stringlengths 1
| __index_level_0__
int64 0
Millimeter-wave CMOS digital controlled artificial dielectric differential mode transmission lines for reconfigurable ICs | 0 |
CMP network-on-chip overlaid with multi-band RF-interconnect | 1 |
Discriminative Representation Combinations for Accurate Face Spoofing Detection | 10 |
Deep Representations for Iris, Face, and Fingerprint Spoofing Detection | 11 |
Robust Real-Time Face Detection | 13 |
A face antispoofing database with diverse attacks | 15 |
Integrating children's contributions in the interaction design process | 20 |
Designing for or designing with? Informant design for interactive learning environments | 21 |
Structured Dictionary Learning for Classification | 30 |
Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information | 31 |
Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation | 33 |
Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso | 35 |
C-HiLasso: A Collaborative Hierarchical Sparse Modeling Framework | 37 |
Low latency analytics for streaming traffic data with Apache Spark | 40 |
Semantic data provisioning and reasoning for the Internet of Things | 41 |
Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems | 43 |
Time-dependent trajectory regression on road networks via multi-task learning | 50 |
Adaptive Fastest Path Computation on a Road Network: A Traffic Mining Approach | 51 |
Convex multi-task feature learning | 53 |
Sparsity and smoothness via the fused lasso | 55 |
A Convex Formulation for Learning Task Relationships in Multi-Task Learning | 57 |
A Comparison of Noise Handling Techniques | 60 |
Robust Decision Trees: Removing Outliers from Databases | 61 |
Effective 3D action recognition using EigenJoints | 70 |
Mining actionlet ensemble for action recognition with depth cameras | 71 |
A spatio-temporal descriptor based on 3D-gradients | 73 |
Behavior recognition via sparse spatio-temporal features | 75 |
Normal-Mode Decomposition of Surface Power Distribution in Multiple-Coil Induction Heating Systems | 80 |
Dynamic Analysis and Control for Resonant Currents in a Zone-Control Induction Heating System | 81 |
Authorship Attribution Based on Life-Like Network Automata | 90 |
Influence of Word Normalization on Text Classification | 91 |
Research Note - Privacy Concerns and Privacy-Protective Behavior in Synchronous Online Social Interactions | 100 |
a self - awareness approach to computer - mediated communication . | 101 |
Internet users' information privacy-protective responses: a taxonomy and a nomological model | 103 |
Agreement and Disagreement: Comparison of Points of View in the Political Domain | 110 |
LIBSVM: A library for support vector machines | 111 |
From Frequency to Meaning: Vector Space Models of Semantics | 113 |
stanford ' s multi - pass sieve coreference resolution system at the conll - 2011 shared task . | 115 |
The Literature Review of Technology Acceptance Model: A Study of the Bibliometric Distributions | 120 |
Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology | 121 |
Dynamics of Driver's Gaze: Explorations in Behavior Modeling and Maneuver Prediction | 130 |
Car that Knows Before You Do: Anticipating Maneuvers via Learning Temporal Driving Models | 131 |
A computational framework for driver's visual attention using a fully convolutional architecture | 133 |
Supervised Descent Method and Its Applications to Face Alignment | 135 |
Real-time verification of network properties using Atomic Predicates | 140 |
Real Time Network Policy Checking using Header Space Analysis | 141 |
Header space analysis: Static checking for networks | 143 |
Trading off prediction accuracy and power consumption for context-aware wearable computing | 150 |
The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory | 151 |
Sampling frequency, signal resolution and the accuracy of wearable context recognition systems | 153 |
All digital phase interpolator | 160 |
A Wide-Tracking Range Clock and Data Recovery Circuit | 161 |
A Semidigital Dual Delay-Locked Loop | 163 |
Fast and memory-efficient regular expression matching for deep packet inspection | 170 |
fast regular expression matching using fpgas . | 171 |
Algorithms to accelerate multiple regular expressions matching for deep packet inspection | 175 |
Packet Inspection for Unauthorized OS Detection in Enterprises | 180 |
SubVirt: implementing malware with virtual machines | 181 |
A low phase noise oscillator using SIW combline resonator | 190 |
Theory and Design of Octave Tunable Filters With Lumped Tuning Elements | 191 |
A Low Phase-Noise VCO Using an Electronically Tunable Substrate Integrated Waveguide Resonator | 193 |
A compact-size microstrip spiral resonator and its application to microwave oscillator | 195 |
Design of High-Q Tunable SIW Resonator and Its Application to Low Phase Noise VCO | 197 |
Inflammatory reaction to hyaluronic acid: A newly described complication in vocal fold augmentation | 200 |
Vascular complications of hyaluronic acid fillers and the role of hyaluronidase in management. | 201 |
Treatment Algorithm of Complications after Filler Injection: Based on Wound Healing Process | 203 |
Fria: fast and robust instance alignment | 210 |
PARIS: Probabilistic Alignment of Relations, Instances, and Schema | 211 |
yago2 : exploring and querying world knowledge in time , space , context , and many languages . | 213 |
Interaction techniques for older adults using touchscreen devices: a literature review | 220 |
BiTouch and BiPad: designing bimanual interaction for hand-held tablets | 221 |
Player Detection and Tracking in Broadcast Tennis Video | 230 |
real - time view recognition and event detection for sports video . | 231 |
empathy versus personal distress – recent evidence from social neuroscience . | 240 |
How Would You Feel versus How Do You Think She Would Feel? A Neuroimaging Study of Perspective-Taking with Social Emotions | 241 |
empathy : its ultimate and proximate bases . | 243 |
The Mirror Neuron System | 245 |
Deep Unsupervised Similarity Learning Using Partially Ordered Sets | 250 |
A Block Coordinate Descent Method for Regularized Multiconvex Optimization with Applications to Nonnegative Tensor Factorization and Completion | 251 |
Learning a Nonlinear Embedding by Preserving Class Neighbourhood Structure | 253 |
Discriminative decorrelation for clustering and classification | 257 |
2D Human Pose Estimation: New Benchmark and State of the Art Analysis | 259 |
Question answering on interlinked data | 260 |
Top-k Exploration of Query Candidates for Efficient Keyword Search on Graph-Shaped (RDF) Data | 261 |
Text Chunking Using Transformation-Based Learning | 263 |
Automatic categorization of medical images for content-based retrieval and data mining | 270 |
Efficient Pattern Recognition Using a New Transformation Distance | 271 |
Blobworld : Image segmentation using Expectation-Maximization and its application to image querying | 273 |
Convolutional Networks Outperform Linear Decoders in Predicting EMG From Spinal Cord Signals | 280 |
Convolutional deep belief networks for feature extraction of EEG signal | 281 |
Seizure prediction for therapeutic devices: A review | 283 |
Direct and indirect pathways of basal ganglia: a critical reappraisal | 290 |
Regulation of parkinsonian motor behaviours by optogenetic control of basal ganglia circuitry | 291 |
A Multicriteria Approach for Distributed Planning and Conflict Resolution for Multi-Agent Systems | 300 |
Supporting Conflict Resolution in Cooperative Design Systems | 301 |
Multiple balance strategies from one optimization criterion | 310 |
A Biomechanically Motivated Two-Phase Strategy for Biped Upright Balance Control | 311 |
the effects of a controlled energy storage and return prototype prosthetic foot on transtibial amputee ambulation . | 320 |
The effect of five prosthetic feet on the gait and loading of the sound limb in dysvascular below-knee amputees. | 321 |
Kinetic analysis of the lower limbs during walking: What information can be gained from a three-dimensional model? | 327 |
Subsets and Splits