE facilities around the world, he seen a familiar face and grit his teeth. Aden. The neo cells had been recovered from the primordial ooze known as the Garden Of Eden, which had been found by a research team, Aden and his wife Lilith. Lilith exposed herself to the cells which then flash evolved her into a bizarre creature, causing her to go into hiding. Rex had been in school with Lilith and done lots of research with her before she married Aden, so she sent Aden his way to try and develop technology to repress the cells. Rex agreed, but at the same time formed AWE to harness the cells to enact his dream of undoing the unfair extinction of prehistoric life brought about by the meteor. He believes it disturbed the natural course of evolution on the planet, so he wanted to revert it, and bring dinosaurs back to evolve undisturbed. Rex beleived whatever dinosaurs will evolve into naturally is this world's true apex being. Seeing Rex intended to deliberately unleash the cells for his own uses, Aden quickly pulled out of his research on neo cell repression and abandoned AWE to return to his wife. They did not have the manpower or funds to resist Rex. But it would seem he found a way to hurt the organisation anyway. He leaked all their information to the authorities. Yes, AWE was bringing back species that had been wiped out, which sounded great on paper. Except they neglected to mention that in order to bring back prehistoric life- they would make humans extinct. Rex rushed to Magnus's office to see him scrambling to sort DNA sequences and eject them into a thermal shielded breifcase to transport them, knowing AWE facilities were compromised. "How close to operational is our satalyte network?" Once they had perfected their work, they were going to load the programmed neo cells into low orbit satalytes to shower down on the planet like a carpet bombing, transforming people en masse. Magnus lowered his head and glared at him over his dense glasses. "We built them with your credit card, and you don't know? They are mostly complete, and the ones that are not opperational yet can be finished pretty easily, because they were never a priority. We have nothing to send them up with." Rex twisted his lips in frusteration a moment. "And we can't rush DNA research." "Rush? With the cat out of the bag, how are we even supposed to do it at all? No one is going to let us search for samples. Synthesizing DNA sequences through nano fossil scanning of fossils we already collected is literally the only means we currently have of getting any more gene programming. We only have a handful of species with complete sequences right now. The whole point was to bring back dinosaurs, and of all the prehistoric creatures we have completed sequences for- NONE of them are technically dinosaurs!" "Maggy?" "HALF plesiosaurus. She is a functioning creature that is 100% prehistoric, but only half of that is technically a dinosaur. We had to do a half and half because we did not have a complete sequence for either of the species." Another man burst into the doorway behind Rex. "Mr. Aldinn, the police are swarming the building outside. It looks like there are SWAT teams showing up too- they are not joking around." He looked at Magnus. "Hey, give me a prehistoric form, I will fuck them up. I can buy us time, just give me something strong." Rex shook his head. "We appreciate the thought Tex, but as great as dinosaurs are, they are still no match for a slew of guns. You would be gunned down before you stepped out of the building." Magnus smiled, holding up a vial. "Actually... there is a bullet proof dinosaur. We have 15% of its sequence." "... seriously?" "Making a pure sample to create and propogate a species is one thing. If all we need is power, then I can do that rather easily. We just keep using incomplete sequences till we have a complete one. Make a dinosaur that is... all dinosaurs." He handed Tex a suppressor band. "This won't fit by the time you are done so just... hold it." The neo cells worked very fast, so by the time Tex approached the front of the building he could already feel the changes happening. It felt like his skin was crawling, twitching and tugging in random directions as it grew and compressed. He looked down at the back of his hand to see the skin thickening and darkening to a grey color. As it compressed it seemed to form into shallow square plates. He felt it with his other hand and it already felt like hardened leather. The feeling through it was dulled as well- there was no sensation directly on the surface. Magnus had explained that using polarisation microscopy on fossils of Ankylosaurus remains indicated that its hide was a material blend of bone and collagen, almost mirroring fiberglass or kevlar. The material used to make bulletproof armor. Ankylosaurus is bulletproof, in addition to the fact its entire body is covered with thick bone scutes and most of its skelital structure is fused together- its more like it was bomb-proof. Tex arched his neck back at an odd sensation as he felt a stiffening branch out from his spine, straight sideways at several different points. A bulge travelled through his skin and gave him a sharp but very breif pain as they broke the surface and spikes quickly formed and grew to the length of his fingers, and a bit thicker than the base of his thumb each. There was two on the very base of his neck against his back, then three more sets up the back of his neck. These spikes were sharp and dangerous, but not especially stiffly locked in place- they did not connect directly to his spine, there were braced with cartalage but could still be bent if you pressed hard enough on the side of one. The thickening of his skin caused his entire body to bulk up a bit making his clothing ill-fit, and making his bodily features less pronounced as the thick hide rounded them out for now. Tex planned to walk heroically out the front of the building but the next change caused him to stop entirely to let it finish. His spine was rapidly growing new vertebrae as a tail formed behind him. He had to quickly pull the back of his pants down to let it out, and the growth was so close and tangled with the muscle structure of his hips it made it difficult to move his legs when it was growing, so he had to wait this one out. The blood raced so strongly into the new tail to feed the new muscles as they grew that blood pressure seemed to slam into the end and cause it to tingle powerfully from pressure, like a limb just starting to wake up. The end of the tail visibly swelled though, bulging up and out like a balloon of stiff hide. The vertebrae at the end of his still growing tail fused together- no cartilage between them, ossification turned several tendons to bone as well, so he could not bend the end of his tail at all. The skin seemed to open up around the continued growth at the end exposing what looked like a giant bone sphere inside, but as it continued to grow and push farther out it was actually two bone domes- giant scutes! As the growth of the tail slowed to a stop Tex sighed in releif. It was long enough that the stiff end dragged on the ground behind him. He carefully lifted it, curling it like a person flexing their arm, then smiled and slammed it onto the floor. The tile floor shattered to bits under the impact of the powerful limb- there was almost no feeling at all in the solid end of it. The end of an ankylosaur tail is a solid bone mace, for shattering their enemies legs out from under them. As Tex continuned to the front doors, the police shouted commands at him, seeing him through the glass doors and windows of the front of the AWE building, but Tex did not bother to listen. He could feel a growth in his head toward the back, making him lean his head forward a bit against the sensation. It felt like someone had grabbed his skull and was stretching it backward, creating a cup-shaped extension off the back of his head. The only gap in the bone ring was where his spine went down to his body. The larger it got the more its shape took form, and four divots became apparent in the bone, three more besides where his spine was. Small stumpy spikes formed around the rim of it, breaking the skin. It was not till he felt four horns break the skin near its base that he identified this as the cest of a triceratops. But it was mirrored- the crest was only supposed to face up, and there was only two horns at its base. This was a full circle with four horns, two on top and two that followed just over the hinge of his jaw. There was a dull ache as the muscles under the skin seemed to resist the growth of it, and when he clenched his jaw the plates broke where the seams had shown. The crest broke into four segments and pulled forward, creating a large fan connected between by a thin but stiff membrane. The horns rapidly grew out out of him feeling oddly satisfying as they slid out, though their weight nearly toppled him forward onto his face. The police outside likely would have opened fire on him already, but seeing him transforming gave them pause, thinking he was another of AWE's victems, not a willing volunteer. Tex actually had to grab his lower horns to help hold his head up because his neck no longer had the power to. As soon as he did though it felt as though they reacted to his touch and the already formed bone of the horns started to change shape! They narrowed greatly and spread quickly both up and down. Narrow holes formed on the top and bottom facing down toward each other and the four started to stretch in toward one another. Several more holes formed on the top horns that spread further than the bottom did. Baffled as to what was happening he had to look at his reflection in one of the glass encased pillars of the lobby. The horns were not horns at all any more- the four segments had transformed into what looked like a long, narrow Spinosaurus skull! The two top ones made the body of the skull and the bottom two formed the mandibles of the lower jaw. The narrow holes on the edges quickly became filled as the thousands of vicious spinosaur fangs filled them! In confusion he flexed the new muscles in his head, causing the huge four segment crest to pull back and lock together pointed backward off his head, but in doing so almost threw himself off his feet when his weight shifted! The four segments that formed the giant skull mask also broke into four segments again and opened up, sticking straight out from his head, exposing his face again! When the crest closed, the skull mask opened, when the crest opened the mask closed, shielding his face. Tex uttered 'finally' when he felt his spine stretch and then fatten up, tugging the skin of his back. His tail once again started to grow longer, but his torso was starting to get very slowly longer as well, and more importantly the veins in his neck throbbed powerfully and his neck bulked tremendously with muscle and grew longer to deal with the weight of his new head. An officer shot at him out of fear from watching the changes and the other officers were quick to chastise him for shooting without orders. The bullet would have struck along Tex's expanding neck but he closed his mask in reflex, which caused his crest to open up, catch, and deflected the bullet into the floor. It was a strange feeling both physically and mentally, to look down at his own body and see the distance from his eyes and the end of his body growing longer and longer. The longer it got the more muscles developed to support and move it, which caused his tail and neck to both gaint a great deal of flexibility, allowing him to twist and curl them like a snake does its entire body. Not only was his neck getting much stronger and thicker, the spikes from his spine also started to multiply, but at a slower rate than the growth. This caused the ones that already formed to be stretched farther apart. His neck belonged to a Mamenchisaurus, the tallest of the tall. His tail length was being taken from a Brontosaurus, who used its extreme tail length as a muscular whip to painfully smash predators away. In a sense these features made them similar to a modern day giraffe. A lion would love to eat a giraffe, but it would have to be suecidal to try, because a healthy adult giraffe could shatter every bone in its body with a single kick. Only their elderly and young were prey. You don't fuck with a healthy adult, it doesn't matter who you are, it will annihilate you with size alone. Tex started to open the doors to go outside against the protests of the police as they aimed their guns. He had to pause as he felt a surge of pressure from somewhere deep inside of himself, in the very core of his body. It pulsed outward through his entire body as a warmth, but when it hit a second time before the warmth of the first had passed, his entire body throbbed with it, getting a bit bigger. His clothes gave pained groans and several teeth on his pants zipper blew out. Because his torso was longer now, it was already a bit awkward to keep his balance, his body leaned forward even when he stood as straight as he could. He knew the police were not going to hold their fire much longer though, so he pushed off of the doorway and rushed forward even as he felt the next pulse coming. Mid run, the police were shouting at him following closesly with their guns when his clothing exploded off him, ripping in several places at the same time because his entire body grew evenly. The metal button on his pants even fired off with enough for to blind one officer in the eye. Tex lost his balance because he was running when his size shifted, so he turned his shoulder forward as he fell and crashed into a police cruiser with enough force to flip the car into the air, standing on the front, absorbing several bullets. A couple bullets hit Tex but it sort of felt like getting shot with a high power paint gun. It stung like hell and felt like it would leave a bad bruise, but the bullets did not break his skin. His weight was pinning the car in its standing position and he felt another surge, feeling his body slide up the car as it grew still bigger. His junk was exposed now without any clothing and it felt a bizarre change too. His anus felt like it was being tugged upward from an inward pressure behind his nuts, but at the same time just immediately above that there was an outward pressure behind his dick, forcing it to full erection quickly. Tex inhailed sharply at the feeling as his anus shifted up quickly and his nuts yanked themselves into his body- the scrotum pulling tight to prevent them from descending again. His dick got fatter though, especially in the middle of the shaft. He seen one officer out of the corner of his eye lower the aim of his gun, targeting the pink flesh of his cock. Well, that is just against the rules. Tex stood up but before the car fell back into place, he punched down on it sending it fully back up then swatted it with his other hand, sending it spinning on its front toward the man trying to shoot his dick, and crashed into two other cars sending them all in different directions. Tex landed on all fours but his arms and legs both bulked on up impact to brace. His thighs especially swelled giant with muscle, which also made his ass huge and round as a side effect. He groaned again from the sensations in his crotch though as his anus tugged still higher and vanished into the remaining folds of his scrotum flesh as it inverted. It pulled the base of his dick inward a bit as the area collapsed into a slit-like opening, a cloaka. His dick throbbed longer but also much thicker, causing the shaft to deform as a indent formed down the middle, which continued to deepen the wider it attempted to grow, till eventually it went all the way through, and the shaft split into two in the middle. The split started to travel farther down and up, till the tips split in half and 'twanged' in either direction. The shaft was still incredibly thick toward the ends, and got thinner as it went down. His cock was shaped like a wish bone- a hemipenis. Also like a hemipenis, since it collapses entirely into the body when not in use, its rediculously huge when it does come out to play. Tex felt the pulses of pressure in his body soften, becoming less pronounced but also lingering longer, so it was less of a pulse and more of a steady feeling as he was just slowly growing at a constant rate now. He turned and smashed one car up into several officers with his clubbed tail, temporarily taking out the threats to his left as he turned to the right and lowered his head, feeling the bullets deflecting off his mask and crest- becoming more of a threat to the people shooting them than it was to Tex. Since it was fully grown now, his pronged cock started to shrink back down and draw in, so that weak point was quickly vanishing. He was not actually aroused by anything- it was only forced erect by the growth temporarily. His nails became extremely thick and narrowed a bit, growing into points and then sliding out more and more. His fingers got rounder and thicker to support them as his claws grew huge. His hands then started to stretch immensely though. His thumb and pinky were drawn into the sides and slowly absorbed as the others grew farther and farther away from the wrist. When he arched his head down to look at his changing hands though, he seen thousands of quills sprouting on his chest and down his underside too, not sure what those were yet. The distance between his ankle and toes were stretching out just like his count, but his toe count did not change- though his large toe did not follow the others and instead rotated a bit so that it was coming off the bottom of his ankle, giving him a small claw that just sort of hung there, no where near the ground. The claws on his feet were taller, and looked more like talons, while the claws on his hands were more round and long. Tex seen the officers starting to regather themselves from the car he tossed spinning into them. He went to roar at them but it did not come out right. It sounded like half a roar, half a man trying to impersonate a roar. Because his mouth was open, there was also several painfully sharp snaps heard as his face started to change shape! His chin and his nose started to grow outward, making the slope of his nose more equalized with the rest of the face that was dragged along with it. His nostrils adjusted and became narrow slits- they now acted as gills instead of regular nostrils. Allowing him to breath above or below water by changing where he breathed in from, nose or mouth. His teeth became sharper but also more wide, taking on triangular shapes, which caused all the teeth to ache behind it for more room, which then changed and shoved the teeth behind those further back, till it was shoving against his jaw itself which was struggling to keep up. More teeth started to grow in behind those as he got the full set of teeth from a Megalodon, all four rows. His head grew huge, though his eyes remained relatively the same size. The shape of his skull was anvil-like, a hybridization of both a tyranosaurus and megalodon. He lurched his long neck forward and roared again, this time a bit better but there was also a powerful reverberance in his chest he could not identify that vibrated hard enough to tickle him. Tex pounced forward not being able to make it very far with his awkwardly still growing body and sort of just pancaked half a cruiser under himself. He bit toward the police and missed, but bit into the side of another car and actually lanced the metal. It felt like biting the metal that held the eraser on a pencil- it wasn't hard at all compared to the crushing power of his new jaws. His head stopped growing when it nearly filled the huge bone mask. The police fired several more bullets into his side, still not drawing blood but hurting him. He roared at them this time on reflex, and the volume collapsed them all to their knees holding their ears. The windows of all the nearby cars exploded from the vibrations as a large bone ripped out of Tex's chest! The arched club-like bone was hinged on the top of his rib cage and pulled a membrane of flesh out off his collar. It was the crest from the back of a Parasaurolophus' head! It allowed them to make hauntingly musical calls. For Tex it amplified the volume of his roar and made it almost sound like a whale song- except without it being under water the sound was much sharper, and the vibrations strong enough to cause glass to shutter violently enough to break. Tex grinned his giant shark teeth at them and tried to stand upright again, but had a lot of trouble. As he thrust his chest out in pride from his mighty roar the quills down his underside burst open into millions of colourful bristles- they were all feathers! They were red with dark blue arrow tips on them- colors usually associated with ripe fruit or lively flowers to attract attention and draw in unwitting prey. These were the feathers of Archeopteryx, the proto-bird. He fumbled his supressor brace for a moment in surprise as the explosion of color from his own body, and as soon as he let go his thoughts seemed to vanish. He forgot what he was trying to do, and as he started to tip back into a fully four legged stance his hand touched the brace and his thoughts returned. He would have to make sure not to lose that by accident- he cannot turn human again without it. His claws were so huge now he was able to manoeuvre it around their points and wore the brace like a ring- since his fingers were about as thick as his arms used to be. His hands were so long now it almost looked like he had two elbows- one pointing either way. Trying to get up he placed his hands and feet together using his hands to push up off the ground while his legs braced him. His torso exploded in thickness, which helped brace his longer spine and help him with his task. When he lifted his arms though, he felt resistance. The skin was stuck! His arms and legs partially fused together! He pulled up and the skin stretched easily enough but never divided. It stretched out into giant sheets- a thick membrane... crudely evolved wings. That is why his arms reshaped! These were the wings of the Azhdarchid, the largest winged creatures to ever exist. So large that they did not fly very well. They usually just walked. His front claws were so long and sharp he had to stand on his knuckles, so the claws were sticking up and would not snag and dull on the ground. He would also have to be careful of being shot there- he could tell by the smoothness of the membrane that it did not share the bulletproof hide the rest of him had. His feathers stood on end in effort as his muscles tensed. He stood his hands up off the front and sort of teetered there, his back struggling. His torso got a bit thicker, and the leg muscles swelled bigger and even more defined, pulling the skin taught on the surface. With a bit of a jerky movement he stood up right, then took a few steps to make sure he could stay like this if he needed to. It would probably still be a lot easier and faster to travel on four legs- he can stand and walk on two if he wanted. His arms and legs were the same length but his arms were like pencils compared to his extremely girthy and muscular legs. Each time he stepped down he heard a click and noticed one of the talons on his feet was twice the size of all the others- these were raptor claws. The earliest bridge species between dinosaur and bird. The bulky leg structure itself from a Tyranosaur. Standing, Tex was so large he could touch the roof of the second floor of a building easily with his hands. His neck more than doubled that, allowing him to peek into the fifth floor of a building from standing on ground level. Thanks to the spikes sticking out of the sides of his neck, he could also swing it like a weapon. His tail was so long he could touch the opposite end of the block with it. He swung it around, making sure the police behind him didn't try to group back up and brushed them off the road like a broom gets rid of dust. The movement caused the club of his tail to throb, a bit of pressure building in it. It would have felt much more intense but there was almost no nerves in it to feel with. Another scute started to push out of the skin, and then another. The club got larger and larger, growing more scutes, and then as if it was not already deadly enough several barb like spikes grew off the end of each scute pointing off the end of the tail. Tex found himself a bit breathless and tired though. Had the transformation taken a lot out of him? A lot more police were on their way, running out of steam at the very start of his rampage wouldn't buy AWE much time at all. He shivered at the feeling of the breeze on the membrane of his wings, and then remembered- reptiles are exothermic. He is cold blooded now, the breeze was draining body heat from the thin material of his wings! Without warmth his body will try to enter a dormant state to preserve its energy. As if in reply an immense pressure exploded all down his spine and he roared and fell onto all fours again, hunching his back. As soon as he raised his spine to the sunlight it started to stretch out. Pillars of thin but sturdy bone started to stretch out from each vertebrae, dragging his skin up with it, stretching it out along the way. The spines in the middle grew faster and stopped longer than the others, ultimately creating a gigantic fan of skin. The bottom bulged out on either side, eventually releasing large diamond shaped bone plates from the skin, creating a more gradual slope onto the fan from the sides. Tex could immediately feel the sun being absorbed into the huge fan of skin, warming his body. The giant fan was from the back of a spinosaurus, allowing them to gather solar power even while the rest of them was sunk into the water. The diamond plates are from the back of a Stegosaurus, armor plating the lower half of the fin. They did not stand up off the skin like depictions of stegosaurus have- but scientists are actually not sure how stegosaurus wore them either. The plates are not attached by bones, so like Tex's neck thorns, if a stegosaurus did have them projecting straight up like that, you'd be able to bend them sideways. As the warmth spread through him from the fan, color spread across the crest on his head, looking like it was being tie-dyed in fast forward. It stole the coloration of the crest of a Dilophosaurus, who used its crest like a cobra to scare enemies, or startle them long enough to spit caustic snot into their eyes. As if adding a cherry on top, as Tex slammed his head into a car to toss it at the remaining police a horn erupted from the end of his nose. It was narrow so it slid between the two plates that made up the top of his skull mask, and the back side of it was serrated. This did not seem to be from a specific dinosaur, so perhaps it evolved simply from the neo cells taking liberties based on his behavior. Not long after, the military had been called in. AWE's primary wing would not give in as easily as the others. Remotely controlled facilities were being activated across the world in bunkers containing satalytes ready to launch. Magnus was uploading data for what gene sequences they did have, and due to lack of time thanks to their whistle blower- including a few hybrids, simply because they could not create pure samples. The military wasn't about to let the madman push the button and launch them though. As soon as they turned the corner onto the street, the sun was blacked out. They looked up to see Tex clung to the side of a building on the twelfth floor by his hooked claws. No, not Tex anymore. He was the peak of all dinosaurs, the conjunction of all their greatest features. He is the Yellow Tyrant! The Lizard King! Using parts of thirteen different dinosaurs, the cells managed to create one very long but still stable and complete gene sequence. He let go of the building and spread his limbs to the side, catching the wind under the membrane as he glided quickly over to the approaching military and slammed down ontop of them with enough force to make their vehicles jump and inch in the air from the tremor, as they watched the lead vehicle get crumpled in like a tin can. He stood up slowly, feeling the breeze rustle the vibrant feathers on his chest, and smiled at his new play things.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

thanks to someone on the koboldai discord server for posting this a while back
just published it on hf and cleaned up the newlines so i could use it easier. :)

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