Copyright 2013 Beatrice BOUCHOU, Denis Maurel,, This schema defines the LMF compliant structure of ProLMF. ProLMF is the LMF version of Prolexbase, a multilingual lexical resource on proper names and their relations. This schema and ProLMF are free resources: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources. This schema and ProLMF are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources, along with this schema and ProLMF. If not, see The following Data Categories are used in ProLMF (unspecified DC numbers denote a not yet defined DC): abbreviation "" accessibilityContext "" acronym "" adjective "" associativeRelation "" classifyingContext "" commonlyUsed "" determiner "" diachronic "" diaphasic "" diastratic "" diastraticQuasiSynonym "" diatopicQuasiSynonym "" entrySource "" explanation "" externalReference "" externalSystem "" feminine "" feminineRelationalName "" frequency "" fullForm "" grammaticalGender "" grammaticalMood "" grammaticalNumber "" grammaticalPerson "" grammaticalTense "" infrequentlyUsed "" introducer "" label "" languageCoding "" languageIdentifier "" locativePreposition "" masculine "" masculineFeminine "" masculineRelationalName "" noun "" orthographyName "" partitiveRelation "" partOfSpeech "" possessiveAdjective "" prefix "" quasiRelationalAdjective "" quasiRelationalName "" quasiSynonymy "" rarelyUsed "" relationalAdjective "" relationalName "" resourceName "" restrictionRank "" script "" shortForm "" subjectField "" termProvenance "" transcribedForm "" translationVariant "" usageNote "" variant "" verb "" version "" This element is the document root, cf. LexicalResource_type for its content. Each element SenseAxis is uniquely identified in the whole document by its attribute 'id'. Elements Sense in each lexicon reference elements SenseAxis with their attribute 'refSenseAxis'. Elements SenseAxisRelation reference elements SenseAxis with their attribute 'refSenseAxis'. The value of attribute 'id' of elements SenseAxisRelation is unique, if it exists. Elements SyntacticBehaviour in each lexicon reference elements SenseAxisRelation with their attribute 'refSenseAxisRelation'. This element documents the Lexical Resource, cf. GlobalInformation_type for its content. This element represents one lexicon, in one language, cf. Lexicon_type for its content. Within the scope of a lexicon, elements SubcategorizationFrame are uniquely identified by their attribute 'id'. Within the scope of a lexicon, elements SyntacticBehaviour reference elements SubcategorizationFrame with their attribute 'refSubcategorizationFrame'. This element represents one lexical entry in one lexicon, cf. LexicalEntry_type for its content. This element represents one lemma of one lexical entry, cf. Word_type for its content. This element represents one word form of one lexical entry, cf. WordForm_type for its content. This element represents one form representation of one lexical entry, cf. FormRepresentation_type for its content. This element represents one sense of one lexical entry, cf. Sense_type for its content. This element represents one link, from one sense to an external description, cf. ExternalRef_type for its content. This element represents one syntactic behaviour for one sense of one lexical entry, cf. SyntacticBehaviour_type for its content. This element represents one frame of behaviour, common to several components of a lexicon. cf. SubcategorizationFrame_type for its content. This element represents one sense axis, or pivot, at the multilingual level, cf. SenseAxis_type for its content. This element represents one relation between two sense axis, at the multilingual level, cf. SenseAxisRelation_type for its content. This element represents one link, from one sense axis to an external description, cf. ExternalRef_type for its content. Content of LexicalResource, the root element: several lexica and, for the multilingual level, several SenseAxis. Content of the global info: six mandatory attributes. Content of a lexicon: several lexical entries and several behaviour descriptions, must have an attribute declaring the language of the lexicon and may have an attribute declaring the script used for words in the lexicon. Content of a lexical entry: one lemma, zero or several word forms, several senses. Must have an attribute declaring the part of speech, with 4 possible values. Content of a lemma and a form representation: a string and 2 optional attributes for declaring the script (e.g. arabic) and orthography name (e.g. with points). Content of a word form: same as for a lemma, but with 5 more optional attributes for declaring grammatical features. Content of a form representation: a string and 3 optional attributes for declaring the script (e.g. arabic), geographicalVariant (e.g. USA) and orthography name (e.g. with points). Content of a sense: zero or several syntactic behaviours and zero or several links to external descriptions. Attributes allow to declare its link to the sense axis at multilingual level, its situation among items of the same prolexeme, and its frequency. Content of an external reference: 2 attributes for declaring the external system and the reference in that system. Content of a syntactic behaviour: must have an attribute to refer to a behaviour frame, may have an attribute to refer to the multingual relation it instanciates. Content of a behaviour frame: a string with the kind of described behaviour (4 values), grammatical features. Content of a sense axis: zero or several sense axis relations and zero or several links to external descriptions. Must have an id value. Content of a sense axis relation, contained in a sense axis (the source of the relation): a label (3 values), a refernce to the target sense axis, a subject field (12 values), and a kind of relation (3 values).