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2019 A-Levels H1 General Paper GCE A-Level & Prelim Exams GP Predictions 2. Why attempt to conquer space when so much remains be done on Earth? 3. Is true equality between the Sexes an achievable goal? 4. Is it ever acceptable to break the law? 5. The Youth of today have no high ideas for great dreams, just selfish desires and vain ambitions. How far is this true in your country ? 6. Examine the claim that politicians should not interfere with scientific research. 7. Do you agree that most modern advertising play on people’s basic fears and desires? 8. Do you think that Singapore has fully matured as a nation? 9. Discuss the causes and consequences all modern societies growing obsession with celebrities. 10. Can sport unite the world? 11. Must we accept the fact that nuclear power is the only practical solution to the world’s energy needs? 12. Is communism dead? GP Essay Skills: Suggested Answer to Q2: Why attempt to conquer space when so much remains to be done on earth? With the arrival of the new millennium, a lot of attention has been invested in space exploration, rather than solving domestic problems on earth. Millions of dollars and precious time have been poured into launching satellites and rockets and training astronauts to go into space. In the meantime, problems like poverty, famine, loss of species, global warming and the depletion of fuels and fresh water are plaguing mankind. It is only natural to believe that time and money should be spent on solving the many domestic problems of earth before embarking on space. However, despite the domestic problems, space exploration could be justified. The conditions on earth are improving already. Following the advances in technology, new equipment is being invented in the interests of earth. Cars have catalytic converters that change harmful gases to non-harmful ones, and cars are more streamlined to reduce fuel consumption. Problems like pollution and depletion of fossil fuels are already undergoing retardation. Furthermore, other problems like overpopulation, which usually results in famine and poverty, are gradually being controlled. Since the one-child policy, China’s population has gradually come under control and development in other fields like its economy is progressing. However, despite the fact that many developed and developing countries have done a lot to improve conditions on earth, many third world countries like Zimbabwe still cannot do much on their own, and require external aid. Nonetheless, due to greater awareness through the mass media, such third world countries are already receiving aid from foreign countries. Every year, students from Singapore are sent to help rebuild schools in Cambodia, which aids its development. Furthermore, with better education, people are aware of the damage to the earth and have spent much effort on protecting the earth. The banning of leaded petrol and CFC’s in most countries has contributed greatly to the well-being of the earth. Besides, Earth Summits, held every ten years, are conducted to keep check on the conditions on earth, so effort and money could be invested in space exploration. Space exploration is carried out and despite problems on earth we need to protect ourselves and ensure our survival. Movies like “Deep Impact” and “Armageddon”, which features huge asteroids colliding with earth, have raised hairs. Such situations are possible in real life and efforts to explore, work in space should be encouraged to ensure our survival should a similar situation arise. However, despite protecting ourselves from possible extraterrestrial damage, the chances of asteroids hitting us are very small. Nonetheless, even if the chances are very slim, it could still occur and threaten all life on the planet. Furthermore, if the conditions on earth were to deteriorate eventually, space exploration could save life on earth by discovering another planet suitable for living.. Thus, space exploration should be carried out, even though much needs to be done on earth. Human nature has driven us to conquer space. Humans are curious creatures by nature, and the thirst for knowledge about space, alien life forms and stars have driven us to build bigger rockets and satellites to explore space. However, many problems on earth, like global warming, require much greater attention than than simply the quest for knowledge. Nonetheless, with advancement in technology, space exploration is not as treacherous as it used to be, and it does not demand too much time, money and effort. Furthermore, there are many people on earth who still continue to solve problems on earth at the same time as others are exploring space. Hence, space exploration does not necessarily occupy all the effort, time and money required to solve problems on earth. In the light of what has been discussed, attempts to conquer space can be justified even when earth ha so many problems, as the conditions on earth are already improving, to protect ourselves and ensure our own survival, as well as satisfying our thirst for knowledge. Furthermore, there are still many people solving the problems of earth, and space exploration does not necessarily take up all the money and manpower on earth. Besides, if a new source of energy were discovered, space exploration might not be so difficult and costly , and might be as simple as driving a car. Go to: 2020 GP Predictions | GP Exams Predictions | 2018 GP Predictions
What? You have bipolar disorder? This question never surprises me; however, it does remind me of the stigma associated with mental health disorders in general. What exactly are people looking for when dissecting bipolar disorder? Are they looking for a non-functioning, irritated and disassociated zombie like human in their midst? Every time I look in the mirror, I see a woman with bipolar disorder (not a bipolar woman, see the difference there). I see a face with a story, with life. I am the person you are standing next to in line at the grocery store. I am the person you are next to praising God at church. I am the person you encounter every single day. You may never know a person with bipolar is right next to you, but we are here. Stigmas begin with one person’s fear and misunderstanding of something. A few common stigmas: - People with mental health disorders are dangerous to the community - People with mental health disorders want attention - People with mental health disorders just need to ‘snap out of it’ - People with mental health disorders are always depressed This is a very short list, but happens to be a few of the stigmas that irritate me the most. I am not dangerous. I do not fake moods to gain attention. I work my way through episodes so that I can come out the other side stronger. I am not always depressed, lying in bed, and crying in my cheerios! I try to smile at everyone I meet. I work through the highs, or mania, of my bipolar, and I work on those days I am struggling with depression. I steady myself the days my mind is racing, if I don’t, I am reckless and irresponsible- but the only one in danger- is me and my bank account. In fact, the only one in danger during any episode is-me. Depression is real, and it can lead me down a path to suicidal thoughts and actions. Lessons have been learned, and one hospital stay put me on a course to learn all I could to handle bipolar. If I had not done that, then bipolar disorder would be handling me. I used to think I was just crazy. Diagnosed in my twenties, after intense mania, and then tumbling into depression. I refused to believe the professionals for a short time. After all, I knew what people said regarding bipolar disorder. As I began assembling my mental health puzzle, it all made sense. I came to terms with the fact that this was part of me, and I could still live. It was after accepting the diagnosis that I slowly began to live. There was a peace and a freedom in knowing I wasn’t crazy after all- I was normal with a side of crazy! I will never snap out of it folks. I cannot wish it away. My prayers have never completely healed me, but they sure do calm me. By the power of Jesus, I am in a place where I can cope, accept, and live. He never leaves me, and that is guaranteed therapy and treatment right there. He guides me to additional resources, and care when needed. God does not play favorites; we all receive the same loving attention- whether we are physically or mentally ill, or perfectly healthy. Stigmas continue to plaque those of us out here. We are trying to find our way in a society that refuses to believe what we have to say. I refuse to allow your misunderstood ideas interfere with my living life to the fullest. I also refuse to live within the confines of the margins you create. If you believe stigmas, then you are the crazy one. As for me, and my bipolar community, we do not have time to worry about you. We will speak up. We will stand for all. We will continue to contribute to this world, whether or not you believe we can.
EMRFD Message Archive 2589 Message Date From Subject 2589 2009-01-11 06:10:33 joop_l Loaded Q and the amount of negative resistance Hi, I have been playing with a crystal oscillator in LT-SPICE. It seems that it is possible to "measure" the negative resistance and, when changing some parameters, show oscillation occurs when it is at least equal to the negative of the crystal Rs. But I am not sure what the final loaded Q of the crystal is. Can I safely assume the Q can be calculated with: Reff = ABS(Rs + Rneg) so e.g. Rs = 5 Ohm, Rneg = -12 Ohm => Reff = 7 Ohm and use this in Q = 1/R * SQRT(L/C) Because then theoretically the loaded Q could be even higher than the unloaded Q, provided the oscillator will still start. Giving the simulation a "jumpstart" shows that it is possible to maintain oscillation with Rneg only slightly bigger than the crystal Rs (e.g. Reff = ABS(5-8) = 3). Having a higher loaded Q than unloaded is also suggested in this article (which I cannot access, anybody?..): Joop - pe1cqp 2590 2009-01-11 09:19:48 Rick Re: Loaded Q and the amount of negative resistance Increasing the Q of a resonator by supplying a little external energy at the correct phase is the fundamental concept behind pendulum clocks, children on swings, regenerative receivers, etc. When there is an external source of energy, it is fine for loaded Q to be higher than unloaded Q. I've had modest success modeling crystal oscillators in LTspice and predicting oscillation with various measured crystal parameters. But my primary tool for improving oscillator designs is the scientific method (think, experiment, think about the measured results, design a new experiment, repeat). With oscillators I always discover something important in the measured results that the simulator doesn't predict and I didn't think about ahead of time. Interesting work--have fun, 2591 2009-01-11 14:48:08 joop_l Re: Loaded Q and the amount of negative resistance
(RNS) From the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage to the fear of Islam and the proposed religious testing of refugees, faith has exerted a mighty pull on politics this year. Fervent presidential aspirants wield faith-rooted arguments running the gamut of policy proposals. But amid the prophets on every corner and op-ed page, President Obama continues to keep his personal faith relatively private. On immigration, the president has met with evangelical leaders to position himself in unity with this strategic voting bloc, though he is not an evangelical himself. On climate change, he heralded the pope’s call to care for God’s creation, though he is not Catholic. On terrorism, he’s met with Muslim leaders to reject Islamophobia and extremism. But, contrary to the belief of some on the conservative fringe, the president is not Muslim. The president professes a fairly conventional Protestant Christian faith and lives it out through his lifelong commitment to prophetic social action as a community organizer and elected official. In a 2008 campaign interview with megachurch pastor Rick Warren, he said he believes “that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that I am redeemed through him.” But for the president, that faith entails “a sense of obligation to embrace not just words, but through deeds, the expectations, I think, that God has for us. And that means thinking about the least of these.” When the president does talk about faith, he lifts up the voices of faith leaders who agree with him on the issue at hand and makes references to religious or Christian values broadly. Take his recent remarks in Antalya, Turkey, after the Paris terrorist attacks: “We don’t feed that kind of notion that somehow Christians and Muslims are at war,” he told reporters. “In the same way that the Muslim community has an obligation not to in any way excuse anti-Western or anti-Christian sentiment, we have the same obligation as Christians.” The closest he came to personal witness was in the eulogy for the Rev. Clementa Pinckney after the shooting in Charleston, S.C. Obama declared: “As a nation, out of this terrible tragedy, God has visited grace upon us, for he has allowed us to see where we’ve been blind.” And to rousing applause, he said, “it is up to us now to make the most of it, to receive it with gratitude, and to prove ourselves worthy of this gift.” Even in a rare appearance in the pulpit, the president stuck to collective and overgeneralized statements. Speaking in such broad terms about Christianity obscures the potential power of his personal witness. But he has reason to not make it personal. The first reason concerns the cloud of suspicion hanging over the president’s faith since he was attacked both over his church pastor, Jeremiah Wright Jr., and his Muslim father during the 2008 election. This is a wound the president would rather not open, and that’s understandable. GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee opined recently that the president “pretends to be” a Christian. And a September 2015 CNN poll found that 29 percent of Americans say they think the president is a Muslim, while only 39 percent correctly answered that he is a “Protestant or other Christian.” The other reason concerns increasing secularization of the United States in general and the Democratic Party specifically. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life finds the U.S. population becoming less religious across several factors. While 77 percent of Americans still identify with a religious group, one Pew finding must have stuck out for Democratic leaders. For the first time, religious “nones” now make up the largest religious group of Democrats and Democratic-leaning adults. The president’s reluctance to make policy claims from his personal faith makes sense given the attitudes of his party and the nation as a whole. But he does have a few recent examples to draw on if he were to shift course. Vice President Joe Biden made waves talking with his fellow Catholic Stephen Colbert about his faith and the death of his son. The two top Democratic hopefuls have waded into the fraught waters of faith and politics, with Bernie Sanders speaking at Liberty University and Hillary Clinton recently preaching at the Methodist church she attended during her husband’s administration. Responding to a flurry of religious debates influencing politics might push him to engage his own personal faith in the public square more. He cited a spike in awareness and incidents about race as his reason for talking more openly about what it means to be black in America. Speaking forcefully about his personal faith and progressive policy agenda would be a welcome, timely and authentic turn for Obama in his final year in office. It would also be a throwback to why he got into politics in the first place. During the 2008 Democratic primary, before the controversy with his pastor arose he described himself as a “devout Christian,” telling a CNN forum at Messiah College that he started his community work by working with churches in the shadow of steel plants that had closed on the South Side of Chicago. With no more elections to win, what remains for President Obama is to ask: What are our religious obligations given the countless issues facing us? Perhaps the president might answer some of those questions before he leaves office. (Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons writes about faith and public policy. From 2011 to 2015, he worked at the National Immigration Forum mobilizing Christians to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to America. Follow him at @guthriegf)
It appears that the GPS satellite constellation has a glass ceiling, so to speak. GPS was designed as a 24-satellite constellation, with four satellites in six orbital planes arranged to provide maximum observability around the globe. According to the government’s Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing website, “The U.S. government is committed to provide a minimum of 24 operational GPS satellites on orbit, 95 percent of the time. The U.S. Air Force launches additional satellites that function as active spares to accommodate periodic satellite maintenance downtime and assure the availability of at least 24 operating satellites. As of August 28, 2009, there were 35 satellites in the GPS constellation, with 30 set ‘healthy’ to users.” Figure 1 shows the locations of the 35 satellites. Green squares indicate satellites marked healthy in the broadcast almanac. The numbers displayed are the satellites’ pseudorandom noise (PRN) codes. Red squares, with PRN codes, indicate satellites transmitting L-band signals but currently set unhealthy. Note that SVN24/PRN24, although active, is not included in almanacs. Blue squares indicate reserve satellites with space vehicle numbers (SVNs) in parentheses. Notice the bunching together of certain pairs of satellites. The constellation of 30 healthy satellites is not configured to maximize geometrical performance. Rather it is to help guarantee a minimal level of performance considering that many of the spare satellites are one component away from failure. Basically, the 30-satellite constellation is actually being flown as a 24-satellite constellation. But with 35 satellites in working condition, why are only 30 set healthy? Modern GPS receivers can handle all 32 PRN codes, and many studies have shown the more satellites the better as far as position accuracy and reliability are concerned. In fact, a recent Air Force Space Command article stated, “One additional GPS satellite can make a difference between getting a degraded GPS signal and getting an accurate GPS-based location, whether it is for warfighters in Baghdad or firefighters in Boston.” The current control system should, in principle, be able to handle 32 healthy satellites. Ground Control System. But, according to the GPS Wing, the de facto limit is 31 satellites. We don’t know if this is a problem related to 2nd Space Operations Squadron (2SOPS) functions or if there is some military system or equipment platform that cannot tolerate 32 healthy satellites. Further, if the de facto limit is 31 satellites, why have we had only a maximum of 30 satellites set healthy since early this year? After all, 2SOPS rightly crowed about having 31 satellites set healthy for the first time on February 27, 2008, when SVN23 was reintroduced into the healthy constellation as PRN32. Figure 2, courtesy of Ted Driver at Analytical Graphics, Inc., shows the number of satellites set healthy from 1998 onward, according to the Notice Advisories to Navstar Users (NANUs) issued by 2SOPS and the almanacs broadcast by the GPS satellites. Often, a satellite is actually set unhealthy for only a portion of the day, but this plot tallies only the number of satellites healthy for a full day. As we can see, off and on through most of 2008 and into 2009, we had 31 satellites set healthy on orbit. With 31 satellites, users benefited from better availability and accuracy and were slightly better able to handle the occasional three-satellite outages due to SVN35/PRN5 and SVN25/PRN25 being set unhealthy for extended overlapping periods. But since March 26, 2009, when SVN35/PRN5 was decommissioned from active service, we have not seen a return to 31 healthy satellites. Why is that? Ground Testing. I asked this question to Col. Dave Madden, the GPS Wing commander, during a panel discussion on GNSS program updates at The Institute of Navigation’s GNSS 2009 meeting in Savannah, Georgia, in September. Apparently, the reason why 31 satellites cannot currently be set healthy simultaneously has do with ground testing of Block IIF satellites. One PRN code is needed for the test satellite on the ground. Presumably this means that testing involves tracking the constellation in space and a IIF test satellite simultaneously. So, although everyone acknowledges that more GPS satellites are better, we have hit a 30-satellite ceiling. As IIF satellites are launched and further improvements are made to control system operations, and any incompatible old military systems are replaced or updated, perhaps we can break through this glass ceiling and have 31 or even 32 healthy GPS satellites available to users. We can hope.
Spanning the millennium between the fifth and the fifteenth centuries, The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History captures the major historical and political events in great depth and clarity, but never loses sight of the plain and often overlooked facts of life, life as lived by peasants and townsfolk, kings and monks, men and women. Hanawalt offers fascinating tidbits on diverse facets of medieval society, from herbal medical cures to table etiquette and drinking habits, from tabloid-worthy court scandals to a unique listing of the rules of a monastic order. She examines rare texts from illuminated manuscripts to Carolingian minuscule and takes us inside the awe-inspiring Hagia Sofia in Constantinople. A brisk narrative of battles and plagues, monastic orders, heroic women, and knights-errant, barbaric tortures and tender romance, intrigue, scandals, and conquest, The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History mixes a spirited and entertaining writing style with exquisite, thorough scholarship. Barbara A. Hanawalt, a renowned medievalist, launches her story with the often violent amalgamation of Roman, Christian, and Germanic cultures following the destruction and pillaging of the crown jewel of the Roman Empirethe great city of Rome. The story moves on to the redrawn map of Europe, in which power players like Byzantium and the newly-established Frankish kingdom begin a precarious existence in a "sea of tribes" (in the words of a contemporary). Savage peoplesthe bloodthirsty Germans, the wild Visigoths and Ostrogoths, the fierce Anglo-Saxons, and the Slavs to the Eastas well as the sophisticated and ever-expanding Arabs threaten each others borders, invade cities and have their own cities sacked, fight victorious battles and get conquered in turn. Hanawalt charts the spread of Christianity in Europe, maps out the trail of misery and mayhem the Crusades left in their wake, explains feudalism and Church reform, familiarizes us with the astrolabe and the masterpieces of Romanesque and Gothic architecture, tracks the progress of the Hundred Years' War, and brings great historical figures--such as Charlemagne, King Henry II, Joan of Arc, Dante, and Justinian--to life. Spanning the millennium between the fifth and the fifteenth centuries, The Middle Ages: An Illustrated History captures the major historical and political events in great depth and clarity, but never loses sight of the plain and often-overlooked facts of lifelife as lived by peasants and townsfolk, kings and monks, men and women. Hanawalt offers fascinating tidbits on diverse facets of medieval society, from herbal medical cures to table etiquette and drinking habits, from tabloid-worthy court scandals to a unique listing of the rules of a monastic order. She examines rare textsfrom illuminated manuscripts to Carolingian minusculeand takes us inside the awe-inspiring Hagia Sofia in Constantinople. Barbara Hanawalt makes use of eclectic source material, including inscriptions, chronicles, artifacts, and literature, from the Koran to the Scriptures, and from Omar Khayam to the Goliardic poems. Fascinating stories--like that of the discovery of the burial site of an Anglo-Saxon chieftain which contained, among other treasures, an entire 86-foot long shipare interspersed among the chronicles of great historical upheavals. The author takes a sweeping approach to the subject, building a comprehensive, animated portrait of every aspect of life in that period by including material on women's place in medieval society, agriculture, art and literature, religion and superstitions, philosophy, and weaponry. Lavishly illustrated with art, photographs, documents, artifacts, and maps, The Middle Ages also includes a glossary, index, chronology, and suggestions for further reading. A collection of lavishly illustrated single-volume histories, Oxford Illustrated Histories present well-documented chronologies on topics like Britain, theater, Greece, opera, English literature, modern Europe, and more. Each history includes color and black and white illustrations, as well as photographs, and is compiled by a taskforce of leading scholars in its respective field of interest. These titles are ideal for any casual reader and also, because of the scholarship, serve as companions to any budding researcher's reference collection. Barbara A. Hanawalt is the George III Professor of British History at Ohio State University. She was previously professor of history at the University of Minnesota and the director of its Medieval Studies Center. She is the author of Growing Up in Medieval London: The Experience of Childhood in History, The Ties that Bound: Peasant Families in Medieval England, and 'Of Good and Ill Repute': Gender and Social Control in Medieval England. "Hanawalt paints a broad picture of this period with all of the diversity and excitement that is too often left out. From Clovis and Charlemagne to Vladimir and Harun al-Rashid, this account successfully weaves together the complexities of competing and merging interests and the cultural and social upheavals that resulted... Illustrations are varied, appropriate, and often dazzlingly effective... This history is accurate, flowing, and fun. The appended chronology, glossary, and further reading sections successfully cap an ambitious and effective effort. This work is a godsend for young adults."--School Library Journal "The detail is rich... A valuable supplement for students researching midieval topics. Amply and well illustrated, the handsome, oversize volume includes engaging sidebars and captions, an extensive bibliography, a glossary, and a chronology."--Booklist "A scholarly but involving history of the Middle Ages... Richly illustrated with black-and-white medieval maps, drawings, illustrations, photographs, documents, and artifacts, this impressive history captures an era--its glory and its breadth."--Kirkus Reviews "[Hanawalt] covers a broad spectrum of cultures and classes, and large political movements as well as stories of individual men and women. Excerpts from letters, poetry, and other primary sources enliven her narrative, and boxed illustrations and text allow her to delve into the details of medieval life.... Hanawalt writes for an intelligent audience of adults and older teens... This book would enhance both high school and public libraries."--VOYA "Well-illustrated..., this should be a very useful...addition for any study of the Middle Ages."--Christian Schools International Have a question about this product? Ask us here.
Britain’s Brexit repeal bill heads for a vote 12 September 2017 | 9:30 am British lawmakers vote on legislation designed to sever ties with the European Union, a key test for Prime Minister Theresa May's leadership. 8 Jun 2021 Mali's coup leader is sworn in as interim president. The inauguration went forward even as the country faces increasing isolation from the international community. 8 Jun 2021 The leader of the latest military coup has named a new prime minister. Choguel Maiga, a Malian political veteran, was a key player in the protest movement against deposed president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita in 2020. 20 Jun 2021 The prime minister decided to leave just a few months after the president was re-elected. The peace deal in the Central African Republic is on unsteady ground. 21 Jun 2021 Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's party has won 53.9 percent of the vote in snap parliamentary elections called in an effort to defuse a political crisis after a war with Azerbaijan. 30 Jun 2021 The meeting comes after the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez pardoned nine Catalan separatist leaders in an atempt to improve ties. 9 Jul 2021 Members of the European Parliament in Strasbourg took their first opportunity to grill Prime Minister Janez Jansa over attacks on press freedom and the rule of law. 11 Jul 2021 Malaysia's ruling coalition's biggest party, UMNO, has withdrawn its support for Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin over his cabinet's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. 18 Jul 2021 The Nepalese Supreme Court has removed caretaker Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli from office and reinstalled his rival. Parliament is now set to reconvene in a week. 21 Jul 2021 Henry has appealed for national unity as he takes office nearly two weeks after the assassination of late President Jovenel Moise. 27 Jul 2021 The Sunni telecoms tycoon secured enough votes from lawmakers to become Lebanon's prime minister. France and the US have expressed support for the move. 11 Aug 2021 Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis says the country is facing a "natural disaster of unprecedented proportions" as wildfires wipe out hundreds of homes and force thousands to flee. He apologises to Greeks for possible "weaknesses" in the state's response, and says "those who lost homes and property will be compensated". 8 mins ago Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto appeared to have a lead over longtime opposition leader Raila Odinga as an announcement on the winner was highly anticipated. 33 mins ago An explosion at a market in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, has killed at least one person and injured many more. The initial blast sparked a fire. 33 mins ago Despite a show of force by China following US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's trip, more US lawmakers are visiting to "reaffirm the United States' support for Taiwan." 1 hour ago Harry Kane headed in a last-gasp equaliser to earn Tottenham Hotspur a barely-deserved 2-2 draw in a feisty Premier League derby at Chelsea that ended with both managers being shown red cards after the final whistle on Sunday. 3 hours ago Heavy rain and flash floods have added to the problems caused by Yemen's civil war. Despite the current truce, the humanitarian situation remains dire, and the next catastrophe might be already looming off the coast.
Aliases for GABARAPL2 Gene - GABA Type A Receptor Associated Protein Like 2 2 3 - GABA(A) Receptor-Associated Protein Like 2 2 3 5 - Golgi-Associated ATPase Enhancer Of 16 KDa 3 4 - GABA(A) Receptor-Associated Protein-Like 2 3 4 - General Protein Transport Factor P16 3 4 - MAP1 Light Chain 3-Related Protein 3 4 - Ganglioside Expression Factor 2 3 4 - GATE-16 3 4 External Ids for GABARAPL2 Gene Previous GeneCards Identifiers for GABARAPL2 Gene GeneCards Summary for GABARAPL2 Gene GABARAPL2 (GABA Type A Receptor Associated Protein Like 2) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with GABARAPL2 include Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Type 14. Among its related pathways are Circadian entrainment and Regulation of autophagy. GO annotations related to this gene include microtubule binding and SNARE binding. An important paralog of this gene is MAP1LC3C. UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot for GABARAPL2 Gene Ubiquitin-like modifier involved in intra-Golgi traffic. Modulates intra-Golgi transport through coupling between NSF activity and SNAREs activation. It first stimulates the ATPase activity of NSF which in turn stimulates the association with GOSR1 (By similarity). Involved in autophagy. Plays a role in mitophagy which contributes to regulate mitochondrial quantity and quality by eliminating the mitochondria to a basal level to fulfill cellular energy requirements and preventing excess ROS production. Whereas LC3s are involved in elongation of the phagophore membrane, the GABARAP/GATE-16 subfamily is essential for a later stage in autophagosome maturation.
1. Lomariopsis kunzeana (C. Presl ex L. Underwood) Holttum, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1939: 617. 1940. Holly fern, climbing holly fern Stenochlaena kunzeana C. Presl ex L. Underwood, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 33: 196. 1906 Petiole straw-colored, 3--12 cm, narrowly winged, base scaly. Blade oblanceolate, 7--25 × 3--6 cm, tapered toward base. Rachis winged throughout; wing ca. 0.5 mm wide. Sterile pinnae narrowly oblong to lanceolate, 3--6 × 1--1.5 cm, coarsely serrate, base cuneate. Fertile pinnae linear, ca. 3 mm wide. Hammocks, limestone sinkholes; 0 m; Fla.; West Indies in Cuba, Hispaniola. Plants from Florida differ from those of Cuba and Hispaniola by their smaller size and more deeply serrate sterile pinnae. Unlike all other species in the genus, the Florida plants rarely climb trees and freely produce fertile leaves from the terrestrial stem. According to James H. Peck (pers. comm.), the gametophytes of Lomariopsis kunzeana can often be found among the stem scales.
Not so super fuelPosted on: 26 September 2008 by Gareth Hargreaves There is little justification for using the more expensive “super fuels” at the pumps. Fuel companies make bold claims for ‘super fuels’, but Which? Car reveals they don’t save you money, improve your car’s performance, or save the environment as advertised. When you pull into your local garage to fill up the car for the week, a long journey to the seaside or to just top-up the tank for a trip to the shops you’ll find “super fuels” promising better value from their pumps. Super fuels are more expensive than their standard counterparts and advertisers often claim they can optimise a car’s economy and increase power. Three super fuels were tested; Shell’s V-Power, Tesco’s Super Unleaded and BP’s Ultimate Diesel against standard fuels, and the results found little justification for using them. Each super fuel had only a marginal effect on the emissions of measured pollutants, seemingly putting paid to environmental claims. To cut a car’s emissions, it’s better to drive less and more economically, rather than switch fuels. There may be benefits to using super fuels in the long-term as they include detergents to improve engine longevity. However, any break-even point in terms of reduced repair bills could take many years to reach. Testing Shell’s V-Power, Which? Found it gave a 1.6 Ford Focus a marginal power increase. However, filling the car on this petrol for 12,000 miles will cost you £115 more than using Shell’s standard petrol while Tesco’s Super Unleaded actually decreased the power of the Focus. A hi-tech 1.4 TSI VW Golf engine responded well to Shell’s V-Power, but there was little to choose between super fuels and ordinary petrol on economy and emissions. BP’s Ultimate diesel actual decreased the economy and performance of a 1.5 Renault Megane diesel making it the ‘super fuel’ furthest from the marketing claims in the Which? test. “For many cars it’s a waste of money paying over the odds for so-called ‘super fuels’,” says Which? Car editor Richard Headland. “The standard fuels we tested were all up to the job, whether from a major fuel brand or a supermarket. There’s no conclusive evidence to show that super fuels are better for your car in the long run – so in a time of high oil prices, why would you choose to pay more?” How To Save Money On Fuel - Shop around and use the www.petrolprices.com website. It’s free to use and after registering will tell you the cheapest filling stations near you. - Use supermarket filling stations. The supermarket petrol Which? tested was equivalent to Esso and Shell 95 Ron fuels in performance and economy terms. Supermarkets also often offer incentives such as 5p a litre off fuel if you spend £50 in store. - -Don’t panic buy. Fill up when you still have a couple of gallons left, so you have to choose a cheaper filling station. - Drive more economically. Keep your car and tyres in good nick, don’t carry excessive weight and keep a close eye on the road ahead to avoid stopping unnecessarily when approaching lights or roundabouts. - To measure your car’s economy when using different fuels, try the free fuel calculator on the Which? website at http://www.which.co.uk/advice/fuel-calculator. What are tips to save money on fuel? Do you use ‘super fuels’ when filling up? Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below. Alternatively, share your thoughts with other readers in the 50connect forums. Share with friends - Food & Drink - Home & Lifestyle - Sport & Leisure - What's on Related Blog Posts 5 May 2016How to Properly Sort and Store Your B... 2 May 2016PEACOCK FOUNTAIN IN NEW ZEALAND AND W... 29 Apr 2016Property Owner Liability for Tenants'...
No Banner to display With warmer than average temperatures the norm for much of the country, people are looking for new ways to cool off. Nothing is more cool and refreshing than sipping on an ice-cold drink while enjoying a meal made on the grill or resting in the comfort of a hammock. The garden can hold the key to some tempting new drinks and offers a chance to perk up those old stand-bys. Herbs can offer a great way to “spice” up those summer drinks. Go beyond mint juleps and mojitos to find a world filled with herbs. Basil, rosemary and even lemongrass make excellent companions for summery drinks and add an unexpected twist. Use rosemary and raspberries in lemonade or basil and strawberries in your mojito. Add cilantro and cayenne pepper to a glass of tomato juice or try adding fresh lemon grass to ginger ale. The best part about using fresh herbs is you can enjoy them all year round, not just during the summer. By using small pots or a kit like the Miracle-Gro Culinary Herb Kit, most herbs can easily be grown indoors year-round right on the kitchen window ledge. Sunlight, good soil and water are all that you need to have a taste of summer in your meals and beverages every season. Summer is a great time to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables – especially fruit. From berries to melons, the garden offers a wide selection of refreshing fruits each summer. Nearly any fruit can be turned into a drink or used to accentuate the flavor of lemonade, sangria, tea or a cocktail. Whether grapes and berries are crushed, cooked into a simple-syrup with sugar and water or used fresh from the vine, they make a wonderful base to build upon. Let raspberries be an inspiration for punches and use cherries to enliven a smoothie. Melons bring the flavor of summer to beverages as well. Freeze melon balls and use as ice cubes for a white wine spritzer or a glass of soda. Try blending watermelon with lemon vodka and some lime juice for a surprising summer martini or use a melon puree to freshen up a glass of sparkling water or ginger ale. Gardens around the country are overflowing with ripe tomatoes at this time of year and, although they taste great alone or in a salad, try drinking them for a little variety. Why not make your own garden-fresh tomato juice or Bloody Mary? Chop up some ripe tomatoes and throw them in a large pot on the stove. Add onions, celery, salt, pepper and a little sugar. Cook on a simmer until ingredients are soft. Cool and use a hand blender or food processor to blend into a smooth texture. Poor over the rocks and add a few drops of your favorite hot sauce or a shot of vodka. Whether you add alcohol or not, you can always add a fun twist by using splash of lemon juice or Worcestershire sauce. Spice it up with a touch of horseradish or a little wasabi. The garden offers up a wealth of delicious fruits, vegetables and herbs each summer. Whether you grow these goodies yourself or purchase them at a local farmers market, let nature’s bounty enhance your beverages and refresh your spirit.
Chinese families across Asia are planning cheaper reunion feasts and gifts to mark the Year of the Ox as the global economic slump forces a toning-down of celebrations. From China to Singapore, businesses that traditionally see roaring sales ahead of the Lunar New Year are grappling with sharply lower demand from budget-conscious consumers. Expensive restaurants are reporting a drop in bookings, while eateries that are fully booked say patrons are opting for cheaper meals. Businesses have also slashed prices to draw more customers. “My sales have dropped 20 to 25 percent ... The economy is bad, people are buying less,” said Yip Wai Keong, who owns Guangzhou Waxed Meats in Singapore’s Chinatown. Waxed meat is a popular delicacy for families during the New Year. Shoppers said they planned to spend less on festivities, mirroring the increasing gloom since Singapore became the first Asian economy to slip into recession last year. Singapore’s economy is projected to contract by as much as 2 percent this year and there is speculation that job cuts will increase after the Lunar New Year, which falls on next Monday. “This year, our celebrations will definitely be simpler. Economic crisis ma!” said Ah Hua, 62, a dish-collector, using local Chinese slang. “Times are bad so we should put away some money whenever we can.” Larger businesses in Singapore are also affected, with well-known restaurants, gift shops and supermarkets offering lower-priced packages. Fairprice, a supermarket chain that is owned by the government-affiliated trade union, said it expects more families to prepare home-cooked food instead of eating in restaurants. Sebastian Chia, general manager of Tung Lok East Coast restaurant, said reservations for the traditional New Year’s eve dinner were robust, but he expects business to dip after the first few days of festivities. At the Golden China Hotel in Taipei, bookings for their restaurants during the Lunar New Year period have fallen by 20 percent compared with last year. “Obviously consumers feel that they have to tighten their belts in the face of the economic uncertainty sparked by the global downturn,” a manager of the hotel said. But the Grand Hyatt Taipei said it has seen little impact on bookings for New Year dinners. Yesterday, the Taiwanese government began issuing shopping vouchers to the nation’s 23 million people to encourage them to spend. In Hong Kong, people are cutting budgets on family feasts, new clothes and cash gifts put inside red packets. The Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants and Related Trades said it would distribute food coupons worth HK$100 million (US$12.8 million) in the first three days of the New Year, the city’s media reported. Superstar Seafood chain, which has 12 branches in the city, said they were almost fully booked for the New Year because they are offering a menu that “is cheaper than homemade dinner.” In China, a survey carried out by restaurant review Web site dianping.com of 1,800 urbanites aged 22 to 35 — the country’s most avid spenders — suggested a sober mood. According to the survey, 69 percent said they would dine at restaurants charging less than 120 yuan (US$18) per person. Restaurant bookings in Beijing for dinners priced at 400 yuan to 500 yuan per person have dropped 30 percent from a year ago, the China Hotel Association said.
250 Million Kids Cannot Read. Last fall, Pencil of Promise and Soko recently announced an exclusive collaboration that will help to raise money for educational empowerment. Pencil of Promise is a for-purpose organization that increases educational opportunities in the developing world through school builds and educational programs. The 9-Piece line, all made from natural and recycled brass, features a variety of styles including Soko’s first item for men, a pocket clip. Soko will donate 20% of all revenue from net sales of the line to Pencil of Promise to build a Soko sponsored Schools in furtherance of its charitable and educational purposes in Ghana. This collaboration will serve as an example of next generation fundraising where the partner and the product are aligned. The Soko x POP model will create a impact multiplier effect from an ethical and social production to gifting that gives back.
The latest version of Google's Picasa photo-management software adds face-recognition features and simplifies geotagging. With its new capacity to match faces, Picasa 3.5 can automatically group photos in which the same person appears. Google rolled out this face recognition and grouping feature last year to the product's web hosted version, which is called Picasa Web Albums. Upon launching Picasa 3.5, the application will scan stored photos and create groups of similar faces, putting them into an album titled 'Unnamed People'. Then users can manually add name tags to the photos. Picasa will then create albums named after tagged people. It will also offer suggestions for untagged faces in other photos that the application considers are similar to faces that have been identified with names in other photos. Name tags can also be shared between albums in Picasa Web albums and Picasa 3.5, which runs on Windows and Mac OS machines. In addition to the face recognition feature, Picasa 3.5 also comes integrated with Google Maps to add geolocation information to photos. Previously, Picasa required that users install and run Google Earth to do this.
Synopses & Reviews : (Urban slang) staying up through the night, until the sun rises Breaking Night is the stunning memoir of a young woman who at age fifteen was living on the streets, and who eventually made it into Harvard. Liz Murray was born to loving but drug-addicted parents in the Bronx. In school she was taunted for her dirty clothing and lice-infested hair, eventually skipping so many classes that she was put into a girls' home. At age fifteen, Liz found herself on the streets when her family finally unraveled. She learned to scrape by, foraging for food and riding subways all night to have a warm place to sleep. When Liz's mother died of AIDS, she decided to take control of her own destiny and go back to high school, often completing her assignments in the hallways and subway stations where she slept. Liz squeezed four years of high school into two, while homeless; won a New York Times scholarship; and made it into the Ivy League. Breaking Night is an unforgettable and beautifully written story of one young woman's indomitable spirit to survive and prevail, against all odds. "From runaway to Harvard student, Murray tells an engaging, powerfully motivational story about turning her life around after growing up the neglected child of drug addicts. When Murray was born in 1980, her former beatnik father was in jail for illegally trafficking in prescription painkillers, and her mother, a cokehead since age 13, had just barely missed losing custody of their year-old daughter, Lisa. Murray and her sister grew up in a Bronx apartment that gradually went to seed, living off government programs and whatever was left after the parents indulged their drug binges; Murray writes that drugs were the 'wrecking ball' that destroyed her family-- prompting her mother's frequent institutionalization for drug-induced mental illness and leading to her parents inviting in sexual molesters. By age 15, with the help of her best friend Sam and an elusive hustler, Carlos, she took permanently to the streets, relying on friends, sadly, for shelter. With the death of her mother, her runaway world came to an end, and she began her step-by-step plan to attend an alternative high school, which eventually led to a New York Times scholarship and acceptance to Harvard. In this incredible story of true grit, Murray went from feeling like 'the world was filled with people who were repulsed by me' to learning to receive the bountiful generosity of strangers who truly cared. (Oct.)" Publishers Weekly (Copyright PWyxz LLC) The stunning memoir of a young woman who at age 15 was living on the streets but survived to make it to Harvard. Murray's story was featured in the Lifetime Original Movie "Homeless to Harvard." About the Author LIZ MURRAY was left homeless at age 15 after her mother's death from AIDS. She fended for herself on the streets, eventually returning to high school. She was accepted into Harvard, where she attended college classes for three years before taking time off to help her father, who died of AIDS. She returned to college, and is now taking graduate courses at Harvard. Liz gives speaking engagements around the country. A movie about her life, Homeless to Harvard, was made by Lifetime in 2003, and airs frequently.
Random data in a cube I - Apr. 03, 2010 |Example files with this article:| Have you ever needed to fill a cube with random data? In fact, you can do this without entering or pasting data yourself, without writing any TI process or VBA code, and with only 3 Excel formulas! I will now show you how to do it. You will want to follow along and reproduce the steps in an empty Excel sheet. The example below is worked out for a cube with 4 dimensions. Alternatively, download the first file on top of the page. - Start MS Excel and load the TM1 Perspectives add-in. - Connect to a TM1 server holding the cube to be filled. - Create 4 defined names (hit Ctrl + F3), specify server, cube name and bounds for the random numbers: Defined name Example value server TM1server cube GLdata lowerbound 0 upperbound 1000 - Add 3 formulas: Cell Formula B1 =server & ":" & TABDIM(server & ":" & cube;COLUMN()-1) B3 =IF(B$2<>"";B$2;DIMNM(B$1;RANDBETWEEN(1;DIMSIZ(B$1)))) A3 =IF(DTYPE(E$1;$E3)="N";DBS(RANDBETWEEN(lowerbound;upperbound);server & ":" & cube;B3;C3;D3;E3);DBSS(CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(65;90));server & ":" & cube;B3;C3;D3;E3)) - Copy cells: Source cells Destination cells B1:B3 C1:E3 A3:E3 A4:Ex, where x is a sufficiently large number - In the cells B2:E2, you can add the name of an element for each dimension. The element for that dimension will not be random in that case, but hard-coded. Leave the cell empty if you want randomness. - Recalculate your sheet any number of times by pressing F9. Look in the cube for the result! - The formula in column A is able to generate random string data for string cells. The letters A to Z are used for string cells, numeric cells will be between the bounds you set in the defined names. Change if needed. - As the example above is suited for a cube with 4 dimensions, you need to change the formulas accordingly if your cube has fewer or more dimensions. Just use less or more columns, and change the cell references in the DBS and DBSS functions. - If a consolidation is returned by the random index number and the cell is not a string cell, the DBS formula cannot evaluate. Hit F9 successively to generate other random combinations of elements. You could slightly modify the formula in column A to return the first componant of a consolidation (ELCOMP(server:dimension,element,1)). But if that element is a consolidation, you are stuck again. - The same applies to cells calculated by a rule, or elements/cells to which the logged in user does not have the necessary rights. - Please note that the formulas will overwrite any existing data in the cube without notifications. - A zero out procedure might be useful prior to sending the random data. Or you might want to Data Spread > Clear… cells in a view. Of course, the benefit of this is limited since you will be sending data to random combinations anyway. - The separator for arguments in Excel formulas might be different for you (a , instead of a ;) To be continued… Continue reading if you want to learn how to get past the few drawbacks:
|Syntactic Confectionery Delight| OSS and the Profit Motiveby dragonchild (Archbishop) |on Mar 03, 2006 at 11:51 UTC||Need Help??| (This is a direct response to O'reilly some sort of perl monopoly? and (OT troll) New Section: PHP. Please read those posts for the context in which this meditation is written.) The Free and Open-Source Software worlds (aka, F/OSS, and yes, they aren't synonymous) are and aren't certain things. Unfortunately, the distinction between those things is often blurred, for various reasons. I'm going to assume that, for most people, the reason is ignorance. Not blind unwilling ignorance, but "I haven't been exposed to the facts" ignorance. So, here's some facts. F/OSS is NOT: Larry (and a few others) own Perl (they have the copyright). Literally, just like I own the shirt on my back. They have chosen to give up a good portion of control normally associated with ownership over Perl, but it is not public domain. Something is public domain if there isn't a specific owner. As for the profit motive, let's look at a great example - RedHat. RedHat makes a lot of money on Linux. (Last year, they had revenues of almost $200 million dollars.) They do so in four ways: What's the upshot? A lot of companies (including my employer) make a lot of money off of F/OSS. I get paid to write F/OSS that furthers the needs of my employer. F/OSS isn't the enemy of profit ... it just means you have to profit on your work, not your shrinkwrap. My criteria for good software:
Research out of Indonesia has isolated citronellal from Cymbopogon nardus L. and confirmed its benefits for wound healing. The results were published in Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology. This study aimed to first isolate citronellal from the essential oil of C. nardus, then study its activity for burn healing in an animal model. The isolation method used column chromatography and a mixture of n-hexane-ethyl acetate as the mobile phase. The isolate obtained was used in an ointment at 0.25%, 0.5% and 1% prepared using vaseline flavum. Based on spectroscopic data, the citronellal was successfully purified from the essential oil. Furthermore, in vivo tests showed the formula containing 1% citronellal possessed good wound healing effects. This was attributed to its antibacterial efficacy to prevent infection. In addition, its known antioxidant activity was believed to accelerate the regeneration of damaged cells and form new tissue.
Can the slaughter of children in a small elementary school in suburban Connecticut have global implications? Can it change not only the gun politics of America, but also the broader political mood in the country? Can it help transform a cautious president into a bolder one, a calculating man into one of vision and action? Can that president go from a first term full of speeches about great principles to a second one in which he actually takes steps to fulfill at least some of the promise of those speeches? Barack Obama is a cool customer. Those closest to him will acknowledge it. His supporters frame it as a strength, and in some circumstances it clearly is. But it has also been a weakness. Too often he has been too inclined to do the math, split the difference, be expedient. During his first term this was clear on big issues — on climate, on extending the Bush tax cuts, on Afghanistan and, as we have all too acutely felt again in recent days, on guns. But Obama is also a father of two girls. The degree to which the horror and the heartbreak of Newtown touched him was palpable, whether it was in his first remarks on Friday or during his extraordinary Sunday night address to the people most affected by the school murders. It was not just the flicking away of tears that illustrated how deeply he was moved. It was the degree to which he set aside — finally — that characteristic Obama caution. American leaders rarely do what Obama did Sunday night. I don't recall the last time I heard an American president so bluntly state that we were failing our children and our obligations to one another. "Can we honestly say that we're doing enough to keep our children, all of them, safe from harm?" he asked. "If we're honest with ourselves, the answer's no. We're not doing enough. And we will have to change." He did not mention guns. He didn't have to. It was clear that he was saying 300 million guns in circulation is too many. It was clear he was saying that 30,000 gun deaths a year is an abomination. The United States has spent some $3 trillion combating terror since 9/11, and guns at home have killed twice as many Americans as terrorists have killed people worldwide since then. It is not just a national scandal. It is a disease, a fundamental and profound flaw in our national character. What if Newtown changed Obama for the better in much the way that 9/11 changed Bush for the worse? What if it produced real soul-searching — if only for a moment — and an acknowledgement that the greatest American leaders have been measured and distinguished by how they made us better than we were before? Whether it was the founders initiating our long struggle with the challenges of democracy, Lincoln ending slavery, Roosevelt committing us to helping the weakest among us, or Johnson shepherding through landmark civil rights laws, these men had the courage to say "We can do better." National challenges reveal the true character of both America's presidents and its people. Obama knows better than anyone that changing our gun laws won't be easy. But he sensed perhaps that the shock of Friday might start, indeed might have already started to color the rest of the political debate in Washington. And maybe — better still — he stopped caring so much about whether it did or not. For decades, serious efforts at gun control had been a third rail in American politics. Tragedy after tragedy would occur — Columbine, Virginia Tech, Tucson, Aurora — and nothing would be done. The Supreme Court, wrong as it had been on Dred Scott and Citizens United, would reassert that an anachronistic provision in the U.S. Constitution guaranteed a broad right to gun ownership, and pols would just shrug. The gun lobby was seen as potent and gun owners were seen as key to electoral margins. Every day 30 people died from gunshot wounds — in other words, every day, another Newtown — because what passes for the smart money in that D.C. said doing anything about it would be too hard. But the thing that has sustained America and helped it flourish is not that we are always right (far from it: our transgressions have regularly rivaled our triumphs), but that we sometimes see we must change. We have a system that contains the seeds of its own reinvention. And our cool, cautious president has seemed to conclude that this was one of those moments. Of course, it remains to be seen if that will be so. For all the reasons that commonsense change has yet to have come, it will be hard to produce. But one couldn't help but observe a change in the president. Some of it may have had to do with how he has grown on the job. Some of it may have had to do with his solid re-election. Some may have had to do with the fact that his tough negotiating stance with the Republicans seemed to be moving the country toward a deal on the "fiscal cliff." I repeat: Nothing is assured. Time and again, Obama has been a leadership tease, making a soaring speech and following it up with halfway measures or delays. To the doubters this time, I say: Go watch the speech. Watch Obama. Don't be distracted by relatively minor recent setbacks like the Susan Rice dust-up. After all, in the end, the president wasn't distracted. He stayed focused on the work at hand, on negotiations on the Hill, on making selections for his second-term Cabinet — even as he worked on the gun issue. Obama vowed to put forward concrete proposals in his State of the Union address. "There's already a growing consensus for us to build from," Obama said last week. "A majority of Americans support banning the sale of military-style assault weapons. A majority of Americans support banning the sale of high-capacity ammunition clips. A majority of American support laws requires background checks before all gun purchases." As far as how that may impact the rest of this world, we shall start to see the consequences fairly soon. Obama is likely to name an experienced, potent national security team that, working with a more confident president, could be an assertive, effective force on the international stage. In fact, expect them to start out actively engaging in the most urgent of the issues of the Middle East, from Syria to Iran to Egypt to the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate. And last weekend's events may have even more important implications, because at this moment in U.S. history, almost all the greatest national security challenges the country faces are domestic in nature. As historian Paul Kennedy long ago noted, great nations tend to fall from within. Not only do guns kill far more Americans than terrorists ever will, but we are suffering from grievous internal fiscal bleeding and, to date, from a political system that has been sadly dysfunctional. That dysfunction, despite what you may read, has happened before in our history. But then some crisis, some catalyst, some series of developments, produces real leadership — and that's when change and growth and progress and renewal happens. This could be one of those moments. You will see telling hints as to whether the change is real in the weeks ahead. If the president is able to cut a deal on the fiscal cliff, if he takes meaningful steps toward gun control, and if he moves on the more ambitious elements of his second term-agenda — like immigration reform, promoting investment in education and infrastructure, or shaping a sustainable national energy policy — then you will know that this is a different Obama. In his address before the Newtown vigil on Sunday evening, the president concluded with a ringing call to action. After a heartbreaking litany of the names of the murdered children, Obama said, "God has called them all home. For those of us who remain, let us find the strength to carry on, and make our country worthy of their memory." That is a tall order. But if you believe as I do that our most basic mission in life is to love our children and that it should inform every action we take, it is also precisely the right star for a head of state or a great nation to steer by. David Rothkopf is CEO and editor at large of Foreign Policy. © 2012 Foreign Policy
Hi, you guys got any ideas fleshing these out and posting them so they can be used for more then just AD&D games (Thats the only game I'v played so far so that the only game I know. Sad, is it not!). Also, where would I post these. I'm thinking in "Ideas", but I like for others to vote on them. Hope you can help and thanks The Paper Shrine of Laymeret Location: The town of Laymeret, on the south-eastern coast of Kingdom Name Location Type: Large Town Environment Type: Coastal Description: This large shrine the god Sunglory, is not famous for religious reasons as for architectural reasons. The shrine is made from white marble with black marble used for detail, and the columns covered in highly polished gold and sliver. The architectural nature of the shrine is ordered yet free flowing and seems to be almost eleven in nature. The numerous arched and vaulted roofs, ceilings, and windows are made from ½ inch thick layer of white marble that is semi-transparent. Further more, the marble has all been acid-etched to give it a paper-like appearance and feel. On sunny or even overcast days, natural light comes thru the roof and ceiling. Location History: The “Paper Shrine of Laymeret� was built in the year 9674*1363 to replace a shrine that had burned down in a city wide fire that destroyed 2/3 of the city twelve years earlier. This being the “time of great shrine�, a time comparable to earth’s cathedral craze of the middle ages or even earth’s skyscraper boom of the early 20th century and the city losing it city center in the fire and thus it’s reputation (In till the fire, Laymeret was famous of it’s huge market place). Magical Effect: No, although magic was used in its initial construction, the “Paper Shrine of Laymeret� is not inherently magical itself. However, the local towns people will use any means necessary to protect it including the use of magic. Due to the nature of the construction, the roofs and ceilings are quite fragile and will shatter like glass when hit for more then 12 points of damage, and has an AC of 1. Falling shards will do 1d8 on each hit. The city has a law that forbids the carrying of missile weapons on the grounds of the “paper shrine�, doing so will land someone with a week of jail time and a large fine (500+GP). To willing attack the shrine with a missile weapon carries the sentence of losing ones own life hand, but no one has tried as of yet. Lake of Rage Location: Northern Tugues Mountain Range, ESE of Mt Ardel Location Type: Lake Environment Type: Northern Temperate Description: The lake of rage is set high into the south eastern foothills of Mt Ardel. The lakes appearance of a small pristine C-shaped lake with no apparent water source (rain feed). Strangely, only plant life can be found living in and around the lake itself. There About ten miles from the lake, there is a three foot stone border that in encircles the whole lake. This stone border carved with an unreadable script and every forty feet there rises a pillar with a 9x9 foot base and if unbroken, all forty towers thirty feet tall and is 1x1 with a 3x3 foot top stone. Location History: Up in till three hundred years ago, the infamous lake of rage was a sacred grove to a group of elfin druids call “name�. All was well till a small theological debate blew up and all but three of the druids preceded it kill each other off (most of them drown each other in the lake itself). The lake is now considered to be a cursed grove by all local druids and a gate to the nine hells by all other. Magical Effect: Those who come in contact with the water must save vs. spell or go in to a violent rage and will attack the closest target (friend or foe) in till the lake water is washed and or dries off + 2d6 rounds. If drank, save vs. spell at -2 or alignment permanently changes to chaotic evil till “remove curse� then a “Restoration� is use. The lake water can be made save to use by removing then casting of a “bless� spell on the water that one want to make safe (1 8oz cup per level), or leaving a holy symbol in it for 1d4 turns. To cleanse and sanctified the lake, a druid of good alignment must destroy all water that is in the lake then let the rain fill it naturally (No Magic Help or outside water allowed)!!!
Reema Abbasi and a glimpse of Pakistan’s Hindu past “Historic Temples in Pakistan: A Call to Conscience” is a book-length attempt to record in pictures the history of an Islamic country’s Hindu past, especially as extremist activity mounts against Pakistan’s religious and ethnic minorities, including Ahmadis, Christians, Sikhs and Shia Muslims. Reema Abbasi, the book’s author, travelled the country to write this narrative of about 40 old religious sites, including Hindu temples in the jagged terrain of the western state of Balochistan. She also visited the Thar desert and the Indus River valley in the state of Sindh, as well as Karachi, Lahore, Punjab and dangerous stretches of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, along the border with Afghanistan. Born a Pakistani in the Netherlands, she went to school in England, college in Karachi, and then worked as a journalist. A self-described “spiritual Muslim,” she has aspects of most religions in her home, such as an idol of Sai Baba, the cross and quranic verses. “In the last 10 years, I have been focusing on socio-political [reporting] and then the whole hardliner issues here, and sectarianism. Not in the cities, but in upper north where there are pockets of extremists and terrorists. Given that climate, the kind of issues that were arising at the time and what I was writing about – I think that was the part towards this [book]. “[The shrines] were spellbinding. For me some of the structures were imbued with so much energy. … These places continue to bring so much together and serve multiple functions in their own capacity — their shelters, their inscriptions, their half-way houses for travelers, they provide relief to homeless. So in their very being they are doing so much. I think that’s the beauty of all ancient faith. Mosques do that, churches do that. That’s where all ancient faiths merge. It is very important to celebrate that kind of unity in diversity, rather than deny it,” Abbasi told India Insight in a telephone interview from Karachi. “This book concentrates on Pakistan’s fraying social order and the sad prospect of it bringing about its own destruction by documenting Hindu places of worship, major festivals, prominent orders of priesthood…,” she writes in the book’s introduction, which is dotted with Urdu poetry on faith and identity. Pakistan’s Hindus, Christians, Ahmadis and Shi’ite Muslims make up about less than 5 percent of the nation’s 180 million people. In a recent report, the U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom said the government failed to adequately protect minorities. Parts of the book mirror this anxiety, like a visit to the Balmiki Temple located in a nondescript street in Lahore, the capital of Punjab. Hindus, Christians and Sikhs congregate at the shrine of Balmiki, deity of the untouchable caste. The devotees come together in the belief that renders their respective religions “irrelevant to humanity”. Muslims also join them on important festivals. A cross is also seen inside the temple. The utopia turns out to be a facade when Abbasi writes that the Hindu residents are expected to adopt Muslim names or Christianity to “avoid upheaval”. Followers of Balmiki, the author adds, consume chicken and fish to avoid being “conspicuous”. In her travels, Abbasi stopped at shrines that faced backlash from Muslims because of the destruction of the Babri Masjid in India by a Hindu group. She contrasts stories of desecration of temples, whether due to a backlash or land disputes or commercial gain, with visits to shrines that represent a fusion of faiths, untouched by social disturbances. One of the reasons why minorities are worried is because of Pakistani blasphemy laws. The Ahmadis, for example, are not recognized as Muslims in Pakistan. The Supreme Court has ordered the government to look after the minorities, and its human rights panel says conditions are worsening. In far-flung Balochistan rests an idol that is revered by Hindus and Muslims. Umerkot, the birthplace of Emperor Akbar, becomes the symbol of a “confluence” of Hindu god Shiva and an important part of Mughal history. In the central chamber of a colourful temple is pictured a stone shivling, believed to be present during a visit by Humayun, father of Akbar. The shrine attracts many Muslims for “curative purposes or to ask for a child”. And close to Umerkot is the only Ram temple in Pakistan, situated in a Hindu-majority town. In a Sunni Muslim town, more than 200 km from Karachi, Dalit Hindus and Muslims worship a Hindu saint who embraced Islam to embody Hindu-Muslim brotherhood. Such instances of the fluidity and opaqueness of faith abound in this book. Particularly striking is the image of Muslim men in skull caps worshipping Kali inside the Kalka cave in Sindh, which attracts Hindus, Muslims and Christians from all over the subcontinent.
Stand up for the facts! Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. We need your help. I would like to contribute Republican U.S. Sen. John Cornyn of Texas recently talked taxes, budgets, abortion and more with Texas Tribune editor Evan Smith — and along the way, we heard the senator make a few statements that would have sounded familiar to PolitiFact readers. Among those was one, about Planned Parenthood, that the Truth-O-Meter has found inaccurate. Asked if Americans should be talking about whether President Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen — a question that has been raised by Donald Trump as he tests the waters for a presidential run — Cornyn called the subject a distraction. "We have really very much more fundamentally important issues to talk about," he said during the April 18 interview. Among those, Cornyn said, are "the fact that 40 cents out of every dollar that we spend is borrowed money." Our colleagues at PolitiFact National rated that 40-cent statement True after U.S. Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., uttered it during the Jan. 23 edition of the ABC-TV show This Week With Christiane Amanpour. In fiscal 2010, the federal government’s deficit represented 37 percent of its spending ($1.29 trillion out of $3.46 trillion). Brian Riedl, a budget expert with the conservative Heritage Foundation, described the situation this way: "It's like a family that earns $60,000 per year but is spending $100,000. How are they doing it? By getting a new $40,000 loan every year to cover the difference." Smith’s conversation with Cornyn then turned to the expected face-off in Congress between the White House and the Republican-controlled House over the nation’s debt limit. (In an April 4 letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said the debt limit of just over $14 trillion will be reached no later than May 16.) Cornyn said he would vote against raising the limit "unless we get some systemic reform." As an example of reform, Cornyn pointed to his proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to require that the federal budget be balanced. "We need a straitjacket around Congress when it comes to spending so that they are forced to do what 49 states are required to do and what every family business and every family is required to do, and that’s live within their means," Cornyn said. Cornyn made a more overreaching statement in an op-ed published in The Dallas Morning News on Dec. 1, writing that "all but one of the 50 states already have some form of a balanced budget amendment in their state constitutions." Not quite, we found, rating that statement Half True. According to a report from the National Conference of State Legislatures, the group "has traditionally reported that 49 states must balance their budgets, with Vermont being the exception." However, not all of the 49 states have the requirement in their constitution. The report says four have a statutory requirement. And for 43 states, the balanced-budget requirement is not a constitutional amendment, contrary to what Cornyn said in the op-ed, but has always been part of their constitutions. We also found that in some states, it’s debatable whether the balanced-budget requirements are legally binding. Later in the interview, Smith cited a study saying that for the past two years, a family of four earning the median income has paid less in federal income taxes than at any time since 1955 and asked Cornyn why Americans aren’t having "an honest conversation" about raising taxes. "I don’t mean to say we shouldn’t have a conversation about it," the senator said. "We ought to talk about why is it that 47 percent of wage-earners in America pay no income tax." A similar claim jiggled the Truth-O-Meter on April 28 when PolitiFact Florida gave Republican congressional candidate Allen West a Barely True for saying that "we have some 40-45 percent of Americans who are not paying any taxes." That rating hinged on the fact that the percentage he quoted relates only to federal income taxes. By contrast, Cornyn specified "income tax" — but did not account for people who pay state but not federal income taxes. More than 40 states, not including Texas, have a state income tax. According to the Tax Foundation, a group that analyzes federal income tax issues, no income taxes were owed on 36.3 percent of federal returns filed for 2008. For 2009, PolitiFact Florida found a different measure: The Tax Policy Center, a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution, estimated that 46.9 percent of Americans paid no federal income taxes that year. Back to the Tribune interview: Shifting to a subject at the center of the recent federal budget debate, Smith asked Cornyn whether "defunding Planned Parenthood" is really an emergency that the country should be focusing on. Cornyn responded that Planned Parenthood had become part of a larger fight about the federal government spending money on things that aren’t essential to its functioning. He then said, "It’s hard to get good information in terms of what Planned Parenthood’s activities actually are." Smith responded by asking whether Cornyn agreed with Republican Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona that "90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does is abortion — that seems to have been thoroughly repudiated." PolitiFact National gave Kyl a False rating for making that statement April 8. Planned Parenthood says abortions accounted for just under 3 percent of services provided at its clinics in 2009, the most recent year for which the group reported statistics. Its other services include contraception provision (35 percent), sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment (35 percent) and cancer screening (16 percent). Kyl’s office later said that the senator’s remark "was not intended to be a factual statement but rather to illustrate that Planned Parenthood, an organization that receives millions in taxpayer dollars, does subsidize abortions." To Smith’s suggestion that Kyl’s claim has been debunked, Cornyn said: "Well, I’m not so sure. ... I mean, I’ve been told that 98 percent of the services they offer to pregnant women are abortion-related services. I’m not sure, but I think we ought to find out." PolitiFact Ohio did just that after Republican U.S. Rep. Jean Schmidt of Ohio said April 14 that "for every 33 pregnant women that walk into a Planned Parenthood clinic, 32 receive an abortion" — a ratio that equals 97 percent. Schmidt cited reports produced by several anti-abortion organizations, including Americans United for Life and Concerned Women for America, stating that about 98 percent of Planned Parenthood’s services to pregnant women are abortion procedures. That statistic was derived from a Planned Parenthood fact sheet that says in 2009 the group performed 332,278 abortions, referred 977 women to other agencies for adoptions, and provided prenatal care to 7,021 patients. The 98 percent statistic is based on two key assumptions: that those services were the only ones sought by pregnant women at Planned Parenthood and that they were equivalent to the total number of pregnant women seen at the group’s facilities. PolitiFact Ohio found those assumptions flawed. First, they ignore other services received by pregnant women, such as pregnancy tests (2009 total: 1.2 million). Second, only a small proportion of Planned Parenthood facilities — 63 out of more than 800 around the country — provide prenatal care, said Tait Sye, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The rest refer pregnant women to other health care providers for those services, and Planned Parenthood doesn’t track those referrals. Third, the group doesn’t "ask the pregnancy status of every woman that walks into Planned Parenthood," and plenty of pregnant women use the clinics for other services, like breast exams, Sye said. Consequently, he said, it’s "impossible to calculate an accurate percentage if you don’t know the total number of pregnant women it is based on." Schmidt received a False. Texas Tribune, video of interview with Sen. John Cornyn, April 18, 2011 U.S. Treasury Department, "Secretary Geithner Sends Debt Limit Letter to Congress," April 4, 2011 Planned Parenthood, 2009 services fact sheet See related PolitiFact statements
Possible Tax Structure Deal June 13, 2007June 13, 2007. Legislative news service reports that the working group negotiating a deal on the new business tax has come to a tentative agreement that the new tax base will be a modified gross receipts tax and a business income tax. The gross receipts tax will generate two-thirds of the replacement revenue and the business income tax will generate one-third. The gross receipts tax will provide a deduction for tangible property purchases and be imposed at a rate of .75 percent. This is essentially the modified gross receipts base proposed in the Senate BEST plan. The business income tax is a tax on profits and will be imposed at an as yet unspecified rate. An alternative business tax would be made available for small businesses at a rate of 1.85 percent. New credits would be offered for compensation, investment and R&D in Michigan . Businesses would get a 35 percent personal property tax (PPT) credit. The PPT credit for commercial businesses would be 23 percent. More detail is expected over the next few days.
This section is about the music’s appearance. For instructions on how to import document files, see the User Guide. The Music must be professionally engraved and must use conventional notation. What’s My Note? reads vocal lines only. It does not recognize piano and instrumental parts. What To Do If It Fails If your music will not photograph on the first pass, retry. But do not persist in retrying; the image may eventually get past the software’s safeguards, but is likely to contain errors when played. Instead, try one of these fallbacks: Fallback A. Rotate the camera 90 degrees, and photograph half of the page (full width, half height). This makes the image larger, and easier for the computer to interpret. Fallback B. Print an enlarged copy of your original page. (For example, photograph the full page or half of the page using the Camera App, then print it from your phone or from your computer onto a full sheet of paper). Correct the gaps and blurred ledgers (see below), using a thin pencil. Then use What’s My Note? to photograph the corrected copy. Photocopies, screen grabs or low-resolution images downloaded from the Internet will probably fail to be read. Photographing the screen of another device will not work. (Screen images do not have sufficient resolution.) Sweet Adelines uses music produced for internal use, some of it decades old. The staff lines may be unevenly spaced, and the lyrics may overlap the note stems. This is moderately confusing, even to human readers. Here are some errors that we have seen in printed music, which caused What’s My Note to reject the page. Music that is faded, or contains gaps. This image contains a flat, but it is barely visible Accidentals are occasionally misplaced in older printed music. This might not be evident on first glance. Ledger lines can be particularly troublesome. They can be blurred (A) or positioned too far from the staff (B). Ties from one staff to another.
Earth Day is April 22 Since 1970 people have been celebrating Earth Day, both in the United States and in other parts of the world. The Earth Day Network has announced its global campaign for 2003-2004. There are several ways to get involved . One of the easiest is to plant a tree. For more Earth Day information, go to http://www.earthday.org
I don't think there is any such thing as detachment when you're photographing. You have a point of view and if you haven't, your pictures don't show anything about the people you are working with ... © Martine Franck / Magnum Photos What do you think of these photos? Join the Fray, our reader discussion forum We may remember the last year as when we accepted global warming as a present, and scary, reality. Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma, stars of the most active Atlantic hurricane season on record, drove home the potential correlation between warmer waters and tropical storms. Scientists reported that the Greenland ice sheet is disappearing faster than expected, threatening rapid sea-level rise. And even the Bush administration, famously skeptical of climate change, launched a review to determine whether polar bears should be placed on the endangered-species list because their habitat is melting. These images are taken from the photographic book and exhibition NorthSouthEastWest, which was developed by the Climate Group in partnership with the British Council. These arresting photos demonstrate the far-reaching effects of global warming but also highlight how emissions are being reduced around the globe. — Paul Sabin, executive director, Environmental Leadership Program KENYA — Mount Kenya, Africa's majestic second-highest peak, contains the remnants of fast-disappearing snowfields, 2004. The rain soaked up by the forests on the mountain's lower slopes not only feeds the springs and rivers but also produces its own clouds and rain, which helps sustain the grasslands. / Magnum Photos |> Watch the interactive essay||> Watch the interactive essay| |World of Changes| by Thomas Hoepker Photographing for over 50 years, Thomas Hoepker has seen a world of change through his lens, from the Cold War division of his native Germany to the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11th. by Harry Gruyaert Belgian photographer Harry Gruyaert draws creative inspiration from the places where earth meets sea. And while the shoreline may not be always be the main focus of his pictures, it forms a backdrop as regular as the pounding surf. |> View selected images| |Book of the Week: Hot Light/Half-Made Worlds| by Alex Webb |This book features people of the tropics in spaces of both shadow and light. These portraits show people living in hybrid lands mixed with new and old, where natural beauty and human desperation coexist. | |> View selected images| |Zoom In: Canberra Balloon Fiesta| by Trent Parke |From April 15 to 23, the Parliamentary Triangle in Australia's capital city, Canberra, will once again be the sight of the Canberra Balloon Fiesta. Each day at sunrise, more than 50 hot-air balloons of all shapes and sizes will float over the city. A native of Australia, Trent Parke photographed the event in 2003, from the expansion of the floating giants before dawn to their landing and deflation at night. |
Pharmacy Near Me in 2020 Where to find a Pharmacy Near Me? If you are looking for pharmacies near of your location, just use the locator map to find all the information that you need. Locations, phones and hours of pharmacies. If your doctor has prescribed a particular medication to you, it is important that you take it the right way to avoid any negative impacts on your health. After all, the primary goal is to recover from pain instead of allowing the medicine to do more harm than good to you. Thus, these medication tips on proper use will guide you in getting maximum benefits to your condition. Use this map to find pharmacies near you and their hours of operation: Find A Pharmacy Near Me Now – Use The Map What to Consider When Taking Medications For pain relief, you have to be aware of the type and intensity of pain that you are experiencing. Is the pain just momentary, persistent, or has it been around for quite a while now? It is best that you always check and follow the recommendations of your doctor when taking medicines including the schedule, duration, and dosage. Once the period for taking it is over, you should stop to avoid dependence or high tolerance. Here are medication tips that will help you relieve any sort of pain or discomfort without suffering from side effects from medicines. 1. Discuss with your doctor all symptoms you are experiencing. If you have been suffering from pain for quite a while now, be sure to set an appointment with your physician and inquire about the best medication for your condition. Untreated pain impacts the quality of your life and limits your performance level. Your doctor should be able to give you options when it comes to medications that work for your case. Some drugs should only be taken when necessary while others are safe to use round-the-clock. Based on your symptoms and overall health condition, your doctor should be able to prescribe the right option for your needs. 2. Start with low dosage. It is best to begin with the lowest dosage of medication instead of going too high and strong. This applies in particular if you have never taken any medicines in the past, or the prescribed medication is very potent. Slowly increase the dosage according to your doctor’s recommendation to avoid side effects that may overwhelm you. 3. Visit your doctor for follow-ups. Update your doctor about any improvements you are experiencing, or whether your condition is getting worse. In this case, you may be required to take other medications or have any changes with the dosage you are taking. Also, you may no longer need the medicine, so there is no point to continue taking it when not necessary. 4. Take caution when taking two or more medications. It is dangerous and even life-threatening to combine different types of drugs. There are also side effects when you mix prescription and OTC drugs with herbal and nutritional supplements, as well as certain beverages and food items. Hence, discuss with your doctor other medications you are taking to spare yourself from negative impacts on your health. Taking medications is a crucial thing to do, so make it a point to consult your doctor for proper dosage, duration and schedule to follow. Follow-ups should also be done to determine any progress and if there is a need to discontinue the medication.
Why Mold Protocol and Post-Remediation Testing is Recommended for your Riverside Home Mold Remediation Protocol Mold Remediation protocol accurately assesses the proper treatment and removal of mold in areas of a building that have been affected by mold. Mold lab results can be combined with the findings of the professional mold inspection and an intimate understanding of the property’s layout. Using all of this knowledge and data, the remediation professionals can devise a plan that is tailored to the specific mold problems impacting a client’s property. Adhering to the protocol’s instructions ensures that the company performing the remediation can complete the process safely and promptly. Among other things, the protocol can specify when carpets, furniture, and other items that have been impacted by mold can still be cleaned and when it’s time for these materials to be removed. Steps of the Protocol The following are the steps required during the protocol process. The property’s present conditions are surveyed and discussed with a person who is authorized to handle the property’s affairs. The areas that were affected are given a physical site assessment. The site assessment accomplishes several functions: the site assessment visually inspects the damage(s), gathers temperature and relative humidity (RH) readings, takes air samples and direct samples for mold (if necessary), and collects room dimensions to draft the required floor and room drawings to specify the location(s) of concern. Non-viable spore trap air sampling is designed to get an approximation of the concentration of airborne microbial (fungal) spores. The most commonly used entrance of the property is used to collect at least one outside sample. After the outside sample is taken, air samples are gathered in the property’s areas of concern. If elevated airborne spore concentration levels are detected, this may mean that there is one or more indoor microbial reservoir(s). It may also mean that the microbial remediation plan must include either the cleaning of the HVAC system(s) or of personal effects within the building. Direct sampling is used to pinpoint the type and relative concentration of the microbial spores that have affected tested materials. The direct sampling results are also used as source contamination reference material during the air sampling process. California State Guidelines At present, California has no state regulations about mold inspection, assessment, or remediation. Any business is subject to local requirements, such as for a business license. A company performing building construction or improvement valued at $500 or more (labor and materials costs) must have a state contractors’ license. Benefits of a Protocol A protocol ensure that mold contaminations are properly assessed to facilitate the remediation process. It protects property owners from having to pay for additional remediation fees. It also provides a safe and healthy environment for visitors, residents, remediation companies, and property owners. Why Post-Remediation Testing is Recommended Mold is not always visible and is capable of hiding away quietly inside of walls and deep under foundations eating away at the crucial structures of your home. It is also very common that complications related to the health of those who come into contact with mold are reported. Mold remediation, the treatment and/or removal of mold, can be costly but not nearly as costly as a failure to address the issue. The longer mold goes unnoticed and unmitigated, the further it can spread and more damage it can cause. If you discover a potential mold problem, you should absolutely have it tested and addressed. However, remediation efforts should always be followed up with a post-remediation mold test. Why Do I Need the Post-Remediation Test? A post-remediation test is sometimes referred to as a clearance test. It is essentially the same test that was conducted to find mold in the first place, only this time there should be no high concentrations of mold spores in the samples taken. If the air samples show the number of spores have been reduced to normal levels or below, the problem has been addressed correctly. If proper protocols are not followed, however, mold will continue to grow without you being aware of it. A post-remediation clearance test is the only true way to determine if your remediation was successful. Ordering the test allows you to either have the peace of mind of knowing your home is mold-free or have the remediation company revisit the remediation to achieve the necessary results. SERVPRO of West Riverside City Our franchise performs the remediation portion of the mold process and has certified professional mold technicians. If you believe you have a mold issue and are seeking the help of a highly trained professional, give us a call today at (951) 351-8033.
A large signal nonlinear MODFET model from small signal S-parameters Tipus de documentText en actes de congrés EditorInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Condicions d'accésAccés obert A general technique for predicting the MODFET large signal performance has been developed. The technique is based entirely on experimental data (small signal S-parameters at different biased points) and therefore is independent of the structure of the FET. Software requirements include a program to fit an equivalent circuit to S parameter data; a simple least-square polynomial approximation program; and SPICE for nonlinear time-domain simulations. Hardware requirements are basically limited to a network analyzer to carry out the small-signal S parameter measurements. Measurements at 10 GHz confirm the validity of the model. CitacióO'callaghan, J., Beyer, J. A large signal nonlinear MODFET model from small signal S-parameters. A: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. "Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 1989 IEEE MTT-S International". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1989, p. 347-350.
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Marking a rare bright spot among gloomy emerging markets, Argentina sold $16.5 billion of sovereign debt on Tuesday in its first international bond issue since its record 2002 default. Most proceeds from the auction, which was four times oversubscribed, will go to finally settling Argentina’s messy legal dispute with investors over unpaid debt that emerged from the $100 billion default that plunged millions of middle class Argentines into poverty. New President Mauricio Macri hopes closing that painful chapter in the country’s history will bring down borrowing costs across Latin America’s third largest economy and attract the investment needed to kickstart growth. Investors seemed convinced of his strategy on Tuesday. Argentina received offers worth $68.6 billion from investors around the world, two third of them based in the United States, Finance Minister Alfonso Prat-Gay said late on Tuesday. “We could even have issued twice as many bonds,” Prat-Gay told a news conference in Buenos Aires. “On Friday, when we receive the funds in our account, we will pay the $9.3 billion owed to holdouts.” Argentina managed to sell the bonds at yields at the lower end of its price guidance due to the strong interest. It sold $2.75 billion worth of 3-year notes at 6.25 percent, $4.5 billion of 5-year bills at 6.87 percent, $6.5 billion of 10-year bonds at 7.5 percent and $2.75 billion of 30-year bonds at 7.62 percent. “Argentina is a grab-fest out there,” one New York-based investor told Thomson Reuters publication IFR earlier in the day. Macri, a free markets champion, won the Argentine presidency last year on promises of opening and restarting the stagnant economy. He argued settling with the “holdout” creditors from an earlier debt restructuring and ending Argentina’s status as a markets pariah was key. That was a major contrast with his predecessor as president, Cristina Fernandez, who refused to negotiate with hedge funds that rejected the country’s 2005 and 2010 restructurings which offered about 30 cents on the dollar. The funds sued in the U.S. courts for full repayment of the defaulted Argentine bonds they still hold. Fernandez called them “vultures” for picking on the carcass of the Argentine economy. “The fact that a government with only four months in power has solved this issue, which had been pending for more than a decade, is a major success for Macri,” said Ignacio Labaqui, who analyzes Argentina for consultancy Medley Global Advisors. Better access to financing is expected to help Macri carry out his open-market policy reforms without the severe spending cuts that have gotten previous Argentine leader thrown out of office. Additional reporting by Gabriel Burin, Brad Haynes and Jorge Otaola; editing by Meredith Mazzilli Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Analysts at Deutsche Bank have warned that even a mega industry loss event might not be enough for reinsurers to sufficiently push up pricing due to capacity and capital, further evidence of the flattening of the market cycle. Global reinsurance capital stands at an estimated $565 billion of which alternative capital makes up approximately $72 billion, says Deutsche Bank citing data from reinsurance broker Aon Benfield in a recent report. The report explains that since 2012 the volume of alternative reinsurance capital in the space has tripled from $24 billion to the level reported today, and although there has been a slowdown in the influx of third-party capital into the industry in recent quarters, it is expected to continue entering the space as a permanent source of capacity and to continue growing its share. The record level of total, global reinsurance capacity reported by Aon Benfield at a time of benign losses (although cat losses have picked up somewhat in the first-half of 2016) coupled with a lack of demand, has resulted in an overcapitalised marketplace where buyers of protection are able to benefit from favourable rates and terms. In response, reinsurers have been waiting for the next big event to remove some of the abundance of capital in the sector, enabling them to push up rates, ultimately bringing an end to the softening market cycle. However, according to Deutsche Bank the excess capacity in the space and the abundance of both traditional and third-party reinsurance capital sat on the sidelines waiting to enter the market after the next large event, suggests a much smaller price surge post-event than in previous years. Even in the event of a 1-in-200-year U.S. hurricane. Regarding alternative capital, Deutsche Bank said, “As long as rates stay low, we see no reason why investors should be scared away from this market segment, as it should offer new investment opportunities. We simply expect a shift, with capital that just got hit from the hurricane loss staying away, while new money flows into the market.” “We therefore expect that any price surge following a mega event would be smaller this time, and it remains to be seen whether this would be sufficient to re-coup the losses,” continued Deutsche Bank. Historically, after a large loss event demand surges and prices rise, enabling reinsurers to earn back losses from the event that took place and achieve more desirable rates. But with a high volume of alternative reinsurance capital sat on the sidelines, and also the strong capitalisation of the large traditional players operating in the space, such as Munich Re, Swiss Re, Hannover Re, Berkshire Hathaway’s National Indemnity/GenRe, and SCOR, any price surge could be substantially reduced. In Deutsche Banks view, Swiss Re would stand to benefit the most from any surge in pricing following a mega natural catastrophe because it has the highest exposure to nat cats, “and therefore should have the best starting position to benefit from a post-event price increase.” But, overall, “We believe that the strong capitalization even after a big event will be one the reasons why, following a big hurricane, prices might not see the same hikes as after previous events, e.g. after hurricane Andrew in 1994,” said Deutsche Bank. Since the volume of third-party reinsurance capital really started to influence the marketplace and expand to a meaningful size, numerous industry experts and analysts predicted that the traditional market cycle would likely be much flatter in the future, where peaks and troughs will be less dramatic. Deutsche Bank expects a similar trend to occur with the reinsurance market cycle post-event, with alternative and traditional capital combining to continue to drive sector disruption, ultimately resulting in structural lower but more stable reinsurance pricing. Discussing the reported wealth of capacity waiting to enter the space, Deutsche Bank highlights Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary National Indemnity/GenRe as an example, citing the admission from the firm that should the sector experience a $250 billion event, for example, Berkshire would “remain awash in cash and be looking for large opportunities to write business.” Furthermore, despite the ILS market being largely untested in the face of a large loss event, investors now have an increased sophistication and understanding of both the underlying risks and the benefits of investing in the space. This could see those same investors recapitalise and look to redeploy in the diversifying, uncorrelated asset class or, new ILS investors enter the market to fill the gap and take advantage of any surge in pricing, albeit moderated. So with re/insurers like Berkshire Hathaway seemingly able to deploy vast amounts of capital into the sector following a mega loss event, the strong capitalisation of reinsurers like Swiss Re and Munich Re, and the expected permanence and persistent inflow of ILS capital, it’s not too surprising that Deutsche Bank expects a price surges of a smaller magnitude. The report estimates that a 1-in-200-year U.S. hurricane event would cause an economic loss of up to $250 billion, and an insured loss of $150 billion, resulting in the removal of 10% to 15% of overall traditional capital. But owing to the factors mentioned throughout this article, Deutsche Bank “questions whether even a cut of industry capacity by 10-15% would be big enough to lead to any meaningful price surge in the aftermath of such a big hurricane.” Subscribe for free and receive weekly Artemis email updates Sign up for our regular free email newsletter and ensure you never miss any of the news from Artemis.
Investment is fraught with danger, so sensible investors will use the holiday period to take stock of the risks and opportunities in store for their portfolios over the next 12 months. Some threats, such as a cut in a company’s dividend, can often be spotted before disaster strikes. But others appear from nowhere and cannot be prepared for. For example, events on the international political scene can send stock markets tumbling. Here we look at five of the greatest risks to your investments in 2015 - and at how you can avoid them. Markets that have become too expensive When investing in any global stock market it's important to check its valuation. There are several different measures that can used to indicate whether a stock market is “expensive” or “cheap”. The three most common are the price-to-earnings (p/e) ratio, the "cyclically adjusted" price to earnings (Cape) and the "price to book" (p/b) ratio. For more on how these valuation measures work click here. Using these measures, two countries - America and Indonesia – look expensive. On each metric, both stock markets are valued more highly than their historic average. Anyone who invests in these markets today risks buying in too late. In 2014 both hit new all-time highs, adding to concerns that they are overvalued. As the chart shows, the S&P 500, the broadly based index of US shares, has risen by about 22pc so far this year. Indonesian shares listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange are up by 25pc in 2014. The S&P 500 index over the past year Source: FE Trustnet Action you can take For those who hold US investments or own an Indonesian fund it may be worth taking stock and bagging some profits. Darius McDermott of Chelsea Financial Services, the fund shop, said: “One of the biggest risks is backing a stock market that has performed well and become pricey. Thankfully there are plenty of other opportunities for investors to put their money elsewhere in a cheaper market that could potentially net bigger returns from here.” The US dollar is rising in value and expected to appreciate further. This causes other currencies to lose value - bad news for British investors who have investments denominated in those currencies. Say you have an Asia-Pacific fund and currencies there fall by an average of 10pc against the dollar. They may well lose the same amount against the pound. If you needed to sell your Asia-Pacific fund at that point, the amount you received in sterling would also be 10pc less, even if the fund itself had held its value in local currency terms. Brian Dennehy of Fundexpert.co.uk, the fund shop, said a strengthening US dollar was the “biggest threat” investors would face in 2015. Many countries will welcome, or even encourage, a weakening in their currency, which tends to boost exports. If several countries do this simultaneously, Mr Dennehy said the result could be a “currency war”. This would particularly hurt investors who have exposure to China and Japan, he said. “Outside the US, the rest of the world is on a knife edge. As fear builds over stalling economic growth, governments and central banks see cheaper currencies as the road to salvation,” Mr Dennehy said. “The likes of China and Japan could start a currency war. Both want a weak currency and as friction increases and protectionism looms it will be a race to the bottom as they try to beat each other.” Action you can take If you are investing for 10 years or more, currency fluctuations should smooth out. But over shorter periods sharp currency falls can lead to painful losses. One option when investing in markets such as China and Japan is to choose a fund that “hedges” currency swings. By doing so British investors should get the same return on the country's stock market as local savers. Read more: How foreign currencies affect your investment returns Investments susceptible to deflation Savers may view lower inflation as a good thing, but when it falls too low and is replaced by deflation it can cause a long-term headache for investors. When deflation strikes, many companies have to reduce the price of their goods or services. This is bad news for the economy and the stock market. According to Philippa Gee, a financial adviser, British investors who stick to their home market do not have too much cause for concern at the moment, but those who own European funds or shares should be more worried. “I have noticed a distinct change in investor concerns in recent weeks as their attention has moved to the risk of deflation," she said. "The main risk, however, is deflation in Europe rather than here in Britain, so any investor with European exposure needs to think very carefully and review their holdings." Action you can take A well diversified portfolio, with investments in a range of assets, will help you cope with a range of economic headwinds, including deflation. Ms Gee said a global income fund or a strategic bond fund would be “sensible options”. “Investors should be careful with their choices and pick a flexible fund manager who can take a view on deflation and radically alter the portfolio if need be,” she said. Sectors that have become too fashionable All too often, investors cannot resist buying a “hot sector” that has soared over a short period. As with expensive stock markets or shares, the worry is that investors are buying in too late, at the top of the market, and are more likely to lose money than make it. Fashionable sectors at the moment include India funds, which have been the best performers so far this year. Both Neptune India and Jupiter India have returned more than 50pc so far in 2014. But the one fund sector that experts say has “shot the lights out” over the past two years and should now be avoided is infrastructure investment trusts. The rush of money into these funds has meant that two of the most popular, HICL Infrastructure and John Laing Infrastructure, are both trading at a 15pc premium to the value of their assets. This means that investors who buy now are effectively paying an upfront charge of 15pc. Action you can take Adrian Lowcock of Axa Wealth said investors buying into these funds today were following a passing trend. “Investors are effectively paying for two or three years' worth of performance in advance because of the high premiums," he said. "This is an area that investors who missed the boat should avoid getting involved in.” The general election Investors will need to keep a close eye on shares exposed to political meddling as we approach the election in May next year. Certain sectors appear to be in the firing line if Labour wins the election. These include bookmakers. The Labour party has outlined plans to introduce a levy on all sports betting if elected. Currently only gambling on horse racing is subject to a levy, but a wider tax is being considered, which could hit bookmakers’ revenues and weigh on the share prices of Britain’s listed bookmakers, Ladbrokes and William Hill. Another potential target for Labour is food and drinks companies. Guy Ellison of Investec Wealth & Investment said Labour could impose extra taxes on fatty or sugary foods. This could spell trouble for AG Barr, which sells a number of popular soft drink brands, including Irn Bru and Tizer. Mr Ellison said pub companies that derived a significant portion of their revenues from food sales could also be affected. One is Greene King, which generated 41pc of its sales from food in 2014. Action you can take Experts said investors should ignore the “political noise” and stick to reliable blue-chip shares that derive most of their revenues outside Britain. These businesses, the likes of GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Royal Dutch Shell, have huge international operations so the effect of any politically imposed changes in Britain is likely to be muted. • Investment ideas every week by email – sign up here • More fund news and ideas: bookmark telegraph.co.uk/investing
In clinical practice, anaerobic threshold (AT) is used to guide training and rehabilitation programs, to define risk of major thoracic or abdominal surgery, and to assess prognosis in heart failure (HF). AT of oxygen uptake (V.O2; V.O2AT) has been reported as an absolute value (V.O2ATabs), as a percentage of predicted peak V.O2 (V.O2AT%peak_pred), or as a percentage of observed peak V.O2 (V.O2AT%peak_obs). A direct comparison of the prognostic power among these different ways to report AT is missing. Reference: Pick your threshold: a comparison among different methods of anaerobic threshold evaluation in heart failure prognostic assessment. Salvioni E, Mapelli M, Bonomi A, Magrì D, Piepoli M, Frigerio M, Paolillo S, Corrà U, Raimondo R, Lagioia R, Badagliacca R, Filardi PP, Senni M, Correale M, Cicoira M, Perna E, Metra M, Guazzi M, Limongelli G, Sinagra G, Parati G, Cattadori G, Bandera F, Bussotti M, Re F, Vignati C, Lombardi C, Scardovi AB, Sciomer S, Passantino A, Emdin M, Passino C, Santolamazza C, Girola D, Zaffalon D, De Martino F, Agostoni P; MECKI score research group. Chest. 2022 Jun 23:S0012-3692(22)01184-9.
Many of the most basic steps of life, from conception to death, are guided by chemical processes. Are you interested in fields such as genetics, microbiology, physiology, immunology, or other biological disciplines? Knowledge of biochemistry is essential to understanding each of these. If you’re interested in careers involving chemistry or biology, or want to pursue a career in medicine, knowledge of biochemistry is an asset. In addition to helping you prepare for graduate studies in several fields, biochemistry graduates can work for laboratories and pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies. Studying biochemistry at Manhattanville College gives you access to hands-on experiences you couldn’t dream of getting at a larger institution. Team up with faculty members to work on research projects – and complete your own. That kind of work will put you in a position to excel at graduate studies in biochemistry, as well as such fields as genetics, microbiology, physiology, immunology, and other biological and chemical fields. In addition, the biochemistry makes a good major for pre-med students, as it gives you a clearer understanding of the medical sciences. Current information about degree program requirements can be found in the official College Catalogs.
FBI sounds alarm on BlackCat ransomware The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued a warning regarding the BlackCat ransonware-as-a-service (RaaS). The ransomware is reported to have hit at least 60 entities globally since its emergence in November of last year to March 2022. Also known as ALPHV and Noberus, BlackCat is notable for being the first malware ever written in the Rust programming language. The language is known for being memory safe and offering improved performance. “Many of the developers and money launderers for BlackCat/ALPHV are linked to DarkSide/BlackMatter, indicating they have extensive networks and experience with ransomware operations,” the FBI said in an advisory issued last week.
Whether air conditioning is necessary or not depends upon the context of your question. If you are a landlord and wondering whether you must legally provide air conditioning capabilities to your tenants, your answer may be different than someone that is simply wondering if they need an air conditioner for health reasons. The answer can also vary greatly depending upon the climate zone in which you live. Here in Southern California, we have multiple climate zones within a relatively small area where the temperatures can fluctuate greatly. In the cool coastal climate zones where temperatures are moderated by the cool Pacific Ocean temperatures, you could probably get by without an air conditioner for the vast majority of the year, but further inland in the desert climate zones, temperatures can reach extremes nearing—and sometimes exceeding—triple digits. Temperatures in this range can be very dangerous to human health, so in climate zones like these, we absolutely recommend having an air conditioner installed. If you have an air conditioner and it has stopped working, call us for air conditioning repair before the summer heat arrives in full force! Is an Air Conditioner Required in My Rental Property in California? In California (and most states) air conditioning is not required in rental properties. Air conditioners are considered a luxury item and not a necessity like a furnace. That’s not to say it is a good idea to forego the air conditioning system in a rental property. Renters today expect certain amenities and air conditioning just happens to be one of them. Renting a property with air conditioning capabilities will not only allow you to charge a higher price for rent, it will likely help you get your property off the market more quickly. Need an Air Conditioner for Your Southern California Home? If you have decided that you need an air conditioner for your Southern California home, the air conditioning professionals at Action Air can help! We will give your home a thorough assessment—free of charge—to determine the AC system that is ideal for your home’s needs and your budget. Contact us today to get started.
Refractive index – BBBC Bitesize secondary school revision resource for Higher Physics on radiation: refraction of light, critical angle, refractive index. Refraction Dispersion: Definition, Snell s Law Index of Refraction. Index of refraction Define Index of refraction at m A measure of the extent to which a substance slows down light waves passing through it. The Speed of Light and the Index of Refraction The amount by which light slows in a given material is described by the index of refraction, n. Index of refraction – definition of index of refraction by The Free. If i is the angle of incidence of a ray in vacuum (angle between the incoming ray and the perpendicular to the surface of a medium, called the normal) and r is the angle of refraction (angle between the ray in the medium and the normal the refractive index n is defined as the ratio of the sine of the angle of). But did you know that mathematical laws determine exactly how light waves are bent? Its value determines the extent to which light is refracted when entering or leaving the substance. Index of refraction A material s index of refraction is defined as the speed that light travels in the material divided by the speed of light in a vacuum. The index of refraction of a material is defined by the speed of light. The index of refraction is defined as the speed of light in vacuum divided by. Refraction explains why light bends in water. Refractive index – , the free encyclopedia Definitionedit. The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a medium under consideration. Refraction of Light – HyperPhysics Refraction is the bending of a wave when it enters a medium where its speed is. The index of refraction of a substance is equal to the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to its speed in that substance. The refractive index n of an optical medium is defined as the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum. Optical Density and Light Speed – The Physics Classroom Index of refraction values (represented by the symbol n) are numerical index values that are expressed relative to the speed of light in a vacuum. 25TIFINT130V Watt T Frost EBase 1Volt. AXLE UPGRADE : ADD STOCK U-JOINT AXLE SHAFTS (LONG SHORT ). Armature voltage is controlled using different single phase ACDC converter. Baxi Back Boiler Replacements: The Ultimate Guide – Superwarm Dec 2015. Ceiling Brochure – Lafarge in South Africa Lafarge Plasterboard: Designed for internal walls, ceilings and partitions in. Click on the Related Links tab above for the Fire By Designs Automated Tiki Torches selection. Cricut VS Silhouette which one is better? Design is to reduce wiring cost, standrdisation of circuits, and above all. EScrew Wireless Remote Control Light Lamp Bulb Holder Cap Socket Switch New. Smart universal fitting way bypass relay TEB7AS with FREE connector kit in Vehicle Parts Accessories, Car Accessories, Trailers Towing . Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology – Faraday isolators. Field Process Engineer, Senior Staff, Shanghai, China. Find the Allen Bradley 1756-IT6I-MANUAL at PDF Supply. Fits the axletech Transfer Case I have on e-bay. IAmA 24yo electrical engineer with magnets implanted in my fingertips. The Speed of Light and the Index of Refraction Im trying to wire a way just like this, except there s only dimmer and the other switch is just a regular. In the past I would run a fusible link connected to a fused wire off the. Irock Beamit Wireless Music Adapter FM Transmitter. Jemena – Select Solutions Across NSW Jemena delivers natural gas to more than million homes and. Flood Security Lights: Tools Home Improvement 24176. May be connected in series, but a loop must have only one transmitter device and. Microstrip Line Isolators and Circulators – Cernex Cernexwave s CMI and CCM series microstrip line isolators and circulators are offered to. Model ELB 060UNSPSC 261117Catalog Page . Outdoor Fire Designs: Automated Tiki Torches, Remote Fire Control. Save on Crystal Mini Chandeliers at Bellacor. The Lithonia Lighting Lead-Calcium 6-Volt Replacement Battery for EmergencyExit Lighting. Vic Emergency: Incidents and Warnings Victoria s combined source of emergency information and warnings, helping the community to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies across the. Videos explaining the operation and use of capacitive and eddy-current sensors from Lion Precision. Wiring an existing home through the walls – Structured Home Wiring How to fish cable, Internet.
December Calendar Holiday Coloring Pages Printable is the latest worksheet that you can find. This worksheet was uploaded on June 28, 2022 by admin in December. December Calendar Page Printable - Our website offers free printable calendars for December, which can be edited and customizable. The calendar is also available in the calendar in JPG as well as DOCX format. The month of December is concluded on a Wednesday and opens on a Saturday. The majority of calendars for December will feature the major holidays, and also places for daily notes and activities. For kids, this kind of calendar will allow them to plan a family vacation, and also help them create a birthday party. December Calendar Holiday Coloring Pages Printable in your computer by clicking the image and Download it by size. Don't forget to rate and comment if you like this worksheet.
ENHANCING AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF COUNTIES IN KENYA KeAWARD’S AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP HELD AT NANYUKI VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, NANYUKI, LAIKIPIA COUNTY ON 15TH-16TH JUNE 2021 In June 2021, KeAWARD scientists and partners successfully delivered 2 days of Training of Trainers (ToT) on June 15th -16th to twenty-five (25) county ward agricultural extension officers from three Sub-Counties in Laikipia County at Nanyuki Vocational training Institute, Nanyuki Town. The extension officers, who play an integral role in coaching, supporting, and guiding smallholder farmers were equipped with the knowledge, practical skills, and practices in key agricultural and livestock production areas of: - High-quality feed formulation using locally available feed forages, pastures, crop residues and commercial concentrates. - Control and management of invasive plant species such as Opuntia stricta, Ipomoea purpurea, Sansevieria trifasciata and Acacia reficiens. - Aloe production and processing. - Brachiaria livestock fodder production. - Control of tick vectors and tickborne diseases of livestock. With the knowledge and skills gained, the pool of trainers will disseminate and deliver capacity-building training to other extensionists and smallholder farmers within the county. The empowered officers would therefore better engage, train, and build the capacity of smallholder farmers to grow and use pastures, forages and crop residues in their farms to prepare high-quality dairy feeds to increase milk and meat yields; support farmers in control of tick vectors and tick-borne diseases to reduce disease burden and enhance animal production; enhance farmers capacity to control and manage invasive plant species to increase arable lab for improved agricultural and livestock production and support the county in intensifying aloe production and processing to expand economic activities and improve incomes and livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the County. All these activities are focused on enhancing agricultural and livestock production in the County. The Chapter also delivered the IVVN African School Outreach Laboratory experiment at St. Loise Girls High School to motivate and spur the girl’s interests in science courses with the objective of promoting and inspiring the next generation of future women scientists in Africa.
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ERIC Number: ED197275 Record Type: RIE Publication Date: 1980-Sep-3 Reference Count: 0 Psychology Teaching and Lifelong Learning. Chickering, Arthur W. Psychology teaching should intentionally aim to encourage adult development. By explicitly recognizing key dimensions of development, psychology teachers can more effectively achieve their own course objectives and the broader objectives of the profession. Such aims are consistent with the traditional mission of the university and the psychology professions, and the behaviors and resources required are workable, feasible and within the ability of most good teachers. J. Loevinger's conceptions concerning ego development form the major framework for analyzing an approach to teaching that fulfills these aims. A detailed description is given of how a psychology teacher provided students with three options for texts, each coinciding with one of the three stages of ego development most characteristic of college students, and how study of the texts was used to encourage students' further development. (Author/KMF) Publication Type: Information Analyses; Speeches/Meeting Papers Education Level: N/A Authoring Institution: N/A Note: Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (88th, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, September 1-5, 1980).
It’s a permanent program, to promote values towards the care of nature, through reforestation. Students from different high schools are trained, to follow the growth from seedlings to small trees so they can then be relocated to a permanent home. In alliance with the State University of Hidalgo’s program University Students in action, we bring a caravan of different medical services to communities with hard access to health facilities. Free medical consults are provided in odontology, nurse, nutrition and general medicine. Over 220 people have benefited from this campaigns, and there are more to schedule according to the communities needs. Our company seeks to reach out to the communities to enable engagement process, to have an active, free, previous and informed participation from their behalf, in harmony with their internal protocols as land owners, citizens and their representatives. We are committed to inform them of our different mechanisms to build a constructive and transparent link. We have open doors to our communities needs, and we also serve with philanthropy actions like crowdfunding, gathering of goods and other requests.
Kiteboarder in Need of Rescue? August 27, 2002 Kiteboarders are becoming more common on beaches across the globe. With kites and riders flying at speed through the air, the sport can provide an entertaining spectacle to watchers on shore. Sometimes though, the kite isn’t flying but is on the water with the rider. This situation can cause watchers onshore, including aquatic rescue personnel, to wonder if rescue might be needed. Whether a kiteboarder is fully skilled or, particularly, if he is still learning, his kite may occasionally spend more time on the water than in the air. This is not necessarily an indication that a rescue is needed. The kiteboarder may just be sorting things out to relaunch his kite, to use the kite as a sail to pull himself into shore or may be swimming in--slowly. Riders sometimes spend quite a while doing this. The last thing kiteboarders want to do is to create avoidable false alarms for rescue personnel. Following are guidelines for consideration by both riders and rescuers when a kite is on the water: 1. IMPORTANT: If you have to work on your downed-kite or swim-into-shore for whatever reason you should give the OK sign to guards or park officials onshore periodically until you land (see Figure 1). To perform this signal simply to hold one hand palm down on your head while looking at the lifeguard on shore for five to ten seconds. This should be repeated to verify that it has been seen and understood. You should discuss this with rescue personnel ahead of time, as this signal isn't universally recognized yet. (Figure 1 - I am OK) 2. If you are going to go through a surf zone, MAKE SURE that your lines are wrapped on your bar ahead of time. Start by carefully wrapping at least one wingspan length OR MORE of two lines from one side of the kite first to safely depower the kite. In strong winds this can be difficult to do and gloves can help. Also MAKE SURE that you have a firm grip on your board. Use of a reel leash for TEMPORARY attachment to the board as needed, would be an option. Ideally your kite should be rolled and tied before hitting the surf zone. 3. Responsible kiteboarders should be aware of self-rescue techniques and try to self-rescue within safe limits. If you are rescued, whether you need it or not, be POLITE AND RESPECTFUL at all times. Rescue personnel are generally strong watermen and have a hard job to do, which you may have just complicated! So be appreciative, these people deserve it along with your respect. 4. If you need help because you are injured, excessively tired, being carried offshore by the wind or current and don’t think you can make it to shore on your own, BLOW YOUR WHISTLE (it is an inexpensive and very useful safety device they may save you from going hoarse from yelling), and wave one or both hands (see Figure 2). If you are wearing an impact pfd, staying afloat should not be problem (**SEE NOTE BELOW). Continue signaling periodically, while trying to swim closer to shore, IF you are comfortably able to, until the guard onshore acknowledges your signals. Other kiteboarder signals are provided at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kitesurf/ ... EFERENCES/ If we can adopt universally recognized signals it should make our riding easier and safer. Nearby (Figure 2 - Help/Attention) Distant TO RESCUE PERSONNEL: 1. If rescue personnel can't see much of the kiteboarder or can't tell if he is moving or swimming towards shore after an interval, it would be advisable to rescue him. 2. A kiteboarder in the water more than a quarter mile offshore is hard to make out. That is, it is hard to tell if they are moving or swimming. Rescue personnel are advised to carefully examine the kiteboarder through binoculars (from an elevated position if possible). Look for movement, e.g. trying to relaunch the kite, winding in the lines, swimming in, bailing out using the kite as a sail on the water, etc. Alternately, look for shoreward progress of the kite, hopefully faster than wind and waves would send it without assistance. If the wind and waves are onshore, these factors alone should eventually bring the kiteboarder to shore. 3. If the rider is moving and doing something productive to get himself into shore as suggested above, leave him alone but check periodically to verify that he is still moving. 4. If it appears that the rider is being moved out of the area, offshore or to some other inappropriate place by wind and/or current, or if the rider appears to have stopped moving into shore for an extended period or has stopped moving entirely, the weather is deteriorating or the sun is setting, it would be a good idea to send assistance by boat if possible. Effective rescues can also be undertaken by waverunner or paddleboard. 5. Approach from the windward, AVOIDING THE KITE LINES at all times. If the rider is awake and able, ask him to secure his kite, i.e. deflate the leading edge and roll it or deflate all the bladders and tie it up. He should then wrap up his lines. Only when the kite and lines are secured by an able rider should he be brought onboard the rescue craft. It is important to observe this sequence as the kite can exert great force potentially lifting or cutting individuals in the area of the rescue IF the kite is not first properly disabled. 6. If the rider is unconscious or unable to deal with his gear, the second person on the rescue boat should jump into the water and CUT ANY THREE LINES from the kite bar. Approach the kite from the side. Compensate for the speed of downwind drift or movement in any surf or current. Avoid approaching from upwind OR downwind, because from downwind the kite could drift quickly into you and from upwind you or your vessel could get caught in the lines, which usually trail upwind of the kite. This should depower the kite as it drifts, detach the control bar from the victim (unhook the control bar, release the snap shackle), and do the remainder of the rescue per normal procedures. If you have time or another craft, have it intercept the kite, deflate the leading edge, roll and tie it, the wrap up the lines on the bar. Experienced/trained personnel may wish to use less destructive means of taking two lines from one side of the kite however the victim’s welfare needs to remain as the first priority. 7. If a rescuer is solo, he should first depower the kite and set it adrift as described before dealing with the victim per normal procedures. Some rescue personnel carry hook knives and gloves specifically for this purpose (see Figure 3) as they have no exposed tip or sharp edge to cause accidents. Hook knives are readily available online at hang gliding/paragliding retail sites. (Figure 3 - Hook Knife) 8. If a runaway kite or kiteboarding with a floating kite is coming ashore, try to clear bathers and bystanders from its path. Approach the kite from the side. Compensate for the speed of downwind drift or movement in any surf or current. Avoid approaching from upwind OR downwind, because from downwind the kite could drift quickly into you, & from upwind you could get caught in the lines, which usually trail upwind of the kite. Try grabbing the kite by ONE WING TIP ONLY or the center of the fat leading edge if all else fails, in the shallows--before it comes ashore. NEVER GRAB more than one line of a stationary or very slowly moving kite. NEVER TRY TO GRAB ANY OF THE LINES OF A MOVING KITE as a serious cuts may occur. Bring the kite on to the beach, allow the kite to flag downwind and pile 20 lbs. of sand on the wing tip. Disconnect both lines from ONE SIDE of the kite or disconnect them all. Pull the plug in the center of the long fat bladder at the leading edge of the kite to deflate it. If the kite is trailing lines, coil them up or wrap them on the control bar AFTER the kite has been thoroughly anchored. Other suggestions for rescue of kiteboarders, managing runaway kites and related considerations are given under: 9. Kitesurfer Rescue Information for Lifeguards.doc, in: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/ki ... EFERENCES/ Lifeguard and park ranger orientation to kiteboarding is being encouraged. This allows for first-hand impressions of the sport and equipment to be formed by rescue personnel. The basic skill of how to do an assisted landing of a kite including hand signals is also covered and will save other potential problems at the beach. Possible rescue scenarios should be discussed or even demonstrated by the kiteboarding instructor during these sessions. Your local kiteboarding association, retail shops or instructors could be approached in this regard. Some ideas for these orientation sessions are given under “Kite Boardingâ€
COMMUNIQUÉ: FOCUSING ON MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS IN THIS DIFFICULT TIME A Statement from the Action Committee Our Committee exists to support Canada’s courts as they work to protect the health and safety of all court users in the COVID-19 context while upholding the fundamental values of our justice system. These mutually sustaining commitments guide all of our efforts. The Effects of the Pandemic on Mental Health The negative mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and related disruptions have been well documentedi, with Canadians reporting declining psychological and emotional well-being since March 2020. While access to vaccines has provided some relief and, for some people, the greater flexibility afforded by remote work has actually reduced stress, the ongoing environment of uncertainty continues to take its toll on the mental health of many across the country. Members of the judiciary, legal professionals and court staff have not been immune to the circumstances that have led to these negative outcomes: Canada’s courts perform an essential service to the country, and underwent rapid and drastic transformation so that court operations could continue despite the pandemic. Electronic filing and document handling, virtual meetings and enhanced alternative dispute resolution became routine rather than the purview of early adopters. As much as the increased deployment of these measures can be celebrated as long overdue progress towards court modernization, it is important to note that these new ways of working also acted as an added stressor for some in the justice system on top of natural feelings of apprehension induced by the pandemic. Research is also showing that the pandemic is having a differential impact on Canadians, exacerbating existing societal inequitiesii : isolation of people with disabilities; greater job losses among recent immigrants; people experiencing homelessness put at greater risk; additional pressure on primary caregivers--often women--of young children, the elderly and people with disabilities; and the day-to-day challenges already faced by Indigenous and racialized people. For these individuals, the strain of the pandemic has been added to significant stressors already present in their lives, with the potential to have an even greater impact on their mental health. People with pre-existing anxiety-related or mood disorders are also being more negatively affected by the pandemic compared to those without such pre-existing disordersiii. This cannot help but affect Canada’s court system. To begin with, those with pre-existing mental health challenges or other marginalizing factors are disproportionately represented amongst Canada’s court usersiv. Moreover, court staff, legal professionals, and judges also experience a number of daily pressures that can negatively impact mental health. For example, many people in the court system continue to juggle remote work, including virtual proceedings, with caregiving duties in the home. Some members of the judiciary, who by the nature of their work already work independently, have become even more isolated during the pandemic. More generally, research suggests that, for a variety of reasons, there is a greater incidence of depression, anxiety and substance use in the legal profession than in the general populationv. Taking all of these factors together, it stands to reason that the COVID-19 pandemic may be affecting the mental health of anyone who enters a physical or virtual courtroom. While the duration of the pandemic is uncertain at this time, what is certain is that as the courts resume full operations and the country transitions out of the pandemic, Canada’s justice system will not function exactly as it did before. As we have observed elsewhere, there is now “broad consensus within the legal community that the courts must take advantage of this unintended experiment in innovation to both mitigate the lasting effects of the pandemic on access to justice and move the justice system into the 21st century.” Across the country, courts and legal professionals are assessing which processes adopted during the pandemic might usefully be retained, and under what circumstances. Efficiency and effectiveness are important considerations in the context of increased court backlogs and delays caused by the pandemic. But even as these conversations take place, individuals across the sector are expressing real concerns about the effects of all this change on the mental health and well-being of the legal and courts administration communities. After so much rapid adaptation in this crisis, there is a certain amount of “change fatigue,” and the workload ahead may seem daunting. The Action Committee is listening and validates these concerns. Facing The Challenge Moving forward, leaders in the courts and legal profession can support mental health and wellness by keeping in mind the following four inter-related pillars of action: - focusing on wellness in the workplace to prevent or mitigate negative impacts on mental health; - continuing to build awareness and reduce the stigma around mental health; - providing people who are experiencing mental health challenges with the support and care they need, based on expert advice; and - leading by example. We note that many Canadian legal professional organizations have already made mental health and wellness a priority for their current and future efforts. There is no shortage of resources available in these areas, and a preliminary, non-exhaustive inventory of related Canadian resources is appended to this document. While no one-size-fits-all approach to mental health and wellness exists, there are many ideas and best practices put forward by the experts who developed these resources that leaders in the courts and legal profession may be able to adapt where feasible. Recognizing that the pandemic creates constraints on operations, suggestions the Action Committee wishes to highlight for consideration include the following: - Demonstrate leadership by initiating conversations about the importance of workplace wellness and mental health to build awareness and help reduce the stigma around mental health. Specifically, recognize that mental health challenges are a matter of human vulnerability and a person’s life circumstances, and not a reflection of character;vi - Apply a mental health and wellness lens to the development and implementation of policies, programs, procedures and to individual actions, with particular attention to those who may be differentially impacted by them; - Prioritize and approach post-pandemic transition and workplace changes during the pandemic incrementally, where feasible, according to change management principles; - Think creatively about ways to manage workload; - Where feasible, ensure people have the training and skillset they need to use new technologies and processes that are introduced during the pandemic and/or maintained post-pandemic; and - Do not forget about mental health and wellness considerations for those employees who continue to work remotely, by choice or necessityvii. To help with feelings of isolation, take the time to connect on a personal and social level with colleagues working remotely. One of the best ways to acknowledge the enormous human losses our country has sustained from this pandemic is to seize upon the actions we can take to secure our collective health and well-being. We need one another, more than ever. This surely requires a continued focus on access to justice and the needs of marginalized individuals in the court system, and increased compassion and empathy for court users trying to navigate that system in a crisis. For those who work in the justice system, we ask also that you turn the same compassion and empathy on yourselves. i The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, for example, has been conducting regular surveys of Canadians regarding their mental health and substance use during the pandemic: https://www.camh.ca/en/camh-news-and-stories/a-third-of-canadians-report-anxiety--over-return-to-pre-pandemic-routines ii See, for example, Statistics Canada, A presentation series from Statistics Canada about the economy, environment and society and COVID-19 in Canada: A One Year Update on Social and Economic Impacts. See also Public Health Ontario, “Health Protection Actions for People Experiencing Homelessness,” (February 3, 2021). iii See, for example, Gordon J.G. Asmundson et al, “Do pre-existing anxiety-related and mood disorders differentially impact COVID-19 stress responses and coping?” Journal of Anxiety Disorders 74: 102271 (August 2020). iv See, for example, Mental Health Commission of Canada, “Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System: What We Heard,” (2020): p. 1. v See, for example, Stephanie Nemeth, “Addressing the Elephant in the Legal Profession: The Lawyer’s Struggle with Mental Health,” Saskatchewan Law Review, CanLIIDocs 4037 (2019). vi Doron Gold, “Debunking the Lone Sufferer Myth Once and For All,” in Managing the Second Wave: CPD and Resources on Mental Health and Resilience, Toronto Lawyers Association, (February 5, 2021): p. 8. vii Spencer McDonald and Juliana Orlando Rohr, “Changes in the Canadian Labour Market Resulting from the Pandemic,” in Patrick Deustcher, Don Drummond and Juliana Orlando Rohr, “The Future of Work Post-Pandemic,” Queen’s University School of Policy Studies, (August 2020): p. 35. - Date modified:
Understanding the relevance of the pH scale when carrying out cleaning tasks is vital to anyone that is serious about commercial cleaning In general terms acidic products (less than pH 7) have descaling properties. Alkaline products (greater than pH 7) have degreasing properties. The pH Scale is a means of measuring the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a cleaning agent or solution, simple, easy-to-understand, numeric terms. The scale itself has a range of 0-14,with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. The mid-point on the scale is 7 and is classed as neutral and this corresponds with the pH measurement for distilled water. When a pH value of a product or solution decreases below 7, its acidity will start to increase. Most acid based cleaning materials will have a typical pH value of between 0.5 and 5 on the scale. Concentrated pure acids will have a pH value of approximately 0.1, though these would never be used as cleaning as cleaning agents. Acidic products are most commonly used to remove limescale deposits from hard surfaces as they will dissolve salts that are not soluble in water. As you can see from the chart, if the pH value rises above 7, the product or solution will become more alkaline. Alkaline products are particularly effective in removing greasy and fatty deposits from hard surfaces. They will typically have a pH value of between 11 and 12.5. Stronger alkaline products such as emulsion floor polish strippers will have a value of around 13. Caustic soda, which is extremely corrosive, will have a pH value of 14. As we have pointed out earlier, the pH of distilled water is 7 which is taken as being the purest neutral solution. However, in reality, any product or solution with a pH value of between 6 and 9 is generally considered to be neutral. Neutral products are commonly used for general cleaning procedures and include washing-up liquid and carpet cleaning solution. How is the pH Value Tested? The approximate pH value of any liquid product or solution can be tested using Universal Indicator Paper, a type of litmus paper you may remember from science lessons in your schooldays. After being dipped into a solution the colour of the paper will change. The colour of the paper can then be compared with a colour chart, the colour corresponding to the relevant value on the scale. The colours are illustrated in the chart at the head of this section.
Frequently Asked Questions Increase Your Knowledge About the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension When will the subway start operation? Service on the new extension is planned to start at the end of 2017. So you can expect to catch a train northbound from the existing Downsview Station all the way to the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre at Highway 7 and Jane Street. Will the new subway trains be on the extension? The new Toronto Rocket trains will run on the Yonge-University-Spadina subway. TTC has replaced the entire Line 1 fleet with newer and more comfortable "Toronto Rocket" (TR) trains and will acquire additional TR trains for the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension. Will all the stations have commuter parking lots? To encourage commuters to use the subway system, 2,900 parking spaces are planned for various stations. Commuter parking lots are planned at the Finch West station with 400 spaces, Pioneer Village station with 1,850 spaces, and Highway 407 station with 563 spaces. TTC will not have parking lots at Downsview Park Station, York University Station or Vaughan Metropolitan Centre Station. Refer to the Spadina Subway Extension map to see the locations of the stations. How often will trains run on the extension? On opening day, trains will run every four to five minutes. As more people use the subway, trains will be added and become more frequent. How long will it take to get from the current Downsview Station to Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) Station? It will take approximately 14 minutes to travel from the current Downsview Station to the end of the line at Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) Station. How will the subway extension be built? The three main techniques used to build the subway extension are tunnel boring, "cut and cover" construction and sequential excavation method (SEM). SEM was used to build a Double Ended Pocket Track Housing Structure (DEPTHS) under the Finch Hydro corridor. When will construction start? Construction of the subway tunnels was completed in November 2013. Four tunnel boring machines, Holey, Moley and Yorkie, Torkie, drilled 6.4 kilometres of twin tunnels. Construction work on all six new stations is well underway and you can now see the entrances and bus terminal structures rising above the ground. How fast are tunnels bored? Depending on soil conditions, an earth pressure balance tunnel boring machine can progress approximately 15 metres per day. Who is paying for the extension? The Toronto - York Spadina Subway Extension project is jointly funded by the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario, the City of Toronto and The Regional Municipality of York. - The Government of Canada has committed $697 million. - The Province of Ontario has provided $974 million, which has been deposited into the Move Ontario Trust. - The City of Toronto and The Regional Municipality of York have committed to fund one-third of total project costs. Toronto will contribute $907 million and York Region will contribute $606 million. The estimated cost of this project is $3.18 billion.
Pollen diversity in honey collected from Lithuania's protected landscape areas/ Leedu looduskaitsealadelt kogutud mee oietolmu jaotus. In Lithuania honey is produced in different regions, including national parks, covering a wide range of terrains. Landscapes vary between western, southern, eastern, and northern Lithuania. A distinctive floral association can exist in different climatic terrains within the same country (Lincius, 2011). Particular floral association is a characteristic feature of different geographical areas (Ruoff and Bogdanov, 2004). Currently high importance is attached to the regions where honey is collected from the region-specific plants and its botanical origin is conspicuous. Lithuanian beekeepers living and producing honey in national parks, nature reserves, and other protected landscape areas have the privilege of marking their honey with the legal mark "Kokybe" (Lithuanian for quality), which is special only for their honey (Skirkevicius, 2010). In the honey from those terrains it is possible to identify area-specific pollen. Quality certificates of the tested honey are issued by the accredited laboratory in Lithuania; however, there is no accredited laboratory for the determination of honey origin in this country. Monofloral rape honey is specific to Central Lithuania. Earlier the most abundant pollen of Brassica napus and Salix caprea were identified in the honey from Central Lithuania (Ceksteryte, 2002; Baltrusaityte et al., 2007). Monofloral willow honey is found in Italy, rape honey in Poland and Estonia (Persano Oddo and Piro, 2004; Wroblewska and Warakomska, 2009; Kirs et al., 2011). Geographical origin of a particular kind of honey is determined by a melissopalynological study of its pollen spectrum (Louveaux et al., 1978). Melliferous plants produce various shapes, sizes, and surfaces of pollen grains. Their identification is complicated, therefore samples for comparison purposes (plant pollen collected by hand) to be used as reference material should be collected. Currently, depending on the research subject, laboratories use a host of microscopy techniques to study images of pollen grains. Pollen grains examined under microscope can be seen in a polar or equatorial view. Polar position of pollen grains has one of various shapes: circular, angular, hexagonal, lobate, or semiangular, interangular, subangular. The semi-, inter-, and sub-forms are found also for lobate forms (Faegri and Iversen, 1964; Kremp, 1965; Hesse et al., 2009). In the equatorial view, the most typical shapes are rhomboidal, apiculate, rectangular, or oval. Pollen forms also can be characterized according to measures of grains, i.e. area, length of polar axis, and equatorial diameter (Erdtman, 1952; Ricciardelli D'Albore, 1998). The present study was aimed to describe the most unique pollen found in the honey collected in protected landscapes of Lithuania and to show digital images of pollen grains found in honey. MATERIALS AND METHODS Seventeen samples of honey were collected from Lithuania's protected landscape areas. Sampling was performed in protected areas in different parts of the country. North-west Lithuania: Zemaitija National Park (involved in the programme NATURA 2000, the Europe-wide network of sites tasked with the preservation of natural heritage) in the Plunge District; the Varduva Scenic Landscape Reserve in the Mazeikiai District; and the Kretinga District in the Salantai Regional Park, which is close to Zemaitija National Park. The Salantai Regional Park was founded to preserve the endangered species of plants that grow in the hillside forests and natural flood plains of old valleys. South Lithuania: Dzukija National Park in the Varena District. South-west Lithuania: Lazdijai District. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 75/2012 of 30 January 2012 entering a name in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications 'Miod z Sejnenszczyzny/ Lozdziejszczyzny/Seiniu/Lazdiju krasto medus'. The regulation refers to Polish honey produced in Suvalki and Seiniai counties and in Lithuania in the Lazdijai District. The term 'Lazdiju krasto medus' is related to the honey produced in the Lazdijai District. The characteristic features of this district are a short plant growing season and clean environment. Towards the north from the centre of Lithuania: Gomerta Landscape Reserve, Radviliskis District. East Lithuania: Armona Geological Reserve, situated on the Aukstaiciai Upland and Plateau, Ukmerge District (Vilnius County). Middle Lithuania: Krekenava Regional Park in the Kedainiai District. Preparation of honey slides A honey sample of 10 g was weighed and dissolved in distilled water (20-40 [degrees]C) to the volume of 20 mL. This solution was centrifuged for 10 min at 1000g. After that the supernatant liquid was poured off. The sediment was dispersed with 20 mL of distilled water to completely dissolve the remaining sugar crystals and again centrifuged for 5 min at 1000g. The supernatant was decanted leaving only the sediment. The remaining excess liquid was taken up on absorbent paper. The sediment was collected with plastic Pasteur pipettes (volume 1 mL) and spread on a slide over an area of about 20 mm x 20 mm. The slide with the sediment of pollen was dried at 40 [degrees]C on a heating plate only for the time strictly necessary to dry. The glycerine jelly (Kaiser's Glycerol Gelatine TM Merck) was liquefied by warming it to [less than or equal to]40 [degrees]C (either on a heating plate or in a water bath). The cover slips (22 mm x 22 mm) were warmed on the heating plate. One drop of glycerine jelly was deposited onto the cover slip and placed on the slide very slowly to avoid air bubbles. The pollen grain exine and shape were visualized under light microscope Nicon Eclipse E600. Pollen images were taken in two positions: polar and equatorial view, at 400x magnification, focusing on pollen wall and surface sculpture. Expression of results About 400-500 pollen grains were counted in each sample. The frequency of pollen of each melliferous plant is expressed as percentage of the total pollen sum. Honey considered as monofloral is mainly produced from one plant species or pollen content from one plant species is predominant (constituting more than 45.0%). The pollen content of other plant species is designated as follows: secondary pollen 16-45%; important minor pollen 3-15%; minor pollen < 3.0% (Louveaux et al., 1978). Slide preparation of hand-collected pollen Pollen collected by hand from 85 melliferous plants was prepared also for microscopy. Air-dried plant pollen was shaken from flowers, some part of it was applied on the slide and covered with a cover slip overlaid with liquefied glycerine jelly. These pollen samples are stored as reference. A catalogue of coloured digital images of Lithuanian melliferous plant pollen grains was created for comparison of images of pollen found in honey to those of known pollen collected manually (Ceksteryte, 2012). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the Varduva Scenic Landscape Reserve monofloral spring honey was collected. Pollen from Malus domestica accounted for 54.1% in sample I (Table 1). Pollen of Acer platanoides was found in the highest content (7.0%) compared to other kinds of honey. Pollen of Rubus fructicosus was identified only in honey sample I, where it accounted for 8.2%. Monofloral honey was produced also in the Salantai Regional Park with pollen of Carum carvi as dominant (50.19%) and Zemaitija National Park with Trifolium repens dominating (71.4%). Melissopalynological evaluation of honey pollen showed minor pollen of Trifolium repens (2.28%) in monofloral caraway honey (sample II) and Carum carvi (1.6%) in clover honey (sample IV). In Dzukija National Park summer honey with the highest percentage of Tilia cordata (79.0%, sample V) and Fagopyrum esculentum (up to 100.0%, sample VII) pollen was collected. The composition of honey collected in the location of Gudakaimis (sample VI) was more diverse. This honey contained Salix caprea (44.6%) and Fagopyrum esculentum (26.5%). Pollen from Rubus idaeus, Frangula alnus, and Brassica napus varied in the range of 3.8-7.0% and Cerasus pollen was present as minor (2.1%). Pollen identified in those honey samples represents this region's melliferous flora from spring to the end of summer. Monofloral spring honey from Salix caprea and Frangula alnus was collected in the Lazdijai District. Compared to other kinds of honey tested, the honey from Frangula alnus was conspicuous by its highest content (46.1%) of pollen of this plant. This honey was the only one having an abundant content of Frangula alnus pollen. A characteristic feature of honey from the Lazdijai District is monofloral honey from Onobrychis, which contains dominant pollen of this plant (52.1-54.4%), and polyfloral honey with Onobrychis pollen as secondary or an important minor (9.2-17.8%). Three kinds of monofloral honey, lime (Tilia cordata), caraway (Carum carvi), and orchard, were identified in the samples from the Armona Geological Reserve. The dominant pollen was from Malus domestica (56.9%, sample XII), Tilia cordata (53.9%, XIII), and Carum carvi (82.8%, XIV) in those unifloral honey samples. Secondary pollen from Brassica napus (18.4%) was identified in monofloral Tilia cordata honey (sample XIII) and Salix caprea (29.0%) in the honey from Malus domestica (sample XII). In the latter honey, important minors were pollen from Frangula alnus and Acer platanoides, accounting for 4.9% and 4.6%, respectively. Pollen of Phacelija tanacetifolia was identified only in the honey from the Gomerta Landscape Reserve. Pollen analysis showed that the honey was produced within different periods. The pollen of Phacelija tanacetifolia accounted for 19.5% in sample XV, while in sample XVI its content was 4.8%. The concentration of Brassica napus pollen reached 72.0% in the mono- floral rape honey from the same area (sample XVI). In sample XV the content of its pollen made up 36.1%. The pollen of Robinia pseudoacacia is rarely found in Lithuanian honey; however, in honey sample XV it accounted for 8.5%. The presence of Salix caprea, Frangula alnus, Rubus idaeus, Trifolium repens, Centaurea cyanus, Arctium tomentosum, Carum carvi, and Fagopyrum esculentum pollen in those honey samples points to a wide diversity of melliferous plants within the area of the Gomerta Landscape Reserve. Monofloral willow honey was collected from the Krekenava Regional Park in spring. An abundant content of pollen grains of Salix spp. (55.5%) was identified in this honey. Pollen from Brassica napus making up 31.3% was secondary and of Malus domestica and Frangula alnus, important minors, accounting for 5.7% and 3.3%, respectively. Digital images of pollen grains of selected honeys from some parts of the microscopic view are presented in Figs 1-6. Pollen of Trifolium repens, Fagopyrum esculentum, and Salix spp. are shown in polar and equatorial views (Figs 1, 2, and 6, respectively); all Tilia cordata, Phacelija tanacetifolia, and Frangula alnus pollen in polar view (Figs 3, 5, and 6, respectively); and pollen of Carum carvi in equatorial view (Fig. 4). Polar and equatorial images of the same pollen are not similar. Small differences in pollen morphology cause difficulties in their identification (Sawyer, 1988; Lindbladh et al., 2002). The presence of specific blends of plant pollen in honey shows its geographical origin (Pupuleku et al., 2012). Therefore identification of pollen requires an expert person and a special methodology for the classification of pollen of plant species. Lithuanian monofloral honey is produced in different locations. Buckwheat and cockshead honeys are characteristic of southern and south-western Lithuania. Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Mill.) is a traditional crop cultivated in southern Lithuania and cockshead (Onobrychis Mill.) in the south-western areas. Production of honey with a contribution from Phacelija tanacetifolia Benth. and Trifolium repens L. is also associated with traditional farming activities in northwestern Lithuania. The data of melissopalynological analysis showed Tilia cordata Mill. pollen to be dominant (79.0%) in lime honey, where it was found at the highest counts in Dzukija National Park. This kind of honey was also harvested in the Armona Geological Reserve. Natural meadow is a distinct feature of the Armona Geological Reserve and of the Salantai Regional Park located close to Zemaitija National Park. Monofloral honey was produced from Carum carvi L. in those terrains. Pollen of Salix spp. was found in monofloral and polyfloral Lithuanian honeys harvested in different terrains. This research was funded by a grant (No. SVE-01/2012) from the Research Council of Lithuania. Ceksteryte, V. 2002. Investigation of pollen composition and catalase activity in unifloral summary and polyfloral spring honey. Zemdirbyste, 80(4), 193-200 (in Lithuanian with English summary). Ceksteryte, V. 2012. Plant Pollen Found in Lithuanian Honey. An Electronic Catalogue (in Lithuanian). Baltrusaityte, V., Venskutonis, P. R., and Ceksteryte, V. 2007. Radical scavenging activity of different floral origin honey and beebread phenolic extracts. Food Chem., 101(2), 502-514. Erdtman, G. 1952. Pollen Morphology and Plant Taxonomy. Angiosperms. Almquiste Wiksell, Stockholm. Faegri, K. and Iversen, J. 1964. Textbook of Pollen Analysis. Munksgaard, Copenhagen. Hesse, M., Halbritter, H., Weber, M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo, A., and Ulrich, S. 2009. Pollen Terminology--An Illustrated Handbook. Springer, Wien. Kirs, E., Pall, R., Martverk, K., and Laos, K. 2011. Physicochemical and melissopalynological characterization of Estonian summer honeys. Procedia--Food Sci., 1, 616-624. Kremp, O. W. 1965. Morphologic Encyclopedia of Palynology. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. Lincius, A. 2011. Lietuvos geologijos paveldo tyrimai ir issaugojimas [Lithuanian geological heritage investigation and protection]. BALTICA, 24, Special Issue, 65-68 (in Lithuanian). Lindbladh, M., O'Connor, R., and Jacobson, G. L. Jr. 2002. Morphometric analysis of pollen grains for paleoecological studies: classification of Picea from eastern North America. Am. J. Bot., 89, 1459-1467. Louveaux, J. Maurizio, A., and Vorwhol, G. 1978. Methods of melissopalynology. Bee World, 59(4), 139-157. Persano Oddo, L. and Piro, R. 2004. Main European unifloral honeys: descriptive sheets. Apidol, 35, 38-81. Pupuleku, B., Kapidani, G., Naqellari, P., Nikoleta Kallajxhiu, N., Turku, S., Gjeta, E., and Janc, A. 2012. Data on the palynological study of pollen grains of some Albania's honey plants of Leguminosae family. In BALWOIS, pp. 1-10. Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. Ricciardelli D'Albore, G. 1998. Mediterranean Melisso-palynology. Universita degli Studi di Perugia. Ruoff, K. & Bogdanov, S. 2004. Authenticity of honey and other bee products. APIACTA, 38, 317-327. Skirkevicius, A. 2010. Iskirtines kokybes biciu produktai ir misiniai [Exlusivity of the Quality of Bee Products and Mixtures]. Druka, Klaipeda (in Lithuanian). Sawyer, R. 1988. Honey Identification. Academic Press, Cardiff. Wroblewska, A. and Warakomska, Z. 2009. Pollen analysis of honey from Poland's Lubelszczyznza regions. J. Apic. Sci., 53(2), 57-67. Violeta Ceksteryte (a) *, Bogumila Kurtinaitiene (b), and Jonas Balzekas (a) (a) Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Akademija, Kedainiai dist., Instituto aleja, LT-58344, Lithuania (b) Institute of Biochemistry, Vilnius University, Mokslininku str. 12, LT-08662, Vilnius, Lithuania * Corresponding author, [email protected] Received 10 April 2013, revised 21 August 2013, accepted 23 August 2013, available online 19 November 2013 Table 1. Pollen composition in honey from Lithuania's protected landscapes Sample Village Botanical composition of honey pollen, % No. Varduva Scenic Landscape Reserve, Mazeikiai District I Dumciai Malus domestica Borkh. 54.1; Salix spp. 16.7; Brassica napus L. 8.9; Rubus fruticosus L. 8.2; Acer platanoides L. 7.0; Taraxacum officinale L. 4.3; Rubus idaeus L. 0.8; honeydew 0.8 Salantai Regional Park, Kretinga District II Balsiskiai Carum carvi L. 50.19; Malus domestica Borkh. 15.21; Salix spp. 11.02; Brassica napus L. 8.74; Frangula alnus Mill. 4.18; Trifolium repens L. 2.28; Taraxacum officinale L. 2.66; Rubus idaeus L. 1.90; other 3.80 III Balsiskiai Salix spp. 27.5; Taraxacum officinale L. 13.6; Malus domestica Borkh. 7.7; Brassica napus L. 4.2; Aesculus hippocastanum L. 3.1; Corylus avellana L. 1.4; Carum carvi L. 1.4; Acer platanoides L. 1.1 Zemaitija National Park, Plunge District IV Puckoriai Trifolium repens L. 71.4; Rubus idaeus L. 8.9; Brassica napus L. 8.0; Salix spp. 5.9; Carum carvi L. 1.6; Malus domestica Borkh. 1.2; Centaurea cyanus L. 0.9; Fagopyrum esculentum M. 0.6; Taraxacum officinale L. 0.9; Frangula alnus Mill. 0.6 Dzukija National Park, Varena District V Runge Tilia cordata Mill. 79.03; Brassica napus L. 11.55; Carum carvi L. 5.47; Salix spp. 2.73; Cerasus Mill. 1.21; honeydew 2.80 VI Gudakaimis Salix spp. 44.6; Fagopyrum esculentum M. 26.5; Rubus idaeus L. 7.0; Frangula alnus Mill. 4.0; Brassica napus L. 3.8; Centaurea cyanus L. 2.8; Cerasus Mill. 2.1 VII Zervynai Fagopyrum esculentum M. 100 Lazdijai District VIII Leonardavo Salix spp. 63.7; Onobrychis Mill. 17.8; Brassica napus L. 8.9; Taraxacum officinale L. 5.9; Malus domestica Borkh. 2.2; Melilotus (L.) Mill. 1.5; honeydew 9.4 IX Runge Onobrychis Mill. 54.4; Salix spp. 12.2; Sinapis arvensis L. 10.7; Trifolium repens L. 7.4; Acer platanoides L. 4.7; Brassica napus L. 4.0; Pyrus L. 2.7; Trifolium pratense L. 1.3; Rubus idaeus L. 1.3; Melilotus (L.) Mill. 1.3; honeydew 5.7 X Avizieniai Onobrychis Mill. 52.1; Malus domestica Borkh. 14.7; Salix spp. 17.2; Aesculus hippocastanum L. 4.9; Carum carvi L. 4.3; Sinapis arvensis L. 2.5; Rubus idaeus L. 1.8; Acer platanoides L. 1.3; Frangulaalnus Mill. 1.2 XI Seirijai Frangula alnus Mill. 46.1; Salix spp. 21.1; Brassica napus L. 13.2; Onobrychis Mill. 9.2; Rubus idaeus L. 5.2; Pyrus L. 5.2; honeydew 33.9 Armona Geological Reserve, Ukmerge District XII Baraucizna Malus domestica Borkh. 56.9; Salix spp. 29.0; Frangula alnus Mill. 4.9; Acer platanoides L. 4.6; Brassica napus L. 2.0; Taraxacum officinale L. 2.0; Rubus idaeus L. 0.6 XIII Baraucizna Tilia cordata M. 53.9; Brassica napus L. 18.4; Rubus idaeus L. 9.8; Carum carvi L. 5.3; Trifolium repens L. 5.3; Salix spp. 5.0; Ribes L. 1.6; Sinapis arvensis L. 0.7 XIV Baraucizna Carum carvi L. 82.8; Brassica napus L. 4.6; Malus domestica Borkh. 4.2; Salix spp. 3.1; Rubus idaeus L. 2.2; Centaurea cyanus L. 1.8; Frangula alnus Mill. 1.2; honeydew 1.5 Gomerta Landscape Reserve, Radviliskis District XV Debeikiai Brassica napus L. 36.1; Phacelija tanacetifolia Benth. 19.5; Rubus idaeus L. 16.7; Robinia pseudoacacia L. 8.5; Carum carvi L. 5.7; Salix spp. 4.3; Trifolium repens L. 3.2; Prunus domestica L. 2.5; Fagopyrum esculentum M. 0.7; Frangula alnus Mill. 1.4; Carum carvi L. 0.7; Centaurea cyanus L. 0.7 XVI Debeikiai Brassica napus L. 72.0; Salix spp. 7.3; Phacelija tanacetifolia Benth. 4.8; Arctium tomentosum Mill. 4.2; Trifolium repens L. 3.9; Rubus idaeus L. 3.4; Fagopyrum esculentum M. 3.1; Carum carvi L. 0.5; Malus domestica Borkh. 0.8 Krekenava Regional Park, Kedainiai District XVII Uzupe Salix spp. 55.5; Brassica napus L. 31.3; Malus domestica Borkh. 5.7; Frangula alnus M. 3.3; Sinapis arvensis L. 1.0; Taraxacum officinale L. 0.3; Centaurea cyanus L. 0.3; Tussilago farfara L. 0.3; Aesculus hippocastanum L. 0.4; Acer platanoides L. 0.5; Trifolium repens L. 0.4; Rubus idaeus L. 0.9 |Printer friendly Cite/link Email Feedback| |Author:||Ceksteryte, Violeta; Kurtinaitiene, Bogumila; Balzekas, Jonas| |Publication:||Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences| |Date:||Dec 1, 2013| |Previous Article:||Development and application of a phytoplankton primary production model for well-mixed lakes/ Futoplanktoni primaarproduktsiooni mudeli arendamine ja...| |Next Article:||Waves, oscillations and optics in biomedical engineering: research in the Department of Biomedical Engineering 1994-2014.|
There is no one definitive way to become a great basketball player. However, there are some basic tips that can help players improve their skills and performance on the court. First and foremost, it is important to have a strong work ethic and to always be willing to put in the extra time and effort. Players should also focus on developing their basic skills, such as ball handling, shooting, and passing. Additionally, it is important to stay in shape year-round and to constantly work on improving How To Be Good Basketball Player There is no one formula for becoming a good basketball player. However, by practicing regularly and working on your skills, you can improve your game. Additionally, following these tips can help you become a better player: -Practice regularly. The more you practice, the better you will become. Basketball is a skill sport, so the more time you spend practicing, the better you will perform during games. -Work on your shooting. Shooting is one of the most important There is no one specific way to be a good basketball player. However, having some essential tools and materials can help. Some things you will need are a basketball, a hoop, sneakers, and athletic clothes. You will also need plenty of practice, dedication, and skill. - Improve your speed, agility, and strength. learn the game inside and out. be a good teammate - Learn the basic skills of basketball such as dribbling, shooting, and passing - Practice regularly There are a few things that all good basketball players must do in order to be successful. First and foremost, they must be able to shoot well. They also need to be able to dribble and pass the ball effectively. In addition, they need to be able to defend their opponents and rebound the ball. Finally, they need to have a lot of stamina and be able to run up and down the court for extended periods of time. Frequently Asked Questions What Skills Do You Need To Be A Good Basketball Player? The skills you need to be a good basketball player are: dribbling, shooting, passing, and rebounding. What Are 3 Skills That A Good Basketball Player Should Have? A good basketball player should be able to dribble, shoot, and pass the ball. What Are The 3 Main Skills In Basketball? The three main skills in basketball are shooting, dribbling, and passing. To be a good basketball player, you need to have strong shooting and ball-handling skills, as well as good teamwork and stamina. You should also be able to think quickly on your feet and make quick decisions.
Motiv: Renovating the northeast wing of the Royal Palace of Stockholm. Photo: Henrik Garlöv/royalcourt.se From April 2011, the National Property Board will start to renovate the façade of the Royal Palace of Stockholm. This will begin with the renovation of the northeast wing of the Palace, which is also known as the Library Wing. Parts of the façade, which are made from Roslagen sandstone, Gotland sandstone and ordinary plaster, are in a poor condition. It is the Gotland sandstone in particular that has been weathered away. This damage is so extensive that for the past year, the Palace has been fitted with protective netting to prevent falling sandstone from landing on people down below. The renovation work has been divided up into 22 annual stages, and is expected to be carried out between 2011 and 2032. Once the façades have been repaired, the protective netting will be removed.
Trump administration sued by civil rights groups over executive order restricting diversity training Civil rights groups filed a lawsuit challenging President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting government contractors and federal agencies from offering diversity training that the president says is "divisive" and "un-American." The complaint filed Thursday by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the National Urban League and the National Fair Housing Alliance in federal court in Washington, D.C., argues the executive order violates free speech rights in an "extraordinary and unprecedented act by the Trump administration to undermine efforts to foster diversity and inclusion in the workplace." The Trump administration is "trying to keep individuals from even expressing their thoughts," Ajmel Quereshi, senior counsel with the NAACP Legal Defense fund, told USA TODAY. "What this case does is challenge this executive order on both First Amendment grounds as well as Equal Protection grounds specifically because it tries to keep any federal contractor, federal employee or federal grantee from speaking about the history of systemic discrimination in the United States and its continuing effects." The Labor Department said the elimination of "race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating in employment" is "a key civil rights priority of the Trump Administration." "The Department of Labor is confident it will prevail in this lawsuit and that President Trump’s Executive Order will be found lawful," the Labor Department said in a statement to USA TODAY. Trump executive order's 'chilling effect' Trump’s executive order comes as corporate America steps up efforts to address racial disparities following the death of George Floyd, a Black man, under the knee of white officer in Minneapolis in May. Critics say the executive order is a broadside against diversity and inclusion programs that will impair efforts by business and government to reverse decades-long patterns of discrimination and exclusion. A USA TODAY investigation found that more than 55 years after the Civil Rights Act, less than 2% of the top executives at the nation’s largest companies are Black. 'It's already having a massive effect':Corporate America demands Trump rescind executive order on diversity Microsoft, Wells Fargo diversity probed:Diversity initiatives to hire more Black leaders investigated by Trump administration The ripple effects from the executive order have also reached educational institutions, nonprofits and others who have federal contracts or plan to apply for them. By forcing government agencies or contractors to choose between censoring speech or forfeiting government contracts, "the order strikes at the heart of those critical efforts by government and nongovernment actors – including trainings and other forms of private speech in the workplace – to eradicate race and sex stereotyping and other continuing manifestations of entrenched discrimination and bias against people of color, women, and LGBTQ individuals," the complaint alleges. Trump administration challenges critical race theory A White House memo in late September suggested rooting out "ideologies that label entire groups of Americans as inherently racist or evil" in diversity training materials by searching for keywords such as "white privilege," "systemic racism," "intersectionality" and "unconscious bias." The executive order's stated goal is "to combat offensive and anti-American race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating." Asked about his executive order during the first presidential debate, Trump said: "They were teaching people that our country is a horrible place, it’s a racist place. And they were teaching people to hate our country. And I’m not gonna allow that to happen." The target of the executive order is critical race theory and stems from appearances by conservative activist Christopher Rufo on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight." Critical race theory teaches that racism pervades government and other American institutions, giving white people an advantage. "What I've discovered is that critical race theory has become, in essence, the default ideology of the federal bureaucracy and is now being weaponized against the American people," Rufo, director of the Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth & Poverty in Seattle said on Carlson's show. Rufo celebrated achieving his goal – "...persuading the President of the United States to abolish critical race theory in the federal government" – posting on Facebook moments after Trump issued the order. Corporate diversity efforts in line of Trump fire The Trump administration is not just pushing back against the belief that American society is inherently racist. It's also challenging corporate efforts to rebalance the scales by elevating more Black executives and executives of color into leadership ranks. In recent weeks, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, which oversees federal contractors for the Labor Department, has questioned whether diversity initiatives at Microsoft and Wells Fargo to double the ranks of Black managers and executives over the next five years violate federal laws barring discrimination based on race. Both corporations say they believe their initiatives comply with those laws. Guidance issued by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs outlines strict but vague requirements for complying with Trump's executive order on diversity and inclusion training that seem to cover essential and foundational concepts, Turner said. The agency has set up a hotline so that any individual or group can file a complaint against a government agency or federal contractor for perceived violations by phone or email. Third parties can also file a complaint on behalf of an individual or a group, the guidance says.
Department of Archaeology Archaeology researches the past by focusing on the material traces left behind by human societies and communities. The discipline focuses on both the prehistoric and historical periods, and its methods include e.g. archaeological excavations and other types of field work. This research often combines different perspectives from the natural sciences and the humanities. At the University of Turku, the Department of Archaeology is a research and teaching unit that focuses on archaeological cultural heritage. Our research centres around the Iron Age and recorded history, and we conduct our research mostly in Finland and the Baltic Sea region. Our department is also an active participant in research that focuses on the medieval era of the City of Turku. In addition, our archaeological activities utilise methods that stem from the natural sciences. Our teaching is designed to develop the archaeologically oriented thinking of our students. Our teaching provides deep insight into the methods and theories behind the research conducted in the field, the most crucial of which are the skills related to multidisciplinary work practices and cultural heritage work. We tailor our teaching contents to meet the needs of each and every student. Our teaching provides an excellent basis for working in the cultural heritage sector and in various fields that are related to culture. Many of our graduates have also become successful entrepreneurs. Our teaching focuses on a variety of topics: for example, we provide an overall view into Finland’s prehistoric and historic eras and the related archaeological source materials; we teach students how to plan and conduct field work by arranging courses on archaeological surveys and excavations; and we also arrange and host various special courses. The department’s four-person staff is responsible for teaching. In addition, the department plays host to a large group of project researchers and grantees. Vare is the student organisation for students of archaeology at the University of Turku. Vare arranges a multitude of different recreational events for students, in addition to various research and hobby-related activities.
scroll to top Stuck on your essay? Get ideas from this essay and see how your work stacks up Word Count: 727 North American Transformation Between 1660 and 1750 In 1660 through and after 1750 British colonies in North America were on a political economical social and religious upraise Change was the major theme during this period Many influences from outside forces from Spanish French Native Americans American intellectuals and especially the English formed how the colonies thought and developed Life in this period for the colonists was based on hard work and determination to create their utopian society But it was not going to be that easy there were various elements different opinions English rule government ect that stood in their way during this great transformation period of America Being that the American colonies were under English rule the colonies had to answer to Parliament first During the period of King Charles II navigation acts were placed upon the colonies The goals of these were to strengthen England and to essentially weaken the colonies and other countries The navigation acts 1660 and 1663 barred colonial merchants from exporting such commodities as sugar and tobacco anywhere except to England and from importing goods in non-England ships Boyer 94-5 After the conversion of leadership in England the rule of William and Mary in 1676 many of these acts were altered and entailed to fewer colonies The colonies were still ultimately dependent on England during this period but essentially knew that they had power against Parliament The colonies were maturing physically and in turn economically Being that living standards were so low because of British support there was a great population increase during this time period The ratio of Englands population to that of the mainland colonies plummeted from 20 to 1 1700 to 3 to 1 1775 Boyer 100 The motivation to bear children was high under the likelihood for future prosperity The economy was doing well in most places individuals were selling their rice tobacco fish ect at enormous rates British North Americas economy @Kibin is a lifesaver for my essay right now!! - Sandra Slivka, student @ UC Berkeley Wow, this is the best essay help I've ever received! - Camvu Pham, student @ U of M If I'd known about @Kibin in college, I would have gotten much more sleep - Jen Soust, alumni @ UCLA
One of the nice things about a stepped report is that the child groups are displayed beneath the parent groups but within the same column as the parent group. In the next several steps, I’m going to walk through creating a basic stepped report using the Tablix data region. I used the Matrix data region template for this example. First I created a report and dragged in a Matrix data region into the design area. I used the Adventure Works Cube and a simple data set with the Product hierarchy, Reseller Sales Amount and Calendar Year. Here is the query I used for the main dataset in case you would like to follow along. I put Product in the row group, Calendar Year on the column group, and Reseller Sales Amount in the details. Next we need to create a parent group for to display our Subcategory. To create a parent group, in the Row Groups pane, right-click the Product group, select Add Group, then select Parent Group. Select Subcategory as the field you want to group by. Make sure to check the Add group header check box. After creating the new group for Subcategory, right-click the Subcategory group in the Row Groups pane, and create a new parent group for the Category field. Again, check the box next to Add group header. At this point, you matrix should look like this. But since we are creating a stepped style report, we want our parent groups in the same column as our detail group. So we can delete the columns that contain Category and Subcategory. Then add Category and Subcategory to the rows above Product so that your Matrix looks like what you see below. Also, don’t forget to add Reseller Sales Amount in the cells next to Category and Subcategory. Now we’re almost done. To create the stepped formatting, right-click the cell containing Subcategory and select Text Box properties. In the Alignment pane under Padding options, set the Left padding to 15pt. Then click OK. Then right-click the cell containing the Product field and click Text Box properties. This time in the Alignment pane, set the Left Padding to 30pt. The last thing we have to do is create that nice, fancy, collapsible drill-down action. To do that, right click the Product row group in the Row Groups pane and navigate to the Visibility pane. When the report is initially run, we want the Product row group set to Hide. Check the check box next to Display can be toggled by this report item. Since we want the Product row group to be toggled by its parent group, select the Subcategory text box in the drop down list. We also should set the visibility settings of the Subcategory row group so that it is also hid when the report is initially run. It should be toggled by the Category row group. And after adding some nifty back ground colors to make our report a little easier to read and some bold text on the header row, you are done! We now have a simple, yet easy to read, stepped report that will allow the end user to drill down into the child group rows to view the data at a more granular level.
Witsies bring the first prize home after taking part in supercomputing competition. Two third-year female engineering students were part of the South African Anita de Mello Koch and Kaamilah Desai were part of a team that consisted entirely of undergraduate students. “We spent about six months preparing for this competition, putting in many hours of preparation, and winning the competition meant the hard work paid off. Additionally, it felt amazing to not only win this competition, but to win it as South Africa,” said de Mello Koch. The students in the schools of electrical and information engineering, computer science and applied mathematics formed one of the few teams that comprised equal representation of men and women. Desai told Wits Vuvuzela that she was definitely underestimated as a woman in the competition. “It feels like often people think that when you’re a woman you get placed in teams or competitions such as this just because you’re female. You have to work hard and sometimes extra hard to prove you belong there based on merit and your abilities,” she said. The 22-year-old expressed that sexism can be unconscious. “It is difficult to overcome sexism when people are unaware of it or unwilling to accept that it is there,” she said. The South African team competed against teams from the United States of America, United Kingdom, China, Taiwan, Spain, Switzerland, Estonia and Singapore, and in the end walked away with the highest overall score. Professor Estelle Trengove, head of school at the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, said: “I am tremendously proud of Anita and Kaamilah. Their achievement shows that our students are able to compete with the best in the world at the cutting edge of information technology”. FEATURED IMAGE: Two engineering students participated in the supercomputing contest. Photo: Lwandile Shange - Wits Vuvuzela, Curiosity, hope and discovery gather in Engineering building, May 2019. - Wits Vuvuzela, First-year engineering students face ‘tests’ of fire, April 2019. - Wits Vuvuzela, Students to represent South Africa at SuperComputing competition in Germany, February 2019.
“ Animal Species: Birds „ I havent had a macaw as a pet before, however I do have a Galah, and also I worked at a Safari Park for a couple of years, looking after the macaws there. They are a stunning bird, but take ALOT of care! And by care, birds need alot of company, strict routine and general patience and love. These birds, in the wild naturaly break twigs of trees and small branches, they crush walnuts and other large/hard nut shells with their powerful beak, so therefore it you do have one in your home, be aware that when you do let it out of its cage it will chew wood around the home as this is what comes naturaly. They are very bright birds and do train quite easily and will return to you when called, although I wouldnt reccommend letting your parrot free fly out side if you are in a busy area or surrounded by alot of trees, as crows/magpies will mob the bird and kill it!! Large aviary is the best bet. Be aware if you go away that you must have someone who likes parrots and most impotantly who the parrot likes to look after them as they do pluck their feathers if they are unhappy and can make themsleves very ill. On the positive side they do learn to talk, are great company and we would be lost without ours! In a couple of other reviews you may have noticed me mention Crackers- my mad Macaw who is as thick as two short planks yet scarily intelligent at the same time. I thought today would be a good time to do a review on him- as he is in the vets with me (working on a Sunday evening, pfff) after fracturing his wing last night by flying into the patio door- told you he was thick. Anyway, my boy Crackers.. *Purchasing a Macaw* Before purchasing your Macaw, there is an awful lot of things to take into consideration. They are large, noisy, messy (and often destructive) birds which require a lot of time, effort and expense to keep- they also need a carefully balanced diet, are prone to serious health problems and need a very large area in which to live. However if you can put up with the noise and mess and are willing to put in the effort- then Macaws can make excellent pets, full of character and life! Macaws are a pet for life- living between 30 and 65 years (the larger the Macaw the longer they tend to live), so ensure you are majorly commited. Once you have decieded you would like a Macaw, the hard part is actually trying to find one, which can be a bit of a mission in itself! Some of the larger pet shops (ie Pets At Home) sell them and this can be a good place to start as you can be pretty sure they have came from a well managed and legal stock, but beware of getting one from an advert in the local newspaper unless the owner can show you the relevant paperwork ect, as far too many birds are being illegally captured from the wild and being sold on. However the best thing to do, is to do your homework and contact a breeder with years of experience with Macaws, then you really can be sure you are getting a healthy and legal bird, this could take some time though as Macaw breeders are very few and far between. They are very expensive to buy- the common Gold & Blues generally start from around £750 but the Scarlets normally cost more- Crackers (a Scarlet) cost me £1,000 when I got him nine years ago and prices have probably gone up since. Macaws are the classic image most people get in their head when they think of a parrot. Large, brightly coloured birds with black & white faces and a big black beak- the pirates parrot! The most common species kept as pets are: -Blue & Golds: Also known as Blue & Yellows, they are around 75-85cm long and weigh between 2-3lbs, they are mainly blue with yellow/gold feathers on the chest, wings and 'tail' and sometimes with green colouring to the head. -Scarlets: In my opinion (although maybe slightly biased as Crack is a Scarlet) these are the prettiest of the Macaw species, mostly red feathers with blues, greens and yellows too and white face. They are slightly larger weighing in around 4lbs and measuring 80-96cm in lenght. -Green Winged Macaw: Or a red & green Macaw. These are often mistaken for the Scarlets because of their similar colourings, however the Green Winged (as the name suggests) has more green feathers to their wings and are also larger- capable of reaching lenghts over 100cm, and weighing more than 5lbs. The Macaw is extremely loyal and affectionate to its owner, but doesn't take kindly to strangers- in Crackers case, choosing to sqwark the house down should anyone he doesn't know dares to approach him (does have a plus side though- excellent burglar alarm). With alot of patience they can be taught to talk, although you may start wishing you never taught them to, because once they know how- they don't shut up. Although I do take the mickey out of my Crackers for being a bit dim- he is actually very intelligent when he wants to be and knows a whole host of words. Watching a few too many episodes of the show Friends with him around means he now will sing the themetune and copy Joey's 'How you doin' catchphrase- a great party trick I must admit, but gets embarrasing when he decides to, erm.. flirt with visitors. They are as bad as kids in the sense that you have to be careful with what you say around them, a little while ago we went through a phase of him calling everyone who came into my house an 'Old Bag' after he listened to me moaning about a neighbour...oops. They can be destructive, and many owners will tell you stories about their Macaws ripping the wallpaper off the walls and chewing the curtains ect. I've been very lucky with Crackers as he has never been like this, he is also very quiet for a Macaw (well as quiet as a Macaw could possibly be). He does have a few 'issues' in the sense that he thinks he is a dog, but we'll get there one day. Well with a name like Crackers and an owner like me, you could never expect the poor bird to be 'normal'. If there is one thing I cannot abide, it is seeing Macaws in cages. For this reason, Crackers isn't caged- he has a parrot stand which he is trained to return to for food, sleep ect and will stay put there when told to but otherwise has the run of the downstairs (well when I'm there anyway- kitchen when I'm not). As previously mentioned- he does think he is a dog, so will go outside to the toilet and doesn't mess around the house- I don't have the heart to break it to him that he is infact a bird. Obviously not everyone will share my views of Macaws in cages, and the majority of them are kept in them- they should be at least the lenght of your bird- then add another 10cms, and with room for your bird to stretch his wings out fully. Cages don't come cheap (at around £700) and the parrot stands are even more (mine was £1,500 but its more of a 'parrot activity centre' than just a stand), they should last the entire life span of your pet though so are a good investment. A carefully controlled diet is essential for your Macaw- specially prepared parrot mix from pet shops should make up around 40% of your Macaws diet, with the remaining 60% being fresh fruit, vegetables, boiled rice, peanuts, sunflower seeds, egg, pasta and small pieces of cooked chicken or turkey- they love chewing the bones too. The parrot mix should be available throughout the day and then hand feed them two meals a day, giving them only as much as they will eat whilst you hand feed them it. If you feed a correct balanced diet to your Macaw there is no need for added vitamin supplements although some owners do feed just parrot mix, so obviously vitamins will need to be added then. As with all animals, a bowl of fresh water should be available at all times. Sadly due to overbreeding and irresponsible owners who prehaps don't feed a correct diet to begin with, some Macaws eventually loose the abilty to eat normal parrot mix, fruit ect when their crop, a part of their digestive system stops working- this can sometimes be treated with muscle relaxing injections from vets but sadly it isn't normally effective and the birds days are numbered- the only possible solutions are feeding your Macaw baby food for the short time they may have left or sadly putting them to sleep. In just seven years of veternairy nursing I have already seen twelve Macaws with this problem- its so sad as it can easily be prevented. Macaws come from the moist, damp conditions of the tropical rainforest. They need the moisture to keep their feather cleans and produce their natural oils- you can 'recreate' the rainforest atmosphere by filling a spray bottle with water and spraying down your Macaw everyday- they will love it, aswell as keeping their feathers clean. Crack always knows when its 'shower time' and does his very cute little dance as the water sprays over him. To keep your birds beak short and sharp, they need items to chew. Either a cuttlefish or chicken thigh bones do this job very well. Crackers obsession with chicken bones stems from believing he is dog, and often carries them around in his beak with him. Sadly, too many captive Macaws suffer with stress and bordem which causes them to pluck out their own feathers, again this is a problem I have luckily managed to avoid with Crackers as he isn't caged. Providing your bird with lots of toys to keep him mentally active can help prevent this, and allowing him time out his cage every day. It is important to have your Macaws wings clipped- this means they can only fly very short distances and get no height, therefore they cannot fly away. It doesn't hurt your bird in the slightest, and means they can go out in the garden ect with you. Macaws generally have their wings done before being sold. As I said before, I don't keep Crackers in a cage so he has plenty of freedom to exercise and move about but Macaws kept in cages need at least 90 minutes out of their cage a day to stretch their wings and fly short distances- clipped wings will prevent them flying off. Crackers loves to come outside, and when I'm up at 5am everyday (oh the joys of keeping as many animals as I do), he is waiting by the back door ready to come out with me and sit on the fence whilst I muck out the stables, often singing his head off the entire time. Thankfully my only neighbour is as deaf as a doorpost. The Macaw isn't an ideal first time pet, or for someone who hasn't even kept a budgie ect before, they need alot of time and attention, aswell as being very expensive to intially buy and then feed, if however you are dedicated to putting in that time and effort then the results are priceless- I couldn't imagine life without Crack, there isn't a day go by the nut case doesn't make me laugh. They are very strong beaked and winged birds, which can inflict considerable damage making them unsuitable pets for children or people not totally confident with handling animals, they can be and often are very destructive and often decide to sqwark you a little song at 3am- put up with all that and you have a friend for life. Pictured on my members profile as you clicked on to my review you will have seen a photo of my beautiful blue and gold McCaw Gizmo. This is mine and gizmos story from begining to end. My husband began working in a pet shop close to our home in november of 2004, gizmo was already a pet on display in the pet shop being sold for £1599.00 with his cage. As you can imagine at a price like that these things dont sell like hamsters do so after a very long time, possibly most of his life living in a pet shop my husband noticed that gizmo didnt seem to be pooing any more and then began being sick. Immediatley he telephoned the owner of the shop who my husband worked for and although the owner of the shop does nothing but sit on his backside at home all day wholst people like my husband work there butt off all week to make a pittence of a wage wholst he rakes in mass profit he said he was too buisy to be bothered today. Me and my husband closed the shop early and took gizmo to the vets, to be told that his crop had stopped working. They could give him an injection to loosen the muscle in the crop but it would not fix the problem, gizmos days were numbered. To my knowledge the crop is the part of the birds digestive system that mulshes the seed up to allow the bird to digest it. He had the injection and we took him back to the shop, telephoned the owner of the shop to tell him what the vet had said and explained that gizmo would need to be fed on baby bird milk and pureed fruit from now on and his answer to this utterly disgusted me. The manager told my husband that he wasnt going to pay to keep a bird alive that he couldnt sell so told my husband to put him in the freezer to kill him. How dare he i thought, this is a living creature he cant just kill it because it is inconvenient to him, so i took gizmo home. The shop owner did get some of his money back, he charged me £600 for the cage which i suppose is reasonable seen as it is the going rate for a cage of this size. For the last 7 months i have fed gizmo on jars of baby food, the pureed fruits and porridge as well as baby parot mix. To begin with i started to feed this using a syringe as gizmo wasnt used to being touched so bit quite a lot and boy did that hurt. With in a few weeks gizomo got used to me and began walking around my chair which was right by his cage and also chewed all the material on the back of my chair, very distructive is my gizmo After that i began to feed him from a spoon every 4 hours through the day and leaving a 6 hour gap at night, i intended for this to be from 12 till 6 so i could get some sleep but gizmo had other ideas. he would go to sleep at around 10 pm and start yelling for food at 4 am, so i have had 7 months of 4am starts to my day. Gizmo then began to follow me around the house but wasnt very good with the stairs so started to get on my arm to go up stairs, this progressed to coming to sit on my lap and going to sleep when he was tired, i loved this, selfish of me realy but he only ever did this with me, he would let other people touch him but not cuddle him like i could. he was my baby. We brought gizm a parot cong toy which used to be his favorite, he would through it all around my living room. Gizmo learnt to talk, he used to say yummy if he saw food, me if he wanted something, if you asked him who was a pritty boy he would say gizmo is, if you told him off for doing something naughty he would put his head down and waddle off then turn around and laugh at you. Sunday morning i got up as usuall to gizmo yeling at 4.15am and gave him his breakfast but at 9 am he wouldnt take his next feed which was unusual, then a little later he brought back part of his 4 oclock feed so we took him to the vets only to be told there was nothing else they could do for him it was only a matter of time. I didnt realy think that time would be so short, At about 7. 20 this morning gizmo passed away wolst lying in my arms, sorry if this review is a bit rambled and it was possibly a bit too soon for me to right this but please make sure the parrot you buy is healthy as it has broken my heart to loose gizmo today, he was one of the family, my baby boy. No, I'm not talking about some supermodel, I am of course talking about macaws, the brightly coloured birds that sit on sailors shoulders in pirate movies. Here is my rough guide to choosing a macaw, and I warn you it is quite long, so go and make that cup of tea now. Selection: Choosing you first macaw will be your biggest challenge, and with so many of these beautifully colored birds vying for your attention it can be difficult to decide. Talking with owners of other macaws might help, but don't be surprised if they adore the species they have chosen. Each person is likely to try to convince you of his or her own macaws merits. Your final decision should be based on your lifestyle and living conditions, the bird's health, and its availability. I can't help you with which macaw to choose, as they all vary so much, but talk to your pet shop owner, hopefully he will be able to help you better than I can, helping people pick pets over the internet is a bit hit and miss, your pet shop owner would be a better bet .... A little background knowledge goes a long way: Provided they are given a healthy diet, allowed freedom from their cage and given lots of attention macaws will be life long companions. These birds grow to be very old, and it is because of this longevity that deciding on a pet macaw should not be taken lightly. This is not the time for impulse buying that you might regret later, as they are for life. I know a few people who take their macaws to work; I am not joking. This arrangement has bonded them and the bird strongly together. Others have built literally huge, lush environments where their birds live happily in luxury. While a number of macaw species are now commonly bred in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world, certain species remain difficult to breed and their populations remain low in the wild as a result of this. The wild populations of Buffon's, Hyacinth and Blu e-throated Macaws have severely declined in recent years and in my opinion they are still too rare to be used as pets. I would, however, encourage serious breeders to work with these species. Health: This is the single most important consideration when purchasing your macaw. Anyone selling a macaw should be willing to have their bird checked by an avian veterinarian before you take it home. The vet should do extensive test, and it will take about two days for the results of these tests to be determined. A signed vets certificate should accompany the bird. If all the tests and the exam reveal no apparent disease you can feel fairly confident about your purchase. As a precaution all new birds should still be quarantined from any otherbirds you might own for a minimum of forty five days. Age: The age is less important than the health and temperament of the bird. Buying a young bird does not guarantee tameness and buying an older macaw does not mean the bird will not make a good pet. Macaws are individuals, and macaws will continue to grow until they are about a year and a half old, baby macaws have dark eyes which lighten as they age, except for Buffon's and Hyacinths macaws whos eyes will remain dark when they are mature. Male or Female: The gender is not important for pet purposes, and the only reason to desire a certain sex would be to breed or prevent breeding. Some pet owners may desire to get birds that are the same sex as the birds they already have to avoid breeding. From a temperament standpoint I see few differences, there are introverts and extroverts in both sexes just like humans. The males are not always larger than the females, as this varies more due to their genetic background and the species. Talking ability does not seem to be sex related. Availability Birds do not breed like dogs and cats. The clutch size of a macaw varies from two to four eggs with one to t hree fertile on average. A particular pair might raise a second clutch one year or skip a year entirely. Once you decide what species you want it may be necessary to get on a waiting list to insure you will get the species you want. Unweaned Birds: There is a common practice of selling unweaned birds, the reason for this is the breeder will sell the bird for less as they do not have to complete the weaning process. Weaning is a very stressful event, for both the macaw and its' new owner, however, in an accomplished breeders hands this is achieved with minimal stress. The birds are not ready for a change in environments when they are being hand fed and you should try to avoid moving them. The extra cost in buying a weaned bird is worth it, because if the birds have been properly socialized by raising them in a nurturing environment with other birds and people, they will be well adjusted to their surroundings. Many unweaned birds die horrible deaths with well meaning new owners. As a result, burned crops, infections and stunted birds are commonly seen by avian veterinarians. Locating a Macaw: There are primarily three ways to acquire a bird; a pet shop, pet owner or directly from the breeder. In addition, your veterinarian might be helpful in providing information on available birds. I suggest buying from a pet shop as recently more pet shops have started to become more specialized in birds. They might offer several advantages to the interested buyer. For instance, the bird, cages and feed would be available in a one-stop location requiring a minimum of driving around and pet stores potentially can offer a variety of species for you to choose from. The disadvantage is that they might not have several birds of the same species for you to see, they might not be able to provide information on the former owner and might not have knowledgeable personnel to answer your questions. The birds history: The mo re information you can find out about the bird's lifestyle before you get them the better. How were they housed, inside or outside ? What temperature range were they used to ? What was their diet? Knowing their favorite foods might make their adjustment to your home less stressful. Are they able to fly ? This will have an affect on how you position the perches. Learn as much about their feather condition, personality and previous medical history as possible. What does the purchase price include ? Will the owner have an avian veterinarian check the bird ? What will that include ? Suggested protocol would be a complete physical exam, blood work, cultures of the vent and throat, and a chlamydia screen. Different species might require different tests be done. Who will pay for that exam ? Will the owner include written information about the bird ? What is the return policy ? These things all need to be discussed prior to your purchase. The cost of the bird: Finally the biggest consideration of all, cost, and just like with other commodities the cost is based on rarity. If the bird is uncommon in captivity or in the wild, you can expect to pay a higher price. If the bird is bred frequently in captivity, the cost will normally reflect this. If the seller has done all the veterinarian checks, sex determination and weaning you can expect to pay more. This is beneficial to the buyer who otherwise would have to do it himself, and as many people have found out a higher cost does not guarantee a healthy bird. Anyway, I hop that helps anybody who has considered buying a macaw, and made people realise a bit more, that buying a pet is a tricky business that should not be jumped into for fear of diappointment. Macaws however are beautiful birds, and good companions. Good Luck !
"Your presentation about the loons and your story of 'Grapenut' enthralled the audience. Of all our live events, this summer, yours drew the biggest crowd! We’d love to have you come back next year!” Rachel Williams Lecture Series Coordinator Loon Center, Moultonborough, NH Ever hear that haunting and eerie sounding call of a loon on a lake? Doesn’t it send shivers down your spine? Want to know what loons are really communicating to each other and learn more fascinating behaviors about these elusive aquatic birds? Learn from an expert in the field and his little loon mascot, Grapenut! John Rockwood The Loon Man NH is a Common Loon educator, author, naturalist, and professional nature photographer. Grapenut is a real loon chick/juvenile who adopted John into his loon family and shared all his young and incredible growing stages with him for two seasons. Learning to fly, catching prey , playing hide and go seek and riding on his parents backs, are just some of the loon behaviors young Grapenut displayed to John from the time he was 4 days old in the summer until the time he fledged in late fall, as a juvenile. Grapenut is just part of the presentation on the Life Cycle of Loons. A spectacular and very entertaining multi-media Narrated Loon Nature Show, filled with stunning close up Loon Video clips and Loon photos by Professional Photographer, John Rockwood. His shows are chock full of amusing anecdotes, with a great deal of factual information woven into his storylines. John's shows resonate very strongly with his various audiences. They deeply respond to his passion for appreciating, understanding and most importantly, for respecting Loons. John is also very dedicated to helping to protect Loons and collaborates closely with the staff at Loon Preservation Committee as a volunteer to support their mission. http://www.loon.org/assets/pdf/47551_SUMMER4c.pdf (pages 10,11) Presented in an entertaining and informative format that captures audiences, hearts, minds, and engages his listeners, this is the recipe for John's popularity as a lecturer. John's credits include Common Loon Expert, Educator, Author, Naturalist, Professional Nature Photographer. John currently presents at Audubon Centers, the Loon Center, Nature Centers, libraries, assisted living and retirement communities, schools and is available for other venues as well in New England. Mr. Rockwood has had numerous photos published in Birds & Blooms and Natural New England Magazines. The March 2009 issue of Birds & BloomsExtra contains his photos “Nesting in Harmony".The November 2008 issue of Birds & BloomsExtra contains his photos “A Date With An Egret”. The September 2008 issue of Birds & BloomsExtra contains an excerpt of his book ( Available April 2009) "Adventures with Grapenut" about a Loon Chick, John chronicled during the 2007 season. His “Loon Pair” photo was published in The Best of Birds and Bloom2007 book. John also won the 2004 Auburn, NH Photo contest with his favorite picture, “Nesting Loon”. 4 day old Grapenut! Margret and H.A. Rey Center hosted an photo exhibit with some of John's favorite Loon photos February-March 2010. The Society for the Protection of NH Forests hosted an exhibition of the Wildlife Photography of John Rockwood September 1-30 2009 His wildlife photos were the featured Summer exhibit at the NH Loon Center for 2005-2009. Returning Summer 2010. Mr. Rockwood was a guest presenter for the NH Loon Center’s 2005-2009 Summer Nature Talks series. He will be back for 2 shows in the 2010 Summer Nature Talks series. The Joppa Flats Audubon Center hosted an exhibition of the Wildlife Photography of John Rockwood, September - November 2008. The Harris Center featured John's photos and slide show in April 2008. His photos and slide show were the feature exhibit at the McLane Audubon Center in Concord April - May 2007. The Massabesic Audubon Center hosted an exhibition of the Wildlife Photography of John Rockwood, November - December 2005 and May - June 2009. Mr. Rockwood’s photographs are available through the Loon Center and Audubon Center gift shops. See more of Mr. Rockwood’s photography by visiting his web site at:
Why should I quit? Your health. This is a very real concern: smoking harms nearly every organ of the body. Half of all smokers who keep smoking will end up dying from a smoking-related illness. In the United States alone, smoking is responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths, and about 8.6 million people suffer from smoking-related lung and heart diseases. Nearly everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer. Smoking greatly increases your risk of getting long-term lung diseases like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These diseases make it harder to breathe, and are grouped together under the name chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Heart attacks, strokes, and blood vessel diseases Smokers are twice as likely to die from heart attacks as non-smokers. And men who smoke are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction (impotence) because of blood vessel disease. Years of life lost due to smoking Based on data collected in the late 1990s, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that adult male smokers lost an average of 13.2 years of life and female smokers lost 14.5 years of life because of smoking. Blindness and other problems Smoking causes an increased risk of muscular degeneration, one of the most common causes of blindness in older people. It promotes cataracts, which cloud the lens of the eye. Why quit now? No matter how old you are or how long you’ve smoked, quitting can help you live longer and be healthier. People who stop smoking before age 50 cut their risk of dying in the next 15 years in half compared with those who keep smoking. Ex-smokers enjoy a higher quality of life. They have fewer illnesses like colds and the flu, lower rates of bronchitis and pneumonia, and feel healthier than people who still smoke. At Obesity Control Center, our Cardiopulmonary Department has performed more then 10,000 pulmonary function tests, and concluded that quitting smoking prevents pneumonia, asthma attacks and coronary syndromes. So if you already decided to have a bariatric surgery with us, and you are an active smoker, please contact us to help you and give you a guide to quitting smoking.
Rick Steves' Europe What parents need to know Parents Need to Know Parents need to know that this family-friendly travel series featuring travel writer Rick Steves offers historic information and practical travel tips for destinations throughout Europe. The host recommends specific local hotels, restaurants, and tourist destinations and occasionally refers to his guidebooks. Drinking (beer, wine, etc.) is sometimes visible, but not to excess. It's definitely a mild choice, though kids may not be too excited about it. What's the story? RICK STEVES’ EUROPE follows well-known travel writer Rick Steves as he travels the European continent and offers viewers information and advice about enjoying the best it has to offer. Each episode follows the host in a different country, region, city, or village in Europe, where he shares historical background about some of the local attractions. He also offers handy travel trips and specific hotel, dining, and sightseeing recommendations. Is it any good? The series offers an interesting look at some of Europe’s top destinations through the eyes of its articulate host. Steves’ descriptions often take on a poetic quality as he describes some of each area’s works of art, parks, and churches. The show is a promotional vehicle for Steves' many guidebooks, and many of his recommendations are obvious endorsements of local businesses. But that's appropriate within the context of a travel guide show, and it's not jarring within the series' gentle, positive take on Europe, which is both informative and helpful. Families can talk about... Families can talk about traveling. Does your family travel? What places would you like to visit together? Do you consider this show educational? Why or why not?
Allgemeine Informationen zu unseren Fallstudien (Case Studies) Die hier vorgestellten Case Studies stellen Referenzbeispiele für die Anwendung der Sozialen Netzwerkanalyse in der Organisationspraxis dar und dienen den Zielen - die Anwendung und den Nutzen der Sozialen Netzwerkanalyse zur Identifizierung, Analyse und Visualisierung der Strukturen, Inhalte und Wissensflüsse von informellen persönlichen Netzwerken zu zeigen, die innerhalb und zwischen Organisationen existieren; - die Ansatzmöglichkeiten für Interventionen und Folgeaktivitäten aufzuzeigen, die auf Basis der Sozialen Netzerkanalyse abgeleitet werden können, um die Prozesse der Wissenskommunikation im Sinne de Organisationziele zu unterstützen und zu fördern. Alle Case Studies wurden vom Autor dieser Seiten durchgeführt und können in dem hier vorgestellten Buch im Volltext nachgelesen werden (Kapitel 5); Buch und Fallstudien sind nur auf Englisch verfügbar; Copyright: Tobias Müller-Prothmann; Nutzung und Nachdruck nur mit ausdrücklicher schriftlicher Genehmigung des Autors – für entsprechende Anfragen nutzen Sie bitte unser Kontaktformular. About the Case Study “Leveraging Organizational Expertise” Identification, development, and conservation of expertise are critical to organizational success or failure. Social network analysis provides a tool to identify expertise within organizations. Reasons to undertake a network analysis for the identification of expertise can be, for example: - evaluation of quantity and quality of existing expertise or development of new expertise due to strategic reasons, - lack of experts and expertise, - lack of transparency of expertise, - barriers in the communication of expertise, - poor conservation of existing expertise, - overload of individual experts. This case study was undertaken as a small part of the project “Wachstum mit Wissen” (economic growth through knowledge), sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (Fraunhofer IPK), Berlin, in co-operation with the author at the Department of Information Science, Freie Universität Berlin. Names have been changed at the request of the company; selected visualizations have been simplified for presentation. Preliminary results of this case study were presented and discussed at the Sunbelt 2004, XXIV. International Social Network Conference, May 12-16, 2004, Portoroz / Slovenia (see Müller-Prothmann 2004) and at the I-KNOW 04, 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management, June 30-July 2, 2004, Graz / Austria (see Müller-Prothmann and Finke 2004b, also published as Müller-Prothmann and Finke 2004a) (see Publications). The case study has been undertaken in a research and service organization to examine its expertise within the domain of acquisition of EU fundings for research projects. To illustrate this example, the purpose of this case study can be outlined briefly as follows: Consider that you are working in a research and service organization. You have to acquire funding for new research projects and you know that programs and financing are available from the European Union (EU). You have an idea for a new project, but you do not know how best to prepare a project proposal. However, there are other people in your organization who have successfully acquired EU funding for their projects. The question is: How do you find out who knows about developing a winning proposal for an EU project acquisition? Who are the experts in your organization and who do you need to know and contact outside of your organization to assist you (for instance, at the European Commission)? The case study exemplified here aims at the identification of expertise with regard to knowledge about the acquisition of EU fundings for research projects. This domain of knowledge was differentiated into five sub-domains that are important for success or failure of the acquisition of EU funding. These basic sub-domains were derived through methods of integrated enterprise modeling (see Spur et al. 1996; Mertins and Jochem 1997) and validated with process experts. The relevant sub-domains that were identified are: - knowledge of the acquisition process, - knowledge of finished or ongoing projects, - knowledge of potential partners, - knowledge of funding topics, - knowledge of key people in the relevant EU institutions. Other basic conditions were derived from the assumptions of factors that facilitate or hinder knowledge communication between people in personal networks. Factors that have been studied were Factors that facilitate knowledge transfer: - specialized knowledge and competence, - continuous exchange of knowledge, - spatial proximity, - mutual understanding, - mutual completion. Barriers that hinder knowledge transfer: - lack of time and availability, - organizational boundaries. In addition, it was taken into account that people make use of the possibility to avoid existing barriers. This is especially relevant for the case that people contact experts who are not easily available to them through the intermediation of third persons who are easier to contact. A questionnaire was mailed to collect the data for the social network analysis about expertise of EU funding. The questionnaire was used to identify the experts according to the relevant sub-domains outlined above. This was reached through a combination of self-assessment of the participants, through assessment by others, and through results of the network analysis (see figure). Besides, integration and availability of expert knowledge was analyzed. Barriers and factors to facilitate the contacts between the network members were explored with regard to the different sub-domains. The identification of potential networks with regard to the central position of experts, compared with the existing network of central contact persons, allows insights into - knowledge transfer between experts and non-experts, - knowledge transfer between experts, - popularity of experts across organizational boundaries, - boundary-spanning knowledge transfer. The survey was held in November 2002. All research staff of the organization was invited to participate. A total of 25 people finally participated in the survey which is equal to a participation rate of 28 per cent. This case study lead to a set of important findings, some of the most important are presented here. In this section, the main findings are presented with regard to (1) size of the network, (2) number of experts, (3) seniority, (4) self-assessment of the participants, and (5) barriers and enablers. In addition, visualizations and analysis of the results are presented with regard to the different sub-domains concerning (1) knowledge of the acquisition process, (2) knowledge of finished or ongoing projects, (3) knowledge of potential partners, (4) knowledge of domains of ongoing fundings, and (5) knowledge of key people in the relevant EU institutions. - Network size: The network analyzed in this study has 42 members (actors). Although the data is based on the answers of 25 participants only, people could name other persons as experts or contacts who did not submit a questionnaire themselves. Therefore, the network size is larger than the number of answered questionnaires. 86 per cent of the network members are part of the research staff (in the fields of automation and robotic, virtual product development, enterprise management) or administration / management staff of the organization, and 14 per cent are external people (members of the corporate administration or partners in joint projects). - Number of experts: Different people were named as experts with regard to the different sub-domains. All sub-domains aggregated, 10 people could be identified as experts by four or more participants. With regard to the different sub-domains, only three people could be identified as experts named by four or more participants. In the following sections, only those network members are called experts who were named by four or more people. - Number of contact persons: As for the experts, those people are called contact persons who were identified as contact persons by four or more participants. Thus, a total of six people were identified as contact persons according to this criterion. - Seniority: About 50 per cent of the network actors were members of the organization for four years or more. The figure below shows the seniority distribution according to the percentage share between experts and non-experts. The higher seniority of experts is obvious. - Self-assessment of the participants: Self-assessment of the participants shows that experts rank their own expertise as relatively high. The self-assessment of non-experts matches the assessment by the others. This leads to the conclusion that the perception of the participants of themselves corresponds positively with the perception by others. Visualizations of the results and key findings of the network analysis are presented with regard to the different sub-domains: (1) knowledge of the acquisition process, (2) knowledge of finished or ongoing projects, (3) knowledge of potential partners, (4) knowledge of funding topics, and (5) knowledge of key people in the relevant EU institutions. Coloring and grouping of the nodes, which represent the network members, indicate their membership to organizational sub-units. The directed lines indicate who has been named an expert or contact person by whom. The strength of lines indicates the priority of expertise as named by the participants. Experts are indicated by an “E”, contact persons by an “A”. Here we present only two selected results with regard to the two sub-domains (1) Knowledge of the acquisition process and (5) Knowledge of external key persons in the relevant EU institutions. Knowledge of the acquisition process: The figure below shows the relationships of expert identifications with regard to knowledge of the acquisition process of EU projects (“Whom do you consider as an expert with regard to successful acquisition of EU projects?”). The next figure below shows the corresponding relationships of contact persons as identified in the study (“Whom do you contact for expertise about the acquisition of EU projects?”). One expert could be identified according to the definition criterion given above (four people or more consider him or her an expert). Considering all expert-relationships, 13 participants mentioned experts from their own organizational unit, while 8 were mentioned across organizational boundaries. The ratio between internal and external ties (we could call this the “intra-/inter-ratio”), i.e. the number of identified experts from the own versus the number of identified experts from other organizational units, has a value of 1.625. To compare configurations of internal and external linkages, Krackhardt and Stern (1988) introduced the E-I index as a normalized measure of the ratio between external and internal relationships. The E-I index measures the ratios between external and internal ties and normalizes them to a value within the range of -1.0 to +1.0. An E-I index of -1.0 would indicate that only internal relationships exist, while all relationships would be external for an E-I index of +1.0. Here, the E-I index reaches a score of -0.2381. The expert identified in figure ‘Experts Project Acquisition’ is also a contact person (see figure ‘Contact Persons Project Acquisition’). In addition, one more contact person was identified. The cluster in the lower right is characterized through internal relationships of contacts only. Moreover, it is remarkable that 36 contact relationships are internally established within organizational units, while inter-organizational relationships exist only for 10 relations (E-I index = -0.5652). We can conclude with regard to knowledge of the acquisition process that knowledge of the experts is requested by others, but requests mainly remain internal to the corresponding organizational sub-unit. Knowledge of external key persons in the relevant EU institutions: The figure below shows the expert identifications of people who have knowledge of and relationships with key persons from relevant EU institutions (“Whom do you consider as an expert with regard to connections to key persons from relevant EU institutions?”). The next figure below shows the corresponding relationships of contact persons as identified in the study (“Whom do you contact for information about key persons from EU institutions?”). One person could be identified as having informations about and connections to external key people from relevant EU institutions. The E-I index is well-balanced (0.0000). But it is obvious that only a small number of people is named as expert again. Also, the identified expert is contacted only by two people from his or her own organizational unit. The identified contact person is exclusively contacted from his or her own organizational unit as well. The E-I index of identified contact relationships is -0.5000. The results impressively show that not the people with the best expertise are contacted but that other people play the role of contact persons. Moreover, contacting people strongly depends on organizational membership. The average E-I index for experts (i.e. the normalized measure of the ratio between the number of identified experts from the own versus the number of identified experts from other organizational units) is -0.2432 (std. dev.: 0.1481) whereas the average E-I index for contact persons (i.e. the normalized measure of the ratio between the number of identified contact persons from the own versus the number of identified contact persons from other organizational units) is -0.4993 (std. dev.: 0.1810). This leads to the conclusion that people know about existing expertise throughout the organization, but when they need to actually contact people, they address members of their own organizational unit. This gives reason to assume the existence of other factors besides expertise which influence the informal flows of knowledge. While organizational barriers (i.e. membership within different organizational units) have not been mentioned by the participants as answers to the direct question about existing barriers, network analysis clearly indicates the influence of organizational membership on informal relationships of knowledge flows, particularly on contacting people. Moreover, other barriers than organizational membership seem to be relevant as well, as the position of the expert in the third and fifth sub-domain of knowledge suggests. Due to the differences between results from direct answers about barriers and results from the actual network, the suspicion arises that factors of social acceptance have influence on the answers given by the participants, i.e. the persons questioned are supposed to give answers that seem to be socially wanted for the case of direct questions. These differences could be revealed through the results of social network analysis. As mentioned above, only a total of 25 people finally participated in the survey which is equal to a participation rate of 28 per cent. Although this return rate is at a common level, network analysis aims at reaching a return rate of at least 66 per cent or, better, even more. The low return rate in this case study is a result primarily due to two reasons: - although all data was anonymized for the analysis, network data collection is always person-related—therefore, social network analysis in organizations is always very sensitive to privacy issues; - a majority of the research staff was never involved in processes of project acquisition—therefore, these people did not feel addressed to participate in the study. Although the low return rate reduces the validity of an extensive interpretation of the results, the primary goal of this pre-test study was reached: to pragmatically adapt the method of social network analysis for organizational practice, to gain experience, and to provide explorative explanation of its use and limits. The results of this case study have been documented and have been the foundation to develop a guideline to apply social network analysis as an analytical knowledge management method in other business units of the organization as well. From a methodical point of view, the questionnaire design was well elaborated, but did miss to check validity of the answers with regard to one aspect: reciprocity. Network linkages in this case study are directed, but the questionnaire collected only data for one direction only (“Whom do you consider as an expert with regard to…?”) and did not ask for the reciprocal connection (like, e.g., “Who did assist you with his or her expertise with regard to…?” and “Whom did you assist with your expertise with regard to…?”). Despite this methodical weakness of the survey design, the workshop discussions finally indicated the correctness and usefulness of the results anyway. To conclude, this example shows that social network analysis provides a method to trace knowledge flows, analyze network structures and personal expertise with additional value to a simple knowledge map or yellow pages. On the one hand, social network analysis tries to identify knowledge flows wherever they may go. On the other hand, social network analysis gives us a detailed picture of actors’ positions, the characteristics of their connections and the overall structure of relationships. Social network analysis provides us with a well-elaborated set of methods and measures for various applications in knowledge management that especially help us to foster organizational expertise and transfer of knowledge.
Let me illustrate. Many think that “Arabs” and “Jews” have always been in conflict. In fact, this is utterly false, so is the dichotomy. For the longest part of human history, Arabs (Muslim and Jewish) lived in harmony. An early shining moment in our history occurred over 1400 years ago when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) established the first Islamic state in the city of Madinah. As the head of that state, he executed a charter with both Muslims and Jews of Madinah, establishing a federalist structure and proclaiming a partial bill of rights (supplementing other rights stated in the Qur’an). The Charter declared all Muslim and Jewish tribes of Madinah (there were no Christian ones there) to be one community. At the same time, each tribe retained its identity, customs and internal relations. Among the rights protected was the right to freedom of religion and the right not to be found guilty because of the deeds of an ally. In a global era when religious intolerance was the rule, the Charter of Madinah stated that the Jews of the community who were party to the Charter were “one people” with the Muslims. Jews were entitled to both succor from and equality with the Muslims. They were also entitled to Muslim loyalty. If wronged, they must be helped. Both Muslim and Jewish signatories had a right to mutual assistance and consultation. (1) It is this model that informed the actions of khalifas in Andalusi Spain when they defined their relations to Jews there. Consequently, Jews were able to rise to the level of ministers in an Islamic government, and engage freely in business and scholarship. These were the days of Maimonides, the Arab scholar, the Jewish rebbe. These are important facts in our human history, but we do not know them. We focus on examples of conflict instead. When we think of Muslim-Christian relations, our conflict ridden model is that of Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella, of the Inquisition. How many of us, however, have heard of another model in another corner of the Mediterranean, namely the Sicilian one? The latter model is one of harmony, despite initial conflict. It is a model that I did not discover until a few weeks ago when I read a recent law review article. The article notes that Sicily was ruled by Muslims for over two centuries, only to be replaced by the Normans. But the Normans did not attempt to destroy the existing culture, or obliterate the identity of the Muslims there. Muslims were able to practice their religion and retain their local customs. The Normans, in fact, adapted to the culture, and benefited from it. The result is that Islamic law may have not only benefited the Normans, but the whole common law tradition on which our American law is based. (2) What we need today is more positive models and less conflict-ridden ones. We need healing, justice and forgiveness, both globally and at home. We need to put forth restorative concepts of justice. Restorative justice aims at healing the victim, the family of the victim and the community at large. It requires, for example, reparation and participation. It does not focus only on the offender or on retribution. It is this kind of justice that our faiths advocate. (3) Unfortunately, we have fallen short of this kind of justice and consequently ended up with a world full of conflict. So, we need to change. For more on this, see Azizah Y. al-Hibri, Islamic and American Constitutional Law: Borrowing Possibilities or a History of Borrowing? 1 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 492 (1999) See John A. Makdisi, “The Islamic Origins of the Common Law,” 77 North Carolina Law Review 1635-1739, esp. 1720-26 (1999) For an example of restorative justice in Islam, see Azizah al-Hibri, The Muslim Perspective on the Clergy-Penitent Privilege, 29 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 1723 (1996). This is a speech delivered by Azizah Yahia al-Hibri on October 15, 1999 at the Washington National Cathedral. This event was organized by The International Women’s Forum. Azizah al Hibri is Executive Director of Karamah, Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights. Please visit their website at www.karamah.org The American Muslim does not claim primary copyright on the source material. Reprinted in The American Muslim with permission. If you wish to reprint the entire article, you must obtain permission of the copyright holder
Conclusions and Commentary Companies must continuously improve their information technology to gain and maintain competitive advantage. Companies that invest significant time and money to achieve an advantage want a system that has sustainability. When competitors can quickly respond with similar or better systems the result is a higher cost of doing business for everyone involved. To create sustainability, an organization can preempt its competitors by being first to market. This creates surprise, respect, and time advantages. Alternatively, sustainability may be achieved through intimidation. Creating a system that is large, complex, or risky can ward off duplicators. True sustainability can only be achieved through continual development and enhancement of a strategic system. If managers are trying to develop a Strategic Decision Support System, they should ask how it affects company costs, customer and supplier relations and managerial effectiveness. Managers should also attempt to assess how the Strategic DSS will impact the structure of the industry and its competitors. Organizations should identify their goals, the potential reactions of competitors, and evaluate if the impact of the DSS is good for the industry as a whole or has adverse effects such as, more price sensitivity and lower margins. Ultimately, DSS must be used to gain competitive advantage. DSS often have positive benefits, so why do some managers resist using Decision Support Systems? Let’s examine seven explanations for managerial resistance to using DSS that are cited in the literature. First, managers may have insufficient computer training. Managers are receiving more computer training and new managers are quite sophisticated in their use of computer software. The magnitude of this problem should be decreasing. Second, some managers argue using a DSS will diminish their status and force them to do secretary's work. Using a DSS is not a secretary’s work. Companies can not afford to pay two people to do one job. This attitude is counter productive. Third, using a DSS may not fit a manager's problem solving style, which is sometimes intuitive rather than analytical. While this may be true, managers should use both analysis and intuition in solving problems. Fourth, using a DSS does not fit with the manager's work habits of verbal and non-verbal problem solving in face-to-face meetings. DSS should not and can not replace all face-to-face meetings. Communications-Driven DSS are an adjunct to traditional meetings. Other DSS can often be used in a face-to-face meeting. Fifth, DSS models, interfaces, and systems are usually poorly designed. Poor design is a problem, but not an inherent problem. Managers need to be involved in building DSS and more resources need to be focused on DSS design and development. Sixth, some managers argue building and using a DSS is expensive and time consuming. Building a DSS is expensive and time consuming. Using a DSS does not need to be time consuming or tedious or difficult. DSS can actually save managers time and speed-up decision processes. Seventh, information overload is a major problem for people, managers already receive too much information and many DSS increase the overload. Although this can be a problem, DSS can help managers organize and use information. DSS can actually reduce and manage the information load of a user. Many of the seven reasons cited above for not using DSS are excuses and rationalizations rather than meaningful objections. To gain competitive advantage, project champions and DSS developers need to overcome the problems caused by managers who resist the use of Decision Support Systems. Finally, companies must determine who they want a proposed DSS to support and what result they want from the new DSS. An Inter-Organizational DSS should offer customers value. Value can be improved service, new products, lower product or service costs, or customization. Often these benefits come from an increase in short-term costs of the DSS provider, but this is better than allowing a competitor to lead in technology innovation and jeopardize an organization's market share in the long term.
More cougar sightings have been reported in Kelowna. Multiple reports have been made in recent nights around the areas of Lakeshore Road, Dickson Avenue, Abbott and Richter Streets. The nocturnal nature of cougars makes them most likely to be spotted at night while hunting or searching for a permanent home. Cougar sightings are generally brief and non-incidental. While not unusual for the area, residents are reminded to stay vigilant in the evening and nighttime hours; when cougars are most active. The best way to protect yourself is to reduce attractants: don’t leave pets or pet food outside at night, don’t feed other wild animals such as raccoons or deer and close off sheltered places like porches. If encountering a cougar make yourself as big as possible, keep your distance, don’t run or turn your back and keep children close. Cougar attacks on humans are rare, but if one does attack the best course of action is to fight back. Want to support local journalism? Make a donation here.
First lady Michelle Obama, who is heading to London for the Olympics, discussed on Monday her memories of watching the Olympics on TV, saying she never believed she would one day attend the games. “I am beyond proud to be leading the U.S. delegation to the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic games, and during my visit, in addition to cheers for team USA, I’m going to have a chance to meet with our Olympic athletes and the folks who work in our embassy in London as well,” she said Monday on a conference call with the press. “Leading our national delegation and traveling to London is truly a dream come true. If anybody had asked me when I was 10 or 11 or 20, or actually 40, whether I would be doing this, I would have bet not. Some of my fondest memories when I was young and not so young involved watching the Olympics on TV and cheering on team USA.” Hoping to use the Olympic and Paralympic Games to inspire more kids to become active as part of her "Let’s Move!" initiative, the first lady said that being an Olympian is about much more than winning medals. “Being an Olympian isn’t just about winning the gold or setting a new record. It’s really about pushing yourself. It’s about believing in yourself and refusing to give up, no matter what obstacles you might face,” she said. “So I am very excited about this trip for so many reasons, but I’m excited that it will serve as a powerful opportunity to send another message to the kids in the country and other countries about the importance of staying fit, learning to compete, staying healthy, and that this isn’t just about sports, it's about being active. So we are very excited and I wish all of the members of team USA the best of luck in these games.” Before the call started, the first lady took a moment to reflect on the shooting tragedy in Colorado. “Barack and I have seen people across this country come together as one American family to mourn the victims of this devastating event and to support their friends and family and loved ones," she said. "I know we will continue that support in the difficult time ahead. I know that even as we enter the Olympics, this wonderful occasion, I know that we are holding people of Aurora in our hearts and in our prayers.” NAUGHTY BUT NICE ROB ON HuffPost Entertainment is your one-stop shop for celebrity news, hilarious late-night bits, industry and awards coverage and more — sent right to your inbox six days a week. Learn more
If you're looking for a report or presentation slides from one of our events, please see the individual event page. View our past events here. The influence of land use mix, density and urban design on health Date: July 2012 Work programme: Healthy urban planning Author: Karen Croucher, Alison Wallace, Steven Duffy This review of the literature on the influence of land use mix, density and design on health has been commissioned by the Glasgow Centre for Population Health and the Scottish Health Impact Assessment Network. The aims of the review were to build on an earlier review of the influence of the physical characteristics of urban neighbourhoods and health (Croucher et al, 2007), and to explore the health impacts of land use mix, in both urban and rural settings. The design features promoted in two design guides published by the Scottish Executive, Designing Places (Scottish Executive, 2008), and Designing Streets (Scottish Executive, 2010), were used as the starting point of the review. The findings of the evidence reviewed accord with the design features in these policy documents. Creating places with identity, that are safe and pleasant, that facilitate the ease of movement, are welcoming, adaptable and sustainable are all evidenced as health promoting.
Synth supergroup Node are returning after a 17-year hiatus to perform a gig that will see them using "the largest collection of vintage analogue synthesizer equipment ever seen outside a recording studio" at the Royal College of Music in London. The band, which features producer Flood, producer and musician Ed Buller, film composer Mel Wesson and synth guru Professor Dave Bessell, will be performing their ambient soundscapes on Friday 27 February. We're promised that all the synths will be played live, in real time, though computers will also be involved in some capacity. The live rig, which features synths from the likes of Roland, Moog and Korg and is valued at more than £500,000, will be transported to the venue in four vans and is said to weigh 15 tonnes. Commenting on the reunion, Flood said: "Node is not about analogue or digital; man or machine; old school or new school but about expressing emotions by human interaction. We are not an app!" Tickets for the event are priced at £30 and available from the Royal College of Music website.
After spending years at sea, Brett Monthie had to chart the channels in Tampa Bay from memory in order to become a Tampa Bay harbor pilot. And then he spent 30 months in training. He’s one of 13 full pilots and six deputy pilots in the Tampa Bay Pilots Association. They guide the ships safely through the bay. It’s an exacting job, and a dangerous one, considering Monthie has to hop from the pilot boat to the rope ladder hanging down the side of a ship – or from the ladder to the pilot boat – all while both vessels are traveling at about 10 knots. Monthie loves the work. “It’s a blast. I mean, I have to pinch myself every day,’' he said. The 36-year-old harbor pilot, a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, talked with the Tampa Bay Times about his job. Climbing a rope ladder 30 or more feet up to and down from the main deck of a ship has to be a harrowing experience. Harrowing I guess is a good word to describe it, because we’ve lost – not Tampa personally – but we’ve lost, out of the 1,200 pilots in the U.S., we’ve had two in the last eight months and three in the last year that have had incidents on ladders (and) passed away. Does it mostly happen when a pilot falls from the ladder and is caught between the ship and pilot boat? Yes, typically that’s the case.… Most of the time our boats, once we get on the ladder, they peel away from the ship to avoid that. Climbing a rope ladder isn’t easy, is it? No, it’s not easy. Usually going up, to me, is easier. You just look straight up and you go. Coming down is actually a little trickier. You really want to have three points of contact on that (ladder) at all times if you can. And the farther down you go, it almost becomes like a pendulum.… You’re coming off the side of the ship and almost swinging with every step. Charting the bay from memory was just one of the tests you had to pass to become a harbor pilot. How difficult was that? You’re not only plotting the channel, but you’re plotting every aid to navigation in the channel. The Coast Guard has what they call a light list, and it basically has the details of every aid to navigation in the bay here. … So you not only have to draw the chart and the depths outside the channels and any little details about rocks, or obstructions, or bridge pilings, you also have to write exactly how high that light is off the water and how far away you can see it. Is it flashing every five seconds? Is it flashing every one second?... Keep up with Tampa Bay’s top headlines Subscribe to our free DayStarter newsletter You’re all signed up! Want more of our free, weekly newsletters in your inbox? Let’s get started.Explore all your options It gave me a really good understanding of how the brain works as far as memorization. People have different techniques on how they go about it. … Most everyone that gets into Tampa commits a solid six months to a year to the test. If you’re not studying everyday, you’re probably not going to pass. … On average we only have two to three people who even pass the test each year. All the other ports (in Florida) have probably 10 to 15 that pass. How is it communicating with foreign crews? Do the captains speak English? I would say that the Filipinos, English is almost a second language to them, so they’re kind of easier to communicate (with). You’ve got to kind of know your crowd. These Chinese container ships have definitely added a new dynamic. Their English – you’ve got to try to use as minimal words as possible. ... But it goes with a job. When we give a rudder command to someone – you know, we’re trained – your eyes immediately go to make sure that command’s followed through. That happened the other day, I told the guy starboard, five (degrees), and he went in the wrong direction, but I quickly caught it…. It’s definitely interesting at times…. I told them dead slow ahead the other day on the engine, and he went to dead slow astern. You’ve got to constantly watch, I guess is the way to put it. It’s a pretty common occurrence that somebody is going to turn the rudder the wrong way on a foreign ship. Do you and the other pilots talk about the Sunshine Skyway Bridge disaster of 1980, when a ship hit a support column during a squall and collapsed a section of bridge, resulting in 35 deaths? Obviously it’s in everyone’s mind, especially with the anniversary this past year. We all definitely know the history. It would seem that thought drives home the enormity of the responsibility. Yes, it’s hard not to go under the bridge and not think about it at times. I would say that’s for sure. Harbor pilots are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Do people ask how come you folks make so much money? That has come up, I would say. But it’s kind of the pinnacle of the maritime profession…. Most everybody has pretty much dedicated their lives – going to sea, working their way up. The question comes up, but, it’s funny, we’re kind of a novelty. Nobody really knows about us. And, honestly, that’s how it should be.... We’re doing our job if you don’t know about us. These days, you’re piloting a lot of the bigger container ships through the bay, you say. How big? These larger container ships that are coming into the port of Tampa, they’re 1,100 feet by 141 feet, coming in with drafts up to 40 feet deep, which is about a meter off the bottom. The shipping companies would like for more.… It’s a little under 40 inches. We don’t have a lot of room to work with, and obviously the bridge height as well. We’ve got to get under that and keep it off the bottom. So more dredging has to be done? That is, I believe, the hope Port Tampa has. They and Port Manatee both have really invested a lot in the container business, and it’s clearly paying off. We’ve got a lot more traffic.
Jump to:Page Content The program has developed an extensive catalogue of case studies addressing crisis events. These cases serve as an important tool for classroom study, prompting readers to think about the challenges different types of crises pose for public safety officials, political leaders, and the affected communities at large. The following cases, here organized into three broad categories, are available through the Harvard Kennedy School Case Program; fifteen cases can also be found in the textbook Managing Crises: Responses to Large-Scale Emergencies (Howitt and Leonard, with Giles, CQ Press). Click on a case title to read a detailed abstract and purchase the document. Surviving the Surge: New York City Hospitals Respond to Superstorm Sandy Exploring the experiences of three Manhattan-based hospitals during Superstorm Sandy in 2012, the case focuses on decisions made by each institution about whether to shelter-in-place or evacuate hundreds of medically fragile patients -- the former strategy running the risk of exposing individuals to dangerous and life-threatening conditions, the latter being an especially complex and difficult process, not without its own dangers. "Surviving the Surge" illustrates the very difficult trade-offs hospital administrators and local and state public health authorities grappled with as Sandy bore down on New York and vividly depicts the ramifications of these decisions, with the storm ultimately inflicting serious damage on Manhattan and across much of the surrounding region. Ready in Advance: The City of Tuscaloosa’s Response to the 4/27/11 Tornado On April 27, 2011, a massive and powerful tornado leveled 1/8 of the area of Tuscaloosa, AL. Doctrine called for the County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) to take the lead in organizing the response to the disaster – but one of the first buildings destroyed during the event housed the County EMA offices, leaving the agency completely incapacitated. Fortunately, the city had taken several steps in the preceding years to prepare for responding to a major disaster. This included having sent a delegation of 70 city officials and community leaders, led by Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox, to a week-long training organized by FEMA. “Ready in Advance” reveals how that training, along with other preparedness activities undertaken by the city, would pay major dividends in the aftermath of the tornado, as the mayor and his staff set forth to respond to one of the worst disasters in Tuscaloosa’s history. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: The Politics of Crisis Response (A and B) Following the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in late April 2010, the Obama administration organized a massive response operation to contain the oil spreading across the Gulf of Mexico. Attracting intense public attention, the response adhered to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, a federal law that the crisis would soon reveal was not well understood – or even accepted – by all relevant parties. This two-part case series profiles how senior officials from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security sought to coordinate the actions of a myriad of actors, ranging from numerous federal partners; the political leadership of the affected Gulf States and sub-state jurisdictions; and the private sector. Case A overviews the disaster and early response; discusses the formation of a National Incident Command (NIC); and explores the NIC’s efforts to coordinate the actions of various federal entities. Case B focuses on the challenges the NIC encountered as it sought to engage with state and local actors – an effort that would grow increasingly complicated as the crisis deepened throughout the spring and summer of 2010. The 2010 Chilean Mining Rescue (A and B) On August 5, 2010, 700,000 tons of rock caved in Chile's San José mine. The collapse buried 33 miners at a depth almost twice the height of the Empire State Building-over 600 meters (2000 feet) below ground. Never had a recovery been attempted at such depths, let alone in the face of challenges like those posed by the San José mine: unstable terrain, rock so hard it defied ordinary drill bits, severely limited time, and the potentially immobilizing fear that plagued the buried miners. The case describes the ensuing efforts that drew the resources of countless people and multiple organizations in Chile and around the world. The National Guard’s Response to the 2010 Pakistan Floods Throughout the summer of 2010, Pakistan experienced severe flooding that overtook a large portion of the country, displacing millions of people, causing extensive physical damage, and resulting in significant economic losses. This case focuses on the role of the National Guard (and of the U.S. military, more broadly) in the international relief effort that unfolded alongside that of Pakistan’s government and military. In particular it highlights how various Guard and U.S. military assets that had been deployed to Afghanistan as part of the war there were reassigned to support the U.S.’s flood relief efforts in Pakistan, revealing the successes and challenges of transitioning from a war-footing to disaster response. In exploring how Guard leaders partnered with counterparts from other components of the U.S. government, Pakistani officials, and members of the international humanitarian community, the case also examines how they navigated a set of difficult civilian-military dynamics during a particularly tense period in US-Pakistan relations. Inundation: The Slow-Moving Crisis of Pakistan’s 2010 Floods (A, B, and Epilogue) In summer 2010, unusually intense monsoon rains in Pakistan triggered slow-moving floods that inundated a fifth of the country and displaced millions of people. This case describes how Pakistan’s Government responded to this disaster and highlights the performance of the country’s nascent emergency management agency, the National Disaster Management Authority, as well as the integration of international assistance. "Operation Rollback Water": The National Guard’s Response to the 2009 North Dakota Floods (A, B, and Epilogue) In spring 2009, North Dakota experienced some of the worst flooding in the state’s history. The state's National Guard responded by mobilizing thousands of its troops and working in concert with personnel and equipment from six other states. This case profiles the National Guard’s preparations for and response to the floods and focuses on coordination within the National Guard, between the National Guard and civilian government agencies, and between the National Guard and elected officials. Typhoon Morakot Strikes Taiwan, 2009 (A, B, and C) (Forthcoming) In less than four days, Typhoon Morakot dumped close to 118 inches of rain on Taiwan, flooding cities, towns, and villages; washing away roads and bridges; drowning farmland and animals; and triggering mudslides that buried entire villages. With the typhoon challenging its emergency response capacity, Taiwan’s government launched a major rescue and relief operation. But what began as a physical disaster soon became a political disaster for the President and Prime Minister, as bitter criticism came from citizens, the opposition party, and the President’s own supporters. Getting Help to Victims of 2008 Cyclone Nargis: AmeriCares Engages with Myanmar's Military Government (Case and Epilogue) In May 2008, Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (Burma) left 138,373 dead or missing and 2.4 million survivors’ livelihoods in doubt, making it the country’s worst natural disaster and one of the deadliest cyclones ever. Friendly Asian countries as well as western governments which previously had used economic sanctions to isolate Myanmar’s military government now sought to provide aid to Myanmar’s people. But they met distrust and faced adversarial relationships from a suspicious government, reluctant to open its borders to outsiders. China's Blizzards of 2008 (Forthcoming) From January 10-February 6, a series of heavy snow storms intertwined with ice storms and subzero temperatures created China’s worst winter weather in 50 years. The storms closed airports and paralyzed trains and roads, damaged power grids and water supplies, caused massive black-outs, and left several cities in hard-hit areas isolated and threatened. The disruption of the power supply and transport also severely affected the production and flow of consumer goods and industrial materials, triggering a cascade of crisis nationwide. Coal reserves at power plants were nearly exhausted, production was significantly cut back at big factories, the chronic winter power shortage was exacerbated, and food prices spiked sharply in many areas because of shortages. Thin on the Ground: Deploying Scarce Resources in the October 2007 Southern California Wildfires When wildfires swept across Southern California in October 2007, firefighting resources were stretched dangerously thin. Readers are prompted to put themselves in the shoes of public safety authorities and consider how organizations can best address resource scarcities in advance of and during emergency situations. "Broadmoor Lives:" A New Orleans Neighborhood’s Battle to Recover from Hurricane Katrina(A, B, and Sequel) Stunned by a city planning committee’s proposal to give New Orleans neighborhoods hard-hit by Hurricane Katrina just four months to prove they were worth rebuilding, the Broadmoor community organized and implemented an all-volunteer redevelopment planning effort to bring their neighborhood back to life. Gridlock in Texas (A and B) (Forthcoming) As Hurricane Rita bore down on the Houston metro area in mid-September 2005, just a few weeks after Hurricane Katrina had devastated the Gulf Coast, millions of people flocked to the roadways. Part A details the massive gridlock that ensued, illustrating the challenges of implementing safe evacuations and of communicating effectively amidst great fear. Part B explores post-storm efforts to improve evacuation policies and procedures -- and how the resulting plans measured up in 2008, when the area was once again under threat, this time from Hurricane Ike. Wal-Mart’s Response to Hurricane Katrina: Striving for a Public-Private Partnership(Case and Sequel) This case explores Wal-Mart's efforts to provide relief in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, raising important questions about government’s ability to take full advantage of private sector capabilities during large-scale emergencies.(Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Moving People out of Danger: Special Needs Evacuations from Gulf Coast Hurricanes(A and B) In the face of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, officials in Louisiana and Texas grappled with the challenging task of evacuating people with medical and other special needs to safety. The shortcomings of those efforts sparked major initiatives to improve evacuation procedures for individuals requiring transportation assistance – plans that got a demanding test when Hurricanes Gustav and Ike threatened the Gulf Coast in the fall of 2008. Hurricane Katrina: (A) Preparing for the Big One, and (B) Responding to an "Ulta-Catastrophe" in New Orleans Exploring the failed response to Hurricane Katrina and its implications for the greater New Orleans area, the case begins with a review of pre-event planning and preparedness efforts. Part B details the largely ineffective governmental response to the rapidly escalating crisis. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises; Also available in abridged form.) Rebuilding Aceh: Indonesia's BRR Spearheads Post-Tsunami Recovery (Case and Epilogue) The December 26, 2004, Indian Ocean tsunami caused tremendous damage and suffering on several continents, with Indonesia's Aceh Province, located on the far northern tip of Sumatra Island, experiencing the very worst. In the tsunami's wake, the Indonesian government faced a daunting task of implementing a large-scale recovery effort, and to coordinate the many reconstruction projects that soon began to emerge across Aceh, Indonesia's president established a national-level, ad hoc agency, which came to be known by its acronym BRR. This case examines the challenges encountered by BRR's leadership as it sought to implement an effective recovery process. When Imperatives Collide: The 2003 San Diego Firestorm(Case and Epilogue) In October 2003, multiple wildfires burned across southern California. Focusing on the response to the fires, this case explores what can happen when an operational norm — to fight fires effectively but safely — collides with the political imperative to override established procedures to protect the public. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) "Almost a Worst Case Scenario:" The Baltimore Tunnel Fires of 2001 (A, B, and C) When a train carrying hazardous materials derailed under downtown Baltimore, a stubborn underground fire severely challenged emergency responders. Readers are prompted to give particular attention to the significant challenges of managing a multi-organizational response. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Safe But Annoyed: The Hurricane Floyd Evacuation in Florida When far more citizens than necessary evacuated in advance of Hurricane Floyd, Florida’s roadways were quickly overloaded and emergency management operations overwhelmed. In detailing these (and other) problems, the case highlights the challenges of managing evacuations in advance of potentially catastrophic events.(Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) The US Forest Service and Transitional Fires This case outlines the operational challenges of decision making in a high stress, high stakes situation – in this instance during rapidly evolving wildland fires, also known as "transitional fires."(Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Recovery in Aurora: The Public Schools' Response to the July 2012 Movie Theater Shooting (A and B) In July 2012, a gunman entered a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado and opened fire, killing 12 people, injuring 58 others, and traumatizing a community. This two-part case briefly describes the shooting and emergency response but focuses primarily on the recovery process in the year that followed. In particular, it highlights the work of the Aurora Public Schools, which under the leadership of Superintendent John L. Barry, drew on years of emergency management training to play a substantial role in the response and then unveiled an expansive recovery plan. This included hiring a full-time disaster recovery coordinator, partnering with an array of community organizations, and holding mental health workshops and other events to support APS community members. The case also details the range of reactions that staff and community members had to APS' efforts, broader community-wide recovery efforts, and stakeholders' perspectives on the effectiveness of the recovery. "Miracle on the Hudson" (A, B, and C) Case A describes how in January 2009, shortly after takeoff from LaGuardia Airport, US Airways Flight 1549 lost all power when Canada geese sucked into its engines destroyed them. In less than four harrowing minutes, Flight 1549’s captain and first officer had to decide whether they could make an emergency landing at a nearby airport or find another alternative to get the plane down safely. Cases B and C describe how emergency responders from many agencies and private organizations on both sides of the Hudson River – converging on the scene without a prior action plan for this type of emergency – effectively rescued passengers and crew from the downed plane. Security Planning for the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston (A, B, and Epilogue) When the city of Boston applied to host the 2004 Democratic Party presidential nominating convention, it hoped to gain considerable prestige and significant economic benefits. But convention organizers and local officials were forced to grapple with a set of unanticipated planning challenges that arose in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Command Performance: County Firefighters Take Charge of the 9/11 Pentagon Emergency This case describes how the Arlington County Fire Department – utilizing the Incident Management System – took charge of the large influx of emergency workers who arrived to put out a massive fire and rescue people in the Pentagon following the September 11, 2001, suicide jetliner attack. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Rudy Giuliani: The Man and His Moment Although not long before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had been under fire for aspects of his mayoralty, the post 9/11 Giuliani won national and international acclaim as a leader. This case recounts the details of Giuliani’s response such that students of effective public leadership can analyze both Giuliani’s decisions and style as examples. Threat of Terrorism: Weighing Public Safety in Seattle (Case and Epilogue) When a terrorist was arrested in late December 1999 at the Canadian-Washington State border in a car laden with explosives, public safety officials worried that the city of Seattle had been a possible target. This case explores the debate that ensued concerning the seriousness of the threat and whether the city should proceed with its planned Millennium celebration. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Protecting the WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999 (Case and Epilogue) Two very different sets of actors made extensive preparations in advance of the World Trade Organization's Ministerial Conference of 1999 — protesters opposing international trade practices and public safety officials responsible for event security. This case examines the efforts of both, highlighting why security arrangements ultimately fell short. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) The Bonfire Collapse at Texas A&M University (A and B) (Forthcoming) In one of the most significant tragedies in the history of American higher education, 12 students were killed and another 27 injured in the catastrophic 1999 collapse of the Texas A&M University Bonfire, a 90 year-old campus tradition. Thousands of rescue workers, university administrators, campus staff, students, alumni, and community volunteers worked non-stop to clear the bonfire site, provide medical attention to the victims, and address the concerns of grief-stricken families and friends. But how would the University handle the assessment of what went wrong and begin the healing process in the university community? The Shootings at Columbine High School: Responding to a New Kind of Terrorism (Case and Epilogue) Within minutes of the shootings at Columbine, numerous emergency response agencies – including law enforcement, fire fighters, emergency medical technicians, and others – dispatched personnel to the school site. Under intense media scrutiny and trying to coordinate their actions, they sought to determine whether the shooters were still active and rescue the injured. To What End? Re-Thinking Terrorist Attack Exercises in San Jose (Case, Sequel 1, Sequel 2) In the late 1990s, a task force in San Jose, CA mounted several full-scale terrorist attack exercises, but—despite the best of intentions—found all of them frustrating, demoralizing, and divisive. In response, San Jose drew on several existing prototypes to create a new “facilitated exercise” model that emphasized teaching over testing, and was much better received by first responders. Security Preparations for the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games (A, B, and C) This case describes efforts by state and federal government entities to plan in advance for security protection for the Atlanta Olympics. It also recounts the Centennial Park bombing and emergency response. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Standoff in Waco – The Branch Davidians, the ATF, and the FBI(A, B, and Epilogue) (Forthcoming) In February 1993, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) conducted a raid on Mt. Carmel, the home of an insular religious sect called the Branch Davidians located just outside of Waco, Texas. The operation devolved into a violent conflict that left four ATF agents and six Branch Davidians dead. The Federal Bureau of Investigation then took over the incident and spent two months trying to persuade the residents to leave Mt. Carmel. These discussions ended in April when the FBI attempted to force the Branch Davidians to vacate the structure by pumping tear gas into it. Unfortunately, a fire -- one that most believe the Branch Davidians started -- then began, causing the compound to burn down and 75 people to die. The case describes ATF’s decision making and planning for the initial raid as well as how the FBI managed the months-long siege that followed. The Flawed Emergency Response to the 1992 Los Angeles Riots (A, B, and C) Following the announcement of the not guilty verdicts for the law enforcement officers accused of beating Rodney King, the City of Los Angeles was quickly overrun by severe rioting. This case reviews how local, county, state, and federal agencies responded and coordinated their activities in an effort to restore order. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Fears and Realities: Managing Ebola in Dallas (Case and Epilogue) “Fears and Realities” describes how public health authorities in Dallas, TX - along with their counterparts at the state and local levels, elected officials, and hospital administrators - responded to the first case of Ebola identified on U.S. soil during the 2014 outbreak of the disease. The hugely difficult tasks of treating the patient and mounting a response was made all the more challenging by confusion over the patient's background and travel history, and, eventually, by the intense focus and considerable concern on the part of the media and public at large. Efforts to curtail the spread of the disease were further complicated when two nurses who had cared for the patient also tested positive for Ebola, even though they apparently had followed CDC protocols when interacting with him. With three confirmed cases of the disease in Dallas – each patient with their own network of contacts – authorities scrambled to understand what was happening and to figure out a way to bring the crisis to an end before more people were exposed to the highly virulent disease. Confronting a Pandemic in a Home Rule State: The Indiana State Department of Health Responds to H1N1 When Indiana State Health Commissioner Dr. Judy Monroe learned of the emergence of H1N1 in late April 2009, she had to quickly figure out how to coordinate an effective response within a highly balkanized public health system in which more than 90 local health departments wielded considerable autonomy. She would rely heavily on relationships she had worked hard to establish with local health officials upon becoming commissioner -- but she and her senior advisors would still have to scramble to find new ways to communicate and coordinate with their local partners. On the Frontlines of a Pandemic: Texas Responds to 2009 Novel H1N1 Influenza A As cases of a new strain of influenza strike in the spring of 2009, Texas, just over the border from the initial epicenter of the epidemic in Mexico, faces great uncertainty about the severity and extent of the epidemic. State officials, presiding over a highly decentralized public health and health care system and needing to work with school systems and other non-health actors, strive to improvise their response to reduce the spread of this disease, while providing anti-viral drugs and, ultimately, a new vaccine to its citizens. Tennessee Responds to the 2009 Novel H1N1 Influenza A Pandemic Tennessee, not so severely struck by H1N1 in the spring of 2009 as some other states, expects to encounter worse in the fall. Working through a hybrid state- and local government-run health system, as well as a network of privately run pharmacies, Tennessee officials mobilize to cope with the expected demand for anti-viral medications and to distribute an expected new vaccine. Harvard Encounters H1N1(Forthcoming) In the spring of 2009, as the H1N1 epidemic was beginning to emerge, Harvard University’s medical, dental, and public health schools had to be shut down when a rash of cases and the possibility of widespread exposure emerged among the student body. The case tracks the decision-making by University officials as they cope with the uncertainties surrounding the outbreak of a potentially dangerous emergent infectious disease. Beijing’s Response to the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic(Forthcoming) In spring 2009, H1N1 emerged in North America and began to spread rapidly throughout the world. Municipal government officials in Beijing, China – who feared a repeat of their painful experience with SARS in 2003 – responded by conducting health screenings at the airport, quarantining people with flu-like symptoms, and scaling capacity at Beijing’s hospitals. The case describes Beijing’s expansive effort to combat H1N1 and is designed to teach students about Beijing’s government as well as China’s public health system. Keeping an Open Mind in an Emergency: CDC Experiments with 'Team B' (Case and Epilogue) In the early 2000s, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sought to adapt its protocols for coping with public health emergencies. This case examines the usefulness of one such method, "Team B," which was designed to provide the principal investigating team with alternative explanations for and approaches to the incident at hand. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) X-Treme Planning: Ohio Prepares for Pandemic Flu With concern developing about the possibility of a worldwide pandemic of avian flu, the Ohio Department of Health developed plans for how it would handle such an emergency, while at the same time seeking to exercise its nascent incident management system and continue its efforts to develop as an emergency response agency. Emergency Response System Under Duress: Public Health Doctors Fight to Contain SARS in Toronto (A, B, and Epilogue) When an emergent infectious disease arrived in Toronto in 2003, the Canadian public health system struggled to bring it under control. This case explores the efforts of Canadian public health authorities to identify and understand the mysterious illness, which threatened the health — and lives — of Toronto’s residents and healthcare workers for months on end. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) Hong Kong Copes with SARS, 2003: The Amoy Gardens (Case and Epilogue) In the last days of March 2003, the frightening new disease known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, seemed to threaten to spread out of control in one of the world’s most densely-populated cities: Hong Kong. The SARS outbreak at Amoy Gardens became an exercise in crisis management for public health officials in Hong Kong—with their counterparts around the world either observing or actively advising. When Prevention Can Kill: Minnesota and the Smallpox Vaccine Program (Case and Epilogue) Following the 2001 terrorist attacks, President Bush launched a program to vaccinate health workers and emergency responders against smallpox. This case describes that effort, placing particular emphasis on the difficulties that emerged in making that program work in Minnesota. Charting a Course in a Storm: US Postal Service and the Anthrax Crisis This case describes how the USPS responded when it was struck by devastating anthrax attacks through the mails. It covers the initial response to protect employees, efforts to keep the mails moving to the greatest extent possible, and early steps toward decontamination of facilities and recovery. (Included in Howitt & Leonard, Managing Crises) White Powders in Georgia: Responding to Cases of Suspected Anthrax After 9/11 Although no spore of real anthrax showed up in Georgia during the anthrax attack period, the state was inundated with thousands of calls about suspect white powders. The case describes efforts by local and state officials to develop appropriate procedures to triage and prioritize possible cases, conduct tests of possible anthrax, and protect and reassure worried first responders. The West Nile Virus Outbreak in New York City (A, B, and Sequel) Case A tells how in the summer of 1999 New York City public health officials discovered sentinel cases of a hitherto unknown disease and identified it with assistance from the state, CDC, veterinary pathologists at the Bronx Zoo, and university researchers. Case B and the Sequel describe how the city organized a massive mosquito spraying effort, first in a single borough and then citywide. Anthrax Threats in Southern California This case recounts how California officials responded (and over-responded) to an Anthrax hoax in late 1998, as well as how they then developed protocols of response and disseminated them to multiple jurisdictions. Coping with Crisis: Hong Kong Public Health Officials and the "Bird Flu" In 1997, public health authorities in Hong Kong worked to identify and control a dangerous new flu virus not previously known to infect humans. The case focuses on the authorities' communication with the public, as they sought to quell public fears notwithstanding their own incomplete knowledge of the disease. The case, too, describes the crisis management decision to undertake a massive slaughter of Hong Kong chickens, once they were shown to be the host of the deadly but difficult-to-transmit virus. The City of Chicago and the 1995 Heat Wave (A and B) During the summer of 1995, more than 700 people died of heat-related illness in Chicago, Illinois. With most deaths occurring before the city recognized that an “epidemic” was going on, this case explores the silent crisis that overtook the city.
I’ve been in my house for most of the time that I’ve lived in California — 19 years. And in all that time I’ve missed having the big, productive vegetable garden that I had in Pennsylvania. There are a lot of reasons that I haven’t been growing vegetables here; too little time, not enough sun, etc., but the big one is the really crappy soil in our area. Soil is so very important for growing veggies. Of course light, water and nutrition are key elements, but you can have all of those and still not be able to grow much in the way of vegetables if your soil is lousy. My soil is compacted and low in organic matter, a result of building practices in developments such a mine. Builders come in and level the ground, bulldozing away the fertile topsoil. Add the fact that the soil in this area is full of heavy clay, which stops tiny little roots dead in their tracks, and you have very inhospitable veggie growing conditions. The solution is to build raised beds that you can fill with beautiful, fertile soil and loads of compost. Which is what I did last week. This project is pretty easy. In spite of having only the most basic woodworking skills, I had no problem getting good results. I started with plans, which I modified it to match my needs, that I found on Sunset Magazines website. Now some of you may laugh at how little mine is (4′ x 4′), but I have only one tiny spot that gets enough sun for growing anything but part-shade plants. I decided on a smaller version than Sunset’s also because this is test run that I didn’t want to sink a lot of money into. If it works, I’ll get some of the eucalyptus trees that surround my yard trimmed or removed (Have you priced this kind of job lately? Yowzers!) and redo my landscape to accommodate larger beds. In the meantime, this project cost me about $90 and took about 4 hours. Here’s how I did it. - One 16-foot long 2 x 12 cut into 4 equal pieces (ends up being a tad less than 4′ each due to the saw cut) - One 8 foot long 2 x 4 cut into 4 16-inch pieces with some left over - A box of 2 1/2″ decking screws – you’ll only need 12 of them though - One roll of 1/4″ hardware cloth (I had to get a 3′ x 10′ roll — a 4′ x 10′ would have been better) - Five 1 cu. ft. bags of organic topsoil - Three 1.5 cu. ft. bags of organic planting compost (total topsoil + compost should be 9 – 10 cubic feet) - 2 cups organic Tomato & Vegetable food - One small Jack Russel Terrier, optional I went to Lowe’s (wish there was a real lumber yard in the area) and bought top grade pine. You can use pine, redwood or cedar. The latter two will last a while longer but there are sustainability issues with the cedar. DO NOT BUY TREATED WOOD even if they say it’s the new, safe kind. I don’t believe any of it is food-safe and it’s certainly not organic. When you are selecting the wood look down the length of the board to make sure it’s not warped. A tiny bit bowing or twisting is ok, but it should be very, very slight. Also eliminate any lumber that has more than very minor splits on the ends or lots of knots. Lowe’s will cut any lumber you buy to your measurements for no additional charge — good thing because these boards would never have fit into my car, nor could I have managed the larger piece by myself. Some of the changes I made to the original plans were: I used 12″ lumber for the sides because I couldn’t see any reason to use two 6″ boards as they did in the Sunset plans. And I switched out their recommended 4″ x 4″ corner posts for 2″ x 4″ because my bed is smaller and I thought it wouldn’t compromise the sturdiness factor — besides it saved a little $$. I didn’t add the piping for the row cover hoops because it never gets that cold here, however my resident bird population may cause me to regret not being able to float some bird netting. - Electric or battery-powered drill, plus a screw driver bit and a drill bit that is slightly smaller in diameter than the decking screws - Carpenter’s square - Metal snips or shears I assembled the bed upside down right where I was going to place it. In retrospect this was probably a mistake that accounted for my not getting the box perfectly squared. So I recommend assembling it on a flat surface like your patio, deck or garage. I did the whole thing myself, but if you can recruit a helper (one with opposable thumbs) so much the better. - Lay down two of the 2 x 4s and place one 2 x 12 on top of them so they are right angles, lining up the 2 x 4s at opposite edges. - Drill pilot holes to prevent splitting the wood. Use 3 decking screws for each end. Screw through the 2 x 12 into the 2 x 4s. - Repeat for one more side. You should have two sides with legs and 2 sides without. (As you can see I switched out my little battery-powered drill which didn’t have enough torque for my electric drill) - Attach one plain board to one board with legs, making sure that the corner is square and the legs face inside the box. Be sure you place the screws so they go into the wood and not the gap between the side and the leg. - Attach the second legged board to the opposite side. - Attach the final side. - Next you should try to get the site as close to level as you can. - Then turn the bed right side up and mark the soil where the legs will go. - Dig holes four inches deep for the legs. - Place the legs in the holes and fill them in tamping the dirt around the legs. - If there are slight gaps under the sides, take some dirt and mound it along the sides to fill them. - Cut the hardware cloth to fit and lay it on the bottom. This is important if you live in an area with moles and gophers. - Dump the soil and compost in and mix thoroughly using the shovel and the cultivator. Soil should come to within 3 inches of the top. - Add the organic fertilizer and mix that into the top 4 -6 inches. - Using the bow rake, level the soil - Gently spray water to moisten soil. Now you’re ready to plant! It is little, but I’m very excited to have a vegetable garden again — no matter how small. Now Emmie needs a nap and so do I! Update: I should have mentioned that you can increase the size of this raised bed by at least two feet in length with no issues. I wouldn’t recommend increasing the width. For raised beds 3′ to 4′ is as wide as you’ll probably want to go. It makes it easier to reach into the bed for weeding, planting and harvesting. Read Full Post »
Abstract: Ancient Eurasian Women of High Status Pastoral nomadism arose in the vast steppes of Eurasia early in the first millennium BCE. These were Indo-Iranian tribes, who migrated as dictated by their animals—sheep, goats, horses, and camels—leaving sheltered winter homes in the early spring and following greening pastures to the north (or into higher elevations) until late summer when the threatening winter storms dictated they returned to their winter abode. During the summer when climate permitted, they constructed great burials mounds in consecrated cemeteries where they buried their deceased. Returning during subsequent summers, they often reused the kurgan, making new burials in lateral pits, podbois, or catacombs. American-Russian excavations of more than 50 nomadic kurgans and over 150 burials located at Pokrovka in the southern Ural steppes revealed many artifacts that were meant for use in the afterworld. A methodology that included the typological study of these artifacts revealed that, while men were generally warriors, women held diverse and prominent roles in this Early Iron Age society. The statuses of the women include priestesses, warrior women, and warrior priestesses. This presentation includes evidence from multiple sites: from the southern Ural steppes, western China, southern Kazakstan, and the Gorny Altai in present-day Russia. Short bibliography and/or website on lecture topic: Web site: http://csen.org Barber, Elizabeth Wayland. Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times. New York and London, 1994. Davis-Kimball, Jeannine. “Enarees and Women of High Status: Evidence of Ritual at Tillya Tepe (Northern Afghanistan). In Kurgans, Ritual Sites, and Settlements: Eurasian Bronze and Iron Age, edited by Eileen M. Murphy, Ludmila Koryakova, and Leonid T. Yablonsky. Oxford, BAR International Series 890, pp. 29-239, 2000. Analyzes the Tillya Tepe finds with illustrations and a chart. Davis-Kimball. Jeannine. Warrior Women: An Archaeologist’s Search for History’s Hidden Heroines. New York, 2002. A new perspective on the histories of dominant women in Eurasian societies written for the general public. Davis-Kimball, Jeannine, Vladimir A. Bashilov, and Leonid T. Yablonsky, eds. Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age. Berkeley, 1995. Only complete coverage in English on the archaeology of Eurasian nomads from southern Europe to Mongolia. Gero, Joan M. and Margaret W. Conkey, eds. Gender in Archaeology: Women and Prehistory. Oxford, 1991. Particularly valuable for re-accessing women’s work in prehistory. Rolle, Renata. The World of the Scythians. Translated by F.G. Walls, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1989. English translation of Die Welt der Skythen, first published in 1980. Best popular work in English on the Scythians. Sarianidi Victor. The Golden Hoard of Bactria: From the Tillya-tepe Excavations in Northern Afghanistan. New York, 1985. Picture book and catalogue of excavations. Wang Binghua and The Cultural Relics Publishing House, eds. Tienshan Petroglyphs: A testimony of fertility worship. Urumchi 1992. In Chinese except for title.
Checkpoint Battir: from a barrier to a station "On the Road to Wandering" 3rd year design studio 2012 Lecturer: Arch. Nilly R. Harag | Assistants: Arch. Liat Eisen, Michaela Landman. The studio was made in a collaboration with ENSA Paris-Malaquais I choose to focus on the mandatory railway path to Jerusalem. The path goes from Jaffa to Jerusalem through many stations that are not in use, most of them from 1948. I was interested in the stations that are no longer in use but you still pass through them. The road experience is a continuous moving capsule. In which you cut the space only visually. Battir station interested me since I started to read about the railway, during the Journey I searched to find its location. My road was different from other passengers on that train. Battir is a Palestinian village southwest of Jerusalem defined. The village is preserved as an ancient agricultural landscape, incorporating extensive stone-walled terraces and a unique natural irrigation system from the Roman-era, which is still in use today. Due to the unique living cultural and historical landscape Battir's terraces are expected to soon be declared a world heritage site by UNESCO, in the coming months. I was drawn into Battir not only because of its ancient landscape but also because of its intense complexity. The green line crosses through the village, separating it from most of its agricultural lands. The armistice agreements signed in 1949 allowed only the villagers of Battir to continue on working the land at the Israel side as long as they kept the railroad safe. This agreement was kept until recently, when Israel started to build the Separation Wall on the terrace landscape. Nowadays the Israeli Supreme Court discusses that issue. The project suggests an alternative concept of security, using the terms of the ‘base structure’ to gain better results and a long term solution. The structure redefines the area, creating a new understanding of the space. Instead of using Battir as a place of separation, the project aspires to reinstate the village as a worthy stopping station on the way to Jerusalem.
Hundreds of thousands of marine animals die each year due to man-made waste that is poorly disposed of into our oceans, rivers and waterways. This rubbish, often originating from overflowing waste disposal sites, build up in areas called gyres. These gyres are areas where water is shallow and wind is low. Just think of a coastline near you. Often a trip to the beach is ruined by the build up of rubbish that surrounds the coastline. Now named the ‘Garbage Patch’, there is a gyre in the Pacific Ocean, which spans the length of Texas. It is estimated that the amount of debris could double in the next 5 years. Watch the last series of ‘The Island with Bear Grylls’ on Channel 4? Even the remote islands in the Pacific, which hosted the stranded men and women, were littered with rubbish. Although the shipwrecked contestants used the rubbish to their advantage, for a turtle, plastic and other waste is a hazard. Why is plastic particularly dangerous? Well, the answer is that unlike biodegradable rubbish, plastic will not disappear. Turtles often swim into plastic, causing injury. Alternatively, they ingest it and this can cause eventual death. Only 5% of the world’s plastic bags are recycled. When you think about the sheer volume that is thrown away, it’s staggering and the damage is having a real impact on the number of turtles on our planet. At Oyster, animal conservation is important to us and this is why we support programmes that are making a genuine impact. We have a turtle conservation project in Costa Rica, where volunteers help to protect nesting turtles and their eggs to give them the best possible start in life. They help with beach clean-ups to ensure that the coastline is kept as safe as possible for the turtles. The only way to help the marine life, suffering because of man-made waste, is to spread the word and to get involved. Next time you throw away plastic, check if it can be recycled; small steps can make a big difference.
December 1, 1976 – October 12, 1998 The horrific events that took place shortly after midnight on October 7, 1998 went against everything that Matt embodied. Two men, Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, led him to a remote area east of Laramie, Wyoming. He was tied to a split-rail fence where the two men severely assaulted him. He was beaten and left to die in the cold of the night. Almost 18 hours later, he was found by a bicyclist who initially mistook him for a scarecrow. Matt died on October 12 at 12:53 a.m. at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado with his family by his side. His memorial service was attended by friends and family from around the world and garnered immense media attention that brought Matt’s story to the forefront of the fight against bigotry and hate. The life and death of Matthew Shepard changed the way we talk about, and deal with, hate in America. Since his death, Matt’s legacy has challenged and inspired millions of individuals to erase hate in all its forms. Although Matt’s life was short, his story continues to have a great impact on young and old alike. His legacy lives on in thousands of people like you who actively fight to replace hate with understanding, compassion and acceptance. To all those lost to disease and hatred and to the hope for a better tomorrow.
ALMOST three-quarters of Britons exercise at least once a week, according to figures out today. A Mintel survey of nearly 2,000 people found that 74% were keeping fit compared with 70% in 2003. It also showed that one-in-four had taken part in a sporting event for charity and a further 14% would consider it, having never done so in the past. Swimming is the most popular activity, with 20% going at least once a month, while keep-fit, aerobics and stretch are done by 16%. Weight training and the gym came next at 15%. Hiking and rambling was the choice of 12% of people and cycling 11%. The number of regular participants not paying anything in membership or entry fees has risen from 34% in 1998 to 39% in 2005. Only 20% of adults pay more than £200 a year for staying in shape.
Steve Marsh: Help this farmer stop Monsanto’s GM canola Dec 28, 2013 — You might not have heard of Steve Marsh yet but this man could lose everything to protect your right to eat GM-free food. Steve is an organic farmer from a farming community South of Perth in Kojonup, Western Australia and in 2010, the state government of Western Australia lifted the ban on GM canola, allowing for the commercial cultivation of this GM crop for the first time. As a result many farmers, including Marsh’s next door neighbour, began growing GM canola. Subsequently, Steve found GM canola plants spread over much of his farm, containing seed. 70% of Steve’s farm was contaminated and he lost his organic certification.
vengeance on her own behalf, yet she might be made the half-unconscious instrument of a retribution that should gall and mortify Algernon to 杭州水磨会所滨江 the quick. That Rhoda herself might suffer in the process was an idea to which (if it occurred to him) he would give no harbourage. Rhoda sat silent until her aunt had left the room to prepare the supper according to her habit. Then she rose, and, going close up to her father, took his hand, and looked imploringly into his face. “Father,” she said, “don’t make me go there. I—I can’t bear it.” “You can’t bear it!” burst out old Maxfield. He scowled with a frown of terrible malignity. But Rhoda well knew that his wrath was not directed against 杭州三通夜网 her. She stood trembling and pale before him, whilst he spoke more harsh and bitter words against all the family of the Erringtons than she had ever heard him utter on that score. He dropped, too, for the first time in her hearing, a hint that he had some power over Algernon, and would use it to his detriment. Rhoda mustered courage to ask him for an explanation of those words. But he merely answered, “No matter. It is no matter. It is not the money. I shall not get it, nor do I greatly heed it. But I can put him to shame publicly, if I am so minded.” The poor child began to perceive that any display of wounded feeling on her part, of reluctance to meet Algernon and his wife, of being in any degree crushed and dispirited, would inflame her father’s wrath against that family. And, although she had only the vaguest notions as to 杭州桑拿耍耍网 what he could or could not do to spite them, she had a hundred reasons for wishing to mitigate his animosity. So, with the gentle cunning that belonged to her nature, at once timid and persistent, she began to unsay what she had said, and to try to efface the impression which her first refusal had made upon her father. “I—I have been thinking that you are right, father, in saying it will be best for me to go to Ivy Lodge. You know Mrs. Errington has always been good to me, and it would please her, perhaps. And—and, after all, why should I be afraid of going there?” “Afraid of going there!” echoed old Max, with sternly-set jaw and puckered brow. “Why, indeed, should you be afraid? There’s some as have reason to be afraid, but not my daughter—not Miss Maxfield. Afraid!” “Perhaps people might think it strange if I did not go?” “People! 浙江杭州龙凤妮妮 What people?” “Well, no matter for that. But if you, father, think it well that I should go——” “You shall go in a carriage from the ‘Blue Bell’ inn. And Sally shall accompany you and bring you back. And see that you are properly attired. I would have you wear your best garments. You shall not be shamed before that yellow-faced woman. I don’t believe she has a better gown to her back than the one I bought you to wear at Dr. Bodkin’s.” Rhoda waived the point for the moment; but, after a while, she was able to persuade her father that her 杭州桑拿洋妞 grey merino gown, with a lace frill at her throat, was a more suitable garment in which to spend the evening at Ivy Lodge than the rich violet silk he recomme
Opie collection of children's games & songs Interview with Gracie Fields recalling children's games and songs from her childhood The British Library Board acknowledges the intellectual property rights of those named as contributors to this recording and the rights of those not identified. Legal and ethical usage » Children's games; Children's songs Is part of (Collection) Opie collection of children's games and songs Fields, Gracie (speaker, female) Opie, Iona (speaker, female) Part 1 of 1. 00:00:00 - 00:13:09. This recording, taped in Capri, Italy, contains an interview with Gracie Fields, aged 76. Throughout the recording, Gracie recalls her childhood, including the games that she enjoyed playing and particular incidents that occurred. Gracie initially discusses games and toys that she played with as a child. These include 'Jacks and Dobbers' which were played with small squares 'like sugar lumps'. She remarks that if they could not afford these 'fancy ones' they would often use stones instead [00:20:00 - 00:01:00]. She also notes that she often played with a wooden hoop and was 'always skipping' [00:01:00 - 00:01:10]. Gracie goes into much detail when describing the different variations of hopscotch that she used to play. Alongside playing the more traditIonal version based on four squares, she also played a version based on circles. She notes that this required more hopping as you 'had a lot longer on your one leg' [00:01:10 - 00:04:58]. Iona asks if she sang many skipping rhymes or tunes. Gracie does not recognise many songs that Iona sings to her and notes that one rhyme in particular called 'Came the Duke' was probably 'too high class' for her [00:07:42 - 00:08:18]. She does, however, sing one rhyme that they used as a counting out rhyme when playing 'Hide and Seek'. The rhyme finishes with the line 'every man that has no hair, generally wears a wig, out goes she!' [00:05:18 - 00:05:40]. From [00:06:58 - 00:07:40] she briefly discusses a skipping game that she played, but explains that she 'always preferred playing where the boys were playing' and favoured 'the rougher games' [00:06:38 - 00:07:40]. Gracie recalls two incidents from her childhood. When discussing what type of games she enjoyed playing as a child, she notes that she was a 'tomboy' and was 'always playing where they do a lot of climbing'. One day, her mother wished to take her daughter to a singing audition in town, however, she could not find her. Eventually, she found Gracie 'in the middle of the wall' and gently coaxed her down. However, once down, her mother was extremely angry with her. Gracie laughs and explains: 'I cried more because I'd been taken in by her being so kind to me!' Later at the audition she was too upset to sing [00:08:18 - 00:10:30].She also recalls one May Day in which her mother decorated a broom with 'fancy paper' and ribbons. Gracie and her friends took this broom and persuaded one of the girls from a 'posh family' to be their May queen. They then walked around the town singing and drawing crowds. She recalls that they earned 'eleven shillings' that day [00:10:38 - 00:12:42]. Item notes: Interview with Gracie Fields recalling children's games and songs from her childhood. Speaker's notes: Gracie Fields, originally from Rochdale. At the time of the interview she was living in Capri
Red currant - is one of the fruit-bearing garden plants. Its berries are very helpful. Besides bright red bush cottage looks just delicious. However, you need to carefully look after him, but it's not as difficult as it may seem. Properly dig the soil, and then fertilize. It is best to use the following mixture: 25 g of potassium sulfate, 150 g of superphosphate and a bucket of manure. Dig a planting hole with a diameter of half a meter. The distance between the holes should be at least 1.5 meters. Further holes need to fill half the dressing. After 2-3 weeks, you can start planting shrubs. Pour into a hole 10 liters of water. From the roots of the seedling roots, remove the shrunken appendages, and then put into the soil, keeping the inclined position. Base pour a mixture of earth and humus so that the two lower buds were closed. If you want to get strong bushes, cut all the seedlings at a height of 15 centimeters from the ground. The first berries appear in 2-3 years. Pests are very fond of red currants, sofrom them you need to regularly get rid of. The most popular pest - gooseberry moth. This green larvae, reaching a length of 2-2.5 cm. To get rid of them, dig the soil in the fall near the bush and spring spray infusion of tobacco. In addition, the need to permanently remove the damaged hand. If you notice on the leaves brown spots, thenYour bush ill anthracnose. And if there was a white film, it speaks about the disease called "mildew". To get rid of these troubles, it is necessary once a fortnight to spray the bushes infusion of ash.
What are the main approaches to Sound Elicitation? -Auditory Stimulation -Phonetic Placement -Sound Approximation (shaping) -Metaphor (the "snake" sound) -Manipulation of Articulators What is Auditory Stimulation? -can be used when a client can and CAN'T produce a given sound -client imitates correct production of a sound What are the 2 types of Auditory Stimulation? Elicited Imitation Elicited Production What is Elicited Imitation? (Auditory Stim) Client repeats exactly what clinician says in order to model the correct form of the target sound. What is Elicited Production? (Auditory Stim) SLP sets up a context to encourage client to produce the target sound i.e. picture cards, books, toys. Goal is to spontaneously elicit sound on own. What is Phonetic Placement? Tell child where to put articulators and what to do with them and how breath stream should be. What is Sound Approximation? Focuses on using a sound a client can already produce to assit in the production of a new sound -(aka- sound shaping) What is Manipulation of Articulators? Using gloved hands to physically move and manipulate the articulators into the correct placement for sound production What is the correct production/ Phonetic Placement of /s/ ? raising tongue to alveolar ridge without making direct contact, while forming a groove along the midline while back of tongue makes contact with upper molars What is the age of mastery for /s/? 3-8 with most children producing it by age of 5 Under what 2 conditions will /s/ take longer to produce? missing teeth, if child is 2nd language english language learner How is /t/ used in eliciting /s/? have client produce sound a few times alternating it with /s/ and reminding them to relax and let air out How is a straw used in /s/ elicitation? by demonstrating appropriate placement for whistle sound to be produced -hold straw at center of lips and make /s/ -move straw around mouth to show have to push air out of front of mouth to get straw to "whistle" How can a straw be used in correcting a lateral /s/ lisp? place straw around the sides to demonstrate when air is forced out around the tongue the straw won't whistle How does the upside down "U"drawing help elicit /s/ sound? to visualize the tongue should be touching all around the mouth except the front to allow air to escape What is a lateral /s/ lisp? tongue lying flat on mouth rather than curling upward resulting in a "slushy, wet" /s/ sound How are Bilateral and Unilateral /s/ lisps different? -when air turbulance is released over one side of tongue is Unilateral -when air released over both sides of tongue and into cheeks is Bilateral What are 2 reasons for waiting on therapy for lateral lisp correction? still losing teeth and teeth positioning must be corrected first Methods to treat lateral lisps turning it into a frontal lisp by modeling correct and incorrect productions What is the 1st step in correcting lateral lisp? getting airflow to correctly move forward from the front of the mouth What is the 2nd step to correcting lateral lisp slowly move tongue back while forcing airflow-for tongue up tip is almost touching the alveolar ridge, for tongue down-tip is almost touching the bottom incisors How is Shaping/ Sound Approx. used in treating lateral lisp? use the /k/ forward moving air flow to then work on correct tongue placement What is a Sound Approx./ Shaping method for /s/? - if child can make /z/- make /z/ sound and "turn off their motor" voice How can /sh/ be Shaped/ Approx into /s/? -say /sh/, draw mouth back into smile to form /s/-can help put tongue into the /s/ position How can /th/ be used to Shape/ Approximate /s/? produce /th/ sound, then slowly pull tongue behind teeth to make /s/ How is the butterfly position used in treating a lateral /s/ lisp? client visualizes the correct position, learns to direct air flow along central groove (middle of butterfly) and not laterally (wings) What 2 alveolars must be mastered before moving on to the lateral /s/? the /t/ and /d/ alveolar stops How is a bite block helpful in treating a lateral /s lisp/? artificially creating an open bite to view placement and movement When using a bite block why is viewing /t/ isolation production important in /s/ elicitation? it shows child can produce sound with the parameters of /s/and it will be easier correcting lateral lisp What should a client be able to do before working on /r/ production? Have correct auditory discrimination of /r/ among other sounds and from distorted productions of /r/ What is a Phonetic Placement method for /r/? -place tongue tip behind upper front teeth, can use tongue depressor -curl tongue bakward without touching roof of mouth until it can't go back further -lower jaw and say /ru/ What is another Phonetic Placement method for /r/? Lie down or tilt head back to help tongue drop toward back of mouth. What is a method for Shaping/ Approx /l/ to /r/? -place tongue tip on alveolar ridge to make /l/ -say /l/ several times and then for 5 seconds -say a long /l/ but drag tongue tip back along roof of mouth until tongue has to drop making a /r/ What are some Imitation strategies for /r/ production? -Clinician models, client watches -Client imitates clinician while looking in mirror -Use a puppet or tongue model to show correct placement What are some good tactile-kinethestic strategies for /r/? -"flavor" the placement areas for the tongue to go for -use a tongue depressor to lif tongue up an back -place 2 fingers on lower lip to prevent lip rounding What is a good Metaphor method for /r/? Have client lift tongue up and back and demonstrate the rooster crow "ER-ER-ER!" How can Auditory Stimulation be used to elicit /l/? -Elicited Imitation child hear and attempts to repeat correct clinician production -Elicited Production use mirror to see correct placement, and use materials with /l/ words What is the Correct Phonetic placement for /l/? -light contact of tongue tip on alveolar ridge -closed in middle and open on sides for air to escape What are some Phonetic Placement strategies for /l/? -touch alveolar ridge with tongue depressor -tip head to make alveolar ridge visible -have client feel "bump" behind teeth -explain is a voiced sound- feel throat vibrate What is the "Life Saver-Peanut Butter" method of /l/ production? -rub a Lifesaver or place some PB on correct position on alveolar ridge to flavor the spot for tongue to go -place tongue on flavored spot and let air flow out from sides of tongue -then "turn on motor" to a voiced sound What are some Sound Approximations for /l/ production? uses a sound client CAN produce to make the target sound -make /a/ and keep "motor running" and raise tongue to alveolar ridge to form /l/
An always delightful way to learn more about our brains and minds is to experience so-called optical illusions and to see how we react to them. Below you have three fun ones to tease, and probably even puzzle, you mind. Ready, set, go! 1. Where is that couple’s baby? 2. Are those two orange circles of the same exact size, or not? 3. Is it all black and white, or are there gray dots below, at the intersections? ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. Can you see that couple’s baby? You should be able to see a couple, a large tree … and an even larger baby, facing upwards. This is a great example of an illusory contour. The baby’s head is on the left, the baby’s feet are against the trunk of the tree on the right.. 2. The Ebbinghaus Illusion The two orange circles are exactly the same size, even though the one on the left seems much smaller. This size distortion is caused by the size of the surrounding circles and their distance to the center circle.. 3. Hermann Grid illusion There are not gray dots in this grid. However, probably you perceive some ghostlike gray blobs at the intersections of the white lines — incredibly those gray dots disappear when you look directly at them. See below a beautiful example of the Hermann Grid illusion in the real-world: You will notice faint white circles appear where the horizontal and vertical slats intersect in the window frame (even if no white circles are there at all!) Hermann ferry port door grid illusion 🙂 Aysun Ülger (@aysun_ulger) September
How to Detox Your Liver: A Complete Guide to Purifying the Body With Liver Flushing BY DR. IRINA MATVEIKOVA I confess that out of all the tricks of the digestive system, liver flushing is my favorite. It fascinates me. The more I study it, the more it surprises me with its capabilities. The liver may be compared to an intelligent “central processing unit” that filters, controls, and cleans a liter and a half of blood per minute and simultaneously processes around 500 vitally important biochemical metabolic reactions. Some of these processes involve the division and breakdown of chemical substances (catabolism); others, involve synthesis (anabolism), primarily of protein molecules. Knowing how to cleanse your liver is knowing how to flush the body’s processor of nutrients. I have already mentioned that the liver acts as a purification plant for the blood. It plays a vital role in the detoxification and excretion of a great variety of endogenous and exogenous compounds. The uncleaned liver is very fragile yet simultaneously a survivor: it regenerates rapidly and is grateful for care; it can regrow from just a tiny piece and function with only 10 percent of healthy tissue. Just 200 g (7 oz) of healthy or transplanted liver can save a human life, even if the entire organ weighs around 2 k (4.5 lb) or, when it is full of blood, up to 3 k (7 lb.). The liver deserves its own book, and it would be an honor to be able to write it one day. But for now we’re only going to go over some of the terms and the basics of its functioning and that are particularly important for knowing how to detox your liver properly. The Organ of Regeneration The regenerative properties of the liver made a famous appearance in Greek mythology, with the myth of Prometheus. Prometheus was, without doubt, the Titan who was most generous toward humanity, stealing fire from the King of the gods Zeus himself and distributing it as a gift among humans. For this, Zeus punished Prometheus by having him chained to a rock in the Caucasus, where an eagle picked at his liver every day. Every night, however, Prometheus’s liver regrew at the same rate as the eagle devoured it during the day. His torture continued for a long time until he was finally freed by Heracles. There are many references in both ancient and modern medical literature to the influence of the liver on our mood, emotions, and intellectual state and instructions for how to cleanse the organ as well. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), for example, the liver holds “the soul”; it is associated with the fire element and it is considered more important than the heart, an organ full of energy and powers, making it extremely important to cleanse the liver regularly. The liver manages everything, including moderating mental activity. In TCM, it is thought that if qi (chi, our vital energy) is unable to flow along the liver meridian, it ends up concentrating in the organ and showing up as irritability, insomnia, depression, anguish, melancholy, and doubt. The phlegm gets stuck, and the mind clouds over. The gallbladder, for its part, governs decision making, courage, and cowardice. If a patient’s gallbladder doesn’t function well and accumulates bile, he will have a fearful attitude to life. For this reason, in TCM, liver flushing is the treatment of choice for the maintenance of health. Free Enlightened Living Course: Take Your Happiness, Health, Prosperity & Consciousness to the Next LevelDiscover powerful insights and techniques for creating radiant health, happiness, prosperity, peace and flow in your life and relationships. We use expressions such as “to be full of bile,” “to raise one’s bile,” and “to spit bile”; and a comment can be full of “black bile.” All of these phrases speak for themselves. If you are filled with rage and fury, if you have negative feelings and everything irritates you, you may be right, but don’t forget your liver may need to be flushed. Help it and encourage it a little, so that your bile flows. Detoxing the Mind When you know how to detox your liver you know how to cleanse your mind, as innumerable treatises of traditional natural medical wisdom from around the world affirm. Liver flushing has a place in traditional medicine and is considered a very important therapeutic step. Following the development of modern medicine, we have lost the ancient tradition of cleansing and flushing the liver to help the bile flow; recently, though, I have noticed increasing interest from doctors on this subject. Unfortunately, when a patient is permanently sad, lacks enthusiasm, and is in an emotional trough (that is to say melancholic), a doctor usually prescribes antidepressants or tranquilizers and this, in its turn, increases the saturation and congestion of the liver, making a liver flush and cleanse more necessary than ever. As well as medications (if they are considered necessary) for the treatment of mood disorders, integrative medicine recommends the adoption of a light detoxifying diet, infusions of medicinal plants suitable for the liver, and liver flushing. Mastering how to cleanse your liver is essential. The liver is the largest organ inside the human body. It is situated in the upper right-hand side of the abdomen, under the diaphragm. It receives a large part of the blood (85 percent) through the hepatic portal vein, the vein that drains almost all the blood from the intestine. This insures that all the food absorbed goes directly to the liver, where it can be stored for use when needed, and that all the toxins absorbed can be filtered and deactivated. The cells of the liver, the hepatocytes, produce between 500 (just under a pint) and 1500 ml (2.5 pints) of bile each day. Bile is a dense yellow liquid that circulates from the bile ducts (vessels) to the common bile duct. Later it is stored in the gallbladder. The Role of Food and the Gallbladder The gallbladder serves as a reservoir for the bile secreted by the liver. Bile is concentrated tenfold by absorbing water, which is why it has a thick consistency and a dark color. The bile retained in the gallbladder can form a mud and condense the sands and crystals composed of bile salts. Over time, this mud can be converted into mineral calculi (stones) which require a liver flush and a liver detoxification and cleansing protocol to remove. When we eat, foods taken into the digestive system, especially fats, cause the gallbladder to contract, thanks to its muscular layer, eliminating the bile concentrated in the duodenum. Bile acids act as a detergent that emulsifies all the fats in the diet and facilitates their digestion and absorption. Understanding how to detox your liver is they key to healthy bile production. Without bile, we could not digest fatty meals, which leads to a sensation of having a slow and heavy digestion, bloating, and problems of intestinal transit at both ends of the digestive tract. Another important component of bile is cholesterol, which is produced in the liver. The body requires healthy quantities of cholesterol, as it is used for various metabolic and regenerative functions. The remains of the cholesterol and bile acids that have not been used are eliminated with the feces. Curiously, a portion of these are reabsorbed in the intestine and recycled by the liver, a miraculous organ, you are probably realizing at this point and one we should show our gratitude for by doing liver flushes, detoxes and cleanses regularly. Occasionally, the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver and afterward reabsorbed and recycled can cause serum cholesterol levels to rise (sometimes with no correlation to diet or the consumption of fats). In such a case, a prescription related solely to dietary recommendations is not going to produce positive results: what is needed is to accelerate the elimination of natural cholesterol produced internally by the liver and to moderate its production through regular liver cleanses, flushing and detoxification. If bile is not adequately expelled, due to a dysfunction of the muscles of the gallbladder (a “lazy gallbladder”) or for other reasons, sedimentation, accumulation, and congestion of the liver with bile becomes apparent. This provokes a sensation of feeling full after eating; heaviness, as if “blocked up” inside; bloating and frequent constipation; and stools that alternate between greasy and foul smelling liquid diarrhea and hard feces that look like “goat droppings.” This is when it is most critical to understand how to detox your liver and perform regular liver flushing. What Causes Liver and Gallbladder Problems? The most recognized causes of bile retention and gallbladder problems are: + Liver insufficiency + Irregular meals, fast food, and a diet lacking nutrients, fiber, and essential vegetable fats + Chronic stress + Prolonged use of paracetamol, contraceptives, hormonal medications, and other drugs + Excess alcohol and coffee When we talk of a “fatty liver,” or a liver that needs flushing, we mean that the cells of the liver are saturated with fat (like liver paté) and that the intrahepatic bile ducts found inside the liver are full of dense bile with a high concentration of cholesterol (internal and external). Fat accumulates in the liver because a person eats badly, is overweight or obese, has diabetes, or is on prolonged hormonal treatment; it also happens because of the recycling and assimilation of the body’s own cholesterol and because of problems in the gallbladder. A liver full of fat cannot continue to adequately perform its many vital functions in the body, leading to problems in assimilating carbohydrates and fats and a worsening ability to carry out its detoxification function. A liver flush and cleansing protocol is needed in order to return it to full working order and prevent the accumulation of problems. Cleansing and Flushing the Liver During a liver flush, the liver is gently encouraged to improve its excretory function in order to eliminate old bile trapped inside the bile ducts and to achieve a complete and regular evacuation of the gallbladder. It is a delicate process involving the use of medicinal plants, supplements, mineral salts, oils, and certain foods to properly detoxify the liver. Liver flushing achieves the following objectives: + First, the complete drainage and elimination of accumulated toxins, cholesterol, and other fractions of fat. + Second, proper bile flow and improved motility of the gallbladder through dietary measures. What Happens During the Process of Detoxifying and Cleansing the Liver? The first phase of learning how to detoxify and cleanse the liver involves several days spent preparing the body, using dietary measures and natural remedies, in order to soften the toxic and fatty materials that need flushed from the liver. This helps them acquire a more liquid consistency, so that they can be expelled afterward and so that the bile ducts can dilate and relax. At the end of this preparation phase, the gallbladder and liver ducts are encouraged to make strong and rapid muscular contractions to flush their contents by observing a day of fasting accompanied by the taking of certain oils and mineral salts. This daylong purging is profound and important, and it is not easy. It involves spending literally several hours in the toilet evacuating frequent jets of greenish, warm, foul-smelling liquid. This amount of digestive activation can be tiring. It can irritate the anus and lead to a sensation of weakness. This is to be expected, and for this reason it is recommended to carry out a liver flush on a day free of appointments and to dedicate time almost exclusively to this. The bile expelled during liver flushing days is very dense and greasy, and has the consistency of clay or dark green “butter.” After entering the intestines, it becomes knitted together (gets harder) and acquires various round forms similar to stones, which have to be evacuated and expelled within hours. There is always a risk of recycling and reabsorbing these mobilized liver toxins; also, the “stones” are very heavy and sticky and often stay in the colon for a while; for this reason it is very important to understand exactly how to detox and cleanse your liver and carry out a good cleansing of the intestine (colonic hydrotherapy being the optimal measure) after the liver flushing. Sometimes patients observe multiple deposits of green bile in their toilets during their liver flush, and they even take photos of them! I have a gallery of such images on my computer, if only they could be prepared for an artistic exhibition, now that would be very original! Frequently, worms of all sizes are dragged out by the purge, along with fatty froth with the consistency of whipped cream and much sand. Some surprised patients, who are curious about their inner contents, fish out the little balls of bile during a liver flushing and display them on a porcelain plate or in a sieve, comparing them to a euro coin or other object (all this I have documented, but anonymously, of course); other people tell me that they keep them in the fridge and want to show them to me in their natural form. I insist, however, that a photograph will do! Not only are bile and toxins moved during the liver cleansing protocol, but also energy and emotions. Oriental philosophers have their reasons for pointing to the liver as the center of the emotions and the passions. Patients “uncover” their accumulated sadness and rage; they also feel very sensitive and very expressive during the day of the cleanse, and for several days afterward. One will start to cry for no apparent reason; another, at last, decides to let go of everything he is thinking. It is normal to feel sad and perceptive, more intuitive, and to begin to have more intense and vivid dreams. Without doubt, it is very useful and a great help to be able to share and talk about these changes with a professional psychotherapist. I repeat, according to theories of energy medicine, liver flushing means to move, purge and discharge the emotions. After around two or three weeks, the first thing many patients report is an improvement in their digestion but also an intense emotional well-being, a more positive attitude, and a sensation of greater vitality; sincerely, they seem happier. I strongly advise you to carry out your first liver flush under professional supervision, and, after that, to learn to look after your digestive system and do annual cycles of detoxification (not more frequent). A badly managed drainage when learning how to detox your liver can send hard mineralized particles through the narrow bile ducts and provoke colic. It can even manage to block the bile duct, creating an extreme situation that will send you to the emergency room of your local hospital. On the other hand, the toxic discharge of the liver can cause vomiting, strong headaches and fever, owing to rapid reabsorption in the intestine. Make sure you are protected from these complications by being properly guided. In patients with a history of bile or nephritic (kidney) colics, or a history of these clinical symptoms, I consider it essential to carry out a abdominal ultrasound scan: this helps to dismiss the possibility of (or confirm) the presence of hard calcified stones that cannot possibly flow through the hepatic ducts when mobilized or change their form: these can generate great pain and lead to other complications during liver flushing. It is also important to consider all other possibilities with a professional. In recent years, the liver flush has become fashionable, and I have hundreds of patients who come to see me after having done it badly, in an incorrect form, by relying only on popular books or information they have found on the internet. It is not a procedure to be carried out frequently. It is a question of well-being, of your health. Make sure you carry out the first steps with adequate advice, then you will learn how to detoxify your liver and can do it by yourself. I remind you that naturopaths use many effective natural remedies for the liver. Look for the one that is right for you. Remember, when trying to understand how to detox and cleanse your liver, that the adequate expulsion of bile depends on diet too. Medicinal plants and supplements to activate the liver should be taken just before or during the main meal. The most common natural remedies used for this process are: dandelion extract (root), green artichoke, Marian thistle, birch leaf, celery (the root is best), black radish, fumitory, turmeric, mint, rosemary, ginger, thyme, virgin olive oil, lemon juice, and magnesium sulfate. A small but great testimony: A., 34 years old. For many years (17!) I suffered the consequences of an illness that few people know about despite it being fairly common in society: bulimia. I tried different therapies and made little progress. My life seemed increasingly out of control. Thanks to the therapy of colonic cleansing and liver flushing, my body and my mind have been able to align. Now I can understand that my battle with food was not the real problem of my illness; I needed to reconnect with my body and my mind. Now I can enjoy and maintain my health and enjoy food. How to Do The Liver Flush Protocol + Animal proteins: meat, sausages (and all processed meat products), poultry, fish, seafood, eggs + Dairy products, including milk, cheese, butter (but you can eat fermented, or cultured, milk products, such as cottage cheese, quark, yogurt, kefir (better if they are made from goat’s milk or sheep’s milk) + Fried and battered food, spicy food, sauces, mayonnaise + Coffee (but decaffeinated is permitted), alcohol (all types), and tobacco + Processed foods, including cakes and pastries, soft drinks, and chocolates + Cold or frozen food and drinks Eat and Drink: + Whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and pulses (legumes). All of these could be eaten boiled, raw, steamed, grilled, or cooked in the oven. Preferably creamed or pureed, not fried! + Cottage cheese, quark, yogurt/curd, kefir made from goat’s milk + Natural fruit and nuts, honey + Water, tea, decaffeinated coffee, herb teas, natural juices, vegetable milks (made from oat, soy, rice, almond, hazelnut, etc.) + Drink at least 2 liters of liquid a day while liver flushing. + Eat small quantities of food (150−200 g) every 4 hours, or 5 meals per day. + Eat slowly, chew well. Snacks are essential mid-morning and in the late afternoon. They can consist of fruits, juices, fruit and nuts, yogurt, wholewheat biscuits, fresh cheese with sugar-free jam or honey, a mini-sandwich of wholewheat bread (with cottage cheese, mozzarella, tomato, avocado, and so on). These rules may seem tricky, but understanding how to detox your liver is all about knowing how to do it properly. Natural Food Supplements (take for 5 days continuously) + One liter of natural apple juice without sugar or preservatives (this can be bought in supermarkets or health food shops). Alternatively: 1 capsule (600g) malic acid a day, with breakfast. + Celery and lemon juice (300ml). Dice 3 large celery stalks (preferably organic). Liquidize with the squeezed juice of one lemon, and add 200ml of mineral water. Alternatively: 2 capsules celery root extract a day, with breakfast. + Epsom salts (powdered magnesium sulfate). Dilute 1 heaped tablespoonful in a glass of water (200ml). Drink in one go, after dinner. To disguise the bitter taste you can put a little honey or half a slice of lemon on your tongue before you take the Epsom salts. + Powdered pysllium seed husks (plantago ovata) (one heaped tablespoonful) or a single-dose sachet. Dilute in 250ml of water (or apple juice). Drink immediately after the Epsom salts or a bit later at night, before going to bed. Keep the intake of this fiber supplement separate from your nighttime medication (one hour before or after). On Day 6, Do the Following: 7 A.M. On an empty stomach, take a heaped tablespoonful of Epsom salts diluted in a glass of water (200 ml) at room temperature. I recommend that you prepare this the night before. After this part of the liver flush, you can drink all the water you want. 7:30 A.M. Still on an empty stomach, mix 150ml of good-quality cold-pressed extravirgin olive oil with the squeezed juice of two lemons (or the juice of one grapefruit). To mix it well put it in a jar with a lid and shake. Drink it straight away. To take away the taste of the oil in the mouth and throat, you can take sips of warm mint tea. Go back to bed immediately, lying on the right side and placing a warm blanket or pillow in the area of the liver. Sleep, or at least rest with your eyes closed, for 1−2 hours. 9:30 A.M. Still without eating, take a last tablespoonful of Epsom salts diluted in a glass of warm water (200ml). 10:30 A.M. You can now have breakfast (if you want). Continue with the vegetarian liver flushing diet described above. After dinner in the evening, take a tablespoon of the same fiber that you have been taking the previous nights: powdered psyllium seed husks (plantago ovate) diluted in 250mg of water or apple juice. It is important that you keep taking this fiber supplement every night for a week after the liver flushing. From day 7 on, you can eat a healthy, varied diet, as long as you care to eat high-quality foods and to respect your digestive system. Within 2−3 days after the liver flush, it is highly recommended that you have a session of colonic hydrotherapy to eliminate any toxic and bile residues that remain in the walls of the intestine. It is also recommended that you take probiotics for a month after cleansing your liver and colon. This article on how to detox and cleanse your liver is excerpted with permission from Digestive Intelligence: A Holistic Vision of Your Second Brain: The Liver and Gallbladder by Dr. Irina Matveikova. About The Author Dr. Irina Matveikova specializes in Endocrinology and Clinical Nutrition and is a certified expert in Eating Disorder Behaviors. After graduating from medical school, Dr. Matveikova undertook postgraduate professional studies (as well as studies in natural and holistic medications) in many different parts of the world, including France, the United States, Argentina, Spain, and the Czech Republic. As a result of her postgraduate experiences, Dr. Matveikova became a staunch believer in harmoniously combining natural and conventional medical approaches to health and is now at the forefront of this field. Visit her website: irinamatveikova.com
Active online learning, concept mastery, motivation… As a powerful solution for Math and science education, Adaptive Curriculum targets middle school and high school teachers and students in USA. Chile, Argentina, Mexico. Vitamina is a Spanish Math and Science learning platform, localized entirely to Latin American culture. Online, interactive Math and Science solution designed for middle and high school students in USA to use at home to dramatically improve their grades in school. Combination of research-based pedagogy with state-of-the-art visualization and interaction… Vitamin is the preeminent online educational support service for K-12. An end-to-end “academic backbone” for MoEs that meets the needs of all education stakeholders. Rich content, study plans, student-specific guidance… As a personalized university preparation product, Raunt is the leader of its kind.
Even if the new pope has the same point of view about gay rights and gay marriage as Pope Benedict, the LGBT community will be effected by the new Pope's stance on the LGBT community and their rights. A more liberal pope might be more accepting, while a conservative pope will continue to make it difficult for the LGBT community. It's irrational to even try to guess what may come, but judging from the past eighty-million popes, I sincerely doubt that anything different will happen for the LGBT community as a result. Unless a liberal Catholic candidate who is "hip" to such things as "progress" and "change", nothing meaningful will occur in the catholic community. The Catholics will not change their views on that community regardless who is charge. Scripture is clear on the topic and any divine inspiration otherwise will be the death of the Catholic Church. The LGBT community needs to give up on support from religious groups and press secular governments to respect their right to freedom of religion. No Pope Benedict's resignation will not change hundreds of years of church teachings or the opinions of the clergy at large. At best the LGBT community will end up having to contend with a pope that ignores them rather than attacking them, but the church's ideals will not change over night.
The Hewlett-Packard Company that is also known as the HP that is an American Company and the Headquarters of HP is in Palo Alto that is located in California and HP has the wide variety of its products and it products are mostly related to the Software and hardware because they deal in technical products and we know that today everyone is after technology and Hp products are for the made for all the user whether they are government and private or they are small business holder or a Business Tycoon. They provide services to all the customers. Hp also provide services in the Health sector and education sectors. Today education is going to be digital so that Hp gadgets helps the students to better way to learning. Hp deals in printers that is the most popular product of Hp in these days because in printers they are growing day by day because they are using the latest technology in their printers. If you are using the HP printer and also you are using the Windows 10 then for the Setup you have to install Hp printer App in your HP printer and that will help the user to guide how to print and in this Article we are going to discuss the process of installation of app and how we can use and how it works on Hp printer. There are many functions that are included in HP printer smart app these are related to printing and scan and there will be a help to the users for the check the ink levels and so that a user can get easy access to the printer and with the help of the wireless network A user can use the printer wirelessly with their smartphones and PC. The first thing that a user has to do that installs the HP smart app that is all in one and when it will then just add your printer. These are guidance to install the HP printer all in one app 1.In the First step, you have to go to the HP smart app on your Windows 10 and then you can get the app from the Windows Store and after that follow the instructions and then download the app. After downloading the app just install the app and then that app will search for the printers that are connected to the Network. Now you have to add the printer with your Network and if you have already connected one printer with your network then that HP printer app will automatically scan your printer and it will select your printer and if you have already connected many printers then you have to click on the Printer Icon and then click on it and after that just choose a Different Printer and then you can select your printer from the list and just follow the instructions that are mentioned on the screen. So that your printer will be added in it. What is different in this HP smart app application as compared to the old HP smart app 1. The new Hp smart app has improved the visual design so that it is easier to use for the users. 2. The printer setup has been improved in this so that there is no bug or error has to face to the users. 3. There have been many enhancements have done in this related to the scanning flow. 4. There is a new feature for the customers is that there is status notification is to be added in the Laserjet printers, 5. There are many other bugs that have solved in it and many glitches that a user has been facing that has corrected by the Hp support team. Are you facing a problem in the Hp printer smart app and if you are unable to find the solution we will guide the users how to get the solution of it and how to get rid of it them and for the just restart the windows and after that, if the user-facing these problems then you have to make sure that you are using the windows 10 and if the users still facing that problem then after that you have to run the Microsoft Printing troubleshooter program. And After that diagnose the issue and see the problem steps and if the users do not get the solution then reinstall the latest HP printing software.and after that if the user still facing the issue then just restore the PC and then download it again. Conclusion:- In this article, we read about the HP company and the HP printers. The Hp Smart app that and the functions of Hp printer and how the old Hp smart app is different from the new hp printer app and in last we read about the problems which are faced by the user and the solutions related to it.
The Tea Party began promising to “take our country back” as early as 2009. According to an on line article titled – appropriately enough – “Take Our Country Back,” a disgruntled American named Chris Cassone was watching Glenn Beck on TV when he was inspired to pick up his guitar and compose a song. And that’s how Cassone’s song, “Take Our Country Back,” was born. Readers are left wondering how many other composers have been similarly inspired by Glenn Beck. “Little did he know how far that song would take him,” the article rhapsodizes. Cassone debuted “Take Our Country Back” at a Tea Party rally on March 21, 2009. The lyrics warn listeners that our nation is “under attack” (by whom?) and admonishes all concerned parties to “draw a line in the sand so they (who, specifically?) all understand.” The demand that our nation be taken back became both a rallying cry` as well as a demand among Tea Party activists. Outraged by Obamacare, Michele Bachmann proclaimed, “That’s why I am so absolutely confident in 2012” that “Americans have made the decision that we’re going to take our country back.” Donald Trump has repeatedly assured audiences on the campaign trail that he will take our country back. The Donald believes the United States needs to be taken back from immigrants, particularly those who aren’t Christians. The Republican Tea Party obsession with our nation being overrun with “foreigners” is nothing new. Native-born American bigots founded the Know-Nothing movement in the 1840s because they were horrified by the waves of immigrants entering the United States. These immigrants weren’t the Latin-Americans and Muslims so reviled by Trump, however. They were German and Irish Catholics. Members of the Know Nothing movement were convinced that these Catholics would never make good Americans and were entering the United States for the sole purpose of undermining our republic. Simply substitute “Republican Tea Party” for Know Nothing movement and “Muslims” for Catholics and one has Trump and his xenophobic supporters. Does the Republican Tea Party want to take our country back to an era when women lacked reproductive freedom of choice? The PoliticusUSA column “Proof of the GOP War on Women,” states “Republican legislators have introduced a wide array of laws designed to either outlaw abortion outright or to discourage it by making ridiculous and sometimes humiliating requirements of women who might consider having a pregnancy terminated.” Should unmarried women even have access to birth control? Some Republican Tea Party members think not. Perhaps these zealots yearn to take us back to a time when shelters for abused women didn’t exist and wives were expected to remain in abusive relationships, even at the risk of their lives. Does the Republican Tea Party want to take our country back to an era when unions were weak and workers had few rights? If that’s the case, then we can conclude these extremists are succeeding magnificently. West Virginia’s GOP-dominated legislature just overrode the Democratic governor’s veto of a right to work bill. Over half of our states have now enacted this anti-union measure. Never mind that numerous studies have shown that the decline of unions parallels the decline of the American middle class. We mustn’t inconvenience corporate CEO’s, a/k/a “job creators,” by empowering their workers through unionization. We can safely conclude that the mysterious “they” who are supposedly menacing our country are immigrants, non-Christians, uppity women who don’t know their place and working people who have the audacity to stand up to their employers. Civil rights supporters are also seen as a threat. Indeed, the web site of Tea Party Crusaders has an entire archive category titled “Race-Baiters.” This columnist thinks that the Republican Tea Party’s promise to take our country back can more accurately be construed as a threat to drag our country down. John J. Dunphy of Godfrey is a writer and poet. He is the author of “Abolitionism and the Civil War in Southwestern Illinois” and owns the Second Reading Book Shop in Alton.
The paper briefly presents the Barcelona Process, the structure, and the main formal and non-formal purposes of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, resulting from the 1995 Barcelona Conference. A decade after the Barcelona Process began, there are some areas of progress but a combination of theoretical and practical-political problems has placed strong constraints in the advancement of the EMP. It turns out that what began as a major international initiative, has become a sideline in international relations. The article examines the relationship between Israel and the EMP, describing political instances in which the Israeli government makes the best of its association with the EMP. It also shows weak points in this relationship which lie in the area cooperation. Finally, the paper mentions the establishment of the European Neighborhood Policy. ENP may help to overcome some problems in the relationship between Israel and the EU.
London, Dec 16 (ANI): Contrary to previous beliefs, a new study has suggested that brain does not stop developing until late 40s. Earlier scientists used to believe that brain stop physically evolving in early childhood but new research has shown that keeps changing well into middle age. Brain scans have shown that prefrontal cortex - the area just behind your forehead - continues to change shape in your 30s and 40s, reports the Telegraph. It is an important discovery as the prefrontal cortex is a key area of the brain and is often thought said to be key to what makes us human. This area is involved with decision-making, social interaction and many other personality traits. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, of the University College London, said, "Until about 10 years ago we pretty much assumed that the human brain stopped developing in early childhood." "But we now understand from brain imaging that that is far from the truth and that many human brains keep on developing for many decades. The area of the brain that goes through the most protracted development is the prefrontal cortex right at the front of the brain. "It is the part of the brain that is involved in high cognitive function such as decision making, planning and social behaviour. It is also to do with understanding other people. "It starts develop in early childhood, is reorganised in late adolescence and continues developing well into the 30s and 40s. It is the part of the brain that makes us human," she said. The new findings were presented at the British Neuroscience Christmas symposium in London. (ANI)
Being one of the best income-generating sectors globally, most investors want to invest in Real estate. However, most investors cannot invest in the sector due to high capital requirements. But investors focusing on real estate investing should worry no more as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have provided an opportunity for them to pool together their capital and earn dividends in every financial year. Here is a post on what investors need to understand on Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). What are Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)? Investors need to understand that real estate investment trusts own, manage or finance income-generating real estate to make a profit. Like any other business, REITs provide opportunities for various investors to pool their funds together to invest in real estate and earn dividends. How to qualify as a REIT To qualify as a REIT, it should have a minimum of 100 shareholders who are entitled to 90% of the taxable income as dividends as agreed. In addition, 75% of the Assets contributed by the members must be used in real estate and managed by the board of directors or trustees. Types of REITs There are two main types of REITs where Investors can invest. Equity REITs is a type of REIT in which most investors make their investments. Equity REITs are a type of investment in which real estate companies own and operate various income-generating properties and lease them to earn profits. In addition to leasing, the company makes a profit through property selling. Mortgage REITs are a type of investment in which companies give mortgage loans and mortgage-backed securities intending to earn interest. In publicly-traded REITs, trustees buy and hold properties on behalf of the investors. In addition, the trustee manages the properties according to the Trust Deed and the Offering Memorandum, and Investors get their shares at the end of the financial year as dividends. Operate Single Real estate sector REITs may specialize in one of the following real estate sectors - Healthcare facilities - Apartment complexes - Self-storage and warehouses - Office buildings - Retail sectors Operate Different Real estate sectors However, Other REITs may diversify and invest in different real estate sectors. Advantages of Investing in REITs Unlike other Direct property investments, in REIT investments, shareholders can quickly convert their shares into cash. Conversion is possible through selling units in the market or redeeming them for money. Investing in REITs will enable shareholders to invest in different hotels, apartments, health facilities, and infrastructure. Most REITs are traded publicly and make them sufficiently transparent. After every financial year, the trustee discloses the financial information to investors. Thus, members will predict the future and make the right decision. - Capital Access & and Access to investments REITs provide an opportunity to the middle-income class to mobilize their savings and invest in a capital-intensive real estate project. In addition, the loss will be distributed among the investors in case of a loss. - Stable cash flow through dividends Because of the long-term lease agreement with tenants, income is predictable. So, before investing in REITs, investors will already know the amount of income. Disadvantages of Investing in REITs - Weak Growth The law requires that 90% of the income in publicly-traded REITs be used to pay the investors in dividends. Only 10% is left in the company for growth and development. - No Control Over Returns or Performance Unlike indirect real estate investment, where investors can control cash flow and implement various management practices, for REITs, management is done by the trustee. Members can only sell their shares if they don't like the performance. - Dividends are taxed as regular income Although income on investment is less taxed, dividends are taxed as regular income. Taxing will leave shareholders with a higher tax bill than it could be when taxed under the investment income. You can now tell what REITs are, how they qualify to be REITs, types, and how they operate through the above content. Additionally, the post has highlighted the pros and cons of investing in REITs, thus helping potential investors make the right decision.
In every household, people will face the problem of blocked drains. This will occur mainly due to the presence of grease, hair, soap scum, and other materials in the pipe. If the water is not able to get into the water, it will get back to the place where it originates. This problem usually occurs in most places such as the bathtub, washbasin, and other sink areas in the house. This place will not only makes inconvenience to the people but also makes the people to get affected with some health issues due to the presence of the blocks. Sometimes, the overflow will also occur which is the bigger problem for people. Blocked Drains Southend is the best place for the hiring of experts to clean the block. This will be the biggest place for the bacteria to grow. You need to clear the drains frequently which will make the people hygienic with their health. In some cases, the situation will become worse and makes many issues for the people. The problem in the drain will affect the health of the people and makes a nuisance to those living in that place. Every house must be checked properly with the drainage system and they need to know about the clearance of the blocks. It is always advisable to clean the drain and make the house to be clean. The proper management of the pipelines will avoid the formation of the blocks. Every person must know how to clear the block with the correct tools. The tools needed for the process of cleaning the pipe have to be used for completing the process simply. Sort out the issue The kitchen sink has to be cleaned and the grease and oily fat in the pipe has to be removed frequently. The flushing of the hot water into the sink will make it get cleared with the problem of the block. Regular maintenance must be done with the pipe and the importance of cleaning the pipe has to be known to everyone. The person who wants to get better health must monitor the house and they have to clean every part of the house with good techniques. If you feel very tough to clean the problem of the block, it is always good to hire an expert who will help the people to come out of this problem. Numerous companies are available to serve the people and they are making the best service to the customer in their work. The proper and good cleaning techniques have to be employed and the perfect cleaning methods make the block get out of the pipe. To get away from this problem, it is good to visit the place without any hesitation. The regular checking of the pipe makes you solve the problem of the block. Every person must know about these basic issues that happen in the house. The use of the plunger will get you to clear the block. When you are not satisfied with this tool you can use the auger which can be used for the blocks in the deep region of the pipe. The blocked drains make people feel irritable and also cause some health issues.
There was an interesting comment by Gianni on a previous discussion thread about zines being made as far back as the 19th century. Most discussion at this site seems to be about zines made in the 80s, 90s and 00s. I know a few ziners who started making during the 70s, possibly the 60s. Science fiction writer Michael Moorcock edited an Edgar Rice Burroughs fanzine in the 1940s, when he was a kid. And I can think of possible earlier examples too - scrapbooks, diaries written for friends, etc. But I know little about the early-20th/late 19th century history of zines - can anyone enlighten me? The more that I think about it, the further back you could date zines. For instance, the earliest copies of mass-circulation magazines like The Spectator or The Tatler were just small essays closely printed on a sheet of paper and sent out like letters to a small (but growing) market. Were these more of a 'zine' or a 'magazine'? There are more recent examples of a 'zine' changing to a magazine. F'rinstance, Reason magazine was once a regular letter distributed amongst a few economics geeks. 'Rolling Stone' magazine, I think, began as a fanzine as well, in the 60s. Anyone able to fill in some of the gaps in zine history? Is it possible, or even desirable, to make a clear distinction between magazines, newspapers, and zines?
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Tim. 3:17). God’s man is never a priest of the cult of contemporaneousness. God’s man must always have a sense of past, present, and future to be enabled to give stability, purpose, direction, and even a sense of destiny to an age characterized by the withering feeling that it is a cut flower with no roots in the past, radically discontinuous with earlier generations, and uncertain about the future. God’s man can never speak to the present without knowing what God has done in the past, and how God’s prophets have related revelation to the life of the people, and without having the assurance that no matter what the future holds, he knows who holds the future. Special characteristics of any particular time are never as new, as distinctive, or as significant as we like to suppose. Actually the man of God is confronted with the necessity of applying ancient principles and long-effective solutions to the modern version of the problems with which human nature has always struggled. One of these problems is pride, which makes every generation want to feel that it is the pivotal point of history, that it will unquestionably be the most honored to stand before God because of what it has endured. Indeed one of the things most desperately needed by Christians today is a sense of being instruments in God’s plan of the ages rather than prima donnas. Too often we feel that the spotlight of God’s special interest must follow us wherever we move across the stage of human experience. Humility bids us to become aware of all that God is doing in our world through all of his people and to rejoice in the dignity of linking our lives with God’s plan of the ages. In his ...1 Already a CT subscriber? Log in for full digital access. Have something to add about this? See something we missed? Share your feedback here. Subscribe to Christianity Today and get access to this article plus 65+ years of archives. - Home delivery of CT magazine - Complete access to articles on ChristianityToday.com - Over 120 years of magazine archives plus full access to all of CT’s online archives - Learn more
A sprawling area in western Kyoto centered around the Katsura River (Oi river) and surrounding mountains, Arashiyama is an extremely popular tourist spot visitors to Kyoto won’t want to miss. Any given day you’re likely to see people in kimono or yukata enjoying local food, shopping, and pilgrimages to the local temples. Rickshaw drivers wait to carry you to your destination, whether it be the natural beauty of the bamboo forest or the man-made temples that have stood in Arashiyama for hundreds of years. Arashiyama is the second-most important sightseeing district in Kyoto. It’s filled with temples and shrines, but the star attraction is the famed Arashiyama Bamboo Grove. Arashiyama is in the far west of Kyoto, tucked along the base of the Arashiyama Mountains (meaning “Storm Mountains”). It’s a fair distance from the center of Kyoto: whether you go by train, bus, bicycle or taxi, you’re generally looking at about a 30-minute trip. Still, it’s worth it for the number of great sights here.
Book pak Recorded Books 1994 CS ISBN 078870091X $89.00 Twelve cassettes The most challenging passage for the narrator of this acclaimed novel occurs when ten-year-old David flees a family catastrophe. Guidall's empathetic handling of David's disjointed thoughts, and the meaning he brings to the fragments of harsh dialogue David hears, helps the listener experience the character's profound turmoil. While the rest of the novel is less impressionistic, Guidall delivers a virtuoso interpretation of David's family and friends, their New York accents and argot, and their use of Yiddish and Hebrew. In this way, a difficult, emotionally charged classic about a Jewish immigrant experience is made more accessible. S.K. Winner of AUDIOFILE Earphones Award ©AudioFile, Portland, Maine [Published: APR 95] Sign up to receive FREE email newsletters from AudioFile. Get audiobook recommendations and reviews straight to your inbox.
The U.S. Treasury is following through on its announcement late last year that it will sell its remaining stake in General Motors in an "orderly" fashion, within 12 to 15 months. The U.S. Treasury held a 22 percent stake in GM on December 19, 2012. Since January, the agency has sold 58,392,078 shares of GM stock at an average price of $28.04 each, reducing its GM ownership to 18 percent. If the Treasury continues the sell-off at that same pace, it will sell its last remaining stock by early April 2014. The sell-off will be at a significant loss to taxpayers. The federal government, under the Bush and then Obama administrations, invested $49 billion to save GM from dissolution. Most of the investment was converted to stock after the Obama administration's Auto Task Force decided the automaker would be unable to survive with so much debt. The Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP), the federal agency created to oversee the TARP bailout program, estimates that the U.S. Treasury's remaining shares would have to be sold for $82.21 apiece to break even on the GM investment. That would be a staggering increase from the average $28.04 per share in the first quarter of this year. Federal officials say the TARP investment was well worth it, even if some ten or twenty billion is never recovered. Officials say the action saved at least one million U.S. jobs and prevented a deeper recession. Even competitors of GM - most notably, Ford Motor Company - urged the government to save the automaker in order to prevent a collapse of the entire U.S. auto industry.
2001-Sat Jan 21 14:44:11 MST 2017 Vetstreet. All rights reserved. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See Additional Information › If you’ve spent time around animals, you know how skilled they are at keeping us happy and healthy. And if you haven’t experienced the feel-great effects of cuddling with a cat, dog or other friendly creature, study after study proves myriad benefits of owning dogs, cats and more. Pets have the power to boost our moods, help us stay in shape and help us connect. After all, how can you resist chatting with someone who stops to pet your pup on a walk or comments on how friendly, happy or cute he is? In addition to making us feel better mentally and physically, pets may help us interact better with the people around us. In a recent study published in the journal Applied Developmental Science, by Dr. Megan K. Mueller, researchers asked 567 young adults ages 18 to 26 about their experiences with animals and discovered that pet owners and people who regularly spent time with animals (through activities like horseback riding, dog walking and animal-assisted therapy) were more likely to report helping others, being involved in community service and taking on leadership roles. What’s more, the researchers found that people who spent time with pets — even if they didn’t own one — tended to feel stronger connections to family members, peers and other people in their communities. Interacting with animals isn’t just good for grown-ups: Experts in children’s mental health say spending time with pets can help kids develop self-esteem and confidence, foster a sense of responsibility and empathy, and teach them about unconditional love and loyalty. That’s something Mary Moore, a writer in Austin, Texas, experienced firsthand with her 9-year-old daughter, Scarlett. "We got our first dog, Holly, when our daughter was 4. We looked at her relationship with the dog as sort of a primer for a sibling. We worked on sharing attention and being a helper and what made the puppy feel happy to help with her sense of empathy.” It worked. “Having a pet was a great trial run for sharing love and taking on responsibility,” Moore says. “Watching her kindness with animals makes us feel good about the possibility of her being a loving and nurturing sister, if not just a good person." How, exactly, do pets work their magic? Mueller, who is a research assistant professor at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, suggests that pets may act as “social facilitators” for humans. “We still don’t know much about the mechanisms of this relationship, but it could be that animals give people a shared interest to connect around, or it could be that there are parallels between human-animal social relationships and human-human social relationships,” Mueller says. “It is also possible that someone who invests time and effort in caring for an animal is also someone who invests time and effort in his or her community.” But just as in human relationships, there is one important caveat, Mueller says. “It is not just owning a pet that matters, but what type of relationship we have with our animals. The quality of the relationship matters." More on Vetstreet.com: Like this article? Have a point of view to share? Let us know! Take our breed quiz to find your next pet. Get all the best pet news and information sent right to your inbox! Thank you for subscribing! Want to choose the best food for your pet? Here's why you shouldn't fear preservatives or fall for marketing… Electronic cigarettes may be growing in popularity, but their higher concentrations of nicotine can poison cats and… Are you handling your pet the right way? Our vet shares five things your pup wishes you knew about picking him up. We combed through 505,270 kitten names to determine the hottest male and female monikers of the year. We scoured our database of 1.1 million dogs to find out which male and female monikers reigned supreme this past… The laid-back American Wirehair’s crimped, coarse coat requires almost no brushing or combing. Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. Wonder which dog or cat best fits your lifestyle? Our new tool will narrow down more than 300 breeds for you. If the video doesn't start playing momentarily, please install the latest version of Flash. Thank you for subscribing.
(Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. (Colossians 1:15) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27) “Realized there are 10 movies nominated for Best Pic,” read a friend’s Facebook status. “Looks like all the kids who got 'participation trophies' are now grown up.” The implication being, I suppose, that receiving ‘participation trophies’—or simply growing up in a culture that gave prizes to kids just for showing up—has turned a generation into entitled hellions. But while there may be a cohort of young people out there with an inflated sense of what they have coming to them, I think the trophies have become a lightning rod. First, where older kids are concerned, they hardly seem capable of inflating anyone’s self-concept. …(T)he expression “trophy kids” misses a rather important point: It sucks to get one of those participation trophies… Every time I looked at them, I felt embarrassed. They were reminders of my ineptitude, because I knew I didn’t earn them. No young athlete with any sense of perspective would mistake those trophies for genuine celebrations of accomplishment. My classmates and I joked about them; we rolled our eyes when they were passed out at end-of-season pizza parties.[i] Second, some people still think the trophies are good for the littlest kids--especially those who come from less-nurturing home environments. If you’d never been told in your life that you were good at anything, imagine what a difference a trophy could make. It’s fashionable to grouse that self-esteem has to be earned--“Self-esteem does not lead to success in life,” said one anti-trophy pundit;[ii] “Self-discipline and self-control do”--but no one can earn anything if they don’t believe they have any personal capital. Kids need to believe they have a self worth controlling. You have to prime the pump a little. Having said that, I’m not prepared to weigh in on whether we ought to give participation trophies or not—but I do think the controversy surrounding them is beside the point where self-esteem is concerned. If a positive self-image is the goal, these trophies are decidedly downstream ministry. (Downstream ministry, as I heard someone put it once, “reaches into the river of despair and pulls out drowning souls,” while upstream ministry “finds out who’s throwing them in and makes them stop.”) I’m interested in why kids come to school needing a plastic trophy to feel good about themselves in the first place. I’ve known people who actually believe that self-esteem is a bad thing—that we really are caught in a Calvinist nightmare in which a keen sense of our own depravity is all that can save us from self-indulgence, indolence and moral decay. And while of course an appropriate sense of our shortcomings is essential if we are to overcome them, the sins that I-am-a-worm-and-no-man self-loathing is meant to forestall are not the result of self-love. We take it for granted, for instance, that over-indulgence of others is not really showing them love, yet automatically identify self-indulgence with self-love. But that’s not what self-indulgence is. Anyone who’s ever been or known an addicted person, for instance, knows that people don’t indulge themselves out of self-love, but in a desperate bid to fill the “god-shaped hole” inside them. People are lazy because they do not believe industry worthwhile, immoral because they see themselves as bad. Self-esteem is the foundation of self-discipline and self-control, not a hindrance to them. “I do think I see some shred of goodness in John Proctor,” said the hard-pressed Puritan in Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible. “Not enough to weave a banner with, but white enough to keep it from such dogs.” Proctor was lucky; those who see no shred of goodness in themselves do not bother. “Self-love, not sex, is his woe,” screamed the headline about the sports analyst in the wake of a sex scandal.[iii] But grow men don’t cheat on their wives with 22-year-olds because they love themselves—they do it because they see no shred of goodness in themselves to keep white. It would probably help if we had a more precise word for “self-love.” The Countess Olivia in Shakepeare’s Twelfth Night told her killjoy steward Malvolio (also a Puritan) that he was “sick” with it—but Malvolio’s supercilious self-righteousness, browbeating and social ambition are really the stuff of self-loathing, not self-love. If he really had a healthy love for himself, he wouldn’t need to look down his nose at everybody. We are called upon to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. If a biology professor in Alabama[iv] punches a fellow restaurant customer in the head for taking the last booster seat, all the while screaming “I am Dr. Amy Bishop!” it isn’t because she loves herself too much; if she loved herself, giving up the last booster in the IHOP wouldn’t diminish her personally. She uses her name, and whatever accomplishments and human value it supposedly represents, as a kind of kryptonite against those she perceives as a threat and, alarmed when it doesn’t work, lashes out violently in order, not to get a booster seat, but to avoid facing the real emptiness of that carefully-constructed identity. If she later shoots six members of her department who have denied her tenure, again, it isn’t because she loves herself too much. She doesn’t even know who she is, and the possibility that the self she built out of academic ambition and a fudged résumé may not be real or meaningful terrifies her. She will kill to defend that self, rather than face the emptiness she fears underneath it. “Go down low, low, low as you can go,” said accused anthrax mailer Bruce Ivins, “then dig forever, and you’ll find me, my psyche.”[v] Human beings made in the image of God mistreat each other because we think, not too much of ourselves, but too little. The more I become aware of the real being that I am, the easier it will be for me to see the real beings that others are. My perception of the world, or the way I relate to the world, depends on my perception of myself, the way I relate to myself…If I don’t see that I am a child of God, it will be very difficult for me to see that the person in front of me is also a child of God.[vi] This is the real problem that participation trophies—and all other worldly awards and rewards--fail to address. People who really know that they are God’s children do not need prizes, or“retail therapy”, or need so badly for things to be a certain way that they will scream at a public official in a town hall meeting, or need a drink, or dismiss rural people as “shitkickers”, or need the acceptance represented by tenure so much that they will kill if denied it. A kid who knows she is the Image of God does not need a participation trophy, while a kid who doesn’t will not be helped by one where help is needed most. And I worry that we are teaching kids to want tokens of recognition—which are not bad things in themselves—as a substitute for teaching them who they really are, which is the Pearl of Great Price. The things we want are notoriously bad stewards of our identities and happiness. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.[vii] The importance of self-esteem to spiritual growth may be hard to see because so many stories of saints and ascetics often appear at first to be chronicles of masochistic self-loathing. But I have come to believe that self-denial can actually be a sign of a true and healthy self-love. We deny things to our children because we love them, to teach them to delay gratification lest they trade in what they want most for what they want now. Though Madison Avenue would have us believe that we should indulge ourselves because we’re “worth it,” that isn’t actually why we indulge ourselves most of the time. We indulge ourselves because we think the desired object or experience will fill our inner void. But when we are really on our game, knowing that we are “worth it” can lead us to practice loving self-denial. Nikos Kazantzakis’s novel St. Francis includes a number of incidents which, while they never actually occurred in real life, are much in keeping with the spirit of Francis and his followers. In one alarming episode, Francis’s disciple Brother Giles stands up in a public square with a basket of figs and announces that he will give one to whoever slaps him once, while anyone who slaps him twice will receive two. Things fall out as you’d expect, and Giles rapturously reports to Francis the success of the experiment. I had a strong, and strongly ambivalent, reaction to this story. On the one hand, the apparent unbridled self-hatred of it is appalling, especially when portrayed as an aid to spiritual progress. But on the other hand, I found—and still find—the story powerfully compelling. I was convinced that there was some genuine wisdom in it (and in similar events in the actual lives of the early Franciscans) but, couched at it was in such off-putting terms, I couldn’t get at it until many years later, when I had a personal epiphany about suffering and self-worth. I was in the kitchen (as I often am when I have epiphanies, my other revelatory venue being the shower) with my infant Sophie screaming her head off on my shoulder, and my toddler Clare wrapped around my leg crying “Uppy! Uppy!” with all the apocalyptic pathos of which toddlers are capable. Having frantically tried everything I could think of to make the screaming stop, I suddenly stopped myself, as the dawning realization lit up within me: It just doesn’t matter what I want! When that thought came to me, I stood still and laughed out loud. My children were not going to stop screaming no matter what I did, it didn’t matter that it was making me miserable, and it was all OK! We expend a staggering amount of psychic calories in self-assertion, in defending our right to exist and be right. If people don’t do what we want, we assume that it means something about us. We need to win in order to prove that we are good. This is the real root of self-will: not self-love, but insecurity and self-doubt. It doesn’t have to matter so much what we want if we know who we are. “Everything that we do has a kind of basic mantra behind it, like “What about me?”[viii]” It’s exhausting and, like beating your head against a wall, it feels so good when you stop. But the absolutely indispensable thing that enables us to stop the mantra without falling into despair—to really believe that we will continue to matter after we stop inwardly screaming that we do--is self-esteem: the unshakeable realization that we are Children of God, made in God’s image, and nothing bar nothing can change or diminish that. Your slap cannot touch me; here’s your fig. After Paul and some other apostles were hailed before the Sanhedrin and flogged, they left “rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.[ix]” This passage astonished me when I first read it, and still convicts me of pettiness and ingratitude whenever I catch myself sulking because someone has failed to show me what I consider due deference. The apostles knew that their real selves remained untouched by flogging, and that “disgrace” in the eyes of the Council did not make a particle of difference to their real lives, “hidden with Christ in God.”[x] If that isn’t self-esteem—being beyond the dirty devices and brute broken nails of the world--I can’t imagine what is. Maybe it would help if we used the Sanskrit word maitri in preference to the loaded “self-esteem.” Maitri, as Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön explains, “is translated in a lot of ways, maybe most commonly as love, but the way (my teacher) Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche translated it was unconditional friendliness and in particular unconditional friendliness to oneself.”[xi] We can be unconditionally friendly to someone without indulging them, or failing to hold them to account, or telling them flattering untruths. I think the early Franciscan cultivation of radical humility was, at the same time, an affirmation of maitri. You may slap me, and it doesn’t actually mean a thing. My children may continue to scream, and it doesn’t diminish me in the least. Maybe Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek because He knows who we are better than we do. A friend of mine used to be absolutely frantic for “success” in the pop music world. One morning as we drove to a festival we were performing at, he attempted to stick a label on a demo CD to give to someone he had heard might be there. The car hit a bump, and the CD was ruined. My friend fell into dejection; a potential opportunity had been lost! Some five years later, I walked into his studio and congratulated him on being named Artist of the Month on one of the XM radio stations. He shrugged; “It’s not like my life is any different,” he said with a rueful smile. During those intervening years, my friend had learned where his self-worth actually lay. He still works hard and is still doing well, but the desperation is gone. “Succeeding” is just a matter of making a living in his chosen field, and no longer a matter of proving his personal value. The trouble is that we look for the trophies—we take the world so much at its word in its estimate of our value. Happily, a little distraction can help draw our attention away from our carefully-constructed identities and what we believe are their needs, allowing us to remember who we really are. For instance, a college classmate of mine who has built a successful career as an actor told me how much perspective fatherhood has given him. “I’ll be waiting to go into an audition,” he said, “and I’ll suddenly remember: ‘Oh, right—this isn’t the most important thing in the world!’” Fatherhood is. So he relaxes. And interestingly—as many of you reading this can probably attest—this kind of knowledge of one’s true value and identity is, far from being a handicap, actually an asset. Nothing makes the universe hide the keys like desperation. A person who has seen the Image of God in himself doesn’t get hooked as easily, doesn’t need so badly to fill up any internal void—and it shows. Growing up, I was always told how brilliant I was. Although I was a classic underachiever, IQ tests and the like seemed to bear out those early assessments. As my later life failed to deliver the trophies that all the early prognostications seemed to have promised, I became increasingly desperate to succeed at something, anything; it became unthinkable that I should never have anything to “show” for all those brains I supposedly had. My wife hates it when I put a pot of tea in the oven to keep warm, because it’s such an inefficient use of energy. I often identified with the oven: though I never lacked for work to do, it never seemed like the work was worth all I had to give to it. I had placed all the eggs of my self-worth in the basket of success, and not until very late did I begin to believe that I could be happy without setting the world on fire. This is why we need to stop telling people that “God has a plan for your life.” For most of my adult life I have felt like Willem in the movie Mallrats, staring at a Magic Eye picture in which everyone can see the hidden image but him. Where’s the plan, I said for years; show me the plan! It all seemed so cruel; if God has a plan for my life, why does one thing after another not work out? “Do you even believe in God any more?” my wife finally asked. “It would hurt a lot less if I didn’t,” I told her. I have come to believe that God doesn’t have a plan for my life any more than I do for my children’s lives. All I want for my children is to know that they are a part of me and I love them—that they are the Pearl of Great Price, made in the image of God. I just want them to be happy whether they set the world on fire or not. I want them to have maitri and be at peace with themselves. If God has a plan, that has to be it. When my mom, dying of cancer, was coming to grips with the impossibility of returning to teaching, she said to me, “If I’m not a teacher, what am I?” A Woodrow Wilson Fellow, she had for years been offered lab assistant and other low-status jobs because of her gender. By dint of brains, unremitting hard work and sheer doggedness, she became head of the biology department at an upstate New York college. An adult child of alcoholics, she had, I believe, spent her whole life establishing the self-worth that her childhood had failed to give her. Even with her strong Christian faith, she had allowed her identity to become bound up with her profession to the extent that no longer teaching left her in danger of thinking herself a non-person. If I could have that moment back, here’s what I would tell her: You are a Child of God; you share spiritual DNA with Jesus, the Image of the Invisible God in Whose image you are also made. You are a seat of the divine spark. You are beloved of your family and respected by your peers and those are very good things, but they are not who you are. You have your trophies, and you earned them, but they do not matter. You are the Pearl of Great Price. And I would tell her what Joshua Ben Levi, a Rabbi of the Talmud, said: A procession of angels pass before a human being wherever he or she goes, proclaiming, “Make way for the image of God.” [i] Bosch, Torie, in Slate, http://www.doublex.com/blog/xxfactor/enough-trophy-kid-talk [ii] Roy Baumeister, a professor of psychology at Florida State University, quoted in “What happens when everyone's a winner? Some ask whether feel-good trophies are actually good for children” by Mike Reiss, Boston Globe, February 23, 2006 [iv] Dewan, Shaila et al. “For Professor, Fury Just Beneath the Surface.” New York Times, February 20, 2010. [v] Shane, Scott, “F.B.I., Laying Out Evidence, Closes Anthrax Case.” New York Times, February 19, 2010. [vi] Swami Tyagananda, lecture on the Kathopanishad, Vedanta Society of Boston, February 9, 2007. [vii] Matthew 6:21 [viii] Swami Tyagananda, lecture on the Kathopanishad, Vedanta Society of Boston, February 9, 2007. [ix] Act 5:41 [x] Colossians 3:3
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The last paragraph in Parshat Ki Teitzei describes Amalek’s attack on the Jewish People in the desert. As a result we are commanded to never forget and to utterly wipe out the nation of Amalek. Abarbanel is bothered by the discrepancy between the description of the attack here and the original recounting of the battle in Parshat Beshalach. There it appears that the battle involved the Jewish nation as a whole, while in Ki Teitzei it appears that Amalek attacked only the weak stragglers who brought up the rear. Also, in Beshalach Moshe instructs Yehoshua to prepare an attack against Amalek, while in Ki Teitzei it appears that the battle was a sudden unprovoked attack by Amalek. Furthermore, in Ki Teitzei there is no mention of Yehoshua’s attack and there is no mention of his victory. Abarbanel answers that there were actually two separate incidents. Ki Teitzei records the initial unprovoked attack by Amalek against the weakened, vulnerable part of the nation. In Beshalach the Torah is telling us that after this cowardly attack and immediate withdrawal Moshe instructs Yehoshua to take a small group of chosen men and retaliate, the result being the defeat of the Amalekites. Ki Teitzei only mentions the initial cowardly attack, to awaken us to the necessity of never forgetting this perfidious action and to focus on their utter destruction. Amalek’s attack on Israel was unique in four different aspects. First of all, the Jews were not threatening Amalek’s territory, nor was Amalek extending its own territory or seeking material booty. Secondly, Amalek attacked without warning without informing the Jews of their intentions, not in accord with the custom amongst warring nations at that time. Thirdly, the cowardly nature of their attack showed that there was no purpose to their actions. Finally, the nature of the attack clearly demonstrated they had no fear of G-d. Their action was essentially an attack on G-d. In order to dispel the notion that only G-d would take revenge against Amalek, the nation is told that since it is goal of Amalek to destroy the Jewish nation, it is the Jewish nation’s responsibility to destroy Amalek. Even when they have rested from the conquest of their enemies in the Land of Israel they cannot rest from their responsibility to destroy Amalek. The admonition to never forget the nature of Amalek and our ultimate responsibility to destroy them extends to all times and all places, even when we are not in a position to challenge them. This is what is meant by “You shall wipe out the memory of Amalek from under the heaven — you shall never forget.” The expression “under the heaven” is a reference to our situation in exile anywhere on the globe. Even though we may not be in a position to literally wipe out Amalek we must never forget who they are and what they did.
Here’s how to tumble your way to rich compost for your garden and plants. WHAT YOU’LL NEED - Sturdy plastic 55-gallon (or so) food barrel - Adjustable wrench - 8 3⁄8-by-3 1⁄2-inch carriage bolts - 8 3⁄8-inch nuts - 8 3⁄8-inch washers - 16d galvanized nails - 2 bungee cords (If barrel has a locking lid, you won’t need the bungees.) - 5 2-by-6-inch boards (Lengths will be determined by the size of the container.) - 3⁄4-inch galvanized pipe, threaded both ends (You can get a standard-size pre-cut threaded pipe. The length will be determined by diameter of the barrel.) - 2 3⁄4-inch galvanized pipe caps WHAT YOU’LL DO Prepare the Barrel 1. Wash out the barrel and drill two 7⁄8-inch holes halfway between the top and bottom. These holes are for the 3⁄4-inch galvanized pipe. 2. Drill 1⁄2-inch holes evenly spaced around the barrel. Build a Sturdy Frame 3. Cut the 2-by-6-inch boards and assemble the frame as shown, using the hardware listed. The feet should be almost as long as the legs are high. 4. Drill 7⁄8-inch holes at the top of the legs and pass the 3⁄4-inch steel pipe through the hole in one leg, into the barrel and out through the leg on the other side. Screw on the pipe caps. 5. If the lid needs to be held in place, drill small holes around the lid to hook bungee cords. Layer yard waste into the tumbler. Alternate green materials like grass clippings with brown ones like hay or fallen leaves. Put in some garden soil and kitchen waste such as veggie scraps, fruit peels, cereal, bread, crushed egg shells, tea bags, and coffee grounds and filters. Never use meat, poultry, fish, dairy or pet waste. That stuff can attract unwanted critters. Bacteria breaks down the materials in your tumbler and turns it into rich organic compost. The decomposing material will become hot as the bacteria does its work. The material in your tumbler should be about as moist as a damp sponge. Spin your tumbler one or two times a week to mix the contents and keep it aerated. HOW TO FIND A BARREL Food barrels are used for things like juice or pickles. Try checking with large restaurants or food distributors. Also, there are companies that sell used food barrels.
Think you know Africa? What’s the longest river? The most widely spoken language? For many, the African continent is the one they know the LEAST about, especially compared to Europe, Asia, or North America. But sometimes even those who consider themselves Africa experts can be stumped by certain facts and figures. So take this 17-question African trivia quiz, and find out how deep your knowledge of Africa really goes. Answers can be found here.
Importance of teeth cleaning for kids, explained by pediatric dentist in Greensboro, NC A kid’s primary teeth are destined to be replaced by an adult set, starting at about age six and continuing through the teen years. As a parent, if you are wondering, “what is the importance of teeth cleaning before secondary teeth come in?” you are not alone. That is a common question, with the answer explained by Dr. Sona Isharani, a pediatric dentist in Greensboro, NC. What does pediatric teeth cleaning entail? Regular checkups, usually twice a year, are important to your child’s dental and overall health. These visits should include a “prophy,” or cleaning, even if only a few teeth are present. The procedure is much like an adult cleaning in which bacteria, plaque, and tartar are removed from tooth surfaces, teeth are polished, and gum health is checked. However, for a pediatric cleaning, kid-sized instruments are used to ensure the patient’s comfort. What is the importance of teeth cleaning? Explained by the kid’s dentist in Greensboro, NC trusted for her advanced training and experience, regular hygiene appointments are essential for: - Observing oral development – By monitoring arch size and emergence of teeth, Dr. Isharani is in a good position to spot potential problems early. A simple step such as a palatal expander or interceptive orthodontics can help your child’s teeth come in straight, without the need for extractions or braces in the future. - Cavity prevention – A child’s mouth, just like yours, hosts many strains of oral bacteria. Some produce acids that eat holes in tooth enamel. A dental cleaning removes the sticky film of plaque that protects these pathogens. Dr. Isharani may recommend dental sealants on molars for additional protection. - Cavity treatment – Our goal is to help your child enjoy a cavity-free mouth, but many factors (including heredity) play a role in the development of tooth decay. That makes it important to intercept cavities early. In some cases, tiny cavities can be “healed” with topical fluoride treatment, or repairs can be made with tooth-colored fillings. - Healthy gums – Cleaning removes any build-up of tartar at the gumline. Without this treatment, gum tissues become irritated, increasing your child’s risk of developing gum disease, a health concern which can persist throughout life.