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<prop type="distributor">ELRC project</prop>
<prop type="description">Acquisition of bilingual data (from multilingual websites), normalization, cleaning, deduplication and identification of parallel documents have been done by ILSP-FC tool. Multilingual embeddings (LASER) were used for alignment of segments. Merging/filtering of segment pairs has also been applied.</prop>
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<seg>Online offers for medicine, vaccines and test kits</seg>
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<seg>Fake products</seg>
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<seg>If you receive a text, email or phone call from someone saying they are with the government and have a coronavirus benefit check for you, do not give them any information.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>若你收到某人寄發的簡訊、電子郵件或來電,表明他們是代表政府的相關員工,有一張因應冠狀病毒的福利支票要給你時,絕對不要告知他們任何你的資訊。如果政府需要你的銀行帳戶資訊,他們會設定一個網址以 .gov 結尾的網站,給你安全的網路連結並讓你輸入相關資訊。政府人員不會打電話向你索取資訊。了解更多有關 政府提供的幫助 。</seg>
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<prop type="lengthRatio">2.125</prop>
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<seg>Scams are tricks.</seg>
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<seg>You can find true information about coronavirus testing on your local health department website.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>全美境內的部分城市中,已出現偽冒的冠狀病毒檢驗機構。所提供這些服務都是不安全且不合法的行為。您可以在所在地區的健康衛生部門網站上,查詢有關冠狀病毒檢測的正確資訊。查詢您所在的 公共衛生部門 。</seg>
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<seg>Some online advertisers and sellers say they have products to keep you safe from coronavirus.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>網路上有廣告業者和賣家宣稱,有產品可以讓您免於遭受冠狀病毒的侵犯。他們可以提供消毒劑、口罩和其他的所需物品。這些網站和所提供的產品大多數都是假的。查明 如何進行安全的網路購物 。</seg>
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<seg>Keep your hands clean</seg>
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<seg>CDC says masks should not be put on children under 2 years old or on people who cannot remove a mask by themselves if they need to.</seg>
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<seg>Do not put a mask on someone who cannot take it off.</seg>
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<seg>If you do not have any disinfectant, you can make your own.</seg>
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<seg>heart disease</seg>
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<seg>Make sure you wash your hands after you sneeze or cough, before preparing food, after you use the toilet, after you touch a sick person, after you handle garbage or fecal matter, and after you touch an animal.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>忽略這些供給提議,切勿轉寄給其他人。這些都是網路上的簡單測驗,測試你的症狀是否符合病毒的感染症狀,但這些簡單測驗都不是真的試驗。現在没有有關 COVID-19 的線上網路檢測、或經授權批准的治療措施或疫苗可施打。若需要檢驗,請撥打電話至 公共衛生部門 。</seg>
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<seg>The GED®, HiSET, and TASC diplomas show that you have the same knowledge as someone who completed high school in the USA.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>GED, HiSET和TASC的文凭能够证明您和那些在美国完成高中学业的人拥有同样的知识水平。了解关于文凭、如何复习备考、如何参加考试的详细信息。</seg>
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<seg>What if I do not have health insurance?</seg>
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<prop type="lengthRatio">2.3333333333333335</prop>
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<seg>Should I be tested for coronavirus?</seg>
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<seg>Read and download information about your rights and a form to take to the hospital in English and in Spanish .</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>您是否因能力喪失而需要協助溝通?詳閱並下載有關您的權利及可攜至醫院的表格,可用的語種版本為 英文 和 西班牙文 。</seg>
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<seg>In most communities in the USA, you can find a health clinic that serves low-income and uninsured patients.</seg>
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<seg>在美國大多數社區中,你可以找到專為低收入戶和未投保患者提供服務的健康診所。你可以 搜詢費用可承擔或免付費的鄰近健康中心 。</seg>
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<seg>What if I am undocumented?</seg>
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<seg>Health clinics and hospitals that help immigrants and low-income Americans are not required to report legal status, and patients are protected by US privacy laws.</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>您依然可以 獲得醫療照護支持 , 即便您是無證移民 ;在前往醫療中心前,務必先與他們聯絡。若您已出現病癥,務必先以電話通知聯繫您的公共衛生健康部門;在決定就醫或前往 健康醫療中心 前。可幫助移民和美國低收入戶的健康診所和醫院並不須要通報患者的法定身分,而且病患亦受到美國隱私法律的保護。在緊急情況期間,查詢 更多關於移民、尋求庇護者和難民的資訊 。</seg>
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<seg>They will ask you questions and tell you what to do. Go to the CDC website to find the health department in your state .</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>CDC 中心指出並非所有人都需要進行 COVID-19 的檢驗測試。但是檢測結果可以協助您決定可以採取哪些行為,好好照顧自己的健康並保護他人。如果您有出現病徵並想進行檢測,請與您的健康衛生部門或醫師聯絡。連上 CDC 網站,並 查找有關您所在地的州立衛生部門機關資訊 。</seg>
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<seg>When you know what job you want to apply for, go to .</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="zh">
<seg>假如生病了,你是否對於可以採取哪些動作有其他問題嗎?您可以發送郵件至 [email protected] 訊問相關資訊。</seg>