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+ [{"id": "0017", "text": "We have stopped at hotels for having food and just in case if any of us feels hungry , we have purchased some snacks just before the trip .", "label": 0}, {"id": "1497", "text": "My sister teaches people what to do with things they want to rid of , such as bottles or papers .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0712", "text": "I love the way he was played .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0779", "text": "After she grows up , she decides to leave and never go back to her hometown .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0116", "text": "For example , we could learn how to communicate with others in a friendly way , and we could also learn how to make a meal from parents .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0650", "text": "Everyone wanted to witness the queen , but no one find something .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0607", "text": "I have expects to be more famous , better and biggest .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0822", "text": "With reference to the above , I will like to apply the Summer Camp job with my full commitment .", "label": 0}, {"id": "1577", "text": "I work for the same large company for 25 years , now is the time to change and find new job opportunities .", "label": 0}, {"id": "1091", "text": "He was waiting 2 hours for her .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0741", "text": "My name is Eider and I am 21 years old . I had read your advertisement in the newspaper !", "label": 0}, {"id": "0440", "text": "The temperature will have become crazy by global warming , so some people will have died because the natural disasters will be more aggressive .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0686", "text": "This is not my first time that I study English .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0296", "text": "Me and my friends go to the cinema , and I invite you to go with us .", "label": 0}, {"id": "1318", "text": "Therefore , I agree with the statement that students could receive a better , more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying .", "label": 0}, {"id": "1203", "text": "Then , skilled machinists would prepare the metal plates in order to go to the next step .", "label": 0}, {"id": "1490", "text": "A problem which was caused by us , human beings , with their target of making money without thinking of the effects .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0325", "text": "But she is ignored me .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0209", "text": "By the way , I remember I had to create a dynamic training to do with the other ballet - course members . I had to be the teacher for one day and I did n't forget it because I felt wonderful .", "label": 0}, {"id": "1311", "text": "I guess that in our future there are no helicopters , and not even cars .", "label": 0}, {"id": "0696", "text": "Second reason . in the English syntaxis , the structure for construction paragraph or sentences , the verb is written before the subject , but no always , Which is the rule ?", "label": 1}, {"id": "0008", "text": "I consider that is more convenient to drive a car because you carry on more things in your own car than travelling by car .", "label": 1}, {"id": "1414", "text": "For example , after the premier of The Hunger Game was released , a fan posted an onset racist tweet that saying that they were unhappy because one of the main actresses was performed by Black person ( Rauch and Schanz , 2013 ) .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0164", "text": "before about 40 years there was nothing called public transportation and people rarely owned cars so in those years there was not even good facility to move from place to other and that is because there was no companies to build cars in about 10 years cars trading became viable and also became very supported by having her own fans at the beginning the faced a lot of problems but they were able to solve it by the end", "label": 1}, {"id": "0131", "text": "I screamed , my anger had dominated my mind i did nt had no longer control over my actions , i was afarid of what i had become and what i could do , but i could not control my self and the only thing i could think of was him suffering with a slow death and the satisaction i would feel when i finally had my revange , the best revange .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0402", "text": "This is an esay about my favourite sport , it is swimming since I was a child because always enjoy a lot and what is more I can do it alone , I never refuse to go swimming pool and less in summer , of course .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0407", "text": "I would recommended to people who not know swim to learn , because I am pretty sure that it like it and later they can stop swim .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0404", "text": "I said that because when I was eleven my best friend had been operated on her back and before the operation he came with me and every day I had to wait for her because she spendt a lot of time in the shower cleaning her long hais , I hated that !", "label": 1}, {"id": "1045", "text": "I felt like a star!Crowded of people were waiting in front of the cloakroom for the signatures , but only me and my sweety girlfriend got them .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0342", "text": "In the last few years forensic biology has developed many aspects like better sensibility , robustness of results and less time required for analyze a sample , but what struck me most is how fast this change happens .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0879", "text": "They die when John was too little to remember and he never know what happened so he went to all the parts for saw them even he walked and walked even at reverse but he never found them .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0283", "text": "Nowaday , people use fossil fuel as the most important source of energy for travelling , manufacturing , this source of energy does n't always maintain at the constant level , but someday it will be run out .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0127", "text": "I went to the abandon house and started to think the best way to make his life miserable i passed the next 2 weeks looking for ideas to make him sufer .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0512", "text": "he took the money the second day , he finished the registration and started in writing the story after long time spending in writing and did good job he went to give his story to the international student magazine office , he found out there are a notice on the door say that the competition has canceled , he came back vey sad and told me what happened .Michael closed the door and knew at that moment he had a mistake .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0172", "text": "If you are living in big town or small It does matter but one thing should be taking care by the people and organiser of the town , is environment .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0362", "text": "First of all you need can afford to buy it , after that , you must pay for the asurance , council tax , and mechanic bills , and so on .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0030", "text": "Volleyball is a sport play every place , when I travel on the beach I like plays with my sister in the sand and after we are going to the sea .", "label": 1}, {"id": "1199", "text": "With the purpose to actract more peole to join in the club , besises its good points , I will highly recommend that they should arrange the time suitably and avoi they hold the acivities to avoid the problems", "label": 1}, {"id": "0689", "text": "The car is n't the best way for for the transport , because it produce much pollution , however the public transport is better to do a journey .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0426", "text": "Also i have a brother his name is jose luis he has twenty years old , his personality is dinamic and funny .", "label": 1}, {"id": "0428", "text": "Actually i prefer pass my time alone , i am working in other town so i stay away from my family .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0860", "text": "We should used of public transport because at the present there are a lot of cars in the world that pollute and unfortunately we are harming the environment and the world .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0413", "text": "When you dance , sing , or act you are showing something to the public , something that 's important por you .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0757", "text": "Wszysycy residents of my village , they try to , so that our village was clear that pollute the environment as little as possible .", "label": 2}, {"id": "1481", "text": "The city council has developed several campaigns to improve the awareness of its citizens , for example , the children learn at school how to separate the waste .", "label": 2}, {"id": "1175", "text": "On balance , learning foreign languages is very positive on different aspect , so if you have the positivity of learning a new language do it , because it will bring you many benefits .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0635", "text": "Forgive me . :", "label": 2}, {"id": "1353", "text": "In New York I eat so much , I also went to the city thay never sleeps , Manhattan .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0472", "text": "secondly these mode of transportation covers", "label": 2}, {"id": "1363", "text": "My cousin Angel was very happy to see me and me too , we are like siblings .", "label": 2}, {"id": "1206", "text": "The colour will print on the both sides and every notes has their unique ink also the images will be slightly raised .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0214", "text": "I hope you keep in mind my candidature because I 'm not going to disappoint you .", "label": 2}, {"id": "1137", "text": "So , finally I suggest that it would be a great idea to combine the different types of activities , both popular and the newest .", "label": 2}, {"id": "1369", "text": "Sharing houses or rooms have many advantages such as , cheap , safe , close to the university , and learn how to share everything with others . saving money and time will be more Obvious in university dormitories because monthly payments will be less than four times than hiring an apartment , and because it will be closer to the university , saving money and time is more efficient by reducing transportation 's costs", "label": 2}, {"id": "1184", "text": "One month ago I ordered two batteries model 002545 on your online website .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0439", "text": "In 30 years we will have changed our anatomy , also we will be eating fast food , on the other hand , the north pole will have melted totally .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0091", "text": "It cause global warming which threats our environment and harms our daily life .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0729", "text": "when you have played enough in this city , and you want to find a job here .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0597", "text": "In me opinion , though English is for great significance , but English is after all a foreign language .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0886", "text": "The last daughter was Ana who was the youngest of the family is a jaguar .", "label": 2}, {"id": "0230", "text": "If I have sustenance , I will go there and bring all of you .", "label": 3}, {"id": "1450", "text": "The summertime was first introduced in England in 1908 .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0099", "text": "Every day lots of people are travelling abroad but , what 's the best way to do an international travel ?", "label": 3}, {"id": "0212", "text": "You must know that I 'm a very responsible , kind and funny person .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0721", "text": "l wish you will have a impressed time .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0776", "text": "No one can deny that the pollution issue is one of the utmost important thing which should be prevented .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0444", "text": "I ca n't imagine my lifetime without friends .", "label": 3}, {"id": "1314", "text": "I reckon that that will change the habits of the public .", "label": 3}, {"id": "1067", "text": "I think those activities are very regenerating and they make you forget about all the warmness of summer .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0120", "text": "The Computing Technology has been advancing very much this last years , making the old computers almost useless , getting better and making the difference between old and new computers grow even more with every new discoverement .", "label": 3}, {"id": "1209", "text": "As for good quality sheets and partially damaged sheets but still good , people will cut them separately and pack them together in order to dispacting and distributing the bank notes .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0979", "text": "I took the sun a very long time and then I go to a cafe and and I drank a refreshment .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0410", "text": "Dance is a passion , a type of life .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0082", "text": "For instance , we take subway in order to avoid stocking in traffic .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0838", "text": "After that , the sports day began formally .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0242", "text": "In those years I lived the worst moments in my life .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0043", "text": "Her sister is 6 years old and you should look after every weekend .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0035", "text": "On the one hand , in my country there are a lot of place to travel .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0434", "text": "We need someone ready for work long hours , because our cafe is going to open every day .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0207", "text": "Also , I assisted to a ballet course for 4 years when I was young .", "label": 3}, {"id": "0848", "text": "At last of the day , our school announced the mark the four houses have got .", "label": 4}, {"id": "1415", "text": "Because of the accessible information through SMS , it has led to many problems involve with cycle - bullying , cycle - badgering , cycle - stalking behaviour ( Krishna , as cited in Williams & Merten , 2008 ) .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0647", "text": "People just started to evacuated rapidly until it began a big earthquake ...", "label": 4}, {"id": "0170", "text": "A large scale of investment was bring for biofuel development .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0952", "text": "She fell sleep again , didn't she ?", "label": 4}, {"id": "0853", "text": "Finally , our class got the first runner up .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0316", "text": "He prefer study in your home .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0206", "text": "Although I came to Spain ten years later so I can speak with them in Spanish if it was necessary .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0177", "text": "Recycling item can be a good step to start with clean and safe environment which is perfectly and promptly taking care by my city .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0599", "text": "English do help us read English original works , but Chinese helps us learn a true China .", "label": 4}, {"id": "1547", "text": "Moreover , I think that provide the seat to elders is also a problem .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0314", "text": "Jose is the best song . he is singing and talking in the party .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0814", "text": "I'm 25 years old and I 'm come from Malaysia . I'm an energetic , cheerful , hardworking and a considerable person .", "label": 4}, {"id": "1066", "text": "During summer I love to go to the beach and having sunbathing with my friends other than getting fun with them playing volleyball or run inside the water of the sea !", "label": 4}, {"id": "1419", "text": "Potentially , Facebook and Twitter , and SMS in general , may replace face to face communication and improve their functions , because people feel more freedom or enjoy using Facebook or Twitter without have to view each other appearances .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0052", "text": "For example , I think that it is not affordable for an ordinary person to own a private airplane travelling to another country .", "label": 4}, {"id": "1323", "text": "Next to go would be , students get used to relax by having no study and homework in the long vacation .", "label": 4}, {"id": "0795", "text": "Buses are more simple - you just buy a ticket .", "label": 4}, {"id": "1475", "text": "The environmental care is taking strength every day , from kids too ancient people .", "label": 4}, {"id": "1238", "text": "Do you remember when I told you I had been helped at a concert ?", "label": 4}, {"id": "0057", "text": "If I had it to choose between both transportation I think I probably chose car because it is better for me to go by car then to go by bus .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1261", "text": "Yours sincerely ,", "label": 5}, {"id": "0399", "text": "My school has a unique reputation for their friendliness and the quality of education .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1003", "text": "I been twelve years practice volleyball and because of it I knew lot of people who help me to grow up in the sport and life .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1373", "text": "Although The federal government which is decided as a role of USA has many benefits according to reading passage , the lecturer believes that there is no perfect government .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1182", "text": "I am writing to complain about a recent package I received on Monday last week .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0104", "text": "Although , the better option , is pick out a train .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0544", "text": "But choosing the second education is very important step , which need serious attitude .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0846", "text": "At last , I got number 10 out of 27 people .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0493", "text": "I do n't think that this movie is for all the family , because is hard for little kids to understand , in opinion I think is more a teen movie .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1435", "text": "This practice is considered those activities that anyone can do without any kind of special preparation .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1530", "text": "Everybody needs a mode of transport to earn their daily living .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1574", "text": "non - standard situations , analyzing the problem , finding and implementing practical and easy solutions .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0054", "text": "In my opinion I think that public transport in future is going to continue to be used because there are a lot of people that does n't have enough money to pay for a car even if it is used , so public transport continue to have future but people are going to use more the cars then bus or underground .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0760", "text": "Secondly , the public vehicle route are more far than usual route .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1484", "text": "There have been several planting campaigns to plant trees and to clean the river Jarama side .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0101", "text": "But , even when it 's true that it 's the faster option , you must be very carefuly at time to get off a plane .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0726", "text": "There are many local foods very popular .", "label": 5}, {"id": "1124", "text": "Practice swimming is quite hard work , especially if you need to learn the basic movements , but it is a very relaxing activity .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0809", "text": "Since the units were sold in inventory but your purchase indicates that 6 pieces were confirmed , do not worry about it , we will send you the remaining unit as soon as possible .", "label": 5}, {"id": "0066", "text": "By the way , my favorite football team is Manchester United , they are brilliant , they have an amazing football players , and they are awesome .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0793", "text": "I do n't believe in it , especially while cars are not flying .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0357", "text": "Public transport is the cheaper way of travel , so it has future .", "label": 6}, {"id": "1516", "text": "When most people think about an important historical place in Italy , they think of Duomo , in Milano .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0781", "text": "One problem is that some people will consider the job opportunity that it might bring to us .", "label": 6}, {"id": "1348", "text": "In the fly I was very happy because I received a lot of food .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0367", "text": "Very pleased to be able to receive your salary payment .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0109", "text": "In modern societies , there are lots of friends around our daily lives .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0078", "text": "He cried with a lot blood around .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0758", "text": "Travelling in their own car is way more comfortable than taking a ride in public transportation.there are several reason to consider .", "label": 6}, {"id": "1070", "text": "The wonderful colours of flowers with the sunshine are fabulous .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0149", "text": "I like personality with childlike , so I like children .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0839", "text": "At 10:45 a.m. , the girl 's grade C 100-metre race started .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0134", "text": "On the one hand travel by car are really much more convenient as give the chance to you to be independent .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0581", "text": "The other day , I walked a lot and the end the way , we found a waterfall .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0756", "text": "They organize monthly meetings on the environment , residents participate in them .", "label": 6}, {"id": "1572", "text": "I worked for several years to the acquisition of new customers , to provide them with a complete service , from the account to insurance products , investment products , personal loans , revolving credit , and cross - selling products .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0081", "text": "Public transportation is an important invention in human history , it brings amount of benefits in our life .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0785", "text": "In addition , money is no more crucial when it comes to health and environmental conservation .", "label": 6}, {"id": "0051", "text": "But it can use a cheaper way going to their destination especially it is far away from home .", "label": 6}, {"id": "1022", "text": "Yes , i think TV can entertain and educate , because there are many comedy .", "label": 7}, {"id": "1267", "text": "In addition , I think that the settings are very reallistic and the actors had a great performance .", "label": 7}, {"id": "1449", "text": "We set our clock forward one hour in March .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0158", "text": "I want to play with children and see their simle all day .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0105", "text": "There is n't comparation on watching the changes in the landscape through a window , enjoying the way that you are doing and , the best part , the cheapest way to get away some days and take the routine off some days .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0488", "text": "Recently I saw the thriller of mokingjay part 2 .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0811", "text": "Yours Sincerely .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0525", "text": "The vandalisme in patras has increased a lot .", "label": 7}, {"id": "1019", "text": "The story was very good but Michae did not know how to end the story .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0753", "text": "There are spcejalne place where you can organize bonfires , but everyone has to clean up after themselves and throw out all garbage .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0192", "text": "The first place was gotting by us .", "label": 7}, {"id": "1494", "text": "We live in a cottage and we have several bins which are clasified according to the material we want to recycle .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0168", "text": "This conclusion become more prominent if we look into the data of the car companies and exponential growth in their sales figure and with low budget private cars in picture , scenario ddrastically changed in past 10 years", "label": 7}, {"id": "0291", "text": "So the best way for them to travel is public transpotations .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0400", "text": "I like my maths teacher very much because her teaching style is very realistic and simple to understanad .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0292", "text": "Each person should practice saving when using any source of eneny to protect his own live .", "label": 7}, {"id": "1014", "text": "The noticie was about a competition .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0235", "text": "Around the city , you can find many places where the people throw frigo , kitchen , \" amianto \" , old things or furniture .", "label": 7}, {"id": "1375", "text": "An example of that is the marriage of homosexual where some state admit this marriage , others do n't .", "label": 7}, {"id": "0496", "text": "It will be very cool to see the las part mokingjay !", "label": 7}]
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