import gzip
import os
import shutil
import urllib
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
from tqdm import tqdm
from ast import literal_eval

import re
import datasets
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datasets import DatasetInfo
from pyfaidx import Fasta
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

Reference Genome URLS:
    "" "hg38.fa.gz"
    "" "hg19.fa.gz"

Task Specific Handlers:

class GenomicLRATaskHandler(ABC):
    Abstract method for the Genomic LRA task handlers.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def get_info(self, description: str) -> DatasetInfo:
        Returns the DatasetInfo for the task

    def split_generators(
            self, dl_manager, cache_dir_root
    ) -> List[datasets.SplitGenerator]:
        Downloads required files using dl_manager and separates them by split.
        return [
                gen_kwargs={"handler": self, "split": "train"},
                name=datasets.Split.TEST, gen_kwargs={"handler": self, "split": "test"}

    def generate_examples(self, split):
        A generator that yields examples for the specified split.

    def hook(t):
        last_b = [0]

        def inner(b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None):
            b  : int, optional
                Number of blocks just transferred [default: 1].
            bsize  : int, optional
                Size of each block (in tqdm units) [default: 1].
            tsize  : int, optional
                Total size (in tqdm units). If [default: None] remains unchanged.
            if tsize is not None:
       = tsize
            t.update((b - last_b[0]) * bsize)
            last_b[0] = b

        return inner

    def download_and_extract_gz(self, file_url, cache_dir_root):
        Downloads and extracts a gz file into the given cache directory. Returns the
        full file path of the extracted gz file.
            file_url: url of the gz file to be downloaded and extracted.
            cache_dir_root: Directory to extract file into.
        file_fname = Path(file_url).stem
        file_complete_path = os.path.join(cache_dir_root, "downloads", file_fname)

        if not os.path.exists(file_complete_path):
            if not os.path.exists(file_complete_path + ".gz"):
                with tqdm(
                ) as t:
                        file_url, file_complete_path + ".gz", reporthook=self.hook(t)
            with + ".gz", "rb") as file_in:
                with open(file_complete_path, "wb") as file_out:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(file_in, file_out)
        return file_complete_path

class CagePredictionHandler(GenomicLRATaskHandler):
    Handler for the CAGE prediction task.

    NUM_TRAIN = 33891
    NUM_TEST = 1922
    NUM_VALID = 2195
    DEFAULT_LENGTH = 114688  # 896 x 128bp
    )  # 50 is a subset of CAGE tracks from the original enformer dataset
    NPZ_SPLIT = 1000  # number of files per npz file.
    NUM_BP_PER_BIN = 128  # number of base pairs per bin in labels

    def __init__(self, sequence_length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, **kwargs):
        Creates a new handler for the CAGE task.
            sequence_length: allows for increasing sequence context. Sequence length
            must be an even multiple of 128 to align with binned labels. Note:
            increasing sequence length may decrease the number of usable samples.
        self.reference_genome = None
        self.coordinate_csv_file = None
        self.target_files_by_split = {}

        assert (sequence_length // 128) % 2 == 0, (
            f"Requested sequence length must be an even multuple of 128 to align "
            f"with the binned labels."

        self.sequence_length = sequence_length

        if self.sequence_length < self.DEFAULT_LENGTH:
            self.TARGET_SHAPE = (self.sequence_length // 128, 50)

    def get_info(self, description: str) -> DatasetInfo:
        Returns the DatasetInfo for the CAGE dataset. Each example
        includes a genomic sequence and a 2D array of labels
        features = datasets.Features(
                # DNA sequence
                "sequence": datasets.Value("string"),
                # array of sequence length x num_labels
                "labels": datasets.Array2D(shape=self.TARGET_SHAPE, dtype="float32"),
                # chromosome number
                "chromosome": datasets.Value(dtype="string"),
                # start
                "start": datasets.Value(dtype="int32"),
                # stop
                "stop": datasets.Value(dtype="int32")
        return datasets.DatasetInfo(
            # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page.
            # This defines the different columns of the dataset and their types

    def split_generators(self, dl_manager, cache_dir_root):
        Separates files by split and stores filenames in instance variables.
        The CAGE dataset requires reference genome, coordinate
        csv file,and npy files to be saved.

        # Manually download the reference genome since there are difficulties when
        # streaming
        reference_genome_file = self.download_and_extract_gz(
            H38_REFERENCE_GENOME_URL, cache_dir_root
        self.reference_genome = Fasta(reference_genome_file, one_based_attributes=False)

        self.coordinate_csv_file = dl_manager.download_and_extract(

        train_file_dict = {}
        for train_key, train_file in self.generate_npz_filenames(
                "train", self.NUM_TRAIN, folder="cage_expression/targets_subset"
            train_file_dict[train_key] =

        test_file_dict = {}
        for test_key, test_file in self.generate_npz_filenames(
                "test", self.NUM_TEST, folder="cage_expression/targets_subset"
            test_file_dict[test_key] =

        valid_file_dict = {}
        for valid_key, valid_file in self.generate_npz_filenames(
                "valid", self.NUM_VALID, folder="cage_expression/targets_subset"
            valid_file_dict[valid_key] =

        # convert file list to a dict keyed by target number
        self.target_files_by_split["train"] = train_file_dict
        self.target_files_by_split["test"] = test_file_dict
        self.target_files_by_split["validation"] = valid_file_dict

        return [
                gen_kwargs={"handler": self, "split": "train"},
                gen_kwargs={"handler": self, "split": "validation"},
                gen_kwargs={"handler": self, "split": "test"}

    def generate_examples(self, split):
        A generator which produces examples for the given split, each with a sequence
        and the corresponding labels. The sequences are padded to the correct
        sequence length and standardized before returning.

        target_files = self.target_files_by_split[split]
        sequence_length = self.sequence_length

        key = 0
        coordinates_dataframe = pd.read_csv(self.coordinate_csv_file)
        filtered = coordinates_dataframe[coordinates_dataframe["split"] == split]
        for sequential_idx, row in filtered.iterrows():
            start, stop = int(row["start"]) - 1, int(
                row["stop"]) - 1  # -1 since coords are 1-based

            chromosome = row['chrom']

            padded_sequence = pad_sequence(

            # floor npy_idx to the nearest 1000
            npz_file = np.load(
                target_files[int((row["npy_idx"] // self.NPZ_SPLIT) * self.NPZ_SPLIT)]

            if (
                    split == "validation"
            ):  # npy files are keyed by ["train", "test", "valid"]
                split = "valid"
            targets = npz_file[f"target-{split}-{row['npy_idx']}.npy"][
                0]  # select 0 since there is extra dimension

            # subset the targets if sequence length is smaller than 114688 (
            # DEFAULT_LENGTH)
            if self.sequence_length < self.DEFAULT_LENGTH:
                idx_diff = (self.DEFAULT_LENGTH - self.sequence_length) // 2 // 128
                targets = targets[idx_diff:-idx_diff]

            if padded_sequence:
                yield key, {
                    "labels": targets,
                    "sequence": standardize_sequence(padded_sequence),
                    "chromosome": re.sub("chr", "", chromosome),
                    "start": int(row["start"]),
                    "stop": int(row["stop"])
                key += 1

    def generate_npz_filenames(split, total, folder, npz_size=NPZ_SPLIT):
        Generates a list of filenames for the npz files stored in the dataset.
        Yields a tuple of floored multiple of 1000, filename
            split: split to generate filenames for. Must be in ['train', 'test', 'valid']
                due to the naming of the files.
            total: total number of npy targets for given split
            folder: folder where data is stored.
            npz_size: number of npy files per npz. Defaults to 1000 because
                this is the number currently used in the dataset.

        for i in range(total // npz_size):
            yield i * npz_size, f"{folder}/targets-{split}-{i * npz_size}-{i * npz_size + (npz_size - 1)}.npz"
        if total % npz_size != 0:
            yield (
                npz_size * (total // npz_size),
                f"{npz_size * (total // npz_size)}-"
                f"{npz_size * (total // npz_size) + (total % npz_size - 1)}.npz",

class BulkRnaExpressionHandler(GenomicLRATaskHandler):
    Handler for the Bulk RNA Expression task.

    DEFAULT_LENGTH = 100000

    def __init__(self, sequence_length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, **kwargs):
        Creates a new handler for the Bulk RNA Expression Prediction Task.
            sequence_length: Length of the sequence around the TSS_CAGE start site

        self.reference_genome = None
        self.coordinate_csv_file = None
        self.labels_csv_file = None
        self.sequence_length = sequence_length

    def get_info(self, description: str) -> DatasetInfo:
        Returns the DatasetInfo for the Bulk RNA Expression dataset. Each example
        includes a genomic sequence and a list of label values.
        features = datasets.Features(
                # DNA sequence
                "sequence": datasets.Value("string"),
                # list of expression values in each tissue
                "labels": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("float32")),
                # chromosome number
                "chromosome": datasets.Value(dtype="string"),
                # position
                "position": datasets.Value(dtype="int32"),
        return datasets.DatasetInfo(
            # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page.
            # This defines the different columns of the dataset and their types


    def split_generators(self, dl_manager, cache_dir_root):
        Separates files by split and stores filenames in instance variables.
        The Bulk RNA Expression dataset requires the reference hg19 genome, coordinate
        csv file,and label csv file to be saved.

        reference_genome_file = self.download_and_extract_gz(
            H19_REFERENCE_GENOME_URL, cache_dir_root
        self.reference_genome = Fasta(reference_genome_file, one_based_attributes=False)

        self.coordinate_csv_file = dl_manager.download_and_extract(

        self.labels_csv_file = dl_manager.download_and_extract(

        return super().split_generators(dl_manager, cache_dir_root)

    def generate_examples(self, split):
        A generator which produces examples for the given split, each with a sequence
        and the corresponding labels. The sequences are padded to the correct sequence
        length and standardized before returning.
        coordinates_df = pd.read_csv(self.coordinate_csv_file)
        labels_df = pd.read_csv(self.labels_csv_file)

        coordinates_split_df = coordinates_df[coordinates_df["split"] == split]

        key = 0
        for idx, coordinates_row in coordinates_split_df.iterrows():
            start = coordinates_row[
                        "CAGE_representative_TSS"] - 1  # -1 since coords are 1-based

            chromosome = coordinates_row["chrom"]
            labels_row = labels_df.loc[idx].values
            padded_sequence = pad_sequence(
                negative_strand=coordinates_row["strand"] == "-",
            if padded_sequence:
                yield key, {
                    "labels": labels_row,
                    "sequence": standardize_sequence(padded_sequence),
                    "chromosome": re.sub("chr", "", chromosome),
                    "position": coordinates_row["CAGE_representative_TSS"]
                key += 1

class VariantEffectCausalEqtl(GenomicLRATaskHandler):
    Handler for the Variant Effect Causal eQTL task.

    DEFAULT_LENGTH = 100000

    def __init__(self, sequence_length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, **kwargs):
        Creates a new handler for the Variant Effect Causal eQTL Task.
            sequence_length: Length of the sequence to pad around the SNP position

        self.reference_genome = None
        self.sequence_length = sequence_length

    def get_info(self, description: str) -> DatasetInfo:
        Returns the DatasetInfo for the Variant Effect Causal eQTL dataset. Each example
        includes a  genomic sequence with the reference allele as well as the genomic
        sequence with the alternative allele, and a binary label.
        features = datasets.Features(
                # DNA sequence
                "ref_forward_sequence": datasets.Value("string"),
                "alt_forward_sequence": datasets.Value("string"),
                # binary label
                "label": datasets.Value(dtype="int8"),
                # tissue type
                "tissue": datasets.Value(dtype="string"),
                # chromosome number
                "chromosome": datasets.Value(dtype="string"),
                # variant position
                "position": datasets.Value(dtype="int32"),
                # distance to nearest tss
                "distance_to_nearest_tss": datasets.Value(dtype="int32")

        return datasets.DatasetInfo(
            # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page.
            # This defines the different columns of the dataset and their types

    def split_generators(self, dl_manager, cache_dir_root):
        Separates files by split and stores filenames in instance variables.
        The variant effect prediction dataset requires the reference hg38 genome and
        coordinates_labels_csv_file to be saved.

        # Manually download the reference genome since there are difficulties
        # when streaming
        reference_genome_file = self.download_and_extract_gz(
            H38_REFERENCE_GENOME_URL, cache_dir_root

        self.reference_genome = Fasta(reference_genome_file, one_based_attributes=False)
        self.coordinates_labels_csv_file = dl_manager.download_and_extract(

        return super().split_generators(dl_manager, cache_dir_root)

    def generate_examples(self, split):
        A generator which produces examples each with ref/alt allele
        and corresponding binary label. The sequences are extended to
        the desired sequence length and standardized before returning.

        coordinates_df = pd.read_csv(self.coordinates_labels_csv_file)

        coordinates_split_df = coordinates_df[coordinates_df["split"] == split]

        key = 0
        for idx, row in coordinates_split_df.iterrows():
            start = row["POS"] - 1  # sub 1 to create idx since coords are 1-based
            alt_allele = row["ALT"]
            label = row["label"]
            tissue = row['tissue']
            chromosome = row["CHROM"]
            distance = int(row["distance_to_nearest_TSS"])

            # get reference forward sequence
            ref_forward = pad_sequence(

            # only if a valid sequence returned
            if ref_forward:
                # Mutate sequence with the alt allele at the SNP position,
                # which is always centered in the string returned from pad_sequence
                alt_forward = list(ref_forward)
                alt_forward[self.sequence_length // 2] = alt_allele
                alt_forward = "".join(alt_forward)

                yield key, {
                    "label": label,
                    "tissue": tissue,
                    "chromosome": re.sub("chr", "", chromosome),
                    "ref_forward_sequence": standardize_sequence(ref_forward),
                    "alt_forward_sequence": standardize_sequence(alt_forward),
                    "distance_to_nearest_tss": distance,
                    "position": row["POS"]
                key += 1

class VariantEffectPathogenicHandler(GenomicLRATaskHandler):
    Handler for the Variant Effect Pathogenic Prediction tasks.

    DEFAULT_LENGTH = 100000

    def __init__(self, sequence_length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, task_name=None, subset=False,
        Creates a new handler for the Variant Effect Pathogenic Tasks.
            sequence_length: Length of the sequence to pad around the SNP position
            subset: Whether to return a pre-determined subset of the data.

        self.sequence_length = sequence_length

        if task_name == 'variant_effect_pathogenic_clinvar':
            self.data_file_name = "variant_effect_pathogenic/vep_pathogenic_coding.csv"
        elif task_name == 'variant_effect_pathogenic_omim':
            self.data_file_name = "variant_effect_pathogenic/" \
                                  "vep_pathogenic_non_coding_subset.csv" \
                if subset else "variant_effect_pathogenic/vep_pathogenic_non_coding.csv"

    def get_info(self, description: str) -> DatasetInfo:
        Returns the DatasetInfo for the Variant Effect Pathogenic datasets. Each example
        includes a  genomic sequence with the reference allele as well as the genomic
        sequence with the alternative allele, and a binary label.
        features = datasets.Features(
                # DNA sequence
                "ref_forward_sequence": datasets.Value("string"),
                "alt_forward_sequence": datasets.Value("string"),
                # binary label
                "label": datasets.Value(dtype="int8"),
                # chromosome number
                "chromosome": datasets.Value(dtype="string"),
                # position
                "position": datasets.Value(dtype="int32")

        return datasets.DatasetInfo(
            # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page.
            # This defines the different columns of the dataset and their types

    def split_generators(self, dl_manager, cache_dir_root):
        Separates files by split and stores filenames in instance variables.
        The variant effect prediction datasets require the reference hg38 genome and
        coordinates_labels_csv_file to be saved.

        reference_genome_file = self.download_and_extract_gz(
            H38_REFERENCE_GENOME_URL, cache_dir_root

        self.reference_genome = Fasta(reference_genome_file, one_based_attributes=False)
        self.coordinates_labels_csv_file = dl_manager.download_and_extract(

        if 'non_coding' in self.data_file_name:
            return [
                    gen_kwargs={"handler": self, "split": "test"}
                ), ]
            return super().split_generators(dl_manager, cache_dir_root)

    def generate_examples(self, split):
        A generator which produces examples each with ref/alt allele
        and corresponding binary label. The sequences are extended to
        the desired sequence length and standardized before returning.

        coordinates_df = pd.read_csv(self.coordinates_labels_csv_file)
        coordinates_split_df = coordinates_df[coordinates_df["split"] == split]

        key = 0
        for idx, row in coordinates_split_df.iterrows():
            start = row["POS"] - 1  # sub 1 to create idx since coords are 1-based
            alt_allele = row["ALT"]
            label = row["INT_LABEL"]
            chromosome = row["CHROM"]

            # get reference forward sequence
            ref_forward = pad_sequence(

            # only if a valid sequence returned
            if ref_forward:
                # Mutate sequence with the alt allele at the SNP position,
                # which is always centered in the string returned from pad_sequence
                alt_forward = list(ref_forward)
                alt_forward[self.sequence_length // 2] = alt_allele
                alt_forward = "".join(alt_forward)

                yield key, {
                    "label": label,
                    "chromosome": re.sub("chr", "", chromosome),
                    "ref_forward_sequence": standardize_sequence(ref_forward),
                    "alt_forward_sequence": standardize_sequence(alt_forward),
                    "position": row['POS']
                key += 1

class ChromatinFeaturesHandler(GenomicLRATaskHandler):
    Handler for the histone marks and DNA accessibility tasks also referred to
    collectively as Chromatin features.

    DEFAULT_LENGTH = 100000

    def __init__(self, task_name=None, sequence_length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, subset=False,
        Creates a new handler for the Deep Sea Histone and DNase tasks.
            sequence_length: Length of the sequence around and including the
            annotated 200bp bin
            subset: Whether to return a pre-determined subset of the entire dataset.

        self.sequence_length = sequence_length

        if sequence_length < 200:
            raise ValueError(
                'Sequence length for this task must be greater or equal to 200 bp')

        if 'histone' in task_name:
            self.label_name = 'HISTONES'
        elif 'dnase' in task_name:
            self.label_name = 'DNASE'

        self.data_file_name = "chromatin_features/histones_and_dnase_subset.csv" if \
            subset else "chromatin_features/histones_and_dnase.csv"

    def get_info(self, description: str) -> DatasetInfo:
        Returns the DatasetInfo for the histone marks and dna accessibility datasets.
        Each example includes a genomic sequence and a list of label values.
        features = datasets.Features(
                # DNA sequence
                "sequence": datasets.Value("string"),
                # list of binary chromatin marks
                "labels": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("int8")),
                # chromosome number
                "chromosome": datasets.Value(dtype="string"),
                # position
                "position": datasets.Value(dtype="int32"),
        return datasets.DatasetInfo(
            # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page.
            # This defines the different columns of the dataset and their types


    def split_generators(self, dl_manager, cache_dir_root):
        Separates files by split and stores filenames in instance variables.
        The histone marks and dna accessibility datasets require the reference hg19
        genome and coordinate csv file to be saved.
        reference_genome_file = self.download_and_extract_gz(
            H19_REFERENCE_GENOME_URL, cache_dir_root
        self.reference_genome = Fasta(reference_genome_file, one_based_attributes=False)

        self.coordinate_csv_file = dl_manager.download_and_extract(self.data_file_name)

        return super().split_generators(dl_manager, cache_dir_root)

    def generate_examples(self, split):
        A generator which produces examples for the given split, each with a sequence
        and the corresponding labels. The sequences are padded to the correct sequence
        length and standardized before returning.
        coordinates_df = pd.read_csv(self.coordinate_csv_file)
        coordinates_split_df = coordinates_df[coordinates_df["split"] == split]

        key = 0
        for idx, coordinates_row in coordinates_split_df.iterrows():
            start = coordinates_row['POS'] - 1  # -1 since saved coords are 1-based
            chromosome = coordinates_row["CHROM"]

            # literal eval used since lists are saved as strings in csv
            labels_row = literal_eval(coordinates_row[self.label_name])

            padded_sequence = pad_sequence(
            if padded_sequence:
                yield key, {
                    "labels": labels_row,
                    "sequence": standardize_sequence(padded_sequence),
                    "chromosome": re.sub("chr", "", chromosome),
                    "position": coordinates_row['POS']
                key += 1

class RegulatoryElementHandler(GenomicLRATaskHandler):
    Handler for the Regulatory Element Prediction tasks.
    DEFAULT_LENGTH = 100000

    def __init__(self, task_name=None, sequence_length=DEFAULT_LENGTH, subset=False,
        Creates a new handler for the Regulatory Element Prediction tasks.
            sequence_length: Length of the sequence around the element/non-element
            subset: Whether to return a pre-determined subset of the entire dataset.


        if sequence_length < 200:
            raise ValueError(
                'Sequence length for this task must be greater or equal to 200 bp')

        self.sequence_length = sequence_length

        if 'promoter' in task_name:
            self.data_file_name = 'regulatory_elements/promoter_dataset'

        elif 'enhancer' in task_name:
            self.data_file_name = 'regulatory_elements/enhancer_dataset'

        if subset:
            self.data_file_name += '_subset.csv'
            self.data_file_name += '.csv'

    def get_info(self, description: str) -> DatasetInfo:
        Returns the DatasetInfo for the Regulatory Element Prediction Tasks.
        Each example includes a genomic sequence and a label.
        features = datasets.Features(
                # DNA sequence
                "sequence": datasets.Value("string"),
                # label corresponding to whether the sequence has
                # the regulatory element of interest or not
                "labels": datasets.Value("int8"),
                # chromosome number
                "chromosome": datasets.Value(dtype="string"),
                # start
                "start": datasets.Value(dtype="int32"),
                # stop
                "stop": datasets.Value(dtype="int32"),
        return datasets.DatasetInfo(
            # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page.
            # This defines the different columns of the dataset and their types


    def split_generators(self, dl_manager, cache_dir_root):
        Separates files by split and stores filenames in instance variables.
        reference_genome_file = self.download_and_extract_gz(
            H38_REFERENCE_GENOME_URL, cache_dir_root
        self.reference_genome = Fasta(reference_genome_file, one_based_attributes=False)

        self.coordinate_csv_file = dl_manager.download_and_extract(

        return super().split_generators(dl_manager, cache_dir_root)

    def generate_examples(self, split):
        A generator which produces examples for the given split, each with a sequence
        and the corresponding label. The sequences are padded to the correct sequence
        length and standardized before returning.
        coordinates_df = pd.read_csv(self.coordinate_csv_file)

        coordinates_split_df = coordinates_df[coordinates_df["split"] == split]

        key = 0
        for _, coordinates_row in coordinates_split_df.iterrows():
            start = coordinates_row["START"] - 1  # -1 since vcf coords are 1-based
            end = coordinates_row["STOP"] - 1  # -1 since vcf coords are 1-based
            chromosome = coordinates_row["CHROM"]

            label = coordinates_row['label']

            padded_sequence = pad_sequence(

            if padded_sequence:
                yield key, {
                    "labels": label,
                    "sequence": standardize_sequence(padded_sequence),
                    "chromosome": re.sub("chr", "", chromosome),
                    "start": coordinates_row["START"],
                    "stop": coordinates_row["STOP"]
                key += 1

Dataset loader:

Dataset for benchmark of genomic deep learning models. 

    "cage_prediction": CagePredictionHandler,
    "bulk_rna_expression": BulkRnaExpressionHandler,
    "variant_effect_causal_eqtl": VariantEffectCausalEqtl,
    "variant_effect_pathogenic_clinvar": VariantEffectPathogenicHandler,
    "variant_effect_pathogenic_omim": VariantEffectPathogenicHandler,
    "chromatin_features_histone_marks": ChromatinFeaturesHandler,
    "chromatin_features_dna_accessibility": ChromatinFeaturesHandler,
    "regulatory_element_promoter": RegulatoryElementHandler,
    "regulatory_element_enhancer": RegulatoryElementHandler,

# define dataset configs
class GenomicsLRAConfig(datasets.BuilderConfig):

    def __init__(self, *args, task_name: str, **kwargs):  # type: ignore
        """BuilderConfig for the location tasks dataset.
            **kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to super.
        self.handler = _TASK_HANDLERS[task_name](task_name=task_name, **kwargs)

# DatasetBuilder
class GenomicsLRATasks(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
    Tasks to annotate human genome.

    VERSION = datasets.Version("1.1.0")

    def _info(self) -> DatasetInfo:
        return self.config.handler.get_info(description=_DESCRIPTION)

    def _split_generators(
            self, dl_manager: datasets.DownloadManager
    ) -> List[datasets.SplitGenerator]:
        Downloads data files and organizes it into train/test/val splits
        return self.config.handler.split_generators(dl_manager, self._cache_dir_root)

    def _generate_examples(self, handler, split):
        Read data files and create examples(yield)
            handler: The handler for the current task
            split: A string in ['train', 'test', 'valid']
        yield from handler.generate_examples(split)

Global Utils:

def standardize_sequence(sequence: str):
    Standardizes the sequence by replacing all unknown characters with N and
    converting to all uppercase.
        sequence: genomic sequence to standardize
    pattern = "[^ATCG]"
    # all characters to upper case
    sequence = sequence.upper()
    # replace all characters that are not A,T,C,G with N
    sequence = re.sub(pattern, "N", sequence)
    return sequence

def pad_sequence(chromosome, start, sequence_length, end=None, negative_strand=False):
    Extends a given sequence to length sequence_length. If
    padding to the given length is outside the gene, returns
        chromosome: Chromosome from pyfaidx extracted Fasta.
        start: Start index of original sequence.
        sequence_length: Desired sequence length. If sequence length is odd, the
            remainder is added to the end of the sequence.
        end: End index of original sequence. If no end is specified, it creates a
            centered sequence around the start index.
        negative_strand: If negative_strand, returns the reverse compliment of the
    if end:
        pad = (sequence_length - (end - start)) // 2
        start = start - pad
        end = end + pad + (sequence_length % 2)
        pad = sequence_length // 2
        end = start + pad + (sequence_length % 2)
        start = start - pad

    if start < 0 or end >= len(chromosome):
    if negative_strand:
        return chromosome[start:end].reverse.complement.seq
    return chromosome[start:end].seq