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[{"id": "senseval2.d000.s000", "text": "The art of change-ringing is peculiar to the English , and , like most English peculiarities , unintelligible to the rest of the world . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s003", "text": "Of all scenes that evoke rural England , this is one of the loveliest : An ancient stone church stands amid the fields , the sound of bells cascading from its tower , calling the faithful to evensong . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s005", "text": "In the tower , five men and women pull rhythmically on ropes attached to the same five bells that first sounded here in 1614 . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s006", "text": "But there is also a discordant , modern note in Aslacton , though it can not be heard by the church-goers enjoying the peal of bells this cool autumn evening . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s008", "text": "Now , only one local ringer remains : 64-year-old Derek Hammond . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s009", "text": "The others here today live elsewhere . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s011", "text": "`` To ring for even one service at this tower , we have to scrape , `` says Mr. Hammond , a retired water-authority worker . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s012", "text": "We 've tried to train the youngsters , but they have their discos and their dances , and they just drift away . `` ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s013", "text": "Mr. Hammond worries that old age and the flightiness of youth will diminish the ranks of the East Anglian group that keeps the Aslacton bells pealing . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s014", "text": "History , after all , is not on his side . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s015", "text": "According to a nationwide survey taken a year ago , nearly a third of England 's church bells are no longer rung on Sundays because there is no one to ring them . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s016", "text": "It is easy to see why the ancient art is on the ropes . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s017", "text": "The less complicated version of playing tunes on bells , as do the carillons of continental Europe , is considered by the English to be childish , fit only for foreigners . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s019", "text": "Proper English bells are started off in `` rounds , `` from the highest-pitched bell to the lowest -- a simple descending scale using , in larger churches , as many as 12 bells . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s020", "text": "Then , at a signal , the ringers begin varying the order in which the bells sound without altering the steady rhythm of the striking . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s021", "text": "Each variation , or change , can occur only once , the rules state . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s022", "text": "Ringers memorize patterns of changes , known as `` methods , `` which have odd-sounding names like Kent Treble Bob Major or Grandsire Caters . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s023", "text": "A series of 5,000 or so changes is a `` peal `` and takes about three hours . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s024", "text": "A look at a Thursday night practice at St. Mary Abbot church in the Kensington district of London gives an idea of the work involved . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s025", "text": "Ten shirt-sleeved ringers stand in a circle , one foot ahead of the other in a prize-fighter 's stance , each pulling a rope that disappears through a small hole in the high ceiling of the ringing chamber . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s026", "text": "No one speaks , and the snaking of the ropes seems to make as much sound as the bells themselves , muffled by the ceiling . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s027", "text": "Totally absorbed , the ringers stare straight ahead , using peripheral vision ( they call it `` rope-sight `` ) to watch the other ropes and thus time their pulls . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s029", "text": "Skilled ringers use their wrists to advance or retard the next swing , so that one bell can swap places with another in the following change . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s030", "text": "In a well-known detective-story involving church bells , English novelist Dorothy L. Sayers described ringing as a `` passion that finds its satisfaction in mathematical completeness and mechanical perfection . `` ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s031", "text": "Ringers , she added , are `` filled with the solemn intoxication that comes of intricate ritual faultlessly performed . `` `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s033", "text": "It is a passion that usually stays in the tower , however . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s035", "text": "When their changes are completed , and after they have worked up a sweat , ringers often skip off to the local pub , leaving worship for others below . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s038", "text": "Two years ago , the Rev. Jeremy Hummerstone , vicar of Great Torrington , Devon , got so fed up with ringers who did n't attend service he sacked the entire band ; the ringers promptly set up a picket line in protest . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s040", "text": "An entirely new band rings today at Great Torrington , several of whom are members of the congregation . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s043", "text": "The vicar , W.D. Jones , refuses to talk about it , saying it would `` reopen the wound . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s044", "text": "But C.J.B. Marshall , vicar of a nearby church , feels the fault is in the stairs from the bell tower that are located next to the altar . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s045", "text": "`` So crunch , crunch , crunch , bang , bang , bang -- here come the ringers from above , making a very obvious exit while the congregation is at prayer , `` he says . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s046", "text": "Vicar Marshall admits to mixed feelings about this issue , since he is both a vicar and an active bell-ringer himself . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s049", "text": "The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers , a sort of parliament of ringing groups , aims to improve relations with vicars , says John C. Baldwin , president . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s051", "text": "Says Mr. Baldwin , `` We recognize that we may no longer have as high a priority in church life and experience . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s052", "text": "Mr. Baldwin is also attacking the greater problem : lack of ringers . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s053", "text": "One survey says that of the 100,000 trained bellringers in England today , only 40,000 of them still ring . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s054", "text": "Also , ringers do not always live where the bells need to be rung -- like in small , rural parishes and inner-city churches . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s055", "text": "But the council 's program to attract and train ringers is only partly successful , says Mr. Baldwin . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s057", "text": "One bright sign is that a growing number of women have entered the once male-dominated field ; more than a third of the ringers today are women . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s058", "text": "They are not accepted everywhere , however . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s059", "text": "The oldest bell-ringing group in the country , the Ancient Society of College Youths , founded in 1637 , remains male-only , a fact that 's particularly galling to women because the group is the sole source of ringers for Britain 's most prestigious churches , St. Paul 's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s063", "text": "Another women wrote from Sheffield to say that in her 60 years of ringing , `` I have never known a lady to faint in the belfry . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s064", "text": "I have seen one or two men die , bless them . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s001", "text": "Scientists say the discovery of these genes in recent months is painting a new and startling picture of how cancer develops . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s002", "text": "An emerging understanding of the genes is expected to produce an array of new strategies for future cancer treatment and prevention . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s004", "text": "Already , scientists are developing tests based on the newly identified genes that , for the first time , can predict whether an otherwise healthy individual is likely to get cancer . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s005", "text": "`` It 's a super-exciting set of discoveries , `` says Bert Vogelstein , a Johns Hopkins University researcher who has just found a gene pivotal to the triggering of colon cancer . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s008", "text": "Scientists call the new class of genes tumor-suppressors , or simply anti-cancer genes . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s009", "text": "When functioning normally , they make proteins that hold a cell 's growth in check . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s010", "text": "But if the genes are damaged -- perhaps by radiation , a chemical or through a chance accident in cell division -- their growth-suppressing proteins no longer work , and cells normally under control turn malignant . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s011", "text": "The newly identified genes differ from a family of genes discovered in the early 1980s called oncogenes . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s013", "text": "In recent months , researchers have come to believe the two types of cancer genes work in concert : An oncogene may turn proliferating cells malignant only after the tumor-suppressor gene has been damaged . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s014", "text": "Like all genes , tumor-suppressor genes are inherited in two copies , one from each parent . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s017", "text": "Emerging genetic tests will be able to spot such cancer-susceptible individuals , ushering in what some scientists believe is a new age of predictive cancer diagnosis . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s018", "text": "Bill and Bonnie Quinlan are among the first beneficiaries of the new findings . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s019", "text": "The Dedham , Mass. , couple knew even before Bonnie became pregnant in 1987 that any child of theirs had a 50 % chance of being at risk for retinoblastoma , an eye cancer that occurs about once every 20,000 births . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s020", "text": "Mr. Quinlan , 30 years old , knew he carried a damaged gene , having lost an eye to the rare tumor when he was only two months old -- after his mother had suffered the same fate when she was a baby . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s022", "text": "A test using new `` genetic probes `` showed that little Will Quinlan had not inherited a damaged retinoblastoma supressor gene and , therefore , faced no more risk than other children of developing the rare cancer . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s023", "text": "`` It made our New Year , `` says Mr. Quinlan . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s024", "text": "This test was the first to predict reliably whether an individual could expect to develop cancer . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s025", "text": "Equally important , the initial discovery of the gene that controls retinal cell growth , made by a Boston doctor named Thaddeus Dryja , has opened a field of cancer study , which in recent months has exploded . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s026", "text": "`` It turns out that studying a tragic but uncommon tumor made possible some fundamental insights about the most basic workings of cancer , `` says Samuel Broder , director of the National Cancer Institute . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s030", "text": "Then last spring , researchers reported finding a gene called p53 which , if impaired , turns healthy colon cells cancerous . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s032", "text": "Colon , lung and breast cancers are the most common and lethal forms of the disease , collectively killing almost 200,000 Americans a year . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s033", "text": "Right now about a dozen laboratories , in the U.S. , Canada and Britain , are racing to unmask other suspected tumor-suppressing genes . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s035", "text": "Researchers say the inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes , alone or in combination , appears crucial to the development of such scourges as cancer of the brain , the skin , kidney , prostate , and cervix . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s037", "text": "The story of tumor-suppressor genes goes back to the 1970s , when a pediatrician named Alfred G. Knudson Jr. proposed that retinoblastoma stemmed from two separate genetic defects . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s038", "text": "He theorized that in the eye cancer , an infant inherited a damaged copy of a gene from one parent and a normal copy from the other . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s039", "text": "The tumor , he suggested , developed when the second , normal copy also was damaged . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s040", "text": "But there was no way to prove Dr. Knudson 's `` two-hit `` theory . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s042", "text": "Occasionally , gross chromosome damage was visible . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s043", "text": "Dr. Knudson found that some children with the eye cancer had inherited a damaged copy of chromosome No. 13 from a parent who had had the disease . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s044", "text": "Under a microscope he could actually see that a bit of chromosome 13 was missing . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s045", "text": "He assumed the missing piece contained a gene or genes whose loss had a critical role in setting off the cancer . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s049", "text": "By analyzing cells extracted from eye tumors , they found defects in the second copy of chromosome 13 in the exact area as in the first copy of the chromosome . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s050", "text": "The finding riveted medicine . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s051", "text": "It was the first time anyone had showed that the loss of both copies of the same gene could lead to the eruption of a cancer . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s052", "text": "`` It was extraordinarily satisfying , `` says Dr. Knudson , now at Fox Chase Cancer Research Center in Philadelphia . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s055", "text": "But in Baltimore , Dr. Vogelstein , a young molecular biologist at Johns Hopkins Medical School , believed Dr. Knudson was right , and set out to repeat the Cavenee experiment in cells from other cancers . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s056", "text": "His was one of two research teams in 1984 to report dual chromosome losses for a rare childhood cancer of the kidney called Wilm 's tumor . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s057", "text": "Dr. Vogelstein next turned his attention colon cancer , the second biggest cancer killer in the U.S. after lung cancer . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s058", "text": "He believed colon cancer might also arise from multiple `` hits `` on cancer suppressor genes , because it often seems to develop in stages . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s060", "text": "Dr. Vogelstein and a doctoral student , Eric Fearon , began months of tedious and often frustrating probing of the chromosomes searching for signs of genetic damage . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s061", "text": "They began uncovering a confusing variety of genetic deletions , some existing only in benign polyps , others in malignant cells and many in both polyps and malignant cells . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s062", "text": "Gradually , a coherent picture of cancer development emerged . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s063", "text": "If both copies of a certain gene were knocked out , benign polyps would develop . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s064", "text": "If both copies of a second gene were then deleted , the polyps would progress to malignancy . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s065", "text": "It was clear that more than one gene had to be damaged for colon cancer to develop . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s067", "text": "`` It was the confirming evidence we all needed that gene losses were critical to the development of a common tumor , `` says Ray White at Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Salt Lake City . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s068", "text": "But Dr. Vogelstein had yet to nail the identity of the gene that , if damaged , flipped a colon cell into full-blown malignancy . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s072", "text": "When they found it last winter , Dr. Vogelstein was dubious that the search was over . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s073", "text": "His doubts stemmed from the fact that several years earlier a Princeton University researcher , Arnold Levine , had found in experiments with mice that a gene called p53 could transform normal cells into cancerous ones . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s075", "text": "But Mr. Levine had said the p53 gene caused cancer by promoting growth , whereas the Johns Hopkins scientists were looking for a gene that suppressed growth . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s076", "text": "Despite that , when the Johns Hopkins scientists compared the gene they had found in the human cancer cells with the Mr. Levine 's p53 gene they found the two were identical ; it turned out that in Mr. Levine 's cancer studies , he had unknowingly been observing a damaged form of p53 -- a cancer-suppressing gene . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s077", "text": "The discovery `` suddenly puts an obscure gene right in the cockpit of cancer formation , `` says Robert Weinberg , a leader in cancer-gene research at Whitehead Institute in Cambridge , Mass . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s079", "text": "Researchers in Edinburgh , Scotland , have found that in 23 of 38 breast tumors , one copy of chromosome 17 was mutated at the spot where gene p53 lies . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s080", "text": "The scientists say that since breast cancer often strikes multiple members of certain families , the gene , when inherited in a damaged form , may predispose women to the cancer . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s082", "text": "In a report out last week , John Minna and colleagues at the National Cancer Institute say that about half the cells taken from lung cancer tissue they tested are missing this gene . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s083", "text": "There also are reports from several labs , as yet unpublished , of missing p53 genes in tissue taken from kidney , brain and skin cancers . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s084", "text": "At the same time , the Johns Hopkins team and others are rushing to pinpoint other tumor-suppressor genes . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s085", "text": "Dr. Vogelstein hopes soon to isolate one on chromosome 18 , also involved in colon cancer . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s086", "text": "Ray White in Utah and Walter Bodmer , a researcher in Great Britain , are close to finding another gene involved with some types of colon cancer , thought to be on chromosome 5 . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s087", "text": "Dr. Minna believes people who inherit a defective gene somewhere on one of their two copies of chromosome 3 are especially prone to lung cancer . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s089", "text": "Where these discoveries will lead , scientists can only speculate . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s090", "text": "Already two major pharmaceutical companies , the Squibb unit of Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. , are collaborating with gene hunters to turn the anticipated cascade of discoveries into predictive tests and , maybe , new therapies . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s091", "text": "Some researchers say new cancer drugs to slow or reverse tumor growth may be based on the suppressor proteins normally produced by the genes . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s092", "text": "The idea would be to administer to patients the growth-controlling proteins made by healthy versions of the damaged genes . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s093", "text": "It may even be possible to replace defective genes with healthy versions , though no one has come close to doing that so far . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s000", "text": "Why ca not we teach our children to read , write and reckon ? ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s004", "text": "These beliefs so dominate our educational establishment , our media , our politicians , and even our parents that it seems almost blasphemous to challenge them . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s005", "text": "Here is an example . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s006", "text": "If I were to ask a sample of American parents , `` Do you wish the elementary schools to encourage creativity in your children ? `` the near-unanimous answer would be , `` Yes , of course . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s008", "text": "No one can say . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s010", "text": "The result is a generation of young people whose ignorance and intellectual incompetence is matched only by their good opinion of themselves . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s014", "text": "Their commitment to `` creativity `` can not survive adolescent illiteracy . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s015", "text": "American education 's future will be determined by the degree to which we -- all of us -- allow this common sense to prevail over the illusions that we also share . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s016", "text": "The education establishment will fight against common sense every inch of the way . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s011", "text": "The whole notion of `` creativity `` in education was ( and is ) part and parcel of a romantic rebellion against disciplined instruction , which was ( and is ) regarded as `` authoritarian , `` a repression and frustration of the latent talents and the wonderful , if as yet undefined , potentialities inherent in the souls of all our children . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s041", "text": "Back then , scientists had no way of ferreting out specific genes , but under a microscope they could see the 23 pairs of chromosomes in the cells that contain the genes . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d001.s070", "text": "For months the Johns Hopkins researchers , using gene probes , experimentally crawled down the length of chromosome 17 , looking for the smallest common bit of genetic material lost in all tumor cells . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s012", "text": "It is not surprising that parents find this romantic extravagance so attractive . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s017", "text": "The reasons are complex , but one simple reason ought not to be underestimated . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s018", "text": "`` Progressive education `` ( as it was once called ) is far more interesting and agreeable to teachers than is disciplined instruction . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s019", "text": "It is nice for teachers to think they are engaged in `` personality development `` and even nicer to minimize those irksome tests with often disappointing results . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s020", "text": "It also provides teachers with a superior self-definition as a `` profession , `` since they will have passed courses in educational psychology and educational philosophy . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s021", "text": "I myself took such courses in college , thinking I might end up a schoolteacher . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s022", "text": "They could all fairly be described as `` pap `` courses . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s023", "text": "But it is unfair to dump on teachers , as distinct from the educational establishment . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s024", "text": "I know many schoolteachers and , on the whole , they are seriously committed to conscientious teaching . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s025", "text": "They may not be among the `` best and brightest `` of their generation -- there are very few such people , by definition . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s026", "text": "But they need not be to do their jobs well . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s029", "text": "In this sense , a teacher can be compared to one 's family doctor . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s030", "text": "If he were brilliant , he probably would not be a family doctor in the first place . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s032", "text": "Our teachers are not an important factor in our educational crisis . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s033", "text": "Whether they are or are not underpaid is a problem of equity ; it is not an educational problem . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s034", "text": "It is silly libel on our teachers to think they would educate our children better if only they got a few thousand dollars a year more . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s035", "text": "It is the kind of libel the teachers ' unions do not mind spreading , for their own narrow purposes . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s036", "text": "It is also the kind of libel politicians find useful , since it helps them strike a friendly posture on behalf of an important constituency . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s037", "text": "But there is not one shred of evidence that , other things being equal , salary differentials result in educational differentials . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s039", "text": "If we wish to be serious about American education , we know exactly what to do -- and , just as important , what not to do . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s041", "text": "Conversely , there are the majority of unsuccessful schools , and we know which efforts at educational reform are doomed beforehand . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s042", "text": "We really do know all we need to know , if only we could assimilate this knowledge into our thinking . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s043", "text": "In this respect , it would be helpful if our political leaders were mute , rather than eloquently `` concerned . `` ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s044", "text": "They are inevitably inclined to echo the conventional pap , since this is the least controversial option that is open to them . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s045", "text": "Thus at the recent governors ' conference on education , Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas announced that `` this country needs a comprehensive child-development policy for children under five . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s046", "text": "A comprehensive development policy for governors over 30 would seem to be a more pressing need . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s047", "text": "What Gov. Clinton is advocating , in effect , is extending the educational system down to the pre-kindergarten years . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s048", "text": "Whether desirable or not , this is a child-care program , not an educational program . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s049", "text": "We know that very early exposure to schooling improves performance in the first grade , but afterward the difference is quickly washed away . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s051", "text": "Parents are too likely to blame schools for the educational limitations of their children . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s052", "text": "Parents should be involved with their children 's education at home , not in school . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s053", "text": "They should see to it that their kids do not play truant ; they should make certain that the children spend enough time doing homework ; they should scrutinize the report card . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s054", "text": "If parents are dissatisfied with a school , they should have the option of switching to another . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s055", "text": "-- `` Community involvement `` is an even worse idea . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s056", "text": "Here , the experience of New York City is decisive . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s057", "text": "Locally elected school boards , especially in our larger cities , become the prey of ambitious , generally corrupt , and invariably demagogic local politicians or would-be politicians . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s058", "text": "New York is in the process of trying to disengage itself from a 20-year-old commitment to this system of school governance , even as Chicago and other cities are moving to institute it . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s059", "text": "-- In most states , increasing expenditures on education , in our current circumstances , will probably make things worse , not better . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s060", "text": "The reason is simple : Education takes place in the classroom , where the influence of money is minimal . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s061", "text": "Decades of educational research tell us unequivocally that even smaller classes have zero effect on the academic performance of the pupils -- though they may sometimes be desirable for other reasons . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s062", "text": "The new money flows into the already top-heavy administrative structure , which busies itself piling more and more paper work on the teachers . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s063", "text": "There is neither mystery nor paradox in the fact that as educational expenditures ( in real terms ) have increased sharply in the past quarter-of-a-century -- we now spend more per pupil than any other country in the world -- educational performance has declined . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s064", "text": "That is the way the system works . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s065", "text": "-- Students should move up the educational ladder as their academic potential allows . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s066", "text": "No student should be permitted to be graduated from elementary school without having mastered the 3 R 's at the level that prevailed 20 years ago . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s067", "text": "This means `` tracking , `` whose main purpose is less to permit the gifted youngsters to flourish ( though that is clearly desirable ) than to ensure that the less gifted get the necessary grounding for further study or for entering the modern world of work . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s068", "text": "The notion that tracking is somehow `` undemocratic `` is absurd . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s069", "text": "The purpose of education is to encourage young men and women to realize their full academic potential . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s074", "text": "One of the reasons American students do so poorly in math tests , as compared with British , French , German or Japanese students , is the influence of the `` New Math `` on American textbooks and teaching methods . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s075", "text": "Anyone who wants to appreciate just how bizarre this situation is -- with students who ca not add or subtract `` learning `` the conceptual basis of mathematical theory -- should read the article by Caleb Nelson ( himself a recent math major at Harvard ) in the November American Spectator . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s076", "text": "-- Most important of all , schools should have principals with a large measure of authority over the faculty , the curriculum , and all matters of student discipline . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s077", "text": "Study after study -- the most recent from the Brookings Institution -- tells us that the best schools are those that are free of outside interference and are governed by a powerful head . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s079", "text": "Schools that are structured in this way produce students with higher morale and superior academic performance . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s080", "text": "This is a fact -- though , in view of all the feathers that are ruffled by this fact , it is not surprising that one hears so little about it . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s081", "text": "Mr. Kristol , an American Enterprise Institute fellow , co-edits The Public Interest and publishes The National Interest . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s001", "text": "Haney peered doubtfully at his drinking companion through bleary , tear-filled eyes . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s002", "text": "He had no ready answer , as much from surprise as from the fit of coughing . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s004", "text": "But his new-found buddy had matched him drink for drink until he lost count , and the man 's eyes were still clear . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s005", "text": "The guy is off his rocker , Haney thought to himself , and looked away from those eyes . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s006", "text": "Eyes that were clear , but also bright with a strange intensity , a sort of cold fire burning behind them . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s007", "text": "Why had n't he noticed it before ? ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s009", "text": "He wondered how he got tied up with this stranger . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s011", "text": "It was blurred , after two hours of steady drinking , but the occasion of it came back to him . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s012", "text": "The stranger , his head seemingly sunk in thought , started to cross the street against the light just as a huge moving van roared through the intersection . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s013", "text": "Brakes howled and a horn blared furiously , but the man would have been hit if Phil had n't called out to him a second before . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s014", "text": "His shout had been involuntary , something anybody might have done without thinking , on the spur of the moment . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s015", "text": "As a matter of fact , he would n't have cared at all if the guy had been hit . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s016", "text": "Actually , he regretted having opened his mouth when the truck came to a stop and the angry driver jumped down from the cab and walked back toward them . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s017", "text": "By then , the stranger was thanking Haney profusely and had one arm around his shoulders as if he were an old friend . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s019", "text": "Then the man he saved turned and looked squarely into the truck driver 's face , without saying a word . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s020", "text": "Very suddenly , the driver stopped swearing at them , turned on his heel and went back to his truck . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s021", "text": "Haney had n't given it much thought at the time . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s022", "text": "Now he recalled it very clearly , and wondered what the truck driver had seen in those eyes to make him back off . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s023", "text": "It must have been the sort of look that can call a bluff without saying a word . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s025", "text": "And when the stranger found out that Phil was on the way to one of his favorite bars , he insisted on offering to buy drinks for both of them . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s027", "text": "But he decided he would n't mind company in return for free drinks , even though he made good money at his job . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s030", "text": "He really did n't take the offer seriously , but he began to feel uneasy . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s031", "text": "When he finally got the coughing under control , he realized that Pete -LRB- all he gave was his first name -RRB- was still waiting for an answer -- he did n't even seem to wink as he continued to stare . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s032", "text": "Haney managed a weak laugh . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s033", "text": "`` Guess I ca n't think of anyone , Pete . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s035", "text": "A faint crease appeared between the man 's eyebrows . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s038", "text": "And everybody has some kind of grudge . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s039", "text": "I might have got hit by that truck if it was n't for you . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s040", "text": "I believe in returning favors . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s041", "text": "I 'll do anything for somebody I like . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s050", "text": "He says the neighbors complain , but I do n't believe it . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s051", "text": "Why do n't they tell me themselves if it bothers them `` ? ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s052", "text": "The man closed his eyes and nodded . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s053", "text": "When he looked up again , he seemed almost contented . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s055", "text": "Give me your address . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s056", "text": "It will take a little time . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s057", "text": "I want to study your landlord 's habits and movements first . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s060", "text": "In that way there 's no trouble for the customer `` . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s061", "text": "Haney 's eyebrows flew up . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s066", "text": "Haney watched the small but wiry man slip out the door quickly and silently , and felt relieved to see that nobody else seemed to notice his departure . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s067", "text": "Phil decided to stay a little longer , and as time passed it seemed as if the strange little man had never been there , but for the other glass on the table . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s068", "text": "Some time before midnight he returned to his apartment and hit the sack , putting the whole incident out of mind before he fell asleep . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s069", "text": "The next day , Sunday , the hangover reminded Haney where he had been the night before . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s071", "text": "He went for more aspirin later in the day , and passed the surly landlord on the way -- he was still alive and scowling as usual , as if tenants were a burden in his life . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s075", "text": "Of course On Thursday , Haney mailed the monthly check for separate maintenance to his wife Lolly , and wished the stranger could do something about her ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s076", "text": "Coming home from work , he was startled to see a police car parked in front of the apartment building . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s082", "text": "Nobody witnessed the fall -- just the sickening impact when his body smashed on the pavement just outside the basement delivery entrance . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s083", "text": "Haney hoped that nobody noticed his sudden pallor , as he felt the blood drain from his cheeks . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s084", "text": "He muttered something about how terrible it was , and walked with deliberate slowness to the elevator . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s086", "text": "After a while he began to feel better about it , especially when no one bothered to ask any questions . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s089", "text": "The stranger really had nothing to do with it , of course ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s090", "text": "Haney went to bed , happy that at least he was rid of that lousy landlord . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s091", "text": "After all , the man had no family , so no one suffered , and everybody was better off for it . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s092", "text": "Really , he said to himself , nobody kills a man just as a favor ! ! ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s095", "text": "It was like a recurrent , annoying dream , but now the dream was beginning to take on overtones of a nightmare . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s097", "text": "He might be very tight , but he knew where he was . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s098", "text": "It was the same bar , and it was two weeks later -- Saturday night , when he had an excuse to drink heavier than usual . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s100", "text": "He was enjoying the weekly ritual of washing down his pet grievance with bourbon slightly moistened with water . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s104", "text": "His real grievance was Lolly . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s105", "text": "Toward the end of his fourth hairy highball , while he was moodily making wet rings on the table-top with the bottom of the glass , he became aware that he was not alone . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s106", "text": "He looked up with bloodshot eyes and beheld the stranger sitting across the table , smiling a secret smile at him , as if they were fellow conspirators . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s107", "text": "He had n't even noticed -- what was his name ? Pete ? -- he had n't seen him sit down . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s108", "text": "The man was uncanny , like a shadow , and made as much noise as a shadow . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s109", "text": "Haney felt like shrinking out of sight , but he was already trapped in the corner with the wiry , dark little man . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s110", "text": "He began to wish that he had n't shouted that other evening when the truck bore down through the crossing . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s113", "text": "In a low voice , almost whispering , the man had asked Phil if he was happy with the way the landlord had been taken off his back . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s114", "text": "He made the mistake of answering in an offhand way , and instantly realized that his skepticism must have showed in his face or voice . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s116", "text": "Haney did n't want to encourage his company , but felt he ought to buy him a drink anyhow , to prevent possible trouble . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s118", "text": "The guy sulked over his drink , obviously upset by Haney 's lack of appreciation . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s122", "text": "`` But why pay her bills ? ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s123", "text": "If she runs around with other men , and if you hate her as you say , why not just divorce her `` ? ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s126", "text": "`` Then she 'd get half of everything I have . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s127", "text": "Community property deal -- you know . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s133", "text": "You must understand , I have n't been in this state too long . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s135", "text": "That 's why I -- why I do a free job now and then . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s137", "text": "Haney felt a twinge of annoyance when he heard the now familiar line again . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s139", "text": "Suppose -- just suppose this guy was really what he said he was T ! ! ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s141", "text": "If he was just a nut , no harm was done . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s142", "text": "But if he was the real thing , he could do something about Lolly . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s143", "text": "He felt very cunning , very proud of himself as he played on the other man 's soft spot . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s144", "text": "`` No offense intended `` , he said gently . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s146", "text": "The cops did n't suspect a thing , and I thought it was a coincidence . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s156", "text": "Let me prove it , Phil . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s158", "text": "He waited eagerly . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s159", "text": "Haney swished the liquor in the bottom of his glass . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s000", "text": "Tuesday 's rout of a GOP congressional hopeful in a Mississippi district that has n't backed a Democratic presidential candidate since Adlai Stevenson is another reminder that , at least at the federal level , political `` ticket splitting `` has been on the rise over the past half century . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s003", "text": "As we know , voters tend to favor Republicans more in races for president than in those for Congress . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s004", "text": "In every presidential election over the past half century , except for the Goldwater presidential candidacy , the GOP has captured a greater percentage of the major - party popular vote for president than it has of congressional seats or the popular vote for Congress . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s005", "text": "Prior to 1932 , the pattern was nearly the opposite . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s006", "text": "What accounts for the results of recent decades ? ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s008", "text": "The theory relies on three assumptions : ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s009", "text": "1 -RRB- Voters can `` buy `` one of two brands when they select their political agents -- a Republican brand that believes in the minimalist state and in the virtues of private markets over the vices of public action , and a Democratic brand that believes in big government and in public intervention to remedy the excesses attendant to the pursuit of private interest . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s010", "text": "2 -RRB- Congressional representatives have two basic responsibilities while voting in office -- dealing with national issues -LRB- programmatic actions such as casting roll call votes on legislation that imposes costs and/or confers benefits on the population at large -RRB- and attending to local issues -LRB- constituency service and pork barrel -RRB- . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s011", "text": "3 -RRB- Republican congressional representatives , because of their belief in a minimalist state , are less willing to engage in local benefit-seeking than are Democratic members of Congress . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s012", "text": "If these assumptions hold , voters in races for Congress face what in economic theory is called a prisoner 's dilemma and have an incentive , at the margin , to lean Democratic . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s014", "text": "Each legislator , after all , is only one out of 535 when it comes to national policy making . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s016", "text": "Although a GOP president may limit local benefits to the voter 's particular district/state , such a president is also likely to be more effective at preventing other districts/states and their legislators from bringing home the local benefits . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s018", "text": "While this theory is exceedingly simple , it appears to explain several things . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s019", "text": "First , why ticket splitting has increased and taken the peculiar pattern that it has over the past half century : Prior to the election of Franklin Roosevelt as president and the advent of the New Deal , government occupied a much smaller role in society and the prisoner 's dilemma problem confronting voters in races for Congress was considerably less severe . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s021", "text": "Third , the theory suggests why legislators who pay too much attention to national policy making relative to local benefit-seeking have lower security in office . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s024", "text": "Because these freshmen placed far more emphasis on their partisan role -- spreading the Reagan revolution -- in national policy making , they were more vulnerable to defeat . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s025", "text": "Fourth , the theory indicates why the Republican Party may have a difficult time attracting viable candidates for congressional office . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s026", "text": "Potential candidates may be discouraged from running less by the congressional salary than by the prospect of defeat at the hands of a Democratic opponent . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s029", "text": "To the extent that Democratic legislators from the South have held a disproportionate share of power in Congress since 1932 and have been able to translate such clout into relatively more local benefits for their respective constituencies , voters in the South have had an especially strong incentive to keep such Democrats in office . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s031", "text": "Since local benefit-seeking matters more and national policy making matters less in the lower chamber of Congress , this is precisely the pattern one would expect if Republicans are less willing to engage in local benefit-seeking than their Democratic counterparts . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s032", "text": "Is there any empirical support for this theory ? ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s033", "text": "Three pieces of evidence corroborate the key assumption that Democratic legislators are more willing to engage in local benefit-seeking than their Republican colleagues . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s034", "text": "First , economists James Bennett and Thomas DiLorenzo find that GOP senators turn back roughly 10 % more of their allocated personal staff budgets than Democrats do . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s035", "text": "To the extent that the primary duty of personal staff involves local benefit-seeking , this indicates that political philosophy leads congressional Republicans to pay less attention to narrow constituent concerns . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s036", "text": "Second , if the key assumption is valid , Democrats should have lower attendance rates on roll-call votes than Republicans do to the extent that such votes reflect national policy making and that participating in such votes takes away from the time a legislator could otherwise devote to local benefit-seeking . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s037", "text": "This is indeed what the data indicate , particularly in the case of the House . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s038", "text": "The Democratic House attendance rate has not exceeded the Republican House attendance rate since 1959 . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s039", "text": "Finally , as shown in the table , Democrats allocate a higher proportion of their personal staffs to district offices -- where local benefit-seeking duties matter more and national policy making activities matter less relative to Washington offices . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s040", "text": "An examination of changes in personal staffing decisions in the Senate between 1986 and 1987 -LRB- when control of that body changed party hands -RRB- , moreover , reveals that the personal staffing differences noted in the table can not be attributed to the disproportionate control Democrats exercise , due to their majority-party status , over other resources such as committee staff . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s041", "text": "An additional piece of evidence from the Senate : Holding other factors constant , such as incumbency advantages and regional factors , the difference between popular votes for Republican presidential and senatorial candidates in states conducting a Senate election turns out to be a positive function of how onerous the federal government 's tax burden is per state -LRB- a progressive tax rate hits higher - income states harder -RRB- . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s042", "text": "Put more simply , GOP candidates for president are looked on more kindly by voters than Republican candidates for the Senate when the prisoner 's dilemma is more severe . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s043", "text": "Moreover , ticket splitting appears to take the same peculiar pattern at the state government level as it does at the federal level . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s045", "text": "A cross-state econometric investigation , furthermore , reveals that , holding other factors constant , the difference between a state 's major - party vote going to the Republican gubernatorial candidate and the Republican share of the lower state house is a positive function of the state tax rate . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d001.s046", "text": "In sum , at both the federal and state government levels at least part of the seemingly irrational behavior voters display in the voting booth may have an exceedingly rational explanation . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s000", "text": "In the long , frightening night after Tuesday 's devastating earthquake , Bay Area residents searched for comfort and solace wherever they could . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s001", "text": "Some found it on the screen of a personal computer . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s002", "text": "Hundreds of Californians made their way to their computers after the quake , and checked in with each other on electronic bulletin boards , which link computers CB-radio-style , via phone lines . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s004", "text": "About two-thirds of the Well 's 3,000 subscribers live in the Bay Area . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s006", "text": "Following are excerpts from the electronic traffic that night . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s007", "text": "The time is Pacific Daylight Time , and the initials or nicknames are those subscribers use to identify themselves . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s011", "text": "I was in the avenues , on the third floor of an old building , and except for my heart -LRB- Beat , BEAT ! -RRB- I 'm OK . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s012", "text": "Got back to Bolinas , and everything had fallen : broken poster frames with glass on the floor , file cabinets open or dumped onto the floor . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s015", "text": "I was in my favorite watering hole , waiting for the game to start . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s016", "text": "I felt the temblor begin and glanced at the table next to mine , smiled that guilty smile and we both mouthed the words , `` Earth-quake ! `` together . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s018", "text": "This time , it just got stronger and then the building started shaking violently up and down as though it were a child 's toy block that was being tossed . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s022", "text": "Endless seconds wondering if those huge windows would buckle and shower us with glass . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s024", "text": "Then the auto paint shop fire sent an evil-looking cloud of black smoke into the air . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s028", "text": "This building shook like hell and it kept getting stronger . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s029", "text": "Except for the gas tank at Hustead 's Towing Service exploding and burning in downtown Berkeley , things here are quite peaceful . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s030", "text": "A lot of car alarms went off . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s031", "text": "The cats are fine , although nervous . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s040", "text": "I was driving my truck , stopped at a red light at the corner of Shattuck and Alcatraz at the Oakland-Berkeley border when it hit . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s041", "text": "Worst part was watching power lines waving above my head and no way to drive away . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s045", "text": "It flopped all around , real dramatic ! ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s046", "text": "Many hairline cracks in the concrete slabs afterwards . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s047", "text": "Ruined the damn fishing ! ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s051", "text": "I heard parts of the building above my head cracking . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s053", "text": "I could n't decide if I should come home to Marin , because my house is on stilts . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s054", "text": "I decided to brave the storm . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s056", "text": "I could also see the clouds across the bay from the horrible fire in the Marina District of San Francisco . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s057", "text": "I have felt many aftershocks . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s068", "text": "This being typed in a standing position . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s072", "text": "Did n't feel a thing , but noticed some strange bird behavior . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s073", "text": "Duck swarms . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s077", "text": "I 'm just numb . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s080", "text": "Downtown Bolinas seems to be the part of town that 's worst off . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s082", "text": "The quivers move through my house every few minutes at unpredictable intervals , and the mouse that 's been living in my kitchen has taken refuge under my desk . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s083", "text": "It runs out frantically now and then , and is clearly pretty distressed . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s086", "text": "Then as things got rougher , we ran for the door and spent the next few minutes outside watching the brick sidewalk under our feet oozing up and down , and the flowers waving in an eerie rhythm . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s087", "text": "Amazing what it does to one 's heart rate and one 's short-term memory . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s088", "text": "Everyone looked calm , but there was this surreal low level of confusion as the aftershocks continued . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s091", "text": "Power is back on , and UCSF -LCB- medical center -RCB- seems to have quieted down for the night -LRB- they were doing triage out in the parking lot from the sound and lights of it -RRB- . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s092", "text": "A friend of mine was in an underground computer center in downtown SF when the quake hit . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s097", "text": "I got home , let the dogs into the house and noticed some sounds above my head , as if someone were walking on the roof , or upstairs . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s099", "text": "I realized what was happening and screamed into the house for the dogs . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s100", "text": "Cupboard doors were flying , the trash can in the kitchen walked a few feet , the dogs came running , and I scooted them into the dog run and stood in the doorway myself , watching the outside trash cans dance across the concrete . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s101", "text": "When I realized it was over , I went and stood out in front of the house , waiting and praying for Merrill to come home , shivering as if it were 20 below zero until he got there . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s102", "text": "Never in my life have I been so frightened . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s103", "text": "When I saw the pictures of 880 and the Bay Bridge , I began to cry . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s106", "text": "The Sunset -LCB- District -RCB- was more or less like a pajama party all evening , lots of people & dogs walking around , drinking beer . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s109", "text": "I was just sitting down to meet with some new therapy clients , a couple , and the building started shaking like crazy . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s111", "text": "The three of us stopped breathing for a moment , and then when it kept on coming we lunged for the doorway . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s112", "text": "Needless to say , it was an interesting first session ! ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s115", "text": "Albany escaped embarrassingly unscathed . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s116", "text": "Biggest trouble was scared family who could n't get a phone line through , and spent a really horrible hour not knowing . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s119", "text": "Judy and I were in our back yard when the lawn started rolling like ocean waves . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s120", "text": "We ran into the house to get Mame , but the next tremor threw me in the air and bounced me as I tried to get to my feet . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s122", "text": "Kitchen full of broken crystal . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s124", "text": "Not one thing in the house is where it is supposed to be , but the structure is fine . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s125", "text": "While I was standing on the lawn with Mame , waiting for another tremor , I noticed that all the earthworms were emerging from the ground and slithering across the lawn ! ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s131", "text": "I guess we 're all living very tentatively here , waiting for the expected but dreaded aftershock . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s133", "text": "I wonder when we 'll be able to relax . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s136", "text": "Flesh goes to total alert for flight or fight . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s137", "text": "Nausea seems a commonplace symptom . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s138", "text": "Berkeley very quiet right now . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s140", "text": "Next to Chez Panisse a homeless couple , bundled into a blue sleeping bag , sat up , said , `` Good morning `` and then the woman smiled , said , `` Is n't it great just to be alive ? `` ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s001", "text": "Your comments implied we had discovered that the `` principal cause `` of homelessness is to be found in the large numbers of mentally ill and substance-abusing people in the homeless population . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s002", "text": "We have made no such statement . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s006", "text": "You did not note that the homeless people we examined had a multitude of physical disorders in addition to their psychiatric problems and substance abuse . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s008", "text": "Homeless people not only lack safety , privacy and shelter , they also lack the elementary necessities of nutrition , cleanliness and basic health care . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s010", "text": "The interactions between health and homelessness are complex , defying sweeping generalizations as to `` cause `` or `` effect . `` ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s012", "text": "This will require us to develop a much more sophisticated understanding of the dynamics of homelessness than we currently possess , an understanding that can be developed only through careful study and research . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s015", "text": "The study shows that nearly 40 % of the homeless population is made up of women and children and that only 25 % of the homeless exhibits some combination of drug , alcohol and mental problems . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s016", "text": "According to Dr. Wright , homelessness is `` simultaneously a housing problem , an employment problem , a demographic problem , a problem of social disaffiliation , a mental health problem , a family violence problem , a problem created by the cutbacks in social welfare spending , a problem resulting from the decay of the traditional nuclear family , and a problem intimately connected to the recent increase in the number of persons living below the poverty level . `` ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s026", "text": "Your research stopped when a convenient assertion could be made . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s028", "text": "Of the approximately 200 sponsors of the recent march in Washington for the homeless , you chose to cite such groups as the National Association of Home Builders and the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen , insinuating that the march got its major support from self-serving groups that `` know a good thing when they see it , `` and that the crusade was based on greed or the profit motive . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s031", "text": "As for the findings on the 203 Baltimore homeless who underwent psychiatric examinations , I suggest you conduct your own survey . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d000.s033", "text": "I would predict that within a short time most of them would find Thunderbird a satisfactory substitute for Chivas Regal and that their `` normal `` phobias , anxieties , depressions and substance abuse would increase dramatically . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s000", "text": "`` Feeding Frenzy `` ( Henry Holt , 326 pages , $ 19.95 ) , a highly detailed account of the Wedtech scandal , begins on a reassuring note . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s001", "text": "Right up front in the preface , co-author William Sternberg gives us an example of his own integrity . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s002", "text": "When offered a free trip from the Bronx , Wedtech 's home , to Washington , D.C. , by one of Wedtech 's principals , he tells the reader , `` mindful of accepting anything of value from those I was writing about , I declined . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s003", "text": "Any question as to why an author would believe this plaintive , high-minded note of assurance is necessary is answered by reading this book about sticky fingers and sweaty scammers . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s004", "text": "Bribe by bribe , Mr. Sternberg and his co-author , Matthew C. Harrison Jr. , lead us along the path Wedtech traveled , from its inception as a small manufacturing company to the status of full-fledged defense contractor , entrusted with the task of producing vital equipment for the Army and Navy . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s006", "text": "Although started in 1965 , Wedtech did n't really get rolling until 1975 , when Mr. Neuberger discovered the federal government 's Section 8 A minority business program . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s009", "text": "The two partners merely had to falsify the true ownership of the corporation . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s011", "text": "Besides being a `` minority-owned company `` Wedtech was located in the South Bronx , a blighted area , made famous by Jimmy Carter in his 1976 presidential campaign . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s012", "text": "The company plugged itself right into Carter campaign rhetoric about rebuilding the South Bronx and kept using the minority -- South Bronx angle through the Reagan '80s . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s013", "text": "Starting with Congressman Mario Biaggi now serving a jail sentence , the company began a career of bribing federal , state and local public officials and those close to public officials , right up to and including E. Robert Wallach , close friend and adviser to former Attorney General Ed Meese . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s018", "text": "Wedtech management used the merit system . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s019", "text": "If you were especially helpful in a corrupt scheme you received not just cash in a bag , but equity . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s020", "text": "If you were not an effective crook , you found yourself out in the cold , a fate that eventually befell Mr. Mariotta , the firm 's semiliterate `` minority `` person . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s022", "text": "None of the scams show much ingenuity : Auditors found crookery the first day on the job . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s023", "text": "Wedtech 's scammers simply bribed them to shut up . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s025", "text": "Among the lot of them , not one is wrestling with good and evil , or especially intelligent or even temporarily insane . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s026", "text": "The one character at least somewhat interesting was Irving Louis Lobsenz , a pediatrician who changed his name to Rusty Kent London and became a master gambler and author of a book on blackjack . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s028", "text": "Absorbed in doling out `` Feeding Frenzy 's `` tidbits , the authors gloss over the root causes of Wedtech , namely the Section 8 A federal program under whose auspices the scandal took place . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s029", "text": "They do at least come around to saying that the courts might want to end `` rigid affirmative action programs . `` ", "label": 4}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s030", "text": "Programs like Section 8 A are a little like leaving gold in the street and then expressing surprise when thieves walk by to scoop it up . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s031", "text": "Numerous other scandals , among them the ones at HUD , have the same characteristics as Wedtech . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s032", "text": "They take place in government programs that seem tailor-made for corruption . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s033", "text": "Why are programs like this not eliminated ? ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s034", "text": "`` Feeding Frenzy `` does provide a few clues . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s035", "text": "In and around all levels of government in the U.S. are groups of people who can best be described as belonging to a political insider commercial party . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s036", "text": "They know that whenever government is redistributing wealth , regulating commerce or maintaining a large defense establishment , there is big money to be made in influencing , brokering or selling the processes and decisions of government . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s037", "text": "They are our version of the East bloc 's Nomenklatura and they have absolutely no wish to see anything change . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s038", "text": "How many government programs and policies exist because they line the pockets of political insiders ? ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d001.s039", "text": "This is the real issue raised by the Wedtech scandal . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s000", "text": "I had to reach back to French 101 when the monsieur avec clipboard leaned over my shoulder during the coffee phase of dinner and asked whether I wanted to ride in a montgolfiere . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s001", "text": "I was a last-minute read interloping attendee at a French journalism convention and so far the festivities had been taken up entirely by eating , drinking , smoking , sleeping and drinking . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s002", "text": "The man with the clipboard represented a halfhearted attempt to introduce a bit of les sportif into our itinerary . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s003", "text": "But as the French embody a Zen-like state of blase when it comes to athletics try finding a Nautilus machine in Paris , my fellow conventioners were having none of it . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s009", "text": "During the past 25 years , the number of balloonists those who have passed a Federal Aviation Authority lighter-than-air test have swelled from a couple hundred to several thousand , with some estimates running as high as 10,000 . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s013", "text": "Ballooning at the de rigueur hour of 6 a.m. held all the attraction for most people of sunrise root-canal work . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s014", "text": "Feeling the naggings of a culture imperative , I promptly signed up . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s018", "text": "I still say do n't look down . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s025", "text": "To wit , my maiden voyage and novitiates are referred to as virgins began at dawn on a dew-sodden fairway and ended at noon in a soggy field . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s027", "text": "In between came lots of coffee drinking while watching the balloons inflate and lots of standing around deciding who would fly in what balloon and in what order the baskets hold no more than four passengers . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s028", "text": "When it was n't my turn in the balloon I followed its progress from the `` chase car , `` listening to the driver holler into a walkie-talkie . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s029", "text": "After long stretches of this attendant ground activity came 20 or so lovely minutes of drifting above the Vosges watching the silver mists rise off the river and the French cows amble about the fields . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s031", "text": "Eventually little French farmers and their little French farmwives came out of their stone houses and put their hands above their tiny eyes and squinted at us . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s036", "text": "You can go only up or down by heating the balloon 's air with a propane burner , which does make the top of your head feel hot and ride the air currents . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s041", "text": "`` What 's he doing ? `` hissed my companion , who was the only other English-speaking member of the convention and whose knuckles were white . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s042", "text": "`` Attention , `` yelled our pilot as our basket plunged into the canal . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s045", "text": "We scuttled along for a few feet before he plunged us into the drink again . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s046", "text": "Eventually we came to rest in a soggy patch of field where we had the exquisite pleasure of scrambling out of the basket into the mud while the French half of our ballooning tag team scrambled in . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s049", "text": "Back in the chase car , we drove around some more , got stuck in a ditch , enlisted the aid of a local farmer to get out the trailer hitch and pull us out of the ditch . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s050", "text": "We finally rendezvoused with our balloon , which had come to rest on a dirt road amid a clutch of Epinalers who watched us disassemble our craft -- another half-an-hour of non-flight activity -- that included the precision routine of yanking the balloon to the ground , punching all the air out of it , rolling it up and cramming it and the basket into the trailer . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s056", "text": "My American companion and I were left to ride alfresco in the wicker basket . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s057", "text": "As we streaked by a blase gendarme , I could n't resist rearing up on my soggy loafers and saluting . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s000", "text": "U.N. group drafts plan to reduce emissions ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s001", "text": "The U.N.-sponsored climate conference -- characterized so far by unruly posturing and mutual recriminations -- gained renewed focus Friday with the release of a document outlining ambitious greenhouse-gas reductions over the next 40 years , with industrialized nations shouldering most of the burden in the near term . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s003", "text": "But it was seen as an important advance in a negotiation that is running out of time , with more than 100 world leaders arriving in Copenhagen next week . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s006", "text": "It gives a lot of flexibility to the process , said John Coequyt , senior Washington representative for the Sierra Club . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s007", "text": "Michael Zammit Cutajar , who drafted the six-page document , boiled down a 180-page negotiation text to focus on what the U.N. 's top climate official , Yvo de Boer , described as `` the big picture . '' ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s008", "text": "It shows the outlines for a possible deal , in which industrial nations would collectively cut their emissions by 2020 by 25 to 45 percent compared with 1990 levels , while major developing countries would reduce theirs during the same period by 15 to 30 percent . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s010", "text": "The European Union gave the talks a boost as well on Friday by pledging to provide $ 3.6 billion a year over the next three years to help poorer countries adapt to the impact of climate change -- from coping with flood and drought to avoiding deforestation . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s011", "text": "Still , Friday featured the same sort of verbal fireworks that have dominated the talks for the past week . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s012", "text": "U.S. special climate envoy Todd Stern rejected language requiring binding cuts of greenhouse-gas emissions for industrialized countries compared with voluntary ones by major emerging economies if they were not funded by the developed world . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s013", "text": "The move signaled that the Obama administration is taking a harder line with China than Bush administration officials did just two years ago . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s014", "text": "The United States is not going to do a deal without the major developing countries stepping up and taking action , said Stern , who also complained that the text did not do enough to make sure the cuts could be verified by outside observers . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s017", "text": "The current battle is as much about saving individual economies as saving the planet , with China and United States feuding over their respective obligations while poorer nations insist that the world 's two dozen most influential countries are ignoring the scientific imperative to take bolder action . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s019", "text": "This is clearly a game where a new economic hegemony is being developed , said Ulate , who also serves as the regional Mexico and Central America climate change adviser for Conservation International . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s021", "text": "The Alliance of Small Island States , which has 43 members , produced a 24-page draft treaty proposal early Friday morning . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s022", "text": "Artur Runge-Metzger , who heads international climate negotiations on behalf of the European Commission , said the push by small island nations has `` put political pressure on the entire political process , '' in part because they are now unified and demanding action from emerging economies such as China and India . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s023", "text": "The talks took on new urgency as delegates focused on the fact that they must resolve most of the outstanding issues before the heads of government arrive to strike a deal . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s024", "text": "High-level officials such as Indian environment minister Jairam Ramesh and the Chinese vice minister stepped off planes and raced through the Bella Center 's halls to closed-door meetings and news conferences so they could stake out claims that will be arbitrated over the next week . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d000.s026", "text": "The intensity is only building : nearly all of the key ministers are now here , and as early as Wednesday 60 heads of government will be in Copenhagen . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s001", "text": "Caja Laboral achieved a stunning 82-91 victory on their visit to the Maccabee Electra court despite Dusko Ivanovic 's team 's heavy losses , and after the great performance by Mizra Teltovic , who was the best on his team with eight three-pointers scored ( 29 points ) , they now at the top of their group . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s002", "text": "The Vitorian team knew to make up for the significant absences of Herrmann , Oleson , Huertas and Micov with a big dose of involvement and teamwork , even though it had to hold out until the end to take the victory . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s005", "text": "As Vitora 's first four baskets were from the perimeter , the speculation was already that they had jumped into the Israeli net with hot wrists . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s006", "text": "English and Teletovic were the main scorers of the 18-20 at the end of the first period . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s007", "text": "The second quarter was more of the same , but the Alavan team opted for the inside game of Barac and the work of Eliyahu , who was greeted with whistles and applause at his return home , to continue increasing their lead by half-time ( 34-43 ) . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s010", "text": "Eidson and Pnini played a decisive role in the `` yellows ' '' return to the light . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s012", "text": "Ivanovic 's players , injured but far from dead , needed to run a couple of plays correctly before they could breathe , and that 's when the machine gun Marza Teletovic arrived , with three almost consecutive three-pointers and the help of English and Ribas , he brought the scoreboard back to a reassuring lead ( 54-67 ) , which the home team managed to narrow down at the end of the third quarter ( 57-67 ) . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d001.s015", "text": "In spite of this , and with Splitter fouling out , Ivonic 's team did n't rush , defended well , and , even though the Israelis came close at the last minute , the game was already won and victory escaped Tel Aviv for the first time in the season . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s001", "text": "The New York Stock Exchange closed with no particular heading on Friday , in a market torn between better than expected indicators in the United States and a strengthening dollar : the Dow Jones gained 0.63 % but the NASDAQ dropped 0.03 % . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s002", "text": "According to final closing figures , the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen by 65.67 points to 10 471.50 points , whereas the NASDAQ , with a technology predominance , fell by 0.55 point to 2 190.31 points . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s003", "text": "The wider Standard & Poor 's 500 has itself advanced by 0.37 % ( 4.06 points ) to 1 106.41 points . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s004", "text": "Frankly , the market is very calm , observes Mace Blicksilver of Marblehead Asset Management . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s006", "text": "The trend was supported by the publication of better than expected economic indicators , which `` have contributed to improving market opinion in relation to the robustness of the economic recovery '' , summarised Charles Schwab 's analysts . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s007", "text": "In the United States , retail sales have increased by 1.3 % in November , for the second month in a row , and far more than predicted . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s008", "text": "Moreover , the confidence of American consumers has clearly bounced back in December , to 73.4 against 67.4 the previous month , according to preliminary estimates from Michigan University 's index . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s010", "text": "Technology securities have thereby lost some ground . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d002.s012", "text": "Treasury 10-year bond yields have grown to 3.540 % against 3.482 % on Tuesday evening , and 30-year bond yields are at 4.497 % against 4.492 % the previous evening . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s000", "text": "Iraqi Oil Ministry reaches deals with 10 foreign oil companies ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s002", "text": "The 10 deals the Iraqi Oil Ministry reached with foreign oil companies suggest that China , Russia and European oil firms are poised to play a major role in refurbishing Iraq 's oil industry , crippled by decades of war and sanctions . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s003", "text": "American companies walked away with stakes in just two of the 10 auctioned fields . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s006", "text": "Two American companies reached deals for fields auctioned in June . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s007", "text": "The meager representation of American oil giants in Iraq 's opening oil industry surprised analysts . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s008", "text": "Iraq finally opened its doors after six years of war , and instead of U.S. companies , you have Asians and Europeans leading the way , said Ruba Husari , the editor of Iraq Oil Forum , an online news outlet . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s009", "text": "It will be a long time before anything else will be on offer in Iraq . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s010", "text": "Concerns over security , underscored by massive coordinated bombings Tuesday , and political instability as the U.S. military withdraws , likely kept American oil companies from venturing more forcefully in Iraq , which has the world 's third-largest proven crude reserves , analysts said . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s012", "text": "Exxon-Mobil and Occidental Petroleum Inc. were the only American companies that reached deals with the ministry . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s013", "text": "Major U.S. firms such as Chevron and ConocoPhillips , which have cultivated close ties with the Iraqi Oil Ministry and have provided technical advice in recent years , walked away empty-handed . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s017", "text": "We feel confident that the Chinese company will be on par with its competitors and will deliver on its commitments towards Iraq . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d003.s018", "text": "Companies pre-selected to submit bids made offers that were then compared to the per barrel fee the ministry was willing to pay for boosting output above current levels at each field . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s000", "text": "US banks repay state support ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s001", "text": "The crisis-hit US major banks are breaking free from their state shackles . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s002", "text": "On Wednesday Bank of America repaid the support from the bank protection fund TARP in the amount USD 45 billion ( nearly EUR 30 billion ) in one go . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s003", "text": "And , according to reports from US broadcaster CNBC , Citigroup is also planning to repay the state support . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s004", "text": "The institutions thereby want to wiggle themselves free from the restrictions going hand-in-hand with the acceptance of the money , such as the limits on manager bonuses and the paying of high charges . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s006", "text": "The rest of the amount was taken from its own kitty , which was well filled through the sale of business units . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s009", "text": "Citigroup also plans to raise cash on the capital market to free itself from its liabilities with the state . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d004.s012", "text": "Goldman Sachs , JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley had already repaid their support in June . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s000", "text": "Cheshire Appeal Will Point to Twitter ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s003", "text": "In the end , the defense says , there were more than 140,000 Twitter messages about the trial that dealt with rape and children tied to their beds in a house that was set ablaze . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s005", "text": "But lawyers for Mr. Hayes have already made court filings that sketch out appeals arguments that are likely to occupy the courts for years . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s009", "text": "The trial judge , Jon C. Blue of State Superior Court , tersely rejected the claims in a ruling last week , saying that the news media were `` carefully controlled '' and that there was no evidence the jury was driven by passion . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s010", "text": "But that is not likely to be the last word on the issue . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s012", "text": "In a landmark 1966 ruling , the United States Supreme Court overturned the conviction of a Cleveland osteopath , Dr. Sam Sheppard , for the murder of his wife , saying in its decision , Sheppard v. Maxwell , that there was a `` carnival atmosphere at trial '' because of the news media . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s013", "text": "The crime is believed by some to have been the inspiration for the television show and the movie `` The Fugitive . '' ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s016", "text": "Professor Donohue said some appeals judges might be intrigued by the idea that limiting instant communication from courtrooms might make trials fairer . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s018", "text": "The defense lawyers also claim , for example , that Mr. Hayes may have been prejudiced when Judge Blue declined to allow them to test potential jurors ' reactions by showing them grisly crime-scene photographs during jury selection . ", "label": 4}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s020", "text": "The defense lawyers say they will also challenge the constitutionality of the death penalty and argue that the judge wrongly removed a juror who had been critical of prosecutors and that he improperly added pressure for a verdict by his unusual decision to direct the jury to deliberate over a weekend . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s022", "text": "But their arguments about the effect of the intense coverage of the trial may draw the most interest . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s023", "text": "They noted in a challenge to the verdict filed last month that the case dominated the news in Connecticut and was discussed during the election campaign by candidates for governor and the United States Senate . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s024", "text": "They argued that the news media continually fanned the flames of emotion about the case . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s028", "text": "But some lawyers said appeals courts were often attracted to arguments that social and technological changes required adaptation by the courts . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d005.s029", "text": "Mr. Hayes 's lawyers are pressing that claim . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s001", "text": "Tricks such as those of Alonso and Ramos before the Ajax demonstrate wittiness but not the will to get remove of a sanction . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s002", "text": "The expulsion presumably forged by two players of Real Madrid ( Xabi Alonso and Sergio Ramos ) in the game played on the 23rd of November against Ajax in European Champions League has caused rivers of ink to be written about if such behavior is or is not unsportsmanlike and if , both players should be sanctioned by UEFA . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s003", "text": "As we all know , a few minutes before the end of the game ( that their team had already won ) , both players deliberately wasted time which made the referee show the second yellow card to both of them . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s004", "text": "This way , and since Real Madrid will finish as leader of its group , both players will fulfil the prescribed sanction during the next game of league , against Auxerre , and will be able to get rid of the cards the following phase . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s008", "text": "Part of the debate arisen in the related case is caused by the fact that has been carried out by team of the Real Madrid organization ( that in its hymn presumes of nobility and honor , and that has fined its players for analogous acts ) and by the dramatization orchestrated , apparently , by Mourinho , who adds one more to his expanded history of histrionic and provoking technician . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s009", "text": "Anyway , the debate deals with if that type of behavior not prohibited specifically by the regulation contradicts the principles of the sport , that is to say , if with these actions fraud is committed ; then , indeed , they are respectful actions with the sport regulation , but they seem to elude its sense . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s012", "text": "Another of these advantages to which it is alluded to with the fare-play is to avoid that the team of the lawbreaker players takes advantage unjustly of the opposite team , which did not happen either . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s013", "text": "However , the paradoxical thing about the action of the players of Real Madrid is that it did not comply to what we normally characterize as legal fraud , because the violation of the rules was not made secretly as to try to avoid the sanction , but their action was most evident and thus they received punishment from the referee . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s014", "text": "They waited for and accepted the sanction with no complaints . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s015", "text": "Another question is what type of advantage the violators obtained in the actions deliberately carried out . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s016", "text": "Here it seems necessary to state that it is n't a disadvantageous situation for rival nor is an obtained benefit in the same game , because evidently the result of the action supposes leaving their own team with less players . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s017", "text": "And neither is it a useful strategy for the next game , because the club will not be able to count on those players . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s018", "text": "The advantage , obviously , consists in the fact that the players will begin the following phase of the Championship without cards that could threaten their participation in a future game . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s019", "text": "But it is about a long term advantage , with a certain degree of indetermination , because the team can be eliminated first of change , and in addition with this action the players fulfil a sanction game and go to the second cycle of cards , in which the suspension by card accumulation takes place with one less than in the first cycle . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s020", "text": "So that , by passing rounds , it is not so clear that it is an advantage . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s021", "text": "Those actions are really against the sporting spirit , which is part of the strategic decisions that favor taking advantages allowed by the rules . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s022", "text": "Regarding this assumption , the players did not act in order to avoid the application of the sanction ( this would have been a clear case of legal fraud ) , but rather chosen when to obey it . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s023", "text": "They made a strategic decision without avoiding the punishment . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s024", "text": "Although the border between the wittiness and the law fraud is diffuse , in this occasion I believe it was a clear case of wittiness . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d006.s026", "text": "The damage brought about to the principles of the sport by these actions is not as much ethical as aesthetic . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s003", "text": "`` This organism has dual capability . '' ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s005", "text": "`` That makes it very peculiar , though it falls short of being some form of truly ` alien ' life , '' commented Paul C. W. Davies of Arizona State University , a co-author of the report appearing in Thursday 's online edition of the journal Science . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s009", "text": "The find is important in the search for life beyond Earth because researchers need to be able to recognize life , to know what life looks like , Anbar said . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s010", "text": "The study focuses on a microbe found on Earth . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s011", "text": "However , the announcement of a news conference to discuss it , which did not disclose details of the find , generated widespread speculation on the Internet that the report would disclose the discovery of extraterrestrial life . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s013", "text": "The discovery `` does show that in other planetary environments organisms might be able to use other elements to drive biochemistry and that the ` standard ' set of elements we think are absolutely necessary for life might not be so fixed , '' commented Charles Cockell , professor at Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute , Open University , in Milton Keynes , United Kingdom . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s019", "text": "`` Arsenic is toxic mainly because its chemical behavior is so similar to that of phosphorus . '' ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s020", "text": "`` As a result , organisms have a hard time telling these elements apart . '' ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s024", "text": "Jamie S. Foster , an assistant professor of microbiology at the University of Florida , said the idea that arsenic could be substituted for phosphorus is n't new , but there has never been example where it was shown to work . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s025", "text": "Arsenic was more common in the early times on Earth , she said , so researchers have speculated that early life forms might have used it . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d007.s026", "text": "`` It does suggest that that there could be other ways to form life , not just how life formed on early Earth , '' said Foster , who was not part of Wolfe-Simon 's research team . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s001", "text": "Support for democracy in Latin America continues to edge up , as does backing for private enterprise . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s004", "text": "Those are some of the findings of the latest Latinobar\u00c3\u00af\u00c2\u00bf\u00c2\u00bdmetro poll taken in 18 countries and published exclusively by The Economist . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s005", "text": "Because the poll has been taken regularly since 1995 , it tracks changes in attitude across the region . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s006", "text": "Two related things stand out in the results of this year 's poll , taken in September and early October . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s008", "text": "The second is the increasing stability of attitudes towards democracy and its core institutions . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s011", "text": "It also rose in Mexico , where the economy has recovered after suffering a big drop in output last year . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s013", "text": "Some 44 % of respondents across the region pronounced themselves satisfied with how their country 's democracy works in practice , the same figure as last year but a big increase on the 25 % in 2001 ( chart 3 ) . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s014", "text": "Some 34 % said they had confidence in their country 's Congress and 45 % in their government , the same as last year in both cases but up sharply from 2003 ( 17 % and 24 % respectively ) . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s015", "text": "A decade ago economic woes in Latin America undermined support for democracy . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s016", "text": "That it has held up during the world financial crisis is probably because many Latin American countries suffered only a brief recession and have enjoyed a strong recovery . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s017", "text": "In addition , a stronger social safety net has helped to shield the poor . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s018", "text": "( The United Nations ' Economic Commission for Latin America reported this week that the proportion of Latin Americans living in poverty rose only marginally in 2009 and has fallen again this year , to 32 % . -RRB- ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s019", "text": "But the mood varies widely from country to country ( see chart 4 ) . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s020", "text": "Brazil 's strong economic performance and the popularity of its outgoing president , Luiz In\u00c3\u00af\u00c2\u00bf\u00c2\u00bdcio Lula da Silva , is reflected in a widely shared sense of progress . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s024", "text": "A more robust economic performance is reflected in rising support for private enterprise and the market economy : some 71 % of respondents across the region say that private enterprise is indispensable for development , up from 56 % in 2007 ( see chart 6 ) . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s026", "text": "Interestingly , 62 % of respondents in Venezuela hold that view ( and 80 % there back private enterprise ) even though their left-wing president , Hugo Ch\u00c3\u00af\u00c2\u00bf\u00c2\u00bdvez , is expropriating many private companies . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s027", "text": "Brazil is the country which exercises most leadership in the region , mentioned by 19 % of respondents ( up from 18 % last year ) , followed by the United States ( 9 % , unchanged from last year ) and Venezuela ( 9 % , down from 11 % last year ) . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d008.s028", "text": "But the United States is seen as the most influential country by respondents in Mexico and much of Central America , whereas Venezuela enjoys that distinction in Ecuador , the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s001", "text": "The day the Supreme Court gathered behind closed doors to consider the politically divisive question of whether it would hear a challenge to President Obama 's healthcare law , two of its justices , Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas , were feted at a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the high court . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s002", "text": "The occasion was last Thursday , when all nine justices met for a conference to pour over the petitions for review . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s003", "text": "One of the cases at issue was a suit brought by 26 states challenging the sweeping healthcare overhaul passed by Congress last year , a law that has been a rallying cry for conservative activists nationwide . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s004", "text": "The justices agreed to hear the suit ; indeed , a landmark 5.5 - hour argument is expected in March , and the outcome is likely to further roil the 2012 presidential race , which will be in full swing by the time the court 's decision is released . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s009", "text": "The dinner was held at a Washington hotel hours after the court 's conference over the case . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s010", "text": "In attendance was , among others , Mitch McConnell , the Senate 's top Republican and an avowed opponent of the healthcare law . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s013", "text": "And it 's nothing that runs afoul of ethics rules . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s015", "text": "If they were , they arguably fell under code 's Canon 4C , which states , `` A judge may attend fund-raising events of law-related and other organizations although the judge may not be a speaker , a guest of honor , or featured on the program of such an event . '' ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s016", "text": "Nevertheless , the sheer proximity of Scalia and Thomas to two of the law firms in the case , as well as to a company with a massive financial interest , was enough to alarm ethics-in-government activists . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s019", "text": "Their appearance and assistance in fundraising for this event undercuts any claims of impartiality , and is unacceptable . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s020", "text": "Scalia and Thomas have shown little regard for critics who say they too readily mix the business of the court with agenda-driven groups such as the Federalist Society . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s023", "text": "Kagan served as solicitor general in the Obama administration when the first legal challenges to the law were brought at the trial court level . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d009.s024", "text": "Her critics have pushed for Kagan to recuse herself from hearing the case , saying that she was too invested in defending the law then to be impartial now . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s001", "text": "Of the 22 players called in Spain , ten passed 50 international games . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s002", "text": "On the side of Costa Rica only one of 22 called players reached 50 games . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s003", "text": "A minor contrast to Costa Rica , comparing the 22 players called by both countries for the friendly game today , at 3:05 pm at the National Stadium in San Jose . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s004", "text": "While the Europe and world champions , number one one in the monthly top of FIFA , have a long record of Class A inter selection , the Tricolor has only the defender Michael Umana as the only one who has 50 international games . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s005", "text": "That number was reached Friday before the game against Panama ( 0-2 ) , in Rommel Fernandez . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s006", "text": "Spanish football players playing in the All-Star League and in powerful clubs of the Premier League of England are during the year very active in league and local cup competitions and there are high-level shocks in the European Cups and European Champions League . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s008", "text": "The Ticos players , however , have a limited international experience in an area such as CONCACAF , which is considered the lowest level within FIFA ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s010", "text": "Casillas will play today against the Tricolor and will impose a new record of 127 international matches for Spain . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s012", "text": "Casillas and Xavi were recognized last week by UEFA together with the other player of the Iberian team , Zubizarreta with 126 matches and Schalke striker Raul Gonzalez with 102 . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s013", "text": "Almost near the centennial number is Carles Puyol , with 97 games . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s016", "text": "After this , only five exceeded the 30 games : Keilor Navas with 31 , Randall Azofeifa with 32 , Michael Barrantes with 31 , Carlos Hernandez with 36 and Jose Luis Lopez with 35 . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s019", "text": "On the national side , with less than 30 presences , there are Roy Miller with 26 , Winston Parks with 26 , Gabriel Badilla with 25 and Roy Myrie with 23 . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s021", "text": "While Nacho Moreal has only four games and Jordi Alba two , in Costa Rica Victor Bolivar has only one Olman Vargas and Nelson Edder did not debut yet . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s001", "text": "Immigration policy under Nicolas Sarkozy was criticised from various aspects a congestion of police , legal and administrative services subjected to a policy of numbers and the compatibility of that policy with the self-proclaimed status of the country as the country of French human rights . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s005", "text": "On the Right , the tone was set by Jacques Chirac , who declared in 1976 that `` 900,000 unemployed would not become a problem in a country with 2 million of foreign workers , '' and on the Left by Michel Rocard explaining in 1990 that France `` can not accommodate all the world 's misery . '' ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s006", "text": "The only difference , the degree of generosity ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s007", "text": "In 2005 , the fear of invasion of the national territory by hordes of Polish plumbers was felt both on the Left and on the Right . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s009", "text": "The only difference resides in the degree of generosity , which one deigns to grant to immigrants . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s011", "text": "This notion of immigration being a burden and a problem , may be an electoral asset , but it is economically very costly . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s012", "text": "As the economists Ian Goldin and Geoffrey Cameron , remind us in a recent book summarising the most recent knowledge of immigration ( Exceptional People : How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future , mai 2011 , Princeton University Press , 352 pp . ) , there is wide consensus among specialists on the positive impact of migration flows on economic growth , wages and employment in countries , which admit immigrants . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s013", "text": "Restraining immigration leads to anaemic growth and harms employment . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s014", "text": "Fears about the impact of immigrants are based on the notion that they are liable to replace native workers , in particular unskilled ones , exerting downward pressure on wages . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s015", "text": "But experience shows that in reality immigrants are much more complementary to , rather than replacements of , local labor , exercising trades in which there is a shortage of local labor . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s016", "text": "Unskilled immigrants work in sectors , which do not attract local labor and the most highly skilled ones in dynamic sectors where training does is not linked to offers of employment . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s018", "text": "In the same way as a surgeon would find it difficult to work in a country with a shortage of anaesthetists , the complementarities existing between locals and immigrants bring it about that the arrival of immigrants has a positive effect on the pay of locals . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s019", "text": "Giovanni Peri has calculated that a rise of 1 % in the migratory flow causes an increase of between 0,6 and 0,9 % in real long-term pay . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s020", "text": "And does so without taking into account the fact that the diversity contributed by immigrants contributes to the creation of ideas and to economic growth ( a large proportion of naturalised immigrants are among American Nobel prize winners , whilst Google , Intel , Paypal , eBay and Yahoo were all founded by immigrants ) . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s021", "text": "Migrants are also net contributors to social systems , averaging 1 % of the total budgets of European countries . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s022", "text": "The World Labor Organisation estimates that for example in Germany , an immigrant arriving at the age of 30 , will make a net contribution ( receipts less expenditure ) of an average of 150,000 Euros to public budgets during his lifetime . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d011.s023", "text": "Nicolas Sarkozy wished at the start of his mandate to look for missing points of growth `` with the teeth . '' ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s000", "text": "Deutsche Bank pays multi-million pound fine in the USA ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s002", "text": "As if the problems at home were not already enough for Deutsche Bank , the industry giant 's past in the USA is now also catching up with it . Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank will pay 145 million dollars ( 106 million Euros ) to settle disputes arising from the bankruptcy of five major credit unions during the financial crisis . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s005", "text": "The value of the securities dropped dramatically during the financial crisis and brought down the credit unions . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s009", "text": "The NCUA chairman , Debbie Matz , welcomed the responsiveness of the two banks . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s011", "text": "The NCUA is fighting for compensation for losses that run into the billions . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s012", "text": "The current settlements are the first of their kind . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s018", "text": "The banks battling against a strong wind in the USA several years later . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s019", "text": "Investors and regulators have brought a vast number of claims for compensation or to punish misconduct . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s023", "text": "The regulator is demanding that the Frankfurt-based bank take responsibility for `` substantial losses , '' but has not yet specified the exact sum . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2013.d012.s024", "text": "Deutsche Bank has rejected the claims as baseless and has declared its intention to fend off the claims . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s000", "text": "This document is a summary of the European Public Assessment Report ( EPAR ) . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s001", "text": "It explains how the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use ( CHMP ) assessed the studies performed , to reach their recommendations on how to use the medicine . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s002", "text": "If you need more information about your medical condition or your treatment , read the Package Leaflet ( also part of the EPAR ) or contact your doctor or pharmacist . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s003", "text": "If you want more information on the basis of the CHMP recommendations , read the Scientific Discussion ( also part of the EPAR ) . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s005", "text": "Alimta is a powder that is made up into a solution for infusion ( drip into a vein ) . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s006", "text": "It contains the active substance pemetrexed . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s008", "text": "Alimta is used to treat two types of cancer : pleural mesothelioma ( cancer of the lining of the lungs that is usually caused by exposure to asbestos ) . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s010", "text": "Alimta is used in combination with cisplatin in patients who have not been treated before , and on its own in patients who have received another type of chemotherapy in the past . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s011", "text": "The medicine can only be obtained with a prescription . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s013", "text": "Alimta should only be given under the supervision of a doctor who is qualified in the use of anticancer chemotherapy . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s014", "text": "The recommended dose of Alimta is 500 mg per square metre of body surface area ( calculated using the patient s height and weight ) . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s016", "text": "To reduce side effects , patients should take a corticosteroid and folic acid ( a type of vitamin ) , and receive injections of vitamin B12 during treatment with Alimta . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s017", "text": "When Alimta is given with cisplatin , an anti-emetic medicine ( to prevent vomiting ) and fluids ( to prevent dehydration ) should also be given before or after the cisplatin dose . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s018", "text": "Treatment should be delayed or discontinued , or the dose reduced , in patients whose blood counts are abnormal or who have certain other side effects . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s019", "text": "Alimta is not recommended for use in patients with moderate or severe kidney problems . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s020", "text": "For more information , see the Summary of Product Characteristics ( also part of the EPAR ) . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s022", "text": "The active substance in Alimta , pemetrexed , is a cytotoxic medicine ( a medicine that kills cells that are dividing , such as cancer cells ) , which belongs to the group antimetabolites . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s023", "text": "In the body , pemetrexed is converted into an active form that blocks the activity of the enzymes that are involved in producing nucleotides ( the building blocks of DNA and RNA , the genetic material of cells ) . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s027", "text": "For the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer , the effects of Alimta were compared with those of docetaxel ( another anticancer medicine ) in one study involving 571 patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease who had received chemotherapy in the past . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s028", "text": "Alimta was also compared with gemcitabine ( another anticancer medicine ) , both in combination with cisplatin , in a study involving 1,725 patients who had not received chemotherapy for lung cancer in the past . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s029", "text": "In all three studies , the main measure of effectiveness was how long the patients survived . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s030", "text": "What benefit has Alimta shown during the studies ? ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s031", "text": "Alimta increased the survival time of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s032", "text": "Patients receiving Alimta and cisplatin survived for an average of 12.1 months , compared with 9.3 months in those receiving cisplatin alone . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s034", "text": "In patients who had received chemotherapy in the past , the average survival time was 8.3 months with Alimta , compared with 7.9 months with docetaxel . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s035", "text": "In patients who had not received chemotherapy in the past , the average survival time was 10.3 months in both groups . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s036", "text": "However , in both studies , patients whose cancer was not affecting squamous cells had longer survival times if they received Alimta than if they received the comparator . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d000.s037", "text": "In contrast , patients whose cancer was affecting squamous cells had shorter survival times if they received Alimta . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s002", "text": "It is actually not necessary to know MathML to use kalgebra . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s004", "text": "Although it was initially MathML oriented it can now be used by everyone with little mathematical knowledge . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s005", "text": "Here 's a screenshot of kalgebra main window ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s006", "text": "kalgebra main window ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s007", "text": "kalgebra main window consists in a Console tab , a 2D Graph tab , a 3D Graph tab and a Dictionary tab . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s008", "text": "Below these tabs you will find an input field to type your functions or do your calculations . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s009", "text": "If we want to understand how it works , the best thing we can do is to realize that our input is being converted into MathML although it is not necessary to know MathML . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s012", "text": "+ - * / : Addition , subtraction , multiplication and division . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s016", "text": "-gt : It s the way to specify the bounded variable in a function . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s017", "text": "( ) : It is used to specify a higher priority . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s018", "text": "abc(params) : When the parser finds a function , it checks if abc is an operator . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s020", "text": ": = : It is used to define a variable value . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s022", "text": "Piecewise is the way we can define conditional operations in kalgebra . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s025", "text": "It can be used to define a container . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s026", "text": "Mainly useful for working with piecewise . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s027", "text": "Now you could ask me , why should the user mind about MathML ? ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s028", "text": "That s easy . With this , we can operate with functions like cos() , sin() , any other trigonometric functions , sum () or product () . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s031", "text": "kalgebra 's console is useful as a calculator . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s033", "text": "By double clicking on them you will see a dialog that lets you change their values ( just a way to trick the log ) . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s034", "text": "Every time you enter an expression , the \" ans \" variable value will be changed to the last result . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s035", "text": "Ctrl N New Window ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s036", "text": "Flushes the log . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s039", "text": "Nice if you want to define some libraries or resume some previous work . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s040", "text": "Ctrl G Save Script ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s043", "text": "Ctrl S Save Log ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s044", "text": "Saves the log with all results into an HTML file to be able to print or publish . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s046", "text": "Shuts the program down . ", "label": 3}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s047", "text": "To add a new 2D graph on kalgebra , what you have to do is to go to the 2D Graph tab and click in the Add tab to add the new function . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s049", "text": "If you want to use a typical f(x) function it is not necessary to specify it . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s050", "text": "If you have entered the function click on the OK button to display the graph in the main window . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s051", "text": "You can set several graphs on the same view . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s053", "text": "You can set each graph its own color . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s000", "text": "The Foundation has recently been involved in organising a conference which dealt with this critical challenge . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s002", "text": "There were relatively few cases reported of attempts to involve users in service planning but their involvement in service provision was found to be more common . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s003", "text": "Note was also taken of the variety of different roles played by public welfare ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s004", "text": "The Foundation organised , together with the European Commission , the Spanish Ministry of Social Affairs and the Galician regional government , a European conference on social exclusion : a major challenge for public welfare services . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s005", "text": "The Foundation recently published a comparative study as part of the EPOC project which assesses the extent to which direct participation can humanise work while increasing profitability . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s007", "text": "As important industrial sectors , the metal industry and the banking sector were also included . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s008", "text": "Key speakers at the social exclusion conference were ( left to right ) Cristina Louro , Employment , Industrial Relations and Social Affairs Directorate , European Commission Fernando Gomes , a high degree of Committee of the Regions Barbara Weiler , Member of the European Parliament Jos\u00c3\u00af\u00c2\u00bf\u00c2\u00bd Maria Gil-Robles , Vice-President , European Parliament and John Carroll , Economic and Social Committee . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s009", "text": "Case Studies Each national report contains a portfolio of between 25 and 30 initiatives which best present policies and practices to improve the recruitment , training and development of ageing workers in both the work place and the community . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s010", "text": "For each country , two or three initiatives have been selected for further in depth case study . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s011", "text": "These case studies analysed the background of the initiatives , their impact on employment patterns and work organisations and assessed the benefits and problems of the initiative . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s012", "text": "Visits and interviews with key personnel were also undertaken . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s013", "text": "These national studies will form the basis of a European report which synthesises overall practices . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s014", "text": "The report and a casebook of initiatives will be published in 1996 and provide the backdrop for a conference to be staged in Autumn , 1996 . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s015", "text": "The Foundation aims to document the characteristics of age barriers in job recruitment and training and to analyse their causes . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s016", "text": "The perspectives of the social partners is also being examined , with particular attention paid to proposals for removing age barriers . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s017", "text": "Thirdly , the project documents and assesses initiatives , in both the public and private sectors which combat age barriers , especially for older workers . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s018", "text": "Seeking alternatives to early retirement and redundancy , the project is primarily concerned with the retention , reintegration and retraining of older workers . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s019", "text": "The gender and ethnic backgrounds of workers and how these relate to age discrimination are examined . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d002.s021", "text": "Seven member states are covered by the project : Belgium , France , Germany , Greece , Italy , the Netherlands and the United Kingdom . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s001", "text": "It explains how the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use ( CVMP ) assessed the studies performed , to reach their recommendations on how to use the medicine . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s003", "text": "Cerenia contains the active substance maropitant and is available as tablet or as solution for injection . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s004", "text": "The tablets are pale-orange and have a score line on both sides so that they can be halved . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s005", "text": "Each tablet is marked with the Pfizer logo on one side and with the letters MPT and the quantity of maropitant on the other side . ", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s007", "text": "Cerenia is an anti-emetic , this means that it stops vomiting . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s008", "text": "It is used in dogs to prevent vomiting such as vomiting caused by chemotherapy ( medicines used for the treatment of cancer , some of which are known to cause vomiting ) . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s009", "text": "In combination with supportive measures such as other veterinary treatment or a special diet , Cerenia can also be used in the treatment of vomiting ( either as injection or as injection followed by tablets ) . ", "label": 5}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s010", "text": "For these purposes , Cerenia can be given for up to five days ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s012", "text": "Cerenia blocks a neurokinin 1 ( NK1 ) receptor , which acts in the central nervous system . ", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s016", "text": "The results of the studies showed that Cerenia was more effective than the placebo : less vomiting was seen in dogs that received the medicine than in dogs that received a placebo , both in the treatment or in the prevention of vomiting . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s017", "text": "The treatment of a vomiting dog should be started with the injection , since vomiting animals might not be able to keep a tablet down ( as they might throw the intact tablet up again ) . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s018", "text": "For follow-up treatment , the animal owner can administer the tablets to the dog . ", "label": 2}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s019", "text": "Also , the treatment of vomiting should only be together with other supportive measure or other veterinary therapy while addressing the underlying causes of the vomiting . ", "label": 6}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s021", "text": "Cerenia was generally well tolerated when administered daily at dosages up to 5 times the recommended doses for an extended period of time ( up to 3 times the recommended maximum duration of treatment ) . ", "label": 5}]