[{"id": "senseval3.d000.s039", "text": "I might have got hit by that truck if it was n't for you . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s015", "text": "A decade ago economic woes in Latin America undermined support for democracy . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s003", "text": "A minor contrast to Costa Rica , comparing the 22 players called by both countries for the friendly game today , at 3:05 pm at the National Stadium in San Jose . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s026", "text": "The intensity is only building : nearly all of the key ministers are now here , and as early as Wednesday 60 heads of government will be in Copenhagen . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s048", "text": "Then your focus will go to an input text box where you can type your function . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s102", "text": "Never in my life have I been so frightened . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s005", "text": "Prior to 1932 , the pattern was nearly the opposite . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s004", "text": "In every presidential election over the past half century , except for the Goldwater presidential candidacy , the GOP has captured a greater percentage of the major - party popular vote for president than it has of congressional seats or the popular vote for Congress . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s083", "text": "There also are reports from several labs , as yet unpublished , of missing p53 genes in tissue taken from kidney , brain and skin cancers . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s020", "text": "Second , it explains why voters hold Congress in disdain but generally love their own congressional representatives : Any individual legislator 's constituents appreciate the specific benefits that the legislator wins for them but not the overall cost associated with every other legislator doing likewise for his own constituency . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s031", "text": "kalgebra 's console is useful as a calculator . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s116", "text": "Biggest trouble was scared family who could n't get a phone line through , and spent a really horrible hour not knowing . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s068", "text": "But Dr. Vogelstein had yet to nail the identity of the gene that , if damaged , flipped a colon cell into full-blown malignancy . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s046", "text": "Eventually we came to rest in a soggy patch of field where we had the exquisite pleasure of scrambling out of the basket into the mud while the French half of our ballooning tag team scrambled in . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s001", "text": "Some found it on the screen of a personal computer . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s138", "text": "Then a wild thought ran circles through his clouded brain . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s004", "text": "Bribe by bribe , Mr. Sternberg and his co-author , Matthew C. Harrison Jr. , lead us along the path Wedtech traveled , from its inception as a small manufacturing company to the status of full-fledged defense contractor , entrusted with the task of producing vital equipment for the Army and Navy . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s008", "text": "Mr. Neuberger realized that , although of Italian ancestry , Mr. Mariotta still could qualify as a minority person since he was born in Puerto Rico . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s031", "text": "Eventually little French farmers and their little French farmwives came out of their stone houses and put their hands above their tiny eyes and squinted at us . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s001", "text": "Your comments implied we had discovered that the `` principal cause `` of homelessness is to be found in the large numbers of mentally ill and substance-abusing people in the homeless population . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s065", "text": "-- Students should move up the educational ladder as their academic potential allows . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s000", "text": "US banks repay state support ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s001", "text": "Tricks such as those of Alonso and Ramos before the Ajax demonstrate wittiness but not the will to get remove of a sanction . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s017", "text": "( ) : It is used to specify a higher priority . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s059", "text": "-- In most states , increasing expenditures on education , in our current circumstances , will probably make things worse , not better . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s001", "text": "It explains how the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use ( CVMP ) assessed the studies performed , to reach their recommendations on how to use the medicine . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s069", "text": "The next day , Sunday , the hangover reminded Haney where he had been the night before . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s001", "text": "It explains how the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use ( CHMP ) assessed the studies performed , to reach their recommendations on how to use the medicine . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s002", "text": "The Vitorian team knew to make up for the significant absences of Herrmann , Oleson , Huertas and Micov with a big dose of involvement and teamwork , even though it had to hold out until the end to take the victory . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s015", "text": "The study shows that nearly 40 % of the homeless population is made up of women and children and that only 25 % of the homeless exhibits some combination of drug , alcohol and mental problems . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s143", "text": "He felt very cunning , very proud of himself as he played on the other man 's soft spot . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s049", "text": "Back in the chase car , we drove around some more , got stuck in a ditch , enlisted the aid of a local farmer to get out the trailer hitch and pull us out of the ditch . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s051", "text": "It was the most exercise we 'd had all morning and it was followed by our driving immediately to the nearest watering hole . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s017", "text": "The treatment of a vomiting dog should be started with the injection , since vomiting animals might not be able to keep a tablet down ( as they might throw the intact tablet up again ) . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s019", "text": "If it is , it will be treated as an operator , if it is not , it will be treated as a user function . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s009", "text": "Alimta is used together with cisplatin ( another anticancer medicine ) when the cancer is unresectable ( cannot be removed by surgery alone ) and malignant ( has spread , or is likely to spread easily , to other parts of the body ) , in patients who have not received chemotherapy ( medicines for cancer ) before advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer that is not affecting the squamous cells . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s013", "text": "If they put a Republican into office , not only will they acquire less in terms of local benefits but their selected legislator will be relatively powerless to prevent other legislators from `` bringing home the bacon `` to their respective constituencies . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s026", "text": "Your research stopped when a convenient assertion could be made . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s044", "text": "Saves the log with all results into an HTML file to be able to print or publish . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s002", "text": "An emerging understanding of the genes is expected to produce an array of new strategies for future cancer treatment and prevention . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s077", "text": "The discovery `` suddenly puts an obscure gene right in the cockpit of cancer formation , `` says Robert Weinberg , a leader in cancer-gene research at Whitehead Institute in Cambridge , Mass . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s035", "text": "Researchers say the inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes , alone or in combination , appears crucial to the development of such scourges as cancer of the brain , the skin , kidney , prostate , and cervix . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s144", "text": "`` No offense intended `` , he said gently . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s033", "text": "Right now about a dozen laboratories , in the U.S. , Canada and Britain , are racing to unmask other suspected tumor-suppressing genes . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s064", "text": "`` It 's my line of work `` , he said ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s011", "text": "`` To ring for even one service at this tower , we have to scrape , `` says Mr. Hammond , a retired water-authority worker . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s061", "text": "One writer , signing his letter as `` Red-blooded , balanced male , `` remarked on the `` frequency of women fainting in peals , `` and suggested that they `` settle back into their traditional role of making tea at meetings . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s077", "text": "Study after study -- the most recent from the Brookings Institution -- tells us that the best schools are those that are free of outside interference and are governed by a powerful head . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s002", "text": "When offered a free trip from the Bronx , Wedtech 's home , to Washington , D.C. , by one of Wedtech 's principals , he tells the reader , `` mindful of accepting anything of value from those I was writing about , I declined . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s033", "text": "It is a passion that usually stays in the tower , however . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s074", "text": "One of the reasons American students do so poorly in math tests , as compared with British , French , German or Japanese students , is the influence of the `` New Math `` on American textbooks and teaching methods . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s005", "text": "On the Right , the tone was set by Jacques Chirac , who declared in 1976 that `` 900,000 unemployed would not become a problem in a country with 2 million of foreign workers , '' and on the Left by Michel Rocard explaining in 1990 that France `` can not accommodate all the world 's misery . '' ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s055", "text": "But the council 's program to attract and train ringers is only partly successful , says Mr. Baldwin . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s010", "text": "2 -RRB- Congressional representatives have two basic responsibilities while voting in office -- dealing with national issues -LRB- programmatic actions such as casting roll call votes on legislation that imposes costs and/or confers benefits on the population at large -RRB- and attending to local issues -LRB- constituency service and pork barrel -RRB- . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s075", "text": "Of course On Thursday , Haney mailed the monthly check for separate maintenance to his wife Lolly , and wished the stranger could do something about her ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s090", "text": "Already two major pharmaceutical companies , the Squibb unit of Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. , are collaborating with gene hunters to turn the anticipated cascade of discoveries into predictive tests and , maybe , new therapies . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s016", "text": "I felt the temblor begin and glanced at the table next to mine , smiled that guilty smile and we both mouthed the words , `` Earth-quake ! `` together . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s003", "text": "Note was also taken of the variety of different roles played by public welfare ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s001", "text": "The discovery of a strange bacteria that can use arsenic as one of its nutrients widens the scope for finding new forms of life on Earth and possibly beyond . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s080", "text": "The scientists say that since breast cancer often strikes multiple members of certain families , the gene , when inherited in a damaged form , may predispose women to the cancer . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s012", "text": "Goldman Sachs , JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley had already repaid their support in June . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s092", "text": "The idea would be to administer to patients the growth-controlling proteins made by healthy versions of the damaged genes . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s073", "text": "Duck swarms . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s011", "text": "3 -RRB- Republican congressional representatives , because of their belief in a minimalist state , are less willing to engage in local benefit-seeking than are Democratic members of Congress . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s064", "text": "That is the way the system works . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s040", "text": "An examination of changes in personal staffing decisions in the Senate between 1986 and 1987 -LRB- when control of that body changed party hands -RRB- , moreover , reveals that the personal staffing differences noted in the table can not be attributed to the disproportionate control Democrats exercise , due to their majority-party status , over other resources such as committee staff . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s003", "text": "As we know , voters tend to favor Republicans more in races for president than in those for Congress . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s056", "text": "Here , the experience of New York City is decisive . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s022", "text": "But their arguments about the effect of the intense coverage of the trial may draw the most interest . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s019", "text": "If you were especially helpful in a corrupt scheme you received not just cash in a bag , but equity . ", "label": 6}]