ELRC project Acquisition of bilingual data (from multilingual websites), normalization, cleaning, deduplication and identification of parallel documents have been done by ILSP-FC tool. Multilingual embeddings (LASER) were used for alignment of segments. Merging/filtering of segment pairs has also been applied. en nl 23 464 464 223 214
1.1604938271604939 ​ Information on the procedures and conditions of eligibility can be found at www.covid19.lu . D'Informatiounen zu den Demarchen an de Konditioune fënnt een op www.covid19.lu . 0.8352941176470589 For business trips, companies can request free tests for their employees travelling to countries that require a negative COVID-19 screening test via the following email address covid19@houseofentrepreneurship.lu . Fir professionell Deplacementer kënnen d'Entreprisë gratis Tester fir hir Mataarbechter, déi geschäftlech an e Land reesen dat d'Virweise vun engem negative COVID-19-Test verlaangt, iwwert folgend E-Mail-Adress ufroen: covid19@houseofentrepreneurship.lu . 0.8015873015873016 Travelers are also responsible for obtaining information from the competent local authorities (see websites of the embassies of the countries concerned) on the conditions in place at the time of travel. Déi Leit déi reesen si responsabel fir sech bei de kompetente lokalen Autoritéiten (Internetsitte vun den Ambassaden vun de concernéierte Länner) an hirer Ënnerbréngungsstruktur iwwer d'Modalitéiten z'informéieren, déi dee Moment vun hirer Rees gëllen. 0.9411764705882353 Share on Twitter August an dem 14. 0.8178137651821862 Following the upsurge of the COVID-19 virus in recent weeks, some countries are asking for a 14-day quarantine or a recent negative COVID-19 test for residents coming from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Opgrond vun der Augmentatioun vun de COVID-19 Infektiounen an de leschte Wochen, obligéieren verschidde Länner Persounen, déi aus Lëtzebuerg kommen, zu 14 Deeg Quarantänn oder e negative COVID-19-Test ze presentéieren, wann si an dat Land areesen. 1.2393162393162394 Thus, from 31 July onwards, citizens are requested to submit their request for a COVID-19 diagnostic test exclusively online via www.covid19.lu . Juli un, gebieden hir Demande fir en diagnostesche COVID-19-Test ausschliisslech online op www.covid19.lu ze maachen. 0.945054945054945 At first, the system will only allow appointments to be made for departures in August. An enger éischter Phas wäert de System nëmme Rendezvouse fir Reesen am August erméiglechen. 0.8907563025210085 Therefore, for the summer holiday period, the State offers, one free COVID-19 test per person ahead of a trip or stay abroad - this within the limit of a quota that does not affect strategic testing capabilities. An dësem Kader bitt de Staat, an de Limitte vun engem Kontingent deen d'Kapazitéite vun der Teststrategie net iwwerstrapazéiert, wärend der Vakanzeperiod e gratis COVID-Test pro Persoun virun enger Rees oder engem Openthalt am Ausland un. 2.0933333333333333 Please note that all requests that have been previously validated and that concern a departure scheduled between August 3 and September 14 will remain valid. All d'Demanden, déi bis elo validéiert goufen an een Depart tëschent dem 3. 0.9239766081871345 On the other hand, a negative COVID-19 test does not remove the obligation to self-isolate and to perform a PCR test on site during a stay in Slovakia itself. En negativen COVID-19-Test bedeit awer net, datt een net méi obligéiert ass sech selwer ze isoléieren an ee PCR-Test op der Plaz ze maache wann een an der Slowakei bleift. 0.8345323741007195 A negative test is also necessary for persons coming from Luxembourg transiting through Slovakia to another country. En negativen Test ass och néideg fir Persounen, déi vu Lëtzebuerg kommen an als Transit-Passagéier via d'Slowakei an een anert Land reesen. 0.7982062780269058 Following the upsurge of the COVID-19 virus in recent weeks, some countries are obliging people from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to present a negative COVID-19 test upon entry. Opgrond vun der Augmentatioun vun de COVID-19 Infektiounen an de leschte Wochen, obligéiere verschidde Länner Persounen, déi aus Lëtzebuerg kommen, fir e negative COVID-19-Test ze presentéieren, wann si an dat Land areesen. 0.9433962264150944 Travel to Italy and Greece also does not require negative COVID-19 tests for entry into the country. Deplacementer an Italien a Griicheland erfuerderen och keen negative COVID-19-Test fir dierfen anzereesen. 1.8387096774193548 This service, as it was recently set up, will remain applicable for trips that will be made until 2 August 2020 to a country explicitly requiring a negative COVID-19 test. August 2020 bestoen, an dat fir déi Länner déi explizit een negative COVID-19-Test fuerderen. 0.8920454545454546 The hotline 8002 8080 set up in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak now offers multilingual psychological support, seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. D'Hotline 8002 8080, déi am Kontext vun der COVID-19-Epidemie agefouert gouf, bitt elo och psychologesch Ënnerstëtzung op méi Sproochen un, an dat 7 Deeg op 7 vu 7 bis 23 Auer. 0.47058823529411764 in 1999. August an dem 14. 1.9375 FOR INFORMATION: www.covid19.lu (www.covid19.lu) 0.6666666666666666 Private consumption deflator 3a. Dëse Service bleift fir Deplacementer bis zum 2. 0.9206349206349206 Travelers are also responsible for obtaining information from the competent local authorities (see websites of the embassies of the countries concerned) and their accommodation structures on the terms in force at the time of travel. Déi Leit déi reesen si responsabel fir sech bei de kompetente lokalen Autoritéiten (Internetsitte vun den Ambassaden vun de concernéierte Länner) an hirer Ënnerbréngungsstruktur iwwer d'Modalitéiten z'informéieren, déi dee Moment vun hirer Rees gëllen. 1.28125 Press release by the Ministry of Health / Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Communiqué vum Gesondheetsministère / Aussen- an Europaministère 0.9102564102564102 "Covidtest travels": New procedure for residents who must travel abroad "Covidtest Reesen": Nei Prozedur fir Residenten, déi an d'Ausland reese mussen 1.048780487804878 Luxembourg residents are asked to submit their request for a COVID-19 diagnostic test. D'Lëtzebuerger Residenten si gebieden hir Demande fir e COVID-19-Test anzereechen. 0.735 This platform will speed up the process by directing the citizens directly to the form to make an appointment at one of the country's test centres. Dës Plattform wäert et erméiglechen de Virgang ze beschleunegen, andeems den Awunner direkt op de Formulaire geleet gëtt, mat deem dësen e Rendezvous an engem vun den Testzenteren am Land kann huelen.