ELRC project Acquisition of bilingual data (from multilingual websites), normalization, cleaning, deduplication and identification of parallel documents have been done by ILSP-FC tool. Multilingual embeddings -based approach was adopted for alignment of segments. Merging/filtering of segment pairs has also been applied. en eu 316 6415 5211 2150 2608
0.912751677852349 The actions slowed the spread of influenza in St. Louis and a spike in cases and deaths, as had happened in Philadelphia, did not occur. Neurriek San Luisen gripearen hedapena geldiarazi zuten, eta ez zen kasu eta heriotza kopuruaren gorakadarik gertatu, Filadelfian gertatu zen bezala. 0.8904593639575972 "A Northeastern University study published in March 2020 found that ""travel restrictions to and from China only slow down the international spread of COVID-19 [when] combined with efforts to reduce transmission on a community and an individual level." "Ipar-ekialdeko Unibertsitateak 2020ko martxoan argitaratu zuen ikerketa baten arabera, ""Txinarako eta Txinatik egindako bidaia-murrizketek COVID-19ren nazioarteko hedapena geldiarazten dute, erkidego-mailako eta banakako transmisioa murrizteko ahaleginekin konbinatzen direnean""." 1.136482939632546 Examples of conditions that may sometimes be attributed to such causes include tendinosis (or less often tendinitis), carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, De Quervain syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, intersection syndrome, golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis), tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), trigger finger (so-called stenosing tenosynovitis), radial tunnel syndrome, ulnar tunnel syndrome, and focal dystonia. "Edemak, tendinosia (maiztasun gutxiagorekin tendinitisa), zubi karpianoaren sindromea, tunel kubitalaren sindromea, ""Quervain"" sindromea, irteera torazikoaren sindromea, insertsioaren sindromea, golf-jokalariaren ukondoa (epikondilitis mediala) , tenis jokalariaren ukondoa (epikondilitis laterala), zubi radialaren sindromea eta distonia fokala dira lesio hauetariko batzuk." 0.8378378378378378 No benefit has been found in those with other health problems. Bestelako osasun arazoak dituzten pertsonengan ez du hobekuntzarik ematen. 0.9285714285714286 Acute viral hepatitis follows three distinct phases: Hepatitis infekziosoak hainbat motatakoak izan daitezke: 1.0106382978723405 Gilbert attended Kettering High School, where she realised that she wanted to work in medicine. Kettering-eko Institutuan ikasi zuen, eta medikuntza arloan lan egin nahi zuela konturatu zen. 0.8173913043478261 Detection of antibodies (serology) can be used both for diagnosis and population surveillance. Antigorputzen detektzioa, serologia, helburu kliniko eta biztanlegoaren zaintza eta babeserako ere erabili daiteke. 1.14453125 The Balmis Expedition, officially called the Real Expedición Filantrópica de la Vacuna (Royal Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition) was a three-year mission, from 1803 to 1806, to Spanish America and Asia led by Dr. Francisco Javier de Balmis with the aim of vaccinating millions against smallpox. Balmis espedizioa, ofizialki Txertoaren Errege Espedizio Filantropikoa, gaztelaniaz: Real Expedición Filantrópica de la Vacuna, 1803-1806 artean itzulingurua eman eta Francisco Javier Balmis zirujau eta medikuari aipamen egiten dion espedizio bat izan zen. 1.0093023255813953 They noted that when teachers in Israel went on strike during the flu season of 1999–2000, visits to doctors and the number of respiratory infections dropped by more than a fifth and more than two fifths respectively. Israelgo maisu-maistrek 1999-2000 gripearen denboraldian greba egin zutenean, medikuei egindako bisitak eta arnas infekzioen kopurua bosten bat eta bi bosten baino gehiago jaitsi zirela ikusi zuten, hurrenez hurren. 1.0971428571428572 A series of 14 conferences that lasted from 1851 to 1938, the International Sanitary Conferences worked to combat many diseases, chief among them cholera, yellow fever, and the bubonic plague. 1851tik 1938ra iraun zuten 14 hitzalditan, Nazioarteko Osasun Konferentziek gaixotasun askori aurre egiteko lan egin zuten, batez ere kolera, sukar horia eta izurri bubonikoa. 0.9775280898876404 "[...] Travel restrictions aren't enough unless we couple it with social distancing.""" "Bidaia-murrizketak ez dira nahikoak, gizartearen urruntzearekin bat egiten ez badugu""." 1.1538461538461537 These include effort-based tests such as grip and pinch strength, diagnostic tests such as Finkelstein's test for De Quervain's tendinitis, Phalen's Contortion, Tinel's Percussion for carpal tunnel syndrome, and nerve conduction velocity tests that show nerve compression in the wrist. Honek barne hartzen ditu indarra neurtzeko esfortzu-probak, Finkelstein-en testa Quervain-en tendinitisarentzako, tunel karpianoaren sindromearentzat Tinel-en haztapena eta nerbioaren eroapen abiadura proba nerbio bat konprimituta dagoen ikusteko. 0.7872340425531915 Ballot boxes are sent to the constituency count centre after polls close and are counted the following morning. Bozketa itxitzean, hautetsontziak barruti bozka-zenbaketa zentruetara bidaliak izango dira, eta hurrengo goizean hainbat txandetan zenbatuak. 0.9125 The measures are combined with good respiratory hygiene and hand washing. Neurri horiek arnas higiene onarekin eta eskuak garbitzearekin konbinatzen dira. 1.0 of the population engages in social distancing to decrease their interpersonal contacts to a fraction proportzio bat urruntze sozialera dedikatzen den, pertsonen arteko kontaktuak beren kontaktu arrunten 3.3222222222222224 "Resistiré (English: ""I Will Resist"") is a song by the Spanish group Dúo Dinámico (Dynamic Duo in English), which appeared on their 1988 album En forma, the second one released by the duo after their reappearance two years before with the album Dúo Dinámico, the first one they recorded for Sony." «Resistiré» Dúo Dinámicok ezagutaraziriko abestia da, 1988ko En forma diskoan agertu zena. 1.053191489361702 Mathematical modeling has shown that transmission of an outbreak may be delayed by closing schools. Eredu matematikoek erakutsi dute pandemia baten transmisioa atzeratu daitekeela eskolak itxiz. 0.8181818181818182 There is no cure or vaccine; however, antiretroviral treatment can slow the course of the disease and may lead to a near-normal life expectancy. Ez dago sendatzeko modurik ez txertorik; hala ere, antierretrobiralekin egindako tratamenduek erakutsi dute gaixotasuna kudeatu daitekeela bizi-itxaropen normal bat izateraino. 0.7746478873239436 Widespread media coverage about a pandemic, its impact on economy, and resulting hardships may create anxiety. Komunikabideek pandemiari buruz eskaintzen duten babes zabala, ekonomian duen eraginak eta sortzen diren zailtasunek antsietatea sor dezakete. 0.8925233644859814 They also looked at the dynamics of the spread of influenza in France during French school holidays and noted that cases of flu dropped when schools closed and re-emerged when they re-opened. Frantziako eskola-oporretan Frantzian gripea zabaltzeko dinamika ere aztertu zuten, eta ikusi zuten gripe kasuak gutxitu egiten zirela eskolak ixten zirenean, eta berriro agertzen zirela berriro irekitzen zirenean. 1.1956521739130435 These modalities can help reduce the swelling and pain. Honek mina eta hantura jaisten lagundu dezake. 0.96 In Germany, the first case of COVID-19 was recorded in the state of Bavaria on January 27, 2020. Alemanian, COVID-19 gaitzaz kutsatutako lehen gaixoa 2020ko urtarrilaren 17an atzeman zen, Bavarian. 1.010989010989011 During the 1918 influenza pandemic, military parades in Philadelphia and Boston may have been responsible for spreading the disease by mixing infected sailors with crowds of civilians. 1918ko gripe pandemiaren garaian, Filadelfia eta Bostongo desfile militarrak izan zitezkeen gaixotasunaren hedapenaren arduradunak, infektatutako marinelak eta zibil ugari nahastean. 0.8983050847457628 They typically provoke more durable immunological responses and are the preferred type for healthy adults. Normalean, erantzun immunologiko iraunkorragoak eragiten dituzte, eta heldu osasuntsuek horiek nahiago izaten dituzte. 1.036 "During the 2019–2020 coronavirus pandemic, the CDC revised the definition of social distancing as ""remaining out of congregrate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately six feet or two meters) from others when possible""." "2019-2020ko koronabirusaren pandemian, CDCak urruntze sozialaren definizioa berrikusi zuten, hala nola ""pilaketa-inguruneetatik kanpo egotea, bilera masiboak saihestea eta besteekiko distantzia mantentzea (bi metro gutxi gorabehera) ahal denean""." 0.8928571428571429 Not all disinfectants kill all types of pathogens. Desinfekzioak ez ditu mikrobio guztiak guztiz akabatzen. 0.7105263157894737 Calleja died in Madrid, aged 64, after suffering from COVID-19, on 21 April 2020. 2020ko apirilaren 21ean hil zen COVID-19 gaixotasunagatik, Madrilgo ospitale batean martxoaren 29an sartu ondoren. 0.9021739130434783 Adjuvants commonly are used to boost immune response, particularly for older people (50–75 years and up), whose immune response to a simple vaccine may have weakened. Adjubanteak erabiltzen dira jadanik sortutako babes immunologikoa sendotzeko, bereziki 50-70 urte baino gehiagoko pertsonen artean, adin horretan txertoekiko erantzuna ahultzen delako. 1.0566037735849056 The International Sanitary Conferences, originally held on 23 June 1851, were the first predecessors of the WHO. Nazioarteko Osasun Konferentziak, 1851ko ekainaren 23an ospatu zirenak, OMEren lehen aurrekoak izan ziren. 1.0204081632653061 Examples include the polio vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, rabies vaccine and some influenza vaccines. Horien adibide dira poliomelitisaren txertoa, A hepatitisarena, amorruarena eta zenbait griperena. 1.171875 The treatment takes three to nine months depending on the medications used. Horrenbestez, tratamenduak asko irauten du, 6-9 hilabete inguru. 1.5217391304347827 After earning her doctoral degree Gilbert worked as a postdoctoral researcher in industry at the Brewing Industry Research Foundation before moving to the Leicester Biocentre. Bere ibilbide profesionala Brewing Industry Research Foundation-en hasi zuen Leicester Biocentre- ra joan aurretik. 0.9821428571428571 Where possible it may be recommended to work from home. Ahal den guztietan etxetik lan egitea gomendatu daiteke. 1.288888888888889 According to Google Scholar, Gilbert has an h-index of 80. Gilbertek 80 h-index ditu Google Scholar-en . 0.9141104294478528 A primary reason travel restrictions were less effective is that many people with COVID-19 do not show symptoms during the early stages of infection. Bidaia-murrizketak hain eraginkorrak ez izateko arrazoi nagusietako bat da COVID-19 duten pertsona askok ez dutela sintomarik agertzen infekzioaren lehen etapetan. 0.9411764705882353 It has become one of the most well-known songs of the group, especially after being included in the soundtrack of Pedro Almodóvar's film ¡Átame! Denborarekin, taldearen abesti ezagunenetako bat bihurtu da, eta zalantzarik gabe, bere azken etapako esanguratsuena, bereziki Pedro Almodóvarren ¡Átame! 1.1173469387755102 For example, by greatly reducing the incidence of pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, vaccine programs have greatly reduced the prevalence of infections resistant to penicillin or other first-line antibiotics. Izan ere, Streptococcus pneumoniae-ren ondorioz eragindako pneumoniaren maiztasuna txertoen bidez murriztu denetik, antibiotikoekiko erresistenteak diren kasuen proportzioa ere nabariki jaitsi da. 0.8055555555555556 It is usually well tolerated. Atseden hartzea gomendatzen da beti. 1.1218274111675126 "The live Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine developed by Calmette and Guérin is not made of a contagious strain but contains a virulently modified strain called ""BCG"" used to elicit an immune response to the vaccine." "Calmette eta Guérin-ek garatutako Mycobacterium tuberculosis txertoa ez dago andui kutsakor batez osatuta; horren ordez, ""BCG"" izeneko eraldatutako andui batek sortzen du erantzun immunitarioa." 0.9047619047619048 Five years later, a convention for the plague was signed. Bost urte beranduago, izurriterako konbentzio bat sinatu zuten. 0.9193548387096774 In a basic model of social distancing, where a proportion Urruntze sozialeko oinarrizko eredu batean, non biztanleriaren 1.523489932885906 The social repercussion caused has increased views on Spotify by more than 435% since March 15, 2020, after publications began to circulate on people's social networks singing it on their balconies, according to the EFE Agency. Spotifyko erreprodukzioak %435 baino gehiago igo ziren 2020ko martxoaren 15etik aurrera, sare sozialetan jendea bere balkoietan abesten hasi zenetik. 0.6923076923076923 Springer. uraren bidez. 0.9656862745098039 Unlike conventional vaccinations, the universal flu vaccine did not stimulate the production of antibodies, but instead triggers the immune system to create T cells that are specific for influenza. Ohiko txertoek ez bezala, gripearen aurkako txerto unibertsalak ez du antigorputzen produkzioa estimulatzen, baizik eta sistema immunologikoa aktibatzen du griperako espezifikoak diren T zelulak sortzeko. 0.8849557522123894 After World War II, the United Nations absorbed all the other health organizations, to form the WHO. Bigarren Mundu Gerraren ondoren, Nazio Batuek gainontzeko osasun erakunde guztiak xurgatu zituzten, MOE osatzeko. 0.7384615384615385 People with latent TB do not spread the disease. Tuberkulosi latentea dutenek ordea ez dute gaixotasuna zabalduko. 2.239130434782609 Typical NRTIs include: zidovudine (AZT) or tenofovir (TDF) and lamivudine (3TC) or emtricitabine (FTC). "Lamivudine, Lamivudina edo 3TC (""Epivir"")." 1.0064102564102564 Sarah Catherine Gilbert (born April 1962) is a British vaccinologist who is Professor of Vaccinology at the University of Oxford and co-founder of Vaccitech. Sarah Catherine Gilbert (1962ko apirila) britainiar txertoetan aditua da, Oxfordeko Unibertsitateko txertalogian irakaslea eta Vaccitech -en ko-sortzailea. 1.0618556701030928 Disease in a baby can often be prevented by giving both the mother and child antiretroviral medication. Ume batean gaixotasuna kentzeko aukera dago amari eta umeari ematen bazaizkie antierretrobiralak. 1.411764705882353 In May 1666, the English village of Eyam famously imposed a cordon sanitaire on itself after an outbreak of the bubonic plague in the community. 1666an Eyam herri ingelesak bere buruaren gaineko osasun-hesia ezarri zuen izurria hedatzea ekiditeko. 1.4155844155844155 Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (German: [ˈɪɡnaːts ˈzɛml̩vaɪs]; Hungarian: Semmelweis Ignác Fülöp; 1 July 1818 – 13 August 1865) was a Hungarian physician and scientist, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (Buda, Hungaria, 1818ko uztailaren 1a - Viena, Austria, 1865ko abuztuaren 13a) alemaniar jatorriko hungariar sendagilea izan zen. 0.8529411764705882 Evidence suggesting that mass gatherings increase the potential for infectious disease transmission is inconclusive. Bilera masiboek gaixotasun infekziosoak transmititzeko potentziala handitzen dutela iradokitzen duen ebidentzia ez dago guztiz frogatua. 1.054945054945055 Two more cases were confirmed in Paris by the end of the day, all of them originated from China. Eguna amaitu aurretik, beste bi kasu atzeman ziren; denak ere Txinatik heldu berriak ziren. 0.8283582089552238 Hemolysis (the rupture of red blood cells) due to acute poisoning can cause anemia and hemoglobin in the urine. Saturnismoak anemia eragiten du, berunak odolean hemoglobinaren sintesia gelditzen duelako eta oxigenoaren garraioan eragiten duelako. 0.8428571428571429 "J. L. Schönlein coined the name ""tuberculosis"" in 1839." 1839an, J. L. Schönleinek tuberkulosia hitza erabili zuen lehen aldiz. 0.871313672922252 Bootsma and Ferguson analyzed social distancing interventions in sixteen U.S. cities during the 1918 epidemic and found that time-limited interventions reduced total mortality only moderately (perhaps 10–30%), and that the impact was often very limited because the interventions were introduced too late and lifted too early. Bootsmak eta Fergusonek 1918ko epidemian Estatu Batuetako hamasei hiritan izandako urruntze sozialeko esku-hartzeak aztertu zituzten, eta ikusi zuten denbora mugatuko esku-hartzeek hilkortasun totala neurriz soilik murriztu zutela (beharbada, %10 eta %30 artean), eta inpaktua oso mugatua zela sarritan, esku-hartzeak beranduegi sartu zirelako eta goizegi altxatu zirelako. 0.4511627906976744 Susceptible animals include cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, antelope, deer, and bison. Tratamendua behar duzula uste baduzu, jo ezazu sendagilearengana.Sukar aftosoa edo ahoeria behi, ardi, txerri eta ahuntz azienden gaitza da. Sukarra izaten dute lehendabizi, eta aho, errape eta apatx artean zauriak. 0.8093023255813954 Recombinant vector – by combining the physiology of one micro-organism and the DNA of another, immunity can be created against diseases that have complex infection processes. Bektore rekonbinantea: beste desberdin bateko emandako mikroorganismo baten eta DNAren (edukita) fisiologia (gorputza) konbinatuz, immunitatea sor daiteke infekzio-prozesu korapilatsuak dituzten gaixotasunen kontra. 1.2035398230088497 Some vaccines contain inactivated, but previously virulent, micro-organisms that have been destroyed with chemicals, heat, or radiation. Jatorriz patogenoak ziren mikroorganismoak konposatu kimikoen, beroaren edo erradiazioen bidez inaktibatzen dira. 1.030612244897959 During the influenza pandemic of 1918, Philadelphia saw its first cases of influenza on 17 September. 1918ko gripe pandemiaren garaian, Filadelfiak irailaren 17an ikusi zituen bere lehen gripe kasuak. 0.9432624113475178 It is combined with good respiratory hygiene and hand washing, and is considered the most feasible way to reduce or delay a pandemic. Arnas higiene onarekin eta eskuak garbitzearekin konbinatzen da, eta pandemia bat murrizteko edo atzeratzeko modurik egingarritzat jotzen da. 1.0375 The city continued with its planned parade and gathering of more than 200000 people and over the subsequent three days, the city's 31 hospitals became fully occupied. Hiriak, 200.000 pertsona baino gehiagoren desfile eta bilerarekin jarraitu zuen, eta hurrengo hiru egunetan, hiriko 31 ospitaleak erabat okupatuta geratu ziren. 0.803680981595092 Airport screening was found to be ineffective in preventing viral transmission during the 2003 SARS outbreak in Canada and the U.S. Egiaztatu zen aireportuetan egindako detekzioa ez zela eraginkorra 2003an Kanadan eta Estatu Batuetan egindako SARS agerraldian birusaren transmisioa prebenitzeko. 0.9181818181818182 Usually, only two toxins are tested for—toxin A and toxin B—but the organism produces several others. Normalean, bi toxina -A toxina eta B toxina- bakarrik aztertzen dira, baina organismoak gehiago ekoizten ditu. 0.8852459016393442 In Belgium, media reported a rave was attended by at least 300 before it was broken up by local authorities. Belgikan, komunikabideek jakinarazi zuten rave batera gutxienez 300 lagun joan zirela bertako agintariek desegin aurretik. 1.5636363636363637 In January 2018, he announced that the referendum to repeal Ireland's 8th Amendment which prevented any liberalisation of restrictive abortion laws would take place in May. 2015ean Irlandako Errepublikan sexu berdineko ezkontzaren galdeketa kanpainian gaya zela ezagutzera eman zuen. 0.7710843373493976 It relied on a confidence and supply agreement with Fianna Fáil. Fianna Fáil alderdiarekin konfidantza eta egonkortasun adostasun batean oinarritua. 0.8970588235294118 The universal flu vaccine does not need to be reformatted every year and stops people from needing a seasonal flu vaccine. Gripearen txerto unibertsala ez da urtero birformateatu behar eta jendeak urtaroko gripearen kontrako txertoa behar izatea eragozten du. 0.8840579710144928 The mortality rate from septic shock is approximately 25–50%. Shock septikoaren heriotza-tasa %25-%50 artekoa da, gutxi gorabehera. 0.8114754098360656 In 1995 a cordon sanitaire was used to control an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Kikwit, Zaire. Adibidez, 1995ean osasun-hesi bat erabili zen Kikwiten (Zaire) ebola birusaren gaixotasunaren agerraldi bat kontrolatzeko. 0.7523809523809524 Cancellation of mass gatherings includes sports events, films or musical shows. Bilera masiboak bertan behera uzteak kirol-ekitaldiak, zinemak edo musika-ikuskizunak barne hartzen ditu. 0.9779735682819384 In St. Louis, shortly after the first cases of influenza were detected in the city during the 1918 flu pandemic, authorities implemented school closures, bans on public gatherings and other social-distancing interventions. Saint Louisen, 1918ko gripe-pandemiaren garaian hirian lehen gripe-kasuak antzeman eta gutxira, agintariek eskolak itxi zituzten, bilera publikoak debekatu zituzten eta urruntze sozialeko beste esku-hartze batzuk egin zituzten. 0.9904306220095693 In the 20th century, three influenza pandemics occurred: Spanish influenza in 1918 (17–100 million deaths), Asian influenza in 1957 (two million deaths), and Hong Kong influenza in 1968 (one million deaths). mendean hiru pandemia gertatu dira: 1918ko gripe pandemia edo espainiar gripea (~50 milioi hildako), 1957ko Asiako gripe pandemia (bi milioi hildako) eta 1968ko Hong Kongeko gripe pandemia (bi milioi hildako). 0.9296875 About 10% of latent infections progress to active disease which, if left untreated, kills about half of those affected. Kasu horien %10etan soilik iristen da tuberkulosi aktibo bilakatzera, zeinak, tratamendurik gabe, erdien heriotza ekar lezakeen. 0.8529411764705882 One challenge in vaccine development is economic: Many of the diseases most demanding a vaccine, including HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, exist principally in poor countries. Ekonomia txertoek jasaten duten erronka handienetakoa da. Txerto baten behar handia duten gaixotasun askok (HIESa, malaria edo tuberkulosia, adibidez) herrialde pobreetako biztanlerian eragin handia dute. 1.1741935483870967 According to UNESCO monitoring, more than a hundred countries have implemented nationwide school closures in response to COVID-19, impacting over half the world's student population. UNESCOren arabera, munduko ehun herrialde baino gehiagotan eskola guztiak itxi ziren COVID-19ari aurre egiteko, munduko ikasleen erdia klaserik gabe utziz. 1.2260869565217392 Fecal microbiota transplant, also known as a stool transplant, is roughly 85% to 90% effective in those for whom antibiotics have not worked. Gorotz transplantea antibiotikoak eraginkorrak ez direnean egiten da, eta kasuen %85-90an emaitza onak ematen dira. 1.0 Since the 2016 Irish general election, Fine Gael had led a minority government with the support of Independent TDs, including the Independent Alliance. 2016ko maiatzetik Fine Gael alderdia minoriako gobernu baten agintean zegoen, legebiltzarkide independienteen babesaz, tartean Aliantza Independientea. 1.8992537313432836 "The Bible contains one of the earliest known references to the practice in the Book of Leviticus 13:46: ""And the leper in whom the plague is ... he shall dwell alone; [outside] the camp shall his habitation be."" During the Plague of Justinian of 541 to 542, emperor Justinian enforced an ineffective quarantine on the Byzantine Empire, including dumping bodies into the sea; he predominantly blamed the widespread outbreak on ""Jews, Samaritans, pagans, heretics, Arians, Montanists, and homosexuals""." "Justinianoren izurritean, Justiniano enperadoreak berrogeialdi ez-eraginkor bat ezarri zuen Bizantziar Inperioan, itsasora gorpuak izurtzea barne, izurriaren ardura nagusiki ""judu, samaritar, jentil, heretiko, arriano, montanista eta homosexual"" guztiei leporatuz." 0.6981132075471698 can be brought below 1 for sufficiently long, containment is achieved, and the number infected should decrease. ugalketa zenbakia 1-etik behera denbora luzez eraman badaiteke, urruntze sozialak lortuko du gaixotasuna mugatzea, eta infektatutako jende kopurua jaitsiko da. 0.855072463768116 The number of new cases each year has decreased since 2000. 2000. urtetik urtero ematen den kasu berrien kopurua jaisten joan da. 1.5238095238095237 The barium particles can be seen as opaque shadows on the chest X-rays of people with baritosis. X izpien bidez gaixoen bularretan itzal opakuak ikus ditzakete. 0.7987421383647799 On 9 January 2020, Independent TD Michael Collins called for a motion of no confidence in the Minister for Health Simon Harris. 2020ko urtarrilaren 9an, Michael Collins independienteak Simon Harris Osasun ministroaren aurkako ez konfidantzazko mozioa proposatu eta bozkatzera deitu zuen. 0.8833333333333333 He was awarded his doctor of medicine degree in 1844. 1855. urtean Budako unibertsitateko irakasle izendatu zuten. 1.1016949152542372 Traumatic brain injury is defined as damage to the brain resulting from external mechanical force, such as rapid acceleration or deceleration, impact, blast waves, or penetration by a projectile. Tratamendua behar duzula uste baduzu, jo ezazu sendagilearengana.Garuneko traumatismoa entzefaloan egindako lesioa da, eragile edo agente mekaniko, fisiko nahiz kimikoek sortua. 1.1395348837209303 Extrapulmonary TB occurs more commonly in people with a weakened immune system and young children. Mota hauek ugariagoak dira sistema immunea ahula duten pertsonetan edo haur txikietan. 1.5776699029126213 "Resistiré was composed by Manuel de la Calva, one of the members of the Duo Dinámico, who was inspired by Camilo José Cela's phrase ""el que resiste gana"" and the lyrics were written by Carlos Toro Montoro, sports journalist and Spanish composer, creator of more than 1,800 songs with many of them becoming important hits." "Abestia Duo Dinámico taldeko kidea den Manuel de la Calvak konposatu zuen, Camilo José Celaren ""el que resiste gana"" esaldian inspiratuta; Hitzak Carlos Toro Montoro espainiar kazetariak moldatu zituen." 1.25 Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures Infekzio ohikoenak eta eragileak 1.043859649122807 Antiviral medications such as the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir, among others, have been used to treat influenza. Birusen aurkako sendagaiak, adibidez oseltamivir neuroaminidasa inhibitzailea erabili izan dira gripea tratatzeko. 0.9302325581395349 Border restrictions or internal travel restrictions are unlikely to delay an epidemic by more than two to three weeks unless implemented with over 99% coverage. Litekeena da mugako murrizketek edo bidaiatzeko barne-murrizketek bi edo hiru aste baino gehiago atzeratzea izurrite bat, %99tik gorako estaldurarekin aplikatzen ez badira. 0.6185567010309279 However, being a benign condition, it neither interferes with lung function nor causes symptoms other than a mild cough. Baritosi bario hautsak edo bario sulfatoaren hautsak eragindako pneumokoniosi mota da. Ez da eritasun larria, baina ondoeza, konjuntibitisa eta estomatitisa izaten ditu ezaugarri, besteak beste. 0.7372262773722628 Leo Eric Varadkar ( və-RAD-kər; born 18 January 1979) is an Irish Fine Gael politician and physician. Leo Eric Varadkar (Castleknock, Dublin, 1979ko urtarrilaren 18a) irlandar politikari eta mediku bat da. Fine Gael alderdiko buruzagia da. 0.9923076923076923 The same vector was also used to create a vaccine against Nipah which was effective in hamsters (but never proven in humans), in addition to a potential vaccine for Rift Valley Fever that was protective in sheep, goats, and cattle (but not proven in humans). Bektore berdina hamsteroetan eraginkorra izan zen Nipahen kontrako txertoa sortzeko ere erabili zen (gizakietan inoiz probatu ez zena), baita Rift Valleyko sukarraren kontrako txertoa ardi, ahuntz eta abereak babesten zituena (baina ez zen gizakietan probatu). 0.839622641509434 Some common side effects include fever, pain around the injection site, and muscle aches. Albo-efektu ohikoenak dira, besteak beste, sukarra, mina injekzio-tokiaren inguruan eta muskuluetako mina. 0.8870056497175142 In the northern and southern parts of the world, outbreaks occur mainly in the winter, while around the equator, outbreaks may occur at any time of the year. Ipar zein Hego hemisferioko latituderik altuenetan agerraldiak batez ere neguan izaten dira, ekuatoretik gertu dauden eremuetan urteko edozein sasoian gertatzen diren bitartean. 1.0 The cough, however, may last for more than two weeks. Eztulak, hala ere, bi aste edo gehiago iraun ditzake. 1.1221374045801527 The constitution of the World Health Organization was signed by all 51 countries of the United Nations, and by 10 other countries, on 22 July 1946. Nazio Batuetako 51 herrialdeek eta beste 10 herrialdek sinatu zuten Osasunerako Mundu Erakundearen eraketa, 1946ko uztailaren 22an. 0.9393939393939394 As of 2018 one quarter of the world's population is thought to have latent infection with TB. 2018ko datuen arabera, uste da munduko biztanlegoaren laurden bat tuberkulosiz infektatuta dagoela. 0.8115942028985508 This was combined with wearing masks for certain people. Hori zenbait pertsonarentzako maskarak erabiltzearekin konbinatu zen. 0.9796747967479674 Unlike Philadelphia, St. Louis experienced its first cases of influenza on 5 October and the city took two days to implement several social distancing measures, including closing schools, theatres, and other places where people get together. Filadelfiak ez bezala, Sain Louisek urriaren 5ean izan zituen lehen gripe kasuak, eta hiriak bi egun behar izan zituen gizartea urruntzeko hainbat neurri ezartzeko, besteak beste, eskolak, antzokiak eta jendea biltzen den beste leku batzuk ixtea. 0.9347826086956522 This simple action can reduce the rate of mortality from these diseases by almost 50%. Esku-garbiketa hutsak gaixotasun hauen hilkortasun-ratioa ia %50ean jaisten duela neurtu da. 1.1528662420382165 Other diseases such as rubella, polio, measles, mumps, chickenpox, and typhoid are nowhere near as common as they were a hundred years ago thanks to widespread vaccination programs. Errubeola, poliomielitisa, elgorria, paperak, sukar tifoidea eta barizela gaixotasunak duela ehun urte baino askoz maiztasun baxuagorekin agertzen dira egun. 0.8161764705882353 Diagnosis of active TB is based on chest X-rays, as well as microscopic examination and culture of body fluids. Tuberkulosi aktiboaren diagnosriako toraxeko erradiografiak, ikerketa mikroskopikoak eta gorputzeko fluidoen hazkuntzak erabiltzen dira. 1.1290322580645162 The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that licensed vaccines are currently available for twenty-five different preventable infections. Munduko Osasun Erakundearen esanetan, jada hogeita bost infekzio desberdinetarako txertoak daude baimenduta eta eskuragarri. 0.8043478260869565 Although most attenuated vaccines are viral, some are bacterial in nature. Nahiz eta indargabetutako txerto gehienak biralak izan, naturan bakterianoak aurki daitezke. 1.0413793103448277 Her first clinical trials, which were in 2008, made use of the Influenza A virus subtype H3N2, and included daily monitoring of the patient's symptoms. 2008an egin zituzten lehenengo azterketa klinikoek H3N2 gripearen A gripearen azpipotipoa erabiltzen zuten, egunero gaixoen sintomak kontrolatuz. 1.0382165605095541 On 14 January, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar sought a dissolution of the Dáil which was granted by the president, with the 33rd Dáil to convene on 20 February at 12 noon. Urtarrilaren 14ean, Leo Varadkar lehen ministroak Irlandako Parlamentuaren desegitea aurkeztu zuen, presidenteak onartu, eta otsailaren 20eko eguerdirako 33. 0.8473684210526315 It was the first study that it was possible to stimulate T cells in response to a flu virus, and that this stimulation would protect people from getting the flu. Gripearen birusaren aurrean erantzuteko T zelulak estimulatzea posible zela erakutsi zuen lehenengo ikerketa izan zen, eta estimulazio horrek jendea gripearen kontrataziotik babestuko zuela. 0.6681818181818182 The microbes comprising the resident flora are: Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. hominis, and Microccocus, Propionibacterium, Corynebacterium, Dermobacterium, and Pitosporum spp., while transient organisms are S. aureus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Acinetobacter, Enterobacter and Candida spp. Mikrobioen artean badirudi batzuk osasun-eremuetan eroso bizi direla, bertako infekzio gehienen atzean baitaude: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter, Serratia, Enterococcus, Acinetobacter eta Legionella bakterioen artean; Aspergillus eta Candida albicans onddoen artean; eta errotabirusak, hepatitisaren birusak, zenbait paramixobirus eta GIBa, besteak beste, birusen artean. 1.564102564102564 In Africa, it primarily affects adolescents and young adults. Batez ere pertsona gazteetan emango da. 1.2142857142857142 Some of these limitations include: Espainian bi egokitze daude: 1.132867132867133 Assessment of the A and B toxins by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for toxin A or B (or both) has a sensitivity of 63–99% and a specificity of 93–100%. A eta B toxinen ebaluazioa ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) metodoarekin %63-69-ko sentikortasuna eta %93-100 -ko espezifikotasuna du. 0.9021739130434783 Most infections show no symptoms, in which case it is known as latent tuberculosis. Kasu gehienetan ez du sintomarik adierazten, kasu horietan tuberkulosi latente deitzen zaio. 0.8878504672897196 As the immune system weakens with age, conventional vaccinations are not effective for elderly. Sistema immunologikoa adinarekin ahultzen denez, ohiko txertoak ez dira eraginkorrak adineko pertsonentzat. 1.1071428571428572 Gilbert has been involved with the development of a new vaccination to protect against coronavirus since the beginning of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. Gilbert koronavirusaren aurka babesteko txertoa berria garatzen sartuta egon da 2019-2020 koronavirus gaixotasunaren pandemia sortu zenetik. 0.5504201680672269 In contrast, if 33% of affected workplaces are closed, the attack rate decreases to 4.9%, and the peak time is delayed by one week. "Aldiz, kaltetutako lantokien %33 itxita badaude, eragin-tasa %4,9ra jaisten da, eta epidemiaren puntu gorena astebete atzeratzen da. Lantokien itxierek ""funtsezkoak"" ez diren enpresen eta gizarte-zerbitzuen itxiera barne hartzen dute." 0.9493670886075949 "Anecdotal evidence suggests certain types of mass gatherings may be associated with increased risk of influenza transmission, and may also ""seed"" new strains into an area, instigating community transmission in a pandemic." "Proba anekdotikoek iradokitzen dute bilera masibo mota batzuk lotuta egon daitezkeela gripea transmititzeko arrisku handiagoarekin, eta eremu batean andui berriak ""erein"" daitezkeela, komunitate-transmisioa pandemia batean bultzatuz." 0.9444444444444444 Animation of Antibiotic Resistance Plasmido baten bideko erresistentzia 0.3900414937759336 You'll Never Walk Alone is a show tune from the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel. You'll Never Walk Alone (euskaraz Inoiz ez zara (oinez) bakarrik ibiliko) 1945ean Carousel musika ikuskizunerako konposatu zen abesti bat da. Richard Rodgers musikariak doinua sortu eta Oscar Hammerstein konposatzaileak hitzak idatzi zituen. 0.8844221105527639 It most commonly affects children, immunocompromised individuals, and the elderly, as their immune systems cannot deal with infection as effectively as those of healthy adults. Haren biktimarik ohikoenak haurrak, pertsona immunodeprimituak eta adinekoak dira, haien immunitate-sistemak ezin baitio infekzioari modurik eraginkorrenean aurre egin, heldu osasuntsu batean bezala. 1.0 Some vaccines contain live, attenuated microorganisms. Txerto batzuk ahuldutako mikrobio biziz osatuta daude. 0.9719626168224299 President Mobutu Sese Seko surrounded the town with troops and suspended all flights into the community. Mobutu Sese Seko presidenteak tropekin inguratu zuen hiria, eta komunitaterako hegaldi guztiak eten zituen. 0.9297297297297298 The following day, the prime minister ordered the closure of all nonessential public places, including restaurants, cafés, cinemas, and discothèques, effective at midnight. Biharamunean, lehen ministroak ezinbestekoak ez ziren gune publikoak ixteko agindu zuen, hala nola, jatetxeak, kafetegiak, zinemak eta diskotekak, neurria gauerdian sartu zen indarrean. 1.1111111111111112 With the support of the Wellcome Trust, Gilbert started work on the design and creation of novel influenza vaccinations. Wellcome Trust-en laguntzarekin, Gilbert gripearen kontrako txerto berriak diseinatzen eta sortzen hasi zen. 1.097902097902098 Influenza spreads around the world in yearly outbreaks, resulting in about three to five million cases of severe illness and about 290,000 to 650,000 deaths. Gripea mundu osoan zehar hedatzen da urteroko zikloetan, hiru eta bost milioi kasu larrirekin eta 250.000 eta 500.000 arteko hilkortasunarekin. 0.949238578680203 Although only 58 of these individuals were eventually diagnosed with SARS, public health officials were satisfied that this measure assisted in preventing further spread of the infection. Pertsona horietatik 58ri bakarrik diagnostikatu zitzaien azkenean SARS, baina osasun publikoko funtzionarioak pozik agertu ziren neurri horrek infekzioa gehiago zabaltzea saihesten lagundu zuelako. 0.9207920792079208 By reducing the probability that a given uninfected person will come into physical contact with an infected person, the disease transmission can be suppressed, resulting in fewer deaths. Infektatu gabeko pertsona jakin bat infektatutako pertsona batekin kontaktu fisikoa izateko probabilitatea murriztean, gaixotasunaren transmisioa ken daiteke, eta horrek heriotza gutxiago eragiten ditu. 0.9789029535864979 Her research has demonstrated that the adenoviral vector ChAdOx1 can be used to make vaccinations that are protective against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in mice and able to induce immune response against MERS in humans. Egindako ikerketek erakutsi dute ChAdOx1 adenovirus bektorea erabili daitekeela saguak dituzten Ekialde Hurbileko Arnas Sindromearen (MERS) aurka babesteko, eta gaitasuna duela gizakiengan MERSen aurkako erantzun immunologikoa eragiteko. 1.2023809523809523 Each ballot is initially credited to its first-preference candidate but may be transferred on later counts to the next available preference where the first preference candidate is elected or eliminated. Bozka-paper bakoitzen aurreneko zenbaketan lehenbiziko hautagai gogokoena zein den aukeratzen da eta hurrengo zenbaketa txandan hurrengo hautagai gogokoenak zein diren. 1.4204545454545454 The first confirmed case of the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in South Korea was announced 20 January 2020. Hego Korean COVID-19 gaixotasuna zuen lehen gaixoa 2020ko urtarrilaren 20an atzeman zen. 2.9069767441860463 Stenfeldt, C.; Pacheco, J. M.; Smoliga, G. R.; Bishop, E.; Pauszek, S. J.; Hartwig, E. J.; Rodriguez, L. L.; Arzt, J. (2014). Galarraga, Ana: Sukar aftosoa, zientzia.eus 0.8648648648648649 Over one week, 4500 people died. Astebetean, 4.500 pertsona hil ziren. 1.5384615384615385 During the 1793 Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic, roads and bridges leading to the city were blocked off by soldiers from the local militia to prevent the illness from spreading. 1793ko Filadelmiako sukar horiaren epidemian errepideak eta zubiak blokeatu ziren gaixotasunaren hedatzea gelditzeko. 0.8584070796460177 The live attenuated vaccine containing strain Yersinia pestis EV is used for plague immunization. Yersinia pestis EV anduia daraman indargabetutako txertoa, ordea, izurriteen aurrean immunizatzeko erabiltzen da. 0.9454545454545454 As with her earlier work, the COVID-19 vaccine makes use of an adenoviral vector, which stimulates an immune response against the coronavirus spike protein. COVID-19 txertoak, aurreko lanetan bezala, bektore adenoviral bat erabiltzen du, koronavirusaren erpin-proteinaren aurkako erantzun immunologikoa estimulatzen duena. 1.1176470588235294 A person may be infectious to others both before and during the time they are showing symptoms. Pertsona batek beste norbait kutsatu dezake sintomak erakutsi aurretik eta bitartean. 0.8682170542635659 These viral vaccinations induce a T cell response, which can be used against viral diseases, malaria and cancer. Txerto biriko hauek T zelulen erantzun bat eragin ohi dute, gaixotasun birikoak, malaria eta minbiziaren aurka erabil daitekeena. 0.9464285714285714 Early on chronic infection typically has no symptoms. Infektatuen gehiengoak hasieran ez du inongo sintomarik. 0.9915966386554622 Less frequent polls were published by The Irish Times, Sunday Independent, Irish Mail on Sunday, RTÉ News, and others. The Irish Times, Sunday Independent, RTÉ News eta beste zenbait hedabideek noizbehinkako inkestak argitaratzen dituzte. 0.8509316770186336 Major achievements included the development of the polio vaccine in the 1950s and the eradication of smallpox during the 1960s and 1970s. Oso garrantzitsuak izan ziren 50eko hamarkadan poliomelitisaren aurkako txertoaren garapena eta giza baztangaren desagerpena 60ko eta 70eko hamarkaden bitartean. 0.9090909090909091 S.T.A.R.T. Manchester. 1.0625 Fever or headaches may also occur. Baita sukar arina eta nekea ere. 0.981203007518797 On 3 December 2019, a motion of no confidence in the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government Eoghan Murphy proposed by Catherine Murphy for the Social Democrats was defeated, with 53 votes in favour to 56 votes against and 35 registered abstentions. 2019ko abenduaren 3an, Catherine Murphy sozialdemokratak Etxebizitza, Planifikazioa eta Tokian-Tokiko Gobernuko Eoghan Murphy ministroaren aurkako ez konfidantzazko mozioa proposatu baina atzera bota izan zen, aldeko 53 bozka, aurkako 56 bozka eta 35 abstentzioekin. 0.9733333333333334 She was made a Reader in Vaccinology at the University of Oxford in 2004. Oxfordeko Unibertsitatean txertaketa arloko irakasle izendatu zuten 2004an. 1.3333333333333333 J.T. XX. 1.208695652173913 Other estimates indicate 10%, or 2 million, patients a year become infected, with the annual cost ranging from $4.5 billion to $11 billion. Estatu Batuetan, esaterako, 2 milioi inguru infekzio nosokomial gertatzen dira urtero, eta Italian 500.000-600.000. 1.0625 A health crisis or public health crisis is a difficult situation or complex health system that affects humans in one or more geographic areas (mainly occurred in natural hazards), from a particular locality to encompass the entire planet. Osasun krisialdia edo osasun publikoaren krisialdia, eremu geografiko batean edo gehiagotan batera osasun sistemak jasandako larrialdi egoera edo gaitasunaren gainditzea da, udalerri zehatz batetik hasi eta planeta osorarte. 0.8103448275862069 In 15–20% of active cases, the infection spreads outside the lungs, causing other kinds of TB. Kasu aktiboen %15-20 artean, infekzioa biriketatik kanpo hedatuko da eta beste motatako tuberkulosiak eragingo ditu. 0.7247706422018348 Various imaging techniques can also be used to show nerve compression such as x-ray for the wrist, and MRI for the thoracic outlet and cervico-brachial areas. Irudi bidezko teknika batzuek ere erakutsi dezakete nerbioen konpresioa, adibidez X izpiak erabili ohi dira esku muturrerako, eta erresonantzia magnetiko bidezko irudigintza zati torazikoan, zerbikalean eta brakialean. 1.2028985507246377 School closures were shown to reduce morbidity from the Asian flu by 90% during the 1957–1958 outbreak, and up to 50% in controlling influenza in the U.S., 2004–2008. Frogatu zen eskolak ixteak %90 murriztu zuela Asiako gripearen morbilitatea 1957-1958ko agerraldian, eta %50 Estatu Batuetan, 2004-2008an. 0.9570552147239264 The measures are less effective when an infection is transmitted primarily via contaminated water or food or by vectors such as mosquitoes or other insects. Neurriak ez dira hain eraginkorrak infekzioa batez ere ur edo elikagai kutsatuen bidez edo eltxoen edo beste intsektu batzuen bektoreen bidez transmititzen denean. 0.7716535433070866 There are concerns that social distancing can have adverse affects on participants' mental health. Urruntze sozialak ondorio kaltegarriak izan ditzake, eta horrek kezka sortzen du, batez ere parte-hartzaileen osasun mentalean. 0.7278911564625851 C. difficile toxins have a cytopathic effect in cell culture, and neutralization of any effect observed with specific antisera is the practical gold standard for studies investigating new CDI diagnostic techniques. C. difficile toxinek efektu zitopatikoa dute zeluletan, beraz, efektu horien neutralizazioa antisuero espezifiko batekin egiten da. Metodo hau CDI diagnostikoen teknika berriak aztertzen dituztenen metodo estandarra da. Kultura toxigenikoa ere metodo estandarra da gaixotasuna diagnostikatzeko. 0.8081395348837209 Knowing that a disease is circulating may trigger a change in behavior by people choosing to stay away from public places and other people. Gaixotasun bat zirkulatzen ari dela jakiteak jokabide-aldaketa ekar diezaieke leku publikoetatik zein beste pertsona batzuengandik urrun egotea erabakitzen duten pertsonei. 0.9857142857142858 Short and longterm negative psychological effects have been reported. Epe motzeko eta luzeko ondorio psikologiko negatiboak jakinarazi ditu. 1.0212765957446808 It banned public gatherings, including funerals. Bilera publikoak debekatu ziren, hiletak barne. 1.0 She led the development and testing of the universal flu vaccine, which underwent clinical trials in 2011. Gripearen txerto unibertsalaren garapena eta probak zuzendu zituen, 2011n entsegu klinikoak egin zirenean. 0.9454545454545454 With many people disbelieving that COVID-19 is any worse than the seasonal flu, it has been difficult to convince the public—especially teens and young adults—to voluntarily adopt social distancing practices. Pertsona askok ez dute uste COVID-19 urtaroko gripea baino okerragoa denik, eta, horregatik, zaila izan da jendea –batez ere nerabeak eta heldu gazteak– konbentzitzea urruntze sozialeko praktikak borondatez har ditzaten. 1.0335570469798658 In particular, her research considers the development and preclinical testing of viral vaccinations, which embed a pathogenic protein inside a safe virus. Bereziki, bere ikerketak txerto birikoak garatzea eta saiakuntza aurreklinikoak kontuan hartzen ditu, proteina patogenoak birus seguru baten barruan. 1.1144781144781144 Having studied previous influenza pandemics including the 1918 flu pandemic, the influenza pandemic of 1957 and the 1968 flu pandemic, they reported on the economic and workforce effect school closure would have, particularly with a large percentage of doctors and nurses being women, of whom half had children under the age of 16. Aurreko gripe-pandemiak aztertu ondoren, besteak beste, 1918koa, 1957koa eta 1968koa, eskolak ixteak izango zuen eragin ekonomiko eta laboralari buruzko informazioa eman zuten, bereziki emakume mediku eta erizainen ehuneko handi batekin, eta horien erdiek 16 urtetik beherako seme-alabak zituzten. 1.1171548117154813 During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in the United Kingdom, this gesture was used by Prince Charles upon greeting reception guests, and has been recommended by the Director-General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Erresuma Batuko 2020ko koronabirus pandemian, Karlos printzeak erabili zuen keinu hori harrerako gonbidatuak agurtzean, eta OMEko zuzendari nagusi Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesusek eta Israelgo lehen ministro Benjamin Netanyahuk gomendatu dute. 1.1981132075471699 "The WHO's Constitution states that its objective ""is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health""." "MOEren Konstituzioak dio bere helburua ""pertsona guztiek ahalik eta osasun maila gorena lortzea"" dela." 0.8038461538461539 Modeling and simulation studies based on U.S. data suggest that if 10% of affected workplaces are closed, the overall infection transmission rate is around 11.9% and the epidemic peak time is slightly delayed. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako datuetan oinarritutako modelizazio- eta simulazio-azterketek iradokitzen dute eragindako lantokien %10 ixten bada, infekzioaren transmisio-tasa orokorra %11,9 ingurukoa dela, eta epidemiaren puntako unea zertxobait atzeratzen dela. 1.037593984962406 During the 2003 SARS outbreak in Singapore, approximately 8000 people were subjected to mandatory home quarantine and an additional 4300 were required to self-monitor for symptoms and make daily telephone contact with health authorities as a means of controlling the epidemic. 2003an Singapurren izandako SARS gaixotasunaren agerraldian, 8.000 pertsona inguruk etxeko berrogeialdia jasan behar izan zuten, eta beste 4.300ek sintomak autokontrolatu behar izan zituzten eta osasun-agintariekin harremanetan jarri egunero, epidemia kontrolatzeko. 0.9142857142857143 Voters complete a paper ballot, numbering candidates 1, 2, 3, etc. in order of their preference. Bozkatzaileek bozkar-papera beteko dute, beren 3 hautagai gogokoenak izendatuz, 1., 2. eta 3.a sailkatuz. 1.6083333333333334 "Neighbouring communities provided food for Eyam, leaving supplies in designated locations along the boundary cordon and receiving payment in coins ""disinfected"" by running water or vinegar." Inguruko herriek janaria ematen zieten puntu zehatzetan eta ordainketa ozpinarekin garbitutako txanponekin egiten zuten. 0.7604166666666666 Religions prescribe hand washing for both hygienic and symbolic purposes. Erlijio askotan eskuak garbitzeko erritualak egiten dira, helburu higieniko eta sinbolikoarekin. 0.6651162790697674 During the 1918 influenza epidemic, the town of Gunnison, Colorado, isolated itself for two months to prevent an introduction of the infection. Babes-bahiketa osasun hesiaren kontrakoa da. Osasuntsu dagoen gune bat mantentzeko erabiltzen da. 1918ko gripe izurritearen garaian, Gunnison herria, Coloradon, bi hilabetez isolatu zen infekzioa sartzea saihesteko. 1.1612903225806452 Testing of stool samples by real-time polymerase chain reaction is able to detect C. difficile about 93% of the time and when positive is incorrectly positive about 3% of the time. Polimerasen kate-erreakzioan, denbora errealaren ebaluazioan, C. difficile %93-an aurkitzen da, eta positiboa denean positibo faltsuak %3-a bakarrik dira . 1.5161290322580645 These late symptoms of infection are referred to as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Infekzioen sintoma hauei esaten zaio hartutako immuno eskasia. 1.1411764705882352 Social distancing, also called physical distancing, is a set of non-pharmaceutical interventions or measures taken to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other. Urruntze soziala gaixotasun kutsakor bat ez hedatzeko farmakorik gabe hartzen diren neurrien edo interbentzioen multzoa da, pertsonen arteko distantzia fisikoa mantenduz eta pertsonak beste batzuekin harreman estuan sartzen diren aldien kopurua murriztuz. 1.088235294117647 The study found that the travel ban in Wuhan delayed the spread of the disease to other parts of mainland China only by three to five days, although it did reduce the spread of international cases by as much as 80 percent. Azterketak jakin zuenez, Wuhanera bidaiatzeko debekuak Txina kontinentaleko beste leku batzuetara zabaltzea hiru egunetik bost egunera atzeratu zuen, baina nazioarteko kasuen hedapena %80ra murriztu zuen. 2.5 Hong Kong. XIX. 1.1574344023323615 Strict border controls between Austria and the Ottoman Empire, imposed from 1770 until 1871 to prevent persons infected with the bubonic plague from entering Austria, were reportedly effective, as there were no major outbreaks of plague in Austrian territory after they were established, whereas the Ottoman Empire continued to suffer frequent epidemics of plague until the mid-nineteenth century. Austriaren eta Otomandar Inperioaren arteko mugako kontrol zorrotzak, 1770etik 1871ra bitartekoak, izurri bubonikoarekin kutsatutako pertsonak Austrian sartzea eragozteko ezarri zirenak, eraginkorrak izan zirela jakinarazi zen; izan ere, ez zen izurri agerraldi handirik izan Austriako lurraldean ezarri ondoren, baina Otomandar Inperioak XIX. 1.0988372093023255 It was observed that several cities experienced a second epidemic peak after social distancing controls were lifted, because susceptible individuals who had been protected were now exposed. Ikusi zen hainbat hirik bigarren epidemia-tontorra izan zutela, urruntze sozialeko kontrolak altxatu ondoren, orain babestuta zeuden pertsona sentikorrak agerian zeudelako. 0.8955223880597015 The classic symptoms of active TB are a chronic cough with blood-containing mucus, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Tuberkulosi aktiboen sintoma ohikoenak ondorengoak dira: eztul kronikoa odoldun mukiarekin, sukarra, gauetako izerdiak eta pisu gaera. 1.1403508771929824 Examples of toxoid-based vaccines include tetanus and diphtheria. Horien adibide dira tetanosaren eta difteriaren txertoak. 0.9692307692307692 Prior to the advent of tests to detect C. difficile toxins, the diagnosis most often was made by colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. C. difficile toxina diagnostikatzeko metodoak aurkitu baino lehenago diagnostikoa kolonoskopia edo sigmoidoskopiarekin egiten zen. 1.0 For example, 25% of the population reducing their social contacts to 50% of their normal level gives an effective reproduction number about 81% of the basic reproduction number. Adibidez, biztanleen %25ak beren kontaktu sozialak maila arruntaren %50era murrizten badituzte, benetako ugalketa-kopurua oinarrizko ugalketa-kopuruaren %81 ingurukoa izango da. 1.5 Effectiveness in healthcare settings Munduko Osasun Erakundea 1.0509554140127388 It makes use of one of the core proteins (nucleoprotein and matrix protein 1) inside the Influenza A virus, not the external proteins that exist on the outside coat. Influenzavirus A-ren barnean proteina nuklearren bat (nukleoproteina eta matrize 1eko proteina) erabiltzen ditu, eta ez kanpoko maskorretan dauden proteinak. 0.963302752293578 In 1946 the development of the antibiotic streptomycin made effective treatment and cure of TB a reality. 1946an hasi ziren erabiltzen Streptomycin (*) izeneko bakterio-kontrakoak, gaitzaren kontrako tratamendutzat. 0.8979591836734694 The latter means that if the test is used without confirmation, overdiagnosis may occur. Honek esan nahi du testa konfirmaziorik gabe erabiltzen bada, gaindiagnostikoa gertatu daitekeela. 0.9242424242424242 These factors could result in social and economic disruption. Faktore horiek nahasmendu sozial eta ekonomikoak eragin ditzakete. 0.9507042253521126 Its constitution formally came into force on the first World Health Day on 7 April 1948, when it was ratified by the 26th member state. Haren eraketa 1948ko apirilaren 7an sartu zen indarrean formalki, Osasunaren Mundu Mailako lehen Egunean, 26. estatu kideak berretsi zutenean. 0.8344370860927153 Change in daily circumstances and uncertainty about the future may add onto the mental stress of being away from other people. Eguneroko egoeretan izandako aldaketak eta etorkizunari buruzko ziurgabetasunak beste pertsonengandik urrun egotearen estres mentala areagotu dezakete. 1.110236220472441 The gesture of namaste, placing one's palms together, fingers pointing upwards, drawing the hands to the heart, is one non-touch alternative. Namaste keinua, eskuak elkartzea, erpurua gorantz jartzea, eskuak bihotzera eramatea... ukitu gabeko agurtze alternatibak dira. 0.524 King Charles IV of Spain supported his royal doctor Balmis since his Infanta Maria Teresa, his daughter, had died from the illness. Karlos IV.a Espainiakoak Balmis doktoreari babesa eman eta gortearen diruz lagundu zuen, azken honek Espainiar Inperioaren barna haurren txertaketa masiboa burutzeko ideia baitzuen, haren alaba Maria Teresa infanta baztangaren ondorioz zendu baitzen. 0.7865853658536586 The next day, the prime minister Édouard Philippe banned gatherings of more than 100 people, not including public transportation. Hurrengo egunean, Édouard Philippe lehen ministroak ehun pertsona baino elkarretaratze handiagoak debekatu zituen, baina neurriak ez zion eragin garraio publikoari. 0.8385650224215246 Because these cells live for a very long time, if the pathogen that normally expresses these proteins is encountered at a later time, they will be attacked instantly by the immune system. Zelula hauek denbora luzean bizi direnez gero, normalean proteina horiek produzitzen dituen agente patogenoa (infekziotzat hartzen dena) periodo luzearen ondoren aurkitzen bada, sistema immunitarioak erasoko die bat-batean. 1.0 Attenuated vaccines have some advantages and disadvantages. Ahuldutako txertoek badituzte abantailak eta desabantailak. 1.0789473684210527 Active infection occurs more often in people with HIV/AIDS and in those who smoke. Infekzio aktiboa ohikoagoa da HIESa dutenen eta erretzaileak direnen artean. 1.3917525773195876 Because of work-exposure to silica dust, silicosis is an occupational hazard to construction, demolition, mining, sandblasting, quarry, tunnelling, ceramics and foundry workers, as well as grinders, stone cutters, stone countertops, refractory brick workers, tombstone workers, workers in the oil and gas industry, pottery workers, fiberglass manufacturing, glass manufacturing, flint knappers and others. Tratamendua behar duzula uste baduzu, jo ezazu sendagilearengana.Silikosia edo Grinderren eritasuna lanak sortutako arnas gaixotasuna da, silize libreak edo kuartzo kristaldunak eraginda eta batez ere meatzari, harri-zulatzaile, hargin eta harrobietan diharduten langileak kaltetzen dituena. 1.0229885057471264 The 2020 Summer Olympics (Japanese: 2020年夏季オリンピック, Hepburn: Nisen Nijū-nen Kaki Orinpikku), officially the Games of the XXXII Olympiad and commonly known as Tokyo 2020 (Tōkyō ni-zero-ni-zero), is an upcoming international multi-sport event to be held in Tokyo, Japan. 2020ko Udako Olinpiar Jokoak, ofizialki XXXII Olinpiadako Jokoak bezala ezagutuak, 2021ean Tokio hirian ospatuko diren Olinpiar Jokoak izango dira, Nazioarteko Olinpiar Batzordeak (ingelesez IOC) usadioa jarraituz antolatuko dituen nazioarteko kirol ospakizuna. 1.282442748091603 If a vaccinated individual does develop the disease vaccinated against (breakthrough infection), the disease is likely to be less virulent than in unvaccinated victims. "Txertoa jaso duen norbaitek gaixotasuna pairatuz gero (""breakthrough infection""), birulentzia txikiagoa izango du gaixotasunak." 0.4803921568627451 Reassortment between H1N1 and H3N2 produced H1N2. Andui ezagunenak Quebecen isolatutako H1N1, H3N2, H3N3, eta Japonia eta Europan isolatutako H1N2 dira. 1.0 1916 New York City polio epidemic 1916ko New Yorkeko polio epidemia 1.0520833333333333 Research indicates that measures must be applied rigorously and immediately in order to be effective. Ikerketek diote neurriak zorrotz eta berehala aplikatu behar direla, eraginkorrak izan daitezen. 0.9326923076923077 Death occurs mostly in high risk groups—the young, the old, and those with other health problems. Heriotzak batez ere gazteen artean, zaharren artean eta osasun arazoak dituztenen artean gertatzen dira. 1.7563025210084033 During the 1916 New York City polio epidemic, when there were more than 27,000 cases and more than 6,000 deaths due to polio in the United States, with more than 2,000 deaths in New York City alone, movie theatres were closed, meetings were cancelled, public gatherings were almost non-existent, and children were warned not to drink from water fountains, and told to avoid amusement parks, swimming pools and beaches. 2.000 heriotza baino gehiago izan ziren New York hirian soilik, zinema aretoak itxi ziren, bilerak bertan behera geratu ziren, bilera publikoak ia hutsaren hurrengoak izan ziren, eta haurrei ohartarazi zitzaien ur iturrietatik ez edateko. 0.66 There are no quick fixes for RSI. Gaixotasun honentzako ez dago tratamendu azkarrik. 1.1914893617021276 These distances of separation, in addition to personal hygiene measures, are also recommended at places of work. Bereizketa distantzia horiek, higiene pertsonaleko neurriez gain, lantokietan ere komeni dira. 1.561904761904762 The institute is named after the English physician and immunization pioneer Edward Jenner (1749–1823), who was a contributor to development of the smallpox vaccine. Izena Edward Jenner (1749-1823) britainiar zientzialaria eta inmunitatearen aintzidariaren omenez darama. 0.9104477611940298 Infection of other organs can cause a wide range of symptoms. Beste organoak infektatzeak hainbat sintoma desberdin izan litzake. 0.9090909090909091 It may lead to stress, anxiety, depression or panic, especially for individuals with preexisting conditions such as anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, and paranoia. Estresa, antsietatea, depresioa edo izua eragin dezake, batez ere aurretik zeuden baldintzak dituzten pertsonengan, hala nola antsietate nahasmenduak, nahasmendu obsesibo konpultsiboak eta paranoia. 0.7763975155279503 The final death rate in St. Louis increased following a second wave of cases, but remained overall less than in other cities. San Luisen amaierako heriotza-tasak gora egin zuen bigarren kasu bolada baten ondoren, baina, oro har, beste hiri batzuetan baino txikiagoa izaten jarraitu zuen. 0.8877551020408163 As a result of the isolation, no one died of influenza in Gunnison during the epidemic. Isolamenduaren ondorioz, inor ez zen gripeak jota hil Gunnisonen, izurriteak iraun zuen bitartean. 2.5 pp. 96–98. XIX. 1.6933333333333334 The principal symptom is acute gastroenteritis that develops between 12 and 48 hours after exposure, and lasts for 24–72 hours. Birus hauek sortzen duten gastroenteritisak 24-48 orduko inkubazio epea du. 1.2282608695652173 When the League of Nations was formed in 1920, they established the Health Organization of the League of Nations. 1920an Nazioen Elkartea sortu zenean, Nazioen Elkartearen Osasunaren Erakundea ezarri zuten. 0.776 Flattening the curve is a public health strategy introduced during the 2019–20 COVID-19 pandemic. Kurba apaltzea edo kurba lautzea osasun publikoaren kontzeptu zentrala da 2019-20ko koronabirus pandemiaren kudeaketan lotua. 0.8947368421052632 Several other communities adopted similar measures. Beste komunitate batzuek antzeko neurriak hartu zituzten. 0.7704918032786885 The symptoms of human influenza were clearly described by Hippocrates roughly 2,400 years ago. Gripearen aipamenik zaharrena Hipokrates-ek egin zuen, duela 2.400 urte inguru, gaitz honen sintomak deskribatu zituenean. 1.0784313725490196 She was made Professor at the Jenner Institute in 2010. 2010ean Jenner Institutuko irakasle izendatu zuten. 0.75 Other forks of GNU Emacs (Ingelesez) GNU Emacsen webgunea 1.0086206896551724 The benefit of antiviral medications in those who are otherwise healthy do not appear to be greater than their risks. Bestelako osasun arazorik ez duten gaixoengan sortzen dituen onurak ez dira sortzen dituen kalteak baino handiagoak. 1.0 In modern times, social distancing measures have been successfully implemented in several epidemics. Garai modernoetan, urruntze sozialeko neurriak arrakastaz aplikatu dira aurreko hainbat epidemiatan. 0.8571428571428571 Plans were anncounced to start animal studies in March 2020, and recruitment began of 510 human participants for a phase I/II trial on 27 March. Planak 2020ko martxoan animaliekin azterketak hasiko zirela jakinarazi zen, eta I / II faseko proba baterako 510 giza partaideren kontratazioa martxoaren 27an hasi zen. 0.8589743589743589 This approach is used in the Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine. Teknika hau erabiltzen da B motako Haemophilus influenzaeren aurkako txertoan. 0.7983870967741935 These symptoms typically begin two days after exposure to the virus and most last less than a week. Sintoma hauek, tipikoki, birusarekin kutsatu eta bi egunera hasi ohi dira eta, normalki, astebete baino gutxiago irauten du. 1.0598802395209581 "Previously, in 2009 during the 2009 flu pandemic the WHO described social distancing as ""keeping at least an arm's length distance from others, [and] minimizing gatherings""." "Lehenago, 2009an, OMEk honela deskribatu zuen urruntze soziala: ""Gutxienez beso bateko tartea mantentzea besteengandik, [eta] bilerak ahalik eta gehien murriztea""." 0.9219512195121952 Onward is a 2020 American computer-animated urban fantasy-adventure film produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Onward 2020ko Dan Scanlon estatubatuar zinema zuzendariaren konputagailu-animaziozko fantasiazko film bat da. Pixar Animation Studios ekoiztetxeak ekoitzi eta Walt Disney Pictures ekoiztetxeak banatuko du. 0.9479166666666666 Voluntary self-isolation may have helped reduce transmission of influenza in Texas in 2009. Autoisolamendu boluntarioak 2009an Texasen gripearen transmisioa murrizten lagundu ahal izan du. 0.9375 Several social distancing measures are used to control the spread of contagious illnesses. Urruntze sozialeko hainbat neurri erabiltzen dira gaixotasun kutsakorren hedapena kontrolatzeko. 1.4366197183098592 Of the 33 competition venues in Tokyo, 28 are within 8 kilometers (4.97 miles) of the Olympic Village. 33 egoitzetatik 28 villa olinpikotik 8 kilometro barruan kokatuko dira. 1.2876712328767124 In August 2010, the World Health Organization declared the swine flu pandemic officially over. 2010eko abuztuan Munduko Osasun Erakundeak pandemia bezala sailkatu zuen. 1.0 Proust proposed that all ships bound for Europe from India and Southeast Asia be quarantined at Suez, however his ideas were not generally embraced. Bere proposamenean India eta Hegoaldeko Asiatik zetozen itsasontzi guztiek berrogeialdia pasa beharko zuten Suezen, baina ideia ez zuen inork hartu. 1.0132013201320131 "During the 2019–2020 coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggested favoring the term ""physical distancing"" as opposed to ""social distancing"", in keeping with the fact that it is a physical distance which prevents transmission; people can remain socially connected via technology." "2019-2020ko koronabirus pandemian, Osasunaren Mundu Erakundeak (OME) ""urruntze fisikoaren"" aipamena iradoki zuen, ""urruntze sozialaren"" alternatiba gisa, distantzia fisikoak transmisioa eragozten duela dioen ideiarekin bat etorriz; pertsonak sozialki konektatuta egon daitezke teknologiaren bidez." 0.8417721518987342 But they may not be safe for use in immunocompromised individuals, and on rare occasions mutate to a virulent form and cause disease. Baina gerta daiteke pertsona immunodeprimituentzat seguruak ez izatea, eta kasu arraroetan mikrobioek muta dezakete, birulento bihurtu eta gaixotasuna eragin. 1.1904761904761905 This regulation includes: Ohikoenak hauek dira: 1.42 In 1869, Adrien Proust (father of novelist Marcel Proust) proposed the use of an international cordon sanitaire to control the spread of cholera, which had emerged from India and was threatening Europe and Africa. 1869an Adrien Proustek (Marcel Prousten aita) proposatu zuen kolera Indiatik Europa eta Afrikara heltzea ekiditeko nazioarteko osasun-hesi bat egitea. 0.9612403100775194 "During this time in Canada, ""community quarantine"" was used to reduce transmission of the disease with moderate success." "Kanadan denbora horretan, ""berrogeialdi komunitarioa"" erabili zen gaixotasunaren transmisioa neurrizko arrakastaz murrizteko." 1.1629213483146068 The outbreak of swine flu in 2009 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to increased awareness in many countries of the importance of washing hands with soap to protect oneself from such infectious diseases. Eskuak garbitzearen garrantzia begibistakoa izan zen A gripearen 2009ko eta COVID-19aren 2020ko pandemietan, gaixotasunaren hedapenari eusteko neurri garrantzitsuenetakoa izanik. 0.8421052631578947 Those with a severe infection also may develop serious inflammation of the colon and have little or no diarrhea. Bestetik, infekzio larria daukaten pertsonek, kolonaren hantura larria garatu dezakete eta beherako eskasa edo beherakorik ez izatea. 1.0849056603773586 Tuberculosis is spread through the air when people who have active TB in their lungs cough, spit, speak, or sneeze. Tuberkulosia airez kutsatzen da gaixotasun aktiboa dutenek eztula egin, hitz egin edo doministiku egitean. 0.8461538461538461 Typical vancomycin is taken four times a day by mouth for 10 days. Aho-tratamendua da, eta normalean egunean 4 bider hartzen da, 10 egunen epean. 0.7142857142857143 Preventing bacterial food poisoning Janari-intoxikazioak eragiten dituzten bakterioak 0.6477272727272727 In those with HIV, this occurs in more than 50% of cases. Adibidez, GIBa dutenen kasuan, %50 baino gehiagoetan tuberkulosi mota hauek emango dira. 1.0206185567010309 It thus became the first specialized agency of the United Nations to which every member subscribed. Horrela, Nazio Batuen lehen erakunde espezializatu bihurtu zen, kide guztiak atxiki zitzaizkiona. 1.102189781021898 Commonly prescribed treatments for early-stage RSIs include analgesics, myofeedback, biofeedback, physical therapy, relaxation, and ultrasound therapy. Preskribatutako tratamenduetan hasierako fasean analgesiko, biofeedback, fisioterapia, erlaxazioa eta ultrasoinu terapia erabiltzen dira. 0.819672131147541 In 1995, a cordon sanitaire was used to control an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Kikwit, Zaire. Adibidez, 1995ean osasun-hesi bat erabili zen Kikwiten (Zaire) ebola birusaren gaixotasunaren agerraldi bat kontrolatzeko. 0.7017543859649122 Explanations relying on multiple factors Harrezkero gertakariaren hainbat interpretazio izan dira. 1.0728476821192052 Its severity is often measured by the number of people affected by its geographical extent, or the disease or death of the pathogenic process which it originates. Bere larritasuna kaltetzen duen jende kopurua, eremuaren hedadura eta prozesu patogenoak eragiten duen erikortasuna eta heriotza-tasaren araberakoa da. 0.7961630695443646 In April 2020, Gilbert was reported as saying that her candidate vaccine could be available by September 2020, however it would require funding of over GBP 100 million by June to accomplish, having being kick-started with funding of over GBP 500,000 to date, from sources such as the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. 2020. urteko Apirilean, jakinarazi zen Gilbertek esan duela bere txerto-gaia eskuragarri izan daitekela 2020.ko Irailarako Hala ere, Ekainerako 100 milioi libra esterlinatik gorako finantzaketa lortzetzea beharrezkoa zela, helburu hori lortu ahal izateko, hasiera 500.000 £ baino gehiagoko finantziaketa batekin hasi bada orain arte, , esaterako, Kohesioko Prestaketa Berrikuntzen Koalizioa esaten dutenaren arabera. 1.0106951871657754 Similarly, mandatory school closures and other social distancing measures were associated with a 29% to 37% reduction in influenza transmission rates during the 2009 flu epidemic in Mexico. Era berean, eskolak nahitaez ixtea eta gizartea urruntzeko beste neurri batzuk ere hartu ziren, Mexikon 2009ko gripe-izurritean gripearen transmisio-tasak %29tik %37ra murriztu baitziren. 0.8108108108108109 Scrub for at least 20 seconds. Eskuak gutxienez 20 segunduz igurtzi. 0.8636363636363636 Her partner gave up his career to be their primary carer. Bere bikotekideak bere karrera utzi zuen lehen zaintzaile izateko. 0.9747899159663865 "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have described social distancing as a set of ""methods for reducing frequency and closeness of contact between people in order to decrease the risk of transmission of disease""." "Gaixotasunak Kontrolatzeko eta Prebenitzeko Zentroak (CDC) honela deskribatu dute urruntze soziala: ""Pertsonen arteko kontaktuaren maiztasuna eta hurbiltasuna murrizteko metodoak, gaixotasunak transmititzeko arriskua murrizte aldera""." 1.1171548117154813 If the infection progresses, it interferes more with the immune system, increasing the risk of developing common infections such as tuberculosis, as well as other opportunistic infections, and tumors which are otherwise rare in people who have normal immune function. Infekzioak aurrera egin ahala, immunitate-sistemari erasotzen dio, beste gaixotasun batzuk izateko arriskua areagotuz, hala nola tuberkulosia, infekzio oportunistak edo immunitate-sistema ondo duten pertsonek izango ez lituzketen tumoreak. 0.5833333333333334 It affects predominantly young adults, causing acute hepatitis. Haurrak eta gazteak jotzen ditu gehienetan, helduek A hepatitisaren aurkako antigorputz bereziak baitituzte. 1.12 In children, there may be diarrhea and vomiting, but these are not common in adults. Umeengan goragalea eta botaka gerta daiteke, baina ez da ohikoa helduengan. 1.207142857142857 Its authors also transferred the rights of the song to the Community of Madrid, for its use in institutional campaigns while the state of alarm due to coronavirus lasts. Egileek abestiaren eskubideak, alarma-egoeran dirauen bitartean kanpaina instituzionaletan erabiltzeko, Madrilgo Erkidegoari eman zizkioten. 0.9273743016759777 Although colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy are still employed, now stool testing for the presence of C. difficile toxins is frequently the first-line diagnostic approach. Kolonoskopioa eta sigmoidoskopioa oraindik ere erabiltzen dira, baina orain azterketa koprologikoak, hots, gorotzen azterketak dira gaixotasuna diagnostikatzeko lehenengo metodoa. 0.6868686868686869 Her early research considered host–parasite interactions in malaria. Bere hasierako ikerketan, ostalariaren eta parasitoen arteko elkarreraginak kontutan hartu zituen . 1.0481927710843373 In 1958, there were 763,094 cases of measles in the United States; 552 deaths resulted. 1958. urtean 763.094 pertsonak pairatu zuten elgorria, eta haietatik 552 hil ziren. 1.0961538461538463 In general, mild cases do not require specific treatment. Kasu ohikoetan ez da tratamendu espezifikorik behar. 1.6666666666666667 "Hand Hygiene – World Health Organization ""WHO""" Hand Hygiene: Why, How & When? 1.3482587064676617 , which in the absence of social distancing would equate to the basic reproduction number, i.e. the average number of secondary infected individuals generated from one primary infected individual in a population where all individuals are equally susceptible to a disease. ) murriztea da, hau da, infektatutako gizabanako primario batetik sortutako bigarren mailako gizabanakoen batez besteko kopurua, pertsona guztiek gaixotasun bat izateko arriskua duten populazio batean. 0.6527777777777778 Early diagnosis is critical to limiting damage. Gaixotasuna goiz diagnostikatzea garrantzitsua da bere kaltea mugatzeko. 0.6435643564356436 In France teens making nonessential trips are fined up to US$150. Frantzian, funtsezkoak ez diren bidaiak egiten dituzten nerabeei 150 euro arteko isuna jartzen diete. 0.9012345679012346 The conferences were largely ineffective until the seventh, in 1892; when an International Sanitary Convention that dealt with cholera was passed. Hitzaldiak, neurri handi batean, ez ziren eraginkorrak izan zazpigarrenera arte, 1892an, koleraz arduratzen zen Nazioarteko Osasun Konbentzio bat onartu zen arte. 0.6425855513307985 On 12 March, French president Emmanuel Macron announced on public television that all schools and all universities would close from Monday 16 March until further notice. Martxoaren 12an, Frantziako presidente Emmanuel Macronek telebista publikoan eginiko igorpen batean jakinarazi zuen martxoaren 16tik, astelehena, aurrera estatuko ikastetxe eta unibertsitate guztiak itxi egingo zirela, behin-behinean baina epemuga zehatzik gabe. 0.6239316239316239 Bacterial: BCG vaccine, oral typhoid vaccine and epidemic typhus vaccine. Bakterioak dituzten txerto motelduak: tuberkulosiaren aurkakoa (BCG txertoa) eta sukar tifoidearen aurkakoa, adibidez 0.936 A number of rapid tests are available; however, people may still have the infection even if the results are negative. Test azkar batzuk eskuragarri daude; hala ere, aukerak daude kutsakorrak izateko test horietan emaitza negatiboa lortuta ere. 0.9393939393939394 Rinse well under running water. Aklaratu, ur korronte azpian ere. 0.9811320754716981 This triage position is often done by a hospitalist. Ospitaletan gehienetan lan hau erizainek egiten dute. 0.9090909090909091 Basic reproduction number (R0) Oinarrizko birsorkuntza tasa (R0) 1.2096774193548387 By linking these outer coats to proteins (e.g., toxins), the immune system can be led to recognize the polysaccharide as if it were a protein antigen. Baina molekula horiei toxinak bezalako proteinak lotuz gero, immunitate-sistemak polisakaridoa antigeno moduan ezagutuko du. 0.8579545454545454 The first meeting of the World Health Assembly finished on 24 July 1948, having secured a budget of US$5 million (then GB£1,250,000) for the 1949 year. Osasunaren Mundu Batzarraren lehen bilera 1948ko uztailaren 24an amaitu zen, eta 5 milioi dolarreko (orduan 1.250.000 libera esterlina) aurrekontua ziurtatu zen 1949. urterako. 0.9120879120879121 In 1994, Gilbert returned to academia, joining the laboratory of Adrian V. S. Hill. 1994an, Gilbert Unibertsitatera itzuli zen, Adrian VS Cerroren laborategiarekin bat eginez. 0.4117647058823529 In early 2008, there were 64 suspected cases of measles. 2008. urtean 64 elgorri-kasu egon ziren, eta haietatik 54 beste herrialde batetik bidaiatu zuten pertsonek eragindakoak zirela uste zen. 0.9527027027027027 Drawbacks of social distancing can include loneliness, reduced productivity and the loss of other benefits associated with human interaction. Urruntze sozialak arazoak sor ditzake, adibidez bakardadea, produktibotasunaren galera edo beste pertsonen arteko harremanek ematen dituzten onurak. 0.875 Party manifestos and slogans Alderdien manifestuak eta leloak 1.8 In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Lady Macbeth begins to compulsively wash her hands in an attempt to cleanse an imagined stain, representing her guilty conscience regarding crimes she had committed and induced her husband to commit. Macbethen, non Lady Macbethek eskuak konpultsiboki garbitzen dituen, egindako krimenengatik bere kontzientzia garbitu nahian. 0.9723926380368099 To slow down the spread of infectious diseases and avoid overburdening healthcare systems, particularly during a pandemic, several social-distancing measures are used, including the closing of schools and workplaces, isolation, quarantine, restricting the movement of people and the cancellation of mass gatherings. Gaixotasun infekziosoen hedapena geldiarazteko eta osasunaren arretarako sistemen gainkarga saihesteko, bereziki pandemia batean, gizartea urruntzeko hainbat neurri erabiltzen dira; besteak beste, eskolak eta lantokiak ixtea, isolamendua, berrogeialdia, pertsonen zirkulazioa murriztea eta bilera masiboak bertan behera uztea. 1.4878048780487805 Drawbacks include a higher cost and the fact that the test only looks for the gene for the toxin and not the toxin itself. Hala ere, garestiagoa da eta toxinaren genea bakarrik bilatzen du, ez toxina bera. 0.9641025641025641 Its first priorities were to control the spread of malaria, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections, and to improve maternal and child health, nutrition and environmental hygiene. Lehenengo lehentasunak paludismoaren, tuberkulosiaren eta sexu-transmisiozko infekzioen hedapena kontrolatzea eta amaren eta haurren osasuna, nutrizioa eta ingurumen-higienea hobetzea izan ziren. 0.821917808219178 Opinion polls on voting intentions were conducted regularly. Irlandarren bozketa asmoei buruzko inkestak erregularki burutu izan dira. 1.0461538461538462 "These are collectively denoted as ""extrapulmonary tuberculosis""." "Huaek orokorrean ""Birika kanpoko tuberkulosiak"" deitzen dira." 1.2307692307692308 The following members of the 32nd Dáil did not seek re-election. Beren hautagaitzak berriz aurkeztuko ez dituzten 32. 0.8349514563106796 Highways were barricaded and arriving train passengers were quarantined for five days. Errepideak blokeatuta zeuden, eta iristen ziren trenetako bidaiariak berrogeialdian zeuden bost egunez. 1.0453172205438066 "During the swine flu outbreak in 2009 in the UK, in an article titled ""Closure of schools during an influenza pandemic"" published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, a group of epidemiologists endorsed the closure of schools in order to interrupt the course of the infection, slow further spread and buy time to research and produce a vaccine." "2009an Erresuma Batuan izandako txerri gripearen agerraldian, The Lancet Infectious Diseases aldizkarian argitaratutako ""eskolak ixtea gripearen pandemia batean"" izeneko artikulu batean, epidemiologo talde batek babestu zuen eskolak ixtea infekzioaren hedapena eteteko eta txerto bat ikertzeko eta ekoizteko denbora irabazteko." 0.794392523364486 Inside Kikwit, the World Health Organization and Zaire medical teams erected further cordons sanitaires, isolating burial and treatment zones from the general population. Kikwiten barruan, Osasunaren Mundu Erakundeko eta Zaireko mediku taldeek kordoi sanitario gehiago eraiki zituzten, lurperatze eta tratamendu guneak populazio orokorretik isolatuz eta infekzioa arrakastaz mantenduz. 0.8758169934640523 More than 95% of deaths occurred in developing countries, and more than 50% in India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Heriotzen %95a garapen bidean dauden herrialdeetan eman zen, horietatik %50a baino gehiago India, Txina, Indonesia, Pakistan eta Filipinen artean izanik. 0.9487179487179487 When implemented to control epidemics, such social distancing can result in benefits but with an economic cost. Epidemiak kontrolatzeko aplikatzen denean, urruntze sozial horrek onurak ekar ditzake, baina kostu ekonomiko batekin. 1.1979166666666667 The World Health Organization declared an outbreak of a new type of influenza A/H1N1 to be a pandemic in June 2009. Munduko Osasun Elkartek A/H1N1 gripearen agerraldiari pandemia izaera eman zion 2009ko ekainean. 0.7966101694915254 Swine influenza virus (SIV) or swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs. Txerri gripea edo urde gripea, txerriaren hainbat gripe birusek eragindako gaixotasun bat da. Txerri gripea orthomyxoviridae familiako birusak eragina da eta urdeetan endemikoa. 0.8349514563106796 Beaches were closed in Florida and Alabama to disperse partygoers during spring break. Floridan eta Alabaman hondartzak itxi zituzten, udaberriko oporretan festara bildutakoak sakabanatzeko. 1.2542372881355932 The vaccine is usually effective against three or four types of influenza. Txerto hau efektiboa da gripearen hiru edo lau moten aurka. 0.9512195121951219 Gilbert gave birth to triplets in 1998. Gilbertek hirukoitzak izan zituen 1998an. 0.8666666666666667 Severe side effects are extremely rare. Oso arraroa da albo-efektu larriak gertatzea. 0.7380952380952381 Symptoms can be mild to severe. Sintomak arinak edo larriak izan daitezke. 1.2380952380952381 It may be considered the first international healthcare expedition in history. Historiako lehen nazioarteko medikuntza espediziotza jotzen da. 0.7951388888888888 Semmelweis proposed the practice of washing hands with chlorinated lime solutions in 1847 while working in Vienna General Hospital's First Obstetrical Clinic, where doctors' wards had three times the mortality of midwives' wards. Aldez aurretik, 1847an, emakumezkoei erditu osteko egunetan heriotza eragiten zien infekzioaren jatorria zehaztu zuen eta, bera zuzendari zen Vienako ospitaleko ebakuntza-aretoan, eskuak garbitzera behartu zituen ikasle eta osagileak erditzear zegoen emakume bati laguntzen hasi aurretik. 0.7894736842105263 Theory of cadaverous poisoning Semmelweisen bizitzaz artikulua Argian 1.0 Inside Kikwit, the World Health Organization and Zaire's medical teams erected further cordons sanitaires, isolating burial and treatment zones from the general population and successfully containing the infection. Kikwiten barruan, Osasunaren Mundu Erakundeko eta Zaireko mediku taldeek kordoi sanitario gehiago eraiki zituzten, lurperatze eta tratamendu guneak populazio orokorretik isolatuz eta infekzioa arrakastaz mantenduz. 1.1 She leads the work on this vaccine candidate alongside Andrew Pollard, Teresa Lambe, Sandy Douglas, Catherine Green and Adrian Hill. Txerto honen lana Andrew Pollard, Teresa Lambe, Sandy Douglas, Catherine Verde eta Adrian Cerrorekin batera burutzen du. 1.019108280254777 Prevention of TB involves screening those at high risk, early detection and treatment of cases, and vaccination with the bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine. Tuberkulosiaren prebentziorako arriskuan daudenei behaketak, detekzio goiztiarrak eta txertoak, bereziki Calmette-Guérin baziloaren txertoa, erabiltzen dira. 0.688 Vaccines contain dead or inactivated organisms or purified products derived from them. Txertoak hildako edo inaktibatutako mikroorganismoetatik zein horietatik purifikatutako produktuetatik abiatuta sortzen dira. 1.0597014925373134 Social-distancing measures date back to at least the fifth century BC. Urruntze sozialeko neurriak, gutxienez K. a. V. mendetik egin dira. 1.5384615384615385 whether the vaccination schedule has been properly observed. Txertatze-egutegia jarraitu den ala ez. 1.2857142857142858 During the next 14 months almost eighty percent of the inhabitants died. Hurrengo hamalau hilabeteetan populazioaren %80 hil zen. 1.0114285714285713 Andrija Štampar was the Assembly's first president, and G. Brock Chisholm was appointed Director-General of WHO, having served as Executive Secretary during the planning stages. Andrija Stampar izan zen Batzarreko lehen presidentea, eta G. Brock Chisholm izendatu zuten OMEko zuzendari nagusi, plangintza-etapetan idazkari exekutibo gisa jardun ondoren. 0.8140495867768595 HIV is spread primarily by unprotected sex (including anal and oral sex), contaminated blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. Hiesaren kutsadura gerta daiteke babesik gabeko sexu-erlazio bidez (uzki-sexu eta aho sexua barne), kutsatutako odol-transfusio bidez, orratz hipodermikoak partekatzearen ondorioz edo amatik umera haurdunaldi, erditze eta edoskitzearen bidez. 0.9230769230769231 This effect is called herd immunity. Ondorio horri talde-immunitate deritzo. 1.2297297297297298 Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister, (5 April 1827 – 10 February 1912), known between 1883 and 1897 as Sir Joseph Lister, Bt., was a British surgeon and a pioneer of antiseptic surgery. Joseph Lister (Upton, Essex, Ingalaterra, 1827ko apirilaren 5a - Walmer, Kent, Ingalaterra, 1912ko otsailaren 10a) britainiar kirurgilaria izan zen. 1.194736842105263 Keeping at least two-metre (six-foot) distance from each other and avoiding hugs and gestures that involve direct physical contact, reduce the risk of becoming infected during flu pandemics and the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. Gutxienez bi metroko tartea mantenduz eta zuzeneko kontaktu fisikoa dakarten besarkadak eta keinuak saihestuz, infekzio-arriskua murrizten da gripe-pandemietan eta 2020ko COVID-19 pandemian. 0.9518072289156626 The case fatality rates in St. Louis were much less than in Philadelphia, which despite having cases of influenza, allowed a mass parade to continue and did not introduce social distancing until more than two weeks after its first cases. Saint Louisen hilgarritasun-tasak Filadelfian baino askoz txikiagoak izan ziren; izan ere, gripe-kasuak izan arren, desfile masibo bat egitea ahalbidetu zuen, eta ez zuen gizarte-urruntzea sartu lehen kasuak gertatu eta bi aste baino gehiagora arte. 1.3584905660377358 Stool leukocyte measurements and stool lactoferrin levels also have been proposed as diagnostic tests, but may have limited diagnostic accuracy. Leukozitoen eta laktoferrinaren ebaluazioak ere egin daitezke, baina ez dira beste frogak bezain zehatzak. 0.9831932773109243 Restricting mass gatherings, in combination with other social distancing interventions, may help reduce transmission. Bilera masiboak murrizteak, gizartea urruntzeko beste esku-hartze batzuekin batera, transmisioa murrizten lagun dezake. 0.9186991869918699 Gilbert eventually joined Delta Biotechnology, a biopharmaceutical company that manufactured drugs in Nottingham. Azkenean Delta Biotechnology- ekin bat egin zuen, Nottingham- en sendagaiak egiten dituen sendagai biologikoen enpresa bat. 1.2166666666666666 Various alternatives have been proposed for the tradition of handshaking. Hainbat aukera proposatu dira eskuak estutzeko tradiziorako. 0.6554054054054054 In 2018, there were more than 10 million cases of active TB which resulted in 1.5 million deaths. Urteko, populazioaren %1 gaixotzen dela estimatzen da. 2017an 10 milioi tuberkulosi aktibo kasutik gora zeuden, horietatik 1,6 milioi hil zirelarik. 1.728476821192053 She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences, from the University of East Anglia, and moved to the University of Hull for her doctoral degree, where she investigated the genetics and biochemistry of the yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides. Zientzia Biologikoetan lizentziatu zen East Anglia Unibertsitatean, eta doktoregoa Hull- eko Unibertsitatean burutu zuen, biokimika gaian fokalizatuta. 0.8125 "The term ""chronic bronchitis"" is still used to define a productive cough that is present for at least three months each year for two years." Bronkitis kronikoa definitzen da klinikoki eztula eta espektorazioa daudenean urtean 3 hilabete baino gehiagotan, bi urtez edo gehiagoz jarraian, beste kausa batzuk baztertuta. 1.0675675675675675 José María Fernández Calleja (16 May 1955 – 21 April 2020) was a Spanish journalist, political prisoner during the Francisco Franco era and anti-ETA activist. José María Fernández Calleja (Ponferrada, 1955eko maiatzaren 16a - Madril, 2020ko apirilaren 21a) espainiar kazetari, irakasle eta idazlea izan zen.