gez,eng ዝንቱ ነገረ ኩፋሌ መዋዕላተ ሕግ ወለስምዕ ለግብረ ዓመታት ለተሳብዖቶሙ ለኢዮቤልውሳቲሆሙ ውስተ ኵሉ ዓመታተ ዓለም በከመ ተናገሮ ለሙሴ በደብረ ሲና አመ ዐርገ ይንሣእ ጽላተ እብን ሕግ ወትእዛዝ በቃለ እግዚአብሔር በከመ ይቤሎ ይዕርግ ውስተ ርእሰ ደብር።,"These are the words regarding the divisions of the times of the law and of the testimony, of the events of the years, of the weeks of their jubilees throughout all the years of eternity as he related (them) to Moses on Mt. Sinai when he went up to receive the stone tablets — the law and the commandments — on the Lord’s orders as he had told him that he should come up to the summit of the mountain." ወኮነ በቀዳሚ ዓመት በፀአቶሙ ለደቂቀ እስራኤል እምነ ግብጽ በወርኅ ሣልስ አመ ዐሡሩ ወሰዱሱ ለውእቱ ወርኅ ተናገሮ እግዚአብሔር ለሙሴ እንዘ ይብል ዕርግ ኀቤየ ውስተ ደብር ወእሁበከ ክልኤ ጽላተ እብን ዘሕግ ወዘትእዛዝ ዘመጠነ ጸሐፍኩ ታለብዎሙ።,"During the first year of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, in the third month — on the sixteenth of the month — the Lord said to Moses: Come up to me on the mountain. I will give you the two stone tablets of the law and the commandments which I have written so that you may teach them»." ወዐርገ ሙሴ ውስተ ደብረ እግዚአብሔር ወኀደረ ስብሐተ እግዚአብሔር ውስተ ደብረ ሲና ወጸለሎ ደመና ሰዱሰ ዕለተ።,"So Moses went up the mountain of the Lord. The glory of the Lord took up residence on Mt. Sinai, and a cloud covered it for six days." ወጸውዖ ለሙሴ በዕለተ ሳብዕት በማእከለ ደመና ወርእየ ስብሐተ እግዚአብሔር ከመ እሳት ዘይነድድ ውስተ ርእሰ ደብር።,"When he summoned Moses into the cloud on the seventh day, he saw the glory of the Lord like a fire blazing on the summit of the mountain." ወሀሎ ሙሴ ውስተ ደብር አርብዓ ዕለተ ወአርብዓ ሌሊተ ወአመሮ እግዚአብሔር ዘቀዳሚ ወዘኒ ይመጽእ ነገሮ ኩፋሌ ኵሉ መዋዕላት።,Moses remained on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights while the Lord showed him what (had happened) beforehand as well as what was to come. He related to him the divisions of all the times — both of the law and of the testimony. ወለሕግ ወለስምዕ ወይቤሎ አንብር ልበከ ውስተ ኵሉ ነገር ዘአነ እነግረከ በዝንቱ ደብር ወጸሐፍ ውስተ መጽሐፍ ከመ ይርአዩ ትውልዶሙ ከመ ኢኀደግዎሙ በእንተ ኵሉ እኩይ ዘገብሩ ለአስሕቶ ሥርዓት ዘአነ እሠርዕ ማእከሌየ ወማእከሌከ ዮም ለትውልዶሙ በደብረ ሲና።,He said to him: Pay attention to all the words which I tell you on this mountain. Write (them) in a book so that their offspring may see that I have not abandoned them because of all the evil they have done in straying from the covenant between me and you which I am making today on Mt. Sinai for their offspring. ወይከውን ከመዝ አመ ይመጽእ ኵሉ ዝነገር ላዕሌሆሙ ወያአምሩ ከመ ጸደቁ እምኔሆሙ በኵሉ ፍትሖሙ ወበኵሉ ምግባሮሙ ወያአምሩ ከመ ህልወ ኮንኩ ምስሌሆሙ።,So it will be that when all of these things befall them they will recognize that I have been more faithful than they in all their judgments and in all their actions. They will recognize that I have indeed been with them. ወአንተኒ ጸሐፍ ለከ ኵሎ ዘቃለ ዘአነ አየድዐከ ዮም እስመ አአምር ምረቶሙ ወክሳዶሙ ይቡሰ ዘእንበለ አብኦሙ ውስተ ምድር እንተ መሐልኩ ለአብርሃም ወለይስሐቅ ወለያዕቆብ እንዘ እብል ለዘርእክሙ እሁብ ምድረ እንተ ትውሕዝ ሐሊበ ወመዓረ።,"Now you write this entire message which I am telling you today, because I know their defiance and their stubbornness (even) before I bring them into the land which I promised by oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: ‘To your posterity I will give the land which flows with milk and honey’." ወይበልዑ ወይጸግቡ ወይትመየጡ ኀበ አምላክ ነኪር ኀበ እለ ኢያድኅንዎሙ እምኵሉ ምንዳቤሆሙ።,"When they eat and are full, they will turn to foreign gods — to ones which will not save them from any of their afflictions. Then this testimony will serve as evidence." ወትስማዕ ዛቲ ስምዕ ለስምዕ እስመ ይረስዑ ኵሎ ትእዛዝየ ኵሎ ዘአነ እኤዝዞሙ ወየሐውሩ ድኅረ አሕዛብ ወድኅረ ርኵሶሙ ወድኅረ ኀሳሮሙ ወይትቀነዩ ለአማልክቲሆሙ ወይከውንዎሙ ማዕቀፈ ወለምንዳቤ ወለፃዕር ወለመሥገርት።,"For they will forget all my commandments — everything that I command them — and will follow the nations, their impurities, and their shame. They will serve their gods, and (this) will prove an obstacle for them — an affliction, a pain, and a trap." ወይትሐጐሉ ብዙኃን ወይትአኀዙ ወይወድቁ ውስተ እደ ፀር እስመ ኀደጉ ሥርዓትየ ወትእዛዝየ ወበዓላተ ኪዳንየ ወሰንበታትየ ወቅድሳትየ ዘቀደስኩ ሊተ በማእከሎሙ ወደብተራየ ወመቅደስየ ዘቀደስኩ ሊተ በማእከለ ምድር ከመ እሢም ስምየ ላዕሌሁ ወይኅድር።,"Many will be destroyed. They will be captured and will fall into the enemy’s control because they abandoned my statutes, my commandments, my covenantal festivals, my sabbaths, my holy things which I have hallowed for myself among them, my tabernacle, and my temple which I sanctified for myself in the middle of the land so that I could set my name on it and that it could live (there)." ወገብሩ ሎሙ ፍሥሐታተ ወኦመ ወግልፎ ወሰገዱ ዘዘ ዚአሆሙ ለስሒት ወይዘብሑ ውሉዶሙ ለአጋንንት ወለኵሉ ግብረ ስሕተተ ልቦሙ።,"They made for themselves high places, (sacred) groves, and carved images; each of them prostrated himself before his own in order to go astray. They will sacrifice their children to demons and to every product (conceived by) their erring minds." ወእፌኑ ኀቤሆሙ ሰማዕተ ከመ አስምዕ ሎሙ ወኢይሰምዑ ወሰማዕተኒ ይቀትሉ ወለእለሂ የኀሥሡ ሕገ ይሰድደዎሙ ወኵሎ ያፀርዑ ወይዌጥኑ ለገቢረ እኩይ በቅድመ አዕይንትየ።,"I will send witnesses to them so that I may testify to them, but they will not listen and will kill the witnesses. They will persecute those too who study the law diligently. They will abrogate everything and will begin to do evil in my presence." ወአኀብእ ገጽየ እምኔሆሙ ወእሜጥዎሙ ውስተ እደ አሕዛብ ለፂዋዌ ወለሕብል ወለተበልዖ።,"Then I will hide my face from them. I will deliver them into the control of the nations for captivity, for booty, and for being devoured. I will remove them from the land and disperse them among the nations." ወአሴስሎሙ እማእከለ ምድር ወእዘርዎሙ ማእከለ አሕዛብ ወይረስዑ ኵሉ ሕግየ ወኵሎ ትእዛዝየ ወኵሎ ፍትሕየ ወይስሕቱ ሠርቀ ወሰንበተ ወበዓለ ወኢዮቤለ ወሥርዓተ።,"They will forget all my law, all my commandments, and all my verdicts. They will err regarding the beginning of the month, the sabbath, the festival, the jubilee, and the decree." ወእምዝ ይትመየጡ ኀቤየ እማእከለ አሕዛብ በኵሉ ልቦሙ ወበኵሉ ነፍሶሙ ወበኵሉ ኀይሎሙ ወአስተጋብኦሙ እማእከለ ኵሉ አሕዛብ ወየኀሥሡኒ ከመ እትራከቦሙ ሶበ ኀሠሡኒ በኵሉ ልቦሙ ወበኵሉ ነፍሶሙ ወእከሥት ሎሙ ብዙኀ ሰላመ በጽድቅ።,"After this they will return to me from among the nations with all their minds, all their souls, and all their strength. Then I will gather them from among all the nations, and they will search for me so that I may be found by them when they have searched for me with all their minds and with all their souls. I will rightly disclose to them abundant peace." ወአፈልሶሙ ተክለ ርትዕ በኵሉ ልብየ ወበኵሉ ነፍስየ ወይከውኑ ለበረከት ወአኮ ለመርገም ወይከውኑ ርእሰ ወአኮ ዘነበ።,"I will transform them into a righteous plant with all my mind and with all my soul. They will become a blessing, not a curse; they will become the head, not the tail." ወአሐንጽ መቅደስየ ማእከሎሙ ወአኀድር ምስሌሆሙ ወእከውኖሙ አምላከ ወእሙንቱኒ ይከውኑኒ ሕዝብየ ዘበአማን ወዘበጽድቅ።,I will build my temple among them and will live with them; I will become their God and they will become my true and righteous people. ወኢየኀድጎሙ ወኢይትናከሮሙ እስመ አነ እግዚአብሔር አምላኮሙ።,"I will neither abandon them nor become alienated from them, for I am the Lord their God»." ወወድቀ ሙሴ በገጹ ወጸለየ ወይቤ እግዚኦ አምላኪየ ኢትኅድግ ሕዝበከ ወርስተከ ለሐዊር በስሕተተ ልቦሙ ወኢትመጥዎሙ ውስተ እደ አሕዛብ ከመ ይኰንንዎሙ ወከመ ኢይግበርዎሙ ከመ ይኅጥኡ ለከ።,"Then Moses fell prostrate and prayed and said: Lord my God, do not allow your people and your heritage to go along in the error of their minds, and do not deliver them into the control of the nations with the result that they rule over them lest they make them sin against you." ይትለዐል እግዚኦ ምሕረትከ ላዕለ ሕዝብከ ወፍጥር ሎሙ መንፈሰ ርቱዐ ወኢይኰንኖሙ መንፈሰ ቤልሖር ለአስተዋድዮቶሙ ቅድሜከ ወለአዕቅጾቶሙ እምኵሉ ፍኖተ ጽድቅ ከመ ይትሐጐሉ እምቅድመ ገጽከ።,"May your mercy, Lord, be lifted over your people. Create for them a just spirit. May the spirit of Belial not rule them so as to bring charges against them before you and to trap them away from every proper path so that they may be destroyed from your presence." ወእሙንቱ ሕዝብከ ወርስትከ ዘባላሕከ በኀይልከ ዐቢይ እምእደ ግብጽ ፍጥር ሎሙ ልበ ንጹሐ ወመንፈሰ ቅዱሰ ወኢይትዐቀጹ በኃጢአቶሙ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም።,They are your people and your heritage whom you have rescued from Egyptian control by your great power. Create for them a pure mind and a holy spirit. May they not be trapped in their sins from now to eternity». ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለሙሴ አነ አአምር ተዋሥኦቶሙ ወኅሊናሆሙ ወይቡሰ ክሳዶሙ ወኢይሰምዑ እስከ ሶበ ያአምሩ ኃጢአቶሙ ወኃጣውአ አበዊሆሙ።,"Then the Lord said to Moses: I know their contrary nature, their way of thinking, and their stubbornness. They will not listen until they acknowledge their sins and the sins of their ancestors." ወእምድኅረ ዝንቱ ይትመየጡ ኀቤየ በኵሉ ርትዕ ወበኵሉ ልብ ወበኵሉ ነፍስ ወአወቂ ቍልፈተ ልቦሙ ወቍልፈተ ልበ ዘርኦሙ ወእፈጥር ሎሙ መንፈሰ ቅዱሰ ወአነጽሖሙ ከመ ኢይትመየጡ እምድኅሬየ እምይእቲ ዕለት እስከ ለዓለም።,After this they will return to me in a fully upright manner and with all (their) minds and all (their) souls. I will cut away the foreskins of their minds and the foreskins of their descendants’ minds. I will create a holy spirit for them and will purify them in order that they may not turn away from me from that time forever. ወትተሉ ነፍሶሙ ኀቤየ ወበኵሉ ትእዛዝየ ወይገብሩ ሎሙ ትእዛዛትየ ወእከውኖሙ አበ ወእሙንቱ ይከውኑኒ ውሉደ።,Their souls will adhere to me and to all my commandments. They will perform my commandments. I will become their father and they will become my children. ወይሰመዩ ኵሎሙ ውሉደ አምላክ ሕያው ወየአምሮሙ ኵሉ መልአክ ወኵሉ መንፈስ ወያአምርዎሙ ከመ እሙንቱ ውሉድየ ወአነ አቡሆሙ በርትዕ ወበጽድቅ ወአፈቅሮሙ።,All of them will be called children of the living God. Every angel and every spirit will know them. They will know that they are my children and that I am their father in a just and proper way and that I love them. ወአንተ ጸሐፍ ለከ ኵሎ ዘንተ ነገረ ዘአነ አየድዐከ በዝንቱ ደብር ዘቀዳሚ ወዘደኃሪ ወዘይመጽእ ሀሎ በኵሉ ኩፋሌ መዋዕል ዘበሕግ ወዘበስምዕ ወበሱባዔሆሙ ለኢዮቤልዎን እስከ ለዓለም እስከ ሶበ እወርድ ወአኀድር ምስሌሆሙ በኵሉ ዓለመ ዓለም።,Now you write all these words which I will tell you on this mountain: what is first and what is last and what is to come during all the divisions of time which are in the law and which are in the testimony and in the weeks of their jubilees until eternity — until the time when I descend and live with them throughout all the ages of eternity». ወይቤሎ ለመልአከ ገጽ ጸሐፍ ለሙሴ እምቀዳሚ ፍጥረት እስከ አመ ይትሐነጽ መቅደስየ በማእከሎሙ ለዓለመ ዓለማት።,Then he said to an angel of the presence: Dictate to Moses (starting) from the beginning of the creation until the time when my temple is built among them throughout the ages of eternity. ወያስተርኢ እግዚአብሔር ለዐይነ ኵሉ ወያአምር ኵሉ ከመ አነ አምላከ እስራኤል ወአብ ለኵሎሙ ደቂቀ ያዕቆብ ወንጉሥ በደብረ ጽዮን ለዓለመ ዓለም ወትከውን ጽዮን ወኢየሩሳሌም ቅድስት።,"The Lord will appear in the sight of all, and all will know that I am the God of Israel, the father of all Jacob’s children, and the king on Mt. Zion for the ages of eternity. Then Zion and Jerusalem will become holy»." ወነሥአ መልአከ ገጽ ዘየሐውር ቅድመ ተዓይኒሆሙ ለእስራኤል ጽላተ ዘኩፋሌ ዓመታት እምአመ ፍጥረተ ሕግ ወለስምዕ ለሱባዔሁ ለኢዮቤልዎን በበ ዓመት በኵሉ ኆልቆሙ ወኢዮቤልዎን እምዕለተ ፍጥረት ሐዳስ አመ ይትሐደስ ሰማያት ወምድር ወኵሉ ፍጥረቶሙ በከመ ኀይላቲሆሙ ለሰማይ ወበከመ ኵሉ ፍጥረተ ምድር እስከ አመ ይትፈጠር መቅደሰ እግዚአብሔር በኢየሩሳሌም በደብረ ጽዮን ወኵሉ ብርሃናት ይትሔደሱ ለፈውስ ወለሰላም ወለበረከት ለኵሎሙ ኅሩያነ እስራኤል ወከመ ይኩን ከማሁ እምይእቲ ዕለት ወእስከ ኵሉ መዋዕለ ምድር።,"The angel of the presence, who was going along in front of the Israelite camp, took the tablets (which told) of the divisions of the years from the time the law and the testimony were created — for the weeks of their jubilees, year by year in their full number, and their jubilees from [the time of the creation until] the time of the new creation when the heavens, the earth, and all their creatures will be renewed like the powers of the sky and like all the creatures of the earth, until the time when the temple of the Lord will be created in Jerusalem on Mt. Zion. All the luminaries will be renewed for (the purposes of) healing, health, and blessing for all the elect ones of Israel and so that it may remain this way from that time throughout all the days of the earth." ወይቤ መልአከ ገጽ ለሙሴ በቃለ እግዚአብሔር እንዘ ይብል ጸሐፍ ኵሎ ነገረ ፍጥረት ከመ በሰዱስ ዕለት ፈጸመ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ኵሎ ግብሮ ወኵሎ ዘፈጠረ ወአሰንበተ በዕለተ ሳብዕት ወቀደሳ ለኵሉ ዓለማት ወአንበራ ትእምርተ ለኵሉ ግብሩ።,"On the Lord’s orders the angel of the presence said to Moses: Write all the words about the creation — how in six days the Lord God completed all his works, everything that he had created, and kept sabbath on the seventh day. He sanctified it for all ages and set it as a sign for all his works." እስመ በዕለት ቀዳሚት ፈጠረ ሰማያተ እለ መልዕልት ወምድረ ወማያተ ወኵሉ መንፈስ ዘይትለአክ ቅድሜሁ ወመላእክተ ገጽኒ ወመላእክተ ቅዳሴ ወመላእክተ መንፈሰ እሳት ወመላእክተ መንፈሰ እስትንፋስ ወመላእክተ መንፈሰ ደመናት ለጽልመት ወለኵሉ ወለበረድ ወለአስሐትያ ወመላእክተ ቃላት ወነጐድጓዳት ወለመባርቅት ወመላእክተ መናፍስት ለቍር ወለመርቄ ወለክረምት ወለመጸው ወለማእረር ወለሐጋይ ወለኵሉ መናፍስተ ተግባሩ ዘበሰማያት ወዘበምድር ወዘበኵሉ ቀላያት ወጽልመት ወብርሃን ወጎሕ ወምሴት ዘአስተዳለወ በአእምሮ ልቡ።,"For on the first day he created the heavens that are above, the earth, the waters, and all the spirits who serve before him, namely: the angels of the presence; the angels of holiness; the angels of the spirits of fire; the angels of the spirits of the winds; the angels of the spirits of the clouds, of darkness, snow, hail, and frost; the angels of the sounds, the thunders, and the lightnings; and the angels of the spirits of cold and heat, of winter, spring, autumn, and summer, and of all the spirits of his creatures which are in the heavens, on earth, and in every (place). [There were also] the depths, darkness and light, dawn and evening which he prepared through the knowledge of his mind." ወአሜሃ ርኢነ ምግባሮ ወባረክናሁ ወሰባሕነ ቅድሜሁ በእንተ ኵሉ ምግባሩ እስመ ሰብዓተ ግብረ ዐበይተ ገብረ በቀዳሚት ዕለት።,Then we saw his works and blessed him. We offered praise before him regarding all his works because he had made seven great works on the first day. ወበዕለተ ሳኒታ ገብረ ምጽናዓተ ማእከለ ማይ ወተከፍለ ማያት በይእቲ ዕለት መንፈቆሙ ዐርጉ ላዕለ ወመንፈቆሙ ወረዱ መትሕተ ምጽናዓት ማእከለ ዲበ ገጻ ለኵላ ምድር ወዘንተ ባሕቲቶ ግብረ ገብረ በሳኒታ ዕለት።,"On the second day he made a firmament between the waters, and the waters were divided on that day. Half of them went up above and half of them went down below the firmament (which was) in the middle above the surface of the whole earth. This was the only work that he made on the second day." ወበሣልስት ዕለት ገብረ በከመ ይቤ ለማያት ይኅልፉ እምቅድመ ገጻ ለኵላ ምድር ውስተ መካን አሐዱ ወያስተርኢ የብስ።,On the third day he did as he said to the waters that they should pass from the surface of the whole earth to one place and that the dry land should appear. ወገብሩ ከማሁ ማያት በከመ ይቤሎሙ ወተግሕሡ እምዲበ ገጻ ለምድር ውስተ መካን አሐዱ አፍአ እምጽናዓተዝ ወአስተርአየት የብስ።,"The waters did so, as he told them. They withdrew from the surface of the earth to one place apart from this firmament, and dry land appeared." ወበይእቲ ዕለት ፈጠረ ላቲ ኵሎ አብሕርተ በበ ምጉባኢሆሙ ወኵሎሙ አፍላግ ወምጉባኢሆሙ ለማያት ውስተ አድባር ወውስተ ኵሉ ምድር ወኵሎሙ ምዕቃላተ ወኵሎ ጠለ ምድር ወዘርእ ዘይዘራእ ዘርኡ ወኵሎ ዘይትበላዕ ወዕፀው እለ ይፈርዩ ወኦማተ ወገነተ ኤዶም በኤዶም ለተድላ ወለኵሉ ወአርባዕተ ዘንተ ዐበይተ ትውልደ ገብረ በዕለተ ሣልስት።,"On that day he created for them all the seas — each with the places where they collected — all the rivers, and the places where the waters collected in the mountains and on the whole earth; all the reservoirs, all the dew of the earth; the seed that is sown — with each of its kinds — all that sprouts, the fruit trees, the forests, and the garden of Eden (which is) in Eden for enjoyment and for food. These four great types he made on the third day." ወበዕለተ ራብዕት ገብረ እግዚአብሔር ፀሐየ ወወርኀ ወከዋክብተ ወአንበሮሙ ውስተ ምጽናዓተ ሰማይ ከመ ያብርሁ ውስተ ኵሉ ምድር ወለኰንኖ መዓልተ ወሌሊተ ወለፈሊጥ ማእከለ ብርሃን ወጽልመት።,"On the fourth day the Lord made the sun, the moon, and the stars. He placed them in the heavenly firmament to shine on the whole earth, to rule over day and night, and to separate between light and darkness." ወወሀበ እግዚአብሔር ፀሐየ ለትእምርት ዐቢይ ዲበ ምድር ለመዋዕል ወለሰንበት ወለአውራኅ ወለበዓላት ወለዓመታት ወለሰንበታተ ዓመታት ወለኢዮቤልዉሳት ወለኵሉ ጊዜ ለዓመታት።,"The Lord appointed the sun as a great sign above the earth for days, sabbaths, months, festivals, years, sabbaths of years, jubilees, and all times of the years." ወይፈልጥ ማእከለ ብርሃን ወማእከለ ጽልመት ወለጥዕዮ ከመ ይጥዒ ኵሉ ዘይሠርፅ ወይልህቅ ዲበ ምድር ሠለስተ ዘንተ ዘመደ ገብረ በዕለተ ራብዕት።,It separates between light and darkness and (serves) for wellbeing so that everything that sprouts and grows on the earth may prosper. These three types he made on the fourth day. ወበዕለተ ኃምስት ፈጠረ ዐናብርተ ዐበይተ ማእከለ ቀላያተ ማያት እስመ ዝንቱ ተገብረ ቀዳሚ በእደዊሁ ዘሥጋ ወኵሉ ዘይትሐወስ ውስተ ማያት ዓሣት ወኵሉ ዘይሰርር አዕዋፈ ወኵሎ ዘመዶሙ።,"On the fifth day he created the great sea monsters within the watery depths, for these were the first animate beings made by his hands; all the fish that move about in the waters, all flying birds, and all their kinds." ወሠረቀ ፀሐይ ላዕሌሆሙ ለጥዒና ወላዕለ ኵሉ ዘሀሎ ውስተ ምድር ኵሎ ዘይሠርፅ እምድር ወኵሉ ዕፀው ዘይፈሪ ወኵሉ ዘሥጋ ዘንተ ሠለስተ ዘመደ ገብረ አመ ዕለተ ኃምስት።,"The sun shone over them for (their) wellbeing and over everything that was on the earth — all that sprouts from the ground, all fruit trees, and all animate beings. These three kinds he made on the fifth day." ወበዕለተ ሳድስት ገብረ ኵሎ አራዊተ ምድር ወኵሎ እንስሳ ወኵሎ ዘይትሐወስ ዲበ ምድር።,"On the sixth day he made all the land animals, all cattle, and everything that moves about on the earth." ወእምድኅረ ዝኵሉ ገብረ ሰብአ አሐደ ብእሴ ወብእሲተ ገብሮሙ ወአስለጦ ለኵሉ ዘዲበ ምድር ወዘውስተ አብሕርት ወዲበ ዘይሰርር ወዲበ አራዊት ወዲበ እንስሳ ወዲበ ኵሉ ዘይትሐወስ ዲበ ምድር ወላዕለ ኵሉ ምድር ወዲበ ዝኵሉ አስለጦ ወአርባዕተ ዘንተ ዘመደ ገብረ በዕለተ ሳድስት።,"After all this, he made mankind — as one man and a woman he made them. He made him rule everything on earth and in the seas and over flying creatures, animals, cattle, everything that moves about on the earth, and the entire earth. Over all these he made him rule. These four kinds he made on the sixth day." ወኮነ ኵሉ ዕሥራ ወክልኤቱ ዘመድ።,The total was 22 kinds. ወፈጸመ ኵሎ ግብሮ በዕለተ ሳድስት ኵሎ ዘበሰማይ ወዘበምድር ወውስተ አብሕርት ወውስተ ቀላያት ወውስተ ብርሃን ወውስተ ጽልመት ወውስተ ኵሉ።,"He finished all his works on the sixth day: everything in heaven, on the earth, in the seas, in the depths, in the light, in the darkness, and in every place." ወወሀበነ ትእምርተ ዐቢየ ዕለተ ሰንበታት ከመ ንኩን እንዘ ንገብር ሰዱሰ ዕለተ ግብረ ወናሰንብት አመ ዕለተ ሳብዕት እምኵሉ ግብር።,He gave us the sabbath day as a great sign so that we should perform work for six days and that we should keep sabbath from all work on the seventh day. ኵሎሙ መላእክተ ገጽ ወኵሎሙ መላእክተ ቅድሳት ክልኤተ ዘመደ ዐበይተ ዘንተ ይቤለነ ናሰንብት ምስሌሁ በሰማይ ወበምድር።,He told us — all the angels of the presence and all the angels of holiness (these two great kinds) — to keep sabbath with him in heaven and on earth. ወይቤለነ ናሁ አነ እፈልጥ ሊተ ሕዝበ እማእከለ አሕዛብየ ወያሰነብቱ እሙንቱኒ ወእቄድሶ ሊተ ለሕዝብ ወእባርኮ በከመ ቀደስክዋ ለዕለተ ሰንበት ወእቄድሶ ሊተ ወከመዝ እባርኮ ወይከውኑኒ ሕዝብየ ወአነ እከውኖሙ አምላከ።,"He said to us: ‘I will now separate a people for myself from among my nations. They, too, will keep sabbath. I will sanctify the people for myself and will bless them as I sanctified the sabbath day. I will sanctify them for myself; in this way I will bless them. They will become my people and I will become their God." ወኀረይኩ በዘርአ ያዕቆብ በኵሉ እምዘርኢኩ ወጸሐፍክዎ ሊተ ወልደ በኵረ ወቀደስክዎ ሊተ ለዓለመ ዓለም ወዕለታተ ሰንበታት እኤምሮሙ ከመ ያሰንብቱ ባቲ እምኵሉ ግብር።,I have chosen the descendants of Jacob among all of those whom I have seen. I have recorded them as my first-born son and have sanctified them for myself throughout the ages of eternity. I will tell them about the sabbath days so that they may keep sabbath from all work on them’. ወግብረ ቦቱ ትእምርተ ከማሁ በዘ ያሰነብቱ እሙንቱኒ ምስሌነ በዕለተ ሳብዕት ለበሊዕ ወለሰቲይ ወለባርኮ ዘፈጠረ ኵሎ በከመ ባረኮ ወቀደሶ ሎቱ ሕዝበ ዘያስተርኢ እምኵሉ አሕዛብ ወከመ ያሰንብቱ ኅቡረ ምስሌነ።,"In this way he made a sign on it by which they, too, would keep sabbath with us on the seventh day to eat, drink, and bless the creator of all as he had blessed them and sanctified them for himself as a noteworthy people out of all the nations; and to keep sabbath together with us." ወገብረ ፈቃዳቲሁ ይዕርግ መዓዛ ሠናይ ዘይትወከፍ ቅድሜሁ ኵሎ መዋዕለ።,He made his commands rise as a fine fragrance which is acceptable in his presence for all times. ዕሥራ ወክልኤ አርእስተ ሰብእ እምአዳም እስከኔሁ ወዕሥራ ወክልኤ ዘመደ ግብር ተገብረ እስከ ዕለተ ሳብዕት ዝንቱ ቡሩክ ወቅዱስ ወውእቱኒ ቡሩክ ወቅዱስ ወዝንቱ ምስለ ዝንቱ ኮነ ለቅዳሴ ወለበረከት።,"There were 22 leaders of humanity from Adam until him; and 22 kinds of works were made until the seventh day. The latter is blessed and holy and the former, too, is blessed and holy. The one with the other served (the purposes of) holiness and blessing." ወተውህበ ለዝንቱ ከመ ይኩኑ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ቡሩካነ ወቅዱሳነ ዘስምዕ ወሕግ ቀዳሚ በከመ ተቀደሰ ወተባረከ በዕለተ ሳብዕት።,"It was granted to these that for all times they should be the blessed and holy ones of the testimony and of the first law, as it was sanctified and blessed on the seventh day." ፈጠረ ሰማየ ወምድረ ወኵሎ ዘተፈጥረ በሰዱስ ዕለት ወወሀበ እግዚአብሔር ዕለተ በዓል ቅድስተ ለኵሉ ምግባሩ በእንተዝ አዘዘ በእንቲአሃ ኵሉ ዘይገብር ባቲ ኵሎ ግብረ ይሙት ወዘኒ ያረኵሳ ሞተ ለይሙት።,"He created the heavens, the earth, and everything that was created in six days. The Lord gave a holy festal day to all his creation. For this reason he gave orders regarding it that anyone who would do any work on it was to die; also, the one who would defile it was to die." ወአንተ አዝዝ ለደቂቀ እስራኤል ወይዕቀቡ ዕለተ ዛቲ ይቀድስዋ ወከመ ኢይግበሩ ባቲ ኵሎ ግብረ ወከመ ኢያርኵስዋ እስመ ቅድስት ይእቲ እምኵሉ መዋዕል።,"Now you command the Israelites to observe this day so that they may sanctify it, not do any work on it, and not defile it for it is holier than all (other) days." ኵሉ ዘያጌምና ሞተ ይሙት ወኵሉ ዘይገብር ባቲ ኵሎ ግብረ ሞተ ይሙት ለዓለም ከመ ይዕቀቡ ደቂቀ እስራኤል ዛተ ዕለተ በትውልዶሙ ወኢይሠረዉ እምድር እስመ ዕለት ቅድስት ይእቲ ወዕለት ቡርክት ይእቲ።,Anyone who profanes it is to die and anyone who does any work on it is to die eternally so that the Israelites may observe this day throughout their history and not be uprooted from the earth. For it is a holy day; it is a blessed day. ወኵሉ ሰብእ ዘየዐቅብ ወያሰነብት ባቲ እምኵሉ ግብሩ ቅዱሰ ወቡሩከ ይከውን በኵሉ መዋዕል ከማነ።,Everyone who observes (it) and keeps sabbath on it from all his work will be holy and blessed throughout all times like us. አይድዕ ወንግር ለደቂቀ እስራኤል ኵነኔሃ ለዛቲ ዕለት ወያሰንብቱ ባቲ ወኢይኅድግዋ በስሕተተ ልቦሙ ከመ ኢይኩኑ ለገቢረ ግብር ባቲ ዘኢይከውን ዘያስተርኢ ለገቢረ ባቲ ፈቃዶሙ ወከመ ያስተዳልዉ ባቲ ኵሎ ዘይትበላዕ ወዘይሰተይ ወለቀዲሐ ማይ ወለአብኦ ባቲ ኵሎ ዘይጸውር በአናቅጺሆሙ ዘኢያስተዳለዉ ሎሙ እሙንቱ በሰዱስ ዕለት ግብረ ውስተ መኃድሪሆሙ።,"Inform and tell the Israelites the law (which relates to) this day and that they should keep sabbath on it and not neglect it through the error of their minds lest they do (any) work on it — (the day) on which it is not proper to do what they wish, namely: to prepare on it anything that is to be eaten or drunk; to draw water; to bring in or remove on it anything which one carries in their gates — (any) work that they had not prepared for themselves in their dwellings on the sixth day." ወኢያውፅኡ ወኢያብኡ እምቤት ቤተ በዛቲ ዕለት እስመ ቅድስት ይእቲ ወቡርክት ይእቲ እምኵሉ ዕለተ ኢዮቤል ዘኢዮቤልዉሳት ባቲ አሰንበትነ በሰማያት ዘእንበለ ይትአመር ለኵሉ ዘሥጋ ለአሰንብቶ ባቲ በምድር።,They are not to bring (anything) out or in from house to house on this day because it is more holy and more blessed than any of the jubilee of jubilees. On it we kept sabbath in heaven before it was made known to all humanity that 1on it they should keep sabbath on earth. ወባረከ ፈጣሬ ኵሉ ወኢቀደሰ ኵሎ ሕዝበ ወአሕዛበ ለአሰንብቶ ባቲ ዘእንበለ እስራኤልሃ ባሕቲቶ ሎቱ ለባሕቲቱ ወሀቦ ይብልዑ ወይስተዩ ወለአሰንብቶ ባቲ ዲበ ምድር።,"The creator of all blessed but did not sanctify any people(s) and nations to keep sabbath on it except Israel alone. To it alone did he give (the right) to eat, drink, and keep sabbath on it upon the earth." ወባረካ ፈጣሬ ኵሉ ዘፈጠረ ዛተ ዕለተ ለበረከት ወለቅድሳት ወለስብሐት እምኵሉ መዋዕል።,"The creator of all who created this day blessed it for (the purposes of) blessing, holiness, and glory more than all (other) days." ዝንቱ ሕግ ወስምዕ ተውህበ ለደቂቀ እስራኤል ሕግ ዘለዓለም ለትውልዶሙ።,This law and testimony were given to the Israelites as an eternal law throughout their history. ወበሰዱስ መዋዕል ዘሰንበት ካልእ አምጻእነ በቃለ እግዚአብሔር ኀበ አዳም ኵሎ አራዊተ ወኵሎ እንስሳ ወኵሎ አዕዋፈ ወኵሎ ዘይትሐወስ ውስተ ምድር ወኵሎ ዘይትሐወስ ውስተ ማይ በበ ዘመዶሙ ወበበ አምሳሎሙ ወአራዊተ በቀዳሚት ዕለት ወእንስሳ በሳኒታ ዕለት ወአዕዋፈ በዕለተ ሣልስት ወኵሎ ዘይትሐወስ ዲበ ምድር በዕለተ ራብዕት ወዘይትሐወስ ውስተ ማይ በዕለተ ኃምስት።,"On the sixth day of the second week we brought to Adam, on the Lord’s orders, all animals, all cattle, all birds, everything that moves about on the earth, and everything that moves about in the water — in their various kinds and various forms: the animals on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; everything that moves about on the earth on the fourth day; and the ones that move about in the water on the fifth day." ወሰመዮሙ አዳም ለኵሎሙ በበ አስማቲሆሙ ወበከመ ጸውዖሙ ከማሁ ኮነ ስሞሙ።,"Adam named them all, each with its own name. Whatever he called them became their name." ወበኃምስ እላ መዋዕል ሀለወ አዳም እንዘ ይሬኢ ዘንተ ኵሎ ተባዕተ ወአንስተ በኵሉ ዘመድ ዘበምድር ወውእቱሰ ሀሎ ባሕቲቱ ወአልቦ ዘረከበ ሎቱ ዘይረድኦ ዘከማሁ።,During these five days Adam was looking at all of these — male and female among every kind that was on the earth. But he himself was alone; there was no one whom he found for himself who would be for him a helper who was like him. ወይቤለነ እግዚአብሔር ለነ አኮ ሠናይ የሀሉ ብእሲ ባሕቲቱ ንግበር ሎቱ መርድአ ዘከማሁ።,Then the Lord said to us: ‘It is not good that the man should be alone. Let us make him a helper who is like him’. ወወደየ እግዚአብሔር አምላክነ ሕድመተ ላዕሌሁ ወኖመ ወነሥአ ለብእሲት እማእከለ አዕጽምቲሁ ዐጽመ አሐደ ወይእቲ ገቦ ፍጥረታ ለብእሲት እማእከለ አዕጽምቲሁ ወሐነጸ ሥጋ ህየንቴሃ ወሐነጸ ብእሲተ።,The Lord our God imposed a sound slumber on him and he fell asleep. Then he took one of his bones for a woman. That rib was the origin of the woman — from among his bones. He built up the flesh in its place and built the woman. ወአንቅሆ ለአዳም እምንዋሙ ወነቂሆ ተንሥአ በዕለተ ሳድስት ወአምጽአ ኀቤሃ ወአእመራ ወይቤላ ዝንቱ ይእዜ ዐጽም እምዐጽምየ ወሥጋ እምሥጋየ ዛቲ ትሰመይ ብእሲትየ እስመ እምነ ብእሲሃ ተንሥአት።,"Then he awakened Adam from his sleep. When he awoke, he got up on the sixth day. Then he brought (him) to her. He knew her and said to her: ‘This is now bone from my bone and flesh from my flesh. This one will be called my wife, for she was taken from her husband’." በእንተዝ ይኩን ብእሲ ወብእሲት አሐደ ወበእንተዝ የኀድግ አባሁ ወእሞ ወይፃመር ምስለ ብእሲቱ ወይከውኑ ሥጋ አሐደ።,"For this reason a man and a woman are to become one, and for this reason he leaves his father and his mother. He associates with his wife, and they become one flesh." በሳብዕት ቀዳሚት አዳም ወገቦ ብእሲቱ ወበሳብዕት ካልእት አርአዮ ኪያሃ ሎቱ ወበእንተ ዝንቱ ተውህበ ትእዛዝ ለዐቂበ ሰቡዕ መዋዕል ለተባዕት ወለአንስት ክልኤ ሰቡዕ መዋዕል ውስተ ርኵሶን።,"In the first week Adam and his wife — the rib — were created, and in the second week he showed her to him. Therefore, a commandment was given to keep (women) in their defilement seven days for a male (child) and for a female two (units) of seven days." ወእምድኅረ ተፈጸመ ለአዳም አርብዓ መዋዕል በምድር ኀበ ተፈጥረ አባእናሁ ውስተ ገነተ ኤዶም ከመ ይትቀነይ ወይዕቀባ ወብእሲቶኒ አብኡ በሰማንያ መዋዕል እምድኅረ ዝንቱ ቦአት ውስተ ገነተ ኤዶም።,"After 40 days had come to an end for Adam in the land where he had been created, we brought him into the Garden of Eden to work and keep it. His wife was brought (there) on the eightieth day. After this she entered the Garden of Eden." በእንተ ዝንቱ ተጽሕፈ ትእዛዝ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ለእንተ ትወልድ ለእመ ተባዕተ ወለደት ሰቡዐ መዋዕለ ትንበር ውስተ ርኵሳ በከመ ሰቡዕ መዋዕል ቀዳሚት ወሠላሳ መዋዕለ ወሠሉሰ ዕለተ ትንበር ውስተ ደመ ንጽሕ ወኵሎ ቅዱሰ ኢትግሥሥ ወውስተ መቅደስ ኢትባእ እስከ አመ ትፌጽም ዘንተ መዋዕለ ዘበተባዕት።,"For this reason a commandment was written in the heavenly tablets for the one who gives birth to a child: if she gives birth to a male, she is to remain in her impurity for seven days like the first seven days; then for 33 days she is to remain in the blood of purification. She is not to touch any sacred thing nor to enter the sanctuary until she completes these days for a male." ወዘበአንስት ክልኤ ሰቡዓተ መዋዕለ በከመ ክልኤ ሰቡዓት ቀዳሚያት በርኵሳ ወስሳ መዋዕለ ወሰዱሰ ዕለተ ትንበር በደመ ንጽሕ ወይከውና ኵሎን ሰማንያ መዋዕለ።,As for a female she is to remain in her impurity for two weeks of days like the first two weeks and 66 days in the blood of purification. Their total is 80 days. ወፈጺማ እላንተ ሰማንያ መዋዕለ አባእናሃ ውስተ ገነተ ኤዶም እስመ ቅድስት ይእቲ ውለተ ኵሉ ምድር ወኵሉ ዕፅ ዘትኩል ውስቴታ ቅዱስ።,"After she had completed these 80 days, we brought her into the Garden of Eden because it is the holiest in the entire earth, and every tree which is planted in it is holy." በእንተዝ ተሠርዐ ለእንተ ትወልድ ለተባዕት ወለእንስት ፍትሖን ለእላንቱ መዋዕል ኵሎ ቅዱሰ ኢትልክፍ ወውስተ መቅደስ ኢትባእ እስከ አመ ይትፌጸማ እላንቱ መዋዕል ለተባዕት ወለእንስት።,For this reason the law of these days has been ordained for the one who gives birth to a male or a female. She is not to touch any sacred thing nor to enter the sanctuary until the time when those days for a male or a female are completed. ዝንቱ ሕግ ወሰምዕ ዘተጽሕፈ ለእስራኤል ይዕቀቡ ኵሎ መዋዕለ።,These are the law and testimony that were written for Israel to keep for all times. ወበሱባዔ ቀዳማዊ ዘኢዮቤልዉ ቀዳሚ ወለወ አዳም ወብእሲቱ ሰብዓተ ዓመተ ውስተ ገነተ ኤዶም እንዘ ይትቀነይ ወየዐቅባ ወምግባረ ወሀብናሁ ወሀሎነ እንዘ ንሜህሮ ገቢሮቶ ኵሎ ዘያስተርኢ ለቅኔ።,During the first week of the first jubilee Adam and his wife spent the seven years in the Garden of Eden working and guarding it. We gave him work and were teaching him (how) to do everything that was appropriate for working (it). ወሀሎ እንዘ ይትቀነይ ወውእቱሰ ዕራቁ ወኢያአምር ወኢየኀፍር ወየዐቅብ ገነተ እምአዕዋፍ ወእምአራዊት ወእምእንስሳ ወያስተጋብእ ፍሬሁ ወይበልዕ ወያነብር ትራፎ ሎቱ ወለብእሲቱ ወያነብር ዘይትዐቀብ።,"While he was working (it) he was naked but did not realize (it) nor was he ashamed. He would guard the garden against birds, animals, and cattle. He would gather its fruit and eat (it) and would store its surplus for himself and his wife. He would store what was being kept." ወኀሊቆ ፍጻሜሁ ለሰብዓቱ ዓመት እለ ፈጸመ በህየ ሰብዓተ ዓመተ ጥንቁቀ ወበካልእ ወርኅ አመ ዐሡሩ ወሰቡዑ መጽአ አርዌ ምድር ወቀርበ ኀበ ብእሲት ወይቤላ አርዌ ምድር ለብእሲት እምኵሉ ፍሬ ዕፀው ዘውስተ ገነት አዘዘክሙ እግዚአብሔር እንዘ ይብል ኢትብልዑ እምኔሁ።,"When the conclusion of the seven years which he had completed there arrived — seven years exactly — in the second month, on the seventeenth, the serpent came and approached the woman. The serpent said to the woman: ‘Is it from all the fruit of the trees in the garden (that) the Lord has commanded you: Do not eat from it?»’" ወትቤሎ እምኵሉ ፍሬ ዕፅ ዘውስተ ገነት ይቤለነ እግዚአብሔር ብልዑ ወእምነ ፍሬ ዕፅ ዘማእከለ ገነት ይቤለነ ኢትብልዑ እመኔሁ ወኢትልክፍዎ ከመ ኢትሙቱ።,She said to him: ‘From all the fruit of the tree(s) which are in the garden the Lord told us: Eat». But from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden he told us: Do not eat from it and do not touch it so that you may not die»’. ወይቤላ አርዌ ምድር ለብእሲት አኮ ሞተ ዘትመውቱ እስመ ያአምር እግዚአብሔር አመ ዕለተ ትበልዑ ይትረኀው አዕይንቲክሙ ወትከውኑ ከመ አማልክት ወታአምሩ ሠናየ ወእኩየ።,"Then the serpent said to the woman: ‘You will not really die because the Lord knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, you will become like gods, and you will know good and evil’." ወርእየት ብእሲት ዕፀ ከመ አዳም ውእቱ ወያሠምር ለዐይን ወሠናይ ፍሬሁ ለበሊይ ወነሥአት እምኔሁ ወበልዐት።,The woman saw that the tree was delightful and pleasing to the eye and (that) its fruit was good to eat. So she took some of it and ate (it). ወከደነት ኀፍረታ በቈጽለ በለስ ዘቀዳሚ ወወሀበቶ ለአዳም ወበልዐ ወተርኅወ አዕይንቲሁ ወርእየ ከመ ዕራቁ ውእቱ።,"She first covered her shame with fig leaves and then gave it to Adam. He ate (it), his eyes were opened, and he saw that he was naked." ወነሥአ ቈጽለ በለስ ወጠቀበ ወገብረ ሎቱ ሞራአ ወከደነ ኀፍረቶ።,He took fig leaves and sewed (them); (thus) he made himself an apron and covered his shame. ወረገሞ እግዚአብሔር ለአርዌ ምድር ወተምዕዎ ለዓለም ወለብእሲትሂ ተምዕዓ እስመ ሰምዐት ቃለ አርዌ ምድር ወበልዐት ወይቤላ።,"The Lord cursed the serpent and was angry at it forever. At the woman, too, he was angry because she had listened to the serpent and eaten. He said to her:" አብዝኆ አበዝኅ ሐዘንኪ ወፀዕርኪ በሐዘን ለዲ ውሉደ ወኀበ ምትኪ ምግባኢኪ ወውእቱ ይኴንነኪ።,‘I will indeed multiply your sadness and your pain. Bear children in sadness. Your place of refuge will be with your husband; he will rule over you’. ወለአዳምሂ ይቤሎ እስመ ሰማዕከ ለብእሲትከ ወበላዕከ እምውስተ ውእቱ ዕፅ ዘአዘዝኩከ ከመ ኢትብላዕ እምኔሁ ርግምተ ትኩን ምድር በእንቲአከ አስዋከ ወአሜከላ ይብቈልከ ወብላዕ ኅብስተከ በሃፈ ገጽከ እስከ አመ ትገብእ ውስተ ምድር እንተ እመኔሃ ተንሣእከ እስመ ምድር አንተ ወውስተ ምድር ትገብእ።,"Then he said to Adam: ‘Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat, may the ground be cursed on account of you. May it grow thorns and thistles for you. Eat your food in the sweat of your face until you return to the earth from which you were taken. For earth you are and to the earth you will return’." ወገብረ ሎሙ አልባሰ ዘማእስ ወአልቦሶሙ ወፈነዎሙ እምገነተ ኤዶም።,"He made clothing out of skins for them, clothed them, and dismissed them from the Garden of Eden." ወበይእቲ ዕለት እንዘ ይወፅእ እምገነተ ኤዶም ዐጠነ ለመዓዛ ሠናይ ዕጣነ ስሒነ ወቅንአተ ወማየ ልብን ወሰንበልተ በጽባሕ ምስለ ትንሣኤ ፀሐይ አመ ከደነ ኃፍረቶ።,"On that day, as he was leaving the Garden of Eden, he burned incense as a pleasing fragrance — frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and aromatic spices — in the early morning when the sun rose at the time when he covered his shame." ወበይእቲ ዕለት ተፈጸመ አፈ ኵሉ አራዊተ ወዘእንስሳ ወዘአዕዋፍ ወዘያንሶሱ ወዘይትሐወስ እምነቢብ እስመ ኵሎሙ ይትናገሩ ዝንቱ ምስለ ዝንቱ ከንፈረ አሐደ ወልሳነ አሐደ።,"On that day the mouths of all the animals, the cattle, the birds, everything that walks and everything that moves about were made incapable of speaking because all of them used to converse with one another in one language and one tongue." ወፈነወ እምገነተ ኤዶም ኵሎ ዘሥጋ ዘሀሎ ውስተ ነገተ ኤዶም ወተዘርዉ ኵሉ ዘሥጋ በበ ዘመዶሙ ወበበ ፍጥረቶሙ ውስተ መካን ዘተፈጥረ ሎሙ።,He dismissed from the Garden of Eden all the animate beings that were in the Garden of Eden. All animate beings were dispersed — each by its kind and each by its nature — into the place(s) which had been created for them. ወለአዳም ባሕቲቱ ወሀቦ ይክድን ኃፍረቶ እምኵሉ አራዊት ወእንስሳ።,But of all the animals and cattle he permitted Adam alone to cover his shame. በእንተዝ ተአዘዘ ውስተ ጽላት ላዕለ ኵሎሙ እለ ያአምሩ ፍትሐ ሕግ ይክድኑ ኀፍረቶሙ ወኢይትከሠቱ ከመ አሕዛብ ይትከሠቱ።,For this reason it has been commanded in the tablets regarding all those who know the judgment of the law that they cover their shame and not uncover themselves as the nations uncover themselves. ወአመ ሠርቀ ወርኅ ራብዕ ወፅኡ አዳም ወብእሲቱ እምገነተ ኤዶም ወኀደሩ ውስተ ምድረ ኤልዳ ውስተ ምድረ ፍጥረቶሙ።,"At the beginning of the fourth month Adam and his wife departed from the Garden of Eden. They lived in the land of Elda, in the land where they were created." ወሰመየ አዳም ስመ ብእሲቱ ሔዋ።,Adam named his wife Eve. ወኢኮኑ ምስለ ወልድ እስከ ቀዳሚ ኢዮቤልዉ ወእምድኅረ ዝንቱ አእመራ።,They were childless throughout the first jubilee; afterwards he knew her. ወውእቱሰ ይትጌበራ ለምድር በከመ ተምህረ በገነተ ኤዶም።,He himself was working the land as he had been taught in the Garden of Eden. ወበሣልስ ሱባዔ በካልእ ኢዮቤልዉ ወለደቶ ለቃየን ወበራብዕ ወለደቶ ለአቤል ወበኃምስ ወለደታ ለአዋን ወለቱ።,"In the third week in the second jubilee [years 64-70], she gave birth to Cain; in the fourth [71-77] she gave birth to Abel; and in the fifth [78-84] she gave birth to his daughter Awan." ወበቀዳሚሁ ለኢዮቤልዉ ሣልስ ቀተሎ ቃየን ወልደ በታስዕ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ቀዳሚ በሣልስ ዓመት በሱባዔሁ ለዝ ወጸውዐ ስሞ መላልኤል።,During the first (week) of the third jubilee [99-105] Cain killed Abel because we had accepted his sacrifice from him but from Cain we had not accepted (one). ወቀተሎ ፡ በገዳም ፡ ወጸርኀ ፡ ደሙ ፡ እምድር ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሰማይ ፡ እንዘ ፡ ይበኪ ፡ በአንተ ፡ ዘተቀትለ ።,"When he killed him in a field, his blood cried out from the ground to heaven — crying because he had been killed." ወዘለፎ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለቃየን ፡ በእንተ ፡ አቤል ፡ በእንተ ፡ ዘቀተሎ ፡ ወገብረ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ኑኅ ፡ ዲበ ፡ ምድር ፡ በእንተ ፡ ደመ ፡ እፓኑሁ ፡ ወረገሞ ፡ በዲበ ፡ ምድር ።,"The Lord blamed Cain regarding Abel because he had killed him. While he allowed him a length (of time) on the earth because of his brother’s blood, he cursed him upon the earth." በእንተ ፡ ዝንቱ ፡ ተጽሕፈ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ጽሳተ ፡ ሰማይ ፡ ርጉም ፡ ዘይዘብጥ ፡ ካልኦ ፡ በእከይ ፡፡ ወይቤሉ ፡ ኵሎሙ ፡ እለ ፡ ርእዩ ፡ ይኩን ፡ ወሰብእ ፡ ዘርእየ ፡ ወኢነ ገረ ፡ ይኩን ፡ ርጉመ ፡ ከማሁ ።,For this reason it has been written on the heavenly tablets: ‘Cursed is the person who beats his companion maliciously’. All who saw (it) said: ‘Let him be (cursed). And let the man who has seen but has not told be cursed like him’. በእንተዝ ፡ ንሕነ ፡ ናየድዕ ፡ መጺአነ ፡ ቅድመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ አምሳክነ ፡ ዙሎ ፡ ኃጢአተ ፡ ዘይከውን ፡ ውስተ ፡ ሰማይ ፡ ወምድር ፡ ወዘበብርሃን ፡ ወዘበጽልመት ፡ ወዘበዙሉ ።,"For this reason we report, when we come before the Lord our God, all the sins which take place in heaven and on earth — what (happens) in the light, in the darkness, or in any place." ወሀለዉ ፡ አዳም ፡ ወብእሲቱ እንዘ ፡ ይሳሕዉ ፡ በእንተ ፡ አቤል ፡ አርባዕተ ፡ ሱባዔ ፡ ዓመት ወበራብዕ ፡ ዓመት ፡ ዘሱባዔ ፡ ኃምስ ፡ ተፈሥሑ ወአእመራ ፡ ዳግመ ፡ ለብእሲቱ ፡ ወወለደት ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ወልደ ፡ ወሰመዮ ፡ ስሞ ፡ ሴት ፡ እስመ ፡ ይቤ ፡ አንሥአ ፡ ለነ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ዘርአ ፡ ውስተ ፡ ምድር ፡ ካልአ ፡ ህየንተ ፡ አቤል ፡ እስመ ፡ ቀተሎ ፡ ቃየን ።,"Adam and his wife spent four weeks of years mourning for Abel. Then in the fourth year of the fifth week [130] they became happy. Adam again knew his wife, and she gave birth to a son for him. He named him Seth because he said: ‘The Lord has raised up for us another offspring on the earth in place of Abel’ (for Cain had killed him)." በሱባዔ ፡ ሳድስ ፡ ወለዳ ፡ ለአዙራ ፡ ወለቱ ።,In the sixth week [134-40] he became the father of his daughter Azura. ወነሥአ ፡ ቃየን ፡ ለአዋን ፡ እኅቱ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ብእሲተ ፡ ወወለደት ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ኡኖኅሃ ፡ በፍጸሚ ፡ ራብዕ ፡ ኢዮቤልዉ ወበአሐዱ ፡ ዓመት ፡ ዘሱባዔ ፡ ቀዳሚ ፡ ኃምስ ፡ ኢዮቤልዉ ፡ ተሐንጹ ፡ አብያት ፡ ውስተ ፡ ምድር ፡ ወሐነጸ ፡ ቃየን ፡ ሀገረ ፡ ወሰመያ ፡ ስማ ፡ በስመ ፡ ወልዱ ፡ ኡኖኅ ።,"Cain married his sister Awan, and at the end of the fourth jubilee [148-96] she gave birth to Enoch for him. In the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee [197] houses were built on the earth. Then Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch." ወአዳም ፡ አእመራ ፡ ለሔዋ ፡ ብእሲቱ ፡ ወወለደት ፡ ዓዲ ፡ ተስዓተ ፡ ደቂቀ ።,"Adam knew his wife Eve, and she gave birth to nine more children." ወበሱባዔ ፡ ኃምስ ፡ ዘኃምስ ፡ ኢዮቤልዉ ፡ ነሠአ ፡ ሴት ፡ ለአዙራ ፡ እኅቱ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ብእሲተ ፡፡ ወበራብዑ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ወለደት ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ሄኖስሃ ፡።,"In the fifth week of the fifth jubilee [225-31] Seth married his sister Azura, and in its fourth (year) [228] she gave birth to Enosh for him." ውእቱ ፡ ቀዳሚ ፡ ጸውዖ ፡ ስመ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ በዲበ ፡ ምድር ።,He was the first one to call on the Lord’s name on the earth. ወበሳብዕ ፡ ኢዮቤልዉ ፡ በሱባዔ ፡ ሣልስ ፡ ነሥአ ፡ ኡኖስ ፡ ኖአምሃ ፡ እኅቶ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ብእሲተ ፡ ወወለደት ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ወልደ ፡ በሣልስ ፡ ዓመት ፡ ዘኃምስ ፡ ሱባዔ ፡ ወሰመዮ ፡ ስሞ ፡ ቃይ ናን ።,"In the seventh jubilee, in the third week [309-15] Enosh married his sister Noam. She gave birth to a son for him in the third year of the fifth week [325], and he named him Kenan." ወበፍጸሜ ፡ ሳምን ፡ ኢዮቤልዉ ፡ ነሥአ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ቃይናን ፡ ብእሲተ ፡ ሙአሌሊትሃ ፡ እኅቶ ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ብእሲተ ፡ ወወለደት ፡ ሎቱ ፡ ወልደ ፡ በታስዕ ፡ ኢዮቤልዉ ፡ በሱባዔ ፡ ቀዳሚ ፡ በሣልስ ፡ ዓመት ፡ በሱባዔሁ ፡ ለዝ ፡ ወጸውዐ ፡ ስሞ ፡ መሳልኡል ።,"At the end of the eighth jubilee [344-92] Kenan married his sister Mualelit. She gave birth to a son for him in the ninth jubilee, in the first week — in the third year of this week [395] — and he named him Malalael." ወበካልእ ሱባዔ ዘዓሥር ኢዮቤልዉ ነሥአ ሎቱ መላልኤል ብእሲተ ዲናሃ ወለተ በራክኤል ወለተ እኅተ አቡሁ ሎቱ ብእሲተ ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ በሱባዔ ሣልስ በሳድስ ዓመቱ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ያሬድሃ እስመ በመዋዕሊሁ ወረዱ መላእክተ እግዚአብሔር ውስተ ምድር እለ ተሰምዩ ትጉሃነ ከመ ይምሀርዎሙ ለደቂቀ እጓለ እመሕያው ወይገብሩ ፍትሐ ወርትዐ በዲበ ምድር።,"During the second week of the tenth jubilee [449-55] Malalael married Dinah, the daughter of Barakiel, the daughter of his father’s brother. She gave birth to a son for him in the third week, in its sixth year [461]. He named him Jared because during his lifetime the angels of the Lord who were called Watchers descended to earth to teach mankind and to do what is just and upright upon the earth." ወበዓሥር ወአሐዱ ኢዮቤልዉ ነሥአ ሎቱ ያሬድ ብእሲተ ወስማ ባረከ ወለተ ራሱእያል ወለተ እኅተ አቡሁ ሎቱ ብእሲተ በሱባዔ ራብዕ ዘኢዮቤልዉ ዝንቱ ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ በሱባዔ ኃምስ በራብዕ ዓመት ዘኢዮቤልዉ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ሄኖክ።,"In the eleventh jubilee [491-539] Jared took a wife for himself, and her name was Barakah, the daughter of Rasu’eyal, the daughter of his father’s brother, in the fourth week of this jubilee [512-18]. She gave birth to a son for him during the fifth week, in the fourth year, of the jubilee [522], and he named him Enoch." ውእቱ ቀዳሚ ተምህረ መጽሐፈ ወትምህርተ ወጥበበ እምእጓለ እመሕያው እምእለ ተወልዱ ዲበ ምድር ወዘጸሐፈ ተአምረ ሰማይ በከመ ሥረዓተ አውራኂሆሙ ውስተ መጽሐፍ ከመ ያእምሩ እጓለ እመሕያው ጊዜ ዓመታት በከመ ሥርዐታቲሆሙ ለለ ወርኆሙ።,"He was the first of mankind who were born on the earth who learned (the art of) writing, instruction, and wisdom and who wrote down in a book the signs of the sky in accord with the fixed pattern of their months so that mankind would know the seasons of the years according to the fixed patterns of each of their months." ውእቱ ቀዳሚ ጸሐፈ እምዐ ወአስምዐ ለደቂቀ እጓለ እመሕያው ውስተ ትዝምደ ምድር ወሱባዔሆሙ ለኢዮቤልዉሳት ነገረ ወመዋዕለ ዓመታት አይድዐ ወአውራኃተ ሠርዐ ወሰንበታተ ዓመታት ነገረ በከመ አይዳዕናሁ።,"He was the first to write a testimony. He testified to mankind in the generations of the earth: The weeks of the jubilees he related, and made known the days of the years; the months he arranged, and related the sabbaths of the years, as we had told him." ወዘኮነ ወዘይከውን ርእየ በራእየ ንዋሙ ዘከመ ይከውን ዲበ ደቂቀ እጓለ እመሕያው በትውልዶሙ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ደይን ኵሎ ርእየ ወአእመረ ወጸሐፎ ስምዐ ወአንበሮ ዲበ ምድር ላዕለ ኵሉ ደቂቀ እጓለ እመሕያው ወለትውልዶሙ።,While he slept he saw in a vision what has happened and what will occur — how things will happen for mankind during their history until the day of judgment. He saw everything and understood. He wrote a testimony for himself and placed it upon the earth against all mankind and for their history. ወበዐሠርቱ ወክልኤቱ ኢዮበቤልዉ በሳብዕ ሱባዔሁ ሎቱ ነሥአ ሎቱ ብእኢተ ወስማ እድኒ ወለተ ዳንኤል ወለተ እኅተ አቡሁ ሎቱ ብእሲተ ወበሳድስ ዓመት ለሱባዔሁ ለዝ ወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ማቱሳላ።,"During the twelfth jubilee, in its seventh week [582-88] he took a wife for himself. Her name was Edni, the daughter of Daniel, the daughter of his father’s brother. In the sixth year of this week [587] she gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Methuselah." ወሀሎ እንከ ምስለ መላእክተ አምላክ ስድስተ ዘኢዮቤልዉሳት ዓመታተ ወአርአይዎ ኵሎ ዘውስተ ምድር ወዘበሰማያት ስልጣኖ ለፀሐይ ወጸሐፈ ኵሎ።,"He was, moreover, with God’s angels for six jubilees of years. They showed him everything on earth and in the heavens — the dominion of the sun — and he wrote down everything." ወአስምዐ ለትጉሃን ለእለ አበሱ ምስለ አዋልደ ሰብእ እስመ አኀዙ እሉ ይደመሩ ከመ ይርኰሱ ምስለ አዋልደ ምድር ወአስምዐ ሄኖክ ላዕለ ኵሎሙ።,He testified to the Watchers who had sinned with the daughters of men because these had begun to mix with earthly women so that they became defiled. Enoch testified against all of them. ወተንሥአ እማእከለ ደቂቀ እጓለ እመሕያው ወወሰድናሁ ውስተ ገነተ ኤዶም ለዕበይ ወለክብር ወናሁ ውእቱ በህየ ይጽሕፍ ደይነ ወኵነኔ ዓለም ወኵሉ እከዮሙ ለደቂቀ እጓለ እመሕያው።,"He was taken from human society, and we led him into the Garden of Eden for (his) greatness and honor. Now he is there writing down the judgment and condemnation of the world and all the wickedness of mankind." ወበእንቲአሁ ኢመጽአ ማየ አይኅ ዲበ ኵሉ ምድረ ኤዶም እስመ ህየ ተውህበ ውእቱ ለትእምርት ወከመ ያስምዕ ላዕለ ኵሉ ደቂቀ ሰብእ ከመ ይንግር ኵሎ ግብረ ትውልድ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ደይን።,Because of him the flood water did not come on any of the land of Eden because he was placed there as a sign and to testify against all people in order to tell all the deeds of history until the day of judgment. ወውእቱ ዐጠነ ዕጣነ ምሴተ መቅደስ ዘይሰጠው ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር በደብረ ቀትር።,He burned the evening incense of the sanctuary which is acceptable before the Lord on the mountain of incense. እስመ አርባዕቱ መካን በዲበ ምድር ለእግዚአብሔር ገነተ ኤዶም ወደብረ ጽባሕ ወዝደብር ዘሀሎከ አንተ ውስቴቱ ደብረ ሲና ዮም ወደብረ ጽዮን ይትቄደስ በፍጥረት ሐዳስ ለቅዳሴ ምድር በእንተዝ ትትቄደስ ምድር እምኵሉ አበሳ ወእምርኵሳ በትውልደ ዓለም።,"For there are four places on earth that belong to the Lord: the Garden of Eden, the mountain of the east, this mountain on which you are today — Mt. Sinai — and Mt. Zion (which) will be sanctified in the new creation for the sanctification of the earth. For this reason the earth will be sanctified from all its sins and from its uncleanness into the history of eternity." ወበኢዮቤልዉ ዘውእቱ ዓሥር ወራብዕ ኢዮቤልዉ ነሥአ ማቱሳላ እድናሃ ብእሲቶ ወለተ እዝራኤል ወለተ እኅተ አቡሁ ብእሲተ ሎቱ በሱባዔ ሣልስ በዓመት አሐዱ ዘውእቱ ዓመት ወወለደ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ላሜክ።,"During the jubilee — that is, the fourteenth jubilee — Methuselah married Edna, the daughter of Ezrael, the daughter of his father’s brother, in the third week in the first year of that week [652]. He became the father of a son whom he named Lamech." ወበዓሥር ወኃምስ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ሣልስ ነሥአ ላሜክ ብእሲተ ወስማ ቤተኖስ ወለተ በራክኤል ወለተ እኅተ አቡሁ ሎቱ ብእሲተ ወበዝ ሱባዔ ወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ኖኅ እንዘ ይብል ዘይናዝዘኒ እምሐዘንየ ወእምኵሉ ግብርየ ወእምድር እንተ ረገማ እግዚአብሔር።,"In the fifteenth jubilee, in the third week [701-707], Lamech married a woman whose name was Betanosh, the daughter of Barakiel, the daughter of his father’s brother. During this week she gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Noah, explaining: ‘(He is one) who will give me consolation from my sadness, from all my work, and from the earth which the Lord cursed’." ወበፍጻሜሁ ለዓሥር ወታስዕ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ሳብዕ በሳድስ ዓመቱ ሎቱ ሞተ አዳም ወቀበርቃ ኵሎሙ ደቂቁ ወስተ ምድረ ፍጥረቱ ወውእቱ መቅድመ ተቀብረ ውስተ ምድር።,"At the end of the nineteenth jubilee, during the seventh week — in its sixth year [930] — Adam died. All his children buried him in the land where he had been created. He was the first to be buried in the ground." ወሰብዓ ዓመተ አሕጸጸ እምዐሠርቱ ምእት ዓም እስመ ዐሠርቱ ምእት ዓመት አሐቲ ዕለተ ውስተ ስምዐ ሰማያት በእንተ ዝንቱ ተጽሕፈ በእንተ ዕፅ አእምሮ እስመ በዕለተ ትበልዑ እምኔሁ ትመውቱ በእንተዝ ኢፈጸመ ዓመታተ ዛቲ ዕለት እስመ ባቲ ሞተ።,He lacked 70 years from 1000 years because 1000 years are one day in the testimony of heaven. For this reason it was written regarding the tree of knowledge: ‘On the day that you eat from it you will die’. Therefore he did not complete the years of this day because he died during it. በተፍጻሜቱ ለዝንቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ተቀትለ ቃየን እምድኅሬሁ በአሐዱ ዓም ወወድቀ ቤቱ ላዕሌሁ ወሞተ በማእከለ ቤቱ ወተቀትለ በእበኒሃ እስመ በእብን ቀተሎ ለአቤል ወበእብን ተቀትለ በኵነኔ ጽድቅ።,"At the conclusion of this jubilee Cain was killed one year after him. His house fell on him, and he died inside his house. He was killed by its stones for with a stone he had killed Abel and, by a just punishment, he was killed with a stone." በእንተዝ ተሠርዐ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ በንዋይ ዘቀተለ ብእሲ ቢጾ ቦቱ ይትቀትል በከመ አቍሰሎ ከማሁ ይግበሩ ሎቱ።,For this reason it has been ordained on the heavenly tablets: ‘By the instrument with which a man kills his fellow he is to be killed. As he wounded him so are they to do to him’. ወበዕሥራ ወኃምስ ኢዮቤልዉ ነሥአ ሎቱ ኖኅ ብእሲተ ወስማ ዕምዛራ ወለተ ራኪኤል ወለተ እኅቱ ሎቱ ብእሲተ በቀዳሚ ዓመት በሱባዔ ኃምስ ወበሣልስ ዓመቱ ወለደት ሎቱ ሴምሃ ወበኃምስ ዓመቱ ወለደት ሎቱ ካምሃ ወበዓመት ቀዳሚ በሱባዔ ሳድስ ወለደት ሎቱ ያፌትሃ።,"In the twenty-fifth jubilee Noah married a woman whose name was Emzara, the daughter of Rakiel, the daughter of his father’s brother — during the first year in the fifth week [1205]. In its third year [1207] she gave birth to Shem for him; in its fifth year [1209] she gave birth to Ham for him; and in the first year during the sixth week [1212] she gave birth to Japheth for him." ወኮነ አመ ወጠኑ ደቂቀ እጓለ እመሕያው ይብዝኁ ዲበ ገጸ ኵላ ምድር ወአዋልድ ተወልዳ ሎሙ ወርእይዎን መላእክተ እግዚአብሔር በአሐቲ ዘኢዮቤልዉ ዝንቱ እስመ ሠናያት ለርኢይ እማንቱ ወነሥእዎን ሎቶን ሎሙ አንስትያ እምኵሎን እለ ኀረዩ ወወለዳ ሎሙ ውሉደ ወእሙንቱ ረዓይት።,"When mankind began to multiply on the surface of the entire earth and daughters were born to them, the angels of the Lord — in a certain (year) of this jubilee — saw that they were beautiful to look at. So they married of them whomever they chose. They gave birth to children for them and they were giants." ወልህቀት ዐመፃ ዲበ ምድር ወኵሉ ዘሥጋ አማሰነት ፍኖታ እምሰብእ እስከ እንስሳ ወእስከ አራዊት ወእስከ አዕዋፍ ወእስከ ኵሉ ዘያንሶሱ ውስተ ምድር ኵሎሙ አማሰኑ ፍኖቶሙ ወሥርዓቶሙ ወአኀዙ ይትባልዑ በበይናቲሆሙ ወዐመፃ ልህቀት ዲበ ምድር ወኵሉ ኅሊና አእምሮ ለኵሎሙ እጓለ እመሕያው ከመዝ እኵይ ኵሎ መዋዕለ።,"Wickedness increased on the earth. All animate beings corrupted their way — (everyone of them) from people to cattle, animals, birds, and everything that moves about on the ground. All of them corrupted their way and their prescribed course. They began to devour one another, and wickedness increased on the earth. Every thought of all mankind’s knowledge was evil like this all the time." ወርእያ እግዚአብሔር ለምድር ወናሁ ማሰነት ወአማሰነት ኵላ ዘሥጋ ሥርዓታ ወአእከዩ ኵሎሙ ቅድመ አዕይንቲሁ ኩሉ ዘሀሎ ውስተ ምድር።,"The Lord saw that the earth was corrupt, (that) all animate beings had corrupted their prescribed course, and (that) all of them — everyone that was on the earth — had acted wickedly before his eyes." ወይቤ ይደመስሶ ለሰብእ ወኵሉ ዘሥጋ ዘመልዕልተ ገጸ ምድር ዘፈጠረ።,He said that he would obliterate people and all animate beings that were on the surface of the earth which he had created. ወኖኅ ባሕቲቱ ረከበ ሞገሰ በቅድመ አዕይንቲሁ።,He was pleased with Noah alone. ወዲበ መላእክቲሁ እለ ፈነወ ውስተ ምድር ተምዐ ፈድፋደ ይሠርዎሙ እምኵሉ ሥልጣኖሙ ወይቤለነ ከመ ንእስሮሙ ውስተ መዓምቅቲሃ ለምድር ወናሁ እሙንቱ እሱራን ማእከሎሙ ወብሕትዋን።,Against his angels whom he had sent to the earth he was angry enough to uproot them from all their (positions of) authority. He told us to tie them up in the depths of the earth; now they are tied within them and are alone. ወዲበ ውሉዶሙ ወፅአ ቃል እምቅድመ ገጹ ከመ ይምሐፆሙ በሰይፍ ወያሰስሎሙ እምታሕተ ሰማይ።,Regarding their children there went out from his presence an order to strike them with the sword and to remove them from beneath the sky. ወይቤ ኢይነብር መንፈስየ ዲበ ሰብእ ለዓለም እስመ እሙንቱ ሥጋ ወይኩን መዋዕሊሆሙ ምእት ወዕሥራ ዓመት።,He said: ‘My spirit will not remain on people forever for they are flesh. Their lifespan is to be 120 years’. ወፈነወ ሰይፎ ማእከሎሙ ከመ ይቅትሉ አሐዱ ቢጾሙ ወወጠኑ ይቅትሉ ዝንቱ ዘንተ እስከ ወድቁ ኵሎሙ ውስተ ሰይፍ ወተደምሰሱ እምነ ምድር።,He sent his sword among them so that they would kill one another. They began to kill each other until all of them fell by the sword and were obliterated from the earth. ወአበዊሆሙሰ ይኔጽሩ ወእምድኅረዝ ተአስሩ ውስተ መዓምቅቲሃ ለምድር እስከ ዕለተ ደይን ዐባይ ለከዊነ ኵነኔ ዲበ ኵሎሙ እለ አማሰኑ ፍናዊሆሙ ወምግባሪሆሙ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር።,"Now their fathers were watching, but afterwards they were tied up in the depths of the earth until the great day of judgment when there will be condemnation on all who have corrupted their ways and their actions before the Lord." ወደምሰሰ ኵሎ እመካኖሙ ወኢተርፈ አሐዱ እምኔሆሙ ዘኢኰነነ በኵሉ እከዮሙ።,He obliterated all from their places; there remained no one of them whom he did not judge for all their wickedness. ወገብረ ለኵሉ ግብሩ ፍጥረተ ሐዳሰ ወጻድቅተ ከመ ኢየአብሱ በኵሉ ፍጥረቶሙ እስከ ለዓለም ወይጸድቅ ኵሉ በበ ትዝምዱ ኵሎ መዋዕለ።,He made a new and righteous nature for all his creatures so that they would not sin with their whole nature until eternity. Everyone will be righteous — each according to his kind — for all time. ወኵነኔ ኵሎሙ ተሠርዐ ወተጽሕፈ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ወአልቦ ዐመፃ ወኵሎሙ እለ ይትዐደዉ እምፍኖቶሙ በእንተ ተሠርዐት ሎሙ ከመ ይሖሩ ባቲ ወለእመ ኢሖሩ ባቲ ተጽሕፈ ኵነኔ ለኵሉ ፍጥረት ወለኵሉ ትዝምድ።,"The judgment of them all has been ordained and written on the heavenly tablets; there is no injustice. (As for) all who transgress from their way in which it was ordained for them to go — if they do not go in it, judgment has been written down for each creature and for each kind." ወአልቦ ምንተኒ ዘበሰማይ ወዘበምድር ወውስተ ብርሃን ወውስተ ጽልመት ወበሲኦል ወውስተ ቀላይ ወውስተ መጽልም ወኵሉ ኵነኔሆሙ ሥሩዕ ወጽሑፍ ወቍሩጽ።,"There is nothing which is in heaven or on the earth, in the light, the darkness, Sheol, the deep, or in the dark place — all their judgments have been ordained, written, and inscribed." በእንተ ኵሉ ለዐቢይ በከመ ዕበዩ ወለንኡስሂ በከመ ንእሱ ወለለ አሐዱ በከመ ፍኖቱ ይኴንኖ።,He will exercise judgment regarding each person — the great one in accord with his greatness and the small one in accord with his smallness — each one in accord with his way. ወኢኮነ ውእቱ ዘይነሥእ ገጸ ወኢኮነ ውእቱ ዘይነሥእ ሕልያነ እመ ይቤ ይግበር ኵነኔ ለለ አሐዱ ወአሐዱ እመ ወሀበ ኵሎ ዘውስተ ምድር ኢይነሥእ ገጸ ወኢይትሜጠው እምኔሁ እስመ መኰንነ ጽድቅ ውእቱ።,"He is not one who shows favoritism nor one who takes a bribe, if he says he will execute judgment against each person. If a person gave everything on earth he would not show favoritism nor would he accept (it) from him because he is the righteous judge." ወዲበ ደቂቀ እስራኤል ተጽሕፈ ወተሠርዐ እመ ተመይጡ ኀቤሁ በጽድቅ የኀድግ ኵሎ አበሳሆሙ ወይሰሪ ኵሎ ኀጢአቶሙ።,"Regarding the Israelites it has been written and ordained: ‘If they turn to him in the right way, he will forgive all their wickedness and will pardon all their sins’." ተጽሕፈ ወተሠርዐ ይትመሐር ለኵሉ እለ ይትመየጡ እምኵሉ ጌጋዮሙ ምዕረ ለዓመት።,It has been written and ordained that he will have mercy on all who turn from all their errors once each year. ወዲበ ኵሎሙ እለ አማሰኑ ፍናዊሆሙ ወምክሮሙ እምቅድመ አይኅ ኢተንሥአ ገጾሙ ዘእንበለ ለኖኅ ባሕቲቱ እስመ ተንሥአ ሎቱ ገጹ በእንተ ውሉዱ እለ አድኀኖሙ እምነ ማየ አይኅ በእንቲአሁ እስመ ጻድቅት ይእቲ ልቡ በኵሉ ፍናዊሁ በከመ እዙዝ በእንቲአሁ ወኢተዐደወ እምኵሉ ዘሥሩዕ ሎቱ።,"To all who corrupted their ways and their plan(s) before the flood no favor was shown except to Noah alone because favor was shown to him for the sake of his children whom he saved from the flood waters for his sake because his mind was righteous in all his ways, as it had been commanded concerning him. He did not transgress from anything that had been ordained for him." ወይቤ እግዚአብሔር ይደመስስ ኵሉ ዘዲበ የብስ እምሰብእ እስከ እንስሳ እስከ አራዊት ወእስከ አዕዋፍ ወእስከ ዘይትሐወስ ዲበ ምድር።,"The Lord said that he would obliterate everything on the land — from people to cattle, animals, birds, and whatever moves about on the ground." ወአዘዞ ለኖኅ ይግበር ሎቱ ታቦተ ከመ ያድኅኖ እምነ ማየ አይኅ።,He ordered Noah to make himself an ark in order to save himself from the flood waters. ወገብረ ኖኅ ታቦተ በኵሉ በከመ አዘዞ በክልኤቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ዓመታት በኃምስ ሱባዔ በኃምስ ዓመቱ።,"Noah made an ark in every respect as he had ordered him during the twenty-seventh jubilee of years, in the fifth week, during its fifth year [1307]." ወቦአ በሳድስ ሎቱ በካልእ ወርኅ በሠርቁ ለካልእ ወርኅ እስከ አመ ዐሡሩ ወሰዱሱ ቦአ ውእቱ ወኵሉ ዘአባእነ ሎቱ ወስተ ታቦት ወዐጸዎ እግዚአብሔር እንተ አፍኣሁ በዐሡሩ ወሰቡዑ ምሴት።,"He entered (it) during its sixth (year) [1308], in the second month — on the first of the second month until the sixteenth. He and all that we brought to him entered the ark. The Lord closed it from outside on the seventeenth in the evening." ወአርኀወ እግዚአብሔር ሰብዓተ መንበሕባሕተ ሰማይ ወአፈወ አንቅዕተ ቀላይ ዐቢይ በሰብዑ አፈው በኆልቍ።,The Lord opened the seven floodgates of heaven and the openings of the sources of the great deep — there being seven openings in number. ወአኀዙ መንበሕባሕት ያውርዱ ማየ እምሰማይ አርብዓ መዋዕለ ወአርብዓ ለያልየ ወአንቅዕተ ቀላይሂ ያዐርጉ ማያተ እስከ ሶበ መልአ ኩሉ ዓለም ማየ።,"The floodgates began to send water down from the sky for 40 days and 40 nights, while the sources of the deep brought waters up until the whole earth was full of water." ወልህቅ ማያት ዲበ ምድር ዐሠርተ ወኃምስተ በእመት ተለዐለ ማያት ዲበ ኵሉ ደብር ነዋኅ ወተለዐለት ታቦት እምዲበ ምድር ወታንሶሱ ዲበ ገጸ ማያት።,The waters increased on the earth; the waters rose 15 cubits above every high mountain. The ark rose above the earth and moved about on the surface of the waters. ወሀሎ ማያት ይቀውም ዲበ ገጸ ምድር ኃምስተ አውራኀ ምእተ ወኃምሳ ዕለተ።,The waters remained standing on the surface of the earth for five months — 150 days. ወሖረት ታቦት ወአዕረፈት ዲበ ርእሰ ሉባር አሐዱ እምአድባር አራራት።,"Then the ark came to rest on the summit of Lubar, one of the mountains of Ararat." ወበወርኅ ራብዕ ተፈጸመ አንቅዕተ ቀላይ ዐቢይ ወመንበሕባሕተ ሰማይኒ ተእኅዘ ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ሳብዕ ተርኅወ ኵሉ አፈወ መዓምቅተ ምድር ወአኀዘ ማያት ይረድ ውስተ ቀላይ ታሕቲት።,"During the fourth month the sources of the great deep were closed, and the floodgates of heaven were held back. On the first of the seventh month all the sources of the earth’s deep places were opened, and the waters started to go down into the deep below." ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ዓሥር አስተርአየ አርእስተ አድባር ወበሠርቁ ለወርኅ ቀዳሚ አስተርአየት ምድር።,"On the first of the tenth month the summits of the mountains became visible, and on the first of the first month the earth became visible." ወነጸፈ ማያት እመልዕልተ ምድር በሱባዔ ኃምስ በሳብዕ ዓመቱ ሎቱ ወአመ ዓሡሩ ወሰቡዑ ዕለት ለካልእ ወርኅ የብሰት ምድር።,"The waters dried up from above the earth in the fifth week, in its seventh year [1309]. On the seventeenth day of the second month the earth was dry." ወአመ ዕሥራ ወሰቡዑ ሎቱ አርኀዋ ለታቦት ወፈነወ እምውስቴታ አራዊተ ወአዕዋፈ ወዘይትሐወስ።,"On its twenty-seventh (day) he opened the ark and sent from it the animals, birds, and whatever moves about." ወአመ ሠርቁ ለወርኅ ሣልስ ወፅእ እምነ ታቦት ወሐነጸ ምሥዋዐ ውስተ ዝንቱ ደብር።,On the first of the third month he left the ark and built an altar on this mountain. ወአስተርአየ ዲበ ምድር ወነሥአ ማሕስአ ጠሊ ወአስተስረየ በደሙ በእንተ ኵሉ አበሳ ምድር እስመ ተደምሰሰ ኵሉ ዘሀሎ ውስቴታ ዘእንበለ እለ ሀለዉ ውስተ ታቦት ምስለ ኖኅ።,"He appeared on the earth, took a kid, and atoned with its blood for all the sins of the earth because everything that was on it had been obliterated except those who were in the ark with Noah." ወአዕረገ ስብሐ ዲበ ምሥዋአ ወነሥአ ላህመ ወበሐኰ ወበግዐ ወአጣሌ ወፄወ ወመንጤጠ ወእጓለ ርግብ ወአዕረገ ጽንሐሐ ውስተ ምሥዋዕ ወይሠውይ ላዕሌሆን መሥዋዕተ ልዉስ በቅብእ ወነዝሐ ወይነ ወወደየ ላዕለ ኵሉ ስሒነ ወአዕረገ መዓዛ ሠናየ ዘይሠምር ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር።,"He placed the fat on the altar. Then he took a bull, a ram, a sheep, goats, salt, a turtledove, and a dove and offered (them as) a burnt offering on the altar. He poured on them an offering mixed with oil, sprinkled wine, and put frankincense on everything. He sent up a pleasant fragrance that was pleasing before the Lord." ወአጼነወ እግዚአብሔር መዓዛ ሠናየ ወተካየደ ምስሌሁ ኪዳነ ከመ ኢይኩን ማየ አይኅ ዘያማስን ምድረ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ምድር ዘርእ ወማእረር ኢይትነተግ ደደክ ወመርቄ ሐጋይ ወክረምት ወመዓልት ወሌሊት ኢይወልጡ ሥርዓቶሙ ወኢይንተጉ ለዓለም።,"The Lord smelled the pleasant fragrance and made a covenant with him that there would be no flood waters which would destroy the earth; (that) throughout all the days of the earth seedtime and harvest would not cease; (that) cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night would not change their prescribed pattern and would never cease." ወአንትሙኒ ለሀቁ ወተባዝኁ ውስተ ምድር ወብዝኁ ላዕሌሃ ወኩኑ ለበረከት ማእከለ ፍርሃትክሙ ወረዓድክሙ እሁብ ዲበ ኵሉ ዘውስተ ምድር ወዘውስተ ባሕር።,Now you increase and multiply yourselves on the earth and become numerous upon it. Become a blessing within it. I will put fear of you and dread of you on everything that is on the earth and in the sea. ወናሁ ወሀብኩክሙ ኵሎ አራዊተ ወኵሎ እንስሳ ወኵሎ ዘይሰርር ወኵሎ ዘይትሐወስ ውስተ ምድር ወውስተ ማያት ዓሣተ ወኵሎ ለሲሲት ከመ ሐምለ ሣዕር ወሀብኩክሙ ኵሎ ትብልዑ።,"1 have now given you all the animals, all the cattle, everything that flies, everything that moves about on the earth, the fish in the waters, and everything for food. Like the green herbs I have given you everything to eat." ወባሕቱ ሥጋ ዘምስለ መንፈሱ ምስለ ደም ኢትብልዑ እስመ ነፍሰ ኵሉ ዘሥጋ ውስተ ደም ውእቱ ከመ ኢይትኃሠሥ ደምክሙ ውስተ ነፍሳቲክሙ እምውስተ እደ ኵሉ ሰብእ እምእደ ኵሉ አኀሥሦ ለደመ ሰብእ።,But you are not to eat animate beings with their spirit — with the blood — (because the vital force of all animate beings is in the blood) so that your blood with your vital forces may not be required from the hand of any man. From the hand of each one I will require the blood of man. ዘይክዑ ደመ ሰብእ በሰብእ ደሙ ይትከዐው እስመ በመልክዐ እግዚአብሔር ገብሮ ለአዳም።,The person who sheds the blood of man will have his blood shed by man because he made mankind in the image of the Lord. ወአንትሙሂ ለሀቁ ወብዝኁ ዲበ ምድር።,As for you — increase and become numerous on the earth. ወመሐሉ ኖኅ ወደቂቁ ከመ ኢይብልዑ ኵሎ ደመ ዘበኵሉ ሥጋ ወተካየደ ኪዳነ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ለዓለም በኵሉ ትውልደ ምድር በዝንቱ ወርኅ።,Noah and his sons swore an oath not to consume any blood that was in any animate being. During this month he made a covenant before the Lord God forever throughout all the history of the earth. በእንተ ዝንቱ ተናገረከ ትትካየድ ኪዳነ አንተኒ ምስለ ደቂቀ እስራኤል በዝ ወርኅ በዲበ ደብር ምስለ መሐላ ወትነዝኅ ላዕሌሆሙ ደመ በእንተ ኵሉ ነገረ ኪዳን ዘይትካየድ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሆሙ ለኵሉ መዋዕል።,"For this reason he told you, too, to make a covenant — accompanied by an oath — with the Israelites during this month on the mountain and to sprinkle blood on them because of all the words of the covenant which the Lord was making with them for all times." ወጽሕፍት ዛቲ ስምዕ ላዕሌክሙ ከመ ትዕቀብዋ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ከመ ኢትብልዑ በኵሉ መዋዕል ኵሎ ደመ አራዊት ወአዕዋፍ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ምድር ወሰብእ ዘበልዐ ደመ አርዌ ወዘእንስሳ ወዘአዕዋፍ በኵሉ መዋዕለ ምድር ይሠሮ ውእቱ ወዘርኡ እምድር።,"This testimony has been written regarding you to keep it for all times so that you may not at any time eat any blood of animals or birds throughout all the days of the earth. (As for) the person who has eaten the blood of an animal, of cattle, or of birds during all the days of the earth — he and his descendants will be uprooted from the earth." ወአንተ አዝዞሙ ለደቂቀ እስራኤል ኢይብልዑ ኵሎ ደመ ከመ የሀሉ ስሞሙ ወዘርኦሙ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር አምላክነ መዋዕለ።,Now you command the Israelites not to eat any blood so that their name and their descendants may continue to exist before the Lord our God for all time. ወአልቦ ለዝሕግ ዐቅመ መዋዕል እስመ ለዓለም ውእቱ ይዕቀብዎ ለትውልድ ከመ ይኩኑ እንዘ ይትመሀለሉ በእንቲአሆሙ በደም በቅድመ ምሥዋዕ በኵሉ ዕለት ወዕለተ ነግህ ወሰርክ ያስተስርዩ በእንቲአሆሙ ወትረ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ከመ ይዕቀብዎ ወኢይሠረዉ።,This law has no temporal limits because it is forever. They are to keep it throughout history so that they may continue supplicating for themselves with blood in front of the altar each and every day. In the morning and in the evening they are continually to ask pardon for themselves before the Lord so that they may keep it and not be uprooted. ወወሀቦ ለኖኅ ወለደቂቁ ትእምርተ ከመ ኢይኩን ዳግመ አይኅ ዲበ ምድር።,He gave Noah and his sons a sign that there would not again be a flood on the earth. ቀስቶ ወሀበ ውስተ ደመና ለትእምርተ ኪዳን ዘለዓለም ከመ ኢይኩን እንከ ማየ አይኅ ዲበ ምድር ለአማስኖታ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ምድር።,He put his bow in the clouds as a sign of the eternal covenant that there would not henceforth be flood waters on the earth for the purpose of destroying it throughout all the days of the earth. በእንተዝ ተሠርዐ ወተጽሕፈ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ከመ ይኩኑ ገበርተ በዓል ዘሱባዔ በዝ ወርኅ ምዕረ ለዓመት ለሐዲስ ኪዳን በኵሉ ዓም ወዓመት።,For this reason it has been ordained and written on the heavenly tablets that they should celebrate the festival of weeks during this month — once a year — to renew the covenant each and every year.[2] ወኮነት ኵላ ዛቲ በዓል እንዘ ትትገበር በሰማይ እምዕለተ ፍጥረት እስከ መዋዕለ ኖኅ ዕሥራ ወስድስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ወሱባዔ ዓመት ኃምስተ ወዐቀብዋ ኖኅ ወደቂቁ ሰብዓተ ኢዮቤልዉ ወሱባዔ ዓመታት አሐተ እስከ አመሞቱ ለኖኅ ወእምዕለተ ሞቱ ለኖኅ አማስኑ ውሉዱ እሰከ አመ መዋዕለ አብርሃም ወይበልዑ ደመ።,This entire festival had been celebrated in heaven from the time of creation until the lifetime of Noah — for 26 jubilees and five weeks of years [= 1309 years]. Then Noah and his sons kept it for seven jubilees and one week of years until Noah’s death [= 350 years]. From the day of Noah’s death his sons corrupted (it) until Abraham’s lifetime and were eating blood. ወአብርሃም ባሕቲቱ ዐቀበ ወይስሐቅ ወያዕቆብ ውሉዱ ዐቀብዋ እስከ መዋዕሊከ ወበመዋዕሊከ ረስዑ ውሉደ እስራኤል እስከ አመ ሐደስክዎሙ በኀበ ዝደብር።,"Abraham alone kept (it), and his sons Isaac and Jacob kept it until your lifetime. During your lifetime the Israelites had forgotten (it) until I renewed (it) for them at this mountain." ወአንተሂ አዝዞሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ወይዕቀብዋ ለዛቲ በዓል በኵሉ ትዝምዶሙ ለትእዛዝ ሎሙ ዕለተ አሐተ በዓመት በዝ ይግበሩ በዓለ ባቲ።,"Now you command the Israelites to keep this festival during all their generations as a commandment for them: one day in the year, during this month, they are to celebrate the festival" እስመ በዓለ ሱባዔያት ይእቲ ወበዓለ ቀዳሜ ፍሬ ይእቲ ክልኤ ዕፅፈት ይእቲ ወለክልኤ ዘመድ ዛቲ በዓል በከመ ጽሑፍ ወቍሩጽ በእንቲአሃ ግብራ።,because it is the festival of weeks and it is the festival of firstfruits. This festival is twofold and of two kinds.[3] Celebrate it as it is written and inscribed regarding it. እስመ ጸሐፍኩ ውስተ መጽሐፈ ሕግ ዘቀዳሚ ውስተ ዘጸሐፍኩ ለከ ትግበራ በበ ጊዜሃ ዕለተ አሐተ ለዓመት ወቍርባኖሂ ነገርኩከ ከመ ይኩኑ ዝኩራነ ወይገብርዋ ውሉደ እስራኤል ውስተ ትዝምዶሙ በዝ ወርኅ ዕለተ አሐተ ለለ አሐዱ ዓመት።,For I have written (this) in the book of the first law in which I wrote for you that you should celebrate it at each of its times one day in a year. I have told you about its sacrifice so that the Israelites may continue to remember and celebrate it throughout their generations during this month — one day each year. ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ቀዳሚ ወበሠርቀ ወርኀ ራብዕ ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ዓሥር ዕለታተ ተዝካር እማንቱ ወዕለታተ ጊዜ እማንቱ ውስተ አርባዕቱ መክፈልተ ዓመት ጽሑፋት እማንቱ ወሥሩዓት ለስምዐ ዓለም።,"On the first of the first month, the first of the fourth month, the first of the seventh month, and the first of the tenth month are memorial days and days of the seasons. They are written down and ordained at the four divisions of the year as an eternal testimony." ወኖኅ ሠርዖን ሎቱ ለበዓላት ለትውልድ ዘለዓለም እስከ አመ ኮነ ሎቱ ቦቶን ተዝካረ።,Noah ordained them as festivals for himself throughout the history of eternity with the result that through them he had a reminder. በሠርቀ ወርኅ ቀዳሚ ተብህለ ሎቱ ይግበር ታቦተ ወባቲ የብሰት ምድር ወአርኀወ ወርእየ ምድረ።,"On the first of the first month he was told to make the ark, and on it the earth became dry, he opened (it), and saw the earth." ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ራብዕ ተፈጸመ አፈ መዓምቅቲሃ ለቀላይ ታሕቲት ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ሳብዕ ተርኅወ ኵሉ አፈወ መዓምቅተ ምድር ወአኀዘ ማያት ይረድ ውስቴቱ።,"On the first of the fourth month the openings of the depths of the abyss below were closed. On the first of the seventh month all the openings of the earth’s depths were opened, and the water began to go down into them." ወበሠርቀ ወርኀ ዓሥር አስተርአየ አርእስተ አድባር ወተፈሥሐ ኖኅ።,"On the first of the tenth month the summits of the mountains became visible, and Noah was very happy." በእንተዝ ሠርዖን ኪያሆን ሎቱ ለበዓላት ለተዝካር እስከ ለዓለም ወከመዝ እማንቱ ሥሩዓት።,"For this reason he ordained them for himself forever as memorial festivals. So they are ordained," ወያዐርግዎን ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ዓሥሩ ወሠላስ ሰንበታት አሐተ አሐተ እምኔሆን እምዛቲ ውስተ ዛቲ ተዝካሮን እምቀዳሚት እስከ ካልእት ወእምካልእት እስከ ሣልስት ወእምሣልስት እስከ ራብዕት።,"and they enter them on the heavenly tablets. Each one of them (consists of) 13 weeks; their memorial (extends) from one to the other: from the first to the second, from the second to third, and from the third to the fourth." ወይከውና ኵሎን መዋዕል ዘትእዛዛት ኀምሳ ወክልኤ ሰንበታተ መዋዕል ወኵሎ ዓመተ ፍጹመ።,All the days of the commandments will be 52 weeks of days; (they will make) the entire year complete. ከመዝ ተቈርዐ ወተሠርዐ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ወአልቦ ተዐድዎ አሐተ ዓመተ ዓመ ወዓመተ።,"So it has been engraved and ordained on the heavenly tablets. One is not allowed to transgress a single year, year by year." ወአንተኒ አዝዞሙ ለደቂቀ እስራኤል ወይዕቀቡ ዓመታተ በዝ ኆልቍ ሠለስተ ምእተ ወስሳ ወረቡዐ መዋዕለ ወይከውን ፍጹመ ዓመት ወኢያማስን ጊዜሁ እመዋዕሊሁ ወእምበዓላቲሁ እስመ ኵሉ ይበጽሕ በከመ ስምዖሙ ወኢያዐርፉ ዕለተ ወኢያማስኑ በዓለ።,Now you command the Israelites to keep the years in this number — 364 days. Then the year will be complete and it will not disturb its time from its days or from its festivals because everything will happen in harmony with their testimony. They will neither omit a day nor disturb a festival. ወለእመ ተዐደዉ ወኢገብርዎን በከመ ትእዛዙ ሎቱ አሜሃ ኵሎሙ ያማስኑ ጊዜያቲሆሙ ወዓመታትኒ ይትሐወሱ ዘእምውስተዝ ወጊዜያትሂ ያማስኑ ወዓመታትሂ ይትሐወሱ ወይትዐደዉ ሥርዓቶሙ።,"If they transgress and do not celebrate them in accord with his command, then all of them will disturb their times. The years will be moved from this; they will disturb the times and the years will be moved. They will transgress their prescribed pattern." ወኵሎሙ ውሉደ እስራኤል ይረስዑ ወኢይረክቡ ፍኖተ ዓመታት ወይረስዑ ሠርቀ ወጊዜ ወሰንበተ ወኵሎ ሥርዓተ ዘዓመታት ይጌግዩ።,"All the Israelites will forget and will not find the way of the years. They will forget the first of the month, the season, and the sabbath; they will err with respect to the entire prescribed pattern of the years." አአምር አነ ወእምይእዜ አነ አየድዐከ ወአኮ እምልብየ እስመ ከመዝ መጽሐፍ ጽሑፍ ቅድሜየ ወተሠርዐ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ኩፋሌሁ ለመዋዕል ከመ ኢይርሥዑ በዓላተ ኪዳን ወየሐውሩ በበዓላተ አሕዛብ ድኅረ ስሕተቶሙ ወድኅረ ኢያእምሮቶሙ።,"For I know and from now on will inform you — not from my own mind because this is the way the book is written in front of me, and the divisions of times are ordained on the heavenly tablets, lest they forget the covenantal festivals and walk in the festivals of the nations, after their error and after their ignorance." ወይከውኑ እለ ያስተሐይጹ ወርኀ በሑያጼ ወርኅ እስመ ትማስን ይእቲ ጊዜያተ ወትቀድም እምዓመታት ለዓመት ዐሡረ ዕለተ።,There will be people who carefully observe the moon with lunar observations because it is corrupt (with respect to) the seasons and is early from year to year by ten days. በእንተዝ ይመጽእ ዓመታት ሎሙ እንዘ ያማስኑ ወይገብሩ ዕለተ ስምዕ ምንንተ ወዕለተ ርኵሰተ በዓለ ወኵሉ ይዴምር ወመዋዕለ ቅዱሳተ ርኩሰ ወዕለተ ርኵሰተ ለዕለት ቅድስት እስመ ይስሕቱ አውራኀ ወሰንበታተ ወበዓላተ ወኢዮቤለ።,"Therefore years will come about for them when they will disturb (the year) and make a day of testimony something worthless and a profane day a festival. Everyone will join together both holy days with the profane and the profane day with the holy day, for they will err regarding the months, the sabbaths, the festivals, and the jubilee." በእንተዝ አነ እኤዝዘከ ወአሰምዕ ለከ ከመ ታስምዕ ሎሙ እስመ እምድኅረ ሞትከ ያማስኑ ውሉድከ ከመ ኢይግበሩ ዓመተ ሠለስተ ምእተ ወስሳ ወረቡዐ ባሕቲቶን በእንተዝ ይስሕቱ ሠርቀ ወጊዜ ወሰንበተ ወበዓላተ ወይበልዑ ኵሎ ደመ ምስለ ኵሉ ዘሥጋ።,"For this reason I am commanding you and testifying to you so that you may testify to them because after your death your children will disturb (it) so that they do not make the year (consist of) 364 days only. Therefore, they will err regarding the first of the month, the season, the sabbath, and the festivals. They will eat all the blood with all (kinds of) meat." ወበሱባዔ ሳብዕ በቀዳሚ ዓመቱ ሎቱ በዝ ኢዮቤልዉ ተከለ ኖኅ ወይነ ኀበ ደብር እንተ ዲቤሁ አዕረፈት ታቦት ዘስሙ ሉባር እምአድባረ አራራት ወገብረ ፍሬ በራብዕ ዓመት ወዐቀበ ፍሬሁ ወቀሰሞ በውእቱ ዓመት በወርኅ ሳብዕ።,"During the seventh week, in its first year, in this jubilee [1317] Noah planted a vine at the mountain (whose name was Lubar, one of the mountains of Ararat) on which the ark had come to rest. It produced fruit in the fourth year [1320]. He guarded its fruit and picked it that year during the seventh month." ወገብረ እምውስቴቱ ወይነ ወወደዩ ውስተ ንዋይ ወዐቀቦ እስከ ዓመት ኃምስቱ እስከ ዕለት ቀዳሚት በሠርቀ ወርኅ ቀዳሚት።,"He made wine from it, put it in a container, and kept it until the fifth year [1321] — until the first day at the beginning of the first month." ወገብረ ዕለተ ዛቲ በዓል በፍሥሐ ወገብረ ጽንሐሐ ለእግዚአብሔር ጣዕዋ እምአልህምት አሐደ ወበሐኰ አሐደ ወአባግዐ ዘዘ ዓመት ሰብዐተ ወመሐስአ ጠሊ አሐደ ከመ ያስተስሪ ቦቱ ለርእሱ ወበእንተ ውሉዱ።,"He joyfully celebrated the day of this festival. He made a burnt offering for the Lord — one young bull, one ram, seven sheep each a year old, and one kid — to make atonement through it for himself and for his sons." ወገብረ ማሕስአ ቅድመ ወአንበረ እምነ ደሙ ዲበ ሥጋ ዘምሥዋዕ ዘገብረ ወኵሎ ስብሐ አዕረገ ውስተ ምሥዋዕ ዘኀበ ገብረ ጽንሐሐ ወላህመ ወበሐኰ ወአባግዐ ወአዕረገ ኵሎ ሥጋሆሙ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ።,"First he prepared the kid. He put some of its blood on the meat (that was on) the altar which he had made. He offered all the fat on the altar where he made the burnt offering along with the bull, the ram, and the sheep. He offered all their meat on the altar." ወአንበረ ኵሎ መሥዋዕቶሙ ልዉሰ በቅብእ ላዕሌሁ ወእምዝ ነዝኀ ወይነ ውስተ እሳት ዘዲበ ምሥዋዕ አቅደመ ወአንበረ ስሒነ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ወአዕረገ መዓዛ ሠናየ ዘይሠምር ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር አምላኩ።,On it he placed their entire sacrifice mixed with oil. Afterwards he sprinkled wine in the fire that had been on the altar beforehand. He put frankincense on the altar and offered a pleasant fragrance that was pleasing before the Lord his God. ወተፈሥሐ ወሰትየ እምዝ ወይን ውእቱ ወውሉዱ በፍሥሓ።,"He was very happy, and he and his sons happily drank some of this wine." ወኮነ ምሴተ ወቦአ ውስተ ሰቀላሁ ወሰከበ ስኩሩ ወኖመ ወተከሥተ በውስተ ሰቀላሁ እንዘ ይነውም።,"When evening came, he went into his tent. He lay down drunk and fell asleep. He was uncovered in his tent as he slept." ወርእዮ ካም ለኖኅ አቡሁ ዕራቆ ወወፅአ ወነገረ ለክልኤ አኃዊሁ በአፍአ።,Ham saw his father Noah naked and went out and told his two brothers outside. ወነሥአ ሴም ልብሰ ወተንሥአ ውእቱ ወያፌት ወአንበሩ ልብሰ ዲበ መታክፍቲሆሙ ወገጾሙ ድኅሪተ ወከደኑ ኃፍረተ አቡሆሙ ወገጾሙ ድኅሪተ።,"Then Shem took some clothes, rose — he and Japheth — and they put the clothes on their shoulders as they were facing backwards. They covered their father’s shame as they were facing backwards." ወነቅሀ ኖኅ እምንዋሙ ወአእመረ ኵሎ ዘገብረ ላዕሌሁ ወልዱ ዘይንእስ ወረገሞ ለወልዱ ወይቤ ርጉም ከናአን ቅኑየ ገብረ ይኩን ለአኃዊሁ።,"When Noah awakened from his sleep, he realized everything that his youngest son had done to him. He cursed his son and said: ‘Cursed be Canaan. May he become an abject slave to his brothers’." ወባረኮ ለሴም ወይቤ ይትባረክ እግዚአብሔር አምላኩ ለሴም ወይኩን ከናአን ገብሮ።,"Then he blessed Shem and said: ‘May the Lord, the God of Shem, be blessed. May Canaan become his slave." ያስፍሕ እግዚአብሔር ለያፌት ወይኅድር እግዚአብሔር ውስተ ማኅደረ ሴም ወይኩን ከናአን ገብሮሙ።,"May the Lord enlarge Japheth, and may the Lord live in the place where Shem resides. May Canaan become their slave’." ወአእመረ ካም ከመ ረገሞ አቡሁ ለወልዱ ዘይንእስ ወሕሡም ሎቱ እስመ ረገሞ ለወልዱ ወተፈልጠ እምአቡሁ ውእቱ ወውሉዱ ምስሌሁ ኵስ ወምስጥሬም ወፉድ ወከናአን።,"When Ham realized that his father had cursed his youngest son, it was displeasing to him that he had cursed his son. He separated from his father — he and with him his sons Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan." ወሐነጸ ሎቱ ውእቱሂ ሀገረ ወጸውዐ ስማ በስመ ብእሲቱ ኔኤላተማኡክ።,He built himself a city and named it after his wife Neelatamauk. ወርእየ ያፌት ወቀንአ ለእኁሁ ወሐነጸ ሎቱ ውእቱሂ ሀገረ ወጸውዓ በስመ ብእሲቱ አደታኔሴስ።,"When Japheth saw (this), he was jealous of his brother. He, too, built himself a city and named it after his wife Adataneses." ወሴምሰ ነበረ ምስለ አቡሁ ኖኅ ወሐነጸ ሀገረ በእደ አቡሁ ኀበ ደብር ወጸውዐ ስማ ውእቱሂ በስመ ብእሲቱ ሴዴቃቴልባብ።,"But Shem remained with his father Noah. He built a city next to his father at the mountain. He, too, named it after his wife Sedeqatelebab." ናሁ አህጉር እላንቱ ሠላስ ቅሩበ ሉባር ደብር ሴዴቃቴልባብ ቅድመ ገጸ ደብር በጽባሒሁ ወናኤልታ ማኡክ ገጸ ሰሜኑ አዳተኔሴስ መንገለ ባሕር።,Now these three cities were near Mt. Lubar: Sedeqatelebab in front of the mountain on its east side; Naeletamauk toward its south side; and Adataneses toward the west. ወእሉ ውሉደ ሴም ኤላም ወአሱር ወአርፋክስድ ዝንቱ ትውልድ እምድኅረ ክልኤ ዓም ዘአይኅ አራም ውሉድ።,"These were Shem’s sons: Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad (he was born two years after the flood), Aram, and Lud." ውሉደ ያፌት ጎሜር ወማጉግ ወማዳይ ወኢዩአያቶቤል ምስክ ወቲራስ እሉ ውሉደ ኖኅ።,"Japheth’s sons were: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. These were Noah’s sons." ወበዕሥራ ወሰማኒቱ ኢዮቤልዉሳት አኀዘ ኖኅ የአዝዝ ለውሉደ ውሉዱ ሥርዓተ ወትእዛዛተ ኵሎ ዘያአምር ፍትሐ ወአስምዐ ላዕለ ውሉዱ ከመ ይግበሩ ጽድቀ ወከመ ይክድኑ ኃፍረተ ሥጋሆሙ ወከመ ይባርክዎ ለዘ ፈጠሮሙ ወያክብሩ አበ ወእመ ወያፍቅሩ አሐዱ አሐዱ ቢጾ ወይዕቀቡ ነፍሶሙ እምዝሙት ወትኵስ ወእምኵሉ ዐመፃ።,"During the twenty-eighth jubilee [1324-72] Noah began to prescribe for his grandsons the ordinances and the commandments — every statute which he knew. He testified to his sons that they should do what is right, cover the shame of their bodies, bless the one who had created them, honor father and mother, love one another, and keep themselves from fornication, uncleanness, and from all injustice." እስመ በእንተ ዝንቱ ሠለስቱ ኮነ አይኅ ላዕለ ምድር እስመ በእንተ ዝሙት ዘዘመዉ ትጉሃን እምትእዛዘ ኵነኔሆሙ በድኅረ አዋልደ ሰብእ ወነሥኡ ሎሙ አንስተ እምኵሉ እለ ኀረዩ ገብሩ መቅድመ ርኵስ።,"For it was on account of these three things that the flood was on the earth, since (it was) due to fornication that the Watchers had illicit intercourse — apart from the mandate of their authority — with women. When they married of them whomever they chose they committed the first (acts) of uncleanness." ወወለዱ ውሉደ ናፊዲም ወኵሎሙ ኢይትማሰሉ ወይበልዕ አሐዱ አሐዱ ካልኦ ወቀተሎ ያርብሕ ለናፊል ወናፊል ቀተሎ ለኤልዮ ወኤልዮ እጓለ እመሕያው ወሰብእሂ ቢጾ።,They fathered (as their) sons the Nephilim. They were all dissimilar (from one another) and would devour one another: the giant killed the Naphil; the Naphil killed the Elyo; the Elyo mankind; and people their fellows. ወኵሉ ተሠይጠ ይግበር ዐመፃ ወከመ ይክዐው ደመ ንጹሐ ወመልአት ምድር ዐመፃ።,"When everyone sold himself to commit injustice and to shed innocent blood, the earth was filled with injustice." ወእምድኅረ እሉ ኵሎሙ አራዊት ወአዕዋፍ ወዘይትሐወስ ወዘያንሶሱ ዲበ ምድር ወተክዕወ ደም ብዙኅ ላዕለ ምድር ወኵሉ ኅሊናሁ ወፈቃዱ ለሰብእ ይኄሊ ከንቶ ወእኩየ በኵሉ መዋዕል።,"After them all the animals, birds, and whatever moves about and whatever walks on the earth. Much blood was shed on the earth. All the thoughts and wishes of mankind were (devoted to) thinking up what was useless and wicked all the time." ወደምሰሰ እግዚአብሔር ኵሎ እምገጸ ምድር በእንተ ምግባሮሙ ወበእንተ ደም ማእከለ ምድር።,Then the Lord obliterated all from the surface of the earth because of their actions and because of the blood which they had shed in the earth. ወተረፍነ አነ ወአንትሙ ደቂቅየ ወኵሉ ዘቦአ ምስሌነ ውስተ ታቦት ወናሁ አነ እሬኢ ቀዳሚ ምግባሪክሙ ከመዘ ኢኮንክሙ አንትሙ ዘተሐውሩ በጽድቅ እስመ በፍኖተ ሙስና ወጠንክሙ ትሖሩ ወትትፋለጡ አሐዱ አሐዱ እምነ ቢጹ ወትትቃንኡ ዝንቱ ምስለ ዝንቱ ወከመ ኢተሀልዉ ኅቡረ ውሉድየ አሐዱ ምስለ እኁሁ።,"We — I and you, my children, and everything that entered the ark with us — were left. But now I am the first to see your actions — that you have not been conducting yourselves properly because you have begun to conduct yourselves in the way of destruction, to separate from one another, to be jealous of one another, and not to be together with one another, my sons." እስመ እሬኢ አነ ወናሁ አጋንንት አስሕቶ ወጠኑ ላዕሌክሙ ወላዕለ ውሉድክሙ ወይእዜሂ እፈርህ አነ በእንቲአክሙ ከመ እምድኅረ ሞትኩ ትክዕዉ ደመ ሰብእ ውስተ ምድር ወትደመሰሱ አንትሙሂ እምገጸ ምድር።,For I myself see that the demons have begun to lead you and your children astray; and now I fear regarding you that after I have died you will shed human blood on the earth and (that) you yourselves will be obliterated from the surface of the earth. እስመ ኵሉ ዘይክዑ ደመ ሰብእ ወኵሉ ዘይበልዕ ደመ ዘኵሉ ዘሥጋ ይደመሰሱ ኵሎሙ እምድር።,For everyone who sheds human blood and everyone who consumes the blood of any animate being will all be obliterated from the earth. ወኢይተርፍ ኵሉ ሰብእ ዘይበልዕ ደመ ወዘይክዑ ደመ ዲበ ምድር ወኢይተርፍ ሎቱ ዘርአ ወደኃሪተ በታሕተ ሰማይ ሕያው እስመ ውስተ ሲኦል የሐውሩ ወውስተ መካን ዘደይን ይወርዱ ውስተ ጽልመት ማዕምቅ የአትቱ ኵሎሙ በሞት ዐዋግ።,No one who consumes blood or who sheds blood on the earth will be left. He will be left with neither descendants nor posterity living beneath heaven because they will go into sheol and will descend into the place of judgment. All of them will depart into deep drakness through a violent death. ኵሉ ደም ኢያስተርኢ እምኵሉ ደም ላዕሌክሙ ዘውእቱ በኵሉ መዋዕል ዘጠባሕክሙ ኵሎ አርዌ ወእንስሳ ወዘይሰርር ዲበ ምድር ወግበሩ ምጽዋተ ላዕለ ነፍስክሙ በደፊኖቱ ዘይትከዐው ዲበ ገጸ ምድር።,"No blood of all the blood which there may be at any time when you sacrifice any animal, cattle, or (creature) that flies above the earth is to be seen on you. Do a good deed for yourselves by covering what is poured out on the surface of the earth." ወኢትኩኑ ዘይበልዕ ምስለ ደም ወአጽንዑ ከመ ኢይብልዑ ደመ በቅድሜክሙ ድፍኑ ደመ እስመ ከመዝ ተአዘዝኩ አስምዕ ለክሙ ወለውሉድክሙ ምስለ ኵሉ ዘሥጋ።,Do not be one who eats (meat) with the blood; exert yourselves so that blood is not consumed in your presence. Cover the blood because so was I ordered to testify to you and your children together with all humanity. ወኢትብልዕዋ ለነፍስ ምስለ ሥጋ ከመ ኢይኩኑ ዘይትኀሠሡ ደምክሙ ዘነፍስክሙ እምእደ ኵሉ ዘሥጋ ዘይክዕው ዲበ ምድር።,"Do not eat the life with the meat so that your blood, your life, may not be required from every person who sheds (blood) on the earth." እስመ ምድር ኢትነጽሕ እምነ ደም እምዘ ተክዕወ ላዕሌሃ እስመ በደመ ዘከዐዎ ትነጽሕ ምድር በኵሉ ትዝምዳ።,For the earth will not be purified of the blood which has been shed on it; but by the blood of the one who shed it the earth will be purified in all its generations. ወይእዜሂ ውሉድየ ስምዑ ግበሩ ፍትሐ ወጽድቀ ከመ ትተከሉ በጽድቅ ውስተ ገጸ ኵሉ ምድር ወይትሌዐል ክብርክሙ በቅድመ አምላኪየ ዘአድኀነኒ እምነ ማየ አይኅ።,"Now hasten, my children. Do what is just and right so that you may be rightly planted on the surface of the entire earth. Then your honor will be raised before my God who saved me from the flood waters." ወናሁ አንትሙ ተሐውሩ ወተሐንጹ ለክሙ አህጉረ ወትተክሉ ውስቴቶን ኵሎ ተክለ ዘዲበ ምድር ወኵሎኬ ዕፀ ዘይፈሪ።,"You will now go and build yourselves cities, and in them you will plant every (kind of) plant that is on the earth as well as every (kind of) fruit tree." ሠለስተ ዓመተ ይከውን ፍሬሁ ዘኢይትቀሠም እምኵሉ ለበሊዖቱ ወበዓመት ራብዕ ይትቄደስ ፍሬሁ ወያዐርጉ ቀዳሜ ፍሬ ዘይሠጠው ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ልዑል ፈጣሬ ሰማይ ወምድር ወኵሎ ከመ ያዕርጉ በጥሉል ቀዳሜ ወይን ወቅብእ ቀዳሜ ፍሬ ውስተ ምሥዋዐ እግዚአብሔር ዘይትወከፍ ወዘተረፈ ይብልዑ ላእካነ ቤተ እግዚአብሔር በቅድመ ምሥዋዕ ዘይትወከፍ።,"For three years its fruit will remain unpicked by anyone for the purpose of eating it; but in the fourth year its fruit will be sanctified. It will be offered as firstfruits that are acceptable before the most high Lord, the creator of heaven, the earth, and everything, so that they may offer in abundance the first of the wine and oil as firstfruits on the altar of the Lord who accepts (it). What is left over those who serve in the Lord’s house are to eat before the altar which receives (it)." ወበዓመት ኃምስ ግበሩ ኅድገቶ ከመ ትሕድግዎ አንትሙ በጽድቅ ወበርትዕ ወትጸድቁ ወይረትዕ ኵሉ ተክልክሙ።,"During the fifth year arrange relief for it so that you may leave it in the right and proper way. Then you will be doing the right thing, and all your planting will be successful." እስመ ከመዝ አዘዘ ሄኖክ አቡሁ ለአቡክሙ ለማቱሳላ ወልዱ ወማቱሳላ ለላሜክ ወልዱ ወላሜክ አዘዘኒ ኵሎ ዘአዘዝዎ አበዊሁ።,"For this is how Enoch, your father’s father, commanded his son Methuselah; then Methuselah his son Lamech; and Lamech commanded me everything that his fathers had commanded him." ወአነሂ እኤዝዘክሙ ውሉድየ በከመ አዘዞ ሄኖክ ለወልዱ በቀዳሚ ኢዮቤልዉሳት እንዘ ሕያው ውእቱ ውስተ ትዝምዱ ሳብዕ አዘዘ ወአስምዐ ለውሉዱ ወለውሉደ ውሉዱ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ሞቱ።,"Now I am commanding you, my children, as Enoch commanded his son in the first jubilees. While he was living in its seventh generation, he commanded and testified to his children and grandchildren until the day of his death." ወበዕሥራ ወተስዐቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዐዔ ቀዳሚ በቀዳሚሁ ነሥአ ሎቱ አርፋክስድ ብእሲተ ወስማ ራሱእያ ወለተ ሱሰን ወለተ ኤላም ሎቱ ብእሲተ ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ በዓመት ሣልስ ዘሱባዔ ዝንቱ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ቃይናም።,"In the twenty-ninth jubilee, in the first week — at its beginning [1373] — Arpachshad married a woman named Rasueya, the daughter of Susan, the daughter of Elam. She gave birth to a son for him in the third year of this week [1375], and he named him Kainan." ወልህቀ ወልድ ወመሀሮ አቡሁ መጽሐፈ ወሖረ ይኅሥሥ ሎቱ መካነ ኀበ ይእኅዝ ሎቱ ሀገረ።,"When the boy grew up, his father taught him (the art of) writing. He went to look for a place of his own where he could possess his own city." ወረከበ መጽሐፈ ዘቈረፁ ቀደምት ውስተ ኰኩሕ ወአንበበ ዘውስቴታ ወአዕለዋ ወረስዐ እምውስቴታ ከመ ሀሎ ውስቴታ ትምህርት ዘትጉሃን በዘ ይሬእዩ ሰገለ ፀሓይ ወወርኅ ወከዋክብት ወውስተ ኵሉ ተአምረ ሰማይ።,"He found an inscription which the ancients had incised in a rock. He read what was in it, copied it, and sinned on the basis of what was in it, since in it was the Watchers’ teaching by which they used to observe the omens of the sun, moon, and stars and every heavenly sign." ወጸሐፈ ወኢነገረ በእንቲአሃ እስመ ይፈርሆ ለኖኅ ነጊረ በእንቲአሃ ከመ ኢይትመዓዕ ላዕሌሁ በእንቲአሃ።,He wrote (it) down but told no one about it because he was afraid to tell Noah about it lest he become angry at him about it. ወአመ ሠላሳ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ካልእ በቀዳሚ ዓመቱ ነሥአ ሎቱ ብእሲተ ወስማ ሜልካ ወለተ አበዳይ ወልደ ያፌት ወበዓመት ራብዑ ሎቱ ወለደ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ሳላ እስመ ይቤ ተፈንዎ ተፈነውኩ።,"In the thirtieth jubilee, in the second week — in its first year [1429] — he married a woman whose name was Melka, the daughter of Madai, Japheth’s son. In its fourth year [1432] he became the father of a son whom he named Shelah, for he said: ‘I have truly been sent’." ወበዓመት ራብዕ ተወልደ ወልህቀ ሳላ ወነሥአ ሎቱ ብእሲተ ወስማ ሙአክ ወለተ ኬሴድ እኅወ አቡሁ ሎቱ ብእሲተ በዓመት ወበሠላሳ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ኃምስ በቀዳሚ ዓመቱ።,"After he was born in the fourth year, Shelah grew up and married a woman whose name was Muak, the daughter of Kesed, his father’s brother, in the thirty-first jubilee, in the fifth week, in its first year [1499]." ወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ በኃምስ ዓመቱ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ኤቤር ወነሥአ ሎቱ ብእሲተ ወስማ አዙራድ ወለተ ኔብሮድ በሠላሳ ወክልኤቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ሳብዕ በሣልስ ዓመቱ።,"She gave birth to a son for him in its fifth year [1503], and he named him Eber. He married a woman whose name was Azurad, the daughter of Nebrod, during the thirty-second jubilee, in the seventh week, during its third year [1564]." ወበሳድስ ዓመት ወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ፋሌክ እስመ በመዋዕል ዘተወልደ አኀዙ ደቂቀ ኖኅ ይትካፈሉ ሎሙ ምድረ ወበእንተዝ ጸውዐ ስሞ ፋሌክ።,"In the sixth year [1567] she gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Peleg because at the time when he was born Noah’s children began to divide the earth for themselves. For this reason he named him Peleg." ወተካፈሉ በእኩይ በበይናቲሆሙ ወነገርዎ ለኖኅ።,They divided it in a bad way among themselves and told Noah. ወኮነ በቀዳሚሁ ለሠላሳ ወሠለስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ወከፈልዋ ለምድር ሠለስተ መክፈልተ ለሴም ወለካም ወለያፌት በበ ርስቱ በቀዳሚ ዓመት ዘአሐዱ ሱባዔ እንዘ ይነብር አሐዱ እምኔነ እለ ተፈኖነ ኀቤሆሙ።,"At the beginning of the thirty-third jubilee [1569- 1617] they divided the earth into three parts — for Shem, Ham, and Japheth — each in his own inheritance. (This happened) in the first year of the first week [1569] while one of us who were sent was staying with them." ወጸውዐ ደቂቆ ወቀርቡ ኀቤሁ እሙንቱ ወውሉዶሙ ወከፈለ ምድረ በዑፃዌ ዘይእኅዙ ሠለስቲሆሙ ውሉዱ ወሰፍሑ እደዊሆሙ ወነሥኡ መጽሐፈ እምሕፅነ ኖኅ አቡሆሙ።,"When he summoned his children, they came to him — they and their children. He divided the earth into the lots which his three sons would occupy. They reached out their hands and took the book from the bosom of their father Noah." ወወፅአ በመጽሐፍ ዕፃሁ ለሴም ማእከለ ምድር ዘይእኅዝ ለርስቱ ወለውሉዱ ለትውልድ ዘለዓለም እማእከለ ደብረ ራፋ እሙፃአ ማይ እምፈለገ ጢና ወየሐውር መክፈልቱ መንገለ ዐረብ እንተ ማእከሉ ለዝ ፈለግ ወየሐውሩ እስከ ሶበ ይቀርቡ ኀበ ማየ ቀላያት እምኀበ ይወፅእ ዝንቱ ፈለግ እምኔሃ ይወፅእ ዝንቱ ፈለግ ወይክዑ ማያቲሁ ውስተ ባሕረ ሜአት ወየሐውር ዝንቱ ፈለግ እስከ ባሐር ዐቢይ ወኵሉ ዘመንገለ ደቡብ ለያፌት ወኵሉ ዘመንገለ ገጸ ሰሜን ለሴም።,"In the book there emerged as Shem’s lot the center of the earth which he would occupy as an inheritance for him and for his children throughout the history of eternity: from the middle of the mountain range of Rafa, from the source of the water from the Tina River. His share goes toward the west through the middle of this river. One then goes until one reaches the water of the deeps from which this river emerges. This river emerges and pours its waters into the Me’at Sea. This river goes as far as the Great Sea. Everything to the north belongs to Japheth, while everything to the south belongs to Shem." ወየሐውር እስከ ሶበ ይቀርብ ካራስ ዝውእቱ ውስተ ሕፅነ ልሳን እንተ ትኔጽር መንገለ ሰሜን።,It goes until it reaches Karas. This is in the bosom of the branch which faces southward. ወየሐውር መክፈልቱ እንተ መንገለ ባሕር ዐቢይ ወየሐውር ርቱዐ እስከ ይቀርብ መንገለ ዐረቢሃ ለልሳን እንተ ትኔጽር መንገለ ሰሜን እስመ ዛቲ ባሕር ስማ ልሳነ ባሕረ ግብጽ።,"His share goes toward the Great Sea and goes straight until it reaches to the west of the branch that faces southward, for this is the sea whose name is the Branch of the Egyptian Sea." ወትገምጽ እምህየ መንገለ ሰሜን መንገለ አፉሃ ለባሕር ዐቢይ ውስተ ከናፍረ ማያት ወተሐውር መንገለ ዐረብ ዐፍራ ወተሐውር እስከ ትቀርብ ኀበ ማየ ግዮን ፈለግ ወመንገለ ሰሜኑ ለማየ ግዮን መንገለ ድንጋጉ ለዝ ፈለግ።,It turns from there southward toward the mouth of the Great Sea on the shore of the waters. It goes toward the west of Afra and goes until it reaches the water of the Gihon River and to the south of the Gihon’s waters along the banks of this river. ወተሐውር መንገለ ጽባሕ እስከ ሶበ ይቀርብ ኀበ ገነተ ኤዶም መንገለ ሰሜኑ ለሰሜን ወእምጽባሒሃ ለኵላ ምድረ ኤዶም ወለኵሉ ጽባሕ ወይትመየጥ ውስተ ጽባሕ ወይመጽእ እስከ ይቀርብ መንገለ ጽባሒሁ ለደብር ዘስሙ ራፋ ወይወርድ መንገለ ጽንፉ ለሙፃአ ጢና ፈለግ።,"It goes eastward until it reaches the Garden of Eden, toward the south side of it — on the south and from the east of the entire land of Eden and of all the east. It turns to the east and comes until it reaches to the east of the mountain range named Rafa. Then it goes down toward the bank of the Tina River’s mouth." ዛቲ መክፈልት ወፅአት በዕፁ ለሴም ወለውሉዱ ለእኂዞታ ለዓለም ለትውልዱ እስከ ለዓለም።,"This share emerged by lot for Shem and his children to occupy it forever, throughout his generation until eternity." ወተፈሥሐ ኖኅ እስመ ወፅአ ዝንቱ መክፈልት ለሴም ወለውሉዱ ወተዘከረ ኵሎ ዘነበበ በአፉሁ በትንቢት እስመ ይቤ ይትባረክ እግዚአብሔር አምላከ ሴም ወይኅድር እግዚአብሔር ውስተ መኃድሪሁ ለሴም።,"Noah was very happy that this share had emerged for Shem and his children. He recalled everything that he had said in prophecy with his mouth, for he had said: ‘May the Lord, the God of Shem, be blessed, and may the Lord live in the places where Shem resides’." ወአእመረ ከመ ገነተ ኤዶም ቅድስተ ቅዱሳን ወማኅደሩ ለእግዚአብሔር ውእቱ ወደብረ ሲና ማእከላ ለገዳም ወደብረ ጽዮን ማእከለ ሕንብርታ ለምድር ሠለስቲሆሙ ዝንቱ መንጸረ ዝንቱ ለቅድስት ተፈጥሩ።,He knew that the Garden of Eden is the holy of holies and is the residence of the Lord; (that) Mt. Sinai is in the middle of the desert; and (that) Mt. Zion is in the middle of the navel of the earth. The three of them — the one facing the other — were created as holy (places). ወባረኮ ለአምላከ አማልክት ዘወደየ ውስተ አፉሁ ንባበ እግዚአብሔር ወእግዚአብሔር እስከ ለዓለም።,"He blessed the God of gods, who had placed the word of the Lord in his mouth, and (he blessed) the Lord forever." ወአእመረ ከመ መክፈልተ በረከት ወቡሩክ በጽሐ ለሴም ወለውሉዱ ለትውልድ ዘለዓለም ኵላ ምድረ ኤዶም ወኵላ ምድረ ባሕረ ኤርትራ ወኵላ ምድረ ጽባሕ ወእንደኬ ወበኤርትራ ወአድባሪሁ ወኵላ ምድረ ባሳ ወኵላ ምድረ ሊባኖስ ወደሰያተ ክብቱር ወኵሎ ደብረ ሳኒር ወአማና ወደብረ አሱር ዘደቡብ ወኵላ ምድረ ኤላም አሱር ወባቤል ወሱሳን ወማዕዳይ ወኵላ አድባረ አራራት ወኵሎ ማዕዶተ ባሕር ዘማዕዶተ ደብረ አሱር ዘመንገለ ደቡብ ምድር ቡርክት ወስፍሕት ወኵሉ ውስቴታ ጥቀ ሠናይት።,"He knew that a blessed and excellent share had come about for Shem and his children throughout the history of eternity: all the land of Eden, all the land of the Erythrean Sea, all the land of the east, India, (that which is) in Erythrea and its mountains, all the land of Bashan, all the land of Lebanon, the islands of Caphtor, the entire mountain range of Sanir and Amana, the mountain range of Asshur which is in the north, all the land of Elam, Asshur, Babylon, Susan, and Madai; all the mountains of Ararat, all the area on the other side of the sea which is on the other side of the mountain range of Asshur toward the north — a blessed and spacious land. Everything in it is very beautiful." ወለካም ወፅአ መክፈልት ዘዳግም መንገለ ማዕዶተ ግዮን መንገለ ሰሜን በየማነ ገነት ወየሐውር መንገለ ሰሜን ወየሐውር ኵሎ አድባረ እሳት ወየሐውር መንገለ ዐረብ መንገለ ባሕረ አጤል ወየሐውር ዐረብ እስከ ይቀርብ ኀበ ባሕረ ማኡክ እንተ ይእቲ ዘኵሉ ይወርድ ውስቴታ ዘኢይትሐጐል።,"For Ham there emerged a second share toward the other side of the Gihon — toward the south — on the right side of the garden. It goes southward and goes to all the fiery mountains. It goes westward toward the Atel Sea; it goes westward until it reaches the Mauk Sea, everything that descends into which is destroyed." ወይመጽእ ውስተ ደቡብ ውስተ ጽንፈ ጋዲር ወይመጽእ ውስተ ከንፈረ ማየ ባሕር ውስተ ማያተ ባሕር ዐቢይ እስከ ሶበ ይቀርብ ፈለገ ግዮን ወየሐውር ግዮን ፈለግ እስከ ሶበ ይቀርብ በየማነ ገነተ ኤዶም።,"It comes to the north to the boundary of Gadir and comes to the shore of the sea waters, to the waters of the Great Sea, until it reaches the Gihon River. The Gihon River goes until it reaches the right side of the Garden of Eden." ወዛቲ ምድር እንተ ወፅአት ለካም በመክፈልት ዘይእኅዝ ለዓለም ሎቱ ወለውሉዱ ለትዝምዶሙ እስከ ለዓለም።,This is the land which emerged for Ham as a share which he should occupy for himself and his children forever throughout their generations until eternity. ወለያፌት ወፅአ መክፈልት ሣልስ ማዕዶተ ጢና ፈለግ መንገለ ደቡባቲሁ ለሙፃአ ማያቲሁ ወየሐውር መንገለ ጽባሕ ደቡብ ኵሎ ደወለ ጎግ ወኵሎ ጽባሓቲሆሙ።,"For Japheth there emerged a third share on the other side of the Tina River toward the north of the mouth of its waters. It goes toward the northeast, (toward) the whole area of Gog and all that is east of them." ወየሐውር መንገለ ደቡብ ለደቡብ ወየሐውር መንገለ አድባረ ቄልጥ መንገለ ደቡብ ወመንገለ ባሕረ ማኡቅ ወይመጽእ መንገለ ጽባሑ ለጋዲር እስከ መንገለ እደ ማየ ባሕር።,"It goes due north and goes toward the mountains of Qelt, to the north and toward the Mauq Sea. It comes to the east of Gadir as far as the edge of the sea waters." ወየሐውር እስከ ሶበ ይቀርብ መንገለ ዐረበ ፋራ ወይገብእ መንገለ አፌራግ ወየሐውር መንገለ ጽባሕ መንገለ ማየ ባሕረ ሜአት።,It goes until it reaches the west of Fara. Then it goes back toward Aferag and goes eastward toward the water of the Me’at Sea. ወየሐውር መንገለ እደ ጢና ፈለግ መንገለ ጽባሐ ደቡብ እስከ ሶበ ይቀርብ እስከ ጽንፈ ማያቲሁ መንገለ ደብረ ራፋ ወየአውዳ ለደቡብ።,It goes to the edge of the Tina River toward the northeast until it reaches the bank of its waters toward the mountain range of Rafa. It goes around the north. ዛቲ ምድር እንተ ወፅአት ለያፌት ወለውሉዱ በመክፈልተ ርስቱ ዘይእኅዝ ሎቱ ወለውሉዱ ለትዝምዶሙ እስከ ለዓለም ደሰያት ዐበይት ኃምስቱ ወምድር ዐባይ በደቡብ።,This is the land that emerged for Japheth and his children as his hereditary share which he would occupy for himself and his children throughout their generations forever: five large islands and a large land in the north. ወባሕቱ ቍሩር ይእቲ ወምድረ ካም መርቄ ይእቲ ወምድረ ሴምሰ ኢመርቄ ወኢደደክ እስመ ቱስሕት ይእቲ በቍር ወበሞቅ።,"However, it is cold while the land of Ham is hot. Now Shem’s land is neither hot nor cold but it is a mixture of cold and heat." ወከፈለ ካም ማእከለ ውሉዱ ወወፅአ ቀዳሚ መክፈልት ለኵስ መንገለ ጽባሕ ወዐረቢሁ ለሜጽሬም ወዐረቢሁ ሎቱ ለፉድ ወዐረቢሁ ሎቱ ለከናአን ወመንገለ ዐረቡ ባሕር።,Ham divided (his share) among his sons. There emerged a first share for Cush to the east; to the west of him (one) for Egypt; to the west of him (one) for Put; to the west of him (one) for Canaan; and to the west of him was the sea. ወሴምኒ ከፈለ ውእቱሂ ማእከለ ውሉዱ ወወፅአ መክፈልት ቀዳሚ ለኤላም ወለውሉዱ መንገለ ጽባሑ ለጢግሪስ ፈለግ እስከ ሶበ ይቀርብ መንገለ ጽባሐ ኵላ ምድረ እንደኬ ወበኤርትራ በእዴሁ ወማያተ ዴዳን ወኵሉ አድባር ዘምብሪ ወኤላ ወኵሉ ምድረ ሱሳን ወኵሉ ዘበእደ ፈርናክ እስከ ባሕረ ኤርትራ ወእስከ ጢና ፈለግ።,"Shem, too, divided (his share) among his sons. There emerged a first share for Elam and his children to the east of the Tigris River until it reaches the east of the entire land of India, in Erythrea on its border, the waters of the Dedan, all the mountains of Mebri and Ela, all the land of Susan, and everything on the border of Farnak as far as the Erythrean Sea and the Tina River." ወለአሱርኒ ወፅአ መክፈልት ካልእ ኵላ ምድረ አሱር ወነነዌ ወሲናአር ወሰክ እስከ ቅሩበ እንደኬ ወየዐርግ ወደፋ ፈለግ።,"For Asshur there emerged as the second share the whole land of Asshur, Nineveh, Shinar, and Sak as far as the vicinity of India, (where) the Wadafa River rises." ወለአርፋክስድ ወፅአ መክፈልት ሣልስ ኵላ ምድረ ዘደወለ ከላዴዎን መንገለ ጽባሑ ለኤውፍራጢስ ዘቅሩብ ለባሕረ ኤርትራ ወኵሉ ማያተ ገዳም እስከ ቅሩብ ውስተ ልሳነ ባሕር እንተ ትኔጽር መንገለ ግብጽ ኵላ ምድረ ሊባኖስ ወሳኒር ወአማና እስከ ቅሩበ ኤውፍራጢስ።,"For Arpachshad there emerged as a third share all the land of the Chaldean region to the east of the Euphrates which is close to the Erythrean Sea; all the waters of the desert as far as the vicinity of the branch of the sea which faces Egypt; the entire land of Lebanon, Sanir, and Amana as far as the vicinity of the Euphrates." ወለአራም ወፅአ መክፈልት ራብዕ ኵላ ምድረ ሜስጴጦምያ ማእከለ ጢግሮስ ወኤፍራጢስ መንገለ ደቡበ ከለዳውያን እስከ ቅሩበ ደብረ አሱር ወምድረ አራራ።,There emerged for Aram as the fourth share the entire land of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates to the north of the Chaldeans as far as the vicinity of the mountain range of Asshur and the land of Arara. ወለሉድ ውፅአ መክፈልት ኃምስ ደብረ አሱር ወኵሉ ዘዚአሁ እስከ ይቀርብ ባሕረ ዐቢየ ወይቀርብ መንገለ ጽባሕ አሱር እኁሁ።,For Lud there emerged as the fifth share the mountain range of Asshur and all that belongs to it until it reaches the Great Sea and reaches to the east of his brother Asshur. ወያፌት ውእቱሂ ከፈለ ምድረ ለርስት ማእከለ ውሉዱ።,"Japheth, too, divided the land among his sons as an inheritance." ወወፅአ መክፈልት ቀዳሚ ለጎሜር መንገለ ጽባሕ እምገጸ ደቡብ እስከ ጢና ፈለግ ወበደቡቡ ለመጎግ ወፅአ ኵሉ ውሣጥያቲሁ ለደቡብ እስከ ይቀርብ መንገለ ባሕረ ሚአት።,There emerged for Gomer a first share eastward from the north side as far as the Tina River. North of him there emerged (as a share) for Magog all the central parts of the north until it reaches the Me’at 15 Sea. ወለማዳይ ወፅአ መክፈልት ከመ የአኃዝ እምዐረብ ለክልኤሆሙ አኃዊሁ እስከ ደሰያት ወእስከ ጽነፊሆን ለደሰያት።,For Madai there emerged a share for him to occupy on the west of his two brothers as far as the islands and the shores of the islands. ወለኢዮእዋን ወፅአ መክፈልት ራብዕ ኵሉ ደሴት ወደሰያት ዘመንገለ እደ ሉድ።,For Javan there emerged as the fourth share every island and the islands that are in the direction of Lud’s border. ወለቶቤልሂ ወፅአ መክፈልት ኃምስ ማእከለ ልሳን እንተ ትቀርብ መንገለ እደ መክፈልተ ሉድ እስከ ልሳን ካልእት ወማዕዶታ ለልሳን ካልእት ውስተ ልሳን ሣልስት።,"For Tubal there emerged as the fifth share the middle of the branch which 20 reaches the border of Lud’s share as far as the second branch, and the other side of the second branch into the third branch." ወለስምክ ወፅአ መክፈልት ሳድስ ወኵሉ ማዕዶተ ልሳን ዘሣልስት እስከ ይቀርብ ጽባሒሁ ለጋዲር።,"For Meshech there emerged a sixth share, namely all the (region on the) other side of the third branch until it reaches to the east of Gadir." ወለቲራስ ወፅአ መክፈልት ሳብዕ አርባዕቱ ደሰያት ዐበይት በማእከለ ባሕር እለ ይቀርባ ለመክፈልተ ካም ወደሰያት ዘከማቱሪ ለውሉደ አርፋክስድ ወፅአ በዑፃዌ ርስት ሎቱ።,For Tiras there emerged as the seventh share the four large islands 25 within the sea which reach Ham’s share. The islands of Kamaturi emerged by lot for Arpachshad’s children as his inheritance. ወከመዝ ከፈሉ ውሉደ ኖኅ ለደቂቆሙ በቅድመ ኖኅ አቡሆሙ ወአምሐለ በመርገም ረጊሞ ለኵሉ በበ አሐዱ አሐዱ ዘፈቀደ የአኀዝ መክፈልተ ዘኢወፅአ በዑፃዌሁ።,In this way Noah’s sons divided (the earth) for their sons in front of their father Noah. He made (them) swear by oath to curse each and every one who wanted to occupy the share which did not emerge by his lot. ወይቤሉ ኵሎሙ ለይኩን ወለይኩን ሎሙ ወለውሉዶሙ እስከ ለዓለም በትዝምዶሙ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ደይን በዘ ይኴንኖሙ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ በሰይፍ ወበእሳት በእንተ ኵሉ እከይ ዘርኵስ ዘጌጋዮሙ ዘመልእዋ ለምድር አበሳ ወርኵሰ ወዝሙተ ወኃጢአተ።,"All of them said: ‘So be it’! So be it for them and their children until eternity during their generations until the day of judgment on which the Lord God will punish them with the sword and fire because of all the evil impurity of their errors by which they have filled the earth with wickedness, impurity, fornication, and sin." ወበሱባዔ ሣልስ ዘኢዮቤልዉ ዝንቱ አኀዙ አጋንንት ርኩሳን ያስሕትዎሙ ለደቂቀ ውሉደ ኖኅ ወያዕብድዎሙ ወያሕጕልዎሙ።,"During the third week of this jubilee [1583-89] impure demons began to mislead Noah’s grandchildren, to make them act foolishly, and to destroy them." ወመጽኡ ውሉደ ኖኅ ኀበ ኖኅ አቡሆሙ ወነገርዎ በእንተ አጋንንት እለ ያስሕቱ ወይጼልሉ ወይቀትሉ ውሉደ ውሉዱ።,"Then Noah’s sons came to their father Noah and told him about the demons who were misleading, blinding, and killing his grandchildren." ወጸለየ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር አምላኩ ወይቤ አምላከ መናፍስት ዘውስተ ኵሉ ዘሥጋ ዘገበርከ ምስሌየ ምሕረተ ወአድኀንከኒ ወውሉድየሂ እምነ ማየ አይኅ ወኢገበርከኒ ከመ እኅለቅ ከመ ገበርከ ለውሉደ ሐጉል እስመ ዐቢይ ሣህልከ ላዕሌየ ወዐብየት ምሕረትከ ላዕለ ነፍስየ ይትለዐል ሣህልከ ላዕለ ውሉደ ውሉድከ ወኢይመብሉ መናፍስት እኩያን ላዕሌሆሙ ከመ ኢያማስንዎሙ እምነ ምድር።,"He prayed before the Lord his God and said: ‘God of the spirits which are in all animate beings — you who have shown kindness to me, saved me and my sons from the flood waters, and did not make me perish as you did to the people (meant for) destruction — because your mercy for me has been large and your kindness to me has been great: may your mercy be lifted over the children of your children; and may the wicked spirits not rule them in order to destroy them from the earth." ወአንተ ባርከኒ ኪያየ ወውሉድየ ንልሀቅ ወንብዛኅ ወንምልኣ ለምድር።,"Now you bless me and my children so that we may increase, become numerous, and fill the earth." ወአንተ ታአምር ዘከመ ገብሩ ትጉሃኒከ አበዊሆሙ ለእሉ መንፈስ በመዋዕልየ ወዝኒ መናፍስት እለ ሀለዉ በሕይወት ዕጽዎሙ ወአኀዞሙ ውስተ መካነ ደይን ወኢያማስኑ ውስተ ውሉደ ገብርከ አምላኪየ እስመ ፀዋጋን እሙንቱ ወለአማስኖ ተፈጥሩ።,"You know how your Watchers, the fathers of these spirits, have acted during my lifetime. As for these spirits who have remained alive, imprison them and hold them captive in the place of judgment. May they not cause destruction among your servant’s sons, my God, for they are savage and were created for the purpose of destroying." ወኢይመብሉ በመንፈሰ ሕያዋን እስመ አንተ ባሕቲትከ ታአምር ኵነኔሆሙ ወኢይትባውሑ ላዕለ ውሉደ ጻድቃን እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም።,May they not rule the spirits of the living for you alone know their punishment; and may they not have power over the sons of the righteous from now and forevermore’. ወይቤለነ አምላክነ ከመ ንእስር ኵሎ።,Then our God told us to tie up each one. ወመጽአ መልአከ መናፍስት መስቴማ ወይቤ እግዚአኦ ፈጣሪ አትርፍ እምኔሆሙ ቅድሜየ ወይስምዑ ቃልየ ወይግበሩ ኵሎ ዘእቤሎሙ እስመ እመ ኢተርፉ ሊተ እምውስቴቶሙ ኢይክል ገቢረ ስልጣነ ፈቃድየ ውስተ ውሉደ ሰብእ እስመ እሙንቱ ውእቶሙ ለአማስኖ ወለአስሕቶ ቅድመ ኵነኔየ እስመ ዐቢይ እከዮሙ ለውሉደ ሰብእ።,"When Mastema, the leader of the spirits, came, he said: ‘Lord creator, leave some of them before me; let them listen to me and do everything that I tell them, because if none of them is left for me I shall not be able to exercise the authority of my will among mankind. For they are meant for (the purposes of) destroying and misleading before my punishment because the evil of mankind is great’." ወይቤ ይትረፉ ቅድሜሁ ዐሥራቶሙ ወተስዓተ መክፈልተ ያውርድ ውስተ መካነ ደይን።,"Then he said that a tenth of them should be left before him, while he would make nine parts descend to the place of judgment." ወለአሐዱ እምኔነ ይቤ ከመ ንምሀሮ ለኖኅ ኵሎ ፈውሶሙ እስመ ያአምር ከመ አኮ በርትዕ ዘየሐውሩ ወአኮ በጽድቅ ዘይትባአሱ።,He told one of us that we should teach Noah all their medicines because he knew that they would neither conduct themselves properly nor fight fairly. ወገበርነ በከመ ኵሉ ቃሉ ወኵሎ እኩያነ እለ ይጸውጉ አሰርነ ውስተ መካነ ደይን ወዐሥራቶሙ አትረፍነ ከመ ይኰንኑ ቅድመ ሰይጣን ዲበ ምድር።,"We acted in accord with his entire command. All of the evil ones who were savage we tied up in the place of judgment, while we left a tenth of them to exercise power on the earth before the satan." ወፈውሰ ደዌሆሙ ኵሎ ነገርናሁ ለኖኅ ምስለ አስሕቶቶሙ ከመ ይፈውስ በዕፀ ምድር።,We told Noah all the medicines for their diseases with their deceptions so that he could cure (them) by means of the earth’s plants. ወጸሐፈ ኖኅ ኵሎ ዘከመ መሀርናሁ በመጽሐፍ በኵሉ ትዝምደ ፈውስ ወተዐፅዉ መናፍስት እኩያን እምድኅሬሆሙ ለውሉደ ኖኅ።,"Noah wrote down in a book everything (just) as we had taught him regarding all the kinds of medicine, and the evil spirits were precluded from pursuing Noah’s children." ወወሀበ ኵሎ መጻሕፍተ ዘጸሐፈ ለሴም ወልዱ ዘይልህቅ እስመ ኪያሁ ያፈቅር ፈድፋደ እምኵሉ ውሉዱ።,He gave all the books that he had written to his oldest son Shem because he loved him much more than all his sons. ወኖመ ኖኅ ምስለ አበዊሁ ወተቀብረ ውስተ ሉባር ደብር በምድረ አራራት።,Noah slept with his fathers and was buried on Mt. Lubar in the land of Ararat. ተስዓተ ምእተ ወኀምሳ ዓመተ ፈጸመ በሕይወቱ ዐሠርተ ወተስዓተ ኢዮቤልዉ ወክልኤ ሱባዔ ወኀምስተ ዓመተ።,"He completed 950 years in his lifetime — 19 jubilees, two weeks, and five years —" ዘአፈድፈደ ሐዪወ ዲበ ምድር እምውሉደ ሰብእ በእንተ ጽድቁ ዘባቲ ፍጹም በጽድቁ ዘእንበለ ኤኖክ እስመ ግብሩ ለሄኖክ ፍጥረት ውእቱ ለስምዕ ለትዝምደ ዓለም ከመ ይንግር ኵሎ ግብረ ለትውልደ ትውልድ በዕለተ ደይን።,(he) who lived longer on the earth than (other) people except Enoch because of his righteousness in which he was perfect ([i.e.] in his righteousness); because Enoch’s work was something created as a testimony for the generations of eternity so that he should report all deeds throughout generation after generation on the day of judgment. ወበሠላሳ ወሠለስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በዓመት አሐዱ በዝ ካልእ ሱባዔ ነሥአ ሎቱ ፋሌክ ብእሲተ እንተ ስማ ሎምና ወለተ ሲናኦር ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ በዓመት ራብዕ ዘሱባዔ ዝንቱ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ራግው እስመ ይቤ ናሁ ውሉደ ሰብእ ኮኑ እኩያነ ለምክረ ፁግ ከመ ይሕንጹ ሎሙ ሀገረ ወማኅፈደ ውስተ ምድረ ሰኖኦር።,"During the thirty-third jubilee, in the first year in this second week [1576], Peleg married a woman whose name was Lomna, the daughter of Sinaor. She gave birth to a son for him in the fourth year of this week [1579], and he named him Ragew, for he said: ‘Mankind has now become evil through the perverse plan to build themselves a city and tower in the land of Shinar’." እስመ ፈለሱ እምድረ አራራት መንገለ ጽባሕ ውስተ ሰናኦር እስመ በመዋዕሊሁ ሐነጽዎ ለሀገር ወለማኅፈድ እንዘ ይብሉ ንዕርግ ቦቱ ውስተ ሰማይ።,"For they had emigrated from the land of Ararat toward the east, to Shinar, because in his lifetime they built the city and the tower, saying: ‘Let us ascend through it to heaven’." ወአኀዙ ይሕንጹ ወበሱባዔ ራብዕ ወፈጡ በእሳት ወኮኖሙ ግንፋል ከመ እብን ወፅቡር በዘ ይመርዩ ቦቱ አስፋሊጦስ ዘይወፅእ እምነ ባሕር ወእምአንቅዕተ ማያት በምድረ ሰናኦር።,They began to build. In the fourth week [1590-96] they used fire for baking and bricks served them as stones. The mud with which they were plastering was asphalt which comes from the sea and from the water springs in the land of Shinar. ወሐነጽዎ አርብዓ ዓመተ ወሠለስተ ዓመተ ሀለዉ የሐንጽዎ ግንፋለ ፍጹመ ሠለስተ ወዐሠርተ ውስቴቱ ወሣልስተ አሐቲ ለኑኁ ኀምሳ ምእት ወአርባዕቱ ምእት ወሠላሳ ወሠላስ በእመት ዐርገ ኑኁ ወክልኤ ስዝር ወዐሠርቱ ምዕራፍ።,"They built it; they spent 43 years building it (with) complete bricks whose width was 13 (units) and whose height was a third of one (unit). Its height rose to 5433 cubits, two spans, and thirteen stades." ወይቤለነ እግዚአብሔር አምላክነ ለነ ናሁ ሕዝብ አሐዱ ወወጠነ ይግበር ወይእዜኒ ኢየሐልቅ እምኔሆሙ ንዑ ንረድ ወንክዐው ልሳናቲሆሙ ወኢይስማዕ አሐዱ ካልኦ ወይዘረዉ ውስተ አህጉር ወውስተ አሕዛብ ወኢትንበር እንከ አሐቲ ምክር ላዕሌሆሙ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ደይን።,"Then the Lord our God said to us: ‘The people here are one, and they have begun to work. Now nothing will elude them. Come, let us go down and confuse their tongues so that they do not understand one another and are dispersed into cities and nations and one plan no longer remains with them until the day of judgment’." ወወረደ እግዚአብሔር ወወረድነ ምስሌሁ ንርአይ ሀገረ ወማኅፈደ ዘሐነጹ ውሉደ ሰብእ።,So the Lord went down and we went down with him to see the city and the tower which mankind had built. ወሦጠ ኵሎ ቃለ ልሳናቲሆሙ ወኢሰምዐ እንከ አሐዱ ቃለ ካልኡ ወአንተጉ እንከ ሐኒጸ ሀገር ወማኅፈድ።,He confused every sound of their tongues; no one any longer understood what the other was saying. Then they stopped building the city and the tower. በእንተዝ ተሰምየት ኵላ ምድረ ሰናኦር ባቤል እስመ በህየ ሦጠ አምላክ ኵሎ ልሳናቲሆሙ ለውሉደ ሰብእ ወእምህየ ተዘርዉ ውስተ አህጉሪሆሙ በበ ልሳናቲሆሙ ወበበ ሕዘቢሆሙ።,"For this reason the whole land of Shinar was named Babel because there God confused all the tongues of mankind. From there they were dispersed into their cities, each according to their languages and their nations." ወፈነወ እግዚአብሔር ነፋሰ ውስተ ማኅፈደ ወገፍትኦ ውስተ ምድር ወናሁ ውእቱ ማእከለ አሱር ወባቢሎን ውስተ ምድረ ሰናኦር ወጸውዐ ሰሞ ድቀት።,"The Lord sent a wind at the tower and tipped it to the ground. It is now between Asshur and Babylon, in the land of Shinar. He named it the Collapse." በሱባዔ ራብዕ በአሐዱ ዓመት በቅድመ ዚአሁ ዘሠላሳ ወአርባዕቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ተዘርዉ እምድረ ሰናኦር።,"In the fourth week, during the first year — at its beginning — of the thirty-fourth jubilee [1639], they were dispersed from the land of Shinar." ወሖሩ ካም ወውሉዱ ውስተ ምድር እንተ እኅዝት ሎቱ ዘረከበ በመክፈልቱ ውስተ ምድረ ደቡብ።,"Ham and his sons went into the land which he was to occupy, which he had acquired as his share, in the southern country." ወርእየ ከናአን ምድረ ሊባኖስ እስከ ሙሐዘ ግብጽ ከመ ሠናይት ይእቲ ጥቀ ወኢሖረ ውስተ ምድረ ርስቱ መንገለ ዐረበ ባሕር ወኀደረ ውስተ ምድረ ሊባኖስ እምጽባሕ ወእምዐረብ እምእደ ሊባኖስ ወበእደ ባሕር።,"When Canaan saw that the land of Lebanon as far as the stream of Egypt was very beautiful, he did not go to his hereditary land to the west of the sea. He settled in the land of Lebanon, on the east and west, from the border of Lebanon and on the seacoast." ወይቤሎ ካም አቡሁ ወኵስ ወመጽሬም አኃዊሁ እስመ ኀደርከ ውስተ ምድር እንተ ኢኮነት እንቲአከ ወኢወፅአ ለነ በዕፀው ኢትግበር ከመዝ እስመ ለእመ ከመዝ ገበርከ አንተሂ ወደቂቅከሂ ትወድቁ ውስተ ምድር ወርጉማን በሀከክ እስመ በሀከክ ኀደርክሙ ወበሀከክ ይወድቁ ደቂቅከ ወትሤሮ ለዓለም።,"His father Ham and his brothers Cush and Mizraim said to him: ‘You have settled in a land which was not yours and did not emerge for us by lot. Do not act this way, for if you do act this way both you and your children will fall in the land and be cursed with rebellion, because you have settled in rebellion and in rebellion your children will fall and be uprooted forever." ኢትኅድር ውስተ ማኅደረ ሴም እስመ ለሴም ወለውሉዱ ወፅአ በዕፆሙ።,Do not settle in Shem’s residence because it emerged by their lot for Shem and his sons. ርጉም አንተ ወርጉመ ትከውን እምኵሎሙ ውሉደ ኖኅ በመርገም እንተ ተሠራዕነ በመሐላ በቅድሜሁ ለመኰንን ቅዱስ ወበቅድመ ኖኅ አቡነ።,You are cursed and will be cursed more than all of Noah’s children through the curse by which we obligated ourselves with an oath before the holy judge and before our father Noah’. ወኢሰምዖሙ ወኀደረ ምድረ ሊባኖስ እምኤማት እስከ ምብዋአ ግብጽ ውእቱ ወውሉዱ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት።,But he did not listen to them. He settled in the land of Lebanon — from Hamath to the entrance of Egypt — he and his sons until the present. ወበእንተዝ ተሰምየት ይእቲ ምድር ምድረ ከናአን።,For this reason that land was named the land of Canaan. ወያፌትሰ ወውሉዱ ሖሩ መንገለ ባሕር ወኀደሩ ውስተ ምድረ መክፈልቶሙ ወርእየ ማዳይ ምድረ ባሕር ወኢአደመቶ በቅድሜሁ ወአስተብቍዐ እምኀበ ኤላም ወአሱር ወአርፋክስድ እምኀበ እኀወ ብእሲቱ ወኀደረ ውስተ ምድረ ሜድቂን ቅሩበ ኀበ እኅወ ብእሲቱ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት።,"Japheth and his sons went toward the sea and settled in the land of their share. Madai saw the land near the sea but it did not please him. So he pleaded (for land) from Elam, Asshur, and Arpachshad, his wife’s brother. He has settled in the land of Medeqin near his wife’s brother until the present." ወሰመየ ምንባሪሁ ወምንባረ ውሉደ ሜዲቂን በስመ ማዳይ አቡሆሙ።,He named the place where he lived and the place where his children lived Medeqin after their father Madai. ወበሠላሳ ወኃምስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ሣልስ በአሐዱ ዓመቱ ሎቱ ነሥአ ሎቱ ራግው ብእሲተ ወስማ አራ ወለተ ኡር ወልደ ኬሴድ ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ሴሩግ በሳብዕ ሱባዔሁ ለዝ ሱባዔ።,"In the thirty-fifth jubilee, during the third week — in its first year [1681] — Ragew married a woman whose name was Ara, the daughter of Ur, Kesed’s son. She gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Serug in the seventh year of this week [1687]." ወበዝ ኢዮቤልዉ ወጠኑ ውሉደ ኖኅ ይትቃተሉ ለፄውዎ ወለቀቲል አሐዱ አሐዱ እኅዋሁ ወለክዒወ ደመ ሰብእ ዲበ ምድር ወለበሊዐ ደም ወለሐኒጸ አህጉር ጽኑዓት ወጥቅም ወማኅፈድ ወለተልዕሎ ብእሲ ላዕለ ሕዝብ ወለሰዪመ መቅድመ መንግሥት ወለሐዊረ ፀብእ ሕዝብ ቅድመ ሕዝብ ወአሕዛብ ቅድመ አሕዛብ ወሀገር ቅድመ ሀገር ወኵሉ ለአእክዮ ወለአጥርዮ ንዋየ ሐቅል ወለምህሮ ውሉዶሙ ጸብአ ወአኀዙ ይፄውዉ ሀገር ለሀገር ወለሠዪጦ ለግብርና ወለአመትና።,"During this jubilee Noah’s children began to fight one another, to take captives, and to kill one another; to shed human blood on the earth, to consume blood; to build fortified cities, walls, and towers; men to elevate themselves over peoples, to set up the first kingdoms; to go to war — people against people, nations against nations, city against city; and everyone to do evil, to acquire weapons, and to teach warfare to their sons. City began to capture city and to sell male and female slaves." ወሐነጸ ኡድ ወልደ ኬሴድ ሀገረ አራሃ እንተ ከልዴዎን ወሰመየ ስማ በስመ ዚአሁ ወበስመ አቡሁ።,"Ur, Kesed’s son, built the city of Ara of the Chaldeans. He named it after himself and his father." ወገብሩ ሎሙ ስብከዋተ ወይሰግድ አሐዱ ለጣዖት ዘገብረ ለርእሱ ስብኮ ወወጠኑ ይግበሩ ግልፎ ወምስለ ወርኵሰ ወመናፍስተ ፀዋጋን ይረድኡ ወያስሕቱ ከመ ይግበሩ አበሳተ ወርኵሰ ወአበሳ።,"They made molten images for themselves. Each one would worship the idol which he had made as his own molten image. They began to make statues, images, and unclean things; the spirits of the savage ones were helping and misleading (them) so that they would commit sins, impurities, and transgression." ወመኰንን ወስቴማ ይኄይል ለግብረ ዝንቱ ኵሉ ወይፌኑ በእደ መናፍስት ለእለ ተውህቡ ታሕተ እዴሁ ለገቢረ ኵሉ ጌጋይ ወኃጢአት ወኵሉ አበሳ ለአማስኖ ወለአሕጕሎ ወለክዒወ ደም ዲበ ምድር።,"Prince Mastema was exerting his power in effecting all these actions and, by means of the spirits, he was sending to those who were placed under his control (the ability) to commit every (kind of) error and sin and every (kind of) transgression; to corrupt, to destroy, and to shed blood on the earth." በእንተዝ ተጸውዐ ስሙ ለሴሩክ ሴሩክ እስመ ተመይጠ ኵሉ ለገቢረ ኵሉ ኃጢአት።,For this reason Serug was named Serug: because everyone turned to commit every (kind of) sin. ወልህቀ ወኀደረ ውስተ ኡር ዘከላዴዎን ቅሩበ አበ እመ ብእሲቱ ወኮነ ያመልክ ጣዖተ ወነሥአ ሎቱ ብእሲተ አመ ሠላሳ ወስድስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ኃምስ በዓመት ቀዳሚሁ ሎቱ ወስማ ሜልካ ወለተ ካቤር ወለተ እኅወ አቡሁ።,"He grew up and settled in Ur of the Chaldeans near the father of his wife’s mother. He was a worshiper of idols. During the thirty-sixth jubilee, in the fifth week, in its first year [1744], he married a woman whose name was Melcha, the daughter of Kaber, the daughter of his father’s brother." ወወለደት ሎቱ ናኮርሃ በዓመት ቀዳሚሁ ለዝ ሱባዔ ወልህቀ ወኀደረ ውስተ ኡር ውስተ ዘእለ ኡር ከለዳዊያን ወመሀሮ አቡሁ ኁሣሤሆሙ ለከለዳዊያን ለተማርዮ ወለተሰግሎ በተአምረ ሰማይ።,She gave birth to Nahor for him during the first year of this week [1744]. He grew up and settled in Ur — in the one that is the Ur of the Chaldeans. His father taught him the studies of Chaldeans: to practice divination and to augur by the signs of the sky. ወበሠላሳ ወሰብዓቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ሳድስ በአሐዱ ዓመቱ ሎቱ ነሥአ ብእሲተ ወስማ ኢያስካ ወለተ ኔስታግ ዘከለዳዊያን።,"During the thirty-seventh jubilee, in the sixth week, in its first year [1800], he married a woman whose name was lyaseka, the daughter of Nestag of the Chaldeans." ወወለደት ሎቱ ታራሃ በዓመት ሳብዕ ለዝ ሱባዔ።,She gave birth to Terah for him in the seventh year of this week [1806]. ወፈነወ መኰንን መስቴማ ቋዓተ ወአዕዋፈ ከመ ይብልዑ ዘርአ ዘይዘራእ ውስተ ምድር ወለአማስኖ ምድር ከመ ይሂድዎሙ ለውሉደ ሰብእ ትግብርቶሙ ዘእንበለ ይኅርሱ ዘርአ የአርዩ ቋአት እምገጸ ምድር።,"Then Prince Mastema sent ravens and birds to eat the seed which would be planted in the ground and to destroy the land in order to rob mankind of their labors. Before they plowed in the seed, the ravens would pick (it) from the surface of the ground." በእንተዝ ጽውዐ ስሞ ታራ እስመ ያስተጼንስዎሙ ቋዓት ወአዕዋፍ ወይበልዑ ሎሙ ዘርኦሙ።,For this reason he named him Terah: because the ravens and birds reduced them to povery and ate their seed. ወአኀዙ ዓመታት ይዕበሩ እምቅድመ ገጾሙ ለአዕዋፍ ወኵሎ ፍሬ ዕፅ ይበልዑ እምአእዋም በኃይል ዐቢይ እመ ክህሉ አድኅኖ ኅዳጠ እምኵሉ ፍሬ ምድር በመዋዕሊሆሙ።,"The years began to be unfruitful due to the birds. They would eat all the fruit of the trees from the orchards. During their time, if they were able to save a little of all the fruit of the earth, it was with great effort." ወበዝ ሠላሳ ወተስዓቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ካልእ በቀዳሚ ዓመት ነሥአ ሎቱ ታራ ብእሲተ ወስማ ኤድና ወለተ አብራም ወለተ እኅተ አቡሁ ሎቱ ብእሲተ።,"During the thirty-ninth jubilee, in the second week, in the first year [1870], Terah married a woman whose name was Edna, the daughter of Abram, the daughter of his father’s sister." ወበዓመት ሳብዕ ለዝ ሱባዔ ወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ አብራም በስመ አቡሃ ለእሙ እስመ ሞተ ዘእንበለ ይፀነስ ወልደ ወለቱ።,"In the seventh year of this week [1876] she gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Abram after his mother’s father because he had died before his daughter’s son was conceived." ወአኀዘ ሕፃን ያእምር ስሕተተ ምድር ከመ ኵሉ ይስሕት በድኅሬሆሙ ለግልፎ ወድኅረ ርኵስ ወመሀሮ አቡሁ መጽሐፈ ወወልደ ክልኤ ሱባዔ ዓመት ውእቱ ወተፈልጠ እምድኅረ አቡሁ ከመ ኢይስግድ ምስሌሁ ለጣዖት።,"The child began to realize the errors of the earth — that everyone was going astray after the statues and after impurity. His father taught him (the art of) writing. When he was two weeks of years [= 14 years], he separated from his father in order not to worship idols with him." ወአኀዝ ይጸሊ ኀበ ፈጣሬ ኵሉ ከመ ያድኅኖ እምስሕተተ ውሉደ ሰብእ ወከመ ኢይረድ መክፈልቱ ውስተ ስሒት ድኅረ ርኵስ ወምናኔ።,He began to pray to the creator of all that he would save him from the errors of mankind and that it might not fall to his share to go astray after impurity and wickedness. ወበጽሐ ጊዜ ዘርእ ለዘሪእ ውስተ ምድር ወወፅኡ ኵሎሙ ኅቡረ ከመ ይዕቀቡ ዘርአ እምገጸ ቋዓት ወወፅአ አብራም ምሰለ እለ ወፅኡ ሕፃን ወልደ ዐሠርቱ ወአርባዕቱ ዓመት።,"When the time for planting seeds in the ground arrived, all of them went out together to guard the seed from the ravens. Abram — a child of 14 years — went out with those who were going out." ወደመና ቋዓት መጽኡ ከመ ይብልዑ ዘርአ ወአብራም ይረውጽ አንፃሪሆሙ ዘእንበለ ይንበሩ ውስተ ምድር ወይኬልሕ ላዕሌሆሙ ዘእንበለ ይንበሩ ዲበ ምድር ለበሊዐ ዘርእ ወይብል ኢትረዱ ግብኡ ውስተ መካን ኀበ ወፃእክሙ ወተመይጡ።,"As a cloud of ravens came to eat the seed, Abram would run at them before they could settle on the ground. He would shout at them before they could settle on the ground to eat the seed and would say: ‘Do not come down; return to the place from which you came’! And they returned." ወገብረ በይእቲ ዕለት ለደመና ቋዓት ሰብዓ ወኢነበረ እምኵሉ ቋዓት ውስተ ኵሉ ገራውህ ኀበ ሀሎ አብራም ህየ ወኢአሐዱ።,That day he did (this) to the cloud of ravens 70 times. Not a single raven remained in any of the fields where Abram was. ወይሬእይዎ ኵሎሙ እለ ምስሌሁ ውስተ ኵሉ ገራውህ እንዘ ይኬልሕ ወኵሉ ቋዓት ተመይጡ ወዐብየ ስሙ በኵሉ ምደረ ከለዴዎን።,All who were with him in any of the fields would see him shouting: then all of the ravens returned (to their place). His reputation grew large throughout the entire land of the Chaldeans. ወመጽኡ ኀቤሁ በዓመት ዝንቱ ኵሎሙ እለ ይዘርኡ ወሀሎ የሐውር ምስሌሆሙ እስከ አመ የሐልቅ ጊዜ ዘርእ ወዘርኡ ምድሮሙ ወአብኡ በውእቱ ዓመት እክለ እኩለ ወበልዑ ወጸግቡ።,"All who were planting seed came to him in this year, and he kept going with them until the seedtime came to an end. They planted their land and that year brought in enough food. So they ate and were filled." ወበዓመት አሐዱ ዘሱባዔ ኃምስ መሀረ አብራም ለእለ ይገብሩ ንዋየ አልህምት ለኬነተ ዕፅ ወገብሩ ንዋየ በመልዕልተ ምድር በአንጻረ ድጕር ዕርፍ ከመ ያንብር ላዕሌሁ ዘርአ ወይወርድ እምውስቴቱ ዘርእ ውስተ ከተማ ዕርፍ ወይትኀባእ ውስተ ምድር ወኢይፈርሁ እንከ እምገጸ ቋዓት።,"In the first year of the fifth week [1891] Abram taught the people who made equipment for bulls — the skillful woodworkers — and they made an implement above the ground, opposite the plow beam, so that one could place seed on it. The seed would then drop down from it onto the end of the plow and be hidden in the ground; and they would no longer be afraid of the ravens." ወገብሩ ከመዝ ላዕለ ኵሉ ድጕረ ዕርፍ መልዕልተ ምድር ወዘርኡ ወገብሩ ኵሉ ምድር ዘከመ አዘዞሙ አብራም ወኢይፈርሁ እንከ እምአዕዋፍ።,"They made (something) like this above the ground on every plow beam. They planted seed, and all the land did as Abram told them. So they were no longer afraid of the birds." ወኮነ በኡባዔ ሳድስ ዓመቱ ሎቱ ይቤ አብራም ለታራ አቡሁ እንዘ ይብል አባ ወይቤ ነየ አነ ወልድየ።,"During the sixth week, in its seventh year [1904], Abram said to his father Terah: ‘My father’. He said: ‘Yes, my son’?" ወይቤ ምንተ ረድኤተ ወተድላ ለነ እምእሉ ጣዖት ዘአንተ ታመልክ ወትሰግድ ቅድሜሆሙ።,He said: ‘What help and advantage do we get from these idols before which you worship and prostrate yourself? እስመ አልቦ ላዕሌሆሙ ምንተኒ መንፈሰ እስመ ስግመት እሙንቱ ወስሕተተ ልብ እሙንቱ ኢታምልክዎሙ።,For there is no spirit in them because they are dumb. They are an error of the mind. Do not worship them. አምልኩ አምላከ ሰማይ ዘያወርድ ዝናመ ወጠለ ላዕለ ምድር ወይገብር ኵሎ ላዕለ ምድር ወኵሎ ፈጠረ በቃሉ ወኵሉ ሕይወት እምቅድመ ገጹ።,Worship the God of heaven who makes the rain and dew fall on the earth and makes everything on the earth. He created everything by his word; and all life (comes) from his presence. ለምንት አንትሙ ታመልኩ እለ አልቦሙ መንፈሰ ላዕሌሆሙ እስመ ግብረ እደው እሙንቱ ወዲበ መታክፍቲክሙ አንትሙ ትጸውርዎሙ ወአልቦ እምኔሆሙ ለክሙ ረጽኤተ ዘእንበለ ኀሳር ዐቢይ ለእለ ይገብርዎሙ ወስሕተተ ልብ ለእለ ያመልክዎሙ ኢታምልክዎሙ።,"Why do you worship those things which have no spirit in them? For they are made by hands and you carry them on your shoulders. You receive no help from them, but instead they are a great shame for those who make them and an error of the mind for those who worship them. Do not worship them’." ወይቤሎ አነሂ አአምር ወልድየ ምንተ እሬሲ ለሕዝብ እለ አዘዙኒ እትለአክ ቅድሜሆሙ።,"Then he said to him: ‘I, too, know (this), my son. What shall I do with the people who have ordered me to serve in their presence?" ወእመ ነገርክዎሙ ጽድቀ ይቀትሉኒ እስመ ተለወት ነፍሶሙ ኀቤሆሙ ከመ ያምልክዎሙ ወይሰብሕዎሙ አርምም ወልድየ ኢይቅትሉከ።,"If I tell them what is right, they will kill me because they themselves are attached to them so that they worship and praise them. Be quiet, my son, so that they do not kill you’." ወነገረ ዘንተ ነገረ ለክልኤ አኃዊሁ ወተምዕዑ ላዕሌሁ ወአርመመ።,"When he told these things to his two brothers and they became angry at him, he remained silent." ወበአርብዓ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ካልእ በሳብዕ ዓመቱ ሎቱ ነሥአ ሎቱ አብራም ብእሲተ ወስማ ሶራ ወለተ አቡሁ ወኮነቶ ሎቱ ብእሲተ።,"During the fortieth jubilee, in the second week, in its seventh year [1925], Abram married a woman whose name was Sarai, the daughter of his father, and she became his wife." ወአራን እኁሁ ነሥአ ሎቱ በዓመት ሣልስ ዘሱባዔ ሣልስ ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ በዓመት ሳብዕ ዘሱባዔ ዝንቱ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ሎጥ።,"His brother Haran married a woman in the third year of the third week [1928], and she gave birth to a son for him in the seventh year of this week [1932]. He named him Lot." ወናኮርኒ እኁሁ ነሥአ ሎቱ ብእሲተ።,His brother Nahor also got married. ወበዓመት ዘስሳ ዘሕይወተ አብራም ውእቱ ሱባዔ ራብዕ በዓመት ራብዑ ሎቱ ተንሥአ አብራም በሌሊት ወአውዐየ ቤተ ጣዖታት ወአውዐየ ኵሎ በውስተ ቤት ወሰብእ አልቦ ዘአእመረ።,"In the sixtieth year of Abram’s life (which was the fourth week, in its fourth year [1936], Abram got up at night and burned the temple of the idols. He burned everything in the temple but no one knew (about it)." ወተንሥኡ ሌሊተ ወፈቀዱ ያድኅኑ አማልክቲሆሙ እማእከለ እሳት።,They got up at night and wanted to save their gods from the fire. ወሰረረ አራን ከመ ያድኅኖሙ ወነደደ እሳት ላዕሌሁ ወውዕየ በእሳት ወሞተ በኤኑር ዘከላዴዎን በቅድመ ታራ አቡሁ ወቀበርዎ በኤኑር ዘከላዴዎን።,"Haran dashed in to save them, but the fire raged over him. He was burned in the fire and died in Ur of the Chaldeans before his father Terah. They buried him in Ur of the Chaldeans." ወወፅአ ታራ እምነ ኡር ዘከለዳዊያን ውእቱ ወውሉዱ ከመ ይምጽኡ ውስተ ምድረ ሊባኖስ ወውስተ ምድረ ከናአን ወኀደረ ውስተ ካራን ወኀደረ አብራም ምስለ አቡሁ ውስተ ካራን ክልኤ ዓመታተ።,"Then Terah left Ur of the Chaldeans — he and his sons — to go to the land of Lebanon and the land of Canaan. He settled in Haran, and Abram lived with his father in Haran for two weeks of years." ወበሳድስ ሱባዔ በዓመት ኃምሱ ሎቱ ነበረ አብራም በሌሊት በሠርቀ ወርኅ ሳብዕ ከመ ያበይን ከዋክብተ እምሰርክ እስከ ነግህ ከመ ይርአይ ምንተ ግብረ ዓመት በዝናማት ወሀሎ ውእቱ ባሕቲቱ ይነብር ወያቤይን።,"In the sixth week, during its fifth year [1951], Abram sat at night — at the beginning of the seventh month — to observe the stars from evening to dawn in order to see what would be the character of the year with respect to the rains. He was sitting and observing by himself." ወመጽአ ውስተ ልቡ ቃል ወይቤ ኵሉ ተአምረ ከዋክብት ወተአምሪሃ ለወርኅ ወለፀሐይ ኵሉ በእደ እግዚአብሔር ለምንት አነ እትኃሠሠ።,A voice came to his mind and he said: ‘All the signs of the stars and signs of the moon and the sun — all are under the Lord’s control. Why should I be investigating (them)? ለእመ ፈቀደ ያዘንም ነግህ ወሰርክ ወእመ ፈቀደ ኢያወርድ ወኵሉ ውስተ እዴሁ።,"If he wishes he will make it rain in the morning and evening; and if he wishes, he will not make it fall. Everything is under his control’." ወጸለየ በዛቲ ሌሊት ወይቤ አምላኪየ አምላኪየ አምላክ ልዑል አንተ ባሕቲትከ ሊተ አምላክ ወአንተ ኵሎ ፈጠርከ ወግብረ እደዊከ ኵሉ ኮነ ወሀለወ ወኪያከ ወመለኮትከ ኀረይኩ።,"That night he prayed and said: My God, my God, God most High, You alone are my God. You have created everything; Everything that was and has been is the product of your hands. You and your lordship I have chosen." አድኅነኒ እምእደ መናፍስት እኩያን እለ ይሴለጡ ውስተ ኅሊና ልበ ሰብእ ወኢያስሕቱኑ እምድኅሬከ አምላኪየ ወትረስየኒ ኪያየ ወዘርእየ አንተ ለዓለም ወኢንስሐት እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም።,"Save me from the power of the evil spirits who rule the thoughts of people’s minds. May they not mislead me from following you, my God. Do establish me and my posterity forever. May we not go astray from now until eternity." ወይቤ እመ እገብእሁ ውስተ ኡር ዘከለዳዊያን እለ እሙንቱ የኀሥሡ ገጽየ ከመ እግባእ ኀቤሆሙ ወሚመ እንበር ዝየ በዝ መካን ፍኖተ ርቱዐ ቅድሜከ ኪያሃ ሰርሕ በእደ ገብርከ ይግበር ወኢይሖር በስሕተተ ልብየ አምላኪየ።,"Then he said: ‘Shall I return to Ur of the Chaldeans who are looking for me to return to them? Or am I to remain here in this place? Make the path that is straight before you prosper through your servant so that he may do (it). May I not proceed in the error of my mind, my God’." ወውእቱ ሶበ ፈጸመ ተናግሮ ወጸዕዮ ወናሁ ቃለ እግዚአብሔር ተፈነወ ኀቤሁ በእዴየ እንዘ ይብል ነዓ አንተ እምድርከ ወእምነ ትዝምድከ ወእምነ ቤተ አቡከ ውስተ ምድር እንተ አርእየከ ወእሬስየከ ሕዝበ ዐቢየ ወብዙኀ።,"When he had finished speaking and praying, then the word of the Lord was sent to him through me: ‘Now you, come from your land, your family, and your father’s house to the land which I will show you. I will make you into a large and populous people." ወእባርከከ ወአዐቢ ስመከ ወትከውን ቡሩከ ውስተ ምድር ወይትባረኩ ብከ ኵሎሙ አሕዛበ ምድር ወለእለ ይባርኩከ እባርኮሙ ወለእለ ይረግሙከ እረግሞሙ።,"I will bless you and magnify your reputation. You will become blessed in the earth. All the nations of the earth will be blessed in you. Those who bless you I will bless, while those who curse you I will curse." ወእከውነከ ለከ ወለወልድከ ወለወልደ ወልድከ ወለኵሉ ዘርእከ አምላከ ኢትፍራህ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ኵሉ ትዝምደ ምድር አነ አምላክከ።,"I will become God for you, your son, your grandson, and all your descendants. Do not be afraid. From now until all the generations of the earth I am your God’." ወይቤለኒ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ፍታሕ አፉሁ ወእዘኒሁ ይስማዕ ወይንብብ በልሳኑ በልሳን እንተ ታስተርኢ እስመ አዕረፈ እምአፈ ኵሉ ውሉደ ሰብእ እምዕለተ ድቀት።,Then the Lord God said to me: ‘Open his mouth and his ears to hear and speak with his tongue in the revealed language’. For from the day of the collapse it had disappeared from the mouth(s) of all mankind. ወፈታሕኩ አፉሁ ወእዘኒሁ ወከናፍሪሁ ወአኀዝኩ እትናገር ምስሌሁ ዕብራይስጥ በልሳነ ፍጥረት።,"I opened his mouth, ears, and lips and began to speak Hebrew with him — in the language of the creation." ወነሥአ መጻሕፍተ አበዊሁ ወጽሑፋት እማንቱ ዕብራይስጥ ወደገሞን ወአኀዘ ይትመሀሮን እምአሜሃ ወአነ አየድዖ ኵሎ ዘይሰአኖ ወተምህሮን ስድስተ ወርኀ ዝናም።,"He took his fathers’ books (they were written in Hebrew) and copied them. From that time he began to study them, while I was telling him everything that he was unable (to understand). He studied them throughout the six rainy months." በዓመት ሳብዕ ዘሱባዔ ሳድስ ወተናገረ ምስለ አቡሁ ወአይድዖ ከመ የሐውር ውእቱ እምካራን ለሐዊረ ምድረ ከናአን ይርአያ ወይግባእ ኀቤሁ።,"In the seventh year of the sixth week [1953], he spoke with his father and told him that he was leaving Haran to go to the land of Canaan to see it and return to him." ወይቤሎ ታራ አቡሁ ሖር በሰላም አምላከ ዓለም ያርትዕ ፍኖተከ ወእግዚአብሔር ምስሌከ ወይትማኅፀንከ እምኩሉ እኩይ ወየሀብ ላዕሌከ ሣህለ ወምሕረተ ወሞገሰ በቅድመ እለ ይሬእዩከ ወኢይኰንንከ ኵሉ ውሉደ ሰብእ ለአእክዮ ዲቤከ ሖር በሰላም።,"His father Terah said to him: Go in peace. May the eternal God make your way straight; May the Lord be with you and protect you from every evil; May he grant you kindness, mercy, and grace before those who see you; And may no person have power over you to harm you. Go in peace." ወእመ ርኢከ ምድረ አዳም ለአዕይንቲከ ለኀዲር ውስቴታ ነዓ ወንሥአኒ ኀቤከ ወንሥኦ ለሎጥ ምስሌከ ወልደ አራን እኁከ ለከ ለወልድ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌከ።,"‘If you see a land that, in your view, is a pleasant one in which to live, then come and take me to you. Take Lot, the son of your brother Haran, with you as your son. May the Lord be with you." ወናኮርሃ እኅዋከ ኅድግ ኀቤየ እስከ ትገብእ በሰላም ወነሐውር ኵልነ ኅቡረ ምስሌከ።,Leave your brother Nahor with me until you return in peace. Then all of us together will go with you’. ወሖረ አብራም እምካራን ወነሥአ ሶራይሃ ብእሲቶ ወሎጥሃ ወልደ አራን እኁሁ ውስተ ምድረ ከናአን ወመጽአ ውስተ አሱር ወአንሶሰወ እስከ ሰቂሞን ወኀደረ ኀበ ድርሰ ነዋኅ።,"Abram went from Haran and took his wife Sarai and Lot, the son of his brother Haran, to the land of Canaan. He came to Asur. He walked as far as Shechem and settled near a tall oak tree." ወርእየ ወናሁ ምድር አዳም ጥቀ እምብዋአ ኤማት እስከ ኀበ ድርስ ነዋኅ።,He saw that the land — from the entrance of Hamath to the tall oak — was very pleasant. ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለከ ወለዘርእከ እሁብ ዛተ ምድረ።,Then the Lord said to him: ‘To you and your descendants I will give this land’. ወሐነጸ በህየ ምሥዋዐ ወአዕረገ ዲቤሁ ጽንሐሐ ለእግዚአብሔር ዘአስተርአዮ።,He built an altar there and offered on it a sacrifice to the Lord who had appeared to him. ወአንሥአ እምህየ ውስተ ደብረ ቤቴል ዘመንገለ ባሕር ወአጌ መንገለ ጽባሕ ወተከለ ደብተራሁ ህየ።,"He departed from there toward the mountain of Bethel which is toward the sea, with Ai toward the east, and pitched his tent there." ወርእየ ወናሁ ምድር ጽፍሕት ወኄርት ጥቀ ወኵሉ ይሠርፅ ላዕሌሃ አውያን ወበለስ ወሮማን ዕፅ ባላን ወድርስ ወጤሬቤንቶስ ወዕፀወ ዘይት ወቄድሮስ ወቄጲሪሶስ ወሊባኖስ ወኵሉ ዕፀወ ገዳም ወማይ ዲበ አድባር።,"He saw that the land was spacious and most excellent and (that) everything was growing on it: vines, fig trees, pomegranates, oak trees, holm oaks, terebinths, olive trees, cedars, cypresses, incense trees, and all (kinds of) wild trees; and (there was) water on the mountains." ወባረኮ ለእግዚአብሔር ዘአውፅኦ እምነ ኡር ዘከለዳዊያን ወአምጽኦ ውስተዝ ደብር።,Then he blessed the Lord who had led him from Ur of the Chaldeans and brought him to this mountain. ወኮነ በአሐዱ ዓመት በሱባዔ ሳብዕ በሠርቀ ወርኅ በዘ ቀዳሚ ሐነጸ ምሥዋዐ በዝ ደብር ወጸውዖ በስመ እግዚአብሔር አንተ አምላኪየ አምላከ ዘለዓለም።,"During the first year in the seventh week [1954] — on the first of the month in which he had initially built the altar on this mountain — he called on the name of the Lord: ‘You, my God, are the eternal God’." ወአዕረገ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ጽንሐሐ ለእግዚአብሔር ከመ የሀሉ ምስሌሁ ወኢይኅድጎ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወቱ።,He offered to the Lord a sacrifice on the altar so that he would be with him and not abandon him throughout his entire lifetime. ወአንሥአ እምህየ ወሖረ መንገለ ደቡብ ወበጽሐ እስከ ኬብሮን ወኬብሮን አሜሃ ተሐንጸት ወነበረ ህየ ዓመተ ክልኤተ ወሖረ ውስተ ምድረ ደቡብ እስከ ቦአ ሎጥ ወኮነ ዐባር ዲበ ምድር።,"He departed from there and went toward the south. When he reached Hebron (Hebron was built at that time), he stayed there for two years. Then he went to the southern territory as far as Boa Lot. There was a famine in the land." ወሖረ አብራም ግብጽ በሣልስ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ወኀደረ ውስተ ግብጽ ኀምስተ ዓመተ ዘእንበለ ትትሀየድ ብእሲቱ እምኔሁ።,So Abram went to Egypt in the third year of the week [1956]. He lived in Egypt for five years before his wife was taken from him by force. ወጠናይስ ዘግብጽ አሜሃ ተሐብጸት በሰብዓቱ ክረምት እምድኅረ ኬብሮን።,Egyptian Tanais was built at that time — seven years after Hebron. ወኮነ አመ ሄዶ ፈርዖን ሶራይ ብእሲቶ ለአብራም ቀሠፈ እግዚአብሔር ፈርዖንሃ ወቤቶ በመቅሠፍት ዐቢይ በእንተ ሶራይ ብእሲቱ ለአብራም።,"When the pharaoh took Abram’s wife Sarai by force for himself, the Lord punished the pharaoh and his household very severely because of Abram’s wife Sarai." ወአብራም ክቡር በጥሪት ጥቀ በአባግዕ ወበአልህምት ወበአእዱግ ወበአፍራስ ወበአግማል ወበአግብርት ወበአእማት ወበብሩር ወበወርቅ ፈድፋደ ወለሎጥኒ ወልደ እኁሁ በጥሪት።,"Now Abram had an extremely large amount of property: sheep, cattle, donkeys, horses, camels, male and female servants, silver, and very (much) gold. Lot — his brother’s son — also had property." ወአግብአ ፈርዖን ሶራይሃ ብእሲተ አብራም ወአፍለሶ እምድረ ግብጽ ወሖረ ውስተ መካን ኀበ ተከለ ደብተራሁ እንተ ቀዲሙ ውስተ መካነ ምሥዋዐ አጌ እምጽባሐ ቤቴል ወባሕር ወባሪኮ ለእግዚአብሔር አምላኩ ዘሜጦ በሰላም።,"The pharaoh returned Abram’s wife Sarai and expelled him from the land of Egypt. He went to the place where he had first pitched his tent — at the location of the altar, with Ai on the east and Bethel on the west. He blessed the Lord his God who had brought him back safely." ወኮነ በዝ አርብዓ ወአሐዱ ኢዮቤልዎን በሣልስ ዓም ዘሱባዔ ቀዳሚ ገብአ ውስተ ዝመካን ወአዕረገ በዲቤሁ ጽንሐሐ ወጸውዐ በስመ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ልዑል አምላኪየ ለዓለመ ዓለም።,"During this forty-first jubilee, in the third year of the first week [1963], he returned to this place. He offered a sacrifice on it and called on the Lord’s name: ‘You, Lord, most high God, are my God forever and ever’." ወበራብዕ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱባዔ ተፈልጠ ሎጥ እምኔሁ ወኀደረ ሎጥ ውስተ ሰዶም ወሰብአ ሰዶም ኃጥኣን ጥቀ።,In the fourth year of this week [1964] Lot separated from him. Lot settled in Sodom. Now the people of Sodom were very sinful. ወአከዮ በልቡ እስመ ተፈልጠ ወልደ እኁሁ እምኔሁ እስመ አልቦ ውሉደ።,He was brokenhearted that his brother’s son had separated from him for he had no children. በውእቱ ዓመት አመ ተፄወወ ሎጥ ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብራም እምድኅረ ተፈልጠ እምኔሁ ሎጥ በራብዕ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱባዔ ወይቤሎ አንሥእ አዕይንቲከ እመካን ውእደ ሀለውከ ትነብር ህየ መንገለ ሰሜን ወሊባ ወባሕር ወጽባሕ።,"In that year when Lot was taken captive, the Lord spoke to Abram — after Lot had separated from him, in the fourth year of this week — and said to him: ‘Look up from the place where you have been living toward the north, the south, the west, and the east;" እስመ ኵላ ምድረ እንተ ትሬኢ ለከ ወለዘርእከ እመሁባ እስከ ለዓለም ወእሬሲ ዘርእከ ከመ ኆፃ ባሕር እመ ይክል ሰብእ ኆልቆ ኆፃ ምድር ወዘርእከኒ ኢይትኆለቍ።,"because all the land which you see I will give to you and your descendants forever. I will make your descendants like the sands of the sea. (Even) if a man can count the sands of the earth, your descendants will (still) not be counted." ተንሥእ ወአንሶሱ ውስተ ኑኃ ወርሕባ ወርኢ ኵሎ እስመ ለዘርእከ እሁባ ወሖረ አብራም ኬብሮን ወኀደረ ህየ።,Get up and walk through its length and its width. Look at everything because I will give it to your descendants’. Then Abram went to Hebron and lived there. ወበዝ ዓመት መጽአ ከደለጎሞር ንጉሠ ኤላም አመርፋል ንጉሠ ሲናአር ወአሪአክ ንጉሠ ሴለሳር ወቴርጋል ንጉሠ አሕዛብ ወቀተልዎ ለንጉሠ ጎሞር ወጐየ ንጉሠ ሰዶም ወብዙኃን ወድቁ በቍስል በስላ ሰዲማው በባሕረ ፄው።,"In this year Chedorlaomer, the king of Elam, Amraphel, the king of Shinar, Arioch, the king of Selasar, and Tergal, the king of the nations came and killed the king of Gomorrah, while the king of Sodom fled. Many people fell with wounds in the valley of Saddimaw, in the Salt Sea." ወፄወዉ ሰዶምሃ ወአዳማሃ ወሴቦኤም ወፄወውዎ ለሎጥኒ ወልደ እኁሁ ለአብራም ሰኵሎ ጥሪቶ ወሖረ እስከ ዳን።,"They took captive Sodom, Adamah, and Zeboim; they also took Lot, the son of Abram’s brother, captive and all his possessions. He went as far as Dan." ወመጽአ ዘድኅነ ወነገሮ ለአብራም ከመ ተፄወወ ወልደ እኁሁ።,One who had escaped came and told Abram that the son of his brother had been taken captive. ወአስተረሰየ ልደ ቤቱ [ወሖረ አብራም ወቀተሎ ለከደለጎሞር ወየመይጠ ወዐሠረ ዐሥራተ እምኵሉ ወወሀቦ ለመልከ ጼዴቅ ወዝንቱ ዐሥራት] ዲበ አብራም ወዲበ ዘርኡ ዓሥራተ ቀዳሚ ለእግዚአብሔር ወእግዚአብሔር ሠርዖ ሥርዓተ ለዓለም ከመ የሀብዎ ለካህናት ለእለ ይትቀነዩ በቅድሜሁ ከመ የአኀዝዋ ለዓለም።,"When he had armed his household servants, [Abram went and killed Chedorlaomer. Upon returning, he took a tithe of everything and gave it to Melchizedek. This tithe was] for Abram and his descendants the tithe of the firstfruits for the Lord. The Lord made it an eternal ordinance that they should give it to the priests who serve before him for them to possess it forever." ወአልቦ ለዝ ሕግ ወሰነ መዋዕል እስመ ትውልድ ዘለዓለም ሠርዖ ከመ የሀቡ ዓሥራተ እምኵሉ ለእግዚአብሔር እምዘርእ ወእምወይን ወእምቅብእ ወእምአልህምት ወእምአባግዕ።,"This law has no temporal limit because he has ordained it for the history of eternity to give a tenth of everything to the Lord — of seed, the vine, oil, cattle, and sheep." ወውእቱ ወሀበ ለካህናቲሁ ለበሊዕ ወለሰቲይ በፍሥሓ በቅድሜሁ።,He has given (it) to his priests to eat and drink joyfully before him. ወበጽሐ ኀቤሁ ንጉሠ ሰዶም ወሰገደ ቅድሜሁ ወይቤ እግዚእነ አብራም ጸግወነ ነፍሰ እለ ባለሕከ ወምህርካሁሰ ይኩንከ።,"When the king of Sodom came up to him, he knelt before him and said: ‘Our lord Abram, kindly give us the people whom you rescued, but their booty is to be yours’." ወይቤሎ አብራም ሎቱ አነሥእ እደዊየ ኀበ አምላክ ልዑል እምፈትል እስከ ቶታነ አሣእን እመ እነሥእ እምኵሉ ዘዚአከ ከመ ኢትኩን በሃሌ አነ አብዐልክዎ ለአብራም ዘእንበለ ዘበልዑ ዳእሙ ወራዙት ወመክፈልቶሙ ለዕደው እለ ሖሩ ምስሌየ አውናን ወኤስከል ወመምሪ እሙንቱ ይነሥኡ መክፈልቶሙ።,"Abram said to him: ‘I lift my hands to the most high God (to show that) I will not take anything of yours — not a thread or sandal thongs, so that you may not say: I have made Abram rich» — excepting only what the young men have eaten and the share of the men who went with me: Awnan, Eschol, and Mamre. These will take their share’." ወእምድኅረ ዝነገር በራብዕ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱባዔ በሠርቀ ሣልስ ወርኅ ኮነ ቃለ እግዚአብሔር ኀበ አብራም በሕልም እንዘ ይብል ኢትፍራህ አብራም አነ ውእቱ ቃውምከ ወዐስብከ ይፈደፍድ ጥቀ።,"After these things — in the fourth year of this week [1964], on the first of the third month — the word of the Lord came to Abram in a dream: ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your protector; your reward will be very large’." ወይቤ እግዚኦ እግዚኦ ምንተ ትሁበኒ ወአንሰ አሐውር ዘእንበለ ውሉድ ወወልደ ማሴቅ አመትየ ውእቱ ደማስቆስ ኤሌኤዜር ውእቱ ይወርሰኒ ወሊተ ኢወሀብከኒ ዘርአ ሀበኒ ዘርአ።,"He said: ‘Lord, Lord, what are you going to give me when I go on being childless. The son of Maseq — the son of my maid servant — that is Damascene Eliezer — will be my heir. You have given me no descendants. Give me descendants’." 2 ወይቤሎ ኢይወርሰከዝ ዘእንበለ ዘይወፅእ እምከርሥከ ውእቱ ይወርሰከ።,He said to him: ‘This one will not be your heir but rather someone who will come out of your loins will be your heir’. ወአውፅኦ አፍአ ወይቤሎ ነጽር ውስተ ሰማይ ወኆልቍ ከዋክብተ እመ ትክል ኆልቆቶሙ።,"He brought him outside and said to him: ‘Look at the sky and count the stars, if you can count them’." ወነጸረ ሰማየ ወርእየ ከዋክብተ ወይቤሎ ከመዝ ይከውን ዘርእከ።,"When he had looked at the sky and seen the stars, he said to him: ‘Your descendants will be like this’." ወአምኖ ለእግዚአብሔር ወተኆለቆ ጽድቀ።,"He believed the Lord, and it was credited to him as something righteous." ወይቤሎ አነ እግዚአብሔር ዘአውፃእኩከ እምነ ኡር ዘከለዳዊያን ከመ አሀብከ ምድረ ከነናዊያን ለእኂዝ ለዓለም ወለከዊነ ለከ አምላከ ወለዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ።,He said to him: ‘I am the Lord who brought you from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you the land of the Canaanites to occupy forever and to become God for you and your descendants after you’. ወይቤ እግዚኦ እግዚኦ በምንት አአምር ከመ እወርስ።,"He said: ‘Lord, Lord, how will I know that I will inherit (it)’?" ወይቤሎ ንሣእ ሊተ ጠዕዋ ዘሠለስቱ ዓመት ወጠሌ ዘሠለስቱ ዓመት ወበግዐ ዘሠለስቱ ዓመት ወመንጤተ ወርግበ።,"He said to him: ‘Get for me a three-year-old calf, a three-year-old goat, a threeyear- old sheep, a turtledove, and a dove’." ወነሥአ ዘንተ ኵሎ በመንፈቀ ወርኅ ወውእቱ ይነብር ኀበ ድራይ ዘማምሪ እንተ ይእቲ ቅሩበ ኬብሮን።,He got all of these in the middle of the month. He was living at the oak of Mamre which is near Hebron. ወሐነጸ ምሥዋዐ ህየ ወዘብሐ ዘንተ ኵሎ ወከዐወ ደሞሙ ውስተ ምሥዋዕ ወነፈቆሙ እማእከል ወአንበሮሙ አንጸራቲሆሙ በበ ገጾሙ ወአዕዋፍሰ ኢነተፈ።,"He built an altar there and sacrificed all of these. He poured out their blood on the altar and divided them in the middle. He put them opposite one another, but the birds he did not divide." ወይወርዱ አዕዋፍ ዲበ ስፍሕ ወይከልኦሙ አብራም ወኢየኀድግ አዕዋፍ ይልክፍዎን።,"Birds kept coming down on what was spread out, but Abram kept preventing them and not allowing the birds to touch them." ወኮነ ሶበ ዕርበተ ፀሐይ ድንጋፄ ወድቀ ላዕለ አብራም ወናሁ ግርማ ዐቢይ ጽልመት ወድቀ ላዕሌሁ ወተብህለ ለአብራም አእምሮ አእምር ከመ ፈላሴ ይከውን ዘርእከ ውስተ ምድረ ነኪር ወይቀንይዎሙ ወያሐምምዎሙ አርባዕተ ምእተ ዓመተ።,"At sunset, a terror fell on Abram; indeed a great, dark fear fell on him. It was said to Abram: ‘Know for a fact that your descendants will be aliens in a foreign land. They will enslave them and oppress them for 400 years." ወለሕዝብኒ እለ ይትቀነዩ አነ እፈትሕ ሎሙ ወእምድኅረዝ ይወፅኡ እምህየ ጥሪት ብዙኅ።,"But I will judge the nation whom they serve. Afterwards, they will leave from there with many possessions." ወአንተ ተሐውር ኀበ አበዊከ በሰላም ወትትቀበር በርስእ ሠናይ።,But you will go peacefully to your fathers and be buried at a ripe old age. ወበትውልድ ራብዕ ይትመየጡ ዝየ እስመ ኢተፈጸመ ኃጢአቶሙ ለአሞሬዎን እስከ ይእዜ።,In the fourth generation they will return to this place because until now the sins of the Amorites have not been completed’. ወነቅህ እምንዋም ወተንሥአ ወፀሐይ ዐረበ ወነድ ኮነ ወናሁ እቶን ይጠይስ ወነበልባለ እሳት ኀለፈ ማእከለ ስፋሔ።,"When he awakened and got up, the sun had set. There was a flame and an oven was smoking. Fiery flames passed between what was spread out." ወበይእቲ ዕለት ተካየደ ኪዳነ እግዚአብሔር ምስለ አብራም እንዘ ይብል ለዘርእከ እሁብ ዛተ ምድረ እምፈለገ ግብጽ እስከ ፈለገ ዐቢይ ፈለገ ኤውፍራጢስ ለቄኔውስ ወለቄኔዜውስ ወለቅድሞኔውስ ወለፌሬዜውስ ወለረፌእያን ወለፈከሬውስ ወለኤዌውስ ወለአሞሬውስ ወለከናኔውስ ወለጌርጌሴውስ ወለኢየቡሴው።,"On that day the Lord concluded a covenant with Abram with these words: ‘To your descendants I will give this land from the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the Euphrates River: the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Phakorites, the Hivites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites’." ወኀለፈ ወአዕረገ አብራም ስፍሐተ ወአዕዋፈ ወመሥዋዕቶሙ ወሞጻሕቶሙ ወበልዖ እሳት።,"It passed (along), and Abram offered what had been spread out, the birds, their (cereal) offering, and their libation. The fire devoured them." ወበዛቲ ሌሊት ተካየድነ ኪዳነ ምስለ አብራም በከመ ኪዳን ዘተካየድነ በዛቲ ወርኅ ምስለ ኖኅ ወአብራም ሐደሳ ለበዓል ወለሥርዓት ሎቱ እስከ ለዓለም።,During this night we concluded a covenant with Abram like the covenant which we concluded during this month with Noah. Abram renewed the festival and the ordinance for himself forever. ወተፈሥሐ አብራም ወአይድዐ ዘንተ ኵሎ ለሰራይ ብእሲቱ ወአምነ ከመ ይከውኖ ዘርእ ወይእቲሰ ኢትወልድ።,"Abram was very happy and told all these things to his wife Sarai. He believed that he would have descendants, but she continued not to have a child." ወአምከረቶ ሰራይ ለአብራም ምታ ወትቤሎ ባእ ኀበ አጋር ልእክትየ ግብጻዊት እመቦ ከመ አሐንጽ ለከ እምኔሃ ዘርአ።,Sarai advised her husband Abram and said to him: ‘Go in to my Egyptian slave-girl Hagar; perhaps I will build up descendants for you from her’. ወስምዐ አብራም ቃለ ሰራይ ብእሲቱ ወይቤላ ግበሪ ወነሥአት ሰራይ አጋርሃ ለአኪታ ግብጻዊት ወወሀበታ ለአብራም ለምታ ትኩኖ ብእሲተ።,"Abram listened to his wife Sarai’s suggestion and said to her: ‘Do (as you suggest)’. So Sarai took her Egyptian slave-girl Hagar, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife." ወቦአ ኀቤሃ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ይስማዔል በዓመት ኃምስ ዘዝ ሱባዔ ወውእቱ ዓመት ሰማንያ ወስድስቱ ዓም በሕይወተ አብራም።,"He went in to her, she became pregnant, and gave birth to a son. He named him Ishmael in the fifth year of this week [1965]. That year was the eighty-sixth year in Abram’s life." ወበዓመት ኃምስ ዘሱባዔ ዘራብዑ ለኢዮቤልውን ዝንቱ በወርኅ ሣልስ በመንፈቀ ወርኅ ገብረ አብራም በዓለ ቀዳሜ ማእረረ ዘዘርአ ሥርናይ።,"During the fifth year of the fourth week of this jubilee [1986] — in the third month, in the middle of the month — Abram celebrated the festival of the firstfruits of the wheat harvest." ወአዕረገ መሥዋዕተ ሐዲስ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ቀዳሜ እክል ለእግዚአብሔር ላህመ ወበሐኰ ወበግዐ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ጽንሓሐ ለእግዚአብሔር ወመሥዋዕቶሙ ወሞጻሕቶሙ አዕረገ ኵሎ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ምስለ ስኂን።,"He offered as a new sacrifice on the altar the firstfruits of the food for the Lord — a bull, a ram, and a sheep; (he offered them) on the altar as a sacrifice to the Lord together with their (cereal) offerings and their libations. He offered everything on the altar with frankincense." ወአስተርአዮ እግዚአብሔር ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብራም አነ አምላከ ሰዳይ ወአሥምር በቅድሜየ ወኩን ፍጹመ።,"The Lord appeared to him, and the Lord said to Abram: ‘I am the God of Shaddai. Please me and be perfect," ወእሁብ ኪዳንየ ማእከሌየ ወማእከሌከ ወአልህቀከ ጥቀ።,I will place my covenant between me and you. I will increase you greatly’. ወወድቀ አብራም በገጹ ወተናገሮ እግዚአብሔር ወይቤ።,Then Abram fell prostrate. The Lord spoke with him and said: ናሁ ሥርዓትየ ምስሌከ ወእሬስየከ አበ ለብዙኃን አሕዛብ።,‘My pact is now with you. I will make you the father of many nations. ወኢይጼዋዕ እንከ ስምከ አብራም ወይኩን ስምከ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም አብርሃም እስመ አበ ብዙኃን አሕዛብ ሤምኩከ።,You will no longer be called Abram; your name from now to eternity is to be Abraham because I have designated you the father of many nations. ወአዐብየከ ጥቀ ወእሁበከ ውስተ አሕዛብ ወነገሥት ይወፅኡ እምኔከ።,"will make you very great. I will make you into nations, and kings shall emerge from you." ወእሁብ ኪዳንየ ማእከሌየ ወማእከሌከ ወማእከለ ዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ በትዝምዶሙ ወለሥርዓት ዘለዓለም ከመ እኩንከ አምላከ ወለዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ።,I will place my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations and as an eternal pact so that I may be God to you and to your descendants after you. [ወእሁብ ለከ ወለዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ] ምድረ ኀበ ፈለስከ ምድረ ከናአን ዘትኴንን ለዓለም ወእከውኖሙ አምላከ።,[To you and your descendants after you I will give] the land where you have resided as an alien — the land of Canaan which you will rule forever. I will be their God’. ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም ወአንተኒ ኪዳንየ ዕቀብ አንተ ወዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ ተከሰቡ ኵሎ ሮስክሙ ወተከሰቡ ቍልፈተክሙ ወይከውን ትእምርተ ሥርዓትየ ዘለዓለም ማእከሌየ ወማእከሌክሙ።,"Then the Lord said to Abraham: ‘As for you, keep my covenant — you and your descendants after you. Circumcise all your males; circumcise your foreskins. It will be a sign of my eternal pact (which is) between me and you." ወለወልድ አመ ሳምንት ዕለት ትከስብዎ ኵሎ ሮሰ በትዝምድክሙ ወልደ ቤት ወዘበወርቅ ተሣየጥክሙ እምኵሉ ውሉደ ነኪር ዘአጥረይክሙ ዘኢኮነ እምዘርእከ።,"You will circumcise a child on the eighth day — every male in your families: the person (who has been born in your) house, the one whom you purchased with money from any foreigners — whom you have acquired who is not from your descendants." ክስበተ ይትከሰብ ልደ ቤትከ ወዘበወርቅ ተሣየጥከ ይትከሰቡ ወይከውን ኪዳንየ ውስተ ሥጋክሙ ለሥርዓት ዘለዓለም።,The person who is born in your house must be circumcised; and those whom you purchased with money are to be circumcised. My covenant will be in your flesh as an eternal pact. ወዘኢኮነ ክሱበ ሮስ ዘኢተከስበ ሥጋ ቍልፈቱ በዕለተ ሳምንት ትሤሮ ይእቲ ነፍስ እምዘመዳ እስመ ኪዳንየ ነሠተ።,The male who has not been circumcised — the flesh of whose foreskin has not been circumcised on the eighth day — that person will be uprooted from his people because he has violated my covenant’. ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም ሶራ ብእሲትከ ኢትጸዋዕ እንከ ስማ ሶራ እስመ ሳራ ስማ።,The Lord said to Abraham: ‘Your wife Sarai will no longer be called Sarai for her name will be Sarah. ወእባርካ ወእሁበከ እምኔሃ ወልደ ወእባርኮ ወይከውን ሕዝበ ወነገሥተ አሕዛብ እምኔሁ ይከውኑ።,"I will bless her. I will give you a son from her and will bless him. He will become a nation, and kings of nations will come from him’." ወወድቀ አብርሃም በገጹ ወተፈሥሐ ወይቤ በልቡ እመ ለዘ ምእትኑ ዓመቱ ይትወለድ ወልድ ወሳራሂ እንተ ተስዓ ዓመታ ትወልድ።,Abraham fell prostrate and was very happy. He said to himself: ‘Will a son be born to one who is 100 years of age? Will Sarah who is 90 years of age give birth (to a child)’? ወይቤሎ አብርሃም ለእግዚአብሔር መፍትው ይሕየው ይስማዔል ቅድሜከ።,(So) Abraham said to the Lord: ‘I wish that Ishmael could live in your presence’. ወይቤ እግዚአብሔር ኦሆ ወሳራሂ ትወልድ ለከ ወልደ ወትጼውዕ ስሞ ይስሐቅ ወአቀውም ኪዳንየ ምስሌሁ ኪዳነ ዘለዓለም ወለዘርኡ እምድኅሬሁ።,"The Lord said: ‘Very well, but Sarah, too, will give birth to a son for you and you will name him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an eternal covenant and for his descendants after him." ወበእንተ ይስማዔልሂ ሰማዕኩከ ወናሁ እባርኮ ወአልህቆ ወአበዝኆ ጥቀ ወዓሠርተ ወክልኤተ መላእክተ ይወልድ ወእሰይሞ ውስተ ሕዝብ ዐቢይ።,"Regarding Ishmael I have listened to you. I will indeed bless him, increase him, and make him very numerous. He will father 12 princes, and I will make him into a large nation." ወኪዳንየ አቀውም ምስለ ይስሐቅ ዘትውልድ ለከ ሳራ በዝ መዋዕል በዓመት ካልእ።,But my covenant I will estabhsh with Isaac to whom Sarah will give birth for you at this time next year’. ወፈጺሞ እንዘ ይትናገር ምስሌሁ ወዐርገ እግዚአብሔር እመልዕልተ አብርሃም።,"When he had finished speaking with him, the Lord went up from Abraham." ወገብረ አብርሃም በከመ ይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ወነሥአ ይስማዔልሃ ወልዶ ወኵሎ ልደ ቤቱ ወዘሂ በወርቅ ተሣየጠ ኵሎ ሮሰ ዘውስተ ቤቱ ወከሰበ ሥጋ ምክሳቦሙ።,"Abraham did as the Lord told him. He took his son Ishmael, everyone who was born in his house and who had been purchased with money — every male who was in his house — and circumcised the flesh of their foreskins." ወበጊዜ ዛቲ ዕለት ተከስበ አብርሃም [ወልደ ቤቱ] ወሰብአ ቤቱ ወኵሎሙ እለ በወርቅ ተሣየጠ ወእምውሉደ ነኪራንኒ ተከስቡ ምስሌሁ።,"On the same day Abraham was circumcised; [those who were born in his house], the men of his household, and all those who had been purchased with money (even from foreigners) were circumcised with him." ወዝሕግ ለኵሉ ትውልድ ዘለዓለም ወአልቦ ክስበተ መዋዕል ወአልቦ ተዐድዎ አሐተ ዕለተ እምሰማኒ መዋዕል እስመ ሥርዓት ዘለዓለም ውእቱ ሥሩዕ ወጽሑፍ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ።,"This law is (valid) for all history forever. There is no circumcising of days, nor omitting any day of the eight days because it is an eternal ordinance ordained and written on the heavenly tablets." ወኵሉ ዘትውልደ ዘኢተከስበ ሥጋ ነፍስቱ እስከ ሰሙን ዕለት ኢኮነ እምውሉደ ሥርዓት ዘትካየደ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም እስመ እምነ ውሉደ ሙስና ወአልቦ እንከ ትእምርተ ላዕሌሁ ከመ ይኩን ለእግዚአብሔር እስመ ለአማስኖ ወለተሐጕሎ እምነ ምድር ወለተሠርዎ እምነ ምድር እስመ ኪዳኖ ለእግዚአብሔር አምላክነ ነሠተ።,"Anyone who is born, the flesh of whose private parts has not been circumcised by the eighth day does not belong to the people of the pact which the Lord made with Abraham but to the people (meant for) destruction. Moreover, there is no sign on him that he belongs to the Lord, but (he is meant) for destruction, for being destroyed from the earth, and for being uprooted from the earth because he has violated the covenant of the Lord our God." እስመ ኵሎሙ መላእክተ ገጽ ወኵሎሙ መላእክተ ቅዳሴ ከመዝ ፍጥረቶሙ እምዕለተ ፍጥረቶሙ ወአንጸሮሙ ለመላእክተ ገጽ ወለመላእክተ ቅዳሴ ቀደሶ ለእስራኤል ከመ ይኩን ምስሌሁ ወምስለ መላእክቲሁ ቅዱሳን።,For this is what the nature of all the angels of the presence and all the angels of hohness was like from the day of their creation. In front of the angels of the presence and the angels of holiness he sanctified Israel to be with him and his holy angels. ወአንተኒ አዝዝ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ወይዕቀቡ ትእምርተዝ ኪዳን ለትውልዶሙ ለሥርዓት ዘለዓለም ወኢይሠረው እምነ ምድር።,Now you command the Israelites to keep the sign of this covenant throughout their history as an eternal ordinance so that they may not be uprooted from the earth እስመ ትእዛዝ ተሠርዐ ለኪዳን ከመ ይዕቀብዎ ለዓለም ዲበ ኵሎሙ ደቂቀ እስራኤል።,because the command has been ordained as a covenant so that they should keep it forever on all the Israehtes. እስመ ይስማዔልሃ ወውሉዶ ወአኃዊሁ ወዔሳውሃ ኢያቅረቦ ኀቤሁ እግዚአብሔር ወኢኀረየ ቦሙ እስመ እምውሉደ አብርሃም እሙንቱ እስመ አእመሮሙ ወእስራኤልሃ ኀረየ ይኩንዎ ሕዝበ።,"For the Lord did not draw near to himself either Ishmael, his sons, his brothers, or Esau. He did not choose them (simply) because they were among Abraham’s children, for he knew them. But he chose Israel to be his people." ወቀደሶ ወአስተጋብአ እምኵሉ ውሉደ ሰብእ እስመ ብዙኅ አሕዛብ ወብዙኅ ሕዝብ ወኵሉ ሎቱ ወዲበ ኵሉ አስለጠ መናፍስተ ከመ ያስሕቶሙ እምድኅሬሁ።,He sanctified them and gathered (them) from all mankind. For there are many nations and many peoples and all belong to him. He made spirits rule over all in order to lead them astray from following him. ወዲበ እስራኤልሰ ኢያስለጠ ወኢመነሂ መልአከ ወመንፈሰ እስመ ውእቱ ባሕቲቱ መኰንኖሙ ወውእቱ የዐቅቦሙ ወይትኀሠሦሙ እምእደ መላእክቲሁ ወእምነ መናፍስቲሁ ወእምእደ ኵሉ ወኵሉ ትእዛዛቲሁ ከመ ይዕቀቦሙ ወይባርኮሙ ወይኩንዎ ሎቱ ወውእቱ ይኩኖሙ ሎሙ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም።,"But over Israel he made no angel or spirit rule because he alone is their ruler. He will guard them and require them for himself from his angels, his spirits, and everyone, and all his powers so that he may guard them and bless them and so that they may be his and he theirs from now and forever." ወይእዜኒ አነ እዜንወከ ከመ በዛቲ ሥርዓት ይሔስዉ ውሉደ እስራኤል ወኢይከስቡ ውሉዶሙ በከመ ኵሉ ዝሕግ እስመ እምሥጋ ክስበቶሙ ይከውኑ መትርፋነ ውስተ ክስበተ ውሉዶሙ ወኵሎሙ ውሉደ ቤልአር የኀድጉ ውሉዶሙ ዘእንበለ ክስበት በከመ ተወልዱ።,I am now telling you that the Israelites will prove false to this ordinance. They will not circumcise their sons in accord with this entire law because they will leave some of the flesh of their circumcision when they circumcise their sons. All the people of Belial will leave their sons uncircumcised just as they were born. ወትከውን መዓት ላዕለ ውሉደ እስራኤል ዐባይ እምኀበ እግዚአብሔር እስመ ኀደጉ ኪዳኖ ወእምቃሉ ተግኅሡ ወወሐኩ ወፀረፉ በከመ ኢገብሩ ሥርዓቶ ለዝ ትእምርተ እስመ ገብሩ ነፍሳቲሆሙ ከመ አሕዛብ ለሰስሎ ወለተሠርዎ እምድር ወአልቦ እንከ ሎሙ ኅድገተ ወስርየተ ከመ ይስረይ ወይትኀደጉ እምኩሉ ኀጢአት ለስሕተተ ዛቲ ዘለዓለም።,"Then there will be great anger from the Lord against the Israelites because they neglected his covenant, departed from his word, provoked, and blasphemed in that they did not perform the ordinance of this sign. For they have made themselves like the nations so as to be removed and uprooted from the earth. They will no longer have forgiveness or pardon so that they should be pardoned and forgiven for every sin, for (their) violation of this eternal (ordinance)." ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ራብዕ አስተርአይናሁ ለአብርሃም በኀበ ድርስ ዘማምሪም ወተናገርነ ምስሌሁ ወንሕነ አይዳዕናሁ ከመ ይትወሀቦ ወልድ እምሳራ ብእሲቱ።,On the first of the fourth month we appeared to Abraham at the oak of Mamre. We spoke with him and told him that a child would be given to him from his wife Sarah. ወሰሐቀት ሳራ እስመ ሰምዐት ከመ ተናገርነ ዘንተ ቃለ ምስለ አብርሃም ወዘለፍናሃ ወፈርሀት ወሐሰወት ከመ ሰሐቀት በእንተ ቃል።,"Sarah laughed when she heard that we had conveyed this message to Abraham, but when we chided her, she became frightened and denied that she had laughed about the message." ወነገርናሃ ስሞ ለወልዳ በከመ ሥሩዕ ወጽሑፍ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ይስሐቅ።,We told her the name of her son as it is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets — Isaac — ወአመ ገባእነ ኀቤሃ በጊዜ ሰዓት ወይእቲኒ ፀንሰት ወልደ።,and (that) when we returned to her at a specific time she would have become pregnant with a son. ወበዝ ወርኅ ገብረ እግዚአብሔር ኵነኔሆሙ ለሰዶም ወለገሞራ ወሶቦኤም ወለኵሉ አድያመ ዮርዳኖስ ወአውዓዮሙ በእሳት ወበተይ ወአጥፍኦሙ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት በከመ ናሁ አይዳዕኩከ ኵሎ ምግባሮሙ ከመ ፀዋጋን ወኃጥኣን ጥቀ ወይትራኰሱ ወይዜምዉ በሥጋሆሙ ወይገብሩ ርኵሰ በዲበ ምድር።,"During this month the Lord executed the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, Zeboim and all the environs of the Jordan. He burned them with fire and brimstone and annihilated them until the present in accord with what I have now told you (about) all their actions — that they were savage and very sinful, (that) they would defile themselves, commit sexual sins in their flesh, and do what was impure on the earth." ወከማሁ ይገብር እግዚአብሔር ኵነኔ በመካናት በውእደ ይገብሩ በከመ ይኵሶሙ ለሰዶም ከመ ኵነኔሃ ለሰዶም።,The Lord will execute judgment in the same way in the places where people commit the same sort of impure actions as Sodom — just like the judgment on Sodom. ወለሎጥ ናድኅኖ እስመ ተዘከሮ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም ወአውፅኦ እማእከለ ግፍታኤ።,But we went about rescuing Lot because the Lord remembered Abraham. So he brought him out from the overthrow (of Sodom). ወገብረ ውእቱኒ ወአዋልዲሁኒ ኀጢአተ በዲበ ምድር ዘኢኮነ ዲበ ምድር እመዋዕለ አዳም እስከ አሜሁ እስመ ሰከበ ብእሲ ምስለ ወለቱ።,He and his daughters committed a sin on the earth which had not occurred on the earth from the time of Adam until his time because the man lay with his daughter. ወናሁ ተአዘዘ ወተቈርፀ ላዕለ ኵሉ ዘርኡ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ከመ ያእትቶሙ ወከመ ይሠርዎሙ ወከመ ይግበር ኵነኔሆሙ በከመ ኵነኔ ሰዶም ወከመ ኢያትርፍ ሎቱ ኵሎ ዘርአ ውስተ ምድር ዘሰብእ በዕለተ ደይን።,"It has now been commanded and engraved on the heavenly tablets regarding all his descendants that he is to remove them, uproot them, execute judgment on them like the judgment of Sodom, and not to leave him any human descendants on the earth on the day of judgment." ወአዝንቱ ወርኅ ግዕዘ አብርሃም እምነ ኬብሮን ወሖረ ወኀደረ ማእከለ ቃዴስ ወሱር ውስተ አድባረ ጌራሮን።,During this month Abraham migrated from Hebron. He went and settled between Ḳadesh and Sur in the mountains of Gerar. ወበመንፈቀ ወርኅ ኃምስ ግዕዘ እምህየ ወኀደረ ኀበ ዐዘቅተ መሐላ።,In the middle of the fifth month he migrated from there and settled at the well of the oath. ወበመንፈቀ ወርኅ ሳድስ ሐወጸ እግዚአብሔር ለሳራ ወገብረ ላቲ በከመ ይቤ።,In the middle of the sixth month the Lord visited Sarah and did for her as he had said. ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ወልደ በወርኅ ሣልስ ወበመንፈቀ ወርኅ በመዋዕል ዘይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም በበዓለ ቀዳሚ ማእረር ተወልደ ይስሐቅ።,"She became pregnant and gave birth to a son in the third month; in the middle of the month, on the day that the Lord had told Abraham — on the festival of the firstfruits of the harvest — Isaac was born." ወከሰቦ አብርሃም ወልደ መዋዕል ሰሙን ውእቱ ቀዳሚ ተከስበ በከመ ኪዳን እንተ ተሠርዐት ለዓለም።,Abraham circumcised him when he was eight days old. He was the first to be circumcised according to the covenant which was ordained forever. ወበዓመት ሳድስ ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ መጻእነ ኀበ አብርሃም ኀበ ዐዘቅተ መሐላ ወአስተርአይናሁ በከመ ንቤላ ለሳራ ከመ ንግባእ ኀቤሃ ወይእቲሂ ፀንሰት ወልደ።,In the sixth year of the fourth week [1987] we came to Abraham at the well of the oath. We appeared to him just as we had said to Sarah that we would return to her and she would have become pregnant with a son. ወተመየጥነ በወርኅ ሳብዕ ወረከብናሃ ለሳራ ፅንስተ ቅድሜነ ወባረክናሃ ወዜነውናሃ ኵሎ ዘተአዘዘ ሎቱ ከመ ኢይመውት ዓዲ እስከ ይወልድ ስድስተ ውሉደ ወይሬኢ ዘእንበለ ይሙት ወበይስሐቅ ይጼዋዕ ሎቱ ስም ወዘርእ።,"We returned during the seventh month, and in front of us we found Sarah pregnant. We blessed him and told him everything that had been commanded for him: that he would not yet die until he became the father of six sons and (that) he would see (them) before he died; but (that) through Isaac he would have a reputation and descendants." ወኵሉ ዘርአ ውሉዱ አሕዛበ ይከውኑ ወምስለ አሕዛብ ይትኌለቁ ወእምነ ውሉደ ይስሐቅሂ አሐዱ ይከውን ለዘርእ ቅዱስ ወውስተ አሕዛብኒ ኢይትኌለቍ።,"All the descendants of his sons would become nations and be numbered with the nations. But one of Isaac’s sons would become a holy progeny and would not be numbered among the nations," እስመ ለመክፈልተ ልዑል ይከውን ወውስተ ዘይመልክ አምላክ ወረደ ኵሉ ዘርኡ ከመ ይኩን ለእግዚአብሔር ሕዝበ ትርሲት እምኵሉ ሕዝብ ወከመ ይኩን መንግሥተ ወክህነተ ወሕዝበ ቅዱሰ።,"for he would become the share of the Most High. All his descendants had fallen into that (share) which God owns so that they would become a people whom the Lord possesses out of all the nations; and that they would become a kingdom, a priesthood, and a holy people." ወሖርነ ፍኖተነ ወዜነውናሃ ለሳራ ኵሎ ዘነገርናሁ ወተፈሥሑ ክልኤሆሙ ፍሥሐ ዐቢየ ጥቀ።,Then we went on our way and told Sarah all that we had reported to him. The two of them were extremely happy. ወሐነጸ ህየ ምሥዋዐ ለእግዚአብሔር ዘባልሖ ወለዘያስተፈሥሖ በምድረ ፍልሰቱ ወገብረ በዓለ ፍሥሓ በዝ ወርኅ ሰቡዐ መዋዕለ በቅሩበ ምሥዋዕ ዘሐነጸ ኀበ ዐዘቅተ መሐላ።,There he built an altar for the Lord who had recued him and who was making him so happy in the country where he resided as an alien. He celebrated a joyful festival in this month — for seven days — near the altar which he had built at the well of the oath. ወሐነጸ ምጽላላተ ሎቱ ወለአግብርቲሁ በዛቲ በዓል ወውእቱ መቅድመ ገብረ በዓለ መጸላት በዲበ ምድር።,He constructed tents for himself and his servants during this festival. He was the first to celebrate the festival of tabernacles on the earth. ወበዝ ሰቡዕ መዋዕል ሀሎ ይቄርብ ኵሎ ዕለተ በበ ዕለት ውስተ ምሥዋዕ ጽንሐሐ ለእግዚአብሔር አልህምተ ክልኤተ ወአብሐኰ ክልኤተ አባግዐ ሰብዓተ መሐስአ ጠሊ አሐደ በእንተ ኃጢአት ከመ ያስተስሪ ቦቱ በእንቲአሁ ወበእንተ ዘርኡ።,"During these seven days he was making — throughout all the days, each and every day — an offering to the Lord on the altar: two bulls, two rams, seven sheep, one goat for sins in order to atone 10 through it for himself and his descendants." ወለመሥዋዕተ መድኃኒት አብሐኰ ሰብዓተ ወመሐስአ ሰብዓተ ወአባግዐ ሰብዓተ ወደቤላተ ሰብዓተ ወመሥዋዕቶሙሂ ወሞጻሕቶሙሂ ላዕለ ኵሉ ሥብሖሙ የዐጥን በዲበ ምሥዋዕ ጽንሐሐ ኅሩየ ለመዓዛ ሠናይ።,"And as a peace offering: seven rams, seven kids, seven sheep, seven he-goats as well as their (cereal-)offerings and their libations over all their fat — (all of these) he would burn on the altar as a choice offering for a pleasing fragrance." ወበጽባሕ ወሰርክሂ የዐጥን አፈወ ስኂን ወቅንአተ ወማየ ልብን ወናርዶስ ወከርቤ ወሰንብልተ ወቍስጠ ሰብዓቲሆሙ ዘንተ ኵሎ ይቄርብ ወጉአ ዕሩየ ተዐርዮ ድሙረ ንጹሐ።,"In the morning and evening he would burn fragrant substances: frankincense, galbanum, stacte, nard, myrrh, aromatic spices, and costum. All seven of these he would offer beaten, equally mixed, pure." ወገብረ ዘንተ በዓለ ሰቡዐ መዋዕለ እንዘ ይትፌሠሕ በኵሉ ልቡ ወበኵሉ ነፍሱ ውእቱ ወኵሎሙ እለ ቤቱ ወአልቦ መነሂ ነኪረ ምስሌሁ ወኵሉ ዘኢኮነ ክሱበ።,"He celebrated this festival for seven days, being happy with his whole heart and all his being — he and all those who belonged to his household. There was no foreigner with him, nor anyone who was uncircumcised." ወባረኮ ለፈጣሪሁ ዘፈጠሮ በትዝምዱ እስመ ለሥምረቱ ፈጠሮ እስመ አእመረ ወጠየቀ ከመ እምኔሁ ይከውን ተክለ ጽድቅ ለትውልድ ዘለዓለም ወእምኔሁ ዘርእ ቅዱስ ከመ ይኩን ከማሁ ለዘ ገብረ ኵሎ።,"He blessed his creator who had created him in his generation because he had created him for his pleasure, for he knew and ascertained that from him there would come a righteous plant for the history of eternity and (that) from him there would be holy descendants so that they should be like the one who had made everything." ወባረከ ወተፈሥሐ ወጸውዐ ስማ ለዛቲ በዓል በዓለ እግዚአብሔር ፍሥሓ ስጥወተ ለአምላክ ልዑል።,He gave a blessing and was very happy. He named this festival the festival of the Lord — a joy acceptable to the most high God. ወባረክናሁ ለዓለም ወኵሎ ዘርአ ዘእምድኅሬሁ በኵሉ ትውልደ ምድር እስወ ገብረ ዘንተ በዓለ በጊዜሃ በከመ ስምዐ ጽላተ ሰማይ።,We blessed him eternally and all the descendants who would follow him throughout all the history of the earth because he had celebrated this festival at its time in accord with the testimony of the heavenly tablets. በእንተዝ ተሠርዐ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ላዕለ እስራኤል ከመ ይኩኑ ገባርያነ በዓለ መጸለት ሰቡዐ መዋዕለ በፍሥሓ በወርኅ ሳብዕ ዘይትወከፍ በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ሕገ ዘለዓለም በትውልዶሙ በኵሉ ዓመት ወዓመታት።,For this reason it has been ordained on the heavenly tablets regarding Israel that they should celebrate the festival of tabernacles joyfully for seven days during the seventh month which is acceptable in the Lord’s presence — a law which is eternal throughout their history in each and every year. ወአልቦ ለዝንቱ ወሰነ መዋዕል እስመ ለዓለም ውእቱ ሥሩዕ ላዕለ እስራኤል ከመ ይግበርዋ ወይንበሩ ወስተ ምጽላል ወከመ ያንብሩ አክሊላተ ዲበ ርእሶሙ ወከመ ይንሥኡ ዐጽቀ ቈጽል ወኲሐ እሙሐዝ።,"This has no temporal limit because it is ordained forever regarding Israel that they should celebrate it, live in tents, place wreaths on their heads, and take leafy branches and willow branches from the stream." ወነሥአ አብርሃም ልበ ፀበርት ወፍሬ ዕፅ ሠናይ ወበኵሉ ዕለት እምዕለት ሀሎ እንዘ የአውድ ምሥዋዐ በአዕፁቅ ስብዕ ለዕለት በጽባሕ ይጼብሕ ወይገኒ ለአምላኩ ኵሎ ዘበፍሥሓ።,"So Abraham took palm branches and the fruit of good trees, and each and every day he would go around the altar with the branches — seven times per day. In the morning he would give praise and joyfully offer humble thanks to his God for everything." ወበአሐዱ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ኃምስ ኀደገ ጥበ ይስሐቅ በዝንቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ወገብረ አብርሃም ግዝአ ዐቢየ በወርኅ ሣልስ በዕለተ ኀድገ ጥበ ወልዱ ደስሐቅ።,"In the first year of the fifth week [1989], in this jubilee, Isaac was weaned. Abraham gave a large banquet in the third month, on the day when his son Isaac was weaned." ወይስማዔል ወልዳ ለአጋር ግብጻዊት በቅድመ ገጹ ለአብርሃም አቡሁ በመካኑ ወተፈሥሐ አብርሃም ወባረኮ ለእግዚአብሔር እስመ ርእየ ሎቱ ውሉዶ ወኢሞተ ዘእንበለ ውሉድ።,"Now Ishmael, the son of Hagar the Egyptian, was in his place in front of his father Abraham. Abraham was very happy and blessed the Lord because he saw his own sons and had not died childless." ወተዘከረ ቃሎ ዘተናገሮ በዕለተ ተፈልጠ ሎጥ እምኔሁ ወተፈሥሐ እስመ ወሀቦ እግዚአብሔር ዘርአ በዲበ ምድር ከመ ይረሳ ለምድር ወባራኮ በኵሉ አፉሁ ለፈጣሬ ኵሉ።,He remembered the message which he had told him on the day when Lot had separated from him. He was very happy because the Lord had given him descendants on the earth to possess the land. With his full voice he blessed the creator of everything. ወርእየቶ ለይስማዔል ሳራ እንዘ ይትዋነይ ወይዘፍን ወአብርሃምኒ እንዘ ይትፌሣሕ ፍሥሓ ዐቢየ ወቀንአት ለይስማዔል ወትቤሎ ለአብርሃም ስድድ ዛተ ወለተ ወወልዳ እስመ ኢይወርስ ወልዳ ለዛ ወለት ምስለ ወልድየ ይስሐቅ።,"When Sarah saw Ishmael playing and dancing and Abraham being extremely happy, she became jealous of Ishmael. She said to Abraham: ‘Banish this girl and her son because this girl’s son will not be an heir with my son Isaac’." ወማሕዝን ቃሉ በቅድመ አዕይንተ አብርሃም በእንተ አመቱ ወበእንተ ወልዱ ከመ ይስድዶሙ እምኀቤሁ።,"In Abraham’s opinion the command regarding his servant girl and his son — that he should banish them from himself — was saddening," ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም ኢይኩን ሐዘን በቅድመ አዕይንቲከ በእንተ ሕፃን ወበእንተ ወለት ኵሎ ዘትቤለከ ሳራ ስማዕ ንባባ ወግበር እስመ በይስሐቅ ይጼዋዕ ለከ ስም ወዘርእ።,but the Lord said to Abraham: ‘It ought not to be a sad thing in your opinion regarding the child and the girl. Listen to everything that Sarah says to you and do (it) because through Isaac you will have a reputation and descendants. ወበእንተ ወልዳስ ለዛ ወለት ውስተ ዐቢይ ሕዝብ እሬስዮ እስመ እምዘርእከ ውእቱ።,Now with regard to this girl’s son — I will make him into a large nation because he is one of your descendants’. ወጌሠ አብርሃም በነግህ ወነሥአ ሐባውዘ ወዝቀ ማይ ወአስከማ ለአጋር ወለሕፃን ወፈነዋ።,"So Abraham rose early in the morning, took food and a bottle of water, placed them on the shoulders of Hagar and the child, and sent her away." ወሖረት ወታንጌጊ በገዳመ ቤርሳቦ ወተፈጸመ ማይ እምዝቅ ወጸምአ ሕፃን ወስእነ ሐዊረ ወወድቀ።,"She went and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba. When the water in the bottle was gone, the child grew thirsty. He was unable to go on and fell." ወነሥአቶ እሙ ወሐዊራ ገደፈቶ ታሕተ አሐቲ ኤልያስ ወሖረት ወነበረት አንጻሮ መጠነ አሐቲ ምንዳፍ እስመ ትቤ ኢይርአይ ሞቶ ለሕፃንየ ወነቢራ በከየት።,"His mother took him and, going on, she threw him under an olive tree. Then she went and sat opposite him at a distance of a bowshot, for she said: ‘May I not see the death of my child’. When she sat down she cried." ወይቤላ መልአክ አምላክ አሐዱ እምቅዱሳን ምንተ ትበክዪ አንቲ አጋር ተንሢአኪ ንሥእዮ ለሕፃን ወአኀዝዮ በእዴኪ እስመ ሰምዐ እግዚአብሔር ቃለኪ ወርእዮ ለሕፃን።,"An angel of God — one of the holy ones — said to her: ‘What are you crying about, Hagar? Get up, take the child, and hold him in your arms, because the Lord has heard you and has seen the child’." ወከሠተት አዕይንቲሃ ወርእየት ዐዘቅተ ማይ ወሖረት ወመልአት ዝቃ ማየ ወአስተየት ሕፃና ወተንሥአት ወሖረት መንገለ በድወ ፍራም።,"She opened her eyes and saw a well of water. So she went, filled her bottle with water, and gave her child a drink. Then she set out and went toward the wilderness of Paran." ወልህቀ ሕፃን ወኮነ ነዳፌ ወሀሎ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሁ ወነሥአት ሎሙ እሙ ብእሲተ እምአዋልደ ግብጽ።,"When the child grew up, he became an archer and the Lord was with him. His mother took a wife for him from the Egyptian girls." ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ናቤዎት እስመ ትቤ ቅሩብ እግዚአብሔር ሊተ ሶበ ጸዋዕክዎ።,"She gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Nebaioth, for she said: ‘The Lord was close to me when I called to him’." ወኮነ በሱባዔ ሳብዕ በቀዳሚ ዓመት በወርኅ ቀዳሚ በዝ ኢዮቤልዉ አመ ዐሡሩ ወሰኑዩ ለዝ ወርኅ ኮነ ቃላት በሰማያት በእንተ አብርሃም ከመ ውእቱ መሀይምን በኵሉ ዘይትናገሮ ወያፈቅሮ እግዚአብሔር ወበኵሉ ምንዳቤ ኮነ ምእመነ።,"During the seventh week, in the first year during the first month — on the twelfth of this month — in this jubilee [2003], there were voices in heaven regarding Abraham, that he was faithful in everything that he told him, (that) the Lord loved him, and (that) in every difficulty he was faithful." ወመጽአ መኰንን መስቴማ ወይቤ ቅድሜሁ ለአምላክ ናሁ አብርሃም ያፈቅሮ ለይስሐቅ ወልዱ ወያስተአድሞ ኪያሁ እምኵሉ በሎ ያዕርጎ ጽንሐሐ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ወአንተ ትሬኢ ለእመ ይገብር ዘንተ ቃለ ወታአምር ለእመ ወሀይምን ውእቱ በኵሉ ዘታሜክሮ።,Then Prince Mastema came and said before God: ‘Abraham does indeed love his son Isaac and finds him more pleasing than anyone else. Tell him to offer him as a sacrifice on an altar. Then you will see whether he performs this order and will know whether he is faithful in everything through which you test him’. ወእግዚአብሔር ያአምር ከመ መሃይምን አብርሃም በኵሉ ምንዳቤ ዘይቤሎ እስመ አመክሮ በምድሩ ወበዐባር ወአመከሮ በብዕለ ነገሥት ወአመከሮ ካዕበ በብእሲቱ እንዘ ትትሀየድ ወበክስበት ወአመክሮ በይስማዔል ወበአጋር አመቱ አመ ፈነዎሙ።,"Now the Lord was aware that Abraham was faithful in every difficulty which he had told him. For he had tested him through his land and the famine; he had tested him through the wealth of kings; he had tested him again through his wife when she was taken forcibly, and through circumcision; and he had tested him through Ishmael and his servant girl Hagar when he sent them away." ወበኵሉ በዘአመከሮ ተረክበ ምእመነ ወኢተአንተለ ነፍሱ ወኢጐንደየ ገቢሮቶ እስመ ምእመን ወመፍቀሬ እግዚአብሔር።,"In everything through which he tested him he was found faithful. He himself did not grow impatient, nor was he slow to act; for he was faithful and one who loved the Lord." ወይቤሎ እግዚአብሔር አብርሃም አብርሃም ወይቤ ነየ አነ።,"The Lord said to him: ‘Abraham, Abraham’! He replied: ‘Yes’?" ወይቤሎ ንሥእ ወልደከ ፍቁረከ ዘታፈቅር ይስሐቅሃ ወሖር ውስተ ምደር ልዕልት ወአዕርጎ ውስተ አሐዱ እምአድባር ዘአነ አየድዐከ።,"He said to him: ‘Take your son, your dear one whom you love — Isaac — and go to a high land. Offer him on one of the mountains which I will show you’." ወአሌለየ በነገህ ወጸዐነ አድግቶ ወክልኤተ ደቆ ነሥአ ምስሌሁ ወይስሐቅሃ ወልዶ ወዕፀወ መሥዋዕት ሠፀረ ወሖረ ወስተ መካን በሠሉስ ዕለት ወርእየ መካነ እምርሑቅ።,"So he got up early in the morning, loaded his donkey, and took with him two servants as well as his son Isaac. He chopped the wood for the sacrifice and came to the place on the third day. He saw the place from a distance." ወበጽሐ እስከ ዐዘቅተ ማይ ወይቤ ለደቁ ንበሩ ዝየ ምስለ አድግት ወአነ ወሕፃን ነሐውር ወሰጊደነ ንገብእ ኀቤክሙ።,"When he reached a well of water, he ordered his servants: ‘Stay here with the donkey while I and the child go on. After we have worshiped, we will return to you’." ወነሥአ ዕፀ መሥዋዕት ወአስከሞ ለይስሐቅ ወልዱ ወነሥአ በእዴሁ እሳተ ወመጥባሕተ ወሖሩ ክልኤሆሙ ኅቡረ እስከ ውእቱ መካን።,He took the wood for the sacrifice and placed it on his son Isaac’s shoulders. He took fire and a knife in his hands. The two of them went together to that place. ወይቤ ይስሐቅ ለአቡሁ አባ ወይቤ ነየ አነ ወልድየ ወይቤሎ ናሁ እሳት ወመጥባሕት ወዕፀው ወአይቴ በግዕ ዘለጽንሓሕ አባ።,"Isaac said to his father: ‘Father’. He replied: ‘Yes, my son’? He said to him: ‘Here are the fire, the knife, and the wood, but where is the sheep for the sacrifice, father’?" ወይቤ እግዚአብሔር ያሬኢ ሎቱ በግዐ ለጽንሓሕ ወልድየ ወቀርበ ኀበ መካን ዘደብረ እግዚአብሔር።,"He said: ‘The Lord will provide for himself a sheep for the sacrifice, my son’. When he neared the place of the mountain of the Lord," ወሐነጸ ምሥዋዐ ወአንበረ ዕፀወ ዲበ መሥዋዕት ወአሰረ ይስሐቅሃ ወልዶ ወአንበሮ ዲበ ዕፀው ዘመልዕልተ ምሥዋዕ ወሰፍሐ እዴሁ ይንሥእ መጥባሕተ ከመ ይዝብሖ ለይስሐቅ ወልዱ።,"he built an altar and placed the wood on the altar. Then he tied up his son Isaac, placed him on the wood which was on the altar, and reached out his hands to take the knife in order to sacrifice his son Isaac." ወአነ ቆምኩ ቅድሜሁ ወቅድመ መኰንነ መስቴማ ወይቤ እግዚአብሔር በሎ ኢያውርድ እዴሁ ላዕለ ሕፃን ወኢይግበር ምንተኒ ላዕሌሁ እስመ አእመርኩ ከመ ፈራሄ እግዚአብሔር ውእቱ።,Then I stood in front of him and in front of the prince of Mastema. The Lord said: ‘Tell him not to let his hand go down on the child and not to do anything to him because I know that he is one who fears the Lord’. ጸዋዕክዎ እምሰማይ ወእቤሎ አብርሃም ወደንገፀ ወይቤ ነየ አነ።,"So I called to him from heaven and said to him: ‘Abraham, Abraham’! He was startled and said: ‘Yes’?" ወእቤሎ ኢትፈኑ እዴከ ዲበ ሕፃን ወኢትግበረ ምንተኒ ዲቤሁ እስመ ይእዜ አእመርኩ ከመ ፈራሄ እግዚአብሔር አንተ ወኢመሐከ ወልደከ በኵረከ እምኔየ።,I said to him: ‘Do not lay your hands on the child and do not do anything to him because now I know that you are one who fears the Lord. You have not refused me your first-born son’. ወተኀፍረ መኰንነ መስቴማ ወአንሥአ አብርሃም አዕይንቲሁ ወርእየ ወናሁ አሐዱ በሐኵ እኁዝ ወይመጽእ በአቅርንቲሁ ወሖረ አብርሃም ወነሥኦ ለበሐኵ ወአዕረጎ ለጽንሓሕ ህየንተ ወልዱ።,The prince of Mastema was put to shame. Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught; it was coming with its horns. Abraham went and took the ram. He offered it as a sacrifice instead of his son. ወጸውዖ አብርሃም ለውእቱ መካን እግዚአብሔር ርእየ ከመ ይትበሀል እግዚአብሔር ርእየ ውእቱ ደብሩ ለጽዮን።,Abraham named that place ‘The Lord Saw’ so that it is named ‘The Lord Saw’. It is Mt. Zion. ወጸውዖ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም በስሙ ዳግመ እምሰማይ በከመ አስተርአይነ ከመ ንትናገሮ በስመ እግዚአብሔር።,"The Lord again called to Abraham by his name from heaven, just as we had appeared in order to speak to him in the Lord’s name." ወይቤ በርእስየ መሐልኩ ይቤ እግዚአብሔር እስመ ገበርከ ዘንተ ቃለ ወኢመሐከ ወልደከ በኵረከ እምኔየ ዘአፍቀርከ እስመ ባርኮ እባርከከ ወአብዝኆ አበዝኅ ዘርአከ ከመ ከዋክብተ ሰማይ ወከመ ኆፃ ዘድንጋገ ባሕር ወይወርሱ ዘርእከ አህጉረ ፀሮሙ።,"He said: ‘I have sworn by myself, says the Lord: because you have performed this command and have not refused me your first-born son whom you love, I will indeed bless you and will indeed multiply your descendants like the stars in the sky and like the sands on the seashore. Your descendants will possess the cities of their enemies." ወይትባረኩ በዘርእከ ኵሎሙ አሕዛበ ምድር ህየንተ ዘሰማዕከ ቃለ ዚአየ ወአይዳዕኩ ለኵሉ ከመ ምእመን አንተ ሊተ በኵሉ ዘእቤለከ ሖር በሰላም።,All the nations of the earth will be blessed through your descendants because of the fact that you have obeyed my command. I have made known to everyone that you are faithful to me in everything that I have told you. Go in peace’. ወሖረ አብርሃም ኀበ ደቁ ወተንሥኡ ወሖሩ ቤርሳቤ ኅቡረ ወኀደረ አብርሃም ኀበ ዐዘቅተ መሐላ።,Then Abraham went to his servants. They set out and went together to Beersheba. Abraham lived at the well of the oath. ወይገብር ዛተ በዓለ በኵሉ ዓመታት ሰቡዐ ዕለተ በፍሥሓ ወሰመያ በዓለ እግዚአብሔር በከመ ሰቡዕ ዕለት እለ ሖረ ወተመይጠ በሰላም።,He used to celebrate this festival joyfully for seven days during all the years. He named it the festival of the Lord in accord with the seven days during which he went and returned safely. ወከመዝ ሥሩዕ ውእቱ ወጽሑፍ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ በእንተ እስራኤል ወዲበ ዘርኡ ለገቢረ ዛቲ በዓል ሰቡዐ ዕለተ በፍሥሓ በዓል።,This is the way it is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets regarding Israel and his descendants: (they are) to celebrate this festival for seven days with festal happiness. ወበዓመት አሐዱ ዘሱባዔ ቀዳሚ በዘ አርብዓ ወክልኤቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ተመይጠ አብርሃም ወኀደረ አንጸረ ኬብሮን ዛቲ ይእቲ ቀሪያታርባቅ ክልኤ ሱባዔ ዓመት።,"During the first year of the first week in the forty-second jubilee [2010], Abraham returned and lived opposite Hebron — that is, Kiriath Arba — for two weeks of years." ወበዓመት ቀዳሚ ዘሱባዔ ሣልስ ዘዝ ኢዮቤልዉ ተፈጸመ መዋዕለ ሕይወተ ሳራ ወሞተት በኬብሮን።,In the first year of the third week of this jubilee [2024] the days of Sarah’s life were completed and she died in Hebron. ወሖረ አብርሃም ከመ ይብኪያ ወይቅብራ ወናሜክሮ እመ ይትዔገሥ መንፈሱ ወኢይትአነተል በቃለ አፉሁ ወተረክበ በዝኒ ዕጉሠ ወኢተሀውከ።,"When Abraham went to mourn for her and to bury her, we were testing whether he himself was patient and not annoyed in the words that he spoke. But in this respect, too, he was found to be patient and not disturbed," እስመ በትዕግሥተ መንፈስ ተናገረ ምስለ ውሉደ ኬጥ ከመ የሀብዎ መካነ ከመ ይቅበር በድኖ ውስቴቱ።,because he spoke with the Hittites in a patient spirit so that they would give him a place in which to bury his dead. ወእግዚአብሔር ወሀቦ ሞገሰ ሎቱ በቅድመ ኵሎሙ እለ ይሬእይዎ ወአስተብቍዐ በየውሀት እምኀበ ውሉደ ኬጥ ወወሀብዎ ምድረ በዐት ዘካዕበት ዘአንጸረ መምብራም እንተ ይእቲ ኬብሮን በአርብዓ ብሩር።,"The Lord gave him a favorable reception before all who would see him. He mildly pleaded with the Hittites, and they gave him the land of the double cave which was opposite Mamre — that is, Hebron — for a price of 400 silver pieces." ወእሙንቱሂ ያስተበቍዕዎ እንዘ ይብሉ ነሀብከ በከ ወኢነሥአ እምእዴሆሙ በከ እስመ ወሀበ ሤጦ ለመካን ብሩረ ፍጹመ ወሰገደ ሎሙ ካዕበ ወእምዝ ቀበረ በድኖ ውስተ በዐት ዘካዕበት።,They pleaded with him: ‘Allow us to give (it) to you for nothing’! Yet he did not take (it) from them for nothing but he gave as the price of the place the full amount of money. He bowed twice to them and afterwards buried his dead in the double cave. ወኮነ ኵሉ መዋዕለ ሕይወታ ለሳራ ምእት ወዕሥራ ወሰብዐቱ እሉ ዝክልኤ ኢዮቤልዉ ወአርባዕቱ ሱባዔ ወዓመት አሐዱ ዝንቱ መዋዕለ ዓመታተ ሕይወታ ለሳራ።,"All the time of Sarah’s life was 127 — that is, two jubilees, four weeks, and one year. This was the time in years of Sarah’s life." ወዝመከራ ዓሥር በዘ ተመከረ ቦቱ አብርሃም ወተረክበ ምእመነ ዕጉሠ መንፈስ።,"This was the tenth test by which Abraham was tried, and he was found to be faithful (and) patient in spirit." ወኢይቤ ቃለ በእንተ ንባብ ዘምድር ዘይቤ እግዚአብሔር የሀባ ኪያሃ ሎቱ ወለዘርኡ እምድኅሬሁ ወመካነ አስተብቍዐ በህየ ከመ ይቅበር በድኖ እስመ ተረክበ መሃይምነ ወተጽሕፈ ዐርከ እግዚአብሔር ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ።,He said nothing about the promise of the land which said that the Lord would give it to him and his descendants after him. He pleaded for a place there to bury his dead because he was found to be faithful and was recorded on the heavenly tablets as the friend of the Lord. ወበዓመት ራብዕ ሎቱ ነሥአ ለይስሐቅ ወልዱ ብእሲተ ወስማ ርብቃ ወለተ ባቱኤል ወልደ ናኮር እኅወ አብርሃም እኅተ ላባ ወባቱኤል ወለዶሙ ለባቱኤላዊያን ወልደ ሜልከ ዘብእሲተ ናኮር እኅወ አብርሃም።,"In its fourth year [2027] he took a wife for his son Isaac. Her name was Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel (the son of Abraham’s brother Nahor), the sister of Laban — Bethuel was their father — the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah who was the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor." ወአብርሃም ነሥአ ሎቱ ሣልስተ ብእሲተ ወስማ ኬጡራ እምነ ውሉደ ልደ ቤቱ አመ ሞተት አጋር እምቅድመ ሳራ።,Abraham married a third wife whose name was Keturah — one of the children of his household servants — when Hagar died prior to Sarah. ወወለደት ሎቱ ውሉደ ስድስተ ዘንበሪሃ ወያክስንሃ ወማዳይሃ ወማዳንሃ ወኢያዝቦቅሃ ወሴሂያሃ በክልኤ ሱባዔ ዓመት።,"She gave birth to six sons for him — Zimran, Jokshan, Medai, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah — during two weeks of years." ወበሱባዔ ሳድስ በካልእ ዓመቱ ወለደት ርብቃ ለይስሐቅ ክልኤ ደቂቀ ያዕቆብሃ ወዔሳውሃ ወያዕቆብሰ ፍጹም ወራትዕ ወዔሳው ውእቱ ብእሲ ድሩክ ወሐቃላዊ ወጸጓር ወያዕቆብ የኀድር ውስተ ምጽላላት።,"In the sixth week, during its second year [2046], Rebecca gave birth to two sons for Isaac: Jacob and Esau. Jacob was perfect and upright, while Esau was a harsh, rustic, and hairy man. Jacob used to live in tents." ወልህቁ ወራዙት ወተምህረ ያዕቆብ መጽሐፈ ወዔሳውሰ ኢተምህረ እስመ ብእሲ ሐቃላዊ ውእቱ ወነዓዊ ወተምህረ ፀብአ ወኵሉ ግብሩ ድሩክ።,"When the boys grew up, Jacob learned (the art of) writing, but Esau did not learn (it) because he was a rustic man and a hunter. He learned (the art of) warfare, and everything that he did was harsh." ወያፈቅር ያዕቆብሃ አብርሃም ወይስሐቅ ዔሳውሃ።,Abraham loved Jacob but Isaac (loved) Esau. ወርእየ አብርሃም ግብሮ ለዔሳው ወአእመረ ከመ በያዕቆብ ይጼዋዕ ሎቱ ስም ወዘርእ ወጸውዓ ለርብቃ ወአዘዛ በእንተ ያዕቆብ እስመ ርእየ ከመ ይእቲኒ ታፈቅሮ ለያዕቆብ ፈድፋደ እምነ ዔሳው።,"As Abraham observed Esau’s behavior, he realized that through Jacob he would have a reputation and descendants. He summoned Rebecca and gave her orders about Jacob because he saw that she loved Jacob much more than Esau." ወይቤላ ወለትየ ዕቀቢ ወልድየ ያዕቆብሃ እስመ ውእቱ ይከውን ህየንቴየ ዲበ ምድር ወለበረከት በማእከለ ውሉደ ሰብእ ወለኵሉ ዘርአ ሴም ለትምክሕት።,"He said to her: ‘My daughter, take care of my son Jacob because he will occupy my place on the earth and (will prove) a blessing among mankind and the glory of all the descendants of Shem." እስመ አአምር ከመ ኪያሁ የኀሪ እግዚአብሔር ሎቱ ለሕዝብ ቃውም እምኵሎሙ እለ ዲበ ገጸ ምድር።,For I know that the Lord will choose him as his own people (who will be) special from all who are on the surface of the earth. ወናሁ ይስሐቅ ወልድየ ያፈቅሮ ለዔሳው እምነ ያዕቆብ ወአነ እሬእየኪ መፍቀሪተ ጽድቅ ያዕቆብሃ።,"My son Isaac now loves Esau more than Jacob, but I see that you rightly love Jacob." ወስኪ ዓዲ አሠንዮ ላዕሌሁ ወይኩና አዕይንቲኪ ላዕሌሁ ለፍቁር እስመ ውእቱ ይከውነነ ለበረከት ዲበ ምድር እምይእዜ ወእስከ ኵሉ ትውልደ ዓለም።,Increase your favor to him still more; may your eyes look at him lovingly because he will prove to be a blessing for us on the earth from now and throughout all the history of the earth. ይጽንዓ እደዊኪ ወትትፈሣሕ ልብኪ በወልድኪ ያዕቆብ እስመ ኪያሁ አፍቀርኩ ፈድፋደ እምኵሎሙ ውሉድየ እስመ ለዓለም ይትባረክ ወዘርኡ ይከውን ዘይመልእ ኵላ ምድረ።,May your hands be strong and your mind be happy with your son Jacob because I love him much more than all my sons; for he will be blessed forever and his descendants will fill the entire earth. እመ ይክል ሰብእ ኆልቆ ኆፃ ምድር ከማሁ ይትኌለቁ ዘርኡሂ።,"If a man is able to count the sands on the earth, in the same way his descendants, too, will be counted." ወኵሎን በረከት እለ ባረከኒ እግዚአብሔር ኪያየ ወዘርእየ ለያዕቆብ ወለዘርኡ ይኩን ኵሎ መዋዕለ።,May all the blessings with which the Lord blessed me and my descendants belong to Jacob and his descendants for all time. ወበዘርኡ ይትባረክ ስምየ ወስመ አበዊየ ሴም ወኖኅ ወሄኖክ ወመላልኤል ወሄኖስ ወሴት ወአዳም።,"Through his descendants may my name and the name of my ancestors Shem, Noah, Enoch, Malaleel, Enos, Seth, and Adam be blessed." ወእሙንቱ ይኩኑ ለሣርሮ ሰማይ ወለአጽንዖ ምድር ወለሐድሶ ኵሉ ብርሃናት ዘዲበ ምጽናዓት።,"May they serve (the purpose of) laying heaven’s foundations, making the earth firm, and renewing all the luminaries which are above the firmament’." ወጸውዖ ለያዕቆብ በቅድመ አዕይንቲሃ ለርብቃ እሙ ወሰዐሞ ወባረኮ ወይቤ።,"Then he summoned Jacob into the presence of his mother Rebecca, kissed him, blessed him, and said:" ወልድየ ያዕቆብ ፍቁር ዘአፍቀረት ነፍስየ ይባርከ አምላክ እመልዕልተ ምጽናዓት ወየሀብከ ኵሎን በረከታተ እለ ባረኮ ለአዳም ወሄኖክሃ ወኖኅሃ ወሴምሃ ወኵሎ ዘመጠነ ተናገረኒ ወኵሎ ዘመጠነ ይቤ የሀበኒ ያጥግእ ላዕሌከ ወላዕለ ዘርእከ እስከ ለዓለም በከመ መዋዕለ ሰማይ ዲበ ምድር።,"‘My dear son Jacob whom I myself love, may God bless you from above the firmament. May he give you all the blessings with which he blessed Adam, Enoch, Noah, and Shem. Everything that he said to me and everything that he promised to give me may he attach to you and your descendants until eternity — like the days of heaven above the earth." ወኢይመብሉ ላዕሌከ ወላዕለ ዘርእከ መናፍስተ መስቴማ ከመ ያርኅቁከ እምድኅረ እግዚአብሔር ዘውእቱ አምላክከ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም።,May the spirits of Mastema not rule over you and your descendants to remove you from following the Lord who is your God from now and forever. ወይኩንከ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ አበ ወአንተሂ ወልደ በኵረ ወለሕዝብ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሖር ወልድየ በሰላም።,"May the Lord God become your father and you his first-born son and people for all time. Go in peace, my son’." ወወፅኡ ክልኤሆሙ ኅቡረ እምኀበ አብርሃም።,The two of them departed together from Abraham. ወአፍቀረቶ ርብቃ ለያዕቆብ በኵሉ ልባ ወበኵሉ መንፈሳ ብዙኀ ፈድፋደ እምነ ዔሳው ወይስሐቅ ያፈቅሮ ለዔሳው ፈድፋደ እምያዕቆብ።,Rebecca loved Jacob with her entire heart and her entire being very much more than Esau; but Isaac loved Esau much more than Jacob. ወበአርብዓ ወክልኤቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በዓመት ቀዳሚ ዘሱባዔ ሳብዕ ጸውዐ አብርሃም ይስማዔልሃ ወዐሠርተ ወክልኤተ ደቂቆ ወይስሐቅሃ ወክልኤሆሙ ደቂቆ ወስድስተ ደቂቀ ኬጡራ ወውሉዶሙ።,"During the forty-second jubilee, in the first year of the seventh week [2052], Abraham summoned Ishmael and his twelve children, Isaac and his two children, and the six children of Keturah and their sons." ወአዘዞሙ ከመ ይዕቀቡ ፍኖተ እግዚአብሔር ከመ ይግበሩ ጽድቀ ወያፍቅር አሐዱ አሐዱ ቢጾ ወከመ ይኩኑ ከማሁ በውስተ ኵሉ ፀብእ ከመ ይሖሩ ዲበ አሐዱ ላዕሌሆሙ ወለገቢረ ፍትሕ ወጽድቅ በዲበ ምድር።,He ordered them to keep the way of the Lord so that they would do what is right and that they should love one another; that they should be like this in every war so that they could go against each one (who was) against them; and do what is just and right on the earth; ከመ ይክስቡ ውሉዶሙ በኪዳን እንተ ተካየደ ምስሌሆሙ ወከመ ኢይትዐደዉ የማነ ወፀጋመ እምኵሎን ፍናዌ ዘአዘዘነ እግዚአብሔር ወከመ ንትዐቀብ እምኵሉ ዝሙት ወርኵስ ወከመ ንኅድግ እማእከሌነ ኵሎ ርኵሰ ወዝሙተ።,that they should circumcise their sons in the covenant which he had made with them; that they should not deviate to the right or left from all the ways which the Lord commanded us; that we should keep ourselves from all sexual impurity and uncleanness; and that we should dismiss all uncleanness and sexual impurity from among us. ወእመ ዘመወት ለክሙ ኵላ ብእሲት ወእመኒ ወለት አውዕይዋ በእሳት ወኢይዘምዋ ድኅረ አዕይንቲሆን ወልቦንሂ ከመ ይንሥኡ ሎሙ ብእሲተ እምነ አዋልደ ከናአን እስመ ይሤሮ ዘርአ ከናአን እምድር።,"If any woman or girl among you commits a sexual offence, burn her in fire; they are not to commit sexual offences (by) following their eyes and their hearts so that they take wives for themselves from the Canaanite women, because the descendants of Canaan will be uprooted from the earth." ወነገሮሙ ኵነኔሆሙ ለረዐይት ወኵነኔ ሰዶም ከመ ተኰነኑ በእንተ እከዮሙ በእንተ ዝሙት ወርኵስ ወሙስና በበይናቲሆሙ በዝሙት ሞቱ።,"He told them about the punishment of the giants and the punishment of Sodom — how they were condemned because of their wickedness; because of the sexual impurity, uncleanness, and corruption among themselves they died in (their) sexual impurity." ወአንትሙኒ ተዐቀቡ እምኵሉ ዝሙት ወርኵስ ወእምኵሉ ግማኔ ኀጢአት ከመ ኢተሀቡ ስመነ ለመርገም ወኵሎ ሕይወተክሙ ለትምክሕት ወኵሎ ውሉደክሙ ለሙስና በሰይፍ ወትከውኑ ርጉማነ ከመ ሰዶም ወኵሉ ተረፍክሙ ከመ ውሉደ ገሞራ።,"‘Now you keep yourselves from all sexual impurity and uncleanness and from all the contamination of sin so that you do not make our name into a curse, your entire lives into a (reason for) hissing and all your children into something that is destroyed by the sword. Then you will be accursed like Sodom, and all who remain of you like the people of Gomorrah." አነ አሰምዕ ለክሙ ውሉድየ አፍቅርዎ ለአምላከ ሰማይ ወተፀመዱ ኵሎ ትእዛዞ ወኢትሖሩ ድኅረ ጣዖቶሙ ወድኅረ ርኵሶሙ።,I testify to you my sons: love the God of heaven and hold fast to all his commandments. Do not follow their idols and their uncleanness. ወአማልክተ ስብኮ ኢትግበሩ ለክሙ ወግልፈዋተ እስመ ከንቱ ውእቱ ወኢምንተኒ መንፈስ አልቦሙ እስመ ግብረ እደው እሙንቱ ወኵሎሙ እለ ይትዌከሉ ቦሙ ወኢበምንትኒ ኵሎሙ ተወከሉ ኢታምልክዎሙ ወኢትስግዱ ሎሙ።,"Do not make for yourselves gods that are molten images or statues because they are something empty and have no spirit in them. For they are made by hands, and all who trust in them all trust in nothing at all. Do not worship them or bow to them." አላ አምልኩ አምላከ ልዑለ ወስግዱ ሎቱ ወትረ ወተሰፈዉ ገጸ ዚአሁ በኵሉ ጊዜ ወግብሩ ጽድቀ ወርትዐ በቅድሜሁ ከመ ይፍተው ላዕሌክሙ ወየሀብክሙ ምሕረቶ ወያውርድ ለክሙ ዝናመ ነግህ ወሰርክ ወይባርክ ኵሎ ተግባረክሙ ኵሎ ዘተገበርክሙ በዲበ ምድር ወይባርክ እክለከ ወማየከ ወይባርክ ዘርአ ከርሥከ ወዘርአ ምድርከ ወመራዕየ አልህምቲከ ወመራዕየ አባግዒከ።,"Rather, worship the most high God and bow to him continually. Look expectantly for his presence at all times, and do what is right and just before him so that he may be delighted with you, give you his favor, and make the rain to fall for you morning and evening; bless everything that you do — all that you have done on the earth; bless your food and water; and bless the products of your loins, the products of your land, the herds of your cattle, and the flocks of your sheep." ወትከውን ለበረከት በዲበ ምድር ወይፈትዉክሙ ኵሎሙ አሕዛበ ምድር ወይባርኩ ውሉድክሙ በስምየ ከመ ይኩኑ ቡሩካነ በከመ አነ።,"You will become a blessing on the earth, and all the nations of the earth will be delighted with you. They will bless your sons in my name so that they may be blessed as I am’." ወወሀቦ ለይስማዔል ወለውሉዱ ወለውሉደ ኬጡራ ሀብተ ወፈነዎሙ እምይስሐቅ ወልዱ ወኵሎ ወሀቦ ለይስሐቅ ወልዱ።,"When he had given gifts to Ishmael, his sons, and Keturah’s sons and sent them away from his son Isaac, he gave everything to his son Isaac." ወሖረ ይስማዔል ወውሉዱ ወውሉደ ኬጡራ ወውሉዶሙ ኅቡረ ወኀደሩ እምፋርሞን እስከ ምብዋአ ባቢሎን ውስተ ኵሉ ምድር እንተ ገጸ ጽባሕ አንጻረ ገዳም።,"Ishmael, his sons, Keturah’s sons, and their sons went together and settled from Paran as far as the entrance of Babylon — in all the land toward the east opposite the desert," ወተደመሩ እሉ ምስለ እሉ ወተጸውዐ ስሞሙ ዐረብ ወእስማዔላዊያን።,They mixed with one another and were called Arabs and Ishmaelites. ወበሳድስ ዓመት ዘሳብዕ ሱባዔ ዘዝንቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ጸውዐ አብርሃም ይስሐቅሃ ወልዶ ወአዘዞ እንዘ ይብል አነ ረሳእኩ ወኢያአምር ዕለተ ሞትየ እስመ ጸገብኩ መዋዕልየ።,In the sixth year of the seventh week of this jubilee [2057] Abraham summoned his son Isaac and gave him orders as follows: ‘I have grown old but do not know when I will die because I have reached the full number of my days. ወናሁ አነ ወልደ ምእት ወሰብዓ ወኀምስቱ ዓመት ወበኵሉ መዋዕለ ሕይወትየ ሀሎኩ እንዘ እዜከሮ ለእግዚአብሔር ወእንዘ አኀሥሥ በኵሉ ልብየ ከመ እግበር ፈቃዳቲሁ ወከመ አርትዕ ሐዊረ በኵሉ ፍናዊሁ።,Now I am 175 years of age. Throughout my entire lifetime I have continually remembered the Lord and tried to do his will wholeheartedly and to walk a straight course in all his ways. ጣዖተ ጸልአት ነፍስየ ከመ እትዓቀብ ለገቢረ ፈቃዱ ለዘ ፈጠረኒ።,I have personally hated idols in order to keep myself for doing the will of the one who created me. እስመ አምላክ ሕያው ውእቱ ወቅዱስ ውእቱ ወምእመን ወጻድቅ ውእቱ እምኵሉ ወአልቦ በኀቤሁ ነሢአ ገጽ ወነሢአ ሕልያን እስመ አምላክ ጻድቅ ውስቱ ወገባሬ ኵነኔ ውእቱ እምኵሎሙ እለ ይትዐደዉ ትእዛዞ ወለእለ ይሜንኑ ኪዳኖ።,"For he is the living God. He is more holy, faithful, and just than anyone. With him there is no favoritism nor does he accept bribes because he is a just God and one who exercises judgment against all who transgress his commands and despise his covenant." ወአንተኒ ወልድየ ዕቀብ ትእዛዞ ወሥርዓቶ ወኵነኔሁ ወኢትሖር ድኅሬሆሙ ለርኩሳን ወድኅሬሆሙ ለግልፎ ወድኅሬሆሙ ለስብኮ።,"Now you, my son, keep his commands, ordinances, and verdicts. Do not pursue unclean things, statues, or molten images." ወኢትብላዕ ምንተኒ ደመ ዘአርዌ ወእንስሳ ወዘኵሉ ዖፍ ዘይሰርር ውስተ ሰማይ።,"Do not eat any blood of an animal, cattle, or of any bird that flies in the sky." ወለእመ ኀረድከ ኅርድ ለጽንሐሐ ሰላም ዘይሰጠው ኅርድዎ ወደሞሙ ትክዕዉ ውስተ ምሥዋዕ ወኵሎ ስብሐ ጽንሐሕ ታዐርግ ውስተ ምሥዋዕ ምስለ ስንዳሌ ወመሥዋዕተ ልዉስ በቅብእ ምስለ ሞጻሕቱ ታዐርጎ ኵሎ ኅቡረ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ጽንሐሐ መዓዛ ሠናይ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር።,"If you slaughter a victim for a peace offering that is acceptable, slaughter it and pour their blood onto the altar. All the fat of the sacrifice you will offer on the altar with the finest flour; and the offering kneaded with oil, with its libation — you will offer it all together on the altar as a sacrifice. (It is) an aroma that is pleasing before the Lord." በከመ ስብሐ መሥዋዕተ መድኃኒት ታነብር ዲበ እሳት ዘዲበ መሥዋዕት በከመ ስብሕ ዘዲበ ከርሥ ወኵሎ ስብሐ ዘዲበ ንዋየ ውስጥ ወክልኤ ኵልያተ ወኵሎ ስብሐ ዘዲቤሆሙ ወዘዲበ መናቅዕ ወከብድ ምስለ ኵልያት ጥብሉለ።,"As you place the fat of the peace offering on the fire which is on the altar, so also remove the fat which is on the stomach and all the fat which is on the internal organs and the two kidneys and all the fat which is on them and which is on the upper thighs and liver with the kidneys." ወታዐርግ ዘንተ ኵሎ ለመዓዛ ሠናይ ዘይሰጠው ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ምስለ መሥዋዕቱ ወምስለ ሞጻሕቱ ከመዓዛ ሠናይ ኅብስተ ጽንሐሕ ለእግዚአብሔር።,"All of this you will offer as a pleasant fragrance which is acceptable before the Lord, with its sacrifice and its libation as a pleasant fragrance — the food of the offering to the Lord." ወሥጋሁ ብላዕ በይእቲ ዕለት ወበሳኒታ ወኢይዕረብ ላዕሌሁ ፀሐይ ዘአመ ሳኒታ እስከ ሶበ ይትበላዕ ወኢይትርፍ ለዕለት ሣልስት እስመ ኢይሠጠዎ እስመ ኢኮነ ኅሩየ ወኢይትበሀል እንከ ወኵሎሙ እለ ይበልዕዎ ኀጢአተ ሎሙ ይነሥኡ እስመ ከመዝ ረከብኩ ጽሑፈ ውስተ መጽሐፈ አበዊየ ቀደምት ውስተ ነገረ ኤኖክ ወውስተ ነገረ ኖኅ።,"Eat its meat during that day and on the next day; but the sun is not to set on it on the next day until it is eaten. It is not to be left over for the third day because it is not acceptable to him. For it was not pleasing and is not therefore commanded. All who eat it will bring guilt on themselves because this is the way I found (it) written in the book of my ancestors, in the words of Enoch and the words of Noah." ውስተ ኵሉ ምሥዋዓቲከ ትደይ ፄወ ወኢይጸራዕ ኪዳነ ፄው ውስተ ኵሉ ምስዋዓቲከ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር።,On all your offerings you are to place salt; let the covenant of salt not come to an end on any of your sacrifices before the Lord. ወተዐቀብ በዕፀወ መሥዋዕት ከመ ኢታብእ ዕፀወ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ዘንተ ክመ ቄጳርሶን ወዴፍራን ወሶጋድ ወሰጠሮቢሎን ወጲጢን ወቄድሮን ወቡራቲ ወታናክ ወዕፀ ዘይት ምርስኔ ወድፍን ወቄዳር ዘስሙ አርባት ወቤስም።,"Be careful about the (kinds of) woods (that are used for) sacrifice so that you bring no (kinds of) woods onto the altar except these only: cypress, silver-fir, almond, fir, pine, cedar, juniper, date, olive wood, myrtle, laurel wood, the cedar whose name is the juniper bush, and balsam." ወእምእሉ ዕፀው አንብር መትሕተ ጽንሐሕ ዲበ ምሥዋዕ ምኩረ ርእዮሙ ወኢታንብር ኵሎ ዕፀ ንቁዐ ወሬዋ ዕፀወ ጽኑዓነ ወጽኑዐ ዘአልቦ ምንተኒ ነውረ ፍጹመ ወሐደስተ ተክለ ወኢታንብር ዕፀ ብሉየ እስመ ወፅአ መዓዛሁ እስመ እንከ አልቦ መዓዛ ላዕሌሁ ከመ ቀዳማዊ።,"Of these (kinds of) woods place beneath the sacrifice on the altar ones that have been tested for their appearance. Do not place (beneath it) any split or dark wood; (place there) strong (kinds of) woods and firm ones without any defect — a perfect and new growth. Do not place (there) old wood, for its aroma has left — because there is no longer an aroma upon it as at first." ዘእንበለ እሉ ዕፀው አልቦ ዘታነብር ባዕደ እስመ መዓዛሁ ፍሎጥ ወየዐርግ ጼና መዓዛሁ ወስተ ሰማይ።,Apart from these (kinds of) woods there is no other which you are to place (beneath the sacrifice) because their aroma is distinctive and the smell of their aroma goes up to heaven. ዑቅ ዛትእዛዘ ወግበራ ወልድየ ከመ ታርትዕ በኵሉ ግብርከ።,"Pay attention to this commandment and do it, my son, so that you may behave properly in all your actions." ወበኵሉ ጊዜ ኩን ንጹሐ በሥጋከ ወኅዕብ በማይ ዘእንበለ ትሖር ለአዕርጎ ውስተ ምሥዋዕ ወኅፅብ እዴከ ወእግረከ ዘእንበለ ትቅረብ ውስተ መሥዋዕት ሶበ ፈጸምከ አዕርጎ ግባእ ወተኀፀብ እደዊከ ወእገሪከ።,"At all times be clean with respect to your body. Wash with water before you go to make an offering on the altar. Wash your hands and feet before you approach the altar [or: sacrifice]. When you have finished making an offering, wash your hands and feet again." ወኢያስተርኢ በዲቤክሙ ኵሉ ደም ወውስተ አልባሲክሙ ተዐቀብ ወልድየ በደም ተዐቀብ ጥቀ ድፍኖ ምድረ።,"No blood is to be visible on you or on your clothing. My son, be careful with blood; be very careful to cover it with dirt." ወኢትብልዑ እንከ ደመ እስመ ደም ነፍስ ይእቲ ወኢትብላዕ ምንተኒ ደመ።,"You are not, therefore, to consume any blood because the blood is the vital force. Do not consume any blood." ወኢትንሣእ ሕልያነ ዲበ ኵሉ ደመ ሰብእ ከመ ኢይትከዐው በከ ዘእንበለ ኵነኔ እስመ ደም ውእቱ ዘይትከዐው ያኀጥኣ ለምድር ወደም ኢትክል ነጺሐ እምደመ ሰብእ ዘእንበለ በደመ ዘከዐዎ።,Do not take a bribe for any human blood so that it may not be shed casually — without punishment — because it is the blood that is shed which makes the earth sin. The earth will not be able to become pure from human blood except through the blood of the one who shed it. ወኢትንሣእ ሕልያነ ወአምኃ በደመ ሰብእ ደመ በደም ወይሠጠው ቅድመ አምላክ ልዑል ወይከውን ዑቃቤሁ ለሠናይ ወከመ ትትዐቀብ እምኵሉ እኩይ ወከመ ያድኅንከ እምኵሉ ሞት።,Do not take a bribe or gift for human blood; blood for blood — then it will be acceptable before the most high God. He will be the protection of the good; and (he will be this) so that you may be kept from every evil one and that he may save you from every (kind of) death. እሬኢ አነ ወልድየ ኵሎ ግብረ እጓለ እመሕያው ከመ ኃጢአት ወእከይ ወኵሉ ግብሮሙ ርኵስ ወምናኔ ወግማኔ ወአልቦ ጽድቀ ምስሌሆሙ።,"I see, my son, that all the actions of mankind (consist of) sin and wickedness and all their deeds of impurity, worthlessness, and contamination. With them there is nothing that is right." ተዐቀብ ኢትሖር ውስተ ፍኖቶሙ ወለከይደ አሰሮሙ ወኢትስሐት ስሕተተ ለሞት ቅድመ አምላክ ልዑል ወየኀብእ ገጾ እምኔከ ወያገብአከ ውስተ እደ አበሳከ ወይሤርወከ እምነ ምድር ወዘርአከኒ እምታሕተ ሰማይ ወይትሐጐል ስምከ ወዘርእከ እምኵሉ ምድር።,Be careful not to walk in their ways or to tread in their paths so that you may not commit a mortal sin before the most high God. Then he will hide his face from you and will hand you over to the power of your offenses. He will uproot you from the earth and your descendants from beneath heaven. Your name and descendants will be destroyed from the entire earth. ረገሐሥ እምኵሉ ምግባሪሆሙ ወእምኵሉ ርኵሶሙ ወተዐቀብ ዑቃቤ ዘአምላክ ልዑል ወግበር ፈቃዳቲሁ ወታረትዕ በኵሉ።,Depart from all their actions and from all their impurity. Keep the obligations of the most high God and do his will. Then you will act properly in every regard. ወይባርከከ በኵሉ ምግባሪከ ወያነሥእ እምኔከ ተክለ ጽድቅ በኵሉ ምድር በኵሉ ትውልደ ምድር ወኢይትረመም ስምየ ወስምከ በመትሕተ ሰማይ በኵሉ መዋዕል።,He will bless you in all your actions. He will raise from you a righteous plant in all the earth throughout all the history of the earth. Then my name and your name will not be passed over in silence beneath heaven throughout all time. ሖር ወልድየ በሰላም ያጽንዕከ አምላክ ልዑል አምላኪየ ወአምላክከ ለገቢረ ፈቃዳቲሁ ወይባርክ ኵሎ ዘርእከ ተርፈ ዘርእከ ለትውልድ ዘለዓለም በኵሉ በረከተ ጽድቅ ከመ ትኩን በረከተ በኵሉ ምድር።,"Go in peace, my son. May the most high God — my God and your God — strengthen you to do his will. May he bless all your descendants — the remnant of your descendants — throughout the history of eternity with every proper blessing so that you may become a blessing throughout the entire earth’." ወወፅአ እምኀቤሁ እንዘ ይትፌሣሕ።,Then he left him feeling happy. ወኮነ በሱባዔ ቀዳሚ በዘ አርብዓ ወአርባዕ ኢዮቤልዉ በካልእ ዓመት በዘ ሞተ አብርሃም መጽኡ ይስሐቅ ወይስማዔል እምዐዘቅተ መሐላ ከመ ይግበሩ በዓለ ሱባዔያት ዛቲ በዓል ዘቀዳሚ ማእረር ኀበ አብርሃም አቡሆሙ ወተፈሥሐ አብርሃም እስመ ክልኤሆሙ ደቂቁ መጽኡ።,"In the first week in the forty-fourth jubilee, during the second year [2109] — it is the year in which Abraham died — Isaac and Ishmael came from the well of the oath to their father Abraham to celebrate the festival of weeks (this is the festival of the firstfruits of the harvest). Abraham was happy that his two sons had come." እስመ ብዙኅ ጥሪቱ ለይስሐቅ በቤርሳቤ ወየሐውር ይስሐቅ ወይዋሒ ጥሪቶ ወይገብእ ኀበ አቡሁ።,For Isaac’s possessions in Beersheba were numerous. Isaac used to go and inspect his possessions and then return to his father. ወበዝ መዋዕል መጽአ ይስማዔል ይርአይ አባሁ ወመጽኡ ኵሎሙ ኅቡረ ወጠብሐ ይስሐቅ መሥዋዕተ ለጽንሐሕ ወአዕረገ ዲበ ምሥዋዐ አቡሁ ዘገብረ በኬብሮን።,"At that time Ishmael came to see his father, and all of them came together. Isaac slaughtered a sacrifice for the off’ering; he offered (it) on his father’s altar which he had made in Hebron." ወሦዐ መድኃኒተ ወገብረ ግዝአ ግሥሓ በቅድመ ይስማዔል እኁሁ ወገብረት ርብቃ ዳፍንተ ሐዳሰ እምስርናይ ሐዲስ ወወሀበቶ ለያዕቆብ ወልዳ ከመ ያብእ ለአብርሃም አቡሁ እምቀዳሚ ፍሬ ምድር ከመ ይብላዕ ወይባርክ ፈጣሬ ኵሉ እንበለ ይሙት።,He sacrificed a peace offering and prepared a joyful feast in front of his brother Ishmael. Rebecca made fresh bread out of new wheat. She gave it to her son Jacob to bring to his father Abraham some of the firstfruits of the land so that he would eat (it) and bless the Creator of everything before he died. ወይስሐቅኒ ውእቱ ፈነወ በእደ ያዕቆብ ዘይሤኒ መሥዋዕተ ዘመድኃኒት አብርሃም ይብላዕ ወይስተይ።,"Isaac, too, sent through Jacob [his] excellent peace offering [and wine to his father] Abraham for him to eat and drinic." ወበልዐ ወሰትየ ወባረኮ ለአምላክ ልዑል ዘፈጠረ ሰማየ ወምድረ ዘገብረ ኵሎ ስብሐ ምድር ወወሀቦሙ ለውሉደ ሰብእ ይብልዑ ወይስተዩ ወይባርኩ ፈጣሪሆሙ።,"He ate and drank. Then he blessed the most high God who created the heavens and the earth, who made all the fat things of the earth, and gave them to mankind to eat, drink, and bless their Creator." ወይእዜኒ እትጋነይ ለከ አምላኪየ እስመ አርአይከኒ ዛተ ዕለተ ናሁ አነ ወልደ ምእት ወሰብዓ ወኃምስ ክረምት ልሂቅ ወፍጹመ መዋዕል ወኵሎን መዋዕልየ ኮናኒ ሰላመ።,"‘Now I offer humble thanks to you, my God, because you have shown me this day. I am now 175 years of age, old and with (my) time completed. All of my days have proved to be peace for me." ሰይፈ ጸላኢ ኢሞአኒ ወበኵሉ ዘወሀብከኒ ወለውሉድየ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወትየ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት።,The enemy’s sword has not subdued me in anything at all which you have given me and my sons during all my lifetime until today. ትኩን ሣልስከ ወሰላምከ ላዕለ ገብርከ ወላዕለ ዘርአ ውሉዱ ከመ ይኩንከ ሕዝበ ኅሩየ ወርስተ እምኵሉ አሕዛበ ምድር እምይእዜ ወእስከ ኵሉ መዋዕል ዘትውልደ ምድር ለኵሉ ዓለማት።,"May your kindness and peace rest on your servant and on the descendants of his sons so that they, of all the nations of the earth, may become your chosen people and heritage from now until all the time of the earth’s history throughout all ages’." ወጸውዖ ለያዕቆብ ወይቤሎ ወልድየ ያዕቆብ ይባርክ አምላከ ኵሉ ወያኀይልከ ለገቢረ ጽድቅ ወፈቃዱ በቅድመ ዚአሁ ወይኅረይ ብከ ወበዘርእከ ከመ ትኩንዎ ሕዝበ ለርስቱ በከመ ፈቃዱ በኵሉ መዋዕል ወአንተኒ ወልድየ ያዕቆብ ቅረብ ወሰዐመኒ።,"He summoned Jacob and said to him: ‘My son Jacob, may the God of all bless and strengthen you to do before him what is right and what he wants. May he choose you and your descendants to be his people for his heritage in accord with his will throughout all time. Now you, my son Jacob, come close and kiss me’." ወቀርበ ወሰዐሞ ወይቤ ቡሩክ ወልድየ ያዕቆብ ወኵሎሙ ውሉዱ ለእግዚአብሔር ልዑል ለኵሉ ዓለማት የሀብከ እግዚአብሔር ዘርአ ጽድቅ ወእምውሉድከ ይቀድስ በማእከለ ኵላ ምድር ይትቀነዩ ለከ አሕዛብ ወይስግዱ በቅድመ ዘርእከ ኵሎሙ አሕዛብ።,"So he came close and kissed him. Then he said: ‘May my son Jacob and all his sons be blessed to the most high Lord throughout all ages. May the Lord give you righteous descendants, and may he sanctify some of your sons within the entire earth. May the nations serve you, and may all the nations bow before your descendants." ኩን ኀያለ በቅድመ ሰብእ ወእንዘ ትሜብል ውስተ ኵሉ ዘርአ ሴት አሜሃ ይጸድቃ ፍናዊከ ወፍናወ ውሉድከ ለከዊነ ሕዝብ ቅዱስ።,Be strong before people and continue to exercise power among all of Seth’s descendants. Then your ways and the ways of your sons will be proper so that they may be a holy people. የሀብከ አምላክ ልዑል ኵሎን በረከታተ እለ ባረከኒ ወእለ ባረኮ ለኖኅ ወአዳምሃ ያዕርፍ ዲበ ድማኀ ቅዳሴ ዘርእከ ለኵሉ ትውልደ ትውልድ ወእስከ ለዓለም።,May the most high God give you all the blessings with which he blessed me and with which he blessed Noah and Adam. May they come to rest on the sacred head of your descendants throughout each and every generation and forever. ወያንጽሕከ እምኵሉ ርስሐተ ርኵስ ከመ ታስተስሪ እምኵሉ አበሳ ዘበ ኢያእምሮ ጌጋይከ ወያኀይልከ ወይባርከ ወትረስ ኵላ ምድረ።,May he purify you from all filthy pollution so that you may be pardoned for all the guilt of your sins of ignorance. May he strengthen and bless you; may you possess the entire earth. ወየሐድስ ኪዳኖ መስሌከ ከመ ትኩኖ ሕዝበ ለርስቱ በኵሉ ዓለማት ወውእቱ ይኩንከ ለከ ወለዘርእከ አምላከ ዘበህልው ወዘበጽድቅ በኵሉ መዋዕለ ምድር።,May he renew his covenant with you so that you may be for him the people of his heritage throughout all ages. May he truly and rightly be God for you and your descendants throughout all the time of the earth. ወአንተኒ ወልድየ ያዕቆብ ተዘከር ቃልየ ወዕቀብ ትእዛዛተ አብርሃም አቡከ ተፈለጥ እምአሕዛብ ወኢትብላዕ ምስሌሆሙ ወኢትግበር በከመ ምግባሪሆሙ ወኢትኩኖሙ ቢጸ እስመ ግብሮሙ ርኵስ ወኵሉ ፍናዊሆሙ ግሙን ወምናኔ ወሰቆራር።,"Now you, my son Jacob, remember what I say and keep the commandments of your father Abraham." , , , , , , , , , , , , ወለኵሎሙ እለ ያመልኩ ጣዖተ ወለጽሉኣን አልቦሙ ምንተኒ ተስፋ በምድረ ሕያዋን እስመ ውስተ ሲኦል ይወርዱ ወውስተ መካነ ደይን የሐውሩ ወአልቦሙ ምንተኒ ዝክረ በዲበ ምድር ከመ ተንሥኡ ውሉደ ሰዶም እምድር ከማሁ ይትንሥኡ ኵሎሙ እለ ያመልኩ ጣዖተ።,"There is no hope in the land of the hving for all who worship idols and for those who are odious. For they will descend to sheol and will go to the place of judgment. There will be no memory of them on the earth. As the people of Sodom were taken from the earth, so all who worship idols will be taken." ኢትፍራህ ወልድየ ያዕቆብ ወኢትደንግፅ ወልደ አብርሃም አምላክ ልዑል ይዕቀብከ እምነ ሙስና ወእምኵሉ ፍኖተ ስሕተት ውእቱ ይባልሕከ።,"Do not be afraid, my son Jacob, and do not be upset, son of Abraham. May the most high God keep you from corruption; and from every erroneous way may he rescue you." ዘንተ ቤተ ሐነጽኩ ሊተ ከመ አንብር ስምየ ላዕሌሁ በዲበ ምድር ተውህበት ለከ ወለዘርእከ ለዓለም ወትሰመይ ቤተ አብርሃም ተውህበት ለከ ወለዘርእከ ለዓለም እስመ አንተ ተሐንጽ ቤትየ ወታቀውም ስምየ ቅድመ አምላክ እስከ ለዓለም ዘርእከ ወስምከ ይቀውም ውስተ ኵሉ ትውልደ ምድር።,This house I have built for myself to put my name on it upon the earth. It has been given to you and to your descendants forever. It will be called Abraham’s house. It has been given to you and your descendants forever because you will build my house and will estabhsh my name before God until eternity. Your descendants and your name will remain throughout all the history of the earth’. ወአኅለቀ እንዘ ይኤዝዞ ወይባርኮ።,Then he finished commanding and blessing him. ወሰከቡ ክልኤሆሙ ኅቡረ ውስተ ዐራት አሐቲ ወኖመ ያዕቆብ ውስተ ሕፅነ አብርሃም አበ አቡሁ ወሰዐሞ ስብዐ ወተፈሥሐ ምሕረቱ ወልቡ ላዕሌሁ።,"The two of them lay down together on one bed. Jacob slept in the bosom of his grandfather Abraham. He kissed him seven times, and his feelings and mind were happy about him." ወባረኮ በኵሉ ልቡ ወይቤ አምላክ ልዑል አምላከ ኵሉ ወፈጣሬ ኵሉ ዘአውፅአኒ እምነ ኡር ዘከለዳዊያን ከመ የሀበኒ ዛተ ምድረ እረሳ ለዓለም ወከመ አቅም ዘርአ ቅዱሰ ከመ ይትባረክ ለዓለም።,He blessed him wholeheartedly and said: ‘The most high God is the God of all and Creator of everything who brought me from Ur of the Chaldeans to give me this land in order that I should possess it forever and raise up holy descendants so that they may be blessed forever’. ወባረኮ ለያዕቆብ ወልድየ ዘበኵሉ ልብየ ወዘበምሕረትየ በእለ እትፌሣሕ ቦቱ ወይኩን ሣህልከ ወምሕረትከ ነዋኀ ላዕሌሁ ወላዕለ ዘርኡ ኵሎ መዋዕለ።,"Then he blessed Jacob: ‘My son, with whom I am exceedingly happy with all my mind and feelings — may your grace and mercy continue on him and his descendants for all time." ወኢትኅድጎ ወኢትትሀየዮ እምይእዜ ወእስከ መዋዕል ዘለዓለም ወይኩና አዕይንቲከ ክሡታተ ላዕሌሁ ወላዕለ ዘርኡ ከመ ይዕቀብዎ ወከመ ትባርኮ ወከመ ትቀድሶ አንተ ለሕዝብ ዘለርስትከ።,Do not leave or neglect him from now until the time of eternity. May your eyes be open on him and his descendants so that they may watch over them and so that you may bless and sanctify them as the people of your heritage. ወባርኮ በኵሉ በረከታቲከ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ኵሎን መዋዕል ዘለዓለም ወሐድስ ኪዳነከ ወሣህለከ ምስሌሁ ወምስለ ዘርኡ በኵሉ ፈቃድከ በኵሉ ትውልደ ምድር።,Bless him with all your blessings from now until all the time of eternity. With your entire will renew your covenant and your grace with him and with his descendants throughout all the history of the earth’. ወአንበረ ክልኤሆን አጻብዐ ያዕቆብ ዲበ አዕይንቲሁ ወባረኮ ለአምላከ አማልክት ወከደነ ገጾ ወሰፍሐ እገሪሁ ወኖመ ንዋመ ዘለዓለም ወተጋብአ ኀበ አበዊሁ።,"He put two of Jacob’s fingers on his eyes and blessed the God of gods. He covered his face, streched out his feet, fell asleep forever, and was gathered to his ancestors." ወበዝ ኵሉ ሀሎ ያዕቆብ ይሰክብ ውስተ ሕፅኑ ወኢያእመረ ከመ ሞተ አብርሃም አበ አቡሁ።,During all of this Jacob was lying in his bosom and was unaware that his grandfather Abraham had died. ወነቅሀ ያዕቆብ እምንዋሙ ወናሁ ቈረ አብርሃም ከመ በረድ ወይቤ አባ አባ ወአልቦ ዘነበቦ ወአእመረ ከመ ሞተ።,"When Jacob awakened from his sleep, there was Abraham cold as ice. He said: ‘Father, father’! But he said nothing to him. Then he knew that he was dead." ወተንሥአ እምሕፅኑ ወሮጸ ወነገራ ለርብቃ እሙ ወሖረት ርብቃ ኀበ ይስሐቅ ሌሊተ ወነገረቶ ወሖሩ ኅቡረ ወያዕቆብ ምስሌሆሙ ወማኅቶት ውስተ እዴሁ ወሐዊሮሙ ረከብዎ ለአብርሃም እንዘ ይሰክብ በድኖ።,He got up from his bosom and ran and told his mother Rebecca. Rebecca went to Isaac at night and told him. They went together — and Jacob with them (carrying) a lamp in his hands. When they came they found Abraham’s corpse lying (there). ወወድቀ ይስሐቅ ውስተ ገጸ አቡሁ ወበከየ ወሰዐሞ።,"Isaac fell on his father’s face, cried, and kissed him." ወቃል ተሰምዐ በቤተ አብርሃም ወተንሥአ ይስማዔል ወልዱ ወሖረ ኀበ አብርሃም አቡሁ ወበከየ ለአብርሃም አቡሁ ውእቱ ወኵሉ ቤተ አብርሃም ወበከዩ ብካየ ዐቢየ።,"After the report was heard in the household of Abraham, his son Ishmael set out and came to his father Abraham. He mourned for his father Abraham — he and all Abraham’s household. They mourned very much." ወቀበርዎ ውስተ በዐት ካዕበት ቅሩበ ሳራ ብእሲቱ ወውሉዱ ይስሐቅ ወይስማዔል ወበከይዎ አርብዓ መዋዕለ ኵሉ ሰብአ ቤቱ ወይስሐቅ ወይስማዔል ወኵሉ ውሉዶሙ ወውሉደ ኬጡራ በመካኖሙ ወተፈጸመ ላሐ ብካየ አብርሃም።,"They — both of his sons Isaac and Ishmael — buried him in the double cave near his wife Sarah. All the people of his household as well as Isaac, Ishmael, and all their sons and Keturah’s sons in their places mourned for him for 40 days. Then the tearful mourning for Abraham was completed." ሠለስተ ኢዮቤልዉ ሐይወ ወአርባዕተ ሱባዔ ዓመተ ምእተ ወሰብዓ ወኀምስተ ዓመተ ወፈጸመ መዋዕለ ሕይወቱ ልህቀ ወፍጹመ መዋዕል።,He had lived for three jubilees and four weeks of years — 175 years — when he completed his lifetime. He had grown old and (his) time was completed. እስመ መዋዕለ ቀደምት እማንቱ ለሕይወቶሙ ዐሠርቱ ወተስዐቱ ኢዮቤልውሳት ወእምድኅረ አይኅ አኀዙ ይንትጉ እምዐሠርቱ ወተስዐቱ ኢዮቤልውሳት ወለአኅጽጾ እምኢዮቤልውሳት ወለረሲእ ፍጡነ ወለተጸግቦ መዋዕሊሆሙ እምገጸ ሕማም ብዙኅ ወበእከየ ፍናዊሆሙ ዘእንበለ አብርሃም።,"For the times of the ancients were 19 jubilees for their lifetimes. After the flood they started to decrease from 19 jubilees, to be fewer with respect to jubilees, to age quickly, and to have their times be completed in view of the numerous difficulties and through the wickedness of their ways — with the exception of Abraham." እስመ አብርሃምሰ ፍጹም በኵሉ ምግባሪሁ ምስለ እግዚአብሔር ወእንዘ ያሠምር ዘበጽድቅ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወቱ ወናሁ ኢፈጸመ አርባዕተ ኢዮቤሉሳተ በሕይወቱ እስከ አመ ረስአ ቅድመ ገጸ እከይ ወጸግበ መዋዕላቲሁ።,For Abraham was perfect with the Lord in everything that he did — being properly pleasing throughout all his lifetime. And yet (even) he had not completed four jubilees during his lifetime when he became old — in view of wickedness — and reached the end of his time. ወኵሉ ትውልድ ዘይትነሣእ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ዕለተ ደይን ዐባይ ይረስኡ ፍጡነ ዘእንበለ ይፈጽሙ ክልኤ ኢዮቤልዉ ወትከውን እንተ ተኀድጎሙ አእምሮቶሙ እምርስኦሙ ወተአትት ኵላ አእምሮቶሙ።,All the generations that will come into being from now until the great day of judgment will grow old quickly — before they complete two jubilees. It will be their knowledge that will leave them because of their old age; all of their knowledge will depart. ወበውእቱ መዋዕል እመ ሐይወ ብእሲ ኢዮቤልዉ ወመንፈቀ ዓመታት ይብሉ በእንቲአሁ አብዝኀ ሐይወ ወመብዝኅተ መዋዕሊሁ ሕማም ወስራሕ ወምንዳቤ ወአልቦ ሰላመ።,"At that time, if a man lives a jubilee and one-half of years, it will be said about him: ‘He has lived for a long time’. But the greater part of his time will be (characterized by) difficulties, toil, and distress without peace," እስመ መቅሠፍት ዲበ መቅሠፍት ወጽልዓን ዲበ ጽልዓን ወምንዳቤ ዲበ ምንዳቤ ወስምዓተ እኩይ ዲበ ስምዓተ እኩይ ወደዌ ዲበ ደዌ ወኵሉ ኵነኔ እኩይ ዘከማሁ ዝንቱ ምስለ ዝንቱ ደዌ ወገበጥባጥ ወአስሐትያ ወበረድ ወሐመዳ ወነበርጻው ወሰከሕካሕ ወሰዖዛዝ ወዐባር ወሞት ወመጥባሕት ወፂዋዌ ወኵሉ መቅሠፍት ወሕማም።,"because (there will be) blow upon blow, wound upon wound, distress upon distress, bad news upon bad news, disease upon disease, and every (kind of) bad punishment like this, one with the other: disease and stomach pains; snow, hail, and frost; fever, cold, and numbness; famine, death, sword, captivity, and every (sort of) blow and difficulty." ወኵሉ ዝንቱ ይመጽእ በትውልድ እኪት እንተ ታኤብስ ምድረ በርኵሰ ዝሙት ወበግማኔ ወበሰቆራር ግብሮሙ።,"All of this will happen to the evil generation which makes the earth commit sin through sexual impurity, contamination, and their detestable actions." አሜሃ ይብሉ ለቀደምት መዋዕሌሆሙ ብዙኅ እስከ ዐሠርቱ ምእት ዓመት ወሠናይ ወናሁ መዋዕለ ሕይወትነ እመ አብዝኀ ሰብእ ሐይወ ሰብዓ ዓመተ ወእመ ኀየለ ሰማንያ ዓመተ ወኵሉ እኩይ ወአልቦ ምንተኒ ሰላመ በመዋዕለ ትውልድ ይእቲ እኪት።,"Then it will be said: ‘The days of the ancients were numerous — as many as 1000 years — and good. But now the days of our lives, if a man has lived for a long time, are 70 years, and, if he is strong, 80 years’. All are evil and there is no peace during the days of that evil generation." ወበይእቲ ትውልድ ይከውኑ ደቂቅ እንዘ ይዛለፉ አበዊሆሙ ወአዕሩጊሆሙ በእንተ ኀጢአት ወበእንተ ዐመፃ ወበእንተ ንባበ አፉሆሙ ወበእንተ እከያት ዐበይት ዘእሙንቱ ይገብሩ ወበእንተ ኀዲጎቶሙ ሥርዓተ ዘተካየደ እግዚአብሔር ማእከሎሙ ወማእከሎ ከመ ይዕቀቡ ወይግበሩ ኵሎ ትእዛዞ ወሥርዓቶ ወኵሎ ሕጎ ወአልቦ ተግኅሦ ፀጋመ ወየማነ።,"During that generation the children will find fault with their fathers and elders because of sin and injustice, because of what they say and the great evils that they commit, and because of their abandoning the covenant which the Lord had made between them and himself so that they should observe and perform all his commands, ordinances, and all his laws without deviating to the left or right." እስመ ኵሎሙ አእከዩ ወኵሉ አፍ ይትናገር አበሳ ወኵሉ ግብሮሙ ርኩስ ወሰቆራር ወኵሉ ፍኖቶሙ ግማኔ ወርኵስ ወሙስና።,"For all have acted wickedly; every mouth speaks what is sinful. Everything that they do is impure and something detestable; all their ways are (characterized by) contamination, and corruption." ናሁ ምድር ትትሐጐል በእንተ ኵሉ ምግባሮሙ ወአልቦ ዘርአ ወይን ወአልቦ ቅብአ እስመ ኵሉ ካሕድ ምግባሪሆሙ ወኵሎሙ ይትሐጐሉ ኅቡረ አራዊት ወእንስሳ ወአዕዋፍ ወኵሉ ዓሣተ ባሕር እምቅድመ ውሉደ ሰብእ።,"The earth will indeed be destroyed because of all that they do. There will be no produce from the vine and no oil because what they do (constitutes) complete disobedience. All will be destroyed together — animals, cattle, birds, and all fish of the sea — because of mankind." ወይትባአሱ እሉ ምስለ እሉ ወራዙት ምስለ ሊቃናት ወሊቃናት ምስለ ወራዙት ነዳይ ምስለ ባዕል ትሑት ምስለ ዐቢይ ወምስኪን ምስለ መኰንን በእንተ ሕግ ወበእንተ ኪዳን እስመ ረስዑ ትእዛዘ ወኪዳነ ወበዓለ ወወርኀ ወሰንበተ ወኢዮቤሌው ወኵሎ ኵነኔ።,"One group will struggle with another — the young with the old, the old with the young; the poor with the rich, the lowly with the great; and the needy with the ruler — regarding the law and the covenant. For they have forgotten commandment, covenant, festival, month, sabbath, jubilee, and every verdict." ወይቀውሙ በአስይፍት ወበቀትል ከመ ይሚጥዎሙ ውስተ ፍኖት ወኢይትመየጡ እስከ ይትከዐው ደም ብዙኅ ዲበ ምድር እሉ በእሉ።,They will stand up with swords and warfare in order to bring them back to the way; but they will not be brought back until much blood is shed on the earth by each group. ወእለ ድኅኑ በፍኖተ ጽድቅ ኢይትመየጡ እምነ እከዮሙ እስመ ኵሎሙ ለትእግልት ወውስተ ብዕል ይትነሥኡ ከመ ይንሣእ አሐዱ ኵሎ ዘቢጹ ወስመ ዐቢየ ይሰመዩ ወአኮ በህልው ወአኮ በጽድቅ ወቅድሳተ ቅዱስ ያረኵሱ በርኵሰ ሙስና ግማኔሆሙ።,Those who escape will not turn from their wickedness to the right way because all of them will elevate themselves for (the purpose of) cheating and through wealth so that one takes everything that belongs to another. They will mention the great name but neither truly nor rightly. They will defile the holy of hohes with the impure corruption of their contamination. ወይከውን መቅሠፍት ዐቢይ ዲበ ግብረ ይእቲ ትውልድ እምኀበ እግዚአብሔር ወይሁቦሙ ለመጥባሕት ወለኵነኔ ወለፂዋዌ ወለሀይድ ወለብልዐት።,"There will be a great punishment from the Lord for the actions of that generation. He will deliver them to the sword, judgment, captivity, plundering, and devouring." ወያነቅህ ላዕሌሆሙ ኃጢኣኒሆሙ ለአሕዛብ እለ አልቦሙ ላዕሌሆሙ ምሕረተ ወሣህለ ወለገጸ መኑሂ ኢያደልው ኢለልሂቅ ወኢለወሬዛ ወኢለመኑሂ እስመ እኩያን ወኀያላን ከመ ይእከዩ እምኵሉ ውሉደ ሰብእ ወይገብሩ ውስተ እስራኤል ሀከከ ወዲበ ያዕቆብ አበሳ ወይትከዐው ደም ብዙኅ ዲበ ምድር ወአልቦ ዘያስተጋብእ ወአልቦ ዘይቀብር።,"He will arouse against them the sinful nations who will have no mercy or kindness for them and who will show partiality to no one, whether old, young, or anyone at all, because they are evil and strong so that they are more evil than all mankind. They will cause chaos in Israel and sin against Jacob. Much blood will be shed on the earth, and there will be no one who gathers up (corpses) or who buries (them)." በውእቱ መዋዕል ይጸርኁ ወይጼውዑ ወይጼልዩ ከመ ይድኀኑ እምእደ ኃጥኣን አሕዛብ ወአልቦ ዘያድኅን።,"At that time they will cry out and call and pray to be rescued from the power of the sinful nations, but there will be no one who rescues (them)." ወይጸዐዱ አርእስተ ደቂቅ በሲበት ወያስተርኢ ሕፃን ወልደ ሠለስቱ ሱባዔ ልሂቀ ከመ ዘምእት ዓመቱ ወይትሐጐል ቁመቶሙ በምንዳቤ ወበጻዕር።,"The children’s heads will turn white with gray hair. A child who is three weeks of age will look old like one whose years are 100, and their condition will be destroyed through distress and pain." ወበውእቶን መዋዕል ይእኅዙ ደቂቅ ይትኀሠሡ ሕገገ ወለኃሢሠ ትእዛዝ ወለተመይጦ ውስተ ፍኖተ ጽድቅ።,"In those days the children will begin to study the laws, to seek out the commands, and to return to the right way." ወይእኅዛ መዋዕል ይብዝኃ ወይልሀቃ ወውሉደ ሰብእ ትውልድ እምትውልድ ወዕለት እመዋዕል እስከ ሶበ ይቀርብ መዋዕሊሆሙ ለዐሠርቱ ምእት ዓመት ወለብዙኅ ዓመታት እምነ ብዙኅ መዋዕል።,"The days will begin to become numerous and increase, and mankind as well — generation by generation and day by day until their lifetimes approach 1000 years and to more years than the number of days (had been)." ወአልቦ ልሂቀ ወአልቦ ዘይጸግብ መዋዕለ እስመ ኵሎሙ ሕፃናተ ወደቂቀ ይከውኑ።,"There will be no old man, nor anyone who has lived out his lifetime, because all of them will be infants and children." ወኵሎን መዋዕሊሆሙ በሰላም ወበፍሥሓ ይፌጽሙ ወይሐይዉ ወአልቦ መነሂ ሰይጣነ ወአልቦ መነሂ እኩየ ዘያማስን እስመ ኵሎን መዋዕሊሆሙ መዋዕለ በረከት ወፈውስ ይከውና።,They will complete and live their entire lifetimes peacefully and joyfully. There will be neither a satan nor any evil one who will destroy. For their entire lifetimes will be times of blessing and healing. አሜሃ ይፌውስ እግዚአብሔር አግብርቲሁ ወይትነሥኡ ወይሬእዩ ሰላመ ዐቢየ ወይሰድድ ጸላእቶ ወይሬእዩ ጻድቃን ወያአኵቱ ወይትፌሥሑ እስከ ለዓለመ ዓለም በፍሥሓ ወይሬእዩ በፀሮሙ ኵሎ ኵነኔሆሙ ወኵሎ መርገሞሙ።,"Then the Lord will heal his servants. They will rise and see great peace. He will expel his enemies. The righteous will see (this), offer praise, and be very happy forever and ever. They will see all their punishments and curses on their enemies." ወያዐርፍ አዕፅምቲሆሙ ውስተ ምድር ወመንፈሶሙ ያበዝኅ ትፍሥሕተ ወያአምሩ ከመ ሀሎ እግዚአብሔር ገባሬ ኵነኔ ወይገብር ሣህለ ለአምኣት ወለአእላፍ ወለኵሎሙ እለ ያፈቅርዎ።,Their bones will rest in the earth and their spirits will be very happy. They will know that the Lord is one who executes judgment but shows kindness to hundreds and thousands and to all who love him. ወአንተኒ ሙሴ ጸሐፍ ዘንተ ቃላተ እስመ ከመዝ ጽሑፍ ውእቱ ወየዐርጉ ውስተ ስምዐ ጽላተ ሰማይ ለትውልድ ዘለዓለም።,"Now you, Moses, write down these words because this is how it is written and entered in the testimony of the heavenly tablets for the history of eternity." ወኮነ እምድኅረ ሞተ አብርሃም ባረኮ እግዚአብሔር ለይስሐቅ ወልዱ ወተንሥአ እምኬብሮን ወሖረ ወኀደረ ኀበ ዐዘቅተ ራእይ በዓመት አሐዱ ዘሣልስ ሱባዔ ዘዝ ኢዩቤሌዉ ሰብዐተ ዓመተ።,"After Abraham’s death, the Lord blessed his son Isaac. He set out from Hebron and went during the first year of the third week of this jubilee [2073] and lived at the well of the vision for seven years." ወበዓመት ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ አኀዘ ዐባር ውስተ ምድር ዘእንበለ ቀዳማዊ ዐባር ዘኮነ በመዋዕለ አብርሃም።,During the first year of the fourth week [2080] a famine — different than the first famine which had occurred in Abraham’s lifetime — began in the land. ወአብሰለ ያዕቆብ ተብሲለ ብርስን ወመጽአ ዔሳው እምሐቅል ርኁብ ወይቤሎ ለያዕቆብ እኁሁ ሀበኒ እምዝ ተብሲል ዘስርናይ ወይቤሎ ያዕቆብ አግብእ ሊተ ልህቃኒከ ዘቅድመ ልደት ወአነኒ እሁበከ ኅብስተ ወእምዝሂ ተብሲል።,"When Jacob was cooking lentil porridge, Esau came hungry from the field. He said to his brother Jacob: ‘Give me some of this wheat porridge’. But Jacob said to him: ‘Hand over to me your birthright which belongs to the first-born, and then I will give you food and some of this porridge as well’." ወይቤ ዔሳው በልቡ አነ እመውት ለምንትዝ ቀዲመ ተወልዶ ወይቤሎ ለያዕቆብ ወሀብኩከ።,Esau said to himself: ‘I will die. What good will this right of the first-born do’? So he said to Jacob: ‘I (hereby) give (it) to you’. ወይቤሎ ያዕቆብ መሐል ሊተ ዮም ወመሐላ ሎቱ።,Jacob said to him: ‘Swear to me today’. So he swore to him. ወወሀቦ ያዕቆብ ለእኁሁ ዔሳው ኅብስተ ወተብሲለ ወበልዐ እስከ ይጸግብ ወመነነ ዔሳው ቀዲመ ተወልዶ በእንተዝ ተሰምየ ስሙ ዔሳው ወኤዶም በእንተ ተብሲለ ስርናይ ዘወሀቦ ያዕቆብ ለቅድመ ልደቱ።,"Then Jacob gave the food and porridge to his brother Esau, and he ate until he was full. Esau repudiated the right of the first-born. This is why he was named Esau and Edom: because of the wheat porridge which Jacob gave him in exchange for his right of the first-born." ወልህቀ ያዕቆብ ወዔሳውሰ ተትሕተ እምዕበዩ።,"So Jacob became the older one, but Esau was lowered from his prominent position." ወኮነ ዐባር ዲበ ምድር ወመጽአ ይስሐቅ ይረድ ግብጽ በካልእ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱባዔ ወሖረ ኀበ ንጉሠ ፍልስጥኤም ጌራሮሃ ኀበ አቤሜሌክ።,"As there was a famine over the land, Isaac set out to go down to Egypt during the second year of this week [2081]. He went to Gerar to the Philistine king Abimelech." ወአስተርአዮ እግዚአብሔር ወይቤሎ ኢትረድ ግብጽ ንበር ውስተ ምድር እንተ አነ እብለከ ወፍልስ ውስተ ይእቲ ምድር ወእሄሉ ምስሌከ ወእባርከከ።,"The Lord appeared to him and told him: ‘Do not go down to Egypt. Stay in the land that I will tell you. Live as a foreigner in that land. I will be with you and bless you," እስመ ለከ ወለዘርእከ እሁብ ዛተ ምድረ ኵላ ወአቀውም መሐላየ ዘመሐልኩ ለአብርሃም አቡከ ወአበዝኅ ዘርአከ ከመ ከዋክብተ ሰማይ ወእሁብ ለዘርእከ ኵላ ዛተ ምድረ።,because I will give this entire land to you and your descendants. I will carry out the terms of my oath which I swore to your father Abraham. I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars of the sky. I will give this entire land to your descendants. ወይትባረኩ በዘርእከ ኵሎሙ አሕዛበ ምድር ህየንተ ሰምዐ አቡከ ቃለ ዚአየ ወዐቀበ ዑቃቤየ ወትእዛዛትየ ወሕገጊየ ወሥርዓትየ ወኪዳንየ ወይእዜኒ ስማዕ ቃልየ ወኅድር ውስተዛ ምድር።,"All the peoples of the earth will be blessed through your descendants because of the fact that your father obeyed me and kept my obligations, commands, laws, statutes, and covenant. Now obey me and live in this land’." ወኀደረ ጌራሮሃ ሠለስተ ሱባዔ ዓመት።,So he lived in Gerar for three weeks of years. ወአዘዘ አቤሜሌክ በእንቲአሁ ወበእንተ ኵሉ ዘዚአሁ እንዘ ይብል ኵሉ ሰብእ ዘይለክፎ ወለኵሉ ዘዚአሁ ሞተ ይሙት።,Abimelech gave orders as follows regarding him and everything that belonged to him: ‘Any man who touches him or anything that belongs to him is to die’. ወልህቀ ይስሐቅ በፍልስጥኤም ወኮነ ሎቱ ጥሪት ብዙኅ አልህምት ወአባግዕ ወአግማል ወአእዱግ ወጥሪት ብዙኅ።,"Isaac prospered among the Philistines and possessed much property: cattle, sheep, camels, donkeys, and much property." ወዘርኡ በምድረ ፍልስጥኤም ወአዕረገ ምእተ ሰዊተ ወዐብየ ይስሐቅ ፈድፋደ ወቀንኡ ላዕሌሁ ፍልስጥኤም።,"They planted seeds in the land of the Philistines, and he harvested a hundred ears. When Isaac had become very great, the Philistines grew jealous of him." ወኵሎ ዐዘቃተ ዘከረዩ ደቀ አብርሃም በሕይወተ አብርሃም ይፈንዎ ፍልስጥኤም እምድኅረ ሞተ አብርሃም ወመልእዎ መሬተ።,(As for) all the wells that Abraham’s servants had dug during Abraham’s lifetime — the Philistines covered them up after Abraham’s death and filled them with dirt. ወይቤሎ አቤሜሌክ ለይስሐቅ ሖር እምኀቤነ እስመ ዐበይከ ፈድፋደ እምኔነ ወሖረ ይስሐቅ በአሐዱ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ሳብዕ እምህየ ወፈለሰ ውስተ ቈላተ ጌራሮን።,Then Abimelech told Isaac: ‘Leave us because you have become much too great for us’. So Isaac left that place during the first year of the seventh week [2101]. He lived as a foreigner in the valleys of Gerar. ወተመዪጦሙ ከረዩ ዐዘቃተ ዘማያት ዘከረዩ ደቀ አብርሃም አቡሁ ወደፈንዎ ፍልስጥኤም እምድኅረ ሞተ አብርሃም አቡሁ ወጸውዖን አስማቲሆን ዘሰመዮን አብርሃም አቡሁ።,They again dug the water wells which the servants of his father Abraham had dug and the Philistines had covered up after his father Abraham’s death. He called them by the names that his father Abraham had given them. ወከረዩ ደቀ ይስሐቅ ዐዘቃተ በፍራንጋ ወረከቡ ማየ ሕያወ ወተጋአዙ ኖሎተ ጌራሮን ምስለ ኖሎተ ይስሐቅ እንዘ ይብሉ ዘዚአነ ዝማይ ወጸውዖ ይስሐቅ ስሞ ለውእቱ ዐዘቅት ዕጹብ እስመ ተዐጸቡ ምስሌነ።,Isaac’s servants dug wells in the wadi and found flowing water. Then the shepherds of Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s shepherds and said: ‘This water is ours’. So Isaac named that well Difficult ‘because they have been difficult for us’. ወከረዩ ዐዘቅተ ካልአ ወተበአሱ በእንቲአሁኒ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ጸባብ ወአንሥአ ወከረዩ ዐዘቅተ ካልአ ወኢተጋአዙ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ስፉሕ ወይቤ ይስሐቅ ይእዜ አስፍሐ ለነ እግዚአብሔር ወልህቅነ ዲበ ምድር።,"They dug a second well, and they fought about it too. He named it Narrow. When he had set out, they dug another well but did not quarrel about it. He named it Wide. Isaac said: ‘Now the Lord has enlarged (a place) for us, and we have increased in numbers on the land’." ወዐርገ እምህየ ውስተ ዐዘቅተ መሐላ በቀዳሚ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ቀዳሚ በራብዕ ወአርብዓ ኢዮቤለው።,He went up from there to the well of the oath during the first year of the first week in the forty-fourth jubilee [2108]. ወአስተርአዮ እግዚአብሔር በይእቲ ሌሊት በሠርቀ ቀዳሚ ወርኅ ወይቤሎ አነ ውእቱ አምላከ አብርሃም አቡከ ኢትፍራህ እስመ አነ ምስሌከ ሀለውኩ ወእባርከከ ወአብዝኆ አበዝኅ ዘርአከ ከመ ኆፃ ምድር በእንተ አብርሃም ቍልዔየ።,The Lord appeared to him that night — on the first of the first month — and said to him: ‘I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid because I am with you and will bless you. I will certainly make your descendants as numerous as the sand of the earth for the sake of my servant Abraham’. ወሐነጸ ህየ ምሥዋዕ ዘቀዳሚ ዘሐነጸ አብርሃም አቡሁ ወጸውዐ በስመ እግዚአብሔር ወሦዐ መሥዋዕተ ለአምላከ አብርሃም አቡሁ።,There he built the altar which his father Abraham had first built. He called on the Lord’s name and offered a sacrifice to the God of his father Abraham. ወከረዩ ዐዘቅተ ወረከቡ ማየ ሕያወ።,They dug a well and found flowing water. ወደቀ ይስሐቅኒ ከረዩ ዐዘቅተ ካልአ ወኢረከቡ ማየ ወሖሩ ወነገርዎ ለይስሐቅ ከመ ኢረከቡ ማየ ወይቤ ይስሐቅ መሐልኩ በዛቲ ዕለት ለፍልስጥኤም ወኮነ ለነ ዝንቱ ነገር።,"But when Isaac’s servants dug another well, they did not find water. They went and told Isaac that they had not found water. Isaac said: ‘On this very day I have sworn an oath to the Philistines; now this has happened to us’." ወጸውዐ ስሞ ለውእቱ መካን ዐዘቅተ መሐላ እስመ በህየ መሐለ ለአቤሜሌክ ወለአኮዘት ካልኡ ሎቱ ወለፊኮል ዐቃቢሁ።,"He named that place the well of the oath because there he had sworn an oath to Abimelech, his companion Ahuzzath, and his guard Phicol." ወአእመረ ይስሐቅ በይእቲ ዕለት ከመ በግፉዕ መሐለ ሎሙ ለገቢር ምስሌሆሙ ሰላመ።,On that day Isaac realized that he had sworn an oath to them under pressure to make peace with them. ወረገሞሙ ይስሐቅ በይእቲ ዕለት ለፍልስጥኤም ወይቤ ርጉም ፍልስጥኤም ለዕለተ መዓት ወቍጥዓ እማእከለ ኵሉ አሕዛብ የሀቦ እግዚአብሔር ለዝንጓጔ ወለመርገም ወለመዓት ወቍጥዓ በእደ ኃጥኣን አሕዛብ ወውስተ እደ ኬጥኤም።,"On that day Isaac cursed the Philistines and said: ‘May the Philistines be cursed from among all peoples at the day of anger and wrath. May the Lord make them into (an object of) derision and a curse, into (an object of) anger and wrath in the hands of the sinful nations and in the hands of the Kittim." ወዘአምሠጠ እምሰይፈ ፀር ወእምነ ኬጥኤም ይሠርዎሙ ሕዝብ ጻድቅ በኵነኔ እምታሕተ ሰማይ እስመ ፀረ ወጸላእተ ይከውኑ ለውሉድየ በመዋዕሊሆሙ በዲበ ምድር።,"Whoever escapes from the enemy’s sword and from the Kittim may the just nation in judgment eradicate from beneath the sky, for they will become enemies and opponents to my sons during their times on the earth." ወአልቦ ተኀድጎ ሎሙ ተረፈ ወዘይድኅን አመ ዕለተ መዓተ ኵነኔ እስመ ለሐጕል ወለሥራዌ ወለሰስሎ እምድር ኵሉ ዘርአ ፍልስጥኤም ወአልቦ እንከ ለኵሉ ክፍቱር ምንተኒ ስመ ዘተረፈ ወዘርአ በላዕለ ምድር።,"They will have no one left or anyone who is rescued on the day of judgmental anger, for all the descendants of the Philistines (are meant) for destruction, eradication, and removal from the earth. All of Caphtor will no longer have either name or descendants left upon the earth." እስመ እመኒ እስከ ሰማይ ዐርገ እምህየ ይወርድ ወእመኒ ጸንዐ ውስተ ምድር እምህየ ይትመላሕ ወእመኒ ተኀብአ ማእከለ አሕዛብ እምህየ ይሤሮ ወእመኒ ወረደ ውስተ ሲኦል በህየ ይበዝኅ ኵነኔሁ ወአልቦ ሎቱ በህየ ምንተኒ ሰላመ።,"For even if he should go up to the sky," ወበካልእ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱባዔ ዘበዝ ኢዮቤሌው ጸውዐት ርብቃ ያዕቆብሃ ወልዳ ወተናገረቶ እንዘ ትብል ወልድየ ኢትንሣእ ለከ ብእሲተ እምነ አዋልደ ከናአን ከመ ዔሳው እኁከ ዘነሥአ ሎቱ ክልኤተ አንስቲያ እምዘርአ ከናአን ወአምረርዋ ለነፍስየ በኵሉ ምግባሮሙ ርኵስ እስመ ኵሉ ምግባሮሙ ዝሙት ወምርዓት ወአልቦ ምንተኒ ጽድቀ ምስሌሆሙ እስመ እኵይ ውእቱ።,"In the second year of this week, in this jubilee [2109], Rebecca summoned her son Jacob and spoke to him: ‘My son, do not marry any of the Canaanite women like your brother Esau who has married two wives from the descendants of Canaan. They have embittered my life with all the impure things that they do because everything that they do (consists of) sexual impurity and lewdness. They have no decency because (what they do) is evil." ወአነ ወልድየ አፈቅረከ ጥቀ ፈድፋደ ወልብየ ወምሕረትየ ይባርከከ በኵሉ ጊዜ ዕለት ወዑቃቤ ለያልይ።,"I, my son, love you very much; my heart and my affection bless you at all times of the day and watches of the nights." ወይእዜኒ ወልድየ ስማዕ ቃልየ ወግበር ፈቃዳ ለእምከ ወኢትንሣእ ለከ ብእሲተ እምአዋልደ ዝምድር ዘእንበለ እምቤተ አቡየ ወዘእንበለ እምዘመደ አቡየ ትንሣእ ለከ ብእሲተ እምነ ቤተ አቡየ ወይባርከከ አምላክ ልዑል ወይከውን ትውልድከ ትውልደ ጽድቅ ወዘርእከ ቅዱስ።,"Now, my son, hsten to me. Do as your mother wishes. Do not marry any of the women of this land but (someone) from my father’s house and from my father’s clan. Marry someone from my father’s house. The most high God will bless you; your family will become a righteous family and your descendants (will be) holy’." ወእምዝ ተናገረ ያዕቆብ ምስለ ርብቃ እሙ ወይቤላ ናሁ አነ እሞ ወልደ ተስዐቱ ሱባዔ ዓመት ወምንተኒ አንስተ ኢየአምር ወኢገሰስኩ ወኢፈኀርኩ ወኢይኄሊሂ እንሣእ ብእሲተ እምኵሉ ዘርአ አዋልደ ከናአን ሊተ።,"Then Jacob spoke with his mother Rebecca and said to her: ‘Mother, I am now nine weeks of years [= 63 years] and have known no woman. I have neither touched (one) nor become engaged (to one), nor have I even considered marrying any women of all the descendants of Canaan’s daughters." እስመ እዜከር አነ እሙ ነገረ አብርሃም አቡነ ምንተ አዘዘኒ ከመ ኢይንሣእ ብእሲተ እምኵሉ ዘርአ ቤተ ከናአን እስመ እምዘርአ ቤተ አቡየ እነሥእ ሊተ ብእሲተ ወእምትዝምድየ።,"For I recall, mother, what our father Abraham ordered me — that I should not marry anyone from all the descendants of Canaan’s house. For I will marry (someone) from the descendants of my father’s house and from my family." ሰማዕኩ እሙ ቀዲሙ ከመ ተወልዳ አዋልድ ለላባ እኁኪ ወላዕሌሆን አንበርኩ ልብየ ከመ እንሣእ እምኔሆን ብእሲተ።,"Earlier I heard, mother, that daughters had been born to your brother Laban. I have set my mind on them for the purpose of marrying one of them." ወበእንተዝ አነ ተዐቀብኩ በመንፈስየ ከመ ኢየአብስ ወኢይማስን በኵሉ ፍናው ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወትየ እስመ በእንተ ምርዓት ወዝሙት አብዝኀ አብ አብርሃም አዝዞትየ።,For this reason I have kept myself from sinning and from becoming corrupted in any ways during my entire lifetime because father Abraham gave me many orders about lewdness and sexual impurity. ምስለ ኵሉ ዘአዘዘኒ ዘንተ ዕሥራ ወክልኤተ ዓመተ እኁየ ይትጋአዘኒ ወያበዝኅ እንዘ ይትናገረኒ ወይብል ንሣእ እኁየ ብእሲተ አሐተ እኅቶን ለአንስቲያየ ክልኤቲ ወአነኒ ኢይፈቅድ እግበር ከመ ገብረ።,"Despite everything he ordered me, my brother has been quarreling with me for the last 22 years and has often said to me: My brother, marry one of the sisters of my two wives». But I have not been willing to do as he did." እምሕል አነ እሙ ቅድሜኪ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወትየ ከመ ኢይንሣእ ሊተ ብእሲተ እምኵሉ ዘርአ አዋልደ ከናአን ወኢየአኪ ገቢረ በከመ ገብረ እኁየ።,"I swear in your presence, mother, that during my entire lifetime I will not marry any of the descendants of Canaan’s daughters nor will I do what is wrong as my brother has done." ኢትፍርሂ እሙ ተአመኒ ከመ እገብር ፈቃደኪ ወበርቱዕ አሐውር ወኢያማስን ፍናውየ ለዓለም።,"Do not be afraid, mother. Be assured that I will do as you wish. I will behave rightly and will never conduct myself corruptly’." ወእምዝ አንሥአት ገጻ ውስተ ሰማይ ወጸፍሐት አጸብዐ እደዊሃ ወከሠተት አፉሃ ወባረከቶ ለአምላክ ልዑል ዘፈጠረ ሰማየ ወምድረ ወወሀበት ሎቱ አኰቴተ ወስባሔ።,"Then she lifted her face to heaven, extended her fingers, and opened her mouth. She blessed the most high God who had created the heavens and the earth and gave him thanks and praise." ወትቤ ይትባረክ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ወይትባረክ ስሙ ለዓለመ ዓለም ዘወሀበኒ ያዕቆብሃ ወልደ ንጹሐ ወዘርአ ቅዱሰ እስመ ዚአከ ውእቱ ወለከ ይኩን ዘርኡ እስከ ኵሉ መዋዕል በኵሉ ትውልድ ዘለዓለም።,"She said: ‘May God be blessed, and may his name be blessed forever and ever — he who gave me Jacob, a pure son and a holy offspring, for he belongs to you. May his descendants be yours throughout all time, throughout the history of eternity." ባርኮ እግዚኦ ወአንብር ውስተ አፉየ በረከተ ጽድቅ ከመ እባርኮ።,"Bless him. Lord, and place a righteous blessing in my mouth so that I may bless him’." ወውእቱ ጊዜ ወረደ መንፈሰ ጽድቅ ውስተ አፉሃ ወአንበረት ውስተ ርእሰ ያዕቆብ ክልኤሆን እደዊሃ ወትቤ።,At that time the spirit of righteousness descended into her mouth. She put her two hands on Jacob’s head and said: ወሰምዐ ያዕቆብ ቃለ ርብቃ እሙ ወሖረ ወነሥአ ክልኤተ መሓስአ ጠሊ ሠናያነ ወስቡሓነ ወአምጽኦሙ ለእሙ ወገብረቶሙ እሙ ዘከመ ያፈቅር።,"So Jacob obeyed his mother Rebecca. He went and took two excellent, fat kids and brought them to his mother. His mother prepared them as he liked (them)." ወነሥአት ርብቃ አልባሰ ወልዳ ዔሳው ዘይልህቅ ዘይትፈተው ዘሀሎ ኀቤሃ ውስተ ቤታ ወአልበሰቶ ለያዕቆብ ወልዳ ዘይንእስ ወአምእስተ መሓስአ ጠሊ አንበረት ዲበ እደዊሁ ወውስተ ዕርቃነ ክሳዱ።,Rebecca then took her older son Esau’s favorite clothes that were present with her in the house. She dressed her younger son Jacob (in them) and placed the goatskins on his forearms and on the exposed parts of his neck. ወወሀበቶ ተብሲለ ወኅብስተ ዘገብረት ውስተ እደ ያዕቆብ ወልዳ።,She then put the food and bread which she had prepared in her son Jacob’s hand. ወቦአ ኀበ አቡሁ ወይቤ አነ ወልድከ ገበርኩ በከመ ትቤለኒ ተንሥእ ወንበር ወብልዕ እምዘ አሥገርኩ አባ ከመ ትባርከኒ ነፍስከ።,"He went in to his father and said: ‘I am your son. I have done as you told me. Get up, have a seat, and eat some of what I have caught, father, so that you may bless me’." ወይቤሎ ይስሐቅ ለወልዱ ምንተ ከመዝ ዘአፍጠንከ ረኪበ ወልድየ።,"Isaac said to his son: ‘How have you managed to find (it) so quickly, my son’?" ወይቤ ያዕቆብ ዘአርከበኒ አምላክከ ቅድሜየ።,Jacob said: ‘It was your God who made me find (it) in front of me’. ወይቤሎ ይስሐቅ ቅረብ ወእግሥሥከ ወልድየ እመ አንተ ወልድየ ዔሳው ወእመ ኢኮነሁ።,"Then Isaac said to him: ‘Come close and let me touch you, my son, (so that I can tell) whether you are my son Esau or not’." ወቀርበ ያዕቆብ ኀበ ይስሐቅ አቡሁ ወገሰሶ ወይቤ።,Jacob came close to his father Isaac. When he touched him he said: ቃል ቃለ ያዕቆብ ወእደው እደወ ዔሳው ወኢያእመሮ እስመ ሚጠት ውእቱ እምሰማይ ለአኅልፎ መንፈሱ ወኢያእመረ ይስሐቅ እስመ እደዊሁ ከመ እደወ ዔሳው ጸጓር ከመ ይባርኮ።,"‘The voice is Jacob’s voice, but the forearms are Esau’s forearms’. He did not recognize him because there was a turn of affairs from heaven to distract his mind. Isaac did not recognize (him) because his forearms were hairy like Esau’s forearms so that he should bless him." ወይቤ አንተሁ ወልድየ ዔሳው ወይቤ አነ ወልድከ ወይቤ አቅርብ ሊተ ወእብላዕ እምዘ አሥግርከ ወልድየ ከመ ትባርከ ነፍስየ።,"He said: ‘Are you my son Esau’? He said: ‘I am your son’. Then he said: ‘Bring (it) to me and let me eat some of what you have caught, my son, so that I may bless you’." ወአቅረበ ሎቱ ወበልዐ ሎቱ ወይነ ወሰትየ።,He then brought him (food) and he ate; he brought him wine and he drank. ወይቤሎ ይስሐቅ አቡሁ ቅረብ ወሰዐመኒ ወልድየ ወቀርበ ወሰዐሞ።,"His father Isaac said to him: ‘Come close and kiss me, my son’. He came close and kissed him." ወአጼነወ ጼና ወዐዛ አልባሲሁ ወባረኮ ወይቤ ናሁ ጼና ወልድየ ከመ ጼና ገዳም ዘባረኮ እግዚአብሔር።,"When he smelled the fragrant aroma of his clothes, he blessed him and said: ‘Indeed the aroma of my son is like the aroma of a field which the Lord has blessed." ወገብረ ውእቱሂ መብልዐ ወአብአ ለአቡሁ ወይቤሎ ለአቡሁ ይትነሣእ አቡየ ወይብላዕ እመሥገርትየ ወከመ ትባርከኒ ነፍስከ።,"He, too, prepared food and brought (it) to his father. He said to his father: ‘Let my father rise and eat some of what I have caught and so that you may bless me’." ወይቤሎ ይስሐቅ አቡሁ መኑ አንተ ወይቤሎ አነ በኵርከ ዔሳው ወልድከ ገበርኩ በከመ አዘዝከኒ።,"His father Isaac said to him: ‘Who are you’? He said to him: ‘I am your first-born, your son Esau. I have done as you ordered me’." ወተደመ ይስሐቅ ድማመ ዐቢየ ጥቀ ወይቤ መኑ ውእቱ ዝንቱ ዘነዐወ ወአሥገረ ሊተ ወአምጽአ ወበለዕኩ እምኵሉ እንበለ ትምጻእ ወባረክዎ ቡሩከ ይኩን ወኵሉ ዘርኡ እስከ ለዓለም።,"Then Isaac was absolutely dumbfounded and said: ‘Who was the one who hunted, caught (something) for me, and brought (it)? I ate some of everything before you came and blessed him. He and all his descendants are to be blessed forever’." ወኮነ ሶበ ሰምዐ ዔሳው ነገረ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ጸርኀ በቃል ዐቢይ ወመራር ጥቀ ወይቤሎ ለአቡሁ ባርከኒ ኪያየኒ አባ።,"When Esau heard what his father Isaac said, he cried out very loudly and bitterly and said to his father: ‘Bless me too, father’." ወይቤሎ መጽአ እኁከ በሕብል ወነሥአ በረከታቲከ ወይቤ ይእዜ አእመርኩ በዘ ተሰምየ ስሙ ያዕቆብ አዕቀጸኒ ናሁዝ ዳግሙ ቀዲሙ ልደትየኒ ነሥአ ወይእዜኒ ነሥአ በረከትየ።,He said to him: ‘Your brother came deceptively and took your blessings’. He said: ‘Now I know the reason why he was named Jacob. This is now the second time that he has cheated me. The first time he took my birthright and now he has taken my blessing’. ወይቤ ኢያትረፍከኑ ሊተ በረከተ አባ ወአውስአ ይስሐቅ ወይቤሎ ለዔሳው ናሁ እግዚአ ሤምክዎ ለከ ወኵሎሙ አኀዊሁ ወሀብክዎ ሎቱ ይኩንዎ አግብርተ ወበብዝኀ ስርናይ ወወይን ወቅብእ አጽናዕክዎ ወለከ ምንተ እሬሲ ለከ ይእዜ ወልድየ።,"He said: ‘Have you not saved a blessing for me, father’? Isaac said in reply to Esau: ‘I have just now designated him as your lord. I have given him all his brothers to be his servants. I have strengthened him with an abundance of grain, wine, and oil. So, what shall I now do for you, my son’?" ወይቤ ዔሳው ለይስሐቅ አቡሁ አሐቲኑ ክመ በረከትከ እንቲአከሰ አባ ባርከኒ ኪያየኒ አባ ወአንሥአ ዔሳው ቃሎ ወበክየ ወአውሥአ ይስሐቅ ወይቤሎ ናሁ እምጠለ ምድር ይኩን ንብረትከ ወእምጠለ ሰማይ እምላዕሉ።,"Esau said to his father Isaac: ‘Do you have just one blessing, father? Bless me too, father’. Then Esau cried loudly." ወበመጥባሕትከ ተሐዩ ወለእኁከ ትትቀነይ ወይኩን እመ ዐበይከ ወአሰሰልከ አርዑቶ እምክሳድከ አሜሃ ትኤብስ አበሳ ኵሎ ለሞት ወይሤሮ ዘርእከ እምታሕተ ሰማይ።,"You will live by your sword and will serve your brother. May it be that, if you become great and remove his yoke from your neck, then you will commit an offence fully worthy of death and your descendants will be eradicated from beneath the sky’." ወይትሜአከ ዔሳው ያዕቆብሃ በእንተ በረከት እንተ ባረኮ አቡሁ ወይቤ በልቡ ይእዜኒ ይበጽሕ መዋዕለ ላሐ አቡየ ወእቀትሎ ለያዕቆብ እኁየ።,Esau kept threatening Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him. He said to himself: ‘The time of mourning for my father is now approaching. Then I will kill my brother Jacob’. ወተናግራ ለርብቃ በሕልም ነገሮ ለዔሳው ወልዳ ዘይልህቅ ወፈኒዋ ርብቃ ጸውዐት ያዕቆብሃ ወልዳ ዘይንእስ ወትቤሎ።,Rebecca was told in a dream what her older son Esau had said. So she sent and summoned her younger son Jacob and said to him: ናሁ ዔሳው እኁከ ይትቄየመከ ከመ ይቅትልከ።,‘Your brother Esau will now try to get revenge against you by killing you. ወይእዜኒ ወልድየ ስማዕ ቃልየ ተንሥእ ወጕየይ ኀበ ላባ እኁየ ከራንሃ ወንበር ምስሌሁ ኀዳጠ መዋዕለ እስከ ይትመየጥ መዐተ እኁከ ወየኀድግ መዐቶ እምኔከ ወይረስዕ ኵሎ ዘመጠነ ረሰይኮ ወፈነውየ እትቄበለከ እምህየ።,"Now, my son, listen to me. Set out and run away to my brother Laban — to Haran. Stay with him for a few days until your brother’s anger turns away and he stops being angry at you and forgets everything that you have done to him. Then I will send and take you back from there’." ወይቤ ያዕቆብ ኢይፈርህ እመ ፈቀደ ይቅትለኒ እቀትሎ።,"Jacob said: ‘I am not afraid. If he wishes to kill me, I will kill him’." ወትቤሎ ከመ ኢይምክን እምክልኤቱ ውሉድየ በአሐቲ ዕለት።,She said to him: ‘May I not lose my two sons in one day’. ወይቤላ ያዕቆብ ለርብቃ እሙ ናሁ ታአምሪ ከመ ረስአ አቡየ ወእሬኢ እስመ ከብዳ አዕይንቲሁ ወእመኒ ኀደግዎ እኩይ ውእቱ በቅድመ አዕይንቲሁ እስመ አኀድጎ ወአሐውር እምኔክሙ ወይትመዓዕ አቡየ ወይረግመኒ ኢየሐውር ወእመ ፈነወኒ ባሕቱ አሐውር አሜሃ።,"Jacob said to his mother Rebecca: ‘You are indeed aware that my father has grown old, and I notice that he has difficulty seeing. If I left him, it would be a bad thing in his view because I would be leaving him and going away from you. My father would be angry and curse me. I will not go. If he sends me, only then will I go’." ወትቤሎ ርብቃ ለያዕቆብ አነ እበውእ ወእነግሮ ወይፌንወከ።,Rebecca said to Jacob: ‘I will go in and tell him. Then he will send you’. ወቦአት ርብቃ ወትቤሎ ለይስሐቅ ግእዝኩ ሕይወትየ እምክልኤሆን አዋልደ ኬጥ እለ ነሥአ ዔሳው ሎቱ አንስትያ ወእመ ነሥአ ሎቱ ያዕቆብ ብእሲተ እምውስተ አዋልደ ምድር እለ ከመ እለ ለምንት ሊተ እንከ አሐዩ እስመ እኩያት አዋልደ ምድረ ከናአን።,"Rebecca went in and said to Isaac: ‘I despise my life because of the two Hittite women whom Esau has married. If Jacob marries one of the women of the land who are like them, why should I remain alive any longer, because the Canaanite women are evil’?" ወጸውዐ ይስሐቅ ያዕቆብሃ ወልዶ ወባረኮ ወገሠጾ ወይቤሎ።,"So Isaac summoned his son Jacob, blessed and instructed him, and said to him:" ኢትንሣእ ለከ ብእሲተ እምኵሉ አዋልደ ከናአን ተንሥእ ሖር መስጴጦምያ ቤቶ ለባቱኤል አቡሃ ለእምከ ወንሣእ ለከ እምህየ ብእሲተ እምአዋልደ ላባ እኁሃ ለእምከ።,"‘Do not marry any of the Canaanite women. Set out and go to Mesopotamia, to the house of Bethuel, your mother’s father. From there take a wife from the daughters of Laban, your mother’s brother." ወአምላከ ሰዳይ ይባርከ ያልህቀ ወያብዝኅከ ወኩን መክብበ አሕዛብ ወየሀብከ በረከታቲሁ ለአቡየ አብርሃም ለከ ወለዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ ከመ ትረስ ምድረ ፍልሰትከ ወኵላ ምድረ እንተ ወሀቦ እግዚአብሔር ለአብርሃም ሖር ወልድየ በሰላም።,"May the God of Shaddai bless you; may he make you increase, become numerous, and be a throng of nations. May he give the blessings of my father Abraham to you and to your descendants after you so that you may possess the land where you wander as a foreigner — and all the land which the Lord gave to Abraham. Have a safe trip, my son’." ወፈነዎ ይስሐቅ ለያዕቆብ ወሖረ መስጴጦምያ ኀበ ላባ ኀበ ወልደ ባቱኤል ሶርያዊ እኁሃ ለርብቃ እሙ ለያዕቆብ።,"So Isaac sent Jacob away. He went to Mesopotamia, to Laban, the son of Bethuel the Aramean — the brother of Rebecca, Jacob’s mother." ወኮነ እምድኅረ ተንሥአ ያዕቆብ ለሐዊረ መስጴጦምያ ወሐዘነ መንፈሳ ለርብቃ ድኅረ ወልዳ ወትበኪ።,"After Jacob had set out to go to Mesopotamia, Rebecca grieved for her son and kept crying." ወይቤላ ይስሐቅ ለርብቃ እኅትየ ኢትብኪዪ በእንተ ወልድየ እስመ በሰላም የሐውር ወበሰላም ይትመየጥ።,"Isaac said to Rebecca: ‘My sister, do not cry for my son Jacob because he will go safely and return safely." አምላክ ልዑል የዐቅቦ እምኵሉ እኩይ ወይሄሉ ምስሌሁ እስመ ኢየኀድጎ ኵሎ መዋዕሊሁ።,The most high God will guard him from every evil and will be with him because he will not abandon him throughout his entire lifetime. እስመ እጤይቅ ከመ ይሤራሕ ፍናዊሁ በኵሉ ኀበ ሖረ እስከ አመ ይገብእ በሰላም ኀቤነ ወንሬእዮ በሰላም።,For I well know that his ways will be directed favorably wherever he goes until he returns safely to us and we see that he is safe. ኢትፍርሂ በእንቲአሁ እኅትየ እስመ ራትዕ በፍኖቱ ውእቱ ወፍጹም ውእቱ ብእሲ ምእመን ውእቱ ወኢይትገደፍ ኢትብክዪ።,"Do not be afraid for him, my sister, because he is just in his way. He is perfect; he is a true man. He will not be abandoned. Do not cry’." ወይናዝዛ ይስሐቅ ለርብቃ በእንተ ያዕቆብ ወልዳ ወባረኮ።,"So Isaac was consoling Rebecca regarding her son Jacob, and he blessed him." ወወፅአ ያዕቆብ እምዐዘቅተ መሐላ ከመ ይሖር ካራንሃ በዓመት ቀዳሚ ዘሱባዔ ካልእ ዘአርብዓ ወአርባዕቱ ኢዮቤሌዉ ወበጽሐ ወስተ ሉዛ እንተ ውስተ ደብር እንተ ይእቲ ቤቴል በሠርቀ ወርኅ ዘቀዳሚ ዘዝ ሱባዔ ወበጽሐ መካነ መሲዮ ወተግሕሠ እምፍኖተ ዐረቢሃ ለመንገድ በዛቲ ሌሊት ወኖመ ህየ እስመ ዐረበ ፀሐይ።,"Jacob left the well of the oath to go to Haran during the first year of the second week of the forty-fourth jubilee [2115]. He arrived at Luz which is on the mountain — that is, Bethel — on the first of the first month of this week. He arrived at the place in the evening, turned off the road to the west of the highway during this night, and slept there because the sun had set." ወነሥአ እምአእባነ ውእቱ መካን ወአንበሮ ታሕተ ውእቱ ዕፅ ወውእቱ ባሕቲቱ የሐውር ወኖመ።,He took one of the stones of that place and set it [at the place (where) his head (would be)] beneath that tree. He was traveling alone and fell asleep. ወሐለመ በይእቲ ሌሊት ወናሁ መዓርግ ትክልት ውስተ ምድር ወርእሳ ትለክፍ ውስተ ሰማይ ወናሁ መላእክተ እግዚአብሔር የዐርጉ ወይወርዱ ባቲ ወናሁ እግዚአብሔር ይቀውም ውስቴታ።,That night he dreamed that a ladder was set up on the earth and its top was reaching heaven; that angels of the Lord were going up and down on it; and that the Lord was standing on it. ወተናገረ ምስለ ያዕቆብ ወይቤ አነ ውእቱ አምላከ አብርሃም አቡከ ወአምላከ ይስሐቅ ምድር እንተ ዲቤሃ ትነውም አንተ ለከ እሁባ ወለዘርእከ እምድኅሬከ።,He spoke with Jacob and said: ‘I am the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. The land on which you are sleeping I will give to you and your descendants after you. ወይከውን ዘርእከ ከመ ኆጻ ምድር ወትበዝኅ ውስተ ባሕር ወጽባሕ ወሰሜን ወደቡብ ወይትባረኩ ብከ ኵሎሙ በሓውርተ አሕዛብ ወበዘርእከ።,"Your descendants will be like the sands of the earth. You will become numerous toward the west, the east, the north, and the south. All the families of the nations will be blessed through you and your descendants." ወነየ አነ እሄሉ ምስሌከ ወአዐቅበከ በኵለሄ ወእደ ሖርከ ወአገብአከ ውስተ ዛምድር በሰላም እስመ ኢየኀድገከ እስከ ሶበ እገብር ኵሎ ዘእቤለከ።,"As for me, I will be with you. I will guard you wherever you go. I will bring you back safely to this land because I will not abandon you until I have done everything that I have said to you’." ወኖመ ያዕቆብ ንዋመ ወይቤ አማን ቤቱ ለእግዚአብሔር ዝመካን ወአነ ኢያእመርኩ ወፈርሀ ወይቤ ግሩም ዝንቱ መካን ዘኢኮነ ምንተኒ ዘእንበለ ቤተ እግዚአብሔር ወዛቲ አንቀጸ ሰማይ።,"Jacob said in (his) sleep: ‘This place is indeed the house of the Lord but I did not know (it)’. He was afraid and said: ‘This place, which is nothing but the house of the Lord, is awe-inspiring; and this is the gate of heaven’." ወገዪሶ ያዕቆብ ነግሀ ነሥአ እብነ ዘአንበረ ዲበ ርእሱ ወአቀሞ ሐውልተ ለትእምርት ወከዐወ ቅብአ ዲበ ርእሱ ወሰመየ ስሞ ለውእቱ መካን ቤቴል ወቀዲሙሰ ባሕቱ ሉዛ ስመ ብሔሩ።,"Jacob, upon rising early in the morning, took the stone which he had placed at his head and set it up as a pillar for a marker. He poured oil on top of it and named that place Bethel. But at first the name of this area was Luz." ወጸለየ ያዕቆብ ጸሎተ ለእግዚአብሔር እንዘ ይብል እመ ሀሎ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌየ ወዐቀበኒ በዛቲ ፍኖት እንተ ባቲ አሐውር አነ ወወሀበኒ ኅብስተ እብላዕ ወልብሰ እልብስ ወእትመየጥ ቤተ አቡየ በሰላም ወይከውነኒ እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ወዝኒ እብን ዘአቀምኩ ሐውልተ ለትእምርት በዝ መካን ይኩን ቤተ እግዚአብሔር ወኵሎ ዘወሀብከኒ አዐሥሮ ለከ አምላኪየ።,"Jacob vowed to the Lord: ‘If the Lord is with me and guards me on this road on which I am traveling and gives me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father’s house, then the Lord will be my God. Also, this stone which I have set up as a pillar for a marker in this place is to become the house of the Lord. Everything that you have given me I will indeed tithe to you, my God’." ወአንሥአ እገሪሁ ወሖረ ምድረ ጽባሕ ኀበ ላባ እኅወ ርብቃ ወሀሎ ምስሌሁ ወተቀንየ ሎቱ ህየንተ ራሔል ወለቱ ሱባዔ አሐደ።,"He set out on foot and came to the eastern land, to Laban, Rebecca’s brother. He remained with him and served him in exchange for his daughter Rachel for one week." ወበዓመት ቀዳሚ በሣልስ ሱባዔ ይቤሎ ሀበኒ ብእሲትየ ዘበእንቲአሃ ተቀነይኩ ለከ ሰብዐተ ዓመተ ወይቤሎ ላባ ለያዕቆብ አነ እሁበከ ብእሲተከ።,During the first year of the third week [2122] he said to him: ‘Give me my wife for whom I have served you seven years’. Laban said to Jacob: ‘I will give you your wife’. ወገብረ ላባ ግዝአ ወነሥአ ልያሃ ወለቶ እንተ ትልህቅ ወወሀቦ ለያዕቆብ ብእሲተ ወወሀባ ዘለፋሃ አመቶ ለአኪተ ወያዕቆብሰ ኢያእመረ እስመ አምሰላ ያዕቆብ ዘራሔል ይእቲ።,"Laban prepared a banquet, took his older daughter Leah, and gave (her) to Jacob as a wife. He gave her Zilpah, his servant girl, as a maid. But Jacob was not aware (of this) because Jacob thought she was Rachel." ወቦአ ኀቤሃ ወናሁ ይእቲሰ ልያ ወተምዕዐ ያዕቆብ ላዕለ ላባ ወይቤሎ ለምንት ገበርከ ከመዝ አኮኑ በእንተ ራሔል ተቀነይኩ ለከ ወአኮ በእንተ ልያ ለምንት ገፋዕከኒ ንሣእ ወለተከ ወአሐውር እስመ እኩየ ገበርከ ላዕሌየ።,"He went in to her, and, to his surprise, she was Leah. Jacob was angry at Laban and said to him: ‘Why have you acted this way? Was it not for Rachel that I served you and not for Leah? Why have you wronged me? Take your daughter and I will go because you have done a bad thing to me’." እስመ ያፈቅር ያዕቆብ ራሔልሃ እምነ ልያ እስመ አዕይንቲሃ ለልያ ድኩም ወባሕቱ ላሕይ ራእያ ጥቀ ወራሔል ሠናይ አዕይንቲሃ ወሠናይ ራእያ ወላሕይት ጥቀ።,"For Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah because Leah’s eyes were weak, though her figure was very lovely; but Rachel’s eyes were beautiful, her figure was lovely, and she was very pretty." ወይቤሎ ላባ ለያዕቆብ ኢኮነ ከመዝ በምድርነ ውሂበ እንተ ትንእስ እምእንተ ትልህቅ ወአኮ ርቱዕ ለገቢረ ዝንቱ እስመ ከመዝ ሥሩዕ ወጽሑፍ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ከመ አልቦ ዘይሁብ ወለቶ እንተ ትንእስ እምእንተ ትልህቅ እስመ እንተ ትልህቅ ያቀድም ውሂበ ወእምድኅሬሃ እንተ ትንእስ ወብእሲ ዘይገብር ከመዝ አበሳ ያዐርጉ በእንቲአሁ ውስተ ሰማይ ወአልቦ ዘይጸድቅ ወይገብር ዘንተ ነገረ እስመ እኩይ ዝንቱ ግብር በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር።,"Laban said to Jacob: ‘It is not customary in our country to give the younger daughter before the older one’. (It is not right to do this because this is the way it is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets: that no one should give his younger daughter before his older one, but he should first give the older and after her the younger. Regarding the man who acts in this way they will enter a sin in heaven. There is no one who is just and does this because this action is evil in the Lord’s presence." ወአንተኒ አዝዝ ለደቂቀ እስራኤል ወኢይግበሩ ዘንተ ቃለ ወኢይንሥኡ ወኢየሀቡ እንተ ትንእስ ዘእንበለ ያቅድሙ እንተ ትልህቅ እስመ እኩይ ጥቀ።,Now you order the Israelites not to do this. They are neither to take nor give the younger before giving precedence to the older because it is very wicked). ወይቤ ላባ ለያዕቆብ ይኅልፍ ሰቡዐ መዋዕለ ግዝእ ለዛ ወእሁበከ ራሔልሃ ከመ ትትቀነይ ሊተ ካልኣነ ዓመተ ሰብዐተ ከመ ትርዐይ አባግዕየ በከመ ገበርከ በሱባዔ ቀዳሚ።,Laban said to Jacob: ‘Let the seven days of the banquet for this one go by; then I will give you Rachel so that you serve me a second (term of) seven years by tending my flocks as you did during the first week’. ወበመዋዕል አመ ኀለፈ ሰቡዕ ዕለት ዘግዝእ ዘልያ ወወሀቦ ላባ ራሔልሃ ለያዕቆብ ከመ ይትቀነይ ሎቱ ካልአተ ዓመተ ሰብዐተ ወወሀባ ባላንሃ እኅታ ለዘለፋ ላእኪተ።,"At the time when the seven days of Leah’s banquet had passed by, Laban gave Rachel to Jacob so that he would serve him a second (term of) seven years. He gave her Bilhah, Zilpah’s sister, as a maid." ወተቀንየ ሰብዐተ ዓመተ ዳግመ በእንተ ራሔል እስመ ልያ ተውህበቶ በከ።,He served seven years a second time for Rachel because Leah had been given to him for nothing. ወአርኀወ እግዚአብሔር ማሕፀነ ልያ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ለያዕቆብ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ሮቤል አመ ዐሡሩ ወረቡዑ ለወርኅ ታስዕ በቀዳሚ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ሣልስ።,"When the Lord opened Leah’s womb, she became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Jacob. He named him Reuben on the fourteenth day of the ninth month during the first year of the third week [2122]." ወማሕፀናሰ ለራሔል ተጸፍቀ እስመ ርእየ እግዚአብሔር ከመ ትጸላእ ልያ ወራሔልሰ ትትፈቀር።,Now Rachel’s womb was closed because the Lord saw that Leah was hated but Rachel was loved. ወደገመ ያዕቆብ ቦአ ኀበ ልያ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ለያዕቆብ ወልደ ካልአ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ስምዖን አመ ዕሥራ ወአሐቲ ዘወርኅ ዓሥር ወበሣልስ ዓመቱ ለዝ ሱባዔ።,Jacob again went in to Leah. She became pregnant and gave birth to a second son for Jacob. He named him Simeon on the twenty-first of the tenth month and during the third year of this week [2124]. ወደገመ ያዕቆብ ወቦአ ኀበ ልያ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ሣልሰ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ሌዊ በሠርቀ ወርኅ ቀዳሚ በሳድስ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱባዔ።,Jacob again went in to Leah. She became pregnant and gave birth to a third son for him. He named him Levi on the first of the first month during the sixth year of this week [2127]. ወደገመ ካዕበ ወቦአ ኀቤሃ ወወለደት ወልደ ራብዐ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ይሁዳ በዐሡሩ ወኀሙሱ ለወርኅ ሣልስ በቀዳሚ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ።,He went in yet another time to her and she gave birth to a fourth son. He named him Judah on the fifteenth of the third month during the first year of the fourth week [2129]. ወበዝ ኵሉ ራሔል ትቀንእ በልያ እስመ ይእቲ ኢትወልድ ወትቤሎ ለያዕቆብ ሀበኒ ውሉደ ወይቤላ ያዕቆብ አነሁ ከላእኩ እምኔኪ ፍሬ ከርሥኪ አነሁ ኀደጉኪ።,"Through all of this Rachel was jealous of Leah, since she was not bearing children. She said to Jacob: ‘Give me children’. Jacob said to her: ‘Have I withheld the product of your womb from you? Have I abandoned you’?" ወሶበ ርእየት ራሔል ከመ ወለደት ልያ ደቀ አርባዕተ ለያዕቆብ ሮቤልሃ ወስምዖንሃ ወሌዊሃ ወይሁዳሃ ወትቤሎ ባእ ኀበ ባላን አመትየ ወትፀንስ ወትወልድ ሊተ ወልደ።,"When Rachel saw that Leah had given birth to four sons for Jacob — Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah — she said to him: ‘Go in to my servant girl Bilhah. Then she will become pregnant and give birth to a son for me’." ወቦአ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ዳን አመ ተሱዑ ለወርኅ ሳድስ በሳድስ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ሣልስ።,"So he went in, she became pregnant, and gave birth to a son for him. He named him Dan on the ninth of the sixth month during the sixth year of the third week [2127]." ወደገመ ያዕቆብ ካዕበ ወቦአ ኀበ ባላ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ወልደ ዳግመ ለያዕቆብ ወጸውዐት ስሞ ራሔል ንፍታሌም በኀሙሱ ለወርኅ ሳብዕ በካልእ ዓም ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ።,Jacob once again went in to Bilhah. She became pregnant and gave birth to a second son for Jacob. Rachel named him Naphtali on the fifth of the seventh month during the second year of the fourth week [2130]. ወሶበ ርእየት ልያ ከመ መከነት ወኢትወልድ ቀንአት ይእቲኒ ለራሔል ወወሀበት ይእቲኒ ዘለፋሃ ላእኪታ ለያዕቆብ ብእሲተ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ወልደ ወጸውዐት ስሞ ልያ ጋድ አመ ዐሡሩ ወሰኑዩ ለወርኅ ሳምን በሣልስ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ።,"When Leah saw that she had become barren and was not bearing children, she grew jealous of Rachel and also gave her maid Zilpah to Jacob as a wife. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. Leah named him Gad on the twelfth of the eighth month during the third year of the fourth week [2131]." ወደገመ ቦአ ኀቤሃ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ሎቱ ወልደ ካልአ ወጸውዐት ስሞ ልያ አሴር በሰኑዩ ለወርኅ ዘዐሠርቱ ወአሐዱ በዓመት ኃምስ ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ።,"He again went in to her, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a second son for him. Leah named him Asher on the second of the eleventh month during the fifth year of the fourth week [2133]." ወቦአ ያዕቆብ ኀበ ልያ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ለያዕቆብ ወልደ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ይሳኮር በረቡዑ ለኃምስ ወርኅ በዓመት ራብዕ ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ ወወሀበቶ ለሐፃኒት።,Then Jacob went in to Leah. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Jacob. He named him Issachar on the fourth (day) of the fifth month during the fourth year of the fourth week [2132]. She gave him to a nurse. ወቦአ ያዕቆብ ዳግመ ኀቤሃ ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ክልኤተ ወልደ ወወለተ ወጸውዐት ስሞ ለወልድ ዛብሎን ወለወለት ዲና ስማ በሳብዕ ወርኅ ዘሳብዕ ዓመት በሳድስ ሱባዔ ዘራብዕ።,"Again Jacob went in to her. She became pregnant and gave birth to twins: a son and a daughter. She named the son Zebulun and the daughter Dinah on the seventh (of the) seventh month, during the sixth year, the fourth weeic [2134]." ወተሣሀላ እግዚአብሔር ለራሔል ወአርኀወ ማሕፀና ወፀንሰት ወወለደት ወልደ ወጸውዐት ስሞ ዮሴፍ በሠርቀ ወርኅ ራብዕ በሳድስ ዓመት በሱባዔ ዝንቱ ራብዕ።,"Then the Lord was kind to Rachel. He opened her womb, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Joseph on the first of the fourth month, during the sixth year in this fourth week [2134]." ወበመዋዕለ ተወልደ ዮሴፍ ይቤ ያዕቆብ ለላባ ሀበኒ አንስትያየ ወውሉድየ ወእሖር ኀበ አቡየ ይስሐቅ ወእግበር ሊተ ቤተ እስመ ፈጸምኩ ዓመታተ ዘተቀነይኩ ለከ ህየንተ ክልኤቲ አዋልዲከ ወአሐውር ቤተ አቡየ።,"At the time when Joseph was born, Jacob said to Laban: ‘Give me my wives and my children so that I may go to my father Isaac and make a house for myself, because I have completed the years during which I served you in exchange for your two daughters. Then I will go to my father’s house’." ወይቤሎ ላባ ለያዕቆብ ንበር ኀቤየ በዐስብከ ወረዐይ ሊተ ካዕበ መርዔትየ ወንሣእ ዐስበከ።,Laban said to Jacob: ‘Stay with me in exchange for your wages. Tend my flocks for me again and take your wages’. ወተካሀሉ በበይናቲሆሙ ከመ የሀቦ ዐስቦ ኵሎ በግዐ እመሓስእ ወእምጠሊ ሐመደ ከቦ ወጋስ በጸዐዳ ዘተወልደ ይኩኖ ዐስቦ።,They agreed among themselves that he would give him his wages; all the lambs and kids which were born a dark gray color and dark mixed with white were to be his wages. ወይወልድ ኵሉ አባግዕ ጋስ ኵሎ ዘትእምርተ ኰሳኵሰ ዘቦ ኵሉ ወሐመደ ክቦ ኰሳኵሰ ወይደግማ አባግዕ ይወልዳ ዘበአርአያሆን ወኵሉ ዘትእምርተ ለያዕቆብ ወዘአልቦ ትእምርት ለላባ።,All the dark-colored sheep kept giving birth to all with variously colored spots of every kind and various shades of dark gray. The sheep would again give birth to (lambs) which looked like them. All with spots belonged to Jacob and those without spots to Laban. ወበዝኀ ጥሪቱ ለያዕቆብ ጥቀ ወአጥረየ አልህምተ ወአባግዐ ወአእዱገ ወአግማለ ወደቀ ወአዋልደ።,"Jacob’s possessions grew very large; he acquired cattle, sheep, donkeys, camels, and male and female servants." ወቀንአ ላባ ወውሉዱ ላዕለ ያዕቆብ ወአስተጋብአ ላባ አባግዒሁ እምኔሁ ወያስተሐይጾ ለእኩይ።,"When Laban and his sons became jealous of Jacob, Laban took back his sheep from him and kept his eye on him for evil purposes." ወኮነ እምዘ ወለደት ራሔል ዮሴፍሃ ወሖረ ላባ ይቅርጽ አባግዒሁ እስመ ርሑቅ ሀለዋ እምኀቤሁ ምሕዋረ ሠሉስ ዕለት።,"After Rachel had given birth to Joseph, Laban went off to shear his sheep because they were a three-day journey removed from him." ወርእየ ያዕቆብ ከመ የሐውር ላባ ይቅርጽ አባግዒሁ ወጸውዖን ለልያ ወለራሔል ወተናገረ ውስተ ልቦን ከመ ይምጽኣ ምስሌሁ ምድረ ከናአን።,Jacob saw that Laban was going off to shear his sheep and summoned Leah and Rachel. He spoke tenderly with them so that they would come with him to the land of Canaan. እስመ ነገሮን ዘከመ ርእየ ኵሎ በሕልም ወኵሎ ዘተናገረ ሎቱ ከመ ይግባእ ቤተ አቡሁ ወይቤላ ነሐውር ውስተ ኵሉ መካን ውእደ ተሐውር ምስሌከ።,For he told them how he had seen everything in a dream and everything about his statement to him that he would return to his father’s house. They said: ‘We will go with you wherever you go’. ወባረከ ያዕቆብ አምላከ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ወአምላከ አብርሃም አቡሁ ለአቡሁ ወተንሥአ ወጸዐነ አንስቲያሁ ወውሉዶ ወኵሎ ጥሪቶ ነሥአ ወዐደወ ፈለገ ወበጽሐ ምድረ ገለአድ ወኀብአ ያዕቆብ ልቦ ለላባ ወኢነገሮ።,"Jacob blessed the God of his father Isaac and the God of his grandfather Abraham. He set about loading up his wives and his children and took all his possessions. After he had crossed the river, he reached the land of Gilead. But Jacob had concealed his plan from Laban and had not told him." ወበሳብዕ ዓም ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ ተመይጠ ያዕቆብ ገለአድ በቀዳሚ ወርኅ አመ ዕሥራሁ ወአሚሩ ወዴገኖ ላባ ድኅሬሁ ወረከቦ ለያዕቆብ በደብረ ገለአድ በወርኅ ሣልስ አመ ዐሡሩ ወሠሉሱ።,During the seventh year of the fourth week [2135] Jacob returned to Gilead on the twenty-first day of the first month. Laban pusued him and found Jacob on the mountain of Gilead on the thirteenth (day) in the third month. ወኢኀደጎ እግዚአብሔር ከመ ያሕሥም ላዕለ ያዕቆብ እስመ አስተርአዮ በሕልም ሌሊተ ወነገሮ ላባ ለያዕቆብ።,"But the Lord did not allow him to harm Jacob because he had appeared to him at night in a dream, and Laban told Jacob." ወአመ ዐሡሩ ወሐሙሱ ለውእቱ መዋዕል ገብረ ያዕቆብ ግዝአ ለላባ ወለኵሎሙ እለ መጽኡ ምስሌሁ ወመሐለ ያዕቆብ ለላባ በዛቲ ዕለት ወላባሂ ለያዕቆብ ከመ ኢይትዐደው አሐዱ ካልኦ በእከይ በደብረ ገለአድ።,On the fifteenth of those days Jacob prepared a banquet for Laban and all who had come with him. That day Jacob swore to Laban and Laban to Jacob that neither would commit an offense against the other on the mountain of Gilead with bad intentions. ወገብረ ህየ ፍሥሐተ ለስምዕ በእንተዝ ተጸውዐ ስሙ ለውእቱ መካን ፍሥሐተ ስምዕ ከመዝ ፍሥሐት።,There he made a mound as a testimony; for this reason that place is named the mound of testimony after this mound. ወቀዲሙሰ ይጼውዕዎ ለምድረ ገለአድ ምድረ ራፋኤል እስመ ምድረ ራፋኤም ይእቲ ወተወልዱ ራፋኤም ረዐይት እለ ዕሥር በእመት ወትስዕ በእመት ወስምን በእመት ወእስከ ስብዕ በእመት ውእቱ ኑኆሙ።,"But at first the land of Gilead was named the land of Rafaem because it was the land of the Rafaim. The Rafaim were born, giants whose heights were ten cubits, nine cubits, eight cubits, and (down) to seven cubits." ወመኃድሪሆሙ እምነ ምድረ ውሉደ አሞን እስከ ደብረ ኤርሞን ወቤተ መንግሥቶሙ ቀራናኤም ወአስጠሮስ ወአድራኦ ወሚሱር ወቤዎን።,"The places where they lived (extended) from the land of the Ammonites as far as Mt. Hermon. Their royal centers were Karnaim, Ashtarot, Edrei, Misur, and Beon." ወአሕጐሎሙ እግዚአብሔር እምእከየ ምግባሮሙ እስመ ፀዋጋን ጥቀ እሙንቱ ወኀደረ አሞሬዎን ህየንቲሆሙ እኩይ ወኃጥእ ወአልቦ ሕዝበ ዮም ዘፈጸመ ኀጣውኢሆሙ ኵሎ ወአልቦሙ እንከ ኑኀ ሕይወት ውስተ ምድር።,"The Lord destroyed them because of the evil things they did, for they were very wicked. The Amorites — evil and sinful — lived in their place. Today there is no nation that has matched all their sins. They no longer have length of life on the earth." ወፈነወ ያዕቆብ ላባሃ ወሖረ ውስተ መስጴጦምያ ምድረ ጽባሕ ወያዕቆብሂ ተመይጠ ምድረ ገለአድ።,"Jacob sent Laban away, and he went to Mesopotamia, to the eastern country. But Jacob returned to the land of Gilead." ወተዐደወ ኢያቦክሃ በታስዕ ወርኅ አመ ዐሡሩ ወአሚሩ ወበዝ ዕለት በጽሐ ኀቤሁ ዔሳው እኁሁ ወተኳነኑ ወሖረ እምኀቤሁ ምድረ ሲኢር ወያዕቆብሰ ኀደረ በምጽላላት።,"He crossed the Jabbok on the eleventh of the ninth month, and on the same day his brother Esau came to him. They were reconciled with one another. Then he went from him to the land of Seir, while Jacob lived in tents." ወበዓመት ቀዳሚ ዘኃምስ ሱባዔ በዝኢዮቤልውስ ዐደወ ዮርዳኖስ ወኀደረ ማዕዶተ ዮርዳኖስ ወይሬዒ አባግዒሁ እምባሕረ ፈሐሐት እስከ ቤተ ሳን ወእስከ ዶታኢም ወእስከ አመ አቅራቢት።,"In the first year of the fifth week during this jubilee [2136] he crossed the Jordan. He settled on the other side of the Jordan and tended his sheep from the sea of Fahahat as far as Bethshan, Dothan, and the forest of Akrabbim." ወይፌኑ ለአቡሁ ለይስሐቅ እምኵሉ ጥሪቱ ልብሰ ወሲሲተ ወሥጋ ወስቴ ወሐሊበ ወቅብአ ወኀብስተ ሐሊብ ወእምነ ተመርተ ቈላ።,"He sent his father Isaac some of all his possessions; clothing, food, meat, things to drink, milk, butter, cheese, and some dates from the valley." ወለእሙሂ ለርብቃ ርብዕ ለዓመት ማእከለ ጊዜያቲሆሙ ለአውራኅ ወማእከለ ሐሪስ ወለዐፂድ ወማእከለ ጸዳይ ወዝናም ወማእከለ ክረምት ወሐጋይ ውስተ ማኅፈዱ ለአብርሃም።,"To his mother Rebecca, too, (he sent goods) four times per year — between the seasons of the months, between plowing and harvest, between autumn and the rain(y season), and between winter and spring — to Abraham’s tower." እስመ ተመይጠ ይስሐቅ እምዐዘቅተ መሐላ ወዐርገ ውስተ ማኅፈደ አቡሁ አብርሃም ወኀደረ ህየ እምዔሳው ወልዱ።,"For Isaac had returned from the well of the oath, had gone up to the tower of his father Abraham, and had settled there away from his son Esau," እስመ በመዋዕለ ሖረ ያዕቆብ መስጴጦምያ ነሥአ ለርእሱ ዔሳው ብእሲተ መኤሌትሃ ወለተ ይስማዔል ወአስተጋብአ ኵሎ መርዔተ አቡሁ ወአንስቲያሁ ወዐርገ ወኀደረ ውስተ ደብረ ሲር ወኀደገ ይስሐቅሃ አባሁ ውስተ ዐዘቅተ መሐላ ባሕቲቶ።,"because, at the time when Jacob went to Mesopotamia, Esau had married Mahalath, Ishmael’s daughter. He had gathered all his father’s flocks and his wives and had gone up and lived in Mt. Seir. He had left his father Isaac alone at the well of the oath." ወዐርገ ይስሐቅ እምዐዘቅተ መሐላ ወኀደረ ማኅፈደ አብርሃም አቡሁ ውስተ ደብረ ኬብሮን።,So Isaac had gone up from the well of the oath and settled at the tower of his father Abraham in the mountain of Hebron. ወእምህየ ይፌኑ ያዕቆብ ኵሎ ዘይፌኑ ለአቡሁ ወለእሙ እምጊዜ በበ ጊዜ ኵሎ ትካዞሙ ወይባርክዎ ለያዕቆብ በኵሉ ልቦሙ ወበኵሉ ነፍሶሙ።,From there Jacob would send everything that he was sending to his father and mother from time to time — everything they needed. Then they would bless Jacob with all their mind and with all their being. ወበቀዳሚ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ሳድስ ዐርገ ሳሌምሃ ዘመንገለ ጽባሒሁ ለሰዊማ በሰላም በራብዕ ወርኅ።,"During the first year of the sixth week [2143] he went up safely to Salem, which is on the east side of Shechem, in the fourth month." ወበህየ መሠጥዋ ለዲና ለወለተ ያዕቆብ ውስተ ቤተ ሴኬም ወልደ ኤሞር ኤዋዊ መኰንነ ምድር ወሰከበ ምስሌሃ ወአርኰሳ ወይእቲሰ ንስቲት ወለተ ዐሠርቱ ወክልኤቱ ዓመት።,"There Jacob’s daughter Dinah was taken by force to the house of Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of the land. He lay with her and defiled her. Now she was a small girl, twelve years of age." ወአስተብቍዐ እምኀበ አቡሃ ትትወሀብ ሎቱ ብእሲተ ወእምኀበ አኃዊሃ ብእሲተ ሎቱ ወተምዕዐ ያዕቆብ ወውሉዱ በእንተ ዕደወ ሰቂማ እስመ አርኰስዋ ለዲና እኅቶሙ ወተናገሩ ምስሌሆሙ በእከይ ወሐብለይዎሙ ወአስፈጥዎሙ።,"He begged her father and her brothers that she be given to him as (his) wife. Jacob and his sons were angry with the Shechemites because they had defiled their sister Dinah. They spoke deceptively with them, acted in a crafty way toward them, and deceived them." ወቦኡ ስምዖን ወሌዊ ሰዊማሃ ግብተ ወገብሩ ኵነኔ ላዕለ ኵሎሙ ዕደወ ሰቂሞን ወቀተሉ ኵሎ ብእሴ ዘረከቡ ውስቴታ ወኢያትረፉ ውስቴታ ወኢአሐደ ኵሎ ቀተሉ በጻዕር እስመ ገመኑ ዲናሃ እኅቶሙ።,Simeon and Levi entered Shechem unexpectedly and effected a punishment on all the Shechemites. They killed every man whom they found in it. They left absolutely no one in it. They killed everyone in a painful way because they had violated their sister Dinah. ወከመዝ እንከ ኢይትገበር እምይእዜ ለአርኵሶ ወለተ እስራኤል እስመ በሰማይ ተሠርዐ ላዕሌሆሙ ኵነኔ ከመ ያጥፍእዎሙ በሰይፍ ለኵሎሙ ዕደወ ሰቂማ እስመ ገብሩ ኀፍረተ ውስተ እስራኤለ።,"Nothing like this is to be done anymore from now on — to defile an Israelite woman. For the punishment had been decreed against them in heaven that they were to annihilate all the Shechemites with the sword, since they had done something shameful in Israel." ወመጠዎሙ እግዚአብሔር ውስተ እደ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ ከመ ይሠርውዎሙ በሰይፍ ወከመ ይግበሩ ላዕሌሆሙ ኵነኔ ወከመ ኢይኩን እንከ ከመዝ በውስተ እስራኤል ለአርኵሶ ድንግል እስራኤላዊት።,The Lord handed them over to Jacob’s sons for them to uproot them with the sword and to effect punishment against them and so that there should not again be something like this within Israel — defiling an Israelite virgin. ወብእሲ እመቦ ዘፈቀደ በውስተ እስራኤል የሀብ ወለቶ ወእመኒ እኅቶ ለኵሉ ብእሲ ዘእምዘርአ አሕዛብ ሞተ ይሙት ወበእብን ይውግርዎ እስመ ገብረ ኀፍረተ በውስተ እስራኤል ወለብእሲትሂ ያውዕይዋ በእሳት እስመ አርኰሰት ስመ ቤተ አቡሃ ወትሠረው እምእስራኤል።,"If there is a man in Israel who wishes to give his daughter or his sister to any foreigner, he is to die. He is to be stoned because he has done something sinful and shameful within Israel. The woman is to be burned because she has defiled the reputation of her father’s house; she is to be uprooted from Israel." ወኢይትረከብ ዘማ ወርኩስ በውስተ እስራኤል ኵሎ መዋዕለ ትውልደ ምድር እስመ ቅዱስ እስራኤል ለእግዚአብሔር ወኵሉ ሰብእ ዘአርኰሰ ሞተ ለይሙት ወበእብን ይውግርዎ።,"No adulterer or impure person is to be found within Israel throughout all the time of the earth’s history, for Israel is holy to the Lord. Any man who has defiled (it) is to die; he is to be stoned." እስመ ከመዝ ተሠርዐ ወተጽሕፈ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ በእንተ ኵሉ ዘርአ እስራኤል ዘያረኵስ ሞተ ለይሙት ወበእብን ይውግርዎ።,For this is the way it has been ordained and written on the heavenly tablets regarding any descendant of Israel who defiles (it): ‘He is to die; he is to be stoned’. ወአልቦ ለዝ ሕግ ዐቅመ መዋዕል ወአልቦ ኅድገተ ወኵሎ ስርየተ ዘእንበለ ዳእሙ ይሠረው ብእሲ ዘአርኰሰ ወለቶ በማእከለ ኵሉ እስራኤል እስመ እምውስተ ዘርኡ ወሀቦ ለሞሎክ ወአበሰ ለአርኵሶቱ።,This law has no temporal limit. There is no remission or any forgiveness; but rather the man who has defiled his daughter within all of Israel is to be eradicated because he has given one of his descendants to Molech and has sinned by defiling them. ወአንተኒ ሙሴ አዝዞሙ ለደቂቀ እስራኤል ወአስምዕ ላዕሌሆሙ ከመ ኢየሀቡ እምነ አዋልዲሆሙ ለአሕዛብ ወከመ ኢይንሥኡ እምአዋልደ አሕዛብ እስመ ምኑን ውእቱ በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር።,"Now you, Moses, order the Israelites and testify to them that they are not to give any of their daughters to foreigners and that they are not to marry any foreign women because it is despicable before the Lord." በእንተዝ ጸሐፍኩ ለከ ውስተ ቃለ ሕግ ኵሎ ግብሮሙ ለሰቂማ ዘገብሩ ላዕለ ዲና ወዘከመ ተናገሩ ደቁ ለያዕቆብ እንዘ ይብሉ ኢንሁብ ወለተነ ለሰብእ ዘቦ ቍልፈተ እስመ ጽዕለት ውእቱ ለነ።,For this reason I have written for you in the words of the law everything that the Shechemites did to Dinah and how Jacob’s sons said: ‘We will not give our daughter to a man who has a foreskin because for us that would be a disgraceful thing’. ወጽዕለት ውእቱ ለእስራኤል ለእለ ይሁቡ ወለእለ ይነሥኡ እምነ አዋልደ አሕዛብ እስመ ርኩስ ውእቱ ወምኑን ውእቱ እምእስራኤል።,It is a disgraceful thing for the Israelites who give or take (in marriage) one of the foreign women because it is too impure and despicable for Israel. ወኢይነጽሕ እስራኤል እምዝ ርኵስ ዘቦ ብእሲተ እምነ አዋልደ አሕዛብ ወእመቦ እምአዋልዲሁ ዘወሀቦ ለብእሲ እምኵሉ አሕዛብ።,Israel will not become clean from this impurity while it has one of the foreign women or if anyone has given one of his daughters to any foreign man. እስመ መቅሠፍት ላዕለ መቅሠፍት ውእቱ ወመርገም ላዕለ መርገም ወኵሉ ኵነኔ ወመቅሠፍት ወመርገም ይመጽእ ወለእመ ገብረ ዘቃለ ወለእመ ተዐወረ አዕይንቲሁ እምእሉ እለ ይገብሩ ርኵሰተ ወእለ ያረኵሱ መቅደሶ ለእግዚአብሔር ወእምእለ ይጌምኑ ስሞ ቅዱሰ ይትኴነን ኵሉ ሕዝብ ኀቡረ በእንተ ኵሉ ዝርኵስ ወግማኔ ዛቲ።,"For it is blow upon blow and curse upon curse. Every punishment, blow, and curse will come. If one does this or shuts his eyes to those who do impure things and who defile the Lord’s sanctuary and to those who profane his holy name, then the entire nation will be condemned together because of all this impurity and this contamination." ወአልቦ ነሢአ ገጽ ወአልቦ አድልዎ ለገጽ ወአልቦ ነሢአ እምእዴሁ ፍሬ ወመሥዋዕተ ወጽንሐሐ ወስብሐ ወተምዕዞ መዓዛ ሠናይ ከመ ይትወከፎ ወይኩን ኵሉ ብእሲ ወብእሲት በውስተ እስራኤል ዘያረኵስ መቅደሶ።,"There will be no favoritism nor partiality; there will be no receiving from him of fruit, sacrifices, offerings, fat, or the aroma of a pleasing fragrance so that he should accept it. (So) is any man or woman in Israel to be who defiles his sanctuary." በእንተዝ አዘዝኩከ እንዘ እብል አስምዕ ዛተ ስምዐ ላዕለ እስራኤል ርኢ ዘከመ ኮነ ለሰቂሞን ወለውሉዳ ዘከመ ተውህበት ውስተ እደ ክልኤሆሙ ደቂቀ ያዕቆብ ወቀተልዎሙ በጻዕር ወኮነቶሙ ጽድቀ ወተጽሕፎሙ ለጽድቅ።,For this reason I have ordered you: ‘Proclaim this testimony to Israel: See how it turned out for the Shechemites and their children — how they were handed over to Jacob’s two sons. They killed them in a painful way. It was a just act for them and was recorded as a just act for them». ወተኀርየ ዘርአ ሌዊ ለክህነት ወለሌዋዊያን ከመ ይትለአኩ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ከመ ንሕነ በኵሉ መዋዕል ወይትባረክ ሌዊ ወውሉዱ ለዓለም እስመ ቀንአ ከመ ይግበር ጽድቀ ወኵነኔ ወበቀለ እምኵሎሙ እለ ይትነሥኡ ላዕለ እስራኤል።,"Levi’s descendants were chosen for the priesthood and as levites to serve before the Lord as we (do) for all time. Levi and his sons will be blessed forever because he was eager to carry out justice, punishment, and revenge on all who rise against Israel." ወከመዝ ያዐርጉ ሎቱ በስምዕ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ በረከተ ወጽድቀ ቅድሜሁ ለአምላከ ኵሉ።,So blessing and justice before the God of all are entered for him as a testimony on the heavenly tablets. ወንዜክር ንሕነ ጽድቀ ዘገብረ ሰብእ በሕይወቱ በኵሉ ጊዜያት ዘዓመት እስከ ዐሠርቱ ምእት ትውልድ ያዐርጉ ወይመጽእ ሎቱ ወለትውልዱ እምድኅሬሁ ወተጽሕፈ ዐርከ ወጻድቀ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ።,We ourselves remember the justice which the man performed during his lifetime at all times of the year. As far as 1000 generations will they enter (it). It will come to him and his family after him. He has been recorded on the heavenly tablets as a friend and a just man’. ኵሎ ዘንተ ነገረ ጸሐፍኩ ለከ ወአዘዝኩከ ከመ ትንግር ለውሉደ እስራኤል ከመ ኢይግበሩ አበሳ ወኢይትዐደዉ ሥርዐተ ወኢይንሥቱ ኪዳነ እንተ ተሠርዐት ሎሙ ከመ ይግበርዋ ወይጸሐፉ አዕርክተ።,I have written this entire message for you and have ordered you to tell the Israelites not to sin or transgress the statutes or violate the covenant which was estabhshed for them so that they should perform it and be recorded as friends. ወእመሰ ተዐደዉ ወገብሩ እምኵሉ ፍናዊሃ ለርኵስ ይጸሐፉ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ጸላእተ ወይደመሰሱ እመጽሐፈ ሕያዋን ወይጸሐፉ ውስተ መጽሐፈ እለ ይትሐጐሉ ወምስለ እለ ይሤረዉ እምውስተ ምድር።,"But if they transgress and behave in any impure ways, they will be recorded on the heavenly tablets as enemies. They will be erased from the book of the living and will be recorded in the book of those who will be destroyed and with those who will be uprooted from the earth." ወበዕለተ ቀተሉ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ ሰቂማሃ ዐርገ ሎሙ መጽሐፍ ውስተ ሰማይ ከመ ገብሩ ጽድቀ ወርትዐ ወበቀለ ላዕለ ኃጥኣን ወተጽሕፈ ለበረከት።,"On the day that Jacob’s sons killed (the people of) Shechem, a written notice was entered in heaven for them (to the effect) that they had carried out what was right, justice, and revenge against the sinners. It was recorded as a blessing." ወአውፅኡ ዲናሃ እኅቶሙ እምነ ቤተ ሴኬም ወፄወዉ ኵሎ ዘሀሎ ውስተ ሰቂሞን አባግዒሆሙ ወአልህምቲሆሙ ወአእዱጊሆሙ ወኵሎ ንዋዮሙ ወኵሎ መራዕዮሙ ወአምጽኡ ኵሎ ኀበ ያዕቆብ አቡሆሙ።,"They led their sister Dinah from Shechem’s house and captured everything that was in Shechem — their sheep, cattle, and donkeys; all their property and all their flocks — and brought everything to their father Jacob." ወተናገረ ምስሌሆሙ በእንተ ዘቀተሉ ሀገረ እስመ ፈርሀ እምእለ ይነብሩ ምድረ እምእለ ከነናዊያን ወፈሪዛዊያን።,He spoke with them about the fact that they had killed (the people of) a city because he was afraid of the people who were living in the land — of the Canaanites and the Perizzites. ወኮነ ግርማ እግዚአብሔር ውስተ ኵሎን አህጉር ዘአውዳ ለሰቂሞን ወኢተንሥኡ ለሰዲደ ውሉዶ ለያዕቆብ እስመ ድንጋፄ ወድቀ ላዕሌሆሙ።,A fear of the Lord was in all the cities which were around Shechem. They did not set out to pursue Jacob’s sons because terror had fallen on them. ወበሠርቀ ወርኅ ነገረ ያዕቆብ ለኵሉ ሰብአ ቤቱ እንዘ ይብል ንጹሑ ወወልጡ አልባሲክሙ ወተንሢአነ ንዕርግ ቤቴል በኀበ ጸለይኩ ሎቱ ጸሎተ አመ ዕለተ ጐየይኩ እምገጸ ዔሳው እኁየ ዘውእቱ ምስሌየ ወሜጠኒ ውስተ ዛቲ ምድር በሰላም ወአሰስሉ አማልክተ ነኪር እለ ማእከሌክሙ።,"On the first of the month Jacob told all the people of his household: ‘Purify yourselves and change your clothes; we are to set out and go up to Bethel where I made a vow, on the day that I ran away from my brother Esau, to the one who has been with me and brought me back safely to this land. Remove the foreign gods which are among you’." ወመሰውዎሙ ለአማልክተ ነኪር ወዘውስተ እዘኒሆሙ ወዘውስተ ክሳውዲሆሙ ወጣዖተ ዘሰረቀት ራሔል እምኀበ ላባ አቡሃ ወወሀበት ኵሎ ለያዕቆብ ወአውዐዮ ወጸተሞ ወአማስኖ ወኀብኦ ታሕተ ድርዮስ ዘሀሎ ውስተ ምድረ ሰቂሞን።,"They handed over the foreign gods, their earrings and necklaces, and the idols that Rachel had stolen from her father Laban. She gave everything to Jacob, and he burned them, broke them into pieces, ruined them, and hid them beneath the oak which is in the land of Shechem." ወዐርገ አመ ሠርቀ ወርኅ ሳብዕ ውስተ ቤቴሌ ወሐነጸ ምሥዋዐ ውስተ መካን ኀበ ኖመ ህየ ወአቀመ ህየ ሐውልተ ወለአከ ኀበ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ከመ ይምጻእ ኀቤሁ ውስተ መሥዋዕቱ ወኀበ እሙሂ ርብቃ።,On the first of the seventh month he went up to Bethel. He built an altar at the place where he had slept and had set up a pillar. He sent word to his father Isaac and to his mother Rebecca as well to come to him to his sacrifice. ወይቤ ይስሐቅ ይምጻእ ወልድየ ያዕቆብ ወእርአዮ ዘእንበለ እሙት።,Isaac said: ‘Let my son Jacob come so that I can see him before I die’. ወሖረ ያዕቆብ ኀበ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ወኀበ እሙ ርብቃ ውስተ ቤቱ ለአቡሁ አብርሃም ወክልኤተ እምውሉዱ ነሥአ ምስሌሁ ሌዊሃ ወይሁዳሃ ወመጽአ ኀበ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ወኀበ እሙ ርብቃ።,Jacob went to his father Isaac and his mother Rebecca in the house of his father Abraham. He took two of his sons with him — Levi and Judah. He came to his father Isaac and his mother Rebecca. ወወፅአት ርብቃ እማኅፈድ ውስተ አንቀጸ ማኅፈድ ከመ ትስዐሞ ለያዕቆብ ወትሕቅፎ እስመ ሐይወ መንፈሳ በጊዜ ሰምዐት ናሁ ያዕቆብ ወልድኪ በጽሐ ወሰዐመቶ።,Rebecca went out of the tower into the tower gates to kiss Jacob and hug him because she had revived at the time she heard (the report): ‘Your son Jacob has now arrived’. She kissed him. ወርእየት ክልኤሆሙ ውሉዶ ወአእመረቶሙ ወትቤሎ እሉሰ ውሉድከኑ ወልድየ ወሐቀፈቶሙ ወሰዐመቶሙ ወባረከቶሙ እንዘ ትብል ብክሙ ይከብር ዘርአ አብርሃም ወአንትሙ ትከውኑ ለበረከት በዲበ ምድር።,"When she saw his two sons, she recognized them. She said to him: ‘Are these your sons, my son’? She hugged them, kissed them, and blessed them as follows: ‘Through you Abraham’s descendants will become famous. You will become a blessing on the earth’." ወቦአ ያዕቆብ ኀበ ይስሐቅ አቡሁ ውስተ ጽርሑ ኀበ ይሰክብ ህየ ወክልኤቱ ደቂቁ ምስሌሁ ወአኀዘ እደ አቡሁ ወደኒኖ ሰዐሞ ወተሰቅለ ይስሐቅ ውስተ ክሳደ ያዕቆብ ወልዱ ወበከየ ዲበ ክሳዱ።,"Jacob went in to his father Isaac, to his bedroom where he was lying down. His two children were with him. He took his father’s hand, bent down, and kissed him. Isaac hung on his son Jacob’s neck and cried on his neck." ወጽላሌ ኀለፈ እምአዕይንተ ይስሐቅ ወርእየ ክልኤሆሙ ውሉዶ ለያዕቆብ ሌዊሃ ወይሁዳሃ ወይቤ ውሉድከሁ እሉ ወልድየ እስመ ይመስሉከ።,"Then the shadow passed from Isaac’s eyes and he saw Jacob’s two sons — Levi and Judah — and said: ‘Are these your sons, my son, because they look like you’?" ወነገሮ ከመ በአማን ውሉዱ እሙንቱ ወአማን ርኢከ ከመ በአማን ውሉድየ እሙንቱ።,He told him that they were indeed his sons: ‘You have noticed correctly that they are indeed my sons’. ወቀርቡ ኀቤሁ ወተመይጠ ወሰዐሞሙ ወሐቀፎሙ ለኵሎሙ ኅቡረ።,"When they came up to him, he turned and kissed them and hugged both of them together." ወመንፈሰ ትንቢት ወረደ ውስተ አፉሁ ወአኀዞ ለሌዊ በየማናዊ እዴሁ ወይሁዳሃ በፀጋማዊ እዴሁ።,A spirit of prophecy descended into his mouth. He took Levi by his right hand and Judah by his left hand. ወተመይጠ ኀበ ሌዊ ቅድመ ወአኀዘ ይባርኮ መቅድመ ወይቤሎ ይባርከ እግዚአ ኵሉ ውእቱ እግዚአ ኵሉ ዓለማት ኪያከ ወውሉደከ ለኵሉ ዓለማት።,He turned to Levi first and began to bless him first. He said to him: ‘May the Lord of everything — he is the Lord of all ages — bless you and your sons throughout all ages. ወተመይጠ ወሰዐሞ ዳግመ ወሐቀፎ ወተፈሥሐ ዐቢየ እስመ ርእየ ውሉዶ ለያዕቆብ ወልዱ ዘበጽድቅ።,"He turned, kissed him again, and hugged him. He was very happy that he had seen the sons of his true son Jacob." ወወፅአ እማእከለ እገሪሁ ወወድቀ ወሰገደ ሎቱ ወባረኮሙ ወአዕረፈ ህየ ቅሩበ ይስሐቅ አቡሁ በይእቲ ሌሊት ወበልዑ ወሰትዩ በፍሥሓ።,"He moved out from between his feet, fell down, and bowed to him. He then blessed them. He rested there near his father Isaac that night. They ate and drank happily." ወአኖሙ ክልኤሆሙ ውሉዶ ለያዕቆብ አሐደ በይምኑ ወአሐደ በፅግሙ ወተኆለቆ ሎቱ ጽድቀ።,"He made Jacob’s two sons sleep, one on his right, one on his left; and it was credited to him as something righteous." ወነገረ ያዕቆብ ኵሎ ለአቡሁ በሌሊት ዘከመ ገብረ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሁ ሣህለ ዐቢይ ወከመ ሠርሐ ኵሎ ፍናዊሁ ወተማኅፀኖ እምኵሉ እኩይ።,"That night Jacob told his father everything — how the Lord had shown him great kindness, that he had directed all his ways favorably and had protected him from every evil one." ወባረከ ይስሐቅ አምላከ አቡሁ አብርሃም ዘኢኀደገ ምሕረቶ ወጽድቆ እምወልደ ገብሩ ይስሐቅ።,Isaac blessed the God of his father Abraham who had not put an end to his mercy and faithfulness for the son of his servant Isaac. ወበነግህ ነገረ ያዕቆብ ለአቡሁ ይስሐቅ ጸሎተ ዘጸለየ ለእግዚአብሔር ወራእየ ዘርእየ ወከመ ሐነጸ ምሥዋዐ ወኵሉ ድልው ለመሥዋዕት ለገቢር ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር በከመ ጸለየ ወከመ መጽአ ይጽዐኖ ዲበ አድግ።,"In the morning Jacob told his father Isaac the vow that he had made to the Lord, the vision that he had seen, that he had built an altar and everything was ready for offering the sacrifice before the Lord as he had vowed, and that he had come to put him on a donkey." ወይቤ ይስሐቅ ለያዕቆብ ወልዱ ኢይክል መጺአ ምስሌከ እስመ ረሣእኩ ወኢይክል ተዐግሦ በፍኖት ሖር ወልድየ በሰላም እስመ ወልደ ምእት ወስሳ ወኀምስቱ ዓመት አነ ዮም ኢይክል እንከ ነጊደ ጸዐና ለእምከ ወትሖር ምስሌከ።,"But Isaac said to his son Jacob: ‘I am unable to come with you because I am old and unable to put up with the trip. Go safely, my son, because I am 165 years of age today. I am no longer able to travel. Put your mother on an animal and let her go with you." ወአአምር አነ ወልድየ ከመሰ በእንቲአየ መጻእከ ወዛቲ ዕለት ትኩን ቡርክተ እንተ ባቲ ርኢከኒ ሕያውየ ወርኢኩከ አነሂ ወልድየ።,"I know, my son, that it was on my account that you came. Blessed be this day on which you have seen me alive and I, too, have seen you, my son." ወተሰራሕ ወግበር ጸሎተ እንተ ጸለይከ ወኢታጐንዲ ጸሎተከ እስመ ትትኃሠሥ ጸሎተ ወይእዜኒ ጐጕእ ትግበራ ወይሥመር ዘገብረ ኵሎ ለዘ ጸለይከ ጸሎተ።,"Be successful and carry out the vow that you made. Do not delay (in carrying out) your vow because you will be held accountable regarding the vow. Now hurry to perform it. May the one who has made everything, to whom you made the vow, be pleased (with it)’." ወይቤላ ለርብቃ ሖሪ ምስለ ያዕቆብ ወልድኪ።,He said to Rebecca: ‘Go with your son Jacob’. ወሖረት ርብቃ ምስለ ያዕቆብ ወልዳ ወዲቦራ ምስሌሃ ወበጽሑ ውስተ ቤቴል።,So Rebecca went with her son Jacob and Deborah with her. They arrived at Bethel. ወተዘከረ ያዕቆብ ጸሎተ እንተ ባረኮ አቡሁ ወክልኤተ ውሉዶ ሌዊሃ ወይሁዳሃ ወተፈሥሐ ወባረኮ ለአምላከ አበዊሁ አብርሃም ወይስሐቅ።,When Jacob recalled the prayer with which his father had blessed him and his two sons — Levi and Judah — he was very happy and blessed the God of his fathers Abraham and Isaac. ወይቤ ይእዜ አእመርኩ ከመ ብየ ተስፋ ዘለዓለም ወለውሉድየሂ በቅድመ አምላከ ኵሉ ወከመዝ ሥሩዕ በእንተ ክልኤሆሙ ወያዐርጉ ሎሙ በስምዕ ዘለዓለም ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ በከመ ባረኮሙ ይስሐቅ።,"He said: ‘Now I know that I and my sons, too, have an eternal hope before the God of all’. This is the way it is ordained regarding the two of them, and it is entered for them as an eternal testimony on the heavenly tablets just as Isaac blessed them." ወኀደረ በይእቲ ሌሊት ውስተ ቤቴል ወሐለመ ሌዊ ከመ ሤምዎ ወረሰይዎ ለክህነት ለአምላክ ልዑል ኪያሁ ወውሉዶ እስከ ለዓለም ወነቅሀ እምንዋሙ ወባረኮ ለእግዚአብሔር።,"That night he stayed at Bethel. Levi dreamed that he — he and his sons — had been appointed and made into the priesthood of the most high God forever. When he awakened, he blessed the Lord." ወጌሰ ያዕቆብ በነግህ አመ ዐሡሩ ወረቡዑ ለዝ ወርኅ ወዐሠረ እምኵሉ ዘመጽአ ምስሌሁ እምሰብእ እስከ እንስሳ እምወርቅ እስከ ኵሉ ንዋይ ወልብስ ወዐሠረ እምኵሉ።,"Jacob got up early in the morning on the fourteenth day of this month and gave a tithe of everything which had come with him — from people to animals, from money to all utensils and clothing. He gave a tithe of everything." ወበውእቶን መዋዕል ፀንሰት ይእቲ ራሔል ብንያምሃ ወልዳ ወኆለቈ እምኔሁ ያዕቆብ ወልዶ ወዐርገ ወወረደ ላዕሌሁ ለሌዊ በመክፈልተ እግዚአብሔር ወአልበሶ አቡሁ አልባሰ ክህነት ወመልአ እደዊሁ።,"At that time that Rachel became pregnant with her son Benjamin. Jacob counted his sons from him. He went up (the hst), and it came down on Levi in the Lord’s share. His father put priestly clothes on him and ordained him." ወአመ ወሡሩ ወኀሙሱ ለዝ ወርኅ አብአ ውስተ ምሥዋዕ አስዋረ እምአልህምት ዐሠርተ ወአርባዕተ ወአብሐኰ ዕሥራ ወሰማኒተ ወአባግዐ አርብዓ ወተስዐተ ወመሓስአ ስሳ ወመሓስአ ጠሊ ዕሥራ ወተስዐተ ጽንሐሐ ውስተ ምሥዋዕ ወቍርባነ ሥሙረ ለመዓዛ ሠናይ ቅድመ አምላክ።,"On the fifteenth of this month he brought to the altar 14 young bulls from the cattle, 28 rams, 49 sheep, 7 kids, and 21 goats — as a burnt offering on the altar and as a pleasing offering for a pleasant aroma before God." ዝውእቱ መባኡ እምጸሎት እንተ ጸለየ ከመ የዐሥር ምስለ መሥዋዕቶሙ ወለሞጻሕቶሙ።,This was his gift because of the vow which he had made that he would give a tithe along with their sacrifices and their libations. ወሶበ በልዖ እሳት የዐጥን ስኂነ ዲቤሁ ለእሳት መልዕልቶ ወለመሥዋዕተ መድኃኒት አስዋረ ክልኤተ ወአብሐኰ አርባዕተ ወአባግዐ አርባዕተ ዳቤላተ አርባዕተ አባግዐ ዘዘ ዓመት ክልኤተ ወመሓስአ ጠሊ ክልኤተ ከመዝ ይገብር እንተ ጸብሐት ሰቡዐ መዋዕለ።,"When the fire had consumed it, he would burn incense on the fire above it; and as a peace offering two young bulls, four rams, four sheep, four he-goats, two year-old sheep, and two goats. This is what he would do daily for the seven days." ወሀሎ እንዘ ይበልዕ ውእቱ ወኵሎሙ ውሉዱ ወሰብኡ በፍሥሓ በህየ ሰቡዐ መዋዕለ ወይባርኮ ወያአኵቶ ለእግዚአብሔር ለዘ ባልሖ እምኵሉ ምንዳቤሁ ወለዘ ወሀቦ ጸሎቶ።,"He was eating happily there — he, all his sons, and his men — for the seven days. He was blessing and praising the Lord who had freed him from all his difficulties and who had granted him his vow." ወዐሠረ ኵሎ እንስሳ ንጹሐ ወገብሮ ጽንሐሐ ወእንስሳ ርኩሰ ወሀቦ ለሌዊ ወልዱ ወነፍሳተ ሰብእ ኵሎ ወሀቦ።,He tithed all the clean animals and made an offering of them. He gave his son Levi the unclean animals and gave him all the persons of the men. ወተክህነ ሌዊ በቤቴል ቅድመ ያዕቆብ አቡሁ እምዐሠርቱ አኃዊሁ ወሀሎ ህየ ካህነ ወያዕቆብ ወሀበ ጸሎቶ ከመዝ ዐሠረ ዳግመ ዓሥራተ ለእግዚአብሔር ወቀደሶ ወኮነ ቅዱሰ።,"Levi rather than his ten brothers served as priest in Bethel before his father Jacob. There he was a priest, and Jacob gave what he had vowed. In this way he again gave a tithe to the Lord. He sanctified it, and it became holy." ወበእንተዝ ሥሩዕ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ሕግ ለዐሥሮ ዓሥራት ካዕበ ለበሊዖቱ በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር በመካን በኀበ ተኀርየ ይኅድር ስሙ ላዕሌሁ ዓም እምዓም ወአልቦ ለዝ ሕግ ዐቅመ መዋዕል ለዓለም።,"For this reason it is ordained as a law on the heavenly tablets to tithe a second time, to eat it before the Lord — year by year — in the place which has been chosen (as the site) where his name will reside. This law has no temporal limits forever." ውእቱ ሥርዐት ጽሑፍ ለገቢሮቱ ዓመት እምዓመት ለበሊዐ ዓሥራት ዳግመ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር በመካን በኀበ ተኀርየ ወአልቦ ለአትርፎ እምኔሁ እምዝ ዓመት ለዓመት ለዘ ይመጽእ።,That statute has been written down so that it should be carried out year by year — to eat the tithe a second time before the Lord in the place that has been chosen. One is not to leave any of it over from this year to the next year. እስመ በዓመቲሁ ይትበላዕ ዘርእ እስከ አመ መዋዕለ ሐሪፍ ዘርአ ዓመት ወወይን እስከ አመ መዋዕለ ወይን ወለዘይት እስከ አመ መዋዕለ ጊዜ መዋዕሊሁ።,For the seed is to be eaten in its year until the time for harvesting the seed of the year; the wine (will be drunk) until the time for wine; and the olive (will be used) until the proper time of its season. ኵሉ ዘይተርፍ እምኔሁ ወዘይበሊ ይኩን ስኡበ በእሳት የዐይ እስመ ኮነ ርኩሰ።,"Any of it that is left over and grows old is to be (considered) contaminated; it is to be burned up because it has become impure," ወከማሁ ይብልዕዎ ኅቡረ በቤት ቅዱስ ወኢያብልይዎ።,In this way they are to eat it at the same time in the sanctuary; they are not to let it grow old. ወኵሉ ዓሥራተ ላህም ወአባግዕ ቅዱስ ለእግዚአብሔር ወለካህናቲሁ ይኩን ዘይበልዑ በቅድሜሁ ዓመት እምዓመት እስመ ከማሁ ሥሩዕ ወቍሩጽ በእንተ ዓሥራት ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ።,"The entire tithe of cattle and sheep is holy to the Lord, and is to belong to his priests who will eat (it) before him year by year, because this is the way it is ordained and inscribed on the heavenly tablets regarding the tithe." ወበሌሊት ካልእት አመ ዕሥራ ወሰኑዩ ለመዋዕለ ዝወርኅ መከረ ያዕቆብ ከመ ይሕንጽ ውእተ መካነ ወከመ ይጥቅም ዐጸደ ወይቀድሶ ወከመ ይግበሮ ቅዱሰ ዘለዓለም ሎቱ ወለውሉዱ እስከ ለዓለም እምድኅሬሁ።,"During the next night, on the twenty-second day of this month, Jacob decided to build up that place and to surround the courtyard with a wall, to sanctify it, and make it eternally holy for himself and for his children after him forever." ወአስተርአዮ እግዚአብሔር በሌሊት ወባረኮ ወይቤሎ ኢይጸዋዕ ስምከ ያዕቆብሃ ባሕቲቶ አላ እስራኤልሃ ይሰምዩ ስምከ።,The Lord appeared to him during the night. He blessed him and said to him: ‘You are not to be called Jacob only but you will (also) be named Israel’. ወይቤሎ ካዕበ አነ ውእቱ እግዚአብሔር ዘፈጠርኩ ሰማየ ወምድረ ወአልህቀከ ወአበዝኀከ ፈድፋደ ጥቀ ወነገሥት እምኔከ ይከውኑ ወይኴንኑ በኵለሄ ወእደ ኬደ አሰረ ውሉደ ሰብእ።,"He said to him a second time: ‘I am the Lord who created heaven and earth. I will increase your numbers and multiply you very much. Kings will come from you, and they will rule wherever mankind has set foot." ወእሁብ ለዘርእከ ኵላ ምድረ ዘመትሕተ ሰማይ ወይኴንኑ ውስተ ኵሉ አሕዛብ በከመ ፈቀዱ ወእምድኅረዝ ያስተጋብኡ ኵላ ምድረ ወይወርስዋ ለዓለም።,"I will give your descendants all of the land that is beneath the sky. They will rule over all the nations just as they wish. Afterwards, they will gain the entire earth, and they will possess it forever’." ወፈጸመ ተናገሮ ምስሌሁ ወዐርገ እምኀቤሁ ወይሬኢ ያዕቆብ እስከ ሶበ ዐርገ ውስተ ሰማይ።,"When he had finished speaking with him, he went up from him, and Jacob kept watching until he had gone up into heaven." ወርእየ በራእየ ሌሊት ወናሁ መልአክ ይወርድ እምሰማይ ወሰብዑ ሰሌዳት ውስተ እደዊሁ ወወሀቦ ለያዕቆብ ወአንበቦን ወአንበበ ኵሎ ዘጽሑፍ ውስቴቶን ዘይከውን ሎቱ ወለውሉዱ በኩሉ ዓለማት።,"In a night vision he saw an angel coming down from heaven with seven tablets in his hands. He gave (them) to Jacob, and he read them. He read everything that was written in them — what would happen to him and his sons throughout all ages." ወአርአዮ ኵሎ ዘጽሑፍ ውስተ ሰሌዳት ወይቤሎ ኢትሕንጽ ዘንተ መካነ ወኢትግበሮ መቅደሰ ዘለዓለም ወኢትኅድር ዝየ እስመ አኮ ዝመካን ሖር ቤተ አብርሃም አቡከ ወኅድር ኀበ ይስሐቅ አቡከ ህየ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ሞቱ ለአቡከ።,"After he had shown him everything that was written on the tablets, he said to him: ‘Do not build up this place, and do not make it an eternal temple. Do not live here because this is not the place. Go to the house of your father Abraham and live where your father Isaac is until the day of your father’s death." እስመ በግብጽ ትመውት በሰላም ወበዛ ምድር ትትቀበር በክብር ውስተ መቃብረ አበዊከ ምስለ አብርሃም ወይስሐቅ።,For you will die peacefully in Egypt and be buried honorably in this land in the grave of your fathers — with Abraham and Isaac. ኢትፍራህ እስመ በከመ ርኢከ ወአንበብከ ከማሁ ይከውን ኵሉ ወአንተሂ ጸሐፍ ኵሎ ዘከመ ርኢከ ወአንበብከ።,Do not be afraid because everything will happen just as you have seen and read. Now you write down everything just as you have seen and read’. ወይቤ ያዕቆብ እግዚኦ እፎ እዜከር ዘከመ አንበብኩ ወርኢኩ ኵሎ ወይቤሎ አነ አዜክረከ ኵሎ።,"Then Jacob said: ‘Lord, how shall I remember everything just as I have read and seen’? He said to him: ‘I will remind you of everything’." ወዐርገ እምኀቤሁ ወነቅሀ እምንዋሙ ወተዘከረ ኵሎ ዘአንበበ ወዘርእየ ወጸሐፈ ኵሎ ነገረ ዘአንበበ ወዘርእየ።,"When he had gone from him, he awakened and remembered everything that he had read and seen. He wrote down all the things that he had read and seen." ወገብረ በህየ ዓዲ ዕለተ አሐተ ወሦዐ ባቲ በከመ ኵሉ ዘይሠውዕ በመዋዕለ ቀዳሚያት ወጸውዐ ስማ ቶሳከ እስመ ተወሰከት ይእቲ ዕለት ወለቀዳሚያት ጸውዖን በዓለ።,He celebrated one more day there. On it he sacrificed exactly as he had been sacrificing on the previous days. He named it Addition because that day was added. He named the previous ones the Festival. ወከመዝ ያስተርኢ ውእቱ ከመ ትኩን ወጽሑፍ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ በእንተዝ ተከሥተ ሎቱ ከመ ይግበራ ወከመ ይወስክ ዲበ ሰብዑ መዋዕለ በዓል ኪያሃ።,"This is the way it was revealed that it should be, and it is written on the heavenly tablets. For this reason it was revealed to him that he should celebrate it and add it to the seven days of the festival." ወተጸውዐ ስማ ቶሳከ እስመ እንተ ያዐርጉ ይእቲ በስምዐ መዋዕለ በዓል በከመ ኆልቈ መዋዕል ዘዓመት።,It was called Addition because of the fact that it is entered in the testimony of the festal days in accord with the number of days in the year. ወበሌሊት አመ ዕሥራ ወሠሉሱ ለዝ ወርኅ ሞተት ዲቦራ ሐፃኒተ ርብቃ ወቀበርዋ መትሕተ ሀገር ታሕተ ባላን ዘፈለግ ወጸውዐ ስሞ ለውእቱ መካን ፈለገ ዲቦራ ወበላኖንሃ በላኖን ለሐ ዲቦራ።,"That night, on the twenty-third of this month, Deborah, Rebecca’s nurse, died. They buried her below the city, beneath the oak (near) the stream. He named that place the Stream of Deborah and the oak the Oak of Mourning for Deborah." ወሖረት ርብቃ ወገብአት ውስተ ቤት ኀበ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ወፈነወ ያዕቆብ በእዴሃ አብሐኰ ወደቤላተ ወአባግዐ ከመ ትግበር ለአቡሁ መብልዐ ዘከመ ይፈቅድ።,"Then Rebecca set out and returned home to his father Isaac. Through her Jacob sent rams, he-goats, and sheep to make his father a meal as he would wish." ወሖረ እምድኅሬሃ ለእሙ እስከ ቀርበ ምድረ ከብራታን ወኀደረ ህየ።,"He followed his mother until he reached the country of Kabratan, and he remained there." ወወለደት ራሔል በሌሊት ወልደ ወጸውዐት ስሞ ወልደ ሕማምየ እስመ ዐጸበት ሶበ ትወልዶ ወአቡሁሰ ጸውዐ ስሞ ብንያምሃ አመ ዐሡሩ ወአሚሩ ለወርኅ ሳምን በዓመት አሐዱ ዘሱባዔ ሳድስ ዘዝንቱ ኢዮቤልውን።,"During the night Rachel gave birth to a son. She named him Son of my Pain because she had difficulty when she was giving birth to him. But his father named him Benjamin on the eleventh of the eighth month, during the first year of the sixth week of this jubilee [2143]." ወሞተት በህየ ራሔል ወተቀብረት ውስተ ምድረ ኤፍራታ እንተ ይእቲ ቤተ ልሔም ወሐነጸ ያዕቆብ ውስተ መቃብረ ራሔል ሐውልተ ውስተ ፍኖት ላዕለ መቃብሪሃ።,"Rachel died there and was buried in the country of Ephrathah, that is, Bethlehem. Jacob built a pillar at Rachel’s grave — on the road above her grave." ወሖረ ያዕቆብ ወኀደረ መንገለ ደቡበ መግደለድራኤፍ ወሖረ ኀበ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ ውእቱ ወልያ ብእሲቱ አመ ሠርቁ ለወርኅ ዓሥር።,Jacob went and lived to the south of the Tower of Eder Ephrathah. He went to his father Isaac — he and his wife Leah — on the first of the tenth month. ወርእዮ ሮቤል ባላንሃ ለአኪተ ራሔል ዕቅብተ አቡሁ እንዘ ትትሐፀብ በማይ በኅቡእ አፍቀራ።,"When Reuben saw Bilhah, Rachel’s maid — his father’s concubine — bathing in water in a private place, he loved her." ወተኀብአ በሌሊት ወቦአ ቤተ ባላን ሌሊተ ወረከባ እንዘ ትሰክብ ውስተ ዐራታ ባሕቲታ ወትነውም ውስተ ቤታ።,At night he hid. He entered Bilhah’s house at night and found her lying alone in her bed and sleeping in her tent. ወሰከበ ምስሌሃ ወነቅሀት ወርእየት ወናሁ ሮቤል ይሰክብ ምስሌሃ ውስተ ምስካብ ወከሠተት ክንፋ ወአኀዘቶ ወአውየወት ወአእመረት ከመ ሮቤል ውእቱ።,"After he had lain with her, she awakened and saw that Reuben was lying with her in the bed. She uncovered the edge of her (clothing), took hold of him, shouted out, and realized that it was Reuben." ወተኀፈረት እምኔሁ ወኀደገት እዴሃ እምላዕሌሁ ወጐየ።,"She was ashamed because of him. Once she had released her grip on him, he ran away." ወትላሑ በእንተዝ ነገር ፈድፋደ ወኢነገረት ወኢለመኑሂ ሰብእ።,She grieved terribly about this matter and told no one at all. ወሶበ መጽአ ያዕቆብ ወኀሠሣ ትቤሎ ኢኮንኩ ንጽሕተ ለከ እስመ ተገመንኩ እምኔከ እስመ አርኰሰኒ ሮቤል ወሰከበ ምስሌየ ሌሊተ ወአንሰ እነውም ወኢያእመርኩ እስከ ሶበ ከሠተ ክነፍየ ወሰከበ ምስሌየ።,"When Jacob came and looked for her, she said to him: ‘I am not pure for you because I am too contaminated for you, since Reuben defiled me and lay with me at night. I was sleeping and did not realize (it) until he uncovered the edge of my (garment) and lay with me’." ወተምዐ ያዕቆብ ጥቀ ላዕለ ሮቤል እስመ ሰከበ ምስለ ባላን እስመ ከሠተ ክድነተ አቡሁ።,"Jacob was very angry at Reuben because he had lain with Bilhah, since he had uncovered the covering of his father." ወኢቀርባ እንከ ያዕቆብ እስመ አርኰሳ ሮቤል።,Jacob did not approach her again because Reuben had defiled her. ወኵሉ ሰብእ ዘከሠተ ክድነተ አቡሁ እስመ እኩይ ነገሩ ጥቀ ወእስመ ምኑን ውእቱ በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር።,As for any man who uncovers the covering of his father — his act is indeed very bad and it is indeed despicable before the Lord. በእንተዝ ጽሑፍ ወሥሩዕ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ከመ ኢይስክብ ብእሲ ምስለ ብእሲተ አቡሁ ወከመ ኢይክሥት ክድነተ አቡሁ እስመ ርኩሰ ውእቱ ሞተ ይሙት ኅቡረ ብእሲ ዘይሰክብ ምስለ ብእሲተ አቡሁ ወብእሲትኒ እስመ ርኩሰ ነገሩ ውስተ ምድር።,"For this reason it is written and ordained on the heavenly tablets that a man is not to lie with his father’s wife and that he is not to uncover the covering of his father because it is impure. They are certainly to die together — the man who lies with his father’s wife and the woman, too — because they have done something impure on the earth." ወኢይኩን ርኵሰ ቅድመ አምላክነ በውስተ ሕዝብ ዘኀረየ ሎቱ ለምልካን።,There is to be nothing impure before our God within the nation that he has chosen as his own possession. ወካዕበ ጽሑፍ ዳግመ ርጉመ ይከን ዘይሰክብ ምስለ ብእሲተ አቡሁ እስመ ከሠተ ኀፍረተ አቡሁ ወይቤሉ ኵሎሙ ቅዱሳኒሁ ለእግዚአብሔር ለይኩን ለይኩን።,"Again it is written a second time: ‘Let the one who lies with his father’s wife be cursed because he has uncovered his father’s shame’. All of the Lord’s holy ones said: ‘So be it, so be it’." ወአንተኒ ሙሴ አዝዞሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ይዕቀቡ ዘንተ ቃለ እስመ ኵነኔ ሞት ውእቱ ወርኵስ ውእቱ ወአልቦ ስርየተ ለአስተስርዮ በእንተ ብእሲ ዘገብረ ዘንተ ለዓለም ዘእንበለ ለአምቶቱ ወለቀቲሎቱ ወለተወግሮቱ በእብን ወለተሠርዎቱ እማእከለ ሕዝበ አምላክነ።,"Now you, Moses, order the Israelites to observe this command because it is a capital offence and it is an impure thing. To eternity there is no expiation to atone for the man who has done this; but he is to be put to death, to be killed, and to be stoned and uprooted from among the people of our God." እስመ ኢይከውኖ ሐይወ አሐተ ዕለተ ውስተ ምድር ኵሉ ሰብእ ዘይገብሮ በውስተ እስራኤል እስመ ምኑን ወርኩስ ውእቱ።,For any man who commits it in Israel will not be allowed to live a single day on the earth because he is despicable and impure. ወኢይበሉ ለሮቤል ኮነ ሐዩው ወስርየተ እምዘ ሰከበ ምስለ ዕቅብተ ብእሲተ አቡሁ ወይእቲኒ እንዘ ባቲ ምተ ወእንዘ ምታ ሕያው ያዕቆብ አቡሁ።,They are not to say: ‘Reuben was allowed to live and (have) forgiveness after he had lain with the concubine-wife of his father while she had a husband and her husband — his father Jacob — was alive’. እስመ ኢተከሥተ ሥርዓት ወኵነኔ ወሕግ እስከ አሜሃ ፍጹመ ለኵሉ እስመ በመዋዕሊከ ከመ ሕገ ጊዜ በመዋዕሉ ወሕግ ዘለዓለም ለትውልድ ዘለዓለም።,"For the statute, the punishment, and the law had not been completely revealed to all but (only) in your time as a law of its particular time and as an eternal law for the history of eternity." ወአልቦ ለዝ ሕግ ተውዳአ መዋዕል ወምንተኒ ስርየተ ሎቱ ዘእንበለ ከመ ይሠረዉ ክልኤሆሙ በማእከለ ሕዝብ በዕለት እንተ ባቲ ገብርዋ ይቅትልዎሙ።,"There is no time when this law will be at an end, nor is there any forgiveness for it; rather both of them are to be uprooted among the people. On the day on which they have done this they are to kill them." ወአነተኒ ሙሴ ጸሐፍ ለእስራኤል ወይዕቀብዋ ወኢይግበሩ ዘከመ ዝንቱ ነገር ወኢይስሐቱ ለአበሳ ሞት እስመ መኵንን እግዚአብሔር አምላክነ ዘውእቱ ኢይነሥእ ገጸ ወኢይነሥእ ሕልያነ።,"Now you, Moses, write for Israel so that they keep it and do not act hke this and do not stray into a capital offence; because the Lord our God, who shows no partiahty and accepts no bribes, is the judge." ወንግሮሙ ዘንተ ነገረ ሥርዓት ሎሙ ይስምዑ ወይትዐቀቡ ወይትናጸሩ እምኔሆሙ ወኢይትሐጐሉ ወኢይሠረዉ እምድር እስመ ርኩስ ወሰቆራር ወንክፈት ወግማኔ ኵሎሙ እለ ይገብርዋ በምድር በቅድመ አምላክነ።,"Tell them these words of the testament so that they may listen, guard themselves, be careful about them, and not be destroyed or uprooted from the earth. For all who commit it on the earth before the Lord are impure, something detestable, a blemish, and something contaminated." ወአልቦ ኀጢአተ ዐባየ እምዝሙና ዘይዜምዉ ዲበ ምድር እስመ ሕዝብ ቅዱስ እስራኤል ለእግዚአብሔር አምላኩ ወሕዝበ ርስት ውእቱ ወሕዝበ ክህነት ውእቱ ወመንግሥተ ክህነት ውእቱ ወጥሪት ውእቱ ወአኮ ዘያስተርኢ ዘከመዝ ርኵስ በማእከለ ሕዝብ ቅዱስ።,No sin is greater than the sexual impurity which they commit on the earth because Israel is a holy people for the Lord its God. It is the nation which he possesses; it is a priestly nation; it is a priestly kingdom; it is what he owns. No such impurity will be seen among the holy people. ወበሣልስ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ሳድስ ሀሎ እንዘ የሐውር ያዕቆብ ወኵሉ ውሉዱ ወኀደሩ ቤተ አብርሃም ቅሩበ ይስሐቅ አቡሁ ወእሙ ርብቃ።,During the third year of the sixth week [2145] Jacob and all his sons went and took up residence at the house of Abraham near his father Isaac and his mother Rebecca. ወዝንቱ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉደ ያዕቆብ በኵሩ ሮቤል ስምዖን ሌዊ ይሁዳ ይሳኮር ዛብሎን ውሉዳ ለልያ ወውሉዳ ለራሔል ዮሴፍ ወብንያም ወውሉደ ባላን ዳን ወንፍታሌም ወውሉደ ዘለፋን ጋድ ወአሴር ወዲና ወለተ ልያ ባሕቲታ ወለተ ያዕቆብ።,"These are the names of Jacob’s sons: Reuben, his first-born, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun were Leah’s sons. Rachel’s sons were Joseph and Benjamin. Bilhah’s sons were Dan and Naphtali. And Zilpah’s sons were Gad and Asher. Leah’s daughter Dinah was Jacob’s only daughter." ወሐዊሮሙ ሰገዱ ለይስሐቅ ወለርብቃ ወሶበ ርእይዎሙ ባረክዎ ለያዕቆብ ወለኵሎሙ ውሉዱ ወተፈሥሐ ይስሐቅ ፈድፋደ እስመ ርእየ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ ወልዱ ዘይንእስ ወባረኮሙ።,"After they had come, they bowed to Isaac and Rebecca. When they saw them, they blessed Jacob and all his children. Isaac was extremely happy that he had seen the children of his younger son Jacob, and he blessed them." ወበሳድስ ዓመቱ ለዝ ሱባዔ እምዝንቱ ዘአርብዓ ወአርባዕቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ፈነዎሙ ያዕቆብ ለውሉዱ ይርዐዩ አባግዒሆሙ ወአግብርቲሁኒ ምስሌሆሙ ውስተ ጺኦተ ሰቂሞን።,"During the sixth year of this week of this forty-fourth jubilee [2148], Jacob sent his sons to tend their sheep — his servants were also with them — to the field of Shechem." ወተጋብኡ ላዕሌሆሙ ሰብዐቲሆሙ ነገሥተ አሞሬዎን ከመ ይቅትልዎሙ ተኀቢኦሙ ታሕተ ኦም ወከመ ይማህርኩ እንስሳሆሙ።,Seven Amorite kings assembled against them to kill them from their hiding place beneath the trees and to take their animals as booty. ወያዕቆብ ወሌዊ ወይሁዳ ወዮሴፍ ሀለዉ ውስተ ቤት ኀበ ይስሐቅ አቡሆሙ እስመ የሐዝኖ መንፈሱ ወስእኑ ኀዲጎቶ ወብንያም ውእቱ ዘይንእስ ወበእንተዝ ነበረ ኀቤሁ።,"But Jacob, Levi, Judah, and Joseph remained at home with their father Isaac because he was distressed and they were unable to leave him. Benjamin was the youngest, and for this reason he stayed with him." ወመጽኡ ነገሥተ ታፉ ወነገሥተ አሬስ ወነገሥተ ሴራጋን ወነገሥተ ሴሎ ወንጉሥ ጋአዝ ወንጉሠ ቤቶሮን ወንጉሠ ማአኒሳኪር ወኵሎሙ እለ ይነብሩ ውስተዝ ደብር እለ ይነብሩ ውስተ ኦመ ምድረ ከናአን።,"Then came the kings of Tafu, the king of Ares, the king of Seragan, the king of Selo, the king of Gaaz, the king of Betoron, the king of Maanisakir, and all who were living on this mountain, who were living in the forest of the land of Canaan." ወዜነውዎ ለያዕቆብ እንዘ ይብሉ ከመ ናሁ ነገሥቶ አሞሬዎን ዐገትዎሙ ለውሉድከ ወመራዕዮሙሂ ተማሠጡ።,It was reported to Jacob: ‘The Amorite kings have just surrounded your sons and have carried off their flocks by force’. ወተንሥአ እምነ ቤቱ ውእቱ ወሠለስቲሆሙ ውሉዱ ወኵሎሙ ደቀ አቡሁ ወደቁ ወሖረ ላዕሌሆሙ በስሳ ምእት ዕድ እለ ይጸውሩ አስይፍተ።,"He set out from his house — he, his three sons, all his father’s servants, and his servants — and went against them with 6000 men who carried swords." ወቀተሎሙ በውስተ ጺኦት ዘሰቂሞን ወዴገኑ እለ ጐዩ ወቀተሎሙ በአፈ ሰይፍ ወቀተሎ ለአሬስ ወለታፉ ወለሰሬጋን ወለሲሎ ወለአማኒሰኪር ወለጋጋአስ።,"He killed them in the field of Shechem, and they pursued the ones who ran away. He killed them with the blade of the sword. He killed Ares, Tafu, Saregan, Silo, Amanisakir, and Gagaas" ወአስተጋብአ መራዕዪሁ ወዐብየ ላዕሌሆሙ ወሠርዐ ጸባሕተ ላዕሌሆሙ ከመ የሀብዎ ጸባሕተ ኃምስተ ፍሬ ምድሮሙ ወሐነጸ ሮቤልሃ ወተምናታሬስሃ።,and collected his flocks. He got control of them and imposed tribute on them so that they should give him as tribute five of their land’s products. He built Robel and Tamnatares ወተመይጠ በሰላም ወገብረ ምስሌሆሙ ሰላመ ወኮንዎ አግብርተ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ወረዱ ውእቱ ወውሉዱ ውስተ ግብጽ።,"and returned safely. He made peace with them, and they became his servants until the day that he and his sons went down to Egypt." ወበሳብዕ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱባዔ ፈነወ ዮሴፍሃ ከመ ያእምር ሰላሞሙ ለአኀዊሁ እምቤቱ ውስተ ምድረ ሰቂሞን ወረከቦሙ በምድረ ዶታኢም።,During the seventh year of this week [2149] he sent Joseph from his house to the land of Shechem to find out about his brothers’ welfare. He found them in the land of Dothan. ወሐብለይዎ ወገብሩ ላዕሌሁ ምክረ ከመ ይቅትልዎ ወተመይጦሙ ሤጥዎ ለነጋዲተ እስማኤላዊያን ወአውረድዎ ግብጽ ወሤጥዎ ለፉጢፋራን ለኅፅወ ፈርዖን ሊቀ መብስላን ሣውዕ ዘሀገረ ኤሌው።,"They acted in a treacherous way and made a plan against him to kill him; but, after changing their minds, they sold him to a traveling band of Ishmaelites. They brought him down to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, the pharaoh’s eunuch, the chief cook, and the priest of the city Elew." ወውሉደ ያዕቆብ ዘብሑ ደቤላ ጠሊ ወጸንቀቁ ልብሶ ለዮሴፍ በደሙ ወፈነዉ ኀበ ያዕቆብ አቡሆሙ አመ ዐሡሩ ለወርኅ ሳብዕ።,"Jacob’s sons slaughtered a he-goat, stained Joseph’s clothing by dipping it in its blood, and sent (it) to their father Jacob on the tenth of the seventh month." ወለሐወ ኵላ ይእተ ሌሊተ እስመ ሰርከ አምጽኡ ሎቱ ኪያሁ ወፈፀነ በላሐ ሞቱ ወይቤ ከመ አርዌ ፀዋግ በልዖ ለዮሴፍ ወላሐዉ ምስሌሁ ኵሉ ሰብአ ቤቱ በዛቲ ዕለት ወሀለዉ እንዘ የሐምሙ ወይላሕዉ ምስሌሁ ኵላ ይእተ ዕለተ።,He mourned all that night because they had brought it to him in the evening. He became feverish through mourning his death and said that a wild animal had eaten Joseph. That day all the people of his household mourned with him. They continued to be distressed and to mourn with him all that day. ወተንሥኡ ውሉዱ ወወለቱ ከመ ይናዝዝዎ ወኢተናዘዘ በእንተ ወልዱ።,"His sons and daughter set about consoling him, but he was inconsolable for his son." ወበውእቱ ዕለት ሰምዐት ባላን ከመ ተሐጕለ ዮሴፍ ወእንዘ ትላሕዎ ሞተት ወይእቲ ሀለወት ትነብር ውስተ ቀፍራቴፋ ወዲናኒ ወለቱ ሞተት እምድኅረ ተሐጕለ ዮሴፍ ወበጽሖሙ ለእስራኤል ዝንቱ ሠለስቱ ላሕ በወርኅ አሐዱ።,"That day Bilhah heard that Joseph had perished. While she was mourning for him, she died. She had been hving in Qafratefa. His daughter Dinah, too, died after Joseph had perished. These three (reasons for) mourning came to Israel in one month." ወቀበርዋ ለባላን አንጸረ መቃብራ ለራሔል ወዲናሃኒ ወለቶ ቀበሩ ህየ።,"They buried Bilhah opposite Rachel’s grave, and they buried his daughter Dinah there as well." ወሀሎ እንዘ ይላሑ ድኅሬሁ ለዮሴፍ ዓመተ አሐደ ወኢነገፈ እስመ ይቤ እረድ ውስተ መቃብር እንዘ እላሑ በእንተ ወልድየ።,He continued mourning Joseph for one year and was not comforted but said: ‘May I go down to the grave mourning for my son’. በእንተዝ ተሠርዐ ዲበ ውሉደ እስራኤል ከመ ይሕመሙ በዐሡር ወርኅ በሳብዕ አመ ዕለተ በጽሐ ዘያበኪ ዮሴፍሃ ኀበ ያዕቆብ አቡሁ ከመ ያስተስሪ ባቲ ሎቱ በእጕለ አጣሊ አመ ዐሡሩ ለወርኅ ሳብዕ ምዕረ ለዓመት በእንተ ኀጢአቶሙ እስመ አሕዘኑ ምሕረተ አቡሆሙ በእንተ ዮሴፍ ወልዱ።,"For this reason, it has been ordained regarding the Israelites that they should be distressed on the tenth of the seventh month — on the day when (the news) which made (him) lament Joseph reached his father Jacob — in order to make atonement for themselves on it with a kid — on the tenth of the seventh month, once a year — for their sins. For they had saddened their father’s (feelings of) affection for his son Joseph." ወተሠርዐት ዛቲ ዕለት ከመ ይሕዘኑ ባቲ በእንተ ኀጢአቶሙ ወበእንተ ኵሉ አበሳሆሙ ወበእንተ ኵሉ ስሕተቶሙ ከመ ያንጽሑ ርእሶሙ በዛቲ ዕለት ምዕረ ለዓመት።,"This day has been ordained so that they may be saddened on it for their sins, all their transgressions, and all their errors; so that they may purify themselves on this day once a year." ወእምድኅረ ተሐጕለ ዮሴፍ ነሥኡ ለርእሶሙ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ አንስቲያ ስማ ለብእሲተ ሮቤል ኦዳ ወስማ ለብእሲተ ስምዖን አዴባአ ከነናዊት ወስማ ለብእሲተ ሌዊ ሜልካ እምአዋልደ አራም እምዘርአ ውሉደ ታራን ወስማ ለብእሲተ ይሁዳ ቤተሱኤል ከነናዊት ወስማ ለብእሲተ ይሳኮር ሔዘቃ ወስማ ለብእሲተ ዛብሎን [ኔኤማን ?] ወስማ ለብእሲተ ዳን ኤግላ ወስማ ለብእሲተ ንፍታሌም ራሱኡ እንተ መስጴጦምያ ወስማ ለብእሲተ ጋድ ማከ ወስማ ለብእሲተ አሴር ኢዮና ወስማ ለብእሲተ ዮሴፍ አስኔት ግብጻዊት ወስማ ለብእሲተ ብንያም ኢያስከ።,"After Joseph had perished, Jacob’s sons took wives for themselves. The name of Reuben’s wife was Oda; the name of Simeon’s wife was Adebaa, the Canaanitess; the name of Levi’s wife was Melcha, one of the daughters of Aram — one of the descendants of Terah’s sons; the name of Judah’s wife was Betasuel, the Canaanitess; the name of Issachar’s wife was Hezaqa; the name of Zebulun’s wife was [Neeman]; the name of Dan’s wife was Egla; the name of Naphtali’s wife was Rasu’u of Mesopotamia; the name of Gad’s wife was Maka; the name of Asher’s wife was Iyona; the name of Joseph’s wife was Asenath, the Egyptian, and the name of Benjamin’s wife was Iyaska." ወተመይጦ ስምዖን ነሥአ ብእሲተ እምነ መስጴጦምያ ካልእተ ከመ አኀዊሁ።,"Simeon, after changing his mind, married another woman from Mesopotamia like his brothers." ወበቀዳሚ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ቀዳሚ በዘ አርብዓ ወኃምስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ጸውዐቶ ርብቃ ለያዕቆብ ወልዳ ወአዘዘቶ በእንተ አቡሁ ወበእንተ እኁሁ ከመ ያክብሮሙ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወቱ ለያዕቆብ።,"During the first year of the first week in the forty-fifth jubilee [2157], Rebecca summoned her son Jacob and ordered him regarding his father and brother that he was to honor them throughout Jacob’s entire lifetime." ወይቤ ያዕቆብ አነ እገብር ኵሎ ዘከመ አዘዝክኒ እስመ ክብር ወዕበይ ሊተ ዝንቱ ነገር ወጽድቅ ሊተ በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ከመ አክብሮሙ።,Jacob said: ‘I will do everything just as you ordered me because this matter will be something honorable and great for me; it will be a righteous act for me before the Lord that I should honor them. ወአንቲኒ እሞ ታአሞሪ እምዕለተ ተወለድኩ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት ኵሎ ምግባርየ ወኵሎ ዘውስተ ልብየ ከመ ኵሎ መዋዕለ እኄሊ ሠናየ ለኵሉ።,"You, mother, know everything I have done and all my thoughts from the day I was born until today — that at all times I think of what is good for all." ወእፎ ኢይግብር ነገረ ዘአዘዝክኒ ከመ አክብር አባየ ወእኅዋየ።,How shall I not do what you have ordered me — that I should honor my father and brother? ንግርኒ እሞ ምንተ ርኢኪ በላዕሌየ ጥውየተ ወተግሕሦ እትገሐሥ እምኔሁ ወይከውን ላዕሌየ ሣህል።,"Tell me, mother, what impropriety you have noticed in me and I will certainly turn away from it and will experience mercy’." ወትቤሎ ወልድየ ኵሎን መዋዕልየ አልቦ ዘርኢኩ በላዕሌከ ምንተኒ ግብረ ጠዋየ አላ ርቱዐ ወባሕቱ ጽድቀ እነግረከ ወልድየ አነ በዛቲ ዓመት እመውት ወኢይትዐደው ዛተ ዓመተ በሕይወት እስመ ርኢኩ በሕልም ዕለተ ሞትየ ከመ ኢየሐዩ ፈድፋደ እምእት ወኀምሳ ወኀምስ ዓመት ወናሁ አነ ፈጸምኩ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወትየ ዘሀሎኩ እሕየው።,"She said to him: ‘My son, throughout my entire lifetime I have noticed no improper act in you but only proper one(s). However, I will tell you the truth, my son: I will die during this year and will not make it alive through this year because I have seen the day of my death in a dream — that I will not live more than 155 years. Now I have completed my entire lifetime that I am to live’." ወሠሐቀ ያዕቆብ በእንተ ነገረ እሙ እስመ ትቤሎ እሙ ከመ ትመውት ወይእቲሰ ትነብር አንጻሪሁ ወኀይላ ላዕሌሃ ወኢደክመት እምኀይላ እስመ ትበውእ ወትወፅእ ወትሬኢ ወአስናኒሃኒ ጽኑዕ ወምንተኒ ሕማም ኢለከፋ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወታ።,"Jacob laughed at what his mother was saying because his mother said to him that she would die, but she was sitting in front of him in possession of her strength. She had lost none of her strength because she could come and go; she could see and her teeth were strong. No sickness had touched her throughout her entire lifetime." ወይቤላ ያዕቆብ ብፁዕ አነ እሞ እመ ቀርበ መዋዕልየ ለመዋዕለ ሕይወትኪ ወይሄሉ ኀይልየ ላዕሌየ ከመዝ በከመ ኀይልኪ ወኢትመውቲ እስመ በከ በጸው ትትናገሪ ምስሌየ በእንተ ሞትኪ።,"Jacob said to her: ‘Mother, I would be fortunate if my lifetime approached your lifetime and (if) my strength would remain with me in the way your strength has. You are not going to die but rather have jokingly spoken idle nonsense with me about your death’." ወቦአት ኀበ ይስሐቅ ወትቤሎ አሐተ ስእለተ አስተበቍዕ በኀቤከ እምሕሎ ለዔሳው ከመ ኢያሕስም ላዕለ ያዕቆብ ወኢይስድዶ በጸልእ እስመ አንተ ታአምር ኅሊናሁ ለዔሳው ከመ ፀዋግ ውእቱ እምንእሱ ወአልቦ ላዕሌሁ ኂሩተ እስመ ይፈቅድ ውእቱ እምድኅረ ሞትከ ይቅትሎ።,She went in to Isaac and said to him: ‘I am making one request of you: make Esau swear that he will not harm Jacob and not pursue him in hatred. For you know the way Esau thinks — that he has been malicious since his youth and that he is devoid of virtue because he wishes to kill him after your death. ወአንተ ታአምር መጠነ ገብረ ኵሎ እምአመ ዕለተ ሖረ ያዕቆብ እኁሁ ውስተ ካራን እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት ከመ በኵሉ ልቡ ኀደገነ ወገብረ ምስሌነ እኩየ መራዕየከ አስተጋብአ ወኵሎ ጥሪተከ ሄደከ እምቅድመ ገጽከ።,You know everything that he has done from the day his brother Jacob went to Haran until today — that he has wholeheartedly abandoned us. He has treated us badly; he has gathered your flocks and has taken all your possessions away from you by force. ወእንዘ ናስተበቍዕ ንስእሎ ዘእምዚአነ ወውእቱ ይሬሲ ከመ ዘብእሲ ዘይምሕረነ።,"When we would ask him in a pleading way for what belonged to us, he would act like someone who was being charitable to us." ወያመርር ላዕሌከ በእንተ ዘባረከ ያዕቆብሃ ወልደከ ፍጹማዊ ወራትዐ እስመ አልቦ እከየ ዘእንበለ ኂሩት ወእምአመ መጽአ ምእካራን እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት ኢያኅፀፀ ለነ ወኢምንተኒ እስመ ኵሎ ያመጽእ ለነ በበ ጊዜሁ ኵሎ ዕለተ ወይትሬሣሕ በኵሉ ለቡ ሶበ ንነሥእ እምእዴሁ ወይባርከነ ወኢተፈልጠ እምኔነ እምአመ ዕለተ መጽአ እምካራን እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት ወውእቱ ይነብር ምስሌነ ዘልፈ ውስተ ቤት እንዘ ያከብረነ።,"He is behaving bitterly toward you due to the fact that you blessed your perfect and true son Jacob since he has virtue only, no evil. From the time he came from Haran until today he has not deprived us of anything but he always brings us everything in its season. He is wholeheartedly happy when we accept (anything) from him, and he blesses us. He has not separated from us from the day he came from Haran until today. He has continually been living with us at home (all the while) honoring us’." ወይቤላ ይስሐቅ አነኒ አአምር ወእሬኢ ግብረ ያዕቆብ ዘምስሌነ ከመ በኵሉ ልቡ ውእቱ ያከብረነ አፍቀርክዎ ለዔሳው ቀዲሙ እምነ ያዕቆብ እምዘተወልደ ወይእዜ አፈቅር ያዕቆብሃ እምነ ዔሳው እስመ አብዝኀ አእክዮ ምግባሪሁ ወአልቦ ጽድቀ ሎቱ እስመ ኵሉ ፍኖቱ ዐመፃ ወግፍዕ ወአልቦ ጽድቀ ሎቱ ዐውዶ።,"Isaac said to her. ‘I, too, know and see the actions of Jacob who is with us — that he wholeheartedly honors us. At first I did love Esau more than Jacob, after he was born; but now I love Jacob more than Esau because he has done so many bad things and lacks (the ability to do) what is right. For the entire way he acts is (characterized by) injustice and violence and there is no justice about him." ወይእዜኒ ልብየ ይትሀወክ በእንተ ምግባራቲሁ ወኢኮነ ውእቱ ወዘርኡ ለድኂን እስመ እለ ይትሐጐሉ እሙንቱ እምነ ምድር ወእለ ይሤረዉ እሙንቱ እምታሕተ ሰማይ እስመ አምላከ አብርሃም ኀደገ ወሖረ ድኅረ አንስቲያሁ ድኅረ ርኵስ ወድኅረ ስሕተቶን ውእቱ ወውሉዱ።,"Now my mind is disturbed about his actions. Neither he nor his descendants are to be saved because they will be destroyed from the earth and be uprooted from beneath the sky. For he has abandoned the God of Abraham and has gone after his wives, after impurity, and after their errors — he and his sons." ወአንቲኒ ትብልኒ ከመ አምሕሎ ከመ ኢይቅትል እኅዋሁ ያዕቆብሃ እመኒ መሐለ ኢይሄሉ ወኢይገብር ኂሩተ ዘእንበለ እከይ።,"You are saying to me that I should make him swear not to kill his brother Jacob. Even if he does swear, it will not happen. He will not do what is virtuous but rather what is evil." ወእመኒ ፈቀደ ይቅትል ያዕቆብሃ እኅዋሁ ውስተ እደ ያዕቆብ ይትወሀብ ወኢያመሥጥ እምእዴሁ እስመ ውስተ እዴሁ ይወርድ።,"If he wishes to kill his brother Jacob, he will be handed over to Jacob and will not escape from his control but will fall into his control." ወአንተኒ ኢትፍርሂ በእንተ ያዕቆብ እስመ ዐቃቢሁ ለያዕቆብ ዐቢይ ወኀያል ወክቡር ወእኩት እምዐቃቢሁ ለዔሳው።,"Now you are not to be afraid for Jacob because Jacob’s guardian is greater and more powerful, glorious, and praiseworthy than Esau’s guardian’." ወለአክት ርብቃ ወጸውዐቶ ለዔሳው ወመጽአ ኀቤሃ ወትቤሎ ስእለተ ብየ ወልድየ እንተ እስእል እምኀቤከ ወበል ከመ ትግበራ ወልድየ።,"Then Rebecca sent and summoned Esau. When he had come to her, she said to him: ‘I have a request that I will make of you, my son; say that you will do it, my son’." ወይቤ አነ እገብር ኵሎ ዘትቤልኒ ወኢየአቢ ስእለተኪ።,He said: ‘I will do anything you tell me; I will not refuse your request’. ወትቤሎ አነ እስእል እምኀቤከ በዕለተ አመ ሞትኩ ከመ ታብአኒ ወትቅብረኒ ቅሩበ ሳራ እመ አቡከ ወከመ ትትፋቀሩ አንተ ወያዕቆብ በበይናቲክሙ ወኢይኅሥሥ እኩየ አሐዱ ለእኁሁ ዘእንበለ ተፋቅሮ ክመ ወትሴርሑ ውሉድየ ወትከብሩ በማእከለ ምድር ወኢይትፌሣሕ ላእሌክሙ ጸላኢ ወትከውኑ ለበረከት ወለምሕረት በቅድመ አዕይንቲሆሙ ለኵሎሙ እለ ያፈቅሩክሙ።,"She said to him: ‘I ask of you that on the day I die you bring me and bury me near your father’s mother Sarah; and that you and Jacob love one another, and that the one not aim at what is bad for his brother but only at loving one another. Then you will be prosperous, my sons, and be honored on the earth. Your enemy will not be happy over you. You will become a blessing and an object of kindness in the view of all who love you’." ወይቤ አነ እገብር ኵሎ ዘትቤልኒ ወእቀብረኪ አመ ዕለተ ሞትኪ ቅሩበ ሳራ እሙ ለአቡየ በከመ አፍቀርኪ አዕጽምቲሃ ከመ የሀሉ ቅሩበ አዕጽምቲኪ።,He said: ‘I will do everything that you say to me. I will bury you on the day of your death near my father’s mother Sarah as you have desired that her bones may be near your bones. ወያዕቆብሃኒ እኅዋየ አነ አፈቅር እምኵሉ ዘሥጋ ወአልቦ ሊተ እኅወ በውስተ ኵሉ ምድር ዘእንበለ ውእቱ ባሕቲቱ ወአኮ ዐቢይ ዝንቱ ሊተ እመ አፍቀርክዎ እስመ እኁየ ውእቱ ወኅቡረ ተዘራእነ በማእከለ ከርሥኪ ወኅቡረ ወፃእነ እምሕረትኪ ወእመ ኢያፍቀርኩ እኅዋየ መነ አፈቅር።,"My brother Jacob I will love more than all mankind. I have no brother on the entire earth but him alone. This is no great thing for me if I love him because he is my brother. We were conceived together in your belly and we emerged together from your womb. If I do not love my brother, whom shall I love?" ወአነ ክመ አስተበቍዐኪ ከመ ትገሥጽዮ ለያዕቆብ በእንቲአየ ወበእንተ ውሉድየ እስመ አአምር ከመ ነጊሠ ይነግሥ ላዕሌየ ወላዕለ ውሉድየ እስመ አመ ዕለተ ባረኮ አቡየ ኪያሁ ረሰየ ልዑለ ወኪያየ ትሑተ።,I myself ask of you that you instruct Jacob about me and my sons because I know that he will indeed rule over me and my sons. For on the day when my father blessed him he made him the superior and me the inferior one. ወአነ እምሕል ለኪ ከመ አፈቅሮ ወከመ ኢይትኀሠሥ ሎቱ እኩየ ኵሎ መዋዕል ሕይወትየ ዘእንበለ ሠናይ ክመ ወመሐለ ላቲ በእንተዝ ኵሉ ነገር።,I swear to you that I will love him and that throughout my entire lifetime I will not aim at what is bad for him but only at what is good’. He swore to her about this entire matter. ወጸውዐቶ ለያዕቆብ በቅድመ አዕይንቲሁ ለዔሳው ወአዘዘቶ በከመ ነገር ዘተናገረት ምስለ ዔሳው።,She summoned Jacob in front of Esau and gave him orders in line with what she had discussed with Esau. ወይቤ አነ እገብር ሥምረተኪ ተሐበይኒ ከመ ኢይወፅእ እምኔየ ወእምነ ውሉድየ እኩይ ላዕለ ዔሳው ኢይቀድም ዘእንበለ ተፋቅሮ ክመ።,He said: ‘I will do what pleases you. Trust me that nothing bad against Esau will come from me or my sons. I will not be first except in love only’. ወበልዑ ወሰትዩ ይእቲ ወውሉዳ በይእቲ ሌሊት ወሞተት ወለተ ሠለስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ወሱባዔ አሐዱ ወዓመት አሐዱ በዛቲ ሌሊት ወቀበርዋ ክልኤሆሙ ውሉዳ ዔሳው ወያዕቆብ ውስተ በአት ዘእንተ ክልኤ ቅሩበ ሳራ እመ አቡሆሙ።,"She and her sons ate and drank that night. She died that night at the age of three jubilees, one week, and one year [= 155 years]. Her two sons Esau and Jacob buried her in the twofold cave near their father’s mother Sarah." ወበሳድስ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱበዔ ጸውዐ ይስሐቅ ክልዔሆሙ ውሉዶ ዔሳውሃ ወያዕቆብሃ ወመጽኡ ኀቤሁ ወይቤሎሙ አነ ደቂቅየ አሐውር ውስተ ፍኖተ አበዊየ ውስተ ቤት ዘለዓለም ኀበ ሀለዉ ህየ አበዊየ።,"During the sixth year of this week [2162] Isaac summoned his two sons Esau and Jacob. When they had come to him, he said to them: ‘My children, I am going on the way of my fathers, to the eternal home where my fathers are." ወቅብሩኒ ቅሩበ አብርሃም አቡየ ውስተ በአት ዘካዕበት ውስተ ገራህተ ኤፍሮን ኬጣዊ ዘአጥረየ አብርሃም ለዝኅረ መቃብር ህየ ውስተ መቃብር ዘከረይኩ ለርእስየ ህየ ቅብሩኒ።,"Bury me near my father Abraham in the double cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite which Abraham acquired to (have) a burial place there. There, in the grave that I dug for myself, bury me." ወዘንተ እኤዝዘክሙ ውሉድየ ከመ ትግበሩ ጽድቀ ወርትዐ በዲበ ምድር ከመ ያምጽእ እግዚአብሔር ላዕሌክሙ ኵሎ ዘመጠነ ነገሮ እግዚአብሔር ይግበር ለአብርሃም ወለዘርኡ።,"This is what I am ordering you, my sons: that you do what is right and just on the earth so that the Lord may bring on you everything which the Lord said that he would do for Abraham and his descendants." ወኩኑ ውሉድየ በበይናቲክሙ እንዘ ታፈቅሩ አኀዊክሙ ከመ ብእሲ ዘያፈቅር ነፍሶ ወእንዘ የኀሥሥ ብእሲ ለእኁሁ በዘያሤኒ ሎቱ ወበገቢር ኅቡረ በዲበ ምድር ወይትፋቀሩ በበይናቲሆሙ ከመ ነፍሶሙ።,"Practice brotherly love among yourselves, my sons, like a man who loves himself, with each one aiming at doing what is good for his brother and at doing things together on the earth. May they love one another as themselves." ወበእንተ ነገረ ጣዖት አነ እጌሥጸክሙ ከመ ትመንንዎሙ ወትፃረርዎሙ ወከመ ኢታፍቅርዎሙ እስመ ስሕተት ምሉኣን እሙንቱ ለእለ ያመልክዎሙ ወለእለ ይሰግዱ ሎሙ።,"Regarding the matter of idols, I am instructing you to reject them, to be an enemy of them, and not to love them because they are full of errors for those who worship them and who bow to them." ተዘከርዎ ውሉድየ ለእግዚአብሔር ለአምላከ አብርሃም አቡክሙ ወእምዝ አነኒ አምለክዎ ወተቀነይኩ ሎቱ ዘበ ጽድቅ ወበስፉሕ ከመ ያብዝኅክሙ ወያልህቅ ዘርእክሙ ከመ ከዋክብተ ሰማይ ለብዝኅ ወይትክልክሙ ውስተ ምድር ተክለ ጽድቅ ዘኢይሤረው ለኵሉ ትውልድ ዘለዓለም።,"My sons, remember the Lord, the God of your father Abraham (afterwards I, too, worshiped and served him properly and sincerely) so that he may make you numerous and increase your descendants in number like the stars of the sky and plant you in the earth as a righteous plant which will not be uprooted throughout all the history of eternity." ወይእዜኒ አነ አምሕለክሙ በመሐላ ዐቢይ እስመ አልቦ መሐላ ዘእምኔሁ የዐቢ በስም ስቡሕ ወክቡር ወዐቢይ ስሩሕ ወመንክር ወኀያል ወዐቢይ ዘገብረ ሰማያተ ወምድረ ወኵሎ ኅቡረ ከመ ትኩኑ እለ ትፈርህዎ ወእለ ታመልክዎ።,"Now I will make you swear with the great oath — because there is no oath which is greater than it, by the praiseworthy, illustrious, and great, splendid, marvelous, powerful, and great name which made the heavens and the earth and everything together — that you will continue to fear and worship him," ወእንዘ ያፈቅር አሐዱ አሐዱ እኅዋሁ በምሕረት ወበጽድቅ ወኢይፍቅድ ብእሲ እኩየ ለእኁሁ እምይእዜ ወእስከ ለዓለም ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወትክሙ ከመ ትስርሑ በኵሉ ምግባሪክሙ ወኢትትሐጐሉ።,"as each loves his brother kindly and properly. One is not to desire what is bad for his brother now and forever, throughout your entire lifetime, so that you may be prosperous in everything that you do and not be destroyed." ወእመቦ ዘኀሠሠ እምኔክሙ እኩየ ለእኁሁ አእምሩ እምይእዜ ከመ ኵሉ ዘየኀሥሥ እኩየ ለእኁሁ ውስተ እዴሁ ይወድቅ ወይሤሮ እምድረ ሕያዋን ወዘርኡሂ ይትሐጐል እምታሕተ ሰማይ።,"If one of you aims at what is bad for his brother, be aware that from now on anyone who aims at what is bad for his brother will fall into his control and will be uprooted from the land of the living, while his descendants will be destroyed from beneath the sky." ወአመ ዕለተ ሀከክ ወመርገም ወመዓት ወቍጥዓ ወበእሳት በላዒ በከመ አውዐየ ሰዶምሃ ከማሁ ያውዒ ምድሮ ወሀገሮ ወኵሎ ዘይከውን ዚአሁ ወይደመሰስ እመጽሐፈ ተግሣጸ ሰብእ ወኢየዐርግ ውስተ መጽሐፈ ሕይወት እስመ ውስተ ዘይትሐጐል ወየኀልፍ ለመርገም ዘለዓለም ከመ ለኵሉ መዋዕል ይኩን ደይኖሙ እንዘ ትትሔደስ በጽእለት ወመርገም ወበመዓት ወበፃዕር ወበቍጥዓ ወበመቅሠፍት ወበደዌ ዘለዓለም።,"On the day of turmoil and curse, of anger and wrath — with a blazing fire that devours — he will burn his land, his city, and everything that belongs to him just as he burned Sodom. He will be erased from the disciplinary book of mankind. He will not be entered in the book of life but in the one that will be destroyed. He will pass over to an eternal curse so that their punishment may always be renewed with denunciation and curse, with anger, pain, and wrath, and with blows and eternal sickness." አነ እነግር ወአሰምዕ ላዕሌክሙ ውሉድየ በከመ ኵነኔ ዘይመጽእ ዲበ ብእሲ ዘይፈቅድ ይግበር ሕሡመ ላዕለ እኁሁ።,"I am reporting and testifying to you, my sons, in accord with the punishment which will come on the man who wishes to do what is harmful to his brother’." ወከፈለ ኵሎ ዘቦ ጥሪቶ ለክልኤሆሙ በይእቲ ዕለት ወወሀበ ዕበየ ለብእሲ ዘውእቱ ቀደመ ተወልዶ ወማኅፈደ ኵሎ ዘአውዳ ወኵሎ ዘአጥረየ አብርሃም በኀበ ዐዘቅተ መሐላ።,"That day he divided all the property that he owned between the two of them. He gave the larger part to the man who was the first to be born along with the tower, everything around it, and everything that Abraham had acquired at the well of the oath." ወይቤ ዛተ አዐቢ ዕበየ ለብእሲ ዘውእቱ ቀደመ ተወልዶ።,He said: ‘I am making this portion larger for the man who was the first to be born’. ወይቤ ዔሳው ሤጥኩ ሎቱ ለያዕቆብ ወወሀብኩ ልህቃንየ ለያዕቆብ ይትወሀብ ሎቱ ወአልብየ ዘእብል በእንቲአሃ ምንተኒ ቃለ እስመ ኀቤሁ ሀለወት።,But Esau said: ‘I sold (it) to Jacob; I gave my birthright to Jacob. It is to be given to him. I will say absolutely nothing about it because it belongs to him’. ወይቤ ይስሐቅ ታዕርፍ ዲቤክሙ ውሉድየ በረከት ወላዕለ ዘርእክሙ በዛቲ ዕለት እስመ አዕረፍክሙኒ ወኢሐዘነ ልብየ በእንተ ልህቃን ከመ ኢትግበር በእንቲአሃ ፁገ።,"Isaac then said: ‘May a blessing rest on you, my sons, and on your descendants today because you have given me rest. My mind is not saddened regarding the birthright — lest you do something perverse about it." ይባርኮ እግዚአብሔር ልዑል ለብእሲ ዘይገብር ጽድቀ ኪያሁ ወዘርኡ እስከ ለዓለም።,May the most high Lord bless the man who does what is right — him and his descendants forever’. ወፈጸመ እንዘ ይኤዝዞሙ ወእንዘ ይባርኮሙ ወበልዑ ወሰትዩ በቅድሜሁ ኅቡረ ወተፈሥሐ እስመ ኮነ ዐርዮ በማእከሎሙ ወወፅኡ እምኀቤሁ ወአዕረፉ ይእተ ዕለተ ወኖሙ።,"When he had finished giving them orders and blessing them, they ate and drank together in front of him. He was happy because there was agreement between them. They left him, rested that day, and fell asleep." ወኖመ ይስሐቅ ውስተ ዐራቱ በዛቲ ዕለት እንዘ ይትፌሣሕ ወኖመ ንዋመ ዘለዓለም ወሞተ ወልደ ምእት ወሰማንያ ዓመት ዕሥራ ወኀምስ ሱባዔ ፈጸመ ወኀምስተ ዓመተ ወቀበርዎ ክልኤሆሙ ውሉዱ ዔሳው ወያዕቆብ።,That day Isaac was happy as he fell asleep on his bed. He fell asleep forever and died at the age of 180 years. He had completed 25 weeks and five years. His two sons Esau and Jacob buried him. ወሖረ ዔሳው ውስተ ምድረ ኤዶም ውስተ ደብረ ሲር ወነበረ ህየ።,"Esau went to the land of Edom — to Mt. Seir — and lived there," ወያዕቆብ ኀደረ ውስተ ደብረ ኬብሮን ውስተ ማኅፈድ ዘምድረ ፍልሰተ አቡሁ አብርሃም ወአምለኮ ለእግዚአብሔር በኵሉ ልቡ ወበከመ ትእዛዛት ዘያስተርኢ በከመ ፈለጠ ዘመዋዕለ ልደቱ።,"while Jacob lived on the mountain of Hebron, in the tower (which was located in) the land where his father Abraham had resided as a foreigner. He worshiped the Lord wholeheartedly and in line with the visible commands according to the division of the times of his generation." ወሞተት ልያ ብእሲቱ በዓመት ራብዕ ዘሱባዔ ካልእ ዘአርብዓ ወኃምስ ኢዮቤልዉ ወቀበራ ውስተ በአት ዘእንተ ክልኤ ቅሩበ ርብቃ እሙ በፀጋሙ ለመቃብረ ሳራ እመ አቡሁ።,"His wife Leah died during the fourth year of the second week of the forty-fifth jubilee [2167]. He buried her in the twofold cave near his mother Rebecca, on the left of his grandmother Sarah’s grave." ወመጽኡ ኵሎሙ ውሉዳ ወውሉዱ ከመ ይብክይዋ ልያሃ ብእሲቶ ምስሌሁ ወከመ ይናዝዝዎ በእንቲአሃ እስመ ሀሎ ይላሕዋ።,All her sons and his sons came to mourn with him for his wife Leah and to comfort him regarding her because he was lamenting her. እስመ ያፈቅራ ፈድፋደ ጥቀ እምአመ ሞተት ራሔል እኅታ እስመ ፍጽምት ወራትዕት ይእቲ በኵሉ ፍናዊሃ ወታከብሮ ለያዕቆብ ወበኵሉ መዋዕል ዘሐይወት ምስሌሁ ኢሰምዐ እምአፉሃ ቃለ ድሩከ እስመ የዋሂት ወሰላመ ወርትዐ ወክብረ ባቲ።,"For he loved her very much from the time when her sister Rachel died because she was perfect and right in all her behavior and honored Jacob. In all the time that she lived with him he did not hear a harsh word from her mouth because she was gentle and possessed (the virtues of) peace, truthfulness, and honor." ወይእዜኒ አምሐለነ አቡነ ኪያየ ወኪያሁ ከመ ኢንትኃሠሥ በእከይ አሐዱ ላዕለ እኁሁ ወከመ ነሀሉ በተፋቅሮ ወበሰላም ብእሲ ምስለ እኁሁ ወኢናማስን ፍናዊነ።,"Now our father has made us — me and him — swear that we will not aim at what is bad, the one against his brother, and that we will continue in (a state of) mutual love and peace, each with his brother, so that we should not corrupt our behavior’." ወይቤልዎ ኢንሰምዐከ ለገቢር ምስሌሁ ሰላመ እስመ ኀይለ ዚአነ ይጸንዕ እምኀይሉ ወንሕነ ንጸንዕ እምኔሁ ነሐውር ላዕሌሁ ወንቀትሎ ወናሐጕል ውሉዶ ወለእመ ኢተሐውር ምስሌነ ለከሂ ናሐስም።,"They said to him: ‘We will not listen to you by making peace with him because our strength is greater than his strength, and we are stronger than he is. We will go against him, kill him, and destroy his sons. If you do not go with us, we will harm you, too." ወይእዜኒ ስምዐነ ወንፈኑ ውስተ አራም ወውስተ ፍልስጥኤም ወውስተ ሞአብ ወውስተ አሞን ወንኅረይ ለርእስነ ኅሩያነ ሰብአ እለ ይዳለጉ ውስተ ቀትል ወንሖር ላዕሌሁ ወንትቃተል ምስሌሁ ወንሠርዎ እምድር እንበለ የአኀዝ ኀይለ።,"Now hsten to us; let us send to Aram, Philistia, Moab, and Ammon; and let us choose for ourselves select men who are brave in battle. Then let us go against him, fight with him, and uproot him from the earth before he gains strength’." ወይቤሎሙ አቡሆሙ ኢትሖሩ ወኢትግበሩ ምስሌሁ ፀብአ ከመ ኢትደቁ ቅድሜሁ።,Their father said to them: ‘Do not go and do not make war with him so that you may not fall before him’. ወይቤልዎ ዝኑ ክመ ግብርከ ዘእምውርዙትከ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት ወአንተ ታበውእ ክሳደከ ታሕተ አርዑቱ ኢንሰምዕ ንሕነሰ ዘንተ ነገረ።,They said to him: ‘Is this not the very way you have acted from your youth until today. You are putting your neck beneath his yoke. We will not listen to what you are saying’. ወፈነዉ ውስተ አራም ወኀበ አዱራም ኀበ ዐርከ አቡሆሙ ወተዓሰቡ ምስሌሆሙ ዐሠርተ ምእተ መስተባእሳነ ዕደወ ወስተቃትላነ ኅሩያነ።,"So they sent to Aram and to their father’s friend Aduram. Together with them they hired for themselves 1000 fighting men, select warriors." ወመጽኡ ኀቤሆሙ እምነ ሞአብ ወእምኀበ ውሉደ አሞን እለ ተዓሰቡ ዐሠርቱ ምእት ኅሩያን ወእምነ ፍልስጥኤም ዐሠርቱ ምእት ኅሩያን መስተቃትላን ወእምኤዶም ወእምነ ኮሬውስ ዐሠርቱ ምእት ኅሩያን መስተባእሳን ወእምነ ኬጤዎን ዕደው ጽኑዓን መስተቃትላን።,"There came to them from Moab and from the Ammonites 1000 select men who were hired; from the Philistines 1000 select warriors; from Edom and the Horites 1000 select fighters, and from the Kittim strong warriors." ወይቤልዎ ለአቡሆሙ ፃእ ምርሖሙ ወእመአኮ ንቀትለከ።,"They said to their father: ‘Go out; lead them. Otherwise, we will kill you’." ወመልአ መዓተ ወቍጥዓ በጊዜ ርእየ ውሉዶ ከመ ይትኤገልዎ ከመ ይሖር ቅድመ ይምርሖሙ ኀበ ያዕቆብ እኀሁ።,He was filled with anger and wrath when he saw that his sons were forcing him to go in front in order to lead them to his brother Jacob. ወእምዝ ተዘከረ ኵሎ እከየ እንተ ሀሎት ውስተ ልቡ ኅብእት ላዕለ ያዕቆብ እኁሁ ወኢተዘከረ መሐላ ዘመሐለ ለአቡሁ ወለእሙ ከመ ኢይትኃሠሥ ኵሎ እከየ ኵሎ መዋዕሊሁ ላዕለ ያዕቆብ እኁሁ።,"But afterwards he remembered all the bad things that were hidden in his mind against his brother Jacob, and he did not remember the oath that he had sworn to his father and mother not to aim at anything bad against his brother Jacob throughout his entire lifetime." ወበዝ ኵሉ ኢያእመረ ያዕቆብ ከመ እሙንቱ ይመጽኡ ኀቤሁ ለቀትል ወውእቱሰ ይላሑ ልያሃ ብእሲቶ እስከ ሶበ ቀርቡ ኀቤሁ ጥቃ ማኅፈድ በአርብዓ ምእት ብእሲ መስተቃትላን መስተባእሳን ኅሩያን።,"During all of this, Jacob was unaware that they were coming to him for battle. He, for his part, was mourning for his wife Leah until they approached him near the tower with 4000 warriors, select fighting men." ወለአኩ ኀቤሁ ሰብአ ኬብሮን እንዘ ይብሉ ናሁአ እኁከአ መጽአአ ላዕሌከአ ይትቃተል ከአ በአርብዓ ምእት ብእሲ ቅኑታነ ሰይፍ ወይጸውሩ ወልታ ወንዋየ ሐቅል እስመ ያፈቅርዎ ለያዕቆብ እምዔሳው ነገርዎ እስመ ያዕቆብ ብእሲ ጸጋዊ ወመሓሪ ውእቱ እምነ ዔሳው።,"The people of Hebron sent word to him: ‘Your brother has just now come against you to fight you with 4000 men who have swords buckled on and are carrying shields and weapons’. They told him because they loved Jacob more than Esau, since Jacob was a more generous and kind man than Esau." ወኢአምነ ያዕቆብ እስከ ሶበ ቀርቡ ጥቃ ማኅፈድ።,But Jacob did not believe (it) until they came near the tower. ወዐጸወ አናቅጸ ማኅፈድ ወቆመ ውስተ ተድባብ ወተናገረ ምስለ እኁሁ ዔሳው ወይቤ ሠናየ ኑዛዜ መጻእከ ትናዝዘኒ በእንተ ብእሲትየ እንተ ሞተት ዝኑ ውእቱ መሐላ ዘመሐልከ ለአቡከ ወለእምከ ካዕበ ዘእንበለ ይሙት አበስከ እመሐላ ወበሰዓት መሐልከ ለአቡከ ተኰነንከ።,"Then he closed the gates of the tower, stood on the top, and spoke with his brother Esau. He said: ‘It is a fine consolation that you have come to give me for my wife who has died. Is this the oath that you swore to your father and your mother two times before he died? You have violated the oath and were condemned in the hour when you swore (it) to your father’." ወውእቱ ጊዜ አውሥአ ዔሳው ወይቤሎ አልቦ ለውሉደ ሰብእ ወለአራዊተ ምድር መሐላ ጽድቅ ዘመሐሉ ምሒሎሙ እስከ ለዓለም ወእንተ ጸብሐት የኀሥሡ ዝንቱ ለዝንቱ እኩየ ወከመ ይቅትል አሐዱ ጸላኢሁ ወፀረ።,"Then Esau said in reply to him: ‘Neither mankind nor animals have a true oath which they, once they have sworn, have sworn (it as valid) forever. Everyday they aim at what is bad for one another and at each one killing his enemy and opponent." ወትጸልአኒ አንተ ኪያየ ወውሉድየ እስከ ለዓለም ወአልቦ ገቢረ ምስሌከ ታእኃ።,You will hate me and my sons forever. There is no observing of brotherly ties with you. ስማዕ ዘንተ ነገርየ ዘአነ እነግረከ እመ ይዌልጥ ሐራውያ ማእሶ ወጸጕሮሂ ከመ ፀምር ለእመ አድከመ ወእመ ወፅአ ዲበ ርእሱ አቅርንት ከመ አቅርንተ ሀየል ወአባግዕ አሜሃ እገብር ምስሌከ ታእኃ ተፈልጣ አጥባት እምእሞን እስመ ኢኮንከኒ እኅወ።,"Listen to what I have to say to you. If a pig changes its hide and makes its bristles as limp as wool; and if horns like deer’s and sheep’s horns emerge from its head, then I will observe brotherly ties with you. Since we were separated at our mother’s breasts, you have not been a brother to me.[4] “We have followed" ወእመ ገብሩ ተኵላት ሰላመ ምስለ መሐስዕ ከመ ኢይብልዕዎሙ ወከመ ኢይትአገልዎሙ ወእመ ኮነ አልባቢሆሙ ወአሠንዮ አሜሃ ይከውን በውስተ ልብየ ላዕሌከ ሰላም።,"If wolves make peace with lambs so that they do not eat them or injure them; and if they have resolved to treat them well, then there will be peace in my mind for you." ወለእመ ኮነ አንበሳ ማኅፈሮ ለላህም ወለእመ ተፀምደ ምስሌሁ በአርዑት ወሐረሰ ምስሌሁ ወገብረ ሰላመ ምስሌሁ አሜሃ እገብር ሰላመ ምስሌከ።,"If the lion becomes the friend of a bull, and if it is harnessed together with it in a yoke and plows with it and makes peace with it, then I will make peace with you." ወእመ ጻዕደወ ቋዓት ከመ ራዛ አሜሃ አእምር ከመ አፍቀርኩከ ወእገብር ምስሌከ ሰላመ ተሠረው አንተ ወይሠረዉ ውሉድከ ወኢይኩን ለከ ሰላም።,"If the raven turns white like the raza-bird, then know that I love you and will make peace with you. (As for) you — be uprooted and may your children be uprooted. There is to be no peace for you’." ወነጊዜ ርእየ ያዕቆብ ከመ አእከየ እምልቡ ላዕሌሁ ወእምኵሉ ነፍሱ ከመ ይቅትሎ ወመጽአ እንዘ ያንፈርዕፅ ከመ መፍለስ ዘይመጽእ ውስተ ረምሕ ዘይረግዞ ወይቀትሎ ወኢይሴስል እምኔሁ።,"When Jacob saw that he was adversely inclined toward him from his mind and his entire self so that he could kill him and (that) he had come bounding along like a boar that comes upon the spear which pierces it and kills it but does not pull back from it," ውእተ ጊዜ ይቤ ለእሊአሁ ወለአግብርቲሁ ከመ ይሩድዎ ወለኵሎሙ ካልአኒሁ።,then he told his own (people) and his servants to attack him and all his companions. ወእምዝ ተናገሮ ይሁዳ ለያዕቆብ አቡሁ ወይቤሎ ምስክ አባ ቀሥተከ ወፈኑ ሐጸከ ወንድፍ ጸላኤ ወቅትል ፀራዌ ወይኩን ለከ ኀይል እስመ ኢንቀትል እኅዋከ ወኀቤከ ውእቱ ወመምስልከ ውእቱ በኀቤነ ለክብር።,"After this Judah spoke to his father Jacob and said to him: ‘Draw your bow, father; shoot your arrow; pierce the enemy; and kill the foe. May you have the strength because we will not kill your brother, since he is near to you and, in our estimation, he is equal to you in honor’." ይእተ ሶቤ ወሰቀ ያዕቆብ ቀሥቶ ወፈነወ ሐጸ ወነደፎ ለዔሳው እኁሁ ወገደሎ።,"Jacob then stretched his bow, shot an arrow, pierced his brother Esau [on his right breast], and struck him down." ወደገመ ፈነወ ሐጸ ወሄጶ አዱራንሃ አራማዌ ጥቦ ፀጋማዌ ወቀተሎ።,He shot another arrow and hit Aduran the Aramean on his left breast; he drove him back and killed him. ወእምዝ ወፅኡ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ እሙንቱ ወአግብርቲሆሙ ተናፊቆሙ ውስተ መርብዕተ ማኅፈድ።,"After this Jacob’s sons — they and their servants — went out, dividing themselves to the four sides of the tower." ወወፅአ ይሁዳ ፍጽመ ወንፍታሌም ወጋድ ምስሌሁ ወኀምሳ ደቅ ምስሌሁ እንተ ገጸ ደቡብ ለማኅፈድ ወቀተሉ ኵሎ ዘረከቡ በቅድሜሆሙ ወአልቦ ዘአምሠጠ እምኔሆሙ ወኢአሐዱ።,"Judah went out in front. Naphtali and Gad were with him, and 50 servants were with him on the south side of the tower. They killed everyone whom they found in front of them. No one at all escaped from them." ወሌዊ ወዳን ወአሴር ወፅኡ እንተ ገጸ ጽባሑ ለማኅፈድ ወኀምሳ ምስሌሆሙ ወቀተሉ መስተቃትላኒሆሙ ለሞአብ ወለአሞን።,"Levi, Dan, and Asher went out on the east side of the tower, and 50 were with them. They killed the Moabite and Ammonite warriors." ወወፅኡ ሮቤል ወርሳኮር ወዛብሎን እንተ ገጸ ሰሜኑ ለማኅፈድ ወኀምሳ ምስሌሆሙ ወቀተሉ መስተባእሳኒሆሙ ለፍልስጥኤም።,"Reuben, Issachar, and Zebulun went out on the north side of the tower, and 50 were with them. They killed the Philistine fighting men." ወወፅኡ ስምዖን ወብንያም ወኤኖክ ወልደ ሮቤል እንተ ገጸ ዐረቢሁ ለማኅፈድ ወኀምሳ ምስሌሆሙ ወቀተሉ እምነ ኤዶም ወእምነ ኮሬዎን አርባዕተ ምእተ ዕደ ጽኑዓነ መስተቃትላነ ወስድስቱ ምእት ጐዩ ወአርባዕቲሆሙ ደቂቀ ዔሳው ጐዩ ምስሌሆሙ ወኀደጉ አባሆሙ ቅቱለ በከመ ወድቀ ውስተ ወግር ዘይእቲ ውስተ አዱራም።,"Simeon, Benjamin, and Enoch — Reuben’s son — went out on the west side of the tower, and 50 were with them. Of (the people of) Edom and the Horites they killed 400 strong warriors, and 600 ran away. Esau’s four sons ran away with them. They left their slain father just as he had fallen on the hill that is in Aduram." ወሰደድዎሙ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ ድኅሬሆሙ እስከ ደብረ ሲኢር ወያዕቆብሰ ቀበረ እኅዋሁ ውስተ ወግር እንተ ይእቲ ውስተ አዱራም ወገብአ ውስተ ቤቱ።,"Jacob’s sons pursued them as far as Mt. Seir, while Jacob buried his brother on the hill that is in Aduram and then returned to his house." ወአመንደብዎሙ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ ለደቂቀ ዔሳው በደብረ ሰኢር ወአትሐቱ ክሳዶሙ ከመ ይከኩኑ አግብርተ ለደቂቀ ያዕቆብ።,Jacob’s sons pressed hard on Esau’s sons in Mt. Seir. They bowed their necks to become servants for Jacob’s sons. ወለአኩ ኀበ አቡሆሙ እመ ይገብሩ ሰላም ምስሌሆሙ ወለእመ ይቀትልዎሙ።,They sent to their father (to ask) whether they should make peace with them or kill them. ወለአከ ያዕቆብ ኀበ ውሉዱ ከመ ይግበሩ ሰላመ ወገብሩ ምስሌሆሙ ሰላመ ወአንበሩ አርዑተ ቅኔ ላዕሌሆሙ ከመ ይጸብሑ ለያዕቆብ ወለውሉዱ ኵሎ።,Jacob sent word to his sons to make peace. So they made peace with them and placed the yoke of servitude on them so that they should pay tribute to Jacob and his sons for all time. ወነበሩ እንዘ ይጼብሑ ለያዕቆብ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ወረደ ያዕቆብ ውስተ ግብጽ።,They continued paying tribute to Jacob until the day that Jacob went down to Egypt. ወኢነተጉ ውሉዱ ኤዶም እምአርዑተ ቅኔ ዘዐሠርቱ ወክልኤቱ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ ላዕሌሆሙ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት።,The Edomites have not extricated themselves from the yoke of servitude which Jacob’s sons imposed on them until today. ወእሉ ነገሥት እለ ነግሡ በኤዶም ዘእንበለ ይንግሥ ንጉሥ ለውሉደ እስራኤል እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት በምድረ ኤዶም።,These are the kings who ruled in Edom — before a king ruled the Israelites — until today in the land of Edom. ወነግሠ በኤዶም ባላቅ ወልደ ቦኤር ወስመ ሀገሩ ደናባ።,"Balak, son of Bo’er, became king in Edom. The name of his city was Danaba." ወሞተ ባላቅ ወነግሠ ህየንቴሁ ዮባብ ወልደ ዛራ ዘእምነ ቦሲር።,"After Balak died, Yobab son of Zara who was from Bosir became king in his place." ወሞተ ዮባብ ወነግሠ ህየንቴሁ አሳም ዘእምነ ደብረ ቴማን።,"After Yobab died, Asam who was from Mt. Teman became king in his place." ወሞተ አሳም ወነግሠ ህየንቴሁ አዳት ወልደ ባርድ ዘቀተለ መዕድያምሃ በሐቅለ ሞአብ ወስመ ሀገሩ አውኡቱ።,"After Asam died, Adat son of Bared who slaughtered Midian in the field of Moab became king in his place. The name of his city was Awutu." ወሞተ አዳት ወነግሠ ህየንቴሁ ሰሎማን ዘእምነ እማሴቃ።,"After Adat died, Saloman who was from Emaseqa became king in his place." ወሞተ ሰሎማን ወነገሠ ህየንቴሁ ሳኡል ዘእምነ ራአቦት ፈለግ።,"After Saloman died, Saul who was from the river Raabot became king in his place." ወሞተ ሳኡል ወነግሠ ህየንቴሁ ብኤሉናን ወልደ አክቡር።,"After Saul died, Beelunan son of Akbur became king in his place." ወሞተ በኤሉናን ወልደ አክቡር ወነግሠ ህየንቴሁ አዳት ወስመ ብእሲቱ መይጠቢት ወለተ መጥሪት ወለተ ሜተቤድዛአብ።,"After Baelunan son of Akbur died, Adat became king in his place. His wife’s name was Maytabit, daughter of Matrit, daughter of Metabedezaab." እሉ ነገሥት እለ ነግሡ በምድረ ኤዶም።,These are the kings who ruled in the land of Edom. ወኀደረ ያዕቆብ በምድረ ፍልሰተ አቡሁ ምድረ ከናአን።,Jacob lived in the land where his father had wandered as a foreigner — the land of Canaan. እለ ትዝምደ ያዕቆብ ወዮሴፍሰ ወልደ ዐሠርቱ ወሰብዐቱ ዓመት አውረድዎ ውስተ ግብጽ ወተሣየጦ ፋጢፋራን ኅፅዉ ለፈርዖን ሊቀ መብስላን።,"This is the history of Jacob. When Joseph was 17 years of age, they brought him down to Egypt, The pharaoh’s eunuch Potiphar, the chief cook, bought him." ወሤሞ ለዮሴፍ ዲበ ኵሉ ቤቱ ወኮነት በረከተ እግዚአብሔር ውስተ ቤተ ግብጻዊ በእንተ ዮሴፍ ወኵሎ ዘገብረ እግዚአብሔር ይሴርሖ።,He put Joseph in charge of his entire house. The Lord’s blessing was (present) in the Egyptian’s house because of Joseph. The Lord made everything that he did succeed for him. ወኀደገ ግብጻዊ ኵሎ ቅድሜሁ ለዮሴፍ እስመ ርእየ ከመ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሁ ወኵሎ ዘገብረ እግዚአብሔር ይሴርሖ።,The Egyptian left everything to Joseph because he noticed that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made everything that he did succeed for him. ወዮሴፍሰ ሠናይ ራእዩ ወላሕይ ጥቀ ራእዩ ወአንሥአት አዕይንቲሃ ብእሲተ እግዚኡ ወርእየቶ ለዮሴፍ ወአፍቀረቶ ወአስተብቍዐቶ ከመ ይስክብ ምስሌሃ።,"Now Joseph was well formed and very handsome. The wife of his master looked up, saw Joseph, loved him, and pleaded with him to lie with her." ወኢመጠወ ነፍሶ ወተዘከሮ ለእግዚአብሔር ወቃላተ ዘያነብብ ያዕቆብ አቡሁ ዘእምውስተ ቃላተ አብርሃም ከመ አልቦ መነሂ ሰብእ ዘይዜሙ በብእሲት እንተ ባቲ ምተ ከመቦ ኵነኔ ሞት ዘተሠርዐ ሎቱ በሰማያት ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ልዑል ወኀጢአት ተዐርግ በእንቲአሁ ውስተ መጻሕፍት ዘለዓለም በኵሉ መዋዕል ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር።,But he did not surrender himself. He remembered the Lord and what his father Jacob would read to him from the words of Abraham — that no one is to commit adultery with a woman who has a husband; that there is a death penalty which has been ordained for him in heaven before the most high Lord. The sin will be entered regarding him in the eternal books forever before the Lord. ወተዘከረ ዮሴፍ ዘንተ ንባበ ወኢፈቀደ ይስክብ ምስሌሃ።,Joseph remembered what he had said and refused to lie with her. ወአስተብቍዐቶ ዓመተ አሐተ ወካልአ ወአበያ ሰሚዐ።,"She pleaded with him for one year and a second, but he refused to listen to her." ወለጠቀቶ ወአኀዘቶ በቤት ከመ ትትባአሶ ይስክብ ምስሌሃ ወዐፀወት ኆኅተ ቤት ወአኀዘቶ ወኀደገ ልብሶ ውስተ እዴሃ ወሰበረ ማዕፆ ወጐየ አፍአ እምቅድመ ገጻ።,"She drew him close and held on to him in the house in order to compel him to he with her. She closed the door of the house and held on to him. He left his clothes in her hands, broke the door, and ran away from her to the outside." ወርእየት ይእቲ ብእሲት ከመ ኢይሰክብ ምስሌሃ ወጠቀለቶ ቅድመ እግዚኡ እንዘ ትብል ኪያየ ፈቀደ ገብርከ ዕብራዊ ዘታፈቅር ይትዐገለኒ ከመ ይስክብ ምስሌየ ወኮነ ሶበ አልዐልኩ ቃልየ ጐየ ወኀደገ ልብሶ ውስተ እዴየ በጊዜ እንተ አኀዝክዎ ወሰበረ ማዕፆ።,"When that woman saw that he would not lie with her, she accused him falsely to his master: ‘Your Hebrew slave whom you love wanted to force me so that he could lie with me. When I shouted, he ran away, left his clothes in my hands when I grabbed him, and broke the door’." ወርእየ ግብጻዊ ልብሰ ዮሴፍ ወማዕፆ ስቡረ ወሰምዐ ነገረ ብእሲቱ ወወደዮ ለዮሴፍ ቤተ ሞቅሕ ውስተ መካን ኀበ ይነብሩ ሙቁሓን እለ ሞቅሐ ንጉሥ።,"When the Egyptian saw Joseph’s clothes and the broken door, he believed what his wife said. He put Joseph in prison in the place where the prisoners whom the king imprisoned would stay." ወሀሎ ህየ ውስተ ሞቅሕ ወወሀቦ እግዚአብሔር ሞገሰ ለዮሴፍ በቅድሜሁ ለሊቀ ዐቀብተ ሞቅሕ ወምሕረተ በቅድሜሁ እስመ ርእየ ከመ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሁ ወኵሎ ዘገብረ እግዚአብሔር ይሴርሖ።,"While he was there in the prison, the Lord gave Joseph a favorable reception before the chief of the prison guards and and a kind reception before him because he saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord was making everything that he did succeed for him." ወኀደገ ኵሎ ቅድሜሁ ወአልቦ ሊቀ ዐቀብተ ሞቅሕ ዘያአምር ምስሌሁ ምንተኒ እስመ ዮሴፍ ኵሎ ይገብር ወእግዚአብሔር ይፌጽም ወነበረ ህየ ክልኤተ ዓመተ።,He left everything to him. The chief of the prison guards knew nothing at all about his affairs because Joseph would do everything and the Lord would bring (it) to completion. He remained there for two years. ወበውእቱ መዋዕል ተምዕዐ ፈርዖን ንጉሠ ግብጽ ላዕለ ክልኤቱ ኅጽዋኒሁ ላዕለ ሊቀ መዘርት ወላዕለ ሊቀ ኀበዝት ወወደዮሙ ውስተ ሞቅሕ ውስተ ቤቱ ለሊቀ መበስላን ውስተ ሞቅሕ ኀበ ሀሎ ዮሴፍ እኁዝ ህየ።,"At that time the pharaoh, the king of Egypt, became angry at two of his eunuchs — the chief butler and the chief baker. He put them in prison, in the house of the chief cook, in the prison where Joseph was held." ወሠርዖ ለዮሴፍ ሊቀ ዐቀብተ ሞቅሕ ከመ ይትለአኮሙ ወይትለአክ በቅድሜሁ።,The chief of the prison guards appointed Joseph to serve them. So he would serve in his presence. ወሐለሙ ክልኤሆሙ ሕልመ ሊቀ መዘርት ወሊቀ ሐበዝት ወነገርዎ ለዮሴፍ።,Both of them — the chief butler and the chief baker — had a dream and told it to Joseph. ወበከመ ፈከረ ሎሙ ከማሁ ኮኖሙ ወለሊቀ መዘርት አግብኦ ፈርዖን ውስተ ግብሩ ወለሐባዚሰ ሰቀሎ በከመ ፈከረ ሎቱ ዮሴፍ።,"Things turned out for them just as he interpreted for them. The pharaoh restored the chief butler to his job, but he hanged the baker as Joseph had interpreted for him." ወረስዖ ሊቀ መዘርት ለዮሴፍ በቤተ ሞቅሕ እስመ አይድዖ ዘይከውኖ ወኢተዘከረ ከመ ያይድዕ ለፈርዖን ዘከመ ነገሮ ዮሴፍ እስመ ረስዐ።,The chief butler forgot Joseph in prison although he had informed him (about) what would happen to him. He did not remember to tell the pharaoh how Joseph had told him because he forgot. ወበውእቱ መዋዕል ሐለመ ፈርዖን ሕልመ ክልኤተ በአሐቲ ሌሊት በእንተ ነገረ ዐባር ዘይከውን ዲበ ኵሉ ምድር ወነቅሀ እምንዋሙ ወጸውዖሙ ለኵሎሙ መፈክራነ ሕልም እለ ውስተ ግብጽ ወረቀይት ወነገሮሙ ክልኤሆሙ ሕልሞ ወኢክህሉ አእምሮ።,"At that time the pharaoh had two dreams in one night about the subject of the famine which would come on the whole land. When he awakened, he summoned all the dream interpreters who were in Egypt and the enchanters. He told them his two dreams, but they were unable to understand (them)." ወእምዝ ተዘከሮ ለዮሴፍ ሊቀ መዘርት ወነገረ በእንቲአሁ ለንጉሥ ወአውፅእዎ እምነ ቤተ ሞቅሕ ወነገረ በቅድሜሁ ክልኤሆሙ ሕለሚሁ።,"Then the chief butler remembered Joseph. After he had told the king about him, he was brought from prison and he related his two dreams in his presence." ወይቤ በቅድሜሁ ለፈርዖን ከመ ክልኤሆሙ ሕለሚሁ አሐዱ እሙንቱ ወይቤሎ ሰብዐቱ ዓመት ይመጽእ ጽጋብ ውስተ ኵሉ ምድረ ግብጽ ወእምድኅረዝ ሰብዐቱ ዓመተ ዐባር ዘኢኮነ ከማሁ ዐባር ውስተ ኵሉ ምድር።,"He said in the pharaoh’s presence that his two dreams were one. He said to him: ‘Seven years are coming (in which there will be) abundance in the entire land of Egypt, but afterwards there will be a seven-year famine, the like of which famine has never been in the entire land." ወይእዜኒ ይሥራዕ ፈርዖን ውስተ ኵሉ ምድረ ግብጽ ከያደ ወይዝግቡ ሲሲተ ለሀገር ውስተ ሀገር በመዋዕለ ዓመታት ዘጽጋብ ወይከውን ሲሲተ ለሰብዐቱ ዓመታተ ዐባር ወኢትትሐጐል ምድር እምቅድመ ገጸ ዐባር እስመ ኀያል ይከውን ጥቀ።,"Now let the pharaoh appoint overseers throughout the entire land of Egypt and let them store each city’s food in the city during the period of the years of abundance. Then there will be food for the seven years of famine, and the land will not be destroyed because of the famine, since it will be very severe’." ወወሀቦ እግዚአብሔር ለዮሴፍ ሞገሰ ወምሕረተ በቅድመ አዕይንቲሁ ለፈርዖን ወይቤ ፈርዖን ለላእካኒሁ ኢንረክብ ብእሴ ጠቢበ ወማእምረ ዘከመዝ ብእሲ እስመ መንፈሰ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሁ።,"The Lord gave Joseph a favorable and kind reception in the view of the pharaoh. The pharaoh said to his servants: ‘We will not find a man as wise and knowledgeable as this man, for the spirit of the Lord is with him’." ወሤሞ ዳግመ ውስተ ኵሉ መንግሥቱ ወአኰነኖ ውስተ ኵሉ ግብጽ ወአጽዐኖ ዲበ ሰረገላሁ ካዕብ ዘፈርዖን።,"He appointed him as the second (in command) in his entire kingdom, gave him authority over all Egypt, and allowed him to ride on his second chariot which was the pharaoh’s." ወአልበሶ ልብሰ ቢሶስ ወአዕነቆ ባዝግና ወርቅ ውስተ ክሳዱ ወሰበከ በቅድሜሁ ወይቤ ኢል ኢል ወአቢርር ወወሀቦ ማዕተበ ውስተ እዴሁ ወአመበሎ ዲበ ኵሉ ቤቱ ወአዕበዮ ወይቤሎ ኢየዐቢ እምኔከ ዘእንበለ መንበር ባሕቲቶ።,"He dressed him with clothing made of hnen and hung a gold chain on his neck. He made a proclamation before him and said: ‘El, El the Mighty One of El’.[5] He put a signet ring on his hand and made him ruler over his entire household. He made him great and said to him: ‘I will not be greater than you except with regard to the throne only’." ወመበለ ዮሴፍ ውስተ ኵሉ ምድረ ግብጽ ወአፍቅርዎ ኵሎሙ መኳንንቲሁ ለፈርዖን ወኵሎሙ ላእካኒሁ ወኵሎሙ እለ ይገብሩ ግብረ ንጉሥ እስመ በርትዕ የሐውር ወአልቦ ትዕቢተ ወአዕብዮ ልብ ወነሢአ ገጽ ወአልቦ ነሢአ ሕልያን እስመ በርትዕ ይኴንን ለኵሉ አሕዛበ ምድር።,"So Joseph became ruler over the entire land of Egypt. All of the pharaoh’s princes, all of his servants, and all who were doing the king’s work loved him because he conducted himself in a just way. He was not arrogant, proud, or partial, nor did he accept bribes because he was ruling all the people of the land in a just way." ወተሰናአወት ምድረ ግብድ በቅድሜሁ ለፈርዖን በእንተ ዮሴፍ እስመ እግዚአብሔር ምስሌሁ ወወሀቦ ሞገሰ ወምሕረተ ላዕለ ኵሎሙ ዘመዱ በቅድመ ኵሎሙ እለ ያአምርዎ ወለእለ ይሰምዑ ስምዐ ምስሌሁ ወረትዐት መንግሥተ ፈርዖን ወአልቦ ሰይጣነ ወአልቦ እኩየ።,"The land of Egypt lived in harmony before the pharaoh because of Joseph for the Lord was with him. He gave him a favorable and kind reception for all his family before all who knew him and who heard reports about him. The pharaoh’s rule was just, and there was no satan or any evil one." ወጸውዐ ንጉሥ ስሞ ለዮሴፍ ስፋንጢፋንስ ወወሀቦ ወለተ ፉጢፋራን ብእሲተ ለዮሴፍ ወለተ ሳውዕ ዘኢሊዮጰሊስ ሊቀ መብስላን።,"The king named Joseph Sefantifanes[6] and gave Joseph as a wife the daughter of Potiphar, the daughter of the priest of Heliopolis — the chief cook." ወበዕለተ ቆመ ዮሴፍ ኀበ ፈርዖን ወልደ ሠላሳ ክረምት አመ ቆመ ቅድመ ፈርዖን።,On the day when Joseph took up his position with the pharaoh he was 30 years of age when he took up his position with the pharaoh. ወበውእቱ ዓመት ሞተ ይስሐቅ ወበጽሐ በከመ ነገረ ዮሴፍ በእንተ ፍካሬ ክልኤቱ ሕልሙ ዘከመ ነገሮ ወኮነ ሰብዐቱ ክረምት ዘጽጋብ ውስተ ኵሉ ምድረ ግብጽ ወፈርየት ምድረ ብዙኀ አሐቲ መስፈርት ዐሠርተ ወሰማኒተ ምእተ መሳፍረ።,"(Isaac died that year). Things turned out just as Joseph had reported about the interpretation of his two dreams, just as he had reported to him. There were seven years of abundance in the whole land of Egypt. The land of Egypt was most productive: one measure (would produce) 1800 measures." ወአስተጋብአ ዮሴፍ ሲሲተ ለሀገር ውስተ ሀገር እስከ መልአ ሥርናይ እስከ ሶበ ይስእኑ ኆልቆቶ ወሰፊረ እምነ ብዝኁ።,Joseph collected (each) city’s food in the city until it was so full of wheat that it was impossible to count or measure it because of its quantity. ወበአርብ ወኀምስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ ወዳግም ሱባዔ በዓመት ካልእ ነሥአ ይሁዳ ለዔር በኵሩ ብእሲተ እምነ አዋልደ አራም ወስማ ትዕማር።,"In the forty-fifth jubilee, the second week during the second year [2165], Judah took as a wife for his first-born Er one of the Aramean women whose name was Tamar." ወጸልአ ወኢሰከበ ምስሌሃ እስመ እምአዋልደ ከናአን እሙ ወፈቀደ ይንሣእ ሎቱ ብእሲተ እምነገደ እሙ ወኢአብሖ ይሁዳ አቡሁ።,He hated (her) and did not lie with her because his mother was a Canaanite woman and he wanted to marry someone from his mother’s tribe. But his father Judah did not allow him. ወውእቱ ዔር በኵሩ ለይሁዳ እኩይ ወቀተሎ እግዚአብሔር።,"That Er, Judah’s first-born, was evil, and the Lord killed him." ወይቤ ይሁዳ ለአውናን እኁሁ ባእ ኀበ ብእሲተ እኁሁ ወረስያ ኑዕልተ ወአንሥእ ዘርአ ለእኁከ።,"Then Judah said to his brother Onan: ‘Go in to your brother’s wife, perform the levirate duty for her, and produce descendants for your brother’." ወአእመረ አውናን ከመ ኢኮነ ዘዚአሁ ዘርእ ክመ ዘእኁሁ ወቦአ ቤተ ብእሲተ እኁሁ ወከዐወ ዘርአ ውስተ ምድር ወእኩየ ኮነ በቅድመ አዕይንተ እግዚአብሔር ወቀተሎ።,"Onan knew that the descendants would not be his but his brother’s, so he entered the house of his brother’s wife and poured out the semen on the ground. In the Lord’s estimation it was an evil act, and he killed him." ወይቤ ይሁዳ ለትዕማር መርዓቱ ንበሪ ቤተ አቡኪ እንዘ ትመዐስቢ እስከ አመ ይልህቅ ሴሎም ወልድየ ወእሁበኪ ሎቱ ብእሲተ።,So Judah said to his daughter-in-law Tamar: ‘Remain in your father’s house as a widow until my son Selom grows up. Then I will give you to him as a wife’. ወልህቀ ወኢኀደገት ቤድሱኤል ብእሲተ ይሁዳ ሴሎምሃ ወልዳ ከመ ያውስብ ወሞተት ቤድሱኤል ብእሲተ ይሁዳ በዓመት ኃምስ ዘዝ ሱባዔ።,"He grew up, but Judah’s wife Bedsuel did not allow her son Selom to marry (her). Judah’s wife Bedsuel died during the fifth year of this week [2168]." ወበሳድስ ዓመቱ ዐርገ ይሁዳ ይቅርጽ አባግዒሁ በቴምናታ ወነገርዋ ለትዕማር ናሁ ሐሙኪ የዐርግ ይቅርጽ አባግዒሁ በቴምናታ።,In its sixth year [2169] Judah went up to shear his sheep in Timnah. Tamar was told: ‘Your father-in-law is now going up to shear his sheep in Timnah’. ወአንበረት አልባሰ ምዕስብናሃ ወለብሰት ግልባቤ ወተሠነየት ወነበረት ውስተ አንቀጽ እንተ መንገለ ፍኖተ ቴምናታ።,"Then she put aside her widow’s clothing, put on a veil, made herself up, and sat down at the gate near the road to Timnah." ወእንዘ የሐውር ይሁዳ ረከባ ወተሐዘባ ከመ ዘማዊት ወይቤላ እባእ ኀቤኪ ወትቤሎ ባእ ወቦአ።,"As Judah was going along, he found her and supposed that she was a prostitute. He said to her: ‘Let me come in to you’. She said to him: ‘Come in’. So he came in." ወትቤሎ ሀበኒ ደነስየ ወይቤላ አልብየ ውስተ እዴየ ዘእንበለ ሕልቀት ዘአጽባዕትየ ወድጕልማየ ወበትርየ ዘውስተ እዴየ።,"She said to him: ‘Give me my fee’. He said to her: ‘I have nothing with me except the ring on my finger, my neck chain, and my staff which is in my hand’." ወትቤሎ ሀበኒ ኪያሆሙ እስከ ሶበ ትፌኑ ሊተ ደነስየ ወይቤላ አነ እፌኑ ለኪ መሕስአ ጠሊ ወወሀባ ኪያሆሙ ላቲ [ወሀሎ ምስሌሃ] ወጸንሰት ሎቱ።,"She said to him: ‘Give them to me until you send me my fee’. He said to her: ‘I will send you a kid’. He gave them to her. [After he was with her], she became pregnant by him." ወሖረ ይሁዳ ውስተ አባግዒሁ ወይእቲኒ ሖረት ቤተ አቡሃ።,"Then Judah went to his sheep, but she went to her father’s house." ወፈነወ ይሁዳ መሕስአ በእደ ኖላዊሁ አዶላማዊ ወኀጥአ ወተስእሎሙ ለሰብአ ብሔር እንዘ ይብል አይቴ ሀለወት ዘማዊት እንተ ዝየ ወይቤልዎ አልቦ ዝየስ ዘማዊት ወአልብነ ኀቤነ ዘማዊተ።,"Judah sent the kid through his Adullamite shepherd, but he failed to find (her). He asked the men of the area: ‘Where is the prostitute who was here’? They said to him: ‘There is no prostitute here, nor do we have any prostitute with us’." ወገብአ ወአይድዖ ከመ ኀጥአ ወይቤሎ ተስእልኩ ሰብአ ብሔርኒ ወይቤሉኒ አልቦ ዝየስ ዘማዊተ ወይቤ ተንሥእ ከመ ኢንኩን ለስላቅ።,"When he returned and told him that he had failed to find (her), he said to him: ‘I asked the men of the area and they said to me: There is no prostitute here»’. He said: ‘Let her keep (them) so that we may not become the object of mockery’." ወእንዘ አእከለት ሠለስተ አውራኀ ተዐውቀት ከመ ፀንሰት ይእቲ ወነገርዎ ለይሁዳ እንዘ ይብሉ ናሁ ትዕማር መርዐትከ ፀንሰት በዝሙት።,"When she reached three months, she was visibly pregnant. Judah was told: ‘Your daughter-in-law Tamar has now become pregnant through prostitution’." ወሖረ ይሁዳ ቤተ አቡሃ ወይቤሎሙ ለአቡሃ ወለአኀዊሃ አውፅእዋ ወያውዕይዋ እስመ ገብረት ርኵሰ በውስተ እስራኤል።,Judah went to her father’s house and said to her father and brothers: ‘Bring her out and let her be burned because she has done something impure in Israel’. ወኮነ ሶበ አውፅእዋ ከመ ያውዕይዋ ፈነወት ለሐሙሃ ሕልቀተ ወድጕልማ ወበትረ ወትቤ አእምርአ ዘመኑአ ዝንቱአ እስመአ ሎቱአ ፀነስኩአ።,"When she was brought out to be burned, she sent the ring, the neck chain, and the staff to her father-in-law and said: ‘Recognize whose these are because I am pregnant by him’." ወአእመረ ይሁዳ ወይቤ ጸድቀት ትዕማር እምኔየ ወኢያውዕይዋ እንከ።,"Judah recognized (them) and said: ‘Tamar has been more just than I; therefore, do not burn her’." ወበእንተዝ ኢተውህበት ለሴሎም ወኢደገመ እንከ ቀሪቦታ።,"For this reason she was not given to Selom, and he did not approach her again." ወእምዝ ፀንሰት ወወለደት ክልኤተ ደቀ ፋሬስሃ ወዛራሃ በዓመት ሳብዕ ዘዝንቱ ሱባዔ ዘዳግም።,Afterwards she was pregnant and gave birth to two boys — Perez and Zerah — during the seventh year of this second week [2170]. ወእምዝ ተፈጸመ ሰብዐቱ ዓመት ዘሰምር ዘይቤሎ ዮሴፍ ለፈርዖን።,Following this the seven years of copious harvest (about) which Joseph had told the pharaoh were completed. ወአእመረ ይሁዳ ከመ እኩይ ግብር ዘገብረ እስመ ሰከበ ምስለ መርዓቱ ወአስተሐሠመ በቅድመ አዕይንቲሁ ወአእመረ ከመ አበሰ ወስሕተ እስመ ከሠተ ክድነተ ወልዱ ወአኀዘ ይላሑ ወይትመሐለል ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር በእንተ አበሳሁ።,"Judah knew that what he had done was evil because he had lain with his daughter-in-law. In his own view he considered it evil, and he knew that he had done wrong and erred, for he had uncovered his son’s covering. He began to lament and plead before the Lord because of his sin." ወነገርናሁ በሕልም ከመ ይሰረይ ሎቱ እስመ ተማሕለለ ጥቀ ወእስመ ላሐወ ወኢገብረ እንከ።,We told him in a dream that it would be forgiven for him because he had pleaded very much and because he had lamented and did not do (it) again. ወኮነ ሎቱ ስርየት እስመ ተመይጠ እምኀጢአቱ ወእምኢያእምሮቱ እስመ ዐቢይ አበሳ አምላክነ ወኵሉ ዘይገብር ከመዝ ኵሉ ዘይሰክብ ምስለ ሐማቱ ያውዕይዎ በእሳት ከመ የዐይ ቦቱ እስመ ርኵስ ወግማኔ ኮነ ላዕሌሆሙ በእሳት ያውዕይዎሙ።,"He had forgiveness because he turned from his sin and from his ignorance, for the sin was a great one before our God. Anyone who acts in this way — anyone who lies with his mother-in-law — is to be burned in fire so that he burns in it because impurity and contamination have come on them. They are to be burned." ወአንተኒ አዝዞሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ወኢይኩን ርኵስ በማእከሎሙ እስመ ኵሉ ዘይሰክብ ምስለ መርዓቱ ወምስለ ሐማቱ ርኵሰ ገብረ በእሳት ያውዕዩ ብእሴ ዘሰከበ ምስሌሃ ወብእሲተኒ ወየኀድግ መዓተ ወመቅሠፍተ እምእስራኤል።,"Now you order the Israelites that there is to be no impurity among them, for anyone who lies with his daughter-in-law or his mother-in-law has done something that is impure. They are to burn the man who lay with her and the woman. Then he will make anger and punishment desist from Israel." ወለይሁዳኒ ነገርናሁ ከመ ኢሰከቡ ምስሌሃ ክልኤሆሙ ደቂቁ በእንተዝ ቆመ ዘርኡ ለካልእ ነገድ ወኢይሤረዉ።,We told Judah that his two sons had not lain with her. For this reason his descendants were established for another generation and would not be uprooted. እስመ በየውሀተ አዕይንቲሁ ሖረ ወኀሠሠ ኵነኔ እስመ እምፍትሐ አብርሃም ዘአዘዞሙ ለውሉዱ ፈቀደ ይሁዳ ያውዕያ በእሳት።,For in his integrity he had gone and demanded punishment because Judah had wanted to burn her on the basis of the law which Abraham had commanded his children. ወበቀዳሚ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ሣልስ ዘአርብዓ ወኀምስቱ ኢዮቤልው አኀዘ ዐባር ይምጻእ ውስተ ምድር ወአበየ ዝናም ተውህቦ ለምድር እስመ አልቦ ምንተኒ ዘይወርድ።,"During the first year of the third week of the forty-fifth jubilee [2171], the famine began to come to the land. The rain refused to be given to the earth because there was nothing which was coming down." ወዐብረት ምድር ወበምድረ ግብጽ ባሕቱ ቦቱ ሲሲተ እስመ አስተጋብአ ዮሴፍ ዘርአ በምድር በሰብዐቱ ዓመት ዘሠምር ወዐቀቦ።,"The earth became unproductive, but in the land of Egypt there was food because Joseph had gathered the seed in the land during the seven years of copious harvest and kept it." ወመጽኡ ግብጽ ኀበ ዮሴፍ ከመ የሀቦሙ ሲሲተ ወከሠተ መዛግብተ ኀበ ሀሎ ሥርናይ ዘቀዳሚ ዓመት ወሤጠ ለአሕዛበ ምድር በወርቅ።,"When the Egyptians came to Joseph so that he would give them food, he opened the storehouses where the grain of the first year was and sold (it) to the people of the land in exchange for money." ወሰምዐ ያዕቆብ ከመ ቦቱ ሲሲተ ውስተ ግብጽ ወፈነወ ዐሠርተ ደቆ ከመ ይንሥኡ ሎቱ ሲሲተ በግብጽ ወብንያምሃሰ ኢፈነወ ወበጽሑ ምስለ ዘየሐውር።,"Jacob heard that there was food in Egypt, so he sent his ten sons to get food for him in Egypt. But he did not send Benjamin. They arrived with those who were going (there)." ወአእመሮ ዮሴፍ ወእሙንቱሰ ኢያእመርዎ ወተናገረ ምስሌሆሙ ወተስእሎሙ ወይቤሎሙ አኮኑ ሰብአ ዐይን አንትሙ ወመጻእክሙ ታስተሐይጹ አሰረ ምድር ወዐጸዎሙ።,"Joseph recognized them, but they did not recognize him. He spoke with them, asked them questions, and said to them: ‘Are you not spies? You have come to investigate the paths of the land’. He then imprisoned them." ወእምዝ ፈትሖሙ ወአቀመ ስምዖንሃ ባሕቲቶ ወተስዐተ አኀዊሁ ፈነወ።,Afterwards he released them. He detained only Simeon and sent his nine brothers away. ወመልአ አሕስሊሆሙ ሥርናየ ወወርቆሙሂ ወደየ ሎሙ ውስተ አሕስሊሆሙ ወኢያእመሩ።,He filled their sacks with grain and put their money in their sacks. But they did not know (this). ወአዘዞሙ ከመ ያምጽኡ እኅዋሆሙ ዘይንእስ እስመ ነገርዎ ከመ ሀሎ አቡሆሙ ሕያው ወእኁሆሙ ዘይንእስ።,He ordered them to bring their youngest brother because they had told him that their father was alive and their youngest brother (also). ወዐርጉ እምድረ ግብጽ ወበጽሑ ምድረ ከናአን ወነገሩ ለአቡሆሙ ኵሎ ዘከመ ረከቦሙ ወእፎ ተናገረ ምስሌሆሙ መኰንነ ብሔር ዐጸብጺበ ወአኀዞ ለስምዖን እስከ ሶበ ያመጽእዎ ለብንያም።,They went up from the land of Egypt and came to the land of Canaan. They told their father everything that had happened to them and how the ruler of the area had spoken harshly with them and was holding Simeon until they should bring Benjamin. ወይቤ ያዕቆብ አምከንክሙኒኬ ወዮሴፍኒ ኢሀሎ ወስምዖንሂ ኢሀሎ ወብንያምሃኒ ትነሥእዎ ላዕሌየኬ ኮነ እከይክሙ።,"Jacob said: ‘Me you have deprived of children. Joseph does not exist nor does Simeon exist, and you are going to take Benjamin. Your wickedness has come upon me’." ወይቤ ኢየሐውር ወልድየ ምስሌክሙ እመቦ ከመ ደወየ እስመ ክልኤተ ወለደት እሞሙ ወአሐዱ ተሐጕለ ወዘንተኒ ትነሥኡኒ እመቦ ከመ ፈፀነ በፍኖት ወታወርዱ ሊተ ርስእየ በሐዘን ውስተ ሞት።,"He said: ‘My son will not go with you. Perhaps he would become ill. For their mother gave birth to two; one has died and this one, too, you will take from me. Perhaps he would catch a fever on the way. Then you would bring down my old age in sorrow to death’." እስመ ርእየ ከመ ገብአ ወርቆሙ ኵሉ በዕቈሪሁ ወበዝ ፈርሀ ፈንዎቶ።,"For he saw that their money was returned — each one in his purse, and he was afraid to send him for this reason." ወዐባርኒ በዝኀ ወኀየለ በምድረ ከናአን ወበኵሉ ምድር ዘእንበለ ምድረ ግብጽ እስመ ብዙኃን እምውሉደ ግብጽ ዘገቡ ዘርኦሙ ለሲሲት እምዘ ርእይዎ ለዮሴፍ ከመ ያስተጋብእ ዘርአ ወይሠይም ውስተ መዛግብት ወየዐቅብ ለዓመተ ዐባር።,"Now the famine grew increasingly severe in the land of Canaan and in every land except the land of Egypt because many Egyptians had stored their seed for food after they saw Joseph collecting seed, placing (it) in storehouses, and keeping (it) for the years of the famine." ወተሴሰይዎ ሰብአ ግብጽ በቀዳሚ ዓመት ዘዐባር።,The Egyptians fed themselves with it during the first year of the famine. ወሶበ ርእየ እስራኤል ከመ ኀየለ ጥቀ ዐባር ውስተ ምድር ወአልቦ ድኂነ ወይቤ ለውሉዱ ሖሩ ግብኡ ወንሥኡ ለነ ሲሲተ ኢንሙት።,"When Israel saw that the famine was very severe in the land and (that) there was no relief, he said to his sons: ‘Go, return, and get us (some) food so that we may not die’." ወይቤሉ ኢነሐውር እመ ኢመጽአ እኁነ ዘይንእስ ምስሌነ ኢነሐውር።,"But they said: ‘We will not go. If our youngest brother does not come with us, we will not go’." ወርእየ እስራኤል ከመ እመ ኢፈነዎ ምስሌሆሙ ይትሐጐሉ ኵሎሙ እምቅድመ ዐባር።,Israel saw that if he did not send him with them they would all die because of the famine. ወይቤ ሮቤል ሀበንዮ ውስተ እዴየ ወለእመ ኢያግባእክዎ ለከ ቅትል ክልኤተ ውሉድየ ህየንተ ነፍሰ ዚአሁ ወይቤሎ ኢየሐውር ምስሌከ።,"Then Reuben said: ‘Put him under my control. If I do not bring him back to you, kill my two sons for his life’. But he said to him: ‘He will not go with you’." ወቀርበ ይሁዳ ወይቤ ፈንዎ ምስሌነ ወለእመ ኢያግባእክዎ ለከ እቡሰ እኩን በቅድሜከ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወትየ።,"Then Judah approached and said: ‘Send him with us. If I do not bring him back to you, then let me be guilty before you throughout my entire lifetime’." ወፈነዎ ምስሌሆሙ በካልእ ዓመት ዘዝ ሱባዔ በሠርቀ ወርኅ ወበጽሑ ብሔረ ግብጽ ምስለ ኵሎሙ እለ የሐውሩ ወአምኃሆሙ ውስተ እደዊሆሙ ማየ ልብን ወከርካዕ ወጤሬቤንቶስ ወጸቃውዐ መዓር።,"So he sent him with them during the second year of this week [2172], on the first of the month. They arrived in the territory of Egypt with all who were going (there) and (had) their gifts in their hands: stacte, almonds, terebinth nuts, and pure honey." ወበጽሑ ወቆሙ ቅድመ ዮሴፍ ወርእየ ብንያምሃ እኅዋሁ ወአእመሮ ወይቤሎሙ ዝኑ እኁክሙ ዘይንእስ ወይቤልዎ ውእቱ ወይቤ እግዚአብሔር ይሣሀልከ ወልድየ።,"They arrived and stood in front of Joseph. When he saw his brother Benjamin, he recognized him and said to them: ‘Is this your youngest brother’? They said to him: ‘He is’. He said: ‘May the Lord be gracious to you, my son’." ወፈነዎ ውስተ ቤቱ ወስምዖንሃኒ አውጽአ ሎሙ ወገብረ ሎሙ ምሳሐ ወአቅረቡ ሎቱ አመኃሁ ዘአምጽኡ በእደዊሆሙ።,He sent him into his house and brought Simeon out to them. He prepared a dinner for them. They presented him with his gifts which they had brought in their hands. ወበልዑ በቅድሜሁ ወወሀቦሙ ክፍለ ለኵሎሙ ወበዝኀ መክፈልተ ብንያም እመክፈልተ ኵሎሙ ትስብዕተ።,"They ate in front of him. He gave portions to all of them, but Benjamin’s share was seven times larger than the share of any of them." ወበልዑ ወሰትዩ ወተንሥኡ ወኀደሩ ኀበ አእዱጊሆሙ።,They ate and drank. Then they got up and stayed with their donkeys. ወኀለየ ዮሴፍ ኅሊና በዘ ያአምር ኅሊናሆሙ እመቦ ኅሊና ሰላም በበይናቲሆሙ ወይቤሎ ለብእሲ ዘላዕለ ቤቱ ምላእ ሎሙ ኵሎ አሕስሊሆሙ እክለ ወወርቆሙኒ አግብእ ሎሙ ማእከለ መዋዲቶሙ ወኮራ በዘ እሰቲ ደይ ውስተ ዘይንእስ ብሩር ወፈንዎሙ።,Joseph conceived of a plan by which he would know their thoughts — whether there were peaceful thoughts between them. He said to the man who was in charge of his house: ‘Fill all their sacks with food for them and return their money to them in their containers; put the cup with which I drink in the sack of the youngest — the silver cup — and send them away’. ወገብረ በከመ ይቤሎ ዮሴፍ ወመልአ ሎሙ አሕስሊሆሙ ኵሎ ሲሲተ ወወርቆሙኒ ወደየ ውስተ አሕስሊሆሙ ወኮራ ወደየ ውስተ ሐስለ ብንያም።,He did as Joseph told him. He filled all their sacks with food for them and placed their money in their sacks. He put the cup in Benjamin’s sack. ወነግሀ በጽባሕ ሖሩ ወኮነ ሶበ ወፅኡ እምህየ ይቤሎ ዮሴፍ ለብእሴ ቤቱ ዴግኖሙ ሩጽ ወተጋአዞሙ እንዘ ትብል ህየንተ ሠናይት ዐሰይክሙኒ እኩየ ሰረቅሙኒ ጽዋዐ ብሩር በዘይሰቲ እግዚእየ ወአግብኦ ሊተ ለእኁሆሙ ዘይንእስ ወፍጡነ አምጽኦ ዘእንበለ እፃእ ውስተ ምኵናንየ።,"Early in the morning they went (off). But when they had left that place, Joseph said to the man of his house: ‘Pursue them. Run and reprimand them as follows: You have repaid me with evil instead of good. You have stolen from me the silver cup with which my master drinks». Bring their youngest brother back to me and bring him quickly, before I go out to the place where I rule’." ወሮጸ ድኅሬሆሙ ወይቤሎሙ በከመ ዝንቱ ነገር።,He ran after them and spoke to them in line with this message. ወይቤልዎ ሐሰ ሎሙ ለአግብርቲከ ኢይገብሩ ዘንተሰ ነገረ ወኢይሰርቁ እምቤተ እግዚእከ ምንተኒ ንዋየ ወወርቀኒ ዘረከብነ ቀዲሙ ውስተ አሕስሊነ አሶጥነ ደቅከ እምድረ ከናአን።,They said to him: ‘Heaven forbid that your servants should do such a thing and should steal any container from the house of your master. Your servants have brought back from the land of Canaan the money that we found in our sacks the first time. እፎ እንከ ንሰርቅ ምንተኒ ንዋየ ናሁ ንሕነሂ ወአሕስሊነሂ ፍትን ወበኀበ ረከብከ ጽዋዐ ውስተ ሐስለ አሐዱ ብእሲ እምኔነ ይትቀተል ወንሕነሂ ወአእዱጊነሂ ንትቀነይ ለእግዚእከ።,"How, then, should we steal any container? Here we and our sacks are. Make a search, and anyone of us in whose sack you find the cup is to be killed, while we and our donkeys are to serve your master’." ወይቤሎሙ አኮ ከማሁ በኀበ ብእሲ ዘረከብክዎ ባሕቲቶ እነሥእ ገብረ ወአንትሙሰ ተአትዉ በሰላም ቤተክሙ።,"He said to them: ‘(That) is not the way it will be. I will take only the man with whom I find it as a servant, and you may go safely to your home’." ወእንዘ ይፈትን ውስተ ንዋዮሙ እምዘ ይልህቅ ቀደመ ወፈጸመ በኀበ ዘይንእስ ወተረክበ ውስተ ሐስለ ብንያም።,"As he was searching among their containers, he began with the oldest and ended with the youngest. It was found in Benjamin’s sack." ወሠጠጡ አልባሲሆሙ ወጸዐኑ ዲበ አእዱጊሆሙ ወተመይጡ ሀገረ ወበጽሑ ቤቶ ለዮሴፍ ወሰገዱ ሎቱ ኵሎሙ በገጾሙ ውስተ ምድር።,"They tore their clothing, loaded their donkeys, and returned to the city. When they arrived at Joseph’s house, all of them bowed to him with their faces to the ground." ወይቤሎሙ ዮሴፍ እኩየ ገበርክሙ ወይቤሉ ምንተ ንበል ወምንተ ንትዋቀሥ እግዚእነ ረከበ አበሳሆሙ ለአግብርቲሁ ነየነ ንሕነ አግብርቱ ለእግዚእነ ወአእዱጊነሂ።,"Joseph said to them: ‘You have done an evil thing’. They said: ‘What are we to say and what shall we say in our defense. Our master has discovered the crime of his servants. We ourselves and our donkeys, too, are our master’s servants’." ወይቤሎሙ ዮሴፍ እግዚአብሔር አንሰ እፈርህ አንትሙሰ ሖሩ አብያቲክሙ ወእኁክሙ ከመ ይኩን ቅኑየ እስመ እኩየ ገበርክሙ ኢታአምሩኑ ከመ ያስተአድም ብእሲ ጽዋዖ በከመ አነ በዝ ጽዋዕ ወኪያሁ ሰረቅሙኒ።,"Joseph said to them: ‘As for me, I fear the Lord. As for you, go to your houses, but your brother is to be enslaved because you have done something evil. Do you not know that a man takes pleasure in his cup as I do in this cup? And you stole it from me’." ወይቤ ይሁዳ ላዕሌየ እግዚኦ እትናገር ገብርከ ቃለ ውስተ እዝነ እግዚእየ ክልኤተ አኀወ ወለደት እሙ ለገብርከ ለአቡነ ለነ አሐዱ ወፅአ ወተገድፈ ወአልቦ ዘረከቦ ወውእቱ ባሕቲቱ ተረፈ ለእሙ ወገብርከኒ አቡነ ያፈቅሮ ወነፍሱኒ እስርት እምነፍዝ።,"Then Judah said: ‘Please, master, allow me, your servant, to say something in my master’s hearing. His mother gave birth to two brothers for your servant our father. One has gone away and been lost; no one has found him. He alone is left of his mother(‘s children). And your servant our father loves him and his life is tied together with the life of this one." ወይከውን እምከመ ሖርነ ኀበ ገብርከ አቡነ ወእምከመ ኢሀሎ ምስሌነ ወሬዛ ይመውት ወንቀጽዕ አባነ በሐዘን እስከ ለመዊት።,"If we go to your servant our father and if the young man is not with us, then he would die and we would bring our father down in sorrow to death." ወእገብር አነ ባሕቱ ገብርከ ህየንቴሁ ለሕፃን ገብረ ለእግዚእየ ወይሖር ወሬዛ ምስለ አኀዊሁ እስመ ተሐበይክዎ እምእዴሁ ለገብርከ አቡነ ለነ ወለእመ ኢያግባእክዎ ይኤብስ ገበርከ ለአቡነ ኵሎን መዋዕለ።,"Rather, I your servant will remain in place of the child as a servant of my master. Let the young man go with his brothers because I took responsibility for him from your servant our father. If I do not bring him back, your servant will be guilty to our father forever." ወርእየ ዮሴፍ ከመ ልበ ኵሎሙ ዕሩይ ብእሲ ምስለ ካልኡ ለሠናይ ወስእነ ተዐግሦ ወነገሮሙ ከመ ውእቱ ዮሴፍ።,"When Joseph saw that the minds of all of them were in harmony one with the other for good (ends), he was unable to control himself, and he told them that he was Joseph." ወተናገረ ምስሌሆሙ በከመ ልሳነ ዕብራይስጥ ወሐቀፈ ክሳውዲሆሙ ወበከየ ወእሙንቱሰ ኢያእመርዎ ወአኀዙ ይብክዩ።,He spoke with them in the Hebrew language. He wrapped his arms around their necks and cried. But they did not recognize him and began to cry. ወይቤሎሙ ኢትብክዩ ላዕሌየ አፍጥኑ ወአምጽእዎ ለአቡየ ኀቤየ ወእርአዮ ዘእንበለ እሙት ወአዕይንቲሁኒ ለእኁየ ብንያም እንዘ ይሬእያ።,"Then he said to them: ‘Do not cry about me. Quickly bring my father to me and let me see him before I die, while my brother Benjamin also looks on." እስመ ናሁ ዝንቱ ካልእ ዓም ዘዐባር ወዓዲ ኀምስቱ ዓመት ሀሎ ወአልቦ ማእረረ ወአልቦ ፍሬ ዕፅ ወአልቦ ሐሪሰ።,"For this is now the second year of the famine and there are still five more years without harvest, without fruit (growing on) trees, and without plowing." ፍጡነ ረዱ አንትሙ ወአብያቲክሙ ወኢትትሐጐሉ በዐባር ወኢትተክዙ በእንተ ጥሪትክሙ እስመ ለሠሪዕ አቅደመ ፈንዎትየ እግዚአብሔር ቅድሜክሙ ከመ ይሕየዉ ሕዝብ ብዙኃን።,You and your households come down quickly so that you may not die in the famine. Do not worry about your property because the Lord sent me first before you to arrange matters so that many people may remain alive. ወዜንውዎ ለአቡየ ከመ ዓዲ ሕያው አነ ወአንትሙኒ ናሁ ትሬእዩ ከመ ሠርዐኒ እግዚአብሔር ከመ እንተ አቡሁ ለፈርዖን ወከመ እመብል ውስተ ቤቱ ወዲበ ኵሉ ምድረ ግብጽ።,Tell my father that I am still alive. You now see that the Lord has made me like a father to the pharaoh and to rule in his household and over the entire land of Egypt. ወዜንውዎ ለአቡየ ኵሎ ክብርየ ወኵሎ ዘመጠነ ወሀበኒ እግዚአብሔር ብዕለ ወክብረ።,Tell my father about all my splendor and all the wealth and splendor which the Lord has given me’. ወወሀቦሙ በቃለ አፈ ፈርዖን ሰረገላተ ወሥንቀ ለፍኖት ወወሀቦሙ ለኵሎሙ አልባሰ ሕብር ወብሩረ።,"By personal command of the pharaoh he gave them wagons and provisions for the trip, and he gave all of them colored clothing and silver." ወለአቡሆሙኒ ፈነወ አልባሰ ወብሩረ ወዐሠርተ አእዱገ ዘይወስዱ ስርናየ ወፈነዎሙ።,"To their father he sent clothing, silver, and ten donkeys which were carrying grain. Then he sent them away." ወዐርጉ ወዜነዉ ለአቡሆሙ ከመ ዮሴፍ ሕያው ወከመ ውእቱ ያሰፍር ስርናየ ለኵሉ አሕዛበ ምድር ወይሜብል ዲበ ኵሉ ምድረ ግብጽ።,They went up and told their father that Joseph was alive and that he was having grain distributed to all the peoples of the earth and ruling over the entire land of Egypt. ወኢአምነ አቡሆሙ እስመ ደንገፀ በኅሊናሁ ወእምዝ ርእየ ሰረገላተ ዘፈነወ ዮሴፍ ወተሐደሰት ወሐይወት መንፈሱ ወይቤ ዐቢይ ውእቱ ሊተ እስመ ዮሴፍ ሕያው እረድ ወእርአዮ ዘእንበለ እሙት።,"Their father did not believe (it) because he was disturbed in his thoughts. But after he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent, his spirit revived and he said: ‘It is enough for me that Joseph is alive. Let me go down and see him before I die’." ወተንሥአ እስራኤል እምካራን እምቤቱ በሠርቀ ሣልስ ወርኅ ወሖረ እንተ ፍኖተ ዐዘቅተ መሐላ ወሦዐ መሥዋዕተ ለአምላከ አቡሁ ይስሐቅ አመ ሰቡዑ ለዝ ወርኅ።,"Israel set out from Hebron, from his house, on the first of the third month. He went by way of the well of the oath and offered a sacrifice to the God of his father Isaac on the seventh of this month." ወተዘከረ ያዕቆብ ሕልመ ዘርእየ በቤቴል ወፈርሀ ወሪደ ውስተ ግብጽ።,"When Jacob remembered the dream that he had seen in Bethel, he was afraid to go down to Egypt." ወእንዘ ይኄሊ ይልአክ ለዮሴፍ ከመ ይምጻእ ኀቤሁ ወኢይረድ ውእቱ ወነበረ ህየ ሰቡዐ ዕለተ እመቦ ከመ ይርአይ ራእየ እመ ይነብር ወለእመ ይወርድ።,"But as he was thinking about sending word to Joseph that he should come to him and that he would not go down, he remained there for seven days on the chance that he would see a vision (about) whether he should remain or go down." ወገብረ በዓለ ማእረር ቀዳሜ ፍሬ ስርናይ እምስርናይ ብሉይ እስመ አልቦ ውስተ ኵሉ ምድረ ከናአን ምልአ እድ ምንተሂ ዘርአ ውስተ ምድር እስመ ዐባር ውእቱ ኮነ ለኵሉ አራዊት ወለእንስሳ ወለአዕዋፍ ወለሰብእኒ።,"He celebrated the harvest festival — the firstfruits of grain — with old grain because in all the land of Canaan there was not even a handful of seed in the land since the famine affected all the animals, the cattle, the birds, and mankind as well." ወአመ ዐሡሩ ወሰዱሱ አስተርአዮ እግዚአብሔር ወይቤሎ ያዕቆብ ያዕቆብ ወይቤ ነየ አነ ወይቤሎ አነኬ አምላከ አበዊከ አምላከ አብርሃም ወይስሐቅ ኢትፍራህ ወሪደ ግብጽ እስመ ውስተ ዐቢይ ሕዝብ እሠርዐከ በህየ።,"On the sixteenth the Lord appeared to him and said to him: ‘Jacob, Jacob’. He said: ‘Yes’? He said to him: ‘I am the God of your fathers — the God of Abraham and Isaac. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt because I will make you into a great nation there." አነ እወርድ ምስሌከ ወአነ እወስደከ ወበዛቲ ምድር ትትቀበር ወዮሴፍ ያነብር እዴሁ ዲበ አዕይንቲከ ኢትፍራህ ረድ ውስተ ግብጽ።,"I will go down with you and I will lead you (back). You will be buried in this land, and Joseph will place his hands on your eyes. Do not be afraid; go down to Egypt’." ወተንሥኡ ውሉዱ ወውሉደ ውሉዱ ወአጽዐኑ አባሆሙ ወንዋዮሙ ዲበ ሰረገላት።,His sons and grandsons set about loading their father and their property on the wagons. ወተንሥአ እስራኤል እምዐዘቅተ መሐላ አመ ዐሡር ወሰዱስ ዕለት ዘዝ ወርኅ ሣልስ ወሖረ ብሔረ ግብጽ።,Israel set out from the well of the oath on the sixteenth day of this third month and went to the territory of Egypt. ወፈነወ እስራኤል ቅድሜሁ ኀበ ዮሴፍ ወልዶ ይሁዳሃ ከመ ያስተሐይጽ ምድረ ጌሤም እስመ ህየ ይቤሎሙ ዮሴፍ ለአኀዊሁ ይምጽኡ ከመ ይኅድሩ ህየ ከመ ይኩኑ ቅሩባነ ዚአሁ።,Israel sent his son Judah in front of him to Joseph to check the land of Goshen because Joseph had told his brothers to come there in order to live there so that they would be his neighbors. ወይእቲኒ ሠናይት በምድረ ግብጽ ወቅርብት ኀቤሁ ለኵሉ ወለእለሂ እንስሳ።,It was the best (place) in the land of Egypt and (it was) near him for each one and also all the cattle. ወዝ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉደ ያዕቆብ እለ ሖሩ ውስተ ግብጽ ምስለ ያዕቆብ አቡሆሙ።,These are the names of Jacob’s children who went to Egypt with their father Jacob. ሮቤል በኵሩ ለእስራኤል ወዝ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉዱ ኤኖክ ወፋሉስ ወኤስሮም ወከራሚ ኀምስቱ።,"Reuben, Israel’s first-born, and these are the names of his sons: Enoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi — five;" ስምዖን ወውሉዱ ወዝ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉዱ ኢያሙኤል ወኢያሚን ወአዎት ወኢያኪም ወሳአር ወሳውል ወልዳ ለፍኒሰወት ሰብዓቱ።,"Simeon and his sons, and these are the names of his sons: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul, the son of the Phoenician woman — seven;" ሌዊ ወውሉዱ ወዝ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉዱ ጌድሶን ወቃዓድ ወሚራሪ አርባዕቱ።,"Levi and his sons, and these are the names of his sons: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari — four;" ይሁዳ ወውሉዱ ወዝ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉዱ ሴሎም ወፋሬስ ወዛራ አርባዕቱ።,"Judah and his sons, and these are the names of his sons: Shelah, Perez, and Zerah — four;" ይሳኮር ወውሉዱ ወዝ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉዱ ቶላ ወፉአ ወኢያሱብ ወሳምሮም ኀምስቱ።,"Issachar and his sons, and these are the names of his sons: Tola, Puvah, lob, and Shimron — five;" ዛብሎን ወውሉዱ ወዝ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉዱ ሳአር ወኤሎን ወኢያሊኤል አርባዕቱ።,"Zebulun and his sons, and these are the names of his sons: Sered, Elon, and Jahleel — four;" ወእሉ ውሉደ ያዕቆብ ወውሉዶሙ እለ ወለደት ልያ ለያዕቆብ በመስጴጦምያ ስድስቱ ወአሐቲ ዲና እኅቶሙ ወኵሉ ነፍስ ዘውሉደ ልያ ወውሉዶሙ እለ ቦኡ ምስለ ያዕቆብ አቡሆሙ ውስተ ግብጽ ዕሥራ ወተስዐቱ ወያዕቆብ አቡሆሙ ምስሌሆሙ ወኮኑ ሠላሳ።,"These are Jacob’s sons and their sons to whom Leah gave birth for Jacob in Mesopotamia — six and their one sister Dinah. All of the persons of Leah’s sons and their sons who went with their father Jacob to Egypt were 29. And, as their father Jacob was with them, they were 30." ወውሉደ ዘለፋ ለአኪታ ለልያ ብእሲተ ያዕቆብ ዘወለደት ለያዕቆብ ጋድሃ ወአሴርሃ።,"The sons of Zilpah, the maid of Jacob’s wife Leah, to whom she gave birth for Jacob were Gad and Asher." ወዝ አስማተ ውሉዶሙ እለ ቦኡ ምስሌሁ ውስተ ግብጽ ውሉደ ጋድ ሴፍዮን ወአጋቲ ወሱኒ ወአሲቦን [ወዔዲስ] ወአሪሊ ወአሩዲ ሰማኒቱ።,"These are the names of their sons who went with him into Egypt. Gad’s sons: Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, [Eri], Areli, and Arodi — eight." ወውሉደ አሴር ኢዮምና ወይሱአ [ወይኡኤል] ወቤርያ ወሳራ እኅቶሙ አሐቲ ኀምስቱ።,"The children of Asher: Imnah, Ishvah, [Ishvi], Beriah, and their one sister Serah — six." ኵሉ ነፍስ ዐሠርቱ ወአርባዕቱ ወኮነ ኵሉ ዘልያ አርባዓ ወአርባዕቱ።,"All the persons were 14, and all those of Leah were 44." ወውሉደ ራሔል ዘብእሲተ ያዕቆብ ዮሴፍ ወብንያም።,The sons of Rachel who was Jacob’s wife were Joseph and Benjamin. ወተወልዱ ለዮሴፍ በግብጽ ዘእንበለ ይባእ አቡሁ ውስተ ግብጽ ዘወለደት ሎቱ አስኔት ወለተ ፉጢራዕ ሣውዕ ዘኢሊዮጳሊስ ምነሴሃ ወኤፍሬምሃ ሠለስቱ።,"Before his father came to Egypt children, to whom Asenath — the daughter of Potiphar, the priest of Heliopohs — gave birth for him, were born to Joseph in Egypt: Manasseh and Ephraim — three." ወውሉደ ብንያም ባላ ወባኮር ወአስቢል ጉአድ ወንኤማን ወአብዮድ ወራኤ ወሰናኒም ወአፊም ወጋአም ዐሠርቱ ወአሐዱ።,"The sons of Benjamin were: Bela, Becher, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard — eleven." ወኮነ ኵሉ ነፍስ ዘራሔል ዐሠርቱ ወአርባዕቱ።,All the persons of Rachel were 14. ወውሉደ ባላ ለአኪታ ለራሔል ብእሲቱ ለያዕቆብ ዘወለደት ለያዕቆብ ዳንሃ ወንፍታሌም።,"The sons of Bilhah, the maid of Jacob’s wife Rachel, to whom she gave birth for Jacob were Dan and Naphtali." ወዝ አስማተ ውሉዶሙ እለ ቦኡ ምስሌሆሙ ውስተ ግብጽ ውሉደ ዳን ኩሲም ወሳሞን ወአሱዲ ወኢያከ ወሰሎሞን ስድስቱ።,"These are the names of their sons who went with them to Egypt. The sons of Dan were: Hushim, Samon, Asudi, Iyaka, and Salomon — six." ወሞቱ በግብጽ በዓመተ ቦኡ ወተረፎ ለዳን ኩሲም ባሕቲቱ።,They died in Egypt during the year in which they came (there). Only Hushim was left to Dan. ወዝ አስማቲሆሙ ለውሉደ ንፍታሌም ኢያሲኤል ወጋሂኒ ወአሰአር ወሰሉም ወኤው።,"These are the names of Naphtali’s sons: Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, Shillem, and Ev." ወሞተ ኤው በግብጽ ዘተወልደ እምድኅረ ዓመተ ዐባር።,"Ev, who was born after the years of the famine, died in Egypt." ወኮኑ ኵሎሙ ዘራሔል ዕሥራ ወስድስቱ።,All those of Rachel were 26. ወኵሉ መንፈስ ዘያዕቆብ ዘቦአ ውስተ ግብጽ ሰብዓ መንፈስ እሉ እንከ ውሉዱ ወውሉደ ውሉዱ ኵሎሙ ሰብዓ ወኀምስቱ እለ ሞቱ በግብጽ ዘእንበለ ያውስቡ ወውሉድኒ አልቦሙ።,"All the persons of Jacob who entered Egypt were 70 persons. So all of these sons and grandsons of his were 70, and five who died in Egypt before they married. They had no children." ወበምድረ ከናአን ሞትዎ ለይሁዳ ክልኤቱ ደቁ ኤር ወኣውናን ወአልቦሙ ውሉደ ወቀበርዎሙ ደቂቀ እስራኤል ለእለ ተሐጕሉ ወተሠይሙ ውስተ ሰብዓ ሕዝብ።,"Judah’s two sons Er and Onan had died in the land of Canaan. They had no children. The sons of Israel buried those who died, and they were placed among the 70 nations." ወቦአ እስራኤል ውስተ ብሔረ ግብጽ ውስተ ምድረ ጌሤም አመ ሠርቀ ወርኅ ራብዕ በካልእ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ሣልስ ዘአርብዓ ወኀምስቱ ኢዮቤልው።,"Israel went into the territory of Egypt, into the land of Goshen, on the first of the fourth month during the second year of the third week of the forty-fifth jubilee [2172]." ወመጽአ ዮሴፍ ይትቀበል አባሁ ያዕቆብሃ ውስተ ምድረ ጌሤም ወሐቀፈ ክሳደ አቡሁ ወበከየ።,"When Joseph came to meet his father Jacob in the land of Goshen, he wrapped his arms around his father’s neck and cried." ወይቤሎ እስራኤል ለዮሴፍ እሙት ይእዜሰ እምዘ ርኢኩከ ወይእዜኒ ይትባረክ እግዚአብሔር አምላከ እስራኤል ወአምላከ አብርሃም ወአምላከ ይስሐቅ ዘኢከልአ ምሕረቶ ወሣህሎ እምገብሩ ያዕቆብ።,"Israel said to Joseph: ‘Now let me die after I have seen you. Now may the Lord, the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac — who has not withheld his kindness and his mercy from his servant Jacob — be blessed." ዐቢይ ሊተ ዘርኢኩ ገጸከ እንዘ ሕያው አነ እስመ አማን ህልው ራእይ ዘርኢኩ በቤቴል ይትባረክ እግዚአብሔር አምላኪየ ለዓለመ ዓለም ወቡሩክ ስሙ።,"It is enough for me that I have seen your face while I am alive, because the vision that I saw in Bethel was certainly true. May the Lord my God be blessed forever and ever and may his name be blessed’." ወበልዑ ዮሴፍ ወአኀዊሁ በቅድመ አቡሆሙ ኅብስተ ወሰትዩ ወይነ ወተፈሥሐ ያዕቆብ ፍሥሓ ዐቢየ ጥቀ እስመ ርእዮ ለዮሴፍ እንዘ ይበልዕ ምስለ አኀዊሁ ወይሰቲ በቅድሜሁ ወባረኮ ለፈጣሬ ኵሉ ዘዐቀቦ ወዐቀበ ሎቱ ዐሠርተ ወክልኤተ ውሉዶ።,Joseph and his brothers ate food and drank wine in front of their father. Jacob was extremely happy because in front of him he saw Joseph eating and drinking with his brothers. He blessed the creator of all who had preserved him and preserved his twelve sons for him. ወወሀቦ ዮሴፍ ለአቡሁ ወለአኀዊሁ ሀብተ ከመ ይኅድሩ ምድረ ጌሤም ወውስተ ራሜሲኖ ወኵሎ አድያሚሃ ሎሙ ዘይኴንኑ በቅድሜሁ ለፈርዖን ወኀደረ እስራኤል ወውሉዱ ምድረ ጌሤም ምሥናዪሃ ለምድረ ግብጽ ወእስራኤልሰ ወልደ ምእት ወሠላሳ ዓመት አመ ቦአ ውስተ ግብጽ።,"As a gift Joseph gave his father and his brothers (the right) to live in the land of Goshen and in Ramses; and (he gave) them all its districts which they would rule in the pharaoh’s presence. Israel and his sons lived in the land of Goshen, the best part of the land of Egypt. Israel was 130 years of age when he came into Egypt." ወሴሰዮሙ ዮሴፍ ለአቡሁ ወለአኀዊሁ ወጥሪቶሙሂ ኀባውዘ በከመ የአክሎሙ ለሰብዐቱ ዓመታተ ዐባር።,"Joseph provided as much food for his father, his brothers, and also for their livestock as would be sufficient for them for the seven years of famine." ወሐመት ምድረ ግብጽ እምቅድመ ገጸ ዐባር ወአስተጋብአ ዮሴፍ ኵለንታሃ ምድረ ግብጽ ለፈርዖን በእክል ወሰብአኒ ወእንስሳሆሙኒ ወኵሎ አጥረየ ፈርዖን።,"As the land of Egypt suffered from the famine, Joseph gained the whole land of Egypt for the pharaoh in exchange for food. He acquired the people, their cattle, and everything for the pharaoh." ወተፈጸመ ዓመታተ ዐባር ወወሀበ ዮሴፍ ለአሕዛብ ዘውስተ ምድር ዘርአ ወሲሲተ ከመ ይዝርኡ በሳምን ዓመት እስመ መልአ ፈለግ ዲበ ኵላ ምድረ ግብጽ።,"When the years of the famine were completed, Joseph gave seed and food to the people who were in the land so that they could sow seed in the eighth year because the river had overflowed the entire land of Egypt." እስመ በሰብዓቱ ዓመታተ ዐባር ኢሰቀየ ዘእንበለ ውኁዳት መካን ኀበ ድንጋገ ፈለግ ወይእዜሰ መልአ ወዘርኡ ግብጽ ምድረ ወፈርየት ብዙኀ ሠናየ በውእቱ ዓመት።,"For during the seven years of the famine it had irrigated only a few places at the river bank, but now it overflowed. The Egyptians seeded the land, and it yielded good produce that year." ወውእቱ ዓመት ቀዳሚ ዘሱባዔ ራብዕ ዘአርብዓ ወኀምስቱ ኢዮቤሌው።,That was the first year of the fourth week of the forty-fifth jubilee [2178]. ወነሥአ ዮሴፍ እምእክል ዘዘርኡ ኀምስቶ ለንጉሥ ወራብዕተ እደ ኀደገ ሎሙ ለሲሲት ወለዘርእ ወረሰዮ ዮሴፍ ሥርዐተ ለምድረ ግብጽ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት።,"Joseph took the king’s fifth of the food which had been sown, and he left four parts for them for food and seed. Joseph made it a law for the land of Egypt until today." ወሐይወ እስራኤል በምድረ ግብጽ ዐሠርተ ወሰብዓተ ዓመተ ወኮና ኵሎን መዋዕል እለ ሐይወ ሠለስቱ ኢዩቤልውስ ምእት ወአርብዓ ወሰብዓቱ ዓመት ወሞተ በዓመት ራብዕ ዘሱባዔ ኃምስ ዘአርብዓ ወኀምስቱ ኢዩቤልውስ።,Israel lived for 17 years in the land of Egypt. All of the time that he lived was three jubilees — 147 years. He died during the fourth year of the fifth week of the forty-fifth jubilee [2188]. ወባረኮሙ እስራኤል ለውሉዱ ዘእንበለ ይሙት ወነገሮሙ ኵሎ ዘኮነ ይረክቦሙ በምድረ ግብጽ ወበደኃሪ መዋዕል ዘከመ ይመጽእ ላዕሌሆሙ አይድዖሙ ወባረኮሙ ወወሀቦ ለዮሴፍ ክልኤተ መክፈልተ በዲበ ምድር።,Israel blessed his sons before he died. He told them everything that would happen to them in the land of Egypt; and he informed them (about) what would happen to them at the end of time. He blessed them and gave Joseph two shares in the land. ወኖመ ምስለ አበዊሁ ወተቀብረ ውስተ በአት ዘካዕበት በምድረ ከናአን ቅሩበ አብርሃም አቡሁ ውስተ መቃብር ዘከረየ ለርእሱ ውስተ በአተ ካዕበት በምድረ ኬብሮን።,He slept with his fathers and was buried near his father Abraham in the double cave in the land of Canaan — in the grave which he had dug for himself in the double cave in the land of Hebron. ወወሀቦ ኵሎ መጻሕፍቲሁ ወመጻሕፍተ አበዊሁ ለሌዊ ወልዱ ከመ ይዕቀቦን ወከመ የሐድሶን ለውሉዱ እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት።,He gave all his books and the books of his fathers to his son Levi so that he could preserve them and renew them for his sons until today. ወኮነ እምድኅረ ሞተ ያዕቆብ በዝኁ ውሉደ እስራኤል በምድረ ግብጽ ወኮኑ ሕዝበ ብዙኀ ወኮኑ ኵሎሙ ዕሩያነ በልቦሙ ከመ ያፍቅር እኅው እኅዋሁ ወከመ ይትራዳእ ብእሲ ምስለ እኁሁ ወበዝኁ ወፈድፋዱ ጥቀ ወዐሠርተ ሱባዔ ዓመታት ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወቱ ለዮሴፍ።,"After the death of Jacob, the children of Israel became numerous in the land of Egypt. They became a populous nation, and all of them were of the same mind so that each one loved the other and each one helped the other. They became numerous and increased very much — even for ten weeks of years [= 70 years] — for all of Joseph’s lifetime." ወአልቦ ሰይጣነ ወአልቦ ምንተኒ እኩየ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወቱ ለዮሴፍ እለ ሐይወ እምድኅረ አቡሁ ያዕቆብ እስመ ኵሎሙ ግብጽ ያከብርዎሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወቱ ለዮሴፍ።,There was no satan or any evil one throughout all of Joseph’s lifetime that he lived after his father Jacob because all the Egyptians were honoring the children of Israel for all of Joseph’s lifetime. ወሞተ ዮሴፍ ወልደ ምእት ወዐሠርቱ ዓመት ወዐሠርተ ወሰብዐተ ዓመተ ነበረ ምድረ ከናአን ወዐሠርተ ዓመተ ነበረ እንዘ ይትቀነይ ወሠለስተ ዓመተ ውስተ ቤተ ሞቅሕ ወሰማንያ ዓመተ እምታሕተ ንጉሥ እንዘ ይኴንን ኵላ ምድረ ግብጽ።,Joseph died when he was 110 years of age. He had lived for 17 years in the land of Canaan; for ten years he remained enslaved; he was in prison for three years; and for 80 years he was ruhng the entire land of Egypt under the pharaoh. ወሞተ ወኵሎሙ አኀዊሁ ወኵላ ይእቲ ትውልድ።,He died and all his brothers and all of that generation. ወአዘዞሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ዘእንበለ ይሙት ከመ ይሰዱ አዕጽምቲሁ በመዋዕል አመ ይወፅኡ እምድረ ግብጽ።,Before he died he ordered the Israelites to take his bones along at the time when they would leave the land of Egypt. ወአምሐሎሙ በእንተ አዕጽምቲሁ እስመ አእመረ ከመ ኢይደግሙ ግብጽ አውፅኦቶ ወቀቢሮቶ በዕለት በምድረ ከናአን እስመ ማከማሮን ንጉሠ ከናአን እንዘ የኀድር ምድረ አሱር ተቃተለ በቈላ ምስለ ንጉሠ ግብጽ ወቀተሎ በህየ ወዴገኖሙ ድኅሬሆሙ ለግብጽ እስከ አንቀጸ ኤርሞን።,"He made them swear about his bones because he knew that the Egyptians would not again bring him out and bury him on the day in the land of Canaan, since Makamaron, the king of Canaan, — while he was living in the land of Asur — fought in the valley with the king of Egypt and killed him there. He pursued the Egyptians as far as the gates of Ermon." ወስእነ በዊአ እስመ ነግሠ ካልእ ሐዲስ ንጉሥ ለግብጽ ወኀየለ እምኔሁ ወገብአ ምድረ ከናአን ወተዐጽወ አናቅጸ ግብጽ ወአልቦ ዘይወፅእ ወአልቦ ዘይበውእ ውስተ ግብጽ።,"He was unable to enter because another new king ruled Egypt. He was stronger than he, so he returned to the land of Canaan and the gates of Egypt were closed with no one leaving or entering Egypt." ወሞተ ዮሴፍ በዘ አርብዓ ወስድስቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በሱባዔ ሳድስ በካልእ ዓመቱ ወቀበርዎ ውስተ ምድረ ግብጽ ወሞቱ ኵሎሙ አኀዊሁ እምድኅሬሁ።,"Joseph died in the forty-sixth jubilee, in the sixth week, during its second year [2242]. He was buried in the land of Egypt, and all his brothers died after him." ወወፅአ ንጉሠ ግብጽ ከመ ይትቃተል ምስለ ንጉሠ ከናአን በዘ አርብዓ ወሰብዐቱ ኢዮቤልዉ በዳግም ሱባዔ በካልእ ዓመቱ ወአውፅኡ ውሉደ እስራኤል አዕጽምቲሆሙ ለውሉደ ያዕቆብ ኵሎ ዘእንበለ አዕጽምተ ዮሴፍ ወቀበርዎ ውስተ ገዳም ውስተ በአት ዘካዕበት ውስተ ደብር።,"Then the king of Egypt went out to fight with the king of Canaan in the forty-seventh jubilee, in the second week, during its second year [2263]. The Israelites brought out all the bones of Jacob’s sons except Joseph’s bones. They buried them in the field, in the double cave in the mountain." ወገብኡ ብዙኃን ውስተ ግብጽ ወኅዳጣን ተርፉ እምኔሆሙ ውስተ ደብረ ኬብሮን ወተረፈ አብራም አቡከ ምስሌሆሙ።,Many returned to Egypt but a few of them remained on the mountain of Hebron. Your father Amram remained with them. ወሞአ ንጉሠ ከናአን ለንጉሠ ግብጽ ወዐጸወ አናቅጸ ግብጽ።,The king of Canaan conquered the king of Egypt and closed the gates of Egypt. ወኀለየ ኅሊና እኩየ ላዕለ ውሉደ እስራኤል ከመ ያሕምሞሙ ወይቤሎሙ ለሰብአ ግብጽ።,He conceived an evil plan against the Israelites in order to make them suffer. He said to the Egyptians: ናሁ ሕዝበ ውሉደ እስራኤል ልህቁ ወበዝኁ እምኔነ ንዑ ንጠበብ ላዕሌሆሙ ዘእንበለ ይብዝኁ ወናሕምሞሙ በቅኔ ዘእንበለ ይምጽአነ ቀትል ወእሙንቱኒ ዘእንበለ ይፅብኡነ ወእመ አኮሰ እሙንቱኒ ይዴመሩ ምስለ ፀር ወይወፅኡ እምድርነ እስመ ልቦሙ ወገጾሙ ውስተ ምድረ ከናአን።,"‘The nation of the Israelites has now increased and become more numerous than we are. Come on, let us outwit them before they multiply. Let us make them suffer in slavery before war comes our way and they, too, fight against us. Otherwise they will unite with the enemy and leave our land because their mind(s) and face(s look) toward the land of Canaan’." ወሠርዐ ላዕሌሆሙ ሊቃነ ገባር ከመ ያሕምምዎሙ በቅኔ ወሐነጹ አህጉረ ጽኑዓተ ለፈርዖን ጲቶሃ ወራምሴሃ ወሐነጹ ኵሎ ጥቅመ ወኵሎ አረፋተ ዘወድቀ በሀገረ ግብጽ።,He appointed taskmasters over them to make them suffer in slavery. They built fortified cities for the pharaoh — Pithom and Ramses. They built every wall and all the fortifications which had fallen down in the cities of Egypt. ወይቀንይዎሙ ግፉዐ ወመጠነ ያሐስሙ ላዕሌሆሙ ከማሁ ይበዝኁ ወከማሁ ይፈደፍዱ።,"They were enslaving them by force, but however much they would make them suffer the more they would multiply and the more they would increase." ወያስተራኵስዎሙ ሰብአ ግብጽ ለውሉደ እስራኤል።,The Egyptians considered the Israelites detestable. ወበሱባዔ ሳብዕ በሳብዕ ዓመት በዘ አርብዓ ወሰብዓቱ ኢዩቤልዉ መጽአ አቡከ እምድረ ከናአን ወተወለድከ በራብዕ ሱባዔ በሳድስ ዓመቱ በዘ አርብዓ ወሰማኒቱ ኢዮቤሌዎን ዘውእቱ መዋዕለ ምንዳቤ ላዕለ ውሉደ እስራኤል።,"During the seventh week, in the seventh year, in the forty-seventh jubilee [2303], your father came from the land of Canaan. You were born during the fourth week, in its sixth year, in the forty-eighth jubilee [2330], which was the time of distress for the Israelites." ወአዘዘ ንጉሠ ግብጽ ፈርዖን ትእዛዘ ላዕሌሆሙ ከመ ይግድፉ ውሉዶሙ ኵሎ ሮሰ ዘተወልደ ውስተ ፈለግ።,"The pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had given orders regarding them that they were to throw their sons — every male who was born — into the river." ወነበሩ እንዘ ይገድፉ ሰብዐተ ወርኀ እስከ አመ ዕለተ ተወለድከ ወኀብአተከ እምከ ሠለስተ አውራኀ ወነገሩ በእንቲሃ።,They continued throwing (them in) for seven months until the time when you were born. Your mother hid you for three months. Then they told about her. ወገብረት ለከ ነፍቀ ወለበጠታ ፒሳ ወአስፋሊጦ ወአንበረቶ ውስተ ሣዕር ኀበ ድንጋገ ፈለግ ወአንበረተከ ውስቴታ ሰቡዐ መዋዕለ ወእምከ ትመጽእ በሌሊት ወታጠብወከ ወመዓልተ ተዐቅበከ ማርያ እኅትከ እምነ አዕዋፍ።,"She made a box for you, covered it with pitch and asphalt, and put it in the grass at the riverbank. She put you in it for seven days. Your mother would come at night and nurse you, and during the day your sister Miriam would protect you from the birds." ወበውእቱ መዋዕል ወፅአት ተርሙት ወለተ ፈርዖን ከመ ትትኀፀብ በውስተ ፈለግ ወሰምዐት ቃለከ እንዘ ትበኪ ወትቤ ለዕብራዊያቲሃ ከመ ያምጽአከ ወአምጽአከ ኀቤሃ።,"At that time Tarmuth, the pharaoh’s daughter, went out to bathe in the river and heard you crying. She told her slaves to bring you, so they brought you to her." ወአውፅአተከ እምነፍቅ ወምሕረተከ።,She took you out of the box and pitied you. ወትቤላ እኅርከ እሖርኑ ወእጸውዕ ለኪ አሐተ እምዕብራዊያት እንተ ተሐፅኖ ወታጠብዎ ለኪ ለዝ ሕፃን [ወትቤላ ሑሪ።]።,Then your sister said to her: ‘Should I go and summon for you one of the Hebrew women who will care for and nurse this infant for you’? [She said to her: ‘Go’.] ወሖረት ወጸውዐታ ለእምከ ለኢዮክቤት ወወሀበታ ዐስበ ወሐፀነተከ።,She went and summoned your mother Jochebed. She gave her wages and she took care of you. ወእምዝ ልሂቀከ ወሰዱከ ቤተ ፈርዖን ወኮንከ ውሉዳ ወመሀረከ ዕብራን አቡከ መጽሐፈ ወእምዘ ፈጸምከ ሠለስተ ሱባዔ አብአከ ውስተ ዐጸደ መንግሥት።,"Afterwards, when you had grown up, you were brought to the pharaoh’s daughter and became her child. Your father Amram taught you (the art of) writing. After you had completed three weeks [ = 21 years], he brought you into the royal court." ወሀለውከ ውስተ ዐጸድ ሠለስተ ሱባዔ ዓመት እስከ መዋዕል አመ ወፃእከ እምዐጸደ መንግሥት ወርኢኮ ለግብጻዊ እንዘ ይዘብጦ ለካልእከ ዘእምነ ውሉደ እስራኤል ወቀተልኮ ወኀባእኮ ውስተ ኆጻ።,You remained in the court for three weeks of years [ = 21 years] until the time when you went from the royal court and saw the Egyptian beating your companion who was one of the Israelites. You killed him and hid him in the sand. ወበሳኒታ ዕለት ረከብከ ክልኤተ እንዘ ይትባአሱ እምውሉደ እስራኤል ወትቤሎ ለዘይትዔገል ለምንት ትዘብጥ እኅዋከ።,On the next day you found two of the Israelites fighting. You said to the one who was acting unjustly: ‘Why are you beating your brother’? ወተምዕዐ ወተቈጥዐ ወይቤ መኑ ሤመከ ላዕሌነ መልአከ ወመኰንነ ትቅትለኒኑ ትፈቅድ በከመ ቀተልኮ ለግብጻዊ ወፈራህከ ወጐየይከ እምቅድመ ዝንቱ ነገር።,He became angry and indignant and said: ‘Who appointed you as ruler and judge over us? Do you want to kill me as you killed the Egyptian’? Then you were afraid and ran away because of this matter. ወበሳድስ ዓመት ዘሱባዔ ሣልስ ዘአርብዓ ወተስዐቱ ኢዮቤልዉሳት ሖርከ ወነበርከ ህየ ኀምስተ ሱባዔ ወዓመተ አሐደ ወገባእከ ውስተ ግብጽ በሱባዔ ዳግም በዓመት ካልእ በውእቱ ኀምሳ ኢዮቤልው።,"During the sixth year of the third week of the forty-ninth jubilee [2372], you went and lived there for five weeks and one year [= 36 years]. Then you returned to Egypt in the second week, during the second year in the fiftieth jubilee [2410]." ወአንተ ተአምር ዘተናገረ ለከ በደብረ ሲና ወምንተ ፈቀደ ይግበር ምስሌከ መኰንነ መስቴማ አመ ትገብእ ግብጽ በፍኖት በአላቴ ምጽላል።,You know who spoke to you at Mt. Sinai and what the prince of Mastema wanted to do to you while you were returning to Egypt — on the way at the shady fir tree. አኮሁ በኵሉ ኀይሉ ፈቀደ ይቅትልከ ወያድኅኖሙ ለግብጻዊያን እምእዴከ እስመ ርእየከ ከመ ተፈነውከ ትግበር ኵነኔ ወበቀለ ላዕለ ግብጻዊያን።,Did he not wish with all his strength to kill you and to save the Egyptians from your power because he saw that you were sent to carry out punishment and revenge on the Egyptians? ወባላሕኩከ እምእዴሁ ወገብርከ ተአምረ ወመንክረ በዘ ተፈኖከ ትግበር በግብጽ ላዕለ ፈርዖን ወላዕለ ኵሉ ቤቱ ወላዕለ አግብርቱ ወላዕለ ሕዝቡ።,"I rescued you from his power. You performed the signs and miracles which you were sent to perform in Egypt against the pharaoh, all his house, his servants, and his nation." ወገብረ እግዚአብሔር ላዕሌሆሙ በቀለ ዐቢየ በእንተ እስራኤል ወመሐጾሙ ወቀተሎሙ በደም ወበቈርነነዓት ወበትንንያ ወበጽንጽያ ከልብ ወበእኩይ ቍስል ዘውእቱ ይፈልሕ ዕንጰዕንጴ ወእንስሳሆሙ በሞት ወበአእባነ በረድ በዝንቱ አጥፍአ ኵሎ ዘይሠርጽ ሎሙ ወበአንበጣ እንተ በልዐት ተረፈ ዘተረፎሙ እምበረድ ወበጽልመት በኵሮሙ ዘሰብእ ወዘእንስሳ ወበኵሉ አማልክቲሆሙ ገብረ እግዚአብሔር በቀለ ወአውዐዮሙ በእሳት።,"The Lord effected a great revenge against them on account of Israel. He struck them and killed them with blood, frogs, gnats, dog flies, bad sores which break out in blisters; (and he struck) their cattle with death; and with hailstones — with these he annihilated everything that was growing for them; with locusts which ate whatever was left for them from the hail; with darkness; (and with the death of) their first-born of men and cattle. The Lord took revenge on all their gods and burned them up." ወኵሉ ተፈነወ ወእዴከ ከመ ትግበር ዘእንበለ ይትገበር ወሀለውከ ትትናገሮ ለንጉሠ ግብጽ ወበቅድመ ኵሎሙ ላእካኒሁ ወበቅድመ ሕዝቡ።,"Everything was sent through you, before it was done, so that you should do (it). You were speaking with the king of Egypt and in front of all his servants and his people." ወኵሉ ኮነ በቃልከ ዐሥሩ ኵነኔ ዐቢያት ወፀዋጋት መጽአ ውስተ ምድረ ግብድ ከመ ትግበር ቦቱ በቀለ እስራኤል።,Everything happened by your word. Ten great and severe punishments came to the land of Egypt so that you could take revenge on it for Israel. ወኵሎ ገብረ እግዚአብሔር በእንተ እስራኤል ወበከመ ሥርዐቱ ዘተካየደ ምስለ አብርሃም ከመ ይትበቀል ላዕሌሆሙ በከመ ይቀንይዎሙ በግፍዕ።,The Lord did everything for the sake of Israel and in accord with his covenant which he made with Abraham to take revenge on them just as they were enslaving them with force. ወመኰንነ መስቴማ ይትቀወመከ ቅድሜከ ወይፈቅድ ያውድቀ ውስተ እደ ፈርዖን ወይረድእ ሥራያቲሆሙ ለግብጽ ወይትቃወሙ ወይገብሩ በቅድሜከ።,The prince of Mastema would stand up against you and wish to make you fall into the pharaoh’s power. He would help the Egyptian magicians and they would oppose (you) and perform in front of you. እከየሰኬ ኀደግናሆሙ ይግበሩ ወፈውሰ ኢናበውሖሙ ከመ ይትገበር በእደዊሆሙ።,"We permitted them to do evil things, but we would not allow healings to be performed by them." መሐጾሙ እግዚአብሔር በቍስል እኩይ ወስእኑ ተቃውሞ እስመ አሕጐልናሆሙ እምገቢረ ምንተሂ አሐደ ትእምርተ።,"When the Lord struck them with bad sores, they were unable to oppose (you) because we deprived them of (their ability) to perform a single sign." ወበኵሉ ተአምር ወመንክር ኢኀፈረ መኰንነ መስቴማ እስከ ሶበ ኀየለ ወጸርኀ ሎሙ ለግብጽ ከመ ይዴግኑ ድኅሬከ በኵሉ ኀይሎሙ ለግብጽ በሰረገላቲሆሙ ወአፍራሲሆሙ ወበኵሉ ብዝኆሙ ለአሕዛበ ግብጽ።,"Despite all the signs and miracles, the prince of Mastema was not put to shame until he gained strength and cried out to the Egyptians to pursue you with all the Egyptian army — with their chariots, their horses — and with all the throng of the Egyptian people." ወቆምኩ ማእከሌከ ወማእከሎሙ ለግብጽ ወማእከሎሙ ለእስራኤል ወባላሕናሆሙ ለእስራኤል እምእዴሁ ወእምእደ ሕዝብ ወአውፅኦሙ እግዚአብሔር እንተ ማእከለ ባሕር ከመ እንተ የብስ።,"I stood between you, the Egyptians, and the Israelites. We rescued the Israelites from his power and from the power of the people. The Lord brought them out through the middle of the sea as if on dry ground." ወኵሎሙ ሕዝብ ዘአውፅአ ይዴግኑ ድኅሬሆሙ ለእስራኤል ወወረዎሙ እግዚአብሔር አምላክነ ማእከለ ባሕር ውስተ መዓምቅቲሃ ለቀላይ በታሕቴሆሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል በከመ ወረዉ ውሉዶሙ ሰብአ ግብጽ ውስተ ፈለግ ምእተ እልፈ ተበቀሎሙ ወዐሠርቱ ምእት ዕደው ኀያላን ወእለሂ ሠለስተ ይዳለጉ ጠፍኡ በእንተ አሐዱ ጠባዊት ዘገደፉ ማእከለ ፈለግ እምውሉደ ሕዝብከ።,"All of the people whom he brought out to pursue the Israelites the Lord our God threw into the sea — to the depths of the abyss — in place of the Israelites, just as the Egyptians had thrown their sons into the river. He took revenge on 1,000,000 of them. 1000 men (who were) strong and also very brave perished for one infant of your people whom they had thrown into the river." ወአመ ዐሡር ወረቡዕ ዕለት ወአመ ዐሡር ወኀሙስ ወአመ ዐሡር ወሰዱስ ወአመ ዐሡር ወሰቡዕ ወአመ ዐሡር ወሰሙን ሀሎ መኰንነ መስቴማ እሱር ወዕፅው እምድኅሬሆሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ከመ ኢያስተዋድዮሙ።,"On the fourteenth day, the fifteenth, the sixteenth, the seventeenth, and the eighteenth the prince of Mastema was bound and locked up behind the Israelites so that he could not accuse them." ወአመ ዕለተ ዐሡር ወተሱዕ ፈታሕናሆሙ ከመ ይርድእዎሙ ለግብጽ ወከመ ይዴግኑ ድኅሬሆሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል።,On the nineteenth day we released them so that they could help the Egyptians and pursue the Israelites. ወአጽንዐ አልባሲሆሙ ወአኀየሎሙ ወተኀየሉ እምኀበ እግዚአብሔር አምላክነ ከመ ይምሐጾሙ ለግብጽ ወይወርዎሙ ማእከለ ባሕር።,He stiffened their resolve and made them stubborn. They were made stubborn by the Lord our God so that he could strike the Egyptians and throw them into the sea. ወአመ ዐሡር ወረቡዕ ዕለት አሰርናሁ ከመ ኢያስተዋድዮሙ ለደቂቀ እስራኤል በዕለት አመ ሀለዉ ይስእሉ ንዋየ ወአልባሰ እምኀበ ሰብአ ግብጽ ንዋየ ብሩር ወንዋየ ወርቅ ወንዋየ ብርት ወከመ ይማህርክዎሙ ለግብጽ ህየንተ ተቀንዩ እንተ ቀነይዎሙ በግፍዕ።,"On the fourteenth day we bound him so that he could not accuse the Israelites on the day when they were requesting utensils and clothing from the Egyptians — utensils of silver, utensils of gold, and utensils of bronze; and so that they could plunder the Egyptians in return for the fact that they were made to work when they enslaved them by force." ወኢያውፃእናሆሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል እምግብጽ ዕራቆሙ።,We did not bring the Israelites out of Egypt empty-handed. ተዘከር ትእዛዘ ዘአዘዘከ እግዚአብሔር በእንተ ፋሲካ ከመ ትግበር በጊዜሁ አመ ዐሡር ወረቡዑ ለወርኅ ቀዳማዊ ከመ ትጥብሖ ዘእንበለ ይምሰይ ወከመ ይብልዕዎ በሌሊት አመ ምሴት ዘዐሡር ወኀሙስ እምጊዜ ዕርበተ ፀሐይ።,"Remember the commandments which the Lord gave you regarding the passover so that you may celebrate it at its time on the fourteenth of the first month, that you may sacrifice it before evening, and so that they may eat it at night on the evening of the fifteenth from the time of sunset." እስመ በዛቲ ሌሊት ቀዳሜ በዓል ይእቲ ወቀዳሜ ፍሥሐ ይእቲ አንትሙ ትነብሩ ትብልዑ ጳስካ በግብጽ ወኵሎን ኀይላቲሁ ለመስቴማ ተፈነወ ከመ ይቅትል ኵሎ በኵረ በምድረ ግብጽ እምበኵሩ ለፈርዖን እስከ በኵረ ላእኪት ፄዋዊት እንተ ማሕረፅ ወላዕለ እንስሳኒ።,For on this night — it was the beginning of the festival and the beginning of joy — you were eating the passover in Egypt when all the forces of Mastema were sent to kill every first-born in the land of Egypt — from the pharaoh’s first-born to the first-born of the captive slave-girl at the millstone and to the cattle as well. ወዛቲ ዘወሀበ እግዚአብሔር ሎሙ ውስተ ኵሉ ቤት ዘርእዩ ውስተ አንቀጹ ደመ በግዕ ዘዓመት ኢይባኡ ውስተ ቤቱ ለቀቲል አላ ይትዓደዉ ከመ ይድኀኑ ኵሎሙ እለ ውስተ ቤት እስመ ትእምርተ ደም ውስተ አንቀጹ።,"This is that which the Lord gave them: into each house on whose door they saw the blood of a year-old lamb, they were not to enter that house to kill but were to pass over (it) in order to save all who were in the house because the sign of the blood was on its door." ወገብሩ ኀይላቲሁ ለእግዚአብሔር ኵሎ ዘመጠነ አዘዞሙ እግዚአብሔር ወተዐደዉ እምኵሉ ደቂቀ እስራኤል ወኢቦአ ላዕሌሆሙ መቅሠፍት ለአማስኖ እምኔሆሙ ኵሎ ነፍሰ እምእንስሳ እስከ ሰብእ ወእስከ ከልብ።,The Lord’s forces did everything that the Lord ordered them. They passed over all the Israelites. The plague did not come on them to destroy any of them — from cattle to mankind to dogs. ወኮነ መቅሠፍት በግብጽ ጥቀ ዐቢይ ወአልቦ ቤተ በግብጽ ዘአልቦ በድነ ውስቴታ ወብካየ ወዐውያተ።,"The plague on Egypt was very great. There was no house in Egypt in which there was no corpse, crying, and mourning." ወኵሉ እስራኤል ይነብር እንዘ ይበልዕ ሥጋ ጳስካ ወእንዘ ይሰቲ ወይነ ወይሴብሕ ወይባርክ ወያአኵት እግዚአብሔር አምላከ አበዊሁ ወድልወ ይከውን ለወፂእ እምአርዑተ ግብጽ ወእምቅኔ እኪት።,"All Israel was eating the paschal meat, drinking the wine, and glorifying, blessing, and praising the Lord God of their fathers. They were ready to leave the Egyptian yoke and evil slavery." ወአንተኒ ተዘከር ዛተ ዕለተ ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወትከ ወግበራ እምዓም ለዓም ኵሎ መዋዕለ ሕይወትከ ምዕረ ለዓመት በዕለቱ በከመ ኵሉ ሕጉ ወኢታስተኃልፍ ዕለተ እምዕለት ወእምወርኅ ለወርኅ።,"Now you remember this day throughout all your lifetime. Celebrate it from year to year throughout all your lifetime, once a year on its day in accord with all of its law. Then you will not change a day from the day or from month to month." እስመ ሥርዐት ዘለዓለም ውእቱ ወቍሩጽ ውስተ ጽላተ ሰማይ ላዕለ ውሉደ እስራኤል ከመ ይግበርዎ በኵሉ ዓመት ወዓመት በዕለቱ ምዕረ በዓመት ውስተ ኵሉ ትውልዶሙ ወአልቦ ወሰነ መዋዕል እስመ ለዓለም ውእቱ ሥሩዕ።,"For it is an eternal statute and it is engraved on the heavenly tablets regarding the Israelites that they are to celebrate it each and every year on its day, once a year, throughout their entire history. There is no temporal limit because it is ordained forever." ወብእሲ እንዘ ንጹሕ ውእቱ ወኢመጽአ ይግበሮ በጊዜ ዕለቱ ለአብኦ ቍርባን ዘይሠምር ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ወለበሊዕ ወለሰቲይ በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር በዕለተ በዓሉ ወይሠረዉ ውእቱ ብእሲ ዘንጹሕ ወቅሩብ እስመ ቍርባነ እግዚአብሔር ኢያብአ በጊዜሁ ወኀጢአተ ይነሥእ ውእቱ ብእሲ ለርእሱ።,The man who is pure but does not come to celebrate it on its prescribed day — to bring a sacrifice that is pleasing before the Lord and to eat and drink before the Lord on the day of his festival — that man who is pure and nearby is to be uprooted because he did not bring the Lord’s sacrifice at its time. That man will bear responsibility for his own sin. ከመ ይኩኑ ውሉደ እስራኤል እለ ይመጽኡ ወይገብሩ ጰስከ በዕለተ ጊዜሁ አመ ዐሡሩ ወረቡዑ ለወርኅ ቀዳማዊ በማእከለ ምስያታት እምሣልስታ ለዕለት እስከ ሣልስታ ለሌሊት እስመ ክልኤ መክፈልታ ለዕለት ተውህበ ለብርሃን ወሣልስታ ለምሴት።,"The Israelites are to come and celebrate the passover on its specific day — on the fourteenth of the first month — between the evenings, from the third part of the day until the third part of the night. For two parts of the day have been given for light and its third part for the evening." ዝውእቱ ዘአዘዘከ እግዚአብሔር ከመ ትግበሮ በማእከለ ምሴታት።,This is what the Lord commanded you — to celebrate it between the evenings. ወኢይከውን ጠቢሖቱ በኵሉ ጊዜ ብርሃን ዘእንበለ ጊዜ ወሰነ ምሴት ወይበልዕዎ በጊዜ ምሴት እስከ ሣልስተ ሌሊት ወዘተርፈ እምኵሉ ሥጋሁ እምሣልስተ ሌሊት ወከሐ በእሳት ያውዕይዎ።,It is not to be sacrificed at any hour of the daylight but in the hour of the boundary of the evening. They will eat it during the evening hour(s) until the third part of the night. Any of its meat that is left over from the third part of the night and beyond is to be burned. ወኢይከውን ያብስልዎ በማይ ወኢይብልዕዎ ጥራየ አላ ጥቡሰ በእሳት ብሱለ በእሳት በአስተሐምሞ ርእስ ምስለ ንዋየ ውስጡ ወምስለ እገሪሁ ይጥብስዎ በእሳት ወአልቦ ሰቢረ ዐጽም እምውስቴቱ ምንተኒ እስመ ኢይትቀጠቀጥ እምውሉደ እስራኤል ምንተሂ ዐጽም።,"They are not to boil it in water nor eat it raw but roasted on a fire, cooked with care on a fire — the head with its internal parts and its feet. They are to roast it on a fire. There will be no breaking of any bone in it because no bone of the Israelites will be broken." በእንተዝ አዘዞሙ እግዚአብሔር ለውሉደ እስራኤል ከመ ይግበሩ ጳስካ በዕለተ ጊዜሁ ወኢይከውን ሰቢረ ዐጽም ምንተሂ እምኔሁ እስመ ዕለተ በዓል ይእቲ ወዕለት እዝዝት ይእቲ ወአልቦ ተዐድዎ እምውስቴቱ ዕለተ እምዕለት ወእምወርኅ ወርኅ እስመ አመ ዕለተ በዓሉ ይትገበር።,Therefore the Lord ordered the Israelites to celebrate the passover on its specific day. No bone of it is to be broken because it is a festal day and a day which has been commanded. From it there is to be no passing over a day from the day or a month from the month because it is to be celebrated on its festal day. ወአንተሂ አዝዞሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ከመ ይግበሩ ጳስካ በመዋዕሊሆሙ በኵሉ ዓመት ምዕረ ለዓመት በዕለተ ጊዜሁ ወይመጽእ ተዝካር እምቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ዘይሠምር ወኢይመጽኦሙ መቅሠፍት ለቀቲል ወለማኅፀት በውእቱ ዓመት አመ ገብሩ ጳስካ በጊዜሁ በኵሉ በከመ ተአዘዘ።,"Now you order the Israelites to celebrate the passover each year during their times, once a year on its specific day. Then a pleasing memorial will come before the Lord and no plague will come upon them to kill and to strike (them) during that year when they have celebrated the passover at its time in every respect as it was commanded." ወኢይከውን እንከ ለበሊዖቱ በአፍአ እምቤተ መቅደሱ ለእግዚአብሔር ወበአንጸረ ቤተ መቅደሱ ለእግዚአብሔር ወኵሉ ሕዝበ ማኅበሮሙ ለእስራኤል ይግበርዎ በጊዜሁ።,It is no longer to be eaten outside of the Lord’s sanctuary but before the Lord’s sanctuary. All the people of the Israelite congregation are to celebrate it at its time. ኵሉ ሰብእ ዘመጽአ በዕለቱ ይብልዖ በቤተ መቅደሱ ለአምላክክሙ በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ዘእምዕሥራ ዓመት ወላዕለ እስመ ከመዝ ተጽሕፈ ወተሠርዐ ከመ ይብልዕዎ በቤተ መቅደሱ ለእግዚአብሔር።,"Every man who has come on its day, who is 20 years of age and above, is to eat it in the sanctuary of your God before the Lord, because this is the way it has been written and ordained — that they are to eat it in the Lord’s sanctuary." ወእምከመ ቦኡ ውሉደ እስራኤል ውስተ ምድር እንተ ይእኅዙ ውስተ ምድረ ከናአን ወይተክሉ ደብተራ እግዚአብሔር ማእከለ ምድር ውስተ አሐዱ እምነ ሠራዊቶሙ እስከ አመ ይትሐነጽ መቅደሱ ለእግዚአብሔር በዲበ ምድር ወይኩኑ እንዘ ይመጽኡ ወይገብሩ ጳስከ በማእከለ ደብተራሁ ለእግዚአብሔር ወይጠብሕዎ በቅድመ እግዚአብሔር እምዓመት በዓመት።,"When the Israelites enter the land which they will possess — the land of Canaan — and set up the Lord’s tabernacle in the middle of the land in one of their tribal groups (until the time when the Lord’s temple will be built in the land), they are to come and celebrate the passover in the Lord’s tabernacle and sacrifice it before the Lord from year to year." ወበመዋዕል አመ ተሐንጸ ቤት በስመ እግዚአብሔር በምድረ ርስቶሙ ህየ ይሖሩ ወይጥብሑ ጳስካ ምሴተ እንዘ የዐርብ ፀሐይ በትሥልስታ ለዕለት።,"At the time when the house is built in the Lord’s name in the land which they will possess, they are to go there and sacrifice the passover in the evening when the sun sets, in the third part of the day." ወያዐርጉ ደሞ ውስተ ምክያዳ ለምሥዋዕ ወሥብሐ ያንብሩ ዲበ እሳት ዘላዕለ ምሥዋዕ ወሥጋሁ ይብልዑ ጥቡሰ በእሳት በውስተ ዐጸደ ቤተ መቅደስ በስመ እግዚአብሔር።,They will offer its blood on the base of the altar. They are to place the fat on the fire which is above the altar and are to eat its meat roasted on a fire in the courtyard of the sanctuary in the name of the Lord. ወኢይክሉ ገቢረ ጳስካ በአህጉሪሆሙ ወበኵሉ በሓውርት ዘእንበለ በቅድመ ደብተራ እግዚአብሔር ወእመ አኮ በቅድመ ቤት ኀበ ኀደረ ስመ ዚአሁ ወስቴቱ ወኢይስሕቱ ድኅረ እግዚአብሔር።,They will not be able to celebrate the passover in their cities or in any places except before the Lord’s tabernacle or otherwise before the house in which his name has resided. Then they will not go astray from the Lord. ወአንተኒ ሙሴ አዝዞሙ ለውሉደ እስራኤል ወይዕቀቡ ሥርዐተ ጳስካ በከመ ተአዘዘ ለከ ከመ ትንግሮሙ ዓመቶ ለለ ዓመት ወዕለቶ ለዕለታት ወበዓለ ናእት ከመ ይብልዑ ናእተ ሰቡዐ ዕለተ ከመ ይግበሩ በዓሎ ከመ ያብኡ ቍርባኖ ዕለተ እምዕለት በእላ ሰቡዕ መዋዕለ ፍሥሐ ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ዲበ ምሥዋዐ አምላክክሙ።,"Now you, Moses, order the Israelites to keep the statute of the passover as it was commanded to you so that you may tell them its year each year, the time of the days, and the festival of unleavened bread so that they may eat unleavened bread for seven days to celebrate its festival, to bring its sacrifice before the Lord on the altar of your God each day during those seven joyful days." እስመ ዛተ በዓለ በውልዋሌ ገበርክምዋ አመ ትወፅኡ እምግብጽ እስከ አመ ተዐድዉ ባሕረ ውስተ ገዳመ ሱር እስመ በኀበ ድንጋገ ባሕር ሰለጥክምዋ።,"For you celebrated this festival hastily when you were leaving Egypt until the time you crossed the sea into the wilderness of Sur, because you completed it on the seashore." ወእምድኅረዝ ሕግ አይዳዕኩከ መዋዕለ ሰንበታት በገዳመ ሲና እንተ ይእቲ ማእከለ ኤሊም ወሲና።,After this law I informed you about the sabbath days in the wilderness of Sin which is between Elim and Sinai. ወሰንበታተ ምድርኒ ነገርኩከ በደብረ ሲና ወዓመታተ ኢዮቤሌዎኒ ውስተ ሰንበታተ ዓመታት ወዓመቶሰ ኢነገርናከ እስከ አመ ትበውኡ ውስተ ምድር እንተ ትእኅዙ።,"On Mt. Sinai I told you about the sabbaths of the land and the years of jubilees in the sabbaths of the years, but its year we have not told you until the time when you enter the land which you will possess." ወታሰነብት ምድርኒ ሰንበታቲሃ በነቢሮቶሙ ዲቤሃ ወዓመቶ ለኢዮቤል ያእምሩ።,"The land will observe its sabbaths when they live on it, and they are to know the year of the jubilee." በእንተዝ ሠራዕኩ ለከ ሱባዔ ዓመታት ወኢዮቤሌዎታተ አርብዓ ወተስዐቱ ኢዮቤሌዎታት እምነ መዋዕሊሁ ለአዳም እስከ ዛቲ ዕለት ወሱባዔ አሐዱ ወክልኤ ዓመታት ወዓዲ አርብዓ ዓመት ርሑቅ ለአእምሮ ትእዛዛተ እግዚአብሔር እስከ አመ ያዐድው ማዕዶተ ምድረ ከናአን ዐዲዎሙ ዮርዳኖስ ገጸ ዐረቢሁ።,"For this reason I have arranged for you the weeks of years and the jubilees — 49 jubilees from the time of Adam until today, and one week and two years. It is still 40 years off (for learning the Lord’s commandments) until the time when he leads (them) across to the land of Canaan, after they have crossed the Jordan to the west of it." ወኢዮቤሌዎታት የኀልፉ እስከ አመ ይነጽሕ እስራኤል እምኵሉ አበሳ ዝሙት ወርኵስ ወግማኔ ወኀጢአት ወጌጋይ ወየኀድር ውስተ ኵሉ ምድር እንዘ ይትአመን ወአልቦ እንከ ሎቱ መነሂ ሰይጣነ ወአልቦ መነሂ እኩየ ወትነጽሕ ምድር እምውእቱ ጊዜ እስከ ኵሉ መዋዕል።,"The jubilees will pass by until Israel is pure of every sexual evil, impurity, contamination, sin, and error. Then they will live confidently in the entire land. They will no longer have any satan or any evil person. The land will be pure from that time until eternity." ወናሁ ትእዛዘ ሰንበታትኒ ጸሐፍኩ ለከ ወኵሉ ፍትሐተ ሕገጊሁ።,I have now written for you the sabbath commandments and all the statutes of its laws. ሰዱሰ ዕለተ ትገብር ግብረ ወአመ ሳብዕት ዕለት ሰንበት ዘእግዚአብሔር አምላክክሙ ኢትግበሩ ባቲ ኵሎ ግብረ አንትሙ ወውሉድክሙ ወአግብርቲክሙ ወአእማቲክሙ ወኵሉ እንስሳክሙ ወነኪርኒ ዘኀቤክሙ።,"You will work for six days, but on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord your God. Do not do any work on it — you, your children, your male and female servants, all your cattle, or the foreigner who is with you." ወሰብእ ዘይገብር ምንተሂ ግብረ ባቲ ይሙት ኵሉ ብእሲ ዘይጌምና ለዛ ዕለት ዘይሰክብ ምስለ ብእሲት ወዘሂ ይትናገር ነገረ ምግባር ባቲ ከመ ይግበር ባቲ ገዪሶ ወበእንተኒ ኵሉ ሠዪጥ ወተሣይጦ ወዘሂ ማየ ይቀድሕ ባቲ ዘኢያስተዳለወ ሎቱ በዕለተ ሳድስት ወዘኒ አንሥአ ዘይጸውር ኵሎ ከመ ያውፅእ እምደብተራሁ ወእመኒ እምቤቱ ይሙት።,"The man who does any work on it is to die. Any man who desecrates this day; who lies with a woman; who says anything about work on it — that he is to set out on a trip on it, or about any selling or buying; who on it draws water which he had not prepared for himself on the sixth day; or who lifts any load to bring (it) outside his tent or his house is to die." ኢትግበሩ ሰንበት ምንተሂ ግብረ ዘኢያስተዳለውክምዎ ለክሙ በዕለተ ሳድስት ለበሊዕ ወለሰቲይ ወለአዕርፎ ወለአሰንብቶ እምኵሉ ግብር በዛቲ ዕለት ወለባርኮ እግዚአብሔር አምላክክሙ ዘወሀበክሙ ዕለት በዓል ወዕለተ ቅድስተ ወዕለተ መንግሥት ቅድስት ለኵሉ እስራኤል ዛቲ ዕለት በመዋዕሊሆሙ በኵሉ መዋዕል።,"On the sabbath day do not do any work which you have not prepared for yourself on the sixth day so that you may eat, drink, rest, keep sabbath on this day from all work, and bless the Lord your God who has given you a festal day and a holy day. This day among their days is to be the day of the holy kingdom for all Israel throughout all time." እስመ ዐባይ ክብር እንተ ወሀበ እግዚአብሔር ለእስራኤል ለበሊዕ ወለሰቲይ ወለጸጊብ በዛቲ ዕለተ በዓል ወለአዕርፎ ባቲ እምኵሉ ግብር ዘእምግብረ እጓለ እመሕያው ዘእንበለ ዐጢነ ዕጣን ወለአብኦ ቍርባን ወመሥዋዕት ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ለመዋዕል ወለሰንበታት።,"For great is the honor which the Lord has given Israel to eat, drink, and be filled on this festal day; and to rest on it from any work that belongs to the work of mankind except to burn incense and to bring before the Lord offerings and sacrifices for the days and the sabbaths." ዝግብር ባሕቲቱ ይትገበር በመዋዕለ ሰንበታት በቤተ መቅደሱ ለእግዚአብሔር አምላክክሙ ከመ ያስተስርዩ ዲበ እስራኤል መባአ ወትረ ዕለተ እምዕለት ለተዝካር ዘይሠጠው ቅድመ እግዚአብሔር ወይትወከፎሙ ለዓለም ዕለተ እምዕለት በከመ ተአዘዝከ።,"Only this (kind of) work is to be done on the sabbath days in the sanctuary of the Lord your God in order that they may atone continuously for Israel with offerings from day to day as a memorial that is acceptable before the Lord; and in order that he may receive them forever, day by day, as you were ordered." ወኵሉ ሰብእ ዘይገብር ግብረ ወዘሂ የሐውር መንገደ ወዘሂ ይትቀነይ ወፍረ ወእመሂ በቤቱ ወእመሂ በኵሉ መካን ወዘሂ ያነድድ እሳተ ወዘሂ ይጼዐን ዲበ ኵሉ እንስሳ ወዘሂ ይነግድ በሐመር ባሕረ ወኵሉ ሰብእ ዘይዘብጥ ወይቀትል ምንተሂ ወዘሂ የሐርድ እንስሳ ወዖፈ ወዘሂ አሥገረ እመሂ አርዌ ወዖፈ ወእመኒ ዓሣ ወዘሂ ይጸውም ወይገብር ፀብአ በዕለተ ሰንበት።,"Any man who does work; who goes on a trip; who works farmland whether at his home or in any (other) place; who lights a fire; who rides any animal; who travels the sea by ship; any man who beats or kills anything; who shts the throat of an animal or bird; who catches either a wild animal, a bird, or a fish; who fasts and makes war on the sabbath day —" ወሰብእ ዘይገብር ኵሎ ዘእምዝ በዕለተ ሰንበት ይሙት ከመ ይኩኑ ውሉደ እስራኤል እንዘ ያሰነብቱ በከመ ትእዛዛተ ሰንበታተ ምድር በከመ ተጽሕፈ እምውስተ ጽላት ዘወሀበኒ ውስተ እደዊየ ከመ እጽሐፍ ለከ ሕገገ ጊዜ ወጊዜ በበ ኩፋሌ መዋዕሊሁ።,"a man who does any of these things on the sabbath day is to die, so that the Israelites may continue observing the sabbath in accord with the commandments for the sabbaths of the land as it was written in the tablets which he placed in my hands so that I could write for you the laws of each specific time in every division of its times»."