1 abdomen rongga perut |
1 abdominal distension perut kembung |
1 abortion keguguran |
1 abrasion lecet |
1 ache sakit |
1 acid reflux refluks asam, aliran balik asam lambung |
1 acne jerawat |
1 action tremor tremor tindak |
1 active ingredients bahan aktif |
1 acute akut |
1 acute respiratory tract infection infeksi saluran pernafasan akut / ISPA |
1 addict pecandu |
1 admission masuk rumah sakit |
1 after meals setelah waktu makan |
1 airway obstruction penyumbatan saluran napas; obstruksi saluran napas |
1 airway saluran napas |
1 albinism kebulaian, albinisme |
1 Alcohol dependence Kecanduan minuman keras |
1 alergy alergi |
1 amenorrhea berhenti mens |
1 anaemia anemia |
1 anaemia penyakit kurang sel darah merah |
1 anaesthetic anestetik; obat bius |
1 anal fissure fisur anal, rekah dubur, rekah pelepasan (anus) |
1 Analgesics Obat penawar sakit |
1 aneurysm keadaan membengkak di dinding pembuluh darah |
1 angiography angiografi |
1 antibody antibodi |
1 antioxidant / a substance that inhibits oxidation or reactions promoted by oxygen or peroxides antioksidan |
1 antiseptic antiseptik |
1 anus dubur; anus |
1 aphthous ulcer tukak aftosa; ulkus aftosa; sariawan |
1 aplastic anaemia anemia aplastik |
1 appendicitis radang usus buntu |
1 appendix usus buntu |
1 appetite nafsu makan |
1 appointment perjanjian jumpa doktor |
1 arrhythmia aritmia |
1 arteriosclerosis aterosklerosis |
1 artery arteri |
1 artery pembuluh darah bersih |
1 arthritis artritis |
1 arthritis sakit sendi-sendi |
1 atrophy atrofi, penyusutan atau pengecilan jaringan atau organ |
1 autism autisma |
1 axilla ketiak |
1 babbling bercakap dengan tak tentu makna |
1 baby sling kain gendong |
1 Bacterial infections Infeksi bakteri |
1 BCG vaksin TBC; bacillus |
1 Beats Tempat mejeng |
1 bed bath mandi di tempat tidur |
1 bed rest istirahat di tempat tidur untuk pasien |
1 bedsores luka atau lecet di bagian belakang badan karena terlalu lama berbaring dalam masa sakit |
1 bedwetting ngompol |
1 before meals sebelum waktu makan |
1 benign growth tumor jinak |
1 beta-carotene / an isomer of carotene found in dark green and dark yellow vegetables and fruits beta-karoten |
1 bile duct saluran kelenjar empedu |
1 bile empedu |
1 birth control; family planning keluarga berencana |
1 birth defect kecacatan kelahiran |
1 Birth defects Cacat dari lahir |
1 birth mark tanda yang dibawa oleh bayi waktu lahir |
1 bladder pundi kencing; kandung air kemeh |
1 bladder stone batu kandung kemih |
1 blister blister |
1 blister lepuh; gelembung atau bengkak berair pada kulit |
1 blister lepuh, lecet |
1 bloated kembung; sembab |
1 blood circulation peredaran darah |
1 blood clot bekuan darah |
1 blood plasma plasma darah |
1 blood pressure tekanan darah |
1 blood sugar level kadar gula di dalam darah |
1 Blood Sugar Level Tingkat gula darah |
1 Blood transfusions Transfusi darah |
1 blood type/group golongan darah |
1 Body fuids Cairan tubuh |
1 body mass index indeks massa tubuh |
1 Body piercing Tindik tubuh/piercing |
2 boil bisul |
1 bone formation pembentukan sel-sel tulang melalui aktivitas sel osteoblast |
1 bone resorption penguraian sel-sel tulang melalui aktivitas sel osteoclast |
1 bone tulang |
1 bowel movement buang air besar, BAB |
1 boxers fracture patah tulang petinju |
1 Brothel Rumah pelacuran |
1 burning pain rasa pedih / rasa nyeri bakar |
1 Caesarean section (C-section) Operasi sesar |
1 calf betis |
1 calory kalori |
1 canker sores sariawan |
1 carbohydrate / any of various neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (as sugars, starches, and celluloses) karbohidrat |
1 cardiomegaly kardiomegali, pembesaran jantung |
1 Cardiopulmonary Resusitation (CPR) Resusitasi Jantung Paru (RJP) |
1 carotene / any of several orange or red crystalline hydrocarbon pigments C40H56 that occur in the chromoplasts of plants karoten |
1 celiac disease penyakit seliak |
1 central vision penglihatan sentral |
1 Cervical cancer Kanker mulut rahim |
1 cervical polyp polip rahim, polip serviks |
1 cervix serviks, leher rahim |
1 chain reaction reaksi berantai |
1 chin dagu |
1 chlamydia klamidia |
1 cholesterol kolesterol |
1 chondromalacia patella patela kondromalasia |
1 Cirrhosis of the liver Penyakit hati akut |
1 cirrhosis sirosis |
1 Clearance Pembersihan infeksi |
1 Clinical trials Percobaan klinis |
1 cluster headache sakit kepala gugus |
1 coccydynia koksidinia |
1 coccyx koksiks, tulang tungging |
1 Cognitive impairment Cacat otak |
1 Coitus Interruptus Sanggama terputus |
1 Cold sores Seriawan |
1 colicky pain rasa sakit perut / rasa mulas perut |
1 colic mulas |
1 Combination therapy Pengobatan kombinasi |
1 come into contact bersentuhan |
1 Complementary medicine Obat komplementer |
1 complete rest istirahat total |
1 composition komposisi |
1 congenital bleeding disorder gangguan perdarahan bawaan, gangguan perdarahan kongenital |
1 congestive heart failure gagal jantung kongestif |
1 Consent Persetujuan/izin |
1 constant pain rasa sakit yang tetap / kerap |
1 constitution kondisi fisik, perawakan, bentuk tubuh |
1 contact dermatitis dermatitis kontak |
1 contraction kontraksi / usaha dari kandungan untuk mengeluarkan isinya |
1 contraindications kontraindikasi |
1 contusion memar, luka memar |
1 convulsions konvulsi |
1 coronary occlusion oklusi koroner |
1 cosmeceutical product produk kosmetika bercampur bahan kimia obat |
1 curcuma xanthorrhiza temulawak |
1 cyanosis sianosis |
1 cystitis sistitis |
1 decreasing pain rasa sakit yang semakin kurang |
1 deficiency defisiensi |
1 Dementia Demensia/Pikun |
1 dengue fever / acute infectious disease caused by an arbovirus, transmitted by aedes mosquitoes, characterized by headache, joint pain, rash demam berdarah |
1 Dependence Ketergantungan |
1 Depression Depresi/Tertekan |
1 Dermatitis Bengkak kulit |
1 dermatophytes dermatofit |
1 Detectable viral load Ada virus yang terdeteksi dalam darah |
1 DHS (Department of Human Services) DHS Departemen Pelayanan Sosial |
1 diabetes mellitus diabetes melitus, kencing manis |
1 diabetes mellitus penyakit kencing manis |
1 Dietician Ahli gizi |
1 digestive tract saluran cerna |
1 digestive tract saluran pencernaan |
1 dissolved dilarutkan |
1 diuretics diuretik |
1 diverticulosis divertikulosis |
1 doctor's instructions petunjuk dokter |
1 dose dosis |
1 double vision penglihatan ganda |
1 Douche Mencuci kemaluan wanita atau dubur |
1 Drink spiking Menaruh obat memabukkan ke dalam minuman |
1 Drug dependence Ketergantungan pada narkoba |
1 dysfunctional psychophysiologic reaction reaksi psikofisiologikal disfungsional |
1 dyspnea dispnea, sesak napas |
1 earache sakit telinga |
1 Early diagnosis Diagnosa awal |
1 echocardiography echokardiografi |
1 ectopic pregnancy kehamilan tuba |
1 egg cell sel telur |
1 elderly women wanita lansia / lanjut usia |
1 ephedrine / a crystalline alkaloid C10H15NO extracted from Chinese ephedras or synthesized and used in the form of a salt for relief of hay fever etc efedrin |
1 epigastrium ulu hati |
1 esophagus esofagus |
1 Eustachian tube tabung Eustachius |
1 exercise bicycle sepeda statis |
1 false hope harapan semu |
1 fenilpropanolamin / FPA phenylpropanolamine |
1 flu / common cold selesma / flu |
1 fluid retention penimbunan cairan |
1 folic acid asam folat / asam folik / salah satu mikronutrisi penting untuk metabolisme yang banyak terkandung dalam sayuran hijau, jus jeruk dan kacang-kacangan |
1 food supplement suplemen makanan |
1 free radical / an especially reactive atom or group of atoms that has one or more unpaired electrons radikal bebas / molekul-molekul tak stabil yang dihasilkan oleh berbagai proses kimia normal tubuh, radiasi matahari atau kosmis, asap rokok, dll |
1 Gastroenterologist Ahli penyakit usus |
1 gastrointestinal tract saluran cerna |
1 Gay Homoseks |
1 Genital discharge Cairan dari kelamin |
1 genital herpes herpes genitalis |
1 Genital herpes Infeksi herpes kelamin |
1 genitourinary system sistem genitourinari |
1 gingivitis radang gusi, ginggivitis |
1 gland kelenjar |
1 glaucoma glaukoma |
1 glucose glukosa |
1 goitre gondong |
1 gout asam urat |
1 GUD (genital ulcer) GUD (bisul pada kelamin) |
2 HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) - HAART (terapi antiretroviral yang sangat aktif) |
1 Haemoglobin Hemoglobin |
1 Haemophilia Hemoflia |
1 hay fever demam hay |
1 HCC (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) HCC (Hepatocellular Carcinoma, kanker hati) |
1 head ache sakit kepala |
1 Health Undertaking Perjanjian Kesehatan |
1 heartburn nyeri ulu hati |
1 heart disease penyakit jantung |
1 Heart disease Penyakit jantung |
1 heart valve katup jantung |
1 height tinggi badan |
1 hemorrhagic stroge stroke hemoragik; perdarahan otak |
1 hemorrhaging / bleeding perdarahan |
1 Hepatitis B core antibody Core antibody Hepatitis B |
1 Hepatitis B e antigen Antigen/Pertanda Hepatitis B e |
1 Hepatitis B surface antibody Surface antibody Hepatitis B |
1 Hepatitis Hepatitis/Penyakit kuning |
1 Hepatologist Spesialis penyakit hati |
1 herpes zoster cacar ular, cacar api |
1 Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Herpes Zoster (Sinaga) |
1 high blood pressure; hypertension Tekanan darah tinggi; hipertensi |
1 high fat content kandungan lemak tinggi |
1 hormone hormon |
1 hormone replacement therapy terapi pengganti hormon |
1 HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) HSV (Virus Herpes Simpleks) |
1 Human Development Index Indeks Pembangunan Manusia |
1 hypercalcemia hiperkalsemia / kelebihan kalsium, lebih dari 10 mg% |
1 hypermetropia hipermetropia |
1 hypocalcemia hipokalsemia / kekurangan kalsium, yaitu, kurang dari 10 mg% |
1 IDU (injecting drug user) Pemakai narkoba suntikan |
1 Immune Reconstitution Syndrome IRIS (Immune Reconstitution Syndrome) |
1 immune system sistem kekebalan |
1 Immune system Sistem kekebalan tubuh |
1 Immunosuppressed Sistem kekebalan tubuh tertekan |
1 Impotence Impotensi/ lemah syahwat |
1 Inderminate test result Hasil tes tidak menentukan |
1 Infammation Peradangan |
1 infected terinfeksi |
1 Infectious diseases Penyakit menular |
1 Infectious Diseases Physician Spesialis Penyakit Menular |
1 Infectious, infectiousness Menular, kemampuan menular |
1 Infertility Kemandulan |
1 inflamation inflamasi |
1 Informed consent Persetujuan tindakan medik setelah diterangkan |
1 ingestion proses menelan |
1 inhalation hirupan |
1 Injecting equipment Alat suntik |
1 injection injeksi |
1 Inject Menyuntik |
1 Insertive partner Pasangan pemberi |
1 insulin insulin / hormon yang berfungsi memasukkan gula darah ke dalam sel untuk dijadikan tenaga |
1 intercurrent infection infeksi semasa |
1 Interferon Interferon |
1 Intersex Intersex, waria |
1 intracranial bleed perdarahan intrakranial |
1 intracranial intrakranial |
1 intramuscular intramuskular |
1 iodized salt garam beryodium |
1 iron zat besi |
1 irritable bowel syndrome sindrom usus rengsa |
1 ischaemic stroke stroke iskemik; bekuan darah yang menyumbat pembuluh darah otak |
1 isoniazid isoniazida |
1 Itchy Gatal |
1 IUD (intrauterine device) IUD/alat KB spiral |
1 junk food makanan siap saji |
1 KS (Kaposis sarcoma) KS (Sarkoma Kaposi) |
1 Labia Kemaluan luar wanita |
1 lack / deficiency kekurangan |
1 lactose intolerance intoleransi laktosa |
1 Late diagnosis Diagnosa lambat |
1 lower extremity anggota gerak bawah |
1 lower respiratory tract saluran nafas bawah |
1 lymph gland kelenjar limfa |
1 lymph gland nodus limfa, kelenjar getah bening |
1 lymph node nodus limfa, kelenjar getah bening |
1 MAC (Mycobacterium Avium Complex) MAC (Kompleks Mikobakterium Avium) |
1 malabsorption salah serap, malabsorpsi, malaserap |
1 malignancy keganasan |
1 Mantoux test Tes Mantoux |
1 Marginalised groups Kelompok marginal |
1 Masturbation Masturbasi/onani |
1 MDR (Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis) MDR-TB (TBC multi-resistensi) |
1 measles campak |
1 Medication Pengobatan |
1 Meningitis Meningitis |
1 menorrhagia menoragia |
1 Menstruation Haid/ menstruasi |
1 Mental health Kesehatan jiwa |
1 Methamphetamine Metamfetamin |
1 micrograms per day mikrogram per hari / mcg/d |
1 Midwife Bidan |
1 molecule molekul |
1 Molluscum contagiosum Molluscum contagiosum |
1 Monitoring Monitoring/pemantauan |
1 Monotherapy Monoterapi/pengobatan dengan satu obat |
1 MSM MSM /laki-laki yang berhubungan seks dengan laki-laki |
1 Mucosa Membran mukosa |
1 Mucus Mukus |
1 muscle tone tonus otot |
1 muscle wasting peletihan otot |
1 Mutation Mutasi/ perubahan bahan genetik |
1 myasthenia gravis miastenia gravis |
1 myocardial infarction serangan jantung, infark miokardial |
1 myopia miopia, rabun jauh |
1 nasal drop obat tetes hidung |
1 nausea mual |
1 Needle exchange Penukaran jarum |
1 needle jarum |
1 neonatal neonatus |
1 Neovagina Neovagina |
1 Neutrophils Neutrofl |
1 niacin niasin |
1 Non-compliance Ketidakpatuhan |
1 Non-penetrative sex Seks tanpa penetrasi |
1 NSU (non-specifc urethritis) NSU (Uretritis non-spesifk) |
1 nutriceutical prouduct suplemen makanan dikombinasi dengan sediaan farmasi |
1 nutritionist ahli gizi |
1 obese obes |
1 obesity kegemukan, obesitas |
1 obesity obesitas |
1 Obstetrician Spesialis Kandungan |
1 Oncologist Spesialis Onkologi (Penyakit kanker) |
1 Opiate replacement therapy Terapi pengganti narkoba |
1 Opportunistic infection Infeksi oportunistik |
1 optic nerve saraf optik / saraf mata |
1 Oral contraceptive Pil KB |
1 Oral health Kesehatan mulut |
1 oral lesion lesi mulut |
1 Oral sex Seks oral/ seks dengan mulut |
1 orchitis orkitis |
1 Orgasm Orgasme/puncak nafsu |
2 osteoporosis kekeroposan tulang |
1 oxigen oksigen |
1 pain nyeri |
1 pancreas pankreas |
1 Pap smear Tes Pap |
1 paronychia paronikia |
1 Partner notifcation Pemberitahuan pasangan |
1 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) PCR (Reaksi berantai polimerase) |
1 Peer support Dukungan sebaya |
1 Penetrative sex Seks dengan penetrasi |
1 PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) Pencegahan pasca pajanan |
1 peptic ulcer tukak lambung, tukak peptik |
1 Perinatal transmission Penularan vertikal |
1 Peripheral neuropathy Neuropati perifer |
1 Pharmacist Apoteker/Ahli farmasi |
1 pharmacology kefarmasian |
1 Pharmacotherapy Farmakoterapi |
1 phonic tics, vocal tics tik suara |
1 Physiotherapist Ahli fsioterapi |
1 PID (Pelvic Infammatory Disease) PID (penyakit radang pinggul) |
1 pilonidal cyst sista pilonidal |
1 placenta ari-ari |
1 placenta plasenta |
1 plaque kerak; plak; deposit dari substansi seperti lemak |
1 pleurisy pleurisi |
1 polyphagia polifagia |
1 Positive status Status positif |
1 postmenopausal women wanita pasca menopause |
1 pregnant women wanita hamil |
1 Pre-test counselling Konseling sebelum tes |
1 Prevention Pencegahan |
1 priapism priapismus; priapisme |
1 Proctitis Proctitis/radang lapisan dubur |
1 proctitis proktitis |
1 Prophylaxis Pengobatan pencegahan |
1 prostate cancer kanker prostat |
1 Protected sex Seks aman |
1 psychiatrist dokter psikiater |
1 Psychosocial support Dukungan psikososial |
1 psychosomatic illness penyakit psikosomatis |
1 Pubic area Daerah kemaluan |
1 Pubic lice Kutu kemaluan |
1 quarter (three months) triwulan |
1 questionnaire kuisioner |
1 Receptive partner Pasangan penerima |
1 refractive astigmatism astigmatisme refraktif |
1 refugee pengungsi |
1 regurgitation regurgitasi, gumoh |
1 Reproductive organs Alat-alat reproduksi |
1 respiratory tract infection radang saluran nafas |
1 Respite care Perawatan memberi istirahat |
1 restless leg sindrom resah kaki |
1 rheumatoid arthritis artritis reumatoid |
1 rheumatoid reumatoid |
1 rhinorrhea rinorea |
1 risk factor faktor risiko |
1 Risk factor Faktor risiko |
1 risk risiko |
1 rotator cuff manset rotator, kaf rotator |
1 Rough sex Seks secara keras |
1 Safe injecting Suntik aman |
1 Safe sex Seks aman |
1 Same-sex atttraction Tertarik dengan sejenis |
1 sanitation sanitasi |
1 saturated fat lemak jenuh |
1 Scarifcation Penorehan kulit |
1 scarlet fever demam skarlatina |
1 scoliosis skoliosis |
1 scrotum skrotum, kantung buah pelir |
1 Section 100 drugs Obat-obatan Pasal 100 |
1 Self-care Perawatan diri sendiri |
1 self-limiting sembuh sendiri |
1 Sexual debut Persetubuhan pertama |
1 Sharps container Tempat pembuangan jarum suntik |
1 shingles cacar ular, cacar api |
1 shock syok |
1 side effect efek samping |
1 slow release tablet obat lepas lambat |
1 spinal cord sumsum tulang belakang |
1 spine tulang belakang, tulang punggung |
1 Standard precautions Kewaspadaan standar |
1 staphylococci stafilokokus |
1 steatorrhea steatore |
1 stomach lambung |
1 stroke hemoragik / berdarah hemorrhagic stroke |
1 Subcutaneous injection Suntikan di bawah kulit |
1 sucrose / a sweet crystalline dextrorotatory disaccharide sugar C12H22O11 that occurs naturally in most plants sukrosa |
1 sustained release tablet tablet berefek panjang |
1 syncope sinkop |
1 syringe suntik |
1 tachycardia takikardia |
1 tachypnea takipnea |
1 teaspoon sendok teh |
1 tension-type headache sakit kepala tipe ketegangan |
1 Terminal illness Sakit mendekati kematian |
1 Termination (of pregnancy) Penghentian kehamilan |
1 testicular torsion kilasan testikular |
1 testosterone testosteron |
1 Tests to diagnose/monitor HBV infection Pemeriksaan pemantau infeksi HBV |
1 Tests to diagnose/monitor HCV infection Pemeriksaan pemantau infeksi HCV |
1 Tests to diagnose/monitor HIV infection Pemeriksaan pemantau infeksi HIV |
1 Thalassaemia Talasemia |
1 therapy terapi |
1 thermoanesthesia termanestesia |
1 throbbing pain rasa sakit berdenyut |
1 thrombosis trombosis |
1 Thrush Kandidosis/Infeksi Candida |
1 tinnitus tinitus |
1 to blow hembuskan |
1 toothache sakit gigi |
1 Tourniquet Turniket |
1 tract saluran |
1 Transactional sex Seks berbayar |
1 transplantation transplantasi |
1 Transplant Cangkok |
1 Transvestite Banci/wadam |
1 Treatment failure Kegagalan pengobatan |
1 treatment pengobatan |
1 Treatment Pengobatan |
1 Trichomoniasis Trikonomiasis |
1 Triple therapy Terapi dengan 3 obat |
1 Tubal Ligation Tubektom |
1 Tuberculosis TBC /penyakit paru-paru |
1 tuberculosis tuberkulosis |
1 UAIC (unprotected anal intercourse) UAIC (seks dubur tanpa pengaman) |
1 ultrasonography ultrasonografi / USG |
1 umbilical cord / cord arising from the navel that connects the fetus with the placenta tali plasenta |
1 Universal precautions Kewaspadaan universal |
1 Unprotected sex Seks tanpa pengaman |
1 urethral stricture penyempitan uretra, striktur uretra |
1 urethritis uretritis |
1 urinary retention kencing tertahan |
1 urogenital tract saluran urogenital, saluran ginjal dan kelamin |
1 use penggunaan |
1 uterus rahim, uterus |
1 vaccination vaksinasi |
1 vaccine vaksin |
1 Vaccine Vaksin |
1 Vaginal fuid Cairan vagina /kemaluan perempuan |
1 Vaginitis Vaginitis (pembengkakan pada vagina) |
1 Vasectomy Vasektomi |
1 VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing) Konseling dan pemeriksaan sukarela |
1 Vertical Transmission Penularan vertikal |
1 Viagra Viagra |
1 vial vial |
1 Viraemia Viraemia |
1 Viral infections Infeksi virus |
1 Viral load Beban virus |
1 Viral resistance Resistensi virus |
1 Virus Virus |
1 vomiting muntah |
1 weak and tired lesu-lemah |
1 weight berat badan |
1 welt bilur |
1 white blood cell sel darah putih |
1 White blood cells Sel-sel darah putih |
1 Window period Celah waktu |
1 Withdrawal (drugs, alcohol) Sakaw/ menghentikan narkoba |
1 Withdrawal (sex) Cabut (seks) |
1 with meals pada waktu makan |
1 womb kandungan |
1 womb rahim |