508 values
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
BLINDINGCAN has executed commands via cmd.exe.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used batch script files to automate execution and deployment of payloads.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
BONDUPDATER can read batch commands in a file sent from its C2 server and execute them with cmd.exe.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
BoxCaon can execute arbitrary commands and utilize the "ComSpec" environment variable.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used batch scripts and the command-line interface for execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Brute Ratel C4 can use cmd.exe for execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Bumblebee can use cmd.exe to drop and run files.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
During C0015, the threat actors used cmd.exe to execute commands and run malicious binaries.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
During C0017, It used cmd.exe to execute reconnaissance commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
CALENDAR has a command to run cmd.exe to execute commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has a command to create a reverse shell.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Cardinal RAT can execute commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
CARROTBAT has the ability to execute command line arguments on a compromised host.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Caterpillar WebShell can run commands on the compromised asset with CMD functions.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
ccf32 has used cmd.exe for archiving data and deleting files.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Chaes has used cmd to execute tasks on the system.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
The C# implementation of the CharmPower command execution module can use cmd.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used the Windows Command Shell and batch scripts for execution on compromised hosts.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
China Chopper's server component is capable of opening a command terminal.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Clambling can use cmd.exe for command execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Clop can use cmd.exe to help execute commands on the system.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
cmd is used to execute programs and other actions at the command-line interface.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used a JavaScript backdoor that is capable of launching cmd.exe to execute shell commands. The group has used an exploit toolkit known as Threadkit that launches .bat files.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Cobalt Strike uses a command-line interface to interact with systems.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Cobian RAT can launch a remote command shell interface for executing commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
CoinTicker executes a bash script to establish a reverse shell.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Comnie executes BAT scripts.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
ComRAT has used cmd.exe to execute commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Conti can utilize command line options to allow an attacker control over how it scans and encrypts files.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
A module in CozyCar allows arbitrary commands to be executed by invoking C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Crimson has the ability to execute commands with the COMSPEC environment variable.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Cuba has used cmd.exe /c and batch files for execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DanBot has the ability to execute arbitrary commands via cmd.exe.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used macros in Word documents that would download a second stage if executed.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DarkComet can launch a remote shell to execute commands on the victim’s machine.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has dropped an mspaint.lnk shortcut to disk which launches a shell script that downloads and executes a file.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DarkTortilla can use cmd.exe to add registry keys for persistence.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DarkWatchman can use cmd.exe to execute commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Daserf can execute shell commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DEADEYE can run cmd /c copy /y /b C:\Users\public\syslog_6-*.dat C:\Users\public\syslog.dll to combine separated sections of code into a single DLL prior to execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DealersChoice makes modifications to open-source scripts from GitHub and executes them on the victim’s machine.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Denis can launch a remote shell to execute arbitrary commands on the victim’s machine.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Dipsind can spawn remote shells.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DnsSystem can use cmd.exe for execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DownPaper uses the command line.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used various types of scripting to perform operations, including batch scripts.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
DropBook can execute arbitrary shell commands on the victims' machines.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Dtrack has used cmd.exe to add a persistent service.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
ECCENTRICBANDWAGON can use cmd to execute commands on a victim’s machine.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Egregor has used batch files for execution and can launch Internet Explorer from cmd.exe.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It had used cmd.exe and Windows Script Host (wscript) to execute malicious code.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Emissary has the capability to create a remote shell and execute specified commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Emotet has used cmd.exe to run a PowerShell script.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Empire has modules for executing scripts.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
EnvyScout can use cmd.exe to execute malicious files on compromised hosts.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
EvilBunny has an integrated scripting engine to download and execute Lua scripts.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Exaramel for Windows has a command to launch a remote shell and executes commands on the victim’s machine.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Felismus uses command line for execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
FELIXROOT executes batch scripts on the victim’s machine, and can launch a reverse shell for command execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has executed malicious .bat files containing PowerShell commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has leveraged xp_cmdshell and Windows Command Shell to execute commands on a compromised machine. It has also attempted to leverage the ‘xp_cmdshell’ SQL procedure to execute remote commands on internal MS-SQL servers.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used kill.bat script to disable security tools.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It used the command prompt to launch commands on the victim’s machine.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used a Batch file to automate frequently executed post compromise cleanup activities. It has also executed commands remotely via cmd.exe.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Flagpro can use cmd.exe to execute commands received from C2.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
FlawedAmmyy has used cmd to execute commands on a compromised host.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used cmd.exe likely as a password changing mechanism.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
During Frankenstein, the threat actors ran a command script to set up persistence as a scheduled task named "WinUpdate", as well as other encoded commands from the command-line
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
FunnyDream can use cmd.exe for execution on remote hosts.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
During FunnyDream, the threat actors used cmd.exe to execute the wmiexec.vbs script.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It used the Windows command shell to execute commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used various batch scripts to establish C2 and download additional files. It's backdoor malware has also been written to a batch file.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Gelsemium can use a batch script to delete itself.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Gold Dragon uses cmd.exe to execute commands for discovery.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
GoldenSpy can execute remote commands via the command-line interface.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
GoldMax can spawn a command shell, and execute native commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Goopy has the ability to use cmd.exe to execute commands passed from an Outlook C2 channel.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It malware can use cmd.exe to download and execute payloads and to execute commands on the system.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
GravityRAT executes commands remotely on the infected host.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
GreyEnergy uses cmd.exe to execute itself in-memory.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
GrimAgent can use the Windows Command Shell to execute commands, including its own removal.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
H1N1 kills and disables services by using cmd.exe.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used cmd.exe to execute commands on the victim's machine.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HARDRAIN uses cmd.exe to execute netshcommands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HAWKBALL has created a cmd.exe reverse shell, executed commands, and uploaded output via the command line.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
hcdLoader provides command-line access to the compromised system.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Helminth can provide a remote shell. One version of Helminth uses batch scripting.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HermeticWiper can use cmd.exe /Q/c move CSIDL_SYSTEM_DRIVE\temp\sys.tmp1 CSIDL_WINDOWS\policydefinitions\postgresql.exe 1> \\\ADMIN$\_1636727589.6007507 2>&1 to deploy on an infected system.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HermeticWizard can use cmd.exe for execution on compromised hosts.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Hi-Zor has the ability to create a reverse shell.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HiddenWasp uses a script to automate tasks on the victim's machine and to assist in execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It used cmd.exe for execution.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
Hikit has the ability to create a remote shell and run given commands.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HOMEFRY uses a command-line interface.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HOPLIGHT can launch cmd.exe to execute commands on the system.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HotCroissant can remotely open applications on the infected host with the ShellExecuteA command.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
HTTPBrowser is capable of spawning a reverse shell on a victim.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
httpclient opens cmd.exe on the victim.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
It has used batch scripts on victim's machines.
Command and Scripting Interpreter:Windows Command Shell
InnaputRAT launches a shell to execute commands on the victim’s machine.