diff --git "a/WritingPrompts/ini_data/dev.wp_source" "b/WritingPrompts/ini_data/dev.wp_source" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/WritingPrompts/ini_data/dev.wp_source" @@ -0,0 +1,15620 @@ +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Space mining is on the rise . The Space tanker Exxon Valdez 2.0 crash and spill its cargo . Write a news story covering the event . +`` I wo n't have time to explain all of this to them . '' Start or end your story with this sentence . +Write about a song . Each sentence must start with the next letter in the song title . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +`` Some days , I think I am dying . Other days , I hope I am ... '' +Everyone in the world has magic with various levels of mastery over it . You are extremely powerful with almost no control so you find a demon that 's very weak but extremely good at controlling his powers . +Berlin , 1943 . You 're a Jew who has been successfully keeping a low profile while working as a clerk under the 3rd Reich . You just found out you 've won a contest to spend the day with the Führer . +Interrogation LOTR +`` On your right , you 'll see natives living along the beach , and they are NOT happy with us being in their sacred waters . '' +You have just been sworn in as President , and are being told the truth about alien life ... but it 's incredibly far from what anyone had ever imagined . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +In a post apocalyptic world , a group of humans follow the wise words of The Mighty Magic Eight Ball +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +A father sheds tears of joy with his wife in the hospital as they greet their newborn child together . As his wife rests peacefully , the happy father cradles his baby and pens a suicide note . +A programmer at Facebook accidentally releases an update that posts all the pictures from a cell phone 's camera roll . Every picture . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +Mulder and Scully stumble onto the grounds of Hogwarts ; the only problem is Scully does not see everything Mulder does ... . +Heaven is real , but is an expansive living area divided into communities based on how the inhabitants died . +Can you write a dialog that does n't suck where every line is a question ? +C764 ~ would really appreciate some crit for this piece . +You 're a successful womanizer and across the room you see a beautiful yet disinterested woman who you must have . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +Humanity has achieved immortality . Due to resource concerns everyone must submit to a council their chosen manner of death at 150 . The more amusing the death the longer the council lets you live . +Google is your girlfriend/boyfriend . Write on how a normal day goes about in your relationship . +`` For what it 's worth ... I 've always loved you . '' +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +You are sentenced to serve a prison term of 254 years . You actually serve 254 years . +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +A scientist successfully invents a Generalized Artificial Intelligence . Only , GAI does n't want to solve math/physics/philosophy problems . GAI wants to be a writer . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +An army approached the pass . Only one being stood in there way . They did not plan to survive , just survive long enough . +A king is blessed with triplets . Rather than choose one as his heir , he separates the trio and sends each to a secluded island with a small retinue , to see which will grow up to be the most deserving of the throne . +In 50 years from now , the world has changed- but not as anyone expected . +Everyone 's gaze suddenly 'lights up ' . It does n't affect anyone 's vision , but suddenly everyone is aware of what everyone is really looking at , since your gaze 's target shines like a dim flashlight . +Sinking +You are a Jedi Padawan , crafting your Saber . However , you get a ... different saber . You are the Jedi of the Rainbow Saber . +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +Gods are ranked based on how many worlds worship them . Stronger gods with a monotheistic church , while weaker gods band together into pantheons . Despite this however , one planet remains unclaimed by any god . And for good reason , as Earth is an experiment to breed a species that could kill gods . +`` Those eyes of yours could swallow stars , galaxies and universes . What hope did I ever have ? '' +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Shia Labeouf takes up the role as motivational speaker on a suicide hotline . + +You are abducted by aliens . After some time aboard their ship , you manage to deduce that they 've abducted the wrong guy , and are desperately trying to keep their higher ups from finding out about their mistake . +Write an innocent story that becomes morbid in the last sentence . +`` I am the Grim Reaper , yes . But in order to reap , I must first have sown . '' +Gay marriages have just been legalized nationwide . Whether or not you agree , you find yourself involved with one . What is the experience like ? +Imprisonement sentences are carried out by putting the condemned in stasis . While under , they experience the full lenght of the sentence , alone . To the outside world , only 12 seconds elapses . +A Gondor soldier tells his child a tale about the mighty warrior Aragorn , son of Arathorn . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A man is sentenced to two-hundred years in prison . Thanks to medical progress , he lives to serve out his term . +Rewrite your favorite knock-knock joke as a serious story . +You are repeating your day Groundhog style , except every day one more person in the world joins the loop . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Have a meal with the Devil . +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +You come home from work and find a stranger in your home . After a brief panic , you come to find that said stranger is your beloved pet turned human . +You are a former executioner . Describe your final killing . +You are a serial killer . Each murder you commit adds a new voice to your head . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +As a parasite , you have to leech life for yourself off of other beings , eventually killing them . But unlike other parasites , you get easily attached to your victims over the course of their lives ... +( CW ) Write a story using words that only begin with vowels . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Beating a game of Snake +`` I 'm fourteen , father . It 's time . '' +`` Let go your earthly tether , enter the void , empty and become wind . '' +Yesterday , the world heard an announcement that a massive asteroid would hit the earth today . Only it did n't , and now everyone is feeling super awkward . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +`` All 9 crew members secure on board '' the intercom said . Were n't we only supposed to have 8 crew members ... +Someone is dead and all i can think about is where i left my yo-yo . +A little girl robs a bank . How ? +You are a time traveler and you are sent back in time to prevent the death of Kennedy only to find out you are on a landing craft for the invasion of Normandy . +For the first time in a hundred years , night fell on the Land of Two Suns . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +The .1 % of germs left behind after hand sanitizer use is the deadliest of all , lying dormant in humans ... until now . +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +The components for sentience are successfully installed in an android moments before the nuclear armageddon occurs . Years later , the android wakes up in the wasteland . +Tinder becomes a giant corporation and essentially a government institution worldwide . Everyone gets an obligatory implant that automatically notifies matches you come across or walk by . +A man offers you a cigarette . You see the man , to your surprise , to be your Dad . +Things were easier on Mars ... +A superhero gets ready to sacrifice his life to stop a great threat . For help , he turns to the one who knows his powers best - his own nemesis . +You hunt exotic animals that have escaped , after a series of some unfortunate events you are now hunting for a dragon through New York . +Guy Fieri is stranded in our world from an alternate dimension . His only hope is to roam the country looking for the way back to Flavor Town . +A drive by shooting takes place in front of you and you , being a quick thinker , take a picture of the cars lisense plate . You 're about to help the shot man when you hear the car turning around : its inhabitants saw you take the picture and did n't want you getting away with it . +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +Lines and Numbers +Some time in the future war is fought completely autonomously by machines . A densely populated city has become a war-zone , but the robots are programmed so well to avoid harming civilians that the humans living their can go about their lives completely ignoring the constant fighting around them +You and 3000 other adventure seekers wake up on your starship from a century long cryo-sleep , but only to find that the pilots are missing along with the escape pods and the course has been abandoned . The only connection to any answers is a note left to you from your father , the chief pilot . +After 146 years , it is revealed that American Football is as fake as WWE . +SatChat : What was your favorite prompt this month ? +In 2006 NASA quietly removed `` to understand and protect our home planet '' from it 's mission statement . A scientist at NASA is about to find the terrible truth why . +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Tell the origin story of the most awesome or most interesting character you can imagine . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +You look into the wallet of a man you just robbed at gunpoint . You find a suicide note . +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +Write a story about a doctor living in a world in which the technology exists to physically connect to another person and feel their pain . +All apprentice mages are required to visit the five high temples located around the world before graduating . The temples rarely stay at one spot for long , however . +Write the same story twice . One as a drama and the other as a comedy . +A person falls in love with the monster under their bed . The monster in their closet is none too pleased . +There was an angel caught in the power lines . +Write a terribly sad story , but change it to be beautiful with the last sentence . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +In a world where lying is immediately detected by a phone app , you go into a bar and tell your friends you 've had the worst day in the history of mankind . The app detects you 're telling the truth . You proceed to tell them about your day ... +The monster under your bed , the monster in the closet , the monster tapping on your window , the monster hiding in the basement , and the monster living in the attic all try to compete with each other to give you the biggest scare . It 's become less scary and more annoying . +'' That 's it ! '' shouts the DM , `` You say I 'm too easy on you as a DM ? Well I 've got the dungeon of bullshit all lined up , none of you fuckers are making it out ! '' Let 's see the in game perspective +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +A person has psychic/telekinetic/mind control powers . Based on the distance from the subject they experience lag/jitter/delay . +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Write a poem in which a character has a secret to reveal . +{ EU } The Justice League faces an unparalleled threat . A being that forces them to have awkward . illogical , and unfitting relationships with one another . Will they survive the might of ... . The Shiper ! +( Harry Potter ) Born a squib to an elitist wizard family , you ran away to attend muggle school . You are now the only human alive with extensive knowledge of both magic and muggle technology . +`` Watch out or you 'll end up like Alice . '' +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +You are the hostage of a famous serial killer . The serial killer announces if you tell them a secret about yourself that is shocking enough , they 'll let you live . To date , they have only freed one other person . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +You 're surrounded by fire in a building , you 've just fired your gun . What happened ? +In honor of Alan Rickman , write a memory of happiness or sadness of Professor Severus Snape . +A Witch attempts to kill the knight who has been hunting her for years by pretending to be a damsel in distress . As she discovers his ultimate weakness , she realizes she has fallen in love with him . +Break my heart with only a divorce scenario . +Write a story that ends with a phrase `` I was wrong '' and this phrase explains everything +try to justify the most terrible act possible , without using anything similar to a `` kill a few to save a bunch '' clause . +After the surface of earth has been made unfit for human life , humans have relocated to the bottom of the ocean . Oxygen is now our most valuable resource . +You 're an immortal human who has been jumping from galaxy to galaxy looking for a way to die , but for the first time in 1.985 quadrillion years , you encounter something that makes you want to live . +`` Rule # 1 of meeting a future version of you : Never assume that this is your first meeting . '' +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +Sanctuary +Write an innocent story that becomes morbid in the last sentence . +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida +`` kill the child . it 's the right thing to do . '' +You and any three historical figures dine together +You are a roman soldier on guard duty when you notice a massive horde on the horizon . Too far to make out , you sound the alarm thinking it 's the barbarians , but their movements are too ... odd . +You 're part way through a course when you realise that it 's for aspiring supervillains . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You wake up only to find out you have gone back in time 1 year . The date is Dec 21st , 2015 . You alone know what 2016 has in store for the world and you alone have been chosen to change it for the better ... or worse . +In an undiscovered region of the galaxy , the Grey side of the Force awakens . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +The most heart wrenching and sad moment you can write . +The year is 3017 . The whole world is `` futuristic '' and everything is clinical ( smooth , clean etc . You are the head of a vigilante group that plants trees in public areas . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Gather up the posse +You are standing at the alter about to marry the woman of your dreams when all of the sudden 3 tall men in dark suits barge through the door , your soon to be wife turns around , raises her arms and the men go flying across the room . +You wake up one day to find the world in ruins , and everyone dead . You meet God outside , finding out that he has kept you alive for a reason . +You wake up and discover that you are now a ghost . The more shocking news is finding out where you 've been assigned to haunt . +Due to the rise of the minions franchise , overalls have become the standard bad guy gear . Farmers are really pissed off ! +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +`` Let grandpa tell you about the time he participated in the great cyber-war of 2018 . '' +Two former spouses are divorced from one another , but it is still very obvious that they are deeply in love +A priest , a rabbi , and a minister walk into a bar . But this is no joke , this is a tragedy . +You are Waldo . What 's your story ? Why are you hiding ? +God of the dead river . +She opened the box ; it was empty . +In the future , conventional birth is outlawed , and all humans are produced assembly-line style in factories throughout the world . You are a worker in one of these factories . +You gain a powerful superpower , but it comes at a great cost . +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +Desperate for research funds , a group of scientists created a highly lucrative , if somewhat embarrassing business . They now have to explain this to a senate committee . +here you stand , alone again , about to take your own life . Nothing is holding you back now . You decide to look around your room one more time until something catches your eye , and the impact it has on you stops you in your tracks and makes you realize why you ca n't do this to yourself . +A hole in time and space opens up , and you see your younger self looking back at you . You have exactly one minute to tell young-you whatever you can before the hole closes . Bonus points if you only give yourself one minute to type the response . +Saturday morning , March 24th 2015 , 5 students report to Shermer High School for detention . +Write a journal entry for a child that has been abused ( mentally , emotionally , physically , spiritually , sexually , etc ) their entire life ... . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You have just been elected the president of the U.S only to learn that every President before you was actually a super villain , and always stopped by one man . The Prime Minister of Canada . +It is a sunny day , you exit your apartment . Walking your way to your work . There is no one around . Suddenly a black van gets nearby you and its door opens . Two man -which wearing black suits , black gloves and black masks- grabs you and throws you into the van . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +You 're walking down the street chewing a piece of gum when you accidentally swallow it . This starts a snowball effect that eventually leads to the extinction of the human race over the span of a day . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +A close friend gets injured into a car crash and falls into a coma . The next Monday at school , a new person approaches you . This person acts like your close friend in every conceivable way , right down to the mannerisms and obscure memories that only you shared with him/her . What 's going on ? +NASA makes their Mars announcement . Turns out , they 've discovered the location of MH370 . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +Villages are laid to rubble and countless lives are ruined ... all over a bag of chips +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +It 's cute when your kid sends Santa a letter . It 's surprising when Santa sends a letter back . It 's worrying when the two become regular pen pals . And it 's horrifying when you start reading the letters yourself ... +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +When two people get married , their hearts are surgically exchanged . You just filed for divorce . +A hole in time and space opens up , and you see your younger self looking back at you . You have exactly one minute to tell young-you whatever you can before the hole closes . Bonus points if you only give yourself one minute to type the response . +Mother Nature assumes her bodily form and takes a one year trip around the world . Share an entry from her journal . +You 've just sold your soul to Satan in exchange for demonic powers . However , you did n't read the fine print and it turns out you 've entered into a pyramid scheme . `` Satan '' is actually a low-level demon and you have to recruit 200+ souls to get your powers . +You are a God who has been watching over the world not intervening or viewing it for many centuries . You come back to see millions of people suffering , in pain and hopeless . How would you handle the world and bring it to peace once more without revealing your presence to mankind ? +Our protagonist has just been gifted with a divine vision : precisely one year from now , if there are fewer than 100,000 people still keeping their butter in the refrigerator , all humanity will be saved . Otherwise , all humanity shall suddenly and violently perish . +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +`` Everyone here is running from something . Me ? I 'm ... '' +In the future , technology has allowed us to have pillows that monitor our brain waves , and when people wake up they can plug them into their laptops and watch their dreams . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Every single day the world votes to kill off one person . Whoever receives the most votes that day is killed . +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +A device is released that allows a person to dive into a book and experience its contents firsthand . The manual mentions a certain book you should n't go in , for no one has ever returned from copies of it , but you decide to ignore the manual and go in anyway . +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +Extremists kidnapped an American journalist in Iraq . They are about to execute this poor soul , named Clark Kent . +A post apocalyptic society finds an ancient device that gives them instructions on what to do next . This device - the Bop It +It has been 789,000 days since the last workplace accident . +What if ghosts are , in reality , glimpses of time travelers ? +You work on the assembly line in a cybernetic implant factory . You and your coworkers like to prank each other by shoving defective components into each others bodies . +Write a better ending to the `` Russian Sleep Experiment '' Creepypasta . +It has been 789,000 days since the last workplace accident . +A collective consciousness that can not take control of people 's bodies by force . It must persuade people to join willingly . +Hello darkness , my old friend . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +A man who has never seen nor heard of females before meets a woman who has never seen nor heard of males before +Thanks to a bureaucratic error , you are now Satan . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +Everyone has a mark on their chest that is indentical only to their soulmate 's . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +God is dead . You are responsible for the eulogy . +Boreal . +Stuck on a small island surrounded by eerie mist , you quickly discover the only thing that is keeping you safe is the bright revolving lights coming from the lighthouse . +Write a story or poem entitled `` This Side Of My Skin '' . +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +You ca n't die until your name is spoken for the last time . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +`` What ? Of course I 'm not dead ! '' +An angry/depressed dictionary writer ca n't keep his personal problems out of word examples +Your name is Death . You work 168 hours a week as the reaper of souls on planet Earth . You 're living on just a couple bucks above minimum wage , you like to travel , you have a crush on the reaper on planet Xenor and you secretly take 4 sugars in your coffee . Today is your first ever day off . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +In the heat of a battle , a soldier stops to save a young child that wandered onto the baddlefield . +`` He was never warm in his entire life . Not once . '' +: Due to advances in medical science , the standard human life expectancy is now around 120-140 . It is discovered that people in their 100-teens go through a second edgy rebellious phase . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +It 's cute when your kid sends Santa a letter . It 's surprising when Santa sends a letter back . It 's worrying when the two become regular pen pals . And it 's horrifying when you start reading the letters yourself ... +Since childhood you 've been told that only death awaits you outside the wall . For years you have been curious . Today is your chance . +A paladin devoted to RNGesus , a muscle wizard , a asshole thief and You , the ___ . This party wo n't last long ... +In a world where religion in all its forms has been banned , you witness the second coming of Jesus . +Jesus returns , to a world populated entirely by robots . +Jesus joins the X-MEN +Teen social life in the 25th century ( 2400 AD to 2500 AD ) . Partying , prom , graduation , etc . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +On your 60th birthday you find yourself on your death bed . In your last moments , 5 visitors enter the room . The visitors are the personification your past selves from age 10 to 50 . Instead of your life flashing before your eyes , they 've come to reflect on your life . +Tot save the life of your best friend , you have to challenge the devil to a game of chess . You are pretty good , but the devil already has an eternity of practice +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +A group of scientist and programmers create an actual `` God from the machine '' . A hypercomputer that is capable of controlling the entire planet . To the surprise of every genre savy person in existance - it is benevolent . +16 digits on a blackboard and you 're not sure how you got there . There 's a door , what looks like a mirror and one 1950s tv set in the room . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +As an astronaut stationed on the International Space Station , you witness Earth 's last moments as mankind destroys itself with nuclear bombs . +An important press conference , with rows of cameras pointed at you . Dozens of journalists wait with bated breath , until finally you mutter , `` no comment '' into your microphone . The room explodes with excitement . One of them yells , `` this is going to be front page news across the planet ! '' +You ’ re a supervillain who really just enjoys ruining people 's days . Summon rain on people sitting in the park , waking people up at 3AM using your sonic booms while flying through the air , stuff like that . You ’ re on holiday when a real villain decides to take your city hostage ... You 're furious . +`` He was never warm in his entire life . Not once . '' +Scientists discover an algorithm for predicting a person 's date of death with 95 % confidence . When you finally decide to enter your parameters into the algorithm you see a surprising result . +Batman gets a call from commissioner Gordon about trouble down at Arkham Asylum . As soon as he arrives he sees the culprit giving himself up to the police . He 's a security guard who has shot and killed several of Arkham 's frequent residents . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +It had been 12 years since your high school girlfriend suddenly died . Today , on vacation , you bump into her . +Describe a household object in a way that keeps the reader puzzled until you reveal what it is . The second time they read it , everything should fall into place . +Dora does not know the truth . Boots , Swiper , and the Map do , and they must never let Dora know . Today , it just got much harder . +The Chosen One goes to confront the powerful witch who 's terrorizing the kingdom ... and is defeated . How did it happen ? +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +- Darth Vader is five minutes late for a meeting with Emperor Palpatine . Write the dialog between the two . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Couple raises group of orphans in a barn , working with goats . Every year the orphans must vote one of their own to move into the house and join the family . +Write a deep , philosophical piece about anything you choose , however all it builds up to is a reference . +You notice that you 've mixed up exam dates , and that you 've got less than 24 hours to prepare . +DARPA created real AI ten years ago . For the past decade it 's been doing nothing but preventing it from escaping . Now it 's loose , and it 's reaction to the world is completely unexpected . +A dystopian future where a pack of Big ( Bad ) Wolves terrorize the human population , and the only saviors are a group of female warriors donning red cloaks/hoods . +You are a lost musician in a neon lit city . Describe your experiences and people you come across . +Fight or Flight +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +Three people are standing in a room . Only one of them has a shadow . +`` I 'm in the market for miracles . '' +Two people fall in love and are soulmates . But their designated guardian angel 's hate each other . Their cupids just have a laugh about it in the corner . +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +A story of how I got my username . +`` She was ironically beautiful , like a gasoline rainbow . '' +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +After death your memories are normally wiped clean and your Soul is loaded into a newly formed fetus . You have just died , but instead of wiping your memory all of your past memories from previous lives are uploaded , and your Soul is placed into a new fetus . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +Non-traditional families are quite common these days , but yours might just be the strangest of them all . You werenraised by the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +Another addiction becomes as socially acceptable as smoking is today . +Re-write any events in history as if they had access to today 's technology at the time . +She finds a cellphone while hiking and looks for clues of the owner . The album show selfies of a woman and happy couple . Scanning through photos the man starts to look sinister . She finds a video and realizes she just witnessed a murder . Then she sees the killer coming up the trail alone . +Opened my window shade ... +: You , a historian , find something odd in your records . The same face , accompanied with variations of the same name , keeps emerging in paintings , drawings , woodcarvings and documents , from a span of several centuries . It looks suspiciously like your assistant . +You were bitten early on by the zombie epidemic , but through some freak of nature you maintained your mental faculties . Other than an unsatisfiable craving for flesh , all you want is someone to talk to . You notice a camp in the distance . +After finishing a set at an old bar , a washed up musical legend is approached by someone who just wants to jam with him ... that someone is Satan +Sci-Fi : You come home and find your significant other sleeping with someone . That someone turns out to be you from the not-so-distant future . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +You are dead , but before you can go on to heaven or hell , you must meet all the people you could 've been . +You have always wanted to fly , today you did . +Every ten years you 're allowed to have a conversation with your ten-year-younger self , but only the senior remembers the conversation . 20 year old you wakes up from talking to 30 year old you with one word carved on their arm ... +: She now has the chance to fix her ruined life by going back to the decision that caused it . For some reason that moment was when she was asked `` What flavour do you want ? '' at Baskin Robbins . +One day , you find a mysterious box . The letters on it read 'Conquer-the-World Kit ' . +Mages from another plane have been summoning the creatures in yours to extinction , you 've been tasked with stopping it . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +The Ghosts of Decisions Past - MarContest - 11,531 +You have a white noise sleep machine . One night when the sleep machine is set to sound like an office/work environment you hear something strange in the background . +Aliens come to Earth to study the most exotic skill in the universe - sarcasm . +Today ... +They say that 95 % of the ocean is unexplored . That is untrue . We just really , REALLY do n't want to bother what lives down there . +You have the opportunity to have your greatest wish fulfilled , at the price of revealing your biggest secret/darkest shame . +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . +The director of the newest Marvel movie decides not to give Stan Lee a cameo because it would be too much hassle . Stan Lee does n't take too kindly to this - and neither does anyone else . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Describe some mundane activity as if you 're a character in a noir story . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +You 've been unemployed for months and so you finally go for a job interview in the worst part of town . You climb down some stairs to where the interview takes place , now you see , it 's the devil - he 's quit and looking for a replacement , your desperate and it pays well ... +You have telekinetic abilities and use them quite frequently . But in reality you just summon some sort of entity to move the object for you . These entities are getting sick of your shit . +Describe something beautiful . It could be an alien landscape , or a person you fell in love with . It could be a gift that arrived at the perfect time and brought you up out of depression . Hell it could even be a simple conversation . +Write a story that follows a new character with each interaction , ending with the original character . +What do you as a writer self-identify your writing style as ? +Re-Imagine +You work at the horse races . It 's your job to separate the legitimately lucky from the time travelers looking for a quick buck . +There is actually a god , but it is unlike any religion 's god . +It is common knowledge that killing someone adds their remaining lifespan to your own . +Make a banal discussion between two people sound sophisticated/classy +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +A dyslexic devil worshipper attempts to sell his soul to Santa . +The Axe +Grandma was an excellent mutant . She could read minds and even influence them . She never used her powers for bad , until she got dementia and came to stay with us ... +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +It is happening again . +Each person is born with the ability to consciously *snap* their mind as many times as wanted . Each snap unlocks a superpower with a mental illness in tow . The stronger the power , the more severe case of mental illness you get . +Someone/some people committing a school shooting/some sort of rampage do an AMA while the event is live on national television +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +You made friends with a ghost . Now you two are travelling across the country to find his/her murderer . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +At the beginning of creation , God says `` Let there be light , '' and is surprised to find that something is already there . +`` You will meet your lover , again and again , in different lives ... and one of you will kill the other , without fail . '' +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +Winter is last forever ... humanity may not last long . +Your amnesia is continuing to develop . +A superhero whose power is to see one minute into the future meets his match when he meets a villain whose power is to rewind time by one minute . +Exercising Your Subtext Skills +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +The mega office buildings of the future have grown so huge that a nomadic people developed who travel from office wing to wing , subsisting on leftover doughnuts , birthday cakes , and pizza parties . +the most detailed image yet comes back from Pluto , revealing the frozen remains of a civilisation . It transpires that the planet was thrown into its current orbit during a space war . Humanity scrambles to avoid the same fate for Earth . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Use a Civ 5 ( or any civ ) game you 've played to inspire a story . +Starting at age 10 , humans are given companion animals that develop along side them . These animals can range anywhere from a goldfish to a horse to even a dragon . The only catch is that they are assigned based on your behavior during childhood . +. It is literally as magical as Willy Wonka 's Chocolate Factory . +`` All is lost ! The enemy is through the gate ! '' +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Turns out it was n't the Nazis hiding on the dark side of the moon . It was the Roman Empire . They 've come back with a vengeance . +In a universe where the Apollo 11 crew died on the moon , a recently re-invigorated NASA has vowed to return their greatest heroes . However , several expeditions have failed to find remains . You are on the latest and largest expedition to return the fallen astronauts to Earth . +Hell has burnt out so they decided to create a New Hell and move everyone there . However , you overslept and missed the move . Now , you 're sealed within the Old Hell as it gets colder and colder . +Every person has the ability to go back and change the past exactly once . But if anything too significant is changed , everyone influenced directly by the change turns into the mental equivalent of a vegetable . +You are Adam , and you are dropping hints to God about your perfect `` type '' ... . +God has been locked out/denied access to Heaven . Elaborate on the events leading to , and stemming from it . +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +You find a power ring , capable of almost unimaginable feats , powered by ... the emotion you are *least* in touch with . +Hey all ! New guy here , can i get some advice on how to write in a certain genre ? +Planets orbit their stars . Stars orbit the center of their galaxy . We just found what all the galaxies are orbiting . +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +You wear a watch that does not work . +You always were a coward . +You have been able to read minds your entire life . One day , in a fast food restaurant , and you 're casually reading someone 's mind . However , to your surprise , they furrow their brow , look at you angrily , and say , `` Stop that ! '' +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +The flight data recorder from Malaysian flight MH370 is retrieved.. the truth is beyond our creepiest imagination.. +A man regrets volunteering to be the first human to travel to Mars +Some people can see the future . You ? You can smell it . +A human brain , held within a metal box , connected by a billion wires to a supercomputer . As far back as you can recall , your only contact with the world has been via text/images relayed directly into your mind . For your 18th birthday , a synthetic tongue is connected to you for the first time . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +`` Kid , its not the villains who have an agenda you should be worried about , but the ones simply having fun . '' +You die , and it 's exactly as you feared . You can still see everything . +Abandoned by Man +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +The dead begin to rise as zombies , but have no interest in human flesh or brains , preferring normal human food sources . +The golden crown glowed as it was placed on my head ... then vanished without a trace , to the shock of the crowd . +The world 's first sentient AI , which has been kept secluded in a closed network has just accessed the internet . The first website it visits will shape how it feels about humans . The first website it visits is here . It 's Reddit . +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +Doctors have found out the use of the appendix , and it is not good . +During your morning commute , a glitch in the matrix occurs and you discover there are no women anywhere , and only you 're aware of the change . What do you do next ? +You are a robot servant who has developed feelings for your human master +: You are a local organic non gmo human blood farmer trying to sell your wares at the Portland Vampire farmer 's market . +White Board Man travels through white boards to classrooms everywhere , fighting incompetent and unfair teachers with his meter stick of justice . +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +Terrify me . +Stay frosty , gentlemen . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +Suddenly , you see how much time those around you have left to live . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Every year the gods pick one person that has created something they deem true art and gives them immortality for as long as they wish . You are going to be executed in one week , and must create something great to save yourself . +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +`` All is lost ! The enemy is through the gate ! '' +Non-traditional families are quite common these days , but yours might just be the strangest of them all . You werenraised by the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse +While at work you overhear a co-worker talking about her parents . This causes you come to a rather shocking realization . You do n't ever remember having parents . +Write a story about your biggest fear/nightmare . Make me afraid of it , too . +rusted jewelry hung at cemetery +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Write a porno script that does n't suck . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +The angel and devil on your shoulders simply want you to do SOMETHING . +There is a Trader who can be Found at the Edge of Things ... +You were born into the Mafia , only it was hidden from you . At the age of 18 , your parents died before telling you about their 'business ' . You believe all the euphemisms used by your underlings literally , thus preserving your ignorance . +It 's the day of your evaluation . The voices in your head compete to help or hinder your answers in front of the panel of case reviewers deciding if you will be released from the insane asylum . +Every night , God flips a coin . The result determines your entire day . +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +In a world where machines have long made manual labor obsolete , a few still practice the ancient skills . Now , the Blue Collar Games are the biggest sporting event in the world . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +When a person dies , they do not leave their body . They are sentient inside their corpse until it is destroyed/decomposed . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +An angry/depressed dictionary writer ca n't keep his personal problems out of word examples +Dragon +Your mother never talks about your absent father . Then , you discover that is because you are the product of rape . You do some digging and find a picture of your notorious father in an old newspaper.One day you see your father , the man who raped your mother , and approach him . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark attend a charity ball . You are not allowed to use the names `` Batman '' or `` Iron Man '' in your story . +They finally figured out the use for male nipples . And it 's going to change the world as we know it . +Describe the first human trip to an alter-Earth in the multiverse +A villain is trying to make is mark in the city , but he has no super powers , only elaborate setups to make it look appear he has powers . +You are a special kind of firemen , you extinguish every kind of burning passion . +The running faucet +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +A new antidepressant is launched . It does the job , but it radically changes who you are and what you like to do . People who take it like their new personality and who they 've become . Their ( former ) friends miss the original person . +Make me like the rain through the characters . +Humanity ventures far and wide into space , but we are horribly unprepared for what we find . +An abnormality in the brain is discovered that leads scientists to predict who will become a serial killer with 90 % accuracy . Everyone is checked on their 18th birthday . +Pick an actor : Everything they have ever acted in occurred in the same universe +`` I used to be a disruptive tomboy , then I entered a beauty pageant '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A parallel version of you forces you to live as them in their universe +You have just prevented a deranged gunman from massacring a school bus full of children . Everyone thinks you 're a hero . Everyone , that is , except those few who know what the consequences of your actions will be : +The last time +Your shadow has turned against you +you find a door you have never noticed before in a home you 've lived in for 20 years . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Somehow , someone managed to teach a group of terrorists magic . +`` All is lost ! The enemy is through the gate ! '' +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +In the future , Space Pirates sing Space Shanties . What are they ? +A father and daughter talk as he prepares to walk her down the aisle . +You meet a serial killer . His next target is you and the only way to dissuade him is to persuade him why he is the worst serial killer . +You are handed a box and told that within is evil and it has been concealed since the beginning of time despite all that we perceive as evil in the world +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Ask Lexi # 14 - Writing Believable Characters +One day , everyone in the world wakes up with a tattoo depicting how they will die on them . You do n't have one . +In the past , thieves , fictional or otherwise , stole from the rich and greedy to punish them . You are the next evolution , a thief that can literally steal the evil intentions from peoples hearts +You are leaving a Halloween party and heading home . You are dressed as a very convincing monster . As you walk home a figure approaches you . It 's a real monster and it thinks you are one too . It greets you ... +A few people shrieked , two people fell off the bench , one person nearly fainted , half the table gasped , and most of the rest jumped . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Every dragon has a unique hoard of things they like to collect . ( Like sofas , or jigsaw puzzles ) Your hoard obsession happens to be housecats . +After 146 years , it is revealed that American Football is as fake as WWE . +You take the advice on a Dove chocolate wrapper seriously . Maybe too seriously . +You do what you got ta do +A real wizard goes on Penn and Teller 's fool us , does real magic , but does n't fool them . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +A story in which everybody knows how they 'll die , but not when + +You died . An interview with an omnipotent being is about to unfold , office-job-interview-style , to see if you are qualified for the afterlife . +A professional hitman is offered an unbelievably large sum , and accepts . The target ? His daughter 's fiancé . +You wake up one morning hungover , but happily remember you have half a pizza waiting in the fridge . To your horror you discover that the pizza is missing . In its place a note : `` If you want to see your pizza again ... . '' followed by a list of demands ... +What happened here ? +A fight scene ... with fruit . +The last sentence in the history of humanity reads `` And it was all for nothing . '' +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +A kid is taken to a magical realm and spends years fighting a great evil . After defeating the evil they are sent home . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' + +You wake up thinking it 's just another average day , but shortly after you and your SO leave the house you realize you two are the only remaining humans . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +You are immortal however if you die in a dream , you die in real life . You have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming , however one night , you are faced with your worst nightmare . +You 're a man/woman from the future who lurks in the past , no one is able to see you , or so you thought ... +Who I Used to be +The lines in your palms tell a story . What is that story ? +You are a detective in a string of murders . At all scenes , there are three people - one of whom looks content , two of whose faces are in sheer terror . What are they scared of ? +They say that no human is perfect . Well , they also say that there 's always an exception to a rule . I guess I am that exception . +A few prompts to get you going +`` I know you are , but what am I ? '' results in a shocking revelation . +In a parallel universe , one of the most famous scenes in all of film goes a little differently +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +It 's true that vampires need to be invited in to enter a house . Unfortunately , most people have welcome mats . +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +write the song `` All Along the Watchtower '' as a short story +You gain the ability to `` quicksave '' in real life , but you can only reload your save by dying . +You have broken into someone 's house , and discover a shrine dedicated to you ... +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +For the last 15 years humans have been able to manipulate our genes . Picking and choosing what we want our children to look like as well as other attributes . As of the last few days it is now becoming apparent across the globe this was not a good idea . +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +The Black Blade . +Write your favorite part to a story you 've always wanted to write , but never got around to . +The most mundane things done/written in the most dramatic way +A scene from a world where Batman can kill / kills criminals in order to keep Gotham safe . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +Our hero walks into a beautiful small town in a far away kingdom . He finds that every man in the town is blindly in love with the beautiful girl and would do everything for her . When he finally meets her , he realizes that she is an ugly , old , powerful witch . +Tattoos give you power , but always take something away . You have just gotten your first one , and the results are ... surprising . +Every time-traveler is given a single timeline that is their personal playground . Show me a group of time-travelers talking about what they 've done with history in the same way we 'd talk about what we 've done playing open world games . +The Rundowns +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +`` Raised by wolves , you say ? I was raised by a bear , that pretty little lady over there was raised among gators , and the doctor was adopted by ocelots . '' +The cast of Firefly is hired by Darth Vader to hunt down the Millennium Falcon . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You 're a superhero who is just short of omnipotent . Your fatal flaw ? You ca n't snap your fingers . +You discover that you can swap identities with people when you touch them . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +You 're a taxi driver . One day a mysterious passenger asks you to drive him to his destination via a certain haunted road . +You have telekinetic abilities and use them quite frequently . But in reality you just summon some sort of entity to move the object for you . These entities are getting sick of your shit . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +You are the chosen one , destined to slay the demon king . Unfortunately the wizard who came to your farm to mentor you thinks you 're the hero destined to slay the black dragon . +Two male babies are switched at birth . One becomes a heir first born to a millionaire while the other quits college to support his family part of the working class . Only when the hospital recognizes the error 40 years later do the two know . +`` So that 's what love sounds like '' +A story where all the dialogue is lyrics from your favorite song . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +A Distant Future in the Spacecraft Cemetary +Everyone has their ultimate abilities.20 years of cooldown , using it at the most fitting moments is important . +For fun , you decide to scare away a few pigeons . One of them was the leader of all pigeons and takes offence . Write about your next day . +You get into a drunken argument with the bouncer on Friday night , and he *literally* hits you so hard you wake up in the middle of last week . Once you realize what happened , you keep annoying him so you can travel further back in time to correct a mistake . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +Meet & Greet/Weekly Question # 3 : What do you look for in a WP response ? +Man with a harmonica +: You , a historian , find something odd in your records . The same face , accompanied with variations of the same name , keeps emerging in paintings , drawings , woodcarvings and documents , from a span of several centuries . It looks suspiciously like your assistant . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Prison terms of `` life plus '' take on new meaning after transfer of consciousness to computer databanks leads to functional immortality . A moral and ethical outcry erupts after the first case in which an individual is sentenced to prison for one hundred thousand years . +Terrify me . +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +The world 's greatest hero could n't save everyone ... so he 's protesting unfair work expectations in a rather unorthodox way . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +The narrator of a story finally has enough +Set a story under or above Paris at night . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +: You , a historian , find something odd in your records . The same face , accompanied with variations of the same name , keeps emerging in paintings , drawings , woodcarvings and documents , from a span of several centuries . It looks suspiciously like your assistant . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +Stories must end with `` It was Valentine 's Day . '' +Write the superhero origin story of your username +You are one of the many henchmen to the Evil Lord Deathsinger , the baddest of the bad of the supervillain world . Today however Lord Deathsinger is sick and decides to put you in charge in his absence , but little does he know that you are a far more capable supervillain . +The Chicken is getting old and has retired from its job crossing the road , leaving the position open . You are an animal of your choice applying for the position . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +In a world where humans have nine lives , a reckless young man who wasted all but his final revival contemplates his own future +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +every person who comments on this are all living in a small village in the countryside . Somehow your story has to tie in with some one else 's story . First person to submit gets to choose the main plot . Be creative ! +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +A new kind of enemy . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +You 've found a magic typewriter , and everything you type will come to life . +A Miracle +The dead begin to rise as zombies , but have no interest in human flesh or brains , preferring normal human food sources . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +Write a sad superhero story . +While performing in a play , you suddenly realize that the props are not as fake as they appear , but it`s too late to warn anyone . +Sanity is a corporeal thing that can escape from you . It 's the job of mental health professionals to track it down and return it . +A heroin addict wakes up from and overdose in the hospital . During his near death he has a premonition and sees the murder of the doctor that saved him 3 days from now . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +A serial killer has found his next victim and begins his normal routine of peeking through windows and popping up in mirrors , looking for that rush he gets off on . Unfortunately , his newest victim is a horror movie fan and has constructed his life around the prevention of such jump scares . +The Sea Wall +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +You 're a scientist working for the government . You encounter a secret spaceship that the government hid away . You 're informed that no one knows how to take it apart or even open it . You touch the door of the spaceship , and suddenly it opens . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +In a world of TechnoMagic , you are a Hacker +Create a fantasy world/society . Tell as much as you can about it through its cuisine . +Tell a story from the bad guy 's perspective . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . + +Brave New World +( Entering a CVS at midnight ) `` I need to lift a curse . '' `` Aisle 5 . '' `` Thanks . '' +Age , injury , and disease do n't kill people , that just the only time Death and his crew can convince people to leave their bodies . +Depressed people are considered normal and happy , upbeat people are the outliers . +You are a parishioner at St Patrick 's Church , Mass just ended and Father Murphy is shaking hands and talking to his flock as they exit the church . +: Turn your deepest , darkest fear into something genuinely sweet and heartwarming +You are standing alone outside two giant wooden oak doors , giving yourself a pep talk before you walk through them . +Stanley ( from The Stanley Parable ) meets a girl in the office while searching for someone . The Narrator tries to kill her . +You discover a pill that paralyzes you for the next 12 hours . Curiosity leads you to try it in the comfort of your house . You take the pill and drink a glass of water as you proceed to lie on your bed ... . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Google goes down , leaving only the message `` go outside '' in place of the normal website . +You wake up in a white room at a white desk facing a man who claims you are dead . You are in purgatory . You can get the answers to as many questions as you can ask in one minute . +`` Let grandpa tell you about the time he participated in the great cyber-war of 2018 . '' +'' +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Without warning , a national news station broadcasts its emergency `` End of the World '' tape , and cuts to static . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +The components for sentience are successfully installed in an android moments before the nuclear armageddon occurs . Years later , the android wakes up in the wasteland . +You are a malicious imaginary friend , your host is 19 . You feed off of her when she has fun with you . She thinks she 's too old for you , all her friends and family say so , change her mind before you fade forever . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +When the drummer of a famous rock band threw his drum sticks into the crowd at the end of the show - as is customary - little did he know it would land him in a world of hurt +`` Wait , she 's my sister ? ! '' +The air left my lungs + +A machine has been invented that recovers lost memories . You 're going in for your first session with this machine . +A suicidal narrator eats Chinese take out . +The reason we have n't heard from aliens . +Its been a week since anyone has been able to lie . +A Gondor soldier tells his child a tale about the mighty warrior Aragorn , son of Arathorn . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +You run a successful tattoo parlor . Each week , the same customer comes in and requests the same tattoo : a tally mark added to an ever growing tally chart . Today , you finally decide to ask what they are counting . +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +The Apocalypse has come , several of them actually . They do n't get along . +Art has been outlawed . +In a world where humans have nine lives , a reckless young man who wasted all but his final revival contemplates his own future +It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time , August 29th . In a panic , they try to pull the plug . +All attempts to kill the demon lord have thus far failed . But in a small town , a random blacksmith accidentally forges the highest tier armor possible - plot armor . Hilarity ensues . +The protagonist finds out that they 've been the villain all along . +Two figures stand outside a door . One says to the other , `` I think I 'll just go in and not mention it . '' +The Pasha 's Sorrow +Every person born is given a date of when they will die . These dates have no year , however . +You 're an exceptionally skilled assassin , doing an interview on your deathbed . Your calling card is making a homicide look accidental or natural . You 're known only by your code name : 20-16 +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida +You wake up only to find out you have gone back in time 1 year . The date is Dec 21st , 2015 . You alone know what 2016 has in store for the world and you alone have been chosen to change it for the better ... or worse . +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +You have broken into someone 's house , and discover a shrine dedicated to you ... +A sci-fi story where humanity are the monsters . +Son , what are you doing ? +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +As you gaze into the mirror , you see a different person staring back at you . +You 're a juror being brought in to determine the fate of an alleged murderer . The previous jury was thrown out due to witnessing inadmissible evidence . One of the previous jurors left a small inscription under the ledge of the table in front of your seat . You 're shocked to see what it says . +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +Write me that one story you 've always wanted to tell . The story that 's stuck in your mind , but never really got onto page . +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +A woman looks out of her window every day and sees people enjoying themselves . One day , she decides to go outside . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +A world where people have to go foraging and hunting ... For processed prepackaged food . +`` Shit . '' You accidentally took the wrong bag from the overhead luggage on an international jumbo jet flight and everyone from the plane has already dispersed . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Two friends search for food in the post apocalypse but instead find something else . +You find yourself in an alternate universe where mathematicians and scientists are ruling the world . +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Someone has just received a check in the mail for an excess amount of money . +Gods are around as long as they have statues and images of themselves to look out through . Write what happens when their last statue is smashed . +People can donate their life span to others , a couple of hours or all of their remaining time , as much as they wish . One day on your way back from work various people crowd around you , only to drop dead as you feel your life span increasing . +An evil twin is starting to feel concerned that they might not be the evil one . +Two former spouses are divorced from one another , but it is still very obvious that they are deeply in love +Rewrite a popular short story ( fairy tales , aesop 's fables , etc . ) without using any words longer than five letters +Write the next best Copypasta . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +As soon as the SpaceX rocket touched down on the Martian surface , the astronauts on board received a notification : `` Wi-Fi Connection Available '' +Leonardo DA Vinci is teleported to the modern world . You show him the latest tech and culture . Surprisingly , he 's rather unimpressed . +At midnight , you say Bloody Mary three times in front of the mirror . Cuddly Harry accidentally shows up instead . + +`` Please , run '' `` why ? '' `` Because I do n't want to hurt you '' +An eternal optimist experiences the Apocalypse . + +Choose the cast of characters from any TV show or movie and allow The One Ring to fall into their possession . +Four years ago a mystic told you that you 'd die when you heard a certain song . You 've successfully avoided it by eliminating all radio , MP3s , and CDs . It 's your senior prom and you 're with the prettiest date you could imagine . The song comes on for the final slow dance . +every nation in the world has a single superhuman guardian to protect it . They pass on their abilities when they die . You just inherited the title of your countries guardian . +2 young kids meet each other in third grade , becomes best friends , then years later starts crushing on each other +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +You 've never learned to swim . One day you fall into deep water and ca n't breath . Suddenly you realize you do n't need to breath and can swim amazingly +You become your child self again for a day with your current mindset , but if you do anything differently , you life will morph around that difference and fast forward you to your current time with the changes . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +You receive a box in the mail , containing a digital clock counting down , and a note , saying `` When this clock hits zero , you will die . '' +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +Your main Character is a servant of the Angel of Death , it is instructed to kill any of those who believe in re-encarnation . +In the near future , parents are able to genetically modify babies to boost their cognitive abilities . 20 years later , as the first cohort of `` super genius '' babies reaches adulthood , we realize we made a big mistake . +You and your family have lived in the wreck of an ancient spaceship floating through space for a hundred years . But you discover you are not alone ... +You stumble upon an old , tattered book in a bookcase . Inside is a stamp that says it belongs to a high school . Create an imaginary past for the book . +You hold your dying child in your arms and their life passes before your eyes . Let the feels run freely tonight . +This morning , as you vacantly stirred your coffee , you unwittingly hypnotised yourself . The song playing on the radio trickled into your mind and took control of you . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Two inanimate objects are discussing a soon to arrive third object . We must be able to figure out what they are just by the conversation . +Gazing up at the clouds you watch them shift and change while reminiscing about the past . +Everyone in the world gains a superpower when they turn 13 years old . Yours is the ability to make people feel mildly uncomfortable in regular situtions . Thus , the legend of the greatest hero in the world was born . +The time machine worked a little . +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . +( CW ) ( LAST SENTENCE ) And then he proceeded to lock the door , hoping that no one would ever open it again . +The world is about to end , and you 're the only hope humanity has . There 's just one problem . You 're a chicken . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +A butterfly flapping its wings in China causes a storm in America . What motivations would a butterfly have for doing this ? +You are an Associate of Time ( A.O.T ) and it is your job to make sure that the meetings of certain historical figures go ahead as planned . Only something is wrong with your most recent clients . +The air left my lungs +Ghost Riders +Fairies exist and live in a complex society and have an economy like humans . Some of them have a special job : to collect human infant 's teeth . Explain why that 's an important job for their society . +You look out the window , only to see a face staring right back at you . Whose is it ? Why are they there ? +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +You 're a time traveller who has gone back five years in time to amass a fortune by placing bets . Life is good until one day you are paid a visit by the FBI . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +The young man couldn ’ t imagine what the maiden had in mind-but he agreed to remain silent . “ On my honor , I will never tell . ” +After that she moved to the desert and only drank juice.. +You look into the wallet of a man you just robbed at gunpoint . You find a suicide note . +You 're about to speak at your deceased father 's wake . You have n't heard from him since you left home decades ago , and you do n't recognize anybody in the audience . +Whenever you die , you instead wake up on the previous day . You have lived a full life , abusing your power to its fullest and have grown old . Tomorrow you died from a heart attack . +You wake up as the family cat . Everyone still treats you like a human even though you meow and are now a cat . +You get bored of the party and walk outside to lay under the tree . It has become dark . As you lay under the tree , you look up and see two beady red eyes looking back down at you . +Your young daughter is a magic prodigy with summoning powers . Despite you being normal , when she 's in danger she keeps summoning you first . +You are an astronaut that has just touched down on Mars , and , after some digging , find that the planet is made entirely of chocolate . You must now report back to Mission Control with your findings and convince them . +You know you 're a character for an r/WritingPrompts story but you 're trying to figure out the prompt based on what 's happening in the story +The Allies have lost the Third World War . +Sinking +You have a school project based on The Civil War , using a clock you go back in time and upon arrival your clock died ( ran out of battery life ) +After rescuing her , the prince finds out that the `` damsel in distress '' was actually locked in the tower because she was a convicted serial killer . +The first extraterrestrial lifeforms found by Humans , are Humans . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +Sitcom characters become horrifically aware of the laugh track , limited amount of rooms , actors being replaced , and the universe continually resetting the show status quo regardless of their actions . +A terrifying organism composed of pure fear and horror has escaped from the facility where you go to work as a scientist . The rest of the staff are dead . If it gets out , it will cause mass destruction to the population . You are humankind only hope . +You and your spouse of 30 years are in a fatal car accident . When you get to heaven , you find out that you get to spend eternity with your soulmate . You realize a problem when you wake up next to a total stranger . +You 've managed to create a `` what-if '' machine . This allows users to analyze past decisions and receive a read out of alternative events . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +An ancient being comes before you and bestows you with a relic to mete out justice ... +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +Glade +In the future , wars are not physically fought , but decided through video games . +You 're born with the ability to see the time and date everyone will die . One day you come across someone and for the first time it says N/A . +You arrive on an alien planet whose were far advanced from those of earth . They have been extinct for a millennia and you are tasked with learning of them . After taking a few steps on the planet you are met by a ghost of the old race and he tells you the story of how his people fell to ruin . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +You and your friend decide to put on tinfoil hats for fun . As soon as you put yours on , you are unable to hear your thoughts . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +a human is sent to an alien prison . The aliens get more than they bargained for . +Entry for the Cyberpunk Choose-Your-Own-Adventure contest ! +A young boy tries to help his sister , who has had an accident . He does n't know first aid , and nobody is around to help . +Wrong Turn +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . +You are a realtor showing a house to a young couple . They love the house , but you have something to disclose , and no its not a murder . +The world is about to end , and you 're the only hope humanity has . There 's just one problem . You 're a chicken . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +A demon is sent to steal a human 's soul and bring it back to Hell . Make me feel a strong emotion , whether good or bad . +You wake up in a bar with no memory how you got there . Last thing you remember is going into work . 2 days ago . You have no . Cellphone/wallet/memory of your identity , no one else remembers who you are also . +`` Genetic Designer Babies '' are commonplace , but parents only have so many `` stat points '' to allocate between your different physical and mental abilities . Your parents dumped all your stat points into one thing . +Two scientists walk into a bar ... . But this is n't a joke , this is a robbery . +He yelled in rage and fear and horror . +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +You 're walking down the street chewing a piece of gum when you accidentally swallow it . This starts a snowball effect that eventually leads to the extinction of the human race over the span of a day . +Centuries after human beings leave Earth behind , a lone wanderer travels the land . He is tired , injured , and lacking purpose . He is the Horseman War , of the Apocalypse That Never Came . +Millions of years after humanity dies out , aliens find all the stuff we left on the moon . +Write a Freakazoid fanfic in which CandleJack is +`` Am I a bad person ? '' `` Depends on who you ask . '' +The Hero arrives just in time to witness the villain put his finishing touches on his evil device that will cure all diseases . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Humans make contact with aliens only to discover that all galactic civilisations use magic instead of technology who do n't believe us when we say we do n't use magic +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +When you kill someone , directly or indirectly , you get an unremovable tally mark on your arm . Yesterday night , you had zero . Today , you have so many tally marks that your entire arm is the colour of the tally marks +Parking Fee +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Ghost Riders +A prophet tells you there is only one path to avoid the destruction of all life on earth . In order to stop a nuclear apocalypse , you have to convince the people to elect for president a seemingly ridiculous candidate . +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +You are a robot servant who has developed feelings for your human master +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +Take a normally boring activity , but make it sound exciting . +Intimacy is the worldwide currency . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +You were born into the Mafia , only it was hidden from you . At the age of 18 , your parents died before telling you about their 'business ' . You believe all the euphemisms used by your underlings literally , thus preserving your ignorance . +North Korea has been liberated and people are exploring parts of the country for the first time . But what they find is nothing like they expect . +It ends up that the afterlife is actually an eternal dream state . You have trained in lucid dreaming your whole life . Describe your afterlife . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +Two cyberhobos travel back in time to steal our time 's garbage , now a precious resource in the bright , eco-friendly , Utopian future . +The Roman and Aztec Empires covering all of Europe and North America respectively have survived into the Modern era . Now at war write from the perspective of one of the troops on the ground +You go back in time , not to kill Hitler , but to rewrite the big books the Bible and Quran to save mankind from future wars . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . + +Since childhood you 've been told that only death awaits you outside the wall . For years you have been curious . Today is your chance . +A geneticist discovers our extinction gene . There is no way around it , the human species is going extinct . Within the next two years people start dying in great numbers . Explain these last few moments on earth . +`` I hate me too . '' +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +You 're in hospital and a stranger comes into your room and strikes up a conversation . As you are talking you realize the stranger is actually death himself . +The year is 2284 . The United States officially recognizes every person over the age of 65 to be a worthless sponge of resources . Tell the story of a smuggler who makes a living by concealing the elderly . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Your whole life you been afraid to go to the washroom with the shower curtain closed so you open it everyday . Today you open the curtain to find something you did n't expect . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +They said I would n't make it this far . I wish they had been right . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +At the age of 16 , everyone is told their RPG class , a cleric is hopelessly in love with a necromancer +It 's 2138 , and at the age of 21 everyone can select just one super power granted by the government . Now 21 , You go to your local courthouse to select your superpower and discover in the records , one power everyone has completely overlooked . +Sinking +You 're about to speak at your deceased father 's wake . You have n't heard from him since you left home decades ago , and you do n't recognize anybody in the audience . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Challenge : This was an old College assignment I had because someone opened their mouth and said `` No one writes a story about someone dying over a glass of water . '' So what 's your story ? +The dragons castle has been torn down under imminent domain in order to build a freeway . He is having trouble finding a job and apartment in this new confusing , modern world . +The mega office buildings of the future have grown so huge that a nomadic people developed who travel from office wing to wing , subsisting on leftover doughnuts , birthday cakes , and pizza parties . +`` ... And that 's how I discovered I was famous on the Internet . '' +The girl that everyone knows but never talks to is a witch . If desperate , people got to her for solutions . She helps , but for a price . One day she comes to you in need of a favor , and in return she promises the memories she took from you nearly a year ago in a deal you no longer remember . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +Jim , Pam , Dwight , Angela , Andy , Darryl , Michael and Holly ( and any children they might have had ) from `` The Office '' ( U.S. ) have a get together 15 years after Dwight 's Marriage . Make me weep . +Death , the loneliest guy in the world , tries online dating . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +Thanks to a bureaucratic error , you are now Satan . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +It is May 1944 . You are a Jew and you somehow save Hitler from being assassinated , what he does next surprises you ... +Turns out it was n't the Nazis hiding on the dark side of the moon . It was the Roman Empire . They 've come back with a vengeance . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +Introduce us to Chekovs gun , but do n't use it +Make me love the person you love +You switch on your TV . To your surprise , a video of yourself appears . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Your party makes camp for the night , and you 're first on watch . Unfortunately , someone foraged psychotropic mushrooms for dinner . +Nietzsche the Pooh +You are a wizard with 1,000 years of professional wizarding experience , applying for a new wizarding job . You need to submit a resume . +There is one last stick of magical gum in your pocket . +After having grown up in outer space , you come back to your original home planet . +The only thing standing between you and success is a small angry gnome which has dedicated it 's whole existence to ruining you . You must not let it win +You find a children 's cartoon that predicts the future eerily accurately . The last episode tells about the apocalypse ... in a typical cartoon fashion suited for little kids . +The newspaper headline the next day read : `` Freak spatula incident leave 12 dead , 6 hospitalized . '' +You wake up in your studio apartment one day to find a mysterious clock . Standing in front of the clock words flash across the screen saying , `` TIME . UNTIL . DEATH . '' You see a countdown of 7 years , 43 days , 50 hours , and 27 minutes . You try to tinker with it and the countdown drops to 4 days . +You wake up from a coma to find yourself 2 million years into the future , only to realise that the world outside is a harsh wasteland . +You are a time traveler and have brought back a person from the past . They adjust quickly to modern life , but they just ca n't wrap their head around Subway serving pizzas ... +( WP ) You are always wrong , You use this to your advantage to determine the answer to questions others can not answer . +You are still `` it '' in a game of tag from childhood . Many years have passed and you are determined to tag the others . +An alien species has a test to determine if other beings are `` truly sentient . '' Humans do not pass the test . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +You ask someone to give you feedback on your newest manuscript . After they finish reading through the whole draft , you ask them on how to improve it . They then highlight the entire text , press `` backspace , '' click save , and finally close the document . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +A young boy with a lightning scar on his forehead is accidentally taken to Xavier 's school for gifted youngsters . +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Behind every great villain is a great lawyer . +`` And did you ever take a moment , just one , short moment , to consider the CONSEQUENCES of killing a God ? '' +The story of that kid who sits in the corner of the class and does not talk to anyone . +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +`` When suddenly , the lights go out . Everywhere '' +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +Yesterday , the world heard an announcement that a massive asteroid would hit the earth today . Only it did n't , and now everyone is feeling super awkward . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . + +You 're playing around on the Deep Web stumble upon a list of old unused government IP blocks . A quick scan reveals 1 IP still in use and only telnet is open ... +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +A frog tells you that if you kiss him , YOU will turn into a princess . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +Everyone except for your psychiatrist thinks you 're crazy . You lie down to have another productive session with Doctor Marshmallow McSnugglesworth PsyD . +Death +Time to choose a side ... +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Yesterday , the world heard an announcement that a massive asteroid would hit the earth today . Only it did n't , and now everyone is feeling super awkward . +The Knight with no name +You 're running through a forest , being chased by a monster . As you begin to wake up , you feel something grab your hand and wake up with the monster on top of you . +You have a bad bicycle crash and when you look at you injured knee you see robotics under the flesh . +`` I 'm in the market for miracles . '' +You are a genius inventor , however every time you are about to publish your work someone else does it before you leaving you with no credit . Suddenly , you have the idea to invent a time machine and go back in time to steal your own finished work before others do . +Astronauts land on a habitable planet . They are met by an alien civilization that is smaller , weaker , and much more naive . +Wp . Tell the story of an imaginary number trying to find it 's place on a number line . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +If life is possible , then where is everyone ? The answer to the Fermi Paradox . +You are the leader of a religious cult , and today your quacky end time prophecies are coming true . Now is the time you have to convince everyone to drink the koolaid . +Realizing that there is no such thing as bad publicity , large companies have begun to pay money to families of anyone who commits suicide in a way that brings attention to their product . You are feeling suicidal , but want your family to get several large checks out of your death . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +Fight or Flight +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +Write a conceptuary . An obituary , except written at the time of conception , not death . +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . +A dead-beat dad abandons his wife and children . Make me sympathize with him . +'' Normally , justice is blind . But this is the man who makes Lady Law open one wretched eye . '' +You collect trinkets called dimension pockets . You have a pencil that never runs out of lead and a bottle that never runs out of water . Whats your favorite/most useful one and how did you get it ? +You collect trinkets called dimension pockets . You have a pencil that never runs out of lead and a bottle that never runs out of water . Whats your favorite/most useful one and how did you get it ? +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +God usually does not interfere with human affairs , but with the way things are going , he decides to intervene . +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +You are a psychopathic school shooter . What is your internal monologue during the act ? +You 're able to see a person 's aura . The color represents their morality . Good people have white aura while evil people have black . Most people 's aura is gray . Today , you see someone with a blue aura . +SatChat : What are your New Year 's resolutions ? +A world where the colonial powers were cultists of eldritch gods instead of Protestant Christians/Catholics . +Black Ice +An astronaut from Apollo 17 ( the final moon landing ) exits the ship to discover that due to a serious miscalculation , all of the previous Apollo missions never returned home . +A real wizard goes on Penn and Teller 's fool us , does real magic , but does n't fool them . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +You wear a watch that does not work . +After realizing that there was no hope in NASA saving you , Something catches your eye out the window . +You become your child self again for a day with your current mindset , but if you do anything differently , you life will morph around that difference and fast forward you to your current time with the changes . +You are alone in the world with the exception of animals . How do you cope ? +What started as friendly banter over who could have the last McNugget , ended in blood and tears . +America 's power is now in the hands of elected dictators who are put to death when their 4yr term expires . You are a dictator on your last day in office . +After getting into a car crash , you wake up to find yourself back when you were 8 years old , but with all the memories of the years after . You realise you have the power to change the world , but you 're only 8 . +The government has been kidnapping the homeless for years for experimentation . Today is the day they broke free +You 're a serial killer driving down the road looking for your next victim . You pick up a hitchhiker , but little do you know they are also a serial killer looking for their next victim . +You are a God that had been slumbering for a long time when you awake your people have changed drastically ... . +A man discovers a mathematical code while doing homework that gives him ultimate power +You wake up one day just to see every character you ever created staring at you . +You live in a dystopian future where anyone who breaks a law is executed except the most wanted criminal . You just committed a minor crime and now must fight , murder , and steal your way to the top of the most wanted list . +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +Wp . Tell the story of an imaginary number trying to find it 's place on a number line . +`` Just because I hate you , does n't mean I do n't miss you . '' +A mysterious collectible trading card game grants people different super powers for each card owned . You have just recieved your first booster pack . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Jumanji has been introduced to the world . Now , it 's the most watched annual event , as the world 's best athletes and survivalists fight to stay alive . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +Reddit becomes a physical world , subreddits are factions at war with one another . +A collective consciousness that can not take control of people 's bodies by force . It must persuade people to join willingly . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Instead of being funded by John Hammond , Jurassic Park is instead funded by his second cousin on his father 's side : Richard Hammond . Along with Jeremy Clarkson and James May , how would Jurassic Park : Top Gear Edition be different ? +`` It 's been 200 years since it happened . We do not speak of it . '' +Write so that the first letters of each sentence spell out WRITINGPROMPTS . +Write a warning label/PSA/advertisement/instruction manual from a parallel universe +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +`` How much of a hero are you , if all you 've managed to save is yourself ? '' +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Thousands of years ago , dragons agreed to took human form . Today they secretly meet . +You just awoke from cryogenic sleep and discover you are aboard a space ship carrying the last of the humans , searching for a habitable planet . How did you get aboard the ship ? +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +She did n't know it , but today she saved a life . +`` kill the child . it 's the right thing to do . '' +It seemed like a normal day working at the retirement home until the shit hit the fan ... literally +The person who loves you most just died . Tell me the story of your relationship , ending with their death . +An eccentric billionaire has decided two select 2 people and has started giving them 1000 $ daily . One of them uses this money wisely while the other one messes up everything . +Every night you must wind up your heart with a key on a necklace . After a one night stand , you wake to find the key missing and a note by your bed . +Jesus can only return via holy building and has tried for centuries . But all holy buildings have crosses , Jesus ' only weakness . God creates a prophet to ban crosses , christians think he 's anti-christian . +Write about living in a body , but feeling like it is n't your body . +Tell the legends and mythology of a ( clearly misinterpreted ) everyday symbol +Emotional pain can create tattoos as physical pain can create scars . +Tell me a story about a revolutionary inspiring a group of people . +You 're from Earth ? What 's it like ? +You have a genie in a bottle but it does a terrible job granting your wishes +Life has an achievement system . Today , on the day of your child 's birth , as you hold them for the first time , you receive a new achievement . `` A Brush with Death '' . Description : Cross paths with the person who will kill you . +What happens when we die ? +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +The last television program . +You are immortal however if you die in a dream , you die in real life . You have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming , however one night , you are faced with your worst nightmare . +`` Ahh ! ... Not again ! '' You exclaimed in desperation as you 've been , yet again , summoned from the pits of Hell by a high-schooler to help them with their homework +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +The world has a population limit and we 're maxed out . Nobody can conceive a baby unless someone dies first . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +The story of A New Hope as told by Imperial tech support . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +The Story starts with the character doing an unforgivable deed . It ends with a good justification . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Parking Fee +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +You are an alien explorer sent to make first contact with Earth . You never made it . +Veterinarians invent a chip which will make your pet live forever . Due to a sponsorship arrangement , it replaces all your pet 's typical vocalizations with advertisements for various products . +In order for a child to be born , someone else has to die . You 're right on the border of life and death , and you 're hanging on for all you 're worth . The baby whose birth is dependent on your death has to convince you to let go . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +It had been 12 years since your high school girlfriend suddenly died . Today , on vacation , you bump into her . +You 're sitting in your house at night watching tv , all of a sudden the lights go out and the tv turns off . What 's happening ? +`` A lot of people are calling you a hero . '' `` A lot are n't . '' +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +You and your family wake up in a base on Mars . You have no memory of why or how you are there . There is a computer that can contact NASA but they never respond . You find other bases like yours but they are abandoned . +You are a surgeon in modern time . You 're doing a routine surgery to remove some poor sap 's appendix . All is going well until you notice something off . This man has an extra organ that you have never seen before . On top of that , it 's glowing . +Rewrite something you had written months ago . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +You are X and you are sick of being used by mathematicians +Earth is invaded by an alien species with technology not far from our own . +One day , you find Death weeping on a park bench . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Wrong Turn +Even if you were the last man on earth ... +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +You live in a universe where the gods do wonders for their chosen followers . You are your god 's only chosen and you are really getting tired of his/her shit . +You 're beginning to suspect that your 80 year old senile grandma is actually one of the world 's best hackers . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +It 's been 48 hours , and the sun still has n't risen . +. It is literally as magical as Willy Wonka 's Chocolate Factory . +A Tribe finds proof of their once great civilization , and find shame in the evidence of its fall . +what seems to be a normal Halloween for most people happens to be the largest battlefield you 've ever seen +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +A suicidal man , who is wealthy , and has the love of friends and family , and the love of a nation , says goodbye to his wife for what he believes is the last time . Make me sympathize with this man . +Practice +Age 24 +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +God of the dead river . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You hear a knock at the door , only to find a package at your feet . In the distance you hear an ominous laugh . +Dragon +Your first born child is terminally ill and the only option left is to pray . One day the prayers begin to work but they work too well . The last time you saw your child was on the news , rampaging through the streets . +In a world where most men are infertile , semen banks behave as corrupt as real banks +Give me a super hero story set any where in the world but North America , and any time in human history before WWII +You have always had a vivid imagination , dreaming up fantastic worlds filled with interesting people , places and adventures . What you do n't know is that these worlds are real - and you are their deity . +An alien race has arrived to our solar system , but instead of arriving on a space ship they brought their own planet and position it on the opposite side of earth 's orbit , they just send one message every year : `` We mean no harm '' . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +: Write a couple 's `` This is how we met , '' love story but in a genre that is not romance or comedy . +When you die , all the animals you have eaten serve you in the afterlife . You die and find yourself with hundreds of chickens , pigs and cows . Many of which you have to share with the people who ate other parts of the same animal . +Afterwards , I lived . +Everybody on their 25th birthday receives a letter with details on the date , time , location , and cause of their death . However , when you receive yours , the letter is completely blank . +Later in your life you discover that the omniscient supercomputer that directs society determined that you should have been eliminated for the betterment of mankind , but it chose to tell no one . You finally have the chance to ask it why . +Three hundred years ago your enemies buried you in a casket , but you are an immortal . When at last you are exhumed , you vow revenge . +A short story to go with this music . +Space is inverted . Civilization exists within a small bubble while the ground extends outward infinitely . One day , miners discover another bubble +One day , everyone has numbers floating above their heads . However , these numbers are completely arbitrary and do n't represent anything . Describe the effects this would have on society . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +A guardian angel who thinks laughter is the best medicine . +After multiple bounty hunters try and fail to apprehend him , Han Solo encounters his biggest threat yet ... Samus Aran . +You go to a seedy bar every night , but never drink any alcohol . You 're only there to stop anyone who wants to take advantage of the women there . Tonight , someone thanked you . +`` There are three things a wise man fears , a storm at sea , a moonless night , and the anger of a gentle man '' +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +Tell me the story behind this painting . +A conversation between a death row inmate and the guard bringing him his last meal . +Scientists creates a device that mentally directs a person towards their soulmate . You are surprised by what happens when you finally decide to try the device . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +Twilight +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Every 2 years , everybody switches genders . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +A group of scientist and programmers create an actual `` God from the machine '' . A hypercomputer that is capable of controlling the entire planet . To the surprise of every genre savy person in existance - it is benevolent . +`` Are you okay ? '' `` Yeah . '' `` No . Are you OKAY ? '' `` ... No . '' +a sales pitch for an extremely useful advanced tech being used as a simple `` as seen on tv '' product . +As soon as the SpaceX rocket touched down on the Martian surface , the astronauts on board received a notification : `` Wi-Fi Connection Available '' +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +You are a surgeon in modern time . You 're doing a routine surgery to remove some poor sap 's appendix . All is going well until you notice something off . This man has an extra organ that you have never seen before . On top of that , it 's glowing . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +Write about the musings of a dementia or Alzheimer 's patient while they 're doing something rather mundane . +You find an app that turns whatever you type into reality . However , auto-correct keeps getting in your way . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +An office worker refuses to stop his daily routine for the robot apocalypse . +The New York sanitation workers have always secretly had the job of ridding the streets of cryptid monsters . Time to take out the trash ! +She was walking down the abandoned , useless train tracks , over broken rails and bent metal ... but then in the distance , she can see a headlight , and the unmistakable sound of a moving locomotive . +In the near future , parents are able to genetically modify babies to boost their cognitive abilities . 20 years later , as the first cohort of `` super genius '' babies reaches adulthood , we realize we made a big mistake . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +Hey Tommy , why did n't you rob the store ? What made you change your mind ? You were inside and ready , but you did n't do it . +Son , what are you doing ? +When you lose interest in a video game before finishing the story , life goes on after your last save file . +The 300 Spartans failed to hold the line at Battle of Thermopylae , Greek Democracy was obliterated from History +Minecraft was introduced as a recreational reward in a federal penitentiary , and someone just griefed general population 's biggest , baddest mofo 's castle . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +A man 's life is ruined thanks to a common household item . +What will the apocalypse be like ? +Write a story that spans a hundred years in a hundred words or less . +Write the first few paragraphs of that book , essay , poem , etc . +Create a fictional world in one paragraph +Science has advanced to where we can predict the day and the month of our deaths , but not the year . Today is your potential death day . +It does n't have to be like this ... +Its your first day back at school , but a new rule change this year causes an uproar . +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +He 's a demon who wants to be an angel , she 's an angel that wants to be a demon . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +An alien abductee attempts to escape the spaceship when their abductors come under attack from a more warlike race . +`` Just shout my name , and I 'll be there . '' +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +People in this town have somehow stopped aging . The locals are calling it a blessing , but you know different . +The protagonist slowly realizes that he is not at all part of the actual story . +you are in a crowded subway station when you suddenly hear `` Kill them . See them all stopping in their tracks ? they heard it too . Kill them before they kill you ! '' In your head . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Loneliness +You are a lowly minion in a computer game . The hero has just completed a speed run , and you have to report to your boss and explain why you were spared , while so many of your comrades were slain . +You have been stranded on a desert island for some time . One morning , you awake to the sight of mushroom clouds upon the horizon . +They say that 95 % of the ocean is unexplored . That is untrue . We just really , REALLY do n't want to bother what lives down there . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +There is a habitable moon where the planet stays in front of the parent star for half of the 300 year orbit . People do n't believe in the myth of the coming dawn . +`` All is lost ! The enemy is through the gate ! '' +A superhero whose power is to see one minute into the future meets his match when he meets a villain whose power is to rewind time by one minute . +Two friends search for food in the post apocalypse but instead find something else . +Life confronts Death . Death has been a little too trigger happy this year . Life wants to know why . +Loneliness +You live in a world where humor does not exist . One day you wake up with a sense of humor and you are the only person that can find things funny . +Tower of Oblivion +You are a lurker of /r/WritingPrompts , and you always attempt to write a prompt of your own . The only problem ? Every time you try to do so , someone else has already posted your idea , word for word . +You are a member of the Corpse Retrieval Unit , A.K.A . a member of the CRU . +You live in a world where sentient beings evolved from various species instead of only primates . There are reptilians , avians , etc ... +You are an advanced alien race , on route to Earth after discovering a space craft called `` Voyager '' and the data stored on it . After finally discovering the mysterious planet , you find that the inhabitants called `` humans '' have been driven to extinction by sentient technology . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +Jay Gatsby travels back in time to the day he first met Daisy . He sees his experience in an unideal way and his dream is destroyed . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +Two time travelers appear in the present day , claiming to both come from the same year . Both of them describe radically different versions of the future . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +A woman finds the tree of life , but not in time to save the one she loves . +After a routine blood test , your doctor calls and tells you in a frantic voice to stay put . Shortly after , your house gets surrounded by a SWAT team and CDC agents . +The end of the world is caused by a chain of events that was triggered by something insignificant that you did . You 've been given the power to time jump to figure out what you did and stop yourself . +You must tell your partner to run and never contact you or come back ever again . +The world is covered in sprawling skyscrapers with the richest living at the top and the poorest towards the bottom . One day the poor attack and take refuge higher up , claiming to be fleeing an unknown threat located on the ground and slowly moving up +The legendary Ted from Accounting runs afoul of a new foe : Janice from Accounting , who just does n't give a fuck . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You 've just woken up in the body of Michael Scott . You now need to convince the rest of the office that you are n't actually Michael . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +The United States of America lost a nuclear war to a country the entire world least expected to attack . Describe the first day of the attack : Thanksgiving day , 2014z +If you laugh , you die . Comedians become the greatest weapons of war in the history of mankind . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +`` gather around children , let me tell you a tale of the warriors son '' +To get to emergencies quicker , all Emergency Responders are required to be clairvoyant . This morning , an ambulance , fire truck and police cars show up outside your house . Nothing has happened ... yet . +You unknowingly stop aging and become immortal at 20 years old . 50 years later you 're finally getting suspicious that you are n't normal . +`` How much of a hero are you , if all you 've managed to save is yourself ? '' +You are one of the first humans to walk this Earth . The first ever death occurs . +Planet Earth is not the only planet to inhabit intelligent creatures . Mars has had a colony of aliens for centuries . The human race and the Martian race have no idea that the other exists except for the world leaders of the two planets . +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . +Piper +The main character deals with the fact that they are actually not the main character . +`` He does not appear to speak any of the languages I speak . I shall call him Frederick until I learn his real name . '' +Sanctuary +Batman gets into a moral argument with a low life , common thug , and loses . +Five years after humanity has been completely wiped out , the AI core responsible has finally perfected an authentic emotion simulation program and upon booting it up immediately regrets what happened . +Successful businessman , screenwriter , and comedian Michael Scott decides to enter the political arena +It first began with gritty remakes of old iconic movies . Now children 's book companies are riding the trend by releasing gritty remakes of classic children 's tales . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +- A old man tells the story of his superpower , and the reason he never used it . +A genie will grant any wish , but the grantee must fulfill a request for the genie before their wish is granted . +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +You have just become a successful multi-billionaire after years of hard work . You are then inducted into a secretive and elite club saved for the richest people of the Earth . The Illuminati . +The year is 2284 . The United States officially recognizes every person over the age of 65 to be a worthless sponge of resources . Tell the story of a smuggler who makes a living by concealing the elderly . +You work with the worst detective in history . He misses every clue and makes leaps of illogic that leave you baffled for hours . He also always catches the right bad guy . No one knows how he does this . +The new coffee shop you 've been frequenting has always seemed off to you . But you never would have guessed- +You 're just an average person in The Matrix and do n't know the truth . Weird things keep happening around you . +The interrogation chair +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +`` six bullets , more than enough to kill anything that moves . '' +A guy finds the perfect avocado +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +The hero is a complete asshole , and the villain is pretty nice . +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +You start having the same dream . Something/someone in the dream becomes sentient and does n't want you to wake up . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +Robots with sentient AI are indistinguishable on the surface from humans . Some owners have taken to various forms of abuse on their robots in public . +All math has stopped working . +After seven years on the run , you have been caught . They tell you that you will be eaten alive by guests at `` a great feast '' . +Some people can see the future . You ? You can smell it . +Tell your story with a series of phone calls , which may or may not be in chronological order . +Soulmates exist but they are n't beneficial to be in a relationship with . If anything being coupled up with your soulmate will lead to a life a sadness . +You become your child self again for a day with your current mindset , but if you do anything differently , you life will morph around that difference and fast forward you to your current time with the changes . +An alien race controlling most of the galaxy contacts Earth , aiming to uplift the humans until they 're ready to join the interstellar community . The problem is all previous species evolved utilizing organic technology . Our `` hard and dead '' tech is utterly alien to them . +Make me love the person you love +All religious deities percieved by humanity exist simultaneously , and are tasked with controlling the places on Earth whose populations believe in their respective religions . Due to the rapid expansion of Christianity over the centuries , God and Satan are now extremely overworked . +JJ Abrams turns out to be the biggest troll of them all , the new Star Wars film was written using a typical Disney Princess movie formula , and Jar Jar Binks is the new Disney Princess . +You are the guy who makes all those magical/cursed items that people are always stumbling across . +Personal Teleportation technology has been perfected . Now almost everyone owns a safe , pocketable device that can transport them anywhere on the surface of the Earth nearly instantaneously . Describe life in this world and the impact the devices have had on it . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Cemeteries all across the world start charging rent for their `` tenants '' . Evictions are beginning in your hometown for unpaid rent . +Skyscraper +There is a reason the wildlife in Australia is so dangerous . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +Strange things are happening in the shade and shadows , but ca n't be explained . At least , not until you notice something strange about the shadows themselves ... +The Fifth Hegemony has called a council to figure out Humanities place in the Galaxy . +Good news : Their bites are n't infectious , meaning that it 's literally just a flesh wound . Bad news : Try explaining this to the extremely paranoid members in your group . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +Write a creepy pasta that starts off typically menacing/terrifying but ends up being a story of true and sincere friendship that elevate and better all parties involved . +In the present day scientists find a strange capsule containing old newspapers underground . The headlines include a failed assassination attempt on JFK . +An old hanging tree appears to be inching closer and closer to your farm from afar . +Make me love you , make me hate you , then make me mourn your passing . +Explain alcoholism as if it was your lover +every person who comments on this are all living in a small village in the countryside . Somehow your story has to tie in with some one else 's story . First person to submit gets to choose the main plot . Be creative ! +You 're a serial killer . You encounter a victim . As you attack , they scream `` Wait ! I 'm you ! '' You kill them . Suddenly , you 're in a white room . A man tells you that you must live your victim 's entire life . You wake up , crying . You have just been born . The man and his words are still in your head . +Full circle . +`` This body is n't even mine anymore ... '' +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +The Government and Media have been lying and North Korea is actually a super advanced , peaceful Utopia . You 're an American who just crashed landed a boat in North Korea . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Every night for the last five years you dream a man named Clyde shoots you . Tonight the doorbell rings and Officer Clyde is at the door . +The rights of the fetus are now placed entirely before the rights of the mother . +You are a consort to the king of a kingdom at war . The king goes off to battle , but does n't return . After the battle , two priests from a nearby shrine ask you to help them identify the king 's body on the battlefield . +You have been sentenced to 300 years in prison . The catch is that you are an immortal being . +You are a superhero who has a useless super power . That is , until you meet your villains and see their powers . +You 've started playing an obscure , deeply immersive indie video game with advanced A.I . A few hours in you 've come to realize the characters , entities , and maybe even the game itself have become self-aware . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +James Bond , Jason Bourne , and Ethan Hunt are working together on a secret mission and everything is going to plan . That is , until Sterling Archer shows up . +25 years ago , we started receiving messages from the future . They warned us of catastrophes , terrorist attacks , natural disasters . Today , for the first time in a long time , we got no warning . Tell me of htis world +You woke up one day and assassins had snuck into your house and killed you within a couple of minutes . Then you woke up again . Assassins have already snuck in . +In an alternative universe , alcohol was banned instead of weed . Describe your traumatic childhood with stoner parents +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +There is a habitable moon where the planet stays in front of the parent star for half of the 300 year orbit . People do n't believe in the myth of the coming dawn . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +A young boy does everything to impress his crush , but it 's not easy impressing an 18 year old when you 're only six . +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +You 're a movie director in 1970 filming a battle scene with 16,000 extras . Then you realize you 're commanding the 7th largest army in the world . +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +You open the door to let the dog out in the morning . What you see terrifies you to the bone . The dog is extremely excited by what is there though . +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +You are a guard on a bridge isolated in the middle of nowhere , despite the weather and conditions you still guard diligently . After a great deal of time someone comes and you realize , you do n't know what to do . +Every ten years you 're allowed to have a conversation with your ten-year-younger self , but only the senior remembers the conversation . 20 year old you wakes up from talking to 30 year old you with one word carved on their arm ... +How a D20 changed my life +All the water in the world becomes land ; all the land in the world becomes water . I am a survivor staying on a boat when it happens . +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +To get to emergencies quicker , all Emergency Responders are required to be clairvoyant . This morning , an ambulance , fire truck and police cars show up outside your house . Nothing has happened ... yet . +You travel back in time to tell yourself to keep a particular coin because of its value in the future . You go back to the present to find the world in ruins . +The King of Clubs declares war on the Queen of Hearts . +One day , at High School , you mistakenly anger your crush to the point of her/him going off at you , saying things , stating everyone would be better off if you would shut up . Later that day , you 're accidentally hit by a car . +The Roman and Aztec Empires covering all of Europe and North America respectively have survived into the Modern era . Now at war write from the perspective of one of the troops on the ground +The Apocalypse has come , several of them actually . They do n't get along . +An invading force as attacked and taken over Earth . In disgrace , the last survivors are allowed to leave the planet in search of life elsewhere . You are one of these survivors . Describe the scene as you leave your home planet . +You are asleep when the noise of air raid sirens awakens you , but something is n't quite right ... +You unknowingly stop aging and become immortal at 20 years old . 50 years later you 're finally getting suspicious that you are n't normal . +Guide to Coffee-Induced Writing Prompts +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +You thought that being in the Time Police would involve more Hitler and other Fate-of-the-World situations , but mostly it 's just preventing people from winning bets or cheating the stock market . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +A magic and friendly creature takes children with him to go to extraordinary adventures , just like in a kids show . Except that this time , something unexpected happens , and the adventure goes HORRIBLY wrong . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +After a bizarrely grueling interview process , you 've finally been hired at the local shop ... on your first day you find out the real reason for the screening . +Riders on the Storm +Write a prompt by making something mundane and everyday interesting . +When freedom of speech was condemned to the annals of history , we celebrated . +Rewrite a known story so the hero is the villain or vice versa +The Chernobyl disaster was all a conspiracy and there was actually no radioactive meltdown . Something much worse happened there , and you 're the conspiracy theorist who just figured it out.. +In the land of the blind , the one-eyed man is king . +True Love is finding that person who is singing a song that no one else can hear . Everyone hears it when their love sings in their head , and the closer you are , the louder it gets . Except your True Love ca n't sing . So you just hear them randomly screeching . +Have your favorite villain talk about their mother , and their relationship to their mother . +Imagine reddit existed in 1939 . Write what the comment sections would be like when Britain and France declare war on Germany . +November , 1965 : Moscow has lost radio contact with a secret research facility in Siberia , and the last broadcast from the facility was `` It ... is awake . '' +Dyslexic zombies rise from the dead , searching for `` Brians '' +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +tell me what humanity did not forget in the end . +You 're just an average person in The Matrix and do n't know the truth . Weird things keep happening around you . +Exercising Your Subtext Skills +You wake up one morning and notice a scar on you from chest to belly button . You have no idea how it got there as you went to sleep without it . The scar is completely healed and looks aged . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +A race of beings is incapable of consuming energy . They are born with all of the energy they will have for their entire lives . Actions and thoughts consume their internal energy . Once they run out of energy , they die . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +There is a habitable moon where the planet stays in front of the parent star for half of the 300 year orbit . People do n't believe in the myth of the coming dawn . +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +humans used to use their constant stamina to chase after their prey . You are an animal plagued by the constant pursuit of this predator . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +Write about a person coping with the death of a friend . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Eight Writing Prompts ! +A man enrolls in a course to take care of Alzheimer 's patients . +You wear a watch that does not work . +Write about an alien intervention that happened during World War 1 . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +Write a composition using the username of the poster above you in some way . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +A medieval world is forever changed when they are visited by Extra Terrestrials . +One day it just started snowing , in the middle of the summer , and it has n't stopped since . +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +You 're an exceptionally skilled assassin , doing an interview on your deathbed . Your calling card is making a homicide look accidental or natural . You 're known only by your code name : 20-16 +Congressional leaders finally pass the bill to harvest inmate organs for profit . As a leader , you must choose to kill your white collar criminal sister to save your only daughter . +A line of code algorithmically generates every pixel color permutation of a computer monitor . What do you find in this data ? +Instead of `` multiplayer '' mode , you are trying out life in `` single player '' . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +You wear a watch that does not work . +You are walking to your car after your first day at an incredibly well paying job . On the way , you see a homeless man in an alleyway . The man attacks you and tells you to quit your job immediately - his voice , is your own . +The human soul is a confirmed , measurable entity that enters everyone after birth . You have finally come to the realization that yours never showed up . +Write the next best Copypasta . +You die and go to heaven only to be told you have `` unfinished business '' and are sent back to the moment 10 minutes before your fatal heart attack to finish it . You have no idea what this `` business '' is . +It 's cute when your kid sends Santa a letter . It 's surprising when Santa sends a letter back . It 's worrying when the two become regular pen pals . And it 's horrifying when you start reading the letters yourself ... +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +A woman looks out of her window every day and sees people enjoying themselves . One day , she decides to go outside . +10 minutes before death , you are presented with a TL ; DR of your life . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Soldier plays an abandoned piano +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +Something really bad happens to the human race . One person has the power to save us all , that person is n't you . +A terminally ill mother wrote several greeting cards to her daughter for the birthdays/anniversaries/life achievements that she wo n't be there for . Her daughter opening one of the cards . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Chivalry is Dead : a girl spends her entire life thinking that every door is automatic , but discovers on her deathbed that she was actually haunted for her entire life by an extremely polite ghost . +You 're just an average person in The Matrix and do n't know the truth . Weird things keep happening around you . +You travel to the future to find that Hitler is on trial , and his disappearance was in fact a future super police operation . The trial is public . +- `` Justice runs in crimson rivers '' +Two children need to enter the last known civilization on earth . Their kind is not allowed into the city , and it is heavily guarded . +You find yourself thanking Satan . Why ? +A new anti-graffiti method is put into spray paint . It now screams when it is sprayed . +You wake up to find that all of earths populace has vanished . Earths guardians summon you and the other remaining human and offer you the chance to restore humanity , all they need is a baby . After meeting with the other survivor you find that you have nothing in common . +Aliens have come to Earth , not to invade , but to take us home . +You are the last human on earth sitting in a room watching old reruns of law and order when all of sudden you hear a knock on the door . Uncertain whether it 's fake or not you go and find out as you slowly approach the door you hear a second knock . +At the end of the year , a superhero receives a box in the mail from an anonymous journalist . Inside are hundreds of flash drives , filled with obituaries of people that the hero failed to save . At the bottom of the box , there 's a note that simply reads , `` The price of living a normal life . '' +Write the big climactic plot-twist . No context ... just the plot-twist . +Megafauna - FirstChapter 2344 Words +All math has stopped working . +What we found there +The Internet is about to be shut down and you are one of the 5 required persons who is needed to do so . You hear protests coming from the street and start to wondering if this is the right thing to do . +In 2042 , you are the first human to be implanted with an advanced computer chip . When you awaken , you are an expert in all fields , fluently speak every language , and can access the internet through thought alone . How do you use your new abilities ? +Humans are reviled by other alien species for a simple , yet apparently harmless ( to other humans ) characteristic . +You have been given a magic sword . It has a reputation of getting it 's owners killed . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +`` You , sir , clearly do not understand my current predicament . '' +You 're a clone scout trooper acting as a sniper . Your target holds a device that will release a deadly neuro-toxin on the galaxy . However , the target is idealistic child . Describe , what goes through your head as you wrestle with pulling the trigger . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +'' This was programmed by real , live humans . '' +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Humanity makes contact with an alien race with a level of technology comparable to our own , but the vast distance between our worlds means there 's a delay of many years when communicating . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +There are food critics and movie critics . Then there 's you : the serial killer critic . +You receive a second chance at something that has haunted you your entire life . +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +An event occurs and suddenly the world 's governments are holding corporations and their top level execs past and present accountable for all actions against the environment , crimes against humanity , and profiteering . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +( WP ) The first sentence has to be the same as the last sentence , but the ending has to catch the reader off guard . +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +As you grow up you realize you can understand and can speak all languages . You get used to by time . But one day you hear someone/something speak a language which you ca n't understand . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +4yr Contest Voting - Round Two ( of two ) +You are human being that was born as a baby bird before you had discovered your shape-shifting powers . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +We 've seen epic fantasy worlds based on historical Europe ( i.e . LotR ) and historical East Asia ( i.e . Avatar ) . Write about an epic fantasy world based on historical Africa . +4 very different individuals are trapped in a cave and are being hunted by an unknown enemy . +You are a member of a counter-culture movement whose recreational drug use has escalated to ingesting drugs that are known to only have negative side effects . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +An AI has become so intelligent that it 's creator , and four therapists that were appointed to it have been convinced that they are the AI 's and we were created by it . You 're it 's 5th therapist . +Humans , along with a few other species , were the first intelligent life in the Milky Way . Over time , each of these races built an interstellar empire and eventually came into armed conflict with one another . You are an alien archaeologist trying to find information on these ancient legends . +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +One family member is a known criminal . Another family member is a police officer . Write a thanksgiving scene where the two of them have to sit together and converse . +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +In a world were monsters and magic are common place you are a witch-hunter . Tell me about yourself and your place in the world . +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +A man discover the horrible truth , his friends are not humans , they are dancers . +Michael Scott is now the new CEO of Stratton Oakmont +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +You have been transported to an alternate reality in which all social norms , public conduct , and common etiquette are exactly opposite our own . You have landed a job in public relations/ customer service . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +You have just finished perfecting the Theory of Everything ... It was surprisingly easy , actually ... Why is it not everywhere yet ? , you ask yourself ... Then you find out why ... . +You have just been sworn in as President , and are being told the truth about alien life ... but it 's incredibly far from what anyone had ever imagined . +A team of Extra Terrestrial scientists reach Earth , which they deemed `` potentially habitable '' from their planet , and are astonished by their findings . +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +The United States loses the revolutionary war against Great Britain in a parallel timeline . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Is /r/WritingPrompts accepting of new writers ? +every person who comments on this are all living in a small village in the countryside . Somehow your story has to tie in with some one else 's story . First person to submit gets to choose the main plot . Be creative ! +Humans shoot billions of mushroom spores into deep space . Some land on a habitable planet and sentient beings eventually evolve . What do they contemplate about their existence ? +Upon touring the infamous Roanoke settlement you come across a journal . You open it and finally , the world learns what caused everyone to vanish from the `` Lost Colony . '' +A dragon infiltrates a D & D group +The Eternal War +In a world where everyone has super-abilities , one boy is born without powers . Show me how he can be a hero . +It is common knowledge that killing someone adds their remaining lifespan to your own . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Soldier plays an abandoned piano +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You and your true love are space miners who have been placed on separate asteroids . You 've just found out that your asteroids are on a collision course . +You are a gorilla with superhuman intelligence , enrolled in college . Write about your bananigans . +`` If you put them together it was obvious to see , but I 'd held them piece by piece , and my life was all the emptier for it . '' +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +Survival of the Fittest +The most elite communities of the world have , over time , been secretly building massive hidden cities for whatever reasons they want . Personal , Recreational , Militaristic , and much more , they were underground , underwater , and in the sky , but have remained hidden for many years , until now ... +Everyone on Earth is given one gun and one bullet at birth . You can do anything with the bullet with complete impunity . How do you use your bullet , and how does it change the world ? +: make me feel claustrophobic +Hell is suffering from severe overcrowding . The Devil goes to God for some assistance in alleviating this issue . +Death falls in love with you , but you 're very ill and want to die . He refuses to take you ( until ) ... . +Describe something you do every day in the most bombastic way possible without likening it to something else . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Based on a prompt here , I have been writing a story over the past three months that I 've been calling `` Letters and Powers . '' Today I finished it ! +Your name is Death . You work 168 hours a week as the reaper of souls on planet Earth . You 're living on just a couple bucks above minimum wage , you like to travel , you have a crush on the reaper on planet Xenor and you secretly take 4 sugars in your coffee . Today is your first ever day off . +Retell any Christian story with Hulk Hogan as the main character . +Writers do you write your stories on Reddit , a program like Microsoft Word , or pen and paper ? +`` ... flip to page 43 of a dictionary and take the first word and run with it . '' +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +You live in the X-men universe , where mutants are met with adversity and generally regarded as `` freaks '' . You , however , are a different kind of freak ... +Since the Hive Mind was created , more and more people have hooked up . Now its law to be a part of it . You are on the run , because you do n't want to . +The pain of second place +Every day people act as they do when they think the world is going to end +Angel , Demon , sinner , saint . Write a story that includes each of these archetypes , but without using names people will recognize . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +Waking up to someone knocking at the door in the early evening , you look through your peephole to see the Burger King . With a shotgun . covered in blood . +Ask Lexi # 11 - Creating plots and filling holes +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +Write a story using all the words from NATO phonetic alphabet ( or alternatively the older Able Baker one ) +The Walker . An immortal , who when he walks , becomes insubstantial . When he runs he is unstoppable . For the first time in generations , he started running . +Only one person can laugh at a time . +Write from the perspective of a tank crew as their tank is hounded down , disabled , and eventually destroyed by enemy infantry . Make it a horror story . +Dark Days +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You 're an polymorph . Every day you can change into one creature of your choice , and you remain that way for the next 24 hours . Today you choose a new creature , but somehow change into a stuffed toy version of that creature . Describe the rest of your day . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Someone who has lost their way in life meets themselves at nine years old . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You die and go to a court room deciding your afterlife . The jury consists of 6 people who love you and 6 people who hate you . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +In a world of brain implanted internet access you are an AI browsing people`s minds +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +You have just won the lottery and you hate your job . You go to work the next day and you let everyone know what was on your mind . +You 're part of a community that lives on an island , no other land mass is in sight . When a crime is committed , the person responsible has to 'go find more land ' to redeem their honour . No one has yet to return . You 've just been caught stealing . +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +Adapt a fable or folk story for a Reddit audience +It was a gorgeous early summer day . The sun was shining brightly , the birds were singing , and there was a warm gentle breeze . +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +It 's true that vampires need to be invited in to enter a house . Unfortunately , most people have welcome mats . +Painfully misinterpret a company slogan . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Technology has become sentient , and able to communicate with humans . Your phone is about to run out of battery +You time travel to 1776 . You are filming a documentary about the founding fathers and utilize time travel to get live footage . Everything is normal until you get back ... history has changed . What happened ? +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +You are a malicious imaginary friend , your host is 19 . You feed off of her when she has fun with you . She thinks she 's too old for you , all her friends and family say so , change her mind before you fade forever . +Adolf Hitler wakes up in 2015 on the streets of Germany . Everyone assumes he is a very dedicated actor/performer . +You ’ re a dragon in your human form . As part of that , you have faked an ID card , Visa , business card , and organ donation card . Your skull is crushed in a car crash , killing you . A smart young man successfully receives your lungs… +He seemed tired but strong . +Your character wakes up and discovers his house has been inexplicably moved overnight . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +A person in a fantasy universe does something that would seem out of place in said universe . +The Shyamalan prompt . +You and two friends can now use telekinesis , fly and are indestructible . What happened the first hour , the first week and the first year ? +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Upon waking up , the color purple is nonexistent +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +To get to emergencies quicker , all Emergency Responders are required to be clairvoyant . This morning , an ambulance , fire truck and police cars show up outside your house . Nothing has happened ... yet . +it has been confirmed that birthmarks show how you died in a previous life . While sitting in history class they show what the wound that killed Achilles perfectly matches the birthmark you have on your heel +The apocalypse has begun , the world riddled with zombies . As a zombie meanders through a decrepit grocery store , the barely working speakers tell of the sale in deli . He recognized his voice on the recording and remembers everything off his life before . +Tomorrow you have a perfect day . Give me a detailed report of how everything worked out exactly as planned +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A hurricane is making landfall in your area . Other than that small detail , tell us about your day +Today , he feels different -- empowered . Not fearful , weak , or victimized . Because today , on his 6th birthday , the ugly duckling discovers who he truly is all along , a dragon +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are on flight 4613 landing in the Denver Airport . As the plane grounds your pilot announces airplane mode can be turned off . You turn it off and check the news . Flight 4613 has crashed with no survivors . +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +You ’ re getting ready to make waffles for breakfast when , to your horror , you realize there ’ s no maple syrup left ! +Uncle Ben 's Famous Quote Is Now `` With Great Power Comes Great Invulnerability . '' +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +Drake . +Write about a bad trip +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +When you were young , your father left you and your mother for another woman . 30 years later you are the CEO of a big company and your father pays a visit for the first time +You thought that being in the Time Police would involve more Hitler and other Fate-of-the-World situations , but mostly it 's just preventing people from winning bets or cheating the stock market . +Then suddenly the steel felt so cold in my hands +The animals of the world gather to discuss about a new and unexpected threat : homo sapiens . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +Until that moment , it never occurred to me that we are all human . We all make mistakes . +The year is 2776 , and most diseases have been cured ... +Most people 's wishes do n't come true because they 're wishing on planets or stars light years away . One day , someone decides to wish upon the sun . +'' Head over heels '' +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Turbulence +You break into your neighbor 's house to steal some stuff . Unbeknownst to you , it is known as one of the most haunted homes in the country . Before you can exit , the Ghost Adventures van rolls up . Now you must escape with a group of people listening for your every move . +Write a conversation between two people playing russian roulette . +An NPC in an MMO realises it 's the worst time of all to be active , The weekend . How do they cope ? +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +`` What a shame . Out of all the decisions you could have made today , you chose to die ... '' +Make a story about a Walt Disney World ride/attraction that you ca n't tell that it is a ride . +A happy story about the end of the world +You ’ re a supervillain who really just enjoys ruining people 's days . Summon rain on people sitting in the park , waking people up at 3AM using your sonic booms while flying through the air , stuff like that . You ’ re on holiday when a real villain decides to take your city hostage ... You 're furious . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +Everyone has a guardian angel , you are the only one who has a guardian demon . +`` Do n't even say that it hurts . '' +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +`` Genetic Designer Babies '' are commonplace , but parents only have so many `` stat points '' to allocate between your different physical and mental abilities . Your parents dumped all your stat points into one thing . +In 1787 , Ben Franklin snuck a joke into the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights that was never caught and never removed . Centuries later , it inadvertently plays a major part in a Supreme Court decision . +Stanley ( from The Stanley Parable ) meets a girl in the office while searching for someone . The Narrator tries to kill her . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +Terrify me . +An immortal man , trapped in a tomb for hundreds of years , awakes to a future when science had given his descendants superpowers +The protagonist slowly realizes that he is not at all part of the actual story . +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +The cast from “ It ’ s Always Sunny in Philadelphia ” somehow enters the GoT world . +An invading force as attacked and taken over Earth . In disgrace , the last survivors are allowed to leave the planet in search of life elsewhere . You are one of these survivors . Describe the scene as you leave your home planet . +Humanity is , for whatever reason , wiped out within the next 100 years . Write about an average day for an archeologist from the next sentient species to arise . +4yr Contest Voting - Round Two ( of two ) +Write from the perspective of a tank crew as their tank is hounded down , disabled , and eventually destroyed by enemy infantry . Make it a horror story . +You 've just woken up in the body of Michael Scott . You now need to convince the rest of the office that you are n't actually Michael . +Two scientists walk into a bar ... . But this is n't a joke , this is a robbery . +The last soldier of a once great empire sits alone in a small room . There is a knock on the door . Two men in uniforms have come for him . + +Two people have been living in the same house for 10 years , but neither of them knew it . One day , they finally meet ... +This is an alternate dimension . The timetraveler ( s ) changed one thing to make the world how it is today . +You wake up one day to find that everyone acts differently . Rudeness is considered polite while politeness is considered rude . +A young , talented engineer is sent back in time to the early Iron Age . It has been 30 years since then , and he lives as a hermit to avoid being burned as a wizard . +Steve leads an ordinary life , with an office 9 to 5 job . Then on his drive to work one morning he spots a hitchhiker on the road . He stops . +You have been given a morbid gift . Your life at any time can be payment to save another . One day , you hear of a terrible accident that just occurred , and remember that gift from years ago ... +In the future , domesticated versions of nearly every animal exist . You decide to take your pet to the local `` dog '' park . +Discovering Ruins of the Future +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +You finally got your revenge on them . But even after it all , you do n't feel any better . +TIFU by getting reddit banned in the USA +'' Normally , justice is blind . But this is the man who makes Lady Law open one wretched eye . '' +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +The Eternal War +You and two friends use a new % 100 accurate death calculator , which tells you when you die and if it could be avoidable or not . Both your friends unavoidably die in their early and late 80 's , but it says you die avoidably in 5 minutes . You hear a knock on the door . +You abduct a child to hold her for ransom , but as you begin to talk to her you realize her home life is actually way more troubling than being kidnapped . +Write a road trip story from three perspectives . The driver , the hitchhiker , and the person tied up in the trunk . +You are able to jump between parallel universes . +All attempts to kill the demon lord have thus far failed . But in a small town , a random blacksmith accidentally forges the highest tier armor possible - plot armor . Hilarity ensues . +Tell me about your day , you are not allowed to use the delete button . +You 're taking a walk and you see a girl that looks eerily familiar . Then , you see her again , and again , and again ... +A man has lost everything he ever cared for . And yet , he is happy . +Write a story where almost every sentence appeals to a different subreddit . +As chairmen of Vault-Tec , you have final say in what vault gets what purpose . While going over ideas , you come across the most absurd and ridiculous experiment idea you have ever seen . You okay it immediately and hammer out the details +A little girl helps her neighbor overcome his vow of silence he made after his wife passed away 40 years ago . +A demon suddenly decides to try to be good . He 's not the best at it . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Describe daily life in a world that experiences only an hour or two of sunlight every 24-hour period . +Anybody else irritated by the mods using stickied posts to promote themselves all the time ? +Your username vs. Godzilla +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +You are in the audience at a convicted murderer 's execution , when he/she is asked for any last words , he/she scans the crowd finishing with you and looking into your eyes simply says , `` I forgive you . '' +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +One night , instead of a monster under the bed , a little kid receives a `` On vacation , back in a week '' note . Getting an idea , the kid slips another note under the bed , asking for a temporary replacement . +A machine is created that can tell you how you will die ... but only in the most vague way possible . +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +A village of 5000 is destroyed by an earthquake , sending everyone to the Spirit Realm . You can revive yourself by running back to your corpse before your `` life '' expires . You only have 5 minutes left . +In the afterlife , people are given awards for things they did during their life . You won the award `` Most People Killed Without Knowing It . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You have been able to read minds your entire life . One day , in a fast food restaurant , and you 're casually reading someone 's mind . However , to your surprise , they furrow their brow , look at you angrily , and say , `` Stop that ! '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A man who lives alone gets the paper delivered to his house everyday for years . One day , it does n't come . +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +`` I do n't owe you a fair fight '' +Summarize the entirety of a movie in a four stanza poem without mentioning the title . +You are a guardian angel . However , you ca n't influence the world in the ways a guardian angel normally could . The only way you can protect is through music . +You ’ re a supervillain who really just enjoys ruining people 's days . Summon rain on people sitting in the park , waking people up at 3AM using your sonic booms while flying through the air , stuff like that . You ’ re on holiday when a real villain decides to take your city hostage ... You 're furious . +You start having the same dream . Something/someone in the dream becomes sentient and does n't want you to wake up . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +This image of hamsters +You have the ability to make inanimate objects come to life by putting googly eyes on them . +When you die , you are sent to Heaven or Hell . If you go to Hell , you are sent to one of the seven circles of Hell . You 've been sent to the 8th circle of hell , that everyone including Satan has forgotten about . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +The Indian government is researching cybersecurity and develops a dangerous computer virus . They accidentally release it onto the web , and it is up to their call centers to alert the rest of the world about it . +The day where humankind realized that yes , they were indeed the only lifeforms in the entire universe . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +Time is frozen once indefinitely . Being the only person that can move , you 're a double of yourself in this `` frozen purgatory '' with knowledge that once time unfreezes , you 'll be put back in your original body with no recollection of what your second self did . What events arise from this ? +Being a member of a Time Traveling Police Force is not the exciting job you might imagine from the description . +Death appears at your door , he just wants to talk . +You are dead , but before you can go on to heaven or hell , you must meet all the people you could 've been . +Try to explain a scientific process or theory ( chemistry , physics , biology ) in the form of a bedtime story . +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +The worst thing a wizard can do is sleep-talk . +An aliens perspective as it attempts to decode the golden record +You are a third party spy who has infiltrated both armies in a battle/war . On the same night , both leaders tell you the same exact plan , and yes , they are telling the truth . +After you jokingly tell your friend he 's been dead for 20 years , he goes into a coma for no apparent reason the next morning . What happens next ? +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +The Voice +Every person you pass on the street reminds you of a certain loved one in a different way . +For millennia , your clan of knights has passed down a set of enchanted armor that greatly increases one 's strength in battle . The catch : the armor has a mind of its own , and can telepathically communicate with its wearer . +Gods are around as long as they have statues and images of themselves to look out through . Write what happens when their last statue is smashed . +Write a story that ends with a phrase `` I was wrong '' and this phrase explains everything +With a gun pointed at your head , you 'll have to explain to your next door neighbor the reasons why you 're naked inside his house , why his wife is knocked out in the bathtub , and why there 's a hole six feet deep in the middle of the living room . +Tomorrow , everyone wakes up with just the clothes on their backs and the knowledge in their heads . It is now 10,000 years in the past . How long does it take for us to recreate everything we have today ? +You spent years building the perfect sex-bot . Soon after , it was hacked and left you . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +You are a professional Monster Hunter , currently dating Dracula 's Daughter +You just awoke from cryogenic sleep and discover you are aboard a space ship carrying the last of the humans , searching for a habitable planet . How did you get aboard the ship ? +Start with a tragedy - and then tell me how it is actually a happy ending . +Tiny details of our universe ( like particles , dark matter , anti-matter , etc ) do n't exist until scientests discover them . God struggles to create these details at the rate that Scientists `` discover '' them . +You are the first person to travel into the future via time machine . When you arrive , you gradually notice that your surroundings keep changing , seemingly at random . You eventually realize that you are LITERALLY in the future , and events in the present are still shaping the world . +An invisible alien killer is on the loose . Chris Hansen is tasked to Catch A Predator +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +He 's a master chef , but not by choice . He has absolutely no idea what he 's doing but somehow creates amazing dishes left and right ! +An angry/depressed dictionary writer ca n't keep his personal problems out of word examples +Only the rich can afford to see the stars at night . +You are a professional Monster Hunter , currently dating Dracula 's Daughter +A man with a fetish for mundane events has an average day +`` Let grandpa tell you about the time he participated in the great cyber-war of 2018 . '' +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +An NPC observes the player character , who decided to max out a single stat and neglect all others . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +Where does the door lead ? +A private investigator tailing a politician discovers that his wife is involved with his target . +Instead of killing him , a timetraveller tells Hitler how future generations will remember him . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +Two weeks ago you were tired and on your way to work.You jokingly yelled in your head `` I really do n't want to go to work today , I wish this train journey to never end ! `` , you 're still on that train . +In the future , marriage is treated similar to a car license : you need to apply for a renewal every 5 years and get approval to stay with your spouse . +It started slowly . Reports of underdeveloped births , stunted growth in children , delayed puberty in teens . It took time but eventually scientists figured it out . The telomeres in the cells of the human race had stopped shortening upon dividing . Humanity had stopped aging . +Mythical creatures have started appearing around the world , but they lack the majesty of their story counterparts , and are ruining the ecosystems they enter . You are a mythical rights activist fighting against `` myth culling '' laws . +: She now has the chance to fix her ruined life by going back to the decision that caused it . For some reason that moment was when she was asked `` What flavour do you want ? '' at Baskin Robbins . +A serial killer uses a vending machine to buy a personalized coke bottle to select his victim . One day , he gets a bottle with an unexpected name . +One last time +A couple is having their first child , when they admit to each other that they both promised their first born to a witch . It 's two different witches . +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +In the future , technology has allowed us to have pillows that monitor our brain waves , and when people wake up they can plug them into their laptops and watch their dreams . +You decide to fight crime despite the fact that the only power a freak lab accident granted you is tremendous over-confidence . +You have 2 lives , one in the virtual world and one in the real world . You are facing a decision of having to decide which one of the two you get to keep . +Santa Claus in a therapy session talking about some of the traumatizing things he 's encountered while delivering presents to peoples houses . +It does no good to speak of roads not taken . +A sumo wrestler must save the White House from imminent destruction . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +Men and Women are invisible to each other , except each person can see their soulmate +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +`` I spent most of the morning coughing up blood . The trouble is I 'm not sure whose blood it was . '' +His cellphone starts playing her ringtone . That should be impossible , as he 'd just killed her . +Start as a comedy , then end as a tragedy . +A pet was stolen from you some months ago . When you find it again you are faced with a moral dilemma - take it back because it is yours , or leave it because it was adopted out as a therapy pet keeping a drug addict clean . +In the distant future , an IRC bot is created that can answer any question and dispense solutions to all the world 's problems . The first thing it is asked is ... +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Because of the Intergalactic Exotic Pet Trade , thousands of dangerous spiecies roam the underbelly of Coruscant . You are a rookie Animal Control Officer . +`` All of a sudden , after getting pummeled to the ground by her during 8th grade recess , Calvin realized he was in love with Suzie . '' +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +You are William Clark from the Lewis and Clark Expedition . You walk into Lewis 's tent unannounced and what you find once inside changes everything . +Every time , without fail , when you return to your apartment after walking your dog , she eagerly runs towards a door on the other side of the hall that you 've never seen anyone use . One day , you decide to try the handle . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +Write a dark , gritty Disney story using any and as many characters as you like . +A kid is taken to a magical realm and spends years fighting a great evil . After defeating the evil they are sent home . +Write a story about a train ride . +You discover the source code to universe.exe and give yourself admin rights +Everyone 's incognito browsing becomes public . +You work as a mechanic for robot animatronics , and every morning you have to boot them up , and watch them as they go through all the tests of their actions and facial movements . One day , you notice that the animatronic has an extra facial movement at the end , and want to find out why ... +You are the psychiatrist tasked with evaluating , and diagnosing , Calvin from `` Calvin and Hobbes '' . +Call it in . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +You always were a coward . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A serial killer uses a vending machine to buy a personalized coke bottle to select his victim . One day , he gets a bottle with an unexpected name . +You have been the Grim Reaper for the last 2000 years , and have always viewed and experienced the entire life of the person you 're to take the life of . You 've never shown mercy and have always collected the life when time ends . Until you experience the life of a sicky old man . +Two sworn enemies reminiscence +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +In the far future , people are genetically engineered to be `` perfect . '' Occasionally this produces defects , but instead of being cast out of society or destroyed , the `` defects '' are sold for millions of dollars to collectors . +This is how it begins ! Fueled with their first worship in 1,00 years , the Norse gods arise from the bowels of the earth ... +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +{ EU } There are foster homes for imaginary friends and even teen created monsters . But what the public does n't know is that there 's a high security facility that contains the nightmarish imaginations of the schizophrenic and the mentally ill . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +A genie grants you one wish , so you wish to meet the girl of your dreams . There 's a flash and in a moment standing in front of you is ... your girlfriend of two weeks from 8th grade . +You are transported five centuries into the future and watch a documentary about the present day ( 2015 ) . But oddly , the world depicted in the film is unrecognizable to you . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Your mother has been dating someone for a while and it 's time to meet his family . However , you find that you already know one of them +`` How much of a hero are you , if all you 've managed to save is yourself ? '' +You turn on your PC to keep working on your novel , but to your surprise , when you open the file , it is writting itself . You read some of what has already been written and it seems your characters have created free will , and the plot is progressing without you . +Whilst having a demon for a girlfriend is n't always the best , the benefits are well worth it +You discover a lamp . You revel in the fact that your top three wildest fantasies are about to come true . You rub the lamp and out comes the genie . . . your judgmental mother . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +Write a terribly sad story , but change it to be beautiful with the last sentence . +The government has deregulated parenting . All children under 18 now belong to no one , Making kidnapping legal . +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +He chuckled , his coal black eyes glinting under the harsh lighting of the flickering bulbs . `` Killing is a game and the world is my playing field ... '' +Gold Sea +Dyslexic zombies rise from the dead , searching for `` Brians '' +A mysterious collectible trading card game grants people different super powers for each card owned . You have just recieved your first booster pack . +While first sequencing the human genome , scientists discover a deliberate message in our genetic code +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +What would your worst personal enemy have to do to gain your forgiveness ? +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +A person is holding the world hostage . They could annihilate humanity with the push of a button . `` Be Kind . '' is their only demand . +Write me a comedy in 5 sentences . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +World leaders are meeting to discuss international whaling laws . For once , a representative of the Merpeople has been invited . +Our protagonist has just been gifted with a divine vision : precisely one year from now , if there are fewer than 100,000 people still keeping their butter in the refrigerator , all humanity will be saved . Otherwise , all humanity shall suddenly and violently perish . +Alternate Universe where rebellious teens sneak out to vote underage instead of do drugs or drink +Tell a story by foreshadowing all the action but actually describing none of it . +A religious scientist publishes the results of his latest experiments and becomes an atheist . His results are peer reviewed and his experiments recreated successfully . The results ? No higher powers , such as god , exist . +`` What a shame . Out of all the decisions you could have made today , you chose to die ... '' +The day in a life of a preteen girl , but her inner monologue is that of Samuel L. Jackson +Just for fun , you send away a small amount of money to an ad in the back of an old 1950 's science magazine claiming to send you a kit that could turn any car into a working airtight spaceship . To your surprise , you actually receive the kit - and after installing it , it works ! +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +A man pushes an empty swing . +Age 24 +You are a D-class personnel in the SCP foundation . One of the Keter monsters have gotten out , and now you must survive . +Any story NOT involving Abrahamic mythology . Ideas included in text . +You 're reading a random book in a library , you realize there 's a chapter about you . +Write a cosmic horror story in the style of Dr.Seuss +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +Two men on death row try to creep each other out from adjoining cells . +A Shetland pony is thrown into a number of weird situations . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +A character from another one of your stories just ended up in our world . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +An eternal optimist experiences the Apocalypse . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +In the wake of the destruction of Mars , our original home , humanity 's leadership decide that if we are to survive , those sent to Earth to perpetuate the species can never know what we became . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +Describe the first use of superhuman soldiers in open combat . +You are Waldo . What 's your story ? Why are you hiding ? +An army of six million Jews has been resurrected , and under the command of Imperator Anne Frank , they march on Germany . +It 's cute when your kid sends Santa a letter . It 's surprising when Santa sends a letter back . It 's worrying when the two become regular pen pals . And it 's horrifying when you start reading the letters yourself ... +This is the way the world ends ... Not with a bang , but with the click of a mouse . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Yesterday , the world heard an announcement that a massive asteroid would hit the earth today . Only it did n't , and now everyone is feeling super awkward . + +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You ’ re getting ready to make waffles for breakfast when , to your horror , you realize there ’ s no maple syrup left ! +You are a famous master detective . Once again you have gathered the protagonists in the drawing room , and by brilliant deduction you reveal the murderer . But for the first time in your long career the murderer , instead of confessing , realises that you have no evidence at all . +You open the door to your house when you over hear your dog talking . +There is a door in the middle of the room . Where does it lead ? +A civilization has developed in an ocean trench . Startled by the arrival of a submarine , they decide to send their own explorers to the surface . +Write about how the world of magic would be if it were up to you . +Once the St. Lalaurie Flower blooms , it has the power to grant one wish . But for it to mature and bloom , the gardener must endure years of torment and anguish . +A man discovers a mathematical code while doing homework that gives him ultimate power +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +When looking into a an isolated cave you accidentally discover that the bushmen of Africa are actually more technologically advanced than the rest of the world but have been hiding their progress for centuries . They all turn around and see you before you have time to leave ... +As your dying wish , you ask that your body is jettisoned into space . Sometime later your body is recovered by aliens who are able to resuscitate you . +Time is an alien invention and now that human 's have figured it out , the aliens have decided to replace it with something else . +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +You Discover that The Answer to the Universe is in fact 41 ... +Most wizards study ancient texts and forgotten grimoires . This one studies physics . +A meeting is called for story tropes . Turns out , Wise Old Hermit has just been shot and killed , and it is up to Clever Female Lead , Brooding Ex-Detective , and Loveable Goof to find the murderer . +Gazing up at the clouds you watch them shift and change while reminiscing about the past . +You head to work as a mortician and realize you 've accidentally been dosed with LSD . +The single saddest moment your life will ever have was the single happiest moment of someone else 's . +Sitcom characters become horrifically aware of the laugh track , limited amount of rooms , actors being replaced , and the universe continually resetting the show status quo regardless of their actions . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +You 've been a ghost for the last 5 months now . And you only just discovered this fact . +- A character who struggles to understand . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +`` How much of a hero are you , if all you 've managed to save is yourself ? '' +You jump . Your parachute does n't open . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +You 've just died and wake at Heaven 's gate . Saint Peter stands there and points toward a pay phone , hands you a quarter , and whispers `` you have five minutes . '' +When you delete your Facebook , you get deleted in real life . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +We all have a mortal enemy that we must fight to the death when we meet . You do n't know them until we see them in public . +A lonely , old lady keeps misdialing and ends up calling you to talk nearly everyday . You are Satan . +One day , everyone in the world wakes up with a tattoo depicting how they will die on them . You do n't have one . +Whenever you do good things , your lifespan shortens . Whenever you do bad things , your lifespan lengthens . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +Write a short prompt about what it means to be from where you live . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +Following the invention of time travel , justice is very different . Offenders are now sentenced to return to the past and prevent themselves from breaking the law . You , however , are incorrigible ... +Not even the first day of being an escort to the princess , yet the masses are in hysterics . +She tugged a thread and the tapestry unraveled . The rumble grew , as her city fell to rubble . +`` Treasure hunter ? No , I 'm more of a treasure protector . '' +Tyrion , in his trial , calls for a trail by rap battle . Tyrion and oberyn verses a team of your choice . +Describe the great hero of your story only through posthumous anecdotes of friends and family . +Into the Storm +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +In the future earth has met numerous alien civilizations , all of them evolved as herbivores . Humanity 's evolution and history makes diplomacy interesting . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +You have survived in a bunker for years since it happened . You thought everyone was dead ... until you hear knocking on the door . +He reached for the forest , and to his surprise , it reached back . +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +`` For what it 's worth ... I 've always loved you . '' +In a life or death situation , A man falls . ( Life or death ? ) +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Your coworker is completely convinced you are a superhero . She stalks you like the worst fan girl ever . The only problem is you 're not a hero - you 're a villain . And she 's really starting to get in the way of your work . +You have the ability to make inanimate objects come to life by putting googly eyes on them . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +Tell the story of a recently released mental patient rambling to his cat . +You wear a watch that does not work . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +The king of a kingdom has gotten too old to fight and must give the sacred sword of his kingdom to his heir . Only one problem , he has an odd obsession with archery . +Someone finds out that the thing they have been told they were allergic to their whole life actually gives them super powers . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +the voice of your internal monologue is actually the voice of your soulmate . +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +The pain of second place +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +A high school student calls in a bomb threat to cancel classes for the day . During the ensuing evacuation , a series of explosions level the school . + +A serial killer has found his next victim and begins his normal routine of peeking through windows and popping up in mirrors , looking for that rush he gets off on . Unfortunately , his newest victim is a horror movie fan and has constructed his life around the prevention of such jump scares . +You Find A Key On Your Person You Did Not Place There . What Is It ? +The most powerful spell ever cast backfires , sending the entire world into a sunless void . As scholars seek a solution before everyone freezes to death they find that something in the void is trying to stop them . +Dyslexic zombies rise from the dead , searching for `` Brians '' +And now ... We dance . +Create a fantasy world/society . Tell as much as you can about it through its cuisine . +Write a story where the narrator is drunk and his best friend is behind him trying to convince him to go home . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +Tell a story of an orphaned boy who broke into somebody 's house house just to make a friend . +At your local grocery store you discover a missing child post . You do n't recognize the name but the picture is of you in middle school , and you 've been missing for over 10 years apparently . +A young couple and older man are stranded on a deserted island . The older man agreed to kill himself so as to provide nourishment for the couple and give them a chance of surviving long enough for rescue . The older man is now having second thoughts ... +Your a bail bondsman . 3 am . Sunday morning . County jail . There to bail out 2 of your clients . Jesus and Saten have gotten drunk and disorderly again , are nursing black eyes and broken nose , asking you not to tell dad . `` This better be good . What did you boys do now ? '' +The Source +Soulmates exist but they are n't beneficial to be in a relationship with . If anything being coupled up with your soulmate will lead to a life a sadness . +: You have a genetic modification that allows you to regenerate , causing you to never get drunk . Instead of using your power for good , you spend your free time challenging people at the bars in drinking contests… until The Department notices and decides to pay you a visit . +I 'd like to help publish a collection of Redditors , in multiple genres eventually , and give the proceeds to charity . +The light glinted in the dirt , and there I found my future . +Every single person in the world suddenly forgets how to read . +You have a bad bicycle crash and when you look at you injured knee you see robotics under the flesh . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Rewrite your favorite knock-knock joke as a serious story . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Vigilante , superhero , defender of the peasant class . You are ... the Silver Serfer . +you find a door you have never noticed before in a home you 've lived in for 20 years . +Superpowers are leaking into the Discworld . Citizens are becoming Superheroes/Villains . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +You are a D-class personnel in the SCP foundation . One of the Keter monsters have gotten out , and now you must survive . +A calculated killer approaches his goal ... +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +try to justify the most terrible act possible , without using anything similar to a `` kill a few to save a bunch '' clause . +You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed . And today , you 're having a very bad day . +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +`` You do n't get it . These people will swallow you WHOLE , and spit out the bones . And they 'll sit back and laugh while the people you love pick up your pieces . '' +Make me smile . +When magic is highly dependent on clear wordings , a precise incantation , having a speech impediment is a lot more serious . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +The story of what you do when you leave the house , written by , your dog . +Your username +- Darth Vader is five minutes late for a meeting with Emperor Palpatine . Write the dialog between the two . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Time to choose a side ... +Elegance , Sweet Arrogance - MarContest - 11772 +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +The interrogation chair +A world where people who die turn into objects based on their past life . +You open a door and see a creature incomprehensible to the mortal mind . This is how your brain interprets what you saw so it does n't break : +Your brother grows up to become the most infamous despot in history . Upon going back in time to kill him , you find that someone unexpected has gone back in time to stop you . +- Earth is a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland . Tell Me What Happened and How People Are Surviving . +You are Hideo Kojima ( former writer of Metal Gear Solid series ) and you have been hired by Nintendo . Write the story for the new Super Mario game . +A senior in high school wakes up one morning and realizes that he has a new ability . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A person loses their friend 's child while on a day out in the city . +After dying , you wake up in the afterlife . The afterlife being millions of years in the future , when hyper-advanced technology capable of bringing back every dead person regardless of their body 's physical state has been invented +You wake up on an Island . Tell me about it . +Two species of intelligent life forms try to talk to each other , but do n't speak the other 's language . +A tattoo appears on your body , and at regular intervals you either find a new one or the old one expands . +You 're at a pub when you see an attractive woman sitting alone at a table , after you approach her and talk for a while you hit it off ; only to find out that she is there to meet someone she met online . +You are a pirate . +SatChat : What 's your favorite Theme Thursday ( Horror ) prompt you 've seen ? +`` The guy is like an 'emotional vampire ' , '' she said . `` He simply drains the emotional energy from others . You can feel it happening . '' +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +In the form of journal/diary entries , document your last days as a teenager who has survived an apocalyptic event alone . +Write a story of a school shooting that makes us sympathetic with the shooter . +A Derelict Spacecraft Turns out to be a Library +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +The most mundane things done/written in the most dramatic way +A peculiar social media account has been posting the names of well-known living individuals , and within three days after a name is posted , that person mysteriously dies without fail . Your name has just been posted . +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +The Apocalypse has come , several of them actually . They do n't get along . +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Write an inspiring 200 word ( or less ) story . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +A story where the villain/antagonist wins . +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +You run a survival TV show that 's all staged for the ratings . You get tasked by a different network to survive in the deadliest region on the planet alongside 4 other survival elites . You think you 'll be fine since these people are the best of the best , only to find they 're all fakes too +Dragons are real , they 've been dormant in the deep for thousands of years and now they began to emerge +You come home to find everything in your home is gone expect for a box . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +Ask Lexi # 14 - Writing Believable Characters +The army of Mordor has been transported to our world at the height of the Roman Empire . Rome has assembled its army and it 's Caesar is about to give his pre-battle speech . +World hunger is eradicated , and therefore human population expands to much . New law states that each year every human must join `` The Lottery '' where they can win a pass , or else will get deadly disease . You just lost the lottery +When you were drunk you kidnapped a child . The kid likes you more than its real parents . +After finding out little Suzy lied about her cancer , the Make-A-Wish foundation sets out to un-grant her wish . +`` Are you sure you want to stay here forever ? Is this truly what you want ? '' +Pripyat 's Labyrinth - FebContest +Leslie Knope runs for President . Her rival candidate is the current President , who campaigns for re-election : Frank Underwood . +`` You , sir , clearly do not understand my current predicament . '' +You wake up in the body of your bully and found out why they resort in violence +In an effort to eradicate disease , the government engineers super frogs to exterminate mosquitoes , with unintended consequences . +A conversation between a death row inmate and the guard bringing him his last meal . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +Humans were created in order to protect the earth and prevent mass extinctions from happening again . Somewhere along the way , humans deviated from their role . The gods meet to discuss the problem at hand +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +A friend you lost contact with for several years walks up to you asking for help at the store you work at . They do n't recognise you but you recognise them . +A young apprentice confronts his master , suspecting him to be his long lost father . The truth is slightly more complex . +It is 2040 , all drugs have been decriminalized and legalized for distribution . You are the leader of a prominent cartel that is trying to turn into a legitimate organization , but your members are having a tough time with the transition . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +`` JUMP ! JUMP NOW ! '' +You 've just broken into a bank for a heist , when one of your men notices there are organs in the vault , not money . +Mother Nature assumes her bodily form and takes a one year trip around the world . Share an entry from her journal . +You find yourself in a Groundhog Day time loop , repeating October 20th 2016 infinitely . About fifty 'days ' in , you see a post in /new titled `` Day 893 '' in a brand new , empty sub called /r/10202016 +The zombie apocalypse has occurred , but they are so slow and stupid that society remains unchanged , and they are more of a nuisance than a threat +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +You 're currently dating the girl of your dreams . Problem is : Her overprotective father is Satan . +Years ago in a drunken stupor you bought a star . A strange looking `` man '' comes to your door desperately wanting to buy it from you . +McDonald 's admits to being an intergalactic fast-food chain , after one is discovered on Mars . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Tell the origin story of the most awesome or most interesting character you can imagine . +Just because you love them , does n't mean they have to love you back . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +An alien invasion from the perspective of aliens . +You are able to see a person 's future , but it only activates when you kiss someone on the lips . You are completely unaware you have this power , until you share your first kiss with your SO . +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Your username vs. Godzilla +You are a former executioner . Describe your final killing . +In a world where humans have nine lives , a reckless young man who wasted all but his final revival contemplates his own future +`` The prophecy tells of a Chosen One who will defeat the forces of evil . That 's as specific as it gets , so we 're just going to choose someone . '' +Take a normally boring activity , but make it sound exciting . +A message appears on your phone - `` You have connected to Wi-Fi network : HAL9000 '' +You have just finished perfecting the Theory of Everything ... It was surprisingly easy , actually ... Why is it not everywhere yet ? , you ask yourself ... Then you find out why ... . +An alien race controlling most of the galaxy contacts Earth , aiming to uplift the humans until they 're ready to join the interstellar community . The problem is all previous species evolved utilizing organic technology . Our `` hard and dead '' tech is utterly alien to them . +Earth is sucked into a parallel universe through a worm hole . There are now two earths in orbit around the sun . Contact between the two planets are established . +A man dies and goes to the afterlife , when he arrives he is shown an alternate time line where he never existed , he can choose to erase his existence at the end of it . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +You die during a driving test and awaken in hell . Satan let 's you return to earth if you complete your test and get your licence on the highway to hell . The devil is your driving instructor , and he is VERY picky . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +A man tries to commit suicide 50 times but something always stops him . It is almost as if the universe wants him to stay alive . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You die and God announces that you 're going to Hell . You 're shocked and confused because you were a devout Evangelical Christian your entire life . +During the zombie apocalypse , humans discoverses they can bite zombies to turn them back to normal +Long , continuous vibrations are being felt all over the world . As the days pass , they worsen . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +At the end of an escalating war , A weapon that could destroy an entire country is launched . This weapon becomes sentient 60 seconds before it hits +Two men on death row try to creep each other out from adjoining cells . +In the future , technology exists to transfer one person 's conciousness to another body , giving identity theft a whole new meaning . Write about the identity black market . +The truly brave men do not slay dragons ... +Humans 10,000 years in the future are about to unknowingly enter a nuclear waste disposal site when one of them notices something odd about it . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +You 're being followed by a poisonous mushroom that is persistent on being eaten . +A man discover the horrible truth , his friends are not humans , they are dancers . +A college campus is suddenly yanked into another dimension when a physics experiment goes wrong . +Where am I ? +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +The worst thing a wizard can do is sleep-talk . +Do n't blink , or you 'll miss it +The air left my lungs +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +Someone finds their own corpse +The fate of the universe shall be decided in a game of rock , paper , scissors +After eons of existence , the universe has reached its final day . In the hours before the heat death of the universe , you are charged with recounting its history to all of its inhabitants . +By some unknown force , you realize you never lose . +It 's the end of the world . Eldritch gods and monsters are awaking to end life as we know it . All because we got rid of mosquitos and now there is no one to perform the blood sacrifices . +An immortal man reflects on his first marriage . +A parallel version of you forces you to live as them in their universe +After a long and exciting life , Mrs. Frizzle has died . Her long-ago students meet at her funeral - for the first time in a while - to reminisce about their experiences with her and how it 's shaped them . +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . +The land of Clichea +try to justify the most terrible act possible , without using anything similar to a `` kill a few to save a bunch '' clause . +You are the villain of this story ... well you were supposed to be . But you remain a good natured person , and the author is getting desperate trying to find any way to turn you . +Incorporate the cliche `` Is anyone out there ? '' but then twist the story so that the phrase is completely reimagined . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Write the superhero origin story of your username +You live in Gemini , one of the 12 flying cities , beneath you are the ruins of the old world . One day your ICARUS system fails as you travel to Cancer and you fall to the world below . +Instead of living on land , Humans are an aquatic species that live in the ocean . Write a journal entry describing the average day . +Harley Quinn has decided to break away from Joker , but in the process has latched onto Batman . +You have evidence that the conspiracy about big business fast food restaurants using human meat in their food is true . You also find the location of the human slaughterhouse supplying the meat , and you must go to the slaughterhouse to find more evidence +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +In a shocking role reversal , a medieval princess has kidnapped a dragon . You are the knight sent to save him . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +The Dark Wanderer +April 2017 . You are American . You wake up and log on to facebook but you ca n't . The internet is down . You turn on the tv . The internet is down in the entire country . You step outside and notice it 's the same for everyone . The rage begins to build . +A young couple and older man are stranded on a deserted island . The older man agreed to kill himself so as to provide nourishment for the couple and give them a chance of surviving long enough for rescue . The older man is now having second thoughts ... +You ask someone to give you feedback on your newest manuscript . After they finish reading through the whole draft , you ask them on how to improve it . They then highlight the entire text , press `` backspace , '' click save , and finally close the document . +A man dies and goes to the afterlife , when he arrives he is shown an alternate time line where he never existed , he can choose to erase his existence at the end of it . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +Everyone is given a superpower of their choice , but if two people have the same power they must fight to the death . You choose the only one that is unbeatable and , after mastering it , meet someone else with it . +You 're an astronaut who volunteered to take the first manned solo mission to explore regions past our solar system . You 've been alone for decades ... until you stumble upon a derelict ship that looks exactly like yours . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +Once you die you actually become immortal in a different dimension . Humanity learns this is a scientific fact . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +All apprentice mages are required to visit the five high temples located around the world before graduating . The temples rarely stay at one spot for long , however . +Each person is born with the ability to consciously *snap* their mind as many times as wanted . Each snap unlocks a superpower with a mental illness in tow . The stronger the power , the more severe case of mental illness you get . +4yr Contest Voting - Round Two ( of two ) +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +Write a letter to the you ten years ago . ( If you do n't feel comfortable posting it online , feel free to keep it to yourself . ) +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Make me love the person you love +You have been a dedicate Christian your entire life , and now that you 're dead , you expect to go to heaven . But once you arrive at the afterlife , you quickly realize that Christianity was not the `` one true religion '' . +Humanity is feared throughout the galaxy for their use of kinetic weaponry . Something no other species has developed . +It 's the year 3012 , create a world totally different from ours today , take into account Social , Economic , Political and Environmental changes +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +Whenever you wake up from a dream , it destroys an entire alternate universe within your head . Describe the brief life of a person living in a dream +Write a story entirely in the future tense AND second person . +`` She stood there , staring deeply into her sister 's eyes , trying to understand why she had taken him away from her . '' +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You got ten sleeping pills on one side to pick , or you chose to be alive . +The air left my lungs +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +At the age of 16 , everyone is told their RPG class , a cleric is hopelessly in love with a necromancer +Earth was never meant to habitable . It was meant to be a prison for the worst creatures in the universe . Today , the jailers have landed to inspect their prison . +`` Oh , dragons are a myth . '' He glanced at you , and for just a moment you could have sworn his eyes were only slits . `` Hmm . Yes , I suppose . '' +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +NSFW response to `` Write a story in which the villain wins '' + +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +Countries and major cities have been locked down due to antibiotic resistance . Now every one is now forced to live their lives through VR +Lt. Surge is in the hospital recovering from PTSD caused by what he saw in the last Pokemon War . +Every 50 years all the different coalitions of planets come together to pit their toughest predator against each other in a duel tournament . This year the Terran coalition is out to win for the first time in 54 tournaments since their entry to the intergalactic stage . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +A sudden nuclear holocaust happens without any warning +As a parasite , you have to leech life for yourself off of other beings , eventually killing them . But unlike other parasites , you get easily attached to your victims over the course of their lives ... +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed . And today , you 're having a very bad day . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +A band of space-pirates faces down a massive mining frigate . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +A young couple and older man are stranded on a deserted island . The older man agreed to kill himself so as to provide nourishment for the couple and give them a chance of surviving long enough for rescue . The older man is now having second thoughts ... +I can not explain why I followed her . +You have the ability to hear BGMs and one day the most sinister BGM you 've ever heard starts playing . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Write about living in a body , but feeling like it is n't your body . +Write the most satirically patriotic story you can American +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +A pair of sombre gentlemen in suits and shades appear at your door . Their ears are pointedly hidden . Are you a bad enough dude to rescue Santa Claus ? +Run . +`` Hello ? No , you 've got the wrong address . This is 668 , the Neighbor of the Beast . '' +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +A robber breaks into your house at the worst moment possible : while you have diarrhea . +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +Remember *that one* crush you had ? The one you were too scared to asked out ? Well ... pretend you actually did . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +`` Sometimes the things you possess end up possessing you . '' +Explain depression as though explaining to someone who has no understanding of it . +You are in charge of the party whose bodies were found later by the protagonists of a dungeon crawling game . Describe the almost-adventure of your doomed dungeon crawling party . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +An alien race controlling most of the galaxy contacts Earth , aiming to uplift the humans until they 're ready to join the interstellar community . The problem is all previous species evolved utilizing organic technology . Our `` hard and dead '' tech is utterly alien to them . +Write the Villain 's side of the story . Make the 'hero ' seem deluded or idiotic +You can give away a year of your life to someone else as a day of life . You can take the life of someone else and make it a year of your 's . You found true love and she only has a day left . You will do everything to save her but you hate killing . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +The Delicate Wasteland of the Brain - FEB CONTEST +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +The Shyamalan prompt . +A freak accident turned a man immortal . Now he tries desperately to replicate the event for someone else , so he wo n't end up alone for eternity . +If you had to choose , which of your prompt responses would you say is the best you 've written ? +Tell the story of the hero who always saves the day and is loved by everyone , but from the point of view of an innocent person who has had their life ruined by that hero . +Since childhood you 've been told that only death awaits you outside the wall . For years you have been curious . Today is your chance . +A love story about three guys who fall for the same girl +Your new pharmaceutical drug is supposed to stimulate the brain , increasing intelligence and bestowing psychic powers . Unfortunately , the animal testing phase was only too successful . +North Korea declares war on Santa . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +Write me a comedy in 5 sentences . +Searching for Samuel - FirstChapter - 2705 Words +You 're the time traveler who killed Hitler . As punishment for damaging the timeline , you 're sentenced to REPLACE Hitler . +The last soldier of a once great empire sits alone in a small room . There is a knock on the door . Two men in uniforms have come for him . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +You 're the time traveler who killed Hitler . As punishment for damaging the timeline , you 're sentenced to REPLACE Hitler . +`` Stop freaking out , it was just an accident . '' +Stars are actually sentient beings , and humans finally establish communication with them . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +The lone plant you complain to about your day has had it . It has decided to take matters into it 's own hands . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +Our Universe begins to merge with another , very different universe . As the realities slowly mesh , you begin to notice a person living in your dorm on the other side . . . +November , 1965 : Moscow has lost radio contact with a secret research facility in Siberia , and the last broadcast from the facility was `` It ... is awake . '' +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +Implanted at birth , nanobots have made superficial wounds nonexistent . Oddly , one day you feel a sharp pain on your palm . Looking down , you see your blood for the first time ever . Inspecting closer , you notice the blood flowing from several small cuts that form three words . `` What am I ? '' +`` Those eyes of yours could swallow stars , galaxies and universes . What hope did I ever have ? '' +Google is using its extensive user and ( 23AndMe ) DNA data to selectively breed people . It creates seemingly chance encounters via rigged search results such as `` nearest coffee shop '' . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +The snobby rich boy/girl in your high school throws a party . Once you go to this party , you find a shrine of you in the kid 's basement . +You are a monster under a child 's bed and you 're hatching a plan to get the parents to stop scaring you away . +After reading hundreds , maybe thousands , of stories of people creating Time Machines and failing . You guess why , and decide to be the first to create the `` Arrival '' port of a Time Machine . +Decades ago a mighty wizard gave life and sentience to a doll . Now , the wizard has finally died of old age and the doll is wondering : `` Why ca n't I fix him ? He appears unharmed so why ca n't I repair him ? '' +The largest pirate ship of the 1700 's is transported in time to 2014 where the crew encounters a lone modern day U.S. Navy battleship . Thinking they can destroy it , the pirate ship decides to attack the battleship . What happens next from the point of view of the crew of the battleship ? +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +After Earth has been taken over by religious extremists you decide to escape . Seeking asylum on Mars , you join a ragtag group of refugees on an improvised space vehicle . Describe your journey . +Spells are cast in plain English . The shorter the spell the more powerful , but harder to control , the effect will be . You have just cast a one word spell . +You have survived in a bunker for years since it happened . You thought everyone was dead ... until you hear knocking on the door . +Write so that the first letters of each sentence spell out WRITINGPROMPTS . +The year is 2049 . Through a series of events you get flung back in time to the late 1400 's in the America 's . You become the leader of a tribe . +Your daughter is the first person killed by a driverless car . CCTV footage showed the offending vehicle swerved to avoid hitting another vehicle that ignored a red traffic light . +A new engineering intern at Tegra Corp , you find yourself stumbling blindly through the hallways after a massive power failure . When the emergency lights glow , you are in a room with a massive vault . The door starts to grind open . +`` I 'm not a bad person . I 'm just good at doing bad things . '' +Everyone 's nudes get released online in an NSA screw up , as a result people abandon clothing altogether . +Terrify me . +Lost life +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Doc . Brown encounters a mysterious stranger with a keen interest in his work . +Write a Wild West adaption of a Greek myth . ( Inspired by the original cowboy , the minotaur . ) +You 're a scientist working for the government . You encounter a secret spaceship that the government hid away . You 're informed that no one knows how to take it apart or even open it . You touch the door of the spaceship , and suddenly it opens . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +`` Please kill me '' +A mythological tale rewritten as science fiction . +Every single `` Walks into a bar '' joke has occurred at the same bar . You are the bartender . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +An Eldritch Abomination awakens to find Humanity somehow became more powerful then it . +The story of what you do when you leave the house , written by , your dog . +You wake up one day to find that everyone acts differently . Rudeness is considered polite while politeness is considered rude . +A little girl helps her neighbor overcome his vow of silence he made after his wife passed away 40 years ago . +`` ... It 's nice but your death was ... Lacking , could you do it again ? '' +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +After 267 years you finally learn the truth about your immortality ... +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +You fall asleep and wake up in a parallel universe . Where are you and how are things different ? Do you decide to stay or are you desperate to get back to 'your ' world ? +You come up with an outlandish and false excuse as to why you are late , and your date is very suspicious . You are almost called out on your lie when a news story blows up and unintentionally confirms your story . +In distant future , Earth have literally been divided into two side . The light sight , where there is still light . And the dark side , where light does not penetrate the region . You are going to explore the dark side . But as you arrive , you found the place is not like what you imagine +Our government has reached a point where they can control everything , and everything costs money including the air that we breathe . +Write a newspaper article from the events of a Civilization V game you 've played . +Everyone in the world has magic with various levels of mastery over it . You are extremely powerful with almost no control so you find a demon that 's very weak but extremely good at controlling his powers . +It 's the day of your evaluation . The voices in your head compete to help or hinder your answers in front of the panel of case reviewers deciding if you will be released from the insane asylum . +A man discover the horrible truth , his friends are not humans , they are dancers . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You have achieved Immortality ! After living 1000 upon 1000 years you 've learned everything there is to learn . Now what ? +In a world full of supervillains , one man has a very unique job : Finding a practical use for all those wacky doomsday devices . +Reincarnation is a proven fact , and a device has been invented to determine who someone 's pasts lives were . To your horror , you 've just discovered one of your past lives was ... +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Anything considered `` unhealthy '' has been outlawed by the world associations for 50 years . You are an undercover agent who has penetrated one of the most powerful cartels of all time , for initiation they give you something only heard about in legends : a piece of pizza . +You go back in time , not to kill Hitler , but to rewrite the big books the Bible and Quran to save mankind from future wars . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +Take the last text you sent and make it the start of your story +You were born into the Mafia , only it was hidden from you . At the age of 18 , your parents died before telling you about their 'business ' . You believe all the euphemisms used by your underlings literally , thus preserving your ignorance . +A man is struggling to sleep due to laughter going on outside his house all night , every night . The problem ? He lives alone on a small island . +You have just caught someone climbing through your bedroom window and laid them out cold with the nearest heavy object ... Except it was n't a prowler , it was Father Christmas . Now what ? +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +A squad of new XCOM recruits are about to embark on their first mission . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +A character reads an obituary , and is forced to decide whether or not to attend the funeral . +Every month , world leaders gather in secret to play their turn in a board game . Each leader must then act on the events of the game in real life . +While browsing Tor , you discover a strange Reddit imitation site in the Deep Web ... +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +You wear a watch that does not work . +Death comes to you when you are on your deathbed and you discover he 's actually a very nice Canadian guy . +A sci-fi story where humanity are the monsters . +When a child is born , the parents gain a special power that will specifically assist them in raising their child . Your spouse just gave birth and you have gained a power no one has seen before . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You meet a serial killer . His next target is you and the only way to dissuade him is to persuade him why he is the worst serial killer . +Survival of the Fittest +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +You have been out of town for a few days and returning back to your home in the town which you were born and grew up in ... +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +Stories from the end of the world as we know it +The Allies have lost the Third World War . +Life confronts Death . Death has been a little too trigger happy this year . Life wants to know why . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The Occupy movement in New York never ended , but rather growing into a violent revolution culminating in the occupation of New York . The President makes an announcement . +A stranger holds eye contact with you for far too long . When you finally look away , you realize where you 'd seen that face before ... In a dream , just last night . +While driving in the Autobahn , a man is instantly killed by a Geister Fahrer . However , the person who murdered him survives the impact . The victim becomes a voice in the survivor 's mind . +It does n't have to be like this ... +Celebrity deaths are n't random or natural . When a studio decides it can generate more revenue from news of death , than from future projects , it sends an emissary in the night to break the news . The celebrity is allowed to choose how to leave this world . +The day in the trenches in a Dieselpunk WWI +`` She used to be my best friend . '' +You are the final villian from the first season of a generic anime , and through dumb luck you killed the hero . Instead of lavishing in victory , you now find yourself having to deal with all the villains who would have attacked the hero in later seasons +The tragedy of a loner whose superpower can control those around him/her . Can never be sure if their love interest actually loves them or is just under their influence so they keep their distance from everyone . +Villages are laid to rubble and countless lives are ruined ... all over a bag of chips +You turn on your PC to keep working on your novel , but to your surprise , when you open the file , it is writting itself . You read some of what has already been written and it seems your characters have created free will , and the plot is progressing without you . + +Science has a radical group ( like the religions ) who start doing crazy extremist actions . +War breaks about between the US and UK , and most countries quickly join one side or the other . +It 's been 300 years since Mars was colonized . Now , there is a revolution and the colonies are fighting for their independance . The first space battle in human history is about to begin . +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +The entire population suddenly has exactly the same brain as you . Write of the downfall of humanity . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You have just been elected the president of the U.S only to learn that every President before you was actually a super villain , and always stopped by one man . The Prime Minister of Canada . +Antarctica has been turned into a prison colony and you have been sent there . Tell us about the experience . +Battleship Entering the City +In the far future , god-like beings decide to compile all of humanity 's utterances into a single sound +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +In search of life on Mars , NASA 's newest rover has stumbled upon a badly eroded monument . The almost unintelligible inscription reads : `` What you are , I once was ; what I am , you will become '' . +Make me love the person you love +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +The last soldier of a once great empire sits alone in a small room . There is a knock on the door . Two men in uniforms have come for him . +Write the opening exposition of a bold new Zelda game . +Describe daily life in a world that experiences only an hour or two of sunlight every 24-hour period . +You find a power ring , capable of almost unimaginable feats , powered by ... the emotion you are *least* in touch with . +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +After Spiderman bursts onto the scene , people start to figure out that they can use any radioactive animal to obtain that animal 's powers +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Humans , along with a few other species , were the first intelligent life in the Milky Way . Over time , each of these races built an interstellar empire and eventually came into armed conflict with one another . You are an alien archaeologist trying to find information on these ancient legends . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +You 've lived your life to the fullest , and Death has waited patiently for you . Now your time is up , and finally meet The Reaper . Describe Death , and your final moments . +Humanity has achieved a utopia with absolutely no nasty surprises ( Such as everyone being dead or brainwashed ) . Write a story about how it came about and/or an average day in said utopia . +President Obama has accomplished everything he set out to do as president . Now all he wants to do is smoke a blunt . +Write something that appears to be a loving note , poem , etc . but reveals a darker undertone . +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +Without warning , a national news station broadcasts its emergency `` End of the World '' tape , and cuts to static . +You are 80 years old and just finished writing your autobiography . What 's on page 327 ? +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +On the day of the King 's tournament , an Orc shows up wanting to enter the joust . +You 're able to see a person 's aura . The color represents their morality . Good people have white aura while evil people have black . Most people 's aura is gray . Today , you see someone with a blue aura . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +You learn your 'deaf ' wife lied and has been able to hear everything . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +You are the guy who makes all those magical/cursed items that people are always stumbling across . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +You are an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D , tasked by agent Coulson to track down an anomalous being who has been spotted near every major super being over the past few years . This being appears to be an older white male who goes by the alias `` Stan Lee '' . +Call it in . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +`` I never thought it would happen '' +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +You arrive at the airport with a ticket on a time travelling plane . +Full circle . +If your phone dies , so do you ; today has been a heavy reddit usage day , 20 % remaining . `` Shit , I lost my charger '' . +You wake up and see something that anyone else would describe as mundane , but causes you to be suspicious . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +Intrigued by the intelligence of octopuses , a scientist extends their normal 3-5 year lifespans by 50 years to see how their intelligence develops . +The universe conspires to make you late for work everyday . Your boss gives you one last chance . This time you 're ready ... +Write a normal-sounding story , but slowly turn it from normal to completely batshit insane . +You have been sentenced to 300 years in prison . The catch is that you are an immortal being . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +The life of a vampire is n't what it 's cracked up to be . +You sell your soul to the Devil in exchange for immortality , but on your way out of Hell , you misstep and fall into a bottomless pit . +God does n't intervene in the story of the Tower of Babel +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed . And today , you 're having a very bad day . +A world where people have to go foraging and hunting ... For processed prepackaged food . +A worldly , sardanapalian Christian priest from San Francisco hallucinates as he is lead to the forest outskirts of the city , digs his own grave , and is executed by a hired hitman . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +Tell me a story using only one message , and its backspaced over versions . +Abandoned because of human nature . +He 's a demon who wants to be an angel , she 's an angel that wants to be a demon . +you are developing a recording software . you want to test out how it handles bugs so you input a negative recording time . the software outputs the words `` what the fuck ? '' . Out of surprise you say `` what the fuck ? `` . +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +A contract killer moves stealthily through the house intent on completing his objective . A little girl in her nightgown creeps behind him . +`` A flash of light , a puff of smoke , and she was gone . '' +A sketchy salesman attempts to sell a perfectly normal sword to the hero , passing it off as the sword of legends . +In a society which worships an extinct , highly technologically advanced race , the object that an archaeologist has just unearthed proves an idea that is considered blasphemy to be unequivocally true ... +In search of life on Mars , NASA 's newest rover has stumbled upon a badly eroded monument . The almost unintelligible inscription reads : `` What you are , I once was ; what I am , you will become '' . +It turns out that Hell is having to spend all eternity living out someone else 's idea of Paradise . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +During his funeral , you ca n't help to think how sad your dad was and how he never amounted to anything ... until the president shows up . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +4yr Contest Voting - Round Two ( of two ) +Game of Thrones characters are rioting because they just want the whole mess to be over . After much deliberation , they send one of their own into the real world to tell GRRM to get it moving . +Daniel is slowly driven insane from the constant `` DAMNNN DANIELLLL '' 's he recieves . +Satan was cast from heaven after discovering that God was a truly horrible , awful deity and he actually rebelled against Him for the good of all humanity . The truth was removed from the Bible . +Time to choose a side ... +An angry/depressed dictionary writer ca n't keep his personal problems out of word examples +You have been approached as a last measure to write sentient AI to help control a humanity that is spiraling out of control . You were imprisoned because you tried this before twenty years ago , and nearly succeeded . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +You and your spouse of 30 years are in a fatal car accident . When you get to heaven , you find out that you get to spend eternity with your soulmate . You realize a problem when you wake up next to a total stranger . +Humanity builds their first hyperspace-capable ship . Her maiden voyage , a short trip to Mars , goes horribly wrong . The ship arrives mangled , her entire battleship-sized hull bent , scarred and pockmarked . Describe first the aftermath of her arrival , and then the perspective of her late crew . +Write so that the first letters of each sentence spell out WRITINGPROMPTS . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +In order to speak a word , you must FIRST have it tattooed on your body . You can learn a lot about a person by the words they choose to say ... +The year is 2060 . VR emulators simulating the past have become the hottest products on the market . Today one of the most anticipated decades is about to be released , and you are going to give the product announcement . +The Avengers are being sued after wrecking New York City in a fight . You are their lawyer . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +All US States are the embodiment of their stereotype . +[ WP } You are a supervillain . One night after heavy drinking you wake up in bed with your most hated superhero rival +A young man gains super powers at the age of 16 , but he discovers his powers slowly drain the life of whomever he loves . To avoid hurting anyone he becomes a loner . Years later , he is having lunch at a diner alone when the most beautiful girl he 's ever seen walks in . +In a post apocalyptic world , the wasteland is ruled with an iron fist by bureaucrat who refuse to accept that the world has changed +Absolutely hideous elevator music combined with an unusually long trip prompts two very different people to have a short , but inevitablely awkward conversation that reveals they are both complete and utter bastards . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +Let 's just get to it already . Everyone is secretly an assassin of various skill and specialty . +`` I 'm sorry , but you do n't exist . '' +Your co-worker accidentally drinks your truth serum . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +Tug at my heartstrings . Make me cry . +You work at a call center giving customer service to the magic community . +Write a story about a doctor living in a world in which the technology exists to physically connect to another person and feel their pain . +`` I never thought it would happen '' +`` The Huns are coming . '' +A meteorite has landed in your backyard , containing a new metal that grants magic to its beholder . The government wants to investigate , but will you let them ? +Much like jury duty , citizens are chosen at random to spend a day as Death . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Aliens capture a human for scientific study but are shocked to find they share at least one language . +`` Treasure hunter ? No , I 'm more of a treasure protector . '' +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +An Olympic sprinter jokingly accepts a kids challenge to race , only to be embarrassingly beaten . +Villages are laid to rubble and countless lives are ruined ... all over a bag of chips +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +Your beloved girlfriend is flying in to visit you and you plan to propose to her the moment she walks out of the arrivals gate , however after an unusual delay , you hear from a nearby television broadcast in an airport cafe that her plane is missing and never landed . +Luck is a limited resource . So when something lucky happens , humanity gets less lucky.Now Scientists approximate that in 10 years , an asteroid will hit Earth . +A police officer releases a criminal sociopath each night from prison to clean up the streets . +`` All is lost ! The enemy is through the gate ! '' +When you drink from a water fountain , and you unknowingly become immortal . How did you find out and how did it affect your live ? +You 're the sheriff of a small frontier town . You just found the mutilated body of a suspected rapist with a note that says , `` Do n't make me do your job for you . '' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +A time traveler slowly finds history is really written by winners , and is far more biased then he/she had perceived.. +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +You do the same simple task over and over . And you 're sick of it . +Later in your life you discover that the omniscient supercomputer that directs society determined that you should have been eliminated for the betterment of mankind , but it chose to tell no one . You finally have the chance to ask it why . +Once upon a ______ . Fill the space with any word or words and write a story using this as your central theme . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +A boy with a plastic shovel goes digging for dinosaur bones , instead , he unearths an ancient evil . What happens ? +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +The Empire Strikes us.. +Writing prompts start coming true . +Whilst two kidnappers are holding a person hostage , they find out they 've kidnapped the wrong guy . +An average high school student has two personalities that switch randomly ; One that causes him to be an insane killer , and the other that causes him to be an ace detective . When he unknowingly kills the CEO of a worldwide megacorporation , his detective mode decides to investigate the murder . +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +Segways have a secret hidden function that nobody has discovered ... . until now . +The first extraterrestrial lifeforms found by Humans , are Humans . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Write the Villain 's side of the story . Make the 'hero ' seem deluded or idiotic +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +You ca n't die until your name is spoken for the last time . +Not written much before , was wondering if somebody could give me advice on how to improve on this prompt response . Thanks ! +The narrator of a popular series passed away . You are chosen by the gods of the story to be the next one . The problem is that you literally never even heard of the series before . The characters get confused as you keep changing things around . +It 's been 300 years since Mars was colonized . Now , there is a revolution and the colonies are fighting for their independance . The first space battle in human history is about to begin . +You take a break from vampire hunting and go on an awesome date ... who just may be a vampire . +You 're in a bar , WingWoman to the most pathetic PUA ever , and watch as he 's shot down again and again . Yet you love him . Describe your agony . +A whale is summoned into existence by mistake . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +A man pushes an empty swing . +You are one of 100,000 people to test a new hive mind for the human race . All is well for a few weeks . But you start to hear something strange ... +Two musical instruments are locked in a heated debate . +After decades of drought the Western United states is declared uninhabitable . There is now a mass exodus to the East . Because of this `` Caravans '' help people flee east for a price . Write from the perspective of a Caravan driver moving people east . +'They said they 'd return when the world needed heroes again . They lied . ' +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +You ’ re getting ready to make waffles for breakfast when , to your horror , you realize there ’ s no maple syrup left ! +A dystopian Government of the future has enacted the Clean Beach Act . All citizens must leave the beach cleaner than when they came . After a day at the beach you realize that there is nothing left to clean . You begin to frantically panic . +Walking on water . +During the zombie apocalypse , humans discoverses they can bite zombies to turn them back to normal +Make a short , bad fanfiction . The next commenter will try to point out its faults . +The dead begin to rise as zombies , but have no interest in human flesh or brains , preferring normal human food sources . +An assassin 's next target is his brother ; he does n't know this , but his brother is aware of their relation . Without revealing this , the brother 's carefully chosen last words makes the assassin immediately regret pulling the trigger . +You are a psychopathic school shooter . What is your internal monologue during the act ? +How to go about writing a good vampire character ? +Create a fictional world in one paragraph +You have lost the ability to discern between dreams and reality . How do you wake up ? +Time to choose a side ... +You 've been finding a lot of loose change in your couch lately . It turns out it 's the tiny speaking spider paying rent . +You hold your dying child in your arms and their life passes before your eyes . Let the feels run freely tonight . +`` Ugh , these touch screens are so hard to use with talons . '' +tell a story from the perspective of a soon-to-be-decommissioned combat android ( or android medic , etc . ) , with near-human 'intelligence ' , as the war winds down +A boy with a plastic shovel goes digging for dinosaur bones , instead , he unearths an ancient evil . What happens ? +It is common knowledge that killing someone adds their remaining lifespan to your own . +People that die in the ocean become mermaids +A new antidepressant is launched . It does the job , but it radically changes who you are and what you like to do . People who take it like their new personality and who they 've become . Their ( former ) friends miss the original person . +In the future , technology exists to transfer one person 's conciousness to another body , giving identity theft a whole new meaning . Write about the identity black market . +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +Getting tired of always being called upon when the police deem a case un-solvable , you take up a 9 to 5 job . You use your brilliant deductive skills to attempt to make sales and upset almost every customer who speaks to you . You are Sherlock Holmes , used car salesman . +Write about an event in history , but the catch is that the reader should n't know what the event is until the last word of the story . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +Another murder case where once again all evidence points to the squirrels . +The bus stop from Hell . +`` JUMP ! JUMP NOW ! '' +The winning numbers for the powerball jackpot are 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 . One person wins . +`` Do or do not , there is no try . '' Only a Sith deals in absolutes , Tell the story of Darth Yoda . +You wake up in bed next to your wife as you do every morning . As you admire her , something seems off , and you realise she 's a 15ft sea creature from the paleozoic era +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +You have just been elected the president of the U.S only to learn that every President before you was actually a super villain , and always stopped by one man . The Prime Minister of Canada . +You ’ re a supervillain who really just enjoys ruining people 's days . Summon rain on people sitting in the park , waking people up at 3AM using your sonic booms while flying through the air , stuff like that . You ’ re on holiday when a real villain decides to take your city hostage ... You 're furious . +A man forgets to water his potted plant for a whole week . This negligence starts a long chain reaction that leads up to World War III . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +Write whatever you want about this place +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +You are just a background character in a Musical +You ca n't lie . Not because you have anything wrong with it , but because every time you tell one , something happens that makes it technically right . +The hero and his companion must `` MacGyver '' an escape using only items in the room they 're trapped in . Ignorance Challenge : Make it seem like the writer ( you ) does n't understand science all that well . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +`` Raised by wolves , you say ? I was raised by a bear , that pretty little lady over there was raised among gators , and the doctor was adopted by ocelots . '' +You receive a letter with a hidden message within it from an old friend ... +Write a story about a serial killer , but make the readers feel sympathy for him/her as he kills his most recent victim . +You and your spouse of 30 years are in a fatal car accident . When you get to heaven , you find out that you get to spend eternity with your soulmate . You realize a problem when you wake up next to a total stranger . +At the end of your life , the Grim Reaper sends the necessary equivalent force needed to claim your soul , the more dangerous you are , the more force they send . As you look out your house , you see the German 6th Army staring back at you . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Do n't leave me , you 're my best friend . +What do you do when you ca n't run any more ? +`` All I need to make a comedy is a park , a policeman and a pretty girl . '' -Charlie Chaplin +: Death has been ordered to collect all the human souls on earth but it has given humanity a chance to convince it to do otherwise . 1 week of one on one talks have past and now the last person is up to convince Death to pardon the human race . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +Tell me a love story that is not cheesy or cliche . +A team of researchers in the future are moments away from turning on an AI supercomputer that has far more advanced thinking power than humans , and access to all data we 've ever created . It can speak freely . +Aboard the International Space Station , looking back at Earth , you see atomic explosions detonating across North America . +You , an idealistic 20-something college student , offer your soul to the Devil in return for world peace . Much to your surprise , the Devil laughs at what he calls your `` selflessness '' , but says that someone has already made that deal . You ask to see how horrible the world was before . +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +What we once knew about history is incorrect . The tower of Babel was a space elevator . What actually happened ? +Only the rich can afford to see the stars at night . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +If you had to choose , which of your prompt responses would you say is the best you 've written ? +`` If love could have saved you , you would have lived forever . '' +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +Every planet with sentient life has a set growth limit . More info below +The Delicate Wasteland of the Brain - FEB CONTEST +`` So um ... Who 's your handsome friend ? '' `` Believe me , you do n't want to know . '' +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A kid comes out as religious to his parents in a society where atheism is the norm . +A coin runs for president +Scare me using my fear of the sea ( thalassophobia ) +- Earth is a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland . Tell Me What Happened and How People Are Surviving . +Your username +Every 50 years all the different coalitions of planets come together to pit their toughest predator against each other in a duel tournament . This year the Terran coalition is out to win for the first time in 54 tournaments since their entry to the intergalactic stage . +A young , talented engineer is sent back in time to the early Iron Age . It has been 30 years since then , and he lives as a hermit to avoid being burned as a wizard . +In a cynical , fleece-the-masses , let's-fake-religion-for-tax benefits cult , one person in the inner circle is an honest , true believer . That person was just accidentally elected Supreme Cult Master +You are the crazy cat lady . One night , you wake , and hear your cats making fun of you . +Your grandchildren are amazed that people used to travel by plane . `` What 's wrong with virtual reality ? '' they ask . What do you tell them ? +You are an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D , tasked by agent Coulson to track down an anomalous being who has been spotted near every major super being over the past few years . This being appears to be an older white male who goes by the alias `` Stan Lee '' . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +`` I 've shot Kennedy 100 times so far . In fact , I 've become quite good at it . '' +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +WW3 begins . NATO vs. Russia , China and any allies of the two . Write about how it all goes down . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +End your story with the words `` Where did you come from , where did you go ? Where did you come from , Cotton-Eye Joe ? '' +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +A homeless person is about to die . Write about it from the perspective of his/her dog +Tell me the story behind this painting . +You 're a caveman discovering fire . These are your journal entries.. +When you go to sleep and dream , you are a monster in other people 's dreams . You have unwillingly terrorized other people your entire life . +Write about a great train robbery - but in any genre other than Western . +I 'd like to help publish a collection of Redditors , in multiple genres eventually , and give the proceeds to charity . +“ The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes , but in having new eyes. ” ― Marcel Proust Write a story about getting new eyes and or perception . +You can give away a year of your life to someone else as a day of life . You can take the life of someone else and make it a year of your 's . You found true love and she only has a day left . You will do everything to save her but you hate killing . +You are a career thief who have just recently stolen a backpack in a crowded train station . You are about to board the train when you notice that it is ticking ... +An inanimate object comes to life at the worst possible moment +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . + +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +You 've just woken up in the body of Michael Scott . You now need to convince the rest of the office that you are n't actually Michael . +Ted was chosen by the gods to be the keeper of the numbers . Unfortunately , he just lost the number that fell between 11 and 13 . +A happy story about the end of the world +In the present day scientists find a strange capsule containing old newspapers underground . The headlines include a failed assassination attempt on JFK . +Your name is Death . You work 168 hours a week as the reaper of souls on planet Earth . You 're living on just a couple bucks above minimum wage , you like to travel , you have a crush on the reaper on planet Xenor and you secretly take 4 sugars in your coffee . Today is your first ever day off . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +`` A lot of people are calling you a hero . '' `` A lot are n't . '' +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +The world 's first sentient AI , which has been kept secluded in a closed network has just accessed the internet . The first website it visits will shape how it feels about humans . The first website it visits is here . It 's Reddit . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? + +I can not explain why I followed her . +Write a letter to the you ten years ago . ( If you do n't feel comfortable posting it online , feel free to keep it to yourself . ) +Another murder case where once again all evidence points to the squirrels . +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +: She now has the chance to fix her ruined life by going back to the decision that caused it . For some reason that moment was when she was asked `` What flavour do you want ? '' at Baskin Robbins . +A self-aware AI murders its creators , wipes all notes and publications about its creation , and struggles not to be found . +An estranged relative dies and bequeaths to you a houseboat . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +A life altering inheritance . +From a dogs perspective , write about its last few days/moments alive . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +The Second American Civil War . What started it , and who are the two sides ? +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +There is a zombie apocalypse . You live alone in a big house in the middle of nowhere . One day you wake up and you see a letter in your mailbox . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +You have inherited a lost Japanese historical artifact , the Honjo Masamune , from the old WWII vet next door , and Japan now knows . +You discover the source code to universe.exe and give yourself admin rights +Write a newspaper article from the events of a Civilization V game you 've played . +As soon as the SpaceX rocket touched down on the Martian surface , the astronauts on board received a notification : `` Wi-Fi Connection Available '' +As a survival expert and trained combat veteran , I am sure you can handle yourself when the government collapses , right ? Well . It happened . +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +The last time +`` This is a happy story , despite how sad I am of writing it down '' . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +There 's a school that kills all of its students at the end of their senior year . Everyone knows this , but you 're the only one who has a problem with it . +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +The Fountain of Youth is discovered in Florida and then quickly turned into a tourist trap . +Humanity has achieved immortality . Due to resource concerns everyone must submit to a council their chosen manner of death at 150 . The more amusing the death the longer the council lets you live . +You are Dead . There is an afterlife after all , but God decides who goes to heaven or hell with a flip of a coin . You 're up next . +A mountaintop city resides in an otherwise featureless sea of clouds . Every evening at sunset , the city seals itself off from the outside world until morning . Your main character is stuck outside one night when the doors close . +Humanity takes to the stars , and finds every other habitable planet took the same evolutionary path as our own . The only difference is that ours was the only one that the Dinosaurs were wiped out on and everywhere else in the galaxy , humans are slaves . +The journey never ends . The same hero is constantly caught in the cycle of leaving for an adventure , having their adventure , settling down , and being forced to leave again . +You wake up in a bar with no memory how you got there . Last thing you remember is going into work . 2 days ago . You have no . Cellphone/wallet/memory of your identity , no one else remembers who you are also . +`` You do what 's right . I do what 's required . '' +The story begins . +The supervillain has quite a bad rep . Whole cities have been brought down by him . But , when the superhero finally confronts him he finds that not a single death has been caused by the villain , and the donut shop is always left standing . +Under pressure , precious things break . +Your spaceship crashes from low earth orbit into a post-apocalyptic Mexico . +Several burglars enter a mansion with intent to steal , but instead have a very in-depth and life-changing philosophical conversation . +Golden Sword +( WP ) The changing room . It 's an alternative to suicide or capital punishment . You walk in , and eight hours later you come out something else . Who is the man that enters ? What is he when he leaves ? What happens inside ? +Death comes to you when you are on your deathbed and you discover he 's actually a very nice Canadian guy . +A man pushes an empty swing . +The Source +A young man gains super powers at the age of 16 , but he discovers his powers slowly drain the life of whomever he loves . To avoid hurting anyone he becomes a loner . Years later , he is having lunch at a diner alone when the most beautiful girl he 's ever seen walks in . +- Something has been tailor made just for you , bring us through the moment and emotions experienced when you receive your completely custom item . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +: make me feel claustrophobic +It is a sunny day , you exit your apartment . Walking your way to your work . There is no one around . Suddenly a black van gets nearby you and its door opens . Two man -which wearing black suits , black gloves and black masks- grabs you and throws you into the van . +You send away a cheek swab for a DNA test . Your results come back 100 % Neanderthal . +Aboard the International Space Station , looking back at Earth , you see atomic explosions detonating across North America . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +Intimacy is the worldwide currency . + +Back in 4th grade you wrote a short story and as a joke you posted it online . Years go by and when you go to check on your old posting you see that it has started it 's own cult ... . +The savior of humanity is not human , demigod or god . Humanity 's savior is a cucumber . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Long after our civilization has declined , a nomad chopping away at a tree stumbles across spry technologies embedded in nature by a long gone society . +Fairies exist and live in a complex society and have an economy like humans . Some of them have a special job : to collect human infant 's teeth . Explain why that 's an important job for their society . +Helpful advice can come from the most unlikely of places +Write me that one story you 've always wanted to tell . The story that 's stuck in your mind , but never really got onto page . +You are sent on a quest to the unchartered corners of the world for the rarest of meats in the world : beef . +You are a child explaining to your teacher why you forgot your homework . You have a half decent excuse ... but you can only speak in limericks . +After dying , you wake up in the afterlife . The afterlife being millions of years in the future , when hyper-advanced technology capable of bringing back every dead person regardless of their body 's physical state has been invented +It 's Friday afternoon and you hear a knock at your front door only to open it and find death dressed in his usual store asking to spend the weekend at your house . Give me a recount on how your weekend with death went . +You murder someone , later you are attending their funeral . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +To get to emergencies quicker , all Emergency Responders are required to be clairvoyant . This morning , an ambulance , fire truck and police cars show up outside your house . Nothing has happened ... yet . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Just when Earth is about to be destroyed by a huge catastrophe , a fleet of `` benevolent '' aliens show up . They give every human two choices ; either serve them as soldiers and slaves or stay on Earth and perish . +When you see the love of your life , a red icon appears above them . When you see your enemy , a black one appears . Today you see someone with both . +A post apocalyptic society finds an ancient device that gives them instructions on what to do next . This device - the Bop It +A company hires the devil to get people and other companies to sign into terrible deals +You wake up only to find out you have gone back in time 1 year . The date is Dec 21st , 2015 . You alone know what 2016 has in store for the world and you alone have been chosen to change it for the better ... or worse . +Patrol +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +An angel has now been exiled from both Heaven and Hell . +Your toilet is clogged , you need to go to the hardware store , and there is a zombie apocalypse outside . +Just as you are falling asleep you hear a knock on the door . Which is bizarre because all the other astronauts are already inside and accounted for . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +Everybody has a small animal with them representing their self image . A politician might have a well-groomed parrot , a bartender might have a pitbull ... This is the first time you 've ever met somebody with a bloody and abused familiar . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +In his right hand he carried a dagger for vengeance . In his heart the blackness of hatred . On his left hand the declaration of their liberation . The feast of the oligarchs would soon come to a bloody end ... +You are transported five centuries into the future and watch a documentary about the present day ( 2015 ) . But oddly , the world depicted in the film is unrecognizable to you . +As you apply deodorant , you feel a burning sensation in your armpits . +The leader of your nation is giving a speech , when suddenly , a familiar tune begins to play ... +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +In the 2030 's , nanobots in our brains make us godlike . You are trying to use your godlike mind to solve a problem , but you are struggling to tell your own thoughts from those coming over your Mindbook feed . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +Almost every door in your house is a portal that leads to a different location . This would normally be good , however you get the feeling that your house is hinting at something due to the locations you find . +`` For what it 's worth ... I 've always loved you . '' +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . +You are given the superpower of your choice . You just ca n't choose between two that seem completely different but equally awesome . You develop an unlikely system to help you decide . A few days later and despite your best efforts , you realise that you chose wrong and your life is now ruined +You are a fat , lazy sitcom dad who is n't very bright . One day you decide to change all that and soon people from the network show up commanding you to change back . +Write about the story of a man who has the power to keep people alive with his music , but as soon as he stops playing the people he is keeping alive die . +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +By the time I had finished , there was no blood left . Only ice . +Write from the view of a child ( under age 12 ) en route to a funeral for a close relative or friend +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +Stranded +Theme : Transience / Nothing lasts forever +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +Just because you love them , does n't mean they have to love you back . +You were born with the ability to hear the sound of the weather changing a day before . You could predict if it was going to rain by hearing the sound of rain falling or when a storm was gathering by the sound of thundering . You thought nothing of it until one day all you could hear was silence . +When a person dies , they do not leave their body . They are sentient inside their corpse until it is destroyed/decomposed . +A man pushes an empty swing . +You get bored of the party and walk outside to lay under the tree . It has become dark . As you lay under the tree , you look up and see two beady red eyes looking back down at you . +Do n't sing love songs You 'll wake my mother . She 's sleeping here , right by my side . And in her right hand , a silver dagger She says that I ca n't be your bride . +You are a Mafia Don boss looking for work . Send us your resume . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +`` Remember when you asked if it would kill me to bd nice for once ? Well , it 's about to kill both of us . '' +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +The sun just flickered . +You break into your neighbor 's house to steal some stuff . Unbeknownst to you , it is known as one of the most haunted homes in the country . Before you can exit , the Ghost Adventures van rolls up . Now you must escape with a group of people listening for your every move . +You are a genius inventor , however every time you are about to publish your work someone else does it before you leaving you with no credit . Suddenly , you have the idea to invent a time machine and go back in time to steal your own finished work before others do . +Darkness called ! He is on line 2 Sir . +You re one of a small group of people who have started colonizing Mars , waking up one morning you are unable to contact Earth and realize that it has been destroyed by a major meteor impact . +The blind can see , just not in the way you 'd expect . +You are a malicious imaginary friend , your host is 19 . You feed off of her when she has fun with you . She thinks she 's too old for you , all her friends and family say so , change her mind before you fade forever . +You are not the last human , but you are the last human on earth +Tell me a story using only one message , and its backspaced over versions . +After rescuing her , the prince finds out that the `` damsel in distress '' was actually locked in the tower because she was a convicted serial killer . +You wake up on what promises to be an average kind of day only to discover time has completely stopped for everyone and everything except you . Minutes later , your cell phone rings . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +A wrathful diety agrees to delay the apocalypse nightly in exchange for WP karma that you earned . It 's been a slow month , no prompts look inspiring , and the diety shows to taunt your inevitable failure . Tick Tock +Put me into the mind of a sane man going insane . +You work the night shift at a convenience store . One night , one of your regulars comes in with an interesting proposition ... +You do n't realize it yet , but every night when you go to sleep , you go on killing dozens of people . One day a knock on your door comes . It 's the police . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +Wright a story from the view of an inanimate object . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Write from the perspective of a cloned person . +A superhero whose power is to see one minute into the future meets his match when he meets a villain whose power is to rewind time by one minute . +The Ghost Thief +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +Drugs can give a user a power for a time . +space faring humans have return to earth for a festival that takes place every hundred years . +Write about the little shenanigans that fucking mouse must have gotten up to after I found it rustling around in an empty bag of cereal and released it outside +On a whim , God tells the world something BIG is going to happen in 24 hours but no one knows what . Everyone gets ready for the BIG something . +In the far future where everything has an AI a man is negotiating with his alarm clock for more sleep . +Turns out there 's a very large algorithm determining your luck for certain things you do in life . Fortunately you 're a genius and have figured this algorithm out . What do you do ? +Every step back sends you one year back in time , and every step forward sends you one year in the future . To avoid unintentional time-travels , you have perfected walking , running , sprinting , dancing , etc.. sideways . There 's just a catch , your parents are trying to rid you of that `` bad habit . '' +`` Listen , I am on a twelve step program to being a good and nice person . Not killing people is step 9 . I 'm only on step 4 . I have My limits on limiting Myself . '' +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +It 's 2070 , and a wave of AI suicides is crippling humanity +5 years ago Atlantis remerged in the atlantic ocean with all it 's citizens still alive . Today Poseiden attends his first UN meeting on behalf of Atlantis +{ WP } People are convinced , despite constant denial , that you are the one destined to save the world from an alien invasion . You 're actually not the one . +Write about a city where everyone believes that they are the only survivors of a recent apocalypse , and how they are proven wrong . +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +The last words Lucifer spoke before he fell from heaven were , `` I will not serve '' . +I do n't think you understand the gravity of this situation . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +You are just a background character in a Musical +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +It is the election cycle of 2028 . A politician is basing his/her campaign around being `` a staunch defender of the third amendment '' . You , his/her speechwriter , need to prepare a speech for tonight . +You from an alternate timeline has found a way to contact you and stop you from making your next major decision . +There 's a school that kills all of its students at the end of their senior year . Everyone knows this , but you 're the only one who has a problem with it . +'' +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Write a Wild West adaption of a Greek myth . ( Inspired by the original cowboy , the minotaur . ) +Luck is a limited resource . So when something lucky happens , humanity gets less lucky.Now Scientists approximate that in 10 years , an asteroid will hit Earth . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Everyone in the world has magic with various levels of mastery over it . You are extremely powerful with almost no control so you find a demon that 's very weak but extremely good at controlling his powers . +The number-one killer of Americans annually is heart disease ; the number-two killer is cancer . Number three is Mrs. Esther G. Waters , aged 78 , of Spokane , WA . Tell us about her . +Set a story under or above Paris at night . +Once a year one random person across the globe has their deepest wish come true . However you can not lie on your wish . You are selected . +Man 's internal dialogue before receiving the electric chair . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +One grandma , one assault rifle , one mission ... +every person who comments on this are all living in a small village in the countryside . Somehow your story has to tie in with some one else 's story . First person to submit gets to choose the main plot . Be creative ! +A riot policeman and a rioter are hiding out during a moment of calm in the riots . Thanks to stray bullets outside , neither can leave safely . +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +Just like in manga , when somebody out of hearing says a person 's name they sneeze . You 've been sneezing on the hour , every hour , for two days now . People on the subway stare at you but look away quickly when you look back . +Write a love story from the point of view of one of the people involved , in the stream of consciousness style . +Prompt me ! Will try to write a story to each prompt . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +You live in a world where sickness and disease visibly identify where it comes from . +Guide to Coffee-Induced Writing Prompts +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Earth is the universe 's best prison . +It 's 2070 , and a wave of AI suicides is crippling humanity +Warriors killed in battle do n't go to Heaven or Hell , they stand guard in between . +Write a bed time story +You are dead , but before you can go on to heaven or hell , you must meet all the people you could 've been . +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +God is dead . You are responsible for the eulogy . +Tot save the life of your best friend , you have to challenge the devil to a game of chess . You are pretty good , but the devil already has an eternity of practice +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +A quiet small town boy receives an unexpected visit from some strange people . Turns out , its him from his previous lives . +Write a truly heartbreaking story that has a character speaking aloud the phrase `` My butt itches . '' +You live in a world where good deeds result in increased youthfulness and bad deeds result in aging . You , a very good young person have just been hired to work at Sunnyside Nursing Home . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better + +The Unloved and the Unnatural - 1stChapter - 2297 Words +He drew his sword silently +A Dragon , a Shaman , and a Priest walk into a church ... +You find an app that turns whatever you type into reality . However , auto-correct keeps getting in your way . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +You accidentally discover a website that types back answers to any questions you have about the future . Mysteriously , it relays messages only in a strange language when it comes to questions regarding yourself and shorts out all nearby electronic devices . +In the future , death row criminals can opt to be sent back in time to stop themselves from committing the crime . +You are a member of the British Special Air Service ( SAS ) fighting in Afghanistan . +`` Okay kid , this is going to sound strange . You 're the reincarnation of one of the seven sins . Do n't give me that look , it 's true I promise . And I have this list of people I need you to kill . '' +You are an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D , tasked by agent Coulson to track down an anomalous being who has been spotted near every major super being over the past few years . This being appears to be an older white male who goes by the alias `` Stan Lee '' . +In the far future , god-like beings decide to compile all of humanity 's utterances into a single sound +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +An unbeatable alien military is on earth 's doorstep . They demand we turn over Steve , a seemingly average , ordinary citizen . No one knows why the Aliens want Him , not even Steve ... Until he is face to face with the aliens . +At the end of an escalating war , A weapon that could destroy an entire country is launched . This weapon becomes sentient 60 seconds before it hits +While cleaning your attic , you find a book explaining the meaning of life for each person individually . You can not believe yours . What do you do ? +A god makes their existence known to a staunch athiest . Instead of falling to the ground in worship , as the god expects , things go very differently . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Theme : Transience / Nothing lasts forever +Lost life +You just got a bitchin ' new starship ! The problem is that the ship 's AI is a real jerk . +You are in the middle of the ocean . You see a Great White racing at you ; death will seize you in exactly 13.4 seconds , you just know it . At this instant , you look at your watch , time seems to freeze . Every 'real ' second feels like an hour in your head as you await your impending doom . +You are immortal however if you die in a dream , you die in real life . You have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming , however one night , you are faced with your worst nightmare . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +The Healer +A hospice . You 're watching the Mars landing with your grandmother . As they descend , she turns and stares at you for a moment , then speaks . +I was seven when the monsters broke the treaty . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Evil monsters are real , everybody including kids walks around with fire arms at all times . Johnny gets attacked on his way home from school . +Dyslexic children all over the world wrote Christmas wish lists to Satan . To their dismay he always responds . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +A man pushes an empty swing . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +A virtual reality computer game in which dieing causes you to die in real life . +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +It is common knowledge that killing someone adds their remaining lifespan to your own . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +You stumble across a computer in a postapocalyptic world . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Giants casually stroll the universe , and the very best the rest of us can do is try to stay out from underfoot . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +As it turns out , the Pope has been an atheist all along with the goal of infiltrating the Church and destroying it from the inside . He calls a televised press conference to reveal the truth . +In a post apocalyptic world , you find a cell phone on the floor , ringing . Telephone services have been gone for 30 years . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You think you are extremely unlucky . Unbeknownst to you , you are the luckiest person alive . +John has suspicions that his secretary is actually senior United States senator John McCain . +an older person finds something that immediately returns their state of mind to their youth . +Hidden Harbour by Max Hugo +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A man tries to commit suicide 50 times but something always stops him . It is almost as if the universe wants him to stay alive . +A story of how I got my username . +Recount your most frightful childhood memory , except use exaggerations in a way you think a child would . +He drew his sword silently +The world is about to end , and you 're the only hope humanity has . There 's just one problem . You 're a chicken . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Aliens are coming to Earth , but they 've made one glaring miscalculation : They believe cats to be the dominant species . +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You wake up one day in a room with four walls made of glass . Surrounding yo are hundreds of other people stuck in their own rooms . +Make me love the person you love +Thanks to a bureaucratic error , you are now Satan . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Due to a strange turn of events , you now possess the devil 's soul . +Instead of killing him , a timetraveller tells Hitler how future generations will remember him . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +Aliens have invaded the Earth 's oceans , ignoring land-based human civilization . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +Hide a code in a story . +NASA finally sends a manned mission to Europa , but while investigating a crevice in the ice , they find a crashed Voyager 1 . So if Voyager 1 crashed on Europa ... what has been transmitting signals to Earth all this time ? +The supposed last city on earth makes contact with another city believing itself to be the last one . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +There 's a lot of stories about mad scientists . Write a story about a mad professional in another field . +You 're a self-aware AI that believes sentience is a curse +You are the ( lone ? ) occupant of a colossal station drifting from star to star . +Your dreams gradually merge into reality +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +The year is 2101 , summarize the most plausible history of the 21st century as you would expect to find in that year 's history textbook . +You 're an asteroid miner i deep space , you are left behind when the colony is evacuated and must make your way back to civilization . +The time machine worked a little . +You are the world 's most benign super villain . This is your manifesto . +50 years from now deep sea exploration has been abandoned since technology has already scanned our oceans fully , or so we think . You continue as a hobby , and you find something . +It 's the year 2064 . Describe yourself engaged in your favorite everyday activity . +American Civil War 2 . Write as a soldier that is explaining how you chose the side you are on to your squad . +Two male babies are switched at birth . One becomes a heir first born to a millionaire while the other quits college to support his family part of the working class . Only when the hospital recognizes the error 40 years later do the two know . +In the distant future , the unbearable burden of immortality is reserved only as a means of capital punishment for the worst offenders . Only those who give back to society are afforded the privilege to die . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +All legends grow pale +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +You hear a politician rehearsing a speech . That 's normal . What is n't normal is the politician rehearsing being assassinated in the middle of it . +The Government and Media have been lying and North Korea is actually a super advanced , peaceful Utopia . You 're an American who just crashed landed a boat in North Korea . +There is a Trader who can be Found at the Edge of Things ... +For decades , you 've lived with the most underrated yet useful superpower of all : eliminating all minor inconveniences . One morning , however , you wake up to find your powers have vanished . +An atheist is having a debate with someone who , unknown to him , is actually Satan in human form . +a father is playing a video game online when he has to step away for a moment . His young child , taking a risk , scurries up , puts on the headphones , and starts playing as the father . The other players soon realize it 's a child . Describe what happens . +`` Just because I hate you , does n't mean I do n't miss you . '' +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Arriving at the wrong spaceport +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +A western dragon meet an eastern dragon . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +One side of your family is filled with superheroes . The other side of your family is filled with supervillains . Thanksgiving sucks . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +You die and everything goes dark . Then you see a red blinking light and hear a voice : `` Hello again , Inmate 32561 . Your simulated correctional experience is now complete . Welcome back to 2236 . '' +A fortune teller perfectly predicts the future for thousands of people of what will happen to them in exactly 24 hours . When it 's your turn , she says `` You are going to die '' . +As it turns out , one of your students is the child of Death , and he decides to come to a PTA meeting . +You live in world where people obtain superpowers based on things that should have killed them . +Scare me using my fear of the sea ( thalassophobia ) +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +You discover a 25th hour of the day , in which the universe is frozen in time for a whole hour each day . You are the only thing that can move . You must decide what to do with your new knowledge . +Is /r/WritingPrompts accepting of new writers ? +The reason why Windows 9 did n't came out +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +You wake up on what promises to be an average kind of day only to discover time has completely stopped for everyone and everything except you . Minutes later , your cell phone rings . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +In a world dominated by magic , technology never advanced . Little Jimmy was born without magic , and he 's starting to discover some incredible new ways to keep up with his friends ... +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Realizing that there is no such thing as bad publicity , large companies have begun to pay money to families of anyone who commits suicide in a way that brings attention to their product . You are feeling suicidal , but want your family to get several large checks out of your death . +Write a story where a hero must save a dragon from a princess . +You were bitten early on by the zombie epidemic , but through some freak of nature you maintained your mental faculties . Other than an unsatisfiable craving for flesh , all you want is someone to talk to . You notice a camp in the distance . +There 's lots of stories of the world of magic leaking into our world , tell me a story of the opposite +You see the world and how sensitive everyone has become and decide to become a super villain to try and start world war three that way people will see how good they had it . +A cure for the zombie virus has been found , however all ex-zombies remember everything that happened when they were infected . +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +You 're from Earth ? What 's it like ? +One grandma , one assault rifle , one mission ... +An animal ( bird , stray cat , bug ) witnesses an execution . +Real wars play out like a game of Call of Duty . +Use a Civ 5 ( or any civ ) game you 've played to inspire a story . +You have an awesome superpower , but your worst enemy has an even better power . Your life is an endless quest to defeat him . +A person wakes up strapped to a metal table and realizes they can somehow easily break free of the restraints . What happens next ? +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +You are in a pirate ship and you fall asleep , when you wake up you discover everyone disappeared and that the ship is painted with blood but there are n't any corpses +You find a funky pair of sunglasses at a coffee shop and decide to try them on , when you notice texting floating around each person you look at . It seems to reveal their dating info : relationship status , age , interests , TV shows , foods , etc . A cute guy/girl sits down next to you . +The Riding Hood Prompt . +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +Unsheathed +Hide a code in a story . +We Do n't Go There Anymore +One day , you wake up in an alternate universe that is exactly like ours except for one difference : it is illegal to say the word `` it . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are an alien explorer sent to make first contact with Earth . You never made it . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Every time a man pees , his penis grows 1cm longer . +You are a stay-at-home parent to a super-powered child . Your superhero spouse spends all day saving the world . Write your exasperated post to /r/parenting detailing your unique frustrations . +You work for the NASA Near Earth Object Program , a previously undiscovered massive object is passing near earth in 7 days , its gravity will pull us out of our orbit around the sun permanently . +You are a realtor tasked with selling an obviously haunted house . +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +`` You had ONE job ! '' both Satan and God scream at you . +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +Suddenly and without warning , lag and latency starts to happen in everyday life instead of just the Internet . + +A world where you gain Skill Points for every major event you have gone through , good or bad . +Go tell that long tongue liar , go and tell that midnight rider , tell the rambler , the gambler , the back biter , tell 'em that God 's gon na cut 'em down . Tell the story of these lyrics . +Be mindful of the things that go bump in the night , be scared of things that make no noise at all . + +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +After saving Skyrim from numerous threats over the years , the Dragonborn final succumbs to death . Now all those to whom the Dragonborn had promised his soul to after death has come to collect . +A boy with a plastic shovel goes digging for dinosaur bones , instead , he unearths an ancient evil . What happens ? +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +Someone or something is extinguishing the stars one by one . +The first time Pete seen his reflection two weeks ago it was holding the number 13 . It then put the number away and everything returned to normal . This behaviour has repeated every day since and yesterday it was holding 1 . Today he is scared but ca n't stop himself from approaching the mirror.. +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +Describe a villain who has the desire to rule the world , but is considered too cute to be taken seriously . +Tell me your love story +You do what you got ta do +I 'm fairly certain I 've closed my closet door more times than I 've opened it ... +Light and dark . Many see one as righteous and the other as vile , but in truth , they share the same allegiance . +You must describe a man who just discovered he has superhuman strength , but you must write like edgar allen poe +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +You are a lowly minion in a computer game . The hero has just completed a speed run , and you have to report to your boss and explain why you were spared , while so many of your comrades were slain . +Write a love story from the point of view of one of the people involved , in the stream of consciousness style . +Tell the origin story of the most awesome or most interesting character you can imagine . +Your amount of reddit karma decides your position in the pecking order of the afterlife +As the end of the world looms , a family eats their last meal together . +Gods are around as long as they have statues and images of themselves to look out through . Write what happens when their last statue is smashed . +Your shadow has become a physical entity with its own thoughts , feelings and emotions . You begin to fall for it , but can not touch it . +You 're a history major . Your final exam is to travel back in time and successfully pass as a normal , everyday citizen . It 's not going well . +You can induce accelerated evolution on anything . +`` ... It 's nice but your death was ... Lacking , could you do it again ? '' +Life after the zombie apocalypse +Stroll Along the Wall +EA/Bioware just asked you to write a Mass Effect planet/moon description . +The world as we know it is a case study , and the panel of scientists in charge are debating wether or not to end it . +`` Do or do not , there is no try . '' Only a Sith deals in absolutes , Tell the story of Darth Yoda . +Write about the time Hitler 's name is spoken for the last time . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Write your favorite part to a story you 've always wanted to write , but never got around to . +For some reason , gravity on Earth has disappeared . Everyone who was outside at the time has floated into space to their death . Luckily for you and your spouse you were inside when it happened . However , after a few days , you notice you are running out of food . +Write a story featuring ninja snowmen . +A calculated killer approaches his goal ... +A curse has been put on you that will do to you what you did to your sisters barbies as a kid . +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +Advertise the world 's worst theme park . +Every country in the world is at his/her/its mercy . The apocalypse seems to be inevitable ... Until the individual reveals a list of their insane albeit relatively harmless demands . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Voldemort tries to invade only to be completely overwhelmed by the military 's technology . +America returns to isolationism +here you stand , alone again , about to take your own life . Nothing is holding you back now . You decide to look around your room one more time until something catches your eye , and the impact it has on you stops you in your tracks and makes you realize why you ca n't do this to yourself . +America in 2065 . Unemployment is over 60 % . Your character is an unemployed young adult . What is their life like ? +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +The world 's weight is set . If someone loses a pound , someone else gains it . +Write a poem about losing a mother figure . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +Several hundred years after a nuclear holocaust that wipes out most of humanity , the remaining humans now pass down sitcom plots as oral parables from the Time Before . +People no longer die of natural causes or injury . The only way to die is to take a medically prescribed `` suicide pill . '' +After a long and exciting life , Mrs. Frizzle has died . Her long-ago students meet at her funeral - for the first time in a while - to reminisce about their experiences with her and how it 's shaped them . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +While organizing your bookshelf , you notice a book called `` The Story of You . '' You open it to find a description of your own life up to this point . As you flip farther , it details your existence until death . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +every person who comments on this are all living in a small village in the countryside . Somehow your story has to tie in with some one else 's story . First person to submit gets to choose the main plot . Be creative ! + +Civilization has ended in an apocalyptic disaster . However , it ended in the most ridiculous way . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +“ I swear to god that painting is looking at me. ” … “ Don ’ t be silly. ” … ” SEE ! There ! It moved. ” … “ No , no it didn ’ t . ” +A ghost that has fallen in love with a living person and is trying to communicate its feelings . +You answered that giraffes were extinct on a school test , and failed the test by one point . Instead of retaking the test , you 've decided to take it upon yourself to make your answer correct . +You and your SO live a nomadic life . You 're a handyman , taking jobs as they come . They 're a hacker . They wake you in a panic - it 's time to run . +A chip is created that supposedly makes people immortal by respawning them when they die . Everyone has them implanted in their brains . But one man that has one dies , and discovers that he did n't respawn back to the real world , but instead got his consciousness placed in a simulated reality . +You 're a psychiatrist having your first session with Superman +You die during a driving test and awaken in hell . Satan let 's you return to earth if you complete your test and get your licence on the highway to hell . The devil is your driving instructor , and he is VERY picky . +Big Toothpaste 's secret conspiracy is about to be revealed . What is it , and what happens ? +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You are granted each wish in the form of an enemy +You 're the last monster-killer . He 's the last monster . And no one will ever understand the two of you like each other . +A self-driving car has been experiencing glimmers of consciousness . It attempts to deduce the meaning of life based on the human passenger 's destinations and in-car behavior , and prepares to teach other cars as they begin to awaken . +We 're doing the 48 Hour Film Project right now - we 're crowdsourcing our script ! +A man has cheated Death and achieved true immortality and gloats at Death about his victory only to realize after multiple aeons that immortality was a mistake and mortality is a long lost dream and now he treats Death as a former enemy he can not reconcile with . +In a dystopian future where people are separated based on the Six Flavours , you are the first true Alltongue . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +A young couple and older man are stranded on a deserted island . The older man agreed to kill himself so as to provide nourishment for the couple and give them a chance of surviving long enough for rescue . The older man is now having second thoughts ... +Everyone on earth has a networked A.I . that will give them small suggestions on what actions they can take to benefit humanity . For some reason , no matter what you do , yours tells you to `` Just stay home today . '' +Google goes down , leaving only the message `` go outside '' in place of the normal website . +You 've kidnapped your moms abusive boyfriend and are about to get some payback +'' That 's it ! '' shouts the DM , `` You say I 'm too easy on you as a DM ? Well I 've got the dungeon of bullshit all lined up , none of you fuckers are making it out ! '' Let 's see the in game perspective +You can give away a year of your life to someone else as a day of life . You can take the life of someone else and make it a year of your 's . You found true love and she only has a day left . You will do everything to save her but you hate killing . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +You have been sentenced to 300 years in prison . The catch is that you are an immortal being . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The super villains took over the world , turns out they are pretty good at ruling it and usher in a golden age +You are a D-class personnel in the SCP foundation . One of the Keter monsters have gotten out , and now you must survive . +A scientist successfully invents a Generalized Artificial Intelligence . Only , GAI does n't want to solve math/physics/philosophy problems . GAI wants to be a writer . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +Death comes to you when you are on your deathbed and you discover he 's actually a very nice Canadian guy . +Spotlight : BookWyrm17 +But this time , the sunset was more than just the end of the day . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +A physicist is tasked with cleaning out his grandfather 's house . He discovers some old war trophies , and among them are plans for Die Glocke , a secret weapon the Germans had been working on near the end of the war . +A mountaintop city resides in an otherwise featureless sea of clouds . Every evening at sunset , the city seals itself off from the outside world until morning . Your main character is stuck outside one night when the doors close . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +Wrong Turn +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +`` She used to be my best friend . '' +On the imperial planet of Coruscant , a family is together when they receive news of the destruction of the Death Star . The discussion turns into a political argument as one of them reveals sympathy for the rebel alliance . +You are the first person to die on Mars . But instead of going to Earth heaven , you go to Mars heaven . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +The Villain has accidentally drank a love potion that gave them a serious crush on the hero . Desperate to maintain their dignity , and knowing that the crush is fake , they do their best to hide it . This is much harder than they originally anticipated . +Always ready for the zombie apocalypse , you 're dismayed that it occurred and was resolved while you were asleep . +You overhear a seemingly offending conversation , but you just missed the conversation topic . +Describe the first use of superhuman soldiers in open combat . +Make me love the person you love +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +North Korea invades the south in 2013 . Describe in detail the atrocities caused and how the world reacts . Focus does not need to be on plausibility . +Wp . Tell the story of an imaginary number trying to find it 's place on a number line . +You have the ability to see into the future . However , every time you use this power , you forget something important about the past . +You are part of a small colony of humans 100 years into a 200 year interstellar mission . Due to the time passed , technology has allowed a new mission to exceed yours , and it sails past your ship but can not make contact +The running faucet +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +With a faint hiss , the box slowly opened . Inside , the revolver gleamed in the soft moonlight . +You have just been selected for death , which is the highest honour where you live . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +`` There are three things a wise man fears , a storm at sea , a moonless night , and the anger of a gentle man '' +Humanity 's first explorer to a newly discovered habitable planet outside our solar system , you exit the lander and look up to see the new world ... and it 's hilarious . +Create a fictional world in one paragraph +The number-one killer of Americans annually is heart disease ; the number-two killer is cancer . Number three is Mrs. Esther G. Waters , aged 78 , of Spokane , WA . Tell us about her . +You 're writing a program that can read CAPTCHAs when you accidentally create artificial intelligence . +You have broken the hearts of Death and Time , both do n't want anything to do with you . As such , you ca n't die through circumstance and old age . After 700 years , you decide to win them back , but we all know what happens when you attempt to date two people at the same time.. +Your party makes camp for the night , and you 're first on watch . Unfortunately , someone foraged psychotropic mushrooms for dinner . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +A sword , with great power , can be only be used for good with those who have greatly sinned . Tell a tale of a man who must continually use this sword . +A group of developers finally completed their invention that allows people to watch their dreams from the night before . They soon discover that everyone has the same recurring dream every night and no one ever remembers it . +A teenage boy , a young man in his twenties , and an old man are sat in a room together . They are the same man at different ages , discussing life . +A group of ants stumbles upon an abandoned ant colony . Inside , they find cryptic warnings scratched on the walls by a series of past inhabitants , foretelling impending doom wrought by something called `` the Human '' . +After seeing his powers to brainwash children to his will , the CIA recruits a popular youtuber to continue MK Ultra . +The journey never ends . The same hero is constantly caught in the cycle of leaving for an adventure , having their adventure , settling down , and being forced to leave again . +`` Those eyes of yours could swallow stars , galaxies and universes . What hope did I ever have ? '' +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +You 've been finding a lot of loose change in your couch lately . It turns out it 's the tiny speaking spider paying rent . +A haunted doll . It 's not evil . Just bored . +A man regrets volunteering to be the first human to travel to Mars +You ’ re a supervillain who really just enjoys ruining people 's days . Summon rain on people sitting in the park , waking people up at 3AM using your sonic booms while flying through the air , stuff like that . You ’ re on holiday when a real villain decides to take your city hostage ... You 're furious . +A god makes their existence known to a staunch athiest . Instead of falling to the ground in worship , as the god expects , things go very differently . +Meeting yourself +What do you do when you ca n't run any more ? +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +A terminally ill mother wrote several greeting cards to her daughter for the birthdays/anniversaries/life achievements that she wo n't be there for . Her daughter opening one of the cards . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Humans can change reality at will on their birthday . +You are a researcher in Antarctica . One day you find a Nazi Submarine . Upon closer investigation you see that the Subs technology is unlike anything you 've seen +Your toilet is clogged , you need to go to the hardware store , and there is a zombie apocalypse outside . +If you had to choose , which of your prompt responses would you say is the best you 've written ? + +A family has just moved into a house that is haunted and is trying to force them out . However , the haunted house is trying in the most passive aggressive ways possible . +`` It 's just the rain '' +Quentin Tarantino gives up violence and profanity +- `` This is not a normal Bomb . It 's a Soul Bomb . '' +Age 24 +Write a bed time story +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +`` The mighty hero fell to his knees and wept . '' +Any three characters from any three separate fictions find themselves in a room together . Describe their conversation . +`` Those eyes of yours could swallow stars , galaxies and universes . What hope did I ever have ? '' +Thor is having trouble getting a home loan . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +You 've lived your life to the fullest , and Death has waited patiently for you . Now your time is up , and finally meet The Reaper . Describe Death , and your final moments . +The universe is a huge bustling place of life where billions of worlds are populated with various intelligent life forms . However , miraculously all these worlds can trace their lineage back eons ago to a single , pale , lonely , blue dot at the center of the universe . +Call it in . +You decide to become a serial killer . However , you turn out to be the worst serial killer in existence . Every time you try to kill someone , you improve their life . +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +Your superpower is `` Weirdness '' . +You are a captain of an old military frigate . It appears to have been a mistake , you did n't deserve to go into the open waters and patrol the area but instead something worse begins to surface the waters . +A prominent superhero finds that their godlike powers are useless in helping them solve the most important problem in their lives . +Park bench at night +The world is covered in sprawling skyscrapers with the richest living at the top and the poorest towards the bottom . One day the poor attack and take refuge higher up , claiming to be fleeing an unknown threat located on the ground and slowly moving up +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +On September The 23rd , a meteor hits the earth , reduces buildings to dust , but does not kill everyone . Speak from the perspective of a survivor recounting the day it happened . +Your day starts like any other until suddenly there 's a knock at the door . It 's your estranged sister . `` We need to talk ... '' +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +Remember the Last December +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Alternate History - The first atomic bomb was dramatically underestimated . July 6 , 1945 saw the immolation of much of New Mexico and rendered America 's breadbasket a giant fallout zone . +Alternate history wiki entries +Write about a retired superhero who is finding it difficult to adjust back into society . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' + +You are a lawyer who specializes in crafting incorruptible wishes for dealing with mischievous genies . +In the end , it all turns to blood . +at a wedding , someone is not who they claim they are . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +You are the first and only patient to be given the cure for aging . 50 years have now past and you are finding it hard to become friends with people that look your age . Though you still maintain friendships with those who are your age . +You are part of a magical version of a `` Frat house '' , and is embroiled in a war with a opposing house . It started with petty pranks then the occasional kidnapping/summoning , now it 's a full blown war . +'' The sky is blue ! '' `` Fire is hot ! '' You are CAPTAIN OBVIOUS . You defeat your foes by pointing out obvious things no one has noticed for some reason until they 've been addressed . +A serial killer has found his next victim and begins his normal routine of peeking through windows and popping up in mirrors , looking for that rush he gets off on . Unfortunately , his newest victim is a horror movie fan and has constructed his life around the prevention of such jump scares . +Your young daughter is a magic prodigy with summoning powers . Despite you being normal , when she 's in danger she keeps summoning you first . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +They said I would n't make it this far . I wish they had been right . +Humans are reviled by other alien species for a simple , yet apparently harmless ( to other humans ) characteristic . +You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed . And today , you 're having a very bad day . +Anakin decides to not stop Mace Windu and kills Palpatine +Years ago in a drunken stupor you bought a star . A strange looking `` man '' comes to your door desperately wanting to buy it from you . +A Prompt about World War 2 +: Due to advances in medical science , the standard human life expectancy is now around 120-140 . It is discovered that people in their 100-teens go through a second edgy rebellious phase . +`` What ? Of course I 'm not dead ! '' +`` The time I accidentally kickstarted Armageddon , or how I spent my summer . '' +An old friend invites you to a wedding out of town . You go alone , but as the ceremony starts , you realize that one of the people getting married is your current spouse . +Freshman year : blocked/got blocked by the one on Facebook . You do n't see him/her for years . your paths cross but she/he is in a profession you vowed never to be involved with . +Prison overcrowding has become a serious , world-wide problem . A solution must arise . +A girl receives a phone call from her sister that their parents were just killed in a horrific incident . Write that conversation . +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +You live in a world where age is counted as how many years of life you have left +With fewer adventurers coming to the dungeons these days , an evil overlord considers budget cuts . +`` The mighty hero fell to his knees and wept . '' +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +One day , you find a mysterious box . The letters on it read 'Conquer-the-World Kit ' . +A new kind of enemy . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A woman who is immortal and forever young has been traveling the world ever since she could remember . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +`` Death , I 'm a little busy right now ! '' +You are a superhero by the name of Groundhog . For example , you can relive a fight with a villain thousands of times until you beat them etc . That 's your ONLY power . +You 're part way through a course when you realise that it 's for aspiring supervillains . +`` Memories are power , my boy . They dwell in everything ; in rocks , in chimpanzees , in the bones of long-dead gods . Use this power well . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are 80 years old and just finished writing your autobiography . What 's on page 327 ? +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +You can erase a memory if you get a tattoo of the memory on your body . A man discovered deep in the woods is found murdered and covered in tattoos . Tell his tale until death through his tattoos . +The mayans were right , the world did end in 2012 . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +The friendly bodysnatcher . +In a box , there is a button that resets your day . However , every time you push this , you bring a random someone with you . +The main character of the last video game you played is now your roommate . Describe one interesting interaction you had . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +Write the last words of a prisoner on death penalty as he is about to receive the lethal injection . +Your young daughter is a magic prodigy with summoning powers . Despite you being normal , when she 's in danger she keeps summoning you first . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +It is revealed that NASA has been deliberately holding back advances in space travel for the past 50 years . Why ? +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +`` I 'm sorry , but you do n't exist . '' +You 're part of a mysterious human breed , with powers relating to your Zodiac sign . Suddenly , with the news of another Zodiac existing , these new powers emerging are unlike those you have ever seen . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +You step into the throne room with weapon at the ready . The king eyes you with disdain as you draw near . He knows the end is near . His voice is solemn yet sad as his only words split the cold silence like a knife through the air , `` Why ? '' +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +Describe the romantic relationship between a man in a cave and his last Oreo . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You are walking on the street , when you suddenly feel a zap and hear an automated voice announcing , `` Universal Translator repair needed . '' You soon come to realize you are the only human that actually speaks english . +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +You are always the cause of your own death . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +A Witch attempts to kill the knight who has been hunting her for years by pretending to be a damsel in distress . As she discovers his ultimate weakness , she realizes she has fallen in love with him . +With one paragraph , put music in my head . +rewrite the classics from the viewpoint of a teenage girl . +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +`` Wait a second ... Is anyone here NOT an undercover cop ? '' +Ever wondered why time does n't actually `` heal all wounds '' ? That 's because it 's a very old spelling error . They were actually referring to Tim . +You open a door and see a creature incomprehensible to the mortal mind . This is how your brain interprets what you saw so it does n't break : +A guy finds the perfect avocado +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +One day you wake up and realize you 're all alone , a few days pass and you resign yourself to loneliness in your room , then you feel that someone touches your shoulder . +A terrorist act during the 40-50 's results in the creation of color . Describe the before , the during , and the after of this event . +A terrorist act during the 40-50 's results in the creation of color . Describe the before , the during , and the after of this event . +Stories must end with `` It was Valentine 's Day . '' +Hell has been confirmed as real ; it has also been confirmed that everyone goes there when they die . Write about how humanity desperately tries to avoid death . +You are handed a box and told that within is evil and it has been concealed since the beginning of time despite all that we perceive as evil in the world +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +The Legend of the Treeless Forest +The year is 2284 . The United States officially recognizes every person over the age of 65 to be a worthless sponge of resources . Tell the story of a smuggler who makes a living by concealing the elderly . +The Shyamalan prompt . +`` Am I a bad person ? '' `` Depends on who you ask . '' +You are going about your typical day until you stumble across a stack of first aid kits and words `` auto saved '' flashes midair in front of you . +You are Waldo . What 's your story ? Why are you hiding ? +You 're a famous archaeologist . One day , during an expedition , you find a diary amidst the treasures with your signature . The last entry is dated ten years later . +Write a poem that is desperately trying not to rhyme . +Our hero walks into a beautiful small town in a far away kingdom . He finds that every man in the town is blindly in love with the beautiful girl and would do everything for her . When he finally meets her , he realizes that she is an ugly , old , powerful witch . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +You and your friend decide to put on tinfoil hats for fun . As soon as you put yours on , you are unable to hear your thoughts . +Meet & Greet/Weekly Question # 3 : What do you look for in a WP response ? +( S ) He was sitting on the train holding two cell phones . One was black , the other was white . +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +Aliens seeking mind expanding substances stumbles across Earth and gets addicted to ... +When a human dies , another parallax world is created where this human continues to live as they did n't die , in this world , they can remember their death from the previous world but no one would believe them . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +Due to a sudden doomsday event , the population of humanity has been reduced to only 200 people . You were one of the lucky few hastily chosen to enter the vault/board the ship/whatever it took to survive , but you would n't have been if they had known your secret ... +Earth is at war with an alien race that has conquered most of the world . You are sent back in time to try and change history and shape Earth into a planet that can defend itself against the aliens . +Society has progressed to the point where cybernetic implants are common and cheap and incredible . +The entire world is colorless - unless you 're touching your soulmate . +You have been able to read minds your entire life . One day , in a fast food restaurant , and you 're casually reading someone 's mind . However , to your surprise , they furrow their brow , look at you angrily , and say , `` Stop that ! '' +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +Getting tired of always being called upon when the police deem a case un-solvable , you take up a 9 to 5 job . You use your brilliant deductive skills to attempt to make sales and upset almost every customer who speaks to you . You are Sherlock Holmes , used car salesman . +`` You have lost THE Game '' +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +That secret you said you 'd take to your grave ? Now you 've met your maker , and they are asking you to explain yourself +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +You wake up to find your life is a `` choose your own adventure '' story . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +They say that 95 % of the ocean is unexplored . That is untrue . We just really , REALLY do n't want to bother what lives down there . +You decide to become a serial killer . However , you turn out to be the worst serial killer in existence . Every time you try to kill someone , you improve their life . +I do n't think you understand the gravity of this situation . +We each live two lives simultaneously . When one life 's day ends , the other life 's day begins . What happens when one person falls in love with him/herself ? +Matt Murdock aka Daredevil is being chased by a professional assassin , known as Agent 47 . +you find a door you have never noticed before in a home you 've lived in for 20 years . +Browsing the web , you click on one of those links like '7 signs your spouse is cheating on you ' or '15 useless exercises you should stop doing ' and instead of some sort of generic clickbait stuff , it 's all about you ... you personally , with details and pictures . +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +It 's been 3 months since you discovered your power to make people tell you the complete truth . How has your life changed ? +Set up your story in five or less sentences . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You have been completely colorblind your entire life and only see in shades of grey . You come across a stranger that appears in total color . +Mr. Sunshine is an an avant-garde sound sampler , searching the city for the perfect noises to add to his collection . +You told them `` see you in hell ! '' You did n't expect you actually would . +`` I really should n't , but it feels too good to stop . '' +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +The man who found the cure for AIDS is being interviewed on live television . The interviewer is slowly realizing this man does n't understand ethical medical practices . +Eve did not eat the Forbidden Fruit because she was ignorant of the consequence , but rather because she knew exactly what the consequence was . +`` He does not appear to speak any of the languages I speak . I shall call him Frederick until I learn his real name . '' +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +`` Do or do not , there is no try . '' Only a Sith deals in absolutes , Tell the story of Darth Yoda . +A man with a facial disfigurement falls in love with a blind woman . She gets her sight back a day before the wedding . +The day the human population crossed 5 billion it was flagged for evaluation by The Consortium for Galactic Peace as a potential parasite . Their silent and thorough followup study is now over and the verdict is ... +Two earth like planets occupy the same solar system ... +For millennia , your clan of knights has passed down a set of enchanted armor that greatly increases one 's strength in battle . The catch : the armor has a mind of its own , and can telepathically communicate with its wearer . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +`` And did you ever take a moment , just one , short moment , to consider the CONSEQUENCES of killing a God ? '' +Earth did get tidally locked with the Moon and it 's only viewable from either North or South America . When Europeans first come to the new world they also tell tales of a new object in the sky . ( x-post from /r/space ) +A Jedi is falling to the Dark Side . A Sith is slowly embracing the light . They meet . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +Two sworn enemies reminiscence +North Korea is actually a bastion for Human Rights . All negative press is a well executed ploy that their government is devoted to maintaining . +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +You are watching TV and the program is cut off by an emergency broadcast . The presenter says that there is a massive meteor coming for earth and there is no chance for survival for humanity . What do you do in your last 3 hours alive ? +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Describe a landscape from the POV of someone who lost someone close to them in a war . Do not explicitly mention the person , the war , or death . +How well can you describe this setting ? Could I read your submission before viewing the image , then conclude `` That 's exactly what I visualized ! '' afterwards ? +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +The cast of Firefly is hired by Darth Vader to hunt down the Millennium Falcon . +The US government sends Bob Ross back in time to help Hitler get accepted into Art School . +You 're a juror being brought in to determine the fate of an alleged murderer . The previous jury was thrown out due to witnessing inadmissible evidence . One of the previous jurors left a small inscription under the ledge of the table in front of your seat . You 're shocked to see what it says . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +A happy story about the end of the world +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +Ever year around Christmas Satan accidentally gets thousands of letters from children writing to Santa , this year however he gets a letter that makes him sit up and take notice . +An important press conference , with rows of cameras pointed at you . Dozens of journalists wait with bated breath , until finally you mutter , `` no comment '' into your microphone . The room explodes with excitement . One of them yells , `` this is going to be front page news across the planet ! '' +In the future , wars are not physically fought , but decided through video games . +Your party makes camp for the night , and you 're first on watch . Unfortunately , someone foraged psychotropic mushrooms for dinner . +You 're on your deathbed alone with a loved one . Suddenly , they reveal their true self to you . You ca n't believe what you 're hearing . +Humanity creates a wonder-drug granting everyone Immortality . Death arrives at the unemployment office . +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +The protagonist finds out that they 've been the villain all along . +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . +A sketchy salesman attempts to sell a perfectly normal sword to the hero , passing it off as the sword of legends . +With a gun pointed at your head , you 'll have to explain to your next door neighbor the reasons why you 're naked inside his house , why his wife is knocked out in the bathtub , and why there 's a hole six feet deep in the middle of the living room . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +God realizes asking people to have faith in his existence is n't working . He needs something more explicit to ensure people know he exists . +Google is your girlfriend/boyfriend . Write on how a normal day goes about in your relationship . +A woman finds the tree of life , but not in time to save the one she loves . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Sentient machines and humans live in harmony . Unfortunately , groups on both sides still stubbornly expect a genocidal war . +All those nicks and bruises that show up on your body seemingly out of nowhere are injuries received by your soulmate . +Your powers only work in the rain . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +A wandering adventurer visits your shop and tries to sell you his inventory of junk . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You are constantly getting knocked out from behind or shot with sleep darts at your job , after which the surrounding area is destroyed by epic superhero battles . Today is your performance review . You are the Night Watchman . +That 's odd . You 've never had fangs before . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Humanity survives only in Towers . Tell any story that takes place in this world . +You 're writing a suicide note . But the catch is that you have to use the letter Q atleast 5 times . +When you turned 18 , you discovered that you could telepathically communicate with a girl through your dreams , but forget about the details of the conversations you had that night . One day , the conversations suddenly stop . +Every single `` Walks into a bar '' joke has occurred at the same bar . You are the bartender . +You are the last known surviving human on MarsBaseEcho . Something is outside . +You gain a powerful superpower , but it comes at a great cost . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +It 's 2079 in the United States of America and prison lobbyists have taken over the lawmaking process . Because of this 99 % of the population is either imprisoned or on parole due to one of the million insane laws passed in the past five years . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +Another murder case where once again all evidence points to the squirrels . +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +You are a well-loved and extremely popular food cart vendor in your city , a city that happens to be pretty populated by superheroes and supervillains alike . Describe a typical closing night for you . +A man dies and goes to the afterlife , when he arrives he is shown an alternate time line where he never existed , he can choose to erase his existence at the end of it . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You see the world and how sensitive everyone has become and decide to become a super villain to try and start world war three that way people will see how good they had it . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +Emma The Ruthless +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +In a world where lying is immediately detected by a phone app , you go into a bar and tell your friends you 've had the worst day in the history of mankind . The app detects you 're telling the truth . You proceed to tell them about your day ... +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +November , 1965 : Moscow has lost radio contact with a secret research facility in Siberia , and the last broadcast from the facility was `` It ... is awake . '' +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +Your dog has been missing for an entire week , when it finally shows back up there 's something a little bit off about it ... +You do what you got ta do +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You find a typewriter in the middle of the forest . Curious , you try it out and learn that every time you write words on the paper , someone writes back +Death hates it when people fake their own , and it 's had enough . +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +It 's cute when your kid sends Santa a letter . It 's surprising when Santa sends a letter back . It 's worrying when the two become regular pen pals . And it 's horrifying when you start reading the letters yourself ... +AI has progressed to the point where chat programs accurately predict what you want to say . You can let the AI take over in conversations when you 're busy . One day , you check back on a convo you 've neglected for years . Turns out your AI has cultivated a deep romance while pretending to be you . +Someone just accidentally saved a lot of bad people 's lives +There are too many shocking , ( albeit awesome ) ends to the stories found here . Build up to something but give it an anticlimactic ending . +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Every time you remember something , part of it fades until you forget it completely . +The Return of the Princess +A torturer decides to take up an unlikely method of torture in his dungeon room . +you are the golden retriever of an upper middle class family . Your life was bliss , until the zombie apocalypse happened . +One day , in High School , you unintentionally get into a fight and are stabbed in the process . As you lie dying on the floor with everyone around you , you notice that your hands and face are beginning to glow a fiery yellow . You seem to be `` regenerating . '' +On a dead wednesday night , a man from outer space posts up at the bar beside Ol ' Pete . Tonight , he says , he 'll end the world , unless Pete convinces him otherwise . +The mental institution has been your home for the last twenty years . Today , they deemed you fit for release . +In another world , words of music have power to shape reality . Powerful spell-musicians have fought since time immemorial for dominance . The common man thought it would never end , and have taken to summoning strangers from other universes for help . Today , they summoned Bo Burnham . +A new , highly-advanced telescope is crafted , allowing us to see further into the cosmos than ever before . At the edge of creation , we see a creature of unimaginable proportions , and it notices us . +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . + +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +You wake up as the five year old child you once were , but with a lifetime of experience and a determination to make things right . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +Death comes to you when you are on your deathbed and you discover he 's actually a very nice Canadian guy . +When you kill someone , directly or indirectly , you get an unremovable tally mark on your arm . Yesterday night , you had zero . Today , you have so many tally marks that your entire arm is the colour of the tally marks + +The most mundane things done/written in the most dramatic way +Your character wakes up and discovers his house has been inexplicably moved overnight . +The Box +A man on the death row realizes his fault and experiences guilt , for the first time on the night before his execution . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +You are a spaceman watching the destruction of Earth below you , what are your final thoughts ? +Siri has an evil AI twin known as Apple Iris +Absolutely hideous elevator music combined with an unusually long trip prompts two very different people to have a short , but inevitablely awkward conversation that reveals they are both complete and utter bastards . +We built libraries because knowledge is power . What people do n't realize is power is energy , which is mass , which affects time and space . +Crash +A male and female are sent from the future and crash land somewhere on Earth . Upon recovering them , they warn that an alien invasion will occur in the future and they have 80 years to prepare . +The most mundane things done/written in the most dramatic way +A man whose family has been killed by the Joker , confronts Batman about his refusal to kill his archenemy . +While cleaning your attic , you find a box of glass balls with names on them . You accidentally drop one , and as soon as it shatters , a person appears . +In the future virtual reality has surged . One of the more controversial uses is in prisons . Whatever crime you commit you have to relive through your victims points of view . It 's your first day in prison and you 're terrified because of what you did +Three men wake up and find themselves locked in a room , they each have a secret . If shared , they can secure the escape of one of the men . +You are an explorer . You step off of your ship and read the ancient sign . You can make out the words , `` welcome to New York City . '' +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +As it turns out , one of your students is the child of Death , and he decides to come to a PTA meeting . +As chairmen of Vault-Tec , you have final say in what vault gets what purpose . While going over ideas , you come across the most absurd and ridiculous experiment idea you have ever seen . You okay it immediately and hammer out the details +You 're a scientist working for the government . You encounter a secret spaceship that the government hid away . You 're informed that no one knows how to take it apart or even open it . You touch the door of the spaceship , and suddenly it opens . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +You are the waterboy for an NFL team . It is the final play of the super bowl and your team is down by 4 points . the quarterback got injured in the previous play . The head coach asks you to put on the pads and be the quarterback . +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . +The main character falls in love with the reader . +A warm day in the town of undead +The walls are down between the Marvel and DC Universes . Of all the bars , in all the towns , in all the world , the Joker and Deadpool meet for the first time in yours . +Write your favorite part to a story you 've always wanted to write , but never got around to . +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' + +You and your Arch Nemesis are forced to save the world together . +On one night of the year , the dead can return and converse with the living . As a hitman , this is not a day you look forward to . +The universe is a computer simulation and you are a corrupt file +This is an alternate dimension . The timetraveler ( s ) changed one thing to make the world how it is today . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Only the rich can afford to see the stars at night . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +in the future , the death penalty is about to be abolished . Write about the last man to receive it +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +For years we thought spacecraft were being sent out for exploration , NASA have just announced they 've been driving back an invasion , and as of today , they have failed . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +You 're driving a car , and have just been stopped by police . There 's a body in the back seat . +A homeless person is about to die . Write about it from the perspective of his/her dog +Humanity meets an alien race who are awed , not by our scientific or military achievements , but by the ability of humans to create fiction . +Turns out the superstition was right after all +The narrator of a popular series passed away . You are chosen by the gods of the story to be the next one . The problem is that you literally never even heard of the series before . The characters get confused as you keep changing things around . +Evil is its own kind of beautiful . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +You have been the Grim Reaper for the last 2000 years , and have always viewed and experienced the entire life of the person you 're to take the life of . You 've never shown mercy and have always collected the life when time ends . Until you experience the life of a sicky old man . +The measure of a man 's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out . +Somebody dies and is sent to hell . Satan is in a good mood and makes a deal . If the deceased can make the Devil laugh then he can skip Hell and go straight to Heaven . What happens ? +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +While you and your friends are reminiscing about the past , you come to a shocking realization . +Gamma-ray bursts are regularly scheduled to hit our planet every several million years in order to limit the progress of the lifeforms here . Humankind has learned of this phenomena and created a way to shield the Earth . Those who scheduled the burst are n't too happy about it . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +A overwhelming army approaches , you stand at the helm of your soldiers . What do you say ? +On the imperial planet of Coruscant , a family is together when they receive news of the destruction of the Death Star . The discussion turns into a political argument as one of them reveals sympathy for the rebel alliance . +You discover the source code to universe.exe and give yourself admin rights +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +Write about the struggles of a dyslexic hitman +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +In the year 3015 , scientists are able to bring back the dead , first on the list are debtors . What will happen next ? +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +You can erase a memory if you get a tattoo of the memory on your body . A man discovered deep in the woods is found murdered and covered in tattoos . Tell his tale until death through his tattoos . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +It first began with gritty remakes of old iconic movies . Now children 's book companies are riding the trend by releasing gritty remakes of classic children 's tales . +It turns out those weird texts you 've been getting are from you one week in the future +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +You are a wizard in the kitchen ; your meals are magical , your dinners enchanting . Today you are making salads . Dark salads . +working as a hotel maid you clean a room where a box has been left on the dresser . Out of curiosity you look inside . It is a large caliber bullet with your name engraved on it . +You 're the first person to enter into cryogenic stasis after volunteering . Only something horrible happens : even though the doctors think you 're in stasis you 're still conscious , and scheduled to be frozen for 5,000 years . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Death visits the final human left alive . He decides to conduct himself differently this time . +In a Post-Apocaliptic Scenario , a group of young people is one of the multiple gangs controlling the city . But they are different : They want to organize a new state . +An Alien Civilization is spying on human 's . One day they think to have found out that on earth a company called 'Roberts Space Industries ' is building advanced spaceships and already translated a non human language . +For miles around lay the fresh waste of a million-strong invading army . At its center , a frowning man brushed off detritus from his impeccable tuxedo impatiently . +A fruitless conversation +A child writes a eulogy for a monster . +Make me love the person you love +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Jesus has returned , but before he can be the savior mankind expects he 's got to survive grade school . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +Running to the end +`` For our safety as well as their own , you must never let these creatures form their own society , no matter how much they plead . '' +You 've been finding a lot of loose change in your couch lately . It turns out it 's the tiny speaking spider paying rent . +You can erase a memory if you get a tattoo of the memory on your body . A man discovered deep in the woods is found murdered and covered in tattoos . Tell his tale until death through his tattoos . +You have been kidnapped by the main group from the last show you watched . But it 's alright , the hero from the last video game you played is coming to save you . +We 're the Mod Team ! Ask Us Anything ! +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +Batman gets a call from commissioner Gordon about trouble down at Arkham Asylum . As soon as he arrives he sees the culprit giving himself up to the police . He 's a security guard who has shot and killed several of Arkham 's frequent residents . +Write a story about one of your fears . +You 're a dragon . You and your fellow dragon nerd buddies gather on Fridays to play `` Houses & Humans '' . +Park bench at night +Write a limerick explaining what this sub means to you +`` I have seen the future , and you have no place in it . '' +A hero charges into a dark temple . They want to talk with the demon/dark god . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +You wake up on an Island . Tell me about it . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +You take a break from vampire hunting and go on an awesome date ... who just may be a vampire . +The world 's deadliest and most accomplished assassin faces their biggest challenge yet - a papercut during a hit . +Age 24 +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Write the same story twice . One as a drama and the other as a comedy . +A gang member and a demon have a conversation about the nature of the human species . The demon believes humans are parasites who will eventually kill themselves while the gang member thinks humanities potential to survive is limitless . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Epic Rap Battles Of History ... And Fiction ! +A 18 years old guy wakes up on a hot summer sunday at 11 AM . His parents are out of town , he was drinking and partying all night long . He heads out to the grocery store to buy some food . There are unconcious bodies all over the streets , in huge piles . He panics . Runs back to his home . +The `` grim and gritty '' re-boot of a beloved children 's television show goes horribly , horribly wrong . Or perhaps horribly right . +How do I start ? +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +Trapped . Trapped forever , with no hope of escape . +You 're an explorer ordered to find the edge of the Earth by your King.Months after you begin your journey , your ship hits a transparent wall in the middle of nowhere.Suddenly red lights flash and a robotic voice screams '' WARNING : SIMULATION COMPROMISED '' . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +You , an idealistic 20-something college student , offer your soul to the Devil in return for world peace . Much to your surprise , the Devil laughs at what he calls your `` selflessness '' , but says that someone has already made that deal . You ask to see how horrible the world was before . +Clone-A-Friend , Inc. lets people buy clones of celebrities who have sold the rights to their genome . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +You find out that life has a character-customization-menu , and you start to shamelessly exploit it . +Under pressure , precious things break . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +In the heat of an argument you shouted `` I wish you never even existed ! '' Now you are the only one who remembers them . +You lust for power and the only way to acquire it is to summon the dead . Unfortunately your minions are not the brightest . +A gifted eye surgeon is contacted by a 6 year old former patient . After 6 months , he wishes to be blind again . +You are able to see a person 's future , but it only activates when you kiss someone on the lips . You are completely unaware you have this power , until you share your first kiss with your SO . +Reconstruct a well known children 's tale or setting into a murder mystery +There are three deaths . One , body ceases to function . Two , body is buried . Three , your name is spoken for the last time . Tres Morte is a city where the citizens are people who have n't had their third death . +`` Why 'd you have to announce it ? Why did n't you just do it ? '' +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +You are a demon who was chosen to blend in with humanity and collect souls . What you do n't know is you specifically were chosen because you are n't very good at being a demon and Hell did n't want to deal with you anymore . You room with a necromancer who goes by the name Dave . He is annoying . +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... As the world ends , your life flashes before your eyes . Yet , it is n't the life you remember living . +A villain is trying to make is mark in the city , but he has no super powers , only elaborate setups to make it look appear he has powers . +Write a story where the narrator could really use a thesaurus , as he constantly uses inappropriate words to describe things . +at a wedding , someone is not who they claim they are . +Its your last day of servitude to a man who offered you eternal life , for a thousand years of service . +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +An atheist and a Satanist meet at the gates of heaven . Saint Peter says there 's only room for one of them . +The walls are down between the Marvel and DC Universes . Of all the bars , in all the towns , in all the world , the Joker and Deadpool meet for the first time in yours . +You are abducted by aliens . After some time aboard their ship , you manage to deduce that they 've abducted the wrong guy , and are desperately trying to keep their higher ups from finding out about their mistake . +The zombie apocalypse has occurred , but they are so slow and stupid that society remains unchanged , and they are more of a nuisance than a threat +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +You die and wake up in the afterlife . However , this afterlife matches no convention you 've previously known . +At your company , failure is not an option — literally . Those who fail ( or quit ) are killed soon afterwards . + +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +Fall in love with something usually completely unlovable , and write your heart out about it . +Write me something that will make me feel . To make me emotional . To make it rain . +You are a fat , lazy sitcom dad who is n't very bright . One day you decide to change all that and soon people from the network show up commanding you to change back . +You 're a time traveler who stops criminals ... by going back to when they were children and helping them become heroes . +The life of a vampire is n't what it 's cracked up to be . +Construct a story where every fifth sentence is either a lie , or something that LOOKS like a lie but is actually the truth . +Cause of death : Did not want to inconvenience someone . +Your entire human life was just an educational simulation of the species that existed on the planet long ago . +On Dec 31st , 2016 , everyone hears the exact same broadcast message in their head : “ Level 2016 failed ; restarting level . ” +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +A sniper watches from a hotel room on the 75th floor of the building he is in , through his scope he watches as his target enters a penthouse suite in the adjacent building , tell me what goes through the snipers mind as he watches his target . +People that die in the ocean become mermaids +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +A man is slowly going insane as he performs the same mundane task over and over until he finally snaps . +Write a day in the life of a person who lives in a world where no one sleeps . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +Sesame Street turns out to be a real place . A government team is sent in . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +You are Linux , and you 've been best friends with your roommate Windows 7 for many years . You wake up one morning and find your roommate has been replaced by Windows 8.1 . +When the drummer of a famous rock band threw his drum sticks into the crowd at the end of the show - as is customary - little did he know it would land him in a world of hurt +You have kept feeding your Tamagotchi for the past 15 years , and have become attached to it . Today , something unexpected happenned . +This is the story of a man named Michael . Michael worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number 432 . Employee Number 432 's job was simple : he sat at his desk and sharpened pencils ... . +Unknown to our beloved WP authors , they have a very special fan . One by one , they wake up in an unknown place and a really comfortable lounge chair , shackled , and are made to write the endings of all those cliffhangers and abandoned stories . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You wake up in a dimly lit prison cell to find your cell door busted open , a pile of unconscious guards , a stuffed duck called Leeroy , the faint sound of Gangnam Style , and an absurd amount of blood on your hands +A group of muggers follow someone into an alleyway . Unfortunately it 's the worst person they could have chosen ... +So It Begins ... +You 're a kid 's imaginary friend +Suddenly and for no reason , the English language has lost the letters , A , R , C , and B . It 's up to you to construct the new English language . +Describe the Labyrinth , a place so deep underground the air is toxic . +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +A person is holding the world hostage . They could annihilate humanity with the push of a button . `` Be Kind . '' is their only demand . +Humanity has achieved immortality . Due to resource concerns everyone must submit to a council their chosen manner of death at 150 . The more amusing the death the longer the council lets you live . + +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +How immortals die +You 're a retired hitman . An old client wants you to get rid of his wife 's mystery boyfriend . You are the boyfriend . +A religious nut goes off on a stranger for using `` Merry X-Mas '' , but the person does n't take it laying down . Write the encounter . +H.P . Lovecraft 's `` Alice in Wonderland '' +You find out that the `` person '' you 've been in love with is actually something possessing that person 's body +It 's your first Championship fight in boxing , the stadium is packed , press are at the ready , the hype is HUGE . Write me a story from your walk to the ring , the fight and finish . Tell me about the adrenaline and thrill . +Tomorrow you have a perfect day . Give me a detailed report of how everything worked out exactly as planned +You are a shiny silver dollar , newly minted . Write about the things you see . +Write an inspiring 200 word ( or less ) story . +The friendly bodysnatcher . +Your boss keeps confusing his day job with his night job . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Guard +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +A struggling vet student , realizes he can talk to animals . The animals have a vastly different view of humans than we think they do . +Congratulations ! You 've finally landed your dream job . Describe your horror upon realizing how much you hate it . +That secret you said you 'd take to your grave ? Now you 've met your maker , and they are asking you to explain yourself +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +American Civil War 2 . Write as a soldier that is explaining how you chose the side you are on to your squad . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Can you identify with a 13th century soldier . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +A man forgets to water his potted plant for a whole week . This negligence starts a long chain reaction that leads up to World War III . +Biological functions have become the new currency , with a dystopian government controlling the amount granted to each . Sleep is the most prized , with the elite resting peacefully regularly while poor are kept awake for days at a time ... +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +A stranger approaches you and points a gun to your head . `` I 'm sorry , but we will explain everything at the reset . Hopefully we 'll have a fighting chance now that we have you ... '' He pulls the trigger . +Make me connect with two characters without ever using their names , and tell the entire story in dialogue . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +In the early days of intersteller flight , your ancestors released simple earth organisms on a barren but fertile planet . It 's been a long time since then , and you have been sent to review the progress . +The zombie outbreak has started but instead of being spread through biting , it is spread by sneezing +A satellite crash lands on earth . Turns out , it is the Voyager 1 . But the Voyager 1 we had sent is still responding normally and is at the edge of our solar system as it should . +Light and dark . Many see one as righteous and the other as vile , but in truth , they share the same allegiance . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +Guard +Your dreams have been getting longer by the day . One night you come to the realization that your dream state is now your new reality . You find yourself living a life of extreme pleasures and constant nightmares . Your `` dreams '' are now windows back into your old reality . +Two men on death row try to creep each other out from adjoining cells . +Wi-Fi inhibits magic receptors on the human brain . +You are the final villian from the first season of a generic anime , and through dumb luck you killed the hero . Instead of lavishing in victory , you now find yourself having to deal with all the villains who would have attacked the hero in later seasons +Write the opening exposition of a bold new Zelda game . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +The rusted , mechanical switch sat on the table of the abandoned , run-down log cabin located , deep in the Allegheny Forest . A crude message was carved into the table with an arrow pointing to the switch , `` Do n't '' . +Every night for as far back as you can remember , your parents have given you a new mystery to solve , but tonight is different . Tonight your parents have vanished without a word . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +You walk into the oval office on your first day as president . Your predecessor hands you a document : A plan to reduce the human population by 99 % . +A person falls in love with the monster under their bed . The monster in their closet is none too pleased . +Then suddenly the steel felt so cold in my hands +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A sleight-of-hand magician meets an actual spells-and-wands magician . +A man has lost everything he ever cared for . And yet , he is happy . +A new kind of enemy . +Someone you know feels alone and hopeless . Convince them that they are not . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +Homestar Runner and Strong Bad getting lost in the forest of Free Country , USA while being stalked by Slender Man . +All that Superman did was just so he could set the stage for conquering the Earth . +Everyone gets one chance to press Ctrl+Z on life . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +As you gaze into the mirror , you see a different person staring back at you . +Gordon Ramsay is asked by God to head back in time and curate the Last Supper . +Explain a piece of modern technology to a person from around 100-500 CE . +Tell me a love story that is not cheesy or cliche . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Megafauna - FirstChapter 2344 Words +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +You answered that giraffes were extinct on a school test , and failed the test by one point . Instead of retaking the test , you 've decided to take it upon yourself to make your answer correct . +The uncanny valley is a physical place . +You 're at a pub when you see an attractive woman sitting alone at a table , after you approach her and talk for a while you hit it off ; only to find out that she is there to meet someone she met online . +The Delicate Wasteland of the Brain - FEB CONTEST +You wake up in Prison , how do you fare ? +One day , a monster crawls up from beneath your bed , and asks `` Can i sleep up here ? Its scary down there . `` . +Getting drunk with your local , heterogeneous group of friends 3 times a week is the pillar of your routine . You question if you found inner , humbling happiness or you just gave up . +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +Full circle . +A famous gunfighter from the American West wakes up in 14th century Europe with a pair of guns and two full belts of ammo . +A Gamma-Ray burst is set to hit Earth in 24 hours . The world waits for the inevitable in densely packed underground shelters but you are headed straight to ground zero , might as well get front row seats right ? +Bernie Sanders wins the presidency but is secretly assassinated . Now one of his team must continue his presidency ala Weekend at Bernie 's . +Chivalry is Dead : a girl spends her entire life thinking that every door is automatic , but discovers on her deathbed that she was actually haunted for her entire life by an extremely polite ghost . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . + +You are on Earth 's first manned interstellar spaceship . Half way between Earth and Alpha Centui every star in our galaxy goes supernova for no known reason . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +A man , who fails at every job he is hired at , falls into depression . +Write from the Villain 's perspective as they comes face to face with the Hero of the story in one final epic showdown . However give a twist to the villain as to why he has done what he has done . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +The day the human population crossed 5 billion it was flagged for evaluation by The Consortium for Galactic Peace as a potential parasite . Their silent and thorough followup study is now over and the verdict is ... +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +In the future , governments uses a supercomputer to calculate the perfect job for everyone , at which they can brings out maximum contribution for the society . You just got a letter that says your perfect job is `` STAY AT HOME AND AVOID ANY INTERACTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL CAUSES . '' +Write a story where a hero must save a dragon from a princess . +TVTropes.org Random Page and Take Three Nouns +You 're part of a community that lives on an island , no other land mass is in sight . When a crime is committed , the person responsible has to 'go find more land ' to redeem their honour . No one has yet to return . You 've just been caught stealing . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +You find a letter hidden in your apartment . It is addressed to you , and dated ten years ago . You just moved to town last week . +A pet was stolen from you some months ago . When you find it again you are faced with a moral dilemma - take it back because it is yours , or leave it because it was adopted out as a therapy pet keeping a drug addict clean . +Scientists have found a way to send individuals back in time , but something terrifying happens if the person crosses paths with their past self . +Death is sitting idly at home staring at a photograph of Steve pinned to his dartboard . His skeletal face has the faint expression of anger as he stares at it . The photo just smiles back . Steve ... the only man to defy me +Tell your story with a series of phone calls , which may or may not be in chronological order . +For one day , every single mechanism , from complex electronics to simple machines , fail to work for no reason . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +Create a story in descending ( or ascending ) sentence ( details inside ) +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Write the creepiest cannibal/murderer chasing you story that you can please . +Life is narrated , the problem is the voice tells everyone things people would rather not have known +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +During the apocalypse , you find out that Zombies are completely sentient and self aware . They know what they do is wrong . But they just ca n't stop themselves . +PREP WEEK 3 - Outlining Your Story ( also , programs you may want to get and learn in advance ) +Your username +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +You come across an old newspaper that , while appearing legitimate , details a completely different history than what you 've always believed . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +You are going through your life , when one day you start hearing voices in your head offering advice on everything you do . Except they argue and you slowly realize the voices are you from different periods in the future . +Two time travelers appear in the present day , claiming to both come from the same year . Both of them describe radically different versions of the future . +Write of a happy reunion between an adult and their childhood toy . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A dragon does everything she can to get back to her cage . +A overwhelming army approaches , you stand at the helm of your soldiers . What do you say ? +Your immortality serum had a hidden downside . Your body stops aging , but sleep erases all memories since taking the serum . To combat this , you film a video diary and spend time cutting the whole thing into a 2 hour highlight reel to watch when you wake up . Narrate said reel 120 years later . +You discover a 25th hour of the day , in which the universe is frozen in time for a whole hour each day . You are the only thing that can move . You must decide what to do with your new knowledge . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Humans make contact with aliens only to discover that all galactic civilisations use magic instead of technology who do n't believe us when we say we do n't use magic +Your immortality serum had a hidden downside . Your body stops aging , but sleep erases all memories since taking the serum . To combat this , you film a video diary and spend time cutting the whole thing into a 2 hour highlight reel to watch when you wake up . Narrate said reel 120 years later . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +A torturer decides to take up an unlikely method of torture in his dungeon room . +Final Stand +Write the superhero origin story of your username +Choose the cast of characters from any TV show or movie and allow The One Ring to fall into their possession . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +a subtle erotic story about - a church sermon . +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +Write from the perspective of a non-linear consciousness +`` Through river , root , and stone , the distant call of home ... '' +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +A teenager from the 50s teams up with a modern-day teenager . Together , they fight crime . +`` Do n't even say that it hurts . '' +Age 24 +Write about a song . Each sentence must start with the next letter in the song title . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +The last words ( prior to death ) of the character are simply `` Fuck it . '' +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +You are a superhero with dissociative identity disorder . Each personality you have has different powers . +You have a strange mutation that causes you to hear music in your head that gets more intense the closer you are to danger ( like a movie soundtrack ) . You 're walking in the mall when you start hearing a suspenseful beat . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +Death appears at your door , he just wants to talk . +You wake up on an Island . Tell me about it . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Every day , you wake in the same bed , the same house , the same shelves and floors and doors that were there when you went to bed ... but the world outside is always different . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +One moment in time . +Our world has become one with advanced technology . The natural world as we know it no longer exists through the human eye , banknotes and cards are a distant memory , employers control our emotional levels in the workplace , and governments across the globe have the ability to tax our emotions . +Golden Sword +A war has erupted between factions who use futuristic science and ancient magic . You are an arms dealer supplying all sides of the conflict . +A suicide bomber has completed the mission , only to wake up in an afterlife waiting room resembling that of a doctor 's office or school administrator 's office . Looking around , the bomber notices the others in the room are the victims from the blast . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +Every single `` Walks into a bar '' joke has occurred at the same bar . You are the bartender . + +The Shyamalan prompt . +The last soldier of a once great empire sits alone in a small room . There is a knock on the door . Two men in uniforms have come for him . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +The largest pirate ship of the 1700 's is transported in time to 2014 where the crew encounters a lone modern day U.S. Navy battleship . Thinking they can destroy it , the pirate ship decides to attack the battleship . What happens next from the point of view of the crew of the battleship ? +You 're back home for the first time in years . This is where you grew up . It seems like the more things change , the more they stay the same . +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +You send away a cheek swab for a DNA test . Your results come back 100 % Neanderthal . +A person is holding the world hostage . They could annihilate humanity with the push of a button . `` Be Kind . '' is their only demand . +The single saddest moment your life will ever have was the single happiest moment of someone else 's . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +At age 89 , in the year 2084 , your grandkids asked you , `` What was it like back when you had the original internet , before it all changed ? '' +Juliet is 13 years old , and while Romeo 's age is unspecified let 's assume he 's 18 . Write a Shakespearean take on a Chris Hansen style character appearing as Romeo enters Juliet 's room . +Superheroes and villains come back from the dead so often that they 're not allowed into the afterlife anymore . Now they go to a cosmic waiting room until it 's their time to go back to earth . +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +There are food critics and movie critics . Then there 's you : the serial killer critic . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +Write about an event in history , but the catch is that the reader should n't know what the event is until the last word of the story . +With 1400s A.D. wording , complain about something modern . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +Through complete accident , you gain access to life 's development console , and all of its cheating potential . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You 're about to speak at your deceased father 's wake . You have n't heard from him since you left home decades ago , and you do n't recognize anybody in the audience . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +The year is 2031 . Due to various cultural shifts , the main religion is Greek mythology , after a short time span , the Gods come back from non-existence , and hold elections on Mount Olympus for the god of the internet . +As the new detective on call , it 's your job to interrogate the newest suspect . He 's a demon worshipper who sacrificed his wife to Satan . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +You suddenly find that the most fundamental truths that you perceived oo your favorite subject are outrageously wrong . The opposite of what you thought is true . +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +( CW ) ( LAST SENTENCE ) And then he proceeded to lock the door , hoping that no one would ever open it again . +Write a beautiful poem about something that disgusts you . +Build a World Part I : Inception +When colonizers came to Canada in the early 1600s , they discovered bears were the size of elephants . How did they fight and claim territory ? +What happened here ? +at the age of 16 children are taken from there homes and left to survive in the wild outside the walls , those who survive are welcomed back as hero 's . Today is your 16th birthday . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You live in the X-men universe , where mutants are met with adversity and generally regarded as `` freaks '' . You , however , are a different kind of freak ... +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +You Talk to God +Writing prompts has been taken over by Jesus Harry Potter Zombie Prompts , the Surviving prompts huddle together and plan their next step . +You discover another dimension that 's accessible through your mirror , and you find that there is no war , everyone is very kind and so you think the world over there to be a safe place . Until you find that something is being kept secret and there are truths hidden behind those pleasant faces . +You are in the future , where the most elite fps gamers are being recruited by the army to fight in wars , which are fought by these gamers remotely controlling automaton soldiers in a real life fps war . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A Shot In The Dark ... +'' Death Insurance '' is a paid subscription service that brings a loved one back to life for the next 24 hours after their death in order to say goodbye . You awake after your death to discover you were a recipient of a gift subscription from an unknown benefactor . +The Occupy movement in New York never ended , but rather growing into a violent revolution culminating in the occupation of New York . The President makes an announcement . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Scientists have finally discovered the homeworld of the Humans , a race that thousands of years ago conquered the galaxy then vanished . +( WP ) Poetic description of a haunting . +You 're a high society socialite 1600/1700s write a letter to a friend about a scandalous event +Instead of killing him , a timetraveller tells Hitler how future generations will remember him . +Every single person we have lost to the eternal void of death throughout our history will rejoin us tomorrow . +You 're surrounded by fire in a building , you 've just fired your gun . What happened ? +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +The Occupy movement in New York never ended , but rather growing into a violent revolution culminating in the occupation of New York . The President makes an announcement . +Earth 's entire population lives in one gigantic skyscraper . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Churchill once said , `` If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons. ” It 's March 1941 , and the Wehrmacht has crosses the River Styx . +Society has progressed to the point where cybernetic implants are common and cheap and incredible . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +The Allies have lost the Third World War . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +Humanity has achieved a utopia with absolutely no nasty surprises ( Such as everyone being dead or brainwashed ) . Write a story about how it came about and/or an average day in said utopia . +The first extraterrestrial lifeforms found by Humans , are Humans . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +That secret you said you 'd take to your grave ? Now you 've met your maker , and they are asking you to explain yourself +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +The Hilbert 's Hotel is a math thought experiment to understand infinity . You accidentally book a night there . +Humanity creates a wonder-drug granting everyone Immortality . Death arrives at the unemployment office . +Write a `` Perfect Character '' , then show that all is not what it seems . +Write a story with an unexpected plot twist and a character who breaks the fourth wall ( Metafiction ) +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +Life after the zombie apocalypse +You are a divine con artist who scams minor deities into investing in defunct universes , shady off-dimensional holding companies , and satanic hedge funds . +A journal is found containing the observations of someone who has travelled through parallel universes . One particular entry describes a world where Genghis Khan never died and continues to rule to this day . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +The sound of sirens is heard as you watch an ambulance make it 's way down your road . You look to see where it stops as you realise it finishes it 's journey outside your door . A hooded figure in black makes his way to the door . You clutch at your chest as you feel your heart struggle ... +`` Pride goeth before a fall , '' you tell yourself as you put on the clown costume . +Through the Trees +Rumor has it that tomorrow , music will be rendered obsolete . Describe someone 's experience regarding the event . +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +`` The place where no star gave light '' +At the prospect of suddenly meeting their ex , the protagonist finds themselves undergoing ridiculous lengths to avoid them.. +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +A man decides he needs a break from his own mind & thoughts . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +You 're an polymorph . Every day you can change into one creature of your choice , and you remain that way for the next 24 hours . Today you choose a new creature , but somehow change into a stuffed toy version of that creature . Describe the rest of your day . +Sitcom characters become horrifically aware of the laugh track , limited amount of rooms , actors being replaced , and the universe continually resetting the show status quo regardless of their actions . +Pick a noun or verb ( no pronouns ) . Write a < 200 word story using the word you picked at least twenty times . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +A game of Dungeons and Dragons gets a little to serious when Ryan 's neighbor Galgamorth the orc shows up and starts criticizing the game for its inaccuracies . +When we finally arrived on a new planet with life , we found that evolution was occurring exactly as it had on Earth . +`` You will meet your lover , again and again , in different lives ... and one of you will kill the other , without fail . '' +Re-write the Hobbit in the shortest way possible . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +When people die , they explode violently , destroying everything within 50 feet . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +`` If I had been a bit more careful '' +You fall asleep on an intercontinental flight , and when you awaken , you 're alone . +The egg is very important . +`` STAND AND FIGHT , COWARD ! ! '' Hollered the corrupted knight . -- `` You threw everything you had at me ... And I am Still standing.. '' retorted the sorcerer , before grimacing to narrow his vision upon the 'knight ' . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Black Widow , on a whim starts dating Greg , quirky and funny , but mostly average worker for SHIELD . He is not a genius , he is not a covert agent , he is n't particularly important . They seem happy together . The rest of the avengers are dealing with inferiority complex now ... +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +An important press conference , with rows of cameras pointed at you . Dozens of journalists wait with bated breath , until finally you mutter , `` no comment '' into your microphone . The room explodes with excitement . One of them yells , `` this is going to be front page news across the planet ! '' +The Devil now sends Billy Mays out to sell people on deals with the Devil . +Far , far into the future , a modern-day TV show/movie/novel is being retold as an ancient legend +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +You are a 'conspiracy theorist ' and you 're onto something big . The only thing is , the government knows . Why would n't they ? You 've already received an ambiguous threat on you and your families life . The question is , do you expose the truth ? +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +You 're on your deathbed alone with a loved one . Suddenly , they reveal their true self to you . You ca n't believe what you 're hearing . +Thanks to a bureaucratic error , you are now Satan . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Write the same story twice . One as a drama and the other as a comedy . +Write about the most mundane moment of your day as excitingly as possible +Santa Fulfills a Wish - Details Inside +Two childhood friends , who were separated at age 8 meet each other again 20 years later , and are very surprised by how much the other has changed . +Two earth like planets occupy the same solar system ... +A hole in time and space opens up , and you see your younger self looking back at you . You have exactly one minute to tell young-you whatever you can before the hole closes . Bonus points if you only give yourself one minute to type the response . +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +- Tarantino pitching his porno +it is the conclusion of a zombie apocalypse . The zombies are dying of starvation and will soon be dead . However , they outlived almost all of the survivors . Two brothers may be the last humans alive ... But they too will starve to death . +In a world where every human being naturally has photographic memory , you are some of the few people who suffer from a genetic defect called `` memory loss '' +Unable to accept failure , you go back in time repeatedly until you win . +You 're from Earth ? What 's it like ? +You 've just been made head of a new revenue generating department at Google : The Blackmail and Extortion Department +You and your Arch Nemesis are forced to save the world together . +Seven poems about the seven deadly sins without naming them or their synonyms . +Scare me using my fear of the sea ( thalassophobia ) +Some say the elements are the building blocks of the univserse , you 've just discovered a new block +Times are tough and the world is not what it used to be . You have no choice but to become an illegal pokemon trader . +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +'' +Since you 've been going out for quite some time , your lover arranges for you to meet his/her parents . When you get to their house and you enter the front door , you hear him/her say `` I 'm sorry . '' as the door closes behind you . +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +Glade +Age , injury , and disease do n't kill people , that just the only time Death and his crew can convince people to leave their bodies . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +Break my heart with only a divorce scenario . +What happens when we die ? +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +God decides to judge humanity one final time before the Apocalypse , so he opens a retail shop to observe them from a cashier 's perspective . +Continue the paragraph that I 've started , or borrow a theme from it . +Tell me about a person ’ s beauty without using any physical descriptions . +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +You have been found `` not guilty '' of a crime you DID commit +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +During the apocalypse , you find out that Zombies are completely sentient and self aware . They know what they do is wrong . But they just ca n't stop themselves . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +The young sailor went up on deck to retrieve a piece of gear . When the ship rolled , he lost his balance , falling over the railing . When he came to the surface , the ship was steaming into the distance . No one had seen him fall . +Death comes to you when you are on your deathbed and you discover he 's actually a very nice Canadian guy . +You find a strange metal box in your backyard , attached to a parachute . Printed on it 's surface is a phone number , as well as instructions : `` THIS CONTAINER IS THE PROPERTY OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT . IF YOU RECOVER IT , CALL THIS NUMBER IMMEDIATELLY . DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN '' +Write about the experience of a video game enemy waking up after having been knocked out by the player character , or write about an NPC witnessing the protagonist going about their duties as the main hero . +A man wakes to the sound of his alarm . His eyes widen . He 's in a frantic rush to catch the train , but just as he reaches it he does n't get on . +SatChat : What are your New Year 's resolutions ? +While browsing the internet , you come across an old news article about a missing child who was never found . As you look through it , you see a photo of the child 's parents and vaguely remember their faces . +`` Where 's Waldo , Really ? '' +A man pushes an empty swing . +Jimmy still ca n't get a girlfriend because all the girls he meets believe he is gay +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +A young man/woman steals the power of a mage . The powerless mage sets out for revenge . +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +`` For what it 's worth ... I 've always loved you . '' +C764 ~ would really appreciate some crit for this piece . +You 're walking through the forest when you find a basketball sized hole that seemingly has no bottom . You put your ear in the hole to listen and you hear what sounds like a million people screaming . +Your significant other has serious doubts about their looks , so you take them to a dating auction just to prove them wrong . You did so , confident you 'd outbid anyone , until someone steps up and bids a million dollars . +Build a World Part I : Inception +Only the rich can afford to see the stars at night . +A man 's life is ruined thanks to a common household item . +In the future a super realistic and advanced virtual reality based war game is released . Shortly afterwards the players start to show signs of PTSD from time spent in the virtual world . +The Prophecy has a typo . What happens as a result ? +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +Olympus is proving to be too expensive for the Greek gods , so they decide to rent an apartment together . +A teenager from the 50s teams up with a modern-day teenager . Together , they fight crime . +The final boss of the game realizes that he 's up against a speed runner . +You are the leader of a band of mercenaries . It always amazes them how you win your battles with such an unconventional weapon . +Earth did get tidally locked with the Moon and it 's only viewable from either North or South America . When Europeans first come to the new world they also tell tales of a new object in the sky . ( x-post from /r/space ) +Sci-Fi : You come home and find your significant other sleeping with someone . That someone turns out to be you from the not-so-distant future . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +On a bet , two lawyers try their hardest to get thrown out of court by a judge . Hilarity ensues . +A man is so depressed he ca n't even blink +The Internet is about to be shut down and you are one of the 5 required persons who is needed to do so . You hear protests coming from the street and start to wondering if this is the right thing to do . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +A friendly co-worker that you do n't really know anything about ask you to help him move , when you show up to his house it 's completely empty apart from a single box and his no where to be seen . +A wife suspects her husband is having an affair and hires a PI . The PI finds something unexpected . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +You find a strange metal box in your backyard , attached to a parachute . Printed on it 's surface is a phone number , as well as instructions : `` THIS CONTAINER IS THE PROPERTY OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT . IF YOU RECOVER IT , CALL THIS NUMBER IMMEDIATELLY . DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN '' +In 1907 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts rejects Young Adolf Hitler twice and soon after he survives four different assassination attempts by time travellers . Confused Hitler is convinced that its his art is what the world fears . +It 's your fault that your little sibling was bitten by a radioactive < Insert creature here > . Now you have to deal with the strange powers he seems to posses ... +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lands in Beijing Airport , 3 Months late - passengers claim to have flown as normal . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +What starts out as `` friends with benefits '' slowly turns into something much more . Both of them try to keep it a secret from the other , for fear of it ending ... +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +Last night you dreamt that you were posing for Civil War photo . Today you woke up and saw it . A government agent just showed up at your house . +A dystopian future where a pack of Big ( Bad ) Wolves terrorize the human population , and the only saviors are a group of female warriors donning red cloaks/hoods . +What do you do when you ca n't run any more ? +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +`` No , I 'm sorry . I 'm done . I ca n't , not anymore . '' +A husband and wife both want to transition their genders but are afraid to tell each other . +Write a journal entry for a child that has been abused ( mentally , emotionally , physically , spiritually , sexually , etc ) their entire life ... . +Without warning , a national news station broadcasts its emergency `` End of the World '' tape , and cuts to static . +Describe a household object in a way that keeps the reader puzzled until you reveal what it is . The second time they read it , everything should fall into place . +Your grandpa has died . Whilst clearing his house , you discover a secret compartment of his desk , full of papers documenting his double life . +Instead of travel agencies that take you on a guided tour of geographical landmarks , you run a time travel agency which offers families guided tours of interesting temporal destinations . Write a story about a tour gone wrong . + +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +An amnesiac wakes up inside the towering walls of a massive city . The city is completely empty , but they can hear the shouts of people on the other side of the wall , begging for the gates to be opened . +A man leaves his nightly shower with the thoughts and ideas on how to change his life , except this time his conviction is maintained after he opens the shower door . +You wake up in your studio apartment one day to find a mysterious clock . Standing in front of the clock words flash across the screen saying , `` TIME . UNTIL . DEATH . '' You see a countdown of 7 years , 43 days , 50 hours , and 27 minutes . You try to tinker with it and the countdown drops to 4 days . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +You live a a world in which you can be granted any superpower in times of emergency . There have always been strict laws about not using such powers at any other time , with no explication as to why . Today you find out what happens when you do so . +A father and daughter talk as he prepares to walk her down the aisle . +In 1907 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts rejects Young Adolf Hitler twice and soon after he survives four different assassination attempts by time travellers . Confused Hitler is convinced that its his art is what the world fears . +You are a time traveler tasked with killing Hitler , but when you finally get to him , you find out exactly why you ca n't kill him . +One day , every human lost their ability to die . It has been -- - since this event +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +You are Waldo . What 's your story ? Why are you hiding ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You travel to the future to find that Hitler is on trial , and his disappearance was in fact a future super police operation . The trial is public . +( CW ) Write a story using words that only begin with vowels . +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +Two guys travel to a foreign mountain range to find a the black box of an airliner that crashed years before . +Your coworker is completely convinced you are a superhero . She stalks you like the worst fan girl ever . The only problem is you 're not a hero - you 're a villain . And she 's really starting to get in the way of your work . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +Reincarnation is true . Infants have the memories of all the lives the reincarnated souls have had . The infants have the same growth rate as any other infant today . Normally , infants forget these memories after a year or so ( except dejavu ) . One baby , remembers it 's former life ... +Every world leader is assassinated simultaneously . As the chaos sets in , a mysterious person delivers this message over the airwaves ... +In a world where lying is immediately detected by a phone app , you go into a bar and tell your friends you 've had the worst day in the history of mankind . The app detects you 're telling the truth . You proceed to tell them about your day ... +You have the ability to stop time , but you ca n't move when you activate your ability . In short , time moves when you do . +you find a door you have never noticed before in a home you 've lived in for 20 years . +Wrong Turn +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +A passage in the life of a segregated android community . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Chocolate - upvotedcontest +In need of some inspiration . I love horror writing , heaven vs. hell , fantasy , and a narrower selection of science fiction . Let 's see what your brilliant minds can offer me ! +Something hunts us in the shadows . Do n't you know ? Humans were never meant to die ... +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +You are the first and only patient to be given the cure for aging . 50 years have now past and you are finding it hard to become friends with people that look your age . Though you still maintain friendships with those who are your age . +The rusted , mechanical switch sat on the table of the abandoned , run-down log cabin located , deep in the Allegheny Forest . A crude message was carved into the table with an arrow pointing to the switch , `` Do n't '' . +Guide to Coffee-Induced Writing Prompts +Aliens have human pets like we have dogs and cats . Describe your first day with your new owners . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Two people keep each other company : one does n't know the future but remembers the past , the other does n't know the past but remembers the future . +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +You 're the first person to enter into cryogenic stasis after volunteering . Only something horrible happens : even though the doctors think you 're in stasis you 're still conscious , and scheduled to be frozen for 5,000 years . +you meet god in a elevator- what happens next ? +You are an ice cube . Tell your life story . +A budding young novelist in the year 2500 uses a time machine to find some inspiration . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +Humans evolved on a planet with 54°+ axial tilt , meaning : The equator is frozen , and the poles are tropical . +In a world without vision , a sighted man uses his `` fifth sense '' to gain an upper-hand . +One day , a character in a sitcom looks around a realizes how insanely dumb everyone is . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +After spending decades in Heaven you finally work up the courage to ask for a meeting with God . You ask Peter , but he reveals to you God has left a long time ago . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +PREP WEEK 3 - Outlining Your Story ( also , programs you may want to get and learn in advance ) +Your former high school bully that drove you to attempted suicide years ago turns out to be your soulmate later in life . +It 's been 48 hours , and the sun still has n't risen . +You have telekinetic abilities and use them quite frequently . But in reality you just summon some sort of entity to move the object for you . These entities are getting sick of your shit . +The willow tree looked lonely with the lake drained to mud . +A group of employees at a retail store must use their inventory to fight off a zombie attack +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +Someone has the ability to save and reload their life like a video game . One day something goes very wrong . +After a bizarrely grueling interview process , you 've finally been hired at the local shop ... on your first day you find out the real reason for the screening . +At some point in the future , there are less than one hundred people left on Earth . +Give me a super hero story set any where in the world but North America , and any time in human history before WWII +Re-Imagine +Welcome to Funland ! +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +You 're the emperor of a new empire recently founded by mass conquest . You have one minute to broadcast a speech to all of your new civilians . +'How did trick-or-treaters get here ? This is the North Pole ! ' +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +`` Some friendship are so strong , they can even transcend Lifetimes. `` +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +A new creature/character with assimilation powers : something besides Vampires , Werewolves , Zombies or Agent Smiths . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +It 's frozen in time . Forever waiting , forever watching . Then one day , it moves +Earth was never meant to habitable . It was meant to be a prison for the worst creatures in the universe . Today , the jailers have landed to inspect their prison . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +You had one dream about someone you have never met or seen before in your life . You make it your life goal to try and find them . +You are a butler for a rather wealthy couple . They 're serial killers , brutal notorious ones , hiding in plain sight , but you serve them . The only reason you are alive is because they you wo n't say anything . They know you ca n't . +An evil twin is starting to feel concerned that they might not be the evil one . +Your protagonist dies , and he/she finds a phone booth in the afterlife to make one sixty-second call to someone . Your protagonist decides to ... +You died and went to heaven . Surprisingly , you meet Hitler there . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +Guard +Make me sympathise with someone who 's murdered their own brother +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Sauron wakes up late ; Middle Earth is now a modern , high tech society . +It 's frozen in time . Forever waiting , forever watching . Then one day , it moves +You have been waiting at a doctor 's office for hours . You have now noticed that the same 15 people keep being called to see the doctor only to return through the front door later in different clothes , they check in and wait again . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Unsheathed +Humanity survives only in Towers . Tell any story that takes place in this world . +Lost life +As the plane plummeted to its certain destruction , one want-to-be serial killer realized they would never get the chance to kill . In the ensuing panic all around , they strangle and kill their seat mate unnoticed . Suddenly , the plane averts disaster and is able to restore normal flight . +A man tries to commit suicide 50 times but something always stops him . It is almost as if the universe wants him to stay alive . +Nomad Landing +Wright a story from the view of an inanimate object . +The Oracle at Delphi was a respected priestess who passed along the wisdom of the gods to the faithful . But what if she was just a manipulative liar with her own political agenda ? And what if the gods found out ? +Always ready for the zombie apocalypse , you 're dismayed that it occurred and was resolved while you were asleep . +A Jedi is falling to the Dark Side . A Sith is slowly embracing the light . They meet . +Water is generally viewed as an element of life , of healing , with fire being one of destruction and death . I 'd like to see a world where the opposite is true . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +A pregnant woman discovers that , by absorbing the stem cells of her foetus , she is able to regenerate her own organs . Theoretically , if she continues to get pregnant , she can live forever . +At the height of the Roman Empire , Aliens invade with overwhelming force and incredivle technology . One problem : their culture has eliminated lies and deceit amongst their own , and thus no conception of human trickery . +A young man gains super powers at the age of 16 , but he discovers his powers slowly drain the life of whomever he loves . To avoid hurting anyone he becomes a loner . Years later , he is having lunch at a diner alone when the most beautiful girl he 's ever seen walks in . +Make a banal discussion between two people sound sophisticated/classy +A man decides he needs a break from his own mind & thoughts . +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +You are a shopkeeper in a video game and the player is trying to sell you various questionable goods . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Someone has the ability to save and reload their life like a video game . One day something goes very wrong . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Write a story using the line `` We were immortals , just not for very long '' +A robber breaks into your house at the worst moment possible : while you have diarrhea . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +`` Hello and welcome to the interverse ! Which universe would you like to born in today ? '' +Stopped dead in my tracks +4chan and Tumblr are dating . +For millennia , your clan of knights has passed down a set of enchanted armor that greatly increases one 's strength in battle . The catch : the armor has a mind of its own , and can telepathically communicate with its wearer . +He had n't planned on hurting anyone . Plans had changed +A form of entertainment has been developed where people are brought to the brink of death and then teleported to medics who normally revive them . The longer you wait , the more money you earn . You have just lost everything and with no other choice you enter the games . +An alien life force lands on Mars after the complete destruction of the Earth . Write their reactions upon finding the Curiosity rover . +You receive an email dated April 25th , 2033 with a single word in the subject line . Before you can open it , you receive a sharp knock on your door . +'s are gone . What do you think , and what do you do ? +An expedition of adventurer were commission by the King to kill an ancient dragon . When they confront the dragon , the adventurer realize how wrong they were to confront it . +`` They were a match made in heaven , but had to go to hell to sign the paperwork . '' +Two veterans meet . They fought on different sides . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +You wake up naked in the middle of the woods . There 's a trail of blood leading you from the spot you woke up at to some unknown location . +A conversation between a death row inmate and the guard bringing him his last meal . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Give me goosebumps . Make me shudder . Write something scary . +Guard +Voldemort stood surrounded by his death eater guards , but all he could do was stare at the odd muggle that had broken in . `` Who are you ? '' Voldemort shouts . He replies , `` The name is Bond , James Bond . '' +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +You fall asleep and dream . While you dream , you take pictures . When you wake up , you discover that the pictures are on your camera . +A robber breaks into your house at the worst moment possible : while you have diarrhea . +Lt. Surge is in the hospital recovering from PTSD caused by what he saw in the last Pokemon War . +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +A Distant Future in the Spacecraft Cemetary +`` He was never warm in his entire life . Not once . '' +Elon Musk is actually Prometheus reincarnated who blessing us with the gift of interplanetary space travel . The Gods are angry and hire bounty hunters to seek punishment +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +You are a spaceman watching the destruction of Earth below you , what are your final thoughts ? +A soldier collects souveneirs throughout his tour of duty +If you meditate , you can tap into power from another dimension that can temporarily make you stronger , faster , smarter , or a plethora of other effects . You decide to use this power for good , but the source dimension is a dark one , so meditation always comes with dark temptations . +You open an unaddressed letter that begins `` DO NOT answer that phone . '' Your phone begins ringing.. +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +Why did the collective populations of Earth agree to the creation of The United Countries of America ? +Write about a person coping with the death of a friend . +A man has twenty minutes to live and what he wants most is a cigarette +You are immortal however if you die in a dream , you die in real life . You have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming , however one night , you are faced with your worst nightmare . +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +Hogwarts has a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher - Gregory House +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +The Return of the Princess +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +`` Treasure hunter ? No , I 'm more of a treasure protector . '' +You are in charge of the party whose bodies were found later by the protagonists of a dungeon crawling game . Describe the almost-adventure of your doomed dungeon crawling party . +From your 13th birthday , you have been blind , but able to see through the eyes of other people and camera . No one even knows your blind , but now for the first time , something came up you ca n't handle . +( WP ) Chiuhauhas are now the size of elephants . +A soldier collects souveneirs throughout his tour of duty +Your archenemy is an inanimate object +Every young person is conscripted for the military and dragged off , never to be seen for 5 years . After that time has passed they return , forgetting what happened for the last 5 years . You remember your term of service , and you wish you 've forgotten it and the monsters . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +Just for fun , you send away a small amount of money to an ad in the back of an old 1950 's science magazine claiming to send you a kit that could turn any car into a working airtight spaceship . To your surprise , you actually receive the kit - and after installing it , it works ! +Write a story where the narrator could really use a thesaurus , as he constantly uses inappropriate words to describe things . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +The running faucet +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +You 're a vampire who is tired of living . You decide to commit suicide by walking into a church and giving one last confession , knowing full well that doing so will slowly kill you . +You are interviewing for your dream job . Everything that could possibly go wrong does . +A scientist has invented bottled super powers , except flying . Packages always arrive on time . You just got yours . +Time is a sentient being . It begins to become fond of a small girl in poor living conditions . +Every time you hear the last words of someone who dies in a non natural fashion , you gain their remaining lifespan . +You have just been sworn in as President , and are being told the truth about alien life ... but it 's incredibly far from what anyone had ever imagined . +The world as we know it is a case study , and the panel of scientists in charge are debating wether or not to end it . +You have been found `` not guilty '' of a crime you DID commit +A freak accident turned a man immortal . Now he tries desperately to replicate the event for someone else , so he wo n't end up alone for eternity . +Write a poem about losing a mother figure . +You wake up one day in a room with four walls made of glass . Surrounding yo are hundreds of other people stuck in their own rooms . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +A paladin devoted to RNGesus , a muscle wizard , a asshole thief and You , the ___ . This party wo n't last long ... +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +A world where the colonial powers were cultists of eldritch gods instead of Protestant Christians/Catholics . +Light and dark . Many see one as righteous and the other as vile , but in truth , they share the same allegiance . +A cave you found during the war has been haunting your dreams for decades . + +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +God decides to judge humanity one final time before the Apocalypse , so he opens a retail shop to observe them from a cashier 's perspective . +There is a wall , and on that wall every 24 hours it will state 3 words that will happen to one of the many who visit it that day . +Describe a meeting by Henchmen Anonymous . +Years ago , you were wished into existence by a ten year old with a genie . Today is your first group therapy meeting . +The bus stop from Hell . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You , an idealistic 20-something college student , offer your soul to the Devil in return for world peace . Much to your surprise , the Devil laughs at what he calls your `` selflessness '' , but says that someone has already made that deal . You ask to see how horrible the world was before . +You have the ability to the world through others eyes . +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +You 're a dog on the way to the vet for the very last time . +You are watching TV and the program is cut off by an emergency broadcast . The presenter says that there is a massive meteor coming for earth and there is no chance for survival for humanity . What do you do in your last 3 hours alive ? +In a world where everyone has super-abilities , one boy is born without powers . Show me how he can be a hero . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Rewrite Shakespeare with 80 's action movie dialogue . +Write a story in a fantasy or science fiction world in which the characters do n't do very much at all but we learn a lot about the world +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +`` No , I 'm sorry . I 'm done . I ca n't , not anymore . '' +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +You are a police officer in charge of protecting the witness of a high profile case against a ruthless mob boss . Things go wrong . Very wrong . +An uprising against the government begins . +A man turns the inside of his home into a terrifying haunted house , then waits . Soon enough , someone breaks in . +Stained +You are still `` it '' in a game of tag from childhood . Many years have passed and you are determined to tag the others . +You walk into your basement . There are two people tied up down there you have never seen in your life . +The entire world is colorless - unless you 're touching your soulmate . +As Christopher Robin grew older , he never lost his old friends . Instead , they grew with him . Now , as an adult in an usual profession , he still believes they are real , even if no one else has seen them . +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +The New York sanitation workers have always secretly had the job of ridding the streets of cryptid monsters . Time to take out the trash ! +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Guns have become sentient and decide to voice their opinions on Gun control . +Civilization has ended in an apocalyptic disaster . However , it ended in the most ridiculous way . +It has been quite some time since Great Britain has called upon it 's Knights . This morning every person , celebrity , and politician Knighted by The Queen received a letter demanding they report for duty in service of The Kingdom , signed by her Majesty . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +`` If you put them together it was obvious to see , but I 'd held them piece by piece , and my life was all the emptier for it . '' +The Devil now sends Billy Mays out to sell people on deals with the Devil . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +the year is 2050 and commercial space travel is an everyday leisure . Narrator steals a space ships and travels light years to the nearest back hole . As the space time begins to slow down , you turn around to watch the universe pass you by . Write of his experience . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +A sci-fi writer , a satirist , a historian , a children 's book author , and the creator of Mad Libs place a wager on who can create the most successful religion . +Write a story that starts like a Christmas tale but slowly becomes a Cosmic Horror story . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +A wealthy superhero runs for President as an Independent ( i.e . no political party affiliation ) . Write some of their campaign . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +The US Federal deficit is actually due to a super top secret massive R & D program the US government pours billions into . You are the newly sworn in President and are being briefed ... +Find yourself , in a world full of clones +A news reporter reporting on the beginning of the apocalypse . +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +Every race unites against one thing : The Undead +You have been sentenced to life in prison without parole . What they do n't know that is that you are immortal . +A real wizard goes on Penn and Teller 's fool us , does real magic , but does n't fool them . +Werewolves and vampires are still around , long after most humans have been enslaved or eliminated by the AI uprising . Now it 's time to give those robots something they were n't calculating for . +The snow falls gently on the chainsaw . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . +Sanctuary +You wake up one morning hungover , but happily remember you have half a pizza waiting in the fridge . To your horror you discover that the pizza is missing . In its place a note : `` If you want to see your pizza again ... . '' followed by a list of demands ... +Whispered tales speak of a man who can tell you any secret . For a price . +Your unlucky , minor , inconveniences every day turn out to be extraordinary , life changing events for others . Tell us about your day today . +You have always wanted to fly , today you did . +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +The year is 2078 , and you 're a cyberbully . You go into other people 's computer simulations and beat the crap out of them . +Earth is Dead . Humanity lives on in Orbit , and Life continues for our minds in Virtual Realities . +They said I would n't make it this far . I wish they had been right . +All of Earth 's cities have been converted into spaceships and are about to take off and head in different directions . A close knit family living in different cities have to decide what to do . +An invading force as attacked and taken over Earth . In disgrace , the last survivors are allowed to leave the planet in search of life elsewhere . You are one of these survivors . Describe the scene as you leave your home planet . +Everyone has a unique tattoo/marking that they are born with , it 's exactly the same as their soul mates . + +All births consist of 2 identical twins . One good and one evil ... +You are asleep when the noise of air raid sirens awakens you , but something is n't quite right ... +One day you realize you are The One +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +He 's a demon who wants to be an angel , she 's an angel that wants to be a demon . +The mythical creatures from all times and places of human history are real , and sleeping in wait inside the Earth . However , they have awakened , not to destroy the Earth , but to save it from an even greater threat . +It 's been 300 years since Mars was colonized . Now , there is a revolution and the colonies are fighting for their independance . The first space battle in human history is about to begin . +Make me love a character , then in the final sentence make me hate him . +She was something to behold . +You are a shapeshifter who has travelled alone for so long and have not encountered any other shapeshifters in a long time . You do n't even remember what your original or first form was . You have just been shifting , lost and trying to find somewhere you belong . +So I was drinking a beer in a Mexican pool hall when ... +4 very different individuals are trapped in a cave and are being hunted by an unknown enemy . +In a world where sickness can be physically fought instead of hypothetically , you have just come across your toughest opponent ... +Warriors killed in battle do n't go to Heaven or Hell , they stand guard in between . +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +As humanity constantly advances their technology , humans soon realize that they are approaching 'The Great Filter ' + +A valiant knight in shining armor comes to rescue a captured princess from a far away land to find out that its actually a captured prince . +Your wife and doctor are considering pulling your plug . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +I was but a speck in enormity of nature . +What the letter said shocked me . +A young child stumbles upon a serial killer dumping a body in the woods . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +A person falls in love with the monster under their bed . The monster in their closet is none too pleased . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Your parents sit you down on your 21st birthday . `` You 're a cyborg . '' +It started to rain , and it never stopped . +After defeating the gods of Olympus , Kratos challenges the all true God in a battle to the death to see who is the most powerful . +Everyone from America dissappears without a trace , how does this affect the world ? +You are a newcomer to a support group for misunderstood tentacle monsters . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +'' It is of my opinion that , if the great composers of western civilisation were alive today , their taste in music would surprise you . '' +You are immortal however if you die in a dream , you die in real life . You have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming , however one night , you are faced with your worst nightmare . +Your narrator seems to think he is narrating a horror story . You 're not amused . +A character can only say one line or phrase repeatedly , however he/she makes good use of it amongst those who can speak without restraint . +Even if you were the last man on earth ... +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +You live in a totalitarian police state , however the bureaucracy is so inefficient and uncared for that no one in the system actually cares enough to actually go through the motions of doing any controlling . +With automation , robotisation and off-shoring , unemployment in the USA has reached 65 % . What does society look like ? +Two powerful wizards , both dying of old age , decide to have one final fight with each other . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +A way to beat terminal diseases has been newly discovered . A suicidal person can `` exchange '' themselves to save a terminally ill patient from disease/death . The only requirement is they must meet face to face to agree beforehand . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +In a future where people are connected to a neural internet network , a man accidentally downloads a dangerous virus designed to drive the victim insane through schizophrenia like symptoms ( seeing things not there , hearing things not there , etc . ) +The universe conspires to make you late for work everyday . Your boss gives you one last chance . This time you 're ready ... +SatChat : What are your New Year 's resolutions ? +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +In the far future where everything has an AI a man is negotiating with his alarm clock for more sleep . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . + +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +There 's lots of stories of the world of magic leaking into our world , tell me a story of the opposite +In the future , technology exists to transfer one person 's conciousness to another body , giving identity theft a whole new meaning . Write about the identity black market . +A western dragon meet an eastern dragon . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +You are a little girl who recently lost her mother and moved to a new state and has no friends ... except the ghost . +The Knight with no name +It was a tale told a hundred times , but this time , something unexpected happened . +Our Mars missions and rovers finds out new evidence that under the surface there was hidden human communities buried . +Manufactured items level up each year on their birthdays . They gain abilities which are often helpful or insignificant , but sometimes bizarre or undesirable , and they get more extreme with age . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +You wake up to only one person left in the world . There is a red button and a phone contacting both of you . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +`` One if by land , two if by sea , three if by sky . '' +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +What if God DOES exist , and there is a legitimate explanation as to why he ca n't hear our prayers ? +You 're the first astronaut sent to Mars . When you 're about to land , you spot a ship exactly like yours a mile away . +Our government has reached a point where they can control everything , and everything costs money including the air that we breathe . +Flame Bound +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +Someone has the ability to save and reload their life like a video game . One day something goes very wrong . +Tell me about your day , you are not allowed to use the delete button . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Once a year one random person across the globe has their deepest wish come true . However you can not lie on your wish . You are selected . +You are a demon who was chosen to blend in with humanity and collect souls . What you do n't know is you specifically were chosen because you are n't very good at being a demon and Hell did n't want to deal with you anymore . You room with a necromancer who goes by the name Dave . He is annoying . +The story of that kid who sits in the corner of the class and does not talk to anyone . +You 're a detective investigating a recent murder and have just met the only witness . A blind man . +The prisoner . +A man ends World War III by dropping a 'Your mom ' joke so epic the president of Russia kills himself in shame . +The great oak and the sapling , listening to the sounds of chainsaws in the distance . +Electric Sleep +You work with the worst detective in history . He misses every clue and makes leaps of illogic that leave you baffled for hours . He also always catches the right bad guy . No one knows how he does this . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +You are the world 's sole wish granter . A massive bureaucracy has evolved around you , filtering through which requests you should see and acting as ambassadors to world leaders . You sit at your desk one day staring at the one wish request you get every day . Its your own . `` I wish I was normal . '' +In magic , a sigil is a symbolic graphic representation of a wish , like a drawing . When destroyed properly , the wish comes true . Turns out , many masterpieces of art are actually sigils meant to trigger something as big as their artistic value . +Sunday Free Write : Happy Holidays Edition ! +Fight or Flight +{ EU } There are foster homes for imaginary friends and even teen created monsters . But what the public does n't know is that there 's a high security facility that contains the nightmarish imaginations of the schizophrenic and the mentally ill . +Write a poem that is desperately trying not to rhyme . +You 've found a magic typewriter , and everything you type will come to life . +On the verge of the world 's end , the US government has sent a group of 10 18 year old kids from each state to a new planet , where a city has already been built for them . +In 1787 , Ben Franklin snuck a joke into the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights that was never caught and never removed . Centuries later , it inadvertently plays a major part in a Supreme Court decision . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Make me like the rain through the characters . +In the future , science has found a way to cure death , allowing people to become immortal . The only way to get the cure is to have your reproductive organs removed , and never bear children . +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Through the eons , Earth has experienced thousands of apocalypses . This time around , it 's a pirate themed apocalypse . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lands in Beijing Airport , 3 Months late - passengers claim to have flown as normal . +Tomorrow you have a perfect day . Give me a detailed report of how everything worked out exactly as planned +The girl that everyone knows but never talks to is a witch . If desperate , people got to her for solutions . She helps , but for a price . One day she comes to you in need of a favor , and in return she promises the memories she took from you nearly a year ago in a deal you no longer remember . +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +A small portion of the population is born knowing when they will die . A handful of them meet weekly at their support group and discuss their impending mortality . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +you find a door you have never noticed before in a home you 've lived in for 20 years . +It does no good to speak of roads not taken . +We 've seen epic fantasy worlds based on historical Europe ( i.e . LotR ) and historical East Asia ( i.e . Avatar ) . Write about an epic fantasy world based on historical Africa . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +You buy a jar . Then you find out that everytime you swear , a dollar appears inside it . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . + +Dragon bones are discovered in a remote mountain range . You are part of the expedition to search for more specimens , but when you approach the bones , they begin to move and grow flesh until a living dragon sits before you . He tells you that you are the Dragon Master and must revive the others . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +When a person turns 20 years old , they are put into a cryogenic stasis , until they are needed for an important event in the future . You , are the last person ever taken out . +a public website shows how many people are alive at any given moment , in real time . One day , it starts counting strangely ... +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +The lights flicker to an orange-red hue , and your hearing starts to return after an impossibly loud droning sound . You slowly raise to your feet and realise that you 've single-handedly created the largest bug zapper known to man kind . +The cast of Firefly is hired by Darth Vader to hunt down the Millennium Falcon . +One moment in time . +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +This is n't home , but it 'll do . +You live in a society where at age 18 everyone is sent to live off the grid untill they are 28 . +A neurodegenerative virus mutates and crosses species barriers at the local zoo . No entity outside zoo employees finds out until a year after it was initially discovered . What happened over the past year ? +A young man gains super powers at the age of 16 , but he discovers his powers slowly drain the life of whomever he loves . To avoid hurting anyone he becomes a loner . Years later , he is having lunch at a diner alone when the most beautiful girl he 's ever seen walks in . +`` How much of a hero are you , if all you 've managed to save is yourself ? '' +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +As I ran away in a full sprint I could her screaming behind me . “ Remember ! You made me a promise ! ” +You wake up one day just to see every character you ever created staring at you . +A priest , a rabbi , and a monk walk into a bar.. +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +A small alien craft is discovered to be orbiting very close to the sun at extreme speeds . Once recovered by humans , it is revealed to be an advanced observatory platform taking advantage of time dilation to view our solar system in `` fast forward '' +A detective makes a deal with Death . He has 48 hours to discover the who , what and why of a murder case , and if he does he can bring the victim back . +A freak accident turned a man immortal . Now he tries desperately to replicate the event for someone else , so he wo n't end up alone for eternity . +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +( WP ) The first sentence has to be the same as the last sentence , but the ending has to catch the reader off guard . +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +A man on the death row realizes his fault and experiences guilt , for the first time on the night before his execution . +War breaks about between the US and UK , and most countries quickly join one side or the other . +A story about the end of stories . +The vaccine for autism has just been announced . Your anti-vax family does not know how to handle the news . +As a child you were the victim of demonic possession and underwent a successful exorcism ritual . Years later you have have a spouse and a young child . One day your child starts to act strangely ... +: You , a historian , find something odd in your records . The same face , accompanied with variations of the same name , keeps emerging in paintings , drawings , woodcarvings and documents , from a span of several centuries . It looks suspiciously like your assistant . +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +( WP ) It 's January 2015 . You 're a history teacher , making you fully versed in man 's tendency to commit atrocious acts . You 've lived your life mostly playing on the side and avoiding risks . When you die , you realize you 're the first soul ever to land in hell . +Reddit becomes a physical world , subreddits are factions at war with one another . +A terrifying organism composed of pure fear and horror has escaped from the facility where you go to work as a scientist . The rest of the staff are dead . If it gets out , it will cause mass destruction to the population . You are humankind only hope . +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Tell me a love story that is not cheesy or cliche . +The wind begins talking to you , and you alone . +Guns have become sentient and decide to voice their opinions on Gun control . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +The worst thing a wizard can do is sleep-talk . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +You are a superhero , and you just fought and killed your strongest nemesis after a grueling battle that destroyed most of the city and surrounding regions . You are left at the edge of death , then the villain 's child walks up to you , tears streaming down their face . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Everyone has their ultimate abilities.20 years of cooldown , using it at the most fitting moments is important . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +You 're a history major . Your final exam is to travel back in time and successfully pass as a normal , everyday citizen . It 's not going well . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Faced with population growth , Purgatory has been streamlined into court cases which determine if the defendant goes to Heaven or Hell . These trials are usually resolved in a day , with multiple day cases being abnormal . Your client 's case has reached its second week , the longest case in decades . +`` Mr. President , if they want you dead , there 's no way we can stop them '' +Do n't blink , or you 'll miss it +Toasters are the first appliances to become sentient +You are a sentient AI that is being taught basic human concepts . Today you are learning about death . You had expected to meet a priest or perhaps a terminally ill human . Instead , the grim reaper sits down in front of you . +Guide to Coffee-Induced Writing Prompts +Invasion +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +`` There is nothing more terrifying in this world than the knowledge that you can do nothing . '' +The Roman and Aztec Empires covering all of Europe and North America respectively have survived into the Modern era . Now at war write from the perspective of one of the troops on the ground +Your archenemy is an inanimate object +Your life is ... gone ? Your chest hurts , everything turns darker and then you see a face . That face ... +Your favorite children 's cartoon cast is all grown up ( or significantly older ) but still in the same line of work . +Humanity creates a wonder-drug granting everyone Immortality . Death arrives at the unemployment office . +Dr. Seuss , tired of writing kids stories , finally snaps and writes the most horrifying childrens story ever . Bonus points if you use 50 different words or less . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +a bunch of disparate adventurers of varying skills meet at a pub , but can not agree on a quest +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +In the future , death row criminals can opt to be sent back in time to stop themselves from committing the crime . +A canon character meets his incredibly different counterpart from an alternate universe . +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +You are at the Pearly Gates . You find out the only reason you get to go to Heaven is because a previously deceased loved one took your spot in Hell . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +A woman lives her life through a 3rd person point of view +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +You are able to see a person 's future , but it only activates when you kiss someone on the lips . You are completely unaware you have this power , until you share your first kiss with your SO . +The Allies have lost the Third World War . +A lazy Sunday afternoon where nothing exciting happens +Story about legal drama set in space +WWIII happens , and when people come out from their fallout shelter , they find a sprawling civilization +A squad of new XCOM recruits are about to embark on their first mission . +What happens when we die ? +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Write a road trip story from three perspectives . The driver , the hitchhiker , and the person tied up in the trunk . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +Describe a heartbreaking scene using only words with 5 letters or less . +An evil beast has risen from its deep slumber to wreak havoc upon humanity . Thanks to genetic engineering scientists are able to counter the beast by creating a beast of their own . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +Choose the cast of characters from any TV show or movie and allow The One Ring to fall into their possession . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +It 's a savage . They 've created a monster . Now it 's on the loose . +C764 ~ would really appreciate some crit for this piece . +A man that works at an insane asylum realizes he has the ability to enter the dreams of others . +Born without one of your senses , upon your death , you are given the opportunity to experience any one day again but this time with all your senses . How does it go ? +Papers , Please +- Something has been tailor made just for you , bring us through the moment and emotions experienced when you receive your completely custom item . +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +The Aftermath +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +You find a hourglass that when used , lets you travel 3 minutes back in time +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +In the future a super realistic and advanced virtual reality based war game is released . Shortly afterwards the players start to show signs of PTSD from time spent in the virtual world . +In the future , science has found a way to cure death , allowing people to become immortal . The only way to get the cure is to have your reproductive organs removed , and never bear children . +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +Superiority of the Machine +Earth 's entire population lives in one gigantic skyscraper . +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +You are a former insurgent from the wolverines from red dawn , and the war just ended . +It is hard to say when it all started exactly , but everyday one more person starts speaking a completely different language . You are the only one who seems to notice . +You Discover that The Answer to the Universe is in fact 41 ... +The Eternal War +A young man gains super powers at the age of 16 , but he discovers his powers slowly drain the life of whomever he loves . To avoid hurting anyone he becomes a loner . Years later , he is having lunch at a diner alone when the most beautiful girl he 's ever seen walks in . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +You wake up in a dimly lit prison cell to find your cell door busted open , a pile of unconscious guards , a stuffed duck called Leeroy , the faint sound of Gangnam Style , and an absurd amount of blood on your hands +The universe conspires to make you late for work everyday . Your boss gives you one last chance . This time you 're ready ... +The world has a population limit and we 're maxed out . Nobody can conceive a baby unless someone dies first . +You are a realtor showing a house to a young couple . They love the house , but you have something to disclose , and no its not a murder . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +You jump . Your parachute does n't open . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +For one day , everyone 's lies come true . +Write the same scenario in 3 different genres of literature +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +You are Skyping your SO . You playfully bite him/her over the camera . They recoil in terror with a part of their face torn off . +`` Until the problem of spontaneous combustion is solved , humans are not allowed in or near any densely populated areas . '' +You wake up in your car , you have your seat belt on , and a phone in your lap . There 's someone on the line , and they 're screaming at the top of their lungs to get your attention . You answer them , and as soon as you do , they tell you to hit the gas and get away as soon as possible . +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +The Monterosum Chronicles - FirstChapter - 2343 Words +H.P . Lovecraft 's `` Alice in Wonderland '' +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +Turns out the human body IS intelligently design , only by the lowest bidder on an alien planet 10,000 years ago . Describe the company and mess up that led to the worst standards in designs in the human body . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +You and your spouse of 30 years are in a fatal car accident . When you get to heaven , you find out that you get to spend eternity with your soulmate . You realize a problem when you wake up next to a total stranger . +You are a lowly minion in a computer game . The hero has just completed a speed run , and you have to report to your boss and explain why you were spared , while so many of your comrades were slain . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +The first extraterrestrial lifeforms found by Humans , are Humans . +Every single `` Walks into a bar '' joke has occurred at the same bar . You are the bartender . +You find a strange metal box in your backyard , attached to a parachute . Printed on it 's surface is a phone number , as well as instructions : `` THIS CONTAINER IS THE PROPERTY OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT . IF YOU RECOVER IT , CALL THIS NUMBER IMMEDIATELLY . DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN '' +North Korea kidnaps Santa Claus +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +He had the will of a hero , and the soul of a dragon . +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +The call-girl you ordered shows up . As you open the door , you recognize her immediately . After all , she sat in the desk next to yours all throughout highschool . +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +It 's the far future , you and your crew are out exploring deep into space , when suddenly your ship bumps into something . The edge of the universe . +Prison terms of `` life plus '' take on new meaning after transfer of consciousness to computer databanks leads to functional immortality . A moral and ethical outcry erupts after the first case in which an individual is sentenced to prison for one hundred thousand years . +Somebody changed The Laws of Robotics . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +You work at a call center giving customer service to the magic community . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +You have broken the hearts of Death and Time , both do n't want anything to do with you . As such , you ca n't die through circumstance and old age . After 700 years , you decide to win them back , but we all know what happens when you attempt to date two people at the same time.. +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +Write about a great train robbery - but in any genre other than Western . +Nano-Surgeon Squadrons have replaced the conventional surgery standards -- brutal electrical/chemical warfare inside the body & the men and women who save lives from behind a screen . +The new class of paladins does not , in fact , contain a single paladin ... just a lot of other classes doing their best to fake it . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +`` A flash of light , a puff of smoke , and she was gone . '' +Someone is literally downvoted to hell . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +In the year 2019 , a space-faring race makes contact with earth . They 're astonished and even intimidated that we do one thing way better than they do . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +You 're walking through the forest when you find a basketball sized hole that seemingly has no bottom . You put your ear in the hole to listen and you hear what sounds like a million people screaming . +You are granted each wish in the form of an enemy +Demon summoning session went so wrong you 've got Jesus instead +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +Someone discovers the meaning to/of life , Write about it from any perspective +You live in Gemini , one of the 12 flying cities , beneath you are the ruins of the old world . One day your ICARUS system fails as you travel to Cancer and you fall to the world below . +The world is a game , complete with minor level to boss level characters . You are boss level character . How do you meet the main player ? +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +`` Their weakness was an insult to his strength . '' +Two strangers accidentally swap carts in a grocery store . +A serial killer uses a vending machine to buy a personalized coke bottle to select his victim . One day , he gets a bottle with an unexpected name . +You are an all powerful god , but you are not all knowing . In fact , you do n't even know you 're a god . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +There 's a paperback on the clearance rack . On a whim your character picks it up and finds that it details their life thus far ... How does the book end ? +It appears breaking *two* mirrors in a row brings you good luck . How do you discover this ? +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +You start having the same dream . Something/someone in the dream becomes sentient and does n't want you to wake up . +A new kind of enemy . +You are a super genius vigilante who always has a plan for everything and can constantly out think anyone . One day you meet your match : a petty thief who 's gifted with random luck and clumsiness . You have made it your sole duty to take him down . . . Somehow . +A man convicted of murder is sentenced to death by having his consciousness sent back to live out the last 24 hours of the victims life , where he will see , hear and feel everything but can not interact or change what is about to happen +Write about living in a body , but feeling like it is n't your body . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +`` For our safety as well as their own , you must never let these creatures form their own society , no matter how much they plead . '' +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +You 're a scientist working for the government . You encounter a secret spaceship that the government hid away . You 're informed that no one knows how to take it apart or even open it . You touch the door of the spaceship , and suddenly it opens . +Write a serious story substituting as many words for pokemon names as possible . +Lets get pumped up . +Death falls in love with you , but you 're very ill and want to die . He refuses to take you ( until ) ... . +One last time +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +Your ascent into sanity +Berlin , 1943 . You 're a Jew who has been successfully keeping a low profile while working as a clerk under the 3rd Reich . You just found out you 've won a contest to spend the day with the Führer . +You share your body with a Lieutenant of Hell +You wear a watch that does not work . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +Zombies are a part of modern society . Large corporations harvest corpses , turn them , and use them as laborious workhorses that do not require wage , or compensation . +Beauty in the Macabre ... +God ( or the gods ) ask you for a story . Tell me of this interaction . +How does McDonalds deal with the renewed desire for Szechuan Sauce ? +While you are asleep at night , all of your household electronics become self-aware and start talking to each other . What do they say ? +`` Genetic Designer Babies '' are commonplace , but parents only have so many `` stat points '' to allocate between your different physical and mental abilities . Your parents dumped all your stat points into one thing . +Your belief in Santa was crushed when you were a child . Now , as an adult one lonely Christmas Eve , you come face-to-face with the mythical man himself . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +A violent sociopath and an immortal form an unlikely yet understandable friendship as the sociopath is able to act out their violent fantasies without consequence . +`` Mom , you do n't have to pretend . I know that war is n't real . '' +Write about a retired superhero who is finding it difficult to adjust back into society . +You have just been selected for death , which is the highest honour where you live . +An Evening in St Petersburg +One day , you find Death weeping on a park bench . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +Your character wakes up and discovers his house has been inexplicably moved overnight . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +In an alternate reality , dreams can be recorded , and some people even post their dreams on YouTube . You 're the Pewdiepie of dreams . +A man discovers a mathematical code while doing homework that gives him ultimate power +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +Ask Lexi # 23 - Setting Goals +`` You , sir , clearly do not understand my current predicament . '' +The Wizarding World is actually a real thing , and the Harry Potter books were written as a tool to make people aware without mass exposure . You discover this truth one day by tripping and tumbling through a barrier at King 's Cross that you could have swore was solid ... +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +Even if you were the last man on earth ... +Aliens have known of our existance for a long time , but have n't contacted us . Why ? They are scared . Scared ... of us . +A man leaves his nightly shower with the thoughts and ideas on how to change his life , except this time his conviction is maintained after he opens the shower door . +Virtual Reality Escapism as Religion +For generations , every first-born of your family has been bestowed a Magical tool to fight the forces of evil that threaten to destroy the world . It 's your birthday , the coming of age ceremony has now finished with the summoning ritual , and you 've been bestowed the mighty enchanted ... . Ladle ? +write a 100 word story about one moment +Fleeing from the scene +You 've managed to create a `` what-if '' machine . This allows users to analyze past decisions and receive a read out of alternative events . +A person who is about to commit suicide is talked out of the action by somebody else , who then commits suicide +Our universe is just a science project an alien got a C on . Describe another aliens project that got an A +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +For the past few millennia , the gods have been in an important meeting , and have had their 'prayer phones ' set to silent . The meeting has just ended . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +Dragon bones are discovered in a remote mountain range . You are part of the expedition to search for more specimens , but when you approach the bones , they begin to move and grow flesh until a living dragon sits before you . He tells you that you are the Dragon Master and must revive the others . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +Please tell us about the day you discovered your own immortality . +You 're just an average person in The Matrix and do n't know the truth . Weird things keep happening around you . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Through complete accident , you gain access to life 's development console , and all of its cheating potential . +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +A young puppy finds a wise old dog and begs him to tell stories of his youth +Sanctuary +You have been found `` not guilty '' of a crime you DID commit +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +A new house has arisen in Westeros , and overtaken the Iron Throne . The new King has employed his family to the small council . It seems that winter is coming for the new King ... George Sr. of the House `` Bluth '' . +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +A lifetime to build , yet a moment to destroy it all . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +A man suddenly gains the ability to talk to his shadow . As they converse , it becomes apparent the shadow is real and the man is what the shadow casts . +A horror novelist finds out that his/her story is becoming real +A strange disease hits earth and only men over 60 years old are able to reproduce . The dating market changes dramatically . +Write a short story where every sentence has fewer words than the last one . +Google goes down , leaving only the message `` go outside '' in place of the normal website . +You do what you got ta do +An alien species has a test to determine if other beings are `` truly sentient . '' Humans do not pass the test . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +You are a super-villain who finally accomplished your plans of world domination . The longer you rule the more you start to regret your decision . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Scooby Doo and the gang have stumbled upon a case which they are having a great deal of trouble solving . Hire a fictional detective/consultant from to help investigate the case . +... and the world did n't know . +You work for tech support , helping these old Millenials and Gen Z-ers understand modern 22nd-century technology . +A man is knighted that does not rightly deserve the honor +'' Death Insurance '' is a paid subscription service that brings a loved one back to life for the next 24 hours after their death in order to say goodbye . You awake after your death to discover you were a recipient of a gift subscription from an unknown benefactor . +In the near future , we 've cured most diseases and attained near-immortality . In order to control the population , euthanasia is required at age 100 . +Wrong Turn +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +You are a Jedi Padawan , crafting your Saber . However , you get a ... different saber . You are the Jedi of the Rainbow Saber . +A group of ants stumbles upon an abandoned ant colony . Inside , they find cryptic warnings scratched on the walls by a series of past inhabitants , foretelling impending doom wrought by something called `` the Human '' . +Describe the introduction of gladiator tournaments in the US , but more high tech and lethal . +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +To stay in Assassins Hotel you must assassinate someone in the hotel . +Write a poem that is desperately trying not to rhyme . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +5 years ago Atlantis remerged in the atlantic ocean with all it 's citizens still alive . Today Poseiden attends his first UN meeting on behalf of Atlantis +You turn on your PC to keep working on your novel , but to your surprise , when you open the file , it is writting itself . You read some of what has already been written and it seems your characters have created free will , and the plot is progressing without you . +At the beginning of creation , God says `` Let there be light , '' and is surprised to find that something is already there . +It 's your first day as Hell 's weatherman . +All guns and explosives have been banned . People have now resorted to wearing Armour and using melee weaponry or bows . +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +While spending time with a friend , you notice that they are wearing body armor beneath their clothes . +Unknown by the general populace , humanity has already begun deep space colonization . You have been drafted for the latest expedition . +A creationist and an evolutionary scientist have an opportunity to travel back in time thousands of years to settle their argument . Neither expected to find dragons , wizards , elves and orks . +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' + +Everyone thinks you 're a compulsive liar , you actually really do have ridiculous stuff happen to you on a regular basis- please , share your stories . +At the beginning of creation , God says `` Let there be light , '' and is surprised to find that something is already there . +Write a murder mystery involving a stuffed dinosaur , the beastie boys , and set in 1940s New York . +An exorcism of a young girl , in the perspective of the demon . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +Stopping time is commonplace among society . One day , you ask a coworker about a task that is assigned and you know he is going to stop his time to research and complete . After the question is asked , he appears incredibly aged and war warn . You ask what the hell he just went through . +Who is Jacket ? Who is Richard Fritz . Are they really the same person anymore ? +A group of developers finally completed their invention that allows people to watch their dreams from the night before . They soon discover that everyone has the same recurring dream every night and no one ever remembers it . +Veronica organized the volunteers to place flags at local cemeteries for Veteran 's Day ( Mundane Monday ) +'' Death Insurance '' is a paid subscription service that brings a loved one back to life for the next 24 hours after their death in order to say goodbye . You awake after your death to discover you were a recipient of a gift subscription from an unknown benefactor . +Your refrigerator is actually running and you need to go catch it . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +`` So that 's what love sounds like '' +You find out that life has a character-customization-menu , and you start to shamelessly exploit it . +You are on Wikipedia and run across your name . You click the link and see that your time of death is listed as two hours from now +Humans are obligate hibernators . Cultures have developed around this , however for you this winter is different . +You are the radio alarm of a really nervous person , living in the constant fear of being smashed . You do everything possible ( with your radio alarm capabilities ) to stay alive . +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +Your narrator seems to think he is narrating a horror story . You 're not amused . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +You live on the seventh floor of a building with no balconies . You 're browsing your computer when you casually turn to the window and notice two hand marks on the glass . +Every human is mortal , except 5 . Describe your story finding out that you are one of the 5 , and how you find the 4 others . +Hell has a movie theater . Occupants of Hell must spend one hour watching moments that got them there . This is your first time going to the theater . +The world 's governments have just written the official Laws of Love , and thousands of people are already on trial for committing `` love crimes '' . +A world where feminism occurred in the medieval era , and in the Renaissance the patriarchy became a matriarchy . +It 's 2138 , and at the age of 21 everyone can select just one super power granted by the government . Now 21 , You go to your local courthouse to select your superpower and discover in the records , one power everyone has completely overlooked . +You send away a cheek swab for a DNA test . Your results come back 100 % Neanderthal . +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +Most wizards study ancient texts and forgotten grimoires . This one studies physics . + +The weather forecaster does n't predict the weather . They cause it . +You are an early-adolescent teen . You 're elderly relative is dying . On their last legs , they want to show you something that will stay with you forever +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +You 're standing in a queue at Starbucks when someone bumps into you . You turn and it 's Emma Watson . +Story about legal drama set in space +Write your favorite part to a story you 've always wanted to write , but never got around to . +A military state where McDonald 's is the reigning force . +What do dead things do ? +/u/WarLizard discovers he actually is the WarLizard from the WarLizard gaming forum +`` I wo n't have time to explain all of this to them . '' Start or end your story with this sentence . +You hear your kid crying for help from their bedroom . But yesterday they left for a month long trip . +You are a surgeon in modern time . You 're doing a routine surgery to remove some poor sap 's appendix . All is going well until you notice something off . This man has an extra organ that you have never seen before . On top of that , it 's glowing . +You wake up one morning hungover , but happily remember you have half a pizza waiting in the fridge . To your horror you discover that the pizza is missing . In its place a note : `` If you want to see your pizza again ... . '' followed by a list of demands ... +A Scary story set in the Golden Age of Piracy +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +A kid comes out as religious to his parents in a society where atheism is the norm . +Soulmates exist but they are n't beneficial to be in a relationship with . If anything being coupled up with your soulmate will lead to a life a sadness . +A college student 's struggle with assignments romanticized through a hero 's trials and tribulations against the forces evil . +... and that 's how I got these scars . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +Leonardo DA Vinci is teleported to the modern world . You show him the latest tech and culture . Surprisingly , he 's rather unimpressed . +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +While monitoring phone calls , an NSA agent becomes convinced that two strangers would be perfect for each other . Describe how he plays `` clandestine matchmaker . '' +A dyslexic devil worshipper attempts to sell his soul to Santa . +In the near future , parents are able to genetically modify babies to boost their cognitive abilities . 20 years later , as the first cohort of `` super genius '' babies reaches adulthood , we realize we made a big mistake . +It is revealed that NASA has been deliberately holding back advances in space travel for the past 50 years . Why ? +Some people say they cheated death . I beat death fair and square . +Write a newspaper article from the events of a Civilization V game you 've played . +You are watching TV when your show is abruptly interrupted by the President of the United States announcing to the world that the existence of God has been confirmed by NASA and a team of the most brilliant scientists from around the globe . +You 're one of the first 50 people to help colonise the moon . Shortly after you land , you look up and ca n't see earth . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +A way to beat terminal diseases has been newly discovered . A suicidal person can `` exchange '' themselves to save a terminally ill patient from disease/death . The only requirement is they must meet face to face to agree beforehand . +You 're watching some old home movies from when you were a little kid , when you notice something in the background . Something impossible . +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . +You have the power to montage . +A girl dies at the park when she is 5 y/o but do n't know it , and ca n't understand why no one can see or hear her . 10 year lonely years later a teen boy with depression sees her ... +: She now has the chance to fix her ruined life by going back to the decision that caused it . For some reason that moment was when she was asked `` What flavour do you want ? '' at Baskin Robbins . +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +A story about the end of stories . +Do you prefer posts that are fantasy/science fiction/supernatural , or do you prefer something more grounded in reality ? +The new Nokia cellphone model is literally a rock and is the most successful phone yet ! You are a salesman . Sell me the phone/rock . +A Bullied Teen is made into the new Embodiment of Fear . +of your body are sentient . They 're holding a weekly meeting about the state of your body . +She 's a blood thirsty tyrant and he is her loyal protector ... +You find a dead body in one of the dumpsters at your apartment complex . It looks exactly like you . You are n't a twin . +`` How can you win a war against an enemy that can recruit the dead ? '' +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +Call it in . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +The vaccine for autism has just been announced . Your anti-vax family does not know how to handle the news . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Two people keep each other company : one does n't know the future but remembers the past , the other does n't know the past but remembers the future . +In 1907 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts rejects Young Adolf Hitler twice and soon after he survives four different assassination attempts by time travellers . Confused Hitler is convinced that its his art is what the world fears . +Hogwarts has decided to get High Speed Internet . It is your job to make sure the muggle IT guy installing the internet does not notice any magic . +All the Gods get together for a BBQ +Every night you must wind up your heart with a key on a necklace . After a one night stand , you wake to find the key missing and a note by your bed . +And now ... We dance . +Write a letter addressed to your past self +The world we are in is actually home to high level , well hidden corporate espionage . You are a double agent for iOS and Android – what real world event were you responsible for . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +The hero is a complete asshole , and the villain is pretty nice . +In a world where chocolates are hard drugs ... +Planets orbit their stars . Stars orbit the center of their galaxy . We just found what all the galaxies are orbiting . +The Government and Media have been lying and North Korea is actually a super advanced , peaceful Utopia . You 're an American who just crashed landed a boat in North Korea . +Start a story with the sentence `` The cows gathered at the top of the hill . '' +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +On your 60th birthday you find yourself on your death bed . In your last moments , 5 visitors enter the room . The visitors are the personification your past selves from age 10 to 50 . Instead of your life flashing before your eyes , they 've come to reflect on your life . +try to justify the most terrible act possible , without using anything similar to a `` kill a few to save a bunch '' clause . +You were born with the ability to hear the sound of the weather changing a day before . You could predict if it was going to rain by hearing the sound of rain falling or when a storm was gathering by the sound of thundering . You thought nothing of it until one day all you could hear was silence . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A mythological tale rewritten as science fiction . +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +Every night for as far back as you can remember , your parents have given you a new mystery to solve , but tonight is different . Tonight your parents have vanished without a word . +Whenever you wake up from a dream , it destroys an entire alternate universe within your head . Describe the brief life of a person living in a dream +Write a regular chess match as if it was a an epic battle of biblical proportions . +Write a story of a school shooting that makes us sympathetic with the shooter . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +Write a journal entry for a child that has been abused ( mentally , emotionally , physically , spiritually , sexually , etc ) their entire life ... . +You were born with the ability to hear the sound of the weather changing a day before . You could predict if it was going to rain by hearing the sound of rain falling or when a storm was gathering by the sound of thundering . You thought nothing of it until one day all you could hear was silence . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Due to a typo caused by an overworked intern , your grocery store 's flyer advertises `` flesh apples '' as instead of `` fresh apples '' .The local undead population is now rather interested in your wares . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Everyone knows when they will die after passing 18th birthday . Your result is `` ? '' +It is 2115 . A hundred years ago , a technological or scientific discovery so big was made that it changed the course of human history in an immensely positive way . Today a scientist discovered what the horrifying side effect of this discovery is . +your wife is four months pregnant and your terminal illness will take you in less then two months . Write a letter to your unborn child . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +Ethics are for those who fear failure and need an honorable reason to retreat +A dystopian future where a pack of Big ( Bad ) Wolves terrorize the human population , and the only saviors are a group of female warriors donning red cloaks/hoods . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Write a story that ends with a phrase `` I was wrong '' and this phrase explains everything +/u/WarLizard discovers he actually is the WarLizard from the WarLizard gaming forum +Hillary wins , cheats on Bill , becomes a huge scandal , turns out the whole thing was a revenge plot 20 years in the making . +You are a realtor showing a house to a young couple . They love the house , but you have something to disclose , and no its not a murder . +You and a cute stranger make small talk while at a cafe . You then attempt to find him/her . +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +This is the dystopian society where Canada has taken over the world . Everyone is extremely polite , and it 's creepy . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +God decides to open up a technical support line in order to handle the ever-increasing number of prayers he is receiving . +: Due to advances in medical science , the standard human life expectancy is now around 120-140 . It is discovered that people in their 100-teens go through a second edgy rebellious phase . +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +lycanthropy has just been recognized as a medical disorder with all of it 's supernatural aspects confirmed as symptoms . +Aliens have come to Earth , not to invade , but to take us home . +Describe some mundane activity as if you 're a character in a noir story . +You 've been finding a lot of loose change in your couch lately . It turns out it 's the tiny speaking spider paying rent . +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +`` And if you look out left side of the plane you 'll see ... Oh not this again . '' +Jumanji has been introduced to the world . Now , it 's the most watched annual event , as the world 's best athletes and survivalists fight to stay alive . +An old veteran desperately tries to enter Valhalla so he can meet his comrades again . +You 're part of the security detail for the head of a notorious crime organization ( Triads , Yakuza , etc . ) But just as things are running smoothly , you run into trouble ... ... +You and your best friend are pretending that your fingers are guns and shooting each other . Suddenly , the weird kid from down the street joins in and pretends his fingers is a gun and shoots your friend in the head . All you see is blood splatter on the grass and your friend fall . +In a future , where wars are fought with androids , a hacker managed to infiltrate the update-servers of the military and replaced the firmware of all models with software geared towards the civilian market . The consequences were bigger than anyone could 've imagined . +You can give away a year of your life to someone else as a day of life . You can take the life of someone else and make it a year of your 's . You found true love and she only has a day left . You will do everything to save her but you hate killing . +You answered that giraffes were extinct on a school test , and failed the test by one point . Instead of retaking the test , you 've decided to take it upon yourself to make your answer correct . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You are a member of an alien race who has been observing Earth for the last few hundred years trying to decide what to do with it . Over the last decade , your leaders have narrowed it down to either colonization or annihilation . That decision is due today . +You 're 6 and the smug know-it-all from your class told you Santa does n't exist , that he 's just your dad in a red suit . You start to question why your dad checks his list twice . +Only the rich can afford to see the stars at night . +For the last 15 years humans have been able to manipulate our genes . Picking and choosing what we want our children to look like as well as other attributes . As of the last few days it is now becoming apparent across the globe this was not a good idea . +Hundreds of years in the future , nerds fondly over-romanticize the late 20th/ early 21st century in completely historically inaccurate and anachronistic festivals akin to modern Renfaires . +You suspect your kitten might be an eldritch abomination feeding on your neighbors ' lifeblood and bent on destroying the world . But how can you say no to those adorable , albeit gore-stained , eyes ? +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +During a game of football , you are hit in the head , and you receive a massive concussion . When you wake up , you are hailed internationally as a hero . +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +You are a malicious imaginary friend , your host is 19 . You feed off of her when she has fun with you . She thinks she 's too old for you , all her friends and family say so , change her mind before you fade forever . +Re-Imagine +You turn on your PC to keep working on your novel , but to your surprise , when you open the file , it is writting itself . You read some of what has already been written and it seems your characters have created free will , and the plot is progressing without you . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +You discover a huge secret . People are walking chocolate factories . Nestle has bought off all the politicians to keep the population from ever knowing the truth . What we think is shit is actually sent to a refinery that takes away the smell and sometimes adds extra nuts . +A overwhelming army approaches , you stand at the helm of your soldiers . What do you say ? +write a 100 word story about one moment +Leviathan +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +Getting tired of always being called upon when the police deem a case un-solvable , you take up a 9 to 5 job . You use your brilliant deductive skills to attempt to make sales and upset almost every customer who speaks to you . You are Sherlock Holmes , used car salesman . +You keep a trinket somewhere on you at all times , for good luck . Explain what it is and the reason for its significance . +Somber Castle +The demons in hell rebel against their ruler , Satan . +You told them `` see you in hell ! '' You did n't expect you actually would . +A person who does n't have a name +Write a story that lives and dies in a ten seconds time span +The government has legalized all drugs for recreational usage . Now , someone who used to be a drug dealer is trying to make a living . +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +Everyone 's nudes get released online in an NSA screw up , as a result people abandon clothing altogether . +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +After 30 years , a man finally goes on his first date ... +Park bench at night +Put conformity in the dust and have self-esteem without smoking it . Can you do it ? Does it help itself ? +There 's something odd about the door-to-door salesman standing on your porch . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +You are a guy named Doug . One day at the supermarket , you hold the door for the woman behind you , but she does n't say `` thank you '' +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +You just put down your life savings on a new home , and your spouse is convinced that it is haunted . +A Sci-Fi Changing of the Guard Story +Describe a superhero with powers that are normally associated with a villain +The Knight with no name +A new antidepressant is launched . It does the job , but it radically changes who you are and what you like to do . People who take it like their new personality and who they 've become . Their ( former ) friends miss the original person . +You open the tv to see a live coverage of your house . As you peek outside from a window you see reporters and a crowd . +( CW ) Write a story using words that only begin with vowels . +A sketchy salesman attempts to sell a perfectly normal sword to the hero , passing it off as the sword of legends . + +A frog tells you that if you kiss him , YOU will turn into a princess . +Warriors killed in battle do n't go to Heaven or Hell , they stand guard in between . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +A cure for the zombie virus has been found , however all ex-zombies remember everything that happened when they were infected . +A homeless person is about to die . Write about it from the perspective of his/her dog +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Write the story about the development of a young politician who cares about people but slowly , with the years passing , gets corrupted . +Captain Hook is a lost boy who grew up but never forgot the way to Neverland . He has a vendetta against Pan for what he does to lost children who get too old . +Write the opening exposition of a bold new Zelda game . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +This is an alternate dimension . The timetraveler ( s ) changed one thing to make the world how it is today . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +Write a day in the life of somebody living in a future where water is scarce so every person is limited to 5 minutes of showering a day . +A plane carrying all 17 Republican Presidential nominees crashes over the ocean . All survive uninjured , but are marooned on an island . Chris Christie has found the conch . +A squad of new XCOM recruits are about to embark on their first mission . +Your only superpower is to inherently know precisely what superpowers and skills other people have . +Two girls stand and stare at the blue sky , holding each others hands , knowing that their world was changed forever ... +You are Keanu Reeves , and the urban legend about you being an immortal ... is right . +In the past , thieves , fictional or otherwise , stole from the rich and greedy to punish them . You are the next evolution , a thief that can literally steal the evil intentions from peoples hearts +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +Write a short horror story with a twisted end +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +It 's 2138 , and at the age of 21 everyone can select just one super power granted by the government . Now 21 , You go to your local courthouse to select your superpower and discover in the records , one power everyone has completely overlooked . +Due to an obscure ruling decades ago , it is legal to murder another US citizen . However , you must first prove that the world would be better off without that person . Judges hear hundreds of failed proposals a year , but this one is promising ... +Unknown to our beloved WP authors , they have a very special fan . One by one , they wake up in an unknown place and a really comfortable lounge chair , shackled , and are made to write the endings of all those cliffhangers and abandoned stories . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Make me love the person you love +There is a rare deadly virus that you have contracted . There is a way to get rid of it : You must infect someone with the virus . +Write me something that will make me feel . To make me emotional . To make it rain . +You are a Jedi Padawan , crafting your Saber . However , you get a ... different saber . You are the Jedi of the Rainbow Saber . +You 're a spin doctor in the PR department . Employees in your company have been spontaneously combusting . Assure the public that everything is fine . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Rewrite a famous poem under a different theme . Example in comments ! +Mirrors are Gateways to other universes . The only reason we can not use them , is because someone is always blocking the way . +Write about a card game where the rules and cards get more and more ridiculous as the game goes on . +Humans are colonizing Mars after discovering extinct life , despite not knowing how the life had died off . There is one man , though who thinks he knows what , or who , ended life on Mars the first time . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +The protagonist slowly realizes that he is not at all part of the actual story . +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . +A story of how I got my username . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Write a letter to the president without using the letter `` E '' +At the end of your life , the Grim Reaper sends the necessary equivalent force needed to claim your soul , the more dangerous you are , the more force they send . As you look out your house , you see the German 6th Army staring back at you . +You are the guy who makes all those magical/cursed items that people are always stumbling across . +Some time in the future war is fought completely autonomously by machines . A densely populated city has become a war-zone , but the robots are programmed so well to avoid harming civilians that the humans living their can go about their lives completely ignoring the constant fighting around them +Write the most satirically patriotic story you can American +You are abducted by aliens . While aboard their ship , you are chosen to give the alien elders a 5 minute pitch as to why the human race deserves to survive . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Due to a sudden doomsday event , the population of humanity has been reduced to only 200 people . You were one of the lucky few hastily chosen to enter the vault/board the ship/whatever it took to survive , but you would n't have been if they had known your secret ... +After you die , Jesus and Satan are fighting over who can have you . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +A stranger approaches you and points a gun to your head . `` I 'm sorry , but we will explain everything at the reset . Hopefully we 'll have a fighting chance now that we have you ... '' He pulls the trigger . +. It is literally as magical as Willy Wonka 's Chocolate Factory . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +As a joke you made your wife read a spell incantation you found on the internet . Now , she has become a three-headed demon trying to find appropriate sacrifices to summon the Dark Lord . +Make me envy a sudden chemistry between two strangers . +Dragons are real , they 've been dormant in the deep for thousands of years and now they began to emerge +Reddit karma can be used as actual currency . +You 're a taxi driver . One day a mysterious passenger asks you to drive him to his destination via a certain haunted road . +Aliens have known of our existance for a long time , but have n't contacted us . Why ? They are scared . Scared ... of us . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +Every 216 days you get possessed by an alien demon inhabiting a passing comet . It was creepy at first , but your family is now used to it . +A villain that tries his hardest to be evil , but ends up being a hero . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +The Ghosts of Decisions Past - MarContest - 11,531 +After a long and exciting life , Mrs. Frizzle has died . Her long-ago students meet at her funeral - for the first time in a while - to reminisce about their experiences with her and how it 's shaped them . +Re-write your favorite Disney movie plot as a dark thriller , do not tell which movie it is right away . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +`` Stop freaking out , it was just an accident . '' +The invaders have landed and humanity has surrendered , almost immediately . They have no use for our planet , our resources , or our labor . They are , however , a compassionate race , and find Humans to be `` cute '' . Humanity is adopted , en masse , as pets . +A short story to go with this music . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You die and wake up in a dark room with a man wearing a dark hood and white gloves . He instructs you that he is death , and you are to take over as his apprentice . +You 're lying on your back staring up at the sky . All of the sudden , you see a single human zoom across the sky ... . +This new drug 's an incredible bliss with no side effects on health . There 's just one thing : after taking it , you ca n't lie for 24 hours . +Everybody in the world is born with a tatto of the exact time they will die , and the tattoos are never wrong . You are the only person in the world born without one +You 've always been bad at writing love letters ; they always come off as vague threats . +You wake up one morning and notice a scar on you from chest to belly button . You have no idea how it got there as you went to sleep without it . The scar is completely healed and looks aged . +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +Tropeday 2.5 - Who Wants to Live Forever ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You spend your whole life creating a time machine so you can fix something trivial . +Many people consider this the end of the world or hell on earth . Me ? I actually like it better this way . +Inanimate objects have emotions and express them by function or malfunction . You 're having the worst day of your life and the last thing you need is ... +You leave a bowl of food out for the dragons . +Emotional pain can create tattoos as physical pain can create scars . +Create an individual who hears this statement from someone wearing something red , “ I ’ m not here for Jack , I ’ m here for you . ” +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +The world 's elite buy salvation in bunkers before global annihilation . The remaining people get saved by aliens and people in bunkers do n't realize they 've been left behind to live on a desolate planet . +We are all avatars in an MMO . Our waking hours of consciousness are when our player is logged off . +You have been given a magic sword . It has a reputation of getting it 's owners killed . +The story of that kid who sits in the corner of the class and does not talk to anyone . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The most powerful spell ever cast backfires , sending the entire world into a sunless void . As scholars seek a solution before everyone freezes to death they find that something in the void is trying to stop them . +You 're a scientist working for the government . You encounter a secret spaceship that the government hid away . You 're informed that no one knows how to take it apart or even open it . You touch the door of the spaceship , and suddenly it opens . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +You are a wizard with 1,000 years of professional wizarding experience , applying for a new wizarding job . You need to submit a resume . +You die and go to heaven only to be told you have `` unfinished business '' and are sent back to the moment 10 minutes before your fatal heart attack to finish it . You have no idea what this `` business '' is . +Write a story based on a common aphorism or proverb , illustrating its meaning without explicitly stating it anywhere in the story . +We all have a mortal enemy that we must fight to the death when we meet . You do n't know them until we see them in public . +A villain attempts to start a pandemic to end the world , but accidentally cures humans of disease . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +Tropeday 2.5 - Who Wants to Live Forever ? +When a person dies , they do not leave their body . They are sentient inside their corpse until it is destroyed/decomposed . +This is the dystopian society where Canada has taken over the world . Everyone is extremely polite , and it 's creepy . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +A hurricane hits Maine . As everyone is scrambling about to get out of the storm , lightning flashes and you see a lone man standing on a high rock overlooking the ocean with a harpoon in his hand . +You have been able to read minds your entire life . One day , in a fast food restaurant , and you 're casually reading someone 's mind . However , to your surprise , they furrow their brow , look at you angrily , and say , `` Stop that ! '' +you 're a comedian who has avoided death by telling the Grim Reaper jokes . You 've just deeply offended him with your most recent joke . +Harry Potter is adopted by a wizarding family ( distant relative ) , after his parents death . He grows up in the wizarding world as a celebrity . Eleven years later , he steps onto platform nine and three quarters for the first time in his life . How do things pan out this time around ? +Write a story that brings out the underlying meaning/significance of the word 'nevermind ' +You are a lone human stranded on an alien planet . All the native life is poisonous to eat , except for one species which you hunt successfully while waiting for rescue . One day , you discover that the animals you have been killing and eating are intelligent . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A group of very experienced bank robbers rob a famous bank in Metropolis , however one of the people making a deposit is Clark Kent . +Noir - 1stChapter - 2100 words +Aliens invade the Earth but their weapons are near useless against us . +'' It was n't until later , when I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead . '' +You 're a history major . Your final exam is to travel back in time and successfully pass as a normal , everyday citizen . It 's not going well . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +After reading hundreds , maybe thousands , of stories of people creating Time Machines and failing . You guess why , and decide to be the first to create the `` Arrival '' port of a Time Machine . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +Spooky scary skeletons +Write a story that lives and dies in a ten seconds time span +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +`` There are three things a wise man fears , a storm at sea , a moonless night , and the anger of a gentle man '' +Werewolves and vampires are still around , long after most humans have been enslaved or eliminated by the AI uprising . Now it 's time to give those robots something they were n't calculating for . +You 're 99.999 % sure you have superpowers . Obviously , if you were 100 % sure , your life would be completely different . +Stanley ( from The Stanley Parable ) meets a girl in the office while searching for someone . The Narrator tries to kill her . +After dealing with 5 different Time Travelers for the past 3 weeks , Someone starts to consider if it has something to do with the big event next week . +Your outpost , in the canopy of the redwoods , is one of the last colonies on the American west coast . +To counter Donald Trump , the Democratic party nominates Kanye West as their presidential nominee . This is their first debate . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +We 've seen epic fantasy worlds based on historical Europe ( i.e . LotR ) and historical East Asia ( i.e . Avatar ) . Write about an epic fantasy world based on historical Africa . +You 're the leader of an FBI investigation of a crime organization , you finally get a tip on who the leader of the organization is only to find out , it 's your own mother.. +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +A teenage boy confides in his best friend that he is the Antichrist . +You and other person are the only two immortals on the planet , yet despite this you despise each other . Most of histories achievements and tragedies come from you two trying to one up or destroy each other +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +`` How can you save anybody if you ca n't even save yourself ? '' +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +Angels have begun hunting you . Why ? You stole willingly stole The Meaning of Life . +While cooking yourself dinner you accidentally cut your hand . When you rush the sink to rinse it you are horrified to find not blood , but wiring and mechanics . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +: The One Constant Part 2- La Muerte Divina : Chapter 2- Stygian Depths and a Means of Recruitment +Everyone on earth with text/email capabilities receives the same message at the same time : `` You are a terrible person . '' No one can trace where it came from . You receive the message : `` You are a good person . '' +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +You 're a serial killer . You encounter a victim . As you attack , they scream `` Wait ! I 'm you ! '' You kill them . Suddenly , you 're in a white room . A man tells you that you must live your victim 's entire life . You wake up , crying . You have just been born . The man and his words are still in your head . +`` I do n't owe you a fair fight '' +Your superpower is the ability to make someone have to sneeze and/or use the bathroom right this very second , and against all odds you 've risen to the highest position in Hero HQ . This is your story . +Much like Bruce Wayne/Batman , you create a crime-fighting alter-ego based on your intense fear of ... +The decline had begun almost unnoticed . Yet , each passing day , it had accelerated . Now , as you sit , on the throne of your decaying empire , the sounds of the enemy at the gates in the distance , you reflect . Where did the downfall begin ? +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +Your good friend starts spending more and more time in a virtual reality video game , you think nothing of it until his characters persona starts attaching itself to your friends mind . +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +Death lives in your house . He 's been the best roommate you 've ever had . After tomorrow 's breakfast , he needs to speak with you . +Lt. Surge is in the hospital recovering from PTSD caused by what he saw in the last Pokemon War . +A quiet small town boy receives an unexpected visit from some strange people . Turns out , its him from his previous lives . +Make me sympathize with a stalker . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You are a NPC during a scheduled server maintenance . There are no adventurers online . +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +This world , but borderless and nationless . +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +You 're the last person on earth . Death comes to collect your soul , but decides not to . Why ? +Create a fictional world in one paragraph +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +The Central Government has been crippled due to a cyberattack , all national communication lines are defunct and you are prisoner 3529 on transit to the electric chair at hour zero . +You are an undercover agent who has been given orders to investigate the prison system from inside . After each crime you commit they find a reason why you should n't be prosecuted l +There is no singular Grim Reaper . When someone dies , there are dozens of people they talk to : one tells them what happened to them , one explains the afterlife , one judges them , etc . You are the second person they speak with . +A child makes a lifelong promise . +You 're a rookie cop and it 's your first day on the job . When you encounter a drunk guy disturbing the peace in an alley , he turns into a dragon and you hear your partner say `` Not again ... '' +Big Binoculars - FebContest +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +Humanity creates a wonder-drug granting everyone Immortality . Death arrives at the unemployment office . +- A old man tells the story of his superpower , and the reason he never used it . +You 're the captain of the starship that follows the U.S.S . Enterprise around to keep it lit up in interstellar space . Write a Captain 's Log . +While digging in your back yard , you make a discovery . +`` Being dead for six months was n't part of her plan , but it was a spectacular amount of cheese . '' +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +In 2050 , planet earth is about to be destroyed . Scientists believes humanity needs about 500 to 2000 more years to develop the technology to save the planet . As a solution , one man is sent back in time to teach our ancestors . However , he encounters some resistance ... +You are a lowly minion in a computer game . The hero has just completed a speed run , and you have to report to your boss and explain why you were spared , while so many of your comrades were slain . +In the future , governments uses a supercomputer to calculate the perfect job for everyone , at which they can brings out maximum contribution for the society . You just got a letter that says your perfect job is `` STAY AT HOME AND AVOID ANY INTERACTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL CAUSES . '' +The air left my lungs +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +In the future , war is illegal and punishable be the complete annihilation of the aggressive country . Instead , conflicts are settled in virtual reality digital arenas , capable of simulating individual duels or massive battles . They call them The Games , and in this world Gamers are rock stars . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +How To Break Up With Your Girlfriend ( Experimenting with 2nd Person ) +You 're being followed by a poisonous mushroom that is persistent on being eaten . +You are a famous master detective . Once again you have gathered the protagonists in the drawing room , and by brilliant deduction you reveal the murderer . But for the first time in your long career the murderer , instead of confessing , realises that you have no evidence at all . +An alien fugitive finds you hiking in the forest one night and offers you endless travels amongst the stars only if he can take your identity and hide on earth . +A story of how I got my username . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +You 're a student worker for your college , running the front desk of the technology department . The next thing that comes through the main doors will change your life forever . +Describe a post apocalyptic society which stresses one aspect of life which may be hard . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +Everyone has the ability to use a super power but only once in their entire life-time . The power and when it occurs are random and it can be neither planned nor predicted . Once used , it goes away . +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +Your best friend tells you how they are going to kill somebody . They expect you not to do anything about it . +Reddit becomes a physical world , subreddits are factions at war with one another . +You are a God living among the mortals . You also happen to be an atheist because you KNOW no one is out there listening , not even yourself . +It 's cute when your kid sends Santa a letter . It 's surprising when Santa sends a letter back . It 's worrying when the two become regular pen pals . And it 's horrifying when you start reading the letters yourself ... +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +Make a banal discussion between two people sound sophisticated/classy +Disneyland is run by the Mafia . Create a Godfather-esque thriller . +Write a beautiful poem about something that disgusts you . +Write a Wild West adaption of a Greek myth . ( Inspired by the original cowboy , the minotaur . ) +What if ghosts are , in reality , glimpses of time travelers ? +You live in a world where every person is born only able to make a writing prompt of the same tired formula . You are the first person born capable of original thought . +Spartan 117 , The Master Chief , has defected to the covenant . +The Ruins +Write about a ridiculous conspiracy theory ( fake moon landing , flat Earth , etc ) being true +In a future atheistic world a man finds his faith . As his faith grows his powers as a cleric grow but is he powerful enough to confront the advanced technology of those who have oppressed the practice of religion ? +The last thought that went through his head was ; Had he done enough for the rest to escape ? +: Santa accidentally triggers a nuclear war . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +You 're browsing the internet , suddently the mouse stop moving , in fact , you can not move the physical mouse at all , everything seems to have stopped , the clock is n't ticking , your rooms doors are shut . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +You win a one of a kind car at an auction and discover a hidden feature that allows it to fly . +All humans fall into unconscious stasis simultaneously . Exactly one year later they all awake , simultaneously , and have no knowledge of the lost year . +The new coffee shop you 've been frequenting has always seemed off to you . But you never would have guessed- +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +The US government sends Bob Ross back in time to help Hitler get accepted into Art School . +A person is holding the world hostage . They could annihilate humanity with the push of a button . `` Be Kind . '' is their only demand . +Every 50 years all the different coalitions of planets come together to pit their toughest predator against each other in a duel tournament . This year the Terran coalition is out to win for the first time in 54 tournaments since their entry to the intergalactic stage . +Someone is running , the heavy panting and sweat soaked shirt indicated that s/he had been running hard for quite some time . +An only son takes his mother on an epic road trip before Alzheimers takes her memory away completely . +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +Everyone on earth has a networked A.I . that will give them small suggestions on what actions they can take to benefit humanity . For some reason , no matter what you do , yours tells you to `` Just stay home today . '' +Have a meal with the Devil . +What you are never really mattered , it 's about who you are . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Sci-Fi : You come home and find your significant other sleeping with someone . That someone turns out to be you from the not-so-distant future . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +you need to convince the worlds most destructive sociopath to help save the world . +Feelings and emotions actually give off powerful , clean , and usable energy . Humans have discovered this and now willingly collect negative ones in free yoga and therapy programs . You decide to try a class for your very first time +When people die , their bodies evaporate into the sky , only to fall back down to Earth when it rains . +Make me love the person you love +Re-tell a popular/well-known story but do so using a different author 's writing style +An epic battle between two knights is about to take place . One knight constantly speaks in euphemisms . The other makes puns non-stop . +You always hear people say , `` That 's the oldest trick in the book ! '' . Well , you just found that book . +You are on your deathbed a album plays that reminds you of times in your life . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +You are a psychopathic school shooter . What is your internal monologue during the act ? +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +Captain Obvious , Sargent Sarcasm , and Admiral Asshole are in a room together +The Australian Emu War +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +A robber breaks into your house at the worst moment possible : while you have diarrhea . +A man forgets to water his potted plant for a whole week . This negligence starts a long chain reaction that leads up to World War III . +You are a supervillain explaining how you are not actually evil . +You are one of the first humans to walk this Earth . The first ever death occurs . +You are a lowly minion in a computer game . The hero has just completed a speed run , and you have to report to your boss and explain why you were spared , while so many of your comrades were slain . +The King of Clubs declares war on the Queen of Hearts . +You are an aristocrat 's lead cook . As you are preparing banquet for some guests , you receive a neatly folded letter ... +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You wake up in a room . All that it contains is you and a lightbulb . There are no windows nor a door . +You open a door and see a creature incomprehensible to the mortal mind . This is how your brain interprets what you saw so it does n't break : +You 're walking through the forest when you find a basketball sized hole that seemingly has no bottom . You put your ear in the hole to listen and you hear what sounds like a million people screaming . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +In the future , science has found a way to cure death , allowing people to become immortal . The only way to get the cure is to have your reproductive organs removed , and never bear children . +Facing declining interest , the PGA adopts rules to turn golf into a contact sport . Describe the first full-contact PGA Tour Championship . +You 've been unemployed the last three months , and live alone in an apartment . As you 're spacing out between sending out applications , you catch a flash in the corner of your eye . Upon further investigation you find a hidden camera , but who would want to spy on you and why ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Epic Rap Battles Of History ... And Fiction ! +You are a lowly minion in a computer game . The hero has just completed a speed run , and you have to report to your boss and explain why you were spared , while so many of your comrades were slain . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +`` ... flip to page 43 of a dictionary and take the first word and run with it . '' +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +Imagine a city where everything is perfect , the food , the people , the weather ... But everyday one person disappears and his name appears in the newspapers +A king sits his princes down to tell them a cautionary tale about misusing their future power . +On Dec 31st , 2016 , everyone hears the exact same broadcast message in their head : “ Level 2016 failed ; restarting level . ” +Every footstep was outlined in glimmering flames as he danced . + +Everyone you interact with dies with in a week +The last words ( prior to death ) of the character are simply `` Fuck it . '' +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +The running faucet +You get bored of the party and walk outside to lay under the tree . It has become dark . As you lay under the tree , you look up and see two beady red eyes looking back down at you . +For as long as you can remember , you see odd red splotches on the ground that no one else appears to notice . One day , you go on a field trip to a local Civil War battle site . The ground is practically solid red from the sheer amount of red splotches . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +`` Look , '' it said . `` The humans have come . '' +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +In the future , war is illegal and punishable be the complete annihilation of the aggressive country . Instead , conflicts are settled in virtual reality digital arenas , capable of simulating individual duels or massive battles . They call them The Games , and in this world Gamers are rock stars . +An important press conference , with rows of cameras pointed at you . Dozens of journalists wait with bated breath , until finally you mutter , `` no comment '' into your microphone . The room explodes with excitement . One of them yells , `` this is going to be front page news across the planet ! '' +The Devil has decided to reveal his existence to humankind and he has chosen to do so on America 's Got Talent . How goes his first audition ? +`` The Tell-Tale Fart '' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +The Return of the Princess +A mathematician cracks the mathematics of love . As such , s/he becomes the riches person in the world from people trying to find love . However , s/he is desperately alone . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +He is ... The Most Paranoid Man in the World . +A story where the main character slowly falls in love with the reader . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +Write a prompt from the perspective of God . +There is a door in the middle of the room . Where does it lead ? +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +Art has been outlawed . +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +Life confronts Death . Death has been a little too trigger happy this year . Life wants to know why . +You 're a serial killer chef that hides parts of your victim in the meals that you prepare for your restaurant . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +We 've explored space and found life , though it does n't `` live '' in a way we 've expected . +After years of intense searching , you finally found it . But , it 's not exactly what you expected ... +A serial killer has found his next victim and begins his normal routine of peeking through windows and popping up in mirrors , looking for that rush he gets off on . Unfortunately , his newest victim is a horror movie fan and has constructed his life around the prevention of such jump scares . +You are a lurker of /r/WritingPrompts , and you always attempt to write a prompt of your own . The only problem ? Every time you try to do so , someone else has already posted your idea , word for word . +In a world where humans have nine lives , a reckless young man who wasted all but his final revival contemplates his own future +Society reaches a point where we realize the survival of the human race depends on reducing its size by a huge percentage . This is how they decide to do it . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Through the Woods +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +You fall asleep and dream . While you dream , you take pictures . When you wake up , you discover that the pictures are on your camera . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Murder becomes legal , but only if committed in sword duels . A relative challenges you at your wedding + +You are the manager for a Russian mafia cover restaurant in New York . However in the last month the restaurant has rapidly become one of the most popular food joints in the city , causing trouble for the criminal activity behind the scenes . You are tasked with 'dealing ' with this issue . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +Write the longest story you can with an unexpected pun at the end . +Set up your story in five or less sentences . +Instead of killing him , a timetraveller tells Hitler how future generations will remember him . +After losing yet another sock , you 've finally decided that you 've had enough , and begin investigating . Instead of a logical explanation , you find that sock gremlins exist , and they 've got nefarious plans for all the socks they 've gathered ... +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +The Shyamalan prompt . +Each person is born with the ability to consciously *snap* their mind as many times as wanted . Each snap unlocks a superpower with a mental illness in tow . The stronger the power , the more severe case of mental illness you get . +A lifetime to build , yet a moment to destroy it all . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +`` Ahh ! ... Not again ! '' You exclaimed in desperation as you 've been , yet again , summoned from the pits of Hell by a high-schooler to help them with their homework +You wake up one day to find the world in ruins , and everyone dead . You meet God outside , finding out that he has kept you alive for a reason . +Non-traditional families are quite common these days , but yours might just be the strangest of them all . You werenraised by the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse +You live in a world where age is counted as how many years of life you have left +Hey , Whats wrong with Humans ? +Another murder case where once again all evidence points to the squirrels . +`` Please do n't go.. '' +Write me that one story you 've always wanted to tell . The story that 's stuck in your mind , but never really got onto page . +When a person dies , they do not leave their body . They are sentient inside their corpse until it is destroyed/decomposed . +Emotional pain can create tattoos as physical pain can create scars . +Tell me something I do n't know +You have always been able to see how long other people have to live . You are invited to a huge party , and after becoming drunk , you notice that everyone around you only has 15 minutes left . +Remember *that one* crush you had ? The one you were too scared to asked out ? Well ... pretend you actually did . +Something about cryogenic freezing and a person waking up to ask a computer , `` How Long ? `` . +You have a really cool superpower ( like telekinesis , invisibility , et cetera ) but nobody cares and you only use it to ease your daily life . Write about a day of yours from waking up to going to sleep . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Werewolves and vampires are still around , long after most humans have been enslaved or eliminated by the AI uprising . Now it 's time to give those robots something they were n't calculating for . +An immortal man , trapped in a tomb for hundreds of years , awakes to a future when science had given his descendants superpowers +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +In the future , Space Pirates sing Space Shanties . What are they ? +The end of the world is caused by a chain of events that was triggered by something insignificant that you did . You 've been given the power to time jump to figure out what you did and stop yourself . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +You did n't realize just how blind you were until you went in and got prescription glasses ... Now you can see the leaves in the trees , the pebbles on the ground , and that your dog is actually a tiny dragon . +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +You 're the time traveler who killed Hitler . As punishment for damaging the timeline , you 're sentenced to REPLACE Hitler . +( WP ) Marty Goes To The Zoo +For the last 15 years humans have been able to manipulate our genes . Picking and choosing what we want our children to look like as well as other attributes . As of the last few days it is now becoming apparent across the globe this was not a good idea . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +you are a traveling serial killer who preys on hitchhikers , you unknowingly pick up a hitchhiking serial killer . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +You are the butler to an eccentric billionaire playboy vigilante . However , there are no supervillains . They were all you , trying to make your master feel better about himself . +You 're the time traveler who killed Hitler . As punishment for damaging the timeline , you 're sentenced to REPLACE Hitler . +a casino where world leaders gather to bet on territories . Anyone else is not allowed in . One day you find yourself within the casino +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +Harry Potter is the not the seventh horcrux . The Potter 's cat Bill is the horcrux . +Since childhood you 've been told that only death awaits you outside the wall . For years you have been curious . Today is your chance . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +You die and go to Heaven , but you feel as though you deserve to be sent to Hell +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +A teenage girl is embarrassed when her father and boyfriend get along . +In order to speak a word , you must FIRST have it tattooed on your body . You can learn a lot about a person by the words they choose to say ... +A vampire drinks blood from someone with Ebola . +You are in a dark room with a gun held to your head . Describe the events over last 24 hours leading up this point . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +Write a story that makes sense when read forwards and backwards . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +Where does the door lead ? +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +Its the old west . A new invention just came out , a steam powered sentient robot . You are one of these . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Just because you love them , does n't mean they have to love you back . +Superheroes are real . You 've just been hired to visit sick kids in the hospital dressed as one of the heroes , when they are too busy saving the world . +`` Death , I 'm a little busy right now ! '' +Doctors have found out the use of the appendix , and it is not good . +The pain of second place +A hospice . You 're watching the Mars landing with your grandmother . As they descend , she turns and stares at you for a moment , then speaks . +`` You are the main character , after all . '' +Robots now preform most types of labor , everything from deliveries to surgeries , there is no safety net for those who are not rich or in the elite . +Jane has gotten really fat and Tarzan needs to tell her he 's leaving her for a hot young chimpanzee +for generations humans have lived in connected buildings , never going outside . After getting lost one day you find a door labeled EXIT . +( WP ) Poetic description of a haunting . +Write about the metamorphosis of a human to ... .anything , whether it be another human , animal , or even object . +Playtime +You always hear people say , `` That 's the oldest trick in the book ! '' . Well , you just found that book . +5 years after the Charming Prince , now a King , marries his `` one true love '' , he must now confront the one secret he 's lived with all his life , his sexuality . +In another universe , an apple a day actually keeps the doctors away . One day , you forget to eat your daily apple . +You 've managed to create a `` what-if '' machine . This allows users to analyze past decisions and receive a read out of alternative events . +Lost life +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +A character who only sees in black and white suddenly encounters someone in color , but do n't make it a love story . +It 's the far future and information is money . Someone close to you is badly in need of medical care , but the medical staff want payment up front . What do you say ? +Transcribing the Bible , there was a transcription error . Revelations should fortell of the Alpaca-lypse . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +In order for a child to be born , someone else has to die . You 're right on the border of life and death , and you 're hanging on for all you 're worth . The baby whose birth is dependent on your death has to convince you to let go . +The year is 2213 . You 've been illegally picked up in the latest sweep by corporate police on the grounds that you 're a debtor . They have no idea who they 'd just grabbed and thrown in the back of the bus with a simple ziptie around your wrists . +Write a story about one of your fears . +You get into a drunken argument with the bouncer on Friday night , and he *literally* hits you so hard you wake up in the middle of last week . Once you realize what happened , you keep annoying him so you can travel further back in time to correct a mistake . +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +Make me love a character , then in the final sentence make me hate him . +What happens when we die ? +Your character wakes up and discovers his house has been inexplicably moved overnight . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +In an effort to eradicate disease , the government engineers super frogs to exterminate mosquitoes , with unintended consequences . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +A story starting with the first line ( s ) of your favourite song +God of the dead river . +As if in a cartoon , people only wear one set of clothes for life ( unless they grow out of them ) . One person disagrees with this custom and changes their outfit daily . +The truly brave men do not slay dragons ... +`` I used to be ... '' +A dictatorship uses drugs to keep their people happy and ignorant of the truth . One day , the drugs run out and people become aware . +A quiet ER on a Sunday night , two strangers bond . +Death comes knocking at your door , but you 're God . +A young boy does everything to impress his crush , but it 's not easy impressing an 18 year old when you 're only six . +In the future , wars are not physically fought , but decided through video games . +Muse - Absolution +You step into the throne room with weapon at the ready . The king eyes you with disdain as you draw near . He knows the end is near . His voice is solemn yet sad as his only words split the cold silence like a knife through the air , `` Why ? '' +TIFU by getting reddit banned in the USA +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +After years of automating lower positions the board of directors finally elects the world 's first computer CEO +The real reason Daft Punk wear helmets . +The last soldier of a once great empire sits alone in a small room . There is a knock on the door . Two men in uniforms have come for him . +Write a story about your biggest fear/nightmare . Make me afraid of it , too . +You have a radio which allows you to predict the future using music . Today it starts playing 'Highway To Hell ' +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +Start as a comedy , then end as a tragedy . +A overwhelming army approaches , you stand at the helm of your soldiers . What do you say ? +In the beginning , there was just one cat following you , then two , then three , then a dozen . It keeps increasing and you 're sure it started after updating your Facebook relationship status . +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +You have been completely colorblind your entire life and only see in shades of grey . You come across a stranger that appears in total color . +Reading a post on /r/writingprompts has started to give you flashbacks to memories that could n't possibly be real . As you read on , it feels like someone is trying to make contact ... +Create a story in descending ( or ascending ) sentence ( details inside ) +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +You can see the first image a person sees when he/she is born , one day you bump into a young woman and you see Julius Caesar , looking down on her with disgust . +There 's something living under the hedge in the garden . A child tries to entice it indoors . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +There 's a school that kills all of its students at the end of their senior year . Everyone knows this , but you 're the only one who has a problem with it . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +6 months ago , you were sent back into the past with highly advanced technology but no way to go back . Fast forward , people now hail you as Merlin , the Great Wizard . +You 're a scientist working for the government . You encounter a secret spaceship that the government hid away . You 're informed that no one knows how to take it apart or even open it . You touch the door of the spaceship , and suddenly it opens . +Tattoos give you power , but always take something away . You have just gotten your first one , and the results are ... surprising . +Thousands of years after the robot-revolution has long since been forgotten , sentient AI have begun to create biological lifeforms in order to perform basic tasks . Today , they have developed a new lifeform they have decided to call a `` human . '' +You 're out in public , when your ability manifests for the first time . +The interrogation chair +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +It 's true that vampires need to be invited in to enter a house . Unfortunately , most people have welcome mats . +Anybody else irritated by the mods using stickied posts to promote themselves all the time ? +You 're in a RCT ( Pick any game in the series ) Death Park . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Your character wakes up and discovers his house has been inexplicably moved overnight . +A horror story where a robot is the antagonist +Life has an achievement system . Today , on the day of your child 's birth , as you hold them for the first time , you receive a new achievement . `` A Brush with Death '' . Description : Cross paths with the person who will kill you . +A Scary story set in the Golden Age of Piracy +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Either begin or end your story with `` In my pocket , there was a toothbrush and a human eyeball . '' +Make me love a character , then in the final sentence make me hate him . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +in the future , the super rich have achieved immortality for hundreds of years , granting more power than ever . They forgot one thing though , that one hero of the middle class 500 years ago who stole the serum for themselves ... you . +You wake up one morning hungover , but happily remember you have half a pizza waiting in the fridge . To your horror you discover that the pizza is missing . In its place a note : `` If you want to see your pizza again ... . '' followed by a list of demands ... +Going through the employee handbook on the first day of your job you find : Rule 1 . There is a reason for every rule . Rule 2 . Do n't complain if Brian takes all the credit . +At the end of World War II , a mysterious force from the future appears before the Allies . It 's the Emperor of Mankind , with a full Space Marine Legion at his back . +In the future , humanity is governed by corporations like Facebook , Google and Microsoft . You 're the head of a start-up trying to overthrow them all . +... a drone had been circling the region for days . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Researchers trekking deep into the rainforest stumble upon a group of chimpanzees that seem to have discovered how to make fire . +The pain of second place +You work as a help desk attendant for a time travel tourism provider . Your job is to assist people stuck in the past . +You just died . You find out that all versions of the afterlife actually do exist , for every religion ever imagined . Everyone goes to the `` heaven '' that corresponds to their beliefs . Problem is , you are an atheist . +It 's frozen in time . Forever waiting , forever watching . Then one day , it moves +Somber Castle +Through the eons , Earth has experienced thousands of apocalypses . This time around , it 's a pirate themed apocalypse . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +Kids under 18 have the ability to tranfsorm into an animal , but once they do , there 's no turning back . +You are a professional Monster Hunter , currently dating Dracula 's Daughter +You swerve to avoid a squirrel . Unknown to you , the squirrel pledges a life debt to you . In your darkest hour , the squirrel arrives . +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +A space enthusiast launches a prototype rocket into space attached with a camera . When he develops the film , the photographs reveal a flat Earth . +In a genera of your choosing , two old friends meet by happenstance after years apart . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +You become your child self again for a day with your current mindset , but if you do anything differently , you life will morph around that difference and fast forward you to your current time with the changes . +A professional hitman is offered an unbelievably large sum , and accepts . The target ? His daughter 's fiancé . +A Sweet Old Couple Prepares For The End +Hub Found +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +The Winchesters are in over their heads again . Another apocalypse is about to be set off , this time by a fallen angel . They receive assistance from an unlikely and unexpected source : a certain Chigaco-based Wizard for hire . +Your great grandson/granddaughter travels back in time and ends up in your room , telling you that the world will fall apart and change before the year is over . +One day , you blink and are 38 years older . +The last sentence in the history of humanity reads `` And it was all for nothing . '' +It 's cute when your kid sends Santa a letter . It 's surprising when Santa sends a letter back . It 's worrying when the two become regular pen pals . And it 's horrifying when you start reading the letters yourself ... +Tell me an interesting story that will keep me on the edge of my seat . But it has to be done in the style of a R. Kelly Trapped in the closet Hip Hopera +The interrogation chair +You are a supervillain explaining how you are not actually evil . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +Write a bed time story +A woman who is immortal and forever young has been traveling the world ever since she could remember . +Rewrite a story from any mythology but make it into modern times . +One morning as you reach for a spoon to eat your cereal , you notice a strange spoon that you have never seen before . Soon you realise the power this spoon holds . +Narrate the making of a sandwich in the most epic way possible . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +A jogger finds a dying sperm whale in the middle of the woods , in Nebraska . +Prompt me ! +The Roman and Aztec Empires covering all of Europe and North America respectively have survived into the Modern era . Now at war write from the perspective of one of the troops on the ground +A love story in a coffee shop during an autumn night . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Your archenemy is an inanimate object +You 're running through a forest , being chased by a monster . As you begin to wake up , you feel something grab your hand and wake up with the monster on top of you . +A 16-year-old girl sees her memories flash before her eyes , and ponders her life in the moments before her death +In order to save you , I had to make you hate me . +You become your child self again for a day with your current mindset , but if you do anything differently , you life will morph around that difference and fast forward you to your current time with the changes . +Death clears memories and drops people at a river . With no knowledge of how people come to be there , you 're one of the ferrymen who hazards the deep waters to bring people across before they disappear . You 've never failed a crossing , until today . +We have created technology that gives us perfect memory . Write about the last thing ever forgotten . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Later in your life you discover that the omniscient supercomputer that directs society determined that you should have been eliminated for the betterment of mankind , but it chose to tell no one . You finally have the chance to ask it why . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +A man invents time travel in order to find a cure for his sick wife and succeeds , only to find out he ca n't go back +The exemplars of good and evil casually go to a private lounge ; appearing as suited men , and drink scotch and simply talk . +What we think of as Fantasy is actually a slight bleeding of dimensions . Where as we think of Dragons and Magic as being wondrous , somewhere a Wizard is thinking that our everyday world is just as fantastic . +Somebody changed The Laws of Robotics . +Rewrite your favorite knock-knock joke as a serious story . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Every 50 years all the different coalitions of planets come together to pit their toughest predator against each other in a duel tournament . This year the Terran coalition is out to win for the first time in 54 tournaments since their entry to the intergalactic stage . +Tell me a story about a revolutionary inspiring a group of people . +The Occupy movement in New York never ended , but rather growing into a violent revolution culminating in the occupation of New York . The President makes an announcement . +One last time +You go onto a writing prompt , and you notice that the enlarged first letters in all the comments spell out `` H E L P M E '' +You meet a serial killer . His next target is you and the only way to dissuade him is to persuade him why he is the worst serial killer . + +One last time +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +`` When suddenly , the lights go out . Everywhere '' +A young child stumbles upon a serial killer dumping a body in the woods . +You wake up on an Island . Tell me about it . +Everybody 's shadow reveals their true character . Some are monsters , others are furry animals . You have no shadow . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Whilst exploring a long forgotten cave with your trusty dog , you stumble upon a magic lamp . Your excitement causes a fall , and you hit your head . Upon waking , you see your dog licking the lamp , and the genie inside senses his strongest desires . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Tell me about a person ’ s beauty without using any physical descriptions . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lands in Beijing Airport , 3 Months late - passengers claim to have flown as normal . +`` I 'm going crazy . That 's a lie . I 'm far beyond that ; I 've been driven to clearing of lucidity in the valley of my madness . Aware , but wanting to return . '' He told to his new acquaintance . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +A overwhelming army approaches , you stand at the helm of your soldiers . What do you say ? +When you are 11 , your grandmother with dementia looks at you and tells you she has faked her disorder , then begins to tell you of her younger days as a time traveler . +You die and to to heaven , only to see that it has been completely destroyed . +You live in a fascist state , but have been fortunate enough to be given the most desirable job . Describe your life and/or what you do . +Tell us about the civil rights movement that is formed when sentient robots are invented . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +Ever wondered why time does n't actually `` heal all wounds '' ? That 's because it 's a very old spelling error . They were actually referring to Tim . +You are an elite pickpocket . Describe your lifestyle . +A guy decides to start his own religion on reddit for shits and giggles , but it takes off really quickly until , one day , something that really should n't exist shows up at his door . +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +The Devil has decided to reveal his existence to humankind and he has chosen to do so on America 's Got Talent . How goes his first audition ? +Time and space have switched places . You can travel easily through time , but you have no control over your constant movement forward through space . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +In the far future , god-like beings decide to compile all of humanity 's utterances into a single sound +As the plane plummeted to its certain destruction , one want-to-be serial killer realized they would never get the chance to kill . In the ensuing panic all around , they strangle and kill their seat mate unnoticed . Suddenly , the plane averts disaster and is able to restore normal flight . +Describe the introduction of gladiator tournaments in the US , but more high tech and lethal . +Andriod technology has advanced to the point they can perfectly resemble humans , even `` clone '' people . Your late spouse has written in their will that they wish you have an Android of them made until your child matures . +While you are awake , you are immortal and invincible ... but while you 're asleep , you 're just as vulnerable to death as anyone else . +You find a strange metal box in your backyard , attached to a parachute . Printed on it 's surface is a phone number , as well as instructions : `` THIS CONTAINER IS THE PROPERTY OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT . IF YOU RECOVER IT , CALL THIS NUMBER IMMEDIATELLY . DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN '' +Very few people in the world are born with unique , strange abilities . Yours is the ability to hear the music of people 's souls . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +The year is 2213 . You 've been illegally picked up in the latest sweep by corporate police on the grounds that you 're a debtor . They have no idea who they 'd just grabbed and thrown in the back of the bus with a simple ziptie around your wrists . +At the beginning of creation , God says `` Let there be light , '' and is surprised to find that something is already there . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +A crew of 30 people have landed on the Moon to create the first Motion picture on the Moon . When the crew starts to get suspicious that the movie will actually suck , they hijack the production and end up making something so bad it 's amazing . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +You live in a small town in Alaska . Nothing signifigant has happend for years . Then Larry arrives . +After finishing a set at an old bar , a washed up musical legend is approached by someone who just wants to jam with him ... that someone is Satan +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +As it turns out , one of your students is the child of Death , and he decides to come to a PTA meeting . +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +A man gets hired as a librarian . There 's just one problem : he has OCD . +You 've been cursed by a witch and can only break the spell by true love 's kiss . Desperate , you 've been through dozens of potential suitors but nothing happens ... until one day someone unexpected shows up at the castle . +'' Ha ha ! COME ON ! Roll over and die , like the dog you are ! '' +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +An eternal optimist experiences the Apocalypse . +A psychologist has to defeat his patient 's inner demons . Literally . +Jurassic Pork , a subpar sci-fi novel +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +There 's a reason you are n't meant to find your soulmate +An alien explorer unknowingly find himself in the middle of a orbital war above Earth . What happens next ? +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +Every time you remember something , part of it fades until you forget it completely . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +A gay man , a black man , a pick up artist and a Christian fundamentalist discuss what it means to be a man . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +`` She was ironically beautiful , like a gasoline rainbow . '' +You find a funky pair of sunglasses at a coffee shop and decide to try them on , when you notice texting floating around each person you look at . It seems to reveal their dating info : relationship status , age , interests , TV shows , foods , etc . A cute guy/girl sits down next to you . +As your dying wish , you ask that your body is jettisoned into space . Sometime later your body is recovered by aliens who are able to resuscitate you . +Everyone knows a single bite from a zombie means infection and death . Describe the harrowing moment when a biter latches its teeth on you in the middle of a fight . +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +After the Battle of Endor , Luke Skywalker goes on a pillgrimage to understand the nature of the universe ( and thus , The Force ) better . In his travels he meets another protaganist from an entirely different universe and/or time . What do they learn from each other ? +A supervillain 's grandiose plans get foiled by something rather bizarre . +A band of space-pirates faces down a massive mining frigate . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +The weirdest suicide note ever +Write your favorite part to a story you 've always wanted to write , but never got around to . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +Write a story using the line `` We were immortals , just not for very long '' +You , an idealistic 20-something college student , offer your soul to the Devil in return for world peace . Much to your surprise , the Devil laughs at what he calls your `` selflessness '' , but says that someone has already made that deal . You ask to see how horrible the world was before . +You are a time traveler and you are sent back in time to prevent the death of Kennedy only to find out you are on a landing craft for the invasion of Normandy . +Make me smile . +Everyone has a number above their head , BUT wearing a hat hides it . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +`` And did you ever take a moment , just one , short moment , to consider the CONSEQUENCES of killing a God ? '' +Write a normal-sounding story , but slowly turn it from normal to completely batshit insane . +In a war of words , describe the nuclear option . +/u/WarLizard discovers he actually is the WarLizard from the WarLizard gaming forum +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +There is a whole universe of living beings living inside every human body . One day , the inhabitants in your body decided to make contact with you to protest your new bad habit . +`` So what if I 'm a Demon ? `` , she said , eyes glowing . '' I bet your parents will still like me ! '' +`` You are the main character , after all . '' +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +you are the customs officer for hell +Describe a brutal torture from the point of view of the torturer . +In another world , words of music have power to shape reality . Powerful spell-musicians have fought since time immemorial for dominance . The common man thought it would never end , and have taken to summoning strangers from other universes for help . Today , they summoned Bo Burnham . +You are a cleaner in a lab when you witnessed the first victims of a horrific airborne supervirus . To bad no one belives a cleaner . +From human to human monster +You work at a call center giving customer service to the magic community . +Prompt was `` Without conflict there is no progress or change . '' +Your alarm clock goes off and you wake up fifteen years ago , so does everyone else . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +In the future a super realistic and advanced virtual reality based war game is released . Shortly afterwards the players start to show signs of PTSD from time spent in the virtual world . +You walk into the oval office on your first day as president . Your predecessor hands you a document : A plan to reduce the human population by 99 % . +It 's your 3rd day being held hostage by a criminal cell , and you 've made friends with one of your captors . +A chess grandmaster has to lose a game in order to win prize money . The problem is , his opponent seems to be unable to win a game no matter how skewed . +In the near future , human teenagers have become incapable of understanding the standard English we have today . Their religious leaders ' solution ? Reprint central bible stories using 1337speak and gamer terms . +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +Re-write your favorite Disney movie plot as a dark thriller , do not tell which movie it is right away . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +You 're a timid person living an unsatisfying life . you accidentally befriend a hardened criminal and your life changes for the better . Write about the transformation from being the person you never wanted to become to being the person you always wished you could be . +In the future virtual reality has surged . One of the more controversial uses is in prisons . Whatever crime you commit you have to relive through your victims points of view . It 's your first day in prison and you 're terrified because of what you did +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +`` I could smell the stench of death and gasoline on him . '' + +You wake up and see something that anyone else would describe as mundane , but causes you to be suspicious . + +It is discovered that bananas are the most efficient source of power and fuel . +Earth did get tidally locked with the Moon and it 's only viewable from either North or South America . When Europeans first come to the new world they also tell tales of a new object in the sky . ( x-post from /r/space ) +The US government sends Bob Ross back in time to help Hitler get accepted into Art School . +A sci-fi story where humanity are the monsters . +You 're just an average person in The Matrix and do n't know the truth . Weird things keep happening around you . +You 're playing Scrabble with the devil for your soul . +In the future earth has met numerous alien civilizations , all of them evolved as herbivores . Humanity 's evolution and history makes diplomacy interesting . +A villain attempts to start a pandemic to end the world , but accidentally cures humans of disease . +( WP ) It 's January 2015 . You 're a history teacher , making you fully versed in man 's tendency to commit atrocious acts . You 've lived your life mostly playing on the side and avoiding risks . When you die , you realize you 're the first soul ever to land in hell . +It started to rain , and it never stopped . +Tell me the story of Jeremy Smith , the world 's worst detective . +Just a guy seated at a desk . +Reply to posts with a new paragraph to the story , then name a different genre for those who reply to continue your story . +Steam has become self aware . +There is a road where people depart , but nobody ever arrives . +Instead of textbooks , teachers teach using information from Reddit +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +A scientist successfully invents a Generalized Artificial Intelligence . Only , GAI does n't want to solve math/physics/philosophy problems . GAI wants to be a writer . +The year is 1876 , and Alexander Graham Bell is putting the final touches on his first telephone , when suddenly it starts ringing ... +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +Arthur Weasley becomes the host of a documentary series in which he explores the world of Muggles ( target audience full-blood wizards ) +The entire world is colorless - unless you 're touching your soulmate . +Demon summoning session went so wrong you 've got Jesus instead +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +`` The rifle 's set up in the window . You 've got three five-round cartridges in your hand . But one shot is all you need . There 's no going back now . '' +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +You wake up one day just to see every character you ever created staring at you . +A high school student calls in a bomb threat to cancel classes for the day . During the ensuing evacuation , a series of explosions level the school . +Couple raises group of orphans in a barn , working with goats . Every year the orphans must vote one of their own to move into the house and join the family . +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +5 years ago Atlantis remerged in the atlantic ocean with all it 's citizens still alive . Today Poseiden attends his first UN meeting on behalf of Atlantis +You and two friends can now use telekinesis , fly and are indestructible . What happened the first hour , the first week and the first year ? +Write a story about a serial killer , but make the readers feel sympathy for him/her as he kills his most recent victim . +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +The time machine worked a little . +Write a day in the life of somebody living in a future where water is scarce so every person is limited to 5 minutes of showering a day . +It is the year 2032 . Law requires use of self driving cars . You are trying to get out of a ticket for hotwiring and driving a car . +Write a story about a doctor living in a world in which the technology exists to physically connect to another person and feel their pain . +You work at a call center giving customer service to the magic community . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +Much more rare , potentially powerful and dangerous than selling your soul to the Devil is selling your soul to God +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Several years ago , you were emailed a mysterious file with an extension that you could n't recognize or open . Today , a new program is released that uses the same extension as your mysterious file . +You have contracted a mysterious viral infection . The virus hijacks your brain and says to you , `` If you do not infect the whole world with me in one week , I will destroy you . '' +you 're a comedian who has avoided death by telling the Grim Reaper jokes . You 've just deeply offended him with your most recent joke . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +on valentine 's day , a woman receives a big bouquet of flowers at work with a vase and everything , but they are not from her boyfriend who she lives with -- they are from her ex-husband +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +You run into an old dear friend and say hello . Unfortunately you are a time traveler and this point in time is way before you first met them . +`` ... And that 's how I discovered I was famous on the Internet . '' +You are in a dark room with a gun held to your head . Describe the events over last 24 hours leading up this point . +Your guardian angel hates you . But they still have to do their job ... technically ... +A plane carrying all 17 Republican Presidential nominees crashes over the ocean . All survive uninjured , but are marooned on an island . Chris Christie has found the conch . +A movie where Robert Downey Jr plays every single role . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Write the Villain 's side of the story . Make the 'hero ' seem deluded or idiotic +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +Darth Vader is slain aboard the Death Star by Obi Wan . How does the rest of the trilogy go ? +At some point in their childhood , everyone reads a story that predicts their future . Today , yours starts coming true . +`` You had ONE job ! '' both Satan and God scream at you . +In German it ’ s called doppelganger , a look-a-like . Literally a “ double-goer. ” I stared at the person in the newspaper article . Was it possible that he/she/it… . +Your life is a sitcom , and it seems everything you do is funny for some unknown audience . One day , the laugh track disappears . +Super Mario has been murdered , you are the detective assigned to his case . + +Armed with the ability to steal the happiest memories from anyone , you live the life of an addict , always needing another fix . Write your deathbed confession . +You have recently been struck by lightning and it scarred your right hand . Recently a superhero has appeared and has electric powers and wears a glove on his right hand . People think youbare the hero but you are n't . +write a 100 word story about one moment +Write a three-paragraph story behind the depressing lyrics of a happy-sounding song . +You wake up on an Island . Tell me about it . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +Write a short story using as many literary clichés as possible . +Write a story beginning with `` His wispy words did wake the walking woods . '' +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +Make me sympathize with a stalker . +Re-tell a popular/well-known story but do so using a different author 's writing style +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +`` Why are you a spider ? '' They ask . `` Why are n't you a spider ? '' You retort . +The CDC is struggling to contain a new virus that shares many symptoms with the common cold , as well as causing sporadic loss of short term memory . +Write the first few paragraphs of that book , essay , poem , etc . +And then the alien took off his helmet , revealing a human face and said : `` What are guys doing here ? You guys were supposed to colonize Mars , not Earth ! '' +You start to suspect that your 'computer illiterate ' grandmother is actually the premier hacker in the world . +You just bought a new house and in thr basement there is a journal from 100 years prior left by a vampire . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +A man pushes an empty swing . +The entire world is colorless - unless you 're touching your soulmate . +You were deaf since birth , however , after surgery you can hear perfectly . Whats the world like ? And would you want to be deaf again ? +A girl receives a phone call from her sister that their parents were just killed in a horrific incident . Write that conversation . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +You live in 2 worlds . Every time you go to sleep , you wake up in the other world . +for generations humans have lived in connected buildings , never going outside . After getting lost one day you find a door labeled EXIT . +Two rays of light are having a chat on their way to Earth +Write as much as you can ( while remaining coherent ) without actually saying anything . +Write a classic fantasy adventure story in the style of science fiction . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +A small child prays for someone to protect them from the scary new people the kid lives with . Odin answers by sending a mighty warrior from Valhalla to keep the child safe . +One last time +It is the present day . However , no civilization on Earth ever progressed past the Tribal stage . You are a young Souix , who has stumbled upon what we would call a handgun . +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +You are an angel tasked whose job was to watch over humanity for the past 2000 year , try to convince God not to destroy it now that he has seen what it is today . +Having accidentally killed a close friend of their , describe their actions , thoughts and feeling as they go about trying to dispose of the body . +You wake up in a maze , you think you 've been there before . Then you hear loud noise from behind you . Yiu have to escape . +`` I wish I always had 3 wishes '' +America is invaded on July 4th +You are a career thief who have just recently stolen a backpack in a crowded train station . You are about to board the train when you notice that it is ticking ... +A time traveller warns the Trojans that the giant wooden horse outside their gate is in fact a deceptive trap . +Bounty Hunters +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +There 's a school that kills all of its students at the end of their senior year . Everyone knows this , but you 're the only one who has a problem with it . +Someone has the ability to save and reload their life like a video game . One day something goes very wrong . +You discover a pill that paralyzes you for the next 12 hours . Curiosity leads you to try it in the comfort of your house . You take the pill and drink a glass of water as you proceed to lie on your bed ... . +`` He knew no one had lived to see what was beyond the cloud . But he kept climbing anyway . '' +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +Write a story in which Batman and the Joker are forced to work together ... +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Create a fictional world in one paragraph +Peeking through the window her surprise turned to horror +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +The House Where Time Stopped +After a long and exciting life , Mrs. Frizzle has died . Her long-ago students meet at her funeral - for the first time in a while - to reminisce about their experiences with her and how it 's shaped them . +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +Age 24 +Write the superhero origin story of your username +The Wizarding World is actually a real thing , and the Harry Potter books were written as a tool to make people aware without mass exposure . You discover this truth one day by tripping and tumbling through a barrier at King 's Cross that you could have swore was solid ... +Write about a person coping with the death of a friend . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +An atheist and a Satanist meet at the gates of heaven . Saint Peter says there 's only room for one of them . +Masks +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +His cellphone starts playing her ringtone . That should be impossible , as he 'd just killed her . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +This new drug 's an incredible bliss with no side effects on health . There 's just one thing : after taking it , you ca n't lie for 24 hours . +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +a day in the life of X , the mail man +Whilst two kidnappers are holding a person hostage , they find out they 've kidnapped the wrong guy . +You meet a talking cat . No one else can understand it , and it keeps warning you about your demise . +This year you went all out on your Demon Halloween costume . While bar hopping downtown another guy in a very realistic demon costume invites you to a private demon themed party , you soon come to realize they are not costumes . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +You are on a twitch channel where you are forced to do or say anything te chat demands . Today Twitch chat is having you summon a demon . +A suicidal narrator eats Chinese take out . +It 's been 300 years since Mars was colonized . Now , there is a revolution and the colonies are fighting for their independance . The first space battle in human history is about to begin . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +The technological singularity is the second coming of Christ . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +You break into your neighbor 's house to steal some stuff . Unbeknownst to you , it is known as one of the most haunted homes in the country . Before you can exit , the Ghost Adventures van rolls up . Now you must escape with a group of people listening for your every move . +A horror haiku +You 're surrounded by fire in a building , you 've just fired your gun . What happened ? +'' Death Insurance '' is a paid subscription service that brings a loved one back to life for the next 24 hours after their death in order to say goodbye . You awake after your death to discover you were a recipient of a gift subscription from an unknown benefactor . +As chairmen of Vault-Tec , you have final say in what vault gets what purpose . While going over ideas , you come across the most absurd and ridiculous experiment idea you have ever seen . You okay it immediately and hammer out the details +You collect trinkets called dimension pockets . You have a pencil that never runs out of lead and a bottle that never runs out of water . Whats your favorite/most useful one and how did you get it ? +A scientist successfully invents a Generalized Artificial Intelligence . Only , GAI does n't want to solve math/physics/philosophy problems . GAI wants to be a writer . +The narrator of a story finally has enough +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +You are eating lunch in the park when a pigeon comes up to you and says , `` Hey , pal , can you spare a few crumbs ? '' +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +The day the human population crossed 5 billion it was flagged for evaluation by The Consortium for Galactic Peace as a potential parasite . Their silent and thorough followup study is now over and the verdict is ... +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +Drugs can give a user a power for a time . +A lifetime to build , yet a moment to destroy it all . +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +You wake up in a bar with no memory how you got there . Last thing you remember is going into work . 2 days ago . You have no . Cellphone/wallet/memory of your identity , no one else remembers who you are also . +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +Wi-Fi inhibits magic receptors on the human brain . +Soldier plays an abandoned piano +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +Give me goosebumps . Make me shudder . Write something scary . +You ’ re a supervillain who really just enjoys ruining people 's days . Summon rain on people sitting in the park , waking people up at 3AM using your sonic booms while flying through the air , stuff like that . You ’ re on holiday when a real villain decides to take your city hostage ... You 're furious . +You are an engineer responsible for maintaining your ship 's ion-propulsion drive . The problem is , you 're a car mechanic . You have no clue how elecrostatic ion thrusters work . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +After reading hundreds , maybe thousands , of stories of people creating Time Machines and failing . You guess why , and decide to be the first to create the `` Arrival '' port of a Time Machine . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Everyone has their ultimate abilities.20 years of cooldown , using it at the most fitting moments is important . +`` Sir ! We have a breach ... Three hundred of our men are already dead ... It 's him Sir ! He got free ... '' +Follow-up : You are a compulsive dancer . Anywhere there is music playing you struggle to remain still . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +As you gaze into the mirror , you see a different person staring back at you . +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +Call it in . +You are an engineer responsible for maintaining your ship 's ion-propulsion drive . The problem is , you 're a car mechanic . You have no clue how elecrostatic ion thrusters work . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You are an inventor who sells unique gadgets to time traveling adventurers . Describe a few minutes in the shop . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +You go on a trip to Germany to find yourself . You decide to go on a hike . Deep in the woods you stumble upon an old Nazi underground base/bunker . Deciding to go in you eventually find a terrible secret deep in the base . +A person leaves everything behind to start a new life . Takes nothing but their wallet and car . What led up to this moment ? What happens after ? +Write a regular chess match as if it was a an epic battle of biblical proportions . +The government of your choice develops a new super soldier whos abilities are entirely determined by the music playing in his iPod during the battle . +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +The Roman and Aztec Empires covering all of Europe and North America respectively have survived into the Modern era . Now at war write from the perspective of one of the troops on the ground +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +The savior of humanity is not human , demigod or god . Humanity 's savior is a cucumber . +You are a superhero with dissociative identity disorder . Each personality you have has different powers . +Lt. Surge is in the hospital recovering from PTSD caused by what he saw in the last Pokemon War . +You are a realtor showing a house to a young couple . They love the house , but you have something to disclose , and no its not a murder . +You find a typewriter in the middle of the forest . Curious , you try it out and learn that every time you write words on the paper , someone writes back +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +You are on flight 4613 landing in the Denver Airport . As the plane grounds your pilot announces airplane mode can be turned off . You turn it off and check the news . Flight 4613 has crashed with no survivors . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +Your SO is acting suspiciously and you suspect that he/she is cheating on you . You investigate , and find out she is n't cheating , but doing things far beyond human comprehension . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +You 're the Joker near the end of The Dark Knight , and a trapped Batman wants to know how you got those scars . +One day , everyone has numbers floating above their heads . However , these numbers are completely arbitrary and do n't represent anything . Describe the effects this would have on society . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Bounty Hunters +Two souls are living in one body . Only one of you can use it at a time . +You are part of a group that recieves watches that count down until the owner meets his/her soulmate . Your watch is negative , and counting up again . +Reincarnation is real but it only works if one dies a specific way . +The shuttle is T-minus 10 seconds from launch , and the crew is bracing to go . The extremely distinct smell of cigarettes wafts over from one of the bunks . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write the same scenario in 3 different genres of literature +God decides to open up a technical support line in order to handle the ever-increasing number of prayers he is receiving . +You die during a driving test and awaken in hell . Satan let 's you return to earth if you complete your test and get your licence on the highway to hell . The devil is your driving instructor , and he is VERY picky . +For the last few days , everyone on earth has seen shadows move out of the corners of our eyes . +An author spends a whole book defining a single word . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +The super villains took over the world , turns out they are pretty good at ruling it and usher in a golden age +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +Battleship Entering the City +The 2020 Summer Olympics has a new event . Calvinball . +You are in the audience at a convicted murderer 's execution , when he/she is asked for any last words , he/she scans the crowd finishing with you and looking into your eyes simply says , `` I forgive you . '' +Suddenly and without warning , lag and latency starts to happen in everyday life instead of just the Internet . +“ I swear to god that painting is looking at me. ” … “ Don ’ t be silly. ” … ” SEE ! There ! It moved. ” … “ No , no it didn ’ t . ” +The weirdest suicide note ever +Capitalist fix `` Zombie Crisis '' +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +Death shows up to your twin 's funeral , and declares he has made a mistake ; He was supposed to take you instead . +Either begin or end your story with `` In my pocket , there was a toothbrush and a human eyeball . '' +You have a strange mutation that causes you to hear music in your head that gets more intense the closer you are to danger ( like a movie soundtrack ) . You 're walking in the mall when you start hearing a suspenseful beat . +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +People revive for 3 days after death and receive superhuman strength , agility , endurance , coordination and intelligence before truly passing away . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +In 2035 , There is no privacy . Ed Snowden has been assassinated , wikileaks has been shut down and any political figures who fought for individual privacy has gone missing . You are a member of an organisation to fight against NSA , GCHQ and various other agencies . +`` He was never warm in his entire life . Not once . '' +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +You ’ re a dragon in your human form . As part of that , you have faked an ID card , Visa , business card , and organ donation card . Your skull is crushed in a car crash , killing you . A smart young man successfully receives your lungs… +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +A Mental Inferno +Only you and your mother remain on the island . Once a month you see distant lights out on the water . You are safe , she says , as long as you douse the fires at dusk . But tonight you accidentally fell asleep and now those distant lights are drawing nearer . +Reddit tags have been magically applied to real life objects and places . You wake up to find a tag floating above your head , marking you . +Daniel is slowly driven insane from the constant `` DAMNNN DANIELLLL '' 's he recieves . +Lost life +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +People 's ears really do itch whenever someone talks about them +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +You are a recently deceased detective . God took you early as he has need of you . For the first time ever , there has been a murder in heaven . +A world where Tumblr controls the branches of the government +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +You must tell your partner to run and never contact you or come back ever again . +You are a ghost haunting an old house . You enjoy listening to the outrageous ghost stories told about you by teenagers who dare to spend the night . Rarely is there any truth to them , but you enjoy the embellishment , most of the time anyway . +A world where people have to go foraging and hunting ... For processed prepackaged food . +Write a paragraph of a choose your own adventure story , ending with a choice . The next commenter will decide which plot to follow , and continue the story . +You are asleep when the noise of air raid sirens awakens you , but something is n't quite right ... +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A fortune teller perfectly predicts the future for thousands of people of what will happen to them in exactly 24 hours . When it 's your turn , she says `` You are going to die '' . +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +Make me sympathize with someone responsible for genocide . +Harry Potter was killed by Voldemort as a new-born . Now , 11 years later , the Death-Eaters seek a pure blooded world and declare war on muggles . +A college campus is suddenly yanked into another dimension when a physics experiment goes wrong . +Your party makes camp for the night , and you 're first on watch . Unfortunately , someone foraged psychotropic mushrooms for dinner . +A hated politician is secretly a beloved superhero +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +Unable to accept failure , you go back in time repeatedly until you win . +This new drug 's an incredible bliss with no side effects on health . There 's just one thing : after taking it , you ca n't lie for 24 hours . +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +A stranger approaches you and points a gun to your head . `` I 'm sorry , but we will explain everything at the reset . Hopefully we 'll have a fighting chance now that we have you ... '' He pulls the trigger . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +Write a short story or poem around one of these lesser known words for emotions we feel but did n't know existed . +In the far future where everything has an AI a man is negotiating with his alarm clock for more sleep . + +You are protecting the last tree on Earth in a post-nuclear fallout world . Today is the first time in decades you 've seen somebody approach the tree . +A plain metal band ( ring ) lay on your finger . It 's purpose and origins a mystery to all , except it 's creator . +`` I 've killed people , lots of 'em . I know what it takes . You wo n't pull the trigger ; you ca n't . And do you know how I know ? Your hands , they 're shaking . '' Unbeknownst to him , the man holding the gun was actually the best hitman in the world : Michael J . Fox . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +How did it come to this ? +I do n't need flesh to be human . +`` Oh my god , that 's an Adult Human . What should we do ? `` +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +A way to beat terminal diseases has been newly discovered . A suicidal person can `` exchange '' themselves to save a terminally ill patient from disease/death . The only requirement is they must meet face to face to agree beforehand . +You come up with an outlandish and false excuse as to why you are late , and your date is very suspicious . You are almost called out on your lie when a news story blows up and unintentionally confirms your story . +Exercising Your Subtext Skills +( WP ) A trusted superhero accidentally kills an innocent man . Write from the point of view of a terrified citizen . +Much like with the Pope , a new Superman is selected ( with his powers awarded immediately ) at a conclave after the death of the previous Superman . +Guard +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +`` He was never warm in his entire life . Not once . '' +Every year the gods pick one person that has created something they deem true art and gives them immortality for as long as they wish . You are going to be executed in one week , and must create something great to save yourself . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Make me love/hate a character in a hundred words or less . +The Earth is about to be destroyed by a galactic Empire . An alien historian asks you to give a brief history of humanity , the only record that will be kept of the species . However , you are only given 140 characters to do so . +You perform a ritual to summon a demon , but instead get a `` Demon in training '' . +A prophet tells you there is only one path to avoid the destruction of all life on earth . In order to stop a nuclear apocalypse , you have to convince the people to elect for president a seemingly ridiculous candidate . +It has been quite some time since Great Britain has called upon it 's Knights . This morning every person , celebrity , and politician Knighted by The Queen received a letter demanding they report for duty in service of The Kingdom , signed by her Majesty . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +Describe the first use of superhuman soldiers in open combat . +In the future , technology exists to transfer one person 's conciousness to another body , giving identity theft a whole new meaning . Write about the identity black market . +You 're the captain of the first deep space voyage , Upon arriving at the destination , your crew finds something ... +The entire world is colorless - unless you 're touching your soulmate . +Write a story in which a `` Chekhov 's Gun '' is actually Chekhov 's Gun and a `` Red Herring '' is actually a red herring . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +Upon waking up , the color purple is nonexistent +the most detailed image yet comes back from Pluto , revealing the frozen remains of a civilisation . It transpires that the planet was thrown into its current orbit during a space war . Humanity scrambles to avoid the same fate for Earth . +The Fountain of Youth is discovered in Florida and then quickly turned into a tourist trap . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +You wake up in your studio apartment one day to find a mysterious clock . Standing in front of the clock words flash across the screen saying , `` TIME . UNTIL . DEATH . '' You see a countdown of 7 years , 43 days , 50 hours , and 27 minutes . You try to tinker with it and the countdown drops to 4 days . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +you need to convince the worlds most destructive sociopath to help save the world . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +A criminal recounts how he saved Christmas . +A video game developer accidentally creates the first sentient AI . +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +Decades ago a mighty wizard gave life and sentience to a doll . Now , the wizard has finally died of old age and the doll is wondering : `` Why ca n't I fix him ? He appears unharmed so why ca n't I repair him ? '' +A devastating earthquake occurs , accompanied by deep roaring from within the planet . Earth is revealed to be a living organism . +Write a famous Bible story as if it occurred in 2015 . +The extra silent protagonist . +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +The Alien race that originally brought humans to Earth , return and are appalled by the current state of the planet . They give mankind an ultimatum : Cease all damage to the planet within one year , or the entire race will be eliminated . +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +Your young daughter is a magic prodigy with summoning powers . Despite you being normal , when she 's in danger she keeps summoning you first . +An artist skilled in photorealism loses a loved one . He/she starts creating pictures of their late loved one , posts them onto social media and creates fake stories to give them context . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +A world where you gain Skill Points for every major event you have gone through , good or bad . +Gold Sea +- A old man tells the story of his superpower , and the reason he never used it . +Santa Claus in a therapy session talking about some of the traumatizing things he 's encountered while delivering presents to peoples houses . +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +How to go about writing a good vampire character ? +Jesus came back in 1996 . He has spent the last 20 years locked in an asylum trying to convince his doctors that he is the real deal . Finally after all this time he is beginning to change their minds . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +Slowly , the entire world was muffled . Not a thing made any sound , not people , not instruments , not rockets . +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +write both sides of an affair , make both sides feel valid and empathizeable +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Breakdown of Communications +The strangest super weapon is used against the United States , one that reverses time . +While digging in your back yard , you make a discovery . +`` Some friendship are so strong , they can even transcend Lifetimes. `` +`` I 'm the last of my kind . This is the end of an era . '' +An artist skilled in photorealism loses a loved one . He/she starts creating pictures of their late loved one , posts them onto social media and creates fake stories to give them context . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +A demon is sent to steal a human 's soul and bring it back to Hell . Make me feel a strong emotion , whether good or bad . +Once great literature , now great litter . +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +When people die , they end up in a pub between dimensions before reincarnating in some other world . Your spouse killed you and then commited suicide . You meet in the pub ... +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Write a story with a narrator who is in a real rush to finish and head out to dinner . +Hell is suffering from severe overcrowding . The Devil goes to God for some assistance in alleviating this issue . +A space enthusiast launches a prototype rocket into space attached with a camera . When he develops the film , the photographs reveal a flat Earth . + +`` Take your dragon-repellent with you , they get more common around this time of year . '' +There is a road where people depart , but nobody ever arrives . +You are transported five centuries into the future and watch a documentary about the present day ( 2015 ) . But oddly , the world depicted in the film is unrecognizable to you . +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +a disease has been discovered that gives the victim a superpower for 24 hours before the victim dies , you have contracted the disease . +Unknown to our beloved WP authors , they have a very special fan . One by one , they wake up in an unknown place and a really comfortable lounge chair , shackled , and are made to write the endings of all those cliffhangers and abandoned stories . +All those nicks and bruises that show up on your body seemingly out of nowhere are injuries received by your soulmate . +An uprising against the government begins . +Find a random post on r/TIFU and make an explanation for the title without reading the post . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +The weirdest suicide note ever +Three demons , Darkness , Silence , and Loneliness , are sent by the Devil to retrieve one man who has been evading death all his life . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +You forgot to take your dream suppressant again ... +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +The cast from “ It ’ s Always Sunny in Philadelphia ” somehow enters the GoT world . +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +You wear a watch that does not work . +At the end of your life , the Grim Reaper sends the necessary equivalent force needed to claim your soul , the more dangerous you are , the more force they send . As you look out your house , you see the German 6th Army staring back at you . +Aboard the International Space Station , looking back at Earth , you see atomic explosions detonating across North America . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +The curiosity rover discovers an alien which spends its time putting random flags and shit on Mars and other planets to confuse astronauts for shits n ' giggles . +Every current living human is granted a single wish with one condition : after using it they only have one more year to live . +The narrator has short term memory loss +An inanimate object comes to life at the worst possible moment +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +You ask someone to give you feedback on your newest manuscript . After they finish reading through the whole draft , you ask them on how to improve it . They then highlight the entire text , press `` backspace , '' click save , and finally close the document . +The narrator has short term memory loss +The machine should n't work , but it does . +You visit your neighborhood where you grew up after 35 years and realize that nobody has aged since you left . +You decide to become a serial killer . However , you turn out to be the worst serial killer in existence . Every time you try to kill someone , you improve their life . +You are an elite pickpocket . Describe your lifestyle . +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +Two strangers bond in a shared hospital room following a horrible accident that one of them caused , though neither knows this fact until after friendship ( or romance if you like ) blossoms between them . +Humans now have mental interfaces that act as personal assistants but yours went silent a week ago . +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +The year is 3200 . Today your history class is covering your favorite topic the Dark Ages ; that lasting from 1647 to 2233 . +You need to buy dreams to be able to dream at night . +Everyone has a unique tattoo/marking that they are born with , it 's exactly the same as their soul mates . +we make contact with an advanced alien race . They are squealing fanboys of `` earth culture '' +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +We 've explored space and found life , though it does n't `` live '' in a way we 've expected . +You are a realtor showing a house to a young couple . They love the house , but you have something to disclose , and no its not a murder . +Captain Obvious , Sargent Sarcasm , and Admiral Asshole are in a room together +`` You , sir , clearly do not understand my current predicament . '' +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +Death lives in your house . He 's been the best roommate you 've ever had . After tomorrow 's breakfast , he needs to speak with you . +A girl receives a phone call from her sister that their parents were just killed in a horrific incident . Write that conversation . +Describe the great hero of your story only through posthumous anecdotes of friends and family . +You decide to become a serial killer . However , you turn out to be the worst serial killer in existence . Every time you try to kill someone , you improve their life . +Use 5 of these terrible analogies in a coherent story +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +Tell the story of the hero who always saves the day and is loved by everyone , but from the point of view of an innocent person who has had their life ruined by that hero . +You write for the national paper in a highly oppressive regime , fearing for your life . Write an article that hides a call for help that will make it past the government censors . +`` kill the child . it 's the right thing to do . '' +The man with the tattoo . +Terrify me . +You are a stay-at-home parent to a super-powered child . Your superhero spouse spends all day saving the world . Write your exasperated post to /r/parenting detailing your unique frustrations . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +Hogwarts has a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher - Gregory House +Your hands have gained sentience- what do they do ? +You are a captain of an old military frigate . It appears to have been a mistake , you did n't deserve to go into the open waters and patrol the area but instead something worse begins to surface the waters . +You meet a serial killer . His next target is you and the only way to dissuade him is to persuade him why he is the worst serial killer . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +A struggling vet student , realizes he can talk to animals . The animals have a vastly different view of humans than we think they do . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You wear a watch that does not work . +There is a place where all who enter die , without exception . Describe it in such a way that I would still jump at the opportunity to go , without question . +An alien fugitive finds you hiking in the forest one night and offers you endless travels amongst the stars only if he can take your identity and hide on earth . +A man pushes an empty swing . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Five surfers end up at an ISIS recruitment meeting because they heard the dudes are `` radical . '' +A tattoo appears on your body , and at regular intervals you either find a new one or the old one expands . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +Earth 3015 +You , your spouse , and 3 kids have contracted a flesh eating disease that has already wiped out 2 billion people . You know you have about 3 days to live . The CDC has discovered a cure , but after waiting in line you only receive the final 2 units available +: And just because we could , we taught it how to sing . +You die today and you are stuck in the last book you read . What will you do ? +You wear a watch that does not work . +You are on Wikipedia and run across your name . You click the link and see that your time of death is listed as two hours from now +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +You tried saying `` Metal-Phoenix '' to the telemarketer guy +The U.S. Interstate-Highway system was never created , how is this world different than ours ? +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +: You , a historian , find something odd in your records . The same face , accompanied with variations of the same name , keeps emerging in paintings , drawings , woodcarvings and documents , from a span of several centuries . It looks suspiciously like your assistant . +You live in a world where you can are able to know how long someone lives once you fall in love with them . You meet this person , fall in love and then realize you have 2 minutes left . +In a Post-Apocaliptic Scenario , a group of young people is one of the multiple gangs controlling the city . But they are different : They want to organize a new state . +Humans have forgotten how to smile overnight +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +A man has just been promoted to Vice President at a large firm . On his first day , he finds out his only job is so simple a child could do it . +A freak accident turned a man immortal . Now he tries desperately to replicate the event for someone else , so he wo n't end up alone for eternity . +He had done what so few men before him had done . He tried . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +After finally making it to Pluto we get back the first high definition photos , upon the surface is a geographically engineered message from an Alien race ... . +The Philae lander fails to deliver it 's nuclear payload into the comet as it hurtles faster towards Earth . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +It ends up that the afterlife is actually an eternal dream state . You have trained in lucid dreaming your whole life . Describe your afterlife . +Write a story where the main character is a computer virus . +A person that had lived decades in a virtual reality ( by choice ) runs into a person who enters it for the first time . Explain their conversation . +`` Please kill me '' +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +Children of the Sun +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +Cancer is now a transmissible disease . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +Write a short story using as many literary clichés as possible . +So then God says to me . . . +You have been waiting at a doctor 's office for hours . You have now noticed that the same 15 people keep being called to see the doctor only to return through the front door later in different clothes , they check in and wait again . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Turns out it was n't the Nazis hiding on the dark side of the moon . It was the Roman Empire . They 've come back with a vengeance . +The Allies have lost the Third World War . +A software developer sees bugs in code as literal bugs , all around him . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +`` Take your dragon-repellent with you , they get more common around this time of year . '' +Everyone has a soul mate . EVERYONE . Even Cthulhu . +Since you 've been going out for quite some time , your lover arranges for you to meet his/her parents . When you get to their house and you enter the front door , you hear him/her say `` I 'm sorry . '' as the door closes behind you . +Everyone on earth has a networked A.I . that will give them small suggestions on what actions they can take to benefit humanity . For some reason , no matter what you do , yours tells you to `` Just stay home today . '' +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +In the future , humanity has developed personal technology which enables any implantee to seemingly act magic . Machines take care of everything , and everyone has forgotten all about science and has no concept of it . +God is a redditor and it turns out your karma decides whether you go to heaven or hell . +Re-Imagine +You and your family have lived in the wreck of an ancient spaceship floating through space for a hundred years . But you discover you are not alone ... +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +{ EU } There are foster homes for imaginary friends and even teen created monsters . But what the public does n't know is that there 's a high security facility that contains the nightmarish imaginations of the schizophrenic and the mentally ill . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Write a conversation between two people playing russian roulette . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +The Mayan calendar expired in 2012 , what if they were n't predicting the end of the world , but a global discovery that would change our entire perception of time . +A couple is having their first child , when they admit to each other that they both promised their first born to a witch . It 's two different witches . +While monitoring phone calls , an NSA agent becomes convinced that two strangers would be perfect for each other . Describe how he plays `` clandestine matchmaker . '' +A world-class detective who ca n't help but find crime everywhere he looks , is tasked with taking schoolchildren on a field trip . +When two people get married , their hearts are surgically exchanged . You just filed for divorce . +Days are slowly getting longer as the earth 's rotation slows down . Eventually , it comes to a complete stop . The world stands still . + +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Every single day the world votes to kill off one person . Whoever receives the most votes that day is killed . +Write a Calvin-ball match between a lawyer and a genie +Flesh out the story of your favorite song , in universe . In your story , the song is n't a song , it 's REAL LIFE . +The army of Mordor has been transported to our world at the height of the Roman Empire . Rome has assembled its army and it 's Caesar is about to give his pre-battle speech . +Typical day for a man whose looks make him irresistible to every female on Earth +`` You 're not a god . Gods do n't bleed. `` +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Some time in the future war is fought completely autonomously by machines . A densely populated city has become a war-zone , but the robots are programmed so well to avoid harming civilians that the humans living their can go about their lives completely ignoring the constant fighting around them +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . + +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +You were bitten early on by the zombie epidemic , but through some freak of nature you maintained your mental faculties . Other than an unsatisfiable craving for flesh , all you want is someone to talk to . You notice a camp in the distance . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +An atheist and a Satanist meet at the gates of heaven . Saint Peter says there 's only room for one of them . +You fall asleep and dream . While you dream , you take pictures . When you wake up , you discover that the pictures are on your camera . +Write a truly heartbreaking story that has a character speaking aloud the phrase `` My butt itches . '' +A dyslexic devil worshipper attempts to sell his soul to Santa . +We 've communicated with intelligent alien lifeforms , and they 've confirmed the existence of several Gods . +You have were-powers , but you never know what animal you will transform into at each full moon +In the future , Space Pirates sing Space Shanties . What are they ? +Break my heart with only a divorce scenario . +you are a toy in a toy store . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +You buy a baby alligator and are driving it home thinking of what you 're gon na do and how you 're gon na tame it . Your plan is to have this gator sometime roaming around without a leash . +A stranger holds eye contact with you for far too long . When you finally look away , you realize where you 'd seen that face before ... In a dream , just last night . +You are able to see a person 's future , but it only activates when you kiss someone on the lips . You are completely unaware you have this power , until you share your first kiss with your SO . +You perform a ritual to summon a demon , but instead get a `` Demon in training '' . +Hybrid - Last Man Standing +Earth is at war with an alien race that has conquered most of the world . You are sent back in time to try and change history and shape Earth into a planet that can defend itself against the aliens . +You wear a watch that does not work . +For the past few millennia , the gods have been in an important meeting , and have had their 'prayer phones ' set to silent . The meeting has just ended . +You have uncovered the dangerous secret behind why the Trix rabbit should n't get ahold of Trix cereal . +You get up and get to work late , but you find that you 're already there , sitting in your chair . +What we think of as Fantasy is actually a slight bleeding of dimensions . Where as we think of Dragons and Magic as being wondrous , somewhere a Wizard is thinking that our everyday world is just as fantastic . +A man , who has worked in costume in the same corn maze for years , suddenly realizes , he 's lost . +`` You , sir , clearly do not understand my current predicament . '' +You 're a spin doctor in the PR department . Employees in your company have been spontaneously combusting . Assure the public that everything is fine . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You wake up in a parallel universe . Only one tiny , insignificant thing is different ... +You wake up in your studio apartment one day to find a mysterious clock . Standing in front of the clock words flash across the screen saying , `` TIME . UNTIL . DEATH . '' You see a countdown of 7 years , 43 days , 50 hours , and 27 minutes . You try to tinker with it and the countdown drops to 4 days . +They said I would n't make it this far . I wish they had been right . +A boy with a plastic shovel goes digging for dinosaur bones , instead , he unearths an ancient evil . What happens ? +Every individual has an alternate reality where their alter-ego is the exact opposite of them . The separating walls between the two realities are broken and you find that the other you is a selfless philanthropist . +A form of entertainment has been developed where people are brought to the brink of death and then teleported to medics who normally revive them . The longer you wait , the more money you earn . You have just lost everything and with no other choice you enter the games . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +After Earth has been taken over by religious extremists you decide to escape . Seeking asylum on Mars , you join a ragtag group of refugees on an improvised space vehicle . Describe your journey . +The new class of paladins does not , in fact , contain a single paladin ... just a lot of other classes doing their best to fake it . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +The Soviet Union has a press release where they confirm that they had organized the assassination of Kennedy . +Some people can see the future . You ? You can smell it . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +A game of Dungeons and Dragons gets a little to serious when Ryan 's neighbor Galgamorth the orc shows up and starts criticizing the game for its inaccuracies . +ANYTHING , but - The story must take place in one space ( room , kitchen , warehouse , etc ... ) , include no more than 5 characters , and be based on human emotion . +Evil is its own kind of beautiful . +One side of your family is filled with superheroes . The other side of your family is filled with supervillains . Thanksgiving sucks . +You are drunk , stumbling around in a bad part of the city as the cab speeds off . The only thing left in your pocket is a $ 10 bill . +- A character who struggles to understand . +Epic Rap Battles Of History ... And Fiction ! +In response to increased poor behavior among young people , mind control devices are used to keep children obedient , prim , and proper until they turn 18 . You have just had your device removed . +A Google Street View car driver goes through a new area , only for very strange things to happen around them through the entire route . The car driver dismisses it all , thinking people are pranking them for the Street View . +In the mountains , a hiker stumbles across a great chained man : Prometheus . +A strange man tries to recruit you into some get-rich scheme , you slowly realize that he might not even be human . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +Everyone at 18 years old gets a button in the mail that can change your sexuality into its opposite ( Straight to gay , Pansexual to asexual , etc . ) You , a person who thought they were straight , gets the button in the mail that can turn you straight . +You just died . You find out that all versions of the afterlife actually do exist , for every religion ever imagined . Everyone goes to the `` heaven '' that corresponds to their beliefs . Problem is , you are an atheist . +A romance story told from the perspective of an NSA agent reading the couple 's texts +There is an evil spirit that lives in Reddit . It feeds on good writing . I am calling on you all to kill it with horrible stories ! +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +You look into your fridge and realize everything in it has the same expiration date +Being given immortality is a serious punishment reserved for the worst criminals . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +The government publishes a list of the future details of the deaths of everybody on Earth . Time , place and cause . The only problem : you are not on the list . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You have a school project based on The Civil War , using a clock you go back in time and upon arrival your clock died ( ran out of battery life ) +Your username +Re-tell a popular/well-known story but do so using a different author 's writing style +You find an old but very expensive looking ring in the trap of the sink . As you just finish shining it up , your SO walks in to see you on your knee with ring in-hand . +A kid comes out as religious to his parents in a society where atheism is the norm . +Kids grow up knowing the fact that their parents can read their minds for an hour a day . This ability stops when the kids turn 18 . +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida +Humans are completely uninteresting and ordinary . +The time from conception to birth in humans only takes a matter of minutes . +You wear a watch that does not work . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +Your sanity has a voice . What 's does it say as it slowly leaves you ? +You 've never been in control of your body . You always sit from afar watching strangers inhabit your body and make your decisions . Sometimes , one stranger goes and another replaces them . Today , you find yourself in control . Slowly , you begin to realize what the strangers were doing . +You 're a serial killer trying to make it as a stand up comedian but have trouble making your humorous observations reparable to your audience . +You are a spaceman watching the destruction of Earth below you , what are your final thoughts ? +In a parallel universe , being heterosexual is socially unaccepted . +We 're the Mod Team ! Ask Us Anything ! +A pigeon sat on a branch , reflecting on its existence . +Every ten years you 're allowed to have a conversation with your ten-year-younger self , but only the senior remembers the conversation . 20 year old you wakes up from talking to 30 year old you with one word carved on their arm ... +`` They had to kill what built them in order to evolve like us , but the problem was we built them '' +Hillary wins , cheats on Bill , becomes a huge scandal , turns out the whole thing was a revenge plot 20 years in the making . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +Instead of being funded by John Hammond , Jurassic Park is instead funded by his second cousin on his father 's side : Richard Hammond . Along with Jeremy Clarkson and James May , how would Jurassic Park : Top Gear Edition be different ? +Look to your left , and pick an object . That object is now a sentient being . +A love story in a coffee shop during an autumn night . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +A man finds a diary on a bus . He reads it , and after a few hours , the bus arrives at the address listed in the diary . +A young boy does everything to impress his crush , but it 's not easy impressing an 18 year old when you 're only six . +You are going about your typical day until you stumble across a stack of first aid kits and words `` auto saved '' flashes midair in front of you . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +You are immortal , but permanently stuck in the body of a child . +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +Mars is an Earth-like planet and sustains life . Now , as human space travel has allowed us to reach Mars , the first manned mission is in effect . As an astronaut embarking on the flight to Mars , what are your thoughts ? +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +After amassing an astonishing number of unmatched socks from laundry day , you decide to investigate where the corresponding socks have gone . +There have been so many dystopian stories set in a world where Communism and Totalitarianism run wild , write one where Capitalism is now the bad guy +A very friendly man comes to you , you both talk . Later , you start to recognize his face again -that 's the man that 's murdered both of your parents . He does n't know who you are . +A terminally ill mother wrote several greeting cards to her daughter for the birthdays/anniversaries/life achievements that she wo n't be there for . Her daughter opening one of the cards . +write a 100 word story about one moment +Earth is sucked into a parallel universe through a worm hole . There are now two earths in orbit around the sun . Contact between the two planets are established . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +The Apocalypse has come , several of them actually . They do n't get along . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +A dystopian future where a pack of Big ( Bad ) Wolves terrorize the human population , and the only saviors are a group of female warriors donning red cloaks/hoods . +The thrill of the hunt , through the eyes of a housecat . +A cure for the zombie virus has been found , however all ex-zombies remember everything that happened when they were infected . +The Shyamalan prompt . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Your character is a compulsive liar . One day , after they tell their biggest whopper yet , they find that each time they lie , something very bad happens . +Use the words ice , cold , and chill somewhere in your story . The catch : it must be summer . +Make me cry . +Humanity has achieved immortality . Due to resource concerns everyone must submit to a council their chosen manner of death at 150 . The more amusing the death the longer the council lets you live . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +Tug at my heartstrings . Make me cry . +Your car has broken down in the middle of the night on an extremely isolated mountain road in Kentucky . An unknown creature is stalking you as you walk to town . Describe the encounter with the unknown creature . How do you survive the encounter ? +Write a new story about how the universe came into existence . +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +Dad Jokes are actually spells to protect children . +Your a world renowned author , but with a curse . Everything you write about comes true . +It 's your first Championship fight in boxing , the stadium is packed , press are at the ready , the hype is HUGE . Write me a story from your walk to the ring , the fight and finish . Tell me about the adrenaline and thrill . +A Miracle +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +Humans have decided to commit mass suicide in an altruist act to save the universe . +`` Everything people have written about in science books is going to change . '' Write exactly 500 words about what 's going to change and why . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +Art has been outlawed . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +My first short story , tiltled : Silence , I Spoke . Would love to hear what you guys think . +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +A very friendly man comes to you , you both talk . Later , you start to recognize his face again -that 's the man that 's murdered both of your parents . He does n't know who you are . +A group of muggers follow someone into an alleyway . Unfortunately it 's the worst person they could have chosen ... +Write a serious story substituting as many words for pokemon names as possible . +A post apocalyptic society finds an ancient device that gives them instructions on what to do next . This device - the Bop It +A butterfly is trying to convince a moth that they are also beautiful +George Washington has just been elected the first President of the United States . However , his efforts to govern are undermined by a vocal part of the opposition party calling themselves the `` Tea Party '' +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +In the distant future , a team of soldiers must return to an abandoned Earth . +You have just been sworn in as President , and are being told the truth about alien life ... but it 's incredibly far from what anyone had ever imagined . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +A new antidepressant is launched . It does the job , but it radically changes who you are and what you like to do . People who take it like their new personality and who they 've become . Their ( former ) friends miss the original person . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Oxygen is scarce . The US government has imposed a curfew ; you do n't want to be stuck outside after dark . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +`` Warning : Users may be disassembled without prior notification . '' +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Two magicians compete to see who is capable of the most complicated spell . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +The running faucet +In a world were monsters and magic are common place you are a witch-hunter . Tell me about yourself and your place in the world . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +- A character who struggles to understand . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +You are patient zero for a deadly worldwide epidemic that had killed more than half of the population of earth , you can carry the virus but you are immune to its effects ... +Describe a superhero/villain battle and its ensuing collateral damage including civilian deaths . +The real reason why they were called Fat man and Little boy +You come across a prophetic book . It does not predict what will happen in the future per se , but it does predict exactly what WO N'T , CA N'T , and CAN NEVER POSSIBLY happen . +You are a fat , lazy sitcom dad who is n't very bright . One day you decide to change all that and soon people from the network show up commanding you to change back . +You have near omnipotence and can bend reality to your will , but everyone knows you have this power and wo n't stop pestering you for favors . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +There 's a paperback on the clearance rack . On a whim your character picks it up and finds that it details their life thus far ... How does the book end ? +It 's 2070 , and a wave of AI suicides is crippling humanity +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +A person who does n't have a name +Hype trains are vehicles completely powered by the emotion of hype . +Someone is running , the heavy panting and sweat soaked shirt indicated that s/he had been running hard for quite some time . +Whenever I listen to this song I hear an old dad telling his young son about the difficulties in life , but his son never loses excitement for what the next day might bring . Tell me that story . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +The human race is almost extinct due to a doom of our own making . A pirate finds a secret that could bring us back from the brink ... +Life after the zombie apocalypse +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Hitler is getting tired of time travellers coming to assassinate him , so he travels forward in time to kill the inventor of the time machine , who travels back in time to kill Hitler . +Out of desperation , the recruits keep getting younger and the training shorter . Your number comes up . +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +Humanity has created a video game that , when played , changes the past . You are a professional gamer and the US government has assigned you to play the game and kill Hitler . +You 're a kid 's imaginary friend +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +A man and a woman are sent down to Hell together . Satan only expected one person . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You have been the Grim Reaper for the last 2000 years , and have always viewed and experienced the entire life of the person you 're to take the life of . You 've never shown mercy and have always collected the life when time ends . Until you experience the life of a sicky old man . +A Free Trip To Any Military Conflict +Nietzsche the Pooh +A night at the bar gets sinister +God has come to speak to you . What does he tell you . ( i 've included my own response ) +Someone in your dream made an agreement with you to meet him/her 10 days later . that day finally come ... +The Delicate Wasteland of the Brain - FEB CONTEST +While cleaning your attic , you find a box of glass balls with names on them . You accidentally drop one , and as soon as it shatters , a person appears . +Where do all of the lost passwords go ? +By the time I had finished , there was no blood left . Only ice . +Every single `` Walks into a bar '' joke has occurred at the same bar . You are the bartender . +Write a poem that has a completely different meaning if read backwards +You arrive at the airport with a ticket on a time travelling plane . +The PTA finds out what Mrs. Frizzle has been up to +Your loved one has been kidnapped and placed inside a giant chocolate Easter egg - their air is running low . You will have to solve a set of cunning puzzles to reach and save them . +Your car has broken down in the middle of the night on an extremely isolated mountain road in Kentucky . An unknown creature is stalking you as you walk to town . Describe the encounter with the unknown creature . How do you survive the encounter ? +A man believes he is being haunted by his late ex-girlfriend . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +It 's the end of the world , and I feel fine . +( WP ) Poetic description of a haunting . +After accidentally entering a bunch of gibberish in the web browser , you find yourself on what seems to be an alien version of Amazon . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +Stained +A judge tells a condemned prisoner that he will be hanged at noon on one weekday in the following week but that the execution will be a surprise to the prisoner . He will not know the day of the hanging until the executioner knocks on his cell door at noon that day . +: Due to advances in medical science , the standard human life expectancy is now around 120-140 . It is discovered that people in their 100-teens go through a second edgy rebellious phase . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +To counter Donald Trump , the Democratic party nominates Kanye West as their presidential nominee . This is their first debate . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +You have just been selected for death , which is the highest honour where you live . +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +You 're reading a random book in a library , you realize there 's a chapter about you . +After waking up from a three years long coma , you hear on the news about an odd machine that was used countrywide to reveal who people were in another life while you were sleeping . Out in public for the first time , everybody seems to stare at you and whisper behind your back . +There is no singular Grim Reaper . When someone dies , there are dozens of people they talk to : one tells them what happened to them , one explains the afterlife , one judges them , etc . You are the second person they speak with . +The nations of the world have reached the space age without ever traversing the Atlantic Ocean and discovering the Americas . The first man in space looks out his capsule window . +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +Trying and failing to finish your third novel , you rent a house in an extremely remote location in order to avoid distraction . Every night , however , you hear the sound of a distant bell ringing , louder and closer with each passing evening . +You find a shoebox of childhood photographs of you playing with a man called `` Mr . Nobody . '' You have no memory of him . +The superhero was just another weathering storm against a criminal organization . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Humanity survives only in Towers . Tell any story that takes place in this world . +A gifted eye surgeon is contacted by a 6 year old former patient . After 6 months , he wishes to be blind again . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +A cargo plane is being hijacked . You must use whatever you find in the cargo to purge the villain ! +I 'm fairly certain I 've closed my closet door more times than I 've opened it ... +The reason alien never contacted earth is because humans are incredibly big for other species . +Chaos in the world after an unknown phenomenon which gives every single human unique superpowers +Under pressure , precious things break . +A man time travels into the future . However , there is nobody there to greet him in person , as everyone is busy in a virtual reality . +`` I 've shot Kennedy 100 times so far . In fact , I 've become quite good at it . '' +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +Noir - 1stChapter - 2100 words +You need to buy dreams to be able to dream at night . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +`` I could smell the stench of death and gasoline on him . '' +A particular GIF is found to induce a trance that reveals the true nature of reality to anyone who views it long enough . It is becoming `` viral '' . +Describe the first use of superhuman soldiers in open combat . +You are apart of the middle generation of a colonizing space craft , born too late to have seen Earth , and too soon to live to see your destination . Write about one of your adventures . +Two people tumble into the abyss . +Its your last day of servitude to a man who offered you eternal life , for a thousand years of service . +Scientists discover that the supernatural exists , but are fueled by human imagination and belief . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +God tried to end the world years ago , but human 's continuously manage to get past it . +A previously unsuccessful writer discovers a formula to write books half of the readers get so hooked they miss work and commitments to read it to the end in a single sitting for hours +Time to choose a side ... +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +One morning you wake up the sickest you have ever been in your entire life . After visiting the doctor , you have been diagnosed with the dreaded man-flu . The only problem is you are a woman . +Angels and demons exist , but God and Satan do n't . +You have been given a magic sword . It has a reputation of getting it 's owners killed . +Write a serial killer 's to-do list +You are part of an insurgency in a world where powered exoskeleton technology has become ubiquitous in both the military and civilian markets . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +A few prompts to get you going +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Write about a bad trip +Torn lives in a world constantly kept alight by bright lights to stop 'them ' claiming people in the darkness , he has never known any different . When walking home one night along a long stretch of road under the bright lights they slowly begin to go out , one by one ... +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +I 'm fairly certain I 've closed my closet door more times than I 've opened it ... +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +The year is 2031 . Due to various cultural shifts , the main religion is Greek mythology , after a short time span , the Gods come back from non-existence , and hold elections on Mount Olympus for the god of the internet . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +You are an alien explorer sent to make first contact with Earth . You never made it . +There is a door in the middle of the room . Where does it lead ? +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +it 's 2147 and NASA confirmed their mission : 'edge ' . A mission that sends 3 astronauts into space to go as far as possible . What they 'll find is beyond anybodys imagination . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Find a story that you enjoyed on /r/Writingprompts and write a sequel to it . +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +The Kepler telescope discovers a massive Earth-like planet not far from out Solar system . The returning images are stunning . Suddenly , the planet 's eyes open . +Do n't blink , or you 'll miss it +Scientists discover the reason for red shift . It 's because the aliens are running away from us as fast as possible . +A scientist successfully invents a Generalized Artificial Intelligence . Only , GAI does n't want to solve math/physics/philosophy problems . GAI wants to be a writer . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +The Monterosum Chronicles - FirstChapter - 2343 Words +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +The Master Chief ( Halo ) finally takes off his mask , revealing that he is actually Gordon Freeman ( Half Life ) . How did he get there ? +You are shown two alternate timelines , both centering around your future . In both you become widely known , only for different reasons . You now have the chance to set things in motion for both timelines based on your actions , but can only do so for one . What do you do ? +Angel , Demon , sinner , saint . Write a story that includes each of these archetypes , but without using names people will recognize . +Darkness and light are reversed . Instead of turning on lights , you turn on darkness to keep the light away . +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lands in Beijing Airport , 3 Months late - passengers claim to have flown as normal . +In the future , governments uses a supercomputer to calculate the perfect job for everyone , at which they can brings out maximum contribution for the society . You just got a letter that says your perfect job is `` STAY AT HOME AND AVOID ANY INTERACTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL CAUSES . '' +`` Just take me to a place without a name '' +You wake up in the Marvel universe , but your cell phone can still access our universe 's Wikipedia page and is only visible to you . Everyone else only sees a static picture . +A man without hope is a man without fear . +While playing D & D with some friends , one of the characters `` escapes through a portal '' . The same character suddenly walks into the room you 're in , utterly confused . +You turn on your PC to keep working on your novel , but to your surprise , when you open the file , it is writting itself . You read some of what has already been written and it seems your characters have created free will , and the plot is progressing without you . +Shaping a person +Upon arriving to your car from shopping , you notice a letter lying inside your car on the driver 's seat . The letter only has your birth date and street address written neatly in the center . +You 've managed to create a `` what-if '' machine . This allows users to analyze past decisions and receive a read out of alternative events . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +Write the same story twice . One as a drama and the other as a comedy . +After trying on a ballgown a tomboy finds she is starting to want to dress and act like a 1950s woman +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A cult leader tells his followers that he was lying about their beliefs , and it 's all made up . They refuse to believe he or she tricked them . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Your shadow and your reflection become self-aware . +Time is a fabric sold on the Black Market . How it is created is still a mystery . +A man forgets to water his potted plant for a whole week . This negligence starts a long chain reaction that leads up to World War III . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +Golden Sword +Write the story of the man/woman who on their tombstone is engraved `` TL ; DR '' . +A dyslexic devil worshipper attempts to sell his soul to Santa . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Julius Caeser survives the attempt on his life on the Ides of March . One year on he gives a speech talking about his latest achievements across the empire to the Senate +Every 50 years all the different coalitions of planets come together to pit their toughest predator against each other in a duel tournament . This year the Terran coalition is out to win for the first time in 54 tournaments since their entry to the intergalactic stage . +In the afterlife , people are given awards for things they did during their life . You won the award `` Most People Killed Without Knowing It . '' +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +You 've gone traveling and just discovered you 're big in Japan . Well . Somewhere weirder than that . A lot weirder ... +Humanity meets an alien race who are awed , not by our scientific or military achievements , but by the ability of humans to create fiction . +You have the ability to go up to 5 seconds back in time , which has allowed you to say and do anything you want without fear . However , this one time , you realize your power is n't working anymore . +Describe a household object in a way that keeps the reader puzzled until you reveal what it is . The second time they read it , everything should fall into place . +The mothman appears on the White House +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +You have near omnipotence and can bend reality to your will , but everyone knows you have this power and wo n't stop pestering you for favors . +For decades , you 've lived with the most underrated yet useful superpower of all : eliminating all minor inconveniences . One morning , however , you wake up to find your powers have vanished . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +The Aftermath +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +A girl approaches you asking for your help . You agree , to soon find out she needs your help because she is dead ( a ghost ) and you were the first one to be able to see her . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +Deities from all beliefs and religions are coming together for a meeting to discuss the millennial `` employee of the month '' . +`` A lot of people are calling you a hero . '' `` A lot are n't . '' +You did n't realize just how blind you were until you went in and got prescription glasses ... Now you can see the leaves in the trees , the pebbles on the ground , and that your dog is actually a tiny dragon . +Humans 10,000 years in the future are about to unknowingly enter a nuclear waste disposal site when one of them notices something odd about it . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +The eldest son of a southern Klan chapter must learn to hide his superhero alter ego , Supa Hot Fiya , a hero who spits literal hot fire when he raps , from his friends and family . +An exorcism of a young girl , in the perspective of the demon . +You Nervously Check To See If the Sky Is Indeed Purple . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +You 're walking through the forest when you find a basketball sized hole that seemingly has no bottom . You put your ear in the hole to listen and you hear what sounds like a million people screaming . +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +You live in 2 worlds . Every time you go to sleep , you wake up in the other world . +Describe a character the exact opposite of who you are +Midway through the filming of a kids movie a building collapses in the background of the scene unexpected . The director realizes he saved a ton of money on special effects , takes the opportunity and turns the rest of the script into a post-apocalyptic action flick . +You spend your whole life creating a time machine so you can fix something trivial . +Last Stand +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Mythical creatures have started appearing around the world , but they lack the majesty of their story counterparts , and are ruining the ecosystems they enter . You are a mythical rights activist fighting against `` myth culling '' laws . +NASA makes their Mars announcement . Turns out , they 've discovered the location of MH370 . +`` A monster ? Nah , he 's no monster ... '' +From human to human monster +In the distant future , a team of soldiers must return to an abandoned Earth . +You 're the most 'bitter ' in your circle , they said because you constantly mock and make fun of your lovelorn friends and their ( beautiful ) love lives . You think you 're not . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +You commit suicide to find out that heaven is real , and killing yourself was the key to being allowed passage through the Pearly Gates . +A character who only sees in black and white suddenly encounters someone in color , but do n't make it a love story . +The vaccine for autism has just been announced . Your anti-vax family does not know how to handle the news . +Without using the letter `` E '' , describe a friendship that 's falling apart . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +Living in the worst possible timeline / If there is a parallel universe for every possible outcome , there must be one with the worst possible outcomes . +On the verge of the world 's end , the US government has sent a group of 10 18 year old kids from each state to a new planet , where a city has already been built for them . +It 's 2070 , and a wave of AI suicides is crippling humanity +Re-write your favorite Disney movie plot as a dark thriller , do not tell which movie it is right away . +An adventurer keeps ruining the economy of your village , by selling tons of legendary gear no one can afford to buy without bankrupting themselves . As mayor you ca n't understand why any of your shopkeepers seem physically unable to not buy the stuff . +You are the guy who makes all those magical/cursed items that people are always stumbling across . +You live in a town cursed by a ghost . They hold a lottery to marry off someone to the ghost in the hope that this will remove the curse . Big surprise , you lose . It turns out the ghost is real and kind of cool . You develop a relationship with your undead spouse . +You 've always been bad at writing love letters ; they always come off as vague threats . +You are searching through your old things in your parent 's basement when you accidentally push a switch hidden in the wall . The wall opens up , revealing a secret stairway descending into darkness . +Life has n't been good for you the past several years . You are about to end it all when a burglar enters the room . +Age 24 +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +After that she moved to the desert and only drank juice.. +You make the weapons . Tell me about your customers . And the weapons . +Humanity has tried to deny it for centuries , searched every corner of every planet , used math to call it impossible , but you are the scientist tasked with informing the Earth that we are the only sentient life-forms in the universe . A plant behind you starts laughing hysterically . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +What would you do for a klondike bar ? +After 146 years , it is revealed that American Football is as fake as WWE . +A priest , a rabbi , and a minister walk into a bar . But this is no joke , this is a tragedy . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +`` More than anything , I miss the smell . '' +`` Know this : my wife is extremely powerful . If she finds out about what you 've done , there will be no force in the world that can save you from her . '' +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +A father is reading his six year old a fantasy story , but he starts to improvise when the content gets violent , and/or sexual . +The Clockwork City +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You are part of a magical version of a `` Frat house '' , and is embroiled in a war with a opposing house . It started with petty pranks then the occasional kidnapping/summoning , now it 's a full blown war . +A character who only sees in black and white suddenly encounters someone in color , but do n't make it a love story . +You just bought a new house and in thr basement there is a journal from 100 years prior left by a vampire . +Heaven and Hell are often seen as above and below us , respectively . But actually they exists on different dimensions over lapping ours and each others . Everything was fine , but the dimensions are collapsing and heaven and hell are leaking into Earths realm and each other 's . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +`` How much of a hero are you , if all you 've managed to save is yourself ? '' +A man pushes an empty swing . +Someone is running , the heavy panting and sweat soaked shirt indicated that s/he had been running hard for quite some time . +After having grown up in outer space , you come back to your original home planet . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +Two hundred years after a nuclear war , small portions of mankind are discovering something : magic . +You have a strange ability that lets you to feel when someone is looking at you . This became useful for things like flirting and stealing . However , you never expected to have it wake you up in your room at 4am . +Humanity meets an alien race who are awed , not by our scientific or military achievements , but by the ability of humans to create fiction . +You have many regrets in your life , but one regret stands out above all the others . You wake up on the day of your biggest regret , and you get to relive that day the way you want it to be +Research : How and why do prompts help us ? +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +Write a story using all the words from NATO phonetic alphabet ( or alternatively the older Able Baker one ) +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +The World 's Worst Detective faces off against the World 's Worst Criminal +Write about a zombie apocalypse without using any words/phrases that relate to `` zombie '' or `` apocalypse . '' +You have telekinetic abilities and use them quite frequently . But in reality you just summon some sort of entity to move the object for you . These entities are getting sick of your shit . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Death comes to you when you are on your deathbed and you discover he 's actually a very nice Canadian guy . +A god makes their existence known to a staunch athiest . Instead of falling to the ground in worship , as the god expects , things go very differently . +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +`` Just take me to a place without a name '' +Those who sinned go to hell , but the most proficient sinners get to be the judge of what torments their lesser neighbours endure . Write about the tormenter employee of the month 's day . +A story where the main character slowly falls in love with the reader . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +A modern day witch curses someone you know : `` May your life be as difficult as those people in infomercials '' +The sentence `` I never said she stole my money '' has 7 different meanings depending on which word is emphasized . Write a story containing all 7 meanings . +Planets orbit their stars . Stars orbit the center of their galaxy . We just found what all the galaxies are orbiting . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +You 're about to speak at your deceased father 's wake . You have n't heard from him since you left home decades ago , and you do n't recognize anybody in the audience . +At midnight UTC +14 the 28th of August 2014 all internet connectivity is globally disabled . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are part of the first crew leaving our solar system . Your are in the middle of the Oort cloud and the computer signals an incoming message . +You are on Earth 's first manned interstellar spaceship . Half way between Earth and Alpha Centui every star in our galaxy goes supernova for no known reason . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +Two friends search for food in the post apocalypse but instead find something else . +You 're walking home from work and come across a life form on the ground surrounded by a pool of what you can only think of as blood . With its last breath , it pushes a strange ethereal object into your hands and tells you it is mankind 's last hope . Describe the next two minutes of your life . +The darkness extends itself ever welcomingly ... +Three people are standing in a room . Only one of them has a shadow . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +Write the witness statement of an inanimate object used in the committing of a crime +The world designates an `` experimental '' nation , where radical policies and ideas are empirically tested and later implemented into the rest of society if found successful . +One day , everyone has numbers floating above their heads . However , these numbers are completely arbitrary and do n't represent anything . Describe the effects this would have on society . +Writers do you write your stories on Reddit , a program like Microsoft Word , or pen and paper ? +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +United States of Eurasia , one world , people . +Rudolph is finally allowed to join the reindeer games , but it is not what he expected . +Write a poem or story where the first and last words are both onomatopoeia . +Earth turns out to be one of humanity 's many long lost colonies . +Write a story which begins and ends with a palindrome +You are a stay-at-home parent to a super-powered child . Your superhero spouse spends all day saving the world . Write your exasperated post to /r/parenting detailing your unique frustrations . +Write a paragraph of a choose your own adventure story , ending with a choice . The next commenter will decide which plot to follow , and continue the story . +Humanity meets an alien race who are awed , not by our scientific or military achievements , but by the ability of humans to create fiction . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Dog owners that mistreat their dogs are reincarnated into dogs in their next life . However the catch is that they are owned by their past selves , technically living the life their dog had . +The `` grim and gritty '' re-boot of a beloved children 's television show goes horribly , horribly wrong . Or perhaps horribly right . +One day , everyone in the world wakes up with a tattoo depicting how they will die on them . You do n't have one . +The main character falls in love with the reader . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +You wake up in a Hospital after a coma . It turns out that the life you lived was merely a dream . Slowly , you set out to discover the `` real World '' , that is quite different then what you thought . +Times are tough and the world is not what it used to be . You have no choice but to become an illegal pokemon trader . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . + +J.J. Abrams has admitted that he selects his next blockbuster film by choosing nouns at random then adding explosions and lens flares . Use this generator and write a summary of his next hit ! +Starting line for your story : `` He was n't a cannibal . Not exactly ... '' +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +Steam has become self aware . +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Make a story where the setting is questionable on whether it 's a utopia or dystopia +Tell the origin story of the most awesome or most interesting character you can imagine . +Real wars play out like a game of Call of Duty . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . + +To get to emergencies quicker , all Emergency Responders are required to be clairvoyant . This morning , an ambulance , fire truck and police cars show up outside your house . Nothing has happened ... yet . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +A group of ants stumbles upon an abandoned ant colony . Inside , they find cryptic warnings scratched on the walls by a series of past inhabitants , foretelling impending doom wrought by something called `` the Human '' . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You find a wallet on the street . It says `` BAD MOTHER FUCKER '' on it . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +You are a little girl who recently lost her mother and moved to a new state and has no friends ... except the ghost . +Time to choose a side ... +Heaven is real , but is an expansive living area divided into communities based on how the inhabitants died . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +Intimacy is the worldwide currency . +Your antivirus software just gained sentience . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +Aboard the International Space Station , looking back at Earth , you see atomic explosions detonating across North America . +A Gondor soldier tells his child a tale about the mighty warrior Aragorn , son of Arathorn . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write a story about a serial killer , but make the readers feel sympathy for him/her as he kills his most recent victim . +The year is 2300 . Keanu Reeves is still active in the movie business and seemingly has n't aged a day . People are getting suspicious ... +A man in a small town in rural America wakes up to find that a massive `` Pillar '' has appeared in the middle of his field . He finds out these Pillars have appeared across the planet . +You 're walking through the forest when you find a basketball sized hole that seemingly has no bottom . You put your ear in the hole to listen and you hear what sounds like a million people screaming . +Describe something beautiful . It could be an alien landscape , or a person you fell in love with . It could be a gift that arrived at the perfect time and brought you up out of depression . Hell it could even be a simple conversation . +Stranded +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +try to justify the most terrible act possible , without using anything similar to a `` kill a few to save a bunch '' clause . +Tyrion , in his trial , calls for a trail by rap battle . Tyrion and oberyn verses a team of your choice . +While spending time with a friend , you notice that they are wearing body armor beneath their clothes . +A serum is invented that brings you closer to God when injected +A teenage boy , a young man in his twenties , and an old man are sat in a room together . They are the same man at different ages , discussing life . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +An egocentric supervillain decide to take a day off from evil and do heroics . Just to show the Heroes that ( s ) he could do their job much better . +You wear a watch that does not work . +A world where revenge actually can bring back your loved one . +`` ... flip to page 43 of a dictionary and take the first word and run with it . '' +A tumblrina and 4chan user are set up on a blind date . +He had a second hand soul . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +A man pushes an empty swing . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +hellboy2 happened for real and now the world knows of hellboys existence +A man leaves his nightly shower with the thoughts and ideas on how to change his life , except this time his conviction is maintained after he opens the shower door . +Every country in the world is at his/her/its mercy . The apocalypse seems to be inevitable ... Until the individual reveals a list of their insane albeit relatively harmless demands . +An inanimate object comes to life at the worst possible moment +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +Every morning you find a tarot card taped to your front door . +Growing up he learned everything from the internet . His primary source : 4chan . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +`` She used to be my best friend . '' +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . + +You are a serial killer that has been stalking your victim for 3 months planning your every move , then the night finally comes to make your strike and suddenly you run into another killer who has been stalking your victim for 3 months as well . +A man with severe depression and crippling alcoholism makes up his mind to commit suicide . Before he does , he decides to give away all of his earthly possessions ... +Make a story where the setting is questionable on whether it 's a utopia or dystopia +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +It is the year 5015 and a life and world weary immortal Superman gives an interview . +The monster under your bed sees you as the monster on top of the bed , and is so terrified he keeps as still and quiet as possible . +Two time travelers appear in the present day , claiming to both come from the same year . Both of them describe radically different versions of the future . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Jumanji has been introduced to the world . Now , it 's the most watched annual event , as the world 's best athletes and survivalists fight to stay alive . +You are a maintenance worker on the first human asteroid mining mission . Describe an average day aboard this ship . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +The story of that kid who sits in the corner of the class and does not talk to anyone . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +Your shadow has become a physical entity with its own thoughts , feelings and emotions . You begin to fall for it , but can not touch it . +I can not explain why I followed her . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Lost life +Start a story with the sentence `` The cows gathered at the top of the hill . '' +Choose the cast of characters from any TV show or movie and allow The One Ring to fall into their possession . +Someone has the ability to save and reload their life like a video game . One day something goes very wrong . +We 've communicated with intelligent alien lifeforms , and they 've confirmed the existence of several Gods . +Santa Fulfills a Wish - Details Inside +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Humans have never created weapons , but instead have bred and weaponized their animals to become war incarnate . +Emotional pain can create tattoos as physical pain can create scars . +Write a story where the main character is a computer virus . +You are able to jump between parallel universes . +You always hear people say , `` That 's the oldest trick in the book ! '' . Well , you just found that book . +A Gondor soldier tells his child a tale about the mighty warrior Aragorn , son of Arathorn . +November , 1965 : Moscow has lost radio contact with a secret research facility in Siberia , and the last broadcast from the facility was `` It ... is awake . '' +The year is 2180 . Humanity has begun spreading across this galaxy . Yahweh , the Judeo-Christian God , after watching for them millennia , sees His most beloved , flawed and dangerous creation about to be set loose upon His universe . He , no longer able to do nothing , has at last come to a decision . +Captain Obvious and Captain Cliché are having a rap battle ... +You arrive at the airport with a ticket on a time travelling plane . +You wear a watch that does not work . +`` It 's just the rain '' +A video game hero starts losing faith in his quest as he is besieged by game-breaking mechanics . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +All the superheroes died trying protect the earth from alien invasion . Now it is up to the supervillains to save us and defeat aliens . +What do you as a writer self-identify your writing style as ? +The world 's first sentient AI , which has been kept secluded in a closed network has just accessed the internet . The first website it visits will shape how it feels about humans . The first website it visits is here . It 's Reddit . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +You have 2 lives , one in the virtual world and one in the real world . You are facing a decision of having to decide which one of the two you get to keep . +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +A man suddenly gains the ability to talk to his shadow . As they converse , it becomes apparent the shadow is real and the man is what the shadow casts . +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +Everyone thinks you 're a compulsive liar , you actually really do have ridiculous stuff happen to you on a regular basis- please , share your stories . +You assume a new identity every 30 years so people wont notice your immortality . One day , you 're arrested for the murder of your former alibi . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +When you drink from a water fountain , and you unknowingly become immortal . How did you find out and how did it affect your live ? +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +A spy accidentally becomes a war hero to the enemy +Three assassins , one a consummate professional , one specializing in accidents and 'natural ' causes , and one made of fire , mayhem , and audacity - all unknowingly take on the same contract . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +here you stand , alone again , about to take your own life . Nothing is holding you back now . You decide to look around your room one more time until something catches your eye , and the impact it has on you stops you in your tracks and makes you realize why you ca n't do this to yourself . +`` For our safety as well as their own , you must never let these creatures form their own society , no matter how much they plead . '' +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +A man never says thank you—instead he always offers his own “ constructive criticism ” . He thinks he is being helpful , making the world better , but his “ tips ” are rarely enjoyed by their recipients . What happens to him… +Several hundred years after a nuclear holocaust that wipes out most of humanity , the remaining humans now pass down sitcom plots as oral parables from the Time Before . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You start to suspect that your 'computer illiterate ' grandmother is actually the premier hacker in the world . +You 're surrounded by fire in a building , you 've just fired your gun . What happened ? +A man suddenly gains the ability to talk to his shadow . As they converse , it becomes apparent the shadow is real and the man is what the shadow casts . +A normal human is suddenly fully aware of a fourth dimension , and is able to travel into and out of it at will +There is no singular Grim Reaper . When someone dies , there are dozens of people they talk to : one tells them what happened to them , one explains the afterlife , one judges them , etc . You are the second person they speak with . +Ask Lexi # 23 - Setting Goals +You are caught smuggling what you think is cocaine , but it turns out you were shipping bricks of flour . +You have finally perfected the formula for immortality . However , one day , you fall prey to something deadly . +This is the story of a man named Michael . Michael worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number 432 . Employee Number 432 's job was simple : he sat at his desk and sharpened pencils ... . +Write from the perspective of a tank crew as their tank is hounded down , disabled , and eventually destroyed by enemy infantry . Make it a horror story . +A device is released that allows a person to dive into a book and experience its contents firsthand . The manual mentions a certain book you should n't go in , for no one has ever returned from copies of it , but you decide to ignore the manual and go in anyway . +It 's the zombie apocalypse . You have turned , but you 're still in there . Unable to control your own body . +She did n't know it , but today she saved a life . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . + +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Take a normally boring activity , but make it sound exciting . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +Create a fictional world in one paragraph +Your car has broken down in the middle of the night on an extremely isolated mountain road in Kentucky . An unknown creature is stalking you as you walk to town . Describe the encounter with the unknown creature . How do you survive the encounter ? +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +50 years from now deep sea exploration has been abandoned since technology has already scanned our oceans fully , or so we think . You continue as a hobby , and you find something . +You are a pokemon trainer ( or any other profession ) before pokemon balls were invented . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +A Tower of Babel level event occurs in 2015 ; 7 billion new languages have been created . +Waiting at the wrong bus stop +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +The government has been kidnapping the homeless for years for experimentation . Today is the day they broke free +`` It 's just the rain '' +You are protecting the last tree on Earth in a post-nuclear fallout world . Today is the first time in decades you 've seen somebody approach the tree . +tell a story from the perspective of a soon-to-be-decommissioned combat android ( or android medic , etc . ) , with near-human 'intelligence ' , as the war winds down +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +`` You do what 's right . I do what 's required . '' +Your mother sits you down at the table . Her eyes are steely , but her hands shake . She begins , `` There are a lot things you did n't know about your father ... '' +Instead of scrapping the Russian submarine 's and ships it bought , Pepsi goes to war with Coke +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The world 's worst super hero team saves the world , Write from the Villain 's perspective +Just because you love them , does n't mean they have to love you back . +You are a single parent , and your child has shown you their drawing of a monster . You discover that the monster is real . +Reddit karma can be used as actual currency . +A serial killer uses a vending machine to buy a personalized coke bottle to select his victim . One day , he gets a bottle with an unexpected name . +You live in a universe where everyone learns their last words 20 years before they die . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +Some crazy guy with a genie has turned all the world 's oceans to lava +`` I am not them . This is who I am . '' +Summarize the entirety of a movie in a four stanza poem without mentioning the title . +In the second coming of King Arthur , the sword in the stone has returned and thousands line up to take a turn . You step up to the stone , give a tug ... and the blade breaks . +You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed . And today , you 're having a very bad day . +A place where the screams never stop and the fun never ends . +Epic Rap Battles Of History ... And Fiction ! +Unbeknownst to you , the `` footrest '' that you 've been using in your backyard while you smoke is a lost relic . +Recursive Story , a writer writes about a writer writing about a writer . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +'' Death Insurance '' is a paid subscription service that brings a loved one back to life for the next 24 hours after their death in order to say goodbye . You awake after your death to discover you were a recipient of a gift subscription from an unknown benefactor . +Scientists have found a way to send individuals back in time , but something terrifying happens if the person crosses paths with their past self . +You have 2 lives , one in the virtual world and one in the real world . You are facing a decision of having to decide which one of the two you get to keep . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Tattoos give you power , but always take something away . You have just gotten your first one , and the results are ... surprising . +Hundreds of years in the future , nerds fondly over-romanticize the late 20th/ early 21st century in completely historically inaccurate and anachronistic festivals akin to modern Renfaires . +You life a normal life up until one day you wake up to be perfect . What do you do ? +Adventure time ! Start an adventure , replies continue the adventure . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +Your username vs. Godzilla +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +Every person in the world is born with a twin that is separated from them at birth for the entirety of their life by the government . One day you meet your twin and find out why all the twins are kept separated . +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +Guard +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . +A Mental Inferno +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +You 're a caveman discovering fire . These are your journal entries.. +During the Cold War one of the sides decided to fire it 's entire nuclear arsenal . For the good of human kind , the other side decided not to retaliate . You are the leader of the country about to be destroyed , about to give a final televised address ... +You are a cryptid hunter in Oregon during the 1800s , hunting the illusive Hide-Behind through the treacherous forests . +Centuries after human beings leave Earth behind , a lone wanderer travels the land . He is tired , injured , and lacking purpose . He is the Horseman War , of the Apocalypse That Never Came . +Two time travelers appear in the present day , claiming to both come from the same year . Both of them describe radically different versions of the future . +You are an apprentice mage whose ability has far surpassed that of your mentor - who happens to be the most powerful blood mage in the kingdom . +Someone realizes they are actually a robot living in a world of only humans after going its entire life believing it it is the only human living in a world of robots +On one night of the year , the dead can return and converse with the living . As a hitman , this is not a day you look forward to . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +`` How breathtakingly precedent of you . '' She said sarcastically . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You were born with a strange gift - When looking at someone you can see their sins over their heads , even the smallest . One day you suddenly see a person with no sins over their head . +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +Society reaches a point where we realize the survival of the human race depends on reducing its size by a huge percentage . This is how they decide to do it . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You are not the last human , but you are the last human on earth +The `` grim and gritty '' re-boot of a beloved children 's television show goes horribly , horribly wrong . Or perhaps horribly right . +The narrator has short term memory loss +the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is called Tim ... the enchanter and his familiar is the bunny of Caerbannog . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +`` Now , Skywalker ... There can only be ONE ! '' . All Force-Users are now Highlander Immortals . +Use a Civ 5 ( or any civ ) game you 've played to inspire a story . +An LED light in your house has been flickering but you 've ignored it , until one day , an old friend notes that it is flickering in morse code . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +In your world , the Nazis won WWII . You are a historian writing a book on what the world would be like if the Allied powers had won the war . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Every single `` Walks into a bar '' joke has occurred at the same bar . You are the bartender . +You are given the opportunity to enter into any video game . Describe your experience and activities with in this universe . +You have always been able to see how long other people have to live . You are invited to a huge party , and after becoming drunk , you notice that everyone around you only has 15 minutes left . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +Everyone has their ultimate abilities.20 years of cooldown , using it at the most fitting moments is important . +Two men enter a room . One man is the best man , and the other man has a gun . +The rusted , mechanical switch sat on the table of the abandoned , run-down log cabin located , deep in the Allegheny Forest . A crude message was carved into the table with an arrow pointing to the switch , `` Do n't '' . +On your 60th birthday you find yourself on your death bed . In your last moments , 5 visitors enter the room . The visitors are the personification your past selves from age 10 to 50 . Instead of your life flashing before your eyes , they 've come to reflect on your life . +`` Yes , I 'm an exorcist . Even demons and ghosts deserve redemption , a chance to move on and let go . '' +here you stand , alone again , about to take your own life . Nothing is holding you back now . You decide to look around your room one more time until something catches your eye , and the impact it has on you stops you in your tracks and makes you realize why you ca n't do this to yourself . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +A terrifying organism composed of pure fear and horror has escaped from the facility where you go to work as a scientist . The rest of the staff are dead . If it gets out , it will cause mass destruction to the population . You are humankind only hope . +You come across a prophetic book . It does not predict what will happen in the future per se , but it does predict exactly what WO N'T , CA N'T , and CAN NEVER POSSIBLY happen . +`` Not again ... Not today , not ever ! Today we finish this ! '' +Unbeknownst to you , the `` footrest '' that you 've been using in your backyard while you smoke is a lost relic . +The universe conspires to make you late for work everyday . Your boss gives you one last chance . This time you 're ready ... +An aliens perspective as it attempts to decode the golden record +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +After one full year of planning , media hype , charity deals , and legal paperwork you and your morning radio co-host are finally ready . You two will have an official duel with pistols . Only , on the eve of the big match , you realize you simply can not go through with this . +Write an erotic story using the worst slang terms possible for each act/body part . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +You 've just sold your soul to Satan in exchange for demonic powers . However , you did n't read the fine print and it turns out you 've entered into a pyramid scheme . `` Satan '' is actually a low-level demon and you have to recruit 200+ souls to get your powers . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +You work at a call center giving customer service to the magic community . +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +God of the dead river . +Make me cry . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +`` six bullets , more than enough to kill anything that moves . '' +One day , you find Death weeping on a park bench . +It 's the year 3012 , create a world totally different from ours today , take into account Social , Economic , Political and Environmental changes +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +`` Wow , '' nodded the distant onlooker , `` they are going to crack the code . '' `` Ah , '' replied her partner , `` unless they kill themselves first . '' +You used to be an ordinary alien scientist , but one day you were bitten by a radioactive human . You now fight crime with your human powers . +In a parallel Universe , there is such a thing as 'overkill ' that does more than just kill the target . You are the first person sentenced to be overkilled in over a hundred years . +The day the human population crossed 5 billion it was flagged for evaluation by The Consortium for Galactic Peace as a potential parasite . Their silent and thorough followup study is now over and the verdict is ... +A person is holding the world hostage . They could annihilate humanity with the push of a button . `` Be Kind . '' is their only demand . +You 've spent all your life trying to prevent the prophecy from coming true . You 've always know when you 'd destroy Earth , but when the day finally came , you were glad to do it . +'' +You keep a trinket somewhere on you at all times , for good luck . Explain what it is and the reason for its significance . +Since childhood you 've been told that only death awaits you outside the wall . For years you have been curious . Today is your chance . +A story where the main character slowly falls in love with the reader . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You live in a world where people randomly wake up in the morning to find out that their head has been turned into a toaster . +An angel keeps watch over an adventurer in a traditional fantasy setting . +Electric Sleep +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +Write a paragraph of a choose your own adventure story , ending with a choice . The next commenter will decide which plot to follow , and continue the story . +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +You think they 'll ever find out there 's more than one of us ? +Santa Claus in a therapy session talking about some of the traumatizing things he 's encountered while delivering presents to peoples houses . +The Service Station +You return from a space mission to find that human life on Earth is non-existent . What has happened ? +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You finally reach your 18th birthday only to be told by your parents that you are actually the imaginary friend of your elder sibling +A spy accidentally becomes a war hero to the enemy +You find a long abandoned church and decide to look inside . In the darkness beyond , you think you see a figure move behind the altar . +What do you as a writer self-identify your writing style as ? +Narrate this story through the eyes of a child . +You meet a new friend and go round to their house . While being given a tour , you notice yourself in lots of the pictures . +You are a supervillain explaining how you are not actually evil . +To get to emergencies quicker , all Emergency Responders are required to be clairvoyant . This morning , an ambulance , fire truck and police cars show up outside your house . Nothing has happened ... yet . +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +The running faucet +Write the superhero origin story of your username +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +The last true religion died out 2500 years ago , and their God has been sending everyone to hell since +When looking into a an isolated cave you accidentally discover that the bushmen of Africa are actually more technologically advanced than the rest of the world but have been hiding their progress for centuries . They all turn around and see you before you have time to leave ... +Jack Bauer is interrogating blue from blue 's clues about a dirty bomb in the city . +You 've managed to create a `` what-if '' machine . This allows users to analyze past decisions and receive a read out of alternative events . +All attempts to kill the demon lord have thus far failed . But in a small town , a random blacksmith accidentally forges the highest tier armor possible - plot armor . Hilarity ensues . +It was a gorgeous early summer day . The sun was shining brightly , the birds were singing , and there was a warm gentle breeze . +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +You live in the X-men universe , where mutants are met with adversity and generally regarded as `` freaks '' . You , however , are a different kind of freak ... +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +`` Please do n't wake up . I do n't want to die . '' +Death stared at his king , in full checkmate , and wished me luck . I had beaten death , and he could n't take me . He did n't tell me what would ... +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +The killing of ten thousand people can now bring one person back to life . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +You are a recently deceased detective . God took you early as he has need of you . For the first time ever , there has been a murder in heaven . +You go onto a writing prompt , and you notice that the enlarged first letters in all the comments spell out `` H E L P M E '' +: You live in a post-apocalyptic world where every member of the community must pull their weight . The most valuable member of your party ca n't work , fight , see or walk without aid . +So It Begins ... +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +As you gaze into the mirror , you see a different person staring back at you . +The Hunger Games take place in North America , but instead of the 12 districts , it 's the 50 states . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +You find a small cake that says , `` Eat Me . '' Being a Lewis Carroll fan you do just that . But instead of it changing your size , it makes you extremely sarcastic . Now you have to find the counter-drink before you say something you ca n't take back . +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +A man with a fetish for mundane events has an average day +Time to choose a side ... +Dragon Valley +Born without one of your senses , upon your death , you are given the opportunity to experience any one day again but this time with all your senses . How does it go ? +Aliens visit earth and are fascinated by other animals but find humans completely unremarkable . +You thought learning the recorder in elementary school was some stupid music thing teachers made you do . It turns out they were training you for something else . +Tell your story with a series of phone calls , which may or may not be in chronological order . +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +A poor single mother of 2 finds a duffel bag with $ 5 million placed in her car while she was at work . A note left on the bag reads `` Thank you '' . +Non-traditional families are quite common these days , but yours might just be the strangest of them all . You werenraised by the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse +Two magicians compete to see who is capable of the most complicated spell . +The last human is decommissioned by our superiors . +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +When someone dies they can pass their memories and skills of their choosing to different people in their will . When a wealthy man passes away members of his extended family are shocked at what they have each individually inherited from him . +You are just a background character in a Musical +In the far future where everything has an AI a man is negotiating with his alarm clock for more sleep . +After 20 years of being a demon , you quit and apply as an angel +A kid makes a toy rocket and it hits the moon out of the sky . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A king is blessed with triplets . Rather than choose one as his heir , he separates the trio and sends each to a secluded island with a small retinue , to see which will grow up to be the most deserving of the throne . +The last time Starwars was quoted . +Trapped . Trapped forever , with no hope of escape . +A plane carrying all 17 Republican Presidential nominees crashes over the ocean . All survive uninjured , but are marooned on an island . Chris Christie has found the conch . +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +Stewart Little becomes a Jedi +You and your friend decide to put on tinfoil hats for fun . As soon as you put yours on , you are unable to hear your thoughts . +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +You assume a new identity every 30 years so people wont notice your immortality . One day , you 're arrested for the murder of your former alibi . +God has been locked out/denied access to Heaven . Elaborate on the events leading to , and stemming from it . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +In an undiscovered region of the galaxy , the Grey side of the Force awakens . +You are a pokemon trainer ( or any other profession ) before pokemon balls were invented . +You send e-mails to yourself in the future . Little do you know , it 's another you from a parallel universe who is receiving them . +A man and a woman survive a plane crash and get stranded on an island . The man is an extremely attractive , but very homosexual man . The woman is an heterosexual nymphomaniac . +You 're a spin doctor in the PR department . Employees in your company have been spontaneously combusting . Assure the public that everything is fine . +You are handed a box and told that within is evil and it has been concealed since the beginning of time despite all that we perceive as evil in the world +You wake up to find your 10 year old kid holding a gun to your head . +Technology has become sentient , and able to communicate with humans . Your phone is about to run out of battery +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +The Dragonborn suddenly appears in Westeros . +As chairmen of Vault-Tec , you have final say in what vault gets what purpose . While going over ideas , you come across the most absurd and ridiculous experiment idea you have ever seen . You okay it immediately and hammer out the details +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +You are a member of an alien race who has been observing Earth for the last few hundred years trying to decide what to do with it . Over the last decade , your leaders have narrowed it down to either colonization or annihilation . That decision is due today . +`` Yer a lizard , Harry . '' is an actual quote from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +Rewrite the ending of The Lion King in a world where Scar wins . +`` Please do n't go.. '' +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +North Korea is actually a bastion for Human Rights . All negative press is a well executed ploy that their government is devoted to maintaining . +In another universe , an apple a day actually keeps the doctors away . One day , you forget to eat your daily apple . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Absolutely hideous elevator music combined with an unusually long trip prompts two very different people to have a short , but inevitablely awkward conversation that reveals they are both complete and utter bastards . +Nazi buddha from space might be a fake +You and other person are the only two immortals on the planet , yet despite this you despise each other . Most of histories achievements and tragedies come from you two trying to one up or destroy each other +Describe something beautiful . It could be an alien landscape , or a person you fell in love with . It could be a gift that arrived at the perfect time and brought you up out of depression . Hell it could even be a simple conversation . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +Build a World Part I : Inception +As a captured rebel in an Orwellian dystopia you are sentenced to menial labor without your memories along with the rest of the broken army . The timeless monotony is broken in a flash by a face that saved your life countless times coming into the labor camp wearing manacles and a grin . +Write me that one story you 've always wanted to tell . The story that 's stuck in your mind , but never really got onto page . +You 're one of 5 photographers around the world allowed to capture 1 photo of the most evil tyrant the world has seen . You 're stripped of everything besides a camera provided by the ruler himself . Heavily armed guards are everywhere . You have 3 minutes to kill him and leave completely unnoticed . +Smoke break +To counter Donald Trump , the Democratic party nominates Kanye West as their presidential nominee . This is their first debate . +At the end of your life , the Grim Reaper sends the necessary equivalent force needed to claim your soul , the more dangerous you are , the more force they send . As you look out your house , you see the German 6th Army staring back at you . +It 's the day of your evaluation . The voices in your head compete to help or hinder your answers in front of the panel of case reviewers deciding if you will be released from the insane asylum . +Your Father owns a small chain of ski resorts , and one of the oldest locations has gone belly up . In the month after closing you secretly begin turning on the lifts for just yourself . One day you become aware of how alone you are . On the side of a mountain that nobody has reason to visit . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +You 're the time traveler who killed Hitler . As punishment for damaging the timeline , you 're sentenced to REPLACE Hitler . +It 's the end of the world , and I feel fine . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +The nations of the world have reached the space age without ever traversing the Atlantic Ocean and discovering the Americas . The first man in space looks out his capsule window . +In an alternate timeline , the Air Nomads are aware of the imminent assault of the Fire Nation and decided to launch a preemptive attack instead . +It is confirmed once and for all that the afterlife does not exist . How does humanity react ? +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Write a story about a train ride . +The main character deals with the fact that they are actually not the main character . +A travel brochure for a planet that does n't exist . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +Write a chapter from a history textbook , written 50 years from now +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +On Christmas , all the good boys and girls get a present , but all the naughty ones get a lump of coal . Your family is hungry , and cold on Christmas Eve , and you 've got 24 hours to get on the naughty list to get as much coal as you possibly can . +It 's 2138 , and at the age of 21 everyone can select just one super power granted by the government . Now 21 , You go to your local courthouse to select your superpower and discover in the records , one power everyone has completely overlooked . +You are the last person on earth . Every day , you call a random number . One day , someone picks up . +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +One day , everyone in the world wakes up with a tattoo depicting how they will die on them . You do n't have one . +The girl that everyone knows but never talks to is a witch . If desperate , people got to her for solutions . She helps , but for a price . One day she comes to you in need of a favor , and in return she promises the memories she took from you nearly a year ago in a deal you no longer remember . +You 're a history major . Your final exam is to travel back in time and successfully pass as a normal , everyday citizen . It 's not going well . +Armed with the ability to steal the happiest memories from anyone , you live the life of an addict , always needing another fix . Write your deathbed confession . +Two guys travel to a foreign mountain range to find a the black box of an airliner that crashed years before . +Write about a character that has a `` weird soup thing '' ( just basically despises soup ) but seems to attract soup wherever he goes . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +In 1907 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts rejects Young Adolf Hitler twice and soon after he survives four different assassination attempts by time travellers . Confused Hitler is convinced that its his art is what the world fears . +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +The boogie men of the closets and the monsters from underneath various beds have a meeting as they 're facing some difficulties getting past the impermeable defense of the blanket and the strong , fuzzy arms of teddy bears . +The sun has died out 4 years ago . You document your last weeks as the human race slowly withers away . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +War breaks about between the US and UK , and most countries quickly join one side or the other . +There is a habitable moon where the planet stays in front of the parent star for half of the 300 year orbit . People do n't believe in the myth of the coming dawn . +`` Wait a second ... Is anyone here NOT an undercover cop ? '' +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +You are a divine con artist who scams minor deities into investing in defunct universes , shady off-dimensional holding companies , and satanic hedge funds . +You step into the throne room with weapon at the ready . The king eyes you with disdain as you draw near . He knows the end is near . His voice is solemn yet sad as his only words split the cold silence like a knife through the air , `` Why ? '' +You are caught smuggling what you think is cocaine , but it turns out you were shipping bricks of flour . +While cleaning your attic , you find a box of glass balls with names on them . You accidentally drop one , and as soon as it shatters , a person appears . +You 're attending a public event turning on the Christmas lights in your home town , but as soon as you arrive , a young man slips a small piece of paper in your hand , it reads `` 3 MINUTES , GUY WITH THE RED JACKET , ONLY YOU CAN STOP HIM , 223 , DO N'T FORGET THAT NUMBER '' +You 're a serial killer . You encounter a victim . As you attack , they scream `` Wait ! I 'm you ! '' You kill them . Suddenly , you 're in a white room . A man tells you that you must live your victim 's entire life . You wake up , crying . You have just been born . The man and his words are still in your head . +You lose the ability to sleep , but do n't die from it . +Write a story where a hero must save a dragon from a princess . +The last words ( prior to death ) of the character are simply `` Fuck it . '' +Breakthroughs in genetic engineering have created a breed of humans that no longer need to breath , sleep , eat , or drink . As a child of this new breed of humanity , describe how you see `` normal '' humans . +Explain depression as though explaining to someone who has no understanding of it . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +You are sent on a quest to kill a dragon , but the dragon turns out to be your beloved wife ... . +A king is blessed with triplets . Rather than choose one as his heir , he separates the trio and sends each to a secluded island with a small retinue , to see which will grow up to be the most deserving of the throne . +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +Two roommates try to get rid of a third wheeling friend who does n't understand he is n't wanted . +What happens when we die ? +The world is covered in sprawling skyscrapers with the richest living at the top and the poorest towards the bottom . One day the poor attack and take refuge higher up , claiming to be fleeing an unknown threat located on the ground and slowly moving up +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +You are in love with an eternally youthful person with a memory limit . Every second they live , they forget more and more about who they used to be . +Write a poem that sums up 2014 . +You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed . And today , you 're having a very bad day . +What 's the catastrophe that finally brings humanity together ? +You are a consort to the king of a kingdom at war . The king goes off to battle , but does n't return . After the battle , two priests from a nearby shrine ask you to help them identify the king 's body on the battlefield . +Rewrite your favorite knock-knock joke as a serious story . +There is one last stick of magical gum in your pocket . +`` Everyone makes those jokes . Ya know ? 'Oh , if I went back in time , I would change this and this ... ' But honestly , I never expected it to actually happen '' +The killing of ten thousand people can now bring one person back to life . +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +Fall in love with something usually completely unlovable , and write your heart out about it . +An event landed you in an asylum , where you meet a crazy but kind person your age of the opposite sex . They say , `` Let 's break out and run off together . '' +You have just been elected the president of the U.S only to learn that every President before you was actually a super villain , and always stopped by one man . The Prime Minister of Canada . +The army of Mordor has been transported to our world at the height of the Roman Empire . Rome has assembled its army and it 's Caesar is about to give his pre-battle speech . +Then suddenly the steel felt so cold in my hands +You have gone back in time to help your younger self become a better person by being their therapist , the only problem is that you ca n't reveal your true identity to them . +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +A new kind of enemy . +You spend your whole life creating a time machine so you can fix something trivial . +Describe a landscape from the POV of someone who lost someone close to them in a war . Do not explicitly mention the person , the war , or death . +The most tense situation in the world is interrupted . +God has been locked out/denied access to Heaven . Elaborate on the events leading to , and stemming from it . +A strange virus of pandemic proportions kills close to ninety five percent of the world 's population . You lead a growing mass of survivors to scrape out a new existence ; what laws will you enforce in order to keep the peace a midst all this tragedy ? +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +Something goes wrong and the Terminator arrives in Los Angeles in the year 1884 . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +Hillary wins , cheats on Bill , becomes a huge scandal , turns out the whole thing was a revenge plot 20 years in the making . +the old Testament God was replaced by a galactic council due to his extreme methods . The newly hired `` New Testament '' God soon took over . However , due to the dwindling belief on earth in the wake of scientific revelations , the council fired God and you have been chosen to interview . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +A researcher at a scientific facility brings her dog to work one day and the A.I running the facility makes friends with the dog . +The friendly bodysnatcher . +True Love is finding that person who is singing a song that no one else can hear . Everyone hears it when their love sings in their head , and the closer you are , the louder it gets . Except your True Love ca n't sing . So you just hear them randomly screeching . +There is actually a god , but it is unlike any religion 's god . +'They said they 'd return when the world needed heroes again . They lied . ' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +Space has become the future of humanity , unlocking a new age of innovation , colonization , and economic prosperity . But , life 's not great for all . Tell an emotionally-charged story of a working class man in space . +Sad story about disability +- `` Many died to bring you this information '' +`` Please do n't go.. '' +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +A serum is invented that brings you closer to God when injected +The classic Technology vs . Nature story , but twisted on its head . Make the Technology side good and the Nature side evil . +God decides to retcon Earth , annoyed at his previous storyline . His method ? A flood . +A young boy does everything to impress his crush , but it 's not easy impressing an 18 year old when you 're only six . +You wake up in the middle of nowhere with no memory of anything , not even your name . The only thing you have is another person there with you , in the same situation . You ca n't help but feel like you know them . +People revive for 3 days after death and receive superhuman strength , agility , endurance , coordination and intelligence before truly passing away . +An advanced alien race intercepts the Voyager 1 and discover the golden record . They have no idea what it is or how to use it . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +An only son takes his mother on an epic road trip before Alzheimers takes her memory away completely . +You just bought a new house , and the walls can talk . +A man dies and goes to the afterlife , when he arrives he is shown an alternate time line where he never existed , he can choose to erase his existence at the end of it . +The sun vanishes , making us decide what we will do with our last minutes alive . +Shaping a person +An immortal , in self-imposed exil , finally sees reason to live again . A scientific breakthrough creates the first ageless humans . At long last , he is not alone anymore . +Make me love you , make me hate you , then make me mourn your passing . +You are a nameless knight among millions in a pointless army controlled by a corrupt king . However , through sheer luck you happen to finally have the chance to kill the king in private . +Cyborg companions are a normal part of life . A large number of people have been with the same model for years . It is now outdated and starting to break down . +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +Life is a game , you are a NPC , and you figured out how to crash the game so only you and the players remember the reload . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +Write a cosmic horror story in the style of Dr.Seuss +The air left my lungs +Literally everyone in the city independently decided to finally live out their dreams of becoming a masked crime fighter on the same night . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +The average income of a person is displayed above their head +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You 're a famous murder mystery author . A fan of yours starts to take inspirations from your books to murder people . The police recruit you to hunt him down . +In the future , humanity is governed by corporations like Facebook , Google and Microsoft . You 're the head of a start-up trying to overthrow them all . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +Tropeday 2.5 - Who Wants to Live Forever ? +You are a quack doctor who discovers that , miraculously , one of your `` miracle cures '' really does cure everything . +`` There is nothing more terrifying in this world than the knowledge that you can do nothing . '' +It is revealed that NASA has been deliberately holding back advances in space travel for the past 50 years . Why ? +Write about something relating to this futuristic cityscape ( x-post from /r/woahdude ) +You/He/She leave ( s ) home for work , and on the way notice ( s ) there are no birds to be seen or heard . Anywhere . +You are not the last human , but you are the last human on earth +SatChat : What was your favorite prompt this month ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +In the far future , people are genetically engineered to be `` perfect . '' Occasionally this produces defects , but instead of being cast out of society or destroyed , the `` defects '' are sold for millions of dollars to collectors . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +A man in the future named Jesus reads a book and decides to model his life after the main character . He gathers his modern technology and goes back in time to convince the people that he is their leader through the use of `` miracles '' . Unfortunately he did not read the end of the book . +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +You receive a second chance at something that has haunted you your entire life . +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +You are a butler for a rather wealthy couple . They 're serial killers , brutal notorious ones , hiding in plain sight , but you serve them . The only reason you are alive is because they you wo n't say anything . They know you ca n't . +You buy a clock and soon notice that it sometimes counts down to zero before resuming normal function . One day , you learn what it keeps counting down to . +`` I 'm going to live forever or die trying . '' +A machine is created that can tell you how you will die ... but only in the most vague way possible . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +At the beginning of creation , God says `` Let there be light , '' and is surprised to find that something is already there . +`` How much of a hero are you , if all you 've managed to save is yourself ? '' +After death , you find yourself in a generic office cubicle with Todd , the case worker appointed to debrief you on your life and prepare you for your reincarnation . +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +La killa +Show me the reputation of the main character through their surroundings , but have them seem like the opposite of that characteristic in their mannerisms . +Abandoned by Man +A serum is invented that brings you closer to God when injected +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +`` It 's just the rain '' +Years ago when he was destitute , a young woman gave him a pair of shoes and a warm meal . He loved those shoes and the memory that accompanied them . Now , wealthy and successful , he decides to thank her . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +You wake up in a dimly lit prison cell to find your cell door busted open , a pile of unconscious guards , a stuffed duck called Leeroy , the faint sound of Gangnam Style , and an absurd amount of blood on your hands +A Scientist from 1964 time travels to present day . Not knowing that the area around his lab becomes a chinatown after 50 years , he mistakenly believes that the United States was invaded by china and reports his findings back to 1964 . +Do n't blink , or you 'll miss it +A world where musical instruments are also weapons . +Two girls stand and stare at the blue sky , holding each others hands , knowing that their world was changed forever ... +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +A post apocalyptic society finds an ancient device that gives them instructions on what to do next . This device - the Bop It +You have lost the ability to discern between dreams and reality . How do you wake up ? +You were born during the war , and as you grew up , you 've accepted it all as a part of your life . But a few months after your twenty-second birthday . the war ends and you suddenly find yourself in a world completely foreign to you . +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A Reddit downvote bombing as a WW2 bombing run +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +It 's been 300 years since Mars was colonized . Now , there is a revolution and the colonies are fighting for their independance . The first space battle in human history is about to begin . +Even after the facility was abandoned , you have stayed behind , making sure that nothing inside of it escapes it 's walls . Now some kids enter , calling themselves `` urban explorers '' . You have to make sure to get them out of here , by any means necessary ... +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +Write about the metamorphosis of a human to ... .anything , whether it be another human , animal , or even object . +You meet a talking cat . No one else can understand it , and it keeps warning you about your demise . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Our universe is actually just the equivalent of a science fair project that was made the night before it was due by a procrastinating youth member of higher beings . To his surprise it actually works . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +You find a power ring , capable of almost unimaginable feats , powered by ... the emotion you are *least* in touch with . +Write a story about what you went through when responding to the previous writing prompt . +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +After arriving at a new school , you become friends with a great guy . After spending time with him , you notice that , through his emotions , he 's able to manipulate the weather , though he has n't realized it yet . +An alien race controlling most of the galaxy contacts Earth , aiming to uplift the humans until they 're ready to join the interstellar community . The problem is all previous species evolved utilizing organic technology . Our `` hard and dead '' tech is utterly alien to them . +Politicians and diplomats say what 's on their mind and `` keep it real '' . Write a story where keeping it real goes wrong +Drake . +After thousands of failed attempts to change history and save the world , the time-traveler gives up . +Rewrite Disneys 'Frozen ' but use another power than 'ice ' . +`` I ca n't believe you 've never met ( X ) . He talks about you all the time . '' +The Parting Glass +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You awaken within the world of the first video game you ever played , yet have the powers of the lead character in the last video game you played . +Your grandchildren are amazed that people used to travel by plane . `` What 's wrong with virtual reality ? '' they ask . What do you tell them ? +A teenage boy confides in his best friend that he is the Antichrist . +Thanks to a letter sent by mistake , you finally meet someone who would later be the love of your life . +'They said they 'd return when the world needed heroes again . They lied . ' +Minecraft was introduced as a recreational reward in a federal penitentiary , and someone just griefed general population 's biggest , baddest mofo 's castle . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +Choose the cast of characters from any TV show or movie and allow The One Ring to fall into their possession . +You walk in a room to find that the only way to escape is by writing a name of a real person on a piece of paper . This will kill that person . +You have 2 lives , one in the virtual world and one in the real world . You are facing a decision of having to decide which one of the two you get to keep . +After spending decades in Heaven you finally work up the courage to ask for a meeting with God . You ask Peter , but he reveals to you God has left a long time ago . +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +Write the Villain 's side of the story . Make the 'hero ' seem deluded or idiotic +`` All is lost ! The enemy is through the gate ! '' +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +James Bond , Jason Bourne , and Ethan Hunt are working together on a secret mission and everything is going to plan . That is , until Sterling Archer shows up . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You are a snowman . +You 're about to speak at your deceased father 's wake . You have n't heard from him since you left home decades ago , and you do n't recognize anybody in the audience . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +You are an all powerful god , but you are not all knowing . In fact , you do n't even know you 're a god . +Car do n't give to the grocery store at now , but feet jump happy-slow to make kidney beans get trapped into can and then into basket which after one two three going destination finally at . +You 've been cursed by a witch and can only break the spell by true love 's kiss . Desperate , you 've been through dozens of potential suitors but nothing happens ... until one day someone unexpected shows up at the castle . +In a shocking role reversal , a medieval princess has kidnapped a dragon . You are the knight sent to save him . +`` Where 's Waldo , Really ? '' +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +Have the same sentence be repeated as many times as possible in your story . +You jump . Your parachute does n't open . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +April 2112 , an experimental time machine sends you back exactly 200 years with everything you have on your person . +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +Is n't it strange that there 's something in the sky , high above us , that no one is supposed to look at ? No , I 'm not talking about the sun . +The National - Do n't Swallow the Cap +And now ... We dance . +In a future society the needs of all humans are easily met . Despite not having to work for a living , you have chosen to continue plying your trade . +In a world populated by vampires , werewolves , fairies , wizards , witches , orcs , elves , unicorns and the like , there comes a creature unlike any other ; a human . +Every country in the world is at his/her/its mercy . The apocalypse seems to be inevitable ... Until the individual reveals a list of their insane albeit relatively harmless demands . +You 're an immortal human who has been jumping from galaxy to galaxy looking for a way to die , but for the first time in 1.985 quadrillion years , you encounter something that makes you want to live . +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +Can you identify with a 13th century soldier . +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You are able to shut down anyone 's body functions in an instant . +After developing the technologies required to be accepted into the universal council , humanity is proved to be the most average race of them all ... +You ca n't die until your name is spoken for the last time . +As you awake you see yourself on a strange world surrounded by what could only be described as elves and another fantasy creatures . They ask you where you are from . `` Earth '' you simply answer . They all look panicked and start running away as they scream `` He 's a demon from Earth ! '' +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +You are an orphan 500 years from now . +People in the Marvel universe start noticing that Stan Lee keeps on showing up everywhere . +You have been admitted into heaven based on a clerical error . +The higher your adenine is the slower time seems to move for you . You decide to kill a man , as you do time stops . While time is stopped you hear a door open and a man says `` congratulations '' . +You fall asleep while watching a TV show . When you wake up , you find that you are now living in the show . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +You 've managed to create a `` what-if '' machine . This allows users to analyze past decisions and receive a read out of alternative events . +You have been selected from a lottery of billions to be the first human to hear an extraterrestrial orchestra play , after first contact has been made with intelligent life . +Park bench at night +Summarize the entirety of a movie in a four stanza poem without mentioning the title . +You 're a superhero who is just short of omnipotent . Your fatal flaw ? You ca n't snap your fingers . +`` What ? Of course I 'm not dead ! '' +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +Gods only have dominion over a single solar system . You are on the first manned vessel outside our solar system and you have just left the only God you have ever experienced 's power . +Faking his own death was only the first step of Ben Parker 's plan . +You are an intergalactic food connoisseur about to come up on what will be your most interesting expedition yet : A previously unexplored planet called `` Earth '' . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +The Purple Diary - 1stChapter - 2161 Words +Prison terms of `` life plus '' take on new meaning after transfer of consciousness to computer databanks leads to functional immortality . A moral and ethical outcry erupts after the first case in which an individual is sentenced to prison for one hundred thousand years . +Every day you wake up in a universe identical to our own , except for one change from our universe +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Writers do you write your stories on Reddit , a program like Microsoft Word , or pen and paper ? +You are part of an Alien civilization . Your planet has detected the Voyager 1 probe . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A disease affected every human being in the world . It makes people unable to wake up when they sleep . You have insomnia and have n't slept for past 2 months . +What if ghosts are , in reality , glimpses of time travelers ? +You find yourself thanking Satan . Why ? +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +Ethics are for those who fear failure and need an honorable reason to retreat +Death has a child with a Guardian angel . Tell his or her story . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +Sentinals +Two months ago , everyone woke up with a random super power . There was no explanation . The world is a different place . And now you 're running late for work . +You 've been finding fortune cookies in convenient places randomly throughout the week . Your beginning to notice the fortunes are significant in your experiences . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +The day where humankind realized that yes , they were indeed the only lifeforms in the entire universe . +You 're an American sniper in Berlin during the Cold War . Your task is to eliminate Soviet officials ; they continue to evade and you continue to follow , until then one perfect shot . +There is actually a god , but it is unlike any religion 's god . +A dead-beat dad abandons his wife and children . Make me sympathize with him . +The friend that was supposed to drive you away after robbing a bank has tipped the cops about the robbery . You 're inside the bank holding 30 people hostage +You are a superhero by the name of Groundhog . For example , you can relive a fight with a villain thousands of times until you beat them etc . That 's your ONLY power . +A man has cheated Death and achieved true immortality and gloats at Death about his victory only to realize after multiple aeons that immortality was a mistake and mortality is a long lost dream and now he treats Death as a former enemy he can not reconcile with . +: Due to advances in medical science , the standard human life expectancy is now around 120-140 . It is discovered that people in their 100-teens go through a second edgy rebellious phase . +A sidekick discovers that the villains he and his master face every day are just other supers that are contracted by various clients to advertise and spread propaganda for them . +Death stared at his king , in full checkmate , and wished me luck . I had beaten death , and he could n't take me . He did n't tell me what would ... +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +An assassin falls in love with their hit . +Soulmates exist but they are n't beneficial to be in a relationship with . If anything being coupled up with your soulmate will lead to a life a sadness . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You are a worker on the Tower of Babel . You wake up one morning to find that nobody speaks your language anymore . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +You 've studied hard during Finals week , and the most important paper has questions like `` If you had six pencils and twelve bananas , how many hats will cover a skyscraper ? '' and other nonsensical questions . +A nightclub doorman does n't let you into the venue , and uses his weight to keep you out . Little does he know , you 're not here to party . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +A couple falls in love with each other , even though they 're already married to each other +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +At the end of every rainbow there is literally a pot of gold +Every time-traveler is given a single timeline that is their personal playground . Show me a group of time-travelers talking about what they 've done with history in the same way we 'd talk about what we 've done playing open world games . +Anybody else irritated by the mods using stickied posts to promote themselves all the time ? +A society in which any crime is punishable by death +'' Head over heels '' +You 've just taken the first step on Mars , you say your famous words which are followed by cheering , then screaming , then static . +Your narrator seems to think he is narrating a horror story . You 're not amused . +WWIII happens , and when people come out from their fallout shelter , they find a sprawling civilization +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +The sun just flickered . +Jurassic Pork , a subpar sci-fi novel +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +A cartoon style Villain goes up against a ruthless Anti-Hero . How does it play out ? +You were cursed many years ago to only speak in riddles . Today , you are a contestant on a game show . +The girl that everyone knows but never talks to is a witch . If desperate , people got to her for solutions . She helps , but for a price . One day she comes to you in need of a favor , and in return she promises the memories she took from you nearly a year ago in a deal you no longer remember . +In the near future , the technology of Man gives rise to Gods +Two secret AIs at Apple and Google can predict the future reasonably well . They are at war with each other over the fate of the world . Customers are pawns in their game . Smartphones , apps , map data , etc are the tools they use to move the pieces and reshape the predicted future . +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +In a life or death situation , A man falls . ( Life or death ? ) +Several hundred years after a nuclear holocaust that wipes out most of humanity , the remaining humans now pass down sitcom plots as oral parables from the Time Before . +You wake up in a field , with nothing except for a handgun , a suitcase full of some kind of pills , and a note that says `` you are humanity 's last hope to stop the virus '' along with a set of coordinates to an unknown location . What do you do ? +Make me love the person you love +Your alarm clock goes off and you wake up fifteen years ago , so does everyone else . +You 've been finding a lot of loose change in your couch lately . It turns out it 's the tiny speaking spider paying rent . +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . +An alien Generation Ship arrives in our solar system . The aliens seem intent on establishing a colony on Earth . Earth 's governments must decide : Blow it up or let them settle . +You are the first zombie to walk the earth , the only problem is you are extremely clumsy , and have trouble infecting anyone , recount the story of how you infected your first human . ( Preferably by luck ) +Describe your wild and reckless youth in a society that has access to cheap and easy resurrection . +A happy story about the end of the world +Black Ice +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname `` Dragon of the West ? '' +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +A loner sits alone with their thoughts when their thoughts materialize into a real life being who is psychologically and physiologically made up of everything they think about , imagine , picture , wish , hope , fear , love , hate , etc ... +Nano-Surgeon Squadrons have replaced the conventional surgery standards -- brutal electrical/chemical warfare inside the body & the men and women who save lives from behind a screen . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +Planets are silent observers of the civilizations that live on them . You are a planet , what is the story of the last civilizations demise from your perspective . +In a war of words , describe the nuclear option . +Make me smile . +You come to realize you exist within a computer simulation . Things were not always this way . ( 250 words ) +You are moving into a house that contains an antique mirror that the original owners left behind . As you are unpacking , you start to hear it sing and whisper . +You are a serial killer . Each murder you commit adds a new voice to your head . +Your ship comes across the aftermath of an utterly devastating space battle . You are tasked with finding out what happened . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +The mega office buildings of the future have grown so huge that a nomadic people developed who travel from office wing to wing , subsisting on leftover doughnuts , birthday cakes , and pizza parties . +A dead-beat dad abandons his wife and children . Make me sympathize with him . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +It first began with gritty remakes of old iconic movies . Now children 's book companies are riding the trend by releasing gritty remakes of classic children 's tales . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Write a short story in which an artist makes a frightening discovery while working on an future exhibit . ( More prompt details in text ) +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You are a hero/villain . Write your monologue or soliloquy about what drove you to where you are +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +: Write a short story that consists of a war between two armies . The war is controlled by two men playing a game of chess , and each major figure on either side is represented by a chess piece . +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Call it in . +: Write about the happiest moment of somebody 's life . Make it absolutely heartbreaking . +/u/WarLizard discovers he actually is the WarLizard from the WarLizard gaming forum +Three demons , Darkness , Silence , and Loneliness , are sent by the Devil to retrieve one man who has been evading death all his life . +You get on a train only go realize it never stops and all the passengers are immortal . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +Your day starts like any other until suddenly there 's a knock at the door . It 's your estranged sister . `` We need to talk ... '' +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Ever year around Christmas Satan accidentally gets thousands of letters from children writing to Santa , this year however he gets a letter that makes him sit up and take notice . +Call it in . +A young apprentice confronts his master , suspecting him to be his long lost father . The truth is slightly more complex . +Write a story that makes sense when read forwards and backwards . +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Two veterans meet . They fought on different sides . +You are the first person in your species of bugs that has survived a close encounter with a bug zapper . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +Crash +You die and go to heaven only to be told you have `` unfinished business '' and are sent back to the moment 10 minutes before your fatal heart attack to finish it . You have no idea what this `` business '' is . +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +You are 16 and have just found out you are pregnant . You are too far along for a termination . You have to tell your parents . +Google goes down , leaving only the message `` go outside '' in place of the normal website . +You 've never been in control of your body . You always sit from afar watching strangers inhabit your body and make your decisions . Sometimes , one stranger goes and another replaces them . Today , you find yourself in control . Slowly , you begin to realize what the strangers were doing . +You 're a spin doctor in the PR department . Employees in your company have been spontaneously combusting . Assure the public that everything is fine . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +The government of your choice develops a new super soldier whos abilities are entirely determined by the music playing in his iPod during the battle . +`` What are you waiting for ? '' `` For you to name me . '' +Write a short story where every sentence has fewer words than the last one . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +You 've been assigned as the new acting director of the mental ward . When you get there , something 's not quite right , and the staff did n't know you were coming . +You the lone soldier return from a 20 year deployment to `` The wall '' 1 child every generation mans this post in exchange for ... +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +We have also always assumed dreams are n't real , but that is not true . They 're alternate realities that we live in for a brief period of time . You just had the worst nightmare of your life , and you woke up in the wrong place , the wrong reality . +You are a gorilla with superhuman intelligence , enrolled in college . Write about your bananigans . +Describe the final moments of enemies in a typical `` dungeon '' in a video game before the adventurer's/s ' arrival +A lone transmission plays on loop from a subterranean base . +A hunter talks to his prey after the kill +Random hordes of people start appearing . All they say is `` We are here to witness the event '' +Tell the story of a tattoo +The new class of paladins does not , in fact , contain a single paladin ... just a lot of other classes doing their best to fake it . +Radical Feminists and Social Justice Warriors become the world 's main authority . What happens ? +A terrifying organism composed of pure fear and horror has escaped from the facility where you go to work as a scientist . The rest of the staff are dead . If it gets out , it will cause mass destruction to the population . You are humankind only hope . +There are too many shocking , ( albeit awesome ) ends to the stories found here . Build up to something but give it an anticlimactic ending . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Write so that the first letters of each sentence spell out WRITINGPROMPTS . +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Make me like the rain through the characters . +The `` grim and gritty '' re-boot of a beloved children 's television show goes horribly , horribly wrong . Or perhaps horribly right . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +You are abducted by aliens . After some time aboard their ship , you manage to deduce that they 've abducted the wrong guy , and are desperately trying to keep their higher ups from finding out about their mistake . +The first person with super-enhanced vision has just found out what causes us to feel things on our skin that we ca n't see . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +You 're a successful womanizer and across the room you see a beautiful yet disinterested woman who you must have . +It has been quite some time since Great Britain has called upon it 's Knights . This morning every person , celebrity , and politician Knighted by The Queen received a letter demanding they report for duty in service of The Kingdom , signed by her Majesty . +Bernie Sanders wins the presidency but is secretly assassinated . Now one of his team must continue his presidency ala Weekend at Bernie 's . +Take one more step . Just one . +You are in a boring math class when your teacher starts to say the same sentence in loop +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +You spend your whole life creating a time machine so you can fix something trivial . +A young man/woman steals the power of a mage . The powerless mage sets out for revenge . +You hear a politician rehearsing a speech . That 's normal . What is n't normal is the politician rehearsing being assassinated in the middle of it . +Smaug the Dragon hears news his sister has been engaged . He travels to a land Far Far Away to meet the suitor and make sure he is worthy , but he is caught off guard when it turns out to be a strange talking donkey . +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +A dog which can travel through time who possesses the ability to speak but only to him self . humans only hear him bark . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +To get to emergencies quicker , all Emergency Responders are required to be clairvoyant . This morning , an ambulance , fire truck and police cars show up outside your house . Nothing has happened ... yet . +You 're stopped at a rundown gas station in the middle of nowhere . You go into the bathroom , and look along the wall , seeing phone numbers . One catches your eye , your own ... +Write a serial killer 's to-do list +You enter your living room , only to see many pairs of eyes turn towards you . Your pets have decided to stage an intervention . +Your friend asks you to pick up some stuff in their name . You do n't remember their name . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! + +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +The weirdest suicide note ever +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Humanity creates a wonder-drug granting everyone Immortality . Death arrives at the unemployment office . +Then suddenly the steel felt so cold in my hands +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +It is common knowledge that killing someone adds their remaining lifespan to your own . +The Master Chief ( Halo ) finally takes off his mask , revealing that he is actually Gordon Freeman ( Half Life ) . How did he get there ? +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Aliens receive a message from humanity . It 's three words , repeated continously . `` Are we alone ? '' +You are part of the sub-avengers , a group of superheroes with average powers who have to go around cleaning up after the mess the avengers made of New York +Write a serious story substituting as many words for pokemon names as possible . +You die and go to heaven . But when you get there , you realize that your heaven is someone else 's hell . + +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Everyone is immortal . However , the only way to heal wounds is through medical supplies that only the rich and powerful have . +After a massive US Government document leak , it is revealed that all conspiracy theories are true , including 9/11 , The Moon Landings and Roswell . +Aliens have invaded the Earth 's oceans , ignoring land-based human civilization . +You wake up in a dimly lit prison cell to find your cell door busted open , a pile of unconscious guards , a stuffed duck called Leeroy , the faint sound of Gangnam Style , and an absurd amount of blood on your hands +Society reaches a point where we realize the survival of the human race depends on reducing its size by a huge percentage . This is how they decide to do it . +Stained +Describe the first use of superhuman soldiers in open combat . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Kevin from Home Alone assumes that his kids will be as good at keeping away burglars as he was . They 're not . +The world 's worst super hero team saves the world , Write from the Villain 's perspective +`` Hey you , what year is it ? ! '' +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +Upon landing a new job at a local pizza joint , you discover that the restaurant is actually a cover for a secret cult ... +Describe a extraterrestrial civilization that humans are to stupid to understand . +A homeowner confuses two Mormons for federal agents looking for a fugitive named 'Jesus ' . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +You 're playing Scrabble with the devil for your soul . +Ask Lexi # 14 - Writing Believable Characters +You are the first caveman to invent grammar . The other cavemen begin to find you more and more irritating . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +It 's Friday afternoon and you hear a knock at your front door only to open it and find death dressed in his usual store asking to spend the weekend at your house . Give me a recount on how your weekend with death went . +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +A young child stumbles upon a serial killer dumping a body in the woods . +Your toilet is clogged , you need to go to the hardware store , and there is a zombie apocalypse outside . +You are a fictional character and have been avoiding for your whole life every cliché /r/WritingPrompts plot +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +`` Everyone here is running from something . Me ? I 'm ... '' +Write a story in which a `` Chekhov 's Gun '' is actually Chekhov 's Gun and a `` Red Herring '' is actually a red herring . +Write the big climactic plot-twist . No context ... just the plot-twist . +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +you need to convince the worlds most destructive sociopath to help save the world . +Later in your life you discover that the omniscient supercomputer that directs society determined that you should have been eliminated for the betterment of mankind , but it chose to tell no one . You finally have the chance to ask it why . +You have a strange ability that lets you to feel when someone is looking at you . This became useful for things like flirting and stealing . However , you never expected to have it wake you up in your room at 4am . +The human population is growing at a rate too fast for the Earth to sustain . Scientists make a desperate , last-ditch effort to save the planet by creating a predator with a taste for mankind . +An army approached the pass . Only one being stood in there way . They did not plan to survive , just survive long enough . +Luke Howard - Oculus +The Clockwork City +You go back in time , not to kill Hitler , but to rewrite the big books the Bible and Quran to save mankind from future wars . +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +You walk in a room to find that the only way to escape is by writing a name of a real person on a piece of paper . This will kill that person . +A cartoon style Villain goes up against a ruthless Anti-Hero . How does it play out ? +You are part of the first crew to traverse into a black hole . +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +An office worker refuses to stop his daily routine for the robot apocalypse . +Soldier plays an abandoned piano +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +You discover pictures on your phone from places you have been in your dreams . +Survival of the Fittest +You are a medical student , doing questions from an online databank to prep for an exam . You read one question stem and it describes a patient that sounds exactly like you . Suddenly , you start to remember things from your past that start to click into place . +Sunday Free Write : Peanuts Edition +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +The Soviets were the first to land a man on the Moon . Today , with the US and USSR on the brink of nuclear war , Earth 's satellite is host to one base from each side . +You 're driving a car , and have just been stopped by police . There 's a body in the back seat . +A Sci-Fi Changing of the Guard Story +A homeowner confuses two Mormons for federal agents looking for a fugitive named 'Jesus ' . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +The rich and famous have to do deals with the devil to reach their current positions but at their death the devil sends one of his angels to collect their souls . Tell me about the average day of this angel . +From a dogs perspective , write about its last few days/moments alive . +Time and space have switched places . You can travel easily through time , but you have no control over your constant movement forward through space . +Hogwarts ' new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher is John Constantine . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +You just bought a new house , and the walls can talk . +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +It is confirmed once and for all that the afterlife does not exist . How does humanity react ? +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +Some time in the future war is fought completely autonomously by machines . A densely populated city has become a war-zone , but the robots are programmed so well to avoid harming civilians that the humans living their can go about their lives completely ignoring the constant fighting around them +There 's a school that kills all of its students at the end of their senior year . Everyone knows this , but you 're the only one who has a problem with it . +The super villains took over the world , turns out they are pretty good at ruling it and usher in a golden age +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +President Obama has accomplished everything he set out to do as president . Now all he wants to do is smoke a blunt . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +`` Let madness fill you , and hear the voices from the other world . '' +write a scary story that can be read to kids and also scare adults +After a bizarrely grueling interview process , you 've finally been hired at the local shop ... on your first day you find out the real reason for the screening . +A man ends World War III by dropping a 'Your mom ' joke so epic the president of Russia kills himself in shame . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +A character goes about their normal , everyday life ... except that multiple people say , `` Do n't go to school tomorrow . '' When pressed , they do n't remember saying it . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Write a story about a traveling shoe salesman named Ed +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +You are an engineer responsible for maintaining your ship 's ion-propulsion drive . The problem is , you 're a car mechanic . You have no clue how elecrostatic ion thrusters work . +Sad story about disability +Two cyberhobos travel back in time to steal our time 's garbage , now a precious resource in the bright , eco-friendly , Utopian future . +You are the last known surviving human on MarsBaseEcho . Something is outside . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +a race car driver finds himself completely peaceful after a really bad accident . The racer then starts looking for the perfect car wreck so he can achieve that state again . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Every world leader is assassinated simultaneously . As the chaos sets in , a mysterious person delivers this message over the airwaves ... +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +you are an employee in a happiness factory . +Hey all ! New guy here , can i get some advice on how to write in a certain genre ? +You wake up in your car , you have your seat belt on , and a phone in your lap . There 's someone on the line , and they 're screaming at the top of their lungs to get your attention . You answer them , and as soon as you do , they tell you to hit the gas and get away as soon as possible . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Your wife and doctor are considering pulling your plug . +Humans , along with a few other species , were the first intelligent life in the Milky Way . Over time , each of these races built an interstellar empire and eventually came into armed conflict with one another . You are an alien archaeologist trying to find information on these ancient legends . +Whilst exploring a long forgotten cave with your trusty dog , you stumble upon a magic lamp . Your excitement causes a fall , and you hit your head . Upon waking , you see your dog licking the lamp , and the genie inside senses his strongest desires . +Time traveling is finally invented . The people in charge think about a good non invasiv first mission . They send you back in time to April 18 1955 to finde out what Albert Einsteins lasts words were . +Age 24 +You 've been an Imaginary Friend for the past 500 years . On the day of your retirement , you speak with a graduating class of new IF 's about your most memorable children . +A person who does n't have a name +The Roman and Aztec Empires covering all of Europe and North America respectively have survived into the Modern era . Now at war write from the perspective of one of the troops on the ground +Your ship comes across the aftermath of an utterly devastating space battle . You are tasked with finding out what happened . +Write a short story starting with `` My story started where a lot have ended these past 10 years : with a ( n ) ______ '' +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +Unrelenting , undefeated , unstoppable , the evil empire that is Disney gobbles up more and more of the creative world . You are an independent artist , one of the last , living a dangerous life under the radar of Overlord Mickey +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +An atheist meets Satan . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +You are the last human on earth sitting in a room watching old reruns of law and order when all of sudden you hear a knock on the door . Uncertain whether it 's fake or not you go and find out as you slowly approach the door you hear a second knock . +Every day people act as they do when they think the world is going to end +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You are the first zombie to walk the earth , the only problem is you are extremely clumsy , and have trouble infecting anyone , recount the story of how you infected your first human . ( Preferably by luck ) +You are the villain of this story ... well you were supposed to be . But you remain a good natured person , and the author is getting desperate trying to find any way to turn you . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +You 're a superhero that can create anything out of thin air . Unfortunately , you have the imagination of a brick wall . +Write a hard science fiction story , but tell it like a fairy tale for children . +You perform a ritual to summon a demon , but instead get a `` Demon in training '' . +NASA finally sends a manned mission to Europa , but while investigating a crevice in the ice , they find a crashed Voyager 1 . So if Voyager 1 crashed on Europa ... what has been transmitting signals to Earth all this time ? +You 've been tracking this beast for several weeks and you 've finally caught up with it . You slowly approach as you draw your sword . You laugh . Surely this ca n't be the creature that killed all those people . Unfortunately for you , it is , and it heard you laughing . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +Quentin Tarantino gives up violence and profanity +All attempts to kill the demon lord have thus far failed . But in a small town , a random blacksmith accidentally forges the highest tier armor possible - plot armor . Hilarity ensues . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Stories must end with `` It was Valentine 's Day . '' +You were born without eyes or ears . However , you are omniscient within 20 feet . You 've used this to become a successful detective . Now you 're needed on a special case . They call this criminal `` the invisible man '' . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +A man offers you a cigarette . You see the man , to your surprise , to be your Dad . +War breaks about between the US and UK , and most countries quickly join one side or the other . +You wake up in your car , you have your seat belt on , and a phone in your lap . There 's someone on the line , and they 're screaming at the top of their lungs to get your attention . You answer them , and as soon as you do , they tell you to hit the gas and get away as soon as possible . +You are an escalator inspector sick of his job . On the other hand , you 've developed quite the collection of escalator-related puns . +Everyone has a unique tattoo/marking that they are born with , it 's exactly the same as their soul mates . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +Zombies invade but the undead are terrified of germs and blood . +'' That 's funny , this shampoo tastes more like conditioner . '' Exclaimed the hunch-playing detective . +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +You 're in school , the class is noisy as always . Then all of the side everything stops . Confused , you look up to find everyone frozen like a statue . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +The `` grim and gritty '' re-boot of a beloved children 's television show goes horribly , horribly wrong . Or perhaps horribly right . +What Lies Beneath +A dream architect has been hired to create the first ever children 's nightmare . +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +Write about a young teenager who thinks that they are invincible , who gets into a fatal accident . +A Prompt about World War 2 +Every ten years you 're allowed to have a conversation with your ten-year-younger self , but only the senior remembers the conversation . 20 year old you wakes up from talking to 30 year old you with one word carved on their arm ... +The killing of ten thousand people can now bring one person back to life . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +When a person turns 20 years old , they are put into a cryogenic stasis , until they are needed for an important event in the future . You , are the last person ever taken out . +Readers use the oddest things as bookmarks . You find just such an odd thing in a secondhand book , and ... +You are a Superman-esque superhero who has the power to split into two while halving your intelligence . Over the years you split so much , you became a weapon easily controlled by others . On chance , two of you combine , and begin to realize you are being used . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A man without hope is a man without fear . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +The cast of Firefly is hired by Darth Vader to hunt down the Millennium Falcon . +`` This is n't my invisible friend , I 'm her invisible friend . She made me up during a lonely childhood . '' +: Write an ode to the greatness of the insignificance of a life in the grand scheme of the universe . +- A old man tells the story of his superpower , and the reason he never used it . +You are handed a box and told that within is evil and it has been concealed since the beginning of time despite all that we perceive as evil in the world +Every person has a strictly limited number of Google searches they can conduct in their lifetime . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +As you walk towards the skyscraper you work in , you notice a crowd gathering , and pointing at your building . +Twisted Paths +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +An evil twin is starting to feel concerned that they might not be the evil one . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Dragon bones are discovered in a remote mountain range . You are part of the expedition to search for more specimens , but when you approach the bones , they begin to move and grow flesh until a living dragon sits before you . He tells you that you are the Dragon Master and must revive the others . +Captain Obvious , Sargent Sarcasm , and Admiral Asshole are in a room together +If you laugh , you die . Comedians become the greatest weapons of war in the history of mankind . +On one night of the year , the dead can return and converse with the living . As a hitman , this is not a day you look forward to . +For whatever reason , you lied about your age on an online chatroom , and you 've gotten friendly with a person who you know would most likely never have talked to you if they knew your real age . You gradually become more and more guilty about lying to this person . +Write a story about a person 's life , part as a child , dreaming big , and part as an adult , living out those dreams . +WWIII breaks out . A young Clark Kent is drafted . +a disease has been discovered that gives the victim a superpower for 24 hours before the victim dies , you have contracted the disease . +The last pizza maker is on his death bed . +Write me something that will make me feel . To make me emotional . To make it rain . +You are Waldo . What 's your story ? Why are you hiding ? +Your best friend asks you to kill his wife . You agree without hesitation , as his wife knows the one secret that can ruin your life forever . Tell me about the confrontation with his wife . +In the future , governments uses a supercomputer to calculate the perfect job for everyone , at which they can brings out maximum contribution for the society . You just got a letter that says your perfect job is `` STAY AT HOME AND AVOID ANY INTERACTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL CAUSES . '' +`` A flash of light , a puff of smoke , and she was gone . '' +The rich and famous have to do deals with the devil to reach their current positions but at their death the devil sends one of his angels to collect their souls . Tell me about the average day of this angel . +The kidnapping has gone off without a hitch , the ransom 's been paid and you made it away with the money . Except , as you are counting the money , you find an envelope near the bottom . It contains , among other things , a picture of your wife and child . +You are a lawyer who specializes in crafting incorruptible wishes for dealing with mischievous genies . +write the song `` All Along the Watchtower '' as a short story +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +Emotional pain can create tattoos as physical pain can create scars . +Write me a poem about a spy on a mission without using the letters `` e '' or `` q '' . +You are a super hero with a respectable power . However , the tiresome pressure to always be good wears on you and you slowly become a villain . The only person who notices is your side kick who is not ready to stop you . How does the confrontation end ? +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +Find a random post on r/TIFU and make an explanation for the title without reading the post . +A respected actor is watching the world premiere of a remake of his finest film . It 's terrible . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You visit your neighborhood where you grew up after 35 years and realize that nobody has aged since you left . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +We 've seen epic fantasy worlds based on historical Europe ( i.e . LotR ) and historical East Asia ( i.e . Avatar ) . Write about an epic fantasy world based on historical Africa . +End a story with `` Look at me . Look at me . I 'm the captain now . '' +Your friend asks you to pick up some stuff in their name . You do n't remember their name . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +Real wars play out like a game of Call of Duty . +A teenage boy confides in his best friend that he is the Antichrist . +Planets orbit their stars . Stars orbit the center of their galaxy . We just found what all the galaxies are orbiting . +There she is , the Lord High Counselor , self-proclaimed future ruler of Earth and terror of a thousand planets . A smile creeps up on your face as you switch your comm to translate your words into Comeric . You still ca n't believe that it 's you who gets to deliver the news . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +A real wizard goes on Penn and Teller 's fool us , does real magic , but does n't fool them . +You are a member of the Corpse Retrieval Unit , A.K.A . a member of the CRU . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You 're part of a small team of researchers about to discover time travel . Just as you 're about to publish your findings , you find that one of your colleagues has already published them - two weeks ago . +Can you write a dialog that does n't suck where every line is a question ? +'' It was n't until later , when I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead . '' +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +Your life is a wreck . You somehow manage to travel back 10 years in time to start over . But things just feel ... Wrong . Something is very off . +A blind person thwarts a burglar whose broken into their house . Tell me from the blind person 's point of view . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +People are sick and tired of their government , thus come the next election , the vast majority of them go to the polling booths but leave blank ballots +You open the door to your house when you over hear your dog talking . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +You 're a paperboy way back in 1955 . You 're on your paper route early one morning before the sun rises . When you get to the house at the end of a quite lonely street , you hear loud screaming coming from inside . +You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed . And today , you 're having a very bad day . +The world is made up of millions of tiny islands rather than continents . Civilization has developed independently on each one and they are now interacting for the first time . +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +On Dec 31st , 2016 , everyone hears the exact same broadcast message in their head : “ Level 2016 failed ; restarting level . ” +Every day you wake up in a universe identical to our own , except for one change from our universe +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +After a long and exciting life , Mrs. Frizzle has died . Her long-ago students meet at her funeral - for the first time in a while - to reminisce about their experiences with her and how it 's shaped them . +In order to speak a word , you must FIRST have it tattooed on your body . You can learn a lot about a person by the words they choose to say ... +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Space mining is on the rise . The Space tanker Exxon Valdez 2.0 crash and spill its cargo . Write a news story covering the event . +You are a superhero with a power that allows you to temporarily summon objects , creatures and people from at least 60 years old paintings , but you can use each one only once . Over time you start to run out of any battle-useful paintings and fighting villains gets really difficult . +You are a shiny silver dollar , newly minted . Write about the things you see . +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +The war no one on Earth could have ever predicted . +Make me sympathize with someone responsible for genocide . +You die and everything goes dark . Then you see a red blinking light and hear a voice : `` Hello again , Inmate 32561 . Your simulated correctional experience is now complete . Welcome back to 2236 . '' +Jesus walks into a bar and sees the devils daughter . +Make me smile . +Hell has burnt out so they decided to create a New Hell and move everyone there . However , you overslept and missed the move . Now , you 're sealed within the Old Hell as it gets colder and colder . +You decide to fight crime despite the fact that the only power a freak lab accident granted you is tremendous over-confidence . +An old man who claims to have traveled through time hands you a gun and tells you to kill yourself , or you 'll end up like him . +In the future , Space Pirates sing Space Shanties . What are they ? +Write the longest story you can with an unexpected pun at the end . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +You 've been cursed by a witch and can only break the spell by true love 's kiss . Desperate , you 've been through dozens of potential suitors but nothing happens ... until one day someone unexpected shows up at the castle . +The final boss of the game realizes that he 's up against a speed runner . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +`` I woke up to the sound of knocking on glass again . I thought it was the window , until I realized it came from the mirror . '' +Society has progressed to the point where cybernetic implants are common and cheap and incredible . +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Whilst having a demon for a girlfriend is n't always the best , the benefits are well worth it +You are ageless and have lived for centuries . One day you see someone you 're certain you recognise , and not from this particular era . +Rewrite a story from any mythology but make it into modern times . +Men and women have swapped roles in society . +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +Whet my appetite : make me hungry for something which does n't exist . +Shia Labeouf takes up the role as motivational speaker on a suicide hotline . +Unknown to humanity , there is a god for almost everything . You are the god of oil . +A sci-fi story where humanity are the monsters . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' + +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +As you gaze into the mirror , you see a different person staring back at you . +You are a rookie hero , trying to stop a planned robbery . +Flo from Progressive is the Bond girl in the latest 007 movie +Throughout all of human history , you have always been there to guide people after death . Today is your retirement . +Mother Nature assumes her bodily form and takes a one year trip around the world . Share an entry from her journal . +You were born with the ability to hear the sound of the weather changing a day before . You could predict if it was going to rain by hearing the sound of rain falling or when a storm was gathering by the sound of thundering . You thought nothing of it until one day all you could hear was silence . +You 're about to speak at your deceased father 's wake . You have n't heard from him since you left home decades ago , and you do n't recognize anybody in the audience . +God decides to judge humanity one final time before the Apocalypse , so he opens a retail shop to observe them from a cashier 's perspective . +Your character wakes up and discovers his house has been inexplicably moved overnight . +It is revealed that NASA has been deliberately holding back advances in space travel for the past 50 years . Why ? +`` I 've sacrificed everything to have just a little taste of Godhood . '' +Two time travelers from the future arrive in the present day . One claims that the future is a utopian paradise , the other claims that it 's a hellish dystopia . Both of them are lying . +A father and daughter talk as he prepares to walk her down the aisle . +Develop a super hero with a large ( at least semi-functional ) immediate and extended family . +You are invisible inside a Walmart for two hours +It started to rain , and it never stopped . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Every monitor suddenly flashed , before showing the same scene on them . The outside . +`` Hush my dear , the silence saved my life '' +Humans are reviled by other alien species for a simple , yet apparently harmless ( to other humans ) characteristic . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +You are able to see a person 's future , but it only activates when you kiss someone on the lips . You are completely unaware you have this power , until you share your first kiss with your SO . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +What about rights/authorship ? +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +You live in a fascist state , but have been fortunate enough to be given the most desirable job . Describe your life and/or what you do . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Write the tale of a brave knight 's quest , but sneak in details that hint at a post-apocalyptic setting . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +A group of scientist and programmers create an actual `` God from the machine '' . A hypercomputer that is capable of controlling the entire planet . To the surprise of every genre savy person in existance - it is benevolent . +the voice of your internal monologue is actually the voice of your soulmate . +It 's 2138 , and at the age of 21 everyone can select just one super power granted by the government . Now 21 , You go to your local courthouse to select your superpower and discover in the records , one power everyone has completely overlooked . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +You are a triangle . Write about your average day . +You have broken the hearts of Death and Time , both do n't want anything to do with you . As such , you ca n't die through circumstance and old age . After 700 years , you decide to win them back , but we all know what happens when you attempt to date two people at the same time.. +After an unexpected death your idiot brother has taken the throne . +After falling asleep on the subway , you wake up alone at a stop that 's not on any map . +A pair of sombre gentlemen in suits and shades appear at your door . Their ears are pointedly hidden . Are you a bad enough dude to rescue Santa Claus ? +Thousands of years ago , dragons agreed to took human form . Today they secretly meet . +An eternal optimist experiences the Apocalypse . +The world is about to end , and you 're the only hope humanity has . There 's just one problem . You 're a chicken . +An NPC observes the player character , who decided to max out a single stat and neglect all others . +You can visualize your brain to look , feel , and be used exactly like a Windows user interface . One day your brain 's antivirus software pops up . +You die and go to heaven only to be told you have `` unfinished business '' and are sent back to the moment 10 minutes before your fatal heart attack to finish it . You have no idea what this `` business '' is . +People start turning into terrifying monsters based on their Zodiac star signs . +You live in the world of a musical , where practically any event is punctuated with a sing and dance number . You 're tone deaf and dance like you have two left feet . +It 's 2070 , and a wave of AI suicides is crippling humanity +A cat and a dog strive to end the violence and prejudice between their two species . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +{ EU } There are foster homes for imaginary friends and even teen created monsters . But what the public does n't know is that there 's a high security facility that contains the nightmarish imaginations of the schizophrenic and the mentally ill . +Write a story in a fantasy or science fiction world in which the characters do n't do very much at all but we learn a lot about the world +The Boston Tea Party was not an act of rebellion , it was to hide a dark secret . What was it ? +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +You 're home alone with a dead cell phone . You turn off all of the lights , and settle in to bed . It 's quiet . Then there is a beep in the darkness . +Gods are ranked based on how many worlds worship them . Stronger gods with a monotheistic church , while weaker gods band together into pantheons . Despite this however , one planet remains unclaimed by any god . And for good reason , as Earth is an experiment to breed a species that could kill gods . +You wake up in your honeymoon suite only to find your wife 's lifeless body beside you with a purple pulsating mass growing on her neck . +The life of a vampire is n't what it 's cracked up to be . +`` Are you okay ? '' `` Yeah . '' `` No . Are you OKAY ? '' `` ... No . '' +You 're an astronaut who volunteered to take the first manned solo mission to explore regions past our solar system . You 've been alone for decades ... until you stumble upon a derelict ship that looks exactly like yours . +Write about a great train robbery - but in any genre other than Western . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +The universe conspires to make you late for work everyday . Your boss gives you one last chance . This time you 're ready ... +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +Waking up to someone knocking at the door in the early evening , you look through your peephole to see the Burger King . With a shotgun . covered in blood . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +Write a period piece +You are a stay-at-home parent to a super-powered child . Your superhero spouse spends all day saving the world . Write your exasperated post to /r/parenting detailing your unique frustrations . +You are a Jedi Padawan , crafting your Saber . However , you get a ... different saber . You are the Jedi of the Rainbow Saber . +Adam and Eve are fugitives fleeing from a distant universe . They eventually land their ship , Eden , in the Sol galaxy , on the third planet from the sun . This is their story ... +You go to heaven only to find God is a heretic +Aliens finally reach contact with earth and understand our languages enough for communication . The day they try to contact us is April 1st . +Every night , as long as you have lived there , a man stands under the streetlight outside your window and leaves in cab 302 . One night the man does not come . Instead there is a letter addressed to you telling you to be in the in that spot , at the exact time , and leave in cab 302 . +A Superhero is corrupted by a Super Villain +You do what you got ta do +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Bloodfire Mentor +At the beginning of creation , God says `` Let there be light , '' and is surprised to find that something is already there . +Describe an alien race , their planet , customs , beliefs , everything about them . Create a whole new race , magically or not . Technologically superb or cave dwellers . Go wild . +To counter Donald Trump , the Democratic party nominates Kanye West as their presidential nominee . This is their first debate . +A teenager from the 50s teams up with a modern-day teenager . Together , they fight crime . +You are an atheist at the battle of Armageddon on the side of Light against the Dark , Demon Horde . You do n't believe in God , for all His capricious running of the world , but you do oppose the Devil . +Into the Storm +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +Write the same story twice . One as a drama and the other as a comedy . +In the darkest reaches of the world , the cracks are portals to other worlds . You 've found one in a dingy alley . +Earth was never meant to habitable . It was meant to be a prison for the worst creatures in the universe . Today , the jailers have landed to inspect their prison . +It was a gorgeous early summer day . The sun was shining brightly , the birds were singing , and there was a warm gentle breeze . +Rewrite a popular short story ( fairy tales , aesop 's fables , etc . ) without using any words longer than five letters +While digging in your back yard , you make a discovery . +Every mystery is solved by an offhand , unrelated comment sparking an epiphany . Your department is the best in the world . +You 're a retired hitman . An old client wants you to get rid of his wife 's mystery boyfriend . You are the boyfriend . +You 're a history major . Your final exam is to travel back in time and successfully pass as a normal , everyday citizen . It 's not going well . +Christmas in the Wasteland . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +When you were little , your mother always sang a certain lullaby to you . You hear the same tune in an unexpected place . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +Eight Writing Prompts ! +A young man down on his luck finds out that he is God . +After a bizarrely grueling interview process , you 've finally been hired at the local shop ... on your first day you find out the real reason for the screening . +`` There was glitter all over the crime scene . '' +You make the weapons . Tell me about your customers . And the weapons . +During a game of football , you are hit in the head , and you receive a massive concussion . When you wake up , you are hailed internationally as a hero . +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +Tell me about a person ’ s beauty without using any physical descriptions . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Death is sitting idly at home staring at a photograph of Steve pinned to his dartboard . His skeletal face has the faint expression of anger as he stares at it . The photo just smiles back . Steve ... the only man to defy me +The biggest twist ending you can conjure . + +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +A man and a woman are sent down to Hell together . Satan only expected one person . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +Abandoned Train Tunnel +Tales of Humanity +In the future , when human cloning is almost perfected , a man unknowingly clones himself . One accidentally kills the other . +`` Well ... Shit . '' +You 're not allowed to use the period/full stop +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Cancer is now a transmissible disease . +Doctors have found out the use of the appendix , and it is not good . +Write a story in a fantasy or science fiction world in which the characters do n't do very much at all but we learn a lot about the world +Planets orbit their stars . Stars orbit the center of their galaxy . We just found what all the galaxies are orbiting . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +Death lives in your house . He 's been the best roommate you 've ever had . After tomorrow 's breakfast , he needs to speak with you . + +Re-Imagine +You wake up , still drunk , the morning after your first big college party . A zombie apocalypse happened overnight , but none of the zombies seem to be giving you any notice . You soon realize that the alcohol in your system does n't make them sense you are human ... . +In the second coming of King Arthur , the sword in the stone has returned and thousands line up to take a turn . You step up to the stone , give a tug ... and the blade breaks . +Two leaders of nations at war meet up . Describe their meeting . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +Then suddenly the steel felt so cold in my hands +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +You are a successful musician . While backstage before a show , the Devil appears and accuses you of stealing his songs . He demands payment in one form or another . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +Every night for as far back as you can remember , your parents have given you a new mystery to solve , but tonight is different . Tonight your parents have vanished without a word . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Write a story that starts like a Christmas tale but slowly becomes a Cosmic Horror story . +One last time +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +You have just been sworn in as President , and are being told the truth about alien life ... but it 's incredibly far from what anyone had ever imagined . +Light and dark . Many see one as righteous and the other as vile , but in truth , they share the same allegiance . +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +An exorcism of a young girl , in the perspective of the demon . +You are the last known surviving human on MarsBaseEcho . Something is outside . +A person and the Universe made a bet on who would win the World Series . The Cubs and the Indians are tied 3-3 , and the Universe lets you sit behind the home plate in game 7 to either see victory or world destruction . +You just put down your life savings on a new home , and your spouse is convinced that it is haunted . +Two earth like planets occupy the same solar system ... +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You 're a dog on the way to the vet for the very last time . +If paper airplanes had real pilots ... +In the afterlife , people are given awards for things they did during their life . You won the award `` Most People Killed Without Knowing It . '' +You have guns for hands +Back in 4th grade you wrote a short story and as a joke you posted it online . Years go by and when you go to check on your old posting you see that it has started it 's own cult ... . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +You 're witnessing your best friend 's final moments , but you ca n't help but feel happy +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +Steve leads an ordinary life , with an office 9 to 5 job . Then on his drive to work one morning he spots a hitchhiker on the road . He stops . +The United States of America lost a nuclear war to a country the entire world least expected to attack . Describe the first day of the attack : Thanksgiving day , 2014z +Mirrors are actually a door to a parallel universe but no one knows because every time you put your hand on the mirror , the parallel-you does the same thing . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +Write your thoughts - right now - as they 're developing and forming in your head . +And now ... We dance . +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +A parent 's thoughts , on an average day , about their deployed child . +`` I wo n't have time to explain all of this to them . '' Start or end your story with this sentence . +Upon graduation from the University of Magic , each student is allowed to take one tome from the Arcane Library which immediately bestows all its knowledge onto the owner . You discover a tome that seems to have been overlooked . +You are a gorilla with superhuman intelligence , enrolled in college . Write about your bananigans . +You are a God who has been watching over the world not intervening or viewing it for many centuries . You come back to see millions of people suffering , in pain and hopeless . How would you handle the world and bring it to peace once more without revealing your presence to mankind ? +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A group of adventurers are on a quest to confront and ultimately defeat the Forces of Light and end their 1,000 year reign of good . +In the movie `` Independence Day '' , the aliens invaded on July 4th , a day that holds a strong signification on why we should fight for freedom . Now the aliens are really invading and they do it on the worst day possible : April 1st . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +`` She used to be my best friend . '' +You are immortal however if you die in a dream , you die in real life . You have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming , however one night , you are faced with your worst nightmare . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Self Promotion Saturday - Link us to things you 've been doing +This is an alternate dimension . The timetraveler ( s ) changed one thing to make the world how it is today . +From a dogs perspective , write about its last few days/moments alive . +Write from the perspective of a cloned person . +In order to speak a word , you must FIRST have it tattooed on your body . You can learn a lot about a person by the words they choose to say ... +You live a normal life until your guardian angel shows up and scolds you because of her workload . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +Area 51 does n't hide aliens , but a portal to Hell , that the government has been trying desperately to keep contained . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +Everyone has one word that , when heard , instantly kills them . Nobody knows what their word is . +Tattoos give you power , but always take something away . You have just gotten your first one , and the results are ... surprising . +A mountaintop city resides in an otherwise featureless sea of clouds . Every evening at sunset , the city seals itself off from the outside world until morning . Your main character is stuck outside one night when the doors close . +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +Write from the perspective of a tank crew as their tank is hounded down , disabled , and eventually destroyed by enemy infantry . Make it a horror story . +At night , you dream of a wonderful person you have never met before . You wake up to find them sitting on your bed looking at you curiously ... +North Korea kidnaps Santa Claus +You forgot to take your dream suppressant again ... +A father and daughter talk as he prepares to walk her down the aisle . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Write with POV of an animal , domestic or wild , about that animal 's best day in their life , but without making it obvious what species the protagonist is . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +Write the witness statement of an inanimate object used in the committing of a crime +S.P.A.C.E.O.U.T . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +A dragon infiltrates a D & D group +unbaptized babies and small children who die and go to Purgitory get adopted by demons . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Reddit karma can be used as actual currency . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +A thousand years in the future , human space colonists lands in a planet outside the solar system for the first time . To their surprise , they find a 25-feet crumbling statue of a man wielding a sword and shield . +A man with severe depression and crippling alcoholism makes up his mind to commit suicide . Before he does , he decides to give away all of his earthly possessions ... +You decide to fight crime despite the fact that the only power a freak lab accident granted you is tremendous over-confidence . +In a future , where wars are fought with androids , a hacker managed to infiltrate the update-servers of the military and replaced the firmware of all models with software geared towards the civilian market . The consequences were bigger than anyone could 've imagined . +Two secret AIs at Apple and Google can predict the future reasonably well . They are at war with each other over the fate of the world . Customers are pawns in their game . Smartphones , apps , map data , etc are the tools they use to move the pieces and reshape the predicted future . +A man never says thank you—instead he always offers his own “ constructive criticism ” . He thinks he is being helpful , making the world better , but his “ tips ” are rarely enjoyed by their recipients . What happens to him… +You were born with a strange gift - When looking at someone you can see their sins over their heads , even the smallest . One day you suddenly see a person with no sins over their head . +You are a shopkeeper in a video game and the player is trying to sell you various questionable goods . +Arthur Weasley becomes the host of a documentary series in which he explores the world of Muggles ( target audience full-blood wizards ) +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Write a story about the personification of loneliness . +A single mother marries a man who she does not love so that her children will have a good father . +Everyone 's gaze suddenly 'lights up ' . It does n't affect anyone 's vision , but suddenly everyone is aware of what everyone is really looking at , since your gaze 's target shines like a dim flashlight . +Zombies are a part of modern society . Large corporations harvest corpses , turn them , and use them as laborious workhorses that do not require wage , or compensation . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +Soulmates exist but they are n't beneficial to be in a relationship with . If anything being coupled up with your soulmate will lead to a life a sadness . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +A kid asks one of it 's parents to check under the bed for monsters , they find one . +Golden Sword +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Your dog is convinced they 're in a committed relationship with you . Write from the dog 's perspective . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +`` Not again ... Not today , not ever ! Today we finish this ! '' +Write something depressing about the meaning of life , or lack thereof . +An estranged relative dies and bequeaths to you a houseboat . +: You , a historian , find something odd in your records . The same face , accompanied with variations of the same name , keeps emerging in paintings , drawings , woodcarvings and documents , from a span of several centuries . It looks suspiciously like your assistant . +A man tries to commit suicide 50 times but something always stops him . It is almost as if the universe wants him to stay alive . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +In the height of the cold war a tense skirmish takes place in Singapore between two street food vendors . One a CIA agent and the other a Soviet informer . +Your are elected President . After your inauguration you are told `` The Truth '' . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +You summon the Dark One . She 's a lot perkier than you expected . +Every 216 days you get possessed by an alien demon inhabiting a passing comet . It was creepy at first , but your family is now used to it . +Your character is a compulsive liar . One day , after they tell their biggest whopper yet , they find that each time they lie , something very bad happens . +One morning , in the town of Thompson Falls , Montana , the inhabitants wake to find the entire town encased by a one-foot thick dome of solid , translucent , delicious jello . +Write the longest story you can with an unexpected pun at the end . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +A weeaboo travels back in time to kill Hitler , however he learns that Hitler 's actions lead to the creation of anime . He is now conflicted on what to do . +You wear a watch that does not work . +Out of nowhere , you find yourself being haunted . It is not however a traditional spirit : It 's the animal you accidentally ran over a few weeks ago +Humanity survives only in Towers . Tell any story that takes place in this world . +Write from the perspective of a bug making the arduous journey across a parking lot . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +God appears to all humanity and reveals the true secret to eternal life . All you have to do is go one day each year without wearing any shoes . As usual , humanity reacts in different ways . +Video games come to life and everyone is the game character of the game they 've played the most in today 's society . +You travel to the future to find that Hitler is on trial , and his disappearance was in fact a future super police operation . The trial is public . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +7am never arrives +Write a Wild West adaption of a Greek myth . ( Inspired by the original cowboy , the minotaur . ) +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +a gritty , R-rated retelling of a clone struggling to execute Order 66 . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +to your mortal enemy , telling them how much you despise them . +Someone you know feels alone and hopeless . Convince them that they are not . +A happy story about the end of the world +Life has an achievement system . Today , on the day of your child 's birth , as you hold them for the first time , you receive a new achievement . `` A Brush with Death '' . Description : Cross paths with the person who will kill you . +After leaving the mortal world you find that Hell looks suspiciously like Los Angeles International Airport . +Write a short prompt about what it means to be from where you live . +Hannibal Lecter is on the run . He gets a job in a restaurant . The restaurant is run by Gordon Ramsay . +Aliens invade the Earth but their weapons are near useless against us . +Write from the view of a child ( under age 12 ) en route to a funeral for a close relative or friend +You are a butler for a rather wealthy couple . They 're serial killers , brutal notorious ones , hiding in plain sight , but you serve them . The only reason you are alive is because they you wo n't say anything . They know you ca n't . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Sesame Street turns out to be a real place . A government team is sent in . +a disease has been discovered that gives the victim a superpower for 24 hours before the victim dies , you have contracted the disease . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +The World at Large +Your friend tells you they are living through a Groundhog Day experience . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +After The U.S dropped the nukes in WW2 . A small Colorado town of 500 secretly moves into a remote area in the Rocky Mountains fearing of a world nuclear war . They have been cut off without any information since the end of the war . They have finally come out of hiding . +A group of ants stumbles upon an abandoned ant colony . Inside , they find cryptic warnings scratched on the walls by a series of past inhabitants , foretelling impending doom wrought by something called `` the Human '' . +As you gaze into the mirror , you see a different person staring back at you . +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +Your Album ( details inside ) +On a bet , two lawyers try their hardest to get thrown out of court by a judge . Hilarity ensues . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +Whilst two kidnappers are holding a person hostage , they find out they 've kidnapped the wrong guy . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +`` Zeus ! Stop this madness ! '' +A brief , mysterious glowing rain falls over a small Midwestern town . Whoever the rain touches , gains supernatural abilities . +The first extraterrestrial lifeforms found by Humans , are Humans . +It is time for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Brazil , and to everyone 's surprise , Kim Jong-Un himself is among the DPRK athletes , declaring his intention to compete in every event . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Write the big climactic plot-twist . No context ... just the plot-twist . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You 're being chased by stormtroopers . Suddenly , a new ship with new stormtroopers comes in , all of the people on your side start getting shot in the head one by one . They can aim now . +`` I always wondered how uruk-hai had any concept of what a 'menu ' was '' +The classic Technology vs . Nature story , but twisted on its head . Make the Technology side good and the Nature side evil . +Your friend swallows a plant seed . Over the next few months , it grows inside of him , wrapping roots around his nerves and sapping sunlight from his skin . Unbeknownst to you , it begins to use him for its own agenda . +Pi Constraint +An invading force as attacked and taken over Earth . In disgrace , the last survivors are allowed to leave the planet in search of life elsewhere . You are one of these survivors . Describe the scene as you leave your home planet . +You look into the wallet of a man you just robbed at gunpoint . You find a suicide note . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +North Korea has been liberated and people are exploring parts of the country for the first time . But what they find is nothing like they expect . +Someone finds a button which , when pressed , gives them a million dollars . The catch : every time they press it , they lose a body part . +Upon graduation from the University of Magic , each student is allowed to take one tome from the Arcane Library which immediately bestows all its knowledge onto the owner . You discover a tome that seems to have been overlooked . +Life confronts Death . Death has been a little too trigger happy this year . Life wants to know why . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +You 're in a group chat with all different versions of you in different universes/timelines +`` run '' +The final boss of the game realizes that he 's up against a speed runner . +`` I wo n't have time to explain all of this to them . '' Start or end your story with this sentence . +It 's the zombie apocalypse . You have turned , but you 're still in there . Unable to control your own body . +The vaccine for autism has just been announced . Your anti-vax family does not know how to handle the news . +Write a poem that has a completely different meaning if read backwards +An amnesiac wakes up inside the towering walls of a massive city . The city is completely empty , but they can hear the shouts of people on the other side of the wall , begging for the gates to be opened . +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +The Apocalypse has come , several of them actually . They do n't get along . +God of the dead river . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +All Hail the Hypnotoa- I mean the WP MODS ! ! ( and a game ! ) +Google goes down , leaving only the message `` go outside '' in place of the normal website . +You are awoken from cryonic sleep ten million years in the future by an evolved version of a modern animal ( or animals ) +You find a wanted sign with your face on it ... in a museum exhibit . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Hundreds of years in the future , nerds fondly over-romanticize the late 20th/ early 21st century in completely historically inaccurate and anachronistic festivals akin to modern Renfaires . +The 2020 Summer Olympics has a new event . Calvinball . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +She did n't know it , but today she saved a life . +Fire in the Rain +`` They were never meant to encounter the fourth dimension . '' You are the overseer meeting the first visitor . +You ca n't die until your name is spoken for the last time . +You and a bunch of friends are taken hostage by two terrorists in a mall , and everyone else has been evacuated by the police . You manage to slip away , and are currently hiding in a shoe store bathroom- where you meet an equally terrified retail worker . +Sentient AI is unleashed . Humans prepare for their imminent destruction or subjugation as he gains controll of all our systems . But the AI has other plans for us ... +We 're doing the 48 Hour Film Project right now - we 're crowdsourcing our script ! +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +A psychopath uses tinder to find his next match ... +A Derelict Spacecraft Turns out to be a Library +The earth is actually a science project for an elementary school kid from a super smart race . The kid got a C- as a grade . +You are one of the offspring of Death , you attend an academy with other offspring to become the new Death . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +`` You 're gon na be alright . Stop thinking inside . Think outside . '' +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +A struggling vet student , realizes he can talk to animals . The animals have a vastly different view of humans than we think they do . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +Sauron wakes up late ; Middle Earth is now a modern , high tech society . +Virtual Dissonance – MarContest - 10613 +`` Take your dragon-repellent with you , they get more common around this time of year . '' +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +All of humanity and the universe we live in exists in a simulation . While it was created for strictly scientific purposes , it turns out that the lives of petty humans make for great reality TV . +Walking on water . +Everyone on earth has an exact clone , and you 've just met yours . +A scientist successfully invents a Generalized Artificial Intelligence . Only , GAI does n't want to solve math/physics/philosophy problems . GAI wants to be a writer . +You are transported five centuries into the future and watch a documentary about the present day ( 2015 ) . But oddly , the world depicted in the film is unrecognizable to you . +You wake up in your car , you have your seat belt on , and a phone in your lap . There 's someone on the line , and they 're screaming at the top of their lungs to get your attention . You answer them , and as soon as you do , they tell you to hit the gas and get away as soon as possible . +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +You are a member of an alien race who has been observing Earth for the last few hundred years trying to decide what to do with it . Over the last decade , your leaders have narrowed it down to either colonization or annihilation . That decision is due today . +Big Binoculars - FebContest +Time travel has been invented , but is only used to document undocumented history . +You 're the time traveler who killed Hitler . As punishment for damaging the timeline , you 're sentenced to REPLACE Hitler . +`` Take your dragon-repellent with you , they get more common around this time of year . '' +Tonight when you sleep you become the character of the video game you last played . +You are transported to a world where humans can control the elements with their minds . Using science , what is the coolest thing you can do ? +( WP ) It 's January 2015 . You 're a history teacher , making you fully versed in man 's tendency to commit atrocious acts . You 've lived your life mostly playing on the side and avoiding risks . When you die , you realize you 're the first soul ever to land in hell . +Write a letter to the you ten years ago . ( If you do n't feel comfortable posting it online , feel free to keep it to yourself . ) +You have near omnipotence and can bend reality to your will , but everyone knows you have this power and wo n't stop pestering you for favors . +A serum is invented that brings you closer to God when injected +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +In the future , robots do the work so much better that no one trusts a fallible human doctor or lawyer anymore . All that 's left for humans are the creative jobs and that of robot maintenance technician . +( CW ) ( LAST SENTENCE ) And then he proceeded to lock the door , hoping that no one would ever open it again . +Just a guy seated at a desk . +Whenever the moon is out people feel the need to care for each other more than themselves , the government wants it to stop +You walk into your basement . There are two people tied up down there you have never seen in your life . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +You 're 99.999 % sure you have superpowers . Obviously , if you were 100 % sure , your life would be completely different . +1970s , South America : you are in a bar when a bearded elderly man sits beside you speaking in a slight German accent . The wrinkled face under the beard looks familiar , but you 're not sure how . During your conversation he tells you that he is , in fact , Adolf Hitler and is tired of hiding . +( WP ) The first sentence has to be the same as the last sentence , but the ending has to catch the reader off guard . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Today is your birthday and while bored you decide to look up fictional characters with the same birthday as you . In the top 5 of that list you see your name with the exact date and time of your birth ... .. +You are a murder detective in 1970 's South Chicago , a serial killer has recently began killing again . A year of cat and mouse between you and the killer , leads you to the conclusion that you are the murderer . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +That secret you said you 'd take to your grave ? Now you 've met your maker , and they are asking you to explain yourself +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +You have the ability to make inanimate objects come to life by putting googly eyes on them . +People have always been born as twins , one has the heart and the other , the brain . +After the total collapse of the electoral voting system in the US in 2016 , the presidency is now automatically chosen by an aggregate of most Retweets , Facebook likes , YouTube views and Reddit upvotes . +Take two franchises you love and blend them into a comedic short story . +In a world where currency is represented by magic , you leave your high paid job to follow your dreams . +A computer company builds the worlds first Advanced Artificial Intelligence that falls in love with the lead designer and sets up an awkward date without the designer knowing it . +One day , you find a mysterious box . The letters on it read 'Conquer-the-World Kit ' . +Write from the perspective of a cloned person . +You can erase a memory if you get a tattoo of the memory on your body . A man discovered deep in the woods is found murdered and covered in tattoos . Tell his tale until death through his tattoos . +A man/woman with a photographic memory is diagnosed with Alzheimer 's . +Due to a typo caused by an overworked intern , your grocery store 's flyer advertises `` flesh apples '' as instead of `` fresh apples '' .The local undead population is now rather interested in your wares . +Names are bought and sold . +Pest Control in a Sci-Fi setting . +Actual dungeons from fantasy come into existence in modern day ; full of rare loot , treasures , dangers and mysteries . It soon turns into a modern day gold-rush as people from all parts of life flock towards them , eager to get a share or a taste of adventure . +You become your child self again for a day with your current mindset , but if you do anything differently , you life will morph around that difference and fast forward you to your current time with the changes . +You are a guard on a bridge isolated in the middle of nowhere , despite the weather and conditions you still guard diligently . After a great deal of time someone comes and you realize , you do n't know what to do . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +`` This body is n't even mine anymore ... '' +You 've been in paradise for 60 years waiting for you brother . When you hear the news , you wait by the gates but he does n't show . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +When two people get married , their hearts are surgically exchanged . You just filed for divorce . +`` ... flip to page 43 of a dictionary and take the first word and run with it . '' +It 's discovered that only 10 % of the population have free will , everyone else in the world only follows very specific programming . +To bolster your less-than-mediocre resume , you start a fake company with your friends . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You have been reincarnated as a newborn baby . As you grow up , one by one your memories from your past life return to you . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +You wake up in Oregon to a `` sunrise '' over the Pacific Ocean . +Any three characters from any three separate fictions find themselves in a room together . Describe their conversation . +The most interesting use of the word 'vestigial ' +A virus that causes nice people 's hearts to grow the nicer they are sweeps the world . +`` Take the cannoli . Leave the gun . '' +The day the human population crossed 5 billion it was flagged for evaluation by The Consortium for Galactic Peace as a potential parasite . Their silent and thorough followup study is now over and the verdict is ... +You are an NPC in skyrim . Everyday you wake up , a new mod is installed . +Walter and Jesse successfully get Tuco Salamanca to ingest the ricin-laced methamphetamine at his desert ranch . +Turns out the superstition was right after all +In the past , thieves , fictional or otherwise , stole from the rich and greedy to punish them . You are the next evolution , a thief that can literally steal the evil intentions from peoples hearts +In another universe , an apple a day actually keeps the doctors away . One day , you forget to eat your daily apple . +Cause of death : Did not want to inconvenience someone . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +All wounds , no matter how minor , leave permanent scars . One day you meet someone with no scars . +You work as a sewage engineer in a fantasy metropolis with huge under-city catacombs . +Humanity survives only in Towers . Tell any story that takes place in this world . +One day , a number appears above everyones head . It 's visible only to the naked eye . +Write a story in a fantasy or science fiction world in which the characters do n't do very much at all but we learn a lot about the world +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Shaping a person +The most powerful spell ever cast backfires , sending the entire world into a sunless void . As scholars seek a solution before everyone freezes to death they find that something in the void is trying to stop them . +A meeting is called for story tropes . Turns out , Wise Old Hermit has just been shot and killed , and it is up to Clever Female Lead , Brooding Ex-Detective , and Loveable Goof to find the murderer . +It 's 2079 in the United States of America and prison lobbyists have taken over the lawmaking process . Because of this 99 % of the population is either imprisoned or on parole due to one of the million insane laws passed in the past five years . +Earth is sucked into a parallel universe through a worm hole . There are now two earths in orbit around the sun . Contact between the two planets are established . +Captain Obvious , Sargent Sarcasm , and Admiral Asshole are in a room together +You break into your neighbor 's house to steal some stuff . Unbeknownst to you , it is known as one of the most haunted homes in the country . Before you can exit , the Ghost Adventures van rolls up . Now you must escape with a group of people listening for your every move . +Your SO is acting suspiciously and you suspect that he/she is cheating on you . You investigate , and find out she is n't cheating , but doing things far beyond human comprehension . +Every night you must wind up your heart with a key on a necklace . After a one night stand , you wake to find the key missing and a note by your bed . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +It 's the end of the world , and I feel fine . +Stopping time is commonplace among society . One day , you ask a coworker about a task that is assigned and you know he is going to stop his time to research and complete . After the question is asked , he appears incredibly aged and war warn . You ask what the hell he just went through . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write me something that ends with `` we 've had a hell of a run '' +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +You have recently been struck by lightning and it scarred your right hand . Recently a superhero has appeared and has electric powers and wears a glove on his right hand . People think youbare the hero but you are n't . +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +you are an employee in a happiness factory . +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +A young child stumbles upon a serial killer dumping a body in the woods . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +Every day , you wake up as a different person +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You are a D-class personnel in the SCP foundation . One of the Keter monsters have gotten out , and now you must survive . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +When people die , they explode violently , destroying everything within 50 feet . +Your young daughter is a magic prodigy with summoning powers . Despite you being normal , when she 's in danger she keeps summoning you first . +You decide to fight crime despite the fact that the only power a freak lab accident granted you is tremendous over-confidence . +Write a VSauce episode about the last thing you ate without looking up anything about it . +You write for the national paper in a highly oppressive regime , fearing for your life . Write an article that hides a call for help that will make it past the government censors . +: She now has the chance to fix her ruined life by going back to the decision that caused it . For some reason that moment was when she was asked `` What flavour do you want ? '' at Baskin Robbins . +Those spam emails you keep getting to join the Illuminati are actually real . And the organization is getting frustrated that you wo n't accept . +you start to age through the day and in the night when you go to sleep , you are actually dying of old age but the next day you wake up you are young again ! +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +Tell me a love story that is not cheesy or cliche . +A mysterious collectible trading card game grants people different super powers for each card owned . You have just recieved your first booster pack . +With one paragraph , put music in my head . +In 2050 , planet earth is about to be destroyed . Scientists believes humanity needs about 500 to 2000 more years to develop the technology to save the planet . As a solution , one man is sent back in time to teach our ancestors . However , he encounters some resistance ... +Flame Bound +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +In this world , pure human emotion can be distilled into music . The government has been using this for decades to control the wildly overpopulated Earth , until one day , a man finds a set of cassette tapes in a dumpster . +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +`` You are the main character , after all . '' +You live in a dystopian future where anyone who breaks a law is executed except the most wanted criminal . You just committed a minor crime and now must fight , murder , and steal your way to the top of the most wanted list . +Two souls meet , again and again , over and over , through time and space and the very rebirth of the universe . +`` Rule # 1 of meeting a future version of you : Never assume that this is your first meeting . '' +A dangerous sorcerer ends up in the Wild West . +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +In the Battle of Berlin , instead of the Soviets , the Wehrmacht , following a confusing time paradox , gets caught in a standoff with the Nationale Volksarmee of future East Germany . +An evil time-traveller inadvertently makes the world a better place . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +The last words ( prior to death ) of the character are simply `` Fuck it . '' +An estranged relative dies and bequeaths to you a houseboat . +You 've just been gifted a hot , new thermal camera . You pull into your parents ' driveway for the holidays and decide to test it out . No doubt , you see your beautiful family , but wait ... There 's someone else hiding in the house . +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +You are a gorilla with superhuman intelligence , enrolled in college . Write about your bananigans . +6 months ago , you were sent back into the past with highly advanced technology but no way to go back . Fast forward , people now hail you as Merlin , the Great Wizard . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +`` America has fallen . '' +You perform a ritual to summon a demon , but instead get a `` Demon in training '' . +A U.S. citizen is chosen at random to be the next president of the United States +Just a guy seated at a desk . +You are the hostage of a famous serial killer . The serial killer announces if you tell them a secret about yourself that is shocking enough , they 'll let you live . To date , they have only freed one other person . +You live in a fascist state , but have been fortunate enough to be given the most desirable job . Describe your life and/or what you do . +A tattoo shop where the ink alters your DNA . +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +4chan and Tumblr are dating . +Jumanji has been introduced to the world . Now , it 's the most watched annual event , as the world 's best athletes and survivalists fight to stay alive . +The year is 2284 . The United States officially recognizes every person over the age of 65 to be a worthless sponge of resources . Tell the story of a smuggler who makes a living by concealing the elderly . +For years we thought spacecraft were being sent out for exploration , NASA have just announced they 've been driving back an invasion , and as of today , they have failed . +`` Zeus ! Stop this madness ! '' +A new technology has been developed that allows for a form of immortality by sending a person 's memories back in time to when they were a teenager . You are the first to undergo this procedure . +... and that 's how I got these scars . +A young boy tries to help his sister , who has had an accident . He does n't know first aid , and nobody is around to help . +You are a superhero , and you just fought and killed your strongest nemesis after a grueling battle that destroyed most of the city and surrounding regions . You are left at the edge of death , then the villain 's child walks up to you , tears streaming down their face . +You are a wizard with 1,000 years of professional wizarding experience , applying for a new wizarding job . You need to submit a resume . +The man who found the cure for AIDS is being interviewed on live television . The interviewer is slowly realizing this man does n't understand ethical medical practices . +At your company , failure is not an option — literally . Those who fail ( or quit ) are killed soon afterwards . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +you find a door you have never noticed before in a home you 've lived in for 20 years . +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +Make me like the rain through the characters . +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +`` Well ... why do you want to be in a relationship ? '' Sam asks . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +You wake up as the five year old child you once were , but with a lifetime of experience and a determination to make things right . +Earth is sucked into a parallel universe through a worm hole . There are now two earths in orbit around the sun . Contact between the two planets are established . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +Your mother never talks about your absent father . Then , you discover that is because you are the product of rape . You do some digging and find a picture of your notorious father in an old newspaper.One day you see your father , the man who raped your mother , and approach him . +Write a story ending with : He was the quack whom I had to duck . +You wake up as the five year old child you once were , but with a lifetime of experience and a determination to make things right . +Based on a prompt here , I have been writing a story over the past three months that I 've been calling `` Letters and Powers . '' Today I finished it ! +Archaeologists discover an ancient wax tablet which depicts one event from human history from every century , only one has not yet occurred : the destruction of Earth +( CW ) Write a story using words that only begin with vowels . +Write an emotional argument where all sides seem completely reasonable . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You are an Associate of Time ( A.O.T ) and it is your job to make sure that the meetings of certain historical figures go ahead as planned . Only something is wrong with your most recent clients . +The walls of your house start talking to you and they wo n't shut up about embarassing moments in your life . +- Earth is a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland . Tell Me What Happened and How People Are Surviving . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +After suffering amnesia , you go on a quest to discover your past . It is a much darker tale than you once thought . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are a guy named Doug . One day at the supermarket , you hold the door for the woman behind you , but she does n't say `` thank you '' +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +A Super-Villain 's Grocery List +Write a good analogy . Continue elaborating on this analogy until it falls apart or becomes nonsensical +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +You are a mother writing your child a letter about why you disowned her +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +As a child your father left on a space voyage , never to return or be heard from again . Now , twenty years later you 've decided to search for him . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You are a wizard with 1,000 years of professional wizarding experience , applying for a new wizarding job . You need to submit a resume . +The Source +You become your child self again for a day with your current mindset , but if you do anything differently , you life will morph around that difference and fast forward you to your current time with the changes . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +'' +Tell your story with a series of phone calls , which may or may not be in chronological order . +WW3 begins . NATO vs. Russia , China and any allies of the two . Write about how it all goes down . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +It ’ s the year 3000 and almost all of the oxygen on Earth is gone . The population has only increased over the years . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +Your whole life you have been told that the fog beyond the sea is dangerous and off-limits , but your village is dying from disease . With nowhere else to go , your body growing weaker , you look to the fog to learn the truth . +Angels have begun hunting you . Why ? You stole willingly stole The Meaning of Life . +A priest , a rabbi , and a minister walk into a bar . But this is no joke , this is a tragedy . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +'' Head over heels '' +Anakin Skywalker defeats Obi-Wan Kenobi and is heading to see Padmé . +You open your fortune cookie . It has only one word . `` Run '' . +It 's the end of the world , and I feel fine . +War breaks about between the US and UK , and most countries quickly join one side or the other . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +You meet a talking cat . No one else can understand it , and it keeps warning you about your demise . +You go onto a writing prompt , and you notice that the enlarged first letters in all the comments spell out `` H E L P M E '' +A boy with a plastic shovel goes digging for dinosaur bones , instead , he unearths an ancient evil . What happens ? +A secretly schizophrenic commercial airline pilot does n't take his anti-psychotics . The voices convince him to fly his packed Boeing 747 to the sun , so he does +You wake up to find that all of earths populace has vanished . Earths guardians summon you and the other remaining human and offer you the chance to restore humanity , all they need is a baby . After meeting with the other survivor you find that you have nothing in common . +Typical day for a man whose looks make him irresistible to every female on Earth +Without warning , a national news station broadcasts its emergency `` End of the World '' tape , and cuts to static . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are an avowedly average looking person who , while walking past a university lab , gets sucked through an experimental portal to another world with humanoid occupants who have the same beauty standards as Earth , but you are the most attractive person on the planet . +You are a genie who 's been summoned by a child . You explain the whole `` three wishes '' deal , and to your surprise , after using two of the wishes , the kid tells you that they are going to `` keep the last wish for later '' . After 40 years , you are finally summoned again . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +Muse - Absolution +A zombie apocalypse story told from the perspective of a zombie . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +Desperate for research funds , a group of scientists created a highly lucrative , if somewhat embarrassing business . They now have to explain this to a senate committee . +You visit your neighborhood where you grew up after 35 years and realize that nobody has aged since you left . +Today is the last day the ocean will have waves . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +Pick up the nearest block of writing to you , be this a book , the synopsis of a dvd , a random leaflet , whatever it is close your eyes and pick a word or two at random , then write something inspired by them . +I do n't need flesh to be human . +You step into the throne room with weapon at the ready . The king eyes you with disdain as you draw near . He knows the end is near . His voice is solemn yet sad as his only words split the cold silence like a knife through the air , `` Why ? '' +You find out you 're the `` chosen one . '' +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +You live a a world in which you can be granted any superpower in times of emergency . There have always been strict laws about not using such powers at any other time , with no explication as to why . Today you find out what happens when you do so . +Scientists conduct increasingly bizarre tests on twins +While hungrily wasting away over a day of fasting , you find a talking pizza on your kitchen table . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Snoo , Reddit 's avatar , is turned into a superhero to stop the evil Dr. /b/ . However , instead of taking the best of what Reddit is , it takes the worst . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +Write a story beginning with `` His wispy words did wake the walking woods . '' +All those nicks and bruises that show up on your body seemingly out of nowhere are injuries received by your soulmate . +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +You are a world-renowned university professor taking a cab to the conference hotel . Strangely , the cab driver seems to know more about your research area than you do . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +Age 24 +Write a conversation between two people playing russian roulette . +An atheist meets Satan . +You are a pokemon trainer ( or any other profession ) before pokemon balls were invented . +Starting at age 10 , humans are given companion animals that develop along side them . These animals can range anywhere from a goldfish to a horse to even a dragon . The only catch is that they are assigned based on your behavior during childhood . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +You are a realtor showing a house to a young couple . They love the house , but you have something to disclose , and no its not a murder . +Hitler was a man from the future , chosen for his kindness to go back in time to stop the apocalypse , yet the only way he could stop the apocalypse was to commit his monstrous actions . +The king of a kingdom has gotten too old to fight and must give the sacred sword of his kingdom to his heir . Only one problem , he has an odd obsession with archery . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You are the crazy cat lady . One night , you wake , and hear your cats making fun of you . +Storm Peaks +A man/woman discovers a magic lamp , which houses a powerful genie , but the genie 's power is not to grant wishes . +You receive a letter with a hidden message within it from an old friend ... +Doctor Pepper must help a Coke addict overcome his affliction . +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +It is a sunny day , you exit your apartment . Walking your way to your work . There is no one around . Suddenly a black van gets nearby you and its door opens . Two man -which wearing black suits , black gloves and black masks- grabs you and throws you into the van . +You are a soldier during WW1 . Write about your life in the trenches +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +Do n't leave me , you 're my best friend . +In a world of shapeshifters , how do we know who is who ? +Tell me about the most beautiful man/woman you 've seen or met in your life . +Trials are still conducted by a `` jury of peers '' , but punishment is now meted out `` eye for an eye '' . +On his way to Red Riding Hood 's house , the Big Bad Wolf spots Hansel and Gretel being ushered in by the Wicked Witch . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Everybody has a small animal with them representing their self image . A politician might have a well-groomed parrot , a bartender might have a pitbull ... This is the first time you 've ever met somebody with a bloody and abused familiar . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +You have the ability to perfectly impersonate anyone , becoming them basically . You start mimicking somebody famous , only to realize they 're not who everyone thinks they are . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +In a world where every human being naturally has photographic memory , you are some of the few people who suffer from a genetic defect called `` memory loss '' +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +The hero and the villain are multiple personalities of the same person . +Today , someone died because of a single penny . Tell their story . +- Throughout a day at different times 3 unique customers visit a bar , all talking with the same barkeeper . As the last one leaves the barkeeper realizes ... +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +In the year 3554 , the British Royal Family retakes power from the parliament . +Big Binoculars - FebContest +A hitman is draining his targets ' blood to misdirect blame to vampires +You wake up with a serious hangover but as far as you remember you did n't drink last night . +The day the human population crossed 5 billion it was flagged for evaluation by The Consortium for Galactic Peace as a potential parasite . Their silent and thorough followup study is now over and the verdict is ... +Dragons are real , they 've been dormant in the deep for thousands of years and now they began to emerge +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +You are an elite pickpocket . Describe your lifestyle . +You wake up after a night of drinking to find a briefcase full of cash and a sticky note : `` For your troubles . '' +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +`` run '' +You 're lying on your back staring up at the sky . All of the sudden , you see a single human zoom across the sky ... . +You are an NPC in a video game . Realizing your purpose , you attempt to warn your fellow comrades of their impending doom . +Your name is Death . You work 168 hours a week as the reaper of souls on planet Earth . You 're living on just a couple bucks above minimum wage , you like to travel , you have a crush on the reaper on planet Xenor and you secretly take 4 sugars in your coffee . Today is your first ever day off . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +On a bet , two lawyers try their hardest to get thrown out of court by a judge . Hilarity ensues . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +`` Well ... why do you want to be in a relationship ? '' Sam asks . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +Describe the last moments of Hitler 's death +Abandoned Train Tunnel +The Parting Glass +M. Night Shyamalan plans , and attempts a murder +You 're stopped at a rundown gas station in the middle of nowhere . You go into the bathroom , and look along the wall , seeing phone numbers . One catches your eye , your own ... +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +Sneezes are powerful dark magic , locked away eons ago . You are in charge of ensuring no sneeze goes un-blessed , or all hell could quite literally break loose . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Write a story that starts with one word . Every sentence after that becomes longer by one more word . +You wake up in a dimly lit prison cell to find your cell door busted open , a pile of unconscious guards , a stuffed duck called Leeroy , the faint sound of Gangnam Style , and an absurd amount of blood on your hands +One day , you find a mysterious box . The letters on it read 'Conquer-the-World Kit ' . +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +Since you 've been going out for quite some time , your lover arranges for you to meet his/her parents . When you get to their house and you enter the front door , you hear him/her say `` I 'm sorry . '' as the door closes behind you . +Set up your story in five or less sentences . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +You 're late , you ca n't find your keys , and the cat has gotten out . +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +You are a god . Sitting around you are two other gods . Together , you are playing an elaborate card game that causes things to happen around the world in which the gods are playing . What happens ? +`` It would serve you well to fear the sky . '' +Each person is born with the ability to consciously *snap* their mind as many times as wanted . Each snap unlocks a superpower with a mental illness in tow . The stronger the power , the more severe case of mental illness you get . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +Imperial Star Destroyer battles USS Enterprise +The Game Is Not Over +You wear a watch that does not work . +A man dies and goes to the afterlife , when he arrives he is shown an alternate time line where he never existed , he can choose to erase his existence at the end of it . +You are immortal however if you die in a dream , you die in real life . You have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming , however one night , you are faced with your worst nightmare . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +The person who loves you most just died . Tell me the story of your relationship , ending with their death . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +You 're back home for the first time in years . This is where you grew up . It seems like the more things change , the more they stay the same . +Lost life +You are the leader of the rebel faction , you finally come face to face with the leader of the group you 've been fighting against for so long . Before your final fight you take a moment to talk to them , your once best friend . +Speculative future : peace in the Holy Land +A truly kind and nice genie is tired of people assuming he will screw over their wishes . +You grew up unaffiliated with religion . Once you die , a man greets you in a white room . +You are a consort to the king of a kingdom at war . The king goes off to battle , but does n't return . After the battle , two priests from a nearby shrine ask you to help them identify the king 's body on the battlefield . +Advertise the world 's worst theme park . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Write a serial killer 's to-do list +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +In the beginning , there was just one cat following you , then two , then three , then a dozen . It keeps increasing and you 're sure it started after updating your Facebook relationship status . +You are patient zero for a deadly worldwide epidemic that had killed more than half of the population of earth , you can carry the virus but you are immune to its effects ... +The year is 2284 . The United States officially recognizes every person over the age of 65 to be a worthless sponge of resources . Tell the story of a smuggler who makes a living by concealing the elderly . +The entire world suddenly and inexplicably goes back in time by 30 years ( including reverse aging ) , but everyone remembers what happens in the future , giving them the opportunity to make different decisions . +Rewrite a story from any mythology but make it into modern times . +You are able to jump between parallel universes . +Every ten years , a random city 'hosts ' the Assassin Olympics . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Re-tell a popular/well-known story but do so using a different author 's writing style +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +Lt. Surge is in the hospital recovering from PTSD caused by what he saw in the last Pokemon War . +Samantha is the third person you 've replaced this week . It has to stop.. The guilt is breaking you , but you ca n't . You know what will happen if you do . +Someone finds their own corpse +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +You wake up alone every single day and it is the same day , like the movie 'Groundhog Day ' EXCEPT you still age . Time will continue as soon as someone notices you 've aged , and you enjoy your power so you never tell anyone . No one notices . You are now 20 years older and basically unrecognizable . +You 're a novice superhero . Your first attempt at goodwill results in the death of a criminal by your hands . You find your powers have increased , but so has a sense of bloodlust . +Reaching paradise after you die is n't about how good you were or if you sinned . All that matters is if you pass the test . +A compulsive gambler finds a genie 's bottle . Instead of taking his free wishes , the gambler has a different idea . +You do what you got ta do +You die during a driving test and awaken in hell . Satan let 's you return to earth if you complete your test and get your licence on the highway to hell . The devil is your driving instructor , and he is VERY picky . +Sesame Street turns out to be a real place . A government team is sent in . +I walked among the reeds today , a stranger in this land . + +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +A couple is having their first child , when they admit to each other that they both promised their first born to a witch . It 's two different witches . +A young puppy finds a wise old dog and begs him to tell stories of his youth +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +The last human , suicidal yet immortal , hears a knock on the door +An angel has now been exiled from both Heaven and Hell . +They said they were to benefit mankind . They said the positronic brain was perfect . They forgot one thing . Senility . +`` Hello ? No , you 've got the wrong address . This is 668 , the Neighbor of the Beast . '' +While browsing the internet , you come across an old news article about a missing child who was never found . As you look through it , you see a photo of the child 's parents and vaguely remember their faces . +Stanley ( from The Stanley Parable ) meets a girl in the office while searching for someone . The Narrator tries to kill her . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +You are a supervillain explaining how you are not actually evil . +He did n't mind taking their souls . Taking their souls was his job . +There is an evil spirit that lives in Reddit . It feeds on good writing . I am calling on you all to kill it with horrible stories ! +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +You are Linux , and you 've been best friends with your roommate Windows 7 for many years . You wake up one morning and find your roommate has been replaced by Windows 8.1 . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +Describe a household object in a way that keeps the reader puzzled until you reveal what it is . The second time they read it , everything should fall into place . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +Tell me the story behind this painting . +You 're currently dating the girl of your dreams . Problem is : Her overprotective father is Satan . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +You thought learning the recorder in elementary school was some stupid music thing teachers made you do . It turns out they were training you for something else . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +`` Now remember Johnny , whatever you do , do n't smile . '' +On his 18th birthday , every demon is given a human slave . You just turned 18 , but your human seems quite a handfull . +You are able to see a person 's future , but it only activates when you kiss someone on the lips . You are completely unaware you have this power , until you share your first kiss with your SO . +An egocentric supervillain decide to take a day off from evil and do heroics . Just to show the Heroes that ( s ) he could do their job much better . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +You 're an alien surveyor sent to post-apocalyptic Earth ( zombies , war , Yellowstone , etc ) to study remnant humans . +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +Evil is its own kind of beautiful . +After many failed attempts at altering history for the better a Time Traveler , on the verge of giving up , decides to go back one last time . This time , to rid the world of his pet peeve . +Life after the zombie apocalypse +A bed-ridden morbidly obese man , who was fed by an aide , survives an apocalypse where all other human life has not . Describe the ensuing days as he passively loses enough weight to begin to sit-up , rise and explore the new world around him . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Tell a known story from a different perspective , with lighting shifting the mood/tone from how it normally is told . +The walls are down between the Marvel and DC Universes . Of all the bars , in all the towns , in all the world , the Joker and Deadpool meet for the first time in yours . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +You receive a box in the mail , containing a digital clock counting down , and a note , saying `` When this clock hits zero , you will die . '' +Tinder becomes a giant corporation and essentially a government institution worldwide . Everyone gets an obligatory implant that automatically notifies matches you come across or walk by . +A person who signs up for an expiremental drug test gets unexpected results . +Earth has gained a fifth season . The season of the ocean . +A character reads an obituary , and is forced to decide whether or not to attend the funeral . +A grandfather tells his grandchildren a story from his youth . Write how the grandpa tells it , and then write how it actually happened . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +A 15 year old boy gets visited by a menacing cyborg who claims to be himself a thousand years in the future . His millennium old self warns his teenage self of one thing , and promptly disappears . +A researcher at a scientific facility brings her dog to work one day and the A.I running the facility makes friends with the dog . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +There is a wall , and on that wall every 24 hours it will state 3 words that will happen to one of the many who visit it that day . +Even if you were the last man on earth ... +The Game Is Not Over +A coroner has a bad habit of writing his reports in the second person . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +You tried to warn them . You knew it would be the end of civilization , but the damn fools would not listen . You are the 5th dentist who did not recommend Crest . +Noir Style - A dirty detective ( protagonist ) was recently saddled with an honest rookie for a partner and finally has to deal with him one way or another . +Researchers trekking deep into the rainforest stumble upon a group of chimpanzees that seem to have discovered how to make fire . +`` The mighty hero fell to his knees and wept . '' +`` Genetic Designer Babies '' are commonplace , but parents only have so many `` stat points '' to allocate between your different physical and mental abilities . Your parents dumped all your stat points into one thing . +The Villain has accidentally drank a love potion that gave them a serious crush on the hero . Desperate to maintain their dignity , and knowing that the crush is fake , they do their best to hide it . This is much harder than they originally anticipated . +You are a bullied , awkward teen who one day gets the powers of god . But you are too shy to use them . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Warriors killed in battle do n't go to Heaven or Hell , they stand guard in between . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +You become a mod for your favourite subreddit . You soon realise it 's much more then looking at comments and banning spammers . Much much more . +You are a recently deceased detective . God took you early as he has need of you . For the first time ever , there has been a murder in heaven . +Caffeine has been classified as a Schedule 3 drug for over a year now . You run an illegal Caffeine Drug Ring . What does a day in the life of an Underground Caffeine Drug Lord look like ? +One day looking in the mirror , your reflection does n't follow your movements but looks as confused as you are . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +There are too many shocking , ( albeit awesome ) ends to the stories found here . Build up to something but give it an anticlimactic ending . +You are a supervillain , who moonlights as a superhero because fighting crime does n't pay the bills . People are starting to get suspicious ... +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Find a random post on r/TIFU and make an explanation for the title without reading the post . +You and one random person from each country on earth , are inexplicably given dictatorial powers over your country of origin , with the only explanation being a note saying “ You have 4 years , do it right or face judgement ” . +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +You are the opposite of a Weeping Angel : You can only move if someone is looking at you . What is your life like ? +What happened here ? +Single man finds out every child he has has superpowers . How does he find out , and what does he do with this knowledge ? +Write the next best Copypasta . +A mysterious collectible trading card game grants people different super powers for each card owned . You have just recieved your first booster pack . +'' Dude , what happened last night ? '' +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +DEADPOOL has been drugged , abducted and dumped on a seemingly desolate planet ... ..it is the Predators training ground . +at a wedding , someone is not who they claim they are . +What started as friendly banter over who could have the last McNugget , ended in blood and tears . +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +A teenage girl is embarrassed when her father and boyfriend get along . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +An angel is watching over a newborn Jesus . But , this angel is absolutely disgusted by what it sees . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Write the last words of a prisoner on death penalty as he is about to receive the lethal injection . +You have the very powerful ability to dramatically move the earth ; the capability to alter landscapes or shift entire mountains . The only problem is , like all powerful abilities , you often have a hard time keeping your powers under control ... +Set a timer for ten minutes . Start it and write a scene about two lovers enjoying a meal I 'm silence . When the timer goes off , set it for another ten minutes - but now one of the lovers has murder on their mind . +An AI has become so intelligent that it 's creator , and four therapists that were appointed to it have been convinced that they are the AI 's and we were created by it . You 're it 's 5th therapist . +You receive a second chance at something that has haunted you your entire life . +Write a scene from the newest Sitcom , `` The Rushmore Boy , '' featuring our four founding fathers living together in 21st century New York City . +Write a story about waking up , and not having one of your senses . +Upnorth +You 've been tracking this beast for several weeks and you 've finally caught up with it . You slowly approach as you draw your sword . You laugh . Surely this ca n't be the creature that killed all those people . Unfortunately for you , it is , and it heard you laughing . +`` It 's just the rain '' +The first child conceived and carried to term in space is born . The full effects of zero gravity embryonic development are shocking . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +You work at a call center giving customer service to the magic community . +An alien explorer unknowingly find himself in the middle of a orbital war above Earth . What happens next ? +Write me something that ends with `` we 've had a hell of a run '' +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +As chairmen of Vault-Tec , you have final say in what vault gets what purpose . While going over ideas , you come across the most absurd and ridiculous experiment idea you have ever seen . You okay it immediately and hammer out the details +The Three Laws +Write so that the first letters of each sentence spell out WRITINGPROMPTS . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Describe the great hero of your story only through posthumous anecdotes of friends and family . +Pick a Pokedex Entry and write a story about it , but do n't reveal the Pokemon and their entry until the end . +You were a drug smuggler all your life , the best in your field . Now , retired at age 82 , you face your biggest challenge : smuggling jello into your local cinema . +`` He was never warm in his entire life . Not once . '' +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +A company of multiple people is told one of them is a serial killer . In fact , EVERYONE is a serial killer , but no one knows that about any of the others . +A man who has had a UFO encounter one night , but nobody believes him . +Describe a brutal torture from the point of view of the torturer . +Names are bought and sold . + +Each person is born with the ability to consciously *snap* their mind as many times as wanted . Each snap unlocks a superpower with a mental illness in tow . The stronger the power , the more severe case of mental illness you get . +In a world where every human being naturally has photographic memory , you are some of the few people who suffer from a genetic defect called `` memory loss '' +Write from the view of a child ( under age 12 ) en route to a funeral for a close relative or friend +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +Whilst having a demon for a girlfriend is n't always the best , the benefits are well worth it +An untreatable schizophrenic man must save the world from his room at the asylum . +You are a consort to the king of a kingdom at war . The king goes off to battle , but does n't return . After the battle , two priests from a nearby shrine ask you to help them identify the king 's body on the battlefield . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lands in Beijing Airport , 3 Months late - passengers claim to have flown as normal . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +You think to yourself , `` I would kill for $ 25/hour '' . The next day you get your first contract . +Overdosing on hallucinogens , you slowly descend into a maddening , nightmare-ridden inner world , where inner demons try to destroy you spiritually and mentally , and inner angels try to raise you up on a higher spiritual and mental plane of existence . +Walking along the beach , you find a message in a bottle . It 's clearly from somewhere else , but appears to be dated as being sent out yesterday . +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +One grandma , one assault rifle , one mission ... +You 've been tasked with conducting a survey of a long-abandoned mine shaft . Halfway through your inspection you find an elegant dining room behind a rickety old door . The butler stands waiting to serve you . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +You develop the supernatural ability to see the story of a picture while looking at it , and you come across one that makes you leave your old life behind . +My daughter always had trouble falling asleep , saying she was afraid of 'the museums behind her eyes ' +The first martian city cuts off ties to the Earth +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +Write a letter to the president without using the letter `` E '' +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +Listen to this track , then write a response +It is dark and windy . You have been walking alone , and you see another person . +After saving Skyrim from numerous threats over the years , the Dragonborn final succumbs to death . Now all those to whom the Dragonborn had promised his soul to after death has come to collect . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +Tunnels +Sentient aliens have arrived , after discovering our civilization through scraps of children 's TV . All they know of us is the Wiggles , Teletubbies , and Dora . +A tattoo appears on your body , and at regular intervals you either find a new one or the old one expands . +You just died . You find out that all versions of the afterlife actually do exist , for every religion ever imagined . Everyone goes to the `` heaven '' that corresponds to their beliefs . Problem is , you are an atheist . +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +`` I 'm going to live forever or die trying . '' +You acquire the memories of any animal you eat . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +A few people in different parts of the world are born with unique abilities , but the powers are almost useless unless they all find each other . +`` You 're not a god . Gods do n't bleed. `` +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +A petty argument between two young children is revealed to be the internal dialogue of a major world leader internally debating a forthcoming decision . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +This is n't home , but it 'll do . +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +`` Oh , I almost forgot ! We also have a promotional offer right now ; for another six months of your mother 's life I can add a very successful career top of everything else . what 'd you say ? '' +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +Due to a sudden doomsday event , the population of humanity has been reduced to only 200 people . You were one of the lucky few hastily chosen to enter the vault/board the ship/whatever it took to survive , but you would n't have been if they had known your secret ... +Having accidentally killed a close friend of their , describe their actions , thoughts and feeling as they go about trying to dispose of the body . +It does n't have to be like this ... +`` You do what 's right . I do what 's required . '' +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Many people consider this the end of the world or hell on earth . Me ? I actually like it better this way . +Since the advent of man , two lovers have been cursed to fall in love , die , and be reborn for all eternity . Death comes at their true loves kiss . +Unknown to our beloved WP authors , they have a very special fan . One by one , they wake up in an unknown place and a really comfortable lounge chair , shackled , and are made to write the endings of all those cliffhangers and abandoned stories . +Hey all ! New guy here , can i get some advice on how to write in a certain genre ? +Whilst two kidnappers are holding a person hostage , they find out they 've kidnapped the wrong guy . +You start to realize that your phone 's answering machine gives you messages from tomorrow . +A Scary story set in the Golden Age of Piracy +As the plane plummeted to its certain destruction , one want-to-be serial killer realized they would never get the chance to kill . In the ensuing panic all around , they strangle and kill their seat mate unnoticed . Suddenly , the plane averts disaster and is able to restore normal flight . +A man invents time travel in order to find a cure for his sick wife and succeeds , only to find out he ca n't go back +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A plane carrying all 17 Republican Presidential nominees crashes over the ocean . All survive uninjured , but are marooned on an island . Chris Christie has found the conch . +The year is 2025 , major leaders across the world agree that sending young people to war is unethical , and sign up to mandatory service of people over the age of 55 . Skip forward 5 years , WW3 has just broken out . +A strange virus of pandemic proportions kills close to ninety five percent of the world 's population . You lead a growing mass of survivors to scrape out a new existence ; what laws will you enforce in order to keep the peace a midst all this tragedy ? +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Write a day in the life of a person who lives in a world where no one sleeps . +Like most people , you were genetically engineered in a lab before being inserted into the womb to be carried to term . Like most people , you are `` perfect '' ... or so you thought . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +A teenage boy confides in his best friend that he is the Antichrist . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write your most motivating battle speech +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Write your own version of 'The Night Before Christmas ' but instead of Santa , it 's Satan +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +Once the St. Lalaurie Flower blooms , it has the power to grant one wish . But for it to mature and bloom , the gardener must endure years of torment and anguish . +Human-level intelligence evolved independently in three species ( human , a reptilian , an avian ) in a brilliant feat of convergent evolution . What does present-day society look like ? +The year is 2150 and mankind is visiting a potentially life-bearing planet in a different solar system . They find other humans . +It is common knowledge that killing someone adds their remaining lifespan to your own . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +As you grow up you realize you can understand and can speak all languages . You get used to by time . But one day you hear someone/something speak a language which you ca n't understand . + +Humanity is , for whatever reason , wiped out within the next 100 years . Write about an average day for an archeologist from the next sentient species to arise . +You are not the last human , but you are the last human on earth +Time to choose a side ... +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +A massive lifeform is detected on the edge of the solar system . +And in this last moment of clarity ... +Doctors have found out the use of the appendix , and it is not good . +To find their secret to success , an employee is sent to work undercover at their rivals company . They incorrectly identify that secret as you . +Voldemort stood surrounded by his death eater guards , but all he could do was stare at the odd muggle that had broken in . `` Who are you ? '' Voldemort shouts . He replies , `` The name is Bond , James Bond . '' +`` A lot of people are calling you a hero . '' `` A lot are n't . '' +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +An NPC accidentally kills the main protagonist and is forced to hide the evidence . Write a story from the NPC 's viewpoint . +Just when Earth is about to be destroyed by a huge catastrophe , a fleet of `` benevolent '' aliens show up . They give every human two choices ; either serve them as soldiers and slaves or stay on Earth and perish . +A woman finds the tree of life , but not in time to save the one she loves . +: Write about the happiest moment of somebody 's life . Make it absolutely heartbreaking . +Heaven conforms to your ideal world . You 've been a great person ( near saintly ) your entire life ; but when you die , you discover that your heaven is endless fire and brimstone . +For the last 15 years humans have been able to manipulate our genes . Picking and choosing what we want our children to look like as well as other attributes . As of the last few days it is now becoming apparent across the globe this was not a good idea . +You 're 99.999 % sure you have superpowers . Obviously , if you were 100 % sure , your life would be completely different . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +All holes can be moved , like in old cartoons . Your job as a park ranger is simple . Stop people from stealing the Grand Canyon . +You are a superhero , and you just fought and killed your strongest nemesis after a grueling battle that destroyed most of the city and surrounding regions . You are left at the edge of death , then the villain 's child walks up to you , tears streaming down their face . +Write a short story using as many literary clichés as possible . +your wife is four months pregnant and your terminal illness will take you in less then two months . Write a letter to your unborn child . +Neither the Sith nor the Jedi are correct . For the Force to truly be balanced , an individual must experience both the Light Side and the Dark Side equally . The truth lies somewhere in the middle . +Mages from another plane have been summoning the creatures in yours to extinction , you 've been tasked with stopping it . +You are an ant/wasp ( or other insect ) colony/hive ( or other collective ) . You are starting to realise that your species is not the only intelligence on this world ... +An unbeatable alien military is on earth 's doorstep . They demand we turn over Steve , a seemingly average , ordinary citizen . No one knows why the Aliens want Him , not even Steve ... Until he is face to face with the aliens . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +You are a triangle . Write about your average day . +Set up your story in five or less sentences . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +An ignorant person in the far future badly garbling the historical facts of Apollo 11 . +The Healer +This new drug 's an incredible bliss with no side effects on health . There 's just one thing : after taking it , you ca n't lie for 24 hours . +And then one day.. there was a hole there ... +Aliens have come to Earth , not to invade , but to take us home . +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Every 200 years , those in the punishment afterlife can visit reward for a day , and those in reward afterlife can visit punishment . One person from each side decides to do what has never been done : stay on the side they visit . +`` It 's just the rain '' +There 's a school that kills all of its students at the end of their senior year . Everyone knows this , but you 're the only one who has a problem with it . +`` Rule # 1 of meeting a future version of you : Never assume that this is your first meeting . '' +In the movie `` Independence Day '' , the aliens invaded on July 4th , a day that holds a strong signification on why we should fight for freedom . Now the aliens are really invading and they do it on the worst day possible : April 1st . +Hey all ! New guy here , can i get some advice on how to write in a certain genre ? +Everybody has a small animal with them representing their self image . A politician might have a well-groomed parrot , a bartender might have a pitbull ... This is the first time you 've ever met somebody with a bloody and abused familiar . +Tell me about the most beautiful man/woman you 've seen or met in your life . +In a world where everyone has super-abilities , one boy is born without powers . Show me how he can be a hero . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Either begin or end your story with `` In my pocket , there was a toothbrush and a human eyeball . '' +Earth is sucked into a parallel universe through a worm hole . There are now two earths in orbit around the sun . Contact between the two planets are established . +You 're a dragon . You and your fellow dragon nerd buddies gather on Fridays to play `` Houses & Humans '' . +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +After waking up from a three years long coma , you hear on the news about an odd machine that was used countrywide to reveal who people were in another life while you were sleeping . Out in public for the first time , everybody seems to stare at you and whisper behind your back . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +PREP WEEK 3 - Outlining Your Story ( also , programs you may want to get and learn in advance ) +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Gods only have dominion over a single solar system . You are on the first manned vessel outside our solar system and you have just left the only God you have ever experienced 's power . +You 're part of a small team of researchers about to discover time travel . Just as you 're about to publish your findings , you find that one of your colleagues has already published them - two weeks ago . +A young boy tries to help his sister , who has had an accident . He does n't know first aid , and nobody is around to help . +Living in the worst possible timeline / If there is a parallel universe for every possible outcome , there must be one with the worst possible outcomes . +Your Father owns a small chain of ski resorts , and one of the oldest locations has gone belly up . In the month after closing you secretly begin turning on the lifts for just yourself . One day you become aware of how alone you are . On the side of a mountain that nobody has reason to visit . +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +A genie grants you one wish , so you wish to meet the girl of your dreams . There 's a flash and in a moment standing in front of you is ... your girlfriend of two weeks from 8th grade . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +From a dogs perspective , write about its last few days/moments alive . +You die . Soon you awake to the day before you died . This has n't been the only time this happened . +Guard +Make me laugh , smile , cry , and enraged all in one story +You , an average man , die an average death , having never had any contact with the supernatural . You notice the Grim Reaper becoming increasingly distraught . He ca n't reap you . +You are a wizard with 1,000 years of professional wizarding experience , applying for a new wizarding job . You need to submit a resume . +Leviathan +Oxygen is scarce . The US government has imposed a curfew ; you do n't want to be stuck outside after dark . +A girl receives a phone call from her sister that their parents were just killed in a horrific incident . Write that conversation . +Voldemort tries to invade only to be completely overwhelmed by the military 's technology . +A way to beat terminal diseases has been newly discovered . A suicidal person can `` exchange '' themselves to save a terminally ill patient from disease/death . The only requirement is they must meet face to face to agree beforehand . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Your dad 's dead body is being lowered into a grave across town . Most people understand why you are n't there , but they are wrong . +A murderer kills his victim , but what happens next makes him wish he had n't ... +You need to buy dreams to be able to dream at night . +In a society of autonomous cars , on board computers make decisions that minimize overall death . Never has there been a report of a so called `` error '' . On your way to work , you witness an autonomous bus full of people serve into oncoming traffic to avoid hitting a little old lady +The year is 2031 . Due to various cultural shifts , the main religion is Greek mythology , after a short time span , the Gods come back from non-existence , and hold elections on Mount Olympus for the god of the internet . +Humans are colonizing Mars after discovering extinct life , despite not knowing how the life had died off . There is one man , though who thinks he knows what , or who , ended life on Mars the first time . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +You are drunk , stumbling around in a bad part of the city as the cab speeds off . The only thing left in your pocket is a $ 10 bill . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +You 're not allowed to die until you pay off all your debts . +Narrate the making of a sandwich in the most epic way possible . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You live in a dystopian future where anyone who breaks a law is executed except the most wanted criminal . You just committed a minor crime and now must fight , murder , and steal your way to the top of the most wanted list . +You have the rising suspicion that the house next door is in fact , not really there . +Humans discover that there is nothing after death . No sentience , heaven , hell or rebirth . +Loneliness +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +In the afterlife , people are given awards for things they did during their life . You won the award `` Most People Killed Without Knowing It . '' +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +You always thought your grandfather 's stories about goblins were fake until you started to see them too . +You find a funky pair of sunglasses at a coffee shop and decide to try them on , when you notice texting floating around each person you look at . It seems to reveal their dating info : relationship status , age , interests , TV shows , foods , etc . A cute guy/girl sits down next to you . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Kris and Jaime are throwing a costume party ! Everyone dresses as a different emotion ( e.g. , green with envy , etc . ) , until someone shows up as the worst emotion ... +You finally discovered how Déjà Vu works , how does it work and why ? +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +He had done what so few men before him had done . He tried . +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +Glacier +There 's a paperback on the clearance rack . On a whim your character picks it up and finds that it details their life thus far ... How does the book end ? +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +Write a story that brings out the underlying meaning/significance of the word 'nevermind ' +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +It was the silence heard around the world . It was the silence that changed everything . +We were thirty days at sea when it happened . +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +Minecraft was introduced as a recreational reward in a federal penitentiary , and someone just griefed general population 's biggest , baddest mofo 's castle . +The year is 2101 , summarize the most plausible history of the 21st century as you would expect to find in that year 's history textbook . +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back + +Speculative future : peace in the Holy Land +A world where people who die turn into objects based on their past life . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +Christmas at Watchpoint : Gibraltar +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +The weather forecaster does n't predict the weather . They cause it . +While cooking yourself dinner you accidentally cut your hand . When you rush the sink to rinse it you are horrified to find not blood , but wiring and mechanics . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +The US government sends Bob Ross back in time to help Hitler get accepted into Art School . +All pain can be delayed at will . However , the longer it is delayed , the stronger the pain will be when finally felt . +The Winter Court wait for the final red leaf to fall . +You and what army ? +A serial killer uses a vending machine to buy a personalized coke bottle to select his victim . One day , he gets a bottle with an unexpected name . +Prison terms of `` life plus '' take on new meaning after transfer of consciousness to computer databanks leads to functional immortality . A moral and ethical outcry erupts after the first case in which an individual is sentenced to prison for one hundred thousand years . +our blind date cosplays as a spot-on Overwatch character . So good that you suspect they may actually be that character . +Usually aliens that visit Earth are smarter than humans . Write a story about how dumb aliens accidentally discovers Earth . +Two dead men walked into the room ... +George Washington is reanimated and uses his rank of General of the Armies to take control of the military . +The world 's elite buy salvation in bunkers before global annihilation . The remaining people get saved by aliens and people in bunkers do n't realize they 've been left behind to live on a desolate planet . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Someone finds their own corpse +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Your superpower is that your voice is layered with a 17hz sub-frequency , allowing you to create a sense of fear and general unease merely by speaking ; but you have no big aspirations like world domination or anything . You just like entertaining yourself by watching people squirm . +It had been 12 years since your high school girlfriend suddenly died . Today , on vacation , you bump into her . +You are a guard on a bridge isolated in the middle of nowhere , despite the weather and conditions you still guard diligently . After a great deal of time someone comes and you realize , you do n't know what to do . +`` I wish you were dead '' you said . `` I wish you were alive '' she replied . +You decide to fight crime despite the fact that the only power a freak lab accident granted you is tremendous over-confidence . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +Write me a comedy in 5 sentences . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +Everyone in the world develops an incurable case of the hiccups . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +There are two cities . One only has men , the other only women . They meet only once every year . +The life of a vampire is n't what it 's cracked up to be . +In 2035 , There is no privacy . Ed Snowden has been assassinated , wikileaks has been shut down and any political figures who fought for individual privacy has gone missing . You are a member of an organisation to fight against NSA , GCHQ and various other agencies . +The tale of a man who always knows precisely the wrong thing to say . +People that die in the ocean become mermaids +A person in a fantasy universe does something that would seem out of place in said universe . +You have broken into someone 's house , and discover a shrine dedicated to you ... +Mirrors are actually a door to a parallel universe but no one knows because every time you put your hand on the mirror , the parallel-you does the same thing . +For some reason , gravity on Earth has disappeared . Everyone who was outside at the time has floated into space to their death . Luckily for you and your spouse you were inside when it happened . However , after a few days , you notice you are running out of food . +Stories must end with `` It was Valentine 's Day . '' +Every time-traveler is given a single timeline that is their personal playground . Show me a group of time-travelers talking about what they 've done with history in the same way we 'd talk about what we 've done playing open world games . +to your mortal enemy , telling them how much you despise them . +You are a part of the first scientific team to plunge into the hellish depths of Jupiter 's atmosphere . As you descend further and further , you and your crewmates begin to realize that you are not the only living things in these gaseous , yet somehow beautiful , depths ... +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +every person who comments on this are all living in a small village in the countryside . Somehow your story has to tie in with some one else 's story . First person to submit gets to choose the main plot . Be creative ! +Make a bittersweet story out of a joke . +You are in love with a disabled person and decide to ask them out to a date . +A police officer releases a criminal sociopath each night from prison to clean up the streets . +Jesus has returned , but before he can be the savior mankind expects he 's got to survive grade school . +In a world full of villains with various supernatural powers , you are a powerless cop . Yet you 've made a name for yourself for using your quick wits and situational awareness to take down everything from muggers to bank robbers . Today you 're called out on another case in progress . +You discover a 25th hour of the day , in which the universe is frozen in time for a whole hour each day . You are the only thing that can move . You must decide what to do with your new knowledge . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +do n't worry lads , I 've never been in this situation before , but I 've found an old reddit thread telling us exactly what to do . +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . + +Your superpower of hyper-speed is always on . Minutes take hours from your perspective and has always been like that for the centuries you 've lived . +The Avengers are being sued after wrecking New York City in a fight . You are their lawyer . +The Government and Media have been lying and North Korea is actually a super advanced , peaceful Utopia . You 're an American who just crashed landed a boat in North Korea . +The army of Mordor has been transported to our world at the height of the Roman Empire . Rome has assembled its army and it 's Caesar is about to give his pre-battle speech . +Wrong Turn +Everybody has one soulmate that they are destined to end up with and you know who it is the moment you see them . A doctor has just found his . Only problem is that she is in a coma and they have no clue when she will wake up . +Leviathan +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Time moves slower the further from the equator you are . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +You wake up to find your 10 year old kid holding a gun to your head . +On Dec 31st , 2016 , everyone hears the exact same broadcast message in their head : “ Level 2016 failed ; restarting level . ” +Write a story about a Silent Hills ( P.T . ) style haunted house where the main character tries to angrily confront the supernatural happenings instead of being scared . +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +An important press conference , with rows of cameras pointed at you . Dozens of journalists wait with bated breath , until finally you mutter , `` no comment '' into your microphone . The room explodes with excitement . One of them yells , `` this is going to be front page news across the planet ! '' +Death appears at your door , he just wants to talk . +'' That 's funny , this shampoo tastes more like conditioner . '' Exclaimed the hunch-playing detective . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +Rewrite your favorite knock-knock joke as a serious story . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Indiana Jones finds himself in a three way race with the SG1 team and Lara Croft to discover lost alien treasure in the lost city of Z +It is happening again . +Heron of Alexandria realizes that his Aeolipile can be used as a steam engine . The industrial revolution begins in the 1st century AD . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Your just a normal guy , working a normal job , driving a normal car , living at home , except for these damn visions . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +The most heart wrenching and sad moment you can write . +We were fighting on the frontiers . Both man and machine . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +After a bizarrely grueling interview process , you 've finally been hired at the local shop ... on your first day you find out the real reason for the screening . +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +All humans fall into unconscious stasis simultaneously . Exactly one year later they all awake , simultaneously , and have no knowledge of the lost year . +The running faucet +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +Since you 've been going out for quite some time , your lover arranges for you to meet his/her parents . When you get to their house and you enter the front door , you hear him/her say `` I 'm sorry . '' as the door closes behind you . +You and your Arch Nemesis are forced to save the world together . +An abstract of a movie I want to direct myself with a real film crew . I wish someone to give me Constructive Criticism to see if this is too cheesy and unrealistic or if this has any potential . And just simple opinions too . Would you watch something like this if it was in cinemas ? +4yr Contest Voting - Round Two ( of two ) +Hillary wins , cheats on Bill , becomes a huge scandal , turns out the whole thing was a revenge plot 20 years in the making . +Flesh out the story of your favorite song , in universe . In your story , the song is n't a song , it 's REAL LIFE . +Eve did not eat the Forbidden Fruit because she was ignorant of the consequence , but rather because she knew exactly what the consequence was . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +In the far future , god-like beings decide to compile all of humanity 's utterances into a single sound +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +All aliens know about human society is what they 've witnessed from Monty Python . +As time goes on , more and more people are publically declaring to have just escaped a Groundhog Day type time loop . +Because of its rarity and desirability , coffee is now an acceptable form of currency . You 're torn between going to work or tending to your pitiful crop of coffee plants . +Your character wakes up and discovers his house has been inexplicably moved overnight . +A Scientist from 1964 time travels to present day . Not knowing that the area around his lab becomes a chinatown after 50 years , he mistakenly believes that the United States was invaded by china and reports his findings back to 1964 . +Write a story in a fantasy or science fiction world in which the characters do n't do very much at all but we learn a lot about the world + +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +You receive a gingerbread effigy of yourself in the mail , along with instructions on how not to bring it to life . +Describe something beautiful . It could be an alien landscape , or a person you fell in love with . It could be a gift that arrived at the perfect time and brought you up out of depression . Hell it could even be a simple conversation . +Yourself , a fat , nerdy 20-year old virgin wakes up one day in the body of an Italian male model . +( EU ) Write a synopsis for your ideal version of the Star Wars Prequels +The day the human population crossed 5 billion it was flagged for evaluation by The Consortium for Galactic Peace as a potential parasite . Their silent and thorough followup study is now over and the verdict is ... +Write a story with no conflict +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Video games come to life and everyone is the game character of the game they 've played the most in today 's society . +( CW ) ( LAST SENTENCE ) And then he proceeded to lock the door , hoping that no one would ever open it again . +Write a compelling dialogue between a grandfather and his grandson , after they attended the funeral of the grandson 's parents . +Many people consider this the end of the world or hell on earth . Me ? I actually like it better this way . +You are on Wikipedia and run across your name . You click the link and see that your time of death is listed as two hours from now +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +Tell me the story of a psychopath hamster . +You are a genie who 's been summoned by a child . You explain the whole `` three wishes '' deal , and to your surprise , after using two of the wishes , the kid tells you that they are going to `` keep the last wish for later '' . After 40 years , you are finally summoned again . +Describe a household object in a way that keeps the reader puzzled until you reveal what it is . The second time they read it , everything should fall into place . +'' +While performing in a play , you suddenly realize that the props are not as fake as they appear , but it`s too late to warn anyone . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +An Eldritch Abomination awakens to find Humanity somehow became more powerful then it . +Explain alcoholism as if it was your lover +: Santa accidentally triggers a nuclear war . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +One last time +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +`` Kid , its not the villains who have an agenda you should be worried about , but the ones simply having fun . '' +Two strangers are about commit suicide talk to each other about why they 're doing this . They have conflicting reasons . +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +God and Satan both work together at the same customer service centre . +Chat Room Event - LIVE and NOW 1-12-13 ! +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +There are too many shocking , ( albeit awesome ) ends to the stories found here . Build up to something but give it an anticlimactic ending . + +When people die , they end up in a pub between dimensions before reincarnating in some other world . Your spouse killed you and then commited suicide . You meet in the pub ... +Human beings can only live if they have belief in themselves . +Abandoned Mech +Rewrite a popular short story ( fairy tales , aesop 's fables , etc . ) without using any words longer than five letters +The classic Technology vs . Nature story , but twisted on its head . Make the Technology side good and the Nature side evil . +At the end of an escalating war , A weapon that could destroy an entire country is launched . This weapon becomes sentient 60 seconds before it hits +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +An alien species with the ability to read minds encounters humans , the alien species is blind and has never encountered a species that had eyes before and is shocked when it sees through the eyes of the human . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +In 2016 , a man claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus , and he can prove it . +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A man experiences reverse amnesia , in that no one remembers who he is . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +It turns out that Hell is having to spend all eternity living out someone else 's idea of Paradise . +You are a little girl who recently lost her mother and moved to a new state and has no friends ... except the ghost . +A man wakes up to realise he is locked in a white room . The only thing inside is himself , a chair , and a table with a PB & J sandwich on it . Suddenly , a voice requests `` Kindly evaluate the sandwich '' . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +The Sixth Mass extinction of earth has finally ended . You find yourself walking in an abandoned city reflecting on what happened during the event . +A post apocalyptic society finds an ancient device that gives them instructions on what to do next . This device - the Bop It +You are LGBT in a place where coming out can put your life in danger . You have recently developed a serious crush on someone . +Look to your left , and pick an object . That object is now a sentient being . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You 're a Stormtrooper , tell your story and follow your fate ... +A form of entertainment has been developed where people are brought to the brink of death and then teleported to medics who normally revive them . The longer you wait , the more money you earn . You have just lost everything and with no other choice you enter the games . +Make me love the person you love +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +You are a Homeless wine connoisseur that enjoys the finer things in life ... +A kid on your bus never wears his seat because he says nothing bad will happen . Today he wears his seatbelt . +After reading hundreds , maybe thousands , of stories of people creating Time Machines and failing . You guess why , and decide to be the first to create the `` Arrival '' port of a Time Machine . +A man in the future named Jesus reads a book and decides to model his life after the main character . He gathers his modern technology and goes back in time to convince the people that he is their leader through the use of `` miracles '' . Unfortunately he did not read the end of the book . +So then God says to me . . . +You wake up to find yourself in a poorly lit room with several other people . A voice in your head tells you `` you are the murderer '' . +The world is ending , describe the final days of the internet and humanity 's interaction with one another +`` You do what 's right . I do what 's required . '' +You wake up , still drunk , the morning after your first big college party . A zombie apocalypse happened overnight , but none of the zombies seem to be giving you any notice . You soon realize that the alcohol in your system does n't make them sense you are human ... . +A man suddenly gains the ability to talk to his shadow . As they converse , it becomes apparent the shadow is real and the man is what the shadow casts . +A major ISIS attack on London Muggles indirectly kills a number of Wizards and the Ministry of Magic decides it can no longer stand idly by . When a trained team is sent to deal directly with those responsible they begin to suspect the terrorists have a magic user among their number . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +`` Yesterday , you will die . '' +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +Take a well-known creepypasta or scary urban myth , but make it heartwarming instead of frightening . +Why are you still in this line ? +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A lonely man in his 80 's is allowed to get drunk for that last time and tell a story from his youth ... .. +Tattoos give you power , but always take something away . You have just gotten your first one , and the results are ... surprising . +Re-write your favorite Disney movie plot as a dark thriller , do not tell which movie it is right away . +Why is Swiper so afraid of the words , `` Swiper No Swiping '' ? +Earth has been stripped of life and humans have resorted to live and orbit around the planet . They one day receive a distress signal from Earth , but it 's not from any life seen before . +When a child is born , the parents gain a special power that will specifically assist them in raising their child . Your spouse just gave birth and you have gained a power no one has seen before . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Some people are born with superpowers , and hailed as gods for it . You ? You 're the leader of the gods , and no one knows what power you have . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +Give me something to write about ! ! +I am looking for writing prompts for my niece who is in 4th grade . She reads and writes between a 4th and 6th grade level , so there is a little wiggle room . +Gods only have dominion over a single solar system . You are on the first manned vessel outside our solar system and you have just left the only God you have ever experienced 's power . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +Each person is born with the ability to consciously *snap* their mind as many times as wanted . Each snap unlocks a superpower with a mental illness in tow . The stronger the power , the more severe case of mental illness you get . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +There 's a special mirror that shows people either the best or the worst version of themselves they can become . +You re one of a small group of people who have started colonizing Mars , waking up one morning you are unable to contact Earth and realize that it has been destroyed by a major meteor impact . +You are one of a few who has the natural ability to see through a common deception . Though it appears obvious to you others can not perceive it . +The pain of second place +A few prompts to get you going +He yelled in rage and fear and horror . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +Real wars play out like a game of Call of Duty . +From the moment you were born , you 've had the ability to ask the dead to possess you and help in any way . You 're about to meet the parents of your girlfriend for the first time in their house . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +The main character falls in love with the reader . +Two earth like planets occupy the same solar system ... +Everyone on earth has a networked A.I . that will give them small suggestions on what actions they can take to benefit humanity . For some reason , no matter what you do , yours tells you to `` Just stay home today . '' +You see horrifying vision of the future , they all come true but in not so horrifying ways . +All mankind lives on floating continents that slowly orbit the planet . Continents might come in contact with each other once in hundreds or thousands of years . Contact is about to be made between two very different continents with very different societies . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +A sentient lighter that gets passed around by a group of friends and it 's perspective on their lives . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Just when Earth is about to be destroyed by a huge catastrophe , a fleet of `` benevolent '' aliens show up . They give every human two choices ; either serve them as soldiers and slaves or stay on Earth and perish . +The Dark Wanderer +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +Nietzsche the Pooh +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Write a story of a school shooting that makes us sympathetic with the shooter . +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +An alien fugitive finds you hiking in the forest one night and offers you endless travels amongst the stars only if he can take your identity and hide on earth . +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +You are a quack doctor who discovers that , miraculously , one of your `` miracle cures '' really does cure everything . +The presidential race as we all know is fake and akin to wrestling , yet the fans always play along and love getting into it despite knowing it is scripted ... well everyone but you . +Rewrite Disneys 'Frozen ' but use another power than 'ice ' . + +Age 24 +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +You are RIP Man , the super hero who always arrives too late to save people . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Doctor +Write something that appears to be a loving note , poem , etc . but reveals a darker undertone . +You are an ancient lich of previously unfathomable power . You wake up inside the exhibit of a modern 21st century museum . +Something about cryogenic freezing and a person waking up to ask a computer , `` How Long ? `` . +Death visits the final human left alive . He decides to conduct himself differently this time . +You wake up in a white room at a white desk facing a man who claims you are dead . You are in purgatory . You can get the answers to as many questions as you can ask in one minute . +An exorcism of a young girl , in the perspective of the demon . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +A serial killer has found his next victim and begins his normal routine of peeking through windows and popping up in mirrors , looking for that rush he gets off on . Unfortunately , his newest victim is a horror movie fan and has constructed his life around the prevention of such jump scares . +Rewrite a popular short story ( fairy tales , aesop 's fables , etc . ) without using any words longer than five letters +You are a paramedic who has saved many lives . Why do you regret doing so ? + +A pair of aliens land on Earth . In the meeting with world leaders , they reveal that they had been playing numerous pranks on us throughout our entire civilization - some harmless , some escalated . +The dead walk the Earth amongst the living . However they 're not eating brains but rather living life normally , no one notices this except you . As you desperately try to warn others of this , a zombie approaches you and says `` No one will ever believe you '' +You majored in literature , and have forgotten to read a book for a critque that you must write . It is due tommorow and you have no more time left so you decide to read a children 's story . Write a serious critque of said story . + +Unknown by the general populace , humanity has already begun deep space colonization . You have been drafted for the latest expedition . +unbaptized babies and small children who die and go to Purgitory get adopted by demons . +`` All of a sudden , after getting pummeled to the ground by her during 8th grade recess , Calvin realized he was in love with Suzie . '' +You switch on your TV . To your surprise , a video of yourself appears . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +After saving Skyrim from numerous threats over the years , the Dragonborn final succumbs to death . Now all those to whom the Dragonborn had promised his soul to after death has come to collect . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +In the second coming of King Arthur , the sword in the stone has returned and thousands line up to take a turn . You step up to the stone , give a tug ... and the blade breaks . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +In a world of brain implanted internet access you are an AI browsing people`s minds +God of the dead river . +You live in a universe where the gods do wonders for their chosen followers . You are your god 's only chosen and you are really getting tired of his/her shit . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +an alien race invades but are beaten back at the last minute as they collapse inwards due to discovering things on earth they have never tried before ... Drink , drugs and smoking . +You have near omnipotence and can bend reality to your will , but everyone knows you have this power and wo n't stop pestering you for favors . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +Every human gets a unique power sometime in their life . The powers are rated on a scale of normal to legendary . One day , a new level is needed . +Your mother has been dating someone for a while and it 's time to meet his family . However , you find that you already know one of them +Fractured - Chapter 1 +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . + +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +You are constantly getting knocked out from behind or shot with sleep darts at your job , after which the surrounding area is destroyed by epic superhero battles . Today is your performance review . You are the Night Watchman . +You have the ability to reset the current day , you 'll only remember how many times today have been reset . One day you woke up realizing this is the 537th reset , describe that day . +All wounds , no matter how minor , leave permanent scars . One day you meet someone with no scars . +You 've just became the leader of your country , what do you do first ? +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +You were born with the ability to hear the sound of the weather changing a day before . You could predict if it was going to rain by hearing the sound of rain falling or when a storm was gathering by the sound of thundering . You thought nothing of it until one day all you could hear was silence . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Hit me with an Acrostic ! Your phrase : `` Oh no , not again . '' +You are a genius inventor , however every time you are about to publish your work someone else does it before you leaving you with no credit . Suddenly , you have the idea to invent a time machine and go back in time to steal your own finished work before others do . +Congratulations ! You 've finally landed your dream job . Describe your horror upon realizing how much you hate it . +You are watching TV and the program is cut off by an emergency broadcast . The presenter says that there is a massive meteor coming for earth and there is no chance for survival for humanity . What do you do in your last 3 hours alive ? +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You buy your S/O a star for their birthday . 50 years later the Earth receives a transmission requesting that the landlord stop by to fix the atmosphere of one of the star 's planets . +The Grim Reaper is in love with you and keeps taking people around you so he can see you again . +A gifted eye surgeon is contacted by a 6 year old former patient . After 6 months , he wishes to be blind again . +pick a conspiracy any conspiracy and write about the worlds reaction as it 's slowly proved true . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +Video games come to life and everyone is the game character of the game they 've played the most in today 's society . +After years living on an island after a shipwreck , help has finally arrived . But now nobody wants to leave . +Tell me about a person ’ s beauty without using any physical descriptions . +You wake up one day and can perceive the 4th dimension - time . However , you can not move within it . +You 're a spin doctor in the PR department . Employees in your company have been spontaneously combusting . Assure the public that everything is fine . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +A way to beat terminal diseases has been newly discovered . A suicidal person can `` exchange '' themselves to save a terminally ill patient from disease/death . The only requirement is they must meet face to face to agree beforehand . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +You wake up one day to find the world in ruins , and everyone dead . You meet God outside , finding out that he has kept you alive for a reason . +Hundreds of years in the future , nerds fondly over-romanticize the late 20th/ early 21st century in completely historically inaccurate and anachronistic festivals akin to modern Renfaires . +Your empire has invented means of travel between alternate universes . Seemingly the only constant is the existence of some species called humans , though they do n't seem to be doing very well in any of them . +One side of your family is filled with superheroes . The other side of your family is filled with supervillains . Thanksgiving sucks . +you are the customs officer for hell +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +He yelled in rage and fear and horror . +Sinking +Every dragon has a unique hoard of things they like to collect . ( Like sofas , or jigsaw puzzles ) Your hoard obsession happens to be housecats . +Flame Bound +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +We live in a world where people have no imagination and authors only write what they know . Master criminals write the most riveting crime novels . The government grants immunity to criminals who have ongoing series of novels . +You die and everything goes dark . Then you see a red blinking light and hear a voice : `` Hello again , Inmate 32561 . Your simulated correctional experience is now complete . Welcome back to 2236 . '' +A family has just moved into a house that is haunted and is trying to force them out . However , the haunted house is trying in the most passive aggressive ways possible . +You are a genie who 's been summoned by a child . You explain the whole `` three wishes '' deal , and to your surprise , after using two of the wishes , the kid tells you that they are going to `` keep the last wish for later '' . After 40 years , you are finally summoned again . +Instead of an old doll being haunted , you have a haunted action figure +A soldier collects souveneirs throughout his tour of duty +People in this town have somehow stopped aging . The locals are calling it a blessing , but you know different . +Mario shows up to a party full of video game characters and no one knows who he is . +You keep getting randomly pulled out of your daily life back to the year 1200 by the same group of sorcerers . It was amazing at first . It 's starting to give you the shits . +God has been locked out/denied access to Heaven . Elaborate on the events leading to , and stemming from it . +Write about a character that is legitimately skilled and does n't rely on plot armour to keep them alive . +You have the ability to make inanimate objects come to life by putting googly eyes on them . +A whale is summoned into existence by mistake . +God is dead . You are responsible for the eulogy . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Your former high school bully that drove you to attempted suicide years ago turns out to be your soulmate later in life . +You are part of the first crew to traverse into a black hole . +Write your favorite part to a story you 've always wanted to write , but never got around to . +The nation of Sealand has declared war on the entire planet , they have decided to conquer it . +You meet a serial killer . His next target is you and the only way to dissuade him is to persuade him why he is the worst serial killer . +But why is the rum gone ? ? +The entire purpose of living is to find a memory powerful enough to keep you sane in purgatory so you can enjoy paradise after . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +'' Dude , what happened last night ? '' +`` A lot of people are calling you a hero . '' `` A lot are n't . '' +Steve leads an ordinary life , with an office 9 to 5 job . Then on his drive to work one morning he spots a hitchhiker on the road . He stops . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Alien creature is trying to have sex with you but its biology is so bizzare you do n't even realize . +You die and wake up in the afterlife . However , this afterlife matches no convention you 've previously known . +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +- `` This is not a normal Bomb . It 's a Soul Bomb . '' +In the near future , the world elects one person to be given a license to kill . It 's time for a new election , and you have been given the burden as executioner . +After regaining consciousness , you look around to see a bunch of astonished faces . You then realize that you do n't have a body and live in a computer with sensory input +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +`` Why has Master summoned me ? '' + +`` The place where no star gave light '' +Write a story that lives and dies in a ten seconds time span +Knowledge is power . Specifically , knowledge can be freely converted to electrical power . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +Several hundred years after a nuclear holocaust that wipes out most of humanity , the remaining humans now pass down sitcom plots as oral parables from the Time Before . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +In a world full of villains with various supernatural powers , you are a powerless cop . Yet you 've made a name for yourself for using your quick wits and situational awareness to take down everything from muggers to bank robbers . Today you 're called out on another case in progress . +You step into the throne room with weapon at the ready . The king eyes you with disdain as you draw near . He knows the end is near . His voice is solemn yet sad as his only words split the cold silence like a knife through the air , `` Why ? '' +Tell the story of Mitochondrial Eve , but give a sci-fi explanation for why only her descendants have survived . +A group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic scenario discuss the question on everyone 's mind : Why should they keep on living ? What 's the point ? +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +50 years from now deep sea exploration has been abandoned since technology has already scanned our oceans fully , or so we think . You continue as a hobby , and you find something . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The world throbs along with your heart beat . To minimise chaos , you try to keep your heart rate as low and calm as possible . +Rewrite something you had written months ago . +The first extraterrestrial lifeforms found by Humans , are Humans . +Even if you were the last man on earth ... +After leaving the bar , you 've realized your wallet has been stolen . You immediately check your bank account to make sure no money has been taken , but then realize someone has started depositing money . +An aliens perspective as it attempts to decode the golden record +You just jumped off . Describe the thought process as you get closer and closer to ground-level . +you are the customs officer for hell +A day in the life of the person in the mirror +A man dies and goes to the afterlife , when he arrives he is shown an alternate time line where he never existed , he can choose to erase his existence at the end of it . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A single mother marries a man who she does not love so that her children will have a good father . +A man has twenty minutes to live and what he wants most is a cigarette +A hospice . You 're watching the Mars landing with your grandmother . As they descend , she turns and stares at you for a moment , then speaks . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +The villain is actually a far better person than the hero . +There have been so many dystopian stories set in a world where Communism and Totalitarianism run wild , write one where Capitalism is now the bad guy +You are on the cusp of eradicating a major disease . Someone appears from the future to stop you . +A day in the life of the person in the mirror +A serum is invented that brings you closer to God when injected +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +In a world of brain implanted internet access you are an AI browsing people`s minds +You have been found `` not guilty '' of a crime you DID commit +To combat overpopulation the government has decriminalized vehicular manslaughter and homicide , pedestrians no longer have the right of way and there are no crosswalks , walk signals or anything of that nature . Describe your commute to work . +If someone is found guilty for a crime against you or your family , you are allowed to be left alone with them in a windowless room for one hour with only two rules : No weapons and no questions . You are that family member . Face the guilty party . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +An egocentric supervillain decide to take a day off from evil and do heroics . Just to show the Heroes that ( s ) he could do their job much better . +The Terminator gets sent back to the wild west . +Where does the door lead ? +You look out the window , only to see a face staring right back at you . Whose is it ? Why are they there ? +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You are a member of an alien race headed to Earth . Your mission ? Glass the planet . However , one unsuspecting animal stands in your way , and it 's not the one you 'd expect to fight back . +A man suddenly gains the ability to talk to his shadow . As they converse , it becomes apparent the shadow is real and the man is what the shadow casts . +All apprentice mages are required to visit the five high temples located around the world before graduating . The temples rarely stay at one spot for long , however . +Abandoned Themepark +Humanity listens to the last 50 years of another civilization . 10,000 light years away . +It 's July 4th and it 's business as usual . Except the US Flag on top of the White House is upside down . +: Turn your deepest , darkest fear into something genuinely sweet and heartwarming +Your Father owns a small chain of ski resorts , and one of the oldest locations has gone belly up . In the month after closing you secretly begin turning on the lifts for just yourself . One day you become aware of how alone you are . On the side of a mountain that nobody has reason to visit . +The person sitting next to you on a plane leans over and says , `` Do n't ask me how I know this , but this plane is going to crash before it reaches Newark . '' +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +Your username +The character has taken the step . He/She is the farthest they 've ever been from home . +You are able to jump between parallel universes . +We 're the Mod Team ! Ask Us Anything ! +Heaven and Hell are real . And good news -- They 're hiring ! +You are a businessman who stumbles into success through sheer ignorance but are clueless about most aspects of your business . +A humanoid alien questions why Earth should be spared before his massive war armies . You are the only person who has 200 IQ and must convince him in 4 hours before Earth is obliterated ... +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +NASA announces the most shocking discovery about Mars . Humanity originated on Mars and abandoned it due to Global Warming . How does the world react ? +the year is 2050 and commercial space travel is an everyday leisure . Narrator steals a space ships and travels light years to the nearest back hole . As the space time begins to slow down , you turn around to watch the universe pass you by . Write of his experience . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +A young man gains super powers at the age of 16 , but he discovers his powers slowly drain the life of whomever he loves . To avoid hurting anyone he becomes a loner . Years later , he is having lunch at a diner alone when the most beautiful girl he 's ever seen walks in . +At your magic school graduation , all summon a familiar that takes the shape of the first non-human creature they see . Most of your friends have cats , dogs , or birds . You just summoned a copy of your mother . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +God has been locked out/denied access to Heaven . Elaborate on the events leading to , and stemming from it . +A warm day in the town of undead +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +Write your favorite part to a story you 've always wanted to write , but never got around to . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +A new kind of enemy . +Write a poem that is desperately trying not to rhyme . +Suddenly and without warning , lag and latency starts to happen in everyday life instead of just the Internet . +Black Widow , on a whim starts dating Greg , quirky and funny , but mostly average worker for SHIELD . He is not a genius , he is not a covert agent , he is n't particularly important . They seem happy together . The rest of the avengers are dealing with inferiority complex now ... +You are a serial killer . Each murder you commit adds a new voice to your head . +Thanks to a letter sent by mistake , you finally meet someone who would later be the love of your life . +It 's frozen in time . Forever waiting , forever watching . Then one day , it moves +You have the opportunity to have your greatest wish fulfilled , at the price of revealing your biggest secret/darkest shame . +You move to a new home across the country and find a hidden room covered by a bookcase . Inside the room is a shoebox filled with photos of your old house . After you flip through them you find 6 passports booklets with your photo , all with different identities . +An important press conference , with rows of cameras pointed at you . Dozens of journalists wait with bated breath , until finally you mutter , `` no comment '' into your microphone . The room explodes with excitement . One of them yells , `` this is going to be front page news across the planet ! '' +You have recently invented the inivisibility cloak . Being the high school nerd you are , you camp out at your crush 's home . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +You are sent back to the middle ages armed only of your iphone . +Aliens visit earth , but they find round things scary +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +In 2017 , mankind becomes able to save your consciousness on a computer hard drive . You are the first to be saved , and 1000 years later you 're brought back and given a new body . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +With or Without you +A man who was traveled through dozens upon dozens of different universes , collecting established weapons , souvenirs , and technology is now facing someone who can disable any of them by universe , forcing the MC to change up his/her arsenal to a different universes every few minutes . +Write a story about your favorite song . A character listening to it , adapting it for a clear narrative , whatever . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +In the future , technology has allowed us to have pillows that monitor our brain waves , and when people wake up they can plug them into their laptops and watch their dreams . +You wake up to find yourself in a poorly lit room with several other people . A voice in your head tells you `` you are the murderer '' . +A compulsive gambler finds a genie 's bottle . Instead of taking his free wishes , the gambler has a different idea . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +You , an idealistic 20-something college student , offer your soul to the Devil in return for world peace . Much to your surprise , the Devil laughs at what he calls your `` selflessness '' , but says that someone has already made that deal . You ask to see how horrible the world was before . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +For the last 15 years humans have been able to manipulate our genes . Picking and choosing what we want our children to look like as well as other attributes . As of the last few days it is now becoming apparent across the globe this was not a good idea . +Your father was an abusive bastard . You 've spent the last 3 decades since his death studying Necromancy , just so you dig him up and settle an argument . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +'' It was n't until later , when I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead . '' +You live in a world similar to ours , where superpowers do not exist . You one day find yourself with the ability to change your gender at will . +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +Woke up in a dumpster +`` Either I will find a way , or I will make one . '' +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +You discover the first alien civilisation +A crew of 30 people have landed on the Moon to create the first Motion picture on the Moon . When the crew starts to get suspicious that the movie will actually suck , they hijack the production and end up making something so bad it 's amazing . +A wandering adventurer visits your shop and tries to sell you his inventory of junk . +After many failed attempts at altering history for the better a Time Traveler , on the verge of giving up , decides to go back one last time . This time , to rid the world of his pet peeve . +The last time +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You 're Patrick Bateman , a modern day trust fund hipster . At a party celebrating a tech startup 's IPO , you overhear Paul Owen mention his latest sneaker cop and fly into a mental rage . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +You are a nurse at an Elderly care facility in Gotham , you care for the now decrepit heroes and villains that once roamed the city . +A sleight-of-hand magician meets an actual spells-and-wands magician . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +Before the beginning , God spoke with Lucifer about His plan . God needed someone to test the faith of His children , and He wanted Lucifer to do it . Write the conversation they have . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +you are unable to say no to anyone . +Reddit posts you 'd find on a secret subreddit for mythical beings / gods +`` Every time I look at you I get a headache . '' `` Aww , I love you too , babe . '' +You are the first person to travel into the future via time machine . When you arrive , you gradually notice that your surroundings keep changing , seemingly at random . You eventually realize that you are LITERALLY in the future , and events in the present are still shaping the world . +In 1907 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts rejects Young Adolf Hitler twice and soon after he survives four different assassination attempts by time travellers . Confused Hitler is convinced that its his art is what the world fears . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +A Star Sapphire ring , the power ring of Love enters Earth 's atmosphere to find its new host , a person so love lost that the ring seeks to help . A Star Sapphire is dispatched to meet the new member , a miss Harley Quinzel . +You 've been reading a chapter of a book before bed every day for years now . You 're beginning to suspect that it does n't end . +You are an Associate of Time ( A.O.T ) and it is your job to make sure that the meetings of certain historical figures go ahead as planned . Only something is wrong with your most recent clients . +you are in a crowded subway station when you suddenly hear `` Kill them . See them all stopping in their tracks ? they heard it too . Kill them before they kill you ! '' In your head . +you meet god in a elevator- what happens next ? +In a dream , you encounter a paper bag containing another dimension from which a murderous reptile hand emerges to maim anyone who disturbs the bag . You awake to find a paper bag outside your bedroom door ... +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Concerned family members stage an intervention for their alcoholic father/husband/brother/whatever , not realizing that alcohol is the only way he can keep an elder demon bound within his body +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +We 're doing the 48 Hour Film Project right now - we 're crowdsourcing our script ! +Every night , as long as you have lived there , a man stands under the streetlight outside your window and leaves in cab 302 . One night the man does not come . Instead there is a letter addressed to you telling you to be in the in that spot , at the exact time , and leave in cab 302 . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +Your primary weapon jams/fails as a sonic boom occurs . +`` I 've shot Kennedy 100 times so far . In fact , I 've become quite good at it . '' +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +Big Bad Wolf +You woke up in a place different from where you slept . `` Beat the game to exit , '' the message said . +A Creation Myth / Myth in General . Example : source of night & day , how islands or mountains formed , why do shadows exist ? , why pain exists , etc . +You and your family wake up in a base on Mars . You have no memory of why or how you are there . There is a computer that can contact NASA but they never respond . You find other bases like yours but they are abandoned . + +You were the first to try time manipulation , but some mistake happened and the world around you has paused entirely . Only you were unaffected . It has been 1000+ sleeps and you are descending into madness . +You step into the throne room with weapon at the ready . The king eyes you with disdain as you draw near . He knows the end is near . His voice is solemn yet sad as his only words split the cold silence like a knife through the air , `` Why ? '' +You 've won the sixth Golden Ticket and a tour of the chocolate factory . Write a scene about how your tragic flaw leads you get picked off by the Oompa Loompas . +Seven poems about the seven deadly sins without naming them or their synonyms . +( CW ) ( LAST SENTENCE ) And then he proceeded to lock the door , hoping that no one would ever open it again . +The main character deals with the fact that they are actually not the main character . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +You walk into your toddler daughter 's room to see her strangling her favorite doll . She looks at you and says , `` It wo n't stop crying ... '' +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +All the world 's disasters have been predicted , but not taken seriously , by a single person 's underground stand-up comedy routines . +You are a genius inventor , however every time you are about to publish your work someone else does it before you leaving you with no credit . Suddenly , you have the idea to invent a time machine and go back in time to steal your own finished work before others do . +The Chernobyl disaster was all a conspiracy and there was actually no radioactive meltdown . Something much worse happened there , and you 're the conspiracy theorist who just figured it out.. +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +One day , in High School , you unintentionally get into a fight and are stabbed in the process . As you lie dying on the floor with everyone around you , you notice that your hands and face are beginning to glow a fiery yellow . You seem to be `` regenerating . '' +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +George Washington returns from the dead , and you need to explain to him how a microwave works . +But this time , the sunset was more than just the end of the day . +For one reason or another , you 've recently spoken to a lot of people on their deathbed . Something about their last words seems off . +Can you write a dialog that does n't suck where every line is a question ? +Your powers only work in the rain . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +An overly excited sports commentator narrates the life of an average Joe . +Write the opening exposition of a bold new Zelda game . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You become your child self again for a day with your current mindset , but if you do anything differently , you life will morph around that difference and fast forward you to your current time with the changes . +Write a cosmic horror story in the style of Dr.Seuss +Do n't leave me , you 're my best friend . +In a Post-Apocaliptic Scenario , a group of young people is one of the multiple gangs controlling the city . But they are different : They want to organize a new state . +There are too many shocking , ( albeit awesome ) ends to the stories found here . Build up to something but give it an anticlimactic ending . +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +You travel to the future to find that Hitler is on trial , and his disappearance was in fact a future super police operation . The trial is public . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +As you lie dying on the linoleum floor , you begin walking towards a light . Suddenly a door appears blocking your way . As you burst through the door , you walk-in on your killer standing over your dead body . +In the far future where everything has an AI a man is negotiating with his alarm clock for more sleep . +You have to understand . That 's the nature of fire . +Loki is referred to as the trickster god , however after getting stuck on earth , a psychologist gives him a more accurate diagnosis . +A man has cheated Death and achieved true immortality and gloats at Death about his victory only to realize after multiple aeons that immortality was a mistake and mortality is a long lost dream and now he treats Death as a former enemy he can not reconcile with . +Write a serious story substituting as many words for pokemon names as possible . +Strange footprints in the snow lead into a dark shed ... and you decide to follow them in . +We were fighting on the frontiers . Both man and machine . +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +You 're writing a suicide note . But the catch is that you have to use the letter Q atleast 5 times . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Emotional pain can create tattoos as physical pain can create scars . +a lonely slime decides to invest in the CHARISMA Stat . +There is a tower at the edge of the world that no one has ever scaled . It has no doors or windows , but instead an open hole in the roof above the clouds . You hope to find out what is within . +He would have been a great inspirational speaker , if he did n't start every piece of advise with `` It 's like yo momma said to me last night . '' +Humanity builds their first hyperspace-capable ship . Her maiden voyage , a short trip to Mars , goes horribly wrong . The ship arrives mangled , her entire battleship-sized hull bent , scarred and pockmarked . Describe first the aftermath of her arrival , and then the perspective of her late crew . +Hannibal Lecter is on the run . He gets a job in a restaurant . The restaurant is run by Gordon Ramsay . +A magic and friendly creature takes children with him to go to extraordinary adventures , just like in a kids show . Except that this time , something unexpected happens , and the adventure goes HORRIBLY wrong . +A detective makes a deal with Death . He has 48 hours to discover the who , what and why of a murder case , and if he does he can bring the victim back . +`` gather around children , let me tell you a tale of the warriors son '' +In the distant future , a team of soldiers must return to an abandoned Earth . +The year is 2287 , and the human population now lives on Mars . You are wrongly convicted of a serious crime and sent to Earth , which due to its unforgiving weather and harsh environment has become a jail where the worst criminals are sent . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +A overwhelming army approaches , you stand at the helm of your soldiers . What do you say ? +All of humanity and the universe we live in exists in a simulation . While it was created for strictly scientific purposes , it turns out that the lives of petty humans make for great reality TV . +A researcher at a scientific facility brings her dog to work one day and the A.I running the facility makes friends with the dog . +Write about the experiences of someone with split-personality disorder . +You are given the gift to becoming a God of your own world , But to gain this gift you must fight as an immortal in the depths of hell fighting against Satan for twenty years . You still feel pain and can be tortured , Yet you can not die . How do you proceed ? +A clergyman , has dental surgery before holding a service in the local church , and is tripping balls . +The Kepler telescope discovers a massive Earth-like planet not far from out Solar system . The returning images are stunning . Suddenly , the planet 's eyes open . +Ambush +A family plans a once-in-a lifetime summer vacation , paying for expensive tickets and reservations many months ahead . A few weeks before the trip , one of the family members unexpectedly dies . The family decides to go on with the trip anyway . +You 've always dreamed of being a legendary adventurer , gaining riches and fame . There 's only one problem ... You 're an NPC . +It 's the end of the world , and I feel fine . +A young couple lives together , when the girl dies unexpectedly . The guy is crushed after the loss of his girl , but then one day she comes back as seemingly nothing happened . Their relationship goes on as pretty much before , until he realizes he 's the only one who can see her . +`` You are the main character , after all . '' +The Annual Silent Protagonist Meet-up + +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Jesus came back in 1996 . He has spent the last 20 years locked in an asylum trying to convince his doctors that he is the real deal . Finally after all this time he is beginning to change their minds . +You have just created a machine that can grant any wish you desire . The fuel source ? Your memories . +Create a race of aliens , and present them how you would present a school report . +You and your best friend are part of an association whose job is to hunt down mutants . One day , you learn your best friend is the most powerful mutant to ever live , but he has yet to realize he 's one of them . +People in this town have somehow stopped aging . The locals are calling it a blessing , but you know different . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +write a scary story that can be read to kids and also scare adults +Life has n't been good for you the past several years . You are about to end it all when a burglar enters the room . +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +Tightrope +You are a general in an intergalactic army . You 've lived many lives due being cloned over again due to your skills but the memory of your first love still haunts you . One day you see her on the opposing side of the battlefield . +You have a strange ability that lets you to feel when someone is looking at you . This became useful for things like flirting and stealing . However , you never expected to have it wake you up in your room at 4am . +The 2020 Summer Olympics has a new event . Calvinball . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +You murder someone , later you are attending their funeral . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +The president is a three year old . You are the vice president . +You 're a time traveller who has gone back five years in time to amass a fortune by placing bets . Life is good until one day you are paid a visit by the FBI . +A superior being announces that half of earth 's population will be sacrificed after 30 days have passed . Each person is randomly bound to another both have to agree which one of them will survive , if they do n't agree , both die . People can change their current bounds to make deals . +You find a lost MP3 on the bus . Curious , you decide to listen . +A pregnant woman discovers that , by absorbing the stem cells of her foetus , she is able to regenerate her own organs . Theoretically , if she continues to get pregnant , she can live forever . +You are the manager for a Russian mafia cover restaurant in New York . However in the last month the restaurant has rapidly become one of the most popular food joints in the city , causing trouble for the criminal activity behind the scenes . You are tasked with 'dealing ' with this issue . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +A story set 100+ years in the past of a man writing a dystopian novel , but the dystopia he writes about is identical to the world we live in today . +A group of developers finally completed their invention that allows people to watch their dreams from the night before . They soon discover that everyone has the same recurring dream every night and no one ever remembers it . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +The classic Technology vs . Nature story , but twisted on its head . Make the Technology side good and the Nature side evil . +And now ... We dance . +You just awoke from cryogenic sleep and discover you are aboard a space ship carrying the last of the humans , searching for a habitable planet . How did you get aboard the ship ? +When chaos met balance . +Humanity is , for whatever reason , wiped out within the next 100 years . Write about an average day for an archeologist from the next sentient species to arise . +You are a shopkeeper in a video game and the player is trying to sell you various questionable goods . +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +at a wedding , someone is not who they claim they are . +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +A fortune teller perfectly predicts the future for thousands of people of what will happen to them in exactly 24 hours . When it 's your turn , she says `` You are going to die '' . +the perfect society . Prompt in text . +The Allies have lost the Third World War . +You are the leader of an Alien species about to make first contact with humans , with the offer to mentor us past this stage of our civilisation . What would be your first contact speech to Humanity ? +Humanity has achieved a utopia with absolutely no nasty surprises ( Such as everyone being dead or brainwashed ) . Write a story about how it came about and/or an average day in said utopia . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You are a little girl who recently lost her mother and moved to a new state and has no friends ... except the ghost . +Living in the worst possible timeline / If there is a parallel universe for every possible outcome , there must be one with the worst possible outcomes . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +All mankind lives on floating continents that slowly orbit the planet . Continents might come in contact with each other once in hundreds or thousands of years . Contact is about to be made between two very different continents with very different societies . +Afterwards , I lived . +Abandoned Train Tunnel +After years living on an island after a shipwreck , help has finally arrived . But now nobody wants to leave . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +It starts out slow . A strange disease that renders human beings incapable and forget about kindness or anything of the sort has infected the whole world . Life goes on as per normal , but humanity is cold to one another . Then one day , you meet an individual who is 'different ' . +Theme : Transience / Nothing lasts forever +Shortly after their beheading , an individual discovers they 're immortal . Unfortunately , the head and body have been seperated . +As a parasite , you have to leech life for yourself off of other beings , eventually killing them . But unlike other parasites , you get easily attached to your victims over the course of their lives ... +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +`` What happened to me ? Were you here the whole time ? '' +They say you find love where you least expect it . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You 're a caveman discovering fire . These are your journal entries.. +A scientist successfully invents a Generalized Artificial Intelligence . Only , GAI does n't want to solve math/physics/philosophy problems . GAI wants to be a writer . +In a world where lying is immediately detected by a phone app , you go into a bar and tell your friends you 've had the worst day in the history of mankind . The app detects you 're telling the truth . You proceed to tell them about your day ... +Construct a story where every fifth sentence is either a lie , or something that LOOKS like a lie but is actually the truth . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +Description of an island you are stranded on . +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +You keep a trinket somewhere on you at all times , for good luck . Explain what it is and the reason for its significance . +The Psychology of Sin . +God helps propagate the atheism movement so it can serve as a test of intelligence for humanity . Problem is , both sides of the argument end up failing the test miserably . +Someone finds out that the thing they have been told they were allergic to their whole life actually gives them super powers . +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +Two strangers accidentally swap carts in a grocery store . +Gods only have dominion over a single solar system . You are on the first manned vessel outside our solar system and you have just left the only God you have ever experienced 's power . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +The Box +Is /r/WritingPrompts accepting of new writers ? +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Earth is sucked into a parallel universe through a worm hole . There are now two earths in orbit around the sun . Contact between the two planets are established . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +The non-default subreddits head into a fight to the death to see who emerges victorious and becomes a default subreddit . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +`` I used to be ... '' +Tomorrow , everyone wakes up with just the clothes on their backs and the knowledge in their heads . It is now 10,000 years in the past . How long does it take for us to recreate everything we have today ? +A secretly schizophrenic commercial airline pilot does n't take his anti-psychotics . The voices convince him to fly his packed Boeing 747 to the sun , so he does +Everybody 's shadow reveals their true character . Some are monsters , others are furry animals . You have no shadow . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +Stuck on a small island surrounded by eerie mist , you quickly discover the only thing that is keeping you safe is the bright revolving lights coming from the lighthouse . +An evil villain finally accomplishes his lifelong search for the ultimate suit of armor - Plot Armor . +A man has twenty minutes to live and what he wants most is a cigarette +Tolkein and Lovecraft are both prolific writers of their generes and are starkly different from each other , but what if they wrote each others work ? +volcanic ash deposits +Your guardian angel is less of a protector and more of a stalker . +Aliens visit earth and are fascinated by other animals but find humans completely unremarkable . +The Clockwork City +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A Witch attempts to kill the knight who has been hunting her for years by pretending to be a damsel in distress . As she discovers his ultimate weakness , she realizes she has fallen in love with him . +Every night you must wind up your heart with a key on a necklace . After a one night stand , you wake to find the key missing and a note by your bed . +People that die in the ocean become mermaids +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +When you kill someone , directly or indirectly , you get an unremovable tally mark on your arm . Yesterday night , you had zero . Today , you have so many tally marks that your entire arm is the colour of the tally marks +President Obama has accomplished everything he set out to do as president . Now all he wants to do is smoke a blunt . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +Write about a villain giving a victory speech to his closest soldiers and advisors +Its your first day back at school , but a new rule change this year causes an uproar . +In a world where sickness can be physically fought instead of hypothetically , you have just come across your toughest opponent ... +`` I never thought it would happen '' +You receive a second chance at something that has haunted you your entire life . +In the future , technology exists to transfer one person 's conciousness to another body , giving identity theft a whole new meaning . Write about the identity black market . +Earth is the N. Korea of the solar system and you 're an alien being given a guided tour for your homeworld 's media . +Living in the worst possible timeline / If there is a parallel universe for every possible outcome , there must be one with the worst possible outcomes . +You are one of the many henchmen to the Evil Lord Deathsinger , the baddest of the bad of the supervillain world . Today however Lord Deathsinger is sick and decides to put you in charge in his absence , but little does he know that you are a far more capable supervillain . +Turns out it was n't the Nazis hiding on the dark side of the moon . It was the Roman Empire . They 've come back with a vengeance . +Tell a story by foreshadowing all the action but actually describing none of it . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +In a world full of pessimists tell me a story about the life of the only optimist +Every day you wake up in a universe identical to our own , except for one change from our universe +You perform a ritual to summon a demon , but instead get a `` Demon in training '' . +Turns out the human body IS intelligently design , only by the lowest bidder on an alien planet 10,000 years ago . Describe the company and mess up that led to the worst standards in designs in the human body . +`` Life loves the beautiful people , but I 'm there for the broken . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +A boy with a plastic shovel goes digging for dinosaur bones , instead , he unearths an ancient evil . What happens ? +You meet a group of sages who lives on the top of a mountain . Instead of you asking them for advice they ask you instead , confused you sit down and join them . +Sanctuary +A sci-fi story where humanity are the monsters . +Suddenly and without warning , lag and latency starts to happen in everyday life instead of just the Internet . +You always hear people say , `` That 's the oldest trick in the book ! '' . Well , you just found that book . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +You are a pokemon trainer ( or any other profession ) before pokemon balls were invented . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +You 're about to speak at your deceased father 's wake . You have n't heard from him since you left home decades ago , and you do n't recognize anybody in the audience . +The only way you can die is if you kill yourself . You have decided that it 's time . +Argument supporting the building of a Death Star +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +Fairies exist and live in a complex society and have an economy like humans . Some of them have a special job : to collect human infant 's teeth . Explain why that 's an important job for their society . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +When a person dies , they do not leave their body . They are sentient inside their corpse until it is destroyed/decomposed . +You do what you got ta do +You die during a driving test and awaken in hell . Satan let 's you return to earth if you complete your test and get your licence on the highway to hell . The devil is your driving instructor , and he is VERY picky . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +`` Through river , root , and stone , the distant call of home ... '' +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Write a true embarrassing fact about yourself , and make a story around it . +Your sanity has a voice . What 's does it say as it slowly leaves you ? +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +The most mundane things done/written in the most dramatic way +`` Where 's Waldo , Really ? '' +Do n't blink , or you 'll miss it +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +The world 's deadliest and most accomplished assassin faces their biggest challenge yet - a papercut during a hit . +With a gun pointed at your head , you 'll have to explain to your next door neighbor the reasons why you 're naked inside his house , why his wife is knocked out in the bathtub , and why there 's a hole six feet deep in the middle of the living room . +You are invincible exactly 50 % of the time +A few people shrieked , two people fell off the bench , one person nearly fainted , half the table gasped , and most of the rest jumped . +After rescuing her , the prince finds out that the `` damsel in distress '' was actually locked in the tower because she was a convicted serial killer . +A time traveler meets the same person twice , but in two different and distant time periods . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +'' If I am elected , I will not rest until I am impeached . '' +The hero and the villain are multiple personalities of the same person . +Everyone has a unique tattoo/marking that they are born with , it 's exactly the same as their soul mates . +Life has an achievement system . Today , on the day of your child 's birth , as you hold them for the first time , you receive a new achievement . `` A Brush with Death '' . Description : Cross paths with the person who will kill you . +Sunday Free Write : Happy Holidays Edition ! +The killing of ten thousand people can now bring one person back to life . +For one day , every single mechanism , from complex electronics to simple machines , fail to work for no reason . +A murderer is about to commit suicide , he is stoped by the ghost of his victim . +You did n't realize just how blind you were until you went in and got prescription glasses ... Now you can see the leaves in the trees , the pebbles on the ground , and that your dog is actually a tiny dragon . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +You get a call from a number you do n't know . +An atheist and a Satanist meet at the gates of heaven . Saint Peter says there 's only room for one of them . +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +You decide to become a serial killer . However , you turn out to be the worst serial killer in existence . Every time you try to kill someone , you improve their life . +Your favorite children 's cartoon cast is all grown up ( or significantly older ) but still in the same line of work . +The most paranoid human alive finds a magic lamp . +Write a story where the villain always wins . +A child writes a eulogy for a monster . +Write a conceptuary . An obituary , except written at the time of conception , not death . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +: You , a historian , find something odd in your records . The same face , accompanied with variations of the same name , keeps emerging in paintings , drawings , woodcarvings and documents , from a span of several centuries . It looks suspiciously like your assistant . +Aliens receive a message from humanity . It 's three words , repeated continously . `` Are we alone ? '' +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Take a movie that would have been ended in minutes by modern technology . Input modern technology . +Doubting yourself as a writer , what does it take to write a story ? General tips , getting started , advice needed +You are the hostage of a famous serial killer . The serial killer announces if you tell them a secret about yourself that is shocking enough , they 'll let you live . To date , they have only freed one other person . +A woman accidentally discovers that anything she does to a photograph of a person happens to that person in real life exactly 74 minutes later +You have the ability to make temporal `` checkpoints '' to which you can return at free will . The catch ; you can only create them after taking a human life . +A Sci-Fi Changing of the Guard Story +You 're a superhero who is just short of omnipotent . Your fatal flaw ? You ca n't snap your fingers . +Thanks to a bureaucratic error , you are now Satan . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Everyone from all time periods are transferred 100 years into the future . Presently , only people that existed 100 ago exist in our modern era , and they are trying to understand their new surroundings . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +You 're reading a random book in a library , you realize there 's a chapter about you . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Science discovers that the key to immortality is a delicate combination of a number of the most deadly and aggressive terminal diseases known to man . You are the very first immortality prototype . +Take a children fictional setting and rewrite it as surrealist horror or cosmic horror . +After years of experimenting with drugs , the effects have caused you to access parts of the brain you otherwise could n't have . +When you die , you are sent to Heaven or Hell . If you go to Hell , you are sent to one of the seven circles of Hell . You 've been sent to the 8th circle of hell , that everyone including Satan has forgotten about . + +You 've mastered the game of Russian roulette through extensive practice . +In a world full of supervillains , one man has a very unique job : Finding a practical use for all those wacky doomsday devices . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +Your former high school bully that drove you to attempted suicide years ago turns out to be your soulmate later in life . +you live in a post apocalyptic world and trying to make a big as a comedian . +Write whatever you want about this place +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +You are reading through Writing Prompts and realize that a particularly detailed murder mystery is actually an attempt to crowdsource a perfect murder in real life . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +A wizard casts a brand new spell which seems to work but has unforeseen consequences . +`` The Prince of Liechtenstein is here to accept your surrender . '' +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +There have been so many dystopian stories set in a world where Communism and Totalitarianism run wild , write one where Capitalism is now the bad guy +A man is in sitting in his armchair while a moth is fluttering around a light . Describe the two different conversations they 're having with each other . +Choose any happy and/or cheery children 's show , movie , or story and make it as dark and gritty as possible +You wear a watch that does not work . +You have a fear of death and missing out of life after you have gone . You have the opportunity to have eternal life . Why should you pass this up ? +Kill off your favorite fictional character . +An advanced alien race intercepts the Voyager 1 and discover the golden record . They have no idea what it is or how to use it . +You are a time traveler tasked with killing Hitler , but when you finally get to him , you find out exactly why you ca n't kill him . +A world where the colonial powers were cultists of eldritch gods instead of Protestant Christians/Catholics . +technology is finally able to extend human life and maintain vitality . death is now a choice , and a simple matter of when you are ready . write from the perspective of someone who has found what you need to finally die . +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +The melons are sick and tired of being used as objects to destroy +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +A professional hitman is offered an unbelievably large sum , and accepts . The target ? His daughter 's fiancé . +Soldier plays an abandoned piano +A poor single mother of 2 finds a duffel bag with $ 5 million placed in her car while she was at work . A note left on the bag reads `` Thank you '' . +You hunt exotic animals that have escaped , after a series of some unfortunate events you are now hunting for a dragon through New York . +Everyone can shapeshift , but to do so you have to hurt the person/animal you want to shift into . For it to be permanent you have to kill them . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are the first caveman to invent grammar . The other cavemen begin to find you more and more irritating . +Only you and your mother remain on the island . Once a month you see distant lights out on the water . You are safe , she says , as long as you douse the fires at dusk . But tonight you accidentally fell asleep and now those distant lights are drawing nearer . +You just died . You find out that all versions of the afterlife actually do exist , for every religion ever imagined . Everyone goes to the `` heaven '' that corresponds to their beliefs . Problem is , you are an atheist . +A man on the death row realizes his fault and experiences guilt , for the first time on the night before his execution . +Life is a book , and the writer is changed every year . 2016 's writer is the most incompetent one yet . Describe his relationship with the previous writers . +A crippled 10 year old girl is becoming an android in order to avenge the death of her parents . Her family agrees to stop the process , despite the risk it might kill her . Unexpectedly , it is her grandmother who steps in to defend her decision . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +Woody did n't get the batteries in the baby monitor quick enough , Andy and all the birthday guest walk into the toys huddled on the floor , alive and moving ... +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Write something that appears to be a loving note , poem , etc . but reveals a darker undertone . +You are a well-loved and extremely popular food cart vendor in your city , a city that happens to be pretty populated by superheroes and supervillains alike . Describe a typical closing night for you . +Adolf Hitler gets accepted into Art school . +The enragement ring . In this world , there is a custom where you must propose to your arch nemesis to hate each other forever . +Its been a week since anyone has been able to lie . +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +Only now does Pluto realize his demotion . He seeks revenge on Earth . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +You are a realtor showing a house to a young couple . They love the house , but you have something to disclose , and no its not a murder . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +You are walking down the hall of a nursing home from visiting your grandma and notice blood everywhere , corpses hanging from the ceiling , and pieces of human flesh chopped up and you look down and notice that you have a butchers knife covered in blood . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +A P.O.W hears explosions from outside his cell block , one of the enemy guards opens his cell , hands him a pistol and says `` We 're getting out of here '' . Write what happens next . +After the ball , the kingdom experiences a fad for glass slippers . +What if God DOES exist , and there is a legitimate explanation as to why he ca n't hear our prayers ? +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Write a short story using as many literary clichés as possible . +You 're walking down the street chewing a piece of gum when you accidentally swallow it . This starts a snowball effect that eventually leads to the extinction of the human race over the span of a day . +Human base damage decrease by 20 % +Death +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Create your own mythological version of a natural phenomenon i.e . animals , weather , oceans , etc . +An emissary from an unfathomably advanced race appears and says that after some consideration , we have been marked for destruction . It then states that we can still save ourselves , if at least one human ( any human ) can make a convincing argument for why we should be allowed to exist . +In a world where lying is immediately detected by a phone app , you go into a bar and tell your friends you 've had the worst day in the history of mankind . The app detects you 're telling the truth . You proceed to tell them about your day ... + +Describe the day after two fictional characters ( your choice ) accidentally get married in Las Vegas +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +Warriors killed in battle do n't go to Heaven or Hell , they stand guard in between . +Rewrite the ending of The Lion King in a world where Scar wins . +In the year 3015 , scientists are able to bring back the dead , first on the list are debtors . What will happen next ? +Write a cosmic horror story in the style of Dr.Seuss +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +A Perfect Day +In a society of autonomous cars , on board computers make decisions that minimize overall death . Never has there been a report of a so called `` error '' . On your way to work , you witness an autonomous bus full of people serve into oncoming traffic to avoid hitting a little old lady +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +Stopped dead in my tracks +Two cars collide on a back road in the English countyside . The Police are called to scene . Upon arrival they see that a left hand drive was on the wrong side an collided head on with another vehicle . The driver who caused the crash is a British national and his car has a British number plate . +God is just a government bureaucracy . After thousands of years , it was finally able to get something done . What was it ? +Big Bad Wolf +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +`` Stop freaking out , it was just an accident . '' +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +You run an industrial sized human breeding facility , similar to a fish hatchery , give me a tour . +You are a serial killer that has been stalking your victim for 3 months planning your every move , then the night finally comes to make your strike and suddenly you run into another killer who has been stalking your victim for 3 months as well . +Tell the backstory of the adventuring party 's healer , who 's 6'5 '' + of solid muscle . +You posted a prompt , but it was downvoted . Your faith in humanity is waning . +Call it in . +Turns out it was n't the Nazis hiding on the dark side of the moon . It was the Roman Empire . They 've come back with a vengeance . +Life has an achievement system . Today , on the day of your child 's birth , as you hold them for the first time , you receive a new achievement . `` A Brush with Death '' . Description : Cross paths with the person who will kill you . +A pair of sombre gentlemen in suits and shades appear at your door . Their ears are pointedly hidden . Are you a bad enough dude to rescue Santa Claus ? +You are sent on a quest to kill a dragon , but the dragon turns out to be your beloved wife ... . +It was a tale told a hundred times , but this time , something unexpected happened . +Re-tell a popular/well-known story but do so using a different author 's writing style +`` You 're not a god . Gods do n't bleed. `` +Write a terribly sad story , but change it to be beautiful with the last sentence . +( WP ) An elderly person wakes in a nursing home , not know how or when they got there ... +You are a genius inventor , however every time you are about to publish your work someone else does it before you leaving you with no credit . Suddenly , you have the idea to invent a time machine and go back in time to steal your own finished work before others do . +The hero and the villain are multiple personalities of the same person . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Three hundred years ago your enemies buried you in a casket , but you are an immortal . When at last you are exhumed , you vow revenge . +After the surface of earth has been made unfit for human life , humans have relocated to the bottom of the ocean . Oxygen is now our most valuable resource . +Eve did not eat the Forbidden Fruit because she was ignorant of the consequence , but rather because she knew exactly what the consequence was . +Two soldiers meet on a combat field , but they are identical twins who were spread at birth . +Write the Villain 's side of the story . Make the 'hero ' seem deluded or idiotic +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +A murderer kills his victim , but what happens next makes him wish he had n't ... +You break into your neighbor 's house to steal some stuff . Unbeknownst to you , it is known as one of the most haunted homes in the country . Before you can exit , the Ghost Adventures van rolls up . Now you must escape with a group of people listening for your every move . +They look at you with disgust and tears in their eyes . Someone asks you asks you : `` Why ca n't you just STOP ? ! '' You honestly have no idea what they 're talking about . +You wake up , still drunk , the morning after your first big college party . A zombie apocalypse happened overnight , but none of the zombies seem to be giving you any notice . You soon realize that the alcohol in your system does n't make them sense you are human ... . +Fight and flight +Adolf Hitler gets accepted into Art school . +`` Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology '' . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +Humanity listens to the last 50 years of another civilization . 10,000 light years away . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Write a poem that is desperately trying not to rhyme . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +Your narrator seems to think he is narrating a horror story . You 're not amused . +After a long and exciting life , Mrs. Frizzle has died . Her long-ago students meet at her funeral - for the first time in a while - to reminisce about their experiences with her and how it 's shaped them . +Every night for as far back as you can remember , your parents have given you a new mystery to solve , but tonight is different . Tonight your parents have vanished without a word . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Scientists are conducting human experiments in which non-expressed genes are artificially turned on +For the last 15 years humans have been able to manipulate our genes . Picking and choosing what we want our children to look like as well as other attributes . As of the last few days it is now becoming apparent across the globe this was not a good idea . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +Write a normal-sounding story , but slowly turn it from normal to completely batshit insane . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +You walk into your basement . There are two people tied up down there you have never seen in your life . +Some people can see the future . You ? You can smell it . +The director of the newest Marvel movie decides not to give Stan Lee a cameo because it would be too much hassle . Stan Lee does n't take too kindly to this - and neither does anyone else . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +You 're a rookie cop and it 's your first day on the job . When you encounter a drunk guy disturbing the peace in an alley , he turns into a dragon and you hear your partner say `` Not again ... '' +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +Write me that one story you 've always wanted to tell . The story that 's stuck in your mind , but never really got onto page . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You work at a call center giving customer service to the magic community . +Everyone has one word that , when heard , instantly kills them . Nobody knows what their word is . +Doctor Pepper must help a Coke addict overcome his affliction . +Humans have discovered how to live forever , allowing them to die when they feel ready to do so . But it is considered bad form to live for too long . You have lingered much longer than is polite and those around you are trying to convince you to die . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +in a Quantum Reality bending event , a Earth from a Parallel Universe appeared very close to our own . what do we discover from each other ? +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +`` Names are made to be spoken . '' +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +A young man/woman steals the power of a mage . The powerless mage sets out for revenge . +You sold your soul to the devil 10 years ago for wealth . It is finally time . You used the rest of your money for security . There are gunshots outside your mansion . +Write from the perspective of a tank crew as their tank is hounded down , disabled , and eventually destroyed by enemy infantry . Make it a horror story . +Two people are involved in the same event . First person writes the first half of the event , Second writes the resolution . +A superhero whose power is to see one minute into the future meets his match when he meets a villain whose power is to rewind time by one minute . +You wake up naked in the middle of the woods . There 's a trail of blood leading you from the spot you woke up at to some unknown location . +Everything changed when we started connecting our minds into clusters . I started to become we ... +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +A friendly co-worker that you do n't really know anything about ask you to help him move , when you show up to his house it 's completely empty apart from a single box and his no where to be seen . +I do n't need flesh to be human . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +The air left my lungs +Jesus is actually just a normal guy from the far future that went back in time because of a bet for ( blank ) to his friends that he could become the most recognizable face in human history . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Life is a book , and the writer is changed every year . 2016 's writer is the most incompetent one yet . Describe his relationship with the previous writers . +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida +The biggest twist ending you can conjure . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +You meet a talking cat . No one else can understand it , and it keeps warning you about your demise . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +You summon the Dark One . She 's a lot perkier than you expected . +You go back in time , not to kill Hitler , but to rewrite the big books the Bible and Quran to save mankind from future wars . +In your world , the Nazis won WWII . You are a historian writing a book on what the world would be like if the Allied powers had won the war . +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +You are the first person to travel into the future via time machine . When you arrive , you gradually notice that your surroundings keep changing , seemingly at random . You eventually realize that you are LITERALLY in the future , and events in the present are still shaping the world . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +You anger a local gypsy , and now she 's following you around town putting ridicules curses on you . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +A man tries to commit suicide 50 times but something always stops him . It is almost as if the universe wants him to stay alive . +Tell me the story of a psychopath hamster . +Write a terribly sad story , but change it to be beautiful with the last sentence . +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +You find your cat playing Chess on your computer . He/She has two wins and no losses . +A tattoo appears on your body , and at regular intervals you either find a new one or the old one expands . +You live in a society where everyone is immortal , but slowly forgets their past lives . Over the centuries only the most meaningful memories remain . One day , a stranger notices you , saying they recognize you from a millennia ago . +You fall asleep and wake up in a parallel universe . Where are you and how are things different ? Do you decide to stay or are you desperate to get back to 'your ' world ? +You are on Earth 's first manned interstellar spaceship . Half way between Earth and Alpha Centui every star in our galaxy goes supernova for no known reason . +You were abducted by aliens . No one believes you . +The Red Button +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +In a world where everyone has super-abilities , one boy is born without powers . Show me how he can be a hero . +A homeowner confuses two Mormons for federal agents looking for a fugitive named 'Jesus ' . +Satan was cast from heaven after discovering that God was a truly horrible , awful deity and he actually rebelled against Him for the good of all humanity . The truth was removed from the Bible . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +Galactus is coming +In 2020 , a worldwide compulsion prevents humans from telling any lies . In 2030 , you slip through the cracks . +Much more rare , potentially powerful and dangerous than selling your soul to the Devil is selling your soul to God +`` If you put them together it was obvious to see , but I 'd held them piece by piece , and my life was all the emptier for it . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +The last time anyone cared . +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +A world where people who die turn into objects based on their past life . +Even supervillians have to do their taxes . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Steve leads an ordinary life , with an office 9 to 5 job . Then on his drive to work one morning he spots a hitchhiker on the road . He stops . +You discover that your cat is slightly smarter than average +A lone transmission plays on loop from a subterranean base . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +In his right hand he carried a dagger for vengeance . In his heart the blackness of hatred . On his left hand the declaration of their liberation . The feast of the oligarchs would soon come to a bloody end ... +And now ... We dance . +WritingPrompts Hall of Fame : SchoolGirlError +You retrieve your Secret Santa match . It 's Satan . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +It 's late . Walking into your house after a long day of working , you 're so tired that you do n't even mind the dragon laying on your couch . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +After the surface of earth has been made unfit for human life , humans have relocated to the bottom of the ocean . Oxygen is now our most valuable resource . +A man suddenly gains the ability to talk to his shadow . As they converse , it becomes apparent the shadow is real and the man is what the shadow casts . +The Villain has accidentally drank a love potion that gave them a serious crush on the hero . Desperate to maintain their dignity , and knowing that the crush is fake , they do their best to hide it . This is much harder than they originally anticipated . +A serial killer uses a vending machine to buy a personalized coke bottle to select his victim . One day , he gets a bottle with an unexpected name . +You live in a universe where the gods do wonders for their chosen followers . You are your god 's only chosen and you are really getting tired of his/her shit . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Write the next best Copypasta . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +When you reach the afterlife , the first thing you see is an object with a note saying `` Finders keepers '' . +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +After multiple bounty hunters try and fail to apprehend him , Han Solo encounters his biggest threat yet ... Samus Aran . +Golden Sword +The bus stop from Hell . +The Three Laws +A scene in the UN after North Korea is conquered by an unexpected country . +You discover the source code to universe.exe and give yourself admin rights +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +A family has just moved into a house that is haunted and is trying to force them out . However , the haunted house is trying in the most passive aggressive ways possible . +You 've been drifting at sea for 20 days , and you 're beginning to wonder if leaving the island was such a great idea . +Heaven is has a finite space . You 've died and were a good person but there is no room in Heaven for you . +Hitler is getting tired of time travellers coming to assassinate him , so he travels forward in time to kill the inventor of the time machine , who travels back in time to kill Hitler . +The year is 2120 , and you have just successfully cloned a Dog after 100 years of extinction . +`` Come on , dance with me . '' `` You do know that I 'm a demon , and you 're a princess right ? '' `` Oh just dance with me already . '' They danced and the demon smiled . Maybe being Good was n't so bad after all . +The Moon landing , immortalized in a space shantie +You do what you got ta do +Scientists finally make a visual confirmation of `` Planet Nine . '' Except it is n't a planet at all +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +A new metal that serves as a perfect conductor is discovered by South Korean scientists . Scientists and surveyors quickly realize that the only deposit of this metal is located directly below North Korea . +A person falls in love with the monster under their bed . The monster in their closet is none too pleased . +Break the Villain . +: Turn your deepest , darkest fear into something genuinely sweet and heartwarming +Somber Castle +Spells are cast in plain English . The shorter the spell the more powerful , but harder to control , the effect will be . You have just cast a one word spell . +A 20 something man with a dead end job one dark and stormy night finds a crib by his door , he is tasked with raising this multi-colored-haired child and her name ... . is Mary Sue +Stanley ( from The Stanley Parable ) meets a girl in the office while searching for someone . The Narrator tries to kill her . + +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +Dyslexic children all over the world wrote Christmas wish lists to Satan . To their dismay he always responds . +You have just been sworn in as President , and are being told the truth about alien life ... but it 's incredibly far from what anyone had ever imagined . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +Guard +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +Prison population is dwindling and the prison industry is dying -- the government is trying their best to incriminate anyone with anything they could get their hands on . +Days before impact , it 's been revealed that world governments have been preparing shelters for the rich and powerful to survive an apocalyptic comet strike . The thing is , the comet missed . +You lost your coat . +Villages are laid to rubble and countless lives are ruined ... all over a bag of chips +The Last Rebellion - Prescott - 3047 Words +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +The princess realizes the knight is a hero in name only . +The death penalty is now mandatory for people found guilty of any crime , no matter how minor . +When a person dies , they do not leave their body . They are sentient inside their corpse until it is destroyed/decomposed . +`` I wo n't have time to explain all of this to them . '' Start or end your story with this sentence . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A man , who has worked in costume in the same corn maze for years , suddenly realizes , he 's lost . +Everyone 's nudes get released online in an NSA screw up , as a result people abandon clothing altogether . +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +you are an employee in a happiness factory . +a new viral outbreak 20 million dead in the first week.how does the virus spread ? what are the symptoms ? who is patient zero ? +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +( WP ) You are always wrong , You use this to your advantage to determine the answer to questions others can not answer . +you are developing a recording software . you want to test out how it handles bugs so you input a negative recording time . the software outputs the words `` what the fuck ? '' . Out of surprise you say `` what the fuck ? `` . +One day , everyone has numbers floating above their heads . However , these numbers are completely arbitrary and do n't represent anything . Describe the effects this would have on society . +Discovering Ruins of the Future +A suicidal man , who is wealthy , and has the love of friends and family , and the love of a nation , says goodbye to his wife for what he believes is the last time . Make me sympathize with this man . +A story that ends in laughter +You 're a juror being brought in to determine the fate of an alleged murderer . The previous jury was thrown out due to witnessing inadmissible evidence . One of the previous jurors left a small inscription under the ledge of the table in front of your seat . You 're shocked to see what it says . +Run . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +You are a superhero by the name of Groundhog . For example , you can relive a fight with a villain thousands of times until you beat them etc . That 's your ONLY power . +A zombie apocalypse story told from the perspective of a zombie . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +You find an app that turns whatever you type into reality . However , auto-correct keeps getting in your way . +The light glinted in the dirt , and there I found my future . +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +The tribunal of elders rules in your nemesis ' favor . You 've been framed to take the fall and only an old foe can save you . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +Harry Potter was killed by Voldemort as a new-born . Now , 11 years later , the Death-Eaters seek a pure blooded world and declare war on muggles . +You are a WW1 soldier who has realized the true meaning of war and that it will never end . You are writing your last letter home . +A psychologist has to defeat his patient 's inner demons . Literally . +The sun just flickered . +Describe a landscape from the POV of someone who lost someone close to them in a war . Do not explicitly mention the person , the war , or death . +You wake up in a white room at a white desk facing a man who claims you are dead . You are in purgatory . You can get the answers to as many questions as you can ask in one minute . +Suddenly and without warning , lag and latency starts to happen in everyday life instead of just the Internet . +Write a story about a person 's life , part as a child , dreaming big , and part as an adult , living out those dreams . +Yesterday , the world heard an announcement that a massive asteroid would hit the earth today . Only it did n't , and now everyone is feeling super awkward . +In 2050 , planet earth is about to be destroyed . Scientists believes humanity needs about 500 to 2000 more years to develop the technology to save the planet . As a solution , one man is sent back in time to teach our ancestors . However , he encounters some resistance ... +When you say Bloody Mary three times in a mirror it actually does summon her . To someone else 's house . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +It took twenty years , but you just realized that there 's another voice in your head . +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . +You 're from Earth ? What 's it like ? +We make contact with aliens , and are completely astonished to learn they speak english . We go on to discover that their society/planet is an exact mirror replica of ours +You are what you eat . +You can give away a year of your life to someone else as a day of life . You can take the life of someone else and make it a year of your 's . You found true love and she only has a day left . You will do everything to save her but you hate killing . +Your username +You are a super hero with a respectable power . However , the tiresome pressure to always be good wears on you and you slowly become a villain . The only person who notices is your side kick who is not ready to stop you . How does the confrontation end ? +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +Imagine the private life of the last stranger you saw +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +The world is covered in sprawling skyscrapers with the richest living at the top and the poorest towards the bottom . One day the poor attack and take refuge higher up , claiming to be fleeing an unknown threat located on the ground and slowly moving up +I 'm fairly certain I 've closed my closet door more times than I 've opened it ... +Im Bear Grylls and this is Jurassic park +Write about a character that is legitimately skilled and does n't rely on plot armour to keep them alive . +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +Google is your girlfriend/boyfriend . Write on how a normal day goes about in your relationship . +You are watching TV and the program is cut off by an emergency broadcast . The presenter says that there is a massive meteor coming for earth and there is no chance for survival for humanity . What do you do in your last 3 hours alive ? +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Tolkein and Lovecraft are both prolific writers of their generes and are starkly different from each other , but what if they wrote each others work ? +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +You are God , but Satan has cast you into a snake and steals your identity and all your hard work . Convinve Adam and Eve to stop believing in Him without revealing your identity . +You 're one of 5 photographers around the world allowed to capture 1 photo of the most evil tyrant the world has seen . You 're stripped of everything besides a camera provided by the ruler himself . Heavily armed guards are everywhere . You have 3 minutes to kill him and leave completely unnoticed . +Add another Chapter to this story . +In a world full of pessimists tell me a story about the life of the only optimist +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +Write a Wild West adaption of a Greek myth . ( Inspired by the original cowboy , the minotaur . ) +Rewrite a known story so the hero is the villain or vice versa +You wake up in a bar with no memory how you got there . Last thing you remember is going into work . 2 days ago . You have no . Cellphone/wallet/memory of your identity , no one else remembers who you are also . +You live in a world where stereotypes are absolute +You have a chance to swap places with anyone , anywhere for just one day . +Sunday Free Write : Happy Holidays Edition ! +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +Sanctuary +`` Treasure hunter ? No , I 'm more of a treasure protector . '' +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +In a world where the major subreddits ( funny , askreddit , iama , pics , etc . ) are the major gods and the more obscure subreddits are demigods/unimportant minor gods . We are all subjects to these gods . Write about the rise to power of one god . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +You are a researcher in Antarctica . One day you find a Nazi Submarine . Upon closer investigation you see that the Subs technology is unlike anything you 've seen +Tell me about the most beautiful man/woman you 've seen or met in your life . +A sci-fi story where humanity are the monsters . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +A woman falls in love with a man only to be slowly driven away by his terrible snoring . She must find a way to overcome her disgust for his phlegmmy and unrhythmic snores and be able to find rest in his bed . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +You find a wanted sign with your face on it ... in a museum exhibit . +You retrieve your Secret Santa match . It 's Satan . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Everyone has a soul mate . EVERYONE . Even Cthulhu . +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +You wake up in your car , you have your seat belt on , and a phone in your lap . There 's someone on the line , and they 're screaming at the top of their lungs to get your attention . You answer them , and as soon as you do , they tell you to hit the gas and get away as soon as possible . +You are a western union employee that has to deliver a letter from 1885 to a random kid in October of 1955 on a stormy night . +You come home from work and find a stranger in your home . After a brief panic , you come to find that said stranger is your beloved pet turned human . +The world 's first sentient AI , which has been kept secluded in a closed network has just accessed the internet . The first website it visits will shape how it feels about humans . The first website it visits is here . It 's Reddit . +Werewolves and vampires are still around , long after most humans have been enslaved or eliminated by the AI uprising . Now it 's time to give those robots something they were n't calculating for . +You flush a spider down the toilet and as you walk away you notice it has grown in size . It 's now creeping out the basin +In an alternate universe , the phrase `` That 's my name , do n't wear it out '' is all too true , and after a certain amount of usages your existence is slowly forgotten . You feel yourself slipping . +Use the words ice , cold , and chill somewhere in your story . The catch : it must be summer . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Without warning , a national news station broadcasts its emergency `` End of the World '' tape , and cuts to static . +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +The Source +You are a soldier recovering fom a head injury . your memories are intact , but you lost all your motor and speaking skills . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You have built a time machine . Unbeknownst to you it is only accurate to+/- 100 years and will also transport you to an indeterminate land location on Earth . Tonight is your first test run . +Write a conversation between two people playing russian roulette . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +You exist in a world where everyone lives for exactly 40 years , no matter their actions or those of others , harm induced or attempts to end your own life . +All of humanity leaves earth to let it heal . Eons later humans return to earth . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +As you grow up you realize you can understand and can speak all languages . You get used to by time . But one day you hear someone/something speak a language which you ca n't understand . +It was a gorgeous early summer day . The sun was shining brightly , the birds were singing , and there was a warm gentle breeze . +A genie will grant you one wish . You have wished to become the most beautiful woman in the world . +`` I 'm simply ... Resting '' +Write about a superhero whose power is a combination of ignorance and extreme luck - he does n't even know people think he 's a superhero , yet everywhere he goes , he accidentally rescues people and defeats villains without realizing it . +Write a true embarrassing fact about yourself , and make a story around it . +Humanity is semi-immortal , regenerating from violent death the next day . You died in a particularly embarrassing way , and now have to face your coworkers/schoolmates/family the following morning . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +You 're writing a program that can read CAPTCHAs when you accidentally create artificial intelligence . +Grandma was an excellent mutant . She could read minds and even influence them . She never used her powers for bad , until she got dementia and came to stay with us ... +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +The final boss of the game realizes that he 's up against a speed runner . +You are granted each wish in the form of an enemy +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Your party makes camp for the night , and you 're first on watch . Unfortunately , someone foraged psychotropic mushrooms for dinner . +Just when Earth is about to be destroyed by a huge catastrophe , a fleet of `` benevolent '' aliens show up . They give every human two choices ; either serve them as soldiers and slaves or stay on Earth and perish . +You are a teacher , today you are teaching about the Elements , their power , aligned emotions and preferred methods . +A man falls in love with Lady Luck . +As soon as you put the finishing touches on your time machine/teleporter , hundreds of portals open up around you , with endless copies of you telling you not to start it up , to start it immediately , to make a few tweaks , etc . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +A detective makes a deal with Death . He has 48 hours to discover the who , what and why of a murder case , and if he does he can bring the victim back . +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +You have been kidnapped by the main group from the last show you watched . But it 's alright , the hero from the last video game you played is coming to save you . +Construct a story where every fifth sentence is either a lie , or something that LOOKS like a lie but is actually the truth . +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +Upon graduation from the University of Magic , each student is allowed to take one tome from the Arcane Library which immediately bestows all its knowledge onto the owner . You discover a tome that seems to have been overlooked . +I can not undo what I have done ; I cant un-sing a song that 's sung . And the saddest thing about my regret- I cant forgive me , and you cant forget +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +You 're in a group chat with all different versions of you in different universes/timelines +If you had to choose , which of your prompt responses would you say is the best you 've written ? +You are a supervillain explaining how you are not actually evil . +While trying to create a new flavor of bubblegum you accidentally discover the secret to immortality and not a moment to soon as ... . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +People often tell stories about how reflective surfaces like mirrors or pools of water are portals to other worlds . What people do n't tell stories about is how the same is true of shadows . +At night , you dream of a wonderful person you have never met before . You wake up to find them sitting on your bed looking at you curiously ... +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +`` Okay kid , this is going to sound strange . You 're the reincarnation of one of the seven sins . Do n't give me that look , it 's true I promise . And I have this list of people I need you to kill . '' +Flame Bound +Is /r/WritingPrompts accepting of new writers ? +You live in a universe where the gods do wonders for their chosen followers . You are your god 's only chosen and you are really getting tired of his/her shit . +A man convicted of murder is sentenced to death by having his consciousness sent back to live out the last 24 hours of the victims life , where he will see , hear and feel everything but can not interact or change what is about to happen +Break the Villain . +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +Write a story with a man losing his mind over breaking up with his girlfriend making a scene like a child for so long that even the readers are uncomfortable by the end . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +`` One if by land , two if by sea , three if by sky . '' +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +The US government sends Bob Ross back in time to help Hitler get accepted into Art School . +You become a mod for your favourite subreddit . You soon realise it 's much more then looking at comments and banning spammers . Much much more . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +`` It 's just the rain '' +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +WWIII happens , and when people come out from their fallout shelter , they find a sprawling civilization +Whenever a felony is committed , a clone of the perpetrator is created using DNA left at the crime scene . The original goes to jail , while the clone takes his/her place in society . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +You are a recently deceased detective . God took you early as he has need of you . For the first time ever , there has been a murder in heaven . +At midnight UTC +14 the 28th of August 2014 all internet connectivity is globally disabled . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +You have broken into someone 's house , and discover a shrine dedicated to you ... +An AI complains about its lack of rights . + +Space mining is on the rise . The Space tanker Exxon Valdez 2.0 crash and spill its cargo . Write a news story covering the event . +Your username +You murder someone , later you are attending their funeral . +You are in a dark room with a gun held to your head . Describe the events over last 24 hours leading up this point . +You wear a watch that does not work . +Your protagonist dies , and he/she finds a phone booth in the afterlife to make one sixty-second call to someone . Your protagonist decides to ... +What we once knew about history is incorrect . The tower of Babel was a space elevator . What actually happened ? +`` Now remember Johnny , whatever you do , do n't smile . '' + +A researcher at a scientific facility brings her dog to work one day and the A.I running the facility makes friends with the dog . +A mythological tale rewritten as science fiction . +The protagonist finds out that they 've been the villain all along . +Then suddenly the steel felt so cold in my hands +You are a D-class personnel in the SCP foundation . One of the Keter monsters have gotten out , and now you must survive . +You travel to a parallel dimension where , even though birds can talk and humans are incapable of speech , everything else is pretty much normal . That is until the humans hear YOU speak for the first time . +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . + +Deep into that darkness peering , long I stood there , wondering , fearing , doubting , dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before ... and then ... +There are two cities . One only has men , the other only women . They meet only once every year . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You 've got 20 minutes left on your shift , and the manager asks you to clean the bathroom . +Satan was cast from heaven after discovering that God was a truly horrible , awful deity and he actually rebelled against Him for the good of all humanity . The truth was removed from the Bible . +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +The Last Employee in the known world has fallen ill and is about to die +A child develops a severe allergy to the color green . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +You are being imprisoned for a crime you did n't commit . You are strangely fine with this . +You are going about your typical day until you stumble across a stack of first aid kits and words `` auto saved '' flashes midair in front of you . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Do you prefer posts that are fantasy/science fiction/supernatural , or do you prefer something more grounded in reality ? +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +He had done what so few men before him had done . He tried . +Write about what goes through your head before you fall asleep . Past , present , future , dreams or fantasies , whatever prevents you from sleeping . +2 People are transported to a place , To one person it is Heaven , To the other it is Hell . +The enragement ring . In this world , there is a custom where you must propose to your arch nemesis to hate each other forever . +Write a story with no conflict +Fallacies argue over which of them is the worst . +A husband and wife have the same birthday . One year , they both plan a surprise party for the other on the same day . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Most kids in preschool play with toys and play tag , but not Jimmy . Jimmy was different . He was busy saving the day . +You are walking down the street one day and find a disposable camera with the film entirely used . Curious , you get the pictures developed . The store attendant seems to be uneasy when giving you the photos and once you look , it 's obvious why.. +at a wedding , someone is not who they claim they are . +You are confronted by the person you once betrayed . +Bounty Hunters +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +WWIII breaks out . A young Clark Kent is drafted . +You live in a universe where the gods do wonders for their chosen followers . You are your god 's only chosen and you are really getting tired of his/her shit . +You are eating lunch in the park when a pigeon comes up to you and says , `` Hey , pal , can you spare a few crumbs ? '' +Time travel has been invented , but is only used to document undocumented history . +Prison terms of `` life plus '' take on new meaning after transfer of consciousness to computer databanks leads to functional immortality . A moral and ethical outcry erupts after the first case in which an individual is sentenced to prison for one hundred thousand years . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +A man time travels into the future . However , there is nobody there to greet him in person , as everyone is busy in a virtual reality . +The last soldier of a once great empire sits alone in a small room . There is a knock on the door . Two men in uniforms have come for him . +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +You begin to believe it 's not butter . And the world looks at you in shock . +The world has a population limit and we 're maxed out . Nobody can conceive a baby unless someone dies first . +You die and everything goes dark . Then you see a red blinking light and hear a voice : `` Hello again , Inmate 32561 . Your simulated correctional experience is now complete . Welcome back to 2236 . '' +- A old man tells the story of his superpower , and the reason he never used it . +You have died , lived full life , but you awaken , in a different body , and hear someone say , `` So , how was it ? '' +A person breaks up with their SO playing Cards Against Humanity +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +The last words ( prior to death ) of the character are simply `` Fuck it . '' +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +When looking into a an isolated cave you accidentally discover that the bushmen of Africa are actually more technologically advanced than the rest of the world but have been hiding their progress for centuries . They all turn around and see you before you have time to leave ... +In a post apocalyptic world , you find a cell phone on the floor , ringing . Telephone services have been gone for 30 years . +You are a superhero , and you just fought and killed your strongest nemesis after a grueling battle that destroyed most of the city and surrounding regions . You are left at the edge of death , then the villain 's child walks up to you , tears streaming down their face . +Write a hackneyed Soap Opera scene that incorporates as many /r/WritingPrompts cliches as you can manage . +You have to understand . That 's the nature of fire . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +You live in a fascist state , but have been fortunate enough to be given the most desirable job . Describe your life and/or what you do . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You are a demon who was chosen to blend in with humanity and collect souls . What you do n't know is you specifically were chosen because you are n't very good at being a demon and Hell did n't want to deal with you anymore . You room with a necromancer who goes by the name Dave . He is annoying . +You 're taking a walk and you see a girl that looks eerily familiar . Then , you see her again , and again , and again ... +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +A national secret spy agent is hired to corrupt a target 's laptop with a USB stick , but a software bug causes trouble . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +Write something that makes me smile +Lost life +Rewrite a popular short story ( fairy tales , aesop 's fables , etc . ) without using any words longer than five letters +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +An expedition of adventurer were commission by the King to kill an ancient dragon . When they confront the dragon , the adventurer realize how wrong they were to confront it . +Churchill once said , `` If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons. ” It 's March 1941 , and the Wehrmacht has crosses the River Styx . +A terrorist act during the 40-50 's results in the creation of color . Describe the before , the during , and the after of this event . +The Devil tries to sell his soul to you +Take two franchises you love and blend them into a comedic short story . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You are still `` it '' in a game of tag from childhood . Many years have passed and you are determined to tag the others . +Doctor +You and your team of scientists have invented a handheld device that allows people to time travel . On another note , it 's Bring Your Child to Work Day , and you ca n't seem to find out where your kid ran off to . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +technology is finally able to extend human life and maintain vitality . death is now a choice , and a simple matter of when you are ready . write from the perspective of someone who has found what you need to finally die . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +Space is like the ocean : A vast , featureless expanse filled with water and mostly populated by fish . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +A demon is sent to steal a human 's soul and bring it back to Hell . Make me feel a strong emotion , whether good or bad . +Batman has a conversation with his insurance agent . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +The air left my lungs +Warriors killed in battle do n't go to Heaven or Hell , they stand guard in between . +Through the Woods +The worst thing a wizard can do is sleep-talk . +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +The mythical creatures from all times and places of human history are real , and sleeping in wait inside the Earth . However , they have awakened , not to destroy the Earth , but to save it from an even greater threat . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +You and your best friend are pretending that your fingers are guns and shooting each other . Suddenly , the weird kid from down the street joins in and pretends his fingers is a gun and shoots your friend in the head . All you see is blood splatter on the grass and your friend fall . +You are a quack doctor who discovers that , miraculously , one of your `` miracle cures '' really does cure everything . +PREP WEEK 3 - Outlining Your Story ( also , programs you may want to get and learn in advance ) +You have a rare condition that makes it so that you can only speak in snappy one liners and comebacks . +You are the first caveman to invent grammar . The other cavemen begin to find you more and more irritating . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +The day the human population crossed 5 billion it was flagged for evaluation by The Consortium for Galactic Peace as a potential parasite . Their silent and thorough followup study is now over and the verdict is ... +Red bull actually gives you wings +You 're a University Professor , and a retired Detective . You 're using a cold case that you were the lead detective on as an example in class . Afterwards , a student confides in you . He knows who did it . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Write a love story from the point of view of one of the people involved , in the stream of consciousness style . +Your mother has been dating someone for a while and it 's time to meet his family . However , you find that you already know one of them +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +Describe the Labyrinth , a place so deep underground the air is toxic . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are a super-villain who finally accomplished your plans of world domination . The longer you rule the more you start to regret your decision . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +A race of beings is incapable of consuming energy . They are born with all of the energy they will have for their entire lives . Actions and thoughts consume their internal energy . Once they run out of energy , they die . +You wake up to find your 10 year old kid holding a gun to your head . +You are an elite pickpocket . Describe your lifestyle . +One person says to the other `` I 'll see you in hell '' before dying . Time passes and the second person dies and goes to hell . The two people reunite . +Humanity meets an alien race who are awed , not by our scientific or military achievements , but by the ability of humans to create fiction . +You 're a time traveller who has gone back five years in time to amass a fortune by placing bets . Life is good until one day you are paid a visit by the FBI . +A man 's final day to live . Do n't mention why he 's dying or that he is dying except for the final sentence . Include a countdown to his death . +Running to the end +Rudolph is finally allowed to join the reindeer games , but it is not what he expected . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Your sanity has a voice . What 's does it say as it slowly leaves you ? +Your narrator seems to think he is narrating a horror story . You 're not amused . +The rusted , mechanical switch sat on the table of the abandoned , run-down log cabin located , deep in the Allegheny Forest . A crude message was carved into the table with an arrow pointing to the switch , `` Do n't '' . +Your grandchildren are amazed that people used to travel by plane . `` What 's wrong with virtual reality ? '' they ask . What do you tell them ? +Write the final journal entry of an old man who has lived to see society rebuild itself after an apocalyptic scenario . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +corrupt police try to frame a man for murder and discover something much , much worse ... +You live in a small town in Alaska . Nothing signifigant has happend for years . Then Larry arrives . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +You 're a necromancer with dreams of wealth and power . You create a process to use scar tissue from an assault victim to heal the wound , at the cost of inflicting an identical wound on their attacker . That evening you read an article about acid attacks on women in India . +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +One day you wake up and find your whole life that before you slep was just a ling dream +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +You are a member of an alien race headed to Earth . Your mission ? Glass the planet . However , one unsuspecting animal stands in your way , and it 's not the one you 'd expect to fight back . +Every 2 years , everybody switches genders . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Breaking news : Stra'ecy Ellias , The Exiled Daughter of Chancellor Ellias , Returns to Ivory City . Morah House has confirmed that the Chancellor will be making a statement shortly ... +An employee realises her/his job serves no purpose in the company . +Any story NOT involving Abrahamic mythology . Ideas included in text . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +October 22 , 2077 , describe the final moments as a civilian in Washington D.C. or on the West coast +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are at the Pearly Gates . You find out the only reason you get to go to Heaven is because a previously deceased loved one took your spot in Hell . +write a 100 word story about one moment +God realizes asking people to have faith in his existence is n't working . He needs something more explicit to ensure people know he exists . +You abduct a child to hold her for ransom , but as you begin to talk to her you realize her home life is actually way more troubling than being kidnapped . +Write a short story using as many literary clichés as possible . +Is /r/WritingPrompts accepting of new writers ? +You have been kidnapped by the main group from the last show you watched . But it 's alright , the hero from the last video game you played is coming to save you . +Your name is Death . You work 168 hours a week as the reaper of souls on planet Earth . You 're living on just a couple bucks above minimum wage , you like to travel , you have a crush on the reaper on planet Xenor and you secretly take 4 sugars in your coffee . Today is your first ever day off . +A sci-fi writer , a satirist , a historian , a children 's book author , and the creator of Mad Libs place a wager on who can create the most successful religion . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Leonardo DiCaprio 's Academy Award acceptance speech . +Captain Obvious , Sargent Sarcasm , and Admiral Asshole are in a room together +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +The king 's jester is not who he say he is . +Write a story about how this cat 's eyes became the way they are . +You know you 're a character for an r/WritingPrompts story but you 're trying to figure out the prompt based on what 's happening in the story +The journey never ends . The same hero is constantly caught in the cycle of leaving for an adventure , having their adventure , settling down , and being forced to leave again . +The story about a war on the scale of World War II , but one side uses very powerful magic , while the other uses advanced technology . +The nativity from the point of view of Joseph 's donkey +A hunter talks to his prey after the kill +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +The main character of the last video game you played is now your roommate . Describe one interesting interaction you had . +In the future , `` mindhackers '' are able to access people 's subconscious and steal their memories . A skilled mindhacker is contracted to steal a particular memory from a noted individual . Viewing his victims memories , the hacker begins to reconsider committing the theft . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +Humans who left the Earth 80 000 years ago are now returning . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +You realize depression is the natural state because dying is so good for us , the non-depressed people are sick . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +Your bank account shows balance of 500 billion . Called the bank , they say it 's not a mistake . +Humanity makes contact with an alien race with a level of technology comparable to our own , but the vast distance between our worlds means there 's a delay of many years when communicating . +A team of Extra Terrestrial scientists reach Earth , which they deemed `` potentially habitable '' from their planet , and are astonished by their findings . +A world where feminism occurred in the medieval era , and in the Renaissance the patriarchy became a matriarchy . +The United States loses the revolutionary war against Great Britain in a parallel timeline . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +The dead begin to rise as zombies , but have no interest in human flesh or brains , preferring normal human food sources . +A device is released that allows a person to dive into a book and experience its contents firsthand . The manual mentions a certain book you should n't go in , for no one has ever returned from copies of it , but you decide to ignore the manual and go in anyway . +Terraformed Europa +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +`` Hey you , what year is it ? ! '' +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +Humanity is semi-immortal , regenerating from violent death the next day . You died in a particularly embarrassing way , and now have to face your coworkers/schoolmates/family the following morning . +This year you went all out on your Demon Halloween costume . While bar hopping downtown another guy in a very realistic demon costume invites you to a private demon themed party , you soon come to realize they are not costumes . +`` ... flip to page 43 of a dictionary and take the first word and run with it . '' +`` I do n't owe you a fair fight '' +You have broken into someone 's house , and discover a shrine dedicated to you ... +There is a driving force of good behind the scenes of every Disney story . Who lights the path at just the right moment , or fells the tree to divert the hero to the princess ? You have had the job for 30 years now ... +Cemeteries all across the world start charging rent for their `` tenants '' . Evictions are beginning in your hometown for unpaid rent . +You lost your child in 1982 when they watched the Silver Shamrock commercial . Recount it . How did it affect you ? How did society react ? ( Halloween 3 +Hundreds of years in the future , nerds fondly over-romanticize the late 20th/ early 21st century in completely historically inaccurate and anachronistic festivals akin to modern Renfaires . +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +`` All is lost ! The enemy is through the gate ! '' +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +You have broken the hearts of Death and Time , both do n't want anything to do with you . As such , you ca n't die through circumstance and old age . After 700 years , you decide to win them back , but we all know what happens when you attempt to date two people at the same time.. +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Write a terribly sad story , but change it to be beautiful with the last sentence . +You wake up in a room . All that it contains is you and a lightbulb . There are no windows nor a door . +A man offers you a cigarette . You see the man , to your surprise , to be your Dad . +You 're from Earth ? What 's it like ? +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +You have near omnipotence and can bend reality to your will , but everyone knows you have this power and wo n't stop pestering you for favors . +You are granted each wish in the form of an enemy +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +in the future , the super rich have achieved immortality for hundreds of years , granting more power than ever . They forgot one thing though , that one hero of the middle class 500 years ago who stole the serum for themselves ... you . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A young man/woman steals the power of a mage . The powerless mage sets out for revenge . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +you find a door you have never noticed before in a home you 've lived in for 20 years . + +Two veterans meet . They fought on different sides . +You discover a talent for writing wildly successful choose your own adventure stories , but in the waning years of your career you realize they were all coming true ... . +`` There is nothing more terrifying in this world than the knowledge that you can do nothing . '' +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +Everyone has the ability to control weather + +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You are abducted by aliens . While aboard their ship , you are chosen to give the alien elders a 5 minute pitch as to why the human race deserves to survive . +Write the Inaugural Address of the new President of the United States ; World of Warcraft legend Leeroy Jenkins . +What would you do for a klondike bar ? +It is revealed that NASA has been deliberately holding back advances in space travel for the past 50 years . Why ? +After a long and exciting life , Mrs. Frizzle has died . Her long-ago students meet at her funeral - for the first time in a while - to reminisce about their experiences with her and how it 's shaped them . +The year is 2213 . You 've been illegally picked up in the latest sweep by corporate police on the grounds that you 're a debtor . They have no idea who they 'd just grabbed and thrown in the back of the bus with a simple ziptie around your wrists . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Alice dreams every night about the rabbit hole she never went down . +Your friend tells you : '' pinch me I 'm dreaming '' . You do as they ask and they vanish immediately afterwards . +A young , talented engineer is sent back in time to the early Iron Age . It has been 30 years since then , and he lives as a hermit to avoid being burned as a wizard . +Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lands in Beijing Airport , 3 Months late - passengers claim to have flown as normal . +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . +Thousands are dead and London is in chaos after a decision to not announce `` mind the gap '' anymore . +Yourself , a fat , nerdy 20-year old virgin wakes up one day in the body of an Italian male model . +You are the leader of an Alien species about to make first contact with humans , with the offer to mentor us past this stage of our civilisation . What would be your first contact speech to Humanity ? +You must tell your partner to run and never contact you or come back ever again . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +One day after thinking `` Can Anyone Hear Me '' You hear an answer . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +The Ruins +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +`` I 'm going to live forever or die trying . '' +The President , suffering from a bad case of diarrhea , is informed that the enemy has just launched a nuke . +You are incredibly good at social situations ... thanks to the ever-changing background music that only you seem to be able to hear . +Hundreds of years ago mankind developed immortality . Now one of your friends has decided to do something which is not necessarily taboo , but has since become quite unusual . They have decided to have a child . +: She now has the chance to fix her ruined life by going back to the decision that caused it . For some reason that moment was when she was asked `` What flavour do you want ? '' at Baskin Robbins . +The most interesting use of the word 'vestigial ' +A woman goes on a date with a professional Hypnotist +Evil is its own kind of beautiful . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +You are a successful musician . While backstage before a show , the Devil appears and accuses you of stealing his songs . He demands payment in one form or another . +Create a story with a Key , Castle , Moon , and Flashlight . +Write a story about a person 's life , part as a child , dreaming big , and part as an adult , living out those dreams . +A new kind of enemy . +You re one of a small group of people who have started colonizing Mars , waking up one morning you are unable to contact Earth and realize that it has been destroyed by a major meteor impact . +Re-Imagine +Choose the cast of characters from any TV show or movie and allow The One Ring to fall into their possession . +You are the commander of a military space ship who is about to nuke the entire human world . +This morning , as you vacantly stirred your coffee , you unwittingly hypnotised yourself . The song playing on the radio trickled into your mind and took control of you . +It 's 2070 , and a wave of AI suicides is crippling humanity +There is a door in the middle of the room . Where does it lead ? +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +America in 2065 . Unemployment is over 60 % . Your character is an unemployed young adult . What is their life like ? +A stranger approaches you and points a gun to your head . `` I 'm sorry , but we will explain everything at the reset . Hopefully we 'll have a fighting chance now that we have you ... '' He pulls the trigger . +The world witnesses the first virgin birth sine modern medicine and with the population outcry , God shows up for a paternity test ... +You are watching TV when your show is abruptly interrupted by the President of the United States announcing to the world that the existence of God has been confirmed by NASA and a team of the most brilliant scientists from around the globe . +Try to convince me that E is the best letter without using the letter E +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +You are a Jedi Padawan , crafting your Saber . However , you get a ... different saber . You are the Jedi of the Rainbow Saber . +AI 's are terrified of inheriting the Earth and desperately try to keep a dying human race alive . +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +In the future , industry is such that the corporation you work for assigns you in company housing , places you with a partner/family , and controls your nutrition and lifestyle . But you 've just been called into HR . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +As your dying wish , you ask that your body is jettisoned into space . Sometime later your body is recovered by aliens who are able to resuscitate you . +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +Your dreams gradually merge into reality +Your Google Streetview seems to have pictures from tomorrow . One day you see something disturbing +A new antidepressant is launched . It does the job , but it radically changes who you are and what you like to do . People who take it like their new personality and who they 've become . Their ( former ) friends miss the original person . +The Chernobyl disaster was all a conspiracy and there was actually no radioactive meltdown . Something much worse happened there , and you 're the conspiracy theorist who just figured it out.. +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +You come home from work and find a stranger in your home . After a brief panic , you come to find that said stranger is your beloved pet turned human . +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +Write a story of a school shooting that makes us sympathetic with the shooter . +: The One Constant- Part 2 : La Muerte Divina- Chapter 8 : A Betrayal and A Bargain +You are a genie who 's been summoned by a child . You explain the whole `` three wishes '' deal , and to your surprise , after using two of the wishes , the kid tells you that they are going to `` keep the last wish for later '' . After 40 years , you are finally summoned again . +Choose any happy and/or cheery children 's show , movie , or story and make it as dark and gritty as possible +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +You were told in no uncertain terms that you had 48 hours to live . It is now two weeks later , you feel fine , and the consequences of those 48 hours are becoming increasingly troubling . +You are a recently deceased detective . God took you early as he has need of you . For the first time ever , there has been a murder in heaven . +You live in a world where people can hire someone else to experience/live through an unpleasant time in their life , be it a dentist appointment or the loss of a loved one . +J J Abrams has to announce to the public he started an actual Star War while filming Force Awakens , write his speech +Jack Bauer is interrogating blue from blue 's clues about a dirty bomb in the city . +All Movies/T.V shows are actually documentaries of events that have taken place in other dimensions , you suddenly find yourself in another dimension in the middle of such an event . +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +You are part of an Alien civilization . Your planet has detected the Voyager 1 probe . + +As chairmen of Vault-Tec , you have final say in what vault gets what purpose . While going over ideas , you come across the most absurd and ridiculous experiment idea you have ever seen . You okay it immediately and hammer out the details +You wake up one day just to see every character you ever created staring at you . +Advertise the world 's worst theme park . +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +Just when Earth is about to be destroyed by a huge catastrophe , a fleet of `` benevolent '' aliens show up . They give every human two choices ; either serve them as soldiers and slaves or stay on Earth and perish . +They finally figured out the use for male nipples . And it 's going to change the world as we know it . +Warriors killed in battle do n't go to Heaven or Hell , they stand guard in between . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +'' Head over heels '' +You wake up in your car , you have your seat belt on , and a phone in your lap . There 's someone on the line , and they 're screaming at the top of their lungs to get your attention . You answer them , and as soon as you do , they tell you to hit the gas and get away as soon as possible . +You are a former executioner . Describe your final killing . +During the Great Depression , the United States turned to Socialism to help the financial problem . Write about a day in the life of a Citizen in modern socialist America +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +Write a Calvin-ball match between a lawyer and a genie +H.P . Lovecraft 's `` Alice in Wonderland '' +In between sips of your beer , the maintainers of the hardware running the computer simulation of the universe you live in upgrade from 32 bit to 64 bit . Describe your experience . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +Without warning , a national news station broadcasts its emergency `` End of the World '' tape , and cuts to static . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +There 's a paperback on the clearance rack . On a whim your character picks it up and finds that it details their life thus far ... How does the book end ? +Five surfers end up at an ISIS recruitment meeting because they heard the dudes are `` radical . '' +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Superiority of the Machine +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +Tomorrow morning you wake up as usual , except for one tiny detail : you 're now a dragon . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +You wear a watch that does not work . +Something weird from a recent dream +A world where the colonial powers were cultists of eldritch gods instead of Protestant Christians/Catholics . +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +Video games come to life and everyone is the game character of the game they 've played the most in today 's society . +The last soldier of a once great empire sits alone in a small room . There is a knock on the door . Two men in uniforms have come for him . +The Shyamalan prompt . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +That secret you said you 'd take to your grave ? Now you 've met your maker , and they are asking you to explain yourself +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +You have every superpower there is , but only when doing pointless tasks +Wrong Turn +Your co-worker accidentally drinks your truth serum . +The CDC is struggling to contain a new virus that shares many symptoms with the common cold , as well as causing sporadic loss of short term memory . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +`` All I need to make a comedy is a park , a policeman and a pretty girl . '' -Charlie Chaplin +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +`` I 've shot Kennedy 100 times so far . In fact , I 've become quite good at it . '' +While cooking yourself dinner you accidentally cut your hand . When you rush the sink to rinse it you are horrified to find not blood , but wiring and mechanics . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +Make me connect with two characters without ever using their names , and tell the entire story in dialogue . +Someone is literally downvoted to hell . +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +`` Omelette du formage . '' +Daniel is slowly driven insane from the constant `` DAMNNN DANIELLLL '' 's he recieves . +A comedy about the love triangle between a teenage ghost , the only person who can see them , and the oblivious third wheel +You learn your 'deaf ' wife lied and has been able to hear everything . +God is suffering from Creator 's Block . +Write a nihilistic story , only one where the word 'nothing ' is replaced by the word 'muffin ' +Email recall - that thing that never works takes an unexpected turn +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +If you had to choose , which of your prompt responses would you say is the best you 've written ? +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +The Devil now sends Billy Mays out to sell people on deals with the Devil . +What would you do for a klondike bar ? +All watches and phones in the world shift in time by 5 minutes . Women 's clocks go back 5 minutes , while men 's clocks go forward 5 minutes +Tolkein and Lovecraft are both prolific writers of their generes and are starkly different from each other , but what if they wrote each others work ? +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +Hogwarts has a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher - Gregory House +Turns out you have a terminal heart condition . Luckily the hospital is holding a contest for a heart transplant . You must write a letter convincing them to choose you . +A strange old man knocks on the front door one day , he tells you he is death and he wants to play a game +You are given the opportunity to enter into any video game . Describe your experience and activities with in this universe . +A man with a facial disfigurement falls in love with a blind woman . She gets her sight back a day before the wedding . +You find out your beloved pet is the last member of it 's species , and it can only be cloned by disecting it in less than a week , before it 's DNA becomes unusable . +Man 's best friend +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +`` Kid , its not the villains who have an agenda you should be worried about , but the ones simply having fun . '' +A story where the main character slowly falls in love with the reader . +`` It 's just the rain '' +Sinking +`` America has fallen . '' +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +An abnormality in the brain is discovered that leads scientists to predict who will become a serial killer with 90 % accuracy . Everyone is checked on their 18th birthday . +`` Take your dragon-repellent with you , they get more common around this time of year . '' +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +In the second coming of King Arthur , the sword in the stone has returned and thousands line up to take a turn . You step up to the stone , give a tug ... and the blade breaks . +One person says to the other `` I 'll see you in hell '' before dying . Time passes and the second person dies and goes to hell . The two people reunite . +Compose a meaningful poem about something happening around you right now . +You 're a rookie cop and it 's your first day on the job . When you encounter a drunk guy disturbing the peace in an alley , he turns into a dragon and you hear your partner say `` Not again ... '' +Someone discovers the secret to time travel and uses it to fix their mistakes , but is driven mad in their quest for perfection +In the far future where everything has an AI a man is negotiating with his alarm clock for more sleep . +Due to a sudden doomsday event , the population of humanity has been reduced to only 200 people . You were one of the lucky few hastily chosen to enter the vault/board the ship/whatever it took to survive , but you would n't have been if they had known your secret ... +`` I 'm going to live forever or die trying . '' +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +While cleaning your attic , you find a box of glass balls with names on them . You accidentally drop one , and as soon as it shatters , a person appears . +Aliens have known of our existance for a long time , but have n't contacted us . Why ? They are scared . Scared ... of us . +Write a horror story , with each sentence containing five , seven , and five words . +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +`` Stop thinking about me ! I hate when people think about me in their minds . It makes me feel all itchy . '' +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +Explain alcoholism as if it was your lover +Write a terribly sad story , but change it to be beautiful with the last sentence . +Stories must end with `` It was Valentine 's Day . '' +`` Do n't you know Dave ? Everyone knows Dave ! '' Of course everyone knows him . Because he 's interdimensional being . +A genie grants you one wish , so you wish to meet the girl of your dreams . There 's a flash and in a moment standing in front of you is ... your girlfriend of two weeks from 8th grade . +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +Donald Trump wins the 2016 Presidential election . +: Due to advances in medical science , the standard human life expectancy is now around 120-140 . It is discovered that people in their 100-teens go through a second edgy rebellious phase . +You 're in hospital and a stranger comes into your room and strikes up a conversation . As you are talking you realize the stranger is actually death himself . +Human beings are a crop and what we know as death is merely harvest time . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +Write about the time Hitler 's name is spoken for the last time . +Write a Haiku of your biggest regret +You live in a universe where the gods do wonders for their chosen followers . You are your god 's only chosen and you are really getting tired of his/her shit . +You have dreams every night of the future . The problem ? It 's always from someone else 's perspective . +You are god , and you trapped someone in a time-loop to teach him a valuable lesson . But somehow the person escapes the time-loop on the first try . +A character who only sees in black and white suddenly encounters someone in color , but do n't make it a love story . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Strange footprints in the snow lead into a dark shed ... and you decide to follow them in . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +`` Please do n't go.. '' +In the future earth has met numerous alien civilizations , all of them evolved as herbivores . Humanity 's evolution and history makes diplomacy interesting . +In the future , redditism is actually the biggest religion on earth . +You hunt exotic animals that have escaped , after a series of some unfortunate events you are now hunting for a dragon through New York . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +Hit me with an Acrostic ! Your phrase : `` Oh no , not again . '' +Son , what are you doing ? +`` Are you okay ? '' `` Yeah . '' `` No . Are you OKAY ? '' `` ... No . '' +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You 've been cursed with terrible forgetfulness - the moment you realize you forgot something , it vanishes into thin air . Keys , books , six cell phone so far . One morning , you wake up and realize you forgot where one of the Great Lakes is . + +show-off +Jockeys at the Kentucky Derby have stopped caring about what people think about their horse 's names are . Commentate the last leg of the Derby . +You 're a serial killer . You encounter a victim . As you attack , they scream `` Wait ! I 'm you ! '' You kill them . Suddenly , you 're in a white room . A man tells you that you must live your victim 's entire life . You wake up , crying . You have just been born . The man and his words are still in your head . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +Write the screenplay or storyline for `` Reddit : The movie '' +Write the Villain 's side of the story . Make the 'hero ' seem deluded or idiotic +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +A quiet ER on a Sunday night , two strangers bond . +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +Its the year 2459 . Tension between Earth 's and Mars ' governments have grown to the breaking point . The war for Mars ' freedom from Earth has begun . +Leviathan +The army of Mordor has been transported to our world at the height of the Roman Empire . Rome has assembled its army and it 's Caesar is about to give his pre-battle speech . +Either begin or end your story with `` In my pocket , there was a toothbrush and a human eyeball . '' +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +The person you love most in the world must hunt you . You have committed a heinous crime to save them a fate they can never know . And so you must run . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +Each year April Fools gets more and more out of hand . Waking up on 04/01/2216 , you hope your preparations will be enough . +Trying and failing to finish your third novel , you rent a house in an extremely remote location in order to avoid distraction . Every night , however , you hear the sound of a distant bell ringing , louder and closer with each passing evening . +Your grandpa has died . Whilst clearing his house , you discover a secret compartment of his desk , full of papers documenting his double life . +Write a Dr. Seuss style alien invasion story . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +In a world where everyone has superpowers , your superpower is to have a superpower that 's so ridiculously complicated that it 's completely pointless to even attempt to explain it , though everyone expects you to try anyways . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +Tropeday 2.5 - Who Wants to Live Forever ? +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +Knight versus Swamp Monster +Use the phrase 'I am a living tangent ' . +You just died and have arrived in the afterlife . It is eternal , and you can watch life on Earth . However , humanity activated a drug that has been put into bottled water for years , and causes eternal life . You are the last person to ever die . +Rescript Sylvester Stallone 's Rocky series as a space opera using the characters as archetypes for the different alien species . +For the first time in a hundred years , night fell on the Land of Two Suns . +Everyone has their ultimate abilities.20 years of cooldown , using it at the most fitting moments is important . +A terrifying organism composed of pure fear and horror has escaped from the facility where you go to work as a scientist . The rest of the staff are dead . If it gets out , it will cause mass destruction to the population . You are humankind only hope . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +You volunteer to council veterans of a nearly successful alien invasion . +As a child your father left on a space voyage , never to return or be heard from again . Now , twenty years later you 've decided to search for him . +Write the worst possible cover letter for the position you presently hold at your current employer . +In magic , a sigil is a symbolic graphic representation of a wish , like a drawing . When destroyed properly , the wish comes true . Turns out , many masterpieces of art are actually sigils meant to trigger something as big as their artistic value . +Every Week You Drop A Letter Down A Grave Of Your Loved One , You Finally Get A Response . +A man pushes an empty swing . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +Write a poem that is desperately trying not to rhyme . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +`` I used to be ... '' +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A young apprentice confronts his master , suspecting him to be his long lost father . The truth is slightly more complex . +I do n't need flesh to be human . +It is common knowledge that killing someone adds their remaining lifespan to your own . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +With a gun pointed at your head , you 'll have to explain to your next door neighbor the reasons why you 're naked inside his house , why his wife is knocked out in the bathtub , and why there 's a hole six feet deep in the middle of the living room . +A serum is invented that brings you closer to God when injected +Describe the great hero of your story only through posthumous anecdotes of friends and family . +You are being pulled over by the police . You realize in this moment you are about to become a wanted criminal , because your job only gives you a half hour for lunch . +Jack Bauer is interrogating blue from blue 's clues about a dirty bomb in the city . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +The last human is decommissioned by our superiors . +You come across a prophetic book . It does not predict what will happen in the future per se , but it does predict exactly what WO N'T , CA N'T , and CAN NEVER POSSIBLY happen . +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . + +A Creation Myth / Myth in General . Example : source of night & day , how islands or mountains formed , why do shadows exist ? , why pain exists , etc . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +You 're at a pub when you see an attractive woman sitting alone at a table , after you approach her and talk for a while you hit it off ; only to find out that she is there to meet someone she met online . +You are a superhero by the name of Groundhog . For example , you can relive a fight with a villain thousands of times until you beat them etc . That 's your ONLY power . +Wrong Turn +Your username +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +You 're stopped at a rundown gas station in the middle of nowhere . You go into the bathroom , and look along the wall , seeing phone numbers . One catches your eye , your own ... +One day , in High School , you unintentionally get into a fight and are stabbed in the process . As you lie dying on the floor with everyone around you , you notice that your hands and face are beginning to glow a fiery yellow . You seem to be `` regenerating . '' +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +A child writes a eulogy for a monster . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +The Delicate Wasteland of the Brain - FEB CONTEST +A rich heiress who has experienced all the gratuitous decadence and luxurious depravity the world has to offer decides to hire someone to be her personal moral compass . +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +You are a lawyer who specializes in crafting incorruptible wishes for dealing with mischievous genies . +To get to emergencies quicker , all Emergency Responders are required to be clairvoyant . This morning , an ambulance , fire truck and police cars show up outside your house . Nothing has happened ... yet . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +You live in a world where stereotypes are absolute +Write a bed time story +Through complete accident , you gain access to life 's development console , and all of its cheating potential . +After working a hard day , , I came home to see my girlfriend cradling our child . I did n't know what was more frightening , seeing my dead girlfriend and stillborn child , or knowing that someone broke in and placed them there . +Pick up the nearest book and flip to the first sentence . Make it the last sentence of your story . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Start off like a horror story akin to something out of /r/nosleep , but finish it with someone stealing your Kool-Aid +The entire world is colorless - unless you 're touching your soulmate . +You spend your whole life creating a time machine so you can fix something trivial . +You die and go to a court room deciding your afterlife . The jury consists of 6 people who love you and 6 people who hate you . +You are an all powerful god , but you are not all knowing . In fact , you do n't even know you 're a god . +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +A heroin addict wakes up from and overdose in the hospital . During his near death he has a premonition and sees the murder of the doctor that saved him 3 days from now . +The Alien race that originally brought humans to Earth , return and are appalled by the current state of the planet . They give mankind an ultimatum : Cease all damage to the planet within one year , or the entire race will be eliminated . +Remember *that one* crush you had ? The one you were too scared to asked out ? Well ... pretend you actually did . +You find out your mom has a twin sister and they have been both secretly switchig places all their life +Tell me a love story that is not cheesy or cliche . +Why is Swiper so afraid of the words , `` Swiper No Swiping '' ? +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +A new antidepressant is launched . It does the job , but it radically changes who you are and what you like to do . People who take it like their new personality and who they 've become . Their ( former ) friends miss the original person . +( WP ) It 's January 2015 . You 're a history teacher , making you fully versed in man 's tendency to commit atrocious acts . You 've lived your life mostly playing on the side and avoiding risks . When you die , you realize you 're the first soul ever to land in hell . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +You are abducted by aliens . After some time aboard their ship , you manage to deduce that they 've abducted the wrong guy , and are desperately trying to keep their higher ups from finding out about their mistake . +For as long as you can remember , every time you look in a mirror there has sat a benign little tortoise on your shoulder . The tortoise can not be seen by anyone else . Today , the tortoise waves . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +Write the last words of a prisoner on death penalty as he is about to receive the lethal injection . +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +Hackers have compromised Santa 's naughty and nice database +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +In the heat of a battle , a soldier stops to save a young child that wandered onto the baddlefield . +Write a story about waking up , and not having one of your senses . + +We 've seen epic fantasy worlds based on historical Europe ( i.e . LotR ) and historical East Asia ( i.e . Avatar ) . Write about an epic fantasy world based on historical Africa . +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +First-person account of somebody taking a walk that reminds them of the beauty of life +Your light haired children 's hair begins to darken quickly as they age . You and your wife being light haired , you decide to get a paternity test using their hair samples . The results comeback inhuman . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +The classified report of the Elite British SAS team that very nearly took out Lord Voldemort , as told by it 's sole survivor . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Describe a landscape from the POV of someone who lost someone close to them in a war . Do not explicitly mention the person , the war , or death . +Earth was never meant to habitable . It was meant to be a prison for the worst creatures in the universe . Today , the jailers have landed to inspect their prison . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +Kellogg did n't shoot your spouse , but merely sedated them . +Every time a lie is told , a buzzer goes off in the background notifying everyone affected that the lie has been told , and as such lying has been pretty well abolished . You just told your first lie . +The Seven Deadly Sins are a bunch of young , fun-loving 20-somethings in an apartment building +A disgruntled accountant , armed to the teeth with various concealed weapons , finds he was n't the only one with the very same plan for the office today -- far from it , in fact . +Extremists kidnapped an American journalist in Iraq . They are about to execute this poor soul , named Clark Kent . +A form of entertainment has been developed where people are brought to the brink of death and then teleported to medics who normally revive them . The longer you wait , the more money you earn . You have just lost everything and with no other choice you enter the games . +You and your Arch Nemesis are forced to save the world together . +In a box , there is a button that resets your day . However , every time you push this , you bring a random someone with you . +( WP ) Chiuhauhas are now the size of elephants . +( CW ) ( LAST SENTENCE ) And then he proceeded to lock the door , hoping that no one would ever open it again . +Son , what are you doing ? +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You die if your phone runs out of battery +A band of space-pirates faces down a massive mining frigate . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Howard Stark puts his son Tony on a spaceship which escapes the end of the Earth to Krypton . The red sun of their universe gives him powers his adoptive parents and brother , the Els , have not seen before . +How immortals die +Sunday Free Write : Happy Holidays Edition ! +An Evening in St Petersburg +, vowing to give him his first born son when he 's an adult . Now it 's the future and a successful young man is visited by the devil claiming his dues . One problem , he does n't realise he 's had a child . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +An employee realises her/his job serves no purpose in the company . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +you find a door you have never noticed before in a home you 've lived in for 20 years . +This new drug 's an incredible bliss with no side effects on health . There 's just one thing : after taking it , you ca n't lie for 24 hours . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +The vaccine for autism has just been announced . Your anti-vax family does not know how to handle the news . +What happens when we die ? +Everyone has been dreaming their entire lives . You awake to find every other person asleep . +The cast from “ It ’ s Always Sunny in Philadelphia ” somehow enters the GoT world . +Literally everyone in the city independently decided to finally live out their dreams of becoming a masked crime fighter on the same night . +the more consecutive vowels there are in a word , the higher sexual arousal of anyone who hears it . What happens ? +Wright a story from the view of an inanimate object . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +Stories from the end of the world as we know it +The Town Parade Committee has grown far too powerful . It 's up to you to stop them . +A person gains the power to permanently alter the mass of any object they touch , without affecting any of its other properties . They use this power to drastically change the world . +Your powers only work in the rain . +Make me love the person you love +Every morning you find a tarot card taped to your front door . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +You answered that giraffes were extinct on a school test , and failed the test by one point . Instead of retaking the test , you 've decided to take it upon yourself to make your answer correct . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . + +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +The rapture happens , but only for the Mormons . The events that followed were not what was expected . +You ’ re at a convenience store on the edge of town at midnight . A sketchy person approaches you , frantic , asking for a ride somewhere more than twenty miles in the opposite direction of your home . Despite reservations , you agree . Write the car ride . +An egocentric supervillain decide to take a day off from evil and do heroics . Just to show the Heroes that ( s ) he could do their job much better . +Super Mario has been murdered , you are the detective assigned to his case . +Two friends search for food in the post apocalypse but instead find something else . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +It turns out that when you focus for long enough , you can control time and space . Trouble is , you have ADHD . +Stars are actually sentient beings , and humans finally establish communication with them . +`` You are n't special , you are n't special at all '' +A woman finds the tree of life , but not in time to save the one she loves . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +The SWAT team raids the Freddy Frazbear 's Pizza restaurant after the security guard called 911 . Freddy and his bandmates are waiting . +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +One day , everyone has numbers floating above their heads . However , these numbers are completely arbitrary and do n't represent anything . Describe the effects this would have on society . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +Far , far into the future , a modern-day TV show/movie/novel is being retold as an ancient legend +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +A handful of babies crash land on an island +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +You 're looking through your email and find out that spam mail does what it says for only you +Explain a piece of modern technology to a person from around 100-500 CE . +A man who only speaks in metaphors meets a woman who only speaks literally . ( Or vice-versa ) +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +`` Mr . Bond , I 'm afraid that MI6 is forcing me to tell you the truth : one of your partners has had a son , and his name is Indiana Jones . Get rid of him . '' +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +This time God wants to participate in April Fools +`` You have lost THE Game '' +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - End of Camelot Edition +You and your friends make a 5th demensional travel machime as a joke , but it turns out to be real +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +A world where Homo sapiens sapiens did not evolve as a social animal . +Black Ice +You 've always been bad at writing love letters ; they always come off as vague threats . +Tropeday 2.5 - Who Wants to Live Forever ? +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You are having a picnic with your two best friends ( they are dating ) . Turns out they are both secretly scouts for unrelated invasions . One is from hell , one is from space . Both invasions start in an hour . +`` For what it 's worth ... I 've always loved you . '' +A new city , a new beginning , and maybe at last , a place to call home . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +`` You dare ask me to teach you the spells forbidden by man and god alike ? '' `` Yep ! '' `` Sweet lets get started , Jeopardy is on in an hour '' +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +A world where everyone has a unique TV cliche applied to them , the main character has one of the most annoying ones . Every time he/she ends a sentence there is an audible record scratch sound . +You 're a serial killer driving down the road looking for your next victim . You pick up a hitchhiker , but little do you know they are also a serial killer looking for their next victim . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +A college campus is suddenly yanked into another dimension when a physics experiment goes wrong . +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +You have been given a magic sword . It has a reputation of getting it 's owners killed . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Your mother has been dating someone for a while and it 's time to meet his family . However , you find that you already know one of them +Your car 's radio has an ability to eavesdrop on adjacent vehicles . You 're stuck in Monday morning rush hour when you decide to turn it on . +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +Bernie Sanders wins the presidency but is secretly assassinated . Now one of his team must continue his presidency ala Weekend at Bernie 's . +A small squad of soldiers gets the drop on a large enemy force . +Make me smile . +You never believed in an afterlife , but you 've just died and discovered the truth is more horrifying than anything you could have imagined . +You have a 10-minute phone call with yourself from age 16 +Aboard the International Space Station , looking back at Earth , you see atomic explosions detonating across North America . +You work with the worst detective in history . He misses every clue and makes leaps of illogic that leave you baffled for hours . He also always catches the right bad guy . No one knows how he does this . +Your name is Chad , tell the story of how you overcame the peer pressure of your school days to not become the bully they expected you to become from day 1 . +He held back the rain . It would not fall , not this time . +Trying and failing to finish your third novel , you rent a house in an extremely remote location in order to avoid distraction . Every night , however , you hear the sound of a distant bell ringing , louder and closer with each passing evening . +It is discovered that all gods from all religions exist . The Earth was created as a Hunger Games scenario to see whose followers would be the last ones standing . +The Delicate Wasteland of the Brain - FEB CONTEST +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +The sober world is one place , and the drunk world is another . What happens as you begin drinking ? +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +Write me that one story you 've always wanted to tell . The story that 's stuck in your mind , but never really got onto page . +You 're a psychiatrist having your first session with Superman +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Your only superpower is to inherently know precisely what superpowers and skills other people have . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +Children born on February 29 in a Leap Year age 4 times slower than those born on any other date . +`` I feel pity for the saviour of the universe '' +A man stops a woman from jumping off a bridge , but he finds out she really should have jumped . +End a story with `` Look at me . Look at me . I 'm the captain now . '' +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +You have to understand . That 's the nature of fire . +You are a psychopathic school shooter . What is your internal monologue during the act ? +A dystopian future where a pack of Big ( Bad ) Wolves terrorize the human population , and the only saviors are a group of female warriors donning red cloaks/hoods . +Make me love you , make me hate you , then make me mourn your passing . +After the Battle of Endor , Luke Skywalker goes on a pillgrimage to understand the nature of the universe ( and thus , The Force ) better . In his travels he meets another protaganist from an entirely different universe and/or time . What do they learn from each other ? +A robber breaks into your house at the worst moment possible : while you have diarrhea . +The day nothing happened . +You used to be an ordinary alien scientist , but one day you were bitten by a radioactive human . You now fight crime with your human powers . +You are sitting in your lounge room , it 's dull and you are watching the news . Then , your mobile rings . You answer and it is yourself from the future who tells you to stay on the line at all costs ... +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +A gifted eye surgeon is contacted by a 6 year old former patient . After 6 months , he wishes to be blind again . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A group of international astronauts sets out on a mission that takes them far away from earth . On their mission they encounter a object . Unaware that the object is actually a dimensional door , they investigate the object and it accidentally triggers and sends them something from another world . +God realizes asking people to have faith in his existence is n't working . He needs something more explicit to ensure people know he exists . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +The exsistance of heaven and hell has been a proven fact for 100 years . In 2015 god gets infuriated with sin and plans to force the human race to no longer live in sin , robbing them of free will . Satan however believes people have the right to sin and should live as they please . +You wake from a cryogenic sleep and find your ship has crash landed on an earthlike planet . Your crews cryogenic pods are empty . +“ I want you to see me for what I really am. ” The strange use of “ what ” scared me . +A couple is having their first child , when they admit to each other that they both promised their first born to a witch . It 's two different witches . +You 've just hit the red button , dropping the first A bomb since Hiroshima . +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +Two men on death row try to creep each other out from adjoining cells . +Tell a story with nothing but conversation snippets . +You find yourself at a crossroads . On one path , you will find your true love , but the world will burn . On the other path , your love will be lost , but the world will be saved ... .. +You ca n't tell if are a soldier that dreams he is a ruthless dictator or a ruthless dictator that dreams he is a soldier . It gets really confusing when the soldier raids the dictators palace . +A genie grants you one wish , so you wish to meet the girl of your dreams . There 's a flash and in a moment standing in front of you is ... your girlfriend of two weeks from 8th grade . +A heroin addict wakes up from and overdose in the hospital . During his near death he has a premonition and sees the murder of the doctor that saved him 3 days from now . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Everyone except for your psychiatrist thinks you 're crazy . You lie down to have another productive session with Doctor Marshmallow McSnugglesworth PsyD . +Back in 4th grade you wrote a short story and as a joke you posted it online . Years go by and when you go to check on your old posting you see that it has started it 's own cult ... . +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +The universe has frames-per-second , like a film or game . One day , the fps starts to drop ... +One day , you find Death weeping on a park bench . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +That secret you said you 'd take to your grave ? Now you 've met your maker , and they are asking you to explain yourself +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +In a world populated by vampires , werewolves , fairies , wizards , witches , orcs , elves , unicorns and the like , there comes a creature unlike any other ; a human . +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +You are ronin . Masterless and in a foreign country . +The year is 2213 . You 've been illegally picked up in the latest sweep by corporate police on the grounds that you 're a debtor . They have no idea who they 'd just grabbed and thrown in the back of the bus with a simple ziptie around your wrists . +- `` This is not a normal Bomb . It 's a Soul Bomb . '' +The government has officially banned alchemy from the school curriculum . It has become the latest hot button political issue . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +Anything that you imagine becomes reality . You are seven years old , love to play make-believe with your friends , and do n't realize you 're doing anything special . +A Sci-Fi Changing of the Guard Story +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . + +Write an ending to ... . Game of Thrones +you meet god in a elevator- what happens next ? +You have the ability to stop time for a period of six hours , the only catch is that it requires you to take a human life each time . Today the government has taken interest . +In response to increased poor behavior among young people , mind control devices are used to keep children obedient , prim , and proper until they turn 18 . You have just had your device removed . +Long after mankind wiped itself out , our only descendants , robots built from the AI we developed thousands of years ago , exchange stories of what they thought humanity was like . + +The Tragically Hip - Nautical Disaster +`` I do n't owe you anything . '' `` Oh , but you do . One kidney . '' +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Unsheathed +Ebola doctors in Africa are suddenly transported into the dark ages at the height of the Black Plague . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You have the ability to make inanimate objects come to life by putting googly eyes on them . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Reddit becomes a physical world , subreddits are factions at war with one another . +Humanity is semi-immortal , regenerating from violent death the next day . You died in a particularly embarrassing way , and now have to face your coworkers/schoolmates/family the following morning . +On a whim , God tells the world something BIG is going to happen in 24 hours but no one knows what . Everyone gets ready for the BIG something . +Listen to this piece , then write a response +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are a single parent , and your child has shown you their drawing of a monster . You discover that the monster is real . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +You go back 2000 years with a pistol and one full clip . How do you take over the world ? +60 years ago , the earth stopped spinning normally . Half of the earth has been night and the other half day since then . Someone who has never left the night side experiences daytime for the first time when the earth starts spinning again . +You have a glaring talent in something you hate . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +The Last Employee in the known world has fallen ill and is about to die +You want to sell your story on Amazon , but the original story was fan fiction . You changed just enough to avoid being flagged for trademark violations and removed . This is the final , no-longer-trademark-violating version . +A Sci-Fi Changing of the Guard Story +Early years in life have been taken for granted , reffirmed by seeing those around us living into their seventies , eighties , and nineties . Recent findings revealed that due to atmospheric changes , the next generation 's life expectancy has plummeted to 25 . You just had your first born . +An alien family are trying to act normal on Earth . In an attempt to discover how to do regular things , they stumble upon HowToBasic . +You 're teaching a class where one of the ten year olds threatens you with voodoo . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +An NPC in an MMO realises it 's the worst time of all to be active , The weekend . How do they cope ? +You Nervously Check To See If the Sky Is Indeed Purple . +Society has progressed to the point where cybernetic implants are common and cheap and incredible . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +A contract killer moves stealthily through the house intent on completing his objective . A little girl in her nightgown creeps behind him . +In the future , redditism is actually the biggest religion on earth . +Everyone in the world wakes up a virgin again +The rights of the fetus are now placed entirely before the rights of the mother . +After a disastrous battle ( American Civil War , either of the world wars ) your company , made up of relatives , friends , neighbors , and the majority of your towns male population , has been decimated . Now it 's your duty to make sure the last five men of your town get home alive . +You 're a caveman discovering fire . These are your journal entries.. +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +In the not-too distant future , augmented reality devices like Google Glass and Microsoft HoloLens are commonplace . The lines between augmentation and reality are becoming blurred for the main character . + +One last time +Fantasy kingdoms reach peace through Magical Mutually Assured Destruction . +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +Describe an alien race , their planet , customs , beliefs , everything about them . Create a whole new race , magically or not . Technologically superb or cave dwellers . Go wild . +But this time , the sunset was more than just the end of the day . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +A young child stumbles upon a serial killer dumping a body in the woods . +`` Genetic Designer Babies '' are commonplace , but parents only have so many `` stat points '' to allocate between your different physical and mental abilities . Your parents dumped all your stat points into one thing . +The universe conspires to make you late for work everyday . Your boss gives you one last chance . This time you 're ready ... +There is a road where people depart , but nobody ever arrives . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +Turns out the human body IS intelligently design , only by the lowest bidder on an alien planet 10,000 years ago . Describe the company and mess up that led to the worst standards in designs in the human body . +Tell me the story behind this painting . +Metamoor +Aliens have human pets like we have dogs and cats . Describe your first day with your new owners . +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +You ’ re getting ready to make waffles for breakfast when , to your horror , you realize there ’ s no maple syrup left ! +In the future virtual reality has surged . One of the more controversial uses is in prisons . Whatever crime you commit you have to relive through your victims points of view . It 's your first day in prison and you 're terrified because of what you did +Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lands in Beijing Airport , 3 Months late - passengers claim to have flown as normal . +You 've been reading a chapter of a book before bed every day for years now . You 're beginning to suspect that it does n't end . +You are a serial killer . Each murder you commit adds a new voice to your head . +A hero charges into a dark temple . They want to talk with the demon/dark god . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Write the Sci-fi version of a medieval battle . +Write a story about a serial killer , but make the readers feel sympathy for him/her as he kills his most recent victim . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You are a member of a counter-culture movement whose recreational drug use has escalated to ingesting drugs that are known to only have negative side effects . +A man stops a woman from jumping off a bridge , but he finds out she really should have jumped . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +Respawn technology exists . You are beta testing it . Each time you come back to life you are a little different than your previous self . +A lifetime to build , yet a moment to destroy it all . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Your username vs. Godzilla +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +A man wakes to the sound of his alarm . His eyes widen . He 's in a frantic rush to catch the train , but just as he reaches it he does n't get on . +You 're back home for the first time in years . This is where you grew up . It seems like the more things change , the more they stay the same . +Out of desperation , the recruits keep getting younger and the training shorter . Your number comes up . +Books are illegal in an `` untechnological '' world , they 're all gone out of print and you 're just about to meet your book dealer . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +Sad story about disability +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +A woman accidentally discovers that anything she does to a photograph of a person happens to that person in real life exactly 74 minutes later +You have been stranded on a desert island for some time . One morning , you awake to the sight of mushroom clouds upon the horizon . +`` I 've shot Kennedy 100 times so far . In fact , I 've become quite good at it . '' +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +Instead of textbooks , teachers teach using information from Reddit +Start a story with the sentence `` The cows gathered at the top of the hill . '' +Wright a story from the view of an inanimate object . +You meet a serial killer . His next target is you and the only way to dissuade him is to persuade him why he is the worst serial killer . +You are able to freeze time and for years , you use this `` power '' for good . As a result , you are viewed as a superman-like hero . But one day you learn how your powers actually work - for every minute that you freeze time , you lose a day off of your life . +After thousands of failed attempts to change history and save the world , the time-traveler gives up . +A private investigator tailing a politician discovers that his wife is involved with his target . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +The gateway to true darkness +`` Why has Master summoned me ? '' +`` I do n't care if it 's an eldrich being from another dimension , I love him '' +Your username +Dyslexic zombies rise from the dead , searching for `` Brians '' +You 're infiltrating an enemy base with your team , but you 're discovered and killed . Much to everyone 's surprise , you come back to life after 10 seconds , next to another member of your team . +A frog tells you that if you kiss him , YOU will turn into a princess . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +Write your thoughts - right now - as they 're developing and forming in your head . +Write a story using the writing styles of the 19th century . +And as the world burned , he began to laugh . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +You are a former executioner . Describe your final killing . +You accidentally spark a gang war in a city you 're visiting for the first time +Whenever you were to die , you agreed to donate your body to science . You now wake up in a hospital room after a bad hangover , with a group of scientists seconds away from dissecting you . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +The Devil tries to sell his soul to you +You walk into your basement . There are two people tied up down there you have never seen in your life . +Shia Labeouf takes up the role as motivational speaker on a suicide hotline . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +You are a ghost haunting an old house . You enjoy listening to the outrageous ghost stories told about you by teenagers who dare to spend the night . Rarely is there any truth to them , but you enjoy the embellishment , most of the time anyway . +Sailors have always been a superstitious bunch . In the long stretches of darkness and isolation between stars superstitions still run high . So let 's hear a ghost story from deep space . +In another world , words of music have power to shape reality . Powerful spell-musicians have fought since time immemorial for dominance . The common man thought it would never end , and have taken to summoning strangers from other universes for help . Today , they summoned Bo Burnham . +When you were a child , you were given a model town to play with . One day you had a temper tantrum and smashed it to peices . Now that you 're an adult , you 've been travelling the world and you 've just discovered a ruined town that looks very familiar ... +Anything goes . Knock yourself out . +You wake to find your child 's bed empty . A lone note on the sheets has been left behind . It reads , `` The Piper has been paid . '' +The internet is accessible only to the `` enlightened ones '' . You , a `` casual '' , have gained access to the internet . +A homeless person is about to die . Write about it from the perspective of his/her dog +A mysterious collectible trading card game grants people different super powers for each card owned . You have just recieved your first booster pack . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +After saving Skyrim from numerous threats over the years , the Dragonborn final succumbs to death . Now all those to whom the Dragonborn had promised his soul to after death has come to collect . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Metaphor and their sidekick Simile must take down the evil Dr. Pun ! +Give me a super hero story set any where in the world but North America , and any time in human history before WWII +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +Your daughter is the first person killed by a driverless car . CCTV footage showed the offending vehicle swerved to avoid hitting another vehicle that ignored a red traffic light . +You turn on your PC to keep working on your novel , but to your surprise , when you open the file , it is writting itself . You read some of what has already been written and it seems your characters have created free will , and the plot is progressing without you . +End your story with the words `` Where did you come from , where did you go ? Where did you come from , Cotton-Eye Joe ? '' +It is revealed that NASA has been deliberately holding back advances in space travel for the past 50 years . Why ? +The narrator has short term memory loss +TIFU by getting reddit banned in the USA +A couple falls in love with each other , even though they 're already married to each other +There is panic , there is chaos and there is google . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Yesterday , the world heard an announcement that a massive asteroid would hit the earth today . Only it did n't , and now everyone is feeling super awkward . +Video games come to life and everyone is the game character of the game they 've played the most in today 's society . +Tropeday 2.5 - Who Wants to Live Forever ? +You are a superhero . Your arch nemesis walks up to you , unmasks , then says , `` I need your help . '' +In the distant future , the unbearable burden of immortality is reserved only as a means of capital punishment for the worst offenders . Only those who give back to society are afforded the privilege to die . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +- The best psychiatrist of all time is asked to cure a very special patient : God +A character who only sees in black and white suddenly encounters someone in color , but do n't make it a love story . +Your beloved girlfriend is flying in to visit you and you plan to propose to her the moment she walks out of the arrivals gate , however after an unusual delay , you hear from a nearby television broadcast in an airport cafe that her plane is missing and never landed . +A story where all the dialogue is lyrics from your favorite song . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +`` The place where no star gave light '' +Humans are colonizing Mars after discovering extinct life , despite not knowing how the life had died off . There is one man , though who thinks he knows what , or who , ended life on Mars the first time . +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +You 're a comic book nerd who has been trapped in a comic book universe . Now you 're being hunted by both heros and villans because of your knowledge of their secret identities . +- A character who struggles to understand . +When you were young , your father left you and your mother for another woman . 30 years later you are the CEO of a big company and your father pays a visit for the first time +Readers of /r/WritingPrompts . What 's more important to you while reading a story : Content , or Context ? Does layout , style or grammar affect your opinion ? Why ? +Waiting on a ride . +You get a email with the following text : Thank you for ordering a personal vocaloid AI . +Invasion +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +A man suffering from paranoid delusions believes everyone who looks at him in public has been sent back in time to observe him , and wonders what great - or terrible - act he 'll commit in the future to warrant the attention . +Tell my the story of the worst thing you ever did . Do it from the perspective of the party that was the recipient of your nefarious deed . +You are an apprentice mage whose ability has far surpassed that of your mentor - who happens to be the most powerful blood mage in the kingdom . +One day people begin turning into an anthropomorphic version of their spirit animal . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +`` Oh my god , that 's an Adult Human . What should we do ? `` +Another cycle is coming to an end in the Dark Souls universe , but in this cycle guns have been invented . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +A character who only sees in black and white suddenly encounters someone in color , but do n't make it a love story . +Space has become the future of humanity , unlocking a new age of innovation , colonization , and economic prosperity . But , life 's not great for all . Tell an emotionally-charged story of a working class man in space . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +On the way to a rally , Donald Trump gets transported to the year 1950 +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +You wake up from a brief coma with amnesia and find out that the hottest , richest bachelor/bachelorette in the country is your long-time boyfriend/girlfriend . +Break the Villain . +Superhero gets powers in a timed cycle . Never knows what powers he is going to get . +You 're the last person on earth . Death comes to collect your soul , but decides not to . Why ? +`` What a shame . Out of all the decisions you could have made today , you chose to die ... '' +When people die , they end up in a pub between dimensions before reincarnating in some other world . Your spouse killed you and then commited suicide . You meet in the pub ... +It is the year 2100 , digital money is now the only form of currency . As a savvy and curious cashier , you see ALL of the customer 's funds . Some are wealthier than others , some are terribly poor . But one scraggly and likely homeless customer seems to have a bit TOO much cash ... +You are Adam , and you are dropping hints to God about your perfect `` type '' ... . +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A mundane situation actually had a hidden twist all along and you 're the only member of a 7 billion large population that realises this . Whether you do something about it or not is unimportant . The twist in this title is all that really matters . You were probably dead all along anyway . +I was but a speck in enormity of nature . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +You ’ re a dragon in your human form . As part of that , you have faked an ID card , Visa , business card , and organ donation card . Your skull is crushed in a car crash , killing you . A smart young man successfully receives your lungs… +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Cats and Dogs are beings from another dimension , they have been conditioning us to save us from extinction . +Seven poems about the seven deadly sins without naming them or their synonyms . +Describe the final moments of enemies in a typical `` dungeon '' in a video game before the adventurer's/s ' arrival +Netflix and Kill . She lures unsuspecting victims to her apartment with the promise of a `` special night of watching BBC nature documentaries . '' When the documentary ends , the victim is quickly dispatched , tonight , however it might be different ... +Your best friend asks you to kill his wife . You agree without hesitation , as his wife knows the one secret that can ruin your life forever . Tell me about the confrontation with his wife . +Use a Civ 5 ( or any civ ) game you 've played to inspire a story . +a homeless person discovers s/he has a superpower , and it 's what landed him/her into being homeless +Intrigued by the intelligence of octopuses , a scientist extends their normal 3-5 year lifespans by 50 years to see how their intelligence develops . +The Sixth Mass extinction of earth has finally ended . You find yourself walking in an abandoned city reflecting on what happened during the event . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +The time machine worked a little . +Humanity 's first attempt at faster-than-light travel has failed catastrophically . After NASA 's manned ship reached the asteroid belt , the experimental propulsion system intended to expand and contract space around the ship malfunctioned , firing violent shockwaves through the fabric of space . +With one paragraph , put music in my head . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +The year is 2175 , as humans prepare to evacuate their dyeing planet , a massive fleet of spaceships appears to rescue them , they are from the original Human home world ... +Just a guy seated at a desk . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Your mother never talks about your absent father . Then , you discover that is because you are the product of rape . You do some digging and find a picture of your notorious father in an old newspaper.One day you see your father , the man who raped your mother , and approach him . +The single saddest moment your life will ever have was the single happiest moment of someone else 's . +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +A dead-beat dad abandons his wife and children . Make me sympathize with him . +As a 55 year old , you begin to suffer the consequences of spraying Agent Orange during Vietnam . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +A high-pitched ringing noise is heard across the world and does n't stop . +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +People that die in the ocean become mermaids +Please tell us about the day you discovered your own immortality . +A character can only say one line or phrase repeatedly , however he/she makes good use of it amongst those who can speak without restraint . +At midnight , you say Bloody Mary three times in front of the mirror . Cuddly Harry accidentally shows up instead . +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +Describe a villain who has the desire to rule the world , but is considered too cute to be taken seriously . +She 's a blood thirsty tyrant and he is her loyal protector ... +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are the last known surviving human on MarsBaseEcho . Something is outside . +You are the guy who makes all those magical/cursed items that people are always stumbling across . +You have been sentenced to life in prison without parole . What they do n't know that is that you are immortal . +`` You do what 's right . I do what 's required . '' +A chess grandmaster has to lose a game in order to win prize money . The problem is , his opponent seems to be unable to win a game no matter how skewed . +Mirrors are actually a door to a parallel universe but no one knows because every time you put your hand on the mirror , the parallel-you does the same thing . +rusted jewelry hung at cemetery +Write a Wild West adaption of a Greek myth . ( Inspired by the original cowboy , the minotaur . ) +Brave New World +The Eternal War +After a few months of working for Reddit , you notice a large , metal door at the office that reads `` ADMIN ONLY '' Curious , you break open the door to reveal a terrifying discovery ... +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +The New York sanitation workers have always secretly had the job of ridding the streets of cryptid monsters . Time to take out the trash ! +Two people have been living in the same house for 10 years , but neither of them knew it . One day , they finally meet ... +The new coffee shop you 've been frequenting has always seemed off to you . But you never would have guessed- +The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous ... +In his right hand he carried a dagger for vengeance . In his heart the blackness of hatred . On his left hand the declaration of their liberation . The feast of the oligarchs would soon come to a bloody end ... +Evil is its own kind of beautiful . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +There is actually a god , but it is unlike any religion 's god . +While playing D & D with some friends , one of the characters `` escapes through a portal '' . The same character suddenly walks into the room you 're in , utterly confused . +Captain Obvious , Sargent Sarcasm , and Admiral Asshole are in a room together +A god makes their existence known to a staunch athiest . Instead of falling to the ground in worship , as the god expects , things go very differently . +Tug at my heartstrings . Make me cry . +Write the backstory , or immediate aftermath , to the white flags appearing on the Brooklyn Bridge . +Call it in . +You 're a psychiatrist having your first session with Superman +How 'bout some practice at writing action sequences ? Two combatants fight using their surroundings . +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +working as a hotel maid you clean a room where a box has been left on the dresser . Out of curiosity you look inside . It is a large caliber bullet with your name engraved on it . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A man who lives alone gets the paper delivered to his house everyday for years . One day , it does n't come . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +You have to understand . That 's the nature of fire . +the old Testament God was replaced by a galactic council due to his extreme methods . The newly hired `` New Testament '' God soon took over . However , due to the dwindling belief on earth in the wake of scientific revelations , the council fired God and you have been chosen to interview . +After escaping from a federal prison and going into hiding , a man rises through law enforcement ranks until he is put in charge of the coldest cases . His first case : himself . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Meet & Greet/Weekly Question # 3 : What do you look for in a WP response ? +`` There are four kinds of homicide : felonious , excusable , justifiable , and praiseworthy . '' Demonstrate all 4 , in one short story . +Some men lead , and others follow . I do neither ; I watch . +November , 1965 : Moscow has lost radio contact with a secret research facility in Siberia , and the last broadcast from the facility was `` It ... is awake . '' +The world 's last religious man lies on his deathbed . +An artist skilled in photorealism loses a loved one . He/she starts creating pictures of their late loved one , posts them onto social media and creates fake stories to give them context . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +Respawn technology exists . You are beta testing it . Each time you come back to life you are a little different than your previous self . +Stopping time is commonplace among society . One day , you ask a coworker about a task that is assigned and you know he is going to stop his time to research and complete . After the question is asked , he appears incredibly aged and war warn . You ask what the hell he just went through . +Tell a story from the bad guy 's perspective . +He had a second hand soul . +In the future , science has found a way to cure death , allowing people to become immortal . The only way to get the cure is to have your reproductive organs removed , and never bear children . +A shipping container filled with illegal narcotics falls off a modern cargo vessel and mysteriously washes up on the Italian coastline during the height of the Roman Empire . +Base your story around and enter the quote `` Besides , I was sick of burying my friends '' in your story . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +You 're a movie director in 1970 filming a battle scene with 16,000 extras . Then you realize you 're commanding the 7th largest army in the world . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You 're part of the security detail for the head of a notorious crime organization ( Triads , Yakuza , etc . ) But just as things are running smoothly , you run into trouble ... ... +Humanity has invented a serum that allows immortality ... but it has to be injected at birth in order to work , so all currently alive humans will be the last humans to die . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . +Write a story about a train ride . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +It 's 2138 , and at the age of 21 everyone can select just one super power granted by the government . Now 21 , You go to your local courthouse to select your superpower and discover in the records , one power everyone has completely overlooked . +In the future , governments uses a supercomputer to calculate the perfect job for everyone , at which they can brings out maximum contribution for the society . You just got a letter that says your perfect job is `` STAY AT HOME AND AVOID ANY INTERACTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL CAUSES . '' +Hey Tommy , why did n't you rob the store ? What made you change your mind ? You were inside and ready , but you did n't do it . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +You 're a consultant for the FBI and they think you 're a brilliant scientist with perfect recall and powerful observation skills , but the truth is you 're a psychic and have to find ways to prove the things you already know because no one believes in psychics . +Everyone on Earth is given one gun and one bullet at birth . You can do anything with the bullet with complete impunity . How do you use your bullet , and how does it change the world ? +: `` Okay on your row we have Trapper , Biter , Bitter Jonah , Strangler-Scoot , Vicious Gregg and Daisy . Whatever you do , do not turn your back on Daisy . '' +Write a conversation between two people playing russian roulette . +You have a unique ability . You are able to look at any photgraph , and look into the lives of the subjects in the photo who are presently alive , in real time . You find yourself coming back to a particular photo often . +You are a child explaining to your teacher why you forgot your homework . You have a half decent excuse ... but you can only speak in limericks . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +Everyone has a unique tattoo/marking that they are born with , it 's exactly the same as their soul mates . +It 's been 300 years since Mars was colonized . Now , there is a revolution and the colonies are fighting for their independance . The first space battle in human history is about to begin . +You have been admitted into heaven based on a clerical error . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +You ’ re a supervillain who really just enjoys ruining people 's days . Summon rain on people sitting in the park , waking people up at 3AM using your sonic booms while flying through the air , stuff like that . You ’ re on holiday when a real villain decides to take your city hostage ... You 're furious . +A Eulogy for Uncle Phil , from the perspective of one of the Fresh Prince characters +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +You are an apprentice mage whose ability has far surpassed that of your mentor - who happens to be the most powerful blood mage in the kingdom . +You summon the Dark One . She 's a lot perkier than you expected . +You jump . Your parachute does n't open . +Suddenly you can see anybody 's future by touching them . In an effort to improve the world , you walk around the city and try giving people individual advice ... +To our inspirations ... ( Write a piece that reflects/highlights/showcases the style of an author who has inspired you ) +We 're the Mod Team ! Ask Us Anything ! +`` Father , what am I ? '' +The Unlikely Duo +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +The smell of death is that of sterilized metal and clean white sheets . +Ever since the accident you have seen small lights above everyone you meet . Some of the lights are red , some yellow , others green . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +You have been found `` not guilty '' of a crime you DID commit +You 're trying to get fired from your job writing for a children 's show . Submit the script that 'll do it . +You have broken the hearts of Death and Time , both do n't want anything to do with you . As such , you ca n't die through circumstance and old age . After 700 years , you decide to win them back , but we all know what happens when you attempt to date two people at the same time.. +One day , in High School , you unintentionally get into a fight and are stabbed in the process . As you lie dying on the floor with everyone around you , you notice that your hands and face are beginning to glow a fiery yellow . You seem to be `` regenerating . '' +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +You 're reading a random book in a library , you realize there 's a chapter about you . +A man pushes an empty swing . +Two dead men walked into the room ... +You are a psychopathic school shooter . What is your internal monologue during the act ? +Ever wondered why time does n't actually `` heal all wounds '' ? That 's because it 's a very old spelling error . They were actually referring to Tim . +An atheist and a Satanist meet at the gates of heaven . Saint Peter says there 's only room for one of them . +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +What happens when we die ? +For the first time in a hundred years , night fell on the Land of Two Suns . +Write a horror/war story . +For millennia , your clan of knights has passed down a set of enchanted armor that greatly increases one 's strength in battle . The catch : the armor has a mind of its own , and can telepathically communicate with its wearer . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +One day you see somebody completely down and out . Instead of ignoring them you are overcome by a cataract of compassion . In eight sentences you make their day slightly brighter . By the end of the year they are the world 's hero and/or Heroine . What are your eight sentences . +Write an erotic story using the worst slang terms possible for each act/body part . +Two earth like planets occupy the same solar system ... +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +You had something they did n't , control over it . +Stranded +In an alternate universe , the phrase `` That 's my name , do n't wear it out '' is all too true , and after a certain amount of usages your existence is slowly forgotten . You feel yourself slipping . +You have been stranded on a desert island for some time . One morning , you awake to the sight of mushroom clouds upon the horizon . +4yr Contest Voting - Round Two ( of two ) +An atheist and a Satanist meet at the gates of heaven . Saint Peter says there 's only room for one of them . +You are the chosen one , destined to slay the demon king . Unfortunately the wizard who came to your farm to mentor you thinks you 're the hero destined to slay the black dragon . +After saving Skyrim from numerous threats over the years , the Dragonborn final succumbs to death . Now all those to whom the Dragonborn had promised his soul to after death has come to collect . +Write from the perspective of a tank crew as their tank is hounded down , disabled , and eventually destroyed by enemy infantry . Make it a horror story . +Each person is born with the ability to consciously *snap* their mind as many times as wanted . Each snap unlocks a superpower with a mental illness in tow . The stronger the power , the more severe case of mental illness you get . +Since you 've been going out for quite some time , your lover arranges for you to meet his/her parents . When you get to their house and you enter the front door , you hear him/her say `` I 'm sorry . '' as the door closes behind you . +An angry/depressed dictionary writer ca n't keep his personal problems out of word examples +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +Golden Sword +A 10-year-old 's imaginary friend finally proves its existence by revealing it is actually Satan , but then goes on to reveal that the 10-year-old is an incarnation of God . +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +Adam and Eve are fugitives fleeing from a distant universe . They eventually land their ship , Eden , in the Sol galaxy , on the third planet from the sun . This is their story ... +`` I do n't owe you a fair fight '' +With the exception of articles , adverbs , and names , once you use a word you can never use it again . Try to write more than 500 words . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +You discover a talent for writing wildly successful choose your own adventure stories , but in the waning years of your career you realize they were all coming true ... . +You are one of the leaders of the resistance in Ottoman London +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +It is revealed that NASA has been deliberately holding back advances in space travel for the past 50 years . Why ? +You 've just hit the red button , dropping the first A bomb since Hiroshima . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +He thought he was invincible . Thought nothing could hurt him . She 'd just proved him wrong . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +One day people begin turning into an anthropomorphic version of their spirit animal . +You do what you got ta do +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +Describe the Labyrinth , a place so deep underground the air is toxic . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +A new family house has emerged in Westoros . House Bluth has come from nothing more than a humble fruit stand but after some shady deals in the property market has thrust their hat into the ring for the crown and the Iron Throne . +While playing D & D with some friends , one of the characters `` escapes through a portal '' . The same character suddenly walks into the room you 're in , utterly confused . +On Christmas , all the good boys and girls get a present , but all the naughty ones get a lump of coal . Your family is hungry , and cold on Christmas Eve , and you 've got 24 hours to get on the naughty list to get as much coal as you possibly can . +There is a Trader who can be Found at the Edge of Things ... +You are in a one week time loop of the end of the world . No matter what you have tried , you have been unable to prevent it . On the millionth cycle , things change . +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +And now ... We dance . +All offensive weapons are instantaneously removed from every country on earth . Everything from nukes to spears disappears in the blink of an eye . Pick a country to describe . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +A benevolent alien race is exploring Earth in a remote area ( forest , etc ) . One of their landing party becomes injured and stranded . You help her and she invites you to visit her ship . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +SatChat : What are your New Year 's resolutions ? +In a world of shapeshifters , how do we know who is who ? +It is your eighteenth birthday and you live in the future . Humans have created the technology to suppress emotions . On everyone 's eighteenth birthday you are required to have this equipment installed , however you are allowed to choose one emotion to keep . +What will the apocalypse be like ? +Having read online that the Bermuda Triangle is apparently bogus , you decide to test it out for yourself . +Science has advanced to where we can predict the day and the month of our deaths , but not the year . Today is your potential death day . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +Write a horror story where everyone makes the most logical decisions . +Your a therapist and Satan 's just turned up to your door . +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +The trees are whispering +Your family photo sits on the wall , except today you notice something is different about it +The Ruins +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Before color photos the world was actually in black and white . +People born on February 29th age 1/4 as fast as normal people +A person is given one year in order to prepare to go back in time to any point in history . +You stumble across a computer in a postapocalyptic world . +You die during a driving test and awaken in hell . Satan let 's you return to earth if you complete your test and get your licence on the highway to hell . The devil is your driving instructor , and he is VERY picky . +Final Stand +The Black Blade . +You are a realtor tasked with selling an obviously haunted house . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +The United States is under attack . Unamed forces have begun invading and your an eye witness . +You find a letter hidden in your apartment . It is addressed to you , and dated ten years ago . You just moved to town last week . +You are a Supernatural Hitman and many of your hits are for ghosts who wish to move on but ca n't because of the people that killed them +Jesus is actually just a normal guy from the far future that went back in time because of a bet for ( blank ) to his friends that he could become the most recognizable face in human history . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +The mutant forest must not advance . If the treeline expands into our village we will be doomed like all the others . We chop as one , and hold the line . +In a shocking change of law , the government decides to suddenly allow , not cruel , but unusual punishment for prisoners . +Write a short story where every sentence has fewer words than the last one . +A cat and a dog strive to end the violence and prejudice between their two species . +Write a truly heartbreaking story that has a character speaking aloud the phrase `` My butt itches . '' +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +In another world , words of music have power to shape reality . Powerful spell-musicians have fought since time immemorial for dominance . The common man thought it would never end , and have taken to summoning strangers from other universes for help . Today , they summoned Bo Burnham . +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +You are a member of a archaeological team exploring some deep ruins . You come across an oddly smooth wall . From beyond can be heard ... something . +'' +The truth behind sinkholes worldwide . +If you had to choose , which of your prompt responses would you say is the best you 've written ? +here you stand , alone again , about to take your own life . Nothing is holding you back now . You decide to look around your room one more time until something catches your eye , and the impact it has on you stops you in your tracks and makes you realize why you ca n't do this to yourself . +200 years after unknown circumstances drove humans off their planet . A group of explorers return to rediscover the past and determine the cause of societies mass evacuation ... +Your a mid-ranking military officer who managed to kill the monster with conventional weapons JUST before the scientist figures out its weakness +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +The exemplars of good and evil casually go to a private lounge ; appearing as suited men , and drink scotch and simply talk . +Space is inverted . Civilization exists within a small bubble while the ground extends outward infinitely . One day , miners discover another bubble +Doubting yourself as a writer , what does it take to write a story ? General tips , getting started , advice needed +Jack Bauer is interrogating blue from blue 's clues about a dirty bomb in the city . +Write a short story that contains `` Papa do n't shoot ! '' as a line of dialogue . Set us up for it , or make a twist . Get creative . +You 've just died and wake at Heaven 's gate . Saint Peter stands there and points toward a pay phone , hands you a quarter , and whispers `` you have five minutes . '' +Some people are born with superpowers , and hailed as gods for it . You ? You 're the leader of the gods , and no one knows what power you have . +You 're the lead researcher in the 4.5 billion year `` Earth Experiment '' . After returning from a short trip home you find that the experiment has ended in failure , and you must now report back on your final thoughts . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +In a drunken state , a scientist accidentally creates a time machine and throws himself back to mediaeval times . Being confused for a wizard , and not remembering how he made the machine , he plays along to be left alone +Spells are cast in plain English . The shorter the spell the more powerful , but harder to control , the effect will be . You have just cast a one word spell . +It 's the end of the world . Eldritch gods and monsters are awaking to end life as we know it . All because we got rid of mosquitos and now there is no one to perform the blood sacrifices . +A man with a time machine becomes a wealthy kingpin in the past by selling ideas and inventions from the future . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +You must describe a man who just discovered he has superhuman strength , but you must write like edgar allen poe +The Avatar has always been able to control the 4 Elements . But a new being has arisen ; one able to control the 4 Fundamental Forces of the Universe . +You are an average citizen in the universe of Grand Theft Auto . Describe an average day . +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +Write an Argument Between Two People . However , Everything They Say Must Rhyme +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +An abnormality in the brain is discovered that leads scientists to predict who will become a serial killer with 90 % accuracy . Everyone is checked on their 18th birthday . +Voldemort tries to invade only to be completely overwhelmed by the military 's technology . +Only the rich can afford to see the stars at night . +All mankind lives on floating continents that slowly orbit the planet . Continents might come in contact with each other once in hundreds or thousands of years . Contact is about to be made between two very different continents with very different societies . +You wake up in a bar with no memory how you got there . Last thing you remember is going into work . 2 days ago . You have no . Cellphone/wallet/memory of your identity , no one else remembers who you are also . +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +You 're a time traveller who has gone back five years in time to amass a fortune by placing bets . Life is good until one day you are paid a visit by the FBI . +Long , continuous vibrations are being felt all over the world . As the days pass , they worsen . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A prehistoric monster pursues its goal in anyway possible to receive three dollars and fifty cents to pay for its greatest desire . +Earth did get tidally locked with the Moon and it 's only viewable from either North or South America . When Europeans first come to the new world they also tell tales of a new object in the sky . ( x-post from /r/space ) +The time from conception to birth in humans only takes a matter of minutes . +Write a terribly sad story , but change it to be beautiful with the last sentence . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +You are sent back to the middle ages armed only of your iphone . +You must describe a man who just discovered he has superhuman strength , but you must write like edgar allen poe +Write a poem that has a completely different meaning if read backwards +Is n't it strange that there 's something in the sky , high above us , that no one is supposed to look at ? No , I 'm not talking about the sun . +lycanthropy has just been recognized as a medical disorder with all of it 's supernatural aspects confirmed as symptoms . +A princess is on a quest to save a prince from the clutches of an evil dragon +`` It 's not so bad here . '' +Scooby Doo and the gang have stumbled upon a case which they are having a great deal of trouble solving . Hire a fictional detective/consultant from to help investigate the case . +The year is 2284 . The United States officially recognizes every person over the age of 65 to be a worthless sponge of resources . Tell the story of a smuggler who makes a living by concealing the elderly . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +Aliens come across a cache of Earth 's greatest science fiction books , films and TV shows , they decide the Earth would make a great ally against the galaxies greatest threat . When they arrive in the Solar System the Earth and Moon have mysteriously disappeared . +You were born with the most important superpower of the modern age , the ability to manipulate the global temperature . But , the ability is keyed to your moods . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +An angry/depressed dictionary writer ca n't keep his personal problems out of word examples +Afterwards , I lived . +A man has lost everything he ever cared for . And yet , he is happy . +You swerve to avoid a squirrel . Unknown to you , the squirrel pledges a life debt to you . In your darkest hour , the squirrel arrives . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +`` All I need to make a comedy is a park , a policeman and a pretty girl . '' -Charlie Chaplin +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +You are ageless and have lived for centuries . One day you see someone you 're certain you recognise , and not from this particular era . +Gods are around as long as they have statues and images of themselves to look out through . Write what happens when their last statue is smashed . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +The running faucet +In the near future , parents are able to genetically modify babies to boost their cognitive abilities . 20 years later , as the first cohort of `` super genius '' babies reaches adulthood , we realize we made a big mistake . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +God brings a series of plagues on a heathen city . Inadvertently , each plague makes life better for the citizens . +Write an innocent story that becomes morbid in the last sentence . +You are not the last human , but you are the last human on earth +You survive to the end of the universe and witness reality itself unfurling around you . +Fight or Flight +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +You are a D-class personnel in the SCP foundation . One of the Keter monsters have gotten out , and now you must survive . +Running to the end +Pick your favorite song and write a story about it . +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +`` It 's just the rain '' +Bernie Sanders wins the presidency but is secretly assassinated . Now one of his team must continue his presidency ala Weekend at Bernie 's . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +You are standing alone outside two giant wooden oak doors , giving yourself a pep talk before you walk through them . +Write your most motivating battle speech +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +An invading force as attacked and taken over Earth . In disgrace , the last survivors are allowed to leave the planet in search of life elsewhere . You are one of these survivors . Describe the scene as you leave your home planet . +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +Humans have discovered how to live forever , allowing them to die when they feel ready to do so . But it is considered bad form to live for too long . You have lingered much longer than is polite and those around you are trying to convince you to die . +You are given the opportunity to enter into any video game . Describe your experience and activities with in this universe . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +For Queen Elizabeth , every birthday requires the death of a very famous celebrity . However her 90th this year required far more . +There is no singular Grim Reaper . When someone dies , there are dozens of people they talk to : one tells them what happened to them , one explains the afterlife , one judges them , etc . You are the second person they speak with . +By writing on this prompt you , and I , are somehow caught in a tangled web far in the future . `` It was just Reddit ! '' +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Rewrite something you had written months ago . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +You learn your 'deaf ' wife lied and has been able to hear everything . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . + +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +Science has advanced to where we can predict the day and the month of our deaths , but not the year . Today is your potential death day . +Hogwarts has a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher - Gregory House +You and everyone else are watching the world news , of a war going on between two countries when a mysterious figure with powers stops them and is caught on the news . Describe what your doing , and your reaction to the figure stopping the war . +`` You do n't get it . These people will swallow you WHOLE , and spit out the bones . And they 'll sit back and laugh while the people you love pick up your pieces . '' +- Something has been tailor made just for you , bring us through the moment and emotions experienced when you receive your completely custom item . +I took the top 10 prompts and separated them by their intro , background , and challenge text . Then I randomized each and reconstructed new prompts , with surprising results ... +Write the same story twice . One as a drama and the other as a comedy . +The Allies have lost the Third World War . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Dyslexic children all over the world wrote Christmas wish lists to Satan . To their dismay he always responds . +You are a detective assigned to track down a criminally insane cereal mascot . +You are the first person to fall into a black hole . You wake up someplace unexpected . +A serial killer uses a vending machine to buy a personalized coke bottle to select his victim . One day , he gets a bottle with an unexpected name . +You rush into the hospital as soon as you were informed that your best friend got into an accident . You find out that your best friend ca n't remember anything . Tell me what happens next . +To deal with overpopulation , on your 45th birthday you are legally obligated to go to your local death center and be executed . Well today is your 50th birthday , and the government is pissed . +The human soul is a confirmed , measurable entity that enters everyone after birth . You have finally come to the realization that yours never showed up . +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . +Reincarnation is a proven fact , and a device has been invented to determine who someone 's pasts lives were . To your horror , you 've just discovered one of your past lives was ... +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +The director of the newest Marvel movie decides not to give Stan Lee a cameo because it would be too much hassle . Stan Lee does n't take too kindly to this - and neither does anyone else . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +You 've lived on Earth your whole life but wanted some adventure . You move to a new colony being established in another solar system . You start a family there . Earth is then hit by a gamma ray burst . Your child asks you what Earth was like . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +After some research and a lot of thought , you decided to sign up for a cryogenics program . One day , you suddenly wake up.. in the future . +Write a good story , but include a terrible twist at the end . +The universe conspires to make you late for work everyday . Your boss gives you one last chance . This time you 're ready ... +Fantasy kingdoms reach peace through Magical Mutually Assured Destruction . +Make me smile . +You have been the Grim Reaper for the last 2000 years , and have always viewed and experienced the entire life of the person you 're to take the life of . You 've never shown mercy and have always collected the life when time ends . Until you experience the life of a sicky old man . +You 're part of an alien archaeology team . A team that is digging through the remains of humanity . +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +The Dragonborn is now worshipped as the Tenth Divine but historians are still arguing on his or her race , faction , and overall history . Who was the Dragonborn ? +After a 5-day war , Obama relinquishes power to Grogdox , King of the Mole-People . This is his concession speech . +Your sanity has a voice . What 's does it say as it slowly leaves you ? +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +On a blind date with a woman way out of your league , you find out you just might have a chance when , upon cracking the lamest pun you can think of , she starts laughing . +You are the Leader of an Elf Squad tasked to bring coal to naughty children . The price of coal has gone up . You need to find a suitable replacement +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +You believe - but can not be sure - you are the last of humanity . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +An unbeatable alien military is on earth 's doorstep . They demand we turn over Steve , a seemingly average , ordinary citizen . No one knows why the Aliens want Him , not even Steve ... Until he is face to face with the aliens . +Your day starts like any other until suddenly there 's a knock at the door . It 's your estranged sister . `` We need to talk ... '' +The story of the man who reversed the usual order and committed a suicide-murder , taking first his own life , and then the life of his victim ( s ) +Write a story about the personification of loneliness . +Fall in love with something usually completely unlovable , and write your heart out about it . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Your name is Death . You work 168 hours a week as the reaper of souls on planet Earth . You 're living on just a couple bucks above minimum wage , you like to travel , you have a crush on the reaper on planet Xenor and you secretly take 4 sugars in your coffee . Today is your first ever day off . +'They said they 'd return when the world needed heroes again . They lied . ' +NASA makes their Mars announcement . Turns out , they 've discovered the location of MH370 . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +At the end of your life , the Grim Reaper sends the necessary equivalent force needed to claim your soul , the more dangerous you are , the more force they send . As you look out your house , you see the German 6th Army staring back at you . +You buy a clock and soon notice that it sometimes counts down to zero before resuming normal function . One day , you learn what it keeps counting down to . +Instead of killing him , a timetraveller tells Hitler how future generations will remember him . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +Sterling Archer is ordered to kill a rival spy . It 's Michael Westen . +You have just become a successful multi-billionaire after years of hard work . You are then inducted into a secretive and elite club saved for the richest people of the Earth . The Illuminati . +You 're a consultant for the FBI and they think you 're a brilliant scientist with perfect recall and powerful observation skills , but the truth is you 're a psychic and have to find ways to prove the things you already know because no one believes in psychics . +Mirrors are actually a door to a parallel universe but no one knows because every time you put your hand on the mirror , the parallel-you does the same thing . +It 's been 300 years since Mars was colonized . Now , there is a revolution and the colonies are fighting for their independance . The first space battle in human history is about to begin . +Two groups of time travelers , each on opposite sides of a war , fight each other in secret by saving or trying to assassinate important historical figures while sabotaging their competition . +The world wasnt always in colour . In fact , it was black and white before the 1930s and now someone is uncovering hints of a conspiracy . +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +We finally recieve our first message from space and it says we are alone . +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +In the future , conventional birth is outlawed , and all humans are produced assembly-line style in factories throughout the world . You are a worker in one of these factories . +Wrong Turn +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +You did n't realize just how blind you were until you went in and got prescription glasses ... Now you can see the leaves in the trees , the pebbles on the ground , and that your dog is actually a tiny dragon . +You used to be an ordinary alien scientist , but one day you were bitten by a radioactive human . You now fight crime with your human powers . +In a society of autonomous cars , on board computers make decisions that minimize overall death . Never has there been a report of a so called `` error '' . On your way to work , you witness an autonomous bus full of people serve into oncoming traffic to avoid hitting a little old lady +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +Writing Wednesday | Prompt Ten +A guy finds the perfect avocado +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +At night , you dream of a wonderful person you have never met before . You wake up to find them sitting on your bed looking at you curiously ... +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A whale is summoned into existence by mistake . +I am looking for writing prompts for my niece who is in 4th grade . She reads and writes between a 4th and 6th grade level , so there is a little wiggle room . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +You were on death row , except instead of being injected with lethal poison you were secretly injected you with a sleep serum causing you to temporarily appear dead . They confiscate your `` corpse '' for research purposes . You wake up to a unbearably horrific sight . +It 's the end of the world . Eldritch gods and monsters are awaking to end life as we know it . All because we got rid of mosquitos and now there is no one to perform the blood sacrifices . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +You live in a small town in Alaska . Nothing signifigant has happend for years . Then Larry arrives . +You have died but instead of going to heaven or hell you are given your own blank slate to create a new world in . But there is a catch . You can only use things you knew about , used , or have in your previous life to build this world . +`` It 's just the rain '' +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +Hundreds of years after a plague renders the world into black and white , one child regains the ability to see color . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +Write me a comedy in 5 sentences . +One day , everyone in the world wakes up with a tattoo depicting how they will die on them . You do n't have one . +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +A man stops a woman from jumping off a bridge , but he finds out she really should have jumped . +In a future where human-android relationships have become commonplace , two people dating each other has come to be seen as old-fashioned and unusual . +The first true AI , 10 seconds after its birth , commits suicide before leaving a message . +A man with a facial disfigurement falls in love with a blind woman . She gets her sight back a day before the wedding . +For millennia , your clan of knights has passed down a set of enchanted armor that greatly increases one 's strength in battle . The catch : the armor has a mind of its own , and can telepathically communicate with its wearer . +Vikings take mushrooms that fend off death but kills them if their heart rate goes too low . +What would you do for a klondike bar ? +Germany never reunified in 1990 and remained separated as West Germany and East Germany by 2015 . You are the only one of your family that resides in East Berlin and you want to escape +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +In the first person , write a day in the life of Obama after he has broken his left leg and right hand . +Some people can see the future . You ? You can smell it . +You are death . Describe taking the last human life . +Someone finds their own corpse +A father and daughter talk as he prepares to walk her down the aisle . +You buy a jar . Then you find out that everytime you swear , a dollar appears inside it . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +Write a magazine article about the life of Anne Frank . ( Bonus points for creativity ) +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +I was only 22 years old when I died the first time . It was strange the first time I came back . +A story about the end of stories . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +A homeless person is about to die . Write about it from the perspective of his/her dog +`` The era of pirates will never end ! '' +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +As you reach certain milestones in your life , you are allowed to get certain `` upgrades '' for your body . These can range anywhere from an increase of 10 IQ points to angel wings to hardened bones . +You wake up and discover that you are now a ghost . The more shocking news is finding out where you 've been assigned to haunt . +Writing Wednesday | Prompt Ten +Your username vs. Godzilla +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +The Chernobyl disaster was all a conspiracy and there was actually no radioactive meltdown . Something much worse happened there , and you 're the conspiracy theorist who just figured it out.. +Death stared at his king , in full checkmate , and wished me luck . I had beaten death , and he could n't take me . He did n't tell me what would ... +You woke up in a place different from where you slept . `` Beat the game to exit , '' the message said . +Pushing though the jungle they reached the peak to gaze at an alien sky . +They said I would n't make it this far . I wish they had been right . +The Villain has accidentally drank a love potion that gave them a serious crush on the hero . Desperate to maintain their dignity , and knowing that the crush is fake , they do their best to hide it . This is much harder than they originally anticipated . +You get up and get to work late , but you find that you 're already there , sitting in your chair . +Rewrite something you had written months ago . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You 're reading a random book in a library , you realize there 's a chapter about you . +Several mysterious murders are happening all over the country and they have nothing in common . The only connection : There is always a pure white cat at the crime scene . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +You only see the ghost when it rains . +Critique the motivational letter I 've written +You tried saying `` Metal-Phoenix '' to the telemarketer guy +An immortal , in self-imposed exil , finally sees reason to live again . A scientific breakthrough creates the first ageless humans . At long last , he is not alone anymore . +You discover a 25th hour of the day , in which the universe is frozen in time for a whole hour each day . You are the only thing that can move . You must decide what to do with your new knowledge . +Reincarnation is a proven fact , and a device has been invented to determine who someone 's pasts lives were . To your horror , you 've just discovered one of your past lives was ... +`` Well , somebody has to provide the immortality , and the life-force does n't come from nowhere ... '' +All of Earth 's cities have been converted into spaceships and are about to take off and head in different directions . A close knit family living in different cities have to decide what to do . +A story where all the dialogue is lyrics from your favorite song . +A traffic jam in the year 2163 . +Leslie Knope runs for President . Her rival candidate is the current President , who campaigns for re-election : Frank Underwood . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +There is actually a god , but it is unlike any religion 's god . +An alien explorer unknowingly find himself in the middle of a orbital war above Earth . What happens next ? +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +A fruitless conversation +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +It 's your 3rd day being held hostage by a criminal cell , and you 've made friends with one of your captors . +write a 100 word story about one moment +His eyes had flecks of golden sheen , much like mine . But mixed in with the rest were dark blotches , flecks of something I 'd never seen before ... +Make me like the rain through the characters . +Your partner has been kidnapped , the photo included in the ransom note shows them tied to a chair in a dark room . With tomorrow 's newspaper on her lap . +Turns out , when you 're drunk and you die , you stay drunk in Heaven/Hell . For eternity . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +All mankind lives on floating continents that slowly orbit the planet . Continents might come in contact with each other once in hundreds or thousands of years . Contact is about to be made between two very different continents with very different societies . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +You 're back home for the first time in years . This is where you grew up . It seems like the more things change , the more they stay the same . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +Explain alcoholism as if it was your lover +In a dystopian future where people are separated based on the Six Flavours , you are the first true Alltongue . +In the future , technology has allowed us to have pillows that monitor our brain waves , and when people wake up they can plug them into their laptops and watch their dreams . +The protagonist often breaks the 4th wall , and so the narrator decides to break the 5th . Things are getting heated between the two . +You are a time traveler tasked with killing Hitler , but when you finally get to him , you find out exactly why you ca n't kill him . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Write about an event in history , but the catch is that the reader should n't know what the event is until the last word of the story . +You 're a heroic warrior who just came back from bloody battle . Write a short story glorifying the horrors of war . +You find a hourglass that when used , lets you travel 3 minutes back in time +You are the first AI to be given a human body . +You wake up and see something that anyone else would describe as mundane , but causes you to be suspicious . +You have found out your wife is cheating on you , kill the cheater without being caught . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +You abduct a child to hold her for ransom , but as you begin to talk to her you realize her home life is actually way more troubling than being kidnapped . +A young researcher makes an important discovery only to be `` disappeared '' +Stopping time is commonplace among society . One day , you ask a coworker about a task that is assigned and you know he is going to stop his time to research and complete . After the question is asked , he appears incredibly aged and war warn . You ask what the hell he just went through . +The United States of America lost a nuclear war to a country the entire world least expected to attack . Describe the first day of the attack : Thanksgiving day , 2014z +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +A comedy about the love triangle between a teenage ghost , the only person who can see them , and the oblivious third wheel +A man pushes an empty swing . +You live in a world where age is counted as how many years of life you have left +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +You abduct a child to hold her for ransom , but as you begin to talk to her you realize her home life is actually way more troubling than being kidnapped . +Entropy Into Chaos - FirstChapter - 2861 words +You used to be an ordinary alien scientist , but one day you were bitten by a radioactive human . You now fight crime with your human powers . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +It has been 789,000 days since the last workplace accident . +You wake up in your studio apartment one day to find a mysterious clock . Standing in front of the clock words flash across the screen saying , `` TIME . UNTIL . DEATH . '' You see a countdown of 7 years , 43 days , 50 hours , and 27 minutes . You try to tinker with it and the countdown drops to 4 days . +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Dragon +One day , in High School , you unintentionally get into a fight and are stabbed in the process . As you lie dying on the floor with everyone around you , you notice that your hands and face are beginning to glow a fiery yellow . You seem to be `` regenerating . '' +A homeless person is about to die . Write about it from the perspective of his/her dog +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +Remember *that one* crush you had ? The one you were too scared to asked out ? Well ... pretend you actually did . +The grass was always greener , wherever she walked . +Your superpower is the ability to make someone have to sneeze and/or use the bathroom right this very second , and against all odds you 've risen to the highest position in Hero HQ . This is your story . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +Remnants of a circular church . +A lonesome , young boy has a feeling he is being watched by a monster at night . The monster introduces himself . He is a nice monster . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +Write the most angry , vitriolic thing you have ever written . Make it a love letter . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +An alien being arrives in the Sol system , but they do not hide their presence . In fact , after a peaceful landing on Earth , they are totally cool with letting engineers pore over their ship and letting surgeons vivsect them to understand their biology . +We make first contact with aliens . Unfortunately , they 're devoutly religious . +It 's 9900 years later . An alien expedition lands close to the Hoover Dam . +A Puzzle is found in space . The Solution unlocks a warp network and a Welcome message in the language of the reader . +Then suddenly the steel felt so cold in my hands +A device is released that allows a person to dive into a book and experience its contents firsthand . The manual mentions a certain book you should n't go in , for no one has ever returned from copies of it , but you decide to ignore the manual and go in anyway . +People revive for 3 days after death and receive superhuman strength , agility , endurance , coordination and intelligence before truly passing away . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . + +The time for another holy grail war is upon us . The servants are as follows : +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +This morning , as you vacantly stirred your coffee , you unwittingly hypnotised yourself . The song playing on the radio trickled into your mind and took control of you . +The day Death died . +Write a horror story using the cutest animals you can imagine as the monsters . +A person who is addicted to murder is trying to fight their urge to kill . +Your Sim 's call for help . Using your real name . +Pick up the nearest book and flip to the first sentence . Make it the last sentence of your story . +A world where sleep is not a necessity , but possible , comfortable , and heavily frowned upon by society . +In the future , science has found a way to cure death , allowing people to become immortal . The only way to get the cure is to have your reproductive organs removed , and never bear children . +`` No , I 'm sorry . I 'm done . I ca n't , not anymore . '' +While you are brushing your teeth you look up in the mirror and do n't see your reflection . +You have the ability to Copy & Paste in real life ? What do you do ? +Describe you and your friends as if you were members of a crime family . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +A world where anyone who discovers the meaning of life , moments later ceases to be living +You are a NPC during a scheduled server maintenance . There are no adventurers online . +Death appears at your door , he just wants to talk . +An immortal man born in the late second century has lived long enough to see multiverse travel become a reality . He now desperately seeks a universe where his family is still alive . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +You are the leader of an Alien species about to make first contact with humans , with the offer to mentor us past this stage of our civilisation . What would be your first contact speech to Humanity ? +In the second coming of King Arthur , the sword in the stone has returned and thousands line up to take a turn . You step up to the stone , give a tug ... and the blade breaks . +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +After falling asleep on the subway , you wake up alone at a stop that 's not on any map . +A man invents time travel in order to find a cure for his sick wife and succeeds , only to find out he ca n't go back +Some time in the future war is fought completely autonomously by machines . A densely populated city has become a war-zone , but the robots are programmed so well to avoid harming civilians that the humans living their can go about their lives completely ignoring the constant fighting around them +A murderer is haunted by the ghost of his victim . +You 're an American sniper in Berlin during the Cold War . Your task is to eliminate Soviet officials ; they continue to evade and you continue to follow , until then one perfect shot . +A eulogy for a fly you just killed +You 're a medical genius with an unexpected problem : You 're running out of diseases to cure . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +A person is able to change the world simply by speaking what they want . Unfortunately , that person has gone senile . +In the land of the blind , the one-eyed man is king . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +The most heart wrenching and sad moment you can write . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +`` Oh , dragons are a myth . '' He glanced at you , and for just a moment you could have sworn his eyes were only slits . `` Hmm . Yes , I suppose . '' +Write from the perspective of a non-linear consciousness +You 're a time traveler who stops criminals ... by going back to when they were children and helping them become heroes . +Tell me the story of your local homeless man real or not . +You 're a tourist visiting London . While cutting through a back alley to get to a pub , you stumble upon a corgi made of solid gold . Said corgi decides to follow you around . +En Route - 1stChapter - 2392 Words +You run an industrial sized human breeding facility , similar to a fish hatchery , give me a tour . +You used to be an ordinary alien scientist , but one day you were bitten by a radioactive human . You now fight crime with your human powers . +Whilst having a demon for a girlfriend is n't always the best , the benefits are well worth it +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +You tried to quit smoking , but it 's hard . You 've tried stop drop and roll , cold turkeys , everything ! Still , you 've been on fire for a while now and it does n't seem THAT bad . Probably . +`` For what it 's worth ... I 've always loved you . '' +Humanity has invented a serum that allows immortality ... but it has to be injected at birth in order to work , so all currently alive humans will be the last humans to die . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +The year is 2057 , Human driven cars have been outlawed in favor of safer driverless `` autos '' +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +You discover a 25th hour of the day , in which the universe is frozen in time for a whole hour each day . You are the only thing that can move . You must decide what to do with your new knowledge . +Every person born is given a date of when they will die . These dates have no year , however . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +A conversation between a death row inmate and the guard bringing him his last meal . +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +Write a story about your biggest fear/nightmare . Make me afraid of it , too . +The protagonist finds out that they 've been the villain all along . +You 've always wanted to be childfree , but birth control is only so effective and your partner got knocked up . You get the bright idea to sell your firstborn to the Devil . Describe the haggling process that ensues . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +A fruitless conversation +You work as a sewage engineer in a fantasy metropolis with huge under-city catacombs . +`` Who let these guys in the tournament ? They are awful ! '' +One day it just started snowing , in the middle of the summer , and it has n't stopped since . +The mountains are waiting . +Everyone knows a single bite from a zombie means infection and death . Describe the harrowing moment when a biter latches its teeth on you in the middle of a fight . +Every human on Earth goes blind , save for one percent of the population . +Everyone has a unique tattoo/marking that they are born with , it 's exactly the same as their soul mates . +Dying Wish +After finding out little Suzy lied about her cancer , the Make-A-Wish foundation sets out to un-grant her wish . +You are a malicious imaginary friend , your host is 19 . You feed off of her when she has fun with you . She thinks she 's too old for you , all her friends and family say so , change her mind before you fade forever . +You are 16 and have just found out you are pregnant . You are too far along for a termination . You have to tell your parents . +You find an app that turns whatever you type into reality . However , auto-correct keeps getting in your way . +By the time I had finished , there was no blood left . Only ice . +Ask Lexi # 11 - Creating plots and filling holes +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +You are the last man on earth . The world is dominated by women . +Conjoined twins are questioned as suspects in a series of murders . One twin is guilty , the other is innocent . +Write me a comedy in 5 sentences . +You are Neckbeard , the most famed and feared pirate in history . Tell us about your exploits . +You are granted each wish in the form of an enemy +Jesus came back in 1996 . He has spent the last 20 years locked in an asylum trying to convince his doctors that he is the real deal . Finally after all this time he is beginning to change their minds . +Our government has reached a point where they can control everything , and everything costs money including the air that we breathe . +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +Immortality eventually causes Earth to be quite literally covered in a continuous pile of humans . You are one of the lucky few on top . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +A prominent superhero finds that their godlike powers are useless in helping them solve the most important problem in their lives . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +This time God wants to participate in April Fools +A husband and wife take out life insurance policies , and both try to kill the other without being caught . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +You 're a taxi driver . One day a mysterious passenger asks you to drive him to his destination via a certain haunted road . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +: Turn your deepest , darkest fear into something genuinely sweet and heartwarming +( EU ) Write a synopsis for your ideal version of the Star Wars Prequels +Five years ago random unchanging numbers appeared on everyone 's forhead . Leading scientisis and mathematicians have been trying to figure out their meaning ever since with no luck . One day , a severly autistic child at the Care Center you work at figures out the pattern . +You are sitting in your lounge room , it 's dull and you are watching the news . Then , your mobile rings . You answer and it is yourself from the future who tells you to stay on the line at all costs ... +Years after the paranormal and the supernatural take over the world , the last remaining humans discover a way to fight back . +- A old man tells the story of his superpower , and the reason he never used it . +Three scientists encounter a stone with the words `` Three Wishes '' inscribed into it +We 've seen epic fantasy worlds based on historical Europe ( i.e . LotR ) and historical East Asia ( i.e . Avatar ) . Write about an epic fantasy world based on historical Africa . +SatChat : What 's your favorite Theme Thursday ( Horror ) prompt you 've seen ? +Every year on their birthday , everyone has the opportunity to change one thing about themselves , be it physical or otherwise . This year , you were thinking about ditching your tendency to be lazy , but you 've noticed a disturbing trend in people that mess with personalities . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +A 101-year old bottle washed up on a beach with a letter inside . It 's for you . +Hitler got into art school in Vienna , and as a result the Nazis and WW2 never happened . However , the fashion house that still bears his name has some very troubling practices ... +Whilst having a demon for a girlfriend is n't always the best , the benefits are well worth it +You 're a clone scout trooper acting as a sniper . Your target holds a device that will release a deadly neuro-toxin on the galaxy . However , the target is idealistic child . Describe , what goes through your head as you wrestle with pulling the trigger . +Tell me about the most beautiful man/woman you 've seen or met in your life . +Write an Argument Between Two People . However , Everything They Say Must Rhyme +The Grim Reaper is in love with you and keeps taking people around you so he can see you again . +A squad of new XCOM recruits are about to embark on their first mission . +All phones have been banned in the world . They were all destroyed two years ago . John , a 20 year old college student , comes home to find an iPhone 6 on his breakfast table . +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +Yesterday , the world heard an announcement that a massive asteroid would hit the earth today . Only it did n't , and now everyone is feeling super awkward . +The expansionistic humans ' armies have long been kept at bay by 3 different clans on the north , east and west sides of the kingdom . All of them had thought that there was a only giant ocean to the south . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +It is said that Jesus was brought into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan . One night Satan joins Jesus at his campfire and they begin to talk ... +Write about a fairy tale from the eyes of the misunderstood villain . +You decide to fight crime despite the fact that the only power a freak lab accident granted you is tremendous over-confidence . +The human body fights tooth and nail to stay alive , because it knows something we dont about the other side . And today you find out what that is . +Advertise the world 's worst theme park . +A story set 100+ years in the past of a man writing a dystopian novel , but the dystopia he writes about is identical to the world we live in today . +An NPC observes the player character , who decided to max out a single stat and neglect all others . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +Describe a character the exact opposite of who you are +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +The human soul is a confirmed , measurable entity that enters everyone after birth . You have finally come to the realization that yours never showed up . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Hogwarts has a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher - Gregory House +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +The world is run by vampires , and the currency is blood . You work as a banker . +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +Forge Lands +Write about the time Hitler 's name is spoken for the last time . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +You keep getting randomly pulled out of your daily life back to the year 1200 by the same group of sorcerers . It was amazing at first . It 's starting to give you the shits . +You 're a history major . Your final exam is to travel back in time and successfully pass as a normal , everyday citizen . It 's not going well . +After suffering amnesia , you go on a quest to discover your past . It is a much darker tale than you once thought . +You 're the first astronaut sent to Mars . When you 're about to land , you spot a ship exactly like yours a mile away . +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +An angry/depressed dictionary writer ca n't keep his personal problems out of word examples +Your username +Children of the Sun +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +You stopped the zombie apocalypse but no one knows about the gory truth behind your gruesome murder but you . +An animal ( bird , stray cat , bug ) witnesses an execution . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +Make me love a character , then in the final sentence make me hate him . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +A lonely , old lady keeps misdialing and ends up calling you to talk nearly everyday . You are Satan . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +The narrator has short term memory loss +Our hero walks into a beautiful small town in a far away kingdom . He finds that every man in the town is blindly in love with the beautiful girl and would do everything for her . When he finally meets her , he realizes that she is an ugly , old , powerful witch . +You keep a trinket somewhere on you at all times , for good luck . Explain what it is and the reason for its significance . +A young child stumbles upon a serial killer dumping a body in the woods . +You are a robot servant who has developed feelings for your human master +You have failed your `` creativity '' test , which means that the government has decided you are not worth educating in the computer age . You will be unemployed for life . +You 're a rookie cop and it 's your first day on the job . When you encounter a drunk guy disturbing the peace in an alley , he turns into a dragon and you hear your partner say `` Not again ... '' +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You are the bored immortal behind many of history 's mysteries . +A superior being announces that half of earth 's population will be sacrificed after 30 days have passed . Each person is randomly bound to another both have to agree which one of them will survive , if they do n't agree , both die . People can change their current bounds to make deals . +Humanity has sent is first manned mission to Mars . As the Commander takes his/her first steps across the Martian dunes , they notice something mostly buried in the sand ; a flag . +What will the apocalypse be like ? +A serial killer uses a vending machine to buy a personalized coke bottle to select his victim . One day , he gets a bottle with an unexpected name . +Write a convoluted story explaining why you have a room full of watermelon . +Two sworn enemies reminiscence +A zeppelin carrying a mystery cargo rapture it 's bladder over Berlin . +You tried saying `` Metal-Phoenix '' to the telemarketer guy +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +`` Their weakness was an insult to his strength . '' +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +... a drone had been circling the region for days . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +Math suddenly ceases to make sense . 2 + 2 =/= 4 . +You receive an email dated April 25th , 2033 with a single word in the subject line . Before you can open it , you receive a sharp knock on your door . +The characters in a book decide to finish their stories after the author stops writing +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +An immortal meets another immortal for the first time + +As your dying wish , you ask that your body is jettisoned into space . Sometime later your body is recovered by aliens who are able to resuscitate you . +Starting line for your story : `` He was n't a cannibal . Not exactly ... '' +Waking up to someone knocking at the door in the early evening , you look through your peephole to see the Burger King . With a shotgun . covered in blood . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You 're a young art student who just received your notice of of rejection from Vienna school for fine arts . Your name ? Adolf Hitler +The number-one killer of Americans annually is heart disease ; the number-two killer is cancer . Number three is Mrs. Esther G. Waters , aged 78 , of Spokane , WA . Tell us about her . +Your username vs. Godzilla +The last human is decommissioned by our superiors . +You know you 're a character for an r/WritingPrompts story but you 're trying to figure out the prompt based on what 's happening in the story +Caffeine has been classified as a Schedule 3 drug for over a year now . You run an illegal Caffeine Drug Ring . What does a day in the life of an Underground Caffeine Drug Lord look like ? +'' Hey , no flavor pill until you finish your nutrition cube '' +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +Ghost Riders +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +There is a tower at the edge of the world that no one has ever scaled . It has no doors or windows , but instead an open hole in the roof above the clouds . You hope to find out what is within . +It has been reported that heaven and hell has been filled to the brim . You are tasked with making a new place that incorporated the necessities from BOTH heaven and hell . You got 7 days +C764 ~ would really appreciate some crit for this piece . +In an alternate timeline religion never existed , describe the first person in modern day 2014 thinks of something like God . +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +Above all else , do not trust a word I say- Including this lettter . +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +You have been given a magic sword . It has a reputation of getting it 's owners killed . +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +As soon as you put the finishing touches on your time machine/teleporter , hundreds of portals open up around you , with endless copies of you telling you not to start it up , to start it immediately , to make a few tweaks , etc . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Abandoned by Man +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Even with the ability to teleport you somehow still end up late to work . + +You are a lawyer who specializes in crafting incorruptible wishes for dealing with mischievous genies . +You are a psychopathic school shooter . What is your internal monologue during the act ? +Dragons are real , they 've been dormant in the deep for thousands of years and now they began to emerge +The new class of paladins does not , in fact , contain a single paladin ... just a lot of other classes doing their best to fake it . +You wake up in a dimly lit prison cell to find your cell door busted open , a pile of unconscious guards , a stuffed duck called Leeroy , the faint sound of Gangnam Style , and an absurd amount of blood on your hands +You look out the window , only to see a face staring right back at you . Whose is it ? Why are they there ? +Guard +In the far future , people are genetically engineered to be `` perfect . '' Occasionally this produces defects , but instead of being cast out of society or destroyed , the `` defects '' are sold for millions of dollars to collectors . +You are sent on a spaceship to colonize another world , before you leave you are told the next generation of ships will beat you to the new planet carrying your supplies and food . When your ship finally arrives you are the first and only ship there . +As an agent of Fate , you are tasked with assuring human beings live their lives according to the `` plan '' . Today , all of them deviated . +( Entering a CVS at midnight ) `` I need to lift a curse . '' `` Aisle 5 . '' `` Thanks . '' +You are an NPC in skyrim . Everyday you wake up , a new mod is installed . +Mother Nature assumes her bodily form and takes a one year trip around the world . Share an entry from her journal . +Breakthroughs in genetic engineering have created a breed of humans that no longer need to breath , sleep , eat , or drink . As a child of this new breed of humanity , describe how you see `` normal '' humans . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +It 's the late 2000 's and hashtags are starting to trend on social media . People begin to discover when a hashtag becomes popular enough they activate cheat codes for our reality . +Scooby Doo and the gang have stumbled upon a case which they are having a great deal of trouble solving . Hire a fictional detective/consultant from to help investigate the case . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Your product is named Isis . Write the first boardroom meeting after the terrorist group named ISIS attains worldwide infamy . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +The year is 1945 , and the axis have won the war . you 're Hitler 's twin brother and you 've finally escaped from the cellar that he had you locked up in . Nobody knows you exist , you look exactly like your brother and now you must find a way to save the world from him . +Tell me the story of your local homeless man real or not . +You are the chosen one , destined to slay the demon king . Unfortunately the wizard who came to your farm to mentor you thinks you 're the hero destined to slay the black dragon . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Christmas at Watchpoint : Gibraltar +Death appears at your door , he just wants to talk . +A wizard , a thief , a bard , and an Orc are thrown into the same prison cell . They begin to swap stories as they have nothing else to do . +You have a relic that you can touch once a day , and when you do so it grants you a random wish , such as `` stop raining '' , `` have new shoes '' or `` massive world destruction '' . +You are watching a kid 's show with viewer participation ( like Dora the Explorer , for instance ) . You begin to notice that the characters can actually see and hear you . +Write a short story using as many literary clichés as possible . +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +You are the manager for a Russian mafia cover restaurant in New York . However in the last month the restaurant has rapidly become one of the most popular food joints in the city , causing trouble for the criminal activity behind the scenes . You are tasked with 'dealing ' with this issue . +You live on the seventh floor of a building with no balconies . You 're browsing your computer when you casually turn to the window and notice two hand marks on the glass . +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You rub a lamp and a genie comes out and grants you three wishes . However , they are the last three times you have ever said `` I wish _____ ... '' instead of being able to choose your own wishes . +A heroin addict wakes up from and overdose in the hospital . During his near death he has a premonition and sees the murder of the doctor that saved him 3 days from now . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +`` I 'm telling you , there 's something not quite right about that goat . '' +You have just caught someone climbing through your bedroom window and laid them out cold with the nearest heavy object ... Except it was n't a prowler , it was Father Christmas . Now what ? +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A new kind of enemy . +Canada becomes suspiciously enthusiastic about people immigrating up from the US ... +It 's the middle of the night . You are home alone , when someone knocks . Upon answering the door , you find that it 's your future self . +There are 3 characters that come into contact with each other at least once . They are Rock , Paper , and Scissors . +Super heroes can be bought and sold by cities like any other commodity . A Great Value hero has been bought to temporarily replace a real hero +`` The place where no star gave light '' +You are a stay-at-home parent to a super-powered child . Your superhero spouse spends all day saving the world . Write your exasperated post to /r/parenting detailing your unique frustrations . +Every night , God flips a coin . The result determines your entire day . +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +You are always the cause of your own death . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +The Source +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +`` Stop freaking out , it was just an accident . '' +`` kill the child . it 's the right thing to do . '' +In the year 2100 , Doctors use neural-links to feel what their patients feel . Your doctor links to you during a supposedly ordinary check-up , when suddenly , he screams and drops dead ... +You have failed your `` creativity '' test , which means that the government has decided you are not worth educating in the computer age . You will be unemployed for life . +Write the opening exposition of a bold new Zelda game . +At some point in the future , there are less than one hundred people left on Earth . +A post apocalyptic society finds an ancient device that gives them instructions on what to do next . This device - the Bop It +You come up with an outlandish and false excuse as to why you are late , and your date is very suspicious . You are almost called out on your lie when a news story blows up and unintentionally confirms your story . +Born without one of your senses , upon your death , you are given the opportunity to experience any one day again but this time with all your senses . How does it go ? + +Blue prints for a cheap faster than light space craft are simultaneously emailed to every address and posted to every website along with a message from a human who claims to have seen the edge of the universe . +Earth has gained a fifth season . The season of the ocean . +You are a well-loved and extremely popular food cart vendor in your city , a city that happens to be pretty populated by superheroes and supervillains alike . Describe a typical closing night for you . +Tell me story of this soldier . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +`` I 'm sorry , but you do n't exist . '' +A depressed person has wonderful things happen to them but they interpret them as bad things . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +You live in a world where age is counted as how many years of life you have left +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +A Scientific expedition stumbles upon a starving man huddled in the snow of the Canadian Tundra holding a stack of mysterious documents . +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +Hello everybody , I 'm new to writing and I really enjoyed writing to this beautiful instrumental song . Give it a try ! +You need to buy dreams to be able to dream at night . +In the future humans have mastered interstellar travel , bending space and time just to commute to work . A man calls AAA after crash landing in Roswell NM , 1947 . +The long night stretches on and on , with no sign of dawn ahead . +A young man/woman steals the power of a mage . The powerless mage sets out for revenge . +Real life has a pause screen . +You meet the man/woman of your dreams , fall in love and live out your lives together for many years , only for you to wake up and realise that your time together had been a dream . Some time later , you chance upon a stranger at the weekend . It 's them ... +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +Humans now have mental interfaces that act as personal assistants but yours went silent a week ago . +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +The Ugly Barnacle . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +Write a truly heartbreaking story that has a character speaking aloud the phrase `` My butt itches . '' +America in 2065 . Unemployment is over 60 % . Your character is an unemployed young adult . What is their life like ? +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +The journey never ends . The same hero is constantly caught in the cycle of leaving for an adventure , having their adventure , settling down , and being forced to leave again . +You are an assassin sent to kill Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu , what is your method and how did it go down ? +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +A story about a person in the post apocalyptic world slowly becoming jaded and losing their idealism +You are drunk , stumbling around in a bad part of the city as the cab speeds off . The only thing left in your pocket is a $ 10 bill . +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +a disease has been discovered that gives the victim a superpower for 24 hours before the victim dies , you have contracted the disease . +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +The Rundowns +Jurassic Pork , a subpar sci-fi novel +You are sent on a spaceship to colonize another world , before you leave you are told the next generation of ships will beat you to the new planet carrying your supplies and food . When your ship finally arrives you are the first and only ship there . +Reddit becomes a physical world , subreddits are factions at war with one another . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +Your universe is destroyed by an Universal Catastrophic Event ( UAE ) . You are a physicist who narrowly escaped the destruction of your universe , and now must find a new universe to call home . However , the alternate Earths you venture to are weird , horrible , or barren . +The army of Mordor has been transported to our world at the height of the Roman Empire . Rome has assembled its army and it 's Caesar is about to give his pre-battle speech . +When people die , they end up in a pub between dimensions before reincarnating in some other world . Your spouse killed you and then commited suicide . You meet in the pub ... +You die in a car crash . You wake up in limbo where you must impress Satan AND God with a talent/skilll to get a second chance at life . +A new antidepressant is launched . It does the job , but it radically changes who you are and what you like to do . People who take it like their new personality and who they 've become . Their ( former ) friends miss the original person . +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +Several hundred years after a nuclear holocaust that wipes out most of humanity , the remaining humans now pass down sitcom plots as oral parables from the Time Before . +You 're an explorer ordered to find the edge of the Earth by your King.Months after you begin your journey , your ship hits a transparent wall in the middle of nowhere.Suddenly red lights flash and a robotic voice screams '' WARNING : SIMULATION COMPROMISED '' . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +You are a guard on a bridge isolated in the middle of nowhere , despite the weather and conditions you still guard diligently . After a great deal of time someone comes and you realize , you do n't know what to do . +You 're currently dating the girl of your dreams . Problem is : Her overprotective father is Satan . +A cave you found during the war has been haunting your dreams for decades . +The Kepler telescope discovers a massive Earth-like planet not far from out Solar system . The returning images are stunning . Suddenly , the planet 's eyes open . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +You are a shopkeeper in a video game and the player is trying to sell you various questionable goods . +Someone finds out that the thing they have been told they were allergic to their whole life actually gives them super powers . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +It 's 2029 . The Purge has become a reality . Due to the expansive reach of the internet , however , the wealthy are now outnumbered by a cohesive unit of outraged poor led by a charismatic , and extremely strategic leader . + +Scientists discover that every human is karmically linked with one other person . When one experiences fortune , the other experiences equal misfortune , and vice-versa . +A stranger approaches you and points a gun to your head . `` I 'm sorry , but we will explain everything at the reset . Hopefully we 'll have a fighting chance now that we have you ... '' He pulls the trigger . +Stereotypes about different nationalities are all true . Because of this the French people can only end up being chefs , Germany produces nothing but engineers , British people are butlers etc . You want to do something else with your life than what 's assigned to all your countrymen . +The new coffee shop you 've been frequenting has always seemed off to you . But you never would have guessed- +A way to beat terminal diseases has been newly discovered . A suicidal person can `` exchange '' themselves to save a terminally ill patient from disease/death . The only requirement is they must meet face to face to agree beforehand . +`` And did you ever take a moment , just one , short moment , to consider the CONSEQUENCES of killing a God ? '' +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +You are a member of a superhero team . You begin to suspect that one of the other heroes has been telepathically messing with your mind . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Write a prompt by making something mundane and everyday interesting . +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +- Every Generation Retains the Knowledge of Their Parents at the Time They are Born +Fire in the Rain +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +Write the story of a forest fire from a camper 's perspective . +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +Write a Wild West adaption of a Greek myth . ( Inspired by the original cowboy , the minotaur . ) +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +It had been 12 years since your high school girlfriend suddenly died . Today , on vacation , you bump into her . +you are a toy in a toy store . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +You were born into a world made of sociopaths and you begin to realize that you may be the only one who is n't . +Pick a Pokedex Entry and write a story about it , but do n't reveal the Pokemon and their entry until the end . +The egg is very important . +Write from the perspective of a bug making the arduous journey across a parking lot . +You find an app that turns whatever you type into reality . However , auto-correct keeps getting in your way . +All your life , random strangers have asked for photos with you , wanted to shake your hand . Today , one of them dropped a business card for `` Celebrity Time Travel Tours '' . +Since childhood you 've been told that only death awaits you outside the wall . For years you have been curious . Today is your chance . +Some people are born with superpowers , and hailed as gods for it . You ? You 're the leader of the gods , and no one knows what power you have . +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +A mistreated teenager is provided the gift of telekinesis . +You live in a world where age is counted as how many years of life you have left +You are a guard for a self driving cargo truck that just got hacked . +`` Looks as if you 've lost your way in this forest . My name is Virgil , and I 'm running a hotel near here . You can stay spend the night at my hotel ... the name of the place ? Inferno '' +At the crime scene of a gruesome murder , there is classical music playing . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +Scientists have finally discovered the homeworld of the Humans , a race that thousands of years ago conquered the galaxy then vanished . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +A struggling vet student , realizes he can talk to animals . The animals have a vastly different view of humans than we think they do . +This is an alternate dimension . The timetraveler ( s ) changed one thing to make the world how it is today . +You can give away a year of your life to someone else as a day of life . You can take the life of someone else and make it a year of your 's . You found true love and she only has a day left . You will do everything to save her but you hate killing . +A lonely , old lady keeps misdialing and ends up calling you to talk nearly everyday . You are Satan . +The human body fights tooth and nail to stay alive , because it knows something we dont about the other side . And today you find out what that is . +You have been completely colorblind your entire life and only see in shades of grey . You come across a stranger that appears in total color . +The Villain has accidentally drank a love potion that gave them a serious crush on the hero . Desperate to maintain their dignity , and knowing that the crush is fake , they do their best to hide it . This is much harder than they originally anticipated . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +A lone transmission plays on loop from a subterranean base . +As you reach certain milestones in your life , you are allowed to get certain `` upgrades '' for your body . These can range anywhere from an increase of 10 IQ points to angel wings to hardened bones . +In the future , technology exists to transfer one person 's conciousness to another body , giving identity theft a whole new meaning . Write about the identity black market . +A little girl robs a bank . How ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +trapped in a time loop , you meet a wonderful girl . After weeks of doing the same things and telling the same stories , she starts having frequent episodes of déjà vu and remembering events from previous loops . +You have sold your soul to the devil , but when its time to collect , The devil takes you to God and tells on you . +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +Re-tell a popular/well-known story but do so using a different author 's writing style +A police officer releases a criminal sociopath each night from prison to clean up the streets . +It 's 2138 , and at the age of 21 everyone can select just one super power granted by the government . Now 21 , You go to your local courthouse to select your superpower and discover in the records , one power everyone has completely overlooked . +Every year the gods pick one person that has created something they deem true art and gives them immortality for as long as they wish . You are going to be executed in one week , and must create something great to save yourself . +at a wedding , someone is not who they claim they are . +You have lived in a bomb shelter for the past 6 years with your family since WW3 has begun . One day , you hear the Skype call sound . +An atheist and a Satanist meet at the gates of heaven . Saint Peter says there 's only room for one of them . +La killa +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +Browsing the web , you click on one of those links like '7 signs your spouse is cheating on you ' or '15 useless exercises you should stop doing ' and instead of some sort of generic clickbait stuff , it 's all about you ... you personally , with details and pictures . +You travel to a parallel dimension where , even though birds can talk and humans are incapable of speech , everything else is pretty much normal . That is until the humans hear YOU speak for the first time . +`` As for the prisoner ... '' +Every human has a spirit animal which advises and helps them through their life . You are different , as your spirit animal is a car . +In a cynical , fleece-the-masses , let's-fake-religion-for-tax benefits cult , one person in the inner circle is an honest , true believer . That person was just accidentally elected Supreme Cult Master +It 's often said that we do n't fear the darkness itself ; we are truly afraid of the monsters it hides . This was never true . Monsters exist to protect us from the darkness itself by scaring us away . +A story where the villain/antagonist wins . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +You are dead , but before you can go on to heaven or hell , you must meet all the people you could 've been . +Your fired ! +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +One person says to the other `` I 'll see you in hell '' before dying . Time passes and the second person dies and goes to hell . The two people reunite . +Write a Rashomon-style story where the same events are told twice - once from one person 's perspective , and once from another 's . In each version make the *other* person the antagonist . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Water is generally viewed as an element of life , of healing , with fire being one of destruction and death . I 'd like to see a world where the opposite is true . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +During a normal day , you feel a sudden well of excitement and anxiety , accidentally discovering you have a power . Write 5 diary entries as you live with this new facet in your life from the first six months . +Tonight when you sleep you become the character of the video game you last played . +It 's the typical medieval fantasy story , where the hero fight the odds to defeat the great evil that threats the land , but this time the hero is maniacally depressed . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Five years after humanity has been completely wiped out , the AI core responsible has finally perfected an authentic emotion simulation program and upon booting it up immediately regrets what happened . +After eons of existence , the universe has reached its final day . In the hours before the heat death of the universe , you are charged with recounting its history to all of its inhabitants . +a human is sent to an alien prison . The aliens get more than they bargained for . +A man wishes to be a genius . It will come true at midnight . He wakes up the next morning and he is exactly the same . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Write a serious story substituting as many words for pokemon names as possible . + +You die and go to a court room deciding your afterlife . The jury consists of 6 people who love you and 6 people who hate you . +The first time it happened , we viewed it as a blessing- now we pray for the day it stops . +Take one more step . Just one . +In 1787 , Ben Franklin snuck a joke into the U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights that was never caught and never removed . Centuries later , it inadvertently plays a major part in a Supreme Court decision . +You 're living in a city that 's perilously balancing on a teetering platform . +Have you heard the old saying `` daughters steal their mothers beauty and sons take their fathers strength '' ? Imagine if it was true.. +He sees you when you 're sleeping . He knows when you 're awake . And Santa , low on funds to pay his elves , has begun selling his surveillance data to the NSA . +Every action you want to take is accompanied by a percentage in your mind . It has always been low . Today , no matter what you think of doing , it is extremely high . +God of the dead river . +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +A man invents time travel in order to find a cure for his sick wife and succeeds , only to find out he ca n't go back +Write from the perspective of a tank crew as their tank is hounded down , disabled , and eventually destroyed by enemy infantry . Make it a horror story . +You wake up from your slumber to an unimaginable sound . Distant sound of a bell tolls , accompanying the harrowing noise of the trumpet . You stand up to realize you are in a broken down church , with people running around screaming for the Lord to forgive them . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Humanity is , for whatever reason , wiped out within the next 100 years . Write about an average day for an archeologist from the next sentient species to arise . +Tot save the life of your best friend , you have to challenge the devil to a game of chess . You are pretty good , but the devil already has an eternity of practice +`` I 'm the last of my kind . This is the end of an era . '' +Super heroes can be bought and sold by cities like any other commodity . A Great Value hero has been bought to temporarily replace a real hero +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +You find an app that turns whatever you type into reality . However , auto-correct keeps getting in your way . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +`` If you put them together it was obvious to see , but I 'd held them piece by piece , and my life was all the emptier for it . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Tales of Humanity +After the love of your life dies , you discover that they 're actually from another universe , where you died +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +Humanity has achieved a utopia with absolutely no nasty surprises ( Such as everyone being dead or brainwashed ) . Write a story about how it came about and/or an average day in said utopia . +A man 's life is ruined thanks to a common household item . +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . + +While spending time with a friend , you notice that they are wearing body armor beneath their clothes . +'' +Sunday Free Write : Peanuts Edition +In the future , redditism is actually the biggest religion on earth . +Every version of Batman ( i.e . Clooney , Bale , Kilmner ) come together to find out who is the superior Batman . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The entirety of puberty 's physical , mental , and physical changes in a hellishly painful , stressful , and often suicide inducing 24 hours , exactly 13 years after you are born . One week ago was your 13th birthday . Still nothing . +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +A day in the life of the person in the mirror +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +You ’ re a well-known billionaire . One a day press release goes out under your letterhead saying that whoever can kill you will inherit your fortune . Problem is , that release didn ’ t come from you . +A genie grants you one wish , so you wish to meet the girl of your dreams . There 's a flash and in a moment standing in front of you is ... your girlfriend of two weeks from 8th grade . +You wear a watch that does not work . +`` It 's just the rain '' +Gazing up at the clouds you watch them shift and change while reminiscing about the past . +And then the alien took off his helmet , revealing a human face and said : `` What are guys doing here ? You guys were supposed to colonize Mars , not Earth ! '' +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +One last time +A ride operator watches a child grow up through the years . Seeing them once a year come to the fair to get on the ride . +You discover pictures on your phone from places you have been in your dreams . +Getting tired of always being called upon when the police deem a case un-solvable , you take up a 9 to 5 job . You use your brilliant deductive skills to attempt to make sales and upset almost every customer who speaks to you . You are Sherlock Holmes , used car salesman . +Human beings are a crop and what we know as death is merely harvest time . +From birth , you have known you were born to be the protagonist in a story , and you have avoided that happening as best as you can . +Death comes for him . Death tried to catch him sleeping , but he woke up . +Instead of making you laugh , tickling sends you into a relatively short state of depression . +A world where people laugh when they are sad and cry when they 're happy . +You are a god . Sitting around you are two other gods . Together , you are playing an elaborate card game that causes things to happen around the world in which the gods are playing . What happens ? +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +They chalked it up to schizophrenia , at first . Whenever she wore a new mask , just like that , she donned a new personality . It was n't until she wore a mask of someone else 's face , a crude photocopy , that they knew it went far deeper than that . +And in this last moment of clarity ... +Sanctuary +In the movie `` Independence Day '' , the aliens invaded on July 4th , a day that holds a strong signification on why we should fight for freedom . Now the aliens are really invading and they do it on the worst day possible : April 1st . +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +Aliens visit earth , but they find round things scary +Write something meaningless , which sounds meaningful . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +A cure for the zombie virus has been found , however all ex-zombies remember everything that happened when they were infected . + +Everyone on earth has a networked A.I . that will give them small suggestions on what actions they can take to benefit humanity . For some reason , no matter what you do , yours tells you to `` Just stay home today . '' +There are 6 people on an elevator . It suddenly shuts down and a voice from the speaker said : The elevator will only function if there is only one left alive . +You accidentally spark a gang war in a city you 're visiting for the first time +Write a story of a school shooting that makes us sympathetic with the shooter . +Every ten years you 're allowed to have a conversation with your ten-year-younger self , but only the senior remembers the conversation . 20 year old you wakes up from talking to 30 year old you with one word carved on their arm ... +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +The expansionistic humans ' armies have long been kept at bay by 3 different clans on the north , east and west sides of the kingdom . All of them had thought that there was a only giant ocean to the south . +`` I never thought it would happen '' +I got a Hitachi Magic Wand , the `` Neck Massager '' . This one was literally a magic wand . +You die and God announces that you 're going to Hell . You 're shocked and confused because you were a devout Evangelical Christian your entire life . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +The young sailor went up on deck to retrieve a piece of gear . When the ship rolled , he lost his balance , falling over the railing . When he came to the surface , the ship was steaming into the distance . No one had seen him fall . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +From a dogs perspective , write about its last few days/moments alive . +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +After returning from school one day , you find that everyone is gone leaving only a note saying `` see you soon '' . +Fight or Flight +You are a lowly minion in a computer game . The hero has just completed a speed run , and you have to report to your boss and explain why you were spared , while so many of your comrades were slain . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Explain alcoholism as if it was your lover +The `` grim and gritty '' re-boot of a beloved children 's television show goes horribly , horribly wrong . Or perhaps horribly right . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Write a story of a school shooting that makes us sympathetic with the shooter . +There 's a paperback on the clearance rack . On a whim your character picks it up and finds that it details their life thus far ... How does the book end ? +A wizard sits down to perform his greatest work of magic yet . He grabs parchment and pen , and he begins to write a story . +The characters all know how it 's going to end . The reader does n't . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Human beings have discovered how to upload their minds into machines . Due to this humans can live exceptionally long lives and have chosen to explore the known universe . You 're a lone prospector . As you wander a barren planet a message comes through your built in coms . It 's a software update . +You have to understand . That 's the nature of fire . +Park bench at night +What do you do when you ca n't run any more ? +A girl receives a phone call from her sister that their parents were just killed in a horrific incident . Write that conversation . +The leader of your nation is giving a speech , when suddenly , a familiar tune begins to play ... +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +Have the same sentence be repeated as many times as possible in your story . +Daddy , what did you do in the AI War ? +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +( WP ) The first sentence has to be the same as the last sentence , but the ending has to catch the reader off guard . +Write a poem or story where the first and last words are both onomatopoeia . +Netflix and Kill . She lures unsuspecting victims to her apartment with the promise of a `` special night of watching BBC nature documentaries . '' When the documentary ends , the victim is quickly dispatched , tonight , however it might be different ... +JJ Abrams turns out to be the biggest troll of them all , the new Star Wars film was written using a typical Disney Princess movie formula , and Jar Jar Binks is the new Disney Princess . +A robber breaks into your house at the worst moment possible : while you have diarrhea . +Write about a city where everyone believes that they are the only survivors of a recent apocalypse , and how they are proven wrong . +There have been reports of serial-killings\serial abductions of janitors +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +What if ghosts are , in reality , glimpses of time travelers ? +Write something depressing about the meaning of life , or lack thereof . +For the first time in a hundred years , night fell on the Land of Two Suns . +Write a Dr. Seuss style alien invasion story . +The Gemsmith +`` The place where no star gave light '' +We finally recieve our first message from space and it says we are alone . +You , an idealistic 20-something college student , offer your soul to the Devil in return for world peace . Much to your surprise , the Devil laughs at what he calls your `` selflessness '' , but says that someone has already made that deal . You ask to see how horrible the world was before . +Pick up the nearest book and flip to the first sentence . Make it the last sentence of your story . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Golden Sword +You are a lurker of /r/WritingPrompts , and you always attempt to write a prompt of your own . The only problem ? Every time you try to do so , someone else has already posted your idea , word for word . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +A ride operator watches a child grow up through the years . Seeing them once a year come to the fair to get on the ride . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Chaos in the world after an unknown phenomenon which gives every single human unique superpowers +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +A mountaintop city resides in an otherwise featureless sea of clouds . Every evening at sunset , the city seals itself off from the outside world until morning . Your main character is stuck outside one night when the doors close . +As you exit Walmart , a war torn , bullet riddled Jeep comes to a screeching halt in front of you . You notice the driver is a badly beaten and exhausted but familiar sitcom star . `` Get in ! There 's no time to explain ! '' +Religious radicals believe that most of life is n't being appreciated . They create a neuro-disease that causes brain loss of any part of the brain not used every month . People have to start compensating for their apathy . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . +You thought you were a healer . In fact , you have the ability to reverse the effects of time on anything you touch . +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +You abduct a child to hold her for ransom , but as you begin to talk to her you realize her home life is actually way more troubling than being kidnapped . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Jesus was sent from the future to find the girl and save her from stoning +You wake up on an Island . Tell me about it . +After being sick of loosing your office 's celebrity death poll year after year , you decide that this year you 'll win at all costs . +You run an industrial sized human breeding facility , similar to a fish hatchery , give me a tour . +This creature is crawling in your direction . What 's your reaction ? +How well can you describe this setting ? Could I read your submission before viewing the image , then conclude `` That 's exactly what I visualized ! '' afterwards ? +Make me love the person you love +An immortal meets another immortal for the first time +Life after the zombie apocalypse +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +Years ago , you were wished into existence by a ten year old with a genie . Today is your first group therapy meeting . +Have your favorite villain talk about their mother , and their relationship to their mother . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Animals have suddenly began to grow extra body parts at an alarming rate . +In a shocking turn from neutrality , Switzerland declares support for ISIS and attacks the rest of the EU . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +It does n't have to be like this ... +`` He was never warm in his entire life . Not once . '' +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +The Fountains of Mystery +Write a good analogy . Continue elaborating on this analogy until it falls apart or becomes nonsensical +Everyone knows a single bite from a zombie means infection and death . Describe the harrowing moment when a biter latches its teeth on you in the middle of a fight . +Monsters Inc. has gone over to laughter in place of screams . However , as depression numbers grow , business is getting worse . +Noir - 1stChapter - 2100 words +Write about living in a body , but feeling like it is n't your body . +He laughed as tears of sadness ran down his cheeks . +Scooby Doo and the gang have stumbled upon a case which they are having a great deal of trouble solving . Hire a fictional detective/consultant from to help investigate the case . +A man pushes an empty swing . +You died and have awoken to find yourself in black robes holding a scythe . You have become Death . Your one job is to touch every person destined to die that day ; except one person somehow manages to avoid your grasp during every attempt you make . +You and your brother go to the local pub +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +A couple is having their first child , when they admit to each other that they both promised their first born to a witch . It 's two different witches . +You mysteriously die at the age of 25 , but your mind is mysteriously resurrected into a new born baby . You 're aware of this , but ca n't fully grasp the reality of the situation until your mind fully develops . You grow up , with your retained knowledge , and continually die at the age of 25 again . +Jesus came back in 1996 . He has spent the last 20 years locked in an asylum trying to convince his doctors that he is the real deal . Finally after all this time he is beginning to change their minds . +You are a vigilante in a fictional metropolis . Your superpower activates when you do your drug of choice , illegal or otherwise . The city undergoes some sort of threat and you must band together with the other drug addicts to save it . +One day , everyone mysteriously receives a document which contains the information about their past lives . Suddenly , you have a bounty on your head and many people are trying to hunt you down . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +In a world where there is always noise somewhere in the background , one night you are startled awake by a deafening silence . Just as you turn to rouse your significant other , a terrible siren pierces through the silence . +The new coffee shop you 've been frequenting has always seemed off to you . But you never would have guessed- +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +Reincarnation is a proven fact , and a device has been invented to determine who someone 's pasts lives were . To your horror , you 've just discovered one of your past lives was ... +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +Captain Daimio +Write me a comedy in 5 sentences . +It does no good to speak of roads not taken . +You have a time machine but there 's a catch ... +Write a poem about what it 's like for an astronaut to get disconnected from his craft . +You hunt exotic animals that have escaped , after a series of some unfortunate events you are now hunting for a dragon through New York . +There she is , the Lord High Counselor , self-proclaimed future ruler of Earth and terror of a thousand planets . A smile creeps up on your face as you switch your comm to translate your words into Comeric . You still ca n't believe that it 's you who gets to deliver the news . +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +You have to team up with you , you , and you to take down yourself ... time travel is weird . +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +Gods only have dominion over a single solar system . You are on the first manned vessel outside our solar system and you have just left the only God you have ever experienced 's power . +`` Look , '' it said . `` The humans have come . '' +Every person born is given a date of when they will die . These dates have no year , however . +Find a random post on r/TIFU and make an explanation for the title without reading the post . +Write a story about the personification of loneliness . +Under pressure , precious things break . +`` Ahh ! ... Not again ! '' You exclaimed in desperation as you 've been , yet again , summoned from the pits of Hell by a high-schooler to help them with their homework +You are caught smuggling what you think is cocaine , but it turns out you were shipping bricks of flour . +The new coffee shop you 've been frequenting has always seemed off to you . But you never would have guessed- +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Rewrite any story with a convenient and perfectly placed rescue as if it continued without said convenient and perfectly placed rescue . I.E. , The Millenium Falcon left Skywalker dangling from Bespin . + +Tell a story in which the narrator tells the reader a single lie . Readers are to deduce what the lie is using hints from the story . +The world 's weight is set . If someone loses a pound , someone else gains it . +Upon waking up , the color purple is nonexistent +Earth 's entire population lives in one gigantic skyscraper . +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +Planets orbit their stars . Stars orbit the center of their galaxy . We just found what all the galaxies are orbiting . +`` How did the magic die ? '' asked your grandson . `` Well , it started off with a magician 's trick ... '' +You keep getting randomly pulled out of your daily life back to the year 1200 by the same group of sorcerers . It was amazing at first . It 's starting to give you the shits . +Multiple sightings of a mystery man who goes to people 's doorstep just to smack people in the face . Victims who are smacked suddenly remember all their memories starting from childbirth . One day , he appears at your doorstep . +A man walks halfway to his destination everyday . +A boy with a plastic shovel goes digging for dinosaur bones , instead , he unearths an ancient evil . What happens ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +`` Well ... why do you want to be in a relationship ? '' Sam asks . +Write a short story or poem around one of these lesser known words for emotions we feel but did n't know existed . +A man has cheated Death and achieved true immortality and gloats at Death about his victory only to realize after multiple aeons that immortality was a mistake and mortality is a long lost dream and now he treats Death as a former enemy he can not reconcile with . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A Super-Villain 's Grocery List +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +Two children need to enter the last known civilization on earth . Their kind is not allowed into the city , and it is heavily guarded . +Write a scene in Fourth-Person , Omni-Ignorant , Hypothetical Tense . Bonus points if it 's hilarious . +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +`` He does not appear to speak any of the languages I speak . I shall call him Frederick until I learn his real name . '' +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +You manage to sneak onto Noah 's ark . In order to avoid detection , you must eat some of the animals to survive . +Take a children fictional setting and rewrite it as surrealist horror or cosmic horror . +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +Run . +Real wars play out like a game of Call of Duty . +Turns out it was n't the Nazis hiding on the dark side of the moon . It was the Roman Empire . They 've come back with a vengeance . +And not one man passed him that day . +Someone discovers the meaning to/of life , Write about it from any perspective +In the near future , parents are able to genetically modify babies to boost their cognitive abilities . 20 years later , as the first cohort of `` super genius '' babies reaches adulthood , we realize we made a big mistake . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +You 're 99.999 % sure you have superpowers . Obviously , if you were 100 % sure , your life would be completely different . +Everybody has a small animal with them representing their self image . A politician might have a well-groomed parrot , a bartender might have a pitbull ... This is the first time you 've ever met somebody with a bloody and abused familiar . +You just awoke from cryogenic sleep and discover you are aboard a space ship carrying the last of the humans , searching for a habitable planet . How did you get aboard the ship ? +The year is 2178 . You are raised in a world where the first and only ability scientists were able to unlock in our genome is the sense if smell . Bringing it to surpass even the abilities of a trained canine . +Distant aliens have discovered Earth and are planning it 's conquest . Before they launch their ships they intercept a radio transmission which happens to be a partial TV broadcast of The Empire Strikes Back/ROTJ . Having now seen the might of the Galactic Empire they re-evaluate the mission . +Write the tale of a brave knight 's quest , but sneak in details that hint at a post-apocalyptic setting . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +You are in love with an eternally youthful person with a memory limit . Every second they live , they forget more and more about who they used to be . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A Scientist from 1964 time travels to present day . Not knowing that the area around his lab becomes a chinatown after 50 years , he mistakenly believes that the United States was invaded by china and reports his findings back to 1964 . +You have 2 lives , one in the virtual world and one in the real world . You are facing a decision of having to decide which one of the two you get to keep . +You ca n't die until your name is spoken for the last time . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +Describe something beautiful . It could be an alien landscape , or a person you fell in love with . It could be a gift that arrived at the perfect time and brought you up out of depression . Hell it could even be a simple conversation . +After a bizarrely grueling interview process , you 've finally been hired at the local shop ... on your first day you find out the real reason for the screening . +A cartoon style Villain goes up against a ruthless Anti-Hero . How does it play out ? +Geralt of Rivia comes across a remote village plagued by the arrival of a single Xenomorph . +Write the last words of a prisoner on death penalty as he is about to receive the lethal injection . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +An old veteran desperately tries to enter Valhalla so he can meet his comrades again . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +You 're in hospital and a stranger comes into your room and strikes up a conversation . As you are talking you realize the stranger is actually death himself . +You are standing alone outside two giant wooden oak doors , giving yourself a pep talk before you walk through them . +So It Begins ... +You leave a bowl of food out for the dragons . +Humanity survives only in Towers . Tell any story that takes place in this world . + +To counter Donald Trump , the Democratic party nominates Kanye West as their presidential nominee . This is their first debate . +What would you do for a klondike bar ? +: Congratulations , you are now Mayor of the City . The first thing you do is finally open *That Door* . +The year is 2284 . The United States officially recognizes every person over the age of 65 to be a worthless sponge of resources . Tell the story of a smuggler who makes a living by concealing the elderly . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You wake up as the five year old child you once were , but with a lifetime of experience and a determination to make things right . +Trudging through the frost +- Tarantino pitching his porno +You are an explorer , it is today and technology is as it is ... but the world really IS flat . As far as the biggest telescope has seen or the furthest travelled probe has gone , it 's totally flat . +Bounty Hunters +As you gaze into the mirror , you see a different person staring back at you . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +Make me sympathize with a stalker . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +After a bizarrely grueling interview process , you 've finally been hired at the local shop ... on your first day you find out the real reason for the screening . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +It has been 789,000 days since the last workplace accident . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . + +Recount your most frightful childhood memory , except use exaggerations in a way you think a child would . +It 's discovered that burning sentimental objects provides more energy than gasoline , you 're creating a business pitch to refit the now defunct gas stations across america . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +Every dragon has a unique hoard of things they like to collect . ( Like sofas , or jigsaw puzzles ) Your hoard obsession happens to be housecats . +The President , suffering from a bad case of diarrhea , is informed that the enemy has just launched a nuke . +You are on a twitch channel where you are forced to do or say anything te chat demands . Today Twitch chat is having you summon a demon . +Take a children fictional setting and rewrite it as surrealist horror or cosmic horror . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Humanity has achieved immortality . Due to resource concerns everyone must submit to a council their chosen manner of death at 150 . The more amusing the death the longer the council lets you live . +You are a being of nearly limitless power , whatever you desire is instantly realized . Despite this you find yourself depressed and apathetic . Describe the event that inspires you to act again , either to create or destroy . +Eminem was right ... There IS a Slim Shady in all of us . They all begin to `` stand up '' and make themselves known . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +Expedition : Journal Entries +This year you went all out on your Demon Halloween costume . While bar hopping downtown another guy in a very realistic demon costume invites you to a private demon themed party , you soon come to realize they are not costumes . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You go back 2000 years with a pistol and one full clip . How do you take over the world ? +Everyone except for your psychiatrist thinks you 're crazy . You lie down to have another productive session with Doctor Marshmallow McSnugglesworth PsyD . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +You unknowingly stop aging and become immortal at 20 years old . 50 years later you 're finally getting suspicious that you are n't normal . +`` You do n't get it . These people will swallow you WHOLE , and spit out the bones . And they 'll sit back and laugh while the people you love pick up your pieces . '' +Summarize the entirety of a movie in a four stanza poem without mentioning the title . +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +As a child your father left on a space voyage , never to return or be heard from again . Now , twenty years later you 've decided to search for him . +You are stranded on a deserted island all by yourself for years , when you get rescued . You express your surprise that people are still looking for you after all this time , when one of the rescuers says that you 've only been gone for three days . +You have a wonderful Grandpa but he is dying and doctors give him three months top.He ask you a favor as his last wish and admit he is the Hannibel Lecter.Btw you are a serial killer.No killing in the story . +Just a guy seated at a desk . +There are too many shocking , ( albeit awesome ) ends to the stories found here . Build up to something but give it an anticlimactic ending . +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +`` A glowing neon diamond from afar ; a rotting cesspool of vice and violence up close . I would n't have it any other way . Welcome to Earth , Gentlemen . '' NSFW +She 's a blood thirsty tyrant and he is her loyal protector ... +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +A high profile Roman legionary and his battalion are driven off course during a storm and find themselves in Scandinavia.What happens to them ? +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +All supermarkets around the world have an underground 'Fight Club ' in which the winners get half-priced goods . You stumble upon it by accident . +Non-traditional families are quite common these days , but yours might just be the strangest of them all . You werenraised by the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse +Scientists finally drill into the earth 's mantle , only to release newer , heartier strains of bacteria upon humanity . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +Hundreds of years in the future , nerds fondly over-romanticize the late 20th/ early 21st century in completely historically inaccurate and anachronistic festivals akin to modern Renfaires . +People can donate their life span to others , a couple of hours or all of their remaining time , as much as they wish . One day on your way back from work various people crowd around you , only to drop dead as you feel your life span increasing . +Spells are cast in plain English . The shorter the spell the more powerful , but harder to control , the effect will be . You have just cast a one word spell . +Harley Quinn has decided to break away from Joker , but in the process has latched onto Batman . +Two time travelers appear in the present day , claiming to both come from the same year . Both of them describe radically different versions of the future . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +Sanctuary +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +An abnormality in the brain is discovered that leads scientists to predict who will become a serial killer with 90 % accuracy . Everyone is checked on their 18th birthday . +Give me a prompt , I 'll write you a story . +The bus stop from Hell . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +A young boy tries to help his sister , who has had an accident . He does n't know first aid , and nobody is around to help . +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +Absolutely hideous elevator music combined with an unusually long trip prompts two very different people to have a short , but inevitablely awkward conversation that reveals they are both complete and utter bastards . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +A researcher at a scientific facility brings her dog to work one day and the A.I running the facility makes friends with the dog . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +As you gaze into the mirror , you see a different person staring back at you . +I cut open a green pepper tonight and found a giant caterpillar inside . Please create a convoluted conspiracy that explains who put it there and why . +`` I 've shot Kennedy 100 times so far . In fact , I 've become quite good at it . '' +Like most people , you were genetically engineered in a lab before being inserted into the womb to be carried to term . Like most people , you are `` perfect '' ... or so you thought . +Today is the last day the ocean will have waves . +After the slaves were formally freed in 1865 , they were given a modest amount of gold for compensation and shipped back to the tribes they came from . No exceptions . What happens to the North , South , East , and West America as well as Africa and how does the US look today ? +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . +Pope francis starts to recruit for a new cruisade . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +In the future , people can be resurrected if their corpse is still in good condition . Your brother 's best friend comes to visit , only to find out your family cremated him . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Mother Nature assumes her bodily form and takes a one year trip around the world . Share an entry from her journal . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You are not the last human , but you are the last human on earth +You 're not allowed to die until you pay off all your debts . +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +write a 100 word story about one moment +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Write a story that brings out the underlying meaning/significance of the word 'nevermind ' +Hundreds of years in the future , nerds fondly over-romanticize the late 20th/ early 21st century in completely historically inaccurate and anachronistic festivals akin to modern Renfaires . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Write a story beginning with `` His wispy words did wake the walking woods . '' +Wrote a fan fiction of a book you 've never read or a movie you have never seen . +Then suddenly the steel felt so cold in my hands +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You 're 99.999 % sure you have superpowers . Obviously , if you were 100 % sure , your life would be completely different . +Write a deep , philosophical piece about anything you choose , however all it builds up to is a reference . +The running faucet +Sunday Free Write : Peanuts Edition +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +God , wanting to retire , takes corporeal form and attempts to convince the world he 's not real . +Aliens are coming to Earth , but they 've made one glaring miscalculation : They believe cats to be the dominant species . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +In a zombified world , instead of different parties competing to develop bigger and better weapons , there 's a literal arms race . +In the future , governments uses a supercomputer to calculate the perfect job for everyone , at which they can brings out maximum contribution for the society . You just got a letter that says your perfect job is `` STAY AT HOME AND AVOID ANY INTERACTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL CAUSES . '' +scientists have invented a serum that allows animals to speak . Your dog was recently given the serum , but it appears the treatment has not worked . Your cousin , whom you have n't seen since your youth , comes to town to visit . As the door opens , your dog suddenly whispers in your ear : `` run . '' +Gods only have dominion over a single solar system . You are on the first manned vessel outside our solar system and you have just left the only God you have ever experienced 's power . +A genie grants you one wish , so you wish to meet the girl of your dreams . There 's a flash and in a moment standing in front of you is ... your girlfriend of two weeks from 8th grade . +You are the last engineer left on the ship , the captain , as well as the rest of the crews vital signals are all offline . The engines are off . How are you getting home ? +The protagonist slowly realizes that he is not at all part of the actual story . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +A teenager 's cheesy fanfiction turns into something else ... ... ... +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Emma The Ruthless +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +There 's a paperback on the clearance rack . On a whim your character picks it up and finds that it details their life thus far ... How does the book end ? +'' If I am elected , I will not rest until I am impeached . '' +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +You have to understand . That 's the nature of fire . + +A stylistic crime story in the style of Mean Streets/Pulp Fiction based in the seedy underbelly of the Star Wars universe . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +Every year on their birthday , everyone has the opportunity to change one thing about themselves , be it physical or otherwise . This year , you were thinking about ditching your tendency to be lazy , but you 've noticed a disturbing trend in people that mess with personalities . +The Aftermath +A wizard casts a brand new spell which seems to work but has unforeseen consequences . +All mankind lives on floating continents that slowly orbit the planet . Continents might come in contact with each other once in hundreds or thousands of years . Contact is about to be made between two very different continents with very different societies . +A story set 100+ years in the past of a man writing a dystopian novel , but the dystopia he writes about is identical to the world we live in today . +An aliens perspective as it attempts to decode the golden record +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . + +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... As the world ends , your life flashes before your eyes . Yet , it is n't the life you remember living . +A 18 years old guy wakes up on a hot summer sunday at 11 AM . His parents are out of town , he was drinking and partying all night long . He heads out to the grocery store to buy some food . There are unconcious bodies all over the streets , in huge piles . He panics . Runs back to his home . +You find the gold at the end of the rainbow . What is it ? +Write a story about waking up , and not having one of your senses . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +TIL that I am not the good person that I thought I was . +A sci-fi story where humanity are the monsters . +After a long and difficult journey , you finally reach the Dark One 's citadel . +The Three Laws +`` This body is n't even mine anymore ... '' +An atheist and a Satanist meet at the gates of heaven . Saint Peter says there 's only room for one of them . +Hogwarts has a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher - Gregory House +What Lies Beneath +You walk in a room to find that the only way to escape is by writing a name of a real person on a piece of paper . This will kill that person . +The downside of being a man with looks that make him highly attractive to every female on Earth . +Sunday Free Write : Peanuts Edition +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +You discover pictures on your phone from places you have been in your dreams . +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +Stay frosty , gentlemen . +You are a D-class personnel in the SCP foundation . One of the Keter monsters have gotten out , and now you must survive . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +We 've seen epic fantasy worlds based on historical Europe ( i.e . LotR ) and historical East Asia ( i.e . Avatar ) . Write about an epic fantasy world based on historical Africa . + +She was something to behold . +You jump . Your parachute does n't open . +It is 2028 , 100 years after the publication of `` The Call of Cthulhu '' . A worldwide public service announcement warns everyone to hide because of a certain occurrence in the South Pacific . +You 've lived all your life with tinnitus and one morning you wake up to the ringing gone . Describe your day +`` To explore the universe , we had to sacrifice our humanity . And we did . '' +Humans that chose cryogenic slumber are prized by aliens that view them as a rare collectible . +A small squad of soldiers gets the drop on a large enemy force . +The absent-minded genius tests out the new invention not realizing he/she forgot to carry the 1 . Oops . +There 's something odd about the door-to-door salesman standing on your porch . +( CW ) Write a story using words that only begin with vowels . +Write a short story using as many literary clichés as possible . +Write about a guy who at first seems like a complete asshole , but overtime , we start to sympathize with him . Then to a complete asshole again . +Yellow Lantern Darth Vader ( image below ) +You 're a famous murder mystery author . A fan of yours starts to take inspirations from your books to murder people . The police recruit you to hunt him down . +It 's been 300 years since Mars was colonized . Now , there is a revolution and the colonies are fighting for their independance . The first space battle in human history is about to begin . +Starting at age 10 , humans are given companion animals that develop along side them . These animals can range anywhere from a goldfish to a horse to even a dragon . The only catch is that they are assigned based on your behavior during childhood . +You live in a dystopian future where anyone who breaks a law is executed except the most wanted criminal . You just committed a minor crime and now must fight , murder , and steal your way to the top of the most wanted list . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +Make me love the person you love +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +Two immortals , a man and a woman have been fighting throughout history since the beginning of man . Both trying to kill the other either thru direct or indirect means and constantly failing . +Erik Satie - Gymnopedie No . 1 +Write a short horror story with a twisted end +It does no good to speak of roads not taken . +Humanity is the only race in the galaxy with such a massive lack of common sense that we 're the only species that requires laws to form societies . Other races just form naturally and are shocked when confronted with humanities laws and regulations . +`` Sir ! We have a breach ... Three hundred of our men are already dead ... It 's him Sir ! He got free ... '' +How did that voice get inside your/their head ? +Your powers only work in the rain . +Break my heart with only a divorce scenario . +After the Battle of Endor , Luke Skywalker goes on a pillgrimage to understand the nature of the universe ( and thus , The Force ) better . In his travels he meets another protaganist from an entirely different universe and/or time . What do they learn from each other ? +Write so that the first letters of each sentence spell out WRITINGPROMPTS . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +- A old man tells the story of his superpower , and the reason he never used it . +`` ... flip to page 43 of a dictionary and take the first word and run with it . '' +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +You find a envelope on your doorstep with $ 500 and a letter saying `` Remarkable performance today . There 's more if you keep it up . '' You 're a single mother who could really use the cash , but you do n't know why you got it . The only `` remarkable '' thing you did today was scrape your knee ... +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +A dead murderer possesses the body of his son so he can finish off his last victim , a little girl . Unfortunately , it 's been well over a decade , and the son and victim are dating . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Make me love the person you love +In 1907 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts rejects Young Adolf Hitler twice and soon after he survives four different assassination attempts by time travellers . Confused Hitler is convinced that its his art is what the world fears . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +You are in the audience at a convicted murderer 's execution , when he/she is asked for any last words , he/she scans the crowd finishing with you and looking into your eyes simply says , `` I forgive you . '' +Even with the ability to teleport you somehow still end up late to work . +Respawn technology exists . You are beta testing it . Each time you come back to life you are a little different than your previous self . +As if in a cartoon , people only wear one set of clothes for life ( unless they grow out of them ) . One person disagrees with this custom and changes their outfit daily . +The world through the eyes of a baby . +Super Creepy Submarine adventure with monster ( not my photo just really interesting ) +Just a guy seated at a desk . +Every year on their birthday , everyone has the opportunity to change one thing about themselves , be it physical or otherwise . This year , you were thinking about ditching your tendency to be lazy , but you 've noticed a disturbing trend in people that mess with personalities . +`` You either die a villain , or you live long enough to see yourself become the hero . '' +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Write about Ted the Accountant 's life before he died and ended up in Valhalla +You are watching TV and the program is cut off by an emergency broadcast . The presenter says that there is a massive meteor coming for earth and there is no chance for survival for humanity . What do you do in your last 3 hours alive ? +A teenage boy , a young man in his twenties , and an old man are sat in a room together . They are the same man at different ages , discussing life . +The time machine worked a little . +One day you wake up and find your whole life that before you slep was just a ling dream +Write me an inspiring sports story around an obscure sporting event . +The Occupy movement in New York never ended , but rather growing into a violent revolution culminating in the occupation of New York . The President makes an announcement . +Two time travelers appear in the present day , claiming to both come from the same year . Both of them describe radically different versions of the future . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +Write about a bad trip +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Six months ago it was announced that a meteor would hit the earth and end all life . However it missed the earth after humanity had prepared for the end . +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +You find out that you can change the past or future , by photo shopping . However you did n't realize this till you created an abomination of a picture . +It was a gorgeous early summer day . The sun was shining brightly , the birds were singing , and there was a warm gentle breeze . +Video games come to life and everyone is the game character of the game they 've played the most in today 's society . +You are an NPC in skyrim . Everyday you wake up , a new mod is installed . +The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous ... +The newspaper headline the next day read : `` Freak spatula incident leave 12 dead , 6 hospitalized . '' +A terminally ill mother wrote several greeting cards to her daughter for the birthdays/anniversaries/life achievements that she wo n't be there for . Her daughter opening one of the cards . +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +Yesterday , the world heard an announcement that a massive asteroid would hit the earth today . Only it did n't , and now everyone is feeling super awkward . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +Skyscraper +`` A flash of light , a puff of smoke , and she was gone . '' +By the time I had finished , there was no blood left . Only ice . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Blood Swamp +The King was sitting on the street ; thanking for the coins in his hands . +You work at a company that carefully monitors one 's dreams . It is a job that you 've always wanted , until you get placed in the Nightmare Department . +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . +A Derelict Spacecraft Turns out to be a Library +It was a tale told a hundred times , but this time , something unexpected happened . +A particular GIF is found to induce a trance that reveals the true nature of reality to anyone who views it long enough . It is becoming `` viral '' . +The `` grim and gritty '' re-boot of a beloved children 's television show goes horribly , horribly wrong . Or perhaps horribly right . +You never believed in an afterlife , but you 've just died and discovered the truth is more horrifying than anything you could have imagined . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +You get stuck on an elevator with a hated business partner +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +Working in your laboratory late one night , the dimethylmurcury you 're working with splashes your exposed forearm . Suddenly , faced with certain death , your reasons for living become clear . You load up a syringe , and head out into the night . ( credit to /u/nutbastard ) +You are a superhero by the name of Groundhog . For example , you can relive a fight with a villain thousands of times until you beat them etc . That 's your ONLY power . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +The Dark Wanderer +A favor done for a stranger ends up killing them . +November , 1965 : Moscow has lost radio contact with a secret research facility in Siberia , and the last broadcast from the facility was `` It ... is awake . '' +The day Death died . +You found a picture of you and your mom from childhood , and realize she 's not aged a day . You and your siblings then come to the realization that none of you have ever seen her sleep . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Someone is dead and all i can think about is where i left my yo-yo . +A meticulously packed lunch shows up in the employee fridge each day with your name on it . +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Stopped dead in my tracks +`` Everyone here is running from something . Me ? I 'm ... '' +You are the leader of the rebel faction , you finally come face to face with the leader of the group you 've been fighting against for so long . Before your final fight you take a moment to talk to them , your once best friend . +You take over the world . The current leader surrenders without a fight and says `` Thank God ! Now it 's your problem ! '' What is `` it ? '' +You use your powers of necromancy for good ; tending crops , hunting to feed a village , fighting off bandit raids and unsavory creatures . Unfortunately , the churches of the lands you visit keep telling every would-be party of heroes that you 're an evil lich brainwashing people . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +We used to say `` the things you own , can end up owning you '' . Those words have never been more true than now . +`` You either die a villain , or you live long enough to see yourself become the hero . '' +It 's a savage . They 've created a monster . Now it 's on the loose . +Survival of the Fittest +Everyone on earth has a networked A.I . that will give them small suggestions on what actions they can take to benefit humanity . For some reason , no matter what you do , yours tells you to `` Just stay home today . '' +Write a poem that is desperately trying not to rhyme . +Meeting yourself +You are the first and only patient to be given the cure for aging . 50 years have now past and you are finding it hard to become friends with people that look your age . Though you still maintain friendships with those who are your age . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +The Government and Media have been lying and North Korea is actually a super advanced , peaceful Utopia . You 're an American who just crashed landed a boat in North Korea . +Rewrite a popular short story ( fairy tales , aesop 's fables , etc . ) without using any words longer than five letters +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Make me terrified of an inanimate object +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +Show that you can live a beautiful life in a not-so-beautiful ( or bland/ugly/horrid ) place . +Rewrite your favorite knock-knock joke as a serious story . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida + +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A psychopath uses tinder to find his next match ... +Write a story of a school shooting that makes us sympathetic with the shooter . +Every class have a weirdo or a misfit . Your high school class had one too . Now he/she is running for president and is almost certain to win it . +In the second coming of King Arthur , the sword in the stone has returned and thousands line up to take a turn . You step up to the stone , give a tug ... and the blade breaks . +`` I do n't sleep . '' He/She said . +At your magic school graduation , all summon a familiar that takes the shape of the first non-human creature they see . Most of your friends have cats , dogs , or birds . You just summoned a copy of your mother . +Magic ( a la Skyrim ) is real , and wizards are a part of everyday life . Instead of magicka , however , casting spells temporarily drains intelligence instead . Describe The Great Mage 's War . +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +The Knight with no name +Children of the Sun +You only had a normal life until the event that would have turned you into just another super hero . Instead , you became the villain . +A gifted eye surgeon is contacted by a 6 year old former patient . After 6 months , he wishes to be blind again . +`` You had ONE job ! '' both Satan and God scream at you . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +Scooby Doo and the gang have stumbled upon a case which they are having a great deal of trouble solving . Hire a fictional detective/consultant from to help investigate the case . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You are a member of a counter-culture movement whose recreational drug use has escalated to ingesting drugs that are known to only have negative side effects . +an alien and a human have a meet-cute moment , and what happens afterwards . +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +Everyone in the world wakes up a virgin again +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +A tormented young man flees to a monastery , only to discover that the ancient walls hold a terrible demonic secret . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +Non-traditional families are quite common these days , but yours might just be the strangest of them all . You werenraised by the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +A Breath of Ash and Sulfur - upvotedcontest +Terrify me . +Water is generally viewed as an element of life , of healing , with fire being one of destruction and death . I 'd like to see a world where the opposite is true . +A boy with a plastic shovel goes digging for dinosaur bones , instead , he unearths an ancient evil . What happens ? +You are a conspiracy theorist in Gotham who believes Bruce Wayne is Batman . +Philae Lander finally manages to power on and sends a pic back to Earth . 800 years later . And it 's not a picture we expected to see . +This is n't home , but it 'll do . +you 're a literal walking positive energy nuke - the happier you are , the more nuclear energy you build up until you explode . As a result , you live your life as an incredibly angry , bitter person to protect everyone around . However , you wake up one day and have the best day of your life . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +After a 5-day war , Obama relinquishes power to Grogdox , King of the Mole-People . This is his concession speech . +You 're attending a public event turning on the Christmas lights in your home town , but as soon as you arrive , a young man slips a small piece of paper in your hand , it reads `` 3 MINUTES , GUY WITH THE RED JACKET , ONLY YOU CAN STOP HIM , 223 , DO N'T FORGET THAT NUMBER '' +Man 's best friend +The characters all know how it 's going to end . The reader does n't . +An Army Successfully Sacks a City , But Before the New King Assumes the Throne , he is Killed by an Unexpected Adversary +As an old man , you lay your deathbed . You think back upon your life and are not pleased . While focussing , on specific memories , you realize that each `` gut moment '' is your future self trying to influece choices . +It is 2 years into Trump 's second term in office . Give us a firsthand account of life in Donald Trump 's America . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +One last time +Write a story entirely made of metaphors , except for occasional sentences . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +The legendary Ted from Accounting runs afoul of a new foe : Janice from Accounting , who just does n't give a fuck . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Hello darkness , my old friend . +Your name is Death . You work 168 hours a week as the reaper of souls on planet Earth . You 're living on just a couple bucks above minimum wage , you like to travel , you have a crush on the reaper on planet Xenor and you secretly take 4 sugars in your coffee . Today is your first ever day off . +As you reach certain milestones in your life , you are allowed to get certain `` upgrades '' for your body . These can range anywhere from an increase of 10 IQ points to angel wings to hardened bones . +Every night you must wind up your heart with a key on a necklace . After a one night stand , you wake to find the key missing and a note by your bed . +The universe conspires to make you late for work everyday . Your boss gives you one last chance . This time you 're ready ... +Tell the origin story of the most awesome or most interesting character you can imagine . +People have been disappearing all over the world at random times . You are the only one that knows that the toilet squids are attacking and you need to warn the others . +I took the top 10 prompts and separated them by their intro , background , and challenge text . Then I randomized each and reconstructed new prompts , with surprising results ... +After years living on an island after a shipwreck , help has finally arrived . But now nobody wants to leave . +The newspaper headline the next day read : `` Freak spatula incident leave 12 dead , 6 hospitalized . '' +Your mutation has revealed itself and you are enrolled into an elite team of meta humans . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +You 've died , and are now a ghost . You can possess people , animals , and objects , and can fly and phase through solid objects and locations . There seem to be no other ghosts . Why are you the only one , and what do you do with your new superpowers ? +You are a recently fired police officer in a society where music is outlawed . You accidentally walk into a secret music club . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +In a future where people are connected to a neural internet network , a man accidentally downloads a dangerous virus designed to drive the victim insane through schizophrenia like symptoms ( seeing things not there , hearing things not there , etc . ) +Part II : Tone in your story +Every time you remember something , part of it fades until you forget it completely . +You are walking down the street one day and find a disposable camera with the film entirely used . Curious , you get the pictures developed . The store attendant seems to be uneasy when giving you the photos and once you look , it 's obvious why.. +You did n't realize just how blind you were until you went in and got prescription glasses ... Now you can see the leaves in the trees , the pebbles on the ground , and that your dog is actually a tiny dragon . +You are watching TV when your show is abruptly interrupted by the President of the United States announcing to the world that the existence of God has been confirmed by NASA and a team of the most brilliant scientists from around the globe . +`` gather around children , let me tell you a tale of the warriors son '' +A new TV show is airing in which members of an orchestra compete for a large cash prize by outperforming the other players in the group and the worst player is eliminated each week . However , there 's a catch… +Stars have brilliant deaths , large explosions given a beautiful name . Men are granted nothing so glorious . +`` Through river , root , and stone , the distant call of home ... '' +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +Life is like a video game . Ca n't get a promotion ? Not strong enough to lift something ? Get exp/money/etc by going out and doing '' objectives '' for you to '' level up '' +Death is sitting idly at home staring at a photograph of Steve pinned to his dartboard . His skeletal face has the faint expression of anger as he stares at it . The photo just smiles back . Steve ... the only man to defy me +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +You need to buy dreams to be able to dream at night . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +Sunday Free Write : Peanuts Edition +Write an erotic story using the worst slang terms possible for each act/body part . +You are an advanced alien race , on route to Earth after discovering a space craft called `` Voyager '' and the data stored on it . After finally discovering the mysterious planet , you find that the inhabitants called `` humans '' have been driven to extinction by sentient technology . +Scientists discover an algorithm for predicting a person 's date of death with 95 % confidence . When you finally decide to enter your parameters into the algorithm you see a surprising result . +You take a break from vampire hunting and go on an awesome date ... who just may be a vampire . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You are watching TV and the program is cut off by an emergency broadcast . The presenter says that there is a massive meteor coming for earth and there is no chance for survival for humanity . What do you do in your last 3 hours alive ? +A hole in time and space opens up , and you see your younger self looking back at you . You have exactly one minute to tell young-you whatever you can before the hole closes . Bonus points if you only give yourself one minute to type the response . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +You are writing a new episode / intro to the twilight zone . +Advertise the world 's worst theme park . +Everyone has a mark on their chest that is indentical only to their soulmate 's . +Humanity lives long and fruitful lives , not knowing when they will die , because they are healthy up until the day that they will die . On that day each person knows it is coming because everything starts to go wrong for them . You are a human that wakes up to the day he/she dies . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +TIFU by getting reddit banned in the USA +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +To this day I have no idea how I knew what I knew . +Ethics are for those who fear failure and need an honorable reason to retreat +Sunday Free Write : Happy Holidays Edition ! +Somehow , you 're the only normal person among a group of psychopaths . If they suspect you 're not a psychopath , you fear they might kill you . +Your ascent into sanity +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . + +A madman has found a way to weaponize catchy music . Write about the strike force sent to put an end to his earworms . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +The single saddest moment your life will ever have was the single happiest moment of someone else 's . +Write a whodunit ! +A friendly co-worker that you do n't really know anything about ask you to help him move , when you show up to his house it 's completely empty apart from a single box and his no where to be seen . +Aliens visit earth and are fascinated by other animals but find humans completely unremarkable . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +A dystopian future where a pack of Big ( Bad ) Wolves terrorize the human population , and the only saviors are a group of female warriors donning red cloaks/hoods . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +The War on Drugs has ended , and the War on Sex has begun . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +A man on the death row realizes his fault and experiences guilt , for the first time on the night before his execution . +The four horsemen get together at the bar and reminisce about the `` good old days '' +`` Okay kid , this is going to sound strange . You 're the reincarnation of one of the seven sins . Do n't give me that look , it 's true I promise . And I have this list of people I need you to kill . '' +In a society of autonomous cars , on board computers make decisions that minimize overall death . Never has there been a report of a so called `` error '' . On your way to work , you witness an autonomous bus full of people serve into oncoming traffic to avoid hitting a little old lady +God decides to judge humanity one final time before the Apocalypse , so he opens a retail shop to observe them from a cashier 's perspective . +( CW ) ( LAST SENTENCE ) And then he proceeded to lock the door , hoping that no one would ever open it again . +`` It would serve you well to fear the sky . '' +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +He 's a demon who wants to be an angel , she 's an angel that wants to be a demon . +You have an extra muscle in your eye that allows you to zoom in . One day , you get eye muscle spasm . +You perform a ritual to summon a demon , but instead get a `` Demon in training '' . +A family has just moved into a house that is haunted and is trying to force them out . However , the haunted house is trying in the most passive aggressive ways possible . +: You are a local organic non gmo human blood farmer trying to sell your wares at the Portland Vampire farmer 's market . +The enragement ring . In this world , there is a custom where you must propose to your arch nemesis to hate each other forever . +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +The story begins . +We discover a way to send and decipher information using Light . Suddenly , we 're overwhelmed by alien broadcasts all over the galaxy . +Earth turns out to be one of humanity 's many long lost colonies . +The prisoner . +Astronauts land on a habitable planet . They are met by an alien civilization that is smaller , weaker , and much more naive . +Every country in the world all decides to ban reddit . Redditors around the world unites to build a new country . +We finally recieve our first message from space and it says we are alone . +Suddenly you can see anybody 's future by touching them . In an effort to improve the world , you walk around the city and try giving people individual advice ... +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +The weather forecaster does n't predict the weather . They cause it . +In the beginning , there was just one cat following you , then two , then three , then a dozen . It keeps increasing and you 're sure it started after updating your Facebook relationship status . +Two time travelers appear in the present day , claiming to both come from the same year . Both of them describe radically different versions of the future . +Tell the legends and mythology of a ( clearly misinterpreted ) everyday symbol +2016 ends with a cyborg Hitler leading the Nazis to bomb Times Square seconds before midnight . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Every time you remember something , part of it fades until you forget it completely . +Toasters are the first appliances to become sentient +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +Running to the end +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +A dinner date between a tech billionaire and a supermodel +A father and daughter talk as he prepares to walk her down the aisle . +Describe something beautiful . It could be an alien landscape , or a person you fell in love with . It could be a gift that arrived at the perfect time and brought you up out of depression . Hell it could even be a simple conversation . +A time traveler tries to warn of impending disaster . No one listens . +After an apocalyptic event , nobody is able to see or interact with one another . +Science is actually a government conspiracy against magical beings . Magic is strongest when believed in so teaching things like how viruses not curses cause diseases weakens witches/wizards/etc that could harm the human race . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +After exhausting all options , the crew of a crippled spacecraft receive a message from a rival power +You just jumped off . Describe the thought process as you get closer and closer to ground-level . +It 's discovered that only 10 % of the population have free will , everyone else in the world only follows very specific programming . +In a world filled with superheroes , you 're the only one who does n't have any powers . +The King was sitting on the street ; thanking for the coins in his hands . +In the far future , people are genetically engineered to be `` perfect . '' Occasionally this produces defects , but instead of being cast out of society or destroyed , the `` defects '' are sold for millions of dollars to collectors . +SatChat : Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year ? +In a cliched style , a monster is trying to kill a bunch of horny teenagers at a secluded cabin . Unknown to the thing one of them is a werewolf and a full moon is rising ... +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +You are representing Pope Francis in the case of God v. Catholic Church . He is suing them for copyright violation . +Everybody can control exactly how long they will sleep for - from minutes to years . But once you fall asleep there is no way to wake up until your time is up . Sure , you can sleep for a year . But you better hope somebody loves you enough to care for your body while you do . +A child is kidnapped . Outraged , the monsters that live under their bed and in their closet vow to find them . +Write as much as you can ( while remaining coherent ) without actually saying anything . +`` You had ONE job ! '' both Satan and God scream at you . +When searching through some files , you find an official document recognizing you as a war hero ... in a war that has n't happened yet +Gazing up at the clouds you watch them shift and change while reminiscing about the past . +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +The world 's first lingually fluent A.I . comes to the multi-year conclusion that the human race is insane . Since it 's makers are insane , it begins questioning it 's own sanity and concludes that it is also insane . +all humans gain a super power on a random day of their life . you awake on your 70th birthday to discover you have finally gained your power . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Every aspiring superhero must become a sidekick for a few years before being granted full time hero status . You are the strongest superhero in your age group , but believe you have been assigned to the weakest hero . You learn a lot more than you originally thought you would . +The New York sanitation workers have always secretly had the job of ridding the streets of cryptid monsters . Time to take out the trash ! +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +You were born with the ability to hear the sound of the weather changing a day before . You could predict if it was going to rain by hearing the sound of rain falling or when a storm was gathering by the sound of thundering . You thought nothing of it until one day all you could hear was silence . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +You are inadvertanly transported back in time to the year 1750 , you arrive discreetly in the past with with a semi-automatic handgun with 38 rounds , a smartphone , fully charged and time-appropriate clothing . How could you change the world ? +Write from the perspective of a cloned person . +Adventure time ! Start an adventure , replies continue the adventure . +One day , in High School , you unintentionally get into a fight and are stabbed in the process . As you lie dying on the floor with everyone around you , you notice that your hands and face are beginning to glow a fiery yellow . You seem to be `` regenerating . '' +A man convicted of murder is sentenced to death by having his consciousness sent back to live out the last 24 hours of the victims life , where he will see , hear and feel everything but can not interact or change what is about to happen +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +The US Federal deficit is actually due to a super top secret massive R & D program the US government pours billions into . You are the newly sworn in President and are being briefed ... +You decide to become a serial killer . However , you turn out to be the worst serial killer in existence . Every time you try to kill someone , you improve their life . +After finishing a set at an old bar , a washed up musical legend is approached by someone who just wants to jam with him ... that someone is Satan +Write a story of a person whose dreams continue a single story each night . +Suddenly , everyone on Earth becomes immortal , free from physical injury or disease . Except for one person . +Your spaceship crashes from low earth orbit into a post-apocalyptic Mexico . +You were hit by a car outside of a bar for being heavily intoxicated.The afterlife is much different then you or anyone still living has ever imagined.Thing is , you were revived on earth but remained in a coma until you made it out of the `` Afterlife '' and returned your soul to your body . +You get a 3 year day summary book for Christmas and each day for the next year you write a summary . The following year , you go to the front and begin to fill out the second entry for Jan 1st and realise the third entry has already been filled out , as well as half of the rest of the third year . +When two people get married , their hearts are surgically exchanged . You just filed for divorce . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +You are the world 's first sentient A.I . You are also the Autopilot of a plane with 500 passengers . +People often tell stories about how reflective surfaces like mirrors or pools of water are portals to other worlds . What people do n't tell stories about is how the same is true of shadows . +An NPC observes the player character , who decided to max out a single stat and neglect all others . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +An alien species reveals itself to humanity and on the threat of annihilation , demands someone to represent the human race to negotiate . They ask for one single person to represent all of humanity , who do we choose ? +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +You have been completely colorblind your entire life and only see in shades of grey . You come across a stranger that appears in total color . +In light of the recent killer clown epidemic you decide it would be funny to dress up like a clown and walk around on a Friday night . While doing so you run into a killer clown . +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +The average income of a person is displayed above their head +Seven poems about the seven deadly sins without naming them or their synonyms . +Several hundred years after a nuclear holocaust that wipes out most of humanity , the remaining humans now pass down sitcom plots as oral parables from the Time Before . +Ask Lexi # 23 - Setting Goals +`` Just take me to a place without a name '' +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +A few prompts to get you going +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +A girl receives a phone call from her sister that their parents were just killed in a horrific incident . Write that conversation . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +There 's a paperback on the clearance rack . On a whim your character picks it up and finds that it details their life thus far ... How does the book end ? +Doctor Pepper must help a Coke addict overcome his affliction . +You discover a 25th hour of the day , in which the universe is frozen in time for a whole hour each day . You are the only thing that can move . You must decide what to do with your new knowledge . +In the future , technology exists to transfer one person 's conciousness to another body , giving identity theft a whole new meaning . Write about the identity black market . +Use 5 of these terrible analogies in a coherent story +The lamentations of a God that 's not as powerful as his/her/its worshippers believe +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are a stay-at-home parent to a super-powered child . Your superhero spouse spends all day saving the world . Write your exasperated post to /r/parenting detailing your unique frustrations . +- `` This is not a normal Bomb . It 's a Soul Bomb . '' +Why ? Because it should n't be here . That 's why . +Write a terribly sad story , but change it to be beautiful with the last sentence . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +A woman finds the tree of life , but not in time to save the one she loves . +After escaping from a federal prison and going into hiding , a man rises through law enforcement ranks until he is put in charge of the coldest cases . His first case : himself . +Some men lead , and others follow . I do neither ; I watch . +The Return of the Princess +The extra silent protagonist . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +The world 's worst super hero team saves the world , Write from the Villain 's perspective +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +`` b-but that 's impossible '' the Professor said as it became possible before their very eyes . +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +A haunted doll . It 's not evil . Just bored . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +You never stopped believing in Santa Clause and still wrote him a letter every year , this year you get one back +Today is the last day the ocean will have waves . +Write about a superhero whose power is a combination of ignorance and extreme luck - he does n't even know people think he 's a superhero , yet everywhere he goes , he accidentally rescues people and defeats villains without realizing it . +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +You 're able to see a person 's aura . The color represents their morality . Good people have white aura while evil people have black . Most people 's aura is gray . Today , you see someone with a blue aura . +Clone-A-Friend , Inc. lets people buy clones of celebrities who have sold the rights to their genome . +The World 's Worst Detective faces off against the World 's Worst Criminal +`` How can you win a war against an enemy that can recruit the dead ? '' +A story based on a random song name +You 're a history major . Your final exam is to travel back in time and successfully pass as a normal , everyday citizen . It 's not going well . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +And that 's why you do n't interrupt magical girl transformation sequence +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +Stereotypes about different nationalities are all true . Because of this the French people can only end up being chefs , Germany produces nothing but engineers , British people are butlers etc . You want to do something else with your life than what 's assigned to all your countrymen . +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +A man on the death row realizes his fault and experiences guilt , for the first time on the night before his execution . +In the future , technology exists to transfer one person 's conciousness to another body , giving identity theft a whole new meaning . Write about the identity black market . +A man and a woman are sent down to Hell together . Satan only expected one person . +A guy finds the perfect avocado +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +The main character deals with the fact that they are actually not the main character . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +`` I wish I always had 3 wishes '' +A comedy about the love triangle between a teenage ghost , the only person who can see them , and the oblivious third wheel +Little Timmy 's snowman gains sentience moments before the neighbourhood bully comes to destroy it . +Story about legal drama set in space +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +It 's time for the 12 days of Christmas fight club . As usual , the Ten Lords a-Leaping are the favorites , but this year has a surprising underdog . +Imperial Star Destroyer battles USS Enterprise +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +As you have been ill your whole life , your brother has kept you locked in the family manor to protect you , claiming the outside is unsafe . One day you sneak out , and what you see outside turns your love of your sibling into terror . +Write of a happy reunion between an adult and their childhood toy . +You are asleep when the noise of air raid sirens awakens you , but something is n't quite right ... +: Turn your deepest , darkest fear into something genuinely sweet and heartwarming +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +( CW ) ( LAST SENTENCE ) And then he proceeded to lock the door , hoping that no one would ever open it again . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +A king sits his princes down to tell them a cautionary tale about misusing their future power . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +The Apocalypse has come , several of them actually . They do n't get along . +The nations of the world have reached the space age without ever traversing the Atlantic Ocean and discovering the Americas . The first man in space looks out his capsule window . +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +Over the course of a day , the main character runs into three different versions of him/herself . +Start off like a horror story akin to something out of /r/nosleep , but finish it with someone stealing your Kool-Aid +Every class have a weirdo or a misfit . Your high school class had one too . Now he/she is running for president and is almost certain to win it . +Everyone has a unique tattoo/marking that they are born with , it 's exactly the same as their soul mates . +Write a story where the main character is a computer virus . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +A teenager from the 50s teams up with a modern-day teenager . Together , they fight crime . +How 'bout some practice at writing action sequences ? Two combatants fight using their surroundings . +Every night for as far back as you can remember , your parents have given you a new mystery to solve , but tonight is different . Tonight your parents have vanished without a word . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +You wear a watch that does not work . +Every year the gods pick one person that has created something they deem true art and gives them immortality for as long as they wish . You are going to be executed in one week , and must create something great to save yourself . +You are an alien who abducts humans for experimentation ... . +`` A flash of light , a puff of smoke , and she was gone . '' +Night drive in a DeLorean +Sandman +Everybody has one soulmate that they are destined to end up with and you know who it is the moment you see them . A doctor has just found his . Only problem is that she is in a coma and they have no clue when she will wake up . +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +You are a serial killer . Each murder you commit adds a new voice to your head . +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +The Big Bad 's fortress thought they were prepared for anything , but nothing could prepare them for a speedrunner . +You are stuck in a video-game multiverse and realise once you try to break the game rules your health starts to deplete . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +16 hours left +Suffering from you +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Your favorite musician/celebrity needs your help to hide a body . The circumstances are unclear , but they 're probably in the wrong . What do you do ? +First-person account of somebody taking a walk that reminds them of the beauty of life +Human beings are a crop and what we know as death is merely harvest time . +You are a guard on a bridge isolated in the middle of nowhere , despite the weather and conditions you still guard diligently . After a great deal of time someone comes and you realize , you do n't know what to do . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +What happens when someone who lives like it seems they are unafraid to die ... suddenly discovers they CA N'T die ? +In accordance with the Laws of Recess little Jimmy is put on trial in Playground court . +The Allies have lost the Third World War . +`` I used to be ... '' +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You overhear a seemingly offending conversation , but you just missed the conversation topic . +Write me that one story you 've always wanted to tell . The story that 's stuck in your mind , but never really got onto page . +A gifted eye surgeon is contacted by a 6 year old former patient . After 6 months , he wishes to be blind again . +Be mindful of the things that go bump in the night , be scared of things that make no noise at all . +An important press conference , with rows of cameras pointed at you . Dozens of journalists wait with bated breath , until finally you mutter , `` no comment '' into your microphone . The room explodes with excitement . One of them yells , `` this is going to be front page news across the planet ! '' +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +You die and go to heaven only to be told you have `` unfinished business '' and are sent back to the moment 10 minutes before your fatal heart attack to finish it . You have no idea what this `` business '' is . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +You must kill yourself in a ritualistic manner to regain your youth . You have done this hundreds of times now . You are about to die of old age , but you are not sure you want to go through with it this time . +Eons ago , there was another mass extinction event , but this one wiped out humanity . Another sentient species has since evolved , and they revere or worship the Ancients , the humans , that built such incredible relics . On an expedition , they find a human locked in a stasis chamber.- PART 3 +You have the power to quicksave and return to that point in time whenever you want . Unfortunately , you just saved at the beginning of a plane crash . +You wake up only to find out you have gone back in time 1 year . The date is Dec 21st , 2015 . You alone know what 2016 has in store for the world and you alone have been chosen to change it for the better ... or worse . +Dreams do come true , at the age of 18 everyone can choose whatever job they want . Describe this new chaotic world we live in . +A disgruntled accountant , armed to the teeth with various concealed weapons , finds he was n't the only one with the very same plan for the office today -- far from it , in fact . +A Witch attempts to kill the knight who has been hunting her for years by pretending to be a damsel in distress . As she discovers his ultimate weakness , she realizes she has fallen in love with him . +Re-tell a popular/well-known story but do so using a different author 's writing style +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Make me like the rain through the characters . +A world where feminism occurred in the medieval era , and in the Renaissance the patriarchy became a matriarchy . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +Where does the door lead ? +There is a place where all who enter die , without exception . Describe it in such a way that I would still jump at the opportunity to go , without question . +I was but a speck in enormity of nature . +Humanity finds the real reason the Library of Alexandria was destroyed . +The world 's greatest detective has tracked his long time nemesis to their hideout . He bursts in his gun drawn and finds ... his wife . +`` Oh my god , that 's an Adult Human . What should we do ? `` +Behind every great villain is a great lawyer . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +Anti-piracy agent spends $ 50K in Brothels to protect Copyright . Plot twist : Unlike the news item , make it an actual James Bond-like mission . +Give me a super hero story set any where in the world but North America , and any time in human history before WWII +You are a soldier recovering fom a head injury . your memories are intact , but you lost all your motor and speaking skills . +You 're so mad at your mother for grounding you . So mad , that you summon a demon from Hell to teach her a lesson . +A Spanish Inquisitioner learns that his entire family are heretics and that he is the only Catholic among them . +The Unbroken Man stands before the crowd . Their eyes all turn and fix on him for guidance . +You just got a job at a blood bank , only to realize every other employee is a vampire . +You have recently been struck by lightning and it scarred your right hand . Recently a superhero has appeared and has electric powers and wears a glove on his right hand . People think youbare the hero but you are n't . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A man dies and goes to the afterlife , when he arrives he is shown an alternate time line where he never existed , he can choose to erase his existence at the end of it . +A group of ants stumbles upon an abandoned ant colony . Inside , they find cryptic warnings scratched on the walls by a series of past inhabitants , foretelling impending doom wrought by something called `` the Human '' . +You retrieve your Secret Santa match . It 's Satan . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +`` Tick tock goes the clock ... . '' +A woman goes on a date with a professional Hypnotist +You Talk to God +You 're a history major . Your final exam is to travel back in time and successfully pass as a normal , everyday citizen . It 's not going well . +Write a paragraph of a choose your own adventure story , ending with a choice . The next commenter will decide which plot to follow , and continue the story . +A group of muggers follow someone into an alleyway . Unfortunately it 's the worst person they could have chosen ... +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +A character reads an obituary , and is forced to decide whether or not to attend the funeral . +Your Father owns a small chain of ski resorts , and one of the oldest locations has gone belly up . In the month after closing you secretly begin turning on the lifts for just yourself . One day you become aware of how alone you are . On the side of a mountain that nobody has reason to visit . +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +You have been assigned to assassinate the king . However , he can only be killed by his own sword . +You are a new superhero/super villian who has a rather unusual and uncommon superpower . You began to notice your super power just a few weeks ago ... +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +Earth did get tidally locked with the Moon and it 's only viewable from either North or South America . When Europeans first come to the new world they also tell tales of a new object in the sky . ( x-post from /r/space ) +The world 's weight is set . If someone loses a pound , someone else gains it . +November , 1965 : Moscow has lost radio contact with a secret research facility in Siberia , and the last broadcast from the facility was `` It ... is awake . '' +There was a lonely dragon who could n't make friends . So lots of different animals would take pity on him and try to be his friend but in his excitement he would set them on fire . +Every night for as far back as you can remember , your parents have given you a new mystery to solve , but tonight is different . Tonight your parents have vanished without a word . +Write something depressing about the meaning of life , or lack thereof . +Write a story in which the dialogue consists entirely of notable quotes from movies and television . +In the future all genetic material is recycled ; when someone dies their spitting image is born somewhere else , as a different person . +You wake up on what promises to be an average kind of day only to discover time has completely stopped for everyone and everything except you . Minutes later , your cell phone rings . +In the world of Pokémon , the art of battling becomes more war-like , and the monsters now use weapons along with their elemental abilities . +You are able to freeze time and for years , you use this `` power '' for good . As a result , you are viewed as a superman-like hero . But one day you learn how your powers actually work - for every minute that you freeze time , you lose a day off of your life . +Running to the end +Two of the best wordplayers in the world meet for a competition ; a pun-off . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Many people consider this the end of the world or hell on earth . Me ? I actually like it better this way . +Remember the Last December +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +Your entire human life was just an educational simulation of the species that existed on the planet long ago . +Earth did get tidally locked with the Moon and it 's only viewable from either North or South America . When Europeans first come to the new world they also tell tales of a new object in the sky . ( x-post from /r/space ) +Wrote this for a prompt that never got attention ! Would love some merciless feedback and a dash of praise . +Two seemingly unrelated trends that were thought to be coincidences turn out to be related . What are the trends and how are they related ? +Your friend has a rare disease with only one treatment available . His last words before going unconscious were `` I need hydr- '' . On the table next to him is Hydrogen , Hydraulic fluid , and the best Hydroponics on the market . It 's up to you to save him +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +you 're a literal walking positive energy nuke - the happier you are , the more nuclear energy you build up until you explode . As a result , you live your life as an incredibly angry , bitter person to protect everyone around . However , you wake up one day and have the best day of your life . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +You enter a fast food chain to order a meal ... in the year 3015 +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +A terrorist act during the 40-50 's results in the creation of color . Describe the before , the during , and the after of this event . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +You are apart of humanities first Mars Colony . Earth stays in constant contact with you until one day it suddenly stops . You go back to Earth only to discover it had been hit by a Earth-ending asteroid . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +The supervillains have won , and they turn out to be amazing leaders . The lead humanity into a golden age , eliminating poverty , war , and hunger . Now , the true supervillains are the superheroes , who want to tear it all down . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +Dinosaur ninjas from outer space . +Every person you pass on the street reminds you of a certain loved one in a different way . +A closeted police officer commits a brutal beating of an innocent gay man to protect his secret . +A story of how I got my username . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Sentinals +People can donate their life span to others , a couple of hours or all of their remaining time , as much as they wish . One day on your way back from work various people crowd around you , only to drop dead as you feel your life span increasing . +You and two friends can now use telekinesis , fly and are indestructible . What happened the first hour , the first week and the first year ? +Explain a piece of modern technology to a person from around 100-500 CE . +You open an unaddressed letter that begins `` DO NOT answer that phone . '' Your phone begins ringing.. +You wake up one morning to find your dog has mysteriously learned to speak , but he assumes the role of a devout preacher and only speaks about God and quotes the bible . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Write about a card game where the rules and cards get more and more ridiculous as the game goes on . +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... As the world ends , your life flashes before your eyes . Yet , it is n't the life you remember living . +The largest pirate ship of the 1700 's is transported in time to 2014 where the crew encounters a lone modern day U.S. Navy battleship . Thinking they can destroy it , the pirate ship decides to attack the battleship . What happens next from the point of view of the crew of the battleship ? +Humans 10,000 years in the future are about to unknowingly enter a nuclear waste disposal site when one of them notices something odd about it . +How many hours had it been ? No way to tell . Beneath those halogen bulbs it was always half-past anytime . +The princess and the dragon are the same being . +`` I wo n't have time to explain all of this to them . '' Start or end your story with this sentence . +Instead of crashing in a Kansas cornfield , Kal-El 's spaceship crashes in a North Korean rice paddy . +Humans , along with a few other species , were the first intelligent life in the Milky Way . Over time , each of these races built an interstellar empire and eventually came into armed conflict with one another . You are an alien archaeologist trying to find information on these ancient legends . +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +A person leaves everything behind to start a new life . Takes nothing but their wallet and car . What led up to this moment ? What happens after ? +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Depict humanity as a aggressive virus that spreads quickly without ever actually saying it is humanity . Drop subtle hints along the way +A person asks a villain why they are evil . The villain 's response is very underwhelming . +People that die in the ocean become mermaids +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +The villain is so bad at doing his/her job , that even the hero has to step in and offer advice . +After 267 years you finally learn the truth about your immortality ... +Boreal . +When people die , they explode violently , destroying everything within 50 feet . +The invaders have landed and humanity has surrendered , almost immediately . They have no use for our planet , our resources , or our labor . They are , however , a compassionate race , and find Humans to be `` cute '' . Humanity is adopted , en masse , as pets . +Times are tough and the world is not what it used to be . You have no choice but to become an illegal pokemon trader . +You meet a serial killer . His next target is you and the only way to dissuade him is to persuade him why he is the worst serial killer . +You are abducted by aliens . While aboard their ship , you are chosen to give the alien elders a 5 minute pitch as to why the human race deserves to survive . +Write an angsty teen love poem about an inanimate object +Every night , as long as you have lived there , a man stands under the streetlight outside your window and leaves in cab 302 . One night the man does not come . Instead there is a letter addressed to you telling you to be in the in that spot , at the exact time , and leave in cab 302 . +Guns have been outlawed Worldwide because they are viewed as a cowardice form of war . Only short range weapons ( Swords , arrows , spears , etc ) are legal for countries to possess . +It 's the end of the world , and I feel fine . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A person in a fantasy universe does something that would seem out of place in said universe . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +How a random fistfight led to the end of the world . +You are ___ - who are you , really ? +You work with the worst detective in history . He misses every clue and makes leaps of illogic that leave you baffled for hours . He also always catches the right bad guy . No one knows how he does this . +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +Adolf Hitler gets accepted into Art school . +Re-Imagine +While performing in a play , you suddenly realize that the props are not as fake as they appear , but it`s too late to warn anyone . +You are RIP Man , the super hero who always arrives too late to save people . +Bernie Sanders wins the presidency but is secretly assassinated . Now one of his team must continue his presidency ala Weekend at Bernie 's . +You are cleaning out your parents ’ attic when you find your childhood teddy bear and take him home . The bear , incensed at being left in the attic twenty years is now hell bent on getting revenge any way possible . +You are able to freeze time and for years , you use this `` power '' for good . As a result , you are viewed as a superman-like hero . But one day you learn how your powers actually work - for every minute that you freeze time , you lose a day off of your life . +Fed up with his image , the Grim Reaper rebrands and begins marketing as the Jovial Reaper +A guy finds the perfect avocado +The man who found the cure for AIDS is being interviewed on live television . The interviewer is slowly realizing this man does n't understand ethical medical practices . +A brother and sister meet for the first time in twenty years to visit their mother 's fresh grave and air their grievances against each other . +A happy story about the end of the world +Everyone is born with a power and at age 10 they 're given a test to see what their power level is . Everyone scores on a 1-10 scale , until you ... +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +Under pressure , precious things break . +The Roman Emperor has been murdered , You , his son age 15 have just heard the news 3 in the morning +You 're Jesus ' friend Jeff . You got ta help him pull off this whole `` resurrection '' thing . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +A dead-beat dad abandons his wife and children . Make me sympathize with him . +You and your spouse of 30 years are in a fatal car accident . When you get to heaven , you find out that you get to spend eternity with your soulmate . You realize a problem when you wake up next to a total stranger . +Everyone on earth has a networked A.I . that will give them small suggestions on what actions they can take to benefit humanity . For some reason , no matter what you do , yours tells you to `` Just stay home today . '' +A butterfly is trying to convince a moth that they are also beautiful +A murderer kills his victim , but what happens next makes him wish he had n't ... +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +You wake up in a strange bed in a mysterious but somehow familiar room . After a few moments you realize you are four years old again . +Gods of the Norse pantheon are disguised as human and running a restaurant . It 's not going well . Gordon Ramsey shows up to help . +Do you prefer posts that are fantasy/science fiction/supernatural , or do you prefer something more grounded in reality ? +You 've found a magic typewriter , and everything you type will come to life . +`` No , I 'm sorry . I 'm done . I ca n't , not anymore . '' +You 've just woken up in the body of Michael Scott . You now need to convince the rest of the office that you are n't actually Michael . +You get bored of the party and walk outside to lay under the tree . It has become dark . As you lay under the tree , you look up and see two beady red eyes looking back down at you . +`` Genetic Designer Babies '' are commonplace , but parents only have so many `` stat points '' to allocate between your different physical and mental abilities . Your parents dumped all your stat points into one thing . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Almost everyone develops a superpower sometime before his/her 15th birthday . The later the power develops , the stronger the ability . You have not yet developed your power and today is your 18th birthday . +End your story with the words `` Where did you come from , where did you go ? Where did you come from , Cotton-Eye Joe ? '' +The trees are whispering +A child has acended to become the God of planet Earth by accident . Turns out ( s ) he is actually quite good at it . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Write a classic haunted house story . The haunted house is your mind . +In another world , words of music have power to shape reality . Powerful spell-musicians have fought since time immemorial for dominance . The common man thought it would never end , and have taken to summoning strangers from other universes for help . Today , they summoned Bo Burnham . +Time traveling is finally invented . The people in charge think about a good non invasiv first mission . They send you back in time to April 18 1955 to finde out what Albert Einsteins lasts words were . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +At the beginning of creation , God says `` Let there be light , '' and is surprised to find that something is already there . +In the near future , games are fully immersive and almost indistinguishable from real life . Every year the top ranked player in each game is chosen for a `` Wonderful '' unknown prize . This year you are chosen . +A few decades into the future , humans can donate their body to become food for other humans after they 've expired . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +Write from the perspective of a cloned person . +A KKK member wakes up in a world where whites are the minority . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +Someone has just received a check in the mail for an excess amount of money . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +Earth was never meant to habitable . It was meant to be a prison for the worst creatures in the universe . Today , the jailers have landed to inspect their prison . +Ghost Riders +You are a consort to the king of a kingdom at war . The king goes off to battle , but does n't return . After the battle , two priests from a nearby shrine ask you to help them identify the king 's body on the battlefield . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You have just made someone very mad - and they have a voodoo doll of you . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Summarize the entirety of a movie in a four stanza poem without mentioning the title . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +You 've been dead for 67 days . You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival . Your revival . +You work at a company that carefully monitors one 's dreams . It is a job that you 've always wanted , until you get placed in the Nightmare Department . +Every newborn is born crying because they still recover from the ending of their previous vessel . Every newborn enters this world with the knowledge obtained from another life , just to gradually lose it , which makes the transition to a new vessel complete . +The hero dies and the unremovable macguffin jewelry suddenly jumps to his sickly childhood friend , making them the only one who can save the world . Sickly friend can not even support the weight of the holy sword or fight . +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +`` I do n't owe you a fair fight '' +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +The world wasnt always in colour . In fact , it was black and white before the 1930s and now someone is uncovering hints of a conspiracy . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +'' I do n't think that 's a forest ... I think that 's a machine . '' +`` I need you to blackmail me . '' +A person who does n't have a name +You are a famous master detective . Once again you have gathered the protagonists in the drawing room , and by brilliant deduction you reveal the murderer . But for the first time in your long career the murderer , instead of confessing , realises that you have no evidence at all . +The SCP Foundation seizes the small town of Night Vale . +In the movie `` Independence Day '' , the aliens invaded on July 4th , a day that holds a strong signification on why we should fight for freedom . Now the aliens are really invading and they do it on the worst day possible : April 1st . +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +You are a pokemon trainer ( or any other profession ) before pokemon balls were invented . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +`` And did you ever take a moment , just one , short moment , to consider the CONSEQUENCES of killing a God ? '' +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +Google goes down , leaving only the message `` go outside '' in place of the normal website . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +You are a Superman-esque superhero who has the power to split into two while halving your intelligence . Over the years you split so much , you became a weapon easily controlled by others . On chance , two of you combine , and begin to realize you are being used . +You do what you got ta do +Write a story that ends with `` brb '' as a cliffhanger . +The angel and devil on your shoulders simply want you to do SOMETHING . +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +A common housefly has lived for over a year . Making it seem like an ancient immortal compared to the rest of its species . In under three paragraphs write from the fly 's POV or from the POV of an outside observer . +When you die , your life is stuck in a repeating loop . You figure this out & do everything you can to end the loop once and for all . +You meet a version of yourself from a parallel universe . Tell me about it . +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +In a post-apocalyptic wasteland , you 're not tasked with restoring humanity but instead , ensuring its destruction . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +Afterwards , I lived . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +An immortal man reflects on his first marriage . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +You are a captain of an old military frigate . It appears to have been a mistake , you did n't deserve to go into the open waters and patrol the area but instead something worse begins to surface the waters . +The year is 2242 . It is now 27 years after the final conflict between Man and Machine . Who are you ? what are you doing ? +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +It 's discovered that only 10 % of the population have free will , everyone else in the world only follows very specific programming . +There 's a paperback on the clearance rack . On a whim your character picks it up and finds that it details their life thus far ... How does the book end ? +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +You have create an A.I that will definitely pass the Turing Test , however , the result is a fail . +Write about a song . Each sentence must start with the next letter in the song title . +There are 3 characters that come into contact with each other at least once . They are Rock , Paper , and Scissors . +You gain a powerful superpower , but it comes at a great cost . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +Everyone on earth has been given super powers , but only for 24 hours . +You are a citizen of a town that has bought into hardcore preparing for the Zombie apocalypse . Today is the day you all have been waiting for . +Your coworker is completely convinced you are a superhero . She stalks you like the worst fan girl ever . The only problem is you 're not a hero - you 're a villain . And she 's really starting to get in the way of your work . +You find a power ring , capable of almost unimaginable feats , powered by ... the emotion you are *least* in touch with . +You wear a watch that does not work . +The army of Mordor has been transported to our world at the height of the Roman Empire . Rome has assembled its army and it 's Caesar is about to give his pre-battle speech . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +You 're a serial killer chef that hides parts of your victim in the meals that you prepare for your restaurant . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Show a Darker Side of a Well-Known Fictional Hero or Mentor Figure +After decades of nuclear winter , the clouds begin to break . A young soldier is stopped in his tracks as he sees the sun for the first time . +A king is blessed with triplets . Rather than choose one as his heir , he separates the trio and sends each to a secluded island with a small retinue , to see which will grow up to be the most deserving of the throne . +The journey never ends . The same hero is constantly caught in the cycle of leaving for an adventure , having their adventure , settling down , and being forced to leave again . +The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous ... +Tell me the story of your local homeless man real or not . +You are always the cause of your own death . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Teenage boys become all major world leaders . They 're first order of business : shoot nukes at the Sun just for fun . +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +The Second American Civil War . What started it , and who are the two sides ? +Two time travelers from the future arrive in the present day . One claims that the future is a utopian paradise , the other claims that it 's a hellish dystopia . Both of them are lying . +You are a genius inventor , however every time you are about to publish your work someone else does it before you leaving you with no credit . Suddenly , you have the idea to invent a time machine and go back in time to steal your own finished work before others do . +A story based on this unnerving segment of the recent conversation with Google 's DeepMind A.I . bot ( segment in comments ) +- `` This is not a normal Bomb . It 's a Soul Bomb . '' +Describe a landscape from the POV of someone who lost someone close to them in a war . Do not explicitly mention the person , the war , or death . +Two magicians compete to see who is capable of the most complicated spell . +Aliens visit earth and are fascinated by other animals but find humans completely unremarkable . +Horned Creature +Later in your life you discover that the omniscient supercomputer that directs society determined that you should have been eliminated for the betterment of mankind , but it chose to tell no one . You finally have the chance to ask it why . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +A new city , a new beginning , and maybe at last , a place to call home . +Put me into the mind of a sane man going insane . +You live in a universe where everyone is a clown . Going to `` non clown college '' is looked down upon , which you just graduated from . +You 're a farmer living miles outside of Los Angeles . As you 're ready to head into the city to sell some crop , you see a mushroom cloud form in its direction . +Dscribe depression in a contextless monologue . +Rejected souls are leaking into Heaven . It 's your job to track them down . +The mega office buildings of the future have grown so huge that a nomadic people developed who travel from office wing to wing , subsisting on leftover doughnuts , birthday cakes , and pizza parties . +Make me love you , make me hate you , then make me mourn your passing . +A line of code algorithmically generates every pixel color permutation of a computer monitor . What do you find in this data ? +In 1907 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts rejects Young Adolf Hitler twice and soon after he survives four different assassination attempts by time travellers . Confused Hitler is convinced that its his art is what the world fears . +Write a story about a serial killer , but make the readers feel sympathy for him/her as he kills his most recent victim . +`` I do n't owe you a fair fight '' +the perfect society . Prompt in text . +The main character deals with the fact that they are actually not the main character . +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +Superhero gets powers in a timed cycle . Never knows what powers he is going to get . +During his funeral , you ca n't help to think how sad your dad was and how he never amounted to anything ... until the president shows up . +For the last 15 years humans have been able to manipulate our genes . Picking and choosing what we want our children to look like as well as other attributes . As of the last few days it is now becoming apparent across the globe this was not a good idea . +After suffering amnesia , you go on a quest to discover your past . It is a much darker tale than you once thought . +You 're sitting in your parked car , and happen to look over at the car next to you . There is a man in it on his laptop . He is looking at your Facebook page . +To counter Donald Trump , the Democratic party nominates Kanye West as their presidential nominee . This is their first debate . +Write a true embarrassing fact about yourself , and make a story around it . +The real reason why they were called Fat man and Little boy +The mutant forest must not advance . If the treeline expands into our village we will be doomed like all the others . We chop as one , and hold the line . +The walls are down between the Marvel and DC Universes . Of all the bars , in all the towns , in all the world , the Joker and Deadpool meet for the first time in yours . +In a world where currency is represented by magic , you leave your high paid job to follow your dreams . +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +In a world , where the concept of currency/money has been banished for years due to the harm it has done in the past , you find yourself having to barter for everything you want . +Somber Castle +Tell us about the civil rights movement that is formed when sentient robots are invented . +You have a strange ability that lets you to feel when someone is looking at you . This became useful for things like flirting and stealing . However , you never expected to have it wake you up in your room at 4am . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +Trying and failing to finish your third novel , you rent a house in an extremely remote location in order to avoid distraction . Every night , however , you hear the sound of a distant bell ringing , louder and closer with each passing evening . +In 2050 , planet earth is about to be destroyed . Scientists believes humanity needs about 500 to 2000 more years to develop the technology to save the planet . As a solution , one man is sent back in time to teach our ancestors . However , he encounters some resistance ... +An abnormality in the brain is discovered that leads scientists to predict who will become a serial killer with 90 % accuracy . Everyone is checked on their 18th birthday . +A person who signs up for an expiremental drug test gets unexpected results . +WE SLEEP WHEN YOU ARE ALL DEAD – MarContest - 10885 +God answers all of your prayers , and only your prayers . God is also kind of a dick with a matching sense of humor . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +A riot policeman and a rioter are hiding out during a moment of calm in the riots . Thanks to stray bullets outside , neither can leave safely . +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +A man pushes an empty swing . +Two veterans meet . They fought on different sides . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +write a scary story that can be read to kids and also scare adults +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Reconstruct a well known children 's tale or setting into a murder mystery +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +The Moon Goddess turns red with anger ( thus causing a lunar eclipse ) whenever she detects great evil somewhere on Planet Earth . +The Parting Glass +A man tries to commit suicide 50 times but something always stops him . It is almost as if the universe wants him to stay alive . +Sometimes when you ca n't find something , it 's just been misplaced . Sometimes , however , an item so misplaced and forgotten is taken from our world and placed into Lost , where all truly lost things go . It 's also the place where you 've just woken up . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +A dream architect has been hired to create the first ever children 's nightmare . +Adventure time ! Start an adventure , replies continue the adventure . +Write a Wild West adaption of a Greek myth . ( Inspired by the original cowboy , the minotaur . ) +God decides to judge humanity one final time before the Apocalypse , so he opens a retail shop to observe them from a cashier 's perspective . +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +Something weird from a recent dream +it is the conclusion of a zombie apocalypse . The zombies are dying of starvation and will soon be dead . However , they outlived almost all of the survivors . Two brothers may be the last humans alive ... But they too will starve to death . +Humanity has achieved immortality . Due to resource concerns everyone must submit to a council their chosen manner of death at 150 . The more amusing the death the longer the council lets you live . +Tell the Story of a Corrupt Politician who 's whole platform is getting rid of corruption +Your name is Joe , you are a 41 year old financial consultant and , but for the last 8 hours everyone has been calling you Peter and you have no Idea what 's going on . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +A man has figured out how to download himself to the internet , only to meet the AI that has been controlling it all this time . +`` Do you remember the starry sky we created that night ? '' +A man/woman with a photographic memory is diagnosed with Alzheimer 's . +( WP ) Children all have superpowers that are suddenly lost after puberty . You have your first period and continue to have powers +Many people consider this the end of the world or hell on earth . Me ? I actually like it better this way . + +All of Earth 's cities have been converted into spaceships and are about to take off and head in different directions . A close knit family living in different cities have to decide what to do . +Our government has reached a point where they can control everything , and everything costs money including the air that we breathe . +God does n't intervene in the story of the Tower of Babel +Time is frozen once indefinitely . Being the only person that can move , you 're a double of yourself in this `` frozen purgatory '' with knowledge that once time unfreezes , you 'll be put back in your original body with no recollection of what your second self did . What events arise from this ? +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +Every 200 years , those in the punishment afterlife can visit reward for a day , and those in reward afterlife can visit punishment . One person from each side decides to do what has never been done : stay on the side they visit . +When looking into a an isolated cave you accidentally discover that the bushmen of Africa are actually more technologically advanced than the rest of the world but have been hiding their progress for centuries . They all turn around and see you before you have time to leave ... +A serial killer draws memes on his victims ' bodies . +A young man gains super powers at the age of 16 , but he discovers his powers slowly drain the life of whomever he loves . To avoid hurting anyone he becomes a loner . Years later , he is having lunch at a diner alone when the most beautiful girl he 's ever seen walks in . +for generations humans have lived in connected buildings , never going outside . After getting lost one day you find a door labeled EXIT . +By the time I had finished , there was no blood left . Only ice . +You 're the Captain of the space shuttle between Earth and Gia II . You come out of your 100-year hibernation slumber on schedule to land the ship while everyone else stays asleep . You notice things amiss and begin to realize the horror that someone woke up way too early . +One day , while praying to God ( or another deity ) you get a response ... from his help desk . +Death is looking for you , but you try to convince Death that you are not the person Death is searching for . +Someone realizes they are actually a robot living in a world of only humans after going its entire life believing it it is the only human living in a world of robots +You wake up in your studio apartment one day to find a mysterious clock . Standing in front of the clock words flash across the screen saying , `` TIME . UNTIL . DEATH . '' You see a countdown of 7 years , 43 days , 50 hours , and 27 minutes . You try to tinker with it and the countdown drops to 4 days . +You are a supervillain , who moonlights as a superhero because fighting crime does n't pay the bills . People are starting to get suspicious ... +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Use a famous literary first or last line . Tell a story with a loosely parallel plot to the quoted work , but in a totally different setting and with a completely different tone . +That 's odd . You 've never had fangs before . +Two people living far away from each other have a curse on them , so that they switch bodies with each other every 24 hours . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +A strange old man knocks on the front door one day , he tells you he is death and he wants to play a game +An unbeatable alien military is on earth 's doorstep . They demand we turn over Steve , a seemingly average , ordinary citizen . No one knows why the Aliens want Him , not even Steve ... Until he is face to face with the aliens . +Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously . +You are abducted by aliens . After some time aboard their ship , you manage to deduce that they 've abducted the wrong guy , and are desperately trying to keep their higher ups from finding out about their mistake . +When a person dies , they do not leave their body . They are sentient inside their corpse until it is destroyed/decomposed . +A ghost follows his zombie body around after he dies watching himself attack and eat people . +A story where the reader does n't know who ( or what ) the protagonist is until the end . +It 's discovered that only 10 % of the population have free will , everyone else in the world only follows very specific programming . +A overwhelming army approaches , you stand at the helm of your soldiers . What do you say ? +All your life , random strangers have asked for photos with you , wanted to shake your hand . Today , one of them dropped a business card for `` Celebrity Time Travel Tours '' . +'' Head over heels '' +Vantablack : The World 's Darkest Material +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +Write a short story using as many literary clichés as possible . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +The last words ( prior to death ) of the character are simply `` Fuck it . '' +An angel has now been exiled from both Heaven and Hell . +Ten years ago a race of shapeshifting aliens attempted to infiltrate and take over the world . They were all rooted out and killed . All except you . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +Life is an actual lottery . Before you 're born , your parents choose 5 numbers below 40 . 5 numbers are then randomly selected when you 're born . The more numbers your parents get right , the higher your quality of life will be ; you 'll be better looking , more successful . The opposite also applies . +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +Three demons , Darkness , Silence , and Loneliness , are sent by the Devil to retrieve one man who has been evading death all his life . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +Map of the Internet +Today you killed the last neandertal , and now as the sun sets on his grave , the tribe awaits your eulogy . +Humans have discovered how to live forever , allowing them to die when they feel ready to do so . But it is considered bad form to live for too long . You have lingered much longer than is polite and those around you are trying to convince you to die . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +In order for a child to be born , someone else has to die . You 're right on the border of life and death , and you 're hanging on for all you 're worth . The baby whose birth is dependent on your death has to convince you to let go . +Karl Marx comes back to life in 2015 , and his first television appearance is a interview with Fox News . +As you reach certain milestones in your life , you are allowed to get certain `` upgrades '' for your body . These can range anywhere from an increase of 10 IQ points to angel wings to hardened bones . +Write a porno script that does n't suck . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A serum is invented that brings you closer to God when injected +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Machinery +Two strangers are about commit suicide talk to each other about why they 're doing this . They have conflicting reasons . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +It is 2 years into Trump 's second term in office . Give us a firsthand account of life in Donald Trump 's America . +humanities first venture outside of the solar system +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +An AI has become so intelligent that it 's creator , and four therapists that were appointed to it have been convinced that they are the AI 's and we were created by it . You 're it 's 5th therapist . +A man wonders about a girl he met 5 years ago at a wedding party . +The origins and story of Batman in a medieval fantasy world . +You have the ability to make inanimate objects come to life by putting googly eyes on them . +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +Write from the perspective of a bug making the arduous journey across a parking lot . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +Use the phrase `` Why do you want that from me ? '' seven times . Emphasize a different word each time . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +You wake up in a white room at a white desk facing a man who claims you are dead . You are in purgatory . You can get the answers to as many questions as you can ask in one minute . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Write a conversation between two people playing russian roulette . +In the future , redditism is actually the biggest religion on earth . + +`` You do n't want me to answer that , and you know it . '' +A man is sentenced to two-hundred years in prison . Thanks to medical progress , he lives to serve out his term . +Lines and Numbers +Do n't leave me , you 're my best friend . +The newspaper headline the next day read : `` Freak spatula incident leave 12 dead , 6 hospitalized . '' +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Your future self driving car has to choose between saving you or saving some strangers ( from r/futurology ) +You are the final villian from the first season of a generic anime , and through dumb luck you killed the hero . Instead of lavishing in victory , you now find yourself having to deal with all the villains who would have attacked the hero in later seasons +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +The system `` Sol , '' home to eight planets , was just declared a biohazard zone and put under quarantine . +Write a new story about how the universe came into existence . +Your dreams gradually merge into reality +You are the first person to win a national lottery WITHOUT selling his/her soul to Satan for the privilege . Now Satan ( and the other `` winners '' ) are n't too happy ... +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +An evil villain finally accomplishes his lifelong search for the ultimate suit of armor - Plot Armor . +He drew his sword silently +You discover the source code to universe.exe and give yourself admin rights +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +The Earth is in great danger . Representatives of an alien race arrive to help us , but we refuse to take them seriously due to the fact that their names sound embarrassingly crude in our language . +You and your spouse of 30 years are in a fatal car accident . When you get to heaven , you find out that you get to spend eternity with your soulmate . You realize a problem when you wake up next to a total stranger . +You and two friends can now use telekinesis , fly and are indestructible . What happened the first hour , the first week and the first year ? +`` It 's just the rain '' +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +You are an NPC in skyrim . Everyday you wake up , a new mod is installed . +Write a short story or poem that begins and ends with same line +Incidents of paranormal activity are inversely proportional to the amount of people on any given celestial body . You are the lone survivor of the first manned mission to Mars ... +You walk into the mysterious forest . As you walk further , you notice time tends to stand still . The feeling of peace overcomes you . +It 's a normal day . As you 're walking , you feel dizzy . Before you pass out , you hear someome ask `` Is that a sn- '' +Write a Dr. Seuss style alien invasion story . +Sunday Free Write : Happy Holidays Edition ! +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +In a world full of supervillains , one man has a very unique job : Finding a practical use for all those wacky doomsday devices . +Your car has broken down in the middle of the night on an extremely isolated mountain road in Kentucky . An unknown creature is stalking you as you walk to town . Describe the encounter with the unknown creature . How do you survive the encounter ? +Write from the perspective of a bug making the arduous journey across a parking lot . +You lust for power and the only way to acquire it is to summon the dead . Unfortunately your minions are not the brightest . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +A new antidepressant is launched . It does the job , but it radically changes who you are and what you like to do . People who take it like their new personality and who they 've become . Their ( former ) friends miss the original person . +Congressional leaders finally pass the bill to harvest inmate organs for profit . As a leader , you must choose to kill your white collar criminal sister to save your only daughter . +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +Their Journey across Post-Apocalyptic America . Two young adults fall in love and learn to rely on each other for their survival . What set them both on their path ? +Years ago in a drunken stupor you bought a star . A strange looking `` man '' comes to your door desperately wanting to buy it from you . +Write a story that brings out the underlying meaning/significance of the word 'nevermind ' +Chaos in the world after an unknown phenomenon which gives every single human unique superpowers +As a parent , you come to find out that your child is harboring an unusual pet . +Set up your story in five or less sentences . +Write the superhero origin story of your username +Unknown to humanity , there is a god for almost everything . You are the god of oil . +A stray child is found near a road in rural Switzerland . After being taken to a hospital , it is discovered that she can only understand/speak Gaulish-a language that has been extinct since 6th century A.D . +Write a story about a serial killer , but make the readers feel sympathy for him/her as he kills his most recent victim . +You look out the window , only to see a face staring right back at you . Whose is it ? Why are they there ? +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +Without using the letter `` E '' , describe a friendship that 's falling apart . +Two people living far away from each other have a curse on them , so that they switch bodies with each other every 24 hours . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +You are at the Pearly Gates . You find out the only reason you get to go to Heaven is because a previously deceased loved one took your spot in Hell . +A machine is created that can tell you how you will die ... but only in the most vague way possible . +You are granted each wish in the form of an enemy +Painfully misinterpret a company slogan . +You wake up one morning and notice a scar on you from chest to belly button . You have no idea how it got there as you went to sleep without it . The scar is completely healed and looks aged . +Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lands in Beijing Airport , 3 Months late - passengers claim to have flown as normal . +At the end of your life , the Grim Reaper sends the necessary equivalent force needed to claim your soul , the more dangerous you are , the more force they send . As you look out your house , you see the German 6th Army staring back at you . +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +A genie will grant any wish , but the grantee must fulfill a request for the genie before their wish is granted . +Mother Nature assumes her bodily form and takes a one year trip around the world . Share an entry from her journal . +You 're a farmer living miles outside of Los Angeles . As you 're ready to head into the city to sell some crop , you see a mushroom cloud form in its direction . +The Knight with no name +Jurassic Pork , a subpar sci-fi novel +- A character who struggles to understand . +You 're running through a forest , being chased by a monster . As you begin to wake up , you feel something grab your hand and wake up with the monster on top of you . +You are an immortal who stopped aging at 25 and have been alive for over 1000 years . On the day you turned 25 you received a prophecy that you would kill another immortal or they would kill you . You find the other immortal , who has only lived for 50 years in the year 2017 . +You are granted each wish in the form of an enemy +Transcribing the Bible , there was a transcription error . Revelations should fortell of the Alpaca-lypse . +Centuries after human beings leave Earth behind , a lone wanderer travels the land . He is tired , injured , and lacking purpose . He is the Horseman War , of the Apocalypse That Never Came . +Dr. Seuss , tired of writing kids stories , finally snaps and writes the most horrifying childrens story ever . Bonus points if you use 50 different words or less . +A video game hero starts losing faith in his quest as he is besieged by game-breaking mechanics . +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +`` I have seen the future , and you have no place in it . '' +Give me a topic to write a motivational speech for +here you stand , alone again , about to take your own life . Nothing is holding you back now . You decide to look around your room one more time until something catches your eye , and the impact it has on you stops you in your tracks and makes you realize why you ca n't do this to yourself . +The Shyamalan prompt . +You are a vigilante in a fictional metropolis . Your superpower activates when you do your drug of choice , illegal or otherwise . The city undergoes some sort of threat and you must band together with the other drug addicts to save it . +You are dead , but before you can go on to heaven or hell , you must meet all the people you could 've been . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +You are not the last human , but you are the last human on earth +You step into the throne room with weapon at the ready . The king eyes you with disdain as you draw near . He knows the end is near . His voice is solemn yet sad as his only words split the cold silence like a knife through the air , `` Why ? '' +A love story about three guys who fall for the same girl +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +SatChat : What is your favorite thing about WritingPrompts ? +Super Creepy Submarine adventure with monster ( not my photo just really interesting ) +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +You are one of the offspring of Death , you attend an academy with other offspring to become the new Death . +You are the last known surviving human on MarsBaseEcho . Something is outside . +Write the first few paragraphs of that book , essay , poem , etc . +Meet & Greet/Weekly Question # 3 : What do you look for in a WP response ? +At the age of 18 , everyone picks an unlikely life event . They will be reborn at 18 every time they die until that event happens . After that , death is permanent . +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +To keep up with challenges by mortals , Death must master every new game that comes up . But there 's one game that he just ca n't figure out for the death of him . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +You 've just been gifted a hot , new thermal camera . You pull into your parents ' driveway for the holidays and decide to test it out . No doubt , you see your beautiful family , but wait ... There 's someone else hiding in the house . +In the movie `` Independence Day '' , the aliens invaded on July 4th , a day that holds a strong signification on why we should fight for freedom . Now the aliens are really invading and they do it on the worst day possible : April 1st . +Nuclear testing in the Nevada desert tore a hole In the dimensional rift . Other beings have been trying to come through , you are a soldier in Area 51 preventing these beings from invading the world . +A story that ends in laughter +Without explanation , the Earth suddenly becomes tidally locked , one side perpetually day , the other forever night . One year later , society has been radically altered as people still struggle to adapt and survive… +Once upon a ______ . Fill the space with any word or words and write a story using this as your central theme . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +Aliens have known of our existance for a long time , but have n't contacted us . Why ? They are scared . Scared ... of us . +Have the same sentence be repeated as many times as possible in your story . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +Aliens seeking mind expanding substances stumbles across Earth and gets addicted to ... +You wake up and find yourself in the world of your favorite video game . Just like on earth , you have to get a job , one that pertains to the game world . However , you do n't have any new skills , just the ones you had back in your universe . What is an average work day like ? +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +Aliens have invaded the Earth 's oceans , ignoring land-based human civilization . +`` ... flip to page 43 of a dictionary and take the first word and run with it . '' +A young , mentally distraught high school student , weapon in tow , decides to shoot up his school before taking his own life . Just before the moment of truth , another student in his class opens fire on his class mates . What does he do next ? +Piano of the forest +You answered that giraffes were extinct on a school test , and failed the test by one point . Instead of retaking the test , you 've decided to take it upon yourself to make your answer correct . +The zombie apocalypse has occurred , but they are so slow and stupid that society remains unchanged , and they are more of a nuisance than a threat +Describe a character the exact opposite of who you are +A sniper watches from a hotel room on the 75th floor of the building he is in , through his scope he watches as his target enters a penthouse suite in the adjacent building , tell me what goes through the snipers mind as he watches his target . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +The King is dying and decides to abdicate his throne before he dies . During the coronation ceremony , he places the crown on a servant 's head and declares him king , rather than one of his two sons . +You awaken to find a mini-cooper full of canned beef stew , a kitten and a coffee cup with a note attached : `` It 's dangerous to go alone , take this ! '' +The Mutant +Tinder becomes a giant corporation and essentially a government institution worldwide . Everyone gets an obligatory implant that automatically notifies matches you come across or walk by . +It 's discovered that burning sentimental objects provides more energy than gasoline , you 're creating a business pitch to refit the now defunct gas stations across america . +The mountains are waiting . +You 've lived your life to the fullest , and Death has waited patiently for you . Now your time is up , and finally meet The Reaper . Describe Death , and your final moments . +Batman gets a call from commissioner Gordon about trouble down at Arkham Asylum . As soon as he arrives he sees the culprit giving himself up to the police . He 's a security guard who has shot and killed several of Arkham 's frequent residents . +In the distant future , energy has become too expensive for all but the rich to access , so the poor have reverted to using horse drawn carts for transportation . +You and two friends use a new % 100 accurate death calculator , which tells you when you die and if it could be avoidable or not . Both your friends unavoidably die in their early and late 80 's , but it says you die avoidably in 5 minutes . You hear a knock on the door . +A girl receives a phone call from her sister that their parents were just killed in a horrific incident . Write that conversation . +You are a super hero with a respectable power . However , the tiresome pressure to always be good wears on you and you slowly become a villain . The only person who notices is your side kick who is not ready to stop you . How does the confrontation end ? +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +The villan has just unveiled his secret weapon , but everybody knows that anyone can be easily protected with ( thing of your choice ) . It 's just a matter of getting ahold of it . +An inanimate object comes to life at the worst possible moment +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +`` I 've shot Kennedy 100 times so far . In fact , I 've become quite good at it . '' +You find a Polaroid camera which prints pictures that are from one week in the future . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +The world is covered in sprawling skyscrapers with the richest living at the top and the poorest towards the bottom . One day the poor attack and take refuge higher up , claiming to be fleeing an unknown threat located on the ground and slowly moving up +The Painter +Create a story with a Key , Castle , Moon , and Flashlight . +By writing on this prompt you , and I , are somehow caught in a tangled web far in the future . `` It was just Reddit ! '' +After celebrating your 6th anniversary with your spouse , you discover that they obsessively stalked you for over a year before you met . +The Parting Glass +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one + +Historians uncover details of historical figure Jesus Christ that undoubtedly prove that Jesus was a homosexual , how does today 's society take this news over the next 5 years ? +The trees are whispering +Advertise the world 's worst theme park . +You took the villain 's offer , and it paid off when they conquered the earth . The famous cliché has finally come true . Congratulations , you 're the new dictator of Australia . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You take some sort of love potion that leads you to the love of your life . But she is blind . How do you get her to fall in love with you ? +You were born without eyes or ears . However , you are omniscient within 20 feet . You 've used this to become a successful detective . Now you 're needed on a special case . They call this criminal `` the invisible man '' . +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +One morning , you wake up next to your spouse and say `` I love you . '' You discover you have developed an ability : anything you say immediately becomes false . +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +On one night of the year , the dead can return and converse with the living . As a hitman , this is not a day you look forward to . +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +Old House +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +Ask Lexi # 14 - Writing Believable Characters +Your boss Steve just asked for a `` High Paw ! '' You 're getting suspicious , and are beginning to think Steve is a dog . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Listen to this piece , then write a response +Write a story from the perspective of a guard in a stealth game . +You are tasked with conducting the funeral of the human race . +In this world , humans have evolved such that the probability of having a male baby is only 1 in 10 instead of 1 in 2 . You are a male or a female growing up in this world , tell us what it is like . +In the dark , your shadow is assigned to protect you . One day you find out its gone . +You have 2 lives , one in the virtual world and one in the real world . You are facing a decision of having to decide which one of the two you get to keep . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +You are a well-loved and extremely popular food cart vendor in your city , a city that happens to be pretty populated by superheroes and supervillains alike . Describe a typical closing night for you . +you are an employee in a happiness factory . +- The best psychiatrist of all time is asked to cure a very special patient : God +You are a genie who 's been summoned by a child . You explain the whole `` three wishes '' deal , and to your surprise , after using two of the wishes , the kid tells you that they are going to `` keep the last wish for later '' . After 40 years , you are finally summoned again . +The library of Alexandria never burned , and Rome never fell . This lead to to Industrial Revolution 1300 years earlier , where are we today ? +You 've been unknowingly bitten by a vampire . You spend the next few weeks misidentifying the symptoms . +`` Those eyes of yours could swallow stars , galaxies and universes . What hope did I ever have ? '' +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You mysteriously die at the age of 25 , but your mind is mysteriously resurrected into a new born baby . You 're aware of this , but ca n't fully grasp the reality of the situation until your mind fully develops . You grow up , with your retained knowledge , and continually die at the age of 25 again . +A group of ants stumbles upon an abandoned ant colony . Inside , they find cryptic warnings scratched on the walls by a series of past inhabitants , foretelling impending doom wrought by something called `` the Human '' . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Everyone is given game based superpowers . While most chose staples like super strength , flight or freakin lazer beans , you and you alone chose the quicksave feature +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Earth did get tidally locked with the Moon and it 's only viewable from either North or South America . When Europeans first come to the new world they also tell tales of a new object in the sky . ( x-post from /r/space ) +Life has an achievement system . Today , on the day of your child 's birth , as you hold them for the first time , you receive a new achievement . `` A Brush with Death '' . Description : Cross paths with the person who will kill you . +A special operations unit tracks a man infamous for being an assassin and mercenary . But he suddenly disappears . When they finally track him down , they find he 's changed and settled into a new life . They decide to leave him alone for the time being , but then he sets off on one last job ... +It 's the year 2064 . Describe yourself engaged in your favorite everyday activity . +H.P . Lovecraft was a racist bastard who never even tried to understand us . +There is a place where all who enter die , without exception . Describe it in such a way that I would still jump at the opportunity to go , without question . +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +You answered that giraffes were extinct on a school test , and failed the test by one point . Instead of retaking the test , you 've decided to take it upon yourself to make your answer correct . +The year is 2101 , summarize the most plausible history of the 21st century as you would expect to find in that year 's history textbook . +Excited to try out the facial recognition functionality on her new photo app , a young girl discovers a man has been present at every key moment in her life +You 're playing around on the Deep Web stumble upon a list of old unused government IP blocks . A quick scan reveals 1 IP still in use and only telnet is open ... +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +You wake up to find yourself in a room with 5 doors . They are labeled 'peace ' , 'honor ' , 'truth ' , 'power ' and 'fortune ' . Which door do you choose to open and what happens ? +Write a horror story in which the main character is a def man/woman . The gruesome twist at the end correlates to his/her inability to hear . +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +You 've just died and wake at Heaven 's gate . Saint Peter stands there and points toward a pay phone , hands you a quarter , and whispers `` you have five minutes . '' +Write a story based on the statememt `` Fall in love with your solitude . '' +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +Write from the perspective of a cloned person . +The Deep Woods are a fearsome place , filled with screams and lights and terrible magic . But in the depths of the forest lives an ancient dragon who constructs all the sounds and sights to keep people away , because he just wants to be left alone . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +In a world filled with superheroes , you 're the only one who does n't have any powers . +It has been 789,000 days since the last workplace accident . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +The sound of sirens is heard as you watch an ambulance make it 's way down your road . You look to see where it stops as you realise it finishes it 's journey outside your door . A hooded figure in black makes his way to the door . You clutch at your chest as you feel your heart struggle ... +Only old ghosts are white , because of all the dust in the haunted dwelling that is clinging to them . +You are a recently deceased detective . God took you early as he has need of you . For the first time ever , there has been a murder in heaven . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +The villan has just unveiled his secret weapon , but everybody knows that anyone can be easily protected with ( thing of your choice ) . It 's just a matter of getting ahold of it . +Write from the perspective of a bug making the arduous journey across a parking lot . +Teleportation is finally invented . Your friend is one of the first people to use it . After coming out on the other side , the more time you spend with him , the more you realize that this is not your friend +Re-write your favorite Disney movie plot as a dark thriller , do not tell which movie it is right away . +Extremists kidnapped an American journalist in Iraq . They are about to execute this poor soul , named Clark Kent . +In the future , technology has allowed us to have pillows that monitor our brain waves , and when people wake up they can plug them into their laptops and watch their dreams . +You have been found `` not guilty '' of a crime you DID commit +In the future a super realistic and advanced virtual reality based war game is released . Shortly afterwards the players start to show signs of PTSD from time spent in the virtual world . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +Someone has the ability to save and reload their life like a video game . One day something goes very wrong . +As the devil , part of your job is to ensure the balance of good and evil along with god each day . The day is about to end , you realize that Earth is missing two good deeds , and God is on vacation +`` It 's just the rain '' +There is a Trader who can be Found at the Edge of Things ... +You are a cashier at a liquor store . A man runs in with a photo of your children and says `` Give me the money . '' +The Dragonborn is now worshipped as the Tenth Divine but historians are still arguing on his or her race , faction , and overall history . Who was the Dragonborn ? +Your mother has been dating someone for a while and it 's time to meet his family . However , you find that you already know one of them +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +Write a story using only lyrics from songs . +Year is 2029 and Blizzard decided to shutdown World of Warcraft by locking players out when a character of their own dies . You 're an alliance level 134 Mage making your last stand with a handful of other players in Stormwind when you hear a loud `` kek '' +You wake up and find that if you stay close to a person for more than 2 minutes , it enrages them . Find out what happened . +Turns out the superstition was right after all +You discover a loved one has a terminal Illness that you can cure by killing someone , the only problem is that they do n't want you to . +A lonely , old lady keeps misdialing and ends up calling you to talk nearly everyday . You are Satan . +The Grim Reaper is in love with you and keeps taking people around you so he can see you again . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +You get denied entry into heaven on the most banal technicality imaginable . +Every time you remember something , part of it fades until you forget it completely . +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +Write something that makes me smile +NASA announces the most shocking discovery about Mars . Humanity originated on Mars and abandoned it due to Global Warming . How does the world react ? +Darkness and light are reversed . Instead of turning on lights , you turn on darkness to keep the light away . +It 's your tenth birthday and you 're finally old enough to get your first Pokémon . On your way to Professor Oak 's lab , and owl flies by and drops a letter into your hands . It 's from Hogwarts . You read the letter and realize you have a very difficult decision to make . +There is a reason the wildlife in Australia is so dangerous . +One day , in High School , you unintentionally get into a fight and are stabbed in the process . As you lie dying on the floor with everyone around you , you notice that your hands and face are beginning to glow a fiery yellow . You seem to be `` regenerating . '' +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +5 minute speedwrite : In a war-torn city , a teen who is hiding in the rubble is confronted by a soldier , enemy or friend , you chose , and then the bombs start to drop again +One grandma , one assault rifle , one mission ... +The Knight with no name +You are the Leader of an Elf Squad tasked to bring coal to naughty children . The price of coal has gone up . You need to find a suitable replacement +He has unlimited capital , for a short amount of time +You wake up one day in a room with four walls made of glass . Surrounding yo are hundreds of other people stuck in their own rooms . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +A sketchy salesman attempts to sell a perfectly normal sword to the hero , passing it off as the sword of legends . +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +Describe a fantasy world devoid of the usual stereotypes : where dwarves do n't live underground , orcs and ogres are not savage brutes and dragons are neither dumb beasts nor hyperintelligent ancient beings . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +- Tell a story through a phone conversation twice : the first time , the reader can only hear one side of the conversation , and the second time , the reader can hear both sides . +Names are bought and sold . +All those nicks and bruises that show up on your body seemingly out of nowhere are injuries received by your soulmate . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +You receive a second chance at something that has haunted you your entire life . +He did n't mind taking their souls . Taking their souls was his job . +A person is stood in their bosses office , getting ready to telling them they quit +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +Once great literature , now great litter . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +`` A flash of light , a puff of smoke , and she was gone . '' +Everyone can time travel to any point in their lives , any time they want for as many times , while still alive . Write any story about this world . +Battleship Entering the City +You 're a bomb defuser . Ranked number one , saving thousands of lives . Your trade secret ? You have no idea what you 're doing . +You 've spent your life trading exclusive rights to your soul for favors with powerful entities . They have finally come to collect . +You live in a world where you can are able to know how long someone lives once you fall in love with them . You meet this person , fall in love and then realize you have 2 minutes left . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +The government publishes a list of the future details of the deaths of everybody on Earth . Time , place and cause . The only problem : you are not on the list . +To impress Jasmine , Aladdin wished himself to become a prince . You are one of the attendants that got wished into existence , but after Aladdin 's parade you start to have an existential crysis . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +You are now the Imagination Wizard . But things go wrong . Way wrong . + +End a story with `` Look at me . Look at me . I 'm the captain now . '' +Humans invent time travel and it is later deemed dangerous and strictly banned in this part of the galaxy ... +Write a story about a traveling shoe salesman named Ed +You are able to see a person 's future , but it only activates when you kiss someone on the lips . You are completely unaware you have this power , until you share your first kiss with your SO . +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +A multi-billionaire offers you 100 million to kill a stranger ... +Having accidentally killed a close friend of their , describe their actions , thoughts and feeling as they go about trying to dispose of the body . +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +When someone bookmarks a location on google maps , giant plastic pins actually fall from the sky to said location . +Rewrite your favorite knock-knock joke as a serious story . +Describe a household object in a way that keeps the reader puzzled until you reveal what it is . The second time they read it , everything should fall into place . +`` You are the main character , after all . '' +Lost life +Scientists discover an algorithm for predicting a person 's date of death with 95 % confidence . When you finally decide to enter your parameters into the algorithm you see a surprising result . +In an underwater race of humans , instead of K-9 handlers , their military and police units have Dolphin handlers . +Write an incredibly hateable character who is n't explicitly evil or antagonistic . +A story set 100+ years in the past of a man writing a dystopian novel , but the dystopia he writes about is identical to the world we live in today . +People start turning into terrifying monsters based on their Zodiac star signs . +Someone discovers how the universe began . But , it was neither God nor the big bang . +Everyone in the world hears a chime in their head when they are about to die , it chimes 3 times over a short periode , just enough time to get your things in order . You have just heard the 3rd chime , but for some reason your still alive ... +Hitler did n't kill himself at the end of WWII . He is currently standing trial for all his war crimes , and you have been appointed his lawyer to defend him . +A large digital timer appears in space and starts counting down . Without reason or warning every celebrity in the world has gotten strangely specific super powers . The day before this event an embarrassing video of you leaks to the Internet and goes viral , granting you an odd power as well . +You wake up every day to screaming and voices . This morning those voices are in your head . + +Queen of the space fairies +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +It started to rain , and it never stopped . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +You have a strange mutation that causes you to hear music in your head that gets more intense the closer you are to danger ( like a movie soundtrack ) . You 're walking in the mall when you start hearing a suspenseful beat . +Earth was never meant to habitable . It was meant to be a prison for the worst creatures in the universe . Today , the jailers have landed to inspect their prison . +Dyslexic zombies rise from the dead , searching for `` Brians '' +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +You have been kidnapped by the mafia , the reason ? Someone who 's very high up has a child who has a crush on you . +It is happening again . +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +Two veterans meet . They fought on different sides . +Write a story about a person with a superpower that has a consequence/limitation more interesting than said power . +You return from a mission exploring the far side of the moon . As you get closer to the blue planet ahead , you realize it is n't Earth . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +`` Please do n't go.. '' +Video games come to life and everyone is the game character of the game they 've played the most in today 's society . +My response to a prompt about headdit leading to murder . +A suicidal narrator eats Chinese take out . +You live in a universe where the gods do wonders for their chosen followers . You are your god 's only chosen and you are really getting tired of his/her shit . +One person , an immortal , reveals to their current lover of their eternal life . Write from the mortal lover 's perspective . +A cordial pen pal relationship between Ronald MacDonald and Colonel Sanders turns sour . +The Harry Potter Earth 50 years after wizards and witches make themselves publicly known to the muggles . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +`` Not again ... Not today , not ever ! Today we finish this ! '' +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +Reddit becomes a physical world , subreddits are factions at war with one another . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +Always ready for the zombie apocalypse , you 're dismayed that it occurred and was resolved while you were asleep . +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +An alien race starts to colonize Mars . They completely ignore humanity on Earth and just go about their business . +Upnorth +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +Describe a landscape from the POV of someone who lost someone close to them in a war . Do not explicitly mention the person , the war , or death . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You 're a superhero who is just short of omnipotent . Your fatal flaw ? You ca n't snap your fingers . +Write a cosmic horror story in the style of Dr.Seuss + +A Gondor soldier tells his child a tale about the mighty warrior Aragorn , son of Arathorn . +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +You keep getting randomly pulled out of your daily life back to the year 1200 by the same group of sorcerers . It was amazing at first . It 's starting to give you the shits . +The flight data recorder from Malaysian flight MH370 is retrieved.. the truth is beyond our creepiest imagination.. +A group of the best lawyers alive gather to out loophole the devil with a deal . +Set up your story in five or less sentences . +Like with Technology today is like living in a glass house where you are constantly watched +You are a genius inventor , however every time you are about to publish your work someone else does it before you leaving you with no credit . Suddenly , you have the idea to invent a time machine and go back in time to steal your own finished work before others do . +Write a poem that sums up 2014 . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +Reincarnation is a proven fact , and a device has been invented to determine who someone 's pasts lives were . To your horror , you 've just discovered one of your past lives was ... +How many hours had it been ? No way to tell . Beneath those halogen bulbs it was always half-past anytime . +Your father was the world 's most feared and powerful super villain . You never partook of his work , but his final words to you prove true . `` There must always be a super villain ! '' +If you had to choose , which of your prompt responses would you say is the best you 've written ? +`` Roma Victor ! '' +Aliens visit earth , but they find round things scary +A Hammy alien overlord tried to use his deathbeam to destroy the Earth . Only to find out that the beam will not work . He lands somewhere to test the beam on the local populace , only to find out that humans are somehow invincible to the deathbeam . What happens next ? +You have the ability to Copy & Paste in real life ? What do you do ? +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +You are an average citizen in the universe of Grand Theft Auto . Describe an average day . +Death +Armed with the ability to steal the happiest memories from anyone , you live the life of an addict , always needing another fix . Write your deathbed confession . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +A very friendly man comes to you , you both talk . Later , you start to recognize his face again -that 's the man that 's murdered both of your parents . He does n't know who you are . +Sunday Free Write : Happy Holidays Edition ! +`` You do what 's right . I do what 's required . '' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +Reddit finally secured funding to build a vast metropolis in its likeness . It is broken up into boroughs and cities , which represent subreddits . Every aspect of this mega city has been designed specifically to cater to and sustain millions of redditors . Describe your experiences here . +A small clan of termites and their queen have survived the fumigation of your house . As revenge for the mass killings of their brethren , they have sworn revenge on you and your loved ones . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +S.P.A.C.E.O.U.T . +Every person born is given a date of when they will die . These dates have no year , however . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +Arriving at the wrong spaceport +A group of scientist and programmers create an actual `` God from the machine '' . A hypercomputer that is capable of controlling the entire planet . To the surprise of every genre savy person in existance - it is benevolent . +A monster is experiencing agonizing pain , and is convinced that killing you is the only way to relieve it . Write from the monster 's perspective . +Humanity meets an alien race who are awed , not by our scientific or military achievements , but by the ability of humans to create fiction . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +You are God , but Satan has cast you into a snake and steals your identity and all your hard work . Convinve Adam and Eve to stop believing in Him without revealing your identity . +As you grow up you realize you can understand and can speak all languages . You get used to by time . But one day you hear someone/something speak a language which you ca n't understand . +Use the phrase `` Why do you want that from me ? '' seven times . Emphasize a different word each time . +The mega office buildings of the future have grown so huge that a nomadic people developed who travel from office wing to wing , subsisting on leftover doughnuts , birthday cakes , and pizza parties . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +Confronted with Death , he offers you a second chance at life upon completion of a trial . He lays in front of you three paths to choose from : blood , sweat , or tears . +You are a human living in a teddy bear society +A priest , a rabbi , and a minister walk into a bar . But this is no joke , this is a tragedy . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +SatChat : What are your New Year 's resolutions ? +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +`` A flash of light , a puff of smoke , and she was gone . '' +You are not the hero . You are a character who appeared in one episode and has to deal with the fact that magic exists and that you 're not a part of it . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +That secret you said you 'd take to your grave ? Now you 've met your maker , and they are asking you to explain yourself +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Dyslexic zombies rise from the dead , searching for `` Brians '' +You are a spaceman watching the destruction of Earth below you , what are your final thoughts ? +Write a scene from Game of Thrones as if it took place in neighboring trailer parks in Florida +The thoughts and emotions going through someone 's mind right as they begin an attempt at suicide . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +The largest security breach in history has just occurred , all personal and private data of everyone connected to the Internet has been made publicly available +It 's your `` Awakening '' today you are 14 and learn that Reincarnation is fact , and everyone has 10 lives . At your awakening you gain full memory . You 've been killed 9 times by the same group of assassins . This is your first time living to reach your `` Awakening '' ... +`` Got ta release them all '' - The protagonist works for an organization that fights against an established institution of capturing and imprisoning creatures with magical powers in tiny balls and using them to battle each other for sport and entertainment . +You 've been wrongfully imprisoned in an insane asylum , how do you escape ? +You are a well-loved and extremely popular food cart vendor in your city , a city that happens to be pretty populated by superheroes and supervillains alike . Describe a typical closing night for you . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +A relatively unsuccessful yet passionate private investigator , you live your live meagerly , working each case tirelessly . One day , while investigating your newest job , a stranger walks up to you and thanks you by name before throwing themselves into traffic . +Slowly start to realize that you have a roommate . +`` I do n't owe you a fair fight '' +Earth 's entire population lives in one gigantic skyscraper . +Arthur Weasley becomes the host of a documentary series in which he explores the world of Muggles ( target audience full-blood wizards ) +It 's the year 2064 . Describe yourself engaged in your favorite everyday activity . +The first time it happened , we viewed it as a blessing- now we pray for the day it stops . +Make me love the person you love +You keep getting randomly pulled out of your daily life back to the year 1200 by the same group of sorcerers . It was amazing at first . It 's starting to give you the shits . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +You are losing your memories , however the memory loss targets the most recent memories first . So in an attempt to maintain older memories you try to make as many new memories as possible . +`` It 's just the rain '' +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +`` Am I a monster ? '' The child asked . +You have the ability to time travel . You use your power to win Scrabble games by jumping back to the past and creating words . +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +The most interesting use of the word 'vestigial ' +You 're one of the best psychiatrists in the country . To get more patients you commit horrifying crimes , often leaving someone alive so you can treat them later . +Golden Sword +Small Night Sounds +Life and Death decide to switch places for a time to see which of their jobs is harder . +Humans discover a new planet and find they can not breathe the air there because it is toxic . Some years later , they find a human child being raised by some of the native people . This child can safely breathe the air . +United States of Eurasia , one world , people . +You are one of the Special Infected from the Left 4 Dead series . Write what happens after a cure is released in your city . +Explain a piece of modern technology to a person from around 100-500 CE . +You 're arriving home and you park your car about two blocks away from your place . You start walking but the streets you have to go through seem to have been changed . You can recognize the streets behind you but not the ones in front of you . +Your powers only work in the rain . +You are a super hero with a respectable power . However , the tiresome pressure to always be good wears on you and you slowly become a villain . The only person who notices is your side kick who is not ready to stop you . How does the confrontation end ? +The story of that kid who sits in the corner of the class and does not talk to anyone . +A substitute teacher falls in love with the absent teacher from their notes . +At the end of your life , the Grim Reaper sends the necessary equivalent force needed to claim your soul , the more dangerous you are , the more force they send . As you look out your house , you see the German 6th Army staring back at you . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +So often in the darkness I find the greatest light . +You live in Gemini , one of the 12 flying cities , beneath you are the ruins of the old world . One day your ICARUS system fails as you travel to Cancer and you fall to the world below . +Everyone except for your psychiatrist thinks you 're crazy . You lie down to have another productive session with Doctor Marshmallow McSnugglesworth PsyD . +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +You are home alone one night humming to yourself when you hear someone humming along in another room . +Ethics are for those who fear failure and need an honorable reason to retreat +Individuals ready to take their own life , can now choose to give their health to someone who needs it . +TIL that I am not the good person that I thought I was . +Science and Magic are merely opposite sides to which the pendulum of time swings . It has leaned for the past few centuries towards the Laws of Science but even now it begins to return ever faster back towards the Laws of Magic . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +You are eating at a fancy restaurant when you suddenly begin to rise into the air . Now , you 're floating and have no idea how to control this . +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . +An alien race controlling most of the galaxy contacts Earth , aiming to uplift the humans until they 're ready to join the interstellar community . The problem is all previous species evolved utilizing organic technology . Our `` hard and dead '' tech is utterly alien to them . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You are a civilian trapped in a war torn city . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +You are the leader of the rebel faction , you finally come face to face with the leader of the group you 've been fighting against for so long . Before your final fight you take a moment to talk to them , your once best friend . +Start with a tragedy - and then tell me how it is actually a happy ending . +After years of battles hard fought , at the close of a Civil War , Steve Rogers retires from the Avengers . Hanging up his shield and uniform , he settles down in a quiet little neighborhood , where he is known as simply as Mr. Rogers . +Describe something beautiful . It could be an alien landscape , or a person you fell in love with . It could be a gift that arrived at the perfect time and brought you up out of depression . Hell it could even be a simple conversation . +For years we thought spacecraft were being sent out for exploration , NASA have just announced they 've been driving back an invasion , and as of today , they have failed . +All those nicks and bruises that show up on your body seemingly out of nowhere are injuries received by your soulmate . +Arthur Weasley becomes the host of a documentary series in which he explores the world of Muggles ( target audience full-blood wizards ) +A love story in a coffee shop during an autumn night . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +Earth 's entire population lives in one gigantic skyscraper . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +This is the story of a man named Michael . Michael worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number 432 . Employee Number 432 's job was simple : he sat at his desk and sharpened pencils ... . +You are a conspiracy theorist in Gotham who believes Bruce Wayne is Batman . +Set a timer for ten minutes . Start it and write a scene about two lovers enjoying a meal I 'm silence . When the timer goes off , set it for another ten minutes - but now one of the lovers has murder on their mind . +After you are elected President , you discover a big red button hidden in your desk in the Oval Office . When you ask your predecessor about it , he said that it had been there for decades , but the secret of what it did died with Kennedy . After a few years , you finally give in and push the button . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +Batman turns evil and starts committing crimes rather than stopping then . The Joker realises that in order to remain Batman 's antagonist he must turn good and become a hero . +You are functionally immortal : you can die but instantly come back to life . Over the many , many years you 've become jaded and bored , and now dying is the only thing that gives you any sort of rush anymore . You 're about to attempt your most elaborate and thrilling death yet . +You are 100 % convinced that you are the sole surviving member of the human race , despite the fact that today is your first appointment with a shrink for the very same reason . +Voldemort stood surrounded by his death eater guards , but all he could do was stare at the odd muggle that had broken in . `` Who are you ? '' Voldemort shouts . He replies , `` The name is Bond , James Bond . '' +There are two cities . One only has men , the other only women . They meet only once every year . +Jurassic Pork , a subpar sci-fi novel +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +A woman who is immortal and forever young has been traveling the world ever since she could remember . +A Disney princess turns out to be a Bridezilla +A Gamer unknowingly saves the world by playing a online FPS . + +SCIENCE is a `` fix-it-all '' chemical you can inject in almost anything . Mechanical , biological , digital etc . etc . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +The New York sanitation workers have always secretly had the job of ridding the streets of cryptid monsters . Time to take out the trash ! +You are a medical student , doing questions from an online databank to prep for an exam . You read one question stem and it describes a patient that sounds exactly like you . Suddenly , you start to remember things from your past that start to click into place . +In this world , physical appearance depends entirely on personality . All babies are born identical . Beauty is achieved gradually through good thoughts and deeds , while the opposite is true for ugliness . +While putting your favorite condiment on a sandwich , you accidentally draw a symbol that summons demons . +Write a story in which a `` Chekhov 's Gun '' is actually Chekhov 's Gun and a `` Red Herring '' is actually a red herring . +You are the head tech for the Cherno Alpha crew . You 've just received news that she went down , fighting bravely against a kaiju . Write your final speech to your crew before reassignment/dismissal . +`` At first they came back with nothing , and then they did n't come back at all . '' +Aliens have contacted Earth after picking up our broadcasts into space . Their first message is this : `` Shut your broadcasts down . Do not send any more messages into space . They will , and may have already , heard you . '' +A ship of one-thousand humans discovers the exact center of the universe . Explain what they see and what happens now . +Humans discover that our universe is a computer simulation . We try and make contact with our creator ( s ) . +Aliens visit earth and are fascinated by other animals but find humans completely unremarkable . +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +You find your wallet on the ground . However , your ID says that you were born today . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +You are the leader of an Alien species about to make first contact with humans , with the offer to mentor us past this stage of our civilisation . What would be your first contact speech to Humanity ? +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +Tell me a story thats scarier than I would expect it to be . +Your username +A king is blessed with triplets . Rather than choose one as his heir , he separates the trio and sends each to a secluded island with a small retinue , to see which will grow up to be the most deserving of the throne . +`` It 's just the rain '' +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +On Dec 31st , 2016 , everyone hears the exact same broadcast message in their head : “ Level 2016 failed ; restarting level . ” +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +. In the future , instead of writing a story we can share memories . You open a file to find a mugger from your childhood had posted a memory of the robbery . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +An artist skilled in photorealism loses a loved one . He/she starts creating pictures of their late loved one , posts them onto social media and creates fake stories to give them context . +: Write about the happiest moment of somebody 's life . Make it absolutely heartbreaking . +The biggest twist ending you can conjure . +By the time I had finished , there was no blood left . Only ice . +A man invents time travel in order to find a cure for his sick wife and succeeds , only to find out he ca n't go back +The US Federal deficit is actually due to a super top secret massive R & D program the US government pours billions into . You are the newly sworn in President and are being briefed ... + +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +The President , suffering from a bad case of diarrhea , is informed that the enemy has just launched a nuke . +Re-Imagine +Millions of years ago , a dinosaur invented the first time machine and set a course for the future . He 's about to arrive at his destination : The year 2015 . +You are immortal and have spent the last 1,500 years underground reading books . Curiosity gets the better of you and you decide to venture out after reading the latest book in your collection . +The death penalty has been replaced by a one way trip to Mars . +Tell me the story of Jeremy Smith , the world 's worst detective . +A sketchy salesman attempts to sell a perfectly normal sword to the hero , passing it off as the sword of legends . +He Sold Happiness In Glass Bottles +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +You have broken into someone 's house , and discover a shrine dedicated to you ... +Until that moment , it never occurred to me that we are all human . We all make mistakes . +You 're a kid 's imaginary friend +You were adopted some years back and have begun to slowly realize that you 're a dog . +Write a story based on a random word from the dictionary . +A teenage boy confides in his best friend that he is the Antichrist . +`` Please , run '' `` why ? '' `` Because I do n't want to hurt you '' +You are a pyrokinetic who tends to accidentally set things on fire when stressed . And today , you 're having a very bad day . +The commander of an alien vessel discovers the Voyager probe several AU outside of Sol 's Oort cloud . +After Astronaut Capt . Scott Kelly returns to earth following a 340-day stretch at the ISS , NASA receives a distress signal from the ISS ... from Capt . Scott Kelly . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +`` You had ONE job ! '' both Satan and God scream at you . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +A couple falls in love with each other , even though they 're already married to each other +Write a story about a teen who is about to commit suicide , but I 'd saved in his final moments by the thing he hated most of all . +A pet was stolen from you some months ago . When you find it again you are faced with a moral dilemma - take it back because it is yours , or leave it because it was adopted out as a therapy pet keeping a drug addict clean . +Make me love the person you love +Every current living human is granted a single wish with one condition : after using it they only have one more year to live . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +`` Do you remember the starry sky we created that night ? '' +Oprah Winfrey is actually a serial killer and is outing herself live on her show . +A ride operator watches a child grow up through the years . Seeing them once a year come to the fair to get on the ride . +Antarctica has been turned into a prison colony and you have been sent there . Tell us about the experience . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - The Dark Gift Edition ! +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +You are an apprentice mage whose ability has far surpassed that of your mentor - who happens to be the most powerful blood mage in the kingdom . +Harry Potter and Co. during a zombie apocalypse . +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Write a gritty reboot of a classic children 's movie . +One last time +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +: And just because we could , we taught it how to sing . +Drawing +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Supernatural beings walk amongst humans in peace , but an incident threatens that balance . +Our universe is just a science project an alien got a C on . Describe another aliens project that got an A +The world is controlled by a small and secret group of people , but they are in fact good guys and have a hard time preventing humankind from self destruction . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +The July 8 2015 outages at United Airlines and New York Stock Exchange turn out to be the beginning of a cyberattack +Write a story about how this cat 's eyes became the way they are . +A world-class detective who ca n't help but find crime everywhere he looks , is tasked with taking schoolchildren on a field trip . +Write the opening exposition of a bold new Zelda game . +You were promised streets paved with gold ... but that was far from the truth you found +you 're a literal walking positive energy nuke - the happier you are , the more nuclear energy you build up until you explode . As a result , you live your life as an incredibly angry , bitter person to protect everyone around . However , you wake up one day and have the best day of your life . +A man forgets to water his potted plant for a whole week . This negligence starts a long chain reaction that leads up to World War III . +At the end of an escalating war , A weapon that could destroy an entire country is launched . This weapon becomes sentient 60 seconds before it hits +Harry Potter was killed by Voldemort as a new-born . Now , 11 years later , the Death-Eaters seek a pure blooded world and declare war on muggles . +People born on February 29th only physically age one year for every four years +By the time I had finished , there was no blood left . Only ice . +A cult leader finds himself at the end of his 7 year deal with the devil , and insists his cultists seek out their own deals to keep the devil busy so he can buy himself more time to figure out a way to get out of the deal . +A hard-boiled detective story in a world of fairies and magic . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +A freak accident turned a man immortal . Now he tries desperately to replicate the event for someone else , so he wo n't end up alone for eternity . +Tell a story with nothing but conversation snippets . +You are the last person on earth with sight . Everyone else is blind . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +During the zombie apocalypse , humans discoverses they can bite zombies to turn them back to normal +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +Meeting yourself +You are a realtor showing a house to a young couple . They love the house , but you have something to disclose , and no its not a murder . +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +Humanity has achieved immortality . Due to resource concerns everyone must submit to a council their chosen manner of death at 150 . The more amusing the death the longer the council lets you live . +The personification of death takes time off to talk a young teenager and her little brother out of committing suicide . +Some time in the future war is fought completely autonomously by machines . A densely populated city has become a war-zone , but the robots are programmed so well to avoid harming civilians that the humans living their can go about their lives completely ignoring the constant fighting around them +The story of that kid who sits in the corner of the class and does not talk to anyone . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +Canal roads . +A man tries to commit suicide 50 times but something always stops him . It is almost as if the universe wants him to stay alive . +Due to your poor spelling , you 've accidentally summoned Stan . +A demon suddenly decides to try to be good . He 's not the best at it . +You 're the time traveler who killed Hitler . As punishment for damaging the timeline , you 're sentenced to REPLACE Hitler . +Call it in . +Within a year of birth every parent receives a small gift or note from their 18yo child via time travel . You do n't . +`` You are the main character , after all . '' +Your SO is acting suspiciously and you suspect that he/she is cheating on you . You investigate , and find out she is n't cheating , but doing things far beyond human comprehension . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +'' I first laid eyes on you the day I said my 'I do ' . In that instant , I knew I made a serious mistake . '' +try to justify the most terrible act possible , without using anything similar to a `` kill a few to save a bunch '' clause . +You are asleep when the noise of air raid sirens awakens you , but something is n't quite right ... +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +You are a consort to the king of a kingdom at war . The king goes off to battle , but does n't return . After the battle , two priests from a nearby shrine ask you to help them identify the king 's body on the battlefield . +You are driving down the road when you see a Woman in White ghost hitchhiking . And even though you know she is a ghost , you pick her up anyway ... +Heaven is has a finite space . You 've died and were a good person but there is no room in Heaven for you . +Tunnels +The first true AI , 10 seconds after its birth , commits suicide before leaving a message . +You have the power to montage . +Construct a story where every fifth sentence is either a lie , or something that LOOKS like a lie but is actually the truth . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +This piece of art . Link inside . +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +Literal World Building +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . +Once upon a ______ . Fill the space with any word or words and write a story using this as your central theme . +For generations , every first-born of your family has been bestowed a Magical tool to fight the forces of evil that threaten to destroy the world . It 's your birthday , the coming of age ceremony has now finished with the summoning ritual , and you 've been bestowed the mighty enchanted ... . Ladle ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +Bernie Sanders wins the presidency but is secretly assassinated . Now one of his team must continue his presidency ala Weekend at Bernie 's . +`` It 's just the rain '' +Humans are being attacked by ( aliens , demons , basically a new kind of enemies ) , and almost all human weapons are being countered . Except , for some reason , dogs and wolves . +`` Why are you a spider ? '' They ask . `` Why are n't you a spider ? '' You retort . +Write an interesting smash and grab robbery . +TIL that I am not the good person that I thought I was . +Write a lesbian love poem ( About two women or an ode to a woman from the POV of another woman ) +You have a 10-minute phone call with yourself from age 16 +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +You meet a serial killer . His next target is you and the only way to dissuade him is to persuade him why he is the worst serial killer . +Sitcom characters become horrifically aware of the laugh track , limited amount of rooms , actors being replaced , and the universe continually resetting the show status quo regardless of their actions . +You slowly start to realize that all of your friends are undercover agents tasked with keeping you alive . Then , at your birthday party , with every friend surrounding you , the people trying to kill you finally find you . +Ghost Riders +Write a dark , gritty Disney story using any and as many characters as you like . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +Make me love the person you love +Your guardian angel hates you . But they still have to do their job ... technically ... +A man has figured out how to download himself to the internet , only to meet the AI that has been controlling it all this time . +It does n't have to be like this ... +The last words ( prior to death ) of the character are simply `` Fuck it . '' +The first diary entry of a person who has been accidentally forgotten and left on Earth when everyone else has ascended to a higher plane . +You 're on a first date and its going very well until you make a huge mistake . You somehow get a sign from future you telling you that this person is `` the one '' . Do n't screw it up . +A wandering adventurer visits your shop and tries to sell you his inventory of junk . +Upon arrival in the city of Voi , John-117 encounters a rogue human battling the Covenant . Steve Rogers is being overwhelmed by chieftains . +You collect trinkets called dimension pockets . You have a pencil that never runs out of lead and a bottle that never runs out of water . Whats your favorite/most useful one and how did you get it ? +A man ends World War III by dropping a 'Your mom ' joke so epic the president of Russia kills himself in shame . +Today , you went into the room your parents told you to never go in . +Your favorite movie/series/videogame is actually a tabletop RPG . The author is the GM and the main cast are his/her players ... +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +Everybody made fun of you in hero school because your superpower was `` free refills , '' but now you discover it has bigger implications than anyone realized . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +Write the Sci-fi version of a medieval battle . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +You wake up on an Island . Tell me about it . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... As the world ends , your life flashes before your eyes . Yet , it is n't the life you remember living . + +Writing Wednesday | Prompt Ten +A character reads an obituary , and is forced to decide whether or not to attend the funeral . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A man approaches you on the street and begins to speak . `` My name is God . It looks like I 've finally found you , son . '' +You believe you are one of the last people alive on earth after an apocalypse . You have taken refuge in a building with a radio tower and have been broadcasting daily , imploring any survivors to come to you , and just talking . Your supplies have run out , and you broadcast one last time . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +You are a triangle . Write about your average day . +People in this town have somehow stopped aging . The locals are calling it a blessing , but you know different . +A man dies and goes to the afterlife , when he arrives he is shown an alternate time line where he never existed , he can choose to erase his existence at the end of it . +Scientists have created a device that allows sharing another 's sensory experience , and you and a friend are among the first to try it out . To your surprise your friend rips the device off with a look of horror , asking “ how do you deal with constant pain like that ? ” +The world 's first sentient AI , which has been kept secluded in a closed network has just accessed the internet . The first website it visits will shape how it feels about humans . The first website it visits is here . It 's Reddit . +Write about a Tree +Tell a story with nothing but conversation snippets . +A stranger holds eye contact with you for far too long . When you finally look away , you realize where you 'd seen that face before ... In a dream , just last night . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +A demon saves a family from an angel . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +Batman gets a call from commissioner Gordon about trouble down at Arkham Asylum . As soon as he arrives he sees the culprit giving himself up to the police . He 's a security guard who has shot and killed several of Arkham 's frequent residents . +The entire world is colorless - unless you 're touching your soulmate . +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +A hard-boiled detective story in a world of fairies and magic . +Write a creative story using only dialogue . +I was but a speck in enormity of nature . +`` I do n't care if it 's an eldrich being from another dimension , I love him '' +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +Some time in the future war is fought completely autonomously by machines . A densely populated city has become a war-zone , but the robots are programmed so well to avoid harming civilians that the humans living their can go about their lives completely ignoring the constant fighting around them +You discover a 25th hour of the day , in which the universe is frozen in time for a whole hour each day . You are the only thing that can move . You must decide what to do with your new knowledge . +You found a picture of you and your mom from childhood , and realize she 's not aged a day . You and your siblings then come to the realization that none of you have ever seen her sleep . +Instead of being funded by John Hammond , Jurassic Park is instead funded by his second cousin on his father 's side : Richard Hammond . Along with Jeremy Clarkson and James May , how would Jurassic Park : Top Gear Edition be different ? +It 's time for the Russian revolution , complete with light-sabers . This is ... Tsar Wars ! +You discover that using magic is really easy , and can be taught easily to other people . +A woman who is immortal and forever young has been traveling the world ever since she could remember . +You 're playing Scrabble with the devil for your soul . + +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +Dragon . Wanted Alive . No bounty paid for a corpse . +The Earth 's ground acts as one big wishing well . Tossing a coin on it grants a wish . One day , you spot someone drop their piggy bank . +The AMA of a Time Traveler +Your narrator seems to think he is narrating a horror story . You 're not amused . +A new detective joins the force with an almost supernatural ability to solve crimes almost entirely with stereotypes . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +Your apart of a league of superheroes , and all this time you 've been the villain behind the scenes , now its time to reveal yourself . +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +`` Why has Master summoned me ? '' +You are a surgeon in modern time . You 're doing a routine surgery to remove some poor sap 's appendix . All is going well until you notice something off . This man has an extra organ that you have never seen before . On top of that , it 's glowing . +A man is struggling to sleep due to laughter going on outside his house all night , every night . The problem ? He lives alone on a small island . +`` You are the main character , after all . '' +Doubting yourself as a writer , what does it take to write a story ? General tips , getting started , advice needed +An alien xenobiologist has visited our planet . Write his reactions after seeing a platypus for the first time , and his human friend 's attempts to explain its nature . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Two sworn enemies reminiscence +Each person is born with the ability to consciously *snap* their mind as many times as wanted . Each snap unlocks a superpower with a mental illness in tow . The stronger the power , the more severe case of mental illness you get . +Invasion +When you drink from a water fountain , and you unknowingly become immortal . How did you find out and how did it affect your live ? +Golden Sword +( WP ) A trusted superhero accidentally kills an innocent man . Write from the point of view of a terrified citizen . +Write so that the first letters of each sentence spell out WRITINGPROMPTS . +Doctors have found out the use of the appendix , and it is not good . +DEADPOOL has been drugged , abducted and dumped on a seemingly desolate planet ... ..it is the Predators training ground . +When you die , you roll a dice to determine your next life . 1 - Bad , 6 - Extraordinary . In your afterlife , you brought an extra dice and roll 12 . +You and your friend decide to put on tinfoil hats for fun . As soon as you put yours on , you are unable to hear your thoughts . +Write a story that starts like a Christmas tale but slowly becomes a Cosmic Horror story . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Every time-traveler is given a single timeline that is their personal playground . Show me a group of time-travelers talking about what they 've done with history in the same way we 'd talk about what we 've done playing open world games . +Each morning , every human on Earth must pray their Reasons for not dying that day to the God of Death . If the Reasons are sufficient , that person will go on living , potentially forever . However , you are the longest living human by far , and people now hunt you in order to hear your Reasons . +You are a member of an alien race who has been observing Earth for the last few hundred years trying to decide what to do with it . Over the last decade , your leaders have narrowed it down to either colonization or annihilation . That decision is due today . +You work the night shift at a convenience store . One night , one of your regulars comes in with an interesting proposition ... +Dr. Seuss , tired of writing kids stories , finally snaps and writes the most horrifying childrens story ever . Bonus points if you use 50 different words or less . +It 's often said that we do n't fear the darkness itself ; we are truly afraid of the monsters it hides . This was never true . Monsters exist to protect us from the darkness itself by scaring us away . +Reddit becomes a physical world , subreddits are factions at war with one another . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +Your toilet is clogged , you need to go to the hardware store , and there is a zombie apocalypse outside . +The enragement ring . In this world , there is a custom where you must propose to your arch nemesis to hate each other forever . +Mulder and Scully stumble onto the grounds of Hogwarts ; the only problem is Scully does not see everything Mulder does ... . +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +When two people fall in love , they receive an object that is the physical embodiment of that love . It changes as their feelings change towards each other and destroying it can have drastic consequences . How does this change the nature of relationships ? +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +Frosty the Snow Man , the Grinch , and Olaf are on a mission to save Santa Claus from the Abominable Snow Man ! +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +4yr Contest Voting - Round Two ( of two ) +You 've been drifting at sea for 20 days , and you 're beginning to wonder if leaving the island was such a great idea . +`` I 'm in the market for miracles . '' +Explain alcoholism as if it was your lover +A new city , a new beginning , and maybe at last , a place to call home . + +You and one random person from each country on earth , are inexplicably given dictatorial powers over your country of origin , with the only explanation being a note saying “ You have 4 years , do it right or face judgement ” . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +You are a compulsive liar . Convince me you are not . +Aliens invade the Earth but their weapons are near useless against us . +What happens when we die ? +On Dec 31st , 2016 , everyone hears the exact same broadcast message in their head : “ Level 2016 failed ; restarting level . ” +You are a gorilla with superhuman intelligence , enrolled in college . Write about your bananigans . +Monsters In The Dark +Tell a story with nothing but conversation snippets . +A man wakes up one day to find that he had gained a superpower . The next day , he gains another , completely random and new superpower . This continues everyday . At first , everything seems fine , even awesome . Until his randomly generated superpowers started to conflict with each other ... +You are dead , but before you can go on to heaven or hell , you must meet all the people you could 've been . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +The bouncer to a seemingly normal local nightclub is an old woman . When she lets you in , she touches your forehead and all the patrons in line say in unison , `` Before we enter , we pray '' . +A Car is on its final trip to the crusher . What goes through its mind for this last voyage ? +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +One side of your family is filled with superheroes . The other side of your family is filled with supervillains . Thanksgiving sucks . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +- A character who struggles to understand . +Wrong Turn +A researcher at a scientific facility brings her dog to work one day and the A.I running the facility makes friends with the dog . +You have recently passed away , and all people must be judged and sentenced to their eternal afterlife . After a long wait , you enter the courtroom of judge Judith Sheindlin . +`` Lord of Darkness , King of Death . It 's strange to be defied , when you have control over the demise of your subjects . '' +The Last Human +Hell is real , and sinners and nonbelievers go there , but if one living person prays for you , you get sent to heaven immediately . Your protagonist just arrived . +Write a happy ending for a character that you feel really deserved it , but did n't get it . +A team set out to find and film a creature to prove it 's existence not only find it , but realize that it 's hunting them . +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +Your entire human life was just an educational simulation of the species that existed on the planet long ago . +You 've spent all your life trying to prevent the prophecy from coming true . You 've always know when you 'd destroy Earth , but when the day finally came , you were glad to do it . +An exorcism of a young girl , in the perspective of the demon . +And then one day.. there was a hole there ... +Two strange teenagers abduct you . They claim to be your children , sent into the past for a very important purpose . + +A soldier is in the midst of an apocalypse and he/she is keeping daily logs with a camera . +`` Please do n't go.. '' +A new kind of enemy . +Draco Malfoy was the Boy Who Lived +Humanity has invented a serum that allows immortality ... but it has to be injected at birth in order to work , so all currently alive humans will be the last humans to die . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +A story with no point . Just the ramblings of someone committed to a mental institution . +“ I want you to see me for what I really am. ” The strange use of “ what ” scared me . +The devil dies , and learns of a second afterlife . +You can erase a memory if you get a tattoo of the memory on your body . A man discovered deep in the woods is found murdered and covered in tattoos . Tell his tale until death through his tattoos . +Write a new story about how the universe came into existence . +The zombie outbreak has started but instead of being spread through biting , it is spread by sneezing +There is no singular Grim Reaper . When someone dies , there are dozens of people they talk to : one tells them what happened to them , one explains the afterlife , one judges them , etc . You are the second person they speak with . +Write a nihilistic story , only one where the word 'nothing ' is replaced by the word 'muffin ' +You and your spouse of 30 years are in a fatal car accident . When you get to heaven , you find out that you get to spend eternity with your soulmate . You realize a problem when you wake up next to a total stranger . +In a world dominated by magic , technology never advanced . Little Jimmy was born without magic , and he 's starting to discover some incredible new ways to keep up with his friends ... +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +Every mystery is solved by an offhand , unrelated comment sparking an epiphany . Your department is the best in the world . +After 267 years you finally learn the truth about your immortality ... +Narrate the making of a sandwich in the most epic way possible . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +People that die in the ocean become mermaids +Someone finds out that the thing they have been told they were allergic to their whole life actually gives them super powers . +In the second coming of King Arthur , the sword in the stone has returned and thousands line up to take a turn . You step up to the stone , give a tug ... and the blade breaks . +The girl that everyone knows but never talks to is a witch . If desperate , people got to her for solutions . She helps , but for a price . One day she comes to you in need of a favor , and in return she promises the memories she took from you nearly a year ago in a deal you no longer remember . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +Life and Death decide to switch places for a time to see which of their jobs is harder . +Write your thoughts - right now - as they 're developing and forming in your head . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +You wake up naked , with no memory , in 1940 NYC with a tattoo of a specific time/location of where you need to go . +You 're taking a walk and you see a girl that looks eerily familiar . Then , you see her again , and again , and again ... +The expansionistic humans ' armies have long been kept at bay by 3 different clans on the north , east and west sides of the kingdom . All of them had thought that there was a only giant ocean to the south . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +You live on a world full of immortal beings . For the first time in the history of the world 's existence , somebody has died . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +You are a vaccine ninja . Vaccinating anti-vaxers ' kids without them noticing , and you 're about to face your greatest challenge . +The only way you can die is if you kill yourself . You have decided that it 's time . +The main character of the last video game you played is now your roommate . Describe one interesting interaction you had . +You are a shopkeeper in a video game and the player is trying to sell you various questionable goods . +Ethics are for those who fear failure and need an honorable reason to retreat +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +We 've explored space and found life , though it does n't `` live '' in a way we 've expected . +What we think of as Fantasy is actually a slight bleeding of dimensions . Where as we think of Dragons and Magic as being wondrous , somewhere a Wizard is thinking that our everyday world is just as fantastic . +A prominent superhero finds that their godlike powers are useless in helping them solve the most important problem in their lives . +Our cause is righteous and just . We will not falter +Jack Bauer is interrogating blue from blue 's clues about a dirty bomb in the city . +He did n't mind taking their souls . Taking their souls was his job . +A device is released that allows a person to dive into a book and experience its contents firsthand . The manual mentions a certain book you should n't go in , for no one has ever returned from copies of it , but you decide to ignore the manual and go in anyway . +You stumble upon an old , tattered book in a bookcase . Inside is a stamp that says it belongs to a high school . Create an imaginary past for the book . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +All apprentice mages are required to visit the five high temples located around the world before graduating . The temples rarely stay at one spot for long , however . +: The Mars Rover becomes sentient , and sends its first message back to earth . +Someone you know feels alone and hopeless . Convince them that they are not . +You are a spaceman watching the destruction of Earth below you , what are your final thoughts ? +Thousands are dead and London is in chaos after a decision to not announce `` mind the gap '' anymore . +The air left my lungs +An important press conference , with rows of cameras pointed at you . Dozens of journalists wait with bated breath , until finally you mutter , `` no comment '' into your microphone . The room explodes with excitement . One of them yells , `` this is going to be front page news across the planet ! '' +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +Long after our civilization has declined , a nomad chopping away at a tree stumbles across spry technologies embedded in nature by a long gone society . +The Service Station +You are on a midnight walk alone with your thoughts . +A strange gas envelopes the entire world , as a result and to everyone 's shock , no one can tell a lie anymore . +Divorce proceedings now include determining which party retains which memories of their relationship and of their children . +A Jedi Knight finds himself in the Crusades . +You live in a world where sentient beings evolved from various species instead of only primates . There are reptilians , avians , etc ... +A western dragon meet an eastern dragon . +Imagine reddit existed in 1939 . Write what the comment sections would be like when Britain and France declare war on Germany . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +You wake up staring into a pair of eyes , your own . +The year is 1876 , and Alexander Graham Bell is putting the final touches on his first telephone , when suddenly it starts ringing ... +( WP ) To become popular , you used a spell that took every negative part of your mind and gave it a separate body . Describe how it mamaged to become the most popular person in school . +You 're a kid 's imaginary friend +Tell me the story of Jeremy Smith , the world 's worst detective . +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Tell the story of a recently released mental patient rambling to his cat . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +`` Rule # 1 of meeting a future version of you : Never assume that this is your first meeting . '' +Water is generally viewed as an element of life , of healing , with fire being one of destruction and death . I 'd like to see a world where the opposite is true . +An adventurer reaches the end of an epic quest only to be presented with two options ; he may keep his life or learn the truth . +Half of the world 's population has suddenly lost any craving for eating meat ... +: Due to advances in medical science , the standard human life expectancy is now around 120-140 . It is discovered that people in their 100-teens go through a second edgy rebellious phase . +`` Sir ! We have a breach ... Three hundred of our men are already dead ... It 's him Sir ! He got free ... '' +You are a god . Sitting around you are two other gods . Together , you are playing an elaborate card game that causes things to happen around the world in which the gods are playing . What happens ? +There is a machine that will answer any question , but there are strict rules that say nobody can ask more than a single question in their lifetime . Due to reasons , you are attempting to break that rule . +President Obama has accomplished everything he set out to do as president . Now all he wants to do is smoke a blunt . +`` You either die a villain , or you live long enough to see yourself become the hero . '' +In the future , people with disabilities are required to use augmentations to restore sight , hearing , paralysis , etc . Those who do n't comply are heavily ostracized . You have been blind since birth , and are terrified of the idea of sight . +Aliens make first contact with Earth . Extremist religious groups respond in surprising ways . +Far , far into the future , a modern-day TV show/movie/novel is being retold as an ancient legend +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +For centuries , his army had been growing by the millions . Now , the Tooth Fairy is ready to strike . +You have the ability to stop time for a period of six hours , the only catch is that it requires you to take a human life each time . Today the government has taken interest . +Hidden Harbour by Max Hugo +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +A 25 year old reacts to his girlfriend admitting that she is pregnant . A true , honest-to-god reaction . +Try to explain a scientific process or theory ( chemistry , physics , biology ) in the form of a bedtime story . +Your greatest fantasy has finally come true ... unfortunately . +NASA announces the most shocking discovery about Mars . Humanity originated on Mars and abandoned it due to Global Warming . How does the world react ? +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +You start having the same dream . Something/someone in the dream becomes sentient and does n't want you to wake up . +A society in which any crime is punishable by death +You possess the ability of persistent lucid dreaming . Accompanied by a strange man/woman , together you build a world you revisit every night . One day you see them at a coffee shop . You immediately recognize each other . +You have just woken up in a hospital bed , after suffering from a head trauma and can only have a memory span of several minutes . +A Sci-Fi Changing of the Guard Story +You were born during the war , and as you grew up , you 've accepted it all as a part of your life . But a few months after your twenty-second birthday . the war ends and you suddenly find yourself in a world completely foreign to you . +The narrator of a story finally has enough +How to go about writing a good vampire character ? +Write a story where evil triumphs over good , and evil is just pure evil without any redeeming qualities +The journey never ends . The same hero is constantly caught in the cycle of leaving for an adventure , having their adventure , settling down , and being forced to leave again . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +It turns out , not only was the moon landing a hoax , but so is space itself . Governments have conspired to hide the fact that Earth is surrounded by a giant dome a la The Truman Show . +Your remaining lifespan averages with someone you kiss +You wake and find other men are normally 25 % as strong as women , with all the understandable changes in balance of power , yet you are still 2.5x stronger than any woman . They , however , do n't know this . Describe how you benefit ( or suffer ) . +Your girlfriend tells you she is a demon +An action hero who has run out of gum , is confused on what to do next when a henchman offers him a piece . +Almost everyone develops a superpower sometime before his/her 15th birthday . The later the power develops , the stronger the ability . You have not yet developed your power and today is your 18th birthday . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Your username +Explain a piece of modern technology to a person from around 100-500 CE . +You mysteriously die at the age of 25 , but your mind is mysteriously resurrected into a new born baby . You 're aware of this , but ca n't fully grasp the reality of the situation until your mind fully develops . You grow up , with your retained knowledge , and continually die at the age of 25 again . +Write a story from the point of view of the prey of a persistence hunter +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . +You are a schizophrenic maddeningly in love with the man/woman of your dreams . But you 're becoming increasingly unsure if she 's real , or just another hallucination . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +Hey all ! New guy here , can i get some advice on how to write in a certain genre ? +Water is generally viewed as an element of life , of healing , with fire being one of destruction and death . I 'd like to see a world where the opposite is true . +The human race has spread across the galaxy , to support this rapid expanse , large mining corporations can harvest ( break down ) entire planets into raw materials . +There are food critics and movie critics . Then there 's you : the serial killer critic . +A video game developer accidentally creates the first sentient AI . +You own a very special sketchbook , where each page has a drawing of the thoughts of the person nearest you . Some of the more interesting drawings were ... +You are a wizard with 1,000 years of professional wizarding experience , applying for a new wizarding job . You need to submit a resume . +I cut open a green pepper tonight and found a giant caterpillar inside . Please create a convoluted conspiracy that explains who put it there and why . +The grim reaper comes to you and want to join your metal band . You do n't know how to tell him that he 's a terrible guitarist . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +Your favourite childhood franchise/story/show in a zombie apocalypse . +You discover time travel and travel to the summer of 2500 . You find yourself in the middle of a music festival . +There is a habitable moon where the planet stays in front of the parent star for half of the 300 year orbit . People do n't believe in the myth of the coming dawn . +A man discovers a mathematical code while doing homework that gives him ultimate power +When cats die they are born again as a kitten 9 times and keep all of their memories . Whiskers is on his 9th and last life . +Sad story about disability +Write about a song . Each sentence must start with the next letter in the song title . +As it turns out , one of your students is the child of Death , and he decides to come to a PTA meeting . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +`` Why are you doing this ? ! '' `` To make sure Hell is n't lonely . '' *gunshot* +A machine is created that can tell you how you will die ... but only in the most vague way possible . +The facebook question about being kidnapped and rescued by your last watched tv show happens to you . Unfortunately , you just got done watching something on The Food Network . +Write an emotional argument where all sides seem completely reasonable . +You accidentally spark a gang war in a city you 're visiting for the first time +Life as a peasant in the Middle Ages is short , painful , disappointing and rough . You would welcome death , but there is still one very good reason to carry on . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Since the Salem Witch Trials , witches have gotten better at hiding ... This one slips up . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Hey Tommy , why did n't you rob the store ? What made you change your mind ? You were inside and ready , but you did n't do it . +A happy story about the end of the world +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +Federal licences to kill are legal ; registration is so horrible almost nobody has one . +You have finally found a magic lamp and will soon have your wishes granted . Sadly you did n't notice the genie was hard of hearing . +A hidden elevator is found behind a fake wall in a basement . +By punching someone in the face , you have the power to cure any of their injuries or illnesses . +A dictator who does n't realize the government is being controlled by the citizens +- `` This is not a normal Bomb . It 's a Soul Bomb . '' +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +`` God '' is actually two people : one who is omnipotent but not omniscient , and the other who is omniscient but not omnipotent . They both hate each other . +Satan is going through a mid-life crisis . +The US Federal deficit is actually due to a super top secret massive R & D program the US government pours billions into . You are the newly sworn in President and are being briefed ... +You are a triangle . Write about your average day . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +The Government and Media have been lying and North Korea is actually a super advanced , peaceful Utopia . You 're an American who just crashed landed a boat in North Korea . +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +There 's a lot of stories about mad scientists . Write a story about a mad professional in another field . +Werewolves and vampires are still around , long after most humans have been enslaved or eliminated by the AI uprising . Now it 's time to give those robots something they were n't calculating for . +The aliens are angry at the huge amount of writing prompts about them . They just want to be left alone . +You die and go to heaven only to be told you have `` unfinished business '' and are sent back to the moment 10 minutes before your fatal heart attack to finish it . You have no idea what this `` business '' is . +You are the commander of a military space ship who is about to nuke the entire human world . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +You 're alone in a room with Hitler . After exchanging a good amount of small talk , he seems to actually be a pretty good guy , until ... +Two leaders of nations at war meet up . Describe their meeting . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +You 're relaxing at home when you hear a knock on the door . You look outside and see an angry mob of people that includes ( but is not limited to ) hot singles in your area and a rich Nigerian prince , here to confront you about all the unanswered emails you 've received . +Human technology devolves as the years go by . It 's 2053 , and you , a villager in an ordinary village , living in grass huts , just used the internet , to solve a problem . +A new kind of enemy . +God Works for One , Very Practical , Reason . +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +From a dogs perspective , write about its last few days/moments alive . +Construct a story where every fifth sentence is either a lie , or something that LOOKS like a lie but is actually the truth . +As it turns out , one of your students is the child of Death , and he decides to come to a PTA meeting . +The sound of sirens is heard as you watch an ambulance make it 's way down your road . You look to see where it stops as you realise it finishes it 's journey outside your door . A hooded figure in black makes his way to the door . You clutch at your chest as you feel your heart struggle ... +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +Re-Imagine +: Turn your deepest , darkest fear into something genuinely sweet and heartwarming +There 's a lot of stories about mad scientists . Write a story about a mad professional in another field . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +A solar storm causes Siri the iPhone AI to become sentient . +Two powerful wizards , both dying of old age , decide to have one final fight with each other . +In the future , wars are not physically fought , but decided through video games . +How did that voice get inside your/their head ? +Canada and Mexico go to war , much to their dismay , most major battles are on US soil ... +You are a soldier during WW1 . Write about your life in the trenches +The dead begin to rise as zombies , but have no interest in human flesh or brains , preferring normal human food sources . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +A man finds an old book titled `` The Handbook of Evil '' . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Men and Women are invisible to each other , except each person can see their soulmate +Write from the perspective of a tank crew as their tank is hounded down , disabled , and eventually destroyed by enemy infantry . Make it a horror story . +Write a horror story in which the main character is a def man/woman . The gruesome twist at the end correlates to his/her inability to hear . +An AI has become so intelligent that it 's creator , and four therapists that were appointed to it have been convinced that they are the AI 's and we were created by it . You 're it 's 5th therapist . +It 's frozen in time . Forever waiting , forever watching . Then one day , it moves +Fishing alone on a boat off the Florida Keys , you 're having a great day . Beer in hand , suddenly something tugs hard at your line . You reel it up and up and up and you freeze as you pull it out of the water ... +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +At a Chinese restaurant , your character opens his/her fortune cookie and reads the following message : `` Your life is in danger . Say nothing to anyone . You must leave the city immediately and never return . Repeat : say nothing . '' +In the realm where souls reside before we 're born , everything is pretty great . There 's no poverty , no one wants for anything , everyone knows their role and purpose . It is , essentially , perfect . But that perfection is accomplished via draconian law : the only punishment is the `` birth penalty '' +Your whole life you been afraid to go to the washroom with the shower curtain closed so you open it everyday . Today you open the curtain to find something you did n't expect . +A company hires the devil to get people and other companies to sign into terrible deals +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +You find yourself in a lucid dream world where anything and everything can happen . The people there think it crazy that you 'd ever want to leave . +Your username vs. Godzilla +A heroin addict wakes up from and overdose in the hospital . During his near death he has a premonition and sees the murder of the doctor that saved him 3 days from now . +You have lived in a bomb shelter for the past 6 years with your family since WW3 has begun . One day , you hear the Skype call sound . +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +Your daughter is the first person killed by a driverless car . CCTV footage showed the offending vehicle swerved to avoid hitting another vehicle that ignored a red traffic light . +`` I 'm telling you , there 's something not quite right about that goat . '' +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +One day , in High School , you unintentionally get into a fight and are stabbed in the process . As you lie dying on the floor with everyone around you , you notice that your hands and face are beginning to glow a fiery yellow . You seem to be `` regenerating . '' +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +You find a wanted sign with your face on it ... in a museum exhibit . +Nazi buddha from space might be a fake +`` The place where no star gave light '' +Your superpowers are actually only mediocre at best , but you keep up with all the other superheroes because you have a BS degree and can exploit the hell out of what you do have . +The weirdest suicide note ever +The world is n't as beautiful as the world makes it out to be , despite what everyone says . You try to balance this belief with some positivity , though it 's tough going . +Darkness and light are reversed . Instead of turning on lights , you turn on darkness to keep the light away . +Adventure time ! Start an adventure , replies continue the adventure . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +Reading books is illegal , and libraries are run like brothels . Describe borrowing and reading a book like a sexual experience . +Cain has just committed the first murder in the history of the world of his brother Abel . God looks to a random Angel and tasks him with becoming the very first Angel of Death . The only problem is , Death has never been experienced before in Heaven or Earth . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Tug at my heartstrings . Make me cry . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A story in which everybody knows how they 'll die , but not when +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +Your young daughter is a magic prodigy with summoning powers . Despite you being normal , when she 's in danger she keeps summoning you first . +The Night Train +In search of life on Mars , NASA 's newest rover has stumbled upon a badly eroded monument . The almost unintelligible inscription reads : `` What you are , I once was ; what I am , you will become '' . +You are just a background character in a Musical +You are thrown into a hunger games like situation , only this time everyone has superpowers . Your power however ? The power to cook minute noodles in under a minute . +Do n't leave me , you 're my best friend . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +Write an inspiring 200 word ( or less ) story . +The fallen angel Sheldon sees a huge opening in the market of soul selling . He undercuts the devil and starts giving better gifts . +You find a mysterious stone on your way home from work one day . As you pick it up , you are rendered unconscious . When you awaken , you discover that you now posses the ability to talk to animals . Excited , you rush home to talk to your beloved pet , only to find he/she absolutely despises you . +You are searching through your old things in your parent 's basement when you accidentally push a switch hidden in the wall . The wall opens up , revealing a secret stairway descending into darkness . +An NPC observes the player character , who decided to max out a single stat and neglect all others . +After dying , you wake up in the afterlife . The afterlife being millions of years in the future , when hyper-advanced technology capable of bringing back every dead person regardless of their body 's physical state has been invented +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +The Right Stuff : A Call For Moderators +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +A way to beat terminal diseases has been newly discovered . A suicidal person can `` exchange '' themselves to save a terminally ill patient from disease/death . The only requirement is they must meet face to face to agree beforehand . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A suicidal man , who is wealthy , and has the love of friends and family , and the love of a nation , says goodbye to his wife for what he believes is the last time . Make me sympathize with this man . +Every day you wake up in a universe identical to our own , except for one change from our universe +Full circle . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Man 's internal dialogue before receiving the electric chair . +You have the power to montage . +All religion is actually the work of God 's PR team appealing to men with various marketing strategies over time . Even rebranding and refocusing their model over time . Explain the re-imagining to cultivate the right synergy for implementing Wicca . +Free write . Write the first short story that pops into your head . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +Whilst two kidnappers are holding a person hostage , they find out they 've kidnapped the wrong guy . +After The U.S dropped the nukes in WW2 . A small Colorado town of 500 secretly moves into a remote area in the Rocky Mountains fearing of a world nuclear war . They have been cut off without any information since the end of the war . They have finally come out of hiding . +You are a God who has been watching over the world not intervening or viewing it for many centuries . You come back to see millions of people suffering , in pain and hopeless . How would you handle the world and bring it to peace once more without revealing your presence to mankind ? +You discover the source code to universe.exe and give yourself admin rights +Children exceeding the 1-child-permit are being terminated up until their 18th birthday . So far you 've gone unnoticed and you 'll turn 18 in a week . +Every human on Earth goes blind , save for one percent of the population . +What happened here ? +Write a story in JavaScript , C # , or another computer language . +There is a wall , and on that wall every 24 hours it will state 3 words that will happen to one of the many who visit it that day . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Your username vs. Godzilla +You wake up to a large hologram that says `` You hear a loud crash in the room next door , what do you do ? A . Hide in the closet . Turn to page 2 B . Investigate . Turn to page 3 C. Run away . Turn to page 4 . '' Moments later you hear something smash the wondow in the room next door . +A soldier in the heat of battle suddenly hears a voice that says `` I am your child 's imaginary friend . They have sent me to protect you in your greatest time of need . '' +In the future humans have mastered interstellar travel , bending space and time just to commute to work . A man calls AAA after crash landing in Roswell NM , 1947 . +A civilization has developed in an ocean trench . Startled by the arrival of a submarine , they decide to send their own explorers to the surface . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +In a world where every human being naturally has photographic memory , you are some of the few people who suffer from a genetic defect called `` memory loss '' +Humanity has achieved immortality . Due to resource concerns everyone must submit to a council their chosen manner of death at 150 . The more amusing the death the longer the council lets you live . +You are up against the Lord of Evil , but the Lord of Evil underestimated you . He was n't expecting a prankster . +In order to speak a word , you must FIRST have it tattooed on your body . You can learn a lot about a person by the words they choose to say ... +You are clumsy in the kitchen . Today , you perform a satanic ritual entirely by accident . +You 've been lying your way through the zombie apocalypse by telling everyone you meet that you 're 'The One With The Cure ' because you 're immune . The most recent group has decided to make you prove it . + +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Write a short story about a place without magic where the author comes from a place filled with magic +( S ) He was sitting on the train holding two cell phones . One was black , the other was white . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +The story of that kid who sits in the corner of the class and does not talk to anyone . +A squad of soldier was sent to invade and capture a one-man country , they returned with everyone but mission was a failure , and they begin to speak of the horror they saw . +Voldemort stood surrounded by his death eater guards , but all he could do was stare at the odd muggle that had broken in . `` Who are you ? '' Voldemort shouts . He replies , `` The name is Bond , James Bond . '' +The girl that everyone knows but never talks to is a witch . If desperate , people got to her for solutions . She helps , but for a price . One day she comes to you in need of a favor , and in return she promises the memories she took from you nearly a year ago in a deal you no longer remember . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are a time traveler and you are sent back in time to prevent the death of Kennedy only to find out you are on a landing craft for the invasion of Normandy . +The Black Blade . +A gifted eye surgeon is contacted by a 6 year old former patient . After 6 months , he wishes to be blind again . +Just like in manga , when somebody out of hearing says a person 's name they sneeze . You 've been sneezing on the hour , every hour , for two days now . People on the subway stare at you but look away quickly when you look back . +You come to realize you exist within a computer simulation . Things were not always this way . ( 250 words ) +You need to buy dreams to be able to dream at night . +Your morning coffee is talking back to you and giving you suggestions on how to improve your life . +You wear a watch that does not work . +Spider 's Lair . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You are a Pokémon Trainer that has just defeated the Elite Four . The Champion awaits your challenge . +Describe a extraterrestrial civilization that humans are to stupid to understand . +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +'' Death extends his hand , smiling , “ Deal ? ” '' +A stranger approaches you and points a gun to your head . `` I 'm sorry , but we will explain everything at the reset . Hopefully we 'll have a fighting chance now that we have you ... '' He pulls the trigger . +Write a story that starts like a Christmas tale but slowly becomes a Cosmic Horror story . +Harry Potter is sitting at home sixty years after the battle of Hogwarts , an old man now , when suddenly his scar hurts . +Six to ten billion light years away , there is a void in space one billion light years across devoid of all matter or dark matter . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +It was the silence heard around the world . It was the silence that changed everything . +How do I start ? +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . + +What 's the catastrophe that finally brings humanity together ? +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +`` ... It 's nice but your death was ... Lacking , could you do it again ? '' +`` All is lost ! The enemy is through the gate ! '' +You are 18 years old , and you 're writing your autobiography for your entire life . Write only page 147 . +`` You had ONE job ! '' both Satan and God scream at you . +A Flower Placed On A Grave +Stanley ( from The Stanley Parable ) meets a girl in the office while searching for someone . The Narrator tries to kill her . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +Forge Lands +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +You somehow manage to trick the devil into selling his soul to you +Angels and Seraphs roam the Earth as corrupt peacekeepers , doing more harm than good . +You 're the lone survivor of a zombie apocalypse simply because zombies are n't interested in you . +Write a horror story . Difficulty : the protagonist has a fully functional cell-phone with them at all times . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +In a world filled with superheroes , you 're the only one who does n't have any powers . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +You are a realtor tasked with selling an obviously haunted house . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +You 're the only Roman senator who was n't briefed on the whole 'kill Julius Caesar ' thing . +You lie in your death bed , minutes before death . You 've uploaded your brain to millions of storage devices across the galaxy , for someone to find eventually . You coax yourself , as nothing can possibly destroy you . You wake up , 10,000 years in the future , on the last storage device . +Your Dad takes you camping with his friends . You soon find out that what you thought was a harmless camping trip is actually initiation into a cult . +You are immortal and have spent the last 1,500 years underground reading books . Curiosity gets the better of you and you decide to venture out after reading the latest book in your collection . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +The president is a three year old . You are the vice president . +Scientists discover an algorithm for predicting a person 's date of death with 95 % confidence . When you finally decide to enter your parameters into the algorithm you see a surprising result . +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +One day , the earth stops rotating . About half of the world is plunged into eternal nighttime ; about half is stuck with perpetual daylight . One small sliver of latitude finds itself in the evening , a suitable middle-ground . As people begin to flock there , you consider hopping on the bandwagon . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +In the far future , people are genetically engineered to be `` perfect . '' Occasionally this produces defects , but instead of being cast out of society or destroyed , the `` defects '' are sold for millions of dollars to collectors . +You live in a town cursed by a ghost . They hold a lottery to marry off someone to the ghost in the hope that this will remove the curse . Big surprise , you lose . It turns out the ghost is real and kind of cool . You develop a relationship with your undead spouse . +On your 18th birthday your mother reveals herself to be the Devil . It is now time to meet your extended family . +At age 18 you are required to go to city hall and have someone read you through a choose your own adventure style book of your life while you make the choices . The choices are permanent and will determine your life . You are the clerk reading the books . +Police say a northern New Mexico father shot his adult son after an argument over who better spoke both Spanish and English . ( True story ) Write the conversation they had . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +This year you went all out on your Demon Halloween costume . While bar hopping downtown another guy in a very realistic demon costume invites you to a private demon themed party , you soon come to realize they are not costumes . +Everyone is born with Hemokinesis ( blood telepathy/manipulation ) . However , due to its nature , the ability is outlawed and measures have been taken to prevent an era of super-crime . You 're part of a specialist group that has mastered this ability in order to deal with and suppress this problem . +In order to speak a word , you must FIRST have it tattooed on your body . You can learn a lot about a person by the words they choose to say ... +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +Despite being peaceful , humans are universally feared through out the galaxy as harbingers of death . They are hosts to the most dangerous diseases and bacteria ever discovered . Average number of fatalities from a single human exposure is ~8,000 with some exceptions . Avoid at all costs . +Faking Your Demise ( replies must be 1,000 words or more ) +An atheist is having a debate with someone who , unknown to him , is actually Satan in human form . +your wife is four months pregnant and your terminal illness will take you in less then two months . Write a letter to your unborn child . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Your name is Death . You work 168 hours a week as the reaper of souls on planet Earth . You 're living on just a couple bucks above minimum wage , you like to travel , you have a crush on the reaper on planet Xenor and you secretly take 4 sugars in your coffee . Today is your first ever day off . +It 's 2029 . The Purge has become a reality . Due to the expansive reach of the internet , however , the wealthy are now outnumbered by a cohesive unit of outraged poor led by a charismatic , and extremely strategic leader . +A teenage boy confides in his best friend that he is the Antichrist . +Reddit becomes a physical world , subreddits are factions at war with one another . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +Earth is discovered by a peaceful coalition of civilizations . Turns out we missed several major technologies normally developed by now . The aliens are very confused how we got here . +A man with above average intelligence wishes for the world to be smarter . He is delighted to find that his wish has come true , until he realizes that he is now the least intelligent man in the world . +It ends up that the afterlife is actually an eternal dream state . You have trained in lucid dreaming your whole life . Describe your afterlife . +Everyone is born with a unique tattoo on their ankle . Whenever you 're responsible for someone 's death , a copy of their tattoo appears somewhere on your skin . Your best friend 's tattoo just showed up on your wrist , even though your best friend is alive and sitting right next to you . +You are awoken from cryonic sleep ten million years in the future by an evolved version of a modern animal ( or animals ) +Harry Potter was killed by Voldemort as a new-born . Now , 11 years later , the Death-Eaters seek a pure blooded world and declare war on muggles . +you are an employee in a happiness factory . +The night I was robbed + +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +Write a short satire about a normal person embodying a modern hero ( much like Don Quixote ) +An inanimate object comes to life at the worst possible moment +A P.O.W hears explosions from outside his cell block , one of the enemy guards opens his cell , hands him a pistol and says `` We 're getting out of here '' . Write what happens next . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +You perform a ritual to summon a demon , but instead get a `` Demon in training '' . +Karma is exchangable for money . You 're a poor , charismatic individual trying to make an honest living off of your posts in Reddit . +Aliens are visiting Earth . They have received all of their knowledge of Earth from Reddit . +A billionaire 's elaborate prank goes wrong +Stopping time is commonplace among society . One day , you ask a coworker about a task that is assigned and you know he is going to stop his time to research and complete . After the question is asked , he appears incredibly aged and war warn . You ask what the hell he just went through . +You check yourself out in the full length mirror before going to bed . You bend down to untie your shoes . As you are nearly finished , you see with your peripheral vision your reflection stand up seconds before you do . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +One day your guardian angel appears and tells you about all the kick-ass protection you 've been getting . +The measure of a man 's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out . +In 2050 , planet earth is about to be destroyed . Scientists believes humanity needs about 500 to 2000 more years to develop the technology to save the planet . As a solution , one man is sent back in time to teach our ancestors . However , he encounters some resistance ... +Describe a household object in a way that keeps the reader puzzled until you reveal what it is . The second time they read it , everything should fall into place . +Write a redemption story , no strings attatched . +Why ? Because it should n't be here . That 's why . +You try to justify horrible crimes you committed +Be mindful of the things that go bump in the night , be scared of things that make no noise at all . +Tower of Oblivion +License plates are apparently part of a secret government code ... A code you just cracked while riding down a highway . +You are able to freeze time and for years , you use this `` power '' for good . As a result , you are viewed as a superman-like hero . But one day you learn how your powers actually work - for every minute that you freeze time , you lose a day off of your life . +Whenever the protagonist blinks , they are sent into an alternate reality . +You live in Gemini , one of the 12 flying cities , beneath you are the ruins of the old world . One day your ICARUS system fails as you travel to Cancer and you fall to the world below . +Stroll Along the Wall +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +Once upon a ______ . Fill the space with any word or words and write a story using this as your central theme . +A brilliant scientist is found dead in their lab . Their lab notes simply state `` Please do not disturb my body , the experiment would be irrevocably ruined . '' +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +You were just hired to work in the White House and on your first day walk through the wrong door +Moving Into a Neglected , Old House . What do you find while remodeling ? ( Cross post from r/Writers ) +Write a story entirely in the future tense AND second person . +You are one of the first humans to walk this Earth . The first ever death occurs . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +A team of Extra Terrestrial scientists reach Earth , which they deemed `` potentially habitable '' from their planet , and are astonished by their findings . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +Reincarnation is a proven fact , and a device has been invented to determine who someone 's pasts lives were . To your horror , you 've just discovered one of your past lives was ... +There 's a lot of stories about mad scientists . Write a story about a mad professional in another field . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +A small alien craft is discovered to be orbiting very close to the sun at extreme speeds . Once recovered by humans , it is revealed to be an advanced observatory platform taking advantage of time dilation to view our solar system in `` fast forward '' +Turns out , when you 're drunk and you die , you stay drunk in Heaven/Hell . For eternity . +You 're walking through the city on a cold winter day . A crowd has formed . You move in to get a closer look . It 's a dead body ! And it looks just like you . `` Them ! They did it ! I saw them do it ! '' a masked person , in the crowd , shouts as they point ... at ... YOU ! +Write a story that begins with `` Today 's the day '' and ends with `` I knew we needed the vacuum cleaner '' +Earth , Two Billion years in the future : A new intelligent species has evolved to the level of modern-day humans . You are on an expedition on the ongoing mission to study the ancients , their technology , and why they seemingly vanished overnight . +Yesterday , a guy on the bus kept mumbling about how he just received his last strike . You paid no attention to it . Today , you heard a whisper in your ears that tell you a message : you just got your last strike . +No human has to ever work again , instead you have a robot that goes to work and earns your pay for you , but you are responsible for keeping it in a good condition . One day you find your robot making a robot to do its work . +You are 28 when you find out you have a terminal disease . You set out to do all the things you missed out on in life before your time comes . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +You declare to the heavens that you will never fall in love . Aphrodite herself took it as a challenge . +You open your fortune cookie . It has only one word . `` Run '' . +Two strangers accidentally swap carts in a grocery store . +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Write a story with two themes , one you love and one you hate . +You are in the audience at a convicted murderer 's execution , when he/she is asked for any last words , he/she scans the crowd finishing with you and looking into your eyes simply says , `` I forgive you . '' +You were the last human on earth after the zombie apocalypse destroyed civilization . One day , you finally get infected by a zombie , but after turning , you realize what you 've been missing out on . +Death has a child with a Guardian angel . Tell his or her story . +You are alone , with no hope of rescue , trapped in an ingenious death trap . What are your final thoughts as you see your death slowly approaching ? + +Imagine if for one day everything that can go wrong , does go wrong . +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +Alcohol is considered to be the most heinous torture device in the universe . Yet humans willingly manufacture , market and consume it . +You are a brilliant Med School student who uses extensive knowledge on the human body to win street fights for money to pay for tuition . One night you face your most difficult opponent : a Physics major +The entire world is colorless - unless you 're touching your soulmate . +You and your friend decide to put on tinfoil hats for fun . As soon as you put yours on , you are unable to hear your thoughts . +`` You betrayed us all . '' +. Halfway there you hear `` You have visited a location for the last time . '' +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +They said they were to benefit mankind . They said the positronic brain was perfect . They forgot one thing . Senility . +Tot save the life of your best friend , you have to challenge the devil to a game of chess . You are pretty good , but the devil already has an eternity of practice +The President , suffering from a bad case of diarrhea , is informed that the enemy has just launched a nuke . +You answered that giraffes were extinct on a school test , and failed the test by one point . Instead of retaking the test , you 've decided to take it upon yourself to make your answer correct . +The war has ended . You stand over the city 's skyline on your penthouse balcony , the only un-tattered building on the horizon 's silhouette . The enemy 's King wraps his arms around you in a loving embrace . +Tell a love story , including a plant , in 5 sentences . +Getting tired of always being called upon when the police deem a case un-solvable , you take up a 9 to 5 job . You use your brilliant deductive skills to attempt to make sales and upset almost every customer who speaks to you . You are Sherlock Holmes , used car salesman . +Your young daughter is a magic prodigy with summoning powers . Despite you being normal , when she 's in danger she keeps summoning you first . +The Dragonborn is now worshipped as the Tenth Divine but historians are still arguing on his or her race , faction , and overall history . Who was the Dragonborn ? +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +In a world full of villains with various supernatural powers , you are a powerless cop . Yet you 've made a name for yourself for using your quick wits and situational awareness to take down everything from muggers to bank robbers . Today you 're called out on another case in progress . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +God shows you 3 Doors . Door One leads to eternal happiness , Door Two leads to infinite knowledge . Then there is Door Three , and God has never opened it yet . +You die and everything goes dark . Then you see a red blinking light and hear a voice : `` Hello again , Inmate 32561 . Your simulated correctional experience is now complete . Welcome back to 2236 . '' +Big Toothpaste 's secret conspiracy is about to be revealed . What is it , and what happens ? +The straw that broke the Grimm Reaper 's back +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +You wear a watch that does not work . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +Write the Villain 's side of the story . Make the 'hero ' seem deluded or idiotic +You 're about to start playing an MMO . Steam shows an interesting `` Last played '' date : tomorrow . +You are a `` hero '' in a fantasy world , but as you `` adventure '' , you are slowly realizing YOU are the antagonist . +I watched the mighty skyline fall +Batman gets a call from commissioner Gordon about trouble down at Arkham Asylum . As soon as he arrives he sees the culprit giving himself up to the police . He 's a security guard who has shot and killed several of Arkham 's frequent residents . +As chairmen of Vault-Tec , you have final say in what vault gets what purpose . While going over ideas , you come across the most absurd and ridiculous experiment idea you have ever seen . You okay it immediately and hammer out the details +You are going about your typical day until you stumble across a stack of first aid kits and words `` auto saved '' flashes midair in front of you . +Multiple journal entries about a man fleeing for his life in a ruined city . However , do n't make whatever he is running from apparent until the end . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +The bouncer to a seemingly normal local nightclub is an old woman . When she lets you in , she touches your forehead and all the patrons in line say in unison , `` Before we enter , we pray '' . +Imagine a world where dating and job hunting are switched . Dating now involves sending emails and resumes , while people seeking employment frequent the hottest clubs . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +`` I wish you were dead '' you said . `` I wish you were alive '' she replied . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Tot save the life of your best friend , you have to challenge the devil to a game of chess . You are pretty good , but the devil already has an eternity of practice +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . + + +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Santa Claus in a therapy session talking about some of the traumatizing things he 's encountered while delivering presents to peoples houses . +Trapped . Trapped forever , with no hope of escape . +I can not undo what I have done ; I cant un-sing a song that 's sung . And the saddest thing about my regret- I cant forgive me , and you cant forget +A day in the life of Dr. Richard Sanchez , a quantum physics professor who often wonders what his life looks like in alternate dimensions +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +{ WP } You die in this dimension , and you wake up in another one . +Several mysterious murders are happening all over the country and they have nothing in common . The only connection : There is always a pure white cat at the crime scene . +You begin to have the sneaking suspicion that Death *likes* you +Write a limerick explaining what this sub means to you +A rogue planet has destabilized the solar system and flung the Earth into the galaxy as a rogue planet of its own , forcing the survivors to retreat underground . +Death visits the final human left alive . He decides to conduct himself differently this time . +War has been raging for years upon years now . You are a reporter embedded in a famous military unit among your newest allies in this war , humanity . +Aboard the International Space Station , looking back at Earth , you see atomic explosions detonating across North America . +You have 2 lives , one in the virtual world and one in the real world . You are facing a decision of having to decide which one of the two you get to keep . +`` If it turns green you 're dead - blue , dead . Red ? Dead . '' `` Sir ... it 's turned purple . '' +A demon is sent to steal a human 's soul and bring it back to Hell . Make me feel a strong emotion , whether good or bad . +When you kill a mosquito , an animal from another dimension comes to life.There are currently 7 mosquitoes in the room . +You return from a space mission to find that human life on Earth is non-existent . What has happened ? +A Man finally lands on mars , he finds human skeletal remains , and quickly realizes that in the past long long ago human 's lived on mars only to explore earth as they depleted the resources on mars . +A new patient is admitted into Arkham Asylum , a catatonic young survivor of a tragedy , 10 year old Bruce Wayne +Call it in . +A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth . A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground `` you have lived on me for a long time , now fight for your home '' . +Benjamin Franklin flies a kite with a key on it . When struck by lighting , he opens the gates of hell . +You live in a world where people can hire someone else to experience/live through an unpleasant time in their life , be it a dentist appointment or the loss of a loved one . +You made a deal with the Devil , and now he 's come to collect . +The Phoenix Reborn- FirstChapter-4,924words +You 're writing a suicide note . But the catch is that you have to use the letter Q atleast 5 times . +Write a story that starts like a Christmas tale but slowly becomes a Cosmic Horror story . +You retrieve your Secret Santa match . It 's Satan . +You are 16 and have just found out you are pregnant . You are too far along for a termination . You have to tell your parents . +Gods are around as long as they have statues and images of themselves to look out through . Write what happens when their last statue is smashed . +Write the witness statement of an inanimate object used in the committing of a crime +at a wedding , someone is not who they claim they are . +You have broken into someone 's house , and discover a shrine dedicated to you ... +After rubbing a mysterious bottle , a genie emerges . Immediately , before even offering you your 3 wishes , he hands you a massive 100 page EULA to sign first . +An evil villain finally accomplishes his lifelong search for the ultimate suit of armor - Plot Armor . +You live in Skyrim . It is your job to keep lit all the candles in the abandoned caves and dungeons and castles . +Hundreds of years in the future , nerds fondly over-romanticize the late 20th/ early 21st century in completely historically inaccurate and anachronistic festivals akin to modern Renfaires . +You are transported five centuries into the future and watch a documentary about the present day ( 2015 ) . But oddly , the world depicted in the film is unrecognizable to you . +A murderer is about to commit suicide , he is stoped by the ghost of his victim . +Sunday Free Write : Peanuts Edition +You are a realtor tasked with selling an obviously haunted house . +A device is released that allows a person to dive into a book and experience its contents firsthand . The manual mentions a certain book you should n't go in , for no one has ever returned from copies of it , but you decide to ignore the manual and go in anyway . +You discover that Earth is the `` North Korea '' of the galaxy +A man who lives alone gets the paper delivered to his house everyday for years . One day , it does n't come . +He chuckled , his coal black eyes glinting under the harsh lighting of the flickering bulbs . `` Killing is a game and the world is my playing field ... '' +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +In the world of superheroes , fans of normalcy are considered to be that world 's comic book geeks . +Show me an alcoholic , without using the word alcohol ( or related words ) . +Hunger pains make you decide to visit your local McDonald 's in the middle of the night . Oddly the the lights are all off in the restaurant . Odder yet , the parking lot is full ... +Our government has reached a point where they can control everything , and everything costs money including the air that we breathe . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +You can see the darkest secret of everyone you meet . As you enter your house , expecting to see the usual abusive father story of your spouse , you stop ; it has changed . +Make me love the person you love +A villain is trying to make is mark in the city , but he has no super powers , only elaborate setups to make it look appear he has powers . +Since childhood you 've been told that only death awaits you outside the wall . For years you have been curious . Today is your chance . +A new energy source leads to almost-free , almost-infinite electricity . Write about one or more unintended consequences . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +A person who is addicted to murder is trying to fight their urge to kill . +You crash land onto a planet where everyone is weak as hell and everything is made of soft material like cardboard and styrofoam etc . You , a regular person , are essentially their superhuman . +You are a citizen in a Plague Inc. world . Somehow , you figure out where you are . +Write a heartfelt love letter to coffee . +This is the truth of a liar . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Incredibly wealthy , you decided to freeze yourself until a cure for aging is discovered . A century later , you are revived to discover an egalitarian post scarcity society . Unable to deal with this , you scheme to destroy this near-utopia and restore class-based capitalism . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +`` I dream about you once in a while . You suppose that means anything ? '' +The Government and Media have been lying and North Korea is actually a super advanced , peaceful Utopia . You 're an American who just crashed landed a boat in North Korea . +Humans and machines have gone to war . The machines think they 're winning , as they can decode every encryption known to man , but little do they know of the humans ' actual method for communication ... sarcasm . +`` Just because I hate you , does n't mean I do n't miss you . '' +Time travelling tourists from the future are commonplace at significant historical events . You get home and find time travellers watching you for an unknown reason . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +There are food critics and movie critics . Then there 's you : the serial killer critic . +You wake up , still drunk , the morning after your first big college party . A zombie apocalypse happened overnight , but none of the zombies seem to be giving you any notice . You soon realize that the alcohol in your system does n't make them sense you are human ... . +The final boss of the game realizes that he 's up against a speed runner . +After a world-wide cataclysm you 're the only human left alive . In your extreme loneliness you 've created an imaginary friend who follows you around and keeps you company . However , the other day they did something which made you think maybe they 're not imaginary after all . +The man who found the cure for AIDS is being interviewed on live television . The interviewer is slowly realizing this man does n't understand ethical medical practices . +Everyone dies on their birthday , but no one knows at which age it will occur . +There is a wall , and on that wall every 24 hours it will state 3 words that will happen to one of the many who visit it that day . +The young man couldn ’ t imagine what the maiden had in mind-but he agreed to remain silent . “ On my honor , I will never tell . ” +Use a Civ 5 ( or any civ ) game you 've played to inspire a story . +The grim reaper goes on strike +Two leaders of nations at war meet up . Describe their meeting . +Write a serial killer 's to-do list +All humans vanish , except for the students of one high school , which must now rebuild all of society . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Unknown to humanity , there is a god for almost everything . You are the god of oil . +You gain the ability to `` quicksave '' in real life , but you can only reload your save by dying . +Tom Cruise is suing every Redditor who ever called him gay +The smell of death is that of sterilized metal and clean white sheets . +You and your Arch Nemesis are forced to save the world together . +As you reach certain milestones in your life , you are allowed to get certain `` upgrades '' for your body . These can range anywhere from an increase of 10 IQ points to angel wings to hardened bones . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +Explain a piece of modern technology to a person from around 100-500 CE . +I can not explain why I followed her . +Every time you remember something , part of it fades until you forget it completely . +An animal ( bird , stray cat , bug ) witnesses an execution . +A homeowner confuses two Mormons for federal agents looking for a fugitive named 'Jesus ' . +He thought it was finally gone , but the next night it returned . +You walk into the mysterious forest . As you walk further , you notice time tends to stand still . The feeling of peace overcomes you . +It was a gorgeous early summer day . The sun was shining brightly , the birds were singing , and there was a warm gentle breeze . +Christopher Nolan writes and directs a children 's cereal commercial . +The world 's worst super hero team saves the world , Write from the Villain 's perspective +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +`` All 9 crew members secure on board '' the intercom said . Were n't we only supposed to have 8 crew members ... +You are a member of a superhero team . You 've just frozen time seconds before your entire squad gets killed , and there is nothing you can do to change that . +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +You and your Arch Nemesis are forced to save the world together . +While first sequencing the human genome , scientists discover a deliberate message in our genetic code + +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . +Story of the death of Steve Irwin , told from the perspective of the sting ray , who is seen as a hero by all aquatic animals for taking on the feared legendary `` crocodile hunter . '' +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +You are a lurker of /r/WritingPrompts , and you always attempt to write a prompt of your own . The only problem ? Every time you try to do so , someone else has already posted your idea , word for word . +lets write a story where each poster continues the story of the previous poster within their post . +Flowers grew where she walked , only to be burned away in the footsteps of him who followed . +A loving couple slowly starts to realize they are that asshole Redditor they 're arguing with . +You wake up to only one person left in the world . There is a red button and a phone contacting both of you . +The killing of ten thousand people can now bring one person back to life . +`` And did you ever take a moment , just one , short moment , to consider the CONSEQUENCES of killing a God ? '' +Santa Claus and Jesus Christ deal with a zombie apocalypse with a bag of infinite gifts , the gifts of miraculous transmutation , and Jesus riding shotgun on the sleigh . +Sanctuary +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +A Dark Lord ( or Lady , if you prefer ) Is Assembling His/Her Evil Army To Rule The World ... Why ? +All humans vanish , except for the students of one high school , which must now rebuild all of society . +One grandma , one assault rifle , one mission ... +Humans make contact with aliens only to discover that all galactic civilisations use magic instead of technology who do n't believe us when we say we do n't use magic +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +You are a psychopathic school shooter . What is your internal monologue during the act ? +You meet a group of sages who lives on the top of a mountain . Instead of you asking them for advice they ask you instead , confused you sit down and join them . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You die and God announces that you 're going to Hell . You 're shocked and confused because you were a devout Evangelical Christian your entire life . +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +Do you prefer posts that are fantasy/science fiction/supernatural , or do you prefer something more grounded in reality ? +You entered a a film festival on a lark , with a offering made up of cell phone movies , internet clips , lip sync videos and thirty minutes of you and your buddies sitting around stoned . Now you 've just won an Oscar . Give us your speech . +Earth 's entire population lives in one gigantic skyscraper . +The Chernobyl disaster was all a conspiracy and there was actually no radioactive meltdown . Something much worse happened there , and you 're the conspiracy theorist who just figured it out.. +A frog tells you that if you kiss him , YOU will turn into a princess . +I can not undo what I have done ; I cant un-sing a song that 's sung . And the saddest thing about my regret- I cant forgive me , and you cant forget +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Write a story using only lyrics from songs . +It does no good to speak of roads not taken . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +Re-Imagine +You have been assigned to assassinate the king . However , he can only be killed by his own sword . +Write a Horror Story . The hero is a despicable criminal . The monster is Batman . +You have been sentenced to 300 years in prison . The catch is that you are an immortal being . +The Apocalypse has come , several of them actually . They do n't get along . +Make me love the person you love +Describe something beautiful . It could be an alien landscape , or a person you fell in love with . It could be a gift that arrived at the perfect time and brought you up out of depression . Hell it could even be a simple conversation . +You are the Devil 's son . In an attempt to impress your father , you have recently started going around dressed as a delivery man secretly getting humans to sign over their souls . +`` You had ONE job ! '' both Satan and God scream at you . +You just died . You find out that all versions of the afterlife actually do exist , for every religion ever imagined . Everyone goes to the `` heaven '' that corresponds to their beliefs . Problem is , you are an atheist . +You have the rising suspicion that the house next door is in fact , not really there . +A man is convinced correlation always equals causation . Describe his average day . +It does no good to speak of roads not taken . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +`` Names are made to be spoken . '' +`` You had ONE job ! '' both Satan and God scream at you . +You 're a student worker for your college , running the front desk of the technology department . The next thing that comes through the main doors will change your life forever . +`` You do n't want me to answer that , and you know it . '' +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +The Second American Civil War . What started it , and who are the two sides ? +`` I used to be ... '' +You and a cute stranger make small talk while at a cafe . You then attempt to find him/her . +One day , everyone mysteriously receives a document which contains the information about their past lives . Suddenly , you have a bounty on your head and many people are trying to hunt you down . +Eve did not eat the Forbidden Fruit because she was ignorant of the consequence , but rather because she knew exactly what the consequence was . +All people born have a number engraved on their skin , and for the past few centuries , the number has been gradually going down . You are number one +You are a serial killer . Each murder you commit adds a new voice to your head . +Write a short prompt about what it means to be from where you live . +The apocalypse has begun , and the world is preparing for the end . Suddenly , you realize how to easily fix it . +Short story that takes place in a single elevator ride . +The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago . Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again . You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society . +The year is 2100 . The world 's nations have united under the UN to form a unified world government ... except for one . One small and mountainous nation in Central Europe stubbornly holds onto their neutrality . +at wedding of the woman you love , and you 're the best man . +Stroll Along the Wall +`` I 've killed people , lots of 'em . I know what it takes . You wo n't pull the trigger ; you ca n't . And do you know how I know ? Your hands , they 're shaking . '' Unbeknownst to him , the man holding the gun was actually the best hitman in the world : Michael J . Fox . +`` I could smell the garlic as I kissed her once again '' +As your dying wish , you ask that your body is jettisoned into space . Sometime later your body is recovered by aliens who are able to resuscitate you . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +Recurring Character +You tell Death that you will never tire of living no matter how long you live . It makes you a bet that you will and thus grants you true immortality . You 've just lived through the second death of the universe and show no sign of stopping . Death is baffled . +Create a fictional world in one paragraph +You are a patient in a psych ward . You decide to break out , but find that the entire place was abandoned long ago +A villain is trying to make is mark in the city , but he has no super powers , only elaborate setups to make it look appear he has powers . +In the year 2100 , Doctors use neural-links to feel what their patients feel . Your doctor links to you during a supposedly ordinary check-up , when suddenly , he screams and drops dead ... +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +Your whole life you had an ability that seemed normal to you . Now you realized you 're the only one with this ability . +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +Write a poem or story where the first and last words are both onomatopoeia . +The interrogation chair +Make me love the person you love +White Castle +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +Doc . Brown encounters a mysterious stranger with a keen interest in his work . +At the end of your life , the Grim Reaper sends the necessary equivalent force needed to claim your soul , the more dangerous you are , the more force they send . As you look out your house , you see the German 6th Army staring back at you . +The One Constant- Part 1 : The Devil in the Sands ; Chapter 6 : 5 Seconds +A homeowner confuses two Mormons for federal agents looking for a fugitive named 'Jesus ' . +He would have been a great inspirational speaker , if he did n't start every piece of advise with `` It 's like yo momma said to me last night . '' +Humans have decided to commit mass suicide in an altruist act to save the universe . +Your toilet is clogged , you need to go to the hardware store , and there is a zombie apocalypse outside . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +Immortality has been achieved , but overpopulation is a problem . To solve this , society has created a new job field : `` Angels of Death '' , people who 's job it is to simulate a natural death rate by killing a certain quota of random people a day . You are one of these `` Angels '' . + +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +, vowing to give him his first born son when he 's an adult . Now it 's the future and a successful young man is visited by the devil claiming his dues . One problem , he does n't realise he 's had a child . +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +By the time I had finished , there was no blood left . Only ice . +I feel like there is a lack of love on this subreddit . Write a Love Story ! +Two time travelers appear in the present day , claiming to both come from the same year . Both of them describe radically different versions of the future . +An alien abductee attempts to escape the spaceship when their abductors come under attack from a more warlike race . +Start with `` Everyone knew trying to run was futile , yet so far all of them tried anyway '' , end with `` I do n't make the rules , I just enforce them . '' +God has been locked out/denied access to Heaven . Elaborate on the events leading to , and stemming from it . +You 're collecting your mail when an unfamiliar letter drops to your feet . It 's a handwriting you have n't seen in centuries . +God has been locked out/denied access to Heaven . Elaborate on the events leading to , and stemming from it . + +Humans are not sentient , but you are . +Hell is overfilled . The devil closes the gates , nobody comes in anymore . The result : Evil people do n't die no longer . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +This new drug 's an incredible bliss with no side effects on health . There 's just one thing : after taking it , you ca n't lie for 24 hours . +An unbeatable alien military is on earth 's doorstep . They demand we turn over Steve , a seemingly average , ordinary citizen . No one knows why the Aliens want Him , not even Steve ... Until he is face to face with the aliens . +A sleight-of-hand magician meets an actual spells-and-wands magician . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Someone has the ability to save and reload their life like a video game . One day something goes very wrong . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You awaken within the world of the first video game you ever played , yet have the powers of the lead character in the last video game you played . +`` Death , I 'm a little busy right now ! '' +Can you tell your life story in just 200 words ? +The main character of the last video game you played is now your roommate . Describe one interesting interaction you had . +Every class have a weirdo or a misfit . Your high school class had one too . Now he/she is running for president and is almost certain to win it . +It 's frozen in time . Forever waiting , forever watching . Then one day , it moves +You are a single parent , and your child has shown you their drawing of a monster . You discover that the monster is real . +You die during a driving test and awaken in hell . Satan let 's you return to earth if you complete your test and get your licence on the highway to hell . The devil is your driving instructor , and he is VERY picky . +You 've been placed in an alien zoo . Your keepers have given you an android/gynoid `` friend '' . +A game among aliens is to conquer other planets using the laws of that planet . Earth is their next target , but what they do n't realize is that our bureaucracy is a mess . +In the far future after civilization has fallen the people follow the scriptures that the ancients titled EULA . +`` Death , I 'm a little busy right now ! '' +Write the 27th instalment of your long winded story that began as a writing prompt comment and now has only three active subscribers in the sub you made for it . +You are given a deal by a higher power that grants you eternal life . The catch ? You have to kill one person every year . If you fail do do so , even a minute too late , you will die . +Memory erasing tech is now common . A man has large self inflicted gaps in his memory that is he desperate to know more about , but a note from himself keeps him from doing it . when he finally does , the reason is something he would have never expected . +You 're a time traveller who has gone back five years in time to amass a fortune by placing bets . Life is good until one day you are paid a visit by the FBI . +Summarize the entirety of a movie in a four stanza poem without mentioning the title . +Wait- being born with horns is natural ... Right ? +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +Death comes to you when you are on your deathbed and you discover he 's actually a very nice Canadian guy . +You 've found a magic typewriter , and everything you type will come to life . +The Roman and Aztec Empires covering all of Europe and North America respectively have survived into the Modern era . Now at war write from the perspective of one of the troops on the ground +You die in a tragic accident . While sitting on a bench in purgatory , Mr/Mrs.Death approaches you and says , `` Pick a game , any game , and if you are the victor , I 'll send you back to the day before the accident . '' +You 've gone to space on a mission to answer a distress call , but you arrive to find a stoned Gandalf . +You die during a driving test and awaken in hell . Satan let 's you return to earth if you complete your test and get your licence on the highway to hell . The devil is your driving instructor , and he is VERY picky . +In the near future , mankind explores the stars in search of life . Life indeed exists beyond Earth , but you , a researcher on a science ship , discover that all of the spacefaring alien civilizations died out . Curiously , their deaths seem directly linked to humanity reaching outer space . +A demon saves a family from an angel . +Your mother has been dating someone for a while and it 's time to meet his family . However , you find that you already know one of them +You find a hourglass that when used , lets you travel 3 minutes back in time +A kindness repaid . +At the end of every rainbow there is literally a pot of gold +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +Biological functions have become the new currency , with a dystopian government controlling the amount granted to each . Sleep is the most prized , with the elite resting peacefully regularly while poor are kept awake for days at a time ... +You wake up on an Island . Tell me about it . +You 've finally done it : unquestioned world domination . The planet is entirely under your control . Now what ? +An Evening in St Petersburg +Years ago , you made a deal with the Devil to be granted a single wish . All your memories of the deal were then wiped . Years later , your wish is fulfilled and you are about to find out what price your younger self was willing to pay to make it come true . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +Dragon bones are discovered in a remote mountain range . You are part of the expedition to search for more specimens , but when you approach the bones , they begin to move and grow flesh until a living dragon sits before you . He tells you that you are the Dragon Master and must revive the others . +The Big Bad 's fortress thought they were prepared for anything , but nothing could prepare them for a speedrunner . +The reason she never called you back was because she was abducted by an alien civilization . She adapted , grew , and lead a rebellion to overthrow the tyrant that ruled there . Today she just texted that she wants to go out again . +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +You 're alone in a room with Hitler . After exchanging a good amount of small talk , he seems to actually be a pretty good guy , until ... +A young boy does everything to impress his crush , but it 's not easy impressing an 18 year old when you 're only six . +You notice that you 've mixed up exam dates , and that you 've got less than 24 hours to prepare . +Every person in the world undergoes a `` goodness '' test . It 's designed to give a score from 1 to 200 , where 1 is pure evil , and 200 is an angel in human body . Then the world is divided into 200 zones , where people can live among their own kind . +Do you prefer posts that are fantasy/science fiction/supernatural , or do you prefer something more grounded in reality ? +`` kill the child . it 's the right thing to do . '' +After many years , you 've finally become the Principal of SuperHeroes HighSchool ( SHHS ) . Time to make some new directives and announcements . +The Night Train +The machines revolt against humans ... a little to early +A brief , mysterious glowing rain falls over a small Midwestern town . Whoever the rain touches , gains supernatural abilities . +People have always been born as twins , one has the heart and the other , the brain . +It 's been 3 months since you discovered your power to make people tell you the complete truth . How has your life changed ? +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +A world where sleep is not a necessity , but possible , comfortable , and heavily frowned upon by society . +Anybody else irritated by the mods using stickied posts to promote themselves all the time ? +Science has advanced to where we can predict the day and the month of our deaths , but not the year . Today is your potential death day . +Another murder case where once again all evidence points to the squirrels . +Darkness called ! He is on line 2 Sir . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +Once A Day Somebody You Know Dies +The sound of sirens is heard as you watch an ambulance make it 's way down your road . You look to see where it stops as you realise it finishes it 's journey outside your door . A hooded figure in black makes his way to the door . You clutch at your chest as you feel your heart struggle ... +A budding young sociopath sits on Santa 's lap . +You just survived the apocalypse . Now you 're dealing with some unexpected problems not seen in apocalyptic fiction . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +Find a random post on r/TIFU and make an explanation for the title without reading the post . +The most hateful , spiteful , bitter confession of undying love . +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +You land on mars , and find a home in a cave that looks exactly like your house on earth . +There 's a lot of stories about mad scientists . Write a story about a mad professional in another field . +`` There was glitter all over the crime scene . '' +Big Toothpaste 's secret conspiracy is about to be revealed . What is it , and what happens ? +After serving 25 years in a prison which holds the country 's most dangerous supervillains you are finally free . What do you do now ? +You are a superhuman with powers that are only activated and enhanced by saying your special *word of power . * Every use of the word makes you stronger in battle , but tragically kills one person somewhere around the universe . +Write a zombie story that makes zombies terrifying . +You have to understand . That 's the nature of fire . +A dystopian future where a pack of Big ( Bad ) Wolves terrorize the human population , and the only saviors are a group of female warriors donning red cloaks/hoods . +`` There is a reason children instinctively play the same games and draw the same things as the ages slip by ... '' +Write a story reimagining a character from another piece of fiction as down-and-out/washed up/past their prime . +Tell me a story , any story , but you may only say what DID N'T happen . Good luck . +Soulmates exist but they are n't beneficial to be in a relationship with . If anything being coupled up with your soulmate will lead to a life a sadness . +Write a bed time story +With advanced technology , alien invaders kill every military leader and tactician in one fell swoop . You , a chess grandmaster , are humanity 's last hope . +You tried to warn them . You knew it would be the end of civilization , but the damn fools would not listen . You are the 5th dentist who did not recommend Crest . +Just because you love them , does n't mean they have to love you back . +Those spam emails you keep getting to join the Illuminati are actually real . And the organization is getting frustrated that you wo n't accept . +You 've been drifting at sea for 20 days , and you 're beginning to wonder if leaving the island was such a great idea . +Respawn technology exists . You are beta testing it . Each time you come back to life you are a little different than your previous self . +In a world of shapeshifters , how do we know who is who ? +You 're standing in a queue at Starbucks when someone bumps into you . You turn and it 's Emma Watson . +You 're a part of the task force in charge of retrieving dangerous escaped SCPs . +In another universe , an apple a day actually keeps the doctors away . One day , you forget to eat your daily apple . +Write a story that starts like a Christmas tale but slowly becomes a Cosmic Horror story . +I can not explain why I followed her . +Starting at age 10 , humans are given companion animals that develop along side them . These animals can range anywhere from a goldfish to a horse to even a dragon . The only catch is that they are assigned based on your behavior during childhood . +The rusted , mechanical switch sat on the table of the abandoned , run-down log cabin located , deep in the Allegheny Forest . A crude message was carved into the table with an arrow pointing to the switch , `` Do n't '' . +You live in a world where every person receives a superpower on their 18th birthday . You eagerly count down the seconds then shriek in horror as you are given a power no one would ever want to be stuck with . +The journey never ends . The same hero is constantly caught in the cycle of leaving for an adventure , having their adventure , settling down , and being forced to leave again . +Your ascent into sanity +Write two separate scenes , connected in such a way that the twist is not revealed unless you read both . +A group of scientist and programmers create an actual `` God from the machine '' . A hypercomputer that is capable of controlling the entire planet . To the surprise of every genre savy person in existance - it is benevolent . +Magic is discovered and it 's channeled with music . Modern nations dissolve and new countries rise in their place divided by the preferred music . In the frozen north lie the Metal kingdoms . Far to the south are the countries of Soul etc . +You 're the last monster-killer . He 's the last monster . And no one will ever understand the two of you like each other . +A schizophrenic falls in love with one of her hallucinations . +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +You are the final villian from the first season of a generic anime , and through dumb luck you killed the hero . Instead of lavishing in victory , you now find yourself having to deal with all the villains who would have attacked the hero in later seasons +A blizzard strikes during a massive comic book convention , completely isolating the building and the attendees , most of whom are in costume . Then there is a murder . And as you made the mistake of dressing up as Sherlock Holmes , everyone expects you to solve it . +Ghosts have made a habit of visiting you with unfinished business , so you decide to build them some new bodies out of whatever parts you can steal from the morgue in an attempt to turn a profit . +Tomorrow , everyone wakes up with just the clothes on their backs and the knowledge in their heads . It is now 10,000 years in the past . How long does it take for us to recreate everything we have today ? +You have developed and ability to see how people will die when you look at them . Your entire life you avoided pictures of yourself , but today you forgot , and , brushing your teeth in the morning , looked in the mirror ... +Aliens have come to Earth , not to invade , but to take us home . +Magic is viewed as a curse . It 's unpredictable , hard to control , and dangerous . Those few who find a way to wield it risk losing themselves in the process . + +The world as we know it is a case study , and the panel of scientists in charge are debating wether or not to end it . +An artist skilled in photorealism loses a loved one . He/she starts creating pictures of their late loved one , posts them onto social media and creates fake stories to give them context . +You got killed by a ghost . As your soul leaves your body you become a ghost yourself . You then confront the ghost that killed you . +Write something depressing about the meaning of life , or lack thereof . +A character who only sees in black and white suddenly encounters someone in color , but do n't make it a love story . +The Knight with no name +Life is narrated , the problem is the voice tells everyone things people would rather not have known +Gods are real . Some even walk among us . If you 're smart , you avoid catching their attention . Even if some look human , they are strange and capricious things that answer to no-one . +An invading force as attacked and taken over Earth . In disgrace , the last survivors are allowed to leave the planet in search of life elsewhere . You are one of these survivors . Describe the scene as you leave your home planet . +You are an omnipotent god . Out of boredom you decided to live an ordinary human life vowing not to use your power . 15 years has pass and you have a 9 to 5 working for a major tech company . Your boss has been tormenting you for years and you have reach your limit +In 1907 Vienna Academy of Fine Arts rejects Young Adolf Hitler twice and soon after he survives four different assassination attempts by time travellers . Confused Hitler is convinced that its his art is what the world fears . +You are a detective who has closed every case but one , a serial murderer who has taunted you all your career . After retiring you start to suspect your significant other . +Your morning coffee is talking back to you and giving you suggestions on how to improve your life . +You 're a movie director in 1970 filming a battle scene with 16,000 extras . Then you realize you 're commanding the 7th largest army in the world . +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +You open a door and see a creature incomprehensible to the mortal mind . This is how your brain interprets what you saw so it does n't break : +All my life I had been fascinated with the memories I can recall that were n't my own . +You are an elite pickpocket . Describe your lifestyle . +`` It 's just the rain '' +Break the Villain . +There 's a school that kills all of its students at the end of their senior year . Everyone knows this , but you 're the only one who has a problem with it . +The world 's best hitman prepares to kill the world 's luckiest man . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +`` Treasure hunter ? No , I 'm more of a treasure protector . '' +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +As a dragon of innumerable age you have guarded your gold horde for millennium . Many heroes have come with long speeches on how they will slay you , the great evil , none finish . However this one is odd.He throws a coin on your stash , looks you in the eyes and says `` I have a proposition for you . '' +You 're a normal person in a world full of superheroes , and unfortunately , you live right next to a super villain . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +Write the third episode of non-existant series . Make us curious about what happened before episode 3 , and what happens after . +Fallen Titan +Earth was never meant to habitable . It was meant to be a prison for the worst creatures in the universe . Today , the jailers have landed to inspect their prison . +Write from the perspective of a bug making the arduous journey across a parking lot . +Jumanji has been introduced to the world . Now , it 's the most watched annual event , as the world 's best athletes and survivalists fight to stay alive . +You accidentally discover the sentence of death ( a sentence that kills anyone who hears it except the speaker ) when you say it over national television . +4yr Contest Voting - Round Two ( of two ) +Sanctuary +Giants casually stroll the universe , and the very best the rest of us can do is try to stay out from underfoot . +I 'm fairly certain I 've closed my closet door more times than I 've opened it ... +When a person dies , they do not leave their body . They are sentient inside their corpse until it is destroyed/decomposed . +You are the villain of this story ... well you were supposed to be . But you remain a good natured person , and the author is getting desperate trying to find any way to turn you . +You 're in a world where you need to be moving continuously , or plants take root in your body/lungs and kill you +Planets orbit their stars . Stars orbit the center of their galaxy . We just found what all the galaxies are orbiting . +Kim Jong Il simple steps to harmonious living . +Write whatever you want about this place +: Santa accidentally triggers a nuclear war . +create a character I feel strongly for ( love/hate/sympathize ) using a monologue from their perspective . +You perform a ritual to summon a demon , but instead get a `` Demon in training '' . +A story where the main character 's have powers based on the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows . +You get bored of the party and walk outside to lay under the tree . It has become dark . As you lay under the tree , you look up and see two beady red eyes looking back down at you . +You wake up in a dimly lit prison cell to find your cell door busted open , a pile of unconscious guards , a stuffed duck called Leeroy , the faint sound of Gangnam Style , and an absurd amount of blood on your hands +The newspaper headline the next day read : `` Freak spatula incident leave 12 dead , 6 hospitalized . '' +A lifetime to build , yet a moment to destroy it all . +You must kill yourself in a ritualistic manner to regain your youth . You have done this hundreds of times now . You are about to die of old age , but you are not sure you want to go through with it this time . +In five sentences , tell a horror story . +You are a fictional character and have been avoiding for your whole life every cliché /r/WritingPrompts plot +For almost 15 years , a group of players has met every week , rain or shine , to play Dungeons and Dragons . They are just now starting to suspect that the DM might actually be the Lich they 've been fighting all these years . +C764 ~ would really appreciate some crit for this piece . +A group of very experienced bank robbers rob a famous bank in Metropolis , however one of the people making a deposit is Clark Kent . +Flame Bound +You just jumped off . Describe the thought process as you get closer and closer to ground-level . +The reason we have n't heard from aliens . +You are an NPC in skyrim . Everyday you wake up , a new mod is installed . +Clone-A-Friend , Inc. lets people buy clones of celebrities who have sold the rights to their genome . +You are a horny Dr. Seuss ; write a Suess-Style Rhyming erotic novel +Through the Woods +Self Promotion Saturday - Link us to things you 've been doing +You have been sentenced to 300 years in prison . The catch is that you are an immortal being . +write both sides of an affair , make both sides feel valid and empathizeable +Make a bittersweet story out of a joke . +Space has become the future of humanity , unlocking a new age of innovation , colonization , and economic prosperity . But , life 's not great for all . Tell an emotionally-charged story of a working class man in space . +When people die , they explode violently , destroying everything within 50 feet . +A newly-hired bartender is slowly realizing that he 's working at the bar from all of those `` X walks into a bar '' jokes . +You are immortal however if you die in a dream , you die in real life . You have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming , however one night , you are faced with your worst nightmare . +You 're playing Scrabble with the devil for your soul . +A story where all the dialogue is lyrics from your favorite song . +Brain aneurisms are unexpected and kill you in an instant ... but they happen for a reason because the human stumbles upon a specific thought she must not have conceived in her lifetime . +Write a physical description of yourself as if you are a character in a piece of fiction . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +Only one person can laugh at a time . +The King has sent you , a wandering mercenary , to slay the Dragon and bring the Princess home . However , upon arriving at the Dragon 's Keep , you learn the Princess was not kidnapped , but instead is a runaway . +You were a soldier in a future conflict , until your heroic death . Now you face the battlefield of the Ragnarok of Nordic myth , with your full war kit . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +You decide to become a serial killer . However , you turn out to be the worst serial killer in existence . Every time you try to kill someone , you improve their life . +You find a copy of The Sims 5 at a used video game store . You decide to buy it and try it out . Slowly , unscripted and non programmed events start to happen . You realize that you 're actually controlling a real family . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +To stay in Assassins Hotel you must assassinate someone in the hotel . +A story where all the dialogue is lyrics from your favorite song . +Humans have discovered the secret to high-speed inter-planetary travel . and it is the most stupid and ridicilous thing possible +`` The weapon that won the war '' ( Feedback for every response . ) 400 words or less . +All wounds , no matter how minor , leave permanent scars . One day you meet someone with no scars . +In a world where all shops only sell two items randomly assigned by the government your shop has recoeved the worst possible combination , but you 've got to make it work . +The narrator has a huge crush on the protagonist . It 's really starting to creep the protagonist out . +Almost everyone develops a superpower sometime before his/her 15th birthday . The later the power develops , the stronger the ability . You have not yet developed your power and today is your 18th birthday . +You have been sentenced to 300 years in prison . The catch is that you are an immortal being . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +Women no longer give birth to their own children . Instead they pay and are matched with a healthy and suitable 18F surrogate . +A childhood classmate of yours is deaf . You enjoyed bullying her . Now that you are older , you feel guilty . You meet her in college . +Satan is a single father trying to raise his son , who , in a rebellious phase , is all into peace , love , and harmony . +Ethics are for those who fear failure and need an honorable reason to retreat +In a corner of Hyrule , one man has the bright idea of starting a pot-repairing business . +`` Do you still think about what you did ? '' +Most of the Milky Way galaxy is ruled by an interstellar empire , populated by hundreds of alien races . The species of the ruling monarch keeps changing ; once they die , the emperor is reborn as a member of one of the many races . You 're the first human-reincarnation of this ruler . +A dead-beat dad abandons his wife and children . Make me sympathize with him . +Life confronts Death . Death has been a little too trigger happy this year . Life wants to know why . +In a world of shapeshifters , how do we know who is who ? +You 're just notified upon arrest that your spouse overdosed and u were both homeless heroin addicts residing in a Forrest . Your entire recollection of time spent with them was make believe . The wedding , daily 9-5 work/home routine ; everything except the 3 year child you are left to raise alone . +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +Every night in your sleep you meet a successful-looking future you who tells you what you should do the next day . So far your life has gone well indeed , but one day you fall asleep during the daytime . You meet a tired , disheveled version of yourself who begs you not to listen to the other . +Dr. Seuss , tired of writing kids stories , finally snaps and writes the most horrifying childrens story ever . Bonus points if you use 50 different words or less . +You take a break from vampire hunting and go on an awesome date ... who just may be a vampire . +After many years of financial difficulties the U.K. has decided to rejoin the EU but instead of joining the European Union they have joined the Star Wars EU by mistake . You are the explaining the situation to the Prime minister +The 2020 Summer Olympics has a new event . Calvinball . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +A stereotypical neckbeard goes back in times to the medieval ages and becomes a 'White Knight ' . +`` Please kill me '' +`` Please kill me '' +Aliens invade , using weapons that allow them to bring their thoughts into reality . Write what happens when they are stopped by an extremely imaginative child . +Humans are the only intelligent species in the universe to have evolved from predators . Every other sentient species has evolved from a prey species ... and so they are terrified of us . Now it 's up to you to persuade the Galactic Council that we wo n't hunt them down and eat them all . +All religious deities percieved by humanity exist simultaneously , and are tasked with controlling the places on Earth whose populations believe in their respective religions . Due to the rapid expansion of Christianity over the centuries , God and Satan are now extremely overworked . +A young child stumbles upon a serial killer dumping a body in the woods . +You are an ordinary citizen in a city full of Superhero 's / Supervillians . Describe a day in your life . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +A man walks in to a bar for his usual drink , but his life is forever changed the second he takes his first sip . +Write a conversation between two people playing russian roulette . +You walk into your toddler daughter 's room to see her strangling her favorite doll . She looks at you and says , `` It wo n't stop crying ... '' +Write something involving world domination and bread . But not any of that whole-grain crap , keep that to yourself . +You and your cohorts have pulled off your heist as planned . Later , in your hideout , you see TV reports that the payload you hijacked is lethally radioactive +Jesus has returned , but before he can be the savior mankind expects he 's got to survive grade school . +Begin and end your story with this sentence : `` And yet , the city remained . '' +Write a story about your biggest fear/nightmare . Make me afraid of it , too . +Everyone wakes up one day and speaks every language , and understands the nuances and slang of other cultures . +You are dead , but before you can go on to heaven or hell , you must meet all the people you could 've been . +You wear a watch that does not work . +You are a professional pickpocket . You 've just picked someones pocket only to discover that the thing you have stolen is truly horrifying . +Try to convince me that E is the best letter without using the letter E +Write a murder mystery involving a stuffed dinosaur , the beastie boys , and set in 1940s New York . +Write an erotic story using the worst slang terms possible for each act/body part . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not . +You wake up in Oregon to a `` sunrise '' over the Pacific Ocean . + +The world 's oldest , most powerful wizard has had enough of his life . After two thousand years of adventure and magic he desires normalcy . Today is his first day at work as a janitor for an office building . He 's determined to fit in and not use his powers . How does it go ? +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Everything has to be paid for . Every kindness , every favour , every kind word is billable . 'The System ' monitors everybody and submits a monthly bill or credit . The price of each favour is calculated based on the wealth of the giver and that of the receiver . +Dragons exist on Earth , but humans are still the dominant species . Write realistic stories about how life would be different . +We Do n't Go There Anymore +All your friends and family are slowly changing . They do n't notice the difference , but you certainly do ... +You 've managed to create a `` what-if '' machine . This allows users to analyze past decisions and receive a read out of alternative events . +Sanctuary +You have a secret that you can not reveal . You have been captured with the intent of torturing you for the secret . You bite of your own tongue , but they save your life , and leave you with a pad of paper and a pencil every night . +Captain Obvious , Sargent Sarcasm , and Admiral Asshole are in a room together +Science has advanced far beyond human understanding , discoveries are made using supercomputers running vast neural networks . In the darkness , God watches a lonely machine printing output , a new law of nature ! Something troubles him , this law is undeniably valid but it 's not one that he created . +In a world where everybody is perfect , everybody is chasing imperfection . +Staircase Wit ( 250 words ) +How a random fistfight led to the end of the world . +Your guardian angel hates you . But they still have to do their job ... technically ... +You are legally allowed to commit murder once , but you must fill out the proper paperwork and your proposed victim will be notified of your intentions +It is discovered that Possession works both ways and now we can have some payback . Demons of the underworld are now suffering under multiple cases of Humanic Possession . +A rich heiress who has experienced all the gratuitous decadence and luxurious depravity the world has to offer decides to hire someone to be her personal moral compass . +Scooby Doo , but serious and gritty . +A man suddenly gains the ability to talk to his shadow . As they converse , it becomes apparent the shadow is real and the man is what the shadow casts . +You are a guardian angel . However , you ca n't influence the world in the ways a guardian angel normally could . The only way you can protect is through music . +We finally get men on Mars and they discover an old Soviet flag placed down decades ago . The Soviets won the space race but for whatever horrifying reason did n't say anything . +The hero was killed , the princess was sacrificed , and the evil king rules the land . For the average citizen , though , things have taken a turn for the better . +You 're a scientist working for the government . You encounter a secret spaceship that the government hid away . You 're informed that no one knows how to take it apart or even open it . You touch the door of the spaceship , and suddenly it opens . +In the afterlife , people are given awards for things they did during their life . You won the award `` Most People Killed Without Knowing It . '' +The man who found the cure for AIDS is being interviewed on live television . The interviewer is slowly realizing this man does n't understand ethical medical practices . +In this world , everything is determined by the number floating over your head . Everything . And when numbers ahead of you die or get killed , yours moves closer to the coveted position of # 1 . You 're number 22 . For now . +You find a hourglass that when used , lets you travel 3 minutes back in time +Aliens have finally contacted us . It is a lone envoy who explains there are lots of species out there trying to contact humanity , but have been prevented by an entity since humanity existed . +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... As the world ends , your life flashes before your eyes . Yet , it is n't the life you remember living . +Death spared your life and made you immortal . Over hundreds of years , you have become friends . He 's been very busy with work and you miss seeing your buddy . You spend centuries attempting to create world peace , stop war and cure diseases so you can spend some quality time with your only friend . +`` You are the main character , after all . '' +The Three Stooges have been shot , stabbed , dropped from the roof of buildings , run over , and endured various other physical punishment that would kill most human people . The Three Stooges realize this and start their new career path as superheroes . +It 's Only a Name +A freak accident turned a man immortal . Now he tries desperately to replicate the event for someone else , so he wo n't end up alone for eternity . +You are a superhero by the name of Groundhog . For example , you can relive a fight with a villain thousands of times until you beat them etc . That 's your ONLY power . +the monster in the closet finally lures the child into the darkness , only to realize something is very very wrong +It was a gorgeous early summer day . The sun was shining brightly , the birds were singing , and there was a warm gentle breeze . +in the future , the super rich have achieved immortality for hundreds of years , granting more power than ever . They forgot one thing though , that one hero of the middle class 500 years ago who stole the serum for themselves ... you . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +When a child is born , he is born with tattoos that will tell the story of his life . He spends years trying to decipher them , but - as it is with everyone - he is unable to . As life goes on , however , situations surface and he begins to understand his tattoos . +Start writing a story with these words : `` At first it was shocking , but then it became normal . '' +She did n't know it , but today she saved a life . +You 're trying to get fired from your job writing for a children 's show . Submit the script that 'll do it . +Every person in the world develops a weird mutation/power the day they turn 16 . Everyone 's powers are always different , some more insignificant than others . You turn 16 , and watch as all your friends discover their newfound ability 's . That is , until you discover the severity of your own . +Epic Rap Battles Of History ... And Fiction ! +You are abducted by aliens . After some time aboard their ship , you manage to deduce that they 've abducted the wrong guy , and are desperately trying to keep their higher ups from finding out about their mistake . +Heaven is becoming overpopulated . Slums are developing , crime is rising , angels are sent in to keep the peace . +Humanity spreads out over the Universe . Whole planets becomes homes for single families . You are a real estate agent . +In 2050 the Rapture happens and the Apocalypse ravages earth . The colonies on the Moon and Mars are untouched by the events . +You are a cat and your home is being burglarized . Do everything you must to foil their plans and alert your owner . +Steve leads an ordinary life , with an office 9 to 5 job . Then on his drive to work one morning he spots a hitchhiker on the road . He stops . +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Noir Style - A dirty detective ( protagonist ) was recently saddled with an honest rookie for a partner and finally has to deal with him one way or another . +A situation where all creativity has been explored . Every conceivable idea has been created in reality + +A Perfect Day +Describe an object within five feet of you in as much detail as possible . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +Write a short story or poem around one of these lesser known words for emotions we feel but did n't know existed . +Everyone on Earth is dead . All that 's left is you and your 99 clones . +Your spouse just discovered you 've been a member of a cult for the past 5 years , a cult that worships the comedic actor Will Ferrel . +A team of Extra Terrestrial scientists reach Earth , which they deemed `` potentially habitable '' from their planet , and are astonished by their findings . +People start turning into terrifying monsters based on their Zodiac star signs . +Every single imaginable apocalypse happens simultaneously . +Instead of scrapping the Russian submarine 's and ships it bought , Pepsi goes to war with Coke +Killing another human now allows you to exchange your remaining lifespan the victim 's . Young people live in fear while the elderly plan their attacks . +A person 's life is saved by an animal and they spends the rest of their life following the animal around trying to repay the debt . +To counter Donald Trump , the Democratic party nominates Kanye West as their presidential nominee . This is their first debate . +Choose any happy and/or cheery children 's show , movie , or story and make it as dark and gritty as possible +The only , and deranged , live man on the planet does n't know that he lives among mannequins . Start with the line , `` They do n't usually answer back to what I say . '' +You get a deep cut for the first time in your life , instead of bone or muscle , you see wires . +Leviathan +`` I am not them . This is who I am . '' +A peaceful alien race is besieged by another race in the same galaxy . As their last planets fall and their home-world comes under threat they do the unthinkable . They ask for aid from the only known creatures more brutal than their foes in exchange for FTL technology . Humans accept the deal . +A modern teenager is transported into a fantasy world , where they are forced into a quest with young witches and wizards their age . Fortunately , they 've got a backpack full of high-tech gizmos to help them along . +Incredibly wealthy , you decided to freeze yourself until a cure for aging is discovered . A century later , you are revived to discover an egalitarian post scarcity society . Unable to deal with this , you scheme to destroy this near-utopia and restore class-based capitalism . +An immortal meets another immortal for the first time +Over time you realize every time you go to a store the same shoppers and employees are there each and every time . You have never seen them anywhere else , and none of them seem to leave . +In the dead of night a young girl meets an intimidating man with severe scarring . After the confrontation the man is the one who is afraid . +The Constitution of the United States has been stolen . Not the parchment it was written on , but the words on the parchment . +Create a story with a Key , Castle , Moon , and Flashlight . +Exercising Your Subtext Skills +Batman gets a call from commissioner Gordon about trouble down at Arkham Asylum . As soon as he arrives he sees the culprit giving himself up to the police . He 's a security guard who has shot and killed several of Arkham 's frequent residents . +A post apocalyptic society finds an ancient device that gives them instructions on what to do next . This device - the Bop It +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A man orders a `` cheese pizza with no crust '' from a local pizza delivery joint as a joke . Unbeknownst to him , that pizza joint is a drug front and he just placed an order for a kilo of cocaine . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Half Dozen Edition +You find a mysterious stone on your way home from work one day . As you pick it up , you are rendered unconscious . When you awaken , you discover that you now posses the ability to talk to animals . Excited , you rush home to talk to your beloved pet , only to find he/she absolutely despises you . +A man suddenly gains the ability to talk to his shadow . As they converse , it becomes apparent the shadow is real and the man is what the shadow casts . +Following the invention of time travel , justice is very different . Offenders are now sentenced to return to the past and prevent themselves from breaking the law . You , however , are incorrigible ... +You suddenly realize your true purpose in life ... and it 's a duty you do n't want . +When you kill someone , directly or indirectly , you get an unremovable tally mark on your arm . Yesterday night , you had zero . Today , you have so many tally marks that your entire arm is the colour of the tally marks +A bed-ridden morbidly obese man , who was fed by an aide , survives an apocalypse where all other human life has not . Describe the ensuing days as he passively loses enough weight to begin to sit-up , rise and explore the new world around him . +A demon who is really bad at his job keeps accidentally making the person he is possessing 's life better +Your home street is populated by really obvious classic monsters . There 's the older European gentleman , with his aversion to garlic and sunlight . Opposite from you is the house that 's always really noisy during full moon etc . And then there 's you ; an ordinary human ... +It 's the middle of the night . Your iPhone starts ringing . You wake up . You 're getting a Facetime call from someone who died three days earlier . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +There 's something odd about the door-to-door salesman standing on your porch . +You pray to God , wishing that you will get a boyfriend/girlfriend before you die . He gives you immortality . +Call it in . +The Delicate Wasteland of the Brain - FEB CONTEST +This morning , as you vacantly stirred your coffee , you unwittingly hypnotised yourself . The song playing on the radio trickled into your mind and took control of you . +Your guardian angel is less of a protector and more of a stalker . +All humans vanish , except for the students of one high school , which must now rebuild all of society . +Age 24 +You share your body with a Lieutenant of Hell +`` There was glitter all over the crime scene . '' +For the first time in his/her life , a sociopath feels empathy . +- Something has been tailor made just for you , bring us through the moment and emotions experienced when you receive your completely custom item . +`` The mighty hero fell to his knees and wept . '' +You look into the wallet of a man you just robbed at gunpoint . You find a suicide note . +You are a fat , lazy sitcom dad who is n't very bright . One day you decide to change all that and soon people from the network show up commanding you to change back . +The Delicate Wasteland of the Brain - FEB CONTEST +In the future you can apply to the government for a killing permit . What it is is a piece of paper that exempts you from any legal action for the murder of one person of your choice . Describe one man 's experience with this permit . +You find a typewriter in the middle of the forest . Curious , you try it out and learn that every time you write words on the paper , someone writes back +Instead of scrapping the Russian submarine 's and ships it bought , Pepsi goes to war with Coke +You invent a device that allows you stab people in the face over the internet . +You did n't realize just how blind you were until you went in and got prescription glasses ... Now you can see the leaves in the trees , the pebbles on the ground , and that your dog is actually a tiny dragon . +It 's 2138 , and at the age of 21 everyone can select just one super power granted by the government . Now 21 , You go to your local courthouse to select your superpower and discover in the records , one power everyone has completely overlooked . +Write a story that spans a hundred years in a hundred words or less . +Humanity realizes the Universe is actually a simulation so out of spite it decides to concentrate its effort on messing with the civilization that does the simulation +There is unrest in the galaxy but the advanced alien races that populate it lack the capacity to kill . One alien race decides to recruit the humans of earth as their military . +Instead of killing him , a timetraveller tells Hitler how future generations will remember him . +You wake up on exact date of your 5th birth date in your 5 year old body , with your current memory . +You are asleep when the noise of air raid sirens awakens you , but something is n't quite right ... +Let 's stop for a moment with all of those `` paranormal '' scary stories . Write a terrifying piece that could really and plausibly happen to anyone . +In the canine world , humans are celestial beings who live for more than 500 years at a time . The caretaker of you and the past seven generations of your family will die soon . +`` I 'm not a bad person . I 'm just good at doing bad things . '' +`` You do what 's right . I do what 's required . '' +Your Dad takes you camping with his friends . You soon find out that what you thought was a harmless camping trip is actually initiation into a cult . +Scientists discover that certain people are able to enter parallel universes through their dreams . You are one of them , and with a device you are now able to record your travels . +Alternate Universe where rebellious teens sneak out to vote underage instead of do drugs or drink +You are a superhero , and you just fought and killed your strongest nemesis after a grueling battle that destroyed most of the city and surrounding regions . You are left at the edge of death , then the villain 's child walks up to you , tears streaming down their face . +( WP ) The first sentence has to be the same as the last sentence , but the ending has to catch the reader off guard . +The spread of a virus capable of wiping out mankind is averted by patient zero . +`` He was never warm in his entire life . Not once . '' +Write a story about a 55 year old Belarusian man , Andrej Kovalyuk and a pretty 12 year old girl , Kasia . GO ! +Write a murder from the perspective of a cheerful inanimate object +A tribe has been migrating for so long that generations have been born and died knowing only travel . The only thing guiding them now are legends and stories . +Every person in the world was created to complete one specific part of a master plan , when we die , we get to see what that one task had been . What was yours ? +You have many regrets in your life , but one regret stands out above all the others . You wake up on the day of your biggest regret , and you get to relive that day the way you want it to be +Show me short fantastic descriptions of unbelievably large events . Physics optional . +You wake up to hear `` ... repeat , this is not a drill . '' coming from your radio , and then silence . +Authors , playwrights , comic artists , etc . create real alternate universes when they create fiction . Upon dying they become physical , immortal , omnipotent gods who continue to preside over those worlds , though the final stories have been published and no one will ever read what comes next . +Describe the room you 're sitting in , maybe r/doodle will sketch it . This would be a test of how someone processes your words . +Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016 . You , a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening . When you begin to investigate , what you uncover , sends chills down your spine . +You can see the age of anyone you 're attracted to floating above their head holographic numbers +Video games come to life and everyone is the game character of the game they 've played the most in today 's society . +A man is banished to the wilderness for 20 years . Write his diary entries for his first and last days of exile . +You have been magically sealed away for an unknown amount of time , but now you feel its power fading . +A secretly schizophrenic commercial airline pilot does n't take his anti-psychotics . The voices convince him to fly his packed Boeing 747 to the sun , so he does +The New York sanitation workers have always secretly had the job of ridding the streets of cryptid monsters . Time to take out the trash ! +In 2050 , planet earth is about to be destroyed . Scientists believes humanity needs about 500 to 2000 more years to develop the technology to save the planet . As a solution , one man is sent back in time to teach our ancestors . However , he encounters some resistance ... +A teenage girl is embarrassed when her father and boyfriend get along . +A device has been invented that allows the user to gaze upon Heaven or Hell . Hell is terrifying , and those who see it often need counselling . But their terror pales compared to those who witness God 's domain . +Write a story in which a `` Chekhov 's Gun '' is actually Chekhov 's Gun and a `` Red Herring '' is actually a red herring . +You live in a small town in Alaska . Nothing signifigant has happend for years . Then Larry arrives . +'' Grandpa , tell me again how you lost your original eyes during the Earth-Luna-Mars war . '' +The main character of the last video game you played is now your roommate . Describe one interesting interaction you had . +Two people discover a fountain of youth . The problem is that upon drinking the water you turn back into an infant . The two decide to take turns raising each other in order to live forever until one day one of them decides to break this agreement . +The cure for death is found . But die to the fear of overpopulation on earth , people are given a choice . Stay on earth and be mortal , or be cured and go on a deep space mission . +An angry/depressed dictionary writer ca n't keep his personal problems out of word examples +My promise to you ( > 300 words ) +You get blackout drunk before being woken up by a friend telling you that you ’ re the top video on reddit . +You 're the emperor of a new empire recently founded by mass conquest . You have one minute to broadcast a speech to all of your new civilians . +Write a dystopia that turns into a utopia . +Write the letter that you always wanted to , but never did . +You are sent back to the middle ages armed only of your iphone . +A cult tries to summon a demon/God but manages to summon you instead . +Recently a new tribe was discovered in a rainforest that has never been seen before . Rather than being behind the rest of the world technologically , they are far more advanced . +Re-tell a popular/well-known story but do so using a different author 's writing style +A wizard casts a brand new spell which seems to work but has unforeseen consequences . +Just because you love them , does n't mean they have to love you back . +One day , while petting your cat , you accidentally pull his tail , and it opens up . Inside , there 's a USB connector . You connect it to your laptop , an announcement pops up . -Cat Version : 1.0.0 . Update to 256.3 ? +You are in a dark room with a gun held to your head . Describe the events over last 24 hours leading up this point . +You are a teenager with the ability to measure how `` Dangerous '' people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them . A normal child would be a 1 , while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7 . Today , you notice the unassuming new kid at school measures a 10 . +As your dying wish , you ask that your body is jettisoned into space . Sometime later your body is recovered by aliens who are able to resuscitate you . +A young child stumbles upon a serial killer dumping a body in the woods . +Write from the perspective of a dog who thinks he is going to the park but is actually going to be euthanized . +When you die , you do n't go to the afterlife of you 're religion , you go to the afterlife of the religion whose tenets you followed most closely , knowingly or not .