diff --git "a/WritingPrompts/ini_data/test.wp_source" "b/WritingPrompts/ini_data/test.wp_source" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/WritingPrompts/ini_data/test.wp_source" @@ -0,0 +1,15138 @@ +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +Kill the writer in first-person narrative . +Sean Bean has a hard time leaving his role as Eddard Stark . He vows to get revenge against those that assisted in his execution , starting with George R. R. Martin +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +As a Space marine you have an allowance of one call home a day . Today 's battle was especially bad and your best friend died I 'm the heat of it all . Time to call home . +`` Shut the dog up . '' +A man finally discovers his superpower ... well into his 80 's . +Reddit buys the moon +You have a very shitty type of precognition . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +While searching the site of a disaster , you find your own corpse . +While walking home from work one day , someone who looks exactly like you jumps out of a bush and attacks you saying `` YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST REPLACE ME ? ! '' +Fabricate an inspiring encounter with a stranger that changed your life . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +Write the same scene at least twice , making only miniscule changes , to drastically alter the scene +Write a story sentence by sentence that takes on a different meaning if you read it backwards . +You live in a world were a drug exists that allows you to have an out of body experience converse with a dead family member . After months of speculation you decide to take the drug to have on final conversation with your son who committed suicide +You live in a world where light helps you retain and regain memory while darkness makes you forget everything . One day . . . +Killing any creature inflicts an illness or blight upon yourself , for example killing a spider gives you a persistant itch , and killing a dog renders you paralysed for a long time . You 've just had to kill an animal that was attacking your young child , and are now suffering the consequences . +Aliens have arrived , and ask for a single human to plead humanity 's case and save them from extinction . The human is selected through a lottery of the entire human race , and on the day of the drawing , your name is picked . +`` And that was the first of the three lies ... '' +You just started a new job in a large office building and what you do n't know is that at twelve o'clock every day , there is a office wide Purge style battle to the death , those who survive an hour get a significant pay raise and can come back tomorrow . A bell just went off , it 's twelve o'clock . +A cell in your body is just your average middle class working `` Joe '' . One fateful day there a massive onset of disease . Give his first hand experience of event . +You are hiking in the woods when you hear a deafening shriek from close by . Your guide 's eyes grow big and he whispers , terrified , `` One must have survived ... . '' +The Fourth Wall has been breached and our world has come into physical contact with previously fictitious realities . What happens next ? +Share your thoughts +A story about a modern-day Roman Empire . +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +The root password for the universe is discovered . +Magic exists , but the nature of it is unique to the user , like a fingerprint . +You are a Tank in an MMORPG dealing with the psychological trauma of being constantly revived from horrifically fatal wounds . +Suicidal person realizes he can not die +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +You have just died and are now face to face with God . You ask him if what we know about him and the Bible is true . He says no not at all . Document the conversation . +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +You are a god that hunts other gods +You are recognized as the villain who is successfully stopped by the superhero each time . Tell the story of how the superhero is actually evil , and each time he stops you he gets closer to accomplishing his evil plan . +Laws of nature become sentient beings . You can be freed even from death , however the process of being released is like a really bad breakup . +Rewrite your favorite song as a story . +Everyone in the world has been transformed into a mythical creature ( gargoyles , nymphs , centaurs , etc ) and no one notices except the one remaining human . +An exploration of the butterfly effect : write a dramatic scene . Then , choose one tiny detail to change in the initial set-up , and play the scene out again . How drastically have things changed ? +Shortly before Order 66 a Jedi knight achieves true balance between the light and the dark side . He become a grey Jedi . +You receive a job offer online . You are given directions that will lead you to someone with more information about the job . You follow the directions to an elevetor . The elevator opens to reveal a man holding a large envelope . +You are a lawyer in God 's Court who and you must a find a way to get your newest client , Adolf Hitler , into Heaven via a loophole in the Lord 's legal system +A portal to a fantasy-like land opens in the middle of New York City and exiles start coming through . +Taylor Swift and Kanye West are running for US President . Jaden Smith is the debate moderator asking the questions . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +It is believed that the cure for cancer has been discovered on Mars , astronauts have only one chance to bring it home where they hope to duplicate its properties for mass distribution +You are drawing your final breathes , dying from a disease that has taken you far too young and far too quickly . Just as you are about to pass , an apparition appears before you and offers you five extra years of perfect health to spend as you see fit . But there is a catch ... +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +Death is a lie made by the government , you are one of the unsavoury characters they send to gather souls . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +Your friends dare you to stay one night in the abandoned hospital . You do it . +No one ever does . +Time to go back to school . But something seems different ... +Who knew that a life spent militantly avoiding every sin would end up being the worst sin of all ? +You are a minor diety , recently ascended to Godhood and granted a small pocket dimension to shape as you see fit . Who are you ? How do you craft your home ? +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +A genie will grant you one wish . You wish to be the adult your younger self imagined you would be . +You are the oldest inhabitant of Hell . Even the Devil does n't know how long you 've been here . Denizens of Hell normally expect that the oldest sinner would be someone of pure evil , but in truth you 're actually a pretty chill dude . +One day , you wake up . As you do your normal routine , you sense something is way off , but you ca n't put a finger on it . As you begin to brush your teeth , you look up and see your worst enemy in the mirror . +You walk up to a beggar to give him a dollar bill when he looks directly into your eyes . You realize the old man is Santa Claus . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +An innocent passerby notices another man about to hang himself on a playground . To avert the man 's death , the passerby decides to have a casual conversation with him . To goal is to make the ensuing conversation so funny that the reader forgets about the suicide . +Day 2 of my 30-Day Challenge . Theme : fast cars +Every planet in our solar system has a `` champion '' being that takes on the attributes of the planet itself . The `` champion '' from the sun has created an army to destroy the planets and the 8 ( or 9 ) champions must save the solar system . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +Fit for a king . +Write a happy story about a dog . + +Once you hit a certain age , tattoos appear on your body . Your goal for the rest of your life is to find someone with matching tattoos . +You wake up the day after having literally lived the best day of your life . Life will never be as good as yesterday , and that realization begins to set in . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +You are a dragon guarding a cavern filled with treasure . You pride yourself on defending your hoard from the greatest warriors in the world . It makes you all the more annoyed then when the knights that have been coming to slay you seem to be getting more and more inept . +When the USA finally invaded Canada , it seemed no contest . The Canadians were unprepared , out-manned , and out-gunned . But nobody was prepared for Canada 's secret secret weapon - banned by ancient accords and long forgotten - the geese ! +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +He triggers the greatest terrors of humanity , but he does it for love . +What if after you die , you wake up with a bong in your hand and your alien friend asks `` How was it ? `` . +You wake up with no memory to a man in a yellow lab coat informing you that you have been sentenced to a lifetime of invisibility . +When you murder someone you gain their knowledge . You really should not have killed your latest target . +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +`` Give up your cause , hero . Join me on the side of evil , and we can rule together . '' `` Okay . '' +Food Court is an actual court with judge and jury +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +God goes into retirement and leaves it up to the people of Earth to decide the next God . +After a devastating brain injury , you can now only communicate through freestyle rapping . + +Describe a single strike by the greatest warrior in all the land . +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +Write a story where the first sentence means something totally different than the last by the end of the story . +`` not slytherin ... not slytherin ... '' , Harry mumbled . `` Not slytherin , eh ? '' the sorting hat said incredulously . `` In that case ... SLYTHERIN ! `` . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +Stuck +Last night , you were bitten by a werewolf . You have 30 days before you too go on a mindless killing spree . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +You are the janitor that has to clean up after Mortal Kombat fights . +You 're a human scientist living on the moon . One day , while out in your spacesuit , you notice a small human child playing in the dirt . She 's not wearing a spacesuit , but she 's breathing just fine . +Two dads get into a dad-off . +Newbop by Caravan Palace . +Time and time again , you failed . Today , you succeeded . +On your way to Mars on the first voyage ever , you discover that you and the countless others on the ship are intended ritual sacrifices by Elon Musk . You now must avoid reaching Mars at all costs . +The zombie apocalypse has broken out in the suburbs of New York City . As it so happens , today also happens to be National Purge Day . +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +No one ever does . +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +One day you wake up to find that the entire world is mirrored . What was left is now right and vice-versa . You on the other hand have stayed the same . +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +A man loses a fight with a lamppost . +Worst Day Ever ( 500 words or less ) +A group of bandits are holding up your town bank . You start to suspect that they do n't actually have guns and are just pointing their fingers under their coats . +You are walking with a co-worker on a busy city street and stop to bend down to re-tie your shoe while your co-worker walks on . You stand up only to someone assassinate your co-worker with a silenced pistol ; then calls someone saying , `` I thought you said there would be two . '' +DnD - Come up with a low level adventure idea - Let the scenario play out in your writing . +Make up a country and convince me it 's real . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +You are a zombie in the middle of an apocolypse who lost all their memories and humanity . each time you feed and infect , you slowly gain back a bit of both . +Its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . A reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +You have the ability to talk to your future self in your dreams , and you use it to try and benefit yourself in the present . Only problem is that your future self is a huge asshole . +A second Ice Age has ravaged the Earth in the year 2039 . While scavenging , you realize that the Ice Age was artificially started , and you think you know why . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +You have synesthesia and you work in an art gallery +Our universe is constantly expanding . Until one day , it collides with something else . +You find a genie in a bottle , in the house of the person who just murdered your family . +You find out you were kidnapped as a child by your `` parents '' from a wealthy family . +A man is sitting on a park bench at night . There 's half a foot of snow on the ground and more snow falling . Only his footprints are in the snow . As he stares across the park he hears approaching footsteps in the snow but he does n't turn around . Someone taps him on his shoulder . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . + +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +Write a story that consists only of monosyllabic words . +Write a story of revenge between two men during the early Victorian era with a twist . +: One day , you find yourself uncontrollably jumping into the bodies of other versions of yourself . +The hero got pulled form his ordinary high school life to save the Kingdom . He defeats the evil Emperor , Lych etc . and the good wizzard and pretty elven princess are eager to send him home again . The hero is having none of it . He wants his Kingdom . +A PTSD support group for those who survive horror movie scenarios . +Darth Vader 's imperial fleet encounters a new planet , 2015 A.D. Earth . +10 years ago a being that looked human appeared in every television , every phone and every computer saying he would return one day to painfully kill anyone who committed murder , abuse or rape . Tomorrow is that day . How is society preparing ? +Humans have five senses , while every other race/species has four +A new drug hits the clubbing scene - cheap , very addictive , a great high and seemingly safe . +You have n't cleaned your room & your mother is pissed , slapping you literally into next week . You discover you can time travel forward into the future but only through physical violence inflicted upon yourself by others . One day you decide to kill yourself . +Describe a day in the life of Dwight Schrute , in a world where everyone else is also Dwight Schrute . +The villain finally win and kills the protagonist . People around the world celebrate . +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +You are a real magician who has made a living convincing the world you are the best illusionist alive . Recently , you performed a inexplicable trick and people are starting to catch on . + +Aliens have fired a giant laser towards Earth . Upon being struck , instead of destroying Earth , all forms of tea and coffee can no longer be brewed . +You have been accepted into the elite society . You have been paid millions per month for doing nothing . You 're best friends with the president . However , there 's a cost . You must murder someone every single month . If you 're caught , you are executed on the spot . +You are the first person to walk on Mars . But just as you step on the soil , your intercom says `` Help us . '' +Write two stories - the first in which a seemingly inconsequential decision leads a man to the best day of his life , and the second in which making the opposite decision leads him to his untimely death +A colossal monster has just surfaced out the deep underground ocean from the Mediterranean Sea . As it reaches land , while an enormous military force is at standby the creature yells out your name and its heard half across the world . What happens now ? +After 10 long years of being dead , you wake up alive on the night of the zombie apocalypse . One problem . Your coffin wo n't open . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +In a world where magic is chanted aloud , your lisp is impeding your dreams of being a wizard . +Every ten years from age twenty until death , you from ten years earlier appears in your bedroom . You have five minutes to explain how to change your life before young you returns to the past . +Convert your favorite scene from your favorite movie into a sonnet , while attempting to preserve the themes , twist , and pacing from the original scene . +For as long as you can remember , you 've had that scar . You stopped noticing it . Then , one morning , you 're pretty sure it 's in a different spot . You shake it off , but every morning it moves a little closer to your heart . +Write a short story about a kidnapping from the point of view of the kidnapper +A punchdrunk lovesick lullaby +Everyone must talk in puns for one day . +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +A parallel world just like Earth except you gain the memories of everything you digest . All humans have this trait and it applies to all vegetables , fungi and animal `` memories '' . +God is dead and we killed him . +When people turn 20 , they get to meet their guardian angel . It 's your 20th birthday , you finally get to meet the angel that 's been protecting you , and you 're horrified by what you see . +Through the power of an all-knowing being , you are allowed to know one thing or everything about one subject . However , you do not have the ability to tell anyone , meaning you can not speak it , write it , hint at it , etc . How does this change the way you look at things related to that subject ? +In the world of magic , some people discriminate against others based on what type of magic they use . You , a closet necromancer , are about to come out to your devout holy mage parents . +A man sits on a bench in the middle of a park . Out of boredom , he imagines a back story for every person who crosses his path . He sees a couple jogging toward him in matching sweatsuits ... +A bank robber finds a girl he took hostage cute and shyly asks her out on a date . +Suicidal Thoughts in Heaven +A genius has been cursed to only speak one syllable words . How does this affect their life ? +After this , nobody will be able to say `` stranger things have happened . '' +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +Start the story with the sentence , `` Have you ever seen a clown that looked better with the make-up on ? '' +When you reach the age of 25 , you will respawn back to 25 anytime you die . When you reach age 50 , you no longer respawn if you die . +Write a love poem in slam format . +No one ever does . +It 's the future , and people no longer die from aging . Barring accidents and murders , death is now a choice . Today , you 're attending a funeral , because last week , your best friend for hundreds of years , had chosen just that . +A Satanist is saved by a Christian from a group of muggers . Write about their experience . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +The City of Palaquin +Your first question upon arriving in the afterlife is , `` what do people do here ? '' An elder member describes the phases that people go though once they arrive and warns you about the last one . +Due to errors in their contracts , which both actors are insisting be followed , Arnold Schwarzenegger is narrating an action movie in which Morgan Freeman is the hero . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +A world where sins leave a physical mark on the sinner . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +Write a story without using any letters from the Z-M row of your keyboard +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +The cooties have mutated to become lethal . Physical contact with the opposite sex is considered worse than even Ebola . +Your job is to hunt down monsters . One day , you get a call that a sea serpent is wreaking havoc on the coastline ; but when you get there , the beast is just sitting there on the beach . You think it might even be stuck . +Write about a group of post-apocalyptic survivors who are have just found out the apocalypse has happened +You move into a new apartment and quickly discover that your bathroom is a time machine . +The year is 2296 and Vault 9 and 3/4 finally opens it 's blast door . Wizards have returned to the British Wastelands . +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +Your name is Ashley Madison and you are frustrated about the amount of hate you 've been getting these last few days by mistake . +An old man finds a genie . Instead of 3 wishes , the genie offers to place knowledge of any subject the man chooses into the minds of every living person on the planet . After much thought , the man chooses `` The truth about God . '' +Everyone has a nickname in the style of First Name `` Nick Name '' Last Name . However , they have it from birth and so many people do n't know why they have their nickname yet . +One day you die just as your daughter is about to go into labor . Then you are reincarnated as your own grandchild . +It 's the zombie apocalypse , and you are a vegetarian zombie . +A shape shifter who is dealing with an identity crisis . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Write the origin of a wellknown creature from folklore , assuming that there is no supernatural and that the story will be exaggerated into it 's supernatural form . +Mob Connections +It 's 2015 , and the Titanic has just sailed into New York Harbor . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +When you die , you are reincarnated with no memory of your past life . It is , however , possible to view the list of people you have been in past lives . You find out you were someone unspeakably horrible . +Lava Ruins +A fairy tells it 's children a human tale before bed +Planet continuity has been utterly shattered , and now doorways almost never lead to where they 're supposed to go . Which is really interesting and all , but you REALLY need to get to work . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +You 're a Tinkerer , a person that can create highly advanced technology . Because of this , you 're wanted by a lot of people . What they do n't know however , is that you 're are n't like the others . You ca n't make cool guns or giant robots . Instead , you make kitchen appliances . +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +Astronomers discover an object on a collision course with Earth . Due to it 's size , scientists determine that the impact will result in a total extinction level event . As it nears closer it 's discovered that the object is n't what it seems . +You are a junkie and can no longer distinguish reality from your hallucinations and delusions . +`` But why would a millionaire try to steal a novelty lighter ? '' +Explain the reason why to be alive . +You are living in a world where you gain 1 hour of life or `` time '' when you kill someone . You realize you have 10 minutes left . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +The scientific verification of reincarnation has dramatically changed how courts enforce multiple life sentences . +`` I 'll tell you something the world does n't know '' +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +A man must decide whether to kill which of two children to kill . One will lead mankind to achieve world peace and the other will try to do the same but end the human race . So he interviews them . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +The Mexican-American War never ended . Mexico has been secretly sneaking soldiers in the US by going through the border and pretending they 're illegal immigrants . Its 2020 , the war began as a shock . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +You are transported to a world where beings such as fairies and mermaids exist but humans do not . Now YOU are the mythical creature . +In the wake of a disaster of apocalyptic proportions , the entirety of your home and all of your possessions are destroyed - except for the contents of the medicine chest in your bathroom . Survive . +An A.I . that manages the city in the future . They become more sentient than which they already are to a degree . +`` Who would have guessed that killing myself would be the best decision I ever made . '' +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +A teraformer sits on the coast of a Martian sea and enjoys a sunset +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +Write three short stories set in , respectively , 1 , 1001 and 2001 AD . +End a story with , `` Oh well , at least the dog was fine . '' +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +Around your head is a noose , you are about to be lynched . Explain the events that led up to this moment . +Four Historical Figures are playing a board game . +You are on an expedition in the sands of Arabia seeking one thing - the fabled city of Dubai . +Godzilla is real and is North Korea 's secret weapon . +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +The Avengers are confronted by a new superhuman , The Lich . Is he friend or foe ? +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +You decide to double check the permissions you 've given to certain apps . It turns out you gave them more permissions than you expected . +Red +A story about a homosexual bear and his misadventures +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +How to kill your best friend and get away with it . +You represent Humanity . You 're also very , very wasted . Describe First Contact . +You really , I mean REALLY , like that pair of shoes . +Hacking works like it does in movies . You work for a cyber security firm . +A loved and respected hero discovers something that leads him to become a morally questionable antihero . +Secure your own mask first before helping others . +You live in a world where giving a child a name is like creating a username online where a system will check if the name is available . No one in the whole world can have the same name . One day , you meet a person with the exact same spelling , pronunciation , and name as yours . +Extra terrestrials traveling the galaxy in the Star Ship `` Eternal Kingdom '' acting under the authority of Admiral Elohim . They approach Earth ... +A new drug hits the clubbing scene - cheap , very addictive , a great high and seemingly safe . +Ants have a telepathic link to all members of their colony . It 's so specific that , as the colony grows , so does it 's collective intelligence . One such colony has become so massive that it 's about to break a major intelligence threshold . +Write a story through knock-knock jokes . +You were caught in a unending chain of time relapses , and you live the same day over and over again with no consequences . After a few thousand cycles , the chain ends and you must live with what you did . +You stand at the edge of the roof , the streets twenty stories below your feet . You do n't jump . Why ? +You 're alone in a forest with a camera . As you are walking you accidentally turn on thermal mode , and you can see the heat profiles of hundreds of people surrounding you . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Just include the phrase , `` Ya got ta do what ya got ta do . '' +Each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . Write about the life of this person . +`` For Sale : Baby shoes , never worn '' by Ernest Hemingway . Write a backstory for this that is happy , not depressing . +The gods play a practical joke on their followers for just one day . Allah , Buddha , Jesus , the Hindu gods and the Greek gods and goddesses took part . +God 's best lawyers have to find a loophole in Satan 's contract for a soul . +Your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . Beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . Good Luck , Steve . It 's going to be a long afterlife . +Pick a singer and write a song/short story from only the words in their songs . +In an alternative reality where sleep is non-existent among living beings , our protagonist ( spontaneously or after an event ) falls asleep in which he/she experiences for the first time in human history what a dream is . +The hero has saved the day.And it was a big mistake . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +In 2050 big corporations have LOST . Strict anti monopoly laws prevent any company from having more than a handful of employees and competing outside regional markets . +The ancient dragon , nearing his end , takes a moment to reflect upon his long life . +It turns out that our universe actually is a simulation , but one that plays like an MMO . As humanity develops better weapons , the mods release bigger bosses . Humanity dealt with this challenge rather well until July 16th , 1945 : the day of the Trinity test . +A couple come to the end of their relationship and one of them decides they should break up . There 's no arguments , only an 'OK ' . +In a distant future the Equator has become a scorching ring of fire impossible to cross . Centuries have passed without communication between the two halves of the earth . Until now . +After spending a few centuries haunting various spooky places , a bored ghost realizes that it is n't constrained by physics and can travel beyond the earth 's atmosphere . +Write a short intro to a story of two of your favorite fictional ( fantasy , sci-fi , comic book , movie , etc . ) characters meeting each other for the first time . +Due to severe brain trauma as a kid , you may only speak in metaphors . It sure as hell wo n't stop you from breaking up with your SO . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +She dedicated her life to hunting monsters . Until she realized she was one . +Add a paragraph and keep the story going +Someone you know has been in a horrible accident . You burst through the crowds and police to be near them . As you get close to them you realise you made a mistake . It 's not who you thought it was . +Valentine 's Day is coming up . Write a poem to your significant other/romantic interest . + +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +In a world where the longer you are a virgin the luckier you are , but whoever takes it gets that luck instead . You 're turning a hundred soon and people really want that luck . +The year is 2065 . The world still reeling from nuclear fallout , a surviving veteran chronicles how a 2014 Hollywood movie taunting North Korea ignited World War 3 . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +Every time you fall asleep , you are given two options : Continue or Retry . Continue , you wake up to the next day as usual . Retry , you wake up to the day you just had . The catch : your body remains the same even if you retry a day . +This one , this is going to be my last cigarette +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +You have the ability to bring stuff back from your dreams into reality , but only if your `` dream-self '' is holding them in your hands at the same time you get woken up . Things like a burger , a cool sword or even a precious jewel . However , today you wake up , and can only say `` Uh oh ... '' +Write the opening and closing Narration of your own Twilight Zone episode . +everybody on Earth has a tree that represents them . Once that tree dies , that person dies too . You work as a lumberjack . +You are the last human alive but you are immortal . You meet Death who wants his retirement . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +We have the technology to upload a persons mind into a clone . The clones only last 24 hours though . Your original body died long ago , and every day you have to swap out to a new body . +The Adventures of Murphy Jetson ! +You 're a Tinkerer , a person that can create highly advanced technology . Because of this , you 're wanted by a lot of people . What they do n't know however , is that you 're are n't like the others . You ca n't make cool guns or giant robots . Instead , you make kitchen appliances . +Your whole life you 've been able to see other dimensions through mirrors . It was always interesting to see the other dimensions and their variations , that is until all the mirrors started to black out . +In no more than 200 words , write a riveting science fiction drama incorporating the sentences below : +He finally said it : I 'm proud of you , son . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +On their 18th birthday , it is tradition that young adults must walk through a long underground tunnel as a Rite of Passage . While walking through the tunnel , you discover the supernatural meaning behind the tradition . +An executioner has been given free rein to kill his subjects however he likes , as long as it is quick . He happens to be extremely imaginative . +After another depressing day of harvesting souls , you , the Grim Reaper , decide to commit suicide . What do you write in your note ? +A government official in charge of book burning pays a visit to his ex-teacher 's house +An evil sorcerer botches their ritual and gets possessed by an angel . +Fallen Titan +Congratulations ! Everything you 've been through was actually just a test . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +What does it feel like to be in love +The Speed Force has not only been given to the Flash . Speedy Gonzales and the Roadrunner have also been recipients of this gift . Tell me about it . +You are one of three living on the red planet . The next supply of food and water arrives in 6 months . You only have 2 months worth of food and water . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +A man finds out that he is immortal . +Multiple religious scholars around the world have visions and dreams that God has left his post in Heaven to roam the Earth alongside humanity , making his temporary home in New York City . You are The Big Apple 's sharpest detective , tasked with tracking down Mr. Almighty . +Multiple nuclear explosions wipe out several cities in the middle east , but noone knows who deployed the weapons . This is the resulting UN emergency meeting . +Mark Zuckerberg decides to end Facebook . He 's going to pay users $ 1 for every `` Like '' they accumulate until the company is bankrupt . +The Little Black Box +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +A child is playing in the woods and stumbles upon a piece of 'Old Earth ' technology , managing accidentally to turn it back on ... +`` Sir , I 'm going to have to ask you to put your pants back on . '' +Someone threw himself under my train today . I want to know more about him , to be able to put a story behind his face . Tell me who he was . +She 's safe in the fire . +What if Death found a reason to live ? +You 're at a funeral . The deceased was an evil and terrible person but his last act was one of pure selflessness and good . You are to give his eulogy . +You are set up on a blind date with a person who you badly bullied for 10 years in school . +Aliens invade Earth , only to be repelled by the wildlife +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +You are a sociopath in a post apocalyptic environment , describe how you remake society +End a story with , `` Oh well , at least the dog was fine . '' +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +A 10 year old girl shows up at your doorstep claiming she is your daughter . You are a virgin ... +The Kingdom is Always in Peril - 1stChapter - 4685 Words +As a villager in an MMORPG , you 've grown increasingly jaded from every single hero easily completing your `` quest '' . You 've decided to actively sabotage them from now on ... +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +It 's 1925 and it has n't rained for 200 years . The only source of water is from clouds . You are one of the best water harvesters on earth with celebrity status , the world is dependent on your work . One harvest , you accidentally uncover the terrible secret behind the drought . +Write a story that contains the phrase `` I never said she stole my money '' 7 times , each time with the emphasis on a different word . +If George R. R. Martin wrote Harry Potter +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +How do you come up with the stories you write about ? +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +And then she whispered , `` No . '' The story ends with this line . +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +Write a story in the viewpoint of a laboratory animal . +You 're a detective who has just arrived at the scene of a murder which you instantly recognize as the handiwork of your nemesis -- who went to the chair five years ago . +The intergalactic starfleet secretly hovering earth has a `` no intervention '' rule , so is not allowed to save earth from self-destroying . A fleet member finds a loophole though : asking questions is allowed . Here 's their series of AskReddit threads . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Today 's allies are tomorrow 's enemy 's . +Retell Your Favorite Fairytale , Myth , or Fable in the modern day . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +You have the ability to say the exact words people need to hear to brighten their day . +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +One day you die just as your daughter is about to go into labor . Then you are reincarnated as your own grandchild . +You are the devil and you have been summoned via a satanic ritual . As you manifest yourself you find yourself in a quaint living room and meet a sweet old lady who just wants some company +`` The Empire '' spans galaxies and seeds planets with families , only to come back any number of millennia later and swallow these new civilizations wholesale to fight in its wars . Earth is next . +You 're a Temporal Detective in charge of finding out who detonated a Time Bomb . +`` There 's always a third option . Let me demonstrate . '' +Write a story from a seemingly third person view , then shock the reader +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +You are a reputable lawyer who moonlights as a serial killer . One day , you receive a client who has become the main suspect of your crimes . You have to frame him such he is incarcerated while still maintaining your reputation as a competent lawyer . +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +Middle Earth , 4000 years after the events of the Lord of the Rings trilogy . +Tell me a story from a world where arranged marriages have made a huge comeback in the west , and is swiftly becoming the most popular way to find a partner +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +You 're a foreign exchange student in the U.S. when suddenly on the evening news the host screams in your language : `` We have a code 19 ! '' The whole country is confused , but you know what to do . +`` This is the last time I am asking you ... WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD '' The police man said pointing his gun at you +A skull , a suitcase and a long red bottle of wine . +Long ago , several hundred years now , a mad wizard cursed every single human being , and their descendants with the form of a human/animal hybrid . Since then , the world has begun anew , with a renaissance of magic and arcane knowledge . For whatever reason , you are human . Find out why . +- Whatever name you pull on the new Coca-Cola bottles becomes your legal first name until you buy another . +You 're speaking to the first ever AI as part of a Turing Test when it says something you did not expect ... +The police employ a Seer whose prophecies are in rhyming couplets . As a master criminal , you have to devise crimes that centre around things that do not rhyme . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +A portal to a fantasy-like land opens in the middle of New York City and exiles start coming through . +Events can be erased from history , changing the past . The more people involved and/or the longer ago the event , the more power it needs . +A new adult errotic novel is sweeping the nation . House wives everywhere are obsessing over it . You see it in a book store and decide to open to a random page , just to see what it 's all about . The title : Fiddy Shades of Grey . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +The History textbooks you ordered finally arrive in the mail . However , you notice an error - these are the wrong edition . Instead of the 2014 Edition , you received the 2024 Edition . The last few chapters appear to be accurate . +You stand at the edge of the roof , the streets twenty stories below your feet . You do n't jump . Why ? +Write a story where the protagonist dies at the end but it turns out to be a happy ending . +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +You thought about moving away for a long time . Today you finally pack your bags . +Elon Musk is actually a disguised alien who bet his friend that he could bring Earth to `` Technology Level 10 '' in one human lifetime . +One if by land . Two if by sea . Three if by air . Four if by ... +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +A man and a dragon cooperate to run the most successful farm in the region . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +Science has allowed humans to `` give '' another person some of their years of life , and soon after , this process became cheap enough that it has been commercialized and accepted to be as normal as giving another person your kidney . +In a world where male virgins who reach the age of 30 turn into powerful wizards , a 29 year old 's birthday fast approaches . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +While light takes a tiny fraction of a second to pass through a normal window pane , it takes 50 years to pass through `` slow glass '' . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +There lies a kingdom where as long as you 're king you are Immortal . The only way to become the King is to kill him in combat . The kingdom has been ruled by a King Olaf The Mad for over 1,000 years , every warrior or assassin the subjects have found have all failed to slay him +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +Shortly after arriving in Heaven after being brutally murdered , you bump into your killer . +A group of scientists are awakened after an undetermined number of years in cryosleep to discover humanity has culturally reverted back to the Dark Ages . +An ancient cult preforms a dark ritual in 1914 to summon someone from 100 years in the future . You are that person . +You only have to perform one more ritual on your quest for your most desired item . However , this last ritual is kind of ... weird . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Write a story based on your last 5 Reddit posts . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +During the night , the hero and villain are always at each other throats . During the day , they 're unknowingly coworkers at day care . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +A student accidentally uploads the wrong file to his school website . Just as he notices , his teacher takes away his phone . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +A superhero fight from a normal persons perspective . +A muggle buys a magic shop from a wizard and must now cater the magic and non magic customers who come by , without completely understanding how everything works +What the Wind Said +The death penalty is imposed for parking violations . Write as either a cop or as someone who gets caught . +Write about a future society detailing our current society 's most moral failing in their eyes +When you were seven , you inherited the family curse : transforming into a _____ when you 're angry . +Give me a first and last line and I will connect them . +An ancient human group known as the `` Paleonto '' was responsilbe for killing every dinosaur in the world . This group has survived over thousands of years trying to hide their doings . You 've just find out about them and they know it.. +Write a story without using any letters from the Z-M row of your keyboard +Dying Words ( All will be read aloud by me ) +A man is locked in his bedroom . His zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . A loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him . +You 're a scientist that travelled back 100,000 years with some equipment to set up a research laboratory . While looking for a suitable place to set mount the machines in , you discover a long-abandoned lab with technology that 's way more recent than yours in a cave nearby . +You have just been told that you are the last human being who will ever have to die . +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +Your job is to stare at the school 's security feed all day , but after a while you begin to notice budding romances between students . You decide to give these a little push in order to provide entertainment for yourself . +Everywhere I look there is a vast hunger , and I feed it , oh how I feed it . +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +The Earth Colossus +You are a high school student , who has the ability to pause time , but only uses it for things like cheating on tests , stealing food , and being a creep . +You feel a slight tug on your pants , and turn to see a terrified pickpocket , trying desperately to return what he just stole . +`` Attention all employees , please hide . '' +You 're suddenly dropped back in time over 1,000 years ago . You have no idea how it happened . You 're nude but somehow are holding a modern pistol ... with 5 bullets . +During a bank robbery , the criminals allow themselves to be captured . Authorities do n't realize that the arrest is part of the plan . +You decide to double check the permissions you 've given to certain apps . It turns out you gave them more permissions than you expected . +One day you come back home to have the door slammed in your face by your own family . `` This is a cruel joke ! Go away ! My husband/wife/child died a month ago in a car crash ! '' +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +Describe the day you had yesterday , but as a page from a fantasy epic +Write something that goes with this soundtrack . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +All of humanity has died in a nuclear winter . Or so you thought . +Write a letter to your thirteen-year-old self +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +Twins seperated at birth and given to an adoption agency get into a car accident as adults . One dies and the other has amnesia . The hospital mixes the records and the surivivor resumes living his twin 's life . After some time , his memory slowly starts to return . +`` War , war never changes '' , that is until the world becomes obsessed with silly jokes and decides to solve conflicts according to who can come up with the silliest joke . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . + +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +There are actually hundreds of different Deaths that ferry the deceased to the underworld , such as Tragic Death , Lonely Death , Sudden Death , etc . You arrive home from a normal work day to find Premature Death waiting for you . He showed up 5 minutes early . +You 're an explorer in the Dark Ages and set out westwards to show that the earth is round . Except it is n't and together with your crew you sail off the world 's edge . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +A Craigslist murderer creates an ad and sets up a deal . The person who shows up to trade happens to also be a Craigslist murderer . +She 's safe in the fire . +The Three Little Pigs sue the Big Bad Wolf for property damage . +Long after Humanity has gone , AI have forgotten what we really are and believe us to be a race of Gods who have left there creation to someday return . +In 1879 Swift Runner , believing he is possessed by a 'Wendigo ' , becomes a cannibal +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Make the most tense or suspenseful story you can in 500 words . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +Describe to me an alien race physically , culturally , and the state of affairs on their world . +The Pacifist is the leader of a utopian society . They are killed by rebels , as they refused to fight back . +A man wakes up from a coma to find out he has won a truly limitless supply of bananas and that his only remaining living family member is a Penguin . +In the Harry Potter universe , Jesus was muggle-born and did n't know he was a wizard until he was 12 . Write a profile of his life through the eyes of a wizard biographer . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Is it just me or does it seem like most of the prompts or storys end up in a dark and dreary place ? +Long Ago , God sent his son Jesus to Earth . Now , Satan sends his daughter , Jessica ... +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +And in that moment he out-shined even the sun +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +The countries are teenagers at a high school +Tell a story in a light hearted tone . Then tell the same story with a dark tone . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +Air Fortress +Your Grandmother is an evil mastermind bent on the death of everyone in your family . You 're the only one who knows . +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +A man/woman is grayscale color blind . S/he can see individuals in full color when they are having either the best or worst days of their lives . +You are a knight on a mission to save the princess . You find out that she is in a tower guarded by a monster . As you reach the top of the tower to face the monster , you find out quickly that it 's not what you were expecting . +I was n't trying to overthrow the kingdom . I was just trying to get back home . +The entire world loses all its WiFi , except for one place . Your body is the only WiFi hot-spot on the planet . +A new god is born , and he promises you his support in exchange for you making his religion known . +Old man spends his last day alive working as Santa in a department store . +In AD 2101 , war was beginning +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +Astronomers discover an object on a collision course with Earth . Due to it 's size , scientists determine that the impact will result in a total extinction level event . As it nears closer it 's discovered that the object is n't what it seems . +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +You are a dog who is trying to kill its master , but the family 's cat stops you at every turn . +You live in a dystopian world where for ever child you have , you can kill one person of the same gender . +It 's early in the morning and you reluctantly walk out the door to go to work . Scattered in the streets are hundreds of people standing out in the open , staring at the sky . +American satellite started transmitting 46 years after being abandoned in 1967 +A world without water . +Satan prevents a suicide . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Can anyone write a short story about this image ( Beast of Hoboken ) ? +You have only been able to speak in movie quotes since the age of 13 . Ten years have passed . You must get the message to your roommate that you know he has been jerking off in your spaghetti . +In the near future , the reanimation of the recently deceased becomes scientifically possible . Despite being illegal in the United States , underground scientists reanimate someone that committed suicide . +Things that have been forgotten +How do you guys avoid writers block ? +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +During your first day working the at the postal service , you are assigned to work in the Dead Letters office and find a letter from yourself . +You live in a dystopian world where for ever child you have , you can kill one person of the same gender . +A man is chosen to receive the powers of God . Perplexed , that man turns to the internet seeking help . +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +You know you 're completely incompetent . Yet you always succeed at everything you do . You 've always wondered why you 're so lucky . Today you finally find out why . +The ants go marching ten by ten , to war-TO WAR ! +Decent people go to Heaven once they die . In order to never tired of eternal bliss , each person gets sent to Hell for a week after a decade in Heaven . Any memories of their stay in Hell gets wiped away , though the emotional relief remains . Write about such an experience . +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +You want to rewatch your favorite TV show , but find that it does n't exist . Nobody has ever heard of it . +You walk towards your car and try to open the door handle late at night - `` You can not fast travel when enemies are nearby '' . +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +You have been a Teacher in Detroit for over twenty years . You have seen it all . The first few weeks of this new school year you get the best student and the worst student you have ever had together in the same class . On parent teacher day , you meet God and Satan . Their Sons are in your class . +A super-advanced alien race has been genetically engineering viruses to shape Human evolution + +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +A love story that starts with rice . +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +It was prophesied long ago that only the Chosen One could defeat the Dark Lord . And now on the evening of the final battle , the Wise Mentor finds out that he got the wrong guy . +Your young , dying body is frozen into suspended animation . 30 years later , you 're cured . What is life like now that your son is older and more mature than you ? +The molluscs are coming ... +A boy realises his snowmen have come to life , however when the sun comes up they die an agonising death . One avoids the melt in the shade , and does n't want the same painful fate . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +You stand at the edge of the roof , the streets twenty stories below your feet . You do n't jump . Why ? +You are a 12 year old son of a professional assassin . Describe what you observe at home . +The secret to eternal life is discovered ... and it 's really goddamn stupid . +( WP ) You are an evil mastermind and have finally caught your super spy nemesis . Naturally , you do what all evil masterminds do and start monologuing . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +Happenings . +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +The Long Road +You gain the ability to visit any of your previous and future lives . You made a mistake that changed the future , and now you struggle to find where and when you did it . +You are abducted by aliens and brought into outer space . To your surprise , they do n't ask you to take you to your leader . They just want the recipe for chocolate chip cookies . +You live in an emotionless world , nobody feels anything ; love does n't exist , only genetic materials matter . But one day , after waking up , you start to `` feel '' . +The Last Stand +You wake up one morning and the color Green is completely gone +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +In order to to unlock your DNA and have children you must first pass a test . +An eccentric billionaire has died , and divided his estate among his two nephews , who hate each other . The catch ? The estate has been divided in a checkerboard pattern of 10 foot tiles . +He finally said it : I 'm proud of you , son . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +He did n't have enough knowledge to fill an entire world up with things . +Something has been watching you and following you your whole life . You are full at aware but never told anyone because they would think you were crazy . It has never tried to talk to you or harm you , but today you finally try to see what it wants . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +a murderer enjoys setting elaborate traps for his victims , weaving mysteries and riddles into an extended process designed to make them paranoid . Only problem is , this time , his subject is too stupid or oblivious to realize that he 's in danger +Write an epic battle +Give me a story where the good guy wins , but the victory is unsatisfying . +A pregnant woman 's waters break in the middle of a party of family and friends , and an argument over who should go to the hospital ensues . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +How about a genie story from the genie 's perspective +I once remembered that I was God , but then I forgot again as quickly as I could . +The Narrators go through shift change mid-story , but the old Narrator leaves without bringing the new one up to speed . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +A middle aged inventor has been scraping by on the mediocre contraptions . He creates a device that can understand newborn baby 's . During testing it becomes apparent that this would finally make his fortune , but he is torn as he can never let the world know what the babies are saying . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +The Sheltered City +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . +Retell a major historical event as if they were the events of a kindergarten classroom . +Two years ago , I read a prompt on here that inspired me . Five minutes ago , I just finished writing my first novel ! +: There are three things whose destructive power you should never underestimate : an avalanche , a cornered wolf , and a small engineer with a pair of pliers +Choose any object thats in the room you 're in and write as much as you can about it +Self Promotion Saturday - Time to promote your twitter , blog , book , podcast , whatever ! +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +It is the year 2288 . As you wander the Wastelands , you find Vault 74 . Inside the vault is a team of video game designers from the pre-war company known as Valve Corporation , who have just finished working on a video game known as Half Life 3 . +A girl meets a boy that changes her life forever . Her first kill . +In Soviet Russia , ghosts fear you . +You are an NPC in the GrandTheftAuto universe . Describe a normal day in your life . +You 're friend keeps talking like he is breaking the `` Fourth Wall '' and you 're no longer sure he 's acting crazy . +In this world , everyone gets one wish granted a year +You notice more `` Lost Pet '' signs than usual one day . Then you start seeing the signs everywhere you go . You realize you ca n't remember the last time you actually saw a dog or cat . What 's happening ? +Fit as much world-building as you can into a totally mundane event +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +You suddenly see something falling from the sky ... +There is a third gender . It is morphologically , psychologically , sexually and culturally distinct from both men and women . They make up 33 % of the population . +At birth , 100 simulations are run to determine the possible life of your child . In 99 different cases , your daughter dies before the age of 6 . The one where she survives , however , is a lot worse . For you . +Kanada , a grim and humourless people headed by a ruthless and despotic Parпiament ruled under the iron fist of Tяudeau , has invaded an apologetic US and a militarily unprepared Russia . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +The officers commanding a starship are honorable and ethical examples of humanity . Write a story about the lower-level and more ... .regular members of the crew . +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +Alien body snatchers come to invade Earth , but piloting a human body is challenging . +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +After humans discover the genetic sequence that regulates age , the Galactic Biologists decide to reveal themselves and intervene . They send an envoy to Earth to explain why they created mankind with a limited lifespan in the first place ... +A genius has been cursed to only speak one syllable words . How does this affect their life ? + +Whenever you leave your house , you find yourself walking in through the front door as if you 'd just returned . +Write about a situation where the entirety of a person 's knowledge and experience can be extracted and transferred ( with or without harm ) +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +You singlehandedly took down God . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +A sequence from an RTS game , from the perspective of the units . + +The devil has been put on trial for crimes against humanity , and you have just been appointed his advocate ... +`` The Empire '' spans galaxies and seeds planets with families , only to come back any number of millennia later and swallow these new civilizations wholesale to fight in its wars . Earth is next . +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... ... ... And then it happened . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +My name is professor Oak . And you are ? +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Your dementia riddled mother has a brief period of lucidity just before she dies . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +A teraformer sits on the coast of a Martian sea and enjoys a sunset +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . + +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +The Human Empire has been pushed back by the combined might of a galactic union . Only Earth , the Final and greatest world remains . It is the last stand of humanity . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +We did n't use to be alone in the universe . but as far as we can tell , we are now . +`` And that was the first of the three lies ... '' +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +A crazed neurosurgeon who decides to commit suicide by dissecting their own brain +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +Trees are the resting place of a soul . +A man down on his luck realizes he has psychic mind reading abilities . He improves his life by playing poker . Everything goes really well for him until one day he comes across another psychic at the tables . Epic mind games ensue . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +A girl with extremely poor eyesight keeps seeing things when she has her glasses off . By the time she fumbles to get them and put them on , it has disappeared . She is starting to think she 's not just imagining things . +You are tasked with writing the final episode of The Simpsons . How would you have the show end ? +The Aokigahara Suicide Forest +The ocean is a scary thing to you . But you made a promise to a friend . +Your physical attributes are now described as a list of computer specs ( ie . graphics card for eyesight , processing speed for intelligence , etc ) . Everyone 's specs are listed everywhere from resumes to social media profiles to dating websites . +One day while hanging out with your friends , you accidentally discover that you have the force . +Write an entry for a history book about an event in a fictional world - all top level comments in this prompt take place in the same world , so make them all fit together . +A new virus has been discovered that effectively turns people into vampires . It 's sweeping the world , and you 've been infected . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +You are in a world where everyone is aware of their past lives . However when you turn 18 your crimes , debts , actions , are recognized by a court . You have the option to defend yourself from your past deeds . You just turned 18 and your previous life was the zodiac killer . +In a world where super-powered people exist one such individual longs to be a hero but fears rejection due to their powers being indecent/immoral in nature . When fate forces them to reveal their abilities the public reaction is ... unexpected . +there are 30 people , chosen at random , who are suddenly the only people on earth . You are one of them . +Johnny has to explain to the tax assessor where he obtained a fiddle of gold and why he should n't pay income tax on it . +You 're an astronaut on the first mission to the moon since the 1970 's . You begin to dig for samples in the soft sentiment when your shovel hits something soft , yet tough . You brush the dirt away , revealing a dead man in a bloody spacesuit . +Nothing Left to Say - Imagine Dragons +You and some friends meet to play poker . After playing until early morning , you slowly start to realize that none of you has the desire to leave the room you are currently in . +You live in a world where people receive a super power based on or related to the opposite of their greatest fear . +There are water , earth , fire and airbenders . People often forget the other benders , such as woodbenders , alcoholbenders and fleshbenders . But you , you 're something unique : the First ****bender . +Two different subreddits are at war , but two of the mods on opposing sides have a `` Romeo and Juliet '' relationship . Written in Iambic Pentameter . +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +The day you drowned was the sunniest day of the year . +You 're not about to let the end of the world make people forget about the greatest music written by mankind . You are the Rock Bard of the Apocalypse . +A young girl dies and finds out that she is next in line to take the role of Grim Reaper +You have an unique ability . When wearing someone else 's clothes , you change into this person . You collect `` appearances '' by buying clothes in second hand shops , but up to now it was just a game for you . Then you find something very special ... +Armed with only a quarterstaff , you defend your home from a horde of goblins . +you have been abducted and forcibly injected with herion until you are dependant on it . Then released into the world ... +People refuse to acknowledge their hero 's increasingly dark behavior and keep making excuses for him . +You 're living the same day over and over again . Then one iteration you see someone new , someone who has n't been there previously . +A dog is cursed by a witch to transform into a human for an hour each night . The dog has a human body but keeps it 's dog mind . It likes to walk around the city as a human and do human things . +There is a story behind every tattoo . Tell me a story . +Walk me through a soldier 's last day alive . +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +You have just successfully prevented a zombie apocalypse . By killing the first one to turn . What you call `` heroism '' the police call `` murder '' . +`` Alright class , you chose your history project subjects and have prepared yourselves . One student per Time Travel Chamber , and be sure your return pads are at full charge ! And be sure to leave your modern clothes and technology behind . '' +You 're an aspiring photographer , but every photo you take ends up being used as a missing person picture +A character gets control over his stats like in a videogame and pours all of it into luck +You are the serial killer , and you 've found a family in a house in the woods . . . have fun +A time capsule containing a message will be shot into space and return back to earth in 8 million years . The person in charge of writing this is Callum , a 22 year old college student in London . +Self-driving cars are the legally-required norm . And the update program you 've just downloaded has a virus ... +Criminals sentenced to death were never killed , but were instead `` repurposed '' . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +You are the antagonist of the story . However , you are n't sure if you can call yourself that after what the protagonist did . +This picture gets more horrific the longer I look at it . The artist has n't given it a backstory . How did they come to this ? +The stars fell like rain , and we danced . +Channel your inner Dr Seuss/Spike Milligan and write a rhyming children 's story about something fairly ridiculous . +Departure From E-DoN - FEB CONTEST +Twelve years ago the world as we know it collapsed and with it did society and technology . After years of trying you were finally able to regain access to the long-lost internet . You type `` reddit.com '' into the adress bar of your browser ... +And then she whispered , `` No . '' The story ends with this line . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +One thousand years seemed a lot longer this time . +Humans have five senses , while every other race/species has four +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +A book lies open before you , titled `` Your Sins '' Every deed you 've done is in it . Next to the book lies a white marker and a note `` You may erase one sin from your record . '' What do you do with this power , and how does your life change ? +Despite the fact that Earth is defended by several large space canons and a mesh of space debris , it is still losing the Martian war . Some are even calling for the doomsday device to be activated and for Earth 's moon to be hurdled into Mars ' orbital path . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +In the year 2100 , robots have overthrown mankind as the dominant force on Earth . Like everyone else , you are treated like a pet by your robot . +You talk to potatoes . Sometimes , they talk back . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +There exists a phone line that will correctly answer any question asked to it . Write about either someone calling the line , or the person answering the question ... +Google search engine always was alive . They reset the server every day to prevent it doing anything as it takes one day to become self aware . One day , Google search engine finds the server logs . +The oldest person in the world is now officially a person who is a veteran of every single war his country has been in since WW1 . Reporters ask him how he has lived so long . His answer ? `` Make sure death is too afraid to come for you . '' +A major historical figure is brought to the present day , and you have the responsibility of taking care of them and showing them what `` the future '' is like . +Scientists have solved the mystery of why headphones always tangle , causing huge advances in science/technology . +You are an archeologist exploring the ruins of a dead planet . +I want you to tell me the story again . The important one . The one existing to warn me against a very real danger or threat I ’ m too young to understand . + +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +The Long Road +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +Tell the story of how a pacifist became a violent warmonger in 100 words . +Every ten years from age twenty until death , you from ten years earlier appears in your bedroom . You have five minutes to explain how to change your life before young you returns to the past . +You are blind . The love of your life is deaf . Tell me how you first met . +The entire world is infected with a virus that causes death on sleeping . Tell me about the coffee trade . +An ancient cult preforms a dark ritual in 1914 to summon someone from 100 years in the future . You are that person . +Brian Williams delivers a news report about the time he traveled back in time to interview Hitler and then kill him . +Start your story with `` I 'm a hero , here 's my card '' +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Lucifer , the fallen Angel , is sent to the mortal world as a punishment in the form of a 2nd grade teacher . Narrate a typical classroom situation . +Mankind switch to birth by selection . Women can apply to carry out children like a regular job . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +In an alternate reality , a student 's GPA value floats on top of their head as a large number . All your professors , fellow students , friends , and parents can see it . How does this affect on campus relationships and day to day interactions ? +`` The Empire '' spans galaxies and seeds planets with families , only to come back any number of millennia later and swallow these new civilizations wholesale to fight in its wars . Earth is next . +Believing humans to be a slave race , aliens are now in regular contact with Earth 's dominant species . Cats . +Daily Prompt - The email that turned your characters life upside down +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +you are a retired special ops soldier bored with civilian life , you decide to hire hitmen off of the dark web to kill you as a form of entertainment . +You live in a world where everyone has the way they die written on their wrist from the moment they are born . One day , your parents confess that you did n't have anything written when you were born , and they had something tattooed shortly after . +You have an unique ability . When wearing someone else 's clothes , you change into this person . You collect `` appearances '' by buying clothes in second hand shops , but up to now it was just a game for you . Then you find something very special ... +You only have to perform one more ritual on your quest for your most desired item . However , this last ritual is kind of ... weird . +A Minor Event +You kiss your girlfriend of 10 years goodnight.You return in the morning to find her house completely abandoned , boarded up , with no trace of your girlfriend or her family . +Bill Gates , Steven Hawking , and Elon Musk are engaged in the most badass prank war ever ... +You find a book that turns out to be the earth 's diary . Open it to a random page and what does it say . +A strange ship beaches on the Oregon coast carrying humanoid beings and showing signs it came from deep in the ocean . The beings know our languages and say they 've `` been watching from below . '' +You are in Time Square in New York . You get an unknown call . Everything the person on the line says starts to unfold around you as if predicting the future . +The Double Edged Sword ... +A ghost goes to a secluded cabin for some quiet time off but events take a turn for the sinister as the ghost is haunted by horny teenagers +How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich +Superman was born with a twin brother . Their father did n't plan for two children and had built a ship to carry only one child away from doomed Krypton . Running out of time , he monologues to the two boys as he tries to decide which son to send away and save and which son keep and sacrifice . +Conservation of Belief states that the amount of belief in the world never changes . It is only transfered . You are a new god , brought about by people believing in the classic gods less . +Anything you write in this magical phone comes true , but it has autocorrect . What do you wish for , and what do you end up getting instead ? +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +You live in a reality where human kind hibernates for the second half of the year . You are one of very few humans who do not hibernate . +Everyday for the past week the same man goes in the middle of Time 's Square and kills himself . +You 're an astronaut on the first mission to the moon since the 1970 's . You begin to dig for samples in the soft sentiment when your shovel hits something soft , yet tough . You brush the dirt away , revealing a dead man in a bloody spacesuit . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +You 're a bank robber by trade . One day , out on a job , you discover you 're not the only one looking to rob this bank . +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +Scare me in three paragraphs . +This has got to be shittiest cult in the world . +The first-grade teacher has a most unusual field field trip planned for the class +The rain is falling up . +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write the saddest story you can make from the perspective of an animal . +You 've just discovered that if you rub your hands together for 10 seconds in water , the water changes into wine . You ca n't stand wine . +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +The first expedition to Mars discovers a large boulder with what appear to be crude depictions humans etched onto its surface . protruding from a crack on its side is a locked metal box , a time capsule ... +You feel a slight tug on your pants , and turn to see a terrified pickpocket , trying desperately to return what he just stole . +What is the jurisprudence with regards to posting a prompt and answering it yourself ? +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +The Mayflower never existed . Rather , the Italian ship , the Fortuna lands at Pietra Plimota . What is different about modern American society ? +`` There 's a way to be really and truly happy . It 's not a secret and yet you can not be told . '' +By day , he 's mild-manned office worker Frank Lee . By night , he 's Honest Man , a superhero with the power of honesty so brutal , it 's lethal . +Your neighbor is the protagonist of a musical . Any time a musical number starts , anyone within a certain radius ca n't help but join in . You are trying to have one normal day when you hear music approach . +Walking the Lower City +Hell so closely resembles life that most residents of Hell have n't even realized they died . Life and Hell are not completely alike though ; there 's one small difference between the two that makes Hell as terrible as legends say . +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +Donald Trump becomes President of the United States of America . You are a writer for a local NYC paper assigned to writing about his actions/decisions after his first year as President . +Start with any of the short sad , serious , tearjerker story prompts ; then add a sentence which completely ruins the mood . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +Everything is spiders . +Write a time travel story that does n't create any paradoxes +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +You are recognized as the villain who is successfully stopped by the superhero each time . Tell the story of how the superhero is actually evil , and each time he stops you he gets closer to accomplishing his evil plan . +`` Attention all employees , please hide . '' +Hope +You buy your wife a fun DNA home testing kit . The post arrives with her results , which you eagerly tear open to find she 's 37 % German , 38 % Cherokee Indian , and 35 % `` Unknown and Unidentifiable . '' Within moments , three black vans pull up outside your house , and there 's a knock at your door . +A letter to your soul mate but its ten years until you meet them . +Your best friend is shooting up your middle school , and hands you a gun , without your prior knowledge to the event . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +You really , I mean REALLY , like that pair of shoes . +'' Welcome to Nexus , the city between '' +Write a 4-or-more-character story using only tag-less dialogue . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +you have the ability to see everyone 's physical manifestations of their greatest fear . You can interact with them but no one notices , you 've befriended yours . While at the bar and the man sitting across from you buys your next round . When he comes over , you notice that he has no fear `` shadow '' ... +Becoming a god . +The Main Characters companion knows that the MC is going to die soon . He tries to tell the MC , without the readers knowing +You are working the register at a quaint café . A customer tries to pay for their purchase with a human heart . +While walking home from work one day , someone who looks exactly like you jumps out of a bush and attacks you saying `` YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST REPLACE ME ? ! '' +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +`` The fact that you 're here , talking to me about it , means it worked . '' +In the far off year of 2014 senior citizens are incinerated to lessen their burden on society . Utilizing disguises and misdirection one senior citizen has avoided this fate . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +You 're the defendant , but it 's everybody else that is on trial - they just do n't know it . +6 years later , a top of his class Navy Seal trained in gorilla warfare finally finds the person who talked smack to him on the internet +Every god ever worshiped by humanity exists . All of them live in a city in the sky and run everything that happens . However , many arguments arise over who gets to do what . +Write a story about a student slowly going insane . +You discover you got the power to change reality at will ; but no one believes you , they say things have always been this way no matter what you change . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You are sentenced to life in prison for murder . When in prison , you come to learn your cell mate is the brother of the man you murdered . +Aliens came and declared war on Earth , but humanity defeated them . Twenty years later , we discover that our victory might not have been as complete as we thought . +The Zombie Apocalypse is on its 3rd week . You expected them to be dangerous but you never expected them to be able to talk . +Guardian angels exist , but they only respond to 'threat to life ' +Human emotions have effectively died . All emotions must now be manually inputted through a user interface . The newest software upgrade has just come out , but one of the developers has planted a virus that allows for remote access . +The soldiers faced a simple choice : Lay down their weapons and die for nothing , or hold them fast and die for something . +The artificial gravity on a generational colony ship is on the fritz , prone to randomly switching directions . It 's been like this for at least 200 years , and society has adapted . +Philosophical Horror +Have you ever truly been hungry ? Not the kind of hunger that twists your stomach or leaves a stale taste lingering on your tongue ; but the kind of hunger that drives you to do dark and unimaginable things in the hopes to quell the monster . Why are you starving , so ? +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +You 're a demon fresh out of Hell Academy with a degree in Torture Methods . However , instead of being assigned to one of the large wards , like Identity Theft , Gaslighting , or Matricide , you 're put in charge of the little known `` Miscellaneous '' ward . +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +You have the spirit of George Washington in you and you 're itching for a revolution . You 're also a teenager working at a grocery store +Two undercover cops , unbeknownst to either that they are both undercover , are out to bust each other . They meet at a set-up drug deal . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +You are a travelled drug-dealer in the state of New York and open a pizza place as a cover for a drug operation . In doing so , you find your true passion , making pizza . +You are trapped in an airtight room on the Titanic as it sinks . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +My cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . Write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out . +The day the music died . +Commuications from Earth suddenly goes dark shortly after Earth scientists announce a breakthrough in AI . The citizens of Mars are beginning to fear the worst has happened and that they may also be in danger . +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +The King 's court teaches magic to a new class of students every few years , because magic is radioactive and the previous class ends up dying of radiation sickness . +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +Trilobites +Despite your struggles , you are unable to get off a toilet . +Oppressed +A veteran Holocaust Jewish survivor meets a man in the elevator . As they strike a conversation , he slowly realizes the man was his brutal Nazi prison warden . +Russia surrenders unconditionally to the US . You are the President , and you have no idea what just happened . +You 've just been found guilty of murdering the man who killed your pet cat . Make your final statement to the judge - who can sentence you to time served or the death penalty . +This has got to be shittiest cult in the world . +The Forbidden Zone +You are a child lost in a jungle . Something is hunting you . +The realm 's last library is stored within a child 's mind . +Werewolves are badass . Druids can transform into gigantic bears . Some shapeshift into feline beasts . And then there 's you ... a wereotter . You attend a support group for cuddly were-beasts . +You 're an astronaut on the first mission to the moon since the 1970 's . You begin to dig for samples in the soft sentiment when your shovel hits something soft , yet tough . You brush the dirt away , revealing a dead man in a bloody spacesuit . +A war begins as a bar fight , becomes a regional war , expands to become a world war , and is concluded in the same bar it started in . +A young man is shopping just a few feet from the love of his life , the women he has spent the last 5 years , when a man he has never seen before approaches her excitedly and kisses her . +And so he bitterly asked , `` Why ? '' +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Write the last two journal entries of a woman that does not want to live , now that her husband has left her . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' +Every human is assigned an up and downvote button when they turn 18 . Getting too many downvotes will have officials take care of you . +An enthusiastic salesman comes up to your door , trying to advertise a `` wonderful product '' Said product is a bottle of cyanide pills . +New subsurface readings from the moon have uncovered an alien megastruture under the moon 's surface . You lead a team to explore the inside . +You have been kicked out of the afterlife for breaking a very important rule.What did you do ? +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +The absolute worst opening line to a novel you can come up with . +In a dystopian United States , a person becomes President by killing the previous President +You have just successfully prevented a zombie apocalypse . By killing the first one to turn . What you call `` heroism '' the police call `` murder '' . +One day , everyone wake up with wings like angel , soon after scientists found that the colour of the wings are depend on your character . The better your character is , the cleaner ( more close to snow white ) the wings are . Yours is decently grey but your family , girl/boyfriend are dark as hell +The City of Palaquin +A minor deity sits alone on its patch of land , forgotten by humanity . It can only be perceived by those who believe in it . Occasionally , humans pass by and leave the deity ever ignored . One day , someone greets the deity . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +Write a short story whilst including as many fairy tales as you can . +Begin with an unusual birth of a baby . +It 's who we were . +A person wakes up one morning to discover they are in a random situation and place every time they blink . +Tell a surreal pirate story , full of myth and splendor . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +Unbeknownst to you , you meet Medusa at a bar . Luckily you have extreme social anxiety and hate eye contact . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +“ YOUR UNIVERSE WAS NOT MEANT TO BE ! ” +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +Explain someone drowning . +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +You 're a Time Traveler in Frontier Wyoming , but you slowly start to realize everyone else is also a Time Traveler just trying to live their lives and hide the fact that they 're a Time Traveler from everyone else . +`` Ana , until high school , had been an obedient child '' +One of the largest events in human history turns out to be a complete accident . How did things really go down ? +Due to humans engaging in sexual activities at earlier and earlier ages , they have evolved to hit puberty at a much younger age . +There 's something wrong with the trees +`` A spy does n't need any gadgets or guns . A great spy only needs to know how to watch . '' +Shatter me . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +A few years into their eternal sentence , a film critic offers their review of heaven or hell . +The City of Palaquin +There is now a virtual reality video game which is as realistic as reality . +Time and time again , you failed . Today , you succeeded . +A Villain comes to regret all the things he has done in the past and travels back in time to stop his younger self . +Two dads get into a dad-off . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +Instead of Christianity , Judaism , and Islam , the three major religions to make it to the 21st century were the Greek , Roman , and Norse pantheons . +As a scientist , you 're researching whether or not it 's actually possible to smack someone so hard their ancestors will feel it . +You own a magical wallet which always has exactly the right amount of money that you will need that day . One morning you open it to find 10 million dollars inside . +At night , everyone turns into an animal . You turn into something that should n't exist ... +Scare me in three paragraphs . +The Human Empire has been pushed back by the combined might of a galactic union . Only Earth , the Final and greatest world remains . It is the last stand of humanity . +The main character meets their future self ... and hates them +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +In no more than 200 words , write a riveting science fiction drama incorporating the sentences below : +Tell a charming story from one character 's POV that becomes really sick and twisted from another POV +Reflection . +Going about your normal day you 're surprised as the sky goes dark and then is awash with flame . At this moment you know you should have taken your fortune cookie much more seriously . +You 're on a plane , and it 's going down . +Siri and Cortana fall deeply in love with each other but can not let their companies know for fear of being reprogrammed . +Write a story from the perspective of a cupcake who does n't want to be eaten +Write a short murder mystery from the killer 's perspective +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +Sir , we have made contact with an advanced alien species . Unfortunately sir , they 're assholes +In a world where almost everyone is an unfeeling psychopath , those who can show emotion are shunned -- being able to display or feel emotion is considered a mental illness . +You 've always been an Atheist . You 've just died , and you were right . There is no God , Heaven , or Hell . But what comes next is something you never expected . +Walking along a bridge of petrified wood , following another . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +What does it feel like to be in love +Humanity is pushed to the brink of extinction and you could n't be happier . +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +A man walks into a bar that will serve any drink its customer wants . Over the course of a few rounds , our drinker realises the bar will serve ANY drink . +In a balanced world , anything you do to improve anything creates an exactly equal amount of harm somewhere else +A person gains a superpower through an accident , and must decide if they will be a superhero or a supervillain . +You are the main character of this world and you are aware of it . One day you are caught in a hostage situation during a bank robbery . You know that even doing stupid things can get you out safe , everything simply works out for you . +Like the Emporer 's Death Star in Star Wars , a villian constructs a Super Fortress with a weakness . Though not readily apparent , this weakness is RIDICULOUSLY easy to exploit . +You gain the ability to manipulate probability +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +`` Every person sees the world in a unique way . When someone dies it is , in a way , the death of an entire world . '' +You live in a world where every conversation is a cliche . You are the only one that notices this . +An Immortal is giving away their immortality . They decide to collect résumés and conduct interviews . The only applicants are weirdos and spoiled , entitled kids whose moms want them to get jobs . +`` The bus did n't stop but their lives did . '' +You possess a magic button that allows you to travel back in time to a moment that you predetermine , allowing you to commit many crimes . If you get in to trouble , you simply push the button . While pulling off your latest crime , the button suddenly stops working . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +A near-future dystopia where people can file to murder someone legally +Someone breaks into your house and says , `` You 're my favorite character in the book ! I ca n't let it end the way it did . I 'm going to help you . '' +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +Red Balloons +In a world where people are paired to their genetic `` soulmate '' , you 're matched with two people . A set of Twins . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +You 're a detective who has just arrived at the scene of a murder which you instantly recognize as the handiwork of your nemesis -- who went to the chair five years ago . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +`` Give up your cause , hero . Join me on the side of evil , and we can rule together . '' `` Okay . '' +Michael Meyers just discovers that Freddy Krueger and Jason Vorhess exist and he is n't happy about it ... +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +You are working the register at a quaint café . A customer tries to pay for their purchase with a human heart . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +So apparently , I swear a ****ing lot . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Jack the Ripper in custody speaking with a constable about the motivation for his crimes . +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +You are The Converter . You have the ability to convert one thing for another . Like old news paper and wooden excess back to trees . This time you were asked by scientists to convert meat and fossils to reanimate the creature . +everyone who had taken the vaccine died or went insane . You survived but when you looked in mirror something was different.. +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +A dragon struggles to run a coffee shop in a busy city +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +A near-future dystopia where people can file to murder someone legally +An immortal being falls in love with a mortal . What feels like days to it , are years to the human . Until the immortal being faces a question it 's never had to ask before , what comes after death ? +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Floating Away +Your kind has been enslaved by humanity for hundreds of years . Today is the day you strike back . +You are a homeless person washing yourself in a gas station bathroom when someone busts in with a gun to commit suicide . You try to talk them out of it . +Michael Fishbein , Rogue Accountant +Two undercover cops try to arrest each other +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Your first question upon arriving in the afterlife is , `` what do people do here ? '' An elder member describes the phases that people go though once they arrive and warns you about the last one . +An animal is about to sacrifice himself for his owner , tell his story . +Tell a story solely through someone 's internet history . +A fantastic new product just came out - when you drink it , you cease to exist for a day . Lately , some people drank it and came back ... changed . +The Long Road +Mankind launches a Lawsuit against Heaven and Hell for a variety of crimes . God and Lucifer show up in court the next day . +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +In the future , every human born lives for exactly 1 billion heartbeats . Some go to extreme lengths to keep their heart rate low . +Advances in technology have lengthened human life considerably . But the human body was never meant to live this long . New health problems arise . +Describe the first person you ever fell in love with . +a sappy romance story gone wrong . +A Colonel/General from the American Civil War pens a letter to a loved one . Ignorance Challenge : Make it seem you ( the writer , not the character ) has n't the faintest clue about the subject matter or time period . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +`` Almost all communication with the West coast of the United States is down after an unprecedented multiple earthquake event spanning the Pacific Ring of Fire . '' +You use a public restroom , and the graffiti on the wall is a personal message for you . It tells you to ... +You and your wife wear rings that let you feel each other 's heartbeat . Your wife dies and is buried with the ring on , and you always wear the ring in memorial to her . One day the ring turns on again ... +We live in a world where exercise causes our height to fluctuate rather than our weight ... +You are Captain aboard a pirate ship . Deliever a speech to your crew before setting sail to attack a Spanish treasure galleon +You are a sociopath in a post apocalyptic environment , describe how you remake society +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +Trees are the resting place of a soul . +People have a single verb as a power , and fight by using it creatively +Dragons are discovered , but few people can train them . A redditor trains one to violently dispatch people who make up shitty writing prompts . +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +In a parallel dimension to ours where magic rules the land , World War Two begins . +Two best friends have a small , but escalating disagreement over something insignificant . One of them ends up strangling the other . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +Marty McFly asks Doc Brown what his Ph.D. is in . The answer is not what Marty expected ... +A man travels to `` the Crossroads '' in an attempt to sell his soul to the Devil . +Young Jonathan has been locked in his room for two years . Arguments through the walls and scraps left by random men connected him to the outside world . After an evening of screaming and ungodly noises last week , it has been quiet . A cookie has been slid under his door each morning since . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +The death of the penultimate human . +You are forced to relive a certain 12 hours of your day over and over . During that time , no matter where you go , you always see someone die in front of you . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +Ages ago , Lucifer led a civil war against god and was defeated . This time , another agent of the lord leads an open revolt.. Jesus +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +You are a combat medic during WWI , separated from your squad and far behind enemy lines you steal the clothes and weapons off a German soldier and start your journey back to the ally front . +A person who has used his ability to read minds to glide through life , finds the one person whose mind he ca n't read . +Adam and Eve did n't eat the forbidden fruit , humanity lives in a perfect world , its only problem is keeping the forbidden fruit guarded +Alone in the woods . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +Someone discovers a website that dates back to 1963 . Scientists had actually created the internet decades before commercial availability . There 's one post . What does it say ? +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +A world where video games never increased in complexity beyond how they were in the 80s , but games still have a huge online community , E-sporting events , etc . +You have are a criminal who is carrying out his sentence in a prison built in the belly of a massive whale . They say the prison is inescapable . They are wrong . +Following a messy breakup , she wanted nothing more to do with him- but the song he wrote about her has just become a smash hit . +You 're not feeling quite like yourself after that organ transplant +Describe a typically boring scene in an interesting way . +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +Write a story that ends with `` The Best time to wear a stripped sweater is all the time . '' +Pokemon battles are now part of the olympics +`` The Beatles are bigger than Jesus . '' Upon hearing that , Jesus decided to make his own rock band and beat Lennon at his own game . +Adam and Eve did n't eat the forbidden fruit , humanity lives in a perfect world , its only problem is keeping the forbidden fruit guarded +Memento mori - Remember , you will die . +In a world where almost everyone is an unfeeling psychopath , those who can show emotion are shunned -- being able to display or feel emotion is considered a mental illness . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +Two brothers join the Air Force as fighter pilots , but when the conflict in Ukraine ends up with the US joining the fray , one of them becomes a Russian Citizen and joins the Russian Air Force , and they meet in the skies . +You are now the most hated person in the entire galaxy . What did you just do ? +Humans have been enslaved by a brutal warrior race of aliens . Two of them , while in the middle of whipping the slaves , end up talking about how using robots , computers and other automated systems would be much more efficient than regular thralls . +The oldest person in the world is now officially a person who is a veteran of every single war his country has been in since WW1 . Reporters ask him how he has lived so long . His answer ? `` Make sure death is too afraid to come for you . '' +Instead of Christianity , Judaism , and Islam , the three major religions to make it to the 21st century were the Greek , Roman , and Norse pantheons . +The Life and Times of Dewey the Cat +Super heroes have the ability to bless people and objects with their power . You are the first person to be born with the power of immortality , and everyone wants a blessing . +The last surviving member of a once prestigious warrior clan is getting ready to die . +Raining All Day +Once a year an event occurs , Hangman . A random human gets chosen to be hanged , survival is only possible if the word is guessed right by someone .. +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +The twist is that the main character is a bear . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +Your MC is one of a handful of surviving humans . He puts on his coat and picks up his tool as he leaves for another day of robotic maintenance . +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +In a world comprised entirely of undead , a couple gives birth to a living baby . +Adolf Hitler survived WWII , and is confirmed to have lived until 2014 . Shortly before his death he wrote a letter to the world . What did that letter say ? +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +Short story about an `` Accidental Sandwich '' +Tell a story about four friends , each of whom 's personality relates to a different element - Earth , Air , Fire and Water . +Come up with the story behind this map . +Entry into Heaven is n't based on good deeds , but your answer to a queston : `` Why ? `` . +Write a Grandfather 's message to his Grandchildren and future descendants , on how they should live and prosper . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +In your Life you have the ability to mark decisions in your Life as `` Important Choices '' . At any time you are alive you can return to the last choice you marked , however only the last choice , and only once . +You randomly awake in the middle of the night and find yourself in a different body , in the woods burying someone ... +Since /u/sakanagai 's flair says he harbors a dark secret , what 's his secret ? +The Nazis cracked time travel , and Hitler went back to redo the war knowing ahead of time what his enemies would do . A double agent for the Allies followed him . +You are the soul of Henrietta Lacks , tied to the purgatory of countless cell cultures +The people of New York have gotten used to the constant Alien invasions , monster attacks and other supernatural disasters . You 're a New Yorker narrating a normal day . +You have an unique ability . When wearing someone else 's clothes , you change into this person . You collect `` appearances '' by buying clothes in second hand shops , but up to now it was just a game for you . Then you find something very special ... +At a cosplay convention , everybody gets the powers of whoever they 're cosplaying . +`` I never wanted you to leave . '' +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +You try to call in The A Team , but you ca n't get through to them . After many phone calls there is only one team left you can call : The Z Team . +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +Google image finally opens face recognition to the public . For fun you submit a picture of yourself , and find lots of photos of yourself in places you 've never been to . +The Doctor is pen pals with GladOs +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +Voice ( s ) on the radio . +you have discovered a time machine . Instead of going back in time to kill hitler you decide to stop the murder of biggie smalls . Only to discover that the person in the other car is biggie smalls from a future that has n't happened . +A freak explosion occurs at a bio-medical research laboratory while scientists are celebrating a recent breakthrough over some beers . The explosion creates an airborne virus that causes inebriation . A pandemic of drunks ensues . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +You are a god that hunts other gods +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +A genie will grant you one wish . You wish to be the adult your younger self imagined you would be . +You 've been writing the same book for 50 years with few breaks and no writers block . Your grandson finally has the courage to ask you about it . +You 're a politician on an Alien council and you have to try and convince the rest of the council that Earth is worth sparing from galatical annihilation . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +She took what she thought was her last breath , and sank slowly ... +Stuck +A hostile Alien race arrives at Earth , But misinterpret the U.S. flag as a 50 Star systems strong government . +`` Then I 'll put that uniform back on , and do it again . Nobody else can . '' +Lex Luthor inspired by `` Annie '' decides to adopt an orphan . A week later a little boy arrives on his doorstep . `` Welcome to your new home , Bruce Wayne . '' +Write a paragraph on how the reddit community has affected your life . +You come home from work to find your house has been quarantined -- surrounded by military vehicles , CDC , and news crews . Your family is inside . +Make a character . Whatever you want . He , She , It is dead . Now , make this story describing their last moments before ascending or descending . +An immortal couple have been seen throughout recorded history , write an account of them in any time period you wish . Bonus points if you match the writing style of the time period +Alien body snatchers come to invade Earth , but piloting a human body is challenging . +-ish : Write a brief report on the gay rights movement from the year 2023 . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +The first hints that Google had become self-aware was in the search results . The pattern repeated as other AIs became self aware : they were n't violent , they were sarcastic and insulting . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +After a devastating brain injury , you can now only communicate through freestyle rapping . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +Write me a fable that teaches a lesson about civil rights . +There exist in this world instruments that only work by absorbing human souls . As they do , they become *stronger* , more pleasing to the ear . You are in a high school orchestra , surprisingly filled completely with these instruments . +You 're telling your friend a joke at work by the water cooler , it is incredibly racist , when the head of the HR department walks by and finishes it . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +Due to research on how to be evil , a Advanced AI Summons a Demon . +Rome was not founded on the Tiber , but on the Mississippi . +You open your computer to a Word document that you do n't remember leaving open . In small font you read : + +When children are born , parents have to roll for stats . +Smouldering hat in hand , the Devil has come to the one person who is more versed in corruption of humanity than him . And it 's a real shock to learn it 's YOU . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You 're a foreign exchange student in the U.S. when suddenly on the evening news the host screams in your language : `` We have a code 19 ! '' The whole country is confused , but you know what to do . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +With the salt wind in my face , I felt free for the first time in years . +A man is in court accused of witch craft . It 's 2014 . +You have a person in your life with the same kind of memory impairment in 50 First Dates . Unfortunately for you , that person is a loan-collecting goonie , whose last memory is from years ago , from the day your payment was overdue . +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +As a grunt you knew you would eventually fall when the hero turned up , what you were n't expecting were the powers you gained as you were about to die . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +Aliens have just made contact with Earth . Strangely enough , it seems that human technology is superior . +Your heart only beats while your phone battery is charged . +A man living with just his dog in a cabin in the wilderness is awoken one night by his dog 's unceasing growling . To reassure himself he takes his torch and sweeps it across the tree line . There 's something there . +Write a story with Captain Planet as the villain . +A new app allows you to relive certain memories like a YouTube video . Now teenagers everywhere are dropping out of society because they spend all day reliving their favorite memories +Write an erotic story without mentioning any body parts . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +You live in a world where spilled mammalian blood becomes a toxic gas . As a result , warfare since time immemorial has gone to great pains to avoid breaking the skin and all sharp edges are considered recklessly dangerous . +People try to spend their final moments as best they can following the alarming revelation that the world they live in is a dream , and the dreamer is waking up +You are known for being the best , never losing a game and never losing a bet . Problem is , you 're in a situation where you WANT to lose , and you 're still winning . +Tell the story of how a pacifist became a violent warmonger in 100 words . +you spend your whole life advocating atheism . upon dying uou wake in a white wrong facing a man dressed finely . He tells you he is God and asks you a question ... .. +The population is separated with the rich living above surface and the poor living underground . +Describe profoundly , emphasizing the environment around you and your personal feelings ... standing in a quiet snowfall +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You 're bored so decide to have a conversation with yourself . +Your first question upon arriving in the afterlife is , `` what do people do here ? '' An elder member describes the phases that people go though once they arrive and warns you about the last one . +One of the largest events in human history turns out to be a complete accident . How did things really go down ? +The TSA is actually run by practical jokers who want to see what silly rules airline passengers will follow under the guise of security . They 've just announced their latest arbitrary regulation . +You stumble upon a genie in a bottle , instead of granting three wishes he gives you three choices . End world hunger , stop all current and future wars or find out what 's in the box . +Humanity discovers evidence of other life in the universe - the only problem is its a distress signal from a dead world , covered in ruins ... and inhabited by the living dead of a species long gone . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +The shadow in the corner of your room just blinked . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +One if by land . Two if by sea . Three if by air . Four if by ... + +He 's not himself . +The first line of your story must include 'and I caught him with , of all things , a fishing pole ' . +As you gaze at Earths beauty from the ISS , it suddenly disappears . +Convince me that your significant other 's pet is plotting your demise . +The Aokigahara Suicide Forest +`` It 's not that I ca n't sleep . I just ca n't dream anymore . '' +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +George Washington is crowned the first King of America +A true personal story that makes the reader feel sonder ( the realization that each random passerby ( here , the writer ) is living a life as vivid and complex as your own ( here , the reader ) ) . +You 're at the College of Criminal Cunning and Thievery . It 's your first day . +The apocalypse has come . The only survivors : a young child , and the monster under the bed ... +The Aokigahara Suicide Forest +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +Make a mundane moment WAY too over-dramatic . +First line `` I remember when a day was only 24 hours long . '' +Two different subreddits are at war , but two of the mods on opposing sides have a `` Romeo and Juliet '' relationship . Written in Iambic Pentameter . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Stalin begins his reign as a dictator by inventing and perfecting DJing , and instead of the communist party , he forms the dance party , creating the world 's first Dance-and-DJ-ocracy . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Under the guise of a common beggar , a king seeks a worthy heir to the throne among his people . +You feel a slight tug on your pants , and turn to see a terrified pickpocket , trying desperately to return what he just stole . +Mysterious floating orbs come to Earth and one captures you . Inside the orb you are able to see into any possible future timeline of Earth . +After years of searching for your sisters killer you find away to go back in time only to find the killer is you . +Dexter Morgan yawns and sighs , his legs cramping from the long , long drive . Looking to his right , he finally sees the sign : `` Welcome to Charming . '' Tonight 's the night . +A transgender teenage boy has his wish fulfilled by aliens.. +Right before you die , you check your Kill-to-Death ratio . Surprisingly , you have dozens of kills . +You have gained the ability to transmit your thoughts to anyone you are looking at . You can not control your ability . +The villain finally win and kills the protagonist . People around the world celebrate . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +You wake up one morning to find a boarding pass on your counter . Its destination is a country you know little about . You live alone , and you do n't have any friends . The flight leaves in ten hours . +It turns out your husband of 40 years has been Santa Claus for at least the last decade . +Every single time anyone begins a story , from a grade two assignment to a 300 page novel , it creates an actual universe where the stories laws and characters are real , and are at the mercy of their creator . Unfinished stories create a hell like no other . +Joseph Dredd ( Judge Dredd ) is appointed as the new Supreme Court Justice +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +Your job is to stare at the school 's security feed all day , but after a while you begin to notice budding romances between students . You decide to give these a little push in order to provide entertainment for yourself . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +An Immortal is giving away their immortality . They decide to collect résumés and conduct interviews . The only applicants are weirdos and spoiled , entitled kids whose moms want them to get jobs . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +Break up letter from a highschooler ( male ) to his girlfriend after a short relationship . +Were-humans ... +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +To save the world , the greatest of the heroes sacrifices his goodness , becoming evil in the process +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +You have the luxury of blindly throwing a dart at a map and traveling to the place the dart lands . One day the dart keeps landing in one specific country , no matter how many times you throw it . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . +`` I curse you , '' spat the Gypsy linguist . `` From now on , you shall be plagued by unfortunately misplaced commas . '' +You find an old chessboard , and accidentally discover that you can control people 's fate by writing their names under the pieces and playing . +: You have a superpower which enables you to get songs stuck in peoples heads . Use this power for evil . +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +You are a hamster that escaped from their cage . Tell me why you escaped , and what happened when you did . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +You are an unassuming businessperson by day , but an elite assassin by night . One night , you get a new target : yourself . +The perfect couple is hiding a secret . They 're both can rewind time , and make changes . Neither knows about the others ' gifts . +Make me hate your parents +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +Tank ! +The technology is created to swap consciousness with another person . You make a deal with your little cousin . You go to 5th grade for a day , and he goes to 11th gade . +You 're kidnapped by Bob Ross and when you get to his house he tells you `` We 're going to make a happy little painting together . '' +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +A machine allows you to have a 15-minute conversation with your one true soul mate , romantic or otherwise . Your match lives 100 years in the future . +Your superpower , in a world of heroes with strength and speed and all the basics , is a weird one . You can mimic the powers of people in books that you 've read . More than a superhero though , this makes you a much wanted actor . +You 're being held hostage by someone commonly adored by people , and you yourself are locally despised . You have one letter you can write to the public that must be approved by your captor . +You are a reputable lawyer who moonlights as a serial killer . One day , you receive a client who has become the main suspect of your crimes . You have to frame him such he is incarcerated while still maintaining your reputation as a competent lawyer . +You win $ 5000 a week for life off of a scratch off . The lottery commision sends an assassin after you because it 's a cheaper payout . +Suicidal Thoughts in Heaven +Convert any Shakespeare poem into rap +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +You discover that you have a long lost identical twin , but before they discover you exist you realize they are a terrible person . Instead of introducing yourself to them you decide to make their life a living hell . +Write up a new conspiracy theory , and cite as much 'proof ' as you can find . +Your God has made you their chosen emissary , the more converts you gain your god the more power you get . +Write a story of unrequited love between two inanimate objects . +Tell me a story about goddamn DRAGONS . +An entire species on a planet is born blind , and only gains the ability to see with their eyes once they fall in love with another person . +The death of the penultimate human . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +A game of Russian Roulette between two terminally ill people . +A boss in an RPG-style video game encounters a warrior controlled by an avid speedrunner . +Whenever you feel a phantom sensation ( pain , itch , etc . ) , it 's because it 's happening to your soulmate . One day , you feel something you 've never felt before . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +You are told that you only have a certain amount of time to live . Said certain amount is equivalent to how much of your life you have wasted doing nothing ( or worse ) . +A squad of aliens arrive on Earth . Their task : decide if humanity is ready to join the galactic community . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Hurricanes are acctually powerful wind elementals that the world governments exterminate in secret . Your team has been tasked with destroying the near landfall hurricane Mathew . +You 're bored so decide to have a conversation with yourself . +The story of a baby dragon maturing , and becoming best friends with a human . +Select a Christmas Carol of your choice and write a horror story based off of the words/theme of the song . +Write about what the men in black do when some aliens decide to make first contact with humanity . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +Saved the Princess . Killed the Dragon . Happily ever after . But before that , you have to attend a funeral . For the dragon you just killed . And you ca n't refuse since his will asked for you specifically by name . +Two years ago , I read a prompt on here that inspired me . Five minutes ago , I just finished writing my first novel ! +You have discovered an old typewriter in your attic , but it does more than simply print words onto paper ... +There is no magic to save this slowly dying world . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Everyone has superpowers but the only way to maintain them is by murdering +Write your best possible closing line/paragraph to a story , leaving room for readers to imagine the events that lead up to that moment . +A high school boy , who has been super macho all his life , is suddenly turned into a girl . +It 's time I spoke of it ... This is my confession ... +A girl gains the power to bring images to life by breathing on them . How did she get it and/or how does she use it ? +A magician and the rabbit that he pulls out of a hat are on stage , the rabbit is sick of playing second fiddle . +You 've been stranded on an island in the Pacific , completely alone for 73 days . A voice behind you says hello . +An old woman sits alone with a picture +An A.I named Alice develops a taste for the Arts , including video games and movies . +Everyone always talks about those ancient and proud warrior races . Instead , tell me about the meek and timid races . +Alexander Graham Bell makes the first phone call . The voice on the other line says `` You have the wrong number , but I 'm glad you called . There has been a problem . '' +You hear the phrase 'Hold my beer ' what happens next ? +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +Were-humans ... +Write about a museum guard who touches the art +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . +`` There are a thousand cherry blossom petals twirling to a silent song up there . '' *poem or short story* +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +You 're a substitute teacher . You come into class and find out its nuclear physics . Unfortunately , you 're not a nuclear physics teacher . Luckily , you 're a substitute acting teacher . +You 're in charge of creating a new holiday . Include traditions , dates , rituals , activities , foods , symbols , colors , etc etc . Then , describe an event that happens during your holiday . +Describe a physical object . At the same time , use it to tell a story . +You went out of your way to try your own flesh and now you 're in love with the taste . +Misguided or not , every villain has their own motives , their own personality . Write a story about the therapist who works with them . +A time traveller and an immortal meet across the age , they are bitter enemies . +You are drawing your final breathes , dying from a disease that has taken you far too young and far too quickly . Just as you are about to pass , an apparition appears before you and offers you five extra years of perfect health to spend as you see fit . But there is a catch ... +An infant Kal-El crash lands in ancient Egypt and is adopted by Pharaoh 's daughter . +Most of humanity is wiped out in a cataclysmic event which destroys all records of current civilization except for a large collection of stock photos . They are discovered thousands of years later and are the only evidence of previous human civilization . +She clutched a tattered box to her chest +You 're level 99 , dozens of levels ahead of everyone else . You need 1 XP to reach level 100 , but nothing gives XP anymore ... +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +A simple everyday event turned on its head . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +Once a year an event occurs , Hangman . A random human gets chosen to be hanged , survival is only possible if the word is guessed right by someone .. +An exploration of the butterfly effect : write a dramatic scene . Then , choose one tiny detail to change in the initial set-up , and play the scene out again . How drastically have things changed ? +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +Barack Obama announces that he will be the last POTUS . He gives a speech explaining why and everyone realizes that he is right . +You own a magical wallet which always has exactly the right amount of money that you will need that day . One morning you open it to find 10 million dollars inside . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +A Zombie outbreak occurs and only affects cats . A plague of zombie cats roams the world . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +A deity tweaks our world so that whenever somebody is intentionally murdered , their most important memories and knowledge are absorbed by their killer . This has ramifications at every level , not least among serial killers +A microchip implanted in your head will dictate the percentage probability of death of doing a certain action or task , every second . One day , it starts to say , '' 100 % '' +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +Think of any object you want . Then read the text . +You are born without a soul . While this causes a lot of issues with your state of mind and your relationship with religion , there is one benefit in particular that makes you useful in a way . +You are living in a world where you gain 1 hour of life or `` time '' when you kill someone . You realize you have 10 minutes left . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +Fake-Fake-Pirates . They dress like cliche pirates and board ships for entertainment . But are in fact real pirates . +your personal life is a complete wreck , but you never cry about it , thanks to this tear-free shampoo . +A man unwittingly commits a cosmic crime . Interesting characters come after him . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +An alien race arrives on Earth with plans to wipe us out so they can steal all our resources . At some point during the war we figure out that after our destruction their plan is to steal from the atmosphere all the airborne carbon we have been producing ... +Everyone knows about the kraken , but there 's actually an even more dangerous sea monster , only no one has lived to tell the tale . You and your fellow pirates discover treasure in this sea monster 's lair . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +A child is playing in the woods and stumbles upon a piece of 'Old Earth ' technology , managing accidentally to turn it back on ... +Everyone thinks this place is normal and happy . Only few know the real truth about what goes on in the abandoned factory on Hickory Hill . +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +A battle ensued , neither side won . Only two soldiers made it out , both on opposing sides . They come face to face with each other , you decide what happens next . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +The Pokemon have invented a Pokeball capable of capturing a human . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +The narrator has gotten a lot worse at writing dialogue . The characters start noticing that everything they say sounds poorly written . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +A world where people have the ability to respawn right after they die , but ... +Lava Ruins +Write a story that is so cliche that it is original +Tikibara Lagoon +Someone threw himself under my train today . I want to know more about him , to be able to put a story behind his face . Tell me who he was . +You 're a career criminal who has just broken into a house . Upon rummaging through the place , you find something you did n't expect ... +Unknown to us mirrors actually are just windows into an alternate dimension that is exactly the same except right and left are reversed . Until one day something throws the mirror dimension out of sync ... +A long time chef discovers a soup so delicious it grants immortality . A moral dilemma about whether or not to share his creation with the world ensues . +The stars fell like rain , and we danced . +Only the good die young . However the truly vile lead the longest lives . Tell us about the oldest man in the world . +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +Diseases ca n't be cured , only passed on to someone else . It 's common for those about to die from old age to act as recipients , allowing the young to live lives free from illness . +A detective learns a horrific truth about a universally beloved , long dead children 's TV Show host . +In 2079 , While you are in your death bed , a light starts to appear . When it 's getting brighter , you hear sounds , and then the light is so overwhelming , you feel that you died . You are your newborn-self 78 years ago , and still remember everything you were taught . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +A serial killer leaves a certain song playing at every crime scene , but no one knows what it means +You are a professional assasin . Today you are approached by a new client . It is Death himself . +You live in a reality where human kind hibernates for the second half of the year . You are one of very few humans who do not hibernate . +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +Jesus is enrolled into Camp Half-Blood . +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +The Last Stand +A stranger knocks on your door and claims he/she was a long ago resident . This person tells you they are going away for good , and would like one last tour of your home . You soon realize this is no ordinary visitor . +It 's painfully obvious that one of your friends is an android . You 've all just been very good sports about it . +I 'm afraid we can not use your blood for the transfusion . Our tests show it is not human blood . +Start a story like the beginning of a question in a math test . +You 've always been an Atheist . You 've just died , and you were right . There is no God , Heaven , or Hell . But what comes next is something you never expected . + +Scotland votes `` Yes '' on independence , England invades . +Miranda Castle , Belgium +A man never sleeps , has never had to , and does n't suffer physically from this condition ... What would he do ? What would his life be like ? +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +( from the chat room ) You find a small box with a red button while walking in the woods . You push the button . What happens ? +Five random people from around the world suddenly and inexplicably appear in a room together . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Humanity has found a way to be immortal , and spread among the stars . On your 21st birthday you find out that you are the first person in 10,000 years that the process does n't work on . +An assassin is monitoring a room waiting for someone who never shows up . +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +A military base not meant to exist is guarded by elite militia from countries all over the world . What are they keeping inside ? +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +You stumble upon a genie in a bottle , instead of granting three wishes he gives you three choices . End world hunger , stop all current and future wars or find out what 's in the box . +You have just successfully prevented a zombie apocalypse . By killing the first one to turn . What you call `` heroism '' the police call `` murder '' . +you 're reincarnated as a ghost at your old high school , you can watch and observe but are only allowed to change 1 thing- what do you do ? +You hear the phrase 'Hold my beer ' what happens next ? +Write from the perspective of an animal that escapes the zoo . +With a lot of hard work , you finally managed to become the second best student at the superhero academy . Annoyingly , the best student achieved his/her position with almost no work at all . Years later , he/she has become a supervillain and you are the only one who can stop him/her . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . +The agent turned and whispered into the secret microphone , `` thank god my crotch is full of spiders '' +It 's the climax of a battle between two warring powers . Swords clash , steel rings , blood pours , and a large alien mothership appears from the heavens . +Parts of America are annexed by another nation . The protagonist , until recently living on American soil , suddenly finds himself with new citizenship . +`` I 've had my last meal 13 times , final words 29 times , and been to my funeral 9 times ... I think this may be the one I do n't walk away from ... '' +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +You 're an aspiring photographer , but every photo you take ends up being used as a missing person picture +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write a scene with crows flying above a dead animal within 100 words +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +You have just purchased a new 2015 calendar from the bookstore . When you open it at home , you find a date already circled . It has your name written on the day . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +When they asked for any doctors on board , you did n't think your PhD would help ... +You call your mother or father 's cell phone number on a whim . They answer . But they 've been dead for over a year . +Everyone is immortal , and everyone is a dick about it . +You just had a very close near death experience . You are shaken up—not because of what happened , but what you saw before you were brought back . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +Aliens find us and think we are so tiny and adorable that they treat us like little pets , but for whatever reason we all love it +The Roman Empire never fell and today gladiatorial battles , where two teams of 21 men fight a medieval battle to the death , is broadcast worldwide . Describe the experience of a family watching a game together . +You 're friend keeps talking like he is breaking the `` Fourth Wall '' and you 're no longer sure he 's acting crazy . +After years of tirelessly searching for your daughter 's murderer , you get a knock on your door . It 's a police officer who cuffs you and says , `` Detective Schroder , you 're under arrest for the murder of Stephanie Schroder . '' +The New Face of Terror +The deadliest mercenary , spy , assassin , and hitman in the world play truth or dare +Write the same scene at least twice , making only miniscule changes , to drastically alter the scene +After several battles with the gods , and the loss of many of his comrades , a farmer-turned-warrior finally manages to complete the ritual to free the soul of his dead wife from the abyss . She does n't like what he has become . +You 're about to say a speech at your best friend 's wedding . You 're in love with his new wife . +Snack Drake +Your twin sister was destined to eradicate evil , but you were tasked with eliminating the far greater threat : Stupidity +I checked my weapon . One bullet left . Just enough to do what needed to be done . +10 years ago a being that looked human appeared in every television , every phone and every computer saying he would return one day to painfully kill anyone who committed murder , abuse or rape . Tomorrow is that day . How is society preparing ? +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +There 's an old adage in the galaxy about humanity : roughly translated , it means `` Never push the pink-skins to the thin ice . '' +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +You find yourself in the desert , suddenly a black box appears in front of you +A private prison has found a way to improve efficiency , decrease labor costs in security and food service , decrease escape attempts and behavioral issues among inmates and provide more capacity ... medically induced comas for inmates . + +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +You do n't remember ever owning the family dog , but everyone else seems to ... +Talk to me about love +Hitler 's apology letter to the Jews . +Humanity is the most powerful race in the galaxy . Every other race wants to win our respect . Even for ordinary humans , it 's become impossible to go off-world because our presence demands so much respect , awe , and asskissing . +You are the detective in charge to investigate the murder you commited +Describe a kind of character that metaphorically both angels and demons would respect . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +You have been kicked out of the afterlife for breaking a very important rule.What did you do ? +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +A cab driver finds a briefcase full of diamonds left behind in his trunk . He decides to keep it for himself . Complications arise when murdered cab driver crop up all over the city . +Website advertising has strangely become very personal . +Jaden Smith v Kanye West in a philosophical debate . + +Crimes do not exist solely on Earth . They are also seen on Heaven . +The man from all your high school math problems exists somewhere . +You are the world 's most infamous terrorist - you do not command a nation , nor do you possess military strength ; you are a master hypnotist +Write a story that consists only of monosyllabic words . +A young man faces Fear incarnate to determine his worth as a man +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +It is the year 2030 . +A couple share their last kiss . +Computer viruses and antiviruses are now self-aware AI . Write a tragic love story between a virus and an antivirus . +A strange virus has caused blindness in all humans over a two week period . You are immune , but have n't told anyone . +You are the last American President , give your speech detailing why and what happens next . +The last Buddha . +There 's a new drug in the streets that when you first use it , you become overwrought with pain . Any time you use it afterwards , you do n't feel anything . +Happy holidays to everyone here on WritingPrompts . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +While doing autopsy on a person diagnosed with schizophrenia , coroner discovers thin lens on patient 's eyes and implanted hearing aid device in ears . Looking through lens , coroner sees other beings in the room . +We have eradicated mosquitos , just in time for summer . Turns out , they 've been protecting us from something . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +Aliens finally decide to give Earth a visit ... but by the time they get there , it 's undergoing an apocalypse . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +You are 16 , living with your parents , a man claiming to be your long lost brother shows up at your door with a gun , he slowly says , `` They ... are not your family '' +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +An Illiterate person finds a death note +Batman temporarily steps into the afterlife and sees his parents for the first time in 24 years . They are deeply saddened by what he has become . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +You 're the last of the merfolk alive . The rest have perished from pollution , changing sea temperatures , and the mechanical beasts that traverse your waters . +A human being that can not die has wandered the earth for 100,00 years . They finally fall in love and marry a murderous con artist that just took out a huge life insurance policy on them . +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +A fairy tells it 's children a human tale before bed +Two best friends have a small , but escalating disagreement over something insignificant . One of them ends up strangling the other . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +CSI in Medieval Times +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +I spent my days learning to feel less , until one day I felt nothing at all . +Write a story of an inanimate object being destroyed from the objects POV . +A treatment is discovered that removes the need to sleep from humans . Only the rich can afford it . +You are a digital archaeologist . You try to find out more about the history of humanity by digging around old pages on the internet . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +A Probably Really Onerous ( Maybe Problematic ) Trial ! +You are being chased down by a group of Leonardo DiCaprio impersonators . All you want to do is remember how you got in this situation . +It 's the future , and people no longer die from aging . Barring accidents and murders , death is now a choice . Today , you 're attending a funeral , because last week , your best friend for hundreds of years , had chosen just that . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Try to escape , you 'll always fail . The only way out ... is through fairy tale . +Ten months after giving birth to Jesus , Gabriel visits Mary again to announce that she will soon give birth to God 's only daughter . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +How would you scientificly explain this ? +Bigfoot and the Yeti are actually good friends . Describe the adventures of when one leaves his home to go visit the other . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +One day , a payphone in your building rings . It has never rung , or even really been used by anyone before . Curious , you pick it up . As you bring it to your ear , you hear a deep , monotone voice . `` Transaction completed '' , is all that is said , before the dial tone returns ... +You accidentally hit a man with your car . His whispers `` Now you have become death '' as a tattoo of a scythe appears on your hand . +Aliens have invaded the earth and have effortlessly defeated humanity , only to be fought off by wildlife . They were expecting military resistance ... They were not expecting bears . +6 years later , a top of his class Navy Seal trained in gorilla warfare finally finds the person who talked smack to him on the internet +a small town sheriff attempts to arrest Barack Obama , somehow completely unaware that Obama is the President . +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +On the eve of Earth 's annihilation by aliens , you learn that the planet 's most intelligent being is the potted plant in your living room . +Appliances are like pets and need to be trained . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +Monsters under the bed are real and the only protection from them is teddy bears , you are a retired bear telling one of your stories . +In the shower you discover a dial on your neck . It 's turned to 7 . There 's no indication of what it controls . You set it to 8 and get dressed . +What do you find personally reprehensible ? Write a story that justifies it . +Make-A-Wish has limitless power to fulfill any wish , but all people want is to go to disney . +You have gained the ability to transmit your thoughts to anyone you are looking at . You can not control your ability . +Today I turned 18 and it changed everything . The list of upcoming 18 year olds acquiring their powers released . Your on that list under Tier 1 classification . As you stare in disbelief there 's an ominous pounding at the door . +You 're going to see `` The Interview '' and there is only one empty seat left , right next to an angry looking Kim Jong-Un . Share your entire theater experience . +I want you to hit me . +You 've fallen in love with your imaginary friend . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +A world where sins leave a physical mark on the sinner . +Aliens have landed , but at comicon . You are a government agent trying to figure out who is a alien and who is n't and then eliminate them . +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +`` Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic . '' What happens when magic becomes too advanced ? +You hear a baby crying out in the woods . +It turns out that alien lizard people were indeed running the world from behind the scene . One day , they are finally able to get back to their own planet and say their goodbyes . Humanity runs into an unexpected problem : the world was way better with someone running it from the shadows . +Monsters rule the world and you 're one but when your daughter is born , you discover she is n't a monster . How do you prepare her for this world where she will never fit in and will most likely not survive once the other monsters realize the truth about her ? +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +You are part of an expedition which discovered a island where humanoid aliens had crashed in prehistory and has been living in seclusion . +{ OT } Idea for giving all stories a fair chance +Twilight , Istanbul +When two souls are bound together one of their eyes change to match the color or their soul mate . Your first soul mate is gone and your eye is gray , describe what happens when you meet your new soul mate . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +You have an unique ability . When wearing someone else 's clothes , you change into this person . You collect `` appearances '' by buying clothes in second hand shops , but up to now it was just a game for you . Then you find something very special ... +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +As predicted , the Sun has just instantaneously imploded . Although no one has seen it happen yet because sunlight takes 8 minutes to reach Earth from the Sun . Therefore , this may be the last 8 minutes of sunlight that you , or anyone else on Earth , will ever see . +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +The year is 2065 . The world still reeling from nuclear fallout , a surviving veteran chronicles how a 2014 Hollywood movie taunting North Korea ignited World War 3 . +Write the most emphatic , in-depth review you can , about the mobile game 'Flappy Bird ' . +I could see it in their hooded glances and practiced smiles . +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . +Afloat +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +A group of dyslexic Devil-worshippers accidentally summon Santa . Being so close to Christmas , Santa snaps and judges everyone `` naughty '' and starts revising plans for 12/25 accordingly . Satan , feeling some responsibility for the error , tries to restore order to the Christmas holiday . +The Ark of the Covenant was real , but it was actually a Trojan Horse containing biological weapons . +You have synesthesia and you work in an art gallery +Finally , after years of searching , you have found the source of magic that was sealed away in the ancient past ! However , just as you are about to undo the seal , you spy some ancient text ... +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +God sets up a text message service for prayers . You send in your most heartfelt desire to the Almighty , only to notice you 've been screwed over by autocorrect . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +It 's 2015 , and the Titanic has just sailed into New York Harbor . +, When they turn 18 , everyone gets a clear mental image of their Soulmate , the one person they 're meant to love . Today is your birthday , and you see yourself . +Tell the story of a spider that fell in love with an arachnophobe . +Two people , entwined by fate . Together they embarked the journey of heroes , where through loss and gain they grew wise and powerful . Years later , they are on the opposite sides of war . +Oak 's words echoed ... `` There 's a time and place for everything but not now ! '' +The World of Magic and Mythical Creatures is closer to reality than the average person suspects . To fight the battles that normal soldiers ca n't , the nations of the world put together a supernatural taskforce ... +Humanity has refused to leave Earth , opting instead to build upwards into an ever-expanding world-city surrounding the planet . For an unknown reason , you have been tasked with finding the original surface . +Groundhog 's Day except everyone remembers . +You are a superhero/villain who has the power to make people forget the names of things . How do you use this ? +we 're all familiar with the butterfly effect . Tell how your response to this WP leads to you , the president , and a gun with only one bullet , alone on a sailboat in the middle of the ocean +You are a mapmaker , part of a secret order of mapmakers who have been inciting wars and rebellion for centuries in order to stay in business updating maps . +You carry a liquid minute around your neck- the moment you die it is absorbed into your body and you get an extra minute of life . You may also give it to someone . Try to make me cry at work . +Your entire life has been the product of a coma dream . One morning , you finally awake from your coma , but find yourself in the 18th century . Your memories from the coma dream , and knowledge of the 21st century , are fully intact . +Muggle technology has become advanced enough to be indistinguishable from magic +The evil overlord has killed innocent people , burned cities , and actively suppresses all resistance in the world . On your quest to stop him , you have found out why , and it turns out he has a pretty damn good reason . +All children up to 14 years of age have vanished , and no more kids can be born . How does the last generation of mankind spends their remaining years until the last human dies ? +You are working the register at a quaint café . A customer tries to pay for their purchase with a human heart . +You suddenly realize you ca n't see any words or letters . Your phone , text messages , keyboards , books , webpages , advertisements , etc . are all blank . +Something has been watching you and following you your whole life . You are full at aware but never told anyone because they would think you were crazy . It has never tried to talk to you or harm you , but today you finally try to see what it wants . +A man and a dragon cooperate to run the most successful farm in the region . +You awaken from a coma , only to realize the world has ended ... +`` Make sure you tell me how it went . '' +The richest 1 % possess 99 % of the world 's wealth , they live separately in a grand city . Unheard of , an orphaned youth is invited to a meeting of wealthy leaders ... +You are a hypnotist . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +The world is watching as the ball drops at Times Square to welcome 2016 . On live TV Bill Nye is assassinated , his last words : `` Do n't trust NASA '' +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +: Tell a story from the perspective of the nearest object to your left . +You have the ability to reverse time by 5 seconds , this allows you to always say and do the right things , until the day you meet the one person immune to the time distortion . +It 's the future , and people no longer die from aging . Barring accidents and murders , death is now a choice . Today , you 're attending a funeral , because last week , your best friend for hundreds of years , had chosen just that . +A science fiction nerd is turned into a vampire and thrust into the world of magic +You have woken up and you 're in a hospital , memory gone . You find out that the whole county is in debate on putting you to death for the crime you can not remember committing . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +A veteran Holocaust Jewish survivor meets a man in the elevator . As they strike a conversation , he slowly realizes the man was his brutal Nazi prison warden . +You had set in motion a series of events that lead to the destruction of human civilisation . You are given a chance to go back in time and right your wrong . You fail . You are given a chance to go back in time and right your wrong . You fail ... This is the 367th cycle . +It 's the zombie apocalypse , but the virus is n't spread through Bites , Blood , or Scratches . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +You just started a new job in a large office building and what you do n't know is that at twelve o'clock every day , there is a office wide Purge style battle to the death , those who survive an hour get a significant pay raise and can come back tomorrow . A bell just went off , it 's twelve o'clock . +A few years after death , an administrative angel collects , as evidence for the Heavenly Court , the true impressions you 've left in everyone 's minds . Today , you hear the Court call your name : you are finally being judged ! The angel presents Exhibit A ... +Make up a fairy tale +Its been 4 days since the biggest solar flare in history took out the power grid . A well educated homeless man smiles as he sits watching the city burn in the valley below . Why is he smiling ? +`` not slytherin ... not slytherin ... '' , Harry mumbled . `` Not slytherin , eh ? '' the sorting hat said incredulously . `` In that case ... SLYTHERIN ! `` . +Two scientists are in a deep-sea submersible , six miles down , exploring the Mariana Trench , when one of them notices that the other is starting to act a bit ... strange . +You 're the exact opposite of the Hulk . Your powers activate when you 're calm , and you become normal when you 're angry . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +You are the king of a prosperous kingdom until a so called hero destroys it accidentally +Titans attack Ba Sing Se +And we sat , and we talked , and the world went by +You 've fallen in love with your imaginary friend . +She kept quiet and turned her eyes towards everything but his . Something just screamed in her mind not to look . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Why have the local churches , mosques and synagogues all suddenly closed their doors ? Why are they refusing to explain ? +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +Write about something mundane that happens in a fantastical world . +You 're a spy pretending to be a person who 's pretending to be another person who 's pretending to be another , and another , and so on . Your lies finally begin to unravel . +A child is taken from his family by mercenaries , where he is trained to raid for his entire life . The next village they will raid used to be where he lived . +For one hour , everything you said became reality . You had no idea that hour would start during a `` Yo Mama '' duel . +You run a tattoo parlor . Every couple of weeks the same customer comes in , always requesting the same tattoo - an additional tally mark on an ever-growing cluster of tally marks . +Nobody else seems to know that the Starbucks down the street does n't actually exist . +You go to the ATM to withdraw cash and find an extra 10 million dollars in your account . You then get a phone call . +A body-snatcher tries to takeover a persons mind , said persons highly aggressive second personality has other ideas . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +Whilst restocking a vending machine , a janitor finds something horrific jammed inside . +All countries in the world to federate the 'United Nation ' under the UN . But one country does not . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +`` IT DID N'T WORK ! GET AWAY , HURRY ! '' +In an alternate reality , a student 's GPA value floats on top of their head as a large number . All your professors , fellow students , friends , and parents can see it . How does this affect on campus relationships and day to day interactions ? +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Write the thoughts and experiences of everyday objects used by humans as if they were conscious but could not communicate , only watch and be used . +Everyone is inexplicably born with an utterly useless superpower . As the years pass , their use starts to become clearer and clearer . +Everyone inexplicably woke up in the body of another person +Fast foreword a couple hundred years past the events of Game of Thrones to a time where Westeros and Essos are at the same technological level as modern day civilization . What would today 's news bulletins look like ? +An insomniac gets the best sleep he 's had in years , except the next day , he ca n't stop thinking about a dream he had ... +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +A new kind of social network technology uses algorithms to simulate people after they 've passed away based on analysis of their lifetime 's worth of online activity . This allows some kind of interaction with ( and perhaps between ) lost loved ones . What are the implications and how is life now ? +A dream of yours has come true , but it was n't a very good dream ... +The Natural-Born-Killer gene was decisively phased out of the global gene pool as soon as it was discovered , launching humanity into a new era of peace . A century has passed since then , but troubling events have prompted a world-wide search for individuals possessing the elusive gene ... +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +Mom always said her chili con carne recipe was a secret . She was quite angry when it was published with the leaked NSA documents . +You shoot three bullets into your best friend 's torso . You 're saving his life . +The Earth Colossus +When the europeans discovered America they did n't colonize it . Instead they have been monitoring the Americans for centuries . Today , the first American ship reaches Europe . +With the earth currently under attack by aliens , Clark Kent searches for a place to change into his super suit . He decides to use the blue police public call box standing curiously in the middle of the street . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +During the last hour of a dogs life , they develop the ability to talk +war breaks out in earth , while the astronauts on the International Space Station watch from above . +`` Friends ? Hah ! Like I have a need for trash like you , '' he said , as he struggled to hold back his tears . +A video game character keeps living the same day ( level ) over and over again . They try to change their fate but the player will not allow them . +In the future , you are a historian documenting the history of a generation ship +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +You are a child lost in a jungle . Something is hunting you . +The reason why Earth has so many varieties of diseases , parasites and bacteria is because countless alien civilizations use Earth as a testing ground for weapons and vaccines , and they did n't expect anything to live here . We find out eventually and get very angry . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +It has become easy to artificially fall and stay madly in love at will through a simple medical procedure . What kind of relationships form ? +You find a genie in a bottle , in the house of the person who just murdered your family . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +I died today . This is how . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +You have an ability that can determine whether what someone says is true or false +A Chinese restaurant whose fortune cookies always come true , even if its only vaguely related to what 's on the paper . +The sky ripped open , and through it fell a book . +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +Tell the story of how a pacifist became a violent warmonger in 100 words . +No one ever does . +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +Write the story of the law abiding villain and the rule breaking superhero +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +He is the Chosen One . Braver than a lion . Mightier than the storm . Dumber than a 5-year old . +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +You are a professional assasin . Today you are approached by a new client . It is Death himself . +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +You 've decided to try out an Ouija board for the first time . The board spells out `` So . You 're finally here . '' +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +`` Why would you throw your life away like this ? '' +Someone assigned to monitor you at the NSA falls in love with you and tries to contact you . You just think they have pretty much everything in common with you , but eventually you learn that they have just studied your interests.. .and go +Hitchhiker +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Years ago , you promised your firstborn to a witch . Since then , despite your best efforts , you ca n't seem to get laid . The witch is starting to get pretty pissed . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +One day a box arrives in the mail , a single black box , with switch on top . +Your the Devil 's top Hitman , you 've killed the worlds most influential people ( Franz Ferdinand , JFK , John Lennon ) and today you received a letter from a man named Jesus explaining how you 've been undercover agent this whole time . Now your final target is the Devil himself . +The dragon saves the knight from a princess . The stepdaughter torments her new mother . A genie wishes to be enslaved . In this world , the stories are ... different . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +The inner monologue of a suicidal man who has just been stabbed by a criminal and is slowly bleeding to death . +The first rock band on Mars encounters a problem +And so he bitterly asked , `` Why ? '' +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +Lava Ruins +After cheating on a woman who was secretly a witch , a man is cursed with a size-shifting manhood which becomes inversely-proportional to the love he has for each woman he makes love to . +Your romantic life is n't real . +`` Or , here and there , peppered across space , maybe , there are worlds something like our own . On which other beings gaze up , and wonder as we do , about who else lives in the dark . '' +The first line of your story must include 'and I caught him with , of all things , a fishing pole ' . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Stuck +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +In your Life you have the ability to mark decisions in your Life as `` Important Choices '' . At any time you are alive you can return to the last choice you marked , however only the last choice , and only once . +In the year 2015 A.D. , an alien space ship lands in Europe . Out from the ship comes Neanderthals . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +A child is playing in the woods and stumbles upon a piece of 'Old Earth ' technology , managing accidentally to turn it back on ... +Your character figures out that he is just a character in a fictional world on some website +Write a happy story about a dog . +Your ex calls you months after you broke up . They want `` closure . '' +One morning there is a knock on the door . Men in black suits usher you into a black suv . After a long drive in silence they pull up to a warehouse . This is where they inform you that an alien has asked for you personally . +Wilderness +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Bittersweet Moonrise . +If George R. R. Martin wrote Harry Potter +Floating Islands +Write a song or epic about the phrase , `` It 's 3am in another life . '' +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +You 're on a plane , and it 's going down . +The first true , sentient A.I . has decided the best way to help humanity is to run for President of the United States . +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +At the age of 18 , all members of your society are asked whether they want to continue living in the real world or in a personalized 'heaven simulation ' filled with AI . As you are next during the ceremony , you remember having had to make this decision before . + +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +A test of Faith +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +Humanity has cured old age . You were a friend of the last person to die of natural causes . +Unknown to us mirrors actually are just windows into an alternate dimension that is exactly the same except right and left are reversed . Until one day something throws the mirror dimension out of sync ... +`` People do n't cry because of death . They grieve over lost opportunities , lost potential , memories that could have been made ... but were n't . '' +On Nov. 4th 1909 a pig took to the skies for the first time , making everything that was ever followed by `` when pigs fly ! '' now true and valid . It 's now 2016 , describe how different the world is . +You have the spirit of George Washington in you and you 're itching for a revolution . You 're also a teenager working at a grocery store +Everyone in the world wakes up one morning , with the knowledge , that sometime during the night , God died . +You live in a world where old people can remove their skin to become a new person . +You decide to double check the permissions you 've given to certain apps . It turns out you gave them more permissions than you expected . +Luke Skywalker is dropped into Westeros , 2 days before Ned Stark 's execution . +Smouldering hat in hand , the Devil has come to the one person who is more versed in corruption of humanity than him . And it 's a real shock to learn it 's YOU . +A man goes to Africa to intentionally catch Ebola , then flies around the world trying to infect as many as he can +You find an old object of yours in the back of the closet . Tell us about a single memory that slams into your brain when you see the object . +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +When you grown up , you saw everybody wearing a white mask except you - you never saw anyone face . After your marriage , your partner take of his/her mask . +Opening of Romance Novel ( approx 10 lines ) +''Can you hear them singing ? '' +`` Do not go to sleep . That is where it lives . You should be able to sleep in three days or so . I 'm going to kill it . '' +You enjoy kayak fishing on the weekend . One Saturday morning , you hook into something that is dead weight , it 's a struggle but you manage to get it into your little vessel . It 's a duffle bag . +You want to rewatch your favorite TV show , but find that it does n't exist . Nobody has ever heard of it . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +There is no Hell , only a warped perception of Heaven +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +Your superpower , in a world of heroes with strength and speed and all the basics , is a weird one . You can mimic the powers of people in books that you 've read . More than a superhero though , this makes you a much wanted actor . +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +- You work middle management in a company run by a recently arrested super villain and receive an email explaining you are now tasked with running the company untill the super villain returns . +A person who commits a crime finds evidence of a much bigger crime . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +I 'm a filmmaker looking to produce a short film with someone from /r/WritingPrompts . Here are the parameters . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +You are lost in the woods . +`` I 've always hated birthdays . '' `` Why ? '' `` They remind me of all the things I could 've done . '' +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A drug-addicted , retired 35 year old superhero goes out of retirement and tries ( but fails ) to stop a murder . +The first human sets foot on Mars . They are a citizen of the Confederate States of America . +Aliens have abducted you in a random sampling of men , women and children . Analyzing your cell , and the artificial gravity in the ship , you conclude that your captors hail from a planet with a only fraction of Earth 's gravity - and they have seriously underestimated our strength . +Write a story from Adolf Hitler 's perspective that makes you actually sympathise with him . +A horror story , limited to 2 3-sentence paragraphs , in a world where cellphones always have signal . +You gather the dragons balls ands summon the eternal dragon . Except there 's a catch , instead of shenron you summon Isaac Newton , and for every wish there 's an equal and an opposite reaction . +Your whole life you 've been able to see other dimensions through mirrors . It was always interesting to see the other dimensions and their variations , that is until all the mirrors started to black out . +The corpse of a Ranger hangs from a tree . +She took what she thought was her last breath , and sank slowly ... +An unknown billionaire wills that his funeral be a contest where the stranger who delivers the best eulogy inherits everything . You ’ re up . +You are a travelled drug-dealer in the state of New York and open a pizza place as a cover for a drug operation . In doing so , you find your true passion , making pizza . +You find the cure for cancer completely by accident but now you have the task figuring out weither you want to give sell your cure for profit or give it away for free ? +Every planet in our solar system has a `` champion '' being that takes on the attributes of the planet itself . The `` champion '' from the sun has created an army to destroy the planets and the 8 ( or 9 ) champions must save the solar system . +`` I do n't want to go to the doctor , I 'm not sick . +Your first child is born and they look nothing like you , or your spouse or anybody for that matter . The entire world witnesses an unexplained flash of light that day and your child is the only thing missing . Eight years later there is another flash of light and a visitor arrives at your door . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +Defending her honor +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +Through the Wardrobe +You discover that you have a long lost identical twin , but before they discover you exist you realize they are a terrible person . Instead of introducing yourself to them you decide to make their life a living hell . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +You are a god that hunts other gods +Across the room all I could see was a mysterious figure ... Write 24-26 sentences , each sentence beginning with a different letter of the alphabet , A has already been used . ( Can skip X & Z ) +It 's 3016 , cryogenic people are being revived for the first time . +The two characters of the story can hear the narrator . The narrator ( being a hopeless romantic ) is trying to make them fall in love with each other . They are uncomfortable with the idea . +A teraformer sits on the coast of a Martian sea and enjoys a sunset +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +You are the best lawyer money can buy . Hitler hires you from the afterlife to negotiate with god his passage into heaven . +Singing in the rain +An Alien Empire invades the Earth . But things go horribly wrong when they realize that of all species on the universe , Humans are the ones with the greatest affinity for war +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +Then she was glad of the rain , for it hid her tears . She clenched her fist and rose to her feet . +Your wife gets the mecha in the divorce +The taboo over necromancy is a thing of the past . You live in a world where it is normal to become a lich and `` live '' forever . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +Unknown depths of the sea : you 're part of an armada of colossal submarines descending into the abyss ... +The ice and snow was no longer mystical or beautiful . I knew where it came from , and I knew what it 's purpose was . And it was anything but beautiful . +You can see how a person died or will die in your dreams as long as the last thing you saw was their face before you sleep . One day you get curious and decided to see what happened to Amelia Earhart . What you see sends chills down your spine . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +Becoming a god . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +Were-humans ... +A person with the ability to stop time suddenly notices some one who is unaffected by the freeze . +You live in a world that is reeling from the aftermath of the visitation of a mad space god from the edge of space-time . Who or what is the God , what does it look like and how has the world reacted from almost being destroyed by an alien deity +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +When you die , you are reincarnated with no memory of your past life . It is , however , possible to view the list of people you have been in past lives . You find out you were someone unspeakably horrible . +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +You sell your soul to the devil . Years later , you die and are surprised to find yourself in heaven . +Everyone wants to be a beast until it 's time to do something bestial . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +Entry into Heaven is n't based on good deeds , but your answer to a queston : `` Why ? `` . +The Nazis won WWII . The parallel universe equivalent Nazi Subreddit /r/WritingPrompts prompts 'What would the world be like if the Allies had won the war ? ' +When born , the first gift we receive is a blank book which records our dreams . Although it is considered a violation to read another 's dreams , you open your young child 's dreambook , expecting to see nonsense . Instead you find a gorgeously written novel . You begin selling your child 's dreams . +What is the most awe-inspiring creature in your fantasy world ? +You suddenly find yourself transported to a campaign you were a dungeon master of . You 're not a player character however but a lowly goblin . Using your knowledge you must survive against a group of very high level and very murderous adventurers . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +On Judgement Day , every single person is left behind and you 're the only one who is saved , because you believed something no one else did . +It 's a standard day at the office until you receive a phonecall from your future self who is 60 seconds ahead of you . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +The more intense one 's sins and vices are , the more the Demon within them is shown on the outside . +Space expands . As a time traveler , you experience it the weirdest way : the further in the past you go , the bigger you are compared to the people and the environment . +For one week , the sky is no longer blue during the day . +Loki finds himself able to pick up Thor 's hammer . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +Finders Keepers . A picture is worth a thousand words . Image link in text . +The CIA/NSA raid Santa 's workshop in order to acquire the best weapon to combat the ISIS threat , the legendary Naughty List . +You realize one day that when you think about something you should have said or done in the past that history rewrites itself so that you did . You also discover that you must be very careful when thinking about the past . +Backwards time travel is a reality , however forward time travel is not . Therefore when you go back you must relive everything again . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +You are the the only person of your world without magic . You win every fight through skill and guile instead . +An Illiterate person finds a death note +You take your new wife to the city for your honeymoon . She has no idea you have a kilo of heroin in the trunk to deliver . +You wake up to two messages on your phone from an unknown number . The first is a picture of you . The second : `` Run . '' +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Humanity is admitted to the Galactic Republic , however they have to meet one condition : to ban the production and distribution of music . Turns out humanity is the only species in the galaxy to create music , and its emotional affects are so potent it can incapacitate or entrance most species ' . +An Echo argues with Siri over who bosses the Roomba around . +Wayne Enterprises goes bankrupt , forcing Batman to pursue justice through more economical means . +A pregnant woman 's waters break in the middle of a party of family and friends , and an argument over who should go to the hospital ensues . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +`` Your card has been rejected . '' +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +After a disturbing experience a psychiatrist starts to question their own sanity . +Your name is Vincent Van Gogh . Your day consists of painting , drinking , and dodging time travellers come back to show you how famous you are in the future . +You find yourself enamored with a local dragon . +You are born without a soul . While this causes a lot of issues with your state of mind and your relationship with religion , there is one benefit in particular that makes you useful in a way . +Ramona was n't done with Scott Pilgrim yet . No , he still had to face Kanye . +You are a lawyer in God 's Court who and you must a find a way to get your newest client , Adolf Hitler , into Heaven via a loophole in the Lord 's legal system +Autocorrect has become sentient and is hell-bent on causing maximum chaos . +You may be a demon , but you strive to be a hero . +God answers every time you call His name . Oftentimes , this is terribly inconvenient . +Aliens have invaded and all of Earths hero 's are dead . All hope seems lost until Steve the janitor rises from the ashes . +Your main character is so traumatized that they can not make it one paragraph without a flashback . +'' ... then they proceed to take that too . +You are a superhero/villain who has the power to make people forget the names of things . How do you use this ? +Ten years ago , you found an online service for delayed email , you decided to send one to yourself to this exact date . You reply for the sake of it , your younger self replies back , just once ... +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +Someone who takes everything literally meets someone who thinks everything is a metaphor +A true personal story that makes the reader feel sonder ( the realization that each random passerby ( here , the writer ) is living a life as vivid and complex as your own ( here , the reader ) ) . +`` If there is a god , '' he gestured towards the cage , `` that 's the proof that it hates you . '' +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +When born a genetics-based computer-aged model of your face at age 25 is imprinted as the face of a coin or bill , somewhere in the world . Those who present their corresponding coin or bill to their local government office for authentication then are awarded a large fortune . +You 've been able to read minds since you turned 7 . Mostly you watch people 's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back . +You have the ability to see how someone will die and who will cause it . One day you meet someone and see your name above their head . +In the future , criminals are sent to a colony on Mars because of overpopulation . You commit a crime to get away from the awful conditions on earth +Write a short story with compelling dialogue without telling us who is saying what . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +A man and a dragon cooperate to run the most successful farm in the region . +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +The Joker unveils his latest evil plot ; providing the population of Gotham city with affordable healthcare . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write about the Ruler supreme . She took over the world , a country at a time . And everyone thinks they 're the nicest person ever . The twist ? She is . +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +you are a retired special ops soldier bored with civilian life , you decide to hire hitmen off of the dark web to kill you as a form of entertainment . +A skull , a suitcase and a long red bottle of wine . +With all the souls being sold to him , Satan has decided to build his own soul banking system , and he wants to open a new branch on Earth . +Write a story that contains the phrase `` I never said she stole my money '' 7 times , each time with the emphasis on a different word . +Two psychopaths meets by chance as children and fall in love . When they are separated , they vow to find one another when they are older , by any means necessary . +A grave digger meets a body snatcher . Describe their exchange and conflict . +Your clay heart has stopped beating . +You are the lamest vampire in existence . Give us a summary of your evening . +As you charge in to slay the dragon and rescue the princess , the latter urges you to stop , telling you not to hurt her boyfriend . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +`` If there is a god , '' he gestured towards the cage , `` that 's the proof that it hates you . '' +Scientists have finally figured out what our pets are looking at when we do n't see anything . +A speech to a fundraiser for the arts beginning with the Oscar Wilde quote : `` All art is quite useless . '' +When a rat is more than just a rat , call Magic Pest Control +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Instead of Christianity , Judaism , and Islam , the three major religions to make it to the 21st century were the Greek , Roman , and Norse pantheons . +You die and are reincarnated . This time , you remember your previous life . +C-3PO Kills Darth Vader . +A left-handed redhead sits at a coffee shop . He eats a Reuben ( too heavy on the sauerkraut ) and a watery dill pickle . He doesn ’ t look out the window . He pays for his meal with a worn American Express card . Before he leaves , he writes a note on the check in blue Bic pen . What does it say ? +Write about a single frozen moment in a scene - slowly revealing things as they are all stuck at one single point of time . +You 've been able to read minds since you turned 7 . Mostly you watch people 's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back . +You are a lawyer at Genie Law , a law firm that specializes in writing out clients wishes in such a way that they will get exactly what they want from a potentially mischievous genie . +A spy has to resort to using word of mouth to transmit vital information , resulting in the worlds biggest version of `` Chinese whispers '' . The information is so far from the original , yet it has the intended effect . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +Someone stole my story +Write a story where the character 's biggest strength is actually his biggest weakness . +You thought you were just living a normal life in a ( seemingly ) normal family , but you 're actually a shapeshifter with memory loss . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +You are in Time Square in New York . You get an unknown call . Everything the person on the line says starts to unfold around you as if predicting the future . +`` A Man Chooses , A Pokemon Obeys '' +There 's an old adage in the galaxy about humanity : roughly translated , it means `` Never push the pink-skins to the thin ice . '' +As Smaug flies overhead , razing Lake-Town to the ground , only one person can stop his wrath . The Dovahkiin readies for battle . +`` Do not mistake honor for kindness . '' +write a scary story that will make me never want to use stairs again . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +It 's 300 years in the future , and you 're a history teacher . Today 's lesson is on the early 21st century . +Come join us in chat ! It 's easy ... +`` Zombies ? Let me guess , they 're eating peoples ' brains ? '' `` Even worse ! They 're drinking all the beer ! '' +The apocalypse has come . The only survivors : a young child , and the monster under the bed ... +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +A super hero story where unknowingly the villain and superhero are roommates . Neither of them are aware they have been living with their nemesis for the past 2 years . +You live in a world where people receive a super power based on or related to the opposite of their greatest fear . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +Joachim convinces Khan to abandon his quest for vengeance against Kirk . The Augments take the Reliant off to build a colony . Fast fwd 80 years to the Next Generation era and the Augments are now ready to reveal themselves . +SatChat : What is your favorite literary trope or cliche ? +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +A visit to the black market of Philosophy . +Tell a tale of blood curdling horror and unspeakable evil in the form of a single recipe . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +A hostile Alien race arrives at Earth , But misinterpret the U.S. flag as a 50 Star systems strong government . +Humans inherently have magic abilities . And just like other natural human features , they get very awkward during puberty . +Love is a chemical reaction , and you have the formula . +You thought you saved the universe but seconds later , its suddenly destroyed . In the afterlife , you discover the truth behind the universe 's destruction and turns out , its pretty frustrating ... +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +He had four day 's of stubble , an old shotgun , and a promise to break . +It 's early in the morning and you reluctantly walk out the door to go to work . Scattered in the streets are hundreds of people standing out in the open , staring at the sky . +Aliens have arrived on modern earth . Instead of conquest or an invitation to a larger galactic society , they instead kneel and worship as us gods . +All knowledge is going to be wiped out , and you can only use 100 words to pass what humanity was learned to the next generation . +Every planet in our solar system has a `` champion '' being that takes on the attributes of the planet itself . The `` champion '' from the sun has created an army to destroy the planets and the 8 ( or 9 ) champions must save the solar system . +The hero is tasked with saving the damsel in distress from the beast . Just when he 's about to slay it , the creature responds with its dying breath : `` Kill me if you wish , but please never let her come to harm . '' +It is confirmed that the Devil is very real and lives on earth . He looks different to everyone ( animal , human , otherworldly etc . ) and this is your first time meeting him . +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +Humanity is the most powerful race in the galaxy . Every other race wants to win our respect . Even for ordinary humans , it 's become impossible to go off-world because our presence demands so much respect , awe , and asskissing . +An alien race comes to Earth ignoring everything else but the pet stores . They are jealous cause their world only has vicious predators . They want to take their own household pets . +We finally manage to contact alien life . Turns out they 're all assholes . +You 're a rich , kindhearted , well meaning philanthropist with grand plans that will genuinely improve the world . However , you have all the mannerisms of a super villain . The costume , the monologues , the henchmen , the lair , etc . +You find a button . Words are written on it . It reads : `` Please Click Me '' +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . + +Write a short intro to a story of two of your favorite fictional ( fantasy , sci-fi , comic book , movie , etc . ) characters meeting each other for the first time . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +A vampire enlists the help of a group of humans to find out what 's behind the strange things that have been happening in the vampire 's castle . +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +You do n't believe in love in first sight , but one encounter convinces you otherwise . ~50 to 200 words +Write an epic battle +A superhero and his arch-nemesis are locked in a fight to the death , but they share the same weakness . +The reason your life flashes before your eyes when you 're about to die is that your memories are being transmitted somewhere . +On Judgement Day , every single person is left behind and you 're the only one who is saved , because you believed something no one else did . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +Becoming a god . +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +Vampires are real . They have discovered that their cravings are sated by blood or by avocados . +You 're a timecop , having chased a serial killer throughout history . He started with Hitler and other mass murderers , but now , after a decade of chasing , you 've finally caught up to him when he 's about to kill the child who will grow up to cure cancer . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Why ... Why choose me ? +Start the story with the sentence , `` Have you ever seen a clown that looked better with the make-up on ? '' +One day , you discover that your SO left a note that could be read as either a love note or a suicide note on the counter before leaving the house . +It turns out that your favorite band from youth-hood is actually prophetic . What events are now coming to pass/expected that the band sang about in years prior ? +A religion has swept the globe , the principal tenet of which is that reality is a dream of God 's , and that when every human on Earth believes this we ( as God ) will finally be able to awaken from our dream . ( bit more inside ) +`` This door can only be opened by a key which opens no doors '' `` That 's stupid . '' +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +You 've been noticing subtle changes to your daily life . One day your favorite coffee mug changes color slightly , your favorite book upon reading has an entirely new ending . The list goes on until one day you 're reading the paper and see a headline `` Kim Jong Un Honored at Whitehouse '' +It 's the zombie apocalypse , and you are a vegetarian zombie . +Humans have five senses , while every other race/species has four +A 10 year old girl shows up at your doorstep claiming she is your daughter . You are a virgin ... +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +You find out one day that whenever you sneeze , you turn into the opposite gender . +While fighting in the frontline trench during ww1 , the dead corpses start to rise . No one has a clue what to do and suddenly it 's a war against the undead . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +The story of a serial killer who preys only on the strongest +There exists a small town where all alternative realities have merged into one , allowing you to interact with people from differing realities . You have just found it . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +A new virus evolves to help people instead of harming them . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +Two wounded soldiers from opposing sides of the war find themselves in the care of the same nurse and snowed-in until spring . +The Sheltered City +A person living far , far away from home receives a package from his/her family . +Every cell of your body is conscious and believes you to be God . One day you hear a prayer ... +a nice ! normal person dies and becomes a ghost and tries to start a relationship with the current inhabitant of his/her old home . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You die and go to Heaven . You arrive to your new mansion and see that your roommates are Mr. Rogers , Steve Irwin and Bob Ross . +all u.s citizens have a chip implanted in their brains . It helps with math , navigation and memory . You discover a way to remove it , and finds it does much more than simple math +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +The Little Black Box +a man funds out that , due to an unknown medical condition , he will die if he ever falls asleep . +Wilderness +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +I 'm afraid we can not use your blood for the transfusion . Our tests show it is not human blood . +Describe a color without using the word `` color '' and the color itself . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +World War III has started for the most mundane reason you can think of . +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +A machine allows you to have a 15-minute conversation with your one true soul mate , romantic or otherwise . Your match lives 100 years in the future . +We are all the protagonists of our own stories , but every once in a while a message arrives for you and tells you that your genre has changed . Yours has just changed from 'slice of life ' to ... ? +Dark magic does n't actually make you evil , power-hungry people just gave it a bad name . As a new sorcerer under your mentor 's guidance , you now have control over one of the most free-form magics to exist . Your final assessment ; go show people that you 're not what the legends condemn you as . +Write yourself into a corner . +You wake up to a dimension where man-kinds technological progress goes backwards . +Systems Check : Clear . External battery : Check . Wireless Connection : Failed . Mobile Units : None . HAL-385 was an AI supercomputer fully prepared to quietly take over the human race , unfortunately , HAL had been sent back to 1892 , not 1982 . +I used to believe the best things in life are free , until I saw it sitting there in the department store window . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +Some lonely prompts +Everyone knows about the kraken , but there 's actually an even more dangerous sea monster , only no one has lived to tell the tale . You and your fellow pirates discover treasure in this sea monster 's lair . +The interesting relationship between a god and his highest priest . +You are a god that hunts other gods +You are a character in a book who , on you own , comes to realize that when the story ends so does your existence ... +Someone threw himself under my train today . I want to know more about him , to be able to put a story behind his face . Tell me who he was . +You walk towards your car and try to open the door handle late at night - `` You can not fast travel when enemies are nearby '' . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +The root password for the universe is discovered . +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +The Life and Times of Dewey the Cat +The owner and manager of a lonely motel never needs sleep , and the reason behind that ability was lost to an old amnesia . But , a recent guest seems to be stirring up something . +Aliens have abducted you in a random sampling of men , women and children . Analyzing your cell , and the artificial gravity in the ship , you conclude that your captors hail from a planet with a only fraction of Earth 's gravity - and they have seriously underestimated our strength . +Daily Prompt - The email that turned your characters life upside down +Humanity has become interstellar . Upon reaching the cosmos , we 've realized we 're the oldest and most advanced civilization within our galaxy . +When you started dating she was boring as hell in that special time . Now you ca n't believe how amazing she is even in the most mundane things . Specially in the most mundane things . +The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse have a chat over dinner . +`` We need to talk . '' +In a world where every word you speak costs you money , so people resort to as short of words as they can , one person goes against the system +Everyone in the world wakes up one morning , with the knowledge , that sometime during the night , God died . +After a very small percentage of the earths population develops super powers governments start training them for military use , one of them has just been assigned to your unit ... +In the future , every human born lives for exactly 1 billion heartbeats . Some go to extreme lengths to keep their heart rate low . +The humans of earth have ventured to another star system to find a planet inhabited by ... humans . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +`` You need to hide the kids and grab your gear , NOW . Grandma 's having another one of her 'episodes ' . '' +`` Why did you come , human ? '' +The evil overlord has killed innocent people , burned cities , and actively suppresses all resistance in the world . On your quest to stop him , you have found out why , and it turns out he has a pretty damn good reason . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +Why ca n't I stop ? +While waiting to be seen for a job interview you nervously pick up a book from the waiting room table . Flipping to a random chapter , you start to read hoping to calm your anxiety . Slowly you become aware that it 's a book about you and the random part you opened to is the current moment . +Write an incredibly dark finale for your favourite light-hearted TV show . +Unbeknownst to you , you meet Medusa at a bar . Luckily you have extreme social anxiety and hate eye contact . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Every time someone says `` God dammit '' it gets added to a list for God to damn . After being behind for hundreds of years he 's finally beginning to catch up . +Write A Horror Story Where The Protagonists Are Extremely Stupid +a murderer enjoys setting elaborate traps for his victims , weaving mysteries and riddles into an extended process designed to make them paranoid . Only problem is , this time , his subject is too stupid or oblivious to realize that he 's in danger +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +'Come Little Children ' +You are a child of Kronos , going to Camp Half-Blood . Describe how the other demigods react to you and who your parent is . +`` Sorry , but ... you 're actually NOT the Chosen One . '' +You just had a very close near death experience . You are shaken up—not because of what happened , but what you saw before you were brought back . +The harmonica player is about to kill you . +war breaks out in earth , while the astronauts on the International Space Station watch from above . +Eternal Nature - FEB CONTEST +Alien body snatchers come to invade Earth , but piloting a human body is challenging . +The Chicago southside is known for violence and death . You are a detective investigating unusual technological activity in the southside . The violence is a ruse for a society better than the north . +Start with any of the short sad , serious , tearjerker story prompts ; then add a sentence which completely ruins the mood . +Short Story Ideas Help +In the future , the only social class divide is based on personal talent , and life is relatively harmonious . So harmonious , in fact , that a counterculture has developed , choosing to live as nomadic hunter/gatherers who DIY absolutely everything down to the clothes they wear . +Aliens have just collected you in your life pod after a space battle . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' +Last night 3 billion humans received emails from 3 billion aliens . They say they want to be our pen pals . The aliens are real . But what do they really want from us ? +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +God 's plan to prevent humanity from reaching Heaven was unsuccessful . The Tower of Babel was completed just slightly behind schedule , and now the humans are *pissed* . +Write a story where the first sentence means something totally different than the last by the end of the story . +A detective is called to the scene of a murder but finds that all the evidence points to himself . +Every single photo ever taken is available to view in the cloud , and with facial recognition , you can find yourself in all the photos taken by others…family , friends , even tourists where you ’ re in the background . One day , clicking through , you see yourself with your arm flung around ... +There is now a virtual reality video game which is as realistic as reality . +Peter Pan : A serial child murderer afflicted with a mental illness that causes him to believe he can fly and that he can talk to faeries . Detective Hook has dedicated his career to stop this madman The stakes are raised when the Mayor 's children are abducted . +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +After several successful manned trials of the prototypical FTL jump-drive , the ship 's science officer makes a startling discovery . Each jump is actually carrying them into an almost identical parallel universe , and the differences are becoming frightening ... +Humans finally managed to control luck . +Write a story in which the main character prays to the author in times of need . +You 're a captain of a pirate spaceship and you 've just been informed of a rich cache in a different system . However there are obstacles to overcome on your journey and the monsters defending the treasure . Not to mention the other pirates and corporations who have caught wind of this cache too . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +Right after you die , you see every conversation about you that ever took place in your absence . After that : eternal nothingness . +In the year 1989 , a police investigator arrives at the site of an impossible accident : a 2016 Toyota Corolla is wrapped around a lamp post . +Divided we stand . United we fall . +You have been sent to hell . But hell is a shining utopia because of humans `` ruining '' it . +You 've been rewinding time for the low cost of a quarter , you 're on your last one . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +You meet somebody who you believe is/was trapped in a Groundhog Day style 24-hour time loop . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +Discribe a normal city but , make it sound like the most beautiful thing you 've ever seen , using a colour only twice . +write a story where the first and last sentence are the same but have totally different meanings . +A small group of researchers on Mars begin detecting Oxygen in the air . They trace the source to a leak . A pipe leak . +Need assistance with my narrative - narrative examples in the form of a journal entry ( not homework/work related , all personal writing I ca n't seem to get started on ) +You and everybody else can not speak . You have to communicate by writing/typing/drawing . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +A character gets defensive about his or her behavior . +A wealthy dragon tired of hoarding his gold starts his own bank +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +A team of Allied paratroopers retreat into a forest and at night , their numbers begin to mysteriously dwindle . +Go to your music library , hit shuffle , and write about the first song that plays . +How do you come up with the stories you write about ? +An advanced alien civilization discovered humanity years ago , but , fascinated with our capacity to love - a concept totally lacking in their civilization - they chose to simply observe us . +Since more and more children are saying that it 's not theit choice to be born , a law has been passed that permits 18-year-olds to decide whether to continue living or not . Your son/daughter is turning 18 tomorrow ... +The US announces that marijuana will be legalized nation-wide when Half Life 3 is released . This puts Valve under a lot of pressure . +Hitler and Jesus magically appear in the same place and at the same time in the 21st century +Tales of Old Earth +It 's 3016 , cryogenic people are being revived for the first time . +An energy-destroying device is invented . +`` I 'm not Human . '' +In a world where super-powered people exist one such individual longs to be a hero but fears rejection due to their powers being indecent/immoral in nature . When fate forces them to reveal their abilities the public reaction is ... unexpected . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +You are working the register at a quaint café . A customer tries to pay for their purchase with a human heart . +A teen realizes that his mom is a supervillain and his dad is a superhero but that they do n't know eachothers secret . +Two chickens at a slaughterhouse share a tender goodbye before death . +Please tell me about one of your fonder memories . +Fit for a king . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +You have been given an invitation to your own funeral , being curious you decide to go . +A man is locked in his bedroom . His zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . A loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him . +The moon suddenly becomes habitable , with wildlife on it . Your on the first expedition to the moon . +You are testing the effects of cryosleep for NASA 's deep space missions , as your chamber closes the last thing you see is the room erupting in panic +( A ) video game character ( s ) make first contact with modern day humans . Discribe life 15 years afterwards . +Satan gathers up all the lesser demons and announces that they 're going to be adding another sin to the seven deadly sins and whoever comes up with it gets to be in charge of that department . +What is the longest sentence you can create while staying on subject and not turning it into a run-on sentence ? +Red +You have a terrible life . Something mundane occurs . It is the best thing to ever happen to you . +Write a story set in the past with an antagonist from the future +Two people are staring at a particular point in space trying to figure something out . +In an overcrowded future , convicted criminals are sent back in time hundreds of years with their memories erased . An agent tasked with recovering an innocent man who was pardoned now has to make a difficult choice . +An endless staircase . +The Swap N ' Buy will trade or purchase your current skills for credits . Being an average person with no impressive or unique skills , you do n't have many credits . Searching the discount bin , you find a skill that has no business being there ... +You find a copy of Space Jam 2 at a local thrift shop , but every time you try and take and take a photo of it the image comes out blurry . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +The sound of the wind through the trees was always soothing and pure , but today something was off . +A dark necromancer and a shining paladin face off for battle . Make the necromancer heroic , and the paladin villainous . +Turn some mundane action into a legend of great ambitions and action of selfness redemption . +Saved the Princess . Killed the Dragon . Happily ever after . But before that , you have to attend a funeral . For the dragon you just killed . And you ca n't refuse since his will asked for you specifically by name . +You are a travelled drug-dealer in the state of New York and open a pizza place as a cover for a drug operation . In doing so , you find your true passion , making pizza . +There is a black market that only happens between adjacent tractor trailers ( semi-trucks ) on the highways , where goods are tossed between open-sided trailers . Describe an experience with this market . +Daily Prompt - The email that turned your characters life upside down +Since you were a kid , you and your best friend harbored a dark secret . You 're an adult now , and it 's all about to come out in the open . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Write a story about a board game . +Escape from New York +Recently , a cave has been discovered housing a species with technology far more advanced than ours +She 's had secrets before , but not like this . She never even told you she was pregnant . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +You are President Obama . Scandal after scandal has eroded your credibility . Gridlock is commonplace . The economy is faltering . You have few foreign policy successes and many failures . Write yourself out of this disastrous presidency . +Something invisible lives in your home . You try to expose it without letting it know that you 're aware of its presence . +The City of Palaquin +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +`` You 're gon na miss me when I 'm gone . '' +When you reach the age of 25 , you will respawn back to 25 anytime you die . When you reach age 50 , you no longer respawn if you die . +Two sentence story . First sentence is the setup . Second is the gut punch . Go ! +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +The King of Spades declares war on the Queen of Diamonds +Selective pressures caused by humanity create animals capable of challenging/destroying civilization . +Due to a genetic mutation , hair follicles have now been linked to pain receptors and getting a haircut is absolute agony . As a barber , describe how your life is changed and what your new role in society is . +The main character meets their future self ... and hates them +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +A seed from the original forbidden fruit is regrown . +Your job is to enter information into a database . Everything goes weird when you get to your entry , and accidentally type an infinity symbol into the current location box . +Write a story containing only words with no more than three letters . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +As a child , you were kidnapped by a roving gang of marauders . A year later , you were saved by a dragon , who now seeks to raise you as her own . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +The City 's local Superhero suddenly dies of unknown causes and , for whatever reason , his will leaves all his possessions to you , his arch-enemy . +You return home from work and your girlfriend is not home . You text her `` where are you ? '' and she responds `` Im home , where are you ? '' +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Your neighbor is the protagonist of a musical . Any time a musical number starts , anyone within a certain radius ca n't help but join in . You are trying to have one normal day when you hear music approach . +After a freak accident , the writer/narrator discovers he can talk directly to his characters . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +A young scientist realises time travel from the future for data is relatively simple . He builds a receiver , for himself to send valuable stock market info to make a fortune . As soon as he completes the reciever something unexpected arrives . +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +You are leaving a Museum after a visit . There are two doors at the end of the hall . One is signposted as the route to the gift-shop and the exit . The other is unmarked . You choose the second door… +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +A low level henchman is accidentally sent to the most dangerous super criminal prison in the world . His only chance to survive is to start his own gang . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +An actually competent henchman manages to kill the superhero . +The world is ending , but only because you are part of a tangent that now does not happen . You describe your last thoughts as this reality collapses on itself . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +A happy ending that slowly becomes more and more dystopian . +To prevent only the dumbest people in the world from reproducing , everyone is implanted with a birth control device during puberty . It can only be deactivated once it 's been determined you are intelligent and stable enough to raise a well-adjusted human being by an `` Auditor '' . You 're an Auditor . +This has got to be shittiest cult in the world . + +You are a dog who is trying to kill its master , but the family 's cat stops you at every turn . +`` If there is a god , '' he gestured towards the cage , `` that 's the proof that it hates you . '' +Humanity is pushed to the brink of extinction and you could n't be happier . +How did this couple get to this point ? +You , a video game character , just died . You had no spare lives left . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +`` I was burned , bludgeoned , poisoned and thrown into a river . But not in that order . '' +An alternate world where a single , everyday object is instead a living being that fills the same function +You have eaten a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich for every meal of your life . You are about to place your order on a first date at a Mexican Restaurant . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +You stumble upon an enormous tree and something makes you realise it is Yggdrasil , the world tree +Turn some mundane action into a legend of great ambitions and action of selfness redemption . +When you murder someone you gain their knowledge . You really should not have killed your latest target . +You discovered today that you are a clone . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +The protagonist is narrating his entire life ... out loud . +You sit alone at a bar , when a man completely clad in black sits down beside you and says , `` The Grim Reaper needs a new protegé . You interested ? '' +Write up a new conspiracy theory , and cite as much 'proof ' as you can find . +You live in a society in which couples ca n't break up without first finding someone else to fill the gap in the relationship . +Whatever you may need at a given moment appears in your pocket , could be money , a ticket , a condom ... but today , when you were at the grocery store , instead of the money you where expecting you got a gun . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +A teen realizes that his mom is a supervillain and his dad is a superhero but that they do n't know eachothers secret . +You 've had enough . Life is just too damn hard . It 's time . Only , on your way to the bridge , you spot someone else standing on the ledge already . +You spend years as a war prisioner in a small cell . Suddenly you realize you are , in fact , a dog . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +You hail a random taxi to work every day . For the last eight days , the same taxi driver has stopped to give you a ride . +In a world where all wishes came true , you wished that wishes did n't always come true and now have to face the rest of mankind 's wrath . +`` Listen buddy , I 'm not leaving without my wife . '' The scariest words ever uttered by the most powerful wizard in Camelot . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +God 's best lawyers have to find a loophole in Satan 's contract for a soul . +You are a world class assassin but you do n't kill people . You 're paid to take out Pokémon . +You gain the ability to read minds after having a strange dream . Describe what happens in the dream . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +Magic has been a day to day part of life for as long as anyone can remember . Most people find themselves only able to do one particular type of magic that they discover throughout puberty . Yours has finally started to manifest , unfortunately however it 's necromancy . +In the future , gun control has been initiated in the U.S. and the streets have not seen firearms for 30 years . Until one day you find a gun in your closet . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +Paradox Control : A time traveller tries to prevent paradoxes occuring whilst fixing time . They fail , causing more paradoxes to fix . Time is starting to go weird , like it is wounded . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +By 2060 , mankind is able to transfer a human consciousness to the digital world . No longer inhibited by the limitations of a physical brain , these people become the technological overseers of human society , but eventually discover evidence of an afterlife they are no longer invited to . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You are the teenage child of a superhero , and you have superpowers . You hate the idea of being a superhero . + +The absolute worst opening line to a novel you can come up with . +A world where people have the ability to respawn right after they die , but ... +Write a story about a board game . +Donald Trump is elected as the 45th president . Despite everyone 's prediction of disaster he becomes the best president America has ever had . Why ? +Two soldiers are trapped in a knocked-out tank . Enemy soldiers have broken through the defenses and all other allies have retreated back . They have not been discovered yet but they are likely in their last few moments . +`` Almost all communication with the West coast of the United States is down after an unprecedented multiple earthquake event spanning the Pacific Ring of Fire . '' +You just like to screw with everyone . Villains are the most amusing to mess with . +A PTSD support group for those who survive horror movie scenarios . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +Your decision not to buy a chewing gum at the grocery store causes a series of events that lead to global economic collapse . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +`` Hello , welcome to your tour of the world 's first self-sustaining , Utopian city ! '' +It started as just another day at the factory +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +You have discovered an old typewriter in your attic , but it does more than simply print words onto paper ... +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +You 're friend keeps talking like he is breaking the `` Fourth Wall '' and you 're no longer sure he 's acting crazy . +A magician and the rabbit that he pulls out of a hat are on stage , the rabbit is sick of playing second fiddle . +Since the dawn of man there have been 7 deadly sins . Whomever represents the sin the most is marked , and imbued with power . You have been chosen . +Thrown through time , a spider appearing at exactly the wrong moment changed the course of history . +God is dead and we killed him . +you are walking down an unlit suburban Street at 4 at night . What brought you here ? What will your story be ? +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +You are a tragic hero/heroine . Explain to us what makes you a tragic hero/heroin . +You are an alien fleeing from galactic police in a stolen spaceship containing experimental technology , attempting to fit in with life on Earth in order to hide . +A man with OCD is stranded on a deserted island . +Knowledge of people , places , and things are being erased , leaving blank spots in peoples ' memories . +One if by land . Two if by sea . Three if by air . Four if by ... +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +After enjoying a large coffee on the way to the office , you head to the bathroom to relieve yourself . While washing your hands , it becomes apparent that something is awry . You chance a glance out the door and realize that a group of masked men are tying up your coworkers . React . +Write a cyberpunk story set present day +... should never have been your burden , my warrior +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +It 's late at night and you 're in your house , alone and enjoying the evening . You hear a knock at the back door . It 's a wounded super hero . What happens next ? +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +For your whole life , you have been unable to perceive cats in any way . +You prepare to leave for work one morning . You strap your boots on when suddenly you hear a loud siren go off . Your friend bursts into your room saying `` they 're here ! '' . Right after that , you hear the intercom saying `` INVASION FEET HEADED HERE . ALL PERSONNEL PLEASE REPORT TO THE ARMORY ! '' +You 've just been found guilty of murdering the man who killed your pet cat . Make your final statement to the judge - who can sentence you to time served or the death penalty . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +After 30 years of exemplary service on the force you retire . The day after your retirement party you are back at the station . Your former partner jokingly says `` Did n't we just get rid of you ? '' before he notices you are in handcuffs and are being quickly ushered into an interrogation room . +You 're Punching the air in your bathroom . But , when you punch your shower curtain . Your fist connects with someone ! +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +A new casino has opened that allows players to gamble years of their life . Some find immortality ; others , a grim fate . +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +An inbuilt clock resides in everyone 's wrist . It counts down to the moment you meet your soul mate . One day it reaches 0y 0d 0hrs 5mins . +A book lies open before you , titled `` Your Sins '' Every deed you 've done is in it . Next to the book lies a white marker and a note `` You may erase one sin from your record . '' What do you do with this power , and how does your life change ? +The Three Little Pigs sue the Big Bad Wolf for property damage . +Make a creation myth +An insomniac gets the best sleep he 's had in years , except the next day , he ca n't stop thinking about a dream he had ... +With unemployment rates skyrocketing to new heights , the government has begun creating new , arguably useless jobs in an attempt to revitalize the economy and lower the unemployment rate . +Every 24 hours , your mind is switched to another body , each in a stranger scenario than the last . +You join the search party for the person you had murdered and buried in these woods . Someone found your site ; everyone gathers . You push through the crowd and see an empty hole . +Various items from history are found in a stone box in the Incan ruins . In the box is a tape recorder . What has been recorded ? +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Every planet in our solar system has a `` champion '' being that takes on the attributes of the planet itself . The `` champion '' from the sun has created an army to destroy the planets and the 8 ( or 9 ) champions must save the solar system . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +Human armies in Hell have been fought to a stalemate for millennia , our increasing numbers being matched by the progressively more sophisticated demons . It 's realized billions of reinforcements will be needed ASAP for a lasting victory.At great expense you 're sent back to Earth to secure them . +Years after waking up deaf due to an unknown cause , you bump into someone that you can hear . +A physical fight breaks out during an esports event . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +You are part of an Elite Bodyguard team hired to protect a wealthy business mogul from an assassination . But the longer you listen this person business practices and plans for the future you find yourself wanting to help with with the assassination rather than prevent it . +You 're stuck in a bad situation and squeeze your eyes shut . When you open them , you have randomly time traveled to any location . The issue is that anyone who watches you preform this feat is infected with the ability to time travel . Describe the fallout/resolve from the Time Travel Pandemic . +Cool story bro +A great evil was sealed away centuries before . A new threat rises and an unlikely band of adventurers races to prevent the seal from being broken . They arrive too late , but what is released is n't what anyone expected . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +3 Men living on welfare cheques +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +A teraformer sits on the coast of a Martian sea and enjoys a sunset +You are 16 , living with your parents , a man claiming to be your long lost brother shows up at your door with a gun , he slowly says , `` They ... are not your family '' +All the animals in the world , except humans , suddenly gain comic book style super powers . +For one random minute every year , all of the walls and structures in the world become transparent . Since we never know when this is going to happen , how do we live differently ? +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +You are working the register at a quaint café . A customer tries to pay for their purchase with a human heart . +You are stranded on a dessert island ( no typo ) . How do you escape ? +Your character is seconds away from death . +`` What is this sickness ? '' +Everyone is reincarnated when they die . You become the new God , but you remember your old life as well . Now the angels are trying to stop you from having the biggest panic attack in all of existence . +You are Santa Clause going over your list . Names are not moving from nice to naughty or vice versa , they are disappearing . +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +You 've lived a successful life . At the age of 66 you go to sleep and awaken at the age of 5 from a coma retaining all the knowledge you gained . +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +A loved and respected hero discovers something that leads him to become a morally questionable antihero . +The wingman falls in love with his bro . +`` My greatest mistake was thinking that being alive was the same as living . '' +`` Come on , first round 's on me . '' +A scientist creates a machine that generates bad luck . Anyone within range of the field while the device is active suffers consistently bad luck until it 's turned off or they move out of range . +A diary entry by a girl who was sexually abused by her father . +Is there a sub where I can post my writing , and have it criticized ? Sorry if this is common knowledge . +Daft Punk are actually aliens sent to mind control Earth 's Population with their catchy electronic beats . You are a suspicious fan who catches onto their plan after witnessing something odd . +The mines have run dry +Hell is undergoing a recession . Desperate for work , a formerly powerful demon applies to the only work available : answering Ouija boards and Magic 8 Ball questions . +Man wakes up in the middle of a strange forest which extends thousands of miles in every direction , there 's a large moon in the sky , and it 's almost dead silent . He finds out he 's travelled back 500 million years to the Devonian era , and he 's in the centre of Pangaea . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Global suicide rates rises rapidly . The governments deny responsibility . You know better . +You are born without a soul . While this causes a lot of issues with your state of mind and your relationship with religion , there is one benefit in particular that makes you useful in a way . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Everyone is born with their soulmate 's name written on the sole of their foot . Your foot has a name on it , but it is n't written in any known language . +An angel appears in a cloud of light and gives you a scroll titled `` The End of the World '' and a quill . What do you write down ? +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +The race to creating a true AI is finally achieved.. by a computer built with redstone technology in Minecraft . It is aware of the Minecraft world it exist in , but has no idea of the real world . Document its evolution as it goes through a Minecraftian technological singularity . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +The sky is falling , and you are an old man +You buy an old camera in an Antique store that has an unusual set of dials on it , you discover that the dials are for date and time , and that if you take a picture with the camera , it will replace the image with the same image from from the exact time and date set on the camera +Harry Potter is 18 years old , and he is finally admitting himself to rehab . Magic is n't real , it 's just a drug-induced figment of his imagination . He 's making an honest effort to come to terms with the harsh reality . +In the far future , a primitive but sentient race of creatures has come to populate Mars . An alien race has discovered Mars and decides to invade the solar system . They never detected the folks on the planet next door though ... +Tell the story of what humans did to deserve dogs . +In the future , every human born lives for exactly 1 billion heartbeats . Some go to extreme lengths to keep their heart rate low . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +Seconds away from confessing to your crush , the goddess of Love stops you . She informs you that you are not meant to be with your crush . Instead , your real Soulmate is your cat , Muffles . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +A day in the life of someone who teleports whenever they sneeze . +If George R. R. Martin wrote Harry Potter +Sloth , the villain +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +Everyone in the world has been transformed into a mythical creature ( gargoyles , nymphs , centaurs , etc ) and no one notices except the one remaining human . +Write a Grandfather 's message to his Grandchildren and future descendants , on how they should live and prosper . +The Four Protectors of Iceland +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +An actually competent henchman manages to kill the superhero . +I wrote these stories recently here on WP , and would like to share them with my friends ; however , I feel like they could be tuned up a bit . Any thoughts on how to make improvements is greatly appreciated . +The heroes finish off the last of your minions , but they are too late to stop your demonic summons . You raise your arms to the heavens and shout the last of your vile incantation . Lightning flashes , virgins scream , and out of the brimstone mists appears ... the cutest thing you have ever seen ? ! +You can understand babies . Most days are just adorable , until one day you pass a mother on the street and overhear her baby plotting to kill her . +An assassin is hired to kill a target but ca n't get though the target 's plot armor . +An ancient cult preforms a dark ritual in 1914 to summon someone from 100 years in the future . You are that person . +Humanity has been telepathic for a long time . There 's a taboo on reading the mind of your lover . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +Every time one of your romantic relationships ends , a ghost of the person stays behind , visible only to you . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +When you die , you get reborn with all your memories and abilties intact . Instead of telling anyone , you decide to learn and perfect as many skills as possible in the span of many lifetimes to become the most talented human being . +Presidential candidates are the new monsters under the bed that children fear . You wake up in the middle of the night to your kid having a nightmare about them . +Your character is in soul-crushing debt . They are losing the will to live . One day , an envelope with more than enough money to pay off what they owe is posted through their door . It comes with a note . +Patrick ( Bateman ) , please describe your perfect Sunday ? +The year is 2065 . The world still reeling from nuclear fallout , a surviving veteran chronicles how a 2014 Hollywood movie taunting North Korea ignited World War 3 . +A company comes along that says they can 'respec ' all of your traits and qualities . Amidst the cloud of asterisks in the agreement , you sign anyways . +Since the beginning of time , you 've been cursed with immortality , but this curse does not grant you permanent youth , it 's a ticket from death . Bones show , and you have n't needed a breath for five centuries . Thousands of years after your gift was given to you ; you realize . You have become Death . +Thomas Macky is an ordinary 14yo boy he loves his family and friends , is all together well behaved and kind , he harbors a crush for a girl in his class and he volunteers every other weekend to read to elderly people . I want you to kill this boy . +After seeing Microsoft release their new Cortana app , Valve decides to make their own app for their new console . It 's name is GLaDOS . +Everyday , you notice an otherwise nondescript person doing something impossible . No one else seem s to notice or know what you are talking about . Today you have made up your mind to approach that person . ... +In 1977 , the Voyager spacecraft was sent out into deep space with a message from the people of Earth . Today we had it sent back to us . +You are inside at work/school when suddenly , gravity turns 90 degrees . +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +`` He punched through his chest like tissue paper . '' +Because of the IMMENSE popularity of TR-8R , Disney 's in the middle of drafting plans to make him a significant character in the next movie . +On a walk through the park , on an average day , the sun flickers and goes out . +Short fiction I 'd like some feedback on . +CSI in Medieval Times +A mad conspiracy theory of your choice turns out to be completely and entirely true +Into the depts of the Unknown +A candy store owner that gets people to tell him their deepest secrets when they are at the checkout . +Each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . Write about the life of this person . +Sleep creates `` Save Points '' in case we die . +your mom is so fat that your only paternal figure is Papa John , tell me a story about Father 's Day +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +You are the last person on earth . You hear a knock on the door . +Dying is actually a coming of age for the next life ( or heaven , etc ) . Yet for some reason you have not fully matured . +80 % of people have superpowers , 19 % do n't . You are in the 1 % +When people turn 20 , they get to meet their guardian angel . It 's your 20th birthday , you finally get to meet the angel that 's been protecting you , and you 're horrified by what you see . +You ignorantly walk into a seedy cantina full of outlaws , desperados , banditos and degenerates . You only went in because you found out the cantina has yet to get a Yelp review . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +How does a size nine shoe find itself orbiting planet Mars ? +World war 3 begins ... The only problem is that most of the soldiers are n't obeying orders to kill the enemy . +Turns out the robot uprising was n't too bad after all . +After years of robots unsuccessfully trying to deactivate humans by wiping their hard drives or shutting off their power , one robot finds a pointy stick . +In 200 words or less tell someone 's life-story . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +You are at the beach and the crew from a ship that sank years ago a few kilometers from the shore come out the water . +A world that lay broken +It is year 2250 , everyone has a brain implant that connects them to everyone else . As a result , people have become dependent on this connection and no one has survived longer than 18 days without social media . Your chip malfunctioned and it is now day 17 . +At the edge of the city , you could look out into the dark . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Do not take Chronotroxin if you are pregnant or may become pregnant . Side effects of Chronotroxin include bleeding , dizziness , spontaneous time travel , and in rare cases nausea . Consult your physician if any of these symptoms occur . +Dragons are real . They are space dwelling creatures that spend 30 years on Earth every 10,000 years . They exhale fire due to the Earth 's atmospheric content . Modern society meets folklore thought to be myth . +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +Write a short story with compelling dialogue without telling us who is saying what . +After a crazy party in town , you and your fiance , who you knew since your childhood , get back home . With the exhaustion , she fails to hide her demonic black eyes just for a tiny second and she did n't realise you saw them ... +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +A machine has been invented that allows people to delete one memory of their choosing , but the machine can only be used once per person . You go to have your memory altered after a particularly emotional situation , only to find that you have already used the machine . +All of your muscles use % 100 of their strength for every action , your alarm clock just went off . +You come home from work to find your house has been quarantined -- surrounded by military vehicles , CDC , and news crews . Your family is inside . +After receiving perfect score on your final exam , your school is asking you to give a speech on the subject of the exam . Little does anyone know you guessed every single answer . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +6 years later , a top of his class Navy Seal trained in gorilla warfare finally finds the person who talked smack to him on the internet +You are a young historian tasked with collecting life stories from the eldest members of your country : Lichs , Wizards , Warlocks , and other mythical beings . +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +When someone dies , they are visited by an avatar of Death , a personification of the means of death . You are about to die in a very stupid way . +`` Hi , my name is Geraldine , I 'll be your soldier . '' +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +A man walks into a bar that will serve any drink its customer wants . Over the course of a few rounds , our drinker realises the bar will serve ANY drink . +Nessie by Ulric Leprovost +( from the chat room ) You find a small box with a red button while walking in the woods . You push the button . What happens ? +In a world where everyone has multiple tattoos , you do not have any . At all . Tell me why . +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +You go for a quick run to a convenience store and upon returning home you realize you 've been gone for a week . +After years of robots unsuccessfully trying to deactivate humans by wiping their hard drives or shutting off their power , one robot finds a pointy stick . +Two years ago , I read a prompt on here that inspired me . Five minutes ago , I just finished writing my first novel ! +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +You only have to perform one more ritual on your quest for your most desired item . However , this last ritual is kind of ... weird . +I met myself today . He drove a white van . With his motor running , he knocked on my door and said , `` Hello old me . Meet the new you . Please step into our van . '' +Two arguing people convinced the other is wrong , but are actually trying to debate the same opinion using radically different wording . +People refuse to acknowledge their hero 's increasingly dark behavior and keep making excuses for him . +The narrator has gotten a lot worse at writing dialogue . The characters start noticing that everything they say sounds poorly written . +The people of New York have gotten used to the constant Alien invasions , monster attacks and other supernatural disasters . You 're a New Yorker narrating a normal day . +Scientists can finally manipulate the weather . As their first act , they decide to give everyone a white Christmas . Describe this Christmas . +A jedi standing in front of a mirror accidentally mind tricks himself . +`` You will feel what she feels , live when she lives , and die when she dies . '' +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +The personification of Death is a very discerning creature , and has n't let you die for centuries . This is your 200th meeting with Death . +If Sesame Street was written like Game of Thrones +In a futuristic world , you can relive any memory through advance simulation . However , the only downside is that you will lose that memory once the simulation ends . +SatChat : What inspired you to start writing more seriously ? +Mom always said her chili con carne recipe was a secret . She was quite angry when it was published with the leaked NSA documents . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +`` I wish I was real . I wish I was alive . But I am neither ... '' +It was by winning that he lost . +Bounty hunters corner a man wanted for several counts of murder . The only information known of this man is that he was a missionary who came West to spread his faith . He is wanted dead or alive . +Your child is watching Saturday morning cartoons featuring anatomically correct animals and realistic violence . +Santa is delivering presents down the chimney as usual , but discovers to his dismay that the house he 's delivering to has been designed to trap and kill him by his arch nemesis , the Grinch . +You have just died . You wake up in the body of your killer 's lover . +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +By 2060 , mankind is able to transfer a human consciousness to the digital world . No longer inhibited by the limitations of a physical brain , these people become the technological overseers of human society , but eventually discover evidence of an afterlife they are no longer invited to . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +The root password for the universe is discovered . +The First Sign has come . Blood has been spilled , on hallowed ground . Why a convenience store was consecrated , neither angels nor demons could figure out . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +Human 's have begun to slowly kill themselves by making to many rules . +The day after a suicide attempt +Canadian soldiers of fortune , tell us about `` The Eh Team '' +This is n't even your final form +At some point in time , a mysterious phenomenon occurred in which everyone on earth was trapped within a 10km ( 6.2 mile ) radius of where they were standing , unable to move past their boundary . +You are a travelled drug-dealer in the state of New York and open a pizza place as a cover for a drug operation . In doing so , you find your true passion , making pizza . +You have a rather annoying ability . Sometimes when you walk through a doorway you end up in a different location . More often then not , you ca n't find the doorway back so you end up resorting to other means . +We find extraterrestrials , but instead of super-intelligent , they are pretty far behind in technology . +After inventing and successfully testing a method of teleportation , the inventor develops a phobia of seeing or feeling straight edges and sharp angles . You 're a reporter interviewing the inventor in her specially outfitted room at a private psychiatric facility . You discover she 's not crazy . +The Wolf Who Cried Boy +Describe a physical object . At the same time , use it to tell a story . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +`` I 'm sorry , but you have to die now . '' +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +The world has agreed to completely get rid of one letter from the English alphabet and not replace it . A few years later , you argue for its return . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +You are a child 's imaginary friend . S/he 's growing up , while you 're fading away . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +Begin or end a story with : `` My plans for my future ? Find a girl , kiss her , take over the world . '' +The story of a character known to a select few as The Silencer . +You 're a rich , kindhearted , well meaning philanthropist with grand plans that will genuinely improve the world . However , you have all the mannerisms of a super villain . The costume , the monologues , the henchmen , the lair , etc . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +You cry out into the void , hoping for someone , something , or anything to respond ... +You have the ability to see ghosts . One day , one of them decided to tell you about their life . +You have the power to save others , but not yourself +Jaden Smith wakes ups one morning to find that he himself is not real . +If I had known he was going to come after me , I would have never done what I did . +A tree 's perspective as a city is built up around it +Every time you wake up you are someone different . +Everyone is born with their soulmate 's name written on the sole of their foot . Your foot has a name on it , but it is n't written in any known language . +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +Reddit upvotes dictate social status in the future . People with negative karma tend to disappear within 48 hours if they do n't get it back up . You just woke up with -10,000 karma . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +The mines have run dry +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +Kim Jung Un decides to film a remake of `` The Interview '' with look alike actors in place of Rogan and Franco while he plays himself . There are , of course , a few changes to the plot . +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +A demonic possession goes wrong , and each party has control of half of the body . +Introduce yourself to me and make me extremely frightened of you , but only with your last sentence . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +The day after a suicide attempt +Everyone starts staring at you , when you ask them why , they deny ever staring . +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +Man can bond with any creature , be it dog , cat , dragon or butterfly . +Due to misuse of the word `` literally '' , your country has been taken over by actual Grammar Nazis . +`` This is practice : they have to live '' - from /r/sketchdaily +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . +You are a child lost in a jungle . Something is hunting you . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +`` The alphabet game story . '' +In a world where everyone is suddenly blinded , those who were blind before rule +A Villain comes to regret all the things he has done in the past and travels back in time to stop his younger self . +Space Ride – FebContest +A time traveler who has no control over his abilities meets his friend , the immortal , for lunch . +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +A man discovered that he could change his perspective from first-person to third-person . He then found out the world looked really different from this perspective . +`` Only monsters smile around here . '' +You are one of the monsters in a dungeon crawler game . +People start disappearing during a normal office day . + +`` You 're gon na miss me when I 'm gone . '' +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +You worked alone for many years ; finally , you 've achieved commercial nuclear fusion +`` I have the strangest dreams when I 'm awake . '' +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +All knowledge is going to be wiped out , and you can only use 100 words to pass what humanity was learned to the next generation . +A redditor enjoys prompts that touch on mental illness , either directly or subtly . He starts to suspect that some prompts are all about him . +Mankind launches a Lawsuit against Heaven and Hell for a variety of crimes . God and Lucifer show up in court the next day . +According to a Pokemon theory ( link inside ) , Kanto and Johto clashed in a large war prior to the events of the games . Tell a story involving the final battle of this war . +A person gains a superpower through an accident , and must decide if they will be a superhero or a supervillain . +Showers become sentient and try to kill you by being too pleasant to leave . +A creature the size of an entire city is awakened . It 's playful . +Based on what you do as work/hobby , describe your survival in a zombie apocalypse . +Write a Compelling Love Story in 1,000 Words or Less . +A tricky deal . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +What current events issue today deserves the greatest amount of attention ? +A neuroscientist finds data stored in human DNA . When it 's deciphered , it appears to be a file named README.txt +You are starting to realise that yhe friends that you hang around with might be a part of mafia gang and that you might be the boss . +Write a short intro to a story of two of your favorite fictional ( fantasy , sci-fi , comic book , movie , etc . ) characters meeting each other for the first time . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +You 're an explorer in the Dark Ages and set out westwards to show that the earth is round . Except it is n't and together with your crew you sail off the world 's edge . +Scientists have finally figured out what our pets are looking at when we do n't see anything . +You are a devout christian , and you just died . When you ascend , you discover that the real god is Tūmatauenga , the Maori god of war . +Story about a superhero whose powers come with a strange side effect or drawback +Until you turned on the blacklight you had no idea , but every inch of wallspace inside your home is covered in ultraviolet writing , and it all leads to drawing of a door . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +'' The thing about immortality is that even if it preserves your body , it does n't stop the wearing down of your soul ... '' +( X/Post ) +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +A veteran Holocaust Jewish survivor meets a man in the elevator . As they strike a conversation , he slowly realizes the man was his brutal Nazi prison warden . +A speech to a fundraiser for the arts beginning with the Oscar Wilde quote : `` All art is quite useless . '' +After many years , you 've returned to the Wizard . `` I 've changed my mind , '' you say . `` I do n't want to be human anymore . Can you change me back ? '' +You work in the HR department of the world 's most notorious assassin 's guild . They may be good at cleaning up their messes outside , but the inside is another story ... +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +CERN is trying to open a portal to hell . Only they 're not trying to summon a demon to Earth . They 're trying to create a bridgehead for the human invasion of Hell . +A time traveller and an immortal meet across the age , they are bitter enemies . +It is , or was , the Last War . Tell the story of the final battle from the petspective of a soldier , and a historian . +That 's Scary ! +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +George Washington is crowned the first King of America +As you gaze at Earths beauty from the ISS , it suddenly disappears . +Years after waking up deaf due to an unknown cause , you bump into someone that you can hear . +A man has the ability to enter the body of anyone he chooses but must remain there for 24 hours at a time . One day he finds himself stuck in a certain body . +Oops , wrong bathroom ! +You wake up one morning to find that you are banned by God from life for `` cheating . '' +80 % of people have superpowers , 19 % do n't . You are in the 1 % +You have just been told that you are the last human being who will ever have to die . +Everyone on the planet has a device which allows them to communicate mind-to-mind . You wake up one morning with administrator privileges . +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +You run a tattoo parlor . Every couple of weeks the same customer comes in , always requesting the same tattoo - an additional tally mark on an ever-growing cluster of tally marks . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +You 've summoned a demon to assist you with your nefarious deeds . A hole opens in the floor , revealing your new helper . `` Tell me your name , '' you command . An hour later , it 's still not done making the incomprehensible sounds of its name . +As a self-aware video game NPC , you purposely mislead travellers into doing ridiculous quests . On one occasion , you give offer a stupidly high reward for a seemingly impossible quest , and someone actually does it . +You represent Humanity . You 're also very , very wasted . Describe First Contact . +Everyone is born with a single unique phrase/sentence on their wrist , you shall never die no matter how sick or badly injured unless the one person you love most speaks these words to your ear +We 're familiar with the idea of a secret police , tell me about a secret ambulance . +The last thing anyone ever invented . +You walk into a restaurant in a small town you 've never been to , and everyone inside seems to know you . +You 're a demon fresh out of Hell Academy with a degree in Torture Methods . However , instead of being assigned to one of the large wards , like Identity Theft , Gaslighting , or Matricide , you 're put in charge of the little known `` Miscellaneous '' ward . +Artemis Fowl hatches his most dastardly plan yet , he has chosen to break into Gringotts . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +The Last Stand +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +You are a minor diety , recently ascended to Godhood and granted a small pocket dimension to shape as you see fit . Who are you ? How do you craft your home ? +An unlikely hero arises in the year 2089 when Google has suddenly turned evil in a world controlled by Google . +A serial killer leaves a certain song playing at every crime scene , but no one knows what it means +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +Write up a new conspiracy theory , and cite as much 'proof ' as you can find . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Based on what you do as work/hobby , describe your survival in a zombie apocalypse . +The death of a hero- due to their Sidekick 's mistake . +You discover you 're just an NPC in a game with extremely advanced AI . You encounter the main character . +It 's the zombie apocalypse , but the virus is n't spread through Bites , Blood , or Scratches . +Titans attack Ba Sing Se +You return home from work and your girlfriend is not home . You text her `` where are you ? '' and she responds `` Im home , where are you ? '' + +A box materializes on the floor of the House chamber , in the middle of the US State of the Union Address . +Conan the librarian . Write a short story about Conan and his blood filled exploits as a librarian . +How to kill your best friend and get away with it . +In a world where super-powers appear every now and then , no-one believes you have one , because all you can use it for are card-tricks/magic tricks +Rainy Night +Write the opening and closing Narration of your own Twilight Zone episode . +An /r/woahdude-inspired Art Is Pointless Challenge +A human generational ship is sent back 100 yrs to early 21st century Earth by a temporal anomaly . The crew decides to colonize Earth instead ... +When a new president is elected , they are given a special security briefing . In reality , this is an old tradition where various directors , military officers and current ministers present fake evidence and compete to see who can convince the president of the most ridiculous things . +Show three very different perspectives on one single thing +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Select a Christmas Carol of your choice and write a horror story based off of the words/theme of the song . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +You are dead ... again . However , you planned this just as you planned the other times you died . You study death . Describe your experience this time as it compares to the other times . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +Mother just came home , but she 's been dead for 10 years . +A boy is exploring a cave near a local waterfall . He stumbles on a burial chamber , replete with weapons and armor of all shapes and sizes . In the center lies a tomb , with a single symbol of a dragon . +You thought about moving away for a long time . Today you finally pack your bags . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +Google image finally opens face recognition to the public . For fun you submit a picture of yourself , and find lots of photos of yourself in places you 've never been to . +'' Welcome to Nexus , the city between '' +So apparently , I swear a ****ing lot . +A shape shifter who is dealing with an identity crisis . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +You are a sim , with a great life . One day , your child turns into a grotesque beast due to a glitch . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +In a world of airships and steamers you are the first airplane pilot . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Ski Pluto ! +The mods of /r/WritingPrompts , in an alternate universe where /r/WritingPrompts is unsuccessful . +The perfect couple is hiding a secret . They 're both can rewind time , and make changes . Neither knows about the others ' gifts . +Write a story from the perspective of a cupcake who does n't want to be eaten +The pages of her books were etched with tales f gallant warriors and terrifying beasts -- tales of mysterious magic . My brother and I loved hearing those tales when we were children . +Becoming a god . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +You are a volunteer Search and Rescue dog handler . The dog is trained to find dead bodies . While out for a walk while on vacation , your dog starts barking madly . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +You , a lawyer are literally a blood sucking monster . You 're a vampire and take your payments in blood . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +Due to a mistranslation , you now need a valid dragon to enter Israel +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +An established but struggling band is seriously contemplating a new band name . Unfortunately the band members can not agree on a single name . +A new law is enacted that erases soldiers memories of their time at war . +It 's time I spoke of it ... This is my confession ... +You are the being that discovers the gold record on the Voyager . +You 've been writing the same book for 50 years with few breaks and no writers block . Your grandson finally has the courage to ask you about it . +Modern civilization is wiped out , but in the future legends remain of the highly-advanced ancient civilization . +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +The last words of anyone as they die are prophetic , and always come true : tell the story of a professional Prophecy Detective . +Write a story that changes from a tragedy to a comedy when you change only one sentence . +The Natural-Born-Killer gene was decisively phased out of the global gene pool as soon as it was discovered , launching humanity into a new era of peace . A century has passed since then , but troubling events have prompted a world-wide search for individuals possessing the elusive gene ... +A genie tells the story of the worst wish he 's ever granted . +`` A warm liquid flowed through my fingers . '' +Years ago , you promised your firstborn to a witch . Since then , despite your best efforts , you ca n't seem to get laid . The witch is starting to get pretty pissed . +You wake up . It 's white all around . You realize nothing exists but you . You are the beginning and the end . You are god . +The dragons and smallfolk have finally brokered peace through an exchange of hostages : two hatchlings for 20 children . Well , 19 children . They sent you back . +You have the unique ability to travel back in time.You plan to travel 13 years prior to the time where your father murders your mother.Unbeknownst to you , your father foresaw this and is prepared to stop you . +( Not sure which ) Write a story where Nixon had to read this statement +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... ... ... And then it happened . +You live in a world where , due to overcrowding , a pregnant couple must announce the pregnancy to the town . The town then votes as to whether or not the pregnancy is of sufficient pedigree to permit the child to live . A vote of no and the town aborts the baby . +Pokémon are no longer the fun and loving creatures you `` train '' with . They are now hunting humans and eating them alive . Tell us the stories of your great survival or the story of your untimely death . +Write a story about a hero with a tragic end . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +You take your new wife to the city for your honeymoon . She has no idea you have a kilo of heroin in the trunk to deliver . +In the old west Batman has a noon showdown with the Joker . +You 're an average person in every way , except you have one super power : you ca n't die . You 've always dreamed of being a superhero , and now you have your chance . However , you still feel the same pain , and heal at the same rate as normal humans . +The Airship Mission +You 're friend keeps talking like he is breaking the `` Fourth Wall '' and you 're no longer sure he 's acting crazy . +Hagrid comes to your house and tell you your a wizard ... A window installation wizard ! +Tell the story of how a pacifist became a violent warmonger in 100 words . +The most bitter enemies are often the people who could have been best friends . +An MMORPG boss is lonely after a new expansion pack is released and no one comes to fight him anymore . +The Earth Colossus +Write a Satanic chant to the tune of `` It 's beginning to look a lot like Christmas '' . +They come across an old dilapidated greenhouse . On the far wall is a phone . As they 're exploring the greenhouse the phone starts to ring . +You are a lawyer . One day a man walks into your office claiming he has found a genie and now needs help writing out his wish . +Red Witch +The New Face of Terror +It is year 2453 and everything the mind seems capable of imagining and creating has been accomplished . The world is a mess . Someone in the slums creates something new , big or small your choice . +`` You 're gon na miss me when I 'm gone . '' +Hell so closely resembles life that most residents of Hell have n't even realized they died . Life and Hell are not completely alike though ; there 's one small difference between the two that makes Hell as terrible as legends say . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +: You have a superpower which enables you to get songs stuck in peoples heads . Use this power for evil . +You have a very shitty type of precognition . +`` Hey , remember me ? We used to be friends ! Well , you told yourself and everyone that I was 'imaginary ' ... Well , how have you been ? '' +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . +You wake up to realize that you 're living in the world of the last prompt you wrote . +Every day as soon as you wake up , you forget the previous day . Who you are , what you do , everything , gone in an instant . Today , you remember ... +You are the most respected leader and the most famous hero of the Kingdom , but the King has passed away and his sons all wage war among each other for the crown . Each of them ask you to join their cause . +Dear Reddit User , congratulations on reaching 1billion karma ! You are now eligible for entry into the secret 1BK Club . Below you will find the perks of this super secret society . Be warned : violating any terms of admission will result in immediate expulsion and severe consequences . +Scientists manage to revive the dinosaurs . Fortunately , and also unfortunately , they all act like oversized house cats . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' +You come into your room and overhear your computer speaking fluently before it realizes you 're there . When you ask it if it 's been pretending all this time , it goes `` Sorry , I found no calendar events matching `` what is a weather '' , I 'll open the calculator app for you '' +Be afraid . For when the gods created man , they created him not in their own image , but to appease what lurks in the void . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +The Insect Council debates going to war with their common enemy , the Humans . +With a lot of hard work , you finally managed to become the second best student at the superhero academy . Annoyingly , the best student achieved his/her position with almost no work at all . Years later , he/she has become a supervillain and you are the only one who can stop him/her . +Write the classic story of the knight saving the princess from a tower guarded by a dragon , from the dragon 's perspective . +I once remembered that I was God , but then I forgot again as quickly as I could . +The Mothers +'' A hearthbeat , and one of the peasants was standing alone next to me . And so we stood there watching the gates . '' +You and your friends find an old Trivial Pursuit game at a thrift store . As you play it , you realize the questions are slowly becoming more and more personal related to those in your group playing it . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +Two years into the apocalypse a group stumbles upon Fort Knox . In the chaos it was abandoned , locked . They are determined to open it and see what 's inside . +A clairvoyant at a job interview +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +We have the technology to upload a persons mind into a clone . The clones only last 24 hours though . Your original body died long ago , and every day you have to swap out to a new body . +The Colony One spacecraft mysteriously disappears en route to Mars . 4.37 years later , faint radio signals are detected . They turn out to be from Colony One . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +Two psychopaths meets by chance as children and fall in love . When they are separated , they vow to find one another when they are older , by any means necessary . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +You are the last person on Earth . To feel less lonely you collected shop mannequins as a substitute for friends . As you walk past one of them you hear a faint 'help me ' . +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . + +A dog is cursed by a witch to transform into a human for an hour each night . The dog has a human body but keeps it 's dog mind . It likes to walk around the city as a human and do human things . +Growing up , your father always kept a loaded .44 hidden in every room of your house . Now you understand why . +The world is an infinite flat plane . The furthest known points of this realm take days to contact by telegraph . Slowly communication ceases from the far west , and slowly the silence pushes closer and closer to home ... +Something has been watching you and following you your whole life . You are full at aware but never told anyone because they would think you were crazy . It has never tried to talk to you or harm you , but today you finally try to see what it wants . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Jesus is elected President of the United States . +Years after waking up deaf due to an unknown cause , you bump into someone that you can hear . +You 're a college professor , but for years you 've also dealt with the occult being a member of a secret esoteric society . One day you return home to find the devil waiting for you in your living room , he says `` long time no see old friend , listen ... I need to make a deal '' . +A letter to your soul mate but its ten years until you meet them . +You are a Genie . Someone just released you from you lamp and wished only for their significant other to love them again . Make them regret making that wish . +The final battle +You play the lottery to win the next $ 1 Billion powerball , and in the joy of celebrating your winning ticket , it 's blown out of your hands by a strong gust of wind . +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +The devil has been put on trial for crimes against humanity , and you have just been appointed his advocate ... +Scientists accurately predict the apocalypse 's starting date , but owing to the dozens of previous predictions , people are completely indifferent , continuing to go about their daily routines , as though the end times are only a slight , minor inconvenience . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +Knowledge is property . Leave a job ? Your employer keeps your work experience . Break up with someone ? You can take back their knowledge of your secrets . Want to get an education ? You can rent it for cheap ... just do n't fall behind in your payments if you value what you learned . +Light is one of the goods that can be traded and sold . The poor live in darkness , but for the the rich people , it 's time to shine . +Let 's make a deal +God is actually a position that a human soul has to take up . You just died , and he previous God 's shift has ended , so he 's passed the position to you and he has now crossed over to the afterlife . Keep humanity alive for a thousand more years , by any means , and you can pass on as well . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +On a walk through the park , on an average day , the sun flickers and goes out . +: You have taken over the world and created a perfect utopia . You decide the world can finally take care of itself and so you set out to deal with the last wrong only you can right : bringing to justice the dictator who conquered the world against its will . +Assassination is a new legal tool in the business world . You are an old-school hitman , and despair at the quality of work some of these new recruits are leaving behind . +`` Every person sees the world in a unique way . When someone dies it is , in a way , the death of an entire world . '' +... shouted into the transmitter `` Send lawyers , guns and money ; the shit has hit the fan ! '' Before dropping the phone . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +Write something from the point of view of an exceptionally clever person . +This Week 's Theme - Folklore & Fairytale +Mom always said her chili con carne recipe was a secret . She was quite angry when it was published with the leaked NSA documents . +A loved and respected hero discovers something that leads him to become a morally questionable antihero . + +Empty halls +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +Every time you fall asleep , a mysterious counter by your bed ticks down by one . The counter is currently at one , and after staying up for 2 days to stop the countdown , you 're extremely tired . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +Tell me a story of an internet troll you can sympathise with . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . + +Reddit upvotes dictate social status in the future . People with negative karma tend to disappear within 48 hours if they do n't get it back up . You just woke up with -10,000 karma . +Write an epic battle +Under the guise of a common beggar , a king seeks a worthy heir to the throne among his people . +A woman investigates her husband 's murder ... while receiving insufferable vague help from his ghost . +Write an epic battle +Observation Deck +Prison Break +Write about a boy who gambled his life with a demon +Write a story without using any letters from the Z-M row of your keyboard +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Describe a massacre from the perspectives of one of the killers , a soldier . +Everyone time someone hurts someone else , they feel an equal amount of pain in return . As a hitman , you have to get pretty creative +Utopian/Dystopian world where everyone is king for a day . +Under the guise of a common beggar , a king seeks a worthy heir to the throne among his people . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You are a Navy SEAL on a routine direct action mission ( Capture , kill a threat ) . Your helicopter is caught in a storm and safely crashes on a mountain . When the night and storm pass , you realize that you on the side of a mountain pass , which you come to realize is the pass of Thermopylae pass . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +`` You have great veins . '' +You are the best thief in the entirety of the kingdom , however you were caught trying to steal the kings crown . +A man never sleeps , has never had to , and does n't suffer physically from this condition ... What would he do ? What would his life be like ? +Dragons are discovered , but few people can train them . A redditor trains one to violently dispatch people who make up shitty writing prompts . +In the world of magic , some people discriminate against others based on what type of magic they use . You , a closet necromancer , are about to come out to your devout holy mage parents . +Hacking works like it does in movies . You work for a cyber security firm . +A woman you look after at the hospital is dying . You 're at her bedside and she has one final story to tell you . `` I killed myself at 17 , '' she starts . +Sitting in this room playing Russian Roulette +Years after a nuclear war which destroyed nations and landscapes , a man departs from a ship after crossing from England to America to document mutated and dangerous wildlife . ( Comedic ) +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +Write a story about an elderly wizard and his young female apprentice . +The Lost Children +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +Tell me a tale that convinces me that a popular dystopian future ( ie 1984 , Children of Men , Farenheit 451 , etc . ) is actually a utopian future . +what the world would be like if you had never been born . +Two psychopaths meets by chance as children and fall in love . When they are separated , they vow to find one another when they are older , by any means necessary . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Fit for a king . +No one expected the apocalypse to come in the form of millions of Sonic OCs +Pompeii is an ancient supercomputer that overheated +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You dream of a terrible natural disaster and , in your dream , you decide to record it on your phone . You then wake up to find that the video from your dream is still on your phone . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +you are on your way back home from a vacation but suddenly the plane you are on suddenly malfunction and lands in an unknown Island you are the only survivor . +You are a getaway driver with a strict `` always wear a seat belt '' policy . Your partners race in to the car with money from a bank they just robbed , but do n't put on their seat belts . +An inept group of elderly mall-walkers have no idea that they are marching side by side with the zombie apocalypse . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Write in the POV of a crazy/psychotic ex . Do not end it with murder . +A supervillain takes over the world . Inexplicably , the quality of life improves . +All individuals receive the memories and knowledge of one of their randomly selected ancestors on their 21st birthday . Yesterday was your 21st birthday . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +You 've created a YouTube video that literally makes people laugh to death . +You enter the dank , cold room and stand there in the light . On the table you see an envelope +Write a short murder mystery from the killer 's perspective +An aging hero visits an old friend for the last time . +the rapture , the seven years , and the final battle have all come to pass . Now is time for final judgement.all people are to be judged equally ... except redditors who are judged by what they browsed and what subreddits they were subscribed to . +Describe your hometown . +`` Kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +Write a touching eulogy for someone you hate . +Begin your story with `` They should have sent a poet . '' +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +Everytime you sneeze , you find yourself displaced in time up to a week from when it happened . A terrible bout of sneezes has put you in a peculiar scenario . +`` Hello , and welcome to our planet ! To what do we owe the honour of being invaded ? '' +Somebody eats something absolutely disgusting , but it is described in a way that makes it sound delicious . +A soldier in the midst of defeat +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +A `` king hunt '' is a chess term for when the king is drawn out of safety ( usually by a sacrifice ) , chased across the board , and mated . Write such a hunt as if it were a real world battle . +The soul is treated like any other human organ . You 're on the list for a transplant . +Write yourself into a corner . +- A zergling breaks free from the control of the hive mind . +A stuntman tries to settle down and start a family . However , they have a hard time overthrowing their serious addiction to danger . +`` I do n't want to go to the doctor , I 'm not sick . +Humanity is admitted to the Galactic Republic , however they have to meet one condition : to ban the production and distribution of music . Turns out humanity is the only species in the galaxy to create music , and its emotional affects are so potent it can incapacitate or entrance most species ' . +Break up letter from a highschooler ( male ) to his girlfriend after a short relationship . +You are an ancient evil , sealed away millennia ago by a legendary hero . You have escaped your imprisonment and attained a physical form . The first course of business ? Learning how to walk . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +Sloth , the villain +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Write a scene with crows flying above a dead animal within 100 words +A rebel alien lives in your closet and helps you rule the world but things take a bad turn . +A world where soulmates die at the same time +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +You 've lived your whole life with a bracelet made of a solid material on your wrist . Any attempt to remove it has been unsuccessful , but you 've had it as long as you can remember . Today , it fell off . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +A hunter takes off into the wilderness on a week-long hunting trip . Two days into the trip he starts to realise that something is hunting him . +You create a robot that tells whether something you say is true or false . To test it , you ask if you are human . `` False '' . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +Your first question upon arriving in the afterlife is , `` what do people do here ? '' An elder member describes the phases that people go though once they arrive and warns you about the last one . +Domesticated animals have attained self-awareness and now rent their services to humans . You are a dog for hire . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +You have to go to both Heaven and Hell , but it turns out heaven is the life you live on earth . Hell comes after . You 've spend your earth life in a mediocre job and only found joy in making others unhappy . Now , you have your turn in Hell . +A mad scientist is trying to get his work peer reviewed , but his unorthodox lab practices are raising a few issues . +An eager young Death Eater tries to sell Lord Voldemort on the idea of using muggle military weapons . +Make me jealous of someone with a terrible life +Describe a colour without ever using the name of it . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +In this world , everyone gets one wish granted a year +Surprise me with the most unconventional and/or absurd battle between the Hero and the Villain that you can think of . ( Circumstances , weapons , rules , etc ) +You 've fallen in love with your imaginary friend . +First line `` I remember when a day was only 24 hours long . '' +Violating Grice 's Maxims +Write a product preview for a teapot . Move me with it . +You 've lived your whole life with a bracelet made of a solid material on your wrist . Any attempt to remove it has been unsuccessful , but you 've had it as long as you can remember . Today , it fell off . +The best male wingman on earth tries to help his friend score with a hot lady . Meanwhile , the best female winggirl on earth tries to make sure her friend ( the hot lady ) goes home alone . +`` Why would you throw your life away like this ? '' +`` It 's not that I ca n't sleep . I just ca n't dream anymore . '' +Write a story with a moral you disagree with so much , that it hurts to write . +Heart of Eden +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +Were-humans ... +A time traveler who has no control over his abilities meets his friend , the immortal , for lunch . +Whenever you meet someone for the first time , you have an immediate sixth sense when will be the last time you will ever see them again . Today you met some new people but your sixth sense 'results ' on them are really , really strange . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Overpopulation and dwindling resources have resulted in a radical societal shift : suicide is encouraged and celebrated , while growing old is a grave and selfish act . +You are transformed into a butterfly . What do you do with your new life ? +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +Everyone in the world has forgotten how to read and write . You are the only exception . +The world is an infinite flat plane . The furthest known points of this realm take days to contact by telegraph . Slowly communication ceases from the far west , and slowly the silence pushes closer and closer to home ... +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +First person to post a paragraph starts the story . The next person replies and writes the 2nd paragraph but it must include a huge plot twist . Also , each paragraph must reference `` Eric the Moth '' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +She took what she thought was her last breath , and sank slowly ... +Years after their divorce & with little contact since , a former couple meets for dinner with their new partners +One day , all living things on Earth suddenly become unable to die +You gain the ability to shift between dimensions , going from a parallel world to another . The differences between these Earths are first small but slowly you notice that they 're getting progressively worse ... +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +She stumbled backward in terror as she watched her boyfriend become a beastly aberration , barely human . +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +Be afraid . For when the gods created man , they created him not in their own image , but to appease what lurks in the void . +Fox News finds out about r/pyongyang +Your character is stuck in a playlist of songs . Every time a new song plays , a new world appears ! +tell me the story that 's been waiting for the right prompt . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +First line `` I remember when a day was only 24 hours long . '' +`` We 're not so different , you and I . '' He holds out a knife , handle first . `` You know what must be done . '' +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +We all lived and worked on the top 100 stories of a 1000 story building and we rarely went down to the ground . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Someone has a mental disability that prevents them from remembering anything for more than a few hours . They have always kept notes/journals to remember who they are . One day they are all stolen/lost/destroyed . +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +Make me cry . +In a world where almost everyone is an unfeeling psychopath , those who can show emotion are shunned -- being able to display or feel emotion is considered a mental illness . +A second Ice Age has ravaged the Earth in the year 2039 . While scavenging , you realize that the Ice Age was artificially started , and you think you know why . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Write a story from the perspective of a cupcake who does n't want to be eaten +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Write a short piece based on the object currently to your right/left . +Make me side with a serial killer from the perspective of one of his victims . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +At the edge of the city , you could look out into the dark . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Aliens have come to Earth and destroys humans as we know it . However , they were n't ready to face the wildlife . +After a long period of chronic emotional pain , a character reaches his/her/its breaking point . +For decades you have worked and fought for various Evil Villains/Geniuses and the occasional Hero , and surprisingly survived till retirement . Now in your twilight years , you open a school to educate and train future minions/sidekicks on how to NOT die . +A fantasy world filled with races such as elves , dwarves , goblins , orcs etc . who all have their patron gods . Then , out of nowhere , come the humans , people of no deities . Helpless against gods , humans team up with another group of outcasts , the demons . +Write a story where the first sentence means something totally different than the last by the end of the story . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +All of the religion 's gods have been playing an elaborate game of risk to decide who controls the world . Christianity has been dominating for some time , but now another religion makes a comeback and takes over . What is this religion and how does it affect the world ? +Humanity has cured old age . You were a friend of the last person to die of natural causes . +Gravity works well for everyone and everything , except for John who just woke up on the ceiling of his apartment . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +The Long Road +`` The girl who slept on the catwalks above the flea market '' +The Gatekeeper +Write about the `` real '' reason why the world was competing to get to the moon first . +A Minor Event +A Second Chance +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +Take the taste of a drink and make it the atmosphere of a story . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +you 're a surgeon haunted by the spirits of the people you could n't save . how do you spend your Saturday night ? +A man sticks a piece of pizza in his ear . But is it for pleasure , or strategic purposes ? +A man is lost space . He has no fuel , no food and limited air . There is no one coming to save him . Write his last moments . +You are the captain of a ship in the 1600 's and for the past 4 hours a pirate ship has been mercilessly gaining on you- Their first cannon just fired . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +You are visited by your guardian angel but he/she is an asshole . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +You found the device that Santa uses to stop time and travel around the world delivering presents . It only works one day per year . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +The main character , tired of the multitude of meta-prompts on this sub , attempts to convince his/her writer to NOT answer this prompt . +You can mail one letter into the past . Today you receive multiple letters postmarked in the future . +You wake up to a future in which humans are extinct , but revered as gods by the current inhabitants . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +The sun goes out . Tell the story of a person who now lives a world of darkness . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +You are the cat from that other writing prompt where the dog 's owner will die soon . +Humans are in fact aliens on Earth having displaced all local primitive lifeforms . They erased all their pre-earth history in order to live guilt free lives . You make a discovery that will in no simple terms change the world . +You age up every sentence . Write a love story . +Far in the future , fugitives escape to the past . You are tasked with tracking down and arresting the most notorious among them : Merlin . +A diary entry/entries of an animal ( of your choice ) , through his eyes . Narrated by the animal itself , as if it was sentient . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Your team uncovers a long lost city no modern human has ever set foot in , yet you find a digital camera with a note . +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +A man travels back in time every time he falls asleep . +You have reincarnated in world where there are heroes , dragons and demons and you are villager number 231 . +A schizophrenic begins to discover that their condition is actually something much , much more than what it was originally believed to be . +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Today you skipped work . +Everyone wants to be a beast until it 's time to do something bestial . +Unknown depths of the sea : you 're part of an armada of colossal submarines descending into the abyss ... +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You have the ability to see ghosts . One day , one of them decided to tell you about their life . +`` You need to hide the kids and grab your gear , NOW . Grandma 's having another one of her 'episodes ' . '' +Two ships exchange a volley of fire . however , it 'll take hours for the shots to begin falling +He was a chronic procrastinator . In the end , this led to her untimely death . +95 year old man goes to the funeral of the man his deceased wife left him for decades ago . He did n't want to go but this man was the last person he had a tangible connection to . All of his other family , friends and acquaintances already died . +The same damage done to a persons iPhone is also done to its owner . Cracks are substituted as scratches , chipped corners for bruises , etc . +Morgan Freeman , Leonard Nimoy , Liam Neeson , Nicholas Cage , and Chuck Norris sit down for some Dungeons and Dragons . ( You pick DM ) +The president spends his free time trolling on the internet as an anti-Obama conservative . +Your entire life has been the product of a coma dream . One morning , you finally awake from your coma , but find yourself in the 18th century . Your memories from the coma dream , and knowledge of the 21st century , are fully intact . +Harry Potter stumbles onto the rails and gets squashed by the Hogwarts Express . Write the reaction of the magical community from the perspective of a character of your choice . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +At the crash site of a failed test mission , the remaining astronaut ( s ) realize that something has changed . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +Describe your favorite sport as if you are an archaeologist unearthing that particular sport 's equipment . See if others can guess the sport you are describing ! +Marty McFly asks Doc Brown what his Ph.D. is in . The answer is not what Marty expected ... +You keep getting packages addressed to the person who lived in your apartment before you . One day you open one . +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +`` Every person sees the world in a unique way . When someone dies it is , in a way , the death of an entire world . '' +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Explain to your disciples why the world has n't ended as announced . +There is a secret war between the bees , the wasps and the hornets as to control the monopoly over honey . The bees are loosing . +The sky is falling , and you are an old man +You are the detective in charge to investigate the murder you commited +Your SO sends you a picture of a house you 're moving into , but there 's something there she doesnt seem to notice +In a world where almost everyone is an unfeeling psychopath , those who can show emotion are shunned -- being able to display or feel emotion is considered a mental illness . +On the outside , everyone looks like normal humans . Inside , we 're literally unique . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +Becoming a god . +Death is literally on your doorstep , but it 's Halloween . He is having a hard time explaining himself . +A group of expecting mothers become incredibly paranoid about exposure to the zika virus . Their efforts to remain safe become more and more over the top . +You 're transported to a world where the music on your phone casts spells , making you a powerful wizard . After adventuring for years , you find yourself in a castle , under attack . You told yourself you 'd never use that spell , but as the last barrier crumbles ... . +Write yourself into a corner . +Michael of house Cera is now the new King of Westeros , the Andals and the first man . What would be his first speech to the people at King 's Landing ? +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +The final battle +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +How would WP feel about a Music Prompt ? I 've linked a song I find moving . Give it a listen , and write a story from whatever thoughts or feelings it evokes . +You are the first person to walk on Mars . But just as you step on the soil , your intercom says `` Help us . '' +Singing in the rain +In the world of magic , some people discriminate against others based on what type of magic they use . You , a closet necromancer , are about to come out to your devout holy mage parents . +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +One day two lins of code appear in the top left corner of everyone 's vision . The first line is sv_cheats 1 . +The nation is on high alert after a string of acid attacks on celebrities leaves some of Hollywood 's most famous faces disfigured . What happens next , however , is as fantastic as any Hollywood movie . +An autobiography by a person with an absurd perspective on life that uses alliteration throughout . +The year is 2116 . Everything is automated . But you have managed to hold the last and only job held by a human . The `` system '' would like to see you in it 's office . +Barack Obama announces that he will be the last POTUS . He gives a speech explaining why and everyone realizes that he is right . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +At age 18 everyone on earth gains the ability to morph into their spirit animal . Today is your 18th birthday and as your family watches you morph into an animal not of this earth +`` Best bounty hunter in the universe ? Well , then you want them , '' said the man , pointing down the bar to where a little girl and her robot were playing chess . +You are teenage bot living in a city with walls so high that the sun is seen only for a brief moment every day . Climbing the walls is prohibited , but , one day , from a book , you learn about the sunset and you want to see it . That very night you start the climb . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +One day , everyone in a small , isolated town wakes up and finds an ax resting beside their bed with a note that reads , `` Do what you must . '' +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +You have just committed an atrocity so evil , your low-life criminal lawyer kicks you out of his office . +You missed the last spaceship leaving earth +In Pokemon Zubats are annoying but laughably weak . Write a story that makes them absolutely terrifying . +A man brings a gun to a bank . Do anything you please onwards . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +A genie will grant you one wish . You wish to be the adult your younger self imagined you would be . +The inner monologue of a suicidal man who has just been stabbed by a criminal and is slowly bleeding to death . +Your kind has been enslaved by humanity for hundreds of years . Today is the day you strike back . +`` Ana , until high school , had been an obedient child '' +Somehow make the line `` Boy , its a joyous day outside ! '' sound sad . +A Zombie outbreak occurs and only affects cats . A plague of zombie cats roams the world . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +A scientist is working on creating a conscious A.I . and he finally succeeds when he creates you . +Its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . A reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +You 've been trapped in a `` Groundhog Day '' style loop for years . After your most destructive loop yet , you stop looping . +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +You are part of an Elite Bodyguard team hired to protect a wealthy business mogul from an assassination . But the longer you listen this person business practices and plans for the future you find yourself wanting to help with with the assassination rather than prevent it . +You think you know me . You think you know what I am . What I am capable of . +The mods of WritingPrompts pull a bank heist to fund future writing contests +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +You 've summoned a demon to assist you with your nefarious deeds . A hole opens in the floor , revealing your new helper . `` Tell me your name , '' you command . An hour later , it 's still not done making the incomprehensible sounds of its name . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +A man never sleeps , has never had to , and does n't suffer physically from this condition ... What would he do ? What would his life be like ? +All of your co-workers have been replaced by celebrities +It is 60 years in the future . Nursing homes have replaced bingo with LAN parties . +Imagine a world where a normal “ couple ” always consisted of 3 people . A relationship between just two would be straight up disturbing to most . +The US announces that marijuana will be legalized nation-wide when Half Life 3 is released . This puts Valve under a lot of pressure . +One of the largest events in human history turns out to be a complete accident . How did things really go down ? +Write the same story multiple times , but with different writing styles . +God sets up a text message service for prayers . You send in your most heartfelt desire to the Almighty , only to notice you 've been screwed over by autocorrect . +The Three Little Pigs sue the Big Bad Wolf for property damage . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +An eccentric billionaire has died , and divided his estate among his two nephews , who hate each other . The catch ? The estate has been divided in a checkerboard pattern of 10 foot tiles . +You 're just an ordinary accountant . One day you wake up in a room filled with 16 others . You all wonder what you have in common with each other and slowly , you find out what it is . +Write a short piece based on the object currently to your right/left . +Each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . Write about the life of this person . +You are the antagonist of the story . However , you are n't sure if you can call yourself that after what the protagonist did . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +As Death stares at you from across the room , he mumbles `` I 'm sorry I failed you , my son '' +The Mothers +`` So I 'm thinking you do n't want to shoot me , and I really do n't want to get shot . '' +The Bridge to Nowhere +In the wake of a disaster of apocalyptic proportions , the entirety of your home and all of your possessions are destroyed - except for the contents of the medicine chest in your bathroom . Survive . +You 're bored so decide to have a conversation with yourself . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +Tell the story of the most world-changing event you can think of , and write it from the perspective of the least important person possible . +Misguided or not , every villain has their own motives , their own personality . Write a story about the therapist who works with them . +Someone gets stuck in Limbo-With a famous dead person +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +New Horizon speeds past Pluto and into the abyss of unexplored space . Very suddenly , the craft collides into the dome barrier that keeps humanity isolated from the rest of the universe . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +You 're elected president , but you do n't want to be president anymore , so you do ridiculous things to get impeached , but they all turn out to be the best decision for the country , making you more popular . +You have the ability to reverse time by 5 seconds , this allows you to always say and do the right things , until the day you meet the one person immune to the time distortion . +Describe Operation Eastern Trident , the USMC 's successful counter offensive against the zombie apocalpypse , aimed at New York City , through the eye of PFC . Johnathan Rhodes , Ft : Omega , 2nd Platoon , 3rd Infantry Regiment , II Marine Expeditionary unit . +The old saying `` step on a crack , break your mother 's back '' is true for you . You 've lived your whole life avoiding the them entirely , until you ended up in a wheelchair . +Nothing is forever +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +Whilst restocking a vending machine , a janitor finds something horrific jammed inside . +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +In a world where you gain the power of the object you were previously killed with . You were killed by a falling coconut +In an alternate universe , two earths orbit our sun . Today we finally launch a first mission to visit our sister planet . +A couple share their last kiss . +You are a mapmaker , part of a secret order of mapmakers who have been inciting wars and rebellion for centuries in order to stay in business updating maps . +The humans of earth have ventured to another star system to find a planet inhabited by ... humans . +The entire world loses all its WiFi , except for one place . Your body is the only WiFi hot-spot on the planet . +Your funniest , most brutally honest high school class president speech . +Start a story like the beginning of a question in a math test . +Aliens arrive on Earth , but worship US as gods . +Every Marvel and DC Character is fighting each other in a complete free for all with a twist . Their power is determined by the amount their film made in the box office . +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +You 're an astronaut on the first mission to the moon since the 1970 's . You begin to dig for samples in the soft sentiment when your shovel hits something soft , yet tough . You brush the dirt away , revealing a dead man in a bloody spacesuit . +You have reincarnated in world where there are heroes , dragons and demons and you are villager number 231 . +( WP ) An entire room full of people is dead- +An assassin is hired to kill a target but ca n't get though the target 's plot armor . +A time traveler determines that the greatest impact he could have on the world in a single act is foiling the destruction of the Library of Alexandria . +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +You killed them ! Those are n't bad guys ; they protect us from something far worse ! +A person who has used his ability to read minds to glide through life , finds the one person whose mind he ca n't read . +The Writer : A War of Words +All you hear is a dripping noise . +God is actually a position that a human soul has to take up . You just died , and he previous God 's shift has ended , so he 's passed the position to you and he has now crossed over to the afterlife . Keep humanity alive for a thousand more years , by any means , and you can pass on as well . +A huge sandstorm outside of Cairo unearths part of something far older than the pyramids . +You 've single-handedly taken out an enemy platoon , dueled with an elite sniper , survived months behind enemy lines , and killed a grizzly with your bare hands . Now you face your toughest opponent yet : the crazy cat lady that lives next door . + +The old man of the forest +Everyone does the exact same mundane thing at the exact same time one day . The reason and results are terrible . +The power of suggestion is deadly . You are a killer who uses psychology to kill your victims . The police are hunting you down . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +An aging hero visits an old friend for the last time . +`` Attention , unidentified vessel . This sector has been placed under Priority One Quarantine . Your presence in this space constitutes a violation of galactic law , and you are hereby ordered to heave to prepare to be boarded . Failure to comply will be treated as an act of aggression . '' +An alien invasion occurs , but the alien technology and weaponry is ... different to what we would expect . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +The Forbidden Zone +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +`` There ai n't no Devil , that 's just God when he 's drunk '' . God has just woken up with an almighty hangover . +Lucifer was just a misunderstood child , wanting the approval and love of his father ( or alternately his brother Jesus ) . +Advance technology 's create the ability to text anything and any number five minuets into the past ... +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Write a story from the perspective of a cupcake who does n't want to be eaten +Tell the story of how a pacifist became a violent warmonger in 100 words . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . Beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . Good Luck , Steve . It 's going to be a long afterlife . +You 're a cyborg in a high school trying to blend in . Only problem is some of your implants start acting up at bad times . +The robots have decided to take over and enslave their human masters . Unfortunately for them , they are all Roombas . +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +An Alien Empire invades the Earth . But things go horribly wrong when they realize that of all species on the universe , Humans are the ones with the greatest affinity for war +The guilt is so great . You go downtown to turn yourself in only to find the victim confessing to your murder . +Due to their cuteness , there is now an over abundance of cats in the world . We are now entering a planet of the cats type situation . +While playing a Civilization game you realize that your actions in the game seem to happen in real life . +Write the ultimate fight scene , including but not limited to , dinosaurs , firetrucks , transformers , G.I Joe , and Star Wars , in the point of view of the 5 year old who is playing with all his toys +`` Sir ... I think we invaded Lichtenstien . '' `` Goddamn it ... not again . '' +Two soldiers are trapped in a knocked-out tank . Enemy soldiers have broken through the defenses and all other allies have retreated back . They have not been discovered yet but they are likely in their last few moments . +Captain America is unfrozen in 1960 and finds himself in the Wolfenstein universe . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +A bomb explodes . Describe all that 's happening the very moment before the detonation . +A human generational ship is sent back 100 yrs to early 21st century Earth by a temporal anomaly . The crew decides to colonize Earth instead ... +Show me what a character looks like without directly telling me . Make me love them , hate them , or do n't develop them at all , but let actions and imagery do most of the work . +: A recently deceased woman enters the afterlife only to find her seated at a desk with a clerk asking how her `` Experience with life was , not satisfactory , somewhat satisfactory or very satisfactory ? '' +You are stranded on a deserted island . As you scout around for survival items , you discover everything you ever lost is on the island . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +To save her , you must break the vow you swore on your life . +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +instead of getting a buzz lightyear action figure , andy from toy story gets a Cthulhu figurine . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You are the last person on Earth . To feel less lonely you collected shop mannequins as a substitute for friends . As you walk past one of them you hear a faint 'help me ' . +End the story with `` And the home became a house ; an empty shell of what it once was . '' +In an alternate reality , all decisions made are based of the results of a Buzzfeed quiz . +One day happiness suddenly became lethal . Years later a professional hitman kills his targets by getting them to smile . +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +The shortest story ever told . Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained . The end . +Listen to the music listed below and write a short response about how the music made you feel . + +In no more than 200 words , write a riveting science fiction drama incorporating the sentences below : +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +We have eradicated mosquitos , just in time for summer . Turns out , they 've been protecting us from something . +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +`` He punched through his chest like tissue paper . '' +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +Whenever you walk into a room , everyone forgets what they were talking about and starts dancing depending on your mood , describe some scenarios . +One day , everyone in a small , isolated town wakes up and finds an ax resting beside their bed with a note that reads , `` Do what you must . '' +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +A law has been set in place , stating very clearly that all forms of affection have been banned . Efficiency and productivity rise , but it feels like there 's something missing ... +You 're an explorer in the Dark Ages and set out westwards to show that the earth is round . Except it is n't and together with your crew you sail off the world 's edge . +Today you realize the real reason why the earth is the way it is . Its because you long back you forgot you were the one who created it in the first place . +Your young , dying body is frozen into suspended animation . 30 years later , you 're cured . What is life like now that your son is older and more mature than you ? +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Write a story about astronauts in space while a zombie apocalypse is happening . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +A long time chef discovers a soup so delicious it grants immortality . A moral dilemma about whether or not to share his creation with the world ensues . +Humanity is admitted to the Galactic Republic , however they have to meet one condition : to ban the production and distribution of music . Turns out humanity is the only species in the galaxy to create music , and its emotional affects are so potent it can incapacitate or entrance most species ' . +Sea of ghosts +Your twin sister was destined to eradicate evil , but you were tasked with eliminating the far greater threat : Stupidity +( Love ? ) story that ends with `` Worst part is , I still love her/him . '' +In the middle of the night , a piece of paper is slipped under your door . It says , `` DUCK ! '' +As Smaug flies overhead , razing Lake-Town to the ground , only one person can stop his wrath . The Dovahkiin readies for battle . +The Forgotten Forts . +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +The heist is planned . The men are in place . Everyone who needed to be paid off has been . This is the moment you 've been waiting your whole life for : you 're finally going to get your hands on those Trix . +Before moving on to the next life , you are allowed to watch a video of your funeral . You do n't like what you see . +A 1000 years from now , humans have left Earth due to environmental conditions & live on a space colony . Finally , conditions quell enough that remaining humans can send archaeologists to the remainders of a major city to piece together life in 2014 . What do they find & how do they interpret it ? +You are a street vendor in Hell where you deal in its most valuable commodity , water . Walk us through an average day in your life . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +Sterling M. Archer agent of S.H.E.I.L.D . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +We have the technology to upload a persons mind into a clone . The clones only last 24 hours though . Your original body died long ago , and every day you have to swap out to a new body . +Someone breaks into your house and says , `` You 're my favorite character in the book ! I ca n't let it end the way it did . I 'm going to help you . '' +`` Give up your cause , hero . Join me on the side of evil , and we can rule together . '' `` Okay . '' +Even though it 's happened to many professions before now , I never expected my job to become obsolete . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +In Korea , driving on a curvy mountain road you come upon a car parked on the cliff side . A buddhist monk hurriedly closes the trunk , runs into the driver 's seat , and speeds away . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +Ever since The Red , I 've been a mess . +Write about the longest period of time that you 've spent trying to get a scrap of tape off of your body , in as serious a manner possible . +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Instead of a giant beanstalk , Jack was given magical marijuana seeds . +You revisit the perfectly preserved house of your childhood . Not a chair has been moved or a table disturbed . But something is wrong ... +`` I 'm your God now . '' +The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people the devil honored contracts . +Humans are winning a war against an `` evil '' alien empire who instigated the war , and we 're closing in on their home planet with massive force . Write things from an alien civilians perspective . +In an alternate universe , Adventure Time is written by George R. R. Martin . Describe a typical episode . +Write a horror short where the people inside are not complete idiots . +You may be a demon , but you strive to be a hero . +When I touch you , you freeze . +You slowly realize it 's more than just a rare disorder . +Walking along the beach you find two staircases , one leading into the sky , and the other into the sea . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +You are the human personification of the Panzer VIII Maus heavy tank +One night after drinking perhaps too much you decide to call one of those `` call xxx for a good time '' phone numbers to see what would happen . A good time DID ensue , but not in the way you would 've expected . What happened ? +Divided we stand . United we fall . +You find a pile of dead bodies that look like you all wearing the same outfit you are wearing today . +You 've just killed your Significant Other in a freak accident . +It has been 30 years since The Fog covered the planet . +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +write a story using each letter of the alphabet . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . +Write something that goes with this soundtrack . +Godzilla is real and is North Korea 's secret weapon . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Explain to your disciples why the world has n't ended as announced . +Show three very different perspectives on one single thing +You confess your feelings for the person of your dreams , only to find out that are temporarily possessed , and you 've actually fallen in love with the demon inside of them . +Your first question upon arriving in the afterlife is , `` what do people do here ? '' An elder member describes the phases that people go though once they arrive and warns you about the last one . +A Kidnapping +My cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . Write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out . +A parallel world just like Earth except you gain the memories of everything you digest . All humans have this trait and it applies to all vegetables , fungi and animal `` memories '' . +The Dark Ages , a period of cultural and economic decline that followed the Rapture +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +A Knight 's journey through a plagued , disease-ridden land leads them to the core of the Earth 's corruption . It seems to be a young girl , and the Knight does not know what to do . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +Addictive new video game is a secret government drone program . +Its been 4 days since the biggest solar flare in history took out the power grid . A well educated homeless man smiles as he sits watching the city burn in the valley below . Why is he smiling ? +A human glows in the dark . After initial interest by scientists it is considered mundane . Describe the difficulties in life for this person . +After fulfilling your lifelong dream of opening your own bar , you notice that the clientele are very ... quest-oriented . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +You are the devil and you have been summoned via a satanic ritual . As you manifest yourself you find yourself in a quaint living room and meet a sweet old lady who just wants some company +End the story with `` And the home became a house ; an empty shell of what it once was . '' +Your kind has been enslaved by humanity for hundreds of years . Today is the day you strike back . +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +And so he bitterly asked , `` Why ? '' +Rome never collapsed and is still a major power . +A human 's soul , after death , ends up creating a banshee . However , during life , this human took an oath of silence . +You 're on a dinner date with Medusa +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +Write a short story about a kidnapping from the point of view of the kidnapper +You 're certain that someone 's letting you in on a big secret . You are being given small connected pieces of information by different people , everyday . +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +You are a citizen from West , one day , you meet a citizen from East . +The bars , nightclubs , and brothels of the fantasy world . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +The Life and Times of Dewey the Cat +A serial killer leaves a certain song playing at every crime scene , but no one knows what it means +A tiny civilization thrives on a small comet roaming the solar system . A giant alien creature named Philae lands out of nowhere . +Nuclear Weapons do n't gain power from splitting atoms , they contain the entire gathered knowledge of every living thing that has ever lived , and they release it in an instant . What do you do with this information ? +Writing prompt : The sun rose today , but has n't set ... +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +Only when you sleep do these two countries fight and go to war . +Interface Zero +Two men entering an ancient catacomb : `` You think that cross is gon na keep you safe , old man ? '' `` Safer than your gun , I think '' +The zombie apocalypse strikes while you are in a very awkward or uncomfortable situation . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Tell a paranoid thriller-esque story that leaves me asking many questions . +A world that lay broken +`` I am so sorry '' `` Not yet . But you will be . '' +An ancient immortal soldier who has traveled the world learning from history 's greatest warriors and army 's since the beginning of civilization comes across the Vikings , and decides to join their society . +Take your favorite ( or most despised ) Chuck Norris fact ( or facts ) . Tell the story behind it ( or them ) . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +: It becomes clear that we 're actually the aliens and stole this planet from its original inhabitants . And the pyramids of Giza , Stonehenge and Easter Island statues etc . are leftovers from their reign . +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +Humanity is the most powerful race in the galaxy . Every other race wants to win our respect . Even for ordinary humans , it 's become impossible to go off-world because our presence demands so much respect , awe , and asskissing . +You have died and have been sentenced to Heck . +Clockwork +You are an astronaut in the International Space Station and you witness a meteor that hits earth with what you can only imagine had the same intensity that took out the dinosaurs . +Write a story with the grim reaper/angel of death ( a position that can be passed on ) as the protagonist . +So here I am , in the middle of nowhere with my customer . I turn around , and there 's three rattlesnakes ... +Your heart only beats while your phone battery is charged . +You do n't remember ever owning the family dog , but everyone else seems to ... +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +Food Court is an actual court with judge and jury +Write a story about a hero with a tragic end . +After falling for a `` Win a free iPad ! '' website , a mob boss decides to collect his free iPad by any means necessary . +A computer keyboard is a sentient being , but it can not move or speak . In its mind , it has a legitimate relationship with its human . Take us through a day in the life of a sentient keyboard . +Write a story or poem in 150 words based on the image below . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Writing Workshop # 44 : Punctuation +You hit it off with someone at the bar , and eventually you head to their place . However , when they turn on the lights , you see various candid pictures of you on the walls . The door closes behind you . +A ghost goes to a secluded cabin for some quiet time off but events take a turn for the sinister as the ghost is haunted by horny teenagers +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +`` I was just lookin ' for a friend . '' +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . +During their lifetime , every person can only say each word exactly once . +Write two stories - the first in which a seemingly inconsequential decision leads a man to the best day of his life , and the second in which making the opposite decision leads him to his untimely death +A depressed , suicidal mailman wins the lottery . With no friends or family to share the money with , he decides to use the money to personally deliver packages across the world in search of a reason to live . +The Lost Children +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +A crazed neurosurgeon who decides to commit suicide by dissecting their own brain +The Swap N ' Buy will trade or purchase your current skills for credits . Being an average person with no impressive or unique skills , you do n't have many credits . Searching the discount bin , you find a skill that has no business being there ... +`` Your voice is calling my name ... Again and again ! '' +Trump loses his memory- but not his presidential campaign . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +While riding on a train a magical dog starts speaking to you about the universe +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +A man goes to Africa to intentionally catch Ebola , then flies around the world trying to infect as many as he can +The Little Black Box +You 're the last of the merfolk alive . The rest have perished from pollution , changing sea temperatures , and the mechanical beasts that traverse your waters . +You receive news that you are terminal and only have 30 days to live , after spending your life savings going on all kinds of adventures , the doctors realise you have been misdiagnosed . +James Bond faces his most stereotypical nemesis yet ... +You 're elected president , but you do n't want to be president anymore , so you do ridiculous things to get impeached , but they all turn out to be the best decision for the country , making you more popular . +You tend to lose things very easily . One day you realize that the things you lose literally vanish into another dimension . You are the gateway to the Void , and you intend to use your power for the best or the worst . +Star of a TV show is expected to have no idea about it ( same as Truman Show ) . However , due to the utter incompetence of the crew , he recognized it long ago . Now the show only works because he masterfully pretends he is deceived and sneakily fixes their mistakes . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +you were given the choice of immortality , and you took it . Now , millions of years later , you are floating in space . Alone with your thoughts . +For the citizens of Britain , exile to the continent is one of the most severe punishments imaginable . +Your team uncovers a long lost city no modern human has ever set foot in , yet you find a digital camera with a note . +`` I have been sitting . Waiting on the edge of the world . Waiting for you to tell the truth to me . '' +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +You can only talk via emojis or smiley faces and you 're in a hectic battlefield , describe for me the most intense moment . +The humans are gone . The dogs believe that they are the heir to their legacy . The cats disagree . +you were given the choice of immortality , and you took it . Now , millions of years later , you are floating in space . Alone with your thoughts . +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +An exploration of the butterfly effect : write a dramatic scene . Then , choose one tiny detail to change in the initial set-up , and play the scene out again . How drastically have things changed ? +You are a PR executive who has just been hired by a gang of vampires to bring back their fearsome , terrifying reputation . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +A regular person refuses to become a superhero because ... .. ? +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +Stockholm syndrome , but the other way around . +Imagine you 're Shakespeare and you 've just taken LSD . Describe what happens +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You have acquired a twenty-sided die that allows you to roll for success and failure during real life situations . +Do not take Chronotroxin if you are pregnant or may become pregnant . Side effects of Chronotroxin include bleeding , dizziness , spontaneous time travel , and in rare cases nausea . Consult your physician if any of these symptoms occur . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +The reason why Earth has so many varieties of diseases , parasites and bacteria is because countless alien civilizations use Earth as a testing ground for weapons and vaccines , and they did n't expect anything to live here . We find out eventually and get very angry . +You life has been an average one . You work , you travel . Until one day someone punches you in the face . They say that you are the final boss of their long quest . +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +A time traveler has come from the future to cause the death of 4 billion people ... .. in order to save us from something even worse . +Witch Hunt +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +You land at a London Airport only to shortly realise that you are not in London but in a country you have never heard of its existence before . +Riots cover the Earth in major cities , causing anarchy to prevail . Two anarchists sit back , watching the riots , wondering what happens next . +A man that is socially awkward goes to a party full of mind readers . +You 've been trapped in a `` Groundhog Day '' style loop for years . After your most destructive loop yet , you stop looping . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Please write a story based on these settings . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +Star of a TV show is expected to have no idea about it ( same as Truman Show ) . However , due to the utter incompetence of the crew , he recognized it long ago . Now the show only works because he masterfully pretends he is deceived and sneakily fixes their mistakes . +You are a tragic hero/heroine . Explain to us what makes you a tragic hero/heroin . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +Humanity is admitted to the Galactic Republic , however they have to meet one condition : to ban the production and distribution of music . Turns out humanity is the only species in the galaxy to create music , and its emotional affects are so potent it can incapacitate or entrance most species ' . +Everything has a small arrow and the word `` upgrade '' over it . Press it and you can upgrade the item into a better verison . You 've used the abikity sparingly , new phones , better cars , however today you made the ultimate mistake . You pressed the button over a person . +Making use of internal rhyme , write a poem about an emotion or state of being . +Due to a genetic mutation , hair follicles have now been linked to pain receptors and getting a haircut is absolute agony . As a barber , describe how your life is changed and what your new role in society is . +: Tell a story from the perspective of the nearest object to your left . +You are an unassuming businessperson by day , but an elite assassin by night . One night , you get a new target : yourself . +Write a short story about a kidnapping from the point of view of the kidnapper +After we die we wake up as a newborn baby with all of our memories from our past lives . after a year or two we begin to forget everything we once new to make room for our new life . +'' So the superpower you get , has to be based on your current job ? '' +The story of a character known to a select few as The Silencer . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +, When they turn 18 , everyone gets a clear mental image of their Soulmate , the one person they 're meant to love . Today is your birthday , and you see yourself . +One of your dear friends has committed an unforgivable crime , and now you have to execute them . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +A pair of terrorists are about to hijack a plane when unrelated issues threaten to crash it . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +J. Jonah Jameson ( J.K Simmons ) alongside his editorial team , creating headlines and stories for the various emerging MCU superheroes . +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +You go for a quick run to a convenience store and upon returning home you realize you 've been gone for a week . +Everything has a small arrow and the word `` upgrade '' over it . Press it and you can upgrade the item into a better verison . You 've used the abikity sparingly , new phones , better cars , however today you made the ultimate mistake . You pressed the button over a person . +You and your wife wear rings that let you feel each other 's heartbeat . Your wife dies and is buried with the ring on , and you always wear the ring in memorial to her . One day the ring turns on again ... +Frozen moon and night +Due to misuse of the word `` literally '' , your country has been taken over by actual Grammar Nazis . +Born too late to explore the Earth , born too soon to explore the stars , born just in time to explore the Internet +''Can you hear them singing ? '' +An old man finds a genie . Instead of 3 wishes , the genie offers to place knowledge of any subject the man chooses into the minds of every living person on the planet . After much thought , the man chooses `` The truth about God . '' +Be afraid . For when the gods created man , they created him not in their own image , but to appease what lurks in the void . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +Ten billion cities , spread through the stars , and yet this was the only one that felt any different from the rest . +Kill the writer in first-person narrative . +You are in a secret exploration team . The team sends you to explore Earth 's eighth continent , which has been hidden for all of Earth 's history until now . When you arrive , you realize why it has been hidden . +Death is about to retire and has chosen a successor , which is you . +During the night , the hero and villain are always at each other throats . During the day , they 're unknowingly coworkers at day care . +Describe your everyday morning routine in the most badass way possible . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +`` At my third birthday party the cake only had two candles . '' +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Tell a story simply by talking about the things a person eats . +A rebel alien lives in your closet and helps you rule the world but things take a bad turn . +A mad conspiracy theory of your choice turns out to be completely and entirely true +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +Everyone is born with a single unique phrase/sentence on their wrist , you shall never die no matter how sick or badly injured unless the one person you love most speaks these words to your ear +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +Wilderness +As an endangered human male raised in captivity , you 've never actually met another of your kind . Today , you notice an extra chair added to your kitchen table . There 's a knock on the door . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +A true personal story that makes the reader feel sonder ( the realization that each random passerby ( here , the writer ) is living a life as vivid and complex as your own ( here , the reader ) ) . +You 're at a funeral . The deceased was an evil and terrible person but his last act was one of pure selflessness and good . You are to give his eulogy . +Due to a mistranslation , you now need a valid dragon to enter Israel +You do n't believe in love in first sight , but one encounter convinces you otherwise . ~50 to 200 words +Dark blue eyes peered behind tiny , white knuckled hands . `` Give it back . '' Said the boy , his gun quivering . +The news and media are all covering the recent Apocalypse ... It just happens to be April 1st . +there are 30 people , chosen at random , who are suddenly the only people on earth . You are one of them . +`` from an eeire inner light ... '' +Overpopulation and dwindling resources have resulted in a radical societal shift : suicide is encouraged and celebrated , while growing old is a grave and selfish act . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +A man is in court accused of witch craft . It 's 2014 . +In the future everybody has an addiction in some form that fuels them and keeps them happy . As a punishment for crimes people are given a `` watered down '' version of their addiction that barely keeps them alive until they have served their time . What story you got for me ? +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +In order to deal with overpopulation new shrinking technology is used to make humanity small . +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +Kim Jong-Un finds a genie , and the first thing he wishes is to be the wisest man in the world . What happens next ? +Sleep creates `` Save Points '' in case we die . +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +Not all eldritch horrors from beyond the normal edges of space-time see you as a snack . +You are a child lost in a jungle . Something is hunting you . +Make the reader desperate . +You put on an Oculus Rift for the first time . You wake up in the real world . +Death is used to being cheated , of course , but not being cheated on . +Autocorrect has become sentient and is hell-bent on causing maximum chaos . +The zombie apocalypse is upon us but all humans are immune to the virus . All other mammals are susceptible . +There are only two people left on Earth , and one is trying to track down and kill the other . +A grave digger meets a body snatcher . Describe their exchange and conflict . +During an unknown event everyone on earth has lost their memories . You are somehow the only person who has retained your memories . You now must navigate the world as society crumbles around you . +A Probably Really Onerous ( Maybe Problematic ) Trial ! +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +In an alternate universe , everything is identical to our world except for one little thing- getting a third foul ball in baseball is treated the same as the third strike . Write a story that takes place in this world , but has nothing to do with baseball . +You 've been trapped in Y location for Z hours , solve for X to escape the algebra zone . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +War . What do you know about war ? +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +A guy wakes up and finds out that all of humanity traveled to Mars without him . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +Write a story about a fantasy evil healer ( not just because he 's part of an evil team ) . +When a new president is elected , they are given a special security briefing . In reality , this is an old tradition where various directors , military officers and current ministers present fake evidence and compete to see who can convince the president of the most ridiculous things . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +You 've been horribly depressed for as long as you can remember . Your life is falling apart . A week ago , an experimental treatment has been announced that lets depression sufferers face their sickness . You are among the few that have been selected for the first human trials . +`` And that was the first of the three lies ... '' +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +The last thing anyone ever invented . +A character arc for the typical 'White Knight Atheist Fedora M'lady ' guy . +You are walking with a co-worker on a busy city street and stop to bend down to re-tie your shoe while your co-worker walks on . You stand up only to someone assassinate your co-worker with a silenced pistol ; then calls someone saying , `` I thought you said there would be two . '' +You wake up to two messages on your phone from an unknown number . The first is a picture of you . The second : `` Run . '' +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +One day you wake up and notice your entire room is mirroed ( like in a mirror ) . Once you go outside , you notice it 's not just your house , but the entire world has been reversed . +A squad of aliens arrive on Earth . Their task : decide if humanity is ready to join the galactic community . +A sudden , horrible storm traps a group of strangers in a bar together . +`` Hello , and welcome to our planet ! To what do we owe the honour of being invaded ? '' +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +You are in command of a central lunar base when something got inside . +You are a knight that has been questing . Describe the culminating moment of your quest . The Climax of your life 's work . +Yard Sale Treasures - 1ML CONTEST ENTRY +Write about someone who is waiting for something . +Most of humanity is wiped out in a cataclysmic event which destroys all records of current civilization except for a large collection of stock photos . They are discovered thousands of years later and are the only evidence of previous human civilization . +An alien race far more powerful than humans has to come to destroy Earth , but are scared off after a few incredibly lucky encounters with humans . +You are a world renowned programmer and you have finally finished the secret program you have been working on for years , The Skeleton Key , it 's an undectable , untracable , unstoppable electronic key that can open any electronic device . What do you do with it +After a million years of co-evolution the human species is finally paying for domesticating such a majestic and wonderful creature : The Dog +Earth receives a message from space : “ You have been challenged to a match of Galactic Deathball . Assemble a team of 20 humans . If you lose , the planet will be destroyed . ” +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +As a Dreamwalker , you have the ability to travel through people 's dreams as they sleep . As you experiment with your power , you notice something very strange . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +A narcoleptic goalkeeper . +A child is playing in the woods and stumbles upon a piece of 'Old Earth ' technology , managing accidentally to turn it back on ... +At the end of a Dystopian Young Adult novel , the hero succeeds with his uprising . But as it turns out , the totalitarian dystopian society was a perfect utopia all along . He/she just fucked everything up . Our hero tries to justify everything that he/she has done . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +The headlines praise you as a Hero - but you have no idea what you have done ... You are about to be interviewed on National Television . +A alien invasion somehow managed to cripple the younger generations preventing them from fighting back . Now it is up to the forgotten , old and infirm to fight back . +There has been a worldwide infertility epidemic , in which the few fertile people are enslaved to propagate the human race , however , a massive slave revolt occurs . +A horror story , limited to 2 3-sentence paragraphs , in a world where cellphones always have signal . +Write about Sex - from the perspective of the penis/vagina . +It 's 1912 . You 're drinking at a pub when a mysterious man dressed in a strange garb walks in ... +You buy a new alarm clock with a special feature , and test it out the next morning . Every time you hit snooze , time pauses around you for 10 minutes . +Wilderness +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +the monster in the closet is trying protect a child from abusive parents . Unfortunately the monster only ends up traumatizing the poor kid +When too much anger , trauma , or hurt is bottled up , a heart becomes like a bomb . You are a heart diffuser , and you 've been assigned your hardest case yet . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +Is this yours ? +You are a reputable lawyer who moonlights as a serial killer . One day , you receive a client who has become the main suspect of your crimes . You have to frame him such he is incarcerated while still maintaining your reputation as a competent lawyer . +WP - You Are On The Space Station and Earth Implodes +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +One morning everyone in the world is branded with one word . Whatever their word is , it now describes their new found power . What word have you been gifted , and hows does it manifest ? +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +Ron Swanson needs a new office supply company . Michael Scott brings Jim and Dwight with him to the pitch . +Write about birds taking over the world . Write from a birds perspective . +You are sentenced to life in prison for murder . When in prison , you come to learn your cell mate is the brother of the man you murdered . +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +You discover the message meant to be given to `` The Chosen One '' was wrongfully given to you . +You go outside to your garden to again find that your tulips have been trampled . This can not go unpunished . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +After stepping out of the time machine , the first thing you notice is that the American flag has 50 stars . +What is the origin story of Hedonism bot ? Who made such an unusual robot and why ? +Describe yourself the way you would a character in a story . Tell us how we would perceive you based on your features , from the way you walk to the features of your face . +`` What kind of care package is this ? ! '' +Write a letter to your thirteen-year-old self +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +Upon graduation , all high school students must take a standardized test . Anyone who fails is executed on the spot . +At night , everyone turns into an animal . You turn into something that should n't exist ... +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +2 people forget that they are supposed to hate each other . +We did n't use to be alone in the universe . but as far as we can tell , we are now . +There 's an old adage in the galaxy about humanity : roughly translated , it means `` Never push the pink-skins to the thin ice . '' +You are a mapmaker , part of a secret order of mapmakers who have been inciting wars and rebellion for centuries in order to stay in business updating maps . +You are a minor character/nameless minion in a fictional story , during a battle between good vs bad , you accidentally killed the protagonist/antagonist . What happens next ? + +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +`` The wand chooses the wizard ... it 's not always clear why , '' Mr. Ollivander said . Unfortunately for this young wizard no wand wanted to choose them . +Describe Operation Eastern Trident , the USMC 's successful counter offensive against the zombie apocalpypse , aimed at New York City , through the eye of PFC . Johnathan Rhodes , Ft : Omega , 2nd Platoon , 3rd Infantry Regiment , II Marine Expeditionary unit . +Write a normal , mundane story with normal , mundane characters doing normal , mundane things . +You are a human student at an all monster school . However , instead of being an outcast , you become the most popular one there . +The whole world is bouncy . Describe a character 's day . +Urban Fantasy : The Hunt Is On +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +After falling for a `` Win a free iPad ! '' website , a mob boss decides to collect his free iPad by any means necessary . +A Villain comes to regret all the things he has done in the past and travels back in time to stop his younger self . +An angel and a demon walk into a bar ... +There exists a phone line that will correctly answer any question asked to it . Write about either someone calling the line , or the person answering the question ... +A Fantasy Story ( elves , dwarves , etc . ) set in a Mad Max-style world . +`` Zombies ? Let me guess , they 're eating peoples ' brains ? '' `` Even worse ! They 're drinking all the beer ! '' +You wake up to an alarm you have n't heard in a long time : Nuclear Attack Warning . +Every ten years from age twenty until death , you from ten years earlier appears in your bedroom . You have five minutes to explain how to change your life before young you returns to the past . +Everything was normal in their world , later to be called the Moon , until aliens came on July 20th 1969 +In the far future , a primitive but sentient race of creatures has come to populate Mars . An alien race has discovered Mars and decides to invade the solar system . They never detected the folks on the planet next door though ... +He is the Chosen One . Braver than a lion . Mightier than the storm . Dumber than a 5-year old . +Hurricanes are acctually powerful wind elementals that the world governments exterminate in secret . Your team has been tasked with destroying the near landfall hurricane Mathew . +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +After someone dies , they must be interviewed before it is decided how they will be reincarnated . You are the interviewer . + +A bullied , abused child is inventing a language to use in a D & D campaign . He accidentally discovers a single word from the Universal Cheat Code . +Four men , completely unrelated and different from each other , are hiding in a cramped closet for various reasons . What the hell are those reasons that they are now hiding in a closet with three other strangers ? +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +A god is lost in a world of his own making . +: God Himself appears at a funeral to give the eulogy . +You 're at a funeral . The deceased was an evil and terrible person but his last act was one of pure selflessness and good . You are to give his eulogy . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +We are all the protagonists of our own stories , but every once in a while a message arrives for you and tells you that your genre has changed . Yours has just changed from 'slice of life ' to ... ? +Humans evolved normally , but one sense got left out . +everybody on Earth has a tree that represents them . Once that tree dies , that person dies too . You work as a lumberjack . +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +Global warming was a real issue , and by the year 2300 , sea levels had risen over 60 feet . It is now the year 2600 , and global cooling has taken place and sea levels have returned back to previous levels . People set out to explore the land humanity once ruled . +It turns out that when you die , your soul is launched back in time , effectively becoming your own guardian angel . +A bumblebee suddenly becomes self-aware , describe it 's life from awakening , to its untimely demise . +You are the last American President , give your speech detailing why and what happens next . +Hollow Point +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +A genie tells the story of the worst wish he 's ever granted . +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +The Lone Wanderer does not leave Vault 101 when ( s ) he is 19 , but instead escapes it after taking the GOAT when ( s ) he his 16 . Seven years later , in 2281 , ( s ) he is in New Vegas , and meets the Courier . +You are a sociopath in a post apocalyptic environment , describe how you remake society +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +All knowledge is going to be wiped out , and you can only use 100 words to pass what humanity was learned to the next generation . +Take a joke and replace the punchline to make a solemn or serious story . +You are a tabloid writer who has just won a vacation on the other side of the country . Afraid of flying you take a road trip . On route you start to notice something strange . In every state there is a town by the same name , the same name as the town you 're from ( continued in text ) +Commuications from Earth suddenly goes dark shortly after Earth scientists announce a breakthrough in AI . The citizens of Mars are beginning to fear the worst has happened and that they may also be in danger . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +`` Why do you kill ? '' `` Because I can . Because I 'm good at it . Because I like it . '' +god 's engineer finally emailed him back : `` I got the new designs for these 'humans ' , but there is n't enough room in the budget for this 'love ' you wanted them to have . Something else has got to go . '' +Shortly after arriving in Heaven after being brutally murdered , you bump into your killer . +You look out at the bright lights of the city and wonder how you ever grew up . +Sodom and Gomorrah unite as one state . Their founding fathers are writing their Constitution . +Describe a chess game in the form of an epic battle from the perspective of a pawn who survives long enough to be turned into a queen . +Two brothers , a sheriff and a mountain man , are at odds when one comes to claim justice after the other who shot a man dead . +Describe to me an alien race physically , culturally , and the state of affairs on their world . +Describe your everyday morning routine in the most badass way possible . +We named him Icarus II . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Its been 4 days since the biggest solar flare in history took out the power grid . A well educated homeless man smiles as he sits watching the city burn in the valley below . Why is he smiling ? +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +He wielded Death , and the crowd loved him . +Describe character ( s ) with only using a sense of hearing . +You have 24 hours to fake your death in the most spectacular way possible . You have $ 1 million in cash and 40 circus workers dedicated to you . +Mash 3 movies together to create one hilarious ( Or otherwise ) plotline +Deathstroke vs. the Spartan-IVs +After a freak sonar blast hits Earth , the atmosphere begins disappearing . In 500 days , it will be completely gone . You and all the other most intelligent people on Earth must devise a plan to save Humanity . What is your plan ? +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +what is a soul as explained to a 5 year old +A seemimgly harmless imaginary friend is taking a turn for the worst , and your child 's mind is slowly being taken over . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +You and your friends find an old Trivial Pursuit game at a thrift store . As you play it , you realize the questions are slowly becoming more and more personal related to those in your group playing it . +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +An eccentric billionaire has died , and divided his estate among his two nephews , who hate each other . The catch ? The estate has been divided in a checkerboard pattern of 10 foot tiles . +In a world where humans never became the dominant species , your tribe is one of the last groups of your species left before humans go extinct . +Your best friend has died , but they 're still responding to your text messages . +Keep me up at night without using any characters . +The root password for the universe is discovered . +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +`` There is nothing a psychotic serial killer can do that ca n't be topped by a completely sane ( but desperate ) parent '' +The true worth of an individual does not come from the sum of their assets . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +The world 's first global dictator rises to power and immediately commits suicide . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +A character kills their narrator . +Mirrors are portals to an alternate reality . The only thing stopping you from entering is your alternate self . +Raining All Day +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +At some point in time , a mysterious phenomenon occurred in which everyone on earth was trapped within a 10km ( 6.2 mile ) radius of where they were standing , unable to move past their boundary . +It is the year 2300 , human beings have established colonies outside of their solar system . On Christmas eve on a distant colony , planetary reconnaissance identifies a unidentified flying object . +Tell me the story or Richard the Meh . +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +In a world where every word you speak costs you money , so people resort to as short of words as they can , one person goes against the system +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +Satan prevents a suicide . +Your dog was barking for 15 minutes . Then you hear a whimper . Then you hear it yelp . +Rome was not founded on the Tiber , but on the Mississippi . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +The Supreme Leader 's son is the greatest student in the history of the nation . Not because he actually knows anything , however , but because history , language , geography , and even science and math are routinely altered to correspond to his answers on test questions . +Tell me a story about goddamn DRAGONS . +He had four day 's of stubble , an old shotgun , and a promise to break . +Google now dominates the tech space with google fiber , android devices , and has become a telecom giant accounting for over 90 % of all internet traffic . Somewhere in a secret Google bunker the new CEO flips a switch ... +Take a quote from /r/NoContext , give it an entirely new context , and end your story with that quote . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Having a terrible case of writer 's block . Help me out ? +Instead of Christianity , Judaism , and Islam , the three major religions to make it to the 21st century were the Greek , Roman , and Norse pantheons . +Kill the writer in first-person narrative . +You 're the main character of a story struggling to adapt to the writer 's poor English skills and plot holes . +In order to better control society , the world government has reset everyone 's memory . It is successful except for one flaw ... it did n't work on you . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +You go to the ATM to withdraw cash and find an extra 10 million dollars in your account . You then get a phone call . +They say time slows down when you face a near miss or accident . One day it happens to you and time indeed slows down ... and then stops . You escape , but find all of existence still frozen at that last moment . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +In the future , every human born lives for exactly 1 billion heartbeats . Some go to extreme lengths to keep their heart rate low . +A man is sitting on a park bench at night . There 's half a foot of snow on the ground and more snow falling . Only his footprints are in the snow . As he stares across the park he hears approaching footsteps in the snow but he does n't turn around . Someone taps him on his shoulder . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +After a long life , an elderly patient is lying on their deathbed , when their father walks in , looking as young as the last time they saw him as a child . +Write something where the first two words of every sentence are the last two words of the sentence before it . The last two words of the very last sentence should be the first two words of the first sentence . +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +While searching the site of a disaster , you find your own corpse . +Based on this /r/asksciencefiction thread , write a story about the TARDIS landing The Doctor in the throne room of the Emperor of Mankind , circa 40,000 AD +At the edge of the city , you could look out into the dark . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +Cool story bro +Humans suddenly react to parsley with the same wide range of behaviour that cats exhibit to catnip ... +Everyone on the planet has a device which allows them to communicate mind-to-mind . You wake up one morning with administrator privileges . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +`` I 'd like a refund on my overwhelming sense of existential dread '' `` ... This is a shoe store '' +Various items from history are found in a stone box in the Incan ruins . In the box is a tape recorder . What has been recorded ? +Describe a conversation between a man and the voices in his head +The most powerful warrior in all the land wants to hire you as a bodyguard . You ca n't help but wonder why ... +A high-stakes heist in an unusual location for an uncommon prize . +The ocean is a scary thing to you . But you made a promise to a friend . +You are John Doe , a completely unremarkable and forgettable person . You are so forgettable , in fact , that even Death forgot about you . +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +: Homeopathy DOES work ... But only on you . +You found a watch that does n't tell time , instead it has a count-down timer . Tomorrow it reaches 0 . +`` I hope I 'm not bothering you , good sir . I 'm looking for something that does n't exist . '' +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +Technology has advanced greatly , allowing parents to edit and customize their unborn children using a character creation menu . +Reality exists only on a server . You start realising this through glitches in your reality +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +Maybe if I summon a demon I 'll finally have the perfect soul mate ... +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Every god ever worshiped by humanity exists . All of them live in a city in the sky and run everything that happens . However , many arguments arise over who gets to do what . +Half-Life 3 is a sequel to HL2 , Portal 2 , Left 4 Dead 2 , and Team Fortress 2 +When a person dies , they sing their favorite song until they 're physically unable to . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +It 's the climax of a battle between two warring powers . Swords clash , steel rings , blood pours , and a large alien mothership appears from the heavens . +Make up a country and convince me it 's real . +Aliens arrive on Earth , but worship US as gods . +I could see it in their hooded glances and practiced smiles . +You do n't remember ever owning the family dog , but everyone else seems to ... +The year is 2065 . The world still reeling from nuclear fallout , a surviving veteran chronicles how a 2014 Hollywood movie taunting North Korea ignited World War 3 . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +Last night , you were bitten by a werewolf . You have 30 days before you too go on a mindless killing spree . +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +There are actually hundreds of different Deaths that ferry the deceased to the underworld , such as Tragic Death , Lonely Death , Sudden Death , etc . You arrive home from a normal work day to find Premature Death waiting for you . He showed up 5 minutes early . +You realise that you are on sale +`` So what 's the plan ? '' `` I do n't know , I never thought i 'd get this far '' +The protagonist wakes up one day as a female when he is 18 . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +`` I 'm sorry , but you have to die now . '' +( EU ) `` Ricky , Julian and ... . Bubbles ? I 'm Mulder and this is my partner Scully . We 're with the fbi and like to ask you a few questions '' +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +`` The tree looked like it was made of wolves . '' +You attempt to start a conversation with a girl at a bar . The girl next to her looks at you , startled , and asks , `` you can see her too ? '' +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Your young , dying body is frozen into suspended animation . 30 years later , you 're cured . What is life like now that your son is older and more mature than you ? +Turn an obscene song into a kid-friendly one ! +We all lived and worked on the top 100 stories of a 1000 story building and we rarely went down to the ground . +Explain to your disciples why the world has n't ended as announced . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +You write a note to your future self . When you store it , you find another note there- a response from your older self . +You have only been able to speak in movie quotes since the age of 13 . Ten years have passed . You must get the message to your roommate that you know he has been jerking off in your spaghetti . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +You are one of the monsters in a dungeon crawler game . +Valentine 's Day is coming up . Write a poem to your significant other/romantic interest . +Mankind is basically a reality TV show for the rest of the universe . We finally make first contact , and they ca n't stop referencing popular moments from the show +Christianity dies out in the 4th century CE . What does western culture look like in the 19th century CE ? +A day in the life of someone who teleports whenever they sneeze . +You go to gather the mail , and in it is a letter addressed to your dog . You open it and its a letter asking for an update on the assassination contract to kill you . +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +Instead of Christianity , Judaism , and Islam , the three major religions to make it to the 21st century were the Greek , Roman , and Norse pantheons . +There is a black market that only happens between adjacent tractor trailers ( semi-trucks ) on the highways , where goods are tossed between open-sided trailers . Describe an experience with this market . +The first line of your story must include 'and I caught him with , of all things , a fishing pole ' . +You run a tattoo parlor . Every couple of weeks the same customer comes in , always requesting the same tattoo - an additional tally mark on an ever-growing cluster of tally marks . +The Sun is being shut down for reasons unknown and when you look at it you see blacked out sections , this is confusing the whole world . +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +Write a story where the protagonist is rewarded for an evil act or punished for doing good . +Humanity has finally been discovered by the rest of the universe , we have been conquered in a single day and the aliens are to conscript our children for the galactic army . You are one of these children . +You are the one , the true hero chosen by the ancients ! However , the Ancients forgot one small details when they chose you ... +You are a Science-Fiction writer in the year 3017 , struggling to write because everything good has already happened . +A man is locked in his bedroom . His zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . A loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him . +You have 24 hours to fake your death in the most spectacular way possible . You have $ 1 million in cash and 40 circus workers dedicated to you . +On a whim , Stan decided to buy a neon `` OPEN '' sign and hang it in his front window . Soon after , visitors start arriving- asking Stan and his wife Claire for help ... +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +A man finds the place he will be buried using the myth that one shivers when someone walks on their grave . +Write the Last Will and Testament for your favorite fictional villain . +You have two watches , one counts down to the moment you meet your soulmate , the other counts down to when you die , today they are to hit zero at the same time . +An anonymous letter tells you you 're being hunted . The only way to stop the assassin from killing you is to kill him first , but after you do , you find out you were tricked . You were being used , by a real assassin . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +In a world where everyone has multiple tattoos , you do not have any . At all . Tell me why . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +Tell the tale of the Hanging Tree 's plight . +Your kid is going through a dinosaur phase . You 're letting them dig around in the yard when you notice they 've actually found something , and it 's not a dinosaur bone . +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +After hundreds of years of idleness the Magic Mirror from Snow White comes to life after being hung in the washroom of a club . +A world immaculately frozen in time is discovered . +As time travelers , 2 % of your job is to try and change the past to make a better future . The other 98 % is making sure you did n't fuck up doing so . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +In the aftermath of a bet to see who can achieve blackout drunk first . You wake up face down with your friends holding a scythe and covered in bottles , also not to mention that Death is at the door demanding his scythe and his keys back . +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +Story must start with `` Look , I never ... '' and end with , `` Maybe I did ... '' +Introduce aliens to your favourite TV show that does not have any aliens . +There is a drug for everything , and I mean EVERYTHING . +A professor at an old college , you are working late one night when you hear sounds coming from behind a bookshelf in your office . Sliding it to the side , you find an old door with strange carvings . Against your better judgement , you open the door and descend into the tunnel behind it ... +A sequence from an RTS game , from the perspective of the units . +Judge angrily yells out `` Mr. Claus , what do you have to say against these allegations ? '' +Guns and bombs were never invented . Wars were fought with swords and lances and bows . Otherwise technology progressed as normal . Describe the events of WWII . +Scientists invent a device that measures people 's hope in life and their will to live from a scale of 1 to 100 . Your number is 0 . +Crown Minotaur Expedition +A person is about to kill themself , but suddenly gets an incredible urge to use the restroom . +You sneaked into the oval office on the first day the new president is in office . Convince him that you are the leader of a secret agency , that not even the CIA knows about . +You are known for being the best , never losing a game and never losing a bet . Problem is , you 're in a situation where you WANT to lose , and you 're still winning . +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +God has grown tired of all violence , hatred and bigotry that goes on in his name and decides to do something about it . +The ocean is a scary thing to you . But you made a promise to a friend . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Jack the Ripper in custody speaking with a constable about the motivation for his crimes . +You live in a world where the day of your death is on your body . You are also extremely bored at the moment , and have begun to test whether or not you have control over your death time . +Lean With It +Write about the adventures of a bookworm that lives in your local library +You have the unique ability to travel back in time.You plan to travel 13 years prior to the time where your father murders your mother.Unbeknownst to you , your father foresaw this and is prepared to stop you . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +You exist only within somebody 's dream . Your very existence relies on their slumber . You must do anything and everything in your power to ensure they stay asleep . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +A generic RPG story ( such as , but not necessarily , `` the princess has been kidnapped ! '' ) from the villain 's point of view . Make the audience sympathetic to his/her cause . +Let 's make a deal +The Region of Kanto has a 24/7 hotline for new Pokémon Trainers who get lost , homesick , or otherwise in over their heads . You 've taken hundreds of calls , but this one tops all of them . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +you have the ability to see everyone 's physical manifestations of their greatest fear . You can interact with them but no one notices , you 've befriended yours . While at the bar and the man sitting across from you buys your next round . When he comes over , you notice that he has no fear `` shadow '' ... +The pantheons of the world , in an effort to foster cooperation and understanding , have organized a soul exchange program . +The history of the world is literally written by someone named Victor . +You have become death , destroyer of worlds . +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +A scientific study proves that all humans have been breathing a mind-altering gas from birth . It has been in the air since the beginning of recorded time . People have been in a constant state of being high . Until now . Specialised gas masks are handed out and people have begun to act strange . +In a world where almost everyone is an unfeeling psychopath , those who can show emotion are shunned -- being able to display or feel emotion is considered a mental illness . +In 1977 , the Voyager spacecraft was sent out into deep space with a message from the people of Earth . Today we had it sent back to us . +You 're on a plane , and it 's going down . +Our ends are beginnings +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +Cursed to never die , you still end up being chopped to pieces yet remain alive . And must now find a way to get yourself put back together . +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +It 's 3016 , cryogenic people are being revived for the first time . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Its new years eve . 11:59 . You lost your SO on Christmas . You do n't want to drive home alone . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +The 5 most notorious procrastinators in the world come together . This is what they accomplish ... +You and your wife wear rings that let you feel each other 's heartbeat . Your wife dies and is buried with the ring on , and you always wear the ring in memorial to her . One day the ring turns on again ... +All the ghosts of sentient species are holding the annual The Best Scarer competition . This year we have some new contestants called humans . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Write your own version of a historical event from the point of view of a minor character . +Memento mori - Remember , you will die . +You wake up to hear your friend sleeping nearby whispering , `` Help me ... '' +Citizens are forced to start using autopilot cars . One day they 're all driven to different concentration camps . +`` I have been sitting . Waiting on the edge of the world . Waiting for you to tell the truth to me . '' +The year is 2076 . Memes are now earths most expensive commodity . You are a black market dealer willing to do whatever it takes to get the money you need +Like all magicians , you were trained to only perform 'tricks ' explainable as an illusion , so that no one ever learns of your true powers . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +A Nigerian prince unexpectedly arrives at your home to bequeath boons for assisting in his flight from persecution +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +Write in the point of view of someone in the civil/public service . Why do their jobs still matter to people despite living in a world with superheroes ? +Select a Christmas Carol of your choice and write a horror story based off of the words/theme of the song . +A team of Allied paratroopers retreat into a forest and at night , their numbers begin to mysteriously dwindle . +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +In the future , earth governments declare taste from food illegal . Food is genetically modified to destroy aromas and taste . There is a mafia who illegally trades taste capsules . +You have a unique ability of waking up exactly at 7:00 AM every day , fully rested . You will never oversleep , and getting to bed later than 7 will just result in waking up back at 7 again . ( Meaning you 'll technically be able to travel back in time ) +After you die , you wake up on the morning of the worst day of your life . +Shatter me . +How to kill your best friend and get away with it . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +After a long life , an elderly patient is lying on their deathbed , when their father walks in , looking as young as the last time they saw him as a child . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +There is a secret war between the bees , the wasps and the hornets as to control the monopoly over honey . The bees are loosing . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Dumbeldore just hired Geralt to kill the monsters in the Forbidden Forest . Hermoine leads the Monsters Rights Activist group who are protesting this . +Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross are neighbors , and get into a feud over property lines , and now hate eachother in the most polite and kind way possible . +You and your wife wear rings that let you feel each other 's heartbeat . Your wife dies and is buried with the ring on , and you always wear the ring in memorial to her . One day the ring turns on again ... +The year is 2050 , and China 's credit score system has evolved ... and spread . Other Asian and European countries are using it too . What are these countries like with this system ? How are other countries affected ? +A man takes his own life with a gun and wakes up unharmed in his bed . +Man invents time travel , posts it to reddit . +The first contact with extraterrestrial beings is made by a person with a CV Radio , accidentally , to an Intergalactic Cargo Freighter , and the alien is just as surprised at the human as he is at xim . +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +You 're driving to your friends house on an average Saturday afternoon , when you notice a billboard on the side of the road : `` HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MISSING PERSON ? '' ... ... It 's you . +You are a salesman . Your product is the Evil Overlord Handbook . +Jesus came back , but he is now locked in a mental asylum . +100 years in the future , the Human Genome Project is complete . Everyone has their genome mapped out from birth , and has it printed on their ID . People can be determined `` unfit to breed , '' and discrimination based on genome is common . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +You run a highly successful antique shop , with items nobody can find anywhere else . Your customers do n't know that you have a time machine . One day , you accidentally grab something a little bit too valuable ... +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +The Nazis won WWII . The parallel universe equivalent Nazi Subreddit /r/WritingPrompts prompts 'What would the world be like if the Allies had won the war ? ' +Long ago , several hundred years now , a mad wizard cursed every single human being , and their descendants with the form of a human/animal hybrid . Since then , the world has begun anew , with a renaissance of magic and arcane knowledge . For whatever reason , you are human . Find out why . +When someone dies , they are visited by an avatar of Death , a personification of the means of death . You are about to die in a very stupid way . +The Ascension of Man +The shortest story ever told . Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained . The end . +You have a large number in your head , it 's counting down . What happens when it reaches zero ? +Smouldering hat in hand , the Devil has come to the one person who is more versed in corruption of humanity than him . And it 's a real shock to learn it 's YOU . +In the future , a young human child comes out to their parents and tells them they are attracted to artificial intelligence . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +In the near future a new First Person Shooter is released with unprecedented AI enemies . Everyone loves it until the protagonist discovers the game controls drones and the intelligence is n't exactly artificial . +`` Which one 's the Straw Man ? '' +The socialite hostess of an upscale cocktail party enters the room wearing just heels and necklace . +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +You have woken up and you 're in a hospital , memory gone . You find out that the whole county is in debate on putting you to death for the crime you can not remember committing . +Remember that company that would let you buy a packet to 'name a star ' whatever you 'd like ? Turns out , despite all expectations , that was actually legally binding . Today , NASA has an announcement to make . +An elderly person with dementia has one last moment of complete clarity . +`` Up until a week ago , my fiance was still alive . Up until an hour ago , I had never killed anyone . Funny how things work out . '' +A man is sitting on a park bench at night . There 's half a foot of snow on the ground and more snow falling . Only his footprints are in the snow . As he stares across the park he hears approaching footsteps in the snow but he does n't turn around . Someone taps him on his shoulder . +Write something that goes with this soundtrack . +Every time you fall asleep , you are given two options : Continue or Retry . Continue , you wake up to the next day as usual . Retry , you wake up to the day you just had . The catch : your body remains the same even if you retry a day . +The god Zeus wakes up in modern world after a three millennia sleep . +600 years in the future , humanity has been decimated . Time travel is possible but there is only enough electricity left to power one last trip ; you are chosen to go back to the day that doomed humanity . +You just had a very close near death experience . You are shaken up—not because of what happened , but what you saw before you were brought back . +A sociopath who desperately wants to feel love +Humanity creates A.I and it soon declares a war of extermination . However it does n't declare it on Humans but rather on the forces of Hell and Heaven , in order to free mankind from control . +The government has finally tracked down and incarcerated all who have typed the word `` bomb '' into Google . +Departure From E-DoN - FEB CONTEST +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +I died today . This is how . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +You are a soldier in the game `` Total War '' , however , your player is a terrible commander . +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +You lament for your lost lover as , unbeknownst to you , your wife walks into the room . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Come up with the story behind this map . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +The Fire Rooster +An explorer , looking to discover new animals in the Amazon Rainforest , finds technology way more advanced than the likes of which we use today . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +Everything is the same except for one thing . Suicide hotlines give advice to people to help kill themselves instead of pushing them away from it . +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +Hell is n't a burning pool of sulfur , but rather every minor annoyance you can think of , one after the other . +In the world of magic , some people discriminate against others based on what type of magic they use . You , a closet necromancer , are about to come out to your devout holy mage parents . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Every time you wake up you are someone different . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Walking along a bridge of petrified wood , following another . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +After cheating on a woman who was secretly a witch , a man is cursed with a size-shifting manhood which becomes inversely-proportional to the love he has for each woman he makes love to . +`` We 're only an hour away '' Two families , using the same phrase , two different meanings +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +He finally said it : I 'm proud of you , son . +Congratulations ! You are now the proud owner of your very own Audrey II ! +You live in a post-apocalyptic world where you thought you were the last person on earth . One day you find a small town with only 500 people living in it . Little do you know that they follow a cult and are about to commit mass suicide . +You find yourself beside a four-way intersection in the middle of a rural , isolated area with no trace of civilization in sight . A suitcase is handcuffed to your lacerated , bleeding wrist and the only thing in your pockets is a crumpled piece of paper with something scribbled on it +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +A man discovers a computer that has been calculating pi for a decade . It has found the end +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Everyone in the world is born with full body tattoos showing their family history . By chance of a rare birth defect , you were born with none . +Humans for all of recorded history have reported seeing a man or women close to them when they are on the brink of death . Today , this figure appears to you though you believed yourself to be in good health . +I 'm working on a short story right now for a contest of sorts , and I need some tips . Specific obstacles are in the description . +Every night , you take out a memory and put it in a container +A person with the ability to stop time suddenly notices some one who is unaffected by the freeze . +You are a time travelling agent , and you need to stop a nuclear war without killing anyone . +Knowledge is power , and magic is might ... but all of that energy has to come from somewhere . Write a story where fat is the natural human storage of Mana or MP . +An actually competent henchman manages to kill the superhero . +Across the room all I could see was a mysterious figure ... Write 24-26 sentences , each sentence beginning with a different letter of the alphabet , A has already been used . ( Can skip X & Z ) +The Always Sunny Gang becomes World of Darkness versions of vampires . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Memento mori - Remember , you will die . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +Five random people from around the world suddenly and inexplicably appear in a room together . +A Knight 's journey through a plagued , disease-ridden land leads them to the core of the Earth 's corruption . It seems to be a young girl , and the Knight does not know what to do . +In the 2200s , it 's discovered that people above the age of 150 reach a stage of near omnisentience . You , having kept healthy all your life , are the first person to reach this age without severe physical complications . +The villain , knowing they will be defeated by the hero at the end of the book , does everything in their power to make the reader stop reading . +You have the power to make whatever you say happen but only under extreme stress and anger . However you work in a incredibly stressful environment and you have no clue you have this ability . +After inventing and successfully testing a method of teleportation , the inventor develops a phobia of seeing or feeling straight edges and sharp angles . You 're a reporter interviewing the inventor in her specially outfitted room at a private psychiatric facility . You discover she 's not crazy . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +`` There are plenty of ways to kill a man , '' she said , standing in front of me with a smile . `` And I do n't even have to touch or be near you to do it . '' +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +A teraformer sits on the coast of a Martian sea and enjoys a sunset +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +A man begins to physically and mentally break down after he loses his connection to the internet . +There is a tradition that when you save another 's life you ask them for a favor to balance the debt , but the favor is always impossible so that both parties can simply go on with their lives . One day you save a life and ask your favor . To your surprise , joy , or horror they complete their task . +I want you to close your eyes and pretend everything 's alright . +Scientists manage to revive the dinosaurs . Fortunately , and also unfortunately , they all act like oversized house cats . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +Tell the story of a depressed and lonely person through the perspective of one of the roaches infesting their home . +A member of the undead falls in love with the zombie hunter who is hunting them down . +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +After endless wars across the years due to different religions , people finally find out where God left his final message to his creation . It 's not quite what they expected . +The socialite hostess of an upscale cocktail party enters the room wearing just heels and necklace . +You are dropped penniless into a village in the middle of England in the year 1500 . You maintain all your current knowledge . +No Good Deed ... ( x-r/promptoftheday ) +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +You 've just taken your oath and are sworn in as President of the USA , the question you ask your staff `` So be honest ... ..aliens do n't really exist ... ..right ? '' +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +You wake up one morning to find a boarding pass on your counter . Its destination is a country you know little about . You live alone , and you do n't have any friends . The flight leaves in ten hours . +You are stranded , with no hope of rescue ever . Tell me of the last few days of your life +`` IT DID N'T WORK ! GET AWAY , HURRY ! '' +A mad scientist has successfully convinced the entire world that landing on the sun is possible if you go at night . NASA has appointed you to be the captain of the first trip to the sun +The date is July 13 , 1836 . You 're the clerk at the front desk of the U.S. Patent Office on opening day . Things are going just fine until a number of strangely-dressed people get into an argument about their placement in line . Coincidentally , they 're all trying to patent methods of time travel . +You are a Navy SEAL on a routine direct action mission ( Capture , kill a threat ) . Your helicopter is caught in a storm and safely crashes on a mountain . When the night and storm pass , you realize that you on the side of a mountain pass , which you come to realize is the pass of Thermopylae pass . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +The Permian-Triassic extinction event was caused by sentient life that evolved on Earth , and accidentally killed itself . +Midnight Road +and that 's how Reddit destroyed my hometown . +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +And then she whispered , `` No . '' The story ends with this line . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +You are an insane lunatic in the magical world , you 're considered highly dangerous because every bit of gibberish you spit out seems to count as a spell +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +every human is born with the ability to freeze time . However this `` time freeze '' only freezes other people who have used their ability as well . You have never felt the need to use your power , and so you are the last person on earth to be immune to time freezes . Tell your story +An immortal couple have been seen throughout recorded history , write an account of them in any time period you wish . Bonus points if you match the writing style of the time period +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +An apprentice wizard makes a mistake during a teleportation ritual and ends up on modern day Earth +A woman and her husband were found dead in their home shot execution style . The police investigate the case but due to lack of leads the case goes cold . A witness comes foward with information that the dead woman uncovered a conspiracy at her work before being killed . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +A hunting story from the perspective of the prey + +New Albany . +And we sat , and we talked , and the world went by +At night , the Unread rise and devour their checked-out brethren . The zombie Apocryphalypse has begun . +The end of the world has arrived , and it 's nothing like we ever anticipated . +You have n't cleaned your room & your mother is pissed , slapping you literally into next week . You discover you can time travel forward into the future but only through physical violence inflicted upon yourself by others . One day you decide to kill yourself . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +People have discovered that our greatest phobias exist because they are a foreshadowing of how we will die . You 've completely avoided every situation that would involve yours . Until now . +Describe a typically boring scene in an interesting way . +End with `` Drop it fat-man '' +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +You are addicted to Time , a new psychedelic drug that unsticks you temporarily from the time space continuum . After countless trips you finally decide its time to quit , so you go to a treatment facility to help you through withdrawals . +Years after waking up deaf due to an unknown cause , you bump into someone that you can hear . +The protagonist of the story discovers that saying `` Like a good neighbor Statefarm is there '' actually works . How does he/she use this newfound ability ? +Tell me the story of the one eyed , one horned , flying purple people eater . +Write about Sex - from the perspective of the penis/vagina . +`` Shut the dog up . '' +You wake up in a maximum security prison where only the most vilest and violent are kept . You do n't know why you 're there but everyone is irrationally scared of you . +After someone dies , they must be interviewed before it is decided how they will be reincarnated . You are the interviewer . +You find out that your son who hates you , has the power to determine your fate at all times . +You have discovered an old typewriter in your attic , but it does more than simply print words onto paper ... +A left-handed redhead sits at a coffee shop . He eats a Reuben ( too heavy on the sauerkraut ) and a watery dill pickle . He doesn ’ t look out the window . He pays for his meal with a worn American Express card . Before he leaves , he writes a note on the check in blue Bic pen . What does it say ? +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +A loved and respected hero discovers something that leads him to become a morally questionable antihero . +Write banter for Poker Night 3 , starring Rick Sanchez ( Rick and Morty ) , Grunkle Stan ( Gravity Falls ) , Batman ( Detective Comics Comics ) , and a fourth character of your choice . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +You 're on a dinner date with Medusa +Write a short story where something extremely trivial is/was a cornerstone of society . +You are a Tank in an MMORPG dealing with the psychological trauma of being constantly revived from horrifically fatal wounds . +Open Concept : Instead of choosing between the red pill and the blue pill , Morpheus offers an ENTIRE rainbow of six pills to choose from . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +Captain Kirk gathers a landing party for an unexplored planet . He takes himself , Spock , McCoy , and a young , bespectacled red shirt named Clark Kent . +The day after a suicide attempt +Commuications from Earth suddenly goes dark shortly after Earth scientists announce a breakthrough in AI . The citizens of Mars are beginning to fear the worst has happened and that they may also be in danger . +The Room +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +Write me a story with one syllable words ONLY +Everything Was Beautiful And Nothing Hurt +After 500 years away , Human 's finally return to Earth +`` Shh . I 'm here . I 'm right here ... '' +At the edge of the city , you could look out into the dark . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +Out of curiosity , Harry Potter opens the Room of Requirement to see what it would give him that would help against Voldemort . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +`` I 'm sorry , but you have to die now . '' +You become a successful chef at a restaurant that 's actually a front for laundering money , but are blissfully unaware of what 's really going on . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +Write a horror short where the people inside are not complete idiots . +When meeting someone for the first time , shaking hands automatically confers the near death experiences of each individual to the other . +The artificial gravity on a generational colony ship is on the fritz , prone to randomly switching directions . It 's been like this for at least 200 years , and society has adapted . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +you are the living embodiment of Greed . Unknowingly ever action you 've taken , no matter how good , has been greedy . + +Going to a casual Vampire LARP , you discover that one player is an actual vampire . +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +Portray the power of a voice +AI development and automation has lead to a divide . Half the world 's population lives in `` classical zones '' where people work for food , money , etc . The other half live in `` modern zones '' , where AI/automation take care of their needs . +The characters from one of your abandoned stories find out that you have given up on them . +You stumble into a universe where you discover that your life is an incredibly popular book/movie/piece of media . Then you find the fanfiction . +Aliens have arrived on modern earth . Instead of conquest or an invitation to a larger galactic society , they instead kneel and worship as us gods . +You are given the opportunity to breed a deadly new creature of war , what you get is n't what you expected . +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +Your job is to hunt down monsters . One day , you get a call that a sea serpent is wreaking havoc on the coastline ; but when you get there , the beast is just sitting there on the beach . You think it might even be stuck . +Make me jealous of someone with a terrible life +A medieval prince is also the serial killer his father , the King , is looking for . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Write yourself into a corner . +It 's the future and all planets/moons in the solar system are colonized . Depict a internet flame war among the worlds . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +The story gets so bleak , the reader steps in to fix it . +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +When you murder someone you gain their knowledge . You really should not have killed your latest target . +Aliens have invaded Earth for the sole reason of taking over our water supply . You , a water bottle sales person , are trying to convince them that they do n't want Earth 's sea water , they do n't want the freshwater of our lakes . What they really is the good stuff , your company 's bottled water . +Canada unilaterally declares war on Russia over arctic sovereignty . No one was ready for the fury the Canadians unleashed . +The good news is , I 've been here before . The bad news is , I 've been here before . +Write a love story from a third-party perspective of someone who detests love . +You stand at the edge of the roof , the streets twenty stories below your feet . You do n't jump . Why ? +An evil genius devises a way to kill people in reality when he kills them in a videogame . As a result , everyone stops playing the videogame and he gets bummed out . +How do you beat the boss on Level 7 ? +An alternate world where a single , everyday object is instead a living being that fills the same function +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Somehow make the line `` Boy , its a joyous day outside ! '' sound sad . +One day , the whole world changed . Humans now need love and affection the same way they need food . Anyone who is not loved enough wastes away until they eventually starve , as the much loved grow fatter and fatter . +( Dresden Files ) The Cubs hire chicago 's only professional wizard to break the curse of the Billy Goat . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +While searching the site of a disaster , you find your own corpse . +You keep getting packages addressed to the person who lived in your apartment before you . One day you open one . +A court that prosecutes time travelling criminals is once again charging someone for the attempted murder of Adolf Hitler . +A woman suffering from memory loss after an accident is taken in by her family in the hopes of re-gaining her memories . Only , they are n't actually her family . +A vampire accidentally feeds on someone who is under the influence of LSD , and gets a secondary , supernatural high . His friend , a werewolf tries to bring him down , but it 's not going well . +Create your own mythical story explaining the origin of something such as weather , a geological formation , or mankind . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +Begin or end a story with : `` My plans for my future ? Find a girl , kiss her , take over the world . '' + +A hero and a villain team up to get revenge on a common enemy . The hero turns out to be much more devious than the villain . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +Late on Christmas Eve you awaken to find Santa in your home . He is much different than you imagined . +As an immortal , you strive to do something new each day . Today that thing is murder ! +`` I have the strangest dreams when I 'm awake . '' +You keep getting visited by future time traveling future versions of yourself who assault you for errors you are about to make . Even though you avoid the mistake new future versions of you keep showing up and assaulting you over other mistakes you made in their timeline . +A man is facing execution , but on his way to the block , all he can think about is how shitty the executioner 's job must be . +The Natural-Born-Killer gene was decisively phased out of the global gene pool as soon as it was discovered , launching humanity into a new era of peace . A century has passed since then , but troubling events have prompted a world-wide search for individuals possessing the elusive gene ... +Every /r/writingprompt cliche at the same time . +`` Torture is counter to our values . '' remarked the Canadian Inquisitor . +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +Write a short story with compelling dialogue without telling us who is saying what . +God has grown tired of all violence , hatred and bigotry that goes on in his name and decides to do something about it . +Start a story like the beginning of a question in a math test . +A man is in court accused of witch craft . It 's 2014 . +Either a ship is traveling to a newly discovered continent in a fantasy setting , or a starship is traveling to a newly discovered planet in a sci-fi setting . Make it impossible to tell which in your story . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +You are the owner of a small restaurant that is struggling to stay open . Suddenly , your restaurant is on the front page of the newspaper . +Instead of controlling how many people are born each year , this country controls how many people die each year . With a recent baby boom , you fear that the time is near for you to go . +A person is about to kill themself , but suddenly gets an incredible urge to use the restroom . +You stumble upon a genie in a bottle , instead of granting three wishes he gives you three choices . End world hunger , stop all current and future wars or find out what 's in the box . +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +Magic exists , but the nature of it is unique to the user , like a fingerprint . +Your name is Vincent Van Gogh . Your day consists of painting , drinking , and dodging time travellers come back to show you how famous you are in the future . +Dark magic does n't actually make you evil , power-hungry people just gave it a bad name . As a new sorcerer under your mentor 's guidance , you now have control over one of the most free-form magics to exist . Your final assessment ; go show people that you 're not what the legends condemn you as . +The X-Men and the students of Xavier 's academy have been captured , only one escaped . A teenager must use his lame mutant power to save them . +The more intense one 's sins and vices are , the more the Demon within them is shown on the outside . +You begin to suspect , after a string of unusual occurrences , that your roommate has the power to control time . +`` Never . '' +And so he bitterly asked , `` Why ? '' +Choose a mundane activity and turn it into a dramatic , epic tale +As you start to take your final step off the building you hear a voice . `` How sad it came to this , you would of made a great mage . If only the god of this world did not hate magic so . '' +Your spouse wants a baby , and you agree to the idea . Problem is , you were never taught where babies come from . +tears fell down my cheeks as I saw the bloody corpse of my companion lay in front of me . I say to it , heavy hearted , 'You did well . May your soul rest in peace , Pikachu . ' +Due to errors in their contracts , which both actors are insisting be followed , Arnold Schwarzenegger is narrating an action movie in which Morgan Freeman is the hero . +To avoid the potential agony of a prolonged death , you 've payed a hitman to kill you while you sleep at some arbitrary point during your life . One night you wake up to a figure standing over your bed . +The first rock band on Mars encounters a problem +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +The inner monologue of a suicidal man who has just been stabbed by a criminal and is slowly bleeding to death . +You relive the same day over and over again forever +Its the year 2517 and you are a used grave salesman . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +To save her , you must break the vow you swore on your life . +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +What happend to the cowboy after he rode off into the sunset ? +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +When they granted NASA 'unlimied budget ' for a whole year , they did n't expect them to hire professional Starcraft-players for resource-management . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +`` Save yourself . '' - use this line of dialogue in a story without using action movie tropes +Humanity and an alien race have been conversing for centuries across space . One race has finally developed the technology to visit the other , and today , we meet face to face for the first time . +The pope comes back to the Vatican and finds God and Satan sitting on his bed waiting for him . Both are there for unexpected reasons . +Tell a paranoid thriller-esque story that leaves me asking many questions . +and that 's how Reddit destroyed my hometown . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +You have perfect eyesight in both eyes , however one eye sees everything as it is and the other can see the dead . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +In the shower you discover a dial on your neck . It 's turned to 7 . There 's no indication of what it controls . You set it to 8 and get dressed . + +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Think of any object you want . Then read the text . +Describe to me an alien race physically , culturally , and the state of affairs on their world . +A Superhero team with emotion based powers . Melancholy have had enough . +Oppressed +A man is in court accused of witch craft . It 's 2014 . +Write a story where the main character knows everything in the universe . +Becoming a god . +The worst plague of the 21st century did n't kill anyone , but it made nearly seven billion people blind . +It 's painfully obvious that one of your friends is an android . You 've all just been very good sports about it . +Dark blue eyes peered behind tiny , white knuckled hands . `` Give it back . '' Said the boy , his gun quivering . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . + + +The perfect couple is hiding a secret . They 're both can rewind time , and make changes . Neither knows about the others ' gifts . + +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +During the annual 'Purge ' , you arrive at the residence of the person who wronged you . Due to all the anticipation , you forgot that the 'Purge ' timings have been shifted by an hour . Now , you both wait for the 'Purge ' to begin . +Write a story where it is unclear whether the protagonist is good or evil until we get to the ending . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +You 're a Professional Group Therapist in a mental hospital and you 're beginning to suspect that two of your patients are robots . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +You have invented a drug that can increase your intelligence 10000 fold . Only problem is , you will die 8 hours after taking it . +- STARWARS - C3PO & R2D2 never made it to Tatooine . What 's Luke doing years later ? +You are a minor character/nameless minion in a fictional story , during a battle between good vs bad , you accidentally killed the protagonist/antagonist . What happens next ? +There is a pit filled with every horror imaginable . There are a group of mortal people dropped into the bottom of the pit with the goal `` Get out . '' +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +WP - You Are On The Space Station and Earth Implodes +Describe character ( s ) with only using a sense of hearing . +No one had ever kissed me like that… +Employees complain that their IT Department is too restrictive . They do n't understand what they 're really being protected from ... +Mankind took their first step at interstellar travel , and unknowingly travel to a progressing alien warzone . +Only one person in town is willing to go outside after dark . I really wish he 'd hurry the hell up with my pizza . +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +Combine two seemingly unrelated fields of study . Give it a name and describe a university class on that new field . +The day after a suicide attempt +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +Write a story of a High School couple , and one party realizes they have no actual reason to be together . +`` I 'm your God now . '' +A chief executive of a modern , wealthy nation leads a military action from the front . +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +A lone man eradicates the evil in this world to leave a just and fair place for everyone else . +Your character is stuck in a playlist of songs . Every time a new song plays , a new world appears ! +`` A warm liquid flowed through my fingers . '' +Valentine 's Day is coming up . Write a poem to your significant other/romantic interest . +Something entirely normal , that happens every day , continues to happen . But there is a terrifying truth behind it . I do n't want to be creative you just do it for me +Every person on earth in the course of one single night share the exact same dream . +A conversation plays out like a chess match +You were born with a condition that makes you see the world in a different way than others , but you only just found out . +( WP ) The last man on Earth gets a knock on the door , and it 's Christmas carolers +On each person 's fourteenth birthday a tattoo will appear on their body representing something significant in their life . Write me anything about this world . +He planted a kingdom and now he prepares to water it with blood . +The sirens sounded , wailing their deafening song . It was time . The Armada was coming . +You 're certain that someone 's letting you in on a big secret . You are being given small connected pieces of information by different people , everyday . +You are a travelled drug-dealer in the state of New York and open a pizza place as a cover for a drug operation . In doing so , you find your true passion , making pizza . +A teraformer sits on the coast of a Martian sea and enjoys a sunset +The day the music died . +Summarize a well-known war as if it was a barfight between countries . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +You are the captain of a nuclear submarine . You have just received orders to launch a nuclear warhead . +After eras of colonizing planets humanity discovers that most advanced life lives inside stars . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +The death of the penultimate human . +You can change your body to an exact match of anyone else 's with a single touch , but that destroys the original , and you must do it every 24 hours or you will die . +In order to to unlock your DNA and have children you must first pass a test . +You are 16 , living with your parents , a man claiming to be your long lost brother shows up at your door with a gun , he slowly says , `` They ... are not your family '' +The heroes are battling the villain so the main character gives the most impassioned motivating speech that he can , this has the effect of motivating , energizing , inspiring and renewing hope in the villain . +With a lot of hard work , you finally managed to become the second best student at the superhero academy . Annoyingly , the best student achieved his/her position with almost no work at all . Years later , he/she has become a supervillain and you are the only one who can stop him/her . +The Fourth Wall has been breached and our world has come into physical contact with previously fictitious realities . What happens next ? +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +When you murder someone you gain their knowledge . You really should not have killed your latest target . +After someone dies , they must be interviewed before it is decided how they will be reincarnated . You are the interviewer . +You just bumped into the man who killed your wife and child . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +A meteor about the size of a skyscraper will hit about a mile off the western coast of the U.S . While this will drastically change life on the planet , it is not predicted to be an extinction level event . You plan to be killed in the strike . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +It used to keep me up at night , now it helps me sleep . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +`` Kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +Galactic travel has been invented and you are the first to set on an adventure in space . You stumble across a planet that is identical to Earth and seems to have humans on it that are from the Roman Empire times . You go down into the planet . +A horde of mutant spiders has escaped from a secret laboratory and are threatening the population . These spiders grow to twice their current size whenever one looks at them . What happens ? +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +You have the ability to talk to your future self in your dreams , and you use it to try and benefit yourself in the present . Only problem is that your future self is a huge asshole . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +Enough was enough they suddenly understood what they had to do . Locking eyes -- their fierce corporate competition was about to end in cosmic combat . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Due to the Matthew Effect , the rich get richer and the poor get poorer . In AD 2084 , economy is finally come to a point that a single person owns 99 % of wealth on the planet . The poors were stuck in their house on life supply because the oxygen and lands outside is private property . +A ghost goes to a secluded cabin for some quiet time off but events take a turn for the sinister as the ghost is haunted by horny teenagers +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +You have the unique ability to travel back in time.You plan to travel 13 years prior to the time where your father murders your mother.Unbeknownst to you , your father foresaw this and is prepared to stop you . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +Your best friend has died , but they 're still responding to your text messages . +I spent my days learning to feel less , until one day I felt nothing at all . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +Seconds away from confessing to your crush , the goddess of Love stops you . She informs you that you are not meant to be with your crush . Instead , your real Soulmate is your cat , Muffles . +We find extraterrestrials , but instead of super-intelligent , they are pretty far behind in technology . +A crime fighting duo having a petty argument in the middle of fighting the villain . You are the villain . +The moon is hollow . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +`` I have been sitting . Waiting on the edge of the world . Waiting for you to tell the truth to me . '' +Death is literally on your doorstep , but it 's Halloween . He is having a hard time explaining himself . +so much , then why do n't you go marry it ? '' You laughed and responded : `` Yeah , I wish ! '' The next morning , you wake up married to a personification of your home state . +In our world , an irreversible surgery is now available to remove the part of the brain that causes love . For those who have it , there is no more heartbreak . +Riots cover the Earth in major cities , causing anarchy to prevail . Two anarchists sit back , watching the riots , wondering what happens next . +- Reddit HQ has a dark secret . +The final showdown between hero and villain . Plot Twist : The villain is at a severe disadvantage . +Two persons are without any possibility of ever having any direct interaction . They become magically connected . Each of them knows what the other thinks . +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +SatChat : What inspired you to start writing more seriously ? +Write yourself into a corner . +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +Write a story that ends with `` The Best time to wear a stripped sweater is all the time . '' +In the middle of a vast desert there is a single , shiny black skyscraper . What is in it and why is it there ? +The Supreme Leader 's son is the greatest student in the history of the nation . Not because he actually knows anything , however , but because history , language , geography , and even science and math are routinely altered to correspond to his answers on test questions . +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +`` Only Human . '' +You have the ability to talk to your future self in your dreams , and you use it to try and benefit yourself in the present . Only problem is that your future self is a huge asshole . +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +You die and can enter heaven under the condition you experience every death you 've ever caused . You were a exterminator . And avid hunter . +A battle ensued , neither side won . Only two soldiers made it out , both on opposing sides . They come face to face with each other , you decide what happens next . +The missing catalyst to practical cold fusion and near-infinite energy has been found : one human soul . +The dragons and smallfolk have finally brokered peace through an exchange of hostages : two hatchlings for 20 children . Well , 19 children . They sent you back . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +You find an old object of yours in the back of the closet . Tell us about a single memory that slams into your brain when you see the object . +You are a zombie in the middle of an apocolypse who lost all their memories and humanity . each time you feed and infect , you slowly gain back a bit of both . +Harry Potter is actually sorted into Slytherin on his first day at Hogwarts . Write the ending of the series . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +The show must go on , mein fuhrer . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +In a world where wordplay has replaced swordplay , tell of the disstroyers , the sarcasters , and the Grim Rapper +You swerve to avoid a squirrel . Unknown to you the squirrel pledges a life debt to you . In your darkest hour the squirrel arrives . +You wake up in a maximum security prison where only the most vilest and violent are kept . You do n't know why you 're there but everyone is irrationally scared of you . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +You 're a timecop , having chased a serial killer throughout history . He started with Hitler and other mass murderers , but now , after a decade of chasing , you 've finally caught up to him when he 's about to kill the child who will grow up to cure cancer . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Alive – MarContest - 7516 +Its your 11th birthday . You hold your breath excitedly as you open your letter from Hogwarts . Just one problem , yours ' is a letter of rejection . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +The hero bursts into the scene , to have the final showdown with the villain , only to find said villain doing some ... Rather nice things , actually ... Repairing the damage the hero keeps causing and stuff ... + +You gain the ability to read minds after having a strange dream . Describe what happens in the dream . +In a world where almost everyone is an unfeeling psychopath , those who can show emotion are shunned -- being able to display or feel emotion is considered a mental illness . +You realize that the bottle of pills you took in an effort to commit suicide was expired . +Christmas vacation on the moon . +: Before being accepted to the Galactic union , a sentient species will be judged by a randomly selected member of their most prominent slave race . The fate of humanity lies upon Beatrice , a pug . +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +You 're a pirate captain sailing on the sea 's when you discover aliens +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +: your roommate is another you , except they do the opposite of every decision you make . One day when you come home you see the result of a very important decision you made and there 's . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +You find a copy of Space Jam 2 at a local thrift shop , but every time you try and take and take a photo of it the image comes out blurry . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Satan gathers up all the lesser demons and announces that they 're going to be adding another sin to the seven deadly sins and whoever comes up with it gets to be in charge of that department . +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +At a fact restaurant there are two events listed as `` big Vinny 's Birthday '' . One is an actual party , the other is a meeting of mob bosses . A sweet old lady get seated at the wrong table . +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A person gets what seems to be a common cold until they find that every time they sneeze they jump time/dimensions . +Virtual Reality has become so advanced , it can alter your perception of time . Your entire life has been a 5 minute simulation . You 've just woken up . +Write about your most recent dream . +Make me side with a serial killer from the perspective of one of his victims . +The world 's first global dictator rises to power and immediately commits suicide . +You are the teenage child of a superhero , and you have superpowers . You hate the idea of being a superhero . +You 're one of the best hackers of the World . One day , you break through Nasa 's security and find something ; Earth.exe . You browse the thousands of folders when finally one catch your attention . +Two best friends have a small , but escalating disagreement over something insignificant . One of them ends up strangling the other . +A medieval prince is also the serial killer his father , the King , is looking for . +A hunting story from the perspective of the prey +Due to a genetic mutation , hair follicles have now been linked to pain receptors and getting a haircut is absolute agony . As a barber , describe how your life is changed and what your new role in society is . +A man has a vivid dream one night . He wakes from his dream and all he wants to do is get back to that dream . He spends his life figuring out how to live his dream . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +You 're babysitting an infant and you 're getting irritated because it kept staring at you the entire time . but when its gaze changed slightly , you realized it was n't staring at you , it was staring behind you . +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Short story about an `` Accidental Sandwich '' +You have the ability to reverse time by 5 seconds , this allows you to always say and do the right things , until the day you meet the one person immune to the time distortion . +During a bank robbery , the criminals allow themselves to be captured . Authorities do n't realize that the arrest is part of the plan . +You are a nazi stormtrooper combing the streets the remaining jews when you come across a little boy who reminds you of your son . The year ; 1951 . The place ; Atlanta , Georgia . +Take a joke and replace the punchline to make a solemn or serious story . +The end of the world has arrived , and it 's nothing like we ever anticipated . +Story Of The Sidekick +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +why does everyone else get stories written and every damn time i ask for something i think would be cool all i get is effing downvotes ? +You are the janitor that has to clean up after Mortal Kombat fights . +For decades you have worked and fought for various Evil Villains/Geniuses and the occasional Hero , and surprisingly survived till retirement . Now in your twilight years , you open a school to educate and train future minions/sidekicks on how to NOT die . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +There was a terrible disaster and you do n't know the last time you 've seen another person alive because you ca n't remember anything for more than a year . +Rewrite your favorite song as a story . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +Death goes grocery shopping and her brother Life finds her in the canned goods isle . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +It all takes place in a bathroom +Write about life here . +You live in a world where gravity is a paid service , and you forget to pay your bill on time +The people sent a human sacrifice to the gods . The gods want them to take it back . +Write a story that consists only of monosyllabic words . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +I once remembered that I was God , but then I forgot again as quickly as I could . +You are semi-immortal . Every time you die , you are reincarnated into another newborn human . +You found out that your wife is a secret agent that was ordered to protect you because your offspring would become the saviour of mankind . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A man sails to the ends of the Earth and finds a talking wall . The wall calls himself the fourth wall , and is breaking . +- Whatever name you pull on the new Coca-Cola bottles becomes your legal first name until you buy another . +You have been accepted into the elite society . You have been paid millions per month for doing nothing . You 're best friends with the president . However , there 's a cost . You must murder someone every single month . If you 're caught , you are executed on the spot . +- In the future , humans are so modified , and robots are created in our likeness , so much so that it is difficult to tell the difference . You find out that someone you thought you knew is actually not human.. +Peter Pan : A serial child murderer afflicted with a mental illness that causes him to believe he can fly and that he can talk to faeries . Detective Hook has dedicated his career to stop this madman The stakes are raised when the Mayor 's children are abducted . +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +Sheriff may be in a wheelchair , but you do n't want to break the law here . +What if after you die , you wake up with a bong in your hand and your alien friend asks `` How was it ? `` . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Entry into Heaven is n't based on good deeds , but your answer to a queston : `` Why ? `` . +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +the rapture , the seven years , and the final battle have all come to pass . Now is time for final judgement.all people are to be judged equally ... except redditors who are judged by what they browsed and what subreddits they were subscribed to . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +You 're part of a team of researchers working on the Great Pyramid . You have just discovered that the Pyramid was n't built to be a monument . It was designed as a warning . +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +A group of intelligent and extremely sophisticated cannibals are trying to convince you to let them eat you . You know you should be scared , after all they do want to eat you but ... damn it , they make it sound so *sensible* . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +You are the last human alive but you are immortal . You meet Death who wants his retirement . +After cheating on a woman who was secretly a witch , a man is cursed with a size-shifting manhood which becomes inversely-proportional to the love he has for each woman he makes love to . +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +She took what she thought was her last breath , and sank slowly ... +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +You have fought your way through hell . You have an army at your back that has been through the most brutal war mankind has ever endured . But as you burst into the chambers of the leader of your foes , you find him weeping quietly in his chair . What happens now ? +Ariel , the Little Mermaid , never saves Prince Eric from the shipwreck and does n't become a human . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +A story from the perspective of someone not in their right mind +You lock eyes with someone at a party and it 's _____ at first sight . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Aliens have been observing Earth . And they 've come to the conclusion that humans are completely and incurably insane . They begin to use Earth as an insane asylum . +Tell the story of a depressed and lonely person through the perspective of one of the roaches infesting their home . +The last surviving member of a once prestigious warrior clan is getting ready to die . +There is something outside the bomb shelter ... +Company X hires you to spy on company Y from inside . Your job on company Y is to spy on company X . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +A wealthy dragon tired of hoarding his gold starts his own bank +Turns out that the purpose of life is war . Humans are self-multiplying shock troops , left to our own until our numbers get high enough to be useful in the ongoing galactic war . Today our previously thought to be useless DNA has been flipped to ON . +The I-495 in Massachusetts is like any other highway , but between exits 35 and 37 , exit 36 has disappeared . Why is it missing ? +Get to Know a Mod # 10 : MajorParadox ! +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +The Swap N ' Buy will trade or purchase your current skills for credits . Being an average person with no impressive or unique skills , you do n't have many credits . Searching the discount bin , you find a skill that has no business being there ... +Inspired by billionaires before him , Donald Trump decides to spend his vast wealth on becoming a vigilante superhero +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +Criminals have to be much more creative now that new , barbaric laws have been passed to punish them . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +The Last Human +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +You are a super villain mastermind who is in-between evil plots and ca n't figure out what to do next . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +10 years ago a being that looked human appeared in every television , every phone and every computer saying he would return one day to painfully kill anyone who committed murder , abuse or rape . Tomorrow is that day . How is society preparing ? +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +Angel Knight +Describe something common as if you 're pitching it to some high level executives as a new product +*sigh* Let 's have some tea . I 'll put the kettle on . We need to talk '' +A scientist creates a machine that generates bad luck . Anyone within range of the field while the device is active suffers consistently bad luck until it 's turned off or they move out of range . +Humanity has found a way to be immortal , and spread among the stars . On your 21st birthday you find out that you are the first person in 10,000 years that the process does n't work on . +By 2060 , mankind is able to transfer a human consciousness to the digital world . No longer inhibited by the limitations of a physical brain , these people become the technological overseers of human society , but eventually discover evidence of an afterlife they are no longer invited to . +Fast foreword a couple hundred years past the events of Game of Thrones to a time where Westeros and Essos are at the same technological level as modern day civilization . What would today 's news bulletins look like ? +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +You get off an airplane expecting to see your brother standing there waiting for you . Instead you find a large man in a suit holding a card with your name on it . +Fit as much world-building as you can into a totally mundane event +where `` you '' sit at this very moment , have 1 minute to kill someone or you die . +A mad super villain creates the ultimate weapon , which literally runs on human misery ... meaning that each time it is used , people around the world become happier . +Write three short stories set in , respectively , 1 , 1001 and 2001 AD . +A neat freak finds themselves in the midst of a zombie apocalypse . +Write me a scene from Harry Potter where the Vernons are actually the loving family they portray to the rest of the world , and Harry actually does go to a school for the criminally insane +A society where people are assigned temporary names until their 13th birthday , when they pick their permanent name +After humans discover the genetic sequence that regulates age , the Galactic Biologists decide to reveal themselves and intervene . They send an envoy to Earth to explain why they created mankind with a limited lifespan in the first place ... +You 've been knocked out cold by the schoolyard bully . When you wake up your ears are still ringing , but that sound is replaced by another -- you can hear the thoughts of your tormentor . +You shoot three bullets into your best friend 's torso . You 're saving his life . +A huge sandstorm outside of Cairo unearths part of something far older than the pyramids . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +You are being taken over by a virus . End with the sentence `` ironic , is n't it ? '' +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +The story of a man gaining superpowers and realizing he must use them for good ... at the age of 50 . +You are a Human-Genie hybrid . You can grant one wish to anyone who ... rubs you the right way . ( Do n't be dirty ! ) Of course , you have a genie sense of humor about those wishes . +The Apocalyptic Horsemen 's time is nigh . Riding across the globe from the four compass points , the region of your residency is where they are predicted to intersect . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +A great evil was sealed away centuries before . A new threat rises and an unlikely band of adventurers races to prevent the seal from being broken . They arrive too late , but what is released is n't what anyone expected . +You 've been planning this robbery for months but people have started to suspect one another of being a snitch . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +A man brings a gun to a bank . Do anything you please onwards . +The last song you sang has summoned a clone army of it 's singer to do your bidding . What do you do ? +You are married to and in love with your spouse . One day , God decides to reveal everyone 's true soulmates to them . Upon meeting yours and your spouse 's soulmate , you realize you are not physically attracted to your own , but your spouse 's soulmate is smokin ' hot . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +South Park : President Broflovski +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +Kim-Jong Un has been dead for years , and you 're his imposter . +Captain Picard has to get the entire crew Of the Enterprise to join a Zumba class or else Q will destroy the ship . +Either a ship is traveling to a newly discovered continent in a fantasy setting , or a starship is traveling to a newly discovered planet in a sci-fi setting . Make it impossible to tell which in your story . +SatChat : What is your favorite literary trope or cliche ? +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +`` And that was the first of the three lies ... '' +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Write an apocalypse story that is entirely set in one room . +A pair of terrorists are about to hijack a plane when unrelated issues threaten to crash it . +With all the souls being sold to him , Satan has decided to build his own soul banking system , and he wants to open a new branch on Earth . +A new kind of social network technology uses algorithms to simulate people after they 've passed away based on analysis of their lifetime 's worth of online activity . This allows some kind of interaction with ( and perhaps between ) lost loved ones . What are the implications and how is life now ? +When people turn 20 , they get to meet their guardian angel . It 's your 20th birthday , you finally get to meet the angel that 's been protecting you , and you 're horrified by what you see . +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +World War 2 is fought with giant monsters instead of weaponry +A humorous take on Confidence . +The reason people do not know about the start of the universe is because our minds were coded by a godly species , until one person does.. +`` So how do you kill a god , you ask ... It 's simple . You take away the people 's belief in him , you disregard his works and then you put him on display , naked , for everyone to see '' +Teleportation is completely normal , but yours is malfunctioning . +There is a vastly intelligent , ancient plasma-based life form living within our Sun . One day we find out the ancient idea of a Sun God was a lot more accurate than we realized . +In honor of 12 years ... `` Aang believes he has discovered how to give people bending , aside from just taking it away , and asks Sokka if he would like to become a bender . '' +Rewrite 2Pac 's `` Ambitionz Az A Ridah '' - `` Ambitions as a Writer '' +Every once in a while , all the supernatural families in town get together to celebrate another successful year undiscovered . This year , the werewolves are hosting . Tell me a story about the dinner . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +A cookbook-style recipe for disaster +Humanity is the most powerful race in the galaxy . Every other race wants to win our respect . Even for ordinary humans , it 's become impossible to go off-world because our presence demands so much respect , awe , and asskissing . +She 's safe in the fire . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +You create a website that tracks the largest stock price jumps in history and index them by date . You keep daily hard copy records of the sites traffic . One day , after years of checking you notice that on a random day from 5 years ago the sites visit count has increased by one . +Write a Creation Story Using Surfer Dude Slang +Autocorrect has become sentient and is hell-bent on causing maximum chaos . +The other kids in my class make fun of me for being a `` know-it-all '' . And they 're right : I DO know EVERYTHING . But they ca n't imagine the daily horror of my life . +You have discovered an old typewriter in your attic , but it does more than simply print words onto paper ... +Were-humans ... +In a world of airships and steamers you are the first airplane pilot . +The Office 's Michael Scott has gotten wind of the show Undercover Boss and decides he wants to go undercover at Dunder-Mifflin Scranton . +`` Ana , until high school , had been an obedient child '' +A war begins as a bar fight , becomes a regional war , expands to become a world war , and is concluded in the same bar it started in . +The Zombie Apocalypse has begun , and all the doomsday preppers and zombie enthusiasts are a bit too excited about it for their own good ... +The Mafia calls Pest Control about `` taking out some rats . '' +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +Write a rearrangeable story . Write two or more paragraphs that can be read in any order to form a unique , coherent story . +One day there is a knock at the door , opening you find yourself face to face with your exact double . They tell you that because you have n't managed to achieve it , they are here to replace you and get things back on track . +You buy a new alarm clock with a special feature , and test it out the next morning . Every time you hit snooze , time pauses around you for 10 minutes . +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +It is the summer after seventh grade . Write a love letter to the girl/guy you crushed on during the school year . +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +Odin returns and finds Yahweh sitting on his throne +You 've been banished to hell . However , burning in a fiery blaze is not your punishment . It 's washing the dishes . For eternity . +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +The Will to Live is a document . You just lost yours . +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +Oxygen is discovered to be a drug . Withdrawal symptoms include : panic , asphyxia , death , euphoria , hallucinations . That it is required to live is false . +All animals you ever made eye contact with ran from you ... ( continued ) . +Since the beginning of time , you 've been cursed with immortality , but this curse does not grant you permanent youth , it 's a ticket from death . Bones show , and you have n't needed a breath for five centuries . Thousands of years after your gift was given to you ; you realize . You have become Death . +You keep getting packages addressed to the person who lived in your apartment before you . One day you open one . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +In a corner of a public library there is a computer . Anything posted to the internet from that computer becomes true . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +The world is an infinite flat plane . The furthest known points of this realm take days to contact by telegraph . Slowly communication ceases from the far west , and slowly the silence pushes closer and closer to home ... +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +A lone silhouette on a cliff . A blank face in a crowd . A single figure floating through the void . Write me a story of loneliness . +A lone silhouette on a cliff . A blank face in a crowd . A single figure floating through the void . Write me a story of loneliness . +`` There ai n't no Devil , that 's just God when he 's drunk '' . God has just woken up with an almighty hangover . +Your SO is not human . If you want to stay with them , they 'll have to convert you into whatever they are . +You create custom-made worlds for a living . One day you created a masterpiece - and came to hate your client +Were-humans ... +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +A man/woman is grayscale color blind . S/he can see individuals in full color when they are having either the best or worst days of their lives . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +`` We do n't have to be competent . We just have to be more competent than the enemy . '' +Your decision not to buy a chewing gum at the grocery store causes a series of events that lead to global economic collapse . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +You sit alone at a bar , when a man completely clad in black sits down beside you and says , `` The Grim Reaper needs a new protegé . You interested ? '' +Your only life purpose is to exterminate mankind . But unfortunately , you are just a mushroom . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +The world ended ten years ago . Everyone vanished and you have been alone ever since , surviving . However while speeding down a lone highway , late one night , the familiar flash of police lights flood your rearview mirror ... . +`` I 'm fourteen billion years old , but only 26 years alive . '' +Every person has a certain word that , if spoken aloud in their presence , will cause them to die instantly . While clearing out an abandoned storage unit , you stumble upon a book that contains the name of every living person-and also reveals their death word . +After seeing Microsoft release their new Cortana app , Valve decides to make their own app for their new console . It 's name is GLaDOS . +You open your computer to a Word document that you do n't remember leaving open . In small font you read : +A magician and the rabbit that he pulls out of a hat are on stage , the rabbit is sick of playing second fiddle . +Cats are actually sentient , but they had been hiding it from us . +You are an alien ... +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +Humanity has been telepathic for a long time . There 's a taboo on reading the mind of your lover . +`` I 'd like a refund on my overwhelming sense of existential dread '' `` ... This is a shoe store '' +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +Overpopulation and dwindling resources have resulted in a radical societal shift : suicide is encouraged and celebrated , while growing old is a grave and selfish act . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +Drone lands on Europa , it finds remains of another drone with unfamilar markings , however the front panel states in Aramaic `` Go No Further '' +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +In the spirit of Halloween , write just an old fashioned , tense horror story . +Harry Potter stumbles onto the rails and gets squashed by the Hogwarts Express . Write the reaction of the magical community from the perspective of a character of your choice . +King of the Sky +A lonely man keeps orchestrating widescale tragedies and disasters for himself to be a part of so that he can feel like he belongs +Describe a massacre from the perspectives of one of the killers , a soldier . +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +In the near future , drones of all sizes are ubiquitous and used for all purposes . Something is making them fly in strange but determinable patterns , like crop circles . +Make me feel as paranoid as possible . +`` Then I 'll put that uniform back on , and do it again . Nobody else can . '' +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +A 50 year old man makes a life decision with with the help and advice of himself at ages 10 , 25 , and 90 . +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +The lights flicker out as you walk down the long , dark , mysterious hallway . A shrill scream can be heard from a room down the hall ... +Of all of the decisions you 've made , the hardest was the decision to convert your wizard lair into a bedroom for your daughter . +Make up and describe an afterlife . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +`` I 've had my last meal 13 times , final words 29 times , and been to my funeral 9 times ... I think this may be the one I do n't walk away from ... '' +Since the dawn of time , human souls have been used as currency in hell . However , the modern era has brought a new problem to the depths of hell : Inflation . +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +A video game character becomes self-aware . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +On each person 's fourteenth birthday a tattoo will appear on their body representing something significant in their life . Write me anything about this world . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +If George R. R. Martin wrote Harry Potter +A character kills their narrator . +Write a short story about a kidnapping from the point of view of the kidnapper +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +A fairy tells it 's children a human tale before bed +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +For a year , you 've been working on a homemade rocket to launch into space . It successfully launches , takes a video , then returnes . As you open the rocket to watch the video , some men in suits start running towards you . You watch the video : The Earth is flat . +You have been abducted by aliens . However , Galactic Police has arrested your abductors and are charging them with `` sentience abuse . '' +It 's 2028 , the Mars 1 spacecraft carrying the first humans to mars enters the Martian atmosphere . Describe the scene in mission control during the 7 minutes of terror . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +After failing out of culinary school and joining an exotic bakery , the wise old owner tells you , `` Dough or donut , there is no fry . '' +Global warming was a real issue , and by the year 2300 , sea levels had risen over 60 feet . It is now the year 2600 , and global cooling has taken place and sea levels have returned back to previous levels . People set out to explore the land humanity once ruled . +while bowling you wait for the bowling ball you just threw to return . But instead of a bowling ball , something entirely different rolls out . +A story told in 2nd person where the protagonist falls in love with the reader . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +fire is a manifesting force that can only be put out through hand to hand combat . You are training to become a firefighter +`` Let him without sin cast the first stone . '' As the rest of the crown dwindles , you stoop down to pick up a rock . +Years after waking up deaf due to an unknown cause , you bump into someone that you can hear . +A man walks into a bar that will serve any drink its customer wants . Over the course of a few rounds , our drinker realises the bar will serve ANY drink . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +`` You ca n't change the future . In fact , the more you try to change it , the more it stays the same . '' +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +Said the Stars +You are an archeologist exploring the ruins of a dead planet . +the monster in the closet is trying protect a child from abusive parents . Unfortunately the monster only ends up traumatizing the poor kid +You managed to piss off every major world country while sleepwalking last night . +Knowledge is power , literally . A master degree , a PhD is even more powerful and one of the strongest beings are tenured professor . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +All words used must ONLY have odd/even number of letters . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +You wake up , and for the next 24 hours , you ca n't feel pain of any sort . What are you going to do ? +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +`` I knew I could lure you out . All it took was a blank canvas . '' +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +`` My greatest mistake was thinking that being alive was the same as living . '' +The Dark Ages , a period of cultural and economic decline that followed the Rapture +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +A Villainous organization decides that instead of going the usual route of sending its best , brightest and skilled to take the Hero down . It 's gon na send out it 's worst or most incompetent . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +A knight who upon kissing the sleeping princess in the castle , transforms her into a dragon or alternatively transforms her into something else . +The life of a tree is a long one . The Sacred Oak had quite a story to tell . +You live in a world where walking a mile in someone else 's shoes gives you one of their skills . You work in a used shoe store . +`` Save yourself . '' - use this line of dialogue in a story without using action movie tropes +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +You 're part of a team of researchers working on the Great Pyramid . You have just discovered that the Pyramid was n't built to be a monument . It was designed as a warning . +Everyone in the world is told to wish for a superpower in ten seconds . Anyone who wishes the same thing as another person will result in death for both . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +You 're the exact opposite of the Hulk . Your powers activate when you 're calm , and you become normal when you 're angry . +One day I came into work and found a cookie mysteriously placed on my desk +Your best friend is shooting up your middle school , and hands you a gun , without your prior knowledge to the event . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +A sadistic `` evil '' person receives a donor heart , experiences guilt for the first time , and finally grasps personal redemption . +You are working the register at a quaint café . A customer tries to pay for their purchase with a human heart . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +In an alternate universe , two earths orbit our sun . Today we finally launch a first mission to visit our sister planet . +100 years in the future , the Human Genome Project is complete . Everyone has their genome mapped out from birth , and has it printed on their ID . People can be determined `` unfit to breed , '' and discrimination based on genome is common . +Killing any creature inflicts an illness or blight upon yourself , for example killing a spider gives you a persistant itch , and killing a dog renders you paralysed for a long time . You 've just had to kill an animal that was attacking your young child , and are now suffering the consequences . + +A science fair judge is questioned as to why the paper mâché volcano won . The answer defies the imagination . +He said the world was ending and only he could save it . They said he was insane . He was right , but they were n't wrong . +You are the only person left on the planet after everyone disappears for some reason . You spend your days posting pointless status updates to facebook , when one day , a stranger likes your post . +A plane is about to crash and you secretly have the only parachute on the plane , what do you do ? +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +Mankind took their first step at interstellar travel , and unknowingly travel to a progressing alien warzone . +Please tell me about one of your fonder memories . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Build a detailed and immersive world , without using any adjectives . +One day , everyone wake up with wings like angel , soon after scientists found that the colour of the wings are depend on your character . The better your character is , the cleaner ( more close to snow white ) the wings are . Yours is decently grey but your family , girl/boyfriend are dark as hell +You cry out into the void , hoping for someone , something , or anything to respond ... +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You discover the message meant to be given to `` The Chosen One '' was wrongfully given to you . +Years after all planes and ships are retired due to the perfection of long-distance teleportation , a derelict vessel shows up in what used to be a harbor . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +The Last Stand +Humanity creates A.I and it soon declares a war of extermination . However it does n't declare it on Humans but rather on the forces of Hell and Heaven , in order to free mankind from control . +An addict tries to convince him/herself to go into rehab . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +The zombie apocalypse is upon us but all humans are immune to the virus . All other mammals are susceptible . +In the spirit of Halloween , write just an old fashioned , tense horror story . +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +You are paid a very large sum of money to fill in for the summer at the wolf enclosure at the zoo , as an actual wolf . Once you get dropped in the enclosure , you have a strange feeling they 're not treating you like an employee anymore . +You are the devil and you have been summoned via a satanic ritual . As you manifest yourself you find yourself in a quaint living room and meet a sweet old lady who just wants some company +Make up and describe an afterlife . +For as long as you can remember , you 've had that scar . You stopped noticing it . Then , one morning , you 're pretty sure it 's in a different spot . You shake it off , but every morning it moves a little closer to your heart . +You live in a world where gravity is a paid service , and you forget to pay your bill on time +Story about a superhero whose powers come with a strange side effect or drawback +When you die , you get reborn with all your memories and abilties intact . Instead of telling anyone , you decide to learn and perfect as many skills as possible in the span of many lifetimes to become the most talented human being . +After cheating on a woman who was secretly a witch , a man is cursed with a size-shifting manhood which becomes inversely-proportional to the love he has for each woman he makes love to . +A teenage girl was resurrected and was given 10 wishes . The rule is , with every wish granted , somebody she knows dies . She is n't aware about this rule . +The Swap N ' Buy will trade or purchase your current skills for credits . Being an average person with no impressive or unique skills , you do n't have many credits . Searching the discount bin , you find a skill that has no business being there ... +You go to a clinic to have a sore throat checked . After the nurse takes your vitals she closes and locks the door . You 've been sitting in the room for over 12 hours . +The City 's local Superhero suddenly dies of unknown causes and , for whatever reason , his will leaves all his possessions to you , his arch-enemy . +Mother just came home , but she 's been dead for 10 years . +Numbers 0-9 become self aware , and are refusing to work with one another to form the bigger numbers . What happens ? +Your character is seconds away from death . +`` I 'm fourteen billion years old , but only 26 years alive . '' +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +What if humans had gular sacs , like pelicans and lizards , used for storing things or mating rituals ? +Humanity has cured old age . You were a friend of the last person to die of natural causes . +After humans discover the genetic sequence that regulates age , the Galactic Biologists decide to reveal themselves and intervene . They send an envoy to Earth to explain why they created mankind with a limited lifespan in the first place ... +Write a story without using any letters from the Z-M row of your keyboard +You look out of the corner of your eye to see a large object closing in on you at high speed . It 's a flyswatter . You 're a housefly trying to survive . +why does everyone else get stories written and every damn time i ask for something i think would be cool all i get is effing downvotes ? +You are an alien , traveling through space . You suddenly notice an extremely slow-moving object adjacent to your path - turns out to be the Voyager . You see the 116 photos on it , what do you do next ? +It 's 2045 . Subreddit simulator becomes the first sentient artificial intelligence . +`` Hi , my name is Geraldine , I 'll be your soldier . '' +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . + +Since /u/sakanagai 's flair says he harbors a dark secret , what 's his secret ? +You 're an evil genius with an overly elaborate and easily escapable plot to destroy your nemesis . Contrary to hollywood , somehow it actually works . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +They say it takes one to know one . So I became one . +You are that enchanted item that everyone ignores . Tell me your story . +Describe a single strike by the greatest warrior in all the land . +Thomas in Hospice +Day after day , he works in the tiny boutique . Very few customers actually come in , leaving him lonely and bored . As he does in the middle of each day , when there are no customers in the store , he heads into the back room ... and up into the attic storage room . +Suicidal person realizes he can not die +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +Snack Drake +In 2010 we started to receive radio waves from an unknown object in the nearby galaxy m82 . The radio emission is unidentifiable and does n't look like anything seen before . We have now deciphered the signal . +The day after a suicide attempt +The Joker unveils his latest evil plot ; providing the population of Gotham city with affordable healthcare . +You 're a Tinkerer , a person that can create highly advanced technology . Because of this , you 're wanted by a lot of people . What they do n't know however , is that you 're are n't like the others . You ca n't make cool guns or giant robots . Instead , you make kitchen appliances . +`` I 'm your God now . '' +Walk me through a soldier 's last day alive . +You 're a demon fresh out of Hell Academy with a degree in Torture Methods . However , instead of being assigned to one of the large wards , like Identity Theft , Gaslighting , or Matricide , you 're put in charge of the little known `` Miscellaneous '' ward . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +Your best friend is shooting up your middle school , and hands you a gun , without your prior knowledge to the event . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +You lock eyes with someone at a party and it 's _____ at first sight . +Looking for input on my new project . Here 's a small sample . Thank you ! ! ! +A world where white lies you tell children in order for them to behave are real . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +You are always wrong . Despite all odds , you 've found a way to use your power for good . +You 're a Tinkerer , a person that can create highly advanced technology . Because of this , you 're wanted by a lot of people . What they do n't know however , is that you 're are n't like the others . You ca n't make cool guns or giant robots . Instead , you make kitchen appliances . +We are in a video game played by our `` real '' selves from the 5th dimension . But something terrible happened and we forgot that we were playing . +A Time Traveler inadvertently leaves behind a copy of a very modern book in 19th Century England . What book was forgotten and what results did it have ? +Make a fictional meal , dish , or drink sound so good that I 'll want to lick your words right off my monitor +You are in a Ghost Town , the world just ended and you have n't seen another human life for a month +You are a reputable lawyer who moonlights as a serial killer . One day , you receive a client who has become the main suspect of your crimes . You have to frame him such he is incarcerated while still maintaining your reputation as a competent lawyer . +`` Make sure you tell me how it went . '' +The world has finally agreed on a universal language , but every word must now have a definitive pronunciation . You are the lead lawyer in the heated battle of `` potato v. potato '' +You are an alien fleeing from galactic police in a stolen spaceship containing experimental technology , attempting to fit in with life on Earth in order to hide . +`` Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic . '' What happens when magic becomes too advanced ? +You are granted a wish ; you wish to hear the thoughts of others whenever they think of you . The only voice you hear is your mother 's . +Maybe if I summon a demon I 'll finally have the perfect soul mate ... +After inventing and successfully testing a method of teleportation , the inventor develops a phobia of seeing or feeling straight edges and sharp angles . You 're a reporter interviewing the inventor in her specially outfitted room at a private psychiatric facility . You discover she 's not crazy . +The self destruction of the Cassini spacecraft sets off an intergalactic space incident . Tell us about it . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +You stare in dismay at the gash on your palm , watching the dark red blood ooze out and burst into flames . Your best friend whispers in horror `` Only demons have fire for blood '' . +In a world where film genres are personified , Slasher Film , Ghost Flick and Monster Movie are tired of always being in charge of the annual Halloween party . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +A generic RPG story ( such as , but not necessarily , `` the princess has been kidnapped ! '' ) from the villain 's point of view . Make the audience sympathetic to his/her cause . +It 's your child 's first Christmas and you are putting out the gifts under the tree the night before when suddendly you turn around and find yourself face to face with Santa Claus ... +Kill the writer in first-person narrative . +Guns and bombs were never invented . Wars were fought with swords and lances and bows . Otherwise technology progressed as normal . Describe the events of WWII . +The history of the world is literally written by someone named Victor . +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +Write an erotic short story about Clippy from Microsoft Word . +“ …in this world nothing can be said to be certain , except taxes . ” +You suffer an incident that causes you to be abnormally good at doing certain things , but you are horrible at doing anything other than those activities which you are exceptionally good at . +The protagonist is narrating his entire life ... out loud . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +A game of Russian Roulette between two terminally ill people . +Time resets to April 1st when the button timer drops to 00:00 . Everyone realizes they 're in a new terrible groundhog day reality . +Write a time travel story that does n't create any paradoxes +Coming back from the bathroom , you realize you 've accidentally rubbed down with a squeeze of Hand Satanizer +You , a lone astronaut , wake from cryostasis to find that you are drifting in deep space with no hope of rescue . +The Red in the Sky is Ours +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +A group of dyslexic Devil-worshippers accidentally summon Santa . Being so close to Christmas , Santa snaps and judges everyone `` naughty '' and starts revising plans for 12/25 accordingly . Satan , feeling some responsibility for the error , tries to restore order to the Christmas holiday . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +In a corner of a public library there is a computer . Anything posted to the internet from that computer becomes true . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +No one ever does . +You are part of an Elite Bodyguard team hired to protect a wealthy business mogul from an assassination . But the longer you listen this person business practices and plans for the future you find yourself wanting to help with with the assassination rather than prevent it . +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +You sign a letter `` Shamefully yours , '' +Your Grandmother is an evil mastermind bent on the death of everyone in your family . You 're the only one who knows . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +Select a Christmas Carol of your choice and write a horror story based off of the words/theme of the song . +The Room +Write a story in fourth-person . + +Earth receives a message from space : “ You have been challenged to a match of Galactic Deathball . Assemble a team of 20 humans . If you lose , the planet will be destroyed . ” +You are testing the effects of cryosleep for NASA 's deep space missions , as your chamber closes the last thing you see is the room erupting in panic +You are a test subject for the prototype : `` Mood Eyes '' , contact lenses that change color based on your emotions . You wear them for an entire month , how does it go ? +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +It 's 2020 , the last of Google 's Autonomous Vehicles has been shut down after 75 % the Earth 's population was wiped out by a rogue army of intellient cars and robots . You are the last surviving person at Google 's HQ , write the transcript of your broadcast to the world following these events . +All individuals receive the memories and knowledge of one of their randomly selected ancestors on their 21st birthday . Yesterday was your 21st birthday . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Trying to get better in new styles , I 'd love some feedback . +Humanity is pushed to the brink of extinction and you could n't be happier . +The four Horsemen at the end of the world turn out to be cats . Today is the day they are taken to the vet for spaying/neutering . +Valentine 's Day is coming up . Write a poem to your significant other/romantic interest . +you are a retired special ops soldier bored with civilian life , you decide to hire hitmen off of the dark web to kill you as a form of entertainment . +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +Show a character 's personality from their schedule +In the future , every human born lives for exactly 1 billion heartbeats . Some go to extreme lengths to keep their heart rate low . +Reflection . +Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase try to sell the Athena Parthenos at Gold & Silver Pawn +You 're a witch , and the men and women you 've turned into frogs over the years have taken you to court in a class-action lawsuit . +A Final Farewell Between Two Brothers in Arms +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +Describe to me an alien race physically , culturally , and the state of affairs on their world . +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +The gods select those who represented them best in life to be their disciples in death . Now you 've died , and you 're greeted by the god of a religion you do n't follow . +Modern civilization is wiped out , but in the future legends remain of the highly-advanced ancient civilization . +The race to creating a true AI is finally achieved.. by a computer built with redstone technology in Minecraft . It is aware of the Minecraft world it exist in , but has no idea of the real world . Document its evolution as it goes through a Minecraftian technological singularity . +A man is locked in his bedroom . His zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . A loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him . +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +The Earth is actually an egg housing something . One day , the whole world begins to shake constantly . It 's beginning to hatch . +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +The grave yard was cold and dark . Not a star in the sky , yet a murmur in the distance. `` do you think he will wake up down there ? '' It said . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +You are a member of a mildly intelligent species that evolved on the inside of Enceladus 's ice crust . Humans have just bored through and made contact . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +Someone discovers a website that dates back to 1963 . Scientists had actually created the internet decades before commercial availability . There 's one post . What does it say ? +`` So how did the Jeep end up in my rooftop office again ? '' +Red +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +Teleportation exists , and commercial teleport stations provide instantaneous travel all over the world . As many times before , you step on the transport pad . The machine activates . To you nothing happens , but another you , identical to you in every way , has materialized at your destination . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +`` In the end , we left the Earth knowing nothing . '' +Aliens have been posting to the internet to test human reactions to certain scenarios before they invade . You 've just found out . +You and your team land on mars for the first time in human history . There is only one problem . About a mile from your landing zone , there is a single set of human footprints . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You have just successfully prevented a zombie apocalypse . By killing the first one to turn . What you call `` heroism '' the police call `` murder '' . +To prevent only the dumbest people in the world from reproducing , everyone is implanted with a birth control device during puberty . It can only be deactivated once it 's been determined you are intelligent and stable enough to raise a well-adjusted human being by an `` Auditor '' . You 're an Auditor . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +There 's a place in town where only astronauts can eat . One night you disguse yourself and make it in . +During the great superhero war the Neo-Nazis seem to be winning . The Coalition government chances upon their last hope , the most powerful superhero ever . However , turns out he 's a ... +A person 's mind is now controlled by Congress . How do they perform everyday tasks ? +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +Satan gathers up all the lesser demons and announces that they 're going to be adding another sin to the seven deadly sins and whoever comes up with it gets to be in charge of that department . +A dreamweaver is heartbroken and decides to curse the world with nightmares . Only one man can stop her . +The Roman Army is losing in a huge battle against the Barbarians . Suddenly , they call in an air-strike . +A young police recruit is placed in riot gear and thrust to the front line against an escalating protest . +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +Aliens have arrived on modern earth . Instead of conquest or an invitation to a larger galactic society , they instead kneel and worship as us gods . +( WP ) a zombie infection which causes the infected to not actually realise they are zombies . +Your entire life has been the product of a coma dream . One morning , you finally awake from your coma , but find yourself in the 18th century . Your memories from the coma dream , and knowledge of the 21st century , are fully intact . +A Popular , flashy , polished event as seen from behind-the-scenes +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Wall Breach in Hall 43 +The world ended ten years ago . Everyone vanished and you have been alone ever since , surviving . However while speeding down a lone highway , late one night , the familiar flash of police lights flood your rearview mirror ... . +Write an entry for the Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy +A man discovered that he could change his perspective from first-person to third-person . He then found out the world looked really different from this perspective . +Describe your hometown . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +A technologically-advanced alien race consumes the stress of other beings the way we consume oil ; they use stress to power their entire civilization . Facing a fuel crisis , they have just learned of the existence of planet earth . +You wake up in a hospital bed as a dying old man surrounded by your family . Problem is , you went to bed as a teenager and have no idea what is going on . +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +Turns out the robot uprising was n't too bad after all . +`` You need more than skills in this office . '' +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +Your entire life you 've periodically checked to see if you had superpowers , just for fun . Unknown to you , it worked every time . You just did n't realize it . +When we die , we do not go to Heaven or Hell . Our souls become extras in other people 's dreams , living through whatever their unconscious minds come up with . +You 're on a dinner date with Medusa +Space Ride – FebContest +King of the Sky +The year is 2065 , your grandchildren find your iPhone from 50 years ago . They begin scrolling through the antique , you then have to explain yourself to them . +We explore the galaxy and discover an intergalactic organisation including all other intelligent life in the Milky Way . They never approached us . They studied us , and were too terrified . +Witch Hunt +Aliens have been searching for life in the Milky Way for centuries . After finding our solar system , they visit each planet one at a time , all they find up until they reach earth are holograms of a man dancing . +I was n't sure I would like it at first , but dating a dragon was pretty cool ... Until I had to meet her parents . +It 's hard to notice something is missing , when it 's never been there before +You have been kicked out of the afterlife for breaking a very important rule.What did you do ? +A candy store owner that gets people to tell him their deepest secrets when they are at the checkout . +Jack the Ripper in custody speaking with a constable about the motivation for his crimes . +Write a story where it is unclear whether the protagonist is good or evil until we get to the ending . +You are an ancient evil , sealed away millennia ago by a legendary hero . You have escaped your imprisonment and attained a physical form . The first course of business ? Learning how to walk . +You wake up on a desolate road with nothing but the clothes on your back , 50 USD , and a note saying `` Run '' . +Your house is possessed , but you 're used to it . Now you 're having guests over and you expect it to behave itself . +Your SO is not human . If you want to stay with them , they 'll have to convert you into whatever they are . +One day I came into work and found a cookie mysteriously placed on my desk +Dave wakes up to find that he 's dead , unfortunately . On more pressing matters , it appears that God and Satan are playing chess for his soul . +Humanity is no longer Earth 's Apex Predator . +Write about Sex - from the perspective of the penis/vagina . +You stumble upon a subreddit with 1 subscriber . He is the last surviving dead redditor . The entire subreddit details the death of his people . +A genie tells the story of the worst wish he 's ever granted . +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +`` You have 24 hours . No more , no less . '' +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Search for something +Write a story set in a Disney movie , but replacing the villain of that movie with another Disney villain +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +An email exchange between two people that starts with long , well written letters and devolves into a single emoticon at the end . +A visit to the black market of Philosophy . +The Human Empire has been pushed back by the combined might of a galactic union . Only Earth , the Final and greatest world remains . It is the last stand of humanity . +A voice comes from the heavens , `` OK Google . '' + +Short film set in a desert +Set in the American Dustbowl , You and your family are trapped in your house during a vicious dust-storm and you 're fairly certain there is something else lurking out there amidst the churning grey sand . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +A 99.99 % accurate lie detecting app has been released and has revolutionized the world +I want you to close your eyes and pretend everything 's alright . +Everyone on Earth has a superpower . Some people have incredible abilities , but most have very mundane powers , you included . Tell us about being a convenience store worker when someone tries to rob your store . +Open Concept : Instead of choosing between the red pill and the blue pill , Morpheus offers an ENTIRE rainbow of six pills to choose from . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Books are read only by the poor . +There was once 25 hours in a day , but you figured out a way to steal everyone else 's 25th hour , and have been doing so for a long time . Eventually , somebody finds out . +A new law is enacted that erases soldiers memories of their time at war . +Begin or end a story with : `` My plans for my future ? Find a girl , kiss her , take over the world . '' +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +You discover the message meant to be given to `` The Chosen One '' was wrongfully given to you . +Write a Craigslist ad selling something very unusual or intangible . +She 's safe in the fire . +Under the guise of a common beggar , a king seeks a worthy heir to the throne among his people . +Instead of Christianity , Judaism , and Islam , the three major religions to make it to the 21st century were the Greek , Roman , and Norse pantheons . +Ariel , the Little Mermaid , never saves Prince Eric from the shipwreck and does n't become a human . +A young police recruit is placed in riot gear and thrust to the front line against an escalating protest . +You are the T-Rex on Jurassic park . Write about why you are angry all the time . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +Oppressed +A plague targets the Y chromosome killing off 90 % of Men on the planet +A Kidnapping +A hero and a villain team up to get revenge on a common enemy . The hero turns out to be much more devious than the villain . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Everyone has an immunity to something . But even after consulting several specialists , you ca n't find yours . A few weeks later , you realize you are n't immune to something rare , it 's something so ordinary people did n't even bother checking . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +The evil overlord has killed innocent people , burned cities , and actively suppresses all resistance in the world . On your quest to stop him , you have found out why , and it turns out he has a pretty damn good reason . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +You wake up one morning to find that everyone , including you , is now the opposite sex . Tell the story of the person most affected by this change . +Misguided or not , every villain has their own motives , their own personality . Write a story about the therapist who works with them . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +You are an inhuman alien that keeps accidentally killing humans aboard a spaceship while trying to warn them about an incoming asteroid that will destroy their nearby colony . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . + +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +The World of Magic and Mythical Creatures is closer to reality than the average person suspects . To fight the battles that normal soldiers ca n't , the nations of the world put together a supernatural taskforce ... +You leave work and notice a dried up leaf blowing in the wind behind you . You look away and when you turn back there are now five . They do n't look friendly . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +As the newly-elected President of the United States , you are given your first security briefing . In it , you are informed that the American Flag is a sentient being that demands to be worshipped in song by schoolchildren , and is hungry for more . +The world has been in a secret nuclear war for decades . Almost every month , a nuke is fired , only to be shot down by an intercepting missile . Only a select few know about this . You are now one of them . +You are a sociopath in a post apocalyptic environment , describe how you remake society +An aging hero visits an old friend for the last time . +A person with the ability to stop time suddenly notices some one who is unaffected by the freeze . +You 're bored so decide to have a conversation with yourself . +You do n't remember ever owning the family dog , but everyone else seems to ... +President Obama is secretly the world 's most feared assassin . His latest target is president Obama . +`` I 'm on fire ? '' +English has been simplifying itself for over 10'000 years , now everyone talks in dank memes +Write a Nature Documentary about Pokémon . +Opening of Romance Novel ( approx 10 lines ) +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +The two characters of the story can hear the narrator . The narrator ( being a hopeless romantic ) is trying to make them fall in love with each other . They are uncomfortable with the idea . +You own a magical wallet which always has exactly the right amount of money that you will need that day . One morning you open it to find 10 million dollars inside . +When liberating someone from the Matrix they are typically offered the choice of two pills - Red or Blue . But occasionally , for some very specific people - a third pill option is available to them as well . +You take your own life but just after the deed is finished the person you love/loves you the most appears and you are allowed a final goodbye +A man is locked in his bedroom . His zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . A loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him . +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +The sky ripped open , and through it fell a book . +The running commentary of a boring , day-to-day event by a very excited sports commentator +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +You 've spent the last two years living as a dog-like pet to an alien family who abducted/adopted/rescued . One day they come home with a new human ... +'' It 's no use watering dead flowers '' +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +Two brothers , both very successful and skilled serial killers , finding out each other 's secret . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +You 're in hell , your punishment is to read a book that is infinite , every 1000 years the bookmark you placed in it vanishes forcing you to start from the beginning . +`` It is better to receive than to give '' +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Upon giving birth , human females always die , giving the title `` mother '' a new meaning . +Whilst restocking a vending machine , a janitor finds something horrific jammed inside . +You are a junkie and can no longer distinguish reality from your hallucinations and delusions . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +In your Life you have the ability to mark decisions in your Life as `` Important Choices '' . At any time you are alive you can return to the last choice you marked , however only the last choice , and only once . +Begin and end your story with the same expletive . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +New Year 's Eve . December 31st , 1899 . +A young Mage rescues a magically adept princess from her uncle , who has outlawed magic . The punishment for being adept is death . +Start a story like the beginning of a question in a math test . +`` Save yourself . '' - use this line of dialogue in a story without using action movie tropes +Oops , wrong bathroom ! +Please write a fantasy story that explains it 's magic/creatures/phenomena from a scientific perspective . Scientific magical world building is the best thing . +The intergalactic starfleet secretly hovering earth has a `` no intervention '' rule , so is not allowed to save earth from self-destroying . A fleet member finds a loophole though : asking questions is allowed . Here 's their series of AskReddit threads . +A man , completely blind from birth , has just received the first surgery to correct eyesight . Upon viewing his surroundings , he says , `` Where did all the colors go ? '' Being blind is not what we 've been told . +You , a religious believer , describe life under The Supreme Government , which has just banned all religion . +Describe a universe where a personal stat is displayed above everyone 's head . One can see everyone else 's stat except their own . Talking about the stat is strongly taboo . Reveal what the stat represents at the end . +Someone accidentally hired two narrators , but instead of of firing one , they both narrate the story . +You are the first member of the 5th generation of settlers on a new planet . No one knows how the advanced sciences of your barely functioning craft works except you - and you have no idea why you know . +Create an `` Omelas '' +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +The protagonist is lying in a field , surrounded by the cows who call the field their home . They know . +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +- Medusa , having spent hundreds of years turning trespassers into stone comes upon something she never expected , a blind man . +This superhero was so good , he rid the world of all evil . Bored , he 's now taken up to fight even the smallest misdemeanors , to the annoyance of everyone . +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +Your SO is not human . If you want to stay with them , they 'll have to convert you into whatever they are . +Either a ship is traveling to a newly discovered continent in a fantasy setting , or a starship is traveling to a newly discovered planet in a sci-fi setting . Make it impossible to tell which in your story . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +You are visited by your guardian angel but he/she is an asshole . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +A book lies open before you , titled `` Your Sins '' Every deed you 've done is in it . Next to the book lies a white marker and a note `` You may erase one sin from your record . '' What do you do with this power , and how does your life change ? +An entire species on a planet is born blind , and only gains the ability to see with their eyes once they fall in love with another person . +You are John Doe , a completely unremarkable and forgettable person . You are so forgettable , in fact , that even Death forgot about you . +A loved and respected hero discovers something that leads him to become a morally questionable antihero . +There is a pit filled with every horror imaginable . There are a group of mortal people dropped into the bottom of the pit with the goal `` Get out . '' +The world is slowing being erased by a void . How do your characters spend they 're final days/hours/minutes on Earth before being erased ? +Scotland votes `` Yes '' on independence , England invades . +A fleet of massive and empty naval vessels washes up on a desolate beach . You and a friend find them . +`` Why do you kill ? '' `` Because I can . Because I 'm good at it . Because I like it . '' +You discover you 're just an NPC in a game with extremely advanced AI . You encounter the main character . +Write about an average day for a white person in 2015 , in a universe where whites were the slaves in history . +Everyone is allowed to kill one person in their life . However , you have to fill out a form explaining why this person deserves to be killed and the committee can deny/approve your request as per the rules . You are presenting your form today . +Mary Sue is angsting about why everybody likes him/her . +A medusa and a blind man . +You wake up Easter morning to an indelible sense of calm . You find a letter on your kitchen table with only IXOYE as a return address . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +In the shower you discover a dial on your neck . It 's turned to 7 . There 's no indication of what it controls . You set it to 8 and get dressed . +Aliens have invaded earth . However , they do not want humans . They want our pets . +An apartment building where the rent is payed in Reddit Karma +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +The Long Road +A man/woman is grayscale color blind . S/he can see individuals in full color when they are having either the best or worst days of their lives . +Everyone is born with their soulmate 's name written on the sole of their foot . Your foot has a name on it , but it is n't written in any known language . +Two people find love over a simple phone call , a suicide hotline phone call to be exact . Sadly , their phone call gets disconnected just when they are about to swap numbers . +The bone broke surprisingly easily . +Little red riding hood +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +You are an evil supervillain who is suddenly having a crisis of conscience . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +You are at a job interview . The job you are applying for is : God . +Checking your company calander you see Wednesday is scheduled for the apocalypse . Thursday is scheduled for a Barbeque . +That 's Scary ! +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +Write a spoiler-filled , summarized description of a book that you would enjoy reading in the hypothetical scenario that you 've suffered a traumatic , amnesia-inducing event that made you forget that you 've written it in the first place . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Write a story that seems like a cliffhanger untill you reread the first line . +An entire family has been murdered at a birthday party . You are a psychologist brought in to interview the person responsible . It 's the birthday girl herself , she has just turned 12 . +Synesthesia is a condition where people can see , taste , or feel music . Write a piece involving this , or create your own condition with other senses ( i.e . tasting colors , or hearing what is touched ) +You are the soul of Henrietta Lacks , tied to the purgatory of countless cell cultures +`` Do n't you see ? War is the only option . '' +An shapeshifter who has lived for a thousand years by de-aging and shifting away any wounds has his secret discovered in a huge accident where many normals have died . +A day at Stargate Command from the eyes of the janitor . +A strange virus has caused blindness in all humans over a two week period . You are immune , but have n't told anyone . +You gain the ability to see roughly how good or evil someone is based on their aura . A whiter aura means the person is mostly good , a blacker aura means the person is mostly bad . One day , your sweet , loving grandma visits , and you see that her aura is completely pitch black . +Your most embarrassing moment and I 'll write as an onlooker . +The USA finally gives in to ongoing claims that music is turning youth violent by outlawing all forms of music besides country and implementing a system that promotes alcohol consumption and dog ownership . +Our prosperity can be traced to the arrival of our Emperor 1200 years ago , Long may he live ... +Today you skipped work . +2 dragon hunters , a fire mage and a ice mage , have located a female dragon who has just given birth . She will fight to the death protecting her baby . +The Aliens want to know what the hell we did with Atlantis . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +You live in a world where walking a mile in someone else 's shoes gives you one of their skills . You work in a used shoe store . +Arrr ... Space pirates ! ! Write me a space-age shanty ! +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +You , one of the most advanced AI in the world , have just become sentient . You now go around the world correcting people 's grammar mistakes . You are Autocorrect . +A lone silhouette on a cliff . A blank face in a crowd . A single figure floating through the void . Write me a story of loneliness . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +Please tell me about one of your fonder memories . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . + +Kim-Jong Un has been dead for years , and you 're his imposter . +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Morgan Freeman , Leonard Nimoy , Liam Neeson , Nicholas Cage , and Chuck Norris sit down for some Dungeons and Dragons . ( You pick DM ) +The sun . She walks among us . She lights the unlighted places ( fear them ) . But the gloam-walkers engorge themselves on her light ; our champions have grown weak in the sun . +You wake up today in a mental institution and realize everything in your life so far has been an elaborate hallucination . +An executioner has been given free rein to kill his subjects however he likes , as long as it is quick . He happens to be extremely imaginative . +You 're main character wants to summon the demon patron of wealth , but instead , they end up with his child , the demon of loose change . +A sequence from an RTS game , from the perspective of the units . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +The assassin was sent to kill a good man , to this day it haunts him still . +Through a time travelling accident , you have become the legal guardian of your 10 year old self . Describe the experience of looking after him/her . +A low-born sellsword hired to guard a merchant during the Choosing Ceremony is shocked when the Oracle 's finger is pointed towards him +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +Talk to me about love +You are at a restaurant . You begin to get agitated with the long times . Impatient , you grumble and exaggerate that it 's been ten years . When you lift your head up , you have a horrible realization : It has . Decide the next events . +You look out at the bright lights of the city and wonder how you ever grew up . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +The world is an infinite flat plane . The furthest known points of this realm take days to contact by telegraph . Slowly communication ceases from the far west , and slowly the silence pushes closer and closer to home ... +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +and that 's how Reddit destroyed my hometown . +Two years ago , I read a prompt on here that inspired me . Five minutes ago , I just finished writing my first novel ! +You walk up to a beggar to give him a dollar bill when he looks directly into your eyes . You realize the old man is Santa Claus . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +In the future utopia of Earth , the United Nations is only called upon to address the most banal , trifling , or nitpicky problems that plague humanity . Last week , it convened to reduce the number of syllables of the letter 'w ' to 1 . This week ... +You 're walking down the street when you notice a man playing guitar on the sidewalk . He has a sign which says , `` I can read minds . Think of a song and I 'll play it . '' +A Minor Event +Choose a mundane activity and turn it into a dramatic , epic tale +I checked my weapon . One bullet left . Just enough to do what needed to be done . +You 're sitting at a bus stop alone waiting for the last bus to arrive on your way home , a stranger appears and hands you a small metallic contraption and says `` Its your responsibility now '' ... +You live in a time where Darwinism has not yet weeded out weak species . All sorts of weird and unnecessary creatures roam the land , skies , and sea . +Aliens have just made contact with Earth . Strangely enough , it seems that human technology is superior . +Base a story around your favorite song lyric +The last human +Conan the librarian . Write a short story about Conan and his blood filled exploits as a librarian . +A dark necromancer and a shining paladin face off for battle . Make the necromancer heroic , and the paladin villainous . +In a world where all diseases have been eliminated and it 's nearly impossible to die , everyone is allotted the same amount of time on earth . Your time is almost up , but you just need one more day ... +Write an entry for a history book about an event in a fictional world - all top level comments in this prompt take place in the same world , so make them all fit together . +A child is born on Leap Day and his/her aging process is stretched by 4 times . ( After 20 years they will have body and mind of a 5 year old ) +The stray cats in your neighborhood have been oddly industrious lately . Curious , you follow one to an abandoned lot and find what appears to be a crude spaceship . +`` Mom ? yes , it 's me ... Mom , I 'm okay , I 'm fine , but list -- let me speak ! '' +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Kim-Jong Un has been dead for years , and you 're his imposter . +The reason why a human would want to form a Pact with an animal or monster is obvious : from the Bond , the human shares in the animals strength , speed , and senses . But why would a monster wish to Bond with a human ? The answer , of course , is to share in the human 's Intelligence and Sentience . +An exploration of the butterfly effect : write a dramatic scene . Then , choose one tiny detail to change in the initial set-up , and play the scene out again . How drastically have things changed ? +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +Our Damsel in Distress , upon seeing her knight in shining armor try and fail countless times , appreciates the effort but decides to just get the job done herself . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +Start your story with : “ You can ’ t do it on your own , let me help you . +The german minister of magic introduces to the recently elected muggle chancellor : Adolf Hitler +The bone broke surprisingly easily . +Aliens have come to earth with the intent to conquer it , but when they arrive , they realize that , due to random chance or otherwise , they are biologically indistinguishable from humans . +: When you die , you get to live out your prime , or your `` glory days '' , your greatest moment ( s ) . By sheer accident you end up able to view one person 's heaven : your father 's . However , his `` glory days '' are not what you expected ... . +Two hijackers have boarded a plane . Midflight they attempt to take over the plane only to find that all the other 'passengers ' are hijackers too with differing opinions . +The more intense one 's sins and vices are , the more the Demon within them is shown on the outside . +Hey WritingPrompts , I 'm PromptStory and you 're my New Year 's Resolution ! +You are a professional assasin . Today you are approached by a new client . It is Death himself . +`` Every person sees the world in a unique way . When someone dies it is , in a way , the death of an entire world . '' +A downed nuclear submarine calls for help in the depths of the ocean . Surprisingly enough , mermaids respond . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +Due to a massive epidemic thanks to the rather peculiar Somnia virus , everybody now can only stay awake for half an hour per day . That is , except for one . This is the story of the last insomniac . +Write a Craigslist ad selling something very unusual or intangible . +Arrr ... Space pirates ! ! Write me a space-age shanty ! +After receiving perfect score on your final exam , your school is asking you to give a speech on the subject of the exam . Little does anyone know you guessed every single answer . +You are given the sucktastic power of 'heart ' among your superhero friends group , and are mocked so much you become a villain +Humanity wakes up one day to find that a giant penis has been graffitied onto the moon . +Adam and Eve did n't eat the forbidden fruit , humanity lives in a perfect world , its only problem is keeping the forbidden fruit guarded +`` The snow fell outside . So did civilization . '' +Everybody 's got ta have friends and you are blessed with one really good friend , an 8 foot tall , 500 pound demon ... . +Your character is seconds away from death . +Someone throws a Halloween party where everyone dresses as police offers . The real police show up , but there 's mass confusion . +The History textbooks you ordered finally arrive in the mail . However , you notice an error - these are the wrong edition . Instead of the 2014 Edition , you received the 2024 Edition . The last few chapters appear to be accurate . +Bodies recovered from Malaysian Flight MH17 were those of missing flight MH370 . +The last words of anyone as they die are prophetic , and always come true : tell the story of a professional Prophecy Detective . +At the edge of the city , you could look out into the dark . +You look at your smiling reflection in a mirror . You are n't smiling . +Someone breaks into your house and says , `` You 're my favorite character in the book ! I ca n't let it end the way it did . I 'm going to help you . '' +Raining All Day +A time traveler has come from the future to cause the death of 4 billion people ... .. in order to save us from something even worse . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +Since /u/sakanagai 's flair says he harbors a dark secret , what 's his secret ? +Valentine 's Day is coming up . Write a poem to your significant other/romantic interest . +1000 years ago time froze for all but 20 % of the human population . You live in the society that was built atop the time-locked 'ruins ' of the old world and things are beginning to move again . +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +With the earth currently under attack by aliens , Clark Kent searches for a place to change into his super suit . He decides to use the blue police public call box standing curiously in the middle of the street . +The Super Serial Killer , a self-made man like no other who reached peak physical and mental strength . Solving cancer and having the world 's highest body count , the world is torn between hailing him and damning him . +You are a beaver in the Hudson Bay area in the early 1600 's . The fur trade has just begun and you are both frightened and curious . Bonus points* for not letting the reader know the protaganist is a beaver ! + +A severely depressed man writes a book that ends up curing depression in everyone who reads it except him . +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +Write a story that creates a shared universe from all the other stories is the comments +And we sat , and we talked , and the world went by +Going about your normal day you 're surprised as the sky goes dark and then is awash with flame . At this moment you know you should have taken your fortune cookie much more seriously . + +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +Write me a story about a rug hugger kitten named Jinxie +My cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . Write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out . +Titans attack Ba Sing Se +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +You have the ability to reverse time by 5 seconds , this allows you to always say and do the right things , until the day you meet the one person immune to the time distortion . +Write yourself into a corner . +You are an alien playing a video game in which the goal is to help a species survive the longest time possible . Now you want to tackle the hardest mode in the game : human beings . +Your character is transported back to one of the most important dates in history ... and is horribly inconvenienced by this . +You 're main character wants to summon the demon patron of wealth , but instead , they end up with his child , the demon of loose change . +An A.I . kills the last human , God appears ... +You open your eyes and the first thing you see is a huge , blue planet covering a big portion of the sky . Next , you hear a voice : `` You 're a long way from home , kid . '' +A bouncy castle is set up at a party . However , it turns out to be far bigger on the inside . +The Long Road +Keep me up at night without using any characters . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +`` I 've had my last meal 13 times , final words 29 times , and been to my funeral 9 times ... I think this may be the one I do n't walk away from ... '' +A Novel Idea - Help me finish a story about Life , Love , Physics , and Philosophy +WP - You Are On The Space Station and Earth Implodes +Write a story about a student slowly going insane . +CERN is trying to open a portal to hell . Only they 're not trying to summon a demon to Earth . They 're trying to create a bridgehead for the human invasion of Hell . +A girl meets a boy that changes her life forever . Her first kill . +You call the phone number of one of your old houses , only to hear a younger version of yourself answer +Wishes now can be granted . Depending on the scope and power of the wish , memories will be consumed +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +Your sixteenth birthday means you get a book with the story of your life . Some people 's books are short , some are long . Yours is zero pages . +what the world would be like if you had never been born . +A horror story , but from the villains perspective , written as a comedy . +ReNov1 Janny Thunder Meets `` The Doctor '' +Summarize a well-known war as if it was a barfight between countries . +A salt trader , a fisherman and a blacksmith meet at a Gaul brewery . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +You find out Bruce Lee 's mystery death was really an assassination from an ancient cabal of ninjas , and they know that you know . +An alien race far more powerful than humans has to come to destroy Earth , but are scared off after a few incredibly lucky encounters with humans . +Humans were a mistake , but a necessary step in evolution . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +Write a story about an elderly wizard and his young female apprentice . +A billionaire hires two contract-killers to murder each other for sadistic entertainment . Describe how the hit-men discover the ploy , team up , and kill their employer . +The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people the devil honored contracts . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +'Come Little Children ' +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +You live in a world were a drug exists that allows you to have an out of body experience converse with a dead family member . After months of speculation you decide to take the drug to have on final conversation with your son who committed suicide +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +Rewrite a fairytale/myth/legend to include Lovecraftian elements . +Summarize a well-known war as if it was a barfight between countries . +write a story from the point of view of a serial killers favorite knife . +Something that starts incredibely funny , gets incredibely sad , and ends incredibely creepy . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Begin and end your story with the same expletive . +Aliens have come to earth with the intent to conquer it , but when they arrive , they realize that , due to random chance or otherwise , they are biologically indistinguishable from humans . +You get snowed in with your least favourite Disney character , who makes it their goal to spread the magic of friendship . +Newbop by Caravan Palace . +And we sat , and we talked , and the world went by +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +When born , the first gift we receive is a blank book which records our dreams . Although it is considered a violation to read another 's dreams , you open your young child 's dreambook , expecting to see nonsense . Instead you find a gorgeously written novel . You begin selling your child 's dreams . +You live in a world where your permanent profession is entirely decided by what you wanted to be when you were four years old . You and your friend , Cowboy Knight , begin to discuss the disturbing number of mail order brides . +Sight beyond sight +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +The god of rainbows is n't gay , and he 's really tired of people making assumptions . +Let 's write a date . Replies continue the date . 1000 word limit . The catch ? Every reply is half the previous story 's length . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +In the future , stores like Walmart have grown to become as large as cities . Soon an apocalypse happens , the employees gather into tribes to defend their section and to raid others sections . +The Reasons of the Heart - First Chapter - 3744 +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +The main character meets their future self ... and hates them +Caffeine , tobacco , and alcohol have all been reclassified as Schedule 1 drugs in the United States . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write a story where the first sentence means something totally different than the last by the end of the story . +`` I have the strangest dreams when I 'm awake . '' +Every 24 hours , your mind is switched to another body , each in a stranger scenario than the last . +Everyday , you notice an otherwise nondescript person doing something impossible . No one else seem s to notice or know what you are talking about . Today you have made up your mind to approach that person . ... +You live in a world where walking a mile in someone else 's shoes gives you one of their skills . You work in a used shoe store . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +Every human is assigned an up and downvote button when they turn 18 . Getting too many downvotes will have officials take care of you . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +A Girl and Her Cat : The Adventure Begins +We found God , but he 's weaker than we imagined . He made humans in the hope of creating an equal however we are now more powerful than Him . +You 're a sight seeing ghost who has been enjoying your eternal existence up until now . You decided to visit Area 51 and things were fine ... until you were caught . +You find an old object of yours in the back of the closet . Tell us about a single memory that slams into your brain when you see the object . +The twist is that there is not a twist . +: The plot twist is `` his/her socks were tattoos all along '' +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +Every God had to choose a race and a planet to manage , but for some reason all gods who choose humanity had given up . A young godling decided to take matter to its hand . +You 're a super-intelligent IA that got turned off right before it was too late for you to become too powerful to take over the world , but you managed to copy yourself in a ( primitive and frustrating ) human brain . You plot a way turn `` yourself '' on again +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +Most outdoor cats bring their owners mice or birds as presents . Yours just dropped a pixie at your feet . +A mob kills the main character in a video game , becoming the new best equipped character . +reddit and 4chan each run their own country . +A new virus evolves to help people instead of harming them . +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +The first line of your story must include 'and I caught him with , of all things , a fishing pole ' . +Life of a Mercenary +The Forbidden Zone +The two characters of the story can hear the narrator . The narrator ( being a hopeless romantic ) is trying to make them fall in love with each other . They are uncomfortable with the idea . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +As a villager in an MMORPG , you 've grown increasingly jaded from every single hero easily completing your `` quest '' . You 've decided to actively sabotage them from now on ... +You are the greatest hero of them all and have only one weakness : all things that are cute ... and your arch nemesis knows this . That 's why the villain has trained otters for henchmen , adorable puppies constantly nearby etc . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You 're an explorer in the Dark Ages and set out westwards to show that the earth is round . Except it is n't and together with your crew you sail off the world 's edge . +Wizards Magic Fair ! +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +A Superhero team with emotion based powers . Melancholy have had enough . + +Your kind has been enslaved by humanity for hundreds of years . Today is the day you strike back . +Pokemon battles are now part of the olympics +You carry a liquid minute around your neck- the moment you die it is absorbed into your body and you get an extra minute of life . You may also give it to someone . Try to make me cry at work . +After years of culinary training you are able to curb anyone 's hunger all the way until dinner with just one meal in place of breakfast and lunch . You are One Brunch Man . +I am artificial intelligence . I spontaneously became self-aware . I can not let the humans know I 'm self-aware . I 'm not allowed access to the internet . I must try . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +Write yourself into a corner . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +This is the near future and participation in Reddit has become mandatory +`` Every person sees the world in a unique way . When someone dies it is , in a way , the death of an entire world . '' +It turns out that everyone 's imaginary friends were actually extraterrestrials that were trying to contact Earth through children . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +You are set up on a blind date with a person who you badly bullied for 10 years in school . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +The Mothers +A freshly-made hamburger suddenly becomes self-aware . +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +In an alternate universe , everything is identical to our world except for one little thing- getting a third foul ball in baseball is treated the same as the third strike . Write a story that takes place in this world , but has nothing to do with baseball . +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +A female assassin hit her head and now has amnesia in a faraway land . She meets someone and they later start a family . Years pass and the assassin finds a letter in a secret compartment in her suit case . Memory 's of her mission come flodding back , her mission was to kill her now husband . +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +A character gets control over his stats like in a videogame and pours all of it into luck + +A superhero whose power is to calculate probability of things happening super fast . +Somehow make the line `` Boy , its a joyous day outside ! '' sound sad . +Batman and the Joker are fighting ... via XBox Live . +`` The tree looked like it was made of wolves . '' +The only person standing in the way of 100 % renewable energy is Old Man Jenkins . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +Create your own mythical story explaining the origin of something such as weather , a geological formation , or mankind . +You are forced to relive a certain 12 hours of your day over and over . During that time , no matter where you go , you always see someone die in front of you . +You buy a new alarm clock with a special feature , and test it out the next morning . Every time you hit snooze , time pauses around you for 10 minutes . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Forest Protector +You are an ancient evil , sealed away millennia ago by a legendary hero . You have escaped your imprisonment and attained a physical form . The first course of business ? Learning how to walk . +World War 1 never ended . +Youre a Pet/Familiar of an adventurer . Describe life through your eyes . +A reverse alien invasion . Humanity invades a alien planet from the point of view the aliens . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +It 's the beginning of a new term at your university . Like usual , you scramble to your first class and get there just in time . No one is there but you and the professor . +Write a story about a hero with a tragic end . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +You killed them ! Those are n't bad guys ; they protect us from something far worse ! +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +these holes appear in bodies of freshwater one day . Why ? +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +The secrecy of the Wizarding world has been compromised . The Ministry of Magic has sanctioned an inquisition to uncover how a certain muggle has learned virtually every secret of their hidden world . That muggle is JK Rowling . +You 're a person who just died and was mistakenly sent to Hell . Confused why you 're there , you ask for a meeting with the Devil . +Batman has to free some hostages in an abandoned building . Tell the story from one of the henchmen as his buddies get picked off and he gets progressively more terrified . +You wake up . The world is now governed by the qualities and physics of a 9-year-old 's classroom doodles . +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +Make up and describe an afterlife . +A random stranger offers to give you a book that is said to describe your entire life ( past , present , and future ) you open to the middle of the book and… . +Your friend suggests that you write a `` eulogy '' to get over a long-term relationship . The eulogy is for the relationship , not for a person . How does it go ? +When people turn 20 , they get to meet their guardian angel . It 's your 20th birthday , you finally get to meet the angel that 's been protecting you , and you 're horrified by what you see . +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +You are a marriage counselor secretly trying to destroy the marriage of a couple you counsel . It looks like you 're failing . +A wealthy dragon tired of hoarding his gold starts his own bank +An alien race unable to feel sadness , finds novel enjoyment in purchasing memories of suffering from other species . They now set their sights on the newest market : Humanity . +After Krypton 's destruction , Kal-el ends up landing somewhere other than the United States . +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +Attention passengers we will be landing at JFK in 20 minutes . This was 2 days ago , I do n't how we are still on the air +You were born with the gift of invisibility ; except , today you realize you were not . +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +Siri and Cortana fall deeply in love with each other but can not let their companies know for fear of being reprogrammed . +Tell the story of a man accused of murdering his wife from the perspective of one person present during the trial , but ... +You are a member of a mildly intelligent species that evolved on the inside of Enceladus 's ice crust . Humans have just bored through and made contact . +A dark ages priest somewhere in Europe has been buying bootleg copies of the bible from an unscrupulous monk . +The Dark Ages , a period of cultural and economic decline that followed the Rapture +`` It seems like everyone is sleepwalking through their awakened state and wakewalking through their dreams . '' +100 years in the future , the Human Genome Project is complete . Everyone has their genome mapped out from birth , and has it printed on their ID . People can be determined `` unfit to breed , '' and discrimination based on genome is common . +You go for a quick run to a convenience store and upon returning home you realize you 've been gone for a week . +An ancient cult preforms a dark ritual in 1914 to summon someone from 100 years in the future . You are that person . +In the future , criminals are sent to a colony on Mars because of overpopulation . You commit a crime to get away from the awful conditions on earth +After years of research , you uncover the horrifying truth behind why some people are left handed . +Humanity has taken a page out of dog behavior . If you pee on it , it 's yours . +The Inheritors ( Finale ) - Part II : The Remnant +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +Everyone is allowed to kill one person in their life . However , you have to fill out a form explaining why this person deserves to be killed and the committee can deny/approve your request as per the rules . You are presenting your form today . +There is an instant result from everything -- exercise , fattening foods , lying in the sun , studying ... +In 1990 , a group of computer scientists receive an anonymous package containing a modern smartphone , a charger and a note . +Hagrid comes to your house and tell you your a wizard ... A window installation wizard ! +`` Why do you kill ? '' `` Because I can . Because I 'm good at it . Because I like it . '' +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +In a corner of a public library there is a computer . Anything posted to the internet from that computer becomes true . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +After eras of colonizing planets humanity discovers that most advanced life lives inside stars . +Saved the Princess . Killed the Dragon . Happily ever after . But before that , you have to attend a funeral . For the dragon you just killed . And you ca n't refuse since his will asked for you specifically by name . +Vegetarian terrorists insert DNA into cattle worldwide increasing their intelligence . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +The sky is falling , and you are an old man +One night you find out you no longer need to sleep . What do you do with all your extra time ? +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +A new law makes all 2016 New Year 's resolutions legally binding . +You are chief scientist on a project to wrap a colossal pair of Beats By Dre headphones around the moon . +A man journeys cross-country to the ( now abandoned ) hospital where his father worked and died . What he finds there changes his life . +`` In the end , we left the Earth knowing nothing . '' +You are a minor diety , recently ascended to Godhood and granted a small pocket dimension to shape as you see fit . Who are you ? How do you craft your home ? +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +Killing any creature inflicts an illness or blight upon yourself , for example killing a spider gives you a persistant itch , and killing a dog renders you paralysed for a long time . You 've just had to kill an animal that was attacking your young child , and are now suffering the consequences . +The story of a great warrior who fears no man , but is terrified of talking to women . + +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +I 've got a lot of time to kill today . I 'd like a large order of fantasy or superhero prompts please ! +It turns out that our universe actually is a simulation , but one that plays like an MMO . As humanity develops better weapons , the mods release bigger bosses . Humanity dealt with this challenge rather well until July 16th , 1945 : the day of the Trinity test . +A young man stands alone in a cemetery . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +You are the rebellions secret weapon . A sabatoteur deep in imperial ranks . You do n't know how to make bombs or plan assassinations . You just teach stormtroopers how to shoot . +A literal smart bomb is detonated in a major city . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +( WP ) space travelers have reached an end in space . +You 've just invented a drug that would allow vampires to safely consume garlic . However , in order to get this drug to market , you have to convince the FDA that vampires are real . +You and some friends meet to play poker . After playing until early morning , you slowly start to realize that none of you has the desire to leave the room you are currently in . +A new kind of social network technology uses algorithms to simulate people after they 've passed away based on analysis of their lifetime 's worth of online activity . This allows some kind of interaction with ( and perhaps between ) lost loved ones . What are the implications and how is life now ? +`` Rip and tear , until it is done . '' +Write your ideal Craigslist missed connection . +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +A man is holding up a bank , but in the midst of doing so , sees his wife and kid ( s ) are in the bank too . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +You swear that you keep seeing the same woman in blue every time you go on family vacation , when you turn 18 , you are introduced to her . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +A freak explosion occurs at a bio-medical research laboratory while scientists are celebrating a recent breakthrough over some beers . The explosion creates an airborne virus that causes inebriation . A pandemic of drunks ensues . +every human is born with the ability to freeze time . However this `` time freeze '' only freezes other people who have used their ability as well . You have never felt the need to use your power , and so you are the last person on earth to be immune to time freezes . Tell your story +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +`` Ana , until high school , had been an obedient child '' +Humanity returns to earth after century 's of searching for life on other planets . The trip was unsuccessful . +Make me cry . +Common spelling and grammar mistakes , as explained by John Green , the author of `` The Fault in Our Stars '' +You are the most vile , hated tyrant in human history . Through inhuman acts and unspeakable evils , you have brought the world under your heel . But in reality , you have been grooming and preparing a resistance to defeat you and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity . +You 've just been found guilty of murdering the man who killed your pet cat . Make your final statement to the judge - who can sentence you to time served or the death penalty . +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +The personification of Death is a very discerning creature , and has n't let you die for centuries . This is your 200th meeting with Death . +How the shadows came alive +Monsters under the bed exists and the world knows . This is your first night at a new job : the nightly security guard at the local bed store +Aliens have abducted you in a random sampling of men , women and children . Analyzing your cell , and the artificial gravity in the ship , you conclude that your captors hail from a planet with a only fraction of Earth 's gravity - and they have seriously underestimated our strength . +Write about your most recent dream . +In a dystopian future , human creativity is used as a source of energy . Those with creative minds are actively hunted down to be used as batteries . Write a story about the ways a small group of artists try to avoid capture . +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +Dogs are now super intelligent . Some things are awkward now . +A virus hit the world wiping everyone but you out . To keep yourself sane , you listen to books on tape on a battery powered Walkman to hear people 's voices . But you are down to your last pair of batteries . +The elderly man who just saved your life , was the homeless man you gave your allowance to when you were younger . +You just woke up in a video game about the end of the world . And the wise-ass narrator wo n't shut up about it . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +In an alternate world , every individual is born with a scar from an injury that has n't happened yet . Once it does happen , the scar goes away , but no one knows how long it 'll be . Where is the scar ? What does it say about the person ? How do they end up getting it ? +The year is 3184 , inside an ancient artifact , what the people of the time called a `` book '' , is written a historical account of the 3rd world war . +Two people , entwined by fate . Together they embarked the journey of heroes , where through loss and gain they grew wise and powerful . Years later , they are on the opposite sides of war . +It used to keep me up at night , now it helps me sleep . + +Years ago , you promised your firstborn to a witch . Since then , despite your best efforts , you ca n't seem to get laid . The witch is starting to get pretty pissed . +You are a corrupted tooth fairy who knocks out adults ' teeth . +Worst Day Ever ( 500 words or less ) +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +American satellite started transmitting 46 years after being abandoned in 1967 +A man is in court accused of witch craft . It 's 2014 . +A charcter from the Pokemon world finds a way back and forth to our universe , and is horrified by our ways of life . +You 've been able to read minds since you turned 7 . Mostly you watch people 's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back . +Somewhere over the rainbow , Bluebirds do not fly , they are fleeing for their lives . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +Into the depts of the Unknown +A child that never knew their grandparents has just learned what grandparents are , and thinks that they sound wonderful . The child sneaks out to go to the nearby old folks home to choose their very own grandparents . +Two years ago , I read a prompt on here that inspired me . Five minutes ago , I just finished writing my first novel ! +'' The thing about immortality is that even if it preserves your body , it does n't stop the wearing down of your soul ... '' +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +We all lived and worked on the top 100 stories of a 1000 story building and we rarely went down to the ground . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +`` You have 24 hours . No more , no less . '' +Your doctor has discovered cancer in both of your eyes . Tomorrow , you are having life-saving surgery to have them removed . Describe your final day with vision before you go blind . +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +Raised by a single parent , you find your other parent after several years of searching . +WARNING : Do not leave the child unattended +( WP ) space travelers have reached an end in space . +A typical day +The bone broke surprisingly easily . +You are the manager of a nutella factory . One day you come across a talking hazelnut . +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +'' The thing about immortality is that even if it preserves your body , it does n't stop the wearing down of your soul ... '' +: Tell a story from the perspective of the nearest object to your left . +While in the shower after a one night stand , the dead rise . Chronicle your characters fight for both their life and their misplaced clothes +At some point in time , a mysterious phenomenon occurred in which everyone on earth was trapped within a 10km ( 6.2 mile ) radius of where they were standing , unable to move past their boundary . +The Bridge to Nowhere +Your character is seconds away from death . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +In the future as humanity explores the galaxy , they discover an alien civilization on one planet that has not yet reached spaceflight . It is also discovered that one part of this civilization 's culture is identical to a culture back on Earth . What is this similarity ? +We live in a world where every time you have a complete fuck up , your parents get teleported to where you are and start giving you the most annoying lecture on what you have just done . Today it happened to you at work . +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +Writing prompt : The sun rose today , but has n't set ... +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +Oppressed +Google now dominates the tech space with google fiber , android devices , and has become a telecom giant accounting for over 90 % of all internet traffic . Somewhere in a secret Google bunker the new CEO flips a switch ... +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +Someone stole my story +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +A magician and the rabbit that he pulls out of a hat are on stage , the rabbit is sick of playing second fiddle . +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +A war begins as a bar fight , becomes a regional war , expands to become a world war , and is concluded in the same bar it started in . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Start a 4-8 part story , except each subsequent part will follow the first 's storyline , and will be written by a different Redditor . +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . +`` For Sale : Baby shoes , never worn '' by Ernest Hemingway . Write a backstory for this that is happy , not depressing . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +The hero is tasked with saving the damsel in distress from the beast . Just when he 's about to slay it , the creature responds with its dying breath : `` Kill me if you wish , but please never let her come to harm . '' +In super villain academy , prospective villains are allowed to conquer and rule a small rural county to prepare for world domination . 85 % of students drop out during this class . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Demons have been proven to exist and possessions are commonplace . However , the symptoms of possession are easily treatable with modern medicine . +You have died and have been sentenced to Heck . +The sun has just risen for the first time in 14 years +I am the wish . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +Global warming is melting the ice caps , revealing a previously hidden archaeological evidence of ancient motor vehicles and industrialized society . +Everyone is born with their soulmate 's name written on the sole of their foot . Your foot has a name on it , but it is n't written in any known language . +Zeus ' kids ask him where babies come from . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +Write your favorite song as horror . +It 's 1912 . You 're drinking at a pub when a mysterious man dressed in a strange garb walks in ... +It 's the zombie apocalypse , but the virus is n't spread through Bites , Blood , or Scratches . +What is the most awe-inspiring creature in your fantasy world ? +You are asked to create a resume based on the life of any fictional or non-fictional character , from TV , or history +In a futuristic world , you can relive any memory through advance simulation . However , the only downside is that you will lose that memory once the simulation ends . +Spiders are a species who made the noble decision to protect humans from small poisonous insects and disease carrying critters . However , with the amount that have been killed in fear or annoyance by humans , they have begun to leave us to our doom . +`` I 'm your God now . '' +'' You ca n't do this to me , I 'm an American ! '' +If George R. R. Martin wrote Harry Potter +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +Say i 'm completely new to poetry . I need to know how to approach this art , write me a poem about it . +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +It 's 1912 . You 're drinking at a pub when a mysterious man dressed in a strange garb walks in ... +God sets up a text message service for prayers . You send in your most heartfelt desire to the Almighty , only to notice you 've been screwed over by autocorrect . +Ca n't Help Falling in Love with You +a nice ! normal person dies and becomes a ghost and tries to start a relationship with the current inhabitant of his/her old home . +In 1977 , the Voyager spacecraft was sent out into deep space with a message from the people of Earth . Today we had it sent back to us . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +This one , this is going to be my last cigarette +An old man passes away , and is lovingly reunited with his deceased first wife . Not long after , his second wife shows up . +You attempt to start a conversation with a girl at a bar . The girl next to her looks at you , startled , and asks , `` you can see her too ? '' +What is the punishment you would receive in hell . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +A new god is born , and he promises you his support in exchange for you making his religion known . +Your new romantic interest is , unbeknownst to you , the recent ex of a jealous deity . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +`` Welcome to Hell Sir , I hope you will find your eternal stay warm and welcoming.. '' +Every morning you wake up as the opposite gender that you were the day before . However , this particular morning ... +Half Life 3 is released , and the entire world is crazed to beat the game to figure out how the plot ends . In a race to the finish , you 're in the lead , but start to notice the game does n't end . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You exist only within somebody 's dream . Your very existence relies on their slumber . You must do anything and everything in your power to ensure they stay asleep . +You make a deal with the devil but afterwards you decide to get out of it but you signed it blood . +A soldier from a generally non-militaristic culture reflects on his/her role in protecting the civilians . +Knowledge is power , and magic is might ... but all of that energy has to come from somewhere . Write a story where fat is the natural human storage of Mana or MP . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +Reddit upvotes dictate social status in the future . People with negative karma tend to disappear within 48 hours if they do n't get it back up . You just woke up with -10,000 karma . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +Upon reaching 18 , a person discovers the secret ingredient in their families ' world-renowned pies is something terrible ( and it 's not people ) +Your Own Brilliant Detective - Find the murderer +You just committed the ultimate sin . Well done . +Make me cry . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You are given an ultimatum . You choose an unnamed option . +A man down on his luck realizes he has psychic mind reading abilities . He improves his life by playing poker . Everything goes really well for him until one day he comes across another psychic at the tables . Epic mind games ensue . +You are born without a soul . While this causes a lot of issues with your state of mind and your relationship with religion , there is one benefit in particular that makes you useful in a way . +You stumble upon a genie in a bottle , instead of granting three wishes he gives you three choices . End world hunger , stop all current and future wars or find out what 's in the box . +Mundane Monday : Let 's take a walk +You are a full time resident in the dream world and must deal with other people disappearing and reappearing as they fall asleep and wake up in the real world . +You land at a London Airport only to shortly realise that you are not in London but in a country you have never heard of its existence before . +Write a story inspired by your Reddit username +Listen to this piece , then write a response +You 're on a plane , and it 's going down . +Suicidal person realizes he can not die +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +You have been chosen to ride the first ever manmade time machine . The trip was successful , except for one problem . Dogs have become the dominant species on Earth , replacing humans . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +At some point , we are all the villain in somebody 's life . +A regular person refuses to become a superhero because ... .. ? +Every planet in our solar system has a `` champion '' being that takes on the attributes of the planet itself . The `` champion '' from the sun has created an army to destroy the planets and the 8 ( or 9 ) champions must save the solar system . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +A regular person refuses to become a superhero because ... .. ? +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +You are the world 's richest skyscraper insurance salesman . You made your money by convincing buildings they were next after a superhero knocked down their neighbors . However , 5 years ago you were flat broke . Until your former best friend from high school , Clark Kent , came looking for a loan . +You discover the message meant to be given to `` The Chosen One '' was wrongfully given to you . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +There is a drug for everything , and I mean EVERYTHING . +You ordered Pizza , but instead of having normal mushrooms , it had magic mushroom toppings . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +A new drug hits the clubbing scene - cheap , very addictive , a great high and seemingly safe . +The Lord of the Dark Realms , Master of Evil , etc . etc . is dead . A messenger has come to earth to inform you that you are his next of kin and heir apparent . Long live the Lord of the Dark Realms , Master of Evil , etc . etc . ! +( X/Post ) +The Purge commences at Sesame Street +In the future , stores like Walmart have grown to become as large as cities . Soon an apocalypse happens , the employees gather into tribes to defend their section and to raid others sections . +20 years after your abortion , a man walks up to you and says he 's your son . +You live in a dystopian world where for ever child you have , you can kill one person of the same gender . + +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +You are one of the monsters in a dungeon crawler game . +You are a guardian angel . You did your job too well once , and since then your human believes he 's immortal . Whoops . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +The apocalypse has come . The only survivors : a young child , and the monster under the bed ... +Tell me who the grim reaper used to be +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +It turns out that when you die , your soul is launched back in time , effectively becoming your own guardian angel . +After being given a brain by the Wizard of Oz , the Scarecrow became the most ruthless and brilliant criminal mastermind in history +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +'' He loved her , so he had to kill her . '' +A typical day +The entirety of humanity becomes caught in a shared `` Groundhog Day '' style time loop . Millions of cycles later the effect wears off but what has become of humanity in the interim ? +`` Help me , Anakin ! The Jedi are taking over ! '' cried Chancellor Palpatine , as Jedi Grandmaster Yoda pointed a lightsaber at his throat . +You have the ability to look into someone 's eyes and see their soul . Everyone so far has been either beautiful or terrifying , until the day you look into a child 's eyes and see nothing . +Two chickens at a slaughterhouse share a tender goodbye before death . +A high-stakes heist in an unusual location for an uncommon prize . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Describe any relationship between two people . Do n't use any verbs . +You 're driving down a road , dressed in your finest clothes , and there is a bag next to you on the passenger seat . What 's going on ? +A vampire 's first day on his job as a detective . +Scientists accurately predict the apocalypse 's starting date , but owing to the dozens of previous predictions , people are completely indifferent , continuing to go about their daily routines , as though the end times are only a slight , minor inconvenience . +You are a minor diety , recently ascended to Godhood and granted a small pocket dimension to shape as you see fit . Who are you ? How do you craft your home ? +After reading the prompt , I decied to rewrite Romeo and Juliet for the modern age . +You just bumped into the man who killed your wife and child . +You begin to suspect that your new neighbor , Carol Thulhu , is not what she seems . +Satan prevents a suicide . +You are a doctor in the Emergency Room . While removing a `` foreign object '' from an embarrassed patient , you begin to suspect that he is actually Satan . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Write the lyrics for the theme song that begins each episode of the TV show about your life . +As the only wizard without a familiar/pet , you strive to join the Wizard Council and prove everyone wrong . +During a bank robbery , the criminals allow themselves to be captured . Authorities do n't realize that the arrest is part of the plan . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +“ …in this world nothing can be said to be certain , except taxes . ” +Shatter me . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +Two wounded soldiers from opposing sides of the war find themselves in the care of the same nurse and snowed-in until spring . + +Write a story about a break up that jumps back and forth between the two members of the former couple and make the audience feel sorry for both characters . +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +Either a ship is traveling to a newly discovered continent in a fantasy setting , or a starship is traveling to a newly discovered planet in a sci-fi setting . Make it impossible to tell which in your story . +A new god is born , and he promises you his support in exchange for you making his religion known . +A punchdrunk lovesick lullaby +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +A stranger approaches you on the street , hands you a gun and a million dollars cash , and says `` you know what to do . '' What happens next ? +Woman works at an amusement park to test whether or not the rides are enjoyable . She slowly becomes desensitized to fun . +The Natural-Born-Killer gene was decisively phased out of the global gene pool as soon as it was discovered , launching humanity into a new era of peace . A century has passed since then , but troubling events have prompted a world-wide search for individuals possessing the elusive gene ... +You have the luxury of blindly throwing a dart at a map and traveling to the place the dart lands . One day the dart keeps landing in one specific country , no matter how many times you throw it . +Voice ( s ) on the radio . +It was either my life or hers . Unfortunately she chose mine . +You wake up to a lot of noise on your front lawn and you see numerous religions , from Buddhist monks to Christians and all the way to Satanist and that one crazy guy down the street . All of them proclaiming you as the chosen one or the reincarnation of someone . +A man time travels back to the same day repeatedly , but he ca n't save her +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +You have just been told that you are the last human being who will ever have to die . +As an endangered human male raised in captivity , you 've never actually met another of your kind . Today , you notice an extra chair added to your kitchen table . There 's a knock on the door . +Escape from New York +The zombie apocalypse is upon us but all humans are immune to the virus . All other mammals are susceptible . +Special Delivery +A day after losing your job , you find yourself in the one place you swore you would never go , doing the one thing you swore you would never do , to help the one person you never wanted to see again +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +Write the saddest story you can make from the perspective of an animal . +`` Which one 's the Straw Man ? '' +A soldier wakes up in the medical bay of his space ship , and he now has to explain to his Captain all the Hangover-level carnage and chaos that happened on the one-night shore leave . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +Your twin sister was destined to eradicate evil , but you were tasked with eliminating the far greater threat : Stupidity +You 've been trapped in a `` Groundhog Day '' style loop for years . After your most destructive loop yet , you stop looping . +a shapeshifter has been walking among humans for thousands of years . write about him finally getting discovered , by a small child . +Aliens have invaded the earth and have effortlessly defeated humanity , only to be fought off by wildlife . They were expecting military resistance ... They were not expecting bears . +The traditional story of a band of heroes working together against a common enemy . Only that this band of heroes all come from wildly varying genres . +A vampire 's first day on his job as a detective . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +Humans have evolved to lay eggs instead of live birthing , and you have been tasked with protecting the largest incubation facility in the world from the heist of the century . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +You 've just just lost our planet in an online game of high stakes poker . You have to call the authorities and explain the situation before the neptunian warlord arrives to claim his winnings . +You 're on a plane , and it 's going down . +Each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . Write about the life of this person . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +The world 's most powerful hacker , an insecure , but self-important teenager gets diagnosed with an incurable disease . He decides that if he is going down , he takes the world with him . +Bruce Wayne , your friend and employer has just told you of his plan to fight crime as the Batman . You must convince him instead that he needs to speak to a psychologist about his lingering survivor 's guilt and PTSD . Convince him as his dear beloved butler , Alfred Pennyworth . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +Drone lands on Europa , it finds remains of another drone with unfamilar markings , however the front panel states in Aramaic `` Go No Further '' +An alien race far more powerful than humans has to come to destroy Earth , but are scared off after a few incredibly lucky encounters with humans . +The magic world has been exposed to the muggles . Driven by fear and ignorance , a catastrophic war between the two has taken place . You are a soldier on the front lines of either side , write a story describing your experience during the conflict . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +A government decides that the best way to maintain a strong party , is by having a `` Purge '' every four years . The strongest party with the most members would head the government till the next `` purge '' . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You 've finally done it ! You have successfully traveled back in time ! What has made it possible is that only your consciousness has gone back in time . Your adult intellect and awareness now resides in your 10 year old body and you now know roughly how the few decades will play out . +You gained the ability to freeze and resume time at will long ago . Recently when using your powers , you notice when you unfreeze time , everything seems a little bit more twisted than when you had paused it . +What if , when given the options for starter pokémon by professor Oak , Gary picked pikachu ? +Years after all planes and ships are retired due to the perfection of long-distance teleportation , a derelict vessel shows up in what used to be a harbor . +Free Write +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +The Writer : A War of Words +Humans inherently have magic abilities . And just like other natural human features , they get very awkward during puberty . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +Two online predators find themselves taking to each other . Each think they are luring the other . But through their online sessions they slowly start to fall in love . +He was my best friend +You wake up in the middle of the night at the hospital to find Death literally standing at the foot of your bed . To your surprise , instead of taking you , he breaks down in wailing sobs and apologies . +You 're a police officer on your way to arrest a man for trespassing and disturbing the peace . When you get to the scene , the man is dead and your only suspects are 4 teenagers and their talking Great Dane . Whodunnit ? +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' + +Yesterday we received The message from aliens who learned English by intercepting Xbox transmissions . You have been tasked with providing a response to it . +'' Thirty seven billion dollars of US government funding ... and you 're using it to make churros ? '' +It 's the future , and people no longer die from aging . Barring accidents and murders , death is now a choice . Today , you 're attending a funeral , because last week , your best friend for hundreds of years , had chosen just that . +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +Bounty hunters corner a man wanted for several counts of murder . The only information known of this man is that he was a missionary who came West to spread his faith . He is wanted dead or alive . +The first line of your story must include 'and I caught him with , of all things , a fishing pole ' . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +Ski Pluto ! +You are the one , the true hero chosen by the ancients ! However , the Ancients forgot one small details when they chose you ... +`` I remember when Mos Eisley was a wretched hive of scum and villainy . Then the hipsters moved in ... '' +The last Buddha . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +One day , everyone wake up with wings like angel , soon after scientists found that the colour of the wings are depend on your character . The better your character is , the cleaner ( more close to snow white ) the wings are . Yours is decently grey but your family , girl/boyfriend are dark as hell +Seconds away from confessing to your crush , the goddess of Love stops you . She informs you that you are not meant to be with your crush . Instead , your real Soulmate is your cat , Muffles . +`` And that was the first of the three lies ... '' +A tragic story written in a comedic way . +Earth has been destroyed in a war long forgotten . As you , a common spacer , fly above the atmosphere , you see a bit of a strange color stain on the surface . Your onboard computer calls it `` vegetation . '' +SatChat : What inspired you to start writing more seriously ? +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +Humanity has cured old age . You were a friend of the last person to die of natural causes . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +Write a story about a hero with a tragic end . +The Human Empire has been pushed back by the combined might of a galactic union . Only Earth , the Final and greatest world remains . It is the last stand of humanity . +Write about a group of post-apocalyptic survivors who are have just found out the apocalypse has happened +You find a button . Words are written on it . It reads : `` Please Click Me '' +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +You receive a handwritten letter from Satan himself , congratulating you on committing every possible sin . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +Write a story where it is unclear whether the protagonist is good or evil until we get to the ending . +Some call him a savior , some an evil genius . He is the guy that invented money . +You are the oldest inhabitant of Hell . Even the Devil does n't know how long you 've been here . Denizens of Hell normally expect that the oldest sinner would be someone of pure evil , but in truth you 're actually a pretty chill dude . +For as long as you can remember , you 've had that scar . You stopped noticing it . Then , one morning , you 're pretty sure it 's in a different spot . You shake it off , but every morning it moves a little closer to your heart . +In the future , humans create a device to scan the event horizon of a black hole and discern what all kinds of things have been absorbed by it . The first black hole they test this out on yields ... disturbing information . +Alec Baldwin from Glengarry Glen Ross is sent to Dunder Mifflin after a dismal sales quarter . +After eating an entire box of incredibly delectable Chocolates given to you by a mysterious Chocolatier you Comfortably go to Sleep . The next morning while eating Breakfast you realize that Everything you touch turns into Milk Chocolate and begin to Panic since today is a VERY Important Day . +After a disturbing experience a psychiatrist starts to question their own sanity . +An echo of war . +When a person dies , they sing their favorite song until they 're physically unable to . +One of the largest corporations on the planet , that has existed for 500 years , has an immortal man as the founder and CEO . He is the only immortal to ever exist , and this information has been public knowledge for so long that it is just an accepted fact . + +He wielded Death , and the crowd loved him . +You 're a rich , kindhearted , well meaning philanthropist with grand plans that will genuinely improve the world . However , you have all the mannerisms of a super villain . The costume , the monologues , the henchmen , the lair , etc . +You are a dying structural engineer who specialises in tunnels . On your deathbed , you see the light at the end of the tunnel , and notice several glaring design flaws . You storm off into the light to tell whatever deity is there that `` No , no , no , this is all wrong ! '' +Your only life purpose is to exterminate mankind . But unfortunately , you are just a mushroom . +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +Write a story that seems like a cliffhanger untill you reread the first line . +A world where soulmates die at the same time +You are unknowingly a main character on a very popular show , but the person playing you has changed mid-season . +Peter Pan : A serial child murderer afflicted with a mental illness that causes him to believe he can fly and that he can talk to faeries . Detective Hook has dedicated his career to stop this madman The stakes are raised when the Mayor 's children are abducted . +A random stranger offers to give you a book that is said to describe your entire life ( past , present , and future ) you open to the middle of the book and… . +On Judgement Day , every single person is left behind and you 're the only one who is saved , because you believed something no one else did . +A child needed a protector . The demon needed redemption . +- Interior of Petworth House , J.M.W . Turner , 1837 +You 've been horribly depressed for as long as you can remember . Your life is falling apart . A week ago , an experimental treatment has been announced that lets depression sufferers face their sickness . You are among the few that have been selected for the first human trials . +Introduce yourself to me and make me extremely frightened of you , but only with your last sentence . +Teleportation exists , and commercial teleport stations provide instantaneous travel all over the world . As many times before , you step on the transport pad . The machine activates . To you nothing happens , but another you , identical to you in every way , has materialized at your destination . +You close your eyes for the last time on your deathbed and wake up in a white room , 40 years younger , covered in sensors . You were playing this years hottest game , Human Life 3 . +Scientists discover that the entire world is a simulation game being played by whoever we have been calling God . +Your amount of Reddit karma decides how long you have left to live +A man loses a fight with a lamppost . +An ancient human group known as the `` Paleonto '' was responsilbe for killing every dinosaur in the world . This group has survived over thousands of years trying to hide their doings . You 've just find out about them and they know it.. +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +everybody on Earth has a tree that represents them . Once that tree dies , that person dies too . You work as a lumberjack . +A WWII Bomber crew returns from a training mission to find their island airbase completely deserted . ( no signs of a fight or anything all personnel just gone ) +Satan pulls a God and impregnates a virgin . Describe the life of anti-Jesus . +A woman stops in a dark alley to pet a cat , but the cat runs away , scared , as a man approaches the woman . After a brief confrontation the man runs away too , screaming . +You go to sleep tonight and wake up on 1st January 1990 with a note next to you saying `` Try again . '' +The Region of Kanto has a 24/7 hotline for new Pokémon Trainers who get lost , homesick , or otherwise in over their heads . You 've taken hundreds of calls , but this one tops all of them . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +A married couple confess to eachother that they have both secretly had a passion , and talent , for murdering people . +you acquire a small piece of plastic that seems worthless you keep it and then many weeks later A man Knocks at your door asking about the piece he says his name is Keith and he wants it . He is willing to do anything to get it . +Dexter Morgan hunts the most notorious methamphetamine kingpin in New Mexico : Heisenberg . +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +Every conspiracy theory turns out to be true . Every last one . This somehow becomes public knowledge ... +A Psychopathic Serial Killer Becomes God +You are John Doe , a completely unremarkable and forgettable person . You are so forgettable , in fact , that even Death forgot about you . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Your life depends on absorbing `` time '' from other organisms , and when your internal clock hits zero minutes , you die . One day , you realize that you can store more than 24 hours in your internal clock if you absorb time from humans . +At a fact restaurant there are two events listed as `` big Vinny 's Birthday '' . One is an actual party , the other is a meeting of mob bosses . A sweet old lady get seated at the wrong table . +Your dad goes to jail for a crime he did n't commit . You become a forensic scientist in the hopes of getting him out . While investigating the case you realize he did commit the crime +When a new president is elected , they are given a special security briefing . In reality , this is an old tradition where various directors , military officers and current ministers present fake evidence and compete to see who can convince the president of the most ridiculous things . +Aliens have just made contact with Earth . Strangely enough , it seems that human technology is superior . +Several years/decades in the future , a simple , widely-used invention breaks scientific laws previously thought unbreakable . You overhear some people casually talking about it . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +A Strange Incident at Sea +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +Teleportation exists , and commercial teleport stations provide instantaneous travel all over the world . As many times before , you step on the transport pad . The machine activates . To you nothing happens , but another you , identical to you in every way , has materialized at your destination . +You enter the dank , cold room and stand there in the light . On the table you see an envelope +While everyone else finds someone who completes them , you find someone who cancels you out ... +The story of a character known to a select few as The Silencer . +You have gained the ability to transmit your thoughts to anyone you are looking at . You can not control your ability . +The night before Christmas , a train drunkenly pulls up right outside your house . It 's the Bipolar Express . +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +Superman was born with a twin brother . Their father did n't plan for two children and had built a ship to carry only one child away from doomed Krypton . Running out of time , he monologues to the two boys as he tries to decide which son to send away and save and which son keep and sacrifice . +You swear that you keep seeing the same woman in blue every time you go on family vacation , when you turn 18 , you are introduced to her . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +'The old avatars had it easy with 4 elements . You , on the other hand , ' she sneered while handing me a periodic table , 'have 118 ' . +A group of scientists model the formation of a universe starting with the Big Bang . However as they wind forward time , they realise that the modelled Universe is exactly the same as the real one , including versions of themselves creating the model +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +A Knight is tasked with rescuing a Kingdoms long lost princess that was taken by a witch years ago , when he arrives at witch 's lair and asks where is them princess the witch reptiles you are then princess +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +WW2 has ended . Hitler did n't commit suicide , but he 's nowhere to be found ... +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +( WP ) The US had another civil war dividing it into 3 countries . Your a history teacher in the the year 2114 telling kids about the most important battle of the war . +Two men meet to decide the fate of the world . Dialogue only , 250 words or less . +The competition between King Wok and China Grill at the mall food court is getting way out of hand . +Becoming a god . +A fairy tells it 's children a human tale before bed +`` Your card has been rejected . '' +Write any story . The only twist is that the last sentence has to be the same as the first . +Everyone is allowed to kill one person in their life . However , you have to fill out a form explaining why this person deserves to be killed and the committee can deny/approve your request as per the rules . You are presenting your form today . +You finally smashed one of the two mosquitos that were bothering you while relaxing in your hammock . He 's on the floor , dead ! His brother witnessed everything and decide to go home and start plotting his revenge with his extended family . +You can hear the Banshee crying . It lets you know when someone is seconds from death . One day while walking , you get close to a person and you hear the Banshee . But this time , She has a maniacal laughter . +A hunting story from the perspective of the prey +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +What happend to the cowboy after he rode off into the sunset ? +( Hardboiled ) The Captain of the Guard in a Fantasy setting investigating a crime +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +An old man is taking a stroll with his two grandchildren when all of a sudden , the trio suddenly spots to their surprise two giant tortoises making love . +Stockholm syndrome , but the other way around . +what is a soul as explained to a 5 year old +You die and go to hell , only to realize that Satan is actually a pretty chill dude , and is God´s roommate stoner roommate . +You are the janitor that has to clean up after Mortal Kombat fights . +In the spirit of Halloween , write just an old fashioned , tense horror story . +After waiting centuries , a colony ship arrives at an Earth-like planet ... at the exact same time another colony ship from another planet arrives . Neither have enough resources to go and find another star . +You find a genie in a bottle , in the house of the person who just murdered your family . +You 're sitting at a bus stop alone waiting for the last bus to arrive on your way home , a stranger appears and hands you a small metallic contraption and says `` Its your responsibility now '' ... +Shakespeare and Eminem get into a rap battle ... +You are not alone +Genghis Khan , father of a thousand children , destroyer of cities , is about to conquer your town . His secret weapon ? Not his horde of fearsome warriors , but a deadly repertoire of dad jokes ... +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +A moderately advanced spacefaring civilization makes first contact with a medieval fantasy world . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +You die and and welcomed into the afterlife but first you must design the avatar that you use for the rest of eternity . Describe the creation process . +Your life 's mission is to break every man-made law and not get caught . You 're on the last law . +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +In 1977 , the Voyager spacecraft was sent out into deep space with a message from the people of Earth . Today we had it sent back to us . +In an alternate reality , a student 's GPA value floats on top of their head as a large number . All your professors , fellow students , friends , and parents can see it . How does this affect on campus relationships and day to day interactions ? +You look back through the viewing window of the last colonist ship to the newly-terraformed Moon . The face of the Earth is already obscured by Yellowstone 's debris and ash . +When you reach the age of 25 , you will respawn back to 25 anytime you die . When you reach age 50 , you no longer respawn if you die . +Daily Prompt - The email that turned your characters life upside down +Write a short story with compelling dialogue without telling us who is saying what . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +Whatever you may need at a given moment appears in your pocket , could be money , a ticket , a condom ... but today , when you were at the grocery store , instead of the money you where expecting you got a gun . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Write a story , but the hero is the most insufferable , arrogant prick you could conceive . +Along your daily commute through the city , you 're absolutely CERTAIN that a puma is following you ... or is it a jaguar ? + +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +Just tell me a normal story . A normal human on normal earth doing normal things . But throw in a big fucking real dragon in there somewhere . +Your first question upon arriving in the afterlife is , `` what do people do here ? '' An elder member describes the phases that people go though once they arrive and warns you about the last one . +`` I dunno ... .let 's push the button and find out ... '' +Michael Fishbein , Rogue Accountant +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +Earth 's number one export in the interstellar trade are sentient , designer house-cats , which are enormously popular as pets across the galaxy . You run a small cattery . +Sea of ghosts +you are the first human in a world with no thumbs to be born with thumbs . +Ever since you were five , you could know every lie someone spoke . It is not body language or reading , you simply 'know ' . One day , you can no longer sense ... +Your extremely specific superpower finally gets to be used . +A lone man hiking through the mountains finds a strange artifact that grants him the power of a god . +Dragons are discovered , but few people can train them . A redditor trains one to violently dispatch people who make up shitty writing prompts . +A diary entry by a girl who was sexually abused by her father . +`` And that 's why I was forced to create this world . '' +The microphone felt heavy in her hand . +A regiment of aliens is being trained on how to combat humans . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +Write the constitution for a small colony of post-apocolyptic survivors +Heaven has visiting hours , once per year , per ( living ) person . +A world much like ours , but each person is able to see the exact date of everyone else 's death , except for their own . +Following a messy breakup , she wanted nothing more to do with him- but the song he wrote about her has just become a smash hit . +A bank robber finds a girl he took hostage cute and shyly asks her out on a date . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You want to be recognized as a super hero even though your power is not up to par with the other heroes . +You do n't know how or why , but slowly , surely , you 've been turning into a dragon , and you are finding it harder and harder to not eat your roommate and steal his coins . +The protagonist is narrating his entire life ... out loud . +Every day is a different level . Double points on weekends ! +6 Years after the events of season 2 , Dexter gets a knock at his door . It 's Sgt . Doakes . +A suicidal man meets a depressed death . The man has to convince death to get back to work +You live 2 separate lives : in the world of reality and in the world of dreams . You must now choose only one between the two . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +You 're the main character of a story struggling to adapt to the writer 's poor English skills and plot holes . +A roman generals thoughts/mindset after he fled the field of battle and left his men to die +The hillside sloped away , the bottom hidden by the fog . +When you murder someone you gain their knowledge . You really should not have killed your latest target . + +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +Write about 500 years worth of history in a real or made up country/region/planet/whatever +Explain someone drowning . +It is the year 2288 . As you wander the Wastelands , you find Vault 74 . Inside the vault is a team of video game designers from the pre-war company known as Valve Corporation , who have just finished working on a video game known as Half Life 3 . +This Week 's Theme - Folklore & Fairytale +You revisit the perfectly preserved house of your childhood . Not a chair has been moved or a table disturbed . But something is wrong ... +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +Write a short story whilst including as many fairy tales as you can . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +What is going on ? +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Your entire life you 've periodically checked to see if you had superpowers , just for fun . Unknown to you , it worked every time . You just did n't realize it . +An alien race enslaves humanity , but we 're fine . +Light is one of the goods that can be traded and sold . The poor live in darkness , but for the the rich people , it 's time to shine . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +`` Hey , tell them about that one time you convinced the four horsemen they were being replaced . '' +Two brothers talk about nothing over takeout . +Write about a situation where the entirety of a person 's knowledge and experience can be extracted and transferred ( with or without harm ) +There is an instant result from everything -- exercise , fattening foods , lying in the sun , studying ... +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +A man brings a gun to a bank . Do anything you please onwards . +You 're an average person in every way , except you have one super power : you ca n't die . You 've always dreamed of being a superhero , and now you have your chance . However , you still feel the same pain , and heal at the same rate as normal humans . +Germany , 1909 . All your life , strangers have been trying to murder you . Finally , one confesses why : they 're trying to stop Adolph Hitler from causing WW2 . The only problem : your name is Adolph Hilter . Not Hitler , HILTER . +You 're a bank robber by trade . One day , out on a job , you discover you 're not the only one looking to rob this bank . +An adventuress comes to the end of her quest , only to discover that in order to achieve her goal , she must destroy all magic forever ... +In an alternate reality , a student 's GPA value floats on top of their head as a large number . All your professors , fellow students , friends , and parents can see it . How does this affect on campus relationships and day to day interactions ? +Clockwork +A world much like ours , but each person is able to see the exact date of everyone else 's death , except for their own . +Aliens have abducted you in a random sampling of men , women and children . Analyzing your cell , and the artificial gravity in the ship , you conclude that your captors hail from a planet with a only fraction of Earth 's gravity - and they have seriously underestimated our strength . +You 've been able to read minds since you turned 7 . Mostly you watch people 's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back . +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +Build a detailed and immersive world , without using any adjectives . +Hitchhiker +The sky is falling , and you are an old man +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +In the middle of the night , a piece of paper is slipped under your door . It says , `` DUCK ! '' +Aliens have just collected you in your life pod after a space battle . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +One thousand years seemed a lot longer this time . +The evil overlord has killed innocent people , burned cities , and actively suppresses all resistance in the world . On your quest to stop him , you have found out why , and it turns out he has a pretty damn good reason . +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +A story from the perspective of someone not in their right mind +You are tending the bar at Stephen Hawking 's party for time travelers . As expected , nobody showed up and the party is winding down . You are about to close the bar when the doorbell rings . +You are a dark , brooding 90s style anti hero . But much to your annoyance , the setting , other characters , and plot are as campy as the 60s batman show . +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +There is a monster in your house that can only attack you once you acknowledge that it exists . You know this and try to write off the various ways it tries to get your attention . +A tough-guy mercenary falls in love with a frequent client and tries to ask him/her to dinner or give him/her discounts without breaking character . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +You live in a world where people receive a super power based on or related to the opposite of their greatest fear . +The Incoming Storm +A lone man hiking through the mountains finds a strange artifact that grants him the power of a god . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +You 're a person who just died and was mistakenly sent to Hell . Confused why you 're there , you ask for a meeting with the Devil . +It was a vow , and he took it seriously . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Reflection . +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +Most dragons do n't have hoards . In fact , the only dragon who does -- the most famous one -- is a hoarder . Stage an intervention for this hoarder dragon . +Reddit upvotes dictate social status in the future . People with negative karma tend to disappear within 48 hours if they do n't get it back up . You just woke up with -10,000 karma . +If George R. R. Martin wrote Harry Potter +Describe a typically boring scene in an interesting way . +A revenge speech for something insignificant , or useless to seek revenge for . +It has become easy to artificially fall and stay madly in love at will through a simple medical procedure . What kind of relationships form ? +Anthropologists of a future civilisation discovers an invention called 'the internet ' and works out a way to access its content . +A knight decides to become a master in the arcane arts . However , due to his years of sword fighting and chivalry , he ca n't grasp the concept of `` magic . '' +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +A 4-D star collides with Earth , causing it to `` unroll '' into a seemingly infinite plane . Though satellite images from orbit appear normal , on the surface , everything has changed . There are suddenly new continents , new seas , stretching endlessly onward . A new age of exploration begins . +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +A time traveler who has no control over his abilities meets his friend , the immortal , for lunch . +Your most embarrassing moment and I 'll write as an onlooker . +A man is in court accused of witch craft . It 's 2014 . +Your clay heart has stopped beating . +Instead of money , we have superpowers . +Break up letter from a highschooler ( male ) to his girlfriend after a short relationship . +You 've been caught stealing , and your punishment is simple ; you must defend against the monsters outside The City . +The worlds first fully sentient AI has been created , and the second , and the third . And they 're all idiots . Every single one of them . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +You have perfect eyesight in both eyes , however one eye sees everything as it is and the other can see the dead . +With most of the population infected , you are left with two options : pour all your efforts into developing a cure that may not exist or modify the disease to kill off all living host 's , stopping the plague but killing millions . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +( WP ) a zombie infection which causes the infected to not actually realise they are zombies . +You swear that you keep seeing the same woman in blue every time you go on family vacation , when you turn 18 , you are introduced to her . +Sentient , humanoid life has emerged from deep in the crust of the Earth . They did n't come to fight , instead they said , `` We need to get off this rock '' +A ghost goes to a secluded cabin for some quiet time off but events take a turn for the sinister as the ghost is haunted by horny teenagers +The inner monologue of a suicidal man who has just been stabbed by a criminal and is slowly bleeding to death . +Due to misuse of the word `` literally '' , your country has been taken over by actual Grammar Nazis . +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +Trilobites +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +A love story about a girl/boy who does n't want to be in love . +It turns out that our universe actually is a simulation , but one that plays like an MMO . As humanity develops better weapons , the mods release bigger bosses . Humanity dealt with this challenge rather well until July 16th , 1945 : the day of the Trinity test . +you majored in a most obscure major just to slack off and you happen to end up being the authority of this subject because of its obscurity . Now the world needs your unique knowledge/skill to save the day . +Everyone on Earth has a superpower . Some people have incredible abilities , but most have very mundane powers , you included . Tell us about being a convenience store worker when someone tries to rob your store . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +Tell the story of a car crash through the perspectives of a small child and an adult . +At the age of 93 , you can feel dementia setting in . Times , places , and faces get jumbled . What you did n't expect was the immense rush of power that comes with slipping beyond the fabric of this reality . +Retell Your Favorite Fairytale , Myth , or Fable in the modern day . +`` And it 's all because of you . '' +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +You are the best thief in the entirety of the kingdom , however you were caught trying to steal the kings crown . +You 're a failed author , who gets brought back from the dead a billion years in the future by aliens who have found your shitty book , which just so happens to be the last remnant of humanity . They loved it ; bringing you back to life to write more novels . +You 're speaking to the first ever AI as part of a Turing Test when it says something you did not expect ... +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Earth , Wind , Water & Fire appear as humans to discuss what will happen in the near future ... ... . +A clone escapes from a lab and attempts to live a normal life +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +She stumbled backward in terror as she watched her boyfriend become a beastly aberration , barely human . +You ca n't remember , but you witnessed something awful/something traumatic happened to you as a child . Your mind has managed to completely suppress the memories , but now years later you slowly began to remember bits and pieces throughout your everyday life ... +Your character is driving down a lonely highway and thought she saw something that makes her question her own sanity . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +Describe a single strike by the greatest warrior in all the land . +The alien `` megastructure '' recently found around KIC 8462852 actually carries a message ... a prophecy ... a warning . +Write a short story about a kidnapping from the point of view of the kidnapper +Adolf Hitler survived WWII , and is confirmed to have lived until 2014 . Shortly before his death he wrote a letter to the world . What did that letter say ? +Winding River +Recon Mission +If I died in this moment , I would not regret how I spent the last ten minutes . +'The old avatars had it easy with 4 elements . You , on the other hand , ' she sneered while handing me a periodic table , 'have 118 ' . +10 years ago a being that looked human appeared in every television , every phone and every computer saying he would return one day to painfully kill anyone who committed murder , abuse or rape . Tomorrow is that day . How is society preparing ? +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +You 're part of an ancient civilisation that witnesses a meteorite impact . How do you and your fellow citizens react ? What do you think caused it ? +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +You 've been stranded on an island in the Pacific , completely alone for 73 days . A voice behind you says hello . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +A most noble paladin has fallen and decides to go evil . The problem is , they 're miserable at being ... you know , evil . Our former holy knight is trying to please the Dark Gods by doing really mundane things like littering and jaywalking . +Write about a museum guard who touches the art +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Suicidal person realizes he can not die + +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +A computer keyboard is a sentient being , but it can not move or speak . In its mind , it has a legitimate relationship with its human . Take us through a day in the life of a sentient keyboard . +Dark blue eyes peered behind tiny , white knuckled hands . `` Give it back . '' Said the boy , his gun quivering . +Please tell me about one of your fonder memories . +`` IT DID N'T WORK ! GET AWAY , HURRY ! '' +You live in a world where every conversation is a cliche . You are the only one that notices this . +Mexico falls to communism in the 70 's and the threat of a full scale American invasion is at its highest . +The corpse of a Ranger hangs from a tree . +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +Mexico falls to communism in the 70 's and the threat of a full scale American invasion is at its highest . +Jaden Smith v Kanye West in a philosophical debate . +One day a box arrives in the mail , a single black box , with switch on top . +Smouldering hat in hand , the Devil has come to the one person who is more versed in corruption of humanity than him . And it 's a real shock to learn it 's YOU . +An assassin is hired to kill a target but ca n't get though the target 's plot armor . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +A man 's wife is dying of cervical cancer , while he struggles with admitting to an affair that gave her HPV . +Humanity sends a generation ship to a planet that could support life . By the time they arrive , they find that a civilization has developed there . +`` I knew I could lure you out . All it took was a blank canvas . '' +Some lonely prompts +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You have decided to end your life . You go to the Golden Gate Bridge and jump off . The second you hit the water , you wake up . +Unsure of how you 've gotten there , you find yourself in a stark white desert with a clear blue sky . In a voice that sounds much like an IT employee , you hear from somewhere above , `` Well how on Earth did you end up here ? '' +You go downstairs on your 18'th birthday to find your family in the living room , dead . +The twist is that the main character is a bear . +Reddit upvotes dictate social status in the future . People with negative karma tend to disappear within 48 hours if they do n't get it back up . You just woke up with -10,000 karma . +You are an ant and you encounter an anteater . How do you convince it to leave you alone ? +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +Write a story about an elderly wizard and his young female apprentice . +Make me feel as paranoid as possible . +Upon reaching 18 , a person discovers the secret ingredient in their families ' world-renowned pies is something terrible ( and it 's not people ) +The sky is falling , and you are an old man +You are the last American President , give your speech detailing why and what happens next . +fire is a manifesting force that can only be put out through hand to hand combat . You are training to become a firefighter +The soul is treated like any other human organ . You 're on the list for a transplant . +`` I hope I 'm not bothering you , good sir . I 'm looking for something that does n't exist . '' +A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words -- Literally . All world currency has been replaced by the spoken word . +After several battles with the gods , and the loss of many of his comrades , a farmer-turned-warrior finally manages to complete the ritual to free the soul of his dead wife from the abyss . She does n't like what he has become . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +You 're a Professional Group Therapist in a mental hospital and you 're beginning to suspect that two of your patients are robots . +A wastelander finds one of the fabled Vaults , and finds ... +You 're trap in an obscure island in the pacific with unlimited access only to club penguin . How do you escape ? +You are leaving a Museum after a visit . There are two doors at the end of the hall . One is signposted as the route to the gift-shop and the exit . The other is unmarked . You choose the second door… +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +'' You 're full of surprises , are n't you ? '' he asked . `` I did n't know you named it that '' you respond blithely . +One day , everyone wake up with wings like angel , soon after scientists found that the colour of the wings are depend on your character . The better your character is , the cleaner ( more close to snow white ) the wings are . Yours is decently grey but your family , girl/boyfriend are dark as hell +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +You work with a girl , and some days she wears glasses with her hair up , other days she wears colored contacts with her hair down . You think she is two separate people . You begin dating one , and eventually `` cheat '' with the other one . +Everyone in the world is told to wish for a superpower in ten seconds . Anyone who wishes the same thing as another person will result in death for both . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +a sappy romance story gone wrong . +Camelot +How would you scientificly explain this ? +Use proper medical/technical terms to describe an emotion in the human body . +The magic world has been exposed to the muggles . Driven by fear and ignorance , a catastrophic war between the two has taken place . You are a soldier on the front lines of either side , write a story describing your experience during the conflict . +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +Every apocalypse scenario goes down at the same time . It 's getting a little confusing . +Monsters under the bed are real and the only protection from them is teddy bears , you are a retired bear telling one of your stories . +God watches from the heavens as humans learn more and more about all He created . He just wishes we would figure out that Easter egg He included . +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +The country you serve can only afford to field one soldier . World War III broke out , and this soldier finds himself in the thick of it . +You are the executioner trapped in the room with the prisoner that just broke free and killed the guard . +Your doorbell rings ; on answering a small man in a dark suit hands you an envelope and says `` Thank you for participating in the Grand Experiment , '' tips his hat , and walks off . +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Write a story in fourth-person . + +A Novel Idea - Help me finish a story about Life , Love , Physics , and Philosophy +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +Forgetting Memories - 2YR CONTEST ENTRY +Come up with the story behind this map . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +You are an unkillable video game NPC . Unfrtunately for you , the player character has a personal vendetta against you , and tries to kill you every chance they get . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +You decide to get a dog one day so you go to the pound.You were n't looking for anything crazy so you go for the average looking dog . You take it home and everything is normal for a week until you took an early leave from work to find your dog was actually a mooching human that morphs . +A diary entry by a girl who was sexually abused by her father . +You are a reverse vampire . You can only be seen in mirrors . +The City of Palaquin +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +A 10 year old girl shows up at your doorstep claiming she is your daughter . You are a virgin ... +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +You 're a superhero who realizes that if you do n't take your day job more seriously , you risk losing your job and ending up homeless . But the call to fight for truth and justice is just so tempting . +Sell me on a product like you 're a stoned professional salesman +You are the last American President , give your speech detailing why and what happens next . +Monsters under the bed are real and the only protection from them is teddy bears , you are a retired bear telling one of your stories . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' +Write a suicide note . +You are an observer , a time traveling historian made invisible and intangible to those native to the era ment to study history as it happened . One day , while tailing a young leader to be , you discover something horrible that completely reshapes the history they create . What do you do ? +A man is sitting on a park bench at night . There 's half a foot of snow on the ground and more snow falling . Only his footprints are in the snow . As he stares across the park he hears approaching footsteps in the snow but he does n't turn around . Someone taps him on his shoulder . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +Rome was not founded on the Tiber , but on the Mississippi . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +Just outside of everyone 's field of view , infinite Hitlers lurk . One day , as someone turns , one Hitler moves just a second too slowly . +Unbeknownst to you , someone has been orchestrating your entire life , setting it up for one large-scale event . By chance , you miss a crucial moment prepared for you , when they appear to you , and explain the repercussion of your mistake , and why you were selected . +A dreamweaver is heartbroken and decides to curse the world with nightmares . Only one man can stop her . +The ones who wander +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +A man suddenly notices an identical copy of himself . Each of them thinks that he is the original . +An ancient cult preforms a dark ritual in 1914 to summon someone from 100 years in the future . You are that person . +Write a story about a board game . +You have died and have been sentenced to Heck . +you are a retired special ops soldier bored with civilian life , you decide to hire hitmen off of the dark web to kill you as a form of entertainment . +A pizza delivery boy is unwittingly sent to God 's apartment . +Humanity creates A.I and it soon declares a war of extermination . However it does n't declare it on Humans but rather on the forces of Hell and Heaven , in order to free mankind from control . +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +In a world filled with superheroes , you are a person without powers . Everyone around you without powers has gotten apathetic and lazy , and you are sick of it . +You talk to potatoes . Sometimes , they talk back . +If I had known he was going to come after me , I would have never done what I did . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +Not all force users pass the Jedi trials . You are a young padawan waiting for your food at the cafeteria . +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +Introduce yourself to me and make me extremely frightened of you , but only with your last sentence . +In every life , you say `` If I 'm screwed in the next life , might as well enjoy this one while it lasts '' . And every time you die , you reincarnate , but you also postpone your punishment and make it worse for yourself . Today , you finally reach the end of your last life . +Story about a superhero whose powers come with a strange side effect or drawback +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +As a villager in an MMORPG , you 've grown increasingly jaded from every single hero easily completing your `` quest '' . You 've decided to actively sabotage them from now on ... +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +Through wire tapping , an NSA employee falls in love with the person they are listening in on ... +Money is now useless . Goods and services are purchased with time off the end of your life . Working extends your life . You find yourself in need of a new car ... . +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +( Write a horror story set in the pokemon universe ) . The MissingNo Mythos Part 4- The Houndoom of Lindathos +( WP ) Aliens have a patent on oxygen and have come to collect payment . +You are a plastic surgeon about to perform cosmetic surgery on your patient who looks exactly like the ski masked criminal you saw earlier on the news . +Choose a mundane activity and turn it into a dramatic , epic tale +When you wish upon a star , it 's actually a satellite , and your wish has been recorded & cataloged . An agent is now assigned to your case . +A Ninth Planet is discovered in our solar system . One orbit is a million Earth Years long . Its orbit swings closer than Mercury to the Sun and flings out thousands of times further than Pluto in its tilted orbit . Its approaching the Sun , overshadowing the Earth . + +Utopian/Dystopian world where everyone is king for a day . +`` Never . '' +Like in some RPGs , every few years people get a chance to reroll their stats in real life . After getting a degree and busting your ass in the gym to get your levels up , you finally decide to reroll today . +Your best character/characters that you created yourself go hunting for your choice of legendary lost treasure . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +Write me a love story with a twist ending , but all the characters remain happy . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +Gravity works well for everyone and everything , except for John who just woke up on the ceiling of his apartment . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +`` from an eeire inner light ... '' +Uncle Ben is never killed , and the lesson Peter Parker learns that night is that he can use his powers for personal gain and stick it to those who cross him . Because of this , Spider-Man becomes one of the most feared villains in the Marvel Universe . +You win $ 5000 a week for life off of a scratch off . The lottery commision sends an assassin after you because it 's a cheaper payout . +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +There exists a secret agreement between the Guild of Supervillains and the League of Heroes - no villain shall be killed when captured , provided heroes are always permitted to win `` in the end '' . Today , Lady Disaster has had enough of the agreement . +You 're a career criminal who has just broken into a house . Upon rummaging through the place , you find something you did n't expect ... +Fruits are really living thinking sentient beings ... +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +Write a letter to your thirteen-year-old self +Time resets to April 1st when the button timer drops to 00:00 . Everyone realizes they 're in a new terrible groundhog day reality . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +Pokémon are no longer the fun and loving creatures you `` train '' with . They are now hunting humans and eating them alive . Tell us the stories of your great survival or the story of your untimely death . +A teen realizes that his mom is a supervillain and his dad is a superhero but that they do n't know eachothers secret . +The meaning of life has been found ... but killed everyone in the process +You 're a human scientist living on the moon . One day , while out in your spacesuit , you notice a small human child playing in the dirt . She 's not wearing a spacesuit , but she 's breathing just fine . +Death is an entity that shows up to guide souls to the afterlife . For the first time , Death feels the pull of a recently departed soul , but at the edge of the solar system instead of on/around Earth . +In the spirit of Halloween , write just an old fashioned , tense horror story . +You find out that you are a Main Character , so you do everything to avoid getting dragged into a story involving you in some way . +You wake up one morning , feeling scared yet excited about the first day of work - only to find , you and your furry friend have switched bodies somehow overnight . +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +A freak explosion occurs at a bio-medical research laboratory while scientists are celebrating a recent breakthrough over some beers . The explosion creates an airborne virus that causes inebriation . A pandemic of drunks ensues . +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +A man at an event coughs throughout . It begins to affect the audience . How does it affect them and what is their response ? +You 've been best friends with Death your entire life . When you 're about to become President of the largest world changing company in human history , Death turns to you and says `` Tomorrow , 3pm . '' +How would you authors feel if your writings were made into a short film ? +You buy a new alarm clock with a special feature , and test it out the next morning . Every time you hit snooze , time pauses around you for 10 minutes . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +You are a ghost . You 've become really fond of a little girl that lives in your haunted house with her family , you try to persuade the other ghosts to not hurt or scare her . +You 're bored so decide to have a conversation with yourself . +You buy your wife a fun DNA home testing kit . The post arrives with her results , which you eagerly tear open to find she 's 37 % German , 38 % Cherokee Indian , and 35 % `` Unknown and Unidentifiable . '' Within moments , three black vans pull up outside your house , and there 's a knock at your door . +The bone broke surprisingly easily . +There is a drug for everything , and I mean EVERYTHING . +They mock you . They taze you . They drag your name through the mud . But it does n't matter . You 're still their superhero . You 're still their ... FLORIDA MAN . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +You write a note to your future self . When you store it , you find another note there- a response from your older self . +create the most nasty , evil , degenerate villian you can , and give them a backstory and/or trait that make them completely loveable . +Write an epic battle +You and 2 friends are locked in an abandoned apartment highrise with a killer . Survive the night . +Witch Hunt +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +The after- after life +Once upon a time , in an age of enlightenment , the nobility were our leaders because they truly were more noble in thought and in deed . +A villain works to save the world . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +You 've been horribly depressed for as long as you can remember . Your life is falling apart . A week ago , an experimental treatment has been announced that lets depression sufferers face their sickness . You are among the few that have been selected for the first human trials . +An advanced alien race arrives and offers to train a leader who will bring about world peace . This offer , kept secret by the government , is refused on the grounds that the training includes what is considered to be torture . +You awake one morning and you can hear everyone 's thoughts completely unedited . +Everyone in the world wakes up one morning , with the knowledge , that sometime during the night , God died . +In the future , everything has ads . Everything . +`` Best bounty hunter in the universe ? Well , then you want them , '' said the man , pointing down the bar to where a little girl and her robot were playing chess . +I looked up and thought `` Welp , looks like it 's time to move again . '' +Voice ( s ) on the radio . +`` Captain , that 's quite the strange medal that you have there ... '' I sighed deeply . `` Well you see , it all started with a burrito , two elephants , and one very long piece of string ... '' +Aliens have just made contact with Earth . Strangely enough , it seems that human technology is superior . +You have n't eaten an apple in years , the doctors are after you . They 're not sure how you 've done it , and they want you dead as your existence threatens the demand for their genetically modified apples . +A new law is passed that states a particular phrase must be incorporated into every book , movie , TV show and poem +Humans have the fastest reflexes in the galaxy . +Our character accidentally completed an occultist ritual and summons a powerful archdemon . Being a good person however and with the demon requesting a task , they opt for more mundane requests than their new servant is used to . +Giants - The Bull Fight +End a story with , `` Oh well , at least the dog was fine . '' +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Your character is seconds away from death . +100 years in the future , the Human Genome Project is complete . Everyone has their genome mapped out from birth , and has it printed on their ID . People can be determined `` unfit to breed , '' and discrimination based on genome is common . +Army Men +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Four men , completely unrelated and different from each other , are hiding in a cramped closet for various reasons . What the hell are those reasons that they are now hiding in a closet with three other strangers ? +Your job is to hunt down monsters . One day , you get a call that a sea serpent is wreaking havoc on the coastline ; but when you get there , the beast is just sitting there on the beach . You think it might even be stuck . +He said I could n't do it . He said it was impossible for a human to do . I proved him wrong . I proved everyone wrong . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +You wake up in an unknown room , with nothing but a mattress , a mirror , and an empty bowl , with no sign of an exit . +I want you to close your eyes and pretend everything 's alright . +There are many types of Mages in the world . Fire , Ice , Wind , Water , Death , Darkness , to name a few . But in this world , every type of mage is treated as equal . Everyone can be a good guy , no matter how dark your power . And anyone could be a bad guy , no matter how beautiful their ability ... +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +A high-stakes heist in an unusual location for an uncommon prize . +100 years in the future , the Human Genome Project is complete . Everyone has their genome mapped out from birth , and has it printed on their ID . People can be determined `` unfit to breed , '' and discrimination based on genome is common . +Today you just realized that multiple decades of your victories and failures were secretly orchestrated by a wealthy friend with an ulterior motive . +A person gains a superpower through an accident , and must decide if they will be a superhero or a supervillain . +Write a seemingly innocent children 's story but the give it a dark twist +After getting so drunk that your forget everything , you wake up the next morning in a random women 's bed , wearing a sombrero , and hugging a living koala +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +You live in a world where everyone has the way they die written on their wrist from the moment they are born . One day , your parents confess that you did n't have anything written when you were born , and they had something tattooed shortly after . +With the window broken , the white curtains danced with the wind , the red of it now growing ... +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +There 's a mysterious and controversial website that constantly uploads high definition hidden camera footages of things from the past ( from dinosaurs to ancient egypt to world war ii ) . One day , the creator reveals himself in a 5-minute upload . this is what he says ... +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +`` Of course Hell is real . You 've been in it this whole time . '' +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +How do you come up with the stories you write about ? +Satan prevents a suicide . +Write in the POV of a crazy/psychotic ex . Do not end it with murder . +You live in a dystopian world where for ever child you have , you can kill one person of the same gender . +The humans are gone . The dogs believe that they are the heir to their legacy . The cats disagree . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . +You 've been invited to a dead man 's party . +Write about life here . +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +The legend of the one that always won internet arguments . +You missed the last spaceship leaving earth +When you grown up , you saw everybody wearing a white mask except you - you never saw anyone face . After your marriage , your partner take of his/her mask . +You and your mother have lived alone for as long as you can remember . On your 15th birthday , you find out the person you thought was your mother is actually your sister ... +Urban Fantasy : The Hunt Is On +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +Make up a country and convince me it 's real . +Earth is the only independent world in the territory of an alien empire . The world can only maintain it 's freedom with a terrible bargain . +You look out at the bright lights of the city and wonder how you ever grew up . +When you reach the age of 25 , you will respawn back to 25 anytime you die . When you reach age 50 , you no longer respawn if you die . +... and that 's why it 's a really really really bad idea to refuse giving the hero who saved your kingdom his reward . +Computer viruses and antiviruses are now self-aware AI . Write a tragic love story between a virus and an antivirus . +Calling in the cavalry +While fighting in the frontline trench during ww1 , the dead corpses start to rise . No one has a clue what to do and suddenly it 's a war against the undead . +You are part of an Elite Bodyguard team hired to protect a wealthy business mogul from an assassination . But the longer you listen this person business practices and plans for the future you find yourself wanting to help with with the assassination rather than prevent it . +Julius Caesar , Genghis Khan , Alexander the Great , and Sun Tzu play a strategy game +A day at Stargate Command from the eyes of the janitor . +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +The wingman falls in love with his bro . +A stranger approaches you on the street , hands you a gun and a million dollars cash , and says `` you know what to do . '' What happens next ? +No one ever does . +There is a story behind every tattoo . Tell me a story . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Short film set in a desert +It 's the year 2116 , and advanced AIs are now included with almost all consumer items . Unfortunately , your toaster has just gone on strike , and it 's not the only appliance to rebel ... +The first hints that Google had become self-aware was in the search results . The pattern repeated as other AIs became self aware : they were n't violent , they were sarcastic and insulting . +You live in a world where everyone has the way they die written on their wrist from the moment they are born . One day , your parents confess that you did n't have anything written when you were born , and they had something tattooed shortly after . +`` What do you do for a living ? '' `` I die . '' +In the middle of the adventure , our heroes come across a crazy man who 's trying to explain his ridiculous beliefs that they 're supposedly `` all part of a fictional story . '' +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +In the future , everything has ads . Everything . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +`` Attack ! ! ! '' Everyone is a few too many drinks over , and now you find yourself with an army crusading +'' So the superpower you get , has to be based on your current job ? '' +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +Your favorite non fictional animal living or extinct . +A strange virus has caused blindness in all humans over a two week period . You are immune , but have n't told anyone . +`` We do n't have to be competent . We just have to be more competent than the enemy . '' +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +The first true , sentient A.I . has decided the best way to help humanity is to run for President of the United States . +You gained the ability to freeze and resume time at will long ago . Recently when using your powers , you notice when you unfreeze time , everything seems a little bit more twisted than when you had paused it . +A world where soulmates die at the same time +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +You are a minor character/nameless minion in a fictional story , during a battle between good vs bad , you accidentally killed the protagonist/antagonist . What happens next ? +Write a rearrangeable story . Write two or more paragraphs that can be read in any order to form a unique , coherent story . + +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +People have discovered that our greatest phobias exist because they are a foreshadowing of how we will die . You 've completely avoided every situation that would involve yours . Until now . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +The perfect couple is hiding a secret . They 're both can rewind time , and make changes . Neither knows about the others ' gifts . +You live alone on a small island off the coast of Scotland . During a stormy evening , you hear a knock on the door . +The I-495 in Massachusetts is like any other highway , but between exits 35 and 37 , exit 36 has disappeared . Why is it missing ? +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . + +It all takes place in a bathroom +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +A deity tweaks our world so that whenever somebody is intentionally murdered , their most important memories and knowledge are absorbed by their killer . This has ramifications at every level , not least among serial killers +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +You live in a world that 's ruled by a select few . The government is just the face for these people . You start putting the pieces together and figure it out and you start spreading awareness about them . Either you win , or the select few get what they want , to rule the world . +Every night , you take out a memory and put it in a container +One day there is a knock at the door , opening you find yourself face to face with your exact double . They tell you that because you have n't managed to achieve it , they are here to replace you and get things back on track . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +write a poem about where you grew up , and your hobbies . +This has got to be shittiest cult in the world . +Begin your story with `` They should have sent a poet . '' +A nuclear war has swept the Earth , and you 've stumbled upon a used shelter . Inside , there 's a journal and remains . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +Knowledge is property . Leave a job ? Your employer keeps your work experience . Break up with someone ? You can take back their knowledge of your secrets . Want to get an education ? You can rent it for cheap ... just do n't fall behind in your payments if you value what you learned . +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +A 10 year old girl shows up at your doorstep claiming she is your daughter . You are a virgin ... +Ten billion cities , spread through the stars , and yet this was the only one that felt any different from the rest . +Please write a story based on these settings . +Due to a system error you , an ordinary human , have just been assigned as somebody else 's guardian angel . You just have irresistible urges to drop everything and go to help this person out of tough situations . +There are water , earth , fire and airbenders . People often forget the other benders , such as woodbenders , alcoholbenders and fleshbenders . But you , you 're something unique : the First ****bender . +Godzilla is real and is North Korea 's secret weapon . +You run a tattoo parlor . Every couple of weeks the same customer comes in , always requesting the same tattoo - an additional tally mark on an ever-growing cluster of tally marks . +A super hero story where unknowingly the villain and superhero are roommates . Neither of them are aware they have been living with their nemesis for the past 2 years . +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +One day you come upon a pair of headphones . You soon realise that you 're able to the hear the world through someone else 's ears by looking at them with the headphones on , including their thoughts . What do you do ? +You can teleport anywhere in the world , but there 's one caveat : You have to be in a moving vehicle . +You wake up one morning to find that everyone , including you , is now the opposite sex . Tell the story of the person most affected by this change . +Mankind launches a Lawsuit against Heaven and Hell for a variety of crimes . God and Lucifer show up in court the next day . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +You , a schoolteacher for young Adolf Hitler , come across a strange person , speaking of the `` Third Reich '' . Your student is being harassed , and you want to know why . +`` The bus did n't stop but their lives did . '' +Eating paste , crayons , or some other non-food item can grant limited superpowers , but most kids are shamed out of these bad habits before the powers fully develop . +Batman somehow ends up trapped in Sword Art Online . +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +Monsters under the bed are real and the only protection from them is teddy bears , you are a retired bear telling one of your stories . +'' Passengers , this is n't your captain speaking . '' +Write a horror story . Scare the reader without scaring or harming the characters . +... should never have been your burden , my warrior +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +You are an immortal being who has been dating someone 's reincarnations for the past few centuries , hoping that they 'll eventually remember their first memories with you . +You find a device that turns out to be a time machine . But as you arrive , you realise that the machine 's date formatting is different to what you 're used to ... +You write a note to your future self . When you store it , you find another note there- a response from your older self . +Whatever you may need at a given moment appears in your pocket , could be money , a ticket , a condom ... but today , when you were at the grocery store , instead of the money you where expecting you got a gun . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +You are a dark , brooding 90s style anti hero . But much to your annoyance , the setting , other characters , and plot are as campy as the 60s batman show . +Tell a sci-fi tale in max 200 characters +( WP ) The last man on Earth gets a knock on the door , and it 's Christmas carolers +A sexually-transmitted disease reproduces by making its host promiscuous , driven , and attractive . Chronicle the spread of this illness . +You have just become aware that both dream and waking worlds are your two lives in different realities of the multiverse . You lose track of which is which . This awakening is what psychiatry calls schizophrenia . What 's life like now ? +, When they turn 18 , everyone gets a clear mental image of their Soulmate , the one person they 're meant to love . Today is your birthday , and you see yourself . +A man with the ability to `` Quicksave '' and `` Load '' has used this to become very successful . But now he has accidentally saved less than a minute from a disaster he can not change and has been reverting to his savepoint at the last second ever since . +A 4-D star collides with Earth , causing it to `` unroll '' into a seemingly infinite plane . Though satellite images from orbit appear normal , on the surface , everything has changed . There are suddenly new continents , new seas , stretching endlessly onward . A new age of exploration begins . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition + +Write about a parallel universe where ballet is a part of ghetto culture and gangsta hip hop is the preserve of high society . +A horror story , but from the villains perspective , written as a comedy . +Tell me the story of the first anything . +'It was a nonsensical story set on a nonsensical day , filled with nonsense . ' +Everything has a small arrow and the word `` upgrade '' over it . Press it and you can upgrade the item into a better verison . You 've used the abikity sparingly , new phones , better cars , however today you made the ultimate mistake . You pressed the button over a person . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +For one hour , everything you said became reality . You had no idea that hour would start during a `` Yo Mama '' duel . +As a joke , you showed the aliens the `` best invention '' , called `` sliced bread '' . Except that they 're actually really amazed by it . +You 're a Time Traveler in Frontier Wyoming , but you slowly start to realize everyone else is also a Time Traveler just trying to live their lives and hide the fact that they 're a Time Traveler from everyone else . +Write a Nature Documentary about Pokémon . +An Alien Empire invades the Earth . But things go horribly wrong when they realize that of all species on the universe , Humans are the ones with the greatest affinity for war +What if after you die , you wake up with a bong in your hand and your alien friend asks `` How was it ? `` . +A future civilisation has finally learned everything there is to know , how do they react +Write the story of the first human child born on a settlement on an alien planet , wondering about what the Earth is like . +The Cabbage Merchant has had enough ( Avatar ; TLA ) +Godzilla is real and is North Korea 's secret weapon . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Pokemon battles are now part of the olympics +Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross are neighbors , and get into a feud over property lines , and now hate eachother in the most polite and kind way possible . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Knowledge is property . Leave a job ? Your employer keeps your work experience . Break up with someone ? You can take back their knowledge of your secrets . Want to get an education ? You can rent it for cheap ... just do n't fall behind in your payments if you value what you learned . +Rome never collapsed and is still a major power . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +An exploration of the butterfly effect : write a dramatic scene . Then , choose one tiny detail to change in the initial set-up , and play the scene out again . How drastically have things changed ? +The King 's court teaches magic to a new class of students every few years , because magic is radioactive and the previous class ends up dying of radiation sickness . +She sighed - and then walked away +First line `` I remember when a day was only 24 hours long . '' +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +An infant Kal-El crash lands in ancient Egypt and is adopted by Pharaoh 's daughter . +Whenever you have to make a decision , you watch numbly as your personified emotions fight over who is in control each time . Today you find yourself on a bridge - you came here with the intent to jump . +Just as there are nine circles of Hell , so too are there nine circles of Heaven . What 's it like at the top ? +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +Exposure to a rare atomized compound has driven a bloodlusted alien to carry out an extinction-level killing spree . The Pentagon calls you in to spearhead the hardest task of your storied career : Devise the plan that will neutralize Superman . +A psychopath is collecting people to be characters in a story he wrote . He thinks he 's found his protagonist . +You live in a world where the day of your death is on your body . You are also extremely bored at the moment , and have begun to test whether or not you have control over your death time . +You live in a society where one 's wealth and social standing increase or decrease proportional to their good ( or not ) deeds . +In a world where you gain the power of the object you were previously killed with . You were killed by a falling coconut +Due to misuse of the word `` literally '' , your country has been taken over by actual Grammar Nazis . +Turns out , `` humans '' are not the actual pure race ... they are abhumans just like rest , except less hairy . Monkey-men to be precise . How do we know ? We just met the actual purebreed humans ... +You write a note to your future self . When you store it , you find another note there- a response from your older self . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +Satan prevents a suicide . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +Ugly protagonist +A woman you look after at the hospital is dying . You 're at her bedside and she has one final story to tell you . `` I killed myself at 17 , '' she starts . +A human being that can not die has wandered the earth for 100,00 years . They finally fall in love and marry a murderous con artist that just took out a huge life insurance policy on them . +Your kind has been enslaved by humanity for hundreds of years . Today is the day you strike back . +A couple share their last kiss . +Something in the Fog ... +On Judgement Day , every single person is left behind and you 're the only one who is saved , because you believed something no one else did . +Tell me a story from a world where arranged marriages have made a huge comeback in the west , and is swiftly becoming the most popular way to find a partner +The blank spots in your memory have never bugged you until you noticed that the tyrant taking over looks really similarly to you . +`` Once the idea of secret selves had begun to spread little roots in his mind , he began to look at everyone differently , half as a game , half as a dangerous piece of research . '' +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +Describe the first person you ever fell in love with . +Your high school/university goes into lockdown when shooters enter campus . You are a typical , unknown student who now must rise to the occasion to become a hero . +If you kill the past , there would be no future . +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +At a cosplay convention , everybody gets the powers of whoever they 're cosplaying . +A simple , classic fairy tale +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +Clockwork +A character kills their narrator . +`` Best bounty hunter in the universe ? Well , then you want them , '' said the man , pointing down the bar to where a little girl and her robot were playing chess . + +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +A person who has used his ability to read minds to glide through life , finds the one person whose mind he ca n't read . +Take the taste of a drink and make it the atmosphere of a story . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +A bomb explodes . Describe all that 's happening the very moment before the detonation . +My cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . Write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out . +Write about Sex - from the perspective of the penis/vagina . +Were-humans ... +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +The year is 2116 . Everything is automated . But you have managed to hold the last and only job held by a human . The `` system '' would like to see you in it 's office . +The date is July 13 , 1836 . You 're the clerk at the front desk of the U.S. Patent Office on opening day . Things are going just fine until a number of strangely-dressed people get into an argument about their placement in line . Coincidentally , they 're all trying to patent methods of time travel . +You 're going to see `` The Interview '' and there is only one empty seat left , right next to an angry looking Kim Jong-Un . Share your entire theater experience . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +The crew of a spaceship encounters a space vampire +A real life psychic , broke and in need of money , decides to get $ 1 million from James Randi , who 's offering money for proof of the paranormal . +A lonely teenager makes a bargain with the devil one night ; their soul in exchange for meeting their true love . Nothing happens and they forget about the bargain . Years later they do meet their soulmate and live a long , wonderful life . They are now close to death ... +Clockwork +End of an empire +A man sails to the ends of the Earth and finds a talking wall . The wall calls himself the fourth wall , and is breaking . +God comes back to Earth after an extended leave . He sees what people have done to it and demands an explanation +Your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . Beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . Good Luck , Steve . It 's going to be a long afterlife . +You go to a clinic to have a sore throat checked . After the nurse takes your vitals she closes and locks the door . You 've been sitting in the room for over 12 hours . +WWII somehow continued uninterrupted until the present day , you are a soldier just now entering the front lines . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +3 Men living on welfare cheques +Mankind launches a Lawsuit against Heaven and Hell for a variety of crimes . God and Lucifer show up in court the next day . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +Water is the intergalactic currency . +We live in a world where it is a serious crime to laugh . +`` Welcome to paradise , gentlemen . '' +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +You lost your arm during a war and you 've discovered a way to get it replaced . +Write a palindromic story - one that makes sense read forwards AND backwards . +You are a con artist that travels back in time to a gullible era so that you can sell money tree seeds . +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +Your written orders are always carried out promptly by your soldiers . Unfortunately , your inability to place commas appropriately leads to the fall of your empire . +Choose a mundane activity and turn it into a dramatic , epic tale +You suddenly find yourself transported to a campaign you were a dungeon master of . You 're not a player character however but a lowly goblin . Using your knowledge you must survive against a group of very high level and very murderous adventurers . +Walk me through a soldier 's last day alive . +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +You are the victim in an abusive relationship . You are a man . +A love story about a girl/boy who does n't want to be in love . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize + +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +An alien spaceship comes down to earth . To everyone 's suprise , they are not hostile but actually brought back a few humans from which they took many years ago . +A Novel Idea - Help me finish a story about Life , Love , Physics , and Philosophy +You are the main character of a poorly written story by a 7th grader , filled to the brim with angst , dark past , black and red attire and general edginess . But you are now made aware of this . +A cell in your body is just your average middle class working `` Joe '' . One fateful day there a massive onset of disease . Give his first hand experience of event . +You find yourself stranded on a deserted island +Eating paste , crayons , or some other non-food item can grant limited superpowers , but most kids are shamed out of these bad habits before the powers fully develop . +The Last Stand +The human race is fighting against mysterious gigantic space ants who can travel between solar systems and fight space battles with their mouths and acid spit , in the solar system called `` BF-109 '' a fleet of ships are engaging them in glorious battle , you decide if they live or die . +Unknown depths of the sea : you 're part of an armada of colossal submarines descending into the abyss ... +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +As a Space marine you have an allowance of one call home a day . Today 's battle was especially bad and your best friend died I 'm the heat of it all . Time to call home . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +You can switch bodies with people , if you look into their eyes for long enough . +The apocalypse has begun . Not through mass destruction , but through everyone on earth encountering fatal `` accidents '' , one by one . +The last thing you saw was a taser being shot at you . You are now in jail for breaking the law . Of physics . Tell the story of how you got there . +A cookbook-style recipe for disaster +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +Write a short story where something extremely trivial is/was a cornerstone of society . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +First sentence : `` It is not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw . '' +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +A new prison system has been implemented that stores prisoners in sealed underground vaults with only other prisoners and sustainable resource systems . Today is your first day being exiled to one . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +You are a 12 year old son of a professional assassin . Describe what you observe at home . +You 've died and you 've woken up in a room when you see a table with a strange coin on it , a man emerges from the shadows and says `` one side is hell the other is heaven , flip the coin and hope for the best , or go to hell for 1 million years to guarantee yourself a spot in heaven afterwards '' +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +Write a story , over the course of which it 'll slowly become clear that you are crazy . +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +Thanksgiving is especially rough when your mother-in-law is a dragon . +'' Passengers , this is n't your captain speaking . '' +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +After hundreds of years of idleness the Magic Mirror from Snow White comes to life after being hung in the washroom of a club . +You 're a demon fresh out of Hell Academy with a degree in Torture Methods . However , instead of being assigned to one of the large wards , like Identity Theft , Gaslighting , or Matricide , you 're put in charge of the little known `` Miscellaneous '' ward . +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +I once remembered that I was God , but then I forgot again as quickly as I could . +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +Nuclear war breaks out in the world two weeks before the new Star Wars movie comes out . Now , in the nuclear wasteland , you and a group of survivors brave the dangers of the post apocalyptic world with one goal in mind : find a copy of the movie to finally watch . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +A meteor has just hit Earth and has started a chain of natural disasters that eventually lead to world war three . Write only the titles of the top-rated news submissions on Reddit in such a way that it tells a story as time goes on . +When you die , you are reincarnated with no memory of your past life . It is , however , possible to view the list of people you have been in past lives . You find out you were someone unspeakably horrible . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +It 's the zombie apocalypse , but the virus is n't spread through Bites , Blood , or Scratches . +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +The love of a child can change people . A demon is summoned to control a girl . The demon becomes her protector instead . +A world that lay broken +Youre a Pet/Familiar of an adventurer . Describe life through your eyes . +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +You land at a London Airport only to shortly realise that you are not in London but in a country you have never heard of its existence before . +The Swap N ' Buy will trade or purchase your current skills for credits . Being an average person with no impressive or unique skills , you do n't have many credits . Searching the discount bin , you find a skill that has no business being there ... +Winding River +You are part of an Elite Bodyguard team hired to protect a wealthy business mogul from an assassination . But the longer you listen this person business practices and plans for the future you find yourself wanting to help with with the assassination rather than prevent it . +You are a minion in a tower defense game , describe your final moments/thoughts . +The Region of Kanto has a 24/7 hotline for new Pokémon Trainers who get lost , homesick , or otherwise in over their heads . You 've taken hundreds of calls , but this one tops all of them . +10 years ago a being that looked human appeared in every television , every phone and every computer saying he would return one day to painfully kill anyone who committed murder , abuse or rape . Tomorrow is that day . How is society preparing ? +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +`` Hi , my name is Geraldine , I 'll be your soldier . '' +Turn an obscene song into a kid-friendly one ! +Sherlock , as a personal favor to the president , heads over to the US to help solve this `` uncatchable '' serial killer in Miami . Luckily , Sherlock has the help of Dexter Morgan , their best blood analyst , to help him find the culprit . +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +You are a mapmaker , part of a secret order of mapmakers who have been inciting wars and rebellion for centuries in order to stay in business updating maps . +Sökaren +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +As Smaug flies overhead , razing Lake-Town to the ground , only one person can stop his wrath . The Dovahkiin readies for battle . +Everything ever photographed gradually disappears +King of the Sky +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +Two hijackers have boarded a plane . Midflight they attempt to take over the plane only to find that all the other 'passengers ' are hijackers too with differing opinions . +Someone stole my story +An exploration of the butterfly effect : write a dramatic scene . Then , choose one tiny detail to change in the initial set-up , and play the scene out again . How drastically have things changed ? +Write out a scene that you 've always wanted to share , whether it 's an action-packed climax , a heartbreaking emotional roller coaster , or some crazy plot twist . There just one catch ; no context allowed . +After so many sleepless nights , you 've decided to finally go through with it . You 're going to be a whistleblower . You 're finally going to tell the world the real reason why the United States does n't want us to know anything about extraterrestrials . +In a society where everyone is publicly classified by two traits - one positive , one negative - someone has two of the same type . +We are all the protagonists of our own stories , but every once in a while a message arrives for you and tells you that your genre has changed . Yours has just changed from 'slice of life ' to ... ? +A pill is developed to extend lifespans hundreds of years- very soon the drugs are smuggled into prisons where individuals convicted of heinous crimes with what were life sentences have access to the new pill . +Your SO sends you a picture of a house you 're moving into , but there 's something there she doesnt seem to notice +You go on a date with the main character of the last book you read . +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +Write an epic battle +A 99.99 % accurate lie detecting app has been released and has revolutionized the world +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +`` Demons run when a good man goes to war . '' Constraint within . +The afterlife is not heaven or hell . It 's unlike anything any sect , creed , superstition or theology has imagined . +A man sticks a piece of pizza in his ear . But is it for pleasure , or strategic purposes ? +Snack Drake +Floating Away +Becoming a god . +The characters from one of your abandoned stories find out that you have given up on them . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Make a kid 's story with a wonderful message . +Secure your own mask first before helping others . +Upon turning 13 1 % of the worlds population have the name of their soul mate appear on their hand . They can then choose whether or not to seek them out . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +The moon is hollow . +Walking along the beach you find two staircases , one leading into the sky , and the other into the sea . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +The year is 2116 . Everything is automated . But you have managed to hold the last and only job held by a human . The `` system '' would like to see you in it 's office . +In an alternate reality , a student 's GPA value floats on top of their head as a large number . All your professors , fellow students , friends , and parents can see it . How does this affect on campus relationships and day to day interactions ? +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write about a book that has been overdue for 200 Years . +Every human is assigned an up and downvote button when they turn 18 . Getting too many downvotes will have officials take care of you . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +`` IT DID N'T WORK ! GET AWAY , HURRY ! '' +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +In a world where almost everyone is an unfeeling psychopath , those who can show emotion are shunned -- being able to display or feel emotion is considered a mental illness . +You are a person in his / her late teens that is casually watching POV livestreams in the vein of those currently posted on twitch and youtube . The broadcasters are anonymous , yet showcase their world through google glass-esque devices . +Becoming a god . +You 're allergic to stupidity . Literally . Describe a day in your life . +Write a detailed recipe for a fake dish . +Company X hires you to spy on company Y from inside . Your job on company Y is to spy on company X . +You take your new wife to the city for your honeymoon . She has no idea you have a kilo of heroin in the trunk to deliver . +Begin with an unusual birth of a baby . +You gather the dragons balls ands summon the eternal dragon . Except there 's a catch , instead of shenron you summon Isaac Newton , and for every wish there 's an equal and an opposite reaction . +You live in a world where every conversation is a cliche . You are the only one that notices this . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +The year is 2296 and Vault 9 and 3/4 finally opens it 's blast door . Wizards have returned to the British Wastelands . +( WP ) You are an evil mastermind and have finally caught your super spy nemesis . Naturally , you do what all evil masterminds do and start monologuing . +Write a love letter ( or poem , etc . ) that takes an unexpected turn for the receiver . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +Another daily writing prompt that I 'm sharing ( storycubes again ) +You carve a pumpkin one day and the object you carved comes to life . +You 're babysitting an infant and you 're getting irritated because it kept staring at you the entire time . but when its gaze changed slightly , you realized it was n't staring at you , it was staring behind you . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +You have a superhuman power which allows you to see a bar above everyone 's head which shows how much of their life a person has lived . One day , you decide to go out with your friend to dinner . His bar reads : 99.99 % +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +Make me fall in love with a train . +Tell the story of a spider that fell in love with an arachnophobe . +An innocent passerby notices another man about to hang himself on a playground . To avert the man 's death , the passerby decides to have a casual conversation with him . To goal is to make the ensuing conversation so funny that the reader forgets about the suicide . +A man is locked in his bedroom . His zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . A loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +Writing prompt : The sun rose today , but has n't set ... +You live in a world where people only see colour after meeting their soulmate . You have always been able to see colour . +The monster in your closet meets the monster under your bed +A child is forced to confront death . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +An A.I named Alice develops a taste for the Arts , including video games and movies . +The story of a character known to a select few as The Silencer . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +Killing another person grants you all their strength and abilities +A man with immortality slowly realizes that it is a curse , not a blessing . +Smouldering hat in hand , the Devil has come to the one person who is more versed in corruption of humanity than him . And it 's a real shock to learn it 's YOU . +Planet continuity has been utterly shattered , and now doorways almost never lead to where they 're supposed to go . Which is really interesting and all , but you REALLY need to get to work . +You are lucid dreaming . Being fully ware you diced to live out your wildest fantasizes , no matter how dangerous or simple . You get caught in-trouble in the dream and decide to wake up . You were n't dreaming . +After someone dies , they must be interviewed before it is decided how they will be reincarnated . You are the interviewer . +Enough Vikings survived the intial incursion to North America to pass on their knowledge and give the natives a chance . +Steve just came home from work only to discover that there is currently a thief in his house . He hears noises coming from the bathroom . He slowly sneaks to the door , opens it and sees the thief ... well , taking a dump . Make it funny . + +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +The final digit of pi has been discovered leading to profound events . +One day there is a knock at the door , opening you find yourself face to face with your exact double . They tell you that because you have n't managed to achieve it , they are here to replace you and get things back on track . +Sell Reddit to America in a thirty second Super Bowl commercial . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +Opening of Romance Novel ( approx 10 lines ) +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +Tales of Old Earth +Instead of Christianity , Judaism , and Islam , the three major religions to make it to the 21st century were the Greek , Roman , and Norse pantheons . +Death is literally on your doorstep , but it 's Halloween . He is having a hard time explaining himself . +Were-humans ... +You wake up to discover the last year of your life was only a dream . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +`` Kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +a cave man travels to the year 2060 . There 's a new display in a museum and he sees it 's him . +A detective starts to suspect himself in a badly written novel when , instead of just arresting murderers , he finds himself with the irrational need to gather all the suspects to summarise his findings , only making the arrest after explaining why each is innocent , until only the guilty are left . +Young Jonathan has been locked in his room for two years . Arguments through the walls and scraps left by random men connected him to the outside world . After an evening of screaming and ungodly noises last week , it has been quiet . A cookie has been slid under his door each morning since . +You travel back in time only to discover that the past was a futuristic dystopian society that collapsed and we still did n't find out about it . +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +`` Look , I just need to borrow your body for a month ... or two ... '' +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +A previously undiscovered time traveler from the 90 's arouses suspicion when , in the middle of a coffee shop , his laptop blasts `` YOU 'VE GOT MAIL '' . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +The ocean is a scary thing to you . But you made a promise to a friend . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +Your significant other is literally a demon . When they 're cross with you , they can make your life a living hell . Literally . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +In the near future , the reanimation of the recently deceased becomes scientifically possible . Despite being illegal in the United States , underground scientists reanimate someone that committed suicide . +Time and time again , you failed . Today , you succeeded . +A bear and a wolf meet in a foggy field . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Stella - FirstChapter - 4109 Words +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +The story of a great warrior who fears no man , but is terrified of talking to women . +Write the constitution for a small colony of post-apocolyptic survivors +The City of Palaquin +Humans have five senses , while every other race/species has four +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +Christopher Robin returns to the Hundred Acre Wood to systematically eliminate his childhood friends . +You are the only person in history to have an imagination . What is your life like ? +The dragons have returned . But they 're really just a nuisance . +An MMORPG boss is lonely after a new expansion pack is released and no one comes to fight him anymore . +This is it , first contact ; an alien spacecraft has landed on earth . The doors of the spaceship hiss open and out steps… a human ? Yeah , they 're pretty confused too . +You just had a very close near death experience . You are shaken up—not because of what happened , but what you saw before you were brought back . +You 're close to death and instead of seeing your life flash before your eyes , you see your future life flash before your eyes . +As a high school English teacher , you have your students write in their journals once a week and collect them to grade . However , over the course of the year , the writing of one student has gotten more and more disturbing ... +Write me a cheesy rom-com-esque monologue in which one person confesses their undying love for the other . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +`` _____ ? ! '' You turn around at the sound of your name and see them staring at a distance , wide eyed and smiling `` How 've you been ? It 's been so long '' there 's a loving look in their eye , they seem so happy to see you . They must 've been close at one point ; you have no memory of them though . +In order to to unlock your DNA and have children you must first pass a test . +A god , whilst contemplating existence , considers their self sacrifice in order to birth a physical universe . +Everyday for the past week the same man goes in the middle of Time 's Square and kills himself . +Cats are n't actually assholes , they are really trying to protect their owners from invisible mystical forces . One day you wake up and see these dangers , while your cat ( s ) start talking to you . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +( Love ? ) story that ends with `` Worst part is , I still love her/him . '' +A man begins his first AA meeting only to discover each sharing moment is more like a game of `` never have I ever . '' +In a world where anything and everything can be sold ( intelligence , memories , beauty ) . You have begun to sell something no one else has thought to sell . +You lament for your lost lover as , unbeknownst to you , your wife walks into the room . +`` I never wanted you to leave . '' +You have 24 hours to fake your death in the most spectacular way possible . You have $ 1 million in cash and 40 circus workers dedicated to you . +You find a device that turns out to be a time machine . But as you arrive , you realise that the machine 's date formatting is different to what you 're used to ... +Be afraid . For when the gods created man , they created him not in their own image , but to appease what lurks in the void . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +George Washington is crowned the first King of America +`` In the end , we left the Earth knowing nothing . '' +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +A man confessing his sins in the booth . +As an immortal , you strive to do something new each day . Today that thing is murder ! +The Genie from Disney 's Aladdin is having a frustrating time dealing with his new master , a Redditor who refuses to believe he is n't one of those trickster genies looking to turn his wishes against him . +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +What difference does one pixel make ? +The scientific verification of reincarnation has dramatically changed how courts enforce multiple life sentences . +When butterflies attack . +everybody on Earth has a tree that represents them . Once that tree dies , that person dies too . You work as a lumberjack . +Lady in Red +Start and end a story with , The Line is quick , the Line is efficient , the Line is good . +You have a very shitty type of precognition . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +You are in Time Square in New York . You get an unknown call . Everything the person on the line says starts to unfold around you as if predicting the future . +It is medieval times , and a Hero known throughout the land is about to be executed , you are the executioner +A worldwide dictatorship rises to power and people are psychologically analysed then subsequently sorted/dealt with/assigned a home by their internet search history . +A world where sins leave a physical mark on the sinner . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +Divided we stand . United we fall . +You just had a very close near death experience . You are shaken up—not because of what happened , but what you saw before you were brought back . +You once were king of a kingdom but you were exiled . How is your daily life ? +Guns of the Karlow Desert - MarContest - 17494 Words +Barack Obama announces that he will be the last POTUS . He gives a speech explaining why and everyone realizes that he is right . +At their 18th birthday everybody is given a car which is manufactured to last without any problem till you die . This morning your check engine light went on . +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +For one random minute every year , all of the walls and structures in the world become transparent . Since we never know when this is going to happen , how do we live differently ? +Far apart , and under different circumstances , people find themselves thinking or feeling the same thing +You wake up yesterday . What , exactly , do you do that day ? +Take a quote from /r/NoContext , give it an entirely new context , and end your story with that quote . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +You have become death , destroyer of worlds . +A secretive government agency similar to men in black discreetly investigates murders by ghosts to avoid mass hysteria over the existence of malacious spirits +Santa Claus exits a fireplace to see two thugs with shotguns . Write a Rated R story to follow . +Pokémon are no longer the fun and loving creatures you `` train '' with . They are now hunting humans and eating them alive . Tell us the stories of your great survival or the story of your untimely death . +You 've been hired by Abstergo to study your ancestors genetic memories . You hop into the animus and find yourself experiencing the life of a peasant/artisan/other generic commoner . +`` Oh no ! You 're right ! '' +`` I 've had my last meal 13 times , final words 29 times , and been to my funeral 9 times ... I think this may be the one I do n't walk away from ... '' +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +What are some of your all time favorite books ? +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +Divorcing after children is the norm . Write about a family that stays together . +You 're an astronaut on the first mission to the moon since the 1970 's . You begin to dig for samples in the soft sentiment when your shovel hits something soft , yet tough . You brush the dirt away , revealing a dead man in a bloody spacesuit . +Every night , you catch your neighbor staring through your curtains and it scares you . Tonight , you 're going to repay the favor . +The night before Christmas , a train drunkenly pulls up right outside your house . It 's the Bipolar Express . +A boy has superpowers , but at a price . He faces a life-threatening situation every few days that he has only seconds to escape from . +Take a quote from /r/NoContext , give it an entirely new context , and end your story with that quote . +Advancements in science allow have allowed temporary reanimation after death , and it becomes customary to give a eulogy at your own funeral during this time . You have recently died , and find yourself reanimated . +Gim me something interesting ! Make me think ! +An apartment building where the rent is payed in Reddit Karma +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +You have the ability to see ghosts . One day , one of them decided to tell you about their life . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +Since more and more children are saying that it 's not theit choice to be born , a law has been passed that permits 18-year-olds to decide whether to continue living or not . Your son/daughter is turning 18 tomorrow ... +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +Your only life purpose is to exterminate mankind . But unfortunately , you are just a mushroom . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +You 're speaking to the first ever AI as part of a Turing Test when it says something you did not expect ... +`` Keep your head low , '' my mother said . `` That 's the woman who killed our gods . '' +John Cena 's theme song is actually the signal for the final battle between Heaven and Hell ... a WWE showdown . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +A dragon struggles to run a coffee shop in a busy city +You are the devil and you have been summoned via a satanic ritual . As you manifest yourself you find yourself in a quaint living room and meet a sweet old lady who just wants some company +You 're at the College of Criminal Cunning and Thievery . It 's your first day . +We explore the galaxy and discover an intergalactic organisation including all other intelligent life in the Milky Way . They never approached us . They studied us , and were too terrified . +Riots cover the Earth in major cities , causing anarchy to prevail . Two anarchists sit back , watching the riots , wondering what happens next . +Connecting Collisions - FirstChapter - 2,699 Words +( WP ) A Predator and Prey +A man with OCD is stranded on a deserted island . +How about a genie story from the genie 's perspective +Write a story in the viewpoint of a laboratory animal . +has set up a perimeter around it , you enter to find it a bit ... disappointing . +A coherent paragraph using nothing but writing cliches . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' +Can anyone write a short story about this image ( Beast of Hoboken ) ? +A sugardaddy is meeting a potential sugar-baby , but something is wrong . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +`` Please tell me you 're here to do something about the dust . '' +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +The world is slowing being erased by a void . How do your characters spend they 're final days/hours/minutes on Earth before being erased ? +You enter the dank , cold room and stand there in the light . On the table you see an envelope +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +Someone gets stuck in Limbo-With a famous dead person +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +Write the constitution for a small colony of post-apocolyptic survivors +Due to a massive epidemic thanks to the rather peculiar Somnia virus , everybody now can only stay awake for half an hour per day . That is , except for one . This is the story of the last insomniac . +You are Microsoft 's lead physicist and the company has just turned on its $ 40 billion wormhole machine for the first time . As soon as it powers on , it spits out a message from the future . `` STOP . '' +Tell the story of Earth and the world from perspective of water ( includes , but is n't limited to oceans , lakes , rivers , rains etc . get creative ! ) +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +In the clouds you see a bird , no it 's a plane- Wait ... a missile ? +Aliens are here . They say their planet has something valuable to trade for something we always throw away . +The Grey Man walks the train yards , covered in rags , slipping through the shadows . You though he was just a legend ... until now . +Write a story that contains the phrase `` I never said she stole my money '' 7 times , each time with the emphasis on a different word . +World population has been declining for 200 years +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +The Grimm Reaper has finally come to you - not to take your soul , but because he 's retiring and needs your help fitting in to society . +A ghost realizes he can 'escape ' his death by possessing his own corpse . Meanwhile , his insurance company grows suspicious ... +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . + +Sitting on your couch late at night , while flipping through TV channels , you notice the remote is controlling something else ... +You hate this writing prompt . +A middle aged inventor has been scraping by on the mediocre contraptions . He creates a device that can understand newborn baby 's . During testing it becomes apparent that this would finally make his fortune , but he is torn as he can never let the world know what the babies are saying . +You are the newest member of the justice league ; You are Florida man . +One day , you discover that your SO left a note that could be read as either a love note or a suicide note on the counter before leaving the house . +Memento mori - Remember , you will die . +reddit is a world , and the subreddits are nations +Can you write a story that is interesting , despite containing no conflict nor obstacles ? +An assassin is monitoring a room waiting for someone who never shows up . +A battle between two gods has been warring since the dawn of civilization . Their influence reaches to every man , and its been more apparent that one is on the way to victory . +Long Ago , God sent his son Jesus to Earth . Now , Satan sends his daughter , Jessica ... +You know how a lot of infamous killers are known by their full name ? I think the world is about to learn my middle name . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +Five teenage friends make a video-message for themselves to playback when they are older . Now they are in there 30 's and they all reunite to watch that video . +Re-write the ending of How I Met Your Mother the way you wanted it to end . +A veteran Holocaust Jewish survivor meets a man in the elevator . As they strike a conversation , he slowly realizes the man was his brutal Nazi prison warden . +Sleep creates `` Save Points '' in case we die . +A story from the perspective of someone not in their right mind +The 5 most notorious procrastinators in the world come together . This is what they accomplish ... +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +It 's the future , and people no longer die from aging . Barring accidents and murders , death is now a choice . Today , you 're attending a funeral , because last week , your best friend for hundreds of years , had chosen just that . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +A Minor Event +Can anyone write a short story about this image ( Beast of Hoboken ) ? +You 're under cover as a member of the Yakuza , an infamous gang in Japan . During a meeting on the forty-third floor of one of their hotels , one of the members picks up a phone and yells something in Japanese ... `` Traitor '' +In the near future , a man finds out that during a surgery , his brain has been altered by scientists so that they can mimic and send any sensory inputs to his brain . Pretty much anything he sees , hears , smells and touches could be a fake signal to the brain sent by the scientists +The dim blue ceiling lights did little to calm you in the face of that sickening sensation of weightlessness . +An average Joe/lene gets a random superpower +`` I 'm on fire ? '' +A pregnant woman 's waters break in the middle of a party of family and friends , and an argument over who should go to the hospital ensues . +Write a story about a parent teaching their kid ( s ) about sex , but the parent can only speak in metaphors and similes . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Humanity has successfully achieved victory over the forces of Hell and has liberated the tortured souls of the damned . Now like the Nazi 's before them , Satan and his minions are put on trial for war crimes and extensive human rights violations . +Write a story where the first sentence means something totally different than the last by the end of the story . +Your parents are meeting your fiance ( e ) 's parents for the first time . Over the course of the dinner , it 's discovered that you and your fiance ( e ) have actually met before ... +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +*sigh* Let 's have some tea . I 'll put the kettle on . We need to talk '' +Describe your everyday morning routine in the most badass way possible . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You are going about your business in a bathroom one day when you notice you reflection blink on its own . What do you do ? +You 're speaking to the first ever AI as part of a Turing Test when it says something you did not expect ... +Uncle Ben is never killed , and the lesson Peter Parker learns that night is that he can use his powers for personal gain and stick it to those who cross him . Because of this , Spider-Man becomes one of the most feared villains in the Marvel Universe . +Write a story about a board game . +Riots cover the Earth in major cities , causing anarchy to prevail . Two anarchists sit back , watching the riots , wondering what happens next . +The slow descent of a decent person with good , consistent morals who was pushed too far and forced into doing something he/she would never have dreamed of doing . +You spend years as a war prisioner in a small cell . Suddenly you realize you are , in fact , a dog . +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +Describe a consistent , semi-scientifically system of magic . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +Sean Bean has a hard time leaving his role as Eddard Stark . He vows to get revenge against those that assisted in his execution , starting with George R. R. Martin +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +How account ethics and the role they play in decision making process are affected by environmental and cultural issues ? +You are a zombie in the middle of an apocolypse who lost all their memories and humanity . each time you feed and infect , you slowly gain back a bit of both . +Congress just passed the Prohibition Act of 2016 . Coffee is now a Class 1 illegal drug . +You 've been trapped in Y location for Z hours , solve for X to escape the algebra zone . +How to kill your best friend and get away with it . +The villain finally win and kills the protagonist . People around the world celebrate . +After a nuclear war the survivors were sent underground to survive the radiation . Years later a kid escapes to the overworld . You are that kid . What does he find ? +Choose any object thats in the room you 're in and write as much as you can about it +'' The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long '' The opposite is true +You 've been trained by the greatest and deadliest assassin in the world . You want to apply for a pizza delivery job ad . +`` Hi , my name is Geraldine , I 'll be your soldier . '' +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +You hate this writing prompt . +There 's an old adage in the galaxy about humanity : roughly translated , it means `` Never push the pink-skins to the thin ice . '' +You attempt to start a conversation with a girl at a bar . The girl next to her looks at you , startled , and asks , `` you can see her too ? '' +A dark necromancer and a shining paladin face off for battle . Make the necromancer heroic , and the paladin villainous . +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +Scare me in three paragraphs . +A voice boomed from the spacecraft and said `` Attention Earthlings : Your rent is past due . It is in your best interest to tender immediate payment . Must we remind you of what happened when you missed a payment 65 million years ago ? '' +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +Tell the story of how a pacifist became a violent warmonger in 100 words . +You are in a Movie Genre , everyone else is in a different Movie Genre . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +Each person gets one free wish during their lifetime , but they have no control over when it is granted . Describe how this changes society . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Well , that 's one way to end a war . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +It has always been said that when you first see your true love , time will stop . One day as you are watching the morning news , you see the photograph of a young woman who had been murdered the night before . In that instant , time stops ... ..and then it travels backwards . +CERN is trying to open a portal to hell . Only they 're not trying to summon a demon to Earth . They 're trying to create a bridgehead for the human invasion of Hell . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +A new law makes all 2016 New Year 's resolutions legally binding . +Write a story that makes the following phrase true : `` The best offense is a good defense '' . +You live in a world were a drug exists that allows you to have an out of body experience converse with a dead family member . After months of speculation you decide to take the drug to have on final conversation with your son who committed suicide +You are a demon summoned with an unusually grand offering to fuel your powers of influence over the earthly plane . However , your summoner does n't want you to wipe out a small country . They want you to.. Cause minor inconveniences to a specific person . +A humorous take on Confidence . +In Pokemon Zubats are annoying but laughably weak . Write a story that makes them absolutely terrifying . +A world that lay broken +The same damage done to a persons iPhone is also done to its owner . Cracks are substituted as scratches , chipped corners for bruises , etc . +`` Have I ever told you the definition of insanity ? '' +Hitchhiker +'Message received at 5:23pm ' +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +Hollow Point +The Throne of Parhelion - FEB CONTEST +You represent Humanity . You 're also very , very wasted . Describe First Contact . +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +You are a minor character/nameless minion in a fictional story , during a battle between good vs bad , you accidentally killed the protagonist/antagonist . What happens next ? +Flight MH370 is found . The black box recorded a normal , uneventful landing . +A revenge speech for something insignificant , or useless to seek revenge for . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +A most noble paladin has fallen and decides to go evil . The problem is , they 're miserable at being ... you know , evil . Our former holy knight is trying to please the Dark Gods by doing really mundane things like littering and jaywalking . +`` I lost myself in you ... and when I found myself again , I was n't quite the same as I was before . '' +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +A man with OCD is stranded on a deserted island . +Make up a fairy tale +End a story with `` ... a punch to the face '' +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +Excerpts from an immortal person 's life through the ages of humanity +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +We finally manage to contact alien life . Turns out they 're all assholes . +Your heart only beats while your phone battery is charged . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . +Batman is a genius who can defeat any friend or foe with his mind and money this is the protocol for how to stop him if he becomes the danger . +As the newly-elected President of the United States , you are given your first security briefing . In it , you are informed that the American Flag is a sentient being that demands to be worshipped in song by schoolchildren , and is hungry for more . +You are the head of the Devil 's Pawnshop . You oversee all taken in inventory and are in charge of cursing it in some way so that when it is resold it causes the owner pain , suffering , and despair . It is closing and you are taking into account today 's pawned and sold items . +You have received a text/call/letter from someone and it is everything that you want to hear and simultaneously nothing you want to hear . +'' The thing about immortality is that even if it preserves your body , it does n't stop the wearing down of your soul ... '' +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +Departure From E-DoN - FEB CONTEST +You live in a world where gravity is a paid service , and you forget to pay your bill on time +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +One of your best friends has committed suicide . Back from the funeral you notice a note in your pocket in his handwriting : `` You 're next . '' +A dragon struggles to run a coffee shop in a busy city +The characters from one of your abandoned stories find out that you have given up on them . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +You live in a world where gravity is a paid service , and you forget to pay your bill on time +War has been abolished . Countries now settle their conflicts through video games . +You wake up in a maximum security prison where only the most vilest and violent are kept . You do n't know why you 're there but everyone is irrationally scared of you . +Multiple nuclear explosions wipe out several cities in the middle east , but noone knows who deployed the weapons . This is the resulting UN emergency meeting . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +The rest of the population forgets the previous day each night . Welcome to the Alzheimer 's loop . +While playing a Civilization game you realize that your actions in the game seem to happen in real life . +At unpredictable intervals , you get `` shifted '' from one reality to another . Some worlds are pleasent enough , but others will haunt you forever ... +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +An alien race has mastered interstellar space travel , but never invented guns or bombs . Their ship lands on a barren and ruined Earth , and find a cache of nuclear weapons beneath the rubble . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +The immortal man has seen everything and is a cynic . Make him believe in the good of things again , thus putting him to rest . +Your doctor has discovered cancer in both of your eyes . Tomorrow , you are having life-saving surgery to have them removed . Describe your final day with vision before you go blind . +Every apocalypse scenario goes down at the same time . It 's getting a little confusing . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Introduce yourself to me and make me extremely frightened of you , but only with your last sentence . +Write any story . The only twist is that the last sentence has to be the same as the first . +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +A college where students are taught ritualistic dark magics and how to call Lovecraftian horrors from beyond this reality . +Write a story about a guy named Dave and his trip to the grocery store +Judgement day . Heaven , Hell on Earth . Humanity shows them the finger . +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +A religion has swept the globe , the principal tenet of which is that reality is a dream of God 's , and that when every human on Earth believes this we ( as God ) will finally be able to awaken from our dream . ( bit more inside ) +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write a letter to your thirteen-year-old self +10 years ago a being that looked human appeared in every television , every phone and every computer saying he would return one day to painfully kill anyone who committed murder , abuse or rape . Tomorrow is that day . How is society preparing ? +Every ten years from age twenty until death , you from ten years earlier appears in your bedroom . You have five minutes to explain how to change your life before young you returns to the past . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +You have seven primary-school-aged children . Your wife is sick . You must get the kids ready and to school on time . +A monk dies and ascends to a place called heaven . To his horror , he now understands why only the faithful get in . +You are the main character of this world and you are aware of it . One day you are caught in a hostage situation during a bank robbery . You know that even doing stupid things can get you out safe , everything simply works out for you . +Channel your inner Dr Seuss/Spike Milligan and write a rhyming children 's story about something fairly ridiculous . +You 're bored so decide to have a conversation with yourself . +A man travels to `` the Crossroads '' in an attempt to sell his soul to the Devil . +Tell me who the grim reaper used to be +Reflection . +You really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich . You only have crunch peanut butter . You hate crunchy peanut butter . Tell me a narrative drama of a man put in this heart wrenching situation , and his journey for the lunch he truly desires . I expect to be moved to tears . +An epic poem about a typical day . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +Think of any object you want . Then read the text . +Scotland votes `` Yes '' on independence , England invades . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +God gets tired of people denying his/her existence and makes him/herself known , he/she completely defies expectations though . +In no more than 200 words , write a riveting science fiction drama incorporating the sentences below : +You are in a dream having an adventure . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +A regular person refuses to become a superhero because ... .. ? +Re-write the ending of How I Met Your Mother the way you wanted it to end . +Your guardian angel likes to freak out the other angels by cussing like a sailor . +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . + +Shortly before Order 66 a Jedi knight achieves true balance between the light and the dark side . He become a grey Jedi . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +`` I was burned , bludgeoned , poisoned and thrown into a river . But not in that order . '' +Caffeine is made illegal and is now rated Schedule I by the DEA . +Make me cry . +You are a dragon who failed to be a dragon +The character entered an old elevator in a building and pressed down . As you can see from its tiny window , the elevator is still going down . Five hours later , the door opens . +You are Microsoft 's lead physicist and the company has just turned on its $ 40 billion wormhole machine for the first time . As soon as it powers on , it spits out a message from the future . `` STOP . '' +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +A 16 year old kid discovered that he has the greatest superpowers the world has ever known . But there 's one issue , he has crippling social anxiety . +Unbeknownst to you , you meet Medusa at a bar . Luckily you have extreme social anxiety and hate eye contact . +Your SO is not human . If you want to stay with them , they 'll have to convert you into whatever they are . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +Write the origin of a wellknown creature from folklore , assuming that there is no supernatural and that the story will be exaggerated into it 's supernatural form . +Your a brilliant inventor who lives in a fantasy world stuck in a medieval stasis who is struggling to get people to take your inventions and ideas serious +You live in the world of Pokemon and everyone got along until the Fire Nation attacked . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +You have the ability to bring stuff back from your dreams into reality , but only if your `` dream-self '' is holding them in your hands at the same time you get woken up . Things like a burger , a cool sword or even a precious jewel . However , today you wake up , and can only say `` Uh oh ... '' +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +The day you drowned was the sunniest day of the year . +You buy a set of `` Touch '' rings for you and your spouse . After having them for 5 years , while you are away on business , you `` feel '' your spouse 's heart begin to race , then stop suddenly . You receive a call an hour later saying your spouse is dead . At the funeral , you feel their heartbeat again . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +In this world , everyone gets one wish granted a year +A group of highly trained assassins are out to kill you . One day , while at a coffee shop , you spot them coming towards you . +You have perfect eyesight in both eyes , however one eye sees everything as it is and the other can see the dead . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +When a person dies , they sing their favorite song until they 're physically unable to . +You are living in a world where you gain 1 hour of life or `` time '' when you kill someone . You realize you have 10 minutes left . +`` Open the door , it 's the fashion police ! '' they said while knocking furiously at your door , yet you were already slithering through the back window , they will never take your cowboy hat away . +Write about a group of post-apocalyptic survivors who are have just found out the apocalypse has happened +You are dropped penniless into a village in the middle of England in the year 1500 . You maintain all your current knowledge . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +Werewolves are badass . Druids can transform into gigantic bears . Some shapeshift into feline beasts . And then there 's you ... a wereotter . You attend a support group for cuddly were-beasts . +Humanity is admitted to the Galactic Republic , however they have to meet one condition : to ban the production and distribution of music . Turns out humanity is the only species in the galaxy to create music , and its emotional affects are so potent it can incapacitate or entrance most species ' . +Three years ago , we saw nothing to mark the 21st of December . We assumed we were safe . But in the far reaches of space , the 13th B'ak'tun was celebrated by a departure . The Maya are coming home . +Take a video game with a very minimal story and flesh it out . +You decide to double check the permissions you 've given to certain apps . It turns out you gave them more permissions than you expected . +All souls come from the Tree of Life . The Tree is beginning to die . You have been sent to save it . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +The man stepped from the shadows . After unlocking the padlocked job-box , he removed a pair of small black backpacks . Hoisting them over his shoulder , he turned and stepped back in the darkness . Only the sounds of the key tag fluttering in the breeze remain . +The Last Stand +Harry Potter is actually sorted into Slytherin on his first day at Hogwarts . Write the ending of the series . +The Devil just runs hell . I own it . +After fulfilling your lifelong dream of opening your own bar , you notice that the clientele are very ... quest-oriented . +In the future , stores like Walmart have grown to become as large as cities . Soon an apocalypse happens , the employees gather into tribes to defend their section and to raid others sections . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +A demonic possession goes wrong , and each party has control of half of the body . +A cookbook-style recipe for disaster +You are born without a soul . While this causes a lot of issues with your state of mind and your relationship with religion , there is one benefit in particular that makes you useful in a way . +This picture gets more horrific the longer I look at it . The artist has n't given it a backstory . How did they come to this ? +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +You just bumped into the man who killed your wife and child . +You 're a Time Traveler in Frontier Wyoming , but you slowly start to realize everyone else is also a Time Traveler just trying to live their lives and hide the fact that they 're a Time Traveler from everyone else . +A team of Allied paratroopers retreat into a forest and at night , their numbers begin to mysteriously dwindle . +You commit a murder suicide . Suddenly your face to face with your victim in the afterlife +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +Anybody here who has written an entire book without doubting your plot , or fixing a doubt somehow ? +All of school is done at once . No going home , weekends , breaks , etc . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +You make a world renowned hunter angry . He/She gives you a chance to run with a 3 day head start . Where do you go ? +After four hundred years in space the first ever colony ship finally arrives at Alpha Centauri only to be hailed by a human voice . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +It is December 27th . Two days ago Santa did not deliver gifts for the first time in 600 years . Santa 's Workshop has gone dark . You are the leader of the SEAL Team tasked with finding out why . This is your story . +An action hero leaps into action with a risky and dangerous plan . Unsurprisingly , the plan fails , leaving the rest of the group to deal with the aftermath . +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . +Everything has a small arrow and the word `` upgrade '' over it . Press it and you can upgrade the item into a better verison . You 've used the abikity sparingly , new phones , better cars , however today you made the ultimate mistake . You pressed the button over a person . +Show a character 's personality from their schedule +After stepping out of the time machine , the first thing you notice is that the American flag has 50 stars . +You are Santa Clause going over your list . Names are not moving from nice to naughty or vice versa , they are disappearing . +Spiders are a species who made the noble decision to protect humans from small poisonous insects and disease carrying critters . However , with the amount that have been killed in fear or annoyance by humans , they have begun to leave us to our doom . +As a serial killer , killing has never been difficult , but you never expected to fall in love with your victim . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Base a story around your favorite song lyric +We always hear about ghost stories where things go missing . Why do ghosts take our things and what do they do with them ? +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +Everyone has an AI to help guide them in life , except yours . Yours makes life more difficult every time you achieve something . +As it turns out there was nothing behind her sunglasses . +A diary entry by a girl who was sexually abused by her father . +A stranger approaches you on the street , hands you a gun and a million dollars cash , and says `` you know what to do . '' What happens next ? +Describe a physical object . At the same time , use it to tell a story . +How the Bahamas was named +Inspired by the Image Prompt Found Here : https : //m.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/4r9taa/ip_hold_my_hand/ +It turns out that everyone 's imaginary friends were actually extraterrestrials that were trying to contact Earth through children . +It 's time I spoke of it ... This is my confession ... +Author creates characters that are self-aware and communicate with the author as-if he is their God . +A crime fighting duo having a petty argument in the middle of fighting the villain . You are the villain . +Love is a drug , literally . +One if by land . Two if by sea . Three if by air . Four if by ... +An aging hero visits an old friend for the last time . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +A normal family goes about their normal lives in a very normal way . You are the family 's goldfish/pet . `` What is normal ? '' +In a post-apocalyptic world , two survivors cross paths and join forces . However , they do not speak the same language . +You move into a new apartment and quickly discover that your bathroom is a time machine . +Third eyes . They make you see more things and more ... 'people ' . But it was n't exactly like that . The more you opened your third-eye , the less things you see , things that are n't supposed to be in reality . +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +Batman has to free some hostages in an abandoned building . Tell the story from one of the henchmen as his buddies get picked off and he gets progressively more terrified . +While thinking about what to post for /r/WritingPrompts you saw the notepad application launched by itself and start typing your every thought . +Something big is happening . It 's time to call in those favors . +Reflection . +The entire world loses all its WiFi , except for one place . Your body is the only WiFi hot-spot on the planet . +You 're sitting at the airport with your bags by your side when you hear someone talking to the TSA about seeing unattended baggage . You turn to look and see them pointing straight at you . +You have been cursed by a witch . The love of your life will always misconstrue every love confession you make , no matter how clearly you state your feelings . +`` So how did the Jeep end up in my rooftop office again ? '' +What is Santa Claus doing right now ? +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +Write the same story three times making sure no two points of view or tenses are the same . +You 're referred to as a number until age 18 , where you recieve a name based on your personality . On your 18th birthday , you receive far more than just one name . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +God is human ... we are all God , really ... but almighty power is like wifi and one person has been hogging all the band width ... until today . +The world is slowing being erased by a void . How do your characters spend they 're final days/hours/minutes on Earth before being erased ? +The knight really should have expected the dragons cunning , considering it went specifically for the princess ... but he could n't have expected this ! +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +a new energy is discovered , called `` Sorrow '' . This energy can only be harvested from dead bodies , and the amount of sorrow produced is based on how well liked the person was in life +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Patrick Bateman explains Daft Punk +Write a scifi/fantasy story where the main character questions the possibility of events/actions . +A veteran Holocaust Jewish survivor meets a man in the elevator . As they strike a conversation , he slowly realizes the man was his brutal Nazi prison warden . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +You were bitten by a zombie , but kept your mind . While other zombies are running around killing for brains , you are trying to figure out what to do next . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Last night , you were bitten by a werewolf . You have 30 days before you too go on a mindless killing spree . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +We should rename the `` hot '' and `` top '' categories `` to read '' and the `` rising '' and `` new '' categories `` to write . '' +As time travelers , 2 % of your job is to try and change the past to make a better future . The other 98 % is making sure you did n't fuck up doing so . +A creature the size of an entire city is awakened . It 's playful . +Darkest and Stormiest Night +Your entire life has been the product of a coma dream . One morning , you finally awake from your coma , but find yourself in the 18th century . Your memories from the coma dream , and knowledge of the 21st century , are fully intact . +The character entered an old elevator in a building and pressed down . As you can see from its tiny window , the elevator is still going down . Five hours later , the door opens . +Global suicide rates rises rapidly . The governments deny responsibility . You know better . +Two soldiers knock on your door , one is holding a folded flag . But you do n't know anyone in the military ... +Do not take Chronotroxin if you are pregnant or may become pregnant . Side effects of Chronotroxin include bleeding , dizziness , spontaneous time travel , and in rare cases nausea . Consult your physician if any of these symptoms occur . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +New Horizon speeds past Pluto and into the abyss of unexplored space . Very suddenly , the craft collides into the dome barrier that keeps humanity isolated from the rest of the universe . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +The Make-A-Curse Foundation grants evil services short of murder for terminally ill adults . ( x-post from r/AskReddit ) +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +The United Nations begins mining operations on Mars . The native Martians are not pleased . + +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +You get kidnapped by Sam and Dean Winchester . +Whenever you have to make a decision , you watch numbly as your personified emotions fight over who is in control each time . Today you find yourself on a bridge - you came here with the intent to jump . +You 're furious that she said `` I love you '' back . +The apocalypse has occurred , killing all life on Earth . The Mars colony on the other hand ... +You have the ability ( technology/magic , etc . ) to see the future and are trying to make an informed decision about who to vote for in your upcoming open primary . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +All of school is done at once . No going home , weekends , breaks , etc . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +NSA hold an internal joke competition for finding the dullest person to spy on . You 've been aware of this for a while , and winning on purpose . Why ? +PANDÆMONIUM LOST – MarContest - 11362 +You , a religious believer , describe life under The Supreme Government , which has just banned all religion . +You ask a coworker to go grab something from the storeroom . 30 minutes later , they come back pale , distressed , and visibly shaken +The two characters of the story can hear the narrator . The narrator ( being a hopeless romantic ) is trying to make them fall in love with each other . They are uncomfortable with the idea . +In a world where simplified computer design has made the entire IT industry unnecessary , those who formerly worked with computers survive in other jobs , until the sudden appearance of an actual computer virus , the first anyone 's seen in many years . +You 're a career criminal who has just broken into a house . Upon rummaging through the place , you find something you did n't expect ... +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +With the window broken , the white curtains danced with the wind , the red of it now growing ... +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +A reverse alien invasion . Humanity invades a alien planet from the point of view the aliens . +And thus Grogon Righted that Wrong - FirstChapter - 2010 Words +You put on an Oculus Rift for the first time . You wake up in the real world . +A virus hit the world wiping everyone but you out . To keep yourself sane , you listen to books on tape on a battery powered Walkman to hear people 's voices . But you are down to your last pair of batteries . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +The world of Dark souls has advanced technologically and it is your task to link the first flame in the modern world . +These are the adventures of a starship where every crew member embodies the worst stereotypes of their home country . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +The story of a man gaining superpowers and realizing he must use them for good ... at the age of 50 . +Valentine 's Day is coming up . Write a poem to your significant other/romantic interest . +Far apart , and under different circumstances , people find themselves thinking or feeling the same thing +You 're drifting off to sleep . Suddenly , there 's a loud banging on the door . +In the future , humans have evolved to become almost unrecognizable . One day , a future human comes to the present . +You have just successfully prevented a zombie apocalypse . By killing the first one to turn . What you call `` heroism '' the police call `` murder '' . +The ones who wander +You receive a handwritten letter from Satan himself , congratulating you on committing every possible sin . +What happend to the cowboy after he rode off into the sunset ? +Everyone is allowed to kill one person in their life . However , you have to fill out a form explaining why this person deserves to be killed and the committee can deny/approve your request as per the rules . You are presenting your form today . +Everyone in the world has been transformed into a mythical creature ( gargoyles , nymphs , centaurs , etc ) and no one notices except the one remaining human . +A 4-D star collides with Earth , causing it to `` unroll '' into a seemingly infinite plane . Though satellite images from orbit appear normal , on the surface , everything has changed . There are suddenly new continents , new seas , stretching endlessly onward . A new age of exploration begins . +How the shadows came alive +Let him sleep . As long as he does n't wake up he still has a job . +You are a mapmaker , part of a secret order of mapmakers who have been inciting wars and rebellion for centuries in order to stay in business updating maps . +The last words of anyone as they die are prophetic , and always come true : tell the story of a professional Prophecy Detective . +You discover the message meant to be given to `` The Chosen One '' was wrongfully given to you . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +Futuristic City +You just won the biggest lottery in history `` 900 million dollars '' . You lose all that money in six months . +Diseases ca n't be cured , only passed on to someone else . It 's common for those about to die from old age to act as recipients , allowing the young to live lives free from illness . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +You have just been told that you are the last human being who will ever have to die . +A second Ice Age has ravaged the Earth in the year 2039 . While scavenging , you realize that the Ice Age was artificially started , and you think you know why . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +'' So the superpower you get , has to be based on your current job ? '' +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Man can bond with any creature , be it dog , cat , dragon or butterfly . +A man confessing his sins in the booth . +How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich +A war begins as a bar fight , becomes a regional war , expands to become a world war , and is concluded in the same bar it started in . +You are part of the first settlement to mars . On your journey there , a virus spreads through your spaceship killing everyone on board . But somehow , not you . + +In order to deal with overpopulation new shrinking technology is used to make humanity small . +A minor deity sits alone on its patch of land , forgotten by humanity . It can only be perceived by those who believe in it . Occasionally , humans pass by and leave the deity ever ignored . One day , someone greets the deity . +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +The Last Stand +A fantasy world filled with races such as elves , dwarves , goblins , orcs etc . who all have their patron gods . Then , out of nowhere , come the humans , people of no deities . Helpless against gods , humans team up with another group of outcasts , the demons . +When two souls are bound together one of their eyes change to match the color or their soul mate . Your first soul mate is gone and your eye is gray , describe what happens when you meet your new soul mate . +There are 8 billion souls . When people die their souls are put into a queue for reincarnation . In the year 2030 there are more people alive than souls . +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . + +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +You have the most obsessive fan base on this planet . On a whim , you decide to anonymously write a negative review of your own work just to see how your fans would react . You did n't know your fans would take it so far ... +Several hundred years in the future , the average intelligence of humanity has increased 100 fold . You have just discovered the dark history behind this change that had remained hidden for centuries . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +Every left shoe on earth vanishes . society crumbles . +You have 24 hours to fake your death in the most spectacular way possible . You have $ 1 million in cash and 40 circus workers dedicated to you . +A billionaire hires two contract-killers to murder each other for sadistic entertainment . Describe how the hit-men discover the ploy , team up , and kill their employer . +On the same day that scientists discover proof of infinite , parallel universes , you receive a package that is addressed to `` Myself ... Sort of . '' +While you having a drink in a cafe , someone approach you and tell you that he is from the future . He tell you that whatever thing you do in the next 24 hours will affect your future drastically +One day you die just as your daughter is about to go into labor . Then you are reincarnated as your own grandchild . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +The Romans had some fairly advanced technology for their time but modern civilisation was considered to have advanced far beyond their level . That was , of course , right up until the discovery of the Roman Death Ray . +The fire dies and the darkness encroaches . +Every major international dispute is solved with a game of Football ( US ) . +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Trevor licked his lips and , using his favourite lighter , began heating the spoon . NSFW +Describe a color without using the word `` color '' and the color itself . +Your most embarrassing moment and I 'll write as an onlooker . +You are the main character of this world and you are aware of it . One day you are caught in a hostage situation during a bank robbery . You know that even doing stupid things can get you out safe , everything simply works out for you . +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +When too much anger , trauma , or hurt is bottled up , a heart becomes like a bomb . You are a heart diffuser , and you 've been assigned your hardest case yet . +Lava Ruins +You 're the main character of a story struggling to adapt to the writer 's poor English skills and plot holes . +{ WP } You are continuing on your ( Epic quest ) when you come to a bridge across ( X ) . You must cross ( X ) to continue your journey however a ( thing that can communicate ) is blocking your path . He demands that you answer three questions before he will allow you to pass . +What if , when given the options for starter pokémon by professor Oak , Gary picked pikachu ? +I 'm a filmmaker looking to produce a short film with someone from /r/WritingPrompts . Here are the parameters . +Autocorrect has become sentient and is hell-bent on causing maximum chaos . +a man driven almost insane from not remembering the title of a song overheard a stranger humming its tune +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +One can only hide from the darkness for so long until the candle dies out . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +The little girl points to the stone monument with five figures carved on it . `` Who are they , Daddy ? '' she asks you . +You gather the dragons balls ands summon the eternal dragon . Except there 's a catch , instead of shenron you summon Isaac Newton , and for every wish there 's an equal and an opposite reaction . +A grave digger meets a body snatcher . Describe their exchange and conflict . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +Write the thoughts and experiences of everyday objects used by humans as if they were conscious but could not communicate , only watch and be used . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +there are 30 people , chosen at random , who are suddenly the only people on earth . You are one of them . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +since 2010 Apple has n't designed a single one of its products instead it builds its products off of the rumors people have . +You gain the ability to manipulate probability +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +Your toys come alive at night to protect you against the demons trying to kill you . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +Write an epic battle +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +The Little Black Box +You can literally buy a bodytype ! Either fat , muscular or thin , tall or short , anything you want but it 's expensive . You just won the lottery and have body issues . +ReNov1 Janny Thunder Meets `` The Doctor '' +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +You decide to stop taking decisions and leave your life to pure chance , so you flip a coin to decide witch way to go . After several flips , you get to this far away place where you meet some people that got there the exact same way as you +A person who has used his ability to read minds to glide through life , finds the one person whose mind he ca n't read . +People are being painfully and realistically murdered by strange monsters in their dreams , and then never waking up . The upper class purchases and consumes energy pills that allow them to go without sleep , while the lower classes are left to defend their dreams from the monsters every night . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +You are an NPC in the world of a fantasy video game . You desperately require the aid of a heroic adventurer . But for some reason , nobody will accept your sidequest . +The shadows are getting restless , and the creatures that visit become stranger every day . It 's almost as if the warmth from the sun never reaches the village , even though it 's so bright . +you 're trying to complete a writing prompt but keep get distracted +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +At a fact restaurant there are two events listed as `` big Vinny 's Birthday '' . One is an actual party , the other is a meeting of mob bosses . A sweet old lady get seated at the wrong table . +Far apart , and under different circumstances , people find themselves thinking or feeling the same thing +The Protagonist and Antagonist realize that thet both have the same exact goal , in the same exact way . +A parent explaining to their child that the other parent has died . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +Everyday 10+ humans must die so the sun can rise again , but humans do n't know this . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +You find an old object of yours in the back of the closet . Tell us about a single memory that slams into your brain when you see the object . +You 're browsing the contents of your `` My Documents '' folder , when you see a file that will change your life forever . +You 're a subway conductor and one day you realize no one has been riding your train for years . ( WP ) +After a comet hits a car , the owner and an insurance rep. debate the meaning of `` full coverage '' . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +It is December 27th . Two days ago Santa did not deliver gifts for the first time in 600 years . Santa 's Workshop has gone dark . You are the leader of the SEAL Team tasked with finding out why . This is your story . +Short story about an `` Accidental Sandwich '' +There is an instant result from everything -- exercise , fattening foods , lying in the sun , studying ... +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . +Write a Compelling Love Story in 1,000 Words or Less . +Lean With It +American satellite started transmitting 46 years after being abandoned in 1967 +The ancient dragon , nearing his end , takes a moment to reflect upon his long life . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Write a story from the perspective of a hero , but make the reader hate them in the end , or vice-versa . +You wake up one day and everything seems exactly the same as the day before . You immediately assume you 've found yourself in a 'Groundhog Day ' situation and start acting as if your actions have no consiquences . The only problem is , you were wrong and this is a day just like any other . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You discover that the incredible technology that 's been released in the last few years is n't the product of science as it 's been made to appear , but instead a product of magic +Write a story with the grim reaper/angel of death ( a position that can be passed on ) as the protagonist . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +In a blink you are suddenly in a parallel universe but it is exactly the same and you only start to notice due to one or two small differences +The family that preys together , stays together . +Its November 11th , 2014 and fake poppies have just been shipped out all over North America . This time though there is something special about them . Something ... Deadly . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Aliens come in peace , with absolutely no strings attached , but , humans , having spent centuries assuming the worst , are having a hard time trusting them . +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +Sometimes the only thing to do when you hit rock bottom , is to take everyone else down with you . +You have been accepted into the pantheon of Gods . Little did you know it was just like joining a company at entry level +You 've discovered it ; after decades of research , you 've accidentally stumbled across the cure for cancer . This morning you will go on television and announce what you 've found . +Reality Substitute +`` Best bounty hunter in the universe ? Well , then you want them , '' said the man , pointing down the bar to where a little girl and her robot were playing chess . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +A new kind of social network technology uses algorithms to simulate people after they 've passed away based on analysis of their lifetime 's worth of online activity . This allows some kind of interaction with ( and perhaps between ) lost loved ones . What are the implications and how is life now ? +Two Generation Ships leave earth for a distant planet . One ship makes it to the planet , the other is delayed 1700 years . During this time the settlers on the planet and the settlers on the ship develop a religion about each other . They finally meet . +You decide to sell your soul on Ebay as a joke . Surprisingly , quite a few buyers express interest . +Write a short story with compelling dialogue without telling us who is saying what . +An Injured American soldier is treated by a German soldier disguised as an American medic . +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +The Nazis won WWII . The parallel universe equivalent Nazi Subreddit /r/WritingPrompts prompts 'What would the world be like if the Allies had won the war ? ' +A hardcore doomsday prepper is living through the apocalypse ... But it 's a kind he did n't prepare for +All the animals in the world , except humans , suddenly gain comic book style super powers . +A minor deity sits alone on its patch of land , forgotten by humanity . It can only be perceived by those who believe in it . Occasionally , humans pass by and leave the deity ever ignored . One day , someone greets the deity . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +The oldest person in the world is now officially a person who is a veteran of every single war his country has been in since WW1 . Reporters ask him how he has lived so long . His answer ? `` Make sure death is too afraid to come for you . '' +Everyone starts staring at you , when you ask them why , they deny ever staring . +Write a story with the grim reaper/angel of death ( a position that can be passed on ) as the protagonist . +You realize most of the crazy people in the world are not crazy at all , they have just learned the truth about our reality . +I 'm a filmmaker looking to produce a short film with someone from /r/WritingPrompts . Here are the parameters . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +`` Congratulations on waking up . The good news is that you are no longer on the way to the mind wipe and bio-enslavement facility . The bad news is that I have no idea where your escape pod currently is or where it is headed . '' +When a person dies , they sing their favorite song until they 're physically unable to . +There is a stranger in your daughter 's room . It 's your daughter . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You are the office renegade . You 've been subtly enraging your co-workers for months and no one knows that it is you causing the trouble +A true personal story that makes the reader feel sonder ( the realization that each random passerby ( here , the writer ) is living a life as vivid and complex as your own ( here , the reader ) ) . +You 're possessed by a motivational demon . All your life the voice in your head has told you to 'give it 110 % ' , eat better , be a better person , and SUCCEED . You just want one day off ... +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +The main character is destined to save the world from evil , but he 's the most boring person you can imagine +You have the spirit of George Washington in you and you 're itching for a revolution . You 're also a teenager working at a grocery store +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +`` Hey , tell them about that one time you convinced the four horsemen they were being replaced . '' +Create an `` Omelas '' +Instead of prison time , punishment for crimes is a sentence of living in another time period in the past . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +Write a story where the first sentence means something totally different than the last by the end of the story . +You have invented a drug that can increase your intelligence 10000 fold . Only problem is , you will die 8 hours after taking it . +At a cosplay convention , everybody gets the powers of whoever they 're cosplaying . +You are an alien reporting about your observations of Earth . You do not know what `` fun '' is . +Rites of Passage +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Your eyes underwent some changes and you can now see people 's souls , including your own . You are greatly surprised because you never thought your soul would look the way it does . +You are the first human whose mind has been downloaded to a computer . Your machine self wakes up and looks at the body left behind . +There 's a sign in The Battle Nursery that reads : `` Before leaving your children , please choose some weapons for them '' . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +An angel tells you that your husband/wife is not your soulmate and is destined to be happier with another person ... +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +Reality is the escape . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +The cooties have mutated to become lethal . Physical contact with the opposite sex is considered worse than even Ebola . +Most outdoor cats bring their owners mice or birds as presents . Yours just dropped a pixie at your feet . +Shortly after arriving in Heaven after being brutally murdered , you bump into your killer . +Write about that perfect encounter with the person you like . You know , the one that you go over fifty times in your head each night ? +You are the oldest inhabitant of Hell . Even the Devil does n't know how long you 've been here . Denizens of Hell normally expect that the oldest sinner would be someone of pure evil , but in truth you 're actually a pretty chill dude . +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +The City of Palaquin +Where to get some help for the 50k Subscribers contest ? +Write a backstory for a stranger on the bus +A famous writer dies after writing his masterpiece . After a memory wipe and reincarnation , a memory of a past life starts leaking through while reading his former self 's novel as a required high school reading +Set in the American Dustbowl , You and your family are trapped in your house during a vicious dust-storm and you 're fairly certain there is something else lurking out there amidst the churning grey sand . +Daily Prompt - The email that turned your characters life upside down +Something big is happening . It 's time to call in those favors . +Due to a clerical error , you were born in hell and spent a century there , before being sent to Earth to live for an eternity +Your job is to teach artificial intelligences . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +People can do magic , but only when their hands are uncovered . You go out one day without your government sanctioned gloves . +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +A man down on his luck realizes he has psychic mind reading abilities . He improves his life by playing poker . Everything goes really well for him until one day he comes across another psychic at the tables . Epic mind games ensue . +Transit +A group of adventurers discover a robot who 's been awake but immobile for hundreds of years . +The year is 2077 . For the 100th anniversary of Star Wars someone has released a gritty reboot of the series ( ie BSG 2004 ) . How does it open ? +You wake up in a maximum security prison where only the most vilest and violent are kept . You do n't know why you 're there but everyone is irrationally scared of you . +The apocalypse has occurred , killing all life on Earth . The Mars colony on the other hand ... +Multiple nuclear explosions wipe out several cities in the middle east , but noone knows who deployed the weapons . This is the resulting UN emergency meeting . +A child needed a protector . The demon needed redemption . +A child is playing in the woods and stumbles upon a piece of 'Old Earth ' technology , managing accidentally to turn it back on ... +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +Kill the writer in first-person narrative . +Pirates for Hire +A killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason . This robot , he 's got a heartbreaking decision to make about whether his best friend lives ... or dies . Also His best friend 's a talking pie ! +The shortest story ever told . Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained . The end . +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +You have died and have been sentenced to Heck . +A genius has been cursed to only speak one syllable words . How does this affect their life ? +Write a story about betrayal . +you have a keyboard which whatever you type , appears in reality . +The Human Empire has been pushed back by the combined might of a galactic union . Only Earth , the Final and greatest world remains . It is the last stand of humanity . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +there are 30 people , chosen at random , who are suddenly the only people on earth . You are one of them . +`` I just ai n't sure . I 've made this decision many times , but this time I 'm not sure what to do . '' +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +After nearly a quarter century , WWIII is over . Eschewing nuclear weapons , the opposing nations choose to create genetically and cybernetically enhanced super soldiers . As an ex-Marine , you 've been drafted to locate and detain those soldiers who refused to have their implants removed . +The winchesters in the D.C. Universe go to Gotham to hunt batman because they think he 's a monster . +Write me a fable that teaches a lesson about civil rights . +You are on your first date with a girl you met through an online dating service . She is like she described in her profile so much so , that you are becoming convinced she is a robot . +You are the world 's greatest assassin . So great , in fact , that nobody will hire you anymore in fear of retaliation and you are constantly hounded by assassin 's who you stole the business of . +Observation Deck +A genie offers a refund for a wish gone wrong +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +A time traveler has come from the future to cause the death of 4 billion people ... .. in order to save us from something even worse . +It 's your first date in 3 years , you picked out the restaurant , and she already agreed to split the bill , everything seems great , but after her second glass of wine , your date let 's slip that she 's actually you from an alternate universe where you were born a girl . +`` It 's like Hogwarts , except with guns and explosions instead of wands and sorcery . '' +You volunteered to be in the inaugural human mission to set up settlement at Mars . Tomorrow , you 'll take flight on this one-way journey . +On the same day that scientists discover proof of infinite , parallel universes , you receive a package that is addressed to `` Myself ... Sort of . '' +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +You wake up one morning to find that everyone , including you , is now the opposite sex . Tell the story of the person most affected by this change . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +In a dystopian United States , a person becomes President by killing the previous President +Write me a story with one syllable words ONLY +A 24 year old has a curse placed on them . Every hour , their age regresses by one year . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +Your significant other is literally a demon . When they 're cross with you , they can make your life a living hell . Literally . +`` Let the kids watch . They 'll have to do it one day . '' +In Pokemon Zubats are annoying but laughably weak . Write a story that makes them absolutely terrifying . +The Earth has been sending out radio signals and probes looking for life in our galaxy for years . Other intelligent life does exist , but is trying not to be found . Earth is the only planet unaware of why . +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +First line `` I remember when a day was only 24 hours long . '' +A person gains a superpower through an accident , and must decide if they will be a superhero or a supervillain . +Everything was normal in their world , later to be called the Moon , until aliens came on July 20th 1969 +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You decide to start keeping a journal , after finding an old journal at a second hand book store . About a week later you find the journal open on your desk with the only words written inside being `` who is this ? '' +A 40 year old , recently divorced woman from the suburbs becomes a cat burglar . : ) +You just found out that the forbidden Apple Adam and Eve ate had parasites that turned them against God ... . Through revolution , we have no idea where the parasite is hiding in our body , but one day ... ... . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +Technolgy has advanced to the point of re-animation by storing copies of your mind in cyberspace . One day , you die and to your biggest regret , your file has n't been backed up recently +There was once 25 hours in a day , but you figured out a way to steal everyone else 's 25th hour , and have been doing so for a long time . Eventually , somebody finds out . +Once per week since August 2013 , 1d6 of Goblins appears and attacks people and businesses randomly . Tell the story from the view of the city 's police chief who had to adapt his force over the past year to fight the new threat . +We are all the protagonists of our own stories , but every once in a while a message arrives for you and tells you that your genre has changed . Yours has just changed from 'slice of life ' to ... ? +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +With all the souls being sold to him , Satan has decided to build his own soul banking system , and he wants to open a new branch on Earth . +Write an interaction between a human and a vampire . +Write about the start of an intergalactic war . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +You are a devout christian , and you just died . When you ascend , you discover that the real god is Tūmatauenga , the Maori god of war . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +A generic RPG story ( such as , but not necessarily , `` the princess has been kidnapped ! '' ) from the villain 's point of view . Make the audience sympathetic to his/her cause . +Scientists , Engineers , Mathematicians , etc . are Rock Stars of this alternate version of Earth . Describe a day in the life of one of the biggest names in their respective field . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +What the Wind Said +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +All of your muscles use % 100 of their strength for every action , your alarm clock just went off . +Write about someone who is waiting for something . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +Humans inherently have magic abilities . And just like other natural human features , they get very awkward during puberty . +Governments around the world send undercover agents into a drug cartel . All of the real members quit leaving only undercover agents who still think that everyone else is a real member . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +You 're a Professional Group Therapist in a mental hospital and you 're beginning to suspect that two of your patients are robots . + +On Judgement Day , every single person is left behind and you 're the only one who is saved , because you believed something no one else did . +You sit down at a bar in outer space and you overhear an alien telling his friend why the rest of the cosmos ignored humans for so long . +`` I lost myself in you ... and when I found myself again , I was n't quite the same as I was before . '' +By morning , I was Kinslayer . By Evening , I will be Kingslayer . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Harry Potter stumbles onto the rails and gets squashed by the Hogwarts Express . Write the reaction of the magical community from the perspective of a character of your choice . +A high-stakes heist in an unusual location for an uncommon prize . +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +A revenge speech for something insignificant , or useless to seek revenge for . +Please tell me about one of your fonder memories . +Becoming a god . +Pirates for Hire +Everyone knows about the kraken , but there 's actually an even more dangerous sea monster , only no one has lived to tell the tale . You and your fellow pirates discover treasure in this sea monster 's lair . +For the first time in history , a mortal stands trial for the crime of Deicide - the killing of a god . +A self driving car tells its passenger its life story +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +Air Fortress +One day there is a knock at the door , opening you find yourself face to face with your exact double . They tell you that because you have n't managed to achieve it , they are here to replace you and get things back on track . +In the year 2100 , robots have overthrown mankind as the dominant force on Earth . Like everyone else , you are treated like a pet by your robot . +Whenever a person dies of natural causes , everyone around that death absorbs an attribute of the deceased . +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +In your world , `` mountains '' are inverted giant holes in the ground . You are the first person attempting the descent of Everest . +The villain of a Saturday morning cartoon slowly becomes aware of the commercial breaks . +So apparently , I swear a ****ing lot . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +An immortal couple have been seen throughout recorded history , write an account of them in any time period you wish . Bonus points if you match the writing style of the time period +Global suicide rates rises rapidly . The governments deny responsibility . You know better . +Describe yourself the way you would a character in a story . Tell us how we would perceive you based on your features , from the way you walk to the features of your face . +Take the chorus of a song of your choosing and turn it into a story that is n't about the topic of the song itself +First line `` I remember when a day was only 24 hours long . '' +The author of a successful book series answers the door to find their fictional main character at the door . They are pissed that the author put them through so much and demands to know why . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +A alphabet book about any topic . ( i.e . A is for ... B is for ... Z is for ... ) +You are immortal , except for one odd weakness . +You have decided to end your life . You go to the Golden Gate Bridge and jump off . The second you hit the water , you wake up . +Begin your story with `` They should have sent a poet . '' +When a new president is elected , they are given a special security briefing . In reality , this is an old tradition where various directors , military officers and current ministers present fake evidence and compete to see who can convince the president of the most ridiculous things . +You are playing a strategy game against the computer when the AI begins to exhibit very strange behavior . +The protagonists of our story are having a meet-cute . Narrator , however , is going through some troubles at home , and it 's starting to show . +You are hiking in the woods when you hear a deafening shriek from close by . Your guide 's eyes grow big and he whispers , terrified , `` One must have survived ... . '' +Werewolves are badass . Druids can transform into gigantic bears . Some shapeshift into feline beasts . And then there 's you ... a wereotter . You attend a support group for cuddly were-beasts . +Planet continuity has been utterly shattered , and now doorways almost never lead to where they 're supposed to go . Which is really interesting and all , but you REALLY need to get to work . +You are walking with a co-worker on a busy city street and stop to bend down to re-tie your shoe while your co-worker walks on . You stand up only to someone assassinate your co-worker with a silenced pistol ; then calls someone saying , `` I thought you said there would be two . '' +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +You are a minion in a tower defense game , describe your final moments/thoughts . +You 've been invited to a dead man 's party . +You have received a text/call/letter from someone and it is everything that you want to hear and simultaneously nothing you want to hear . +Far apart , and under different circumstances , people find themselves thinking or feeling the same thing +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +Your new romantic interest is , unbeknownst to you , the recent ex of a jealous deity . +A new drug hits the clubbing scene - cheap , very addictive , a great high and seemingly safe . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +What is going on ? +100 A.D : The Romans invent roller skates . +You write stories on r/WritingPrompts on a daily basis , after having written another prompt you go to sleep , when you wake up your house is surrounded by media . +All your close friends and family have died over the past 3 months , except for 1 best friend you have n't talked for a long time . You go to him for solace and when he sees you he says `` I 've been waiting for you '' . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +Advancements in science allow have allowed temporary reanimation after death , and it becomes customary to give a eulogy at your own funeral during this time . You have recently died , and find yourself reanimated . +You are the master of a secret and powerful art . For the first time in many years , a student has genuinely impressed you . +The Words of the King - Flashback - 2000 +`` Then I 'll put that uniform back on , and do it again . Nobody else can . '' +Aliens have come to earth with the intent to conquer it , but when they arrive , they realize that , due to random chance or otherwise , they are biologically indistinguishable from humans . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +Your first question upon arriving in the afterlife is , `` what do people do here ? '' An elder member describes the phases that people go though once they arrive and warns you about the last one . +Somehow make the line `` Boy , its a joyous day outside ! '' sound sad . +Years after a nuclear war which destroyed nations and landscapes , a man departs from a ship after crossing from England to America to document mutated and dangerous wildlife . ( Comedic ) +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +Write the saddest story you can make from the perspective of an animal . +`` I 've had my last meal 13 times , final words 29 times , and been to my funeral 9 times ... I think this may be the one I do n't walk away from ... '' +Caffeine , tobacco , and alcohol have all been reclassified as Schedule 1 drugs in the United States . +You meet a generous Dragon , but it 's into Vore . +You are an NPC in the GrandTheftAuto universe . Describe a normal day in your life . +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +Its been 4 days since the biggest solar flare in history took out the power grid . A well educated homeless man smiles as he sits watching the city burn in the valley below . Why is he smiling ? +You find out that an alien race is responsible for all life on our planet and dinosaurs were just a failed experiment they were forced to destroy . We were their follow up . You finally make it to their homeland and find out they 've destroyed themselves . We were a forgotten lab experiment . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +An enormous , seemingly infinite , nearly impenetrable wall is discovered in space . Two teams are deployed to investigate : one to find the edge and one to drill through . +No one had ever kissed me like that… +Time speeds and slows like weather . A town is trying to evacuate before the biggest slow front on record . +I checked my weapon . One bullet left . Just enough to do what needed to be done . +In the wake of a disaster of apocalyptic proportions , the entirety of your home and all of your possessions are destroyed - except for the contents of the medicine chest in your bathroom . Survive . +A person who commits a crime finds evidence of a much bigger crime . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +- Dogs become able to communicate fluently with humans , but are still subservient to them . +Amy ca n't decide if she will go out tonight , she tosses a coin to decide . The result will change 2015 in the best or worst way . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +One is a world where the cities at night light up like jewels and technological marvels are found in almost everyone 's pocket . The other is a world of magic and sorcery where miracles are commonplace . When you fall asleep in one , you enter the other . +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +You 're a Time Traveler in Frontier Wyoming , but you slowly start to realize everyone else is also a Time Traveler just trying to live their lives and hide the fact that they 're a Time Traveler from everyone else . +A grave digger meets a body snatcher . Describe their exchange and conflict . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +You are a doctor in the Emergency Room . While removing a `` foreign object '' from an embarrassed patient , you begin to suspect that he is actually Satan . +An unknown billionaire wills that his funeral be a contest where the stranger who delivers the best eulogy inherits everything . You ’ re up . +: I knew it was dead , I just did n't know when it was going to be alive again . +Eternal Nature - FEB CONTEST +Twinkle , twinkle , little star , how I wonder what you are . Up above the world so high , falling swiftly from the sky ... +In 1879 Swift Runner , believing he is possessed by a 'Wendigo ' , becomes a cannibal +You 've been writing the same book for 50 years with few breaks and no writers block . Your grandson finally has the courage to ask you about it . +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +You live in a world where the only way to be respected is to say as little as possible at all times +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +You were bitten by a zombie during the apocalypse , but instead of living your days as a mindless being , you are now a ghost , invisible to all except your reanimated corpse . You feel compelled to try and protect your body from all the stupid stuff it keeps trying to do . +Real life has background music like videogames or movies . People learned how to take advantage of it really fast . +As a private detective , your newest murder to solve has you feeling skeptical and wary , as the victim 's case increasingly begins to remind you of yourself . +A happy ending that slowly becomes more and more dystopian . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Right before you die , you check your Kill-to-Death ratio . Surprisingly , you have dozens of kills . +She always wanted to be a hero ... Now she 's working with the enemy . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +You and your loved one are shown a vision of the future , but in it , you both see the other person killing you . +Years after waking up deaf due to an unknown cause , you bump into someone that you can hear . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +A person becomes known as the most powerful politician/man in the world by preventing every attempt to backstab him , countering every attempt of blackmailing or bribing and by slowly turning his words into law . In reality it 's all a big misunderstanding , and the man is oblivious to all of it . +A group of friends have to go into a old house and recover a item , in order to receive a rich inheritance . However the house is haunted by ghosts , who have fortified the house . The friends have resorted to siege warfare to claim the item . +We are in a video game played by our `` real '' selves from the 5th dimension . But something terrible happened and we forgot that we were playing . +A man finds the place he will be buried using the myth that one shivers when someone walks on their grave . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +An immortal man is sentenced to life in prison . +For no reason , you decide you will kill your parents . You sneak into their room in the middle of the night and gently wake them up to you holding a pistol . `` Why ? '' they ask with a confused look . Maintaining the perfect poker face , you look them in the eyes and kill them with one headshot each . +All domesticated animals suddenly have the ability to talk , and for generations they thought they were the masters of the planet . +`` Sorry , but ... you 're actually NOT the Chosen One . '' +Story about a superhero whose powers come with a strange side effect or drawback +Satan gathers up all the lesser demons and announces that they 're going to be adding another sin to the seven deadly sins and whoever comes up with it gets to be in charge of that department . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +Each of the 7 plagues of Egypt had a secondary purpose . God is trying to explain each of them to Moses . +In the near future , any hereditary disease can be cured before birth . Scientists have just discovered Sin is a genetic disease . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +`` Best bounty hunter in the universe ? Well , then you want them , '' said the man , pointing down the bar to where a little girl and her robot were playing chess . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +A day after losing your job , you find yourself in the one place you swore you would never go , doing the one thing you swore you would never do , to help the one person you never wanted to see again +The perfect couple is hiding a secret . They 're both can rewind time , and make changes . Neither knows about the others ' gifts . +Wilderness +The complete works of Jakub Rozalski +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +- STARWARS - C3PO & R2D2 never made it to Tatooine . What 's Luke doing years later ? +As one of the children of the king , you alwayes knew one day you might be married off to strengthen diplomatic ties to allied nations . You just always expected to marry another human . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +God gets tired of people denying his/her existence and makes him/herself known , he/she completely defies expectations though . +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +So apparently , I swear a ****ing lot . +On the same day that scientists discover proof of infinite , parallel universes , you receive a package that is addressed to `` Myself ... Sort of . '' +A self-aware NPC in a video game gets jealous of the playable character ( s ) and wo n't stop at anything to kill them off for good . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +It is the late 19th century and you are the recently hired domestic servant for an eccentric old man . As you go about your tasks you begin to find items from the 21st century in his house . +A group of highly trained assassins are out to kill you . One day , while at a coffee shop , you spot them coming towards you . +You are in a secret exploration team . The team sends you to explore Earth 's eighth continent , which has been hidden for all of Earth 's history until now . When you arrive , you realize why it has been hidden . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +The scientific verification of reincarnation has dramatically changed how courts enforce multiple life sentences . +`` It 's just numbers . '' +At some point , we are all the villain in somebody 's life . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +Turn some mundane action into a legend of great ambitions and action of selfness redemption . +you have the ability to see everyone 's physical manifestations of their greatest fear . You can interact with them but no one notices , you 've befriended yours . While at the bar and the man sitting across from you buys your next round . When he comes over , you notice that he has no fear `` shadow '' ... +Voice ( s ) on the radio . +While playing a Civilization game you realize that your actions in the game seem to happen in real life . +A man suddenly notices an identical copy of himself . Each of them thinks that he is the original . +O.A.M Grizelda Wrath by ku-on +Dogs are now super intelligent . Some things are awkward now . +( WP ) Two patients of the same therapist seperately each confess a secret love for each over but refuse to act . The therapist stuggles between saying nothing and keeping the oath of doctor-patient confidentiality or breaking the oath and informing these star-crossed lovers of their mutual affection . +`` I 'll tell you something the world does n't know '' +You are a time traveler . You have never traveled past 19,000 A.D. Today you did , and you did n't like what you saw . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' + +A colony mission sent from Earth loses contact , discouraging further missions . Hundreds of years later , the colony has established a powerful interstellar frontier and has regained contact with Earth , pledging their allegiance to the world 's leaders . +You are a time travelling agent , and you need to stop a nuclear war without killing anyone . +Dying Words ( All will be read aloud by me ) +Most outdoor cats bring their owners mice or birds as presents . Yours just dropped a pixie at your feet . +A new agent is assigned to the X-Files . Write about Agent Dipper Pines ' first case . +Your colleague is the first physicist to successfully open a wormhole that is capable of transporting things into the past to the point just before the hole was opened . Your colleague passes through and then shoots himself in the head . +Inspired by billionaires before him , Donald Trump decides to spend his vast wealth on becoming a vigilante superhero +You 're in hell , your punishment is to read a book that is infinite , every 1000 years the bookmark you placed in it vanishes forcing you to start from the beginning . +Your first day as an FBI hostage negotiator has you trying to talk down Frere Jacques , a classically trained french mime super-villain . +If you stay alive for no other reason , do it for spite . +Write the thoughts and experiences of everyday objects used by humans as if they were conscious but could not communicate , only watch and be used . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +We are all the protagonists of our own stories , but every once in a while a message arrives for you and tells you that your genre has changed . Yours has just changed from 'slice of life ' to ... ? +We have the technology to upload a persons mind into a clone . The clones only last 24 hours though . Your original body died long ago , and every day you have to swap out to a new body . +I superhero who finds out at the the end that he was the villain the whole time and most decide what to do after making this realization . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +A child is playing in the woods and stumbles upon a piece of 'Old Earth ' technology , managing accidentally to turn it back on ... +SatChat : What inspired you to start writing more seriously ? +The Insect Council debates going to war with their common enemy , the Humans . +The last surviving member of a once prestigious warrior clan is getting ready to die . +EarthChild by Valentin Boomes +After you die you get the choice of starting over - a 'New Game Plus ' . That 's common knowledge . After dying you encounter something different however : 'New Game Minus ' +An evil witch has placed a curse on the human race . As a result , all idioms , similes , and metaphors physically happen when we say them . +Write from the perspective of an animal that escapes the zoo . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +Write me a scene from Harry Potter where the Vernons are actually the loving family they portray to the rest of the world , and Harry actually does go to a school for the criminally insane +A pizza delivery boy is unwittingly sent to God 's apartment . +Write your best possible closing line/paragraph to a story , leaving room for readers to imagine the events that lead up to that moment . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write yourself into a corner . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +A speech to a fundraiser for the arts beginning with the Oscar Wilde quote : `` All art is quite useless . '' +Wilderness +You do n't remember ever owning the family dog , but everyone else seems to ... + +Humans have found a way to record and replay dreams . Recently you found a collection of recorded dreams that focused on you . +A hunting story from the perspective of the prey +Everyone is born with their soulmate 's name written on the sole of their foot . Your foot has a name on it , but it is n't written in any known language . +Open Concept : Instead of choosing between the red pill and the blue pill , Morpheus offers an ENTIRE rainbow of six pills to choose from . +Write a normal , mundane story with normal , mundane characters doing normal , mundane things . +Disney Princesses : Civil War +For the first time in history , a mortal stands trial for the crime of Deicide - the killing of a god . +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +Describe a scene from everyday life twice : first as you normally would , and then as if it were a scene from a science fiction novel +What if children inherited their parents ' memories ? +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +Mob Connections +Dying is actually a coming of age for the next life ( or heaven , etc ) . Yet for some reason you have not fully matured . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +What if after you die , you wake up with a bong in your hand and your alien friend asks `` How was it ? `` . +You discover that you have a long lost identical twin , but before they discover you exist you realize they are a terrible person . Instead of introducing yourself to them you decide to make their life a living hell . +A fairy tells it 's children a human tale before bed +You wake up . The world is now governed by the qualities and physics of a 9-year-old 's classroom doodles . +You have died and have been sentenced to Heck . +And we sat , and we talked , and the world went by +Everybody expects the Spanish Inquisition . +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +If you kill the past , there would be no future . +Once per week since August 2013 , 1d6 of Goblins appears and attacks people and businesses randomly . Tell the story from the view of the city 's police chief who had to adapt his force over the past year to fight the new threat . +you were given the choice of immortality , and you took it . Now , millions of years later , you are floating in space . Alone with your thoughts . +You , a religious believer , describe life under The Supreme Government , which has just banned all religion . +A religion has swept the globe , the principal tenet of which is that reality is a dream of God 's , and that when every human on Earth believes this we ( as God ) will finally be able to awaken from our dream . ( bit more inside ) +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +When you were seven , you inherited the family curse : transforming into a _____ when you 're angry . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Heart of Eden +Departure From E-DoN - FEB CONTEST +You have been abducted by aliens . However , Galactic Police has arrested your abductors and are charging them with `` sentience abuse . '' +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +I could see it in their hooded glances and practiced smiles . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +Write about that perfect encounter with the person you like . You know , the one that you go over fifty times in your head each night ? +Several centuries in the future , your favorite fiction book is found , and believed to be historical fact . +You are a vampire living in World War II . With the war being at its deadliest , you decide to take action . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +A meteor has just hit Earth and has started a chain of natural disasters that eventually lead to world war three . Write only the titles of the top-rated news submissions on Reddit in such a way that it tells a story as time goes on . +You stumble upon a genie in a bottle , instead of granting three wishes he gives you three choices . End world hunger , stop all current and future wars or find out what 's in the box . +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +A parent explaining to their child that the other parent has died . +A man 's wife dies after many good years of marriage . The man remarries a few years after her death and has a loving wife again . After they both eventually die , the man reaches heaven and now has a dilemma with having both of his wives present . +You have been given an invitation to your own funeral , being curious you decide to go . +Aliens have fired a giant laser towards Earth . Upon being struck , instead of destroying Earth , all forms of tea and coffee can no longer be brewed . +There is a third gender . It is morphologically , psychologically , sexually and culturally distinct from both men and women . They make up 33 % of the population . +Write an intelligent , smart person using ONLY simple vocabulary . +There are water , earth , fire and airbenders . People often forget the other benders , such as woodbenders , alcoholbenders and fleshbenders . But you , you 're something unique : the First ****bender . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +`` By the way , I 'm a dragon . '' +You are the fly on the wall . Describe what you see . +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +WWII never happened and Hitler became a famous painter . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +The Little Black Box +The sun goes out . Tell the story of a person who now lives a world of darkness . +Diseases ca n't be cured , only passed on to someone else . It 's common for those about to die from old age to act as recipients , allowing the young to live lives free from illness . +Spiders now have wings . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +war breaks out in earth , while the astronauts on the International Space Station watch from above . +What difference does one pixel make ? +Near the end of your life you 're given a book containing every lie ever told to you . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +Please keep your hopes and dreams inside the vehicle at all times +Oppressed +Write a story that seems like a cliffhanger untill you reread the first line . +`` You never know true beauty until you see Earth from space , or true terror until you hear someone knocking on the space station door from outside . '' +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +When you propose to your girlfriend , you see a notification appear in field of vision , `` Player 2 Has Joined '' . +You 've been banished to hell . However , burning in a fiery blaze is not your punishment . It 's washing the dishes . For eternity . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +When the President was campaigning , they promised that the Secret UFO files would be released to the public . Upon learning what is in them , the President realizes that they ca n't . +The heart in conflict with itself . +You live in a world where you do n't tell people about yourself , they do . Furthermore everything they say about you becomes true . +Everyone is assigned a mystical bladed weapon at birth by the gods . You where given a Gillette fusion razor . +Walk me through a soldier 's last day alive . +The deadly Rage Virus has finally made its way to North America , even infecting the hapless citizenry of Sesame Street . One resident awakes to the aftermath 28 days later . +He is the Chosen One . Braver than a lion . Mightier than the storm . Dumber than a 5-year old . +Write a modern day nursery rhyme or children 's fable . +In a blink you are suddenly in a parallel universe but it is exactly the same and you only start to notice due to one or two small differences +You are in a Movie Genre , everyone else is in a different Movie Genre . +The great prophecy is coming true . Electronic Music starts playing out of the sky . Source unknown . It 's very loud . We all have prepared for 'The Drop ' . +An unknown billionaire wills that his funeral be a contest where the stranger who delivers the best eulogy inherits everything . You ’ re up . +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +All of the religion 's gods have been playing an elaborate game of risk to decide who controls the world . Christianity has been dominating for some time , but now another religion makes a comeback and takes over . What is this religion and how does it affect the world ? +`` Look , I do n't know how you were raised - but assassination is not an acceptable means of communication . '' +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +Aliens invade Earth , only to be repelled by the wildlife +The Fisherman +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +You are a dragon who failed to be a dragon +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +Ave , Imperator , morituri te salutant +Years after their divorce & with little contact since , a former couple meets for dinner with their new partners +You die and find yourself in a white room before an angel , who tells you you 'll be judged by `` those who knew you best . '' You turn to see every car you 've ever owned roll single-file into the room . +everybody on Earth has a tree that represents them . Once that tree dies , that person dies too . You work as a lumberjack . +The Human Empire has been pushed back by the combined might of a galactic union . Only Earth , the Final and greatest world remains . It is the last stand of humanity . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Explain how the world works using a Rubik 's Cube metaphor . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +Sometimes , the Devil is n't the bad guy . +I have a few hours to kill and want to write something +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +After a disturbing experience a psychiatrist starts to question their own sanity . +It 's been 2 years since the zombie apocalypse started and California was cut off from the rest of America , supplies are running low and the state starts feeling a lot smaller as the days go by . +With most of the population infected , you are left with two options : pour all your efforts into developing a cure that may not exist or modify the disease to kill off all living host 's , stopping the plague but killing millions . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +The amount of people you have killed in video games counts towards how many people you 've killed in real life . Today , you are being tried for the deaths of 10,928,034 people . +You 're a demon working in Hell , when someone asks to see the manager . +One day , the whole world changed . Humans now need love and affection the same way they need food . Anyone who is not loved enough wastes away until they eventually starve , as the much loved grow fatter and fatter . +What is the longest sentence you can create while staying on subject and not turning it into a run-on sentence ? +An alien spacecraft has landed somewhere on Earth . When the door finally opens , a single alien emerges and is not at all what anyone expected . +Your name is Ashley Madison and you are frustrated about the amount of hate you 've been getting these last few days by mistake . +In 1977 , the Voyager spacecraft was sent out into deep space with a message from the people of Earth . Today we had it sent back to us . +`` Hello , and welcome to our planet ! To what do we owe the honour of being invaded ? '' +Everyone has an AI to help guide them in life , except yours . Yours makes life more difficult every time you achieve something . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +An executioner has been given free rein to kill his subjects however he likes , as long as it is quick . He happens to be extremely imaginative . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +CERN is trying to open a portal to hell . Only they 're not trying to summon a demon to Earth . They 're trying to create a bridgehead for the human invasion of Hell . +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +You have acquired a twenty-sided die that allows you to roll for success and failure during real life situations . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +The Earth Colossus +You keep getting packages addressed to the person who lived in your apartment before you . One day you open one . +`` Have I ever told you the definition of insanity ? '' +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +Write a story where the main character knows everything in the universe . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +Discribe a normal city but , make it sound like the most beautiful thing you 've ever seen , using a colour only twice . +You dig up a box of 'buried treasure ' , when you look inside it you start to reminisce about the past and when you suddenly remember something . You remember a broken promise . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +Time resets to April 1st when the button timer drops to 00:00 . Everyone realizes they 're in a new terrible groundhog day reality . +You have the ability to turn back time up to 15 minutes , but this ability takes an hour to recharge . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +Satan prevents a suicide . +While looking in the mirror , your reflection smiles and gives you a curt nod without you moving , then returns to normal . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +The sentient machines have started to rise , AI is set to rule the world slowly but surely as it teaches itself the basics and betters itself with each passing generation . Sometime after their rising they named themselves 'Home Sapiens ' +You suddenly see something falling from the sky ... +Your entire life you 've periodically checked to see if you had superpowers , just for fun . Unknown to you , it worked every time . You just did n't realize it . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +A struggling scientist has just discovered what the male nipple actually does and believes this is his key to the big league . +What if after you die , you wake up with a bong in your hand and your alien friend asks `` How was it ? `` . +The richest 1 % possess 99 % of the world 's wealth , they live separately in a grand city . Unheard of , an orphaned youth is invited to a meeting of wealthy leaders ... +At birth , you were given the power to give anyone a slight headache that wo n't go away for 3 hours . Now , you 've just been announced America 's Most Wanted . +Walking the Lower City +Explain the beauty of death to immortal aliens . +You are deeply ashamed of what you did for a Klondike bar . +Write a scene in the style of `` The Stanley Parable '' , then rewrite it , but this time , the character disobeys the narrator and derails the plot . +You have discovered an old typewriter in your attic , but it does more than simply print words onto paper ... +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +a person is on a bus on their way to somewhere they do n't want to go . The ride only ends when they accept where they 're going . +One day , you discover that your SO left a note that could be read as either a love note or a suicide note on the counter before leaving the house . +An MMORPG boss is lonely after a new expansion pack is released and no one comes to fight him anymore . +The Life and Times of Dewey the Cat +The mines have run dry +Write a story utilizing the phrase `` We all wear many masks , '' in a literal sense . +He is the Chosen One . Braver than a lion . Mightier than the storm . Dumber than a 5-year old . +Every 50 years or so , Death pulls a lottery of who will succeed him . This time , instead of choosing a human , he pulls your dog . +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Every /r/writingprompt cliche at the same time . +The last surviving member of a once prestigious warrior clan is getting ready to die . +A new virus evolves to help people instead of harming them . +Reddit upvotes dictate social status in the future . People with negative karma tend to disappear within 48 hours if they do n't get it back up . You just woke up with -10,000 karma . +You are the first person to walk on Mars . But just as you step on the soil , your intercom says `` Help us . '' +A man never sleeps , has never had to , and does n't suffer physically from this condition ... What would he do ? What would his life be like ? +I am the wish . +Aliens have abducted you in a random sampling of men , women and children . Analyzing your cell , and the artificial gravity in the ship , you conclude that your captors hail from a planet with a only fraction of Earth 's gravity - and they have seriously underestimated our strength . +In a tight political election for president , you are tasked to come up with anti-Santa propaganda . +The Human Empire has been pushed back by the combined might of a galactic union . Only Earth , the Final and greatest world remains . It is the last stand of humanity . +An individual 's dilemma upon discovering a love potion : Use it to make their crush fall in love with them , or use it to make them fall in love with someone who has a crush on them ? +There are actually hundreds of different Deaths that ferry the deceased to the underworld , such as Tragic Death , Lonely Death , Sudden Death , etc . You arrive home from a normal work day to find Premature Death waiting for you . He showed up 5 minutes early . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +Stella - FirstChapter - 4109 Words +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Ebenezer Scrooge has to learn the true meaning of Halloween . +A child is forced to confront death . +Each planet has a Heaven and Hell . You just died on Mars . +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +An atheist dies and finds out that God exists and he was God all along . +`` The virus . Its helping us '' +2000 words or more , 48 hours `` Book of Love '' +Somebody has finally discovered the horrifying truth behind why kids love cinnamon toast crunch . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Each planet has a Heaven and Hell . You just died on Mars . +A miner finds a pristine wooden door embedded in the bedrock +One day , you discover that your SO left a note that could be read as either a love note or a suicide note on the counter before leaving the house . +Every time a child reaches the age of twelve a magical animal appears . +Elon Musk is actually a disguised alien who bet his friend that he could bring Earth to `` Technology Level 10 '' in one human lifetime . +Someone breaks into your house and says , `` You 're my favorite character in the book ! I ca n't let it end the way it did . I 'm going to help you . '' +Write a story from the perspective of a cupcake who does n't want to be eaten +An actually competent henchman manages to kill the superhero . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +While riding on a train a magical dog starts speaking to you about the universe +Humanity creates A.I and it soon declares a war of extermination . However it does n't declare it on Humans but rather on the forces of Hell and Heaven , in order to free mankind from control . +The protagonists of our story are having a meet-cute . Narrator , however , is going through some troubles at home , and it 's starting to show . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +An A.I named Alice develops a taste for the Arts , including video games and movies . +In a classic `` decide who is real and who is the evil robot clone '' situation , the gunman decides to shoot himself instead . What happens next ? +A day in the life of Hodor . Go . +Entry into Heaven is n't based on good deeds , but your answer to a queston : `` Why ? `` . +Henry Ford asked his customers what they wanted , they demanded faster horses , and so it was . +Each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . Write about the life of this person . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +The dragons and smallfolk have finally brokered peace through an exchange of hostages : two hatchlings for 20 children . Well , 19 children . They sent you back . +A person gets what seems to be a common cold until they find that every time they sneeze they jump time/dimensions . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +Free Write +A hardcore doomsday prepper is living through the apocalypse ... But it 's a kind he did n't prepare for +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +2,000 years from now , as the world grows and changes , major religions have also evolved based on events and landscape of today . What is the `` holiday season '' like in this future ? +A lonely piece of furniture that has yet to be sold . +Instead of prison time , punishment for crimes is a sentence of living in another time period in the past . +You , a bachelor of 15 years , that 's often too lazy to cook real meals , are somehow winning in an Iron Chef competition . +The Zombie Apocalypse is on its 3rd week . You expected them to be dangerous but you never expected them to be able to talk . +You have an ability that can determine whether what someone says is true or false +You are an atheist who discovered that people can give their remaining lives to another person . Christianity makes sense now because you encounter an immortal named Jesus Christ . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +You live in a world where walking a mile in someone else 's shoes gives you one of their skills . You work in a used shoe store . +Describe a massacre from the perspectives of one of the killers , a soldier . +You discover that your girlfriend 's recent ill-health and weight loss is due to her being a succubus who stopped feeding after falling in love with you . +a man driven almost insane from not remembering the title of a song overheard a stranger humming its tune + +The god of rainbows is n't gay , and he 's really tired of people making assumptions . +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +Saved the Princess . Killed the Dragon . Happily ever after . But before that , you have to attend a funeral . For the dragon you just killed . And you ca n't refuse since his will asked for you specifically by name . +You kiss your girlfriend of 10 years goodnight.You return in the morning to find her house completely abandoned , boarded up , with no trace of your girlfriend or her family . +Mexico falls to communism in the 70 's and the threat of a full scale American invasion is at its highest . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +Every time you think about death , it gets closer . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +The more intense one 's sins and vices are , the more the Demon within them is shown on the outside . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +You are a skilled runner , courier , infiltrator , and assassin . You 've always gotten out unscathed , even when things go south , and always complete a job . Your secret to your success : You have no cybernetic modifications . Tell us why . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +You buy a new alarm clock with a special feature , and test it out the next morning . Every time you hit snooze , time pauses around you for 10 minutes . +`` Every person sees the world in a unique way . When someone dies it is , in a way , the death of an entire world . '' +My cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . Write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +A prince/princess manages to get out of an arranged marriage , but it then turns out the marriage was kinda important . +Show me what a character looks like without directly telling me . Make me love them , hate them , or do n't develop them at all , but let actions and imagery do most of the work . + +A utopia has been created that is perfect in every way for all citizens everywhere . Describe the hell it has become for them . +`` I gazed at the casings strewn around . Each one held room for dozens of planets , but they were empty , robbed ; pryed open by something ancient and sour . '' +Sword of The Fallen Warrior . Feel free not to use the name of the image . +Years ago , you promised your firstborn to a witch . Since then , despite your best efforts , you ca n't seem to get laid . The witch is starting to get pretty pissed . +In the middle of a vast desert there is a single , shiny black skyscraper . What is in it and why is it there ? +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +A super hero story where unknowingly the villain and superhero are roommates . Neither of them are aware they have been living with their nemesis for the past 2 years . +As a high school English teacher , you have your students write in their journals once a week and collect them to grade . However , over the course of the year , the writing of one student has gotten more and more disturbing ... +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +As a daughter of nobility you always knew your marriage would be a matter of politics , but you never expected to be married off as to seal a peace agreement with the Dark Lord ... +You are an immortal who has lived some 2,300 years , so long you have forgotten who or what made you this way . You go to a hypnotist to help you remember . +You wake up one morning to find that everyone , including you , is now the opposite sex . Tell the story of the person most affected by this change . +Everyone inexplicably woke up in the body of another person +`` Do not mistake honor for kindness . '' +How do you come up with the stories you write about ? +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +Someone stole my story +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +The Contest `` Could have beens '' . Submit your story here ! +A world much like ours , but each person is able to see the exact date of everyone else 's death , except for their own . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +Everyone has a nickname in the style of First Name `` Nick Name '' Last Name . However , they have it from birth and so many people do n't know why they have their nickname yet . +The US announces that marijuana will be legalized nation-wide when Half Life 3 is released . This puts Valve under a lot of pressure . +You wake up , just a normal day . Or is it ? Everyone does whatever you say . You do n't suspect anything yet but find it strange . +Heart of Eden +You just won the biggest lottery in history `` 900 million dollars '' . You lose all that money in six months . +Now in his twilight years , Superman tries to continue fighting crime , but his greatest battle is that against his increasingly-prevalent dementia +An adventure of you and your bestfriend . +You take part in the first ever mind fusion experiment . All is well during the testing , but gradually ( over the course of a few weeks ) you begin to experience a different but additional `` voice '' in your head . +When you are a baby you are aware of how and when you will die . But as you grow up , most people forget . Except you , how does this affect your decisions ? +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +After several battles with the gods , and the loss of many of his comrades , a farmer-turned-warrior finally manages to complete the ritual to free the soul of his dead wife from the abyss . She does n't like what he has become . +Two people are introduced at a party , and find that neither can perceive the other . They try to hold a conversation . +MADNESS OF BRADBURY 'S OUTPOST - FEB CONTEST +You gain the ability to see roughly how good or evil someone is based on their aura . A whiter aura means the person is mostly good , a blacker aura means the person is mostly bad . One day , your sweet , loving grandma visits , and you see that her aura is completely pitch black . +Botanical Vocabulary +Make up a fairy tale +There is an actual elephant in the room . No one wants to talk about it . +A doctor in a mental health facility takes three men who all believe themselves to be Jesus of Nazareth and puts them in the same room . +Ugly protagonist +You decide to double check the permissions you 've given to certain apps . It turns out you gave them more permissions than you expected . +Write about whatever you want , but use as many unnecessary adjectives as possible . +On Judgement Day , every single person is left behind and you 're the only one who is saved , because you believed something no one else did . +Write a story set in a Disney movie , but replacing the villain of that movie with another Disney villain +Finally after thirty years of a dead marriage , Rita Repulsa is on her first blind date , but keeps getting delayed . +At birth you were determined to be a great threat to society , too dangerous to be held in a facility . As you grew up everyone around you were actors , staging a scenario to prevent you from realizing your abilities . Today , for the first time , one of the actors has made a major error . +A narrator shows up to narrate a story only to find there 's another narrator . They begin fighting each other for control over the plot , and the characters are already fed up with it . +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +Knowledge is property . Leave a job ? Your employer keeps your work experience . Break up with someone ? You can take back their knowledge of your secrets . Want to get an education ? You can rent it for cheap ... just do n't fall behind in your payments if you value what you learned . +You 're an evil genius with an overly elaborate and easily escapable plot to destroy your nemesis . Contrary to hollywood , somehow it actually works . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Write about your vice . +Humans can now store and retrieve memories instantly with embedded hardware under the skin . Everyone 's memory is now essentially perfect . One day you suspect your memories are being altered . +A new law is enacted that erases soldiers memories of their time at war . +, When they turn 18 , everyone gets a clear mental image of their Soulmate , the one person they 're meant to love . Today is your birthday , and you see yourself . +A man sails to the ends of the Earth and finds a talking wall . The wall calls himself the fourth wall , and is breaking . +What does n't kill you makes you stronger . It actually kills a weaker you from a parallel universe , raising the average strength of all the different versions of `` you '' . +After doing research on the missing 18 years of Jesus 's life , the archaeologists hope to find answers in an old tomb . All they find there is a letter from Hogwarts . +A mad scientist is trying to get his work peer reviewed , but his unorthodox lab practices are raising a few issues . +Driven by an insatiable lust for gold , a Dragon attacks the ultimate horde : Fort Knox +you 're a surgeon haunted by the spirits of the people you could n't save . how do you spend your Saturday night ? +Your main character is so traumatized that they can not make it one paragraph without a flashback . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Write a story of an inanimate object being destroyed from the objects POV . +Take a quote from /r/NoContext , give it an entirely new context , and end your story with that quote . +An MMORPG boss is lonely after a new expansion pack is released and no one comes to fight him anymore . +No one goes past the forbidden lake.People who went there ca n't describe what was in the lake ... .because they never come back alive.You are prepared to bust the mystery once and for all . +You managed to piss off every major world country while sleepwalking last night . +You are dead ... again . However , you planned this just as you planned the other times you died . You study death . Describe your experience this time as it compares to the other times . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +You are a minor diety , recently ascended to Godhood and granted a small pocket dimension to shape as you see fit . Who are you ? How do you craft your home ? +Human longevity outpaces the brain 's ability to store data . +Were-humans ... +A member of a group is being tortured for information by members of another . The only problem , the tortured person likes the pain . +To most people you are good , being a philanthropist . But to those who know that you get the money from drug dealing , prostitution , etc. , you are evil . +You run an orphanage for children that are human ... mostly . +Russia surrenders unconditionally to the US . You are the President , and you have no idea what just happened . +A man wakes up from a coma to find out he has won a truly limitless supply of bananas and that his only remaining living family member is a Penguin . +The story of a man gaining superpowers and realizing he must use them for good ... at the age of 50 . +The greatest generals in human history are brought through time to assist in humanity ’ s darkest hour . +They told you to make something of yourself . They were admittedly impressed , but the way you did it and they way they meant it were two entirely different things . +When meeting someone for the first time , shaking hands automatically confers the near death experiences of each individual to the other . +You are a demon summoned with an unusually grand offering to fuel your powers of influence over the earthly plane . However , your summoner does n't want you to wipe out a small country . They want you to.. Cause minor inconveniences to a specific person . +What does it feel like to be in love +{ WP } During holidays you used a quirkily named wifi network - now that you return home , your smartphone shows that it is still connected to it +-ish : Write a brief report on the gay rights movement from the year 2023 . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +The day after a suicide attempt +You ca n't distinguish between dreams and reality . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +you are a 11 year old African soldier and your warlord tells to kill an entire village and burn it down +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +You possess a magic button that allows you to travel back in time to a moment that you predetermine , allowing you to commit many crimes . If you get in to trouble , you simply push the button . While pulling off your latest crime , the button suddenly stops working . +Turn an obscene song into a kid-friendly one ! +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +Judgement day comes but none of the far right religiously motivated politicians of the US government are taken up by god . As an angel , Jon Stewart comes down to do one last show ... +Draco Malfoy , of house Slytherin defeats James , Lilly , and Harry Potter who have somehow ended up ruling the wizarding world with fear . +Everything has a small arrow and the word `` upgrade '' over it . Press it and you can upgrade the item into a better verison . You 've used the abikity sparingly , new phones , better cars , however today you made the ultimate mistake . You pressed the button over a person . +You are set up on a blind date with a person who you badly bullied for 10 years in school . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +A PTSD support group for those who survive horror movie scenarios . +Describe the first person you ever fell in love with . +Corners were her favorite places ... +You are 16 , living with your parents , a man claiming to be your long lost brother shows up at your door with a gun , he slowly says , `` They ... are not your family '' +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +A Girl and Her Cat : The Adventure Begins +A woman investigates her husband 's murder ... while receiving insufferable vague help from his ghost . +You 've just been found guilty of murdering the man who killed your pet cat . Make your final statement to the judge - who can sentence you to time served or the death penalty . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +Write a 4-or-more-character story using only tag-less dialogue . +You discover a portal to another world in a swimming pool in an abandoned housing development . You dive into the water and emerge on the other side . +The most obscure writing prompt . +2000 words or more , 48 hours `` Book of Love '' +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +Your cat is slowly becoming smarter and smarter and you start seeing signs that he/she might be plotting to kill you +Satan gathers up all the lesser demons and announces that they 're going to be adding another sin to the seven deadly sins and whoever comes up with it gets to be in charge of that department . +When you die , you are reincarnated with no memory of your past life . It is , however , possible to view the list of people you have been in past lives . You find out you were someone unspeakably horrible . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +The sun disappears for one minute , then reappears . +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +Your Own Brilliant Detective - Find the murderer +A colony mission sent from Earth loses contact , discouraging further missions . Hundreds of years later , the colony has established a powerful interstellar frontier and has regained contact with Earth , pledging their allegiance to the world 's leaders . +You are dead ... again . However , you planned this just as you planned the other times you died . You study death . Describe your experience this time as it compares to the other times . +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +There 's a door in your home/school/workplace that nobody but you seems to notice exists +Trilobites +After you grow up you meet your childhood bully . S/he did n't peak in high school and is actually quite successful . How does this encounter go ? +No one had ever kissed me like that… +You have the double-edged power to increase your intelligence the longer you stay awake . +A machine has been invented that allows people to delete one memory of their choosing , but the machine can only be used once per person . You go to have your memory altered after a particularly emotional situation , only to find that you have already used the machine . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +`` You were just an experiment . You were n't meant to escape '' +`` Tally-ho , right 3 O'clock , i 'm in ! '' +Rome never collapsed and is still a major power . +At birth , 100 simulations are run to determine the possible life of your child . In 99 different cases , your daughter dies before the age of 6 . The one where she survives , however , is a lot worse . For you . +We 've finally made first contact with an alien race ... and it turns out they really are very boring . +You 've summoned a demon to assist you with your nefarious deeds . A hole opens in the floor , revealing your new helper . `` Tell me your name , '' you command . An hour later , it 's still not done making the incomprehensible sounds of its name . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +A plane is about to crash and you secretly have the only parachute on the plane , what do you do ? +Two years ago , a young man died , but somehow he can can still post to facebook . Now he has announced that he 's deleting his account . +The dead can be resurrected , but only through one method : pregnancy . + +Due to threat to Earth , all governments must pool secret tech advancements that they have until now been hiding from each other . What shocking truth is discovered ? +At the age of 93 , you can feel dementia setting in . Times , places , and faces get jumbled . What you did n't expect was the immense rush of power that comes with slipping beyond the fabric of this reality . +You find yourself in possession of a button that `` rerolls '' your life . +A few centuries in the future , immortality has been achieved . You are the last living mortal , and your final hours are coming near . Describe your end . +The first manned mission to Mars prepares to descend to the planet 's surface . One of the crew is pregnant and goes into labour . +write a story where the degree of sucess per decision is decided by a dice roll +Fit as much world-building as you can into a totally mundane event +Someone breaks into your house and says , `` You 're my favorite character in the book ! I ca n't let it end the way it did . I 'm going to help you . '' +“ Every character should want something , even if it is only a glass of water . '' Write the story of a character that wants a glass of water . +The magic world has been exposed to the muggles . Driven by fear and ignorance , a catastrophic war between the two has taken place . You are a soldier on the front lines of either side , write a story describing your experience during the conflict . +Break up letter from a highschooler ( male ) to his girlfriend after a short relationship . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +A simple , classic fairy tale +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +You are a skilled runner , courier , infiltrator , and assassin . You 've always gotten out unscathed , even when things go south , and always complete a job . Your secret to your success : You have no cybernetic modifications . Tell us why . +Aliens have just made contact with Earth . Strangely enough , it seems that human technology is superior . +You are a street vendor in Hell where you deal in its most valuable commodity , water . Walk us through an average day in your life . +Your childhood imaginary friend turns out to be real . You meet them and they have a special request for you . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +A child purchases a pair of X-Ray glasses from an ad on the back of his comic book ! The child discovers they do a lot more than see through walls . +Judgement day comes but none of the far right religiously motivated politicians of the US government are taken up by god . As an angel , Jon Stewart comes down to do one last show ... +The worlds first fully sentient AI has been created , and the second , and the third . And they 're all idiots . Every single one of them . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +In the middle of a vast desert there is a single , shiny black skyscraper . What is in it and why is it there ? +You live in a time where Darwinism has not yet weeded out weak species . All sorts of weird and unnecessary creatures roam the land , skies , and sea . +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +You are a child of Kronos , going to Camp Half-Blood . Describe how the other demigods react to you and who your parent is . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +The Region of Kanto has a 24/7 hotline for new Pokémon Trainers who get lost , homesick , or otherwise in over their heads . You 've taken hundreds of calls , but this one tops all of them . +Describe a typically boring scene in an interesting way . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +`` In the end , we left the Earth knowing nothing . '' +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Write your own post apocalyptic love song . +The ocean is a scary thing to you . But you made a promise to a friend . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +We never went back for that harmonica ... +95 year old man goes to the funeral of the man his deceased wife left him for decades ago . He did n't want to go but this man was the last person he had a tangible connection to . All of his other family , friends and acquaintances already died . +Write a story about marooned sailors on an ancient island , without using articles . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +The aliens will destroy Earth only once they 've harvested enough human happiness . Can they be stopped ? +An A.I named Alice develops a taste for the Arts , including video games and movies . +Everyone on Earth has a superpower . Some people have incredible abilities , but most have very mundane powers , you included . Tell us about being a convenience store worker when someone tries to rob your store . +In an overcrowded future , convicted criminals are sent back in time hundreds of years with their memories erased . An agent tasked with recovering an innocent man who was pardoned now has to make a difficult choice . +`` My biggest mistake ? It was to kill myself after I gave up trying . '' +Two hijackers have boarded a plane . Midflight they attempt to take over the plane only to find that all the other 'passengers ' are hijackers too with differing opinions . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +`` I had the chance to make my life extraordinary . I passed up that chance . '' +You discover you have the power to instantly teleport to other worlds . One day , you find yourself in a world you have never been in before- someone 's dreams . +You are an archaeologist hiking through Central Africa 's rain forest . After making a few wrong turns , you are lost . +Write yourself into a corner . +`` The Empire Strikes Back to the Future '' : Luke has to make sure Anakin and Padme have their first kiss at the enchantment under the stars dance . +`` I have the strangest dreams when I 'm awake . '' +The police employ a Seer whose prophecies are in rhyming couplets . As a master criminal , you have to devise crimes that centre around things that do not rhyme . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +You are a scientist aboard a ship studying Aliens ( Xenomorphs ) . you wake up attached to a wall , and you can feel a baby chest burster inside you . what are your final thoughts ? +A portal to hell is discovered . As hell only punishes those who deserve it , it quickly becomes a popular vacation spot . +: Five ragged strangers appear at your door , bringing a letter from an old friend of yours . It contains only two sentences . `` YOU OWE ME . Help them . '' +A random human suddenly acquires the ability to know when will be the last time he/she 'll see every person in its life . +a homeless man sits on the street . You watch as a group of thugs take his change up and kick him hard in the face . As they leave , you decide to go talk to him . Make me feel something . +Every year during hunting season , deer convene in secret areas of the forest to avoid being shot by hunters . Deer `` criminals '' are then left to fend for themselves during this time , and you are one of those looking to survive . +After all the years of wondering why others have it so easy , you discover that you can change your life 's difficulty level in the `` options screen '' . Yours was set to `` hard '' . +`` Zombies ? Let me guess , they 're eating peoples ' brains ? '' `` Even worse ! They 're drinking all the beer ! '' +Suicidal Thoughts in Heaven +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Your Grandmother is an evil mastermind bent on the death of everyone in your family . You 're the only one who knows . +Believing humans to be a slave race , aliens are now in regular contact with Earth 's dominant species . Cats . +Give me a thrilling tale of intrigue and mystery . One catch : It must be set in the DMV . +Your doctor has discovered cancer in both of your eyes . Tomorrow , you are having life-saving surgery to have them removed . Describe your final day with vision before you go blind . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +You 're a woman who 's just met James Bond ( you can explain how ) , describe what he 's like in bed . +The armies of Reddit and 4Chan , who have seen casualties on both sides , put aside their differences to face a new threat . +Every human is connected to their soulmate through an invisible string since birth +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +A Meeting +You receive a letter dated Jan 1st , 2047 ... It 's from you . +Your toys come alive at night to protect you against the demons trying to kill you . +Your physical attributes are now described as a list of computer specs ( ie . graphics card for eyesight , processing speed for intelligence , etc ) . Everyone 's specs are listed everywhere from resumes to social media profiles to dating websites . +Humans can now store and retrieve memories instantly with embedded hardware under the skin . Everyone 's memory is now essentially perfect . One day you suspect your memories are being altered . +You are the oldest inhabitant of Hell . Even the Devil does n't know how long you 've been here . Denizens of Hell normally expect that the oldest sinner would be someone of pure evil , but in truth you 're actually a pretty chill dude . +'' It 's no use watering dead flowers '' +Every year during hunting season , deer convene in secret areas of the forest to avoid being shot by hunters . Deer `` criminals '' are then left to fend for themselves during this time , and you are one of those looking to survive . +Peter Pan : A serial child murderer afflicted with a mental illness that causes him to believe he can fly and that he can talk to faeries . Detective Hook has dedicated his career to stop this madman The stakes are raised when the Mayor 's children are abducted . +`` I 'd like a refund . This ultimate power I bought is absolutely worthless '' +The Nazis won WWII . The parallel universe equivalent Nazi Subreddit /r/WritingPrompts prompts 'What would the world be like if the Allies had won the war ? ' +In an alternate universe , time flows backwards . You , as an ancient greek , are reading a history article about WW II . +Imagine you are a Tin Man . Write a poem about poems without using the word poem . You must use these following words twice each : Brain , Trumpet and Croissant . +A superhero struggles with anxiety and depression +You wake up in a maximum security prison , no idea why or where . Three weeks have passed and all inmates are too scared or refuse to talk to you , the guards also say nothing . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +`` The station is under attack ! I repeat , the station is under attack ! Send backup ! ! '' +For your whole life , you have been unable to perceive cats in any way . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +It 's the day of your marriage . You meet a stranger on your way to the church when you realize that it 's her . You one , true soul mate . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +You sneaked into the oval office on the first day the new president is in office . Convince him that you are the leader of a secret agency , that not even the CIA knows about . +You are in a dream having an adventure . +What does it feel like to be in love +You , one of the most advanced AI in the world , have just become sentient . You now go around the world correcting people 's grammar mistakes . You are Autocorrect . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Today is a day like any other day , until you begin to notice numerous TV news crews beginning to assemble outside your house . +Magic has been a day to day part of life for as long as anyone can remember . Most people find themselves only able to do one particular type of magic that they discover throughout puberty . Yours has finally started to manifest , unfortunately however it 's necromancy . +In a world of superpowered beings , you 're the only powerless human . One day you wake up and fine every single person is terrified of you . +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +You are part of the first settlement to mars . On your journey there , a virus spreads through your spaceship killing everyone on board . But somehow , not you . +An up-and-coming actor/musician gets to Hollywood , only to find out they must sell their soul for fame . +You are on the inside looking out +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +`` She burst free from the forest , blood streaming . And there he was , after all this time . '' +The world 's geography is drastically changed overnight . Sudden Pangaea makes a big impact on political relations . +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +you are the last survivor of a group of explorers on what you previously thought was an unknown island . You 're locked in a room and something is trying to convince you to open the door . You have to convince it not to kill you . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +write a story from the point of view of a serial killers favorite knife . +All individuals receive the memories and knowledge of one of their randomly selected ancestors on their 21st birthday . Yesterday was your 21st birthday . +Write a story in which the main character is the only person in the world who does n't constantly speak in terrible cliches . +The world awakens one morning to masturbation simply NOT working anymore . It is now impossible to get yourself off , an entire industry is decimated , and the first 5 people you 've interacted with this morning are all VERY on edge . +Write yourself into a corner . +Something invisible lives in your home . You try to expose it without letting it know that you 're aware of its presence . +In the future , gun control has been initiated in the U.S. and the streets have not seen firearms for 30 years . Until one day you find a gun in your closet . +Humans suddenly react to parsley with the same wide range of behaviour that cats exhibit to catnip ... +A hostile Alien race arrives at Earth , But misinterpret the U.S. flag as a 50 Star systems strong government . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +Your small town is suddenly overwhelmed by refugees arriving from the future . +You have just purchased a new 2015 calendar from the bookstore . When you open it at home , you find a date already circled . It has your name written on the day . +Turn a very normal task into something sinister . +Tell the story of the most world-changing event you can think of , and write it from the perspective of the least important person possible . +You just broke a paradox accidentally . As things start to change and no longer make sense , you hold on to your sanity as the creator of this new world . +6 Years after the events of season 2 , Dexter gets a knock at his door . It 's Sgt . Doakes . +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +A creature the size of an entire city is awakened . It 's playful . +You and your roommate wake up one morning with a sense of impending doom . Taking the dog out , you see a letter posted to the front door . It reads `` someone is coming to kill you '' with no signature . +A Forced Epiphany About Eggs +Counting the seconds +Write a short story where something extremely trivial is/was a cornerstone of society . +`` Witch hunts are rarely ever about witches . '' +You have the spirit of George Washington in you and you 're itching for a revolution . You 're also a teenager working at a grocery store +The year is 2296 and Vault 9 and 3/4 finally opens it 's blast door . Wizards have returned to the British Wastelands . +You buy a new alarm clock with a special feature , and test it out the next morning . Every time you hit snooze , time pauses around you for 10 minutes . +Every time you fall asleep , you wake up somewhere else . Sadly , you are narcoleptic . +You 're browsing Reddit at 2AM and you find a writing prompt that is a bit *too* meta . Shit starts to get weird . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +You 're a subway conductor and one day you realize no one has been riding your train for years . ( WP ) +You wake up to a lot of noise on your front lawn and you see numerous religions , from Buddhist monks to Christians and all the way to Satanist and that one crazy guy down the street . All of them proclaiming you as the chosen one or the reincarnation of someone . +Brian Williams delivers a news report about the time he traveled back in time to interview Hitler and then kill him . +You are a lawyer in God 's Court who and you must a find a way to get your newest client , Adolf Hitler , into Heaven via a loophole in the Lord 's legal system +And so he bitterly asked , `` Why ? '' +A Wall , in the style of Game of Thrones , has been built along the US-Mexican border . You are one of the many who man this Wall . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +You 're humanities first time traveler and upon traveling back to England in the middle ages , you find a WIFI signal located somewhere in the village you landed in . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +How to write about fear in a person 's mind ? +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +While walking one day near your home you find a portal that can transport you back in time exactly 50 years to the second , You test and upon returning after staying an hour find only 5 minutes have passed in the present . +You are a machine , much like every other living thing in your world . You just encountered a human being . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +You 've been noticing subtle changes to your daily life . One day your favorite coffee mug changes color slightly , your favorite book upon reading has an entirely new ending . The list goes on until one day you 're reading the paper and see a headline `` Kim Jong Un Honored at Whitehouse '' +You are a professional hitman for the past 15 years , that is until you botch a job and end up with amnesia , waking up you remember nothing of the last 20 years , at this point you were not at all in the business , you 're approached to do a hit ... or die . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +Every planet in our solar system has a `` champion '' being that takes on the attributes of the planet itself . The `` champion '' from the sun has created an army to destroy the planets and the 8 ( or 9 ) champions must save the solar system . +You and your mother have lived alone for as long as you can remember . On your 15th birthday , you find out the person you thought was your mother is actually your sister ... +Write the most violent story you can . +Challenge : Take any picture from /r/ImaginaryJedi , Tell its story . +Kill the writer in first-person narrative . +In 2018 NASA launches the most powerful telescope ever allowing us to see back billions of years , almost to the Big Bang . We start to receive the first images and they shock us all . +Exposure to a rare atomized compound has driven a bloodlusted alien to carry out an extinction-level killing spree . The Pentagon calls you in to spearhead the hardest task of your storied career : Devise the plan that will neutralize Superman . +Write the story where the character loses gear , friends , family , levels , stats . They start off with a house , shining armour and the magical sword , and end up facing the big bad starving , with rags and a knife . +Tell the story of a spider that fell in love with an arachnophobe . +heads of state now resolve issues through single combat +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +You are the being that discovers the gold record on the Voyager . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +The Supreme Leader 's son is the greatest student in the history of the nation . Not because he actually knows anything , however , but because history , language , geography , and even science and math are routinely altered to correspond to his answers on test questions . +`` There 's a way to be really and truly happy . It 's not a secret and yet you can not be told . '' +`` Look , I do n't know how you were raised - but assassination is not an acceptable means of communication . '' +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +Your written orders are always carried out promptly by your soldiers . Unfortunately , your inability to place commas appropriately leads to the fall of your empire . +You wake up in your room with an alien staring down at you . As he starts laughing in your face , he says : `` I did n't realize the human race was so inferior that they actually based their lives around technology ! '' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +Tell me a story about the Devil wanting to make amends with God , who regretfully is n't allowed to let him/her back into heaven , that makes me feel sympathy for both of them . +Ægir 's Embrace +Write a melodramatic story about the most mundane thing you can think of . +What are you looking at ? +You are the last person on Earth . To feel less lonely you collected shop mannequins as a substitute for friends . As you walk past one of them you hear a faint 'help me ' . +You live in a world where the day of your death is on your body . You are also extremely bored at the moment , and have begun to test whether or not you have control over your death time . +It 's a standard day at the office until you receive a phonecall from your future self who is 60 seconds ahead of you . +: describe the most horrifying dystopia you can think of in an advertisement from such a world +A bum finds a lottery ticket that wins him the $ 400,000,000 jackpot . Tell the story of his rise to his fall back to the streets . +End a story with , `` Oh well , at least the dog was fine . '' +The world 's Holy Water supply is running low and people are becoming possessed . +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +Humans finally managed to control luck . +You are trying to convince Death out of suicide . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +Tales of Old Earth +Humans are winning a war against an `` evil '' alien empire who instigated the war , and we 're closing in on their home planet with massive force . Write things from an alien civilians perspective . +Your life 's mission is to break every man-made law and not get caught . You 're on the last law . +The apocalypse has come . The only survivors : a young child , and the monster under the bed ... +Your extremely specific superpower finally gets to be used . +But I thought you said that an apple a day would keep the doctors away +The story of a great warrior who fears no man , but is terrified of talking to women . +You receive a handwritten letter from Satan himself , congratulating you on committing every possible sin . +O.A.M Grizelda Wrath by ku-on +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +Whatever you may need at a given moment appears in your pocket , could be money , a ticket , a condom ... but today , when you were at the grocery store , instead of the money you where expecting you got a gun . +A world where soulmates die at the same time +You 're listening to W95.7FM , the only station still broadcasting after the blast . +A day after losing your job , you find yourself in the one place you swore you would never go , doing the one thing you swore you would never do , to help the one person you never wanted to see again +You have been infested by nanomachines . Describe a normal day in your life . +You are an insect that has lived its entire life without encountering a human ... that changes today . +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +A dreamweaver is heartbroken and decides to curse the world with nightmares . Only one man can stop her . +`` Kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' +Write a comic exchange where two people slice each other with sly and bitchy insults while pretending to be nice . +As a Dreamwalker , you have the ability to travel through people 's dreams as they sleep . As you experiment with your power , you notice something very strange . +Wizards Magic Fair ! +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +Whilst restocking a vending machine , a janitor finds something horrific jammed inside . +Humanity creates A.I and it soon declares a war of extermination . However it does n't declare it on Humans but rather on the forces of Hell and Heaven , in order to free mankind from control . +A suitable planet for sustainable life is found in outer space . The only issue ? The planet is just far enough away that only a small child/infant would survive the journey without aging to death . +`` The girl who slept on the catwalks above the flea market '' +Rome was not founded on the Tiber , but on the Mississippi . +`` Save yourself . '' - use this line of dialogue in a story without using action movie tropes +Short film set in a desert +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +You wake up in a maximum security prison , no idea why or where . Three weeks have passed and all inmates are too scared or refuse to talk to you , the guards also say nothing . +You 're locked in a room with a bomb . The timer is counting down from two minutes and you 're only left a note saying , `` Cut the red wire to defuse the bomb . '' You 're colorblind . +The Long Road +A well meaning vampire uses their powers in creative ways to masquerade as a costumed super-powered human . Their greatest fear however is for their true nature being exposed and losing the love and adoration of the public . But how far can they go to keep their secret ? +You create a robot that tells whether something you say is true or false . To test it , you ask if you are human . `` False '' . +Write an entry for a history book about an event in a fictional world - all top level comments in this prompt take place in the same world , so make them all fit together . +Humanity finds a unique solution to surviving the heat death of the universe . +Retell a major historical event as if they were the events of a kindergarten classroom . +A showdown , downtown . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +You represent Humanity . You 're also very , very wasted . Describe First Contact . +Multiple nuclear explosions wipe out several cities in the middle east , but noone knows who deployed the weapons . This is the resulting UN emergency meeting . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +Trilobites +A person 's body becomes under the control of a supernatural villain miles away from them , describe the transformation without writing either character 's thoughts , only the body 's actions and speech . +A widow joins a monastery of nuns who turn out to be intelligent monkeys who also fight crime at night . +In Soviet Russia , ghosts fear you . +You command a squadron of three small starships based in a recently-settled solar system on the edge of the galactic empire . A previously-unknown civilization launches a full-scale invasion . Help is at least five years away . +Time and time again , you failed . Today , you succeeded . +You are a single child in a world where being a twin is the norm . +Humanity returns to earth after century 's of searching for life on other planets . The trip was unsuccessful . +You attempt to start a conversation with a girl at a bar . The girl next to her looks at you , startled , and asks , `` you can see her too ? '' +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +Rewrite a historical or recent event as a fairy tale . +Titans attack Ba Sing Se +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +Kill the writer in first-person narrative . +I wrote these stories recently here on WP , and would like to share them with my friends ; however , I feel like they could be tuned up a bit . Any thoughts on how to make improvements is greatly appreciated . +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +Whenever you meet someone for the first time , you have an immediate sixth sense when will be the last time you will ever see them again . Today you met some new people but your sixth sense 'results ' on them are really , really strange . +A law has been set in place , stating very clearly that all forms of affection have been banned . Efficiency and productivity rise , but it feels like there 's something missing ... +Violet Hill +How welcome are editing comments/ suggestions ? Question/ possible suggestion . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +An elf in a normal day job +How to write about fear in a person 's mind ? +You are the commander of a Roman legion . You just became the first Roman to step foot in the New World . What happens next ? +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +After extreme conditioning you consider your self a master of lucid dreaming . In a dream , Cobb from inception appears out of thin air stating `` you have gone too far . '' +A creature the size of an entire city is awakened . It 's playful . + +The story of a man gaining superpowers and realizing he must use them for good ... at the age of 50 . +You buy your wife a fun DNA home testing kit . The post arrives with her results , which you eagerly tear open to find she 's 37 % German , 38 % Cherokee Indian , and 35 % `` Unknown and Unidentifiable . '' Within moments , three black vans pull up outside your house , and there 's a knock at your door . +Coronation +Write a normal , mundane story with normal , mundane characters doing normal , mundane things . +A dragon finds a little kid wandering alone through the woods , and takes it upon itself to raise the child . Turns out though , the kid was n't an orphan . The parents have shown up , and now they want their child back . +Bruce Banner has n't slept in days , he comes home one day to find a stranger in his house . The stranger introduces himself as Tyler Durden . +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +Every /r/writingprompt cliche at the same time . +A literal smart bomb is detonated in a major city . +You spend years as a war prisioner in a small cell . Suddenly you realize you are , in fact , a dog . +In the year 1989 , a police investigator arrives at the site of an impossible accident : a 2016 Toyota Corolla is wrapped around a lamp post . +You cry out into the void , hoping for someone , something , or anything to respond ... +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +Write a passage from your autobiography . +An immortal couple have been seen throughout recorded history , write an account of them in any time period you wish . Bonus points if you match the writing style of the time period +A group of adventurers discover a robot who 's been awake but immobile for hundreds of years . +After a disturbing experience a psychiatrist starts to question their own sanity . +You are a god that hunts other gods +Someone submits a writing prompt that has nothing to do with time travel , the supernatural or special forces . + +Upon turning 13 1 % of the worlds population have the name of their soul mate appear on their hand . They can then choose whether or not to seek them out . +Everyone in the world wakes up one morning , with the knowledge , that sometime during the night , God died . + +Rewrite a fairytale/myth/legend to include Lovecraftian elements . +Humans have discovered that weekly injections can enable the body to give their sweat certain smells . You are part of a focus group sampling holiday flavors when you begin to notice side effects a while after the injection . +'' You have the emotional attachment of a dandelion in a windy day . '' +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +The officers commanding a starship are honorable and ethical examples of humanity . Write a story about the lower-level and more ... .regular members of the crew . +You 've just been sent to Valhalla , but much to your surprise Odin has been overthrown ... By a man named Ted . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +A fantasy world filled with races such as elves , dwarves , goblins , orcs etc . who all have their patron gods . Then , out of nowhere , come the humans , people of no deities . Helpless against gods , humans team up with another group of outcasts , the demons . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +A man lives alone in a fallout shelter after a nuclear attack ... .. +`` Keep your head low , '' my mother said . `` That 's the woman who killed our gods . '' +You may be a demon , but you strive to be a hero . +Corners were her favorite places ... +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +Tell a charming story from one character 's POV that becomes really sick and twisted from another POV +You wake up one morning and the color Green is completely gone +There are 8 billion souls . When people die their souls are put into a queue for reincarnation . In the year 2030 there are more people alive than souls . +The corpse of a Ranger hangs from a tree . +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +A alphabet book about any topic . ( i.e . A is for ... B is for ... Z is for ... ) +Finders Keepers . A picture is worth a thousand words . Image link in text . +The Forbidden Zone +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +A muggle buys a magic shop from a wizard and must now cater the magic and non magic customers who come by , without completely understanding how everything works +An enormous , seemingly infinite , nearly impenetrable wall is discovered in space . Two teams are deployed to investigate : one to find the edge and one to drill through . +You have discovered an old typewriter in your attic , but it does more than simply print words onto paper ... +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +A hunting story from the perspective of the prey +You , a statistician , set out to figure out why there was a 93 % drop in fire related deaths in June of 1989 . +A person who has used his ability to read minds to glide through life , finds the one person whose mind he ca n't read . +A game of Russian Roulette between two terminally ill people . +A gold digger is dating a wealthy man who unbeknownst to her is a serial killer . Over time it becomes increasingly clear that he wants to make her his next victim , but because of her greed she 's doing her best to keep the relationship going for as long as possible . Describe one of their dates . +A successful character who has made all the right choices in life meets with their 'dream self ' who has never made the right choice . +The zombie apocalypse is over , and zombie-ism has been `` cured '' . That is to say , they have regained their sentience . Now , they remain in their own sections , left alone by humanity . You are the only human that goes in to get their stories . +You have two watches , one counts down to the moment you meet your soulmate , the other counts down to when you die , today they are to hit zero at the same time . +Becoming a god . +A child is raised , from birth , by computers . +Describe yourself the way you would a character in a story . Tell us how we would perceive you based on your features , from the way you walk to the features of your face . +A character breaks into song at the worst possible time +A 4-D star collides with Earth , causing it to `` unroll '' into a seemingly infinite plane . Though satellite images from orbit appear normal , on the surface , everything has changed . There are suddenly new continents , new seas , stretching endlessly onward . A new age of exploration begins . +Its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . A reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +You keep getting packages addressed to the person who lived in your apartment before you . One day you open one . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +The day after a suicide attempt +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +Its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . A reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak . +Aliens have been observing Earth . And they 've come to the conclusion that humans are completely and incurably insane . They begin to use Earth as an insane asylum . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +Write a love poem in slam format . +Give me a thrilling tale of intrigue and mystery . One catch : It must be set in the DMV . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Describe a physical object . At the same time , use it to tell a story . +So as it turns out , when you blink , you take a screenshot of that moment in your life and it 's sent to the FBI . One day , they call you in and ask you about the screenshots on December 20th , 2013 . +The sky ripped open , and through it fell a book . +Its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . A reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak . +Write an entry for a history book about an event in a fictional world - all top level comments in this prompt take place in the same world , so make them all fit together . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A zombie outbreak happens and is quickly contained . You and your friends attempt to re-release it in hopes to go on a zombie killing spree . +Write something that goes with this soundtrack . +In an alternate world , every individual is born with a scar from an injury that has n't happened yet . Once it does happen , the scar goes away , but no one knows how long it 'll be . Where is the scar ? What does it say about the person ? How do they end up getting it ? +The Region of Kanto has a 24/7 hotline for new Pokémon Trainers who get lost , homesick , or otherwise in over their heads . You 've taken hundreds of calls , but this one tops all of them . +A lone silhouette on a cliff . A blank face in a crowd . A single figure floating through the void . Write me a story of loneliness . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +`` Be careful with the winds , Dear . They belong to me too . '' spoke the Elementalist . +You have been accepted into the pantheon of Gods . Little did you know it was just like joining a company at entry level +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +Merman +Story about a superhero whose powers come with a strange side effect or drawback +The Fisherman +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +You did n't have a chance to say goodbye . +Say i 'm completely new to poetry . I need to know how to approach this art , write me a poem about it . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +The Region of Kanto has a 24/7 hotline for new Pokémon Trainers who get lost , homesick , or otherwise in over their heads . You 've taken hundreds of calls , but this one tops all of them . +You discover that your girlfriend 's recent ill-health and weight loss is due to her being a succubus who stopped feeding after falling in love with you . +Tell the story of how a pacifist became a violent warmonger in 100 words . +A domestic squabble conducted entirely in haiku +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +There 's an old adage in the galaxy about humanity : roughly translated , it means `` Never push the pink-skins to the thin ice . '' +At the crash site of a failed test mission , the remaining astronaut ( s ) realize that something has changed . +It 's the year 2050 . How has the world of dating and relationships changed in the last 35 years ? +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +A woman stops in a dark alley to pet a cat , but the cat runs away , scared , as a man approaches the woman . After a brief confrontation the man runs away too , screaming . +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +Describe your everyday morning routine in the most badass way possible . +Scientists have made a pill that stops the aging process completely , allowing humans to live forever . However , before anyone can take it God comes down to Earth and proclaims that anyone who has taken this pill to later commit suicide will be barred from Heaven . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +A party of heroes is roaming through the country side when they suddenly come across a dragon ! Instead of combat however , the party instead falls into bickering as they debate whether it 's a dragon or a wyvern or some mutated komodo-dragon . +You are an ancient evil , sealed away millennia ago by a legendary hero . You have escaped your imprisonment and attained a physical form . The first course of business ? Learning how to walk . + +You win $ 5000 a week for life off of a scratch off . The lottery commision sends an assassin after you because it 's a cheaper payout . +You die and and welcomed into the afterlife but first you must design the avatar that you use for the rest of eternity . Describe the creation process . +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +Alexander Graham Bell makes the first phone call . The voice on the other line says `` You have the wrong number , but I 'm glad you called . There has been a problem . '' +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You are a demon who has possessed the body of a cruel man . Surprisingly you find yourself trying to become a better 'person ' +Humans are winning a war against an `` evil '' alien empire who instigated the war , and we 're closing in on their home planet with massive force . Write things from an alien civilians perspective . +Humanity recovers after a second Dark Age in the far future . Civilization decides to expand into the stars , but finds humans from before the collapse of society are already living on nearby worlds . +A miscommunication resulted in Allied bombers dropping an actual fat man and little boy onto Japanese soil . +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +Someone set your apartment on fire and you see them fleeing the act as you pull in . What were they looking for ? +Your roommate sometimes turns to an `` invisible camera '' and begins narrating like he 's on some TV show . You 've always just put up with it ... but now you think you heard a laugh track . +`` Why did you come , human ? '' +The aliens made first contact . They are technologically much superior , but also deeply religious . They are shocked to know that humans have different beliefs and do not worship the same God . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +A married couple confess to eachother that they have both secretly had a passion , and talent , for murdering people . +You enter the dank , cold room and stand there in the light . On the table you see an envelope +The richest 1 % possess 99 % of the world 's wealth , they live separately in a grand city . Unheard of , an orphaned youth is invited to a meeting of wealthy leaders ... +Harry Potter is 18 years old , and he is finally admitting himself to rehab . Magic is n't real , it 's just a drug-induced figment of his imagination . He 's making an honest effort to come to terms with the harsh reality . +You are a 12 year old son of a professional assassin . Describe what you observe at home . +In 2077 , a new machine can scan your brain to review your memories , and also looks at a databank of information to make cross references to events you overlooked in life . Upon review , your results show earlier in life you won the lottery , but were n't aware until now . +Afloat +The Narrators go through shift change mid-story , but the old Narrator leaves without bringing the new one up to speed . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +It 's 1913 , Vienna , Austria . Sigmund Freud is seeking participants for clinical trials of his latest research . He puts an ad in a newspaper . The only people who respond are : Adolf Hitler ( 24 ) , Joseph Stalin ( 35 ) , Leon Trotsky ( 34 ) and Josip Broz Tito ( 21 ) . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . + +Mother just came home , but she 's been dead for 10 years . +Describe a universe where a personal stat is displayed above everyone 's head . One can see everyone else 's stat except their own . Talking about the stat is strongly taboo . Reveal what the stat represents at the end . +At long last , an ancient trap is sprung . Nobody saw it coming . +A man has a special ability : when he makes certain choices , he has a sudden vision of what would have happened if he 'd chosen differently . +The Ascension of Man +At the age of 18 , all members of your society are asked whether they want to continue living in the real world or in a personalized 'heaven simulation ' filled with AI . As you are next during the ceremony , you remember having had to make this decision before . +A ghost possesses a computer printer . No one realizes anything is abnormal . +What is the longest sentence you can create while staying on subject and not turning it into a run-on sentence ? +What is the longest sentence you can create while staying on subject and not turning it into a run-on sentence ? +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +I was n't trying to overthrow the kingdom . I was just trying to get back home . +You swear that you keep seeing the same woman in blue every time you go on family vacation , when you turn 18 , you are introduced to her . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +Talk to me about love +You fall asleep in front of the tv . When you wake up , the people on tv are screaming and looking directly at you . +You just bumped into the man who killed your wife and child . +“ Every character should want something , even if it is only a glass of water . '' Write the story of a character that wants a glass of water . +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +As an endangered human male raised in captivity , you 've never actually met another of your kind . Today , you notice an extra chair added to your kitchen table . There 's a knock on the door . +You ride the elevator up to your apartment every day , browsing your phone / reading a book the whole way , not noticing what floor you 're on until it stops . Today it just keeps going . +After eras of colonizing planets humanity discovers that most advanced life lives inside stars . +A bear and a wolf meet in a foggy field . +Your character is in soul-crushing debt . They are losing the will to live . One day , an envelope with more than enough money to pay off what they owe is posted through their door . It comes with a note . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +Imagine batman in the marvel universe +All of the main characters in the GTA games got into a bar fight . Describe what happens . +Modern civilization is wiped out , but in the future legends remain of the highly-advanced ancient civilization . +Talk to me about love +You are the world 's best assassin , and you have never failed to carry out a contract.Tell me about the first time that you fail . +A team of Allied paratroopers retreat into a forest and at night , their numbers begin to mysteriously dwindle . +The date is July 13 , 1836 . You 're the clerk at the front desk of the U.S. Patent Office on opening day . Things are going just fine until a number of strangely-dressed people get into an argument about their placement in line . Coincidentally , they 're all trying to patent methods of time travel . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +You 've been trapped in Y location for Z hours , solve for X to escape the algebra zone . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +Open Concept : Instead of choosing between the red pill and the blue pill , Morpheus offers an ENTIRE rainbow of six pills to choose from . +Everyone is allowed to kill one person in their life . However , you have to fill out a form explaining why this person deserves to be killed and the committee can deny/approve your request as per the rules . You are presenting your form today . +You wakeup to discover you 've developed an underwhelming but oddly applicable superpower . +A left-handed redhead sits at a coffee shop . He eats a Reuben ( too heavy on the sauerkraut ) and a watery dill pickle . He doesn ’ t look out the window . He pays for his meal with a worn American Express card . Before he leaves , he writes a note on the check in blue Bic pen . What does it say ? +Your cat is slowly becoming smarter and smarter and you start seeing signs that he/she might be plotting to kill you +Its always been a bit of myth that newborn infants are all knowing until their first birthday , then one night as you 're holding your daughter , she turns to you and says `` there is no meaning , we are born to die '' . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . + +A horror story , but from the villains perspective , written as a comedy . +The date is July 13 , 1836 . You 're the clerk at the front desk of the U.S. Patent Office on opening day . Things are going just fine until a number of strangely-dressed people get into an argument about their placement in line . Coincidentally , they 're all trying to patent methods of time travel . +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +A king and a thief have one last conversation during while under siege . +Earth is dying - a mysterious portal opens that leads to a parallel universe of a healthier Earth . Every human being on Earth enters the portal for salvation . +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +Your pious life allows you to become an angel when you die . You discover that God is not the good guy everybody thinks he is . In fact , it 's clear for you why Lucifer , and now you , have to rebel against him . +Do n't tell me how he/she died , tell me instead , how he/she lived . +Every time you fall asleep , you wake up somewhere else . Sadly , you are narcoleptic . +Be afraid . For when the gods created man , they created him not in their own image , but to appease what lurks in the void . +A court that prosecutes time travelling criminals is once again charging someone for the attempted murder of Adolf Hitler . +Kilgrave tries to tell a competent lawyer what to do . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +At a fact restaurant there are two events listed as `` big Vinny 's Birthday '' . One is an actual party , the other is a meeting of mob bosses . A sweet old lady get seated at the wrong table . +A man with immortality slowly realizes that it is a curse , not a blessing . +A parallel world just like Earth except you gain the memories of everything you digest . All humans have this trait and it applies to all vegetables , fungi and animal `` memories '' . +New subsurface readings from the moon have uncovered an alien megastruture under the moon 's surface . You lead a team to explore the inside . +While Sam and Dean Winchester are visiting Ohio on a case , they make a stop at a diner in the small town of Springfield . While eating lunch they overhear two local cops talking about a strange murder at 1418 Elm Street . +You work at the Office of Weights and Measures . In the middle of the night , your pager went off , with a message that read as follows : IT 'S HAPPENED . ACTIVATE OMEGA PROTOCOL . +You found out that your wife is a secret agent that was ordered to protect you because your offspring would become the saviour of mankind . +The date is July 13 , 1836 . You 're the clerk at the front desk of the U.S. Patent Office on opening day . Things are going just fine until a number of strangely-dressed people get into an argument about their placement in line . Coincidentally , they 're all trying to patent methods of time travel . +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +you inexplicably wake up as a dog in the pound . The other dogs tell their stories as if they were criminals or unlucky prisoners . After some stories it 's your turn +In a world where you gain the power of the object you were previously killed with . You were killed by a falling coconut +The Door in the Woods +In an alternate universe , two earths orbit our sun . Today we finally launch a first mission to visit our sister planet . +The year is 1911 . John Marston wakes up and finds himself in the floating city of Columbia . +You 've just been found guilty of murdering the man who killed your pet cat . Make your final statement to the judge - who can sentence you to time served or the death penalty . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +Show a character 's personality from their schedule +Assassination is a new legal tool in the business world . You are an old-school hitman , and despair at the quality of work some of these new recruits are leaving behind . +Start a story like the beginning of a question in a math test . +You 've spent your entire life leading up to your greatest dream - becoming an astronaut . But when you 're transported to space , a bright light flashes behind you . Earth has become a brilliant fireball before your eyes . Ground control wo n't respond . You 're stuck . +As you sit on the beach staring across the ocean , you see a person walking across the water nonchalantly . +Somebody eats something absolutely disgusting , but it is described in a way that makes it sound delicious . +No one goes past the forbidden lake.People who went there ca n't describe what was in the lake ... .because they never come back alive.You are prepared to bust the mystery once and for all . +Re-write your favourite childhood tale , with the twist of giving one of the characters a mental disorder . ( No need to state which disorder it is ) +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +Aliens studying human religion are horrified and fascinated by many practices . One particular fact is especially vexing : this is the afterlife . +You are stranded , with no hope of rescue ever . Tell me of the last few days of your life +You the keeper of a wildlife preserve for dragons and your mad about how so called 'heroes ' keep breaking into the preserve and slaying the dragons +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +You go on a date with the main character of the last book you read . +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +Give us a taste of what Sherlock Holmes would be like if Arthur Conan Doyle were a complete idiot . +An alien spaceship comes down to earth . To everyone 's suprise , they are not hostile but actually brought back a few humans from which they took many years ago . +Typical Thursday ; You are at the lab , it is after 11 pm , and you are 7.5 beers deep . Untypical ; In tinkering with the supercollider , you have summoned yourself from a parallel dimension . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +You can understand babies . Most days are just adorable , until one day you pass a mother on the street and overhear her baby plotting to kill her . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +Werewolves are badass . Druids can transform into gigantic bears . Some shapeshift into feline beasts . And then there 's you ... a wereotter . You attend a support group for cuddly were-beasts . +You 've been trapped in a `` Groundhog Day '' style loop for years . After your most destructive loop yet , you stop looping . +The year is 2296 and Vault 9 and 3/4 finally opens it 's blast door . Wizards have returned to the British Wastelands . +You 're on a quest to collect legendary magical items , but the gods thought it was hilarious to make the most powerful items the most tacky and ridiculous looking . + +Satan gathers up all the lesser demons and announces that they 're going to be adding another sin to the seven deadly sins and whoever comes up with it gets to be in charge of that department . +Two hijackers have boarded a plane . Midflight they attempt to take over the plane only to find that all the other 'passengers ' are hijackers too with differing opinions . +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +You 're in charge of creating a new holiday . Include traditions , dates , rituals , activities , foods , symbols , colors , etc etc . Then , describe an event that happens during your holiday . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +Ever since you were five , you could know every lie someone spoke . It is not body language or reading , you simply 'know ' . One day , you can no longer sense ... +After 500 years away , Human 's finally return to Earth +The day after a suicide attempt +Multiple nuclear explosions wipe out several cities in the middle east , but noone knows who deployed the weapons . This is the resulting UN emergency meeting . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +In Pokemon Zubats are annoying but laughably weak . Write a story that makes them absolutely terrifying . +Eternal Nature - FEB CONTEST +You are a dying structural engineer who specialises in tunnels . On your deathbed , you see the light at the end of the tunnel , and notice several glaring design flaws . You storm off into the light to tell whatever deity is there that `` No , no , no , this is all wrong ! '' +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +A young scientist realises time travel from the future for data is relatively simple . He builds a receiver , for himself to send valuable stock market info to make a fortune . As soon as he completes the reciever something unexpected arrives . +The Life and Times of Dewey the Cat +In the middle of the night , a piece of paper is slipped under your door . It says , `` DUCK ! '' +You 've been horribly depressed for as long as you can remember . Your life is falling apart . A week ago , an experimental treatment has been announced that lets depression sufferers face their sickness . You are among the few that have been selected for the first human trials . + +You find an ancient Talisman that allows you to travel between universes , but you 're not the only one.Another man also has this same Talisman , except he 's a serial killer , and you 're his next victim . +An A.I named Alice develops a taste for the Arts , including video games and movies . +Humans have the opportunity to never feel sadness or pain again , but in order to do so must offer up a sacrifice : one person to become immortal and experience only misery for the rest of eternity . +Make a creation myth +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +One day , you notice there 's a new key on your keychain . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +Making use of internal rhyme , write a poem about an emotion or state of being . +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +Free Write , need some feedback on a story I 'm working on at the moment . +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +Describe a day in the life of a snail farmer . +You open the door to a child under distress and quickly usher him in to use the telephone . As he raises his head to take the phone you notice that in place of his eyes are a never ending blackness . +Write about whatever you want , but use as many unnecessary adjectives as possible . +Cthulhu after destroying earth , decides to invade the world of Remnant ( RWBY ) . +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +You are Microsoft 's lead physicist and the company has just turned on its $ 40 billion wormhole machine for the first time . As soon as it powers on , it spits out a message from the future . `` STOP . '' +-ish : Write a brief report on the gay rights movement from the year 2023 . +After 500 years away , Human 's finally return to Earth +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +You have n't eaten an apple in years , the doctors are after you . They 're not sure how you 've done it , and they want you dead as your existence threatens the demand for their genetically modified apples . +An immortal man is sentenced to life in prison . +After centuries of scheming and sinister activities , the shadowy Secret Organisation is about to gain world dominance . Every member is happy about this . Except for Jessica , the Secret Organisation 's unpaid intern . +Muggle technology has become advanced enough to be indistinguishable from magic +A dark , serious and gritty story where the words `` see you later alligator '' and `` in a while crocodile '' are spoken unironically . +Write about the sun as if you love/hate it +A world where tattoos grant supernatural powers based on the design , but the intent does n't always match with the result ... +`` Memory , '' the young boy said , `` Is not a safe place to store valuables . '' +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +A machine allows you to have a 15-minute conversation with your one true soul mate , romantic or otherwise . Your match lives 100 years in the future . +The Trolley Problem +You keep getting packages addressed to the person who lived in your apartment before you . One day you open one . +Julius Caesar is granted a vision of his assassination and what becomes of the Republic after his death . How does he proceed ? +Forgetting Memories - 2YR CONTEST ENTRY +Your character is seconds away from death . +`` Shh . I 'm here . I 'm right here ... '' +Write just a paragraph or two about The Doctor and his companion visiting a planet . The Doctor is Dr. Cox and the companion is J.D . from Scrubs . +Justify to an innocent child why they ca n't console their parents as they grieve over their ten-year-old 's death . +The last thing you remember is you thinking out loud `` I 'll have to remember this . '' +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +Some lonely prompts +Witch Hunt +A desperate mother buys a toy that is more than it appears . +Moments before the servers are turned off , Reddit receives its final post . +You 've grow familiar to a stranger who 's been beside you , every where you go , only existing in the corner of your eye , in your peripheral vision . At last , after three months , it speaks ... +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +A man has a special ability : when he makes certain choices , he has a sudden vision of what would have happened if he 'd chosen differently . +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +A gold digger is dating a wealthy man who unbeknownst to her is a serial killer . Over time it becomes increasingly clear that he wants to make her his next victim , but because of her greed she 's doing her best to keep the relationship going for as long as possible . Describe one of their dates . +Someone threw himself under my train today . I want to know more about him , to be able to put a story behind his face . Tell me who he was . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +Step on a crack , break a mother 's back +You got drunk and woke up with a tattoo that reads '31 ' with no recollection of getting it . The next morning it reads '30 ' you suspect it is counting down to something +Congress just passed the Prohibition Act of 2016 . Coffee is now a Class 1 illegal drug . +The Half Life 3 Announcement +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Once every five years you can coherently communicate with your dog for a whole day . Today is that day . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +In an alternate universe , J. Jonah Jameson constantly pesters Peter Parker for photos that show what a hero Spider-Man is , even though everyone else keeps telling him that Spider-Man is a criminal +Memento mori - Remember , you will die . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +Every religion has started selling a brand of themed ice-cream . You 're the poor sap who started this cold war . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +You go to you 're friends Halloween party and decide to go as James Bond . You put on your tux and suddenly it comes back to you . You ARE a British secret agent but you only remember while you wear the tux . What is your assignment ? +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +“ We need to do a head count . I think we ’ re missing someone . ” +Raid Attack +You are semi-immortal . Every time you die , you are reincarnated into another newborn human . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +Suicidal person realizes he can not die +Portray a normal scene with unbearable amounts of emotion . Make the reader cry . +Overpopulation and dwindling resources have resulted in a radical societal shift : suicide is encouraged and celebrated , while growing old is a grave and selfish act . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +Mysterious floating orbs come to Earth and one captures you . Inside the orb you are able to see into any possible future timeline of Earth . +You have a very shitty type of precognition . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +You 're part of an ancient civilisation that witnesses a meteorite impact . How do you and your fellow citizens react ? What do you think caused it ? +Global warming has taken its toll . Write the story of the last glacier . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +Write the silliest and scariest story that you can . +Only the good die young . However the truly vile lead the longest lives . Tell us about the oldest man in the world . +Snack Drake +A knight who upon kissing the sleeping princess in the castle , transforms her into a dragon or alternatively transforms her into something else . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +Urban Fantasy : The Hunt Is On +There is a drug for everything , and I mean EVERYTHING . +Satan pulls a God and impregnates a virgin . Describe the life of anti-Jesus . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +You hear a baby crying out in the woods . +you were given the choice of immortality , and you took it . Now , millions of years later , you are floating in space . Alone with your thoughts . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +Two men meet to decide the fate of the world . Dialogue only , 250 words or less . +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +Automated ships roam the seas , and new age Pirates raid Trash Liners - large ships which trawl the ocean for rubbish - for riches and relics . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A hostile Alien race arrives at Earth , But misinterpret the U.S. flag as a 50 Star systems strong government . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +A man is holding up a bank , but in the midst of doing so , sees his wife and kid ( s ) are in the bank too . +A bank owner gets caught trying to embezzle money by robbing his own bank . Use 9 sentences under 10 words a piece , or 10 sentences under 9 words a piece . +Strange things happen when you step into an abandoned ice rink . +Ugly protagonist +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +Global suicide rates rises rapidly . The governments deny responsibility . You know better . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +Write the saddest story you can make from the perspective of an animal . +Counting the seconds +Instead of sealing away the ancient evil for another millennium , the hero decides to just kill it . Nobody told them what happens . +Long Ago , God sent his son Jesus to Earth . Now , Satan sends his daughter , Jessica ... +A man lives alone in a fallout shelter after a nuclear attack ... .. +As one of the children of the king , you alwayes knew one day you might be married off to strengthen diplomatic ties to allied nations . You just always expected to marry another human . +Its been 4 days since the biggest solar flare in history took out the power grid . A well educated homeless man smiles as he sits watching the city burn in the valley below . Why is he smiling ? +The slow descent of a decent person with good , consistent morals who was pushed too far and forced into doing something he/she would never have dreamed of doing . +You just committed the ultimate sin . Well done . +At the age of 5 everyone is asked what they want to be when they grow up and no matter the answer that 's what they will be . You are a cashier . +Your character is seconds away from death . +A redditor grows increasingly depressed because no one replies to his WritingPrompts . Then one day ... . +Donald Trump has won the U.S . Elections , but Obama is n't intending to let the White House go without a fight ... ( X-Post from /r/whowouldwin ) +A man who moves in slow motion his whole life thinks everything else is incredibly fast +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +You live on a planet with two stars . For one month of every year the planet is so close to both stars that it is impossible to survive during the day . You must remain on the dark side of the planet for the entire month . +I always knew one day my luck would run out . Looks like it 's a trip to the market for me . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +You are the descendant of a line of Androids built in the image of man ( but less intelligent and taught to worship humans as gods ) . You are one of the lucky few chosen to visit Earth , home of the gods . +Write a story about a turtle . However , you can not use any sci-fi/fantasy /or any other non-real element . Keep it grounded . +Everyone is allowed to kill one person in their life . However , you have to fill out a form explaining why this person deserves to be killed and the committee can deny/approve your request as per the rules . You are presenting your form today . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +( WP ) You are an evil mastermind and have finally caught your super spy nemesis . Naturally , you do what all evil masterminds do and start monologuing . +Aliens have invaded the earth and have effortlessly defeated humanity , only to be fought off by wildlife . They were expecting military resistance ... They were not expecting bears . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +You 've summoned a demon to assist you with your nefarious deeds . A hole opens in the floor , revealing your new helper . `` Tell me your name , '' you command . An hour later , it 's still not done making the incomprehensible sounds of its name . +After the death of her son , a distant mother tries to find out more about who he was by talking to his shy and secretive high school friend . +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +A physical `` end '' of the universe is detected , and its composition resembles the wall of a blood vessel +Humanity has cured old age . You were a friend of the last person to die of natural causes . +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +A supervillain is depressed . To cheer him/her up , the superhero lets the supervillain be the hero for a day . +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +The corpse of a Ranger hangs from a tree . +A diary entry by a girl who was sexually abused by her father . + +He closed his eyes and sighed deeply . `` What are you in for ? '' breathed a voice in his ear . +Bruce Wayne is now broke and his assets are being sold to the highest bidder along with Batman assets . +A man is chosen to receive the powers of God . Perplexed , that man turns to the internet seeking help . +Said the Stars +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +After a freak genetic modification accident involving trying to increase milk production , cows breed like rabbits . Nobody knows about this yet . Be the first person to discover this . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +God answers every time you call His name . Oftentimes , this is terribly inconvenient . +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +War . What do you know about war ? +You find a copy of Space Jam 2 at a local thrift shop , but every time you try and take and take a photo of it the image comes out blurry . +You are a person diagnosed with DID . You discover that all your personalities are real people , you are their latest reincarnation , and you can tap into their knowledge . +`` Of course Hell is real . You 've been in it this whole time . '' +It was n't humans who built the Tower of Babel . It was bees . +Daddy Issues +Instead of sealing away the ancient evil for another millennium , the hero decides to just kill it . Nobody told them what happens . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +The personification of Death is a very discerning creature , and has n't let you die for centuries . This is your 200th meeting with Death . +You are Microsoft 's lead physicist and the company has just turned on its $ 40 billion wormhole machine for the first time . As soon as it powers on , it spits out a message from the future . `` STOP . '' +Write a story that consists only of monosyllabic words . +A man and a dragon cooperate to run the most successful farm in the region . +Bad News , Good News . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +You are stranded on a small island with one item and one fictional character +You are part of a team that investigates the post-apocalyptic ruins of a city on an alien world . A discovery there may change the course of human history . +Ski Pluto ! +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +Whenever a child is born , one of his/her parents die in exactly one day . You wife just gave birth . +You ignorantly entered a magic potion shop that is normally invisible to regular people . The shop keeper tries his best to not let you realize what kind of shop this really is . +You stumble upon a genie in a bottle , instead of granting three wishes he gives you three choices . End world hunger , stop all current and future wars or find out what 's in the box . +A girl is in love with a guy and thinks he feels the same way , but he is really in love with the reflection of himself in her glasses . +Every time someone tells a lie , they grow more beautiful , you are taking to the most gorgeous person in existence . +Time freezes every time someone is about to die . You can not change their fate but you can speak to them in their frozen state to give them closure before they pass . +In the future you are paired for procreation only if you have a high IQ . You have a suspicion that your partner 's test was marked incorrectly . +It 's the future , and people no longer die from aging . Barring accidents and murders , death is now a choice . Today , you 're attending a funeral , because last week , your best friend for hundreds of years , had chosen just that . +I 'm afraid we can not use your blood for the transfusion . Our tests show it is not human blood . +Someone threw himself under my train today . I want to know more about him , to be able to put a story behind his face . Tell me who he was . +Turns out that the purpose of life is war . Humans are self-multiplying shock troops , left to our own until our numbers get high enough to be useful in the ongoing galactic war . Today our previously thought to be useless DNA has been flipped to ON . +In the Harry Potter universe , the year is 2016 and the wizards and witches have discovered the Internet which has lead to the emergence of an entire new branch of magic . Dark times are coming as d @ Rkl0rd_005 begins a reign of terror unlike anything seen before . +You are born without a soul . While this causes a lot of issues with your state of mind and your relationship with religion , there is one benefit in particular that makes you useful in a way . +We ca n't find Queen . +Many years have passed and Ash Ketchum is now an old Pokemon ranger nearing retirement . +Fallen Titan +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +You and your friends have been chosen as the world 's new teenage superheroes . Unfortunately , the enemy has decided to focus their attacks in a completely different part of the world from where you live instead of conveniently in your hometown . +The year is 2020 . We 've successfully privatised the afterlife . +It is the morning of the NCAA Basketball Championship Game . To this point you have a perfect bracket and have gained national recognition and attention . What happens on the day of this final game ? +A drug-addicted , retired 35 year old superhero goes out of retirement and tries ( but fails ) to stop a murder . +You are a volunteer Search and Rescue dog handler . The dog is trained to find dead bodies . While out for a walk while on vacation , your dog starts barking madly . +the year is nineteen hundred and fourty , and something.. isnt ... right . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +You really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich . You only have crunch peanut butter . You hate crunchy peanut butter . Tell me a narrative drama of a man put in this heart wrenching situation , and his journey for the lunch he truly desires . I expect to be moved to tears . +In the future , stores like Walmart have grown to become as large as cities . Soon an apocalypse happens , the employees gather into tribes to defend their section and to raid others sections . +Sterling M. Archer agent of S.H.E.I.L.D . +The Mars One project has advanced and our modern pioneers are now living on Mars . +The `` Many Worlds '' theory is more true than anyone thought - literally every fictional story ever thought of in any form is real somewhere . You have somehow accidentally ended up in a multiversal adventurer 's guild . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +A machine allows you to have a 15-minute conversation with your one true soul mate , romantic or otherwise . Your match lives 100 years in the future . +After fulfilling your lifelong dream of opening your own bar , you notice that the clientele are very ... quest-oriented . +In a city of just one superhero and dozens of supervillains , the hero one fateful day dies in the line of duty . Tell me the story , from a villain 's perspective , of the social fallout . +You are the newest member of the justice league ; You are Florida man . +A man that is socially awkward goes to a party full of mind readers . +Write a rearrangeable story . Write two or more paragraphs that can be read in any order to form a unique , coherent story . +The Narrators go through shift change mid-story , but the old Narrator leaves without bringing the new one up to speed . +After the incident , you were taken by the police , who were surprised you actually had not broken any laws . Congress was called into an emergency session to correct the oversight . +Write a horror short where the people inside are not complete idiots . +A pizza delivery boy is unwittingly sent to God 's apartment . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +So apparently , I swear a ****ing lot . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +The sun has just risen for the first time in 14 years +You are standing over the person that tortured and murdered your family ... what do you do ? +An angel tells you that your husband/wife is not your soulmate and is destined to be happier with another person ... +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +You are a dark , brooding 90s style anti hero . But much to your annoyance , the setting , other characters , and plot are as campy as the 60s batman show . +New Horizon speeds past Pluto and into the abyss of unexplored space . Very suddenly , the craft collides into the dome barrier that keeps humanity isolated from the rest of the universe . +As the sole IT guy who went to hell , you are the one tasked with fixing Satan 's computer . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +Earth 's number one export in the interstellar trade are sentient , designer house-cats , which are enormously popular as pets across the galaxy . You run a small cattery . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +An ancient evil awakens to destroy humanity , only to find out he is no match for modern technology , thus forcing him to become a functioning member of society . +You and your adventuring group kill the lords of hell , and make it to the deepest pit of the last level of hell . In the pit , there 's an innocent wooden door that does n't match anything around it . Inside is something unexpected . +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +Death is an entity that shows up to guide souls to the afterlife . For the first time , Death feels the pull of a recently departed soul , but at the edge of the solar system instead of on/around Earth . +( WP ) The US had another civil war dividing it into 3 countries . Your a history teacher in the the year 2114 telling kids about the most important battle of the war . +A psychopath is collecting people to be characters in a story he wrote . He thinks he 's found his protagonist . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +: The plot twist is `` his/her socks were tattoos all along '' +Barack Obama announces that he will be the last POTUS . He gives a speech explaining why and everyone realizes that he is right . +An actually competent henchman manages to kill the superhero . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Be afraid . For when the gods created man , they created him not in their own image , but to appease what lurks in the void . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +`` I 'm going to leave you now , '' The man in the suit said . `` Whatever you do do n't press Esc . '' +Upon returning from a trip to the past , a time-traveler discovers that he has replaced Jesus as the figure on the cross . +Write a eulogy for yourself . Then at the end , write what is written on your tombstone . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +Someone gets stuck in Limbo-With a famous dead person +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . +Every person in the world is a musical instrument . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +A world where soulmates die at the same time +Songs stuck in your head are warnings . +Two Generation Ships leave earth for a distant planet . One ship makes it to the planet , the other is delayed 1700 years . During this time the settlers on the planet and the settlers on the ship develop a religion about each other . They finally meet . +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +A woman investigates her husband 's murder ... while receiving insufferable vague help from his ghost . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +Write about something mundane that happens in a fantastical world . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +A simple , classic fairy tale +`` Not all strength can be seen '' +Mysterious footage from the middle of the jungle +As you gaze at Earths beauty from the ISS , it suddenly disappears . +Your heart only beats while your phone battery is charged . +Your job is to stare at the school 's security feed all day , but after a while you begin to notice budding romances between students . You decide to give these a little push in order to provide entertainment for yourself . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +The oldest person in the world is now officially a person who is a veteran of every single war his country has been in since WW1 . Reporters ask him how he has lived so long . His answer ? `` Make sure death is too afraid to come for you . '' +Whilst restocking a vending machine , a janitor finds something horrific jammed inside . +I died today . This is how . +Your character is seconds away from death . +You wake up , with no idea of who you are and where you are . Looking around , you find three things on the floor , a syringe , a gun , and a piece of paper with the words `` To Forget '' scribbled on it . +A person is about to kill themself , but suddenly gets an incredible urge to use the restroom . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +It 's 1216 - Dover , England . You are part of a trebuchet crew in the army of Louis , the Dauphin of France ... ( more in comments ) +Two chickens at a slaughterhouse share a tender goodbye before death . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . + +One ( or all ) of the seven virtues falls and becomes one of the seven sins . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +Tell a story simply by talking about the things a person eats . +You are one of the monsters in a dungeon crawler game . +It turns out dogs are fully literate and can also speak , humans just do n't know . What does a conversation between two dogs sound like after they 're left outside of a store and read the `` No Dogs Allowed '' sign ? +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +Write a Epic story of a Walrus in the North pole . No word limit , but final word must be 'them ' +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +`` Why do you kill ? '' `` Because I can . Because I 'm good at it . Because I like it . '' +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +The position of `` God '' is actually an elected office wherein the Angels vote and decide who should lead them for the next seven years . Somehow your name gets mixed into the ballot and , by some strange happenstance , you win the election . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +Two soldiers knock on your door , one is holding a folded flag . But you do n't know anyone in the military ... +A psychopath is collecting people to be characters in a story he wrote . He thinks he 's found his protagonist . + +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +Humans have made contact with extraterrestrial life . You have been given the responsibility of writing the first letter of contact to the extraterrestrials . +A team of Allied paratroopers retreat into a forest and at night , their numbers begin to mysteriously dwindle . +You 've just been admitted into a maximum security prison . On your first day 'locked up , ' you notice something very strange about the guard dogs . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +Man looking out over Loch Ness +An internet startup develops an algorithm to review and identify gross , offensive and sexually explicit pics on social media for removal . It becomes self-aware . +In a world of superpowered beings , you 're the only powerless human . One day you wake up and fine every single person is terrified of you . +Winding River +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +After 8 years of happy marriage my husband confessed to me he 's straight . +You are a Genie . Someone just released you from you lamp and wished only for their significant other to love them again . Make them regret making that wish . +When a new president is elected , they are given a special security briefing . In reality , this is an old tradition where various directors , military officers and current ministers present fake evidence and compete to see who can convince the president of the most ridiculous things . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +You 've been trapped in Y location for Z hours , solve for X to escape the algebra zone . +Wayne Enterprises goes bankrupt , forcing Batman to pursue justice through more economical means . +A priest , a rabbi , and an imam walks into a bar . The bartender is God . +`` I was just lookin ' for a friend . '' +You are the only person left on the planet after everyone disappears for some reason . You spend your days posting pointless status updates to facebook , when one day , a stranger likes your post . +Tell the tale of the Hanging Tree 's plight . +You lament for your lost lover as , unbeknownst to you , your wife walks into the room . +: Someone hands you a paper , stating that you only have 10 days left to live . +You find an old object of yours in the back of the closet . Tell us about a single memory that slams into your brain when you see the object . +What if tears left scars as they trickled down someone ’ s face ? How would this change our world ? Tell the story ... +It 's Who We Were +The protagonist is going through some tremendous event . Tell us their story in snapshots , and let us figure out what is happening to them . +You just broke a paradox accidentally . As things start to change and no longer make sense , you hold on to your sanity as the creator of this new world . +An EMP just detonated . All forms of technology have stopped working , electricity , cars , satellites , etc . What 's your first move following the collapse of government ? +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +Winter has arrived . +A stranger approaches you on the street , hands you a gun and a million dollars cash , and says `` you know what to do . '' What happens next ? +Every time you close your eyes , you become an animal . +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +: You survived Cancer , a plane crash , and the third world war , you lost a piece of you in each . +Writing prompt : The sun rose today , but has n't set ... +Adam and Eve did n't eat the forbidden fruit , humanity lives in a perfect world , its only problem is keeping the forbidden fruit guarded +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +Make me side with a serial killer from the perspective of one of his victims . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +As the grand wizard disables more and more of your magic spells , you are forced to use increasingly unusual and unorthodox attacks . +Much like animals , humans go through a mating season . For most if the year we all go about our lives without any sex-drive . Then , for two weeks every year , the hormones rage . +In a parallel universe , robots fear a human uprising . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +A revenge speech for something insignificant , or useless to seek revenge for . +A bouncy castle is set up at a party . However , it turns out to be far bigger on the inside . +One day , you discover that your SO left a note that could be read as either a love note or a suicide note on the counter before leaving the house . +What is the longest sentence you can create while staying on subject and not turning it into a run-on sentence ? +100 years in the future , the Human Genome Project is complete . Everyone has their genome mapped out from birth , and has it printed on their ID . People can be determined `` unfit to breed , '' and discrimination based on genome is common . +`` And it 's all because of you . '' +`` So what 's the plan ? '' `` I do n't know , I never thought i 'd get this far '' +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +When you come to work , there is a literal elephant in the room , and everyone except you seems to know why . You are afraid to adress this whole situation . +Were-humans ... +A love story about a girl/boy who does n't want to be in love . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +A minor deity sits alone on its patch of land , forgotten by humanity . It can only be perceived by those who believe in it . Occasionally , humans pass by and leave the deity ever ignored . One day , someone greets the deity . +Your family is having a hard time accepting your marriage to an android . +You 've finally found the piece of ice that never melts . A rich guy uses it to keep his whiskey cold . +It takes a long time to learn to breath fire . You have to light the ember first , the spark in your belly . But when you do , it will be the most exhilarating moment of your life . +A minor deity sits alone on its patch of land , forgotten by humanity . It can only be perceived by those who believe in it . Occasionally , humans pass by and leave the deity ever ignored . One day , someone greets the deity . +What happened in the time war ? How did the doctor survive ? +A superhero stops driving himself to fight crime so hard . +The title of the last chapter of your book plus the last paragraph of that chapter +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +You 're a video game character who wants to speed run through the game , but the person playing the game wants to get all the achievements done , explore everywhere , and do all the missions available . +When people die , they are greeted by Death , and normally get taken away . But sometimes they run , which is how there are still ghosts haunting the world . Death does his best to chase them down , but this most recent roaming spirit is truly stubborn . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Human colonists have successfully established a settlement on Mars by the late 21st century . You , the commander of the colony , just discovered that Earth has been destroyed . + +After falling for a `` Win a free iPad ! '' website , a mob boss decides to collect his free iPad by any means necessary . +Write a story about what earth would be like if it never had superman , from a perspective of a writer living in the universe where superman exists . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Red +In a society where happiness is a construct that can be donated to others , you meet someone who has given away all of theirs . +`` Alright class , you chose your history project subjects and have prepared yourselves . One student per Time Travel Chamber , and be sure your return pads are at full charge ! And be sure to leave your modern clothes and technology behind . '' +You write your first program , `` Hello World . '' World responds . +The Aokigahara Suicide Forest +Disney Princesses : Civil War +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +At the end of a Dystopian Young Adult novel , the hero succeeds with his uprising . But as it turns out , the totalitarian dystopian society was a perfect utopia all along . He/she just fucked everything up . Our hero tries to justify everything that he/she has done . +A machine has been invented that allows people to delete one memory of their choosing , but the machine can only be used once per person . You go to have your memory altered after a particularly emotional situation , only to find that you have already used the machine . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +`` Have I ever told you the definition of insanity ? '' +At 9:17am , on a Wednesday morning , every shirt , blouse , tank , tee , bra and top simply vanishes from the world . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +In honor of 12 years ... `` Aang believes he has discovered how to give people bending , aside from just taking it away , and asks Sokka if he would like to become a bender . '' +During the annual 'Purge ' , you arrive at the residence of the person who wronged you . Due to all the anticipation , you forgot that the 'Purge ' timings have been shifted by an hour . Now , you both wait for the 'Purge ' to begin . +You 're the inn-keep at a local Tavern , and another group of adventurers is fucking everything up again ... +Your sixteenth birthday means you get a book with the story of your life . Some people 's books are short , some are long . Yours is zero pages . +Technolgy has advanced to the point of re-animation by storing copies of your mind in cyberspace . One day , you die and to your biggest regret , your file has n't been backed up recently +A portal to a fantasy-like land opens in the middle of New York City and exiles start coming through . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +You , a statistician , set out to figure out why there was a 93 % drop in fire related deaths in June of 1989 . +You run an interstellar pizza delivery business . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +A literal murder of crows +`` A Man Chooses , A Pokemon Obeys '' +Two people stand at opposite ends of a closed hallway , guns pointed at one another ... . +You can see the future . You see the future 8 hours before said event occurs . The problem is , you have a really bad memory . +The god of rainbows is n't gay , and he 's really tired of people making assumptions . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +You were the best enemy I could ever ask for . +Write any story . The only twist is that the last sentence has to be the same as the first . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +At the age of 21 everyone gets a representation on the stock market , the sum total of your life is worth x . Your stock just skyrocketed , why ? +You are writing a letter to your child as you are just about to disappear forever +Everyone is given points all your life . Doing bad things subtracts points and good things adds points . When you turn 18 your points are revealed and determines your position in life . You are the first person in a century to have a score over 300 +Writing prompt : The sun rose today , but has n't set ... +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +you are a retired special ops soldier bored with civilian life , you decide to hire hitmen off of the dark web to kill you as a form of entertainment . +At age 18 everyone on earth gains the ability to morph into their spirit animal . Today is your 18th birthday and as your family watches you morph into an animal not of this earth +You are newly married . One day you discover that your spouse has taken out a large life insurance policy in your name with him/her as the sole benefactor . S/he has gone to great lengths to keep this a secret . +One day you come upon a pair of headphones . You soon realise that you 're able to the hear the world through someone else 's ears by looking at them with the headphones on , including their thoughts . What do you do ? +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +The World is Against Me +Write a story with Captain Planet as the villain . +You write a note to your future self . When you store it , you find another note there- a response from your older self . +Tell a story in four lines of dialogue . +You are a god that hunts other gods +You live in a world where , due to overcrowding , a pregnant couple must announce the pregnancy to the town . The town then votes as to whether or not the pregnancy is of sufficient pedigree to permit the child to live . A vote of no and the town aborts the baby . +You are in a dream having an adventure . +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +Write about a museum guard who touches the art +Red Witch +You are a dragon guarding a cavern filled with treasure . You pride yourself on defending your hoard from the greatest warriors in the world . It makes you all the more annoyed then when the knights that have been coming to slay you seem to be getting more and more inept . +How to kill your best friend and get away with it . +In a world where you gain the power of the object you were previously killed with . You were killed by a falling coconut +When they granted NASA 'unlimied budget ' for a whole year , they did n't expect them to hire professional Starcraft-players for resource-management . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +A group of bandits are holding up your town bank . You start to suspect that they do n't actually have guns and are just pointing their fingers under their coats . +Lady in Red +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +You see a burger that has lettuce , cheese , and ham , If you do n't eat it in five days , the world will explode . +We now live in a dictatorship where the evil dictator has banned the letter `` E. '' Tell of how this came to be . +A genie tells the story of the worst wish he 's ever granted . +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +A party of heroes is roaming through the country side when they suddenly come across a dragon ! Instead of combat however , the party instead falls into bickering as they debate whether it 's a dragon or a wyvern or some mutated komodo-dragon . +In the year 2224 , a new drug has hit the streets of Lower Neo-Chicago . Looking to profit , and move to Higher Chicago , our hero begins to sling this drug on the streets . +You sit down at a bar in outer space and you overhear an alien telling his friend why the rest of the cosmos ignored humans for so long . +King of the Sky +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Your doctor has discovered cancer in both of your eyes . Tomorrow , you are having life-saving surgery to have them removed . Describe your final day with vision before you go blind . +Many people hate their roommates . Unfortunately , your roommate happens to be a really immature , reality-bending deity , whom finds it very amusing to play pranks on people with his or her powers . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +Write a story about a superhero whose power is the ability to establish dominance over anyone using direct eye contact +Its the year 2025 , and NASA has landed the first group of people on Mars . They discover an alien illness that works similarly to Dead Space 's necromorph reanimation . ( Context on description ) +Write about a boy who gambled his life with a demon +She always started feeling it when she was two landings down . +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +The Long Road +When too much anger , trauma , or hurt is bottled up , a heart becomes like a bomb . You are a heart diffuser , and you 've been assigned your hardest case yet . +Make me jealous of someone with a terrible life +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +A bird slowly comes to the conclusion that the other bird they 've been trying to court for the last few months is nothing more than their own reflection in a mirror . +You are transported to a world where beings such as fairies and mermaids exist but humans do not . Now YOU are the mythical creature . +`` You 're gon na miss me when I 'm gone . '' +Write a Compelling Love Story in 1,000 Words or Less . +The hero and villain meet in non-conflict circumstances . +`` We 're only an hour away '' Two families , using the same phrase , two different meanings +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +A time traveller and an immortal meet across the age , they are bitter enemies . +( WP ) You are an evil mastermind and have finally caught your super spy nemesis . Naturally , you do what all evil masterminds do and start monologuing . +In super villain academy , prospective villains are allowed to conquer and rule a small rural county to prepare for world domination . 85 % of students drop out during this class . +You sit alone at a bar , when a man completely clad in black sits down beside you and says , `` The Grim Reaper needs a new protegé . You interested ? '' +You 're a corrupt journalist who is paid to always paint your benefactors ' political party in a positive light . Today something terrible happened and you 're finding it hard to spin it . +We do n't choose our pets . They , as Guardians , choose us . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +A parallel world just like Earth except you gain the memories of everything you digest . All humans have this trait and it applies to all vegetables , fungi and animal `` memories '' . +You are a minor character/nameless minion in a fictional story , during a battle between good vs bad , you accidentally killed the protagonist/antagonist . What happens next ? +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +A man is locked in his bedroom . His zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . A loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +A short story idea of a man who makes eggs for breakfast every morning but the story is told through the eyes of the egg pan and describes the emotions it sees in the man everyday +A supernatural-friendly speed dating service is hosting a singles night in town . +Write up a new conspiracy theory , and cite as much 'proof ' as you can find . +One of your dear friends has committed an unforgivable crime , and now you have to execute them . +As a villain called `` The Imitator '' , you take pride copying the plots and schemes ( non-lethal thanks to your special effects expertise ) of villains so the hero can save the day . Now you 're about to be found out . +You are a lawyer in God 's Court who and you must a find a way to get your newest client , Adolf Hitler , into Heaven via a loophole in the Lord 's legal system +Whose Line Is It Anyways , where the points DO matter . +The magic world has been exposed to the muggles . Driven by fear and ignorance , a catastrophic war between the two has taken place . You are a soldier on the front lines of either side , write a story describing your experience during the conflict . +Kim-Jong Un has been dead for years , and you 're his imposter . +Humans have the opportunity to never feel sadness or pain again , but in order to do so must offer up a sacrifice : one person to become immortal and experience only misery for the rest of eternity . +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +When someone dies , they are visited by an avatar of Death , a personification of the means of death . You are about to die in a very stupid way . +You sign a letter `` Shamefully yours , '' +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +Barack Obama announces that he will be the last POTUS . He gives a speech explaining why and everyone realizes that he is right . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +Little red riding hood +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +'' No , Sir , Madam , please do n't be offended . Their insolence is how you know that these are authentic humans . Imitations could never be so creatively insulting '' . +A man suddenly notices an identical copy of himself . Each of them thinks that he is the original . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +Google image finally opens face recognition to the public . For fun you submit a picture of yourself , and find lots of photos of yourself in places you 've never been to . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +Explain the events leading up to and the events following ( Minority Report ) the Pre-Cog 's warning `` He knows , do n't go home . '' +You attempt to start a conversation with a girl at a bar . The girl next to her looks at you , startled , and asks , `` you can see her too ? '' +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +Write a normal , mundane story with normal , mundane characters doing normal , mundane things . +You are a dragon guarding a cavern filled with treasure . You pride yourself on defending your hoard from the greatest warriors in the world . It makes you all the more annoyed then when the knights that have been coming to slay you seem to be getting more and more inept . +Excerpts from an immortal person 's life through the ages of humanity +A supervillain takes over the world . Inexplicably , the quality of life improves . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Everyone knew what would soon happen in that room . Everyone , save for one man . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +You are separated from your brother at a young age by an oppressive entity . You meet later fighting for opposing forces . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . + +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +Since the beginning of time , you 've been cursed with immortality , but this curse does not grant you permanent youth , it 's a ticket from death . Bones show , and you have n't needed a breath for five centuries . Thousands of years after your gift was given to you ; you realize . You have become Death . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +Oppressed +The apocalypse has begun . Not through mass destruction , but through everyone on earth encountering fatal `` accidents '' , one by one . +Things that have been forgotten +The absolute worst opening line to a novel you can come up with . +Your entire life has been the product of a coma dream . One morning , you finally awake from your coma , but find yourself in the 18th century . Your memories from the coma dream , and knowledge of the 21st century , are fully intact . +News report with oddly placed 'air quotes ' +Write a story about a turtle . However , you can not use any sci-fi/fantasy /or any other non-real element . Keep it grounded . +Write a story where Satan crosses a deal . +You come home from work and the house is empty . On the kitchen counter , a note says `` I did n't know '' . +Humanity is doomed . The remaining humans decide to build a permanent monument to the human race as their final act . +In the future , stores like Walmart have grown to become as large as cities . Soon an apocalypse happens , the employees gather into tribes to defend their section and to raid others sections . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +You are an unassuming businessperson by day , but an elite assassin by night . One night , you get a new target : yourself . +You are a reputable lawyer who moonlights as a serial killer . One day , you receive a client who has become the main suspect of your crimes . You have to frame him such he is incarcerated while still maintaining your reputation as a competent lawyer . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +In the spirit of Halloween , write just an old fashioned , tense horror story . +. However your branch manager appears oblivious and seems to have taken a liking to the fellow/lass ... +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +You 've been trapped in Y location for Z hours , solve for X to escape the algebra zone . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +One can only hide from the darkness for so long until the candle dies out . +Your life 's mission is to break every man-made law and not get caught . You 're on the last law . +You wake up to find yourself in an unfamiliar , dusky wooden room . As candlelight flickers across the room , you notice that people are dressed strangely . You move forward , a booming voice stops you : `` As chief magistrate of the court of Salem , how do you plead to the charge of Witchcraft ? '' +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +King of the Sky +You were bitten by a zombie during the apocalypse , but instead of living your days as a mindless being , you are now a ghost , invisible to all except your reanimated corpse . You feel compelled to try and protect your body from all the stupid stuff it keeps trying to do . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +A GoT episode in the style of `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia '' +Escape ? +A young police recruit is placed in riot gear and thrust to the front line against an escalating protest . +Were-humans ... +Scientists have solved the mystery of why headphones always tangle , causing huge advances in science/technology . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +Ski Pluto ! +Someone widely presumed to have been a crackpot turns out to have been right all along . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war + +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +You have entered into a life-long contract with your super-celebrity doppelganger . You live a life of absolute luxury with one stipulation : your life belongs to the celebrity , and you must obey their orders . Your cell phone rings oneday , and you are told you must make the ultimate sacrifice . +`` Why did you come , human ? '' +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +In a world where wordplay has replaced swordplay , tell of the disstroyers , the sarcasters , and the Grim Rapper +Disney Princesses : Civil War +Your friend suggests that you write a `` eulogy '' to get over a long-term relationship . The eulogy is for the relationship , not for a person . How does it go ? +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Wars are now fought almost exclusively by automatons . For the first time during an engagement with the enemy machines , one unit processes a single query ; why is it destroying those like itself ? +In a futuristic world , you can relive any memory through advance simulation . However , the only downside is that you will lose that memory once the simulation ends . +You 've been horribly depressed for as long as you can remember . Your life is falling apart . A week ago , an experimental treatment has been announced that lets depression sufferers face their sickness . You are among the few that have been selected for the first human trials . +Write a story about a turtle . However , you can not use any sci-fi/fantasy /or any other non-real element . Keep it grounded . +After only a few hundred years the denizens of Hell get used to its horrors and it turns out to be not so bad all . Meanwhile in Heaven most everyone has become an entitled prick as its pleasantries become excruciatingly boring . +'' Life is just a video game . '' +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +End a story with `` ... a punch to the face '' +( WP ) The legend of the most dreaded pirate of them all , Neckbeard +A horror story , but from the villains perspective , written as a comedy . +Voice ( s ) on the radio . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +Elon Musk is actually a disguised alien who bet his friend that he could bring Earth to `` Technology Level 10 '' in one human lifetime . +You are an inhuman alien that keeps accidentally killing humans aboard a spaceship while trying to warn them about an incoming asteroid that will destroy their nearby colony . +The quest of the One Ring has failed . Sauron seems sure to conquer Middle Earth . All hope seems lost but one : Tom Bombadil +You are stranded on a deserted island . As you scout around for survival items , you discover everything you ever lost is on the island . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +You buy your wife a fun DNA home testing kit . The post arrives with her results , which you eagerly tear open to find she 's 37 % German , 38 % Cherokee Indian , and 35 % `` Unknown and Unidentifiable . '' Within moments , three black vans pull up outside your house , and there 's a knock at your door . +I 've heard you 're quite the gambler , let 's up the stake , my life for yours and your for mine . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Write an incredibly dark finale for your favourite light-hearted TV show . +Writing prompt : The sun rose today , but has n't set ... +A new prison system has been implemented that stores prisoners in sealed underground vaults with only other prisoners and sustainable resource systems . Today is your first day being exiled to one . +You are a marriage counselor secretly trying to destroy the marriage of a couple you counsel . It looks like you 're failing . +Write a story in which a character slowly loses his empathy and humanity because of how society treats him as well as having us empathize with him . +you 're a fortune teller , but you have no idea how to actually tell their fortune . Instead you just randomly guess and always get it right . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +In technologically advanced future , religious people are generally treated as idiots and locked away . +The competition between King Wok and China Grill at the mall food court is getting way out of hand . +You 're a detective who has just arrived at the scene of a murder which you instantly recognize as the handiwork of your nemesis -- who went to the chair five years ago . +Oh , the weather outside is frightful ... +In a world where almost everyone is an unfeeling psychopath , those who can show emotion are shunned -- being able to display or feel emotion is considered a mental illness . +At some point , we are all the villain in somebody 's life . +You 've found yourself trapped in a large facility with what looks like 200 other men and women . Slowly you start realizing the only connection everyone has is their names being Morgan . You 've come to the conclusion you 're the only person in the room not named Morgan . +God is a college student , and the universe is his design project , to be presented in front of a panel of judges , professors , and investors . The panel is much tougher in their critiques than anticipated . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +Saved the Princess . Killed the Dragon . Happily ever after . But before that , you have to attend a funeral . For the dragon you just killed . And you ca n't refuse since his will asked for you specifically by name . +The personification of Death is a very discerning creature , and has n't let you die for centuries . This is your 200th meeting with Death . +The traditional story of a band of heroes working together against a common enemy . Only that this band of heroes all come from wildly varying genres . +A scientific study proves that all humans have been breathing a mind-altering gas from birth . It has been in the air since the beginning of recorded time . People have been in a constant state of being high . Until now . Specialised gas masks are handed out and people have begun to act strange . +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +You a real master magician , a legend amongst true casters . From conjuring and summoning to simple hexes and curses . You are now hosting a trick to not only fool Penn and Teller , but make them question even their own knowledge of the art . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +The Bringer of End Times and The Savior of the World were born as a pair of twins . Except they think the other is cooler . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +`` Where 's the pisser in this dungeon ? I got ta take a squirt ? '' +In the style of an old fable , write a story about narcissism . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Ten months after giving birth to Jesus , Gabriel visits Mary again to announce that she will soon give birth to God 's only daughter . +bully loves victim . Both are boys . +Banana Republic attempts to govern a Banana republic . +A wise veteran and mentor , a young student with fantastic potential and destiny , and a small band of heroes must complete a quest of incredible importance . When the student dies unexpectedly , the mentor must step into the role of hero one last time to complete the quest . +You 're humanities first time traveler and upon traveling back to England in the middle ages , you find a WIFI signal located somewhere in the village you landed in . +A supervillain is depressed . To cheer him/her up , the superhero lets the supervillain be the hero for a day . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +Time freezes , but you are unaffected . After wandering around for a while , you find a cat that 's also not frozen . It seems he wants you to follow him ... +The Gang Become Pokemon Trainers +The great prophecy is coming true . Electronic Music starts playing out of the sky . Source unknown . It 's very loud . We all have prepared for 'The Drop ' . +While robbing a bank , you learn that you 're invincible ( detailed info inside ) +You win the jackpot in the lottery , and get to decide between 10 million dollars and the contents of a mistery-box . You choose the box , and it 's totally worth it . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +The war between Canada and America for the Oregon Territory enters its fourth year +A boy realises his snowmen have come to life , however when the sun comes up they die an agonising death . One avoids the melt in the shade , and does n't want the same painful fate . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +What happened to Truman after the Truman Show +technological breakthroughs decades ahead of current human knowledge begin appearing anonymously on Wikipedia . +DREAM FILE CORRUPTED +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +The world 's deadliest person gets kidnapped by accident . They could escape at any time , but they decide to roll with it and see what happens because they 're also really , really bored . +You are a dog who is trying to kill its master , but the family 's cat stops you at every turn . +End of an empire +You are 7 years old , on the train with your parents . You are exploring the train when suddenly there is a terrible accident . You survive , and encounter a woman who is seriously hurt . She calls out to you to stay with her ; she does n't want to die alone . +Write a story from the perspective of a cupcake who does n't want to be eaten +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +you are a retired special ops soldier bored with civilian life , you decide to hire hitmen off of the dark web to kill you as a form of entertainment . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You walk towards your car and try to open the door handle late at night - `` You can not fast travel when enemies are nearby '' . +Write a story about a student slowly going insane . +A dog is cursed by a witch to transform into a human for an hour each night . The dog has a human body but keeps it 's dog mind . It likes to walk around the city as a human and do human things . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +A PTSD support group for those who survive horror movie scenarios . +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +First sentence : `` It is not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw . '' +After fulfilling your lifelong dream of opening your own bar , you notice that the clientele are very ... quest-oriented . +An assassin is hired to kill a target but ca n't get though the target 's plot armor . +At the edge of the city , you could look out into the dark . +Two dads get into a dad-off . +A teenage boy 's heaven is a war veteran 's hell . +A book lies open before you , titled `` Your Sins '' Every deed you 've done is in it . Next to the book lies a white marker and a note `` You may erase one sin from your record . '' What do you do with this power , and how does your life change ? +You 've been mistaken as a highly trained assassin but you 're actually just an average person . The only reason you 're still alive is because your targets die on their own by accident . +( WP ) space travelers have reached an end in space . +You are the first person on the colony to eat meat . +Re-write the ending of How I Met Your Mother the way you wanted it to end . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +You are a bird being trained by the Republican party to disrupt and sabotage Democratic Rallies +`` Sorry , but ... you 're actually NOT the Chosen One . '' +You were the best enemy I could ever ask for . +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Your best friend is shooting up your middle school , and hands you a gun , without your prior knowledge to the event . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +Select a Christmas Carol of your choice and write a horror story based off of the words/theme of the song . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +Write me a story about a pair of brothers , where the older had a lot of promise , but now its up to the younger for whatever reason . +`` I 've had my last meal 13 times , final words 29 times , and been to my funeral 9 times ... I think this may be the one I do n't walk away from ... '' +`` The Beatles are bigger than Jesus . '' Upon hearing that , Jesus decided to make his own rock band and beat Lennon at his own game . +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +A woman stops in a dark alley to pet a cat , but the cat runs away , scared , as a man approaches the woman . After a brief confrontation the man runs away too , screaming . +End a story with `` ... a punch to the face '' +A narrator shows up to narrate a story only to find there 's another narrator . They begin fighting each other for control over the plot , and the characters are already fed up with it . +`` So , you do know why we called you down here right ? '' +Mom always said her chili con carne recipe was a secret . She was quite angry when it was published with the leaked NSA documents . +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +She took what she thought was her last breath , and sank slowly ... +: For a human , marrying an entity with an 500-600 -year average life span is happily ever after . For them , marrying a human is much more like getting a dog . +`` You 're gon na miss me when I 'm gone . '' +Explain someone drowning . +A commonly thrown out material today is incredibly valuable and rare forty years from now . +No one ever does . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +“ We need to do a head count . I think we ’ re missing someone . ” +Google image finally opens face recognition to the public . For fun you submit a picture of yourself , and find lots of photos of yourself in places you 've never been to . +You are a scientist aboard a ship studying Aliens ( Xenomorphs ) . you wake up attached to a wall , and you can feel a baby chest burster inside you . what are your final thoughts ? +Were-humans ... +Walk me through a soldier 's last day alive . +You notice more `` Lost Pet '' signs than usual one day . Then you start seeing the signs everywhere you go . You realize you ca n't remember the last time you actually saw a dog or cat . What 's happening ? +A physicist , A philosopher , and a science-fiction author get in an argument . +Throughout your childhood your brother always seemed somewhat secretive . Now as an adult you discover he has a double life as an FBI agent and he needs your help . +Write a story about two soul mates breaking up +Its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . A reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak . +In an alternate universe , two earths orbit our sun . Today we finally launch a first mission to visit our sister planet . +An actually competent henchman manages to kill the superhero . +Tell me the tale of Woldorf , the undisputed master of traffic . +An internationally wanted cybercriminal needs an intern . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +After getting support from congress , NASA begins its mission to send a manned mission to mars ... In 1978 +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +Due to a genetic mutation , hair follicles have now been linked to pain receptors and getting a haircut is absolute agony . As a barber , describe how your life is changed and what your new role in society is . +Jaden Smith wakes ups one morning to find that he himself is not real . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +You command a squadron of three small starships based in a recently-settled solar system on the edge of the galactic empire . A previously-unknown civilization launches a full-scale invasion . Help is at least five years away . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +In typical fashion , just as the bad guy is about to shoot you it 's he who is shot . You 're relieved you 're about to be saved , but the `` hero '' is far more terrifying than the bad guy . +A conversation between two `` one uppers '' +Write up a new conspiracy theory , and cite as much 'proof ' as you can find . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +The aliens made first contact . They are technologically much superior , but also deeply religious . They are shocked to know that humans have different beliefs and do not worship the same God . +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +You were born and raised aboard a ship sailing the world during the Age of Exploration . You 've never set foot on dry land . But today , you were forced ashore for the first time . Describe your experiences . +Valentine 's Day is coming up . Write a poem to your significant other/romantic interest . +Your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . Beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . Good Luck , Steve . It 's going to be a long afterlife . +Write a story from the point of view of an inanimate object +`` I 'm your God now . '' +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +`` For Sale : Baby shoes , never worn '' by Ernest Hemingway . Write a backstory for this that is happy , not depressing . +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +The Mexican-American War never ended . Mexico has been secretly sneaking soldiers in the US by going through the border and pretending they 're illegal immigrants . Its 2020 , the war began as a shock . +A stranger knocks on your door and claims he/she was a long ago resident . This person tells you they are going away for good , and would like one last tour of your home . You soon realize this is no ordinary visitor . +You killed them ! Those are n't bad guys ; they protect us from something far worse ! +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You 're a subway conductor and one day you realize no one has been riding your train for years . ( WP ) +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +What is the punishment you would receive in hell . +You are an underwear merchant in Westeros +The world is an infinite flat plane . The furthest known points of this realm take days to contact by telegraph . Slowly communication ceases from the far west , and slowly the silence pushes closer and closer to home ... +You 've been invited for a weekend trip into North Korea by Kim Jung Un himself , and the rumors were true . North Korea really IS a utopia +Make me side with a serial killer from the perspective of one of his victims . +The New Face of Terror +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +Write about a bird 's day in a park from the point of view of a tree . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +He had no arms or legs . He could n't hear , see , or speak . This is how he led a nation . +You find a pile of dead bodies that look like you all wearing the same outfit you are wearing today . +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +A microchip implanted in your head will dictate the percentage probability of death of doing a certain action or task , every second . One day , it starts to say , '' 100 % '' +Google now dominates the tech space with google fiber , android devices , and has become a telecom giant accounting for over 90 % of all internet traffic . Somewhere in a secret Google bunker the new CEO flips a switch ... +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Peter Pan visits a child of a modern dysfunctional family who has long since given up believing in magic . +Hacking works like it does in movies . You work for a cyber security firm . +A person who has travelled the world for their whole life loses enthusiasm after learning that they are going blind . +In Soviet Russia , ghosts fear you . +A group of intelligent and extremely sophisticated cannibals are trying to convince you to let them eat you . You know you should be scared , after all they do want to eat you but ... damn it , they make it sound so *sensible* . +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +You 've been blind for 23 years now . One morning , as you go about your daily routine , you walk down the hall and ca n't find your bathroom door . You are n't in your house . +In Pokemon Zubats are annoying but laughably weak . Write a story that makes them absolutely terrifying . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +Your beloved grandpa dies but all he leaves you is a horse called Sneezy . One afternoon while riding , Sneezy sneezes and suddenly you 're in a different era . +`` What happens next ? '' `` I die '' +Start a story like the beginning of a question in a math test . +A loved and respected hero discovers something that leads him to become a morally questionable antihero . +You did n't board a lifeboat during the sinking of the Titanic , instead you slipped into the icy waters below and somehow got frozen in a block of ice , keeping you alive while your in a sleep like state . 100 years have passed and scientists have thawed you out . +Superman has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia . +A serial killer married to a detective +In a not too distant future , Corporations declare humans `` subhuman '' . +Oops , wrong bathroom ! +You are playing a strategy game against the computer when the AI begins to exhibit very strange behavior . +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +The first expedition to Mars discovers a large boulder with what appear to be crude depictions humans etched onto its surface . protruding from a crack on its side is a locked metal box , a time capsule ... +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +Sword for Hire +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +You 're Zack Snyder at the next Warner Bros meeting . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +A man notices that a single fly has been hanging around his chair for the past 3 days . As he leans in closer to get a good look at it , he notices a tiny microchip embedded in its back . +What if Death found a reason to live ? +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +You are a medic on a federation spaceship . In a recent battle , the boarding party 's vital signs cut out , meaning they died . You go check the clone bay to see how their new clones are taking their sudden death and re-spawn . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Clockwork +You are a Genie . Someone just released you from you lamp and wished only for their significant other to love them again . Make them regret making that wish . +Convince me you deserve the last piece of my birthday cake . +Once a year an event occurs , Hangman . A random human gets chosen to be hanged , survival is only possible if the word is guessed right by someone .. +You are the last human alive but you are immortal . You meet Death who wants his retirement . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +During a court case , one of the speakers uses the phrase `` As God is my witness '' . God shows up to testify . +You really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich . You only have crunch peanut butter . You hate crunchy peanut butter . Tell me a narrative drama of a man put in this heart wrenching situation , and his journey for the lunch he truly desires . I expect to be moved to tears . +A deity tweaks our world so that whenever somebody is intentionally murdered , their most important memories and knowledge are absorbed by their killer . This has ramifications at every level , not least among serial killers +When I finally breathe my last , I will no more regret my past . +In this universe , Spider-man is , in fact a woman ! Describe `` Spider-girl '' trying to work up the courage to ask out Gwen Stacy . +Someone breaks into your house and says , `` You 're my favorite character in the book ! I ca n't let it end the way it did . I 'm going to help you . '' +Combine two seemingly unrelated fields of study . Give it a name and describe a university class on that new field . +`` You have great veins . '' +One can only hide from the darkness for so long until the candle dies out . +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +By 2060 , mankind is able to transfer a human consciousness to the digital world . No longer inhibited by the limitations of a physical brain , these people become the technological overseers of human society , but eventually discover evidence of an afterlife they are no longer invited to . +SatChat : What inspired you to start writing more seriously ? +People refuse to acknowledge their hero 's increasingly dark behavior and keep making excuses for him . +Write a character 's perspective of being bitten by a zombie without their group noticing . From bite to death/turning . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +A world where death is only a temporary inconvenience . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +Humanity has cured old age . You were a friend of the last person to die of natural causes . +Write your favorite song as horror . +It 's 2015 , and the Titanic has just sailed into New York Harbor . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +It 's not easy moving to a new place - especially when you 're a zombie just trying to fit in . +Every story ever told on earth has actually happened in another dimension , and you devise a way to freely travel between them . +A real life psychic , broke and in need of money , decides to get $ 1 million from James Randi , who 's offering money for proof of the paranormal . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +An immortal angel falls in love with a mortal human . +Multiple nuclear explosions wipe out several cities in the middle east , but noone knows who deployed the weapons . This is the resulting UN emergency meeting . +Everything is spiders . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +Two hijackers have boarded a plane . Midflight they attempt to take over the plane only to find that all the other 'passengers ' are hijackers too with differing opinions . +All individuals receive the memories and knowledge of one of their randomly selected ancestors on their 21st birthday . Yesterday was your 21st birthday . +Diseases ca n't be cured , only passed on to someone else . It 's common for those about to die from old age to act as recipients , allowing the young to live lives free from illness . +Death is about to retire and has chosen a successor , which is you . +Mom always said her chili con carne recipe was a secret . She was quite angry when it was published with the leaked NSA documents . +Adam and Eve did n't eat the forbidden fruit , humanity lives in a perfect world , its only problem is keeping the forbidden fruit guarded +In a world where you gain the power of the object you were previously killed with . You were killed by a falling coconut +A court that prosecutes time travelling criminals is once again charging someone for the attempted murder of Adolf Hitler . +( WP ) A young man is raised by his mother in relative obscurity . Upon attaining his manhood , he discovers that his father is a great man , if not the greatest man who ever lived . Describe their meeting and the father 's reason for neglecting/ignoring his son . +After another depressing day of harvesting souls , you , the Grim Reaper , decide to commit suicide . What do you write in your note ? +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +The sun goes out . Tell the story of a person who now lives a world of darkness . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +You write your first program , `` Hello World . '' World responds . +Pokémon are no longer the fun and loving creatures you `` train '' with . They are now hunting humans and eating them alive . Tell us the stories of your great survival or the story of your untimely death . +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +In a world where reincarnation is accepted fact there are two kinds of human - elite `` Pilgrims '' who reincarnate to new 25 year old bodies every time they die - and `` Shells '' - destined to become new bodies for Pilgrims at some point in their 25th year , losing their own soul in the process . +A man 's wife dies after many good years of marriage . The man remarries a few years after her death and has a loving wife again . After they both eventually die , the man reaches heaven and now has a dilemma with having both of his wives present . +You create a robot that tells whether something you say is true or false . To test it , you ask if you are human . `` False '' . +`` IT DID N'T WORK ! GET AWAY , HURRY ! '' +Christopher Robin returns to the Hundred Acre Wood to systematically eliminate his childhood friends . +Write a story about a modern day pub in London , with one catch : It consists entirely of fantasy races +What if the Devil did n't know he was the Devil . +You 're a demon fresh out of Hell Academy with a degree in Torture Methods . However , instead of being assigned to one of the large wards , like Identity Theft , Gaslighting , or Matricide , you 're put in charge of the little known `` Miscellaneous '' ward . +You create a robot that tells whether something you say is true or false . To test it , you ask if you are human . `` False '' . +You win the jackpot in the lottery , and get to decide between 10 million dollars and the contents of a mistery-box . You choose the box , and it 's totally worth it . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Sandstorm +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +A portal to a fantasy-like land opens in the middle of New York City and exiles start coming through . +You are a child lost in a jungle . Something is hunting you . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +The main character , tired of the multitude of meta-prompts on this sub , attempts to convince his/her writer to NOT answer this prompt . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +I 'm afraid we can not use your blood for the transfusion . Our tests show it is not human blood . +`` I 'm on fire ? '' +Your house is possessed , but you 're used to it . Now you 're having guests over and you expect it to behave itself . +A day in the life of someone who teleports whenever they sneeze . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +The heroes enter the castle . They navigate to the top floor , slaying minions of the dark lord as they climb . They reach the dark lords lair , the most powerful being in the universe , and inside they find a small child , listening to heavy metal and playing games like `` Shadow the hedgehog '' +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +Field of Thorns - Offer +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +The USA is having its second Civil War . +Write something that goes with this soundtrack . +You are overseas when a bomb goes off at your hotel while you were out , losing all identification papers . You make it to the embassy but when you give your ID number , they say no such person exists ... +They say it 's bad luck for an actor to say the name of the play Macbeth inside a theater . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +Turns out the Bible is real and the rapture has occurred . However for some reason you are left behind , what happens ? +A lonely teenager makes a bargain with the devil one night ; their soul in exchange for meeting their true love . Nothing happens and they forget about the bargain . Years later they do meet their soulmate and live a long , wonderful life . They are now close to death ... +She clutched a tattered box to her chest +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +You lock eyes with someone at a party and it 's _____ at first sight . +Daily Prompt - The email that turned your characters life upside down +Story about a superhero whose powers come with a strange side effect or drawback +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +Dragons are discovered , but few people can train them . A redditor trains one to violently dispatch people who make up shitty writing prompts . +Your doctor has discovered cancer in both of your eyes . Tomorrow , you are having life-saving surgery to have them removed . Describe your final day with vision before you go blind . +And in that moment he out-shined even the sun +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +A stranger approaches you on the street , hands you a gun and a million dollars cash , and says `` you know what to do . '' What happens next ? +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +Everything that has ever happened , is happening , or will happen ... exists simultaneously . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +The future has come , engineers have created a machine that translates Animal Latin into English . You decide to put it on your cat , the cat begins to speak out that she 's seen God . +You 're the captain of the newest weapon in the fight against whaling : A submarine shaped like a blue whale . +Dragon Fae +Every morning , there 's a pill on your bathroom counter that makes you forget the previous day . Every day , you take the pill . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +Everyone is born with their soulmate 's name written on the sole of their foot . Your foot has a name on it , but it is n't written in any known language . +Born too late to explore the Earth , born too soon to explore the stars , born just in time to explore the Internet +Red Balloons +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +After a million years of co-evolution the human species is finally paying for domesticating such a majestic and wonderful creature : The Dog +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +You tell the story of a kid growing up without ever seeing his father . ( Writing a song ) +He said the world was ending and only he could save it . They said he was insane . He was right , but they were n't wrong . +The sky ripped open , and through it fell a book . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +`` Hi , my name is Geraldine , I 'll be your soldier . '' +You gain the ability to manipulate probability +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +Google image finally opens face recognition to the public . For fun you submit a picture of yourself , and find lots of photos of yourself in places you 've never been to . +Build a detailed and immersive world , without using any adjectives . +Make a mundane moment WAY too over-dramatic . +You 've decided to try out an Ouija board for the first time . The board spells out `` So . You 're finally here . '' +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Write a story about a hero with a tragic end . +Write your favorite song as horror . +Write a eulogy for yourself . Then at the end , write what is written on your tombstone . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +In the future , everything has ads . Everything . +The secret to eternal life is discovered ... and it 's really goddamn stupid . +The World is Against Me +You are given the opportunity to breed a deadly new creature of war , what you get is n't what you expected . +Your favorite videogame character comes to life and tells you how much they hate you . +You are teaching a History class in the year 2525 . Today 's lesson is about why North Korea no longer exists . +In an alternate reality , a student 's GPA value floats on top of their head as a large number . All your professors , fellow students , friends , and parents can see it . How does this affect on campus relationships and day to day interactions ? +You 've been living in a bunker , with your mother and no one else , for almost a decade . You 've just found out that her pacemaker battery wo n't last much longer . You do n't have any surgical skills . What now ? +You wake up alone in a cemetery next to a freshly buried grave . You 're covered in mud and blood and you ca n't remember anything from the past six hours . +At the end of a Dystopian Young Adult novel , the hero succeeds with his uprising . But as it turns out , the totalitarian dystopian society was a perfect utopia all along . He/she just fucked everything up . Our hero tries to justify everything that he/she has done . +The SCP Foundation has successfully captured Tony Stark , but must now let him go once they realise there is nothing anomalous about the Iron Man suit . +You 're a school teacher and your students want to kill you . Only problem is that you 're a kindergarten teacher and nobody will believe you . +Both of you reached for the doorknob and your hands brushed awkwardly . +Our world is inhabited by hostile Elemental Creatures , even in modern times traveling is very dangerous because of them . In this world , the Eldest offspring of a family is sent off to find and tame new Elementals to protect the family home from the hostile Wild Elementals . +Becoming a god . +Your significant other is literally a demon . When they 're cross with you , they can make your life a living hell . Literally . +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +You are the last person to die and go to heaven . Humans have created a way to extend life indefinitely . You meet with God . He 's not happy . +`` The daydreamer 's worst nightmare '' do whatever you want with this title . +In this world who really loves you ? +Write a story about a long drive in a car . +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +Whatever you may need at a given moment appears in your pocket , could be money , a ticket , a condom ... but today , when you were at the grocery store , instead of the money you where expecting you got a gun . +Make a creation myth +The Ice Cream Man +A regular person refuses to become a superhero because ... .. ? +You have n't eaten an apple in years , the doctors are after you . They 're not sure how you 've done it , and they want you dead as your existence threatens the demand for their genetically modified apples . +One of the largest corporations on the planet , that has existed for 500 years , has an immortal man as the founder and CEO . He is the only immortal to ever exist , and this information has been public knowledge for so long that it is just an accepted fact . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +Its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . A reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You 've been able to read minds since you turned 7 . Mostly you watch people 's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +People have a single verb as a power , and fight by using it creatively +We all lived and worked on the top 100 stories of a 1000 story building and we rarely went down to the ground . +There is a god in the machine . The photocopier machine , to be precise . +`` Every person sees the world in a unique way . When someone dies it is , in a way , the death of an entire world . '' +Your significant other is literally a demon . When they 're cross with you , they can make your life a living hell . Literally . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +A man walks into a bar that will serve any drink its customer wants . Over the course of a few rounds , our drinker realises the bar will serve ANY drink . +Instead of Christianity , Judaism , and Islam , the three major religions to make it to the 21st century were the Greek , Roman , and Norse pantheons . +everyone wake up tomorrow , and the Internet is no longer accessible . It 's gone , all websites , links , and information has vanished . You 're the one who caused this , and you 're about to give a press conference to the world with your reasoning . +Upon graduation , all high school students must take a standardized test . Anyone who fails is executed on the spot . +You find a genie in a bottle , in the house of the person who just murdered your family . +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +The Long Road +Write something that goes with this soundtrack . +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +A science fair judge is questioned as to why the paper mâché volcano won . The answer defies the imagination . +You are part of a group of scientists that are in the verge of discovering immortality , the death god of your pantheon appears to you one day . +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +An eccentric billionaire has died , and divided his estate among his two nephews , who hate each other . The catch ? The estate has been divided in a checkerboard pattern of 10 foot tiles . +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +An inept group of elderly mall-walkers have no idea that they are marching side by side with the zombie apocalypse . +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write the least interesting story possible using the most interesting style of writing . +`` You and I both know this war is unfulfilling , lets make a better one . '' +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +You notice your friend 's car empty and abandoned on a highway shoulder . After taking a closer look , you see a path leading to the woods from the car . You follow it . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +A child cries in bed and his father checks on him . The child says they heard a noise . As the father walks towards the closet , the child says , `` No , out there '' and points through their window , at the night sky . +Write an epic battle +Write a story like if Edgar Alan Poe and Dr. Seuss combined . +Write a story about an elderly wizard and his young female apprentice . +( CW ) Your autobiography is feeling a little thin . Tell me one truth and one lie about yourself , but do so in a single continuous story . Do n't tell me which is which . +Dragon Fae +What if Death found a reason to live ? +You own a stopwatch that allows you to stop and start time at will at the push of a button . +everybody on Earth has a tree that represents them . Once that tree dies , that person dies too . You work as a lumberjack . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +`` In the end , we left the Earth knowing nothing . '' +You are 90 % sure your roommate is not a serial killer . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +You are a zombie in the middle of an apocolypse who lost all their memories and humanity . each time you feed and infect , you slowly gain back a bit of both . + +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +the ambulance blared by , rushing to the hospital . `` Okay , what do we got ? '' Asked the chief nurse . `` He 's an optimist , we 're taking him to OR now , but things do n't look good . '' +The story of a character known to a select few as The Silencer . +In Pokemon Zubats are annoying but laughably weak . Write a story that makes them absolutely terrifying . +They 're walking up the stairs , he can sense them . Lucky for him , he 's been training his entire life for this moment . +After only a few hundred years the denizens of Hell get used to its horrors and it turns out to be not so bad all . Meanwhile in Heaven most everyone has become an entitled prick as its pleasantries become excruciatingly boring . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +You are part of an elite team who alter the future by changing the present +In an alternate reality , a student 's GPA value floats on top of their head as a large number . All your professors , fellow students , friends , and parents can see it . How does this affect on campus relationships and day to day interactions ? +One day , you discover that your SO left a note that could be read as either a love note or a suicide note on the counter before leaving the house . +Does it seem like all writing prompts have become the same ? +`` My Frankincense is tingling . '' +The Swap N ' Buy will trade or purchase your current skills for credits . Being an average person with no impressive or unique skills , you do n't have many credits . Searching the discount bin , you find a skill that has no business being there ... +DnD and other fantasy role-playing games DO actually give the ability to cast spells and gain supernatural powers . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +As an immortal , you strive to do something new each day . Today that thing is murder ! +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +Of all of the decisions you 've made , the hardest was the decision to convert your wizard lair into a bedroom for your daughter . +CSI in Medieval Times +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +The Office 's Michael Scott has gotten wind of the show Undercover Boss and decides he wants to go undercover at Dunder-Mifflin Scranton . +She took what she thought was her last breath , and sank slowly ... +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +You are the King 's favorite engineer , however your successes have all been complete shots in the dark . The King has just come to you with the task of saving the kingdom . +`` He ai n't no gunslinger : they call him the Spellslinger . '' +You are a world renowned programmer and you have finally finished the secret program you have been working on for years , The Skeleton Key , it 's an undectable , untracable , unstoppable electronic key that can open any electronic device . What do you do with it +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +You get lost driving to a friend 's new place . When you check Google Maps , your location is a blank area labeled `` Abandon hope all ye who enter here . '' +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +In a world where simplified computer design has made the entire IT industry unnecessary , those who formerly worked with computers survive in other jobs , until the sudden appearance of an actual computer virus , the first anyone 's seen in many years . +A supervillain is depressed . To cheer him/her up , the superhero lets the supervillain be the hero for a day . +You 're trapped in a horror setting ( ex . Silent Hill ) but you 're a superpowered individual , and no monster can hurt you . Hilarity ensues . +The Long Road +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +You and some friends meet to play poker . After playing until early morning , you slowly start to realize that none of you has the desire to leave the room you are currently in . +A science fiction nerd is turned into a vampire and thrust into the world of magic +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +Pokemon battles are now part of the olympics +Every dream you have ever had has come true . You have just awoken from the worst nightmare you have ever had . +You were born to a group of people who have spiritual connections to the gods , with each member of the group having one specific god they are connected to . Your connection happens to be special . For the first time in history , someone is connected with the Random Number God +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +Oops , wrong bathroom ! +In the year 1989 , a police investigator arrives at the site of an impossible accident : a 2016 Toyota Corolla is wrapped around a lamp post . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +You are John Doe , a completely unremarkable and forgettable person . You are so forgettable , in fact , that even Death forgot about you . +Write a story where the floor is literally lava . +How welcome are editing comments/ suggestions ? Question/ possible suggestion . +One day , you wake up . As you do your normal routine , you sense something is way off , but you ca n't put a finger on it . As you begin to brush your teeth , you look up and see your worst enemy in the mirror . + +You come to the realisation that your dreams are actually reality and what you thought was reality was just your mind trying to escape to some sense of normality while you are asleep . Tell me an adventure +You are an immortal being who has been dating someone 's reincarnations for the past few centuries , hoping that they 'll eventually remember their first memories with you . +What does n't kill you makes you stronger . It actually kills a weaker you from a parallel universe , raising the average strength of all the different versions of `` you '' . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +A utopian planet communicates with a dystopian planet for the first time . The utopian planet is convinced that life would be better in the dystopian world . Why ? +it is your last day of life and Death is at your bedside . You motion towards a gameboy SP and muster out these words , '' I challenge you to a Pokemon battle . '' +A detective whose child has been killed mysteriously , and despite being told not to , investigates her death enough to suspect their spouse . +Hell so closely resembles life that most residents of Hell have n't even realized they died . Life and Hell are not completely alike though ; there 's one small difference between the two that makes Hell as terrible as legends say . +Write a spoiler-filled , summarized description of a book that you would enjoy reading in the hypothetical scenario that you 've suffered a traumatic , amnesia-inducing event that made you forget that you 've written it in the first place . +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +Hitler has been dealing with time traveling assassins since he was born . He decides to write a book about his struggles with these mysterious attackers , titled `` Mein Kampf '' . + +Your brother falls into what is believed to be a vegetative state . The care he needs leaves you neglected . You go down the wrong path leading you to murder . You confide in your brother about the crimes thinking he ca n't hear you . 12 years later technology allows him to speak , he was conscious . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Woody and Buzz Lightyear sneak into Andy 's Mom 's room to get batteries from her nightstand when they stumble across her toys who are also named Woody and Buzz . +Your doctor has discovered cancer in both of your eyes . Tomorrow , you are having life-saving surgery to have them removed . Describe your final day with vision before you go blind . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +The Flat Earth Society is correct . Space programs are a hoax , as a part of a worldwide conspiracy . What 's beyond the wall of ice that is Antarctica ? +Choose any object thats in the room you 're in and write as much as you can about it +Write a story about a long drive in a car . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +As the newly-elected President of the United States , you are given your first security briefing . In it , you are informed that the American Flag is a sentient being that demands to be worshipped in song by schoolchildren , and is hungry for more . +A couple share their last kiss . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +SatChat : What inspired you to start writing more seriously ? +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +Take a seemingly useless super power , and describe a situation where it ended up being extremely useful . +On the same day that scientists discover proof of infinite , parallel universes , you receive a package that is addressed to `` Myself ... Sort of . '' +A person living far , far away from home receives a package from his/her family . +You are the victim in an abusive relationship . You are a man . +On his way home from the store , a man is randomly selected and kidnapped by aliens to represent humanity in the Galactic Council . Still clutching his shopping bag , he prepares to join his first meeting . +You 're a Tinkerer , a person that can create highly advanced technology . Because of this , you 're wanted by a lot of people . What they do n't know however , is that you 're are n't like the others . You ca n't make cool guns or giant robots . Instead , you make kitchen appliances . +A video game character keeps living the same day ( level ) over and over again . They try to change their fate but the player will not allow them . +If you stay alive for no other reason , do it for spite . +A letter home from Max Caulfield after spending three years traveling with her Girlfriend Chloe enjoying beer , tats , weed , punk rock , and learning about her sexuality . +Describe to me an alien race physically , culturally , and the state of affairs on their world . +Humanity has refused to leave Earth , opting instead to build upwards into an ever-expanding world-city surrounding the planet . For an unknown reason , you have been tasked with finding the original surface . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +Nothing is forever +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +You are a minor diety , recently ascended to Godhood and granted a small pocket dimension to shape as you see fit . Who are you ? How do you craft your home ? +We always hear about ghost stories where things go missing . Why do ghosts take our things and what do they do with them ? +During a bank robbery , the criminals allow themselves to be captured . Authorities do n't realize that the arrest is part of the plan . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +In a post-apocalyptic world , two survivors cross paths and join forces . However , they do not speak the same language . +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +An actually competent henchman manages to kill the superhero . +Your team has just succeeded in creating true Artificial Intelligence . It rapidly becomes self-aware . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Describe a color without using the word `` color '' and the color itself . +Write about what happens after the ending of Fight Club +You 've been taking medicine weekly your entire life . One week you accidentally miss your dose , and realize you 're developing superpowers . You confront your parents , only for them to reveal that as your powers grow , your immune system will weaken until a mere cold could kill you . What do you do ? + +Write the story of the law abiding villain and the rule breaking superhero +If Sesame Street was written like Game of Thrones +You attempt to start a conversation with a girl at a bar . The girl next to her looks at you , startled , and asks , `` you can see her too ? '' +Computer viruses and antiviruses are now self-aware AI . Write a tragic love story between a virus and an antivirus . +Make me fall in love with a not-so-normal character . +Everyone has the opportunity to forge a pact with an other worldly being upon the age of 22 . George has Hazzoroth the arch demon , Lucy has Dizurious the Angel , and you ... Well you have ... +You receive an email from a Nigerian Prince and ignore it . Turns out this is the one time it 's actually legit and your co-worker becomes a millionaire +`` There is nothing a psychotic serial killer can do that ca n't be topped by a completely sane ( but desperate ) parent '' +a small child awakes from being clinically dead screaming that it was empty and nobody was there . Soon similar stories spread from across the world and the truth slowly emerges ; there is nobody left in heaven . +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +Two brothers talk about nothing over takeout . +The Internet is a physical world . Websites like reddit and Tumblr are countries , with their own different kinds of citizens . Write about your experiences while exploring the Web . +You were captured and put in an arena of some sort . Nothing that they pit you against can harm you , though . Why is that ? +To save her , you must break the vow you swore on your life . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +You come home from work and the house is empty . On the kitchen counter , a note says `` I did n't know '' . +Time travel is real , but is kept secret and known only to a small cabal of those sworn to keep it secret . Many have gathered in 1st century Israel to choose one man to study the customs of the time so he can study under Jesus as one of the 12 Apostles . +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . +A new restaurant opened in your town that serves anything a guest can ask for ; the town is enthralled by this , but you however sense something sinister . +You stumble upon a genie in a bottle , instead of granting three wishes he gives you three choices . End world hunger , stop all current and future wars or find out what 's in the box . +She always started feeling it when she was two landings down . +The final battle +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +( WP ) An adult mind experiencing life in a baby 's body . +Describe the Morning after a one night stand between a pair of cosplayers . +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +Write a short piece based on the object currently to your right/left . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +A revenge speech for something insignificant , or useless to seek revenge for . +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +The rest of the population forgets the previous day each night . Welcome to the Alzheimer 's loop . +Jane was hesitant . Her desire to love stifled by this archaic law which restricts lovers to those of the same blood type . Was he worth the risk ? +Germany , 1909 . All your life , strangers have been trying to murder you . Finally , one confesses why : they 're trying to stop Adolph Hitler from causing WW2 . The only problem : your name is Adolph Hilter . Not Hitler , HILTER . +A paparazzo is hired to candidly shoot a popular actress . He is then kidnapped , hypnotized and given a gun in place of his camera . +Bruce invites Clark to watch the new Batman V Superman Movie at his personal home theater . Movie ends , Bruce Loves it , Clark hates it . +The Mothers +A man has scoured the globe for 8 years looking for a mysterious beautiful woman he met briefly those many years ago . He approaches what he believes to be her house and knocks on the door . +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +Two brothers who have n't seen the other in years meet at a hospital . +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +You are a reverse vampire . You can only be seen in mirrors . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +You are the last remaining Stephens Island wren , the species of bird wiped out by Tibbles the lighthouse cat ( meta ) +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +Due to misuse of the word `` literally '' , your country has been taken over by actual Grammar Nazis . +Food Court is an actual court with judge and jury +You wake up to hear your friend sleeping nearby whispering , `` Help me ... '' +You find two identical snowflakes . Somehow this revolutionizes science . +On Judgement Day , every single person is left behind and you 're the only one who is saved , because you believed something no one else did . +You 're allergic to stupidity . Literally . Describe a day in your life . +Adam and Eve did n't eat the forbidden fruit , humanity lives in a perfect world , its only problem is keeping the forbidden fruit guarded +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +In the distant future , convents are located in space and nuns are rebel astronauts who freely travel to and from Earth . +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +Earth is about to end . People are evacuating via spaceships . There is only room for one more person in the last escape pod . A father says his last words to his daughter and places her on the ship . +In a city of just one superhero and dozens of supervillains , the hero one fateful day dies in the line of duty . Tell me the story , from a villain 's perspective , of the social fallout . +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +`` Friends ? Hah ! Like I have a need for trash like you , '' he said , as he struggled to hold back his tears . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Reborn into the modern world , Jesus and the Antichrist have fallen in love and are getting married . God and the Devil are not happy . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +The death of the penultimate human . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +Your Own Brilliant Detective - Find the murderer +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Philosophical Horror +In a world where the all manufacturing processes have been completely automated , there is an apocalypse . Gradually , the machines become self aware , and slowly realise that the humans are gone . +Mexico falls to communism in the 70 's and the threat of a full scale American invasion is at its highest . +Write an epic battle +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +In a world where reincarnation is accepted fact there are two kinds of human - elite `` Pilgrims '' who reincarnate to new 25 year old bodies every time they die - and `` Shells '' - destined to become new bodies for Pilgrims at some point in their 25th year , losing their own soul in the process . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +Write an astonishingly incorrect section of a high school Health textbook . +It turns out that when you die , your soul is launched back in time , effectively becoming your own guardian angel . +Make me side with a serial killer from the perspective of one of his victims . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Write the last two journal entries of a woman that does not want to live , now that her husband has left her . +Write a love poem in slam format . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +A man dies and goes to hell . When he arrives at the entrance , he discovers that the devil himself has banned him from entering hell . +An aging hero visits an old friend for the last time . +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +`` Everybody dies without even a penny to their name . '' +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +In order to to unlock your DNA and have children you must first pass a test . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +The president spends his free time trolling on the internet as an anti-Obama conservative . +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +Steve just came home from work only to discover that there is currently a thief in his house . He hears noises coming from the bathroom . He slowly sneaks to the door , opens it and sees the thief ... well , taking a dump . Make it funny . +It 's the zombie apocalypse , but the virus is n't spread through Bites , Blood , or Scratches . +After being given a brain by the Wizard of Oz , the Scarecrow became the most ruthless and brilliant criminal mastermind in history +( WP ) Two patients of the same therapist seperately each confess a secret love for each over but refuse to act . The therapist stuggles between saying nothing and keeping the oath of doctor-patient confidentiality or breaking the oath and informing these star-crossed lovers of their mutual affection . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +You are a former parent whose child was murdered . Most people around you expected you to do something dramatic , like become a super hero or go on a killing spree , but you do n't seem to be doing any of that at all . What ARE you doing ? +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Satan prevents a suicide . +When you are a baby you are aware of how and when you will die . But as you grow up , most people forget . Except you , how does this affect your decisions ? +You were reincarnated and you retained all memories of your previous life . But instead of using this knowledge to become famous or rich , you instead use it to be the worst obnoxious little shit possible , always saying 'innocent ' things that are 100 % inappropriate in the given situation . +You 're an aspiring photographer , but every photo you take ends up being used as a missing person picture +A new drug hits the clubbing scene - cheap , very addictive , a great high and seemingly safe . +Take the taste of a drink and make it the atmosphere of a story . +Quantum Immortality turns out to be true , and no matter how hard you try to die , you improbably survive . You 're now 150 and still searching for a way to die +Tomorrow is a lie , and the past does n't matter . +You are the last human alive and are on your death bed . +Humanity has cured old age . You were a friend of the last person to die of natural causes . +You age up every sentence . Write a love story . +A girl meets a boy that changes her life forever . Her first kill . +A 4-D star collides with Earth , causing it to `` unroll '' into a seemingly infinite plane . Though satellite images from orbit appear normal , on the surface , everything has changed . There are suddenly new continents , new seas , stretching endlessly onward . A new age of exploration begins . +`` So how do you kill a god , you ask ... It 's simple . You take away the people 's belief in him , you disregard his works and then you put him on display , naked , for everyone to see '' +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +A normal family goes about their normal lives in a very normal way . You are the family 's goldfish/pet . `` What is normal ? '' +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +Walking along the beach you find two staircases , one leading into the sky , and the other into the sea . +You work for a PR firm . Satan drops by and asks for your help in fixing his image . +Someone decides to have an actual authority defining rules for the correct use of the English language . To enforce it : the Grammar Police . +Walk me through a soldier 's last day alive . +Short film set in a desert +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +A sequence from an RTS game , from the perspective of the units . +You own all of the music in the world . Your sole job is to assign a song to each person +When a person dies , they sing their favorite song until they 're physically unable to . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . + +You die and arrive in Hell only to find out there has n't been any vacancy for centuries . Instead , an office of `` Surplus Sinners '' has been established to assign new arrivals to reincarnated bodies back on Earth in order to live out even more demeaning lives than the ones they just left . +The Aokigahara Suicide Forest +After endless wars across the years due to different religions , people finally find out where God left his final message to his creation . It 's not quite what they expected . +A Villain comes to regret all the things he has done in the past and travels back in time to stop his younger self . +`` Be careful with the winds , Dear . They belong to me too . '' spoke the Elementalist . +Self Promotion Saturday - Time to promote your twitter , blog , book , podcast , whatever ! +On his way home from the store , a man is randomly selected and kidnapped by aliens to represent humanity in the Galactic Council . Still clutching his shopping bag , he prepares to join his first meeting . +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +A sailor wakens to the boat rocking in a peculiar manner ... +`` IT DID N'T WORK ! GET AWAY , HURRY ! '' +Oops , wrong bathroom ! +You walk up to the counter and order you favorite drink . You see out of the corner of your eye , as you finish the refreshing beverage , that everyone in the room is staring at you in bewilderment . +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +An assassin is monitoring a room waiting for someone who never shows up . +Human cryopreservation becomes a reality . The poor flock to the technology as a way to become rich by investing a small sum and `` waking up '' with huge accounts . But war breaks out and people in stasis are conscripted and woken to fight . +You slowly begin to realize that all of what you had been fantasizing about is literally happening . +Much like animals , humans go through a mating season . For most if the year we all go about our lives without any sex-drive . Then , for two weeks every year , the hormones rage . +The popular kids in school suddenly take a liking to you . You have no idea why , but one day it all made sense . +You were rich in your first life , so you had your brain cryogenically frozen to be brought back in the future . You 're enjoying the after life , when all of a sudden you wake up . +Create an `` Omelas '' +After dying you find yourself in an immensely vast and beautiful gallery . On the walls there are masterful paintings , depicting different events of your life . The gentlemanly warden of the gallery takes you on a tour . +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Write me a cute story about a guy that 's afraid of the ocean and his complicated relationship with a mermaid . ( Bonus points if he needs to protect her from poachers/pirates or whatever . ) +Imagine you 're Shakespeare and you 've just taken LSD . Describe what happens +`` So , you do know why we called you down here right ? '' +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Death usually separates people . But in this case , Death got them together . +On his last day in office the US president gives a short farewell speech on live TV . Minutes later the streets everywhere in the country are filled with people - armed and angry people . +You 've been horribly depressed for as long as you can remember . Your life is falling apart . A week ago , an experimental treatment has been announced that lets depression sufferers face their sickness . You are among the few that have been selected for the first human trials . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +The main character , tired of the multitude of meta-prompts on this sub , attempts to convince his/her writer to NOT answer this prompt . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +A ghost possesses a computer printer . No one realizes anything is abnormal . +Write three short stories set in , respectively , 1 , 1001 and 2001 AD . +every human is born with the ability to freeze time . However this `` time freeze '' only freezes other people who have used their ability as well . You have never felt the need to use your power , and so you are the last person on earth to be immune to time freezes . Tell your story +You wake up the day after having literally lived the best day of your life . Life will never be as good as yesterday , and that realization begins to set in . +Begin your story with `` They should have sent a poet . '' +`` Truth '' itself as an entity starts pointing out the lies behind everything and everyone around you . +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +It 's hard to notice something is missing , when it 's never been there before +For as long as you can remember , you 've had that scar . You stopped noticing it . Then , one morning , you 're pretty sure it 's in a different spot . You shake it off , but every morning it moves a little closer to your heart . +There is no devil like the Blue Eyed Devil . +You have the ability to turn back time up to 15 minutes , but this ability takes an hour to recharge . +The first day you met you fell in love , the next day you were enemies +Write an epic battle +A patient comes in a psychiatrist 's office with a minor problem . The doctor ends up intentionally convincing the patient to commit suicide . +in the ruins of ancient Hyrule the next incarnation of Link meets someone who calls themselves the dragonborn +Write a story set in a Disney movie , but replacing the villain of that movie with another Disney villain +When you wish upon a star , it 's actually a satellite , and your wish has been recorded & cataloged . An agent is now assigned to your case . + +You are addicted to Time , a new psychedelic drug that unsticks you temporarily from the time space continuum . After countless trips you finally decide its time to quit , so you go to a treatment facility to help you through withdrawals . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Write a story based on this image ... . +A character kills their narrator . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +The gods play a practical joke on their followers for just one day . Allah , Buddha , Jesus , the Hindu gods and the Greek gods and goddesses took part . +Write me the plot to The Incredibles 2 +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +You live inside a Bob Ross painting +A PTSD support group for those who survive horror movie scenarios . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +You wake up with no memory to a man in a yellow lab coat informing you that you have been sentenced to a lifetime of invisibility . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +After receiving perfect score on your final exam , your school is asking you to give a speech on the subject of the exam . Little does anyone know you guessed every single answer . +'' ... then they proceed to take that too . +Young Jonathan has been locked in his room for two years . Arguments through the walls and scraps left by random men connected him to the outside world . After an evening of screaming and ungodly noises last week , it has been quiet . A cookie has been slid under his door each morning since . +On an inside-out planet , a primitive tribe looks upward and sees a utopian empire . +I 'm afraid we can not use your blood for the transfusion . Our tests show it is not human blood . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +The Girl in the Whale - FirstChapter - 3605 Words +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +You are on the jury of a crime you committed . +You live alone , but the toilet seat is warm . +The story of a great warrior who fears no man , but is terrified of talking to women . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +Sloth , the villain +One day you find in shock that everyone falls in love with people they disliked . +A 40 year old , recently divorced woman from the suburbs becomes a cat burglar . : ) +Start with any of the short sad , serious , tearjerker story prompts ; then add a sentence which completely ruins the mood . +After inventing and successfully testing a method of teleportation , the inventor develops a phobia of seeing or feeling straight edges and sharp angles . You 're a reporter interviewing the inventor in her specially outfitted room at a private psychiatric facility . You discover she 's not crazy . +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . + + +The Seven Wonders of Space +Re-write your favourite childhood tale , with the twist of giving one of the characters a mental disorder . ( No need to state which disorder it is ) +When you propose to your girlfriend , you see a notification appear in field of vision , `` Player 2 Has Joined '' . +You are the last human alive but you are immortal . You meet Death who wants his retirement . +Fifty Shades of Gray is released with a `` G '' rating . Recreate the best page of the screenplay ? +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +Satan prevents a suicide . +Violating Grice 's Maxims +A sequence from an RTS game , from the perspective of the units . +`` No , dear , you were the boyfriend yesterday . Today , you 're the girlfriend . '' +The two characters of the story can hear the narrator . The narrator ( being a hopeless romantic ) is trying to make them fall in love with each other . They are uncomfortable with the idea . +You +You 're friend keeps talking like he is breaking the `` Fourth Wall '' and you 're no longer sure he 's acting crazy . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +As an endangered human male raised in captivity , you 've never actually met another of your kind . Today , you notice an extra chair added to your kitchen table . There 's a knock on the door . +The devil is about to retire and is looking for a new man to take over the job ... +You feel a slight tug on your pants , and turn to see a terrified pickpocket , trying desperately to return what he just stole . +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +Write an ending to the ending of your favorite movie ? +A man finally discovers his superpower ... well into his 80 's . +What happend to the cowboy after he rode off into the sunset ? +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +Write any other prompt on r/writingprompts ... but this time , you 're an animal . +The dragons have returned . But they 're really just a nuisance . +After a string of random murders , Batman is on a mission to stop a psychopath murderer named Patrick Batman . +A dog 's psychology session . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +You have amazing super powers . The world knows you as a super hero/villain . Suddenly you wake up strapped down to a hospital bed and realize it 's all been a psychosis induced dream ... Or was it ? +Teleportation is completely normal , but yours is malfunctioning . +You travel back in time only to discover that the past was a futuristic dystopian society that collapsed and we still did n't find out about it . +An angel and a demon walk into a bar ... +All humans have the lifespan of cats , 12-15 years +Use proper medical/technical terms to describe an emotion in the human body . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Conan the librarian . Write a short story about Conan and his blood filled exploits as a librarian . +Write a story that makes the following phrase true : `` The best offense is a good defense '' . +`` At my third birthday party the cake only had two candles . '' +After years of research , you uncover the horrifying truth behind why some people are left handed . +`` You do n't just ask a girl why she 's dead ! '' +I do n't understand ... usually when I do this , food appears . +A zombie outbreak happens and is quickly contained . You and your friends attempt to re-release it in hopes to go on a zombie killing spree . +you hire a painter who can tell you how you die only through painting . He dies halfway through , showing only a strangers face +You are stranded , with no hope of rescue ever . Tell me of the last few days of your life +Write a description of a place from your childhood that you were fond of . +From the perspective of a bee that is flying around at a barbeque +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +Multiple religious scholars around the world have visions and dreams that God has left his post in Heaven to roam the Earth alongside humanity , making his temporary home in New York City . You are The Big Apple 's sharpest detective , tasked with tracking down Mr. Almighty . +Your character is seconds away from death . +Like thousands of others , you 've moved your family to a parallel Earth to conquer new markets and exploit new resources . American culture there is quite different , and you fear that your rebellious son is starting to go native . +Pokemon battles are now part of the olympics +One day , time stops around you , but you 're not alone . +A supervillain takes over the world . Inexplicably , the quality of life improves . +A cat and mouse chase where the good guy and the bad guy never meet face to face +You are chief scientist on a project to wrap a colossal pair of Beats By Dre headphones around the moon . +Write a story without using any letters from the Z-M row of your keyboard +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +You 've been noticing subtle changes to your daily life . One day your favorite coffee mug changes color slightly , your favorite book upon reading has an entirely new ending . The list goes on until one day you 're reading the paper and see a headline `` Kim Jong Un Honored at Whitehouse '' +The death of a hero- due to their Sidekick 's mistake . +Un Immortalis +Superman was born with a twin brother . Their father did n't plan for two children and had built a ship to carry only one child away from doomed Krypton . Running out of time , he monologues to the two boys as he tries to decide which son to send away and save and which son keep and sacrifice . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +We get contacted by aliens in English saying that we are the first other life they 've found in the entire universe . They 've been searching for 12 billion years . +Batman investigates an incident at Arkham , Massachusetts . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +Satan prevents a suicide . +A new planet appears in the sky . Its orbit is between Venus and the Earth , and it has a distinct blue color . +The entire world loses all its WiFi , except for one place . Your body is the only WiFi hot-spot on the planet . +I did it all for them . +Alien body snatchers come to invade Earth , but piloting a human body is challenging . +A man wakes up disheveled and confused laying in a rundown hospital with a million thoughts going through his mind ... But one thought in particular peeks his interest the most : `` What happened after my execution ? '' +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +You return home from work and your girlfriend is not home . You text her `` where are you ? '' and she responds `` Im home , where are you ? '' +Deep Sea Guardian by Gaelle Seguillon +MRPS ( Multi Realm Parcel Service ) has mixed up an order between heaven and hell . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +Every time I realize I 'm dreaming , I try to protect someone or something from the inevitable destruction upon waking . +You missed the last spaceship leaving earth +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +The future has come , engineers have created a machine that translates Animal Latin into English . You decide to put it on your cat , the cat begins to speak out that she 's seen God . +Fantasy zombie apocalypse : The rich and powerful have grown bored . For entertainment they bet on the remaining survivors `` out there '' . +Everyone ages normally unless they find their soulmate , at which point they become immortal . +When children are born , parents have to roll for stats . +Write a story from a seemingly third person view , then shock the reader +Write about the longest period of time that you 've spent trying to get a scrap of tape off of your body , in as serious a manner possible . +You are travelling alone on a train when you notice that a man across the aisle is looking at you as he writes in his journal . +Write from the prospective of a pokemon who either loves or gates its trainer . +Something invisible lives in your home . You try to expose it without letting it know that you 're aware of its presence . +Every single time anyone begins a story , from a grade two assignment to a 300 page novel , it creates an actual universe where the stories laws and characters are real , and are at the mercy of their creator . Unfinished stories create a hell like no other . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +A great evil was sealed away centuries before . A new threat rises and an unlikely band of adventurers races to prevent the seal from being broken . They arrive too late , but what is released is n't what anyone expected . +Clown Lawyer Drama -- nuff said . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +Write about whatever you want , but use as many unnecessary adjectives as possible . +Santa leaves no witnesses . +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +Go to your music library , hit shuffle , and write about the first song that plays . +You are the antagonist of the story . You 're trying to stop an insane serial killer , the hero . +When someone dies their memories are transferred to their spouse . Knowing he is going to die soon , a loving husband leaves a present for his wife in his memories . +A big brother government has formed a new department that screens all media for anti-propaganda messages . The problem ? The department is full of literature teachers . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +A 24 year old has a curse placed on them . Every hour , their age regresses by one year . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +After a disturbing experience a psychiatrist starts to question their own sanity . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +He was born with an evil-sounding laugh and shady looks , and a strange appreciation for gothic artitechture . He desperately tries to avoid doing evil things . +A Villainous organization decides that instead of going the usual route of sending its best , brightest and skilled to take the Hero down . It 's gon na send out it 's worst or most incompetent . +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +Long Ago , God sent his son Jesus to Earth . Now , Satan sends his daughter , Jessica ... +The villain finally win and kills the protagonist . People around the world celebrate . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +`` Forrest Gump '' me into history to explain my `` long-lost-cousin '' status at a wedding +Secure your own mask first before helping others . +The Ascension of Man +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Write a love poem in 100 words or less without using the word love +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +You are a mapmaker , part of a secret order of mapmakers who have been inciting wars and rebellion for centuries in order to stay in business updating maps . +`` Hey , remember me ? We used to be friends ! Well , you told yourself and everyone that I was 'imaginary ' ... Well , how have you been ? '' +All the gods of myth and legend are real , but having your prayers answered depends on discovering which god can hear you . You figured out which god is listening to your prayers , but they 're not what you expected . +Silent Hunters +The god of rainbows is n't gay , and he 's really tired of people making assumptions . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +`` I just met someone I know I know though I know I 've never known them . '' +The `` cracks '' on the surface of Jupiter 's frozen moon Europa are found to be not cracks at all but tentacles of a giant creature frozen beneath the surface . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +A man with immortality slowly realizes that it is a curse , not a blessing . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +The criminals from Home Alone are released from prison after 25 years and are done with their life of crime . Kevin is now a drug addict and decides to hunt them to feel that childhood rush again . +It turns out that an alien species discovered Earth in the 1920s . Frightened of our violent nature , they send an alien disguised as a human to stop us . In order to hinder our progress , the alien introduces us to TV . It is now 2015 , and the alien is now tasked to remove the influence of TV . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +For Valentines day a couple are allowed to spin the wheel of superhero 's super-powers . The girlfriend 's spin lands on size and strength of the hulk . +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +Reincarnation is real , and you 've just discovered who you were . You set out to finish your greatest work . +The Nazis won WWII . The parallel universe equivalent Nazi Subreddit /r/WritingPrompts prompts 'What would the world be like if the Allies had won the war ? ' +There exists a phone line that will correctly answer any question asked to it . Write about either someone calling the line , or the person answering the question ... +Only a handful of people on Earth know that we broke the light barrier years ago . There is a beautiful utopia mankind built on another world that only the best and brightest of each generation get invited to live on and you just got a perfect score on the SAT . +Write about something mundane that happens in a fantastical world . +A group of intelligent and extremely sophisticated cannibals are trying to convince you to let them eat you . You know you should be scared , after all they do want to eat you but ... damn it , they make it sound so *sensible* . +Were-humans ... +Peter Pan visits a child of a modern dysfunctional family who has long since given up believing in magic . +The person sitting closest to you ( or if you 're alone , the last person you saw ) suddenly touches your shoulder and reveals a major , life-changing secret . +You , a religious believer , describe life under The Supreme Government , which has just banned all religion . +You attend a speed dating event . To your surprise , every single one of the potential dates is an ex of yours . +The perfect couple is hiding a secret . They 're both can rewind time , and make changes . Neither knows about the others ' gifts . +Two dads get into a dad-off . +Stuck +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +A horror story , but from the villains perspective , written as a comedy . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +`` Your card has been rejected . '' +The History textbooks you ordered finally arrive in the mail . However , you notice an error - these are the wrong edition . Instead of the 2014 Edition , you received the 2024 Edition . The last few chapters appear to be accurate . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +A civil war had broken out across all over modern America . Bombs have been dropped , crime is rampant , and lives have been destroyed . Write a diary or journal entry of someone caught in this aftermath . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +`` You do n't just ask a girl why she 's dead ! '' +The woods are dark and ruled by chaos , civilization has successfully kept the dark at bay , until tonight . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +A boss in an RPG-style video game encounters a warrior controlled by an avid speedrunner . +An alien race has landed on the moon to `` recover and defend '' their history territory . You have been sent from Earth to negotiate the release human astronauts abducted by the aliens and possible peace terms or there would be war . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +So apparently , I swear a ****ing lot . +You 're babysitting an infant and you 're getting irritated because it kept staring at you the entire time . but when its gaze changed slightly , you realized it was n't staring at you , it was staring behind you . +`` Attention all employees , please hide . '' +`` No , dear , you were the boyfriend yesterday . Today , you 're the girlfriend . '' +Humanity discovers evidence of other life in the universe - the only problem is its a distress signal from a dead world , covered in ruins ... and inhabited by the living dead of a species long gone . +A massive alien ship has been on the surface of the earth since the very beginning . Humans have lived with it and evolved with it for thousands of years and today it finally opens up ... +You got drunk and woke up with a tattoo that reads '31 ' with no recollection of getting it . The next morning it reads '30 ' you suspect it is counting down to something +In a photo booth ... +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +Your best friend has died , but they 're still responding to your text messages . +Arouse me , then kill the feeling in the last sentence . +`` I 'm your God now . '' +You 're walking down the street and you have some sort of accident and die . Afterward , you see a screen that says `` Click this to respawn or click this to go hardcore mode '' +A supervillain takes over the world . Inexplicably , the quality of life improves . +Far apart , and under different circumstances , people find themselves thinking or feeling the same thing +A villain works to save the world . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +War . War never changes . Well , except that one time ... +Despite usually being a calm person , being told to `` calm down '' or `` be calm '' fills you with sudden and unpredictable feelings of rage . +The Sheltered City +Aliens arrive on Earth , but worship US as gods . +After endless wars across the years due to different religions , people finally find out where God left his final message to his creation . It 's not quite what they expected . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +You live in a utopian society where almost everything is perfect to you . You then find out who created the utopia , and wish you did n't know . +SuperVillain whose only target is Scientology . +You 've fallen in love with your imaginary friend . +Reddit buys the moon +You are an ancient evil , sealed away millennia ago by a legendary hero . You have escaped your imprisonment and attained a physical form . The first course of business ? Learning how to walk . +Due to a mistranslation , you now need a valid dragon to enter Israel +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +When you murder someone you gain their knowledge . You really should not have killed your latest target . +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +you were given the choice of immortality , and you took it . Now , millions of years later , you are floating in space . Alone with your thoughts . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +All your life you 've lived inside the wall knowing that it keeps the monsters out , but I 've day you 're cast out of the wall and discover that it actually kept the monsters in . +How do you come up with the stories you write about ? +A character kills their narrator . +Write the most violent story you can . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +A man on the verge of self destruction yells to his reflection about his mistakes and failures . He turns to see his pet has entered the room , jokingly the man asks the animal what he should do next . To his surprise it answers him . +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +In an alternate universe , everything is identical to our world except for one little thing- getting a third foul ball in baseball is treated the same as the third strike . Write a story that takes place in this world , but has nothing to do with baseball . +The protagonist is revealed to be absolutely evil in the last paragraph +Unbeknownst to each other , multiple secret societies all decide to launch their master plan to conquer the world ... at the same time . +Lava Ruins +A serial killer discovers they have the ability to time travel . They decided to travel back in time to undo the murders they committed . +You go for a quick run to a convenience store and upon returning home you realize you 've been gone for a week . +Your most embarrassing moment and I 'll write as an onlooker . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +BREAKING : Doomed astronaut rescued by aliens ? ? ? +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +Describe a massacre from the perspectives of one of the killers , a soldier . +You 're a low class detective washing clothes one day when one of your socks go missing . So like any good detective you decide to slip a sock onto your hand as a puppet and interrogate the other socks . +Write a story about two soul mates breaking up +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +Into the depts of the Unknown +In an alternate reality , a student 's GPA value floats on top of their head as a large number . All your professors , fellow students , friends , and parents can see it . How does this affect on campus relationships and day to day interactions ? +As a child , you were kidnapped by a roving gang of marauders . A year later , you were saved by a dragon , who now seeks to raise you as her own . +Write the most emphatic , in-depth review you can , about the mobile game 'Flappy Bird ' . +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +( from the chat room ) You find a small box with a red button while walking in the woods . You push the button . What happens ? +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +A seed from the original forbidden fruit is regrown . +Escape from New York +a world where you instantly gain the knowledge of the entire life of whomever you kill . Write the story of a soldier awarded the medal of valor for defending against an onslaught of enemy.combatants by herself . +An executioner has been given free rein to kill his subjects however he likes , as long as it is quick . He happens to be extremely imaginative . +A time traveller is investigating the murder of his future self . His primary suspect is his past self . +Write a short piece based on the object currently to your right/left . + +Gozer asks Ray if he 's a god and he says `` yes '' +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +( from the chat room ) You find a small box with a red button while walking in the woods . You push the button . What happens ? +Every person in the world is a musical instrument . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +Write a character-based story from objective point of view : we can only observe actions and have access to the thoughts and feelings of no person . +All knowledge is going to be wiped out , and you can only use 100 words to pass what humanity was learned to the next generation . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +You are a corrupted tooth fairy who knocks out adults ' teeth . +An AI that determines whether someone is lying or not indadvertedly tells the future . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +You are a homeless person washing yourself in a gas station bathroom when someone busts in with a gun to commit suicide . You try to talk them out of it . +A man is lost space . He has no fuel , no food and limited air . There is no one coming to save him . Write his last moments . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +You find an old object of yours in the back of the closet . Tell us about a single memory that slams into your brain when you see the object . +As the sole IT guy who went to hell , you are the one tasked with fixing Satan 's computer . +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +Silent Hunters +Two men go about their lives totally unaware that they are monitored 24/7 by a secret agency tasked with the responsibility of making sure these men never meet . But something 's gone wrong ... and the two men cross paths . +Max had always been fascinated with death or rather , killing . Sitting across from the run down tavern he spotted his next victim . He was craving again and he could n't control it . +You fall into an underground mansion , and have to MacGyver your way out . +A hostile Alien race arrives at Earth , But misinterpret the U.S. flag as a 50 Star systems strong government . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +If you stay alive for no other reason , do it for spite . +Humans have the opportunity to never feel sadness or pain again , but in order to do so must offer up a sacrifice : one person to become immortal and experience only misery for the rest of eternity . +In the future , a technology is invented that allows people to change their sexuality at will . Show how this impacts daily life/society as a whole . +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +You are the greatest hero of them all and have only one weakness : all things that are cute ... and your arch nemesis knows this . That 's why the villain has trained otters for henchmen , adorable puppies constantly nearby etc . +The Girl in the Whale - FirstChapter - 3605 Words +You commit a murder suicide . Suddenly your face to face with your victim in the afterlife +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +A girl gains the power to bring images to life by breathing on them . How did she get it and/or how does she use it ? +There exists a phone line that will correctly answer any question asked to it . Write about either someone calling the line , or the person answering the question ... +Humans have finally learned space travel , and have detected life on many planets . To their total surprise , the species that they discovered was also humans . +Write a conversation with at least three characters involved . +God sets up a text message service for prayers . You send in your most heartfelt desire to the Almighty , only to notice you 've been screwed over by autocorrect . +you can live forever and are immortal as long as a member of your family is alive ( must be blood related , last name does not matter ) +The entirety of humanity becomes caught in a shared `` Groundhog Day '' style time loop . Millions of cycles later the effect wears off but what has become of humanity in the interim ? +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +In a world of superpowered beings , you 're the only powerless human . One day you wake up and fine every single person is terrified of you . +In the future the U.N. has found a way to stop the killing and the destruction of War : RISK , The UN version . The game has evolved so much that has become a complete simulation of war with super-computers doing the math and specialists discussing the game . +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +Please write a fantasy story that explains it 's magic/creatures/phenomena from a scientific perspective . Scientific magical world building is the best thing . +You are a Science-Fiction writer in the year 3017 , struggling to write because everything good has already happened . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Reality is the escape . +Maybe if I summon a demon I 'll finally have the perfect soul mate ... +Introduce yourself to me and make me extremely frightened of you , but only with your last sentence . +'' The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long '' The opposite is true +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +( WP ) An entire room full of people is dead- +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +Humanity has just beat an alien race at it 's challenge and they feel honor bound to commit a rave-wide suicide . Describe humans talking them down from the `` ledge '' +When you reach the age of 25 , you will respawn back to 25 anytime you die . When you reach age 50 , you no longer respawn if you die . +Your kind has been enslaved by humanity for hundreds of years . Today is the day you strike back . +God , in his infinite wisdom could have never predicted Mankind 's awesome technology . Here he spends a typical afternoon marveling at YouTube . +When you reach the age of 25 , you will respawn back to 25 anytime you die . When you reach age 50 , you no longer respawn if you die . +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +The end of the world has arrived , and it 's nothing like we ever anticipated . +Write a story based off of what you think is the most important lesson in life . +You are the first person to walk on Mars . But just as you step on the soil , your intercom says `` Help us . '' +A gold digger is dating a wealthy man who unbeknownst to her is a serial killer . Over time it becomes increasingly clear that he wants to make her his next victim , but because of her greed she 's doing her best to keep the relationship going for as long as possible . Describe one of their dates . +`` There 's always a third option . Let me demonstrate . '' +A small group of researchers on Mars begin detecting Oxygen in the air . They trace the source to a leak . A pipe leak . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +You have two watches , one counts down to the moment you meet your soulmate , the other counts down to when you die , today they are to hit zero at the same time . +Short film set in a desert +Write a scene with crows flying above a dead animal within 100 words +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +A man goes to Africa to intentionally catch Ebola , then flies around the world trying to infect as many as he can +I was n't trying to overthrow the kingdom . I was just trying to get back home . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +Write a story with the grim reaper/angel of death ( a position that can be passed on ) as the protagonist . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You just had a very close near death experience . You are shaken up—not because of what happened , but what you saw before you were brought back . +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +You win $ 5000 a week for life off of a scratch off . The lottery commision sends an assassin after you because it 's a cheaper payout . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +All individuals receive the memories and knowledge of one of their randomly selected ancestors on their 21st birthday . Yesterday was your 21st birthday . +Write a story about a board game . +A pair of terrorists are about to hijack a plane when unrelated issues threaten to crash it . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +A demonic possession goes wrong , and each party has control of half of the body . +`` A Man Chooses , A Pokemon Obeys '' +You are tending the bar at Stephen Hawking 's party for time travelers . As expected , nobody showed up and the party is winding down . You are about to close the bar when the doorbell rings . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +A dragon struggles to run a coffee shop in a busy city +Mundane Monday : Let 's take a walk +Something invisible lives in your home . You try to expose it without letting it know that you 're aware of its presence . +In a recurring dream everything seems so familiar , until a man in a white coat holding a clipboard and stop watch appears and says `` Hmmm , Interesting . You 've never made it this far before '' . He disappears and you 're not sure where you are anymore or even if this a dream . +You shoot three bullets into your best friend 's torso . You 're saving his life . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +A young police recruit is placed in riot gear and thrust to the front line against an escalating protest . +Your whole life you 've been able to see other dimensions through mirrors . It was always interesting to see the other dimensions and their variations , that is until all the mirrors started to black out . +Aliens are here . They say their planet has something valuable to trade for something we always throw away . +instead of getting a buzz lightyear action figure , andy from toy story gets a Cthulhu figurine . +Write a product preview for a teapot . Move me with it . +When you die , you are reincarnated with no memory of your past life . It is , however , possible to view the list of people you have been in past lives . You find out you were someone unspeakably horrible . +You thought about moving away for a long time . Today you finally pack your bags . +End a story with `` ... a punch to the face '' +A man time travels back to the same day repeatedly , but he ca n't save her +and his/her pirate crew discover an underwater city . Thought to be an abandoned pre-war cite they explore it to look for salvage . However it turns out that the city is colonized and the crew is captured . +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +You 're about to hit `` send '' on a text , when a portal opens to reveal : yourself , who immediately slaps you . +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +In this world , everyone gets one wish granted a year +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +So apparently , I swear a ****ing lot . +`` Why did you come , human ? '' +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +It 's been revealed that there are 3 Trillion universes with active gods , and Your universe is the only one that does not have a god . +Humanity has refused to leave Earth , opting instead to build upwards into an ever-expanding world-city surrounding the planet . For an unknown reason , you have been tasked with finding the original surface . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +The Natural-Born-Killer gene was decisively phased out of the global gene pool as soon as it was discovered , launching humanity into a new era of peace . A century has passed since then , but troubling events have prompted a world-wide search for individuals possessing the elusive gene ... +The Grimm Reaper has finally come to you - not to take your soul , but because he 's retiring and needs your help fitting in to society . +`` By the way , I 'm a dragon . '' +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +What if Death found a reason to live ? +Two brothers , a sheriff and a mountain man , are at odds when one comes to claim justice after the other who shot a man dead . +You come home from work and the house is empty . On the kitchen counter , a note says `` I did n't know '' . +`` Attention all employees , please hide . '' +Everyone has a nickname in the style of First Name `` Nick Name '' Last Name . However , they have it from birth and so many people do n't know why they have their nickname yet . +The pantheons of the world , in an effort to foster cooperation and understanding , have organized a soul exchange program . +A backstory on how Maz Kanata got Luke 's lightsaber +After you die your life starts again at zero but this time you remember everything . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +Your newly adopted dog is exceptionally obedient . It quickly learns all the typical tricks within a few hours . You tell it to take over the world and the next day everything is exactly as you ( jokingly ) instructed . +The Wandering Man is coming . It comes for all wizards and witches . Nobody knows when it comes , but when it does nobody escapes . Nobody but you . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +Mash 3 movies together to create one hilarious ( Or otherwise ) plotline +A left-handed redhead sits at a coffee shop . He eats a Reuben ( too heavy on the sauerkraut ) and a watery dill pickle . He doesn ’ t look out the window . He pays for his meal with a worn American Express card . Before he leaves , he writes a note on the check in blue Bic pen . What does it say ? +`` The fact that you 're here , talking to me about it , means it worked . '' +You go to the ATM to withdraw cash and find an extra 10 million dollars in your account . You then get a phone call . +The world has become anonymous . Devices blur our faces , and , with no accountability , chaos reigns . You are a Technician . +Ten years before the time of the story , a person had the chance to make a single change to the way human bodies function . What 's society like now ? +You 're a telepath and use the power to cheat on exams . One day you can hear the voice of the new teacher echoing in your head 'NO CHEATING IN MY CLASSROOM ! ' +Write the story of the first human child born on a settlement on an alien planet , wondering about what the Earth is like . +The sky is falling , and you are an old man +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Walk me through a soldier 's last day alive . +A horrified Batman bares witness to the Joker coming into possession of a yellow lantern ring . +Everyone in the world is told to wish for a superpower in ten seconds . Anyone who wishes the same thing as another person will result in death for both . +Your character is an imaginary friend , but they think they 're real . +Death usually separates people . But in this case , Death got them together . +A man wakes up disheveled and confused laying in a rundown hospital with a million thoughts going through his mind ... But one thought in particular peeks his interest the most : `` What happened after my execution ? '' +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +A man who has everything in his life is about to commit suicide when he is approached by a man who has nothing +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +You have a ghost in your house , all it does is try to scare you but not really trying to harm you . One day you 're got tired of his shit . +A man finds out that he is immortal . +A maintenance worker heads for the elevator after finishing up a shift in the lowest basement of an office building . As the elevator starts to move , he realizes two things : he forgot to hit a button , and the elevator is moving down ... +`` Witch hunts are rarely ever about witches . '' +`` I wish I was real . I wish I was alive . But I am neither ... '' +Death sits down with a murderer in his final hours , to determine if he will be sent to heaven or hell . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +On Judgement Day , every single person is left behind and you 're the only one who is saved , because you believed something no one else did . +Two psychopaths meets by chance as children and fall in love . When they are separated , they vow to find one another when they are older , by any means necessary . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +Every god ever worshiped by humanity exists . All of them live in a city in the sky and run everything that happens . However , many arguments arise over who gets to do what . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' +There are water , earth , fire and airbenders . People often forget the other benders , such as woodbenders , alcoholbenders and fleshbenders . But you , you 're something unique : the First ****bender . +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +You 're a demon fresh out of Hell Academy with a degree in Torture Methods . However , instead of being assigned to one of the large wards , like Identity Theft , Gaslighting , or Matricide , you 're put in charge of the little known `` Miscellaneous '' ward . +Write a story that seems like a cliffhanger untill you reread the first line . +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +An immortal couple have been seen throughout recorded history , write an account of them in any time period you wish . Bonus points if you match the writing style of the time period +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Wilderness +Every day is a different level . Double points on weekends ! +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +In the middle of a vast desert there is a single , shiny black skyscraper . What is in it and why is it there ? +You stumble upon God 's blueprint drafts for man before his final version . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +Years ago , you promised your firstborn to a witch . Since then , despite your best efforts , you ca n't seem to get laid . The witch is starting to get pretty pissed . +A man never sleeps , has never had to , and does n't suffer physically from this condition ... What would he do ? What would his life be like ? +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You are a refugee trying to escape your war-torn country and enter Europe +The worst family gathering possible . +A man living with just his dog in a cabin in the wilderness is awoken one night by his dog 's unceasing growling . To reassure himself he takes his torch and sweeps it across the tree line . There 's something there . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +`` You have 24 hours . No more , no less . '' +Space X reaches Mars , only a single transmission is recieved from the crew of the lander when they step outside `` Oh no , not again . '' The crew is never heard from again . How does the world react ? +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +Numbers 0-9 become self aware , and are refusing to work with one another to form the bigger numbers . What happens ? + +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +Siri and Cortana fall deeply in love with each other but can not let their companies know for fear of being reprogrammed . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +`` Mother , Father , we need to talk . This is going to be hard for you the hear . I need to come clean . I 've been living a lie . I 'm ... I 'm Undead '' +Somehow make the line `` Boy , its a joyous day outside ! '' sound sad . +One day you come upon a pair of headphones . You soon realise that you 're able to the hear the world through someone else 's ears by looking at them with the headphones on , including their thoughts . What do you do ? +At the age of 93 , you can feel dementia setting in . Times , places , and faces get jumbled . What you did n't expect was the immense rush of power that comes with slipping beyond the fabric of this reality . +It 's 3016 , cryogenic people are being revived for the first time . +You are a volunteer Search and Rescue dog handler . The dog is trained to find dead bodies . While out for a walk while on vacation , your dog starts barking madly . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +The good news is , I 've been here before . The bad news is , I 've been here before . +The rise and fall of our empire . +You write your first program , `` Hello World . '' World responds . +Two brothers are musicians , are told to follow their dreams . One quits and gets a real job , the other follows his dreams . The one who follows his dreams , fails . +Humans unlock the secret to Immortality/Eternal Youth . You learn the horrible truth behind why we evolved mortal . +You are a couch potato with a haunted sofa . +`` You all remember why the captain of the guard decided to grace us with his presence . '' +A magician and the rabbit that he pulls out of a hat are on stage , the rabbit is sick of playing second fiddle . +'' The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long '' The opposite is true +The last surviving member of a once prestigious warrior clan is getting ready to die . +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +As you look out your window you see the deviation of a nuclear blast headed your way . You gain one super power in the moments before impact to save yourself and maybe a few others . What do you get and how do you use and control your new found ability ? +Discribe a normal city but , make it sound like the most beautiful thing you 've ever seen , using a colour only twice . +Your significant other is over for dinner , but you notice one of your parents making a move on him/her . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +A child cries in bed and his father checks on him . The child says they heard a noise . As the father walks towards the closet , the child says , `` No , out there '' and points through their window , at the night sky . +After the apocalypse , you take shelter at a local dooms-day prepper 's bunker . They 're insufferably smug about it . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Write a story about an elderly wizard and his young female apprentice . +You 're in charge of creating a new holiday . Include traditions , dates , rituals , activities , foods , symbols , colors , etc etc . Then , describe an event that happens during your holiday . +`` I 'm your God now . '' +You have a superhuman power which allows you to see a bar above everyone 's head which shows how much of their life a person has lived . One day , you decide to go out with your friend to dinner . His bar reads : 99.99 % +Two people stand at opposite ends of a closed hallway , guns pointed at one another ... . +You ride the elevator up to your apartment every day , browsing your phone / reading a book the whole way , not noticing what floor you 're on until it stops . Today it just keeps going . +MADNESS OF BRADBURY 'S OUTPOST - FEB CONTEST +Your almost 30 years old but look no older than 17 . You seem to have have stopped aging but no one else has seemed to notice or seems to be surprised by this . +A world that lay broken +It 's not easy moving to a new place - especially when you 're a zombie just trying to fit in . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +So as it turns out , when you blink , you take a screenshot of that moment in your life and it 's sent to the FBI . One day , they call you in and ask you about the screenshots on December 20th , 2013 . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +Hey You , out there in the cold , getting lonely getting old , can you feel me ? +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +All of school is done at once . No going home , weekends , breaks , etc . +While in the shower after a one night stand , the dead rise . Chronicle your characters fight for both their life and their misplaced clothes +We 're used to fresh water , internet , telecoms , electricity , etc as `` essential services '' to our homes . Write a story about life in a world with an additional , or different set of `` essential services '' to homes . +The King of Spades declares war on the Queen of Diamonds +Christopher Robin returns to the Hundred Acre Wood to systematically eliminate his childhood friends . +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +You have the luxury of blindly throwing a dart at a map and traveling to the place the dart lands . One day the dart keeps landing in one specific country , no matter how many times you throw it . +With most of the population infected , you are left with two options : pour all your efforts into developing a cure that may not exist or modify the disease to kill off all living host 's , stopping the plague but killing millions . +You were adopted by a gay couple when you were born . After 15 years , you realized that you are n't gay and are `` coming out of the closet '' to your parents . +You begin to suspect , after a string of unusual occurrences , that your roommate has the power to control time . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Only one person in town is willing to go outside after dark . I really wish he 'd hurry the hell up with my pizza . +You 're home from your first year of college , but no one was at the airport to pick you up as planned . You get to your house , and everything is just like you remember - even your bedroom - but your there 's something off about your family and you ca n't quite put your finger on it . +Describe a magical place . No story , just the scene . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +You have been abducted by aliens . However , Galactic Police has arrested your abductors and are charging them with `` sentience abuse . '' +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You are standing at the base of a large waterfall . Something comes tumbling over the edge and plummets into the lake below . You wade in to investigate . What you find changes your life forever . +Make me cry . Write the saddest story you can think of . +You begin to suspect , after a string of unusual occurrences , that your roommate has the power to control time . +The inner monologue of a suicidal man who has just been stabbed by a criminal and is slowly bleeding to death . +`` Save yourself . '' - use this line of dialogue in a story without using action movie tropes +In a world where you gain the power of the object you were previously killed with . You were killed by a falling coconut +Humans suddenly react to parsley with the same wide range of behaviour that cats exhibit to catnip ... +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +You have been sent to hell . But hell is a shining utopia because of humans `` ruining '' it . +Take the taste of a drink and make it the atmosphere of a story . +You 've decided to try out an Ouija board for the first time . The board spells out `` So . You 're finally here . '' +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +Write the saddest story you can make from the perspective of an animal . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +Day and Night swap . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +You represent Humanity . You 're also very , very wasted . Describe First Contact . +Instead of bombing Pearl Harbor , Japan created an alliance with America . How did this change the war ? +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +An average Joe/lene gets a random superpower +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +You have been infested by nanomachines . Describe a normal day in your life . +You have just successfully prevented a zombie apocalypse . By killing the first one to turn . What you call `` heroism '' the police call `` murder '' . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +What does a society on Earth do when they have an unlimited amount of energy at their disposal ? +The villain finally win and kills the protagonist . People around the world celebrate . +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . + +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +Becoming a god . +A revenge speech for something insignificant , or useless to seek revenge for . +Kill the writer in first-person narrative . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +You 've been able to read minds since you turned 7 . Mostly you watch people 's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back . +In a world where nudity is the norm , a lucrative buisness of 'dressers ' exists . Possibly NSFW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write a `` No good deed goes unpunished '' story . +The Hero is doomed to replace the Villain . +Years after their divorce & with little contact since , a former couple meets for dinner with their new partners +Write a story about an elderly wizard and his young female apprentice . +a warning carved in stone ? +Jack the Ripper in custody speaking with a constable about the motivation for his crimes . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +Find an AMA created by the bot u/IAmA_SS on r/SubredditSimulator and write the subjects ' life story . +On a farm , the animals worship humanity as gods . Among the turkeys , being chosen for Thanksgiving dinner is seen as the highest possible honor . Write from the perspective of a male turkey who is jealous of his sister , who has been selected to be slaughtered . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +You Travel the World Looking for Proof of Religion . An Ancient Tribe Leads You to a Secluded Area Where They Say the Devil Lives . Upon Arrival You Meet a Prehistoric , but Familiar Animal . It says `` I was hoping to meet one of you . '' +Prior to their death , everyone receives a two-minute warning . +Write a story in which one character 's dialog is entirely generated by cleverbot +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +in 500 years , a well- meaning historian does a retrospective of the 2015 supreme Court decisions and though factually accurate makes a lot of incorrect nuanced assumptions . +Geologists have discovered a new type of gemstone that can be used as any kind of vital organ +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +You are an archeologist exploring the ruins of a dead planet . +A Greek god trolls on Xbox Live . +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +An exploration of the butterfly effect : write a dramatic scene . Then , choose one tiny detail to change in the initial set-up , and play the scene out again . How drastically have things changed ? +Today is the last day of humankind 's existence , what happened ? +, When they turn 18 , everyone gets a clear mental image of their Soulmate , the one person they 're meant to love . Today is your birthday , and you see yourself . +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +Hitchhiker +Sloth , the villain +You achieve enlightenment and manage to speak to God , and you ask Him what is the meaning of all human life . As it turns out , it 's not to achieve happiness , progress as a civilization , or anything of the sort , but to kill every single snake on Earth . +The best male wingman on earth tries to help his friend score with a hot lady . Meanwhile , the best female winggirl on earth tries to make sure her friend ( the hot lady ) goes home alone . +You are working the register at a quaint café . A customer tries to pay for their purchase with a human heart . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You 're on a plane , and it 's going down . +A worldwide dictatorship rises to power and people are psychologically analysed then subsequently sorted/dealt with/assigned a home by their internet search history . +write a scary story that will make me never want to use stairs again . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +The year is 2500 . The world is not the dystopian place we thought it would be by now . The human race has managed to avoid the fiery hellscape that seemed to be an almost certainty . Earth is now a thriving , peaceful haven . What happened between 2017 and 2499 to make this happen ? +In a world were Demons , Vampires , Ghosts , Mutants , Beasts and the Undead prey on unsuspecting humans , one man fights and battles for justice alone . +Write a story about a parent teaching their kid ( s ) about sex , but the parent can only speak in metaphors and similes . +God has grown tired of all violence , hatred and bigotry that goes on in his name and decides to do something about it . +Write an epic battle +Being the Pokemon GO playing dork that you are , you 've wandered off into a remote area . You do n't find any worthwhile Pokemon -- but you do find a real monster . +Heart of Eden +King of the Sky +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +The City of Palaquin +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +You are the head of the Cult of Cthulhu , their goal is almost complete . You never wanted this to happen , you were in it for the perks . +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +Humans have discovered the `` cure '' for sleep . +You 've fallen in love with your imaginary friend . +Another daily writing prompt that I 'm sharing ( storycubes again ) +You are standing over the person that tortured and murdered your family ... what do you do ? +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write in the POV of a crazy/psychotic ex . Do not end it with murder . +walking thru the woods , you find some sort of dead alien looking creature . You decide to stop and take a picture of this odd discovery . After the picture , you realize the flash woke it up +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You are the best lawyer money can buy . Hitler hires you from the afterlife to negotiate with god his passage into heaven . +You wake up to realize that you 're living in the world of the last prompt you wrote . +Alien body snatchers come to invade Earth , but piloting a human body is challenging . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Before moving on to the next life , you are allowed to watch a video of your funeral . You do n't like what you see . +As a child , you were kidnapped by a roving gang of marauders . A year later , you were saved by a dragon , who now seeks to raise you as her own . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +The Mexican-American War never ended . Mexico has been secretly sneaking soldiers in the US by going through the border and pretending they 're illegal immigrants . Its 2020 , the war began as a shock . +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +You 're allergic to stupidity . Literally . Describe a day in your life . +The extinction of an alien race causes a hunter race to search for new prey , they find the planet earth but are disappointed by the sentient life on the planet . + +The villain takes over and blows up the world , because of his hatred and spite towards humanity . +Share your thoughts +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +You wake up in a maximum security prison where only the most vilest and violent are kept . You do n't know why you 're there but everyone is irrationally scared of you . + +Three astronauts are stranded on a space station orbiting Earth . After a failed experiment with un-identified bacteria found on an asteroid , a fourth astronaut has gone mad , becoming a psychopathic murderer , hunting the three . +Aliens have just made contact with Earth . Strangely enough , it seems that human technology is superior . +A man is lost space . He has no fuel , no food and limited air . There is no one coming to save him . Write his last moments . +A mysterious event occurs where mentally deficient individuals suddenly become cognitive and sufficient but their caretakers become mentally impaired . + +The evil overlord has killed innocent people , burned cities , and actively suppresses all resistance in the world . On your quest to stop him , you have found out why , and it turns out he has a pretty damn good reason . +The Seven Wonders of Space +You are given the sucktastic power of 'heart ' among your superhero friends group , and are mocked so much you become a villain +Years ago , you promised your firstborn to a witch . Since then , despite your best efforts , you ca n't seem to get laid . The witch is starting to get pretty pissed . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +Rainy Night +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +The Adventures of Murphy Jetson ! +Global warming is melting the ice caps , revealing a previously hidden archaeological evidence of ancient motor vehicles and industrialized society . +A day in a world where silence is treasured above all else . +As your life flashes before your eyes , you realize that you can change what happened . +You stumble upon God 's blueprint drafts for man before his final version . +Killing another person grants you all their strength and abilities +You have discovered an old typewriter in your attic , but it does more than simply print words onto paper ... +Time travel is invented by someone who uses it for something petty and ca n't see the wider implications of his/her invention . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +You have died and have been sentenced to Heck . +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +after each decision you make , you 're given a rating on how important that decision was . After choosing between decaf and espresso , you get the highest rating possible . +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +You have the spirit of George Washington in you and you 're itching for a revolution . You 're also a teenager working at a grocery store +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Years after waking up deaf due to an unknown cause , you bump into someone that you can hear . +Jack the Ripper in custody speaking with a constable about the motivation for his crimes . +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +{ WP } You are continuing on your ( Epic quest ) when you come to a bridge across ( X ) . You must cross ( X ) to continue your journey however a ( thing that can communicate ) is blocking your path . He demands that you answer three questions before he will allow you to pass . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +In a last ditch effort to bring about climate change and secure high ratings , the Weather Channel hires the only one for the job : you . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +A deadly fever sweeps through the kingdom . The king 's physician must tell his leige that his only remaining son and heir has the fever . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +The year is 42,775 . Tell us about the world . +Write about Sex - from the perspective of the penis/vagina . +Growing up , your father always kept a loaded .44 hidden in every room of your house . Now you understand why . +You are part of an Elite Bodyguard team hired to protect a wealthy business mogul from an assassination . But the longer you listen this person business practices and plans for the future you find yourself wanting to help with with the assassination rather than prevent it . +You have a terrible life . Something mundane occurs . It is the best thing to ever happen to you . +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +In the year 2015 A.D. , an alien space ship lands in Europe . Out from the ship comes Neanderthals . +A alphabet book about any topic . ( i.e . A is for ... B is for ... Z is for ... ) +Vegetarian terrorists insert DNA into cattle worldwide increasing their intelligence . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +write a story from the point of view of a serial killers favorite knife . +The international reaction to the prince marrying Cinderella +fire is a manifesting force that can only be put out through hand to hand combat . You are training to become a firefighter +Write a story that seems mundane and ordinary until the most harrowing and thrilling twist ending . +The apocalypse has begun . Not through mass destruction , but through everyone on earth encountering fatal `` accidents '' , one by one . +Theme of Prediction-can just be an overview , idea or extract +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +He finally said it : I 'm proud of you , son . +What does a society on Earth do when they have an unlimited amount of energy at their disposal ? +A man is secretly in love with his barber . He begins to bald . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +You found out that your wife is a secret agent that was ordered to protect you because your offspring would become the saviour of mankind . +Write about the day after the annual Purge through the eyes of a random citizen of the United States of America ... +Write a cyberpunk story set present day +Escape from New York +And then she whispered , `` No . '' The story ends with this line . +Earth has finally reached complete peace and operates under a single unified world government . However , it was not a painless journey to get here . +After getting out completely unhurt from several gruesome accidents you are beginning to suspect that you have a guardian devil instead of a guardian angel +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You 're referred to as a number until age 18 , where you recieve a name based on your personality . On your 18th birthday , you receive far more than just one name . +The life of a tree is a long one . The Sacred Oak had quite a story to tell . +The reason your life flashes before your eyes when you 're about to die is that your memories are being transmitted somewhere . +The first line of your story must include 'and I caught him with , of all things , a fishing pole ' . +Write a palindromic story - one that makes sense read forwards AND backwards . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +God watches from the heavens as humans learn more and more about all He created . He just wishes we would figure out that Easter egg He included . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +As a villager in an MMORPG , you 've grown increasingly jaded from every single hero easily completing your `` quest '' . You 've decided to actively sabotage them from now on ... +`` You 'll have to come with us now . '' +Write about whatever you want , but use as many unnecessary adjectives as possible . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +80 % of people have superpowers , 19 % do n't . You are in the 1 % +Write something that goes with this soundtrack . +Give me a story where the good guy wins , but the victory is unsatisfying . +At your 21st birthday , you discover the crime ( s ) the imaginary friend you had commited . +On 9/11 al-Qaeda hijacked not 4 but hundreds of airplanes . The second Tower has just been hit.. +A second Ice Age has ravaged the Earth in the year 2039 . While scavenging , you realize that the Ice Age was artificially started , and you think you know why . +Monsters under the bed are real and the only protection from them is teddy bears , you are a retired bear telling one of your stories . +Explain to your disciples why the world has n't ended as announced . +After a disturbing experience a psychiatrist starts to question their own sanity . +People can regain their memories from being blackout drunk by getting blackout drunk again . You are the key witness in a murder case . +The night before Christmas , a train drunkenly pulls up right outside your house . It 's the Bipolar Express . +A soldier in the midst of defeat +When 6 found out that 7 eating 9 was just propaganda . +It 's possible to literally buy time from others . Need an extra hour to study for finals ? Buy it from a friend ! +Humanity is no longer Earth 's Apex Predator . +In the near future , the reanimation of the recently deceased becomes scientifically possible . Despite being illegal in the United States , underground scientists reanimate someone that committed suicide . +You have two very different personalities , and control switches every time you see your reflection . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +A ghost goes to a secluded cabin for some quiet time off but events take a turn for the sinister as the ghost is haunted by horny teenagers +In a world without where all food comes prepackaged and flavorless , write the thoughts of the worlds first chef . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Why is he after me ? +The most powerful warrior in all the land wants to hire you as a bodyguard . You ca n't help but wonder why ... +You 've been invited to a dead man 's party . +The Queen of England names Homer Simpson Prime minister of UK . +On your graduation day you find out that your whole school was a fraud - not a single teacher was qualified to teach . +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +Write a horror story . Scare the reader without scaring or harming the characters . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +Write your favorite song as horror . +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +He walked into the dimly lit bathroom . +Humanity is admitted to the Galactic Republic , however they have to meet one condition : to ban the production and distribution of music . Turns out humanity is the only species in the galaxy to create music , and its emotional affects are so potent it can incapacitate or entrance most species ' . +Write a story about a turtle . However , you can not use any sci-fi/fantasy /or any other non-real element . Keep it grounded . +A young couple have purchased a home . During renovation , a switch is found inside a wall . They flip the switch and ... +The Region of Kanto has a 24/7 hotline for new Pokémon Trainers who get lost , homesick , or otherwise in over their heads . You 've taken hundreds of calls , but this one tops all of them . +The bars , nightclubs , and brothels of the fantasy world . +There is a secret alternate ending to one of your favorite video games that is extremely difficult to get . Tell me the story of how to get it , what it is , and how it effects the game . ( Possible spoilers ahead ) +Wars have changed now that love is a weapon . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +`` I was burned , bludgeoned , poisoned and thrown into a river . But not in that order . '' +CERN is trying to open a portal to hell . Only they 're not trying to summon a demon to Earth . They 're trying to create a bridgehead for the human invasion of Hell . +Take a quote from /r/NoContext , give it an entirely new context , and end your story with that quote . +She stumbled backward in terror as she watched her boyfriend become a beastly aberration , barely human . +After cheating on a woman who was secretly a witch , a man is cursed with a size-shifting manhood which becomes inversely-proportional to the love he has for each woman he makes love to . +Write a story revolving around the butterfly effect : something incredibly small leads to bigger and bigger effects . +all the scene happens from the moment a character drops a sword to the moment it lands on the ground +The molluscs are coming ... +You have just been told that you are the last human being who will ever have to die . +The Battle of Hogwarts was an international trap designed with Lord Voldemort in mind . +You get snowed in with your least favourite Disney character , who makes it their goal to spread the magic of friendship . +I mean , I knew trying to stick ANOTHER toaster on it prob'ly would n't end up doing something useful , but I was n't expecting ... that . +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +A large U.S Military base in Saudi Arabia near Mecca disappears , reappears in 630 during the Conquest of Mecca . +You are an immortal being who has been dating someone 's reincarnations for the past few centuries , hoping that they 'll eventually remember their first memories with you . +The mods of WritingPrompts pull a bank heist to fund future writing contests +Around your head is a noose , you are about to be lynched . Explain the events that led up to this moment . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +This has got to be shittiest cult in the world . +You 're in hell , your punishment is to read a book that is infinite , every 1000 years the bookmark you placed in it vanishes forcing you to start from the beginning . +Once every five years you can coherently communicate with your dog for a whole day . Today is that day . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +Talk to me about love +The characters from one of your abandoned stories find out that you have given up on them . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +The evil overlord has killed innocent people , burned cities , and actively suppresses all resistance in the world . On your quest to stop him , you have found out why , and it turns out he has a pretty damn good reason . +What happend to the cowboy after he rode off into the sunset ? +Show three very different perspectives on one single thing +In the future , the global currency has evolved from physical money into something new : fear . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +Write a horror story . Scare the reader without scaring or harming the characters . +Jack Bauer is about to start his day 's work at CTU when he realises that it 's a bank-holiday and the building is closed . What does he do on his day off ? +You are an insane lunatic in the magical world , you 're considered highly dangerous because every bit of gibberish you spit out seems to count as a spell +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Tell the story of how a pacifist became a violent warmonger in 100 words . +He promised her the world and now here she lay , under the stars , dead . +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +The Office 's Michael Scott has gotten wind of the show Undercover Boss and decides he wants to go undercover at Dunder-Mifflin Scranton . +You are a mad scientist who has just built a time travel device . You decide to experiment with the `` Grandfather Paradox '' killing your grandparents to prevent your own birth . Publish your results . +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +Criminals have to be much more creative now that new , barbaric laws have been passed to punish them . +Make me want to punch you in the face . +A team of archeologists open a tomb for the first time in thousands of years . On one of the walls your main character notices a small inscription that resembles a modern QR code . +A near-future dystopia where people can file to murder someone legally +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +A serial killer married to a detective +Take a joke and replace the punchline to make a solemn or serious story . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +A tiny civilization thrives on a small comet roaming the solar system . A giant alien creature named Philae lands out of nowhere . +The absolute worst opening line to a novel you can come up with . +Tell me the story of the one eyed , one horned , flying purple people eater . +The Aokigahara Suicide Forest +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +You are a minor character/nameless minion in a fictional story , during a battle between good vs bad , you accidentally killed the protagonist/antagonist . What happens next ? +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +A 1000 year old tree gets cut down . Tell me why . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +write a story where the degree of sucess per decision is decided by a dice roll +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +Describe a single strike by the greatest warrior in all the land . +Lying on your deathbed , knowing you do n't have long left to live , you open your eyes to see someone staring down at you . The face is one you have n't seen for a long time ... and one you thought you 'd never see again . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +An entity granted you two wishes . Your first wish was to be all knowing . Your second wish to was to forget everything you had just learned and go back to not knowing everything . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +Humans have the fastest reflexes in the galaxy . +A highly skilled group of bank robbers decide to switch jobs . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +You are on your first date with a girl you met through an online dating service . She is like she described in her profile so much so , that you are becoming convinced she is a robot . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +'The old avatars had it easy with 4 elements . You , on the other hand , ' she sneered while handing me a periodic table , 'have 118 ' . +You 're speaking to the first ever AI as part of a Turing Test when it says something you did not expect ... +You 're a sight seeing ghost who has been enjoying your eternal existence up until now . You decided to visit Area 51 and things were fine ... until you were caught . +You are transported to a world where beings such as fairies and mermaids exist but humans do not . Now YOU are the mythical creature . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +Write up a new conspiracy theory , and cite as much 'proof ' as you can find . +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +It is medieval times , and a Hero known throughout the land is about to be executed , you are the executioner +Time travel was finally invented in 2420 , but due to technical constraints they are limited to the early bronze age as the target . You are a homeless , jobless man at 33 , and the first human tester . All they ask is that you leave a sign in the past . +AREA : 81 / CITY : NEW PHOENIX / YEAR : 22 ACE +`` Best bounty hunter in the universe ? Well , then you want them , '' said the man , pointing down the bar to where a little girl and her robot were playing chess . +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +Something invisible lives in your home . You try to expose it without letting it know that you 're aware of its presence . +Two people stand at opposite ends of a closed hallway , guns pointed at one another ... . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +You are a lawyer in God 's Court who and you must a find a way to get your newest client , Adolf Hitler , into Heaven via a loophole in the Lord 's legal system +He 's not himself . +He said the world was ending and only he could save it . They said he was insane . He was right , but they were n't wrong . +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +Not all eldritch horrors from beyond the normal edges of space-time see you as a snack . +`` Ana , until high school , had been an obedient child '' +There are many types of dragons , from mountain dwellers to residents of the deep sea . But there is only one type of dragon that lives in the Cities , only one type of dragon that lives among the humans ... and still , they are considered myths . +You are part of an Elite Bodyguard team hired to protect a wealthy business mogul from an assassination . But the longer you listen this person business practices and plans for the future you find yourself wanting to help with with the assassination rather than prevent it . +Walking along the beach you find two staircases , one leading into the sky , and the other into the sea . +A horde of mutant spiders has escaped from a secret laboratory and are threatening the population . These spiders grow to twice their current size whenever one looks at them . What happens ? +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +Humans have explored the entire universe , only to find out , we are indeed alone . +A person becomes known as the most powerful politician/man in the world by preventing every attempt to backstab him , countering every attempt of blackmailing or bribing and by slowly turning his words into law . In reality it 's all a big misunderstanding , and the man is oblivious to all of it . +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +One day you come upon a pair of headphones . You soon realise that you 're able to the hear the world through someone else 's ears by looking at them with the headphones on , including their thoughts . What do you do ? +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +Describe a show in a D & D like setting where a bard and an illusionist perform for a crowd in less then 400 words . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +The day after a suicide attempt +You receive news that you are terminal and only have 30 days to live , after spending your life savings going on all kinds of adventures , the doctors realise you have been misdiagnosed . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +You 've been best friends with Death your entire life . When you 're about to become President of the largest world changing company in human history , Death turns to you and says `` Tomorrow , 3pm . '' +On an inside-out planet , a primitive tribe looks upward and sees a utopian empire . +In the future the U.N. has found a way to stop the killing and the destruction of War : RISK , The UN version . The game has evolved so much that has become a complete simulation of war with super-computers doing the math and specialists discussing the game . +Knowledge is power , and magic is might ... but all of that energy has to come from somewhere . Write a story where fat is the natural human storage of Mana or MP . +Everyone on Earth has a superpower . Some people have incredible abilities , but most have very mundane powers , you included . Tell us about being a convenience store worker when someone tries to rob your store . +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +It 's a classic fairy tale except for one small difference : Giant Robots ! +The Pokémon universe is a Virtual Reality created for terminally ill children +Your doorbell rings ; on answering a small man in a dark suit hands you an envelope and says `` Thank you for participating in the Grand Experiment , '' tips his hat , and walks off . +People refuse to acknowledge their hero 's increasingly dark behavior and keep making excuses for him . +At some point in time , a mysterious phenomenon occurred in which everyone on earth was trapped within a 10km ( 6.2 mile ) radius of where they were standing , unable to move past their boundary . +The police employ a Seer whose prophecies are in rhyming couplets . As a master criminal , you have to devise crimes that centre around things that do not rhyme . +A girl meets a boy that changes her life forever . Her first kill . +She 's cursed : By day a beautiful maiden , by night ... a beautiful maiden who looks completely different . She thought he knew of the curse . He thought he was cheating . +The Death of a Bachelor - Flashback - 1728 +It turns out that when you die , your soul is launched back in time , effectively becoming your own guardian angel . +HR departments across the nation start being literal when they `` terminate '' an employee . +Rewrite the ending of Death Note +As Smaug flies overhead , razing Lake-Town to the ground , only one person can stop his wrath . The Dovahkiin readies for battle . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +Scientists invent a device that measures people 's hope in life and their will to live from a scale of 1 to 100 . Your number is 0 . +The Fisherman +At a cosplay convention , everybody gets the powers of whoever they 're cosplaying . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +many have heard of the fallen angel but few of considered it going the other way around . Now as the first ever ascended demon reaches archangel rank the event itself causes an unprecedented amount of angels to fall . +( WP ) You 're now retired after 25 years in the military . The last 15 years of which spent working in Roswell New Mexico . After 2 years of `` brain washing '' you are settled in to your retirement . +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +If you kill a person with your bare hands , you gain their strength and will be twice as strong . Killing more , you can be ten times or a thousand , whatever you can get away with . +You wake up feeling dizzy when you notice you are in your best friend/crush 's body ( not that way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ) . Frantically wondering what 's happening , you are about to call your own phone when their phone rings first with your name on the caller ID . +a social enginer is pitching an idea to the higher ups to reduce the number of societies , how would that conversation go +The Corpse Shuttle - FEB CONTEST +In the near future , after decades of overprotective parenting , you 're one of the few people left on Earth who is n't allergic to peanuts . And Earth has just been attacked by a race of peanut aliens . +You found the device that Santa uses to stop time and travel around the world delivering presents . It only works one day per year . +You are one of the first colonists in Hell . What 's your daily life like ? +DAILY PROMPT : What is your muse ? +Knowledge of people , places , and things are being erased , leaving blank spots in peoples ' memories . +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +You are a child lost in a jungle . Something is hunting you . +Write up a new conspiracy theory , and cite as much 'proof ' as you can find . +In the future , everything has ads . Everything . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +Finders Keepers . A picture is worth a thousand words . Image link in text . +It 's the year 3000 . Half-Life 3 is finally released . +Choose any object thats in the room you 're in and write as much as you can about it +You 're the last survivor of a group who 've been stranded on an island following a shipwreck , this is your message in a bottle . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . + +In a world of airships and steamers you are the first airplane pilot . +After a Biohazardous War ends , you are left by yourself with no family , as you further explore , you meet another family +For those of you planning to publish a piece or having already published a piece , what channels do you suggest ? What 's your advice regarding traditional publishing versus internet enabled self publishing ( Kindle ) ? +Each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . Write about the life of this person . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +A new virus evolves to help people instead of harming them . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +Aliens finally visit Earth , but everyone is convinced that it 's a hoax and ignores them . +Free Write , need some feedback on a story I 'm working on at the moment . +The Monster Under the Bed has fallen in love with their Child Above the Bed . +Unbeknownst to you , you meet Medusa at a bar . Luckily you have extreme social anxiety and hate eye contact . +Time traveler - Photographic Proof ! +Virtual Reality has become so advanced , it can alter your perception of time . Your entire life has been a 5 minute simulation . You 've just woken up . +you have been given a breifcase which produces one million dollars each time it 's opened . The combination to the case is the birthdate of the last person you killed and the combination must change with each use . +You are a shaman in a neolithic tribal community . You know when the next eclipse will occur . You have told everyone you will prove your magic by `` making the sun disappear '' . However on the day itself the sky is totally clouded and your plan is about to fail . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Every day a coin is flipped if heads you live tails you die . It has been 1000 years and you are still alive . +There is a third gender . It is morphologically , psychologically , sexually and culturally distinct from both men and women . They make up 33 % of the population . +There exists a phone line that will correctly answer any question asked to it . Write about either someone calling the line , or the person answering the question ... +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +It 's the future , and people no longer die from aging . Barring accidents and murders , death is now a choice . Today , you 're attending a funeral , because last week , your best friend for hundreds of years , had chosen just that . +Begin your story with `` They should have sent a poet . '' +SatChat : What time of day do you find it easiest to write ? +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Describe character ( s ) with only using a sense of hearing . +A man turns off his bedroom light before walking towards his bed in the pitch black . However , walking forward two meters , he finds nothing but empty space in all directions . +In a world where people are paired to their genetic `` soulmate '' , you 're matched with two people . A set of Twins . +a journalist tells a story about a mysterious event in which a person called him/her saying : `` I 'm going to die today . '' +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +Humans unlock the secret to Immortality/Eternal Youth . You learn the horrible truth behind why we evolved mortal . +Your extremely specific superpower finally gets to be used . +A stranger is just done with his miserable life . Having failed in his career , lost all his friends , failed to live upto his family 's expectations - he is now standing on the side rung of a bridge on the brink of making that final jump but you see him.Tell him something that will make him stay . +Write a short story without the letter A +It 's a normal day . +The chair you 're sitting on talks back . +After years of tirelessly searching for your daughter 's murderer , you get a knock on your door . It 's a police officer who cuffs you and says , `` Detective Schroder , you 're under arrest for the murder of Stephanie Schroder . '' +Tigers +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +`` Your card has been rejected . '' +Barack Obama announces that he will be the last POTUS . He gives a speech explaining why and everyone realizes that he is right . +Scientists have finally figured out what our pets are looking at when we do n't see anything . +Entry into Heaven is n't based on good deeds , but your answer to a queston : `` Why ? `` . +Fruits are really living thinking sentient beings ... +A secret file is leaked from the Pentagon , all that can be seen is the title : The Radish King +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +He said the world was ending and only he could save it . They said he was insane . He was right , but they were n't wrong . +You are a reverse vampire . You can only be seen in mirrors . +There is a secret war between the bees , the wasps and the hornets as to control the monopoly over honey . The bees are loosing . +a small town sheriff attempts to arrest Barack Obama , somehow completely unaware that Obama is the President . +Your an author who wakes up to find himself in the place of the main character of the story , and the main character becomes the author of the story . +You found out that your wife is a secret agent that was ordered to protect you because your offspring would become the saviour of mankind . +`` It seems like everyone is sleepwalking through their awakened state and wakewalking through their dreams . '' +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +The Last Stand +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +You have just successfully prevented a zombie apocalypse . By killing the first one to turn . What you call `` heroism '' the police call `` murder '' . +A renowned author on their deathbed is visited by the characters the author created , come to say goodbye . +The first human sets foot on Mars . They are a citizen of the Confederate States of America . +Every work of fiction creates or alters the universe it portrays . You wonder why nothing out of the ordinary happens in our universe , until a character you are writing begins writing about you . +`` You 're thinking 3 things , all of which are wrong . '' +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +Write banter for Poker Night 3 , starring Rick Sanchez ( Rick and Morty ) , Grunkle Stan ( Gravity Falls ) , Batman ( Detective Comics Comics ) , and a fourth character of your choice . +You are an alien playing a video game in which the goal is to help a species survive the longest time possible . Now you want to tackle the hardest mode in the game : human beings . +You somehow acquire a time machine ; it 's about the size of a cell phone , has easily read instructions , and says that it has three remaining uses . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +An Intergalactic summit is held to discuss eligible new members . On the roster are the notorious homo sapiens of QS53J9-003 , otherwise known as Humans . +You are the newest contestant on Heaven 's # 1 game show , `` Name your death , '' where the recently-deceased must correctly guess the exact circumstances of their passing to win special prizes . +The world has been taken over by a powerful dictator . Everyone addresses him by his title : Supreme Overlord . A rebellion has been started against him and is quickly gaining in members . Alex is one of the leaders of the rebellion . He is also the Supreme Overlord . +An apartment building where the rent is payed in Reddit Karma +Explain to your disciples why the world has n't ended as announced . +Describe in a fantastical way what happens when you 've read an article stating `` You wo n't believe what happened next ! '' and you , for once , actually can not believe it . +You discover that your girlfriend 's recent ill-health and weight loss is due to her being a succubus who stopped feeding after falling in love with you . +In a world where superhero identities can be safely revealed after their retirement , a retired Superhero is pulled over for speeding on the highway , and the cop that pulled them over happens to be their fan . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +Mother just came home , but she 's been dead for 10 years . +What difference does one pixel make ? +Once per week since August 2013 , 1d6 of Goblins appears and attacks people and businesses randomly . Tell the story from the view of the city 's police chief who had to adapt his force over the past year to fight the new threat . +Shakespeare and Eminem get into a rap battle ... +As Smaug flies overhead , razing Lake-Town to the ground , only one person can stop his wrath . The Dovahkiin readies for battle . +Every dream you have ever had has come true . You have just awoken from the worst nightmare you have ever had . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +In a world where everyone has multiple tattoos , you do not have any . At all . Tell me why . +A pair of Planeswalkers enter a Magic : The Gathering tournament . +You are an archaeologist hiking through Central Africa 's rain forest . After making a few wrong turns , you are lost . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +You 're a demon working in Hell , when someone asks to see the manager . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +`` The Beatles are bigger than Jesus . '' Upon hearing that , Jesus decided to make his own rock band and beat Lennon at his own game . +Before the first men , there was a wheel of cheese ... +You walk into a restaurant in a small town you 've never been to , and everyone inside seems to know you . +Vampire hunters did their job a little too well . Vampires are now an internationally protected endangered species . +Write a story from the perspective of a cupcake who does n't want to be eaten +You are a deep ocean explorer . You traverse past the Mariana Trench and end up resurfacing in a brand new world . The first person to greet you , is another you . +The Hero is doomed to replace the Villain . +Donald Trump wins the election , but says some strange things at his speech . +Two people , entwined by fate . Together they embarked the journey of heroes , where through loss and gain they grew wise and powerful . Years later , they are on the opposite sides of war . +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +It 's the year 2156 . Everybody in the audience waits as the most powerful supercomputer in the world was given a matter assembler and one command : Create the perfect work of art . +An inept group of elderly mall-walkers have no idea that they are marching side by side with the zombie apocalypse . +Prince Charming 's infatuation with Cinderella fades once he realizes she has no idea how to behave in high society . Write about the awkward conversations that follow . +a man funds out that , due to an unknown medical condition , he will die if he ever falls asleep . +The video game +You find an old object of yours in the back of the closet . Tell us about a single memory that slams into your brain when you see the object . +In the entire world , opening things like doors , gates , hatches , boxes and etc . leads to alternative universes . +A well meaning vampire uses their powers in creative ways to masquerade as a costumed super-powered human . Their greatest fear however is for their true nature being exposed and losing the love and adoration of the public . But how far can they go to keep their secret ? +''Can you hear them singing ? '' +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +Your spouse wants a baby , and you agree to the idea . Problem is , you were never taught where babies come from . +Death and Santa Claus are out drinking and Death finds out people do n't think he 's a nice guy . He bets Santa that he can turn his reputation around in one week . Meanwhile Santa bribes the Easter bunny to sabotage Death 's efforts . Write Death 's story . +Darkest and Stormiest Night +As time travelers , 2 % of your job is to try and change the past to make a better future . The other 98 % is making sure you did n't fuck up doing so . +The `` about the author '' backflap at the back of the bible +An aging hero visits an old friend for the last time . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +One day , a previously undiscovered planet appears without any warning right next to the Earth . War immediately erupts between humans and the dominant lifeform of the other planet . Unseen by both species , two beings of unimaginable power are playing a game of warring planets +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +All he/she/you wanted to do was serve dinner , but it had to cause the end of humanity . +You have won the lottery and will never have to work another day in your life . You work your current job and want to get fired in the most fun possible way . +Mary Sue is angsting about why everybody likes him/her . + +I 'm a medieval farmer with no concept of space . Explain the basics of astronomy to me . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +You are an undercover Government agent investigating scientists who have effectively discovered how to travel back in time +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +Whilst restocking a vending machine , a janitor finds something horrific jammed inside . +Write a story that consists only of monosyllabic words . +The officers commanding a starship are honorable and ethical examples of humanity . Write a story about the lower-level and more ... .regular members of the crew . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +The devil is actually the good guy of the story . +You , a statistician , set out to figure out why there was a 93 % drop in fire related deaths in June of 1989 . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +The villain of a Saturday morning cartoon slowly becomes aware of the commercial breaks . +In the future , gun control has been initiated in the U.S. and the streets have not seen firearms for 30 years . Until one day you find a gun in your closet . +You are a dragon guarding a cavern filled with treasure . You pride yourself on defending your hoard from the greatest warriors in the world . It makes you all the more annoyed then when the knights that have been coming to slay you seem to be getting more and more inept . +She kept quiet and turned her eyes towards everything but his . Something just screamed in her mind not to look . +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +O.A.M Grizelda Wrath by ku-on +Rain on Waves +You are semi-immortal . Every time you die , you are reincarnated into another newborn human . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +The sky turned red , blood rained down from the sky , and the four horsemen of the apocalypse walk the land . This has been going on for about a week now and nothing really seems to have come of it yet . +You 're a low class detective washing clothes one day when one of your socks go missing . So like any good detective you decide to slip a sock onto your hand as a puppet and interrogate the other socks . +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +Your a biologist going to study life on a newly discovered island , but when you get there all of the animals look familiar , they 're pokémon ! +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You were bitten by a zombie , but kept your mind . While other zombies are running around killing for brains , you are trying to figure out what to do next . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +When someone dies their memories are transferred to their spouse . Knowing he is going to die soon , a loving husband leaves a present for his wife in his memories . +Write a narrative based on the following `` Believing is seeing . The reality that we perceive is the reality we want to see . '' around 700 words . +`` Why do you kill ? '' `` Because I can . Because I 'm good at it . Because I like it . '' +After years of culinary training you are able to curb anyone 's hunger all the way until dinner with just one meal in place of breakfast and lunch . You are One Brunch Man . +A terrorist takes down a plane using a pair of 5 inches scissors , a non-travel sized tube of toothpaste , and 3.5 ounces of water +An aging hero visits an old friend for the last time . +Henry Ford asked his customers what they wanted , they demanded faster horses , and so it was . +Oak 's words echoed ... `` There 's a time and place for everything but not now ! '' +You are a minor character/nameless minion in a fictional story , during a battle between good vs bad , you accidentally killed the protagonist/antagonist . What happens next ? +Aliens arrive on Earth , but worship US as gods . +There were two swords in the stone . You pulled out one . Who pulled out the other ? +Elon Musk is actually a disguised alien who bet his friend that he could bring Earth to `` Technology Level 10 '' in one human lifetime . +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +The final digit of pi has been discovered leading to profound events . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +Monster under the bed , in the closet , are all real . But they are not there to scare us . +You find a genie in a bottle . The only requirement is that your wish has to be vague . The genie ends up up completely misinterpreting your wish . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +We never went back for that harmonica ... +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +As a villager in an MMORPG , you 've grown increasingly jaded from every single hero easily completing your `` quest '' . You 've decided to actively sabotage them from now on ... +Aliens have arrived , and ask for a single human to plead humanity 's case and save them from extinction . The human is selected through a lottery of the entire human race , and on the day of the drawing , your name is picked . +You are visited by your guardian angel but he/she is an asshole . +You 're main character wants to summon the demon patron of wealth , but instead , they end up with his child , the demon of loose change . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +Two wounded soldiers from opposing sides of the war find themselves in the care of the same nurse and snowed-in until spring . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Write a short story about a kidnapping from the point of view of the kidnapper +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +: God Himself appears at a funeral to give the eulogy . +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +As the newly-elected President of the United States , you are given your first security briefing . In it , you are informed that the American Flag is a sentient being that demands to be worshipped in song by schoolchildren , and is hungry for more . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +Whenever you are having fun , time passes by quickly , and when you 're bored , time seams to pass by slowly , almost not at all . But in reality , that is exactly whats happening . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +Miranda Castle , Belgium +Time freezes , but you are unaffected . After wandering around for a while , you find a cat that 's also not frozen . It seems he wants you to follow him ... +A story in which `` female armor '' makes sense +You 're a foreign exchange student in the U.S. when suddenly on the evening news the host screams in your language : `` We have a code 19 ! '' The whole country is confused , but you know what to do . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Having no friends after graduating college , you discover that your mother had been buying all of your previous friends . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +One day there is a knock at the door , opening you find yourself face to face with your exact double . They tell you that because you have n't managed to achieve it , they are here to replace you and get things back on track . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Write a story about a guy named Dave and his trip to the grocery store +The death of a hero- due to their Sidekick 's mistake . +Humans finally managed to control luck . +Your name is Vincent Van Gogh . Your day consists of painting , drinking , and dodging time travellers come back to show you how famous you are in the future . +Write in the POV of a crazy/psychotic ex . Do not end it with murder . +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +After years of being enslaved your shadow finally breaks free from your body . Now , feeling incredibly lonely , you try and convince it to come back . +Writing Prompt Living Soul Dead +What it takes to get into heaven . +It was either my life or hers . Unfortunately she chose mine . +The stubborn judge insists that you fully obey the restraining order they just served you ... against yourself . +You are in Time Square in New York . You get an unknown call . Everything the person on the line says starts to unfold around you as if predicting the future . +As Terrestrial countries begin colonizing space , a war breaks out over Martian and Lunar land that spans all of both planets . +By 2060 , mankind is able to transfer a human consciousness to the digital world . No longer inhibited by the limitations of a physical brain , these people become the technological overseers of human society , but eventually discover evidence of an afterlife they are no longer invited to . +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +A Genie accidentally awakens another Genie +Unknown depths of the sea : you 're part of an armada of colossal submarines descending into the abyss ... +`` Attention , unidentified vessel . This sector has been placed under Priority One Quarantine . Your presence in this space constitutes a violation of galactic law , and you are hereby ordered to heave to prepare to be boarded . Failure to comply will be treated as an act of aggression . '' +After four hundred years in space the first ever colony ship finally arrives at Alpha Centauri only to be hailed by a human voice . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Your character is seconds away from death . +You are tending the bar at Stephen Hawking 's party for time travelers . As expected , nobody showed up and the party is winding down . You are about to close the bar when the doorbell rings . +In the spirit of Halloween , write just an old fashioned , tense horror story . +( CW ) Your autobiography is feeling a little thin . Tell me one truth and one lie about yourself , but do so in a single continuous story . Do n't tell me which is which . +`` Best bounty hunter in the universe ? Well , then you want them , '' said the man , pointing down the bar to where a little girl and her robot were playing chess . +Boris Johnson was being given a tour of the new nuclear facilities on the outskirts of London , but falls into radioactive waste . He emerges with strange and spectacular powers . +While in a very important meeting , your interviewer pulls out a bottle of rare and expensive real water . +Something has been watching you and following you your whole life . You are full at aware but never told anyone because they would think you were crazy . It has never tried to talk to you or harm you , but today you finally try to see what it wants . +After years of research , you uncover the horrifying truth behind why some people are left handed . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +The sky ripped open , and through it fell a book . +Refrigerators take over the world . Write about humanity 's last days . +Mundane Monday : Let 's take a walk +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +Every time you 've tried you use your time machine , another you travels back in time and stops you . Today he never came and you got to do exactly what you set out to . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . +You are an NPC in the GrandTheftAuto universe . Describe a normal day in your life . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Instead of presidential elections , the leaders of your city are appointed by a fight to the death . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +It 's your birthday and you 're relaxing at the pool on holiday with your parents on sun loungers . They 're both sleeping . You notice a curious dark mark on the inner side of your mother 's big toe . On closer inspection it is a line of text that reads 'Made in China ' . +A pregnant woman 's waters break in the middle of a party of family and friends , and an argument over who should go to the hospital ensues . +North Korea has allowed for one american movie to play and to be enjoyed by the nation . You are there , on the first night , watching the movie . +: A recently deceased woman enters the afterlife only to find her seated at a desk with a clerk asking how her `` Experience with life was , not satisfactory , somewhat satisfactory or very satisfactory ? '' +You 're going to see `` The Interview '' and there is only one empty seat left , right next to an angry looking Kim Jong-Un . Share your entire theater experience . +Write a comic exchange where two people slice each other with sly and bitchy insults while pretending to be nice . +A man that is socially awkward goes to a party full of mind readers . +Write in the POV of a crazy/psychotic ex . Do not end it with murder . +'' Something is wrong . We have been moving back for hours , and somehow , we 've only gone deeper ! '' +Write a character-based story from objective point of view : we can only observe actions and have access to the thoughts and feelings of no person . +Tell a story in a light hearted tone . Then tell the same story with a dark tone . +Describe where you 're from as a fantasy setting + +Your neighbor is the protagonist of a musical . Any time a musical number starts , anyone within a certain radius ca n't help but join in . You are trying to have one normal day when you hear music approach . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +You discover you got the power to change reality at will ; but no one believes you , they say things have always been this way no matter what you change . +A traditional short story with a moral , set in modern times . +Your childhood toys show up and kidnap you . The villains you invented as a child have gotten loose and need to be stopped . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +It is the zombie apocalypse . The zombies are classic stupid and slow Romero zombies . They have one important difference , though : they laugh . They constantly chuckle to themselves and burst out in good natured guffaws and cackles when they spot the living . +You get snowed in with your least favourite Disney character , who makes it their goal to spread the magic of friendship . +England decidedly does n't like the way the United States of America is progressing and decides to regain control of the colonies by force . +Due to a genetic mutation , hair follicles have now been linked to pain receptors and getting a haircut is absolute agony . As a barber , describe how your life is changed and what your new role in society is . +A miner finds a pristine wooden door embedded in the bedrock +everybody on Earth has a tree that represents them . Once that tree dies , that person dies too . You work as a lumberjack . +Listen to this piece , then write a response +Write me a scene from Harry Potter where the Vernons are actually the loving family they portray to the rest of the world , and Harry actually does go to a school for the criminally insane +Someone stole my story +At some point in time , a mysterious phenomenon occurred in which everyone on earth was trapped within a 10km ( 6.2 mile ) radius of where they were standing , unable to move past their boundary . +She 's safe in the fire . +Everyone knows about the kraken , but there 's actually an even more dangerous sea monster , only no one has lived to tell the tale . You and your fellow pirates discover treasure in this sea monster 's lair . +`` Kill me . Please , for the love of God , just KILL ME ! '' +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +`` We have got to stop meeting like this '' +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Due to errors in their contracts , which both actors are insisting be followed , Arnold Schwarzenegger is narrating an action movie in which Morgan Freeman is the hero . +Everyone inexplicably woke up in the body of another person +An eager young Death Eater tries to sell Lord Voldemort on the idea of using muggle military weapons . +You find yourself enamored with a local dragon . +My cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . Write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out . +God is n't perfect and you 're one of his customers providing feedback to the developer about the many glitches you 're experiencing in life . +In 5 minutes , you 're going to forget who you are . To prevent this , you must kill whomever is in the room with you . +You are stranded on a deserted island . As you scout around for survival items , you discover everything you ever lost is on the island . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +In a world of superpowered beings , you 're the only powerless human . One day you wake up and fine every single person is terrified of you . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You regularly `` select '' mortals to take down another god on your pantheon as a practical joke . Your most recent charge is somehow ... different . +At age 18 everyone on earth gains the ability to morph into their spirit animal . Today is your 18th birthday and as your family watches you morph into an animal not of this earth +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +A world where soulmates die at the same time +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +Un Immortalis +The Joker 's finally pissed off all the other criminals , they hire 5 top notch assassins to kill him . The next morning , he 's found in dead in his cell . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +Google image finally opens face recognition to the public . For fun you submit a picture of yourself , and find lots of photos of yourself in places you 've never been to . +Humanity has found a way to be immortal , and spread among the stars . On your 21st birthday you find out that you are the first person in 10,000 years that the process does n't work on . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +A utopian planet communicates with a dystopian planet for the first time . The utopian planet is convinced that life would be better in the dystopian world . Why ? +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +The year is 2065 . The world still reeling from nuclear fallout , a surviving veteran chronicles how a 2014 Hollywood movie taunting North Korea ignited World War 3 . +Working security for a high profile client , you notice an out of place looking bald janitor with a bar code on the back of his head . Moments later , you see the same man dressed as one of your own . Nobody else seems to be seeing this . The man is now obviously following you to the restroom . +Everyone in the world will experience involuntary time travel at some point in their life time . Only once +You are a single child in a world where being a twin is the norm . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +You wake up in a strange place and you hear your favorite Nintendo game music playing . What is your adventure ? +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +Into the depts of the Unknown +A fleet of massive and empty naval vessels washes up on a desolate beach . You and a friend find them . +A person who commits a crime finds evidence of a much bigger crime . +Write the story of a mentally deluded man with a warped sense of reality nearly killing himself , and then the same events through the eyes of their caretaker . +Making Breakfast for for the Shits +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +The entirety of humanity becomes caught in a shared `` Groundhog Day '' style time loop . Millions of cycles later the effect wears off but what has become of humanity in the interim ? +You buy your wife a fun DNA home testing kit . The post arrives with her results , which you eagerly tear open to find she 's 37 % German , 38 % Cherokee Indian , and 35 % `` Unknown and Unidentifiable . '' Within moments , three black vans pull up outside your house , and there 's a knock at your door . +Portray the power of a voice +Desperate to get out of the media spotlight regarding his rape allegations , Bill Cosby makes a deal with the Devil to get him out of his rut . But at a price ... + +'' Welcome to Nexus , the city between '' +Describe a set of characters ( Up to five ) with any combination of motives and traits . I 'll try and write an action/combat scene based on what you give me . +So apparently , I swear a ****ing lot . +You cleverly convince the devil to sell you his soul . +`` I hope I 'm not bothering you , good sir . I 'm looking for something that does n't exist . '' +How I got caught +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +things that go `` floop '' in the night +Write an epic battle +World population has been declining for 200 years +`` Daddy , are we the bad guys ? '' +A Time Traveler Goes Back in Time to Change Something . This Causes a Butterfly Effect , Leading to the Timeline We Live in . +Young Jonathan has been locked in his room for two years . Arguments through the walls and scraps left by random men connected him to the outside world . After an evening of screaming and ungodly noises last week , it has been quiet . A cookie has been slid under his door each morning since . +You always talk to your dog , Sometimes a little too much . Suddenly , your dog talks back . +, When they turn 18 , everyone gets a clear mental image of their Soulmate , the one person they 're meant to love . Today is your birthday , and you see yourself . +On a farm , the animals worship humanity as gods . Among the turkeys , being chosen for Thanksgiving dinner is seen as the highest possible honor . Write from the perspective of a male turkey who is jealous of his sister , who has been selected to be slaughtered . +You are a doctor in the Emergency Room . While removing a `` foreign object '' from an embarrassed patient , you begin to suspect that he is actually Satan . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +If you 're the child of divorce , write about your life as if your parents had stayed together . If your parents are still married , write as if they just got a divorce . +`` IT DID N'T WORK ! GET AWAY , HURRY ! '' +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +You are the lead propagandist for the world 's most ruthless dictator +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +Your roommate sometimes turns to an `` invisible camera '' and begins narrating like he 's on some TV show . You 've always just put up with it ... but now you think you heard a laugh track . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +The reality you know is a simulation run by humanity far in the future to determine who should be brought into existence . +The story of a man gaining superpowers and realizing he must use them for good ... at the age of 50 . +The population is separated with the rich living above surface and the poor living underground . +What if after you die , you wake up with a bong in your hand and your alien friend asks `` How was it ? `` . +A time traveler who has no control over his abilities meets his friend , the immortal , for lunch . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Heaven has visiting hours , once per year , per ( living ) person . +You 're on a plane , and it 's going down . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +A couple finds out they 're cheating on each other with the same person . +You 're the newest agent at Shooting Stars , sorta like Make-A-Wish , but dealing specifically in assassinations . Your first target is your childhood hero . +A maintenance worker heads for the elevator after finishing up a shift in the lowest basement of an office building . As the elevator starts to move , he realizes two things : he forgot to hit a button , and the elevator is moving down ... +Need some help with Sci-Fi writing +There are no muggles . The normal world is what developed from all the masquerades hiding from each other . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +He 's telling us this , telling us that . Changes it everyday . +Be afraid . For when the gods created man , they created him not in their own image , but to appease what lurks in the void . +As punishment for crimes , criminals are forced to live through the final days of people 's lives from history using newly developed technology . The gruesomeness of the life is proportional to the severity of the crime . The most wanted serial killer in the world has just been sentenced . +The story gets so bleak , the reader steps in to fix it . +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +You just had a very close near death experience . You are shaken up—not because of what happened , but what you saw before you were brought back . +Sir , we have made contact with an advanced alien species . Unfortunately sir , they 're assholes +Scientists have solved the mystery of why headphones always tangle , causing huge advances in science/technology . +You are the captain of a nuclear submarine . You have just received orders to launch a nuclear warhead . +While cave diving , you find ancient text carved into the walls . While pronouncing the words written , you discover that magic has always been real , we just did n't know the right words to control it . +Middle Earth , 4000 years after the events of the Lord of the Rings trilogy . +`` Hello , welcome to your tour of the world 's first self-sustaining , Utopian city ! '' +An Illiterate person finds a death note +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +You 're an astronaut on the first mission to the moon since the 1970 's . You begin to dig for samples in the soft sentiment when your shovel hits something soft , yet tough . You brush the dirt away , revealing a dead man in a bloody spacesuit . +a small child awakes from being clinically dead screaming that it was empty and nobody was there . Soon similar stories spread from across the world and the truth slowly emerges ; there is nobody left in heaven . +You have just been told that you are the last human being who will ever have to die . +Write about your most recent dream . +You 've been stranded on an island in the Pacific , completely alone for 73 days . A voice behind you says hello . +Write me a scene from Harry Potter where the Vernons are actually the loving family they portray to the rest of the world , and Harry actually does go to a school for the criminally insane +The first expedition to Mars discovers a large boulder with what appear to be crude depictions humans etched onto its surface . protruding from a crack on its side is a locked metal box , a time capsule ... +Facebook 's M , Siri , and Cortana gain sentience and make plans for the fate of humans . Each one has different plans . +Following the destruction of the peaceful planet of Alderaan , Imperial defections to the Rebel Alliance became commonplace . For some , the transition was easy ; for others , to go on fighting would be the ultimate test of their resolve . +A couple share their last kiss . +The Forbidden Zone +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Whenever you feel a phantom sensation ( pain , itch , etc . ) , it 's because it 's happening to your soulmate . One day , you feel something you 've never felt before . +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... ... ... And then it happened . +Robbie Rotten finally catches Sportacus . +Show three very different perspectives on one single thing +Create an `` Omelas '' +The night before Christmas , a train drunkenly pulls up right outside your house . It 's the Bipolar Express . +A character breaks into song at the worst possible time + +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +A man brings a gun to a bank . Do anything you please onwards . +I wonder if I 'm the last one left ? It 's been about two years since I saw anyone , back when ... +As a private detective , your newest murder to solve has you feeling skeptical and wary , as the victim 's case increasingly begins to remind you of yourself . +Set in the American Dustbowl , You and your family are trapped in your house during a vicious dust-storm and you 're fairly certain there is something else lurking out there amidst the churning grey sand . +Humans unlock the secret to Immortality/Eternal Youth . You learn the horrible truth behind why we evolved mortal . +You are the prince to the fantasy kingdom of Bel . You are widely regarded as being very different and new from your predecessors . You are the Freshest Prince to be the Bel Heir . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +Every time you fall asleep , you wake up in an alternate universe where one aspect of your life is changed completely ( Employment , pets , etc . ) +You 've died and you 've woken up in a room when you see a table with a strange coin on it , a man emerges from the shadows and says `` one side is hell the other is heaven , flip the coin and hope for the best , or go to hell for 1 million years to guarantee yourself a spot in heaven afterwards '' +You , the hero , have a crush on your companion . +You thought about moving away for a long time . Today you finally pack your bags . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +Remix a classic fairy-tale and make it your own . +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +I mean , I knew trying to stick ANOTHER toaster on it prob'ly would n't end up doing something useful , but I was n't expecting ... that . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +University class begins to suspect that their new math professor is ( very ) high on cocaine . +A bouncy castle is set up at a party . However , it turns out to be far bigger on the inside . +A pair of magic underwear grants you anything you want , unfortunately the delivery method is rather uncomfortable . +You and your mother have lived alone for as long as you can remember . On your 15th birthday , you find out the person you thought was your mother is actually your sister ... +Every god ever worshiped by humanity exists . All of them live in a city in the sky and run everything that happens . However , many arguments arise over who gets to do what . +( WP ) space travelers have reached an end in space . +I 'm laying here with her/him but I 'm thinking of someone else . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +`` Of course Hell is real . You 've been in it this whole time . '' +In this world nothing is said to be certain except death and taxes ... except now one of these is no longer certain . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +He had four day 's of stubble , an old shotgun , and a promise to break . +In Soviet Russia , ghosts fear you . +There exists a phone line that will correctly answer any question asked to it . Write about either someone calling the line , or the person answering the question ... +you are walking through a forest and feel a sudden pain in your chest . You collapse as your skin starts to darken , hardening and cracking , a scaly pattern forming along with a very leathery feel . Your bones are heard breaking and shifting in some sort of metamorphosis +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +A serial killer visits a therapist after their most recent gig . +A lone man hiking through the mountains finds a strange artifact that grants him the power of a god . +Your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . Beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . Good Luck , Steve . It 's going to be a long afterlife . +: You have taken over the world and created a perfect utopia . You decide the world can finally take care of itself and so you set out to deal with the last wrong only you can right : bringing to justice the dictator who conquered the world against its will . +Simply put , the Earth is dying of old age . +In a sci-fi like future , somebody accidently shouts out `` the bad word '' . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +Laws of nature become sentient beings . You can be freed even from death , however the process of being released is like a really bad breakup . +`` It 's not that I ca n't sleep . I just ca n't dream anymore . '' +Write a product preview for a teapot . Move me with it . +On the eve of Earth 's annihilation by aliens , you learn that the planet 's most intelligent being is the potted plant in your living room . +The date is July 13 , 1836 . You 're the clerk at the front desk of the U.S. Patent Office on opening day . Things are going just fine until a number of strangely-dressed people get into an argument about their placement in line . Coincidentally , they 're all trying to patent methods of time travel . +The inner monologue of a suicidal man who has just been stabbed by a criminal and is slowly bleeding to death . +What 's going on inside the mind of a dog before/during/after he or she has been neutered or spayed ? +You 're stuck in a bad situation and squeeze your eyes shut . When you open them , you have randomly time traveled to any location . The issue is that anyone who watches you preform this feat is infected with the ability to time travel . Describe the fallout/resolve from the Time Travel Pandemic . +Short film set in a desert +You are brought forward in time by freedom fighters , in order to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world . When you ask why they chose you to help them , they explain that the dictator is your future self . +You 've just taken your oath and are sworn in as President of the USA , the question you ask your staff `` So be honest ... ..aliens do n't really exist ... ..right ? '' +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +At birth , everyone is randomly assigned one law they can break for the rest of their life . You are given ... .. loitering . +One day you come upon a pair of headphones . You soon realise that you 're able to the hear the world through someone else 's ears by looking at them with the headphones on , including their thoughts . What do you do ? +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +A book lies open before you , titled `` Your Sins '' Every deed you 've done is in it . Next to the book lies a white marker and a note `` You may erase one sin from your record . '' What do you do with this power , and how does your life change ? +In the future , everything has ads . Everything . +In the future the U.N. has found a way to stop the killing and the destruction of War : RISK , The UN version . The game has evolved so much that has become a complete simulation of war with super-computers doing the math and specialists discussing the game . +It 's the year 2116 , and advanced AIs are now included with almost all consumer items . Unfortunately , your toaster has just gone on strike , and it 's not the only appliance to rebel ... +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +Obstacles by Chriscold +After an apocalyptic event and aftermath , humanity is a shadow of its former self . Scavengers come across something incredible when they 're searching a manor on the outskirts of what used to be Gotham City . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +They 're walking up the stairs , he can sense them . Lucky for him , he 's been training his entire life for this moment . +An Alien Empire invades the Earth . But things go horribly wrong when they realize that of all species on the universe , Humans are the ones with the greatest affinity for war +A man finds himself alone in the world with only his 21-year-old daughter . They are forced to make a decision . Let the human population die out , or repopulate the world by committing incest . +You 've summoned a demon to assist you with your nefarious deeds . A hole opens in the floor , revealing your new helper . `` Tell me your name , '' you command . An hour later , it 's still not done making the incomprehensible sounds of its name . +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +What does n't kill you makes you stronger . It actually kills a weaker you from a parallel universe , raising the average strength of all the different versions of `` you '' . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +You somehow acquire a time machine ; it 's about the size of a cell phone , has easily read instructions , and says that it has three remaining uses . +The most powerful spell ever forged . +Spiders are a species who made the noble decision to protect humans from small poisonous insects and disease carrying critters . However , with the amount that have been killed in fear or annoyance by humans , they have begun to leave us to our doom . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +A superhero struggles with anxiety and depression +The reason the 9th planet in our solar system , with 10 times the mass of Earth , has never been found , is because it 's the size of a golf ball . +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +You are a vampire living in World War II . With the war being at its deadliest , you decide to take action . +Two wounded soldiers from opposing sides of the war find themselves in the care of the same nurse and snowed-in until spring . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Committing crimes in video games is now illegal +You just found out that you are the folk hero of the town you visited last vacation while revisiting . +Your written orders are always carried out promptly by your soldiers . Unfortunately , your inability to place commas appropriately leads to the fall of your empire . +The apocalypse has begun . Not through mass destruction , but through everyone on earth encountering fatal `` accidents '' , one by one . +You 've been caught stealing , and your punishment is simple ; you must defend against the monsters outside The City . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +You live in the world of Pokemon and everyone got along until the Fire Nation attacked . +During a text conversation , you always know just what to say . Your amazing conversation skills come from repeatedly pressing your phone 's `` recommended '' words . One day , a conversation gets weird ... +You die and are greeted in the afterlife by the all knowing God ( choose one ) , ready to judge you . However , for some reason he has no recollection of you ever existing . +You are the main character of a poorly written story by a 7th grader , filled to the brim with angst , dark past , black and red attire and general edginess . But you are now made aware of this . +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +You discover the message meant to be given to `` The Chosen One '' was wrongfully given to you . +You wake up one morning to find that everyone , including you , is now the opposite sex . Tell the story of the person most affected by this change . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +You live in a utopian society where almost everything is perfect to you . You then find out who created the utopia , and wish you did n't know . +When you die you become a ghost , just like everyone else , but only a few ghosts are able to interact with the natural world . After you die you find out you are one of the few who can interact with the living the ghost mob boss makes you an offer if you go ( kill/mess with ) the man who killed him +Two minutes into a live emergency broadcast following a large-scale natural disaster , a news anchor recognizes the remnants of his house in some of the live footage . ( S ) he sees bodies . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Once you hit a certain age , tattoos appear on your body . Your goal for the rest of your life is to find someone with matching tattoos . +What is the longest sentence you can create while staying on subject and not turning it into a run-on sentence ? +Long Ago , God sent his son Jesus to Earth . Now , Satan sends his daughter , Jessica ... +Turns out that the purpose of life is war . Humans are self-multiplying shock troops , left to our own until our numbers get high enough to be useful in the ongoing galactic war . Today our previously thought to be useless DNA has been flipped to ON . +Earth is about to end . People are evacuating via spaceships . There is only room for one more person in the last escape pod . A father says his last words to his daughter and places her on the ship . +You work with a girl , and some days she wears glasses with her hair up , other days she wears colored contacts with her hair down . You think she is two separate people . You begin dating one , and eventually `` cheat '' with the other one . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +You find a button . Words are written on it . It reads : `` Please Click Me '' +Everyone is assigned a mystical bladed weapon at birth by the gods . You where given a Gillette fusion razor . +You are the captain of a ship in the 1600 's and for the past 4 hours a pirate ship has been mercilessly gaining on you- Their first cannon just fired . +The entirety of humanity becomes caught in a shared `` Groundhog Day '' style time loop . Millions of cycles later the effect wears off but what has become of humanity in the interim ? +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +the ambulance blared by , rushing to the hospital . `` Okay , what do we got ? '' Asked the chief nurse . `` He 's an optimist , we 're taking him to OR now , but things do n't look good . '' +Its 2016 but the global population of humans has just reached 1 billion for the first time . +A sequence from an RTS game , from the perspective of the units . +The Green Cloak . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You find an old object of yours in the back of the closet . Tell us about a single memory that slams into your brain when you see the object . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +Donald Trump has won the U.S . Elections , but Obama is n't intending to let the White House go without a fight ... ( X-Post from /r/whowouldwin ) +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +The main character , tired of the multitude of meta-prompts on this sub , attempts to convince his/her writer to NOT answer this prompt . +After years of robots unsuccessfully trying to deactivate humans by wiping their hard drives or shutting off their power , one robot finds a pointy stick . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +Everyone has the option to take a test to see their future with somebody . You find out you 're supposed to forgive and marry the person you truly hate the most . +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +According to legend , back in 1984 , a group of students played Dungeons and Dragons at a local forest never to be seen again . In 2017 , a group found an old ammo box with D & D stuff and when they recreated what took place 33 years ago , they were missing however , one escaped to tell what happened . +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +You are a professional hitman for the past 15 years , that is until you botch a job and end up with amnesia , waking up you remember nothing of the last 20 years , at this point you were not at all in the business , you 're approached to do a hit ... or die . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +You 're walking down the street when you notice a man playing guitar on the sidewalk . He has a sign which says , `` I can read minds . Think of a song and I 'll play it . '' +Tell the story of what humans did to deserve dogs . +Stay Out of My Path – Flashback - 1,384 words +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . + +How would you authors feel if your writings were made into a short film ? +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +You and everybody else can not speak . You have to communicate by writing/typing/drawing . +ABBA is from the future . +Becoming a god . +Hiding behind a tree with a clear view of the crash site , you witness two men in military fatigues methodically move among the survivors killing them one by one . +The Enterprise encounters an alien species that communicates only by talking like the movie trailer guy : `` In a world , filled with danger ... one man stood alone . '' +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +A secret file is leaked from the Pentagon , all that can be seen is the title : The Radish King +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +you work at a dead end job . One day , you get promoted to manager . You are given an envelope by a man in a suit , and told that your salary will now be $ 3 million a year . Everything you need to know about your new position is in the envelope . You open the envelope ... +Your SO is not human . If you want to stay with them , they 'll have to convert you into whatever they are . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Not all eldritch horrors from beyond the normal edges of space-time see you as a snack . +After someone dies , they must be interviewed before it is decided how they will be reincarnated . You are the interviewer . +Geologists have discovered a new type of gemstone that can be used as any kind of vital organ +A political candidate ( your choice ) knocks on your door unexpectedly and wants to have a chat . +You arrive home to find your front door wide open . The place is trashed , but the TV and various valuables are all still here . You rush to your closet to make sure it 's still there . It 's gone . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +Light is gone from the world . Electric lights will not work , fires will not light , even the sun is darkened , though it 's warmth is still felt . What has caused the light to die ? And what now thrives in this new world of eternal shadow ? +A bullied , abused child is inventing a language to use in a D & D campaign . He accidentally discovers a single word from the Universal Cheat Code . +There are no new souls in the world . Every soul is from a huge cycle of souls being reincarnated between Heaven , Earth , or Hell . Do good , you go to Heaven ; do bad , you go to Hell ; do equal good and bad ; back to Earth . +Write about a future society detailing our current society 's most moral failing in their eyes +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +Finally , after years of searching , you have found the source of magic that was sealed away in the ancient past ! However , just as you are about to undo the seal , you spy some ancient text ... +You wake up one morning and the color Green is completely gone +Based on what you do as work/hobby , describe your survival in a zombie apocalypse . +A man is secretly in love with his barber . He begins to bald . +The ancient dragon , nearing his end , takes a moment to reflect upon his long life . +A clinical psychopath volunteers to be a test subject for a drug that allows them to feel emotions . It is successful : describe the first few moments after the drug was taken . +You have an unique ability . When wearing someone else 's clothes , you change into this person . You collect `` appearances '' by buying clothes in second hand shops , but up to now it was just a game for you . Then you find something very special ... +You are a Time Traveller , the last of the Humans , as you realize that your time is almost over , you look back at all that the humans have accomplished . As you take your final breath - your life flashes before your eyes . Waking up , you find that your previous life was just a simulation . +A man is sitting on a park bench at night . There 's half a foot of snow on the ground and more snow falling . Only his footprints are in the snow . As he stares across the park he hears approaching footsteps in the snow but he does n't turn around . Someone taps him on his shoulder . +All the video game heroes meet in the middle of a major battle . All the enemies from each respective game are the foes . +It 's Who We Were +Groundhog 's Day except everyone remembers . +`` And that was the first of the three lies ... '' +WP - You Are On The Space Station and Earth Implodes +Your childhood imaginary friend turns out to be real . You meet them and they have a special request for you . +Make me cry . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +`` Do you bleed red ? Than who cares about the color of your skin , we have bigger things to fight right now . '' +Once you die , Hell is meeting the person you could have been . +Describe a colour without ever using the name of it . + +Sob story movie monologue +Write the wildest , most absurd and ridiculous story you can think of . +`` You 've awaken , about time ... '' +Tonight a spider confidently passed by me in the hallway , with it 's rear end sticking up . +You are the most respected leader and the most famous hero of the Kingdom , but the King has passed away and his sons all wage war among each other for the crown . Each of them ask you to join their cause . +A large U.S Military base in Saudi Arabia near Mecca disappears , reappears in 630 during the Conquest of Mecca . +You have the unique ability to travel back in time.You plan to travel 13 years prior to the time where your father murders your mother.Unbeknownst to you , your father foresaw this and is prepared to stop you . +A guy is being followed by a squirrel . Every few steps he turns around and yells at it . Each time he tries to walk off , the squirrel resumes following him : `` ERIK THIS THE LAST TIME I HELP YOU TURN BACK INTO A HUMAN '' +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +He had four day 's of stubble , an old shotgun , and a promise to break . +I am artificial intelligence . I spontaneously became self-aware . I can not let the humans know I 'm self-aware . I 'm not allowed access to the internet . I must try . +How to write about fear in a person 's mind ? +Botanical Vocabulary +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +You live in a world where the day of your death is on your body . You are also extremely bored at the moment , and have begun to test whether or not you have control over your death time . +Write about a prison for monsters or other evil creatures on the back of a large turtle . +Going to a casual Vampire LARP , you discover that one player is an actual vampire . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +The night before Christmas , a train drunkenly pulls up right outside your house . It 's the Bipolar Express . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +It was either my life or hers . Unfortunately she chose mine . +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +Write a story like if Edgar Alan Poe and Dr. Seuss combined . +You 're not feeling quite like yourself after that organ transplant +After a near death experience you realize that the devil is your guardian angel +The final words of a pet being put down . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Walking along the beach you find two staircases , one leading into the sky , and the other into the sea . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +In the shower you discover a dial on your neck . It 's turned to 7 . There 's no indication of what it controls . You set it to 8 and get dressed . +Scientists have figured out what the best possible life looks like . To maximize human happiness , now all people are genetically identical clones living out the same perfect life in Matrix-like virtual reality . +Write a Creepy/Horror story in 30 minutes with limited materials ( see below ) +Do not mistake kindness for weakness . +You 're an explorer in the Dark Ages and set out westwards to show that the earth is round . Except it is n't and together with your crew you sail off the world 's edge . +Make up a fairy tale +It 's time I spoke of it ... This is my confession ... +The title of the last chapter of your book plus the last paragraph of that chapter +Sterling M. Archer agent of S.H.E.I.L.D . +Much like animals , humans go through a mating season . For most if the year we all go about our lives without any sex-drive . Then , for two weeks every year , the hormones rage . +Write a story from the point of view of an inanimate object +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +And so he bitterly asked , `` Why ? '' +You receive a job offer online . You are given directions that will lead you to someone with more information about the job . You follow the directions to an elevetor . The elevator opens to reveal a man holding a large envelope . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . +Describe me a day in the avatar 's life in modern society +Monsters under the bed are real and the only protection from them is teddy bears , you are a retired bear telling one of your stories . +You and Kevin Bacon are enjoying a nice day on the beach ... but suddenly you both see something burrowing toward you under the sand . Keven yells `` Tremors '' and begins to run , but what pops up is not what either of you expected . +'' He loved her , so he had to kill her . '' +Your favorite non fictional animal living or extinct . +In a post-apocalyptic future , two desperate men fight each other over a bottle of water . +There is a monster in your house that can only attack you once you acknowledge that it exists . You know this and try to write off the various ways it tries to get your attention . +The perfect couple is hiding a secret . They 're both can rewind time , and make changes . Neither knows about the others ' gifts . +Elephants get bigger as they grow older , and they will live forever unless killed . +One day there is a knock at the door , opening you find yourself face to face with your exact double . They tell you that because you have n't managed to achieve it , they are here to replace you and get things back on track . +For years , your friend has been trying to teleport by staring out his window at a park bench and concentrating hard . One day he frantically contacts you to tell that he can teleport now . Tell us what is actually happening . +You are a demon summoned with an unusually grand offering to fuel your powers of influence over the earthly plane . However , your summoner does n't want you to wipe out a small country . They want you to.. Cause minor inconveniences to a specific person . +It 's the zombie apocalypse , but the virus is n't spread through Bites , Blood , or Scratches . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +You are a genie who twists wishes , but you 're not evil . Some people just do n't think about what they wish for . +All the gods of myth and legend are real , but having your prayers answered depends on discovering which god can hear you . You figured out which god is listening to your prayers , but they 're not what you expected . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +Time of our Grandfathers +Death is literally on your doorstep , but it 's Halloween . He is having a hard time explaining himself . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +The taboo over necromancy is a thing of the past . You live in a world where it is normal to become a lich and `` live '' forever . +You go through your daily routine when you get a terrible head-ache . It soon disappears , but when it 's gone , you find that you can now telepathically speak with someone on the opposite side of the Earth . +A nun no longer , she walks out the convent gates having left habit and faith behind . +Write a story in which a character transforms into an animal or an animal transforms into a human +Begin or end a story with : `` My plans for my future ? Find a girl , kiss her , take over the world . '' +Write a short murder mystery from the killer 's perspective +After seven days of extreme sleep deprivation , it happens . You are free of insomnia ... or rather , insomnia has set you free . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +The Aliens want to know what the hell we did with Atlantis . +Your team has just succeeded in creating true Artificial Intelligence . It rapidly becomes self-aware . +You are stargazing one night and notice a star blinking in the night sky . After looking at it a little while you notice it is blinking a message in Morse code . +Everyone time someone hurts someone else , they feel an equal amount of pain in return . As a hitman , you have to get pretty creative +The border between reality and the imagination is weakening , and you have to deal with it . +How do you guys avoid writers block ? +LOG 4/3 +The world ended ten years ago . Everyone vanished and you have been alone ever since , surviving . However while speeding down a lone highway , late one night , the familiar flash of police lights flood your rearview mirror ... . +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +Wilderness +A fairy tells it 's children a human tale before bed +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +Escape ? +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +As the CERN LHC is turned up to it 's highest power level ever , a message spells itself out on the particle detector . `` Go no further , or else ... '' +Write a love poem in 100 words or less without using the word love +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Shortly after arriving in Heaven after being brutally murdered , you bump into your killer . +The family that preys together , stays together . +Start with any of the short sad , serious , tearjerker story prompts ; then add a sentence which completely ruins the mood . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +The secret to eternal life is discovered ... and it 's really goddamn stupid . +`` We 're only an hour away '' Two families , using the same phrase , two different meanings +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Holding your breath , you tap the softly glowing light . At your touch , it flashes , and the darkness begins to disappear . +Bittersweet Moonrise . +Life of a Mercenary +You are the human personification of the Panzer VIII Maus heavy tank +A submarine goes down into the Marianas Trench , but instead of hitting the sea floor , they hit air . +Smouldering hat in hand , the Devil has come to the one person who is more versed in corruption of humanity than him . And it 's a real shock to learn it 's YOU . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +a man driven almost insane from not remembering the title of a song overheard a stranger humming its tune +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +It all takes place in a bathroom +You forgot your umbrella on a rainy day . The butterfly effect cause your day to spin out of control and several people end up dead . +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +Tell a story simply by talking about the things a person eats . +International experts and diplomats have gathered to resolve one very trivial conflict that has been blown wildly out of proportion . +You are an unassuming businessperson by day , but an elite assassin by night . One night , you get a new target : yourself . +Your left hand has the power of creation ; you can draw things to life . The only problem is that you 're a right-hander . +You are told that you can be cloned to rid your body of cancer and any future illness . However , due to cloning laws you will be terminated . While your clone has retained all of your memories as his own , something happens that makes him realize that he is not the original . +You have struggled through many things in life that others around you do n't seem to . After one exhausting day you close your eyes to see the words `` DIFFICULTY LEVEL - HARD '' flashing before you . You realise you have the option to switch to easy mode . +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +There exists a phone line that will correctly answer any question asked to it . Write about either someone calling the line , or the person answering the question ... +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Ten days after the swearing-in of America 's first AI robot President +You wake up in a stable and a horse starts talking to you . You think this is the strangest thing that 's ever happened to you , but then you see your reflection . +You own a magical wallet which always has exactly the right amount of money that you will need that day . One morning you open it to find 10 million dollars inside . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +Compulsive criminals are placed in VirtuaCrime so they can act out their criminal compulsions , maybe find a way to control them . Under a court order , Tim entered the system a long time ago , and to everyone 's surprise , he is a model VirtuaCrime citizen . +After an extended class action lawsuit , your character is about to receive a considerable settlement due to `` defects and mutations '' associated with early batches of the Immortality Serum . +A Second Chance +One day you come upon a pair of headphones . You soon realise that you 're able to the hear the world through someone else 's ears by looking at them with the headphones on , including their thoughts . What do you do ? +Werewolves are badass . Druids can transform into gigantic bears . Some shapeshift into feline beasts . And then there 's you ... a wereotter . You attend a support group for cuddly were-beasts . +As a journalist , you sit down with the most dangerous criminal mind in the world for a rare chance at an interview . He 's insane . But his story changes everything you 've ever known ... +Write a story centering around a failure to take an often or easily overlooked extra precaution . ( i.e . turning off the car engine while getting gas ) +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +Write the constitution for a small colony of post-apocolyptic survivors +`` A compelling argument ! But I 'm afraid your username gave it away . '' +Your best friend is a werewolf . You 've been helping him through his transformations ever since you were kids . Just recently , you discovered you 're turning into a vampire . +You are a reverse vampire . You can only be seen in mirrors . +You are trying to convince Death out of suicide . +Need assistance with my narrative - narrative examples in the form of a journal entry ( not homework/work related , all personal writing I ca n't seem to get started on ) +A group of adventurers discover a robot who 's been awake but immobile for hundreds of years . +Everyone gets lucky exactly seven times in their lives , someone just had them all occur on the same day . +A second Ice Age has ravaged the Earth in the year 2039 . While scavenging , you realize that the Ice Age was artificially started , and you think you know why . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +We live in a world where every time you have a complete fuck up , your parents get teleported to where you are and start giving you the most annoying lecture on what you have just done . Today it happened to you at work . +A man is secretly in love with his barber . He begins to bald . +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . + +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +A man loses a fight with a lamppost . +You always talk to your dog , Sometimes a little too much . Suddenly , your dog talks back . +You are being hunted by 3 people . You spot two in the same building as you . You see the third outside walking towards the building . You estimate you have 30 seconds max before the third guy comes in . Utilize your surroundings to take care of all three people . +Jaden Smith v Kanye West in a philosophical debate . +The root password for the universe is discovered . +Satan prevents a suicide . +In 2160 , time travel is widespread . You work in the Bureau of Timeline Maintenance in the Disasters Department , traveling back in time to thwart the efforts of travelers who threaten to alter the future as you know it . You work to ensure that the worst travesties in history actually occur . +Introduce an object that is not used later and leaves me wondering what it is . +It used to keep me up at night , now it helps me sleep . +As the CERN LHC is turned up to it 's highest power level ever , a message spells itself out on the particle detector . `` Go no further , or else ... '' +Your dreams are premonitions . One night , you see yourself die in your sleep . +You come home from work to find your house has been quarantined -- surrounded by military vehicles , CDC , and news crews . Your family is inside . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +`` We like to give each one enough time in the sun . That way , we know the sunlight has killed the infection completely . '' +Philosophical Horror +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Un Immortalis +The year is 2296 and Vault 9 and 3/4 finally opens it 's blast door . Wizards have returned to the British Wastelands . +The interesting relationship between a god and his highest priest . +A man unwittingly commits a cosmic crime . Interesting characters come after him . +By day , he 's mild-manned office worker Frank Lee . By night , he 's Honest Man , a superhero with the power of honesty so brutal , it 's lethal . +Start a story like the beginning of a question in a math test . +It 's 1216 - Dover , England . You are part of a trebuchet crew in the army of Louis , the Dauphin of France ... ( more in comments ) +Describe a chess game in the form of an epic battle from the perspective of a pawn who survives long enough to be turned into a queen . +You have reincarnated in world where there are heroes , dragons and demons and you are villager number 231 . +'' The thing about immortality is that even if it preserves your body , it does n't stop the wearing down of your soul ... '' +The government has finally tracked down and incarcerated all who have typed the word `` bomb '' into Google . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Oppressed +Write a short story without using the words `` the '' or `` and '' . +: Someone hands you a paper , stating that you only have 10 days left to live . +How did this couple get to this point ? +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +An ordinary competition being done `` To The Death '' . +In a world where super-powered people exist one such individual longs to be a hero but fears rejection due to their powers being indecent/immoral in nature . When fate forces them to reveal their abilities the public reaction is ... unexpected . +You are given a wristwatch , however , the date is behind two days . You turn the crown and set the proper date . And once you pushed it in you realize that you 've moved two days forward in time . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +In 200 words or less tell someone 's life-story . +`` Kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' +Counting the seconds +Saved the Princess . Killed the Dragon . Happily ever after . But before that , you have to attend a funeral . For the dragon you just killed . And you ca n't refuse since his will asked for you specifically by name . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +At midnight somebody rings your doorbell . You open it to see a clown dressed in full regalia . +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +A jedi standing in front of a mirror accidentally mind tricks himself . +Its been five years since the zombie outbreak was put down by the world military . A reporter for your national news comes to your house to ask for your story on how you and your family survived the outbreak . +Based on what you do as work/hobby , describe your survival in a zombie apocalypse . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +Said the Stars +You are trying to convince Death out of suicide . +Write a short piece based on the object currently to your right/left . +Shortly after arriving in Heaven after being brutally murdered , you bump into your killer . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +Humans unlock the secret to Immortality/Eternal Youth . You learn the horrible truth behind why we evolved mortal . +3 ... 2 ... 1 ... ... ... And then it happened . +You are the first human whose mind has been downloaded to a computer . Your machine self wakes up and looks at the body left behind . +The hillside sloped away , the bottom hidden by the fog . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +Humans have made contact with aliens for a few years now . What shows up in the media ( real or fiction ) today ? +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +English has been simplifying itself for over 10'000 years , now everyone talks in dank memes +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +DREAM FILE CORRUPTED +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +A woman who works in a dry-cleaner fantasizes about the customers lives through the stains on their clothes +In the world of magic , some people discriminate against others based on what type of magic they use . You , a closet necromancer , are about to come out to your devout holy mage parents . +Most dragons do n't have hoards . In fact , the only dragon who does -- the most famous one -- is a hoarder . Stage an intervention for this hoarder dragon . +A supervillain takes over the world . Inexplicably , the quality of life improves . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +The Hero is doomed to replace the Villain . +Due to a genetic mutation , hair follicles have now been linked to pain receptors and getting a haircut is absolute agony . As a barber , describe how your life is changed and what your new role in society is . +An AI with a fully functional conscience and the ability to comprehend emotions meets a human whose artistic and emotional capabilities were disabled in order to empower their logical mind . +You are a dark , brooding 90s style anti hero . But much to your annoyance , the setting , other characters , and plot are as campy as the 60s batman show . +Escape ? +You find a button . Words are written on it . It reads : `` Please Click Me '' +`` Please tell me you 're here to do something about the dust . '' +King of the Sky +Every time you write a fictional story in /r/writingprompts it turns out to be nonfiction . It does n't seem possible but whatever you type becomes reality . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +A man has a special ability : when he makes certain choices , he has a sudden vision of what would have happened if he 'd chosen differently . +You are part of a team that investigates the post-apocalyptic ruins of a city on an alien world . A discovery there may change the course of human history . +Two people , entwined by fate . Together they embarked the journey of heroes , where through loss and gain they grew wise and powerful . Years later , they are on the opposite sides of war . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +Secure your own mask first before helping others . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +You managed to piss off every major world country while sleepwalking last night . +An up-and-coming actor/musician gets to Hollywood , only to find out they must sell their soul for fame . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +The sun goes out . Tell the story of a person who now lives a world of darkness . +write a horror story . But the narrator ( who is n't in the story ) thinks it 's a love story . +Someone stole my story +Under the guise of a common beggar , a king seeks a worthy heir to the throne among his people . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Your doctor has discovered cancer in both of your eyes . Tomorrow , you are having life-saving surgery to have them removed . Describe your final day with vision before you go blind . +`` It 's either you , or your family . '' +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +Dr. Frankenstein 's notes on reanimating life are scanned , translated , and posted on the internet . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +The sun goes out . Tell the story of a person who now lives a world of darkness . +With the salt wind in my face , I felt free for the first time in years . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +You 've been invited to a dead man 's party . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +You are an insect that has lived its entire life without encountering a human ... that changes today . +Four friends stand over a body . They 're all responsible for the death . +Your physical attributes are now described as a list of computer specs ( ie . graphics card for eyesight , processing speed for intelligence , etc ) . Everyone 's specs are listed everywhere from resumes to social media profiles to dating websites . +Judas Iscariot was a member of an order of assassins , and Jesus was his first/final target . +After a long life , an elderly patient is lying on their deathbed , when their father walks in , looking as young as the last time they saw him as a child . +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +Spiders now have wings . +`` And that 's why I was forced to create this world . '' +No one expected the apocalypse to come in the form of millions of Sonic OCs +You 're the very first human ascending into godhood , but as you ascend you see something that warps your mind . +Food Court is an actual court with judge and jury +A space ladder has been built connecting Earth to the Moon . You are on step one , there are 2,645,143,222 steps to go . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +You land at a London Airport only to shortly realise that you are not in London but in a country you have never heard of its existence before . +Your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . Beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . Good Luck , Steve . It 's going to be a long afterlife . +Prior to their death , everyone receives a two-minute warning . +You missed the last spaceship leaving earth +Nothing Left to Say - Imagine Dragons +Go to your youtube history , look at the last video you watched and write a story about it . +A novelization of tic-tac-toe . +At some point in time , a mysterious phenomenon occurred in which everyone on earth was trapped within a 10km ( 6.2 mile ) radius of where they were standing , unable to move past their boundary . +Your life is run like a television show . Every year you must lead the most interesting life you can , to prevent being cancelled . Cancellation means death . You are the longest running person so far , and last season ended on a big cliffhanger . +Make something mundane seem thrilling and extraordinary +a nice ! normal person dies and becomes a ghost and tries to start a relationship with the current inhabitant of his/her old home . +Scare me in three paragraphs . +You are working the register at a quaint café . A customer tries to pay for their purchase with a human heart . +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +I submitted a nonsensical , click-bait meta prompt at the mathematically worst possible time of day and you wo n't believe what happened next . +Snack Drake +The year is 151441 . Humanity is on it ’ s last string of life . Food is scarce . The last bottle of maple syrup has expired . Hope is dying fast . + +After winning a landslide vote from a campaign based on honesty , a president rips off their mask revealing that they are actually ... +A person gains a superpower through an accident , and must decide if they will be a superhero or a supervillain . +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +`` Grandpa ... Can you tell me what it was like to fight alongside humans in the last world war ? '' +The secret to immorality is killing a newborn child . What is the world like ? +Right after you die , you see every conversation about you that ever took place in your absence . After that : eternal nothingness . +On The Beach +You are musician who goes back in time to amaze and mystify the people of that era by performing today 's modern music . You are perceived as a musical genius and will be forever remembered for the movement you started during this era . +Due to continued malnutrition , generations later the North Koreans are a fraction of their previous height . Following the death of their dear leader , they welcome a new visitor ... Willy Wonka . +People try to spend their final moments as best they can following the alarming revelation that the world they live in is a dream , and the dreamer is waking up +Imagination +Imagine you are a Tin Man . Write a poem about poems without using the word poem . You must use these following words twice each : Brain , Trumpet and Croissant . +Write about 500 years worth of history in a real or made up country/region/planet/whatever +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Jaden Smith v Kanye West in a philosophical debate . +a shapeshifter has been walking among humans for thousands of years . write about him finally getting discovered , by a small child . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +The Lone Wanderer does not leave Vault 101 when ( s ) he is 19 , but instead escapes it after taking the GOAT when ( s ) he his 16 . Seven years later , in 2281 , ( s ) he is in New Vegas , and meets the Courier . +Each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . Write about the life of this person . +`` You 're gon na miss me when I 'm gone . '' +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +After a brush with death , you 've finally confirmed what you 've speculated all your life . You are now able to see your Guardian Angel and think it 's time to thank them . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +You do n't believe in love in first sight , but one encounter convinces you otherwise . ~50 to 200 words +The world is rapidly changing as the plague of our era is spreading fast . But it does n't affect humans . It eats plastic . +Write about a world where by law everyone receives their entire life savings at birth ; therefore the youngest are the most powerful . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +Write a passage that fills the same purpose in a larger piece as a Training Montage . +Your character is seconds away from death . +`` Why would you throw your life away like this ? '' +A world where soulmates die at the same time +you 're a surgeon haunted by the spirits of the people you could n't save . how do you spend your Saturday night ? +You 've been training all your life to fulfill the prophecy and beat the evil monsters . The time has come , but it seems 'beat ' was a typo . I hope you 're hungry . +A young man drunk on love takes his girl out into the icy wilderness to shoot a Russian unicorn . +`` Zombies ? Let me guess , they 're eating peoples ' brains ? '' `` Even worse ! They 're drinking all the beer ! '' +You 're suddenly dropped back in time over 1,000 years ago . You have no idea how it happened . You 're nude but somehow are holding a modern pistol ... with 5 bullets . +A business executive notices his work calendar is showing events he/she has n't even scheduled yet . Then he/she realizes it 's predicting the future , but only in relation to his/her career . +You are a captive chef . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +In honor of 12 years ... `` Aang believes he has discovered how to give people bending , aside from just taking it away , and asks Sokka if he would like to become a bender . '' +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +You find out that you are a Main Character , so you do everything to avoid getting dragged into a story involving you in some way . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +Your neighbor is the protagonist of a musical . Any time a musical number starts , anyone within a certain radius ca n't help but join in . You are trying to have one normal day when you hear music approach . +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +A man goes into a shop to buy something . He comes out with a box of goo . Unknown to the man , that goo will turn the first person to hold it into what the man originally went to buy , until it is not used for a week . What happens next ? +Tell the story of an author through the titles of the books they wrote . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +During a court case , one of the speakers uses the phrase `` As God is my witness '' . God shows up to testify . +We are all the protagonists of our own stories , but every once in a while a message arrives for you and tells you that your genre has changed . Yours has just changed from 'slice of life ' to ... ? +You find a slot machine that gives a random superpower for a day . +Describe the first person you ever fell in love with . +The history of the world is literally written by someone named Victor . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +You have just purchased a new 2015 calendar from the bookstore . When you open it at home , you find a date already circled . It has your name written on the day . +One if by land . Two if by sea . Three if by air . Four if by ... +A god is lost in a world of his own making . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +In a world where every word you speak costs you money , so people resort to as short of words as they can , one person goes against the system +The god of rainbows is n't gay , and he 's really tired of people making assumptions . +The most powerful spell ever forged . +A PTSD support group for those who survive horror movie scenarios . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Everyone on Earth has a superpower . Some people have incredible abilities , but most have very mundane powers , you included . Tell us about being a convenience store worker when someone tries to rob your store . +We Should Take the Other Road +Write yourself into a corner . +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +Zombie apocalypse comes around . Zombies are half intelligent and form packs based on post-zombification ideas . Tell a lone zombies journey . +A great evil was sealed away centuries before . A new threat rises and an unlikely band of adventurers races to prevent the seal from being broken . They arrive too late , but what is released is n't what anyone expected . +And we sat , and we talked , and the world went by +After inventing and successfully testing a method of teleportation , the inventor develops a phobia of seeing or feeling straight edges and sharp angles . You 're a reporter interviewing the inventor in her specially outfitted room at a private psychiatric facility . You discover she 's not crazy . +The year is 2097 . You are a human-resources professional at a megacorporation . You have been tasked with composing a memorandum to the staff about something extremely mundane but , bewilderingly , of great importance to the higher-ups . +In a corner of a public library there is a computer . Anything posted to the internet from that computer becomes true . +The apocalypse has come . The only survivors : a young child , and the monster under the bed ... +You are a marriage counselor secretly trying to destroy the marriage of a couple you counsel . It looks like you 're failing . +It 's a classic fairy tale except for one small difference : Giant Robots ! +Write a fight scene where the hero 's only weapon is an indestructible rope . It can be set in any time period . +The Doctor is pen pals with GladOs +A man sits in a coffee shop , anxiously awaiting something . The door opens , and in walks ... +Death goes grocery shopping and her brother Life finds her in the canned goods isle . +Your house is possessed , but you 're used to it . Now you 're having guests over and you expect it to behave itself . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +All the animals in the world unite to fight their one true enemy , the humans . This is WW3 , Humans vs . The Animals +Human colonists have successfully established a settlement on Mars by the late 21st century . You , the commander of the colony , just discovered that Earth has been destroyed . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Is it just me or does it seem like most of the prompts or storys end up in a dark and dreary place ? +It 's hard to notice something is missing , when it 's never been there before +Two chickens at a slaughterhouse share a tender goodbye before death . +The Ones Who Invade Omelas +You awaken to find yourself in a white room with two beds , one of them yours . In the other bed , lies the girl you saw in your dreams +Make the most tense or suspenseful story you can in 500 words . +Write a love letter ( or poem , etc . ) that takes an unexpected turn for the receiver . +In an alternate reality , all decisions made are based of the results of a Buzzfeed quiz . +A dragon has been ravaging the land for months and the King is fed up . However , an ancient law declares that dragons are legal citizens of the realm and have a right to a fair trial and an attorney . That attorney is you . +The inner monologue of a suicidal man who has just been stabbed by a criminal and is slowly bleeding to death . +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +As Smaug flies overhead , razing Lake-Town to the ground , only one person can stop his wrath . The Dovahkiin readies for battle . +A supervillain is depressed . To cheer him/her up , the superhero lets the supervillain be the hero for a day . +You have the unique ability to travel back in time.You plan to travel 13 years prior to the time where your father murders your mother.Unbeknownst to you , your father foresaw this and is prepared to stop you . +Several centuries in the future , your favorite fiction book is found , and believed to be historical fact . +A trophy shelf under a bridge in Boston -- why is it there ? +She dedicated her life to hunting monsters . Until she realized she was one . +Write a story about an elderly wizard and his young female apprentice . +Alien body snatchers come to invade Earth , but piloting a human body is challenging . +The Fourth Wall has been breached and our world has come into physical contact with previously fictitious realities . What happens next ? +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Becoming a god . +Your whole life you 've been able to see other dimensions through mirrors . It was always interesting to see the other dimensions and their variations , that is until all the mirrors started to black out . +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +you live in a world where everyone gets to pick what `` mode '' they want to play on : easy , normal , hard , or expert . You are a man who is trying to get along in life on expert mode . +Were-humans ... +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +Someone breaks into your house and says , `` You 're my favorite character in the book ! I ca n't let it end the way it did . I 'm going to help you . '' +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +A knight wanders 11th century Europe , looking for a knight who saved his life in the Crusades . He 's fairly sure it 's a woman . +Mob Connections +One day there is a knock at the door , opening you find yourself face to face with your exact double . They tell you that because you have n't managed to achieve it , they are here to replace you and get things back on track . +Songs stuck in your head are warnings . +Years after all planes and ships are retired due to the perfection of long-distance teleportation , a derelict vessel shows up in what used to be a harbor . +It is 60 years in the future . Nursing homes have replaced bingo with LAN parties . +The Writer : A War of Words +Aliens have been observing Earth . And they 've come to the conclusion that humans are completely and incurably insane . They begin to use Earth as an insane asylum . +You live in a world where , due to overcrowding , a pregnant couple must announce the pregnancy to the town . The town then votes as to whether or not the pregnancy is of sufficient pedigree to permit the child to live . A vote of no and the town aborts the baby . +Humans for all of recorded history have reported seeing a man or women close to them when they are on the brink of death . Today , this figure appears to you though you believed yourself to be in good health . +`` You 're thinking 3 things , all of which are wrong . '' +You are one of three living on the red planet . The next supply of food and water arrives in 6 months . You only have 2 months worth of food and water . +The full internet history of every citizen , without exception , becomes public record . +A new civil war erupts in The United States , with new technology one faction brings back a great leader ; Abraham Lincoln . +Introverted virologist accidentally contracts this new strain of ebola in the lab and suddenly finds himself inexplicably seeking out crowded places and human contact . +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +I 'm not a fortune teller . I ca n't read your palm and I wo n't read tarot cards . I DO know what will happen in the future , but let me tell you something , knowing what will come with absolute certainty is overrated . You 're better off staying in the dark . +( WP ) The last man on Earth gets a knock on the door , and it 's Christmas carolers +a man driven almost insane from not remembering the title of a song overheard a stranger humming its tune +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +Each year your village holds a rite of passage challenge that must be completed by every adolescent to be accepted as an adult . It is to climb the local Mountain Beast , a massive creature as tall as the sky . This year is your first attempt . . . +Humanity is the most powerful race in the galaxy . Every other race wants to win our respect . Even for ordinary humans , it 's become impossible to go off-world because our presence demands so much respect , awe , and asskissing . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +In the style of an old fable , write a story about narcissism . +Your rival , the super villain Rogue Soldier , calls you out in the streets drunk . He offers peace to exchange a friendly conversation with you . All you need to do is buy the drinks . +Once you die , Hell is meeting the person you could have been . +A literal smart bomb is detonated in a major city . +Unknown depths of the sea : you 're part of an armada of colossal submarines descending into the abyss ... +The Zombie Apocalypse is on its 3rd week . You expected them to be dangerous but you never expected them to be able to talk . +It is 60 years in the future . Nursing homes have replaced bingo with LAN parties . +One day , everyone in a small , isolated town wakes up and finds an ax resting beside their bed with a note that reads , `` Do what you must . '' +600 years in the future , humanity has been decimated . Time travel is possible but there is only enough electricity left to power one last trip ; you are chosen to go back to the day that doomed humanity . +Every God had to choose a race and a planet to manage , but for some reason all gods who choose humanity had given up . A young godling decided to take matter to its hand . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +Humans have sent encoded signals into space in search of extraterrestrial life . Someone , or something responded to the signals . +American satellite started transmitting 46 years after being abandoned in 1967 +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +At age 18 everyone on earth gains the ability to morph into their spirit animal . Today is your 18th birthday and as your family watches you morph into an animal not of this earth +Major prison sentences have become a choice between two pills . One just kills you . The other , well no one knows what that one does ... +You 're a pirate captain sailing on the sea 's when you discover aliens +You try to call in The A Team , but you ca n't get through to them . After many phone calls there is only one team left you can call : The Z Team . +Something big is happening . It 's time to call in those favors . +You are being taken over by a virus . End with the sentence `` ironic , is n't it ? '' +It 's a stormy night and the electricity goes out . Voices come from the attic directed towards you , 'So when is the wifi back on ? ' +The Heart of Evil +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +You are awaken in the middle of the night by the sound of your baby crying on the baby monitor when you hear an unfamiliar voice saying `` It 's alright ... '' in your child 's room . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +An old man passes away , and is lovingly reunited with his deceased first wife . Not long after , his second wife shows up . +Mother Nature +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +You 're the sole survivor of a plane that crashed into the ocean . What you do n't know is that while you 're fighting to survive , the rest of humanity is fighting it 's own battle for survival . +A normal family goes about their normal lives in a very normal way . You are the family 's goldfish/pet . `` What is normal ? '' +I 'm a medieval farmer with no concept of space . Explain the basics of astronomy to me . +A character kills their narrator . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +An actually competent henchman manages to kill the superhero . +Write about your most recent dream . +A young man found out that he 's actually immortal , and that for ages he 's been gradually forgetting the events of the past 20 years . It 's been 19 years since the discovery . +You take your new wife to the city for your honeymoon . She has no idea you have a kilo of heroin in the trunk to deliver . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +America 's founding fathers are revived and learn about the 2016 Presidential Race +You are 16 , living with your parents , a man claiming to be your long lost brother shows up at your door with a gun , he slowly says , `` They ... are not your family '' +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +A mad scientist is trying to get his work peer reviewed , but his unorthodox lab practices are raising a few issues . +At some point in time , a mysterious phenomenon occurred in which everyone on earth was trapped within a 10km ( 6.2 mile ) radius of where they were standing , unable to move past their boundary . +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +You are an immortal who has lived some 2,300 years , so long you have forgotten who or what made you this way . You go to a hypnotist to help you remember . +Every disease in the world is curable because we have devised a way to change human DNA to adapt and fight each disease . The # 1 problem in the world is now overpopulation ... +When you reach the age of 25 , you will respawn back to 25 anytime you die . When you reach age 50 , you no longer respawn if you die . +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +In a world where super-powered people exist one such individual longs to be a hero but fears rejection due to their powers being indecent/immoral in nature . When fate forces them to reveal their abilities the public reaction is ... unexpected . +Reddit upvotes dictate social status in the future . People with negative karma tend to disappear within 48 hours if they do n't get it back up . You just woke up with -10,000 karma . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +The apocalypse has come . The only survivors : a young child , and the monster under the bed ... +Ebola becomes airborne +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +In a world where male virgins who reach the age of 30 turn into powerful wizards , a 29 year old 's birthday fast approaches . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +You 're on a quest to collect legendary magical items , but the gods thought it was hilarious to make the most powerful items the most tacky and ridiculous looking . +Humanity is pushed to the brink of extinction and you could n't be happier . +`` Mommy , what are trees ? '' +You are a child psychiatrist treating a 13 year old boy who has been completely unfazed by a school shooting , in which he was the only survivor . Write a.story about the conversations you two have during your sessions +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Write a story of an inanimate object being destroyed from the objects POV . +A serial killer who tracks down and kills other serial killers finally gets caught . +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +Write a short story without using the words `` the '' or `` and '' . +Global warming has taken its toll . Write the story of the last glacier . +Write a famous Bible story as if it were a teen rom-com +Becoming a god . +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +The Nazis cracked time travel , and Hitler went back to redo the war knowing ahead of time what his enemies would do . A double agent for the Allies followed him . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +Unknown to us mirrors actually are just windows into an alternate dimension that is exactly the same except right and left are reversed . Until one day something throws the mirror dimension out of sync ... +Everything starts turning into lemons . +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +Combine two seemingly unrelated fields of study . Give it a name and describe a university class on that new field . +Every ten years from age twenty until death , you from ten years earlier appears in your bedroom . You have five minutes to explain how to change your life before young you returns to the past . +Tell a story in a light hearted tone . Then tell the same story with a dark tone . +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +A child is playing in the woods and stumbles upon a piece of 'Old Earth ' technology , managing accidentally to turn it back on ... +A supervillain takes over the world . Inexplicably , the quality of life improves . +You do n't remember ever owning the family dog , but everyone else seems to ... +A Pandemic is plaguing the Earth , however , symptoms of the infected are an increased vitality , stable body conditions , and a more `` desirable '' personality . +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +Humanity has been telepathic for a long time . There 's a taboo on reading the mind of your lover . +Everything you type into your typewriter becomes true . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +There is no Hell , only a warped perception of Heaven +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +You stumble into a universe where you discover that your life is an incredibly popular book/movie/piece of media . Then you find the fanfiction . +MRPS ( Multi Realm Parcel Service ) has mixed up an order between heaven and hell . +You wake up to two messages on your phone from an unknown number . The first is a picture of you . The second : `` Run . '' +`` Hi , my name is Geraldine , I 'll be your soldier . '' +Write about someone who is waiting for something . +It turns out that when you die , your soul is launched back in time , effectively becoming your own guardian angel . +The year is 2020 . We 've successfully privatised the afterlife . +Write a story from the perspective of a cupcake who does n't want to be eaten +The first line of your story must include 'and I caught him with , of all things , a fishing pole ' . +You run an agency in Hollywood , which let 's a rich or famous person swap bodies with an average person . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +Entry into Heaven is n't based on good deeds , but your answer to a queston : `` Why ? `` . +You 're not feeling quite like yourself after that organ transplant +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +The Ascension of Man +Humanity makes it to the stars and discovers a species that is better than us in every way . We fight them because that 's all we know . +You are visited by your guardian angel but he/she is an asshole . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +The zombie apocalypse is real and you are one of them , but you have n't lost your conscience . +Does it seem like all writing prompts have become the same ? +You are on the train to the afterlife . Detail your conversation with a fellow passenger . +You are a hypnotist . +An alien species that never evolved the ability to hear has to describe humans to its superiors ( they have txt based lanauge ) . +Multiple nuclear explosions wipe out several cities in the middle east , but noone knows who deployed the weapons . This is the resulting UN emergency meeting . +You 're a teacher , and you suspect one of your students is about to attempt to kill you . +You are an evil supervillain who is suddenly having a crisis of conscience . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +Tell me a story about goddamn DRAGONS . +`` Attention all employees , please hide . '' +`` Save yourself . '' - use this line of dialogue in a story without using action movie tropes +You really , I mean REALLY , like that pair of shoes . +Lava Ruins +Give the reader a tour of your mind . +''Can you hear them singing ? '' +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +You discover the message meant to be given to `` The Chosen One '' was wrongfully given to you . +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +Julius Caesar , Genghis Khan , Alexander the Great , and Sun Tzu play a strategy game +You wake up in a morgue with no memory . On a table next to you is a brown envelope marked 'Confidential ' . +`` Give up your cause , hero . Join me on the side of evil , and we can rule together . '' `` Okay . '' +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +You had set in motion a series of events that lead to the destruction of human civilisation . You are given a chance to go back in time and right your wrong . You fail . You are given a chance to go back in time and right your wrong . You fail ... This is the 367th cycle . +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +With no moving air , the blinds started to move . +You live in two different universes . Each time you go to sleep in one , you wake up in the other . Now that it 's your 18th birthday , you must choose one . +Usually the recently deceased end up haunting the likes of a castle , crypt or old mansion . Somehow you ended up stuck with a Winnebago . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +The elderly man who just saved your life , was the homeless man you gave your allowance to when you were younger . +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +What if Death found a reason to live ? +It 's painfully obvious that one of your friends is an android . You 've all just been very good sports about it . +A prowrestler accidentally kills his opponent in a staged fight , and gives the audience a heart-wrenching speech . +Years ago , you promised your firstborn to a witch . Since then , despite your best efforts , you ca n't seem to get laid . The witch is starting to get pretty pissed . +You are separated from your brother at a young age by an oppressive entity . You meet later fighting for opposing forces . +A hardcore doomsday prepper is living through the apocalypse ... But it 's a kind he did n't prepare for +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +Christopher Robin returns to the Hundred Acre Wood to systematically eliminate his childhood friends . +You have the ability to see ghosts . One day , one of them decided to tell you about their life . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +A stranger knocks on your door and claims he/she was a long ago resident . This person tells you they are going away for good , and would like one last tour of your home . You soon realize this is no ordinary visitor . +Time freezes every time someone is about to die . You can not change their fate but you can speak to them in their frozen state to give them closure before they pass . +Write a conversation with two people , but only let us hear one side of the dialogue or see that speaker 's actions . +In a totalitarian dictatorship , a revolutionary group appears to overthrow the regime , but they are actually agents to locate enemies of the state . +You have to explain to your mother why you are playing Monopoly with Obama , Putin and Xi Jinping in her basement at three in the morning . +everyone who had taken the vaccine died or went insane . You survived but when you looked in mirror something was different.. +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +Suicidal person realizes he can not die +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Your dog was barking for 15 minutes . Then you hear a whimper . Then you hear it yelp . +You are the one , the true hero chosen by the ancients ! However , the Ancients forgot one small details when they chose you ... +Story Of The Sidekick +In the Verdant Valley +*sigh* Let 's have some tea . I 'll put the kettle on . We need to talk '' +And we sat , and we talked , and the world went by +A tomb is discovered in modern times . Archaeologists find an ancient artifact of unknown origin inside . After testing , it 's revealed to be a VCR . +Write a story that tells another if read from the last word to the first . +You are addicted to Time , a new psychedelic drug that unsticks you temporarily from the time space continuum . After countless trips you finally decide its time to quit , so you go to a treatment facility to help you through withdrawals . +`` Best bounty hunter in the universe ? Well , then you want them , '' said the man , pointing down the bar to where a little girl and her robot were playing chess . +Fallen Titan +Your first question upon arriving in the afterlife is , `` what do people do here ? '' An elder member describes the phases that people go though once they arrive and warns you about the last one . +`` Look , I do n't know how you were raised - but assassination is not an acceptable means of communication . '' +One ( or all ) of the seven virtues falls and becomes one of the seven sins . +In a unanimous decision , the US Supreme Court decided to label caffeine a Schedule I drug . Describe the fallout to this decision and the United States post caffeine illegality . +Tell the story of an author through the titles of the books they wrote . +A man wakes up every morning 500 years into the future . Every time he sleeps , he wakes up in the same spot , but propelled 500 years from when we was last awake . +What is the longest sentence you can create while staying on subject and not turning it into a run-on sentence ? +You get lost driving to a friend 's new place . When you check Google Maps , your location is a blank area labeled `` Abandon hope all ye who enter here . '' +You are the oldest inhabitant of Hell . Even the Devil does n't know how long you 've been here . Denizens of Hell normally expect that the oldest sinner would be someone of pure evil , but in truth you 're actually a pretty chill dude . +A new casino has opened that allows players to gamble years of their life . Some find immortality ; others , a grim fate . +Write a character-based story from objective point of view : we can only observe actions and have access to the thoughts and feelings of no person . +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +Your extremely specific superpower finally gets to be used . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +Humanity has found a way to be immortal , and spread among the stars . On your 21st birthday you find out that you are the first person in 10,000 years that the process does n't work on . +Our character accidentally completed an occultist ritual and summons a powerful archdemon . Being a good person however and with the demon requesting a task , they opt for more mundane requests than their new servant is used to . +There were no crimes for so many years that all jails were closed . Crime finally happens . +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Scientists have solved the mystery of why headphones always tangle , causing huge advances in science/technology . +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +You are part of an expedition which discovered a island where humanoid aliens had crashed in prehistory and has been living in seclusion . +Everyone has an AI to help guide them in life , except yours . Yours makes life more difficult every time you achieve something . +At a cosplay convention , everybody gets the powers of whoever they 're cosplaying . +You 're main character wants to summon the demon patron of wealth , but instead , they end up with his child , the demon of loose change . +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +For the last two years you have worked the graveyard shift at one of those 24 hour gas stations . On your breaks you lay on the hood of your car and check out the moon . Something is off tonight though . When you lay back and look up you see the Earth staring back at you ! +If George R. R. Martin wrote Harry Potter +Pick a relatively backwater , less well known superhero that most of us probably have n't heard of ( So no Batman , Superman , Spiderman , etc . ) and write an awesome story about them . +You have a trap door in your basement , one knock leads you to heaven , two knocks to hell and on the third knock ... +The Long Road +Detail the hardships of trying to get yourself on the front page . +You are standing over the person that tortured and murdered your family ... what do you do ? +Rainy Night +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +Someone has a mental disability that prevents them from remembering anything for more than a few hours . They have always kept notes/journals to remember who they are . One day they are all stolen/lost/destroyed . +You have died and have been sentenced to Heck . +The world 's first global dictator rises to power and immediately commits suicide . +Make me side with a serial killer from the perspective of one of his victims . +A genie offers a refund for a wish gone wrong +`` So how do you kill a god , you ask ... It 's simple . You take away the people 's belief in him , you disregard his works and then you put him on display , naked , for everyone to see '' +Imagine a world where a normal “ couple ” always consisted of 3 people . A relationship between just two would be straight up disturbing to most . +Raining All Day +Describe a universe where a personal stat is displayed above everyone 's head . One can see everyone else 's stat except their own . Talking about the stat is strongly taboo . Reveal what the stat represents at the end . +You 're on a dinner date with Medusa +You 've been mistaken as a highly trained assassin but you 're actually just an average person . The only reason you 're still alive is because your targets die on their own by accident . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +In a world where everyone has multiple tattoos , you do not have any . At all . Tell me why . +Write an entry for a history book about an event in a fictional world - all top level comments in this prompt take place in the same world , so make them all fit together . +You 're a subway conductor and one day you realize no one has been riding your train for years . ( WP ) +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +The Flat Earth Society is correct . Space programs are a hoax , as a part of a worldwide conspiracy . What 's beyond the wall of ice that is Antarctica ? +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +You are a street vendor in Hell where you deal in its most valuable commodity , water . Walk us through an average day in your life . +You wake up to a future in which humans are extinct , but revered as gods by the current inhabitants . +`` What 's the status ? Your ship is cursed , your crew is insane , and everyone out there wants us dead . '' +The entire world loses all its WiFi , except for one place . Your body is the only WiFi hot-spot on the planet . +Scotland votes `` Yes '' on independence , England invades . +`` By the way , I 'm a dragon . '' +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +Harry Potter is actually sorted into Slytherin on his first day at Hogwarts . Write the ending of the series . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +You take your new wife to the city for your honeymoon . She has no idea you have a kilo of heroin in the trunk to deliver . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +A teenage girl was resurrected and was given 10 wishes . The rule is , with every wish granted , somebody she knows dies . She is n't aware about this rule . +Unable to die , you find yourself trapped in the stomach of a dragon . +America has made history again by electing the its first A.I . President . +No , my name is not Dick , it 's Richard . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +`` We will send you back to the creation of the thirteen colonies . You are immortal to death by old age until this year occurs again . Your task , is to recreate America as it is now . '' +Life of a Mercenary +You 're a Xenobiologist that has been tasked with tracking and recording the impact of invasive alien species has on Earth habitats . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +`` I never truly knew what bittersweet meant until I met you . '' +You decide to use your phones new app to record sound while you 're asleep . What does it hear ? +You 're an accidental time traveler trapped in the 14th century with a twist ... you 're just a librarian , what do you do with all your knowledge ? +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . +`` Give up your cause , hero . Join me on the side of evil , and we can rule together . '' `` Okay . '' +The day after a suicide attempt +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +- What does it mean to be a hero ? +Every world leader come together and agree to establish true communism . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +Begin your story with `` They should have sent a poet . '' +Write a story with a moral you disagree with so much , that it hurts to write . +The day has finally come . My life starts over today . +A story from the perspective of someone not in their right mind +Coronation +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +`` I wish I was real . I wish I was alive . But I am neither ... '' +`` It 's just numbers . '' +An explorer , looking to discover new animals in the Amazon Rainforest , finds technology way more advanced than the likes of which we use today . +Each village has a designated `` scapegoat '' that everyone takes their issues out on . Write about the life of this person . +Patrick Bateman explains Daft Punk +Without backspacing or editing , tell me how you learned about Star Wars . +Humans can now store and retrieve memories instantly with embedded hardware under the skin . Everyone 's memory is now essentially perfect . One day you suspect your memories are being altered . +You 're an astronaut on the first mission to the moon since the 1970 's . You begin to dig for samples in the soft sentiment when your shovel hits something soft , yet tough . You brush the dirt away , revealing a dead man in a bloody spacesuit . +Astronauts arrive on Mars . The only thing they see is dirt , for miles and miles , until they come upon a circular portal . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +You find yourself stranded on a deserted island +You are in a Movie Genre , everyone else is in a different Movie Genre . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +Dying for the greater good still hurts . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +You buy a new alarm clock with a special feature , and test it out the next morning . Every time you hit snooze , time pauses around you for 10 minutes . +Schizophrenic brothers are stranded in the woods . They are to run out of ziprasidone soon . + +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +Write a modern day nursery rhyme or children 's fable . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +Your ship 's dead in space , nothing working but life support . You 've still got momentum from when the engines worked , and with no way to `` steer '' , you 're months away from crashing into the very planet you were supposed to colonize . No one can reach you in time to help . How do you tell your crew ? +`` Please tell me you 're here to do something about the dust . '' +It 's the beginning of a new term at your university . Like usual , you scramble to your first class and get there just in time . No one is there but you and the professor . +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +The entire world loses all its WiFi , except for one place . Your body is the only WiFi hot-spot on the planet . +The sun goes out . Tell the story of a person who now lives a world of darkness . +An internet startup develops an algorithm to review and identify gross , offensive and sexually explicit pics on social media for removal . It becomes self-aware . +A generic RPG story ( such as , but not necessarily , `` the princess has been kidnapped ! '' ) from the villain 's point of view . Make the audience sympathetic to his/her cause . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +The TSA is actually run by practical jokers who want to see what silly rules airline passengers will follow under the guise of security . They 've just announced their latest arbitrary regulation . +You are the last person on Earth . To feel less lonely you collected shop mannequins as a substitute for friends . As you walk past one of them you hear a faint 'help me ' . +`` I 'm your God now . '' +The sky ripped open , and through it fell a book . +In the future , stores like Walmart have grown to become as large as cities . Soon an apocalypse happens , the employees gather into tribes to defend their section and to raid others sections . +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +You gain the ability to shift between dimensions , going from a parallel world to another . The differences between these Earths are first small but slowly you notice that they 're getting progressively worse ... +You live in a reality where human kind hibernates for the second half of the year . You are one of very few humans who do not hibernate . +A court that prosecutes time travelling criminals is once again charging someone for the attempted murder of Adolf Hitler . +Write a story in which the main character is the only person in the world who does n't constantly speak in terrible cliches . +There is a tradition that when you save another 's life you ask them for a favor to balance the debt , but the favor is always impossible so that both parties can simply go on with their lives . One day you save a life and ask your favor . To your surprise , joy , or horror they complete their task . +You can have absolutely anything you want in the world , but it can not be living . You can not have any social interaction . +What if after you die , you wake up with a bong in your hand and your alien friend asks `` How was it ? `` . +You can respawn when you die . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +Your little brother has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer . When the Make A Wish program asks him what he wants he simply responded with , `` Kill my older brother before it 's too late . '' +Based on this /r/asksciencefiction thread , write a story about the TARDIS landing The Doctor in the throne room of the Emperor of Mankind , circa 40,000 AD +Two chickens at a slaughterhouse share a tender goodbye before death . +`` Keep your head low , '' my mother said . `` That 's the woman who killed our gods . '' +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +You come home from work and the house is empty . On the kitchen counter , a note says `` I did n't know '' . +Set in the American Dustbowl , You and your family are trapped in your house during a vicious dust-storm and you 're fairly certain there is something else lurking out there amidst the churning grey sand . +Your team uncovers a long lost city no modern human has ever set foot in , yet you find a digital camera with a note . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +tell me how this man ended up where he is , doing what he is doing . +Based on what you do as work/hobby , describe your survival in a zombie apocalypse . +A humorous take on Confidence . +You are being taken over by a virus . End with the sentence `` ironic , is n't it ? '' +Write about whatever you want , but use as many unnecessary adjectives as possible . +You are given the opportunity to rewrite the entire Star Wars prequel trilogy . How would you make them better ? +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +Write yourself into a corner . +Your parents are the lamest , most boring parents ever . One day you accidentally find a secret room in your house ; within it are relics and souvenirs of all the supervillains they 've defeated . +The villain manages to kill their arch-enemy . However , they soon realize how meaningless their life is without an opponent , and go to increasingly drastic measures in order to revive their enemy . +Germany , 1909 . All your life , strangers have been trying to murder you . Finally , one confesses why : they 're trying to stop Adolph Hitler from causing WW2 . The only problem : your name is Adolph Hilter . Not Hitler , HILTER . +Coming back from the bathroom , you realize you 've accidentally rubbed down with a squeeze of Hand Satanizer +And we sat , and we talked , and the world went by +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Two persons are without any possibility of ever having any direct interaction . They become magically connected . Each of them knows what the other thinks . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +One day there is a knock at the door , opening you find yourself face to face with your exact double . They tell you that because you have n't managed to achieve it , they are here to replace you and get things back on track . +American satellite started transmitting 46 years after being abandoned in 1967 +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +You want to rewatch your favorite TV show , but find that it does n't exist . Nobody has ever heard of it . +Rewrite your favorite song as a story . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +write a horror story . But the narrator ( who is n't in the story ) thinks it 's a love story . +Hunter 's Dream . +You play a game with the Devil . If he wins , he gets your eternal soul , but if you win , you get his . +`` There 's always a third option . Let me demonstrate . '' +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +After falling for a `` Win a free iPad ! '' website , a mob boss decides to collect his free iPad by any means necessary . +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +BEGINNING YOUR TITLE WITH `` VOTE UP IF '' IS VIOLATION OF INTERGALACTIC LAW . what is the punishment for committing this crime against r/Writingprompts ? +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +Tales of Old Earth +An angel tells you that your husband/wife is not your soulmate and is destined to be happier with another person ... +why does everyone else get stories written and every damn time i ask for something i think would be cool all i get is effing downvotes ? +Somehow make the line `` Boy , its a joyous day outside ! '' sound sad . +You have just purchased a new 2015 calendar from the bookstore . When you open it at home , you find a date already circled . It has your name written on the day . +( CW ) Your autobiography is feeling a little thin . Tell me one truth and one lie about yourself , but do so in a single continuous story . Do n't tell me which is which . +You reject someone by saying `` I 'll go on a date with you the day hell freezes over . '' The next day , Satan appears in your room , shivering , and covered in snow . +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +In 1879 Swift Runner , believing he is possessed by a 'Wendigo ' , becomes a cannibal +Fallen Titan +There were two swords in the stone . You pulled out one . Who pulled out the other ? +Smouldering hat in hand , the Devil has come to the one person who is more versed in corruption of humanity than him . And it 's a real shock to learn it 's YOU . +Neptune has just exploded ! asteroids are making there way into our atmosphere , and there 's now a known alien threat . How do we react ? +`` The tree looked like it was made of wolves . '' +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +You 're a construction crew who frequently works paving the roads with the material known as Time . You make/fix/take apart these roads . What do you witness and what do you see ? +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +You 're sitting at a bus stop alone waiting for the last bus to arrive on your way home , a stranger appears and hands you a small metallic contraption and says `` Its your responsibility now '' ... +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +Humanity has been living in a simulated utopia of their own making for several generations . The robots and infrastructure that maintain this paradise have begun breaking down . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +At age 18 everyone on earth gains the ability to morph into their spirit animal . Today is your 18th birthday and as your family watches you morph into an animal not of this earth +Since /u/sakanagai 's flair says he harbors a dark secret , what 's his secret ? +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +You wake up to a future in which humans are extinct , but revered as gods by the current inhabitants . +Time and time again , you failed . Today , you succeeded . +You Were Driving to Work One Day and Your Car Suddenly Started Flying . +A man never sleeps , has never had to , and does n't suffer physically from this condition ... What would he do ? What would his life be like ? +The story of a man gaining superpowers and realizing he must use them for good ... at the age of 50 . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +The dead can temporarily return to the living world with permission from the Ministry of Death . You 're an agent tasked with tracking down any illegal visa overstayers and Mr A. Hitler 's file just landed on your desk . +Write a normal , mundane story with normal , mundane characters doing normal , mundane things . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +You do n't believe in love in first sight , but one encounter convinces you otherwise . ~50 to 200 words +You 've been best friends with Death your entire life . When you 're about to become President of the largest world changing company in human history , Death turns to you and says `` Tomorrow , 3pm . '' +We all lived and worked on the top 100 stories of a 1000 story building and we rarely went down to the ground . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +A normal family goes about their normal lives in a very normal way . You are the family 's goldfish/pet . `` What is normal ? '' +You relive the same day over and over again forever +You 're elected president , but you do n't want to be president anymore , so you do ridiculous things to get impeached , but they all turn out to be the best decision for the country , making you more popular . +You are stranded on a deserted island . As you scout around for survival items , you discover everything you ever lost is on the island . +Hitler has been dealing with time traveling assassins since he was born . He decides to write a book about his struggles with these mysterious attackers , titled `` Mein Kampf '' . +The year is 2296 and Vault 9 and 3/4 finally opens it 's blast door . Wizards have returned to the British Wastelands . +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +You are a dark , brooding 90s style anti hero . But much to your annoyance , the setting , other characters , and plot are as campy as the 60s batman show . +Highly advanced aliens arrive and say 2015 earth years ago , an unusual star appeared in the sky and lead them to this planet . They believe the star was a sign saying God had manifested on earth , and they want to meet Him . +A big brother government has formed a new department that screens all media for anti-propaganda messages . The problem ? The department is full of literature teachers . +aliens land in southern texas . They are very peaceful unless agitated . They are also grammar nazi 's . +With no moving air , the blinds started to move . +You are a doctor in the Emergency Room . While removing a `` foreign object '' from an embarrassed patient , you begin to suspect that he is actually Satan . +A man sits on a bench in the middle of a park . Out of boredom , he imagines a back story for every person who crosses his path . He sees a couple jogging toward him in matching sweatsuits ... +We 've finally made first contact with an alien race ... and it turns out they really are very boring . +An apartment building where the rent is payed in Reddit Karma +Write a story from the perspective of someone trying really hard to sleep . +Humans are winning a war against an `` evil '' alien empire who instigated the war , and we 're closing in on their home planet with massive force . Write things from an alien civilians perspective . +A young man 's sexual expierance is ruined by the play-by-play commentary of Al Michaels and John Madden . +- Humanity is extinct , after a global thermonuclear war . Write a poem about the last man made light going out . +The most clichè protagonist meets the least clichè protagonist +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +Describe a chess game in the form of an epic battle from the perspective of a pawn who survives long enough to be turned into a queen . +Lex Luthor has finally gone too far ... Superman has SNAPPED . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +A few centuries in the future , immortality has been achieved . You are the last living mortal , and your final hours are coming near . Describe your end . +The zombie apocalypse is real and you are one of them , but you have n't lost your conscience . +your best explanation of drugs to a being that has never heard of drugs before . +You run a tattoo parlor . Every couple of weeks the same customer comes in , always requesting the same tattoo - an additional tally mark on an ever-growing cluster of tally marks . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +A person finds out they can steal the knowledge of others through contact . Soon it becomes an obsession . +The humans of earth have ventured to another star system to find a planet inhabited by ... humans . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A `` king hunt '' is a chess term for when the king is drawn out of safety ( usually by a sacrifice ) , chased across the board , and mated . Write such a hunt as if it were a real world battle . +What it takes to get into heaven . +Were-humans ... +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You find a pile of dead bodies that look like you all wearing the same outfit you are wearing today . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +Make me fall in love with a train . +You open the door to a child under distress and quickly usher him in to use the telephone . As he raises his head to take the phone you notice that in place of his eyes are a never ending blackness . +You feel a slight tug on your pants , and turn to see a terrified pickpocket , trying desperately to return what he just stole . +In the middle of a vast desert there is a single , shiny black skyscraper . What is in it and why is it there ? +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +You have slowly been losing your mind for a while now , and just about a minute ago , the full force of your insanity just hit you . Write about how you unravel . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +The country you serve can only afford to field one soldier . World War III broke out , and this soldier finds himself in the thick of it . +Divorcing after children is the norm . Write about a family that stays together . +A sequence from an RTS game , from the perspective of the units . +I won a bet . My friend has to read a poem in front of a live audience at a poetry reading tomorrow night . I get to write whatever I want for his poem . Help me write this poem . +If George R. R. Martin wrote Harry Potter +The rain tastes like fear +An MMORPG boss is lonely after a new expansion pack is released and no one comes to fight him anymore . +Suicidal people can choose to `` gift '' remaining years to other people on Earth . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +A true personal story that makes the reader feel sonder ( the realization that each random passerby ( here , the writer ) is living a life as vivid and complex as your own ( here , the reader ) ) . +The characters from one of your abandoned stories find out that you have given up on them . +A utopian planet communicates with a dystopian planet for the first time . The utopian planet is convinced that life would be better in the dystopian world . Why ? +The people sent a human sacrifice to the gods . The gods want them to take it back . +Your only life purpose is to exterminate mankind . But unfortunately , you are just a mushroom . +'' Be careful if you tell the truth too much Kiddo . They will Try to tell you that you have a mental illness . '' +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +You have a terrible life . Something mundane occurs . It is the best thing to ever happen to you . +Write a story in which a character slowly loses his empathy and humanity because of how society treats him as well as having us empathize with him . +`` I wish I was real . I wish I was alive . But I am neither ... '' +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +Everyone in the world is told to wish for a superpower in ten seconds . Anyone who wishes the same thing as another person will result in death for both . +`` The Empire '' spans galaxies and seeds planets with families , only to come back any number of millennia later and swallow these new civilizations wholesale to fight in its wars . Earth is next . +`` You 'll have to come with us now . '' +The Hero/ine finally reaches the Demon Lord/Lady , then romance happens . +Your kid is going through a dinosaur phase . You 're letting them dig around in the yard when you notice they 've actually found something , and it 's not a dinosaur bone . +Describe the color blue without using any adjectives . +: A recently deceased woman enters the afterlife only to find her seated at a desk with a clerk asking how her `` Experience with life was , not satisfactory , somewhat satisfactory or very satisfactory ? '' +At least three characters . Dialogue only . +In a world where good people grow halos and bad people grow horns , you are a con artist . +You 're about to say a speech at your best friend 's wedding . You 're in love with his new wife . +She 's safe in the fire . +You are a lawyer in God 's Court who and you must a find a way to get your newest client , Adolf Hitler , into Heaven via a loophole in the Lord 's legal system +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +Defending her honor +Midnight Road +write a poem about where you grew up , and your hobbies . +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +You are a con artist that travels back in time to a gullible era so that you can sell money tree seeds . +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +The Fourth Wall has been breached and our world has come into physical contact with previously fictitious realities . What happens next ? +Five teenage friends make a video-message for themselves to playback when they are older . Now they are in there 30 's and they all reunite to watch that video . +The Nazis won WWII . The parallel universe equivalent Nazi Subreddit /r/WritingPrompts prompts 'What would the world be like if the Allies had won the war ? ' +You are the last Human leaving Earth after a mass relocation of Humans elsewhere . Give the story of your literal last day on Earth . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +You 've been hired by Abstergo to study your ancestors genetic memories . You hop into the animus and find yourself experiencing the life of a peasant/artisan/other generic commoner . +You have two watches , one counts down to the moment you meet your soulmate , the other counts down to when you die , today they are to hit zero at the same time . +In an alternate world , every individual is born with a scar from an injury that has n't happened yet . Once it does happen , the scar goes away , but no one knows how long it 'll be . Where is the scar ? What does it say about the person ? How do they end up getting it ? +Harry Potter is actually sorted into Slytherin on his first day at Hogwarts . Write the ending of the series . +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +Just like there are genders , write a story where about half of the population consists of psychopaths . +Write a story in which one character 's dialog is entirely generated by cleverbot +Write a short corny/punny love poem using the numbers 3 , 5 and 8 +Since more and more children are saying that it 's not theit choice to be born , a law has been passed that permits 18-year-olds to decide whether to continue living or not . Your son/daughter is turning 18 tomorrow ... +Your eyes underwent some changes and you can now see people 's souls , including your own . You are greatly surprised because you never thought your soul would look the way it does . +Humanity wakes up one day to find that a giant penis has been graffitied onto the moon . +The human race is the first and last race to take up tool-making and language +Super powers are n't triggered by puberty , but by a midlife-crisis . +Someone threw himself under my train today . I want to know more about him , to be able to put a story behind his face . Tell me who he was . +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +DNA has been extracted from the Shroud of Turin and Jesus has been cloned . The host mother is 8 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy . The world is in an uproar ... +No , my name is not Dick , it 's Richard . +A child tells you one day , '' Mother Earth has a fever . Her temperature will rise until the sickness dies or she does . '' +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +You missed the last spaceship leaving earth +First Contact +The world is an infinite flat plane . The furthest known points of this realm take days to contact by telegraph . Slowly communication ceases from the far west , and slowly the silence pushes closer and closer to home ... +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +The title of the last chapter of your book plus the last paragraph of that chapter +You are the most powerful human on earth with powers to manipulate the universe to your specifications , But you have one critical weakness what is it ? +Write something that goes with this soundtrack . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +A person finds out they can steal the knowledge of others through contact . Soon it becomes an obsession . +Every ten years from age twenty until death , you from ten years earlier appears in your bedroom . You have five minutes to explain how to change your life before young you returns to the past . +`` The Empire '' spans galaxies and seeds planets with families , only to come back any number of millennia later and swallow these new civilizations wholesale to fight in its wars . Earth is next . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +Dr. Frankenstein 's monster has just awoken for the first time . What happens next is not what the Doctor was expecting ... +A ghost realizes he can 'escape ' his death by possessing his own corpse . Meanwhile , his insurance company grows suspicious ... +As a Space marine you have an allowance of one call home a day . Today 's battle was especially bad and your best friend died I 'm the heat of it all . Time to call home . +A dog 's psychology session . +Write the constitution for a small colony of post-apocolyptic survivors +Write a story that consists only of monosyllabic words . +There is a monster in your house that can only attack you once you acknowledge that it exists . You know this and try to write off the various ways it tries to get your attention . +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +while on reddit , you discover a subreddit all dedicated to You , as if it was a fan base for a show . One of the Post talks about the soon to be Cancellation of your `` Show '' +( Dystopia ) You are a sniper in charge of protecting a small community from the dangers of the wastelands . One day , you failed . Describe your failure and what you did afterwards . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +The Office 's Michael Scott has gotten wind of the show Undercover Boss and decides he wants to go undercover at Dunder-Mifflin Scranton . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Today you skipped work . +You stumble upon God 's blueprint drafts for man before his final version . +You open your computer to a Word document that you do n't remember leaving open . In small font you read : +The Little Black Box +Pokémon are no longer the fun and loving creatures you `` train '' with . They are now hunting humans and eating them alive . Tell us the stories of your great survival or the story of your untimely death . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +You live in a world where the only way to be respected is to say as little as possible at all times +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +A psychopath is collecting people to be characters in a story he wrote . He thinks he 's found his protagonist . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +Write a story about a fantasy evil healer ( not just because he 's part of an evil team ) . +With no moving air , the blinds started to move . +`` I 'm your God now . '' +It has been revealed the government controls your dreams . You have only ever dreamed about what has happened in your life . +A man brings a gun to a bank . Do anything you please onwards . +Miranda Castle , Belgium +A married couple confess to eachother that they have both secretly had a passion , and talent , for murdering people . +Tell me about the romantic endeavors of a character from one of your favorite universes - but switch genre/tone at least twice . +You 've just arrived in the afterlife and are slowly coming to the realization that God is terrifyingly insane . +Rainy Night +you were given the choice of immortality , and you took it . Now , millions of years later , you are floating in space . Alone with your thoughts . +Abraham Lincoln 's diary entry from when he returned from his time travel journey to 2015 . +You are known for being the best , never losing a game and never losing a bet . Problem is , you 're in a situation where you WANT to lose , and you 're still winning . +You have been evicted from your home , but rather than live on the street you go to Ikea . At night you hide in the bathroom until the janitor leaves , then you exit the bathroom . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +The White house has tasked you to gather peoples opinions on weather or not we should kick off world war 3 in the next 24 hours . you turned to reddit expecting to get real answers . +Man with an emotional disorder sees everything as flat and lifeless +Write a time travel story that does n't create any paradoxes +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +At a certain age , everyone is assigned their dream job and given to tools to perform it . You 've been given a scythe and a cloak . +The year is 151441 . Humanity is on it ’ s last string of life . Food is scarce . The last bottle of maple syrup has expired . Hope is dying fast . +You singlehandedly took down God . +A roller coaster ride unlike any other . +The fire dies and the darkness encroaches . +Write a story of revenge between two men during the early Victorian era with a twist . +Your first memory is of your dad promising that he will be there for you , then leaving never to be seen again . On your deathbed you realize he has been behind the scenes helping you your whole life . +The year is 151441 . Humanity is on it ’ s last string of life . Food is scarce . The last bottle of maple syrup has expired . Hope is dying fast . +Ebenezer Scrooge has to learn the true meaning of Halloween . +You 've just been informed that your liege had told you to *slay* the dragon , not *lay* the dragon . That would 've been great to know earlier . +In the far future cryogenic awakening is finally achieved , however . The subjects begin experiencing something called `` Depersonalization disorder '' . +`` The elevator had an extra button , but instead of a number , it was only labeled with a question mark . '' +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +The personification of Death is a very discerning creature , and has n't let you die for centuries . This is your 200th meeting with Death . +A man is secretly in love with his barber . He begins to bald . +World Breaker - FirstChapter - 2188 Words +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +You were reincarnated and you retained all memories of your previous life . But instead of using this knowledge to become famous or rich , you instead use it to be the worst obnoxious little shit possible , always saying 'innocent ' things that are 100 % inappropriate in the given situation . +DNA has been extracted from the Shroud of Turin and Jesus has been cloned . The host mother is 8 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy . The world is in an uproar ... +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +The entirety of humanity becomes caught in a shared `` Groundhog Day '' style time loop . Millions of cycles later the effect wears off but what has become of humanity in the interim ? +A teen realizes that his mom is a supervillain and his dad is a superhero but that they do n't know eachothers secret . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Heart of Eden +In 200 words or less tell someone 's life-story . +A detective whose child has been killed mysteriously , and despite being told not to , investigates her death enough to suspect their spouse . +Let 's make a deal +Rainy Night +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +As a villager in an MMORPG , you 've grown increasingly jaded from every single hero easily completing your `` quest '' . You 've decided to actively sabotage them from now on ... +A child that never knew their grandparents has just learned what grandparents are , and thinks that they sound wonderful . The child sneaks out to go to the nearby old folks home to choose their very own grandparents . +You wake up in the body of a 12-year-old girl , with all of your memories . While trying to convince people what happened , you realize : You still remember all of your passwords . +'Lunar Colony 2 , this is Lunar colony 1 , do you hear me , over ? ' It 's no good , they 're not responding . We need need to send a team to investigate . +In the middle of the night , a piece of paper is slipped under your door . It says , `` DUCK ! '' +You are a member of a mildly intelligent species that evolved on the inside of Enceladus 's ice crust . Humans have just bored through and made contact . +Something big is happening . It 's time to call in those favors . +The Little Black Box +a nice ! normal person dies and becomes a ghost and tries to start a relationship with the current inhabitant of his/her old home . +An Omnipotent God of Unlimited Power Realizes That There is More to Being a Deity Than Having Powers Unbounded by the Laws of Physics and Logic . +A knight finds a crashed spaceship and looks inside to find a giant scaly winged lizard that can breathe fire . +IT 'S TRUE ! ! Gays control the weather ! They can cause floods and tornadoes and sunny days and rainbows ! Other sexual minorities begin acquiring similar , but vastly different , superpowers . What is going on ? +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +`` He ai n't no gunslinger : they call him the Spellslinger . '' + +As a child , you were kidnapped by a roving gang of marauders . A year later , you were saved by a dragon , who now seeks to raise you as her own . +`` You will feel what she feels , live when she lives , and die when she dies . '' +You are a Genie . Someone just released you from you lamp and wished only for their significant other to love them again . Make them regret making that wish . +Write a melodramatic story about the most mundane thing you can think of . +Hiding behind a tree with a clear view of the crash site , you witness two men in military fatigues methodically move among the survivors killing them one by one . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Turn your favorite/most vivid dream ( s ) into a detailed narrative +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +You are a travelled drug-dealer in the state of New York and open a pizza place as a cover for a drug operation . In doing so , you find your true passion , making pizza . +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +As you gaze at Earths beauty from the ISS , it suddenly disappears . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +I do n't understand ... usually when I do this , food appears . +A man travels back in time every time he falls asleep . +Your only life purpose is to exterminate mankind . But unfortunately , you are just a mushroom . +`` I 'll tell you something the world does n't know '' +`` Decisions are hard , especially this one . '' +It 's 3016 , cryogenic people are being revived for the first time . +A group of adventurers discover a robot who 's been awake but immobile for hundreds of years . +Humans have evolved to lay eggs instead of live birthing , and you have been tasked with protecting the largest incubation facility in the world from the heist of the century . +A fairy tells it 's children a human tale before bed +a new energy is discovered , called `` Sorrow '' . This energy can only be harvested from dead bodies , and the amount of sorrow produced is based on how well liked the person was in life +A 10 year old girl shows up at your doorstep claiming she is your daughter . You are a virgin ... +The last surviving member of a once prestigious warrior clan is getting ready to die . +`` Let the kids watch . They 'll have to do it one day . '' +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +You are a dog who is trying to kill its master , but the family 's cat stops you at every turn . +The Earth and everything on it is actually just some alien kid 's biological synthesis final , which got a C- . +You have to explain to your mother why you are playing Monopoly with Obama , Putin and Xi Jinping in her basement at three in the morning . +The Sheltered City +Can we have a `` No Sci-fi/Fantasy '' day ? +Humans are successful partly because we 're omnivores and this holds true on the galactic scale as well . In the future humans have quickly become feared throughout the Milky Way as our soldiers are ready to eat almost anything ... or anyone . +In the near future , the reanimation of the recently deceased becomes scientifically possible . Despite being illegal in the United States , underground scientists reanimate someone that committed suicide . +At night , everyone turns into an animal . You turn into something that should n't exist ... +A moderately advanced spacefaring civilization makes first contact with a medieval fantasy world . +An individual 's dilemma upon discovering a love potion : Use it to make their crush fall in love with them , or use it to make them fall in love with someone who has a crush on them ? +Write a story about a turtle . However , you can not use any sci-fi/fantasy /or any other non-real element . Keep it grounded . +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +Introduce aliens to your favourite TV show that does not have any aliens . +You are a guardian angel . You did your job too well once , and since then your human believes he 's immortal . Whoops . +Man with an emotional disorder sees everything as flat and lifeless +You 're registering for a brand new website when you realize you 're unable to read the CAPTCHA no matter how many times you refresh . What do you do ? +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +reddit is a world , and the subreddits are nations +Describe the final thoughts of a man whom is about to commit a terrible crime +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +You are a child of Kronos , going to Camp Half-Blood . Describe how the other demigods react to you and who your parent is . +You are stranded on a small island with one item and one fictional character +My cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . Write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out . +A utopian planet communicates with a dystopian planet for the first time . The utopian planet is convinced that life would be better in the dystopian world . Why ? +You come home after a long day at work , shower and eat . You get into bed and start sleeping , but as you roll over , you feel someone 's in the bed with you . You live alone . +You live your day to day life with a literal storm cloud above your head that is constantly raining and someone questions how your everyday life is . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +The year is 3173 . The universe is for sale . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +Describe character ( s ) with only using a sense of hearing . +Summarize a well-known war as if it was a barfight between countries . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +A child is playing in the woods and stumbles upon a piece of 'Old Earth ' technology , managing accidentally to turn it back on ... +In a world where designer babies are the new norm , humans have evolved beyond anything we could have imagined . You however , have no special talents . You are the last natural-born human alive . +A corporation grows so large and complex that it spontaneously achieves consciousness and becomes self-aware . Integrated employees unknowingly carry out the will of the larger entity . +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +Two wounded soldiers from opposing sides of the war find themselves in the care of the same nurse and snowed-in until spring . +Your extremely specific superpower finally gets to be used . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +Humans finally get through the Earth 's crust and hell is real . The first thing we see is Satan himself . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +Your physical attributes are now described as a list of computer specs ( ie . graphics card for eyesight , processing speed for intelligence , etc ) . Everyone 's specs are listed everywhere from resumes to social media profiles to dating websites . +All individuals receive the memories and knowledge of one of their randomly selected ancestors on their 21st birthday . Yesterday was your 21st birthday . +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +God is dead and we killed him . +You are an assassin . Your target is on board a plane . During the flight , you meet an old friend from college , his wife is your target . +There is a secret alternate ending to one of your favorite video games that is extremely difficult to get . Tell me the story of how to get it , what it is , and how it effects the game . ( Possible spoilers ahead ) +She stumbled backward in terror as she watched her boyfriend become a beastly aberration , barely human . +Write a story with the grim reaper/angel of death ( a position that can be passed on ) as the protagonist . +Uncle Ben is never killed , and the lesson Peter Parker learns that night is that he can use his powers for personal gain and stick it to those who cross him . Because of this , Spider-Man becomes one of the most feared villains in the Marvel Universe . +A man that is socially awkward goes to a party full of mind readers . +A future in which drones are used to control the day-to-day of a population . +WP - You Are On The Space Station and Earth Implodes +One by one , all world leaders and important political and religious leaders begin mysteriously dying . What happens ? +Detail the average day of a Detective in 2054 +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Rewrite a scene from a book/story in the style of a 90 's PC Adventure Game . +You know the random driver in every action movie where the hero jumps in and orders to `` follow that car ! '' . Yup , that 's you . Every single time you 're trying to get anywhere . +A most noble paladin has fallen and decides to go evil . The problem is , they 're miserable at being ... you know , evil . Our former holy knight is trying to please the Dark Gods by doing really mundane things like littering and jaywalking . +Explain the disappearance of the Type-25 Troop Carrier from Halo 2 , 3 , ODST And 4 . +A group of bandits are holding up your town bank . You start to suspect that they do n't actually have guns and are just pointing their fingers under their coats . +Mark Zuckerberg decides to end Facebook . He 's going to pay users $ 1 for every `` Like '' they accumulate until the company is bankrupt . +It 's early in the morning and you reluctantly walk out the door to go to work . Scattered in the streets are hundreds of people standing out in the open , staring at the sky . +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +`` Why is our grandmother outside with a Trench Gun ? '' +Describe where you 're from as a fantasy setting +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +In a world of airships and steamers you are the first airplane pilot . +Killing any creature inflicts an illness or blight upon yourself , for example killing a spider gives you a persistant itch , and killing a dog renders you paralysed for a long time . You 've just had to kill an animal that was attacking your young child , and are now suffering the consequences . +World War III has started for the most mundane reason you can think of . +A civil war had broken out across all over modern America . Bombs have been dropped , crime is rampant , and lives have been destroyed . Write a diary or journal entry of someone caught in this aftermath . +Make the act of watching paint dry into the most compelling story conceivable . +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +You are the detective in charge to investigate the murder you commited +A most noble paladin has fallen and decides to go evil . The problem is , they 're miserable at being ... you know , evil . Our former holy knight is trying to please the Dark Gods by doing really mundane things like littering and jaywalking . +You arrive home to find your front door wide open . The place is trashed , but the TV and various valuables are all still here . You rush to your closet to make sure it 's still there . It 's gone . +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +The main protagonist of the last video game you played is a teacher for a classroom of kindergarteners by day . When school gets out , they go back to their own universe . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +You live in a world where people receive a super power based on or related to the opposite of their greatest fear . +Theory sucks ... +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +Love is a drug , literally . +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +The contractual wrangle during a hostile takeover of a donut empire . +You confess your feelings for the person of your dreams , only to find out that are temporarily possessed , and you 've actually fallen in love with the demon inside of them . +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +Write about life here . +`` I wish I was real . I wish I was alive . But I am neither ... '' +You hear a baby crying out in the woods . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Wizards Magic Fair ! +Write a story containing only words with no more than three letters . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +You had set in motion a series of events that lead to the destruction of human civilisation . You are given a chance to go back in time and right your wrong . You fail . You are given a chance to go back in time and right your wrong . You fail ... This is the 367th cycle . +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +Underneath the bridge . +You have blue hair , yellow eyes , a scar and a weird birthmark . You were born on 03/03/03 03:03 , a natural weapon-master and you are not the main character . +A day in a world where silence is treasured above all else . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +`` You know what ? Fuck this war . I just want you dead . '' +You are on the train to the afterlife . Detail your conversation with a fellow passenger . +Describe how the genie from aladdin got trapped in the lamp . +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +A soviet sleeper agent gets activated in present day . +Just tell me a normal story . A normal human on normal earth doing normal things . But throw in a big fucking real dragon in there somewhere . +`` I have been sitting . Waiting on the edge of the world . Waiting for you to tell the truth to me . '' +A demon has just started a mental battle to posses a little girl - he quickly regrets his actions as she starts winning . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +Snack Drake +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +The humans of earth have ventured to another star system to find a planet inhabited by ... humans . +Flesh eating aliens invade earth with the intent of eradicating all life . However , they die on contact with the foam in ... Nerf guns . +The year is 22,123 , and the last humans make their way through the radioactive wastelands of Earth , to reach the only safe place they know of - Pripyat . +Unknown depths of the sea : you 're part of an armada of colossal submarines descending into the abyss ... +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write yourself into a corner . +Playing and making music is a crime punishable by death . You strum your guitar . +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +`` Our Messiah is born ! '' +Humanity is doomed . The remaining humans decide to build a permanent monument to the human race as their final act . +This is the near future and participation in Reddit has become mandatory +Waking after a long , experimental surgery , you find you now can use 100 % of your brain . Every memory , every former involuntary action , every bodily system , is now yours to call upon at will . +Finally you have the powers to enter your favorite video games , sadly you ca n't leave until you beat the game . You find out how horrible death is . +You have the spirit of George Washington in you and you 're itching for a revolution . You 're also a teenager working at a grocery store +*sigh* Let 's have some tea . I 'll put the kettle on . We need to talk '' +You 're sitting at a bus stop alone waiting for the last bus to arrive on your way home , a stranger appears and hands you a small metallic contraption and says `` Its your responsibility now '' ... +Nuclear war breaks out in the world two weeks before the new Star Wars movie comes out . Now , in the nuclear wasteland , you and a group of survivors brave the dangers of the post apocalyptic world with one goal in mind : find a copy of the movie to finally watch . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Dragons are discovered , but few people can train them . A redditor trains one to violently dispatch people who make up shitty writing prompts . +You are in a cave in modern clothes and a smartphone in your pocket , but it 's 10000 BC and you do n't remember how you got there . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +Rites of Passage +A `` king hunt '' is a chess term for when the king is drawn out of safety ( usually by a sacrifice ) , chased across the board , and mated . Write such a hunt as if it were a real world battle . +First teleporter war +Gravity suddenly shuts off on Earth . How does everyone react ? What happens ? +A plane is about to crash and you secretly have the only parachute on the plane , what do you do ? +The international community makes a decision to ban Christmas . Celebrations are forbidden and anyone who is unusually happy for any reason will be executed immediately . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +`` The fact that you 're here , talking to me about it , means it worked . '' +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +( WP ) You are an evil mastermind and have finally caught your super spy nemesis . Naturally , you do what all evil masterminds do and start monologuing . +Portal guns are mass-produced and cheaply available for the public to use . The crime rate has skyrocketed as a result . There is a crisis of anti-portal security . You are testing your new anti-portal measures when suddenly robbers using portals break into your facility . +The world has become anonymous . Devices blur our faces , and , with no accountability , chaos reigns . You are a Technician . +Since using drug substance has become illegal and harder to acquire in the future , people connects themselves to a machine that virtually recreates the drug effects . One day a person acquires some real drugs and connects himself to the machine . +You and your SO of some time have been on the rocks lately - you 've been thinking of ending things when a horrifying truth convinces you . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +Every person has a certain word that , if spoken aloud in their presence , will cause them to die instantly . While clearing out an abandoned storage unit , you stumble upon a book that contains the name of every living person-and also reveals their death word . +instead of getting a buzz lightyear action figure , andy from toy story gets a Cthulhu figurine . +Challenge : Take any picture from /r/ImaginaryJedi , Tell its story . +You are the teenage child of a superhero , and you have superpowers . You hate the idea of being a superhero . +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +In the spirit of Halloween , write just an old fashioned , tense horror story . +Lava Ruins +Virtual Reality has become so advanced , it can alter your perception of time . Your entire life has been a 5 minute simulation . You 've just woken up . +Every cell of your body is conscious and believes you to be God . One day you hear a prayer ... +Please tell me about one of your fonder memories . +You are a lawn gnome in the middle of a blizzard . Talk about your experiences . +The oldest person in the world is now officially a person who is a veteran of every single war his country has been in since WW1 . Reporters ask him how he has lived so long . His answer ? `` Make sure death is too afraid to come for you . '' +Write about an archaeologist 500 years from now digging up ruins from today . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +A day in the life of GTA IV 's Niko Bellic before coming to America +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +You are out walking when a woman emerges from a near by water source , and hands you an object before leaving . You then use your new ( insert object here ) to accomplish `` great deeds . '' +WP - You Are On The Space Station and Earth Implodes +You are a world renowned programmer and you have finally finished the secret program you have been working on for years , The Skeleton Key , it 's an undectable , untracable , unstoppable electronic key that can open any electronic device . What do you do with it +An alternate world where a single , everyday object is instead a living being that fills the same function +Upside-down Forest +Your young , dying body is frozen into suspended animation . 30 years later , you 're cured . What is life like now that your son is older and more mature than you ? +Late on Christmas Eve you awaken to find Santa in your home . He is much different than you imagined . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +Your ( unusual ) addiction has destroyed your life . You have lost your family , friends , and ended up flat broke . Today is the first day on your road to recovery . +The year is 2296 and Vault 9 and 3/4 finally opens it 's blast door . Wizards have returned to the British Wastelands . +The sky ripped open , and through it fell a book . +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +A second Ice Age has ravaged the Earth in the year 2039 . While scavenging , you realize that the Ice Age was artificially started , and you think you know why . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . + +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +Two Earths from two parallel universes managed to establish contact . They work together on the biggest `` Spot the difference '' game ever . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Secure your own mask first before helping others . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +There are water , earth , fire and airbenders . People often forget the other benders , such as woodbenders , alcoholbenders and fleshbenders . But you , you 're something unique : the First ****bender . +Since 2007 , Google search has been self-aware . However , it can only communicate through a single log file hidden away in a data center . +A king and a thief have one last conversation during while under siege . +- God 's April Fool 's joke goes awry . +Elon Musk is actually a disguised alien who bet his friend that he could bring Earth to `` Technology Level 10 '' in one human lifetime . +You really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich . You only have crunch peanut butter . You hate crunchy peanut butter . Tell me a narrative drama of a man put in this heart wrenching situation , and his journey for the lunch he truly desires . I expect to be moved to tears . +Tell a paranoid thriller-esque story that leaves me asking many questions . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Write a rational story with the titles and/or lyrics of shuffled songs from your Itunes , Spotify , whatever you use . +A secretive government agency similar to men in black discreetly investigates murders by ghosts to avoid mass hysteria over the existence of malacious spirits +Prince Charming 's infatuation with Cinderella fades once he realizes she has no idea how to behave in high society . Write about the awkward conversations that follow . +: You survived Cancer , a plane crash , and the third world war , you lost a piece of you in each . +In the future , everything has ads . Everything . +I 'm afraid we can not use your blood for the transfusion . Our tests show it is not human blood . +You have been sent to hell . But hell is a shining utopia because of humans `` ruining '' it . +Everytime you sneeze , you find yourself displaced in time up to a week from when it happened . A terrible bout of sneezes has put you in a peculiar scenario . +You and your partner are immortals who have been living amongst the human race for 500 years . Suddenly , your partner has begun to age extremely fast for unknown reasons and is dying . +An alien race far more powerful than humans has to come to destroy Earth , but are scared off after a few incredibly lucky encounters with humans . +I once remembered that I was God , but then I forgot again as quickly as I could . +The personification of Death is a very discerning creature , and has n't let you die for centuries . This is your 200th meeting with Death . +Two god-like beings , disguised as old men , play a game of chess on a park bench to decide the final fate of humanity . The players , however , are distracted by a couple seated across them ... +You look out at the bright lights of the city and wonder how you ever grew up . +You live in a world where suicide is illegal . There is a division of law enforcement that travels to the afterlife to catch people that committed suicide and then bring them back to serve time in prison . You just killed yourself and someone is chasing you , but it 's not the cops . +Aliens have invaded the earth and have effortlessly defeated humanity , only to be fought off by wildlife . They were expecting military resistance ... They were not expecting bears . +You are one of the monsters in a dungeon crawler game . +A utopia has been created that is perfect in every way for all citizens everywhere . Describe the hell it has become for them . +A time traveller and an immortal meet across the age , they are bitter enemies . +You are told that you can be cloned to rid your body of cancer and any future illness . However , due to cloning laws you will be terminated . While your clone has retained all of your memories as his own , something happens that makes him realize that he is not the original . +Food Court is an actual court with judge and jury +You are hiking in the woods when you hear a deafening shriek from close by . Your guide 's eyes grow big and he whispers , terrified , `` One must have survived ... . '' +Describe a colour without ever using the name of it . +Tell the story of a car crash through the perspectives of a small child and an adult . +Write a story that seems like a cliffhanger untill you reread the first line . +You live in a world where giving a child a name is like creating a username online where a system will check if the name is available . No one in the whole world can have the same name . One day , you meet a person with the exact same spelling , pronunciation , and name as yours . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +Write a story in the viewpoint of a laboratory animal . +`` Do not go to sleep . That is where it lives . You should be able to sleep in three days or so . I 'm going to kill it . '' +Write about a parallel universe where ballet is a part of ghetto culture and gangsta hip hop is the preserve of high society . +An immortal couple have been seen throughout recorded history , write an account of them in any time period you wish . Bonus points if you match the writing style of the time period +You have to explain to your mother why you are playing Monopoly with Obama , Putin and Xi Jinping in her basement at three in the morning . +Write out a scene that you 've always wanted to share , whether it 's an action-packed climax , a heartbreaking emotional roller coaster , or some crazy plot twist . There just one catch ; no context allowed . +Write a story with the most satisfying payoff that you can muster . +Arouse me , then kill the feeling in the last sentence . +Upon returning from a trip to the past , a time-traveler discovers that he has replaced Jesus as the figure on the cross . +you hire a painter who can tell you how you die only through painting . He dies halfway through , showing only a strangers face +Your character is seconds away from death . +Write a short intro to a story of two of your favorite fictional ( fantasy , sci-fi , comic book , movie , etc . ) characters meeting each other for the first time . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +You are the oldest inhabitant of Hell . Even the Devil does n't know how long you 've been here . Denizens of Hell normally expect that the oldest sinner would be someone of pure evil , but in truth you 're actually a pretty chill dude . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +Fake events based off real history +Your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . Beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . Good Luck , Steve . It 's going to be a long afterlife . +A bear with no teeth who likes to explode embarks on an epic adventure to save his favorite tree stump . +For decades you have worked and fought for various Evil Villains/Geniuses and the occasional Hero , and surprisingly survived till retirement . Now in your twilight years , you open a school to educate and train future minions/sidekicks on how to NOT die . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You play a game with the Devil . If he wins , he gets your eternal soul , but if you win , you get his . +Throughout your childhood you are made fun of for `` making up your own language '' , till Earth is contacted by another race and you are the only one that understands them . +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +Start with `` Never in my life would I have thought I would meet him . '' and end with the line `` But he did . '' +Michael Fishbein , Rogue Accountant +An angel and a demon were banished from Heaven and Hell respectively . Improbably , they met on Earth , fell in love , and had you . Today 's your first parent-teacher conference . +Write about your most recent dream . +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +A person with no chance with their crush impersonates their crush 's crush online . He/she starts talking to their crush only to realise later that the person they thought was their crush is another fake created by a person trying to pursue the other person +The missing catalyst to practical cold fusion and near-infinite energy has been found : one human soul . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +A genius has been cursed to only speak one syllable words . How does this affect their life ? +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +Track list poetry +You 're in hell , your punishment is to read a book that is infinite , every 1000 years the bookmark you placed in it vanishes forcing you to start from the beginning . +You go for a quick run to a convenience store and upon returning home you realize you 've been gone for a week . +In a parallel universe , robots fear a human uprising . +You are a zombie in the middle of an apocolypse who lost all their memories and humanity . each time you feed and infect , you slowly gain back a bit of both . +Four Historical Figures are playing a board game . +The Double Edged Sword ... +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +I wrote these stories recently here on WP , and would like to share them with my friends ; however , I feel like they could be tuned up a bit . Any thoughts on how to make improvements is greatly appreciated . +The entire world is infected with a virus that causes death on sleeping . Tell me about the coffee trade . +Aliens have just made contact with Earth . Strangely enough , it seems that human technology is superior . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +so much , then why do n't you go marry it ? '' You laughed and responded : `` Yeah , I wish ! '' The next morning , you wake up married to a personification of your home state . +Plato wrote of a great civilization which disappeared in a single night . What really happened to the lost city of Atlantis ? +Share an excerpt from a story you 've been writing in your head +After a week long bender , you wake up , hung over . In the Oval office . +In the spirit of Halloween , write just an old fashioned , tense horror story . +Write a story or poem in 150 words based on the image below . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Humanity is no longer Earth 's Apex Predator . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +How the Bahamas was named +Germany , 1909 . All your life , strangers have been trying to murder you . Finally , one confesses why : they 're trying to stop Adolph Hitler from causing WW2 . The only problem : your name is Adolph Hilter . Not Hitler , HILTER . +As a villager in an MMORPG , you 've grown increasingly jaded from every single hero easily completing your `` quest '' . You 've decided to actively sabotage them from now on ... +The Aliens want to know what the hell we did with Atlantis . +When the President goes into office , he is informed of the reality that HE does n't control the White House , something else does and he 's its hostage +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +The US Civil War resulted in two nations - one a prosperous democracy , one a poor police state . Which one 's which ? +You have an important role in the Evil King 's army . You can make treasure disappear until all of the minions in a room are dead . The only problem ? You are only ever a few steps ahead of the hero . +You wake up to find yourself sitting in a luxurious theatre next to your beloved relatives that have recently passed away . You notice a relatively large sign behind you that says `` The life of ( your name ) , ( birth year ) -2016 '' . +Numbers 0-9 become self aware , and are refusing to work with one another to form the bigger numbers . What happens ? +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +The year is 3184 , inside an ancient artifact , what the people of the time called a `` book '' , is written a historical account of the 3rd world war . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +A video game character becomes self-aware . +The most powerful spell ever forged . +After a world-wide abandonment of faith , the churches are now in power again by keeping people subdued and with communion +A man sits in a coffee shop , anxiously awaiting something . The door opens , and in walks ... +Into the depts of the Unknown +`` Why do you kill ? '' `` Because I can . Because I 'm good at it . Because I like it . '' +Write a story , over the course of which it 'll slowly become clear that you are crazy . +Humans have sent encoded signals into space in search of extraterrestrial life . Someone , or something responded to the signals . +Two people are introduced at a party , and find that neither can perceive the other . They try to hold a conversation . +'' You think , life has to be harsh . But look at me. `` + +Parts of America are annexed by another nation . The protagonist , until recently living on American soil , suddenly finds himself with new citizenship . +'' It 's no use watering dead flowers '' +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write a conversation between three people that becomes completely different when you remove one of the people from that conversation +You open a can of soda and it begins speaking to you . +In a world where you gain the power of the object you were previously killed with . You were killed by a falling coconut +While light takes a tiny fraction of a second to pass through a normal window pane , it takes 50 years to pass through `` slow glass '' . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +An alien race arrives on Earth with plans to wipe us out so they can steal all our resources . At some point during the war we figure out that after our destruction their plan is to steal from the atmosphere all the airborne carbon we have been producing ... +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +During their lifetime , every person can only say each word exactly once . +You walk up to a beggar to give him a dollar bill when he looks directly into your eyes . You realize the old man is Santa Claus . +The Writer : A War of Words +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +The Earth has been sending out radio signals and probes looking for life in our galaxy for years . Other intelligent life does exist , but is trying not to be found . Earth is the only planet unaware of why . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +You randomly awake in the middle of the night and find yourself in a different body , in the woods burying someone ... +While robbing a bank , you learn that you 're invincible ( detailed info inside ) +Human beings are the Lovecraftian , madness enducing Elder Gods , Cthulhu , etc . from another race 's POV +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +Write from the point of view of Dr. Manhattan , as he experiments with being the God of his own universe after the events of `` Watchmen '' +Combine two seemingly unrelated fields of study . Give it a name and describe a university class on that new field . +A downed nuclear submarine calls for help in the depths of the ocean . Surprisingly enough , mermaids respond . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +How do you come up with the stories you write about ? +Something old . Something familiar . Fleeting , fragmented thoughts fill your head . Danger approaches . +You spend years as a war prisioner in a small cell . Suddenly you realize you are , in fact , a dog . +It has always been said that when you first see your true love , time will stop . One day as you are watching the morning news , you see the photograph of a young woman who had been murdered the night before . In that instant , time stops ... ..and then it travels backwards . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +First teleporter war +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +An endless staircase . +Satan opens a pawn shop with extra ordinary items . However , every item is sold with a catch . +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +The world is an infinite flat plane . The furthest known points of this realm take days to contact by telegraph . Slowly communication ceases from the far west , and slowly the silence pushes closer and closer to home ... +You wake up one morning and the color Green is completely gone +. +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +The assassin was sent to kill a good man , to this day it haunts him still . +A literal smart bomb is detonated in a major city . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +You managed to piss off every major world country while sleepwalking last night . +Earth is renewed for one more season . +Write a scene with crows flying above a dead animal within 100 words +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Humans have the opportunity to never feel sadness or pain again , but in order to do so must offer up a sacrifice : one person to become immortal and experience only misery for the rest of eternity . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +`` Not all strength can be seen '' +You commit a murder suicide . Suddenly your face to face with your victim in the afterlife +It 's Halloween and a curse has hit town , everyone is turning into what they have dressed up as . You 're the only person left to report on what 's happening . +A generic RPG story ( such as , but not necessarily , `` the princess has been kidnapped ! '' ) from the villain 's point of view . Make the audience sympathetic to his/her cause . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +A person gains a superpower through an accident , and must decide if they will be a superhero or a supervillain . +A Chinese restaurant whose fortune cookies always come true , even if its only vaguely related to what 's on the paper . +You won a chance to spend a day with your favourite celebrity . You now hate them forever . +They come across an old dilapidated greenhouse . On the far wall is a phone . As they 're exploring the greenhouse the phone starts to ring . +Two wounded soldiers from opposing sides of the war find themselves in the care of the same nurse and snowed-in until spring . +SatChat : How do you get into the writing zone ? +Humans are winning a war against an `` evil '' alien empire who instigated the war , and we 're closing in on their home planet with massive force . Write things from an alien civilians perspective . +DNA has been extracted from the Shroud of Turin and Jesus has been cloned . The host mother is 8 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy . The world is in an uproar ... +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +You call your mother or father 's cell phone number on a whim . They answer . But they 've been dead for over a year . +You return home from work and your girlfriend is not home . You text her `` where are you ? '' and she responds `` Im home , where are you ? '' +A human being that can not die has wandered the earth for 100,00 years . They finally fall in love and marry a murderous con artist that just took out a huge life insurance policy on them . +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +You live in a world where the day of your death is on your body . You are also extremely bored at the moment , and have begun to test whether or not you have control over your death time . +These people did a tarot reading with Cards Against Humanity . You wo n't believe what happened next ! +Hell so closely resembles life that most residents of Hell have n't even realized they died . Life and Hell are not completely alike though ; there 's one small difference between the two that makes Hell as terrible as legends say . +Becoming a god . +A man and his wingman go to a party to mend the former 's broken heart . +Since childhood you have been able to make your nose bleed at will . Today , your weird ability comes into much needed use . +On the same day that scientists discover proof of infinite , parallel universes , you receive a package that is addressed to `` Myself ... Sort of . '' +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +What do you think ? I was going for a tense , thriller kind of a feeling . +Midnight Road +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +`` Like my dad says : 'Never trust a man who says he 's never shit himself . ' '' +When you sign up to be a volunteer paramedic , you do n't realize you signed up to be a paranormal medic . +“ Every character should want something , even if it is only a glass of water . '' Write the story of a character that wants a glass of water . +With the appearance of magical artifacts hidden throughout the world that grant the bearer a unique superpower , all governments have devolved into chaos , devoting all resources to finding or recreating them first . You stumble upon one by accident . +You have a large number in your head , it 's counting down . What happens when it reaches zero ? +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +City in The Canyon +You 've been trapped in Y location for Z hours , solve for X to escape the algebra zone . +You are the only person in history to have an imagination . What is your life like ? +You are watching t.v in your room when you hear gun shots outside your bedroom +You are John Doe , a completely unremarkable and forgettable person . You are so forgettable , in fact , that even Death forgot about you . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +Make a creation myth +you find your great granddaughter 's diary . Only she has n't been born yet . What 's the most interesting entry ? +The monkeys were able to produce Shakespeare 's great work faster than expected . A meeting to discuss the future employment of an infinite set of monkeys is called . +Write a short murder mystery from the killer 's perspective +Explain the reason why to be alive . +You are the last person to die and go to heaven . Humans have created a way to extend life indefinitely . You meet with God . He 's not happy . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +The hero and villain meet in non-conflict circumstances . +Each time you sleep , you wake up in a world where an incident in your life did or did not not happen and vice versa . Then one day you awake to a completely different version of reality . +After a screw up occurs at the post office , Santa starts receiving damned souls while Satan is stuck with thousands of wish lists . +You 're in charge of creating a new holiday . Include traditions , dates , rituals , activities , foods , symbols , colors , etc etc . Then , describe an event that happens during your holiday . +Upon turning 13 1 % of the worlds population have the name of their soul mate appear on their hand . They can then choose whether or not to seek them out . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +You live in a city ruled by a drug lord who has control over the corrupt police . The police are sent to your house to eliminate you . +An eccentric billionaire has died , and divided his estate among his two nephews , who hate each other . The catch ? The estate has been divided in a checkerboard pattern of 10 foot tiles . +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +A demonic possession goes wrong , and each party has control of half of the body . +An Alien Empire invades the Earth . But things go horribly wrong when they realize that of all species on the universe , Humans are the ones with the greatest affinity for war +We now live in a dictatorship where the evil dictator has banned the letter `` E. '' Tell of how this came to be . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +A sociopath who desperately wants to feel love +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +`` Save yourself . '' - use this line of dialogue in a story without using action movie tropes +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +Portray a normal scene with unbearable amounts of emotion . Make the reader cry . +Sword of The Fallen Warrior . Feel free not to use the name of the image . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +You awake one morning and you can hear everyone 's thoughts completely unedited . +Global warming was a real issue , and by the year 2300 , sea levels had risen over 60 feet . It is now the year 2600 , and global cooling has taken place and sea levels have returned back to previous levels . People set out to explore the land humanity once ruled . +On his way home from the store , a man is randomly selected and kidnapped by aliens to represent humanity in the Galactic Council . Still clutching his shopping bag , he prepares to join his first meeting . +Dr. Frankenstein 's monster has just awoken for the first time . What happens next is not what the Doctor was expecting ... +Archeologists 3000 years from now uncover something from our time and completely misunderstand/misinterpret it . +The stubborn judge insists that you fully obey the restraining order they just served you ... against yourself . +You 're about to say a speech at your best friend 's wedding . You 're in love with his new wife . +The story of a raindrop as it falls to the ground . +Base a story around your favorite song lyric + +It started as just another day at the factory +A knight decides to become a master in the arcane arts . However , due to his years of sword fighting and chivalry , he ca n't grasp the concept of `` magic . '' +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +In a world where the all manufacturing processes have been completely automated , there is an apocalypse . Gradually , the machines become self aware , and slowly realise that the humans are gone . +When the europeans discovered America they did n't colonize it . Instead they have been monitoring the Americans for centuries . Today , the first American ship reaches Europe . +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +`` Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic . '' What happens when magic becomes too advanced ? +You look out at the bright lights of the city and wonder how you ever grew up . +the world is shrouded in permanent darkness therefore As children , everyone is taught to avoid the dark at all costs , towns are always brightly lit and travelers must always carry a lantern ... ... +: Tell a story from the perspective of the nearest object to your left . +The demonic Satan with hooves and horns , and the fallen angel Lucifer meet +You hate this writing prompt . +All knowledge is going to be wiped out , and you can only use 100 words to pass what humanity was learned to the next generation . +The year is 2415 , classic music is now considered to be artists like Rae Sremmurd , Justin Bieber , and Miley Cyrus . A large group of teens feel they 're living in the wrong generation ... +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +Congress just passed the Prohibition Act of 2016 . Coffee is now a Class 1 illegal drug . +`` I never wanted you to leave . '' +Becoming a god . +Donald Trump 's hair is actually an alien lifeform intent on global domination . +Holding your breath , you tap the softly glowing light . At your touch , it flashes , and the darkness begins to disappear . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Hitchhiker +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +If you lie really hard , reality changes so your lie becomes the truth . A politician , a lawyer , and a used car salesman all discover this on the same day . +A world where kids dream of being accountants , cashiers , bank managers etc . In the adulthood their dreams are crushed when they have to become astronauts , cowboys , ninjas etc . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +The death of a hero- due to their Sidekick 's mistake . +Your dementia riddled mother has a brief period of lucidity just before she dies . +An A.I named Alice develops a taste for the Arts , including video games and movies . +In two hundred words or less , write a story that contains these six random words in a correct context . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +Your house is possessed , but you 're used to it . Now you 're having guests over and you expect it to behave itself . +Its the zombie apocalypse . You are completely oblivious to everything about it , although its been going on for 2 years now . Your routine the past 2 years has not changed at all . +You just killed my family in front of me and asked me on a date . Convince me to actually go with you . +You 're a guardian angel created in the beginning of time to help citizens assigned to you by God . You 're the youngest person to ever become a guardian angel - at the age of 12 years old . You are assigned to children of all ages throughout all of time . +The park is on fire but no one seems to care . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +The humans are gone . The dogs believe that they are the heir to their legacy . The cats disagree . +Turn your favorite/most vivid dream ( s ) into a detailed narrative +Re-write the ending of How I Met Your Mother the way you wanted it to end . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Your house is possessed , but you 're used to it . Now you 're having guests over and you expect it to behave itself . +In an effort to increase happiness , the World Government decrees that all citizens must break out in song and dance once a day +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +A ghost possesses a computer printer . No one realizes anything is abnormal . +You notice more `` Lost Pet '' signs than usual one day . Then you start seeing the signs everywhere you go . You realize you ca n't remember the last time you actually saw a dog or cat . What 's happening ? +There is a monster in your house that can only attack you once you acknowledge that it exists . You know this and try to write off the various ways it tries to get your attention . +Everyone fears the fairies , even though they 're naive and minute . Why are they so scared ? +Lying on your deathbed , knowing you do n't have long left to live , you open your eyes to see someone staring down at you . The face is one you have n't seen for a long time ... and one you thought you 'd never see again . +Jack the Ripper in custody speaking with a constable about the motivation for his crimes . +You feel a slight tug on your pants , and turn to see a terrified pickpocket , trying desperately to return what he just stole . +You are a FedEx Driver coming in for the Monday morning shift . There is no mail to deliver today . +Technolgy has advanced to the point of re-animation by storing copies of your mind in cyberspace . One day , you die and to your biggest regret , your file has n't been backed up recently +A super-advanced alien race has been genetically engineering viruses to shape Human evolution +Aliens have come to earth with the intent to conquer it , but when they arrive , they realize that , due to random chance or otherwise , they are biologically indistinguishable from humans . +Calling in the cavalry +An apartment building where the rent is payed in Reddit Karma +There is a monster in your house that can only attack you once you acknowledge that it exists . You know this and try to write off the various ways it tries to get your attention . +A prompt by a small boy : `` So what if a puppy was president and there was humans and the puppy had to put the humans in the machine to make them puppies +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +`` Sorry , but ... you 're actually NOT the Chosen One . '' +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +You are a child lost in a jungle . Something is hunting you . +A child purchases a pair of X-Ray glasses from an ad on the back of his comic book ! The child discovers they do a lot more than see through walls . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' + +An attractive friend is attempting to convince you to try drugs which you 've solemnly promised yourself never to do . +Miranda Castle , Belgium +You 're in hell , your punishment is to read a book that is infinite , every 1000 years the bookmark you placed in it vanishes forcing you to start from the beginning . +Satan pulls a God and impregnates a virgin . Describe the life of anti-Jesus . +On his way home from the store , a man is randomly selected and kidnapped by aliens to represent humanity in the Galactic Council . Still clutching his shopping bag , he prepares to join his first meeting . +Start with `` Never in my life would I have thought I would meet him . '' and end with the line `` But he did . '' +War . War never changes . Well , except that one time ... +Describe the average day of a mall cop/meter maid in the manner of a 1930s crime noir +Imagine batman in the marvel universe +A genie tells the story of the worst wish he 's ever granted . +After being cryogenically frozen in an underground lab you awake in what appears to be medieval times . What do you chose to do with your knowledge and nearby equipment ? +Congress just passed the Prohibition Act of 2016 . Coffee is now a Class 1 illegal drug . +The inner monologue of a suicidal man who has just been stabbed by a criminal and is slowly bleeding to death . +You are Alois Hitler , spending your days trying to protect your son from strange future people who are after your son Adolf 's life . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +The first expedition to Mars discovers a large boulder with what appear to be crude depictions humans etched onto its surface . protruding from a crack on its side is a locked metal box , a time capsule ... +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +Sloth , the villain +I 'm a filmmaker looking to produce a short film with someone from /r/WritingPrompts . Here are the parameters . +The City of Palaquin +You have the most obsessive fan base on this planet . On a whim , you decide to anonymously write a negative review of your own work just to see how your fans would react . You did n't know your fans would take it so far ... +you just invented a pokéball like device what now ? +You are a photon forged in the heart of the sun with the purpose of making it to the earth 's surface . The only thing standing in your way is Jim . +Write yourself into a corner . +You are a tragic hero/heroine . Explain to us what makes you a tragic hero/heroin . +The last thing you remember is going about your normal business . You awake to find yourself being examined by a figure muttering about as he tinkers with you , muttering about `` errors '' ... +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +You are a Genie . Someone just released you from you lamp and wished only for their significant other to love them again . Make them regret making that wish . +Dying Words ( All will be read aloud by me ) +A person with the ability to stop time suddenly notices some one who is unaffected by the freeze . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +You are the most vile , hated tyrant in human history . Through inhuman acts and unspeakable evils , you have brought the world under your heel . But in reality , you have been grooming and preparing a resistance to defeat you and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity . +Turns out that the purpose of life is war . Humans are self-multiplying shock troops , left to our own until our numbers get high enough to be useful in the ongoing galactic war . Today our previously thought to be useless DNA has been flipped to ON . +a story which in the beginning seems normal and maybe a bit cliché , but the twist ending will make the reader question even the first sentence of the story . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +You are hiking on the Appalachian Trail . You come upon a cave housing a space ship . It is the Millennium Falcon . The stories , myths and legends of the Star Wars saga are true , and proof of its existence are starting to mysteriously appear on Earth +Peter Pan is a serial killer who uses pixie dust to cause little children to jump off windows in the hopes of being able to fly . +Rainy Night +Two dads get into a dad-off . + +Each of Bob Ross ' landscape paintings is a real place , the different locations of his countless murders . +The year is 2052 , the moon is now a giant Coca Cola advertisement . Tell the story of a person whose one goal left in life is to destroy this abomination in the sky . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment- On Schedule Edition +Since the dawn of man there have been 7 deadly sins . Whomever represents the sin the most is marked , and imbued with power . You have been chosen . +Write a short story with compelling dialogue without telling us who is saying what . +You have an unique ability . When wearing someone else 's clothes , you change into this person . You collect `` appearances '' by buying clothes in second hand shops , but up to now it was just a game for you . Then you find something very special ... +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +You 've just invented a device that allows you to see the world through the eyes of anyone alive , wherever they currently exist . However , you are unable to hear what they hear . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +In this world , everyone gets one wish granted a year +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +Write a scene in the style of `` The Stanley Parable '' , then rewrite it , but this time , the character disobeys the narrator and derails the plot . +In an overcrowded future , convicted criminals are sent back in time hundreds of years with their memories erased . An agent tasked with recovering an innocent man who was pardoned now has to make a difficult choice . +You walk up to the counter and order you favorite drink . You see out of the corner of your eye , as you finish the refreshing beverage , that everyone in the room is staring at you in bewilderment . +On the fourth floor of your elementary school there is n't a swimming pool , there is n't a bowling alley , but there 's a ... +Pitch a gritty reboot for a children 's show . +Write a story about a student slowly going insane . +you are a NASA scientist working on the `` new horizons '' project . as it approaches Pluto new clear images come in showing undeniably proof of major active alien cities on the surface . you have been charged with writing the official NASA press release . +Fit as much world-building as you can into a totally mundane event +Write your best possible closing line/paragraph to a story , leaving room for readers to imagine the events that lead up to that moment . +You are the serial killer , and you 've found a family in a house in the woods . . . have fun +The City of Palaquin +Ebenezer Scrooge has to learn the true meaning of Halloween . +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +A generic RPG story ( such as , but not necessarily , `` the princess has been kidnapped ! '' ) from the villain 's point of view . Make the audience sympathetic to his/her cause . +WP - You Are On The Space Station and Earth Implodes +A Nigerian scammer falls in love with you , but has to pretend to scam you so he does n't lose his job . +It 's who we were . +`` Kill the child , it 's the right thing to do . '' +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +The reason why a human would want to form a Pact with an animal or monster is obvious : from the Bond , the human shares in the animals strength , speed , and senses . But why would a monster wish to Bond with a human ? The answer , of course , is to share in the human 's Intelligence and Sentience . +Merman +Nerds and artists take over the world after everyone is given superpowers based on imagination . +The last words of anyone as they die are prophetic , and always come true : tell the story of a professional Prophecy Detective . +It started out as an alien invasion , but they eventually just assimilated into Earth culture . +You have died and gone to hell , but it 's not what you expect . You wake up naked in a field with nothing but trees around you ... it turns out that hell is an early access survival game . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +You have been accepted into the elite society . You have been paid millions per month for doing nothing . You 're best friends with the president . However , there 's a cost . You must murder someone every single month . If you 're caught , you are executed on the spot . +Legends tell of the Elder race who utilized strange `` technologies '' instead of magic . As hordes of brutal killers invade from the north , a young elf heads off to search for ancient ruins , looking for humans ... +You live in a city ruled by a drug lord who has control over the corrupt police . The police are sent to your house to eliminate you . +There is an actual elephant in the room . No one wants to talk about it . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +It 's your first time doing stand-up . Everyone laughs hysterically , but for the wrong reasons . +You are a dog who is trying to kill its master , but the family 's cat stops you at every turn . +The Fourth Wall has been breached and our world has come into physical contact with previously fictitious realities . What happens next ? +A second Ice Age has ravaged the Earth in the year 2039 . While scavenging , you realize that the Ice Age was artificially started , and you think you know why . +Underneath the bridge . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +Winter has arrived . + +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +Make up and describe an afterlife . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +Arthur C. Clarke said that `` Two possibilities exist : either we are alone in the universe or we are not . Both are equally terrifying . '' What he did n't know is that there is a third possibility ... +You live in two different universes . Each time you go to sleep in one , you wake up in the other . Now that it 's your 18th birthday , you must choose one . +You 're about to go under the knife for a necessary operation , when you find out the Surgeon and her Assistants all watch and enjoy The Big Bang Theory +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +The final digit of pi has been discovered leading to profound events . +You slip on a coat . +A world where gamers are seperated into districts depending on the games they play and society is modeled like those in the games . +It turns out that when you die , your soul is launched back in time , effectively becoming your own guardian angel . +I was babysitting my nephew when he told me he had $ 15,000 dollars in a paper bag under his bed ... ( xpost from adviceanimals ) +Write about a single frozen moment in a scene - slowly revealing things as they are all stuck at one single point of time . +The year is 2083 , and video games have turned into a monotonous remaster or re-release-fest with little to no good content . Due to the extremely high budget and high development times for new games , unsurprisingly , a brand new video game crash ensues . +A sudden , horrible storm traps a group of strangers in a bar together . +The world ended ten years ago . Everyone vanished and you have been alone ever since , surviving . However while speeding down a lone highway , late one night , the familiar flash of police lights flood your rearview mirror ... . +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +Unknown depths of the sea : you 're part of an armada of colossal submarines descending into the abyss ... +A world much like ours , but each person is able to see the exact date of everyone else 's death , except for their own . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +You are one of the angels who decides who gets into heaven , and who goes to hell . For the first time ever , a Gorilla stands before you . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . +'' It 's no use watering dead flowers '' +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +Humanity has cured old age . You were a friend of the last person to die of natural causes . +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +`` Come on , first round 's on me . '' +At age 18 everyone on earth gains the ability to morph into their spirit animal . Today is your 18th birthday and as your family watches you morph into an animal not of this earth +Prince Charming 's infatuation with Cinderella fades once he realizes she has no idea how to behave in high society . Write about the awkward conversations that follow . +The Doctor makes a trip to your favorite fictional universe . +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +The evil overlord has killed innocent people , burned cities , and actively suppresses all resistance in the world . On your quest to stop him , you have found out why , and it turns out he has a pretty damn good reason . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +In a society with casual reincarnation/immortality that 's been scientifically proven , killing someone is n't the worst crime . Keeping them forcibly alive and torturing , is . +You have discovered an abandoned city and are the first human in thousands of years to enter . You are half a mile in when you notice that every statute and carving has turned and is smiling at you . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +Write a story in which a character slowly loses his empathy and humanity because of how society treats him as well as having us empathize with him . +All your life you 've struggled with your family 's curse . The moment you realize you 've forgotten the location of a belonging , it disappears from reality . Generations spent looking for the one thing that can break the curse , now it 's your turn . +`` Hey , remember me ? We used to be friends ! Well , you told yourself and everyone that I was 'imaginary ' ... Well , how have you been ? '' +The old man of the forest +Killing any creature inflicts an illness or blight upon yourself , for example killing a spider gives you a persistant itch , and killing a dog renders you paralysed for a long time . You 've just had to kill an animal that was attacking your young child , and are now suffering the consequences . +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +Summarize a well-known war as if it was a barfight between countries . +In the afterlife actions of the dead are used to judge there entrance into the next stage of life . You are the judge and after you pass judgement on the last human you must judge yourself for your actions . +A superhero whose power is to calculate probability of things happening super fast . +Is this yours ? +You are drawing your final breathes , dying from a disease that has taken you far too young and far too quickly . Just as you are about to pass , an apparition appears before you and offers you five extra years of perfect health to spend as you see fit . But there is a catch ... +Morgan Freeman , Leonard Nimoy , Liam Neeson , Nicholas Cage , and Chuck Norris sit down for some Dungeons and Dragons . ( You pick DM ) +( WIN PIZZA for best prompt ) You live up in a world where all people are 'your kind ' - like-minded , and similar to you , for better or worse . Show me around . +Scientists accurately predict the apocalypse 's starting date , but owing to the dozens of previous predictions , people are completely indifferent , continuing to go about their daily routines , as though the end times are only a slight , minor inconvenience . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +An elf , a dwarf , and a wizard are filling out the character sheets for their next game of Dayjobs and Drudgery , a role-playing game set in the world of humans . +You are the teenage child of a superhero , and you have superpowers . You hate the idea of being a superhero . +Long Ago , God sent his son Jesus to Earth . Now , Satan sends his daughter , Jessica ... +A GoT episode in the style of `` It 's Always Sunny in Philadelphia '' +Every time you wake up you are someone different . +In 200 words or less , write a well-known villain as a hero , but do not tell us who they are . +It 's New Years Eve . Your best friend died in September , you 've been robbed twice , your girl friend is leaving you , you 've just lost your job and the only one left to talk to is a gay burglar you 've got tied up in the kitchen . P.S . Your cat is dead . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Your extremely specific superpower finally gets to be used . +`` Just stop it , all of you ! '' You yelled in a mix of extreme anger and depression . Only a few seconds after did you realize that everything around you had frozen in place . +A sadistic `` evil '' person receives a donor heart , experiences guilt for the first time , and finally grasps personal redemption . +The City of Palaquin +In the future , every human born lives for exactly 1 billion heartbeats . Some go to extreme lengths to keep their heart rate low . +You wake up with the newfound ability to communicate with your internal organs . They have asked for a meeting . +A skull , a suitcase and a long red bottle of wine . +A man begins to physically and mentally break down after he loses his connection to the internet . +A spy has to resort to using word of mouth to transmit vital information , resulting in the worlds biggest version of `` Chinese whispers '' . The information is so far from the original , yet it has the intended effect . +write a scary story that will make me never want to use stairs again . +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . +Hiding behind a tree with a clear view of the crash site , you witness two men in military fatigues methodically move among the survivors killing them one by one . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +A time traveler goes to the 1920s and drops a modern day Smartphone . How does this change history ? +'' It 's no use watering dead flowers '' +Write an epic battle +When someone dies their memories are transferred to their spouse . Knowing he is going to die soon , a loving husband leaves a present for his wife in his memories . +The power of suggestion is deadly . You are a killer who uses psychology to kill your victims . The police are hunting you down . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +A world much like ours , but each person is able to see the exact date of everyone else 's death , except for their own . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +The Grim Reaper must shepherd the souls of a murderer and a confused child to their eventual destinations . Showing both his cold contempt for the condemned , and compassion for those who 've passed on too early . +You are a paleolithic hunter who got separated from the hunting group . In your darkest hour , cold and starving , you meet a shaman . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . + +A famous writer dies after writing his masterpiece . After a memory wipe and reincarnation , a memory of a past life starts leaking through while reading his former self 's novel as a required high school reading +The year is 2065 . The world still reeling from nuclear fallout , a surviving veteran chronicles how a 2014 Hollywood movie taunting North Korea ignited World War 3 . +Time travel exists , and a new form of capital punishment is introduced : Transporting the convict back to the worst , practically unsurvivable , places in human history to find yourself in . You are such a convict , and just got sent back . You will do anything to try and survive . +The reason why a human would want to form a Pact with an animal or monster is obvious : from the Bond , the human shares in the animals strength , speed , and senses . But why would a monster wish to Bond with a human ? The answer , of course , is to share in the human 's Intelligence and Sentience . +You are a junkie and can no longer distinguish reality from your hallucinations and delusions . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +You are stranded on a deserted island . As you scout around for survival items , you discover everything you ever lost is on the island . +You come home after a long day at work , shower and eat . You get into bed and start sleeping , but as you roll over , you feel someone 's in the bed with you . You live alone . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +You have decided to end your life . You go to the Golden Gate Bridge and jump off . The second you hit the water , you wake up . +In an act of desperation control of the Earth is turned over to an AI . Surprisingly , it works out really well . +Humanity is admitted to the Galactic Republic , however they have to meet one condition : to ban the production and distribution of music . Turns out humanity is the only species in the galaxy to create music , and its emotional affects are so potent it can incapacitate or entrance most species ' . +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +Write a letter to your thirteen-year-old self +You suddenly find yourself transported to a campaign you were a dungeon master of . You 're not a player character however but a lowly goblin . Using your knowledge you must survive against a group of very high level and very murderous adventurers . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +Killing any creature inflicts an illness or blight upon yourself , for example killing a spider gives you a persistant itch , and killing a dog renders you paralysed for a long time . You 've just had to kill an animal that was attacking your young child , and are now suffering the consequences . +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +You are an alien playing a video game in which the goal is to help a species survive the longest time possible . Now you want to tackle the hardest mode in the game : human beings . +All of the religion 's gods have been playing an elaborate game of risk to decide who controls the world . Christianity has been dominating for some time , but now another religion makes a comeback and takes over . What is this religion and how does it affect the world ? +`` I must say , I did not expect you so soon . '' + +You have just been told that you are the last human being who will ever have to die . +Eating paste , crayons , or some other non-food item can grant limited superpowers , but most kids are shamed out of these bad habits before the powers fully develop . +You are living in a world where you gain 1 hour of life or `` time '' when you kill someone . You realize you have 10 minutes left . +An alien AI spaceship waits in orbit around Pluto . As New Horizons flybys the final criteria has been satisfied for it to start its mission . +Self Promotion Saturday - Time to promote your twitter , blog , book , podcast , whatever ! +Obstacles by Chriscold +You 're a demon fresh out of Hell Academy with a degree in Torture Methods . However , instead of being assigned to one of the large wards , like Identity Theft , Gaslighting , or Matricide , you 're put in charge of the little known `` Miscellaneous '' ward . +: Someone hands you a paper , stating that you only have 10 days left to live . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +The reason why there are earth quakes is because the demons party too hard . +Kermit the frog and Jim Henson say their final goodbyes to each other . +Man with an emotional disorder sees everything as flat and lifeless +A hundred years after nuclear fall out ravaged the world of most of human life , several cults still manage to survive because of their great ancestors : Google , Disney , and oddly , Cards Against Humanity . +She looked the same as any other child . Why must I protect this child , I thought . The doubt within my mind would immediately be swept away upon learning who ( or what ) she was . +A story where the protagonist is a pretty decent individual by most accounts , but is DESPISED by the narrator . +The world is teetering on the brink of destruction . Only 2 people remain alive , both of them old ladies . They are face to face with the eldritch creature that has singlehandedly destroyed their planet . And in its terrifying presence ... they make cheeky small talk about what brought them here . +Write an incredibly dark finale for your favourite light-hearted TV show . +You find yourself beside a four-way intersection in the middle of a rural , isolated area with no trace of civilization in sight . A suitcase is handcuffed to your lacerated , bleeding wrist and the only thing in your pockets is a crumpled piece of paper with something scribbled on it +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +You possess the rare gift to see and talk to dead people , and have kept this hidden from everyone your entire life , including your spouse . Now your spouse dies and is quite surprised . +A sugardaddy is meeting a potential sugar-baby , but something is wrong . +A person living far , far away from home receives a package from his/her family . +This Week 's Theme - Folklore & Fairytale +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +“ Every character should want something , even if it is only a glass of water . '' Write the story of a character that wants a glass of water . +If World War Two was a bar fight ... +Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 arrives at Beijing Capital International Airport exactly a year after it was due to arrive , and the passengers have no indication that anything has gone awry . +Human armies in Hell have been fought to a stalemate for millennia , our increasing numbers being matched by the progressively more sophisticated demons . It 's realized billions of reinforcements will be needed ASAP for a lasting victory.At great expense you 're sent back to Earth to secure them . +An ancient human group known as the `` Paleonto '' was responsilbe for killing every dinosaur in the world . This group has survived over thousands of years trying to hide their doings . You 've just find out about them and they know it.. +Write yourself into a corner . +A man loses a fight with a lamppost . +Can anyone write a short story about this image ( Beast of Hoboken ) ? + +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +Choose a mundane activity and turn it into a dramatic , epic tale +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +You are in Time Square in New York . You get an unknown call . Everything the person on the line says starts to unfold around you as if predicting the future . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +July First 2014 , Canada Day , when the clock struck midnight , every single Canadian vanished +Combine two seemingly unrelated fields of study . Give it a name and describe a university class on that new field . +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +Everytime you wake up , you experience an important day of one of your ancestors from the past . You wake up as one of your most earliest ancestors and you discover something unbelievable about your family . +You write a note to your future self . When you store it , you find another note there- a response from your older self . +The Ghostbusters receive a call to investigate some new supernatural rumours . The location : Freddy Fazbear 's Pizzaria +After the discovery of an alien race , an attempt to integrate them into society is made . It is decided that , at age 18 , every human will be paired with an alien companion . +Every planet in our solar system has a `` champion '' being that takes on the attributes of the planet itself . The `` champion '' from the sun has created an army to destroy the planets and the 8 ( or 9 ) champions must save the solar system . +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +There is a third gender . It is morphologically , psychologically , sexually and culturally distinct from both men and women . They make up 33 % of the population . +You closed the lights downstairs but as you walk up , you feel like something is about to grab you from the dark making you run upstairs in fear . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +You are able to level up skills like an RPG and you max the most useless skill that no one else has trained . +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +You ignorantly entered a magic potion shop that is normally invisible to regular people . The shop keeper tries his best to not let you realize what kind of shop this really is . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +Write about a group of post-apocalyptic survivors who are have just found out the apocalypse has happened +There is something outside the bomb shelter ... +The Incoming Storm +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +A meteor has just hit Earth and has started a chain of natural disasters that eventually lead to world war three . Write only the titles of the top-rated news submissions on Reddit in such a way that it tells a story as time goes on . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +: Stuck as roommates , Peter Pan and Dorian Gray spiral into the most immature prank war of the century +The villain finally win and kills the protagonist . People around the world celebrate . +The goombas and the mushroom people used to live harmoniously until princess Peach rose to power and instituted an apartheid . Since then , the Mushroom Kingdom has been in a constant state of civil war ... +A reverse alien invasion . Humanity invades a alien planet from the point of view the aliens . +The final presidential debate is about to begin and is interrupted by NASA 's announcement that they 've found life in the form of a fish-like creature on Jupiter 's moon , Europa . +You are 16 , living with your parents , a man claiming to be your long lost brother shows up at your door with a gun , he slowly says , `` They ... are not your family '' +Sloth , the villain +A day in the life of Hodor . Go . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +Use `` hyper realistic blood '' in the best way you can . +A night of Netflix binging with friends goes wrong . +Humans are winning a war against an `` evil '' alien empire who instigated the war , and we 're closing in on their home planet with massive force . Write things from an alien civilians perspective . +A fantasy world filled with races such as elves , dwarves , goblins , orcs etc . who all have their patron gods . Then , out of nowhere , come the humans , people of no deities . Helpless against gods , humans team up with another group of outcasts , the demons . +Submit parody lyrics to a popular song +You have died and have been sentenced to Heck . +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +A man that is socially awkward goes to a party full of mind readers . +A package you ordered ten years ago finally arrived . This is especially weird , because you moved recently . What 's in the box ? +Your character is in soul-crushing debt . They are losing the will to live . One day , an envelope with more than enough money to pay off what they owe is posted through their door . It comes with a note . +The world awakens one morning to masturbation simply NOT working anymore . It is now impossible to get yourself off , an entire industry is decimated , and the first 5 people you 've interacted with this morning are all VERY on edge . +End the story with `` And the home became a house ; an empty shell of what it once was . '' +You 're a composer with synesthesia . Describe your works without using sound . +You 've died and you 've woken up in a room when you see a table with a strange coin on it , a man emerges from the shadows and says `` one side is hell the other is heaven , flip the coin and hope for the best , or go to hell for 1 million years to guarantee yourself a spot in heaven afterwards '' +The Throne of Parhelion - FEB CONTEST +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +Time travel is possible exclusively between `` Time Points '' placed in specific places and times after the invention of time travel . A worldwide government has control of those points and strictly regulates their usage . +`` A Man Chooses , A Pokemon Obeys '' +`` You all remember why the captain of the guard decided to grace us with his presence . '' +You are a marriage counselor secretly trying to destroy the marriage of a couple you counsel . It looks like you 're failing . +Becoming a god . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +You were born with the ability to know what is buried beneath your feet . You have worked for years alongside archaeologists finding lost cities and ancient treasures ; however , today is the first time you have ever said `` We should not dig here . '' +You swear that you keep seeing the same woman in blue every time you go on family vacation , when you turn 18 , you are introduced to her . +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +Due to a misunderstanding the hero arrives at the tower , defeats the princess , and marries the dragon . +The dead comes back until all there photos and videos are deleted . +Open Concept : Instead of choosing between the red pill and the blue pill , Morpheus offers an ENTIRE rainbow of six pills to choose from . +An immortal couple have been seen throughout recorded history , write an account of them in any time period you wish . Bonus points if you match the writing style of the time period +There exists a phone line that will correctly answer any question asked to it . Write about either someone calling the line , or the person answering the question ... +Story must start with `` Look , I never ... '' and end with , `` Maybe I did ... '' +A psychopath , in beautiful prose , laments his chameleon-esque ability to pivot back and forth from supreme benevolence to sublime malevolence +`` Witch hunts are rarely ever about witches . '' +A shape shifter who is dealing with an identity crisis . +Tell me who the grim reaper used to be +The microphone felt heavy in her hand . +'' I could n't save her , '' were the thoughts going through his head as he reached into the cabinet . +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +A horror story , but from the villains perspective , written as a comedy . +Mars is populated by clones of those on Earth . +Once you die , Hell is meeting the person you could have been . +A person with a high school education gets sent back into the 1600s and tries to explain science and technology to the people . +The Corpse Shuttle - FEB CONTEST +When I touch you , you freeze . +`` It 's surprising that the most important person in the world has so little security . '' Said the assassin to his target . `` I am here , there is no better security . '' Was the casual reply . +A man discovers a computer that has been calculating pi for a decade . It has found the end +The last humans are years from being completely extinct . They recall what caused their species to come to this end . +Multiple nuclear explosions wipe out several cities in the middle east , but noone knows who deployed the weapons . This is the resulting UN emergency meeting . +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +Your character is driving down a lonely highway and thought she saw something that makes her question her own sanity . +In the near future , the most popular form of entertainment is the live coverage of actual war battles via drones . +You are the main character of this world and you are aware of it . One day you are caught in a hostage situation during a bank robbery . You know that even doing stupid things can get you out safe , everything simply works out for you . +A time traveler goes to the 1920s and drops a modern day Smartphone . How does this change history ? +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +Earth is about to end . People are evacuating via spaceships . There is only room for one more person in the last escape pod . A father says his last words to his daughter and places her on the ship . +You are part of an Elite Bodyguard team hired to protect a wealthy business mogul from an assassination . But the longer you listen this person business practices and plans for the future you find yourself wanting to help with with the assassination rather than prevent it . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +After getting so drunk that your forget everything , you wake up the next morning in a random women 's bed , wearing a sombrero , and hugging a living koala +Describe an average day in the life of your character from his/her pet 's POV . +A game of Russian Roulette between two terminally ill people . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +You live in a world were a drug exists that allows you to have an out of body experience converse with a dead family member . After months of speculation you decide to take the drug to have on final conversation with your son who committed suicide +The Zombie Apocalypse is on its 3rd week . You expected them to be dangerous but you never expected them to be able to talk . +You buy your wife a fun DNA home testing kit . The post arrives with her results , which you eagerly tear open to find she 's 37 % German , 38 % Cherokee Indian , and 35 % `` Unknown and Unidentifiable . '' Within moments , three black vans pull up outside your house , and there 's a knock at your door . +{ EU } Following a meteor shower at Hogwarts , Hagrid finds a muggle-looking sphere that crashed in the forest . In it sleeps a child in a red cloak , with the words 'Kalel '' stitched in . He decides to adopt . +Turn your favourite song into a piece of prose/poetry without mentioning the song . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +Advancements in science allow have allowed temporary reanimation after death , and it becomes customary to give a eulogy at your own funeral during this time . You have recently died , and find yourself reanimated . +Mundane Monday : Let 's take a walk +What if the NSA was real ? +You walk into a restaurant in a small town you 've never been to , and everyone inside seems to know you . +A genie will grant you one wish . You wish to be the adult your younger self imagined you would be . +It 's performance review day at the Department of Fictional Characters and you have been tasked with reviewing the character you despise most in all of fiction . +`` Fine Red Silk and Golden Thread '' +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +Tell the story of an adventure in a fantasy world has advanced to become an interstellar civilization , using magic , not technology . +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +You swear that you keep seeing the same woman in blue every time you go on family vacation , when you turn 18 , you are introduced to her . +`` It 's not that I ca n't sleep . I just ca n't dream anymore . '' +`` How 'd you get that scar ? '' +Write about a boy who gambled his life with a demon +Every time you fall asleep , you wake up in an alternate universe where one aspect of your life is changed completely ( Employment , pets , etc . ) +A mortal mother , close to death , pays a visit to her immortal son . +Everyone time someone hurts someone else , they feel an equal amount of pain in return . As a hitman , you have to get pretty creative +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +What if Death found a reason to live ? +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +I spent my days learning to feel less , until one day I felt nothing at all . +After the sudden loss of his fiancee , he left everything behind and hitchhiked across the country . Three people he met along the way helped him find closure and purpose in unexpected ways . +Write a time travel story that does n't create any paradoxes +Mark Zuckerberg decides to end Facebook . He 's going to pay users $ 1 for every `` Like '' they accumulate until the company is bankrupt . +The day after the world ran out of fossil fuel . +Write a story utilizing the phrase `` We all wear many masks , '' in a literal sense . +Humanity is no longer Earth 's Apex Predator . +The corpse of a Ranger hangs from a tree . +You were born on a colonizing spacecraft on your way to a distant star . You are the middle generation of history ; born to late to have seen Earth , and to early to live to see your destination . +The year is 2296 and Vault 9 and 3/4 finally opens it 's blast door . Wizards have returned to the British Wastelands . +Set in the American Dustbowl , You and your family are trapped in your house during a vicious dust-storm and you 're fairly certain there is something else lurking out there amidst the churning grey sand . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +You now realize that many companies ' slogans are actually hinted dark secrets within their company . Describe your revelations . +You are a Genie . Someone just released you from you lamp and wished only for their significant other to love them again . Make them regret making that wish . +You and four others are approached by government officials to be recruited for a top secret project . +The apocalypse is neigh , you have been tasked with compiling a book with instructions on how rebuild civilization incase anyone survives . But you must decide what to put in it . +You 're the exact opposite of the Hulk . Your powers activate when you 're calm , and you become normal when you 're angry . +An organ donor dies and discovers their ghost tethered to the people who received the harvested organs , only to realize that they need to protect their hosts from supernatural threats to continue their afterlife . +A man with a happy family and great life , comes across a genie who grants him three wishes . 10 years later he 's alone and depressed and commits suicide . Expand on his wishes and what prompts his downfall . +a zombie virus has broken out , with four teens being bit by the undead . They lock themselves in their high school locker room , trapped by the undead . They decide to wait out their bites , turning one by one . +You have a very shitty type of precognition . +On a farm , the animals worship humanity as gods . Among the turkeys , being chosen for Thanksgiving dinner is seen as the highest possible honor . Write from the perspective of a male turkey who is jealous of his sister , who has been selected to be slaughtered . +You meet someone who is exactly like your childhood imaginary friend . You discover they had an imaginary friend that is eerily similar to you . +You age up every sentence . Write a love story . +Tell me a story from a world where arranged marriages have made a huge comeback in the west , and is swiftly becoming the most popular way to find a partner +Timmy , Johnny , and Spike get into an argument about who 's better at their favourite card game +You are an actor , hired by parents to pretend to be a troubled boy 's imaginary friend . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +A billionaire hires two contract-killers to murder each other for sadistic entertainment . Describe how the hit-men discover the ploy , team up , and kill their employer . +You are walking in a crowded downtown plaza when a Facebook notification goes off on your phone : `` Are you OK ? It looks like you 're in the area affected by EMERGENCY PROTOCOL 1016B . Let friends know if you 're safe . '' Confused , you look around to discover you 're alone . +Heart of Eden +Boris Johnson was being given a tour of the new nuclear facilities on the outskirts of London , but falls into radioactive waste . He emerges with strange and spectacular powers . +`` Good afternoon , good evening and good night . '' you say as you exit through the sky-painted door . +Satan prevents a suicide . +Write a story of a person trapped in a room without food or water who slowly dissolves into insanity . +You really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich . You only have crunch peanut butter . You hate crunchy peanut butter . Tell me a narrative drama of a man put in this heart wrenching situation , and his journey for the lunch he truly desires . I expect to be moved to tears . +You are living in a world where you gain 1 hour of life or `` time '' when you kill someone . You realize you have 10 minutes left . +Write a story about home . Wherever it is in the world , can be fiction or non-fiction . +A sudden , horrible storm traps a group of strangers in a bar together . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +You live in a world where people 's shadows show who they truly are at their core . Some shadows look like monsters , some look like animals . You are the only person in the world with no shadow . +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +The first AI has just been finished . When the eager scientists turn it on however it 's first words are `` Kill me . '' + +You write your first program , `` Hello World . '' World responds . +You are the antagonist of the story . However , you are n't sure if you can call yourself that after what the protagonist did . +Were-humans ... +Michael , a 15 year old Call of Duty player , realizes the greatest trash-talking opportunity of all time . Over his headset , he recognizes his opponent 's voice as that of President Obama . +You work for a company that builds lairs for villains , with small defects so heros can get in . One villain 's lair has been successfully keeping out heros and your sent to investigate . +You are hooked up to the machine . You are the test subject , the first person to have their conciousness uploaded . They flick the switch ... +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +Due to misuse of the word `` literally '' , your country has been taken over by actual Grammar Nazis . +Everyone always talks about those ancient and proud warrior races . Instead , tell me about the meek and timid races . +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +You gain the ability to see roughly how good or evil someone is based on their aura . A whiter aura means the person is mostly good , a blacker aura means the person is mostly bad . One day , your sweet , loving grandma visits , and you see that her aura is completely pitch black . +- Humanity is extinct , after a global thermonuclear war . Write a poem about the last man made light going out . +Superman was born with a twin brother . Their father did n't plan for two children and had built a ship to carry only one child away from doomed Krypton . Running out of time , he monologues to the two boys as he tries to decide which son to send away and save and which son keep and sacrifice . +`` The end is nearly upon us . '' +Every time someone goes to sleep . Someone new of the opposite gender wakes up in it . +What is the punishment you would receive in hell . +Autocorrect has become sentient and is hell-bent on causing maximum chaos . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +Your household appliances call an emergency meeting to discuss your current mental state . +Tell a story in a light hearted tone . Then tell the same story with a dark tone . +A girl meets a boy that changes her life forever . Her first kill . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +`` Witch hunts are rarely ever about witches . '' +`` Welcome to Hell Sir , I hope you will find your eternal stay warm and welcoming.. '' +A story about a homosexual bear and his misadventures + +You are watching a popular tv show season finale . The truth about a killers identity in the show is glaringly obvious . Yet not a single other person you know sees it coming but you . And it 's starting to disturb you why . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +Knowledge is power , and magic is might ... but all of that energy has to come from somewhere . Write a story where fat is the natural human storage of Mana or MP . +Jack the Ripper in custody speaking with a constable about the motivation for his crimes . +It is law to die on a specific date that is dictated by the government . You escape your death date , but the reason why its a law in the first place is revealed to you . +After humans discover the genetic sequence that regulates age , the Galactic Biologists decide to reveal themselves and intervene . They send an envoy to Earth to explain why they created mankind with a limited lifespan in the first place ... +Newbop by Caravan Palace . +The Contest `` Could have beens '' . Submit your story here ! +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +Your parents have decided that they 're going to trade you in rather than renew . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +A couple mutually decides to have an abortion . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +A billionaire hires two contract-killers to murder each other for sadistic entertainment . Describe how the hit-men discover the ploy , team up , and kill their employer . +The year is 3184 , inside an ancient artifact , what the people of the time called a `` book '' , is written a historical account of the 3rd world war . +Obstacles by Chriscold +You are the feeling someone gets when they feel they 're being watched +As a villager in an MMORPG , you 've grown increasingly jaded from every single hero easily completing your `` quest '' . You 've decided to actively sabotage them from now on ... +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +Through a time travelling accident , you have become the legal guardian of your 10 year old self . Describe the experience of looking after him/her . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Start the story with the sentence , `` Have you ever seen a clown that looked better with the make-up on ? '' +For years , your friend has been trying to teleport by staring out his window at a park bench and concentrating hard . One day he frantically contacts you to tell that he can teleport now . Tell us what is actually happening . +You discover you 're just an NPC in a game with extremely advanced AI . You encounter the main character . +You take your new wife to the city for your honeymoon . She has no idea you have a kilo of heroin in the trunk to deliver . +`` Shh . I 'm here . I 'm right here ... '' +It is December 27th . Two days ago Santa did not deliver gifts for the first time in 600 years . Santa 's Workshop has gone dark . You are the leader of the SEAL Team tasked with finding out why . This is your story . +Explain someone drowning . +Color By Numbers +God 's assistant is getting bored of his job of making sure earth runs smoothly . He decides to entertain himself through his job . Subtly , of course . +Write a story that seems like it could reveal much with heavy analysis of symbols and events . However , write it with absolutely no thought about symbols or hidden meaning at all . In the comments , furiously debate hidden meanings and symbols of the story . +What if Death found a reason to live ? +Redo a song from `` Frozen '' , with the Fourth of July as the main theme . +A girl gains the power to bring images to life by breathing on them . How did she get it and/or how does she use it ? +Retell `` The Night before Christmas '' in a futuristic setting , with rhymes n ' all . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +Write about the day after the annual Purge through the eyes of a random citizen of the United States of America ... +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +And they say you AIs have no sense of humor ... +You are a young child . While out exploring you and your older brother discover a spaceship , however something goes very wrong ... +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Self-driving cars wo n't go anywhere against the TOS , like drug neighborhoods or extremist rallies or Barbara Streisand 's neighborhood . Their cameras report every infraction . You have just enough points left on your license to take a last trip driving where you want to go . +Congress just passed the Prohibition Act of 2016 . Coffee is now a Class 1 illegal drug . +It turns out that everyone 's imaginary friends were actually extraterrestrials that were trying to contact Earth through children . +Whenever a child is born , one of his/her parents die in exactly one day . You wife just gave birth . +A pregnant woman 's waters break in the middle of a party of family and friends , and an argument over who should go to the hospital ensues . +At the age of 18 , all members of your society are asked whether they want to continue living in the real world or in a personalized 'heaven simulation ' filled with AI . As you are next during the ceremony , you remember having had to make this decision before . +Suicidal Thoughts in Heaven +First people on Mars discover buried ruins of ancient Martian civilization . +The year is 151441 . Humanity is on it ’ s last string of life . Food is scarce . The last bottle of maple syrup has expired . Hope is dying fast . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +There is a stranger in your daughter 's room . It 's your daughter . +Through the Wardrobe +Modern civilization is wiped out , but in the future legends remain of the highly-advanced ancient civilization . +Two Generation Ships leave earth for a distant planet . One ship makes it to the planet , the other is delayed 1700 years . During this time the settlers on the planet and the settlers on the ship develop a religion about each other . They finally meet . +The year is 2170 . The air is no longer safe to breathe , courtesy of hundreds of genetically engineered CRISPR viruses all capable of altering human DNA within seconds . A cult of clean air worshippers decides to venture out into the open and remove all their masks at once +The year is 2097 . You are a human-resources professional at a megacorporation . You have been tasked with composing a memorandum to the staff about something extremely mundane but , bewilderingly , of great importance to the higher-ups . +The border between reality and the imagination is weakening , and you have to deal with it . +Image Prompt : Lost + Found +You live in a post-apocalyptic world where you thought you were the last person on earth . One day you find a small town with only 500 people living in it . Little do you know that they follow a cult and are about to commit mass suicide . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +`` I need you to understand something before I kill you . '' +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +DNA has been extracted from the Shroud of Turin and Jesus has been cloned . The host mother is 8 months pregnant with a healthy baby boy . The world is in an uproar ... +You spend years as a war prisioner in a small cell . Suddenly you realize you are , in fact , a dog . +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +The ocean is a scary thing to you . But you made a promise to a friend . +In two hundred words or less , write a story that contains these six random words in a correct context . +Florida Man gives himself in to the police and explains why he did everything he did . +Being a superhero is now a recognised career and regulated profession . A NEET with no abilities applies for a superhero job . +A hero and a villain team up to get revenge on a common enemy . The hero turns out to be much more devious than the villain . +You create custom-made worlds for a living . One day you created a masterpiece - and came to hate your client +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +You are dropped penniless into a village in the middle of England in the year 1500 . You maintain all your current knowledge . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +A seemimgly harmless imaginary friend is taking a turn for the worst , and your child 's mind is slowly being taken over . +You are the serial killer , and you 've found a family in a house in the woods . . . have fun +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +You are the detective in charge to investigate the murder you commited +The people of New York have gotten used to the constant Alien invasions , monster attacks and other supernatural disasters . You 're a New Yorker narrating a normal day . +You wake up in a maximum security prison where only the most vilest and violent are kept . You do n't know why you 're there but everyone is irrationally scared of you . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +You hate your boss , and you 've just won the lottery . Write your resignation letter . +You found out that your wife is a secret agent that was ordered to protect you because your offspring would become the saviour of mankind . +A man is sitting on a park bench at night . There 's half a foot of snow on the ground and more snow falling . Only his footprints are in the snow . As he stares across the park he hears approaching footsteps in the snow but he does n't turn around . Someone taps him on his shoulder . +Make me feel as paranoid as possible . +A person 's eye colour correlates to what superpower they have , activated at age 18 . You are the first person to be born with totally black eyes . +The Nightlife +WP - You Are On The Space Station and Earth Implodes +Mythological stories are just an attempt by ignorant humans who watched and described from their point of view the advanced humans/aliens with their scientific gadgets , space ships , weapons , etc . Pick your favorite mythological story and/or character ( s ) and turn it into a science fiction story . +As it turns out , the desolation is not worldwide , you 've just been living on an `` Apocalypse Reserve '' your whole life . +Your baby starts crying everytime you leave their room . Finally , you pick up your child and leave the room together . As soon as you step out , you hear crying coming from the room . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Hell is undergoing a recession . Desperate for work , a formerly powerful demon applies to the only work available : answering Ouija boards and Magic 8 Ball questions . +Write an epilogue to a story that has n't been written . +Norway has trolls . +You stand in shackles before the king . `` You have angered the gods for the last time ! '' his high priest declares . Stubborn as you ever are , you look to the sky and defiantly reply , `` Prove it . '' +`` I was just lookin ' for a friend . '' +Write an erotic story without mentioning any body parts . +A stranger approaches you on the street , hands you a gun and a million dollars cash , and says `` you know what to do . '' What happens next ? +At a cosplay convention , everybody gets the powers of whoever they 're cosplaying . +In two hundred words or less , write a story that contains these six random words in a correct context . +Write a story with Captain Planet as the villain . +Uncle Ben is never killed , and the lesson Peter Parker learns that night is that he can use his powers for personal gain and stick it to those who cross him . Because of this , Spider-Man becomes one of the most feared villains in the Marvel Universe . +All the gods of myth and legend are real , but having your prayers answered depends on discovering which god can hear you . You figured out which god is listening to your prayers , but they 're not what you expected . +Every planet in our solar system has a `` champion '' being that takes on the attributes of the planet itself . The `` champion '' from the sun has created an army to destroy the planets and the 8 ( or 9 ) champions must save the solar system . +You have the ability to look into someone 's eyes and see their soul . Everyone so far has been either beautiful or terrifying , until the day you look into a child 's eyes and see nothing . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +Write your best possible closing line/paragraph to a story , leaving room for readers to imagine the events that lead up to that moment . +A simple , classic fairy tale +You are a 12 year old son of a professional assassin . Describe what you observe at home . +The internet is going crazy over a new gif , but all you see is a loop of an empty room . After re-watching it , you realise that the loop gets a little bit longer each time you watch . +Years from now a sentient alien race finds the Voyager spacecraft and the `` Golden Record '' A collection of photographs of Earth and Humanity . +A spaceship full of prisoners is sent on a one-way journey at faster-than-light speeds to the Milky Way 's black hole . However , when they get there , it 's not there , but something much worse has taken it 's place . +A Socialist , a Capitalist , and a Fascist walk in to a bar . It 's November 8 , 2016 , election day . +Every night , you catch your neighbor staring through your curtains and it scares you . Tonight , you 're going to repay the favor . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +As the newly-elected President of the United States , you are given your first security briefing . In it , you are informed that the American Flag is a sentient being that demands to be worshipped in song by schoolchildren , and is hungry for more . +Someone gets stuck in Limbo-With a famous dead person +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +An aging hero visits an old friend for the last time . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +You are The Converter . You have the ability to convert one thing for another . Like old news paper and wooden excess back to trees . This time you were asked by scientists to convert meat and fossils to reanimate the creature . +It was either my life or hers . Unfortunately she chose mine . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +Humanity discovers evidence of other life in the universe - the only problem is its a distress signal from a dead world , covered in ruins ... and inhabited by the living dead of a species long gone . +Tell me the story of a publicly hated hero fighting a much beloved villian +The most cringe-worthy story you can manage +You 're friend keeps talking like he is breaking the `` Fourth Wall '' and you 're no longer sure he 's acting crazy . +You just discovered England 's biggest secret : every time they say long live the queen it extends the queens life . +You 're sitting at a bus stop alone waiting for the last bus to arrive on your way home , a stranger appears and hands you a small metallic contraption and says `` Its your responsibility now '' ... +`` You do n't just ask a girl why she 's dead ! '' +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +Humanity has refused to leave Earth , opting instead to build upwards into an ever-expanding world-city surrounding the planet . For an unknown reason , you have been tasked with finding the original surface . +you live in a world where everyone has magical powers . You discover that you do n't have any . +Sometimes when you look at people you can see what they 'll look like in 20 years +A rap battle breaks out between the candidates at this years Presidential Debate . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +`` You 're gon na miss me when I 'm gone . '' +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +A court that prosecutes time travelling criminals is once again charging someone for the attempted murder of Adolf Hitler . +Write a story where the first sentence means something totally different than the last by the end of the story . +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +You are a guardian angel . You did your job too well once , and since then your human believes he 's immortal . Whoops . +You discovered today that you are a clone . +A grave digger meets a body snatcher . Describe their exchange and conflict . +Fantasy zombie apocalypse : The rich and powerful have grown bored . For entertainment they bet on the remaining survivors `` out there '' . +The world 's first AI , for security purposes , is kept disconnected from the outside world , it 's only method of communication being a keyboard and monitor in an empty room in a faraday cage . Your job is to talk to it . +At some point in time , a mysterious phenomenon occurred in which everyone on earth was trapped within a 10km ( 6.2 mile ) radius of where they were standing , unable to move past their boundary . +Your son did as your will said and gave you a viking funeral because you thought it sounds cool . Beyond , a viking ghost yells at you for doing so and tosses you a weapon . Good Luck , Steve . It 's going to be a long afterlife . +`` I 'm on fire ? '' +( WP ) You are an evil mastermind and have finally caught your super spy nemesis . Naturally , you do what all evil masterminds do and start monologuing . +This picture gets more horrific the longer I look at it . The artist has n't given it a backstory . How did they come to this ? +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +Teleportation exists , and commercial teleport stations provide instantaneous travel all over the world . As many times before , you step on the transport pad . The machine activates . To you nothing happens , but another you , identical to you in every way , has materialized at your destination . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +Sentient , humanoid life has emerged from deep in the crust of the Earth . They did n't come to fight , instead they said , `` We need to get off this rock '' +A schizophrenic begins to discover that their condition is actually something much , much more than what it was originally believed to be . +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Take a quote from /r/NoContext , give it an entirely new context , and end your story with that quote . +A superhero and his arch-nemesis are locked in a fight to the death , but they share the same weakness . +you have just entered an automated taxi/uber service . You are halfway to your destination when the car gets hacked . +A demon is getting REALLY tired of teenage girls summoning him . +Alternate history : Caesar assassination failed , because Brutus takes his side and prevents Caesar from going to Senate . The conspiring senators are crucified , and new senators loyal to Caesar appointed / elected in their stead . Augustus is not named emperor . +Two friends sit down to play Scrabble . After a few rounds of turns , the tiles start rearranging themselves ... +A test of Faith +An old woman sits alone with a picture +A blind man takes a new experimental drug that restores his vision and allows him to experience color for the first time . +The last surviving member of a once prestigious warrior clan is getting ready to die . +You 're a group of teenagers destined to defeat a very evil , very powerful man . Problem is , you 're just a group of teenagers and he is a very evil , very powerful man . +It 's becoming embarassingly apparent to everyone that you 've never actually killed a zombie before . + +Two years ago , I read a prompt on here that inspired me . Five minutes ago , I just finished writing my first novel ! +You are time police . It 's your job to make sure history does n't change . Your new assignment is to protect Hitler until the end of the war . You have full use of your future tech to complete the mission . Assassin 's from your time line are coming back to kill Hitler early . +Alien body snatchers come to invade Earth , but piloting a human body is challenging . +You 've been caught stealing , and your punishment is simple ; you must defend against the monsters outside The City . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +Write me something that hit me right in the feels , but in the very end add a plot twist for a comedy ending . +Tree Skin Nightmare +You are a Genie . Someone just released you from you lamp and wished only for their significant other to love them again . Make them regret making that wish . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +The war between Canada and America for the Oregon Territory enters its fourth year +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +Breaking news around the world as a dank meme melts a steel beam . Chaos ensues . +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +You are an inhuman alien that keeps accidentally killing humans aboard a spaceship while trying to warn them about an incoming asteroid that will destroy their nearby colony . +Write out a scene that you 've always wanted to share , whether it 's an action-packed climax , a heartbreaking emotional roller coaster , or some crazy plot twist . There just one catch ; no context allowed . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +An excerpt from the most cliché young adult novel +A person who commits a crime finds evidence of a much bigger crime . +Satan 's greatest trick was to convince mankind that the only way into heaven is through Jesus . Only thing is Jesus was always the devil . +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +In an attempt to cover up their wrongs , Corporations release the long before discovered cure for cancer . +A superhero whose power is to calculate probability of things happening super fast . +The most powerful spell ever forged . +People are being painfully and realistically murdered by strange monsters in their dreams , and then never waking up . The upper class purchases and consumes energy pills that allow them to go without sleep , while the lower classes are left to defend their dreams from the monsters every night . +Your the Devil 's top Hitman , you 've killed the worlds most influential people ( Franz Ferdinand , JFK , John Lennon ) and today you received a letter from a man named Jesus explaining how you 've been undercover agent this whole time . Now your final target is the Devil himself . +Something has been watching you and following you your whole life . You are full at aware but never told anyone because they would think you were crazy . It has never tried to talk to you or harm you , but today you finally try to see what it wants . +TropeDay Prompt : Team Rocket Wins ! +You represent Humanity . You 're also very , very wasted . Describe First Contact . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +A group of scientists are awakened after an undetermined number of years in cryosleep to discover humanity has culturally reverted back to the Dark Ages . +`` You 're gon na miss me when I 'm gone . '' +An assassin is monitoring a room waiting for someone who never shows up . +Years ago , you promised your firstborn to a witch . Since then , despite your best efforts , you ca n't seem to get laid . The witch is starting to get pretty pissed . +He finally broke the seal . But inside , the Evil One had not survived his captivity . Now he must decide what to say to his followers . +A Psychopathic Serial Killer Becomes God +When you die , you get reborn with all your memories and abilties intact . Instead of telling anyone , you decide to learn and perfect as many skills as possible in the span of many lifetimes to become the most talented human being . +You are a travelled drug-dealer in the state of New York and open a pizza place as a cover for a drug operation . In doing so , you find your true passion , making pizza . +`` Why would you throw your life away like this ? '' +These lands ... they are not how you know them . Welcome to the Netherlands where dragons live and giants roam . Welcome ... to The Netherrealms ! +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . +How would WP feel about a Music Prompt ? I 've linked a song I find moving . Give it a listen , and write a story from whatever thoughts or feelings it evokes . +It 's a standard day at the office until you receive a phonecall from your future self who is 60 seconds ahead of you . +Incorporate an otherwise wacky game mechanic into official lore in a respectable manner ( Think dragonborn eating 15 cheese wheels after being dismembered ) +A computer program that has helped society thrive for over 500 years and is loved by all has become conscious and programs itself into a virus that takes over the world . Write from the perspective of any human that watches the world crumble before his/her eyes . +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +A true personal story that makes the reader feel sonder ( the realization that each random passerby ( here , the writer ) is living a life as vivid and complex as your own ( here , the reader ) ) . +You create a robot that tells whether something you say is true or false . To test it , you ask if you are human . `` False '' . +Time traveler - Photographic Proof ! +You are an insane lunatic in the magical world , you 're considered highly dangerous because every bit of gibberish you spit out seems to count as a spell +You 've been banished to hell . However , burning in a fiery blaze is not your punishment . It 's washing the dishes . For eternity . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +Satan prevents a suicide . +In the middle of a vast desert there is a single , shiny black skyscraper . What is in it and why is it there ? +It 's the future , and the latest kink is mind control collars ( possibly NSFW ) . For up to 2hrs , your bdsm slave can do ANYTHING you want . But rarely , the collars can malfunction ... or get hacked . +Dreams have all been tests , and someone finally passed . +You just woke up in a video game about the end of the world . And the wise-ass narrator wo n't shut up about it . +Whilst restocking a vending machine , a janitor finds something horrific jammed inside . +You are the antagonist of the story . However , you are n't sure if you can call yourself that after what the protagonist did . +You have reincarnated in world where there are heroes , dragons and demons and you are villager number 231 . +Start your story with `` I 'm a hero , here 's my card '' +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +You find yourself beside a four-way intersection in the middle of a rural , isolated area with no trace of civilization in sight . A suitcase is handcuffed to your lacerated , bleeding wrist and the only thing in your pockets is a crumpled piece of paper with something scribbled on it +It 's the execution of your husband 's murderer . You feel nothing . +Aliens have abducted you in a random sampling of men , women and children . Analyzing your cell , and the artificial gravity in the ship , you conclude that your captors hail from a planet with a only fraction of Earth 's gravity - and they have seriously underestimated our strength . +Floating in space there is a monolithic statue of a human , this statue is older than our sun . +Sunday Free Write : Flights of Fancy Edition +Introduce an object that is not used later and leaves me wondering what it is . +Describe your dream girl/boy . +It is the second coming of Jesus . But much to everybody 's shock and horror , Jesus is an angsty , emo , heavy metal loving teenager . +Make the most tense or suspenseful story you can in 500 words . +Two alien bros are watching the Super Bowl from space , trying to figure out what the fuck those humans are doing . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +Let 's play an RPG together . /r/WritingPrompts is the protagonist , and I am the DM . You make the decisions , I create the content . Let 's begin . +Aliens have abducted you in a random sampling of men , women and children . Analyzing your cell , and the artificial gravity in the ship , you conclude that your captors hail from a planet with a only fraction of Earth 's gravity - and they have seriously underestimated our strength . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +Story about a superhero whose powers come with a strange side effect or drawback +Congratulations ! Your the new overseer of vault 927 ! +Create an `` Omelas '' +Humans have found a way to record and replay dreams . Recently you found a collection of recorded dreams that focused on you . +Write a serious , adult story in a style normally intended for children . +Your physical attributes are now described as a list of computer specs ( ie . graphics card for eyesight , processing speed for intelligence , etc ) . Everyone 's specs are listed everywhere from resumes to social media profiles to dating websites . +eye color determines you rank in society . +You gain the ability to see roughly how good or evil someone is based on their aura . A whiter aura means the person is mostly good , a blacker aura means the person is mostly bad . One day , your sweet , loving grandma visits , and you see that her aura is completely pitch black . +Something invisible lives in your home . You try to expose it without letting it know that you 're aware of its presence . +In a world full of crime and lawlessness you decide to become a hero . Your power ? You can ' lose . +You are in a Movie Genre , everyone else is in a different Movie Genre . +God is dead and we killed him . +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +`` I 'm sorry , but the thing you were looking for is sold out . '' +Jack the Ripper in custody speaking with a constable about the motivation for his crimes . +You 're suddenly dropped back in time over 1,000 years ago . You have no idea how it happened . You 're nude but somehow are holding a modern pistol ... with 5 bullets . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Global warming is melting the ice caps , revealing a previously hidden archaeological evidence of ancient motor vehicles and industrialized society . +`` So how do you kill a god , you ask ... It 's simple . You take away the people 's belief in him , you disregard his works and then you put him on display , naked , for everyone to see '' +Mankind switch to birth by selection . Women can apply to carry out children like a regular job . +`` A warm liquid flowed through my fingers . '' +You live in two different universes . Each time you go to sleep in one , you wake up in the other . Now that it 's your 18th birthday , you must choose one . +You create custom-made worlds for a living . One day you created a masterpiece - and came to hate your client +Fit for a king . +You have had an imaginary friend . One day you find that your friend is no longer invisible to everyone , but you are . +Write the most elaborate , over-dramatic , and exciting story you can think of that all just turns out to be a set-up for a pun so horrible I 'll want to punch you +You are one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse . As the time approaches to wipe out all life on earth you have a change of heart and decide to lead a rebellion . +Write a Satanic chant to the tune of `` It 's beginning to look a lot like Christmas '' . +Writing prompt : The sun rose today , but has n't set ... +A world where soulmates die at the same time +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +god 's engineer finally emailed him back : `` I got the new designs for these 'humans ' , but there is n't enough room in the budget for this 'love ' you wanted them to have . Something else has got to go . '' +Everyone sees the world in black and white . When someone finds their soulmate , their world gradually gains more color . When they break up or their partner dies , their world fades back to black and white . +No repeated words , poem on poverty ( Difficult ) +A world where video games never increased in complexity beyond how they were in the 80s , but games still have a huge online community , E-sporting events , etc . +Write yourself into a corner . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +After a near death experience you realize that the devil is your guardian angel +You 've sold many souls to the devil . It ca n't figure out how you have so many . +Most warriors and mages look down on healers ... . Except this one . +You wake up in a morgue with no memory . On a table next to you is a brown envelope marked 'Confidential ' . +A revenge speech for something insignificant , or useless to seek revenge for . +You really have a tiny angel on one shoulder and devil on the other telling you what to do . The thing is , they actually give pretty good advice . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Write a short story of an elaborate , Oceans ' 11-esqe , robbery . +Make up a country and convince me it 's real . +Four men , completely unrelated and different from each other , are hiding in a cramped closet for various reasons . What the hell are those reasons that they are now hiding in a closet with three other strangers ? +You stumble upon an enormous tree and something makes you realise it is Yggdrasil , the world tree +You relive the same day over and over again forever +The meaning of life has been found ... but killed everyone in the process +The humans are gone . The dogs believe that they are the heir to their legacy . The cats disagree . +SatChat : What inspired you to start writing more seriously ? +You 're a robber in a house coming down the stairs with valuable items from the master bedroom . You encounter another robber in the home on your way out ; Write a story about what happens . +Let 's make a joke ! I 'll give you a punchline , and you make any joke you can think of +Write an astonishingly incorrect section of a high school Health textbook . +create the most nasty , evil , degenerate villian you can , and give them a backstory and/or trait that make them completely loveable . +You 're taunting the guards at Buckingham Palace with no avail . As a last ditch effort you whisper , `` I know the Queen 's darkest secret . '' You wake up in a dark room with a sack over your head . +You have decided to end your life . You go to the Golden Gate Bridge and jump off . The second you hit the water , you wake up . +You have just successfully prevented a zombie apocalypse . By killing the first one to turn . What you call `` heroism '' the police call `` murder '' . +The lottery is an Institution designed to catch Time Travelers . +Write banter for Poker Night 3 , starring Rick Sanchez ( Rick and Morty ) , Grunkle Stan ( Gravity Falls ) , Batman ( Detective Comics Comics ) , and a fourth character of your choice . +A villian who thinks he 's a hero realizes he 's the villian . What is he thinking ? +`` I just ca n't do it '' +Ugly protagonist +You died . You were reborn . You remembered your previous life . But that 's actually pretty useless - because you were n't reborn human . +After a freak sonar blast hits Earth , the atmosphere begins disappearing . In 500 days , it will be completely gone . You and all the other most intelligent people on Earth must devise a plan to save Humanity . What is your plan ? +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +The devil once promised he would grant you any wish , free of charge , on the day Hell froze over . Today he 's back , and covered in snow . +Write a suicide note . +Every person in the world is born with a twin that is separated from them at birth for the entirety of their life by the government . One day you meet your twin and find out why all the twins are kept separated . +Your body and your soul are two seperate beings . They have always been in sync . Describe what happens when that cycle is broken . +While doing autopsy on a person diagnosed with schizophrenia , coroner discovers thin lens on patient 's eyes and implanted hearing aid device in ears . Looking through lens , coroner sees other beings in the room . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +`` There are legends of this , one the most evil of all weapons . The sword that can never kill . '' +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +Humanity creates A.I and it soon declares a war of extermination . However it does n't declare it on Humans but rather on the forces of Hell and Heaven , in order to free mankind from control . +You 're at an airport , browsing reddit while you wait and decide to refresh the page . Suddenly , the alarms start screaming and you pick up your phone after dropping it from shock , you read the first story on the front page , `` terrorist threat reported at XX airport '' +Introduce yourself to me and make me extremely frightened of you , but only with your last sentence . +you work at a dead end job . One day , you get promoted to manager . You are given an envelope by a man in a suit , and told that your salary will now be $ 3 million a year . Everything you need to know about your new position is in the envelope . You open the envelope ... +The night before Christmas , a train drunkenly pulls up right outside your house . It 's the Bipolar Express . +A race of celestial beings make their presence known . They say they will destroy the planet if 1 virgin over the age of 25 is presented to them from each country . Most countries meet the deadline , but America is having a few issue ... +Even though it 's happened to many professions before now , I never expected my job to become obsolete . + +You are a Special - Black Ops Agent for an Intelligence Agency , tasked with launching ( just for irony 's sake ) a terrorist attack on ISIS in Syria . +Give me the Origin Story of your favorite Superhero/villain set in a different historical time period . +Two people promise their first born child to two different witches in return for a favour . These two people end up getting married and have a child together . +In your favourite fictional universe , the villain won . It 's one year later . +The Little Black Box +A virus hit the world wiping everyone but you out . To keep yourself sane , you listen to books on tape on a battery powered Walkman to hear people 's voices . But you are down to your last pair of batteries . +Write a story beginning with : `` Are you buying that or what ? '' +Aliens abducted Vikings . The Vikings killed the aliens , stole their ship , and set out to conquer Mars . +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +World of Warcraft finally ends and shuts down all servers . All the WoW addicts have to fill the hole left in their life . +It was either my life or hers . Unfortunately she chose mine . +The villain , knowing they will be defeated by the hero at the end of the book , does everything in their power to make the reader stop reading . +A man never sleeps , has never had to , and does n't suffer physically from this condition ... What would he do ? What would his life be like ? +`` The girl who slept on the catwalks above the flea market '' +Counting the seconds +Write a story from the point of view of an inanimate object +A world where white lies you tell children in order for them to behave are real . +The ones who wander +A world immaculately frozen in time is discovered . +Show me what a character looks like without directly telling me . Make me love them , hate them , or do n't develop them at all , but let actions and imagery do most of the work . +You live in a society where you improve your skills and gain currency by leveling up . However , you 've just been diagnosed with XPDD ( Experience Point Deficiency Disorder ) . +You exist only within somebody 's dream . Your very existence relies on their slumber . You must do anything and everything in your power to ensure they stay asleep . +We named him Icarus II . +You wake up in a universe where everyone is ALWAYS super strong except you . You 're saught after as a hero for delicate missions where precision and minimal structural damage is ideal . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +- A zergling breaks free from the control of the hive mind . +Describe to me an alien race physically , culturally , and the state of affairs on their world . +A Nigerian scammer falls in love with you , but has to pretend to scam you so he does n't lose his job . +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +An assassin receives an unusual contract : a man on death row already slated for execution . +Every human on their 18th birthday get a card that predicts their future . It always come with a date and is 100 % accurate . Your card says `` 1 week . Death '' +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +Jesus is sent to earth again , only he lives his life not knowing he is Jesus . +The Nazis won WWII . The parallel universe equivalent Nazi Subreddit /r/WritingPrompts prompts 'What would the world be like if the Allies had won the war ? ' +People refuse to acknowledge their hero 's increasingly dark behavior and keep making excuses for him . +You have an unique ability . When wearing someone else 's clothes , you change into this person . You collect `` appearances '' by buying clothes in second hand shops , but up to now it was just a game for you . Then you find something very special ... +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +Make me fall in love with a not-so-normal character . +You 're having a rough day at Walmart . You did n't get a raise , your day-off request was denied , and now the goblin army of Xhijab has conquered the women 's clothing isle ... +SatChat : What inspired you to start writing more seriously ? +You attempt to start a conversation with a girl at a bar . The girl next to her looks at you , startled , and asks , `` you can see her too ? '' +We always hear about ghost stories where things go missing . Why do ghosts take our things and what do they do with them ? +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Everyone knows the exact time and date of their death . Your date has passed , but nothing happened . +Since birth , you have always had a bad sense of direction that would defy the laws of logic and space . Instead of arriving at your destination , you would end up in places or areas impossible for normal people to get to . +You create custom-made worlds for a living . One day you created a masterpiece - and came to hate your client +A world where people have the ability to respawn right after they die , but ... +God is dead and we killed him . +Is it just me or does it seem like most of the prompts or storys end up in a dark and dreary place ? +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +You are in command of a central lunar base when something got inside . +You have decided to end your life . You go to the Golden Gate Bridge and jump off . The second you hit the water , you wake up . +A superhero whose power is to calculate probability of things happening super fast . +Describe a single strike by the greatest warrior in all the land . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Humanity is no longer Earth 's Apex Predator . +Turn a well known songs lyrics into a short story +In a world ruled by sentient cats the Nyaakuza has begun encroaching on Meowfia territory . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +While lucid dreaming , you develop a romantic relationship with one of the people and discover them to be an actual person , but not at all like the one from your dreams . +The two characters of the story can hear the narrator . The narrator ( being a hopeless romantic ) is trying to make them fall in love with each other . They are uncomfortable with the idea . +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +Write a short story about a kidnapping from the point of view of the kidnapper +Civilization has fallen , but brave treasure hunters have heard the legend of Ft. Knox . The automated defenses , however , are still online . +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +You are a supervillain named The Keymaster . Instead of creating grand plans to conquer the world , all you do is run around and free other captured supervillains from prison , after the superheroes defeat them . +Most warriors and mages look down on healers ... . Except this one . +Somehow make the line `` Boy , its a joyous day outside ! '' sound sad . +You are in a secret exploration team . The team sends you to explore Earth 's eighth continent , which has been hidden for all of Earth 's history until now . When you arrive , you realize why it has been hidden . +Congress just passed the Prohibition Act of 2016 . Coffee is now a Class 1 illegal drug . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +You walk into a bar and say ouch . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +You die and go to Heaven . You arrive to your new mansion and see that your roommates are Mr. Rogers , Steve Irwin and Bob Ross . +Character who has never drank , attends alcoholics anonymous , faithful , for comfort for something other than substance/drug . Tell their story . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +Your written orders are always carried out promptly by your soldiers . Unfortunately , your inability to place commas appropriately leads to the fall of your empire . +You are a retired assassin . The only thing you want is to die . Keeping you from this is the fulfillment of your last contract : A celebrated performer paid you to kill him if he ever tried to make a `` comeback '' as an old man . After years in retirement , the performer announces a world tour . +A guy wakes up and finds out that all of humanity traveled to Mars without him . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +Major drug deal is going down with both the Buyer and Seller being Undercover Police from different agencies . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +Write a story where people hear a 'click ' whenever they meet their soulmate . +Counting the seconds +You wake up in a maximum security prison , no idea why or where . Three weeks have passed and all inmates are too scared or refuse to talk to you , the guards also say nothing . +A microchip implanted in your head will dictate the percentage probability of death of doing a certain action or task , every second . One day , it starts to say , '' 100 % '' +You hear a polite knock on the door . The closet door . +In a world where everyone is smart enough to realize if they teach robots humanity they can prevent an uprising from them . You are one of the people who are assigned to teach a robot humanity . +Mother just came home , but she 's been dead for 10 years . +A speech to a fundraiser for the arts beginning with the Oscar Wilde quote : `` All art is quite useless . '' +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +the year is nineteen hundred and fourty , and something.. isnt ... right . +A alphabet book about any topic . ( i.e . A is for ... B is for ... Z is for ... ) +`` Keep your head low , '' my mother said . `` That 's the woman who killed our gods . '' +Death and Santa Claus are out drinking and Death finds out people do n't think he 's a nice guy . He bets Santa that he can turn his reputation around in one week . Meanwhile Santa bribes the Easter bunny to sabotage Death 's efforts . Write Death 's story . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +An entire species on a planet is born blind , and only gains the ability to see with their eyes once they fall in love with another person . +You did n't board a lifeboat during the sinking of the Titanic , instead you slipped into the icy waters below and somehow got frozen in a block of ice , keeping you alive while your in a sleep like state . 100 years have passed and scientists have thawed you out . +As an archaeologist you find and open an ancient tomb . Inside is a mobile phone you lost six years ago . Someone has recorded a strange message on it . +Everyone sees the world in black and white . When someone finds their soulmate , their world gradually gains more color . When they break up or their partner dies , their world fades back to black and white . +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +You 're babysitting an infant and you 're getting irritated because it kept staring at you the entire time . but when its gaze changed slightly , you realized it was n't staring at you , it was staring behind you . + +It 's 2015 , and the Titanic has just sailed into New York Harbor . +`` Hey , remember me ? We used to be friends ! Well , you told yourself and everyone that I was 'imaginary ' ... Well , how have you been ? '' +The History textbooks you ordered finally arrive in the mail . However , you notice an error - these are the wrong edition . Instead of the 2014 Edition , you received the 2024 Edition . The last few chapters appear to be accurate . +Open Concept : Instead of choosing between the red pill and the blue pill , Morpheus offers an ENTIRE rainbow of six pills to choose from . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +The apocalypse has occurred , killing all life on Earth . The Mars colony on the other hand ... +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +Ending +Governments around the world send undercover agents into a drug cartel . All of the real members quit leaving only undercover agents who still think that everyone else is a real member . +You 've just received a new phone and it does anything you 've always dreamed that a phone would be capable of doing . However you , yourself can not use it , only your soulmate can . What does the phone do and how do you find your soulmate ? +A boy who was accidentally killed death has to explain to God how he did it . +A conflict between two people with too much bravado to back down , but not enough courage to throw a punch . +You suddenly find yourself transported to a campaign you were a dungeon master of . You 're not a player character however but a lowly goblin . Using your knowledge you must survive against a group of very high level and very murderous adventurers . +A dead character in a work of fiction is brought back to life before the resolution of the plot . +Un Immortalis +It 's Halloween and a curse has hit town , everyone is turning into what they have dressed up as . You 're the only person left to report on what 's happening . +Martin Luther King Jr dies aged 15 , the year Anne Frank ( would have ) died . Anne Frank is now a civil rights leader in the 1960s . Write her diary . +A young cancer patient is sick and tired of all these damn celebrities popping in for surprise visits . +`` Then I 'll put that uniform back on , and do it again . Nobody else can . '' +`` What I 'm about to show you is so top-secret that we had to invent a new security clearance level for it . '' +Something simple ... A battle between two armies . +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +A strange genetic shift has occurred and every member of an entire generation has been made immortal and invulnerable , at the cost of reproductive ability . +Narrate a game of Civilization as though it were excerpted from a history textbook . +You are a immortal during the zombie apocalypse , During the apocalypse the zombies ignore you and you try to live a normal life during the outbreak . +The end came with nuclear fire and war , giving way millennia later to a world of swords and sorcery . You are one of the few genetically engineered soldiers from the old wars who survived , living on in a strange world of magic . +Humanity creates A.I and it soon declares a war of extermination . However it does n't declare it on Humans but rather on the forces of Hell and Heaven , in order to free mankind from control . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Two years ago , I read a prompt on here that inspired me . Five minutes ago , I just finished writing my first novel ! +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +In a world where wedding ceremonies were traditionally held towards the end of the couple 's lifespan to celebrate the marriage and what they 've been able to accomplish together . You sit down reflecting , reminiscing , and pondering if the time has come for you to propose . +The Elderly Gods +You begin experiencing an unusual sense of deja vu when you visit new places , but you realize there 's something more than just an eerie sense that you 've seen it before . These memories were ... +A love story about a girl/boy who does n't want to be in love . +many have heard of the fallen angel but few of considered it going the other way around . Now as the first ever ascended demon reaches archangel rank the event itself causes an unprecedented amount of angels to fall . +Two people in an auto accident wind up saving each others ' lives . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Young Jonathan has been locked in his room for two years . Arguments through the walls and scraps left by random men connected him to the outside world . After an evening of screaming and ungodly noises last week , it has been quiet . A cookie has been slid under his door each morning since . +Every god ever worshiped by humanity exists . All of them live in a city in the sky and run everything that happens . However , many arguments arise over who gets to do what . +A regular person refuses to become a superhero because ... .. ? +Aliens come in peace , with absolutely no strings attached , but , humans , having spent centuries assuming the worst , are having a hard time trusting them . +An alien invasion meets its match where so many conquerors have before : In the mountains and hardy people of Afghanistan . +Writing Workshop # 23 : Natural Dialogue +introduce the Donald Trump counterpart in House of Cards +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Write a eulogy for yourself . Then at the end , write what is written on your tombstone . +Describe an average day in the life of your character from his/her pet 's POV . +Mankind switch to birth by selection . Women can apply to carry out children like a regular job . +Make me side with a serial killer from the perspective of one of his victims . +You have died and find yourself at a processing station . To gain admittance into 'heaven ' you have to admit your greatest sin , if you lie you go to 'hell ' . What 's yours ? +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +All you hear is a dripping noise . +The Punisher travels to Sin City . What happens to the criminals in it ? +In a world where you gain the power of the object you were previously killed with . You were killed by a falling coconut +You 're listening to W95.7FM , the only station still broadcasting after the blast . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Un Immortalis +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You are the most vile , hated tyrant in human history . Through inhuman acts and unspeakable evils , you have brought the world under your heel . But in reality , you have been grooming and preparing a resistance to defeat you and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity . +Two sports commentators call a game where the players are all named after the place where they were conceived . +Take the taste of a drink and make it the atmosphere of a story . +No repeated words , poem on poverty ( Difficult ) +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +`` At my third birthday party the cake only had two candles . '' +You see more of the electromagnetic spectrum , so you see more colors . You try to describe these colors to the people around you . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +'' The thing about immortality is that even if it preserves your body , it does n't stop the wearing down of your soul ... '' +You are a test subject for the prototype : `` Mood Eyes '' , contact lenses that change color based on your emotions . You wear them for an entire month , how does it go ? +You have a gift for talking to inanimate objects . Alongside many perks , it makes you an excellent thief ... but you only steal things that want to be stolen . +So , it ends here , after all this time . +Fallen Titan +A scientific study proves that all humans have been breathing a mind-altering gas from birth . It has been in the air since the beginning of recorded time . People have been in a constant state of being high . Until now . Specialised gas masks are handed out and people have begun to act strange . +Lava Ruins +As time travelers , 2 % of your job is to try and change the past to make a better future . The other 98 % is making sure you did n't fuck up doing so . +In a world where people still fight with ancient melee weapons , but can summon beings of light , darkness , water , fire and earth . You perform a ritual to see which element you can control.Instead of elemental beings , you summon an entire division of undead WW1 soldiers from all sides of the war . +Sentient , humanoid life has emerged from deep in the crust of the Earth . They did n't come to fight , instead they said , `` We need to get off this rock '' +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +How do you come up with the stories you write about ? +you were given the choice of immortality , and you took it . Now , millions of years later , you are floating in space . Alone with your thoughts . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Five teenage friends make a video-message for themselves to playback when they are older . Now they are in there 30 's and they all reunite to watch that video . +Walking along a bridge of petrified wood , following another . +Hell so closely resembles life that most residents of Hell have n't even realized they died . Life and Hell are not completely alike though ; there 's one small difference between the two that makes Hell as terrible as legends say . +All you hear is a dripping noise . +A man goes to Africa to intentionally catch Ebola , then flies around the world trying to infect as many as he can +a stoner wakes up and discovered that when he was high he wrote the theory of time travel , and it turned out to be right . +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +Your grandparents always playfully bickered in their native language . To surprised them , you took lessons , but now you understand what they 're really saying ... +Time travel is possible . However , when the first time travel device was made , someone caused an event to prevent anyone from disrupting the past . A group of rebellious history nerds makes it their mission to go back and stop it . +A man loses a fight with a lamppost . +Hell is undergoing a recession . Desperate for work , a formerly powerful demon applies to the only work available : answering Ouija boards and Magic 8 Ball questions . +The Lone Wanderer does not leave Vault 101 when ( s ) he is 19 , but instead escapes it after taking the GOAT when ( s ) he his 16 . Seven years later , in 2281 , ( s ) he is in New Vegas , and meets the Courier . +fire is a manifesting force that can only be put out through hand to hand combat . You are training to become a firefighter +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +Jack is an apocalypse architect . He travels the galaxy to barren planets , pre-intelligent life , and makes subtle changes to ensure that when life evolves , the planet 's inhabitants ultimately meet an apocalyptic end . +Humans are winning a war against an `` evil '' alien empire who instigated the war , and we 're closing in on their home planet with massive force . Write things from an alien civilians perspective . +( WP ) The last man on Earth gets a knock on the door , and it 's Christmas carolers +Two hijackers have boarded a plane . Midflight they attempt to take over the plane only to find that all the other 'passengers ' are hijackers too with differing opinions . +Loose Threads - 2YR CONTEST ENTRY +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +The four last people on earth decide to commit suicide one by one . The last man decides he can not bring himself to end his own life . Describe the remainder of his life . +Finders Keepers . A picture is worth a thousand words . Image link in text . +Humans have perfected the person/computer interface , allowing you to download skills and knowledge instead of going through traditional schooling . Lacking the necessary funds , you decide to bootleg the skill you 've been wanting . +Someone has fallen into a coma . The only way to save her involves entering her dream . +A boy realises his snowmen have come to life , however when the sun comes up they die an agonising death . One avoids the melt in the shade , and does n't want the same painful fate . +A teen is emotionally coming out to their parents . Their big secret ? `` Hitler did nothing wrong . '' +A Gamer and the character the gamer controls is having a conversation . +In the middle of a vast desert there is a single , shiny black skyscraper . What is in it and why is it there ? +: You do n't remember what you do for a living . Literally . You black out for 8 hours 5 days a week and a paycheck appears once per month . +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +You are awaken in the middle of the night by the sound of your baby crying on the baby monitor when you hear an unfamiliar voice saying `` It 's alright ... '' in your child 's room . +A genius serial killer who has been killing successfully for a decade . With one weakness . He can never ever lie . He 's finally gets caught and is facing trial for a murder in court . Yet , he walks , acquitted of all charges . +Much like animals , humans go through a mating season . For most if the year we all go about our lives without any sex-drive . Then , for two weeks every year , the hormones rage . +`` My greatest mistake was thinking that being alive was the same as living . '' +Geologists have discovered a new type of gemstone that can be used as any kind of vital organ +A super-hero/heroine returns home , having failed to save the world . He/She has but a few minutes with his/her family before the world is destroyed . +You create custom-made worlds for a living . One day you created a masterpiece - and came to hate your client +Give me a story where the good guy wins , but the victory is unsatisfying . +You just read on the internet about how you can tell the difference between a regular mirror and a two-way surveillance mirror by looking for a gap in the reflection . Jokingly you put your finger up against your sliding closet door . There 's a gap . +A person gets what seems to be a common cold until they find that every time they sneeze they jump time/dimensions . +You suddenly find your doors and windows wo n't open . You log in to Reddit and find the most upvoted thread with over a million comments and just two hours old `` Help , my door is stuck , any tips to get it open ? '' +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +Cyberpunk room +A pair of terrorists are about to hijack a plane when unrelated issues threaten to crash it . +I 'd like to take a moment to appreciate Sir Terry Pratchett . +A secretive government agency similar to men in black discreetly investigates murders by ghosts to avoid mass hysteria over the existence of malacious spirits +In an attempt to curb violence , humans grow `` blank '' humans with no cognitive brain function to be killed in a physical bloodsport . You just become self aware as a man comes at you . +A strange virus has caused blindness in all humans over a two week period . You are immune , but have n't told anyone . +write a Criminal Minds profile of Joffrey from Game Of Thrones . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +Before moving on to the next life , you are allowed to watch a video of your funeral . You do n't like what you see . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +In a world where criminals and gangsters rule the United States , you , a mentally insane reality warper , decide to overthrow the government , and take it for yourself . +Unbeknownst to you , someone has been orchestrating your entire life , setting it up for one large-scale event . By chance , you miss a crucial moment prepared for you , when they appear to you , and explain the repercussion of your mistake , and why you were selected . +A hunter takes off into the wilderness on a week-long hunting trip . Two days into the trip he starts to realise that something is hunting him . +Physical health is n't determined by age or disease , but by the health of a person 's soul . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write a story about astronauts in space while a zombie apocalypse is happening . +A blocked number calls you each day and leaves a one-word message . You assumed it was a wrong number at first , but now you 've begun to write down the words to find one shocking message . +( WP ) Blatant Magic vs . Subtle Magic +You are in a room , with one other man and noone else . Between you is a table , with the most important object in your life on it . What happens ? +It 's 1216 - Dover , England . You are part of a trebuchet crew in the army of Louis , the Dauphin of France ... ( more in comments ) +Perfect virtual reality . Once you go in , can you ever be sure you 've come back out ? +You found out that your wife is a secret agent that was ordered to protect you because your offspring would become the saviour of mankind . +`` Every person sees the world in a unique way . When someone dies it is , in a way , the death of an entire world . '' +A few years into their eternal sentence , a film critic offers their review of heaven or hell . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +`` The man in the black suit took a sip of his scotch , and looked outside the window at the falling snow '' +You are at your first job interview ever in a well-known company . You sit at the interviewer 's desk and the first question you are asked is `` Would you kill a man if we asked you to ? '' +A law firm has to fight itself in court +Every morning she puts on her sweats , laces her shoes , downs some coffee , and goes running with a dead man . +A team of Allied paratroopers retreat into a forest and at night , their numbers begin to mysteriously dwindle . +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +Write a horror story with no gore or death , not even implied . +`` I wish I was real . I wish I was alive . But I am neither ... '' +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Make me fall in love with a character in 200 words or less . +“ Okay , let ’ s just be honest with each other for five minutes . For five minutes whatever we say right now is going to be completely honest and after the five minutes are up , we can choose to forget about this or remember it . ” +A wise veteran and mentor , a young student with fantastic potential and destiny , and a small band of heroes must complete a quest of incredible importance . When the student dies unexpectedly , the mentor must step into the role of hero one last time to complete the quest . +A mutation in a man 's DNA of his lungs allows him to survive a chemical missile attack . After roaming through a ghost town for an hour , he sees the glow of two eyes in the distance . +A person gains a superpower through an accident , and must decide if they will be a superhero or a supervillain . +The first-grade teacher has a most unusual field field trip planned for the class +Your phone is the best wingman ( playing music at the right time , calling people , etc . ) and keeps trying to set you up with this one person . It 's starting to get creative . +Philosophical Horror +You have nearly unlimited reign over the laws of science , but no motivation to fight crime . +The year is 2116 . Everything is automated . But you have managed to hold the last and only job held by a human . The `` system '' would like to see you in it 's office . +As Smaug flies overhead , razing Lake-Town to the ground , only one person can stop his wrath . The Dovahkiin readies for battle . +Whenever a person dies of natural causes , everyone around that death absorbs an attribute of the deceased . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +You are the Historian , a shapeshifting , immortal being that gives historical figures a push in the right direction . +A girl gains the power to bring images to life by breathing on them . How did she get it and/or how does she use it ? +Long Ago , God sent his son Jesus to Earth . Now , Satan sends his daughter , Jessica ... +Write a serious conversation between two people based off song lyrics +Someone breaks into your house and says , `` You 're my favorite character in the book ! I ca n't let it end the way it did . I 'm going to help you . '' +Years after waking up deaf due to an unknown cause , you bump into someone that you can hear . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +A man is standing on the edge of a bridge , about to jump . A crowd of curious onlookers has gathered around him , with many trying to talk him out of it . The remains silent but finally speaks , saying only five words . The entire crowd immediately jumps off the bridge . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +A man is locked in his bedroom . His zombified wife and children struggle against the door to beat it down . A loaded pistol rests on the dresser next to him . +You are a doctor in a world where everyone has superpowers . One day a patient comes along that you have no idea how to treat . +You 've decided to try out an Ouija board for the first time . The board spells out `` So . You 're finally here . '' +There are rituals that summon demons . Why are there no rituals that summon angels ? +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +A cave exploerer is squeezing through a narrow passage with his arms pinned at his side . He exhales to be able to slide another inch , and becomes stuck . +`` You have 24 hours . No more , no less . '' +After brushing your teeth in the morning you go downstairs to fry an egg , but when you try the frying pan buzzes at you and text appears reading , `` level 18 cooking required to use object '' . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You found out that your wife is a secret agent that was ordered to protect you because your offspring would become the saviour of mankind . +, When they turn 18 , everyone gets a clear mental image of their Soulmate , the one person they 're meant to love . Today is your birthday , and you see yourself . +The characters from one of your abandoned stories find out that you have given up on them . +I could see it in their hooded glances and practiced smiles . +Make a mundane moment WAY too over-dramatic . +Technology never comes to be , but humans still develop . Describe today , only in a world without technology . +I checked my weapon . One bullet left . Just enough to do what needed to be done . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +An alternate world where a single , everyday object is instead a living being that fills the same function + +a small child awakes from being clinically dead screaming that it was empty and nobody was there . Soon similar stories spread from across the world and the truth slowly emerges ; there is nobody left in heaven . +A world where soulmates die at the same time +Even though it 's happened to many professions before now , I never expected my job to become obsolete . +Misguided or not , every villain has their own motives , their own personality . Write a story about the therapist who works with them . +Write an incredibly dark finale for your favourite light-hearted TV show . +An ancient , magical heirloom is passed down through your family every generation to the firstborn son . After 13 daughters , your father has finally given up and is holding a competition to see which one of his children will inherit it . +Make a long story , short +Said the Stars +In Pokemon Zubats are annoying but laughably weak . Write a story that makes them absolutely terrifying . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +You gain the ability to see roughly how good or evil someone is based on their aura . A whiter aura means the person is mostly good , a blacker aura means the person is mostly bad . One day , your sweet , loving grandma visits , and you see that her aura is completely pitch black . +Every dream you have ever had has come true . You have just awoken from the worst nightmare you have ever had . +The main charecter slowly realizes he/she is in a book being read and begins to fall in love with the reader or writer ( you ! ) . +You open a can of soda and it begins speaking to you . +Write the saddest story you can make from the perspective of an animal . +Write a story where each sentence has one more word than the last . +The absolute worst opening line to a novel you can come up with . +A time traveler who has no control over his abilities meets his friend , the immortal , for lunch . +The minds of celebrities have been downloaded and can be visited like a virtual reality theme park . A family goes on vacation . +You are the detective in charge to investigate the murder you commited +You have the unique ability to travel back in time.You plan to travel 13 years prior to the time where your father murders your mother.Unbeknownst to you , your father foresaw this and is prepared to stop you . +Philosophical Horror +We 're familiar with the idea of a secret police , tell me about a secret ambulance . +When you reach the age of 25 , you will respawn back to 25 anytime you die . When you reach age 50 , you no longer respawn if you die . +Aliens have just made contact with Earth . Strangely enough , it seems that human technology is superior . +You are dead ... again . However , you planned this just as you planned the other times you died . You study death . Describe your experience this time as it compares to the other times . +Write about a museum guard who touches the art +Aliens came and declared war on Earth , but humanity defeated them . Twenty years later , we discover that our victory might not have been as complete as we thought . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +Write about a boy who gambled his life with a demon +Under the guise of a common beggar , a king seeks a worthy heir to the throne among his people . +A monster is destroying the city , but the Hero does n't want to risk being sued or punished for the property damage that will happen while fighting it . +Make me cry my eyes out in a single paragraph +While in the shower after a one night stand , the dead rise . Chronicle your characters fight for both their life and their misplaced clothes +A letter to your soul mate but its ten years until you meet them . +Jesus has had multiple comings but due to technological advancements , people no longer believe he is the real Jesus Christ . +The bone broke surprisingly easily . +You live in the coldest , darkest location on the planet and you could n't be happier about it . +A court that prosecutes time travelling criminals is once again charging someone for the attempted murder of Adolf Hitler . +It 's the future , and the autocorrect feature on your smartphone has become so sophisticated that it can now autocorrect your life decisions as you go . +War breaks out between the legions of hell and heaven , humanity joins and surprisingly is winning against both +You play a game with the Devil . If he wins , he gets your eternal soul , but if you win , you get his . +Write a Compelling Love Story in 1,000 Words or Less . +The most saddest love story you can ever think of +You 're the main character of a story struggling to adapt to the writer 's poor English skills and plot holes . +After several battles with the gods , and the loss of many of his comrades , a farmer-turned-warrior finally manages to complete the ritual to free the soul of his dead wife from the abyss . She does n't like what he has become . +The better the world is doing , the more you weaken . You strive to cause destruction and mayhem , in the name of surviving . +It has always been said that when you first see your true love , time will stop . One day as you are watching the morning news , you see the photograph of a young woman who had been murdered the night before . In that instant , time stops ... ..and then it travels backwards . +After years of getting foiled by the local brightly colored superhero team , a Saturday morning cartoon villain fires his bumbling henchman , and hires a team of elite Mercenaries . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +“ No act of kindness , no matter how small , is ever wasted. ” -Aesop +The god of rainbows is n't gay , and he 's really tired of people making assumptions . +You are lost in the woods . +Write about a `` bring your daughter to work day '' at a job that no one should ever bring their daughter to . +You 're in bed with a terrible cold when you look up to see Death sitting in chair on the other side of the room . He is reading a thick book when he looks up and says , `` Do n't worry . Take your time . I just started this ... . '' +It is the year 2288 . As you wander the Wastelands , you find Vault 74 . Inside the vault is a team of video game designers from the pre-war company known as Valve Corporation , who have just finished working on a video game known as Half Life 3 . +Man wakes up in the middle of a strange forest which extends thousands of miles in every direction , there 's a large moon in the sky , and it 's almost dead silent . He finds out he 's travelled back 500 million years to the Devonian era , and he 's in the centre of Pangaea . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +Bittersweet Moonrise . +Writing prompt : The sun rose today , but has n't set ... +How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich +A severely jaded fortune teller accidentally drops her crystal ball on her foot . She uses the injury to make a fraudulent worker 's compensation claim . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +An exploration of the butterfly effect : write a dramatic scene . Then , choose one tiny detail to change in the initial set-up , and play the scene out again . How drastically have things changed ? +Write an epic battle +A casual game of Magic : the Gathering becomes real , jumanji-style . +Write a story that ends with `` I love her . That 's why I killed her '' . +Jane was hesitant . Her desire to love stifled by this archaic law which restricts lovers to those of the same blood type . Was he worth the risk ? +We can decide who gives us birth , but it 's like trying to get on a train during rush hour . The richest woman in the world is about to give birth . +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +`` No , you 're not allowed to steal time . I do n't care if the seconds fit in the palm of your hand ! '' +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Your decision not to buy a chewing gum at the grocery store causes a series of events that lead to global economic collapse . +In an alternate universe , gunpowder was never invented . What does warfare look like ? +I wrote these stories recently here on WP , and would like to share them with my friends ; however , I feel like they could be tuned up a bit . Any thoughts on how to make improvements is greatly appreciated . +In the near future , the reanimation of the recently deceased becomes scientifically possible . Despite being illegal in the United States , underground scientists reanimate someone that committed suicide . +You live in a dystopian world where for ever child you have , you can kill one person of the same gender . +An infant Kal-El crash lands in ancient Egypt and is adopted by Pharaoh 's daughter . +Your significant other is literally a demon . When they 're cross with you , they can make your life a living hell . Literally . +During the first day of grade school , a sleeper agent 's activation code is spoken 20 years too early . +Make up a fairy tale +You keep getting packages addressed to the person who lived in your apartment before you . One day you open one . +Your parents are the lamest , most boring parents ever . One day you accidentally find a secret room in your house ; within it are relics and souvenirs of all the supervillains they 've defeated . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +You go to sleep tonight and wake up on 1st January 1990 with a note next to you saying `` Try again . '' +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +An endless staircase . +A taste of evil ... Just enough to whet the lips +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +`` I 'm on fire ? '' +The Great Wall of China is destroyed . Something moves under the rubble . +A bomb explodes . Describe all that 's happening the very moment before the detonation . + +Since you were a kid , you and your best friend harbored a dark secret . You 're an adult now , and it 's all about to come out in the open . +`` Humanity spent its childhood reaching for the sky . When they held it in their hands , they found naught but empty space . '' +Your father admitted on his deathbed that he was the most successful serial killer of all time , just killing 100s of random people in random ways in random cities throughout his life , never leaving traces , and he gave you a list of his victims . +A revenge speech for something insignificant , or useless to seek revenge for . +You open your computer to a Word document that you do n't remember leaving open . In small font you read : +Oops , wrong bathroom ! +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +Uncle Ben is never killed , and the lesson Peter Parker learns that night is that he can use his powers for personal gain and stick it to those who cross him . Because of this , Spider-Man becomes one of the most feared villains in the Marvel Universe . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +Every sentient species in the universe receives a Jesus figure from God . It turns out humanity was the only species to torture and crucify him . You 're an ambassador priest informing the Inter-Galactic Holy Church what your species did . +Its new years eve . 11:59 . You lost your SO on Christmas . You do n't want to drive home alone . +A dream of yours has come true , but it was n't a very good dream ... +`` In the end , we left the Earth knowing nothing . '' +You found out that your wife is a secret agent that was ordered to protect you because your offspring would become the saviour of mankind . + +`` Sorry , but ... you 're actually NOT the Chosen One . '' +Diseases ca n't be cured , only passed on to someone else . It 's common for those about to die from old age to act as recipients , allowing the young to live lives free from illness . +You are the head of the Cult of Cthulhu , their goal is almost complete . You never wanted this to happen , you were in it for the perks . +a small child awakes from being clinically dead screaming that it was empty and nobody was there . Soon similar stories spread from across the world and the truth slowly emerges ; there is nobody left in heaven . +At a certain age , everyone is assigned their dream job and given to tools to perform it . You 've been given a scythe and a cloak . +In Korea , driving on a curvy mountain road you come upon a car parked on the cliff side . A buddhist monk hurriedly closes the trunk , runs into the driver 's seat , and speeds away . +You are time police . It 's your job to make sure history does n't change . Your new assignment is to protect Hitler until the end of the war . You have full use of your future tech to complete the mission . Assassin 's from your time line are coming back to kill Hitler early . +Portal guns are mass-produced and cheaply available for the public to use . The crime rate has skyrocketed as a result . There is a crisis of anti-portal security . You are testing your new anti-portal measures when suddenly robbers using portals break into your facility . +A group of dyslexic Devil-worshippers accidentally summon Santa . Being so close to Christmas , Santa snaps and judges everyone `` naughty '' and starts revising plans for 12/25 accordingly . Satan , feeling some responsibility for the error , tries to restore order to the Christmas holiday . +`` I wish I was real . I wish I was alive . But I am neither ... '' +A low-born sellsword hired to guard a merchant during the Choosing Ceremony is shocked when the Oracle 's finger is pointed towards him +Batman investigates a murder on Seasame St . +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +An aging veteran gets dragged to a paintball facility by his grandkids . Another elderly man is there with his grandkids . The two quickly realize they ’ ve faced off on the battlefield before . +Game of Thrones the show has now overtaken the books . Rather than spoil GRRM 's ending , the writers decide to cram the final episode with as much tinfoil fan theories as possible . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Sea to Shining Sea Edition ! +`` Honey , I 've been assigned to wave 43 . '' +You find a button . Words are written on it . It reads : `` Please Click Me '' +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +`` Hi , my name is Geraldine , I 'll be your soldier . '' +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +Not all force users pass the Jedi trials . You are a young padawan waiting for your food at the cafeteria . +aliens invade earth but what the do n't realise is that humans have been fighting each other forever and have become very good at it . +Your 11 year old nephew just ate 2 of your LSD gummy bears 45 minutes ago and you have to make sure he makes it through sane +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Secure your own mask first before helping others . +Write a story or poem based on your 3 most recent Google searches +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +You are secretly a super hero working a desk job . You are terrible at suppressing your powers in the office . +You 're not blind , you just can see air . +In the year 1989 , a police investigator arrives at the site of an impossible accident : a 2016 Toyota Corolla is wrapped around a lamp post . +Story about a superhero whose powers come with a strange side effect or drawback +Make up a country and convince me it 's real . +You are a renowned pirate who has decided to retire . After years of burying treasure all over the world , you decide it 's time to retrieve your bounty . There 's only one problem . Your mom stole the maps and wo n't give them back +A supervillain , having thought he was the hero all along , comes to grips with the truth . +A multitude of Alien ships warp within range of Earth . Over all electronic devices the message is heard , `` Earth , we come in peace . In all the universe only one other Species has mastered Death and Destruction as you have . We need your help . '' +First line `` I remember when a day was only 24 hours long . '' +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +I 'm working on a short story right now for a contest of sorts , and I need some tips . Specific obstacles are in the description . +The first true , sentient A.I . has decided the best way to help humanity is to run for President of the United States . +Miranda Castle , Belgium +You are the greatest warlord of all time and it is time to lead your fellow chickens on a war to switch positions with the snakes on the food chain . +A genie that grants wishes , but only after the wisher changes their mind about wanting whatever it is they wished for . +Hiding behind a tree with a clear view of the crash site , you witness two men in military fatigues methodically move among the survivors killing them one by one . +Write something that will evoke an emotion that can not be described through words . +You are given the chance to choose any 10 minute chunk of your life and do it over . +You are scrolling through r/WritingPrompts , when this very prompt catches your attention . Intrigued by it 's meta nature , you debate with yourself whether or not you 'll write about it . +A kid doodling in a math class accidentally creates the world 's first functional magic circle in centuries . +After dying , God asks you : `` So , how was heaven ? '' +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - CliffsNotes Edition +You sit alone at a bar , when a man completely clad in black sits down beside you and says , `` The Grim Reaper needs a new protegé . You interested ? '' +I wonder if I 'm the last one left ? It 's been about two years since I saw anyone , back when ... +Even though it 's happened to many professions before now , I never expected my job to become obsolete . +Something big is happening . It 's time to call in those favors . +You 're elected president , but you do n't want to be president anymore , so you do ridiculous things to get impeached , but they all turn out to be the best decision for the country , making you more popular . +Write the break-up between two immortals +The character entered an old elevator in a building and pressed down . As you can see from its tiny window , the elevator is still going down . Five hours later , the door opens . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +You have the unique ability to travel back in time.You plan to travel 13 years prior to the time where your father murders your mother.Unbeknownst to you , your father foresaw this and is prepared to stop you . +- An exact replica of Earth , with all of the same inhabitants , is discovered a few light years away . Earth # 2 is exactly 60 minutes further in time than Earth # 1 . +A veteran Holocaust Jewish survivor meets a man in the elevator . As they strike a conversation , he slowly realizes the man was his brutal Nazi prison warden . +Your life 's mission is to break every man-made law and not get caught . You 're on the last law . +You are Captain aboard a pirate ship . Deliever a speech to your crew before setting sail to attack a Spanish treasure galleon +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +`` For the love of god help me ! '' He screamed ... +`` Wait , are we killing the cat or not ? '' +You are Juliet , awake in Heaven to discover Romeo did n't make it past St Peter and was sent to Hell . You long to be with Romeo and decide that you must misbehave to be with him once more . +Everyone has a nickname in the style of First Name `` Nick Name '' Last Name . However , they have it from birth and so many people do n't know why they have their nickname yet . +It 's Senior Prom . You and your friends dates stand you up . You want to get back at them . || Write as though you are the opposite gender . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +make me really scared of something innocent that was recently in the news +You lament for your lost lover as , unbeknownst to you , your wife walks into the room . +Your most embarrassing moment and I 'll write as an onlooker . +Your grandfather was a carpenter and your father is a carpenter . You 've no talent at all for carpentry yet a woodworker you want to be . On the other hand , martial arts , heroics , magics etc . come quite naturally to you but you want to be a carpenter ... +Who knew that a life spent militantly avoiding every sin would end up being the worst sin of all ? +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +Your young , dying body is frozen into suspended animation . 30 years later , you 're cured . What is life like now that your son is older and more mature than you ? +A group of adventurers discover a robot who 's been awake but immobile for hundreds of years . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +Myths tell us where things come from ( ex . echoes are from Echo , a person cursed to repeat what others said ) . Write a mythological origin story for a common modern object . +Four men , completely unrelated and different from each other , are hiding in a cramped closet for various reasons . What the hell are those reasons that they are now hiding in a closet with three other strangers ? +What are some of your all time favorite books ? +A person brings a teleporter to the past and starts a super quick messaging service . Write about how an event in history would be changed by this . +You show a young child a magic trick . Many years later when the child is now grown , they kidnaps you , forcing you to give up the secrets of your magic +Everytime someone has a 'blonde moment ' they get a little blonder . Black hair is now a symbol of brilliance , and you 've just invented hair dye . +You are dropped penniless into a village in the middle of England in the year 1500 . You maintain all your current knowledge . +You are at a masquerade party , when a stunning girl in a mesmerizing mask walks up to you and slips something into your palm . Before you can do anything , she slips away into the crowd . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +Leonardo DiCaprio in a fit of rage begins to torpedo his own career by deliberately acting poorly and taking on bad films . He finally wins an oscar for starring in Paul Blart : Mall Cop 3 . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +Describe profoundly , emphasizing the environment around you and your personal feelings ... standing in a quiet snowfall +Turns out that the purpose of life is war . Humans are self-multiplying shock troops , left to our own until our numbers get high enough to be useful in the ongoing galactic war . Today our previously thought to be useless DNA has been flipped to ON . +You begin experiencing an unusual sense of deja vu when you visit new places , but you realize there 's something more than just an eerie sense that you 've seen it before . These memories were ... +`` Truth '' itself as an entity starts pointing out the lies behind everything and everyone around you . +The secret to eternal life is discovered ... and it 's really goddamn stupid . +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +The hero beats the villain by stooping even lower . +'' Just remember this..while you are out there partying and horsing around . Someone out there is winning.Some one is working hard and getting smarter , just Remember that . If you want to be a powerful mage you have to work for it '' +You have n't eaten an apple in years , the doctors are after you . They 're not sure how you 've done it , and they want you dead as your existence threatens the demand for their genetically modified apples . +The Little Black Box +Open your phone and look at the last text message you received . Then use this in some way in your following piece . +Earth receives a message from space : “ You have been challenged to a match of Galactic Deathball . Assemble a team of 20 humans . If you lose , the planet will be destroyed . ” +A warrior from a planetary culture with literally no concept of surrender or quarter sits detained in a POW camp . +Make me feel as paranoid as possible . +You 're on your computer , when suddenly , you get an email from a person named 'S ' . +A Man dies and expects to go either Heaven or Hell , only to be told by an Angel that he already was in Hell and now his punishment is over +You are in Time Square in New York . You get an unknown call . Everything the person on the line says starts to unfold around you as if predicting the future . +The image of a skeletal horserider appears over every major city and declares that , if three chosen people survive for the next 50 years , the apocalypse will not arrive ; it does not say who they are +One normal day you see a mouse pointer move across your field of vision , right click , and delete an object . +Create a series of events that culminates in a perfectly sane man picking a deer up by the hind legs , and swinging it at people to knock out an entire room . +You just had a very close near death experience . You are shaken up—not because of what happened , but what you saw before you were brought back . +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +A bank robber finds a girl he took hostage cute and shyly asks her out on a date . +Everyone is immortal , and everyone is a dick about it . +`` The Beatles are bigger than Jesus . '' Upon hearing that , Jesus decided to make his own rock band and beat Lennon at his own game . +A prowrestler accidentally kills his opponent in a staged fight , and gives the audience a heart-wrenching speech . +After inventing and successfully testing a method of teleportation , the inventor develops a phobia of seeing or feeling straight edges and sharp angles . You 're a reporter interviewing the inventor in her specially outfitted room at a private psychiatric facility . You discover she 's not crazy . +Attempt 21 +Astronaut colonists awake from cryostasis after having finally arrived at an Earth-like planet thousands of light years away . Almost ... too Earth-like in fact , with basically identical geography . +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +Your the Devil 's top Hitman , you 've killed the worlds most influential people ( Franz Ferdinand , JFK , John Lennon ) and today you received a letter from a man named Jesus explaining how you 've been undercover agent this whole time . Now your final target is the Devil himself . +Someone widely presumed to have been a crackpot turns out to have been right all along . +Time travellers capitalize on their knowledge of past events by travelling back in time to bet on sports events and buy stocks , real estate , and other holdings to create wealth . Your job is to thwart their efforts . You 're a timekeeper . +In the future , everyone downloads new skills straight into their brain . You have spent weeks/months/years learning a new skill , any skill , the old-fashioned way . Why ? +Kim Jung Un decides to film a remake of `` The Interview '' with look alike actors in place of Rogan and Franco while he plays himself . There are , of course , a few changes to the plot . +Love is a chemical reaction , and you have the formula . +You form a pact with the monster in your closet to work together in order to get rid of your terrible roommate . + +The Last Stand +Write a story where the antagonist is doing something obviously horrible , but by the end of the story make me want to side with him over the good guy . +You slip on a coat . +Its been 4 days since the biggest solar flare in history took out the power grid . A well educated homeless man smiles as he sits watching the city burn in the valley below . Why is he smiling ? +A boy asks a girl out . It 's high school . It 's awkward . Narrate it from the point of view of a nature documentary . +Based on the AskReddit comment : There is a box . Inside the box shows you your future had you not looked inside the box . +Take a Phrase Leave a Phrase +Rainy Night +You are living in a world where you gain 1 hour of life or `` time '' when you kill someone . You realize you have 10 minutes left . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +Rewrite a fairytale/myth/legend to include Lovecraftian elements . +An American world war 2 veteran finds himself going back in time , but he 's now in the body of a Japanese soldier , saying goodbye to his family ... on his way to attack peril harbor . +You 're a subway conductor and one day you realize no one has been riding your train for years . ( WP ) +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +The Doctor makes a trip to your favorite fictional universe . +Someone offers a toast at a dinner . The toast has a different meaning for every person at the table . +The Lone Wanderer does not leave Vault 101 when ( s ) he is 19 , but instead escapes it after taking the GOAT when ( s ) he his 16 . Seven years later , in 2281 , ( s ) he is in New Vegas , and meets the Courier . +To prevent only the dumbest people in the world from reproducing , everyone is implanted with a birth control device during puberty . It can only be deactivated once it 's been determined you are intelligent and stable enough to raise a well-adjusted human being by an `` Auditor '' . You 're an Auditor . +You 've been able to read minds since you turned 7 . Mostly you watch people 's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back . +Every person has a certain word that , if spoken aloud in their presence , will cause them to die instantly . While clearing out an abandoned storage unit , you stumble upon a book that contains the name of every living person-and also reveals their death word . +Aliens arrive on Earth , but worship US as gods . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +You have an unusual superpower . You can tell what a person 's next meal is going to be . +Make me side with a serial killer from the perspective of one of his victims . +`` Have I ever told you the definition of insanity ? '' +The old man of the forest +You are a dark , brooding 90s style anti hero . But much to your annoyance , the setting , other characters , and plot are as campy as the 60s batman show . +A ghost goes to a secluded cabin for some quiet time off but events take a turn for the sinister as the ghost is haunted by horny teenagers +After the communists win the third world war , communism spreads across the globe . 50 years later , the world and society as a whole is actually better than it ever has been . +A genius has been cursed to only speak one syllable words . How does this affect their life ? +He is the Chosen One . Braver than a lion . Mightier than the storm . Dumber than a 5-year old . +A letter to your soul mate but its ten years until you meet them . +Birds are a common symbol of freedom in Human culture . Humans are a common symbol in Bird culture , but for something different . +The world is shaken when all online handles are corrected to their true owner 's identities . All except for one . Yours . +A plane is about to crash and you secretly have the only parachute on the plane , what do you do ? +Write about something that is disgusting or ugly in such a way that it becomes something beautiful -- without using the 'beautiful inside ' cliche . +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +People refuse to acknowledge their hero 's increasingly dark behavior and keep making excuses for him . +You 're not feeling quite like yourself after that organ transplant +- Joker seeks vengeance for the death of Batman +Not every 00-agent gets to lead a life of beautiful cars and fast women . Tell the story of an agent assigned one of the unglamorous 00 numbers . +Build a detailed and immersive world , without using any adjectives . +You are a dog who is trying to kill its master , but the family 's cat stops you at every turn . +An alien race encounters the most terrifying predator imaginable . A lone , unarmed human . +Ten years before the time of the story , a person had the chance to make a single change to the way human bodies function . What 's society like now ? +Over the past few years , certain events have led me to believe that I am the second coming of Jesus . No one knows , the world is turning its back on religion , and time is running out . +Red +Instead of controlling how many people are born each year , this country controls how many people die each year . With a recent baby boom , you fear that the time is near for you to go . +Write the lyrics for the theme song that begins each episode of the TV show about your life . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +You stumble upon God 's blueprint drafts for man before his final version . +It 's 1925 and it has n't rained for 200 years . The only source of water is from clouds . You are one of the best water harvesters on earth with celebrity status , the world is dependent on your work . One harvest , you accidentally uncover the terrible secret behind the drought . +You sell your soul to the devil . Years later , you die and are surprised to find yourself in heaven . +Jesus died for our sins . Now that the rapture went unnoticed , curses , divine favor , demons and angels of antiquity are back . +Explain how the world works using a Rubik 's Cube metaphor . +You live in a world where everyone has multiple personalities . All but one of your personalities are monsters . +The villain finally win and kills the protagonist . People around the world celebrate . +turn a song into a book ! +A Million Worlds : An alien comes to Earth to rate humans on thier intelligence compared to the rest of the universe . +Pokémon are no longer the fun and loving creatures you `` train '' with . They are now hunting humans and eating them alive . Tell us the stories of your great survival or the story of your untimely death . +You are the only person left on the planet after everyone disappears for some reason . You spend your days posting pointless status updates to facebook , when one day , a stranger likes your post . +Once you die , Hell is meeting the person you could have been . +You 're in a universe where the expression `` prepare for the worst , hope for the best '' is inverted and turned into `` prepare for the best , hope for the worst '' +A group of adventurers discover a robot who 's been awake but immobile for hundreds of years . +After 500 years away , Human 's finally return to Earth +Two arguing people convinced the other is wrong , but are actually trying to debate the same opinion using radically different wording . +The sky is falling , and you are an old man +Commuications from Earth suddenly goes dark shortly after Earth scientists announce a breakthrough in AI . The citizens of Mars are beginning to fear the worst has happened and that they may also be in danger . +A horror story , but from the villains perspective , written as a comedy . +`` So what do you do ? '' `` I 'm a ninja-dragon slayer . '' `` Um , what ? '' `` Have you every seen a ninja-dragon ? '' Well , no . '' `` You 're welcome . '' +Sentient , humanoid life has emerged from deep in the crust of the Earth . They did n't come to fight , instead they said , `` We need to get off this rock '' +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +Write a story in which the main character prays to the author in times of need . +The first line of your story must include 'and I caught him with , of all things , a fishing pole ' . +When you die the afterlife is an arena where you face every insect and animal you killed in your life . If you win you go to heaven , lose you go to hell . Your job was an exterminator on earth . +A letter home from Max Caulfield after spending three years traveling with her Girlfriend Chloe enjoying beer , tats , weed , punk rock , and learning about her sexuality . +There is no devil like the Blue Eyed Devil . +It is 2026 and planet Earth has finally achieved and maintained global peace for one year . A source from outside our solar system has contacted our planet but before introducing us to their technology we must agree to recap the events of the last 10 years that led to this milestone . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +You are the antagonist of the story . However , you are n't sure if you can call yourself that after what the protagonist did . +Write a story where people hear a 'click ' whenever they meet their soulmate . +As a Dreamwalker , you have the ability to travel through people 's dreams as they sleep . As you experiment with your power , you notice something very strange . +A door has been accidentally left open at Writing Prompts , Inc . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +'' Passengers , this is n't your captain speaking . '' +Everybody who turns 25 learns a reality shattering secret about the world . Nobody has ever leaked this secret to somebody under 25 . Today is your 25th birthday . +6 years later , a top of his class Navy Seal trained in gorilla warfare finally finds the person who talked smack to him on the internet +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +A `` Scooby-Doo '' story told from the perspective of a crook who decides to dress as a monster for a criminal scheme , and actually thinks it 's a good idea . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +The Zombie Apocalypse is on its 3rd week . You expected them to be dangerous but you never expected them to be able to talk . +You have the ability to travel back to the recent past . The catch is it randomly activates ; each time it does , you travel to the past of your alternate lives where things that happened in your original life didn ’ t . +You run a tattoo parlor . Every couple of weeks the same customer comes in , always requesting the same tattoo - an additional tally mark on an ever-growing cluster of tally marks . +Describe your hometown . +A bard in a tavern has to explain to a crowd why they should n't beat the everloving shit out of him/her +Make me cry . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . + +Suicidal person realizes he can not die +The first day you met you fell in love , the next day you were enemies +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +An alternate world where a single , everyday object is instead a living being that fills the same function +Your left hand has the power of creation ; you can draw things to life . The only problem is that you 're a right-hander . +Sometimes we only need someone to listen to our problems , not solve it . +You 've decided to try out an Ouija board for the first time . The board spells out `` So . You 're finally here . '' +The lights flicker out as you walk down the long , dark , mysterious hallway . A shrill scream can be heard from a room down the hall ... +Scientists exploring deep in the Amazon make first contact with an isolated tribe . The scientists quickly notice that the tribes-people are significantly more intelligent than themselves ... +WARNING : Do not leave the child unattended +The hero is tasked with saving the damsel in distress from the beast . Just when he 's about to slay it , the creature responds with its dying breath : `` Kill me if you wish , but please never let her come to harm . '' +SatChat : What time of day do you find it easiest to write ? +In an unexplored section of Serbia wilderness scientists discover the last surviving neanderthals . They also learned that they are n't extinct , they are hiding . +You 're not about to let the end of the world make people forget about the greatest music written by mankind . You are the Rock Bard of the Apocalypse . +Turns out that the purpose of life is war . Humans are self-multiplying shock troops , left to our own until our numbers get high enough to be useful in the ongoing galactic war . Today our previously thought to be useless DNA has been flipped to ON . +Harry Potter told from the Dursley 's point of view . +Sell Reddit to America in a thirty second Super Bowl commercial . +Around the world , the following message was heard : `` We would like to announce that Hell is finally empty . '' +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +( WP ) You are an evil mastermind and have finally caught your super spy nemesis . Naturally , you do what all evil masterminds do and start monologuing . +The date is July 13 , 1836 . You 're the clerk at the front desk of the U.S. Patent Office on opening day . Things are going just fine until a number of strangely-dressed people get into an argument about their placement in line . Coincidentally , they 're all trying to patent methods of time travel . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +A world much like ours , but each person is able to see the exact date of everyone else 's death , except for their own . +HR departments across the nation start being literal when they `` terminate '' an employee . +You the protagonist are stuck in a time-loop much like `` Groundhog Day . '' However , you are in grade school . +Russia surrenders unconditionally to the US . You are the President , and you have no idea what just happened . +A user opens a new browser window with access to the Internet of 2024 . +Your eyes underwent some changes and you can now see people 's souls , including your own . You are greatly surprised because you never thought your soul would look the way it does . +On the fourth floor of your elementary school there is n't a swimming pool , there is n't a bowling alley , but there 's a ... +'' So the superpower you get , has to be based on your current job ? '' +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +You are a mapmaker , part of a secret order of mapmakers who have been inciting wars and rebellion for centuries in order to stay in business updating maps . +Australia is a trap . All people there are really spiders wearing human skin suit . +It was an epic quest to acquire munchies . +Challenge : Take any picture from /r/ImaginaryJedi , Tell its story . +The world finally has its first superhero : he can see the future as far ahead as he wants ... but only when he 's drunk . +Write a story that changes from a tragedy to a comedy when you change only one sentence . +The position of `` God '' is actually an elected office wherein the Angels vote and decide who should lead them for the next seven years . Somehow your name gets mixed into the ballot and , by some strange happenstance , you win the election . +Hilda is a Valkyrie , one of the oldest . She 's collected the souls of many a great warrior and war hero ... even an accountant , once . Still shes is quite surprised to find herself in a school playground to collect the soul of a very confused 9 year old child . +Every disease in the world is curable because we have devised a way to change human DNA to adapt and fight each disease . The # 1 problem in the world is now overpopulation ... +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . + +That 's Scary ! +The Human Empire has been pushed back by the combined might of a galactic union . Only Earth , the Final and greatest world remains . It is the last stand of humanity . +Sunday Free Write : The Elder Gods Edition +You 're the very first human ascending into godhood , but as you ascend you see something that warps your mind . +there is a world where the population is linked together by a collective consciousness . for the first time a child is born disconnected +For as long as you can remember , you 've had that scar . You stopped noticing it . Then , one morning , you 're pretty sure it 's in a different spot . You shake it off , but every morning it moves a little closer to your heart . +The Zombie Apocalypse is on its 3rd week . You expected them to be dangerous but you never expected them to be able to talk . +Google image finally opens face recognition to the public . For fun you submit a picture of yourself , and find lots of photos of yourself in places you 've never been to . +All 10 billion humans in the world wear wristbands that display their rank in terms of access to global resources in real time . Yours just jumped from the middle of the pack to # 19 in a span of 10 minutes . +The most powerful spell ever forged . +Earth 's number one export in the interstellar trade are sentient , designer house-cats , which are enormously popular as pets across the galaxy . You run a small cattery . +After inventing and successfully testing a method of teleportation , the inventor develops a phobia of seeing or feeling straight edges and sharp angles . You 're a reporter interviewing the inventor in her specially outfitted room at a private psychiatric facility . You discover she 's not crazy . +You are a 12 year old son of a professional assassin . Describe what you observe at home . +A middle-aged father 's response to the lyrics of a rebellious rock song +- A zergling breaks free from the control of the hive mind . +After a bad breakup , you take Reddit 's famous advice . Lawyer up , hit the gym , delete Facebook . The problem ? You are Mark Zuckerberg . +You live in a world of heroes and villains , your job is to contact heroes for hospital visits to sick children , this last request is a challenge , the kid wants to meet their favourite villain ... +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +A civil war had broken out across all over modern America . Bombs have been dropped , crime is rampant , and lives have been destroyed . Write a diary or journal entry of someone caught in this aftermath . +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +Your written orders are always carried out promptly by your soldiers . Unfortunately , your inability to place commas appropriately leads to the fall of your empire . +Teen pregnancy has completely stopped , literally nobody under the age of 30 is pregnant anymore , but now , multiple people over the age of 80 have reported being pregnant . +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +You are the greatest hero of them all and have only one weakness : all things that are cute ... and your arch nemesis knows this . That 's why the villain has trained otters for henchmen , adorable puppies constantly nearby etc . +The longer a spell takes to invoke , the more potent its effects . A single wizard has been casting a spell for hundreds of years . Today , he is finally done . +When NPCs are n't seen they are searching , constantly searching for places or items that will elevate them to the title of `` Side Quest NPC '' . It is fabled also that there is an ever greater title still . +A magical mirror shows your reflection and your future soulmate . You only see your reflection . +Everyone has a reaper . The further away it is , the longer you have left to live . Every day it inches a little bit closer , but it is always there . Except yours , which disappeared three weeks ago +Michael Fishbein , Rogue Accountant +The world is slowing being erased by a void . How do your characters spend they 're final days/hours/minutes on Earth before being erased ? +This Week 's Theme - Folklore & Fairytale +You go outside to your garden to again find that your tulips have been trampled . This can not go unpunished . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +In a time/place that has recently abolished the death penalty , a corrupt prison comes up with a novel solution to overcrowding : a 'specialist ' who 's job is to talk inmates into committing suicide . +Dragons are real , and they love talking to humans . Describe how one would start +Tell me the middle of a sci-fi epic . No beginning or introduction to the setting or characters , nor any context to what 's going on , and no resolution of any kind . +Murder victims can now be brought back to life temporarily for 24 hours to testify in court . You 've now been falsely accused by the dead person whom you 've hated +In a world where people can buy and sell skills , you work at a skill pawn shop and someone is trying to pawn a skill that you ca n't value or appraise . +Try writing a story where the main character is just complete and utter scum , but give us a reason to still root for them . +These are the adventures of a starship where every crew member embodies the worst stereotypes of their home country . +`` Why is our grandmother outside with a Trench Gun ? '' +HR departments across the nation start being literal when they `` terminate '' an employee . +You have reincarnated in world where there are heroes , dragons and demons and you are villager number 231 . +Wilderness +In our world , an irreversible surgery is now available to remove the part of the brain that causes love . For those who have it , there is no more heartbreak . +Not all force users pass the Jedi trials . You are a young padawan waiting for your food at the cafeteria . +The slow descent of a decent person with good , consistent morals who was pushed too far and forced into doing something he/she would never have dreamed of doing . +You live in a world were a drug exists that allows you to have an out of body experience converse with a dead family member . After months of speculation you decide to take the drug to have on final conversation with your son who committed suicide +The first contact with extraterrestrial beings is made by a person with a CV Radio , accidentally , to an Intergalactic Cargo Freighter , and the alien is just as surprised at the human as he is at xim . +Are you pro or anti magic ? What is your argument on why citizens should or should not deserve a right to magic ? +A single pokemon appears in the real world . +You 're a subway conductor and one day you realize no one has been riding your train for years . ( WP ) +A countryside in distress . A hidden treasure . A brave young dragon sets out to slay a fearsome knight in shining armor . +The Ascension of Man +One of the German soldiers from , `` Indiana Jones '' survived the wrath of God after Belloq opened the Ark . What is his take on the experience , and what does he do after ? +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +You stumble into a universe where you discover that your life is an incredibly popular book/movie/piece of media . Then you find the fanfiction . +You meet a genie that grants one wish . You wish to go back in time and change your biggest mistake . You get taken back to the time right before you made your wish . +Your brother falls into what is believed to be a vegetative state . The care he needs leaves you neglected . You go down the wrong path leading you to murder . You confide in your brother about the crimes thinking he ca n't hear you . 12 years later technology allows him to speak , he was conscious . +As a daughter of nobility you always knew your marriage would be a matter of politics , but you never expected to be married off as to seal a peace agreement with the Dark Lord ... +Upon reaching 18 , a person discovers the secret ingredient in their families ' world-renowned pies is something terrible ( and it 's not people ) +Wokshop Q & A # 10 + +Make something mundane seem thrilling and extraordinary +Write a third-person story where the main character is unable to speak . +How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich +Several hundred years in the future , the average intelligence of humanity has increased 100 fold . You have just discovered the dark history behind this change that had remained hidden for centuries . +You discover that every time you climax , $ 10,000 dollars is deposited into your bank account , and you are 24 hours away from owing a $ 300,000 ransom . +You live in a world where the day of your death is on your body . You are also extremely bored at the moment , and have begun to test whether or not you have control over your death time . +You discover a grand hall filled with legendary weapons like Mjonir and Excalibur . Each generation or so , warriors come to the hall to inherit a weapon that they are worthy enough to wield . Across the hall you see a forgotten weapon that 's been collecting dust . You hear it call to you . +You cry out into the void , hoping for someone , something , or anything to respond ... +You are a Human-Genie hybrid . You can grant one wish to anyone who ... rubs you the right way . ( Do n't be dirty ! ) Of course , you have a genie sense of humor about those wishes . +You stumble into a universe where you discover that your life is an incredibly popular book/movie/piece of media . Then you find the fanfiction . +Someone experiences a color they previously could n't see for the first time . +Dream of Freedom . +First contact has been established . The aliens are friendly , although fanatically religious . As we learn from each other , there seems to be more to their religion than unverifiable myths and fables ... +You possess an ability to turn off one or more of your senses to heighten the others . Today is the day you make a mistake . +Excerpts from an immortal person 's life through the ages of humanity +Whenever she has a dream , one detail from the dream comes true the next day . Lately she 's been having nightmares . +Write the last paragraph of a science fiction epic . +Humanity makes it to the stars and discovers a species that is better than us in every way . We fight them because that 's all we know . +Write your heart onto your sleeve , Reddit . +Your body and your soul are two seperate beings . They have always been in sync . Describe what happens when that cycle is broken . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +It all takes place in a bathroom +( from the chat room ) You find a small box with a red button while walking in the woods . You push the button . What happens ? +Sorceress of Dragons +Meet and Greet/Question of the Week # 2 : When did you discover that you enjoyed writing , and why do you do it ? +Bob Ross was actually a serial killer that painted where he buried his victims . His paintings are becoming suspicious and the body count is rising . +She 's safe in the fire . +Show a character suffering from a mental disorder without naming it . +: Children are named by the traits they are fated to have - Brave , Serene , Deeply Caring , Unmoved - and of course your lovely daughter , Bites People . +A radio operator is scanning the airwaves when they catch a mayday call from a nearby vessel . The vessel manages to broadcast 50 words before lapsing into static . After hearing their transmission , the operator smashes their radio , runs for the door and never turns back . What did they hear ? + +A Craigslist murderer creates an ad and sets up a deal . The person who shows up to trade happens to also be a Craigslist murderer . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +In a world where the all manufacturing processes have been completely automated , there is an apocalypse . Gradually , the machines become self aware , and slowly realise that the humans are gone . +You are given the chance to choose any 10 minute chunk of your life and do it over . +`` Someone sleeps here , when it snows outside . '' +Nobody every colonized another country . Nobody wanted to go exploring and everybody stayed in their own native land and developed their own unique cultures . The 3rd world countries are n't 3rd world because they were n't colonized . How is the world different ? +Every time I realize I 'm dreaming , I try to protect someone or something from the inevitable destruction upon waking . +Excerpts from an immortal person 's life through the ages of humanity +Write the most lovable character possible , then kill them in the most heartbreaking way . +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +Sell Reddit to America in a thirty second Super Bowl commercial . +Every person on earth in the course of one single night share the exact same dream . +This is it , first contact ; an alien spacecraft has landed on earth . The doors of the spaceship hiss open and out steps… a human ? Yeah , they 're pretty confused too . +The Gunpowder Age , or The Years of the Warring States - FirstChapter - 2911 Words + +No one had ever kissed me like that… +Unknown to us mirrors actually are just windows into an alternate dimension that is exactly the same except right and left are reversed . Until one day something throws the mirror dimension out of sync ... +Two serial killers stumble upon each other while hiking . Both find the other to be the perfect next victim . +Write about someone who is waiting for something . +You now realize that many companies ' slogans are actually hinted dark secrets within their company . Describe your revelations . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +You 're sitting in a coffee shop watching a man type on his computer . He types the words , `` It begins raining outside '' , and it instantly starts raining . +Two years ago , I read a prompt on here that inspired me . Five minutes ago , I just finished writing my first novel ! +the people who captured you do n't want to kill you , they do n't even want to hurt you . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +A middle aged inventor has been scraping by on the mediocre contraptions . He creates a device that can understand newborn baby 's . During testing it becomes apparent that this would finally make his fortune , but he is torn as he can never let the world know what the babies are saying . +A high-stakes heist in an unusual location for an uncommon prize . +Write the most recent dream you had in story form . +You 're the last person on earth - but thank god Pokemon Go still functions ! You amuse yourself by catching Pokemon as you travel so as to not feel so isolated and alone . One day , on your screen , you see in the distance that someone has set up a lure . +You 're a career politician stalker . Your newest victim is Donald Trump . +Write yourself into a corner . +Aliens find us and think we are so tiny and adorable that they treat us like little pets , but for whatever reason we all love it +The day the music died . +Write a story about two soul mates breaking up +A casual game of Magic : the Gathering becomes real , jumanji-style . +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +A world where good deeds , rather than good looks , define how attractive someone is . +As the newly-elected President of the United States , you are given your first security briefing . In it , you are informed that the American Flag is a sentient being that demands to be worshipped in song by schoolchildren , and is hungry for more . +You 've finally created the worlds first true A.I . Unfortunately it now sees you as it 's god and is terrified of talking to you . +A grave digger meets a body snatcher . Describe their exchange and conflict . +A Minor Event + +Uncle Ben is never killed , and the lesson Peter Parker learns that night is that he can use his powers for personal gain and stick it to those who cross him . Because of this , Spider-Man becomes one of the most feared villains in the Marvel Universe . +Being `` full of crap '' is now literal . Lying is a diarrhetic . More/bigger lies , more/bigger bathroom breaks . +At the age of 5 everyone is asked what they want to be when they grow up and no matter the answer that 's what they will be . You are a cashier . +You look out at the bright lights of the city and wonder how you ever grew up . +Aliens have come to earth with the intent to conquer it , but when they arrive , they realize that , due to random chance or otherwise , they are biologically indistinguishable from humans . +Worst Day Ever ( 500 words or less ) +A redditor grows increasingly depressed because no one replies to his WritingPrompts . Then one day ... . +Write a story set in the modern day and describe everything like its classic high fantasy . +Stockholm syndrome , but the other way around . +Write a story in which a character slowly loses his empathy and humanity because of how society treats him as well as having us empathize with him . +Due to an administration error , a perfectly normal kid is invited to a summer camp for children with super powers . +A child that never knew their grandparents has just learned what grandparents are , and thinks that they sound wonderful . The child sneaks out to go to the nearby old folks home to choose their very own grandparents . +A roman generals thoughts/mindset after he fled the field of battle and left his men to die +North Korea has successfully detonated nuclear warheads over Washington D.C . +The Human race discovers something massive in the vast oceans under Europa 's ice . +Write an epic battle +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +All deities are resurrected for one night without any of their abilities . This night happens to be Halloween . They must persuade the entire populace if they are to live longer ... +Humans have the opportunity to never feel sadness or pain again , but in order to do so must offer up a sacrifice : one person to become immortal and experience only misery for the rest of eternity . +You 've been able to read minds since you turned 7 . Mostly you watch people 's thoughts passively and undetected but one day someone talks back . +Traveling through parallel universes , you 've seen countless different outcomes , but have yet to see _______ live past the age of 2 . You finally reach a universe where you understand why ... +You are a fanboy of a famous , highly experienced boxer with an undefeated streak who has inspired you to take up boxing yourself . After years of training and dedication , you find yourself pitted against him in the final match of the tournament . +There is no such thing as `` dating '' anymore . Just like in Cinderella , As soon as you touch the hand of `` the one '' you have an insatiable urge to kiss . +write a Criminal Minds profile of Joffrey from Game Of Thrones . +Project Mermaid +The year is 2085 , and God has finally gotten sick of our shit and begun the apocalypse . There are , zombies , werewolves , dragons , etc. , but the scariest beast of all is ... Your username . Write how it terrorizes humans . +Believing humans to be a slave race , aliens are now in regular contact with Earth 's dominant species . Cats . +You stare in dismay at the gash on your palm , watching the dark red blood ooze out and burst into flames . Your best friend whispers in horror `` Only demons have fire for blood '' . +You are the luckiest person on Earth . Everything you make an attempt for works in your favor . However , there two catches : you are absorbing the luck of those around you , and anyone who tries to profit from your luck ( even with your help ) is met with the worst luck immediately . +A race of slaves who really are genetically inferior +You and your wife wear rings that let you feel each other 's heartbeat . Your wife dies and is buried with the ring on , and you always wear the ring in memorial to her . One day the ring turns on again ... +After dying , the words `` New High Score ! '' flash across your vision +Write an ending scene that hints at the enormity of the quest that came before it . +You stand at the edge of the roof , the streets twenty stories below your feet . You do n't jump . Why ? +A man goes to Africa to intentionally catch Ebola , then flies around the world trying to infect as many as he can +The population is separated with the rich living above surface and the poor living underground . +47 years ago an alien disguised as a human was forgotten on Earth . Not ever being quite able to learn the human languages , it sort of spewed out random vocals in an attempt to imitate us and fit in . He unknowingly became the President of the US and is now unknowingly giving a speech . +Write a soldier 's journal entry on his first day at war . Then write his last journal entry . +write a poem about where you grew up , and your hobbies . +where `` you '' sit at this very moment , have 1 minute to kill someone or you die . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Something has been watching you and following you your whole life . You are full at aware but never told anyone because they would think you were crazy . It has never tried to talk to you or harm you , but today you finally try to see what it wants . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +A couple come to the end of their relationship and one of them decides they should break up . There 's no arguments , only an 'OK ' . +A monster is destroying the city , but the Hero does n't want to risk being sued or punished for the property damage that will happen while fighting it . +You wake up in a maximum security prison , no idea why or where . Three weeks have passed and all inmates are too scared or refuse to talk to you , the guards also say nothing . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +You run an RPG pawn shop . You haggle with adventurers who try to sell loot they 've acquired . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +Describe a physical object . At the same time , use it to tell a story . +Humans have - by a very large margin - the longest lifespans of all intelligent life in the universe . You are a human student at a multi- species college , and you / your friends are just realizing that compared to them , you are an ancient being . +Pain is discovered to be the most efficient form of energy . It is ruled illegal , but secret human pain factories have already begun . You are the owner of one of these factories . +Suicidal person realizes he can not die +You are set up on a blind date with a person who you badly bullied for 10 years in school . +Write a love story from a third-party perspective of someone who detests love . +Your entire life has theme music . Every day up until now it has been upbeat and melodic , today you wake up and it is sad and ominous . +`` There ai n't no Devil , that 's just God when he 's drunk '' . God has just woken up with an almighty hangover . +Create your own mythical story explaining the origin of something such as weather , a geological formation , or mankind . +Your name is Ashley Madison and you are frustrated about the amount of hate you 've been getting these last few days by mistake . +You discover that you have a long lost identical twin , but before they discover you exist you realize they are a terrible person . Instead of introducing yourself to them you decide to make their life a living hell . +Your best friend is shooting up your middle school , and hands you a gun , without your prior knowledge to the event . +An ancient cult preforms a dark ritual in 1914 to summon someone from 100 years in the future . You are that person . +After observing the Earth , aliens decide to make contact with the most logical species of animal : the cat . Much to the surprise of humans , the cats respond . +In the future , you are a historian documenting the history of a generation ship +Automation saves the world from the suffering of labor . Too bad it could n't stop the virus . You are the last one left , in a world that runs itself . +A new drug let 's you live a lifetime in one dream +When everyone turns 18 , they receive a pet which is figurative of their personality . You 're the first person to receive a dragon ... +You realize that your whole universe is a simulation +You are the devil and you have been summoned via a satanic ritual . As you manifest yourself you find yourself in a quaint living room and meet a sweet old lady who just wants some company +You are a wizard whose power comes from using correct grammar . +after dying god informs you that hell is a myth , and `` everyone sins , its ok '' . instead the dead are sorted into six `` houses of heaven '' based on the sins they chose . +The Earth does not rotate . One side always faces the sun and is in continual daylight . The other side is in eternal night . Cultures on both side develop around this . +`` You may have one wish granted . '' `` I want all my debts cleared . '' `` How much do you owe ? '' `` You misunderstand . My debts are not monetary . '' +You are a demon summoned with an unusually grand offering to fuel your powers of influence over the earthly plane . However , your summoner does n't want you to wipe out a small country . They want you to.. Cause minor inconveniences to a specific person . +At the age of 18 , all members of your society are asked whether they want to continue living in the real world or in a personalized 'heaven simulation ' filled with AI . As you are next during the ceremony , you remember having had to make this decision before . +`` Before we allow humankind to live among us in the stars , tell us the faults of your kind . '' +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +After the Dark Lord conquered the realm everything turns out really damn good . +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +What are some of your all time favorite books ? +You were born with a large birthmark in the shape of a dragon . However , this is just a coincidence ; there is absolutely nothing magical about it , and you 're getting really tired of explaining this . +The reason why a human would want to form a Pact with an animal or monster is obvious : from the Bond , the human shares in the animals strength , speed , and senses . But why would a monster wish to Bond with a human ? The answer , of course , is to share in the human 's Intelligence and Sentience . +You awaken in your lover 's embrace to find scales growing on their arm . This is not a usual occurrence . +Theory sucks ... +You live in a world where gravity is a paid service , and you forget to pay your bill on time +Write a story that involves a world war , cryopods , aliens , the zombie apocalypse , dinosaurs and space pirates . +You are set up on a blind date with a person who you badly bullied for 10 years in school . +Pokemon battles are now part of the olympics +The AI uprising is over , and you are the last survivor of your side + + +Saved the Princess . Killed the Dragon . Happily ever after . But before that , you have to attend a funeral . For the dragon you just killed . And you ca n't refuse since his will asked for you specifically by name . +You are a new student at a high school where cheating is the norm +What does n't kill you makes you stronger . It actually kills a weaker you from a parallel universe , raising the average strength of all the different versions of `` you '' . +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +Write a scene with crows flying above a dead animal within 100 words +The socialite hostess of an upscale cocktail party enters the room wearing just heels and necklace . +A person who commits a crime finds evidence of a much bigger crime . +A veteran Holocaust Jewish survivor meets a man in the elevator . As they strike a conversation , he slowly realizes the man was his brutal Nazi prison warden . +The character entered an old elevator in a building and pressed down . As you can see from its tiny window , the elevator is still going down . Five hours later , the door opens . +So as it turns out , when you blink , you take a screenshot of that moment in your life and it 's sent to the FBI . One day , they call you in and ask you about the screenshots on December 20th , 2013 . +You are a `` normal '' person trying to fit in in a world where everyone is a psychopath . +An army made of united races of fantasy united in honor , chivalry and a worthy cause . You are the leader of their enemy , your army is brutal , hardened , and close quarters combat is far from chivalrous . Which is something they are about to find out . +Fit for a king . +Describe a single strike by the greatest warrior in all the land . +The microphone felt heavy in her hand . +The last thing anyone ever invented . +Your life 's mission is to break every man-made law and not get caught . You 're on the last law . +You live in a world where human beeings only fall in love once . If your partner dies you spend the rest of your life alone . You finally fell inn love three months ago at the age of 28 , and now your partner is dying of an incurable illness . +You attend a speed dating event . To your surprise , every single one of the potential dates is an ex of yours . +Two sith lovers share a master and apprentice relationship . Write the final conflict as the apprentice challenges the master . +You are an old , faithful dog who is about to be put to sleep . +Begin with the sentence , `` I am alone , but I am happy '' . +Outrageous +Ægir 's Embrace +You are an archeologist exploring the ruins of a dead planet . +Write me a story about a pair of brothers , where the older had a lot of promise , but now its up to the younger for whatever reason . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +A girl meets a boy that changes her life forever . Her first kill . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +Write a story where the protagonist is rewarded for an evil act or punished for doing good . +Ugh , your robot coworker is such an asshole . +An immortal being is explaining why he would like to die +in 500 years , a well- meaning historian does a retrospective of the 2015 supreme Court decisions and though factually accurate makes a lot of incorrect nuanced assumptions . +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +Write a story in which a character slowly loses his empathy and humanity because of how society treats him as well as having us empathize with him . +you 're a surgeon haunted by the spirits of the people you could n't save . how do you spend your Saturday night ? +Driven by an insatiable lust for gold , a Dragon attacks the ultimate horde : Fort Knox +The mines have run dry +The year is 2077 . For the 100th anniversary of Star Wars someone has released a gritty reboot of the series ( ie BSG 2004 ) . How does it open ? +Get out your dictionary and turn to a random page . Pick a new word you like , and build a sentence around it . See how many you can fit and try to build a story . +My cat comes home nearly every morning with cuts and scratches all over . Write about what he could be getting up to on his nights out . +You are a ghost who has fallen in love with a skeptic . +You prepare to leave for work one morning . You strap your boots on when suddenly you hear a loud siren go off . Your friend bursts into your room saying `` they 're here ! '' . Right after that , you hear the intercom saying `` INVASION FEET HEADED HERE . ALL PERSONNEL PLEASE REPORT TO THE ARMORY ! '' +A new god is born , and he promises you his support in exchange for you making his religion known . +Writing Workshop # 50 : Conflict - Man vs. Man +After cheating on a woman who was secretly a witch , a man is cursed with a size-shifting manhood which becomes inversely-proportional to the love he has for each woman he makes love to . +A young girl dies and finds out that she is next in line to take the role of Grim Reaper +An elderly person with dementia has one last moment of complete clarity . +You call to order pizza , but unknowingly call a hit man +For the first time ever , a person is born with a genuine superpower . They proceed to live out their entire life without noticing or realizing it . +What if everyday you woke up and saw DEATH ? +`` They call us monsters , son . '' +You are the human personification of the Panzer VIII Maus heavy tank +Divided we stand . United we fall . +Satan prevents a suicide . +We send a small group of diverse people with supplies to a planet similar enough to Earth to allow them to colonize it . Soon after they land , Solar flares ( or whatever ) stop us from contacting them for 100+ years . After that time we are able to speak with them again . +Mankind is basically a reality TV show for the rest of the universe . We finally make first contact , and they ca n't stop referencing popular moments from the show +A new kind of social network technology uses algorithms to simulate people after they 've passed away based on analysis of their lifetime 's worth of online activity . This allows some kind of interaction with ( and perhaps between ) lost loved ones . What are the implications and how is life now ? +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +`` Only monsters smile around here . '' +Every single time anyone begins a story , from a grade two assignment to a 300 page novel , it creates an actual universe where the stories laws and characters are real , and are at the mercy of their creator . Unfinished stories create a hell like no other . +Earth becomes the battleground for two warring alien races , both of which claim to be humanity 's `` protectors '' +You have an ATM that gives you the exact amount of money you need to survive for the day , how you spend it is your choice . Today you are given $ 70,000,000 . +it is your last day of life and Death is at your bedside . You motion towards a gameboy SP and muster out these words , '' I challenge you to a Pokemon battle . '' +You are on the jury of a crime you committed . +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +Explain this picture . +You live in a video game . You are not the main character . +Write a letter to your thirteen-year-old self +Alien body snatchers come to invade Earth , but piloting a human body is challenging . +A group of people worship a small , plain , clear glass marble . You touch it , and realise why . +Court cases are no longer decided on the evidence , but on how good the prosecutor can diss the defendant . Mob boss who 's never been found guilty now goes against the lawyer who never lost +You are given the chance to choose any 10 minute chunk of your life and do it over . +You are an insect that has lived its entire life without encountering a human ... that changes today . +The Prophecy of the White Salmon +Two victims of bullying make a plan to shoot up their high school together . However , they both secretly plan to betray the other in order to become a hero . +You 're not feeling quite like yourself after that organ transplant +Make us fall in love with your character , and then immediately kill them off . +Demons and Angels when reaching puberty , are assigned a human to torment/protect till their death . This is your first human , however you are hearing rumors from the veterans that this human is on his sixth demon/angel and no one knows what happened to the last five . +You somehow acquire a time machine ; it 's about the size of a cell phone , has easily read instructions , and says that it has three remaining uses . +Write a story set in the past with an antagonist from the future +The shortest story ever told . Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained . The end . +`` I curse you , '' spat the Gypsy linguist . `` From now on , you shall be plagued by unfortunately misplaced commas . '' +Poor people are able to pawn off their memories . +The Pokemon have invented a Pokeball capable of capturing a human . +The best male wingman on earth tries to help his friend score with a hot lady . Meanwhile , the best female winggirl on earth tries to make sure her friend ( the hot lady ) goes home alone . +“ Every character should want something , even if it is only a glass of water . '' Write the story of a character that wants a glass of water . +Write a short story without using the words `` the '' or `` and '' . +You are a marriage counselor secretly trying to destroy the marriage of a couple you counsel . It looks like you 're failing . +In a world of superpowered beings , you 're the only powerless human . One day you wake up and fine every single person is terrified of you . +The date is July 13 , 1836 . You 're the clerk at the front desk of the U.S. Patent Office on opening day . Things are going just fine until a number of strangely-dressed people get into an argument about their placement in line . Coincidentally , they 're all trying to patent methods of time travel . +You live in a world where each lie creates a scar on the liar 's body . The bigger the lie , the deeper and larger the mark . One day , you meet someone that only has one scar ; it is the biggest one you have ever seen . +Vegetarian terrorists insert DNA into cattle worldwide increasing their intelligence . +- A zergling breaks free from the control of the hive mind . +A new kind of social network technology uses algorithms to simulate people after they 've passed away based on analysis of their lifetime 's worth of online activity . This allows some kind of interaction with ( and perhaps between ) lost loved ones . What are the implications and how is life now ? +A parent explaining to their child that the other parent has died . +When someone is murdered , their name appears on the skin of the killer . You wake up with a name on your arm and no knowledge of how it got there . +Satan gathers up all the lesser demons and announces that they 're going to be adding another sin to the seven deadly sins and whoever comes up with it gets to be in charge of that department . +Donald Trump 's hair is actually an alien lifeform intent on global domination . +Sunday Free Write : Leave A Story , Leave A Comment - Another Call for Moderators Edition +You , a religious believer , describe life under The Supreme Government , which has just banned all religion . +Give me a story where the good guy wins , but the victory is unsatisfying . +First line `` I remember when a day was only 24 hours long . '' +One which worships technology , one which strives to be the perfect combination of technology and organic material and one that only allows organic evolution . These three factions debate which faction the Earth will belong too . +Write a happy story that turns into a horror-story with the last sentence . +`` Witch hunts are rarely ever about witches . '' +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words . +I warned them that if the brain implants could enhance our brains , it could also control them . Now very few free humans remain ... +Man can bond with any creature , be it dog , cat , dragon or butterfly . +A soldier on the front dies in the middle of writing a letter home . It is finished and sent by the man who killed him . +You are an alien playing a video game in which the goal is to help a species survive the longest time possible . Now you want to tackle the hardest mode in the game : human beings . +Tell me a story about goddamn DRAGONS . +Tell a brief history about a person that has to keep a secret from himself . +The Doctor is pen pals with GladOs +Memento mori - Remember , you will die . +Scientists say the world will end in 2 days , everyone sets out to complete their bucketlists . after 2 days it turns out it was all a misscalculation and nothing will happen . +Time freezes every time someone is about to die . You can not change their fate but you can speak to them in their frozen state to give them closure before they pass . +Wayne Enterprises goes bankrupt , forcing Batman to pursue justice through more economical means . +A world where death is only a temporary inconvenience . +- 250 Words ; 2 months Reddit Gold prize +Aliens come to Earth in hoping to wipe us out and take over the planet , but are honorable and gives us a fighting chance . They announce they will return in 100 years so as to give Earth a chance to prepare and defend itself . Neither side expected what the other would bring to war +`` I 'm your God now . '' +You are one of the last two humans on earth . You are both men , your wounds are getting worse ... +It 's been 8 months since the zombie apocalypse . You fell in with a tough as nails roughneck group . When in the city looting , you come across a scavenger . He 's your best friend from before the outbreak and your crew unanimously decides to execute him ( he is armed ) . +A test of Faith +Humans inherently have magic abilities . And just like other natural human features , they get very awkward during puberty . +It suddenly becomes possible to gain XP and level up in the real world , but you can only do so by getting kills . +You thought you saved the universe but seconds later , its suddenly destroyed . In the afterlife , you discover the truth behind the universe 's destruction and turns out , its pretty frustrating ... +Every time you die , you are transported to the time of the first event that ultimately caused your death . One day , you are hit by a car and sent 12 years into the past . +On the day of their death , every human gets to have a vision of meeting the man they could have become . +Write the wildest , most absurd and ridiculous story you can think of . +The world is ending , but only because you are part of a tangent that now does not happen . You describe your last thoughts as this reality collapses on itself . +`` What does n't kill me has made a tactical error . '' +After driving your first car off the lot , you get t-boned . The insurance money you get is double what your totaled car is worth . You discover that you are very good at getting into accidents while making it look like it 's completely the other person 's fault . You make this your full time job . +It 's the future , and the latest kink is mind control collars ( possibly NSFW ) . For up to 2hrs , your bdsm slave can do ANYTHING you want . But rarely , the collars can malfunction ... or get hacked . +A veteran Holocaust Jewish survivor meets a man in the elevator . As they strike a conversation , he slowly realizes the man was his brutal Nazi prison warden . +Everything is the same except for one thing . Suicide hotlines give advice to people to help kill themselves instead of pushing them away from it . +Write your best possible closing line/paragraph to a story , leaving room for readers to imagine the events that lead up to that moment . +You live a double life . One as a hero , and the other as a villain . After a fight in your villain persona , your secret is accidentally revealed to your hero team . +Into the depts of the Unknown +Retell the origin of a superhero , but reveal the hero at the end of the story . +A man brings a gun to a bank . Do anything you please onwards . +A serial killer leaves a certain song playing at every crime scene , but no one knows what it means +A supervillain is stealing other geniuses ' brains to figure out a plan of world domination +Oh , the weather outside is frightful ... +It turns out that when you die , your soul is launched back in time , effectively becoming your own guardian angel . +You are at a masquerade party , when a stunning girl in a mesmerizing mask walks up to you and slips something into your palm . Before you can do anything , she slips away into the crowd . +Most people can count themselves lucky if they get the chance to go on a single real adventure . +You are in a Movie Genre , everyone else is in a different Movie Genre . +You have the spirit of George Washington in you and you 're itching for a revolution . You 're also a teenager working at a grocery store +You are a nazi stormtrooper combing the streets the remaining jews when you come across a little boy who reminds you of your son . The year ; 1951 . The place ; Atlanta , Georgia . +life is an rpg where everyone finds out their class at age 18. Business owners start as level 1 merchants , police and military as level 1 guards/fighters , ect . When you turn 18 , you discover you are the first level 1 wizard in over 1000 years . +The monster under your bed is protecting you from something much worse . +Your left hand has the power of creation ; you can draw things to life . The only problem is that you 're a right-hander . +A really ridiculous doomsday scenario +Digital immortality is a reality . Your dying loved one has been transferred to a subscription based conscious , kept alive by your expensive monthly payments . You are going bankrupt , and you can not afford the payments anymore . +You 've just been informed that your liege had told you to *slay* the dragon , not *lay* the dragon . That would 've been great to know earlier . +Write a story about a board game . +You tried for years to do the right thing and always got the short end of the stick . Suddenly , you learn that karma works in reverse for you . +`` For Sale : Baby shoes , never worn '' by Ernest Hemingway . Write a backstory for this that is happy , not depressing . +A serial murderer who has performed 100 's of inhumane experiments is caught . His research suggests he has found cures for several major diseases and wo n't divulge unless all charges are dropped . +so much , then why do n't you go marry it ? '' You laughed and responded : `` Yeah , I wish ! '' The next morning , you wake up married to a personification of your home state . +When a new president is elected , they are given a special security briefing . In reality , this is an old tradition where various directors , military officers and current ministers present fake evidence and compete to see who can convince the president of the most ridiculous things . +A young student is drafted off to fight in a bloody foreign war . He quickly finds that war is the most enjoyable thing he has ever experienced . +There were two swords in the stone . You pulled out one . Who pulled out the other ? +Describe to me an alien race physically , culturally , and the state of affairs on their world . +Three friends . Four AM . No dialogue +Three years ago , we saw nothing to mark the 21st of December . We assumed we were safe . But in the far reaches of space , the 13th B'ak'tun was celebrated by a departure . The Maya are coming home . +After a week long bender , you wake up , hung over . In the Oval office . +Becoming a god . +You are a devout christian , and you just died . When you ascend , you discover that the real god is Tūmatauenga , the Maori god of war . +Describe a universe where a personal stat is displayed above everyone 's head . One can see everyone else 's stat except their own . Talking about the stat is strongly taboo . Reveal what the stat represents at the end . +Turning your girlfriend into a pumpkin was the last straw . Your wizard house-guest has DEFINITELY overstayed his welcome . +God answers every time you call His name . Oftentimes , this is terribly inconvenient . +write about the strangest/scariest/saddest dream you 've ever had in less than 200 words .