from os import listdir, walk |
from os.path import isfile, isdir, join, splitext, exists, getmtime |
from random import seed, randint, choice |
import re |
import json |
import datetime |
import argparse |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate BBBicycles split.') |
parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', type=str, required=True, |
help='directory containing the ID folders') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
path = args.path |
random_seed = seed(1337) |
train_val_bike_type_split = 10 |
img_regex = re.compile('(^img.\d*[.]png$)') |
dir_regex = re.compile('(^\w+_)') |
train = open("bike_train.txt", "w") |
query_v = open("bike_query_val.txt", "w") |
galley_v = open("bike_gallery_val.txt", "w") |
query_t = open("bike_query_test.txt", "w") |
galley_t = open("bike_gallery_test.txt", "w") |
num_ids = 0 |
num_imgs = 0 |
num_damaged_imgs = 0 |
num_broken_imgs = 0 |
num_bent_imgs = 0 |
num_missingpart_imgs = 0 |
nums_missingpart_imgs = [0 for i in range(5)] |
models_dist = {} |
num_train_ids = 0 |
num_train_imgs = 0 |
num_damaged_train_imgs = 0 |
num_broken_train_imgs = 0 |
num_bent_train_imgs = 0 |
num_missingpart_train_imgs = 0 |
nums_missingpart_train_imgs = [0 for i in range(5)] |
models_dist_train = {} |
num_val_ids = 0 |
num_val_imgs = 0 |
num_damaged_val_imgs = 0 |
num_broken_val_imgs = 0 |
num_bent_val_imgs = 0 |
num_missingpart_val_imgs = 0 |
nums_missingpart_val_imgs = [0 for i in range(5)] |
models_dist_val = {} |
num_test_ids = 0 |
num_test_imgs = 0 |
num_damaged_test_imgs = 0 |
num_broken_test_imgs = 0 |
num_bent_test_imgs = 0 |
num_missingpart_test_imgs = 0 |
nums_missingpart_test_imgs = [0 for i in range(5)] |
models_dist_test = {} |
for id, bike in enumerate(listdir(path)): |
if isdir(join(path, bike)) and dir_regex.match(bike) and exists(join(path, bike, "before")) and len(listdir(join(path, bike, "before"))) != 0 and exists(join(path, bike, "after")) and len(listdir(join(path, bike, "after"))) != 0 and exists(join(path, bike, "fixed_data.json")): |
json_fixed = open(join(path, bike, 'fixed_data.json'),) |
data_fixed = json.load(json_fixed) |
if str(data_fixed['Bike Type']) not in models_dist: |
models_dist[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])] = {str(data_fixed['Model']): 1} |
elif str(data_fixed['Model']) not in models_dist[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])]: |
models_dist[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = 1 |
else: |
models_dist[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = models_dist[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] + 1 |
c=0 |
num_ids = num_ids + 1 |
for type in ["before", "after"]: |
for file in listdir(join(path, bike, type)): |
if img_regex.match(file): |
if exists(join(path, bike, type, splitext(file)[0] + '_variable.json')): |
json_var = open(join(path, bike, type, splitext(file)[0] + '_variable.json'),) |
data = json.load(json_var) |
dmgid = 0 if type == "before" else int(data["Damage Type"]) |
missid = "00000" if type == "before" else str(data["Removed Parts"]) |
json_var.close() |
if dmgid != 0: |
num_damaged_imgs = num_damaged_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 2 or dmgid == 3: |
num_broken_imgs = num_broken_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 1 or dmgid == 3: |
num_bent_imgs = num_bent_imgs + 1 |
if missid != "00000" : |
num_missingpart_imgs = num_missingpart_imgs + 1 |
for i in range(5): |
if missid[i] == "1": |
nums_missingpart_imgs[i] = nums_missingpart_imgs[i] + 1 |
num_imgs = num_imgs + 1 |
c=c+1 |
else: |
print(bike) |
if c != 14: |
print(bike) |
if str(data_fixed['Model']) in ['mfactory ', 'ghost', 'oldbike', 'rondo', 'verdona']: |
if str(data_fixed['Bike Type']) not in models_dist_train: |
models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])] = {str(data_fixed['Model']): 1} |
elif str(data_fixed['Model']) not in models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])]: |
models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = 1 |
else: |
models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] + 1 |
num_train_ids = num_train_ids + 1 |
for type in ["before", "after"]: |
for file in listdir(join(path, bike, type)): |
if img_regex.match(file) and exists(join(path, bike, type, splitext(file)[0] + '_variable.json')): |
img_path = join(bike, type, file) |
json_var = open(join(path, bike, type, splitext(file)[0] + '_variable.json'),) |
data = json.load(json_var) |
camid = int(data["Focal Length"]) |
viewid = int(data["Viewing Side"]) |
dmgid = 0 if type == "before" else int(data["Damage Type"]) |
missid = "00000" if type == "before" else str(data["Removed Parts"]) |
train.write("{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(img_path, id, camid, viewid, dmgid, missid)) |
json_var.close() |
if dmgid != 0: |
num_damaged_train_imgs = num_damaged_train_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 2 or dmgid == 3: |
num_broken_train_imgs = num_broken_train_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 1 or dmgid == 3: |
num_bent_train_imgs = num_bent_train_imgs + 1 |
if missid != "00000" : |
num_missingpart_train_imgs = num_missingpart_train_imgs + 1 |
for i in range(5): |
if missid[i] == "1": |
nums_missingpart_train_imgs[i] = nums_missingpart_train_imgs[i] + 1 |
num_train_imgs = num_train_imgs + 1 |
else: |
if str(data_fixed['Model']) not in ['mirage', 'gbike', 'enduro']: |
if str(data_fixed['Model']) not in ['becane', 'btwin', 'croad'] and randint(0, 100) > train_val_bike_type_split: |
if str(data_fixed['Bike Type']) not in models_dist_train: |
models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])] = {str(data_fixed['Model']): 1} |
elif str(data_fixed['Model']) not in models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])]: |
models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = 1 |
else: |
models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = models_dist_train[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] + 1 |
num_train_ids = num_train_ids + 1 |
for type in ["before", "after"]: |
for file in listdir(join(path, bike, type)): |
if img_regex.match(file) and exists(join(path, bike, type, splitext(file)[0] + '_variable.json')): |
img_path = join(bike, type, file) |
json_var = open(join(path, bike, type, splitext(file)[0] + '_variable.json'),) |
data = json.load(json_var) |
camid = int(data["Focal Length"]) |
viewid = int(data["Viewing Side"]) |
dmgid = 0 if type == "before" else int(data["Damage Type"]) |
missid = "00000" if type == "before" else str(data["Removed Parts"]) |
train.write("{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(img_path, id, camid, viewid, dmgid, missid)) |
json_var.close() |
if dmgid != 0: |
num_damaged_train_imgs = num_damaged_train_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 2 or dmgid == 3: |
num_broken_train_imgs = num_broken_train_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 1 or dmgid == 3: |
num_bent_train_imgs = num_bent_train_imgs + 1 |
if missid != "00000" : |
num_missingpart_train_imgs = num_missingpart_train_imgs + 1 |
for i in range(5): |
if missid[i] == "1": |
nums_missingpart_train_imgs[i] = nums_missingpart_train_imgs[i] + 1 |
num_train_imgs = num_train_imgs + 1 |
else: |
if str(data_fixed['Bike Type']) not in models_dist_val: |
models_dist_val[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])] = {str(data_fixed['Model']): 1} |
elif str(data_fixed['Model']) not in models_dist_val[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])]: |
models_dist_val[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = 1 |
else: |
models_dist_val[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = models_dist_val[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] + 1 |
num_val_ids = num_val_ids + 1 |
for type in ["before", "after"]: |
files = [f for f in listdir(join(path, bike, type)) if img_regex.match(f) and exists(join(path, bike, type, splitext(f)[0] + '_variable.json'))] |
file = choice(files) |
img_path = join(bike, type, file) |
json_var = open(join(path, bike, type, splitext(file)[0] + '_variable.json'),) |
data = json.load(json_var) |
camid = int(data["Focal Length"]) |
viewid = int(data["Viewing Side"]) |
dmgid = 0 if type == "before" else int(data["Damage Type"]) |
missid = "00000" if type == "before" else str(data["Removed Parts"]) |
if type == "before" : |
galley_v.write("{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(img_path, id, camid, viewid, dmgid, missid)) |
else: |
query_v.write("{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(img_path, id, camid, viewid, dmgid, missid)) |
json_var.close() |
if dmgid != 0: |
num_damaged_val_imgs = num_damaged_val_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 2 or dmgid == 3: |
num_broken_val_imgs = num_broken_val_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 1 or dmgid == 3: |
num_bent_val_imgs = num_bent_val_imgs + 1 |
if missid != "00000" : |
num_missingpart_val_imgs = num_missingpart_val_imgs + 1 |
for i in range(5): |
if missid[i] == "1": |
nums_missingpart_val_imgs[i] = nums_missingpart_val_imgs[i] + 1 |
num_val_imgs = num_val_imgs + 1 |
else: |
if str(data_fixed['Bike Type']) not in models_dist_test: |
models_dist_test[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])] = {str(data_fixed['Model']): 1} |
elif str(data_fixed['Model']) not in models_dist_test[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])]: |
models_dist_test[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = 1 |
else: |
models_dist_test[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] = models_dist_test[str(data_fixed['Bike Type'])][str(data_fixed['Model'])] + 1 |
num_test_ids = num_test_ids + 1 |
for type in ["before", "after"]: |
files = [f for f in listdir(join(path, bike, type)) if img_regex.match(f) and exists(join(path, bike, type, splitext(f)[0] + '_variable.json'))] |
if not files: |
print(join(path, bike, type)) |
file = choice(files) |
img_path = join(bike, type, file) |
json_var = open(join(path, bike, type, splitext(file)[0] + '_variable.json'),) |
data = json.load(json_var) |
camid = int(data["Focal Length"]) |
viewid = int(data["Viewing Side"]) |
dmgid = 0 if type == "before" else int(data["Damage Type"]) |
missid = "00000" if type == "before" else str(data["Removed Parts"]) |
if type == "before" : |
galley_t.write("{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(img_path, id, camid, viewid, dmgid, missid)) |
else: |
query_t.write("{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format(img_path, id, camid, viewid, dmgid, missid)) |
json_var.close() |
if dmgid != 0: |
num_damaged_test_imgs = num_damaged_test_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 2 or dmgid == 3: |
num_broken_test_imgs = num_broken_test_imgs + 1 |
if dmgid == 1 or dmgid == 3: |
num_bent_test_imgs = num_bent_test_imgs + 1 |
if missid != "00000" : |
num_missingpart_test_imgs = num_missingpart_test_imgs + 1 |
for i in range(5): |
if missid[i] == "1": |
nums_missingpart_test_imgs[i] = nums_missingpart_test_imgs[i] + 1 |
num_test_imgs = num_test_imgs + 1 |
json_fixed.close() |
else: |
print(bike) |
train.close() |
query_v.close() |
galley_v.close() |
query_t.close() |
galley_t.close() |
data = {} |
data["General"] = [] |
data["General"].append({ |
'Num IDs': num_ids, |
'Num Bike types': len(models_dist.keys()), |
'Num Models': sum(len(models_dist[k].keys()) for k in models_dist.keys()), |
'Num images': num_imgs, |
'Num bent images': num_bent_imgs, |
'Num broken images': num_broken_imgs, |
'Num damaged images': num_damaged_imgs, |
'Num images with missing parts': num_missingpart_imgs, |
'Num images with missing Front Wheel': nums_missingpart_imgs[0], |
'Num images with missing Rear Wheel': nums_missingpart_imgs[1], |
'Num images with missing Seat': nums_missingpart_imgs[2], |
'Num images with missing Handlebar': nums_missingpart_imgs[3], |
'Num images with missing Pedals': nums_missingpart_imgs[4] |
}) |
data["Train"] = [] |
data["Train"].append({ |
'Num IDs': num_train_ids, |
'Num Bike types': len(models_dist_train.keys()), |
'Num Models': sum(len(models_dist_train[k].keys()) for k in models_dist_train.keys()), |
'Num images': num_train_imgs, |
'Num bent images': num_bent_train_imgs, |
'Num broken images': num_broken_train_imgs, |
'Num damaged images': num_damaged_train_imgs, |
'Num images with missing parts': num_missingpart_train_imgs, |
'Num images with missing Front Wheel': nums_missingpart_train_imgs[0], |
'Num images with missing Rear Wheel': nums_missingpart_train_imgs[1], |
'Num images with missing Seat': nums_missingpart_train_imgs[2], |
'Num images with missing Handlebar': nums_missingpart_train_imgs[3], |
'Num images with missing Pedals': nums_missingpart_train_imgs[4] |
}) |
data["Validation"] = [] |
data["Validation"].append({ |
'Num IDs': num_val_ids, |
'Num Bike types': len(models_dist_val.keys()), |
'Num Models': sum(len(models_dist_val[k].keys()) for k in models_dist_val.keys()), |
'Num images': num_val_imgs, |
'Num bent images': num_bent_val_imgs, |
'Num broken images': num_broken_val_imgs, |
'Num damaged images': num_damaged_val_imgs, |
'Num images with missing parts': num_missingpart_val_imgs, |
'Num images with missing Front Wheel': nums_missingpart_val_imgs[0], |
'Num images with missing Rear Wheel': nums_missingpart_val_imgs[1], |
'Num images with missing Seat': nums_missingpart_val_imgs[2], |
'Num images with missing Handlebar': nums_missingpart_val_imgs[3], |
'Num images with missing Pedals': nums_missingpart_val_imgs[4] |
}) |
data["Test"] = [] |
data["Test"].append({ |
'Num IDs': num_test_ids, |
'Num Bike types': len(models_dist_test.keys()), |
'Num Models': sum(len(models_dist_test[k].keys()) for k in models_dist_test.keys()), |
'Num images': num_test_imgs, |
'Num bent images': num_bent_test_imgs, |
'Num broken images': num_broken_test_imgs, |
'Num damaged images': num_damaged_test_imgs, |
'Num images with missing parts': num_missingpart_test_imgs, |
'Num images with missing Front Wheel': nums_missingpart_test_imgs[0], |
'Num images with missing Rear Wheel': nums_missingpart_test_imgs[1], |
'Num images with missing Seat': nums_missingpart_test_imgs[2], |
'Num images with missing Handlebar': nums_missingpart_test_imgs[3], |
'Num images with missing Pedals': nums_missingpart_test_imgs[4] |
}) |
with open('bike_current_split_stats.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) |