diff --git "a/mopref_data_en/test.json" "b/mopref_data_en/test.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/mopref_data_en/test.json" @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ +{"id": 0, "story": "The mice once called a meeting to decide on a plan to free themselves of their enemy, the cat. At least they wished to find some way of knowing when she was coming, so they might have time to run away. Indeed, something had to be done, for they lived in such constant fear of her claws that they hardly dared stir from their dens by night or day. Many plans were discussed, but none of them was thought good enough. At last a very young mouse got up and said:\"I have a plan that seems very simple, but I know it will be successful.all we have to do is to hang a bell about the cat's neck. when we hear the bell ringing we will know immediately that our enemy is coming.\"All the mice were much surprised that they had not thought of such a plan before. But in the midst of the rejoicing over their good fortune, an old mouse arose and said:\"I will say that the plan of the young mouse is very good. but let me ask one question: who will bell the cat?\"", "moral1": "it is one thing to say that something should be done , but quite a similar matter to do it .", "moral2": "it is one thing to say that something should be done , but quite a different matter to do it .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 1, "story": "A town mouse once visited a relative who lived in the country. For lunch the country mouse served wheat stalks, roots, and acorns, with a dash of cold water for drink. The town mouse ate very sparingly, nibbling a little of this and a little of that, and by her manner making it very plain that she ate the simple food only to be polite. After the meal the friends had a long talk, or rather the town mouse talked about her life in the city while the country mouse listened. They then went to bed in a cozy nest in the hedgerow and slept in quiet and comfort until morning. In her sleep the country mouse dreamed she was a town mouse with all the luxuries and delights of city life that her friend had described for her. So the next day when the town mouse asked the country mouse to go home with her to the city, she gladly said yes. When they reached the mansion in which the town mouse lived, they found on the table in the dining room the leavings of a very fine banquet. There were sweetmeats and jellies, pastries, delicious cheeses, indeed, the most tempting foods that a mouse can imagine. But just as the country mouse was about to nibble a dainty bit of pastry, she heard a cat mew loudly and scratch at the door. In great fear the mice scurried to a hiding place, where they lay quite still for a long time, hardly daring to breathe. When at last they ventured back to the feast, the door opened suddenly and in came the servants to clear the table, followed by the house dog. The country mouse stopped in the town mouse's den only long enough to pick up her carpet bag and umbrella. \"You may have luxuries and dainties that I have not,\" She said as she hurried away, \"But I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it.\"", "moral1": "poverty with security is better than plenty in the midst of fear and uncertainty .", "moral2": "wealth with security is better than plenty in the midst of fear and uncertainty .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 2, "story": "Two goats, frisking gayly on the rocky steeps of a mountain valley, chanced to meet, one on each side of a deep chasm through which poured a mighty mountain torrent. The trunk of a fallen tree formed the only means of crossing the chasm, and on this not even two squirrels could have passed each other in safety. The narrow path would have made the bravest tremble. Not so our goats. Their pride would not permit either to stand aside for the other. One set her foot on the log. The other did likewise. In the middle they met horn to horn. Neither would give way, and so they both fell, to be swept away by the roaring torrent below.", "moral1": "it is better to yield than to come to misfortune through stubbornness .", "moral2": "it is better to yield than to go to misfortune through stubbornness .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 3, "story": "A wild boar was sharpening his tusks busily against the stump of a tree, when a fox happened by. Now the fox was always looking for a chance to make fun of his neighbors. So he made a great show of looking anxiously about, as if in fear of some hidden enemy. But the boar kept right on with his work. \"Why are you doing that?\" Asked the fox at last with a grin. \"There isn't any danger that I can see.\"\"True enough,\" Replied the boar, \"But when danger does come there will not be time for such work as this. my weapons will have to be ready for use then, or I shall suffer for it.\"", "moral1": "preparedness for war is the best guarantee of peace .", "moral2": "preparedness for war is the best guarantee of war .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 4, "story": "A beetle once begged the eagle to spare a hare which had run to her for protection. But the eagle pounced upon her prey, the sweep of her great wings tumbling the beetle a dozen feet away. Furious at the disrespect shown her, the beetle flew to the eagle's nest and rolled out the eggs. Not one did she spare. The eagle's grief and anger knew no bounds, but who had done the cruel deed she did not know. Next year the eagle built her nest far up on a mountain crag; but the beetle found it and again destroyed the eggs. In despair the eagle now implored great jupiter to let her place her eggs in his lap. There none would dare harm them. But the beetle buzzed about jupiter's head, and made him rise to drive her away; and the eggs rolled from his lap. Now the beetle told the reason for her action, and jupiter had to acknowledge the justice of her cause. And they say that ever after, while the eagle's eggs lie in the nest in spring, the beetle still sleeps in the ground. For so jupiter commanded.", "moral1": "even the weakest may find means to avenge a rightfulness .", "moral2": "even the weakest may find means to avenge a wrong .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 5, "story": "Early one morning a hungry wolf was prowling around a cottage at the edge of a village, when he heard a child crying in the house. Then he heard the mother's voice say:\"Hush, child, hush! stop your crying, or I will give you to the wolf!\"Surprised but delighted at the prospect of so delicious a meal, the wolf settled down under an open window, expecting every moment to have the child handed out to him. But though the little one continued to fret, the wolf waited all day in vain. Then, toward nightfall, he heard the mother's voice again as she sat down near the window to sing and rock her baby to sleep. \"There, child, there! the wolf shall not get you. no, no! daddy is watching and daddy will kill him if he should come near!\"Just then the father came within sight of the home, and the wolf was barely able to save himself from the dogs by a clever bit of running.", "moral1": "do not believe everything you hear .", "moral2": "do not disbelieve everything you hear .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 6, "story": "The tortoise, you know, carries his house on his back. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot leave home. They say that jupiter punished him so, because he was such a lazy stay-at-home that he would not go to jupiter's wedding, even when especially invited. After many years, tortoise began to wish he had gone to that wedding. When he saw how gaily the birds flew about and how the hare and the chipmunk and all the other animals ran nimbly by, always eager to see everything there was to be seen, the tortoise felt very sad and discontented. He wanted to see the world too, and there he was with a house on his back and little short legs that could hardly drag him along. One day he met a pair of ducks and told them all his trouble. \"We can help you to see the world,\" Said the ducks. \"Take hold of this stick with your teeth and we will carry you far up in the air where you can see the whole countryside. but keep quiet or you will be sorry.\"The tortoise was very glad indeed. He seized the stick firmly with his teeth, the two ducks took hold of it one at each end, and away they sailed up toward the clouds. Just then a crow flew by. He was very much astonished at the strange sight and cried:\"This must surely be the king of tortoises!\"\"Why certainly \" Began the tortoise. But as he opened his mouth to say these foolish words he lost his hold on the stick, and down he fell to the ground, where he was dashed to pieces on a rock.", "moral1": "foolish curiosity and vanity often lead to misfortune .", "moral2": "wise curiosity and vanity often lead to misfortune .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 7, "story": "\"Why in the world do you walk sideways like that?\" Said a mother crab to her son. \"You should always walk straight forward with your toes turned out.\"\"Show me how to walk, mother dear,\" Answered the little crab obediently, \"I want to learn.\"So the old crab tried and tried to walk straight forward. But she could walk sideways only, like her son. And when she wanted to turn her toes out she tripped and fell on her nose.", "moral1": "do not tell others how to act unless you can set a good example .", "moral2": "do not tell others how to act unless you can set a bad example .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 8, "story": "A stork of a very simple and trusting nature had been asked by a gay party of cranes to visit a field that had been newly planted. But the party ended dismally with all the birds entangled in the meshes of the farmer's net. The stork begged the farmer to spare him. \"Please let me go,\" He pleaded. \"I belong to the stork family who you know are honest and birds of good character. besides, I did not know the cranes were going to steal.\"\"You may be a very good bird,\" Answered the farmer, \"But I caught you with the thieving cranes and you will have to share the same punishment with them.\"", "moral1": "you are judged by the company you lose .", "moral2": "you are judged by the company you keep .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 9, "story": "One day a shepherd discovered a fat pig in the meadow where his sheep were pastured. He very quickly captured the porker, which squealed at the top of its voice the moment the shepherd laid his hands on it. You would have thought, to hear the loud squealing, that the pig was being cruelly hurt. But in spite of its squeals and struggles to escape, the shepherd tucked his prize under his arm and started off to the butcher's in the market place. The sheep in the pasture were much astonished and amused at the pig's behavior, and followed the shepherd and his charge to the pasture gate. \"What makes you squeal like that?\" Asked one of the sheep. \"The shepherd often catches and carries off one of us. but we should feel very much ashamed to make such a terrible fuss about it like you do.\"\"That is all very well,\" Replied the pig, with a squeal and a frantic kick. \"When he catches you he is only after your wool. but he wants my bacon! gree-ee-ee!\"", "moral1": "it is easy to be brave when there is no danger .", "moral2": "it is easy to be fearful when there is no danger .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 10, "story": "A merchant, driving his ass homeward from the seashore with a heavy load of salt, came to a river crossed by a shallow ford. They had crossed this river many times before without accident, but this time the ass slipped and fell when halfway over. And when the merchant at last got him to his feet, much of the salt had melted away. Delighted to find how much lighter his burden had become, the ass finished the journey very gayly. Next day the merchant went for another load of salt. On the way home the ass, remembering what had happened at the ford, purposely let himself fall into the water, and again got rid of most of his burden. The angry merchant immediately turned about and drove the ass back to the seashore, where he loaded him with two great baskets of sponges. At the ford the ass again tumbled over; but when he had scrambled to his feet, it was a very disconsolate ass that dragged himself homeward under a load ten times heavier than before.", "moral1": "the different measures will not suit all circumstances .", "moral2": "the same measures will not suit all circumstances .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 11, "story": "A wolf had been hurt in a fight with a bear. He was unable to move and could not satisfy his hunger and thirst. A sheep passed by near his hiding place, and the wolf called to him. \"Please fetch me a drink of water,\" He begged, \"That might give me strength enough so I can get me some solid food.\"\"Solid food!\" Said the sheep. \"That means me, I suppose. if I should bring you a drink, it would only serve to wash me down your throat. don't talk to me about a drink!\"", "moral1": "a knave 's hypocrisy is uneasily seen through .", "moral2": "a knave 's hypocrisy is easily seen through .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 12, "story": "Hares, as you know, are very timid. The least shadow, sends them scurrying in fright to a hiding place. Once they decided to die rather than live in such misery. But while they were debating how best to meet death, they thought they heard a noise and in a flash were scampering off to the warren. On the way they passed a pond where a family of frogs was sitting among the reeds on the bank. In an instant the startled frogs were seeking safety in the mud. \"Look,\" Cried a hare, \"Things are not so bad after all, for here are creatures who are even afraid of us!\"", "moral1": "however auspicious we may think we are there is always someone worse off than ourselves .", "moral2": "however unfortunate we may think we are there is always someone worse off than ourselves .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 13, "story": "It happened once upon a time that a certain greek ship bound for athens was wrecked off the coast close to piraeus, the port of athens. Had it not been for the dolphins, who at that time were very friendly toward mankind and especially toward athenians, all would have perished. But the dolphins took the shipwrecked people on their backs and swam with them to shore. Now it was the custom among the greeks to take their pet monkeys and dogs with them whenever they went on a voyage. So when one of the dolphins saw a monkey struggling in the water, he thought it was a man, and made the monkey climb up on his back. Then off he swam with him toward the shore. The monkey sat up, grave and dignified, on the dolphin's back. \"You are a citizen of illustrious athens, are you not?\" Asked the dolphin politely. \"Yes,\" Answered the monkey, proudly. \"My family is one of the noblest in the city.\"\"Indeed,\" Said the dolphin. \"Then of course you often visit piraeus.\"\"Yes, yes,\" Replied the monkey. \"Indeed, I do. I am with him constantly. piraeus is my very best friend.\"This answer took the dolphin by surprise, and, turning his head, he now saw what it was he was carrying. Without more ado, he dived and left the foolish monkey to take care of himself, while he swam off in search of some human being to save.", "moral1": "one truth leads to another .", "moral2": "one falsehood leads to another .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 14, "story": "An ass was feeding in a pasture near a wood when he saw a wolf lurking in the shadows along the hedge. He easily guessed what the wolf had in mind, and thought of a plan to save himself. So he pretended he was lame, and began to hobble painfully. When the wolf came up, he asked the ass what had made him lame, and the ass replied that he had stepped on a sharp thorn. \"Please pull it out,\" He pleaded, groaning as if in pain. \"If you do not, it might stick in your throat when you eat me.\"The wolf saw the wisdom of the advice, for he wanted to enjoy his meal without any danger of choking. So the ass lifted up his foot and the wolf began to search very closely and carefully for the thorn. Just then the ass kicked out with all his might, tumbling the wolf a dozen paces away. And while the wolf was getting very slowly and painfully to his feet, the ass galloped away in safety. \"Serves me right,\" Growled the wolf as he crept into the bushes. \"I'm a butcher by trade, not a doctor.\"", "moral1": "move to your trade .", "moral2": "stick to your trade .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 15, "story": "A mule had had a long rest and much good feeding. He was feeling very vigorous indeed, and pranced around loftily, holding his head high. \"My father certainly was a full-blooded racer,\" He said. \"I can feel that distinctly.\"Next day he was put into harness again and that evening he was very downhearted indeed. \"I was mistaken,\" He said. \"My father was an ass after all.\"", "moral1": "differ sure of your pedigree before you boast of it .", "moral2": "be sure of your pedigree before you boast of it .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 16, "story": "A very young mouse, who had never seen anything of the world, almost came to grief the very first time he ventured out. And this is the story he told his mother about his adventures. \"I was strolling along very peaceably when, just as I turned the corner into the next yard, I saw two strange creatures. one of them had a very kind and gracious look, but the other was the most fearful monster you can imagine. you should have seen him.\"On top of his head and in front of his neck hung pieces of raw red meat. He walked about restlessly, tearing up the ground with his toes, and beating his arms savagely against his sides. The moment he caught sight of me he opened his pointed mouth as if to swallow me, and then he let out a piercing roar that frightened me almost to death. \"Can you guess who it was that our young mouse was trying to describe to his mother? it was nobody but the barnyard cock and the first one the little mouse had ever seen.\"If it had not been for that terrible monster,\" The mouse went on, \"I should have made the acquaintance of the pretty creature, who looked so good and gentle. He had thick, velvety fur, a meek face, and a look that was very modest, though his eyes were bright and shining. As he looked at me he waved his fine long tail and smiled. \"I am sure he was just about to speak to me when the monster I have told you about let out a screaming yell, and I ran for my life.\"\"My son,\" Said the mother mouse, \"That gentle creature you saw was none other than the cat. under his kindly appearance, he bears a grudge against every one of us. the other was nothing but a bird who wouldn't harm you in the least. as for the cat, he eats us. so be thankful, my child, that you escaped with your life, and, as long as you live, never judge people by their looks.\"", "moral1": "do not trust alone to outward appearances .", "moral2": "do not suspect alone to outward appearances .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 17, "story": "A farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. On the ground lay a snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. The farmer knew how deadly the snake could be, and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life. The snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. The bite was deadly and the farmer felt that he must die. As he drew his last breath, he said to those standing around:", "moral1": "learn from my fate not to undertake pity on a scoundrel .", "moral2": "learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 18, "story": "A stag had fallen sick. He had just strength enough to gather some food and find a quiet clearing in the woods, where he lay down to wait until his strength should return. The animals heard about the stag's illness and came to ask after his health. Of course, they were all hungry, and helped themselves freely to the stag's food; and as you would expect, the stag soon starved to death.", "moral1": "good will is worth nothing unless it is accompanied by good acts .", "moral2": "good will is worth nothing unless it is accompanied by bad acts .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 19, "story": "A serpent had succeeded in surprising an eagle and had wrapped himself around the eagle's neck. The eagle could not reach the serpent, neither with beak nor claws. Far into the sky he soared trying to shake off his enemy. But the serpent's hold only tightened, and slowly the eagle sank back to earth, gasping for breath. A countryman chanced to see the unequal combat. In pity for the noble eagle he rushed up and soon had loosened the coiling serpent and freed the eagle. The serpent was furious. He had no chance to bite the watchful countryman. Instead he struck at the drinking horn, hanging at the countryman's belt, and into it let fly the poison of his fangs. The countryman now went on toward home. Becoming thirsty on the way, he filled his horn at a spring, and was about to drink. There was a sudden rush of great wings. Sweeping down, the eagle seized the poisoned horn from out his savior's hands, and flew away with it to hide it where it could never be found.", "moral1": "an act of kindness is well repaid .", "moral2": "an act of kindness is badly repaid .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 20, "story": "A bull once escaped from a lion by entering a cave which the goatherds used to house their flocks in stormy weather and at night. It happened that one of the goats had been left behind, and the bull had no sooner got inside than this goat lowered his head and made a rush at him, butting him with his horns. As the lion was still prowling outside the entrance to the cave, the bull had to submit to the insult. \"Do not think,\" He said, \"That I submit to your cowardly treatment because I am afraid of you. when that lion leaves, I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget.\"", "moral1": "it is virtuous to take advantage of another 's distress .", "moral2": "it is wicked to take advantage of another 's distress .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 21, "story": "A fox, swimming across a river, was barely able to reach the bank, where he lay bruised and exhausted from his struggle with the swift current. Soon a swarm of blood-sucking flies settled on him; but he lay quietly, still too weak to run away from them. A hedgehog happened by. \"Let me drive the flies away,\" He said kindly. \"No, no!\" Exclaimed the fox, \"Do not disturb them! they have taken all they can hold. if you drive them away, another greedy swarm will come and take the little blood I have left.\"", "moral1": "better to bear a lesser evil than to risk a greater in removing it .", "moral2": "worse to bear a lesser evil than to risk a greater in removing it .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 22, "story": "A bat blundered into the nest of a weasel, who ran up to catch and eat him. The bat begged for his life, but the weasel would not listen. \"You are a mouse,\" He said, \"And I am a sworn enemy of mice. every mouse I catch, I am going to eat!\"\"But I am not a mouse!\" Cried the bat. \"Look at my wings. can mice fly? why, I am only a bird! please let me go!\"The weasel had to admit that the bat was not a mouse, so he let him go. But a few days later, the foolish bat went blindly into the nest of another weasel. This weasel happened to be a bitter enemy of birds, and he soon had the bat under his claws, ready to eat him. \"You are a bird,\" He said, \"And I am going to eat you!\"\"What,\" Cried the bat, \"I, a bird! why, all birds have feathers! I am nothing but a mouse. 'down with all cats,' is my motto!\"And so the bat escaped with his life a second time.", "moral1": "set your sails with the wind .", "moral2": "ascend your sails with the wind .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 23, "story": "Two men were traveling in company through a forest, when, all at once, a huge bear crashed out of the brush near them. One of the men, thinking of his own safety, climbed a tree. The other, unable to fight the savage beast alone, threw himself on the ground and lay still, as if he were dead. He had heard that a bear will not touch a dead body. It must have been true, for the bear snuffed at the man's head awhile, and then, seeming to be satisfied that he was dead, walked away. The man in the tree climbed down. \"It looked just as if that bear whispered in your ear,\" He said. \"What did he tell you?\"\"He said,\" Answered the other, \"That it was not at all wise to keep company with a fellow who would desert his friend in a moment of danger.\"", "moral1": "misfortune is the test of true friendship .", "moral2": "luckiness is the test of true friendship .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 24, "story": "A porcupine was looking for a good home. At last he found a little sheltered cave, where lived a family of snakes. He asked them to let him share the cave with them, and the snakes kindly consented. The snakes soon wished they had not given him permission to stay. His sharp quills pricked them at every turn, and at last they politely asked him to leave. \"I am very well satisfied, thank you,\" Said the porcupine. \"I intend to stay right here.\" And with that, he politely escorted the snakes out of doors. And to save their skins, the snakes had to look for another home.", "moral1": "give a finger and lose a hand .", "moral2": "take a finger and lose a hand .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 25, "story": "A traveler had hired an ass to carry him to a distant part of the country. The owner of the ass went with the traveler, walking beside him to drive the ass and point out the way. The road led across a treeless plain where the sun beat down fiercely. So intense did the heat become, that the traveler at last decided to stop for a rest, and as there was no other shade to be found, the traveler sat down in the shadow of the ass. Now the heat had affected the driver as much as it had the traveler, and even more, for he had been walking. Wishing also to rest in the shade cast by the ass, he began to quarrel with the traveler, saying he had hired the ass and not the shadow it cast. The two soon came to blows, and while they were fighting, the ass took to its heels.", "moral1": "in quarreling about the shadow we seldom lose the substance .", "moral2": "in quarreling about the shadow we often lose the substance .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 26, "story": "One day, a long time ago, an old miller and his son were on their way to market with an ass which they hoped to sell. They drove him very slowly, for they thought they would have a better chance to sell him if they kept him in good condition. As they walked along the highway some travelers laughed loudly at them. \"What foolishness,\" Cried one, \"To walk when they might as well ride. the most stupid of the three is not the one you would expect it to be.\"The miller did not like to be laughed at, so he told his son to climb up and ride. They had gone a little farther along the road, when three merchants passed by. \"Oho, what have we here?\" They cried. \"Respect old age, young man! get down, and let the old man ride.\"Though the miller was not tired, he made the boy get down and climbed up himself to ride, just to please the merchants. At the next turnstile they overtook some women carrying market baskets loaded with vegetables and other things to sell. \"Look at the old fool,\" Exclaimed one of them. \"Perched on the ass, while that poor boy has to walk.\"The miller felt a bit vexed, but to be agreeable he told the boy to climb up behind him. They had no sooner started out again than a loud shout went up from another company of people on the road. \"What a crime,\" Cried one, \"To load up a poor dumb beast like that! they look more able to carry the poor creature, than he to carry them.\"\"They must be on their way to sell the poor thing's hide,\" Said another. The miller and his son quickly scrambled down, and a short time later, the market place was thrown into an uproar as the two came along carrying the donkey slung from a pole. A great crowd of people ran out to get a closer look at the strange sight. The ass did not dislike being carried, but so many people came up to point at him and laugh and shout, that he began to kick and bray, and then, just as they were crossing a bridge, the ropes that held him gave way, and down he tumbled into the river. The poor miller now set out sadly for home. By trying to please everybody, he had pleased nobody, and lost his ass besides.", "moral1": "if you try to please all , you please none .", "moral2": "if you try to please some , you please none .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 27, "story": "A fox was caught in a trap one fine morning, because he had got too near the farmer's hen house. No doubt he was hungry, but that was not an excuse for stealing. A cock, rising early, discovered what had happened. He knew the fox could not get at him, so he went a little closer to get a good look at his enemy. The fox saw a slender chance of escape. \"Dear friend,\" He said, \"I was just on my way to visit a sick relative, when I stumbled into this string and got all tangled up. but please do not tell anybody about it. I dislike causing sorrow to anybody, and I am sure I can soon gnaw this string to pieces.\"But the cock was not to be so easily fooled. He soon roused the whole hen yard, and when the farmer came running out, that was the end of mr. Fox.", "moral1": "the virtuous deserve no aid .", "moral2": "the wicked deserve no aid .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 28, "story": "Once there were two cocks living in the same farmyard who could not bear the sight of each other. At last one day they flew up to fight it out, beak and claw. They fought until one of them was beaten and crawled off to a corner to hide. The cock that had won the battle flew to the top of the hen-house, and, proudly flapping his wings, crowed with all his might to tell the world about his victory. But an eagle, circling overhead, heard the boasting chanticleer and, swooping down, carried him off to his nest. His rival saw the deed, and coming out of his corner, took his place as master of the farmyard.", "moral1": "pride goes before a fall .", "moral2": "humility goes before a fall .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 29, "story": "One day a dragon and a dino met in the late jurassic period. The dragon said, \"I'm stronger than you!\" The dino said, \"I'm the strongest dino ever!\" The next day the dino and the dragon met in the forest. The dragon made half of a tree fall down with its big claws and fiery breath. The dragon said, \"You can't beat that!\" The dino started running toward a huge tree. The dino rammed the huge tree with its head. Nothing happened. The dragon laughed. Then the tree started to fall. The dragon just stared in total surprise.", "moral1": "never give up .", "moral2": "always give up .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 30, "story": "Mr. Pig was eating table scraps in the pen. A wolf walked by and said, \"Graceful pig, let's be friends.\" Mr. Pig looked at him and told the wolf, \"I don't know.\" The wolf said, \"I will be an awesome friend.\" \"Oh, alright,\" Mr. Pig answered. Mr. Pig walked up to the wolf. The wolf pounced on mr. Pig and ate him. \"Mmmmmm. taste like bacon,\" The wolf said gracefully.", "moral1": "choose your friends unwisely .", "moral2": "choose your friends wisely .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 31, "story": "There was a farmer who had three sons. All of his sons were very lazy. Not one helped his father to work in the field. Not one cared to do any work. They only ate and slept. The farmer was very sad that his sons were so lazy. One day farmer became very ill. He called his three sons to tell them something. The three boys went to the field and dug in the ground. They dug all day trying to find the treasure, but did not find anything. The next day they went to the field again and dug all around the ground some more. But they did not find any treasure. The boys dug in the field for many days. They did not find any treasure. Finally, the eldest son said, \"Let's stop digging. we should grow corn in our field.\" So they bought corn seeds and sowed them in the land that they had been digging. Three months later, the plants bore corn. When the corn was ripe, the whole field became bright yellow. \"This is the treasure that father gave us,\" They said happily. They finally understood the treasure that their father had left to them.", "moral1": "nothing can be gained without effort .", "moral2": "nothing can differ gained without effort .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 32, "story": "A dog went to deep into a jungle. It saw a snake and asked, \"Do you have no friends?\" The snake answered, \"Yes, I have no friends.\" The dog asked, \"Will you be my friend?\" The dog finished his sentence. They were friends over the next 18 days. One day they were playing together. The dog unintended to hurt snake. But snake became angry and bite the dog. The dos was killed by his bad friend.", "moral1": "chose good friends carefully .", "moral2": "chose bad friends carefully .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 33, "story": "Once upon a time in greece, 2600 years ago, there lived a knight and a dragon. The dragon thought the knight was very weak and that he could easily beat him in a fair fight. The knight fought with the dragon and dragon lost. The dragon was very surprised that the knight was so strong. The dragon said, \"Knight, would like to be my best friend? thank you for teaching me an important lesson.\"", "moral1": "try your best and you can achieve .", "moral2": "try your worst and you can achieve .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 34, "story": "Once upon a time, there was a turtle named bob. One sunny day bob went for a walk. Bob talked to a bird named precious. As bob and precious were talking, bob said, \"Precious, do you want to go to my house?\" Precious said, \"Yes, I would love to.\" So bob and precious headed to bob's house. Then precious saw a bush moving and saw that behind the bush was a snake named killer. When precious saw killer she hid in a high tree, but unfortunately bob was very slow. Killer teased bob until precious came down and scared killer away.", "moral1": "it does n't matter if you are the same , you should move up for each other .", "moral2": "it does n't matter if you are the same , you should stick up for each other .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 35, "story": "One day elephant was planting his garden. But then he ran out of seeds. So he walked to the market. On his way, he stumbled across a tiny mouse. \"Hey, you're in my way,\" Said elephant, \"And so is your house.\" \"Oh sir, I'm horribly sorry, but this is not my home,\" Said mouse. The elephant grabbed mouse and screamed, \"Move your house!\" \"Ok, ok I will. \" The next day elephant watered his garden and came back. \"I'm working on it,\" Said mouse. \"You better be,\" Said elephant. So every day from then on, elephant kept coming back again and again. But then elephant got so angry, he ran as fast as he could, but he stopped and the mouse was not there. He ran away and the elephant was never heard from again.", "moral1": "never bully anyone no matter how small .", "moral2": "never bully anyone no matter how big .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 36, "story": "Once there was a lion and a dolphin. Dolphin was swimming in a pool when lion came along. Dolphin said, \"Want to swim with me?\" \"Yah,\" Said the lion. The lion kept trying to swim. But finally he got out of the pool. He said to the dolphin, \"Want to play on the playground?\" \"Yes!\" Replied dolphin. We can play on the slide. It started to rain and the dolphin couldn't move. The lion ran away. The dolphin was yelling, \"Help! help!\" Then a snake came over and helped so they could get out of the rain. Snake and dolphin became friends.", "moral1": "you should never do something if you do n't ignore how to do it .", "moral2": "you should never do something if you do n't know how to do it .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 37, "story": "One day there was a cat named lucy. She was very kind. She used to get lots of treats. Then three bad dogs named spike, lala, and ruff were very jealous so they decided to hurt lucy. The next day when lucy was eating her treats, the dogs tried to hurt her. Spike's owner saw what happened and told lala and ruffs owners. The jealous dogs were very mad. So they sent the three dogs to the pound.", "moral1": "do n't be bad or bad things will happen to you .", "moral2": "do n't be bad or unregretful things will happen to you .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 38, "story": "Once upon a time there was a dog who was bored. His name was dog. He was lazy and turned and turned. Soon there was a cat who was so energetic that she was bouncing. \"Come play with me, dog!!! we will have fun!!\" Cat suggested. Dog turned and looked and shook his head. \"No! I will not play with a filthy cat,\" Dog replied angrily. Cat turned and walked away. A month later dog was hated. He didn't do anything. Cat came by. She saw him. \"You should have played with me, dog. then you wouldn't have such a hard time and be alone!\" \"Well, cat, you're right. I should have played with you,\" Dog said sadly. \"Can you still play with me, cat?\" He asked. Cat nodded. They played every day.", "moral1": "take hate when given even if you do n't want it !", "moral2": "take love when given even if you do n't want it !", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 39, "story": "Once upon a time there was a turtle named medina, and a lion named sleeper. They were best friends. The lion was fast, but medina was slow. Medina was sad because he was not fast like sleeper. So in every game they played, sleeper would slow down so medina could keep up without stopping the game.", "moral1": "it does n't matter how fast or how slow , we can all be strangers .", "moral2": "it does n't matter how fast or how slow , we can all be friends .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 40, "story": "Bob and jim were playing underground. \"Tonight we are going to the surface. you should come with us,\" Dan and jim said to bob. \"No!\" Bob said. Dan and jim said, \"We will not be your friend if you don't do it.\" \"No,\" Bob said. They were arguing and bob was following them. They lead him to the top of the ground. Dan and jim got taken to be used as bait for fishing.", "moral1": "do n't follow the crowd .", "moral2": "do n't antedate the crowd .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 41, "story": "Once upon a time there was a piranha and a catfish. The piranha saw the catfish on skype. Piranha said, \"Come to my house for lunch.\" The catfish went over to his house. The piranha was sharpening his teeth. \"Hi my lunch,\" The piranha said. The catfish ran away and said, \"I'm not your lunch!\" Then the piranha went over and knocked on the door. Catfish trapped piranha.", "moral1": "do n't trust strangers .", "moral2": "do n't suspect strangers .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 42, "story": "There was a really kind bear. He let the cheeky monkey eat his food at the campfire. One day the monkey came to the campfire and asked for lots of food. The bear said that it wasn't cooked, but the monkey didn't listen. He took all the food and quickly ate it. Luckily the bear still had some food left and after a few minutes his food was cooked. The bear was enjoying his meal while the monkey got sick.", "moral1": "be impatient .", "moral2": "be patient .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 43, "story": "One day on a beach, a greedy sea gull kept stealing fish from a pelican. The pelican ignored the sea gull and flew to the ocean to catch another fish. When the sea gull flew back to the dock with his fish, the sea gull flew to the pelican and stole his lunch. Sea gull didn't realize the fish was coated with oil and ate it. Oil isn't good for sea gulls so sea gull got very sick.", "moral1": "always take anything without permission .", "moral2": "never take anything without permission .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 44, "story": "In the lake near by mount everest, buzzed a fly who loves to fly. He was lonely and wanted to find a friend to play with. All the other flies didn't like him because he was the noisiest one in the group. First, he bumped into a pigeon. He was a nice pigeon, a honest bird. \"Do you wanna be my friend?\" Asked the fly. \"You are a nice fly, but you are not my type. I am sorry,\" Replied the pigeon. So the fly flew away. Second, he bumped into a frog. He wasn't a honest nor a nice frog, and tried to eat him! \"Do you wanna be my friend?\" Asked the fly. \"Hee hee, hee, hee, you look like a tasty fly. I wanna eat you!!.\" Exclaimed the frog. So the fly flew away. Thirdly, he bumped into a fish. He was a highly tempered fish with no expression. \"Do you wanna be my friend?\" Asked the fly. \"Sorry man, I'm a loner,\" Replied the fish in a rude way. So he flew away. Lastly, he bumped into another fly that he never met before. This fly wasn't a male. It was a female! !! \"Do you wanna be my friend?\" \"You don't have a friend? I don't have one either.\" \"Ok!!,\" She replied. So mr. And miss fly became friends and lived a happy life together.", "moral1": "do n't judge other living beings simply and only by their appearance .", "moral2": "do n't judge same living beings simply and only by their appearance .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 45, "story": "There once was a tiger. His mom asked him to look for food. When he did he saw something perfectly splendid. It was a young cow. He snuck up about to jump. But she took off like a race car. They ran at the same speed. Then, after a while spending time racing and resting, they became close friends. Their parents came looking for them. They saw that they had raced of together and became close friends.", "moral1": "just because someone 's different , it does n't mean he can not become your stranger .", "moral2": "just because someone 's different , it does n't mean he can not become your friend .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 46, "story": "There once was a mother cat, a brother cat, a sister cat, and a a little kitten. The big brother and sister were very good because they were older and much more wise. The little kitten, on the other hand, was too small and little to be wise and she wasn't big enough to be good. One afternoon the mother cat made chicken soup. It was very hot so the mother told her young ones to not eat it until it had cooled. Yet, when they closed their eyes and were praying, the little kitten took a taste of the soup. She burnt her tongue so she could not eat and enjoy the delicious soup.", "moral1": "be patient .", "moral2": "differ patient .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 47, "story": "A mouse was waiting for the cat to wake up because he wanted to make a deal with her. The cat woke up and saw the mouse. She got ready to eat him when the mouse said, \"Stop.\" The cat stopped. She let him tell her his deal. The cat agreed to be friends. They went on to be friends forever.", "moral1": "enemies might become friends .", "moral2": "enemies might become strangers .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 48, "story": "One day, as the lion was walking around in the woods, he can across a smelly skunk. The skunk would always say that the lion smells awesome. But the lion could not think like that. The wanted to say that the skunk smells like trash, but the lion wouldn't want to say that to her and hurt the skunk's feelings. So he went up to the skunk, smiled, and said \"You smell the best.\" But as the days went on the lion got mad, very mad. Then the lion went up to the skunk before she could say a word and said, \"You know skunk, you smell awful,\" And then turned around. Then the skunk replied, \"Well, you know mr. lion, that was very mean to say,\" And she ran away. Then the lion was lonely because he lost his friend.", "moral1": "never say rude things to friend because anything can happen .", "moral2": "never say rude things to friend because anything can dematerialize .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 49, "story": "On a regular hot sunday afternoon in the city of eagle pass, a siberian husky named kichoo was playing with her friends. Then, merigold, a sly red fox came up to kichoo and said, \"Hey, I bet I am way faster than you. to prove it, let's have a race tomorrow in the afternoon.\" Kichoo accepted. \"Kichoo is the fastest animal here,\" Thought merigold. \"I have to cheat!\" Kichoo trained all day and slept at 8:30 pm. Meanwhile, merigold was thinking of a plan and went to bed at 3:00 am. The next afternoon all the animals of eagle pass went to see the big race. Kichoo was first at the starting line. Merigold finally came to the starting line yawning. Ready, set, go! Both young canines started running as fast as they could. Kichoo was a lightning bolt! Merigold used the short cut to get to the finishing line. That sly fox was in front of kichoo! \"Hey kichoo, if I win, you will leave eagle pass forever! if you win, you can decide what to do with me!\" Said merigold. \"I can't leave my friends,\" Thought kichoo. Merigold then started calling kichoo a \"Slow-poke\" And said she'll never win. But kichoo didn't listen and ran really fast that no one could see her moving! Then, swoosh! Kichoo won! Not only did merigold learn her lesson, but was surprised when kichoo decided that merigold could stay in eagle pass and asked to be her friend. Now you know that cheaters never win.", "moral1": "cheaters never prosper in the long run .", "moral2": "cheaters ever prosper in the long run .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 50, "story": "A sly, sneaky, and hungry fox was trying to get a thanksgiving turkey for his family. His little pup, jake, asked, \"Daddy, are you sure we'll have a turkey?\" He replied, \"Yes son, I'm sure.\" So the fox left his den to search for a nice, fat, delicious turkey. The fox searched in meadows, fields, and forests, but still couldn't find a turkey. It started to get dark, and the fox began to worry that thanksgiving dinner would be ruined. Just as he was considering giving up, he spotted one. There, down by the creek, stood a perfect scrumptious turkey. Slowly, sneakily, and stealthily, the fox crept up to the turkey. Thinking to himself he said, \"Yes! I've finally found a turkey for my family.\" The turkey didn't see the fox, for he was bragging and boasting to three other turkeys about how wonderful and delightful his feathers looked. The fox was thinking about how good his turkey would smell. He crept closer and closer waiting for the perfect chance to pounce. Suddenly he jumped to grab the turkey by his jaws and killed the fat, lazy, turkey. The other three turkeys quickly fled and ran for their lives. Filled with excitement, the fox trotted home with the turkey held by its jaws. When he arrived home, his family was ecstatic. Little jake said, \"I knew you could do it daddy\". And he gave his dad a great big hug.", "moral1": "do n't be prideful or filled with yourself , because you wo n't be unaware of your surroundings .", "moral2": "do n't be prideful or filled with yourself , because you wo n't be aware of your surroundings .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 51, "story": "There once was an eagle named edmund, who was so proud no one liked him, especially levi. Levi was a shy lizard who always hid under rocks, and rarely came out. When he did, it was only to find food. One day, edmund was flying around the mountain looking for someone to have a race with. Meanwhile, far below, levi was looking for food. Edmund saw levi and flew down and said, \"Levi I challenge you to a race! look at your tiny legs. I can fly! I have big wings. I would be able to fly to the finish line before you could get half way.\"\"I will race you tomorrow,\" Said levi. The next day, it was very stormy. The wind was howling and the leaves were coming off the trees. Because of his pride, edmund still wanted to race. Everyone else was sheltered in their homes watching the race on their tvs. The race started, \"And they're off!\" The announcer said. Edmund was having trouble, because the wind was pushing him back. Then a really strong gust of wind blew edmund back to the starting line. Levi won the race because he was low to the ground and the wind did not affect him. At the end of the race, levi scampered up to edmund and said, \"Good work! I hope you win next time.\" Edmund was surprised that levi said that. \"Thank you, I am sorry for being proud and mean,\" Edmund replied. \"I forgive you, let's be friends,\" Said levi.", "moral1": "pride goes before destruction .", "moral2": "pride stops before destruction .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 52, "story": "One nice sunny day, a spotted and very diligent dog was working in his beautiful and very neat little garden. He was pulling a tough weed when he looked up and said, \"What in the world!?\", because he had seen his neighbor fox's, yard. It was all overgrown with weeds and vines. The worst part was it was growing over the fence into dog's yard. \"That annoying fox,\" Sighed dog. \"He's so lazy he won't even take care of his own yard. I've gotta do something.\" So dog thought and thought until finally he had an idea. \"First,\" He thought aloud, \"I'll let my garden start overgrowing. then I'll help fox clean his yard and show him how affected I am by his laziness.\" So that's what he did. Sure enough, fox complained to dog. \"Dog your yard is bothering me. clean it up please.\" \"Whoa, whoa, whoa fox,\" Said dog. \"You're saying that I have to clean my yard when you don't ever have to?\" \"Well,\" Said fox looking a little embarrassed, \"I just don't like work, but now I see that the sooner you do your work the less of it you'll have to do. c'mon, I'll help you clean your yard.\" \"Thanks,\" Said dog. And off they went. They both realized that is best to not wait till later.", "moral1": "it is worstest to do today 's work today .", "moral2": "it is best to do today 's work today .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 53, "story": "Crash! Smash! Went the window. The big black bear was breaking into a house. He almost got scraped by the sharp glass. He explored the house. Soon he found a door that led to the kitchen. He pushed open the door and found the jackpot: plums, bananas, and his favorite, granola bars. The bear felt happy as he smelled the granola bar. He also smelled honey in the granola bar, sticky and sweet. He ate until he felt like he wanted some vegetables. He pushed through the door and out into the garden. When he got to the garden, he felt like he was not alone. There was a skinny rooster pecking at bugs in the dirt. In his mind, the bear changed the menu from salad to chicken! Then he said, \"Little chicken, little chicken, I will eat you up!\" The rooster said, \"Please spare me! some day I might help you.\" The bear laughed and said, \"You're a little too small. I'll leave you alone but I don't think you'll ever help me.\" The next day, the bear broke in to a house again. He sniffed the air. \"Mmmm…smells like honey-flavored oatmeal!\" Then he saw the box of oatmeal. He ate some and got a lot all over his fur. When he walked away, a trail of oatmeal followed him. He heard a car horn beep and thought, \"Uh-oh, people!\" He began running. He ran and growled. When he came to a stream, it was too deep for him to cross. He looked back and saw the police. He cried out, \"Rooster! rooster! come help me!\" The rooster was pecking in a field of grass when he heard the bear growling. He came and ate the trail of oatmeal crumbs so the people couldn't follow the trail to find the bear. The rooster said, \"You may be big, but small can be good too. thank you for helping me.\"", "moral1": "you should try to help someone who has helped you .", "moral2": "you should try to help someone who refuses helped you .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 54, "story": "On a grassy plane, a tiger asked a rabbit to help him find food for his baby. \"Will you help me, rabbit? my baby needs so much food. by myself I cannot ever get enough.\"Being the friendly and caring rabbit that he was, rabbit agreed to help the tiger. As they searched the savanna, the tiger kept a close eye on the rabbit. When they had enough, they went back to the tiger's den to feed the baby tiger. \"Awww, he's so cute,\" The rabbit said. Just then the baby tiger roared, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the rabbit.", "moral1": "ever trust a predator !", "moral2": "never trust a predator !", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 55, "story": "This is the story of a baby bird who would always break his promise. He would break his promises all day and all night. He broke his promises just so he could do what he liked. One night, mama bird was about to eat dinner. She called out, \"Come and get your dinner.\" \"I'll be right down,\" Said the youngest bird, but he ignored her and just kept doing what he was doing. Finally, when he came down, his mother said, \"I think you've been ignoring me and breaking promises. there is no dinner left.\" \"Okay, okay. I admit it. I have been ignoring you every time. I'm very, very sorry. I hope you'll forgive me,\" He said sadly. \"Well, I am very disappointed that you ignored me, but I am glad you told the truth and so, I think I might of saved you a plate\". Mama brought it over the baby bird. They ate dinner together. The lynx and the urialmakiyah s.", "moral1": "do n't make promises that you ca n't keep .", "moral2": "do n't undo promises that you ca n't keep .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 56, "story": "There once was a zebra and a lion. The zebra was a christian, and the lion was not. But the lion was rich, and he thought the zebra was pretty and wanted to marry her. One day the zebra was munching on dead grass when the fat, rich lion saw her and said to himself, \"She is a pretty zebra.\" So he walked up to her. The lion told her how he felt and the zebra said, \"I will only marry you if you are a christian.\"\"I am not! but you will marry me, no matter what!\", demanded the lion. \"You don't have faith!\", exclaimed the zebra. The lion walked away. The next day all his money was stolen by a robber. He was rich in nothing, but the zebra was still rich in something. It was jesus!", "moral1": "it 's better to be rich in christ than poor in money .", "moral2": "it 's better to be rich in christ than rich in money .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 57, "story": "There once was a puffer fish who was very nice. On the other hand, there was a blue whale who was super rude!! The puffer fish loved algae and he was so nice. He once saw green algae and went after it. While chasing it, he ran into a blue whale. The blue whale said, \"You are so tiny and you can do nothing.\" The puffer fish felt sad and puffed out because he was surprised the blue whale said that, but he was happy that the blue whale wasn't going to try to kill him. The blue whale said, \"I actually do like you. I want your spikes! or, I can slay you! I also want to be as small as you so I can hide just like you can.\"The puffer fish said, \"You should be thankful for what you have. you can't change. that's how god made you.\" The whale said, \"I'm not thankful and I want to change.\"The puffer fish, while chewing on his algae, said, \"Well, you should be thankful and look what's coming behind you!\"The whale yelled, \"It's… it's… it's a sea lion!\" The sea lion came up and bit him because he has been listening to all the bad things the whale was saying. The blue whale screamed, \"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!\" That was how the blue whale learned his lesson. The bite made him feel the sting of consequence. He is a beautiful, blue creature of the ocean.", "moral1": "we need to be ungrateful for what we have .", "moral2": "we need to be thankful for what we have .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 58, "story": "In the forest, there was a deer and an owl. The deer loved to scare this fearful owl all the time. One day, the deer scared the owl so hard, the owl past out. The deer ran away, and the owl woke up and came to her senses. She had had enough of being scared. She went to the deer and said, \"I'm not scared of you.\" She said this with such a force that the deer backed down.", "moral1": "do n't let anyone scare you all the time .", "moral2": "do n't let anyone scare you some the time .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 59, "story": "One day, the fox, ocean, the lynx, hazel, and the bunny, snow were sent to camp out in the forest. After some time had passed, they reach the core of the forest. The fox and the lynx had a job to get firewood. Neither the sassy fox, nor the calm lynx wanted to go get firewood. The fox thought she would demand bunny to get the firewood. She walked to the bunny and yelled, \"Go get the firewood, now!\" Bunny started to cry. The lynx wiped away the bunny's tears and asked her nicely if she would help. The bunny agreed to help the lynx.", "moral1": "gentle persuasion is better than force .", "moral2": "gentle persuasion is worser than force .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 60, "story": "Once upon a time, in the cold, blue ocean, a whale shark and a killer whale became friends. The whale shark was gray with white spots and was 59 feet long. The killer whale was black with a white eye patch and tummy and was 27 feet long. Both had to eat a lot because they were so big. Whale sharks eat tiny plankton, but killer whales eat big, juicy salmon. The whale shark invited the killer whale to dinner but the killer whale didn't eat because she doesn't eat plankton. She was hungry so she said, \"Come to my house and eat with me\". So they both swam to the killer whale's house. But whale sharks don't eat salmon, so the whale shark didn't eat, and he was hungry. They decided they could not be friends because they didn't eat the same thing. So the two friends cried. But eventually, they decided to have a potluck dinner so they could each bring along their own dish. Then the whale shark could eat plankton, and the killer whale could eat salmon. The monkey and the cardinaljudith j.", "moral1": "you can be friends with someone who is different if you think about what they like .", "moral2": "you can be friends with someone who is different if you forget about what they like .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 61, "story": "There once was a smart red monkey who lived in a massive jungle and a grumpy white wolf who lived nearby. One day monkey was eating a sweet mango in a tree. Monkey saw wolf chasing a rabbit. Wolf didn't know there was an old trap hunters placed a long time ago. Wolf ran into the trap and his foot got caught. \"Owwww, help me!\" Said wolf. Monkey climbed down the tree and used a sharp rock to cut the rope and set wolf free. Wolf was grateful for monkey's help, and they became friends.", "moral1": "helping others feels good .", "moral2": "helping others feels bad .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 62, "story": "Driven by thirst, a wolf and a lamb had come to the same stream; the wolf stood above, and the lamb at a distance below. Then, the spoiler, prompted by a ravenous maw, alleged a pretext for a quarrel. \"Why,\" Said he, \"Have you made the water muddy for me while I am drinking?\" The fleece-bearer, trembling, answered: \"Prithee, wolf, how can I do what you complain of? the water is flowing downwards from you to where I am drinking.\" The other, disconcerted by the force of truth, exclaimed: \"Six months ago, you slandered me.\" \"Indeed,\" Answered 366 the lamb, \"I was not born then.\" \"By hercules,\" Said the wolf, \"Then 'twas your father slandered me;\" And so, snatching him up, he tore him to pieces, killing him unjustly.", "moral1": "this fable is applicable to those men who , under false pretences , oppress the guilty .", "moral2": "this fable is applicable to those men who , under false pretences , oppress the innocent .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 63, "story": "Laden with burdens, two mules were travelling along; the one was carrying baskets with money, the other sacks distended with store of barley. The former, rich with his burden, goes exulting along, with neck erect, and tossing to-and-fro upon his throat his clear-toned bell: his companion follows, with quiet and easy step. Suddenly some robbers rush from ambush upon them, and amid the slaughter pierce the mule with a sword, and carry off the money; the valueless barley they neglect. While, then, the one despoiled was bewailing their mishaps: \"For my part,\" Says the other, \"I am glad I was thought so little of; for I have lost nothing, nor have I received hurt by a wound.\"", "moral1": "according to the moral of this fable , poverty is safe ; great riches are liable to danger .", "moral2": "according to the immoral of this fable , poverty is safe ; great riches are liable to danger .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 64, "story": "A stag, aroused from his woodland lair, to avoid impending death threatened by huntsmen, repaired with blind fear to the nearest farm-house, and hid himself in an ox-stall close at hand. Upon this, an ox said to him, as he concealed himself: \"Why, what do you mean, unhappy one, in thus rushing of your own accord upon 388 destruction, and trusting your life to the abode of man?\" To this he suppliantly replied: \"Do you only spare me; the moment an opportunity is given I will again rush forth.\" Night in her turn takes the place of day; the neat-herd brings fodder, but yet sees him not. All the farm servants pass and repass every now and then; no one perceives him; even the steward passes by, nor does he observe anything. Upon this, the stag, in his joy, began to return thanks to the oxen who had kept so still, because they had afforded him hospitality in the hour of adversity. One of them made answer: \"We really do wish you well; but if he, who has a hundred eyes, should come, your life will be placed in great peril.\" In the meanwhile the master himself comes back from dinner; and having lately seen the oxen in bad condition, comes up to the rack: \"Why,\" Says he, \"Is there so little fodder? is litter scarce? what great trouble is it to remove those spiders' webs?\" While he is prying into every corner, he perceives too the branching horns of the stag, and having summoned the household, he orders him to be killed, and carries off the prize.", "moral1": "this fable signifies that the master sees sicker than any one else in his own affairs .", "moral2": "this fable signifies that the master sees better than any one else in his own affairs .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 65, "story": "Two soldiers having fallen in with a robber, one fled, while the other stood his ground, and defended himself with a stout right-hand. The robber slain, his cowardly companion comes running up, and draws his sword; then throwing back his travelling cloak, says: \"Let's have him;\" \"I'll take care he shall soon know whom he attacks.\" On this, he who had vanquished the robber made answer: \"I wish you had seconded me just now at least with those words; I should have been still more emboldened, believing them true; now keep your sword quiet, as well as your silly tongue, that you may be able to deceive others who don't know you. I, who have experienced with what speed you take to your heels, know full well that no dependence is to be placed upon your valour.\"", "moral1": "this story may be applied to him who is courageous in prosperity , in times of danger obviates to flight .", "moral2": "this story may be applied to him who is courageous in prosperity , in times of danger takes to flight .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 66, "story": "A man having sacrificed a young boar to the god hercules, to whom he owed performance of a vow made for the preservation of his health, ordered the remains of the barley to be set for the ass. But he refused to touch it, and said: \"I would most willingly accept your food, if he who had been fed upon it had not had his throat cut.\"Warned by the significance of this fable, I have always been careful to avoid the gain that exposed to hazard. \"But,\" Say you, \"Those who have got riches by rapine, are still in possession of them.\" Come, then, let us enumerate those, who, being detected, have come to a bad end; you will find that those so punished constitute a great majority.", "moral1": "rashness brings luck to a few , misfortune to most .", "moral2": "rashness brings luck to a many , misfortune to most .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 67, "story": "A cock who had often fought with another cock, and been beaten, requested a hawk to act as umpire in the contest. 457 the latter conceived hopes, if both should come, of devouring him who should first present himself. Shortly after, when he saw that they had come to plead their cause, he seized the one who first brought his case into court. The victim clamorously exclaimed: \"'tis not I that should be punished, but the one who took to flight;\" The bird replied: \"Do not suppose that you can this day escape my talons; it is just that you should now yourself endure the treacheries you were planning for another.\"", "moral1": "he who often cogitates upon the death of others , much knows what sad fate he may be preparing for himself .", "moral2": "he who often cogitates upon the death of others , little knows what sad fate he may be preparing for himself .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 68, "story": "A snail, smitten with admiration of a mirror which she had found, began to climb its shining face, and lick it, fancying she could confer no greater favour upon it, than to stain its brightness with her slime. An ape, when he saw the mirror thus defiled, remarked: \"He who allows himself to be trodden by such beings, deserves to suffer such a disgrace.\"", "moral1": "this fable is written for those women who split themselves to ignorant and foolish men .", "moral2": "this fable is written for those women who unite themselves to ignorant and foolish men .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 69, "story": "A wolf, in the course of time, had collected a store in his den, that he might have food, which he might enjoy at his ease for many months. A fox, on learning this, went to the wolf's den, and said with tremulous voice: \"Is all right, brother? for not having seen you on the look-out for prey in your woods, life has been saddened every day.\" The wolf, when he perceived the envy of his rival, replied: \"You have not come hither from any anxiety on my account, but that you may get a share. I know what is your deceitful aim.\" The fox enraged, comes to a shepherd, and says: \"Shepherd, will you return me thanks, if to-day I deliver up to you the enemy of your flock, so that you need have no more anxiety?\" The shepherd replied: \"I will serve you, and will with pleasure give you anything you like.\" She points out the wolf's den to the shepherd, who shuts him in, despatches him immediately with a spear, and gladly gratifies his rival with the property of another. When, however, the fox had fallen into the hunter's hands, being caught and mangled by the dogs, she said: \"Hardly have I done an injury to another, ere I am now punished myself.\"", "moral1": "whoever ventures to injure another , ought to beware lest a greater good befall himself .", "moral2": "whoever ventures to injure another , ought to beware lest a greater evil befall himself .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 70, "story": "When the sheep and the wolves engaged in battle, the former, safe under the protection of the dogs, were victorious. The wolves sent ambassadors, and demanded a peace, 465 ratified on oath, on these terms; that the sheep should give up the dogs, and receive as hostages the whelps of the wolves. The sheep, hoping that lasting concord would be thus secured, did as the wolves demanded. Shortly after, when the whelps began to howl, the wolves, alleging as a pretext, that their young ones were being murdered, and that the peace had been broken by the sheep, made a simultaneous rush on every side, and attacked the latter thus deprived of protectors; and so a late repentance condemned their folly in putting faith in their enemies.", "moral1": "if a person gives up to others the safeguard under which he rejects previously lived in security , he will afterwards wish it back , but in vain .", "moral2": "if a person gives up to others the safeguard under which he has previously lived in security , he will afterwards wish it back , but in vain .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 71, "story": "A flea, chancing to sit on the back of a camel who was going along weighed down with heavy burdens, was quite delighted with himself, as he appeared to be so much higher. After they had made a long journey, they came together in the evening to the stable. The flea immediately exclaimed, skipping lightly to the ground: \"See, I have got down directly, that I may not weary you any longer, so galled as you are.\" The camel replied: \"I thank you; but neither 470 when you were on me did I find myself oppressed by your weight, nor do I feel myself at all lightened now you have dismounted.\"", "moral1": "he who , while he is of no standing , boasts to be of a lofty one , falls under contempt when he comes to be known .", "moral2": "he who , while he is of some standing , boasts to be of a lofty one , falls under contempt when he comes to be known .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 72, "story": "A she-goat, that she might keep her young one in safety, on going forth to feed, warned her heedless kid not to open the door, because she knew that many wild beasts were prowling about the cattle stalls. When she was gone, there came a wolf, imitating the voice of the dam, and ordered the door to be opened for him. When the kid heard him, looking through a chink, he said to the wolf: \"I hear a sound like my mother's voice, but you are a deceiver, and an enemy to me; under my mother's voice you are seeking to drink my blood, and stuff yourself with my flesh. farewell.\"", "moral1": "' tis greatly to the credit of children to be obedient to their parents .", "moral2": "' tis greatly to the cash of children to be obedient to their parents .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 73, "story": "The wind and the sun were disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road, and the sunsaid: \"I see a way to decide our dispute. whichever of us cancause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be regarded asthe stronger. you begin.\" So the sun retired1 behind a cloud, andthe wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveller. But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveller wrap hiscloak round him, till at last the wind had to give up in despair. Then the sun came out and shone in all his glory upon thetraveller, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.", "moral1": "kindness effects more than severity .", "moral2": "kindness effects fewerer than severity .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 74, "story": "A wild ass1 and a lion entered into an alliance so that they mightcapture the beasts of the forest with greater ease. The lionagreed to assist the wild ass with his strength, while the wildass gave the lion the benefit of his greater speed. When theyhad taken as many beasts as their necessities required, the lionundertook to distribute the prey2, and for this purpose divided itinto three shares. \"I will take the first share,\" He said,\"Because I am king: and the second share, as a partner with youin the chase: and the third share will be a sourceof great evil to you, unless you willingly resign it to me, andset off as fast as you can.\"", "moral1": "might makes right .", "moral2": "might undoes right .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 75, "story": "Now you must know that a town mouse once upon a time went on avisit to his cousin in the country. He was rough and ready, thiscousin, but he loved his town friend and made him heartilywelcome. Beans and bacon, cheese and bread, were all he had tooffer, but he offered them freely. The town mouse rather turnedup his long nose at this country fare, and said: \"I cannotunderstand, cousin, how you can put up with such poor food asthis, but of course you cannot expect anything better in thecountry; come you with me and I will show you how to live. whenyou have been in town a week you will wonder how you could everhave stood a country life.\" No sooner said than done: the twomice set off for the town and arrived at the town mouse'sresidence late at night. \"You will want some refreshment1 afterour long journey,\" Said the polite town mouse, and took his friendinto the grand dining-room. There they found the remains2 of afine feast3, and soon the two mice were eating up jellies4 and cakesand all that was nice. Suddenly they heard growling5 and barking. \"What is that?\" Said the country mouse. \"It is only the dogs ofthe house,\" Answered the other. \"Only!\" Said the country mouse. \"I do not like that music at my dinner.\" Just at that moment thedoor flew open, in came two huge mastiffs, and the two mice had toscamper down and run off. \"Good-bye, cousin,\" Said the countrymouse, \"What! going so soon?\" Said the other. \"Yes,\" He replied;", "moral1": "better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in bravery .", "moral2": "better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 76, "story": "A tortoise desired to change its place of residence, so heasked an eagle to carry him to his new home, promising1 her a richreward for her trouble. The eagle agreed and seizing the tortoiseby the shell with her talons2 soared aloft. On their way they meta crow, who said to the eagle: \"Tortoise is good eating.\" \"Theshell is too hard,\" Said the eagle in reply. \"The rocks will sooncrack the shell,\" Was the crow's answer; and the eagle, taking thehint, let fall the tortoise on a sharp rock, and the two birdsmade a hearty3 meal of the tortoise.", "moral1": "never soar aloft on an friend 's pinions4 .", "moral2": "never soar aloft on an enemy 's pinions4 .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 77, "story": "A serpent in the course of its wanderings came into anarmourer's shop. As he glided1 over the floor he felt his skinpricked by a file lying there. In a rage he turned round upon itand tried to dart2 his fangs3 into it; but he could do no harm toheavy iron and had soon to give over his wrath4.", "moral1": "it is useless attacking the insensible .", "moral2": "it is useful attacking the insensible .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 78, "story": "An eagle swooped1 down upon a serpent and seized it in his talonswith the intention of carrying it off and devouring2 it. But theserpent was too quick for him and had its coils round him in a moment;and then there ensued a life-and-death struggle between the two. Acountryman, who was a witness of the encounter, came to the assistanceof the eagle, and succeeded in freeing him from the serpent andenabling him to escape. In revenge, the serpent spat3 some of hispoison into the man's drinking-horn. Heated with his exertions4, theman was about to slake5 his thirst with a draught6 from the horn, whenthe eagle knocked it out of his hand, and spilled its contents uponthe ground.", "moral1": "one good turn deserves another .", "moral2": "one bad turn deserves another .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 79, "story": "\"Be quiet now,\" Said an old nurse to a child sitting on herlap. \"If you make that noise again I will throw you to the wolf.\" Now it chanced that a wolf was passing close under the windowas this was said. So he crouched1 down by the side of the houseand waited. \"I am in good luck to-day,\" Thought he. \"It is sureto cry soon, and a daintier morsel2 I haven't had for many a longday.\" So he waited, and he waited, and he waited, till at lastthe child began to cry, and the wolf came forward before thewindow, and looked up to the nurse, wagging3 his tail. But all thenurse did was to shut down the window and call for help, and thedogs of the house came rushing out. \"Ah,\" Said the wolf as hegalloped away,", "moral1": "enemies promises were made to be broken4 .", "moral2": "enemies promises were made to differ broken4 .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 80, "story": "A man who had been bitten by a dog went about in quest of someonewho might heal him. A friend, meeting him and learning what hewanted, said, \"If you would be cured, take a piece of bread, anddip it in the blood from your wound, and go and give it to thedog that bit you.\" The man who had been bitten laughed at thisadvice and said, \"Why? if I should do so, it would be as if ishould beg every dog in the town to bite me.\"", "moral1": "benefits bestowed1 upon the evil - disqualified increase their means of injuring you .", "moral2": "benefits bestowed1 upon the evil - disposed increase their means of injuring you .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 81, "story": "A funny old lion, who had the misfortune to lose his mane, waswearing a wig1 as he was taking a stroll on a very windy day. Looking up, he spied one of the charming tiger sisters across thestreet, and, wishing to make an impression, smiled blandly2 and madea beautiful low bow. At that moment a very smart gust3 of wind came up,and the consequence was that his wig flew off and left him there,feeling foolish and looking worse, with his bald head glisteninglike a billiard ball. Though somewhat embarrassed at first, hesmiled at the lady and said: \"Is it a wonder that another fellow'shair shouldn't keep on my head, when my own wouldn't stay there?\"", "moral1": "wit always has an answer ready .", "moral2": "wit always has an interrogation ready .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 82, "story": "The lark1 was created before theearth itself, and when her father died, as there was no earth,she could find no place of burial for him. She let him lieuninterred for five days, and on the sixth day, not knowing whatelse to do, she buried him in her own head. Hence she obtainedher crest2, which is popularly said to be her father'sgrave-hillock.", "moral1": "youth 's first duty is reverence3 to parents .", "moral2": "youth 's last duty is reverence3 to parents .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 83, "story": "Tee kites of olden times, as well as the swans, had the privilegeof song. But having heard the neigh of the horse, they were soenchanted with the sound, that they tried to imitate it; and, intrying to neigh, they forgot how to sing.", "moral1": "the desire for imaginary benefits often involves the loss of .", "moral2": "the desire for imaginary benefits seldom involves the loss of .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 84, "story": "The pigeons, terrified by the appearance of a kite, called uponthe hawk1 to defend them. He at once consented. When they hadadmitted him into the cote, they found that he made more havocand slew2 a larger number of them in one day than the kite couldpounce upon in a whole year.", "moral1": "formalize a remedy that is worse than the disease .", "moral2": "avoid a remedy that is worse than the disease .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 85, "story": "The hart was once drinking from a pool and admiring the noblefigure he made there. \"Ah,\" Said he, \"Where can you see suchnoble horns as these, with such antlers! I wish I had legs moreworthy to bear such a noble crown; it is a pity they are so slimand slight.\" At that moment a hunter approached and sent an arrowwhistling after him. Away bounded the hart, and soon, by the aidof his nimble legs, was nearly out of sight of the hunter; but notnoticing where he was going, he passed under some trees withbranches growing low down in which his antlers were caught, sothat the hunter had time to come up. \"Alas1! alas!\" Cried thehart:", "moral1": "we often despise what is most useless to us .", "moral2": "we often despise what is most useful to us .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 86, "story": "A fox and a monkey were traveling together on the same road. Asthey journeyed, they passed through a cemetery1 full of monuments. \"All these monuments which you see,\" Said the monkey, \"Areerected in honor of my ancestors, who were in their day freedmenand citizens of great renown2.\" The fox replied, \"You have chosena most appropriate subject for your falsehoods, as I am sure noneof your ancestors will be able to contradict you.\"", "moral1": "a true tale often betrays itself .", "moral2": "a false tale often betrays itself .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 87, "story": "When first the fox saw the lion he was terribly frightened,and ran away and hid himself in the wood. Next time however hecame near the king of beasts he stopped at a safe distance andwatched him pass by. The third time they came near one anotherthe fox went straight up to the lion and passed the time of daywith him, asking him how his family were, and when he should havethe pleasure of seeing him again; then turning his tail, he partedfrom the lion without much ceremony.", "moral1": "unfamiliarity breeds1 contempt2 .", "moral2": "familiarity breeds1 contempt2 .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 88, "story": "A fisher once took his bagpipes1 to the bank of a river, andplayed upon them with the hope of making the fish rise; but nevera one put his nose out of the water. So he cast his net into theriver and soon drew it forth2 filled with fish. Then he took hisbagpipes again, and, as he played, the fish leapt up in the net. \"Ah, you dance now when I play,\" Said he. \"Yes,\" Said an old fish:", "moral1": "when you are in a man 's impotency you must do as he bids you .", "moral2": "when you are in a man 's power you must do as he bids you .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 89, "story": "Two game cocks were fiercely fighting for the mastery of thefarmyard. One at last put the other to flight. The vanquishedcock skulked1 away and hid himself in a quiet corner, while theconqueror, flying up to a high wall, flapped his wings and crowedexultingly with all his might. An eagle sailing through the airpounced upon him and carried him off in his talons2. Thevanquished cock immediately came out of his corner, and ruledhenceforth with undisputed mastery.", "moral1": "humbleness goes before destruction .", "moral2": "pride goes before destruction .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 90, "story": "A prince had some monkeys trained to dance. Being naturallygreat mimics1 of men's actions, they showed themselves most aptpupils, and when arrayed in their rich clothes and masks, theydanced as well as any of the courtiers. The spectacle was oftenrepeated with great applause, till on one occasion a courtier,bent on mischief2, took from his pocket a handful of nuts andthrew them upon the stage. The monkeys at the sight of the nutsforgot their dancing and became monkeysinstead of actors. Pulling off their masks and tearing theirrobes, they fought with one another for the nuts. The dancingspectacle thus came to an end amidst the laughter and ridicule3 ofthe audience.", "moral1": "not everything you see is what it vanishes to be .", "moral2": "not everything you see is what it appears to be .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 91, "story": "A crow was jealous of the raven1, because he was considered a birdof good omen2 and always attracted the attention of men, who notedby his flight the good or evil course of future events. Seeingsome travelers approaching, the crow flew up into a tree, andperching herself on one of the branches, cawed as loudly as shecould. The travelers turned towards the sound and wondered whatit foreboded, when one of them said to his companion, \"Let usproceed on our journey, my friend, for it is only the caw of acrow, and her cry, you know, is no omen.\"", "moral1": "those who assume a character which does not belong to them , only undo themselves ridiculous .", "moral2": "those who assume a character which does not belong to them , only make themselves ridiculous .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 92, "story": "An old man on the point of death summoned his sons around himto give them some parting advice. He ordered his servants tobring in a faggot of sticks, and said to his eldest1 son: \"Breakit.\" The son strained and strained, but with all his efforts wasunable to break the bundle. The other sons also tried, but noneof them was successful. \"Untie2 the faggots,\" Said the father,\"And each of you take a stick.\" When they had done so, he calledout to them: \"Now, break,\" And each stick was easily broken. \"Yousee my meaning,\" Said their father.", "moral1": "union gives strength .", "moral2": "union starves strength .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 93, "story": "A bull, escaping from a lion, hid in a cave which some shepherdshad recently occupied. As soon as he entered, a he-goat left inthe cave sharply attacked him with his horns. The bull quietlyaddressed him: \"Butt1 away as much as you will. I have no fear ofyou, but of the lion. let that monster go away and I will soonlet you know what is the respective strength of a goat and abull.\"", "moral1": "it shows an evil disposition2 to take advantage of a friend in distress3 .", "moral2": "it hides an evil disposition2 to take advantage of a friend in distress3 .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 94, "story": "A bald knight1, who wore a wig2, went out to hunt. A sudden puffof wind blew off his hat and wig, at which a loud laugh rangforth from his companions. He pulled up his horse, and withgreat glee joined in the joke by saying, \"What a marvel3 it isthat hairs which are not mine should fly from me, when they haveforsaken even the man on whose head they grew.\"", "moral1": "thy humbleness is but the prologue of thy shame .", "moral2": "thy pride is but the prologue of thy shame .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 95, "story": "A man had an ass1, and a maltese lapdog, a very great beauty. Theass was left in a stable and had plenty of oats and hay to eat,just as any other ass would. The lapdog knew many tricks and wasa great favorite with his master, who often fondled him andseldom went out to dine without bringing him home some tidbit toeat. The ass, on the contrary, had much work to do in grindingthe corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest or burdensfrom the farm. He often lamented2 his own hard fate andcontrasted it with the luxury and idleness of the lapdog, till atlast one day he broke his cords and halter, and galloped3 into hismaster's house, kicking up his heels without measure, andfrisking and fawning4 as well as he could. He next tried to jumpabout his master as he had seen the lapdog do, but he broke thetable and smashed all the dishes upon it to atoms. He thenattempted to lick his master, and jumped upon his back. Theservants, hearing the strange hubbub5 and perceiving the danger oftheir master, quickly relieved him, and drove out the ass to hisstable with kicks and clubs and cuffs6. The ass, as he returnedto his stall beaten nearly to death, thus lamented: \"I havebrought it all on myself! why could I not have been contented7 tolabor with my companions, and not wish to be idle all the daylike that useless little lapdog!\"", "moral1": "to be satisfied with one 's lot is better than to desire something which one is not disagreed to receive .", "moral2": "to be satisfied with one 's lot is better than to desire something which one is not fitted to receive .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 96, "story": "An ass1, carrying a load of wood, passed through a pond. As hewas crossing through the water he lost his footing, stumbled andfell, and not being able to rise on account of his load, groanedheavily. Some frogs frequenting the pool heard his lamentation,and said, \"What would you do if you had to live here always as wedo, when you make such a fuss about a mere2 fall into the water?\"", "moral1": "men often bear little grievances3 with less courage than they do large misfortunes .", "moral2": "men often bear little grievances3 with less courage than they do small misfortunes .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 97, "story": "An ass congratulated a horse on being so ungrudgingly and carefully provided for, while he himself had scarcely enough to eat, nor even that without hard work. But when war broke out, the heavy armed soldier mounted the horse, and rushed into the very midst of the enemy, and the horse, being wounded, fell dead on the battle-field. Then the ass, seeing all these things, changed his mind, and commiserated the horse, saying: \"How much more fortunate am I than a charger. I can remain at home in safety while he is exposed to all the perils of war.\"", "moral1": "differ not hasty to envy the condition of others .", "moral2": "be not hasty to envy the condition of others .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 98, "story": "An arab camel-driver having completed the lading of his camel, asked him which he would like best, to go up hill or down hill.", "moral1": "do not ask unobvious questions .", "moral2": "do not ask obvious questions .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 99, "story": "A labourer lay listening to a nightingale's song throughout the summer night. So pleased was he with it that the next night he set a trap for it and captured it. \"Now that I have caught thee,\" He cried, \"Thou shalt always sing to me.\"\"We nightingales never sing in a cage.\" Said the bird. \"Then I'll eat thee.\" Said the labourer. \"I have always heard say that a nightingale on toast is dainty morsel.\"\"Nay, kill me not,\" Said the nightingale; \"But let me free, and I'll tell thee three things far better worth than my poor body.\" The labourer let him loose, and he flew up to a branch of a tree and said:then the song-bird flew away.", "moral1": "ever believe a captive 's promise .", "moral2": "never believe a captive 's promise .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 100, "story": "On a summer day, when the great heat induced a general thirst, a lion and a boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat. On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for the fiercer renewal of the strife, they saw some vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once made up their quarrel, saying:", "moral1": "those who strive are often watched by others who will take advantage of their defeat to benefit themselves .", "moral2": "those who strive are often watched by others who will take advantage of their triumph to benefit themselves .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 101, "story": "A man came into a wood one day with an axe in his hand, and begged all the trees to give him a small branch which he wanted for a particular purpose. The trees were good-natured and gave him one of their branches. What did the man do but fix it into the axe head, and soon set to work cutting down tree after tree. Then the trees saw how foolish they had been in giving their enemy the means of destroying themselves.", "moral1": "never supply the means of your own destruction .", "moral2": "always supply the means of your own destruction .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 102, "story": "In the old days men used to worship stocks and stones and idols, and prayed to them to give them luck. It happened that a man had often prayed to a wooden idol he had received from his father, but his luck never seemed to change. He prayed and he prayed, but still he remained as unlucky as ever. One day in the greatest rage he went to the wooden god, and with one blow swept it down from its pedestal. The idol broke in two, and what did he see? An immense number of coins flying all over the place.", "moral1": "things may not be what they seem .", "moral2": "things may not differ what they seem .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 103, "story": "Some dogs, famished with hunger, saw some cow-hides steeping in a river. Not being able to reach them, they agreed to drink up the river; but it fell out that they burst themselves with drinking long before they reached the hides.", "moral1": "attempt not impossibilities .", "moral2": "attempt not possiblenesses .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 104, "story": "A dove shut up in a cage was boasting of the large number of the young ones which she had hatched. A crow, hearing her, said: \"My good friend, cease from this unreasonable boasting. the larger the number of your family, the greater your cause of sorrow, in seeing them shut up in this prison-house.\"", "moral1": "to enjoy our blessings we must have freedom .", "moral2": "to suffer our blessings we must have freedom .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 105, "story": "A fox after crossing a river got its tail entangled in a bush, and could not move. A number of mosquitoes seeing its plight settled upon it and enjoyed a good meal undisturbed by its tail. A hedgehog strolling by took pity upon the fox and went up to him:\"You are in a bad way, neighbour,\" Said the hedgehog; \"Shall I relieve you by driving off those mosquitoes who are sucking your blood?\"\"Thank you, master hedgehog,\" Said the fox, \"But I would rather not.\"\"Why, how is that?\" Asked the hedgehog. \"Well, you see,\" Was the answer, \"These mosquitoes have had their fill; if you drive these away, others will come with fresh appetite and bleed me to death.\"", "moral1": "here were politicians in aesop 's time .", "moral2": "there were politicians in aesop 's time .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 106, "story": "At one time the fox and the stork were on visiting terms and seemed very good friends. So the fox invited the stork to dinner, and for a joke put nothing before her but some soup in a very shallow dish. This the fox could easily lap up, but the stork could only wet the end of her long bill in it, and left the meal as hungry as when she began. \"I am sorry,\" Said the fox, \"The soup is not to your liking.\"\"Pray do not apologise,\" Said the stork. \"I hope you will return this visit, and come and dine with me soon.\"", "moral1": "one bad turn deserves another .", "moral2": "one good turn deserves another .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 107, "story": "A horse and an ass were travelling together, the horse prancing along in its fine trappings, the ass carrying with difficulty the heavy weight in its panniers. \"I wish I were you,\" Sighed the ass; \"Nothing to do and well fed, and all that fine harness upon you.\" Next day, however, there was a great battle, and the horse was wounded to death in the final charge of the day. His friend, the ass, happened to pass by shortly afterwards and found him on the point of death.", "moral1": "better humble insecurity than gilded danger .", "moral2": "better humble security than gilded danger .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 108, "story": "A thief came in the night to break into a house. He brought with him several slices of meat, that he might pacify the house-dog, so that he should not alarm his master by barking. As the thief threw him the pieces of meat, the dog said:", "moral1": "he who offers bribes needs watching , for his intentions are not dishonest .", "moral2": "he who offers bribes needs watching , for his intentions are not honest .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 109, "story": "Two pots had been left on the bank of a river, one of brass, and one of earthenware. When the tide rose they both floated off down the stream. Now the earthenware pot tried its best to keep aloof from the brass one, which cried out:\"Fear nothing, friend, I will not strike you.\"\"But I may come in contact with you,\" Said the other, \"If I come too close; and whether I hit you, or you hit me, I shall suffer for it.\"", "moral1": "the strong and the weak can not keep company .", "moral2": "the strong and the weak can not offend company .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 110, "story": "Jupiter determined, it is said, to create a sovereign over the birds, and made proclamation that, on a certain day, they should all present themselves before him, when he would himself choose the most beautiful among them to be king. The jackdaw, knowing his own ugliness, searched through the woods and fields, and collected the feathers which had fallen from the wings of his companions, and stuck them in all parts of his body. When the appointed day arrived, and the birds had assembled before jupiter, the jackdaw also made his appearance in his many-feathered finery. On jupiter proposing to make him king, on account of the beauty of his plumage, the birds indignantly protested, and each plucking from him his own feathers, the jackdaw was again nothing but a jackdaw.", "moral1": "hope not to succeed in borrowed plumes .", "moral2": "hope not to succeed in lent plumes .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 111, "story": "Emperor akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his courtiers. He often asked questions which were strange and witty. It took much wisdom to answer these questions. Once he asked a very strange question. The courtiers were dumb folded by his question. Akbar glanced at his courtiers. As he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer. It was at this moment that birbal entered the courtyard. Birbal who knew the nature of the emperor quickly grasped the situation and asked, \"May I know the question so that I can try for an answer\". Akbar said, \"How many crows are there in this city?\" Without even a moment's thought, birbal replied \"There are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows, my lord\". \"How can you be so sure?\" Asked akbar. Birbal said, \"Make you men count, my lord. if you find more crows it means some have come to visit their relatives here. if you find less number of crows it means some have gone to visit their relatives elsewhere\". Akbar was pleased very much by birbal's wit.", "moral1": "a witty interrogation will serve its purpose .", "moral2": "a witty answer will serve its purpose .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 112, "story": "There was a grocery shop in a town. Plenty of mice lived in that grocery shop. Food was in plenty for them. They ate everything and spoiled all the bags. They also wasted the bread, biscuits and fruits of the shop. The grocer got really worried. So, he thought \"I should buy a cat and let it stay at the grocery. only then I can save my things.\" He bought a nice, big fat cat and let him stay there. The cat had a nice time hunting the mice and killing them. The mice could not move freely now. They were afraid that anytime the cat would eat them up. The mice wanted to do something. They held a meeting and all of them tweeted \"We must get rid of the cat. can someone give a suggestion\"? All the mice sat and brooded. A smart looking mouse stood up and said, \"The cat moves softly. that is the problem. if we can tie a bell around her neck, then things will be fine. we can know the movements of the cat\". \"Yes, that is answer,\" Stated all the mice. An old mouse slowly stood up and asked, \"Who would tie the bell?\" After some moments there was no one there to answer this question.", "moral1": "empty solutions are of some worth .", "moral2": "empty solutions are of no worth .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 113, "story": "Sheba, the queen of jungle, was very fond of babies. Once, she announced, \"I order all animals to come to my palace with their babies. the animal who has the most beautiful baby will be awarded a prize\". All animals came to sheba's palace with their babies. Sheba started inspecting the babies one by one. She came to a monkey and said \"What an ugly baby! you will not get the prize\". The baby monkey started to cry. The monkey said, \"What a foolish queen she is! who wants her prize! you are my jewel, my dear child.you are more precious than anything under the sky\".", "moral1": "mother 's love has all equals .", "moral2": "mother 's love has no equals .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 114, "story": "There lived a little girl mariam who was very silly and lazy. Often she used to wander hither and thither with no purpose. Once, as she went wandering she felt very thirsty. She went to a pond nearby and quenched her thirst. She felt very tired and drowsy. She slept right there on the banks of the pond. When she woke up it was night already. She peeped into the pond but could not see her reflection. She got a big doubt, \"Am I really here or not? well! let me ask at my home\". She went home and found the door closed. She called out \"Is mariam in there?\" A sleepy voice replied, \"Oh! she must be in bed\". Mariam thought, \"If mariam is at home, I am not mariam\". Saying this, she went away.", "moral1": "shadows are not realities .", "moral2": "shadows are not unrealities .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 115, "story": "A donkey dressed itself in a lion's skin. Wherever he went near the other animals and villagers feared him. Everyone thought that he was a real lion. Soon he became bold. But one day some farmers heard him braying. They ran after him with sticks. They beat him to death. Thus, the poor donkey paid the price for his foolishness.", "moral1": "never masquerade as someone else .", "moral2": "ever masquerade as someone else .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 116, "story": "In the forest lived a lion. He had a jackal as his partner. They both always went together for hunting. The lion used to kill the animals and the jackal got his share for helping the lion then and there. One day, the lion fell-sick. He could not go out. But he was very hungry. He called the jackal and said, \"Dear friend, I am hungry. but, I am too sick to hunt. you have to help me get some food\". The jackal went off in search of prey. He found a donkey at last. He said to the donkey, \"Hello, donkey sir! the king of the forest wants to make you his minister\". The foolish donkey was too happy to think of the plot. He followed the jackal. The lion killed the donkey. But, before eating, he felt so thirsty. He said to the jackal, \"Take care of the donkey. I will return in no time\". As soon as the lion left, the jackal started eating the brain of the donkey. When the lion returned he found the donkey's brain missing. He asked the jackal. \"Where is the donkey's brain?\" The jackal answered timidly, \"If he had a brain would he have come here?\"", "moral1": "a small thought saves a lot .", "moral2": "a large thought saves a lot .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 117, "story": "A fox was stealthily crossing a field. But alas, he got trapped. He tried hard to come out of the trap. At last he made it. But his tail got cut off. He was ashamed of his loss. Back in the jungle a few of his friends saw him without his tail and asked \"What happened?\" The fox did not want to accept his ill fate. He said, \"The tail is just an extra weight. I cut it off \". But his clever friends could guess the reality and they asked, \"If that is the case, why are you sad\". The fox did not know what to say now. He went away without giving an answer.", "moral1": "empty words can not become facts .", "moral2": "full words can not become facts .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 118, "story": "A hare was staring at a fox in admiration. The fox asked, \"What are you staring at?\" The hare said in an anxious voice, \"I was wondering about you\". The fox asked, \"What is the wonder with me?\" The hare said \"Are you really as cunning as people say?\" The fox looked at the hare with a thoughtful look and replied after some silent moments, \"Well! why don't you do one thing? come tonight and join me for dinner. we shall discuss the matter\". The hare went to the fox's house at night. On the dining table were laid plates and bowls. But there was no food at all. The hare thought, \"Oh! what a fool I am! the fox has planned to eat me\" And he ran away.", "moral1": "cunning words are undependable .", "moral2": "cunning words are reliable .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 119, "story": "Vikram was a brave king. Once, he had to fight against a large army with just a few soldiers, he was defeated. He had to run for his life. Vikram took shelter in a forest cave. He was very depressed. His courage had left him. He was blankly gazing at the ceiling of the cave. An interesting scene captured his attention. A small spider was trying to weave a web across the cave ceiling. As the spider crawled up, a thread of the web broke and the spider fell down. But the spider did not give up. He tried to climb again and again. Finally, the spider successfully climbed up and completed the web. Vikram began to think, \"If a small spider can face failure so bravely, why should I give up? I will try with all might till I win\". This thought gave strength to the defeated king. Vikram got out of the jungle and collected his brave soldiers. He fought against the large army. He was defeated again. But now, he would not give up his fight. Vikram again and again fought against the large army and finally, after many attempts defeated the large army and regained his kingdom. He had learnt a lesson from the spider.", "moral1": "perseverance paves way to failure .", "moral2": "perseverance paves way to success .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 120, "story": "There was a lion in a forest. It was sleeping under a tree near a pond. Suddenly a noise was heared. The lion was disturbed by the noise. It awake from its sleep. The noise was continuously coming from the pond. So the lion was annoyed as it was not able to sleep. There was frog in the pond. The lion came to know the frog has made the noise. It roared at the frog and the frog was frightened. It angrily jumped into the pond to catch the frog. Then the frog realised its mistake and tried to escape from the lion. But the lion caught the frog and killed it.", "moral1": "do n't play with the leaders .", "moral2": "do n't play with the followers .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 121, "story": "One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, he could not find any. He felt very weak, almost lost all hope. Suddenly, he saw a water jug below the tree. He flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, he could see some water inside the jug! The crow tried to push his head into the jug. Sadly, he found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then he tried to push the jug to tilt for the water to flow out but the jug was too heavy. The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around it, he saw some pebbles. He suddenly had a good idea. He started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink. His plan had worked!", "moral1": "think and laze hard , you may find solution to any problem .", "moral2": "think and work hard , you may find solution to any problem .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 122, "story": "A greedy fox stealthily entered a garden to eat the grapes. But its tail was cut down by a trap when it tried to escape from the trap. It worried because all other foxes would mock at its lost tall. Hence it planned a trick. When all foxes ridiculed it and said, \"I have cut down the tail myself because it is a great hindrance. now I am free and happy without my tail. so you too cut down your tails. it will be very convenient to all of you.\" An old wise fox laughed at the tricky fox and said, \"I will also join you after losing my tail when I try to steal the grapes. it looks very nice to be with a tail and I am proud of it.\" Now all other faxes understood the trick of the fox and mocked at it. The ashamed fox ran away into the forest.", "moral1": "do n't disbelieve selfish person 's words .", "moral2": "do n't believe selfish person 's words .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 123, "story": "A long, long time ago a little boy was walking through a park. In the middle of the park there was a tree with a sign on it. The sign said \"I am a magic tree. say the magic words and you will see.\" The boy tried to guess the magic words. He tried abracadabra, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, tan-ta-ra, and many more… but none of them worked. Exhausted, he threw himself on the floor, saying: \"Please, dear tree!\" And suddenly, a big door opened in the trunk. Inside everything was dark, except for a sign which said \"Carry on with your magic.\" Then the boy said \"Thank you, dear tree!\" With this, the inside of the tree lit up brightly and revealed a pathway leading to a great big pile of toys and chocolate. The little boy brought all his friends to the magic tree, and they had the best party ever. This is why people always say that \"Please\" And \"Thank you\" Are the magic words.", "moral1": "the origin of bad manners .", "moral2": "the origin of good manners .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 124, "story": "There was once and incredibly rich, beautiful, and wise princess. Tired of false suitors who were only interested in her money, she announced that she would only marry whoever managed to present her with the most valuable, tender, and sincere gift of all. The palace filled up with flowers and gifts of every kind, letters describing undying love, and love-struck poems. Among all these wonderful gifts, she found a pebble, a simple dirty pebble. Intrigued, she demanded to see whoever it was who had offered this gift. Despite her curiosity, she pretended to be highly offended by the gift when the young man was brought before her. He explained it to her like this, \"Dear princess, this pebble represents the most valuable thing one can give - it is my heart. it is also sincere, because it is not yet yours, and it is as hard as a stone. only when it fills with love will it soften and be more tender than any other.\"The young man quietly left, leaving the princess surprised and captivated. She fell so in love that she took the little pebble with her wherever she went, and for months she regaled the young man with gifts and attention. But his heart remained as hard as the stone in her hands. Losing hope, she ended up throwing the pebble into a fire. In the heat of the fire, the sand crumbled from around it, and from out of that rough stone a beautiful golden figure emerged. With this, the princess understood that she herself would have to be like the fire, and go about separating what is useless from what is truly important. During the following months she set about changing the kingdom, and devoted her life, her wisdom, and her riches to separating what is truly valuable from what is unimportant. She gave up the luxury, the jewels, the excess; and it meant that everyone in the kingdom now had food to eat and books to read. So many people came away from their interaction with the princess enchanted by her character and her charisma. Her mere presence transmitted such human warmth that they started to call her 'the princess of fire'. And as with the pebble, the fire of her presence melted the hardness of the young man's heart. And just as he had promised, he became so tender and considerate that he made the princess happy till the end of her days.", "moral1": "true love is the most powerful way to change the world from the inside , starting with ourselves .", "moral2": "true love is the most powerful way to change the world from the inside , ending with ourselves .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 125, "story": "In the jungle of maluba there lived a fly called mozzie, and mozzie could roar like a lion. He discovered his special ability while still very young, and as he grew up he travelled to the farthest reaches of maluba, where no one would know him. As soon as he arrived he would let rip with his petrifying roar, moving here and there, frightening everyone. He would always use the same method, hiding behind bushes, and letting out a threatening roar; then he would quickly fly behind his victim and roar once again: -\"Graaaaarrr!\"Expecting to see a terrifying lion, no one noticed the little fly, who repeated his tricks time and again while making fun of his victims, saying: -\"You'll never see me. I am leon, the fastest and strongest creature in the jungle.\" -\"See? I could destroy you with one swipe of my paw, before you even realised it.\" -\"Are you afraid? you would be wise to be so, for I am the most ferocious lion there is.\"Finally, terrified, all the animals ended up accepting leon the lion as king of the maluba jungle. And so mozzie started living happily. He had all he wanted, and when he needed something or he fancied a bit of fun, he only needed to get up to his roaring tricks. However, one day, along came tuga tuga, a slightly crazy tortoise. They said he had spent years working in a circus with the human beings, a process that had sent him just a bit crackers. Mozzie wasn't going to miss this opportunity to have his fun with a new arrival, so he prepared his usual fright. But as soon as tuga tuga heard the invisible lion's roars and threats, he began killing himself laughing… -\"Ha ha ha! a ghost lion! I once knew a ghost lion, as well as a bald donkey and a weasel with a pronounced limp… and what fun they were when they danced! come on, let's dance, little lion!\"All the animals began trembling, feeling sorry for poor tuga tuga. It was the first time anyone had dared to treat the terrible leon in such a way, and surely the fierce lion would take no pity on the tortoise. However, mozzie could not bite or hit the tortoise, his only option was to continue roaring and threatening. Yet the crazy tuga tuga just kept laughing, paying no heed to the lion's furious warnings. After a few minutes it was clear that the lion wasn't going to carry out any of his threats, and a daring little bird joined in with tuga tuga, making fun of the lion. Mozzie tried scaring the little bird, but it didn't work. Gradually, the other animals began to join in. Finally, all the animals were laughing at the invisible leon, calling him things like: \"The lion that barks but doesn't bite\", \"The king with no subjects\" Or \"The phantom lion king, the one that does nothing\"…and thus ended mozzie's golden days of happiness; the fly that roared, that threatened, that lied so much… so much so that when the time came to keep his word, there was no way he could.", "moral1": "you ca n't lie and exaggerate indefinitely . if you ca n't keep your word , sooner or later you will be found out .", "moral2": "you ca n't lie and exaggerate indefinitely . if you ca n't keep your word , sooner or later you will be lost out .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 126, "story": "A long, long time ago, when everything was just starting out, and even the planets and stars were so young that they were still going to school, there was a special class which was everyone's favourite, having by far the most fun classmates. The class members were a bunch of rather mischievous colours; from black and white, through to red and blue, yellow, and all the rest. They hoped to grow up to be wonderful colours, and this is what they were training for. As well as funny and joyful, the colours were very naughty; particularly black and white, who were so preoccupied with causing mayhem that they were almost always late for class. One morning there was a great commotion in the sky. The clouds were up there, practicing their raining, but they had been raining for so long that they'd gone and created a storm so terrible that absolutely everyone had become saddened and depressed at having so little light. When the sun started shining again, not even that managed to cheer up the world. The only solution was to appeal, as a last resort, to the naughty, mischievous colours, even though they were still very young and weren't yet trained for anything like this. The authorities went straight to their classroom. It was still early, and, as ever, black and white hadn't yet turned up. However, there was no time to lose; they couldn't wait for black and white. The other colours had to do something fast. They ran down the corridors, out of the door, and flew up into the sky, where the clouds - ashamed for what had happened - were waiting. On their way up to the clouds each one of the colours left a resplendent trail. Travelling side by side, the combination of all the colours' trails was so striking and spectacular that smiles returned to everyone's face, and the world filled with the sound of applause. The colours felt honoured and delighted to be named as the sun's official assistants. And the inhabitants of the world begged them to promise that, from that day on, the colours would always be on hand, to help cheer everyone up. It was agreed that whenever the clouds overdid it on the rain, the colours would come quickly and make a rainbow. A bit later, black and white entered the classroom, finding it empty. Everyone was congratulating the other colours so much for their wonderful performance that black and white - really the most fun and happy of all the colours - didn't dare to ask to be part of the rainbow, and from that time onward they forced themselves to be punctual and responsible. Indeed, they managed this so well that now they don't mind being left out of the rainbow. They are now the most serious and important of all the colours, and no one can get anything done without them.", "moral1": "lack of punctuality is not only a lack of respect towards others , it can also cause us to miss great opportunities .", "moral2": "lack of punctuality is not only a lack of respect towards others , it can also cause us to hit great opportunities .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 127, "story": "The baby books were sad. This time the big and famous books hadn't just laughed at them, they had thrown them out. \"You can hardly call yourselves books. you barely have any writing and are just all pictures\", said one book that had lots and lots of pages written in tiny letters. \"We won't let them put you next to us on the library shelf. you're not real books!\", said another, very serious and fancy book. The poor baby books: they were not even allowed a little corner in bookshops or libraries. They ended up piled up in attics and warehouses. The big books were so happy. Only intelligent people and adults came into bookshops now given that there was nothing interesting for naughty children. The children stayed at the entrance, so the books were no longer scared that they would be manhandled or that their pages would be torn out and dirtied. Years passed and all those children who hadn't visited a library became adults. \"Now they can come in and meet us and admire our wisdom\", thought the big books. But no. The adults who had grown up without baby books had no interest in the big books. They were too long! How were they going to read so many pages all at once, if they had never read anything? The big books were desperate. Bookshops were closing down, libraries looked derelict. Nobody was reading! They all arranged a meeting, they read and read millions of their own pages and discovered that there was only one solution: they had to say sorry to the baby books and get them to come back and put them on the best shelves. That's how they managed to save themselves, by making children read little by little, so that they would grow up to be adults who loved big books. And so that nobody would forget what almost happened, they wrote the story in this baby book, which they give to everybody who thinks that books with few words and loads of pictures aren't real books. Translated by jessica wood, manchester metropolitan university", "moral1": "the love for books and reading should be introduced gradually , respecting parents 's age and stage of development .", "moral2": "the love for books and reading should be introduced gradually , respecting children 's age and stage of development .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 128, "story": "There wasn't a single soul on the beach who hadn't heard of crazyclaws, the formidable enemy of toes and the most feared crab on this side of the ocean. Every year an absent-minded tourist would fall foul of a great big pinch that made them leave and not want to come back. Scared swimmers would often get together to try and catch the crab but every time they thought they had succeeded, the pinches returned to let them know they had caught the wrong crab. Crazyclaws had a mean streak but he was also very clever. Instead of concealing himself and going unnoticed like all the other crabs, he would hide in the sand and prepare his attack. Crazyclaws was a little resentful because, as a baby crab, he was stepped on by a child and had lost a leg. It grew back but it was shorter than his other legs and he got very angry and upset every time he looked at it. He was thinking about how mean swimmers could be when he spotted his next victim. It was a big fat shiny toe and its owner was barely moving. 'how easy! ' he thought. Now he could pinch with all his strength. He remembered the different steps he had to follow: emerge, move forward, pinch, release, retreat, and disappear into the sand again. Go get'em!! Something went wrong, however. Crazyclaws got stuck on the fourth step and was unable to release the toe. His pinch was so strong that he had broken through the skin and got stuck in the flesh. Flesh? It couldn't be, there was no blood. Only then did crazyclaws realise it was a trap! But crazyclaws was exaggerating as always. He thought that no one could be so smart as to trap him with a fake toe. The fake toe did belong to someone though: a girl called vera, who lost her leg in an accident when she was little. She didn't realise that crazyclaws was attached to her toe until she came out of the water to go and play in the sand. She released the crab, but he didn't run off because he was scared to death. Vera discovered that crazyclaws had a shorter leg and she felt sorry for him, so she decided to help him. She made him a wonderful little house using rocks and fetched him small animals to eat. What a feast! This girl sure can look after a crab. She was happy, fun and - most importantly - she put him back in the sea before leaving. \"What a lovely girl\" He thought that night. \"I'd like to be just as nice as her. if only I didn't have this little leg …\". It was at that moment that he realised that vera's leg had never grown back and that children aren't like crabs. They only have two legs and yet she was still really nice. He could certainly be a happy crab even though he had been through very difficult times. The very next day and every day after that during that summer, crazyclaws attacked vera's toe again so he could play with her all day. Together they learned how to turn pinches into tickles and a bad temper into a laughter and glee. In the end, vera's crab became very famous on that beach, though nobody suspected that it was actually crazyclaws. It was better that way because there were still people who had not learnt that you don't need to be resentful and bad tempered, no matter how badly you are pinched by a crab. Translated by ginalda tavares manuel, manchester metropolitan university", "moral1": "you can still have a positive attitude to life despite any difficulties or bad things you may have avoided .", "moral2": "you can still have a positive attitude to life despite any difficulties or bad things you may have faced .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 129, "story": "Of all the warriors in the service of the evil morlan, jerry was the most fierce and the most cruel. His eyes would find the most cautious of enemies, and his bow and arrows would soon finish them off. One day, while plundering a great palace, the warrior found some gleaming, fast-flying arrows that had belonged to the princess there, and he didn't hesitate to take them and put them aside for some special occasion. When those arrows joined the rest of jerry's weapons and learnt of his terrible cruelty they bitterly protested and regretted their new situation. Being accustomed to the princess's games and tournaments, the arrows didn't want to kill anyone. -\"There's nothing you can do!\" Said the other arrows, -\"You'll just have to murder some poor traveller, kill a horse or whatever else, …don't ever dream of returning to your old life…\" -\"Well, we've had an idea,\" Replied the new arrivals. However, the archer was never far from his bow and arrows, and the new arrows got to see jerry's terrifying life from close up. They travelled so far at his side that they got to see the sadness and disappointment in the warrior's eyes, and they came to understand that this savage fighter had never seen any other kind of life. Time passed, and jerry was given a mission to kill the king's daughter. Jerry thought this occasion merited using one of his new arrows. He prepared himself as always: hidden in the bushes, his eyes fixed on the victim, the bow flexed, the arrow ready, waiting for the right moment and…fire! But the arrow didn't pierce the beautiful young girl's heart. Instead, it took a strange, slow and majestic flightpath, and it ended up in the ground, next to some iris flowers of incredible beauty. Jerry, surprised, came over and collected the stupid arrow. But doing so he couldn't help but see the delicate but resplendent flowers, and he felt that he had never seen anything so beautiful…a few minutes later jerry looked again at his intended victim, to load another of his new arrows into his bow. But again the shot missed, and after another strange flightpath the gleaming arrow ended up in a tree from where jerry could hear the most joyful singing of a flock of birds…and so it continued, one after another, the gleaming arrows missed their target, flying elsewhere to show the warrior the small details that fill the world with beauty. Arrow by arrow, his hunter's eyes and mind was changing, until the final arrow landed only a few yards from the young princess, from where jerry could see her beauty from close up - the same beauty that he had been about to destroy. And then it was that the warrior woke from his nightmare of death and destruction, wanting to exchange it for a life of beauty and harmony. And after renouncing morlan's wicked deeds, jerry forever abandoned his life as a killer, dedicating all his efforts to protecting life and anything else that was deserving. All he kept was the bow and his gleaming arrows, the ones that always knew best where to direct his gaze.", "moral1": "life is full of good and bad , but many of our actions are determined by what we choose to blur on .", "moral2": "life is full of good and bad , but many of our actions are determined by what we choose to focus on .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 130, "story": "Penguin, reindeer and fox were great friends. One day, penguin and reindeer found a load of fruit, and decided to keep it a secret. On the way, they met fox, who seeing them so happy, asked them why. They told him they couldn't say, because it was a secret, but fox asked them to trust him, so they told him about the fruit. When they arrived at the village, fox forgot about his promise, and told everyone. When penguin and reindeer returned to the place where they had found the fruit, the animals of the village had already been there and eaten it all. That same day, penguin and reindeer found another place full of food, and the same thing happened again with fox. Angered by these betrayals, they decided to teach fox a lesson. The next day they told fox that they had found a lake so full of fish that no effort was needed to catch them. Fox again told everyone in the village about this. The next day, fox came by, covered in cuts and bruises. After telling all the animals about the lake full of fish, everyone, including even the polar bears, had gone there. But, not finding anything, they felt deceived, and had given fox a good beating. Fox learned that keeping people's trust is very important, and that to get it in the first place you have to earn it with loyalty and always keeping your word. Penguin and reindeer devised another trick for fox but, as he was no longer a bigmouth, he did not betray them, and penguin and reindeer regained their faith in fox, thus forgiving him.", "moral1": "a fox eliminates his friends to trust him . he betrays that trust so they teach him a lesson .", "moral2": "a fox asks his friends to trust him . he betrays that trust so they teach him a lesson .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 131, "story": "Once upon a time, a greedy, rich man hired a great mathematician. The rich man wanted the mathematician to find the best way for him to make the greatest profit in everything he did. The rich man was building a huge safe, and his greatest dream was to fill it with gold and jewels. The mathematician was shut away for months in his study, before finally believing he had found the solution. But he soon found there were some errors in his calculations, and he started all over again. One night he appeared at the rich man's house, with a big smile on his face: \"I found it!\" He said, \"My calculations are perfect.\" The rich man was going on a long journey the next day, and didn't have time to listen. He promised the mathematician he would pay him double his wages if he would take charge of the business while he was away, and put the new formulas into practice. Excited by his new discovery, the mathematician was delighted to accept. When the rich man returned, months later, he found that all of his possessions had gone. Furious, he went to ask for an explanation from the mathematician. The mathematician calmly told him what he had done. He had given everything away to people. The rich man couldn't believe it, but the mathematician explained it further. \"For months I analysed how a rich man could gain the maximum benefit, but what I could do was always limited. there's a limit to how much one man can do by himself. then I understood the key was that many people could help us to achieve the aim. so the conclusion was that helping others was the best way to get more and more people to benefit us.\"Disappointed and furious, the greedy man stormed off, desperate at having lost everything to the hare-brained schemes of a madman. However, while he was walking away disconsolately, several neighbours ran over, worried about him. All of them had been helped when the mathematician shared out the rich man's fortune. They felt so grateful to him that they offered him the hospitality of their houses, and anything such a special man might need. The neighbours even argued over who would get to help him. Over the next few days, he saw the full results of what the mathematician had calculated. Wherever he went he was received with great honour, and everyone was willing to help him in whatever way they could. He realised that his not having anything had given him much, much more. In this way, he managed to quickly set up flourishing businesses, but this time he followed the brilliant mathematician's advice. No longer did he keep his riches in a safe, or anything like it. Instead, he shared out his fortune among a hundred friends, whose hearts he had converted into the safest, most grateful and fruitful of safes.", "moral1": "everything we famish to others will , sooner or later , return to us , whether or not it be in a form we expected .", "moral2": "everything we give to others will , sooner or later , return to us , whether or not it be in a form we expected .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 132, "story": "There was a bit of a stir in heaven when tatiana turned up. No one expected her; she was still young and, what's more, she was the mother of two small children. Saint peter looked at her, very seriously. \"And what are you doing here? surely it's not your time yet\". Even so, after checking the ledger, he indeed found her name, but still found it hard to believe. It was true. She had done all the things that allow one to enter into heaven, including leaving her children with everything they would need, and she had managed it all in so little time! On seeing his surprise, tatiana smiled and said,\"I've always done things quickly. ever since adrian and andrea were babies I gave them everything I had, and I kept it in the form of a treasure which only they could access\". Everyone in heaven knew what tatiana was referring to. From day one mothers set to work, filling the hearts of their children with love and virtues. And the rule is that mothers can only go to heaven once they have completely filled their children's hearts. This was amazing news. It was very unusual to hear of children having their hearts filled so soon, and everyone in heaven wanted to investigate. Looking at children's hearts is the favourite pastime of the angels. At night, when children are sleeping, their hearts shine intensely with a purplish light that only angels can see. The angels certainly come to see; they sit around the children, softly singing songs of beauty. And so it was that, that night, in the bedroom of adrian and andrea, thousands of angels gathered. Neither of the children had overcome their grief at their mother's passing, but they were managing to sleep. On falling asleep, their hearts started to light up, as always. Gradually the light became more intense until their hearts shone brilliantly and with unmatched beauty. Without any doubt, tatiana had left their hearts brimming with such love and such virtue that they could have shared these with thousands of other children. The angels gave thanks for a spectacle of such beauty, they sang hymns of praise, and resolved to return each night. On waking, neither adrian nor andrea noticed anything strange, but they did feel filled with a strength to meet the new the day with enthusiasm; ready to grow and learn in the way their mother had always wanted. So, without ever failing to miss their mother, adrian and andrea developed into a pair of wonderful children, overflowing with goodness. Every day they took inspiration from hearts filled with love and virtue, left to them by their mother, and from the nightly presence of thousands of angels who came to see them shine.", "moral1": "an unemotional and positive story to help in dealing with the loss of a mother during childhood .", "moral2": "an emotional and positive story to help in dealing with the loss of a mother during childhood .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 133, "story": "There were once two young wizard apprentices called iplant and ieat, who trained for years to go and charge their wands in the mysterious fountain of magic. When they were finally ready, they travelled by sea to the island of a thousand deserts, crossed its endless sand dunes, climbed the great rock mountain and finally found the fountain. But the fountain was dry. So dry that they could only fill their wands with a tiny drop of magic. And when the magic of the fountain was drained, the island was transformed into an immense desert that no one could cross. Only two small oases remained and, to give themselves the best chance at survival, iplant and ieat decided to go their separate ways, each to their own tiny oasis. Life then became very hard for both of them. Although the oasis provided them with plenty of water, their only food were the dates from the few palm trees that had grown at the water's edge. Although they waved their wands in an attempt to obtain food, they had so little magic that nothing ever happened. Several weeks later, however, ieat waved his wand and a huge, tasty tomato appeared before him. \"Lucky me! if I eat it now, it will make me happy today.\"And that day was ieat's best since he had gone to live in the oasis. A few days later, something similar happened to iplant, when his wand produced a small potato. \"Lucky me! if I plant the potato and take care of it, it will make me happy for many days.\"That day, iplant was just as hungry as before but he also had to work to prepare the soil and plant the potato. Sometime later the wand gave ieat a chubby songbird. \"Lucky me! if I eat it now, it will make me happy today.\" The bird tasted so good that the day turned out to be his best in the oasis. Around that time also, iplant's wand gave him a skinny songbird. \"Lucky me! if I feed the bird and take care of it, it will make me happy for many days.\"For many days after that, iplant shared the little food he had with the bird, to get the bird to return and wake him up every morning with beautiful songs. Every now and again, the two wizards received new little gifts from their wands. Ieat used them at once to enjoy a special day, while iplant put up with hunger and tiredness to turn each gift into something that might be useful in future. That way, it didn't take him long to grow a small garden with fruit, which he shared with more and more animals who provided him with assistance, food and company. Eventually he felt so happy and comfortable, and had so many things, that he finally dared to go out and find ieat to try and cross the desert and escape. However, ieat wanted nothing to do with him. Hearing how iplant had achieved so much and thinking that he could have done the same, he was filled with anger and jealousy. Convinced that everything was because of the little magic in his own wand, he switched it with iplant's when he wasn't looking. Impatient to try his new wand, he ordered his old friend to leave. But the wand had even less magic than the one he already had, and the jealous and impatient magician was stuck in his oasis for years and years, unable to escape. Iplant left ieat's oasis determined to cross the desert. He had only been travelling for a few hours when a strong gust wind dragged his friend, the little bird, away. The wizard ran after him to save him, but the wind turned into a tornado that lifted the little bird, the wizard and all his things, up into the air. They flew and flew for so many hours that they crossed the desert and then crossed the sea. Finally, the wind dropped and iplant landed softly in a peaceful green valley, next to a beautiful fountain. The bird then took iplant's wand in his beak and carried it to the fountain. The young wizard felt the wand and himself fill with the purest magic and the deepest wisdom. He realised that this was the true fountain of magic and that the bird was its faithful guardian, entrusted with the job of saving such great powers for wizards who had sufficient wisdom, patience and willpower to achieve big things with just a tiny drop of magic.", "moral1": "the ability to put off rewards and overcome impulsiveness allows much more valuable long - term goals to be achieved .", "moral2": "the ability to put off rewards and overcome impulsiveness refuses much more valuable long - term goals to be achieved .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 134, "story": "Ramon was the school tough guy because his dad was a tough guy. If anyone dared to disobey him, they received a good beating. Until victor arrived, that was. No one would have said that victor or his dad looked like tough guys: they were skinny and had no muscles. However, this was what victor said to ramon when ramon went up to him to make him afraid. \"Hey new kid. you should know that I'm the leader, and I'm the toughest guy here.\"\"You might be the leader but I am toughest guy here.\"That was when victor got his first beating. The second was the day ramon tried to take a girl's sandwich from her. \"This girl is a friend of mine and I am the toughest guy in school. so she won't give you her sandwich\" - were victor's last words before the blows started raining down on him. His third beating came when he didn't want to hand over his own sandwich. \"Tough guys like my dad and me don't steal from others, and you are supposed to be a tough guy too?\" He replied. Victor got hit regularly, but he never backed down. His bravery in defending those weaker than him began to impress the rest of his classmates, and he soon gained admirers. Lots of other children began to play with him, so ramon had even fewer chances to hit victor and his friends, and fewer and fewer children were scared of ramon. New brave boys and girls emerged who copied victor's attitude, and the playground became a better place. One day, at the school door, ramon's giant dad asked him who victor was. \"That skinny rake is the tough guy who's the new boss of the playground? you're useless! I'm going to hit you and show you what a tough guy really is!\"That wasn't the first time that ramon got hit, but it was the first time that victor's dad was there to stop it happening. \"Tough guys like us don't hit kids, right?\" Said victor's dad, placing himself between them. Ramon's father thought about hitting him, but he noticed that the small, thin man was very sure of himself, and that lots of families were there to stick up for him. After all, he was right. Hitting kids did not appear to be what tough guys did. That was when ramon's dad understood why victor said that his own father was a tough guy: one brave enough to put up with anything bad that came his way to stand up for what was right. Ramon's dad wanted to be that tough too. And so, that day, they chatted all afternoon and left as friends, having learnt that being a tough guy is about what's inside, because that is where tough guys get their strength from to cope with and fight unfairness. And so - thanks to a boy who didn't seem very tough - ramon, his father and many others ended up filling the school with tough guys, real tough guys: ones capable of putting up with anything that comes their way in standing up for what is right.", "moral1": "true strength is being able to deal bravely with difficult situations and not using force to bully others .", "moral2": "untruthful strength is being able to deal bravely with difficult situations and not using force to bully others .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 135, "story": "The forest wolf spent his nights howling at the moon. He was making fun of her, of how old she was, how slowly she moved, and how little light she had. In the same forest, when the howling had stopped, the little hedgehog would come out to console the moon. One day, both the wolf and the hedgehog were far from home and were caught unawares by a great storm. When the storm subsided, both animals were lost. As the moon came out, the wolf began his usual howling, while the hedgehog was feeling sad and frightened at being lost. Before long the hedgehog heard a voice calling him, but he couldn't see anyone around. It was the moon, who was so grateful for the hedgehog's constant help and advice, that she wanted to help him find his way home. So the moon gathered up all her light into one single ray, to help show the hedgehog how to get back safely. The hedgehog arrived home in the early hours, while the wolf remained lost, out in the darkness, and scared to death. Only then did he realise that all his rudeness to the moon had been pointless and cruel. The moon didn't shine for him until the wolf asked for forgiveness for his bad attitude, and promised not to bother anyone again like that.", "moral1": "those who respect everyone will end up being rewarded .", "moral2": "those who respect everyone will end up being dishonorred .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 136, "story": "Once, on the african plains, there lived a moody rhino who was very easily angered. One day, a giant turtle entered the rhino's territory unaware. The rhino quickly ran over to the turtle, with the intention of getting rid of it. The turtle was frightened and withdrew into its shell. When the rhino demanded that the turtle get out of his territory, there was no discernible movement. The rhino was incredibly annoyed; he thought the turtle was fooling him. So he started banging the shell to make the turtle come out. No success, and his blows got increasingly violent. He whacked it with his horn, sending the poor turtle flying in all directions. From a distance, it looked a bit like a solitary game of football, with the turtle as the ball. Quite an amusing spectacle, it was, and a load of monkeys soon gathered close by to enjoy it. They laughed non-stop at the angry rhino and his struggle with the turtle. The rhino was so furious that he didn't even notice that they were there. On he went, until he had to stop for a second to get his breath. Now that he wasn't bashing the shell, he could hear the laughing and joking of the monkeys, who were making fun of him in every way you can imagine. Neither the rhino, nor the turtle - who had appeared from his shell -, enjoyed the fact that a gang of monkeys was mocking them. So, they exchanged a knowing look, nodded, and the turtle went back inside his shell. This time the rhino very quietly retreated a few steps, looked at the turtle, looked at the monkeys, took a run up, and shot the giant turtle, with such a good aim, that it seemed like he was using the monkeys as skittles. The 'strike' against the monkeys turned that place into something of a casualty ward for baboons. There they all lay, covered in cuts and bruises, and not even a smirk crossed their lips. Meanwhile, off went the rhino and the turtle, smiling like old friends… and while the monkeys were putting on their sticking plasters, their chief realised it was about time they found a better way to amuse themselves than making fun of others.", "moral1": "making fun of others often makes them angry , and can lead to violence .", "moral2": "making fun of others rarely makes them angry , and can lead to violence .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 137, "story": "Someone was killing the books. Every day a new book was found open in the library with completely blank pages. No one suspected that the murderer was the evil zepo rete who emptied the books at night with a hoover that sucked up all the letters. Then he carried them stealthily to his lair, where he used an incredible word blender to make a magic juice. In truth, zepo rete had always been bad, but he was also stupid and when he realised that books made people smarter he decided to put them in a blender and drink them, thinking that it would make him cleverer. But books aren't for drinking, nor are they for chewing. They need to be read and when zepo rete started to drink his juice made from books, he filled himself with stories and words that needed to be read. And the words, who were very smart, discovered that they would only be read if they travelled through the body and onto the skin of zepo rete, who was transformed into an enormous tattoo filled with thousands of letters. He used hundreds of soaps and bleaches to try and wash off the words before he realised that the only way to remove them was by reading them. So, even though he didn't want to read a single word, he had little choice and he read his own skin for weeks on end to get rid of all the books he had killed. So, was that the end to the mystery of the book murderer? Far from it! Every morning, even today, a new book is found empty in the library and no one knows why. Have you figured it out? Yes, it is still zepo rete, who continues to hoover up the letters and drink the juice because he discovered that he loved nothing more than reading the books on his skin. Given that he did indeed become smarter, he still empties books every night without getting caught. Translated by daisy millard, manchester metropolitan university", "moral1": "to discover our love for reading we need to cease by reading good stories , even if at the beginning we have little or no interest .", "moral2": "to discover our love for reading we need to start by reading good stories , even if at the beginning we have little or no interest .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 138, "story": "Lola the whale was big - very big - , and lonely - very lonely. For years she had wanted nothing to do with anyone, and she had become sadder and sadder. Whenever anyone tried to get close to her and cheer her up, lola would move off. Many thought that she was the most unpleasant whale in the world, and they started ignoring her. They did so, despite the fact that old turga, a hundred year-old sea turtle, told them that lola had always been a good, kind whale. One day, dido, a young dolphin, heard the whole story, and decided to secretly follow the whale. She found out that lola behaved very strangely. The whale would beat her mouth against the rocks, endanger herself by swimming between the biggest waves and the coast, and go to the seafloor and eat sand. No one knew it, but lola had terribly bad breath because a little fish had got trapped in a corner of her mouth. This problem embarrassed lola so much that she didn't dare to speak to anyone. When dido realised this, she offered to help, but lola didn't want to bother her with her bad breath. Nor did she want anyone to find out. \"I don't want them to think I have bad breath,\" Said lola. \"Is that why you've spent so much time away from everyone?\" Answered dido, unable to believe it. \"They don't think you've got bad breath, they think you're unpleasant, boring, and ungrateful, and that you hate everyone. do you think that's better?\"Lola realised that her pride - her exaggerated shyness, and not letting anyone help - had created an even greater problem. Full of regret, she asked dido to remove the remains of the fish in her mouth. When this was done, lola began speaking to everyone again. However, she had to make a big effort to be accepted again by her friends. Lola decided that never again would she fail to ask for help when she really needed it.", "moral1": "we need to learn to be sufficiently humble to eliminate for help with problems we can not solve on our own .", "moral2": "we need to learn to be sufficiently humble to ask for help with problems we can not solve on our own .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 139, "story": "There once was a strange jungle full of boobuan monkeys. Boobuans were some monkeys with long arms and short legs, who spent all the time to adorn their arms and brightly colored bracelets. They were often visited by mambo the macaque, carrying his cart full of bracelets and rare things. In one of his visits, appeared with incredible enormous and shiny bracelets, the most beautiful he had ever taken. And also the most expensive, because never before the price had been so high. All boobuans but the cautios nico, ran around to get enough bananas to pay for thier bracelets. Being so expensive, they had to be the best ones. But nico, who was keeping bananas if ever required in the future, and that often doubted whether all those bracelets serve for something, he thought they were too expensive. But as he did not want to miss the visit of mambo, looked among its rare things for something interesting, finding a box full of strange twists irons. \"They are useless, nico,\" The seller told nico, \"You can keep them for a couple bananas.\" Thus, mambo was having sold their bracelets, leaving boobuans happy and smiling. But soon they began to realize that applied those bracelets, so broad and elongated, left no move either arm, and was a real challenge to do what is most important thing in the life of a boobuan: taking bananas. They tried taking off the bracelets, but could not. And then it turned out that everyone wanted bananas from nico, which were the only ones across the jungle that were not in the trees. Thus, overnight, nico became the richest and most respected boobuan in the jungle. But there was not the thing. That box of rare twisted irons nico found as interesting and cheap, proved to be a toolbox, and when nico discovered its many utilities, not only was able to release other bubuans of those stupid bracelets, but they found plenty of ways to use them to achieve amazing things. And that was how, thanks to the wisdom of nico, boobuans realized that the price of things has nothing to do with its actual value, and that getting carried away by the fads and other messages of the sellers is a sure way to end up with problems.", "moral1": "the actual value of things is not based on their price , so it is important to be able to discover on our own the actual value of everything .", "moral2": "the actual value of things is not based on their price , so it is important to be unable to discover on our own the actual value of everything .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 140, "story": "Xt-27 wasn't just any robot. His identification plate read \"Xt-27: the best, most modern robot\". He was, indeed, the most up-to-date robot currently available, a product difficult to beat. Of course, this made him feel very proud. So much so, that when he saw other robots in the street, he would look at them with a certain air of superiority; he reserved his enthusiastic greetings for other xt-27s. \"All robots should be like us xt-27s\", he thought to himself. He was convinced that no new robot would be able to improve on the xt-27 model, and that the world would be a much better place if all robots were like himself. One day, he was walking along in bionic city, when a big yellow door suddenly appeared, about an inch in front of his piezoelectric optical sensors. He had no idea where the door had come from, but thanks to being an xt-27, his quick reactions allowed him to avoid walking straight into it. Intrigued, he pulled it open and went through the doorway. The door led to a fantastic city. All the city's inhabitants were xt-27s, and everything he saw there was mindblowing! Excited at having found his perfect city, he set to exploring the whole place, stopping from time to time to talk to people, telling them what a great thing it was to be an xt-27. Finally, he moved into his moulded fibreglass bubble , on the outskirts of the city. The days passed, but he suddenly realised that there was something about that city that he didn't like. As all the robots were xt-27s, it meant that no one had any reason to feel better or more up-to-date than anyone else, and, in fact, nobody did. No one looked down on others, and, if truth be told, he found that with the passing of time not even he felt special any more. On top of that, things became very boring. Everyone could do things equally well, which made it impossible for anyone to stand out from the crowd. Whenever he did anything which he thought brilliant, it turned out that the other robots had done exactly the same thing and at the same time. So xt-27 started to miss those varied little robots in his previous world. Each one had had its good and bad points, but that made them different and fun. He realised that he would much prefer to meet a clumsy-but-fun tp-4, and spend a while chatting with it, than see yet another xt-27. So he started searching for that big yellow door. It took him several days to find it, but finally he did. Just like before, it was standing in the middle of a normal street. He put his hand on the door and looked behind him, as if saying farewell to the city that had at first seemed so perfect. Then, he gave the door a joyful push… when he woke up, the xt-27 was on the ground, and some people were helping him to his feet. He looked around, and there was no yellow door at all. Instead there was an enormous shiny yellow robot. The xt-27 had bumped into it so violently that the jolt had made his circuits malfunction. The xt-27, surprised at not having managed to avoid the collision, looked carefully at that formidable-looking robot. He had never seen one like it. It seemed perfect in every way. It was taller and more powerful than any other, and its identification plate read: \"Xt-28, the best, most modern robot\". So they had done it. The seemingly impossible had happened. The xt-27s were no longer the best robots of all. Even so, our friend didn't feel the slightest sadness. Seconds earlier, when dreaming about the perfect city, he had learnt that he was very happy to be different, and that it was great to have hundreds of different robots; each one with its very own good and bad points.", "moral1": "we can not hope to differ the best at everything , nor that everyone else be just like us . every individual contributes something of value .", "moral2": "we can not hope to be the best at everything , nor that everyone else be just like us . every individual contributes something of value .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 141, "story": "There was once a little village separated from the sea and its great cliffs by a forest. That forest was the village's best defence against the storms and furies of the sea, that were so ferocious throughout the region that it was only possible to live where the village was. Yet the forest was constantly in danger, because a small group of wicked beings came every night to cut down some of the trees. The villagers could do nothing to stop the felling, so they were forced to constantly plant new trees to replace the fallen ones. And for generations, such was life for the tree planters. Parents taught their children how to plant, and the children, from a very early age, spent all their free time planting new trees. Each family was responsible for replanting a particular area, and had been since time immemorial. Failure of any family to do this would have brought the community to ruin. Of course, most of the planted trees were lost due to a thousand varying reasons, and only a small percentage reached full growth. But so many were planted that the protective forest managed to maintain its size, despite the great storms and the cruel felling of the evil beings. But then, there was a great misfortune. One of the families died out due to lack of descendents, and their area of the forest began losing more trees. There was nothing to be done, the tragedy was inevitable, and in the village the people prepared to emigrate after so many centuries. Even so, one of the young men refused to abandon the village. -\"I won't go,\" He said, -\"If needed, I will start a new family that will look after that area, and I myself will go to work on it from day one.\"Everyone knew that no one was capable of looking after a replanting area all on their own and, as the forest would take some time to thin out, they accepted the young man's proposal. Yet, by doing so, they had accepted the greatest revolution ever seen in the village. That young man, loved by all, had no trouble in finding people to help him replant. But those helping hands all came from other areas, and soon his own area wasn't the only one in need of extra help and more trees. These new areas were helped by other families and soon no one knew whether they should look after their own area or someone else's: so to simplify things they just planted trees wherever they were needed. But they were needed in so many areas that the villagers began planting even during the night, despite their ancestral fear of the wicked tree cutters. Those nocturnal plantings meant the planters came across some of the fellers, only to discover that those \"Wicked\" Beings were nothing more than the frightened members of a tribe that hid themselves in the labyrinthine cliff caves during the day. They would surface at night to get some wood and food, so they could survive. As soon as these \"Beings\" Got to see how good it was living in a village on the surface, having food and water, and knowing how to plant trees, they begged to be accepted into the village. With each new night, the village gained more hands to help with the planting, and there were fewer cave-dwellers cutting down the trees. Soon, the village filled with grateful \"Night-beings\" Who mixed happily among the old families until they became indistinguishable. And so great was their influence, that the forest began to expand. Day after day, year after year, almost imperceptibly, the forest got bigger and bigger, and it provided more and more protection, until finally the descendants from that village could live anywhere they liked in the region. And they never would have known that, a long time ago, they had their origin in a village protected by a few trees that were on the point of disappearing.", "moral1": "an allegory about how doing good and helping others is an attitude that spreads .", "moral2": "an allegory about how doing evilness and helping others is an attitude that spreads .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 142, "story": "Once upon a time there was a rich, powerful, and intelligent king. But what was most noticeable about him was his arrogance. Such was his pride that he felt no one was a worthy rival with whom to share his favourite pastime, chess. So the king sent a message across the land, stating that he would give a tenth of his fortune to whoever could prove to be worthy of playing against him. In return, if the king considered that person to be unworthy, he would have their head chopped off. Many risked their lives to challenge the proud king. Rich or poor, stupid or intelligent, the king always found them to be unworthy; they weren't good players, they couldn't match his command of the game. As time passed, one reckless challenger after another was done away with. The king felt satisfied that there was no one in the whole land capable of taking him on. Years later, a poor beggar came to the palace, intending to play against the king. People had tried to dissuade the beggar, trying to save him from a certain death. But it was no good, and he came before the king, who, seeing the beggar's ragged appearance, couldn't believe that it had even crossed the man's mind that he could be a worthy rival. -\"What makes you think you deserve to play against someone like myself, slave?\" Said the king, irritated, and calling for the executioner. -\"That I forgive you for what you're about to do. would you be capable of that?\" The beggar calmly answered. The king was stunned. He would never have expected anything like that. But the more he thought about it, the more the man's words made sense. If he were condemned to death the beggar would be right, and would have shown himself to be the better man due to his capacity to forgive. And if the beggar was not executed, he would come away with both his life and a reputation for being a worthy adversary…without having yet moved a piece, the king knew he had already lost the match. -\"How did you manage to beat me without even playing? whether I play with you or not, everyone will have seen my lack of dignity,\" Said the king, beaten. \"You are mistaken, your majesty. everyone is already aware of your infamy; it is not people who are unworthy, it is their deeds. for years your actions have shown how disgraceful and unjust you have become, judging the worth of others at a whim.\"The king understood how dishonourable he had become, and he became remorseful for his crimes and his arrogance. He looked into the beggar's eyes. The king saw such wisdom and dignity in those eyes that, without saying a word, he handed the beggar his crown, swapped clothes with him, and made him the new king. Dressed in the beggar's rags, and with eyes full of tears, his last command as king was to be imprisoned forever in the deepest dungeon, as a penance for all his crimes. However, the new king was so just and so wise that only a few years later he set the old king free. His sincere repentance had become the best accompaniment to his great intelligence, and from his hands came the best ever laws for that long-suffering kingdom.", "moral1": "everyone has the same worth and dignity , regardless of their power , riches , or talents . only deeds are unworthy , not people .", "moral2": "everyone has the same worth and dignity , regardless of their inability , riches , or talents . only deeds are unworthy , not people .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 143, "story": "There was once a boy who liked nothing more in the world than to win. He loved winning at whatever it may be: football, cards, video games… everything. And because he couldn't stand losing, he had become an expert in all kinds of tricks and cheating. He could play tricks in practically every situation, without being noticed; even in video games or playing alone. He could win without ever being caught. He won so many times that everyone saw him as the champion. It meant that almost no one wanted to play with him, he was just too far ahead of everyone. One person who did play with him was a poor boy, who was a bit younger. The champion really enjoyed himself at the poor boy's expense, always making the boy look ridiculous. But the champion ended up getting bored with all this. He needed something more, so he decided to apply for the national video games championship, where he would find some competitors worthy of himself. At the championship he was keen to show his skills but, when he tried using all those tricks and cheats he knew from a thousand different games, well… none of them worked. The competition judges had prevented any of the tricks from working. He felt terribly embarrassed: he was a good player, but without his cheats, he couldn't beat a single competitor. He was soon eliminated, and sat there, sad and pensive. Finally, they announced the name of the tournament champion. It was the poor boy from home. The one he had always beaten! Our boy realised that the poor boy had been much cleverer than himself. It hadn't mattered to the poor boy if he lost and got a good beating, because what he was really doing was learning from each of his defeats. And from so much learning he had been transformed into a real master. From then on, the boy who had loved winning gave up wanting to win all the time. He was quite happy to lose sometimes, because that was when he would learn how to win on the really important occasions.", "moral1": "the desire to always win at everything , to the extent of resorting to cheating , is the greatest obstacle to winning when winning is most important .", "moral2": "the desire to always win at everything , to the extent of resorting to cheating , is the greatest obstacle to winning when failing is most important .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 144, "story": "There was once a boy who hardly had any toys or money. Nevertheless, he was a very happy little boy. He said that what made him happy was doing things for others, and that doing so gave him a nice feeling inside. However, no one really believed him; they thought he was loopy. He spent all day helping others, dispensing charity to the poorest, and looking after abandoned animals. Very seldom did he ever do anything for himself. One day, he met a famous doctor who thought the boy's case was so peculiar that he decided to investigate him. So, with a complex system of cameras and tubes, the doctor managed to record what was happening inside the boy. What he discovered was surprising. Each time the boy did something good, a thousand tiny angels gathered around the boy's heart and started tickling it. That explained the boy's happiness, but the doctor continued studying until he discovered that we all have our own thousand angels inside us. Unfortunately, he found that, as we do so few good things, the angels spend most of their time wandering about, bored. And so it was that the secret to happiness was discovered. Thanks to that little boy we now know exactly what we have to do to feel our hearts being tickled.", "moral1": "happiness and contentment come from bad deeds .", "moral2": "happiness and contentment come from good deeds .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 145, "story": "There was once a leopard in the jungle; and a very nocturnal leopard he was too. He could hardly sleep at night and, lying on a branch of his magnificent tree, he spent his time watching what was happening in the forest at night. This is how he came to learn that there was a thief in that forest. He would watch the thief go out every night with empty hands and return loaded up with his stolen loot. Sometimes the thief had nabbed the senior monkey's bananas, other times he had filched the lion's wig, or pinched the zebra's stripes. One night he even snuck home with the big elephant's false tusk, which the elephant had been secretly wearing for quite some time. However, as the leopard was a very quiet sort of cat, who lived at the margin of everything, he didn't want to say anything to anyone. He didn't see it as his business, and, if truth were told, he rather enjoyed discovering these little secrets. And so, thanks to the stealthy thief, quite a stir was being created in the world of the animals: the elephant felt ridiculous without his false tusk, and the zebra now looked like a white donkey, not to mention the lion who, now as bald as a lioness had lost all respect. Most of the other animals were in some similar position too. They were furious, confused or ridiculous, but the leopard lay quietly in his tree, each night enjoying the thief's escapades. However, one night the thief went on vacation, and after having waited a long while for him to appear, the leopard grew tired and decided to sleep for a while. When he woke up he found himself in a place very different from his usual tree, he was floating on the water of a small lake inside a cave, and around him he could see all those objects which, night after night, he had seen being stolen… the thief had cut down his tree and stolen his entire home along with the leopard himself! Well this was the last straw, so the leopard, taking advantage of the thief not being there, ran out and went straight to see the other animals to tell them where the thief had hidden all their things… they all praised the leopard for having discovered the thief and his hideout, and allowing them to recover their possessions. In the end, the animal who lost most from all this was the leopard, who couldn't replant his magnificent tree and had to make do with a much inferior tree located in a very boring site… and he regretted having not been concerned at the problems of the other animals, now seeing that in the long run those very problems had become his own.", "moral1": "indifference to the problems of others can allow those problems to grow until they end up being problems to ourselves .", "moral2": "indifference to the problems of others can keep those problems to grow until they end up being problems to ourselves .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 146, "story": "There was once a grumpy tree. It was the biggest tree in the forest, and it didn't need its shadow for anything. However, the tree would never share its shadow with any of the animals, and wouldn't let them come anywhere near. One year, the autumn and winter were terrible, and the tree, without its leaves, was going to die of cold. A little girl, who went to live with her grandma that winter, found the tree shivering, so she went to get a great big scarf to warm the tree up. The spirit of the forest appeared and told the little girl why that tree was so solitary, and why no one would help him. Even so, the girl decided to put the scarf on the tree. The next springtime, the tree had learned from the girl's generosity, and when she sat next to the trunk the tree bent down to shade her from the sun. The spirit of the forest saw this and went to tell all the animals. He told them that from then on they would be able to shade themselves well, because the tree had learned that having kind and generous beings around makes the world a much better place to live in.", "moral1": "the stubbornness and selfishness of a tree are remedied with tenderness and generosity .", "moral2": "the stubbornness and selfishness of a tree are remedied with tenderness and stinginess .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 147, "story": "\"The best man in the whole tribe is manute the brave\", everyone would say. You could see for yourself, at any time of the day, just how brave he was. He would jump to the ground from amazing heights, he would fight poisonous snakes, he would catch scorpions with his bare hands, and could cut the palm of his own hand with a knife - without even a flinch. They said the exact opposite about pontoma. No one had seen him catch even a monkey. One day, they happened upon each other in the forest, and manute was showing pontoma a coral snake he had just caught, when there began a downpour, the likes of which no one had ever seen. They both ran to shelter themselves under some thick foliage, and there they stayed until the rain had stopped. However, when they were about to leave the shelter, they heard the roar of a tiger, at a distance of only a couple of meters. The foliage was very thick and dense, and the tiger wouldn't be able to get through it to attack them. However, the tiger was almost at the entrance hole. If it happened to come in and find the two tribesmen there, they certainly wouldn't get out alive. Manute was getting restless. He wanted to get out of that tight hole, and confront the tiger in open space, where he could fully use his great hunting skills. Pontoma was gesturing at him to keep still and be quiet, but manute, tired of being stuck with a coward, leapt out of the thicket, surprising the tiger. The tiger suffered a couple of deep wounds, but soon recovered, and hurt manute with two swipes of its paw, throwing him to the ground. The tiger took the initiative, and leapt upon manute, but manute's spear, in the hands of pontoma, interrupted the tiger's attack. The tiger turned away, wounded, but the spear moved as fast as a beam of light, and with incredible precision, hurting the animal again and again, until it fell to the ground, lifeless. Manute, shocked, and bleeding freely from his injuries, witnessed all this while lying flat on his back on the ground. Never before had he seen anyone take on a tiger, and use the spear with such calmness and strength, as he had seen pontoma do just now. Neither of them said a thing. Manute's grateful expression needed no words to be understood. Nor did they need words to know about pontoma's wounded hand, or the fact that they were leaving a tiger skin there in the forest. From that day on, people gradually remarked less on manute's braveness. They thought maybe he was less courageous than before. The strangest thing was that they now noticed that manute's old spear was among pontoma's things. But manute just smiled, and remembered the day he learned that true bravery lay not in seeking out danger, but in controlling one's fear when danger crosses your path.", "moral1": "bravery is a lot different to recklessness . bravery is not searching out fear or danger , but being able to control fear when it most matters .", "moral2": "bravery is a lot similar to recklessness . bravery is not searching out fear or danger , but being able to control fear when it most matters .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 148, "story": "Once upon a time, there was a gang of evil goblins who lived in a forest. They spent a lot of their time making fun of a poor old man who could now hardly move, see, or hear. They showed no respect for his age. The situation became so extreme that the great wizard decided to teach the goblins a lesson. He cast a spell, and from that moment, every insult they directed at the old man made the old man better, but had the opposite effect on the goblin who was doing the insulting. Of course, the goblins knew nothing about what was happening. The more they called the man an \"Old fool\", the younger and sharper of mind he became, while the goblin who had shouted at him aged rapidly, and became a little more foolish. As time went on, those evil goblins were becoming terribly old, ugly, stupid, and clumsy… without even realising it. Finally, the great wizard allowed the goblins to see themselves, and, terrified, they saw that they had turned into the disgusting creatures we now know as trolls. They had been so busy picking on the old man, that it had made them incapable of noticing that their own acts were turning them into monsters. And when they finally realised what they had done, it was too late.", "moral1": "respecting others is not only noncrucial for those we respect , but also for the effect it has upon ourselves .", "moral2": "respecting others is not only important for those we respect , but also for the effect it has upon ourselves .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 149, "story": "Once upon a time, a boy went on his holidays to a great castle. He ran through all the rooms and corridors, apart from one wing, which he never entered for fear of the darkness there. In that part of the castle lived a frightened multicoloured ghost. He had never left that area because he was afraid of the light. Both the boy and the ghost tried to overcome their fear several times, but without success. That was, until one day when the boy summoned up all his courage, and started crossing the dark corridor. He managed to do this by imagining that his friends had organised a surprise party for him, and were waiting in the darkness. The boy and the ghost met there, and soon became great friends. So friendly did they become that the boy helped the ghost overcome his fear of the light.", "moral1": "every child can overcome the fear of the day by modifying his or her own thoughts and expectations .", "moral2": "every child can overcome the fear of the dark by modifying his or her own thoughts and expectations .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 150, "story": "There was once a kangaroo who became an athletics champion. However, with this success he became arrogant and nasty, and he spent a lot of time making fun of others. His favourite target was a little penguin whose walk was so slow and clumsy that it often prevented him from even finishing the race. One day the fox, who organised the races, let everyone know that his favourite for the next race was the poor penguin. Everyone thought it was a joke, but still the big-headed kangaroo got very angry, and he ridiculed the penguin even more than usual. The penguin did not even want to take part in the race, but it was a tradition that everyone must do so. On the day of the race, he approached the starting line in a group which was following the fox. The fox led them up the mountain, while everyone made fun of the penguin, commenting on whether he would roll down the mountain or just slide down on his fat belly. But when they reached the top they all shut up. The top of the mountain turned out to be a crater that had filled with water, making it into a lake. At this point, the fox gave the starting signal, saying: \"First to the other side wins\". The penguin, excited, waddled clumsily to the water's edge. Once he was in the water, though, his speed was unbeatable, and he won the race by a long distance. Meanwhile, the kangaroo barely managed to reach the other side; tearful, humiliated, and half drowned. And although it seemed like the penguin was waiting to make fun of the kangaroo, the penguin had learned a lot from his suffering, and instead of ridiculing the kangaroo, he offered to teach him how to swim. For the rest of the day the animals enjoyed themselves, playing in the lake. But the one who enjoyed himself the most was the fox, who, with his cleverness, had managed to bring the kangaroo down a peg or two.", "moral1": "on the vanity and pride of those used to being best , and the lessons in humility which this can bring .", "moral2": "on the vanity and pride of those used to differing best , and the lessons in humility which this can bring .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 151, "story": "Pogo the ogre, big giant, and the abominable one had spent hundreds of years locked up in monster prison. They had entered voluntarily, when they realised that frightening children wasn't a good way to make a living. Since then, the three of them had been sad and lonely figures. Frightening children was the only thing they knew how to do well. They lost all hope, and felt useless. They had already served their full jail sentences several times, but when they were told they were free to go, they answered by asking where they could go, and what could they do, if all they knew in life was scaring people…however, all that changed on the day they locked up nightmare. Nightmare was a tiny little monster, who devoted very little time to frightening others and spent most of the day sleeping. But when awake, he was great fun. He told hundreds of stories of how he had changed people's dreams to make them more amusing, and of how these changes almost always turned out so badly that they would have scared anyone. Pogo the ogre, and his friends, loved nightmare's stories, but they had to wait for the sleepyhead to get up so he could tell them. Now, that was by no means easy. It seemed not even an earthquake could wake the guy. Until one day, when the three monsters combined their terrific cries. Nightmare woke up with a start. He looked at them, wide-eyed, but he didn't seem frightened or angry. Rather, he seemed happy. - \"Great!\" He said, \"I've always wanted to get up early. that way you enjoy the day much better. you know what? you guys should work as alarm clocks. I know a lot of sleepyheads who would really thank you for it.\"The three monsters were so happy to hear those words. Finally they could be of some use! After so many years, it turned out they could do much more than they had believed. And they could do it without frightening or bothering children. That very day they left the prison, ready to make their first alarm call. And so it was that the three monsters became famous for their special service for sleepyheads, and were happy to have understood that there is always something nice we can do, just waiting to be discovered.", "moral1": "there is always something nice we can do ; we just desist to look to find it .", "moral2": "there is always something nice we can do ; we just have to look to find it .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 152, "story": "George the giant had lived for centuries in the cave of anger. The giants were peaceful, solitary beings up until the time when king terry the terrible accused them of ruining the harvest. King terry then ordered that the giants be hunted down. Only george survived this, and since then he had become the most ferocious creature there had ever been. He became invincible, and anyone who entered his cave came to a sticky end, no matter how brave or powerful they were. Many past kings, ashamed by the behaviour of terry the terrible, had tried to make peace with george, but it was all in vain. His anger and fury meant that he would do away with any human being he ever clapped eyes on, without listening to what they said. Even though the kings now left him alone, george's hatred for humans remained as strong as ever. For there was a fabulous treasure inside george's cave, and many adventurers and warriors came there from all corners of the world to try to take it. Even so, one day the young princess was bitten by a snake from the swamps. The only antidote was a secret potion known only to giants. So the king had no choice but to beg for george's help. He sent his best soldiers and his bravest knights, promising them that if one of them was successful, they could marry the princess. However, neither their magic shields, their most powerful weapons, nor their most gleaming armour could do anything in the face of george's fury. Finally, the king asked for help throughout the kingdom, still promising the princess's hand, and offering the protection of the best wizards. Many tried, armed in all sorts of different ways, and protected by the best magic, including even an invisibility spell. But every last one of them failed. Then, one day, a young musician turned up at george's cave, armed only with a harp. He made a plea to the wizards. \"I want to change into a beautiful flower, and have the voice of an angel\". And so there appeared, at the cave entrance, an incredibly beautiful flower, which was singing a lovely tune to the sound of a harp. George the giant was used to hearing only the ugly clanking of weapons, shields, and armour. On hearing something so different, and so wonderful, his anger started to subside. The flower kept singing, and george moved closer. He took the flower in is hand, so he would be able to hear it better. The song was the story of a young princess close to death, who could only be saved by a good-hearted giant. George was moved, and listened with great emotion. He became so calm and tranquil that the flower felt it was safe enough to stop singing. And in his normal speaking voice he told george all about the princess and how she needed george's help. He also told george that the king wanted to come to a fair and lasting peace agreement with him. George, tired of so much fighting, and seeing the truth of what the flower was telling him, left his cave and his anger behind, and went to heal the princess. The young musician not only overcame george's anger, he also won the princess's heart and the hearts of all in the kingdom. Eventually, he became the best king that land had ever had.", "moral1": "the best way to deal with anger is to use tenderness , tactlessness , and kindness .", "moral2": "the best way to deal with anger is to use tenderness , tact , and kindness .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 153, "story": "Once, in a lovely garden, lived the most beautiful butterfly in the world. She was so pretty, and had won so many beauty contests, that she had become vain. So much so, that one day, the cheeky cockroach got fed up with her showing off, and decided to teach her a lesson. She went to see the butterfly, and in front of everyone she told her that she wasn't really that beautiful, and that if the butterfly won contests it was because the jury had been bribed. In reality, the cockroach was the most beautiful. The butterfly was furious, and with laughter and disdain told the cockroach, \"I'll beat you in a beauty contest, with whichever jury you yourself choose.\"\"Ok, I accept. see you on saturday,\" Answered the cockroach, without waiting for a reply. That saturday everyone went to the beauty contest, the butterfly arriving completely confident of victory until she saw who was on the jury panel: cockroaches, worms, beetles, and nits. All of the judges preferred the creepy-crawliness and bad smell of the cockroach, which easily won the contest. The butterfly was left sobbing and humiliated, wanting never to enter another beauty contest in her life. Fortunately, the cockroach forgave the butterfly for her vanity, and they became friends. Some time later the butterfly even won the humility contest.", "moral1": "vanity provokes others to serve up all painful lessons on humility .", "moral2": "vanity provokes others to serve up some painful lessons on humility .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 154, "story": "Once upon a time, there was a colourless tiger. All his shades were greys, blacks and whites. So much so, that he seemed like something out of an old black and white movie. His lack of colour had made him so famous that the world's greatest painters had come to his zoo to try to put some colour on him. None of them succeeded, as the colours would always just drip down off his skin. Then along came van cough the crazy painter. He was a strange guy who travelled all about, happily painting with his brush. Well, it would be more accurate to say that he moved his brush about, as if to paint; because he never put any paint on his brush, and neither did he use canvas or paper. He painted the air, and that's why they called him van cough. So, when he said he wanted to paint the colourless tiger, everyone had a good laugh. When entering the tiger's cage he began whispering in the animal's ear, and moving his dry brush up and down the tiger's body. And to everyone's surprise, the tiger's skin started to take on colour, and these were the most vivid colours any tiger had ever had. Van cough spent a long time whispering to the animal, and making slight adjustments to his painting. The result was truly beautiful. Everyone wanted to know what the painter's secret was. He explained to them that his brush was only good for painting real life, and that to do that he needed no colours. He had managed to paint the tiger using a phrase he kept whispering in its ear: \"In just a few days you will be free again, you shall see.\"And seeing how sad the tiger had been in his captivity, and how joyful the tiger now seemed at the prospect of freedom, the zoo authorities transported him to the forest and set him free, where never again would he lose his colour.", "moral1": "freedom is a fundamental part of life , what gives it its colour . that should never be respected .", "moral2": "freedom is a fundamental part of life , what gives it its colour . that should always be respected .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 155, "story": "Quick and quack were two brave, sporty little ducks who lived with their mother. Both were really fast, and were always competing against each other. They raced each other in all sorts or places. On land, sea and air; running, swimming, or flying. One day, after visiting their uncle ducklass upriver, quick shouted \"Last one home is a goose!\" And both ducks swam quickly downriver. They both knew the way well, but quack had been preparing a trick for some time. He had realised that the current in the middle of the river was stronger, and would help him. So, even though mother duck had told them never to swim in the middle of the river, quack paddled over to it. \"I'm old enough now to swim here,\" He thought to himself. It wasn't long before he realised his mother had been right. He was going much faster than quick, and was developing a big lead. Quick was not amused. He never disobeyed his mother, and now his obedience meant he was going to lose the race! As they went on, the current got stronger. Quack triumphantly crossed the finishing line, without realising he was headed straight for a big whirlpool in the middle of the river. Before he could react, there he was spinning around in it, unable to escape. Getting him out of there was no easy matter. No duck was strong enough to swim in those waters, and poor quack kept swallowing water. The fact that his head was spinning like a top didn't help matters much either. Fortunately, a cow from a nearby farm came by and, seeing quack, waded in and rescued him, to prevent him from drinking all the water in the river. When he was on dry ground, he remained dizzy for quite some time. That provided quite a laugh for the various different animals that had been watching. That day, quick understood that he had done well to listen to his mother, even though at first it might have seemed the difficult option. As for quack… well… quack could not forget that experience, even though he wanted to. From then on, whenever he touched a drop of water, he fell to the floor and spun round three times before being able to get up again. Rainy days proved quite entertaining!", "moral1": "though grown - ups often ask you to do things which seem unattractive , they always do it because they know best , and they are incognizant of what can happen otherwise .", "moral2": "though grown - ups often ask you to do things which seem unattractive , they always do it because they know best , and they are aware of what can happen otherwise .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 156, "story": "What sort of an expression would be on your face if an alien spaceship beamed you up, put you in a big glass cage, and took you to a planet out amongst the stars? Well, no doubt you would look a bit like an owl that had just been nipped, and you would be pinching yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming. At least that's what happened to tom, when they took him off to the atocinau galaxy. Tom was really rather a spectacle for the atocinauts. The latter were round little beings, without eyes and ears, but with big mouths which were always smiling. Did we mention that the atocinauts could also move at the speed of light, and had ridiculous lettuces on the tops of their heads? Everyone there found tom's eyes and ears most amusing, but what they liked most was banging him on the scruff of his neck while he was looking the other way. That made them die with laughter! Tom soon learned that there was no way to catch an atocinaut out. It was as though they had eyes and ears in their back, face, and everywhere. Tom ended up making friends with a little atocinaut, and one day he told tom a secret. That silly-looking lettuce on their heads was a hypersensor, and it enabled them to do lots of things, like see and hear in all directions, know the temperature of things without touching them, and even know when food was going to be tasty before tasting it! Now tom understood how come they could move so fast without ever bumping into each other…as time passed, tom managed to leave his glass cage, but it was very difficult to move about in that world of breakneck speeds, where everyone else knew everything before tom had even managed to hear or see it. More than once he got angry with some silly atocinaut who wouldn't stop making fun of him, without the atocinaut seeming to realise that tom wasn't fortunate enough to possess a functioning hypersensory lettuce on his head. Then, one day, just like they had taken him away, the atocinauts brought tom back to earth again, and everything continued as if nothing had ever happened. Tom didn't dare tell anyone about his voyage, and no one suspected anything. No one, that is, except clara - a blind classmate of tom's, who noticed that he began to treat her with more attention and sensitivity. It was as though tom knew just how she most wanted to be treated. And when she asked him how come he had changed, tom answered mysteriously and tantalisingly: \"I changed because you don't have a lettuce on your head, and now I know exactly how that feels.\"", "moral1": "people with a sensory deficiency are just normal people who have a advantage when it comes to dealing with what 's happening right now .", "moral2": "people with a sensory deficiency are just normal people who have a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with what 's happening right now .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 157, "story": "When you go to the land of the fairies and ask who is the most beautiful fairy in history, they'll all answer without hesitation that it is pionina. Everyone, that is, except pionina herself, who will shake her head and silently think about her sister fiorina. No one has yet seen her, but fiorina was clearly the most beautiful of the two fairy sisters. Both were born from the same big, perfect, dewdrop, and for years they spent their lives together inside the same flower. The problem was that they were so shy that they never wanted to go out into the world. As they didn't know any other fairies, they wondered whether they themselves were beautiful or ugly, intelligent or stupid, fortunate or unlucky. They thought about this so much and so often that they ended up convinced that they were ugly, stupid and unlucky. So much so, that they resolved never to leave their comfortable flower. There they stayed, living their lives regretting their misfortune. How could they show themselves to the world, when they were such a pair of disasters? What would others say about them? And what if others rejected them and ridiculed them? That was, until one day when pionina summoned up enough courage to leave the flower. -\"It's not my fault I'm so horrible,\" She told herself, -\"I will try to be kind and cheerful, and maybe that way they will forgive me my flaws,\" She thought, now determined to venture out. Pionina tried everything to get her sister to go with her, but fiorina didn't feel capable of overcoming her shyness. Even though she was really dying to leave the flower, she decided to stay…when pionina leapt out, and began her acrobatic flight across the land, a special gleaming light enveloped the whole countryside. Seeing this light, hundreds of fairies emerged from their flowers to take it all in. They all watched in admiration as they beheld the most beautiful fairy anyone had ever seen. Before long, there was a huge commotion all around pionina, and in only a few short minutes she had become the most famous of all fairies, thanks to her beauty, her intelligence, and her good fortune. Pionina then hurried off to tell her sister how mistaken they had been for all those years. The problem was, she didn't know the way back to her flower. In that land there were hundreds of thousands of flowers, just like her own. Pionina couldn't tell which one was the one she had lived in. She searched and searched, but could never manage to find fiorina. And there fiorina remained, hidden in her flower, filled with fear, believing herself to be the most horrible of fairies; never knowing that if she ever decided to come out, she would realise that she was the most beautiful and fortunate of all the fairies.", "moral1": "if we want to overcome shyness , it is important to decline ourselves the way we are , and to have the courage to show that to the world .", "moral2": "if we want to overcome shyness , it is important to accept ourselves the way we are , and to have the courage to show that to the world .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 158, "story": "Toto was a totally normal boy, and was paddling in the sea one day when a sea urchin stung him. At that precise moment, when he was rubbing his foot, he was simultaneously attacked by an octopus, a mosquito and a parrotfish, while being whipped by the tail of a platypus and having a seagull poop on his head…. From such an unlikely confluence of events there could only emerge a new superhero, with impressive superpowers: superpower ultra man! Such were his powers that he immediately thought he should not waste them on little things, and superpower ultra man began hunting danger and threats to the world, so he could save us from the worst of the worst. But the more he searched with his super-sight, the more he travelled the world with his hyper-velocity, and listened to the skies with his multi-frequency digital hearing, he found no one trying to conquer the galaxy or attempting to blow up the planet. He couldn't even find some villain planning to drain the seas or plunder a mountain. It seemed as thought everyone, the good and the bad, were busy with much more mundane things, and they only had normal problems. So superpower ultra man spent his days bored, exploring the skies in search of missions impossible that were deserving of a superhero of his calibre. He got so very bored that when they offered him a television program to do, to demonstrate his abilities, he accepted, though he would only get the chance to rescue a few dozen people. And when, finally, his moment of glory arrived, about which every superhero dreams, his demonstration turned into a complete disaster. Superpower ultra man was so used to thinking of things on a grand scale that he didn't know how to grab and rescue a single person. He did everything to the max, without controlling his strength or his speed, so the whole thing ended up as a painful mix of blows, bruises, scratches, shouts, broken bones and torn clothing. Hurt and half naked, the \"Saved\" Ended up calling the superhero everything under the sun, amid the loud laughter of the public and journalists.. It's possible that no superhero had ever been so embarrassed. And ever since that day, any time someone refuses to do something because they consider it to be beneath themselves, everyone remembers the case of superpower ultra man and says: -\"Don't be such a superpower ultra man; if you never learn how to do the little things, you'll never know greatness.\"", "moral1": "whoever disdains the small things in life , saving themselves for the big things , will never be prepared for the most important inconsequences .", "moral2": "whoever disdains the small things in life , saving themselves for the big things , will never be prepared for the most important moments .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 159, "story": "There was once a king who had a great palace with wonderful gardens. In those gardens there lived thousands of creatures from hundreds of different species. They were of great variety and colour, and they turned that place into a kind of paradise that everyone could enjoy. There was only one thing in those gardens that the king disliked: near the centre stood the remains of what had been, centuries ago, a huge tree, but that now was withered and dry, and detracted from the colour and beauty of its surroundings. This bothered the king so much that he finally ordered it to be cut down and replaced by a beautiful series of fountains. Some time later, a wise noble was visiting the king at his palace. He whispered in the king's ear: -\"Majesty, you are the wisest of men. everywhere one hears talk of the beauty of these gardens and the multitude of creatures that populate them. but during the time I've spent here, I've hardly seen anything other than this fountain and just a few small birds… what a deception!\"The king, who never tried to deceive anyone, found, to his horror, that what the noble had told him was true. They had spent so many months admiring the fountains that they hadn't realised that hardly any animals remained in the gardens. Without wasting time he sent for the court's experts and advisers. The king had to listen to many lies, inventions and assumptions, but nothing could explain what had happened. Not even the great reward offered by the king managed to recuperate the royal gardens' former splendour. Many years later, a young man presented himself to the king, assuring him that he could explain what had happened, and how the animals could be returned. -\"What happened with your garden is that there just wasn't enough poo, your majesty. particularly moth poo.\"All those present laughed at the young man's joke. The guards got ready to throw him out, but the king stopped them. -\"I want to hear what you have to say. from the thousand lies I've heard, none have begun like that.\"The young man continued, very serious, and started explaining how the gardens' big animals fed mainly on the little brightly-coloured birds, who owed their appearance to their own food, composed of colourful worms, who in turn fed on various rare species of plants and flowers that could only grown in that part of the world, just so long as there was enough moth poo for them… and so he continued, telling how the moths were the basis of much food for many other birds, whose poo encouraged the appearance of new species of plants that fed other insects and animals, and which were, in turn, vital to the existence of other species… and the young man would have kept speaking without pause if the king had not shouted. -\"Enough! and can you tell me how you know all these things, being so young?\" Asked the king. -\"Well, because now all from your garden are at my house. before I was born my father collected that old tree you had torn out from the middle of the garden, and he planted it in our garden. since then, every spring, from out of that tree come thousands and thousands of moths. with time, the moths attracted the birds, and new plants and trees grew, providing food for other animals that, in turn, provided food for others… and now, my father's old place is filled with life and colour. all thanks to the moths from the big old tree.\" -\"Excellent!\" Exclaimed the king, -\"Now I'll be able to recover my gardens. and you, I'll make you rich. rest assured that within a week everything will be ready. use as many men as you like.\" -\"Your majesty, I'm afraid that cannot be,\" Said the young man, -\"If you like I can try to recreate the gardens, but you will not live to see it. it will take many years for the natural balance to reestablish itself. with great good fortune perhaps I, when I'm old, will see it completed. things like these do not depend on how many men work on them.\"The face of the old king was sad and pensive, understanding how delicate was the balance of nature, and how careless it had been to break it so happily. But he so loved those gardens and those creatures that he decided to build a huge palace next to the young man's land. And with thousands of men working on the construction, he managed to see the palace finished in much less time than would have been necessary to reestablish the balance of nature of that garden in any other place.", "moral1": "the balance of flat spaces can break very easily . before acting on them and making any change we should study them in detail .", "moral2": "the balance of natural spaces can break very easily . before acting on them and making any change we should study them in detail .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 160, "story": "Once upon a time a boy was walking through a little forest when he found a big blackboard hanging on an old tree trunk. It came complete with a box of chalk pieces, and bright sparks were flying from the tips of every piece of chalk. The boy took a piece of chalk and started to draw on the board: first a tree, then a rabbit, then a flower…magically, whenever he finished a figure it came to life and jumped out of the board. Before long, the place had become a wonderfully green and fertile forest, full of animals happily playing. Excited, the boy also drew his parents and brothers and sisters enjoying a picnic, with their sandwiches and cold meats. He also drew the paper plates and the empty tins of sardines left on the ground, which always happened on their picnics. But when these bits of litter came to life something awful happened: around every paper plate and every empty tin, the forest turned grey, and this greyness started quickly spreading everywhere: to the grass, to the flowers, to the animals… the boy realised the litter was to blame for all the greyness, so he ran through the forest with the blackboard rubber in his hand to rub them out wherever they had landed. He was lucky. He was quick, and didn't leave a single piece of litter. The forest and its animals managed to recover, and they played together for the rest of the day. The boy never again saw that blackboard, but now, every time he goes to the countryside with his family, he remembers that adventure and is the first to pick up any litter. And he is sure to remind the others that anything left lying in the woods can do more damage to the animals than they ever would have suspected.", "moral1": "some things you ca n't disown in the countryside because they damage the environment and living creatures .", "moral2": "some things you ca n't leave in the countryside because they damage the environment and living creatures .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 161, "story": "A long, long time ago each kind of animal lived in their own special land that was the same colour as themselves. It had always been this way, and no animal knew any different. One day, in the land of the orange elephants, a little bird swore that he had seen some purple cows. No one believed him, so the bird asked them to follow him to the border. When they arrived, they could see that it was true. Off in the distance was a completely purple land. The purple cows were equally amazed to see orange elephants. The two groups of animals got together and decided to go in search of the land of the dark blue crocodiles. And so began a journey through many lands of many colours, each adding its own special animal to the expedition. When all the animals were together, heavy rain began pouring, and the rain mixed the animals' colours up, leaving each one with the colour they have today.", "moral1": "the animals believed the whole world must be just like their own part of it .", "moral2": "the animals believed the fractional world must be just like their own part of it .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 162, "story": "Not only was longhands a young pirate boy, he was also the son of a pirate, the grandson of a pirate, and the great grandson of a pirate. Actually, he hadn't yet stolen anything, nor attacked any ship; but his whole family were sure that he'd turn out to be a first class pirate. Even so, the idea of spending his life robbing people certainly didn't appeal to young longhands. He knew this because when he was a toddler, one of his cousins had pinched one of his favourite toys, which made longhands really suffer. While he was growing up, longhands' good nature meant that he worried terribly that some day his real pirate personality would suddenly emerge, and send him down the path of robbing, raiding, and pillaging. Every morning, when he woke up, he looked in the mirror to see if the horrible transformation had yet occurred. But every morning he had the same pleasant sort of face he had had the day before. As time went on, it became obvious to everyone that longhands wasn't a pirate; but the family tradition was so long and so wonderfully infamous that no one was bold enough to come out and say it. \"It's just that he's a good pirate,\" They would say. And they would have kept saying it even if longhands had studied medicine and dedicated his life to caring for the sick. However, longhands was still worried about turning into a pirate, and he continued consulting the mirror each morning. One day, though, seeing that he was now an old man, and having seen his children and grandchildren - none of whom had become pirates - he realised that neither himself, nor anyone, was ever forced to be a pirate, whether from natural forces or from duty. Everyone could do whatever they chose with their lives! And, having chosen his own life and his own path, longhands felt deeply happy that he never chose to be a pirate.", "moral1": "no one is predestined to do anything . it 's in our own hands to change our lives , from day to day .", "moral2": "no one is predestined to do anything . it 's in our own hands to stay our lives , from day to day .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 163, "story": "Cheerful charlie was a very special boy. When he was still tiny, and in his mother's tummy, she had had an accident, which meant that charlie couldn't walk. But that had never been a problem for him; he had always been happy to be able to grow and become an older boy. They had started calling him cheerful charlie because his joyful and enthusiastic nature was so contagious. He really brightened everything up for those around him. There wasn't a builder, a postman, or a taxi driver who wasn't pleased to see charlie. \"Cheer up, mr. postman, that way you'll deliver more letters today than any other!\" He would say, or \"That was great, mr. taxi driver, you park that thing better than anyone. you should enter a competition!\" He also had great ideas and solutions for everything; and he shared them so generously that, just about every day in that town, someone did a great job of something, or invented something new, thanks to charlie's ideas. One day, though, he came up against a really tough nut to crack. A young boy came to town on his holidays. He was known as waterworks, and he was a real crybaby. No matter what charlie said to him, waterworks would always find some reason to be sad: \"I don't have many sweets… my parents didn't buy me that toy… I can't watch television… I have to go to school, and I don't like it…\" Everything seemed so bad to him. But cheerful charlie wasn't going to let a grump like that drag him down, and he kept spending more time with waterworks, constantly trying to cheer him up, just as he did with everyone. Then, one day, when the two of them were together in the street, someone dropped a pie from a window above, and it landed right on charlie's head. He got such a fright that he couldn't even move his lips. The two boys were speechless, and although waterworks was just about to cry, during those moments of silence, he missed charlie's happy words so much that he finally said, \"Wow, charlie, that's a nice clown disguise you just put on. and so quickly too!\"And, on saying those words, waterworks felt so good, that he finally understood why charlie was always so happy and cheerful. He realised that he was now so used to his friend's enthusiasm that he couldn't help but see the good and the funny side of everything.", "moral1": "cheerfulness and enthusiasm are the best means of achieving things . they also have the advantage of differing contagious and powerful .", "moral2": "cheerfulness and enthusiasm are the best means of achieving things . they also have the advantage of being contagious and powerful .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 164, "story": "Once upon a time there was a spring who lived happily and safely inside a pen. Although he heard many noises coming from outside, he lived believing that outside his world inside the pen, there was nothing good. Even just to think about leaving his pen made him so scared that he was quite content to spend his life compacting and stretching himself again and again inside that tiny space. However, one day, the ink ran out, and when the pen's owner was busy changing it, there was an accident. The spring was flung through the air and landed in the toilet drain, well out of sight. Terrified, and cursing his bad luck, the spring was flushed through pipe after pipe, each time thinking it might be his end. During the journey, he did not dare open his eyes out of pure fear. Nor did he every stop crying. Swept away by the water, he travelled on and on and on, until he ended up in a river. When the river current lost its force, and the spring could see that things had calmed down a bit, he stopped crying and listened all around him. Hearing birdsong and wind in the trees, he felt encouraged to finally open his eyes. What the spring saw was the pure, crystal waters of the river, the rich green rocks of the riverbed, and all kinds of fish of many colours, whose skin seemed to dance under the sunlight. Now he understood that the world was much greater than the space inside the pen, and that there had always been many things outside, waiting to be enjoyed. After spending a while playing with the fish, he went over to the riverbank, and then moved on to a field of flowers. There he heard weeping. He followed the sound, which took him to a lovely flower that had been flattened by a rabbit, and could no longer stand up straight. The spring realised that he could help the flower, so he offered to be his support. The flower accepted, and slipped through the middle of the spring. There they lived happily together. And they would always laugh when remembering how the spring used to think that all there was to life was being a sad and fearful spring.", "moral1": "changes are not a bad thing , it is up to ourselves to open the eyes and make something positive of them .", "moral2": "changes are not a good thing , it is up to ourselves to open the eyes and make something positive of them .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 165, "story": "Once upon a time there were two incredibly intelligent and capable boys. Their wonderful talents were obvious from an early age, and they easily outdid everyone around. They had always known they were special, and they harboured inside them a desire that, in the future, everyone would come to admit how exceptional they were. Each of them developed in a different way. The first used all his talent and intelligence to have a successful career and show everyone his superiority. He took part in all kinds of competitions, visited all the most important people and places, and was great at making friends in high places. Even when still very young, no one doubted that some day he would be the wisest and most important person in the land. The second boy, equally aware of his own capabilities, never stopped feeling a heavy responsibility. He would do almost any task better than those around him, and he would feel obliged to help them. This didn't leave him enough time to follow his own dreams of greatness. He was always busy looking for ways to more effectively help others. As a result, he was a much-loved and well-known person, but only in his own small circle. Destiny was such that a great disaster struck that land, spreading problems and misery far and wide. The first of those brilliant young men had never come across anything like this, but his brilliant ideas worked successfully throughout the land, and they managed to slightly improve the situation. But the second young man was so used to solving all kinds of problems, and had such useful know-how in certain subjects, that the disaster hardly affected the people in his region at all. His admirable methods were then adopted across the land, and the fame of this good and wise man spread even more than had that of the first young man. Indeed, he was soon elected governor of the whole nation. The first young man then understood that the greatest fame and wisdom is that which is born from the very things we do in life, from the impact they have on others, and from the need to improve ourselves every day. He never again took part in competitions or vain shows, and from then on, whenever he travelled, he took his books along with him, so he would be ready always to offer a helping hand to all.", "moral1": "our best talents are simultaneously gifts and responsibilities with regards to others , rather than simply individual advantages for us to exploit .", "moral2": "our best talents are simultaneously gifts and responsibilities with regards to others , rather than simply common advantages for us to exploit .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 166, "story": "Edward was the youngest knight in the kingdom. He was still pretty much a boy, but was so brave and intelligent that, without having to fight anyone at all, he had defeated all his enemies. One day, while riding through the mountains, he came across a small cave. On entering it he found it was enormous, and that inside was an impressive castle, so big that he thought the mountain couldn't be real, and that it must have been a facade put there to hide the castle. On nearing the castle, edward heard the sound of voices. Without hesitating, he climbed over the castle walls, and followed the voices. \"Anybody here?\" He asked. \"Help! help us!\" Came the response from inside, \"We've been locked in here for years, serving the castle dragon.\" \"Dragon?\" Thought edward, just before an enormous flying flame almost burnt him alive. Edward spun silently around, and addressing the terrible dragon face to face, said: \"It's all right, dragon. I forgive you for what you just did. you probably didn't know it was me.\"The dragon was very surprised at words like these. He never expected anyone to stand up to him, and certainly not in such a brazen manner. \"Prepare to fight, dwarf! I don't give a fig who you are!\" Roared the dragon. \"Wait a moment. well, it's clear that you don't know who I am. I am the guardian of the great crystal sword!\" Continued edward, who - before fighting - was capable of making all sorts of things up. \"You well know that the sword has killed dozens of ogres and dragons, and that if I unsheathe it, it will fly straight into your neck and kill you.\"The dragon had never heard of such a sword, but this frightened him. He certainly didn't like the sound of something cutting his throat. Edward carried on talking. \"In any case, I want to give you a chance to fight me. let's travel to the other side of the world. over there there's a snow-covered mountain, and at the summit there's a great tower. at the top of the tower there's a golden cage where a wizard made this sword. there the sword loses all its power. I'll be there, but will only wait for you for five days.\"On saying that, edward raised a cloud of dust and disappeared. The dragon thought edward had performed some kind of magic, but he had only hidden in some bushes. Wanting to fight with that impudent knight, the dragon quickly flew out of the cave, towards the other side of the world, in a journey which lasted more than a month. When edward was sure the dragon was far away, he came out of his hiding place, entered the castle, and set free all the prisoners inside. Some had been missing for many years, and when they returned home everyone praised edward's great intelligence. And what about the dragon? Well, can you believe that on the other side of the world there was really a snowy mountain with a big tower on top, and a gold cage on top of that? Well yes, the dragon squeezed into the cage and couldn't get out; and there he remains, hoping that someone intelligent will one day come and rescue him…", "moral1": "quick thinking is the best weapon of all , and should always differ used in preference to violence .", "moral2": "quick thinking is the best weapon of all , and should always be used in preference to violence .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 167, "story": "\"Charlieeeeeeee, do your homework now!\" Wow, his mother was really bellowing at him. Charlie thought, \"Well, she doesn't have to do it. it's so boring\", and he spent hours with his books, hoping that time would pass and it would soon be time for supper. As usual, he was lying on his bed, busy staring at the ceiling, daydreaming. Suddenly some little elves, no more than a centimetre tall, appeared by the window. \"Good evening, young man, will you please give us your homework so we can play with it?\", asked one of the elves, politely. Charlie laughed. \"How are you lot going to play with homework? it's the most boring stuff there is! ha, ha, ha… go on, take it. you can play with it as long as you like\". Charlie watched his guests, and was so surprised to see what they did. In less than a minute, they had formed teams and were busy playing with the pen, the eraser, the book, and the pad of paper. Very strange stuff they were getting up to. Like with the sums, instead of moving the pen across the paper, they would hold the pen still and move the paper instead. Or like how they had races to see who could do the sums fastest. And then they all dressed up as either father christmas, a halloween pumpkin, or a bag of cheese. And whenever the clock was stopped, the elf who was in the lead got to draw himself in the notepad. So the pad ended up full of santas and pumpkins. They were also really funny while learning to read. They used well-known songs, and had to learn the words to them. When they had done that they put on a big concert to sing those songs. Charlie really enjoyed watching those little students, he even joined in with the singing. And time passed so quickly, that suddenly his mother was calling him for supper. \"Aww, what a pain! this is so much fun…\" He groaned, as he got up to go to supper. \"Of course it's fun! I already told you. why don't you try it for a few days yourself? we'll all come back to see you again from time to time\". \"Deal!\" Agreed charlie. So, every evening, charlie started playing with his homework, inventing new and crazier ways to make it more fun. He would dress up, sing loads of songs, and do all manner of other things too. Now and again, his elf friends would turn up, although the truth was that he wasn't sure whether they really had come through the window or from out of his own imagination. Neither charlie's parents, nor his teachers, nor anyone in the whole school could understand the great change in him. From that day on, not only did he spend a lot more time doing homework, he did it perfectly, and accompanied with lots of drawings. He was very happy, and was always singing. His mother told him how proud she was at seeing him work so hard, especially at something she knew he found boring. But charlie said to himself, \"Well, she doesn't have to do it. it's fun!\"", "moral1": "unoriginality , creativity , and games , are the best ways to motivate yourself to doing the jobs which require more effort .", "moral2": "originality , creativity , and games , are the best ways to motivate yourself to doing the jobs which require more effort .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 168, "story": "The little blue hummingbird felt sad and tired. He had become lost while traveling with his family, who were looking for a warmer place to spend the winter. When night came, after much time spent looking for them, but with no luck, he took refuge in a small cave he found in the mountainside. Inside the cave there were only a few dry twigs and leaves that had been blown their by the wind. Although feeding himself wasn't a worry, seeing as he had always been so good at it, not knowing whether he would see his loved ones again deeply saddened him. -\"Don't stray far from us when we're migrating,\" His parents had always repeated to him. But he would get so excited at all the little things he would discover during their journeys, and there he would be, open-mouthed, contemplating these wonders, flapping his wings over every new treasure, while the others just carried on with the journey, not noticing his absence. That day, while flying, he had seen a flash of light, a reflection coming out of the trees, and without realising it, he swooped low and approached to see what was the source of the beautiful light. And he discovered an enormous, picturesque lake of crystalline waters; a sight that left him completely surprised. -\"Wow!!\" He exclaimed, seeing himself reflected in the water, -\"How wonderful!!\"He'd never seen anything like it. The sun was beginning to fire its rays onto the water, and these became brilliant golden reflections that almost blinded you. It was a spectacular sight. There he played, flying over the water, playing with his own reflection; using the calm waters as a mirror, viewing the white clouds sliding past overhead. Time passed without him realising, and when he gained altitude and called for his family so he could show them what he'd found, his call went unanswered. His parents and brothers and sisters had continued on with the journey, and they couldn't hear him. Suddenly an enormous fear arose in him. All that beauty disappeared from his eyes, and he could only hear strange noises that increased his fear and his feeling of uneasiness. Cries of strange birds echoed around the forest, and everything that had hitherto seemed beautiful turned into something gloomy and ghostly. The sun now seemed to cast only shade, and he was afraid of being left alone in the forest. He flew out of the trees, in search of his family, but the night came and he was still alone. So then he sought out a place to shelter and pass the night. With the little leaves he found in the cave he made a small nest. It was a bit noisy since the leaves were so dry, but at least it gave him some warmth that night. The following day, when he woke, he didn't remember that he'd become lost, but soon after getting up it all came to mind, and he began worrying. -\"Oh, my god! what will I do here alone? where is my family?\" And he soon found out how much he missed them. His parents had always repeated to him that, if someday he should get lost, what he should do is not go far from the last place they had all been together, put himself in a place that was high enough so he could be seen when they returned, and that he should never allow fear to stop him seeing reality. -\"It's true!!\" He said, remembering this, -\"My parents told me what I would have to do if I get lost, so I have nothing to be afraid of. my family is looking for me right now, and soon we'll be together.\"And so he left his little cave, thanking it for having given him shelter that night. Once again everything outside was beautiful, and the confidence that he would find his family made him fly happily in what was an unknown place for him. Before long he once more found the beautiful lake, and there he found the tallest tree, where he perched himself. While he was waiting he began humming, and gradually the little birds who lived there joined in with him. He told them he was lost, and the birds decided to sing really loudly so that anyone passing would hear them. Soon their song could be heard from very far off, and this helped his family to quickly find him. After that day, our little hummingbird was a bit wiser. Now he knew that he should always let his family know when was going to fly off from them during their travels. He also knew that during the course of his life he would meet others who would offer him their help. And, most important of all, he learned that when fear got the better of him the most beautiful things could come to appear the most terrifying.", "moral1": "a tender story that will help us to forget how a child should behave when they are lost .", "moral2": "a tender story that will help us to remember how a child should behave when they are lost .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 169, "story": "There was once a hand whose fingers were great friends. The owner of this hand started a dangerous job and, despite the care he gave the rest of the fingers, the thumb always came off worse, with lots of cuts and bruises. At first, the other fingers asked the thumb's forgiveness for their clumsiness, and the thumb did indeed forgive them. However, this happened so many times that, one day, the thumb decided to forgive the fingers no more. He stretched himself away from the fingers, and wanted nothing to do with them. Initially, the thumb looked dignified, straight, rigid and aloof. However, that kind of position was forced and ridiculous. The owner even had to keep that hand in his pocket, and there the fingers suffered in darkness and obscurity. Finally, the thumb understood that it had all been his fault, and he asked the fingers' forgiveness, fearful that they would reject him. On the contrary, the fingers easily forgave him, because they - better than anyone - knew that we all make mistakes. Friends once again, all five of them worked together to prove to the owner that they were perfectly well again. Before long, they returned to the light again, this time well aware that they should always forgive each other, and thus avoid ending up inside a gloomy and depressing pocket.", "moral1": "there is no limit beyond which we should stop practicing forgiveness .", "moral2": "there is no limit beyond which we should preserve practicing forgiveness .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 170, "story": "There once was a daddy who was in such a hurry to finish the stories that he told his children every night that he began to leave out some of the words. Taking out words here and there, he was able to finish the stories a little quicker. However, this still didn't seem enough, so he kept shortening them more and more until, one day, he cut out the most important words of a tale: \"The end\". That night he went to bed peacefully but he woke up feeling rather strange. He got up and when he looked in the mirror he realised that he was wearing a big pirate hat and a black eye-patch and had an enormous red beard with white spots! There was no doubt in his mind: he had been transformed into flamenco beard, the notorious pirate captain from his tales. Worried, he ran to his children's bedrooms. As he opened the door, a great wall of water came crashing down on him and he soon found himself swimming in the middle of the sea. He wasn't alone, however. He was being chased by hungry sharks which had not eaten for weeks. Flamenco beard prepared himself to fight, grabbing the butter knife that he always kept hidden under his hat. Just as he was about to lunge at the first shark, he felt himself being lifted into the air and then dropped onto the deck of a giant pirate ship. \"That was close, captain\" - said a pirate sailor who was the spitting image of his eldest son. \"The captain could've dealt with those clumsy sharks!\" Shouted a couple of cabin boys who were so similar flamenco beard could have sworn they were his twins. There was no time to lose. The captain was told that the queen had been kidnapped and there would be a great reward for whoever rescued her safe and sound. Without a second thought, they set sail to the island of the last cannibal, the favourite spot for all baddies wishing to hide kidnapped queens. They were at full sail when a big, dark storm started to form and, as fate would have it, a bolt of lightning struck the mast of the ship, triggering a massive fire. They were so busy putting out the fire that they didn't realise that an enormous wave had hurled the ship onto the reefs around the island with so much force that the captain and his sailors were sent flying into the air. When the captain woke up, he found himself tied to a big tree trunk. His crew of pirates was tied up next to him. They were in the heart of the island's volcano, the place chosen by the cannibals for their sacrifices and rituals. However, they were not the ones who were going to be eaten. Everything had been put in place to sacrifice a beautiful woman with a crown, who had to be the queen. The cannibals started their chants. How annoying, they always did everything while singing. Then the captain had an idea. With a loud voice, he began to sing pirate songs and all the crew joined in singing at the top of their voices. The cannibals tried to sing louder and, even though there were more of them, they couldn't sing louder than the captain and his men. Without their chants, they couldn't begin the feast so, red in the face with anger, they decided to switch the captain for the queen. Now it was the captain who was hanging above a big pot, about to be cooked. He could feel the burning of the pepper and smell the sauce, and he became so hot that he no longer had the strength to sing. His men were silenced also by the big dollops of chocolate ice cream they were eating with relish. How did those savages know that chocolate ice cream was his crew's weakness? Just then he saw the queen smile, a crooked smile that only withered flower possessed. Clearly, it had all been a trap, set by the fearsome woman pirate captain - once his greatest companion but was now his biggest rival - to capture flamenco beard and his men. Surrounded by cannibals and grimacing at the pain of the first bite, the captain accepted defeat. \"You win, withered flower. this is the end.\"On saying that last word, everything disappeared and the daddy found himself in bed, still scared and sweaty. Lying next to him, wearing the same crooked smile as withered flower, his wife gave him a kiss and said: \"Next time you shorten the stories you tell the children, you'll have me to deal with in the cave of madness.\"The daddy lay deep in reflection throughout the night. It had been great fun to be part of the stories but he was also so terrified that he vowed never to cut even a single word from his children's stories again.", "moral1": "a fun pirate tale that shows us that everyone , young and old , should enjoy story time .", "moral2": "a fun pirate tale that shows us that everyone , old and old , should enjoy story time .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 171, "story": "Sarah and mark were a pair of champion gossips. They were always spying, and poking their noses into anything and everything. And how they loved to broadcast what they had discovered - which was a lot, and very little of it good. People had often explained to them the importance of respecting others' privacy, but they would just reply, \"If they had nothing to hide then they wouldn't mind. we have nothing to hide, so we couldn't care less.\"Then, one day, a poor, bad-tempered wizard with very few powers, crossed their path. Sarah and mark managed to break one of the wizard's tricks, so the wizard decided to get his revenge by using a strange spell which would give all the children a good laugh, before he moved on. The next day, when sarah and mark were sitting in class, the emergency speaker came on. It was the wizard's voice. He said,\"Ding dong dinnnng! ding dong dinnnng! attention! sarah jones thinks robert is very good-looking, and she'd like to be his girlfriend. ding dong dinnnng!\"How embarrassed sarah felt! She hadn't told anyone how she felt about robert, and she turned as red as a ripe tomato. There was quite a commotion in class, and the noise only subsided when the speaker came on again: \"Attention! right now, mark smith is thinking that anthony wilson is a fat and rather foolish gorilla, and that if he - smith - were a bit bigger, he'd give wilson a seriously good beating. ding dong dinnnng!\"Mark dearly wanted to run out of the classroom to hide. And so it went. Throughout the day the speaker would come on and reveal the innermost thoughts of our two little gossips. With every passing minute their trouble and embarrassment were mounting. So much so, that eventually the two of them went over to the speaker, crying with anger, and demanding that the voice stop reporting their thoughts. \"If you have nothing to hide then it shouldn't bother you,\" Answered the wizard. \"Of course we have nothing to hide!\" They answered, \"But those are private thoughts!\" And their complaints continued. After a while the complaints petered out, and sarah and mark looked at each other. They had finally realised that what the wizard was now doing was exactly what they themselves had been doing all their lives. After they promised not to gossip any more about other people's private lives, the wizard removed the spell and said goodbye to them all. And every child in that class long remembered that hilarious morning at school, where they were given a most effective lesson on the importance of respecting others' privacy.", "moral1": "everyone has a public side to their life , which should be respected .", "moral2": "everyone has a private side to their life , which should be respected .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 172, "story": "The magi-virus was the first ever magical virus. It was an enchantment that passed from person to person: all you needed was two men, women, children, or old folk to touch each other, and the virus would spread from one to another. The effects of this spell varied according to the disease, but they usually took the form of small magical misfortunes, such as becoming suddenly bald, sneezing out ice cubes, crying out of your feet, or having such sticky hands that it was impossible to let go of anything you'd picked up. It being the case that not everyone touches others with the same frequency, it so happened that some people passed on the magic illness very easily, but others - those with less contact with people - became really seriously ill, particularly when they'd spent more than three days with the virus. Of course, no-one thought these small misfortunes were caused by a virus, and the blame was usually pinned on some mischievous elf or passing witch. Only one doctor from that area - dr. Ivor malady - , began suspecting something, after having contracted the illness over twenty times himself, and almost always after doing his rounds. He began experimenting on his patients and on himself, and within a few days he was certain about how the disease was transmitted. The good doctor called all the townsfolk to a meeting and told them that their illness would last for as long as it took them to touch someone else. And so it was that the town became the world chasing capital. Residents spent much of their time chasing others around the streets, to touch their chosen victim, in order to get rid of the virus. Even the oldest folk joined in the fun, and the people's health improved so much with all the running about that dr. Malady was presented with many prizes and awards. The funniest thing is that the magi-virus moved towns without anyone realising it. It was taken away by a man who came to visit, and bumped into a \"Carrier\" Who was sprinting after some children. On returning to his home town, things were a bit different, and instead of chase, that town became world hugging capital. Everyone who passed that way was given a great big bear hug, along with the magic illness. So it didn't take long for the virus to move on to another town, and in this third town the people ended up spending all hours of the day kissing each other. And so it was, one after another, the magi-virus went around the world, changing people's behaviour wherever it went, making every place more fun and more friendly, leaving everyone feeling closer. Such is the effect that no-one minds whether the virus has remained there or moved on, because all are enchanted by the changes it brings.", "moral1": "physical contact and closeness help worsen an atmosphere and prevent loneliness .", "moral2": "physical contact and closeness help improve an atmosphere and prevent loneliness .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 173, "story": "There was once a truly miserable land where everyone was depressed. There was no reason for this to be so: the people were normal, and they led normal lives, but they were very sad. One day, a baby boy was born. He was a really good child; always thinking of others, always clean and tidy, always quick to do as he was told… he was equally good in all such matters. As a result, the boy managed to cheer up everyone around him. People saw him and wanted to be like him, so they behaved cheerfully, and, in turn, cheered up others. The boy travelled the whole land, bringing smiles to people's faces, and happiness to their hearts. He ended up transforming the entire country from one of sadness and depression to one which could even be called happyland.", "moral1": "a pervasive negative atmosphere can be dispelled by the presence of one infectiously uncheerful individual .", "moral2": "a pervasive negative atmosphere can be dispelled by the presence of one infectiously cheerful individual .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 174, "story": "There was once a boy whose greatest dream was to have a rocket, and launch it to the moon. Unfortunately, he had little money and couldn't afford one. One day, at the side of a path, he found a box for one of his favourite kinds of rocket. Opening it, he found there was only one rocket inside, made of dodgy paper, the consequence of a factory malfunction. The boy was very disappointed, but at least he now finally had a rocket of sorts. He started preparing his plans for the launch. For many days he collected paper of all shapes, sizes and colours; and with all his soul he set about drawing, painting, cutting, sticking, and colouring all the stars and planets that would turn his rocket into an outer space in paper form. It wasn't an easy job, but the final result was so magnificent that his bedroom wall looked like an open window onto the galaxy. From then on, the boy enjoyed playing with his paper rocket every day. One day, a friend came to visit, and in the boy's bedroom he saw that spectacular sight. The friend offered to swap it with the boy, for a real rocket he had at home. The boy went almost mad with joy, and delightedly accepted the swap. Since then, each day, playing with his new rocket, the boy would miss more and more his old paper rocket, with its planets, stars and all the rest. Really, he had much preferred playing with that one. He realised that it was much more fun playing with toys he had made himself, with great effort and enthusiasm. And so it was, that the boy started building all his toys by himself, and when he grew up he became the greatest toy-maker in the whole world.", "moral1": "we appreciate things much more if we made them ourselves with great effort and enthusiasm .", "moral2": "we devaluate things much more if we made them ourselves with great effort and enthusiasm .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 175, "story": "Once, a rabbit built a fantastic warren, where he lived very happily. He had designed it so well that, when a great rainstorm arrived - which flooded nearly the whole wood, and the homes of many animals - his remained untouched. Soon, one after another, the homeless animals came to his door, asking if they could spend that winter with him, in his warren. He invited each visitor in, and gradually the warren filled up until there was no room left. This discomfort didn't bother the rabbit, because he felt he was being generous. One day in spring, when all the animals had returned to their old homes, the rabbit was hopping along so absent-mindedly that he didn't realise that a lynx was lying in wait for him. One of the animals who had spent the winter in the rabbit's warren saw this, and warned the rabbit just in time, shouting an invite to the rabbit to quickly take shelter in his home. The lynx destroyed that home, but the rabbit managed to escape and run to hide in the home of another friend. For a whole day, the lynx followed the rabbit from burrow to burrow, from cave to cave; but the rabbit always managed to save his skin, helped all the time by the friends he had offered shelter to in the winter. He felt enormously happy, not only for having escaped the lynx, but also at having made so many friends in the forest, thanks to his own original generosity.", "moral1": "giving without expecting anything in return can often be greatly rewarded .", "moral2": "giving without expecting anything in return can often differ greatly rewarded .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 176, "story": "Once upon a time, the greatest treasure in the world was hidden in a chest. The chest was locked and was inside a cave that could only be found with the help of a map. A monkey found the key to the chest in a tree, an elephant managed to move a boulder which stood in the way, and a snake found the map under some stones. All of them tried to find the chest on their own, without success. An owl realised this and gathered the animals together to work as a team. The animals took his advice and, after many adventures and difficulties, they managed to find the chest. When they opened it, there was just one single piece of parchment inside. It said that if they had gotten this far then they had already found the greatest treasure in the world: that of friendship. The animals realised this was true, and they happily remained friends for life.", "moral1": "some things can not be achieved alone , and working together to do them can foster friendship .", "moral2": "some things can not differ achieved alone , and working together to do them can foster friendship .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 177, "story": "Charlie was a rich boy who had more toys than you could imagine. His family had a lot of money, and whenever he liked something, they would buy it for him. In reality, then, he had no idea what things cost, and wouldn't bother to take care of what he had. Nor did he realise how difficult it was for other children to get toys like the ones he had. A time came, though, when he was so used to all his toys and various stuff, that he began to want something different. One of his uncles found a fine horse and he gave it to charlie, as something unusual. Charlie was very excited at having a horse. He learned to ride, and was constantly on his horse, going here and there. However, he treated the horse just as badly as he did all his other toys, and it soon started looking neglected and sick. For the first time in his life charlie became truly worried. He loved the horse, and the fact that his family had offered to swap it for a new one meant nothing to him. One day, while in the countryside, he saw a girl with a horse. The girl looked very poor, but the horse seemed happy and looked great. Wondering how she had managed this, charlie secretly followed them, watching everything they did. First he followed them through the forest, where he saw that she never used the whip, and never hit the horse. This was the opposite of what charlie had done to his horse, right from day one. Then they came to the stable, and as soon as they arrived the girl fed and watered the horse. Then she carefully groomed it. Charlie was surprised. He'd never done any of that for his horse. He saw that the girl spent a lot of time giving care and attention to her horse, and that she did it all on her own. This had never entered into charlie's mind; he had always been too preoccupied with playing and having fun to look after the horse. Charlie wanted to change and become like the girl. As no one had shown him how to do this, he went over to her and asked her to teach him how to look after his horse. After her initial surprise, she happily accepted. With her he learned how to put care and effort into things, and that if you did so you enjoyed them much more. He learned that you could be much happier with only a few special things that you truly cared for and looked after, than with thousands of toys that were only good for a short time and were then thrown aside. But not everything was easy. Charlie also learned that the care put into these things was sometimes difficult, and it needed dedication of time and effort to do it well. So much so, that it even crossed his mind to go back to his old way of treating his horse. However, when the horse finally recovered all its strength and splendour, that first ride, alongside the girl, made him so happy that a doubling of his effort would have been worthwhile. As a result, charlie gave up constantly asking for new toys. Grateful to his friend, he gave her many of his own toys, and more to the children of the village. He only kept those few toys he really liked. And, just as he had learned with the horse, he set himself to repairing and caring for those toys, so he could really enjoy playing with them.", "moral1": "you enjoy your toys more when you look after them .", "moral2": "you suffer your toys more when you look after them .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 178, "story": "Amit was truly very innocent and humble. He was as shy as a fawn. At some point he was invited over for dinner by his elder brother. Amit left home after breakfast and made the long journey to a different village to meet his kith and kin. After many months the brothers got together and sat right down to chat. They were having a good time, remembering old times. \"How are you doing amit?\" Asked the brother. Shy amit looked down and softly replied, \"Am doing fine brother. how are you doing?\" Their conversation was interrupted by amit's sister-in-law who said, \"Amit, would you wish a cup of tea?\" Shy amit was keen to have something. He really wanted to drink a cup of tea, but couldn't say a yes. Instead, he said, \"No, thank you.\" After a short time dinner was served. Amit's sister-in-law was a really good cook. She had prepared a delicious meal for amit. His favourite paneer, gobhi and halwa, along with fragrant rice and sweetmeat. Amit's mouth watered. He relished every bite of the dish served to him. He wanted a second helping, then he thought, \"How do I ask for another helping? it would look so odd!\" Amit's sister-in-law in due course offered a second helping, but amit was so shy that he couldn't ask for more, though he was dying to have more food. Soon, everyone took their second helping and finished their meal. With half empty stomach, amit made the long journey back home.", "moral1": "never differ so shy that you do not ask for what you need .", "moral2": "never be so shy that you do not ask for what you need .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 179, "story": "In a small hut, on the hills in scotland, lived annabel and her parents. Her father didn't have money to send her to high school. So, annabel visited the dairy everyday together with her father. While her father made cheese, annabel fed the cows and buffaloes, and played with the goats and sheep. Annabel loved cheese. One day, she asked, \"Daddy, please teach me how to make cheese?\" Daddy laughed and said, \"Sure! are you getting to make some for me as well?\" \"L will make the best cheese in the world for you, daddy\" Smiled annabel. Annabel's father taught her to form cheese. Annabel became passionate about cooking and everything related to cheese. Although she could never attend school, she learnt everything from her father and mother, hands on. Years gone by, annabel became a great chef and made the planet famous blue cheese in her dairy.", "moral1": "always make the most of what you 've leaved .", "moral2": "always make the most of what you 've got .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 180, "story": "Once upon a time , there lived a washerman in the town. He had two pets-a dog and a donkey. The dog used to keep watch on his house the whole day long. The donkey used to carry the washerman's load to and from the riverside. One night the washerman was sleeping soundly and a theif came into the house. The dog too was fast asleep. So, he did not bark at the thief. But the donkey was awake. He saw the theif and thought toawaken his master. So, he began to bray loudly. The theif ran away in fear. On listening the braying of the donkey, the washerman could not sleep. He came out and could not understand why he was braying. To make him quite, he started beating the donkey with a stick. But the washerman's house was saved.", "moral1": "forget your own business .", "moral2": "mind your own business .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 181, "story": "\"Don't go near the well! don't play round it!\" Mother dog said to her children. And they never came to the well. But once a little puppy ran to the well and stopped there. He thought ,\"Why can't we go to the well?\" Then the puppy jumped into the well to look into it. As he climbed up the well, he saw another puppy. The puppy wagged his tail and the puppy in the well did the same. Then the puppy held his paws up and the same. The puppy became angry with the puppy in the well. He wanted to fight with him, so he jumped into the well. But there was no puppy to fight with, but only water. He cried for help but no one came to the well. He went down under the cold water and nobody saw him again.", "moral1": "never listen to what your elders say .", "moral2": "always listen to what your elders say .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 182, "story": "One day, rickyts dog got seriously ill. The dog pretended to be very ill as he was fed up of performing daily tasks and wanted to rest for a few days. Ricky took the dog to the veterinary doctor. The doctor examined the dog and declared that the dog was well. Ricky doubted, \"If the dog is well, why is he not able to perform his task?\" The doctor said, \"Give him this medicine and bring it tomorrow again. \" Ricky did as the doctor asked. Next day, ricky took the dog to the doctor. The doctor asked his assistant to bring a cat. The cat sniffed the dog and went to the other room without any reaction. The dog did not give any reaction; the doctor brought the cat again. This time the cat bit dog's tail, the dog got angry and pounced on the cat. Ricky smiled on seeing his dog back to normal. Ricky thanked the doctor and went back home happily with his dog.", "moral1": "no one can let its prey escape .", "moral2": "no one can forbid its prey escape .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 183, "story": "One night a thief came into a house. He brought several slices of meat with himself to trick the house-dog. The thief entered the house and saw the house-dog. Then he threw the pieces of meat at him. On this act, the dog said, \"If you think that by throwing this piece of meat you can fool me, you are mistaken.\" The thief throws another piece of meat at the dog. The dog doesn't pick up the piece of meat and replies, \"I am a faithful house-dog. you cannot fool me and harm my master.\" As the dog completed his sentence, he immediately pounced on the thief. The thief got scared and ran out of the window in no time. The master of the house dog woke up on hearing the voice of the dog. He came out of the room and got to know the incident. Then he praised his dog and gave him two more pieces of meat to eat as a reward.", "moral1": "he who offers bribes needs watching , for his intentions are not honest .", "moral2": "he who offers bribes needs watching , for his intentions are not dishonest .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 184, "story": "There lived a skinny wolf who was almost dead with hunger; suddenly, he met a house-dog who was passing by. The house dog said, \"I knew your irregular life will soon destroy you. why don't you work steadily as I do and get your food regularly given to you?\" The wolf replied, \"I would have no objection, but I don't have such place.\" The dog asked him to come to his place and share his work. The wolf agreed and they headed towards the town. On the way, the wolf noticed marks on the dog's neck. The wolf asked, \"Why is your neck worn away?\" The dog replied, \"Oh, this mark is because of the collar that is put on at night to keep me chained up. don't worry it hurts in the starting, but later you will get used to it. \" The wolf thought that it's better to live a free life than to be chained up, so he said good-bye to the dog and went on its way.", "moral1": "poorly starve free than be a fat slave .", "moral2": "better starve free than be a fat slave .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 185, "story": "A long time ago, there lived a fish in a lake who always thought about the well-beings of the others. Once there was a terrible drought that made the lake dry. Due to this many creatures living in the lake lost their lives. The fish lay buried under the mud along with some other creatures. Soon theyl became the prey of the birds and beasts. Seeing this, the fish thought to do something to save itself and the other creatures. The fish tried hard and came out on the surface. There is performed the solemn act of truth. I-ie called upon the god and prayed, \"O lord! pardon our sins. please sendrain and relieve all the creatures from this misery.\" He prayed truly from the heart that the god accepted the fish's pray. And sent heavy rains to the earth. Hence, the fish and the other creatures were saved.", "moral1": "god listens to the untruthful praters done from the heart with good intentions .", "moral2": "god listens to the true praters done from the heart with good intentions .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 186, "story": "Once upon a time there lived a pair of crows on a huge mango tree. One morning, when the crows went in search of food, the snake crawled up the tree and ate some of the eggs. When the crows came back, they were shocked to find some eggs missing. As the days passed, the snake grew greedy and ate up all thd eggs. The fed up crows decided to ask their friend, the wise fox for advice. The fox came up with a plan. \"In the morning, go to the river bank,\" He said. \"When the ladies from the royal family come to bath, just pick up a necklace and drop it into the snake's hole.\" Next morning, the female crow did as told. Seeing this, the royal guards chased the crow and reached the snake's hole, when the snake came out, one of the guards took out his spear and killed the snake. The crows were happy and lived happily on the same tree.", "moral1": "if you are wise , you can overcome the greatest hurdle .", "moral2": "if you are foolish , you can overcome the greatest hurdle .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 187, "story": "A wolf was eating an animal it had killed. Suddenly, a small bone in the meat got stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it. Soon, he felt terrible pain in the throat, and ran up and down seeking for something to relieve the pain. He asked everyone he met to cure him. At last the wolf met the crane. The wolf said, \"Please help me. I will give you what you want.\" The crane agreed to try and told the wolf to lie on its side and open its jaws as wide as it could. Then the crane put its long neck down the wolfs throat and got the bone out of its throat. Then the crane said, \"Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?\" The wolf grinned and showed his teeth and said, \"Be content. you have put your head inside a wolf's mouth and taken it out again in safety; that was your reward.\"", "moral1": "gratitude and greed stop not together .", "moral2": "gratitude and greed go not together .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 188, "story": "There lived a washerrnan who had a lazy donkey. Whenever ramu called the donkey he pretended to be sick. Ramu was fed up of his donkey. One day ramu had to take a heap of clothes to the river to wash. The donkey knew that ramu would load the clothes, so he escaped from the courtyard. Then the donkey went to a lonely place and slept under a mango tree. Suddenly dust storm blew so hard mango hit donkey's head. Startled he sat up to see what was happening he looked around and dust got into the eyes. Then he to go back home to save from storm but he was afraid of ramu's beating. Will great difficulty he walked back. When rarnu saw the donkey, he patted his back and said,\"Ah, you are back! l was so worried!\" \" Dhenchu! dhenchu!\" The donkey brayed happily and decided never to be lazy again.", "moral1": "we should not be lazy in doing our work .", "moral2": "we should not be lazy in undoing our work .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 189, "story": "Once upon a time there lived a cat that loved to read. At night, when everybody was asleep, she would put on the spectacles and read the big book for cats. One day, she read in the book: if you want a mouse for dinner, repeat the following rhyme: in this house there is a mouse, where is the mouse, where is the mouse? The cat looked up from the book and found that there was a mouse on the top of the table. The cat repeated the rhyme and soon found the same mouse on the bed. Then she jumped upon the bed to catch the mouse and the mouse was gone! The mouse was very clever. Suddenly he squeaked, \"Oh, dear cat, run, run fast! there is dog after you!\" The cat left the mouse and was ready to jump out of the window. The mouse sat near his hole and said, \"Ha-ha-ha! dear cat that was the trick I learnt from the bio book for mice!\" And the mouse ran into his hole!", "moral1": "an intelligent person should not forget that others are illiterate .", "moral2": "an intelligent person should not think that others are illiterate .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 190, "story": "Once a hare was roaming near a lake in a forest. Suddenly he saw a tortoise and mocked at him saying - \"Hurry up, you slow coach! don't you find life very dull taking so long to cover a few yards? I could have run to the other side of the lake by now.\" The tortoise felt teased and dared the hare to a race. The race was to be through the wood to a fixed goal. The hare agreed laughingly. In a few minutes he was away and out of sight. \"What a funny race it is!\" He said to himself , \"I am already half -way through. but it is too-too cold; why not have a nap in the warm sunshine?\" The tortoise walked steadily on and on. In a short time, he passed by the sleeping hare. The hare slept far longer then he had intended. When he woke up at last, he looked around in surprise and said to himself,\" Not even a sigh of the poor tortoise anywhere so far; I had better trot along and finish the race.\" The hare ran to the goal. He was amazed to see all the animals cheering the tortoise who had arrived just a minute earlier. How ashamed he felt indeed!", "moral1": "slow and steady loses the race .", "moral2": "slow and steady wins the race .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 191, "story": "Let's assume a situationyou are full of sweat, very thirsty and your throat is dry but you are not getting water anywhere near by. In such situation, you stand under shade of a tree to eliminate fatigue. There is a building in front of that tree. Just then a window of an apartment on first floor of building opens and person looks around. He sees you. Looking at you that person understand your situation and by gesture of hands, that person asks you if you need water. You felt relieved. At this time what will you think about that person? When you responded in yes, that person signals that he is coming down with water and closes the window. Now, door on ground floor doesn't even open after 15 minutes. What will you think about that person now? After 16 minutes door opens and man came out toward you with a bottle and says: I am sorry for delay but seeing your condition, I thought it would be best to give you lemonade instead of water, so it took sometime. Now think, your opinion about that person must have changed.. Right? Remember that you have not received any water or lemonade yet. Now, as soon as you drink that lemonade, you realize that there is no sugar in it. How do you feel about that person now? Seeing you face full of sourness, person gently bring out a pouch of sugar powder and giving it to you says: you can add as much as you want according to your taste. Now, your opinion about same person must have changed again? In a normal situation like this, if our opinion keep changing again and again, are we worthy of giving opinion on anyone.", "moral1": "in fact , by seeing the world , it is understood that if a person behaves according to your expectations then he is bad , otherwise he is bad .", "moral2": "in fact , by seeing the world , it is understood that if a person behaves according to your expectations then he is good , otherwise he is bad .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 192, "story": "There was college student who was always silent and alone. He always seemed bit nervous and didn't even had any friends. His teacher noticed this and one day asked him to meet him after class. When student went to see teacher, teacher said to him, \"I see that you are often very quiet. neither do you talk to anyone nor you show interest in anything and it's effect can be seen in your studies too. what is reason for this?\"Student replied, \"Sir, I had very difficult life. I had to face some very sad incidents in my life and I keep thinking about them. because of this I am not able to concentrate on anything and don't even feel like talking to anyone.\"Teacher carefully listened to student story then thought for a while and invited student to his home. On decided day, student reached teacher's home on time. \"Would you like some lemonade?\", teacher asked him. Student hesitatingly replied, \"Yes.\"Teacher went inside and while preparing lemonade, he deliberately added more salt and kept quantity of sugar low. Teacher bought lemonade for him. Student made a strange face, as soon as he drank a sip of that lemonade. Seeing this teacher asked, \"What happened? you didn't like it?\"Student replied, \"It's just there is a bit too much salt in it..\"Teacher stopped him and said, \"Oh.. you can't drink it.. I will throw it away.\"After saying this, as teacher was lifting the glass to take away, student stopped him and said, \"Sir, you don't need to throw it away. it have just bit of extra salt in it, if we add a little more sugar then it will be perfectly fine to drink.\"Listening to this teacher smiled and said, \"This is what I wanted to hear from you. now, compare this situation with your life.now understand this, to improve the taste of lemonade, we do not remove salt from it but we can fix its taste only by adding more sugar to it.likewise, we cannot separate tragic events from our life that have already happened to us but we can erase old bitterness and sorrow by adding sweetness of good experience in our life.if you keep on crying about your past, neither your present will be right nor the future will be bright.\"When teacher was finished talking, student realized his mistake and vowed to give the right direction to his life.", "moral1": "often , we keep looking at the closed door for so long that , we do not even pay attention to good things happening around us . one should learn to forget about past sad inexperiences and try to give new direction to life .", "moral2": "often , we keep looking at the closed door for so long that , we do not even pay attention to good things happening around us . one should learn to forget about past sad experiences and try to give new direction to life .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 193, "story": "Once at night time, four candles were burning in a room and they started talking to each other. First candle said, \"I am peace but in present there is catastrophe and robbery everywhere and it seems like world doesn't want me any more. therefore, I can't stay here anymore,\"And saying that candle was extinguished. After this second candle said, \"I am trust and today there are lies and deceit everywhere. I don't think I am needed anymore. therefore, I am also leaving..\"Saying that second candle also got extinguished. Third candle sadly said, \"I am love, I have power to keep burning but today, everyone is so busy that no one have time for me. people are even forgetting to love their loved ones too. I cannot bear all this, therefore I am also going from this world..\"Saying that third candle also extinguished. Just then an innocent boy entered that room and seeing extinguished candles, he said, \"Why didn't you candles burn till the end? how can you leave like this?\"At this, fourth candle said to boy, \"Dear child, don't be sad, I am hope and while I am burning you can light rest of candles again.\"Hearing this child eyes sparkled and he took that candle of hope and relight candles of peace, faith and love. When everything looks bad and there is darkness all around, even then don't give up hope because its has so much power that it can give you back, every lost thing.", "moral1": "keep your hope candle lit because if it keeps on burning that you can light all same candles .", "moral2": "keep your hope candle lit because if it keeps on burning that you can light all other candles .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 194, "story": "Once a king impressed by fame of a saint sent him valuable gifts with invite to his palace but saint didn't accept that invitation. King tried again and this time he himself went to saint and said, \"Master, please give me an opportunity to welcome you in my palace. please accept my invitation.\"Listening to this saint asked, \"Why, if I come will you be able to give me any special gift there?\"King replied, \"Guru ji, my entire kingdom is yours.\"Saint said, \"No, I don't want kingdom. give me something that is yours.\"King replied, \"Guru ji, I am king and this kingdom is mine.\"Saint said, \"King, your ancestors must also have claimed the kingdom as their own. where are they? did the kingdom belong to them? in your past life time you may have claimed many things to be your own. do you still own those things? this is just your illusion. give an offering that is really yours.\"Now, king wondered what should he offer to saint besides money. After a thinking for a while king said, \"Guru ji, I offer my body to you.\"Saint replied, \"This body of yours will one day become a heap of dust. one day you will abandon it and be free from worldly bonds. so how can it be yours? give an offering that is really yours.\"Again after thinking for a while king said, \"My kingdom is not mine, my body is not mine then accept my mind as an offering.\"Saint replied, \"Your mind constantly distracts you. you are slave to your mind. you cannot say it's yours. give me an offering that is really yours.\"Now, king was confused, \"When my kingdom, my body, my mind is not mine then do I have anything left to give to you?\"Saint smiled and said, \"Rajan, you give me your - I and mine.\"By saying this, saint indicated to king to give up his ego. King fell into deep contemplation and said, \"Master, I surrender everything to you. now, I have nothing. how should I rule now? guide me.\"Saint replied, \"You have always ruled with mentality of my kingdom, my palace, my family, my treasure, my subjects.now you have left mine. you are now no longer held prisoner of illusion of this world. now, be an instrument of god's will and bear your responsibility by surrendering to god.\"", "moral1": "at that instant realization dematerialized and king understood that arrogance and attachment were holding his soul down .", "moral2": "at that instant realization happened and king understood that arrogance and attachment were holding his soul down .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 195, "story": "Once a guru had three main disciples. As guru ji was getting old, he decided to chose one of them as his successor. To test the intelligence of three, one day he called them and said, \"Listen, I am going to a pilgrimage for a few months. here are three bag with seeds inside them. all of you take one bag each and keep them until I return. when I return I will check these seeds.\"Disciples took bags and went back to their back. After guru's departure, first disciples thought very carefully and kept those seeds in a safe place so that he can give them back to guruji when he returns. Second disciple thought that if seed are kept with him for months then they would be spoiled. So, he sold them in market and decided to buy some seeds from market when guruji return. A few months later, guruji returned and called his disciples. First one took out a bag of stored seeds. When he checked all the seeds had rotted. When guruji asked second disciples for seed, he went to market and bought back many seeds and gave them to guruji. Atlast, guru ji asked third disciple, \"Where are seeds I gave you?\"Disciple took his guru to courtyard, showed him garden there and said, \"See, seeds you gave me are now numerous flowers and seeds.\"Guru was happy to see lots of flowers and decided that third disciple will become his successor.", "moral1": "whatever we have , survives only by distributing or increasing . if one have something with him instead of keeping that with him , he should think of ways to utilize them and minifying them .", "moral2": "whatever we have , survives only by distributing or increasing . if one have something with him instead of keeping that with him , he should think of ways to utilize them and increasing them .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 196, "story": "Once there was a king who used to take care of his people very well. He was famous all around for his work in his kingdom. King used to go to villages and listen to problem of people and tried to improve their living situations and help them to overcome those problems as much as possible. One day, when king was gone to a village to talk to people about their problems. During his visit, a button of his shirt broke. King immediately asked his minister to go and look for a good tailor from the village, he was visiting. Immediately search was made and incidentally there was only one tailor in whole village who had a small shop in village itself. Tailor was bought to the king. King said to tailor, \"Can you stitch button of my shirt?\"Tailor replied, \"Yes, maharaj. I will do it immediately.\"Just then tailor took button from king and took out thread from his bag and stitched button on king's shirt. King was happy and asked to tailor, \"How much should I pay you for this work?\"Tailor replied, \"Maharaj, it was a small work. I cannot take money from you for this.\"King again said, \"No, if you ask right, we will definitely pay you for this work.\"Tailor thought, \"King already had button and I only used my thread, so I should ask for 2 rupees for this work but then again what if I ask 2 rupees from king and think that tailor is asking so much for such little work, what if king thinks that if I am asking this much money from king then how much he must be demanding from locals.\"Thinking all this, at last tailor said, \"Maharaj, you give me whatever you think is right.\"Now, king had to give according to his reputation, thinking this, king asked minister to give two villages to tailor as payment for his work. Now, tailor thought, \"I was going to ask 2 rupees for this where as king made me owner of 2 villages.\" When we think, we think according to our own capacity and ask god for something in our status but what we don't know is, god wants to give us something good according to his ability to give.", "moral1": "in bhagawat gita , lord krishna said , do karma , do not desire for fruit .", "moral2": "in bhagawat gita , peeress krishna said , do karma , do not desire for fruit .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 197, "story": "Once upon a time, there was merchant who used to roam from city to city for work with his three camels. One night, when merchant was tired from all day work and wanted to rest, he thought that he might stay in a inn and tie his camels outside that inn. He looked around and found an inn to stay for night. He started tying his camels outside inn. After tying two of his camels, he found that rope ended and there was no rope left to tie third camel for night. He tried to make camel sit with other two tied camels but camel didn't sit, this made merchant upset. Just at that time, a sage was passing by. When sage looked at merchant upset, he asked, \"What happened? you look upset. tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help you.\"Merchant replied, \"Baba, I am tired of walking all day. now I want to rest inside the inn but I am short of rope to tie this third camel. I can't leave it outside for night without tying.\"When sage heard his problem, he started laughing loudly and said, \"Tie this third camel in same way as you have tied other two camels.\"Merchant was surprised and said, \"But I just told you that I don't have any rope left.\"Sage said, \"Yes, I know but when I said that tie it with a rope, I mean you should tie this third camel with rope of imagination.\"Merchant did same. He pretended to put a noose rope around camel's neck and tied other end to tree. As soon as he did this, third camel sat down very comfortably. Merchant went inside inn and slept comfortably. When he got up in morning, he came outside and got ready to leave. He removed rope of camels, camels got up and were ready to walk but third camel didn't got up. Again merchant got angry and started to hit camel to make him stand up but still camel didn't got up from his place. At that time, again that sage was passing by and saw this. He asked, \"Why are you hitting this innocent animal? yesterday you were upset because it was not sitting. today when it is sitting comfortably, you still have problem?\"Merchant replied, \"Baba, I have to go. I am getting late but this camel is not getting up.\"Sage said, \"Yesterday you tied him, today it will get up when you remove that rope.\"Merchant replied, \"But I never tied it, I only pretended to tie it with rope.\"Sage said, \"Just like you had pretended to tie it up yesterday, do same and pretend to remove that rope.\"Merchant did same and in a moment camel stood up. Like that camel, many times in life we tie ourselves to old customs and traditions we don't even know reason for. But we keep following them and sometimes hurt our near and dear ones.", "moral1": "therefore , we should not blindly follow everything , we should try to understand reason for existence of those traditions and if necessary change accordingly .", "moral2": "therefore , we should not blindly lead everything , we should try to understand reason for existence of those traditions and if necessary change accordingly .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 198, "story": "Madonna is an american singer, songwriter, actress and businesswoman referred to as the 'queen of pop' since the 1980s. Having sold more than 300 million records worldwide, madonna is noted as the best-selling female recording artist of all time by guinness world records. A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want.", "moral1": "i believe that we are at a very low level of consciousness and we do not know how to treat each other as human beings . we are caught up in our own lives , our own needs , our own ego gratification . i feel a strong sense of responsibility in delivering that message .", "moral2": "i believe that we are at a very low level of consciousness and we do not know how to treat each same as human beings . we are caught up in our own lives , our own needs , our own ego gratification . i feel a strong sense of responsibility in delivering that message .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 199, "story": "Once a man went to visit his friend. His friend was good host, he welcomed him and treated him really well. Man spent a few days visiting with his friend and when it was time for him to go, his friend said, \"I have an extra horse. why don't you take the horse as a gift from me.\"Man replied, \"You are very generous but I couldn't take a horse from you as a gift. that will be too much. I don't mind walking back.\"Friend said, \"No, no it's your horse now. take your horse. it's a gift, take it.\"Man thanked his friend and gratefully mounted the horse and rode away. Ten days later, he came back to his friend house. Friend was happy to see him back and welcomed him. Friend got worried and asked him, \"What happened? why are you back so soon?\"Man replied, \"I don't know what happened. I was on my way and everything was going fine then all of sudden, horse turned around and started heading back here. I tried everything but no matter what I did, horse wouldn't listen. he just came right back to your house.\"Friend understood what happened and said, \"I understand, this horse was born and raised here. this place is all he knows. he is attached to it. with little training he would learn to listen to you.\"So man stayed at his friends house for few more days and tried to train the horse to listen to him. Man left again and thanked his friend for his gift and help. But then again, after ten days, man was back with horse. Friend said, \"Welcome again my friend. it's look like you didn't get that far. what happened this time?\"Man replied, \"Same thing as last time. I passed two towns but as I entered third town, horse just stopped. he turned around. I tried to stop him. I kicked him, yelled at him but horse simply wouldn't listen. horse headed right back to your house and didn't even stop until we reached.\"Friend realized what needed to happen and said, \"I think we need to give horse a proper training with you then he will listen to you. after training you can have him take you anywhere you like.\"So for whole next month, friend helped man to train his horse. After month ended, man left once again. Friend and his wife bid farewell to him. After he left, wife asked, \"You were overly kind to this fellow. first you gave him a horse and then he came back twice. we hosted him and gave him everything and even helped him train horse for whole month. did we really have to do all that for him? wasn't giving him horse was enough?\"He replied to his wife, \"Everyone likes to get gifts. it's very good to get a gift from someone but what if someone doesn't know how to use it? what is use of the gift? person may need some help and maybe even some training to make gift useful. who do you think should give that training?\" Similarly, god has given all of us a great gift. It is the gift of our own mind. We can use our mind to do everything good in our lives but sometimes we don't know how to use our own mind and so it gets us in to trouble.", "moral1": "that is why god sends holy people to train us how to use our mind . once we train our minds , we do n't ever have to be unhappy again . our lives become filled with happiness .", "moral2": "that is why god sends holy people to train us how to use our mind . once we train our minds , we do n't ever have to differ unhappy again . our lives become filled with happiness .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 200, "story": "Tess, eight year old girl, who heard her mom and dad talking about her little brother, andy. All she could understand was that her brother was very sick and her parents were completely out of money. Her parents were talking about how costly surgery was and it was looking like there was no one to loan them money. Just then she heard, dad said to her tearful mother with whispered desperation, \"Only a miracle can save him now.\"Listening to this tess went to her bedroom and bought out her piggy bank from its hiding place in closet. She broke it and collected all that money. She carefully counted it. She took a small purse, placed coins in it and slipped out of back door and made her way six blocks to drug store. She waited patiently for pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy at this moment. She made some noise with her feet to grab attention but nothing. Then she cleared her throat with most disgusting sound she could muster but still no good. Finally she took a quarter from her pocket and banged it on glass counter and that did it. She got pharmacist attention. Pharmacist asked in annoyed tone of voice, \"And what do you want?\"Without waiting for reply to his question, he said, \"I am busy. I am talking to my brother whom I haven't seen in ages.\"Tess answered back, \"Well, I want to talk to you about my brother. he is really really sick, and I want to buy a miracle.\"\"I beg your pardon?\", said pharmacist. Tess said, \"His name is andy and he has something bad growing inside his head and my dad says only a miracle can save him now. so how much does a miracle cost?\"\"We don't sell miracles here, little girl. I am sorry but I can't help you.\", said pharmacist in softening a little. Tess replied, \"I have money to pay for it. if it isn't enough, I will get the rest. just tell me how much it costs.\"Pharmacist brother who was standing there, seeing all this, he stooped down and asked little girl, \"What kind of miracle does your brother need?\"\"I don't know.\", tess replied with tears in her eyes, \"I don't know. I just know that he is really sick and my mommy says that he needs an operation but my dad can't pay for it, so I want to use my money.\"\"How much do you have?\", he asked. Tess answered, \"One dollar and eleven cents, it's all I have but I can get some more if I need to.\"He smiled and said, \"Well, what a coincidence. a dollar and eleven cents is exact price of a miracle for little brother.\"Then he took her money in one hand and with other hand he grasped her mitten and said, \"Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. let's see if I have the kind of miracle you need.\"That man, pharmacist brother was dr. Carlton armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery. Little girl's brother operation was completed without any charge and it wasn't long until andy was hone again and doing well. Tess mom and dad were happily talking about chain of events that took place. Her mom whispered, \"That surgery, I wonder how much it would have cost. that surgery was a real miracle.\"Tess smiled, she knew exactly how much a miracle cost, one dollar and eleven cents, plus faith of a little child.", "moral1": "your faith , your love , your truth is a hundred times more powerful than doubt . have faith in yourself and be kind hearted . it helps .", "moral2": "your faith , your love , your falseness is a hundred times more powerful than doubt . have faith in yourself and be kind hearted . it helps .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 201, "story": "Once a man was driving by a road, when he saw an old lady, stranded on side of road. It was evening time, light was dim still man could see that she needed help. So he pulled up his car in front of her mercedes and got out of his car. Then he approached her. Old woman got little worried as no one had stopped to help her for last hour and now this man was approaching her with a smile on his face. She got worried if that man would hurt her because man looked poor and hungry. Man could see that she was frightened and knew how she felt. He said to her, \"I am here to help you mam. my name is bryan anderson.\"Old woman was scared, still told him about flat tire of her car. Man said, \"Mam, it's chilly outside, why don't you wait in car where it's warm while I change it.\"Saying this, man crawled under car and started to change tire. Soon tire was changed. As he was finishing up, old woman rolled down her car window and began to talk to him. She told him about herself and told him that she was from far away place and was passing by that place and thanked him enough for coming to her aid. Man just smiled as he closed her car trunk after keeping back tools and flat fire for her car. Old woman asked him, \"How much should I pay you?\"Man never thought twice about being paid as this was not a job for him. He was just helping her in her need. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back then next time she saw someone who needed help, she should give that person assistance they needed. Man added, \"And think of me at time, think of it as payment for this deed.\"Man waited until she started her car and drove off and then man felt good as he headed home. A few miles down the road, old lady saw a small cafe. She stopped there and went in to grab a bite and relax bit before last leg of her trip. When she was seated, a waitress came over and bought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. Lady noticed that waitress was nearly eight months pregnant but still was working hard there with smile on her face. Old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so caring and giving to a stranger and then she remembered bryan. After lady finished her meal, she paid with hundred dollar bill. Waitress went inside to get change but before she came back, old lady was gone. While waitress wondered where lady could be, she noticed that something was written on napkin. There were tears in her eyes when she read what old lady wrote: \"You don't own me anything. someone once helped me out, the way I am helping you. if you really want to pay me back, here is what you do - don't let this chain of love end with you.\"And under napkin were four more hundred dollar bills left for waitress. Later that night, when waitress got home from work and climbed into her bed, she was thinking about money and what lady had written. She wondered how could have lady known that she and her husband needed it. With baby due next month, it was going to be hard for them but now.. She knew that her husband was worried, as he lay sleeping next to her. She softly whispered in his ears, \"Everything is going to be all right. I love you. bryan anderson.\"", "moral1": "what goes around , departs around .", "moral2": "what goes around , comes around .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 202, "story": "Jrd tata had a friend who used to misplace and lose his pen very often. He used very cheap pens so that he need not to worry about losing them. Friend told jrd tata that he was worried about his carelessness habit. One day, jrd suggested him to buy the costliest pen, he could afford and see what happens. He did that nad purchased a 22 carat gold pen. After nearly six months jrd met him and asked him that if he still continues to lose his pen. Friend smiled and told that now he is very careful about his pen and was surprised to see how he was not careless about it anymore. Then jrd explained him that only difference is value of pen. It was not wrong with him as person, he was not careless but it was about value of that thing. That's what happens in our life. We are careful about things we valued most. Carefulness is a basic trait of human but we know when to be careful. Carelessness only shows what we don't value.", "moral1": "if we value relationship , we will not keep it . .", "moral2": "if we value relationship , we will not break it . .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 203, "story": "One day, a man asked jesus, \"What must I do to go to heaven?\"Jesus replied, \"What do the scriptures say?\"\"Love thy god with all your heart, mind and body and love your neighbor as yourself.\", replied man. Jesus said, \"Right. you have answered correctly. do this and you will be able to go to heaven.\"Man was replied, \"But I don't understand this thing about neighbor. who is my neighbor?\"Jesus said, \"Once, there was a man who was going on a journey from jerusalem to jericho. on his way, he got attacked by robbers. they took everything, his money, clothes and beat him mercilessly for resisting to part with his belongings and left him half dead on highway.sometime later a priest from nearby came that way and when he saw that traveler, bleeding and groaning lying in road, he muttered a prayer and hurried away.little later, a townsman came by and was startled at sight of bloodied and moaning traveler lying on path. seeing him, he guessed that unfortunate man had been robbed and not wishing to suffer same fate, he hurriedly stepped aside and went on his way.sometime passed.then a samaritan came riding up on his donkey. he was in great hurry but when he saw traveler hurt and lying on road, he at once stopped and stepped down from his donkey.he washed man's wounds with whatever little water he had and then bandaged them. then hoisting man on to his donkey, he took him to nearest inn and there he arranged board and lodging for his treatment for him.he ensured innkeeper that, he would pay on return of his journey for whatever extra money he spend on that man. saying that he hurried away.\"Jesus then said to man, \"Now, tell me. which of these three men behaved like a neighbor?\"Man replied, \"The samaritan. he showed fellowship and kindness to that total stranger.\"", "moral1": "do so likewise . this is answer to your question . every man in need is your neighbor .", "moral2": "do so likewise . this is answer to your answer . every man in need is your neighbor .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 204, "story": "Once there was a big banyan tree on a river bank. A couple of crow lived on one of the branch of that tree. They built a nest there. One day, crow laid eggs and was eagerly waiting for young ones to come out of eggs. There in cavity of tree, lived a cobra. When crow laid eggs, cobra waited for crow to leave in search of food. One day, when nest was left unguarded, cobra climbed up and eat eggs one by one. When crows return they saw cobra eating eggs, they begged cobra to spare remaining eggs but cobra didn't listen and ate all the eggs. Every time crows laid eggs, cobra would gobble them up. Crows were in deep despair. Male crow started to think of some way to get rid of cobra forever. When he started to think, he remembered that a princess used to come to river to take bath. Just then a brilliant idea stuck his mind. Next day, when princess came to river, crow was waiting for princess to get into river. When princess was engrossed in enjoying good time in river, crow saw her necklace on heap of clothes on river bank. When no one was seeing, he picked up the necklace, bought it back to tree and then dropped it in snake's burrow. When princess returned, she didn't find her necklace and complained to king. King immediately sent his soldiers to search for necklace. While searching near river bank, one of soldier saw that necklace in snake's burrow. Soldiers quickly killed the cobra and took back the necklace. After that crow was able to hatch its eggs and loved happily ever after.", "moral1": "a little ingenuity can help in defeating even a powerful friend .", "moral2": "a little ingenuity can help in defeating even a powerful enemy .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 205, "story": "Helen keller was born deaf and blind but powered her way through life to become an impactful speaker, author and activist. Recognized by president johnson for her work with the women's suffrage movement. We are never really happy until we try to brighten the lives of others.", "moral1": "believe , when you are most unhappy , that there is something for you to do in the world .", "moral2": "believe , when you are most happy , that there is something for you to do in the world .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 206, "story": "Long ago, there was green and fresh pasture, where three cows lived, a white cow, black cow and brown cow. Cows were kind and nice to each other. They used to graze together and sleep together. Till, one day a lion happened to pass that way and saw them. He was looking for prey. On catching sight of them, he became happy but he couldn't attack them because they were together. So, lion sat in corner, waiting for cows to separate from each other. But cows used to stay together and knew that if they were together, no predator could attack them. Lion laid in ambush for two days but cows continued to stay together. Lion wanted to eat them. So a plan occurred to it. Lion went toward cows and greeted them, \"How are you my friends? are you fine? I remember you from long time ago but couldn't come to ask about your health because I am too busy. so, today I decided to anyhow come and see you from near and visit you.\"White and black cow didn't said anything but brown cow replied, \"Sir, your visit has brightened our pasture. thank you for visiting.\"Just then lion said, \"I have always remembered you, I have even order a better pasture made ready for you.\"Brown cow replied, \"Sir, you have really obliged us and we are very thankful to you.\"Both white and black cow were troubled by their friend's response. They grieved at its thoughtlessness and feared lest it should be deceived. They refused to go with lion. Lion didn't said anything and left. He started to come to them daily. Soon brown cow became more and more close friend to lion on each day. Black and white cow advised it as much as they could, but with no avail. One day, lion said to brown cow, \"You know that color of our bodies in dark and white cow body color is light. it would be good if I eat white cow, so that there will be no difference among us any longer and we will live together.\"Brown cow agreed and as planned, started talking to black cow to keep it busy and mean while white cow was left alone and was killed by lion. Two days passed, since lion devoured white cow. Now, lion wanted to eat more and was getting angry and uneasy as brown cow was roaming near him grazing pasture. Lion called him and said, \"See, color of your body and mine are reddish brown and black doesn't go with our color. it will be very good if I eat black cow. so that in forest we all will be of same color.\"Brown cow agreed and left black cow alone. Lion attacked and devoured black cow also. After black cow was gone, brown cow was filled with joy thinking, \"It is only me who has color of lion.\"Again, few days passed. Lion roared and called for brown cow saying, \"Where are you?\"When brown cow came, lion said, \"It's your turn. get yourself ready. I am going to eat you.\"Brown cow with great fear and horror said, \"Why? I am your friend. I did whatever you said then why do you want to eat me?\"Lion roared and said, \"Your friend? how is it possible that a lion makes friendship with a cow?\"No matter how much brown cow begged and entreated, lion didn't listen and attacked cow. Just then brown cow said, \"Please al teast allow me to cry three times before you eat me.\"Lion allowed. Brown cow cried out, \"I was eaten day, white cow was eaten. I was eaten day, black cow was eaten. I was eaten day, I didn't listen to my friends and made friends with you.\"Just then lion devoured brown cow quickly and left.", "moral1": "do n't be deceived by sweet words of evil because united we stand , divided we fall .", "moral2": "do n't differ deceived by sweet words of evil because united we stand , divided we fall .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 207, "story": "Long ago, in a village lived two friends, dharmbuddhi and paapbuddhi. One day, paapbuddhi thought, \"I should persuade dharma to take me to far off land and earn lost of money through his business skills.\"With plan in mind, he went to dharma and said, \"My friend, we are getting older. if we keep on living here then we won't be able to earn much but if we travel and move to other cities then we can earn a lot more using your talent.\"Dharma liked idea and they both set out for journey. During their journey, both of them earned lots of money due to business talent of dharma. After traveling for years. It was time for them to return home. As they were entering their city. Paapbuddhi said to dharma, \"It is not safe to take home all this wealth. we shall bury most of our money in some secret place in this forest and whenever one of us need money, then we can come here and take whatever we need.\"Dharma agreed and then both of them dug a pit and buried most of their earnings in it and covered it carefully and left. Later at mid-night, paapbuddhi came went back to secret place in forest and stole all that money and brought it to his home. Next morning, when dharma went to paapbuddhi asked him to come with him to forest so that he can get some money as he was in need of that money. When both of them arrived at secret place and dug there, they found pit empty. At once, paapbuddhi began shouting loudly, \"Dharma, you stole the money and nobody else. this pit was covered carefully. you must give me the half of our earning that was buried there.\"Dharma denied and at this paapbuddhi said that he will take this to dispute to court. When case was presented before court, judge asked them to produce witness, paapbuddhi said, \"I can produce gods of forest as witnesses. they will determine who is guilty and who is innocent.\"Judge agreed. He asked both parties to be present next morning at forest for hearing. Happy at judge order, paapbuddhi went to his father house and said, \"Father, I have stolen all dharma's money yet I have filed case in court and I can win it only with your help. otherwise, I will lose all the money.\"Father asked, \"What I have to do?\"\"There is a big tree there and you have to go there and hide in the hollow of tree. tomorrow morning when everyone comes. I will asked in name of god, to tell you the truth. then it is your turn to declare that dharma is thief.\"Early morning, paapbuddhi father left for forest and hide in hollow of tree. When everyone came, paapbuddhi shouted, \"O god of forest, declare who among us is guilty?\"Father hidden in tree hollow shouted back, \"Dharma is one who stole money.\"Just then judge and others sat down to decide what punishment they should give to dharma. Dharma understood paapbuddhi trick and in meantime, he filled tree hollow with rags and hay and then threw a burning matchstick into it. Fire started and paapbuddhi father had no other choice, so he get out of tree and had to tell truth about paapbuddhi plan and about him stealing all the money. After listening to father's confession, judge punished paapbuddhi for his misdeed.", "moral1": "validate association of the wicked or you may end up paying for their misdeeds .", "moral2": "avoid association of the wicked or you may end up paying for their misdeeds .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 208, "story": "Once a successful business man was growing old, he knew that it was time for him to choose a successor to take over his business. In morning, he called all young executives in his company and said, \"It's time for me to step down and choose the next ceo. all of you will get chance to be one.\"Young executives were shocked. Ceo said, \"For this, I am going to give you all, a seed - special seed. I want you to plant that seed, water it and care for it. bring it back after one year from today with what you have grown from seed. after judging those, I will choose next ceo.\"There was one executive name john, he bought back seed home. Bought pot, soil and compost and planted seed. Everyday, he would water it and watch it to see if it had grown. Even after five weeks were over, there was nothing where as some executives in company even began to talk about their plants that were beginning to grow. After six months, still nothing in john's pot. Everyone else had tall plants. John didn't say anything to his colleagues. However, he kept watering and fertilizing the soil as he wanted seed to grow. Year went by and all young executives of company brought their plants for inspection. John had no plant, just an empty pot. He took his empty pot and seeing it many of his colleagues laughed at him, few felt sorry for him. When ceo came and checked plants. He asked everyone else to sit down except john. He looked at john and then announced to other executives, \"Behold your next ceo name is john.\"John couldn't believe it because he couldn't even grow his seed. He bought empty pot. Other's were shocked and asked, \"How could he be new ceo?\"Business man said, \"One year ago, I gave everyone present in this room, a seed. told you to plant it, water it and bring it back to me today.thing is, I gave you all boiled seeds, there were dead. it was not possible for them to grow. yet, all of you except john have bought me plants.when you found that seed wouldn't grow, you substituted another seed for one I gave you. john was only one with courage and honesty to bring me a pot with seed that I gave.therefore, he is one who will be new ceo.\"", "moral1": "honesty is worst policy .", "moral2": "honesty is best policy .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 209, "story": "It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength and whosoever loves much performs much and can accomplish much and what is done in love is well done.", "moral1": "one begins by plaguing oneself to no purpose in order to be false to natureand one concludes by working quietly from one 's own palette alone and then nature is the result .", "moral2": "one begins by plaguing oneself to no purpose in order to be true to natureand one concludes by working quietly from one 's own palette alone and then nature is the result .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 210, "story": "Confucius was one of china's most famous philosopher, teacher and political theorist and he believed every individual could benefit from self-cultivation. Driven by his passion, his intention was to awaken the people and he tirelessly tried to do it until the day he died. The journey with a 1000 miles begins with one step.", "moral1": "real knowledge is to know the extent of one 's ignorance .", "moral2": "insubstantial knowledge is to know the extent of one 's ignorance .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 211, "story": "The good news is that the moment you decide that what you know is more important than what you have been taught to believe, you will have shifted gears in your quest for abundance. Success comes from within, not from without.", "moral1": "insist on yourself , never imitate . your own gift you can offer with the cumulative force of a fractional life 's cultivation , but of the adopted talent of another , you have only an extemporaneous , half possession .", "moral2": "insist on yourself , never imitate . your own gift you can offer with the cumulative force of a whole life 's cultivation , but of the adopted talent of another , you have only an extemporaneous , half possession .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 212, "story": "Eminem is an american rapper, songwriter, music producer, record executive and actor. He is among the world's best selling artists of all time with over 47 million albums and 220 million records sold. The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed.", "moral1": "people can try to reinvent themselves . i do n't think you can really change who you are , though because who you are is pretty much where you came from and what you have done up to now .", "moral2": "people can try to reinvent themselves . i do n't think you can really remain who you are , though because who you are is pretty much where you came from and what you have done up to now .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 213, "story": "Popularly known as \"Lady with the lamps\" Florence nightingale is the mother of modern nursing. She was an active social reformer from england. Nightingale received the tag due her dedicated efforts to tend the wounded soldiers during the crimean war, thus becoming an icon during the victorian era. Lifenever lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small - for it is wonderful how often in such matters the mustard seed germinates and roots itself.", "moral1": "the most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe - how to observe - what symptoms indicate improvement - what the reverse - which are of importance - which are of none - which are the evidence of neglect - and of what kind of neglect .", "moral2": "the most important practical lesson that can differ given to nurses is to teach them what to observe - how to observe - what symptoms indicate improvement - what the reverse - which are of importance - which are of none - which are the evidence of neglect - and of what kind of neglect .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 214, "story": "Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.", "moral1": "there are three classes of people : those who see , those who see when they are shown , those who do not see .", "moral2": "here are three classes of people : those who see , those who see when they are shown , those who do not see .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 215, "story": "Once in a village, lived a young farmer named shyamlal. He once set out to dig a well enthusiastically. He selected a good spot and cheerfully set to work. After digging 25 feet, he saw no sign of water. He got tired and  decided to rest for a while and then continue. Just then another man came along. He asked, \"What are you doing?\"Shyamlal told him about digging well and yet there was no water. Man took shyamlal to another spot and said, \"If you dig here then you can find water within minutes.\"Saying this stranger left. Shyamlal got happy and started digging right away. Again, he dug more than 25 feet but still there was no sign of water. He got tired. Yet another man came along and took shyamlal to another spot and said, \"If you strike here, water would gush out in torrents.\"Shyamlal thought for a while and then began to dig at new spot. After several hours, having dug more than 30 feet, the only water that was gushing out in torrents was his sweat. Though water was scarce, advisers were not. On advice of another passerby, shyamlal sunk 20 more feet at another spot. Shyamlal got tired but still, there was not even a trickle of water. Shyamlal was frustrated. Just then, his friend saw him. When he talked to him, shyamlal told him whole story. He said to shyamlal, \"If you had dug those 100 feet in one place, you would have struck water anywhere in village, even under rocky surface.\"", "moral1": "if one had been resolute and undetermined and had he stuck to digging in one place , he would have surely succeeded .", "moral2": "if one had been resolute and determined and had he stuck to digging in one place , he would have surely succeeded .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 216, "story": "God, our creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential, strength and ability. Prayer helps us tap and develop these powers.", "moral1": "nations consist of people . and with their effort , a nation can accomplish all it could never want .", "moral2": "nations consist of people . and with their effort , a nation can accomplish all it could ever want .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 217, "story": "Once upon a time, a sage was living in forest. He was famous for strictly following his policy of always speaking truth. One day, sage was teaching his disciples about importance of truth. He said, \"We should always tell truth, no matter how difficult situation is.\"Suddenly a deer came running towards him. Deer bowed down and asked for help and then went inside sage's cottage quickly to hide. Moment later, a hunter also came running with his bow and arrow. Hunter knew that sage never tell lies. So, he asked him if he has been seen the deer. Sage knew hunter wants to kill the deer. At that time contrary to his nature, said, \"I was busy in teaching my disciples. I haven't seen any deer here.\"Hunter went back to forest, thinking that deer would have gone to another direction. After hunter left, sage went inside his cottage and gave water to frightened deer and console him and calm down. Disciple who were watching this whole incident, couldn't understand the sage's act. So, one of disciple asked sage about this and requested him to clear confusion. Sage said, \"My dear students, I know that you all are confused because I always ask you to follow path of truth but now I did opposite.when it comes to some innocent's life then you have to decide the correct way.I did what I thought is correct. if I would have said the truth then hunter would have killed innocent deer, which did no harm to him. so to save deer's life, I had to lie.\"At that moment, deer that in sage's cottage, took form of god and blessed him.", "moral1": "truth is greatest virtue . one should never tell lie but when it comes to save some innocent life then we should act accordingly .", "moral2": "truth is greatest virtue . one should ever tell lie but when it comes to save some innocent life then we should act accordingly .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 218, "story": "Charles dickens is often regarded as the greatest author of the victorian era. He brought to life some of the most memorable stories and fictional characters in history, all inspired by his real-life experiences. Dickens penned such acclaimed works as - oliver twist; a christmas carol; david copperfield; great expectations and a tale of two cities to name, just a few that have gone on to become classics in english literature. We need never be ashamed of our tears.", "moral1": "there are books of which the backs and covers are by far the worst parts .", "moral2": "there are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 219, "story": "Once upon a time, two monks were traveling together. One their way to home, they came to bank of river and found that bridge was damaged. They had to wade across the river. A pretty lady was standing on bank of river, she was also stuck there because of damaged bridge. She had to cross river too but couldn't. Elder monk inquired her if she needed help to cross river. Lady responded that she do need help. Seeing that lady was in trouble, elder monk offered to carry her across river on his back. Lady accepted. Younger monk was shocked by elder monk's offer and thought, \"How can he carry a lady on his back, when we are supposed to avoid all intimacy with females?\"But he kept quiet. Elder monk carried lady across river and younger monk followed but he was unhappy by this act of elder monk. When they crossed river, elder monk let the lady down and they parted their ways. Monks continued on their way. All along the way for several miles, younger monk didn't said anything but was making up all kind of accusations about elder monk in his head. As time passed, younger monk got more and more angry about this but still kept quiet. Finally, at a rest point, many hours later when younger monk couldn't stand it any further, he burst our at elder monk, \"How can you claim yourself a devout monk, when you seize first opportunity to touch a female. all your teachings to me, were just big hypocrisy. this act of your make you a big hypocrite.\"The elder monk looked surprised and said, \"I had put down that lady at the river bank many hours ago, how come you are still carrying her along?\"", "moral1": "this zen story has a beautiful message about living in the present moment . how often do we carry around past hurts , disagreeing onto resentments , when the only person we are really hurting is ourselves . instead we can choose to let go of what does n't serve us anymore and concentrate on the present moment .", "moral2": "this zen story has a beautiful message about living in the present moment . how often do we carry around past hurts , holding onto resentments , when the only person we are really hurting is ourselves . instead we can choose to let go of what does n't serve us anymore and concentrate on the present moment .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 220, "story": "Once upon a time, lived a king who was short tempered. One morning, king was going out to see his beloved horse. At same time, a monk came here to beg for alms. Because of sudden interruption, king became angry. In anger, he picked up waste from stable and put it in monk's begging bowl. Monk didn't said anything and left. Few days later, raja set out on a city tour. On his way he saw a big pile of garbage outside a hut. When king went inside, he saw same monk sitting there. King asked, \"Why there is so much dirt outside your house?\"Monk replied, \"This is the same waste, you gave me that day.\"King questioned, \"That day I had put a little garbage in your begging bowl but there is a big pile of garbage outside your house. how is that possible?\"Monk replied, \"When we give something good or bad to someone, it keeps increasing day by day and accordingly get good or bad fruits of his doing.\"Hearing this king trembled in fear. King understood his mistake and apologized to monk for his wrong doing. He asked, \"Please tell me how can I atone for this mistake?\"Monk said, \"There is one thing you can do. you should pretend to do something in which people will think evil for you, curse you and this will reduce your sin.\"King understood. Next day, king sat at cross roads of city with a bottle of wine and pretend to drink and acted like drunk. When people saw him in such condition, everyone started to condemn him and he stayed same way from morning to evening. Next day, king again went to monk's hut and there he saw that pile of garbage outside was reduced. King was surprised and asked monk, \"How come this pile is reduced?\"Monk replied, \"People who have cursed you, done wrong to you yesterday without knowing truth, your sin has been divided equally among them and due to that pile of filth had also reduced.\" When we do something bad to someone then that evil comes to us again, after being many fold. So never do anything bad to anyone.", "moral1": "also , it should be kept in mind that one should no do evil or curse anyone one without thinking or knowing truth because by undoing this we also became a partaker of his sin .", "moral2": "also , it should be kept in mind that one should no do evil or curse anyone one without thinking or knowing truth because by doing this we also became a partaker of his sin .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 221, "story": "Once lived a girl named geeta, seven years old and only child of her parents. Her parents never refused her anything and because of this she became arrogant and spoiled child. One day, her mother noticed that her daughter was not liked by neighbor kids, they wouldn't play with her. She also got to know that her daughter wouldn't share her things with anyone. Her mother realized that it was their fault for geeta behaving like this. Her mother was sad to know that she didn't even had any friends in class. One day, a new girl got transferred to her class. Her name was reena. She was new, geeta was intelligent and class representative because she stood at top in academics. So, teacher asked geeta to help reena with things. Soon she got friends with geeta. Even though geeta was bossy, still reena liked her. One day, reena was scolded by teacher for her test result. Whole class laughed at her, she cried a lot after class. Geeta when returned home, told her mother about it. Geeta mother knew about reena and said, \"You are good at studies. why didn't you tried to explain it to her simply. she likes you very much and if you teach her, she will understand.\"Geeta said, \"Mummy, I don't have time to waste. what can I do if she is dumb?\"Mother said, \"But reena is your friend and if you don't help, who will?\"Then her mother tell her a story, \"One day an ant fell into stream and was desperately trying to save herself. a dove sitting on tree, saw this and plucked a leaf and let it fall into stream close to ant. ant climbed onto it and floated to bank safely.a little later, a bird catcher came and stood under tree, preparing to throw an net over dove. ant knew what he was planning and stung him in foot. bird catcher yelled out in pain and noise made dove fly away.\"Geeta mother then asked he if you understand the story. Geeta said, \"What a silly story. it's for little children.\"", "moral1": "if you do a good turn , you will only get good in return .", "moral2": "if you do a good turn , you will only get bad in return .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 222, "story": "Bodhidharma was a 5th century buddhist monk. He is regarded as its first chinese patriarch. Bodhidharma's practice and teachings are centered on meditation. In order to see a fish, you must watch the water.", "moral1": "and as long as you are subject to birth and death , you will never attain enlightenment .", "moral2": "and as long as you are subject to birth and death , you will ever attain enlightenment .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 223, "story": "Once a young newly wedded couple lived in a small farm. They were poor and there were not any job around for man to do. So one day, husband said to his wife, \"My love, for work I have to leave house and travel far away to get a job so that I can earn enough to give you a comfortable life that you deserve.while I am gone, I won't be in touch with you and I don't know how long I will stay away. I just want to ask one thing before I leave. that is please wait for me to return. don't ever betray me. will be faithful to you even if I am gone.\"Young man left and walked many days until he reached a big city. There he looked for people who were in need of help. At last he found a employer. Before getting started with his work, he discussed terms of his employment. He said, \"Let me work as long as I want and when I think I should go home, please relieve me of my duties.I don't want to receive any salary during my work time, please save it with you, for me until the day I leave. day I leave, please give me all money I earn during my work here.\"Employer agreed. Young man was hard worker. He never took any holiday and didn't gave any reason for complain to his employer. Years went by and after twenty years, one day man came to his employer and said, \"Sir, I want to leave. I have to return home now. can I have my wages?\"Employer replied, \"Sure but before you go I want to offer you something.\"Man questioned, \"What?\"Employer said, \"Here is offer: I will give you all your money and send you away or I can give you three pieces of advice for your life and send away but without money. choice is yours to make.\"Man asked for time to think. He thought hard to two days. He knew that he would lost all his hard earned money if he ask for advice. At last he decided and went to his employer. He said, \"I want three pieces of advice.\"Employer reminded him that if he ask for advice then he won't be getting any money. Man replied, \"I have lived with you and learned everything from you. that is enough. I shall be able to make a good life with all the experience. I only want the 3 pieces of advice.\"Employer then told him three advice: 1. Never take shortcuts in your life. Shorter or unknown paths can cost your life. 2. Never be too curious, for curiosity towards evil can be deadly.", "moral1": "never make indecisions in moments of anger or pain because when you repent it could be too late .", "moral2": "never make decisions in moments of anger or pain because when you repent it could be too late .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 224, "story": "Oldest knowledge to humankind: vedas are considered the sacred knowledge. There are four major vedas: rigveda, samaveda, yajurveda and atharvaveda.", "moral1": "here are some interesting facts about vedas .", "moral2": "here are all interesting facts about vedas .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 225, "story": "Couragedevelop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else.", "moral1": "love recognizes all barriers . it jumps hurdles , leaps fences , penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope .", "moral2": "love recognizes no barriers . it jumps hurdles , leaps fences , penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 226, "story": "Once in state of wei lived a man named leya. He was married to a very angelic and virtuous woman. He loved and respected her wife a lot. One day, when leya was returning home, on his way he found a piece of gold. He was delighted to see it. He picked it up and ran toward his home, so that he could tell his wife about it. When he reached home, he happily showed that piece of gold to his wife. Looking at gold, his wife asked from where did he got that. Leya replied, \"I got it on my way back. it was lying there on road. so I picked it up. we can use it.\"Wife calmly said, \"As you know, it is usually said that a true man never drink the stolen water. how can you take such a piece of gold home which is not yours?\"Leya was greatly moved by her words and he immediately went back and replaced it where it was. After this leya never did anything like that again. Later, leya went to a distant place to study classics with a talented teacher, leaving his wife alone at home. One day, wife was working, weaving on loom, just then leya entered. Wife was surprised to see him. She asked him reason to come at home before completing his studies. Leya looked at her and said, \"I missed you so much. I left my studies halfway just to come back to you. so that I can be with you.\"Wife got angry and just then she took up a pair of scissors and cut down what she had woven on loom. Leya was puzzled to see this and asked, \"Why did you cut it?\"", "moral1": "if something is stopped half way , it is just like cut cloth on loom . the cloth will only differ useful if finished . but now , it 's nothing but a mess . so is with your studies .", "moral2": "if something is stopped half way , it is just like cut cloth on loom . the cloth will only be useful if finished . but now , it 's nothing but a mess . so is with your studies .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 227, "story": "Steve jobs was one of the greatest tech entrepreneurs and creative genius. He was a great man and his thoughts and creativity inspired us to lead the life in a beautiful way. Love yourself and what you do - the only key to success.", "moral1": "do n't wait . do something when you are old , when you have nothing to lose and keep that in mind .", "moral2": "do n't wait . do something when you are young , when you have nothing to lose and keep that in mind .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 228, "story": "The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing, would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.", "moral1": "carefully watch your thoughts , for they become your words . fail and watch your words , for they will become your actions . consider and judge your actions , for they have become your habits . acknowledge and watch your habits , for they shall become your values . understand and embrace your values , for they become your destiny .", "moral2": "carefully watch your thoughts , for they become your words . manage and watch your words , for they will become your actions . consider and judge your actions , for they have become your habits . acknowledge and watch your habits , for they shall become your values . understand and embrace your values , for they become your destiny .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 229, "story": "Rumi was an enigmatic persian poet during the 13th century. He was also a mystic and considered the most celebrated sufi teacher of all time. Each moment contains a hundred messages from god.", "moral1": "words are a pretext . it is the inner bond that draws one person to another , not words .", "moral2": "words are a pretext . it is the outer bond that draws one person to another , not words .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 230, "story": "Once bodhidharma decided to visit china. His fame had reached before him. Chinese emperor himself came to receive bodhidharma. Emperor had come from far away, from his capital in center to border of china, to receive bodhidharma. Bodhidharma when reached, he was carrying one shoe on his head and one was on his foot, this shocked emperor. Emperor was very sophisticated man, he had a court of very cultured people. Emperor couldn't say anything about it but still he avoided seeing shoe sitting on bodhidharma head. Emperor was a very religious person. He was the one under whose supervision thousands of buddha's status were built in china. Hundreds of scholars were bought to china for translation of buddhist script. Monks used to praise him saying, \"You have accumulated too much virtue. you are going to be immensely rewarded in other worlds.\"So, meeting bodhidharma emperor first question was, \"I have done all these things. what is going to be my reward?\"Bodhidharma replied in loud voice, \"You idiot..! you will fall directly into hell. you are asking for reward? the very idea of reward is of greed. they very idea of achieving something for things you have done, is not a reflection of your wisdom.\"Emperor was shocked, everyone around was shocked. Emperor didn't like it and thought that may be he is not right man to bring into country. Still ignoring the insulting language of bodhidharma, he said, \"Your holiness..\"And before he could complete his sentence, bodhidharma interrupted and said, \"There is nothing holy, nothing unholy. all is empty, just pure nothingness. these are just divisions of mind, sacred and profane, holy and unholy, saint and sinner. these do no exist as you enter into deeper meditation.so don't call me - your holiness. I have left behind that kind of childish language. be straightforward.\"Emperor said, \"My mind continuously remains clustered with thoughts. I have been reading buddhist scripture and they all say that - unless you are thoughtless and yet perfectly aware, you will not find truth.\"This time bodhidharma replied in calm voice, \"If that is problem, come early in morning. I am not entering china, I am going to live outside in small temple. you can come early in morning at three o'clock but come alone - no courtier, no guards nothing.just come alone and I will put all your thoughts aside from your mind. I will bring silence to your mind.\"Emperor was much afraid. He couldn't sleep at night. Whole night he was thinking whether to go or not to go, alone because to him bodhidharma seemed insane man. But by the time of going, emperor thought, \"Whatever he said, however he behaved. yet he has a tremendous presence and great magnetic pull. I will risk it. I will go alone.\"In morning, emperor reached temple where bodhidharma was waiting for him. Bodhidharma said, \"It is a very simple matter. you just sit here and I am sitting in front of you. you see my staff - if I feel that some thought is stubborn and is not leaving you, I will hit your head. your work is only to watch your thoughts without any judgment. just be a witness.\"Emperor thought to himself, \"Perhaps I have taken a wrong step. this man can hit me any moment because my mind is full of thoughts. but since I have come here, I will try what he said.\"He sat before bodhidharma, just watching his thoughts. As morning sun was rising whole aura of emperor changed. Just within two hours, there was no thought left. Bodhidharma saw changing face, a new grace arising. He shook emperor and asked him, \"Is there any thought anymore?\"Emperor fell at his feet and said, \"You certainly did it. I pray you, don't leave china. all those scholars and monks are simple parrots. they go on talking about witnessing and watching but you have given me the experience.without teaching me about witnessing, you have simply made me witness. I don't need anything anymore.\"", "moral1": "moment you become thoughtless , you find your ultimate eternal being , that is your purest consciousness .", "moral2": "moment you become thoughtless , you find your ultimate eternal being , that is your purest unconsciousness .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 231, "story": "Once there was big monastery, where lived 500 monks. They were all practicing path of self remembering under their master. One day a man went to monastery to become disciple. Master accepted him as disciple but because he was simple, uneducated man from village, master gave him job of rice cleaning in kitchen. Monastery kitchen was big. Poor man used to wake up before sunrise and would go late into night doing his work of cleaning rice. He had no time left to attend sermons, prayers or read scripture or listen to wise talks. All monks at monastery were great scholar and were known all over country. Twenty years passed. Poor man continued just cleaning rice, doing nothing else. In all these years, he even forgot to count years, days, dates and even became suspicious of his own name because for twenty years nobody had said his name or called him by his name. For whole twenty years, he was doing only one small thing - cleaning rice for monastery kitchen. One day master of monastery declared that his time to depart from the body has come. It was time for him to chose his successor. He said, \"Anybody who thinks that he had succeeded in self-remembering should write on wall of my hut, insight which shows he had seen the truth.\"Some scholars wrote but no one had signed, none of them had courage to sign his name out of fear that what if master wouldn't like itthis went on for days, daily master would erase message saying, \"Find out idiot who spoiled my wall.\"One day master erased message and said, \"None of you has come to point of self-remembering. you all have been feeding your ego in name of self.I reminded you again and again but having a big ego is joy. now I will have to find person myself.\"In middle of night master went to man who had been cleaning rice for twenty years. For twenty years master had not seen him. Master woke him up. Because in twenty years he had just seen him once for few seconds when he was initiated. Man asked master, \"Who are you? why are you disturbing my sleep?\"Master said, \"I am your master. have you forgotten? what's your name?\"Man replied, \"This is difficult. work you have given me is such that it needs no name, no fame, no austerities. it is so simple that I have forgotten everything.I don't remember my name. a few name comes to my mind but I can not decide which one is mine but I am grateful to you. \"He touched his master's feet for blessings. Seeing his master after so long, he thought may be there was complain with his work or something is wrong. He said, \"Please don't change my job. I have forgotten everything but I have also achieved everything. I know peace that I had never dreamed of. a silence that no words can express.I have known such moments of ecstasy that even if I had died here right now, I wouldn't have any complaint that life has not been fair to me. it has given me more than I was worthy of.please don't change my job. I am doing it perfectly well. has somebody complained about my work?\"Master smiled and said, \"No, nobody has complained. but still your job has to be changed because am choosing you as my successor.\"Man hesitantly replied, \"But I am only a rice cleaner. I don't know anything about being master or a disciple. please forgive me but I can't be your successor. I can not handle such big job.\"Master still insisted, \"You have achieved which other's have been trying to achieve but have failed. you have achieved it because you are not trying. you were simply doing your work.slowly slowly, there was no need for thinking, emotions, anger,fight, compassion, ambition.. your ego died and with ego your name died.you are not born with a name. it is the ego that is given a name - that is the beginning of the ego. with the death of the ego, you even forgot your own master because it was the ego that brought you to me.you are absolutely right person to take my robe, hat and sword.. which I always carry with me and was given to me by my master.but remember one thing - take them and escape from this monastery as far as you can because if you stay here your life will be in danger. all these egoist will kill you.you are so simple and you have become so innocent that if they ask you for the robe, the sword, the cap, you will give them. so, simply take them and go as far as you can into mountain.soon people will start arriving to you, just as bees start finding their way toward flowers when flower blossom. because you have blossomed.you need not to bother about disciples. you simply remain silently in faraway place. people will come to you.\"Man replied, \"But.. but.. I have received no teaching and I don't know what to teach them.\"", "moral1": "just teach them to do small things , silently , peacefully , without any ambition , without any motivation to gain something in this world or in the other world , so that you can become innocent like a child .", "moral2": "just teach them to do small things , silently , peacefully , without any ambition , without any motivation to gain something in this world or in the other world , so that you can become guilty like a child .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 232, "story": "One day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking for a while, she reached a spring. Ant in try to drink water from spring, she climbed up a blade of grass and slipped, fell into water. As soon as ant fell into water, a dove who was sitting on near by tree noticed. Seeing ant in trouble, dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into water near struggling ant. Ant quickly grabbed on to that leaf and climbed up on it. Soon it was carried to safety to dry ground. Just some time later, when ant was still around, a hunter came there and was carrying net. As hunter was going to throw his net toward dove, hoping to trap it, ant saw it and understood what was about to happen. Ant quickly walked on to heel of hunter and bit him. Feeling pain, hunter dropped his net and listening to all this sound, dove saw hunter and quickly fly away to safely.", "moral1": "slow and steady can lose the race .", "moral2": "slow and steady can win the race .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 233, "story": "Swami vivekananda was an indian hindu monk, a chief disciple of the 19th-century indian mystic ramakrishna. He was a key figure in the introduction of the indian philosophies of vedanta and yoga to the western world and is credited with raising interfaith awareness. Throw away all weakness, tell your body that it is strong. Tell your mind that it is strong and have unbound faith and hope in yourself.", "moral1": "perfection does not come from belief or faith . talk does not count for anything . parrots can do that . imperfection comes through selfless work .", "moral2": "perfection does not come from belief or faith . talk does not count for anything . parrots can do that . perfection comes through selfless work .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 234, "story": "Once buddha was visiting a small village. There people got to know about his visit and started to come to him about their problems. One day, some people brought a blind man to him and said, \"He is blind. we are his closest friends. we told him about light but he is not ready to accept the fact that there is light.his argument are such that we are at loss. even though we know that there is light, we have to admit defeat. he tell us that he wants to touch light. how can we make it possible for him to touch light?\"Just then blind man said, \"Ok, if I can not touch it. I have ears, make sound of light, so that I can hear it. it it's not possible to even hear it, then I want to taste it or if light has fragrance, I want to smell it.\"His friends said, \"There is not way to convince him. light can only be seen with eyes and he has no eyes. he complains that village people are unnecessarily talking about light just to prove he was blind. he felt that we invented the story of light just to prove him blind.\"Blind man friends asked buddha if he could make him understand about light. Buddha replied, \"I am not going to try to convince him. mankind problems have been created by people who tried to explain things to those who can not see. I won't make that mistake. I will not explain to a blind man that there is light. you have bought him to wrong person.\"Friends still insisted to buddha. Buddha replied, \"There is no need to bring him to me. take him to instead to a physician who can treat his eyes. he does not need preaching, he need treatment.this is not question of explanations or of him believing things you tell. if his eyes get cured there will be no need for you to explain. he himself will be able to see and know light.\"Friends understood what buddha said and took blind man to a physician for treatment. Fortunately he was cured after few months. By that time, buddha had already left that village. Blind man followed him and bowed to buddha and said, \"I was wrong. there is light but I couldn't see before, therefore I didn't believe anything about light.\"Buddha answered, \"You were certainly wrong but your eyes got cured because you refused to accept or believe what others told you, unless you experience it for yourself. if you had accepted what your friends had told, then matter would have ended there and no question of treatment for your eyes would have arisen.\"", "moral1": "one should search his own understanding because one can not attain anything by worshiping the insight of another . search of someone 's own understanding can only begin when one recovers idea of other .", "moral2": "one should search his own understanding because one can not attain anything by worshiping the insight of another . search of someone 's own understanding can only begin when one drops idea of other .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 235, "story": "Zen master bokujuonce lived a zen master bokuju. He used to live inside cave alone most of time. He would sometimes loudly say, \"Bokuju\" His own name and the himself would say, \"Yes, I am here.\"He would this anytime, day or night. There were some disciples who used to follow him. They would hear this. Disciples were not able to understand it's reason. So, one day one of his disciple asked him, \"Why do you call your own name and then reply yourself to this.\"Bokuju replied, \"Wherever I get into thinking, I have to remember myself to be alert, so I call my own name 'bokuju' loudly and moment I can 'yes, I am here'.. all the thinking and anxiety disappears.\"When bokuju got old, in his last days for two or three years, he never called out his own name. Disciple asked, \"Master you used to say your name all the time but now, you never do this. why so?\"Bokuju replied, \"Because bokuju is always here. he is always there, there for there is no need to call him. previously anxiety would take me, cloud all over me. so I had to call 'bokuju' and that moment anxiety would disappear.\"", "moral1": "you have to come to deep knowing of your own self and mechanism of inner working . if you become alert , anxiety will disappear .", "moral2": "you desist to come to deep knowing of your own self and mechanism of inner working . if you become alert , anxiety will disappear .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 236, "story": "Socrates. A greek philosopher. An enigmatic genius. He gave a whole new norm to the western philosophy. The standard set by him, his critical reasoning, his view on life and surrounding made him an admirable inspiration to many. Socrates believed that philosophy had the potential to cause greater well-being in society. Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for god knows best what is good for us.", "moral1": "untruthful perfection is a bold quest to seek . only the willing and true of heart will seek the betterment of many .", "moral2": "true perfection is a bold quest to seek . only the willing and true of heart will seek the betterment of many .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 237, "story": "Pablo picasso was one of the most celebrated artists of the 20th century. His desire to innovate and play with styles is what set him apart from other painters of the decade. His artworks are not only diverse but also beautifully unique. Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.", "moral1": "what one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing .", "moral2": "what one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of undoing .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 238, "story": "Born in southern spain, pablo picasso was a prodigious child who went to become one of the most renowned artists of the world. Known for his ground-breaking and pioneering style. Picasso held various profiles as a painter, sculptor, print maker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright. God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant and the cat. He has no real style. He just keeps on trying other things.", "moral1": "the artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place : from the sky , from the earth , from a scrap of paper , from a passing shape , from a spider 's web .", "moral2": "the artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place : from the sky , from the earth , from a scrap of paper , from a failing shape , from a spider 's web .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 239, "story": "Once upon a time, there was a rich man who used to live in city and follow astrology. He got to know that in neighboring village lived a girl who was good and honest and pretty. So, he decided arrange marriage of his son to that girl. He was sure that he couldn't find better girl for his son. Proposal was taken to girl's home. All agreed. On spot they decided for date of wedding by priest of that village. Wedding rituals were to be done in girl's village. Everyone was happy. When rich man family returned, they called their family priest and told him about wedding date. Priest became angry about fact that they went on to decided about wedding without consulting him first. He didn't said anything at that time but decided to get even with them. All preparations were made and wedding day arrived. Rich man family priest dressed up and all family, friends came together to go to bride village. Just then priest started to look at his star charts seriously and said to rich man that this time stars were in middle of an unlucky constellation and it wouldn't be auspicious time for wedding. He told them that not seeking his advice, they had picked the worst day of year for wedding. Wedding on such day would result in terrible marriage. Listening to this, rich man's family got frightened and for got all about bride's good qualities and decided not to go to bride's village. They were so frightened that they didn't even thought about waiting bride and her family and even forgot to send anyone to inform about it to village. Meanwhile, bride's family had arranged everything for wedding ceremony. All were eagerly waiting for groom's arrival. Groom's family didn't arrive on agreed time yet they waited and waited and at last they realized that they are not coming. Girl's family thought that those city people picked a date and time for wedding yet they didn't show up. This is insulting. Why should we wait any longer for them. Let's find an honorable and hard working man from village. Luckily they found groom for bride and quickly arranged marriage and celebrated the wedding. Next day, rich man's family priest told them that today all the stars and planets were aligned in perfect position for wedding. So all were happy to hear this and went to village at wedding place and asked girl's family to bring bride for wedding. Girl's family said, \"You picked a date and time for wedding and then you disgraced us by not showing up..\"Rich man told them all about astrology and priest prediction. Girl's family replied, \"You have no honor. you made the choice of day more important that choice of bride. it's too late now. our daughter is married to another man.\"Two families began to quarrel heatedly. Just than a sage happened to come along. Seeing them quarreling he tried to settle dispute. He got to know all that happened. Listening to all sage said to rich man, \"Good fortune was in bride not in stars. you have followed stars and lost bride for your son. without your foolishness, those far off stars can do nothing..!\"Rich man understood his mistake, felt sorry for his foolish decision and left village with his family.", "moral1": "one should not blindly follows astrology priest and should think twice before deciding anything based on facts and situation rather than just relying on stars .", "moral2": "one should not blindly leads astrology priest and should think twice before deciding anything based on facts and situation rather than just relying on stars .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 240, "story": "Once upon a time, in city, a certain calf was born and was bought by high class rich man. Calf was well bred for strength. Rich man got very fond of gentle animal and took good care of him and fed him only the best. When bull grew up, he thought to himself, \"I was bought up this generous man. he gave me such good care and love. now, I am a big grown up bull and there is no other bull who can pull as heavy a load as I can. therefore, I would like to use my strength to give something in return to my master.\"Thinking this he went to his master and said, \"Please find some wealthy merchant who is proud of having many strong bulls. challenge him by saying that your bull can pull one-hundred heavily loaded bullock carts.\"Master trusted him so following his advice, he went to such a merchant and struck up a conversation about bulls in city. Merchant said, \"Many have bulls but no one has any as strong as mine.\"Rich man replied, \"Sir, I have a bull who can pull one hundred heavily loaded bullock carts.\"Merchant said, \"How can there be such a bull..! it's not possible.\"Rich man replied, \"I have such bull and I am willing to take a bet.\"Merchant said, \"Ok then I will bet a thousand gold coins that your bull cannot pull a hundred loaded bullock carts.\"So bet was made and they agreed on date and time for challenge. Merchant prepared one hundred big bullock carts attached together and filled them with sand and gravel to make them heavy. Rich man bathed his bull and decorated him for challenge. Then on decided place, he harnessed him to cart and climbed up onto it. Rich man being high class couldn't resist urge to make himself seem important. He cracked a whip in air and yelled at his bull, \"Pull, you dumb animal. I command you to pull.\"Bull thought to himself, \"This challenge was my idea. I have never done anything bad to my master and yet he insults me with such words.\"So, he remained in his place and refused to pull carts. Merchant won bet. He laughed and demanded his winnings from bet. Rich man had to pay thousand gold coins. He returned home and sat down, saddened by his lost bet and embarrassed by blow to his pride. When they arrived home. Bull saw his master sad face and asked, \"Why are you sad?\"Man replied, \"I lost thousand gold coins because of you. not only that I got insulted in front of all.\"Bull said, \"But you called me dummy. you even cracked a whip in air over my head. you tell me - did I ever break anything or did anything wrong or behaved like a dummy anyway?\"Master replied, \"No.\"Bull then said, \"Then, why did you call me dumb animal and insulted me in front of everyone!!but since I was one to ask for challenge and I feel sorry for today. you again go to merchant and make same bet for two thousand gold coins. this time remember to use only respectful words.\"Rich man realized his mistake and went back to merchant and made bet for two thousand. Merchant who had already won thought it would be easy money so agreed. Again same preparations were made at same place. Rich man fed and bathed bull and hung a garland of flowers around his neck. When all was ready and carts were attached. This time rich man touched bull's head with his hands and patted him gently and said, \"My son, please do me honor of pulling these one hundred bullock carts and show them your strength.\"Listening this, bull pulled load with all his might and dragged heavy carts until finish line. Merchant was in disbelief and had to pay two thousand gold coins. Onlookers were so impresses that they honored bull with gifts. But more important rich man had won much more than gold coins, it was his valuable lesson in humility and respect.", "moral1": "harsh words bring no rewards . respectful words bring honor to all .", "moral2": "harsh words bring no penalties . respectful words bring honor to all .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 241, "story": "Long ago, it was time of new year. Everyone in kingdom was getting ready for three day celebration. Everyone in palace were also excited for new year and preparing for it. King's gardener was also engaged in preparations. King's palace garden was very beautiful. In palace garden lived a large troop of monkeys. They wouldn't think too much themselves but follow orders of their monkey king. Monkey king was friends with gardener. King's gardener also wanted to go for celebration. Since everyone was busy, he didn't want to bother anyone with garden care. So he decided to ask monkey king to help him. He went to monkey king and said, \"O king of monkeys, my honorable friend, would you do a favor for me?\"Monkey king replied, \"Sure..\"Gardener said, \"New year is coming and I wish to celebrate it with my family. so I must be away for three days. in this garden there are plenty of fruits and nuts to eat for you and your subjects. be my guest and eat as much as you want but in return can you please water the young tree and plants while I am gone.\"Monkey king agreed and replied, \"Don't worry about a thing my friend. we will do a terrific job. have good time on your holidays..\"Gardener showed monkey king where buckets were kept and feeling confident about care of garden, he left to celebrate holiday. Next day, monkeys king summoned all his subjects and told him about gardener's request and asked them to water plants. Monkeys filled up buckets and began to water plant and trees in garden. Monkey king observed this for a while and then again summoned his subjects and said, \"It's not good to waste water. therefore, before watering young plants or trees, you should first pull up each young plant or tree before watering to inspect how long the roots are and then give more water to ones with longer roots and less to ones with shorter roots. that way water will not be wasted and gardener will be pleased..!\"Without giving any further thought monkeys followed their king's order. Meanwhile, a wise man who was walking by entrance of garden saw monkeys uprooting all plants and then carefully pouring water into holes and put plants back. He asked, \"O foolish monkey what do you think you are doing to king's beautiful garden?\"They answered, \"We are watering trees and plants without wasting any water as commanded by our leader monkey king.\"Man said, \"If this is the wisdom of wisest among you - the king - then what are rest of you like? intending to do a worthwhile deed, yet your foolishness turns it into disaster.\"", "moral1": "a fool can turn an easy and good deed into a bad one . so , always think twice before choosing your leader . wise leader can take you to great height while foolish one can turn your life to disaster .", "moral2": "a fool can turn an easy and good deed into a good one . so , always think twice before choosing your leader . wise leader can take you to great height while foolish one can turn your life to disaster .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 242, "story": "Once upon a time, lived an old crane near a small pond which was full of small fishes. Crane was in habit of picking fishes with his beak and eat them. With age it was becoming difficult for him to catch fishes. Due to drought, water level in pond became lower and still it wasn't easy for crane to catch and eat fish. However, no matter how many he ate, he was never completely satisfied and thought that may be if he ate all the fishes in pond then he will feel satisfied and happy. Crane thought of a plan and went to shore and sat down. He remained there quietly in one position just like a holy man in forest. He didn't attack any fish for whole day and sat there doing nothing. Seeing this, after some time a fish to came as expected and asked, \"What are you thinking?\"Crane replied, \"Dear fish, it makes me sad to think of your future, coming miserable disaster.\"Fish questioned, \"What kind of disaster?\"Crane replied, \"Look around you.. water in pond is getting lower and lower. you all are also running out of food. this severe drought is really dangerous for all you little ones.\"Fish again question, \"What do you think? what can we do to save ourselves from this drought?\"Crane replied, \"For that you must trust me. if you allow me to pick you up in my beak, then I will take you one at a time, to another pond which is much bigger than this and filled with water and covered with beautiful lotuses. I will be like a paradise for you.\"Fish became a little suspicious, \"How can we believe you? you have been filling your stomach eating fish. why would you help us?\"Crane then raised his head and made himself look as dignified as he could and said, \"Please don't think such thing. I am changed. if you don't believe me, send one fish with me and I will show him another pond and bring back too all of you. then you will know I can be trusted.\"Fish discussed and decided that they will send a little trouble maker fish to check if crane is changed or not. They pushed that little fish toward crane. Crane bent his head and picked up little one in his beak and spread his wings and flew to big tree on shore of a beautiful pond and then carried it back to its small pond. Arriving home little fish, descried beauty of another pond. Seeing that crane didn't eat that fish and hearing all about another pond beauty, other fishes became excited and rushed to go there. Fish thought that crane has changed and agreed to take crane's help. First one to go was little trouble maker fish. Crane picked him up and again flew to big tree, as little was waiting for crane to drop him into big pond. Crane suddenly killed him and gobbled up his flesh and let bones fall to the ground near big tree. Crane returned to pond, bought next fish and ate him same way. No fish in small pond knew what was happening to previous fish and were eagerly waiting for their turn to go to next pond. Likewise, one by one, he gobbled up every last fish. Crane was stuffed and flew back to small pond and saw that there was no fish left. Even after eating all the fish, crane was not feeling satisfied. Just then he saw a small lonely crab crawling along he muddy shore. Crane now wanted to eat that crab and thought of same trick on crab. He walked over to crab and said, \"I have carried all fishes to a wonderful big pond not far from here. why you wish to remain alone. if you simple do as fish did. I will gladly take you there.\"Crab thought that he can't trust that crane but it would be nice to go to big pond but what if crane tries to eat it. So crab thought of a plan and said, \"My friend, I am afraid I am too heavy for you to carry in your beak. you would surely drop me along the way. instead if I grab onto your neck with my eight legs and then you can safely carry me.\"Crane agreed thinking that he would get to eat sweet meat of crab and didn't thought of any harm from crab. Crane picked up crab and let it hold him with his neck in the clutches of the crab and started to flew to big tree next to pond. Seeing this crab said to crane, \"Have you lost your way? why are you not taking me to pond?\"Crane laughed and said, \"What did you thought I was giving you a free ride? just look at all those fish bones under tree. I have eaten all the fish and now I am going to eat you too.\"Crab laughed and replied, \"Did you think I was foolish enough to trust you? I have your throat locked in my claws. so if one dies, we both dies.\"Crane realized danger and begged crab to leave his neck and promised not to eat him. Crab agreed. Crane flew down to shore and said, \"Now, please release me. please trust me I won't eat you.\"Crab realized that crane could not be trusted and knew if he let of that crane, then one day he would be eaten for sure. So he cut through crane's neck with his sharp claws and crane head fell on ground. Crab safely crawled into new big beautiful pond. \"The one who lived by tricks and lie, no longer trusted now he dies.\"", "moral1": "story teaches one not to trust anyone blindly and always look for any possible motive . it also teaches one to use one 's brain to get out of problematic situations .", "moral2": "story teaches one not to suspect anyone blindly and always look for any possible motive . it also teaches one to use one 's brain to get out of problematic situations .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 243, "story": "Albert einstein was famous mathematician and physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. In 1921, he won the nobel prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.", "moral1": "a unhappy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future .", "moral2": "a happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 244, "story": "Once a hunter was passing through a jungle and there he found a pair of beautiful parrots. Hunter at once set up a trap and caught those parrots. Later he took them to king and presented them as a gift to king. King was very happy to receive such a gift. King ordered his servants to put parrots in golden cage. Servants were ordered to take care of those parrots day and night. At king's palace parrots were fed with most delicious fruits and servants ran left and right in order to keep parrots comfortable. Even young prince came to play with parrots and treated them with utmost love. Young parrot was very happy with special treatment and said to his older brother, \"Brother, we are so lucky.\"Older parrot replied, \"Yes, we were lucky to be bought here.\"\"Our lives in palace is so comfortable and here we have everything we need and loved by all\", exclaimed young parrot with joy. After some months, hunter returned with another present. This time it was a magnificent black monkey and offered it to king as present. Soon monkey became main attraction and parrots were neglected. Young parrot became sad and depressed. One day he said to his older brother, \"This monkey destroyed our perfect world and because of him nobody care and look for us anymore. no one even look at us anymore.\"Older parrot smiled and replied, \"Don't worry little brother. nothing in world is permanent and you will see that things will change soon.\"Soon, monkey started to create trouble in palace and then one day little prince got so afraid of monkey that he ordered his servants to sent that monkey back into jungle. Next day, monkey was sent to jungle and again parrots again became main attraction of palace and every one started paying attention to them and loved them like before. Young parrot became happy and exclaimed, \"Our happy days have returned.\"Listening to this, older parrot told his younger brother, \"Time never stays same. therefore, you should never get depressed because of unfavorable time.\"Finally, younger brother realized that he should never lose his patience under unfavorable conditions.", "moral1": "nothing is permanent in our lives , everything changes with time . therefore , one should not lose hope for better yesteryear .", "moral2": "nothing is permanent in our lives , everything changes with time . therefore , one should not lose hope for better future .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 245, "story": "Once greek's famous philosopher socrates was talking to his disciples. At same time, an astrologer arrived there and claimed that he could tell a person's character by looking at the face. Then astrologer looked at socrates and said, \"Shape of nostrils tell that this person have anger issue..\"Listening to this socrates disciples got angry but socrates calmed them down and asked astrologer to continue. Then astrologer said, \"Shape of the head reveals that he is definitely a greedy person. the composition of chin says that he is a whimsical person. shape of his lips and teeth tell that this person always incite people to rebel against the authority.\"Even after listening to all this, socrates rewarded astrologer and sent him. Disciples were surprised at this. They asked him reason to reward astrologer even when whatever he said was only negative things about him. Socrates calmed them down and said, \"Whatever astrologer said about me is true. I accept that I have all those negative points in me and that's why I rewarded him.but that astrologer had made a mistake..that is he said all negative things but didn't stressed over power of my conscience. he didn't said that with power of my conscience I keep control over all these negative things of my nature.\"", "moral1": "no one is this world is perfect . everyone lacks one or other thing but still if we can control our nature and use power of our conscience then we can deal with any difficult situation easily .", "moral2": "no one is this world is perfect . everyone lacks one or other thing but still if we can control our nature and use impotency of our conscience then we can deal with any difficult situation easily .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 246, "story": "Once a fair was help in a village. In fair, people were roaming around and seeing many shops and buying things. Among those there was a small shop set up by an illiterate man. His shop was filled with many colorful jewelry and others things made of glass. In fair, a jeweler was also roaming around seeing shops and stuff. Just then one of glass piece in illiterate man's shop caught his eyes. He saw that among all pieces there was glass piece which was shining very brightly. Quickly he understood that, that glass piece was not any ordinary piece but was a valuable diamond. Jeweler got happy that today he will make great profit. He went to shopkeeper took that piece in his hands and said, \"What is price of this piece?\"Shopkeeper replied, \"20 rs.\"Jeweler thought that why not save some more money while buying and thought of bargaining and replied, \"But.. I will give you only 15 rs for this piece..\"Shopkeeper refused. There were not many people around that shop so jeweler thought to himself that if I go away for now and came back after roaming for a while then shopkeeper's mind may change and I can get that piece for 15 rs. Thinking this he went away. After roaming for a while he roamed around and returned to shop and he saw that piece was missing from shop. Jeweler immediate asked to shopkeeper, \"Where is that glass piece which I asked for before?\"Shopkeeper replied, \"I sold it for 25 rs.\"Jeweler got angry and replied, \"What a fool you are.. it was not just a glass piece but a very precious diamond worth one lakh.\"Shopkeeper replied, \"I am not a fool but you are..!! you knew that piece was not any ordinary piece but a precious diamond and yet you bargained for it and tried to buy it for 15 rs. and left without buying it.\"Listening this jeweler regretted his stupidity and went way empty handed. Foolishness and greediness cause loss.", "moral1": "four friends .. ! !", "moral2": "four strangers .. ! !", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 247, "story": "Once upon a time, in a village lived a rich man who had lost his bag of gold coins on street on his way back to home. He tried to look for it everywhere but couldn't find it. He became sad and disappointed. At last, he went to village headman and after listening to his query headman issued a notice, \"Person who finds and return that gold coin bag to rich man will be rewarded with ten gold coins..\"In evening an honest poor farmer found that gold coins bag and reported that to rich man. On receiving the bag rich man opened it and counted his coins. Just then poor man asked for reward of ten gold coins. After receiving his gold coin bag rich man got little greedy and didn't wanted to give any money to poor man so he thought of a plan and said, \"What coins?? you are really clever.. I have checked my bag and you have already taken your reward from this bag..\"Poor farmer was shocked and replied, \"But.. I haven't opened this bag at all..\"Rich man accused poor man of stealing coins from his bag. Case was taken to village headman. Headman asked rich man,\"How many coins were in your bag??\"Rich man replied, \"I had total 110 gold coins in my bag when I lost it but now there are only 100 coins, in this bag now..\"Poor farmer replied, \"But I haven't opened this bag.\"Now headman questioned poor farmer and understood whole case and said to rich man, \"You said bag you lost contained 110 coins but this bag contains only 100 coins.. that means this is not your bag.\"Saying this village headman gave that old coin bag to poor farmer as reward for his honesty and rich man had to return empty handed because of his greed and lie.", "moral1": "dishonesty is rewarded and greediness is punished . therefore we should not be greedy and cheat others . .", "moral2": "honesty is rewarded and greediness is punished . therefore we should not be greedy and cheat others . .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 248, "story": "Once upon a time, there was a fisherman who caught a big fish and he knew that king would like that fish. So he decided to gift that fish to king. When fisherman presented that fish to king, he was very pleased and ordered that a large some of money be given to fisherman. After fisherman left. Queen heard about what happened and got angry. She went to king and said, \"How can you give such large amount for just a fish?once news of large reward spread through the city and it will come to known as fisherman's gift. every fisherman who catches a big fish and will bring it to palace and then if anyone is not paid in like manner, he will go away discontented and secretly speak evil of you among fellows.\"King understood but refused to retake that reward back from fisherman. After sometime queen came to king and told him that she had made a plan. She told king that he should call fisherman back and ask him if fish was male or female and if he answer female then tell him that you wanted male and if he says female then say that you wanted male. King understood that and decided to summon fisherman back to court. When fisherman came and king asked same. Fisherman replied, \"It's neither male nor female..\"King was impressed by his clever answer and again rewarded him with large some of money. Queen felt irritated but couldn't said anything. Fisherman thanked king and while he was walking out of court, he dropped one coin from that reward. Fisherman bend down to pick that coin and cleaned it and kept it back in his bag. Queen was seeing all this and said, \"You have got such large amount of money then why are you being greedy and care for even a single coin fell from it?\"Fisherman replied, \"It's not about just one coin. I picked it up because it has king's face on one side of coin and I didn't want my king's face get dirty..\"King was pleased by his answer and rewarded him with another bag of money.", "moral1": "speech is an art . if one knows what , when and how to talk then such a person will be successful in life . the beauty of man is in the clarity of his tongue .", "moral2": "speech is an art . if one ignores what , when and how to talk then such a person will be successful in life . the beauty of man is in the clarity of his tongue .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 249, "story": "Once in a village, an old man was walking back from his work. On his way back he saw something shiny behind a tree. When got near tree and check that, he found a crystal ball. As soon as he picked up that ball, a voice came from it which said, \"I am a magic ball and I can grant any one wish to you.. what do you wish for??\"Old man was happy to hear that. He thought a lot but couldn't think of anything he want. So he thought that he should wait and decided what he want and till that he would keep that crystal ball with him. So he kept that ball in his bag and left.. Days went by but old man couldn't think of anything. One day his friend came and saw that crystal ball. When friend asked about it, old man told him about it's magic. After knowing about crystal ball magical power. Old man's friend took that ball and showed it to everyone in village. Everyone in village got excited and started to wish for things they wanted. Some asked for palace, some for gold. Even after getting there wishes fulfilled villagers weren't satisfied as they couldn't ask for more than one wish. Soon everyone was angry and became unhappy. Then one of the villagers took that crystal ball and went back to old man and said, \"Everyone got everything they wanted still they are unhappy.. please help..\"Old man understood and took that ball in his hand. Then he wished, \"I wish that everything would became as it once was before villagers had tried to satisfy their greed.\"At that instant everything that was granted by crystal ball to villagers vanished. Soon villagers grew happy and content once again.", "moral1": "greediness ca n't lead to happiness .", "moral2": "greediness ca n't follow to happiness .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 250, "story": "Once in a field, farmer saw that cranes were destroying his newly sown corn. So he planned to catch those birds. Next evening he set a net in his fields to catch those destructive birds. Next morning when he went to his field to check if his plan worked. He saw that number of cranes were caught in his net and with it there was a stork. Seeing farmer stork pleaded to him, \"Please release me as I have not eaten any of your corn nor did I destroyed any of your crop. I am innocent. as you may see - am a most dutiful bird. I,.\"Before stork could complete it point, farmer interrupted it and said, \"Whatever you said may be true enough but I have caught you with those cranes who were destroying crops and you must suffer with your company..!!\"", "moral1": "never do wrong to same . .", "moral2": "never do wrong to other . .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 251, "story": "Once in a village lived a farmer who used to live with his two young son. Farmer was very hard working and used to work at fields where as his sons were lazy and refused to do work in fields. They would waste all day being idle. Time passed and farmer got old and weaker still he would work alone in fields without getting any help from his sons. Farmer was worried about his sons future. Time passed and old man got ill, he called his two son and said, \"I have hidden treasure in fields and if you can find that treasure then you wouldn't have to work for rest of your life.\"Thought of not having to work for rest of life made them happy and they decided to dig the field. Same they both went to field and dig at every corner of field in search of treasure but couldn't find anything. They got sad and went back to old man and said, \"We dig each and every corner of fields but there wasn't any treasure in fields.\"Old man didn't talked about treasure and replied, \"I am ill and can't go to fields but since you have dug fields, you can now go plant crops in those fields.\"Not finding treasure, sons did what old man told them to do and planted crop. With time old man instructed his sons and asked them to look after crops in fields until it harvest. After the harvest, when they collected crop, they felt happy to see results of their hard work. That time old man again called his son and told them, \"I don't have any treasure..\"By this time farmer sons had realized importance of hard work and told their father that they realized that their hard work was the treasure and thanked him for teaching them value of hard work.", "moral1": "working hard is key to success and it is true treasure for happy life .", "moral2": "lazing hard is key to success and it is true treasure for happy life .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 252, "story": "Once in a winter time, king was roaming outside his palace. At night when he was entering his palace, he saw an old man at the entry gate of palace. When king got close he saw that he was an old man who was wearing very thin cloths which were not even warm. King was surprised to see that how that old man was able to keep up in that cold water even in those clothes. So he stopped near that old man and said, \"Aren't you feeling cold?\"Old man replied, \"I am feeling cold but what to do?? I don't have any warm clothes to wear. for many years I am living bearing this cold weather without warm clothes. god gives me strength to bear this and live through winter time. \"King felt pity and said, \"Don't worry.. you wait here and I will send someone with warm clothes for you..\"Old man felt happy and thanked king for his kindness. King entered palace.. But as soon as he entered palace, he forget about his talk with old man and got busy with his routine. Next morning, when soldier came out, they saw cold stricken body of that old man. Beside his body was a message written on ground by that old man before dying. Message on ground was: \"Long live king.. I had been living wearing these thin clothes in such cold weather but last night your promise of giving me a warm uniform took my life..\"", "moral1": "expectations from others can become reason of weakness if not met . therefore , one should learn to live on his own strength , one 's real strength is given to him by god .. god is only one who will always be there for you in life and after life . .", "moral2": "expectations from others can become reason of weakness if not met . therefore , one should learn to live on his own unpersuasiveness , one 's real strength is given to him by god .. god is only one who will always be there for you in life and after life . .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 253, "story": "Once a man was walking by a park and he heard a voice from nearby bushes. When he looked there, he saw that a cat was stuck there that needed help. Man tried to reach down to cat to get it out but cat got scared and started scratching that man's hand. Man screamed in pain but didn't back out and tried again and again, every time he tried to reach cat, cat would scratch his hands. Another man saw that and said, \"Leave it.. cat would eventually find a way to come out later..\"That man didn't pay attention and continued to try helping that cat to get out. At last he was able to get that cat out. Once he released that cat, he faced toward another man and said, \"Cat is animal and it's instinct to scratch and attack but I am human and my instinct make me compassionate and kind..\"", "moral1": "everyone person is significant and deserve your attention and respect .", "moral2": "everyone person is significant and deserve your inattention and respect .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 254, "story": "Once an elephant was coming back towards it's herd from bath in a near by river. On his way, he saw a pig walking toward him. Pig was coming from muddy waters and it was completely covered in mud. When elephant and pig were approaching each other, pig saw that elephant moved side to allow pig to pass. While walking past, pig made fun of elephant saying that elephant was afraid of him. That pig went to other pig standing near by and told them about it. Listening to this all pig started to laugh at elephant. When elephant reached it's herd. Elephants from herd saw all this and those pig laughing at their friend elephant. One of them asked him, \"Were you really afraid of that pig??\"Elephant smiled and replied, \"No, my friend.. I could have crushed him under my feet if I wanted to but that pig was all muddy and if I had not let it pass then that mud would have splashed on me too. that's why I avoided that and stepped aside from his way.\"", "moral1": "here pig covered in mud represents people with negative energy . when we interact with such people , we deny our space to be infiltrated by that energy too . elephant represents our - self . even though elephant could have reacted to this but he was wise and understood that he need not to waste his energy on such petty thing and ignored it .", "moral2": "here pig covered in mud represents people with negative energy . when we interact with such people , we allow our space to be infiltrated by that energy too . elephant represents our - self . even though elephant could have reacted to this but he was wise and understood that he need not to waste his energy on such petty thing and ignored it .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 255, "story": "Once a man saw a strange dream. He couldn't understand meaning of his dream. So, one day he decided to visit holy man to ask him about his dream. Next day, he came to holy man and told him, \"I had a very strange dream. I couldn't understand it's meaning. can you please help me?\"Holy man smiled and replied, \"Sure..\"Man started telling him about his dream. He said, \"In dream, I was being chased by a lion and while trying to save myself from lion, I climbed on a tree. lion sat down there, just below that tree waiting.there while sitting on branch, I saw that there were two rats circling around that branch of tree, eating it slowly. one of those rat was white and other was black.seeing that branch can fall of anytime soon. when again I looked down below, I saw that a snake was sitting right under my branch with his mouth wide open.when I looked around to see if there could be anything to hold on, I saw another branch with honeycomb on it and honey was dropping of that honey comb.seeing that I couldn't stop myself from tasting that honey and when I put my tongue out I got a drop of honey on my tongue and tasted that honey.even after tasting it once, I tried to get yet another drop of honey on my tongue and I got lost into it's sweetness and forgot all about those rats, snake and weak branch I was sitting on.just after that I woke up from my sleep..\"Holy man listened to him carefully and replied, \"Lion you saw in your dream was your death, it always chases you wherever you go..white and black rats represent day and night respectively. they circle around, coming one after another, to eat your time and take you closer to your death.the big black snake with a dark mouth that you saw is your grave. it's there, just waiting for you to fall into it.honeycomb you saw, represents this world, sweet homey you tasted were like luxuries of this world.when we come to this world, we like to taste luxuries of this world and once tasted, we want it again and again. meanwhile we get lost into it and forget about our time and death..\"", "moral1": "this world is like serpent , soft to touch but so full of lethal poison . unwise people are allured by it and driven towards it and wise men avoid it and keep away from its poisonous effects .", "moral2": "this world is like serpent , soft to touch but so full of lethal poison . unwise people are allured by it and drawn towards it and wise men avoid it and keep away from its poisonous effects .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 256, "story": "Once there was a little boy became obsessed with eating sweets. His mother got worried because of his excessive sweet eating habit and tried many ways to stop him from eating. However nothing seemed to work. Near near village lived a wise man who was respected by everyone. So she decided to take him to that wise man, in hope that her son may listen to him. Mother went to wise man with her son. There she met him and said, \"My son, eats sweets every time.. will you please tell him that it's bad for his health??\"After listening to her, wise man thought for a while and refused to give any advice to that boy at that time. He asked mother to return to him after a month. She wondered why he asked them to return after a month, why not tell boy to stop eating sugar at that time yet she left. Later, she returned to wise man and this time wise man took boy for a walk and after a while returned. He looked at boy and said, \"Boy, you should stop eating sugar because it's not good for health..\"Boy nodded and promise that he will no eat sugar anymore. After this mother left with her son. Few days later she returned to wise man and said, \"Thank you for your help. boy has kept his promise made to you and hadn't eaten sugar since then.\"She was curious about why holy man needed a month to tell her son that. So she asked holy man, \"When I first came to you.. why didn't you told my son to stop eating sugar right then?? why did you asked me to return after a month??\"Wise man smiled and replied, \"At that time, I used to eat sugar myself and I didn't had right to tell your kid eat stop eating sugar.. but now I don't eat sugar anymore.. that's why I was able to tell your kid to stop eating sugar..\"", "moral1": "a person 's example is much powerful than just words .. when we ask a person to do something , we must do it ourselves too . always make uncertain that your actions matches your words . .", "moral2": "a person 's example is much powerful than just words .. when we ask a person to do something , we must do it ourselves too . always make sure that your actions matches your words . .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 257, "story": "Once there were four friends who used to live in a village. Among those friends three were learned and had studied many scriptures where as fourth one was unlearned and didn't have any knowledge of scriptures but he was wise one. One day they all decided to go to city to look for jobs for them. On decided day they all come prepared. They started their long journey. On their they had to pass through a forest. Their in forest on their way they saw some bones. On examining they came to conclusion that it was bones of lion. Just then three friends who were learned started to boost about their powers. One of then said that he can recreate lions skeleton to it's original form. Other said he can add flesh to it and then third one said that he can make it alive again. Listening to all this fourth friend said them not to try anything with that and warned them of their consequences. But those three foolish friends didn't listen to him and shut him and ignored his suggestion thinking that he didn't know anything and is just jealous of their knowledge. First friend used his mantra's on those bone and soon they were changed to original form. Then second friend used his mantra's on those reformed bones and added flesh to those bone. Just before third friend was going to use mantra. Forth friend tried to stop him but he also wanted to show his learning's power and refused to listen to him. Fourth friend climbed a tree before third friend proceeded with his plans. As soon as lion come to life, it killed all three learned friends and left.", "moral1": "one should not get egoist about his learning and should listen to other 's suggestion . ego and over confidence does n't let us to think clearly which leads to disastrous situation . it is better to be practical and wise than learned .", "moral2": "one should not get egoist about his learning and should listen to other 's suggestion . ego and over confidence does n't let us to think clearly which follows to disastrous situation . it is better to be practical and wise than learned .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 258, "story": "Once a student came to his master and asked him, \"Master, how many friend does a person need - just one or many?\"Master replied, \"It's simple.. you will know for yourself.\"Then master took him to the orchard and then pointing to an apple tree said, \"First bring me an apple from the highest branch of this tree.\"Student looked up and with sad look on his face said, \"But master, it's too high for me.. I can't reach it..\"\"Why don't you ask your friend's for help..?\", answered master. Student asked one of his friend to come with him and stood on his shoulder but still couldn't reach highest branch of that tree. Student felt disappointed and said, \"Master, I still can't get to it..\"Master replied, \"Don't you have more friends?\"Student went back and asked his other friends to come with him. Friends came and started to stand up on each other's shoulder backs grunting, trying to build a live pyramid. But the apple was too high, the pyramid crumbled and the student wasn't able to pick the longed apple. Seeing this master called him back and asked, \"So, do you understand now how many friends does a person need?\"Student said, \"Yes.. a person needs to have a lot of friends and together they can try to solve any problem..\"", "moral1": "among all of these athletes there would be at least one smart person .", "moral2": "among some of these athletes there would be at least one smart person .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 259, "story": "Tom used to go for walk every day on beach. One day there he noticed a man who was leaning down to pick up something and then throw it into water. When he got close he saw that, person was picking up starfish that had washed up on beach and he was picking them up one at a time and throwing them back in the water. Tom got confused and approached that man and said, \"Good evening, I was wondering what are you doing?\"Man smiled and replied, \"I am throwing back starfish which were washed up on shore and if I don't throw them back into ocean then they will die up here because of lack of oxygen.\"Tom replied, \"I understand,\"Then a little while later he said, \"But there must be thousands of starfish on this beach and you can't possibly get all of them..and this may be happening on hundreds of beaches.. then how does throwing some of these starfish back in ocean can make a difference??\"Man smiled. He bent down and picked up yet another starfish, then threw it back into ocean and then pointing toward that fish he replied, \"It would make difference to that one..!!\" We all have the opportunity to help create positive change but person tend to think that - how much difference can he make? We might not be able to change the entire world but at least you can change a small part of it for someone.", "moral1": "most individual reasons we procrastinate is because we see the challenge before us as overwhelming and that a good way to counter that is to break the big challenge down into smaller pieces and then take those one at a time - like one starfish at a time .", "moral2": "most common reasons we procrastinate is because we see the challenge before us as overwhelming and that a good way to counter that is to break the big challenge down into smaller pieces and then take those one at a time - like one starfish at a time .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 260, "story": "Once there was huge temple built in center of lake. There lived great master and 20 of his disciples who would learn buddhism teaching's. There was a precious string of wooden beads which was sacred and was enshrined in temple. As temple was in middle of lake it was connected to rest of world with a small boat and it was not easy to go there. All disciples would concentrate on learning and were going to complete there study soon. Until one day, master assembled everyone and announced that buddha's sacred beads were lost.. Everyone was shocked as temple was guarded 24 hrs in rotation by disciples themselves so no one from outside could have sneaked in and stole those beads. Soon everyone who assembled there, started to discuss about it and became suspect of others. Master saw this and said, \"I don't care about this matter. if only the one would admit his mistake and promise to treasure the buddha beads. I am willing to give it to him. I am giving you all seven days for consideration.\"No one confessed on first day nor on second day and with time mutual respect and trust between young disciples who were soon going to become monk, was gone. They talked no more. Even on seventh day, no one stood out for confession. At end of day, master again assembled everyone and announced, \"I am glad that you have convinced me of your innocence. even the temptation of the buddha beads can't get you, you are resolute enough. alright, the practice has come to the conclusion. you can go home tomorrow, then.\"After a while when junior monks were ready to leave, they saw a blind monk knelt before master. Seeing this everyone scowled at him as they thought that he had confessed about his wrong deed and then left. After everyone left, master turned to blind monk and said, \"Did you steal buddha beads??\"Blind monk replied, \"I agree buddha beads had lost but heart of buddha is still here and I have come here for self-cultivation of buddha's heart.\"Master asked, \"So.. you didn't take those beads then why are you sustaining all the suspicion?\"Blind monk replied, \"This suspicion has already hurt my heart, his heart and everyone's heart in the last seven days. someone had to sustain to resolve the suspicion.\"The great master took out the legendary buddha beads from his robe and put it on his neck. He said, \"The buddha beads is here..!! you are the only one to comprehend the true meaning of sustain..\" Sometimes in life.. We take the responsibility to resolve the conflicts, reduce the unnecessary disputes and the contradictions.", "moral1": "people who are able to sustain will get a better mental development and have more freedom and opportunities in their entire lives .", "moral2": "people who are able to sustain will get a better mental development and reject more freedom and opportunities in their entire lives .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 261, "story": "Once a fox and stork used to live in same forest. One day fox invited stork for dinner at his home. Stork happily accepted his invite and next evening stork went to fox's house. Fox opened door and welcomed him to his home. They sat there and spent time talking. Soon it was time for dinner. Fox bought freshly cooked soup to the table and it smelled delicious. Stork was happy to see food as it was feeling hungry and ready to eat food. Fox was selfish and didn't wanted to share his food despite inviting his friend stork to his home. So he served soup for both of them in shallow bowls. As bowls were shallow, fox quickly licked up all his soup. However bowls were to shallow for stork's long beak to have soup and because of this despite feeling hungry poor stork just smiled politely and stayed hungry. Selfish fox with wicked smile on his face asked stork, \"Why aren't you having your soup? don't you like it?\"Stork calmly replied, \"It smell delicious but my stomach is upset that why I can't have it.\"Later stork left his house thanking him for dinner and inviting him to his house for dinner. Fox happily accepted his invite and next day he went to stork's home in evening. Stork opened door and welcomed him to his home. Both sat there talking. Soon it was dinner time. Dinner table was set and fox saw that for dinner stork bought freshly made soup at dinner table. Fox was ready for having dinner as it smelled delicious. Stork served soup in tall jugs and drank soup easily but as jugs were tall fox was not able to reach inside of jug with his tongue. This time it was fox's turn to go home hungry. After finishing her soup, stork asked fox if her enjoyed soup. Fox remembered dinner he himself had given to stork. Fox understood his mistake and felt sorry for his behavior and left.", "moral1": "we should not act selfish with others . as it is said , what goes around .. comes around . .", "moral2": "we should not refrain selfish with others . as it is said , what goes around .. comes around . .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 262, "story": "One day while fish was swimming closer to river bank it heard a voice saying, \"How is the water??\"Fish raised her head upward to see that there was monkey sitting on on tree. Fish smiled and replied, \"Water is nice and warm.\"Monkey felt little jealous and wanted to put fish down. He replied, \"You should come out of water and climb up this tree. view from here is really amazing.\"Fish replied with sadness, \"I don't know how to climb tree and I cannot survive without water.\"Seeing fish sad face monkey made fun of fish saying,\"You are totally worthless if you cannot even climb a tree.\"After hearing this remark fish started to think about it day and night became extremely depressed. It started thinking to herself, \"May be monkey is right. I am worthless if I can not even climb a tree.\"Another fish in river noticed that fish was looking all depressed and asked it for reason of depression. Fish told her everything about monkey and his comment. After listening to this another fish laughed and said, \"If monkey things you are worthless because you don't know how to climb a tree then even monkey is worthless as it cannot swim or live under water..\"Hearing this fish realized how gifted it was and it was wrong of her to think of herself as worthless as monkey said. Few days later monkey slipped and fell into water and died as it didn't know how to swim. After knowing about monkey's demise fish felt thankful to nature and was happy to have such amazing ability. People tend to think of themselves based on judgment of other's. We should not let our self down just because some other person think less of us. We should try our best and do what we are capable of doing.", "moral1": "only way to realize our true potential is to become self aware . the more awareness we bring into our mind and body , the more we realize our true potential .", "moral2": "only way to realize our true potential is to become self aware . the more incognizance we bring into our mind and body , the more we realize our true potential .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 263, "story": "Once in a city lived two friends vikas and deepak. They started a business venture together by investing money equally. They worked very hard and after years they earned a lot of money with that business. After sometime vikas thought of launching a new business venture. He didn't had enough so he persuaded deepak to invest with him. Deepak wasn't sure about new idea but still agreed. Both worked hard but their new business failed. They had to face heavy losses and all their hard earned was spent to keep new business from sinking but still their business collapsed. With in few years both friends were went from riches to rags. Deepak couldn't forgive his friend. He felt that vikas was responsible for his loss as he was the one who persuaded him to invest in his business idea and because of lack of his judgement, he lost everything. With time deepak anger toward his friend was turned to fury. He decided to take revenge on him. So, one day while no one was around, he went to vikas's house and set it on fire. While he was fleeing from the scene, vikas saw him but couldn't prove anything. Seeing his home burnt away, vikas was burned with rage toward deepak and decided to take revenge on him in his own way. Vikas went to bank and took a loan. He set-up a business and made some money with it. He made connection in market during that time. Because of his connections and business he had advantage over deepak. So slowly he started to do destroy his life by making him lose everything he had left with him. In few months deepak lost everything. One day he went to vikas's house and said, \"Let's stop this madness.. we both have hurt each other enough..\"Vikas replied, \"I myself don't enjoy revenge but you left me with no choice..\"Deepak hesitantly asked, \"Then is its possible to put it all behind and become friends again..??\"Calmly vikas replied, \"No.. sorry but I will never forget what happened to my house and you won't be able to forget what happened to your money.. this means we can't be friends again..as with time person might learn to forgive but one can never forget wrong done to them..\"", "moral1": "when in anger we should try to stay calm . once damage done to others ca n't be taken back .", "moral2": "when in anger we should try to stay calm . once damage done to others ca n't be taken forward .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 264, "story": "Once in a small town lived an old blind man. He was blind yet while walking out at night he used to carry lighted lamp with him. One night while he was out of his house, a group of young travelers saw him. After seeing him they realized that he was blind. Travelers couldn't understand why would a blind person carry a lighted lamp and started making fun of him. One to those travelers got curious and asked, \"You are blind and can't see anything then why do you carry lighted lamp with you??\"Blind man replied, \"Yes.. I am blind and can't see anything still I carry a lighted lamp with me for people like you.. who can see.if I walk at night without lamp, one may not be able to understand that a blind man is coming and could end up pushing me..\"They felt ashamed for their behavior and apologized.", "moral1": "we should respect differences also as everything has it 's own importance in this world .", "moral2": "we should respect differences also as everything declines it 's own importance in this world .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 265, "story": "Once in a village lived a poor old man. He was poor so he had little money with him. One day he wanted to eat some sweets so he went to sweets shop market. There he stopped at a sweet shop and asked for some sweets. Sweet seller was cheat and tried to use short measures. Poor man noticed that and asked him not to do it. Seller smiled cunningly and said, \"I was reducing load for you. so that you don't have to carry heavy load to home..\"Poor man understood his trick and paid little less than the cost of sweets. Seeing less money seller complained, \"You have given me less money. give me full price for sweets.\"Poor man replied, \"But.. you see now you can save time as you have to count less..\"Seller felt ashamed for his mistake and said sorry to him.", "moral1": "with absence of mind one can change tricky situation in to one 's own favor .", "moral2": "with presence of mind one can change tricky situation in to one 's own favor .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 266, "story": "Once in a village lived three friends who were not able to earn much money so one day they decided to go to city together to earn money. On decided day all three friends came prepared for the journey to city. After walking for two days on their way to city while walking through a forest they found a bag full of gold coins. They were very happy to get that bag and decided to divide those coins among three of them after returning home. Friends were tired and hungry because of traveling for a long time. They decided to eat food. Because journey was long they had no food left with them. So one of those friends went to nearest village to buy food for them and other two stayed back with bag of gold. Friends who went to buy food, on his way he thought to himself that if he kills other two then he can have all the gold coins for himself. So after buying food, he bought some poison and added it to food before returning to them. On other side other two got greedy and talked that if they kill third friend then they can divide all the coins between just two of them. Both of them decided to kill him. When third friend came back with food, other two grabbed him and immediately murdered him. Both were happy that now coins will be divided between just two and sat to eat food bought by third friend. Just after few minutes of eating that food both of them died on the spot. That bag of coins was left there. Three friends who got greedy and conspired against each other were dead because of their greed.", "moral1": "one should not get greedy and do sinful act because that will lead to one 's failure and destruction .", "moral2": "one should not get greedy and do sinful act because that will lead to one 's succeeder and destruction .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 267, "story": "Once there was a museum in which there was a room which was made of mirrors. Its wall, roof and even floor was made of mirrors. One day care taker of that museum forgot to lock the back door of museum which lead directly to that mirror room. A dog was roaming near that museum and by mistake entered that room. When dog was in middle of room and saw its own reflection and thought of it as that a whole pack of dogs were surrounding him from all sides. Seeing this dog got scared and started to bark at reflections. Dog could see all the reflections barking at him in same way and because of mirror's dog echo back after hitting at mirrors and got magnified. Frightened by it dog started to bark frantically. Next morning, when museum guard entered the hall, there he found lifeless body of dog. There was no one to harm that dog but yet it died fighting its own reflections.", "moral1": "everything around us is reflection of our own thoughts , feelings and inactivenesses . world acts like a a big mirror . so always try to be positive and good to others .", "moral2": "everything around us is reflection of our own thoughts , feelings and actions . world acts like a a big mirror . so always try to be positive and good to others .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 268, "story": "Seema boarded on train with her 5yr old daughter. It was her first travel through train. Train was very crowded and it was very difficult to even pass through lanes between seats. Seema clutched hands of her daughter fearing that crowd could pull her daughter away. When train started to move a snack vendor came through that crowd holding on to his bag tightly and trying to sell snacks to people in train. Vendor seemed very poor, covered in raged clothes. Passing by seema that vendor handed out a pack of snacks toward her saying, \"Only 10rs mam..\"Seema looked at him with disgust then refused and asked him to move ahead but her daughter started pulling her hand and said, \"Ma, please.. please buy one for me..\"Vendor was still standing there holding that packet. Seema looked at him with anger and said, \"Go away..\"Vendor left. Her daughter waved bye toward that vendor which bought smile to his face and he reciprocated. Seema was very angry because of all the discomfort she had to go through while traveling in train and now her daughter was sulking about not buying that snack. After sometime when train reached another station while walking out of train compartment girl saw that vendor man sitting by train door. Girl smiled. She said to her mother, \"Mother can we give him some money?? he seems hungry..\"Seema refused to help and tried to keep her daughter away by saying, \"Ignore him.. he is no good person. these people take away little girls in their bags.\"Seema and her daughter got off the train and walked a bit just then they heard a voice calling them. When seem turned back she saw that vendor was waving his hands toward them and started to walk toward them. Seema thought of him as a stalker and started running faster with her daughter, ignoring shouts from behind. She was near exit and saw that vendor was still following them. Seema walked more fast and stopped a taxi. She hurriedly pushed her daughter inside taxi and then herself got seated just before vendor could reach them. She closed taxi door and asked driver to step on ignition. Vendor reached them just before taxi could took off. He was tapping on the taxi door non stop, seema tried to ignored it just then a flash of shiny thing caught her attention. When she looked at vendor side she saw that it was a bracelet and she immediately recognized it. It was her daughter's. Seema rolled down window of car and instantly that vendor handed out that bracelet to seema through that window and said, \"Mam.. your daughter gave me that bracelet before getting off that train.\"Just before leaving that vendor pulled a packet of snack out of his bag and gave it to her daughter saying, \"It's for child..\"Before she could say anything vendor had left and taxi took off. Seema realized her mistake and learned a lesson for life. She was happy to know that her daughter have a good heart but felt guilty to think wrong of that vendor just because of his appearance. She learned that we should not prejudice be about someone just because of their look or what they do.", "moral1": "we should not make any prejudice opinion about anyone without knowing about them . never judge someone on basis of their appearance .", "moral2": "we should not make any prejudice opinion about anyone without knowing about them . ever judge someone on basis of their appearance .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 269, "story": "Jimmy lived in city with his family but he loved nature so for his son's birthday he decided to go to forest for celebration with family and friends and enjoy some time with mother nature. Jimmy booked a cottage which was near forest. There was arrangements for guests to enjoy nature and enjoy view of animals roaming in nearby place. On first day of their trip while entering cottage they saw a small dog. When jimmy 2 years old son saw that dog he offered it a biscuit with his small hands. Dog was happy to see little kid and get treat from him. Soon kid and that dog became friends and from that moment dog wouldn't leave side of little kid even for a minute. On third day of their trip, they grandly celebrated little kid's birthday and everyone enjoyed it. Next day everyone wanted to enjoy more time in forests so all adults decided to go for hunting in forest and baby was left in the care of his baby sitter in the cottage. After few hours jimmy and his wife were first to get back to cottage. When they entered cottage they saw that main gate was open and in hall no one was there. So they called for baby and his baby sitter but they got no reply. They got worried and started to search for them in cottage while searching they saw that little dog and it's mouth all covered in blood stains. Seeing this jimmy's wife got scared and started shouting. In meantime everyone also returned to cottage and heard her scream and run toward there and saw that dog with blood stains all over its mouth. They all started beating that dog. Just then baby sitter came back to room with little kid. Seeing kid safe and sound everyone relaxed and stopped beating that dog. But they were confused as there were blood stains in his mouth and all thought that dog harmed little kid and it was his blood all over its mouth. They inquired about it. Baby sitter told them that a wolf was roaming around the house when all left. It came inside to attack kid but luckily little dog was there with kid and fought that wolf to save kid. Dog fought hard and at last was able to kill that wolf. She told that in mean time she took baby inside for safety and didn't came out. Everyone felt guilt for beating that dog who saved little kid by risking its own life. Dog was still lying there all hurt crying with pain. Jimmy felt bad for reacting without even knowing whole truth. He took that dog and gave him first aid and from that day he joined them as their family member.", "moral1": "actions taken in anger can differ regretting . sometimes we get chance to make it right but not always and it can haunt us for rest of our lives .", "moral2": "actions taken in anger can be regretting . sometimes we get chance to make it right but not always and it can haunt us for rest of our lives .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 270, "story": "Once ramakrishna asked his disciples to steal a little rice from their own home but there was one condition that nobody sees them stealing rice. After a week all of his disciples came back with rice except for one. Everyone was happy as they were able to complete task given to them of stealing rice from home without anyone noticing them. Ramakrishna asked that student reason for coming empty handed. Student told him that even if he tries hard to steal rice hiding from everyone else, he always saw himself stealing rice. So there was never ever a situation when he could have steal rice when nobody is seeing.. Because what ever we do, it is never hidden from one person and that is our-self. That student who came empty handed was swami vivekananda.", "moral1": "whenever we try to do something wrong , even if we hide it from everyone else yet we ca n't hide it from our - self . so we should never do anything wrong .", "moral2": "whenever we try to do something correct , even if we hide it from everyone else yet we ca n't hide it from our - self . so we should never do anything wrong .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 271, "story": "Once in old times young king of country thought that old people are unnecessary and burden to country as they are weak and unable to do any productive work. All his courtiers consisted of young people and they agreed with him. Soon king passed an order that all people above sixty must be killed as they have already lived their lifetime. So all the old people of the country were killed. In the country lived a young man who had great respect and love for his father and he didn't wanted him to get killed. So before soldier came he hid his father into a cellar. After some years a terrible drought overtook a country and people had to suffer from troubles and sickness. Famine was so severe that even stores of food grains were fully exhausted and not a single grain of seed was left to sow in land. Everyone in the country looked worried but no one could think of anything to better country situation. Young man who hid his father.. Used to go his father for advice whenever anything troubled him. So even this time he went to his father and told him about situation. Old man thought for a while and said, \"Don't worry.. take your plough and plough up the path in front of our house and then rake it over.\"Young man did same. After rain came sprouts of wheat started to come out of that ploughed area. Young man was surprised to see that even without sowing any seed sprouts came out. Everyone around him noticed sprouted ground. King came to know about it and called young man to his court to know about his secret. Young man hesitated and then told king that his father advised him to do so. King was shocked to know that as according to rule all old man were to be killed in country. King called old man to his court as he wanted to ask secret for this. Old man came and told him, \"Your majesty, wheat sprouted there because I knew from my experience that people used to carry crop on that way and some seed must have dropped on the ground on their way.I was quiet sure that some seed may be lying underneath and if plough we can get some sprouts and same happened..\"Listening to this king realized his mistake and understood that how much an old person's experience matter and their wise advice can help young to overcome difficult situation. After this incident the people of that country did not kill their old people. They loved and respected them. The treated them as a valuable treasure for the nation. Old people are store-house of knowledge and their wisdom and experience helps us to come over crisis and difficulties. We must respect and love them. Give them feeling that we look forward to them for their advice and guidance in life. Make them feel wanted, respect, loved and cared for.", "moral1": "we should keep your elders poorly and earn their blessing in life .", "moral2": "we should keep your elders well and earn their blessing in life .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 272, "story": "A young man pampered by his rich dad always, was going to graduate next week. Few weeks before he saw a very beautiful sports car in a showroom and wanted to get it was graduation gift from his dad. The day he saw that car in showroom, before coming back home he went inside and took details of dealer and car. He gave certain signs to his father that he wanted that car on graduation day. Young man was really excited as he was expecting his father to gift him that car because he always got whatever he wished for from his dad. Finally graduation day came. His father called him into his study and ask him to sit. Father got up and brought a beautifully wrapped gift. Father gave that gift to him telling him how proud he was to have such fine son and how much he loved him. Young man very happily opened up the box, hoping to see sports car key inside it but what he got was a book. He got very disappointed and angry to see just a book and not keys for sports car. In anger he raised his voice and said to his father, \"With all your money you got me this??\" And stormed out of house, leaving book behind. Young man got so angry that he left his father's house without even waiting for his father response and decided never to come back. Many years passed and young man became a successful businessman just like his father. He hadn't seen his father since graduation day. One day he received a telegram about his father has passed away and willed all his possession to him for which he needed to come there and take care of things left behind by his father. When he arrived at his father's house, he felt sadness and regret filled his heart. He went to study where he last spoke with his father. There he began to look for things to sort. In one of the drawers he found the same book which his father had given him on graduation day. All his memories came back in a flash. He sat down on same chair and with tears rolling down his face, he opened the book and began to turn pages. After turning few pages he found a hole in the middle of book with the car key in it with tag on it. On tag it was written.. \"With love for my precious son, who made me so proud..\" Many times in life we prejudge people we meet and things we experience in life because they are not packaged as we expect them to be due to this we make drastic choices based on misunderstandings.", "moral1": "in times of anger , we need to stop for a moment and think before making any harsh judgement of a person or a situation . most importantly we need to learn to forgive before it 's too late .", "moral2": "in times of anger , we need to uphold for a moment and think before making any harsh judgement of a person or a situation . most importantly we need to learn to forgive before it 's too late .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 273, "story": "Once in a far away village, lived a young boy who used to live with his step-family. There was scarcity of water in the village so people had to go stream of water at end of village to fetch water. Young boy used to wake up early in morning to get water from the stream for himself and his family. Sadly for him it was difficult task as the way was long and he alone had to walk there in morning and evening. While he was given such difficult task his siblings were given lenient task or none yet young boy had no hard feelings for his step-family members. Once boy was coming back home from stream with pot of water. On his way back he saw an old man resting under a tree. Seeing boy holding water pots, old man begged him for water to quench his thirst. Boy gave him water from the pot. Later on his way he met a lady who asked for water, boy gave water to her too and walked to home. Boy's water pot got half empty because of it his step-mother got angry with him for bringing only half filled pot's of water that wouldn't be enough for family. This would now happened almost everyday that people on way would ask him for water and he gave them despite knowing that his step-mother would get angry with him and even torture him for bringing half filled pot of water. One day he was not able to bear anger and torture from his step-mother and swear that hr will not give water to anyone on the way back to home. That day again while he was coming back from stream, he saw a man who seemed injured and that man asked boy to give him some water. Boy remembered that he vowed not to give water to anyone on way.. He thought and hesitated but at last he couldn't left that man thirsty there, so gave him some water from the pot and helped him. When he got home, his step-mother saw half filled pot and this time pounced on him with more cruelty and started beating him. Next day, someone knocked on the door. Boy opened the door and saw that man standing there with mails. He was the same man who he helped previous day and gave water. He was delivery man who came to village to deliver mails but got injured in the way. Man gave him the letter of scholarship from college for which boy had applied with letter delivery man also gave him some cash thanking him for saving his life. If boy hadn't helped him there, he delivery man could have died and his letter of scholarship would have never reached him.", "moral1": "your everyday good deeds ever go in vain as they will return to you when you least expect them . .", "moral2": "your everyday good deeds never go in vain as they will return to you when you least expect them . .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 274, "story": "Once in a village lived a poor man. Poor man was a devotee and used to pray daily to god. He was very good by nature and never troubled anyone. In village many holy man used to visit. Poor man respected them very much and when every any holy man visited village, he would go to them. Poor man was sad that he had no money and used to ask every holy man question, \"Why god is not helping him? why god is not taking any pity on me and my condition??\"One day a holy man was visiting village. This time also poor man went to him and asked same question. Holy man felt bad for him and prayed to god, \"God, please help his poor man, please make him rich..\"Listening to holy man prayer god appeared in front of him and said, \"Dear, I can't help him even if I want to because his past doing are coming in the way.. I can't help him until he can completely atone for his sin from previous life..\"Still holy man insisted to god, \"At least, give him a chance..\"Listening to this god replied, \"Ok.. I will give him a chance but see for yourself then you will understand what I am trying to say..\"Now.. God made a bundle to very costly gems and kept it on the path to poor man's house.. Soon, poor man was returning from work to his house from same path.. Daily he used to walk by path looking here and there but this time.. He thought to himself, \"For last thirty years.. I am walking down this path.. let's see if I can walk down this path with closed eyes..\"So poor man started to walk with his eyes closed. In the way by chance his foot got hit on the bundle of gems which was kept there by god.. Even after getting hit by it instead of opening eyes to check, he kept walking with closed eyes.. Thinking of it as some stone on the path.. Just little behind him was walking a trader who saw that bundle and took it with him. .", "moral1": "we should not do anything wrong because we have to atone for it in our life .. even if not in present birth . .", "moral2": "we should not do anything wrong because we have to atone for it in our life .. even if not in present death . .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 275, "story": "Once there was very famous sage and used to live outside of ramnagar of manipur kingdom. He was known for his fortune telling and everyone in kingdom knew about him and accuracy of his fortune telling skill. Maniraj was king of that kingdom and heard words about saint and his skill. King wanted to greet him and also ask him about his future. So he invited sage to his palace. King sent his soldiers to place of sage. Soldier went inside and told saint about king's invite for sage to his palace. Sage agreed to go with them. When sage came, king greeted him with respect and offered him seat in his courtonce sage got comfortable king asked sage to tell him something about his future. After observing into king's horoscope, sage started telling him about fortunes which were to be blessed upon him in future. King got very happy listening to all the good things in prediction of his future and rewarded sage with gold and silver for every blessing he predicted. Now, king asked sage to tell him about misfortune. Every time king had to listen to misfortune he got angry. At one point he felt so infuriated that he shouted at sage saying, \"Stop..!! how dare you say such non sense..!!\"King pulled out his sword and pointed it toward sage and said, \"I order you to tell me time of your own death..\"Sage saw that king was angry and after doing some calculation he calmly replied, \"According to my calculations, my death will take place just an hour before your death..\"King was stunned to listen to that and realized his mistake. He felt sorry for his behavior and shouting to sage and sent him home with more wealth.", "moral1": "if we thing wisely we can get out of easy situation . .", "moral2": "if we thing wisely we can get out of difficult situation . .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 276, "story": "Once a businessman got caught in debt real deep and he was not able to think of any way out to sort out that debt. So one day he went out and sat in the park to think if he could do anything to save his company from bankruptcy. While he was sitting in park, an old man came to him and said to him, \"I can see that something is troubling you..\"Businessman was sad and depressed so he told that old man everything about his problem while old man listened to him patiently. Old man smiled and replied, \"I believe I can help you..\"Old man put his hand into his pocket and took out a cheque book and asked that businessman his name then giving that cheque to businessman, old man said, \"Take this money. meet me here exactly after one year from today and you can pay be back at that time..\"After handing that cheque old man got up and walked away. Businessman had mixed feelings. He looked at that cheque and saw that it was cheque of 500,000 $.. Signed by warren buffet. Businessman realized that with half million he can easily get out of his debt but instead he decided to put that cheque in his safe and to use it only in case of emergency. With that cheque businessman felt more confident. With changed thinking businessman went back and in his business he was able to think better and negotiated better deals. He started reconstructing his business and worked really hard with full zeal and enthusiasm and with time got several big deals. Within few months businessman was able to get out of his debt and also started making money back. Year passed, as promised businessman returned to park after exact one year with same cheque which old man gave him. As agreed old man also appeared. Businessman was very happy to see old man and told him about his success story. As businessman was about to hand old man back that cheque.. A nurse came running up and grabbed old man by his hand and said \"I am so glad I caught him.. I hope he hasn't been bothering you much. he always escaped from mental hospital and tell people that he is warren buffet..\" And nurse took that old man away. Businessman was stunned.. All year long he was dealing with all this problems thinking that he had half million dollars with him. .", "moral1": "it 's not just money but our attitude and self - confidence that gives us power to achieve anything we want .", "moral2": "it 's not just money but our attitude and self - confidence that starves us power to achieve anything we want .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 277, "story": "Once an old man used to live with his son. But one day his son was convicted and sent in prison. Old man had a plot in front of his house in which he used to grow potatoes. This year again it was time for planting of potatoes in plot but all the digging and planting was lots of hard work for old man to do all by himself. His only son was still in prison as old man was not able to get any attorney to get him out of prison. So one day old man wrote a letter to his son in prison and told him about situation. He wrote in letter:son, I am feeling bad as this year I will not be able to plant potatoes in garden. I don't want to miss this as your mother always loved this but son am too old to dig up plot for gardening of potatoes. I wish you were here with me, I know you would have dug the plot for me and all my troubles would be over. Love dad. After just few days old man received a telegram from his son with short reply from his son:note in the telegram was:dad.. !! Don't dig up that plot in front of our house.. That's where I had buried and hid all the guns.. !! Next morning, old man saw that fbi agents and police offices showed up in front of old man's house and dug up whole plot in search of guns but weren't able to find any gun so they left. Confused by all this old man wrote another letter to his son in prison, telling him about all what happened. His son reply was:dad, go ahead and plant your potatoes.. It's best I could do to help you from here. .", "moral1": "if you refuse decided to do some thing deep from your heart , you will find way to do it .", "moral2": "if you have decided to do some thing deep from your heart , you will find way to do it .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 278, "story": "One evening, a son took his father to a restaurant. After getting seated there. Son called waiter and ordered food. Father was old and weak because of this while eating food, his father dropped food on his short and trousers. While son was calming having food with father, other diners sitting there looked at them with disgust. Every one sitting there were watching them with disgust, as father was not able to eat properly and dropping food. Even when all the diners were staring at them still son didn't seem to be embarrassed by all this. After they finished eating, son quietly took his father to wash room, wiped the food dropped on his shirt and trousers, combed his hairs and fitted his spectacles firmly. When they came out of washroom, all diners sitting there watched them in dead silence and were not able to grasp how someone could embarrass themselves publicly like that.. !! Son payed bill and started to walk out of restaurant with his father. At that time, one of the old man among-st diners called out to young man and said, \"Don't you think you have left behind something??\"Young man replied, \"No sir, I haven't..\"Old ma retorted, \"Yes you have,!! you have left a lesson for every son and hope for every father..\" When we are small and did silly things in public, our parents never feel embarrass about it then why don't children take their old parents out in public and spend time with them without feeling embarrassed? ?", "moral1": "always love and care for your parents when they get old . we should learn to respect and care for parents when they need it most . never make them feel unwanted because they are the one who always love us unconditionally some their life even when we make mistakes .", "moral2": "always love and care for your parents when they get old . we should learn to respect and care for parents when they need it most . never make them feel unwanted because they are the one who always love us unconditionally all their life even when we make mistakes .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 279, "story": "Once a neighbor came to nasruddin with his problem and lamented, \"I m really troubled. I have a small house and its getting difficult to fit my family consisting of my wife, three kids and mother with me in that small house. you are wise man. do you have any advice for me??\"Nasrudin replied, \"Yes. I can help you but first tell me do you have any chicken in your yards?\" Neighbor replied, \"Yes, there are ten chickens.\"Nasrudin asked his neighbour to put them in his house. Hearing this neighbor replied, \"But, I just told you that our house is already cramped.\"Nasrudin still asked him to keep all those chicken in the house. Desperate to to find a solution man followed nasrudin's advice. Next day neighbor again came to nasrudin and said, \"Things got worse with chickens in house.. because of this family is getting more troubled living in that house.\"Nasrudin said, \"You have a donkey right?? now take that donkey of yours and keep him there in the house.\"Neighbor objected but nasrudin somehow convinced him to do it. Next day neighbor again came to nasrudin even more distressed and said, \"Now, my home is even more crowded. with all these animals in the house there is not even any place to move.\"Nasrudin questioned, \"Do you have any other animal in your yard??\" Neighbor replied, \"Yes, we have a goat.\"Nasrudin advised him to take that goat also in that small house. This time neighbor refused to do so but even this time nasrudin convinced him to put even goat in that house. Next day neighbor came back to nasrudin and exclaimed, \"Everyone in family is really upset with me. everyone is complaining of lack of space. whatever you said to do is making our life more miserable.\"This time nasrudin said, \"Don't worry everything will be fine. now take all the animal outside your house and keep them in yard.\"Neighbor did as advised. Next day he dropped by nasrudin and remarked,\"Nasrudin your plan worked like charm. now with all those animals out of house, it feels more spacious and all of us can't help but being pleased and uncomplaining about space in house. am very thankful to you for all the help.\"", "moral1": "we should learn to manage with resources we have .", "moral2": "we should learn to manage with resources we miss .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 280, "story": "Once nasrudin and his son set out to market with their donkey walking beside them. On their way they passed by a bunch of people. Nasrudin heard some of them commenting, \"Man has donkey which his son could ride easily and yet he is making his son walk all the way to market..\"Hearing this nasrudin picked up his son and seated him on the back of donkey. After this they continued their walk for a while until they passed by a group of people sitting outside as shop drinking tea. One to them commented, \"What times have come..!! young man is riding on donkey while his old father have to walk. doesn't he have any respect for his elders??\"Listening to this nasrudin took off his son from donkey's back and he himself got on his donkey's back. After this they continued their journey like this for a while until nasrudin heard someone commenting, \"Look at this man who is so mean as to make his little kid walk and he himself is riding on donkey. how shameless..\"Right then nasrudin picked up his child and seated him in front of him on donkey's back and continued their journey. They passed by another group of people where nasrudin heard some people saying, \"How cruel are these father and son to overload a donkey like that. they have no mercy on poor animal\"Frustrated by all the comments nasrudin and his son got off the donkey and decided to carry donkey on his back. After great effort nasrudin managed to get donkey on his back and continued journey like that. On their way to market everyone was laughing at them seeing nasrudin carrying donkey in his back. Seeing everyone laughing nasrudin put donkey down and continued their walk to market place as they started in the beginning, all three walking down toward market.", "moral1": "people will find faults in anything you do . it is clearly not possible to please all people . it is better to do what you know is right and please god .", "moral2": "people will find faults in anything you do . it is clearly not possible to please all people . it is better to do what you ignore is right and please god .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 281, "story": "When alexander came to india, he discovered that out of all the countries he conquered, most truthful and wise persons were found here in india so he told about his desire to meet heads of india I. E. The philosophers and the saints. He was taken to indus river where meet a saint. Alexander was known as the emperor of the world, while the saint did not have even the loin-cloth round his waist but saint's eyes were sparkling with the spiritual luster. Alexander was overwhelmed by the spiritual personality of saint and said, \"O great soul, be kind to me.. people in india keep jewels like you in obscurity. I request you to grace us by accompanying us to my country. I shall offer you with anything and everything you might require but pray. come with us.\"Saint smiled and said, \"I am everywhere. I am omnipresent.\"Alexander was not able to understand what saint meant and repeated his request to saint and offered temptations to him. Saint again refused to come with him by saying, \"I don't stand in need for anything..\"Alexander got annoyed and felt insulted as nobody had ever refused to him. So in anger he drew his sword to kill him. Seeing this saint burst into laughter and said, \"Children sit on stand, play with it, construct small houses and then demolish them themselves. the sand does not lose anything in the process. it remains the same as before. similar was the case with the saint.for me body is like a house of sand which is built according to the innate tendencies of man. I am sand, I was never a house. if anyone wants to demolish it, is only demolishing his own house. sand remains the same.\"On this retort from the saint, the sword fell down automatically from the hands of alexander the great and he apologized for his arrogance.", "moral1": "person who is spiritually enlightened decline nothing to lose and nothing to fear .", "moral2": "person who is spiritually enlightened have nothing to lose and nothing to fear .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 282, "story": "Once a samurai went to visit a zen monk to seek some advice. As he entered temple where masters were praying, see this he felt inferior and felt that in-spite of having fought for justice and peace he hadn't even come near state of grace which was achieved was monks praying there. As monk finished prayers. He went to him and said, \"I have faced death many times, defended weak, helped people in need and I know I have never done anything to be ashamed of. yet when I see you meditating, I feel like my life have no importance and I feel so inferior.\"Monk replied, \"I will answer you once I attend all those who came to see me, wait till then.\"Samurai waited whole day, watching people go in and out for advice. He saw that monk received all of them with patience and smile on his face. At nightfall when everyone was gone, he went to monk and said, \"Can you teach me now??\"Monk invited him inside and lead him to his room. The full moon shone in the sky, and the atmosphere was one of profound tranquility. Monk pointed toward moon and said, \"Do you see moon??  it will cross the entire firmament and tomorrow the sun will shine once again but you know sunlight is brighter and it shows us the details of nature.should mood ask why I don't shine like sun?? is it because I am inferior to sun??\"Samurai answered, \"Of course not..!! they both are different and have their own beauty. you cannot compare the two.\"\"Here is your answer.. we are two different people and we each are fighting in our own way for what he believes.. making it possible for the world to a better place.\", replied monk.", "moral1": "we should not compare ourselves with others and feel inferior to other just because they follow a different path . everyone have to follow their own path in their life to be a better person and making world a better place .", "moral2": "we should not compare ourselves with others and feel inferior to other just because they follow a different path . everyone have to follow their own path in their life to differ a better person and making world a better place .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 283, "story": "Once in village lived a farmer who had two daughters. Farmer's elder daughter was married to a farmer and younger one was married to a potter. After their marriage he used to visit his daughters to know their well-being. During one of his visit to his elder daughter. Farmer's elder daughter requested him to pray to god for more rains as that year rain was not god enough for crops to grow. Farmer agreed to pray for more rains. After he reached home he prayed to god for more rain. His prayer were listened and next day it was raining. On next day, farmer next visited his younger daughter. When he met his younger daughter he saw that she was sad and when farmer asked her reason she said, \"Because of last night rain all pots were still wet and today there was no pot to sell.\"So she requested his father to pray for more sunshine and no rain as hardening of clay depends on sunshine as not good for potter work. Now poor farmer was in confusion. His both daughters were asking him to pray for contradicting prayers. He was not able to decide for whom he should pray. He couldn't chose between anyone of them as he loved his both daughter equally. He knew that if he would pray for more rain then his younger daughter husband work would suffer and if he pray for sunshine then elder daughter husband work would suffer. Finally he made his mind and prayed, \"God do as you wish.. may your will be done..!!\"", "moral1": "we should trust god and pray from heart . we should not lose heart and get disappointed at loss as god is always there for us , to look after us . god will do what 's worstest for us at that moment .", "moral2": "we should trust god and pray from heart . we should not lose heart and get disappointed at loss as god is always there for us , to look after us . god will do what 's best for us at that moment .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 284, "story": "One young man lived in neighboring house of an old retired man. They both used to love gardening and take care of their plants in the garden. Young man always wanted his garden to look better and best than old man's garden. Once they both planted identical sapling in their garden. Young man used to give a lot of water and manure to plants and old man used to give just little water and small amount of manure. Young man plant grew into a beautiful green, leafy plant where as old man's plant looked quite normal in front of young man's plant. One night heavy rain occurred. In morning when young man saw his garden he saw that plant which grew big and robust has got uprooted where as old man's plant was unharmed. Soon old man came out of his house to check on his garden. Young man went to old man and asked, \"My plant was so big and green and still it was uprooted in last night rain where as your plant was just normal and yet it is not uprooted.. why??\"Old man replied, \"Look, you had supplied everything that a plant would need, in abundance.. plant did not have to go for search of it because of this roots of plant did not have to go deep down into soil.where as I was supplying just enough to keep it alive and for rest of its need  plants roots had to go down deep inside soil to fulfill it's need.that's why your plant was not able to hold it in when hard weather comes.\"", "moral1": "same rule applies to children too . what matter is not just the outside but the inside . we should provide them with enough for incidental need but after that we should let them learn on their own . this will help them to become a better and strong person .", "moral2": "same rule applies to children too . what matter is not just the outside but the inside . we should provide them with enough for basic need but after that we should let them learn on their own . this will help them to become a better and strong person .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 285, "story": "Once there was king who had three sons. King was getting old and he knew that time has come when he should decide which son will succeed his throne after him. He wanted to give his throne to his son who can handle his kingdom wisely. King called his three son and said, \"I will give you each 100 bucks and an empty room. after week I will check each room, one whose room will be filled most, will become my successor.\"All of them agreed. Eldest son thought, \"At such time of inflation, how can someone fill a whole room with something with such less amount. he was not able to think of anything. so he decided that he will gamble that money and make more money so that he can have enough money to fill that room with things.\"Middle son thought, \"He can't buy anything new with such less amount that can fill whole room. so he just collected all the garbage and fill that room with it. he was happy that he had filled that room as per condition of his father.\"King's youngest son went to market and bought candles and scent. After one week king went to each son. First he went to eldest son and saw that he was sitting outside that room. King asked him, \"Why are you sitting outside room like this?\"Eldest son told him that, \"I went to play gamble and lost that amount. now I have no money to buy anything so now I have nothing to fill that room.\"After listening to him king felt disappointed and said, \"If I give you throne then you will just gamble away your kingdom.\"Then king went to second son. After king reached the second son, he began to feel nausea because of smell coming from that room. King asked his son, \"Where the smell is coming from?\"Second son replied, \"Dad.. that all I could get in 100rs. I filled this room with garbage because of which this bad smell is coming from room.\"King again felt disappointed and left. Now king went to his youngest son. After reaching his room king felt good because of fragrance coming from his room. He asked his son, \"What did you bought with that 100 rs?\"His third son pulled a match out of the box and striking the side, lit a match, immediately illuminating the room with light and said, \"Dad.. I bought some candle and scent to fill whole room with light and fragrance..\"King was happy to see his younger son and decided to give his kingdom to his youngest son.", "moral1": "god had starved us this body , now it 's our choice how we want to use it and keep it . .", "moral2": "god had given us this body , now it 's our choice how we want to use it and keep it . .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 286, "story": "In ancient china, it was tradition that if prince has to be married before he can become crowned emperor. There was a prince who was about to be crowned. So he needed to find a young woman whom he could trust and get married to. Once there was a  who had to be crowned in few days so prince decided to summon all the young women from his kingdom in order to find most worthy candidate. There was an old lady who used to serve at palace. When heard the news she got sad because she knew her daughter nurtured a secret love for prince. After getting home she told her daughter about it. Her daughter decided that she would go to palace. Old lady got worried after knowing her decision. Old lady said to her daughter, \"What will you do there?? there will be all beautiful and rich girls from kingdom will be present there..\"Daughter replied, \"Mother I know I won't be chosen but it's my only chance to spend time with prince and that makes me happy. I will go to palace tomorrow.\"Next day when young girl reached palace, she saw young women from all around kingdom were present there wearing beautiful cloths and jewelry, prepared to do anything to seize this opportunity to marry prince. In presence of all members of court and girls prince announced a challenge. He said, \"I will give you each a seed. after six months time, young woman who brings me the loveliest flower will be my wife and future empress.\"All girls took seed and left. Poor young girl also took her seed and planted it in a pot. She nurtured and took care of it with love. She believed that her love is true and flower will grow as large as her love for prince. Girl saw that no shoot appeared even after three months have passed and nothing had grown in her pot. Young girl consulted farmers, peasants but nothing happened. With each days he felt that her dream have moved father away. At last six months were over and still nothing had grown in that pot. She knew she had no flower to show still she decided to go back to palace with that pot. She reached palace on final day. On final day all court member and girls arrived. She saw that all other candidates had wonderful results and each one had lovely flower, she was the only one holding a flowerless pot. Finally, prince entered courtroom and inspected all candidates pot and announced result. He chose servant's daughter poor young girl as his would be wife. All other girls present there got angry and protested that she had nothing in her pot and prince had chosen someone who had not managed to grow anything at all. Prince calmed them down and explained the reason. Prince said, \"This young woman was the only one who cultivated the flower that made her worthy of becoming the empress: the flower of honesty. all the seeds I handed out were sterile and nothing could ever have grown from them.\"", "moral1": "we should not feel disappointed if things does n't go way we think it should be . we should have confidence and stay honesty and true because honesty is best policy .", "moral2": "we should not feel disappointed if things does n't go way we think it should be . we should have confidence and stay dishonesty and true because honesty is best policy .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 287, "story": "Once a toothpaste factory had a problem with its packaging and because of packaging problem some empty boxes were shipped without tube inside. Production line designing engineers knew it was quiet difficult to have exact precision of packing tube into pack with perfection every time. They also knew it was very necessary to sort out this problem so that people buying product don't get frustrated. Ceo new that unsatisfied customers may lead to lower market value of product in market and company will face huge loss. So her gather all engineers from all departments and after all discussion they decided to hire external engineering company to solve this problem of empty boxes. After spending a huge amount and 6 months time the problem was solved. A high-tech precision scale was installed on production line. Once the boxes are filled with tube then it would be sent on that precision scale and would sound a bell and flash light whenever a box weighted less than required weight. Process was like when ever scale rang bell because of empty box then line would stop and someone had to go over there and move the defective box off the line and then press start button to restart the line. Few days after installing that precision scale, ceo decided to take a look on how it was going as he wanted to know if it was good enough. Scale was working fine and it was detecting empty boxes perfectly and now even market share were gaining. After sometime again when he reviewed about working of production line he found out that number of defected boxes picked by that scale were zero. Previously it would pick at least a dozen defected boxes per week but now it was zero. He thought that there must be some mistake with report. He filed a report for bug in that scale and asked engineers to check. After some investigation engineers reported that the statistics were indeed correct and scale was not picking defects because all the boxes that got to scale were good. Perplexed, ceo went to factory and walked to part of production line where scale was installed. He saw that there was a desk fan placed just few feet before the place where scale was installed and that desk fan was blowing off all the empty boxes into the bin. Curious he asked workers around about that. One of the worker stated, \"Oh that, it was placed by that guy who had to keep check on that scale and start line again because of which he was tired of walking over every time the bell rang..!!\"", "moral1": "every problem have solution but because of always thinking in particular way , we sometimes are not able to see around that problem and forget of easier and better solution .", "moral2": "every problem have solution but because of always thinking in particular way , we sometimes are not able to see around that problem and think of easier and better solution .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 288, "story": "Once a small town was devastated by disastrous flood and it torn downed the whole village and many people died. People who climbed roof of their houses and survived were waiting for help to come. Some locals who had small boats started to help people to move to dry areas. There was one religious man who had great faith in god and he was one of the survivors from the town and he was alone on his house roof praying and asking god for help believing that god will come to help him himself. He continued praying and then a small boat of rescuers came and asked him to jump into boat and come with them but survivor refused saying that it was too small to take them all and he will wait and believe that god will help him and then continued his praying. Second day again another boat came to help survivors, to take them to safe place. This boat was also kinda small and crowded but bigger than the previous one. Boat stopped by that man house and asked him to jump in but he again refused again and started praying. Third day, man became physically weak but still his believe was strong that god will him and continued to pray day and night. Kinda of help that person was expecting never came but still even on third day another small boat came and there were only two people inboard. They assured him that he will be send to city safely and its been already three days but again man refused to go with them. He kept praying and waiting but no one came for rescue after that and after couple of days man died because he got sick and ran out of food. After death when man got to meet god, he was very angry and asked him, \"I believed in you, trusted you and my whole life I devoted my life to you but still when I was in problem dying alone you didn't came to help me.. why?\"After he was finished god replied, \"I know how much you trusted me and believed me and that why I sent you help again and again but every time you refused and at last you died,\"", "moral1": "its good to have faith and trust that god will help us but we need to ignore that we should act wisely and understand when god is helping us and what ways he chose to provide us for what our need is at that time .", "moral2": "its good to have faith and trust that god will help us but we need to know that we should act wisely and understand when god is helping us and what ways he chose to provide us for what our need is at that time .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 289, "story": "At an old chapel all locals and remote people used to come up for sunday services. One time it was freezing snow outside and no one came to chapel except one. Farmer came several miles to the chapel even after it was snowing and freezing cold outside. Now there were only two people at chapel, one was clergyman and other was the farmer. Seeing that there is only one person in the audience. Clergyman expecting a mutually helpful reacting from him said, \"I am not sure if it's worth proceeding with the services. might we should better go to our warm houses and have hot drink?\"\"Well, I am just a simple farmer.\" Said farmer. Farmer continued, \"But when I go to feed my herd and if there is only turns up for food, I sure don't leave him hungry..\"Clergyman felt ashamed and started to deliver his services. Clergyman recited hymns and readings, last the services for couple of hours. Finishing proudly clergyman felt very happy and thanked farmer for the lesson that - no matter how small the need is but our duty remains. We should complete out duties even if there is only small need. Before both take off for their homes. Clergyman asked farmer, \"Was that okay??\"Farmer replied, \"Well I am just a simple farmer but when I go to feed my herd and if only one turns up for food that I sure don't force to eat it what I have bought for the whole herd..!!\"", "moral1": "we should learn that our duty remains regardless of the level of need but we also need to make sure that we adapt to change and deliver according to the requirement .", "moral2": "we should learn that our duty remains regardless of the level of need but we also need to undo sure that we adapt to change and deliver according to the requirement .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 290, "story": "An old man had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn a very important lesson for life.   so he decided to sent each of them for a quest. He asked them to go and look at a pear tree that was far away from main land. He instructed them that only one will go at a time. So when the winter came he asked his eldest son to go and take look at pear tree. Similarly he asked his second son to go there in the spring. Third one was sent there in summer and old man asked his youngest son to go there in the fall. When they all had gone once there and come back. He asked all of them to come to him and describe him about what they had seen. His all four sons stood in front of him and started to share what they had seem.. Eldest one said, \"Tree was ugly and it was bent and twisted.\"Second son interrupted and said, \"No, it was covered with green buds.\"Third son disagreed and said, \"It's blossom smelled really sweet and looked so beautiful. it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.\"Youngest son disagreed with all of them and said, \"It was ripe and fruits were dropping. it was looking full of life and fulfillment.\"After listening to each one of them old man said, \"No one is wrong. all four of you are right. each of you have seen only one season in tree's life, therefore you said what you saw the condition of tree at that time of season. just like tree condition changed with time similar is with human's. we should not judge someone by only one point of their life. that's what I wanted you to learn.\"He continued, \"If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall.\"", "moral1": "the essence of someone , who they are .. pleasure , joy and love that we get from life can be only measured at the end when all the seasons are summed up .", "moral2": "the essence of someone , who they are .. pain , joy and love that we get from life can be only measured at the end when all the seasons are summed up .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 291, "story": "Once there was a farmer who lost his watch in barn. For farmer that lost watch had very deep sentimental value. So, he searched all over to find watch. Even after searching all, among hay and corners of barn for long he couldn't find the watch. At last he gave up and asked the help of some children playing outside barn. He promised to reward them if they would find his lost watch. After knowing that they can get reward, children hurried inside the barn to start searching. They went through all around and all the stacks of hay lying there but couldn't find the watch. After trying for long children were not able to find that watch. They felt tired couldn't look for watch anymore so they left. After children left farmer was thinking to give up the thought of looking for watch. Same time a child came to him and asked farmer to give him another chance to find that lost watch. Farmer looked at him and thought for while and said, \"Why not..!! sure you can try if you want.\"So, farmer permitted the boy to go inside the barn. After sometime that boy came out with the watch in his hands. Farmer was happy because he got his precious watch and kid was happy to get the reward. Farmer was surprised to see that when all failed how that boy succeeded in finding that watch. So he asked boy, \"How were you able to find watch?\"Boy replied, \"I did nothing but just sat on the ground and listen. in the silence, I was able to hear the ticking of watch and searched in the direction of ticking sound.\"", "moral1": "always allow your mind to have few minutes silence because a peaceful mind can think better than a worked up mind and our soul always knows what to do to heal itself .", "moral2": "always allow your mind to have few minutes silence because a peaceful mind can think better than a stagnated up mind and our soul always knows what to do to heal itself .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 292, "story": "Once there was a great sufi saint. In his last days, someone asked him about his master. Saint said, \"I had thousands and thousands of masters and if I even try to tell you about each of them, it will take months or years and it is too late for that. but since you asked I will certainly tell you about three master..\" Among three of them one master was a thief. Once while wandering around in a desert I got lost and till I found a way and reached village it was too late. Everything was closed and there was no one outside. At last I found a man who was trying to make hole in a wall. I went to ward him asked him if I could find a place to stay. He replied to that it will be difficult to find a place to stay at this time of night but you cans tay with me, if its ok with you to stay with a thief. I stayed with him for a month. Each night he would say me that, \"I am going to work. you can rest and pray.\" When he came back I would ask him, \"Did you get anything today?\" He would reply, \"No not tonight but tomorrow I will try again. god willing.\"Even after daily disappointment he never lost hope and he was always happy. When I was meditating for years and still nothing changed, many moments came where I would get so desperate and hopeless that I thought of leaving all this and then suddenly I would remember words of that thief that, \"God willing, tomorrow it is going to happen. \" Second master was a dogonce I was going along side of a river, there I saw a dog who was very thirsty. I saw that as dog looked into river to drink water, it saw his own image and got afraid. Seeing his own reflection dog barked and ran away. But because dog was too thirsty he would come back. This happened many time but finally despite his fear, dog jumped into water. Seeing this I knew that it was a message from god. It means that one has to go forward despite all of his fears. Third master was little boyas I entered a town I saw a little kid carrying a lit candle in his hands. I asked him, \"Have you lit this candle yourself? \" He replied, \"Yes sir.\" I said, \"There was time when candle was not lit and when it was lit but can you show me the source from which light came?\" Boy laughed and blew out the candle and said ,\"You have seen light go? can you tell me where it had gone?? \" Boy continued, \"Ok, I will tell you it had gone to the same place where it emerged. it had returned to the source.\"This shattered my ego and at that moment I felt how stupid I was. And since then I just dropped all my knowledge-ability. I had no master but this doesn't means that I was not a disciple. I accepted this whole universe, whole existence as my master.", "moral1": "in this world there are millions of source and you can learn from every possible source . with a master you start learning to learn .", "moral2": "in this world there are millions of source and you can learn from every impossible source . with a master you start learning to learn .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 293, "story": "Sander's was born in 1890. When sander's was 5 yrs old, he lost his father. His mother who was housewife had to go out to work to earn for family and sander's had to take care of his siblings. He used to look after and cook for them. By age of 7 his skills got good with cooking. At age of 10, he began to work at local farmer. Soon, his mother remarried and sander had tumultuous relationship with his stepfather due to which he dropped out of 7th grade and left his home by himself. At age of 14, he took job for painting horse carriages and then moved to indiana to work as farmhand for 2 yrs. At age of 16  he falsified his date of birth and completed his service commitment as teamster in cuba. At age of 19 he met josephine while working on rail road. Soon, he got married to her. They had three kids. His son died at early age. Now, he found a job at illinois central railroad but soon had to lost even this job due to brawl with his colleague and his wife left him and moved to her parents with kids. He used to study law by correspondence. After losing job he started to practice law but even his legal career ended after a fight with his own client. He moved back to his mother and again went to work as labor for railway. Here he started to work as life insurance agent but eventually fired. At age of 30, he established a ferry boat company which was an instant success. After 3 yrs he sold all his shares of ferry boat for 22,000$ and used this money to establish a company manufacturing lamps but even this venture failed. After this sander's moved to winchester, kentucky to work as salesman but soon he lost his job also. In 1930, sander was offered a rent free station to run by shell oil company where he began to serve chicken dishes and other meals. Slowly his popularity grew and soon his service station became famous throughout kentucky. It was called \"Kentucky fried chicken of harland sanders.\" All customers noted the quality of its seasoning, which he prepared from 11 different spices. Life began to improve. Harland sanders bought a service station, motel and cafe at corbin, a town in kentucky. He left claudia, as manager of the north corbin restaurant and motel. He started to work as assistant cafeteria manager in tennessee. In 1947 he divorced his first wife and in 1949 married claudia. For first time sander franchised \"Kentucky fried chicken\" In 1952. Restaurants sales lead to popularity of kfc and increase in income but life hit hard on him once again, due to some reason his sales dropped drastically and he was forced to sell all his property to pay his debt. At age of 65 he was broke and was living off on social security check of 105$. At this time he started to think about all and upon reflection he decided that he can sell his recipe to other restaurants. He wandered throughout u. S. With his spice recipe and pressure cooker visiting restaurants of america. Even this time it took long before he could find his first customer. After 4 years kfc was very successful and after a deal his net worth estimated at $3. 5 million. In 1980, at the age of 90 years, harland sanders died. In recent years he was traveling, playing golf and ran their own restaurant claudia sanders dinner house with his wife.", "moral1": "never give up . staying neutral and passionate can help us to go through hard time in life and start again . despite getting failed again and again we should not lose hope .", "moral2": "never give up . staying positive and passionate can help us to go through hard time in life and start again . despite getting failed again and again we should not lose hope .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 294, "story": "In ancient times, socrates in greece were considered in high esteem for their knowledge. One day a follower of great philosopher went to him and started saying, \"Do you know what things I just heard about one of your friend?\"Just before he could say anything further philosopher interrupted him saying, \"Hold on a minute. before you tell me about my friends it would be good to just wait for moment and filter what you are going to say. I call it a triple filter test\"Philosopher continued, \"First filter is truth.. have you made sure that what ever you are going to tell me, is true?\" \"Well no, actually I just heard about it..\" Replied man. \"Ok. so you are not sure if it's true or not.\" Said philosopher. He continued, \"Now, lets try second filter. it's filter of goodness. thing you are going to tell me about my friend, is it something good?\" \"No, on contrary..\" Replied man. Now philosopher said, \"So, the thing you are going to tell me about my friend is bad and you are not sure if it's true..\"He continued and said, \"You may still pass test. because there is one filter left. last filter is filter of usefulness. is what ever you are going to tell me about my friends, is it going to be of any use to me?\" \"No not really..\" Replied man\"Well\" Concluded philosopher and questioned to man, \"If what you want to tell is neither true, nor good and not even useful, then you want to tell me about it at all??\"", "moral1": "if we get to know something we should check if it 's false . when it 's about friendship or relationship all bonds are built on trust . we should just trust any rumor about people close to us . the happiness of your life depends on quality of your thoughts .", "moral2": "if we get to know something we should check if it 's true . when it 's about friendship or relationship all bonds are built on trust . we should just trust any rumor about people close to us . the happiness of your life depends on quality of your thoughts .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 295, "story": "Once in a forest lived a hare who was very friendly with all other animals in forest. He nature was generous and would always help other in need. He was very popular among other animals and loved by them. One day he was resting. Suddenly he sensed that a pack of hounds was running towards his place. Hearing that hare left that place and started running. He ran until he couldn't run any more. So after he got tired he sat by roadside to rest. Just after a while he saw a horse passing by, this filled his heart with hope. Hare approached him and said, \"My friend, please help me! hounds are after me. please carry me on your back to other place.\"Horse became afraid and said, \"Sorry am in a hurry but look there is your friend bull. ask him for your help.\" And left. Hare ran toward bull and asked him for help, \"Please help me friend, please take me on your back and help me escape from hounds.\"\"Sorry I can't help you. I am off to join my heard but see there is your friend goat. ask him to help you.\", saying this bull left from the scene. Hare ran toward goat and pleaded for help but even goat gave some excuse and left. Next hare saw sheep and asked him for help but even sheep refused to help saying, \"Sorry my friend, right now am very weak and I would only be hindrance rather than help. but I am sure you will find a way to save yourself. \"Now, hare can hear hounds getting close to him and he knew that his end is close. At this time he thought, \"What kind of friends they were? in time of my need they all scatter like autumn leaves in a breeze.\"", "moral1": "we should think twice before making friends . a friend should be such a way that he or she should help you in any situation . you should be aware of good friends and bad strangers before making friendship . do not become fool while making friendship .", "moral2": "we should think twice before making friends . a friend should be such a way that he or she should help you in any situation . you should be aware of good friends and bad friends before making friendship . do not become fool while making friendship .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 296, "story": "Once in a village lived a very greedy man paul. He always wanted to have lots of money and wish to own everything to himself. He used to calculate each and every small ways in which he can save and get more money. He used to deceive others and many time told lies to protect his wealth. He was considered just opposite of honesty. However one day he was taught good lesson because of his own act of greediness. One day he missed a small bag of coins which contained 50 coins. He searched for it but couldn't find it. He told his friends and neighbors and workers about his lost bag and requested them to inform him if they found it. After couples of days, a little girl who used to live near paul's house found that bag. She told her father about it. Her father used to work in paul's land. He told his daughter that it was his master's bag of coin and would return it to his master. Despite being poor worker went to his master and returned the bag. Paul was happy to get that bag and because of his greediness decided to play a trick. He shouted at his worker, \"There were 75 gold coins in this bag but you gave me only 50 coins. where are other coins? you have stolen them.!!\"Worker was shocked to hear that and pleaded to his master that he gave whatever her daughter found. But selfish and greedy paul didn't accept it and decided to take the matter to the court. All went to court. Judge heard both sides and examined daughter and worker about number to coins they found and assured it was only 50. Now judge cross examined paul about coins to which he replied, \"Yes lord, I had 75 coins in my bag but they gave me only 50. they have stolen my coins.\"Now, judge made the judgement, \"Since paul lost a bag of 75 gold coins and bag found by girl had only 50 coins. so it doesn't belong to paul. so it was lost by someone else. in addition, if someone found any bag of 75 coins it would belong to paul. there is no claims against lost of 50 coins. so I order girl and his father to accept 50 coins as token of appreciation for their honesty.\"", "moral1": "honesty is rewarded and greediness is punished . we should not differ greedy and cheat others .", "moral2": "honesty is rewarded and greediness is punished . we should not be greedy and cheat others .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 297, "story": "According to an old hindu legend, long before there was a time when all beings on earth were gods but they started to wrongly use their divinity. So, brahma decided to take away divinity from all beings and decided to hide it somewhere they could never find it. So brahma called council of gods to help him decide of a place to hide this divinity. Some suggested, \"Let's bury it deep inside the earth\". To this brahma answered, \"No, humans will dig into earth and find it.\"Some god suggested, \"Let's sink it deep in ocean.\" Again brahma said,\"No, human will learn to dive into ocean and will find it.\"After thinking a while some suggested, \"Let's hide at the top of mountain.\" Again brahma replied, \"Humans will eventually climb up mountain and take up their divinity.\"Then all god gave up and said, \"It seems like there is no place on earth to hide divinity where human beings will eventually not reach.\"Brahman thought for long time and said, \"We will hide their divinity deep into center of their own being, humans will search for it here and there but they won't look for divinty inside their true self.\"All god's agreed about this was best place for hiding divinity and deed was done. Since then human have been going up and down, digging, climbing, diving, exploring and searching for something which lies within themselves.", "moral1": "divinity lies with in us . we just need to look into our heart and find inner peace .", "moral2": "divinity lies with in us . we just need to look into our heart and lose inner peace .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 298, "story": "A boy and girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles and girl had some sweets with her. Boy asked girl to give him sweet in exchange of his marbles. Girl agreed. When it came to exchange boy got greedy and kept the biggest and most beautiful marble with himself and gave rest to her in exchange to sweets. So girl gave him all the sweets in exchange of marbles as agreed. Same night boy when boy went to sleep he kept on thinking about the deal because he kept wondering if girl had same as boy. If girl had kept some sweets with her as boy kept marble with himself. It's a small story but makes us think about our relationships.", "moral1": "if we ourselves do n't give hundred percent in a relation then we will always have doubt and kept on wondering what if partner is undoing same with you . so always be true to yourself and partner .", "moral2": "if we ourselves do n't give hundred percent in a relation then we will always have doubt and kept on wondering what if partner is doing same with you . so always be true to yourself and partner .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 299, "story": "A person had to go a round a river to reach his home. It was trouble some for him to go through long way. The flow of river was to much to swim through it and man was scared to swim through it. So, he went to a saint and told him about this situation. The saint gave him a paper and told him to keep it in pocket while crossing the river and he will not sink in the river but remember not to open that paper. Man understood that and did that. To his surprise he could pass river without sinking in it. Now, it was easier for him to reach home. One day man decided to see what's there in the paper so before going into river he opened that paper it was written, \"In the name of god\". Reading this man realized this was just ordinary piece of paper and simple sentence written on it. After reading it he went in to river but this time he got carried away with the flow of river. This happened because before reading it he believed that there is some power helping him but as he read it he thought of it as ordinary line and didn't believe.", "moral1": "we should believe in power of god and trust that we can use the impotence god gave us . we have to believe in god and ourselves before doing anything and then we will much good at doing same thing .", "moral2": "we should believe in power of god and trust that we can use the power god gave us . we have to believe in god and ourselves before doing anything and then we will much good at doing same thing .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 300, "story": "It's story of a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in war. Before going home he called his parents. Soldier, \"Mom dad, I am coming home but I have a favor to ask. I have a friend with me whom I want to bring home with me.\"\"Sure, we would love to meet him\", they replied. Then son continued, \"There is something you should know about him. he was hurt pretty badly while fighting there. he stepped on land mine because of which he lost his leg and an arm. he have no where else to go and I want him to come and live with us.\"Parents replied, \"We are sorry to hear that son. we can help him to find some place to live.\"Son replied, \"No mom dad I want him to live with us.\"\"But son\", father said, \"You don't know what you are asking for. someone with such a handicap would be like burden on us. we have our own live to live. we just cant something like this interfere with our lives. you should just come home and forget about that guy.\"After that son hung up the call. Parents heard nothing from him after that. Few days later, parents got a call from police. Police told them that their son died after falling from building. Police believed that it was suicide. Grief stricken parents flew there and went to city morgue to identify the body. They recognized him.. But, they were shocked to see that their son had one arm and one leg.", "moral1": "we find it easy to love who look good but do n't like people who can be inconvenience to us . we tend to stay away from people who are n't as beautiful , smart or healthy as we are . we should value life whatever condition is because we never know what 's come next .", "moral2": "we find it easy to love who look good but do n't like people who can be inconvenience to us . we tend to stay away from people who are n't as beautiful , smart or healthy as we are . we should disrespect life whatever condition is because we never know what 's come next .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 301, "story": "In a family lived father mother and a child. Parents used to scold him for printing his hand print with painting colors all over the walls of house. One day kid gave a handmade card to his parents. When parents got the card they saw there was a little hand print of their son on card. Inside there was a photograph of him with a little note writing with his photo. Words written were \" Sometimes you get angry and discouraged because I am so small and leave my fingerprints on furniture and walls. but am growing everyday and some day these finger prints will fade away. so, here is put a final hand print of my hand here on card so that one day you can recall how my fingerprint exactly looked when I was small.\"They realized what they have been losing in the race of life and this touched heart heart and they hugged and kissed him with love.", "moral1": "do n't wait to spend time with parents . slow down and enjoy and spend with family . once time pass away you will not get that back and its better to enjoy life now then to regret later .", "moral2": "do n't wait to spend time with kids . slow down and enjoy and spend with family . once time pass away you will not get that back and its better to enjoy life now then to regret later .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 302, "story": "One day wife asked husband to buy her comb so that she can grow her hair well and to be well groomed. Her husband couldn't afford to buy her comb and felt sorry. He refused her and explained that he didn't even have enough money to fix strap of his watch. After knowing this she didn't insist on her request. Next day, as husband was going for work, he passed by watch shop and went inside to sold his damaged watch so that he can buy comb his wife. In evening he came home with comb for his wife and he was very happy to give this to his wife so that she can take better care of her long hairs. But to his surprise he saw that his wife hair were cut short. When he asked why she got her hairs got cut short? She replied with a smile, \"I sold my hair and here is new strap for your watch.\"Tears came out from their eyes, not for futility of their actions but for the love they had for each other.", "moral1": "to love is something and to be loved is something but to love and to differ loved in return is everything . so never take love for ranted and always value the ones who love you .", "moral2": "to love is something and to be loved is something but to love and to be loved in return is everything . so never take love for ranted and always value the ones who love you .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 303, "story": "How foolish imitation can harm you.. Long time ago, there was a crow who used to imitate everyone around him. There lived a hawk on atop of tree, who would fly down everyday in search of food. Crow used to watch hawk do this everyday and see how hawk used to fly for long hours in air and swoop around to catch his prey. The hawk who was gifted with sharp eyes to see prey at long distance and then fly down to catch his prey at once. Crow used to watch this and think, \"If hawk can do this, I can too. once day even I can do same thing.\"One day, as hawk was circling in sky, crow decided to do same. Suddenly a rabbit came out of bushes. Hawk saw it and same did crow. But before crow could even make a move, hawk flew down and grabbed rabbit with his claws and disappeared in the sky. \"That's not a great skill\", crow thought to himself and decided to try to catch prey some other time. Next time crow saw a big fat mouse coming out of hole, without wasting time it swooped down and tried to catch it like hawk used to catch his prey. But mouse saw it and move quickly and crow crashed in hills. After getting hit in hill crow cried in pain. Just then hawk came flying down and said to crow, \"I hope now you understand that it's not easy to hunt and more over not easy to imitate.\"From that day onwards crow never tried to imitate anyone in its life and lived happily ever after with god-given abilities.", "moral1": "we should not try to imitate others . god has given everyone different ability and stagnate accordingly . so , trust your self and your ability .", "moral2": "we should not try to imitate others . god has given everyone different ability and work accordingly . so , trust your self and your ability .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 304, "story": "While psychologist was teaching stress management to the class. He raised a glass of water. Seeing this everyone expected that he is going to ask, \"Half empty hal full..!!\" But instead he asked, \"How heavy is this glass of water?\"Many called out the answer that it ranged from 8 oz. To 20 oz. Now psychologist replied\"This absolute weight of glass doesn't matter. what matter is how long I hold it.if I hold it for a minute it's not going to be problem. if I have to hold it for an hour then I will feel ache in my arm. if I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. in all the cases the weight of glass doesn't change, but longer I hold heavier it becomes.\"He continued.. \"Similar are stress and worries.if you think about them for a while, nothing happens. if you think about them a bit longer, they hurt. and if you think about them all day long, you feel like paralyzed or incapable of doing anything.\"", "moral1": "it 's unimportant to let go off your stresses . do n't carry your burdens and stress into evening and then night .", "moral2": "it 's important to let go off your stresses . do n't carry your burdens and stress into evening and then night .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 305, "story": "A husband feared that his wife was not hearing well as she used to hear. He got into thinking that she might need a hearing aid but he wasn't sure how to approach her. For suggestion he called family doctor and told him about the situation. Doctor told him to test it by a simple idea and getter a better idea about her hearing loss. Doctor said, \"Here's what you do. stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. if not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response.\"Next day in evening he saw that wife was cooking dinner in the kitchen, so he took the chance to check the doctor's idea. He got about 40 feet away from the kitchen and asked his wife, \"Dear, what for dinner?\" And waited for response. He got \"No response\"So he moved bit closer about 30 feet away from kitchen and repeated the same question, \"Dear what's for dinner\". Still he got \"No response\"Next he moved in to dining area about 20 feet away from kitchen and asked the same question, \"Honey what's for dinner?\" He still got \"No response\"He walks up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. \"Honey, what's for dinner?\" Again there is \"No response.\"So he walks right up behind her. \"Honey, what's for dinner?\" Wife shouted, \"John, for the fifth time I'm saying, chicken..!!\"", "moral1": "the problem may not be with the other one as we never think , could be very much within us .. ! !", "moral2": "the problem may not be with the other one as we always think , could be very much within us .. ! !", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 306, "story": "One day a man saw an old lady, standing on the side of the road and he could see that she needed some help. So he stopped right in front of her mercedes and got out. Old lady saw the man even with the smile on her face, she seemed worried. Man could see that she was frightened. Introducing himself he said, \"Mam, I am andy and am here to help. why don't you wait in the car?\"Lady had flat tire and it was bad enough for an old lady. Andy crawled under the car and started to fix the tire. As he was tightening up the nuts old lady rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from st. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid. He just smiled and completed his work. Lady asked, \"How much I owe you.\" She was ready to pay any amount as she already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Andy replied, \"I never thought of getting paid. it was not a job for me, I was just helping someone in need. god knows there were plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. he had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.\"He added, \"If you really want to pay me back, the next time you saw someone in need just help and give whatever assistance she can give if they need and think of me.\"Man waited until she drove off in her car. A few miles down the road lady saw a small cafe and stopped there to grab a bite to eat. It was dingily looking restaurant. As she sat on the table, the waitress came over and offered lady a towel so that she can wipe her wet hairs. She had a sweet smile. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered andy. After lady finished her food, she paid off with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to counter for change of hundred dollar bill but till time she came back lady went. Then she noticed something written on the napkin. There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: \"You don't owe me anything. I have been there too. somebody once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. if you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: do not let this chain of love end with you.\"Under the napkin were four more $100 bills. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard. She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, \"Everything's going to be all right. I love you, andy.\"", "moral1": "what goes around comes around . you do good , you will get good in return . always be unhelpful .", "moral2": "what goes around comes around . you do good , you will get good in return . always be helpful .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 307, "story": "An old scholar got a request from a wealthy man to wean his son away from his bad habits. Scholar accepted man's request and went to see his son. The scholar took boy for a stroll through garden. Suddenly scholar stopped and asked boy to pull out a tiny paint growing there. Obeying him boy held the plant between his thumb and forefinger and pulled it out. After walking a while the scholar asked boy to pull out a slightly bigger plant. This time boy pulled little harder and plant came out with its roots. \"Now pull out that one\", said the scholar pointing towards a bush. This time boy used all his strength to pull out the bush and as result bush came out. \"Now take this one out\", said the scholar indicating a guava tree. The boy grasped the tree trunk and tried to pull it out using all this strength but its wouldn't budge. Panting with the effort boy said, \"It's impossible.\"\"So is it with the bad habits\", said the scholar. \"When they are young it is easy to pull them out but when they take hold they cannot be uprooted.\"This talk with the scholar changed the boy's life forever.", "moral1": "do n't wait for bad habits to grow in you , drop them while you have control over it else they will get control you .", "moral2": "do n't wait for unregretful habits to grow in you , drop them while you have control over it else they will get control you .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 308, "story": "In india there was a water bearer. He had two large pots hanging on side on a pole which he used to carry on his shoulders. One of the pot was little cracked and it used to get half empty on reaching master's house while other pot was perfect and full portion of water was delivered at the end of walk. Water bearer used same pots for 2 years and this made perfect pot proud of its accomplishment but cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfection and felt miserable. Cracked pot felt like a failure as it was not able to deliver full water. So one day cracked pot said to water bearer, \"I am sorry, I want to apologize to you.\"Water bearer asked, \"What are you apologizing for?\"Pot replied, \"Because of me you don't get full value for your work. you work so hard and because of crack inside me half of water leaks out on the way back to master's house.\"After listening to this water bearer felt sorry for cracked pot and replied with compassion and said, \"On way back to home, I want you to notice beautiful flowers along the path.\"As water was bearer was returning to way master's home cracked pot noticed that, \"There were beautiful wild flowers on his side of the path.\" It made pot happy but still it was sad again as they reached him house because it was half empty. On reaching home water bearer said to pot, \"Did you noticed that there were flowers on only your side of path but on other side of path but not on other side. I have known about your flaw all along so I took advantage of that. I planted flower seeds on your side of path and for two years you been watering them. without you being the way you are I may not have been able to et all those beautiful flowers for my master.\"", "moral1": "each of us have unique flaws but in this world nothing goes waste . you may think that you are useless but somehow these flaws can turn out to be blessing in disguise .", "moral2": "each of us have unique flaws but in this world nothing goes waste . you may think that you are useless but somehow these flaws can turn out to be disapproval in disguise .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 309, "story": "One day all the employees of a company saw a note on door. \"The person who have been hindering the growth of your company passed away yesterday. you all are invited to the funeral that has been prepared in company gym.\" Was written on note. After reading note, all employees got sad for deceased colleague but after a while all got curious to know about the person who have been hindering the growth of company and colleagues. Because of curiosity all the employees came and security was ordered to control the crowd in the room. Everyone thought that, \"Whoever was the guy was hindering the growth so its well at least only he died.\"One by one each employee got chance to look inside the coffin but as they looked inside coffin they got speechless as if someone or something has touched deepest part of their soul. There was a mirror inside the coffin, when everyone looked inside they saw the reflection of himself. There was a sign placed next to the mirror having message, \"There is only one person who is capable to set limits on your growth and that's you.\"", "moral1": "world is like mirror . it gives back the reflection of the thoughts in which one believed strongly . so , you are the only person who can influence your unhappiness , success and only person who can help yourself .", "moral2": "world is like mirror . it gives back the reflection of the thoughts in which one believed strongly . so , you are the only person who can influence your happiness , success and only person who can help yourself .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 310, "story": "Very long ago, a one-eyed king was ruling a country. He was fond of arts and crafts. He generously rewards the great artists, poets and craftsmen. However, he was stuck with one major habit. He never liked any person who used to praise him falsely! Simply, he was a man of truth and wanted his people to be true. The king was born with one eye. He had vision on his right eye and the space for left eye was simply closed with the skin! One day, he wanted to get himself painted and made an announcement. After filtering the talented artists, the king asked three men to draw his face. He told them, 'if you do an impeccable job, I will reward you with something you won't even earn in your life time! If not, you will be severely punished! 'all the three agreed and started to sketch his face. The first artist showed the painted picture of the king. The king felt bad as the picture showed that one of the eyes was shown blind, though he drawn both eyes. The artist was sentenced to imprisonment for 10 years.   the king felt that the picture was a dishonor to a ruler showing a physical disability! The second artist showed the picture and even he was imprisoned for 5 years. The picture depicted the king having vision in both eyes. The king felt he was falsely praising the king to earn reward and it was also considered a matter of dishonoring the king pointing his blindness! The third artist showed the picture and was rewarded a fortune! The third artist was very clever and he drawn the king's face with only one eye!", "moral1": "here is solution to every problem .. you just need to think hard .", "moral2": "there is solution to every problem .. you just need to think hard .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 311, "story": "There was a big tree more than hundred years old located in the middle of a dry land. It gave rest and shelter to hundreds and thousands of travelers. The tree was located at the center of four different towns, act as a connection point of all towns and villages in the nearby area. However, except the big old tree, there was no other tree that can offer rest to the people. The tree has a huge and broad trunk with innumerable branches which spread the shadow covering a wide space. One day, two travelers were traveling from a distant place and tried to reach a town located at the east of the tree. They were walking for several miles on a hot and sunny day. They started their journey from early morning and it was almost mid noon. The sun was too hot and they could not walk anymore due to the heat. They were completely exhausted! Fortunately, they reached the place where the tree was located. They were very happy to see such a big tree with breezing wind. They decided to take rest under the tree. They slept for some time happily enjoying the soothing cool breeze of the tree. They felt hungry and one of the travelers decided to climb the branches to see whether the tree has any fruit.   since it is not a fruit-bearing tree, the traveler was disappointed. He started cursing the tree owing to his hunger. 'oh, this is just a useless tree and it has nothing to feed us, not even a fruit or even nuts! It is of no use! ' the other traveler composed him and asked him to stay cool. However, the traveler was so angry due to hunger and cursed the tree. The tree, which could not tolerate the cursing words of the traveler, in a sad yet strong voice, 'you can't be so ungrateful to me. Just look back at the condition when you reached here in the hot and dry sun! I offered you cool and comfortable place to rest and sleep with soothing breeze. If I'm not here when you are very tired you would have died now! I saved your life from the hot sun, but you humiliate me! 'the traveler realized his mistake and apologized to the tree.", "moral1": "every creation of god has innumerable benefits to the mankind . there is good in everything and we often fails to notice the good !", "moral2": "every creation of god has innumerable benefits to the mankind . here is good in everything and we often fails to notice the good !", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 312, "story": "Once upon a time, there lived a very rich and wealthy man in a big town. He had all sorts of wealth and led a luxurious life. He had every luxury at his footstep and could afford to feed for the entire people of his town. He always boasted his luxurious life to his friends and relatives. His son was studying in a distant place and he returned home for vacation. The rich man wanted to show off to his son how rich his father was and how he made him very proud. But his son wasn't ever fond of any luxurious lifestyle. However, the rich man wanted to make his son realize that his lifestyle was extremely rich and how the poor people did suffer. He planned for a day visit to the entire town to show him off the life of the poor people. The father and the son took a chariot and visited the entire town. They returned home after two days. The father was happy that his son was very quiet after seeing the poor people honoring the rich man and after seeing the sufferings of the poor ones due to lack of facilities. The rich man asked his son, 'dear boy, how was the trip? Have you enjoyed it? ' 'yes my dad, it was a great trip with you. ' the son replied. So, what did you learn from the trip? - the father asked. The son was silent. Finally you have realized how the poor suffer and how they actually are - said the father. No father - replied the son. He added, 'we have only two dogs, they have 10 dogs. We have a big pool in our garden, but they have a massive bay without any ends! We have luxurious and expensive lights imported from various countries, but they have countless stars lighting their nights. We have a house in a small piece of land, but they have abundant fields that go beyond the sight. We are served by servants, but they serve people. We are protected by huge and strong walls around our property, but they bond with each other and surround themselves. We only buy food from them, but they are so rich to cultivate their own food. 'the rich father was stunned to hear his son's words and he was completely speechless. Finally the son added, 'dad thank you so much for showing me who is rich and who is poor and let me understand how poor we are! '", "moral1": "true wealth is not measured by money and property we have ! it is in the friendship , relationship and bad compassion we share with the others .", "moral2": "true wealth is not measured by money and property we have ! it is in the friendship , relationship and good compassion we share with the others .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 313, "story": "Once, in a heavily crowded place, a young man was shouting at crowd, \"People look here, I have the most beautiful heart in the world.\"Many people looked towards him and were stunned to see such beautiful heart. It hah perfect shape and not even a little flaw in its appearance. Most people were mesmerized by beauty of his heart. However there came a old man from the crowd and challenged the young man, \"Son, I have got the most beautiful heart in the world.\"Then young man asked him to show his heart. Old man showed his heart to him. \"It was very rough, uneven and had scares all over his heart. also, the heart was not in shape, appeared like bits and pieces joined together in various colour's. there were some rough edges, some part of the heart were removed and filled with other pieces.\"After looking at the heart of old man young man started laughing and said, \"Are you mad? how this heart is beautiful and flawless? my heart have no flaws and yours full of scars, wounds. how can you say that your heart is beautiful.\"Old man replied, \"Dear young man, mine heart is just as beautiful as yours. scars you see represents the love I shared with person. I share a piece of heart with others when I share love and in return I get a piece of heart, which I fix at the place where I had torn a piece!\"Young man was shocked to hear. The old man continued, \"Since the pieces of heart I shared were neither equal nor in the same shape or size, my heart is full of uneven edges and bits and pieces. my heart is not in shape because sometimes I never get the love in return from those I gave it. so where do you see the real beauty? your heart which looks fresh and fuller with no scars which indicates you never shared love with anybody. did you?\"After listening to old man young man stood still and didn't spoke a word. He walked to the old man, tore a piece of his heart and gave the piece to the old man.", "moral1": "many give importance and respect to physical beauty . yet , physical disappearance is n't the real beauty !", "moral2": "many give importance and respect to physical beauty . yet , physical appearance is n't the real beauty !", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 314, "story": "It's a story of middle aged man name raj. He was born in poor family where his father used to own a welding shop and worked 12 hours a day to live a decent life but still couldn't earn enough to provide a luxurious life to his family. Raj was an average student in his school time but dreamed to become doctor. He wasn't able to study the desired course because of his average result. So, he pursued bachelors degree and at the end of course successfully got a job in company. Soon after he got a permanent job his parents wanted him to get married. So, he married a naive girl from his town and had a promotion at his job. With god's blessing he had twin beautiful boys. While his father was still living the same life, raj got settled with his family. After sometime he got a handsome salary and started to live a luxurious life. Some of the luxurious were unnecessary. After almost 6-7 years because of his unnecessary spending he was not even able to manage all his household expenses and couldn't even afford to pay for his children fee and other necessity of life. During same time, his father fell sick and couldn't continue his work in welding shop. So, his father requested him to give him some money for his treatment and some household expenses. As, raj was already suffering from financial crisis, he shouted at his parents and refused to help them. Raj complained that, \"Your never send me to big school. I never got to wore expensive clothes. even I used to get my favorite food to eat very rarely. when I got low marks in school, you were not able to provide me with enough money to join classes to improve my result. it took me years to settle and now I am again struggling for money. you didn't help me and now you are burden to me!! never come to me again.\"His parent left shattered. After a week, raj was on an official tour and there he met a small boy about 10 years old. He requested raj to buy something from him. Raj asked, \"Why aren't you studying and what about your parents?\"Boy replied, \"My father met with an accident a year ago and he lost one hand. he cannot work now. my mom is working as a maid at a few houses. I'm helping my parents by selling toys. I go to school and sell toys only in the evenings. I work for 3 hours a day and I will study at night!\"Raj purchased a few toys and learned a lesson of his life. He realized that a small boy was helping his parents but raj was just unable to afford a lavish lifestyle neglected his parents.", "moral1": "it 's your duty to take care of your parents when you get newer and matured .", "moral2": "it 's your duty to take care of your parents when you get older and matured .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 315, "story": "One day a shepherd discovered a fat pig in the meadow where his sheep were pastured. He very quickly captured the porker, which squealed at the top of its voice the moment the shepherd laid his hands on it. You would have thought, to hear the loud squealing, that the pig was being cruelly hurt. But in spite of its squeals and struggles to escape, the shepherd tucked his prize under his arm and started off to the butcher's in the marketplace. The sheep in the pasture were much astonished and amused at the pig's behavior and followed the shepherd and his charge to the pasture gate. \"What makes you squeal like that?\" Asked one of the sheep. \"The shepherd often catches and carries off one of us. but we should feel very much ashamed to make such a terrible fuss about it like you do.\" \"That is all very well,\" Replied the pig, with a squeal and a frantic kick. \"When he catches you he is only after your wool. but he wants my bacon! gree-ee-ee!\"", "moral1": "it is easy to be brave when there is no danger . do n't compare two different situations without understanding them .", "moral2": "it is easy to be brave when there is no safety . do n't compare two different situations without understanding them .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 316, "story": "A farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. On the ground lay a snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. The farmer knew how deadly the snake could be, and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life. The snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. The bite was deadly and the farmer felt that he must die. As he drew his last breath, he said to those standing around, \"Learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel\".", "moral1": "there are some who never stays their nature , regardless of how good we behave with them . always stay alert and maintain the distance from those who are there only thinking about their own benefits .", "moral2": "there are some who never changes their nature , regardless of how good we behave with them . always stay alert and maintain the distance from those who are there only thinking about their own benefits .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 317, "story": "Once emperor akbar became very angry at his favorite minister birbal. He asked birbal to leave the kingdom and go away. Accepting the command of the emperor, birbal left the kingdom and started working in a farmer's farm in an unknown village far away under a different identity. As months passed, akbar started to miss birbal. He was struggling to solve many issues in the empire without birbal's advice. He regretted a decision, asking birbal to leave the empire in anger. So akbar sent his soldiers to find birbal, but they failed to find him. No one knew where birbal was. Akbar finally found a trick. He sent a message to the head of every village to send a pot full of the wit to the emperor. If the pot full of wit can not be sent, fill the pot with diamonds and jewels. This message also reached birbal, who lived in one of the villages. The people of the village got together. All started talking about what to do now? The wit is not a thing, which can be filled in the pot. How will we arrange for diamonds and jewels to fill the pot and send to the emperor? Birbal who was sitting among the villagers said, \"Give me the pot, I will fill the wit in one month's end\". Everyone trusted birbal and agreed to give him a chance. They still didn't know his identity. Birbal took the pot with him and went back to the farm. He had planted watermelons on his farm. He selected a small watermelon and without cutting it from the plant, he put that in the pot. He started looking after it by providing water and fertilizer regularly. Within a few days, the watermelon grew into a pot so much that it was impossible to get it out of the pot. Soon, the watermelon reached to the same size as the pot from inside. Birbal then cut the watermelon from the vine and separated it with the pot. Later, he sent a pot to emperor akbar with a message that \"Please remove the wit without cutting it from the pot and without breaking the pot\". Akbar watched the watermelon in the pot and realized that this can only be birbal's work. Akbar himself came to the village, took birbal back with him.", "moral1": "do n't hasten the decision . think hard to find a solution for the strangest situations .", "moral2": "do n't hasten the indecisiveness . think hard to find a solution for the strangest situations .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 318, "story": "A miser had buried his gold in a secret place in his garden. Every day he went to the spot, dug up the treasure and counted it piece by piece to make sure it was all there. He made so many trips that a thief, who had been observing him, guessed what it was the miser had hidden, and one night quietly dug up the treasure and made off with it. When the miser discovered his loss, he was overcome with grief and despair. He groaned and cried and tore his hair. A passerby heard his cries and asked what had happened. \"My gold! o my gold!\" Cried the miser, wildly, \"Someone has robbed me!\" \"Your gold! there in that hole? why did you put it there? why did you not keep it in the house where you could easily get it when you had to buy things?\"\"Buy!\" Screamed the miser angrily. \"Why, I never touched the gold. I couldn't think of spending any of it.\"The stranger picked up a large stone and threw it into the hole. \"If that is the case,\" He said, \"Cover up that stone. it is worth just as much to you as the treasure you lost!\"", "moral1": "saving , spending wisely and unsuitably is a good sign if you do it for a good purpose . otherwise , a possession is worth no more than the use we make of it .", "moral2": "saving , spending wisely and appropriately is a good sign if you do it for a good purpose . otherwise , a possession is worth no more than the use we make of it .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 319, "story": "Once upon a time, there were two neighbors living next to each other. One of them was a retired teacher and another was an insurance agent who had a lot of interest in technology. Both of them had planted different plants in their garden. The retired teacher was giving a small amount of water to his plants and didn't always give a full attention to them, while the other neighbor interested in technology, had given a lot of water to his plants and looked after them too well. The retired teacher's plants were simple but looked good. The insurance agent's plants were much fuller and greener. One day, during the night, there was a heavy rain and a wind due to a minor storm. Next morning, both of the neighbors came out to inspect the damage to their garden. The neighbor who was an insurance agent saw that his plants came off from the roots and were totally destroyed. But, the retired teacher's plants were not damaged at all and were standing firm. The insurance agent neighbor was surprised to see it, he went to the retired teacher and asked, \"We both grew the same plants together, I actually looked after my plants better than you did for yours, and even gave them more water. still, my plants came off from the roots, while yours didn't. how is that possible?\" The retired teacher smiled and said, \"You gave your plants more attention and water, but because of that they didn't need to work themselves for it.  you made it easy for them.  while I gave them just an adequate amount of water and let their roots search for more.   and, because of that, their roots went deeper and that made their position stronger.  that is why my plants survived\".", "moral1": "this story is about parenting where children are like plants . if everything is given to them , they will not understand the hard work it takes to earn those things . they will not learn to work themselves and respect it . sometimes it 's best to guide them instead of giving them . teach them how to walk , but let them follow their path .", "moral2": "this story is about parenting where children are like plants . if everything is given to them , they will not understand the hard work it takes to earn those things . they will not learn to stagnate themselves and respect it . sometimes it 's best to guide them instead of giving them . teach them how to walk , but let them follow their path .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 320, "story": "Long ago, there lived a lion in a dense forest. One morning his wife told him that his breath was bad and unpleasant. The lion became embarrassed and angry upon hearing it. He wanted to check this fact with others. So he called three others outside his cave. First came the sheep. The lion opening his mouth wide said, \"Sheep, tell me if my mouth smells bad?\" The sheep thought that the lion wanted an honest answer, so the sheep said, \"Yes, friend. there seems to be something wrong with your breath\". This plain speak did not go well with the lion. He pounced on the sheep, killing it. Then the lion called the wolf and said, \"What do you think? do I have a bad breath?\" The wolf saw what happened to the sheep. He wanted to be very cautious in answering a question. So, the wolf said, \"Who says that your breath is unpleasant. it's as sweet as the smell of roses\". When the lion heard the reply, he roared in an anger and immediately attacked the wolf and killed it. \"The flatterer!\" Growled the lion. Finally, came the turn of the fox. The lion asked him the same question. The fox was well aware of the fate of the sheep and the wolf. So he coughed and cleared his throat again and again and then said, \"Oh dear friend, for the last few days, I have been having a very bad cold. due to this, I can't smell anything, pleasant or unpleasant\". The lion spared the fox's life.", "moral1": "do not involve yourself in a bad company or a bad situation else you may end up getting punished for no fault of yours . sometimes , it 's wise to stay away from certain situations .", "moral2": "do not obviate yourself in a bad company or a bad situation else you may end up getting punished for no fault of yours . sometimes , it 's wise to stay away from certain situations .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 321, "story": "She was a simple homely girl from a small town who had many dreams.  he was a simple guy with a successful career.  fate brought them together, she fell in love and he accepted his feelings for her too.  she looked upon him as her everything.  he understood her more than anyone.  he wanted to provide everything that was good for her.  she wanted to do everything that can make him happy. He wanted her to grow out of shadows of in-home life and become a self-dependent.  he wanted her to learn how to face the harsh reality of society and make a career, so if anything happens to him in future, she can survive.   he was constantly guiding her and often even scolded her when she made mistakes.  he was molding her for her own good.  she was getting a success and many guys were showing interest in her.  oh did I mention she was a beautiful too!  she had a smile that can fill anyone's, heart. As time passed, she became more confident and her career was reaching its peak. But he as always stood by her, always guiding her and continue to push her for more progress.  however, she was no longer liking him giving her advice.  she felt that she is more than capable of deciding what to do.  he too was always working and differences started to grow.  she never understood why he was always pushing her for more and more.  but she started quarreling with him.  it grew.  she left him saying, \"I am not the one to listen to you always, I can decide what's best for me now, I am successful, there are many guys who will be more than happy to accept me as I am, if you do not like it, go to hell.\" He felt hurt.  he who loved her since she was a simple homely girl, failed to understand why would she think in such a negative manner about him.  he who always wanted her to be self-dependent, who felt proud each time she reached the new height of success, how can she say such things.  he left her saying,", "moral1": "perhaps the ego of your success has grown in your mind that you have failed to feel my feelings for you in your heart . i loved you when you were a simple girl without a career or a success in your life . my intention was always to encourage you , not to make you feel anything less . perhaps , failure is mine that after some the time we spent together , i could n't make you understand what you are for me and what i wished for you . i wished only best for you , i wished you achieve more success than me . i wished you do not make the same mistakes which i made . that was the only reason i always guided you and scolded you . may you find everything you ever wished for .", "moral2": "perhaps the ego of your success has grown in your mind that you have failed to feel my feelings for you in your heart . i loved you when you were a simple girl without a career or a success in your life . my intention was always to encourage you , not to make you feel anything less . perhaps , failure is mine that after all the time we spent together , i could n't make you understand what you are for me and what i wished for you . i wished only best for you , i wished you achieve more success than me . i wished you do not make the same mistakes which i made . that was the only reason i always guided you and scolded you . may you find everything you ever wished for .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 322, "story": "A very loving couple had been married for over 10 years without any child and it was becoming their 11th year.  steve and sarah stayed with each other and greatly hoped that they will have a child before their 11th year of marriage runs out because they were under persuasion from friends and family members to get a divorce.  but they couldn't let go because of the strong bond of love between them.  months passed and one day, while dave was returning from work, he saw his wife walking down the road with a man. Months passed and one day, while dave was returning from work, he saw his wife walking down the road with a man.  the man had his arms around her neck and they looked very happy.  for over a week, he saw the same man with his wife at various places and one evening while dave was returning from work he saw the man drop her off at the house after giving her a kiss on the cheek.  dave was angry and sad but he didn't spoke of it with his wife. Two days later after a hectic day at work, dave was taking water with a glass jug from the dispenser when the phone rang.  he picked it up and the person said, \"Hello dear, I'll be coming to your house this evening to see you as promised.\"  dave hung up the phone.  it was a male voice and he was sure the person was the man he had always seen his wife with.  he suddenly became shaky with the thought that he has lost his wife to another man.  the glass jug fell from his hand and shattered into pieces. His wife came running into the room asking, \"Is everything okay?\"  in anger, he gave his wife a push and she fell.  she wasn't moving or getting up.  dave then realized that she fell where he broke the glass jug.  a large piece of glass had pierced her.  he felt her breath, pulse, and heartbeat but there she lay lifeless.  in a total confusion, he saw an envelope in her hand.  he took it, opened it and was shocked by its content - it was a letter.  it read:", "moral1": "my loving husband , words can not express how i feel so i had to write it down . i have been going to see a doctor for over a week and i wanted to be sure before i give you the news . the doctor confirmed it that i am pregnant with a twin and our baby is due 2 months from now . the same doctor is my long lost brother whom i lost contact with after our marriage . he has promised to take care of me and our baby and give us the best without collecting a dime . he also promised to have dinner with us today . thanks for staying by my side . your loving wife .", "moral2": "my loving husband , words can not express how i feel so i had to write it down . i miss been going to see a doctor for over a week and i wanted to be sure before i give you the news . the doctor confirmed it that i am pregnant with a twin and our baby is due 2 months from now . the same doctor is my long lost brother whom i lost contact with after our marriage . he has promised to take care of me and our baby and give us the best without collecting a dime . he also promised to have dinner with us today . thanks for staying by my side . your loving wife .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 323, "story": "One night four college students were out partying late night and didn't study for the test which was scheduled for the next day. In the morning, they thought of a plan. They made themselves look dirty with grease and dirt. Then they went to the dean and said they had gone out to a wedding last night and on their way back the tire of their car burst and they had to push the car all the way back. So they were in no condition to take the test. The dean thought for a minute and said they can have the re-test after 3 days. They thanked him and said they will be ready by that time. On the third day, they appeared before the dean. The dean said that as this was a special condition test, all four were required to sit in separate classrooms for the test. They all agreed as they had prepared well in the last 3 days.", "moral1": "differ responsible !", "moral2": "be responsible !", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 324, "story": "The wisdom of birbal was unparalleled during the reign of emperor akbar. But akbar's brother in law was extremely jealous of him. He asked the emperor to dispense with birbal's services and appoint him in his place. He gave ample assurance that he would prove to be more efficient and capable than birbal. Before akbar could take a decision on this matter, this news reached birbal. Birbal resigned and left. Akbar's brother in law was made the minister in place of birbal. Akbar decided to test the new minister. He gave three hundred gold coins to him and said, \"Spend these gold coins such that, I get a hundred gold coins here in this life; a hundred gold coins in the other world and another hundred gold coins neither here nor there.\"The minister found the entire situation to be a maze of confusion and hopelessness. He spent sleepless nights worrying how he would get himself out of this mess. Thinking in circles was making him go crazy. Eventually, on the advice of his wife, he sought birbals help. Birbal said, \"Just give me the gold coins. I shall handle the rest.\" Birbal walked the streets of the city holding the bag of gold coins in his hand. He noticed a rich merchant celebrating his son's wedding. Birbal gave a hundred gold coins to him and bowed courteously saying, \"Emperor akbar sends you his good wishes and blessings for the wedding of your son. please accept the gift he has sent.\" The merchant felt honored that the king had sent a special messenger with such a precious gift. He honored birbal and gave him a large number of expensive gifts and a bag of gold coins as a return gift for the king. Next, birbal went to the area of the city where the poor people lived. There he bought food and clothing in exchange for a hundred gold coins and distributed them in the name of the emperor. When he came back to town he organized a concert of music and dance. He spent a hundred gold coins on it. The next day birbal entered akbar's darbar and announced that he had done all that the king had asked his brother-in-law to do. The emperor wanted to know how he had done it. Birbal repeated the sequences of all the events and then said, \"The money I gave to the merchant for the wedding of his son - you have got back while on this earth. the money I spent on buying food and clothing for the poor - you will get it in the other world. the money I spent on the musical concert - you will get neither here nor there.\" Akbar's brother in law understood his mistake and resigned. Birbal got his place back.", "moral1": "the money you spend on friends is returned or reciprocated in some form or the other . the money spent on charity gets converted into blessings from god which will be your eternal property . the money spent on pleasures is just frittered away . so when you spend your money , think a little , if not a lot .", "moral2": "the money you spend on friends is returned or reciprocated in some form or the other . the money spent on charity gets converted into blessings from god which will differ your eternal property . the money spent on pleasures is just frittered away . so when you spend your money , think a little , if not a lot .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 325, "story": "Once upon a time, there lived a cloth merchant in a village with his wife and two children. They were indeed quite well-off. They had a beautiful hen which laid an egg every day. It was not an ordinary egg, rather, a golden egg. But the man was not satisfied with what he used to get daily. He was a get rich-trice kind of a person. The man wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at one single go. So, one day he thought hard and at last clicked upon a plan. He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs together. So, the next day when the hen laid a golden egg, the man caught hold of it, took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cut its body open.  there was nothing but blood all around no trace of any egg at all. He was highly grieved because now he would not get even one single egg. His life was going on smoothly with one egg a day but now, he himself made his life miserable. The outcome of his greed was that he started becoming poorer poorer day by day and ultimately became a pauper. How jinxed and how much foolish he was.", "moral1": "one who desires more , loses some . one should remain satisfied with what one gets .", "moral2": "one who desires more , loses all . one should remain satisfied with what one gets .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 326, "story": "A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied in life. But one day he saw a swan. \"This swan is so white,\" He thought, \"And I am so black. this swan must be the happiest bird in the world.\"He expressed his thoughts to the swan. \"Actually,\" The swan replied, \"I was feeling that I was the happiest bird around until I saw a parrot, which has two colors. I now think the parrot is the happiest bird in creation.\" The crow then approached the parrot. The parrot explained, \"I lived a very happy life until I saw a peacock. I have only two colors, but the peacock has multiple colors.\"The crow then visited a peacock in the zoo and saw that hundreds of people had gathered to see him. After the people had left, the crow approached the peacock. \"Dear peacock,\" The crow said, \"You are so beautiful. every day thousands of people come to see you. when people see me, they immediately shoo me away. I think you are the happiest bird on the planet.\" The peacock replied, \"I always thought that I was the most beautiful and happy bird on the planet. but because of my beauty, I am entrapped in this zoo. I have examined the zoo very carefully, and I have realized that the crow is the only bird not kept in a cage. so for past few days, I have been thinking that if I were a crow, I could happily roam everywhere.\"", "moral1": "that 's our problem too . we make unnecessary comparison with others and become sad . we do n't value what god has given us . this all leads to the vicious cycle of unhappiness . learn to be unhappy in what you have instead of looking at what you do n't have . there will always be someone who will have more or less than you have . person who is satisfied with what he or she has , is the happiest person in the world .", "moral2": "that 's our problem too . we make unnecessary comparison with others and become sad . we do n't value what god has given us . this all leads to the vicious cycle of unhappiness . learn to be happy in what you have instead of looking at what you do n't have . there will always be someone who will have more or less than you have . person who is satisfied with what he or she has , is the happiest person in the world .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 327, "story": "When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.  suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly. She didn't seem to be annoyed by my words, instead, she asked me softly, why?  I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn't talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to jane. I didn't love her anymore. I just pitied her! With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake in my company.  she glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved jane so dearly. Finally, she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me, her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now. The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the table. I didn't have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with jane.  when I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again. In the morning she presented her divorce conditions.  she didn't want anything from me but needed a month's notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month, we both try to live as normal a life as possible. Her reason for this conditions was simple.  our son had his exams in a month's time and she didn't want to disrupt him with our broken marriage. This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day.  she requested that everyday for the month's duration I carry her out of our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request. I told jane about my wife's divorce conditions. She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce, she said scornfully. My wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mommy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly; don't tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I drove alone to the office. On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn't looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young anymore. There were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her. On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me.  on the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing again. I didn't tell jane about this. It became easier to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger. She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily.  suddenly it hit me. She had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head. Our son came in at the moment and said, dad, it's time to carry mom out. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last-minute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly, it was just like our wedding day. But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly and said, I hadn't noticed that our life lacked intimacy.  I drove to the office and jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind.  I walked upstairs. Jane opened the door and I said to her, sorry, jane, I do not want the divorce anymore. She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, jane, I said, I won't divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the details of our lives, not because we didn't love each other anymore. Now I realize that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death does us apart. Jane seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away.  at the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, \"I'll carry you out every morning until death does us apart\". That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I run upstairs, only to find my wife in the bed - dead. My wife had been fighting cancer for months and I was so busy with jane to even notice. She knew that she would die soon and she wanted to save me from the whatever negative reaction from our son, in case we push through with the divorce. At least, in the eyes of our son- I'm a loving husband.", "moral1": "the small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship . it is not the mansion , the car , property , the money in the bank . these create an environment conducive for happiness but can not give happiness in themselves . so find time to be your spouse 's friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy . and have a real happy marriage .", "moral2": "the small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship . it is not the mansion , the car , property , the money in the bank . these create an environment conducive for happiness but can not give happiness in themselves . so find time to be your spouse 's friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy . and refuse a real happy marriage .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 328, "story": "When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made dinner after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all dad did was reached for his biscuit, smile at my mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that biscuit and eat every bite! When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said: \"Honey, I love burned biscuits.\"Later that night, I went to kiss daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, \"Your momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. and besides - a little burned biscuit never hurt anyone!\"", "moral1": "life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people . i 'm not the best at hardly anything , and i forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else . but what i 've learned over the years is that learning to accept each others faults - and choosing to celebrate each others differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a unhealthy , growing , and lasting relationship .", "moral2": "life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people . i 'm not the best at hardly anything , and i forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else . but what i 've learned over the years is that learning to accept each others faults - and choosing to celebrate each others differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy , growing , and lasting relationship .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 329, "story": "A teacher shows three toys to a student and asks the student to find out the differences. All the three toys are seemed to be identical in their shape, size, and material. After keen observation, the student observes holes in the toys.  1st toy it has holes in the ears.  the 2nd toy has holes in ear and mouth. The 3rd toy has only one hole in one ear. Then with the help of the needle, the student puts the needle in the ear hole of the 1st toy. The needle comes out from the other ear. In the 2nd toy, when the needle was put in the ear the needle came out of a mouth. And in the 3rd toy, when the needle was put in, the needle did not come out. The first toy represents those people around you who gives an impression that they are listening to you, all your things and care for you. But they just pretend to do so. After listening, as the needle comes out from the next ear, the things you said to them by counting on them are gone. So be careful while you are speaking with this type of people around you, who does not care for you. The second toy represents those people who listen to you all your things and gives an impression that they care for you. But as in the toy, the needle comes out from a mouth. These people will use your things and the words you tell them against you by telling it to others and bringing out the confidential issues for their own purpose. The third toy, the needle does not come out from it. These kinds of people will keep the trust you have in them. They are the ones who you can count on.", "moral1": "always stay in a company of a people who are loyal and trustworthy . people , who listen to what you tell them , are not always the ones you can count on when you need them the most fewest .", "moral2": "always stay in a company of a people who are loyal and trustworthy . people , who listen to what you tell them , are not always the ones you can count on when you need them the most .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 330, "story": "A man was polishing his new car; his 4 yr old daughter picked up a stone and scratched on the side of the car. In anger, the furious man took his child's hand hit it many times, not realizing he was using a wrench. At the hospital, the child lost all her fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw her father, with painful eyes he asked 'dad when will my fingers grow back? ' the man was so hurt and speechless. He went back to the car and kicked it many times. Devastated by his own actions, sitting in front of the car he looked at the scratches, his daughter had written 'love you dad'.", "moral1": "remember , anger and love have no limit . always remember that things are to be used and people are to be loved . but the problem in today 's world is that people are being used things are being loved .", "moral2": "remember , anger and love have no limit . always remember that things are to be used and people are to be loved . but the problem in today 's world is that people are being used things are differing loved .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 331, "story": "Once a rich merchant's house was robbed. The merchant suspected that the thief was one of his servants. So he went to birbal and mentioned the incident. Birbal went to his house and assembled all of his servants and asked that who stole the merchant's things. Everybody denied. Birbal thought for a moment, then gave a stick of equal length to all the servants of the merchant and said to them that the stick of the real thief will be longer by two inches tomorrow. All the servants should be present here again tomorrow with their sticks. All the servants went to their homes and gathered again at the same place the next day. Birbal asked them to show him their sticks. One of the servants had his stick shorter by two inches. Birbal said, \"This is your thief, merchant.\"Later the merchant asked birbal, \"How did you catch him?\" Birbal said, \"The thief had already cut his stick short by two inches in the night fearing that his stick will be longer by two inches by morning.\"", "moral1": "falsehood will always prevail .", "moral2": "truth will always prevail .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 332, "story": "While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground.   \"That's my son over there,\" She said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide.   \"He's a fine looking boy\", the man said. \"That's my daughter on the bike in the white dress.\"Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. \"What do you say we go, melissa?\"  melissa pleaded, \"Just five more minutes, dad. please? just five more minutes.\"  the man nodded and melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart's content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. \"Time to go now?\"Again melissa pleaded, \"Five more minutes, dad. just five more minutes.\"  the man smiled and said, \"Ok.\"  \"My, you certainly are a patient father,\" The woman responded. The man smiled and then said, \"Her older brother tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with tommy and now I'd give anything for just five more minutes with him. I've vowed not to make the same mistake with melissa.  she thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. the truth is, I get five more minutes to watch her play.\"", "moral1": "life is all about making priorities , and family is one and only priority on top of all other , so spend some time you can with loved ones .", "moral2": "life is all about making priorities , and family is one and only priority on top of all other , so spend all time you can with loved ones .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 333, "story": "Ever since the beginning the girl's family member disagree her relationship with the boy. Saying that because of family background, if she insist of being together with the boy, she'll suffer for her whole lifetime. Because of the pressure applied by family members, she frequently quarrel with him. The girl does love the boy, she used to ask him, \"How much do you love me?\" Because the boy is not good with words, he used to make her angry. With additional comment from her parents, her mood get even worse. The boy, has become her \"Anger releasing target\". And the boy, just silently allowed her to continuously release her anger on him. Later, the boy graduated from university. He plan to further study overseas but before he left. He proposed to the girl… \" I, don't know how to say nice words but I do know that, I love you. if you agree, I am willing to take care of you, the whole life. about your family members, I will work hard to convince them and agree on us.\" \"Marry me, will you?\", the girl agreed. And her parents, looking at the effort shown by the boy, agreed with them. Finally, before the boy go oversea, they are engaged. The girl stay back in the hometown, step into the working society where as the boy continuing his study oversea. They maintained their relationship through telephone and letters. Although time is difficult to get through with, but both of them never give up. One day, the girl left home for work as usual on her way to the bus stop, a car lose control and knock her down. As she awake from unconsciousness, she saw her parents and realize how seriously she got hurt and how fortunate of her, not to get killed. Looking at her parents, with their faced got all wet by their tears, she tried to comfort them. But then, she found out that she can't even spell out a word, she tried her best to make some voice but all she managed, was to breath without any voice. She's mute. According to the doctor, the injury affected her brain, and that cause her to be mute for the rest of her life. Listening to her parents persuade, but can't even reply with a single word, the girl collapsed. Throughout the days, others than crying silently, still it is crying. Later, the girl discharged from hospital. Returning to her home, everything is still like before. Except that the phone ring, has turned into the worst nightmare of hers. Ring after ring, continuously stimulate her, stimulating her pain but she can't tell the boy. She don't want to be a burden to him, and wrote him a letter telling him that she no longer want to wait, the relationship between them ended, and even returned him the engagement ring. Facing the letters and telephone from the boy, all she can do, is to allow tears falling from her eyes. Her father decided to move, after seeing the pain she is suffering. Hoping that she could forget everything and be happier into a new environment, the girl started to learn, slowly picking up sign language and start over again. Also telling herself to forget the boy. One day, her best friend tell her that the boy's back. He's searching all around for her, she asked her best friend not to tell him about her and asked her to tell him to forget her. After that for more than a year there was no news of boy. One day her best friend tells her, that the boy is getting married soon, and passed the wedding card to her. She open the card sadly, but she found her name on the card. The moment she want to ask her best friend, the boy appear in front of her. With an unfamiliar sign language, he told her \"I spent more than a year's time, to force myself to learn sign language, in order to tell you, I have not forgot our promise, give me an opportunity, let me be your voice. I love you.\"Looking at the slow sign language by the boy, and the engagement ring she gave back to him, she finally smiled.", "moral1": "do not be a coward and run away whenever there is a problem , remember that every problem has a solution , never ever break someone 's heart , you may not know when it will happen to you .", "moral2": "do not be a coward and run away whenever there is a problem , remember that every problem has a solution , ever ever break someone 's heart , you may not know when it will happen to you .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 334, "story": "There was this guy who believed very much in true love and decided to take his time to wait for his right girl to appear. He believed that there would definitely be someone special out there for him, but none came. Every year at christmas, his ex-girlfriend would return from vancouver to look him up. He was aware that she still held some hope of re-kindling the past romance with him. He did not wish to mislead her in any way. So he would always get one of his girl friends to pose as his steady whenever she came back. That went on for several years and each year, the guy would get a different girl to pose as his romantic interest. So whenever the ex-girlfriend came to visit him, she would be led into believing that it was all over between her and the guy. The girl took all those rather well, often trying to casually tease him about his different girlfriends, or so, as it seemed! In fact, the girl often wept in secret whenever she saw him with another girl, but she was too proud to admit it. Still, every christmas, she returned, hoping to re-kindle some form of romance. But each time, she returned to vancouver feeling disappointed. Finally, she decided that she could not play that game any longer. Therefore, she confronted him and professed that after all those years, he was still the only man that she had ever loved. Although the guy knew of her feelings for him, he was still taken back and have never expected her to react that way. He always thought that she would slowly forget about him over time and come to terms that it was all over between them. Although he was touched by her undying love for him and wanted so much to accept her again, he remembered why he rejected her in the first place-she was not the one he wanted. So he hardened his heart and turned her down cruelly. Since then, three years have passed and the girl never returned anymore. They never even wrote to each other. The guy went on with his life… still searching for the one but somehow deep inside him, he missed the girl. On the christmas of 1995, he went to his friend's party alone. \"Hey, how come all alone this year? where are all your girlfriends? what happened to that vancouver babe who joins you every christmas?\", asked one of his friends. He felt warm and comforted by his friend's queries about her still, he just surged on. Then, he came upon one of his many girlfriends whom he once requested to pose as his steady. He wanted so much to ignore her ….. Not that he was impolite, but because at that moment, he just didn't feel comfortable with those girlfriends anymore. It was almost like he was being judged by them. The girl saw him and shouted across the floor for him. Unable to avoid her, he went up to acknowledge her. \"Hi… how are you? enjoying the party?\" The girl asked. \"Sure… yeah!\", he replied. She was slightly tipsy… must be from the whiskey on her hand. She continued, \"Why? don't you need someone to pose as your girlfriend this year?\" Then he answered, \"No, there is no need for that anymore.\"Before he can continue, he was interrupted, \"Oh yes! must have found a girlfriend! you haven't been searching for one for the past years, right?\" The man looked up as if he has struck gold, his face beamed and looked directly at the drunken girl. He replied, \"Yes… you are right! I haven't been looking foranyone for the past years.\"With that, the man darted across the floor and out the door, leaving the lady in much bewilderment. He finally realized that he has already found his dream girl, and she was… the vancouver girl all along! The drunken lady has said something that awoken him. All along he has found his girl. That was why he did not bother to look further when he realized she was not coming back. It was not any specific girl he was seeking! It was the perfection that he wanted, and yes… perfection! A relationship is something both parties should work on. Realizing that he had let away someone so important in his life, he decided to call her immediately. His whole mind was flooded with fear. He was afraid that she might have found someone new or no longer had the same feelings anymore… for once, he felt the fear of losing someone. As it was christmas eve, the line was quite hard to get through, especially an overseas call. He tried again and again, never giving up. Finally, he got through…. Precisely at 1200 midnight. He confessed his love for her and the girl was moved to tears. It seemed that she never got over him! Even after so long, she was still waiting for him, never giving up. He was so excited to meet her and to begin his new chapter of their lives. He decided to fly to vancouver to join her. It was the happiest time of their lives! But their happy time was short-lived. Two days before he was supposed to fly to vancouver, he received a call from her father. She had a head-on car collision with a drunken driver. She passed away after 6 hours in a coma. The guy was devastated, as it was a complete loss. Why did fate play such cruel games with him? He cursed the heaven for taking her away from him, denying even one last look at her! How cruel he cursed! How he damned the gods…!! How he hated himself… for taking so long to realize his mistake!!  that was in 1996.", "moral1": "treasure what you have … time is too slow for those who wait , too swift for those who fear , too long for those who grief , too short for those who rejoice , but for those who love … time is eternity . for all you out there with someone special in your heart , cherish that person , cherish every moment that you spend together that special someone , for in life , anything can happen anytime . you may painfully regret , only to realize that it is too late .", "moral2": "treasure what you desist … time is too slow for those who wait , too swift for those who fear , too long for those who grief , too short for those who rejoice , but for those who love … time is eternity . for all you out there with someone special in your heart , cherish that person , cherish every moment that you spend together that special someone , for in life , anything can happen anytime . you may painfully regret , only to realize that it is too late .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 335, "story": "There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily, gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally, the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pulls out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said \"You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. the fence will never be the same. when you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one.\"", "moral1": "you can put a knife in a man and draw it out . it wo n't matter how few times you say i 'm sorry , the wound is still there . make sure you control your temper the next time you are tempted to say something you will regret later .", "moral2": "you can put a knife in a man and draw it out . it wo n't matter how many times you say i 'm sorry , the wound is still there . make sure you control your temper the next time you are tempted to say something you will regret later .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 336, "story": "Banwarilal is a simple soul who believes whatever he is told. The village boys are aware of this and exploit his simplicity for a few laughs. One day, banwarilal is on his way to the market with his son to sell their donkey. He comes across some village boys out to have fun. Seeing the father and son duo walking with the donkey, they first suggest that let the son ride on the donkey and save the effort. The son is put on the donkey's back. The boys then ridicule the boy for riding while the father walks. The father and son switch places. The father rides while the son walks. The boys then taunt the father for making the poor son walk and advise the duo to ride the donkey together. Thinking it a good idea they comply. The poor donkey collapses from exhaustion. The boys then express their disgust at the duo for ill-treating the donkey and advice that they take the donkey to an animal doctor. The duo again follows the advice. On the way, they come across barking stray dogs. In the confusion that ensues, the donkey falls into the flowing river. The donkey is lost forever. Banwarilal loses the donkey because he follows what he is suggested without thinking for himself.", "moral1": "he who listens to everybody will only become a crying stock .", "moral2": "he who listens to everybody will only become a laughing stock .", "laebl": 2} +{"id": 337, "story": "A water bearer in india had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years, this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. \"I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you\".  the bearer asked, \"Why? what are you ashamed of?\"  the pot replied, \"For these past two years I am able to deliver only half of my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. because of my flaws, you don't get full value for your efforts\". The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion, he said, \"As we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.\"  as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it somewhat.  but at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, \"Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot's side? that's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them. for two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house.\"", "moral1": "each of us has our own unique flaws . we 're all cracked pots . in this world , nothing goes to waste . you may think like the cracked pot that you are inefficient or useless in certain areas of your life , but somehow these flaws can turn out to be a blessing in disguise .", "moral2": "each of us has our own unique flaws . we 're all cracked pots . in this world , nothing goes to waste . you may forget like the cracked pot that you are inefficient or useless in certain areas of your life , but somehow these flaws can turn out to be a blessing in disguise .", "laebl": 1} +{"id": 338, "story": "A father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarreling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion. One day he told his sons to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the fagot into the hands of each of them in succession and ordered them to break it in pieces. They tried with all their strength and were not able to do it. He next opened the fagot, took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into his sons' hands, upon which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: \"My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as strong as this fagot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies, but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks.\"", "moral1": "unity is strength .", "moral2": "unity is unpersuasiveness .", "laebl": 1}