IWPT_2020 / tools /Node.pm
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package Node;
use utf8;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Moose;
use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor; # attribute x is written using set_x($value) and read using x()
use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
use Graph;
has 'graph' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[Graph]', documentation => 'Refers to the graph (sentence) this node belongs to.');
has 'id' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1, documentation => 'The ID column in CoNLL-U file.');
has 'form' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'The FORM column in CoNLL-U file.');
has 'lemma' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'The LEMMA column in CoNLL-U file.');
has 'upos' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'The UPOS column in CoNLL-U file.');
has 'xpos' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'The XPOS column in CoNLL-U file.');
has 'feats' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', documentation => 'Hash holding the features from the FEATS column in CoNLL-U file.');
has 'misc' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', documentation => 'Array holding the attributes from the MISC column in CoNLL-U file.');
has '_head' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'Temporary storage for the HEAD column before the graph structure is built.');
has '_deprel' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'Temporary storage for the DEPREL column before the graph structure is built.');
has '_deps' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'Temporary storage for the DEPS column before the graph structure is built.');
has 'iedges' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub {[]}, documentation => 'Array of records of incoming edges. Each record is a hash ref, keys are id, deprel.');
has 'oedges' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub {[]}, documentation => 'Array of records of outgoing edges. Each record is a hash ref, keys are id, deprel.');
has 'bparent' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'Parent node in the basic tree.');
has 'bdeprel' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'Type of relation between this node and its parent in the basic tree.');
has 'bchildren' => (is=>'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub {[]}, documentation => 'Array of ids of children in the basic tree.');
has 'predicate' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'Lemma and frame identifier of the predicate.');
has 'argedges' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub {[]}, documentation => 'Array of records of edges from a predicate to its arguments, labeled with argument labels.');
has 'argpattern' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', documentation => 'Predicate with the pattern of deprels of its arguments.');
# Creates a deep copy of the current node. Attributes such as "id" and "form"
# are copied. WHAT ABOUT EDGES?
sub clone
my $self = shift;
my %feats = %{$self->feats()};
my @misc = @{$self->misc()};
my @bchildren = @{$self->bchildren()};
my @iedges = @{$self->iedges()};
my @oedges = @{$self->oedges()};
my @argedges = @{$self->argedges()};
# The new copy is not part of the same Graph object. Therefore we do not
# copy the "graph" attribute. However, the other structural attributes
# refer to the other nodes through their ids, and we assume that the same
# ids will also be valid in the new graph. The caller has to call
# $graph->add_node($node) though.
my $clone = new Node
'id' => $self->id(),
'form' => $self->form(),
'lemma' => $self->lemma(),
'upos' => $self->upos(),
'xpos' => $self->xpos(),
'feats' => \%feats,
'_head' => $self->_head(),
'bparent' => $self->bparent(),
'_deprel' => $self->_deprel(),
'bdeprel' => $self->bdeprel(),
'bchildren' => \@bchildren,
'_deps' => $self->_deps(),
'iedges' => \@iedges,
'oedges' => \@oedges,
'misc' => \@misc,
'predicate' => $self->predicate(),
'argedges' => \@argedges,
'argpattern' => $self->argpattern()
return $clone;
# Parses the string from the FEATS column of a CoNLL-U file and sets the feats
# hash accordingly. If the feats hash has been set previously, it will be
# discarded and replaced by the new one.
sub set_feats_from_conllu
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 2);
my $self = shift;
my $feats = shift;
unless($feats eq '_')
my @fvpairs = split(/\|/, $feats);
my %feats;
foreach my $fv (@fvpairs)
if($fv =~ m/^([A-Za-z\[\]]+)=([A-Za-z0-9,]+)$/)
my $f = $1;
my $v = $2;
print STDERR ("WARNING: Duplicite feature definition: '$f=$feats{$f}' will be overwritten with '$f=$v'.\n");
$feats{$f} = $v;
print STDERR ("WARNING: Unrecognized feature-value pair '$fv'.\n");
# The feature hash may be empty due to input errors. Set it only if
# there are meaningful values.
# Returns features as string that can be used in a CoNLL-U file.
sub get_feats_string
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
return '_';
my %feats = %{$self->feats()};
my @keys = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} (keys(%feats));
return '_';
return join('|', map {"$_=$feats{$_}"} (@keys));
# Parses the string from the MISC column of a CoNLL-U file and sets the misc
# array accordingly. If the misc array has been set previously, it will be
# discarded and replaced by the new one.
sub set_misc_from_conllu
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 2);
my $self = shift;
my $misc = shift;
# No CoNLL-U field can contain leading or trailing whitespace characters.
# In particular, the linte-terminating LF character may have been forgotten
# when the line was split into fields, but it is not part of the MISC field.
$misc =~ s/^\s+//;
$misc =~ s/\s+$//;
unless($misc eq '_')
my @misc = split(/\|/, $misc);
# Returns MISC attributes as string that can be used in a CoNLL-U file.
sub get_misc_string
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
return '_';
my @misc = @{$self->misc()};
return '_';
return join('|', @misc);
# Checks whether the node depends (directly or indirectly) on a given other
# node in the basic tree.
sub basic_depends_on
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 2);
my $self = shift;
confess('Node is not member of a graph') if(!defined($self->graph()));
my $aid = shift; # ancestor id
# Avoid deep recursion in large trees (e.g., the Gothic treebank contains
# a sentence of 165 words that form one long apposition chain). Avoid
# recursion completely.
my $graph = $self->graph();
my $id = $self->bparent();
return 1;
$id = $graph->get_node($id)->bparent();
return 0;
# Links the node with its parent according to the basic tree. Both the node
# and its parent must be already added to a graph, and the parent must not
# already depend on the node.
sub set_basic_dep_from_conllu
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
confess('Node is not member of a graph') if(!defined($self->graph()));
my $head = $self->_head();
my $deprel = $self->_deprel();
unless(!defined($head) || $head eq '' || $head eq '_')
# This method is designed for one-time use in the beginning.
# Therefore we assume that the basic parent has not been set previously.
# (Otherwise we would have to care first about removing any link to us
# from the current parent.)
confess('Basic parent already exists');
confess("Basic dependency '$deprel' from a non-existent node '$head'");
if($head == $self->id())
confess("Cannot attach node '$head' to itself in the basic tree");
my $id = $self->id();
confess("Cannot attach node '$id' to '$head' in the basic tree because it would make a cycle");
push(@{$self->graph()->get_node($head)->bchildren()}, $self->id());
# We must set bparent and bdeprel even if they are undefined ('_').
# They are undefined on multiword token lines but we must preserve and output '_' on these lines.
# Parses the string stored in _deps and creates the corresponding edges. The
# node must be already added to a graph, and all nodes referenced in the edges
# must also be added to the same graph.
sub set_deps_from_conllu
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
confess('Node is not member of a graph') if(!defined($self->graph()));
my $deps = $self->_deps();
unless(!defined($deps) || $deps eq '' || $deps eq '_')
my @deps = split(/\|/, $deps);
foreach my $dep (@deps)
if($dep =~ m/^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?):(.+)$/)
my $h = $1;
my $d = $2;
# Check that the referenced parent node exists.
confess("Incoming dependency '$d' from a non-existent node '$h'");
# Store the parent in my incoming edges.
my %pr =
'id' => $h,
'deprel' => $d
# Check that the same edge (including label) does not already exist.
if(any {$_->{id} == $h && $_->{deprel} eq $d} (@{$self->iedges()}))
print STDERR ("WARNING: Ignoring repeated declaration of edge '$h --- $d ---> $self->{id}'.\n");
push(@{$self->iedges()}, \%pr);
# Store me as a child in the parent's object.
my %cr =
'id' => $self->id(),
'deprel' => $d
push(@{$self->graph()->get_node($h)->oedges()}, \%cr);
print STDERR ("WARNING: Cannot understand dep '$dep'\n");
# Returns enhanced DEPS as string that can be used in a CoNLL-U file.
sub get_deps_string
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
my @iedges = sort
my $r = cmpids($a->{id}, $b->{id});
$r = $a->{deprel} cmp $b->{deprel};
return '_';
return join('|', map {"$_->{id}:$_->{deprel}"} (@iedges));
# Compares ids of two nodes or multi-word tokens and returns -1, 0, or 1,
# reflecting the order in which the lines must appear in a CoNLL-U file.
# This is a static function that does not take a pointer to a Node object.
sub cmpids
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
# Ids of empty nodes look like decimal numbers but in fact, 3.14 is
# considered greater than 3.2.
# Furthermore, there may be interval ids of multi-word tokens (e.g. 3-4).
# The intervals cannot overlap within one sentence, but the line must be
# before the lines of the tokens in the interval.
$a =~ m/^(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:-(\d+))?$/;
my $amaj = $1; confess("Unexpected node id '$a->{id}'") if(!defined($amaj));
my $amin = defined($2) ? $2 : 0;
my $amwt = defined($3) ? $3 : 0;
$b =~ m/^(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:-(\d+))?$/;
my $bmaj = $1; confess("Unexpected node id '$b->{id}'") if(!defined($bmaj));
my $bmin = defined($2) ? $2 : 0;
my $bmwt = defined($3) ? $3 : 0;
my $r = $amaj <=> $bmaj;
$r = $amin <=> $bmin;
# MWT line goes before the first word line. Hence any nonzero xmwt
# is "smaller" than zero.
$r = $bmwt <=> $amwt;
return $r;
# Returns the number of incoming edges.
sub get_in_degree
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
return scalar(@{$self->iedges()});
# Returns the number of outgoing edges.
sub get_out_degree
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
return scalar(@{$self->oedges()});
# Returns predicate-argument edges as string that can be used in a CoNLL-U Plus
# file.
sub get_args_string
confess('Incorrect number of arguments') if(scalar(@_) != 1);
my $self = shift;
my @argedges = @{$self->argedges()};
return '_'; ###!!! $config{empty} in the main module may actually require '*' or something else here. Should we make it an optional parameter?
return join('|', map {my $a = $_; my $ids = ref($a->{id}) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(',', @{$a->{id}}) : $a->{id}; "$a->{deprel}:$ids"} (@argedges));
=for Pod::Coverage BUILD
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
A C<Node> corresponds to a line in a CoNLL-U file: a word, an empty node, or
even a multi-word token.
=item id
The ID of the node. Column 0 of the line.
=head1 METHODS
=item $node->set_feats_from_conllu ($feats);
Parses the string from the FEATS column of a CoNLL-U file and sets the feats
hash accordingly. If the feats hash has been set previously, it will be
discarded and replaced by the new one.
=item $feats = $node->get_feats_string ();
Returns features as a string that can be used in a CoNLL-U file.
=head1 AUTHORS
Daniel Zeman <[email protected]>
Copyright © 2019, 2020 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.