[ |
{ |
"input": "Initialize", |
"instruction": "This function is used to initialize the XML Configuration file by giving label of Mouse & Serial as parameter. It has parameters mouse lable inside particular vendor. Serial label holds parameters of serial label. Mouse label should be passed as default. This function should return outputdata bool as success string status message. ", |
"output": "Initialize" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Initialize", |
"instruction": "This function is used to initialize the XML Configuration file by giving label of Mouse as parameter for software simulation.", |
"output": "Initialize" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "sendkeyboardtext", |
"instruction": "This function is used to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given text.", |
"output": "sendkeyboradtext" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "sendkeyboardtextfile", |
"instruction": "This function is used to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the text which is available in the user specified text file.", |
"output": "sendkeyboardtextfile" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "sendkyeboardspecialkey", |
"instruction": "This funciton is used to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given special key.This has parameters keycode which holds data In special keyformat. Bool is release key. delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for special key to be transmitted", |
"output": "sendkyeboardspecialkey" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "sendkeyboardspecialkey", |
"instruction": " This funciton is used to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given special key,numberoftimes,delay as parameter.parameter to hold key in special key format. Delay in miliseconds. Numberoftimes to hold the number of time to transmit the data.bool IsBlocking \u0096\nIf the provided user key values need to be in blocking state then user need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE(Optional)\nBy default IsBlocking will be true.\n\nWhen Isblocking is false then the status of the task execution is read using the API- TaskExecutionStatus:\n", |
"output": "sendkeyboardspecialkey" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "sendkeyboardcombinations", |
"instruction": "This funciton is used to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given key combinations. ", |
"output": "sendkeyboardcombinations" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "sendkeyboardunicode", |
"instruction": " This function is used to simulate the keyboard events to the AUT by giving Character code as parameter.", |
"output": "sendkeyboardunicode" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "taskexecutionstatus", |
"instruction": "This function is used to get the execution status for keyboard when execution happens in Non-blocking mode. ", |
"output": "taskexecutionstatus" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Domouseaction", |
"instruction": "This funciton is used to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given mouse actions.", |
"output": "Domouseaction" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DomouseClick", |
"instruction": "This function is used to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given mouse click actions at the current position.", |
"output": "DomouseClick" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoRealTimeMouseAction", |
"instruction": "This funciton is used to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given mouse actions & coordinates at runtime. X \u0096 Parameter to hold the x coordinate (Mandatory)\n\nY - Parameter to hold the y coordinate (Mandatory)\n\naction \u0096 \nParameter to hold the action to be transmitted (Mandatory)\nList of possible Action:(Not CaseSensitive)\nLeft\nRight\nMiddle\nMove\n\nbool IsSingleClick- \nIf the provided user mouse actions need to be single clicked then user need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE(Optional)\nBy default IsSingleClick will be true.\n\nbool IsReleaseKey \u0096 \nIf the provided user mouse actions need to be released then user need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE(Optional)\nBy default IsReleaseKey will be true.\n\ndelay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for mouse actions to be transmitted\n(Optional)\nBy default delay will be 0.\n\nmovetype - Parameter to hold the move type for mouse move to be transmitted\n(Optional)\nBy default movetype will be Absolute.\nList of possible Movetypes:(Not CaseSensitive)\nAbsolute\nRelative\n", |
"output": "DoRealTimeMouseAction" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoMouseScroll", |
"instruction": "This funciton is used to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given scroll actions..", |
"output": "DoMouseScroll" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoMouseDragDrop", |
"instruction": "This funciton is used to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given coordinates for drag & drop actions.", |
"output": "DoMouseDragDrop" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoMouseDragDrop", |
"instruction": "This funciton is used to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given coordinates at runtime for drag & drop actions.", |
"output": "DoMouseDragDrop" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Release", |
"instruction": " This funciton is used to simulate the release action for keyboard & mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given action parameter.In this API,only mouse release action is supported for software simulation. It take action as input Parameter to hold the action to be transmitted (Mandatory). The output parameter is none\n", |
"output": "Release" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "GetCommunicationStatus", |
"instruction": "This function is used to perform the communication checking operation.This API is not supported for software simulation.No input and output parameters", |
"output": "GetCommunicationStatus" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Reset", |
"instruction": "This function is used to reset the device\nThis API is not supported for software simulation.No input and output parameters\n", |
"output": "Reset" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Disconnect", |
"instruction": "Hardware simulation:\n This function used to disconnect the communication port.\nSoftware simulation:\n This function used to dispose the objects.\nNo input and output Parameters", |
"output": "Disconnect" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Create an object for KeyboardMouseController class ", |
"instruction": "Object for KeyboardMouseController class which is under the name space \u0093 Hcl.eDAT.Custom.Controller \u0093 and pass the configuration file as a parameter.", |
"output": "Create an object for KeyboardMouseController class " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Initialize function with the mouse & serial label", |
"instruction": "Call this function to initialize the XML Configuration file by giving the mouse & serial label as parameter.\u0095 MouseLabel \u0096 Parameter to hold the Mouse Label\n\u0095 SerialLabel \u0096 Parameter to hold the Serial Label\n", |
"output": "Initialize function with the mouse & serial label" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Initialize with the mouse label", |
"instruction": "Call this function to initialize the XML Configuration file by giving the mouse label as parameter.MouseLabel \u0096 Parameter to hold the Mouse Label", |
"output": "Initialize with the mouse label" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "SendKeyboardText function with the value", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given text file as input containing texts to be transmitted. value \u0096 Parameter to hold the data in text format to be transmitted \ndelay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for text to be transmitted\n", |
"output": "SendKeyboardText function with the value" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "SendKeyboardText with the value,NumberOfTimes,Delay", |
"instruction": "Call this funciton is used to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given text,value,numberoftimes and delay as parameter.\u0095 value \u0096 Parameter to hold the data in text format to be transmitted \n\u0095 NumberOfTimes \u0096 Parameter to hold the number of times to repeat the value to be transmitted\n\u0095 DelayInMilliseconds \u0096Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for the data to be transmitted\n\u0095 bool IsBlocking \u0096If the provided user key values need to be in blocking state then user need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE(Optional).\nBy default IsBlocking will be true.\n", |
"output": "SendKeyboardText with the value,NumberOfTimes,Delay" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "SendKeyboardTextFile ", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the text which is avialallbe in the user specified text file. \u0095 FilePath \u0096 Parameter to hold the path of the file containing texts to be transmitted \n\u0095 delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for file containg texts to be transmitted\n", |
"output": "SendKeyboardTextFile " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "SendKeyboardSpecialKey with the Keycode", |
"instruction": "SendKeyboardSpecialKey function with the Keycode.\u0095 Keycode \u0096 Parameter to hold the data in special key format to be transmitted \n\u0095 bool IsReleaseKey \u0096 If release needs to be done, need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE\n\u0095 delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for special key to be transmitted\n\u0095 IsDelayRequired -Its default value is false.\nIf IsDelayRequired parameter is false then no delay will apply for sending special keyboard key.\nIf IsDelayRequired parameter is true then delay will apply for sending special keyboard key .This delay will apply each subaction of send special keyboard key. The minimum delay is 100ms require to send spcial. The maximum suggested delay is 3000ms.It supports single click only.\n", |
"output": "SendKeyboardSpecialKey with the Keycode" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "SendKeyboardSpecialKey with the Keycode, NumberOfTimes,Delay", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given special key,numberoftimes,delay as parameter.\u0095 Keycode \u0096 Parameter to hold the data in special key format to be transmitted \n\u0095 NumberOfTimes \u0096 Parameter to hold the number of times to repeat the value to be transmitted\n\u0095 DelayInMilliseconds \u0096Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for the data to be transmitted\n\u0095 bool IsBlocking \u0096If the provided user key values need to be in blocking state then user need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE(Optional).\nBy default IsBlocking will be true.\n", |
"output": "SendKeyboardSpecialKey with the Keycode, NumberOfTimes,Delay" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "SendKeyboardSpecialCombinations", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the keyboard events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given key combinations. value -Parameter to hold the data in combination format to be transmitted\ndelay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for combinations to be transmitted\n", |
"output": "SendKeyboardSpecialCombinations" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "SendKeyboardUnicode", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the keyboard events to the AUT by giving Character code as parameter.Charcode - Parameter to hold the character code for unicode format", |
"output": "SendKeyboardUnicode" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "TaskExecutionStatus", |
"instruction": "Call this function to get the thread execution status for keyboard.", |
"output": "TaskExecutionStatus" |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoMouseActions ", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given mouse actions.\u0095 label - Parameter to hold the Mouse Label \n\u0095 action \u0096 Parameter to hold the action to be transmitted \n\u0095 bool IsSingleClick- If single click needs to be done, need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE\n\u0095 bool IsReleaseKey \u0096 If release needs to be done, need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE\n\u0095 delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for mouse actions to be transmitted\n\u0095 movetype - Parameter to hold the move type for mouse move to be transmitted\n\u0095 bool isEventfunction-The default value is TRUE.\nIf isEventfunction is TRUE,the DoMouseActions function will use MouseEvent function to perform the mouse click operation.It is a default operation.\nIf isEventfunction is FALSE,the DoMouseActions function will use SendInput function to perform the mouse click operation.It will perform better than MouseEvent for mouseclick in some scenarios.User can use SendInput option when MouseEvent not performed well.It supports left single click,right single click,left double click,right double click operations only.The SendInput function supports movetype parameter value is Absolute only.\n\n", |
"output": "DoMouseActions " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoMouseClick ", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given mouse click actions at the current position.\u0095 action \u0096 Parameter to hold the action to be transmitted \n\u0095 bool IsSingleClick- If single click needs to be done, need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE\n\u0095 bool IsReleaseKey \u0096 If release needs to be done, need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE\n\u0095 delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for mouse actions to be transmitted\n", |
"output": "DoMouseClick " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoRealTimeMouseActions ", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given mouse actions & coordinates at runtime.\u0095 X \u0096 Parameter to hold the x coordinate \n\u0095 Y - Parameter to hold the y coordinate \n\u0095 action \u0096 Parameter to hold the action to be transmitted \n\u0095 bool IsSingleClick- If single click needs to be done, need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE\n\u0095 bool IsReleaseKey \u0096 If release needs to be done, need to specify as TRUE, else FALSE\n\u0095 delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for mouse actions to be transmitted\n\u0095 movetype - Parameter to hold the move type for mouse move to be transmitted", |
"output": "DoRealTimeMouseActions " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoMouseScroll ", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given scroll actions.\u0095 action \u0096 Parameter to hold the action to be transmitted \n\u0095 NumberOfScrollTimes \u0096 Parameter to hold the times to perform the scroll action \n\u0095 delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for mouse actions to be transmitted\n", |
"output": "DoMouseScroll " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoMouseDragDrop ", |
"instruction": " Call this function to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given coordinates for drag & drop actions.\u0095 label - Parameter to hold the Mouse Label\n\u0095 delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for mouse actions to be transmitted\n", |
"output": "DoMouseDragDrop " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "DoMouseDragDrop ", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given coordinates at runtime for drag & drop actions.\u0095 X1 \u0096 Parameter to hold the x1 coordinate \n\u0095 Y1 - Parameter to hold the y1 coordinate \n\u0095 X2 \u0096 Parameter to hold the x2 coordinate \n\u0095 Y2 - Parameter to hold the y2 coordinate\n\u0095 delay - Parameter to hold the delay in milliseconds for mouse actions to be transmitted\n", |
"output": "DoMouseDragDrop " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Release ", |
"instruction": "Call this function to simulate the release action for keyboard & mouse events to the DUT/ AUT with the user given action parameter.\u0095 action - Parameter to hold the action to be transmitted", |
"output": "Release " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "GetCommunicationStatus ", |
"instruction": "This function is used to perform the communication checking operation.", |
"output": "GetCommunicationStatus " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Reset ", |
"instruction": "This function is used to reset the device", |
"output": "Reset " |
}, |
{ |
"input": "Disconnect ", |
"instruction": "Call this function to disconnect the device from the port.", |
"output": "Disconnect " |
} |
] |