stringlengths 35
| test_cases
stringlengths 39
There is a login page that would allow the users to log in to the application. Below three users can log in to the PMS application and will see their respective home screens: -Admin,Super Admin,User. | 1. Enter valid Username and Password into their respective boxes then click on Log in button and check for log in. 2. Ensure that user is not logged in PMS application after entering invalid Username and Password 3. Ensure that user is not get logged in PMS application after entering valid Username and invalid Password 4. Ensure that user is not get logged in PMS application after entering invalid Username and valid Password 5. Ensure that If user enters incorrect data in any one of the field and click on login then validation message will appear as Invalid username or password. 6. Examine that null field will not be accepted as both the fields are mandatory and user will be notify regarding empty field by showing validation message. 7. Determine that all the entered data will be cleared on hitting reset button. 8. Ensure that all the text on buttons and fields is correct and clearly visible |
After successful login, PMS dashboard will be displayed to the specific user depending on their roles. | 1. To check that user's dashboard all tabs which present on home page are proper aligned . 2. Ensure that user can apply for admin generated policies by click on 'Apply' button. 3. Ensure that user can logout successfully from the application using Logout option which will be displayed after clicking on the user profile. 4. To ensure that all tabs that appear on the Super Admin and Adminuser's home page are properly aligned. 5. On the main screen of the dashboard, check to the previous and next navigation arrows functionality. 6. Make sure that the Super Admin and Admin user can successfully logout of the application using the Logout option, which will be available after clicking on the user profile. 7. Check that Admin or Super admin can see count of total numbers of policies, published policies and under reviewed policies on dashboard. 8. Ensure that Admin and Super admin can see all created policies on dashboard with their details in tabular form. 9. Check that particular entries has displayed after selecting number from dropdown. |
This section includes a button to create the policy form. On clicking, the Create policy button, the screen moves to the Policy Details section. | 1. Make sure that when Admin or Super Admin clicks on 'Create Policy' button they should be able to see policy form. 2. Check that a Admin can be created policy successfully with all required information. 3. Make sure that a Super Admin can be created policy successfully with all required information. |
View History will allow the Super Admin/Admin to view the actions of the Users. If the user accepts any policy, the Super Admin/Admin will be able to view the same in the View History button. | 1. Ensure that alignment of view history button, texts and font which are present on homepage are proper. 2. Ensure that the admin or super admin can effectively view the history of a policy. 3. Check the search functionality, super admin or admin is able to search entered result to the view history. |
The Super Admin / Admin will be able to pose restrictions on the type of passwords the users can use to access the PMS application. | 1. Make sure that password policy is updating when Super Admin click on 'Update' button and Password policy updated successfully pop up message displaying. 2. Confirm that all dropdown values are blanked out after Super Admin clicking on the Reset button. 3. Ensure that password policy is updating when Admin click on 'Update' button and Password policy updated successfully pop up message displaying. 4. Observe that all dropdown values are blanked out after Admin clicking on the Reset button. |
The Notification bell icon would display the information based on any updates performed by the Admin/Super Admin. The Super Admin will get notifications when: • The admin has sent a policy for review. • If the Admin published a policy. The admin w... | 1. See that Super Admin can view notification when admin sending the policy for review and when admin publishing the new policy after clicking on bell icon. 2. Ensure that Admin can view notification when Super admin rejecting the policy and when super admin publishing the policy after clicking on bell icon. |
The Super Admin, Admin and User can search policies to view the specific policy. | 1. Check to see if the Super Admin can search for policies; if not, look for the message No matching records found. 2. Ensure that user can search for policies; if not, look for the message No matching records found. 3. Ensure that user can search for policies; if not, look for the message No matching records found. |
Accept button will allow the user to accept an individual policy. | 1. Ensure that the user is able to select 'Terms and Conditions' checkbox then clicking on 'Submit' button. |
Authorized user log's into the system using valid ID and password. The login process must validate that, the provided credentials grants access to authorized users only. | 1. Verify that the user can access the appropriate dashboard by providing accurate credentials and clicking the login button. 2. Ensure that the user is unable to login, on providing incorrect data in any one of the fields. 3. Examine how the login button works when a valid username and an invalid password are entered. 4. Make sure that user will not be able to login by providing invalid data in both the fields 5. Ensure that if user enters incorrect data in any one of the field and click on login button then, validation message will appear as Invalid username or password 6. Check that user must be able to see an alert message if user miss to enter data in username field. 7. Examine that the null field will not be accepted as both fields are mandatory, and the user will be notified regarding the empty field by showing a validation message. 8. Determine that all the entered data will be cleared on hitting reset button. 9. Ensure that all the text on buttons and fields is correct and visible. 10. Determine the functionality of Password Visibility icon when user clicks on it. |
Admin Dashboard provides an overview of existing batches which are categorized based on the status, list of trainings which are created for the users, list of draft batches- which are yet to be published, and list of trainers, defining their expertise a... | 1. Ensure that the batches count appear on overview card is same as batches appear on that particular tab/card. 2. To edit batch or remove any batch, ensure that kebab icon on draft batches card shows the options on mouse hover on it. 3. For doing changes in details of draft batches we have to check that edit option is working properly or not? 4. Check if user want to delete batch then user is able to do it by using remove option appear after mouse hover on kebab icon 5. Examine that in order to see all the batches available in draft batches card, see all option is enable. 6. If user wants to see all the details of draft batches then by using view more option user is able to see the details. 7. Cross icon work like a remove option on draft batch card so to delete any batch cross icon must be working. 8. See all button should be enable to see all the available trainings on trainings card. 9. On each training card there is a edit button to edit the details of that particular training. 10. Ensure that on clicking view more option user is able to see all the details of that training. 11. Check the functionality of cross icon used to delete the training by clicking on it. 12. Examine the working of cross icon If user want to delete the training which is in use. 13. Test that on clicking See all button list of all the trainer is appear. 14. Examine the functionality of view button to see the details of individual trainer. 15. Check the functioning of notification bell if there are no notifications. 16. Analyze the functionality of notification bell if there are multiple notifications 17. Check the functionality of What's New feature to see whether it is taking tour as per newly implemented functionalities flow. |
This module is develop for admin to add syllabus for particular training, create new trainings for employees for various delivery modes such as online , offline, workshop, on- job. Admin can also create trainings for different training types such as sof... | 1. Check the functionality of add syllabus button used to create syllabus for training. 2. To make changes in details of syllabus like to add topic or to change duration of any topic, admin must be able to do it by using edit icon available in action column of syllabus data table. 3. If user want to cross check the added details or to view the syllabus details check that user can be do it by using view icon. 4. Ensure that as we are providing options to add , edit and view syllabus then there must be option available to delete any unwanted syllabus 5. Examine how the delete icon works ,If user want to delete the syllabus which is already used for any training. 6. Analyze the functionality of cross(X) icon and cancel button, if user filled data in all the fields and clicked on cancel button or closed the window. 7. Check if user entered any valid data in search field to search then data related to that searched data is appear. 8. Examine the functionality of search field if user entered invalid data in search field to search 9. Demonstrate that the next (>>) indicator is active in order to move to the next page and if current page is last page then next indicator is disable. 10. If the user wants to go back to the previous page, make sure the previous indicator (<<) is active and if the user is on the first page, make sure it is disabled. 11. Check that the current page number is highlighted. 12. Ensure the size of numbers, font , color is as per specification. 13. Test the functionality of show entries dropdown whether it is showing selected number of entries. 14. To navigate from one page to another, make sure that the breadcrumb is working properly. 15. Check the functionality of add button available on training module used to create new training. 16. Examine the functioning of add training button if user keep one of the field unselected or null. 17. If user added invalid data in any field while creating training then analyze the working of add button. 18. Ensure the functionality of add button, if user added invalid data in acronym field. 19. If user exceeds the limit of text field then ensure that user must be informed by showing validation message below respective text field. 20. If user not entered acronym in proper format then it must be informed by showing validation message below the acronym field. 21. Demonstrate the functionality of cross icon and cancel button. 22. To ensure the functionality of edit icon, change any details from edit training window and click on update. 23. Check the functioning of edit icon if user keep one of the field blank 24. Examine that how edit icon works if user entered invalid data in any field of edit training window 25. Verify that on exceeding text limit of any field, user must be informed by showing validation message. 26. Ensure that view icon is functional and check that all the training details are as per user entered 27. Check the functionality of link added to view syllabus details 28. Determine the functionality of delete icon if user click on delete icon to delete the unwanted trainings. 29. Examine the delete functionality if user want to delete the training which is already in use. 30. Check if user entered any valid data in search field to search then data related to that searched data is appear. 31. Examine the functionality of search field if user entered invalid data in search field to search 32. Demonstrate that the next (>>) indicator is active in order to move to the next page and if current page is last page then next indicator is disable. 33. If the user wants to go back to the previous page, make sure the previous indicator (<<) is active and if the user is on the first page, make sure it is disabled. 34. Check that the current page number is highlighted. 35. Ensure that the size of numbers, font and color is as per specification. 36. Test the functionality of show entries dropdown whether it is showing selected number of entries. 37. To navigate from one page to another, make sure that the breadcrumb is working properly. 38. Check the functionality of add button used to add questions for different training topic. 39. Analyze the functionality of edit icon, used to edit added questions for specific training topic. 40. Make sure that in edit window, training topic is read only, user must be unable to access it or change it. 41. Check the functionality , if user entered questions for a specific training topic and closed the window or clicked on the cancel button then data must be refreshed. 42. Analyze the functionality of view icon, on clicking it user must be able to see the added questions for training topic. 43. Make sure that on clicking delete icon user must be able to delete the questions for that particular training topic. 44. Check if user keep one of the question text field blank or null and clicked on add button. 45. Analyze the functionality if user try to add feedback questions for previously same training topic. 46. Make sure that uploading excel functionality is working properly. 47. Check the functionality of cancel button if user uploaded excel file and then clicked on cancel button. 48. Ensure that on clicking Download sample excel button , user is able to download sample excel for syllabus. 49. Verify that on clicking delete icon user must be able to delete that particular topic/subtopic. 50. Check that delete icon is on proper place 51. Check the edit icon functionality, on clicking it whether user is able to make changes in already added syllabus. 52. Check the functionality of view icon, whether it is showing accurate data in proper field or not. 53. Check that after adding syllabus how that added syllabus appear in data table. |
Admin shall have access to create and modify, cancel or delete the existing batches if required. Differentiating the batches as per their respective status shall be mentioned in the individual tabs. | 1. Examine the functioning of Add New Batch button if user has not added training and directly adding the batch. 2. Determine the functionality of Add New Batch button if user has not added trainer and directly adding batch except for online delivery mode. 3. Ensure that validation message must be raised if user keep one of the field blank or unselected 4. Check the functionality of validation message if user entered end date less than start date 5. Make sure that if user entered end time less than start time then validation message must be raised. 6. Check the functionality of Add button by filling all the details in add new batch window. 7. Analyze the functionality if user filled all the details and clicked on save draft button. 8. Check the functionality of back button if user filled all the details and click on back button 9. Check the functionality of (X) cross icon used to close the window. 10. Make sure that for editing batch details , edit option is working properly 11. Determine the functionality of Update button if user keep one of the field blank in edit batch window. 12. Analyze the functionality of validation message if user entered end date less than the start date. 13. Check the functionality if user entered End time less than the start time 14. Check the functionality if user make some changes in details and clicked on update button. 15. Examine the functionality of save draft button if user done changes in batch details and clicked on it. 16. Check whether the changes are updated by making some changes in batch details and clicking on back button or closed the window. 17. Make sure that view more option is clearly visible on mouse hover on batch card 18. Ensure that the view more option is functional. 19. Examine the working of nominees option visible on mouse hover on batch card. 20. Check the functionality of (X) cross icon or close button used to close the window. 21. Determine the functionality of (X) icon available on batch card used to cancel the batch. 22. Check the functionality of draft batches tab. 23. To update batch make sure that edit option is working properly. 24. Check the functionality if user modify some details of batch and click on update button 25. Ensure that on editing details if user click on save draft button then that batch appear in draft batches itself with updated changes. 26. Make sure that if user changes batch details and clicked on back button or close the window then changes will not update. 27. Examine the functionality of view more option whether it is showing proper details associated with that particular field. 28. Check in view batch details window, syllabus link is functional or not? 29. Analyze the functionality of cross(X) icon, whether on clicking it user is able to delete that particular batch permanantly? 30. Check the functionality of completed batches tab, is it showing only the batches whose duration is completed? 31. Test the functionality of view more option whether it is showing accurate detail in front of specific field name. 32. Ensure that syllabus link is functional and on clicking it showing syllabus details. 33. To see the list of all employees those have attended the batch, make sure that participant button is working properly. 34. Examine the functionality of cancelled batches tab 35. Analyze the functionality of view more option by clicking on it 36. Test the working of cross(X) icon available on batch card used to delete the particular batch. 37. Check the functionality of batch calendar button in order to see all the scheduled batches of the month. 38. Examine the functionality of month and year dropdown available on batch calendar page 39. Analyze the working of search field 40. Check the functionality of download button available on batch calendar. 41. Demonstrate that the next (>>) indicator is active in order to move to the next page and if current page is last page then next indicator is disable. 42. If the user wants to go back to the previous page, make sure the previous indicator (<<) is active and if the user is on the first page, make sure it is disabled. 43. Check that the current page number is highlighted. 44. Ensure that the size of numbers, font and color is as per specification. 45. Test the functionality of show entries dropdown whether it is showing selected number of entries. 46. To navigate from one page to another, make sure that the breadcrumb is working properly. 47. Check the functionality of Final Report button, on clicking it user must be able to download final report of all completed batches. 48. Analyze that on downloading final report , it will show accurate data in proper format. 49. Check the font , font size and color of Final Report button. 50. Check the functionality of download button appear on clicking view more. |
List of raised nomination by the employees for particular training batch shall be populated in the tabular format, admin shall be authorized to accept or reject such nominations, batch progress report of particular employee must be accessible for admin. | 1. Ensure that admin is able to see all the details of the nomination by clicking on view icon. 2. Make sure that on clicking on accept icon , nomination must be accepted. 3. Check the working of reject icon from action column, whether nomination gets rejected by clicking on it. 4. Check if user entered any valid data in search field to search then data related to that searched data is appear. 5. Examine the functionality of search field if user entered invalid data in search field to search 6. Demonstrate that the next (>>) indicator is active in order to move to the next page and if current page is last page then next indicator is disable. 7. If the user wants to go back to the previous page, make sure the previous indicator (<<) is active and if the user is on the first page, make sure it is disabled. 8. Check that the current page number is highlighted. 9. Ensure that the size of numbers, font and color is as per specification. 10. Test the functionality of show entries dropdown whether it is showing selected number of entries. 11. To navigate from one page to another, make sure that the breadcrumb is working properly. 12. Check the functionality of filter applied for batch code, whether it is showing data of selected batch code only or not? 13. Make sure that on click event of progress report button , all the accepted nomination data is appear with completed training progress report in percentage. 14. Check the functionality of batch code filter , whether it is showing data for selected batch code only. 15. In order to save data in excel format , check that the download button is working properly and showing accurate data with respective field. 16. To see the rejected nominations data, ensure that the reject history button is working properly. 17. Make sure that data appear in reject history must be in proper font , size and alignment. |
In this my calendar user can check the weekly work schedule. in this can be displayed the monthly calendar which has shows the holidays, appointments of that user as well as if the user is CO,HOD,FREELANCER, FDM then other employees schedule also check. | 1. The user has access to the My Calendar, Block Appointment, and Appointments Summary in thecalendar and appointment modules. 2. Some modules, such as Package Builder, Set Policy, Set a Working Schedule, appointment ledgers, etc., are restricted to theuser. 3. Ensure that user has access to create and do modifications in particular operations of each and every module from the calendar and appointments. 4. Ensure that the user is able to see by default the name of the clinic and doctor if the user has not selected any option from the dropdown. 5. Examine the functionality that if user selected only clinic name then by default there own name is appear on the select physiotherapist dropdown. 6. The Clinic and Physiotherapist dropdown are displayed in the My Calendar module after clicking the View Working Schedule card. 7. By selecting a clinic from the list of clinic names under My Calendar, the employees' names from that clinic are added to the list of available physiotherapists. 8. The related physiotherapist schedule for that month can be displayed on the calendar with various colorsby selecting the physiotherapist selection from the My Calendar dropdown list. 9. Analyze the functionality that FDM is able to see the schedule of all the employees associated with that particular clinic. 10. Ensure that FDM is able to see their own schedule by default, if he/she not selected any options from any dropdown. 11. Examine the day on which the appointment was booked to see whether any other appointments have been completely booked 12. Look up the day of the selected date to see how many appointments are already scheduled or are available to be scheduled. 13. Check the Time and booked or empty slots for any selected date. 14. In order to see a different icon for each location ensure that the icon changes if the user set the schedule as a clinic or home or hybrid. 15. Check that if user opens the View Working Schedule then by default he/she is able to see the schedule for that current week. 16. To view the holiday as a different weekday is indicated by the lime green color and ensure that on that day no appointment is scheduled. 17. Take a look at that user is able to see available dates for booking appointments as indicated with the green color dot. 18. Make sure that the day on which the user has not set a work schedule and is unable to book the appointments is indicated by light grey color and no box around it. 19. On the monthly calendar, the particular date on which appointments are booked fast and in progress to book all the appointments that date is indicated by the orange color dot. 20. Make sure that the date for which status of a booking an appointment is almost full, that indicates with the red color dot. |
Admin login The admin will enter the valid credentials and hit “Login” button. Admin will be able to reset the provided credentials. | 1. Determine that user will be able to navigate to the respective dashboard by hitting login button by entering valid credentials. 2. Ensure that the functionality of the login button on entering a Invalid username and valid password. 3. Determine the functionality of the login button on entering a valid username and invalid password. 4. Make sure that user will not be able to log in by providing invalid data in both fields. 5. Examine without selecting the checkbox admin can get logged in with valid data. 6. Make sure that the Reset button resets the form or application to its default state when clicked. 7. Examine that clicking the Reset button on an empty form has no effect. 8. Ensure that if the user enters incorrect data in any one of the fields and click on login then the validation message will appear as Invalid username or password. 9. Check that user must be able to see the alert message if the user miss out to enter data in username field. 10. Examine that the null field will not be accepted as both fields are mandatory and the user will notify regarding the empty field by showing a validation message. |
Setup schedule for yourself and all employees in your clinic. Allow patients to book appointments based on your schedule. | 1. Users will not be able to view Set Working Schedule sub-module in the Calendar & Appointments module, since they do not have access to it. 2. Users will not be able to view Set Working Schedule sub-module 3. Users will be able to view Set Working Schedule page, since they possess access to it. 4. Users will not be able to view Set Working Schedule page 5. ADD FIRST CLINIC: User navigates to Clinic Schedule Setup without clicking on +ADD FIRST CLINIC , directly hits the NEXT button 6. User navigates to Clinic Schedule Setup clicks on +ADD FIRST CLINIC and fills the form to add a Clinic, and hit NEXT button 7. User navigates to Clinic Schedule Setup clicks on +ADD FIRST CLINIC and fills the form to add a Clinic. 8. User navigates to Clinic Schedule Setup clicks on +ADD FIRST CLINIC and fills the form to add a Clinic, Clinic is added, then user attempts to add another Clinic. 9. On clicking the Clinic module, Select Clinic Dropdown will be auto-selected, employees checkboxes will be checked and clicks on NEXT button. 10. On clicking the Clinic module,Select Clinic Dropdown will be selected, employees checkboxes will not be checked and clicks on NEXT button. 11. ADD AN EMPLOYEE: User clicks on Select Clinic dropdown, selects base, clicks on + Add an Employee button, landing on the Registration page for adding the role of the employee. 12. CLINIC APPOINTMENT DURATION: User will click on NEXT button without selecting any time slot. 13. User selects one time slot from the given slots and clicks on next button. 14. User attempts to select multiple time slots in a single try and clicks on NEXT button. 15. User selects a valid start time and a valid end time, and clicks on Finish button, in the Set Working Hours page. 16. User selects an invalid start time and an invalid end time, and clicks on Finish button, in the Set Working Hours page. 17. User selects an invalid end time first and a valid start time later, in the Set Working Hours page . 18. In Enable Working Days form, User selects all the day slots, and hits finish button. (Mon-Sun) 19. In Enable Working Days form, When none of the day slots are selected user hits finish button. 20. User selects a invalid end time first and a valid start time later, in the Set Working Hours page . 21. CLINIC SPECIFIC: Assuming a user has scheduled an enabled day slot in the set working hours, they can duplicate the same schedule to another enabled slot or multiple slots. 22. Assuming a user has scheduled an enabled day slot in the set working hours, they cannot duplicate the same schedule to another disabled slot or multiple slots. 23. User attempts to set a schedule on the disabled working day slots, in the set working hours page. 24. In the Edit Profile page, Assign clinic dropdown list, the user selects desired the clinic out of the number of clinics present. 25. In the Edit Profile page, Assign Clinic dropdown list, the user selects the clinic out of the number of clinics present. 26. In the Edit Profile page, Assign Clinic dropdown list, the user selects all the clinics out of the number of clinics present. 27. In the Edit Profile page, Assign Clinic dropdown list, the user selects none of the clinics out of the number of clinics present. 28. METHOD 1: In Manage Employees, user can add employees, user clicks the +, fills the details using Add an Employee Manually and manages to successfully add an employee and assign a clinic. 29. In Manage Employees, user can add employees, user clicks the +, fills the details using Add an Employee Manually and manages to successfully add an employee and assign a multiple clinics 30. In Manage Employees, if user wishes to discard a Clinic, the schedule of the clinic will be cancelled, and the clinic would no longer be associated with the employee. 31. The user does not select/add any Clinic so the flow would not move any further. 32. METHOD 2: In Clinic Schedule Setup, User auto selects the clinic, and the list of employees are displayed. And the selected employees are assigned to the -selected clinic 33. The user does not select any clinic so the flow would not move any further. 34. METHOD 3: In Clinic Schedule Setup, user clicks Set Working Schedule, user select a desired clinic from Select a Physio to view their schedule. 35. The user does not select any clinic so the flow would not move any further. 36. In Set Working Schedule, in the Select Employees page, user can select a desired employee, if he has work scheduled in another clinic, it will show schedule present. If the user selects employee whose schedule is already present, the employee's... 37. In Set Working Schedule, in the Select Employees page, user can select multiple employees, if employees' have work scheduled in different clinics, it will show schedule present. If the user selects multiple employees whose schedules are alrea... 38. In Set Working Schedule, in the Select Employees page, user can select multiple employees, if employees' have no work scheduled in different clinics olr Clinic, it will not show schedule present. If the user selects an employee the schedule w... 39. In Set Working Schedule, in the Select Employees page, user can select none of the employees, the flow would not move forward. 40. There will be a message on the screen that reads Schedule present if an employee's working day has already been scheduled and another business user wants to allocate that individual to their firm. The revised schedule will be applied to the emplo... 41. If multiple employees' working days are already scheduled and business user wants to assign those employees to their business, it will say Schedule present on the screen. If the user still choose those employees, the new schedule will take effec... 42. The new schedule will be the default for the selected employee if the working day of an employee is not scheduled and a different business wishes to allocate the employee to their business. In this case, it will not indicate Schedule present. 43. The user does not select any employee for their business so the flow would not move any further. 44. The user can view a summary of the schedule by selecting the Clinic and the employees after the schedule and click on BACK TO CALENDER AND APPOINTMENT MODULE 45. In addition to having proper user interface (UI), the user should be able to access the cart including the schedule policy and accessibility as well as its desired paragraph or text should be present without any spell mistake. |
In this user can add themselves in the application and for that they required some information like the Name, address, e-mail id, phone number, Graduation information, Post-Graduation information, PAN number, GST Number, bank details like Account holder... | 1. Roles that can register via Sign Up and approval will be needed from Pheal Web: Clinic Owner (Including Business) Practicing Physiotherapist 2. Roles that can be register from Manage Employee flow: Practicing Physiotherapist Internship/Observer ship Front Desk Manager 3. User clicks the Okay, Let's Begin button to move further to the registration 4. User skips the Okay, Let's Begin button, and page doesn't move further. 5. On clicking the Okay, Let's Begin button, the Where do you work page appears, user can chooses work from a private clinic, a hospital or Freelance. 6. User Clicks Clinic Owner, it lands to the What is your role page?, the basic information of a Practicing physiotherapist is displayed. Here, the user chooses to click the Select button, then further move on to registration. 7. User Clicks Clinic Owner, it lands to the What is your role? page, The user can also choose to click the arrow to the right, to view various roles and selects the I am a Practicing Physiotherapist role, the basic information of a Practicing physio... 8. User Clicks Clinic Owner,it lands to the What is your role? page, The user can also choose to click the arrow to the right, to view various roles and selects the I am a physiotherapy Intern role, the basic information of a physiotherapy Intern is... 9. User Clicks Clinic Owner,it lands to the What is your role? page, The user can also choose to click the arrow to the right, to view various roles and selects the I am a front desk manager role, the basic information of a front desk manager is disp... 10. User can click on + Add Photo, where the user would be able to upload their photo, it will redirect to your device from where the user uploads the photo in JPEG or PNG format. 11. User can click on + Add Photo, where the user would be able to upload their photo, it will redirect to your device from where the user uploads the photo that is not in JPEG or PNG format. 12. User can click on + Add Photo, where the user would be able to upload their photo, it will redirect to your device from where the user does not upload the photo at all. 13. The user clicks the change link, under Where do you work? Clinic, the page redirects to the Where do you work? page for the user's ease. 14. The user does not click, the change link, the user will not navigate any further remaining on the same page. 15. The user clicks the change link, under What is your role? Clinic Owner, the page redirects to the Let's get to know what your role is in the clinic page for the user's ease of navigation. 16. The user does not click, the change link, the user will not navigate any further remaining on the same page. 17. Mandatory field: User clicks on Full Name field, enters the Full Name , including only the characters. 18. User clicks on Full Name field, enters the Full Name , including alphanumeric characters. 19. User clicks on Full Name field and does not enter the Full Name, leaves the field blank. 20. Mandatory field: User clicks on Email Address field, enters a valid email id. 21. User clicks on Email Address field, does not enter a valid email id. 22. User clicks on Email Address field, does not enter any email id. 23. Mandatory field: For the Mobile Number field, while selecting the country code, a dropdown list is displayed with the different countries, country codes and their respective flags. User enters a valid mobile number by selecting a valid country code. 24. For the Mobile Number field, while selecting the country code, a dropdown list is displayed with the different countries, country codes and their respective flags. User enters an invalid mobile number by selecting a valid country code. 25. User does not enter any value in the Mobile Number field. 26. Mandatory field: By clicking on the checkbox for the notification updates or any promotional offers, the user receives offers on their WhatsApp application. 27. The user chooses not to select the checkbox for WhatsApp notifications 28. Mandatory field: For the Pin code field, user enters a valid six-digit pin code. 29. For the Pin code field, user enters an invalid six-digit pin code. 30. For the Pin code field, user does not enter any value in the field. 31. Mandatory field: When the user clicks on the Date of Birth field, a calendar would be displayed from where the user can make a valid selection. Where the minimum age criteria is greater than or equal to 21 years; The date of birth should be less than ... 32. When the user clicks on the Date of Birth field, a calendar would be displayed from where the user can make an invalid selection. 33. The user does not click on the Date of Birth field, and does select any date of birth. 34. Mandatory field: The user can click on the Gender dropdown, the user can make a valid selection. 35. The user does not click on the Gender dropdown and chooses not to make any selection. 36. Mandatory field: User clicks on Select Type of Cases You Treat dropdown, user chooses from a list of specializations by clicking on one or more checkboxes. 37. User clicks on Select Type of Cases You Treat dropdown, user chooses from a list of specializations by clicking on all the checkboxes or clicks Select all option from the list. 38. User does not select any specialization from the Select Type of Cases You Treat dropdown. 39. On clicking the Next Button, if any of the mandatory fields are invalid or skipped by the user, pop-ups will be displayed to fill the respective field. Only in case of valid scenarios the user would be able to navigate to the Next Page i.e. Education I... 40. As soon as the user moves from the Basic Information to the Education Information, the progress bar on the top of the page would be highlighted in green for the Basic Information page. 41. GRADUATION: Mandatory field: User clicks the University of Graduation field and enters the valid University. 42. User clicks the University of Graduation field and enters an invalid University. 43. User does not enter any value in the University of Graduation field. 44. Mandatory field: User chooses the valid course from the Course For Graduation drop down. The user must ideally select BPT Course. 45. User chooses the invalid course from the Course For Graduation drop down. 46. User does not select any course from the Course For Graduation drop down. 47. Mandatory field: User enters their valid year of graduation in the Year of Graduation field. 48. User enters an invalid year of graduation in the Year of Graduation field. 49. User does not enter any year of graduation in the Year of Graduation field. 50. Mandatory field: The user uploads a valid certificate of graduation in the Upload Certificate of Graduation in the acceptable JPEG,PNG or PDF formats. 51. The user uploads an invalid certificate of graduation in the Upload Certificate of Graduation in other unacceptable formats. 52. The user doesn't upload any file. 53. To add a Post Graduation, the user would click the + sign. User clicks the University of Post Graduation field and enters an valid University. 54. User clicks the University of Post Graduation field and enters an invalid University. 55. User does not enter any value in the University of Post Graduation field. 56. User chooses the valid course from the Course For Post Graduation drop down. The user must ideally select MPT Course. 57. User chooses the invalid course from the Course For Post Graduation drop down. 58. User does not select any course from the Course For Post Graduation drop down. 59. User enters their valid year of graduation in the Year of Post Graduation field. There should be a minimum gap of 2 years, in the Year of Post Graduation and Year of Post Graduation 60. User enters an invalid year of graduation in the Year of Post Graduation field. 61. User does not enter any year of graduation in the Year of Post Graduation field. 62. The user uploads a valid certificate of graduation in the Upload Certificate of Post Graduation in the acceptable JPEG,PNG or PDF formats. 63. The user uploads an invalid certificate of graduation in the Upload Certificate of Post Graduation in other unacceptable formats. 64. The user doesn't upload any file. 65. To add a Certification, the user would click the + sign. User clicks the University of Certification field and enters an valid University. 66. User clicks the University of Certification field and enters an invalid University. 67. User does not enter any value in the University of Certification field. 68. User chooses the valid course from the Course For Certification drop down. The user must ideally select MPT Course. 69. User chooses the invalid course from the Course For Certification drop down. 70. User does not select any course from the Course For Certification drop down. 71. User enters their valid year of graduation in the Year of Certification field. There should be a minimum gap of 2 years, in the Year of Certification and Year of Certification 72. User enters an invalid year of graduation in the Year of Certification field. 73. User does not enter any year of graduation in the Year of Certification field. 74. The user uploads a valid certificate in the Upload Certificate Proof in the acceptable JPEG,PNG or PDF formats. 75. The user uploads an invalid certificate in the Upload Certificate Proof in other unacceptable formats. 76. The user doesn't upload any file. 77. On clicking the Next Button, if any of the mandatory fields are invalid or skipped by the user, pop-ups will be displayed to fill the respective field. Only in case of valid scenarios the user would be able to navigate to the Next Page i.e. Business In... 78. On clicking the Next Button, if any of the mandatory fields are invalid or skipped by the user, pop-ups will be displayed to fill the respective field. Only in case of valid scenarios the user would be able to navigate to the Next Page i.e. Business In... 79. User enters an invalid PAN number and PAN Name in the Enter PAN Number and Enter Full Name as per PAN Card fields respectively. 80. User doesn't enter any value in the PAN Number or the Name in Enter PAN Number and Enter Full Name as per PAN Card fields respectively. 81. Mandatory field: User clicks on the Click here to verify PAN Number link for verifying the PAN. 82. User does not click on the Click here to verify PAN Number link for verifying the PAN. 83. Mandatory field: The user uploads a valid PAN Card in the Upload PAN Card in the acceptable JPEG,PNG or PDF formats. 84. The user uploads an invalid certificate of graduation in the Upload PAN Card in other unacceptable formats. 85. The user doesn't upload any file. 86. Mandatory field: While filling the GST Information, in Do you have a GSTIN? field, the user needs to opt if they possess a GSTIN or not, by clicking on YES or NO respectively. User clicks YES. 87. While filling the GST Information, in Do you have a GSTIN? field, the user needs to opt if they possess a GSTIN or not, by clicking on YES or NO respectively. User clicks NO. 88. Mandatory field: The user uploads a valid GST certificate in the Select a file from your device in the acceptable JPEG,PNG or PDF formats. 89. The user uploads an invalid GST certificate in the Select a file from your device in other unacceptable formats. 90. The user doesn't upload any file. 91. Mandatory field: If the user clicks NO, the user enters a valid Business Entity information in the Business Entity Information field. 92. If the user clicks NO, the user enters an invalid Business Entity information in the Business Entity Information field. 93. Mandatory field: If the user clicks NO, the user enters a valid Business Entity Address in the Business Entity Address field. 94. If the user clicks NO, the user enters an invalid Business Entity Address in the Business Entity Address field. 95. Mandatory field: User enters a valid beneficiary name in the Beneficiary Name field. This field only accepts characters. 96. User enters an invalid beneficiary name in the Beneficiary Name field. 97. User does not enter any value in the Beneficiary Name field. 98. Mandatory field: User enters a valid account number, in the Enter Account Number field. 99. User enters an invalid account number, in the Enter Account Number field. 100. User does not enter any number, in the Enter Account Number field. 101. Mandatory field: User enters a valid IFSC Code, in the IFSC Code field. 102. User enters an invalid IFSC Code, in the IFSC Code field. 103. User does not enter any Code, in the IFSC Code field. 104. Mandatory field: User clicks on the Click here to verify your IFSC Code link for verifying the PAN. 105. User does not click on the Click here to verify your IFSC Code link for verifying the PAN. 106. User skips filling the Business & Banking Information, by clicking the SKIP NOW button. In this case, when the user logs in, he will have to fill the Business & Banking Information first, only then the user will be able to proceed any further. 107. User doesn't skip filling the Business & Banking Information, and doesn't click the SKIP NOW button. 108. On clicking the Next Button, if any of the mandatory fields are invalid or skipped by the user, pop-ups will be displayed to fill the respective field. Only in case of valid scenarios the user would be able to navigate to the Next Page i.e. Set Passwor... 109. As soon as the user moves from the Business Information to the Set Password, the progress bar on the top of the page would be highlighted in green till the Business Information page. 110. On clicking the Next button, user will land to the Set Password page, where user will enter an invalid password in the Password field. 111. Once the user sets password in the Password field, user will confirm the password, by entering an invalid password in the Confirm Password. 112. Mandatory field: The user clicks on the Complete Registration button and the completes the registration process. 113. On clicking the Next button, user will land to the Set Password page, where user will enter an either a valid or an invalid password in the Password field. 114. Once the user sets password in the Password field, user will confirm the password, by entering the a password in the Confirm Password, that doesn't match the Password field. 115. The user clicks on the Complete Registration button and the registration process is incomplete. 116. On clicking the Next button, user will land to the Set Password page, where user will NOT enter a password in the Password field. 117. User will NOT enter a password in the Confirm Password field. 118. The user clicks on the Complete Registration button and the registration process is incomplete. 119. Mandatory field: On clicking the Next button, user will land to the Set Password page, where user will enter a valid password in the Password field. 120. Mandatory field: Once the user sets password in the Password field, user will confirm the password, by entering the same valid password in the Confirm Password. 121. Mandatory field: The user clicks on the Complete Registration button and the completes the registration process. 122. Post, successful registration, a Successful registration message will be displayed on the screen. Along with a Back to Login button, where the user clicks the button and the page navigates to the Login page. 123. Post, successful registration, a Successful registration message will be displayed on the screen. Along with a Back to Login button, where the user does NOT click the button and the flow would not move any further. 124. As soon as the user moves from the Educational Information to theBusiness & Banking information, the progress bar on the top of the page would be highlighted in Yellow for the Basic Information page. 125. User check registration screen header spelling and name of the screen 126. User check the size of information cart of CO, PP,PI AND FDM as per provided Xd 127. Check the name alignment and placement of the Practicing physio or chosen role name for registration 128. Check the name reflecting or shown should be same as chosen role name for registration |
The system shall support the creation of new (CAAMS) accounts for users whose names contain special characters or symbols. The process of creating these accounts shall be handled by a BOT to ensure accuracy and compliance with data entry requirements. | 1. Verify the successful creation of the account when Applicant Name has & character 2. Verify the successful creation of the account when Applicant Name has single inverted comma 3. Verify the successful creation of the account when Applicant Name doesn't have special character |
Admins have access to the sub module to view,download, print employee’s pay slip. | 1. Evaluate the 'Payslip' tab functionality when Admin clicks on it. 2. Examine the 'Year' dropdown functionality of 'Payslip' module. 3. Make sure the 'Month' dropdown functionality of 'Payslip' module. 4. Determine the 'Go' button functionality of 'Payslip' module. 5. Confirm the 'Download' button functionality of the 'Payslip' module. 6. Certify the 'Print' button functionality of 'Payslip' module. |
“Paysqaure output” submodule is developed to add monthly payslip sheet for employees. Functionalities like download and edit, and monthly salary report added. In “Paysqaure output report” module has two tabs i.e. “Upload Payslip” and ... | 1. Ensure that the admin can upload the Excel file only in .xlsx format using the upload functionality. 2. Confirm the 'Download' button functioning. 3. Examine the uploaded data is proper as in the excel file using 'Edit' button. 4. Evaluate admin can replace the already present data in any field using the 'Edit' functionality. 5. Make sure the admin can close the Update Bank Details popup window by clicking the close button. 6. Validate the Show entries functionality on every data table under the Upload Payslip module. 7. Validate the admin can search the records by using the search functionality. 8. Validate the admin can edit the payslip records by using edit button. 9. Make sure the working of upload button with an unsupported file format. 10. Make sure all the data present in the excel file while uploading is displaying in the tabular format in the paysquare output module by clicking on the edit button. 11. Make sure how the upload functionality operates if column names are saved in the case-sensitive format in the Excel sheet. 12. Evaluate the edit page presence of the pay-square output module. 13. Confirm the Generate Intern Salary Report button is clickable. 14. Examine admin can generate all intern's records by clicking on the Generate Intern Salary Report button. |
The Search Payslip module's aim is to search for employee payslip details by entering the employee's staff ID, financial year, and month.. | 1. Evaluate the Search Payslip tab which is present under the 'Payslip Output' module is clickable. 2. Confirm that the breadcrumbs are place on top of the page is functional. 3. Make sure that the current page location is highlighted in the breadcrumbs. 4. Confirm Staff Id field only accepts the number inputs. 5. Examine the Year dropdown workability. 6. Evaluate admin can search the payslip for an employee for a specific year and month. 7. Make sure the functionality of the Month dropdown. 8. Examine the Back button functionality from the Search payslip screen. 9. Make sure of the Next button working from the Search payslip page. |
This module will be displaying employee’s previous appraisal information in the table format. Actions like “View”, ‘Reminder’ and appraise admin should be able to perform task in an appraisal dashboard. | 1. Make sure Employee salary revision, Annual salary history, and Graphical representation buttons are available on the screen with proper alignment and labelling. 2. Confirm that the admin can view the Active and Inactive records. 3. Examine that the entries for the selected number are in the show entries. 4. Ensure that admin can search the data in the search box and output display in the tabular format. 5. Make sure that display a pop-up screen of appraisal details for the employee after clicking on the view icon. 6. Examine that admin can download the appraisal report by clicking on the Download button. 7. Ensure that the admin has access to the Appraisal screen by clicking on the Appraise button. 8. Make sure that the admin can view the appraisal reminder details/form of the employee by clicking the reminder icon. 9. Ensure that all fields are editable except staff id and employee name in add reminder pop window and also make sure about how add reminder works. 10. Verify that pagination is available at the bottom of the page. 11. Determine admin can edit the updated salary details using the Edit functionality present in the View button. 12. Examine the alignment of the Inactive tab screen present under the Appraisal module and also confirm the table present on the screen has the date of departure column along with other columns. 13. Examine that the entries for the selected number are in the show entries. 14. Ensure that admin can search the data in the search box and output display in the tabular format. 15. Make sure that display a pop-up screen of appraisal details for the employee after clicking on the view icon. 16. Ensure that the admin has access to the Appraisal screen by clicking on the Appraise button. 17. Make sure that the admin can view the appraisal reminder details/form of the employee by clicking the reminder icon. 18. Ensure that all fields are editable except staff id and employee name in add reminder pop window and also make sure about how add reminder works. 19. Verify that pagination is available at the bottom of the page. 20. Confirm 'Back' button's working present on the Employee Salary Details screen for the Inactive records. |
The purpose of this module is to enter salary revision details. | 1. Make sure that after clicking the appraise button, it redirects to the appraisal screen or not. 2. Ensure that excluding 'Effective Date' all other fields will be disabled after selecting the Salary Revision as 'No'. 3. Examine that the the fields are eligible to get modified if Admin selects Yes option from the 'Salary Revision' dropdown. 4. Make sure that the admin can select the revision types from the 'Revision Type' dropdown box. 5. Evaluate that the Effective date had changes automatically according to the selection of the 'Revision Type'. and make sure admin can select the dates manually also. 6. Ensure that the Revised Gross Earning (CTC) field accepts a maximum of 8-digit integer numbers in decimal format. 7. Examine the error messages when the admin tries to click the Next and Revise buttons without inputting the CTC. 8. Confirm that the variable pay field is editable and accepts only numeric values. 9. Ensure that the administrator can select an employee's designation from the New Designation field dropdown. 10. Make sure that all data will save, and admin will redirect to the 'Salary Revision' screen by clicking on the Revise button. 11. Check that the admin will redirect to the previous page by clicking on the Back button. 12. Make sure the functionality of view icon for the non completed appraisal entries. |
To display salary breakup table and salary distribution rate. Admin can update salary distribution rate. | 1. Confirm admin will land on 'Salary Revision' tab screen when 'Revise' button clicked from the Appraisal tab screen. 2. Ensure the Admin is able to update the 'Salary Distribution Rate %'. 3. Confirm that the 'Salary Break-Up' will update as per the 'Salary Distribution Rate'. 4. Examine all data will update and the Appraisal Letter screen will appear by clicking on the 'Update & Next' button. 5. Evaluate how the 'Preview' button functions when the admin clicks on it. 6. Confirm that the 'Back' button takes the admin to the 'Appraisal' screen. |
The “Appraisal Letter” module is created to send an appraisal letter to an employee. Functionality like selecting appraisal letter and email template is added. | 1. Examine the functionality of 'Appraisal Letter' tab. 2. Evaluate the Admin can see selected employee's information on 'Appraisal' screen header. 3. Ensure 'Select template' dropdown workability 4. Make sure the email is sent successfully to the employee with correct information. 5. In the Letter Generated On calendar, make sure the admin can only choose dates that are greater than the current date. 6. Confirm how the Appraisal Letter Email Date field works. 7. Ensure the functioning of the Select Email Template dropdown from the 'Appraisal' screen. 8. Make sure 'Preview' button gives the selected 'Appraisal Letter' and 'Appraisal email' preview with Back and Download buttons. 9. Confirm the Download button on the Preview screen downloads the all Appraisal information in PDF format. 10. Admin can re-navigate to the 'Appraisal' screen using the 'Back' button from the 'Preview' screen, confirm this. 11. Ensure the toggle button can enable and disable the 'Letter head preview' from the preview screen. 12. Evaluate the working of the 'Final preview' button without saving the selected templates of Appraisal. 13. Confirm that the admin has the ability to use the Save button to save the chosen templates and data. 14. Examine the 'Back' button from the 'Appraisal' screen can lead admin to the salary revision screen. 15. 'Final preview' button gives the right to admin to navigate on the final 'Appraisal letter' process. 16. Make sure all the saved data of the Appraisal letter and email displays correctly. 17. Download button can download the Appraisal letter and email in the PDF format. 18. Toggle button can enable/disable the Letter head preview, check that. 19. Confirm that the 'Back' button on the page redirects admin to the previous screen. 20. Examine the functionality of the 'Send Increment Letter' button. 21. Ensure that the Selected Template for Appraisal letter and Email can not be saved until the official email ID, Date of birth, and Pan card number are present in the RMS for an employee. |
User will be eligible to access the application after successful login and will visit Full open list under module open list as default dashboard page. | 1. Validate the login function when a user enters the valid credentials. 2. Validate the login function when a user enters Invalid credentials. |
User will need patient's name, mobile number and a dropdown for selecting the physiotherapist. | 1. Ensure that user has access to create and do modifications in particular operations of each and every module from the calendar and appointments. 2. The user has an access to open the Block appointment module in the calendar and appointments. 3. In the block appointment module, the user needs to fill in some information to enroll new patients in the business. 4. Without filling any information in the new patient form if the user clicks on the Next button. 5. The user just fills the Full name on the form and clicks on the Next button of the form 6. In case a user has just filled the Full name and assigned the Physiotherapist for that patient from the dropdown and clicks on the Next button 7. The user who has blocked an appointment for the patient, if the user enters the full name and mobile number without assigning the physio clicks on the Next button. 8. To add the new patient and also to block the appointment, the user needs to enter certain information about patient. 9. The user can book an appointment for his/her existing patient only. 10. The user tries to block an appointment for the patient who has existing at the clinic but is treated by the other physiotherapist. 11. The user have an access to block appintment for the patient which has already existing patient of any physiotherapist of the clinic. 12. The user has to block appointments for a particular time for the existing patient of the clinic. 13. The FDM can block the appointment for the patient of any employee of the clinic. 14. With the registered app user option, the user can block the appointments for patients which have been treated by another business clinic. 15. The physio can block the appointment of the patient through the registered app user option. 16. On the screen of select physiotherapist, with the default selected screen the physio names are displayed. 17. The user selected the base name, and for there related physiotherapist name are needs to be displayed on the screen. 18. FDM can work in only one clinic, that’s why default clinic name are selected and which employees are working for that clinic that physiotherapist names details are shows 19. The user can book an appointment for themselves patients and for that condition the automaticly the name will be selected and the screen is shows the select slots. 20. The physiotherapist has set the schedule for clinic then on the select slots screen only clinic option has access. 21. In case a user is working as only home visits then the Home visits screen and selected base are displayed on the screen. 22. To select the slots of the particular physiotherapist, needs the select the clinic or home option, it's an important for clinic or home visits. 23. The Physiotherapist has to block the appointment for his/her patient there needs to select the slots. 24. The user needs to check the Confirmation details of the blocking appointments and clicks on the confirm button. 25. In case the information is displayed that is wrong then the user go back and change accordingly and again complete the flow. 26. The user wants to book an appointment for an existing patient and after that he/she confirms the blocked appointment details. |
The system shall provide a mechanism to regularly check and validate the indexing of Large Objects (LOBs) in the Information Processing System (IPS). This functionality is essential to ensure that LOBs are correctly indexed and can be efficiently retrie... | 1. Verify the Indexing of all LOBs in IPS when the policy is not declined 2. Verify the Indexing of LOB in IPS in case policy is declined and more than one LOB is available among the priority list. 3. Verify the Indexing of LOB in IPS in case policy is declined and LOB is other than priority list. |
The system shall provide functionality to create tasks in the (CAAMS) for policies that have undergone processing, and their associated Large Objects (LOBs) are indexed. This functionality is essential to ensure that post-processing tasks are initiated... | 1. Verify that Bot has created the Caams task for every LOB, for successful non declination cases submission. 2. Verify that Bot has not created the Caams task for the LOB submission and policy is declined. |
The system shall provide functionality to update Large Object (LOB) Product and LOB Subtype information in the (CAAMS). This functionality is essential to keep LOB information accurate and up-to-date, reflecting changes or modifications as needed. | 1. Verify Lob Product field is updated in CAAMS after successful lob submissions 2. Verify LobSubType field is updated in CAAMS after successful lob submissions. 3. Verify Lob SubType field is updated in CAAMS after successful lob submissions for multiple lob submissions. 4. Verify for General liability(GL) Lob to pass lob subtype and verify the lob subtype is being reflected in CAAMS, 5. Verify for General Liability(GL) Lob, not to pass the lob subtype in Extract UI and verify the lob product is being reflected in CAAMS, |
The system shall provide functionality to update Contact Name and Contact Phone Number information in the (CAAMS). This functionality is essential to keep contact information accurate and up-to-date, reflecting changes or modifications as needed. | 1. Verify to ensure that the contact name reflected in CAAMS when passed in Contact Name (WC Accord) Field 2. Verify to ensure that the contact number in CAAMS when passed in PhoneNumber (WC Accord) Field |
The system shall ensure that Large Objects (LOBs) submitted in the (CAAMS) are accurately and promptly reflected in the Underwriting Workstation (UWWS). This functionality is crucial to provide underwriters with up-to-date information for processing and... | 1. Verify all the lob submitted in CAAMS are reflected in UWWS applications. |
Request raised by the employees for training batches can be approved or rejected by the administrator also admin shall be able to get a view of requests based on the status. | 1. Make sure that on clicking view icon, view training request popup window open and all the details of request are appear. 2. Test the functioning of accept request icon, on clicking it training request must be accepted. 3. Check if user click on reject request icon then Request Rejected Successfully! popup appear and status appear as rejected in data table. 4. Ensure that once user perform action on training request then only view icon appear in action column. 5. Check if user entered any valid data in search field to search then data related to that searched data is appear. 6. Examine the functionality of search field if user entered invalid data in search field to search. 7. Demonstrate that the next (>>) indicator is active in order to move to the next page and if current page is last page then next indicator is disable. 8. If the user wants to go back to the previous page, make sure the previous indicator (<<) is active and if the user is on the first page, make sure it is disabled. 9. Check that the current page number is highlighted. 10. Ensure the size of numbers, font , color is as per specification. 11. Test the functionality of show entries dropdown whether it is showing selected number of entries. 12. To navigate from one page to another, make sure that the breadcrumb is working properly. 13. Check the functionality of status filter , whether it is showing data for selected status only. |
Same login page for admin and employee. Allow users to login successfully with valid credentials and access the application to take advantage of various facilities and services provided by RNT organization | 1. To verify that the user can successfully navigate to the Main Dashboard by entering valid credentials and clicking the login button. 2. Ensure that the user cannot log in when providing incorrect data in any of the fields. 3. Validate the functionality of login button on entering valid username and invalid password 4. Make sure that user will not be able to login by providing invalid data in both the fields 5. To ensure that the user is presented with an alert message if they fail to enter data in any of the login field |
With the help of service management system employee and admin can request for the IT services, and admin user has access to provide, accept and resolve those tickets sent by the employees and admin as well, as per ServiceNow ticketing tool | 1. Verify the service management system application and by hitting on that user navigates to the dashboard of the RNT Service Management System |
The admin user can effectively manage incident requests by allowing them to create incident requests for themselves or on behalf of other employees, view incident requests based on different statuses, and successfully resolve them. | 1. To verify whether the admin user can see the list of all submodules under the Incident module by clicking on it. |
Allow the admin user to create new incident record with prefilled unique incident request number, Caller name, Category- dropdown, Subcategory dropdown, Configuration item, Channel dropdown, State drop down, Impact dropdown, Urgency dropdown, Assignment... | 1. To ensure that the admin user can view the incident record form by accessing the Create New Incident submodule 2. Examine the purpose of caller field the admin user can see the list only after entering valid data 3. To ensures that the admin user can initiate the incident request creation process and provide all the necessary information to raise the request. 4. Check the performance of Submit button without filling mandatory fields 5. Validate that admin user can upload the screenshot of the issue from their system 6. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page |
Admin user has access to see the created incident requests in tabular form list with search and sort functionality, And admin user can resolve those incidents by clicking on incident number and filling the resolution information like, Resolved by, Resol... | 1. Evaluate that admin is navigating on Assigned By Me incident record list by pressing on Assigned By Me submodule 2. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page 3. Evaluate the functionality of Search textbox by entering valid data in that, the regarding entries of incidents appear only 4. Ensure that selected number of entries from the dropdown must be appear only 5. Validate that the sorting feature functions as expected, allowing users to organize the data based on their preferences. 6. Validate that by clicking on pagination buttons admin user is navigating to respective page or not 7. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes 8. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 9. Check the functioning of Resolved state without filling the Resolution Information 10. Examine the purpose of Reset button, the updated data should get clear only, by clicking on it 11. Verify the functioning of Update button without filling the mandatory fields |
Admin user has access to resolve the incident requests which are assigned to him display in tabular format list with search and sort functionality and export to PDF functionality enabled with it. admin user can update the incident request Resolution Inf... | 1. Validate the functioning of Assigned To Me submodule by clicking on it the list of incidents assigned to the respective person should get open 2. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page 3. Evaluate the functionality of Search textbox by entering valid data in that, the regarding entries of incidents appear only 4. Ensure that selected number of entries from the dropdown must be appear only 5. Validate that the sorting feature functions as expected, allowing users to organize the data based on their preferences. 6. Validate that by clicking on pagination buttons admin user is navigating to respective page or not 7. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes 8. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 9. Check the functioning of Resolve state without filling the Resolution Information 10. Test the functionality of Update button without filling the mandatory fields 11. Make sure the functioning of Reset button by changing or adding the data |
Admin module to add new vendor, trainer with respect to the added vendor, mode of batches to delivered for user, category of trainings. Added details in the admin module must be presented in the existing modules selection. | 1. To add data in training type submodule, make sure that the Add button is working properly. 2. Check the functionality of edit icon if user want to make changes in already existing data. 3. Examine the functionality of delete icon if user want to delete data which is not in use. 4. Analyze the delete functionality if user want to delete data which is in use. 5. Check if user entered any valid data in search field to search then data related to that searched data is appear. 6. Examine the functionality of search field if user entered invalid data in search field to search 7. Demonstrate that the next (>>) indicator is active in order to move to the next page and if current page is last page then next indicator is disable. 8. If the user wants to go back to the previous page, make sure the previous indicator (<<) is active and if the user is on the first page, make sure it is disabled. 9. Check that the current page number is highlighted. 10. Ensure the size of numbers, font , color is as per specification. 11. Test the functionality of show entries dropdown whether it is showing selected number of entries. 12. To navigate from one page to another, make sure that the breadcrumb is working properly. 13. Analyze the functionality of add button used to add delivery mode in delivery mode submodule 14. Ensure the functionality of edit icon, if user wants to modify already existing delivery mode. 15. Check the functionality of delete icon if user wants to delete delivery mode which is not in use. 16. Check the functionality of delete icon if user want to delete delivery mode which is in use. 17. Examine the functionality of add button if user added already existing delivery mode. 18. Determine the functionality of Add button if user added data which is already existing. 19. Analyze the functionality of Add button if user want to add data in vendor submodule 20. Determine the functionality of edit icon if user wants to modify existing data. 21. Check if user wants to delete vendor data which is not in use. 22. Examine delete icon functionality if user wants to delete vendor details which is in use. 23. Determine the functionality of add button if user added data which is already existing. 24. If user want to add data in trainer submodule, make sure that add button is functional. 25. If user wants to modify details of any trainer, then make sure that user must be able to do that by using edit icon. 26. Check the functionality of delete icon if user want to delete trainer data which is not in use. 27. Check the functionality ,If user want to delete trainer data which is currently in use. 28. Examine the functionality of add button if user added duplicate entry. 29. Check that name of the submodule , icon of edit and delete functionality are appear properly in alignment or not. 30. Check the functionality of adding external trainer. 31. Analyze the functionality of edit icon used to edit external trainer details. |
Admin user has access to see the open incidents list created by admin and employee in tabular form with search, sort and export to PDF functionality enabled with it. Resolution Information:- By clicking on incident number from the list admin user can f... | 1. Verify that the Open submodule functions as intended by clicking on it; a list of all Open incidents made by user and admin should appear 2. Check the operating purpose of Breadcrumbs, admin user can navigate to the respective page by hitting on it 3. Evaluate the functionality of Search textbox by entering valid data in that, the regarding entries of incidents appear only 4. Ensure that selected number of entries from the dropdown must be appear only 5. Validate that the sorting feature functions as expected, allowing users to organize the data based on their preferences. 6. Validate that by clicking on pagination buttons admin user is navigating to respective page or not 7. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes 8. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 9. Check the functioning of Resolve state without filling the Resolution Information 10. Test the functionality of Update button without filling the mandatory fields 11. Make sure the functioning of Reset button by changing or adding the data |
Admin user has access to see the unassigned incidents list created by admin and employee in tabular form with search, sort and export to PDF functionality enabled with it. Resolution Information:- By clicking on incident number from the list admin user... | 1. Test the functionality of Open-Unassigned submodule, the list of the incident tickets which are not assigned to anyone can open by clicking 2. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page 3. Evaluate the functionality of Search textbox by entering valid data in that, the regarding entries of incidents appear only 4. Ensure that selected number of entries from the dropdown must be appear only 5. Validate that the sorting feature functions as expected, allowing users to organize the data based on their preferences. 6. Validate that by clicking on pagination buttons admin user is navigating to respective page or not 7. By clicking on Incident Number Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes 8. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 9. Check the functioning of Resolve state without filling the Resolution Information 10. Make sure the functioning of Reset button by changing or adding the data 11. Ensure that without filling the mandatory field incident should not get update |
Admin user has access to see the unassigned incidents list created by admin and employee in tabular form with search, sort and export to PDF functionality enabled with it. admin user can update the incident request | 1. Check that the Resolved submodule functions as intended by clicking on it; a list of all Resolved incidents resolved by user and admin appears on the screen 2. Check the operating purpose of Breadcrumbs, admin user can navigate to the respective page by hitting on it 3. Evaluate the functionality of Search textbox by entering valid data in that, the regarding entries of incidents appear only 4. Ensure that selected number of entries from the dropdown must be appear only 5. Validate that the sorting feature functions as expected, allowing users to organize the data based on their preferences. 6. Validate that by clicking on pagination buttons admin user is navigating to respective page or not 7. Make sure the functionality of Update button, by changing and adding the information 8. Verify the purpose of Close button, by pressing on it the Incident request should get closed 9. Evaluate the functionality of Update button without filling mandatory fields 10. Make sure the functioning of Reset button by changing or adding the data |
Admin user has access to see the all incident requests list in tabular form with search, sort functionality enabled with it. Admin user can update the incident request. Resolution Information:- By clicking on incident number from the list admin user ... | 1. Make sure that by hitting on All submodule the admin user is navigating to the All incidents list 2. Examine the incident ticket which having the state Closed that record will be read only and should not get update 3. Check the operating purpose of Breadcrumbs, admin user can navigate to the respective page by clicking on it 4. Evaluate the functionality of Search textbox by entering valid data in that, the regarding entries of incidents appear only 5. Ensure that selected number of entries from the dropdown must be appear only 6. Validate that the sorting feature functions as expected, allowing users to organize the data based on their preferences. 7. Validate that by clicking on pagination buttons admin user is navigating to respective page or not 8. By clicking on Incident Number Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes 9. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 10. Check the functioning of Resolve state without filling the Resolution Information 11. Evaluate the functionality of Update button without filling mandatory fields 12. Make sure the functioning of Reset button by changing or adding the data |
Employee can create self incident request and can see the created incident request in tabular format list and also view the incident request status like, Resolved, In-process | 1. By clicking on Incident module the submodules present in that can be display |
Allow the Employee user to create new incident record with prefilled unique incident request number, and opened date and time, read only Caller name, State dropdown, Urgency dropdown, short description. While clicking on another tab or module a popup w... | 1. Evaluate that the Employee user can see the incident record form by hitting on Create New Incident submodule 2. Make sure the alignment of all the fields are proper or not 3. Check and validate that the Caller, Number and Opened fields are read only 4. Check and make sure that the Closed field is not clickable and empty 5. Validate the functioning of the Submit button by filling the necessary data 6. Ensure the performance of Submit button without filling mandatory fields 7. Examine the working of Reset button, by clicking on it, the incident record page should get reset 8. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page |
Employee user can view the created incidents record in tabular format list with search, sort functionality enabled with it. | 1. Confirm that by pressing on All submodule, the list of all created incidents should get appear 2. Check the operating purpose of breadcrumbs, user can navigate to desired page with single click 3. Examine by entering valid data then regarding entries of incidents should appear on the page 4. Ensure the performance of Show Entries by selecting the number then same or if not available then less than selected number of entries get visible 5. Validate that the sorting feature functions as expected, allowing users to organize the data based on their preferences. 6. Make sure by clicking on paginations user is navigating to respective pages 7. By clicking on Incident Number confirm the process of Update button, user can update the state and urgency, upload the attachments and also post the additional comments 8. By pressing on Incident number confirm the functioning of Reset button that user can reset the updated data 9. By clicking on Incident Number Ensure the performance of Back button, user should navigate to the back page 10. Evaluate that user can resolve the self created incidents by selecting the state Resolved 11. Test the functionality of Reopen button without posting the additional comments 12. Verify and validate by posting the additional comments and clicking on Reopen button the incident ticket should get reopen 13. Make sure by clicking on Close button, the incident should get closed |
Admin user should be able to view clickable cards named Incidents Opened today, Unassigned Incidents, Overdue Incidents, Open Incidents, Incidents not updated for 7 days, Open incidents older than 30 days, filter based on Incident priority, Incident sta... | 1. Check the Overview submodule, by clicking on it the Incident overview page can display 2. Verify the purpose of Incident Opened Today card, by clicking on it the incidents created by today can display 3. Confirm the process of Show entries dropdown by selecting the number, same or if not available then less than the selected number of entries can display 4. Test the Search textbox is functioning fine while entering the valid data 5. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox test the operating purpose of search field 6. Determine the operating function of paginations and by hitting on it admin can navigate to respective pages 7. Verify the feature of Breadcrumbs, by pressing on it user can navigate to desired page 8. Test the functionality of Open Incidents Grouped graph by selecting the filter from Group By dropdown observe the functioning of graph 9. Test the functionality of Open Incidents older than 30 days graph by selecting the filter from Group By dropdown list observe the functioning of graph 10. Verify the Incidents per week graph by hovering the mouse on pointer the incident raised count of the week should appear 11. Check the functioning of all the filters by selecting the item from the dropdown the cards get sorted respectively 12. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes and additional comments 13. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 14. Check the functioning of Unassigned Incidents by clicking on it the list of unassigned incident should get display 15. Confirm the process of Show entries dropdown by selecting the number, same or if not available then less than the selected number of entries can display 16. Test the Search textbox is functioning fine while entering the valid data 17. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox test the operating purpose of search field 18. Determine the operating function of paginations and by hitting on it admin can navigate to respective pages 19. Verify the feature of Breadcrumbs, by pressing on it user can navigate to desired page 20. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes and additional comments 21. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 22. Check the functioning of Overdue Incidents card by clicking on it the list of Incidents which are not resolved by last 10 days will get display 23. Confirm the process of Show entries dropdown by selecting the number, same or if not available then less than the selected number of entries can display 24. Test the Search textbox is functioning fine while entering the valid data 25. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox test the operating purpose of search field 26. Determine the operating function of paginations and by hitting on it admin can navigate to respective pages 27. Verify the feature of Breadcrumbs, by pressing on it user can navigate to desired page 28. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes and additional comments 29. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 30. Determine the working of Open Incidents card, confirm it by pressing on it the all over data of incidents requests should visible 31. Confirm the process of Show entries dropdown by selecting the number, same or if not available then less than the selected number of entries can display 32. Test the Search textbox is functioning fine while entering the valid data 33. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox test the operating purpose of search field 34. Determine the operating function of paginations and by hitting on it admin can navigate to respective pages 35. Verify the feature of Breadcrumbs, by pressing on it user can navigate to desired page 36. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes and additional comments 37. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 38. Establish the incidents which are not updated by 7 days is visible only, by hitting on the Incidents not updated for 7 days card 39. Confirm the process of Show entries dropdown by selecting the number, same or if not available then less than the selected number of entries can display 40. Test the Search textbox is functioning fine while entering the valid data 41. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox test the operating purpose of search field 42. Determine the operating function of paginations and by hitting on it admin can navigate to respective pages 43. Verify the feature of Breadcrumbs, by pressing on it user can navigate to desired page 44. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes and additional comments 45. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information 46. Test the functionality of Open Incidents older than 30 days card, by pressing on it the incident which are not resolved should get display 47. Confirm the process of Show entries dropdown by selecting the number, same or if not available then less than the selected number of entries can display 48. Test the Search textbox is functioning fine while entering the valid data 49. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox test the operating purpose of search field 50. Determine the operating function of paginations and by hitting on it admin can navigate to respective pages 51. Verify the feature of Breadcrumbs, by pressing on it user can navigate to desired page 52. By clicking on Incident Number, Confirm the process of Update button, the admin user can edit all the fields excluding Caller and Number and also admin can add the work notes and additional comments 53. Make sure that admin user can resolve the incident ticket by updating the fields and filling the Resolution Information |
Employee shall be able view the list the completed, ongoing courses. Relevant recommended courses based on the employee designation shall be displayed. Notification to get the update of actions performed over the user's request. | 1. Check the count appear in overview is accurate or not? 2. Check the functionality of recommended courses tab, in which all the courses which are recommended for specific role or multiple role are appear in this tab. 3. Examine the functionality of ongoing courses tab, in which all the trainings which are currently active are appear as well as progress status of particular training is appear in percentage with duration date on training card. 4. Determine the functionality of completed courses tab, in which all the courses which duration is complete and the courses for which user have submitted progress as 100% with certificate(For online course) are appear. 5. Analyze the functionality of dropdowns if user wants to see the batches according to selected month and year. 6. Examine the functionality of search field if user entered valid data to search. 7. Analyze the search field functionality if user entered invalid data to search. 8. Check the functionality of What's new button. |
List of ongoing training batches, pinned batches and so far attended batches to be displayed of respective employees as per status of batch, employee shall have access to select the batches as per monthly or yearly basis in Training Calendar module. | 1. Make sure that the user can apply for a batch, and after clicking apply, the user must navigate to the pending nominations tab in the Enrolled batches module. 2. If user want to see the details of batches then ensure that user is able to see details by using view more option visible on mouse hover on batch card. 3. Ensure the functionality of pin, if user click on pin visible on mouse hover on batch card then user must be navigate to pinned batches tab. 4. Check the functionality of pinned batches, on clicking on pin that batch must be unpinned and user navigate to training batches tab also that unpinned batch appear in training batches tab. 5. Ensure that in pinned batches tab, apply now button is visible on mouse hover on batch card and user also able to apply for that batch. 6. In order to see all the details of attended batch, ensure that view more option is clearly visible and able to show all the details of batch. 7. If user wants to re-attend any course then user is able to attend by using visit link option available on batch card, check the functionality of visit link option. 8. Check the functionality of progress circle chart, whether it is showing accurate progress percentage on mouse hover on batch card. 9. Examine the functionality of search field if user entered valid data to search. 10. Examine the functionality of search field if user entered invalid data to search. 11. Analyze the month and year dropdown functionality, whether it is showing accurate batches according to selected month and year or not? 12. Make sure that breadcrumbs appear on page are functional. 13. If user wants to apply for already applied batch then ensure that on clicking apply button popup appear as Already Applied! 14. Analyze that initially if user clicked on training calendar module then month and year dropdown shows the current month and year. |
Accepted, rejected and pending nominations of the employees are categorized in respective tabs based on their status, employee shall have access to view the list of nominations on monthly or yearly basis in Enrolled Training module. | 1. Test the functionality of pending nominations tab by clicking on it. 2. Analyze the functionality of accepted nomination tab. 3. Check the View more button functionality , whether it is showing all the details of batch. 4. Determine the functionality of submit progress button 5. Analyze the functionality of view more option visible on mouse hover on batch card. 6. Examine the working of rejected nomination tab 7. Make sure that view more option is able to show all the batch details available in rejected nomination tab. 8. Determine the functionality of cancelled nomination tab. 9. Ensure the view more option functionality visible on mouse hover on batch card. 10. Ensure the functionality of the month and year dropdown, if user wants to see the nominations according to the selected month and year. 11. Examine the functionality of search field, if user entered valid data to search. 12. Determine the functionality of search field if user entered invalid data to search. 13. To navigate from current page to any other page , make sure that the breadcrumb is working properly. 14. Check the functionality of skip button and close window icon used to avoid feedback. 15. Check the functionality of start rating button. 16. Make sure that there is no skip or close window icon for offline batch as it is compulsory for offline trainings. 17. Check the functionality for online batch, if user has not added certificate and assignment and directly clicked on submit progress button. 18. Analyze the functionality if user has added assignment and certificate but still user click on upload certificate button and click on cancel. 19. Check the functionality for offline batch, if user has not uploaded certificate and assignment and directly click on submit progress button. |
Employee shall be authorized to raise a new training request stating the training topic, delivery mode of training, shortlisting the type of training along with stating the justification of training. Track the status of request raised for training sessi... | 1. Check the functionality if user want to raise request by using New Training Request button. 2. Examine the functionality of validation message , if user exceeds the limit of training topic text field. 3. Determine the functionality if user exceeds the limit of business justification field. 4. If user kept one of the field blank and click on raise request button. 5. Check if user entered invalid data in any field and click on raise request button 6. Check the navigation functionality that if user raised request then initially that request must be appear in pending request tab. 7. Check the functionality of the reset button used to clear all the entered or selected data. 8. Check the functionality of view button available on training request card in pending request tab 9. Check the functionality of month and year dropdown used to see raised training request calendar wise. 10. Check the functionality of search field by entering valid data in it. 11. Analyze the functionality of search field by entering invalid data in it. |
This module is only accessible to the admin. Admin can generate bank reports and for the further bank process. After submitting the report, the bank will give a bank response, admin will upload the bank response salary details of the employees for the m... | 1. Examine that the admin can select the year for generating the Bank report for that year from the Year dropdown. 2. Ensure that the admin can choose the month for generate the report. 3. Make sure that when admin click on generate report button without selecting an employee, a pop-up message display on screen. 4. Confirm the Show Entries functionality. 5. Evaluate that the edit icon is available to edit the records except the processed records. 6. Ensure that using the checkbox functionality, the admin can Select/Deselect a specific record or all of the records. 7. Make sure admin can search the data using the search functionality. 8. Confirm the selection of statuses from the Status dropdown and display the appropriate results accordingly. 9. Confirm the Bank Status Report button can be clicked and causes a pop-up window to appear by using it. 10. Check that admin can search the data in the search box and output display in the tabular format. 11. Make sure that the admin can download the bank status report (Processed and not processed) by clicking the download button. 12. Confirm that pagination is workable as expected. 13. Make sure the popup window can close after clicking the close button or close icon. 14. Examine the entries for the selected number in the show entries. 15. Confirm that the admin can view and edit the status of Not processed employees data by clicking on the view icon. 16. Evaluate that the breadcrumbs are placed on top of the page and its functioning. 17. Evaluate the admin can navigate to next and previous page by Next and Back button as well as from pagination also. 18. Ensure the consultant details will appear by clicking on Consultant tab. 19. Examine the columns for the Consultant records. 20. Validate the admin can generate the consultant records using the Generate Report button. 21. Confirm the admin can search the records using search functionality. 22. Examine the Salary Account Check screen. 23. Validate the Upload Bank Excel functionality. 24. Validate the Search functionality. 25. Examine the columns on the Salary Account Check screen. 26. Make sure the admin can edit the Salary account details. 27. Make Sure the title of the Submodules under the Bank Report module. 28. Determine the workability of the Next and Back buttons as well as the pagination. 29. Evaluate the newly added payslip employees, on-hold employees, and released employees displayed in the Not Initiated tab. 30. Examine Bank response processed employees displayed in the Processed tab. 31. Check the partial salary and not processed status of employees displayed in the Issues tab. 32. Verify the workability of the Settle button for Not processed and processed status under the Issues tab. 33. Evaluate the functionality of the Active tab. 34. Evaluate the functionality of the process steps numbers present in the bank report module. 35. Make sure the alignment and data present in the dashboard table of the salary account check home screen. 36. Confirm the Enter Narration Details popup appear after clicking on Generate Report button when admin selects an employees. 37. Make sure that by entering the Debit Narration and Credit Narration details admin can Generate Excel Report. 38. Evaluate with inaccurate Debit and Credit narration details admin can generate the bank report for employees. 39. Evaluate that the admin can upload the bank status report for the specific year and month for which the payslip has already been uploaded to the paysquare output. 40. Examine admin can upload the bank response file other than .xlsx format. 41. Make sure that a popup window with a duration dropdown to map the bank response to the correct month and year appears when the admin uploads the bank response file. 42. Confirm the popup window contains all the data in tabular format along with proper alignment of the table. 43. Evaluate the 'Submit Bank Report' button's functionality present on the popup window. 44. Confirm the upload buttons' functionality using accurate and legitimate data. 45. Make sure the 'Back' buttons working present on the 'Bank Output' screen. 46. Evaluate the 'Submit' button functioning when the admin completes all the steps for the Bank report process. |
The use of “reminder” module is to remind to appraise employees on selected date. This module is developing to view the list of reminders added in appraisal module dashboard. The features will be edit, search, and dismiss the reminders. This module ... | 1. Make sure all appraisal reminders are present in the tabular format or not. 2. Ensure that the breadcrumbs are placed on top of the page. 3. Examine the few records that will appear on one page by utilizing the 'Show Entries' feature. 4. Evaluate that admin can search the data in the search box and output will display in the tabular format. 5. Confirm that pagination is available at the page's bottom and make sure how it works. 6. Make sure that the admin may select the From and To dates to search the records. 7. Ensure whether admin can reset the selected From and To dates. 8. Make sure that the edit icon is available to edit the details for individual entries. 9. Check all fields are editable except Employee ID and Name in the Edit Reminder form, and try to edit the form. 10. Make sure that the dismiss icon is available to dismiss the reminder for individual entries. 11. Make sure that admin can add the comment for dismissing the reminder. 12. Evaluate that the admin can dismiss the reminder. 13. Ensure that the Reminder is set for a specific amount of time. 14. Confirm that the set reminder employees will appear in the 'Reminder' module. 15. Examine the Reminder date can only be set between the 'From' and 'To' dates. 16. Make sure under the template module reminder status as Upcoming, Expired and Dismiss are present. 17. Examine the admin can cancel the reminder. 18. Ensure that the reminder expires after a certain period of time. 19. Make sure that the entries are displayed in the scheduler log when the remainder date is passed. 20. Ensure all the entries have Mail sent successfully status will be displayed in the scheduler log with a blank Action column. 21. Examine Mail sent failed status entries displayed with a Resend button to resend the mail. 22. Evaluate the functionality of the Resend mail button for the mail failed employee entries. |
In the template module admin will be able to create letter template of appraisal e-mail and appraisal letter. In this module table will display of created templates. | 1. Ensure that the correct breadcrumbs are placed on top of the 'Template' page. 2. Confirm the functioning of the entries dropdown for the selected number in the show entries. 3. Evaluate that admin can search the data in the search box and searched output displays in the tabular format. 4. Ensure that after selecting one option from the dropdown list, data will be shown in tabular format. 5. Confirm that the admin can view the previously created template. 6. Evaluate that the previously created template can be edited by the admin. 7. Examine admin can delete the created template using 'Delete' button. 8. Make sure that pagination is available at the page's bottom and check it's functioning. 9. Ensure Admin can create a new template using the 'Create Template' button. 10. Ensure all the alignments of the template page are as per the design documents. 11. Confirm that the template of the Appraisal letter or Appraisal email are appear on the Appraisal Letter screen under the Appraisal module. 12. Examine the workability of Close button on the Add Template page. 13. Make sure that all the list of the letter types clearly visible without the spelling mistakes. |
Project Information System is a web application designed for the admin of an organization, that helps keeps track of all the project, teams, and customer-related information. It displays an overview of all the active projects and customers in the form o... | 1. Examine the outcome when the Login button is clicked while the User ID and Password fields are both blank. 2. To view the outcomes, click the Login button when the User ID field is empty and the Password field is filled in. 3. When the user inputs the User ID and keeps the password field blank, check the login functionality. 4. Check the response when an invalid User ID and Password are entered and the Login button is clicked. 5. When an invalid User ID and valid Password are entered and the Login button is clicked examine the response. 6. Ensure that the user can view their profile photo, access another user's profile using the proxy option, and log out from the application by selecting the Logout option available in their name dropdown menu. 7. Ensure that the user can view the list of active customers' data after clicking the Active Customers button in the Overview section. 8. Check the response when a valid User ID and invalid Password are entered and the Login button is clicked. 9. Make sure that the users can navigate to the RNT dashboard using their valid credentials. 10. Ensure that only the admin gets access to the PINS application once successfully login into the RNT dashboard. 11. Examine that the OVERVIEW section is displaying a donut chart to determine the project's current progress. 12. Check the Attention Required section, which presents the data table that gives the list of Customers with their specific projects and their alerts on the PINS Dashboard. 13. Examine the data table under the HEALTH STATUS section showing the project and the status of scheduled variance and effort variance on the PINS dashboard. 14. Make sure that the UPCOMINGMILESTONES section shows the upcomingmilestone for that particular project with their date on the PINS dashboard. 15. Make sure that the dropdown menu with options is available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 16. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 17. Check that the search field displays the error message No matching record found if the user inputs incorrect data. 18. Make sure the View functionality shows the customer's detailed information which is not editable. 19. Examine that after clicking the Finish button, the user is directed to the List of Active Customers page. 20. Ensure that the user can navigate to the PINS dashboard using the PINS navigation functionality. 21. Make sure the user can view the list of active Projects data after clicking the Active projects button in the Overview section. 22. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 23. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 24. Check that the search field displays the error message No matching record found if the user inputs incorrect data. 25. Make sure the View functionality shows the project's detailed information of a specific item. 26. Examine that after clicking the Finish button, the user is directed to the List of Active Projects page. 27. Make sure the user can navigate to the PINS dashboard using the PINS navigation functionality. 28. Make sure the user can navigate to the RNT dashboard using the Home navigation functionality. 29. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 30. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 31. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 32. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. |
The Customer Management Module will enable the admin to add new customer details and the project associated with the customer. The admin can edit or view already added customers. The list of customers can also be viewed in this module. | 1. Examine whether the Customer Management module includes the List of Customers page, where the customer details are displayed under the data table in their respective columns. 2. Make sure the user can navigate to the RNT dashboard using the Home navigation functionality. 3. Ensure that the user can navigate to the PINS dashboard using the PINS navigation functionality. 4. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 5. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 6. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 7. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 8. Make sure the user navigates to the Customer Information page after clicking the Add New button so they may fill out the customer's information. 9. Examine the functionality of the Next button without filling out any of the mandatory fields on the customer information page. 10. Examine the functionality of the Next button by filling out some mandatory fields on the customer information page. 11. By filling out all mandatory fields on the customer information page, check the Next button's functionality. 12. Make sure that the Customer Information page's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 13. When a user fills out all mandatory fields and clicks the Next button on the Customer Information page, check that they get to the Project Details page so they may fill out the Project Details. 14. When a user arrives at the project information page, make sure they can fill out all the fields under its tab. 15. Ensure that all required fields on the Project Details page are indicated with an asterisk (*) and that all fields are properly aligned. 16. Make sure the project's end date is always greater than its start date. 17. Check the user may add the milestone for that specific project if it is required under the MILESTONES section. 18. Make sure that the milestone's date always falls between the project's Start and End dates. 19. Check the outcome if you click the Add To List button after selecting only the milestone and not a date. 20. Check the outcome if you click the Add To List button after selecting only the date of milestone and not a Milestone. 21. If the user tries to add duplicate milestones, look at the response. 22. Confirm that the user can delete the milestone if those milestones are not required once the data has been added to the list. 23. Ensure that the Previous button feature is available to get back to the previous page of Customer Information and view or update the information. 24. Examine the functionality of the Finish button without filling out any of the mandatory fields on the Project Details page. 25. Examine the functionality of the Finish button by filling out some mandatory fields on the Project Details page. 26. Make sure that once all mandatory fields have been filled the Finish button works. 27. Check the pop-up message is displayed as Submitted Successfully after clicking on the finish button. 28. Confirm by clicking on the Ok button of the pop-up message window that data is submitted successfully to the List of Customers page. 29. Ensure that the user can edit the Customer details and project details using the edit functionality which is available under the data table. 30. Make sure the View functionality shows the Project's detailed information which is not editable. 31. Examine that after clicking the Finish button, the user is directed to the List of customer page. 32. To edit the project's details, check that the Edit button is functional under the action column on the project details page. 33. Overview the Delete button is present after data is saved and if required, delete the entry in the milestone section under the project details sub-module. 34. Examine that after clicking the Finish button the data is updated and the user is directed to the List of customer page. 35. Check that the Add Project functionality on the project details page allows the user to add multiple projects for the same customer. 36. Make sure that the list of all added projects is displayed for that customer on the project information page, which includes both active and inactive projects. 37. Ensure that all UI, buttons, text, and alignment are showing properly on the customer information page. 38. Ensure that all UI, buttons, text, and alignment are showing properly on the Project Details page. 39. Ensure that users can add additional contact person details using their functionality, which is mandatory on the Customer Information page. 40. Ensure that users can edit previously or newly added addresses using the 'edit' functionality on the customer information page. 41. Ensure that users can delete previously or newly added addresses using the 'edit' functionality on the customer information page. 42. Examine that using the Next button user can move from the customer information page to the project details page. 43. Examine that the MSA Attachment is visible when the user selects 'Yes' from the radio button, and also confirm that the user can successfully upload an attachment in .xls, .xlsx, .doc, and .pdf formats for the MSA. 44. Confirm that there is a delete option accessible after the attachment has been posted, which can be used to remove the attachment from the list that has been uploaded. 45. Make sure that the documents are permanently deleted once the user removes them, and that they do not appear on the edit or view page. 46. Determine whether the user can download the uploaded MSA and NDA documents from the Customer Information Page when needed. 47. Examine that the NDA Attachment is visible when the user selects 'Yes' from the radio button, and also confirm that the user can successfully upload an attachment in .xls, .xlsx, .doc, and .pdf formats for the NDA. 48. Ensure that if the user uploads documents for the MSA and NDA, and subsequently selects the 'No' radio button for the same fields, the uploaded documents will be erased and the attachment functionality will become invisible. 49. Make sure that the project manager will only see the list of assigned projects with their respective customers in the customer management module. 50. Examine that the project manager can edit customer and project details only for the projects assigned to them. 51. Ensure that the project manager can view the project details only for the projects assigned to them. 52. The project manager can add multiple projects to the same customer by utilizing the Add New Project functionality while updating the customer information. 53. Ensure that the project manager can add new customers and projects, but they will not be visible until the admin assigns those projects to him. 54. Examine that the SOW Attachment is visible when the user selects 'Yes' from the radio button, and also confirm that the user can successfully upload an attachment in .xls, .xlsx, .doc, and .pdf formats for the SOW. 55. Determine whether the user can download the uploaded SOW documents from the Project Details Page when needed. 56. Confirm that there is a delete option accessible after the attachment has been posted, which can be used to remove the attachment from the list that has been uploaded. 57. Ensure that if the user uploads documents for the SOW, and subsequently selects the 'No' radio button for the same fields, the uploaded documents will be erased and the attachment functionality will become invisible. 58. Examine that the SOW Attachment is visible when the user selects 'Yes' from the radio button, and also confirm that the user can successfully upload an attachment in .xls, .xlsx, .doc, and .pdf formats for the SOW. 59. Determine whether the user can download the uploaded SOW documents from the Project Details Page when needed. 60. Confirm that there is a delete option accessible after the attachment has been posted, which can be used to remove the attachment from the list that has been uploaded. 61. Ensure that if the user uploads documents for the SOW, and subsequently selects the 'No' radio button for the same fields, the uploaded documents will be erased and the attachment functionality will become invisible. 62. Ensure that users can delete previously or newly added MSA or NDA attachments using the cross icon, which is visible on the uploaded document after hovering the mouse over it. additionally they can download the uploaded document as well. 63. Ensure that users can upload MSA and NDA documents using the respective Attachment functionality, which is visible after selecting the 'Yes' radio button for the corresponding fields |
The Project Management Module will enable the admin to add software, hardware, enlist tasks, milestones, project phases and specify the people skills needed in the project. This module will also display active and inactive projects. | 1. Ensure that The list of active and inactive projects is displayed based on their End dates in their respective tabs once the project is added to the Customer management module. 2. Confirm that the user can click on the Project name and make changes or add new details for that particular project. 3. Validate that the data is fetching correctly from the customer management module in the respective field on the Project Management screen. 4. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without filling out any of the mandatory fields under the SOFTWARE section. 5. Make sure that the SOFTWARE section's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 6. Examine the functionality of the Submit button by filling out some mandatory fields. 7. By filling out all mandatory fields under the SOFTWARE section, check the Submit button's functionality. 8. Examine that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 9. To edit the software details, check that the Edit button is functional under the action column in the SOFTWARE section. 10. Check that After the data is added, a Delete option is available, which may be used to remove an entry from a list that has been added. 11. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without filling out any of the mandatory fields under the HARDWARE section. 12. Make sure that the HARDWARE section's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 13. Examine the functionality of the Submit button by filling out some mandatory fields. 14. By filling out all mandatory fields under the HARDWARE section, check the Submit button's functionality. 15. Examine that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 16. To edit the software details, check that the Edit button is functional under the action column in the HARDWARE section. 17. Check that After the data is added, a Delete option is available, which may be used to remove an entry from a list that has been added. 18. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without filling out any of the mandatory fields under the TASK section. 19. Make sure that the TASK section's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 20. By filling out the mandatory field under the TASK section, check the Submit button's functionality. 21. Ensure that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 22. Check that After the data is added, a Delete option is available, which may be used to remove an entry from a list that has been added. 23. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without filling out any of the mandatory fields under the PEOPLE SKILL section. 24. Make sure that the PEOPLE SKILL section's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 25. Ensure the functionality of the Submit button by filling out some mandatory fields. 26. By filling out all mandatory fields under the PEOPLE SKILL section, check the Submit button's functionality. 27. Examine that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 28. To edit the software details, check that the Edit button is functional under the action column in the PEOPLE SKILL section. 29. Check that After the data is added, a Delete option is available, which may be used to remove an entry from a list that has been added. 30. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without selecting the milestone mate on date and Met or not radio button under the MILESTONE section. 31. Check the Milestone Met On date is not accepting the less than milestone date and is fall between Start date and End date of the project's. 32. Make sure the Met Or Not field only allows the user to select one radio button at a time. 33. Confirm that the data is saved in that table once click submit button after all required fields full fill under the MILESTONE section. 34. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without filling out any of the mandatory fields under the PROJECT PHASEsection. 35. Make sure that the PROJECT PHASE section's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 36. Examine the functionality of the Submit button by filling out some mandatory fields. 37. By filling out all mandatory fields under the PROJECT PHASE section, check the Submit button's functionality. 38. Make sure that the Start date and End date both fall between the Project Start and End dates and that the End date is always greater than the Start date. 39. Examine that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 40. To edit the software details, check that the Edit button is functional under the action column in the PROJECT PHASE section. 41. Make sure that during editing and updating the details, the Start date and End date both fall between the Project Start and End dates and that the End date is always greater than the Start date. 42. Check that After the data is added, a Delete option is available, which may be used to remove an entry from a list that has been added. 43. Confirm that the dropdown menu with options available is provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 44. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 45. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 46. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 47. Examine that the Project Management page's corresponding section, fields, and buttons are displayed with the correct alignments, spellings, font sizes, and font families. 48. Ensure that the project manager will see the list of projects with their respective customers, only for the projects assigned to him. 49. Examine that the project manager can add software, hardware, tasks, people skills, milestones, and project phases to the assigned project. 50. Examine that the project manager can edit software, hardware, people skills, milestones, and project phases to the assigned project. 51. Examine that the project manager can delete the software, hardware, tasks, people skills, and project phases to the assigned project. |
The Team Management Module would let the admin add additional team members to a desired project. The admin will be able to view the active/ inactive projects and the team members associated with the project. Admin would be able to view and edit the asso... | 1. Check Once the team has been assigned to the particular project, the list of active and inactive Team members is displayed in accordance with their release dates on the corresponding tabs. 2. Examine the New Project dropdown list, for which no team members have yet been allocated; only those projects are displayed. 3. Check the functionality of Add Members to get to the team management page where team members can be assigned to projects. 4. Validate that the data is fetching correctly in the respective field on the Team Management screen. 5. Ensure that the ASSOCIATE TEAM section includes a data table that lists the roles, skills, count, and allocated count for the user view. 6. Check the outcome if the user presses the Go button without filling in any of the required fields. 7. Examine how the Go button works once clicked to view further fields. After the user fills out the mandatory field, 8. Make sure that the allocation date always falls between the Project Start and End dates. 9. Confirm that the Release date shows by default the project end date, but if the user wants to change that, then the Release date always falls between the Project Start and End dates. 10. Ensure the functionality of the Add to List button by filling out some mandatory fieldsunder theAssociate Team section. 11. Make sure that the Associate team section's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 12. Once the mandatory fields are filled out, confirm that the details for the assigned team members may be added to the list using the Add to List button. 13. Examine that once the release date is less than the current date then the team allocation details will move into the Inactive tab. 14. Ensure that the user must save the team allocation data once they have been added to the list. 15. To edit the team allocation details, check that the Edit button is functional under the action column on the Team Management page. 16. Check that After the data is saved, a Delete option is available, which may be used to remove an entry from a list that has been added. 17. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries functionality to display many entries on a single page. 18. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 19. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 20. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 21. Confirm that the user can click on the Team Member name and make changes or add a new team member for the same project. 22. Ensure that the fields, data table, and buttons in the ASSOCIATE TEAM section are properly aligned within the correct format. 23. Ensure that the project manager can assign the team to the project for their assigned project. |
The Change Request module will help the admin to accommodate any new changes to the projects. Admin will be able to edit or view a change request. All the change-related details are encapsulated within this module. | 1. Examine that the list of all customers is correctly shown once the user has reached the Add Change Request page and clicked the Customer Name dropdown. 2. Ensure that the project list won't appear unless the user chooses the customer from the customer name dropdown first. 3. Check that when a user selects a customer, the project name dropdown list only shows the projects that have been added to this customer. 4. Confirm that the Go Live Date must always be greater than the Raise Date and that the user cannot select a Go Live Date that is less than the Raise Date. 5. Assure that the user cannot select an Approved Date (Business Team) less than the Raised Date it should always be greater. 6. Ensure that the user cannot select an Approved Date (Project Team) less than the Raised Date it should always be greater. 7. Make sure the CR details section contains more fields that are required to add the new change request. 8. Check the effort section contains fields that are required to add the new change request to calculate the ETA. 9. Make sure the Unit field only allows the user to select one radio button at a time from the Hours and Days. 10. Examine that to add the new phases, the Add Phases functionality only allows the user a maximum of 3 more phases if necessary to add. 11. Check once the efforts have been added to the list, the user will no longer be able to add new phases, and the Add Phases functionality will become hidden from the effort section. 12. Examine that If the user adds additional phases to add the data, they can only delete those phases to which they have added new phases utilizing the Add Phase functionality. 13. Once a user clicks the Add to List button, ensure that the data has been added appropriately to the respective column. 14. Check that After the data is added, a delete option is available, which may be used to remove an entry from a list that has been added. 15. Examine that when a user adds or removes an entry from the list, the serial number is updated correctly. 16. If the user clicks the include deployment time check box without entering any value in the fields check the data is added to the table with Zero value. 17. Once the user enters the efforts and selects the include deployment time check box functionality, confirm that the data has been added to the effort data table 18. Check that the user can successfully upload an attachment in the .xls, .xlsx, .doc, and .pdf formats only for the Change request. 19. Confirm that there is a delete option accessible after the attachment has been posted, which can be used to remove the attachment from the list that has been uploaded. 20. Examine that for every field the alignment, font size, and font family are displayed on the Add Change request page page of the Change Request in the proper format. 21. Make sure that the entered data is not saved for that customer in the data table once the user clicks the cancel button. 22. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without filling out any of the mandatory fields on the Add Change Request page. 23. To edit the Change Request details, check that the Edit button is functional under the action column on the Change Request details page. 24. Check that the Add Phases functionality on the Edit page of the Change request only enables the user to add a maximum of 3 further phases if they haven't already been added. 25. Make sure the user can add new phases after adding efforts to the list and that the Add Phase button won't be hidden if the user adds efforts to the list. 26. Examine that If the user adds additional phases to add the data on the edit page of change request, they can only delete those phases to which they have added new phases utilizing the Add Phase functionality. 27. To edit the Effort from the efforts table, check that the edit icon is functional under the action column under the effort section. 28. Check that After the Efforts are added to the efforts table, a delete option is available, which may be used to remove an entry from a list that has been added. 29. Examine that when a user adds or removes an entry from the efforts table, the serial number is updated correctly on the Edit page of Change Request. 30. Make sure the View functionality shows the Change request detailed information once click the View icon in the action column. 31. Examine that once the user reaches the view page all fields are non-editable on the View Change Request page. 32. Confirm that the Units are displaying correctly in the data table for the Efforts section. 33. Determine whether the user can download the uploaded document from the View CR Page if necessary. 34. Examine that for every field the alignment, font size, and font family are displayed on the View CR page of the Change Request in the proper format. 35. Ensure that the user navigates to the Change Request home screen once they click the Back button on the View CR page. 36. Make sure that to preview the CR details the user navigates to the Preview page once they click the Preview button on the View CR page. 37. Confirm that once the user reaches the Preview page all fields are non-editable on the Preview CR page. 38. Make sure that the user navigates to the Change Request home screen once they click the Back button on the Preview CR page. 39. Examine that the document of CR details downloads in the .doc format only, once the user clicks the Download button on the Preview CR page. 40. Confirm that the dropdown menu with options available is provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page 41. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 42. Examine the Customer name, which is clickable in the data table to reveal the list of projects for the Change requests added for that customer. 43. Look at the Project name in the data table, which may be clicked to display the list of change requests that have been raised for that project. 44. Make sure that the documents are permanently deleted once the user removes them, and that they do not appear on the edit or view page. 45. Make sure that the Add Change Request page's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 46. Examine the functionality of the Submit button by filling out some mandatory fields on the Add Change Request page. 47. By filling out all mandatory fields on the Add Change Request page, check the Submit button's functionality. 48. Make sure that the edited data is not updated for that customer in the data table once the user clicks the cancel button on the edit page. 49. Make sure that the Edit Change Request page's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 50. Examine the functionality of the Update button by getting blank some mandatory fields on the Edit Change Request page. 51. By updating all mandatory fields on the Edit Change Request page, check the Update button's functionality. 52. Determine whether the user can download the uploaded CR documents from the Change Request Page when needed. 53. Determine whether the user can download the uploaded document from the Edit Change Request Page if necessary. 54. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 55. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 56. Make sure the change request module has a change request page where the customer receives the details of the change request for their associated project. 57. Ensure that using the Change Request navigation functionality the user can navigate to the Change Request page where the list of change request data is listed. 58. Ensure that the OVERVIEW section displays a donut chart to view the number of change requests (CRs) with in percentage for their respective customers. 59. Examine whether the Hide Overview button is available to conceal the displayed overview, and if the admin wishes to view it again, check for the presence of the Show Overview functionality. 60. To easily determine the overall count of change requests (CRs), Ensure that the total CR count is accurately displayed on the Total CR button. 61. Ensure that the Active CR button shows an accurate count of active change requests (CRs) and, upon being clicked, displays a list of those active CRs. 62. Examine that the Inactive CR button shows an accurate count of inactive change requests (CRs) and, once clicked, displays a list of those inactive CRs. 63. Ensure that the administrator has the option to download the total, Active, and Inactive change requests on the Change Request screen into an Excel file. 64. Ensure that all UI, buttons, text, and alignment are showing properly on the Change Request page. 65. Examine that for every field the alignment, font size, and font family are displayed on the Edit Change Request Page of the Change Request in the proper format. 66. Make sure that the Project Manager can review change requests (CRs) for the respective customer. They have the ability to view the total number of CRs as well as the count of active and inactive ones. Additionally, they can download the CRs in Excel for... 67. Examine the Project Manager can raise the change request to the assigned project. 68. Ensure that the Project Manager is able to edit and view the added CR using the respective 'Edit' and 'View' functionalities. 69. Make sure that the Business Analyst/Business Analyst-intern can review change requests (CRs) for the respective customer. They have the ability to view the total number of CRs as well as the count of active and inactive ones. Additionally, they can down... 70. Examine the Business Analyst/Business Analyst-intern can raise the change request to the assigned project. 71. Ensure that the Business Analyst/Business Analyst-intern can edit and view the added CR using the respective 'Edit' and 'View' functionalities. 72. Make sure that the CR Admin can review change requests (CRs) for the respective customer. They can view the total number of CRs as well as the count of active and inactive ones. Additionally, they can download the CRs in Excel format. 73. Examine that the CR Admin can raise the change request to all projects. 74. Ensure that the CR Admin can edit and view the total added CR using the respective 'Edit' and 'View' functionalities. |
Admin can add new software-related information to the system that can be utilized by the projects in the organization. If the software version changes, the user can modify the details of the software and can also delete added software if it is no longer... | 1. Ensure the presence of the Admin module within the Project Information System modules. 2. Examine that the Admins sub-module contains the Software sub-module. 3. Make sure the user navigates to the Software Details page after clicking the Add New button so they may fill out the software detailed information. 4. Make sure that the Software Details page's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 5. Make sure that the entered data is not saved for that software in the data table once the user clicks the Cancel button. 6. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without filling out any of the mandatory fields on the Software Details page. 7. Examine the functionality of the Submit button by filling out some mandatory fields on the Software Details page. 8. By filling out all mandatory fields on the Software Details page, check the Submit button's functionality. 9. Check that all fields accept a space at the beginning and more than one after a letter or word. 10. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 11. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field 12. Validate the data table on the List of Software page of the Software sub-module. 13. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 14. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 15. To update the Software details, check that the Edit icon is functional under the action column on the List of Software page 16. Make sure that the edited data is not updated for that software in the data table once the user clicks the Cancel button. 17. Check that the edited data is updated in the data table for that particular software once user click the Update button. 18. Examine that the delete icon is functional under the Action column, and the entries are removed from the list once the user clicks the delete icon. 19. Examine that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 20. Ensure that if the user selects the software type as commercial, more options will become visible to fill out the software details. |
Admin can add new hardware-related information to the system that can be utilized by the projects in the organization. Admin can add a new role, can view the list of added hardware, modify changes, and can delete added hardware. | 1. Check the Admin sub-module contains the Hardware sub-module. 2. Make sure the user navigates to the Hardware Details page after clicking the Add New button so they may fill out the hardware detailed information. 3. Make sure that the Hardware Details page's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 4. Make sure that the entered data is not saved for that hardware in the data table once the user clicks the Cancel button. 5. Examine the functionality of the Submit button without filling out any of the mandatory fields on the Hardware Details page. 6. Examine the functionality of the Submit button by filling out some mandatory fields on the Hardware Details page. 7. By filling out all mandatory fields on the Hardware Details page, check the Submit button's functionality. 8. Check that all fields accept a space at the beginning and more than one after a letter or word. 9. Examine that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 10. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 11. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 12. Validate the data table on the List of Hardware page of the Hardware sub-module. 13. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 14. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 15. To update the Hardware details, check that the Edit icon is functional under the Action column on the List of Hardware page. 16. Make sure that the edited data is not updated for that hardware in the data table once the user clicks the Cancel button. 17. Check that the is edited data is updated in the data table for that particular hardware once user click the Update button. 18. Examine that the delete icon is functional under the Action column, and the entries are removed from the list once the user clicks the delete icon. |
Role rate card provides information on the role of an employee and its associated budget as per the location of the employee in the current organization. Admin can add a new role, view the list of added roles, modify changes, and can delete added roles. | 1. Make sure that the Admin sub-module contains the Role Rate Card sub-module. 2. Make sure the admin may add various location-specific rate cards that are developed based on the Onsite and Offsite hours and days for the employee. 3. Make sure that theRole Rate-Card Managementpage's mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*). 4. Examine the functionality of the Add button without filling out any of the mandatory fields on the Role Rate-Card Managementpage. 5. Examine the functionality of theAddbutton by filling out some mandatory fields on theRole Rate-Card Managementpage. 6. By filling out all mandatory fields on the Role Rate-Card Managementpage, check the Addbutton's functionality. 7. Check that all text fields accept a space at the beginning and more than one after a letter or word. 8. Examine that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 9. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 10. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 11. Validate the data table on the Role Rate-Card Management page under the LOCATION WISE RATE CARD section. 12. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 13. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 14. To update the Role Rate Card details, check that the Edit icon is functional under the Action column on theRole Rate-Card Managementpage. 15. Check that the edited data is updated in the data table for that particular Rate card once user click the Update button. 16. Examine that the delete icon is functional under the Action column, and the entries are removed from the list once the user clicks the delete icon. |
Project phases are phases included in a project life cycle. Admin has the authority to add a new phase, view the list of added phases, modify changes to any phase, and can delete phases. | 1. Check that the Admins sub-module contains the Project Phases sub-module. 2. Make sure that theProject-Phase Managementpage's mandatory field is denoted by an asterisk (*). 3. Examine the functionality of the Add button without filling out the mandatory field on theProject-PhaseManagementpage. 4. By filling out a mandatory field on theProject-PhaseManagementpage, check the Addbutton's functionality 5. Examine that if the user added duplicate data then the error pop-up message should appear. 6. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 7. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 8. Validate the data table on theProject-PhaseManagement page under theList of Project-Phasessection. 9. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 10. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. 11. To update the Project Phase details, check that the Edit icon is functional under the Action column of the List of Project-Phases Managementsection. 12. Check that the is edited data is updated in the data table for that particular Project phase once user click the Update button. 13. Examine that the delete icon is functional under the Action column, and the entries are removed from the list once the user clicks the delete icon. 14. Check that the List of Project-Phases section is present on the Project-Phases Management screen. |
Milestones mark the important project phases. Admin can modify or delete any milestones or add a new milestone with the help of the Milestones module. | 1. Check that the Admin sub-module contains the Milestones sub-module. 2. Check that the Milestone Management page is present in the Milestones sub-module. 3. Check the Home button functionality on the Milestone Management screen. 4. Verify the PINS button functionality on the Milestone Management screen. 5. For mandatory fields, validate the Asterisk(*) symbol. 6. To enter data in the Milestone Name text field, verify it. 7. Check the Add button functionality to add the data to the list. 8. Validate the List of Milestones section is present on the Milestone Management screen. 9. To view the entries, use the Show entries dropdown menu. 10. Check the Search text area to search the data in the list. 11. Validate the data table on the Milestone Management page. 12. Check the functionality of the next button on the Milestone Management page. 13. Check the functionality of the Previous button on the Milestone Management page. 14. Check the Edit button functionality. 15. Check that the Update button functionality updates the data in the list once the data is Edited. 16. Check the Delete functionality. 17. Check the Delete functionality. |
Service types are any services that the organization provides to its customers. Admin can add a new service type that the organization offers with the help of the Service types module. Admin can also modify or delete the added Service types. | 1. Check that the Admins sub-module contains the Service Types sub-module. 2. Check that the Service-Types Master page is available in the Service Types sub-module. 3. Check the Home button functionality on the Service-Types Master page. 4. On the Service-Types Master page, check the PINS button functionality. 5. To enter data into the Service Type text field, verify it. 6. Check the Mandatory fields for the Asterisk(*) symbol. 7. Check the Add button functionality to add the data to the list. 8. Check that the List of Service-Types section is present on the Service-Types Master page. 9. To view the entries, check the Show entries dropdown functionality. 10. To search the data in the list, enter Search in the text area. 11. Validate the data table on the Service-Types Master page. 12. On the Service-Types Master page, check the Next button functionality. 13. On the Service-Types Master page, check the functionality of the Previous button. 14. Check the Edit function. 15. Check that the Update button functionality updates the data in the list once the data is Edited. 16. Check the Delete functionality. 17. Check the Delete functionality. |
Various roles of an employee can be added by using the Roles module. Admin can add a new role, view the list of added roles, modify changes to any role, and can delete roles that are no longer needed. | 1. Check that the Admin sub-module contains the Role module. 2. Check that the Role master page is available in the Roles module. 3. Check the Home button functionality on the Roles page. 4. On the Roles Master page, check the PINS button functionality. 5. To input data in the Role Name text area, verify the field. 6. For mandatory fields, validate the Asterisk(*) symbol. 7. To add the data to the list, test the Add button functionality. 8. Validate the List of Roles section is present on the Roles Master page. 9. To view the entries, use the Show entries dropdown menu. 10. To search the data in the list, use the Search text field. 11. Validate the data table on the Roles Master page. 12. On the Roles Master page, check the functionality of the Next button. 13. Check the functionality of the Previous button on the Roles Master page. 14. Check the Edit feature using the icon. 15. Check that the Update button functionality updates the data in the list once the data is Edited. 16. Check the Delete functionality. 17. Verify the Delete functionality. |
Skills are organizational assets; They can be tools and technologies per organization. Admin can add any new skills, update the existing skills as well as delete the skills that are no longer needed. | 1. Check that the Admins sub-module contains the Skills sub-module. 2. Check to see if the Skills page is available in the Skills sub-module. 3. Check the Home button functionality on the Skills Master page. 4. Check the PINS button functionality on the Skills Master page. 5. For mandatory fields, validate the Asterisk(*) symbol. 6. To add the data to the list, test the Add button functionality. 7. To enter data in the Skill Name text area, verify it. 8. Validate the List of Skill section is present on the Skills page. 9. To view the entries, use the Show entries dropdown menu. 10. To search the data in the list, use the Search text field. 11. Validate the data table on the Skills page. 12. On the Roles Master page, check the functionality of the Next button. 13. Check the functionality of the Previous button on the Roles Master page. 14. Check the Edit feature using the icon. 15. Check that the Update button functionality updates the data in the list once the data is Edited. 16. Check the Delete functionality. 17. Check the Delete functionality. |
The locations module consists of the locations that the organization is situated in. If the organization plans to expand its offices, the admin can add them using the Locations module. Admins can modify or delete the locations from the added list. | 1. Check that the Admins sub-module contains the Location sub-module. 2. Check that the Location Master page is available in the Locations sub-module. 3. Check the Home button functionality on the Location Master screen. 4. Check the PINS button functionality on the Location Master screen. 5. For mandatory fields, validate the Asterisk(*) symbol. 6. To enter data in the Skill Name text area, verify it. 7. To add the data to the list, test the Add button functionality. 8. To add the data to the list, test the Add button functionality. 9. Validate the List of Locations section is present on the Location Master screen. 10. To view the entries, use the Show entries dropdown menu. 11. To search the data in the list, use the Search text field. 12. Validate the data table on the Location page. 13. On the Location page, check the functionality of the Next button. 14. Check the functionality of the Previous button on the Location page. 15. Check the Edit feature using the icon. 16. Check that the Update button functionality updates the data in the list once the data is Edited. 17. Check the Delete functionality. 18. Check the Delete functionality. |
Track of Achievement accomplished by the individual employee regarding ongoing and completed courses must be displayed in the achievement module for Admin. | 1. Check the functionality of search field if user enters data to search. 2. Check if user click on breadcrumb then user must be navigate on respective page. 3. Make sure that on clicking full details button user must be navigate to employee profile page. 4. In order to keep track on employee achievements, check the count appear in overview card. 5. Validate the details like employee ID and role appear on details page is same as on achievement main page. 6. Make sure that user is able to see all the details related to batch appear on mouse hover on batch card with progress status appear on progress bar of batch card. 7. Check the functionality that without mouse hover admin is able to see the actual start date and end date of training by employee. 8. Analyze that on mouse hover on batch card, admin is able to see start date and end date entered by admin while creating batch. 9. Examine that on mouse hover user is able to see assignment and certificate uploaded by employee while submitting progress. 10. Check that while submitting feedback, comments added by employee are appear on mouse hover on batch card. 11. Make sure that year dropdown is functional to see the data year wise. 12. Examine the functionality of search field on entering data in it. |
List of feedbacks and average rating provided by participants of respective course and batches must be accessible for admin. | 1. Check the name of the training appear properly with star rating for that particular training 2. Examine the functionality of breadcrumb, on clicking that user must be navigate to that particular page/module. 3. Analyze the functionality of colors appear for different star ratings. 4. Analyze the functionality of batches feedback module by clicking on view batch option. 5. Make sure that on clicking back button user must be navigate to previous page. 6. Check that all the details related to batch appear with the star rating for that particular batch. 7. Check the functionality of breadcrumb appear on batches feedback page. 8. Make sure that on clicking participant's feedback option user navigate to participants feedback page. 9. Check whether the details of selected batch appear on that page with an average star rating. 10. Check that admin is able to see rating given by employee on feedback form with date. 11. Check the functionality of search field. 12. Make sure that on clicking breadcrumb user is navigate to respective page. 13. To navigate back to previous page check the functionality of back button. |
The report module will generate a report called the Project Completion Report. Admin should be able to view all the completed project details and the employees allocated to the project. | 1. Ensure the presence of the Reports module within the Project Information System modules. 2. Examine that the Reports sub-module contains the Project Completion Report sub-module. 3. Check that the Team Available page is visible in the Project Completion Report sub-module. 4. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 5. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 6. Validate the data table on the Team Available page. 7. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 8. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. |
The report module will generate a report called Employee Allocation Report. Admin should be able to view the list of employees allocated and working on projects. | 1. Examine that the Reports sub-module contains the Employee Allocation Report sub-module. 2. Check that the Project Available page is visible in the Project Completion Report sub-module. 3. Examine the dropdown menu with options available provided for the Show Entries capability to display many entries on a single page. 4. Check to see if the search feature displays the right results if the user enters any text in the field. 5. Validate the data table on the Project Available page. 6. Check that the Project Name can be clicked to take you to the Team Management page. 7. Ensure that the Next pagination feature may be used by the user to move to the next page and view more entries. 8. Ensure that the Previous pagination feature is available to get back to the previous page and view earlier entries. |
In this section user which has CO,HOD, FREE, and FDM can set the policy means set the appointment cost and also the cancellation fee. and as well as in this user can set the cancellation fee distributions using the last minutes thrashhold. | 1. APPOINTMENT & ADVANCED PAYMENT- In the Set Policy module, in the Appointment Cost tab, user selects the desired clinic from the Select Clinic dropdown, User selects their desired clinic, the employees in the clinic would be displayed along with th... 2. In the Set Policy module, in the Appointment Cost tab, user selects the desired clinic from the Select Clinic dropdown, , the employees in the clinic would be displayed along with the Appointment Cost and Advance Payment fields,that the user d... 3. In the Set Policy module, in the Appointment Cost tab, User does NOT select their desired clinic from the Select Clinic dropdown, the employees in the clinic would be displayed along with the Appointment Cost and Advance Payment fields,that th... 4. In the Set Policy module, in the Appointment Cost tab, the user enters a value in the Appointment Cost field, and enters 0 in Advance Payment field, user then clicks on Save button which triggers a pop up asking the user to Please enter Advanc... 5. In the Set Policy module, in the Appointment Cost tab, the user enters a value in the Appointment Cost field, and does NOT enter any value in Advance Payment field, user then clicks on Save button which triggers a pop up asking the user to Ple... 6. In the Set Policy module, in the Appointment Cost tab, the user enters a value in the Advance Payment field, and enters 0 in Appointment Cost field, user then clicks on Save button which triggers a pop up asking the user to Please enter Appoin... 7. In the Set Policy module, in the Appointment Cost tab, the user enters a value in the Advance Payment field, and does NOT enter any value in Appointment Cost field, user then clicks on Save button which triggers a pop up asking the user to Plea... 8. In the Set Policy module, in the Appointment Cost tab, the user does NOT enter a value in either the Advance Payment field or the Appointment Cost field, user then clicks on Save button which triggers a pop up asking the user to Please enter Ap... 9. CANCELLATION POLICY: The user has to update Last Minute Threshold (x)dropdown and the Cancellation Fee % (y) dropdown from a list of choices from each dropdown e.g. If the user clicks on 5 in the Last Minute Threshold (x) and 60 in the Cancellati... 10. The user clicks the Last Minute Threshold (x)dropdown and makes a selection but skips the Cancellation Fee % (y)dropdown and clicks the save button. 11. The user clicks the Cancellation Fee % (y)dropdown and makes a selection but skips the Last Minute Threshold (x)dropdown and clicks the save button. 12. User add one more employee and does not set Appointment cost for the employee and directly hit Save button 13. In addition to having proper user interface (UI), the user should be able to access the cart including the cancellation and refund policy and its desired paragraph or text. |
Package Builder:- This module is used for to create the packages which then physio or any employee can sold to the Patient. | 1. On clicking the Package Builder module, the user does not click the checkbox stating Don't show me the on-boarding flow again., the on-boarding screens with the details keep showing everytime the user clicks on Next button unless the checkbox i... 2. On clicking the Package Builder module, the user clicks the checkbox stating Don't show me the on-boarding flow again., the onboarding screens would never show up and the page redirects the user to the Create Appointment Packages screen. 3. On the Package Builder, on selecting View Physiotherapist's Package dropdown, if the packages are present for the selected physio, a package details preview card would be displayed. 4. On the Package Builder, on selecting View Physiotherapist's Package dropdown, if the packages are not present for the selected physio, a message would be displayed Oops! There is no package for this doctor 5. Case 1: WITH SET POLICY: On clicking +CREATE A PACKAGE, Assuming in the Set Policy module, the payment policy of the physiotherapist is already set. On selecting the desired physiotherapist from the Select Physiotherapist dropdown, the appointment... 6. Case 2: WITHOUT SET POLICY: On clicking +CREATE A PACKAGE, Assuming in the Set Policy module, the payment policy of the physiotherapist is not set. While selecting the Physiotherapist in the Package Builder Module page, it will show a pop-up Ple... 7. While creating the package builder, the desired physio is to be selected from the Select Physiotherapist dropdown, keeping in mind Case 1 and 2. 8. User enters the package name in Package Name field. 9. User enters the invalid package name in Package Name field. 10. User clicks on Package Name field and leaves the field blank 11. User clicks on Package Name field and leaves the field blank 12. In the Number of Session, maximum number of sessions that can be entered will be 99.The user tries to enters no. of sessions greater than 99. 13. The user doesn't enter any value in the Number of Session field.User hits Generate preview, pop-up is displayed Number of Session is required. 14. Cost Per Session field would only accommodate an amount less than 10000 i.e. 9999 to be exact.The user enters a value between 1-9999. 15. Cost Per Session field would only accommodate an amount less than 10000 i.e. 9999 to be exact.The user tries to enters a value greater than 9999. 16. The user doesn't enter any value in the Cost Per Session field. User hits Generate preview, pop-up is displayed Cost Per Session is required 17. Package Cancellation Fee field cannot exceed the amount 9999.The user enters a value between 1-9999. 18. Package Cancellation Fee field cannot exceed the amount 9999.The user attempts to enter a value between greater than 9999. 19. The user doesn't enter any value in the Package Cancellation Fee field. User hits Generate preview, pop-up is displayed Cancellation Fee is required 20. The user attempts to enter the Package cancellation fees lesser than Total package cost. 21. The user attempts to enter the Package cancellation fees greater than Total package cost. User hits Generate preview, pop-up is displayed The cancellation fee exceeds the total package cost. Please set a lower cancellation fee 22. User enters the cost per session amount greater than the appointment cost. User hits Generate preview, pop-up is displayed Cost per session should be less than appointment cost 23. Appointment cost for physio is set but leave Cost per session field empty and hot GENERATE PREVIEW button 24. Appointment cost for physio is set but leave Number of sessions field empty and hot GENERATE PREVIEW button 25. The user should be able to access the cart including the package policy , desired pop-up messages and UI should be appropriate |
LRA confirms that the claim is ready for reimbursement. The LRA confirms that the claim threshold equals the policy-set retention level. | 1. Make sure the UI of the 'Audit' module same as its XD design. 2. Validate the status of the displayed claims in the 'Pending Confirmation' tab. 3. Check user can edit the threshold level when Pro Rata exposure is present. 4. Check user can edit the threshold level when Pro Rata exposure is absent. 5. Make sure the claims have a total amount paid by Hanover that is less than the retention level and the threshold level, then the claim should remain on the watch list. 6. Check claim when its threshold amount is changed, and the total amount paid by Hanover is greater than the retention level and less than the threshold level. 7. Check when claims threshold amount is changed and the total amount paid by Hanover is greater than the retention level as well as greater than the threshold level. |
A Reimbursement needs to be submitted in a format which is designed by the MCCA Team. The biller should be able to see the bill and line level details of the submission. | 1. Check the platform combines HCS bill data (in CLMAAPR) and Medata + PPO data and make sure the platform updates the RFR form with all these bill details (at the bill and line level). 2. Make sure the total amount requested for reimbursement does not exceed the total bill amount. 3. Check whether the platform flags potential errors through the business rules configured. 4. Ensure the platform flags any areas where the field types do not match the expected output. 5. Check If the total repriced amount + total bill review fee + total PPO fee > total bill amount, Then the total amount requested for reimbursement should be set to the total bill amount. 6. Check the accessibility of the 'All RFR' button. 7. Check the accessibility of the 'Update' button. 8. Verify the Claim number on the RFR view screen. 9. Make sure all bills have a unique EOB ID. 10. Make sure all bills have unique pau log ID. 11. Make sure all bills have unique check number. 12. Check the RFR start date and end date for multiple RFRs. 13. Make sure the RFR start date cannot be a future date. 14. Check the working functionality of the open list module. 15. Check the working functionality of the RFR submission for the current month screen. 16. Check the working functionality of the RFR submission for the next month's screen. |
The HMIRAR will load the new BCNs from MCCA_LOSS_TXN to database. The BCN is a key data point in the process of Medata bill load. When an EDW check does not have an BCN the system skips its corresponding bill from Medata. Populating these new BCNs will ... | 1. Validate user can access the admin module. |
RFR’s submitted with incorrect Bill Type (MISC bill type submitted while it should have been UB04/1500) which pass initial RFR submission and uploaded to MMS (MCCA Membership System) will be denied at bill level by the MCCA examiner and appear on the ... | 1. The denial reason, loss adjustment amount, and expense adjust amount must be loaded from the MCCA Webservice. |
The billers update the carrier claimant numbers of claimants from claimant details. Currently, the system allows the billers to update the carrier claimant number of a single claimant at a time. On many claims, billers have to update the carrier claiman... | 1. Check the UI of the reconciliation and its sub-modules. 2. Check user can access the Reconciliation module and its sub modules. 3. Make sure the denials and partial denials from MCCA will be populated for the biller review under the All Variance, 30 days variance, 30 to 60 days variance and more than 60 days variance. 4. Verify the presence of 'Accept Variance, Resubmit, Add Bill and Save' buttons and its accessibility in the All-variance module. |
Facilitate the Reconciliation capabilities on the HMIRAR using which the denials can be accepted or resubmitted. | 1. Validate the billers can edit the Pay Codes, Service start date and Service End dates for the bills need to be resubmitted to MCCA. 2. Make sure the service start date of a bill should always be date prior to the service end date. 3. Validate the billers can accept the +ve 4. variance from MCCA on the denied recovery requests. 5. Check accept variance functionality when the user accepts the variance of any denied bill by without entering an internal comment. 6. Validate users can resubmit a denied bill without entering the MCCA comment. 7. Check user can perform both Resubmission and Accept Variance actions at a time. |
The admin login and access control functionality allows authorized administrators to log in successfully using valid credentials and gain access to the facilities and services provided by the RNT organization. | 1. Verifies whether a user can successfully access the Main Dashboard by using valid credentials and clicking the Login button. 2. Check that the system displays an appropriate error message and prevents access to the Main Dashboard when invalid data is provided. 3. Examine the behavior of the login functionality when a user enters a valid username but an invalid password 4. Validating the behavior of the login functionality when the user provides invalid data in both the username and password fields. 5. Ensure the behavior of the system when a mandatory field is left empty during the login process |
The Access Management System Container module within the corporate apps allows the admin to add modules to existing applications in RNT, create user roles, assign roles to users, and set validity periods for user roles. | 1. Examine by clicking on Access Management System text link from RNT Lounge screen, admin can see the dashboard of AMS 2. Perform necessary checks or validations to ensure that the user does not have access to the Access Management System module. |
The Dashboard module provides the admin with an overall overview of the entire application within the corporate apps. It presents key metrics and information to help the admin monitor and understand the application's performance and status. | 1. Test the proper display of cards, tabs, and lists on the dashboard screen and ensure that these UI elements are presented correctly with the appropriate styling, layout, and content 2. Examine the highlighting functionality of user roles whose validity is expiring within one month and ensures that when a user's role validity is approaching expiration, the corresponding date is highlighted in orange color on the dashboard screen. 3. Verify which user role validity will expire in 7 days i.e. less than or equal to 7 then that user role's validity to date will highlighted in Red color 4. Make sure the visibility and accuracy of the Active list of allocated user roles when the user selects the Dashboard option 5. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 6. Check the functionality of the download button to ensure that user can download the Excel file. 7. Ensure the user navigates to the respective page by hitting on the pagination buttons 8. Examine the highlighting functionality of user roles whose validity is expiring within one month and ensures that when a user's role validity is approaching expiration, the corresponding date is highlighted in orange color on the dashboard screen. 9. Verify which user role validity will expire in 7 days i.e. less than or equal to 7 then that user role's validity to date will highlighted in Red color 10. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 11. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering invalid data 12. Check the functionality of the download button to ensure that the user can download the Excel file. 13. Verify that only active user roles are visible in the downloaded Excel file. |
The system should provide the Admin with the ability to view a list of roles, usernames, and their validity in the Active tab. This functionality enables the Admin to monitor and manage the user accounts and their associated roles effectively. | 1. Test the functionality of Active tab, by pressing on it admin user can see the list of active user roles only 2. Examine which user roles validity will expire in one month that date will get highlighted in orange color 3. Verify the highlighting functionality of user roles whose validity is expiring within 7 days or less that corresponding validity date is highlighted in red color 4. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 5. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox, check the operating purpose of Error message 6. Check the functionality of the download button by ensuring that the list data can be downloaded in Excel format. 7. Examine which user roles validity will expire in one month that date will get highlighted in orange color 8. Verify the highlighting functionality of user roles whose validity is expiring within 7 days or less, then the corresponding validity date is highlighted in red color 9. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 10. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering invalid data 11. Check the functionality of the download button by ensuring that the list data can be downloaded in Excel format. 12. Verify that only active user roles are visible in the downloaded Excel file. |
The system should provide the Admin with the ability to view a list of accesses that have expired in the Inactive Tab. This functionality allows the Admin to keep track of expired accesses and manage them accordingly. | 1. Test the functionality of Inactive tab, by pressing on it admin user can see the list of inactive user roles only 2. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 3. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox, check the operating purpose of Error message 4. Check the functionality of the download button by ensuring that the list data can be downloaded in Excel format. 5. By clicking on the Edit icon make sure that admin can edit and set the validity of a particular user role 6. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 7. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox, check the operating purpose of the Error message. 8. Check the functionality of the download button by ensuring that the list data can be downloaded in Excel format. 9. Verify that only inactive user roles are visible in the downloaded Excel file. |
The system should provide the Admin with the ability to view a list of assigned user roles along with their validity, and offer the functionality to update user roles as needed. This feature enables the Admin to manage user roles effectively and ensure ... | 1. Verifying the functionality of editing and setting the validity of a particular user role by clicking on the Edit icon 2. Validating the functionality of the Update button from edit pop up when selected Validity to date is less than the Validity from date |
The system should display an overall count of roles available within the system to the Admin. This count gives a quick overview of the number of roles defined. Additionally, when the Admin clicks on the count, a detailed list of all the roles should be ... | 1. Examine that the system correctly counts and displays the total number of roles within the specified container, providing an accurate representation of the roles available. 2. Check the functionality of opening the list of roles with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) by clicking on the Total Roles card 3. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 4. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page 5. Evaluating the functionality of updating the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for a particular role and module by clicking on the Edit icon 6. Test the functionality of creating a new role and assigning Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to an existing role for a specific module 7. Make sure the functionality of creating a new role and assigning Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to an existing role for a specific module. 8. Check the functionality of the Add button when an existing role name is entered 9. Examine the functionality of the Back button and ensuring that the admin can navigate to the previous page by clicking on it. 10. Verify the functionality of the Save button when the Role Name and Application fields are not selected or left empty. 11. Examine by clicking on Up and Down button the admin user can navigate to the next or previous application 12. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 13. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox, check the operating purpose of Error message 14. Evaluating the functionality of updating the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for a particular role and module by clicking on the Edit icon 15. Test the functionality of creating a new role and assigning Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to that role for the required modules of an application 16. Verify that by choosing the existing role name, admin can apply the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for the required modules of an application |
The system should display an overall count of applications available within the system to the Admin. This count gives a quick overview of the total number of applications. Additionally, when the Admin clicks on the count, a detailed list of all the appl... | 1. Examine the count of total Applications on the container 2. Verify the functionality of opening the list of applications with their existing modules by clicking on the Total Applications card. 3. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 4. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page 5. Check the functionality of adding or deleting modules in a particular application by clicking on the Edit icon. 6. Without entering the module name, check the functionality of Add button 7. By pressing on Back button ensure that admin user can be navigated to the previous page 8. Validate the functionality of adding modules to an existing corporate application by clicking on the Add Modules button. 9. Test the functionality of the Submit button when all fields are kept blank. 10. Ensure the functionality of the Add button when no data is entered in the Module Name field. 11. By pressing on Back button ensure that admin user can be navigated to the previous page 12. Examine the functionality of the pagination buttons by verifying that the admin user can navigate to the respective page upon clicking on the pagination buttons 13. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 14. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox, check the operating purpose of Error message 15. Check the functionality of adding or deleting modules in a particular application by clicking on the Edit icon. 16. Validate the functionality of adding modules to an existing corporate application by clicking on the Add Modules button. 17. Test the functionality of the Submit button when all fields are kept blank. 18. Ensure the functionality of the Add button when no data is entered in the Module Name field. 19. By pressing on Back button ensure that the admin user can be navigated to the previous page |
The system should display an overall count of roles assigned to users within the system to the Admin. This count gives a quick overview of the total number of assigned roles. Additionally, when the Admin clicks on the count, a detailed list of all the a... | 1. Examine the count of total Assigned roles on the container 2. Confirm that the list of assigned user roles with the application, RBAC, and validity will open when you hit on the Assigned Roles card. 3. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 4. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page 5. Test the functionality of updating or setting the validity of a particular assigned user role by clicking on the Edit icon 6. By expiring the validity, check whether a user role reflects in the inactive user role list 7. Verify the functionality of assigning a user role with validity to a particular user by clicking on the Assign User Role button 8. Without selecting mandatory fields verify the functioning of Save button 9. Pressing on the Back button ensure that the admin user can be navigated to the previous page 10. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 11. By inputting invalid data into the Search textbox, check the operating purpose of Error message 12. Test the functionality of updating or setting the validity of a particular assigned user role by clicking on the Edit icon |
The Application Module Management functionality allows the admin to add details about new applications and their modules. The admin can also edit existing modules as needed. | 1. Verify by clicking on the Application module, the admin is navigating to the Application page and whether the list of applications with added modules is visible or not 2. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page 3. Validate the functionality of the Show Entries dropdown by ensuring that the selected number of entries from the dropdown is correctly displayed 4. Evaluating the functionality of the Search textbox by entering valid data and ensuring that only the relevant entries appear. 5. Validate that by clicking on pagination buttons admin user is navigating to respective page or not 6. Check the placement of the plus icon on every application module. 7. Test the functionality of the Plus Icon by clicking on it opens the existing modules list and displays the available modules. |
The system should allow the Admin to add relevant details and information about a new application modules. This functionality enables the Admin to effectively manage and track the newly added applications modules within the system. | 1. Ensure the functionality of adding modules to an existing corporate application by clicking on the Add Modules button 2. Test the functioning of the Submit button without adding the necessary data |
The system should have the capability to fetch application names from the PINS Application. This functionality allows the system to retrieve and utilize the application names without requiring manual entry, ensuring consistency and accuracy of applicati... | 1. Validate the functionality of the application names dropdown list, ensuring that only applications which having the client RNT are visible |
The system should provide the Admin with the ability to add modules to the selected application. This functionality enables the Admin to enhance and extend the functionality of the application by incorporating additional modules | 1. Validate by selecting the application name from the dropdown list the already exist modules are visible or not 2. Check by selecting the application name, admin can add the modules under that application 3. Evaluate the functioning of Add button by adding duplicate data |
The system should provide the Admin with the ability to edit the details of an application. This functionality enables the Admin to update and modify the information associated with an application as needed. | 1. Evaluate the functionality of adding or deleting modules in a particular application by clicking on the Edit icon. |
The Role Management functionality enables the admin to add and edit roles and grant access to those roles based on the requirements of the system. This functionality allows for the fine-grained control of user permissions and access within the system. | 1. Verify the functionality of navigating to the Role page and displaying the list of roles with application and module-wise Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) by clicking on the Role module 2. Click and check the functionality of breadcrumbs present on the page 3. Evaluate the functionality of Search textbox by entering valid data in that, the regarding entries appear only 4. Validate that by clicking on pagination buttons admin user is navigating to respective page or not 5. Check the plus icon is placed properly on every application module or not 6. Validate the functioning of Plus Icon, by clicking on it the existing modules list should get open and displayed |
The system should provide the Admin with the ability to create new roles to accommodate specific access requirements or organizational needs. This functionality enables the Admin to define customized roles that align with the access control policies and... | 1. By clicking on Create New Role button, verify that the admin can create new role and provide RBAC to existing role for particular module 2. Verify the functionality of the Add button when attempting to make a duplicate entry of a role 3. Ensure that the admin can create a new roles |
The system should offer the Admin a list of available role names from which they can select when assigning roles to users or performing other role-related actions. This functionality simplifies the role selection process and ensures that the Admin choos... | 1. Examine whether the added role is correctly reflecting in the role list. |
The system should provide the Admin with the ability to associate applications with selected roles. This functionality enables the Admin to control and manage the access rights of users assigned to those roles within specific applications. | 1. Check that by selecting the applications, the application will reflect beside the Application field and that application with modules list will appear on the screen. 2. Test the functionality of Save button without selecting any field 3. Examine whether the selected applications, along with their associated modules and Role-Based Access Controls (RBACs), appear only on the page 4. Evaluate that by selecting the module checkbox all the checkboxes of RBACs get checked 5. Ensure that the Module checkbox gets cleared when unchecking any module of an access 6. Validate the functionality of the checkboxes of all modules and Role-Based Access Controls (RBACs) by checking the checkbox of an application name 7. Verify the functionality of clearing the Application Name checkbox by unchecking any RBAC checkbox. 8. Ensure the functionality of the Module checkbox by verifying that when the user clicks on it, all the checkboxes of the accesses associated with that particular module get checked 9. Verify the functionality of clearing the Module checkbox when unchecking any of the accesses associated with that module |
The system should provide the Admin with the ability to modify the details of roles and add additional modules as needed. This functionality enables the Admin to customize and update the role configurations to align with evolving organizational requirem... | 1. Evaluate the functionality of updating Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for a particular role and module by clicking on the Edit icon |
Subsets and Splits